#was thinking about setting this in the Mind Zone ocean!
insomniphic · 11 months
Narry isn’t sure how this could possibly be more enjoyable than his story, but whatever keeps the guy happy, I guess.
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Ough I got lazy once I finished the background and forgot how to render bodies— eueueu.
Be aware that Stanley does not have abs. He frickin BEGGED for it when Narry was creating the avatar. 💀
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wileys-russo · 6 months
Would you ever consider doing a midnight confessions ficlet? :)
midnight confessions ficlet
"nah you can go shopping anytime come on!" mary whined, holding you firmly in her arms as you'd given up fighting her to let you go. "i'm your best friend and this is a dream of mine. you know how much i love whales and i don't want to experience this without ya!" mary whined, hitting you with her best puppy dog eyes.
"what if i get sea sick? i've got captain tooney trauma from the euros!" you groaned, stomach churning at the memory of ella renting a boat and almost sinking all of you on a day off last summer.
"already thought about that. voila!" she finally let go of you, fishing a small white packet out of her pockets with a grin. "sea sickness nausea preventative tablets." you read before looking at her with a quirked eyebrow.
"see? now go hurry up and change the vans are leaving soon!" mary pushed you toward the elevator as you sighed heavily but gave in none the less, handing her back the tablets and rushing off to change.
"she coming?" lotte asked appearing beside mary who nodded happily. "like she can ever say no to me!" the dirty blonde girl grinned, moving to take a seat in the lobby with the rest of the group who were set to go whale watching.
returning in record time you were changed out of your training gear from this mornings session, having gone for a coffee with alessia and ella afterwards meaning everyone else was already ready to head off.
a few of the girls opting to go shopping and exploring instead that activity seemed much more inside your comfort zone than the current choice, never a huge fan of the ocean or being trapped on it in a boat.
however the moment mary caught wind of that she'd spent the last hour relentlessly pestering you to change your mind, taking full advantage of the soft spot you had for her and knowing exactly how to play on it.
"think they'll ever realise they're in love?" georgia nudged ellie beside her and nodded to the two of you as mary pulled you to sit down right beside her and started to chat your ear off as you watched on with a clearly lovesick smile.
"stop that! no meddlin." keira jumped in from georgias other side as the two started to scheme ways they might be able to speed up the process of the inevitable realisation of your shared feelings.
"but-" "no, leave them be. both of you!"
after that the vans arrived to take you all to the dock where you'd catch the whale watching boat from, a few of the girls sharing knowing looks as you jumped onto marys back, your shared laughter echoing through the lobby.
"oh god." you mumbled sinking further into your seat as the captain warned the wind was going to pick up a little on your way out and you could be in for a bumpy ride.
"hey, you took two of the tablets right?" mary nudged you with a concerned frown as you nodded, your head falling to her shoulder as her arm stretched across your own, keira smacking georgia and ellie who snapped a few candid photos of the two of you with their cameras.
but within twenty minutes you'd perked up, collapsing into mary as you clutched your stomach with laughter at the girls and staffs attempts to shield themselves from the wind, spirits high within the group.
"you look like a little greek grandma!" you yelled teasingly at lotte over the howling wind who'd tied her jumper over her hat and sunglasses to stop them blowing away, the brunette only sticking her tongue out at you in response.
"maz your hat!" you threw your head back in laughter as mary screeched and her cap went flying off, one of the coaching staff thankfully having caught it as she held it down firmly on her head as the wind whipped her hair wildly around her face.
"smile you muppet." you grinned taking a video of her as she cheesed and gave you the peace sign, eyes widening as the hat slipped again and she instead yanked it off and tucked it beneath her sending you another grin.
finally arriving to the spot where the whales normally migrated everyones spirits had risen even higher, everyone taking the opportunity of the boat being moored in place to walk around and stretch their legs.
"jesus christ!" mary stumbled backwards as suddenly one of the whales breached a hundred or so metres away and everyone rushed around to that side of the boat, two more appearing as you felt arms wrap around you.
you dipped your head back to smile up at your best friend whose arms settled themselves around your neck and her front pressed into your back as her chin rested on your shoulder, pointing out the whales and rambling off fact after fact as you reveled in her excitement.
the two of you so caught up in each other you failed to miss the lingering gazes of your teammates or the hushed whispers about how cute the two of you were, photos snapped and keira doing her very best to stop georgia or ellie rushing over to point out the obvious.
"best day ever." mary beamed, her grin so wide you wouldn't be shocked if her cheeks hurt later this afternoon, eyes fixated on the whales which continued to breach and splash around now a little closer.
"and its all the better i get to share it with you." mary squeezed you a little tighter, your face softening as you kissed her cheek and turned back toward the whales, missing the way her cheeks flushed bright red and she cleared her throat.
georgia noticed though and her eyes nearly rolled back into her head, nudging ellie beside her who was watching on with an amused smile, fiddling with the digital camera in her hands.
"utterly and painfully clueless, the pair of em."
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dingodad · 1 month
Do you think there was "caste specific neighborhoods" in alternia/beforus? idk I just feel like the kind of thing they would do (maybe not state mandated on beforus case), I'm already pretty sure no lowblood would settle near the coast not only bc of hostile highbloods/seadwellers but also the eldritch monster at the bottom of the ocean that can kill them with one psychic tantrum
neighbourhoods on alternia don't seem to be strictly divided up by caste so much as they're divided up by purpose, like you would expect them to be on earth. there are dense suburbs and high rise stem colonies with the purpose of housing the large populations of the lower castes, and then wider expanses of land where highbloods can set up their mcmansions a la vriska and equius. proximity to the sea, where antagonistic sea dwellers make their home, certainly plays a role in this.
iirc friendsim talked a lot about highblood zones or blue blood districts or what have you but i never really saw this as a realistic depiction of what an alternian metropolis would be like. this makes sense for a game where every caste is represented just about equally, but you gotta remember not only that the castes are actually staggered in population size but also that troll kids just choose wherever the fuck they want to set up their houses when they're still practically babies. so while it makes sense that neighbourhoods dominated by a particular class or culture would exist, i don't see it as being practical for the inner cities to be stratified in such a strict way, and i don't think any authority really exists on kid-alternia to enforce it. to my mind an alternian city's population is basically going to reflect the population of trolls at large: for every few hundred lowbloods, a few greenbloods; for every few hundred greenbloods, a couple bluebloods; and so on. but that's just me
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whatdoidosatoru · 3 months
First Date (Keisuke Baji x OC) chapter 1
PART 1 of The Only Exception
experimental emo!baji fic (Baji x OC that's just reader but with a name because i'd rather shoot myself than write y/n)
part 2 - part 3 - part 4 - ao3
Both, Baji and OC are into alternative music and I've tried to not describe OC physically so she can be anyone :)
pairing: Keisuke Baji x reader
word count: 7.2k
I don't know how to tag but here goes nothing: oral sex (both receiving), fingering, slight dirty talk, face-fucking, penetrative sex, bathroom sex, slight asshole!baji, fem!reader
The met at a night club and turn it into a whole thing, songs to go with the story:
𝆕 Playlist
18 - Anarbor
First Date - blink-182
Bring Me To Life - Evanescence
The River - Good Charlotte
Ocean Avenue - Yellowcard
Sex on Fire - Kings of Leon
Cherrypie - Warrant
Rebel Love song - Black Veil Brides
The day of the event finally came. I’d been looking forward to Emo Nite for almost a month now, ever since my best friend called me screaming that the new date had been announced. You’d think being in university with the event manager would help stifle the excitement over it since we could get any information about it whenever we wanted, but it’d been months since the two of us had gone out anywhere. It was the only thing on my mind as I dragged myself through my lectures, 3 pm could not have come any sooner. Finally, as the last lecture of the day came to an end, I started packing up my notes, trying to figure out what I was going to wear. 
My apartment was a short walk away from the university, the club, and our favourite gym, therefore this entire day was made that much easier as I didn’t have to depend on public transportation to get anywhere. 
Just as I opened the front door to my place that I shared with my best friend and roommate, I was attacked by my favourite playlist blasting from her room, the playlist I had made for her to get in the zone for these kinds of parties, all consisting of the music I had got moaned at for listening to in my teens. It very obviously was not a phase, mom. 
“You should put on 3OH!3” I let myself into her room.
“I don’t know what that means!!” She was frantically going through her wardrobe looking for something to wear.
“Give me the phone, trust me,” I said with a wink.
I clicked on the song and noticed some of my own clothes strewn over her bed, evidence that both of us currently had the same issue to decide on. I loved showing her the music I u̶s̶e̶d̶ t̶o̶ listen to as she never got to experience peak emo and scene culture in the town where she grew up. 
“What the fuck kind of line is ‘I’m a vegetarian and I ain’t fucking scared of him’”
“Mai, don’t question peak songwriting. It’s iconic.” 
She rolled her eyes, but I knew she was enjoying it. 
It was my turn to cook so I got to work preparing food for both of us before a well-deserved rest. Since I’d never been good at estimating the amount of rice needed for two people, there was now a full pot of leftovers that I promptly put away while cleaning up. 
The music blasting from Mai’s room was making me dance around the kitchen and postponing the tiredness I’d felt ever since opening my eyes in the morning. To take advantage of that burst of energy, I cleaned up all surfaces in the kitchen and dining room, giving Mai a break from her turn for cleaning that day, and moved on to the bathroom, where I made sure everything looked decent enough not to put me into a slump when we wake up the next day. Satisfied with the work, it was time to take a short nap before going to the gym. 
“Maybe this was a mistake, maybe we were too ambitious to plan to go out after the gym.” My friend complained on the way home.
“Well, maybe you should’ve done a low-intensity set like me like I told you! Because I’m feeling great!”
“I’m too old for this shit.”
“You’re 22! I dread to think how you’ll feel when you’re 80.”
She just stuck her tongue out at me in response. 
Both of us felt rejuvenated after a shower and it was high time to start getting dressed and doing our makeup. The playlist was back on and so was the random singing and shouting. I decided on a black blink-182 top, black jeans that are so ripped that I put fishnets on underneath, and an oversized denim jacket over the top.
The guitar pick necklace matched the t-shirt and all that was left was to put a fuck ton of eyeliner on. I went into Mai’s room to check on her and, damn, she looked incredible. She’d fit right in with her shorts, completely ripped black tights, Linkin Park t-shirt, and a plaid shirt wrapped tightly around her waist. I wolf-whistled.
“Not sure I can let you out like that, Mai.”
“Is something wrong with it? Is it too much? Oh no it’s too much isn’t it…”
“Hell no I’m just thinking of the best way to swat people away when they start swarming you.”
She smirked at the comment “You look just like you did in your old photos…just with better hair.”
“Please don’t remind me, I can still smell the hair spray.”
We sat on the floor and started doing our makeup, occasionally changing songs on her speakers and cracking stupid jokes. When we were done it was around 10 pm and Mai insisted on taking photos before leaving. My eyeliner sort of matched her plaid shirt, big black wings with red lines underneath, on my inner corners, and slicing through my eyebrows. On the lips, I opted for black-red ombre lipstick hoping it doesn’t transfer onto my cup of whatever I chose to drink. 
The walk to the club was pleasant as it wasn’t too cold or too hot. With those last breaths of fresh air of the night, we walked in and found our names on the list to be let inside. The space wasn’t very big, but it had only a few open windows so I felt sweat dripping down my back almost as soon as we got to the dance floor. Waving at the DJ and the event manager, we made our way to the bar. Mai started flirting with the bartender and I really had to respect the swiftness with which she got her first free drink of the night.
I grabbed my extortionately priced can of Red Bull and a straw and headed to the floor. There was quite a big crowd of people on one end of the room so we danced our way to the other side. The big reason why I loved going out with Mai is that she left all her shyness at home and sang from the top of her lungs even if her words were wrong. I, on the other hand, had to be broken out of my shell every time. 
After a while, having gotten comfortable with a big crowd of people all around us, I started noticing familiar faces walking in. Some of Mai’s friends from one of her lectures were there and we very quickly joined them in carving out some space for our group on the dancefloor. I could feel the makeup melting and everyone was getting water to freshen up so I decided to venture out to find the nearest toilet. Mai followed me out and kept singing as we walked past a group of guys, one of whom nearly knocked me into the wall.
“Watch it, assholes!” She shouted after them as I was regaining balance.
There was broken glass stuck in the soles of my vans and I could feel it scrape the floor as I walked on. 
“I swear some people don’t understand the concept of personal space, are you okay?” her worrying was adorable.
“Yeah, I just have to pick out the glass from my soles now. He didn’t even apologise, did he?”
“Nah, that’s okay I’ll find him back inside and feed him my fist though, don’t you worry.” I laughed as she pretended to punch the hand dryer. We tried to dab some sweat off of our faces with toilet paper but soon gave up as it would probably build up as soon as we stepped back into the room. Heading back, my favourite song came on and I had to sprint to get back to our group and share my excitement with others. 
“I really fucking love this song!” I shouted into someone’s ear, only to realise it was not one of my people, but the very asshole that pushed me in the hallway minutes before, along with his friends. He looked me up and down and, smirking like I was a child expressing their enjoyment of an animated film, chuckled “Good for you”.
I turned to find Mai, but she had already seen the interaction and followed what happened with raised eyebrows. 
“Was that…”
“Someone that still needs to get punched for being a dick? Yeah that’s the guy.”
“Mai, he’s hot. Why didn’t you tell me he was this hot! I would’ve pushed myself to save him the trouble of doing it himself if he needed me to!”
“I can’t hear half the words you just said and I don’t think I want to. You’re too sexually frustrated for your own good.”
Still I couldn’t stop picturing his face as he looked me up and down. Did he like what he saw? Did he find me cringe? Did he realise I was the person he pushed? I could’ve sworn I caught a glimpse of adorable fangs in his mouth, was he one of those weirdos that wore fake fangs to emo events?
Mai dragged me to the bar to get another drink, but I kept scanning the room to find the asshole vampire guy. With a new can in hand, I went towards the DJ to talk to the event manager. She was a really cool girl I had met waiting for our professor to start the lecture because both of us wore the same band t-shirt. Ever since she started organising these parties, Mai and I have been on the list and stayed until the very end of the party. 
“What’s wrong? You never not sing along to Ocean Avenue,” Hana waved in front of my face. Mai chuckled and told her I was just too horny to function. 
“Who’s the target tonight?” Hana asked with a massive grin.
“That long-haired asshole next to the bar,” Mai pointed towards him and his group of friends, all of them with drinks in their hands and not really dancing or looking like they were there for the music.
They kept talking while I made my way back out of the room to get some air and space to think. When someone stood next to where I was crouching, I assumed it was Mai trying to get me back inside.
“Sorry about pushing you earlier,” a voice that definitely wasn’t Mai’s said.
I looked up and was greeted by a pair of bronze eyes and a serious face framed by long black hair. Leaning on the wall with hands in his pockets, it was Asshole Vampire from before. The one I couldn’t stop looking for in the crowd, now he stood next to me where I could hear him better. I quickly stood up and swayed a little from getting up too fast. 
“I didn’t think you even noticed someone falling and stepping on glass because of you.” My voice was vibrating from screaming along with the music earlier.
“I know it’s not really an excuse, but I tried to get back as soon as possible to hear the song that was playing. I love Black Veil Brides.” He chuckled and looked down.
I looked him over, he was wearing a white button-up shirt that was slightly unbuttoned, black jeans, and black Converse. His hair was long and shiny, falling forward nonchalantly. 
“I will say that just might be a good enough reason, I’ll try to call off the hit I put on you.” I tried sounding casual despite the fact that he was standing so close to me I could feel the warmth of his body.
“That would be great, thanks. You have a good music taste, apparently. Good Charlotte is one of my favourite bands.”
I looked at him and blushed, that meant he definitely knew it was me shouting in his ear earlier.
“Yeah, sorry about that, I thought you were someone I knew.”
He looked amused, “I’m Keisuke. Now I’m also someone you know.”
I shook his hand, trying to secretly admire his beautiful long fingers. “Yuna. I don’t think I’ve seen you here before.”
“I’ve never managed to get my friends to come with me before, and I’m not the type to go out to clubs by myself.”
“Well, I hope you get them to come next time as well, I’ve been to every Emo Nite and they’re always amazing. I’m friends with the event manager as well.” Wow shut up, I thought to myself, who gives a shit. 
“They’re not really into the same music, that’s why we’re just standing there like statues. Just observing. Like a bunch of creeps.”
That made me shiver a bit. Was I actually holding a conversation with this guy? If only Mai could see me now…she’d probably run over to punch Keisuke in the face. 
“I get it, luckily, my friend is discovering this music now and likes it, I’ve been into it since I was probably 10.”
“Ahhh, the right age to sing about all the greatest pains in life, back before you even knew what the real world was.” He stared ahead like he knew that pain now.
“Yeah, but it’s been 12 years since then, and it’s still my day-to-day music.”
“You’re 22 then?” He looked back at me, “Are you from around here? We could’ve been in the same year..”
“I moved here for university.” Okay great, he was my age and he had the same music taste. I couldn’t help but wonder what his lips would taste like…
“You know I can see you staring at my lips, right?” He grinned, obviously very pleased with himself having caught me staring.
“Hm? Oh…yeah. You’re insanely gorgeous, sorry,” I cringed at myself. What the fuck is wrong with me? May as well go get Mai and head home, there is no way I could enjoy my night after this. A soft chuckle escaped his mouth “Likewise, I didn’t get a very good look at you inside, but now that I can see you properly, I’m really glad I came out to check on you.”
Wait, what? “Check on me?”
“It seemed like you were unwell, and when you headed out I wanted to make sure you didn’t collapse or something,” he shrugged. My heart started pounding, he was looking at me inside? He worried about me? He wanted to help me? Woah. 
“That’s very kind, coming from the guy who almost flattened me with the wall.”
He threw his head back and laughed, “Are you going to hold that against me forever?”
“Maybe,” I smiled at him, “unless you make it up to me.”
He turned to face me completely.
“Well, how about we head back inside to enjoy some music together, and you think of a way for me to me it up to you?”
I took in his gorgeous jawline and the canines peeking through his lips.
“Lead the way, Keisuke.”
We went back inside, I immediately started scanning the crowd for Mai or Hana. They waved me over to them and I grabbed Keisuke’s hand to lead him to them. Mai’s eyes went wide and I knew we were going to have to talk about this later.
“Keisuke, this is Mai, my best friend, and that’s Hana, she organised this event,” I shouted into his ear, inhaling the scent of his hair.
Mai looked him up and down and Hana shook his hand. I was pleading with Mai with my eyes not to beat the shit out of him right then and there, signalling that I didn’t want him dead.
“I’m going to stay over at Hana’s tonight, if that’s okay with you, Yuna.” Hana turned to her with questions in her eyes, but Mai pinched her arm and smiled at her. 
Was she trying to give me some kind of a signal? Keisuke looked between us, all I could do was just nod and go dance. It seemed too convenient that the next song that was playing was a slow one. Keisuke grabbed my hand, “I assume you want to dance to blink-182,” he nodded at my t-shirt and necklace. 
I couldn’t believe it. We’d been dancing for several songs now, surprisingly, he’s actually got rhythm. Mai decided to stay with Hana and not come back for me, which normally never happens. It was always the two of us against everyone in the room. Maybe she saw the tension between Keisuke and me - wait…was there tension between Keisuke and me? He was looking down at me and smiling most of the time, save for when he was belting out to the music. Especially when both of us were singing the wrong lyrics to Fall Out Boy. After a while, he dragged me to the hallway to speak to me.
“Do you want to get out of here?” He looked at me intensely. It took me a few seconds to catch on.
“What did you have in mind?”
“Do you live nearby?”
This wasn’t weird, right? To the rational part of my brain, it sounded like a bad idea, but I’d been imagining what his lips would feel like on my neck for a good part of the night. 
“Yeah, walking distance,” As soon as I said that he leaned down and caught my lips with his. I reached for his neck and brought him closer, deepening the kiss. His lips were soft and I could smell his shampoo as his hair fell to tickle my face. There was a low vibration in the back of his throat. When he broke the kiss he looked into my eyes like he was trying to read them. I could get lost just staring at his face. He smiled and took my hand, “Lead the way, Yuna.”
I fumbled around my pockets trying to text Mai while he let his friends know he wasn’t going home with them. It seemed like a fortunate coincidence that Mai was staying over at Hana’s tonight.
Yunaaaaasty, 01:28
i’m going home with vampire guy, am i making the biggest mistake of my life?
Mai Darling, 01:29
thought so :) why did you think i made Hana let me stay over?
Yunaaaaasty, 01:29
you’re a mastermind and i owe you for this
Mai Darling, 01:30
oh yes you do but honestly it’s not as fun singing i’m not okay without you <3333
just let me know if you’re dead or alive in the morning so i can alert the police kbye have fun ;)
I looked up as Keisuke reached for my hand, his grip was so warm it immediately made my heart jump. I could feel warmth pooling in my stomach in anticipation of what might happen in just a few short minutes. Keisuke kept asking me questions about my life on our way there, though I wasn’t exactly sure why he was so curious if this was to be only a one-time thing. Maybe he was trying to determine if I was a psycho killer of some sort…or maybe he was? Oh well, he was so gorgeous I wouldn’t mind dying if it meant having some fun with him beforehand. 
We walked up the stairs and he started kissing behind my ear. My skin felt tight in anticipation of his touch and I felt myself shiver as his kisses trailed down to my neck.
“You’re distracting me, I’m trying to get us inside at least,” I chuckled at him.
“How long does it normally take you to unlock your front door?”
“Hey it’s difficult finding the key in this mess of keychains, now I have you making me thinking about uhhh…other things as well.”
He moved to my lips and nipped at my bottom lip. “Oh and what is it that I’m making you think about?” There is no way I was saying that out loud outside my apartment, so I just pushed the door open and dragged him inside after me.
I started taking my denim jacket off all the while not breaking the kiss and leading him to my bedroom. I shut the door and clumsily shook off my Vans, starting to unbutton his shirt. He looked at me with hungry eyes, his hands travelling along my hips and up to my breasts. Luckily, the fairy lights around my bed frame were left on so I could see his eyes as he was drinking in the lust in my eyes. When he shrugged off his shirt, he started unbuttoning my jeans and pushed me toward my desk, still messy with my coursework and at least four dictionaries and other heavy tomes. I broke the kiss to put the books away when he chuckled, “Damn, I was kind of hoping to knock it over in the heat of the moment and eat you out on top of the desk,” As hot as that would’ve been, this was the product of a month of research and hard work and it deserved to be put away safely.
“If I hadn’t spent all my sanity working on this paper I would say yes.”
“Can I still eat you out at least?” I felt my knees threatening to give out, why was his saying that so damn hot? 
“Please,” I moaned into his mouth and started to peel my fishnets off when he grabbed my hands to stop me.
“Keep them on,” his breathy voice rolled into my ear, “but how attached are you to those panties?”
This confused me, but he already grabbed the fabric of my underwear and started ripping them on the side and casting them away. He lifted me up and put me on top of my desk, now trailing his mouth down my torso to where my panties were a few seconds ago. His large hands ripped the crotch of my tights and started putting his hair up into a ponytail. I hadn’t noticed the hair tie that had been around his wrist until he took it off and held it with his teeth.
My head spun when he lowered his lips to my heat and started to lick long strokes between the folds. Leaning back on my hands, I let out a breathy moan that made him chuckle into me and start sucking on my clit.
“Oh my..Keisuke yes,” I couldn’t keep it in anymore, his tongue swirled all around the most sensitive area and when I looked down at his face his eyes were set on me, as if he needed to make sure I was coming undone. As if my moans and hitched breaths weren’t enough of a sign, he needed to see it with his own eyes. 
My hand went to the base of his ponytail to bring him closer to me, as I did so it felt like he dug in with an even stronger intensity than before. I was nearing my peak when he inserted a finger inside me. I could feel his lips spreading into a smile when he saw my reaction like he was saving that move until the end.
“Let go, Yuna. If you cum on my tongue now I’ll let you ride me.” That was all that was needed to push me over the edge and make me shake with pleasure while his hand held me down on the desk. 
He got up and pulled my t-shirt off, slowly unbuckling my bra and adding it to the pile of clothes on the floor. Keisuke let his hair back down and started pulling my hair into a ponytail, tying it with his hair tie. I pushed him onto my bed and crawled up to his crotch, pulling his jeans down as he pushed his Converse off his feet.
When I pulled down his boxers I was met with his hard cock slapping his abdomen and, looking up into his eyes, gave the head an experimental lick. His eyelashes fluttered and he closed his eyes so I took it as a sign to continue. 
Keisuke let out the sweetest moan when I took as much of his length as I could into my mouth, one hand on his shaft, the other on the balls. With long, circular motions, my tongue slid all over his cock, licking off any drops of precum it dripped.
His balls were in my hand, softly being massaged, causing him to huff and moan softly. His hand reached for my hair and grabbed it to lead me how he wanted me. He held me in place as his hips thrust up. As his thrusts got more and more frantic, my throat had had enough, so I released his balls from my hand and grabbed the hand that was holding my ponytail signalling I needed a break.
He released me and dragged me up to his face to kiss me, but I had to get things moving to get him inside of me as soon as possible. 
Leaning over to my bedside table, I pushed aside my phone and Polaroid camera, grabbed a condom from the drawer, and turned on some music, “Alexa, play Oh My Word It’s Happening playlist.” When the first song started playing, he let out a laugh,
“Really, First Date?” 
“Hey, I want to make this night last forever, okay?”
I handed him the condom and straddled his abdomen, leaning in to kiss him deeply. Keisuke’s hair was spread over the pillow like a dark halo, framing his beautiful face, I almost forgot how to breathe. His hands were trailing along my thighs, still covered with fishnet tights, as I positioned myself above his hard cock, slowly lowering myself down, his eyes rolling back and filthy moans escaping his soft lips.
When I sunk fully onto his cock, I couldn’t help myself but let out a high-pitched moan which seemed to wake him from the bliss he was in. He grabbed my hips and helped me bounce myself on him. The thickness that spread my walls made me feel full, and each thrust scratched an impossible itch inside me. When Keisuke started grunting with each thrust I knew he was nearing his peak. I reached to rub my clit with one hand, but he swiftly knocked it aside and replaced it with his own. I threw my head back in pure pleasure and let out all the pent-up pressure from my throat as I came all over his dick, he followed soon after with an animalistic moan and stopped thrusting. 
He looked spent and let go of my hips, I needed to burn the image of him lying underneath me into the insides of my eyelids. I reached over to grab my camera,
“Do you mind if I take one of you?” I motioned with the camera. He gave me a small smile,
“Is this some kind of a psycho killer trophy you’re collecting?”I couldn’t help but laugh,
“Maybe, but I want to remember this.” He nodded with a blissful smile, so I looked through a viewfinder and pushed the button. Putting the camera aside, I got off of him and lay next to him, gently taking the condom off and launching it into the bin.
“I feel obligated to mention that I’ve never done this before,” He raised his eyebrow at my comment, causing me to correct myself, “I mean, I’ve never brought someone home like this, especially after just meeting them.” He was tracing shapes on my stomach, all the while staring into my eyes.
“Me neither,” he admitted, “I’m still not convinced you’re not some psycho killer taking advantage of young men, taking salacious photos of them, and then disposing of their corpses in the nearby bushes.” I just had to laugh at the notion,
“You seem to have put a lot of thought into this scenario, are you sure you’re not the murderer?” He leaned over to place a kiss on my shoulder,
“Well, I guess we’ll find out soon enough.” Looking over at him, I took in his loose hair, now messy and half-resting on my pillows.
“Honestly, after this, I think I would gladly let you kill me. I don’t remember the last time I felt this good.” When Keisuke pulled me closer to him, resting his hand on my hip, I swear I could have floated away.
After some conversation that sounded way too casual considering the way we had just made each other feel, I heard Keisuke’s stomach rumble so I offered to get him some food and dragged him out of bed and into the kitchen. He managed to put his boxers back on while I put on my pyjama top and we made way to investigate the food situation. 
“I’ve got some leftovers from today, I mean, I guess it’s technically yesterday now.” I pulled out the tub with leftover fried rice and chicken and stuck it into the microwave while he inspected the fridge door that was littered with polaroids of Mai and me, some from our work with other coworkers, some of us cuddling her cats from back home, some of our birthday and end-of-exams parties, and others of my old dance group from different competitions we attended.
“You have cats?” He seemed really interested in all individual photos.
“Ah, no, those are Mai’s parents’ cats. They live in the middle of nowhere and have a bunch of animals, unfortunately, we couldn’t get any of her pets here when we moved in,” I pointed at another photo of me with a big black labrador sitting on the beach, “That’s my dog, but he lives with my parents, as I’m too busy to take care of a dog right now.” He nodded and looked over a few more photos before stepping towards me and pushing a loose strand of hair behind my ear. 
At that moment the microwave beeped and I went to grab the food and plate it up. We ate standing in the kitchen, neither of us feeling inclined to move away from each other. Keisuke was stuffing his face like he hadn't eaten in days,
“I think you need to slow down,” I said with a smirk.
“This is amazing, I can’t stop,” he said with his mouth full.
When he was done, he started to put the plates into the dishwasher and I offered him something to drink. With him in the kitchen, I made my way to the bathroom to wipe my makeup off, noticing the lipstick hadn’t transferred at all. Keisuke appeared behind me when I had taken off most of the makeup and started touching my ass. Luckily I didn’t put any underwear on, remembering how he ripped the pair I wore earlier. I looked at him through the mirror and smiled at his gentle caresses. He seemed entranced by my skin and started making his way towards my bare heat. Gently rubbing my sensitive lips, he elicited soft moans from my lips. Our eyes met in the mirror and he returned my smile,
“You’re so beautiful, did you know that? I loved seeing you with  the makeup, but this,” he reached for my cheek with his hand, the other one still rubbing my pussy, “is incredible.” 
He grabbed my face and kissed it, making me moan into his mouth which made him change his approach and sink a finger inside of me. He groaned when my walls sucked his finger in, adding another and hooking them to hit the most sensitive spot inside. My legs started shaking with pleasure, which seemed to amuse him enough to giggle and move to stand right behind me, spreading my legs.
“I don’t know what it is about you,” Keisuke whispered, “but you’re making me feel feral, like no amount of touching you will ever be enough,” his voice was making me wet with desire.
“Feral? We can do it like they do it on the Discovery channel then,” I invited him for another round. I opened one of the drawers under the sink and passed him a condom, causing him to chuckle,
“Very convenient.” 
“We like to be prepared,” he aligned his once again hard cock with my entrance and pushed in, throwing his head back in pleasure, my back arching to get a better angle, still holding the edges of the sink. He pushed into me until I couldn’t take any more and gasped loudly. He stopped and started pulling out and pushing back in, only up to the point I could handle. This angle made hitting the sensitive spot so much easier, it made me gasp and whine with every single one of his thrusts. His hands were squeezing my ass like it was the only thing keeping him grounded on this Earth. His cock was buried deep inside of me, hitting my most sensitive areas, pulling me apart from the inside.
I threw my head back and Keisuke took the opportunity to grab my jaw and pull me towards his face. He was grunting into my ear and kissing my neck, I was certain I wouldn’t last much longer. 
With his teeth, he scraped along my neck. With a cry, I creamed on his cock, which only seemed to make him go faster and harder. “Good girl, hold on tight,” he whispered into my ear, letting go of my jaw and instead holding the base of my ponytail as I held onto the wall in front of me for dear life. One of his hands snaked around me and found my clit, rubbing it in circular motions, sending me into another orgasm, this one louder than the last.
Never breaking pace, he chuckled and smacked my ass three times before returning both his hands on my ass, pulling me into his hips repeatedly.
“Faster Keisuke, please!” I cried out, and he obliged. Soon after that I felt another wave of pleasure threatening to swallow me whole. Just as I started crying out his name again, he moaned into my hair and finished, slowing his thrust leading us both through our orgasms. Once he stopped, our eyes locked in the mirror once more, I didn’t know if I had it in me to smile at him. His cock slid out of me and he took off the condom and threw it away, spinning me around to kiss me with all the energy he had left. I had half a mind to thank him, but I couldn’t form words anymore, I just grabbed his hand and led him back into my bedroom, cuddling into him on the bed. 
“Are you okay?”
Turning around to face him, I caressed his face, taking in his loose hair, soft eyes, slightly protruding canines, and soft lips. I wanted to look at him forever, there’s something arresting about his face making me incapable of looking away. 
“Why do you ask?” Was he overthinking this whole night? Is he trying to make me start kicking him out so he doesn’t have to make the first move?
“You haven’t said a word since…since we fucked in the bathroom.” His tone was that of worry. 
“I think… you may have taken every ounce of energy that I had saved for conversation,” I said with a giggle, “I came twice before that, and then three times in the bathroom. A girl needs to breathe and rest.”
His smile returned, lighting his face up, I just had to close the distance between us and kiss him softly. 
“How are you feeling?” I wondered, gently caressing his arm.
“Completely empty. I feel like all my worries and stress just,” he made a floating gesture with his hand, “disappeared.” 
“I think we both deserve some sleep, don’t you agree?”
He looked into my eyes as if to read them again, then rolled me over, pressed me into his form, and softly whispered good night.
I grabbed my phone only to be met with a few messages from Mai:
Mai Darling, 2:30
hope you’re not dead because Hana said there’s another party in 2 weeks and she’ll kill us if we don’t come
Mai Darling, 3:15
ok you’re either dead and i have to clean up the apartment of your blood or you’re still fucking and i hope to everything holy it’s the latter and i don’t have to get the blood out of the carpet
Mai Darling, 4:45
i’m gonna choose to believe you’re so fucked out you can’t even pick up your phone. get it girl. Message me when you can though
Yunaaaaasty, 5:20
alive but barely. came five times. hurts my brain to think we have work today. see you soon.
Mai Darling, 5:21
YESSSSSSSS i knew that little bastard had it in him…or more accurately he had it in you! ;)
i’m home around 9, prepare the report and i’m making us some coffee for that piping hot tea
What a weirdo. My eyelids closed to the soft sound of Keisuke’s light snores. 
With a start, my eyelids flew open to quickly switch off the alarm before it woke up Keisuke. With a groan, he flipped over to his back, hand reaching over to try and locate his phone. He sat up to rummage through the pile of clothes we left on the floor to fish it out of his pocket. 
“Ah, shit. I have work in a few hours,” he looked over at me and smiled, “but that doesn’t mean I can’t stay a tiny bit longer. That is, if you want me here?” His eyes were full of hope.
I pulled him towards me and caught him in a kiss, his hand started wandering underneath the sheets, grabbing my boobs, hips, thighs, pulling me closer. Every time he squeezed me a moan escaped my mouth into his, which seemed to make him more eager each time.
His hands travelled down to my pussy and started to softly spread my folds, ghosting over my clit with each move. In an attempt to get more friction, I started to roll my hips on his hand, desperately trying to unravel the bundle of tension already forming in my belly. He smirked and probed my entrance with a finger, catching the gasp coming out of my mouth with his own. 
I was already reaching back into the drawer to fish out another condom, expecting another round, when his mouth left mine to trail kisses and nibbles down my neck to my collarbone while his other hand was holding my neck. Am I getting into this? His hands are so pretty that I kind of want them around my neck for a little longer. 
“How are you so amazing at this?” I squeezed out between moans. He chuckled, “It’s a curse.”
“Then please curse me again.”
His head snapped up and we locked eyes. Grabbing the condom from my hand he got in my face, “Only because you asked me nicely, gorgeous.”
This time his thrusts were slower, towering over me, leaning on his elbows, his hair fell into my face, smelling of his shampoo and my perfume mixed together. Citrusy and sweet. I hoped the pillow he had slept on kept the scent a little bit longer. His eyes were focused on my face, following every hitched breath as he hit my sensitive spot with every move.
My insides squeezed his length with the desire to keep him inside a bit longer, the slow and lazy motions we were going through seemed very fitting with the chilly morning air coming in through the open window. As fast and rough as last night’s sex was, this morning’s sex was gentle, careful, and deliberate. My hands were firmly planted on his back, nails scratching slowly. I was soon brought to my peak again, this time it wasn’t sudden and needy, but slow and sure. 
“Keisuke I’m close,” I moaned right into his ear, which seemed to set off something in him as his pupils dilated and his movements became needier. Like he’ll drop through the ground into the centre of the Earth if he doesn’t chase our orgasms. 
“Say it again,” he squeezed out through his moans.
“Keisuke! I’m so close, keep it going please!”
“More,” his voice was desperate, his eyes were squeezed shut with concentration.
“Please I need you, Keisuke! You feel so good, you’re making me cum!”
With a cry, we finished in sync and he dropped on top of me, barely breathing just like me. He pulled out slowly and discarded the condom, pushing his hair back from his face. 
“How many times was that?” 
“This was my sixth, but it felt more intense than the ones before.”
The look on his face was that of beaming pride and bliss. “Not bad for one night,” he said with a wink, “but I’m afraid I have to get going if I want to at least shower before work.”
“Where do you work?” Considering how much we talked throughout the night, I didn’t get this important piece of information. Sure, now I knew what his life goals were, how old he was when he broke his first tooth, and how many bikes he had crashed in his childhood, but somehow his place of employment hadn’t popped up.
“Pet zone. The one next to the main square.” He raked his fingers through his hair, leaving me in awe of his lean body and toned arms. He started putting his clothes back on, so I got up to find a new pair of underwear and an oversized T-shirt. 
Now that we were both dressed, we met in the middle of the room with another deep kiss, this time he pulled me into a hug. Huh, we had fucked 3 times and I fed him, but we just hugged for the first time. I could’ve just melted in his arms, but the sound of the front door unlocking made me step away and see him to the door. 
Mai walked in with a big smile on her face and a bag of groceries.
“Good morning sleepyhead, time to start on breakfast!” She said with too much energy for both of us. 
“Actually, I have to get going or I won’t make it to work,” with a quick kiss to my lips, he started for the door.
Mai turned to him as if wondering what he was still doing there.
“Okay, great seeing you, Kazuki,” she said with a smile.
“Likewise, Mirei.”
She frowned slightly, “It’s Mai.”
He smirked, “It’s Keisuke.” He winked at me and closed the door behind him.
Mai turned to me with a grin, “I like him, he can take a joke. Right,” she clapped her hands, marching into the kitchen, “I’m making coffee, you’re getting ready to spill everything. Apart from the coffee, of course.”
With sleep still in my eyes, I made for my bedroom to put the books and papers back onto the desk and let some more air in, since the whole room smelled of sex. As I raked through my hair, I realised his hair tie was still in my hair, I wondered if he left it with me on purpose.
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diacripticcomplex · 2 months
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Shu x Yandere Yui
Shu's Pov:
We spent days looking for Edgar...I mean Yuma but he actually was Edgar, I still could not fathom the fact he was alive after all these years I was convinced he was dead. After the fire he set for me to prove my love for her he had completely vanished, without a trace as if he was never here to begin with. I think I'm starting to go insane..I sigh out loud, even my music was helping me, I was not able to sleep without having this constant thought on my mind, I yearned to find him I had so many questions that I want to ask him, this is the first time in a long time that I have wanted to actually converse again. I guess I was too much in my head, I kept hearing my name being called out and it zoned me back to reality.
"Shu..? Hey..Shu..?" she was calling out for me. I looked at her. "Yeah?" I replied back, she began saying something, about finding Yuma and trying again but I was not really paying attention. I found myself zoning back into my thoughts as she spoke to me. It was foolish really, we won't find Edgar..I mean Yuma again, this is pointless, I sigh out in annoyance. " Shut up already..Leave me alone.." I tell her, I didn't want her to get more involved with this and me anymore, if she keeps getting close to me she will just end up in the same predicament as that guy too, I don't care if I stop drinking her blood, I love her so I have to protect her this way. She might not understand but this is the only way.
I've been in my room all these weeks, avoiding her, avoiding everyone and everything, it was all so pointless, I wasn't even hungry..this feeling was familiar..Another knock on my door, probably from her again. I didn't answer, I needed to get away from this manor for a bit.
I decided to leave for a few weeks, without telling anyone, not even her. I knew it was stupid but I still had a glimmer of hope left in me that I would be able to find him, I searched the deep forests, and mountains, by the ocean as well, nothing. I ventured into the demon world as well, no one heard anything, it is as if the name Mukami ceased to exist. Time works differently in the demon world. A month quickly turned into a year when I arrived back at the manor.
When I returned I wanted to just crawl into my bed and sleep, I was truly exhausted..this is the most I've been energized in years..I walked past her room and it was as if she could sense me walking by because her door opened, she looked at me with such sorrow in her eyes, I gave her nothing but a blank stare, my love did not die for her, it was simply closed off, I'm a creature that harms everything it goes near, I do not deserve her and I do not wish to see her in pain but she looked gravely saddened. "You left..no one heard from you in so long and you just left without a trail...I was so worried." She cried to me. "I do not have to explain myself..leave me be, I'm tired." I told her, I could see she wanted to say something but stopped herself, she nodded then smiled strangely, it was a twisted smile, unsettled by this, I went to my room and closed my eyes.
I believe a few days or maybe weeks had gone by, no one came to my door or bothered me at all, it was strange, the usual chaoticness of my brothers was at an all time low, as if no one was here, it was too quiet. I finally got up from my bed and the sight I saw when I opened the door shocked me, there was writing on the walls of the hallway that said "I love you" " I did this for us." , in deep red, it smelled like fresh blood, my first thought was Laito or Kanato went insane but then I felt my heart drop, did they hurt her??!
I felt adrenaline hit, in cold sweat I ran to find her. This cannot be happening again, I do not want to lose her too..I kept repeating this to myself, please let her be alive, please make sure she is unharmed, I found her in the dining room, all of my brothers were there, all of them lifeless, sitting in the chairs. She was there drinking a cup of tea and it smelled like, "Shu, you've made it.." she said smiling warmly at me, I was horrified.. "Why did you do this?" I asked her. "You don't understand..I found Yuma, but your brothers did not want you to see him..they were getting in the way." She said to me, it feels off though, I couldn't tell if she was being truthful or not but I decided to trust her.
She offers to take me to him, so I follow her down to the dungeon..strange place to keep him. "Why would he be here..?" I asked her, trying to not make my suspicion obvious. She gave a shitty explanation and honestly I was not buying it..I wanted to get out of there, before I could leave she stabbed me right before my heart so I knew I wasn't going to die but it hurt horribly, then she locked me up in a cell, making sure to restrain my hands. She took the blade and cut her wrist then licked the blood from the wound, kissing me deeply, feeding me her warm oozing blood, I've missed how hot it was, I wanted more but she pulled back and left.
"Let me out.." I told her, then I began screaming it but she was just walking away, before she shut the door she said in a whisper "Now, you'll never leave me.."
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chronosh0t · 5 months
“ I listen to everything you say ”
short drabble based off this tweet
tags: male skk Zenas (my OC) x Lee ; PGR ; alternative universe but still inside the world of pgr ; ascendant Lee, the "young man / other Ascendant" is my OC Arawn.
words: 1.9k
this is very self-indulgent. no beta reader.
if you have any question, feel free to ask me on the box thingie! you can also find me on twt under the same username.
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It ended all wrong. Everything turned out to be wrong.
Zenas doesn't remember where, at what point things decided to turn in the wrong direction and changed the course of his life, of one his teammates life. He could not think of any specific moment, choice, or action that could explain the situation at hand at that exact time, but he knew that there was no way he could've turned back to zero again.
Not even now.
The days in Babylonia started to feel too dull, too dark, even the weather felt extremely gloomy, as if the system wanted to accompany him in his mourning. There was always a silence, that no matter how loud the music was, how many people talked, it was impossible to ignore. The absence was abysmal.
Zenas's mind was spiralling to utter chaos and, if he was truly honest with himself, he wasn't even trying to find a stop. The flashbacks of that day, as if they were purposely hunting him and remind him how much everything has changed, colliding with the knowledge of not being able to do nothing, not back then, not now.
He wanted to just sleep and forget about everything. If he were a Construct he would've already asked for a reboot. To Zenas's own disgrace he was but a mere human, and amnesia wasn't something one could ask and be given. He wished he could give up. However, it was not an option. There were still two girls waiting for him to get better, to be back so they could keep with their mission, for them, and for him. 
Him. The one missing. The one who wouldn't come back no matter how loud and how many times Zenas called him. His name tasted so different. Bitter.
Unknown to Zenas. He was also calling him, missing him, missing his teammates, missing his days in Babylonia. But he knew that, for his Commandant to be safe, it was best if they thought he was dead. And that's how it should've stayed. How it was supposed to be, yet, not quite meant.
Lee spent the days after the incident of the tower, wandering around earth, cleaning some corrupted and trying to help humans in need. He would search for any supplies that could help them go through their situation a bit better, Lee would also stay in some safe zones by providing some protection, all that by keeping a line and not letting any Construct from Babylonia know he was still alive.
After all, he was technically an Ascendant now. Even if he didn't give himself to the virus and became an Agent, he was still a corrupted, someone who Babylonia deemed a danger, something that needed to be ended. The years he spent in the front lines fighting for humanity meant nothing.
But it mattered little. As long as he could keep helping, it was fine. He just needed to make sure to keep his activities hidden and it should be fine. Right? That's how he planned everything, however, not everything goes according to a certain plan. That's why Lee never expected to see him.
Just like any other day, Lee was scanning the surroundings, his gun needed some repair after fighting nonstop some ascendants he did not know about. The task, as difficult as trying to dry out the ocean, was taking too long, he walked for hours, checked dead corrupted and even the weapons those ascendants were using, to no avail.
The sun was setting down. Wandering during the night being not the best option, he opted for finding a suitable place to rest and hide. That's where he found such a place. A greenhouse.
How come there's a greenhouse? Is that even possible considering the environment? Those thoughts filled his M.I.N.D. It was in fair condition, the glasses a bit muddy, but none of them were broken. He could see even a variety of flowers, wild grass growing outside the greenhouse, birds and butterflies flying happily at the sight.
While keeping as quiet as he could, Lee tried to get close and what he saw startled him. Inside, vintage furniture in really good state, teacups and… food? Two shadows suddenly appeared, Lee clutched down, kept that position for a few seconds before straightening a bit and focusing his visual mode on the two people.
Ascendants? Humans?
He could clearly see one of them, although just from the back, he had long white hair, dressed in a… suit? as weird as it looked, that person was wearing quite a fancy suit, and his mannerisms were as delicate as they could be. Maybe that individual used to be from a prominent family. The latter sat down on a sofa, now the other person was visible.
Lee's mechanical heart started to beat too fast. Chaos formed on his M.I.N.D and he could feel how his frame was malfunctioning slightly at the sight. The height matched perfectly, those pretty and unique eyes, with more dark circles that he remembered, that black messy hair with blue tips. Oh, and that mischievous smile, showing his fangs.
It was him. His Commandant. Zenas was standing there, inside that greenhouse, and moreover, he was having a conversation with an Ascendant. His posture was casual, Lee could notice that Zenas was too relaxed, so that only meant one thing: he knew that Ascendant, he knew he wasn't in danger.
In an attempt to deny what he was seeing, he double checked his visual modules and even did a deep scan on his M.I.N.D, just to be sure that it wasn't a trick or some error. As expected, everything was fine. What he saw was happening.
Lee sat down and rested his back on a rock. He needed to calm down. Of course, it was easier to said than to be done, it has been so long since the last time he saw Zenas, he knew himself very well, denying those feelings and the urge to run inside that greenhouse were too much to handle, but he couldn't let his Commandant know he was alive. Or it would oppose a danger not only to him but also to Lucia and Liv. He closed his eyes and tried to think of just that, of how bad it'd be if he dared to show his face. But oh boy, how much he desired to see him up close, to hug him, to…
ㅤㅤㅤ“Don't lose focus.” he said to himself through gritted teeth.
His ear still picked up some noise. If he wanted he could've easily listened to what they were talking but it was none of his business. At least not anymore. So he only opted to hear small hints that would let him know if Zenas left. And after what seemed ages, the glass door opened and a pair of steps started to fade away.
ㅤㅤㅤ“He left already.” a raspy voice came from behind, “You can come out now, Ascendant.” finished, for some reason the tone of his voice carried some kind of annoyance.
Lee stood up and faced the white-haired person. It was a few centimetres taller than him, up close he could see his eyes didn't match in colour, one was of a dark green and the other was black. He talked and moved with delicacy. Nonetheless, this young man was still an Ascendant, so why did he sound so annoyed? Could it be..?
ㅤㅤㅤ“Why were you hiding here?” he asked, his face was stoic, no sign of emotion, then added, “You are… Lee, right?”
That question left Lee speechless. Did he know who he was? Does that mean, as he thought of, Zenas knew this Ascendant was some sort of friend? He was at loss for words. The silence was enough response for the man in front of him.
ㅤㅤㅤ“Zenas used to talk a lot about you” mencione casually, at the same time he did a gesture with his hand, as if telling Lee to get inside the greenhouse so they could talk. So he did.
After the two of them walked in, the door closed. The young man talked again. “You look slightly different from what he told me, but the overall essence is there. How did he call you?” he pondered to himself while serving tea. “Ah, right, he used to refer to you as his ‘soon-to-be boyfriend’, I remember now.”
His… boyfriend. It sounded pretty, it sounded right. Lee was not aware of it, but a smile took shape, the boy who was looking at him let out a sigh. If there was a mirror, Lee would've probably be shocked now, the warmth inside his body was perfectly visible on his face, that shy smile was still there and there was so much fondness in his eyes.
ㅤㅤㅤ“You can just tell him. He would go with you.”
That line brought Lee back to reality. Now his eyes were locked on the young man's. If he was honest, he wanted to ask what kind of relationship the two of them has but right now there was something more important to clarify.
ㅤㅤㅤ“He is not allowed to know I'm alive. It would out him in a lot of risk” Lee said firmly.
ㅤㅤㅤ“But he—”
ㅤㅤㅤ“I know he…” there was a pause, the words were stuck on his throat, swallowing seemed like a hard task now, “I know he would follow me, but it's precisely because of that reason that he mustn't know about my actual situation.”
The young man, again, sighed heavily. “I never understood him, and now I don't understand you either. It's clear that both of you share the same feelings for the other, so why not make it easy and just be honest?” he took a sir, crossed his leg and grabbed one of the teacup, “What are you scared of? He is a very strong and capable human, and trust me, he is not fond of the human side of his. He would gladly give up that just to stay with you.” finished his sentence and took a sip. Lee could smell it, it was a strong black tea, the same Zenas would usually drink.
Lee grasped his gun with so much strength it started to break, that statement was enough to make him angry. Funny enough that anger was directly at himself, for feeling slightly happy at hearing that, at the fact that Zenas felt the same way he did.
ㅤㅤㅤ“No.” Lee replied, the anger did not subdued. “If you know what I feel, then you should know that I would never do something that'd put him in danger. So I suggest you keep your mouth shut and keep this conversation hidden from him.”
The next few seconds were filled with silence, not far away the sound of birds could be heard. The tension was so palpable, anyone who dared to enter that greenhouse would've been able to feel it, even cut it with scissors. The Ascendant took a few more sips from the cup, placed it back on the table and stood up again, walked straight to Lee and stopped two steps away.
ㅤㅤㅤ“You would do anything he ordered you, right? That's how loyal you are.
ㅤㅤㅤ“Yes.” he answered.
ㅤㅤㅤ“If he asked you to kill yourself, would you do it?” the man questioned him again, his eyes showing not a single ounce of emotion.
ㅤㅤㅤ“Yes.” dry, sure of himself. That was Lee's answer.
The Ascendants let out a chuckle. It seemed that he was not expecting such loyalty. And there was not a single second where the man thought Lee was lying, what made it even more surprising.
ㅤㅤㅤ“What a duo of insane people.”
🦋 and that's it. i hope it was good enough.
🦋 if you reaches this far, thank you for reading.
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naffeclipse · 1 year
Question because I can't stop thinking about Mer style SJ au!
So, I'm terribly curious about how the final confrontation would go in this version! Since they are all organic, I imagine it wouldn't be possible to have an equivalent of the Celestial Wire, right?
It occurred to me that perhaps something with the poisonous spikes could happen, but I think you said their poison cannot harm those related to them, so that would likely not be it. Because in the main verse, in order for Sun to live, Eclipse would have to die so that he can get the celestial wire instead. But a mortal wound inflicted by his older brother would probably not be cured by Eclipse having (or being forced to) give up a crucial part of himself. So would Sun or Moon end up physically harmed by Eclipse in his blind rage? Or maybe something in their environment happens?
Oh, oh! That makes me think that while there is no way to set a building on fire, there certainly are hydrothermal vents that can reach dangerous temperatures! So maybe there could be some volcanic activity about to happen near where they are and Eclipse would be forced to realize that by dragging y/n down with him, and in consequence make his brothers chase after them, that they indeed are all now in danger because of his refusal to leave the darkness behind?
Ahhh, I don't know! Just rambling about possibilities at this point haha XD
Heya, babe!
That's right, no Celestial Wire to be given up here, but I do want to make use of the venomous spikes in one way or another, so I figured that the vigilante might get pricked by Eclipse and end up in dire need of an antidote. There was also a scene I had in mind of Eclipse finally stealing Y/N away and throwing them into a bowl-like rocky outcropping (coincidentally shaped in a manner of a clam) on land to dry them out for a while and see if they change their tune. That would spur Sun and Moon into a frenzy looking for them while they endure that torment.
As for a possible final confrontation, I love the thought of underwater hydrothermal vents being a destination for the final confrontation! Lowkey, I was messing around with ideas for an aquatic equivalent of a cigar for Eclipse and fiddling with him having some sort of magma stick that bubbled. But, I ended up scrapping it because Eclipes's hands were otherwise occupied with the vigilante alsdfjasld
Dragging Y/N down into the dark, only lit by the occasional bursts of boiling hot water and flashes of magma low on the ocean floor, would be an Eclipse move—and somewhere Sun and Moon would know to look. They see the twilight zone just as well as their brother. It would be pretty dramatic in the heated water.
As for the damage done, I see Eclipse giving into a moment of rage and incidentally spearing Sun with his trident. It's a moment of shock, of 'mom said I could never hurt my family but look at what I've just done' and both a flurry of panic for Y/N and total devastation for Moon.
Eclipse, in this AU, would have the chance to save his brother by quickly helping him back to the Reef alongside the vigilante and Moon. When they call for help, they're met with assistance and aquatic plants and special bindings to stop the blood flow and keep Sun stable. It's world-tilting for Eclipse and Moon is terrified for Sun while Y/N is desperately trying to see that Sun is taken care of and that Eclipse doesn't do any more harm.
Sun survives, but he was dangerously close to never waking up again, and Eclipse is shocked to his core. No matter what, he always did everything he could to make sure his brothers would survive, but he didn't. Not at that moment. Not right now. He hates being in the sunlight but he loathes not being near Sun. Moon refuses to let him close. Sun is still barely pushing through. The vigilante is ready to kill Eclipse if he so much as flicks a tentacle wrong, but can't risk upsetting Sun while he's healing.
It's a lot. It's confusing. Eclipse doesn't know what to do but watch Sun recover from the three teeth of his trident that almost stopped his little brother's heart.
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adventuresinobx · 2 years
You’re The View
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John B Routledge x fem!reader
Summary: Another part in the kink series! So it turns out John B’s got a exhibition kink and he loves it when his girl rides his thigh 👀
A/N: So the whole point of this series for me was to push myself out of my usual comfort zone with my writing, so again this is a little bit different than what I usually write, but hope you enjoy it!
Warnings: Smut smut smut, exhibitionism, thigh riding
You and John B had been together for some months now, you stuck on this *impossible* gold treasure hunt with him that had somehow led you both to the Bahamas. It was pretty here, sunsets over the ocean and the beach, posh hotels and everything else. But you both being Pogues - and on the run - you didn’t really get to experience all these things the same way these Island folk did, as much as you wanted to.
You two had managed to sneak into a nice hotel room, with a balcony overlooking the bright blue waters. You’d also managed to grab a shower now and were finally feeling less gross now. You pulled the towel around your body and headed out to the balcony where your boyfriend was sat shirtless on a chair, looking out at the sun setting in the distance.
“Told you it was beautiful,” he said, his arms opening for you to come and sit down on his lap. Your hair was wet but he didn’t mind, wrapping his arms around you instantly and holding you close. You had been on a bit of a whirlwind romance with John B; you hated each other, fell in love and nearly died looking for treasure and now here you were with him in a sun-soaked country.
He was quiet for a moment before a surprise sentence came from his mouth. “Have you ever had sex on a balcony?” You looked at him and snorted.
“Babe you were my first, I thought you knew that,” you said through a laugh and he suddenly realised how dumb his question must of sounded.
“Ok let me rephrase, would you have sex on a balcony?” Your ears pricked up at the idea. John B had definitely made you more adventurous and you were willing to try anything new for him. Actually, the two of you had been quite exploratory as of late. There was sex in the Twinkie, multiple times, sex in a hammock outside his house, and don’t get you started chatting about how he’d started this new rough and dominating thing that you REALLY were enjoying exploring. Things had got adventurous, yes, and not just in the treasure hunt sense.
“Cos I mean all I’m thinking about is fucking you on this balcony, where everyone can see,” he said, licking his lips. You looked around. There were a few high rise hotels nearby and other balconies, not less the one next to you. Yes anyone really could see.
You bit your lip at the thought, considering your options as John B snaked his hand up and under your towel, his fingers moving slowly over your thigh. He brushed his thumb over your inner thigh, before pushing his hand back a little so it “bumped” against your core.
“Feels like you like the idea,” he said, noticing you were getting wetter by the second - and not from the shower. “So I’m game if you are. I’d love to fuck you over that balcony, make everyone watch you cum.” Your hips jolted at his words and the gravelly tone of his voice. You knew you couldn’t say no now, you wanted this as much as he did and he couldn’t wait to show you a good time.
“Come sit here beautiful,” he said, dragging his teeth along his bottom lip as he tapped his thigh. Another thing you, and him, were into - thigh riding. You mounted his thigh, lifting the towel up to be around your waist so he could feel your soaking wet core on his skin. He grabbed the towel, lifting it up and exposing your bum as he smacked you playfully. You gasped at the feeling, slowly starting to rock your hips and drag yourself across his muscled thigh. He tensed with every movement, which only added to the pleasure he gave you.
You moved expertly, rolling your hips over his thigh as you got yourself off. He was so taken by you that all he could do was sit there and watch you grind yourself onto him. As your movements became more intense, the towel around you started to fall off. You initially tried to cover yourself back up, but with a little bit of encouragement from John B, the towel was tugged off and dropped to the floor. You were now completely naked, on the balcony where anyone could see you.
“Feels so good,” you whined, groaning when he smacked your ass with his hand. Once, twice, three times, each one getting harder. You kept rolling your hips, only losing that rhythm when the smacks came. He felt so good and the fact anyone could see you - you could hardly contain yourself and you were so desperately turned on.
John B lifted your briefly off his thigh so he could remove his boxers off himself and suddenly there was a change of position. He had you up against the side of the balcony, your naked body pressed against the cool glass and you leaning over.
“Good girl,” he murmured, smacking your ass hard and causing your body to slam into the glass of the balcony, “Now spread your legs for me. Show me - and everyone - how beautiful that pussy is.” You gasped at his words but did exactly as he said, moving your legs apart. He reached down and brushed his fingers over your slit from behind, feeling how wet you were already.
He gathered some of your slick on his fingers and tasted it, before pushing his fingers inside you. Two this time. “Bend over more,” he ordered and you did as he said, leaning over the balcony. “Does it feel good?” he asked. You didn’t respond. “How does it feel?” You groaned out before the words just spilled from your mouth.
“Feels so good,” you managed, your voice quiet.
“Can’t hear you. What feels good?”
“Feels so good when you fuck me with your fingers.”
It was then you shouted it - at the top of your voice. And if anyone wasn’t watching, they could definitely hear you now. So turned on by it all, he pumped his cock a few times in his hand before he pushed into you from behind. You moaned out at the feeling, rolling your hips back against his as he filled you up. He pushed in you so deep that you felt he was tearing you in two. “Tell everyone how good it feels,” he said, slamming your hips into the glass with the force of his. You squeezed your thighs together best you could, only adding to the sensation he was giving you. “Such a pretty girl, look how bad you are being fucked like this on a balcony.”
“Fuck John B,” you screamed out, “Fuck me harder please. Give me more please.”
He wickedly bit his lip, so turned on by what you were doing and saying that he felt his dick twitch inside you. He didn’t even have time to warn you as he filled you up with his hot seed. He pulled out just before he shot the last load and it coated your core. You couldn’t help but touch yourself and taste his cum which was mixed in with your own.
“Baby if you want a taste, get on your knees and clean me up. I know you like that.” You nodded, getting down on your knees whilst he stood there proudly naked on the balcony, his cock still erect as you licked him clean.
taglist (pls let me know if you want to be added 🥰)
@starkeyobx​ @lovelyhedgehog44 @gryffindorpouge11 @jjmaybankmakesmecry​ @pankowforlife​ @bayy2452​ @proactivetypeofgirl​ @hoebx​ @fangirlfree​ @severa-kane​ @lovedetlost @slutforsmutsstuff @smokingbeersdrinkingweed @raiinyhood @samxslaughter @valeriiecameron @burgstead @strokesofstokes
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Greek Mythology HC's
I am a firm believer that the Greek gods (specifically talking about the big 3 for right now- I'll do the other later), have common disorders.
If they are the creation devised by the human mind to represent nature and traits, then they should have common issues (mostly basing this around like PJO universe or another fictional Greek thing, kinda Hades game but whatever.)
Hades: Has to be like on the ASD in some little way (I say this because I work with kids who have ASD), and I feel he would be one of the older kids. Like he's high functioning, but there's small things he does that sets him apart. Ie socially awkward, hyper interested in things pertaining to but only the underworld, nature/flowers (cause Persephone), specific literature, and so on.
Masking when in the presence of his Olympian family or when he's judging.
Stimming, simple like playing with his hair (he keeps it long) or tapping his fingers either in rhythm or out of rhythm.
Poseidon: ADHD and a behavioral disorder. I was thinking ODD, but maybe more just BP (just cause of the change of the ocean is described like his mood..)
I feel he's the most hyperactive of the brothers, the sea is always restless so is he. Though every now and then you can find him just zoned in on something, let's say like when he tries to overthrow Zeus and he just couldn't let it go till he got punished by Zeus.
For the BP, I was just thinking that he can be wise and chill - as is per Poseidon the wise sea god, obviously but there's just times where he's just too much and times where he's just there. Everyone is unsure what Poseidon they'll get since it's not everyday they see him.
Zeus: I 100% see him with OCD and, for some reason, color blind.
OCD because he's so uppity about everything being done how he wants it and will absolutely lose it, as seen in many myths, if anyone questions him or does something he doesn't want to happen. Of course he's forgiving but I feel he just stamps it down till it overflows.
Also, he just has rituals. He does certain things a certain amount of times or just must do certain things in a certain way, and everyone has learned to just let him do that.
Color Blind, I just thought that would be cool. I just had a dumb thought that after 100's of years of marriage Hera just asks Zeus one day why he occasionally gets her things that are red when her favorite color is purple and Zeus just sits there and stares, so confused because.. aren't...they the same...? And then slowly realizing that he can't see the difference between red and purple or blue and yellow (and possibly pick and orange).
Also a minor HC is that Zeus' favorite color is green because he can't really tell the difference between blue and yellow, but he's worn blue for so long that he just hasn't changed (which plays into his OCD because he's worried something might happen if he changes colors now)
Yeah. Let me know if you have anything to add or adjust with these HC's!!!!
(I'm being very general with them only because these disorders/diagnoses are complex and different for everyone and I didn't want to be to honed in a something specific.)
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solar-halos · 6 months
december prompt #4: scarf
mags and lucy gray fluff under the cut! <3
for context, i do like that lucy gray’s ending is a mystery bc the og lucy gray is a mystery, but i also love this pairing too they’re cute
“That scarf is so ugly, Lucy Gray.”
“Maybe it would be, Maude Ivory, if you’ve never been in love.”
It’s true. It scared her at first, to get close to another living human being, but Mags is so sweet that Lucy Gray could probably get drunk off it.
So maybe there’s some bias clouding her judgement, but Lucy Gray doesn’t think she’s worn anything prettier. It’s short and pastel, which is refreshing, because ever since they dragged her back to the Capitol they’ve been making her wear heavy garments with colors that are more obnoxious than they are colorful, so Lucy Gray appreciates the switch up.
She also appreciates how warm it is. Mags needed something to occupy her hands after she won, and all those fish hooks she procured out of thin air were impressive-looking, but Lucy Gray was running out of room in her house in District 12 for all the momentos Mags slipped into her pockets every time they had to go their separate ways.
And don’t even get her started on her room in the Capitol. Lucy Gray is pretty sure their shared apartment is more sheet music and fish hooks than actual furniture.
Speaking of their Capitol apartment, Lucy Gray resists the urge to splay herself across the couch and rest her head on Mags’ lap. When they were just friends, she learned the hard way that she shouldn’t disrupt her in the middle of a project. She learned the even harder way that she shouldn’t disrupt her knitting.
Lucy Gray smiles, half-paying attention to the tea she’s stirring. Knitting is so old-fashioned, but that’s what the Capitol says about her and all her songs, so Lucy Gray doesn’t have much room to talk.
Not that she doesn’t think Mags shouldn’t do it—it’s important for victors to stay busy, and if Lucy Gray is being honest, she likes flaunting all the parting gifts Mags makes for her.
“Hey, baby.” Lucy Gray sets down their tea, glancing down at the tangle of yarn draped over Mags’ lap. “Want something warm to drink?”
No matter how deep in the zone Mags is, she always makes time to glance back up at Lucy Gray and smile. Lucy Gray really likes that about her. “Thank you. Chamomile?”
“Mhm.” Lucy Gray takes a seat next to her girl, nestling into her side. Even though she and Mags haven’t been anywhere near the districts for about a week, Mags still smells like sea salt and ocean breezes. Lucy Gray likes that about her, too. “I know you’ll need the rest. How long have you been working on that?”
“Since the last time Ravinstill dragged us up here for the Feast pitch the Gamemakers were working on. And it still looks like this.”
Lucy Gray doesn’t know what the big deal is. Sure, it’s a bit lumpy if she squints, and there are a few stray pieces of yarn poking out from the stitches if she stares at it really hard, but that’s what makes it such a bonafide work of art.
Mags seems unconvinced. “I think you love me too much.”
Lucy Gray clutches a hand to her heart, as if she’s wounded. The Capitol can take a lot from her, but they’d never take away her natural instinct to engage in theatrics. “Impossible!”
“You do, or else you wouldn’t wear so many of these things at once.”
“District 12 can get really cold, magpie, I've already told you that.”
“I’m glad you don’t mind all the mistakes, then. Scarves are supposed to be the easiest things to make, and every piece I’ve made is defective one way or another.”
Mags glares at her lap, throwing the scarf toward the other end of the couch. Lucy Gray tries to keep a straight face. Theatrics are instinctual for Mags, too. “You know what I think?”
Mags rests her head on Lucy Gray’s shoulder. “What do you think, my love?”
My love. Lucy Gray takes a silent moment to get giddy over that. “Nothing's ever made to be perfect. Not even music—that’s what makes it so unique. And all your pieces are unique, ‘cause every mistake captures just a little bit of your soul. All of the stuff Tigris makes nowadays looks so plastic and manufactured, ‘cause it is, but all your scarves scream your name.”
Lucy Gray retrieves the scarf, bunching the soft fabric up in her hands.
“See?” Lucy Gray says, carefully setting it over Mags’ neck. “Bonafide.”
“Bonafide,” Mags eventually agrees, the word sounding strange yet entirely right in her District 4 accent. “Just like my girl.”
“Flatterer,” Lucy Gray observes happily. “Feening for one of my kisses, sweetheart?”
Mags blushes, but after a swing of chamomile (it’s her liquid courage), she bobs her head up and down. Lucy Gray uses the scarf to lasso her in closer, more relaxed than she’s been in ages.
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Building D/S Relationships Block By Lettered Block
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Everyone has seen toddlers’ building blocks, the oversized blocks with letters of the alphabet on them. These toys can be a great metaphor for the blocks used to build D/S relationships. Taking it another step further is placing a thought for each letter that is a must ‘must-have’ when building the foundation of something wonderful.
A- Acceptance. Being able to accept your partner’s kinks, embracing them, stoking them, and making them yours so they go from your kink to our kink.
B- Boldness. As a dominant, there are times when d-types must be bold in their leadership by saying, follow me and step forward, trusting the submissive to set aside their fear and follow. Additionally, there are times when a submissive must be bold and do the same for their dominant.
C- Communication. Everyone in the relationship must be able to share how they feel, and what they are thinking, and do so in a judgment-free zone.
D- Determination. Building a relationship will occasionally have hurdles that need to be jumped. It takes determination to clear these hurdles to keep moving forward.
E- Empathy. Partnerships need to be able to understand and share their feelings.
F- FUN! Having fun together is key. At times relationships require hard work so it is important to make time for fun.
G- Growth. People grow and as they grow they change. Share growth in a way that grows everyone together rather than apart.
H- Happiness. Do the little things that make your partner smile.
I- Innovation. Find new ways to explore, do, and live kinks plus fantasies.
J- Joke. Life is serious. Joke around, have fun, and make the time shared joyful.
K- Kiss. Kiss often, kiss for no reason and kiss anywhere you are moved to.
L- Learn. Always be learning about and from each other. We do not stay the same and everyone evolves. Keep up with that evolution.
M- Mind Blowing. Embrace the kinks of your partner, learn how to do, enjoy, and explore their desires, crafting mind-blowing experiences.
N- Nourish. Nourish each other’s souls. Feed your partner’s soul(s) until they grow together as one.
O- Openness. Be open-minded. Endeavor to never judge each other. Foster a relationship without secrets.
P- Positive Thinking. Many people in the realm of kink often fall back on negative thinking (and the world as a whole too). Stay positive in word, deed, and thought.
Q- Quality time. Make sure to arrange a time to playfully enjoy each other’s kinks. Vanilla life can quickly drown out the time for kink. Do not sink, make time to play in the ocean of kink.
R- Rasavada. Use each other’s kinks so each of you can have Rasavada, which is to enjoy the bliss of freedom from thought.
S- Sex. Keep it fresh, keep it hot, erotic, sensual, or primal, but endeavor to not allow the daily world to keep physical intimacy at bay.
T- Trust. Invest in building trust, so you can explore your kinks deeper, push farther, and discover new ones.
U- Unique. A kink relationship is unique in the world as a whole. Embrace uniqueness. Be proud to be different and do not let others tell you how to make your partnership flow.
V- Vulnerability. Make yourself vulnerable to your partner.
W- Worth. Never feel that you are unworthy of your partner. Everyone deserves to be happy and have happiness together.
X- X-Rated. Do those naughty things that drive them wild!
Y- Young at heart. Keep the relationship youthful and vigorous. Refuse to let it grow old and stale. Love with the intensity of the young.
Z- Zookeeper. Be the zookeeper! Know what wild kinks your partner keeps locked in a cage. Be the zookeeper who unlocks the cage and has the zoo to let them roam free and explore.
What letters would you change and why?
As with all of my writings, please see this disclaimer.
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risingsunresistance · 2 years
Top 5 of ur favourite like, minecraft worldbuilding headcanons?
i've been thinking of how to answer this ask for like. way too long. so instead of a top 5 im gonna give you a "first five that come to mind in no particular order." bear in mind for most of these, the MAIN headcanon i base everything on is "imagine ALL worlds and servers are interconnected, so basic minecraft lore and server-specific multiplayer lore are assumed to intersect in some way"
-chat can manifest in different ways for different people AND depending on the server. some servers (aka pocket dimensions that operate on their own rules based on the admin [sorta like a god of the world] who runs the place) will have anything from carrier pigeons or animals that appear before the person to full-on comms devices and electronics. the default is like a holo screen that appears in front of you when summoned. summoning methods vary from player to player and can be done hands-free. talking in chat can be literally talking, typing, or whatever the user can come up with (within the limits of their world), so the main limiting factor is the player's own imagination
-READ THIS POST READ IT READ IT READ IT if i had to pick a number 1 it would be this. reading this changed the entire trajectory of my life, i've never been normal about hypixel since this post KJFHDSG
-the farlands are an area that is out of control of any player, admin, or higher being or any sort. the void is another untouchable zone that cannot be altered. players who are damaged by either the farlands or the void may carry those effects through various dimensions and lifetimes, but they can fade away. it's unlikely tho, and they could show themselves again even after they disappear. it's up to server owners to keep their players as safe as possible. obviously players get thrown into the void a lot, but taking Real Damage from the void is different. server damage and real damage operate in different ways IF the admins choose to set up their dimensions as if they were a game, which many do. sometimes there are mishaps tho :]
-a personal favorite headcanon of mine that ignores some real physics and also some parts of the game itself: the nether just exists below bedrock! so the nether ceiling is the overworld bedrock. if you listen for long enough you might be able to hear the other dimension through the layer of bedrock. the nether is essentially the core of this weird infinite earth... so what's the void? where exactly is it? good question! maybe it's never supposed to be there at all. maybe this world is barely connected to itself, falling apart at the seams and contradicting itself, trying to fix itself only to leave chunk errors in the way where there used to be other problems. you were never supposed to be able to see the void, it SHOULD only be in the end, because the end is void, but sometimes the overworld is void and sometimes you go above the bedrock in the nether and that's void too but you aren't being hurt either like you would in the other dimensions-
-this is the only singleplayer-specific headcanon here: most structures have legends or stories about why they were built and who built them. talk to any villagers (or maybe even pillagers and witches, piglins if you can understand them, etc) and they'll tell you what they believe about desert temples, ocean monuments, whatever is nearby. but no mobs of any kind are aware of the stronghold. they know that endermen exist and most of them know about pearls and how to use them, but they dont know anything about endermen themselves. ONLY players and the endermen know about the end, and even then some endermen have only ever lived in the nether or the overworld. not every enderman is actually FROM the end. it can make you feel very alone if you never interact with other players by crossing dimensions into servers or linking up to another lonely player and inviting them to your own world
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entrapdaknation · 2 years
The Smells of Fictional Worlds
Last week on Twitter, everyone was discussing what the 1990s smelled like, and it made me think about how smells define a setting. My thoughts wandered to fictional worlds, and I wondered what my favorite fictional settings would smell like. Below are my theories regarding what aromas would dominate the air of She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, Our Flag Means Death, and Area 88, based on my Twitter thread.
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power contains many settings, but I’d like to focus on the two villainous headquarters: the Fright Zone and the Velvet Glove. The Fright Zone, the sprawling city/citadel housing the Etherian Horde, is a site of heavy industry with no visible vegetation.
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It’s encased in stone formations, which might block wind from blowing into the city, making the air stagnant.
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The slight haze hanging over the Fright Zone in this image suggests pollution and stagnant air.
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I imagine the Fright Zone would smell like heavy machinery, oil, exhaust, industrial pollution, and concrete. The air feels warm, dense and slightly humid in one’s nostrils.
Visually and thematically, the Velvet Glove is the complete opposite of the Fright Zone. Horde Prime’s ship, the Velvet Glove, is impossibly clean and sterile. The air would be constantly scrubbed and recirculated, seeing as it’s a spacefaring vessel. The air inside is cool, dry, and smells disconcertingly like nothing. Like the minds of his clone soldiers, like the worlds he reduced to ash, Horde Prime’s residence is blank and sterile, with no smells to contaminate its “purity”.
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Our Flag Means Death
I haven’t watched the series yet, but I’ve read about it and enjoyed several YouTube clips. The early 1700s mariner world of OFMD would smell rank intense and earthy.
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The Revenge is populated by stinky bois pirates who have few opportunities to bathe or change their outfits (with the exception of Stede), and are sweating due to warm daytime temperatures and physical labor. I imagine the Revenge would smell like ocean funk, fine wood, hemp rope, oranges, unwashed clothes, and unwashed bodies.
Carl the seagull smells like a bird. Find a nearby bird and sniff it. That’s what Carl smells like.
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Even upper crust spaces are dominated by strong aromas. The aristocrat dinner would smell like makeup, hair oil, heavy perfume, sweat (this is the era before deodorant, after all), heavy fabrics, and seafood, specifically prawns. For me, the dinner party would be an olfactory nightmare.
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Area 88
Area 88 takes place at a desert air force base in the fictional North African kingdom of Asran. The open air spaces of the titular base would smell like heavy machinery, jet fuel, and jet exhaust. The heat of the North African desert would magnify these odors.
Smells become even more intense inside Area 88's buildings. The interior spaces of the base would stink of CIGARETTE SMOKE. Since the story takes place in the late 70s & early 80s, multiple characters smoke indoors and outdoors. When I watched the first OVA, I was startled by how smoke-filled the briefing room was.
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Then, we have the pilots and base staff themselves: men who wear heavy clothing in a hot climate, live in a cloud of cigarette smoke while indoors, and work with machinery and weapons. Some come from countries where deodorant use was uncommon in the late 70s. Some of the fighter pilot mystique fades when we realize that the pilots can’t smell very good under those circumstances. Even if we charitably assume that all the pilots shower on a daily basis, they would still smell like sweat, cigarette smoke, machinery, and chemicals.
Oh, and hair gel. That pompadour ain’t standing up by itself.
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In conclusion, these three fictional worlds probably smell weird.
We can enhance our appreciation of fictional worlds by imagining their unspoken details, including olfactory details. When writing fiction, we can add new sensory dimensions to our setting by describing its smells. When exploring or creating new worlds, don’t forget the scents in the air!
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90363462 · 2 years
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MesquitaFMS/Getty Images
The Do's & Don'ts Of Having Sex On The Beach
Here’s to hoping these six tips will make your sex on the beach as tasty as it sounds. 
Kiarra Sylvester
Aug. 11, 2022 02:18PM EST
I’ve never actually tasted a 'Sex on the Beach,' but I certainly have imagined doing it. In fact, I’ve had a lot of sex fantasies, but this remains to be one at the top of my list. However, I continue to harbor some fear because it seems that beach sex is no easy feat. 
Perhaps I’ve just seen one movie too many where it went awry and felt vicariously traumatized by the outcome. But now, I’ve decided it’s high time to step outside of my comfort zone. I especially feel the urgency to deliver a few tips about beach sex after a friend of mine had sex on a beach in Mexico and got caught. In that instance, it was amazing how fast my thoughts transitioned from Sex Brought Me to the ER to Locked Up Abroad --- and I don’t want that for any of us. When having sex in public spaces, you must consider that public nudity is prohibited in some public spaces no matter how exhilarating the thought of it is.
Regardless of why you’re seeking out a beach sex adventure, I’m here to help you execute it in a way that ensures you have a fun time. Here’s to hoping these six tips will make your sex on the beach as tasty as it sounds. 
1. Hide in plain sight.
​Please don’t get bust down in the middle of the day in the middle of the beach – unless you’ve found yourself a swinger’s beach. I’m Team Fuck Those Kids just as much as anybody and I can even be Team Fuck The Police, but our goal here is to make sexy memories – not *claps*getting *claps* locked *claps* up *claps* abroad. Hiding in plain sight is probably the best way to make your fantasy come to life. Try having sex in the water, in a cabana, or wait until the sun has set. By then, it’ll be difficult for people to make out your figures and the oceanic movements.
2. Bring protection. 
You might think I’m talking about condoms, and while that’s vital I’m actually talking about protection from the good outdoors. You want to be equipped with bug spray and maybe even a blanket. If you’ve seen the way sand spreads, and gets in nooks and crannies you never even knew existed – you know why I’m suggesting a blanket. It won’t completely eliminate the sand but it will help some. This might also add some extra coverage from sand fleas and such.
3. Think bigger than the basics.
​You have to be ready for anything. With that in mind, you might want to consider sex outside of penetrative sex. Not only might it be easier to execute without getting caught but it could be easier for your partner if they’re feeling a little anxious about public sex. It can be difficult for us to get aroused when we’re anxious. This can make a penetrative experience go sour if, let’s say, a penis-presenting person is unable to stay erect due to nervousness. In this instance, non-penetrative sex speaks to oral and digital sex or even heavy-heavy petting. Dunno about you but I love a good teenage love affair, makeout sitch.
4. Slide and ride.
​Instead of being butt-naked for your beach romp, you might consider sliding your swimwear to the side when trying to access the nookie. You do want to maintain a certain level of stealth on the beach.
5. Respect the local customs.  
If you’re out of the country, you may want to exercise greater caution if this is a spontaneous thing. The cultural differences outside the country could get you in big trouble, and most people fail to look into those differences and laws before traveling. If you’re a Sex and the City fan then you remember the turmoil Samantha caused in Abu Dhabi – and none of us want that.
6. 'What's your fantasy?'
If your fantasy is strictly about sex on the beach and not an exhibitionist fantasy, then consider getting an Airbnb near a private beach. Crowds are more limited there and there will be significantly fewer people than if you were to be on a public beach. And quite frankly, I think it would be far more intimate.
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Kiarra Sylvester
Motor City native, Atlanta living. Sagittarius. Writer. Sexpert. Into all things magical, mystical, and unknown. I'll try anything at least once but you knew that the moment I revealed that I was a Sag.
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ofstormythoughts · 2 years
Flustered (Part 2)
••I hadn’t a clue what I was doing. I looked at my bed, littered with a pile of clothes I had tried on and rejected. Maybe I would burn it later since nothing looked right. Maybe the flames would be so large the guy in the fire would walk right out of them and I’d be forced to cancel. 
I hadn’t been on a date since college and it was a spectacular failure. I had only accepted at Birdie’s urging. I hadn’t really even found that guy cute, but Birdie had worried about my social life out of love and encouraged me to step outside of my comfort zone. She was very vocal about “not raising a nun” and all the reasons why I couldn’t miss out on sex.  How I wished she could see me now… I might have changed her mind. 
For all her teasing, Birdie also understood the obstacles standing in the way of my sexual revolution. In my limited history, boys’ thoughts were obnoxious, their ideas propelled by urges that started behind their zipper. I was too shy to experiment with girls, but I found them pretty and soft, inviting in their own way.  I was not absent of urges or desires, and explored them through thoughts and wandering fingertips, but in the deepest of places, I longed for companionship and the experiences it would open me up to. 
But first…clothes. An exhibitionist I was not, and before I could make up some false excuse and cancel, I was going to find something to wear. 
A half an hour, five pairs of jeans, a skirt and three different tops later,  I was out the door. I’d ended up in a dress and a light sweater since we’d be outside. Will had asked to pick me up but did not seem put off when I asked to meet instead. I wasn’t anticipating anything awkward outside of my nerves, but needed to maintain some level of control to be comfortable. 
The drive went quick and tingling anxiety surfaced as I found a parking spot then made my way to the front of the restaurant. Will was standing there and was maybe even cuter than I originally recognized the day before. His collared shirt was a few buttons shy from done, revealing some skin, and patterned with pale blue and pink flowers. Before I could even say hello, he broke into a grin so wide I forgot I had a tongue. I didn’t miss how he checked me out, his eyes dropping to my toes then making their way back up, leaving heat under my skin in their wake. 
“Damn. The red hair might end me.”  He leaned closer, close enough I could feel his breath on my ear. “You’re a knockout. Better stick close or the dogs will approach.” There was no missing his hand sliding to my lower back while I fumbled for words.••
You look better in floral than I do, Will, they might come sniff you first. ••He laughed and then my own came easy. Maybe I wouldn’t be a complete mess after all, but the sun had yet to set. He opened the door and I followed his lead all the way up to the lounge. It was obviously a hot spot, everyone looked their L.A. best, chic, stylish and probably a few years my junior. I didn’t mind and was quickly distracted by the view of the ocean and beach. I silently thanked the angels on my side for a location so close to the water, where the thoughts of others didn’t fill my mind with a static, despite the breeze.  The host led us to a corner high-top that felt further away from the fray and Will made sure I sat before he popped into the seat next to me.  
“This place will get crazy later, but hopefully we’ll be out there by then.” He pointed towards the stretch of beach that seemed endless in either direction. “I’m not feeling like fighting off the competition.”
I snorted a laugh and quickly covered my mouth.••  I’m sorry, but I think you’re overestimating my appeal.
••Will quickly shook his head. “Nope. You’re a hottie. And I'm pretty sure that it’s not just the packaging that’s beautiful.”
I knew I had turned into a tomato by the way my cheeks burned so hotly. There was no way he would miss it.•• Let’s just pretend that’s not the case before I suffer an incurable blush.   
••He shifted in his chair next to me, grinning in success, but didn’t push it any further. I exhaled too loudly in relief.
“Are you up for a cocktail? Wine? Beer? Or are we going straight for the grub?”
I didn’t drink often. I wasn’t against it or anything, I just never really had an occasion. Drinking alone seemed depressing, but in good company I was free to embrace experience. Lifting the menu, I scanned the signature drinks.••
I think I’ll go out on a limb and try The Ultimate Froze. ••Will smiled at me and I hoped that I wasn’t making a mistake by indulging in the cocktail, a mix of rosé, gin and strawberry. Five minutes later it was too late to turn back when the drinks were delivered, he had landed on an IPA.
“To new friends and future confessions,” Will said. He raised his beer and I tapped my glass to his.••
What’s this about confessions? I’m not sure I have any of those to share…
••My eyes narrowed playfully just before I took a sip of my drink and BAZINGA… WHOA… it may have been the strongest beverage to ever pass my lips. I needed to take it slow or risk drowning… there was no lifeguard in sight!
“Here’s one for you. I’m shy of confirmation but pretty sure that Eileen set us up.”••
Your mom? 
••”Yep, mhmm. She was raving about your business and just how pretty you are.” He leaned over, his lips just barely catching the edge of my ear, sending a shiver cascading down my neck. 
“Truthfully, she may have undersold that part.”  He swayed back into his own space while I attempted to recover from his expertly played words.  I felt like I was in the deep end when I still had the floaties on because I was learning how to swim. Apparently I thought it was best to have more of my drink before speaking and I took another, longer pull from my straw. Pacing schmacing.••  You have to stop doing that!
••”Stop doing what exactly, Raine?”  Okay, I was really unprepared for how he purred my name or the power of his grin… they were doing things to me. I was quite positive Birdie was somewhere up above, tickled by it all.••
Wooing me.  I’m not used to this type of attention. 
••That only widened the grin that didn’t quit. Another sip and I was definitely starting to host a buzz. 
“Maybe that’s exactly what I’m trying to do. Probably not going to stop. Plus, at this point, I might take a lack of blush as an abject failure.”
The evening continued as it had started, peppered with laughter and compliments, and an easy conversation I hadn’t had with anyone in the past. We bonded over another round of drinks and some sweet and spicy Thai chili wings that were worth the sticky fingers and extra napkins. When he asked if I’d like to go sit on the beach for a while, it was a quick yes. I didn’t stop him when he took my hand, fingers twining as we headed towards the waves. 
Will lit up as he shared his passion for surfing, and I found myself curious if there was anything that brightened me in a similar way outside of my business.  I’d always been so driven, especially after Birdie’s passing, to open the apothecary.  As he spoke, I realized I may have thrown myself into a profession to avoid the pitfalls of my oddities. It was safe. I suddenly found myself craving something more, and was even willing to slip past any caution tape I found ahead. 
As the warmth of the day faded from the sand underneath us, and stars were obscured by a veil of mist from the ocean, we fell quiet, but remained connected.  Anticipation swelled with the waves, and though I sensed it before it happened, Will managed to catch me off guard. 
“You really are pretty.” He lifted his hand and tilted my chin before his lips pressed to mine. At first it was tentative, testing, but Will didn’t peel away, instead sucking and teasing at my lips before they parted in permission. Everything picked up. His tongue flicked and explored, and his hand found my hair. I was pliant and open, tasting his mouth in return, finding the flow that came naturally. My breath hitched as his hand moved down my side but then back up and…whoa…whoa…whoa…he was cupping and squeezing my breast, his thumb grazing over my nipple, before I could even realize how quickly things were progressing. My heart started to hammer faster, nerves breaking through the heady-haze the alcohol had provided. 
He groaned as he easily tilted me back, taking me to the sand and nerves started to turn to panic… This was fast, way too fast…but I liked it and I liked him.  At least I thought I did. I did, right? I was looking for the brakes in a vehicle I’d never driven. My thoughts started to take me out of the moment, but his hand snaking under my skirt and trailing up my thigh brought my attention back to the present. He broke the kiss to speak against my lips. 
“Let’s get out of here…and out of these clothes.”  My stomach dropped and, instinctively, I shook my head. I was struggling for words again…but this time in a different way. There was no way Will could have guessed that I had never slept with anyone, but even not knowing that, I was not a dummy, I knew there were many women who didn’t hook up on a first date. ••
I think it would be better if we said goodnight, yes? ••I pressed a soft kiss to the edge of his mouth, hoping to soothe any burn my words left behind. I was not rejecting him, but his expression fell.••
Goodnight, not goodbye. I’m sorry…I didn’t mean… I like you, Will. And I would really love to see you again. 
••He nodded, but I could see the disappointment coloring his features. He stood and offered a hand, which I took.
“I’ll walk you to your car.”  He was trying, I could see that, but it was plain that something had shifted as we headed in the direction I had parked. When we arrived at my VW, I felt it was up to me to break the silence that weighed down the air between us. I didn’t shy away from his eyes, meeting them head on.••
I had a really good time. I can easily say that was my best date ever. ••Will smiled a little at that, and I leaned back against my car, bumping his shoulder with mine, and he finally spoke.
“I feel like I should apologize, but I’m not going to. And I’m not going to defend myself either.”••
You stopped…you don’t have to defend anything. 
••His eyebrow raised at that, and I could tell he found my response watery at best, but it was true… 
“You have no idea how hot you are, Raine, and that only makes you even more attractive. I’m not going to deny I wanted to get you out of that dress, but I promise you, I would have wanted to see you again and it was not a one night stand, walk of shame situation.” The past tense didn’t escape me, but I forged ahead.••
I believe you… it’s just…I’m not ready for that, yet. 
••”Then there’s hope.” He pulled me into his chest and gave the warmest hug. All varieties of tension fell away.••
Call me. You have my number. ••I winked, hoping he saw the subtle allusion to when I’d accepted the date. 
“I’ll see you soon, Raine.”  He waited until I’d driven away to turn his back and stuff his hands in his pockets, shoulders sagging. The image in my rearview mirror somehow confirmed his parting message to me just wasn’t true.••
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marrycurran · 2 months
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Beautiful waterfront houses offer both visual appeal and a refreshing environment. A beachfront property does have a number of advantages, but there are drawbacks as well. There are lists of benefits, drawbacks, and things to keep in mind when buying a waterfront home, which will assist you in making an informed choice.
One of the newest dreams of Indian homebuyers is to live on a lake, by a river, or by the sea. Their popularity stems from their easy proximity to natural or artificial water sources, such ponds, rivers, streams, canals, or even the sea. Buyers, however, are often unaware of the unique difficulties that come with waterfront living. Although that may all seem ideal, one of the primary drawbacks of living near water sources is upkeep.  
Living near the water, for some homeowners, means having access to sun, sand, and waves all day long. Some associate riverfront living with a peaceful setting where they may commune with nature. There is a beachfront property to fit your demands, no matter what kind of lifestyle you're after.
Understanding the many subtleties of waterfront real estate is crucial if you are intending to purchase or are just thinking about it. Let's talk about the benefits and drawbacks of residing at a condominium for sale hutchinson island florida.
Possibility of price growth
The amount of land that is for sale close to bodies of water is usually restricted. When considering the popularity quotient of certain places, investments often increase over time. Although there isn't a hard-and-fast rule, prices for waterfront houses have often increased significantly over time.
These estates, which have one side facing a body of water, typically provide exceptional seclusion. Places near sources of water are frequently found in isolated regions. The seclusion factor of these residences is increased by the scarcity of nearby housing alternatives.
Wonderful vistas
Properties on the waterfront provide enthralling vistas and plenty of seclusion. You may be confident that you will be treated to fantastic views of the horizon and the sunset rather than the rear of another house because new houses often don't appear in your neighbourhood overnight.
Enhanced physical health
Living next to a body of water puts you in close proximity to a variety of water sports, including fishing, sailing, kayaking, and skiing. Engaging in outdoor activities, like those by the shore, will make you live a healthier lifestyle. In addition, the air quality is better the closer you are to the ocean.
Negative aspects:
Extra rules
There are several customs unique to residences near bodies of water, depending on the city in which you intend to create your waterfront residence. A buyer of a waterfront property has to be aware of the different River Regulation Zone (RRZ) and Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) guidelines set out by the local coastal commission. There's something extremely cosy and soothing about water front property in Stuart. particularly if it means having a view of a body of water from every window in your house. 
Increasing water level
Water levels are rising globally as a result of climate change brought about by human activity, which is confirmed by science as global warming. Life along the waterfront may eventually be negatively impacted by rising sea levels, which is a real and growing worry. Concern over the possible effects of increasing sea levels on coastal towns is growing. Additionally, bodies of water naturally move as a result of tidal action, rainfall, snowfall, and other variables. These changes might affect your property's landscape and raise the danger of flooding.
Corrosive substances
The inside, including the furnishings and appliances, of a waterfront home is also susceptible to corrosion from the humidity, mist, erosion, and salty air. This typically implies that you will occasionally need to spend a significant amount of money on house upkeep.
Exorbitant rates for homeowners insurance
In comparison to the mainland, the premium you would pay for your property's house insurance would be greater close to the ocean. This is due to the increased risk of storms and heavy rainfall, which might produce flooding on the water body's shores.
A good view adds a great deal of beauty and value to a house. Particularly for houses with views of the waterfront, this is accurate. One of the most well-liked and sought-after landscapes in the world is one with a waterfront view. Because their views are as permanent as they get, waterfront residences are more expensive.
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