#was worried it wouldn’t work
wonusite · 1 year
I think the links working now, bestie
yay! i’m so happy to hear that!!
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morganbritton132 · 9 months
Eddie posts a Tiktok of an old home video taken almost right after he bought a camcorder. The band has just come off the stage and they’re walking down a hallway, amped up and loud. Just boys being boys.
Gareth is filming and Eddie is talking to the camera like, “Everybody always ask me. They say, ‘Eddie, what’s it like having your boyfriend at one of your shows.’ Or they would ask me that if they won’t skin me alive for having a boyfriend.”
Gareth, who is always worried Eddie’s going to accidentally out himself: Dude
Eddie: Relax. Skin all here. We’re good. I would respond to this question that no one would ask me because no one knows I have a boyfriend by looking them deep in the eyes.
Eddie: And I’d say, ‘It’s amazing having my boyfriend here because-
Eddie: *slams the door open to their small cramped dressing room so hard it nearly dents the wall*
The walls: *literally shaking from the band current on the stage*
Steve: *Asleep, dead to the world*
Eddie: -he’s the only motherfucker who can sleep through the show.’
Eddie, crouching down next to Steve so they’re both in shot, says because they’re making this tape for his uncle, “Wayne, what are we going to do with our boy?”
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yeenybeanies · 1 month
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this is my favorite one that i’ve done so far 💖 feat. the return of the heart tails 💖
naga!ghostsoap in the bones 🐍🦴
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darkxsoulzyx · 1 year
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You, fine employees, are representing the Fazco. Brand. Please be sure to act accordingly. Thank you for joining us on this grand journey, and have a faztastic day!
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skyloftian-nutcase · 3 months
I woke up with a sore throat and sneezing.
If you feel up to it, how would one of the healthcare AU boys handle waking up sick?
Legend knew it was going to be a pin when he woke up feeling congested. His stomach clenched uneasily, not quite nauseous but definitely not comfortable. His head pounded, his throat ached, and he was already over this.
I swear, if this is War’ head cold I’m gonna clobber him.
For a second, he felt relief - he could call out from work since he was sick! - and then he remembered that he worked in healthcare, that nobody cared if he was sick, that this was just a head cold and he would have to suck it up and deal with it.
He remembered Wind one time wishing everyone got sick so they would get a break, and Time had said what they’d all been thinking: “No, then we’d just be working and miserable.”
Trilling out a breath through his lips, he dragged himself out of bed. Some cold medicine would hold him over. He hopefully put a hand to the back of his head, feeling a little warm, but even a fever wouldn’t stop him from getting an occurrence if he called out, so there was no point in checking.
“Typical,” he grumbled as he wandered into the kitchen. There was some cold medicine that was still half full, so he took the prescribed about and washed it down with an energy drink before brushing his teeth and washing his face. His stomach… did not appreciate the concoction, so he carefully sipped some ginger ale to try and settle it.
His mood was certainly sour as he drove to work, but he tried to rationalize with himself. This did just feel like a bad cold - there was no point in lamenting not missing work, because there was no point in not going in. A cold wasn’t an excuse. It wasn’t like he was dying. He’d worked through far worse.
But the fact that he had to be sick while working was a pain.
When he trudged into the ED, Warriors shot him a suspicious look. “You good?”
“Yeah,” Legend grunted hoarsely. “Just a cold.”
“That’s what you get for working straight nights,” Wars commented with a click of his tongue. “Destroys your immune system.”
“So says the guy who sounded like a congested goose the other night,” Legend snapped. “Pretty sure you’re the one who got me sick!”
“That was allergies! I don’t have a cold!” Warriors argued.
Someone sneezed, making the two whirl in their direction to see Wild leaning against a stretcher, looking pale and miserable.
“It was you, wasn’t it!” Legend accused.
Wild blinked, confused. “Me?”
“You’re getting everyone sick,” Wars joined in. “Put a damn mask on!”
Wild rolled his eyes. “I’ve been wearing a—hey!!”
The transporter hissed as Legend and Warriors armed themselves with alcohol wipes and sanitation spray, warding him off like some hellspawn before grumbling as they got their assignments for the night.
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sashimiyas · 22 days
aran’s such a picky eater mama miya would have to make a whole different pot of food just for him whenever he’d come over
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crustum-magica · 2 months
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A very personal piece I did for a class, the prompt was “what was your childhood like?”
/this post was made on 5/2/24!/
Click the picture to make it clear :)
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rainymoodlet · 7 months
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Kiss Me in Komorebi+ 🌸
[ Welcomes All Around! ]
Part 3 of 6 🌹
@softietrait @retro-plasma @hallasimss @bionibots @dirksdreamer @kawaiishitty @wastelandwhisperer @anarchosimdicalist @rebouks @lre333 @gothoffspring @duusheen @hauntedtrait @foxsimthings @buglaur
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gavin-reed-is-gay · 6 months
Being a Gavin hater must be funny as hell cause imagine sitting there and being like “I hate this character, he’s a dick but he’s just a tertiary antagonist with not much screen time so I won’t really see much of him” and then reed900 exists 😂
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uhohdad · 14 days
First time sending something like this, but your hunger games au was honestly one of the greatest things Ive ever read and Im on the edge of my seat for the last chapter
(Ive already cried a river reading the previous ones and I have a feeling Im gonna end up crying a whole new ocean while reading the next)
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love you love you love you love you love you<3 <3 💕💞🩷💗💗💖
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I’m just saying. I’m just saying that there was some SHADY shit going down at Spock’s school
I get that there’s a huge concern over keeping your emotions in check, but if you actually think about it, they would know and accept that kids have a harder time controlling their emotions, and so they would have systems in place where if a kid lost control of their emotions, they’d help them calm down and talk out how that kid should’ve logically reacted
What I’m saying, is that it would’ve been more in character for the school officials to look through security footage (which would’ve existed!! with it being the future and the way Vulcans like to document everything to the exact nth) and try to talk to Spock about how he should’ve reacted in that situation
Which means they would’ve seen the group of kids taunting him, and something about them makes me think that this is a reoccurring situation, not just with Spock, but any other Vulcan kid not deemed “Vulcan” enough
So although they would’ve done something about Spock losing control of his emotions, they also would’ve been more concerned about the kids making this a terrible learning space for other children, and they would’ve seen the logic in stopping the problem at its source
But instead no investigation was done? Against three kids cornering one, three kids who I’m sure would’ve been in multiple situations where they’ve had some kind of alternation with another kid, who would’ve let the adults know the other kids were taunting them? No investigation?
I think it was a coverup. I don’t think it’s just the school’s xenophobia either, I think one of those kids’ parents, or all of them, have ties in the school, and every time their kid is almost caught for doing something bad, they have the teachers tell the victims that the best thing to do is to control their own emotions and let it happen, making it seem like it was the victim’s fault so their kids get away with it and no investigation is done
I think the s’chn t’gai family should have sued the school.
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daydadahlias · 4 months
not to sound mentally ill at 1:30 am on a Sunday night but. when I find leftovers that past!me put in the fridge bc she meal prepped for the week, or when I find sticky notes with reminders on them to brush my teeth or shower that I wrote for myself knowing I might be awake until 1 am again and forget, or when I see that a past version of me has already done an assignment last week so I don’t have to do it tonight,, I just want to say thanks to her for taking care of me.
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ravenfeet222 · 2 months
Have you ever drawn Komugi before? I don't think I've ever seen you draw anyone besides the royals and your OC😞
Sooo I’ve barely drawn her unfortunately I am too bug brained 😭 but I actually have a wip I’ve been working on intermittently with her in it! Idk when I’ll finish it bc I have really ambitious plans with it but you can get a sneak peek of her :3
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Here’s also some other art pieces and little doodles I’ve done recently that aren’t bugs!!
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murdrdocs · 3 months
gn gang considering making a library account
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silverstoneddd · 11 months
daniel ricciardo fans are so traumatised by last season that after things inevitably didn’t go too well for him today (tis a shitbox :)) they’re actively having mental breakdowns
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lesbiansanemi · 6 months
Oh god. I have to see my family in three days
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