#wash always has helmet hair bc he just does not care enough to make it nice and neat
ovcii-doodles · 10 months
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trying to remember how to draw themTM
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you're going to be the person i dump my carlos / carlando thoughts to. have fun
his hair. HIS HAIR. HIS HAIR. if you saw the ferrari post of him playing soccer (or football)
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it's glorious. beautiful. very stunning. the one where his hair is just sticking up... it's so fluffy..... man.... what shampoo does he use please carlos i want fluffy hair too... do you blow dry your hair or let it air dry ... how often do you condition ......... please carlos ...... how often to you wash your hair ....... CAN WE GET CARLOS' HAIR post-helmet & balaclava whenever he's at podium ???? for experimental purposes ????
all my obsession with his hair has made me think about how in an interview he said he only goes to one hairdresser (who's in Madrid) because thats the only hairdresser who's ever touched his hair. so lando hasnt touched his hair???? Brain Thinks. imagine they're coming off the high of an incredible race and basking in the afterglow in a hotel room (that lando snuck into because haha carlos) and he just asks "can i touch your hair" and carlos declines at first but lando pulls the "but you're touching my hair :(" card and so carlos allows him to. lando strokes his hair. and then they have a moment when lando is just running his fingers through carlos' beautiful hair. the energy is electric. then they make out. the end.
lastly i want to just send these videos
https://youtu.be/dEHYtgqK6m4 5:23. his laugh after saying "my little muppet friend" is nothing short of fond. its so soft. i cry.
https://youtu.be/PqY-DNULEnE excuse the german dub. multiple things here, carlos calling lando bc he misses his voice and lando calling DAILY they're too cute for me. im also glad to know lando has the same enthusiasm as me when it comes to carlos' hair. please.
OKAY IVE RAMBLED ENOUGH goodbye have another nice night
Woha - what a message @forkmula 😅
I'm actually glad I'm the person you dump all your thoughts at 😉 So, let us start. Shall we..
I'm a big fan of his hair as well, a very big fan even 😍 It always looks so soft and shiny 😍 God, I would pay to let my fingers slide through them 😅 Yeah, Carlito - drop your hair care routine to us - we are all jealous 😉
Yeah, I remember about that interview as well and that only them are allowed to touch it. But I'm pretty sure that next to them, Lando is the only other one who is allowed to touch it as well and do with it whatever he wants. Cause Lando is as obsessed with Carlos' hair as we are 😉
Oh my God - that moment was indeed very cute and adorable 😍 Lando is and will forever be his little muppet friend ❤️
That video is indeed pure gold, actually one of my favourites about the two of them 🥰 and don't worry about the German dub - my mother language is German, so 😉
The two of them are really addicted to each other's hair and I'm so here for it 😄
And don't worry, I enjoy your content, even a lot 😉 until your next message @forkmula 😁
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batboys h.c. #1 - hair
- dick uses custom shampoo and conditioner because he is a vain bitch who never grew out of his trust fund baby ways (i’m picturing like the function of one here purely bc that’s what i have #notanad)
- he enjoys choosing the different colours and experimenting with fragrances; currently he has pear and apple which he likes but his heart lies with vanilla milkshake (soft)
- he’s an early bird (ha) and always works out in the mornings so he showers and washes his hair then
- he finishes his showers with a blast of cold water (one of a few reasons his s/o refuses to share showers with him) - he claims it’s to wake him up but it’s really bc he heard it would make his hair shiny and dick is very willing to suffer for Beauty
- dick mastered the towel turban at a very young age
- but nowadays he has a special microfibre turban to reduce frizz
- picture dick grayson standing in his kitchen eating cereal and making a gross green smoothie wearing nothing but the tightest black boxers and a towel turban
- never say i don’t do anything for you
- when it comes to styling dick is all about volume
- when he takes his hair out of the turban he works a huge blob of mousse into it and then spends up to twenty minutes scrunching it until it looks perfectly tousled
- he likes to walk around while he does this so he has mirrors all over the apartment sure that’s the only reason
- he has a habit of running his hand through his hair though so however neatly styled it starts out it always becomes a messy heap within a couple of hours
- still v charming tho
- jason is working his way down the curly hair aisle of his local beauty supply store. he picks up a different shampoo and conditioner set every time
- he’s friendly with the puerto rican women who own the store and sometimes asks them for advice
- they’ve recommended that he try a co-wash but he’s secretly worried it won’t be tough enough to clean blood and gotham harbour water out of his hair on a regular basis
- his actual routine is v basic though
- step 1: he showers when he comes in from patrol around 4/5am and washes his hair
- step 2: uses a ton of conditioner every time
- step 3: puts a towel over his pillowcase and goes the fuck to sleep
- naturally he wakes up with a mess
- drags himself to the bathroom sink, wets his hands, and rakes his fingers through his hair until his hair is at least more evenly distributed over his head
- it usually sorts itself out to some extent eventually and he spends so much time with a helmet on that he’s not too fussed about how it looks
- boom
- thatse it
- he does have a secret self care ritual - it’s not regular but every couple of weeks or so he covers his hair in a deep conditioning mask and tucks it into an old shower cap he found under the sink. next the face mask goes on, he gets a smoothie/glass of wine/elaborate cocktail depending on his mood, fluffy robe, and settles onto his sofa with a book for a couple hours
- he only does this when he’s sure to be alone and interrupting this ritual is liable to get you shot (ostensibly a warning shot but he’s not particular about where he aims said warning shot)
- listen i love tim to death but the truth is he forgets to shower on an upsettingly regular basis and his hair gets greasy easily :(
- luckily all it usually takes is an ‘ew snape’ and he’s off to the bathroom at a light jog
- a freshly shampooed tim drake however is the most beautiful thing in the world
- somehow manages to have nineties boy floppy curtains in the year of our lord 2020 and not look like a prick
- this boy is a serial shampoo thief and it is not uncommon for him to walk into a room, someone to sniff the air, and promptly beat him up for hair product theft
- will he learn from this? absolutely not
- when his bangs get long enough he tucks them back behind his ears (it’s adorable)
- even more adorable is when his s/o starts leaving hair accessories lying about
- timothy drake-wayne sitting in the batcave looking sternly over his case notes with glittery butterfly clips holding his hair back
- he does not use a single styling product on his hair it just does that
- perfectly straight and shiny every time, no cowlicks, no frizz
- it’s infuriating
- after a disastrous experiment with bleach in his early teens tim resorted to a buzzcut rather than let it grow out
- the effect was,,,,interesting
- he’s constantly threatening to shave it again but everyone knows he won’t go through with it bc he heard a barista at his favourite coffee shop swooning over his hair once and now he brings it up every time someone criticises him
- ‘oh yeah well if i’m such a waste of space how come i have “““ the prettiest hair in the world ohmygod it looks so soft don’t you just wanna touch it”””, damian’
- no that’s not the reason it’s his favourite shop what are you talking about
- used to have it all figured out but a recent change in career path has left him high and dry
- before becoming the signal duke’s hair was the best on his street - he favoured twist braids but he was considering locs
- wearing a helmet has kinda limited his options, so his hair is in cornrows for now to make sure his helmet fits properly but he’s not mad keen and he’s trying to figure out how to broach the subject with his barber without compromising his secret identity
- speaking of his barber there’s only one guy at one shop who duke trusts with his fade
- the shop is in south gotham
- as in the other goddamn end of the city
- it’s a fuck ass long drive from the manor
- every time he goes he looks wistfully at his old street as they pass (a fifteen minute walk from his shop)
- his stash of products at the manor are the only ones safe from tim
- it’s not that tim respected his boundaries or anything but the one time he used one of duke’s deep conditioners without checking he came out of the shower with oilier hair than he went in
- duke brought his own satin pillowcases to the manor bc he guessed (correctly) that bruce would never think of it
- they make jason snigger bc he thinks it’s like a sexy thing (ooOOoo SiLk ShEeTs)
- duke just looks over jason’s hair with a judgemental stare and tells him maybe his curl definition wouldn’t be so poor if he got satin pillowcases of his own
- (dick and tim: OOOOOOOOO)
- ((roy, somewhere in star city: OOOOO, artemis: wtf are you doing ? roy: didn’t you feel it? the burn?))
- this one got out of hand rip
- when he was with his mother and the league he never concerned himself with the toiletries provided for him he just used them
- it’s only when he comes to america and is presented with fake apple scented goo that he misses what he had
- the issue is that he doesn’t even know how to start looking for his old products, and it’s not like he can just call talia up and ask her which shampoo she used on him as a child
- he does consider it though
- mostly he just sulks until dick takes pity and tries to help him figure it out
- it is not successful and damian is now somehow mad ???
- as a distraction and filled with regret dick buys him a shampoo bar, the decision primarily based on proximity and novelty value - he hopes the time it takes damian to figure it out will give him time to get away
- this is more like it - damian appreciates the more sophisticated sandalwood scent and also its environmental credentials
- the downside to the bar is that it’s somewhat drying
- damian solves this issue with the only product he can remember his mother using - moroccan argan oil
- as a result his hair is now smooth, shiny, and ethical as fuck
- it also smells nice, which is the only thing tim can think of while damian is furiously challenging him to a duel, the top of his head directly under tim’s nose
- as a young ‘un damian likes to gel his hair into a part swoopy, part spiked quiff, which both highlights the thickness and lustre of his hair and also adds a crucial few inches to his height
- as an adult though just keeping it swept back neatly away from his face is enough
(a/n i rlly wanted to include duke in these headcanons bc he gets left out a lot but idk much about afro hair so if any obvious mistakes jump out to anyone drop me an ask and i’ll edit!! will also be uploading a batgals post next)
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-sleeps on his stomach
-insanely protective
-really good artist actually
-needs glasses, just is too stubborn to admit that hes practically blind w/o em. And he hates the feeling of glasses inside his helmet
-could beat the shit out of Maine, but would try to be his friend instead
-VERY fluffy hair
-hair is also insanely soft
-it gets super greasy after a day though
-has adhd and autism
-sensory issues + sensitive hearing + bad misophonia = hell for him
-cant eat in the same room as others
-one of the reasons he doesnt like tucker is because tucker eats really loudly
-caboose was forced to stay in the same room as others while eating and had a fit
-he was genuinely pissed about it and almost punched tucker
- he apologized later though
-will take bad physical and verbal beatings and not care, but if you hurt anyone he considers family (reds, blues, etc), he'll go off and you WILL regret existing
-platonic smooches,,,,
-absolutely has a crush on tucker, just is crazy stubborn and would rather die than admit it
-could have gotten into MIT but he had always wanted to go into Harvard so he went there instead
-stupid tall. Like, 6'8 to 7'4 range
-his entire family is really tall
-7th oldest in his family. Hes only related to his older sisters and two younger ones, the rest are adopted or fostered
-used to keep his hair long but it got on his nerves after a while, but his hair is still fairly long
-likes both cats and dogs! Dogs he likes because they're friendly and energetic, like him! Cats because they're soft, cute, and he understands them. Also because they remind him of both church and wash.
-likes hoodies and combat boots
-his favorite color isnt only blue- he also likes black bc it doesnt hurt his eyes
-doesnt like teal/turquoise because it hurts his eyes
-bright colors hurt his eyes a lot, and hes more sensitive to light than most
-went through CSA when he was younger, doesnt like sex or sexual things because of it
-finds the jokes funny but only if they aren't explicit
-has to remind tucker that those jokes make him uncomfy. Tucker tries his best but has utterly shit memory, so he keeps reminders. Also checks with caboose to see if hes comfy with a joke or not
-donut also makes an effort to not make jokes or innuendos around caboose
-caboose once had a pet goose. Dont ask how he befriended it
-doesnt really like his last name but is surprisingly too shy to ask to be called michael or mike
-he's a lil insecure cause he knows hes different and was bullied badly as a kid
-actually that's an understatement he has an anxiety disorder because I said so
-im projecting onto him whoops
-caboose tries super hard to seem normal, and the reason why he talks so much is because he wants people to like him and because hes nervous
-doesnt get social cues or know social norm, so sometimes he can come across as rude when hes not
-hates being treated like an idiot child but doesnt say anything bc he doesnt wanna come across as rude
-likes wash a lot bc wash actually tries to understand him
-wash also is like a father figure of sorts to caboose
-wash is the only one that knows and/or cares about cabooses brain damage
-wash gets caboose art supplies when he can, and caboose is wildly grateful for it
-caboose stims- he rocks back and forth, flaps, and runs his hand through his hair.
-pops his wrists/fingers/neck/back a lot. It's a habit and also he does it to fuck with tucker
-too shy to swear, but if he had the courage, he'd probably swear so much itd embarrass church
-needs like 5 blankets and 3 pillows to sleep. He needs maximum comfort. Also hes always cold
-can sleep anywhere in any position as long as hes tired enough
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theroundeviloftable · 6 years
Park Ranger
Pairing: Namjoon x Reader
Genre: Fluff, Soulmate AU
Summary: Y/N and Namjoon live in a soulmate universe where they receive the same injuries that the other does; for example, if one soulmate were to cut their finger, the other would receive the same cut spontaneously a few seconds later, without the initial pain but still with the blood/other physical effects.  You can imagine how well this would go for a pair of soulmates where one is just naturally clumsy, and the other works as a tree-climbing obsessed park ranger.
Word Count: 2,391
A/N: so this AU is something I wrote for a different pairing a while ago (its not my AU originally, but I lost the original post I got the AU idea from), but I thought that it would just fit Joon so damn well, so I decided to create this...whatever it is. As always, this has not been proofread at ALL lmao so go easy on me.  (Also I know I’ve been MIA for quite some time now...ha ha..don’t @ me bc I will fight)
Enjoy my lovelies!
“Y/N, I think you’re bleeding again...?”
You turned to your left to see your shift partner pointing at your forehead with a questioning look in her eyes.  You huffed out a tiny breath and brought your fingers to your forehead, feeling around until you felt moisture right above your left eyebrow.  You pulled your fingers away and, sure enough, they were coated with a thin layer of dark red blood.  Letting out another, albeit louder, huff, you turned away from your coworker and headed towards the first aid kit.
“You need some help?” She yelled at your retreating figure, but you replied back with a strong “NO”, and continued your 4th trip to the bathroom that day (only one of which had been to actually USE the bathroom), first aid kit in one hand and an ever-growing distaste for your “soulmate” in the other.  You hadn’t even been outside at all that day, hadn’t climbed a single tree, hadn’t given a single nature tour to a visiting elementary school group, and yet you already had a shallow cut on your forearm, a bruise on your calf, and now another cut above your eyebrow.
You hoped your soulmate was either a doctor or a tattoo artist because you were going to need some way to cover up all the scars he was responsible for.
Namjoon had one of the worst headaches in his life, and all because of his friend, Seokjin.  
He was visiting said friend at work, the pair choosing to take a walk around the hospital grounds while Seokjin was on a rare break, and everything was going fine, until the pole.  Namjoon had walked face-first into a steel pole, all because Seokjin had failed to warn him it was coming.
“Joon, I told you, I was looking the other way!  I swear, I didn’t see the pole, otherwise I would’ve said something and-”
“Jin, please just be quiet.” Namjoon was crouching and had one hand pressed over his left eye that had taken the brunt of the collision with the pole, his head pounding and Jin’s voice bouncing around in his skull doing nothing but amplifying the pain.  Seokjin mimicked Namjoon’s position, grabbing his friend’s wrist and slowly pulling his hand away from his eye only to discover that-
“Joon!  You’re bleeding!  My goodness, how hard does someone have to smack a pole with their face for the skin to break?”
Seokjin began rifling through the pockets of his lab coat to find a bandage, meanwhile Namjoon was groaning and cursing himself for his stupidity.  “Jin, my soulmate is gonna kill me!  This is the third time today that I’ve hurt myself, honestly I think this is the start of a personal record-breaking day for me.”
The doctor simply chuckled as he peeled the protective backing from an adhesive bandage, pressing it lightly over the cut on Namjoon’s forehead after wiping it with an antiseptic cloth.  “Just, when you meet her, make sure you bring her in to see me first thing, yeah?”
Namjoon looked up at Seokjin with confusion written all over his face, the expression making the bandage over his left eyebrow crinkle worryingly.  Jin just chuckled again, and tried to clear up his friend’s confusion.  “I meant to bring her so that I can work on patching up all those scars she probably has from your clumsy ass.”
“Hey! I’m not that clumsy...”  Namjoon rises back to standing straight, but keeps his eyes trained sheepishly on the ground, and Seokjin just joins him standing, laughing brightly and flinging an arm around his friend’s shoulders to usher him forward on their continuing stroll.
Namjoon smiles devilishly and stops rubbing at his bandaged forehead for a moment.  “At least I don’t sound like a broken windshield wiper when I laugh.”
Seokjin punches him in the shoulder, hard.
“Jin!! C’mon, I think that left another bruise!”
“Y/N, can you take this group out for me?!  The supervisor over at the RV station called and said he needed an extra hand over there.”  
You stopped your shift partner with your hands on her shoulders, and looked deep into her eyes while you smiled softly.  She was obviously panicking, and you wanted to try and calm her down a bit before she had to drive a four-wheeler over to the RV station further in the forest.  “Emily, Em, hey look at me for a sec.”
You saw her eyes focus on yours and hold the contact, so you began speaking once more.  “I’ll take care of this group, and the rest of the groups for today, so don’t worry about it, okay?  Everything will be fine.”
“But, Y/N, your shift is scheduled to end in like, 30 minutes and there are still 3 groups left for tours today and I can make it back for those I just really need help for this one-”
You held up a finger and Emily immediately closed her mouth, following your instructions for her to breathe in a out a few times.  You continued to assure her you would take the remaining tour groups out for their nature walks, and Emily was in a much better state of mind as you watched her strap on a helmet and begin her ride to the other park station.
You took a deep breath and patted your hands on the sides of your khaki cargo shorts, scraping off invisible dust, before turning on your heel and exiting the back room of the nature center.  Out in the arrival area of the center, you could see the beginnings of a group of school kids, one by one piling off the yellow school bus and practically vibrating with their excitement to go on a hike.  The sight brought a small smile to your lips, and you took a moment to grab your ranger hat and re-tie your boot laces before heading out front to greet the school group.
Little to say, that day of tours ended with a slightly twisted ankle (on both you and your soulmate) that resulted from having to stop a kid from slipping off a rock while he was playing in a creek,  multiple cameras that held pictures of the “daring park ranger” who had climbed a tree to save a baby squirrel, and a mess of tiny, stinging cuts on your face from climbing said tree that had Namjoon yelling in pain when he went to wash his own face later that night.
It had been 2 days since you had received any secondhand bruises, cuts, or scrapes from your soulmate, and you were honestly starting to get a little worried.  He usually gave you at least one bruise or bump a day, whether it be a stubbed toe or a certain tender spot on the hip that only comes from impact with a table corner.  You were secretly hoping (and this might make you sound a little crazy) for any sort of small pain just to let you know that your soulmate was still alive and out there somewhere.
Finishing tying your hair into a ponytail and brushing your teeth, you slipped on your ranger hat and boots again, prepping to go in for another rewarding, if not tiring, work day.  Your stomach grumbled quietly, and you humored it by grabbing an apple from the bowl on the counter on your way out to your car, keys in hand and backpack slung over one shoulder.  The apple was already halfway gone by the time you were in the driver’s seat with a hand on the wheel, ready to depart.
You felt something dripping on the arm that was currently holding the apple up to your waiting mouth, and you silently prayed to yourself that the wetness was from leaking juice.  You shut your eyes, breathed in deep, and opened them to face whatever reality existed.
You were sure you had been eating a green apple, but the whole upper half was stained red from blood that was currently pouring from a large gash in the center of your hand.
Your hand shot off the steering wheel and reached over to your bag, groping blindly for any sort of cloth to bind your hand in temporarily while you drove yourself to the hospital.  You were sure you needed stitches, and just hoped that the cut wouldn’t hinder any possible, near-future tree climbing opportunities.
“Joon?  We weren’t supposed to meet today, why are you...oh.”
Seokjin simply raised one eyebrow, unamused, as he surveyed a very sheepish Namjoon with a sock wrapped right around the middle of his left hand.  The once white sock was now stained bright red, clearly from something the boy had managed to get himself into once again.  Jin had to stop himself from sighing before he motioned to Namjoon to follow him back to the section for emergency patients.  He pointed to a clean bed, and Namjoon obediently sat while he waited for Jin to return with what he needed to assess and fix Namjoon’s wound.
However, not even a moment later, a woman was being led to the bed directly next to Namjoon’s, and he craned his neck in curiosity to see what was wrong with her, as she seemed perfectly healthy.  It was then that he noticed she was also cradling her left hand to her chest, with what looked to be a bright orange safety vest wrapped carefully around the middle of it.  Namjoon was just beginning to notice the clear start of blood seeping over the portions of cloth that were not clutched in the woman’s fist when she turned around from talking to the nurse to sit on her assigned bed.
It was as though Namjoon experienced the moments after while submerged in a jar of honey, everything looking slow and golden.  Their eyes met as he looked up from her hand, and he swore he could feel a rush of strong emotion go straight to his heart, squeezing it in a vice.  The sound of her voice was muted when she started to speak, but he watched as her eyes flitted to his own sock-clad hand, and then returned to holding his gaze as her eyebrows furrowed in obvious understanding and annoyance. 
“I’m sorry, what was that?”  Namjoon visibly shook himself out of whatever sort of moment his brain decided to have just then, and looked at the girl with wide eyes.  The expression was so comical and endearing that you had to stop yourself from cracking a smile and laughing a bit.
“I asked, how did you get that cut?”
Again, you bit back a laugh as the man before you (who you realized was most likely your soulmate) donned an equally expressive face, this time conveying his embarrassment at having to tell his possible soulmate how he managed to slice open his palm.
“I uh...I, well...”  He cleared his throat and adjusted the collar of the button up shirt he was wearing, even though the top two buttons were undone and were nowhere near tight around his neck.  “I was..attempting to cut the tag off of a new pair of sunglasses I had just gotten in the mail, and it seems as though I wasn’t meant to use a pair of scissors.”
At that remark, you couldn’t hold in your laughter anymore, and it flowed freely from your lips as you rocked back a little and rested the non-injured hand over your abdomen.  Namjoon thought to himself that he had never heard your laugh before, but it was already a sound he wanted to keep on repeat for the rest of his life.
“So now I know why I have so many little cuts all over my hands and face all the time!”
You turned to glare down at Namjoon, who was currently pointing up at you accusingly as you continued to climb up a rather tall pine tree.  He withered under your glare, and you smirked at the fact that he knew he had caused you just as many injuries, simply because he was a clumsy fucker.  At least your injuries were warranted by your job.
He huffed out an indignant breath, and crossed his arms over his chest.  “This is just great, my soulmate is goddamn George of the Jungle, and I’m her clumsy ape of a sidekick.”
“You what, mate?”  You looked down at Namjoon again as you reached out your hand for a squirrel to jump on your arm (it gladly took the invitation and clambered onto your shoulder without a second thought), and soon there were two pairs of eyes staring down at Namjoon questioningly.
His jaw was almost on the floor when he saw the squirrel on your shoulder.  He threw his hands up in exasperation, and began walking away from the tree.  “That’s it, I’m done with this.”
You just laughed and expertly navigated the tree branches until you were safely back on the ground, placing the squirrel down and waving at it as it scurried back into a bush.
You called out to Namjoon, who was currently about a yard away from the tree.  “Hey, wait up, Joonie, you’ll get yourself into trouble somehow without me there to watch you!”
He turned quickly with a goofy grin on his face, one that he couldn’t stop from spreading at your use of his favorite nickname, and replied, “I’ll be perfectly fine, don’t you worry!  I’m not that much of a klutz that I can’t walk a simple hiking trail without-gah!”
Your hand shot out immediately to catch Namjoon’s own to stop him from falling completely on his face.  He had tripped.  On a stick.  It wasn’t even rooted into the ground, just a plain stick lying in the middle of the path.
He looked up at you in mock horror as he saw the self-assured smirk gracing your lips already.
“Aw Joonie, you didn’t need to go through all this trouble to show how much you’re falling for me.”
“Shut up, you’ve been hanging around with Jin too much lately.  Your jokes are terrible.”
You simply giggled softly under your breath as you tugged Namjoon into your waiting arms, planting a kiss on the side of his jaw and laughing louder when you saw the tips of his ears turn red.
Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed, and don’t be afraid to like, reblog, and tell me your thoughts/comments!  Love you, darlings <3.
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