#wasn't sure which element you wanted tips on!
Come Home To Me [Ascended!Astarion x F!Reader]
The 10MB limit will be the death of me
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Intended Audience: Mature [May ratings never stop you]
Who be smoochin?: Astarion x F!Reader
The Bit: You leave Astarion, save the day and go back to your hometown to live happily ever after with your family. Good thing he's not your crazy jealous ex. Otherwise who knows what he'd do when he found you? Happily minding your own business? oh, perish the thought, darling. Oh, and some time later you accidentally die without permission. He is not a happy camper about any of this. He may or may not raze your town and kill your family in the process...
Warnings/Advisories: It's Ascended!Astarion, guys. Come on. Still need me to explain? Fine. *Unfurls the world's longest scroll* Expect yandere elements, forced vampirism [yes...], intentional manipulation to cause Stockholm Syndrome. Emotional abuse by proxy, possessive behavior *pauses to shimmy more of the scroll into view* "you have a sister and she kinda a thirsty ho but we don't judge you go queen". And violence. Of the graphic variety. "I would have given you a dog, but he'd have probably killed the dog". Everything is (literally) on fire. And death. Lots of it. ANGST. Bad ending? Depends on what you consider bad. If you like obsessive yandere vampire boys then it's probably a good ending for you.
Words, all the words (count) : 4,001 baebeee
And away, we... GO
The last thing you said to him about it was in reply to his hurtful comments.
"Well, that's fine with me. My home isn't with you, anyway."
It had been some time since you defeated the Absolute and your quiet little hamlet had remained such since your triumphant return. Hardly a thing had changed, not the Wilks farmstead, not the general store, not even that old and tipping wooden signpost. Few of your companions knew of the place you called home. He had never asked; you had never told, and it seems it was a blessing you hadn't. The last thing you wanted was for him to stroll into town and go out of his way to remind you how happy he was without you.
Which definitely seemed like a thing he would do.
As if he didn't have better things to do.
Thankfully, it sounds like he has. Such an opportunity to take Baldur's Gate by the throat was one only a fool would pass up. And Astarion Ancunín was certainly no fool. In no time, he had charmed and maneuvered himself to the top of the food-chain. By means of persuasion, intimidation... and a tactic of his you're intimately familiar with.
Oh, the rumors of who he has or hasn't slept with. Was it necessary to get where he was now? No. It was a display of power now. Dominance. He could have anything and anyone he wanted, anyone he deemed worth his whim, and there wasn't a damn thing anyone could do to stop it. And clearly, he didn't want you.
It stung a little. You had genuinely fallen in love with the man he used to be. But that was the keyword, wasn't it? He used to be. The man he had become now was a stranger. The warmth that once resided in his eyes had been replaced by a chilling, calculating gaze. Gods, why didn't he just listen to you? He didn't need the ritual. He was already more than enough...
With a shake of your head, you stepped out the front door of your small, two floor cottage and made the brief journey to your parents' house. A smile curled your lips when you saw your older sister waiting for you outside "Y/N, you're late!" She scolds with a laugh, throwing her arms around you.
A roll of your eyes and you returned her hug. "An adventurer is never late. They arrive always when they intend to."
"Sounds like a fancy way of admitting you're always late to me." Your brother remarks gruffly. Your mother not far behind. "You sure your time as a big hero didn't go to your head?" He adds with a raise of his eyebrow.
You move away from your sister and embrace your mother first, then your brother. "I kind of had other things in my head then, brother dearest," you remind them with a small laugh.
Your mother lightly smacked your brother's large arm and narrowed her eyes. "Don't drive her away with that attitude of yours, unless you want her to return to adventuring!" She scolds with a playful glint in her gaze.
A sigh escaped your lips. It had been five long years since you've taken up your old gear and hit the road. Part of you missed it. But you'd never admit that to her. She was just so glad to have you home, you couldn't bear to take that from her. Not after your father had passed while you were out saving the world.
"Come now, my starlings, I've got your sister's favorite on the stove for lunch," she cooed and herded the three of you inside. And like every time you come over, you spend your time regaling them of your journey and heroics. Of your friends' camaraderie around the campfire. From Wyll's many dances with Karlach, Shadowhearts' best snarky comebacks, Gale's incredible displays of powerful magic and Lae'zel's discipline, her culture and brutal efficiency.
And every time, you noticed the look your brother would give. Initially, you thought it was protectiveness. No matter how much you tried to downplay it, your family was acutely aware of the gravity of your situation back then. Perhaps your brother was merely thinking how many times they came so close to losing you, without them realizing it.
Maybe it was partly true, but it certainly was not the only reason. "Sister, I'm sorry but I must ask..." He began, gently clearing his throat as he leaned back in his chair, across the table from you. "I was in the Gate not too long ago and heard... things. That you never seem to mention yourself..."
Despite your efforts to wrack your brain, you come up blank and draw your brows together. You cast a glance at your sister beside you and your mother, beside your brother. They don't seem as confused as you... "Lord Ancunín, was he not a companion of yours? They say he is also a Hero of Baldur's Gate."
"Yes." You answer sharply, also leaning back in your chair. "And you heard he and I were involved, I take it? That's what this is about?" You were getting defensive. You knew it, but you couldn't stop it. Even now, the damned elf was a sore spot for you.
The man your brother was, he never backed down or cowed away from anything, hardly ever you and only consistently your mother. He dipped his chin and held your glare. "Did he hurt you?" He asked, his words blunt but his tone low.
You chuckle dryly, and your gaze immediately flicks towards the door. "What does it matter? It was five years ago. Astarion and I were in love, yes, love. And then he took a path I couldn't follow in good conscience. So we did what we had to, then went our separate ways."
He paused, considering your response. Your sister was practically biting her nails in an effort to silence all the questions she had for you about your evidently dramatic love life. Your mother gave you the worst look of them all.
"If it is as you say, little sister. Then I can only commend you for remembering your worth. From what I gather, he is not a man worthy of your attention," he says with a stiff nod.
A weak smile tugs at the corner of your lips. "He was. Once..."
"So what was he like? Was he as charming and beautiful as they say he is in person?" Your sister gushes as soon as she deems there's an opening in the conversation.
You hold up a hand to stop your brother and mother from scolding her. Somehow she's older than you, if only by two years. "Yes, and yes. Even after we broke up, I found him painfully gorgeous. His voice was like velvet, he was smart and witty and knew just what to say..." now that the cat was out of the bag, so to speak, you decided to indulge your sister's silly fascination about your ex. If just for today.
Afterward, the three of you, as always, did the remaining housework for your mother. A gesture of gratitude for everything she had done for you all as children, and still into adulthood. Life without your father had noticeably taken its toll, hence why your siblings had moved back home. None of them had outside obligations, and you were still trying to settle down from your adventuring days and really needed the quiet.
On your way out the door, intent on your cottage for the evening, your mother touched your arm. "Before I forget, starling!" she says, reaching for the small table next to the door, "this came here, addressed to you."
She extends her hand, offering you a letter adorned with a peculiar and ornate wax seal. You turn it over once or twice in your hand before smiling and thanking her. Odd. The only ones who wrote to you were Shadowheart and Gale and not only did they know to send your letters to your home, but they didn't use wax seals either. Not even Gale.
No one else knew where your hometown was. Even fewer that you returned here after your party disbanded. So who else could have sent it? That is clearly your name above the seal. It was not a mistake on the courier's part. But then, that was the only way this made much sense. Who could have found, cared enough to write and send a letter to you after all this time? To the wrong house, to boot?
It was a persistent question that nagged at you, making the walk home feel longer than usual. Paying only mild attention to the eerie stillness in the cool night air.
You set it down on your kitchen table to turn on the lanterns around your cottage, illuminating the room with a soft, golden glow before you decide to open it at last. The letter revealed its contents - or lack thereof, as you unfolded it and saw only two lines in the center of the parchment.
Playtime is over, pet.
It's time for you to come home.
For a moment, and only a moment, your brows draw together. And when it clicks in your mind, you toss the letter on the table as if it's poisoned, or worse, Him and you paced restlessly in front of your table. Fixated on the parchment, as if it might attack you when you least expect it. What could he possibly want now? Half a decade later, you've moved on. Hadn't he? How many others had he taken to his bed since you went your separate ways? Couldn't he have busied himself with them instead? Out of all those partners, a plethora of variety, you were sure, not a one of them had held his attention for at least a decade? And why, by all the gods above and below, did he send it to your mother's house? Such a careless mistake was unlike him. If he had gone through all this effort to find you, surely he had to at least know where you actually lived in town.
Your heart sunk as the thought crossed your mind.
It wasn't a mistake. He doesn't just know where you live...
A scream rang out, snapping your eyes to the door. More shrieks followed, and you darted to the window. Faces ran frantically down and up the road, smoke billowed into night sky, dusted with stars, from closer to the village center. You clenched your teeth, giving yourself a moment to seethe with anger before rushing upstairs to the chest at the foot of your bed. Did you have time to equip your armor? Most likely, not. Best to take your weapons. The sooner you're outside, the better.
Prepared as you were ever going to be, you dashed down the stairs and shouldered your front door open. The raiders were already in front of your house. You recognized the hauntingly pale, lifeless face of Gregory, the barman, in the claws of a half elf. His sharp red eyes weredistant as he gorges on his meal, mouth latched tight to Gregory's neck.
"Another!" cheered a nasally voice behind you. Two spawn leaped down from the thatch roof of your home. Quickly closing in. The human woman continued, "Ohh, I can taste this one already! How delicious! Perhaps I should save some for Master—"
"Don't be foolish!" hissed the half elf, tossing the drained body aside. "Master said our reward was a feast, and I intend to feast!" He lunged, fangs glistening with fresh blood in the dim light. Experience traveling with at least one vampire had prepared you for the tactic, and you stepped out of the way with ease.
It was the halfling that seemed the only one not mad with bloodlust. "B-but Master said... there was one we couldn't..." she stammered, eyeing you almost with recognition.
But the other two ignored her and threw themselves at you again.
Despite the boredom that consumed your life over the past few years, you were unwavering in your commitment to staying in shape and proficient in combat. You sparred regularly with the local guards, who were more than happy to help. They learned a few things in turn, after all, from the Hero of Baldur's Gate. So staying almost two steps ahead of these stumbling corpses was a breeze, almost comically easy for you.
Until your eyes caught sight of a burning home, the heat of the flames could be felt from where you stand. Your mother's burning home... As everything else melted away, a numbness washed over your limbs and your heart settled into stillness. Just as you were about to cry out, a blade mercilessly penetrated your back, twisting with a force that seemed intent on separating your torso from your hip. The taste of blood coated your tongue, while an indescribable agony consumed your every nerve. Fangs as sharp as razors mercilessly sunk into your neck, accompanied by the loud, insatiable slurping sounds that invaded your ears.
Except for one last sound before your world began to fade. "No! You worthless wastes of flesh, what are you doing!?" roared from somewhere distant, rapidly getting closer.
The grip on your body relented, and you crumpled to the ground. Above you, a familiar, curly white-haired, fangs and all ascendant vampire lord. His face was almost feral. Hoisting the human by the throat with one hand, her feet kicking in the air. "I gave you an entire village of fools to feed on, a vivid description of the one woman who was off-fucking-limits...!"
A serene anger washed over his face, causing a shiver to run down your spine, as he sealed his lips and glared at her with an icy stare. "You will wait, on your knees, until I am ready to thoroughly enjoy goring your body with my bare hands."
Her voice strained, she barely managed to gasp out "Master...!" before he mercilessly flung her aside, treating her with the indifference one would show to a discarded toy. The moment her body hit the ground, it rigidly rolled and moved until it settled on its knees in place. Silent sobs wracked her body, and tears streamed down her face, leaving her cheeks damp.
In an instant, his eyes landed on your unfocused one, coughing blood. You knew you were dying. But it wasn't as sad, or even as painful as you expected. "You spiteful son of a bitch..." you hissed, spitting blood from your mouth. He opened his to reply, but you wouldn't let him. You were going to enjoy this... You panted, wheezing the last of your energy into your last twist into his heart. "I damn you, Astarion... I damn you to the Hells. I damn you to misery..." Quoting the man that you knew haunted him still.
You take the clenching of his jaw and his balled fists to your grave with delight as your eyes fall closed, and you breathe your last.
You finally find peace, a gentle presence that settles within your soul. It was a peace so pure, so profound, that it felt almost otherworldly. There was a weightlessness in the air, as if burdens had been lifted and freedom embraced. Your eyes are drawn to the path ahead, its surface adorned with pristine, pearly white stones. Your brother stood at the end, ready to greet you. There stood your father and mother, beckoning you with open arms. And your heart swells with an untameable warmth as you start down toward them.
A cold, deathly grip catches the back of your neck, sending a sudden jolt of fear through your body. Pain squeezed you with an intensity you had never felt before. Your mouth opens, but not even a whimper escapes you as you're forcefully dragged back, kicking and flailing.
With a heavy gasp, your heart pounds in your chest as you lurch forward. Or at least you start before cold, familiar hands grab hold of you, pulling you into his arms. "Now, now, darling, just relax..." Astarion sighs in your ear, his voice thick with... relief?
You died... you were free of this... of him. "I was... going home..." you whimper, unable to fully choke back the sob, not even sure how he managed to forcefully bring you back.
"You are already home, pet."
In your frantic attempt to escape, you notice that the sights, sounds, and smells are completely different - you're no longer in your village, but a large, opulent bedchamber. Lavish furniture and ornaments of gold, silver, so many you quickly lose count. The gentle, rhythmic ticking of a grandfather clock provided a comforting background noise. A luxorious silk gown, likely worth a kings ransom, has replaced your weathered tunic and trousers you knew you were wearing before. The softest linens you've ever felt in your life gently caress your bare legs.
His hand petting your head snaps you back from your observations. "Why the face?" Astarion murmurs, "did you truly think death would keep you from me? Little love, I can take anything I want. Even from the jaws of death itself." He briefly looks away as he giggles that short, airy sound that used to melt your heart. "Or did you think your heroic brother would, what, break my nail before I ripped out his throat?"
It's enough you try to wrench yourself from his arms again, stopping short of beating your fists against his stupid, fancy white and blue doublet. "You spiteful bastard..." you repeat from your memory as he keeps you held against him with little effort. "I was there with them, my family—"
"Hush, darling, you're not being reasonable," Astarion mutters, his fingers on your back drawing shapes and patterns that you reluctantly admit still soothed you. "I let them have you long enough. I let you play house in that backwater, and now it is time for you to take your place at my side. You were fated to be mine, and mine, you will always be." He explained, as if he was making perfect sense and stating the obvious.
You scoffed, trying again to leverage your hands on the bed, or his lap to put any amount of distance between you and him. "So dying and forcing me back, all reasonable?"
The look in his eyes turned sharp, reminiscent of the way he eyed that spawn. "Well, if you had been where you belonged, none of that would have happened, would it?" He chastised, lulling his head to one side. "I've already cast the insignificant wretch into the kennels. You are welcome to watch her suffer. Perhaps I'll grant her a blessing and allow her to kiss your feet before I peel her lips off her face... Or maybe after..." Astarion trailed off thoughtfully, his eyes up and away a moment as he considered the grotesque torture, as if casually deciding what flavor tea he'll have in the morning. "How comfortable are you with blood between your toes, my dear?"
You were experiencing such emotional turbulence that you momentarily wondered if any of this was actually happening. If he was aware, he paid no mind to it, as another wild thought captivated his mind. "And why did you not tell me you had such a deliciously submissive sister? Honestly, my love, if she can watch me kill your brother, drain your mother and still stare so eagerly at me, why can't you?"
Your heart froze, and you swallowed hard. Unwanted images of what he could have, and probably had done to your family flashed through your mind. As you stilled in his arms, he moved a hand into the air and snapped his fingers. And like a well-trained puppy, in she waltzed, wearing a black simple dress. Expressionless and silent as she stood before you. Watching you with scarlet eyes. "You know I'd never hurt you, of course. But perhaps your sweet sister can model the obedience I expect from you..."
Infinite threats, insults and visions of violence cross your mind, and like he can read them, Astarion gives you a stern, scolding look. From the corner of your eye, you catch a tear rolling down her cheek and it takes everything from you to not jump to embrace her.
Not that Astarion would let you out of his arms to do so. Fear spreads through your body, numbing your limbs and clouding your thoughts. For every outburst, act of defiance, misbehavior, denial of compliance, Astarion will ensure your sister suffers in your place...
"There you are, my treasure..." He cooes, catching a loose lock of your hair and twirling it in his fingers, pleased with whatever he sees in your eyes, "learning already... you're going to be so wonderfully obedient for me, aren't you?"
You turn your head away, down at the bed, never feeling so... small in your life. He grabs your face, fingers pressing into your cheeks as he forces your attention back to him, denying your escape. "Aren't you?" He repeats, voice firm, commanding.
Without thinking, you scowl at Astarion, noticing the frosty disappointment in his eyes. He lets out an impatient sigh, as if handling a temperamental child, and then glances behind him. "On your knees, darling, it seems your little sister needs your example already..."
She stiffly collapses to the ground like an anchor to the seafloor and Astarion groans, as if he expected a more graceful motion from her. He starts to rise from the bed and a whimper from your sister has you catching his sleeve. "I'll do it." You force out, inwardly cringing at the implication.
But that's not enough for him. "You will do what, pet?" He says lowly, lazily turning to you.
"Behave..." The word hung in the air, its bitter taste lingering on your tongue, surpassing any foulness you had ever known. Again, you try to look anywhere else, any semblance of escape you can find from this, from him.
Astarion continues to press, his fingers brushing against your cheek, coaxing you to face him, locking eyes. There was a glimmer of anticipation in his eyes, like a flickering flame. "And...?"
"And... I'll be obedient..." Your chest tightens, your lip quivering and Astarion's face lights up with a tender smile.
He resumes his position on the bed in front of you. "Oh, my love, I know you will." Astarion smirks, his arm curling around you, pulling you back into him, his lips feathering yours, teasing before connecting them in a sweet... loving kiss. Just as you remember it, his lips are like a delicate caress, and you know better now than to pull away.
Your lips sync with his in a hypnotic rhythm, and his distinct taste lingers on your tongue - a blend of red wine with a faint metallic undertone. The scent of him surrounds you, a unique blend of rosemary, bergamot, and brandy, unmistakably his. His fangs only barely graze your bottom lip as he guides you down onto your back, maneuvering himself on top of you, "because I'll have eternity to teach you..." Astarion whispers against your mouth like a promise, and you can feel him smile at his own words.
Astarion's lips travel from the corner of your mouth, they leave a trail of soft kisses along your cheek, descending to the spot beneath your ear, until they eventually reach the pulsating artery, echoing the frantic pace of your heart. One last time... "My beloved consort..." He whispers, pressing a tender kiss to your skin, teasing his fangs against your neck, as if trying to be gentle in his own way. "Welcome home..." He purrs.
Then at last, he sinks his fangs deep. Drinking slow, steady gulps. One hand taking yours, interlocking his fingers with it, the other soothingly petting your hair. And at last, as your vision blurs and darkens, your body shivering under his, you start to believe it...
Maybe he does want you after all...
Maybe he's been your home all along...
A/N: Honestly, I could probably write this one forever, it was so much fun. The perfectionist in me already spent more time than I should've on this. Two days of neglecting my main fic on ao3? Ugh, take me to the gallows. Apologies to my partner, friends, coworkers, family, dogs... I have a sacred duty to update that sucker at least every other week.
Also, I apologize for the quality of the gif. I make a lot of my own gifs and screenshots for these and tumblr's 10mb limit is going to throttle my sanity until it dies twice over.
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Diabolical 2
Warnings: non/dubcon, violence, extreme profanity, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Character: Billy Butcher
Summary: your neighbours has some strange friends.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging ❤️
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The reverberation of copper ripples through the air. You nearly slip under the water as you jolt. You grip the edges of the tub and sit up. Another crash thunders and you scowl. Your peace is shattered. 
Candles, music, a book, and a steaming bath. It's a perfect night. Or it was. 
You wait and listen. Silence. You let yourself back and reach for the novel on your bath table. Another egregious cacophony has you splashing yourself with water.   
You growl and slide the table out of the way as you stand. You grab your towel as water slakes off of you. You pay no mind to the mess that puddles below each step as the thrashing continues.  
You storm across the apartment, sliding dangerously on the hardwood, and you put your eye to the peephole. The man grins, as if he can see you and shakes the box in his hands. The metal echoes again. 
How dare he? It's almost nine in the evening! You tear open the door, your hand clasped around the knot of your towel, and you snarl. 
"Must you make so much noise?" 
He cackles at you as he hugs the box of cymbals and bells. "Eh, I'm just doin' good ole Hughie a favour. He's been talkin' 'bout getting into drumming so's I say Hughie, I know a guy. Can get you everything you need." 
"I don't...care." You bluster. "Should you even have those in a box? There are bags meant for that." 
"Who cares? You just bang on the things anyhow. Well, then," he turns to the door behind him. "Seems like my pal isn't in." He drops the box and the raucous clamour makes you groan. "I'll just leave 'em here for him. Buddy that I am." He spins back to face you. "And you can get back to listening to Bach and drinking your oolong." He makes a motion which could be tipping a cup or something more heinous. "Your majesty." 
You furrow your brow and roll your eyes. "All I asked for was a bit of decency. It wasn't any sort of insult but I see to you, any thought of being kind is offensive." 
"Talkin' to me about being decent and you're stood out here in a dish towel," he scoffs. 
"I--" you look down, remembering yourself. You move to hide behind the door. "Well, you disturbed me--" 
"You are disturbed, ain't ya, sweetheart?" 
You sneer. "Fine, whatever. I'll make sure Hugh gets his drums." 
"Hugh?" He chuckles. "You are something." 
"Good night, sir." You back up and close the door. Your certain to lock it too.  
His laughter keens through and friction brushes up the other side. "It's Butcher, not sir, love." He taps and you flinch, "have yourself a good night, won't ya? Don't think of me too much." 
You huff and have a mind to open the door again. Not, that’s only what he wants. You retreat and trod back to the bathroom. The water’s tepid and the scent of the candles grows overwhelming. You shut off the music and pull the stopper. So much for relaxing. 
The tension needles across your shoulder. You blow out the wicks and snatch your book from the table. You go to your room and flip on the bedside lamp. You put the novel on your pillow and pull on a night gown.  
You recline and crack open the book. A long honk blares from outside. That’s not unusual but what is, is the successive short toots that follow, almost in a rhythm. You try to ignore it. The honks vary, long, short, soft, loud. You realise the offender is doing a rather poor job of honking out Beethoven.  
You know exactly the culprit and you won’t let him know you’re bothered. Let him waste his own energy not yours. Besides, if he had any sort of nuance, he’d realise you don’t sit around and listen to classical. You appreciate vintage music but you’re not pretentious. You simply have your tastes. Nothing wrong with that. 
You lay back and your eyes gloss over the words without reading. You may not want to give him the satisfaction but it doesn't mean it’s not working. Several rereads of the same paragraph have you fed up. You sink down and drop the book. 
You stare at the ceiling and sigh. You can’t even put on a movie or music. You won’t be able to hear it. 
As if on cue, silence. You exhale. Thank god. 
An engine rumbles and you hear it steer down the alley outside. You hear the tires crawling just below your window. Another wall of sound rises and has you nearly jumping out of your skin. Heavy metal pumps through the wall and has you gritting your teeth. 
It’s him. That imbecile. 
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thatharringrovehoe · 2 years
I'm thinking of an AU where Billy wasn't involved in the shenanigans/horrors of season three at all. He worked at the pool, picked up extra shifts ever since Heather stopped showing up, went to scoops every chance he got just to see Steve Harrington's fat ass in those tiny shorts. He has a night off for once and decides to go and see that new sci-fi movie playing at the mall. Near the end he swears he can hear Harrington laughing like a lunatic with some girl down in the front row, but when the movie ends Billy doesn't see him in the que to leave, just the girl he works with huddled around a bucket of popcorn and giggling to herself while she wanders towards the water fountain. He needs to piss, so Billy makes his way to the bathroom, stopping short outside the entrance when the sound of someone wretching up what must be all of their internal organs filters through the door. He debates just going home, but he actually *really* has to go. So.
Billy pushes open the door, ignoring the painful vomiting sounds three doors down and takes care of business. It's not until he saunters up to wash his hands that he notices a pair of very familiar Nike's sticking out across the floor. And there sits Harrington, hugging the toilet like a lifeline and panting into the crook of his elbow.
"Harrington? Shit, you alright?"
And normally he'd poke fun. Pretty boy is obviously on something, evident by his blown out pupils and glassy stare. But he's also sweating buckets and shaking, tears and snot running down his face. And Jesus ever loving *fuck*, whoever worked over pretty boy's face wasn't pulling any punches.
Steve squints, eyes traveling slowly from Billy's boots up to his face. He smiles, dopey and high and Billy winces at how it pulls the purple black swelling of his cheek.
"Yeah, I feel way better now."
Which. *Okaaaaay*.
"I'll bet. What the fuck happened to your face?"
"I was integrated-..inter...interror-...I was tortured by Russian spies"
Billy snorts, amused despite himself.
"Oh yeah? That why you weren't at the counter today, sailor?"
Steve scrunches up his nose, and damn, Billy's gunna have to ask Harrington what he took when he's a bit more sober. It's some potent stuff if he's not even flinching moving an obviously broken nose like that.
"You know my shift schedule?"
*Shit*. Billy feels the tips of his ears go hot. Clearing his throat awkwardly as he glances down at his boots.
Time to change the subject.
"Why were you being *interrogated* by Russian spies, pretty boy?"
Steve sucks his teeth.
"Cuz the monsters came back and Robin cracked Dustin's code and then we went under the mall in an elevator to a secret Russian Army base and got caught and then they beat me up and shot me and Robin up with truth syrup and-...umm....I think that's it."
Billy blinks.
And. *Huh*.
"That right?"
Steve nods, swaying dangerously forward before catching himself on the stall doorway.
Whatever he's on, Steve obviously *believes* what he's saying. There might even be something to that 'truth serum' element considering how he's answered all of Billy's questions so easily. And Billy never once in his life claimed to be a good person.
"Why were you with my sister at the Byers' house last winter?"
Steve's head shoots up, eyes wide as saucers and for one horrifying moment Billy's sure the guy is going to start crying. Thankfully he doesn't, just slumps even heavier against the toilet with a sigh.
"Because there are monsters in the dark. And I was supposed to protect them. I *had* to protect them. Hopper said to *stay*. And then you showed up and Max said you were gonna kill her and I was supposed to keep them *safe*"
Billy tries to parse through whatever make believe bullshit Steve is spouting before getting caught on the whole *killing his sister* part.
"What, and you believed her?"
Steve gives him a considering look. Barring the rest of *whatever the fuck* Steve is talking about, Billy isn't sure he wants to hear the answer the guy is obviously mulling over.
Finally, he settles on "I don't anymore", and something sharp and hurt in Billy's chest settles.
"Hmm. Alright. If you've been *shot up with truth syrup*" Billy huffs a laugh "tell me a secret. Something you specifically don't want me to know."
Again, Billy's never claimed to be a good person.
Somewhere under all that blood and bruising, Billy thinks he sees a flush creep up Harrington's neck.
"I'm the one who keeps stealing your photo from the pool corkboard"
"That's-. Uh. Not what I thought you were gonna say."
Steve shrugs, embarrassed and looking anywhere but Billy. And Billy *has to know*. Has to ask.
Harrington looks up at him, not a trace of a lie in his eyes.
"Cuz every time I go to the pool to ask you on a date I chicken out."
Billy can't feel his fucking *face*. He has no idea what to say.
It's at this exact moment one of Max's nerd friends kicks down the bathroom door, holding Scoops girl by the shirt while Sinclair's little sister levels Billy with a challenging glare that has shame curling hot and acrid in his gut.
"STEVE! We've been looking *everywhere* for you! C'mon buddy, we have to get outta here before the Russian guys find us."
These hicks are fucking insane.
After helping Steve up to rinse out his mouth in the sink, Billy walks out of the bathroom with Harrington hanging off his shoulder when a bullet whizzes past his nose to embed itself in the cement wall.
Henderson is screaming "Shit, they found us!" while two men in black combat gear come charging up the escalator, armed to the teeth. They bark orders out in what is obviously Russian before a show car *flies through the air* and crushes them against the wall.
After Billy is introduced to a little girl with God damn *superpowers*, he's given a bare bones explanation while Steve plays with one of Billy's stray curls like it's the most interesting thing in the world. And monsters are real and there's a spider made of people out to get them and apparently Heather is possessed and all Billy can hear is
***Cuz every time I go to the pool to ask you on a date I chicken out***
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eclectiaa · 10 months
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Like a Movie (ft. Diluc Ragvindr x Fem!Reader)
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Note: This turned out longer than expected, though it isn't long by any stretch. I've been having a craving to write for Diluc for a while now, so I'm glad I finally could! Happy reading! ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
Content: In which Diluc hires you to 'play' his girlfriend.
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The first time you met Diluc Radvindr, you fell for him immediately...
Hotel Debord's grand Mondstadt opening was an unmistakable success. The ballroom was transformed into a lavish party space, complete with an endless array of gourmet food under the sparkling chandeliers. Diluc Ragvindr stood in one corner, brows furrowed as he watched his father attempt to introduce him to yet another socialite. Crepus was all smiles, but Diluc could see the desperation in his eyes as he tried to play matchmaker. It didn't help when one party—your own son, no less—was so unwilling.
The latest candidate sipped on her cocktail and giggled at every word, making Diluc want a very long drink from his own glass—anything to drown out the noise of the party tonight.
"Excuse me," he said after finishing the rest of his cider in one go. "I need to refill my drink."
He snuck off for the bar before Crepus could protest.
It was just another typical night for the scion, but the same could not be said for you. An influencer friend had dragged you here tonight. As she grabbed your arm, bringing you closer to the crowded bar, you couldn't help but feel out of your element.
You were out of your element in these fancy clothes... among these elite guests. This was compounded further after your friend effectively abandoned you, giggling along to a black-haired musician the last time you saw her.
Before you could call it a night, a man with slicked-back hair and a lingering gaze approached you. It wasn't long till he was making inappropriate comments. When you finally put your foot down, he refused to take no for an answer. Now you were pissed, scene be damned.
"Can't you see she's not interested?"
Except a voice behind you spooked the guy straight. "M-Mr. Ragvindr—"
The man didn't need to be told twice, walking away without even looking in your direction.
"...I could have handled that, you know," you found yourself saying. Was it too much liquid courage?
"You looked like you were handling it great."
That snarky tone did nothing for your mood. You whirl around, a retort on your lips, only to come face-to-face with sharp golden eyes and fiery red hair. It was packed, sure, but you hadn't realized how close he was. Flustered by the sudden proximity to the unfairly handsome man, you took an unsteady step back.
Except your ankles caught on your flowing dress hem, and you tipped backward with a yelp.
The man reacted on instinct. His arms locked around your waist, yanking you tight toward his chest. Your relieved gasp rang in his ears, and Diluc Ragvindr looked down at you, regarding you with unveiled amusement lurking in his gaze.
"Just like you handled that."
"Diluc!" Crepus's jovial voice boomed. "I've been looking for you—"
He stopped short, eyes blowing wide at the sight of his reclusive son wrapped intimately around a dazzling young lady. A wicked grin spread over his face as he clapped. "Well, well! What do we have here? You should have just said that you had someone! I have to tell your mother."
"Wait—" Except his father was long gone. The red-haired man felt an ache in his temples. Then he locked eyes with you, still snug in his arms. "...Great."
The second time you met Diluc Ragvindr, he proposed...
"We have to stop meeting like this."
Strong hands caught your shoulders, steadying you after you smacked right into a broad chest turning the corner. You look up, an apology on your lips, only to meet the intensely golden eyes and blazing red hair from your incident at Hotel Debord.
"What, are you stalking me?"
Diluc looked mildly offended. "No," he offered placidly, gesturing to the burly men who had stopped a little ways from you. "But they might be."
In your reunion, you'd forgotten about your father's debt collectors following you down the street. You'd been dodging their calls for a while. It wasn't your gambling habit, after all.
"We've gotta—" You looked up at the handsome man urgently, but he simply waved at the collectors. It was funny; they looked as confused as you were.
"Can I help you, gentlemen?"
"What are you—" you started to hiss. You didn't know who this rich boy was, but he was about to get robbed. Except with a few biting words, mysterious bodyguards, and a flash of cash, he sent them packing.
"Now..." he surveyed you for a moment, and you shivered under his gaze. The frigid November air didn't help either. "How about some coffee?"
The third time you met Diluc Radgvindr, you went steady...
"I'll do it."
You felt like you'd signed a deal with the devil with how his lips curled up in a smirk. He was a handsome one, though. "I knew you'd come around."
"You had no way of knowing that," you countered, shifting uncomfortably. You weren't that easy to read.
Diluc leaned back in his Herman Miller office chair, regarding you with a hint of amusement. "So we're in agreement—you pretend to be my devoted girlfriend for, say...six months. In return, I'll take care of your father's debt in full."
You frowned, shifting awkwardly as you stood in front of him. "Just a few fancy parties and smiling for some photos? That's all?"
"I may also require your company for the occasional business dinner." His gaze turned wry. "But I promise to make them more exciting than they sound."
Your thoughts spun over the security his offer provided. With a bracing breath, you lifted your chin. "Okay, Mr. Ragnvindr, you've got yourself a deal." You extended a hand to seal the deal, unable not to add a playful, "Though I'll still expect proper compensation for putting up with your undoubtedly high-maintenance self."
His much larger hand engulfed yours, palm pleasantly warm. "I would expect nothing less." His intense golden eyes glinted. "I look forward to...getting to know you better, Miss [Last Name]."
In the first month, you met his parents...
You inhaled deeply, trying to steady your nerves as Diluc's flashy sports car glided through the grand entrance of Ragvindr Manor. As he confidently strode up the marble steps, you couldn't help but feel a knot form in your stomach at the thought of meeting his parents—Crepus and Celia. You, a girl from nowhere, suddenly dating their only son? It was hard not to tremble at the thought.
Except they embraced you warmly. They were all bright smiles, and you could see genuine joy in their eyes as they welcomed you—the first girl brought home by their usually distant son—and felt a wave of guilt. You were lying to them. This was all pretend.
As the warm tea poured into your cup, Crepus's boisterous laughter echoed through the room. The jovial atmosphere eased the tension caused by Diluc's usually brooding demeanor.
Afterward, you joined Celia in arranging colorful roses, her gentle touch and encouraging words wounding your heart. "It's been so long since I've seen my son smile so freely," she said with a tender pat on your hand.
Under the moon's soft glow, Diluc drove you home in his sleek car, his usually stoic face now adorned with a small but genuine smile thanks to his parents' joy.
And as your heart fluttered at the thought of being able to make him smile like that, you realized you could definitely get used to it.
In the second month, you went on a festival date...
Warm light radiated from the delicate paper lanterns that hung above, gently swaying in the breeze as you and Diluc strolled hand-in-hand through the lively Windblume festival grounds. You couldn't help but notice the faint click of cameras in your peripheral, capturing every moment of your public outing with Diluc Ragvindr, the elusive scion.
When he suggested this 'date' to publicly confirm your new relationship status, you never expected him to actually win you an entire array of festival prizes at the game stalls!
"Who knew you were such a marksman?" you teased, hefting the oversized dragon plushie he had shot down for you.
Diluc smirked, guiding you toward the towering Ferris wheel shining in the dusk. "I'm a man of many skills."
You quirked a brow. "Humble, aren't we?"
A soft chuckle escaped his lips, and he glanced at you with a mischievous twinkle in his golden eyes. "Go ahead, take in the view," he said, scooting closer to you on the bench as the Ferris wheel began to ascend. The lights of the fairgrounds below created a magical backdrop as you shared this intimate moment at what felt like the top of the world.
In the third month, you went to a party...
The sound of champagne flutes clinking echoed throughout the grand ballroom as the glittering chandelier above cast a warm golden glow on the guests. Diluc expertly weaved you through the sea of people, introducing you to important figures along the way, hand always comfortingly on the small of your back. Your heart pounded with nerves as you tried to make a good impression at their group's prestigious annual charity gala.
When a hand landed on your shoulder, you turned to meet a single icy blue eye glinting with mischief.
"Well, aren't you a vision," Kaeya Alberich purred, oozing so much overblown charm it made you snort. You knew he was trying to get a rise out of his best friend. He hadn't been made privy to the 'contract' after all. You ignored the uncomfortable pinch in your chest at the thought of the fast-expiring arrangement.
The navy-haired man brushed an exaggerated kiss to your knuckles while waggling his eyebrows at his friend. "Care to ditch tall, glowering, and angry over there for a spin around the dance floor with me instead?"
Behind you, unseen, Diluc had gone utterly still, eyes promising murder on his infuriating childhood friend. Kaeya just smirked.
"Another time, perhaps," you giggled. "Who knows what tall, glowering, and angry will do if ditched."
"Very funny," Diluc muttered sardonically, taking the half-empty flute from your hand and putting it on a waiter's tray. Then he held out his hand. "Let's go."
You danced until you could barely stand the next morning.
In the fourth month, you faced reality...
You sat on the bed of his penthouse apartment, staring numbly at your phone. The tabloid headlines screaming gold digger and sugar baby occupied every newsstand in the city.
You wanted to sink into a hole and never come up. Hot tears blurred your vision as you imagined the disappointment on his parents' faces. They must have seen the fabricated quotes that painted you as after Diluc's—their—money by now. You knew exactly who was behind it—all for a quick payout to momentarily escape his crushing debts, no doubt.
You felt a comforting pressure on your shoulder as Diluc's strong hand grasped it. His expression was fierce as he locked eyes with you, his anger evident on your behalf. "Don't let these filthy rags bother you," he said, determination burning in his voice. "Everyone who knows you—everyone who matters—knows these are lies. I'll make sure the truth comes out, I promise."
You nodded, grateful for his reassurance. Yet, you still felt the claws of humiliation and self-doubt trying to drag you down. "I just... it reminds me of how little I belong, you know... in your world."
Fingertips tenderly tilted your chin back up. Diluc's golden eyes shone with empathy. "My world's not all that it's cracked up to be." He brushed a loose strand of hair from your cheek, touch lingering. "It can be incredibly lonely."
His thumb grazed your skin, and you shuddered out a breath you didn't know you were holding. You found yourself leaning into his touch, seeking solace in his presence. Diluc's arms wrapped around you, pulling you into a tight embrace that felt like a fortress against the chaos outside.
All that mattered was the two of you, entwined in a world of your own making. His body pressed against yours, igniting a fire within that threatened to consume every ounce of doubt and fear.
In the fifth month, you got away...
Seeking solace from the public eye after tabloid turmoil, Diluc surprised you by whisking you away to his family's secluded mountain cottage.
As your sports car raced down the forest highway, unease knotted in your gut. There was only one month left on your initial arrangement. This trip felt like Diluc's farewell gift to polish off your fake relationship before politely departing your life. You swallowed hard against the ache forming at the thought. You had realized your own feelings too late.
Diluc's smile slipped as he guided you inside the quaint cabin, misreading your quiet melancholy as lingering upset over media lies. His shoulders sagged under an invisible weight—it was his fault.
At first, you had quiet conversations centered around books plucked from the shelves or playful debates on recipes to try. Still, an undercurrent changed every glance, every subtle brush of fingers reaching for the same log by the fireplace.
One moonlit night, as you sipped wine, Diluc's gaze lingered on you over the rim of his glass. Golden eyes burned with intent that stole your breath.
"Thank you for staying by my side..." A calloused fingertip traced delicate lines down your wrist. "It's meant more than you know."
You felt your heart flutter at Diluc's words, his touch sending shivers down your spine. The crackling fire and the subtle glow of candlelight created an atmosphere that seemed to amplify the growing tension between you. The air hung heavy with unspoken desires, the weight of emotions threatening to spill over.
Then, it all came crashing down. "So, for this week at least, let's... try to forget and enjoy the peace."
He simply meant the tabloids, but to you, it sounded like goodbye.
In the sixth month...
Every day felt a little harder to breathe than the last. The end was coming, you knew, but it was hard not to savor every little moment that you could with him.
As you strolled through the upscale department store, your heels clicked against the marble flooring. You were waiting for him, hoping to make this final "date" here memorable. However, as you turned a corner, the sound of a high-pitched laugh caught your attention.
In the far corner of the room stood a familiar socialite, her perfectly coiffed hair and designer outfit drawing all eyes to her. She had always been openly interested in Diluc, not caring about his relationship status. Your heart sank as you watched them interact from afar, knowing it would soon be over between you and him.
He stood with his back turned to you, and as you approached, you could see a hint of a smile playing on her lips. Delicate fingers adorned with perfectly manicured nails rested lightly on his broad shoulder, and she tilted her head up to meet his gaze with a practiced air of charm.
You stopped in your tracks, your throat constricting at the sight. Dressed impeccably in an elegant outfit and sporting flowing blonde locks, she exuded a sense of effortless sophistication that made you feel completely outclassed. Your eyes met hers, a piercing shade of grey, and you couldn't help but feel intimidated by her presence next to Diluc.
With a quick pivot, you rushed down the busy streets without looking back.
Eventually, your phone started vibrating incessantly in your pocket. The texts piled up, each one asking if you were okay and why you missed your scheduled meeting. You finally responded with a brief lie, claiming that you were sick and slept through the appointment.
You didn't know how to face him.
You didn't know, but you knew that you had to.
It was with this resolution that you made your way to his office. They were familiar with you by now and waved you up to the elevators. To your surprise, you met familiar grey eyes as the doors reopened on Diluc's floor.
She sneered unpleasantly, "It's you." She sounded unimpressed. "Well, enjoy yourself until moving on to the next one, I guess."
It rubbed you the wrong way, but the fury at the multitude of tabloid headlines came rushing out at once. "You don't know anything!" you snapped. "I love him!"
Your head snapped to the side as you heard footsteps approaching. Diluc and his father, Crepus, stood in front of you. You didn't even register their expression as a mix of fear and embarrassment washed over you. You turned to run away, but Diluc easily caught up to you by the stairwell.
With a sudden jerk, he took hold of your wrist, his fingers closing tightly around your skin. He pulled you close, his body pressed against yours, and his lips crashed onto yours in a passionate and fiery kiss. Your heart raced as sparks shot through your body, leaving you breathless. The moment's intensity overwhelmed you, and all you could do was lose yourself in his powerful embrace.
...you found forever.
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jorrated · 9 months
Hiya Jo, sorry to come to you for this, but your post on Maya Knuckles was so cool I had to ask. You seem good at researching stuff, do you have any tips on looking for sources on specific groups of people? I've been struggling on finding good resources on indigenous groups from brasil... (I'm brazilian myself but i dont know where to start)
I wouldn't say I'm good at research, as I think I'm more insanely curious and just lucky LOL. A lot of times when I try to search for specific things I try absolutely everything until I stumble on whatever I was looking for!
But usually I start with a quick basic skim-read on whatever google gives you when you look up whatever your looking for. Most often then not it'll probably give a wikipedia page, some related news articles and some unsourced pages. A lot of times I won't use any of these, but it's a good way to get a feel for what you'll need to keep an eye for.
What I mean is that sometimes just looking for the main subject of the research wont actually give you what you're looking for. For example, when I was looking for Mayan stuff, it kept giving me Inca and Aztec info, which is cool, but wasn't what i was looking for. But since these 3 were usually grouped together, looking for Inca and Aztec books/resources actually helped me a bunch into finding what I was looking for, and more! So keep an eye out on how the subject you're looking for is COMMONLY described, what's usually associated to it, what people talk about the subject etc.
Then you can go actually searching for thing now, I recommend using DuckDuckGo! And always check if they got a source. Plenty of articles will say things that they've seen on other articles, which maybe are true! but then you always run the risk of getting incorrect facts. So always check, if it's not sourced, run another search with the info and see if another article has a source.
When you do find an article/book with a source THEN you can fall down the rabbit hole! No joke one sourced article can lead you to 5 sources, which most probably also have sources. So from there it's pretty easy to search up on references.
If you run into a dead end and still hasn't found what you're looking for I recommend checking what the wikipedia page is citing as sources. You might not be able to access everything there, but some links should be able to redirect you to somethings.
In terms of paywalled scientific articles, disabling javascript usually works (right click on the page -> inspect element -> find the gear on the top right of the window it just showed up -> scroll down until you see a checkbox saying "disable Javascript" -> and refresh page). But if that doesn't work, Sci-Hub is fucking amazing. Just put down your ref or DOI and voilá!
For books I recommend checking the Internet Archive! They usually have what you're looking for, but also half of the time you can just type "Book name PFD" and it'll usually come up after a few search pages. Just make sure you know how to download stuff without getting a virus in you PC.
Reverse image search can also be pretty useful if you find an image related to the subject, since you can link up to other articles/blogs.
If you're STILL running in dead ends, switching up languages can help (probably not your case since your brazilian and most likely already searching in portuguese but yknow). Google translate extensions can really help looking into pages with languages you don't know! It's not perfect but it might help you get a gist of it.
And lastly if you want to know more about Indigenous people from Brazil, I got a couple of reccomendations (most in portuguese btw)!
Centro de Referência Virtual Indígena
Probably the BIGGEST resource on historical and political information on Indigenous groups. It hosts around 2,3 million documents ranging from bills passed, to personal diary entries. (aaaaand can link up to a lot of other cool resources)
Observatórios dos Direitos e Políticas Indigenistas
Translated from their website: OBIND aims to obtain and systematize quantitative and qualitative data on territorialization processes, territorial management, interethnic conflicts, human rights and quality of life of indigenous peoples and populations in reserved areas or in urban contexts, in order to enable visibility, comparability, evaluation and guidance for indigenous policies and promotion of their rights, notably those pertinent to respect for their uses, customs and traditions and the exclusive enjoyment of the lands they traditionally occupy, recognizing for this the sine qua non condition of promoting indigenous autonomy and overcoming guardianship as assimilationist legacy.
Indígenas pela Terra & Vida
Youtube playlist about many different Indigenous people recounting their experiences and narratives.
GENOCÍDIO INDÍGENA E POLÍTICAS INTEGRACIONISTAS: demarcando a escrita no campo da memória
Book titled: INDIGENOUS GENOCIDE AND INTEGRATIONIST POLICIES: demarcating writing in the field of memory
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orcboxer · 8 months
having painstakingly looked through every palworld creature design, I can confidently say I ain't interested. I wanted my negative first impression to be wrong but lord amighty it does not look better up close.
I was an absolute pokemon kid growin up and I love seeing people's fakemon and fangames and the idea of a poke-like game appeals to me, so I have a lot of thoughts. if you feel defensive of palworld then uhhhh don't read this because tldr I think it looks awful
I thought it looked bad when it was announced so I wasn't paying close attention, but lookin through the pals quickly killed what little interest might have been lurking in me. like I don't wanna be unfair to anybody tryna make pokemon-like games, but these things weren't made with love I can tell you that for sure. there's maybe like 5 that look pretty good and original but the rest.... where do I begin
So first thing, the ripoff pokemon designs. I thought people were exaggerating but oh my god, they weren't. I would be disappointed to see one knockoff pokemon model, but there are dozens of them holy shit. Like at least half the dex is badly-tweaked pokemon models. This alone is enough to completely turn me off to the game because creature design is the heart and soul of this genre so if you ain't even gonna bother making your own damn creatures, what's the fuckin point? Even on some of the more "original" designs, I can point to at least one element that was straight up copy/pasted from an existing pokemon.
Second thing, recycled models within the game. Why do so many bird pals use the same (ripped off) body model? Why do so many pals suffer from same-face syndrome? The first pal I saw was Chillet, I thought it was cute. When I looked through the pals, I kept thinking "oh that face looks like Chillet. oh hey that face looks like Chillet. that one too." The overall effect of this is that a majority of the designs are forgettable, they blur together and feel indistinct from one another. the dex feels increasingly hollow with each reused asset. if you got 10 bird designs and 6 of them look the same, you really only got 5 bird designs.
Third thing (sort of. it's related to the other two), I noticed that there are no object-mon designs in palworld, which I would guess is intentional. I get the feeling that the devs were like, "object-mon are stupid, everything has to look like a creature," which is a common discourse topic in poke-like fan communities, and I think that maybe this played a part in the reusing of assets, because making animalistic creatures that look both natural and distinct from each other is hard! Trying to fill a whole dex with no inorganic-ish creatures is a daunting task, and at a certain point you either need a lot of time, or a lot of artists, otherwise you get same-face syndrome and heavy asset recycling. (I personally enjoy object-mons, as they're reminiscent of yokai, it's like hey here's a mundane object that has been inhabited by a little spirit! I think it's cute.)
Fourth thing, the silhouettes are too busy. Chillet works because it's simple and distinct. Most pals, though, have too many features going on at once, and you couldn't really play "who's that pokemon" with them. Again, this is a consequence of trying to mix-and-match the same pool of assets instead of designing from scratch. In order to make them look more distinct from each other you have to just add a bunch of unnecessary frills and appendages that makes for a cluttered visual impression.
Fifth thing, varying degrees of detail? Some of those pals have smooth, almost textureless skin/fur, but then others like jormuntide have super detailed texture? (also I know I've seen jormuntide's face before, it's from a different game on the tip of my tongue but I can't place it right now, but that's beside the point) You generally want to keep your creatures relatively consistent in terms of like, level of texture detail. It's like some of them are just higher resolution. Which if I'm being honest makes me think they stole assets from more than just Pokemon.
Finally, edginess. Maybe this is just me being too cynical but it feels like this game hates Pokemon. It feels like middle schoolers making jokes about hurhur what if somebody killed Barney the Dinosaur with a gun. The whole making them work in factories and butchering them? Who is the target audience here? There's a pal called Hangyu which vaguely resembles a noose and its dex entry says it was used to execute people by hanging them and also ripping their skin off....Come on man.
in terms of pal design, I give palworld 2/10 because Chillet is cute
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jinx-on-mars-19xx · 5 months
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In the Darkness
🩸Previous Parts Here🩸
Dom x Colson (Yungblud x Machine Gun Kelly)
Warnings: ABO dynamics (knots, slick, heats, mpreg), alpha serial killer/hitman Dom, omega mob boss Kells, cursing, threats, nervous boys, Dom on edge, Kells being a freak, actual murder, Dom snapping, weapons (guns and knives), lots of blood, improper self pleasure situation, sexism, masterbation, needy boys, voyeurism, getting caught, Kells being a princess, more blood, playful insults, cunnilingus, sex, messes, biting/marking, acceptance, more actual murder, sex at a crime scene (seriously guys this one is weird but funny!), enemies to lovers 💣 Rating: explicit
All ideas helped by @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker 🖤
Dominic was finally in his element again. He hadn't meant to ever do it again but his day had been full of stress and those idiots had been the last bloody straw. It felt like an old dance he knew step by step, something almost as simple to him as breathing. The first man was dead before either even realized they were being attacked, though the kill felt almost wasted for the Alpha. Where he normally shook from overwhelming energy and anxiety brought on by his ADHD he now had the hands of a surgeon. Everything happened so quick but every moment was perfectly calculated. He was a predator in the savage garden that was LA’s underworld, and he was intent on his prey.
Colson swallowed hard as he watched the scene play out in front of him, his heart racing in his chest. He'd turned the moment he heard the zipper of Dom’s little kill kit so he hadn't missed a thing. The knife he kept now was a butterfly- something that felt all too accurate for how it made the omega feel but he knew his lover insisted on it so neither of them would accidentally hurt themselves when they were close. The blade flipped open with a sure steady flick of the boy's wrist before he was silently lunging for his target from behind. One quick leap and a perfectly positioned slash and crimson was flowing over his floor. Kells had to wonder for a moment if he was high because to him it looked like a ballet. One of those really fancy ones with the ruby colored scarves signifying exactly what was spilling in front of him.
As Dom's feet touched back on the ground and the first body fell at his feet the other man finally noticed and turned to face off with him. It was the one he was sure had spoken and he wanted to drag it out but he knew he shouldn't. He couldn't savor something like that anymore, he was trying to be a good Alpha, a good parent, and good father's didn't get their rocks off with death. “Dude, what the fuck?” The guard was obviously torn, he was supposed to be here to protect them all but this probably wasn't in the handbook.
“Eloquent. Wha’ ya said about an omega- who was ya talking about?” The Alpha growled, even his voice sounded different. Direct. Authoritative. Maybe even a little mad.
“You ‘eard me. You said to ya friend summat about a sexy omega. Which one? Was you talking about the long ‘aired bloke?” It shouldn't bother him so much, a sexist comment was a sexist comment and they were all his family but he had to make sure. Colson didn't want anyone knowing what he was yet and if this bastard had worked it out…
The man floundered for a moment, his mouth falling open like a fish. Accurate Dom thought, he was about to be gutted like one. When he didn't get an answer he rushed forward, the tip of his blade meeting the guard’s throat. It was so hard not to press but he wanted a damn answer first. “T-the lady! The blonde! What the hell asshole? Did you not fucking see her? I saw you walk in here with her on your fucking arm. You get it!”
Oh that was the very wrong answer. Even Kells knew that. His own rage bubbled in his chest and he mentally cheered his lover on. As he watched the boy start laughing darkly he felt a rush of need. It didn't make sense and it was probably fifty shade of fucking wrong but a warmth spread through his core and he felt himself wet between his thighs. As his predator started to toy with his prey Col’s cock filled hard and fast. When blood flowed from the guard his own flowed faster through his veins. If the omega didn't know better he would have thought his heat was back. He felt as out of control as his killer when his trembling hands worked open his pants. He leaned against the solid door and slid his boxer briefs under his dick. Instead of using spit for lube he wiggled his fingers between his legs and gathered enough slick to get the job done. Everything felt hot and desperate and he couldn't tear his eyes away. His boy was a sight and one he was thankful he got to see.
Dom knew he didn't have long, he didn't think his mate would look around much but he couldn't help enjoying himself just enough to feed the beast inside. It started with a few small cuts as he moved in circles around the man. The gun came out because of course it did and he aimed for the tendon in his hand. “Why won't anyone understand…” His voice grew louder as he kicked the weapon away. The bastard fell to his knees from pain and gripped his wrist to stop the blood. They always did. “I fucking ‘ate guns!”
A roundhouse kick to the guy's face took him flat to the ground and Dom knelt over him and growled in his face. “You weren't supposed to struggle so bloody much. You tryna get me caught?” His hand curled around a weak jaw and he pushed the bastard's head up to lay his blade against the guard’s frantic pulse. “Ain't supposed to teach ‘ese lessons anymore but you-” He paused long enough to shove the metal deep and he took a shaky relieved breath. Did he hear a gasp? What was that? It sounded…
Col knew he should have hid himself or kept his mouth shut but there was something about watching his lover slide a knife into flesh. He was sure it was something Freud would have a field day about and had to be phallic in nature but he couldn't even make himself stop when the Alpha’s red gaze fell on him. If anything his hand moved faster stroking his cock.
Dom's stomach dropped at the sight of his mate staring at him and he was so mortified in the moment his brain didn't filter in the whole picture. He pulled his blade free and wiped it clean on the gurgling man’s shirt before he stumbled closer to his omega. Would Kells leave him? Had he scared him? Was… was his dick out? What the fuck? His feet stilled under him as he took in the whole image. Kells was indeed wanking in front of his murder scene. “Wha’ ya doing? Are you mental?” He didn't want to ask what part was turning Col on.
Colson's brow arched as he glanced between the body, the dying man, and his lover. “Are you shitting me right now? Me? Mental? You just killed someone for thinking my mom was hot! And you ruined my rug!”
The Alpha blinked slowly, he was still trying to draw himself back mentally and this was absolutely insane. “Ya rug? You wanking over a fucking corpse!”
“I'm wanking over you! Asshole! And that was a hand knotted Persian! You couldn't have moved over a few feet?”
“Oh it were ‘and knotted? 'Scuse me! ‘Ow about I ‘and knot you?!”
Kells finally moved his hand from his cock to instead rush forward the last few feet between them and push his killer hard. “Should fucking wank me-eee!” The last huffed word broke off in a squeak when Dom grabbed for his arm and they fell in the mess together.
Crimson eyes locked on gold and it felt like the world paused around them. “You're such a freak.” The omega muttered with a small smile on his face.
“Says a man wanking over a murderer.” Dom smirked back. He felt more himself than he had in a while and his fear of being turned away was vanishing with every little thrust against his stomach that his omega couldn't seem to help.
“Then maybe you should wank me.” They both knew how crazy they seemed as their lips met in a messy rough kiss but the more clothes they shed the less fucks they gave. They matched just fine and as long as the other was okay with it, why worry?
Dom sat up and pulled his shirt off over his head before doing the same with Col’s. Their touches were harsher than normal, more akin to their first day together. Colson had to stand up to push his pants down and as soon as he wiggled one leg free the Alpha dove between his thighs to devour him. “Oh f-fuck!” Kells choked, burying his hands in messy hair. He gasped when Dom’s blood stained touch groped over one of his thighs but the boy didn't taste him for long. He teased just long enough to get his own slacks worked open and his cock free to the cool air.
“D-down. Need you.” The Alpha muttered against dripping folds and Colson had never felt those words more. His knees felt so weak that his legs collapsed under him and he all but fell on his lover's dick. His knees crashed into the now red rug but his psycho was as careful with him as he could be. “Need you.” Dom growled again as they panted together and started to move at a frantic bruising pace.
“Need you. Got me. M’here.” Col tried to soothe through stuttered breath but everything was too much and not enough. His hands stayed tangled in the boy's wild hair as Dom's wandered anywhere they could reach. He knew he'd asked to be bitten just a few hours before but with their hips rolling, his partner's knot already trying to lock them together, and Dom's touch painting his inked skin red he had never felt safer or more claimed.
There was a weight in the Alpha's chest that Col was lifting with his steady stare and sweet moans. The omega had seen what he was capable of and accepted him fully. With that golden gaze staying intent on him he knew he'd never been so seen. They may not know how to say the words but he was loved and he deeply loved his mate in turn. “Can I-” He tried to speak but the next thrust stopped the air in his chest. His man was chasing his pleasure and he was sure he knew how to call it closer by name like the beast it was.
Strong fingers gripped gently at Col’s jaw and tilted his head as the Alpha worked kisses down his skin. Their chests pressed together as Dom held him tight and fangs scraped over his throat. He didn't know if he screamed yes or just thought it with his entire being, but either way his psycho boy seemed to hear.
Blood hit Dom's tongue as his teeth sunk deep. He was claimed by the man already but now everything felt complete. He was so lost in the taste of his mate's blood and slick combined that he barely noticed when Kells slammed his hips down and his knot popped fully inside. They chased their rapture together with grinding bodies and needy whines and when it hit Col gushed for him, washing away so much of the red staining his skin.
Colson cursed as his lover’s dick jerked out load after load inside him. He was getting used to it but it still made him flush every time. Eventually the bite turned to gentle licks and soft kisses before the Alpha finally leaned back. The boss was surprised that he wasn't pissed at the placement though it might come up later when he wasn't filled with jizz and oxytocin.
“Mine.” Dom purred, a lazy smile on his face. Kells rolled his eyes but he didn't mean it. He couldn't help but grin back.
“Yeah yeah. I think you already know who the bitch is here.” He teased and the boy nodded back.
“So… you really pissed about the carpet?” The Alpha asked sheepishly. All his hardness was erased with his finally quelled urges and he never wanted to upset his man.
Col looked around at the mess and shrugged. “Nah, I can get a new one. I'll just have to pay my cleaners extra.” He was okay with that as long they didn't have to deal with the bodies. They had to get home to start the move. “Did you know there's a few spare rooms in my apartment?”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah. You think Tom would like one of those instead of his own place?” Col asked while tracing patterns on the boy's chest in their combined slick and cum. The fucker was still filling him and his body was still feeling aftershocks but he couldn't wait to ask or he might not be able to.
“I fink so. Wouldn't ‘urt to ask. Where would I go?” Dom hummed but he hoped he knew the answer already.
Kells heard a soft gurgling sound and he really didn't want their peace ruined. How dare the guard interrupt while he was trying to talk. “Hang on.” He grumbled, reaching over to the pile of discarded clothes to pull his gun from its holster. “I'm trying to have a moment here asshole!” He snapped before aiming at the guy across the room. The sound of the shot made Dom wince but for once he didn't complain about the weapon, he just waited as Colson dropped it again and focused back on him. “Do you wanna move in with me? I don't know if it's the right thing and I'm sure we'll both drive each other a little crazy but-” He paused again and looked around, gesturing to the mess with a chuckle. “I think we can handle it.”
The Alpha beamed happily at his fully mated omega and hugged him tight to his chest. He was sure Col was correct but he didn't fucking care. They were all mad here and he could finally make a home. Something he'd never truly had before. “Only if you get rid of the bloody chrome.” The laugh that answered him was a beautiful thing.
“Fuck you, but deal.” He couldn't believe it but he was taking his Alpha home for good.
Author's Note/Tags: @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker @hollywoodxwhore @jaxbreaker @fenoy7 @cole-way-iero28 if anyone wants tagged let me know 🖤
So that happened 😅 I hope it wasn't too much. I thought it was time they finally started to show themselves to each other and feel accepted. I hope you're all enjoying it! 🩸🖤
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coinandcandle · 1 year
How do oracle?? I've tried but I can't get the hang of it. Tarot is much easier to me but I have an oracle deck and I don't understand how to use it. It's just slightly different enough that it boggles me
Hello! Tbh I would argue that it's quite different than tarot!
Across decks tarot is going to have basically the same meanings because it was made to be that way. It started out as a game, so there needed to be rules. Only later did it turn into a form of divination. Yes it changes based on the reader's personal style and beliefs but ultimately they all have a similar meaning regardless of what deck you're using.
Oracle, however, is not so uniform. Each deck (by which I mean decks by different creators) is going to be unique. The imagery, vibes, and definitions are going to be different.
For some people it helps to use the oracle cards in conjunction with tarot. This wasn't the case for me, I had to use them separately until I learned my oracle cards better.
So my biggest tip is: don't read oracle like you read tarot.
Often times oracle decks try to tell you what you need to know in the way a helpful wizard in a hero's story does: they don't tell you straight up, they use story telling elements like similies, metaphores, etc.
Some decks may give you a straight answer, of course, but plenty rely on fairy tale style lessons. Teaching you how to find the answer yourself rather than just giving it to you.
✨ Put down the guide book and pick up the vibes. Sometimes the guide books that come with oracle decks don't have enough information on them or they definitions don't necessarily click well with the vibe you pick up from the card.
-> Sit down with your deck and come up with the meanings you prescribe to them.
✨ Coast on pure intuition, babeyyy. Not really, you'll be using your intuition as well as the imagery, title, number, etc of the card. Some cards meanings will change based on the question asked or situation divined. It's your job to sift through the various meanings and find what fits to your reading. This doesn't mean "pick the answer you want", though.
->Use your intuition (aka that feeling you get deep in your bones or soul when you know something but you're not sure how you know it) and find the meaning.
✨ Try a different deck. Some oracle decks just don't click, especially if you're brand new at it. So use another deck if possible.
Treat reading oracle decks as if you're learning an entirely new divination system--cuz you are! Start from the beginning and leave any ideas of tarot at the door for now.
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copperbadge · 2 years
Hey Sam, any chance you can talk a bit more about saffron at some point? I've not encountered it as a possible ADHD treatment before and am curious what you meant about finding it not helpful at higher doses. Does it just not work, does it kinda work but have an annoying side effect or two, etc etc. Thinking I might give it a go, but I'm on 60mg of rubifen a day (2 pills in morning, one early afternoon) and want to have an idea of where to place my expectations :)
The saffron thing is pretty new overall as well as new to me, and I tend to side-eye "natural" cures because generally when natural cures work they, you know, become medicine. There's also very little regulation on natural remedies/vitamins so it's always a toss-up as to what's actually in the capsules; when I went looking for saffron pills, all of them seemed sketchy, made and sold by the kind of place that'll sell you gunpowder tea for weight loss. (I ended up going with Nootropics simply because they put most of the info on the bottle.)
I heard about saffron as an ADHD treatment from a woman I was speaking to who's got three kids with ADHD, all under 15, and was having trouble getting their meds. We originally started talking because I was offering tips on how to find pharmacies that might have larger stocks of Adderall during the shortage, and she tuned into the conversation since trying to get three 30-day scrips for Adderall filled at once really sucked. She told me she'd tried saffron after hearing about it on an ADHD Parenting community, and that it was helping her kids with the hyperactivity element, though she wasn't sure if it was helping them with focus and executive function. The study here seems to be the main source of data on it, and it's admittedly a small study, but the fact that it is being studied by actual scientists is somewhat reassuring.
The recommended dosage is 30mg/day of the saffron, which I've been taking for a couple of weeks on top of the first dose of Adderall (and daily vitamins). I really only have my own experience to go on but it seems to me to act as an enhancer for the Adderall; gives it a little kick, at least it feels like. It doesn't seem to do much on its own for me. On the one hand, the placebo effect can be mighty, but on the other, I'm a reasonably skeptical person who hasn't been subject to placebo effect during drug trials in the past, so I think what I'm feeling is a real effect, it's just very mild. (A while back I tried Rhodiola, which is another commonly-recommended herbal supplement for ADHD, and didn't feel like it did anything.)
On top of 10mg of Adderall, the 30mg Saffron works pretty well, seems to intensify it a bit. I do take 20mg of Adderall on occasion but unless I'm super tired or stressed, it's too much -- it pushes me through productive and back out into scattered -- so the saffron intensifying 20mg is way, way too much, even if I need the 20mg. If I'm taking both doses at once I leave the saffron capsule in the pill box.
Overall, the science is still a bit shaky, but less shaky than a lot of non-prescription cures out there, and Saffron's pretty safe to use. Even if it's not doing anything, the only real consequence is I'm out $22 for the bottle. I might go off it for a bit once the bottle's done and see if I notice a downswing. All my data is pretty highly subjective, so all I can recommend is trying it out for yourself.
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faebriel · 8 months
I thought it was interesting what you said re the for good nonnie, and I’m really curious on what you mean when you say c!rainduo never fully understood each other. Would love to hear abt that!
yea for sure!! honestly it's a big factor of how i personally interpret their relationship. i don't have the vods on hand so this is gonna need an element of "trust me bro" but it's there
i think wilbur and niki were very good friends, but there were fundamental things to how they each operate that the other never really... grasped? it's something that isn't always explicitly said in canon, but always stands out to me. some parts aren't exclusive to just them, but it forms this broader pattern that spans them from day 1 to the end of the server.
the starting key to all this is the manberg-pogtopia era - wilbur is exiled, niki offers help, and he asks her to stay. there's a really telling interaction imo when wilbur and tommy are scampering around manberg (i think they were stealing supplies iirc?) and wilbur and niki have a conversation over in-game chat. wilbur asks niki to stay in manberg, and niki responds in-chat that she will, but she's visibly upset by the response and mumbles as such to herself afterwards. and after that, wilbur kind of falls into a mental pit, and he stops considering niki's safety in manberg until she is literally about to die right in front of him. and then he doesn't explain the "let's blow up manberg" plan at all, so niki is left with the realisation that wilbur tried to blow up manberg, presumably with her in it, without knowing just how quickly he sabotaged his own plan to save one of her lives...
and on niki's side, she's in the same box as everyone else when it comes to not understanding wilbur's issues in pogtopia. she agrees with fundy on nov 16 that wilbur has changed, and he's not the same wilbur from l'manberg anymore - she's still loyal to him, but she (like everyone else) doesn't really piece together that wilbur is suffering from mental problems that have spanned back to the presidency. he's just changed. he's not the same wilbur who was her friend (even if she still looks out for him the same way).
then when niki unearths the TNT underneath the presidential podium, she doesn't say anything or actively try to seek wilbur out (although they were all pretty quickly distracted by techno) - she trusts him, but she doesn't understand that wilbur has been giving off suicidal red flags all day (two of them explicitly onscreen, towards her - leading her to mushroom and giving her the blue, and arguably whatever happened with that coat offscreen) and that wilbur going missing right as she discovers the TNT is there and ready to blow is a massive, massive danger sign. and i mean, why would she. like everyone else, she thought that they won and that there was no reason why wilbur would want to destroy the place anymore. she didn't get quite how far he had spiraled.
it's that seed of misunderstanding that lets niki's feelings fester from doomsday onward. wilbur didn't kill himself, he abandoned her. it wasn't because he was dealing with suicidality, paranoia, delusions and pretty steep mood changes, it was because he actually never cared about her or anyone and all he cares about is chaos and destruction and he always thought she was a stupid, foolish dog at his heel. ghostbur's existence is an offence that tips her entire perception of what is real and what isn't. and when the target of niki's anger - tommy - is killed and revived, she has to shift all that unresolved grief and anger and misunderstanding onto the specter of wilbur.
starting to get into more fanon territory, i think wilbur puts niki on a bit of a pedestal. pre-death, even pre-spiral, the thought that she may struggle in manberg - that she's physically safe (which let's be honest, she was not) and that she will be fine - doesn't even cross his mind. despite being good friends, he never goes to her with his stress and worries as president. post-revival, he hems and haws over his apology to her for weeks before he makes it, and ironically he's been out of her life for so long that he doesn't even know she tried to murder his little brother. niki is a bit more proactive, but she doesn't understand wilbur's nature - largely, she doesn't understand his struggles with mental health (and he never shared them before pogtopia, and in pogtopia he was a whole other kettle of fish, so why would she?) and how it influences his behaviour. wilbur does a lot of shitty things, he does a lot of scheming, but he's never directly trying to fuck her over in the way she comes to believe he did. she was collateral. and that is it's own kind of pain, but it's not the mustache-twirling kind of disdain that she seems to think he had for her at doomsday and when she responds to news of his revival.
anyway. i think that wilbur's apology to her stripped back some of those misunderstandings between them (esp because niki had gone through her own mental health gauntlet by then, and come out with a stronger support network for it), but it was moreso about re-establishing that despite everything else, they still care for one another and that's what important.
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queen-scribbles · 7 months
OC Kiss: Rain (Etain/Vikkari, WotR)
(borrowing Etain from @haledamage for this one)
There was nothing to see here.
The terrain being so flat made watch duty a piece of cake, almost boring. Or would, under normal circumstances, but the rainstorm currently drenching the steppes made it nigh impossible to see more than a half dozen feet.
Which, in turn, had Vikkari worrying his lower lip between his teeth as he peered into the rainy gloom for both unanticipated threats and an anticipated return. Mostly the latter; she'd been gone for hours and he figured most creatures would be seeking shelter rather than food on a night like this.
Despite the attention he was training to mark her return, however, Etain still managed to sneak up on him.
"Think there's any new rivers forming tonight?" she asked, tone dry as the weather wasn't, shaking water off her hood.
Vikkari flinched at her materializing out of the gloom, then chuckled softly. "Some new streams, at least. Did you find anything?"
Etain shook her head, then tipped it toward the boulder he sat on in silent inquiry. "No sign."
He nodded, shifting over a bit to make sure there was room. "Can't say I'm terribly surprised, night like this."
She snorted as she sat. "I did spot a pretty big coney. I suppose that's not nothing, but with the weather screwing up visibility" --a gesture toward the sky-- "couldn't get a good shot." She cocked her head. "No whittling?"
"Too wet," Vikkari explained, though his fingers did twitch from the lack of a hobby to keep them buy. "Wouldn't want to cut off my thumb because the knife handle's slippery."
"Good reason," Etain said, tugging down her mask. She studied him silently a moment. "You could keep watch from the tent, Vikkari." She reached for his hand, stilling restless fingers. "No one would blame you on a night like this."
He laughed sheepishly, heat climbing his neck as he squeezed her hand. Thank you. "I can do better out here, though." Water dripped from his hood as he ducked his head. "And I wanted to be sure you got back safe. I don't mind some rain."
Etain smiled, wondered if he'd see it in the gloom. She knew that wasn't any lack of confidence in her skill, just his tendency to play Mother Hen with people he cared about--like fussing over Lann not wearing shirts or Ember being barefoot or Nenio choosing research over sleep. Just... more. Because it was her. And while she was still coming to terms with someone caring about her that much, she did appreciate it.
"Worried I'd drown in one of those new rivers?" she said lightly, squeezing his hand.
"Or be devoured by a rogue water elemental," Vikkari drawled, glancing at her with a smile visible in the glow from his eyes. "Encounter a smilodon with more hunger than sense."
Etain laughed. "I do appreciate you watching for me. It..." She reached over, hesitant, to brush his cheek with her fingertips. "I could see your eyes. Once I got close enough. It made finding the camp easier."
The overcast night made them seem brighter than usual, just by contrast, and his smile at her words made them brighter still.
"You don't need to do that, Etain," he whispered. "Try to excuse my worrywart tendencies."
"I'm not." Pippin nudged her hip and she absently reached back to pat his head. She'd tell him to go lay down, but the others might revolt if she made them sleep in the stench of wet bear. "Not saying I would have been lost without them" --though maybe in a more metaphorical sense... --"but they did make it easier to find my way back."
"Well." Vikkari leaned over to kiss her cheek. "Sweet of you."
Etain bit her lip, everything north of her shoulders suddenly very hot. "You're, um. You're welcome."
The vaguest sense of an outline flickered through the darkness in her peripheral, in the same moment Pippin lurched to his feet with hackles raised. Etain and Vikkari both stiffened, peering intently through the saturated gloom for whatever threat had her bear on edge. Etain stood, drawing her bow and nocking an arrow to be prepared at another glimpse of movement just on the fringes of her vision.
Vikkari abruptly pivoted, hot orange magic slicing through the night as he flung a spell. It only grazed the target, but left a smouldering line of kindled fur that Etain used as a guide to loose her shot. Even with the spots dancing in her vision from the bright flare of the spell, there was a yowl and thud and lifeless feline carcass visible in the light spell sputtering to life in Vikkari palm.
"Apparently you weren't that far off about the smilodon..." Etain said, nudging it with her foot. The poor thing's ribs were showing; no wonder he'd rated potential food higher than shelter.
"Apparently," Vikkari murmured. His hood had fallen back, rain dripping off his hair and nose as worry warred with humor across his face.
"Hey." Etain nudged him and gestured to the scorched line down the smilodon's back. "Thanks for the guiding light."
He nodded, gaze fixed on the arrow jutting from the side of the dead cat's neck. That she could make that shot in the dark, in a rush... "Happy to help. You think it followed you?"
She shrugged. "Seems likely. Guess it was waiting to judge if it could take one of us before pouncing."
"Well, I'm glad you and Pippin are so perceptive," Vikkari said. "And that you decided to linger with me for a minute."
Etain's brows twitched at the implication, glancing between the smilodon and him. "Me, too," she mumbled, the spell's light accentuating the angles of her face.
He shook water off his hair, debated pulling up his hood. But he was already drenched, as was the hood, so that would probably be more harm than help at this point. "All's well that ends well," he said in reassurance, reaching for her hand. "And that was a damn good shot."
"Oh." She blushed. "That was lucky, Vikkari." A sheepish laugh as her fingers slipped between his. "I might be good, but not that good."
"I think you are," Vikkari smiled, tugging her closer. His other hand rose to trace down her jaw. "I also think I need to thank you properly. If I may?"
Etain tipped her chin toward him, shuffling closer, even as she commented. "Aren't you supposed to be keeping watch?"
He chuckled, hand sliding to the back of her neck, words now spoken practically against her mouth. "I think I can trust that to Pippin for just a minute," he murmured, and kissed her gently. Chaste and sweet.
"Or two," she mumbled, her hand digging into his hair to hold him close, kissing him deeper.
"Or two," Vikkari agreed with a breathless grin before letting her pull him in for another.
[But he did have a responsibility, and that was the only thing that had him easing back. "You should get out of the rain before you catch cold or something."
Fond amusement flashed in Etain's eyes and she deadpanned, "Maybe then I'd get a break. But I take your point." She still crouched to retrieve her arrow first, then gave his shoulder an affectionate squeeze on her way to the tent. "G'night, Vikkari."
"Night, Etain." Vikkari settled back in the boulder as she and Pippin headed to bed, once again alone with the rain and the view of big, flat nothing to watch.
Only now with a smile on his face.
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adobe-outdesign · 1 year
Design review for the corphish line?
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Corphish is fine, but I'm not gonna line I always kind of foget it exists. I think I tend to get it mixed up with the Krabby line in my mind; obvious crayfish and crabs aren't even remotely the same thing, but the orange colors with a cream underbelly and tiny-pupiled eyes really do make the two look similar.
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I think one easy way to fix this would've been to make Corphish the same red color as Crawdaunt. Not only is it more distinctive, but it's a higher-contrast color and much more striking all around. I also wouldn't mind it working some of the blue into it's design; maybe just on the tips of the feet or the tail.
That aside, Corphish is still well-designed. The oval body is complimented by the oval claws, and the shape of the orange really helps accent the body nicely. Likewise, the use of cream helps to break up the body and keeps it from getting too busy. It's nothing fancy, but it's still a good crayfish none-the-less.
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Crawdaunt is quite a bit more distinctive than Corphish due to the addition of a yellow star and blue stripes. Not going to lie, I have no idea why these are there; I've heard people argue it's mimicking Sharpedo, which is an awesome idea, but it's just a fan theory—nothing in canon suggests this was the intent by the designers. I guess it could be going for a military theme with the dark-typing and invasive species thing, but that's vague at best.
At any rate, the star and stripes feel like they're competing with each other due to them both being distinct colors; the eye isn't sure exactly where it wants to rest other than somewhere in the head region. I think you could've dropped the star entirely and made the stripes on the tail blue, which would've fixed the problem without really loosing anything. Alternatively, you could also drop the stripes and make the resulting area black to resemble a gaping mouth, which could've been a neat concept.
All that aside though, I do really like the rest of the design. That sunken-in eye is perfect and matches its dark-typing nicely, while the legs and slightly upright stance give it a unique monster-y look that's still very crayfish-esq. If it wasn't for those extra face elements, it would be a dang-near perfect little beast.
(Side note: I wouldn't mind seeing this line get a mega or regional in the future. I had it in my brain that it had a mega, but apparently I just hallucinated that.)
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So overall: This a pretty decent line. Corphish is very nice looking, and only suffers from being a smidge too similar to Krabby. Crawdaunt has an awesome dark look to it and a neat body shape, but is a little over-cluttered with a few mismatched elements that don't really go anywhere. Still, the overall designs are solid enough.
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draguta · 2 years
.fairytale of new york | seven.
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pairing: professor!bucky x fem!reader
summary: a semester in new york. a handsome man in a bar. whiskey neat. to the lighthouse. christmas lights. this is the tale of a whirlwind romance. a forbidden fairytale. college au.
chapter word count: 2286
warnings: age gap (reader 19, bucky 34), student/teacher relationship
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"So, what would we say is Odysseus' main motivation?" Bucky called out, turning back to his class and looking through the crowd of students until his eyes finally landed on you. "Y/N?"
You glanced up from your laptop at the sound of your name, your eyes catching Bucky's. You thought about the question for a while, taking in Bucky's smirk as he waited for your answer; he had clearly picked you on purpose, testing whether or not you had been paying attention or had been daydreaming about that morning in the shower. It was definitely the latter.
"Well, I think it's clear that Odysseus' chief motivation throughout the novel is his desire for homecoming, a notion in heroic culture that encouraged bravery in war by reminding warriors and soldiers of the people that they are fighting for back home," you explained, your own smirk mirroring his as you answered the question perfectly. But Bucky wasn't finished.
"Would you care to expand on that a little more?" He asked, quirking an eyebrow.
"Odysseus' return represents the transition from his life as a warrior on the battlefield, back to his life as a husband, father, and the head of his household," you continued, wanting to prove yourself to Bucky. "That would explain why Odysseus is ultimately motivated by a desire to reclaim these elements of his identity and once again become the person that he was before he left for the war."
You didn't miss Bucky's grin at your answer, one that lasted only a second before his mask as your professor was once again placed over his expression.
"Very good, Y/N," he said, and you beamed down at him from your seat on the third row next to Yelena. "Be sure to include that analysis in your paper this week."
He shot you a quick wink, and you felt the blush rising in your cheeks. You glanced around the room quickly, scanning your peers to make sure no one had seen it, until your eyes landed on Liz, sitting right in the front row. But she wasn't looking at Bucky, or her notes. Instead her eyes were trained on you, glaring at you between the heads of your classmates.
You couldn't hold her gaze, quickly looking away, nerves creeping into your stomach like butterflies. You glanced back at Bucky to check if he had seen it, but he was already addressing the rest of the class, seemingly in professor mode once more.
"Ok guys, that's it for today," he called out, returning to his desk. "Don't forget that your papers are due on Friday, and I want them on my desk before the end of the day."
The class began to gather their things, and you quickly followed in their wake, shoving your laptop and notebook into your bag and throwing it over your shoulder as fast as you could.
"Woah, where's the fire?" Yelena asked, raising a brow as she watched you shoot from your seat and rush towards the stairs.
"There's just something I need to take care of," you explained, before rushing away. You didn't have time to explain it now. You had to catch Liz before she disappeared into the crowd - you could explain everything to Yelena later.
You pushed your way down the stairs, squeezing through the crowd, throwing Bucky a look as you passed by his desk, to which he gave you a reassuring nod. You spotted Liz's head over the others and pushed through the hoard of people until you were finally right behind her, tapping her on the shoulder. She paused, turning round, a look of surprise written on her perfect features.
"Do you think we could grab a coffee?" You asked, flustered. "I need to talk to you."
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Neither you nor Liz said a single word as you ordered and collected your drinks from the counter at the coffee shop, although there was an unspoken agreement that you would take your drinks to go, not wanting to have this conversation in somewhere as intimate as a coffee shop, especially when it was right beside campus; anyone could walk in at any time and hear what they were saying.
You walked for around ten minutes before Liz eventually spoke up, just as they were nearing the park nearby the college campus.
"So, I think I know what you wanted to talk to me about," she said quietly, her eyes seemingly refusing to meet yours, instead staring straight ahead at the path before them. You sighed, trying to find the right words to express what you wanted to say.
"Why would you do it, Liz?" You asked finally, kicking your feet on the gravel. "I mean, I know we're not really friends, but I didn't think you would ever do anything like this."
"Why wouldn't I?" She shrugged. "Is it right to sleep with a professor for good grades? Do you think that's fair on the rest of the class?"
Her words were laced with venom, but you couldn't see the anger there.
"Do you really think that's why I'm doing this?" You asked, with a frown. "You think I'm doing it for good grades? Does that really sound like something I would do?"
"I honestly don't know," she replied with a fierce shrug. "Why else would you do it? But the thing is, Y/N, the rest of us suffer from you getting special treatment."
"Professor Barnes doesn't give me special treatment," you countered. "When we're in the classroom or at school, he treats me exactly like every other student."
"Then explain to me why you're at the top of the class?" She argued. "When I'm still at the bottom."
And you finally realised; she wasn't angry at the situation, or at Bucky, she was frustrated with you.
"This isn't about Professor Barnes, is it?" You asked slowly, piecing together the hints that she had given you to try and make the full story. "This is about me."
Liz paused, turning to look at you, her long strides coming to a stop in the middle of the path, her dark eyes finally turning to look at you.
"It's not fair."
It was a simple statement, yet there was so much pain in her voice, so much disappointment and resentment in her tone, and for the first time since you'd met her you actually felt sorry for her.
"I get good grades because I work hard. I do extra credit work, I'm always studying, I do anything I can to keep my grades up," you explained. "Professor Barnes doesn't have anything to do with that."
She let out a small laugh, glancing down at her feet awkwardly.
"To be honest, I think I already knew that," she said quietly. "I just-Honestly I'm jealous. You have everything, everything seems so simple for you. You get amazing grades, you're so smart, you're beautiful without even trying, you have a guy like Professor Barnes falling at your feet. And if I want any of those things, I have to work so hard."
You smiled slightly, and when Liz looked up and saw your expression she frowned in confusion.
"You really think I have it easy?" You laughed. "Liz, I basically have no social life because I'm always either in the library or at my desk working and studying. Half the time I look like a complete slob! And honestly? I'm as surprised that Professor Barnes is interested in me as you are, but it's more than just sleeping together. He's important to me, in a way that I've never experienced with any other guy before."
Liz paused, considering what you had said, before looking back up at you. "I'm sorry, ok? I'll delete the video, I never should have sent it in the first place," she said. "I guess I just wanted, for once, to one-up you."
You nodded in understanding, throwing your hand out towards her with a smile. "Friends?"
She pushed your hand away, instead pulling you into a tight hug; she smelled like lemons, although with the way that she held herself, that shouldn't be something that surprised you.
"Friends," she agreed. The pair of you began to walk again, and the tension that had been seated between you earlier was now gone. "Maybe you can help me study sometime? I want to raise my grade."
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You arrived at Bucky's apartment a little after 8:00pm. You and Liz had spent the rest of the afternoon together, heading out for frozen yoghurt, with Liz firing 101 questions at you about Bucky. She had almost lost her mind when you'd called him by his first name rather than 'Professor Barnes', and had apologised profusely for any trouble that she had caused.
When you tried the handle you found that the door was already open, and letting yourself inside you rid yourself of your coat and bag, leaving them by the door.
"Good news!" You called out as you made your way through the apartment towards the lounge. "Liz is going to delete the video, and weirdly I think we're friends now!"
But when you reached the lounge you didn't find Bucky sitting in the armchair with a book like you had expected. Instead, the lights were dimmed, candles placed around the entire room. Three candles sat in the center of the coffee table where two plates of pasta were sitting waiting to be eaten. There was a jar of red roses over a red tablecloth that looked suspiciously like the spare blanket from his bedroom.
That was when Bucky appeared from the kitchen, a glass of red wine in each hand, his cat, Alpine, following closely behind him, rubbing up against his legs.
"Hey doll," he smiled, handing you a glass of wine. He looked delectable, wearing a dark blue suit with a crisp white shirt underneath, the top three buttons undone to show a hint of his chest.
"Bucky, what's going on?" You laughed in astonishment as he took your hand and led you to the coffee table. You hadn't noticed it before, but two of the cushions from the couch had been placed on either side of the table, and he guided you to one of them, helping you to sit down cross-legged by the table, Alpine immediately jumping into you lap and making herself comfortable.
"I know that there's been a lot going on recently, and I wanted to do something just for us," he explained with a smile as he sat down opposite you. "For you."
You couldn't help beaming at the thought as he reached forward and clinked his glass against yours. He had done this just for you. Not as an apology, or so that you'd fall into bed with him, but because he genuinely wanted to, wanted to make you happy.
"Bucky, this is…" you trailed off as his eyes caught yours, blue boring into yours. You got lost in them for a second, an ocean blue that you could simply dive into. "This is perfect."
"You're perfect." You felt as though you could cry; this was everything that you wanted for you and Bucky, to simply be happy, with no worries and nothing to get in your way. You knew that, right now, that wasn't possible, but even just for tonight, you could both forget that, you could play pretend. "That's why I got this made for you."
He placed something on the table, something shiny and small, and slid it over to you. You picked it up, glancing down at it in the palm of your hand. A key.
"It's for this place, a key to my apartment," he explained, and your eyes shot up to meet his in surprised joy. "We might not be able to be together out there, but in here we can be anything we want to be."
"Bucky…" you said quietly, your hand coming to rest over your mouth, tears beginning to well up in your eyes.
"Don't. Don't say anything." He reached over, taking your hand in his, placing a sweet kiss to your knuckles. "This apartment is a safe haven for us. Here, no one can tell us what to do, or how to be. And as my girlfriend, that's all I want for you."
"Girlfriend?" Your eyes widened at the title, your heart beating three times the normal speed. He brought a hand to the back of his neck, scratching there awkwardly, a habit that you realised he brought out whenever he was struggling to emote what he was trying to say.
"If you'll have me?" He asked quietly. "If you want me?"
You smiled, a tear trickling down your cheek.
"Bucky, that's all I want." He reached forward, wiping the tear from your cheek, and that was when you noticed it, the music playing in the background. "Is this my favourite song?"
"Halley's Comet," he confirmed, and you let another tear slip as the song played gently in the background.
In my dreams I seem to be more honest, and I must admit you've been in quite a few.
"I didn't mean to make you cry, doll," Bucky whispered gently, cupping your cheek in his hand. "Please don't cry."
My sleepless nights are better with you than nights could ever be alone.
"I'm crying because I'm happy," was all you could reply. "So, so happy."
I've been loved before but right now in this moment, it feels more and more like I was made for you.
Bucky pulled you close to his chest, and you closed your eyes, taking in his scent, your favourite smell in the world. You never wanted this moment to end.
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| @eclecticpatrolroadlawyer | @moonlightreader649 |
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pittdpeaches · 8 months
Hi there! Sorry if you’ve already been asked something similar to this haha-
Do you have any writing tips? Anything you wish you’d known earlier? Things you would suggest avoiding?
I’m also curious how you plan your fics if you don’t mind sharing haha
aaaaa hello hello! Apologies for not getting to this sooner, I've been in the process of going to study abroad, but I have some time to sit down and answer this properly. I'm not sure if I have things I wish I'd known or advise you to avoid, but I can share writing tips and fic processes.
Way back in like, october 2022, I made a huge google doc with like 12 different fic ideas I had. I go back to it now and again and add some ideas, or work on others. If I'm particularly inspired by something, I may even make it into a bigger doc. Usually I have an idea of what story I'd want to write and a handful of scenes seared in my head, and it's just a matter of adding scenes in between to get to the Big Stuff. A lot of the time, the story I start with shifts from there in order to justify getting to the original scenes I've planned out.
For example: Genus Datura was supposed to be a sickfic/intoxication fic where Red Son got so fucked up he started genuinely believing MK was his husband, because there was No Way this was real, he had to be dreaming, while a very real, *not* married MK tried to take care of him. The main scenes in my head were the hair washing scene and Red Son throwing up all over MK, but it was a matter of stretching it out into a bigger plot. I wasn't sure *how* Red Son would get into that state, so I did some research and found out jimsonweed is a very poisonous plant that causes hallucination and even death.
This bit of research was great because I could use an element from the actual show in the fanfic, but it also changed the story's tone. It wasn't a silly fic about Red Son spilling his affections to a very real MK-Red Son gets genuinely poisoned, and believes MK is proof of that. It also changed the reason why Red Son was working with the crimson jimsonweed-Princess Iron Fan needed him to work on it, which meant this was to some degree, Princess Iron Fan's fault.
Sometimes, it's less a matter of research changing the fic and more stream of consciousness? I didn't plan for the car scene between Red Son and MK in Genus Datura, but it just sort of poured out the more I wrote, and I went along with it.
While I do sometimes play with the idea of writing the sillier genus datura, I'm really happy with how it turned out. I enjoyed the writing process for it immensely.
I have a pretty spastic writing schedule-I'll do huge 5-8k chunks of writing over the course of a couple hours or a single day, and then just *not* write for a couple days or even a week. I wouldn't say it's the *healthiest* schedule per say, but it works for me and I'm overall pretty content with it. That being said, if you can stretch your writing out over the course of several days rather than jamming it into one, I'd recommend that more to others lmao.
So, here's some advice:
Firstly, make an outline. I'm not a big outlining person myself, I usually just have the chapter number and like, a short blurb about what I want to happen, but that alone is good enough. There's nothing worse than having a scene in your head and then completely forgetting it when you sit down to write three days later.
Take your time writing! Schedules and deadlines you create for yourself are handy if you want consistency, but life isn't consistent, and sometimes you need to be lenient with yourself. Write what you can, and if you can't some days, don't.
If you're stuck on something, genuinely go outside. Or stay inside, doing something completely different. Work on something else. The brain is fascinating-it works on things even when we don't really think about them. Give yourself some time away from your story and eventually, it'll come to you.
Play around with your ideas, even if you don't expect them. You might change something you thought was an integral aspect of the story at some point, and you might switch it out for something you'd just came up with on the spot. And that's okay. If this is where the story wants to take you, then go along for the ride.
Most importantly I think is that no matter how silly or stupid you think your writing is, someone out there will love it. Even if you don't get as many views or likes or comments as you'd hope, someone out there keeps your work close to their heart. You've worked hard on something, and you should be proud of that :D
Hope this all helped!!! It's a VERY long response, sorry about that rgurithjn.
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turtleybeachin · 2 years
Worlds Colliding (part 1)
So I had a wild November but still wanted to at least get something out on time for DiaMonth 2022. This is part 1 of probably 3, with my goal as to finish the rest by the weekend. @property-of-diavolo
Pairing: Diavolo x MC (gender neutral) Word Count: 975 Tagging: Lucifer, Solomon, and Barbatos make appearances. Fluff and Humor in a rom-com way.
Thanks to social media and tabloids of the human world, Diavolo's relationship with the exchange student isn't so secret. Which might not have been an issue if their family hadn't seen the evidence and felt they were at least due a dinner with this handsome boyfriend to get to know him. And how bad could one little dinner with one little human family be? In separate worlds, they each prepare in their own ways for the upcoming family gathering.
"It’s the end of the world."
Solomon didn't reply immediately, instead carefully counting the drops of amber liquid that he squeezed into a vial. "That might be just a bit dramatic. Have you been spending more time with Asmo?"
"Yes, but that isn't the point right now. Solomon, my worlds are colliding. My literal worlds are colliding. This could be catastrophic!"
He frowned at the book open on his desk and perched his chin on his thumb, one arm folded across his chest and one bent to curl his fist at his lips. The recipe was clear, but seemed counterintuitive. To follow it against his best judgement, or to go off-script and trust his gut? He blinked at the sudden awareness of silence, and realized he was expected to respond. "I would have thought by now you'd be rather accustomed to Armageddon-style adventures, my adorably hysterical apprentice. Toss me the dried mandrake leaves."
"Those weren't in the recipe," the other human replied, even as they obligingly stretched to grab the components from a high shelf. "And sure, but there's a difference between accidentally ending three realms with your oblivious existence and having your family interrogate your boyfriend." They slid the glass container across the desk and then leaned forward to fold their arms over Solomon's tome.
As he worked on crushing two leaves in his mortar, the sorcerer tipped his head in acknowledgement of a point. "Quite. But don't forget that your boyfriend is much older than you and your family members combined, already has a cover story in this world that they know and he is accustomed to using, and is the crown prince of the Devildom who has dealt with much more menacing dinner guests."
"And don't you forget that Diavolo can't lie, gets easily excitable about human customs, and usually has Barbatos at his side to keep him in-character."
The dull sound of the pestle crushing the leaves into little flakes filled the room as two humans frowned at the lack of mandrake leaves in the open book between them. Solomon glanced to his apprentice, gave a shrug as though to say 'guess we'll find out', and dumped his work into the vial. They both stared at the concoction for several beats, waiting for a reaction.
"Mmm," Solomon hummed thoughtfully. The frothing wasn't entirely expected, but neither was it terribly alarming. "Could it go disastrously? Of course. Many family gatherings do, to some degree. But is it going to be a world-ending catastrophe? I don't expect--"
His words were interrupted by a sharp CRACK of the glass vial splitting up the sides, and thankfully they'd been working on defensive spells recently as his apprentice flung out a hand and commanded the elements to obey.
"What," they asked tightly, "were you saying about your expectations just now?"
Solomon laughed airily, waving a hand and wiggling his fingers to clean up his mess. "And what did I say about you working well under pressure?"
Barbatos stood beside his lord in front of a gilded mirror and watched as the larger demon fussed with his tie to straighten it. Not only was it further off-center than when he'd started, he was also getting the collar of his shirt wrinkled. So he stepped forward and pivoted, interrupting the young master's view of himself as he reached up to properly fix his outfit for him.
"How did this happen again?" Lucifer asked, sitting in a chair behind them with one leg crossed over the other, a glass of Demonus in one hand, and his brow pinched between the fingers of his other.
Diavolo started to turn only to be interrupted by a sharp swat from his steward reminding him he was still being dressed, thank you, and to hold still. "Apparently, some unsavory journalists got hold of a photo someone took of us together at that amusement park we visited. The news reached their family, who were understandably upset at finding out their child was in a relationship in such an impersonal manner," he repeated over his shoulder, his grin half-visible around Barbatos' head in the mirror's reflection.
"Right, yes, but why did you agree to this? Surely they could have come up with countless excuses to put off this charade. They never struggled to find excuses to get out of things that I requested of them," Lucifer groused, taking a deep breath and a long sip.
"This is their family, Lucifer! Surely you of all people understand the importance of family." Golden eyes caught a flash of ruby eyes in the mirror.
Barbatos tugged at Diavolo's collar before stepping back, giving him a thorough inspection before nodding his satisfaction. "You already know I agree with Lucifer on this matter, my lord, but I am aware that there is no dissuading you from this. How old are you?"
Grinning wide, the future king of the Devildom proudly responded, "I am thirty-seven human yea--"
"Humans do not have to specify they are measuring things as humans," Lucifer ground out, brows pinched in a sure sign of another migraine swiftly approaching.
"Ah, of course! I am thirty-seven years old. Thank you, Lucifer!"
Barbatos shared a long, weary look with their guest. "And where did you grow up, my lord?"
"In a quaint little human tow--"
"Diavolo," the Avatar of Pride growled, too close to either a meltdown or an outburst to include honorifics.
"Right! A quaint little town outside of Brighton." Diavolo turned to look back at Lucifer with an apologetic smile that did nothing to soothe his friend's ire.
"And your family...?" Barbatos prompted, narrowing his eyes in suspicion.
With a wide grin, Diavolo arched a brow at his steward's look. "Are understood to all be human without my saying so, and I followed in my obviously human father's footsteps for work. I'll be fine, Barbatos! How hard can this be?"
Lucifer flinched at the ominous declaration. Barbatos merely sighed and closed his eyes. Diavolo's booming laughter did little to chase away the shadows.
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overnightshipping · 1 year
So I completed Pikmin 4 on Thursday with all treasures, all onions, and all castaways rescued. Basically everything except going back to platinum the Dandori challenges, which I probably don't care about but maybe someday. As promised, I have a lot of thoughts on Pikmin 4.
In some ways, Pikmin 4 is truly the Pikmin game that I have wanted since I originally got hooked on Pikmin and Pikmin 2 on the Gamecube. It is grand, expansive, and polished in a very Nintendo way. It brings back many fan favorite elements from the previous 3 numbered Pikmin games and expands upon them, adding its own unique twists and interesting concepts. It dives further into the society of weird little interplanetary explorers you play as than any previous game, expanding them across multiple planets (since apparently they sure do have a lot of planets). It was a very enjoyable experience and one that I don't find it difficult to recommend.
In other ways, it is a game that in making itself as marketable as possible has lost the charm of Pikmin. It is a game that feels at odds with itself, a game that loses some of the most potent elements that made Pikmin a compelling strategy game. I have seen at least one person liken it to a collectathon platformer moreso than a strategy game, and while I don't think that is completely accurate I think it clearly outlines one of Pikmin 4's biggest, most prevalent problems: the lack of strategy in a strategy game. It's a game that is terrified to punish the player, presumably in an overcompensation for the previous games not selling well and Nintendo thinking it was because they were too hard.
I don't want to make this a full on review, but let me see if I can make some sense of my thoughts under the cut. There will be full game spoilers, both for before and after the credits roll.
The first warning sign for Pikmin 4 was how slow, tedious, and long-lasting the introduction is. In previous games you had a single day of tutorial, giving you the ropes, and often had characters chime in for extra things you needed to learn afterwards, like what different Pikmin types did, but it was never so annoying as 4. 4 makes you go through multiple ingame days where the characters laboriously explain to you everything and admonish you if you try to go off on your own - the games point you directly at the first cave and if you don't go there IMMEDIATELY the game yells at you to do so. Thankfully after a few days it finally gets less overzealous, but damn was it a poor first impression.
Unfortunately, it only gets a bit less overzealous, because the characters do. Not. Shut. UP. In Pikmin 4 you have a crew of rescue explorers (who you save) who just are constantly chiming in from the peanut gallery. All the way into the very end of the game will characters remind you that you have Pikmin sprouts to pluck, or tell you to go attack the enemy's weakpoint, or whistle at Pikmin if they catch on fire, or say "aw man it's so sad we lost so many Pikmin, if only we could turn back time" not-so-subtly hinting at the game's (fine and appreciated for newer players) accessibility feature to rewind to certain points and undo mistakes. By the end of the adventure I wanted to strangle Collin in particular who is the worst offender.
The game chirps these "helpful tips" at you when you are doing the post-credits challenge mode that is explicitly the hardest part of the game! For fuck's sake! I know how the play the game by now!
This brings me to the game's accessibility options, which are much appreciated even if I wish they were less imposed on the player. You can rewind time to an extent if you need to undo things, and if you ever get lost you can get your dog to sniff up a path on where to go next. Now, I wish the game wasn't constantly telling me to use these features I didn't want to use, but I'm glad they are here. Pikmin 4 is definitely the most accessible Pikmin game and I think that is worthy of praise, even if I have some (okay maybe a lot of) gripes on how exactly they were implemented.
Speaking of the dog, I was skeptical about how it would be implemented but I largely really enjoyed Oatchi. He essentially takes the place of having a second captain and it works quite well. The big highlight is that Oatchi has different capabilities from your captain, which means you have to put some additional thought into which character you want where. This is at its best in the nighttime missions, where the captain is the only one who can use the Glow Pikmin's powerful glow bomb blast thing which is an extremely useful tool for dealing with the nastier enemies.
Unfortunately, Oatchi also kind of... is overpowered as hell. The main thing you will use Oatchi for is to carry Pikmin - when playing as Oatchi or riding him as a captain, your Pikmin will all cling to Oatchi's back instead of following behind in a group. This is extremely useful against bosses in particular, since it means you can dodge enemy attacks directly rather than having to manage the horde of Pikmin following you. Because a bunch of the bosses are ported over from Pikmin 1 and 2, this trivializes them in a not insignificant way. Man At Legs is a great example, as it is absolutely pathetically easy in Pikmin 4 since you don't even have to think about Pikmin management, just circle strafe with Oatchi while it's shooting and you'll never lose a Pikmin. This is not even taking into account how powerful Oatchi's charge and carrying abilities get when you upgrade them.
The best bosses in the game, unsurprisingly, are the two Pikmin 4 original bosses that feel actually designed with Oatchi's mobility in mind, the Groovy Long Legs and the final boss. These are also the only bosses that come close to the complexity and satisfaction of Pikmin 3's boss fights, since the game eschews boss encounters tied to going to new areas entirely, which is a damn shame since if it was going to take anything from 3 that would have been a great thing to take.
Speaking of things to take from 3 which I hate, the lock on. It sucks! I didn't like it much in Pikmin 3 but at least there there was still a bit of strategy in needing to aim after the lock on to hit enemies in particular weakpoints, and at least it was manually triggered. In Pikmin 4 you automatically lock your cursor to everything as you pass the cursor by it. This has two effects:
It can be quite annoying to try and get the cursor where you want it, and heaven help you if you want to aim at something which the game doesn't lock onto. For example, Skitter Leafs hide as leaves and then skitter when you approach, but you can instant kill them if you throw a Pikmin on top. Your lock on works when they are revealed, but when they are hiding it doesn't. This means that if you have killed a Skitter Leaf but there are others hiding nearby, you just can't even try to kill the ones that are hiding since your cursor will be locked onto the corpse your Pikmin can carry. This annoyance only happened a few times, but boy howdy is it annoying when it does crop up.
More importantly, it trivializes aiming at enemies. Throwing Pikmin in Pikmin 1 and 2 was a skill you could get better at - if you throw Pikmin near a Dwarf Bulborb, they would attack it, but if you threw a Pikmin directly on top of one they would kill it in one shot. This incentivized getting a feeling for the throwing arc of Pikmin and carefully lining up your shots to kill enemies quicker and safer. In Pikmin 4 you just... lock on automatically, and can throw a Pikmin and kill the Bulborb in one shot and go about your day. This wouldn't be so bad if so many enemies weren't ported over from Pikmin 1 and 2 directly - enemies like Shearwigs, Flint Beetles, and Breadbugs aren't balanced with the lock on in mind and as a result feel impotent. The only thing the game does to acknowledge this at all is make other Dwarf Bulborb types need two or three Pikmin to kill them, which... doesn't help much.
To swing back into things I like: the Pikmin types! The way Pikmin are introduced is reinvented and works really really well. You get Red Pikmin first with their Onion as normal, but after that you will find other colors of Pikmin in caves as wild Pikmin, or with the help of Candypop Buds, and integrate them into your team without having their Onion and thus being unable to grow their numbers manually. However, you can also find each color's Onion somewhere in the world, allowing you to raise as many as you want just like normal. This is really cool! It means that every Pikmin type (except Reds and arguably Yellows) gets a chance to be rare and important, really making you second guess how you approach things in case you lose out on those Pikmin that you might need for other things. This hit home for me when I was doing a cave with Blues and Ices, and was having trouble killing an Aristocrab. I finally killed it, but my Blue numbers had dwindled to the point that I couldn't carry a treasure out. That's cool! I love having to deal with the consequences of my actions. I ended up being put in a situation where I could keep charging forward into new areas and hope that I found more Blues or I could backtrack because I thought I had seen a Blue Onion in an area I was in before but couldn't get to it, but maybe I can now...
The one issue I have with how the Pikmin are given to the player is that the way means they aren't very well paced. Since it is essentially tied to whatever caves the player goes into, it is perfectly possible to get to the credits before even finding every Pikmin type - this happened to me, actually, as I got my first Winged Pikmin post-credits. It's a far fling from the careful metering out of the types in 1-3, but I think it largely works well outside of some pacing issues.
Speaking of pacing, this game really wants to be an open world in some ways, it's kind of silly. The areas are all bigger than normal and, as aforementioned, there aren't mandatory bossfights to get to the next area anymore. Your ability to explore is just tied to the Sparklium you collect, which has its pros and cons. Hell, Pikmin 4 even has a menu clearly riffing on the minimalist approach of BotW for some reason.
Luckily, this mostly works. The areas are great! The caves are also great! Everything feels really satisfying to explore, aided by the cool new feature to move your base to one of several predetermined areas on the map once you have found them (and usually killed an enemy on top of them). It's really fun to be able to take different approaches on each of the maps depending on where you plop down your ship and Onion.
Unfortunately, Pikmin 4 completely whiffs the "exploring a hostile alien planet" theme and tone. Every cave has a little "intro card" penned by Olimar explaining roughly what to expect in it, often spoiling the sense of discover when plunging in. New concepts are similarly explained - in previous games, Candypop Buds are shown to the player, the player is suggested that the Pikmin want to be thrown into them, and so the player tries and, in so doing, discovers what they do. In Pikmin 4, Candypop Buds are shown to the player, and the player gets a little explanation by Olimar and the other characters as to exactly what they do before the player has a chance to experiment. It's a subtle change, but when it applies to much of the game it really stands out.
The planet's hostility is a joke this time around. If you, like me, were a bit underwhelmed at how Pikmin 3 was easier than Pikmin and Pikmin 2, I have bad news: Pikmin 4 is even easier. I wouldn't even have that much of a problem with this if it weren't for one key thing that ruins it for me: enemies never respawn.
This is the single thing that bothers me most about Pikmin 4. In previous games, the choice to continue to explore a single area or go to a different one was one you made thoughtfully, because while your progress would be saved, over time enemies would respawn and you would have to deal with them again. Certain areas would even spawn harder enemies after enough time had passed, meaning that even in Pikmin 2 where there was no omnipresent day-based time limit to the game, there was still an incentive to go quickly - too long and that Snagret would be back, or a Sheargrub would chew up your bridge, or you would have to deal with a Beady Long Legs where one wasn't before.
Pikmin 4 takes this away entirely, which makes the game feel artificial in a way that the others didn't. Where once was a living, breathing world which actively continued on when you weren't looking now there is a bunch of video game levels where you can kill a Bulborb on day one and come back on day fifteen to pick up its corpse for Pikmin sprouts. It sucks, and is even worse in caves. When I went back to that cave from before where I needed to get a treasure but didn't have enough Blue Pikmin, I expected to at least need to fight that Aristrocrab again, to fight it smarter so I would still have Pikmin ready to carry the treasure. Instead it was still dead, its body still right where I had left it, and I just picked up the treasure with no obstacles in my way whatsoever. Where is the challenge, the satisfaction of holding your own against a hostile environment? Where is the friction? This change baffles me.
It's one thing to make a game easier to appeal to a wider audience, but it feels like another to me to make it so easy that you remove the satisfaction from actually besting its challenges. It would be one thing if this was an optional difficulty mode, or something, but Pikmin 4 has no such thing. And this is all on top of the copious ways that the game is made easier for the player optionally, such as the items that you can use to trivialize most enemy encounters.
The OTHER thing that I absolutely hate about Pikmin 4 is that it is a reboot for some reason. Despite being the fourth numbered entry in the series, and despite Nintendo seemingly going out of their way to port the rest of the series to Switch prior to 4's release, Pikmin 4 is a reboot, retelling Olimar's original trip to the Pikmin planet with a lot more shenanigans. I guess they did this because they wanted the whole dogs through-line to be more important to the Pikmin planet's history? It's a strange decision that didn't need to be made, and mostly serves to further make this feel like this is less a game for Pikmin fans and more a game desperately trying to appeal to everyone but.
This is a lot of text complaining about Pikmin 4, but I do want to emphasize that I really did enjoy the game. It might have beaten out Pikmin 3 for my third favorite in the franchise by its quality of content and enjoyable design. I just really truly wish it were more Pikmin and less anything but Pikmin. It feels like Pikmin has lost its character in favor of being a more generic Nintendo family friendly franchise for kids, and that's a shame.
Okay, final random comments, mostly nitpicks:
They brought Smoky Progg back which should really excite me but a loading screen tip spoiled it for me and it shows up so many times - not to mention when it does show up having nothing to do with its unique and fucked up "summoning" in Pikmin - that is dulls the impact for me. Makes me sad.
Puffstool is back but not Mushroom Pikmin??? This is baffling why even bother bringing back a fan favorite enemy if you don't bring back the reason why it was a fan favorite.
I alluded to this earlier but Groovy Long Legs fucking rules, I'm a little sad it didn't get an encore in the final boss rush dungeon. Definitely a highlight moment for me.
It's really silly that the Piklopedia entries basically only make sense if Pikmin 1-3 still happened despite the game obviously being a reboot lmfao. What the hell is a Beady Long Legs or a Ranging Bloyster, Olimar? I've never heard of these before they sound like they are from an alternate timeline or something.
I hate how many enemies just have a bigger version as a miniboss. It feels really unimaginative for Pikmin in a way that really bugs me.
Why did they remove the Pikmin dragging long enemies to the Onion from Pikmin 3, that was suitably macabre in a satisfying way. Carrying a curled up Snagret just isn't the same.
It's funny that they introduced this new baby Snagret enemy but then had like one Snagret outside of challenge rooms.
Purple and Whites finally got Onions and this made me very happy. :) It felt like a good reward for the challenge area. Speaking of the Onion I love it visually in this one, the colored segments look great.
It's very telling of the difficulty of this game in general that the hardest caves BY FAR are the final cave (as a lengthy boss rush thing) and the Waterwraith's cave they ported from Pikmin 2. Which wasn't even a late game cave in Pikmin 2 it was near the middle.
The three Pikmin types at a time felt too stifling to me, a limit makes sense but I feel like they could have made some cool puzzles around 4-5 types at a time. Also three at a time doesn't evenly divide into 100 which is obviously agonizing. Also I really hoped the final dungeon would go crazy and set me up to have every Pikmin type but nah.
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