#watcher isabela
beezhive · 2 years
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dump of all time
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casitafallz-a · 2 years
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Decay AU | Isabela’s room
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Decay’s room first went through a few versions that grew to this final form. A broken pattern stone pathway, a river, one pond, three-tire pond left side and a waterfall. Gazebo in the top left corner that’s set a little higher (that shade green level indicates it’s up a level. A huge tree, as a centre piece of her off-side area.
It started off more purple and blue but as time wore on, more greens filtered in. Vines hang from Palma de cera to  Palma de cera and off these vines, bioluminescent lights hang around when her room is in ‘night’ mode
I meant to add stones for texturing around the ponds and to help break up the room or maybe even a pillar but feel free to imagine stones and monoliths inside to add flair and decorative edges. 
This is Decay’s room, more restrained but this became her normal when living in her native world and when she joined the Watcher’s AU, it was necessary for proper navigation but it was one Decay was content with. The 
The Watcher AU of the room she gave was near-identical recreation of what she used to have but the only sublet differences is a new area for her protheses and electrical/repairs second that’ll be in her study area.
Decay created the tree as means of concealing her more private of projects, such as her potato's. She has a hammock set up incase she decides to nap up there but up in her little tree house, using a vine-based lift, she had a good portion of it hollowed out for soil to allow her potato people to live in and thrive while she’s away.
the walls are still blue with petals and keeps abstract patterns on but she’s also uses the walls as means of self-expression to welcome in or intimating for people to leave
(Imagine the walls going dark black petals only for a red ‘eyes’ and a snarling mouth move along the background)
the room is broken up into areas with hedges and most spaces not in practical use have a lot of flora inside to keep the space useful.
The waterfall (stands at 45 feet in the air along the wall) and pond are Decay’s favourite place to be to relax, so a bench was set up for her to sit and meditate (18 months is long--she gotta get hobbies so Meditation was one to keep the dark thoughts away). Sometimes she’ll let her feet dangle off her bridge and play with the fishes. 
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casitafallz · 2 years
Stray Dolores: What do we do if we have to pee?
Watcher Camilo: You broke protocol because you needed a bathroom break?
Stray Dolores: It was a really long trip and everyone is nervous.
Watcher Camilo : bottom of the blue chest, you can use that
*the duo opens to see a empty, 500ML water bottle, under some equiptment.*
Stray Dolores: Not the water bottle!
Watcher Camilo: That's the one.
Decay Isabela, holding up the water bottle distastefully: Did you never learn that boy-parts and girl-parts are different and that our parts aren't penises!
*Watcher Camilo hangs up*
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lovely-blue-food · 2 years
Mirabel The Vampire Slayer Part 2
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After Mirabels failed gift ceremony Alma didn’t really know what it meant for Mirabel for not getting a gift, unlike the rest of the family that was born into the Madrigal line, not knowing that Mirabels destiny is to become the next Vampire Slayer.
Because of that she thinks that Isabela her favorite is going to be the next Vampire Slayer and she doesn’t want that for her favorite granddaughter (remember that she’s not a real Watcher and doesn’t know how to spot a potential slayer or a real Vampire Slayer, doesn’t do her research because she’s prideful and doesn’t really know how magic works) to go through all of that but can’t stop destiny.
Alma has someone else to train Isabela to teach her how to fight vampires and demons that plague the earth because she’s old and can’t move like she used too, as long as she’s supervising them both so that Isabela won’t get hurt that much after Alma tells Isabela her “destiny” to become the next Vampire Slayer.
Alma doesn’t tell Isabela that she’ll also be looking for a betrothal for her so that she can retire early, because as her grandmother and “Watcher” she only wants Isabela to live a perfect life that she designed for her favorite granddaughter.
She talks to Senora Guzman about how Isabela is the next Vampire Slayer as a fellow “Watcher” but Mrs.Guzman shuts that down very quickly, because unlike Alma she’s the real deal of a Watcher for a Slayer to train and teach her son the family business even if he wants to be more involved on the field, (she’s not going to out Mirabel as a potential slayer because a slayers identity and safety comes first) and that Isabela can’t be the next Vampire Slayer because of the magic that she’s got.
Alma not liking to be wrong tells her otherwise and storms off not going to be bothering her for an arrange marriage between Mariano and Isabela thinking that Mrs.Guzman has made a huge mistake.
Senora Guzman reports that she’s teaching Mariano on how to be a Watcher and that Mirabel Madrigal is a potential slayer who she’s training, as she’s writing that she also decides to tell them what Alma Madrigal has told her about Isabela to them and that it would most likely be best to not contact Alma for the time being as she’s not a Watcher and that she’ll give them updated reports about the Miracle that Pedro gave to his wife, along with that Bruno Madrigal has gone missing as Senora make a requests that someone finds him as his sisters, brother-in-laws, and his nieces and nephew are grieving for their lost relative.
All Senora can do is give her report to a bird so that the sensitive information about the slayer to be, a Watcher in training, and the Miracle can be kept a secret from the outside world and bad people who would want to abuse this power, the Miracle is already dying because of Alma.
Magic can’t always protect them all if not handled correctly, because magic is magic there’s always a price. A con as other beings of magic and demons can get threw the magical boarders easily, to cause chaos and death that only the Vampire Slayer can fight against.
Death is a Slayers gift and when the time comes for a Slayer to die they accept it with open arms, because they are exhausted and ready as the essence of the demon enters another young girl to fight as her calling.
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acgamesda · 9 days
I have seen some fantastic Rook designs already, but as someone who had some struggles with how their Faction might have influenced Rook's appearance, I made little crack-list of headcanons/ideas
Grey Warden: Warden's clothing style is one of practicality, less about aesthetic. Grey Wardens rarely stay put in one place and are ready to enter the fight at any given moment, so their clothing should reflect their readyness for combat. Their main clothing attributes would most likely be color blue, rhombus patterned clothes, metal armor plates with griffon motives, leather boots/gloves. Warden's Oath as anccesory, and maybe some memorabilia from their previous civil life. Also lots of belts with pouches, sachels and backpack.
Antivan Crow: Antivans are fashionable and while some Crows might have came from lower circles of society, they all present their best outfit in battle, because I feel being a Crow in Antiva is a special kind of Status quo. Crow's casual clothes would depend on Crow's personal style, but I feel it would be of dark color and also practical, with secret pockets/compartments for small weapons: I feel every Crow has at least 3 knives on them while off active duty. Crows also upkeep aesthetic of Antiva with necklaces, brooches, bracelets and belts, as long as their accessories do not become their weakness in combat. Crow's armor would always be black and covering as much of the body as possible, with either leather corvid-like motives, like winged capes, or straight down bone accessories. Crows are about making an impression to their target as much as they are about their job being done right.
Veil Jumper: Veil Jumpers, even if not all of elven lineage, no doubt have close relationships with dalish clans in Arlathan Forest, so I feel pieces of Veil Jumper's outfit would include Dalish outfit motives, like those vowen socks, furs, plant themed clothing they most likely pick up from dalish in exchange for dalish artifacts and other trinkets. One of the main clothing items to Veil Jumpers are their long capes and hoods, made to help them blend with Forest's flora much easier. They also wear lots of triangle motives, which I feel would be represented in armor pieces, belt buckles, clothing patterns, sleeves of shirts and sashes/belts. I also want to headcanon, most of Veil Jumpers can use dalish artifacts and magically manipulate triangle metal pieces from their outfits into makeshift shields and barriers, just as Bellara and Veil Jumpers/rangers from concept art can.
Mourn Watcher: Mourn Watchers are necromancers and their kin. I feel their styles would be muted, darkish colors or outfits with lots of black details (I feel Emmrich is more eccentric of the bunch in his clothes). Skull and bone motives as well as more solemn and prudish styles. Their styles also would involve long coats and corsets, making bodies appear taller and slimmer. Also Mourn Watchers personally more prefer bracelets and rings over necklaces. Basically your classic goths mixed with prudish Victorian styles.
Lord of Fortune: Personally I feel Lords of Fortune are most fun in their styles. Not only they wear ton of gold and other jewelry, as it was implied it symbolises how successful they are, but I also feel Lords of Fortune are either found by Isabela or inspired by her conquests, so no doubt 17-18th century carribean pirate styles are an inspiration to many Lords' looks. Shirts with puffy sleeves, rolled up in loosy manner, leather boots and gloves, tons of sashes and belts, bracelets and rings. Also I feel Lords of Fortune would prefer colorful clothing, piercings in their faces and gold in their hair. Armor also would be collected from different conquests and made into an unique anssamble.
Shadow Dragon: Shadow Dragons originated in Tevinter among different kinds of people and are resistance organisation, so I do not see them as wearing "themed" style, but snake motive are certainly an important detail. Still I think most Shadow Dragons prefer clothes fitting Tevinter, so lots of fancy capes, with delicate embroidery, long coats, belts, earrings, bracelets with snakes are expected (I feel Dragons wear more accessories than Crows and Mourn Watch, but less that Lords). Their clothes can be more bright or more dark, it really depends on their status in Tevinter and their financial situation. Still I feel most of Dragons are fancy in their looks just to blend in with society of Minrathous and not to draw attention to themselves.
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eye-of-yelough · 3 months
uhhh what would ur other ocs think of gort (me personally i love thinking about how he would break each one of my characters mentally & physically in a way specifically crafted entirely for them but that’s not an ask i should send i think)
so i thought the question was “how would gortash manipulate your ocs” and answered that question as well so. you’re getting the answer to both cos i don’t wanna delete. its kinda long so 👇
Leo Hawke, Dragon Age 2: kill kill kill bite devour mutilate. Gortash is everything he hates and everything she wants to be. cool, commanding, smart, feared, respected, loved, powerful. swag off the charts, i know he’d love the outfit.
How he’d manipulate him: easy. kill the only family he has left, Anders and Isabela, or keep them from her. actually yeah locking Anders up in solitary confinement, somewhere he spent an entire year before, that she regularly holds him about when he gets claustrophobic or has nightmares about. the thought of Anders in a small dark cell all alone with his thoughts would break him and he’d simply do Anything to ensure he’s not in there a moment longer than he has to be :/ that being said her first instinct would simply be to kill the man, and he’d definitely try, even if it’s a dumb idea. and honestly not to hype my own oc up too much but if anyone could, it’d be her. one woman (not really a woman) army of a reaver when a loved one is on the line. monster. could probably cleave his way through a dozen lackeys and at least 2 steel watchers solo before getting tired, and that’s only if they’re even in the way.
Slater Adaar, Dragon Age Inquisition: she’d be smart enough to know to be terrified of him. just be a useful tool while keeping as much distance as possible and keeping an eye out for the exits at all times. run at the first opportunity, no heroics.
How he’d manipulate her: i am realising i don’t actually know her all too well. autistic qunari sera romancing artificer pursedog butch lesbian who just wants a normal life away from politics and armies and magic and sainthood, damnit. that’s all i’ve really got on her. so, i guess using the promise of a normal life. tell ya what, she’d make a great deep cover secret agent. she is definitely an oc i could stand to make more interesting lmao
Vice, Skyrim: competition, quite simply. he has a thing about dragon imagery, right? subtler than the sun stuff, but it’s there? but is it about being a dragon himself, or subduing them. either way, they’d scoff at his posturing. underestimate him for sure, letting their ego and lack of respect for humans stop them from being smart. they have lawful evil no empathy aroace megalomaniac in common, so they’d definitely have an interesting time together :)
How he’d manipulate them: power. specifically the power to do their human experiments in peace. freedom from legal consequence, basically. it would be difficult to dominate or even get a good read on Vice and their desires tho, even for Gort. i mean. they don’t speak. and have pretty good control over their emotions. they’d be playing psychological 4D chess and it would be so entertaining. (remembers it doesn’t have to manipulation, it can be about breaking physically) OH YEAH. YEAH that’s the one. it would still be HARD to keep them down, draconic force of nature that they are, but i’m sure the gorster would be able to figure something out.
uhh . oh man is that all my ocs. i mean no, there’s my newish tav, “we have Romeo’s zeke at home” Ginger (half elf, same face shape, ranger, shart romancer??! i promise this is a coincidence idk how it happened) uhh i have a Khajit oc i’ve never talked about whose name is Ace and i have nothing else on him. OHHH GALE MY DRAGON AGE CIRCLE MAGE OC WHO DIDN’T WORK AS SURANA. uhh yeah he’d simply have no use for that old woman sorry. i need to change her name man can’t let her get confused with the bg3 wizard.
how could i forget Jack, Jack Valentine, my gta 5 guy i’ve had for like 3 years and also never once talked about despite loving him forever even if i’ve kinda forgotten him lately cos i haven’t played it in ages. kind of a self insert type, or at least the closest oc i do have to one, so. he’d make an alright lackey, i think. he’d probably hate the gort but ultimately fall for his shit after a while. like with gale he’d be very disposable.
man i need to think of better ocs these guys are boring
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criffyzou · 4 months
More random D&D transposition because overthinking things is my favorite hobby. All 3 of my Thedas girls conveniently fit into my fav d&d class, ranger.
Tini Brosca (legionnaire scout/assassin): Hill dwarf Monster Slayer Ranger I love tanky, warrior-like rogues; legionnaire scout is my fav for that reason. Monster slayer does not exactly scream tanky rogue, but it has the magic defense and wardenish vibes.
Emmanuelle Hawke (shadow/assassin): Human Fey Wanderer Ranger Hawke has the shadow spec because Isabela already had duelist. My fav aspect of it was the misdirection and confounding; fey wanderer has that plus purple Hawke energy.
Sheana Lavellan (assassin): Wood elf Horizon Walker Ranger Sharing a specialization with companions was my least favorite part of DA:I, but assassin was alright. Horizon Walker has good Inquisitor vibes, with portals instead of rifts.
And now all companions with no explanation whatsoever:
Leliana (bard/shadow): Human College of Whispers Bard
Alistair (templar/guardian): Human Oath of the Watchers Paladin
Morrigan (shapeshifter/blood mage): Human Circle of the Spores Druid
Zevran (assassin/duelist): Wood elf Assassin Rogue
Sten (reaver): Goliath Path of the Zealot Barbarian
Wynne (spirit healer/battlemage): Human Divine Soul Sorcerer
Shale (no spec): Warforged Rune Knight Fighter
Oghren (berserker/champion): Hill dwarf Way of the Drunken Master Monk
Velanna (keeper/arcane warrior): Wood elf Circle of the Land Druid
Sigrun (legionnaire scout/shadow): Hill dwarf Phantom Rogue
Nathaniel (assassin/ranger): Human Hunter Ranger
Justice (spirit warrior/guardian): Scourge aasimar Oath of Vengeance Paladin
Anders (spirit healer): Human Celestial Warlock
Fenris (spirit warrior): Drow Psi Warrior Fighter
Isabela (duelist): Human Swashbuckler Rogue
Aveline (guardian): Human Oath of the Crown Paladin
Merrill (blood mage/keeper): Wood elf Archfey Warlock
Bethany (force mage): Human Graviturgy School Wizard
Sebastian (shadow?): Human War Domain Cleric
Varric (artificer): Hill dwarf Artillerist Artificer
Dorian (necromancer): Human Necromancy School Wizard
Sera (tempest): Wood elf Swarmkeeper Ranger
Solas (force rift mage): High elf Aberrant Mind Sorcerer
Iron Bull (reaver): Goliath Path of the Berserker Barbarian
Vivienne (knight enchanter): Human Bladesinger Wizard
Cassandra (templar): Human Order Domain Cleric
Blackwall (champion): Human Banneret Fighter
Cole (assassin): Changeling Way of the Shadow Monk
Bonus round !
Ariane (champion): Wood elf College of Valor Bard
Finn (spirit healer): Human Knowledge Domain Cleric
Jerrik (duelist/ranger): Hill dwarf Beast Master Ranger
Brogan (reaver/berserker): Hill dwarf Path of the Battlerager Barbarian
Tallis (assassin): Woof elf ??
Rules were: max 3 characters of the same class (not counting my 3 ranger gals), every class has to be there at least once, and it has to be thematically coherent with my own lore builds. I didn't do multiclass as it is more fun to me to integrate the different themes of a build into one (1) subclass but, mechanically, some should put levels elsewhere. I will not be taking criticism at this time for my decision to make the reavers barbarians instead of the berserkers. I know I am right.
Now I know I said no explanation but I can't resist rambling about characters sharing a main spec in Dragon Age but not a D&D class:
Force mage: Bethany & Solas Rift mage is just reflavored force mage, but in Solas' case I wanted to imply that something sinister was afoot, even if some force mage essence was lost in the process. It does tie back to force mages using their mind as a weapon though.
Assassin rogue: Zevran, Nathaniel & Cole This one is very straightforward in the ways they differ: Zevran is the only trained assassin, Cole hides in the shadows, and Nathaniel is a darkspawn killer.
Spirit Healer mage: Wynne, Finn & Anders Despite Wynne technically being possessed, her spirit is not a presence she feels, more like an abstract protection; Finn is a book nerd; Anders is in a committed relationship.
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nilesdaughter · 5 months
TTRPG Characters
Active Characters
Dungeons and Dragons (5e)
Eirawen "Fox" Prowell | Eladrin (Winter -> Summer) | Rogue (Mastermind) & Fighter (Subclass TBD)
Exandria Setting: Sefris Fezim | Human (Marquesian) | Fighter (Gunslinger)
Aranthus "Tuck" Stormwood | Tiefling | Bard (College of Spirits) & Warlock (Undead)
Retired Characters
Dungeons and Dragons (3.5e)
Ilona Meliamne | Elf | Druid
Gitana "Jinx" Rosenberry | Half-Elf | Rogue & Thief-Acrobat | Royal Sentinel of the Secret Society of the Gem Dragon
Verna Tealeaf | Halfling | Ranger
Vola Stonefist | Half-Orc | Barbarian
Dungeons and Dragons (5e)
Sameera "Hope" Ajam | Tiefling | Cleric (Life Domain)
Fallout Setting: Jaiden "Jay" Aquino | Human | Barbarian (Subclass TBD)
FFXIV Setting: Kita Tami | Lalafell & Miqo'te | Dancer
Isabela "Isang" Manahon | Gold Gnome | Babaylan (Call of Wrath)
Astra Seren | Tiefling | Druid (Circle of Stars) & Sorcerer (Aberrant Mind)
Vampire: The Masquerade (5e)
Vivian Gray | Toreador | Baron of Colorado Springs
Rochelle Harris | Tremere
Age of Rebellion/Edge of the Empire/Force & Destiny (Star Wars TTRPG by Fantasy Flight Games)
Saltet Kasmorr-Orrteas | Human | Consular (Niman Disciple & Arbiter)
Homebrew System Created by @lycaboros
Original Sci-Fi Setting: SG-4295, a.k.a. Watcher | Android
Fallout Equestria Setting: Ebony Quartz | Unicorn
Homebrew System Created by @dismalzelenka
Dragon Age Setting: Sonya Barros | Qunari | Mage (Rivaini Seer)
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myeverydaypursuit · 2 years
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Thank you Lord for this blessed day. He blessed me with a family that supports and prays for me always. My Salvador - Troncoso clan. Thank you po sa greetings at sa prayers. Miss ko na po kau lahat 😭😭😭 see you po soonest. Thank you sa mga naggcash.. pede pa humabol 😉. Pm is the key 🔑. My Watchers fam salamat sa palomi at patinapay busog tau. Next 🤭 overtime ulit. My MCA fam for the Isabela Madrigal vibes greetings. Being part of teaching ministry is a great blessing for me. Lalo na sa mga students ko sana kinaya niyo ang pa midterm ni teacher 😁. Mahirap ba? Lalaban tayu. 💪 To my RRB Bayotbot Fam for always supporting my ministry. Sa pakikiisa lagi sa gawain. Kita kits tau sa linggo 😍. Sa lahat ng mga kamanggagawa ko especially Berea pastoral staff and Prb. Hilbert.Mga kapatid at kaibigan ko na bumati. Ahaha. Parang acceptance speech ng awards ang post ko 🤣. Gusto ko lang talaga sabihin that I hope to be a blessings to everyone dahil ganun din po kayo sakin. (at Labangan Pob. San Jose, Occ. Mindoro) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkQaCPWPuS9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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*holds hands up in prayer* Great and Amazing Artist, please give unto us mere watchers for this frightening new year these three pairings: Basil/Ratigan, Karl/Ethan, and Isabela/your Gardener character
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tealquacks · 3 years
So since people compare Jonathan Sims to Bruno Madrigal, that got me thinking.
Which entity from The Magnus Archives would each Madrigal be an avatar of?
(I’m only doing the OG Madrigal’s, nobody who married into the fam).
Pepa: The Desolation, you cannot convince me otherwise. Her storms have the capability to be horribly, horribly destructive, and that sort of senseless destruction sounds just like the desolation. Flooding, snow, hail, wind, all of those things can destroy as efficiently as any fire. It’s also tied to her emotions, which matches the cruelty often found in desolation cults like the Lightless Flame.
Isabela: The Corruption. It feels pretty obvious that she would be an avatar of the corruption, what with her ability to grow plants anywhere and everywhere, especially once she learns that she isn’t limited to just flowers. While the majority of the time we see the corruption associated with bugs and disease, rot and decomposition are also closely linked with plants.
Luisa and Julieta: The Flesh. This may sound like a weird choice to give the two of them, but in all honesty it feels like it fits the best. Luisa’s powers are closely tied with her body, and she is able to lift crazy amounts of weight, more than a human being should be able to. Julieta, meanwhile, can alter the human body with the food that she cooks, and basically set everything back to normal. This could lend itself to body horror— if someone shattered a bone, would they feel the shards all coming together? Food for thought (pun intended).
Dolores: The Eye. She knows everything about everyone and is constantly able to absorb information, constantly able to Know things. And her gift feeds into the fears that the Ceaseless Watcher represents— being watched, exposed, known. She must’ve overheard almost every single private conversation held in Encanto.
Alma: The Buried. The job of an avatar is to inspire fear of their patron power, and Alma’s biggest conflict in the movie is the crushing expectations she sets upon her family. While The Buried is also known as the Too Close I Cannot Breathe, it doesn’t just mean literally being crushed. Financial burdens and debt are also manifestations of the Buried, so I could see high expectations that could never be met also being an aspect of the buried. The stress they cause is the same, as well as the fear.
Antonio: Undecided, but possibly Hunt or Corruption. Both of those powers are very closely tied to animals, and since he already has befriended a jaguar, it’s likely that he would be an avatar of the hunt. The corruption also has to do with animals, like the rats that he talks to, and other sort of pest animals. However, I think he’s too young to have any allegiance to any avatar.
Camilo: The Stranger. This feels like a cop out, but really, it fits super well. I doubt Camilo’s shapeshifting is perfect, especially since he’s a child, so imagine seeing someone you know very well, except something feels… off. You don’t know why, but they don’t quite look like you remember. His own sense of identity would be skewed, but not so much so that I think he would align with the Spiral. So, I think that he would be an avatar of I Do Not Know You.
Bruno: The Web and/or The Eye. While he can look into the future and know what’s going to happen, the majority of that knowledge is fuzzy, and directly tied to a persons free will, or lack thereof. If a prediction comes true regardless of what you do, then is there any such thing as free will? Is Bruno sealing your fate with his prophesy, or was it already sealed? He forces himself to stay on the sidelines, unable to change anything, just to watch and try to patch up the spiderwebbed cracks in the walls of his home. He could be an avatar of either, and torments with both the knowledge of the future, and the fact it can’t be changed. While he doesn’t directly manipulate people like The Mother of Puppets, he also doesn’t tirelessly seek out information like those of the Ceaseless Watcher. So really, it’s up in the air.
Mirabel: The closest match to her I think would be The Eye. This would make her the third Madrigal that could possibly have a connection to the eye, but I don’t really know if it fits as much as the others fit. In the entirety of Encanto, we see Mirabel looking for information on how to save her family, risking life and limb for this knowledge. However, she wasn’t doing this for the sake of knowledge or discovery, she was doing it for her family. While the knowledge might’ve hurt, she isn’t shown to be someone constantly seeking out knowledge for her own purposes. Because of this, I think that Mirabel would be Unaligned.
These are just my thoughts. If you have differing opinions, please comment them or reblog this post with them!!!!
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casitafallz-a · 2 years
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Decay AU | Finding Decay
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Pariah’s steps echoed as she followed the dot on the scanner; a human life-sign in the middle of nowhere and faint didn’t paint a pretty picture, especially this far from their native Encanto. Stray somewhere behind her as she went but she knew that they had to get to this person before they expired. Aid, if possible. Protocols were simple in this situation; aid them back or bring them in. Recruitment would be offered….depending on the context but she was sure this was just a rescue and return than a recruitment drive.
“How far?” Stray called.
“A hundred meters.” Which in all wasn’t too far but in the dense jungle, it was given the mount of trees around that forced them to take new pathways which certainly added to their step-count.
They weren’t even meant to be here for this detour; it was supposed to be a registration of the AU, add it to the map, check against Wanderer’s Quantum signature to see of her family members were in here and then go home if not. But a faint human life-sign outside of Encanto and not moving, it was a red flag so they had to check it out. No one had a good reason to be this far out from Encanto; she knew that first hand.
Sure, she was only 15 months into her own enlistment but she knew that it wouldn’t settle well on her conscience to not see the end to this; to see if they could help the lost soul by one mean or another.
The scanner dot continued to show though her eyes peered through the dense foliage until she could see a settle of large rocks and boulders that looked recently fallen given how a few had a few dirt encrusted sides facing the touches of dawn; the dot appeared to be in the mists of that.
“There.” Nodding towards it with her chin, Pariah headed onwards, circle around first and she saw the opening in the pile; it was the tree that seemed to be a huge support that pulled her attention more; bent from the weight, it still held and seemed to hold back the weight on its centre to it’s edge.
So Pariah entered into the slither of the gap., keeping herself from touching either side; one wrong move would easily unsettle the weight and cause a full collapse that could kill them both in here.  
Under was dim but she activated her shoulder-light that lit upon the un fortunate soul that she recognised in a heartbeat that lay still with a layer of rock dust coating her..
The dress was a dead giveaway but the plant life seemed to have bloomed around her; it was clear to see the girl’s right arm was pinned by the bounder and the tree looked to be supporting the rest of the rocks from her body. But she could see the signs of life; she was able to be saved.
“Isabela?” Pariah swallowed thickly, grasping onto the fact that while this wasn’t her daughter; seeing her like this was bad… how’d she end up here? Why would she leave her mother? Her family?
“What?” Stray peeked in next, his eyes widening in alarm. “We need to get her out!”
“I know!” Pariah sighed. “Set up your lights and get me a medical pack.” She squeezed herself into the gap, changing her scanner for a bio scan.
A broken ankle and a few fractured ribs but that wasn’t the worse of her issues. Her trapped right arm was unsalvageable. The pressure and the corners of the rock had cut off her main circulation to the limb and… deterioration of that limb was built up of now bacteria that has already begun to break down the muscle and ligament and, Pariah realised that may have been for the better; smaller shards had penetrated through the back of her arm, through the muscle and bone but had also sliced through the main artery.
The rocks now acted like a torniquet.
She’d not live if they just removed her form the rock; some that toxic mess would pump back into her body if they released that limb and she’s most certainly bleed out. And the also matter was they had no way to free her either; they weren’t Luisa and couldn’t simply get her either with protocols in place.
They’d have to amputate the limb to save her.
Pariah spared a glance down to her own prostheses; only 7 months into the new arm, she was getting used to it….but would this Isabela want that?
A medical kit was held out before the light was set to properly see the girl; her flesh hand gently prodded the girl’s cheek; the feel of moss welcomed her though it seemed the girl was entirely out to the world.
Not a good sign.
From the pack, she pulled out a bio scanner and fixed it directly onto the back of the girl’s neck, setting it to take live bio scans of her pulse, breath, blood levels and brain activity. Silence lapsed between them before the data began to make sense; her brain waves were steady and spiked systematically like she was dreaming.
“She’s comatose.” Pariah realised, which mean she couldn’t ask for the girl’s permission to do this. Given this looked entirely accidental, it could be something they’d do without but now… they had to do it and hope the girl was relieved at a new lease of life.
“We can’t talk to her?”
“No. Right now she’s surprisingly stable but… sooner or later that limb’s going to rot. If she’s to survive, we have to amputate.”
Stray swallowed thickly, his young face paling a little. “Would she survive that?”
“We have the tools. Tek’s developed a gel cutter, designed for emergency amputation.”
This was after her own arm, of course because why not invest after the fact. Pariah was a little sore about it but she didn’t fault Stay’s momentary act of fear that had ultimately saved her life. Even at the cost of her arm. She’s rather be a limb down than a statue. Gel-cutters were now part of all new medical cases so she found it easily after flipped open the case.
“We need to prep her for it first so her body doesn’t go into shock.” Pariah pulled out a selection of little bottles and needles, rereading the labels and pulled out the hand-guide to make sure she was doing this correctly.
Stray nodded. “You do that. I’ll prep a tent and get the report ready.”
Pariah could see the tent prepped and ready; a simple rolled out bed for Isabela when she was free but there was now a sense of relief as she set the gel cutter into place at the top of the girl’s arm, an inch from her shoulder, where there was no crushed bone but at the border of a break; an point that may make a new arm  installation easier
The Gel-cutter was a dual metallic ring that was two inches wide that would slip around the limb and adapt to fit. Once on and activated, it’d used a energy-based blade to sever through the skin, muscle and eventually into bone before the gel inside activated to act as a tourniquet; sterilising the area from the outside world and keeping the blood inside. The gel’s outer side would harden and attach to the metal rim and the gel itself was also a painkiller among other things, keeping the cut nerves numb directly and the wound fresh for proper surgery at the Watcher Casita and for metal rod installation for prostheses
Rudimentary but it worked in an emergency situation, as it was over and done with in ten seconds. In the case of an already amputated limb, it could fit on the end of a stump and activate from there with just the gel-setting.
In case this Isabela woke for some reason or another, Pariah kept her under anaesthetic nonetheless before she activated the cutter. Last thing she wanted to do was traumatise the girl hallway through. Her eyes stayed to the readings as the ring clicked into place, gripping into the skin like a stable and the second internal ring moved with light.
It only took about ten seconds from activation before the ring flashed and gel began to form and the strain of the girl’s body dropped from it’s position. Pariah pulled the newly amputated sump away, allowing the gel to buff out though the red on the inside was unmistakeable but the gel did it’s job.
There was warmth from blood from the other half but Pariah tried not to think on that as she heaved the girl from under the rock.
Isabela’s weight was a lot but with her prostheses and leg, it was easy to keep going and as soon as she got out of the rock’s tight walls, Stray grabbed the girl’s leg and between them, lay her down onto the roll-out.
Isabela was still out. Her face a little bit more pale and her pulse faster but she wasn’t loosing blood…but she’d need proper medical treatment soon. Now she was out of immediate danger of death, they needed to collect together evidence in their report; that their involvement was necessary and that this girl had no other choice short of death if her choices was not explicitly stated. If not, they’d be heavily punished for contamination and kidnapping from native AU that wasn’t ready for introduction of the Watcher Services.
“So, Isabela… she looks a bit older than expected.” Stray noted, typing fast onto is tablet. Stray took a hold of the bio-scanner readings before imputing a few notes into the report.
“Bio scans put her late 22 years or early 23.” Pariah answered.
It seemed like this world was a post-canonical AU; no news from the main world was quiet but there was that main history people knew and the Watchers kept tight-lipped on what happened following the reconstruction of Casita. Like her own personal history was considered Post-canonical too.  “Relatively healthy…aside from the obvious.” Her brain chemistry was a little off than expected too, imbalanced which did suggest she may have a might higher level of depression than what was canonically expected as well.
Pariah quickly took scans of their immediate area for reference and more of the rock fall and logged it into their report.
“Let’s go.”
Isabela felt the world around her gain more meaning as she stirred from the depths of peaceful sleep; drawn back much faster by a low burning sensation through her right arm before the haze of nose assaulted her ears which only seemed to get faster.
“She’s waking up.”
Isabela groaned softy, becoming aware of the light against her eyelids, her head turning away before the light seemed to shift away from it’s intensity.
“Isabela, you’re safe but you’re badly injured.”, The voice was her mothers “I need you to swallow when I press this cup to your lips.”
Hazily, Isabela complied before she felt warm broth seep into her mouth, soothing away the dryness in her throat but the haze in her mind seemed to disappear along with the pain throughout her body though dull aches stil lingered.
Her eyes flickered open, half expecting to find herself in her room with her mother and Abuela standing around, the latter for chiding her for not doubt her injuries but for running away. But… the room she was in was not her bed room. In fact it was entirely unfamiliar.
White walls, the air smelt sterile and there was an array of…machines that were beeping around her. All unfamiliar. This was not Casita. It was a scary realisation and what more was unsettling was the woman attending her bed-side.
The woman standing with the mug; she looked almost exactly like her mother. Kind face and warmth but everything about her screamed not-mother. No familia warmth or touch, not that she had much before but even now, she would have thought her mother would have given her something. But the woman’s hair was much darker; less grey and her attire was consistent of a teal, wrap tunic with a V-neck, two frontal pockets and strangely matching pants that exposed cream boots, attached to her hips was a coloured card. Her hair was pulled back into a familiar bun but… this wasn’t her mother.
“You’re not my Mam.”
“No, I’m not.” The woman agreed. “but I am here to help heal you. Do you know what happened?”
Isabela licked her lips softly, her mind lulling back for a moment. “I…I was trying to get out of Encanto…it was night time.” She hazily recalled. “I… I needed to use my vines to get up over a step part but… I think something went wrong.” It was too hazy to recall the details after that. “I…I don’t remember after that.”
The woman nodded softly. “You were found by two of our workers; they were…exploring the area when they found you under some rocks. It appears that…using your vines upset already lose ground and you triggered a rock slide.”
Isabela frowned intently. “Rock slide?”
“The worse of it was directed off by a creation of thick trees, but a few large bounders… broke the line. You were caught underneath but… it seemed you were able to save yourself with another tree. Now, when you were found, you were trapped under the rubble and pinned.”
Isabela blinked but her eyes dropped from her not-mother to her body; to the lingering aches and the burning but her guts chilled as she realised what she had missed…
“Where’s my arm?!” the beeping around her increased but her mind couldn’t process the fact her arm was gone, she was shirtless, but her top body was wrapped and bandaged up so she could plainly see the stump of where her arm used to be. Her ankle was braced as well and she could feel other supports along her back but… her arm.
“It was amputated on site, the rock that landed on the caused tremendous damage.” The not-mother spoke, her hand coming to her other shoulder, “But they saved you.  Removing your arm was the only way that you could have come out of that alive.”
“I…I need my arm!” She panicked. “My… My gift… I need it!”
“My dear, please, you’re okay and your gift is not lost.”
Isabela shook her head, her body wanting nothing more than to get up… but the woman’s face was oddly soothing, gently holding her into the sheet.
“I know it’s devastating but there are ways we can assist. Right now, your body is still healing. Magic had taken the worst away but I need to monitor and make sure nothing else is missed.”
Isabela sucked in a heavy breath, her eyes filling up with tears. “why?”
“The rock sliced through the main arty, the limb was dead by the time you were found. You would have bled out or suffered septic shock and—“
Isabela shook her head at the details—a problem for future her, “Why am I here? Who are you? Why…why do you look like my mother?!”
The woman sighed deeply. “It’s all a long story and right now, too complicated to explain. I am… another version of your mother, call me Watcher Julieta if you need to call me something.”
“Another version?” That didn’t make any sense. What did that mean?
“It’s complicated. But I promise that we can answer your questions. Right now, you need rest.” The woman raised her hand, reaching for a bag of fluid that Isabela now realised was attached into the back of her left hand. From the mid-point at a port, the woman seemed to slick some sort of needle of fluid into it before her head felt all hazy.
“Sleep well, Isabela.”
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casitafallz · 2 years
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Lol, so i watched Avatar 2 yesterday and now my brain is like ‘you can do an Encanto AU of that’ and i’m like how and now... i have this idea in my mind of the whole Mulietverse, Encanto family Unit being dropped off in Pandora by The Architects who changed their forms to help hide them, but they still have their magical gifts...
like a crossover, but temporary. Maybe the group needed to hide from a rogue group of Watchers or something so the Architects got involved and hide them all onto the planet when escaping through the timelines/AUs.
imagine Navi-!formed Shifter Antonio turning into a Tulkun and turning back like... how would the reef clan react?? And Decay Isabela! She could probably grow so many Pandiroan plants! tho i’m in debate if she should have flesh arms for the Nav’vi body or have new prostheses, Pariah too; they can’t swim with metal limbs.
with the whole family Unit; kids and babies, they look like a mini clan lol
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lovely-blue-food · 2 years
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Finally writing it. Hurrah!!!!! Might change the title on the chapter.
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mirabels-miracle · 3 years
Someone: I think Isabela is treated unfairly by Encanto fans, especially casual watchers.
Me: I couldn’t agree more!
Someone: People dismiss the fact that she has trauma.
Me: *excited.* Yes, yes, YES!
Someone: In fact, if you think about it, Mirabel was more responsible for there poor relationship-
Me: Okay, forget we ever met. Byyyeee!
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the official list of characters you can expect to be on this blog!
Last Updated: April 8th, 2024
✨ = my favorite characters
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✨Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier
✨Steve Rogers/Captain America
✨Peter Parker/Spider-Man (Homecoming/Iron Spider Era)
Sam Wilson/The Falcon
Tony Stark/Iron Man
Bruce Banner/The Hulk
Clint Barton/Hawkeye
Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow
Yelena Belova
Harry Potter
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Harry Potter
✨Hermione Granger
✨Ron Weasley
✨Fred Weasley
✨George Weasley
✨Luna Lovegood
Neville Longbottom
Tom Riddle
✨Draco Malfoy
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Tim Burton
Nightmare Before Christmas
Corpse Bride
OG Disney Films (Pre-Frozen)
Lion King
101 Dalmations
Little Mermaid
Lilo & Stitch
Princess and The Frog
Disney (Post-Frozen)
Raya and the Last Dragon
OG Disney TV Shows/Movies
Wizards of Waverley Place
Good Luck Charlie
ANT Farm
Suite Life of Zack and Cody/On Deck
Kim Possible
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Maze Runner
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Star Wars
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Obi-Wan Kenobi
Luke Skywalker
Leia Skywalker
Anakin Skywalker
Padme Amidala
Kylo Ren
Han Solo
The Outsiders
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✨Dallas Winston
Ponyboy Curtis
✨Sodapop Curtis
✨Johnny Cade
Two-Bit Matthews
Darry Curtis
Steve Randle
Tim Shepard
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✨Daz Games
Dee Lee
✨Hazbin Hotel
✨Helluva Boss
Buzzfeed Unsolved
TV Shows
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Teen Wolf
Hazbin Hotel
✨Angel Dust
✨Sir Pentious
South Park
Queen's Gambit
The Office
Michael Scott
Dwight Schrute
Jim Halpert
Pam Halpert (Beesely)
Stanley Hudson
Kevin Malone
Angela Martin
Meredith Palmer
Oscar Martinez
Andy Bernard
Phyllis Vance
Erin Hannon
Parks and Rec
Grey's Anatomy
✨Alex Karev
Meredith Grey
Andrew DeLuca
✨Arizona Robbins
✨Callie Torres
✨George O'Malley
Jackson Avery
✨April Kepner
✨Miranda Bailey
Richard Webber
Katherine Avery (Fox)
Izzie Stevens
✨Cristina Yang
✨Lexie Grey
Mark Sloan
Derek Shephard
Amelia Shephard
✨Addison Montgomery
Owen Hunt
Teddy Altman
Nathan Riggs
Jo Wilson
✨Stephanie Edwards
✨Maggie Pierce
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Legend of Korra
Stranger Things
Henry/001/ Vecna
Nancy Drew CW
911 (OG & Lone Star)
Video Games
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Stardew Valley
Sims (3 & 4)
Animal Crossing
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