#watching the episodes with them running trials
fujoshipriestess · 11 months
Boimler is a natural speed runner, I think he might be descended from Jerma
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overthegardenwirtt · 3 months
funniest things in interview with the vampire:
the fact that we got reverse-queerbaited and there was levitating gay vampire sex in episode 1 and then never again :(
"he ain't white he french!"
lestat showing up to louis' family dinner in the gayest outfit he could wear in 1910, pretending to eat, and hypnotizing paul when he really was trying to make a good impression
florence du lac clocking louis as gay because of his acrylic nails and tinted glasses
"what's wrong with that man?" @ lestat
louis with the "no whites allowed" sign despite lestat being inside the building
"i'm not sure how i feel about that pleated skirt" "it's chiffon it has movement"
grace calling lestat louis' white daddy
louis, lestat, and claudia treating nosferatu like a comedy
louis telling the police they should be ashamed of how they treated "law-abiding, taxpaying citizens" and forgetting that it's illegal to be gay
"we sell...incinerators. to various american cities." "we bring our clients here to demonstrate the product"
louis throwing lestat's coffin out the window
tom anderson not seeing louis and lestat for 17 years but for some reason he has a picture with them in his desk drawer
the fact that rashid was not just a character armand made up but a real employee of theres who was mysteriously absent for a week while seemingly consensually being played by his boss
armand and louis walking up to daniel holding hands like two people who have never held hands before in their life
armand had a threesome with a father and son while watching now, voyager, something louis didn't even know about
armand telling daniel his own armandstat fanfiction, stopping at the scene where they fucked in the theatre box, and daniel wanting more
"are you schizophrenic louis?" "...no"
the insinuation that the real irish playwright samuel barclay beckett was a vampire. not only that, but that his most well-known work, "waiting for godot," was originally written for the theatre des vampires. not only that, but that he is now an unspecified DJ
french man yelling at louis and armand that they should blow each other when they're kissing in the public park
daniel molloy being so unbelievably gay in the 1970s and being immediately into fucking louis in the coffin
daniel molloy having his body comandeered by armand and still offering to suck his dick
daniel molloy trying to escape from armand and immediately running into the wall
armand walking back into the dubai penthouse being the silliest he's ever been, nourished, happy only to find out that his husband and weird gay boy situationship have unionized
armand gaslighting his way out of the situation he gaslit himself into by telling louis he asked him to erase his memories
armand animating the raccoon into the projections during the trial
santiago small dick reveal
lestat still wearing a 150 year old leyendecker robe and playing a wooden piano, but somehow having the money for an ipad, speakers, and wifi
"siri pause"
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lizardkingeliot · 3 months
I took a ton of notes during my rewatch of 2x07 just now but the thing I kept coming back to again and again was Armand's framing of the entire narrative and how it plays with truth vs lies in such an insidious way it's honestly brilliant in its cruelty. Truth being used as a cudgel not only against Louis, but against Lestat as well. And against, us, the viewers at home.
We obviously all know Armand is a very powerful 500 year old vampire who is not going to be held back by an infant of a vampire like Santiago. Like… Armand. Babe. Let’s get real. But that’s the narrative set-up. The coven, now being led by Santiago, has Armand captive behind his little rickety baby gate with Sam and his prop weapon not letting the puppy come out to play. He cannot prevent it! Poor baby. Someone get him a juice box and a snack.
Enter Lestat. The vengeful lover come to make Louis and Claudia pay for what they did to him. What's interesting here is that everyone—Daniel, Louis, Armand—acknowledges in Dubai that the trial IS a sham from the beginning. A tool to allow Lestat his revenge. But the truth of why it's actually a sham is being hidden behind a thousand layers of gaslighting and deceit by Armand. Lestat is merely another prop on the stage. Being forced to use the TRUTH of his love story with Louis—and to twist essential elements of their beginning as a couple—as a weapon to drive the final wedge between them so that Armand might have Louis all to himself. That's what this is about. A farce so that Armand might have what he wants more than anything in the world. Someone who will be with him always. Without Claudia, without Lestat... who else is there for Louis to run to?
The trial as we see it is told mostly through Louis' POV. It seems to be a true picture of how it all happened but the cognitive dissonance watching him try to reconcile what Lestat was doing on the stage with the framing provided by Armand (who cuts in frequently to assure us that Lestat shapes things to suit HIS narrative) is painful. Louis sees and feels and hears the sincerity of Lestat. A Lestat who is defiant from the jump and refuses to paint the story as butchery. It's about LOVE. It is always always always about the love. An entire sham trial about vengeance and murder framed around... love.
Everyone who's familiar with the books already knows Lestat didn't want to be there. I won't go into that too much but the show did a good job of showing us just how unwell Lestat was during the entire process. But there are also some really interesting moments where we are TOLD explicitly through Louis' recounting of the events that Lestat was not actually there for revenge. Namely, the moment when Lestat says HE deserves to be punished alongside them. These are not the words of someone who is seeking vengeance. These are the words of someone desperately rattling the bars of his own cage trying everything he can to prevent what's happening. Because unlike a certain someone, in that moment Lestat is quite literally unable to prevent it!
The entire episode is Louis trying to reconcile the conflicting truths that exist inside him: that Lestat was there for revenge, that Armand couldn't prevent the coven from exacting their cruelty, and that the Lestat who was on stage WAS sincere and emotional and fighting with everything he had to let the truth ring as true as it was when he was able. He refused to refer to Louis as the accused every time Santiago insisted on it. He would only refer to Louis by name. He would NOT allow the narrative to frame him as someone who didn't also do monstrous things to his lover. He was weeping and flooded with shame. Sincerely, genuinely remorseful for the awful thing he had done to Louis.
There's also something else here about Lestat acknowledging he tried to crush what he could not own vs Armand deceiving Louis into the false sense of control that is the entire basis for their relationship. Owning something he does not crush, merely confines. He's not crushing Louis with insanity, he's locking him inside his prison of empathy. He quite literally has Louis locked in a cage while allowing him to believe he's truly free. Free from the insanity of Lestat. Evil, vengeful, gaslighting Lestat who only uses the truth to shape the narrative for himself.
There's a lot more going on here. I can't possibly get it all out of my brain right now and I imagine I'm going to be picking apart the nuances for a while. There are so many layers. The truth vs lies vs intentional reshaping of the truth of it all. But if you rewatch, pay attention to Armand's face, the score that accompanies his recounting of events, the passive way in which he holds his body in both Paris and Dubai. He's locking Louis in a dream world where the truth is present in such a way it only serves to amplify its own distortion. I don't even think he's fucking with Louis' memory all that much, just framing it in such a way that Louis cannot see past what is right there in front of him. What he already knows. If only he had just a few more tiny pieces of the puzzle...
But he's trying to get there. He is getting there. The truth of Lestat is breaking though. Lestat is still present there with him in Dubai, as real as if he were really in the room. After 74 years, Louis can still recall every detail of his face, still smile at him recalling the truth of his memories. The truth he wouldn't allow himself to look at all the way. The truth he himself had to distort for his own sake because it hurt too much. He's allowing himself to see not only the truth of himself and his own actions, but the truth of Lestat. All the complicated, sincere truth of him. The truth of the one who truly could not prevent it.
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sausage-rolll · 7 months
The amount of times I said something along the lines of "They would not fucking do/say that!" while watching the live action atla series is insane. It felt so weird to watch because the acting was pretty fantastic and the set design/costumes weren't bad for the most part either, but the writing and direction itself was painfully bad.
I think King Bumi is probably one of the worst offenders of being written completely ass backwards, which is a shame because the guy portraying him did a great job and I think he would have made a fantastic Bumi if the writing was better.
It feels like they missed the entire point of his character. They took his goofy/slightly mad front from the original show and dialled it up to 11 all the while completely ignoring all the nuance behind that front.
Bumi isn't just the mad king they portray him as in the live action, he's a mad genius. Despite his quirks, he's a fucking fantastic fighter and a brilliant ruler. Despite what you may believe from first impressions, it really does feel like he always knows what he's doing.
Even when he's being antagonistic towards the gang in the show, he's never actually putting them in significant danger. The crystals he trapped Katara and Sokka in were ultimately harmless and all the trials he gives Aang were more akin to games than anything. Even when he fights Aang in his episode he's very clearly not giving it his all, as seen when he single handily takes back his city from the fire nation during the eclipse and when he takes back Ba Sing Se with a small group during Sozins comet, when the opposing forces would have been at their most powerful. My point is that if he actually wanted to beat book 1 Aang, he could wipe the floor with him easily. But this version is fucking furious with Aang (wrongfully so this time around because he explicitly did not run away from his duties in the live action) And very much seems like he wants to cause Aang as much pain as possible, but can barely manage to land a hit on him when he's not pulling cheap tricks with the crystals.
I'm getting very side tracked but god damn it! This is the man Aang eventually decides to name one of his children after. Their friendship was so sweet and meaningful in the original. Bumi was such an interesting character in the original! And all of that meaning is lost here.
Ironically in an attempt to make Bumi's arc more dramatic and dark, they ended up making it significantly less interesting, along with also missing major parts of his character.
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ixiot-ghostrebel · 1 year
Sagau another episode of reader getting pissed of for someone insulting some of thier favourites while begin bored when someone insults the reader to the point of counting how many times someone used some type of insult
Lyney and lynette begin bad mouthed becose they are form house of hearts reader will just launch a lawsuit for badmouthing thier favorites
Furina begin insulted by some pepole whonate not form Fontaine well the reader will want to throw them and drown under water thoses pepoles
That random who interrupts childe when he was talking to traveler and reader in fontain.....well begin punching bag for fatui harnbringer is now a mercy compared to how much the reader who......PURCHESE THE STEAM ROLLER AND DRIVES OVER ON THIS MO-* sorry for tehicaly dificulty*
Thank you so much for requesting, @zardas75 ! I would've been more dead otherwise lol :')
Click Me For Part 1! Click Me For Part 2!
When Someone Insults Lyney, Lynette, Furina, and Childe! (No Vice Versa Today, Sorry!)
(Warning: Slight Spoilers to 4.0 Archon Quest & Might be OOC!)
He was utterly flabbergasted that you would go out of your way for Lynette and he. I mean sure—he felt absolutely blessed and grateful that you would personally be his attorney (along with the Traveler & Paimon), but he did not expect you to jump on people that were insulting him because...of where his origin lies with.
It wasn't surprising that the entirety of Fontaine came to hear about the court case that held trial to press charges for a murder he didn't commit. so Lyney can't say he wasn't expecting the rumors, but you? Yeah, you were an entirely different wildcard than to those he's usually familiar with.
Lemme tell you, he was not prepared for you to be all up in the harasser's merchandise. If this was a trial duel to defend one's honor—you were not the champion duelist that made the opponent surrender. You were the opponent about to end the champion duelist's entire career.
This harasser was good at trash talking and gossiping—they were quite a hard opponent to overcome and beat, and here's you running your mouth about them and quite literally ending their career in a matter of minutes.
As much as Lyney would find this amusing after 5 minutes of overcoming the shock, some of the things you were saying were....a little too horrifying he'll be honest. So, rather to save himself than the insulter, he smoothly interrupts your "conversation."
"Ah, Your Grace! Welcome Back to Fontaine! May I Have the Pleasure to show you our latest magic tricks? Lynette and I have been practicing for our upcoming show!"
With your *cough* favoritism *cough* good mood shining through the previous rage that befelled your face, you of course accept to see more magic tricks appear out of the Great Magician twins!
And that was how Lyney hopes to never get you in a bad mood ever in your stay in Fontaine. He doesn't want to see you smiting anyone for anyone.
She's like Lyney, but more muted. She's honored that you would protect she and Lyney from this insulter, but if she was to give her opinion, it wasn't anything she couldn't handle. After all, with being well-known, there was bound to be both ups and downs eventually.
She'll admit, she was...pretty afraid after hearing many of the things you were spitting at the rapidly paling face of the insulter in front of you. After all, smiting people with the wrath of the power beyond all the gods was...terrifying and a true force to be reckoned with.
She's immediately helping Lyney to distract you from the situation while also giving well-hidden death glares at the insulter for making you mad. The last thing they needed was for you to deem Fontaine not a good nation.
"Tada~ I hope you liked that magic trick, Your Grace...If you would like, I can reserve a ticket for the best seat at our upcoming magic show for you to watch."
Lynette is both afraid and awe-struck of your abilities as the Creator. That doesn't mean she'll show it, of course.
In my personal opinion, I think Furina is both loved and hated by the people of Teyvat. While she is mostly loved by her nation, others (like Neuvillette) can't stand her or her enigmaticness.
You, as the Creator, understand both love and hate, but of course choose to love Furina regardless of her...dramatic and soap opera-levelled ideas. While you can respect other people's opinions...cursing and badly insulting them was just crossing the line for you. And you were not going to let it pass without planting your foot down first.
And, of course, Furina soaks up everything you said like a sponge to water. You, the Creator, beyond Celestia itself, were willing to defend her? If this were a live soap opera in the Opera Epiclese, Furina would say she was a 100% fan of you!
Alas, as much as she loves for you to go on, she is an idol within Fontaine. The last thing she needs is for her own people to think Fontaine might get smitten because of one insulter. After all, gossip changes the raw truth to make itself more interesting.
"Ah, Your Grace! I just so happens to realize that there will be a trial held in the Opera Epiclese. For, if you have the time to spare, wish to find new inspiration for your next creations, please—allow I, Lady Furina, to escort you there! Hehe, I can certainly garuantee that you will get the V.I.P. view up there with me!~"
And, since you have a soft spot for Furina, you happily accept. After all, you can get to know the Hydro Archon better than before, even if you don't like court sessions! It's a win-win for you. And at least that insulter will now think before striking again.
Next thing you know, gossip around Fontaine says that those who are granted visions are personally favored forevermore by the Creator, and that you should never cross with one else you face the wrath above the gods.
Boy oh boy...If you are an old Tartaglia/Childe Fan, this is for you. You were absolutely ecstatic that Childe was in Fontaine! I mean—he even came in the game's archon quest in a badass-ish way!
And OF COURSE you had to teach the guy annoying your boy a lesson. Like, hello??? You blind??? This is your boy here! What is this old man thinking?
So of course, you did. And you gave that man quite the scare. The Traveler and Paimon look at you taking this situation as both a physical and verbal showdown very calmly, since this wasn't exactly the first time you blew up at people.
Childe, however? Boy, he's taking notes. Your threats and insults were very interesting and unique—as expected of the Creator. And the fact you just summon a bamboo stick outta thin air and proceeded to give the man some back problems? The harbinger's wondering if he can borrow that idea as inspiration...
Nevertheless, he doesn't want to deal with court just yet, so he'll (unfortunately) step in and save this person's backside. Besides, he still owes mora to Northland Bank.
"Ahaha, Your Grace! Your prowress seems to only become stronger and even more gracious since we last met—as expected!" He grins at you. "How 'bout you leave him to me, though? He still owes the bank some mora."
And so you watched Childe beat up the man and yk the rest is history. Safe to say you were somewhat satisfied. One thing's for sure though—Childe 100% dedicated this battle to you. You did give him some inspiration to fight, after all!
AND WE ARE DONE! I hope you all enjoyed it :)
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Ghost Rebel Side Notes: Gosh, this took longer than i expected...I'm sorry everybody! IRL stuff has been hitting me like Truck-kun and there wasn't that much of a good time to properly sit down and write. I swear I'm not dying just yet!
Also, to whoever who shall be merciful to my very ghostful soul—please send in some Freminet requests—I must write for my boy. 🐧
✦ Check out The Ghost Rebel’s Blog Description & Info Page to See if Their Mailbox is Open! ✦
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writergeekrhw · 21 days
DS9 has always been my favourite Trek - I remember being a 15 year old and sneaking downstairs to turn on the TV and wait desperately for 'Rejoined' to air, because I heard that it would have Jadzia kissing a woman and I had never, ever seen women loving women on tv before. At least, not anything that was taken seriously and not as some awful punchline. It meant a lot to baby-dyke me, back then. More than I can ever express.
Now I've got kids (12 and 16) and based on how much they loved Strange New Worlds, I'm trying to get them equally hooked on DS9. We started with the pilot ('baseball metaphors are so boring,' declared 12 yr old), then Past Tense for the year relevance, which went over better. Trials and Tribble-ations was a big hit.
Last night I put on the season 4 premiere, and that went well. Kid 16 is still only vaguely interested, and mostly likes Kira's snark. Kid 12 has decided that Worf and Garak are his favourite characters, with 'the sarcastic melty guy' running a close third. He also declared that DS9 'is like the Star Wars prequels, but better. Like, it's got talky politics in it, but the writing is actually good.'
Given all that, do you have any suggestions for good on-boarding episodes for newer viewers? We'll definitely do as much of the Dominion War arc as I can get them to sit through, but I'd love to prime them with a couple of good stand-alone episodes first to get more familiar with the characters. It's been a long time since I've watched the series straight through, though, and a lot of details about specific episodes have blurred in my mind. I'd love any suggestions!
Hmm, I'd try "Duet," "In the Hands of the Prophets," "Necessary Evil," "Rules of Acquisition," and "Blood Oath," then hit the with "The Jem'hadar." If that doesn't do it, DS9 might not be for them (at least not yet).
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actual-changeling · 8 months
I was once again re-watching good omens, and I once again realized something incredibly painful, so welcome back to
Alex's unhinged meta corner.
I really need to make a masterpost at some point.
You see, the very first episode not only foreshadows their last argument, it also tells us exactly why it will happen and what problem/offer they will have to face.
We don't usually pay much attention to it because it's a) in the very first episode and then doesn't come up again and b) we know that Crowley would never accept it.
My realization is that Beelzebub's offer mirrors the Metatron's. Both Crowley and Aziraphale are given the same kind of opportunity—but one says no and the other says yes.
Let's have a look!
This is not going to be chronological but more of a go with the flow thing because the aspects are the same but they don't appear in the same order.
The most obvious part first: the job offer itself.
Beelzebub offers him a promotion and later on specifies that he can be a Duke of Hell, one of the few people in charge. I believe that if Gabriel and Beez' plan had been to run away together from the very beginning, ze would have offered Crowley zir own job as Prince of Hell. Still, being a Duke would probably put him in a standing similar to Michael or Uriel's.
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The Metatron obviously offers him the job of Supreme Archangel, which is the highest possible position for an angel to hold, aka it's the same promotion, just different colours.
Both offers also stem from the exact same problem—Gabriel is gone.
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Now, Beelzebub and the Metatron aren't stupid, they know that they need to convince them to take it, they have to embellish it and play with their wants and fears.
Beelzebub presumably makes the correct assumption that Aziraphale is hiding Gabriel or that the two of them are somehow involved (because they always are), and while ze uses it as a threat/warning, the Metatron takes what is now fact and uses it in the opposite way.
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Additionally, ze trusts Crowley to not only deliver Gabriel back to zem but to take care of him until he's safe and sound with his partner.
'I trust you with him' -> 'He trusted you with himself'.
I will now do a little jump to the last part of Aziraphale's conversation with the Metatron right in front of the lift. Once again, they appeal to a characteristic Crowley and Aziraphale share.
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'You know earth and that is a useful asset.' What has previously been punished and was seen as a weakness—what is he, he has gone native, you've been down here for too long—is now praised.
It's good that you know earth, we see that you are worth something, you are different but that is good now.
Crowley does not care about that at all, he gives exactly zero fucks about what hell thinks of him, but Aziraphale? Who has been trying to impress the Archangels for six thousand years and been humiliated by them during Armageddon? This is what he has been craving all along, respect for his job on earth and to be recognized as a Good Angel.
Well, that was the carrot, time for the stick: threats.
They remind them of their respective status—they're both traitors, personae non gratae, and they could still be punished for that. After the trial, they were largely left alone, but they drew attention to themselves again, they became a problem.
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The Metatron is more subtle, as usual. He knows that Aziraphale lied his ass off several times, including directly in front of God. This is not a just compliment, it's a threat—I know who you are and I have the power to make you feel that
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'You don't just tell people what they want to hear.' Again, they are sitting at this table and both know that the opposite is true, and the Metatron is both using it to threaten him and to establish the clear expectations he will have for him should he take the job. Also, by saying he thinks Aziraphale is those things, he gives him more praise, more respect.
Both sides know that Aziraphale and Crowley are each other's biggest weakness; they want to be safe and together. I think it is clear what kind of threat/danger Beez is presenting Crowley, but we rarely talk about the fact that the Metatron also threatens him, just not as explicitly.
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Aziraphale will be destroyed if they find Gabriel with him, and Crowley cannot let that happen. However, contrary to heaven, hell has more or less known about the two of them for decades, and they never actually cared about the arrangement as long as the job got done. They punished Crowley when he did good deeds aka not his fucking job but the opposite.
'I know you care about him, he's at risk if you don't help me find him.'
The Metatron on the other hand makes it clear that HE specifically knows about him and Crowley, and Aziraphale did not know who exactly was privy to that information and if it reached the Metatron. Not just that, he emphasizes that he has been doing research on them, he can dig up whatever dirt he likes and then kill them both.
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No one would be able to stop him.
This next part is going to be interesting because it is a parallel that Aziraphale doesn't and currently wouldn't be able to see, while Crowley does see it very, very clearly.
When the Metatron tells Aziraphale he can take Crowley with him to heaven and make him an angel again, that is good news to him! It is PERFECT! It would solve out of his problems, and who wouldn't want to be an angel, on the side of good?
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Everything the Metatron did up to this point, from 'saving' them from punishment at the hand of the Archangels, over getting him coffee, to giving twisted praise, has had one primary objective: Get Aziraphale to trust him.
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It worked. Consequently, Aziraphale does not question what he tells him now, and believes that he truly could take Crowley with him and make him an angel again. He has no concept of what falling actually means, and what it meant for Crowley in particular, so he cannot discern the threat within it.
Yet when he presents it to Crowley, who is horrified and rightfully so, we are once again shown that no, Aziraphale does not understand. Crowley does, though. That angel he was no longer exists, he cannot go back to it because they're gone, and he would not want to either. Everything they have built on earth their life, their existence, would mean absolutely nothing and cease to exist.
Do you see the threat yet?
Here is what Beelzebub tells him, and what we are told over and over and over again throughout the season.
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Erased from the book of life, gone from existence, everything they were, had, owned, lived—gone.
Erased from the book of life vs. turned back into an angel that doesn't exist anymore, that CAN'T exist again.
Put the threat and the 'offer' next to each other, and Crowley sees the same fate in both: His existence will be destroyed. Aziraphale, like I said above, doesn't. The book of life is a threat, but turning him into an angel is a blessing.
Right now, it doesn't matter whether the book of life really exists or if a demon can be turned back into an angel. What matters is that they both BELIEVE those things are real and possible, because that is what they act on, belief.
Beelzebub sends him away with bad news, the Metatron pushes Aziraphale to tell Crowley good news. Same offer, same possible outcomes (either they get to live together or one of them/both get destroyed), but entirely different responses.
Crowley says no. Aziraphale says yes.
Aziraphale thinks Crowley should have said yes.
Crowley thinks Aziraphale should have said no.
So. We know what happens next and personally, combing through all of this in detail only made it hurt worse!! If it did the same for you—you're welcome, I love my job.
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random-french-girl · 9 months
I do think ultimately the communication and trust trials were excuses for Matt to give the cast fun new games to play at the table - and it was a success! They clearly had a lot of fun in both. And I had a lot of fun watching them have fun.
AND YET weirdly enough it also kind of worked for bell's hells? One thing most of them have in common is that, whether it's because of their past trauma or their complicated sources of power, they can become dangerous. And maybe it's something they can change in the long run, but as it stands? That's just how it is for the foreseeable future. But then they're put into situations where 1) there's an external danger and they can only rely on each other (communication trial), and 2) some of them might BE the danger, and they have to be ready to neutralize each other (trust trial). How does it help?
Well, now Fearne talks about wanting yet fearing the shard, and Imogen talks about wanting to give in to ruidus, and Laudna communicates to them that she's going to be tempted by Delilah, and FCG tells them they're about to go beserk... and the goal of these admissions is not to make a confession of guilt, or to vainly hope that things could be different. Things are as they are, and sometimes there is no truly safe option! The bell's hells are who they are, and who they are is sometimes dangerous to each other! And the only path forward is to acknowledge it, to let their friends know what the risks are, and to TRUST them to take care of it!
Whatever personal motives they had, the whole Ashton & Fearne shard debacle happened because they did not communicate to the rest of the team, and did not trust them to listen and help. But what we get three episodes later is: Fearne getting reassurance that she's in control, and then getting the help and support of all her loved ones to ensure she takes the shard as safely as possible ; Laudna being both physically and emotionally grounded by Imogen right on time to resist Delilah ; FCG not scared to go into a rage, because they know Chetney and Orym will make sure they don't attack their friends...
I like the idea that they now have a better understanding of what their team dynamic needs to be, which is equal amount damage control and safety net. It's a very fitting, satisfying pay-off to this mini Feywild therapeutic retreat.
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(Sorry for not just answering this in the comments, I had a feeling I was gonna go over the word limit (I was correct haha) and figured maybe I should just make a post about it).
Spoilers for Chapter Two Episode 13!
I'll be honest...I am very scared for Ace right now. A lot of his trial behavior is kinda suspicious if you squint, but then again, he's Ace, so he's always going to be hastily throwing around suspicion and be generally incompetent when it comes to solving the murder. And after watching all of chapter two...I just can't accept that it's him.
Now, it's fair to say that's just favoritism on my part. After all, I'm willingly to make a lot of stretches to keep on believing in my Eden's The Culprit agenda. And...Yeah, true, you are kinda right. Even if I was in a scenario where I couldn't find a single objective reason for him not to be the culprit, I still wouldn't be able to accept it was him until he was executed.
But I can't help but think I do have at least a little evidence to prove Ace isn't the culprit.
I actually made a post a while back about the Ace culprit theory, and how I don't think it works. And I'm going to reiterate a point I made there, since I'm not sure if I conveyed what I meant all that clearly.
This is about the tape.
Yes, yes, I know. Everything's about the tape these days, but I still think it's important!! After all, the grippy tape was used in the murder mechanism, and disappeared while only Ace, Eden, and Teruko were in the room. Meaning one of them has to be the one connected to the murder, (meaning they are at the very least an accomplice).
Teruko and Eden both technically could've taken it, Eden much more so than Teruko, but this isn't about them, so I'll skip that. I'm sure you've heard stuff about that before somewhere, anyhow.
Let's get to the main point:
Could Ace have taken the tape?
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Okay, okay, fine, real answer time. In my opinion? It doesn't make much sense to me. After all, if Ace took the tape, we have two options:
Ace was planning to murder someone and already had a plan in mind when he took the tape, knowing he'd need it for a mechanism.
Ace didn't have a plan in mind and wanted to murder Nico when he took the tape.
Now, let's take those one at a time so I can tell you why I don't buy them.
Let's start with option one.
Ace knew he was going to murder someone with the tape down the line and took it.
Now, let's put this into perspective for a moment. Ace is actively being murdered. Even if we assume that Nico is not the true person behind Ace's almost-death, we can assume that someone was cutting Ace's neck open before this. And if Ace was conscious, he wouldn't wait for them or anyone else who can take advantage of his weakened state to come back. So Ace must be unconscious at least until Teruko and Eden make Nico run away.
That means the only time Ace can be having even sort of coherent thoughts is in the minute or so Teruko is investigating his body. He is actively bleeding out, someone just tried to murder him, and everything has gone to shit. On top of it all, he's a character who's usually rather impulsive.
And in order for him to have known he'd need the tape for his new murder plan, he'd need to have thought of a whole murder mechanism scheme while under those conditions. Seems a little iffy, but let's assume, for the sake of this post, he's secretly a murder-plan-making genius! So of course he easily thought of that entire extremely complex murder plan that far in advance!
That means Ace has a plan when he manages to get the strength to stand up. He knows he needs the tape, so he grabs it, while knocking Eden over and shouting in hopes it will distract them enough to not notice he took it (Let's also ignore that Teruko is watching him this whole time and probably would've noticed him taking it). He then pretends he's going to go kill Nico immediately, while secretly plotting to kill them or someone else in the future.
But if Ace isn't planning to murder Nico immediately like he says, then why is he so insistent on it? Non-culprit!Ace readings make this easily understandable; Ace's emotions are running high from the murder attempt and he's running off to find Nico because he's angry and thinks they tried to kill him. However, if Ace doesn't actually want to kill Nico, why does he bother putting on such a big act pretending he does?
If this is an act, color me impressed. Ace has, in the past, shown himself to be a pretty terrible liar who is also not very good at keeping secrets. So him being able to pull this off while bleeding out...Yeah, he definitely deserves an Oscar, haha. Because he really sells it. He's banging on Nico's door, yelling in a very aggressive and convincing manner, and tells Levi he is going to murder Nico almost nonchalantly. If this scene was later revealed to all be an elaborate 4D-chess move by Ace, I would be super surprised.
And none of it is even that necessary if it is an act. Ace could've stomped out of the room without telling them he was going to kill Nico if he wanted to, it's not like it was necessary for his plan. After all, if he was planning a murder, why would he purposely prove that he would be willingly to commit one? It's way better to play into his scaredy-cat tendencies here, instead, if he's trying not to gain suspicion. Like, imagine:
Eden: O-oh my god! Ace, are you alright?!? Y-you're bleeding a lot, let's go to the infirma--
Ace: Get the fuck away from me! I'm not trusting any of you fuckers to get anywhere near me! I was totally right to not trust any of you in the first place, you're all gonna try some shit like this eventually! You probably think that now's the perfect time to strangle me while pretending to help, huh?! Well, too bad! I can do it myself.
(Cue Ace getting the fuck out of there before they can realize he took the tape).
I mean, why would he possibly think that pretending he's going to murder Nico while secretly planning another murder is a good idea?! Even if people don't connect the tape to him, they're going to think that he's completely capable of an act like that if he's desperate enough. If he hadn't done this, his classmates might've kept on thinking he was too much of a scaredy-cat to seriously consider hurting anyone, which would help his chances of winning the trial.
You could say he did it to disguise the fact that he had a plan to murder someone later. No one would suspect that he was planning to murder someone later if he pretended to try to murder someone now. But no one was accusing him of plotting anything in the first place? So I really don't see how it's necessary. Better to play it safe than to risk actually running into Nico when he doesn't actually plan to harm them. His little charade can only go so far. The only way this even sort of benefits him is if in the trial, people say maybe he was plotting something, and he can refute with his reckless behavior here. But, uh...Would it really be realistic to say Ace, of all people, thought that far ahead and meticulously planned out every detail in the mere moments he woke up from the turpentine? I don't know, seems like a little bit of a stretch to me.
Let's remind ourselves that, in this scenario, Ace is most likely scared for his life. He is scared someone else is going to murder him now that Nico tried, and that is why he is planning a murder now. In that case, I think the most important thing is that Ace's primary emotion is that moment is fear. Which he doesn't have a very good track record of hiding. When Ace is scared, you will know. So if Ace was scared and planning a murder in result during that moment, I don't think he'd have masked it as well as he did. Ace doesn't seem scared, just angry. Because he hates that, in his eyes, Nico was able to make him vulnerable like this.
I just...Don't think the dialog of Ace in the hallway scene after his almost-death would work as well if he was secretly not trying to murder Nico and only refusing help from the others because he was planning a different murder, and not because of his own character flaws. None of his lines seem disingenuous in the slightest to me. Which is weird, considering all the other times Ace has lied, it's pretty easy to tell.
In short, I simply don't understand why Ace would do the things he did if he was just secretly planning to murder someone. To me, his behavior makes much more sense if he's actually blinded by rage instead of secretly planning something super smart and complex.
...Alright, let's move on to scenario two.
Ace was actually planning to murder Nico when he took the tape, but plans change, and he uses the tape for murdering Arei instead.
Unsurprisingly, I don't buy this either.
If Ace really did plan to murder Nico in this moment and was admitting it full-heartedly, with no qualms about getting caught, why would he hide that he took the tape? He tells Levi he's going to murder Nico upfront, so obviously he doesn't care that they know what he's doing.
In that case, he wouldn't have stealthily picked up the tape while Teruko wasn't looking and put it in his pocket immediately (Both of Ace's hands are seen in his sprites, so it's not like he was just holding it in his hand, if he did take the tape he took it as quickly and unnoticeably as possible, hid it somewhere on his person, then didn't mention it).
If he's planning to murder Nico and hasn't thought about what happens afterwards, or knows he will be executed and still doesn't care, then it's not like he has anything he's going to do with the tape after he murders Nico. Meaning the only reason he would take it, is if it had something to do with murdering Nico.
And in that case, Ace doesn't care about how much the others know when it comes to how he does the murder. So he wouldn't be shy about admitting he was going to use the tape to uh...Idk, strangle Nico? Or restrain them? I don't even really know how he would use only grippy tape to murder them anyways. It's not like he'd use it to put over their mouth to keep them quiet, he's shouting threats to them in the middle of the hallway for everyone to hear. He could not give less of a fuck about who knows Nico is in danger.
Ace has literally no reason to be secretive about taking the tape in this scenario. The only way it would work is if Teruko and Eden just so happened to not notice even though Ace wasn't bothering to be subtle, which is...Kinda weird, since Teruko's usually pretty damn observant.
Plus, Ace has a lot of blood on his hands during the gym waking-up scene, but maybe he managed to get the tape in his pocket before any blood could get on it? Since there wasn't as much on his hands before he woke up? Idk, possibly still notable.
To summarize this whole section a bit, if Ace was planning to murder Nico when he took the tape, he'd have little reason to take it and no reason to take it sneakily. If he was secretly planning another murder, it's hard to justify why he pretends he wants to murder Nico in the first place, or how he even thought up his murder plan so quickly and under such intense circumstances. And since Teruko was presumably looking at Ace the whole time, Ace would have a hard time even picking up the tape in the first place without Teruko noticing.
(I've also seen people say that if Teruko and Ace can't 100% confirm each other's witness testimony about the other not taking it while Eden was on the ground, you can't really prove who took it in the trial).
...So that's it with the tape, I think. All in all, I don't think Ace taking it makes much sense, or at least not as much sense as Eden does.
That's my main reason for being doubtful of Ace being the culprit, but I guess there's maybe some other things I could mention...
Ace is supposed to be the Mondo of the Chihiro-Mondo = Nico-Ace murder situation.
This can be seen by how the almost-murder takes place in the gym, and how Ace is the one who wants to be strong despite feeling deep down that he is weak. He's also the one who is afraid of getting hit by cars, and the one who's friend mysteriously died...
Yeah, I'm willing to bet Ace's friend being dead and Ace weirdly mentioning being afraid of cars hitting him in chapter 1 probably means his friend met a similar fate to Mondo's brother. Except without all the biker gang stuff, haha.
Which, uh, isn't good if we're trying to make Ace not the culprit, since that secret was one of the major reasons Mondo killed and all that. And I was worried about that...Until Ace just sorta brought Taylor up unprompted in the middle of trial. Like, if that was a big, personal, secret reason for why he murdered Arei, not sure why he would just randomly bring it up now when the DRDTdev could just--Have him talk about it later, when he's the culprit. And if we assume Ace thought that Taylor dying was his secret and killed so that secret wouldn't get out, then that wouldn't make sense, since Ace brings it up in conversation without hesitating. Even Ace wouldn't kill for a secret and then blab about it only a day later. So I doubt Taylor's death is going to play any sort of role in Ace's motive to murder.
(Unlike Eden, who's secret does include someone she was close to and probably regrets not being honest with when it came to her feelings and--okay okay fine I'll shut up now sorry--).
Plus, Ace having Mondo parallels doesn't mean he has to be the culprit. Nico wasn't the victim just because they had Chihiro parallels, so the same can be true for Ace. It does make him a little more suspicious, though, sadly.
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I wonder how this would pay off if Ace died? I immediately assumed that oh, Levi will die, and Ace will realize that this statement was not true. But it could go in way more directions than that.
This line has to be pretty damn important if it got the bold yellow letter treatment. That statement is going to affect Ace or Levi (or both) in a very major way.
If Ace dies, then...I guess I'm not sure if that statement would affect Levi as much without Ace being there. Levi has already said that he would not care if Ace died. It would simply be as if he never knew him, like he was a stranger. And I guess, in my mind, it makes a lot more sense if Ace is a living embodiment of what he said to Levi than him just being gone.
I mean, imagine if Levi threatened Ace and then Ace was the culprit in chapter 1. Levi would not care nearly as much about what he said, because everyone thinks Ace did a bad thing by framing Teruko and not admitting to the class that he murdered Xander, even if it was with good intentions.
Now imagine that Ace is the culprit of chapter two. He murdered Arei with not-good intentions, framed Eden, and never admitted he did it until the bitter end. No one liked Ace before, and they certainly don't like him now. He took advantage of Arei's trust in Eden and for that no one will forgive him. Ace was not a good person, and most of Levi's classmates will reinforce this. So if Ace wanted Levi to die, it doesn't matter, right? Levi tried his best to help him, and he failed, but he tried his best, like Eden said.
What I'm trying to say is that if Ace dies here, I'm not sure how one would make it so that this line really resonates with Levi enough to make a significant enough impact on him that it's highlighted. If Ace is gone and made out to be a no-good murderer by the killing game system they're trapped in, and no one thought Ace was a good person as is, Levi wouldn't put stock in Ace's opinion nearly as much as he would, say, Eden's. Ace was a bully and a murderer, so his opinion doesn't matter, right? I doubt anyone else in the killing game will disagree, so I'm guessing none of them will be ecstatic to defend Ace's honor if Levi asks anyone about it in chapter three.
Long story short, this line makes a lot more sense to me if both Levi and Ace survive trial two (Or I guess if Levi gets executed because of that 'all murderers must pay for their crimes' rule but still).
Other than that, a few other points that make Ace being the culprit less likely are that we have no evidence of Ace knowing about where to find Hu and Teruko's old clothes and that sort of thing. Then there's the spelling mistake I don't think Ace would make given how he acts in the investigation and trial, as I said in another post (Would they really make a point to have Ace of all people correct Teruko's language twice only to have a sticking point be that a word was misspelled in a letter he wrote?).
Plus there's the fact that, allegedly, the culprit made the time ambiguous so that no one would know they did the murder at AM not PM, and Ace didn't have an alibi for either time slot. It'd be weird to do that and then not get yourself an alibi for the fake PM murder time. If the culprit didn't do that on purpose, then I guess they just got really, really lucky when no one found the small piece saying pm or am. Like, that's a smaller piece, so it's not surprising no one found it, but it being such a small piece of the note makes it look like it was ripped out purposefully.
Honestly, the only thing I'd sort of like about Ace culprit theory is that it would confirm Ace writes all fancy and nice, haha. Which would be a really funny subversion of expectations, but not funny enough for me to not be sad he's the culprit and is going to die.
Another thing I've seen floating around is that if the culprit really did copy/reuse the Nico-Ace murder contraption, they would need to know how it works. And if Ace was in the gym that night, that would mean he knows how it works and would be able to replicate it!
But this entire time, we've gone under the assumption that Nico (or whoever almost-murdered Ace) knocked Ace out with the turpentine, and that's why they stole it. Ace is pretty strong physically, so someone needing to knock him out to overpower him isn't too unbelievable. And in that case, Ace wouldn't have gotten much of a chance to look at the crime scene, since he was unconscious for the whole murder attempt. The only time we saw him awake was in the time he woke up bleeding out. And seeing as Ace isn't exactly the brightest, I doubt he could've just looked around while actively dying and immediately have known exactly what was up and how he almost got murdered. And on top of all that, if he was secretly planning a murder, he'd have been focusing on his whole pretending-to-want-to-kill-Nico thing, too, further dividing his attention. Whoever set up the mechanism or saw it for a longer period of time without bleeding out, probably would've had a better shot at knowing how the mechanism worked.
Oh, and before I go: I've mentioned this before, but "All That Glitters" and "A Good Person" aren't really themes that I think would suit Ace as a culprit. After all, they mean 'not as good as it seems' and 'being a good person'. Unlike some other characters, Ace hasn't had any involvement in the Good Person dilemma except telling Levi he's not one. And I don't think anyone thought Ace was 'good' in the first place, let alone not as good as he seems.
I could probably go more in-depth...But I'm tired so short, straightforward theme explanation it is, haha.
I...Think that's all? Honestly, I might be able to think of more reasons in the future...But for now, I think I'm done. I refuse to accept the culprit is Ace, so I'm just trying to point out any evidence I can that it's not him. My heart wouldn't be able to take it...
Still, I don't judge anyone who does buy the ace culprit theory, I just don't buy it personally. So there's the answer you were probably looking for, in way less words, haha.
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korasonata · 1 year
Ok but this Cleo/El/Scott Coven is actually the most adorable thing. Cleo and El’s little practice session is legitimately like straight out of a movie training montage. Cleo teaching her hex casting. The way Cleo is legitimately SO excited when El masters her first explosion. El being nervous and overwhelmed when Cleo shows her the symbol for an artifact, and Cleo just being like don’t worry I’ll talk you through it. Cleo using her own amethyst shards to help charge her artifact. The cut at the end of the montage in Eloise’s episode that shows how she’s COMPLETELY demolished the training room from her advanced explosion spells. El giving Cleo a clock as a present to say thank you for helping her, and Cleo promising to help her more in the future if she ever needs anything.
And then Scott. Scott poking fun at her but also actually being really helpful in his own way? Him asking if he can curse her to test out a spell he hasn’t used before because he wants to have a bit of a laugh, only for him to remove it the second she says it’s too much for her and then promising to teach it to her as well. Him watching her trial, whispering pointers to her as she’s getting ready for the final fight. Bertha inviting Scott to their special school of magic, stating that it was only for the strongest witches on the server, and Scott immediately listing Eloise alongside himself, Shelby, and Cleo as the strongest members of the server, and when Bertha laughs he IMMEDIATELY defends her like “Eloise is stronger now.” And when Bertha just keeps laughing he goes “she just won her tournament, don’t laugh about that.”
The little outfit montage in the middle where Cleo and Scott help her pick out some armour.
El winning the retrial and Bertha congratulating her, trying to give her a speech about how proud they are of her and how much she deserved it, and El just straight up ignoring them, running away mid speech to check on her last opponent, asking if they were ok and going “I’m sorry, I didn’t give you a chance to breathe, but I really wanted to do Scott and Cleo proud.”
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The Hedge Knight graphic novel - could it work as a roadmap for HBO's A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms?
So, per reports, HBO's Dunk & Egg show is going to be 6 episodes. I've seen several people saying that's too long, it should be 4 episodes at most, a 2 hour movie at most, there will be too much filler, blah blah blah. Well let me tell you, that's not true!
In 2003, The Hedge Knight was adapted as a 6 issue comic book (later collected as a graphic novel), and I think its script, each issue ending in a cliffhanger or dun-dun-dunnn moment, would work perfectly for the show, and is very probably how they'll do it.
Potential spoilers under the cut, but first - is this not perfect casting and costuming? It so is.
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Like I said, I think each issue could be the plot of each episode. So I'm just going to summarize these issues, I hope you've read the GN or the novella. (If not, go read it, go read all of Dunk & Egg, it's so good.)
#1 - Dunk buries Ser Arlan, decides to go to Ashford for the tourney, meets Egg and a weird drunk guy at an inn on the way, gets to Ashford, sets up camp in the forest (bathes naked in a stream), goes to the tourney field and sees Tanselle performing her puppet show, gets measured for armor he can't quite afford, gets back to his camp to find the weird little bald kid making dinner.
#2 - Dunk agrees Egg can be his squire, that night he sees the falling star, next morning goes to Ashford castle and gets told he needs to prove he's a knight to enter the tourney (or that Arlan was, since he says Arlan knighted him), meets Aerion (badly) but also the Kingsguard, sells his horse for armor money, talks to Tanselle and meets the Fossoways, then meets up with the young Dondarrion lord whose dad Arlan worked for and relates the House Dondarrion origin story (imagine them telling that via puppet imagery, ooh), gets told "yeah knowing that is no proof you're a knight, sucks to be you".
#3 - Dunk goes back to the castle, stumbles into Baelor and Maekar arguing about M's missing kids, Baelor remembers his epic joust with Arlan so yay Dunk can be in the tourney, Dunk and Egg talk to Tanselle about painting him a shield, they watch the opening of the tourney (lots of jousting and pageantry including Lyonel "the Laughing Storm" Baratheon), and the first day ends after Aerion deliberately kills that horse.
#4 - Dunk argues with Egg over how much of a douche Aerion is, more flirting with Tanselle, gossip with Raymun Fossoway about the Targaryens, Egg runs in to say Aerion's hurting Tanselle, Dunk beats up Aerion and almost gets murdered by Aerion's goons, Egg reveals himself to save Dunk, Dunk in prison, talks to Egg and Baelor, Baelor tells him he can be mutilated for striking a prince or ask for trial by combat, so "how good a knight are you, truly?"
#5 - Aerion says sure, trial by combat, but only a trial of seven, Dunk has to find 6 guys, talks to Raymun and Steffon Fossoway, Daeron apologizes and tells Dunk his dragon dream, shield reveal, next morning the smallfolk are all "a knight who remembered his vows", various guys show up to help Dunk and Raymun gets knighted, but Steffon Fossoway goes to Aerion's side so they're still missing a guy, "are there no true knights among you?", wait is that Valarr??? no it's Baelor in Valarr's armor omg
#6 - The trial of seven. You know how this ends. 😭 Then talking to Maekar, and Dunk and Egg ride off into the sunset together.
I hope that's convincing enough for the doubters! I can see a few points where something might be shifted from the end of one to the beginning of the other -- but on the whole I think the comic is an excellent roadmap for the show, and I hope this is the way they lay it out. Also ftr, the Sworn Sword graphic novel was also originally 6 issues so possibly season 2 ditto (unless they add an episode for the in between THK-TSS Dorne and Oldtown adventures that didn't actually appear in the novellas, idk). But the Mystery Knight was only released as one book, so who knows, they might go for more episodes when they get to that season.
Also, re taking inspiration from the comic, I really hope they adapt the Kingsguards' gold codpieces. Just because.
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emiko-matsui · 10 months
wait but which goes wrong play had the most miatakes fr 😭
Ah, let's make a fun little list, shall we!!
11. Cornley Drama Festival
A surprise to no one probably we have our lowest one here. Can't be that many mistakes when it isn't scripted, right? Well, wrong, but each part of the Cornley Drama Festival had 64 mistakes. Counted them individually because it would be unfair to add them up
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10. 90 Degrees
A surprise to many! This was one of the most guessed episodes for MOST mistakes. If the set hadn't been built sideways it would've been Cornley's most successful episode of all fucking time. 90 Degrees is coming in with a motherfucking whooping record of only 77 mistakes
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9. The Lodge
Also a shockingly low amount of mistakes, but worry not, we've already reached the hundreds! A very sweet episode with only 108 mistakes. Yes, again, a record breaking low for the society. They actually seem quite professional at this end of the list comparing to the other...
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8. Harper's Locket
Yes, now we're onto the good stuff... Our mistake counter is up to 110 mistakes as Harper's Locker airs and it's only gonna get better (worse)! Still quite nice!
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7. The Spirit of Christmas
Classic episode and very run of the mill mistake counter. Many mistakes, disastrous show, very fun! 116 mistakes that could've been slashed in half if they'd used prop alcohol for Robert.
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6. The Most Lamentable
Halfway there and we're coming in with a fan favourite! Just beating The Spirit of Christmas with a single mistake we have a nice and round 117 over here. Feels like it should've been more, but we're gonna have some surprise spots on this list...
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5. A Trial To Watch
Beating season 2's fan favourite with, once again, only one more mistake, is season 1's fan favourite, A Trial To Watch! 118 mistakes, and rightly suspected, Dennis stands for most of them! I love you, Dennis.
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4. The Pilot (Not The Pilot)
Of course The Pilot (Not The Pilot) is up here amongst the best (worst!) episodes, it's one of the all time classics. Standing proud with 119 mistakes it is rightfully one of the best (worst) episodes they've done
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3. The Nativity
And here we are with the episode that made Robert finally perform his coup. The Nativity. And, all credit where credit is due, it was, at the time, Chris' worst production thus far that prompted Robert to go for the successful coup. 120 mistakes.
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2. There Is No Escape
There Is No Escape truly for the Cornley Drama Society. Probably the biggest shocker here, because when I did this poll almost nobody guessed this episode. Chris got back his title as director and then immediately went and did his worst performance yet. Even worse than the episode that got him couped! 123 mistakes!
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1. Summer Once Again
Here we finally are... Yes, ignoring the number two spot, you were right. Of fucking course Summer Once Again had the most mistakes! Robert couped and did the worst job they've ever done! And it's not even close! The previous like 7 episodes have been like a mistake or two more than the previous. Chris' worst episode is 123 mistakes and Robert, always vying to outdo Chris, barrels down the door with 142 mistakes.
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thefooloutboy · 2 months
all the things wrong with lestat de lioncourt according to the dsm-v and psychological theories
In this post, I, a psychologist, will psychoanalyze and diagnose Lestat de Lioncourt, a well-known vampire in gothic literature.
Part I: DSM-V Diagnosis
1.0 Neurodevelopmental Disorders
1.1 Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD):
ADHD is a persistent pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity that interferes with functioning or development.
Lestat displays 5 symptoms out of 9 for inattention: 
Often has difficulty sustaining attention in tasks: He can’t read.
Often does not follow through on instructions and fails to finish schoolwork, chores, or duties in the workplace: He does not ever follow instructions.
Often has difficulty organizing tasks and activities: He fails to keep his house and belongings organized.
Often avoids, dislikes, or is reluctant to engage in tasks that require sustained mental effort.
Is often forgetful in daily activities: He’s bad with doing chores and running errands.
Lestat displays 5 symptoms out of 9 for hyperactivity and impulsivity:
Often unable to play or engage in leisure activities quietly: He’s always making noises.
Is often “on the go,” acting as if “driven by a motor”: He is usually unable to be still for extended time.
Often talks excessively: He is a yapper.
Often blurts out an answer before a question has been completed: He completes people’s sentences and he cannot wait for his turn in conversation.
Often interrupts or intrudes on others: He butts into conversations and he intrudes into or takes over what others are doing.
To be diagnosed with ADHD, one must display at least 10 symptoms out of 18. Therefore, Lestat can be diagnosed with ADHD.
2.0 Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorders
2.1 Delusional Disorder:
Delusional Disorder is characterized by the presence of one (or more) delusions with a duration of 1 month or longer. Lestat’s disorder is the Mixed type, meaning that not one single type of delusion predominates, but there’s a mixture. His disorder includes:
Grandiose type: Belief that one is famous, omnipotent, wealthy, or otherwise very powerful: At the end of S2.E8, we see Lestat practicing piano with a block of wood and thinking he’s going on tour.
Jealous type: Belief that their spouse or lover is unfaithful: He constantly watches Louis to see if he will cheat on him or not.
Persecutory type: Belief that they are being conspired against: In S1.E7, we see Lestat thinking Louis and Claudia are conspiring something against him and he makes Antoinette spy on them. (In the persecutory type, it does not matter if the person is actually being conspired against, it’s the obsession that counts.)
2.2 Schizoaffective Disorder:
Schizoaffective Disorder is characterized by an uninterrupted period of illness during which there is a major mood episode (major depressive or manic) concurrent with at least 2 criteria out of 5 of schizophrenia.
Lestat displays 2 symptoms of schizophrenia (A):
Delusions (mentioned above)
Hallucinations: He is haunted by Claudia.
Lestat also displays the main symptom of a major mood episode, which is depressed mood. We can see his depression and the symptoms of his schizoaffective disorder (delusions, hallucinations, and depressed mood) portrayed in several episodes, but mainly S2.E8.
3.0 Bipolar and Related Disorders
3.1 Bipolar I Disorder:
For a diagnosis of bipolar I disorder, it is necessary to meet the following criteria for a manic episode. Lestat displays 5 symptoms out of 7 for a manic episode in S2.E7:
Inflated self-esteem or grandiosity.
More talkative than usual or pressure to keep talking.
Distractibility (attention too easily drawn to irrelevant external stimuli).
Increase in goal-directed activity.
Excessive involvement in activities that have a high potential for painful consequences.
The trial is followed with a depressive episode on his side, therefore, he displays the two distinct ends of Bipolar I: manic episode followed by a depressive episode. Lestat, according to this, can be diagnosed with Bipolar I Disorder.
4.0 Depressive Disorders
4.1 Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder:
Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder is characterized by severe recurrent temper outbursts manifested verbally (e.g., verbal rages) and/or behaviorally (e.g., physical aggression toward people or property) that are grossly out of proportion in intensity or duration to the situation or provocation. 
In many episodes, we can see Lestat being verbally and physically aggressive towards Claudia and Louis, let alone many others that he later kills. In the DSM-V, it is concluded that Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder and Bipolar I Disorder cannot coexist, so it is not safe to say Lestat 100% have this disorder, but I thought it was worth mentioning as he displays the symptoms for it.
4.2 Persistent Depressive Disorder (Dysthymia):
Dysthymia is characterized by a depressed mood for most of the day, for more days than not, as indicated by either subjective account or observation by others, for at least 2 years.
Lestat displays 4 symptoms out of 6 for Dysthymia in S2.E8 and later in the song Long Face:
Poor appetite or overeating: ‘I'll get fatter when we break up.’ In this lyric, he mentions how he overeats (or rather overdrains people).
Low self-esteem.
Poor concentration or difficulty making decisions.
Feelings of hopelessness.
In the DSM-V, it is stated that there has not been a manic or hypomanic episode during the period of Dysthymia, which we cannot be sure if that is the case with Lestat, as I diagnosed him with Bipolar I earlier. However, S2.E8 and the Vampire Lestat era happens well after S2.E7, so we can assume that he had not had a manic episode and his mood disorder turned into Dysthymia.
5.0 Anxiety Disorders
5.1 Separation Anxiety Disorder:
Separation Anxiety Disorder is characterized by developmentally inappropriate and excessive fear or anxiety concerning separation from those to whom the individual is attached.
Lestat displays at least 4 symptoms out of 8 for Separation Anxiety Disorder:
Recurrent excessive distress when anticipating or experiencing separation from home or from major attachment figures: He constantly tries to make Louis stay because he is scared of him leaving.
Persistent and excessive worry about losing major attachment figures or about possible harm to them, such as illness, injury, disasters, or death: ‘Did you hurt yourself?’
Persistent reluctance or refusal to sleep away from home or to go to sleep without being near a major attachment figure.
Persistent and excessive fear of or reluctance about being alone or without major attachment figures at home or in other settings: He tries to win Louis back because he is scared of being without him.
Therefore, it is possible to say Lestat can be diagnosed with Separation Anxiety Disorder, as he himself mentions how he does not like being left behind.
6.0 Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders
6.1 Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD):
OCD is the presence of obsessions, compulsions, or both.
Lestat displays 2 symptoms out of 2 for obsessions:
Recurrent and persistent thoughts, urges, or images that are experienced, at some time during the disturbance, as intrusive and unwanted, and that in most individuals cause marked anxiety or distress: In S2.E8, he mentions his recurrent thoughts about Claudia and how he cannot get over it.
The individual attempts to ignore or suppress such thoughts, urges, or images, or to neutralize them with some other thought or action.
Lestat also displays symptoms out of 2 for compulsions:
Repetitive behaviors that the individual feels driven to perform in response to an obsession or according to rules that must be applied rigidly: He plays the piano as he did with Claudia to get rid of the obsession.
The behaviors or mental acts are aimed at preventing or reducing anxiety or distress.
To be diagnosed with OCD, any of these 4 symptoms is necessary, and Lestat, arguably, displays all of them, so he is diagnosed with OCD by me.
7.0 Trauma- and Stressor-Related Disorders
7.1 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD):
PTSD is a disorder that develops in some people who have experienced a shocking, scary, or dangerous event. There are several criteria to be diagnosed with it.
Lestat displays 3 symptoms out of 4 for exposure to actual or threatened death, and serious injury:
Directly experiencing the traumatic event: Claudia and Louis attempted to kill him.
Witnessing, in person, the event as it occurred to others: He was there to watch the Trial and he witnessed Claudia dying.
Learning that the traumatic event occurred to a close family member or close friend: He learned that Louis tried to harm himself.
Lestat displays 4 symptoms out of 5 for presence of  intrusion symptoms associated with the traumatic event:
Recurrent, involuntary, and intrusive distressing memories of the traumatic event: He cannot get the death of Claudia out of his mind. He also still thinks about Louis harming himself.
Dissociative reactions (e.g., flashbacks) in which the individual feels or acts as if the traumatic event were recurring.
Intense or prolonged psychological distress at exposure to internal or external cues that symbolize or resemble an aspect of the traumatic event.
Marked physiological reactions to internal or external cues that symbolize or resemble an aspect of the traumatic event.
Lestat’s PTSD is multifaceted, as there have been several different traumatic events that had shocked him and endangered him (e.g., Magnus, the Trial, S1.E7, the death of Nicki). According to Sam Reid, Claudia will haunt Lestat in S3, so we will see more of his reactions to his PTSD.
8.0 Feeding and Eating Disorders
8.1 Pica:
Pica is characterized by persistent eating of nonnutritive, nonfood substances over a period of at least 1 month. Which is, pretty much, seen in every vampire. It does not take a psychologist to diagnose vampires with Pica. They are Pica.
8.2 Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder:
ARFID is characterized by an eating or feeding disturbance as manifested by the person avoiding certain foods. As can be seen in many episodes, Lestat constantly judges Louis for feeding only from animals instead of humans. Lestat prefers human blood only, making him a restrictive food intaker.
8.3 Binge Eating Disorder:
Binge Eating Disorder is characterized by recurrent episodes of binge eating.
Lestat displays 2 out of 2 symptoms for an episode of binge eating:
Eating, in a discrete period of time, an amount of food that is definitely larger than what most people would eat in a similar period of time under similar circumstances.
A sense of lack of control over eating during the episode.
In the song ‘Long Face’, Lestat talks about binge feeding after a breakup in which he eventually gains weight from the amount of blood he consumes. Do vampires get overweight? I don’t know, but that’s what he says, so I diagnose him with Binge Eating Disorder.
9.0 Disruptive, Impulse-Control, and Conduct Disorders
9.1 Oppositional Defiant Disorder:
Oppositional Defiant Disorder is a  pattern of angry/irritable mood, argumentative/defiant behavior, or vindictiveness lasting at least 6 months.
Lestat displays 6 symptoms out of 8 for Oppositional Defiant Disorder:
Often loses temper: e.g. when playing chess with Claudia, when Claudia came back and he beat up Louis.
Is often touchy or easily annoyed.
Is often angry and resentful.
Often deliberately annoys others.
Often blames others for his or her mistakes or misbehavior.
Has been spiteful or vindictive at least twice within the past 6 months.
Therefore, it can be easily said that Lestat is not a bad person, he is just mentally ill.
9.2 Intermittent Explosive Disorder:
Intermittent Explosive Disorder is characterized by recurrent behavioral outbursts representing a failure to control aggressive impulses.
Lestat displays 2 symptoms out of 2 for failure to control aggressive impulses:
Verbal aggression or physical aggression toward property, animals, or other individuals: Going crazy after losing in chess, choking Claudia, beating up Louis.
Three behavioral outbursts involving damage or destruction of property and/or physical assault involving physical injury against animals or other individuals occurring within a 12-month period: It possibly happens more for Lestat.
10.0 Personality Disorders
10.1 Borderline Personality Disorder:
BPD is a pervasive pattern of instability of interpersonal relationships, self-image, and affects, and marked impulsivity, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts.
Lestat displays 7 symptoms out of 9 for Borderline Personality Disorder:
Frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment: He does everything in order to keep Louis.
A pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships characterized by alternating between extremes of idealization and devaluation.
Identity disturbance: markedly and persistently unstable self-image or sense of self.
Impulsivity in at least two areas that are potentially self-damaging: Cheating on partners, money spending, substance abuse can be seen in Lestat.
Affective instability due to a marked reactivity of mood.
Chronic feelings of emptiness.
Inappropriate, intense anger or difficulty controlling anger (as mentioned in Disruptive & Impulse-Control Disorders).
As guessed by many people, BPD is the disorder that Lestat relates to the most. He obviously displays a lot of symptoms of it and therefore easily can be diagnosed with it by any professional.
10.2 Histrionic Personality Disorder:
Histrionic Personality Disorder is characterized by a pervasive pattern of excessive emotionality and attention seeking, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts.
Lestat displays 6 symptoms out of 8 for Histrionic Personality Disorder:
Is uncomfortable in situations in which he or she is not the center of attention.
Interaction with others is often characterized by inappropriate sexually seductive or provocative behavior.
Displays rapidly shifting and shallow expression of emotions.
Consistently uses physical appearance to draw attention to self.
Shows self-dramatization, theatricality, and exaggerated expression of emotion.
Considers relationships to be more intimate than they actually are.
Lestat can easily be seen as ‘the life of the party’ and if he is not the center of the attention, you best believe he will do something about it. He displays enough symptoms to be diagnosed with HPD.
11.0 Paraphilic Disorders
11.1 Voyeuristic Disorder:
Voyeuristic Disorder is characterized by recurrent and intense sexual arousal from observing an unsuspecting person who is naked, in the process of disrobing, or engaging in sexual activity, as manifested by fantasies, urges, or behaviors. 
In S1.E1 we see that Lestat likes watching Louis having sex with another woman. Louis asks Lestat, ‘That’s your thing? You like to watch?’.
11.2 Sexual Masochism Disorder:
Sexual Masochism is recurrent and intense sexual arousal from the act of being humiliated, beaten, bound, or otherwise made to suffer, as manifested by fantasies, urges, or behaviors.
When Dreamstat comes back to Louis, there is a scene in which Lestat provokes Louis by saying ‘Kill me again.’, and he laughs as Louis hits him, chokes him, and although that is Louis’ dream of Lestat, I think it’s safe to say Lestat had enjoyed that kind of behavior before. When Louis takes Lestat back, we also see how beaten up Lestat is, and it happens after they have sex.
Part II: Psychological Theories
1.0 Social Exchange Theory:
Social Exchange Theory is a concept based on the idea that social behavior is the result of an exchange process. According to this theory, people weigh the potential benefits and risks of their social relationships. When the risks outweigh the rewards, they will terminate or abandon the relationship. The purpose of this exchange is to maximize benefits and minimize costs.
Lestat lives his life by this theory. He is often driven by his desires and passions. He craves companionship and love but also seeks dominance and control over others. 
Emotional Turmoil: Lestat's intense relationships often lead to emotional conflicts and suffering, both for him and his companions.
Risk of Rejection: His desire for deep connections makes him vulnerable to rejection and betrayal, as seen with Louis.
Loneliness: Despite seeking companionship, Lestat frequently finds himself isolated due to his nature and actions.
Companionship: Lestat values the presence of others, particularly those who can understand his nature and share his experiences.
Power and Control: He often derives satisfaction from having power over others, which boosts his sense of significance and dominance.
Excitement and Adventure: Lestat’s relationships often bring new experiences and adventures, which he craves as part of his rebellious spirit.
His interactions are driven by the pursuit of rewards such as companionship, power, and adventure, while also dealing with the costs of emotional turmoil, conflict, and isolation.
2.0 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs:
This psychological theory posits that human motivations are structured in a hierarchy, ranging from basic physiological needs to self-actualization. Lestat’s actions and motivations often reflect his quest to fulfill these needs, from the basic physiological requirement for blood to his pursuit of self-actualization through personal growth and creative expression.
Vampiric Thirst: As a vampire, Lestat's primary physiological need is the consumption of blood. This need drives many of his actions, ensuring his survival.
Immortality: Unlike humans, Lestat doesn't need food, water, or shelter in the traditional sense. His physiological need is centered around obtaining blood and ensuring his physical survival as an immortal being.
Physical Safety: Lestat seeks to protect himself from threats, both from humans and other vampires. This includes avoiding vampire hunters and rival vampires who may wish to harm him.
Existential Safety: Lestat grapples with the existential nature of his immortality and seeks to find stability in his long existence. This often involves creating and maintaining secure environments where he can exist without threat.
Love and Belongingness:
Companionship: Lestat's relationships with Louis, Claudia, and others highlight his deep need for companionship and belonging. Despite his often domineering nature, Lestat craves intimate connections.
Vampire Family: His creation of a vampire family with Louis and Claudia is an attempt to fulfill his need for love and belonging. He seeks to create a close-knit group that can understand and share his experiences.
Respect and Recognition: Lestat desires recognition and respect from both humans and vampires. His flamboyant and rebellious behavior often serves as a way to assert his presence and command attention.
Self-Esteem: Lestat struggles with his self-esteem, oscillating between grandiosity and self-doubt. He seeks validation through his actions and the admiration of others.
Self Actualization:
Personal Growth: Lestat's journey throughout the series is marked by his pursuit of knowledge, self-discovery, and personal growth. He constantly seeks to understand his place in the world and the meaning of his existence.
Art and Music: Lestat's involvement in the arts, particularly his passion for music, is an expression of his self-actualization. These creative pursuits allow him to explore and express his individuality and inner world.
Transcendence: At times, Lestat seeks experiences that go beyond his own existence, exploring the metaphysical and spiritual aspects of being a vampire. This includes his encounters with ancient vampires and other supernatural beings.
3.0 The Myers-Briggs Test (MBTI):
The MBTI categorizes personalities into 16 types based on four dichotomies:
Extraversion (E) vs. Introversion (I)
Extraversion (E): Lestat is highly extraverted. He thrives on interaction with others and seeks out social engagement, whether with humans or other vampires. He loves being the center of attention, often drawing others to him with his charm and charisma.
Sensing (S) vs. Intuition (N)
Intuition (N): Lestat is intuitive, often looking beyond the surface to understand deeper meanings and possibilities. He is driven by his curiosity and desire for new experiences and knowledge.
Thinking (T) vs. Feeling (F)
Feeling (F): Although Lestat can be calculating and strategic, his decisions are often influenced by his emotions and personal values. He experiences intense emotions and is deeply affected by his relationships and experiences.
Judging (J) vs. Perceiving (P)
Perceiving (P): Lestat is spontaneous, adaptable, and often prefers to keep his options open. He is not one for strict plans or routines and enjoys the freedom to explore and act on impulse.
Lestat's personality aligns well with the ENFP type in the Myers-Briggs framework. His extraversion, intuition, emotional depth, and spontaneous nature define his character and drive his actions.
4.0 Freud’s Ego Psychology:
Freud's model of the psyche is composed of three main elements: the Id, the Ego, and the Superego. Each of these components plays a critical role in shaping an individual's actions and interactions. Through this psychology, Lestat can be understood as a dynamic interplay between his Id-driven desires, his Ego's attempts to navigate reality, and his Superego's moral contemplations.
The Id:
Desires and Instincts: Lestat's Id is strongly represented by his vampiric desires and instincts. His need for blood, thrill-seeking behavior, and hedonistic pursuits are driven by the Id's demand for immediate gratification. Lestat’s frequent indulgence in bloodlust, his desire for power, and his pursuit of pleasure without concern for consequences highlight his Id-driven actions. His transformation into a vampire amplifies these primal desires.
The Ego:
Reality Principle: Lestat’s Ego attempts to balance his powerful Id with the demands of reality. This is evident in his strategic thinking and ability to navigate the complexities of human and vampire societies. Lestat's efforts to create a successful career as a rock star and his ability to form and maintain complex relationships (despite their tumultuous nature) demonstrate his Ego at work. He often calculates his actions to achieve his desires while managing external realities.
The Superego:
Moral Conscience: Lestat’s Superego is less dominant than his Id, but it is still present. His reflections on morality, guilt, and his existential musings show the influence of his Superego. Lestat's internal conflicts and occasional guilt over his actions indicate the presence of his Superego. His moments of introspection, particularly when he questions the morality of his vampiric existence, highlight this aspect of his psyche.
Lestat experiences significant internal conflicts between his Id, Ego, and Superego. His hedonistic desires often clash with his moments of moral contemplation and the need to adapt to reality. He often projects his own desires and frustrations onto others, such as Louis and Claudia. His complex relationships involve elements of transference, where he relives past traumas and desires through his interactions with them.
5.0 Jung’s Archetypes:
Jung's theory of archetypes suggests that there are universal, archaic symbols and images that derive from the collective unconscious. These archetypes manifest in literature and myths, often embodying fundamental human experiences and traits.
The Self:
Integration and Wholeness: Throughout the series, Lestat's journey can be seen as a quest for integration and self-understanding. He seeks to reconcile his various aspects and achieve a sense of wholeness.
The Shadow:
Dark Aspects: Lestat's Shadow includes his violent tendencies, selfish desires, and the darker aspects of his vampiric nature. He often grapples with these parts of himself, leading to internal conflict and moral ambiguity.
The Anima:
Feminine Qualities: Lestat's Anima is reflected in his deep emotional connections and his capacity for empathy and love, despite his often ruthless behavior. His relationships with Louis and Claudia reveal his nurturing and protective sides.
The Persona:
Public Face: Lestat's Persona is highly cultivated, presenting himself as charismatic, charming, and flamboyant. He is a performer both literally (as a rock star) and metaphorically, often masking his deeper, more troubled self.
The Hero:
Quest and Challenges: Lestat embodies the Hero archetype through his constant quest for meaning, adventure, and self-discovery. He faces numerous challenges and often acts as a catalyst for change in the vampire world.
The Trickster:
Mischief and Chaos: Lestat often plays the role of the Trickster, causing disruption and challenging societal norms. His rebellious nature and tendency to create chaos reflect this archetype.
His public Persona, the dark Shadow, the nurturing Anima, the heroic quest, the Trickster's chaos, and the journey towards the Self all contribute to his multifaceted character.
6.0 Attachment Theory:
Attachment theory, developed by John Bowlby and later expanded by Mary Ainsworth, examines how early relationships with caregivers shape an individual's patterns of attachment and behavior in later relationships.
Lestat's early life as a human was marked by complex relationships with his family, particularly his mother, Gabrielle. His father was neglectful and abusive, while his mother was more supportive but distant due to her own struggles. These early experiences likely influenced Lestat's attachment style, contributing to his complex and often tumultuous relationships later in life.
Disorganized Attachment: Lestat exhibits traits of disorganized attachment, characterized by a mix of anxious and avoidant behaviors. His relationships are marked by intense emotions, fear of abandonment, and difficulty maintaining stable bonds. This theory highlights his struggles with intimacy, fear of abandonment, and need for control.
7.0 Social Identity Theory:
This theory explores how individuals derive a sense of identity and self-esteem from their membership in social groups, and how these group dynamics influence intergroup behavior.
Social Categorization:
Vampire Identity: Lestat categorizes himself primarily as a vampire, which becomes a core aspect of his identity. This categorization distinguishes him from humans and other supernatural beings. Lestat's transformation into a vampire and his subsequent embrace of vampiric traits and behaviors mark his entry into this distinct social category. He frequently identifies himself as part of the vampire world, even when challenging its norms.
Social Identification:
Group Membership: Lestat identifies strongly with the vampire community, despite often rebelling against its rules and leaders. His identity as a vampire shapes his actions, relationships, and self-perception. Lestat’s relationships with other vampires, such as Louis, Claudia, Armand, and even ancient vampires like Akasha, reflect his deep connection to the vampire identity. His desire to understand and sometimes reshape the vampire world shows his commitment to this group.
Social Comparison:
Ingroup vs. Outgroup: Lestat often compares himself and his vampire companions to humans and other supernatural entities. This comparison reinforces his sense of superiority and uniqueness. 
His categorization as a vampire, identification with the vampire community, and comparison with humans and other vampires shape his actions and self-perception. The intragroup dynamics, including power struggles, status seeking, and identity crises, further highlight the complexities of his social identity.
8.0 Five Factor Model of Personality:
The Five-Factor Model includes five broad dimensions of personality:
Openness to Experience:
High Openness: Lestat exhibits high levels of openness. He is curious about the world, adventurous, and willing to explore new experiences, both as a vampire and in his human endeavors.
Low to Moderate Conscientiousness: Lestat demonstrates lower levels of conscientiousness. He often acts impulsively and disregards conventional norms or plans.
High Extraversion: Lestat is highly extraverted. He thrives on social interaction, enjoys being the center of attention, and is energized by engaging with others.
Low to Moderate Agreeableness: Lestat shows varying levels of agreeableness. While he can be charming and charismatic, his actions often reflect self-interest and a lack of empathy.
Moderate to High Neuroticism: Lestat exhibits moderate to high levels of neuroticism. He frequently experiences emotional turmoil, existential angst, and inner conflict.
Lestat’s personality, as analyzed through the Five-Factor Model, reveals a complex character with high openness and extraversion, but lower conscientiousness and agreeableness, alongside significant neuroticism. These traits contribute to his charismatic, adventurous, and often tumultuous nature.
In conclusion, I diagnosed Lestat with 18 mental disorders (according to DSM-V) and analyzed his personality through 8 different psychological theories. I don't necessarily say that I am right, but given the psychology degree I have, I am pretty much sure of what I have concluded here with this.
Much love,
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mara-xx217 · 3 months
The Monsters' Favourite- Ch. 32 Date Night (Special Episode Starring the Unknown)
You know I had to have one with the newest freak of the Fog lol
Warnings: Canon Typical Violence and Death, Slight Voyeurism, Monster Fucking, Semi Public Masturbation, Fingering, Alien Biology, Dubcon/Noncon, Creampie
A sliver of Greenville was transported to the Entity's realm, a place that Mikaela and new girl Sable both grew up in. How strange for it to be here, of all places… You didn’t know if it was truly strange that it was here, being tied to two survivors that were rather to their peers in the Fog. They were strange individuals, strange but good natured. It was no surprise that something else found its way into the Entity’s embrace, especially something so infamous that its track record spanned decades, leading into the next century. 
Mikaela and Sable always believed in the Fog, even before they truly knew it or had any reason to do so. They believed in the dark, though Mikaela tried to find the light within it while Sable reveled in the pitch black. She was the first to believe in the things that could go bump in the night, though she was the last between the two of them to truly experience it. They were mixed upon seeing the square of their hometown in the Entity’s realm. It was nostalgic but sad. Disturbing. Sable warned of something incredibly dangerous that lurked in the darkest corners of Greenville, worse than the run of the mill killers that all survivors faced on a regular basis. Something that made people go mad and little girls rip their eyeballs out. It thoroughly disturbed everyone, everyone but you. 
A new killer…? A new companion? 
“Don’t go to that terrible place… It’s… not what Mikaela and I once knew it to be.” Sable looked tired whenever she gave this warning. Everyone dreaded the trial that they would be sent to it, where they would ultimately see whatever terrible thing lurked in the dark and spirited its victims away. 
Everyone but you. 
It was strange to see such a modern addition to the Fog… It was comforting, in a way, even in spite of how twisted everything was. Holes where they didn’t belong, ruin and destruction, flickering lights… At least the arcades and the projector in the movie theater still worked, you mused. That was a boon that you weren’t expecting, though it certainly was a pleasant surprise, especially since you found the arcade machines were actually functional. 
“Huh… When’s the last time I’ve played a game like this?” You don’t know why you were speaking aloud, fiddling with the bumpers of a worn down pinball machine as it ringed and beeped an obnoxious tune. You found yourself straining your ears as you looked over your shoulder. 
…a quick game or two wouldn’t hurt, would it? 
One game turned into seven, and you were kicking and tilting the machine by the time you got annoyed enough to stop. If this thing actually required money to function, you would have probably lost your mind by this point. You cursed it and kicked it once more, swearing as you hit it in just the right way so you really felt it underneath the nail of your big toe. You felt a flash of hot pain course through your foot and you shouted, hobbling over to a bench that you heavily plopped down upon with a sigh. 
Huh. Was this the most normalcy that you’ve had in a while? Maybe it was… but it didn’t change the fact that you were being watched from somewhere, by someone or, rather, by something. You felt the hairs on your body stand on end as you perceived something in the upstairs room of the movie theater. 
Or maybe you were just being paranoid that you hadn’t seen your newest partner yet? It was unusual to go so long without being pounced on by a needy killer. Maybe it was stalking you? Fear and apprehension began to creep up the side of your neck, colouring your face slightly as you picked at the skirt of your yellow sundress. 
Your ears perked up slightly.
“Hello? I-I… I need some help…” 
No, you definitely heard something, though it was so quiet that you thought your mind was playing tricks on you. Your instincts told you to run away and get the hell out of the realm but something greater bolted you in place, briefly soothing your fear into something still uncertain but far more manageable than blindly fearing the Unknown. 
“...hello?” Oh, why did you do that?! Sometimes your body still acts on its own, against your control and consent. Moments like this leave your heart racing and your blood pressure doubling, especially as you strain your ears against the ear-ringing silence and the barely audible whispers of the Entity. 
…or maybe it really was nothing after all… You can’t deny the fact that a not so insignificant part of you was disappointed not seeing this new addition to the Fog. Where was it, anyway? Was it hiding from you…? That was a laughable thought, though you certainly wondered as you sat in place, distracted. 
You left for the time being. Maybe it wasn't yet acclimated to this new place? You felt… disappointed. Were you truly so far gone that you felt disappointment in not meeting some decades old horror face to face? Yeah, actually, you were… This disappointment lingered until you were in your next trial, unsurprisingly in Greenville and more unsurprisingly against the Unknown. 
The feeling of being watched loomed over you again, and you hummed to yourself as you shook off the spine-tingling chill of fear that wracked your entire body. 
One survivor fell… 
Screaming hit your ears from across the small square. Someone ran past you, panicking as they ripped their hair out and tried to swat away something… Unknown. 
Two survivors fell… 
Distorted voices cried out, for help, for mercy… It wasn’t genuine but rather cold, calculated to cause discomfort and fear to rise in the already panicking survivors. It scared them to the point that it made even the most experienced out of them all fall to the Unknown’s basic but insidious tactics. 
Three survivors fell… 
You sat on the bench in the square, observing how scuffed up your shoes were. Was it over yet? Maybe you would be the next one anyway… Not knowing what would happen next was both terrifying and exciting. Would it kill you? Fuck you? Out of the corner of your eye, you thought you saw something peering at you from the corner of the theater building. 
“...oh…? What’s… -this?” The voice was hushed, barely audible from where you were seated but you could still hear it with startling quality. It sounded like a chorus of individuals speaking as one, but… no, not quite. There was a slight delay in the speech, as though not all the voices were matching one another. Not out of confusion, no, more like… the right words weren’t available to the creature that was using them to speak. 
“Huh?” You lean forward a little, straining your ears as you did so. In the moment it takes you to blink, whatever is hiding around the theater is gone. Oh. Everything is silent and your anxiety begins to rise slowly. 
“Mmm… I- like it…” 
The voice was spoken directly into your ear, breathless and unnaturally quiet. For a fraction of a second, your heart leapt into your throat and your vision was briefly clouded by stars, but the panic that you felt instantly evaporated and you were left with a warm feeling that blanketed your body and smothered into something far more useful and pliable for both the Unknown and the Entity.
“What would… -you like?” The question caught you off guard. What was it asking…? You could feel it looming just behind you, so close that you swear you could see it in your peripheral vision but it was just barely out of sight. A loud POP filled your ears as the Unknown settled behind you, waiting for your answer.
“I… don’t understand?” You were left genuinely confused by its question. What would you like…? That didn’t matter, or it never mattered to anyone else, it seemed. The Unknown shifted behind you, almost as if examining you from behind. 
“What would… -you like?” It repeated it again, only louder this time. You stared at the ground, at the twisting shadow that was casted from behind you. 
“I… don’t mind anything. You can do anything you want to me, I-” You were a little startled by an unsettling groaning sound. It wasn’t quite a growl, but it was something close, like something hard being ground against each other. 
“What. -would. You. -like?” Gnarled fingers grazed against your shoulder, brushing against the thin strap of your dress. 
“I…” You were left a little stumped. You didn’t fully understand what kind of question it was asking you. What did you want it to do to you? What did you want to do with it? …what did you want? 
What did you want…? 
“I… want-” You trailed off for a brief moment as your eyes landed on the movie theater. 
“-to see a movie with you.” It was a halfhearted attempt at a joke, really. You were nervous and didn’t know what else to say. And… yeah. You did want to go see a movie. You thought the Unknown would become annoyed at the very least, or even angry, but to your surprise you felt it place a broken, disjointed hand on your shoulder and gently urge you to stand up with a slight push from behind. 
“O-kay… Date -night?” Oh. …oh!
Well… that wasn’t what you were expecting, but it was certainly a pleasant surprise. You were led into the movie theater, the Unknown awkwardly shuffling in behind you. A part of you was going to jokingly ask if the two of you could get some popcorn or something, but then you remembered seeing a severed arm both in the machine and under the counter and your stomach decided against it. 
It’s not like you’re going to have much of an appetite soon enough… 
You weren’t sure exactly what you were expecting as you entered the dilapidated theater with the Unknown at your back. It was dark, as expected, but the large hole in the side of the room had completely distracted you from the fact that you were being sat down in one of the aisle seats. It was a little uncanny how the light from the outside lamp posts seemed to die before it entered the theater, leaving it shrouded in a darkness that was almost unnatural. Your heart began to pound in your chest as you waited to see the Unknown pass before you, so you could at least catch a look at its silhouette as it passed in front of the projection that was playing idly but to your surprise it instead took a seat behind you.
What… was it doing…? 
You don’t think you’ve ever had a killer do something like this before. Not even… No, not even Max, who was probably one of the shyest people you’ve ever met. Even more than Dwight… It made you blush a little as you thought of them both, which somehow felt wrong, given the circumstances. 
Even though this is your entire purpose… You’re nothing but a-
A symphony of POPS filled your ears and made you jump slightly. Damn.. does that hurt? A part of you felt sympathetic to the Unknown, even after catching only a few fleeting glimpses of it from afar. Would it allow you to touch it? Did it even want you so close to it? Was it keeping its distance, or was it merely observing you for now? All of these uncertainties made you antsy, and it made your already warming body heat up even more as you could feel the Unknown staring at you from over your shoulder. 
The sound made your hairs stand on end as it vibrated through your body. The Unknown’s hand fell from your shoulder and onto the back of your chair, where it gripped it tightly. Your heart skips a beat and you ball up the skirt of your dress as you feel the old wood and plastic shift and creak under its vice grip.
You know a leering stare when you feel one, and you certainly felt it in spades. Was it staring at your chest…? You unconsciously crane your neck to the side, slightly pushing up your breasts with your upper arms as the Unknown shifted behind you. 
Your face began to heat up as you felt a room temperature breath tickle the back of your partially exposed neck and ear. A thrill ran up and down your spine as you caught a glimpse of its face from the corner of your eye, far too low with a neck that was far too long and with an expression that both made your stomach churn with fear and excitement. Your body began to tremble as you heard the chair behind you creak, a soft, wet, squishing sound just barely audible over your breathing and racing heart.
The Unknown’s contorted body pressed against your back as it learned towards you. There was no mistaking the quiet sounds and noticeable rhythm of movement for anything else other than that, right? You rubbed your thighs together as your breathing picked up, hitching slightly as the urge to move and do… something, anything other than just sit there suddenly took hold of you. 
“What… -do you think? Like -this?” 
You were unable to stifle a gasp as the Unknown seemed to drape itself around you, at first what you thought was an arm was in fact its long, distorted neck practically wrapping around your shoulders like a scarf as the rest of its body slunk over the tops of the seats not unlike a snake would, though with far more limbs and more joints that needed to be popped in and out of place to achieve the shocking movement. 
“...heavy -p-petting…?~” 
Its voices were flat, not filled with the correct intention, but you didn’t need words to know what it wanted from you. 
With its left arm, the Unknown looped it around your waist, leaning its surprisingly heavy body mass against your side as its other hand was busy in between its legs moving in a gesture that was all too familiar to you. You squirmed in place as the Unknown rested its cheek against your chest, a disturbing, fixed smile on its face as its fingers tickled up the side of your inner thigh, pulling up the thin fabric of your skirt. A low, rumbling sound hits your ears as you begin to part your legs for the Unknown. You bite your lip and try to hold back a shudder but fail to do so as you feel crooked, broken fingers dig in between your thighs and clumsily press into the wet folds of your sex.
The Unknown seemed to have a general idea of how ‘heavy petting’ works, but it likely has only observed from afar instead of partaking, itself. It was in the right area, doing all the right movements but it was unpracticed and jerky, as though it struggled to maintain its fine motor functions. It wasn’t unpleasant by any means, a little rough at times but not at all like how other killers treat you, purposefully trying to harm and humiliate you through the action. The Unknown was almost curious as to your reaction, maintaining full concentration on your face as you spread your legs open further and sank down into your chair with a shaky sigh. 
Every movement it made, your toes curled in response. The Unknown circled around your clit, briefly pushing it in before sliding down from it and pressing its thumb into the entrance of your vagina. T-This- This is so- O-OH!~ 
“M-MMM-!~” You moan and arch your back as the Unknown pushes its thumb up to the knuckle inside of you. I-It’s so long and feel so- O-OUUGH-!~ All of its fingers bent in ways that were physically impossible, or rather improbable, for a typical human being. Its thumb is bent the wrong way! Like it's the wrong way out, or- 
You blindly fumbled around until you grabbed the Unknown by its knobby wrist. It shuddered and groaned as it inserted its forefinger inside of you. So warm, so soft…~ It felt good to reciprocate that action back, on its own body. It felt even better that you were watching it, slightly wide eyed and slack jawed as you tried to make sense of its anatomy. You threw your other hand atop of its right, wrapping around it as it both stroked itself and occasionally dipped its fingers into itself just as it did with you, even mimicking the same ‘come here’ motion that had your hips bucking and your vision narrowing. 
“R-Right there-!~ Mmm-!~ I-I can’t-!” 
Your legs began to quake as the Unknown found and massaged your sweet spot over and over again. An embarrassing amount of liquid erupted from in between your legs, causing your eyes to go slightly cross and your back to arch. Your other hand was now wrapped around the Unknown’s slippery, inconsistent member, not anything like a human penis but nothing like anything else you’ve ever experienced in your time in the Fog either. Instead of pulling its fingers out, the Unknown shoved a third inside of you as you leaned over to the side, breathing heavily as you felt one of its legs push in between your own and prop it open so it had full access to your nethers. 
“More-?~ Next… -base?” 
It disturbed you how tightly its body was wound against your own, but it didn’t cool the raging arousal you felt as the sharply pointed head of its cock rubbed in between your folds and retreated into the warmth of your clenched fist. The Unknown pulled its fingers out of you and allowed you to guide it towards your entrance, shivering and gripping your thigh and hip tightly as it was instantly attracted to the warmth of your body.
“H-Ha… A-AHH-?!~” 
Your voice rose in pitch as you were suddenly filled. Shit-! That’s a lot- FUCK, IT’S A LOT-!!! It was reminiscent of the Demogorgon’s cock in how it seemed to fluidly change shape, both in length and girth. A garbled groan left the Unknown’s chest as its hips bucked into you, instantly putting pressure against the entrance to your womb. It’s squirming-! It’s so slipper and it’s TOO MUCH-!!!~ 
Your body was pretzeled into an awkward position, but the discomfort was nothing in comparison to the overwhelming sensation of pleasure that you felt as the Unknown began to slam and grind its hips against your own. No, it wasn’t quite its hips, or it was, but it wasn’t the part of the pelvis that the genitals typically rested at. Rather, it sat almost on top of its hips, near where its naval would be if it had one. 
You squeaked in surprise as you felt something pointed scrape against your sensitive bits. Instinctively, you tried to squirm away but you found yourself unable to move in the Unknown’s firm grasp, especially when you felt something all but clamp down onto the soft mounds of your pubic region. 
“W-WHA-?! O-OUUGHH!!!~” 
It was like something was biting you! Long ,thin, teeth-like appendages sprouted from the gaping hole of the Unknown’s abdomen, slightly blunted but still digging into your skin in such a way that blood could be drawn if you tried to pull away from its advances too hard. They twitch around your vulva and squeeze down on you whenever you try to squirm or your hips bucked too hard away from it. 
“Good…~ Baby…~ So wet~ -sexy…~” 
The Unknown was breathing against your heaving cleavage, its tongue snaked out of its twisted maw and down the front of your dress. Your vision was blurred with tears and you were lighthead and dizzy from having the air fucked out of your lungs. A wet SLAP accompanied every bump of its hips against your own, a thick, sticky fluid leaking out of the wound on its stomach and smearing all over your ass and your pussy. It was an excellent lubricant and made every subsequent orgasm that you had come swiftly and without warming.
“O-OHHH!!!~ M-MMM-!~ G-GUUUH!!!~” 
“H-Ha~ -c-coming…~” 
Its tongue slid up your neck as its lower abdomen began to twitch. You felt an uncomfortable pressure begin to swell inside of you, only for it to suddenly double in intensity so that your limbs were jerking and twitching erratically as you desperately tried to escape the unbearable stretch that threatened to tear you in half from the inside out. 
Painful, needle-like pricks dug into your sex as you felt a thick, room temperature liquid suddenly rush inside of you. Panicked gasps leave your mouth as you struggle to breathe. There’s so much-! Fuck, you’ll burst!!! Even though it hurt like hell, you were cumming again, and again… and again, until both you and the Unknown slipped into the floor, with you lying prone on your stomach as it was on top of you, with one of its legs wrapped around yours and its neck draping over your shoulders, so its head laid just in front of yours and it could look you in the eyes. 
“O-Ooouughh… P-Please…” Your voice was a quiet whisper as you squirmed against the pressure in your lower abdomen. The Unknown was shifting inside of you, its cock slowly sliding out of you with only the aid of gravity. The relief you felt was immeasurable, but your eyes snapped open wide and you screamed as it thrusted back inside of you with a confidence it didn’t have before. 
“-again. More- Shh- I’m almost done-” 
It repeated many phrases it learned during its time while stalking humans. It applied all the knowledge it learned from them onto you, to make you feel good, to make you squirm, to make you cry… The Unknown didn’t have a need to hurt you, not exactly a desire to cause harm nor to hunt you, but participating in something that it has seen countless times was exhilarating in a way, especially when you welcomed it all, even when it purposefully fucked you in ways that made you cry and scream for mercy...
@prettycutebunny, @infinitewhore, @kennbb, @cherrysodalite, @thanksatt, @pink-soft-shadow, @sinlessdesire, @hoemine, @memoryofheather @horny-3
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retrospect1003 · 2 months
Calling All Skeletons
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The beginnings of my tbb x oc fanfiction! This is mainly a slow burn romance between Wrecker and oc, Doc. This takes place during season 1 episode 5 and will follow the show's story. I'm new to this writing fanfiction thing, so bare with me! I hope you all enjoy!
Word count: ~2.4k
Banner by: @blackseafoam
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Chapter 1: Crash Landing
As the Havoc Marauder glides over Ord Mantell, a seemingly recent crash site is noticed outside of the city. The smoke danced out of the dismembered ship as the batch of clones observed from the forward cabin.
“That does not bode well for us,” Tech stated as he maneuvered to the landing site.
Hunter kept his eyes on the crashed ship, “While I doubt anyone survived that crash, we’ll stay vigilant and avoid making too much noise.”
With that said, the Marauder hovers down the landing port and securely lands. The group rehashes rules with Omega and, with a placement of their helmets, they head into the city in search of Cid.
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From inside the city, a poorly disguised imperial medic stumbles out of an alleyway. Blue and green paint drips from her arms and runs down the dents and wears in the armor. Her helmeted head tilted up to the sky, a familiar ship flying overhead.
“An omicron-class assault shuttle?” The medic questioned quietly to herself as she began to assess her situation.
With a heavy disgruntled sigh, she moved forward to another alleyway to investigate the ship further. Traversing through the unknown of the city, each step taken questioned if it was going in the right direction.
“Remember the rules?” Asked an unfamiliar voice down the way.
The voice brought the medic’s feet to a halt, her eyes moving to investigate. It took no time for her to duck down behind a crate, recognizing the distinctly armored clones and observing from her place. The realization pushed through the countless questions in her mind. These were the deserter clones and child from Kamino. Wanting to solidify her thoughts, her hands typed away on her data pad and found the reports. Tucking her data pad away into a bag on her belt, the medic begins her pursuit of the assault shuttle from earlier once again. Her senses have seemingly returned to her as she searches the city’s layout and successfully finds a path to the ship port.
With some trial and error, the painted medic was gazing at the omicron-class shuttle and taking in each of its features. It was like the aura of the ship was drawing her closer to it, much different than other shuttles she’d been around. Her hand hesitated before meeting the ship’s side instinctively, her lips curling up into a small smile as her shoulders relaxed.
“I hope I’m making the right choice,” the medic whispered to herself as her hands and eyes studied the shuttle.
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“We’ll be in and out of there in no time!” Wrecker exclaims with a hearty laugh.
Tech is quick to reply to Wrecker, “While the job seems to be simple, we shouldn’t assume all will go well. When does it ever?”
Hunter examines the drive Cid handed off to them as the squad makes their way back to the ship. Saving a kid and maybe some others from slavers shouldn’t be too much of a challenge for them, right? Sounds like a breeze compared to escaping the Empire. He held the chip between two of his fingers and tilted his hand out, Tech taking it away and beginning to analyze.
The entrance to the port was approaching, a sight that should be reassuring yet Hunter stops in his tracks as he brings his fist up. He noticed some colored splotches along the way  with some tracks, pointing them out to the others as he brought out his blaster. Starting to move in to watch from the entrance, there’s a single armored person who was… covered in paint?
“Who’s that?” Omega questioned.
“Not sure. Stay in the middle of us,” Hunter readied his aim on the unknown figure by the Marauder. Omega didn’t bother asking questions as she positioned herself between all her brothers with their guns ready at the aim.
Hunter moved out slowly with the batch so they all had good eyes on the target, “Drop any weapons on you.”
The medic’s body tensed at the demanding words said behind her back. Her hand found the blaster holstered on her hip and threw it to the ground before raising her hands above her head. Taking a heavy breath in and out, she turned her body slowly to the voice.
With a lighthearted sigh, the medic took a turn to speak, “I’ve been waiting to talk to you guys!”
Her hands move slowly and lift off her helmet. Her ashy brown hair is tied up in a bun, many stray hairs falling out of place messily. Her green eyes, accompanied by dark tired bags, crinkled as a smile curved her lips.
“They call me Doc,” she revealed as her gloved hand pushed back the hairs in her face, “Before you shoot me, I need some help. If you’ll hear me out.” Her brows furrowed with soft eyes.
The squad of defiant clones eyed Doc suspiciously as she moved and spoke. Doc kept her hands where they all could see them, even if her nerves were starting to tingle. Hunter eyes each of her features and gestures before lowering his weapon with a disgruntled sigh.
“You’ve got a minute to explain.”
Doc nodded as she began, “The Empire started recruiting soldiers from planetary defense forces, and I was part of the first Elite Squad as a medic. I thought the Empire was going to better the galaxy…” She struggled to find her words, “that was, until I was forced to follow unneeded violent orders. After we left Onderon and returned to Kamino, I stole a ship, I crashed it here, and I hope they think I’m dead.”
At the mention of Onderon, the brothers looked between each other. Her story seemed to make sense, and it also explained the crashed ship outside of the city. Doc shifted awkwardly where she stood, hands still raised in the air while watching them.
Omega spoke into her comm device in a whisper, “I think she’s like us.”
Wrecker was first to look at Omega and then back at the medic. From under his helmet, he was smiling eagerly. His head turned to Omega and gave her a small nod. There wasn’t much time to debate the medic’s situation as Hunter holstered his blaster, inviting the others to do the same.
“Just get on the ship. Don’t think you’re trusted yet,” Hunter glared at Doc as the hatch to the Marauder lowered.
Picking up and holstering her blaster, Doc gave Hunter an understanding nod and watched as the others loaded into the ship, “I get it. Thank you.” Doc followed behind, “Knowing some names would be pretty nice too,” she added with a cheeky smile.
Omega piped up first as she stood in front of Doc, “I’m Omega, and these are my brothers Hunter, Tech, Echo, and Wrecker,” pointing to each of her brothers.
“Brothers, you say?” Doc questioned lightly before shrugging it off, “Well, it’s nice to meet you and your brothers, Omega.”
With a nod, Omega walked off with Echo and to find her trooper toy. Doc on the other hand admired the interior of the ship as she made her way up to the front cabin. She couldn’t wrap her head around the fact a group of rogue clones managed to make a ship into a home.
“You mentioned the Empire recruiting soldiers including yourself. Was it just your squad or are there others?” Tech questioned Doc with a glance before returning back to his data pad.
Doc whipped her head around, snapping out of her thoughts of the Marauder, “Well, I don’t have an exact number.” She paused for a moment before continuing on, “I know there were many more offering their services or asked by the Empire to join the Galactic Army. I was one of the first and didn’t interact many with soldiers outside of my squad.”
Hunter thought through her words before adding to the conversation, “Why would the Empire be training people to be soldiers when they’re supplied with clones?”
“I have no clue. I thought the same thing you did when they offered to train me.” Doc leaned her back against the wall, “I understand why you all left.”
Wrecker was making an attempt to listen to the conversation, but the pang of pain in his head made it a weaker attempt. He groaned as he held his head, hunched over in his seat.
Hunter turns to his brother with a hint of concern, “You all right?”
“Yeah, yeah. It’s nothing,” Wrecker groaned as he stood and began to walk away.
Doc placed a hand on the large clone’s arm to stop him from leaving, “I can run a diagnostic and provide a remedy for the ache.” She offered to Wrecker, “I’m specifically trained in this. It wouldn’t hurt to let me give it a shot.”
Wrecker’s eyes found Doc and he once again tried to shrug it off, mostly to avoid having to sit and get stuck for a diagnostic, “No, really. I’m fine-”
“Please. It’s the least I can do,” Doc nearly pleaded to Wrecker, “We can skip the in depth diagnostic if that’ll convince you.”
There was a brief pause between the two before Wrecker let out a deep sigh, “Fine, but just this once.”
“Fine, just this once,” Doc assured with a grin as she moved her arm for Wrecker to walk to the back of the Marauder.
Slumping into one of the swivel chairs, Wrecker released a mild groan with a hand on his head. The sharp stabbing pain followed with throbs was too much to handle, even for a person of his strength and stature. Doc took her seat across from Wrecker, setting her data pad and backpack to the side. A few bacta patches were pulled out along with different bottled  liquids and pastes before she stood up.
“I’m going to do a quick examination to try and determine what kind of headache you have,” Doc explained gently as she placed a hand over the one on his head, “Will you let me do that?”
Wrecker had his eyes closed tightly as she spoke, up until he felt her touch. His eyes slowly peaked open to look at Doc as he moved his hand from his head hesitantly. Doc shared a soft smile before looking for any bruising and coming up short.
“This might be silly to ask,” she started with a hum, “but have you hit your head at all recently? Multiple times?”
Wrecker let out a gruff chuckle, “I hit my head all the time! Nothin’ I can’t take!” He claimed with confidence, a grimace and groan following after his words.
Doc rolled her eyes at his words as she brought out her flashlight, “Ah, right. The big tough guys don’t get hurt,” she chuckled.
“Hey! I didn’t say I didn’t get hurt, I said I can take it!”
“Yeah, yeah. Now, tilt your head up,” the medic bantered as her hand slid down his head to his chin. Her fingers beckoned him to turn his face up towards her, Wrecker complying as his eyes met hers. The touch was demanding, yet felt soft and caring, even through a glove. A warmth ran through his body and appeared faintly on his cheeks. The stare they shared was short-lived as Doc turns on her flashlight and dims it, “I’m going to flash this light into your eyes. I’m testing for light sensitivity and to be sure your eyes…”
She paused as she looked back into his eyes, focusing specifically on the left one. This then led to Doc grabbing his chin and turning his face away to get a better look at his scar. Doc managed to successfully snap Wrecker from his thoughts as he raised an eyebrow, “Uh, what’re ya doin’?”
Tilting her wrist, she brings Wrecker’s face back towards her, “Can you see from your left eye at all?”
Wrecker closed his right eye, forming a wink, “Not much. Everything’s blurry and looks like shadows.”
“Noted,” She brought the flashlight up and beamed it into his left eye, noticing little to no dilation from his pupil, “Open the other eye.”
Following her instruction, Wrecker opened his eye to be met with a light, “Agh!” He was quick to shut his eye tight, batting away the hand holding the flashlight, “What was that for?!”
“I warned you!” Doc turned the flashlight off, turning to the items she set out. Examining a bottle, she grinned, “To make up for it, I have a drink for you that’ll ease your headache.”
“Like medicine?”
“No, like tea. This isn’t anything the Empire or the Republic would’ve given you.”
Doc unscrewed the lid of the bottle and offered it to Wrecker, “It works best if you drink it slowly over the next twenty or so minutes.” Wrecker eyed the bottle, not sure if he should accept, but his headache urged him differently. He takes the bottle, bringing it to his lips and tilting it back. A silky sweet flavor danced on his tongue before he swallowed, his eyes widening and lips parting to reveal a toothy grin.
“Where’d ya learn to make this? It’s great!” Wrecker complimented as he went for another sip.
The medic sat back in the seat across from Wrecker with a short laugh, “I’m self-taught. Used to play around with herbs and stuff. I’m glad you like it.”
“You need to make more of it!” Wrecker started to take longer drinks, her instructions and his headache leaving his mind.
Doc shook her head with a shy smile, “Maybe I will.”
The two shared identical looks with one another before feeling the ship turn to land. They both stood up to get ready to go, bumping into each other before trying to awkwardly move out of the way. Doc gave up and sat back down to gather her things, “My bad, you go ahead. I’ll catch up.”
Wrecker lifted his helmet, placing it on, “Nah, uh, don’t worry about it.” The words struggled in his mouth as he walked away to leave the ship. The medic muffled a chuckle before swinging her bag over her shoulders, following after Wrecker with her helmet.
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Notes: Well, that's the first chapter! Kind of a rough start, but I'm hoping to improve as I go. Thanks for reading! (Also should I upload this to AO3?)
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dindjarindiaries · 1 year
The Mandalorian Seasons 1 & 3: Direct Parallels
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After rewatching The Mandalorian season 3 cohesively and thinking back to season 1, I came upon a realization that every episode of season 3 somehow directly parallels back to each respective episode of season 1. Below is a breakdown going episode-by-episode and diving deep into each parallel I noticed. Please keep in mind that these are my observations and theories, nothing more!
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“Chapter 1: The Mandalorian” is all about setting up Din Djarin’s journey, mainly the job he’s tasked with that causes him to cross paths with a new ally, Grogu. “Chapter 17: The Apostate”—like many season openers—accomplishes the same thing: setting up Din’s journey and causing him to cross paths with a reluctant ally, Bo-Katan Kryze. IG-11 is an important part of each episode and helps to bring some comedic relief to the screen. In Chapter 1, Din utters the infamous “I like those odds” line when his odds are 4 to 1. Din also finds himself with 4 to 1 odds during the pirate showdown, where he takes down four of them and leaves Vane standing. Lastly, Chapter 1 reveals that the job Din’s taken is a very difficult one that other hunters either can’t complete or refuse to. Chapter 17 proves that Din’s journey to Mandalore is also seemingly impossible and many others refuse to do it.
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“Chapter 2: The Child” seals the bond between Din and Grogu as Din faces trials in his journey to bringing Grogu back to Nevarro. “Chapter 18: The Mines of Mandalore” seals the bond between Din and Bo-Katan as allies while Din faces trials in his journey to redemption on Mandalore. In both episodes, Grogu has to rescue Din when he’s in danger, and both times he tries to use the Force to do so. Each episode also features Din fighting off an ambush on his own, though that tends to be pretty common for him. Both episodes also featured a creature that hasn’t been seen in Star Wars live action before: the mudhorn and the Mythosaur, respectively. By the end of each of these episodes, Din’s gained at least one new ally and has accomplished his original goal (getting Grogu back to Nevarro and earning his redemption).
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“Chapter 3: The Sin” and “Chapter 19: The Convert” both see their protagonists going against a set of rules they’re expected to follow in order to further what they view as the greater good. In Chapter 3, it’s Din breaking the Guild Code to rescue Grogu. In Chapter 19, it’s Penn Pershing breaking the rules of the Amnesty Program to restart his research. Both episodes feature a betrayal of sorts, Greef Karga and Elia Kane respectively. Additionally, the Children of the Watch in both episodes—most notably Paz Vizsla—start both episodes off by being hostile towards Din only to end up helping him in some way. In Chapter 3, it was saving him and Grogu from the hunters, and in Chapter 19, it was accepting his redemption as well as Bo-Katan’s. Each episode title also uses religious language.
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“Chapter 4: Sanctuary” and “Chapter 20: The Foundling” each start off a 3-episode run of different adventures that fill in the storytelling space and offer the characters time to face trials and grow before the overall story starts to wrap up. In Chapter 4, Cara Dune mostly leads the effort to rescue the village. Bo-Katan fills this same role in Chapter 20 by leading the Mandalorians to rescuing the foundling. Interestingly enough, both these episodes also are some of the only to address how and when a Mandalorian should remove their helmets to eat. Chapter 4 offers some Din backstory that he gives to Omera while Chapter 20 offers some Grogu backstory. At the end of each episode, the rescues are complete, but another call to adventure haunts the protagonists.
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These two are probably the hardest to draw parallels on. “Chapter 5: The Gunslinger” starts with a dogfight, while “Chapter 21: The Pirate” features quite a long dogfight as well. Peli Motto was originally meant to appear in Chapter 21 and her introduction to the Star Wars galaxy was in Chapter 5. Fennec Shand tells Din of the Mandalorians’ fate on Nevarro in Chapter 5, but in Chapter 21, the Mandalorians are the ones taking down others on Nevarro. Each episode also leaves off on a cliffhanger that isn’t resolved by the next episode, with Chapter 5 featuring Boba Fett saving Fennec and Chapter 21 featuring the New Republic finding beskar within a destroyed shuttle.
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This one has some of my favorite parallels, and for no good reason! In “Chapter 6: The Prisoner,” Din teams up with mercenaries he used to work for, while we see in “Chapter 22: Guns For Hire” that Axe Woves, Koska Reeves, and other Mandalorians have become their own band of mercenaries. Both episodes feature Din being very hostile towards droids, even more so than usual. They also both include notable cameos, Bill Burr and Matt Lanter for Chapter 6 and Lizzo, Jack Black, and Christopher Lloyd for Chapter 22. In Chapter 6, Din is against the side of the law, while in Chapter 22, Din is united with Bo-Katan on the side of the law. The end of Chapter 6 saw Ranzar Malk and Qin sharing some choice words about Din while the end of Chapter 22 saw Axe also sharing some choice words about Din. (It’s fun how similar these two episodes are to each other in my head!)
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“Chapter 7: The Reckoning” and “Chapter 23: The Spies” each act as a part one of the overall grand finale of their respective seasons, with each ending on a devastating cliffhanger of a main supporting character’s tragic death. Both episodes start with a somewhat reluctant team-up of Din’s collected allies to continue a journey. Each episode is also Moff Gideon’s first appearance in their respective seasons, with both featuring Moff Gideon’s holographic image on a call before his actual physical appearance. Both episodes see the groups venturing across a desolate landscape to get to where they need to go only to get led into an ambush. In Chapter 7, it’s Grogu who gets captured by Gideon, while in Chapter 23, it’s Din who gets captured by Gideon. Additionally, each episode has peril in which allies cannot be contacted by comms. Lastly, as referenced before, Chapter 7 ends with Kuiil’s tragic death, and Chapter 23 ends with Paz’s.
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“Chapter 8: Redemption” and “Chapter 24: The Return” both end on a hopeful and somewhat peaceful note for Din and Grogu with a brand-new call to action. In Chapter 8, Moff Gideon blows up Din, while in Chapter 24, Moff Gideon gets blown up. Grogu protects Din and his allies from fire in both Chapter 8 as well as Chapter 24. In Chapter 8, the Armorer tells Din he is as Grogu’s father, while in Chapter 24, Din officially adopts Grogu as his son. Din earns a mudhorn signet for Grogu in Chapter 8 and Grogu earns part of Din’s name in Chapter 24. IG-11 sacrifices himself in Chapter 8, but comes back to life to serve as the marshal of Nevarro in Chapter 24. Both episodes contain big battle scenes that eventually lead to an entire planet being liberated. Chapter 8 features the Darksaber’s first appearance in live action, while Chapter 24 features the destruction of that same weapon. Finally, Chapter 8 sees Din and Grogu leaving Nevarro, but Chapter 24 sees Din and Grogu staying there in a home of their own.
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