#waxer tattoo
ardatlilexoxo · 2 months
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derickbatista31 · 2 years
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v4mpyboyy · 2 months
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❥ jjk smau
Initial tattoo pt.2
Guy waxer pt.2
Makeup prank pt.2
Missed calls pt.2
Overpriced pt.2
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We need Tales of the Clones
Just a Tales of the Jedi style show but about the clones. Particularly if it's them just doing really random things.
Just give me an entire episode of them painting their armour/getting haircuts/getting tattoos. All the random little things we thinking about but never see.
Throw some angst in there as well. I've spoken before about how I'm slightly annoyed that we never really got to see the clone properly mourning for their fallen brothers. There is so much there that you could work with!
And each episode could focus on a different pair/group. Echo and Fives, Jesse and Kix, Waxer and Boil, YOUNG REX AND CODY (I want to see those two when they were shinies), more Domino Squad, young Bad Batch etc.
I just want more clone content (you can never have too much).
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antianakin · 5 months
I feel like there's WAY more attention paid to armor than tattoos in clone culture within fandom and I think tattoos deserve more attention than they get (and armor less). Because yes, we do obviously see different armor designs and the like, but we also see a LOT of clones wearing pretty much the exact same armor design as a lot of other clones (the Doylist explanation for this is obviously that the animators weren't going to come up with separate armor designs for every single background clone, but I'm taking a Watsonian approach here), whereas any time a clone has a tattoo somewhere, it's never the same thing twice.
Armor designs are fun, they're nice, but armor breaks and gets lost while the tattoos are on their bodies FOREVER. We've also seen a few clones who have armor designs that match their tattoos, and I'm headcanoning that the tattoos came FIRST. So even some of the clones who we DON'T see have matching tattoos to their armor designs probably actually do somewhere. So like Waxer and Boil didn't just put Numa on their helmets, helmets get broken and destroyed, they got her face tattooed on their bodies somewhere, too. Rex has the shriek hawk eyes tattooed somewhere. Cody has the sunburst tattooed. If the design means something to them, it's been tattooed on their bodies, too.
I want more shared tattoos between clones who care about each other, too. Probably not the same as the one they have on their armor, but something else that's special to just the two of them. Fives and Echo could have a little domino tattoo somewhere to represent not just their bond, but their bonds to the rest of the squad they lost. Sometimes it's a memorial for someone they've lost, like maybe Jesse and Kix have a tattoo for Hardcase after Umbara, or Fox has one for Thorn after Scipio.
Tattoos are also a lot easier to hide and keep private from certain people if necessary, while armor designs are always able to be seen no matter what. So tattoos can be a LOT more personal than an armor design, too. They can represent terrible traumas or the deepest dream, something they don't dare even discuss with anyone else but don't want to forget. Clones with tattoos of coordinates to a planet they might one day want to call home, clones with tattoos of quotes that inspire them or maybe the last words spoken to them by a loved one or a promise made to someone else that they hope they can keep. Many clones have plant tattoos of some kind, the first flower or tree they ever saw, to remind them of the beauty that exists in the galaxy and what they're fighting to protect. Names are incredibly common tattoos once they've chosen it, either written out in letters or represented in an image somehow.
Over time, maybe in a happy fix-it AU where they have the ability to really let this develop, certain designs and patterns start meaning certain things to the clones and so they become shared across MANY clones as almost a shared unspoken language. A specific design might mean loss, or specific achievements in life.
Just... more about the tattoos in clone culture, they're SO underexplored.
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echoxbuggs · 1 year
Random Clone Headcanons
These are all just my opinions and personal headcanons. Feel free to contradict me on any lmao
Hunter is a huge eavesdropper. Not that he necessarily wants to be, he just can’t help it with his heightened senses. He can hear whole conversations perfectly from like, three rooms away. This also 100% backfires when he hears things he most definitely has no business hearing and it traumatizes him.
Rex and Cody are Echo and Fives’ parents but like platonically (bc cloncest is disgusting imo)
Wolffe would definitely hate Tech. Like, that one arc in TCW where he was stuck with C3-PO and it was just constant eye rolls. But oh god how is this an actual human being. Rex might have to hold him back from punching Tech out of annoyance.
Crosshair and Hunter did each other’s tattoos.
Rex had tattoos in honor of the domino twins. (a handprint and number 5)
Tup’s hair is literally so curly and fluffy and soft and adorable and i could go on rbejjsjs
Waxer and Boil tried at least once to go see Numa again but never were able to.
Wolffe (and probably the rest of the Wolfpack) sees Ahsoka as his little sister.
Along with that; Wolffe was absolutely devastated and felt betrayed when he learned Ahsoka was working with Ventress.
Cody has absolutely no reason to spin kick droids like he did except for showing off and trying to make himself look cooler than his brothers (Wolffe)
Tech is autistic.
Echo is likely also autistic.
Clone cuddle piles are a regular thing among all clones and although they might grow out of it as they age, if one poor clone bb has a nightmare, his vode are not letting him sleep alone. Nuh uh. Monsters and war problems can’t get to him if he’s safe with us.
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toska-writes · 1 year
“Random Clone Headcannons p.2”
We’re back at it again! But also note that there will be another writing coming out very soon- and I think it’s gonna be a long one
Clones x Reader (platonic!)
“P.1 of the Headcannons!”
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•Wolffe has a few suspects of who keeps leaving dog treats around his stuff and in his bunk- butttttt to your amazement he keeps yelling at the domino twins instead of you
• Fox would literally stand up to anyone who’s bothering you (they all would but he would do it in such an unhinged way)
• Alpha 17 is actually surprised with your performance in a training simulation on Kamino whenever you can visit and gives some tips
• To second that, besides a few exceptions Alpha would think that you are a ✨tolerable natbron✨ and one he thinks is cool
• Since the clones have some pretty good immune systems (for the most part) imagine how panicked they’d be if you walked in with the flu or something
• Fives wouldn’t let you even raise a finger if you were sick
•The delta squad has been, for some reason, trusted to watch over you while your master is away- Boss and Fixer take this very seriously
• Sev somehow lit Scorch on fire and you were the one to put it out while the rest ran around like babies for help
• If you liked another padawan (maybe like Ahsoka like me *cough cough 🏳️‍🌈) Hardcase and Jesse would be ALL over that and definitely could figure it out very quickly, I mean it’s only frowned upon if you get caught so…..
• Laying on top of the Marauder with the bad batch and Omega is snuggled by your arm while you watch a meteor shower
•Tech was pushed off by Crosshair for trying to educate everyone
• You took Cody’s armor for shits and giggles with Waxer and Boil because you wanted to try it on, but no one is laughing now that a certain commander is hunting you three down through the hall of the Negotiator
• designing a few tattoos on your holopad for a few troopers to get>>>>
• Fives has a way of hugging people where you are so completely immersed and so protected- But the group hugs with Echo and Fives… extraordinary
• You secretly take pictures of everyone- weather it’s like Hardcase and his mouth is wide open when he sleeps. If it’s the look on Sinkers face when Wolffe catches him doing soemthing, or even funny videos with Fives or Wrecker
• Alpha 17 gives you ALL the dirt about all the COs- It haunts Cody how much dirt you have on him from when he was a cadet… your just waiting for the right moment
@arctrooper69 @thereforepizza @padawancat97
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literallyjustanerd · 3 months
Clone Wars Hospital AU Headcanons
Forgive me my shameless indulgence, but years of working in a hospital has given me Thoughts™ so just for some stupid fun: Welcome to the GHR: the Grand Hospital of the Republic! Where the Jedi are doctors, the clones are nurses, and the padawans are interns
501st battalion: Paediatrics
212th battalion: Maternity
104th battalion: Gen-Med
327th battalion: Orthopedics
Corrie Guard: Emergency Department
Headcanons below:
Paediatrics: Ward 501, Paediatrician Dr Anakin Skywalker
The ward is split on loving or hating Anakin, there's no in between
He's great with the kids though, the patients love him
Rex is the unit manager who has more experience than Anakin despite Anakin “outranking” him
Has to gently steer Anakin back on track and wearily remind him not to make orders just to spite other doctors
Constant happy music playing in the ward, everyone has fun accessories and brightly coloured scrubs
Fives and Echo are the most senior nurses and also the worst influences
Together they can cannulate a kid without them even noticing but also they're the ones shit-talking the annoying/unhelpful parents in the nurses' station five minutes later
If the kids are extra good, Jesse lets them colour in his tattoo
Dogma and Tup are the new grads - Tup is great with the kids, gentle and always gets them smiling, Dogma makes them cry no matter how hard he tries
Kix is NICU-trained and somehow still remembers every single piece of anatomy and physiology from training. Unparallelled medication knowledge. He’s the one all the student nurses want to be paired with
Ahsoka is on her paediatric rotation under Anakin's instruction
She's the intern the nurses give their feedback and requests to when they don't want to talk to Anakin, because they know Anakin will listen to Ahsoka over them
Maternity: Ward 212, Obstetrician Dr Obi-Wan Kenobi
Obi-Wan works closely with Anakin, refers most of his clients there for their child’s care
Anakin did rotations with him in training, Obi-Wan sometimes forgets that he's now a fully registered doctor and will still try to instruct/encourage him
Obi-Wan has borrowed Ahsoka for days in clinic or in the birthing unit, during which time the nurses will spend their entire shift trying to convince her to come to their unit instead
Obi-Wan is beloved by the nurses because he actually asks them for their input, unlike SOME doctors who just give orders (Anakin)
Did you catch him talking to the unit manager after handover this morning?? Hardcore flirting at 7:05am?? Cody was definitely into it
Cody is one of the most involved unit managers - he’s on the floor with the other nurses most days, always staying overtime and pulling double shifts to help keep things running smoothly
Waxer and Boil are considered bad luck charms - whenever they’re rostered on the same shift, things will always go to shit
God forbid either of them mentions it being “nice” or “quiet” on any given day - that just guarantees that three minutes later they’ll have five labouring people come in actively pushing 
The two of them once delivered a baby in the parking lot outside because the mother didn’t make it in time - the parents still bring Numa in to visit sometimes
Their nurses have the best stories, sometimes even more gory than ED
General Medical: Ward 104, Physician Dr Plo Koon
Has Dr Plo been here forever?? Nobody at the hospital can remember a time he didn't work here
The best doctor, agreed by all nurses and patients
Keeps offering free check-ups to the nurses on the ward
Brings snacks for the nurses' station
Wolffe is the scariest unit manager there is - grads and students are terrified of him
The unit is the most efficient in the hospital because of it
God help the pathologist who loses a sample from them. He will not hesitate to riskman you
*Over the PA* “Visiting hours finish at 1900. It is now 1902. Get the fuck out.”
Emergency Department: Corrie Guard, lawless wasteland
Boost, Comet and Sinker knew him in training and are immune to his glare, they use this power to constantly fuck with him
Caffeinated to the point of medical concern
Lectures drunk uni students about the dangers of alcohol before finishing night shift at 0730 and going home to drink wine straight from the bottle
If Fox has to triage one more belligerent idiot demanding immediate attention for a stubbed toe he's going to come through the plastic window and throw hands
Take the turkey sandwich and shut the fuck up
Constant arguments with the ward over whether or not the patients are stable enough for ward transfer
Just take the fucking patient Wolffe, they've got enough to deal with down here, they're bed blocked and there's a line out the door
Orthopedics: Ward 327, Orthopedic surgeon Dr Aayla Secura
They all started in sports science
The most jacked nurses
Group gym sessions before or after shifts
I don't care if you're tired. You're getting out of that bed whether you want to or not. Use it or lose it. Mobilise, bitch.
They’re the ones who keep stealing the bladder scanner from gen med but won’t admit to it
If you witnessed the incident between Dr Secura and the unit manager Bly at the last Christmas party, no you didn't
The Bad Batch are agency nurses, they go where they're needed and everyone hates them because they make more on the hour for it
Weird mish-mash of different skills and background knowledge
Will go eat dinner in their car instead of in the break room with the other nurses
Tech will not stop correcting people on the wards he’s put on, he is not popular for this despite mostly being right
“You can’t nurse-initiate that drug.”
“That phone order is invalid. We need to call the doctor for another.”
“The patient’s blood pressure is 135/82. This is technically outside normal parameters.”
Crosshair openly shit talks the other nurses with his patients because he knows he won’t be there tomorrow to catch the fallout
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dragonsandwolvesohmy · 5 months
I had a dream and I had to share it with you all because it was... something else. (Aka the dream where Obi-Wan keeps the 212th)
So Obi-Wan (who was gender fluid or something because one minute it'd be cannon Obi and next it'd be Fem!Obi and sometimes neither, it was just a whole thing) basically laid claim on the 212th.
Order 66 never happened, Obi slaughtered Palps, blah blah blah. Here's the point: The senate refused to give the clones rights and recognized them as more than property. There was arguments about who could claim them as their property, namely the Long Necks saying since they made them, they own them, and other senators claiming that since they should have ownership of x number of troops for y reason or other bullshit.
Then Obi-Wan shows up and the convo basically goes like this: (I'll spare you all the legal jargon that comes from having studied parts of law)
'Since you refuse to give them rights, the 212th belongs to me.'
Whannnaaa whannaa- a bunch of legalese and subtle threats and insults, basically amounting to 'And how do you figure that?'
'Well, since the GAR was created for, and paid for by, the Jedi, and I found them, They belong to me. Finders Keepers, Loosers Weepers. Also, possession is 9/ 10ths of the law, they're mine, cry about it. Also, they've been - (meaning scars, tattoos, etc. changed since shipping out)
Cue legalese and bullshit that ends with Obi-Wan having legal possession of not just the 212th, but the whole Vode, including those just decanted on Kamino.
Cue the 212th wondering how the hell they're all going to fit into the temple, especially around Obi-Wan's rooms. Then Obi-Wan, in true dream logic, has a door in his room that opens to a whole ass hall that has tons of benches for them to use when putting on/taking off their armor, bunk beds, and a bunch of storage drawer-type things with little stickers and markers and whatnot for them to decorate/personalize to store their things, plus a welcome package including a special blanket, a stuffy, the decoration things, etc.
Mind you this is a temporary situation.
Meanwhile, Obi-Wan is technically 'kicked out' of the Jedi Order because he technically has a bunch of people as possessions/attachments to his 212th. In reality, they've taken Obi off active missions, as settling the Vode and figuring out what to do with their literal thousands of people is a long-term mission.
Obi-Wan ends up winning a planet in Sebbac by the skin of teeth (purposefully making it seem like he just barely won) knowing full well the person he's playing often bets the planet. Because the planet is a hellscape. No one wants to inhabit it, there are no native peoples, just flora/fauna because it's 60% water and the 40% land of it has massive storm seasons that threaten to kill anyone who settles there and has ruined attempts to settle before. But Obi knows if there's anyone who can thrive on the planet, it's the stubborn Vode and their banthashit-crazy Jedis. (Because Koon ain't leaving his Wolf Pack, no sir. Those are his kiddos.)
Also, the whole Vode is absolutely in love with Obi-Wan, who's making calf eyes at Cody half the time. Cody has gotten a Very Large Stick to beat off his vode from his general after they saved them from mass decommissioning waiting for them with the long necks. 'recycling bio mass' their shebs.
(Waxer and Boil adopt an Add. Fox gets a tooka. or five. and Rex finally gets a fucking vacation. (he likes fishing. (the 'fishies' are twice his size, will swallow a vode whole, and need to be physically fought into submission)))
(Also, also, Obi-Wan installs a council of Alpha batch, and they all simp for Obi-Wan so hard. Cody has beaten them with his Stick. Multiple Times. And tried to feed 17 to the 'fishies'.)
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nahoney22 · 4 months
Hey! Hope you’re enjoying the new season!
So, who are your top ten clones. GO!
this is gonna be tough and I won’t lie, I can’t pick 10 so it may be top 12 lmao
But, here’s my top 10(12) 😆
10th. Cody - Handsome dude and did break my heart in the prequels. Good soldier, sassy, and would return my lightsaber. 😊 hope he’s safe.
9th. Waxer - my first love and first heartbreak of TCW. Absolute sweetie and would be a great dad. I miss him 💔
8th. Joint at 8th place is Dogma and Fox - two slight controversial characters for some but absolute angels to me. Love writing for Dogma and Foxiyo until I die is what I say. Would smash.
7th. Wrecker - tricky placement. Cute. Handsome. Looks like a cinnamon roll, is a cinnamon roll and could kill me. Bit too loud for me sometimes though. Would cuddle 🤗
6th. Hunter - my type on paper to a T. Handsome and kinda but also moody. Coolest tattoo. Some choices are questionable but a morally good guy imo. Would brush his hair for him ❤️
5th. Wolffe - bark fucking bark. Or howl maybe. Handsome, moody, and a proper son to my favourite Jedi Plo. I need to and have to write/read more fics about him (open to recommendations pls)
4th. Rex - because how can there ever be a top 10 list without him? An OG. A legend. Sweet and a great leader and loyal to a fault. Again, would like to read or write more about him in fics. I’m not into blondes but for him? Yes.
3rd. Fives - oh my beloved fives. The nightmares are finally over. I have never hyperventilated over a characters death before until his. A legend, handsome and funny. I miss him a lot and wish there were more callbacks to him. Nobody would ever know if it wasn’t for him.
2nd. A hard spot to place but for me Echo and Crosshair are joint here. Two big personalities but very different and complex. I do think Echo is my favourite character to write about out of anyone and Crosshair is just… Crosshair. I like a bad guy but also a grey character in my eyes. Would give them both a kiss on the head and a cookie. 🍪
1st. Tech. Tech. Tech. Tech. Surprise surprise. A personal comfort character for me who I miss alot. Could not rewatch the show because of his death and I miss his big stupid brown eyes 😭 handsome, has the coolest gear, would marry. Either love him or hate him. For me, it’s love and beyond.
There you go 😆 again, this is just my personal favourites and I’m sorry if someone you hate is up there or if someone you love isn’t. It was a difficult choice.
Curios to see everyone else’s so feel free to RB and give me your top 10… or 12… or more! Reasons not necessary 😊
Thanks for the ask!
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derickbatista31 · 2 years
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The clones about Padawan Y/n
Cody: at first I had issues with the young one. And even these days they can surprise me. -
Boil: the kid is okay I guess... They said my mustache is cool.
Waxer: Y/n is my child.
Cody:- and of course Y/n and the General sometimes can be a real pain in the ass but I love them. Of course I love them -
Rex: it's a mess. That kid is the chaos. When Y/n, the General and Commander Tano have that look. Oh maker.
Fives: I'm their favorite. I just know.
Echo: They are adorable. Sometimes scary. But the most time just cute.
Cody: - the General is the real problem you know. The kid picks up the bad habits. Right now I have two lightsabers. Neither of mine. -
Hardcase: okay so listen. This little shit can use a gun. It's fucking awesome.
Jesse: they said my tattoo is cool. So I draw them one too. Rex was not happy.
Kix: that little monster just broke one of the men arm. And the poor trooper doesn't even know how it's happend.
Cody: - listen... I'm trying to be a good father okay? And a good husband too. But it's really hard. -
Wolffe: they are a maniac.
Bly: I mean they are just a child. And General Secura said she is thinking about having a padawan too. So they are give me a good practice for the real thing.
Cody: - I give up my free time so I can spend time with them. And they are now my first priority-
Fox: I don't think you wanna know what happened.
Hunter: I already have a problem child. And they gave me another one.
Crosshair: no.
Cody: - I really love when they just fall asleep next to me. Or when they bring me some random rocks or flowers. Y/n just -
Dogma: they can look in your soul.
Tup: they like to braid my hair. And I do the same to them. It's a win-win for me.
Keeli: commander Cody should put a bell on them.
Cody:- anyway... Im really happy that they in my life.
Boba Fett: who is Y/n?
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piedpiperslists · 1 year
Taehyung One Shots (XXX)
* s - contains smut
Wax On by @moni-logues wc~3k / established relationship Summary: Your waxer cancelled on you last minute and there was no one else available. Your boyfriend volunteers and, against all your better judgement, you let him do it.
Replay by @hamsterclaw s wc~11k / college au, roommates au Summary: Taehyung's your roommate - you get along fine, you do your own thing and stay out of each others' way. Your relationship works perfectly the way it is, you don't want or need anything more out of it.
Who They Say You Are by @glassbangtan wc~9.7k / historical au Summary: Sewing is something you should be good at, but you’re not. It’s as simple as that - you just can’t do it. So, you are quick to snatch up Kim Taehyung’s offer of teaching you the basics.
Baddie by @kth1fics s wc~4.8k / gang member!Taehyung, situationship, PWP Summary: The bad boy in your life, Kim Taehyung, comes visiting once again for his basic needs to be met.
[...] If It’s Not You by @mercurygguk s wc~8.5k / exes to lovers Summary: Kim Taehyung grew up watching his parents fall more in love for each day that passed and he always longed for that great, passionate love himself. But if it’s not you? Then he doesn’t want it.
A Fair(y) Crime by @jimlingss wc~22k / fantasy au Summary: While you might hate fairytales, it doesn’t change the fact that you are the descendent of the fairy godmother. With a wand in your hand and magic running through your veins, you have to search for your Cinderella and grant them their happily ever after….but things might be a bit more complicated than that when you find out your little Cinderella comes in the form of troublemaker Kim Taehyung.
All In by @tattookoo s wc~18.5k / museum curator!Taehyung, strangers to lovers Summary: Hopelessly unlucky in love, you thought relationships and true love in general may not be for you. But that was until a spontaneous trip to las vegas for your old college roommate’s wedding changed the game entirely.
The Color of the Sea by @peekaboongi wc~3.7k / friends to lovers, mermaid au Summary: His hair is the color of the sea you call home.
Broken Rings & Queens and Kings by @gukyi s wc~24k / arranged marriage, enemies to lovers, royalty au Summary: To make a long, long story very, very short, you and Kim Taehyung have been sworn enemies ever since childhood, that is, until you find out that you’re betrothed to each other for the good of your kingdoms, and everything comes crumbling down.
Tattoos Together by @gukyi wc~5k / tattoo artist au Summary: You aren’t necessarily terribly particular when it comes to tattoos, and when you arrive at your favorite tattoo parlor one day in search of a new addition, one in particular catches your eye, but more importantly, so does the artist behind its creation. And slowly, you come to realize that art does not need sentimental value to be meaningful—it just needs to be loved.
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high-fantasy-sw · 3 months
Heroforge- Clone Comparisons!
So. For those of you who don't know. This whole AU actually started with me giving into my brainrot and deciding (wisely or not) to recreate the entire cast of The Clone Wars (2008) on Heroforge. Obviously, I had to make the Clones first. This isn't all of them- that would take ages- and this isn't even all the Clones I plan to make (I still need to make Grey, Gree, and Gregor). But still, I hope you enjoy!
I'm gonna tag you because I know you'll want to see this: @whyoneartheven @majorproblems77 @anime-obsessed
The 501st
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Rex, ARC Captain of the 501st Legion (Weapon: Dual Crossbows, to mimic his dual pistols. It's fantasy don't ask how it works.)
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Fives, ARC Legionary of the 501st Legion (Weapon: Morningstar Flail)
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Echo, ARC Legionary of the 501st Legion (Weapon: Kusarigama. Also this is specifically pre-bad batch Echo- when I watch TBB I'll make all of them, don't worry :) )
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Jesse, ARC Legionary of the 501st Legion (Weapon: Claymore. Also I apologize for the quality of his tattoo. I had to draw it by hand and couldn't make it look right :( )
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Kix, Medic of the 501st Legion (Weapon: Dagger, but as the medic he sees combat much less than his brothers)
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Hardcase, of the 501st Legion (Weapon: Hand Cannon. Once again, it's fantasy, don't ask how it works.)
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Tup, of the 501st Legion (Weapon: Metal-studded Quarterstaff)
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Dogma, of the 501st Legion (Weapon: Crossbow. I was inspired by that scene where he shoots Krell. Don't worry he doesn't always look that devastated.)
The 212th
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Cody, Marshal Commander of the 212th Battallion (Weapon: Halberd)
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Waxer, of the 212th Battalion (Weapon: Longbow)
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Boil, of the 212th Battalion (Weapon: Spear. He also uses it like a quarterstaff.)
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Wolffe, Commander of the 104th Squadron (Weapon: Battleaxe)
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Bly, ARC Commander of General Secura's Forces (Weapon: Dual swords; they're not enchanted Jedi Lightsabers, but there may or may not have been several times where he's had to use his wife's Aayla's. Also if anyone could tell me her troops' designation, I'd be eternally grateful.)
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Fox, Marshal Commander of the Coruscant Guard (Weapon: Nominally? A short sword. But, being stationed on Coruscant, mostly he just stands around holding Senatorial banners for Palpatine. It's a job he hates.)
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Hevy, of the Rishi Moon Sentry (Weapon: Battle Hammer. Notice that his armor is only white, because he died before he could be assigned to a unit with its own color. Also he is a force ghost. Because I refuse to believe that only Jedi become force ghosts. Everyone has a soul, people.)
Anyway! As always, let me know if you have any questions or comments- I LOVE to hear them! I think next I'm going to do the Jedi. :)
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mikeluciraphgabe · 2 years
Cody and Rex need a break from their jedi/battalion and are like “let’s switch! I’ll be you and you’ll be me. They’ll never know.”
No one notices at first because, surprisingly, they are really good at acting as the other.
(Let’s pretend Rex and Cody have a bit of longer hair so wings can be brought up and they don’t have to dye their hair. Idk.)
Ahsoka notices first only because she asks “Rex” for help with opening her bottle and Cody opens it differently than Rex. He tells her to keep it between the three of them and he will give her a free cuddle session. (She agrees, mostly for the chaos that will unfold. And cuddles.)
“Cody” does a very good job at catching and handing Obi-Wan saber back but he can’t help himself to turn it on and start using it himself. Anakin very rarely ever lets him do it ok?
Waxer and Boil, very quickly, notice something is up with their commander. The dude is letting them chill as everyone sets up camp. (Imagine Hawkeye and Trapper with the pool). Testing their luck, they put lube on all the doorknobs
All they get is a stern look
(Rex is used to shit blowing up form the domino twins. Waxer and Boil are the best vacation he every had. Rex, personally, is having the best time of his life with little to no property damage for once.)
Speaking of domino twins, they know it’s Cody and not Rex. Rex does this thing where he twitches when they are planning stupid shit in the same room, like a sixth sense of sorts, and Cody isn’t fucking doing that. They know. And they are using it to their advantage. Doing all the pranks they haven’t ever gotten to do because Rex never allowed/stopped them I time.
Obi-Wan and Anakin know. They notice Rex and Cody’s certain scars on the face aren’t there but scars only the other clone have. They knew the second they took the helmet off. They are just letting the two have their fun. They deserve it.
The next meet up of the 501 and the 212, Rex and Cody leave on their own as the other clone and come back as their self.
Everyone other than the select few had no idea they “switched”.
Waxer, Boil, Echo, and Fives start planning on doing the same. Only this time, practicing doing certain things that clone will do and wearing make up for tattoos/hair/scars/etc. (they pull it one day and no one notices. It was marvelous.)
(Rex and Cody thought they got away with it other than Ahsoka cuz she was the only one who out worldly said something. No one has the nerves to tell them they knew. They let them have their fun this once.)
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jedipoodoo · 1 year
Hello! First I want to say I love your fics with the bad batch and their kids.They always cheer me up if I'm feeling sad.🥰 Though I was also wondering if you were still planning to do a third part to the fives and echo kids series. If not I totally understand!
Part One & Part Two
Echo perked up when he hear the sound of his son's voice. Hard at work helping Tech load the Marauder, he pretended not to hear until his Iv'ika was right behind him, launching himself into the air with chubby legs, and Echo spun around to cradle his Iv'ika close to his chest.
"Spin, Boo, spin!" Ives demanded. Echo couldn't say no, spinning him around and around until he was certain Ives was ready to throw up.
Father and son laughed as Echo took a few wobbly steps to regain his balance.
"Now where's your Mama?" he asked, almost wistfully. Ives shook his head with a giggle.
"Is... Is that him?"
Echo looked up. The man's voice was familiar and alien all at the same time, but the face was etched into his every dream, nightmare and otherwise.
The face of a brother.
He stood with Echo's wife, and another woman who cradled a baby in her own sling. A tuft of jet-black hair was just barely visible over the cloth.
The familiar face was tanned and leathery from work in the sun without a helmet, kind of like Cut's. His dark hair tickled his ears and blended in with his beard and mustache that would completely disguise the fact that he was a clone to the untrained eye.
He looked as if he had seen a ghost, which was a reaction to his appearance Echo had become quite accustomed to.
"Cyare," Echo gently set Ives on the ground, and he faintly became aware of the Batch slowly gathering to greet the newcomers. His Cyare came and gently took him by the arm, leading him to this brother.
Before she could say anything else, the strange brother threw his arms around Echo and sobbed. He was squeezed so tightly Echo couldn't help but hug back.
"You're alive, I can't believe you're alive!" He gasped.
"S-somehow," Echo stammered out with a nervous laugh. He had no idea who this was- maybe Boil or Waxer? -until the brother pulled his hair back, revealing the number five tattooed to the side of his head.
It felt like a punch to the gut. Echo couldn't speak, and he stopped breathing.
"Echo," His brother said.
"Fives!" Echo threw his arms around Fives, holding him tightly. He buried his face in his brother's chest and gripped the back of his shirt tightly. Was this a dream? It was too good to be true. If he opened his eyes, would Fives disappear from his arms?
But Fives didn't disappear. He placed a hand on the back of Echo's neck, resting his forehead against the top of Echo's head.
"You look like sith warmed over," He said once his throat had cleared.
Echo laughed, keeping his face buried in Fives' shoulder. He smelled like sun-warmed hay and star fruit. He felt alive.
"And you look like a nerf-herder."
Fives shook his hair against Echo's face, and Echo heard his Cyare laughing. And then the baby started fussing.
"Oh," Fives stood up, clutching Echo's shoulders, "I want you to meet my wife."
Wife. Fives already knew Echo's Cyare, and his son from the way Ives was clinging to his leg. Echo felt a split-second surge of jealousy that was promptly squashed by the sheer joy that his brother was alive.
"And this," Fives took the squirming, chubby infant from his wife, holding him out to Echo, "This is Hevy. Our baby boy."
Echo paused. Fives was alive. He had a son, a son named after Hevy. He had a wife. Fives was alive.
Echo's Cyare gently arranged his arms so that he could hold baby Hevy, his head resting in the elbow of Echo's scomp arm. This could have been what his Fiv'ika looked like as a baby.
Hevy's big brown eyes binked up at Echo.
"Hey, ad'ika," Echo whispered. He brushed a few curls away from his face, but Hevy grabbed his finger and held it tight.
"Wanna see! Wanna see Boo!" Ives jumped up and down, trying to grab the baby's blanky. Fives scooped his namesake up into his arms, holding him up to see baby Hevy.
"See, Iv'ika," Echo said, "This is your cousin."
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