#wdym this isn't how that scene went
sirensongsea · 7 months
Emet-Selch and Thancred
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Hanseo: Is Hyung-nim sleeping or dead?
Vincenzo: Hopefully dead, I hated his guts.
Chayoung: Yeah, so did I.
Hanseok: Okay first of all, fuck you-
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angelicending · 1 year
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piece of art
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freddybully · 11 months
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wdym this isn't how the scene went. yes it is
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spxranza · 9 months
Wdym this isn't how the scene went down
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arri-vixx · 5 months
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wdym this isn't how the scene went?
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not-eli · 8 months
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wdym this isn't how the scene went???
(Click imagine for better quality)
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hartmannyoukaigirl · 3 months
i really really really hate how literally no one in the fandom nor isayama himself get eren. and- a seperate topic but isayama is honest to god insufferable i don't get how he made such an amazing epitome of peak kino character only to say in interviews he "hated how he changed" and "was glad to make him a whiny crybaby again." He literally smiled and said "Eren is back" WDYM EREN IS BACK? DUDE NEVER HEARD OF CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT?? He made eren WORSE than he ever was. And i'm a defender of early seasons eren, he isn't a whiny crybaby when he cries over his deceased mother teammates and everyone he ever loved who in alot of cases died directly because of him.
To go back to the original point, Eren has a very defined definition of freedom that the fandom is willfully ignorant of for the sake of making him a bad guy, Isayama himself wanted to make Eren a villain while he didn't realize Eren was never in the wrong.
And this isn't just copium, but legitimately. His character development was a very linear progression of everything he went through, He suffered and wished deeply to have power and to change things and exactly that he got. Of course he isn't going to betray everything he wished for and suddenly decide to vow for peace despite knowing first hand peace is NOT an option.
He took a very simple choice to kill the enemy. It is not his fault that the enemy ended up being the entirety of the world outside Paradise island, his home where he was born and raised.
Literally NO ONE had a solution better than Eren's, and everything less than absolutely eradication of the enemy would evidently only result in the Paradisians getting wiped out. Even the eldians outside of paradise island were cowards who gladly betrayed their blood for a small amount of Marleyan approval.
Eren only wanted to take back what is rightfully his, his birth right of freedom.
And what is his freedom? To explore the world without being contained in a cage, to live and interact with others on an equal levels and not below. To go see planes flying in the sky, To see the ocean and desert and snow. To live rather than survive. To have fun with his friends and family without fearing death or discrimination.
And when the entire world deemed him a Devil, an uncivilised savage who can never be as human as them he rightfully killed the entire world.
And no one understands that, and for Isayama and the fandom it is so easy to think that he was insane or just loved killing ( when there's that entire scene of him breaking down in tears apologising, it doesn't erase his sins, sure, but it shows his empathy. ) to remove all the nuance because his pain is too great to actually comprehend
Isayama hated eren and the story he wrote. and ended up siding with the marleyans ( many of which introduced lived to the end vs. the uncountable amount of eldians from the main cast and paradise who died ) And the fandom did so, erasing literally all merit the story had.
and to top things off, Isayama realized that eren was right and that was indeed the only way to free his people and himself. So what did he do? He retconned eren into a wimp who suddenly couldn't go through with his plan and give up after 80% and let himself be killed for whoever knows what reason. And so paradise eventually gets annihilated!!! and nothing is gained!! and Marley, the oppressive race and country wins. And the theme of the story gets turned into "When you are an oppressed minority, you SHOULD just die to make everyone feel better." And to make not just the in universe marleyans and the entire world feel better but Also the Real Life Fandom Everyone decided that just because eldians were a minority it Really Was better for them to die.
It is beyond infuriating. This isn't even mentioning that stupid plot of Ymir actually loving her abusive master who she literally was a slave for whom he literally tortured and r@ped her. And the fandom cheers this ending and plot as peak fiction and Dare to to compare it to what AOT was beforehand.
Isayama says he grew but he actually became a huge coward who can't write. He Legitimately cannot write.
He says he matured but he didn't realize just how edgy and radicalizing his story was and how a "good ending" or anything beyond the main characters, eldians, winning is Horrible and carries a clear disgusting political meaning.
I hate aot, and i wish i never loved it as much as i did.
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moonliched · 11 months
I just wanna say I adore your fic so so much. Everything is so nice and entertaining. I certainly can't wait for the proper meeting of the complete fishy bois. Also you don't have to compare the assistant ai!! I love bon-bon so much that he's growing on me like algae/lh
I love how he just worries about Y/N when they just brush him off saying they're just another replaceable cog to this system. Like the way he goes.
"But you're a person."
Makes me think he's not really well versed in stuff and still learning and that's what makes him so cute and fascinating. Bonbon our only ally fr fr
I still snicker at the misunderstandings like Y/N trying to run away and Moon just goes "Play? Play! FRIEND PLAY!!!"
He's like a cat batting at anything that moves SJXJJEJDJDNEKD
Can I ask what he was trying to do, throwing fish at Y/N? Like I initially thought it was like a thank you but HAHAHA I'm not so sure.
I cackled on the bit where "IT SHOULD'VE BEEN ME" Junior researcher. PLS YOU LITERALLY LIKE EXPOSED EVERY DCA ENJOYER.
Bonbon literally has the normal reaction and reader's like wdym haha
I wanna ask so many questions but I must be patient and wait for everything to unravel OWOENDKSNDJD
Honestly I got curious and went to tumblr to see some extra content and it didn't disappoint.
I didn't expect the scene where Bronii and Y/N sees Moon glowing to be so ethereal looking!!!
He's sk beautiful augh. NOT ONLY HIM BUT OUR VERY OWN Y/N
Y/N is very pretty and i love them sm. I love the banter between them and BonBon. I just can't help but laugh that the bunny was going to jab about their ancestors in their oceanic planet.
I absolutely adore your AU and will keep rereading it <333333
I sincerely hope you recover well and take your time to heal before attempting to do more <333333 Put yourself first <3 we can wait
sneef aheem heem🥺 this is such a nice message🥺😭😭💕
i'm ecstatic you like it!!!!! tbh BON-BON is growing on me so algae-like that i need to elevate other characters so he doesn't overtake them😅 i'm sure some ppl know how it is when a supporting character kinda starts to overshadow the mains accidentally. but instead of cutting him down, the others will rise instead. also you're right, BON-BON has confidence but he's not as well-versed in relationships and social knowledge as he presents himself. he's naive, a little. and he has a mental hierarchy of AI at the bottom, living beings at the top that's being challenged by how carelessly Y/N is being treated.
i ADORE writing Moon! so when he was throwing the fish at Y/N, he was mimicking their tactic of using food to lure him forward. kinda like how they were doing with the crabs in that moment. he wanted to form some kind of trust using food and make them come closer. at that point he had yet to see them without their mask, so to his knowledge other communication methods like speech weren't available.
heeheehoo i wanted him to look very dazzling during the hypnotism scene🥰😳 and i noticed with half of his face covered with the esca he looks more human?? which would help with luring humans bc it kinda obscures the uncanny valley aspect of his usual face shape. i love drawing all of them!
i hope to update the fic soon! recovery isn't going as planned, so i'll be sure to rest, but i've been looking forward to answering this since i saw it in my inbox☺️and i love getting Q's about my fic. thank sm for such a nice message!!💞✨💗✨🌼💖
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kirchefuchs · 1 year
(I have successfully overanalyzed the Infinite Hole Ending :D ALSO THIS IS THE EDITED VERSION BTW– the one that's like this below this is the unedited :D just delete that one shshs, not this one :]) sooooo upon the first 2 and a half minutes, I noticed a lil thingy that may have been a plothole.
You know how The Narrator constantly says/mentions that he himself made the game? That he was the only one who created everything — Stanley included (this is also directly said in the TSPUD trailer/release video)? Not sure if this is just me overthinking again (probably is) but there's this line in the Infinite Hole ending that immediately caught my attention;
"Oh. Did the hole seem even shorter to you, this time? I couldn't help but feel like you spent a little less time in there than you did before."
Now, me, being your local overthinker, decides that this implies one of the three things listed below;
1) The Narrator is very forgetful.
2) He's just a really good actor.
3) That was Timekeeper's doing.
(I'm not leaning to the 3rd option more wdym hahaha–)
Think about it, Ceres — think about the New Content Door, the Confusion Ending, the– the myriad of random occurrences that even The Narrator isn't fully aware about. If you were to take everything to a more serious approach, wouldn't you agree that a person who has spent a long long time in perfecting their game should at least remember every little detail and thought that went into it? Think about it! There's beta testing, alpha testing– heck, because he seems to claim to have created everything, wouldn't that mean that technically he would have had to look through every little thing (plus the texturing!! THE TEXTURES!!) and end up accidentally remembering every little detail? Isn't that why he has a script? (headcanon >) It's because he's already memorized the entire map, he just can't memorize a bunch of endings that revolve around the map. But do you know who does(according to the fandom)?
All the little changes to the map, Ceres! The New Content Door, the infinite hole slowly getting less and less infinite, the progress board at the quote-on-quote "end" of the Confusion Ending! If you were to take every little detail and glitch and something-something (you get what I mean) in a more serious approach, wouldn't you say that they were rather odd and inexplicable unless if you add Timekeeper into the mix?
Translation: I just really wanna give them some content </3
not me adding the "every ending can be perceived as a way of divorce" concept in here but aha– this piece of dialogue got me fired up ok
"I'm out! Goodbye, Stanley! You couldn't bear to be away from the hole and now you get more time with it than you could have ever have asked for. It's a win for everyone! You get to be with the hole, I get to do literally anything else. Take care, Stanley. I hope you and the hole have a wonderful rest of eternity together."
Do I need to explain this? Does this piece of dialogue need to be explained? Really, does it require such a lengthy explanation for it to be fully understood by you lot? I don't think so! The Narrator is just very jealous over a hole. How sad. ..and gay.
SO! By the time The Narrator is gone, Stanley is like "weLp time to hallucinate."
But then lemme just mention what I said beforehand
"The Narrator claims to have made everything, which also includes Stanley"
this implies that The Narrator made the whole scene
This includes the dramatic music, the backgrounds, the random buttons that do lots of funny but mildly useless stuff, and guess what? Also the alternative drawings/appearances of ✨Stanley✨
I dunno abt u guys, but I like to genuinely think that The Narrator created everything (not in an irl sense, i meant it as in "He made The Stanley Parable canonically, not in reality" kind of way :D) simply because it gives a lot of Stannarrator opportunities.. huehuehue
but uhhh that's all for my rant!! :D (I deeply enjoyed this lmao)
ANYWHOO I HOPE THIS WAS,,, idk,, mildly coherent at least ☠
— 🅰️non || 05/12/2023
Oooo gotta love some good ol made up Timekeeper lore. I love the idea of TK messing with various things in the Parable without Narry knowing. But yeah, the whole contradictions thing where you can't really tell if the Narrator made the game or not is partly why I think he didn't and was just imbued with memories to make him think the did, even though he really doesn't have all that much control over what happens in the Parable. But that's just me, lol.
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icy-watch · 2 months
Benched is a PEAK episode I mean, Pigsy singing? Macactus whump? Tang's inspirational speech? the energy was high during that scene. Anyways, ep breakdown LEGGO!! Wdym that's YT, its Wukong calling his ex bff "Macat" XD anyways. This ep is the start of "Wukong can't read" jokes which I've seen people get pretty annoyed at, but y'know, the actual punchline was that he has stage fright. He can read if he's been sending MK letters, he just can't do it in front of people. I don't know HOW you pinged Pigsy as a good singer but lmao, nice job. I never guessed it. My reaction was more of a "this may as well happen." Congrats to Tang for no longer being the token human, he didn't realize had powers at ALL until they fully manifested today. Machingling being in charge of effects makes sm sense for his character lol, for a shadow to control the lighting and smoke effects on set heh. the background player. Lucky for Tang this ep, he's not Macquackers here who routinely fails every evil henchmen mission he's ever sent on and gets his fluffy behind handed to him every time. Us, the audience knowing his situation and Wukong being so serious about Machocolate-melting-in-the-sun like he isn't the most pathetic wet beast this season is really funny. Yep, still in the lantern, because turns out. Yeah, he can in fact, stop at something and that's called "being electrocuted at point blank range and being super overwhelmed by the noise" lookie there! they threw in a Six Ears reference by how he reacted!
It was a very good episode.
I was going to comment on the not being able to read thing, but I opted not. I'm pretty sure lots of people already voiced my exact opinion on it.
It'd be better if the creators kinda went with the JttW route, Wukong being blind and relying on Golden Vision to see. And with it being paper, he can't necessarily read words that are printed on it. Not really possible in this story, but it would have made a bit more sense.
But, yeah, the punchline really being his stage fright. That's fine. I don't know many people who haven't experienced any kind of stage fright.
Pigsy being able to sing just seemed to fit into this universe lmao. Also, I think I've heard his VA sing before? I could be misremembering, but I think he can actually sing.
I'm happy for Tang. He deserves some powers. As a treat.
I mean, considering their past, Wukong has every right to treat Macbean as a serious threat. But it is hilarious bc we do know better.
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nyxthedragon225 · 1 year
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wdym this isn't how that scene went
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mayday-jd · 9 months
extra thoughts I forgot about/didn't know how to fit them in
first major thought
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so there's the lab scene where simon and winter king go to duplicate the crown and the same scene where simon asks about betty to which winter king laughs and says he hasn't thought about her in a long time
now we know that because he projected the crown's madness onto pb/candy queen who then went on to be the love obsessive freak not him then it's not hard to understand that winter king no longer longs for love like simon and ice king do
so when simon asks him how he could possibly say that about the love of their life, they're everything, the reason why they're in this fucking mess (from my understanding I didn't finish the show) and then the winter king goes "hmm that's not how I remember it" which is very questionable like an eyebrow raising comment
wdym that's not how you remember it?? 🤨
tbf you can take winter king's words with a grain of salt I mean he no longer longs for affection anymore so that might alter how he feels about his relationship with betty and the memories they shared together
but then also wouldn't he have the same memories as simon?? winter king isn't like ice king he's pretty much as sane as simon is so for his memories to be altered would be kind of weird and I'm sure he could still recognize a good relationship despite not yearning for another romantic relationship anymore
this could mean that in fionna and cake it's revealed that simon's relationship with betty wasn't exactly the best maybe not that it was dogshit but still he put it on a pedestal which is likely I mean with how long it's been his mind could've warped how it actually was or decided to overlook some details
second major thought
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so at first when watching this scene it looks like winter king dies out of fucking nowhere like why would him kissing fionna result in his death??
this is actually the second time smth like this has happened in the show
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in episode 3 (cake the cat) cake is running in the wild with a squirrel goes to a market
at this place she sees all the different creatures simon's world has to offer and there's a point during her song, cake on the loose, where she's playing with one of the hot dog soldiers and as its getting launched in the air by cake it turns into a regular sausage (or hot dog to wtv weirdo says that)
it seems like fionna and cake interesting with magical things/people from other worlds when theirs lack any magic causes them to lose their magic in return even
prismo has given cake back her silly and magical nature and another situation like the one in episode 3 has yet to happen but fionna hasn't gained any power ups so her kissing winter king has resulted in him reverting back to boring old regular non magical simon
him dying can be explained in this context since it seems simon was brought back by a magical being so ofc he's still alive but fionna isn't magical so yeah winter king fucking evaporated and died
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also look at this sick ass promo art for 'cake the cat' drawn by writer and storyboard artist hanna k. nyström
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king-wilhelm · 2 years
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Wdym this isn't how that scene went down?
Bad buddy 1.12
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raphael-angele · 2 years
It's Pride Month and I am an Aromantic Asexual
This is one of the experiences I went through as an AroAce.
Basically the entirety of my circle of friends is composed of LGBTQ+ people. My best friend (Aliyah) is bisexual but prefers women, Yangji is gay (mlm) and just came out (edited cuz i posted this saying he was Bi, preferring men but he just came out on FB). And my other best friend (Max) is also bi. There are like...2 or 3 people who are straight, the rest of us is bisexual or gay, excluding me, who's the only one who is AroAce. And I only came out as Ace when I was in around Grade 10 and I realized I was Aro around November of last year.
I went out some time ago with my friends and we went to Yangji's house cuz it's his birthday. And naturally, when you're invited to someone's birthday party, you get to meet people who you've never met. Some of those people were of our classmates from Junior High. (In my country, Grade 7-10 is Junior High. 11-12 is Senior High. I just finished Grade 11.)
One of them is Mika (she/her). Now, Mika is pansexual. And we were only classmates in Grade 7. We were different classes from 8-10 but still saw each other every now and then. This info is somehow relevant to the story.
At some point of the event, we were all in Yangji's room and we somehow got into the topic of LGBTQ+. Then Mika pointed out how gay our friend group is. We laughed it off cuz it's true. Then she said something about guys and sex and relationships. And I, being a snarky person at times, said that I couldn't really relate. Here's how our convo turned out
Mika: Wdym?
Me, realizing she doesn't know: Oh, yeah. I'm AroAce.
Mika: Huh?
Me: Aromantic Asexual.
Mika: I thought you were straight.
Me: So did I, but apparently not.
Mika: Doesn't aromantic mean you can't fall in love?
Me: Technically, yes.
Mika: O, so why do you say you're aromantic? You had a crush on Sam right?
Sam is a friend of mine that I was really close to cuz I saw him as a brotherly figure.
Me: No, I didn't have a crush on him. I mean, I was clingy and all but that's it.
Mika: That's not what I know.
Me: Well, what you know is wrong.
This is where it got a little heated
Mika: JD said you had a crush on Joaquin and Duke when you were in Elementary.
JD is an old classmate from Elem who went to the same school as me in HS. Joaquin was a friend from high school prep class. Duke is an elem classmate.
Me: Uh, no. I was just really close with them. I had a pick me girl phase so...
Mika: No, you definitely had a crush on them.
Me: And that's exactly how I found out I'm Aromantic.
Max: What do you mean?
Me: I mean, I found out I'm aromantic cuz when I looked back at my "crushes" I realized that they weren't really my crushes and that I never felt anything for them more than being a sister figure. And the only reason I admitted that they're my crush is because I'm tired of everyone telling me, "Hey, you have a crush on him, don't you?" "You like him, right?" "Don't deny it, you have a crush"
Cuz it's true. The only reason I had "crushes" is because people kept on forcing me to admit that I like that person. I gave in to the pressure of calling them my crush. Also, I only had like, 3 "crushes" my whole life. I'm freaking 17 now. I never even had a fictional crush, despite how much I like fictional characters more than real people.
---As for being Ace---
Most instances where I was questioned for being Asexual, it's either people telling me I can't be Ace cuz being Ace isn't real since everyone has sexual desires or people asking me how I know I'm Ace when I haven't experienced it yet.
First of all, I don't know if I'm entirely Ace, there's a chance that I'm Aegosexual, which means I'm not against the idea of sex just being a part of it which should also explain a lot of things about the second part; I don't wanna have sex cuz of various reasons, reasons I cannot explain in words.
I'm not really sexually repulsed, I like reading smut and sex scenes but actually seeing people do it is a no for me.
But this is only one of the experiences of being aroace. My parents were more than supportive that I'm aroace. My mom was actually grateful cuz it means I wont get pregnant or into any relationships so it saves me the heartbreak. I don't think she fully understands it but hey! she gets the concept... I think...
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momowoah · 3 years
Thoughts On Gossip Girl ep 9
Perfect song choice (Boys Will Be Boys)
Heard SantaCon is a real thing, my condolences for people who live in NYC
They really need an English teacher to run GG
Ok but if Nick isn't secret lawyer him adopting Julien when
I hate Scott.
"I ghosted you!"
Kate <3
The basketball scene with Obie will be in Scott's gym right?
I love Max making breakfast
Do not like Rex.
"It doesn't work like that" exactly
"Who talks to Gossip Girl?" Wdym? GG account and Nate were like besties
Audrey saying it so casually
"Again, I'm right here"
Audrey and Aki being adorable while Max is completely in love... More of that please
Davis trying so hard to pretend to be good... fck him <3
Really feel bad for Julien
"Can I see it?"
Love Keller's teacher mode
Don't like Jordan but he's still hilarious
Have literally nothing to comment on but Audrey and Aki <3
Roy did a complete loop with his personality
I love how Zoya just completely put all their issues aside to be there for J
Not even makeup or a wig?
Obie being the driver was a classic GG move, amazing
That rich but can't have tinted windows?
Their uniform looks too much like an uniform and not enough like a fashion statement.
Hate when drivers in tv shows don't look ahead with both hands holding the wheel, at least this time it didn't mean car accident
All of them coming together and taking pictures all over town was my favorite sequence so far
Audrey is cute
"Julien's ten steps ahead"
I got the part the Jamison would help Audrey with something GG related right ha (guessed everything else wrong though but whatever)
Love Roy and Max finally having an actual decent convo
"There are two people I've got to talk to" <3
I love how Audrey kept her promise in ep 4 of figuring it all out with Aki together
Don't they realize they weren't okay with kissing the two, but were okay with kissing Max? Huh?
I loved Julien's speech in the subway
Scott is evil. Really? Sending an entire city to chase down a 16-17yo?
Stop thinking Nick is secret lawyer... Nick can't be secret lawyer
If someone hears the "What's happening?" Kate is done
Max getting his heart broken while traitor plays... I am not ok
Like, he went to confess and they said they were closing the relationship
His face...
who sent the phone
+ I'm totally buying Obie's redemption arc bc him and JC have chemistry
++ angsty slowburn throuple? thx
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