#we approve this new hairstyle
cressidagrey · 27 days
Looked to the Sky - Chapter 10
Eira Archeron was neither a Valkyrie, nor a Seer, nor the High Lady of the Night Court. She was, however, Azriel‘s mate with her own mysterious, untrained powers.
Also known as: Azriel tries to court his mate the human way.
Elain Bashing, Low Self Esteem, Eira has a shiny new spine, Azriel threatens to murder and the shadows keep torturing Elaine's floral arrangements and without @k-godling this would have never happened.
(super pretty dividers by @tsunami-of-tears)
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“And if something happens…”
“We do know how to contact you,” Mor drawled drily from her seat on the couch. “Velaris will still be standing when you return, High Lord,” she told Rhys sarcastically. Az bit back a smile while Amren huffed.
"And you're alright with taking care of Nyx?" Feyre checked carefully. It was already dangerous enough for the High Lord, the High Lady, the General and the Spymaster to be out of the Night Court at the same time. There was no need to add the Heir to the Night Court to it as well.
Mor rolled her eyes. "He'll be alive and happy when you return," she promised Feyre.
Rhys sighed as he watched Feyre fuss over Nyx, who was sitting on the ground beside her, playing with what looked like a stuffed toy of some sort. A bat, now that he was looking at it with more interest. 
He wondered where exactly he had gotten that from for a moment. 
"He’ll be in good hands, love," Rhys assured Feyre, walking over to place his hands on her shoulders.
"And don't give her too much milk!" Azriel heard his mate exclaim, fussing about the little kitten that followed behind Eira everywhere. Snow, or Snowflake, as Eira had christened her, would stay with Cerridwen and Nuala...and Eira was fussy about it. Had been for days. 
Azriel had more than once been jealous of a damn cat because it got all of Eira’s attention. And then he looked at Eira smiling at her, at playing with her with a ribbon, at how she coaxed her to eat little pieces of chicken from her hands, and scratched her underneath her chin, all of this with that expression on her face that told him that she was incandescently happy and he wasn’t jealous anymore. Eira loved her. How could he be jealous of that?
Eira appeared just a moment later, Snow still wrapped in her arms. She was clad in a green coat over a cream dress…if one could call it a coat? Azriel had absolutely no clue about fashion but it was a weird coat. It only had three-quarter-length sleeves and the neckline was open, with a shawl collar that bared her clavicle...and right there rested a necklace featuring fat emeralds that he knew the shadows had given her.
His shadows twined around her, whispering their approval for how pretty she looked, and he couldn’t disagree. 
Eira was… She was stunning. She always was, of course. But that simple - yet still lovely - dress, the necklace, and her hair that was pinned up carefully with combs in it...Perfect.
He took her in, the slender, elegant lines of her figure in the dress, the dark gold strands of her hair in the elaborate braided hairstyle that revealed her lovely neck, and those blue-grey eyes that met his as a blush stained her cheeks.
She was beautiful.
"Where did you get that necklace from?" Amren suddenly demanded, staring at the necklace resting around Eira's throat with hungry eyes that made not only Azriel's brows raise.
Eira froze, and her fingers moved up to the emeralds that sat against her skin.
"The...?" she stumbled over her words a little bit, her glance shifting nervously between him, Amren, and Mor and Feyre, who had both also turned to look. "I...the Shadows got it for me," she said quietly, her cheeks darkening further.
What is this about? he demanded from the shadows, which seemed to nearly preen with something.
The Tiny Ancient One wanted it. We bought it first, they answered drily. Petty. So Petty.
He had to bite his lip to avoid snickering.
Of course, the Shadows had stolen something Amren had wanted from right under her nose. Of course, they had.
She still hasn’t apologised to her, the shadows sniped. It’s her own fault.
True. Amren was back in the city because Rhys would prefer his second and third to be there, but that came with strict instructions. Azriel wasn’t quite sure what exactly had been said, but the shadows had promised him that The High Lord had been more than clear with Amren. 
A little mrrrrp from Snowflake in her arms brought attention down to the kitten, and Azriel reached out to fondly stroke the little ball of fluff. Eira giggled as Snowflake leaned into his touch, pressing her face against his fingers and continuing to purr.
"She likes you," Eira said with a little smile, watching the little cat with fondness.
"I think the feeling is mutual," Az murmured quietly, as he gently scratched Snowflake's head, and she just continued to press against his hands for more. Another mrrrp escaped the little cat, and Eira giggled a little.
"There we are!" Cassian exclaimed at that moment, Nesta trailed behind him. "I hope Helion still knows how to throw a party!"
"Or how to host one at least," Azriel grumbled under his breath, as he withdrew his hand from Snowflake's head. Rhys chuckled at the comment, as Feyre rolled her eyes.
Eira next to him stayed quiet, and he could see the nervousness in every line of her body. He offered her his arm and she slid her hand into the crook of his elbow, as she placed Snow on the ground.
"It will be alright," he promised her. It would be alright. It was only a wedding. Even if that meant facing Elain and he knew how nervous Eira was about that…He wasn’t nervous. He had promised himself an iron-clad grip on his temper. It would not flare. He would not actually kill Elain. Regardless of if he thought she deserved it for what she had done to them. “I’ll be there,” he added after a moment.  He wasn’t going to leave her to face her demons alone. Not when she had grown even paler at the thought of facing Elain. Her fingers were gripping his arm almost like a vice.
"Everybody ready?" Rhys asked. "We'll winnow into the Courtyard of Sunray Palace."
A chorus of confirmations met his question, as Azriel placed a little kiss against his mate’s head, while her fingers in the crook of his elbow remained as tight as iron.
“Ready as we’ll ever be, I guess...” Cassian muttered, and Azriel silently agreed.
The shadows wrapped around them, and Azriel took a moment to make sure Eira was wrapped in them as well before they vanished from the River House. And rematerialised in the Day Court.
His first thought was...it was bright.
Very bright.
The brilliant sun was shining overhead, and the courtyard they appeared in was large and lovely, if a bit...showy. Similar to the House of Wind, The Sunray Palace was carved into the stone of a Mountain, that was covered in lush grass. He looked up to see a group of Pegasi fly up to their home in the highest tower.
He turned his head to check on Eira, catching her pale face and the nervous gulp as she took the Palace in, and his worry spiked. She was shaking like a leaf, and her knuckles were white where she clutched his elbow.
And then he watched as her shoulders went back and her chin went up, her jaw clenched nearly imperceptively. "You look lovely by the way," he whispered in her ear, making her blush. "Green suits you. Though I am partial to blue."
The compliment drew a flush of colour to her cheeks, and her shoulders relaxed ever so slightly as a little smile appeared on her face.
“Of course, you would say that,” she shot back, the slight tremble in her voice still there. “You’re biased. And don’t try to distract me.”
He chuckled even as he led them forward, the two of them easily slotting into place between Nesta and Cassian, Nesta throwing her younger sister a look. Azriel could read the worry into it but he shook his head nearly imperceptively. Eira was doing well. Better than he thought she would at any rate.
Eira still looked nervous. Extremely nervous. Her hand still had a death grip on his arm, and she was walking stiffly beside him, and yet...she still had her chin lifted high, her eyes forward. He had to admire the courage she was putting on.
The doors to the Palace suddenly opened, and Helion stepped out, grinning brilliantly. “Well, well, well, you all are a sight for sore eyes,” he said, his voice drawling out the syllables in that typical Day Court fashion.
“Don’t you know it, High Lord,” Cassian replied in his usual easy, charming tone, and Helion chuckled as his gaze travelled over the group with a smirk. Suddenly the smirk faltered as his gaze landed on Eira and the shadows wrapped around her.
His eyes widened, and Azriel didn't know what this was about before Helion continued. "We prepared rooms for you all. Why don't you arrive properly and then we'll have lunch?"
The suggestion was casual, but Azriel still thought that Helion's gaze remained on the way the shadows swirled up her body. It did result in the shadows hissing
"Thank you," Rhys drawled, easily matching the Day Court High Lord's tone. "We'll do that, and we'll see you for lunch."
The High Lord nodded, and retreated back into the Palace, while the group headed in the same direction.
When he glanced at Eira again, her face was paler than before, her hands trembling even more.
"Breathe, love," he whispered to her quietly, his voice soft, hoping it would soothe her a little bit. She gave him a weak nod in response, and he could see her forcing herself to take a shaky breath in. Azriel didn't know entirely what was going through her head, but he had the feeling it was not a happy thought, by any means.
They were shown to their suite of rooms, arranged around a shared living room, and he led her to a marigold yellow sofa. She collapsed like somebody cut the strings holding her up.
He had half a mind to curse, but her paler face, the trembling hands, stopped him. Instead, he carefully lowered himself down onto the sofa beside her, pulling her onto his lap without a second thought, and wrapped her in the shadows around them.
“Breathe, sweetheart,” he repeated, as one of his hands stroked gently up and down her back, while the other cupped her cheek.
She leaned against his touch willingly, as another shudder wracked her frame.
"I don't know what's wrong with me," she whimpered.
His heart wrenched in his chest at the tremble in her voice. "There's nothing wrong with you, love," he assured her quietly. "Nothing at all. You are nervous to face Elain. That's alright."
She sighed softly, but relaxed against him, bedding her head against his shoulder.
"Looking awfully comfy there," Cassian drawled and her cheeks flushed scarlet. She moved to get off his lap but Azriel held her in place gently until she stilled.
He wrapped his arm a little bit tighter around her, keeping her from getting off his lap, as he shot Cassian a quick glare, while the hand rubbing her back continued the slow and gentle motion.
He could almost hear the Shadows whispering their own displeasure at Cassian in the back of his mind. Azriel could hear a sharp smack and he just knew that it must have been Nesta.
He turned his head to send a glare in Cassian's direction, as the Shadows snickered in his mind.
"Sorry, I am sorry, Eira" Cassian hurried to add, as Feyre stifled a laugh behind her hand.
Eira said nothing, just curled tighter against him, resting her temple against his shoulder. 
"We got three bedrooms, not four," Rhys said with a sigh, apparently having surveyed the rooms in the meantime. "They clearly expected Azriel and Eira to share a room.”
Azriel wondered if that was on purpose. If that was Elain’s doing. Her attempt at making Eira uncomfortable. Eira, the one of the sisters that kept the most to human ideals of modesty, that blushed if he as much as kissed her cheek…that only kissed him when they were alone. And even then it were quick pecks against his lips. 
Not that he would ever protest against one of Eira’s kisses. He wanted to hoard each touch of her plush, soft lips against his like a dragon hoarded its treasure. 
But now he could feel Eira's body stiffen in his lap once more, and he glanced down at her. She was very pale again, her fingers trembling where they were wrapped around his jacket. He wanted to smack his head against the nearest wall, or at least something, but he refrained from doing that, and instead just pulled her further against his chest with a quiet huff.
"Their error," Nesta said drily. "Eira and I will share."
The Shadows were practically sulking in his head. 
He shut them up with a growl. 
Even when he wouldn’t have laid a single finger on Eira if they did share a bed, that clearly was a step too far for her. It would have made her uncomfortable. And he wasn’t going to push her. Not ever. 
He had never asked, but there didn’t seem to be any human suitors in her past. Kissing seemed foreign to her, making her nervous and excited, her heartbeat quickening and she stared at him with this expression of wonder on her face. 
"Alright, that works as well," Feyre agreed, and Azriel silently echoed that. 
He could feel how tense Eira still was in his lap, though. Still trembling nervously under his touch. He continued to rub her back slowly, still trying to soothe her. 
“Cassian can share with Azriel,” Nesta declared. 
“Oh come on,” Cassian muttered. 
The Shadows muttered their displeasure as well. 
Azriel rolled his eyes, his fingers still rubbing her back soothingly.
"You're a grown male, Cassian," he said, his voice dry. "I'm sure you'll live."
A huff from the General, and Azriel just rolled his eyes again, his glance down to his mate again.
She still looked quite pale. The hand on her back continued the gentle rubbing. 
"Interesting that it wasn't Elain and Lucien that greeted us," Feyre said drily. "Given that it's their wedding we are supposed to attend."
"Very interesting," Rhys agreed, as Azriel continued to eye Eira in his lap.
She was still tense against him, still pale, still trembling a little bit. Her nervousness and fear were rolling in waves towards him, through the bond.
"Elain will be at the lunch, no doubt," Feyre said, and Rhys just hummed in agreement.
The Shadows continued to whisper angrily in his mind, upset at the way their Mate was feeling.
"Or maybe Elain is terrified of what the shadows will do to her now," Nesta quipped darkly.
Azriel couldn't help but smirk a little bit at that.
He could practically hear the Shadows preen. Cassian let out a bark of laughter, and Feyre tried to hold hers back, while Rhys tried to keep a serious expression.
You'll behave, he told them sternly.
Maybe , they hissed back, though they were still clearly preening over the compliment.
He rolled his eyes and glanced down at Eira again.
I mean it. You will behave. You do not attack her, he reiterated in his head. 
A few displeased mutterings echoed in his head, but they did quiet down. He refrained from rolling his eyes this time, and his glance went back to the female in his lap. She was no longer pale, the tremors and shakes having died down, and while she was still nervous, she now appeared relaxed. At least a little bit.
"Let's get changed for Lunch," Nesta said easily.
"You literally just put on a dress before we arrived here," Cassian said with a snort.
"You don't need to understand females, Cassian," Rhys said easily. "Just deal with it."
Cassian grumbled, as Feyre stifled another laugh and Azriel held in a snicker.
Nesta held out her hand for Eira, who took it and let her sister pull her to her feet, giving him a small smile and his hand a squeeze before they, together with Feyre, disappeared into one bedroom.
He watched her go, a strange feeling of loss creeping up once she was out of his sight.
Azriel was tempted, so tempted to get up and go after her, pull her back onto the sofa, onto his lap, into his arms, but he managed to stop himself from doing so.
He leaned his head back against the back of the sofa, and a long sigh escaped him.
"You're absolutely besotted." His head snapped up to see Rhys staring at him, his violet eyes sparkling with smug amusement. The Shadows immediately hissed in agreement his mind at Rhys' observation.
"Shut up," Azriel just grumbled.
Rhys smirked at him in response, and Cassian just laughed. "Whatever you do tonight, if your shadows start sweetly caressing me like they do to Eira, I'll scream," Cassian muttered.
"That won't happen," Azriel immediately shot back, the words practically hissed through his teeth.
At the same time, the Shadows muttered their own disapproval of that possibility. Only our Mate, they whispered.
Cassian just rolled his eyes.
"Do you think she'll manage?" Cassian asked, growing serious. "She seems awfully...nervous."
A heavy sigh escaped him, as he sat up straighter in his seat, running a hand through his hair.
"I don't know," he admitted. "She...is very nervous. But she's trying not to be. She's trying to stay brave."
"And you?" Rhys asked quietly. "How are you holding up?"
He took a deep breath, contemplating the question.
He was angry. Furious. Worried about his mate, his heart clenching every time he felt her distress through the bond.
But he had to stay strong. For her. He needed to keep it together.
"I..." he mumbled, his voice faltering. He had to pause for a moment to collect himself. "I'm hanging in there."
Silence followed his admission, and Cassian and Rhys were studying him. He knew his friends could see through his facade, knew that they knew how worried he was. His face must have given all away.
"You have every right to be angry," Rhys said quietly. "I don't know what I would do in your place."
"What I want to do is to take her home," he admitted, his voice quiet and gruff, his eyes fixed on his lap, where he was clenching his hands into fists. "I want to take her home. I don't want her here. I don't want her to face Elain. Hell, I don't even want her to meet Elain at all. I..." He took a shuddering breath. "But she needs this. She needs this closure. I think Eira knows that herself."
Another heavy sigh escaped him, as he lifted his head and met Rhys' eyes.
"I just hate...seeing her so scared. She doesn't deserve this. She doesn't deserve to feel frightened and scared because of...Elain," he said, bitterness seeping into his voice as he said her name.
"What did she see?" Cassian said suddenly. "Elain had a vision of you and Eira and worked to make sure it wouldn't come to pass. But what did she see?"
"Cass..." Rhys said carefully, but Azriel shook his head. It was alright.
"She saw...She saw Eira and a little girl in a garden. A little girl with her hair and freckles and my wings and eyes. She saw me coming home to them...picking up our daughter and kissing Eira...they saw my hand on her swollen belly...another child in her womb. She saw our children Cassian." There was a heavy pause after Azriel's words.
Cassian just stared at him, wide-eyed and silent, while Rhys' mouth was set into a thin-lipped grave line.
His voice had started shaking a little bit, towards the middle of his story, and he clenched his jaw against the emotions building in his chest.
"That you didn't outright kill her is a fucking miracle," Cassian seethed.
"I damn near came close," Azriel muttered darkly, while anger coursed through his veins.
His jaw was set, his hands were clenching and unclenching almost of their own accord, while the Shadows kept muttering angrily in the back of his mind. They were furious, furious that their Mate was distressed.
"Why did she do it?" Cassian demanded. "Because she is the prettier one? Because if she couldn't have Azriel, Eira shouldn't have him either? Because of jealousy ?!"
"Jealousy and spite," Azriel said darkly. "That's what it comes down to. Jealousy and spite ."
He wanted to break something. Preferably Elain. He wanted to wrap his hands around her neck and squeeze.
He took a shuddering breath to collect himself, as he felt himself slowly losing control of his temper.
But he needed to stay in control. He had to. He wasn't going to explode, not in front of Cassian and Rhys, and certainly not in front of Eira.
"I...hate...her," he bit out, his voice strangled, as his hands clenched and unclenched, even as he tried to keep control over his temper. "I hate her so much. Hell, I want to destroy the very thought of her. I...I want to make sure she can never hurt Eira again. And if it's the last thing I damn well do," he continued, and his voice was venomous. "She. Will. Never. Lay one finger on my mate ever again."
"And I'll make her suffer," he snarled, his voice almost a growl. "By the Mother, I won't just kill her. I'll make her suffer first. For what she did to Eira. For what she did to us. For the thought of that future that she denied me. I will make her pay."
A strangled breath escaped him, his lungs straining with the effort of keeping himself from going on a rampage right then and there.
He closed his eyes, and took a long shuddering breath, as fury continued to course through his veins, while the Shadows hissed and whispered in his mind, their mutterings murderous in nature.
He let out a shuddering breath, as he tried to will his raging temper to abate. He needed to calm down. He needed to, for Eira. She was nervous enough as it was. He couldn't go to her like this. He...He wouldn't do it. He refused to upset her further.
He kept his eyes closed, as he tried to force his emotions to a simmering rage.
Another shuddering breath escaped him, as it took all his strength to calm down. He forced the tension from his body, slowly loosening his clenched jaw. His hands were still clenched into tight fists, but he continued to just breathe deeply, willing his temper to die down.
It felt like an eternity before he finally felt in control of his own emotions again.
He opened his eyes again and met Rhys and Cassian's stares.
Neither of them said anything, silently watching him, and he leaned back against the sofa with a sigh.
"I'm alright," he said and was slightly surprised that his voice was steady, even if he still felt like he was full of rage. "I'm fine. I'm alright," he repeated, and it was more of a reminder to himself than anything else.
"You need to not react like that when you see her," Rhys said quietly, and Azriel couldn't tell if it was a warning or a mere observation.
"I know that," he said between clenched teeth. "I know that, Rhys. But I have every right to be furious. Hell, I have every right to rip her apart."
"You do," Rhys agreed quietly. "But it won't do anyone any favours if you get like this when you see her. You need to keep your temper in check. For Eira ."
Eira was staring at her reflection in the mirror, struggling to recognise the person looking back at her. 
Her eyes were wide and anxious, her breathing quick and nervous, and her hands were trembling. A part of her was wondering how she was even managing to stand at the moment, seeing how her legs felt like they were close to giving in underneath her.
But she was also...she was also dressed in a tissue-thin gown out of pleated silk in a lavender colour, cinched in around the waist by an embroidered ribbon she had made. Her hair was pulled back from her face, diamond encrusted haircombs that she had no clue from where these had come from fastened in her hair...( One day she would need to actually get the shadows to stop buying her things. ), a diamond bracelet tightened around her wrist…They had even clipped earrings to her lobes, diamonds as well, dangly and pretty and in the Human Lads would be considered to be too much for a simple luncheon. 
But here in Prythian, the shadows didn’t seem to think twice about it, to wrap her in more diamonds than most people had ever even seen in the same place. 
Once they judged her ready,  a tendril of shadows curled itself back around her wrist, while another picked up the small train of her dress.
"You know, I am kinda jealous. You have a handmaiden wherever you are," Feyre said drily.
Eira let out an embarrassed little laugh, the sound shaky and weak as her heart felt like it was going to pound its way out of her chest.
"They are...very helpful," she admitted, as she gave a small, nervous glance to Feyre.
Nesta finished pinning her own hair into her usual coronet, smoothing the blue-green fabric of her dress. "You do not need to accept her apology," her eldest sister said fiercely. "Remember that, Eira."
She swallowed, the familiar nervous butterflies back in her stomach, and she gave a shaky nod.
Feyre placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder, as she gave her a gentle squeeze. It was a little steadying and helped quell some of her anxiousness, even as the nervous tremors continued to wrack through her body.
"I...know," she said quietly.
Right. There went nothing.
She took a few more, long, deep breaths, to calm her nerves.
She was going to be alright. She was going to be just...fine.
You're going to be fine, she repeated to herself as she squared her shoulders.
Azriel was waiting for her as she left the bedroom, in a quiet conversation with Rhys and Cassian. He looked up as soon as he came out, his expression softening.
His eyes widened momentarily as a breath caught in his throat at the sight of her in that dress, and a small smile started spreading across his lips.
"Eira," he said quietly, taking a tentative step towards her. "You...You look beautiful, sweetheart."
She gave a shaky smile, her eyes meeting his as those familiar little butterflies came to life in her belly.
"Thank you," she whispered, her heart fluttering at the affectionate endearment.
"Ready?" Rhys asked.
She exhaled, steadying her breathing, willing her trembling body to not shake.
Eira gave a shaky nod, even as the familiar anxiousness threatened to overwhelm her, and she swallowed past the lump forming in her throat.
"Ready," she whispered.
She just needed...She reached out for Azriel's hand before she could help herself, not caring how inappropriate this was. They weren't married, they weren't even engaged and still, she claimed his hand with hers, threading her fingers through his.
The feeling of scarred skin against her home, grounded her, giving her something to hang onto. 
The shadows that kept closer to him than usual, hiding behind the wings he had snapped close to his body, dusted over her arms for just a moment, like they wanted to assure Eira that they were there as well, before returning to their mater, leaving her with a few wrapped around her wrist and another tendril keeping her skirt in place. 
For a brief moment, Azriel looked down at where their fingers were woven together, before lifting his head again and giving her fingers a firm, reassuring squeeze. She felt his warmth through his skin, the steady beat of his pulse, and it was comforting...comforting to know that he was right next to her.
She took a few more, deep breaths, the anxiety continuing to flutter in her stomach, but...
But Azriel was here, she reasoned.
Azriel was right there...right next to her, holding her hand...and she could do this. She could get through this. All she had to do was stay close to him.
They were let to a dining room, with high ceilings, beautifully appointed in white and gold. 
“I swear I told them to put white jasmine and blush roses in here and not yellow carnations and orange lilies!” she heard her sister’s voice before she saw her. 
Seconds later, she got her first glance at her twin sister. Lucien and she made a lovely couple, always had. And Elain did look as utterly beautiful as she always had. Elain had always been extraordinarily lovely, but that hadn't changed in her transformation into a High Fae. Now she was utterly beautiful. 
Even when… with a blink Eira realised how harried-looking Elain was, fiddling with the flowers on the table.  Her heart clenched at the sight of her, mixed with the swirling, anxious emotions in her stomach, and she couldn't help the shuddering breath that escaped her as they walked into the room.
Azriel's hand clenched around hers.
Her eyes snapped to his. His face was a mask of ice. She had never seen him look ...like that before. Never seen...this tightly controlled murderous rage.
The shadow tightened around her wrist. She wasn't sure if it was in warning, but she didn't care anyway.
He was hers. Hers in every bit of this murderous rage. 
They came to a halt, and she felt the way Azriel clenched his jaw as his eyes met with Elain's across the room.
He was furious, she could practically feel the rage simmering under the surface, the only thing keeping him in check was his ironclad control...and the fact that he was holding onto her hand.
She would leave the diplomacy to Feyre and Rhys, the useless pretty words. She didn’t trust herself to say anything that was actually nice. Instead, she tugged Azriel along to find their seats at the table, pasting a smile on her face.
They sat at the table, and Azriel kept a firm hold of her hand, never loosening his grip on her. The shadows kept themselves firmly around her wrist and continued to cling unto her, even as they settled into place at the table.
And a part of her could feel how Azriel was tensed, how he was wound up so tight she was afraid he might snap.
Cassian sat down next to Azriel, with Nesta bracketing Eira's other side, fully ignoring whatever seating arrangement had been put down by the Day Court. 
Eira wasn’t stupid, she knew exactly why Cassian had been put there. In the event of Azriel losing his temper, Cassian may had a chance at subduing him. Though she somehow doubted that would actually work. 
With them right there, and Azriel holding onto her hand, she felt...steady. She felt secure...secure enough to withstand this dreaded luncheon.
Feyre and Rhys sat down next to Helion, Lucien and Elain, and she could feel the tension in the room.
She could sense Elain's gaze on her, sitting directly across from her. , but didn't dare to meet her eyes as the anxiousness roiled in her stomach, even as Azriel's fingers continued to grasp hers, and one of the shadows curled around her wrist, giving a small, reassuring little squeeze.
"It's so nice that you could make it," Elain said, a smile on her face, masking her nervousness. She was glancing at the shadows that were topping up Eira’s water glass, clearly making a pest out of themselves, to put bread on her plate and drag the butter dish closer to her. 
For just one moment Eira wondered if they did that on purpose. Were they trying to scare Elain?
"We wouldn't have wanted to miss this," Feyre said, her voice carefully neutral.
There was a stiffness in the air, palpable enough that it could be cut with a knife, the tension as so thick that one could drown in it, and Eira just sat there, her fingers tightly wrapped around Azriel's hand.
There was a moment of silence, where nobody commented.
And then...her heart hammered against her ribs, her stomach twisting in knots, as those doe-like brown eyes landed directly on her. "You look...good, Eira. Healthy. I hope everything healed well," Elain said sweetly.
Her breath caught in her throat as she fought down the nausea that welled up in her stomach, and she forced a tight smile onto her lips.
"Everything healed up just fine," she said, her voice shaking, only to be steadied by the firm squeeze Azriel gave her hand.
It was the truth. Nothing but a thin white line underneath her left breast. Nobody but her would probably ever see it. 
"And the... lightning ?" Lucien wondered. "I hope your cauldron-given gift didn't give you too much trouble," he quipped, clearly trying to lighten the mood. “Elain mentioned that you…defended yourself quite well.”
The nausea that welled up in her throat was nearly immediate. Defended herself. She had defended herself. She had also killed 4 males. 
"Lightning?" The High Lord of Day asked, sounding fascinated. He was looking at her like she was an exceptionally interesting specimen.  
Her stomach roiled, the nausea continuing to grow inside her, as her heart thundered in her chest.
“No,” Eira said, struggling to keep her voice even. “It...It wasn’t too much trouble,” she continued, even as the nausea continued to rise, and she felt like she might retch all over the table.
"She's learning to control it," Rhys said evenly. "She's doing as well as one could expect."
Her heart fluttered at Rhys’ words. He was trying his best to...deflect the attention away from her. Trying to help.
“So she really can generate lightning then?” Helion spoke up, sounding utterly fascinated.
"She can," Rhys confirmed, his voice even. His words were simple, but the tone of them was almost warning, and she could feel Azriel tense even more next to her. And that was enough to pique Helion’s interest.
“Extraordinary,” he said, and he sounded way too fascinated with her wretched blessing.
Her heart skipped a beat, the nausea continuing to grow in her stomach until she feared she might vomit at any moment. Her hand clenched around Azriel's, fingers practically digging into his skin, while the shadows around her wrist squeezed reassuringly. And all the while, she could feel Elain's eyes on her, her stare practically boring into her.
"Do the shadows help control it?" Elain asked hesitantly. Only now, Eira realised that more had come to swarm around her, banding around her midsection and chest, like trailing black ribbons. Their touch was gentle, and soft. 
"No," came Azriel's reply, and his voice was so filled with cold fury that she was amazed he could even get the words out.
He was tense, like a coiled spring, holding onto her hand like a lifeline, while the shadows continued to cling to her, continuing to twine around her wrist in a firm, reassuring grip.
"They like touching Eira because she's Azriel's mate," Cassian said, his voice icy. Her heart stuttered in her chest at Cassian's words.
His blunt, to-the-point declaration of her belonging to Azriel...the words had stunned her, and it seemed they had stunned Elain too if the way that she stiffened was any indicative.
"Ah, yes...we should talk about that," Helion said with a sigh. "Elain?"
The tension in the room immediately ratcheted up even more higher, and Eira could feel it, as a chill settled over the room. She was so tense, she was struggling just to breathe, and her hand was trembling where it was held in Azriel’s ironclad grip.
"I am sorry," Elain said quietly.
Her heart skipped a beat at her twin sister’s words, her stomach twisting in knots, as her eyes flicked towards her. Elain’s voice was soft but sincere, and her brown eyes were wide and vulnerable, and there were tears in her eyes... Tears in her eyes as she spoke.
"I am sorry, Eira," she said again, her voice trembling. “For...for everything.”
And suddenly...suddenly the fear, the nervousness went away, replaced with ice-cold anger. "You are sorry ," she repeated flatly. Sorry .
The anger in her voice was not missed, and she heard Nesta and Feyre inhale sharply. Elain's eyes widened at the tone in her voice...at the anger in Eira’s words, and she gave a small, shaky nod, her chin trembling slightly.
"I am sorry. I shouldn't have...I shouldn't have...I shouldn't have tried to keep you and Azriel away from each other. I was...I shouldn't have done that."
Eira clenched her jaw, the anger still boiling in her blood as she continued to hold her sister’s gaze.
"No," she replied, her voice so flat it was as if it was made of ice. "You shouldn���t have done that," she repeated coldly. "But that's not all you did, Elain," she spat out. "You saw that vision. You know what you did." What she had done. Namely, keep Eira's babies from being born .
Her heart lurched in her chest, and she felt Azriel squeeze her hand tightly as if he knew what had been going through her thoughts.
Her throat was tight, and her breathing was laboured, as she continued to hold her sister’s gaze, her eyes cold and furious as she spoke.
"You did a lot more than keeping me away from Azriel',” she hissed.
And the worst part was, her sister didn’t even try to deny what she had done. Didn’t even try to fight back. All she could do was sit there, looking like a wounded puppy, which only fuelled the anger in Eira’s chest.
“You tried to take everything from me,” she hissed again.
"It all worked out!" Elain defended herself. "You and Azriel seem to be..."
She couldn’t be serious, could she? 
It all worked out?
It all worked out?!?
"It is not all ‘worked out’!" she snapped, her voice cracking as she fought back a frustrated scream bubbling in her chest. "You tried to take everything from me!" she repeated, tears burning at the corners of her eyes. The tears weren't for her. 
The tears were for her babies. 
The anger ratcheted in her chest and she could feel the lightning underneath her skin, begging to be released. Begging for her to let go of her grip on it and let it find its target. Let it find Elain. Let it hit her. 
She clenched her jaw, forcing that feeling down, as she met her sister’s eyes with a cold glare. "You tried to take my children from me," she hissed at Elain. " My children. "
The temperature in the room seemed to drop to below freezing, and she could feel Nesta and Feyre’s gazes on her. She didn’t care though. Her eyes were entirely focused on her twin, and the words had come out in a deadly hiss, the anger steaming out of her in waves.
"You tried to take our babies ," she repeated, her words cracking again as she spoke.
She felt Azriel’s grip on her hand tighten even more, the shadows clinging to her wrist once more, as if trying to both keep her grounded and hold her back.
And it was the only thing keeping her from lunging across the table and grabbing her sister by the throat.
Her skin was itchy, that strange, foreign energy writhing underneath the surface, and she fought to keep it reined in, to keep it from escaping, even as the room went silent, the tension so palpable you could taste it in the air.
It hurt, keeping it restrained, and her heart thudded against her ribs, her breath coming in quick, ragged gasps.
Her whole body was tense, and all she wanted was to let the lightning free. To let it roar.
"You are my twin sister, Elain," she said, biting out every word. "We spend 9 months sharing our mother's womb. I trusted you with my life. And you did this to me."
Her sister just sat there, her eyes wide and watery, as if somehow even that had been a shock to her.
"We spent years together," she continued, her words sharp and cold. "I never thought I would need to worry about you betraying me."
Her chest hurt like something was sitting on it, making it hard to breathe, as she continued to hold Elain’s gaze.
Elain’s eyes were wide, watery, and wounded, and she might have been almost sorry that she looked so hurt…if not for the fact that Elain was the one who had caused Eira to be in this position in the first place. Elain was the one who did this to her…hurt her so badly she didn’t know if it’d ever heal.
"I…I…" Elain started, her voice cracking. She looked like she was going to cry, and Eira felt herself waver slightly at the sight of her distraught expression. But then…her mind flashed back to the vision of her daughter , so small and beautiful…and that small, weak flutter of sympathy in her chest died.
"I trusted you," she hissed, her voice thick as she desperately tried to hold back the tears that were burning at the corners of her eyes. "I trusted you and look what you did to me. What you took from me."
Her sister let out a watery gasp, her lower lip quivering, and the tears slid silently down her face. And for a moment, Eira felt her resolve waver…only to remember the image of those two babies. The ones that should have been hers.
Anger flared again at that thought, her heart squeezing in her chest, as her breath hitched.
All the sympathy that she had felt was gone, and all that was left was the all-consuming rage coursing through her veins.
She had every right to be angry, she told herself. She had every right to feel this way.
She was so angry, so incandescent with rage, that her entire body was shaking, and she felt like she needed to just scream. To shout and rage and fight…fighting was all she wanted to do.
She gritted her teeth, her fingers wrapping tightly around Azriel’s hand, as she tried desperately to rein in the storm of emotions warring within her chest.
Azriel’s grip on her hand tightened as if he was sensing how close she was to breaking.
“Eira...” Elain said tremulously. Her sister’s voice was quiet, almost timid, and it was enough to snap something within her.
"Don’t. Don’t speak to me. You are the last person who gets to speak to me right now," she snarled, her voice cold as steel. "I loved you," Eira snapped. "I loved you and you did this to me. And now you want to tell me that everything is alright because it WORKED OUT?!"
Her sister looked like she was going to start sobbing, her lower lip quivering faintly, while her brown eyes were like large, round pools. But Eira was done feeling sorry for her. Done feeling sympathy towards her.
“You don’t get to talk to me about what’s alright or not,” she hissed, fighting the urge to reach forward and throttle her. "I just want to know one thing. Why?" she snapped." WHY? Why did you do it?” she shouted bitterly.
Elain looked like she had absolutely no idea how to answer that. She looked like a lost child, and it took all of Eira’s strength to keep her seat and not lunge across the table to grab her by the shoulders and shake her.
She knew her eyes were probably like ice when they met her sister’s, and her glare was hard as steel as she waited for her answer. "Why?" Eira repeated icily.
Her sister’s lower lip was trembling, just as much as her shoulders, as she raised her head to meet Eira’s furious glare.
"I…" Her voice was small and watery, and her eyes were now wide and pleading. "I…I was jealous," Elain whispered.
Eira’s jaw dropped at the words. At the admission, she had just heard. She wasn’t sure what she had been expecting her sister to say, but a quiet confession of jealousy hadn’t been it.
Her sister’s chin trembled, her shoulders hunching slightly as she let out another sniffle. She sounded utterly small and looked almost pathetic in that moment as she slowly raised her head to meet her sister’s eyes.
“Of you and Azriel,” Elain admitted, her voice quiet, and trembling. "You...we just...we just got out of the cauldron and this was...one of the first things I saw. You didn't have visions. You weren't going insane. You...you adjusted so much quicker. Not a week later and you were making soup in the kitchen in the House of Wind and...you…were alright."
Eira thought back to these first few days after the cauldron. Thought back to the terror that had clawed under her skin. Thought back to too loud noises and every piece of clothing feeling like sandpaper against her skin. 
She thought back to how she hadn’t been able to sleep. How she had locked herself in the bathing chamber to hysterically break down because she had never wanted it. How she had pulled at her ears, too big, too pointy. How she had wanted to cut them off. How she had wanted to die. How she had thought that throwing herself off the balcony would be a solution . 
"I locked myself into the closet. I hid underneath the bed. I rocked back and forth and back and forth and hummed to myself to stop hearing heartbeats and breathing and birds," Eira spat out. "Yes, I was making soup. For you. Because somebody needed to," Eira said, her voice icy. “I wasn’t alright, Elain. I kept stuffing my ears with cotton wool for the better part of 2 years so I could sleep!”
Her sister looked like she was going to start crying yet again, her shoulders shaking with silent sobs, and it only fuelled the rage in Eira’s chest. 
“You were jealous of that ? Jealous that I was making soup? That I was taking care of you?” she repeated, her tone hard and cold. “Of the fact that I was trying to make a positive out of a shitty situation. That I was trying to move on with my life? That I tried not to give Feyre another thing to worry about? And you were jealous? Jealous of what ?!" 
Of the breakdowns she had daily? 
Her sister didn’t reply, her shoulders shaking as if she was trying to hold back a sob
“You were jealous of the fact that I was trying not to scream, not to break down crying,” she repeated, her voice now dangerously quiet. “Of the fact that I wasn’t moping around feeling sorry for myself, because somebody needed to make sure that you didn’t starve to death? That I was trying not to give Feyre or anyone any more of my baggage?”
"And that you got Azriel," Elain whispered. "You got...I saw you with him. With a kind man. I saw these children and I was...I wanted that. I wanted what that vision promised you. So I thought that if I..."
Her breath caught in her throat at her sister’s words, her heart twisting in her chest.
It was sick, what she had done. Horrible. And part of her had known that Elain had a crush on Azriel…but Eira had never thought she’d be spiteful enough to try and rip her children away from her just for that.
“So you wanted it," she stated coldly, her eyes like chips of ice. "You wanted what you saw me having. So you tried to take it for yourself.”
Her sister’s shoulders slumped, and she looked small and pathetic as she curled in on herself. That rage and anger were still burning hot inside her, but along with it, there was the slightest flicker of sympathy starting to burn within her again.
And Eira hated it. Hated that part of her that still felt sorry for her, even after what Elain had done. 
"And later? After you and Lucien figured things out?" Why did you continue it?" she snapped.
Her sister’s face screwed up, and she looked like she wanted to burst into tears yet again. Her chin quivered, her entire form trembling. And she looked so small and fragile, that that small flicker of sympathy flared again within her, and Eira found herself hating it.
"I was...I was angry," Elain muttered softly. "I was furious. I thought Azriel and I...there was something growing between us and then he...he called trying to kiss me a mistake."
Her sister’s voice was quiet and sad, and Eira could see her eyes glistening with unshed tears.
"Because it was," Azriel said, his voice quiet. "It was a mistake. You had a mate that was literally sleeping upstairs. I never should have laid a single finger on you."
Her sister flinched at Azriel's words and hunched even further in on herself, as if she wanted to crawl into a corner.  "Later it was revenge on me, wasn’t it?" Azriel said, ice dripping from his voice. 
Her sister looked as if she couldn't quite meet Azriel's gaze, her eyes lowered onto the table, her body trembling. She nodded. 
And part of the anger that was currently roiling within Eira burned hotter at that. How dare she look so pathetic now, like she was the damn victim and everything that had happened was Eira’s fault?
Eira’s free hand clenched into fists, and she could feel the sparks dancing across her skin, the strange energy writhing beneath the surface. Azriel, noticing this, gripped her hand tighter, his shadows snaking around her wrist again as they tried to rein in those sparks of lightning.
She didn’t want to hurt him. 
That was what made her reign it in. 
She was still boiling with rage, the anger thrumming through her veins like fire, and she desperately tried to calm herself, tried to get a hold of her temper.
She didn’t want to cause any damage, to break anything or hurt anyone, and the part of her that was still rational, still logical, forced her to rein in whatever was itching to get out. She breathed in and out, forcing herself to calm as those sparks danced across her fingers, and those shadows snaked up her arm. A part of her couldn’t help but notice how Elain’s eyes kept darting to the sparks and the shadows, her body tensing every time they appeared, and a small, vindictive part of her couldn’t help but be glad of it.
Her head was throbbing as that rage continued to thrum through her, but she took in another breath, forcing her mind to concentrate on the sensation of Azriel’s hand wrapped around her own. His skin was warm against hers. 
"I hope nobody ever does the same to you," Eira finally said, her voice quiet.
Her sister lifted her gaze, her eyes watery, and she looked as if she’d been slapped. She looked as if she was shocked at her words.
There was another pause, another silence, as the two sisters sat facing each other, and her words hung in the air.
Elain’s chin trembled again, as if she was fighting the urge to burst into tears once more. 
"I think we can all agree that Elain did not handle this...properly," Lucien said carefully.
Lucien’s words broke the silence, and Eira couldn’t help but feel a pang of irritation as he spoke. 
"No, she surely didn't," Rhys said, his voice dripping with disdain.
Her sister flinched at Rhys’s words, as if she had been struck, and her shoulders drooped even further than before. 
"I think that's an understatement," Nesta snapped.
Her sister’s eyes widened as if the sound of Nesta’s voice startled her. Elain’s head jerked to look over at her eldest sister, who was scowling at Elain with an almost furious look of disapproval.
Eira almost felt a little bad for her sister at that look in Nesta’s eyes, but that sympathy was quickly squashed as she remembered the pain that her sister had put her through.
Her chest ached, the memory of what she had lost still too fresh and raw, and a part of her knew that it would take a long time for the pain to subside.
And even then, she wasn’t sure if she would ever be able to forget what Elain did to her, and that knowledge sat like a lead weight in her stomach, making her feel like she was going to be sick.
Elain shrunk back at the look on Nesta’s face, her eyes even wider as she looked over at her eldest sister. And for a moment, just for a moment, it looked as if Nesta was going to reach across the table and smack her sister. The eldest sister’s hands were clenched into fists, and she looked like she was restraining herself, only just managing to rein in her own temper.
A pause. Another silence. Elain sat, looking small and fragile across the table, Lucien’s chair positioned right beside hers with a possessive arm wrapped over the back.
Azriel’s hand was still gripping hers. He was still sitting beside her, the Shadowsinger’s eyes glittering with fury whenever he looked over at her sister. And his fingers were still rubbing gentle circles on her wrist, the shadows still coiled against her skin, and Eira couldn’t tell if he was doing it to comfort her or himself.
"I am going to say this now," Azriel said quietly. " Once . If you ever do anything remotely similar to your sister again, it will not end well. Do you understand me?"
Elain’s chin quivered, and she looked as if she was struggling to keep herself from bursting into tears again.
She swallowed as Azriel’s words, before slowly lifting her head, forcing herself to meet his eyes with her own. “I…” She took in another shuddering breath. “I understand,” she whispered.
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deedeeznoots · 2 months
Let Us Do Your Hair, Brother
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➺ Characters: Choso Kamo, Kechizu Kamo, Eso Kamo
➺ Word Count: 650+
➺ Genre: Fluff, Angst
➺ Content: Slight JJK Anime Spoilers
➺ A/N: A short prequel to this story I made of Choso!
➺ Synopsis: Choso’s brothers help him with his hair.
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Choso had all the time in the world to think about what to do with his hair. 
Well…maybe not all the time in the world, but 500 years should be enough time to at least have a decent idea of how you’d want your hair to look. Despite this, the now fully incarnated Choso stood still in front of a dirty mirror with his hair down, completely stumped on what he should do. 
“Let me help you, brother. I see humans seem to do this hairstyle often” Choso looks at his younger brother Kechizu holding up a magazine photo of a young woman in pigtails…a strong emphasis on young woman. 
“While I trust your judgment, brother…that’s a little girl” Choso’s tone was monotonous, but he had trouble holding down a laugh as his brother stands offended. “Who says children can’t have style? It’ll look great on you, trust me” he pleads with Choso to give the hair style a chance. “I agree” Choso’s other younger brother Eso, steps in. “If we’re going to battle jujutsu sorcerers for those cursed spirits, we should look good while we do it, no?” He stands next to Kechizu, both pleading for Choso to let them do their hair…
“Yes, of course brothers”. 
“Uhh… how do we do this?” Kechizu says as he fiddles with the hair tie. Eso looks at him confused “How should I know? I’ve never done this before”. Choso feels both his brothers pull his hair in different directions as he sits down by the mirror with his eyes closed in order to be surprised by the new style when he opens them. 
There was something so human about this, and while the three of them had decided to live as cursed spirits for the rest of their lives, it felt good to feel human… even if it was just for today.
Choso heard his two brothers argue the entire time they did his hair, but eventually they were able to get it right “Here… you take these two bands and… there! It’s done!” one of his brothers exclaimed as Choso slowly opened his eyes. 
Choso looked at himself in the mirror and saw his hair parted and tied up into two small pigtails. “What do you think, brother?” Kechizu asked, hoping it’s up to Choso’s standards as he felt his hands burning from how difficult it was to put his brother’s hair up. He couldn’t believe humans did something so inconvenient as a choice. 
Choso suddenly stood up from where he sat, abruptly turning around to face his brothers. His face is still unreadable, and if it weren’t for the words he spoke one would think that he wasn’t happy with how his hair turned out. However, the next words that spilled out of Choso’s mouth said otherwise.
“Please do my hair every day”, it was now Choso’s turn to plead with his brothers as they looked at him in shock. “Uh– every day?” Eso stuttered, his own hands also feeling the slight burns of the hair ties. “Yes. I…enjoyed having the two of you help me out. Only if you want to”. 
“Of course we’d do it brother!” Eso’s heart filled with glee at his older brother’s approval. Kechizu seemed to agree as well as he flipped through one of the human magazines they found once again “Are we sure there are enough human hair styles for every day, though?” he scratched his head as he looked through the booklet.
Choso’s heart filled with glee at the thought, one thing that he’d be able to look forward to for the day. He began to exit the room and turned to his brothers one last time, “Those cursed spirits are probably looking for us. I’ll be with them. Go and fight the jujutsu sorcerers, I’ll see you soon”.
His brothers nodded and as Choso opened the door to leave, he heard one last thing. 
“I’ll see you soon, brother. When we do, let’s do your hair again, alright?”
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A/N: Enjoyed the story? This story also features Choso! (Be warned, it’s 18+!) 
Taglist: @emmyrosee
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chichiscloset · 2 years
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Many things can hinder your level-up and femininity journey. If you are serious about levelling up, here are 6 things you need to stop doing on your journey.
Focusing So Much On Your Outward Appearance And Forgetting To Work On The Inside: Most of the time, we focus on our outward appearance without considering our internal well-being. It's fun to spend money buying new clothes, trying new hairstyles, getting our nails down and playing around with makeup, and it is important to spend time levelling up our outward appearance, but it can't be the only thing you work on if you truly want to level up. You need to spend time working on things like building your self-esteem, learning to communicate better with others, learning how to handle your emotions in healthy ways, working on your manners and building healthy relationships with friends, family and your significant other.
Needing External Validation: As you go along on your level-up journey you must let go of your need for external validation. External validation is when your feelings of self-worth are dependent on the approval of others. If you are looking for others' likes and comments on your Instagram posts to make you feel good about your outfit, hair or makeup, approval from your parents towards your life choices, or attention from men before you can feel like you are attractive and worthy of love, you need to learn how to self-validate. Get to know yourself. Learn what your values and goals are, and most importantly learn why these are your values and goals. On this level-up and femininity journey, you are going to meet a lot of people who don't understand or argue with you, so take the time to analyze why you seek validation and how you can let go of it.
Comparing Your Life And Journey To Others:  Stop comparing your life and level-up journey to others. We all move through life at different paces. It can be hard to see others accomplish the things you also want, especially when it seems like it came so easy for them when you try so hard. With social media, it's especially easy to fall into the trap of comparison. If you find yourself in this trap, take a step back from social media and focus on yourself. Spend time in gratitude and look back at what you have been able to accomplish and how far you have come.
Chasing Perfection:  Stop trying to be as perfect as possible. If you are on your level-up journey you don't have to strive to be the perfect woman. You don't have to always be perfect, have the perfect outfits, hair, makeup, and attitude. It's ok to be human and make mistakes sometimes.
Self-Doubt:  Stop doubting yourself and your abilities. If you want to level up you need to believe that you can do so. Self-doubt leads to insecurity and will keep you stuck in the same place you are trying to get out of. You need to let go of your past mistakes, your fear of failure and comparison if you want to be able to really let go of your self-doubt.
Feeling Guilty For Working On Yourself:   Stop feeling bad for working on yourself. You may need to turn people down, step back from relationships with certain friends or family members or even spend more time for yourself well on this journey. You must know that it is ok and important for you to take time for yourself and set any boundaries you need to guard your mind, heart and spirit. So don't feel guilty about that.
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mellowsadistic · 7 months
The Magician's Game - Chapter 7
Madelyn gasped as she felt her short hair tickling her neck as it began to lengthen, growing down past her shoulders, not stopping until it was halfway down her back. It lightened in colour as it grew, turning from its original black to a trashy shade of bleached platinum blonde. But Madelyn didn’t have time to mourn her sensible, gender-neutral hairstyle. Her childish clothes had suddenly vanished, leaving her totally naked, and she could feel a strange tingling in her breasts. She looked down at them and squealed in horror. They were expanding, her nearly flat chest ballooning outwards. She clutched at her boobs desperately, trying to stop them getting any bigger, but it was hopeless. They went from A-cup to B-cup, then C-cup, then D-cup, then double-Ds, growing larger and larger until the proud, dignified, man-hating feminist had an enormous pair of pornstar tits jutting out from her chest.
Struggling to see past her new breasts, Madelyn realised that all the hair on her body had vanished below the neck. The thatch of pubic hair she kept above her pussy, the symbol of her womanhood, had disappeared, leaving her bare as a little girl – like those traitorous patriarchal stooges who shaved away their maturity just to cater to men’s perverted tastes. She stared down at her new body in disgust. She looked like a total bimbo! And unless she won the competition, this was what she’d be stuck looking like forever. She thought about having to explain her ridiculous new stripper body to her fellow academics, and her thumb slipped anxiously back between her lips, which felt much fuller than before. Looking up, Madelyn saw her reflection in the large mirror that hung across one of the walls, and tears of anger and shame welled up in her eyes. Reflected back at her was a big-titted slut with a thumbsucking habit. She looked like everything she hated. An immature skank, at once childish and lewd. A total disgrace to women everywhere.
Abby, Becky, and Katherine looked at Madelyn with queasy expressions on their faces. On one level they thought she’d gotten off lightly – at least there was nothing overtly babyish about her new appearance – but on the other hand they knew her whorish look had been chosen by the Magician precisely because it was one that she would detest, and that thought gave them no comfort at all.
“Do you like your new look, Maddy?” the Magician asked.
Madelyn had never hated his smirk more than she did at that moment. “I wook wike a bimbo!” she shrieked. She’d yanked her thumb out of her mouth to speak, but her new plumped-up lips were enough on their own to make a mockery of her once-confident, commanding voice. She felt sick. Her mouth definitely wasn’t meant for talking anymore. DSLs, Madelyn thought in revulsion. She had dick-sucking lips. But if her lips had been enlarged, it was nothing compared to what the Magician had done to her breasts. She cupped them in her hands, feeling their weight in disbelief. Jugs. The word came into her head unbidden. She had jugs. Knockers. Melons.
“I forgot, you don’t approve of large breasts, do you Maddy?” the Magician mocked. He conjured an academic-looking paper from nowhere and opened it. Madelyn recognised it as one of the feminist journals she occasionally wrote for. “Where was it… Ah, here we are. ‘Women who fill their bodies with silicone and inflate their breasts for the sole purpose of making themselves more appealing to the male gaze are the very worst among women. They reduce themselves to objects, livestock with ridiculous, oversized udders, making a mockery not just of themselves, but of every other woman whose reputation is damaged as a result.’” The Magician looked up from the article, grinning. “How does it feel, Maddy?” he asked. “To have a pair of udders of your own?”
Madelyn glared at him furiously, but with her bimbo-blonde hair framing her face and her pouty lips wrapped around her thumb, her scowl just looked adorable – and the tears glittering in her eyes didn’t help. They threatened to spill down her cheeks, but Madelyn was desperate not to cry. She was determined not to degrade herself even further by bawling like a baby, no matter what the Magician did to her.
“Poor little thing,” the Magician cooed. “What’s the matter, honey? There’s no need to look so upset. I’m sure you’re worried that none of your ugly old pantsuits and mannish clothes will fit over your new figure, isn’t that right? Well don’t worry. I’ve taken the liberty of supplying you with a whole new wardrobe of appropriate outfits! Why don’t we get you dressed, cutiepie? You’re a gorgeous girl, Maddy, but you can’t go running around in your birthday suit all day. We’ll soon have you looking pretty as a princess!” He snapped his fingers, and Madelyn felt clothes reappear on her body at once.
She looked at herself in the mirror again and let out another squeal of dismay. Framing her face and her newly bleached blonde head was a pale pink baby bonnet, trimmed in white lace at the edges, much like the one that Katherine had chosen to wear for the challenge. She was also wearing a pastel pink frock, so puffy and frilly that it might have made her look like a two-year-old on the way to visit her grandma if it wasn’t for the fact that the outline of her enormous tits were clearly visible beneath it, her nipples poking out obscenely. The hem of her childish dress ended halfway down her perky, plumped-up rear, leaving the bulky adult nappy she was now wearing almost completely exposed. It bulged around her bottom and between her thighs, pushing her slender legs apart and contrasting ridiculously with her new ultrafeminine body. She also wore a pair of thigh-high white socks with pink bows on the top, and on her feet were two black, silver-buckled Mary-Janes. With her thumb planted in her mouth to complete the image, Madelyn looked utterly ridiculous. Staring back at her in the mirror, wide-eyed and horrified, was a voluptuous woman’s body crammed into the most babyish clothes she could possibly imagine.
Abby had to stifle a laugh, and Katherine allowed herself a smirk – she’d disliked Madelyn’s superior attitude, and obvious disdain for her profession as a model, right from the start, and as far as she was concerned, the stupid woman was getting exactly what was coming to her.
Upon seeing her new outfit, Madelyn instinctively took a step backwards, and as she did so her nipples brushed against the material of her frock dress. Immediately, a rush of pleasure pulsed through her tits, sending a delightful tingle straight down her spine and into her pussy. She had to suck hard on her thumb to supress a moan, and her pussy started getting wet inside her nappy. After the feeling passed, she looked up at the Magician in shock.
“Have you noticed how sensitive your new boobies are, baby?” he asked, chuckling. “You were so austere and sexless before, but I think keeping you constantly horny will improve your attitude towards men, don’t you think?”
Madelyn could only whine her displeasure, struggling to keep her mind clear as every slight movement she made caused her boobs to rub against the fabric of her clothes and send another bolt of ecstasy coursing through her body. She shook her head and tried to focus. She had other things to worry about. She clutched at the bulky white diaper between her legs with a fearful expression on her face. Had she been made incontinent too?!
“Don’t worry, little Maddy, you’ve still got your potty training,” the Magician soothed her, correctly interpreting her look of terror. “But I thought putting you in nappies would help prevent that naughty little no-no spot of yours leaving icky wet spots everywhere. I know how much all this is turning you on.”
Madelyn’s self-control failed. Hot tears ran down her cheeks, and she started to sniffle. She looked over at Abby, Becky, and Katherine, and seeing the looks of mingled pity and contempt on their faces, she burst into tears. She was supposed to be the one who was always in control! The tough, self-possessed woman who’d lead them out of this mess! And now she was just some stupid bimbo baby! She bawled like a little girl, destroying whatever was left of her reputation among the others.
“Awww,” the Magician cooed condescendingly. “There, there, baby.” He pulled Madelyn’s bombshell body in for a cuddle, one hand rubbing her back, the other patting her padded bottom. “It’s okay. Daddy’s got you.”
Madelyn sobbed into his chest. She wanted to shove him away, to spit in the face of this evil, tyrannical patriarch… but she was too overwhelmed by her emotions, and too scared of what else he might do to her.
“Abby, Katherine, the two of you can go back to your rooms and change if you like,” the Magician said. “We’ll be meeting back in the dining room for lunch and the second vote. Becky, you’d better stay here so I can change that stinky little bottom of yours. And I think baby Maddy could do with a bit more cuddling before I send her off too.”
Madelyn continued to cry. Becky blushed, but she was pleased she’d finally be getting out of the disgusting diaper that was now hanging off her hips. Abby and Katherine hurried out of the hall and back towards their rooms – they didn’t talk all the way, still angry at each other from their last encounter alone. Katherine wrinkled her nose pointedly at the soaking wet skirt and underwear Abby was wearing, and Abby shot her a nasty look before entering her room.
Once she was inside, Abby immediately stripped off her soggy skirt and peeled her pissy underwear down her legs. She was relieved that she hadn’t lost and ended up like Madelyn, stuck looking like some ridiculous adult baby pornstar, but still… she’d come second to last again. How much longer could she keep this up? It would only take one mistake for her life to be permanently altered. She changed back into adult clothes – it seemed as though the Magician had transported her entire wardrobe from home to this room – and lay down on the bed, trying to get the imagine of the once-confident Madelyn sobbing like a babified barbie-doll out of her mind.
Sometime later, Abby left her room and headed for the dining room for lunch. The other three girls were already there – Katherine looking snooty, Becky looking embarrassed but pleased to be out of her filthy nappy at last (though the outline of her fresh one was visible under her jeans), and Madelyn sucking her thumb, teary-eyed and big-titted, looking like a mallrat bimbo who’d raided a store full of toddler clothes. The Magician was sat at the head of the table again, tucking into a steak.
Abby took a seat and helped herself to food. None of them talked, just like every other meal they’d had so far. On the one hand, they were all in this together, innocents stolen away by the Magician for his sick game, but on the other hand they all knew that only one of them could win his insane competition and avoid a terrible fate. It was hard to feel a sense of camaraderie with people they’d have to vote out, writing down their names and condemning them to a lifetime of diapers or spankings or whatever other twisted fantasies the Magician had in mind for them.
Once they were all finished with their food, the Magician got to his feet, smiling down at all of them with that horrible sparkling light in his dark eyes. “Well girls,” he said, “you know the drill.” He waved his hand and their plates vanished, to be replaced by the ballot box. “I’ll give you a few moments to talk among yourselves.” He vanished.
Abby knew she had to move quickly. Katherine would almost certainly vote for her this round, so she had to make sure neither of the others would too. She hurried over to Becky and whispered, “How about we both vote for Katherine? She’s such a stuck-up bitch! You’ve seen the way she looks at us, haven’t you? Like we’re something disgusting.”
Becky looked pathetically hopeful. “You don’t think I’m disgusting?” she asked meekly.
Abby had to stop herself laughing. Of course she thought Becky was disgusting! Who wouldn’t? She was a grown woman who still pooped her pants for God’s sake! Abby had had to put up with her stinking up every room she was in for just one day and she already wanted her kicked out of the competition – but saving her own neck took precedence at the moment, and years of cheating on her boyfriends had made her an excellent liar. “Of course not!” she said earnestly. “This isn’t your fault, Becky. It’s the Magician and his sick games. You can’t help what he’s turned you into. But Katherine doesn’t understand that. Personally, I think she deserves whatever the Magician decides to do to her.”
“What are you two talking about?” Katherine interrupted angrily, toddling over to them.
Madelyn followed, not wanting to be left out, but just the walk around the dining table was enough to leave her a wet, squirming mess. Her boobs jiggled near-constantly, and the tingling pleasure that began in her oversensitive nipples rushed straight to her twat. She gasped and moaned behind her thumb, blushing furiously.
“None of your business,” Abby told her. She turned to Madelyn. “I think we should vote for Katherine. We need to start thinking about how to get out of this mess, and we need someone like you to help with that, Miss Smith. But we don’t need her.”
Madelyn barely heard her. She was sucking her thumb enthusiastically and fighting the urge to shove one of her hands down the front of her nappy and start playing with herself. But she understood enough of what Abby had said to get the message. She looked at Katherine appraisingly.
Katherine glared back. “You’ve got to be joking. Abby is clearly the one we need to vote out! She’s a nasty, manipulative little brat. Only someone totally stupid would fall for her tricks.”
Abby opened her mouth furiously, but before any of them could say any more, the Magician reappeared in their midst, making them jump.
“It’s time, girls,” he grinned. “I hope you’re ready.” He handed a piece of paper and a crayon to each other them, and they moved away from each other to lean over the table and write down a name.
The Magician collected them up when they were done, and looked down at them. He laughed. “Three to one!” he said happily. “Oh dear! Someone’s not very popular, I see.”
Katherine’s superior look faltered slightly. She hadn’t lost. The other two must have voted for Abby as well. She was going to win the competition and wish herself back to normal, in addition to whatever else she wanted. She wasn’t going to spend the rest of her life waddling about like a stupid toddler. She couldn’t.
Then the Magician’s gaze fell upon her. “It looks like it’s bye-bye for little Katie,” he cooed mockingly.
Abby grinned almost as broadly as the Magician.
“No,” said Katherine, feeling her heart drop into her stomach. “NO!” She backed away as the Magician advanced on her, but she lost her balance and fell hard on her bottom.
The Magician stood over her with an evil look in his eyes. “I know the perfect penalty for you, young lady,” he said. “All that status as a model has gone straight to your head, you see. I think your fellow contestants got a sense of why you have a reputation as the most bitchy and entitled girl in the whole modelling industry, and they only got to know you for a day! But fortunately for everyone else, those days are over. The catwalk isn’t the right place for a silly little girl, Katie.” The Magician grinned sadistically. “Especially not one who can’t even dress herself!”
Katherine looked petrified. With a wave of the Magician’s hand, the elegant dress that she’d changed into after that day’s challenge vanished, to be replaced by a silly, frilly baby frock, just like the one Madelyn’s stripper body was crammed into, only pure white instead of pink. Her silk stockings and expensive heels disappeared too, replaced by ruffled socks and trainers with Velcro straps. A lacy bonnet soon framed her face, the same one she’d worn earlier that day, and an enormous baby bib came into being to tie itself around her neck. Emblazoned on the front was a cartoonish depiction of Katherine’s own face, grinning stupidly and covered in baby food, above a caption that read “Messy Little Girl”. A pacifier on the end of a cord appeared out of nowhere, clipping itself to the front of her frock in case any adults needed to soothe the fussy, overgrown baby it belonged to. Finally, her underwear began to thicken, her lacey lingerie expanding between her legs and turning white.
Katherine stared down at her new clothes, appalled. She looked absolutely ludicrous! Even worse than when she’d dressed up for the second challenge! She lifted up the hem of her toddler dress and screamed when she saw the bulky disposable diaper taped around her waist. She immediately started clawing at it, desperate to rip it off and fling it away, but the moment her fingers made contact with her nappy, they become weak and uncoordinated, and all she could do was pat feebly at the puffy white padding.
“I can’t get it off!” Katherine shrieked, panicking and starting to hyperventilate.
“Of course you can’t, sweetie,” said the Magician. “Weren’t you listening to what I said? You can’t dress yourself anymore. I’ve taken that privilege away from you permanently. Other people will decide what you wear from now on. Maybe that will teach you a little bit of humility.”
Katherine started screaming madly.
“Time for you to head home, little one!” the Magician said happily, his voice raised over the din. “I’ll leave you to your family to look after. I hear you have a sister who you’ve been very rude to for years. I’m sure she’ll take good care of you! Bye-bye, baby!”
And with a snap of his fingers, the fashion model turned screeching baby-woman disappeared off to her new life, leaving the other three ladies staring at the place where she’d vanished, her screams still echoing in their ears.
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mint-yooxgi · 2 years
{27} - Hotel California - Yandere!Demonic Entities!Ateez X Reader - Final
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Yandere AU & Demon AU - Based off of This ask and Hotel California by Eagles
Genre: Mature, Horror, Angst, Fluff, Slight Humor
Pairing: Ateez X Reader
Words: 14,770
Warnings: The later half still needs to be edited, sorry! Mentions of past mental Illness: Anxiety, Depression, PTSD. This is a Yandere story, it will contain themes such as stalking, violence, obsession, possessive natures, and just general overall creepiness and swearing. You have been warned.
A/n: Here it is!! The final part to book one!! Ahhhhhh!!! I can’t believe how far I've come!! Never did I expect such a simple one shot to turn into this, but here we are!! I really hope you all like this final chapter, I think it sort of rounds things out nicely and ends on a, quite literal, high note. Also, the two songs I highly recommend listening to during this part appear in the latter half of the fic. They are named when they come up, so I don’t want to spoil them here. I do highly recommend listening to at least the second one, as it is quite significant to the story and the characters. Anyways, enough of my ramblings lol, I hope you’ll all look forward to what book two has in store! As always, feedback is greatly appreciated! Enjoy!~
Main Story - Part Two - Part Three - Part Four - Part Five - Part Six - Part Seven - Part Eight - Part Nine - Part Ten - Part Eleven - Part Twelve - Part Thirteen - Part Fourteen - Part Fifteen - Part Sixteen - Part Seventeen - Part Eighteen - Part Nineteen - Part Twenty - Part Twenty-One - Part Twenty-Two - Twenty-Three - Twenty-Four - Twenty-Five - Twenty-Six - Mini Masterlist
A yawn escapes your lips as you slowly trudge your way down the hallway the very next day. You can hear the sounds of your slippers sliding against the floor with each step you take, bringing your hands up to rub the sleep from your eyes. Luckily, you managed to sleep much better last night. An ease settling over your mind enough so that you didn’t need to ask any one of them to influence your dreams. You also opted to sleep alone for the evening, stretching out on your bed as you relaxed into your covers.. 
Looks like that conversation yesterday really did help.
Walking into the kitchen, you freeze right in your tracks.
You blink. Once. Twice. Three times, before a lazy grin is tugging onto your features as you see three males positioned around the counter. All three sporting new hairstyles.
“Well, good morning to me,” you hum, taking in their appearances as they turn to look at you.
Both Seonghwa and San have returned to heads full of black hair. Where San’s is slightly longer in the back, the very ends a silvery blond underneath, Seonghwa has opted to give himself more of an undercut. The best part about the eldest’s cut is that when you get closer, you see a wave like design etched into the sides of his head, seeing as it’s pushed back for the moment. A fact which has you subconsciously stepping into his side to trace the design with your finger as you smile sleepily.
Even Jongho’s new head of fiery red hair suits him quite well, and you cannot help but to nod to yourself in approval of their choices.
“We take it you like the change?” Seonghwa chuckles, a shiver caressing his spine as he feels the tip of your finger ghosting along the side of his head.
“Oh, I more than like it,” you breathe, almost as if caught in a trance as he turns his wide eyed gaze towards you. “I love it.”
Three low rumbles of contentment reach your ears, smiles pulling onto all of their faces.
“Good,” a voice draws your attention to the open entranceway of the kitchen. “We’re glad.”
Nothing could have prepared you for the change in Yeosang’s appearance though. What once were long, bleach blond locks, now sit short, black strands that fall just above his eyes.
“Oh, wow,” you cannot help the gasp that escapes you, forgetting all about Seonghwa for a moment to meet Yeosang halfway in order to brush some of his newly cut hair out of his eyes. 
You feel as if you’re caught in a daze, especially when both Yunho and Mingi walk in sporting newly dyed chestnut locks. Mingi’s hair is styled up and out of his face, while Yunho’s rests parted over his forehead.
Your lips part in awe, a small breath escaping you as you take them all in. Though, the final straw for you is when both Wooyoung and Hongjoong both appear before your very eyes.
Wooyoung still sports his skunk dye, the blond simply having been re-bleached for the moment. Hongjoong, on the other hand, sports newly blond locks, cropped short once again.
You place a hand over your heart, feeling it skip a beat beneath your fingers as you attempt to balance yourself on the counter.
“Warn me next time, fucking hell,” you purposely stare at the floor with wide eyes as you lean heavily onto the one arm you have supporting yourself on the counter. “Can’t wait to tell my mom I have eight handsome as fuck men trying to kill me all at once by simultaneously changing their hairstyles on me.”
Eight chuckles sound around the room, the hint of a pleased growl on each of their lips as they look towards you. Seonghwa even goes so far as to place his hand over your own still resting on the counter, offering you a touch of support as you attempt to wrap your head around their new hairstyles for the moment.
“We’re just glad you’re enjoying yourself, Dearest,” Yeosang steps in beside you, wrapping an arm around your waist.
“We thought we should clean ourselves up a bit before meeting your parents,” San admits, flicking his bangs out of his eyes as he smiles at you.
“Though, we’re still not entirely done getting ready,” Yunho adds, a gentle smile on his lips as he walks over to your opposite side to place a kiss onto the side of your head.
“You guys already look incredible, I fail to see what else you’d have to do,” you take your time trailing your gaze around the room, glancing over each of them in time.
Another round of pleased growls reach your ears.
“Thank you, Darling,” Jongho grins, a subtle blush creeping up his neck as he absolutely revels in your praise.
“We just want to make sure we look our very best for when we meet your parents,” Hongjoong explains, a loving smile pulling at his features as he meets your gaze.
“We also enjoy looking our best for you,” Wooyoung grins, eyes crinkling at the sides with the honesty of his words.
A small heat rises to your cheeks as you avert your gaze bashfully.
In the next moment, you’re clearing your throat lightly. “So, do you all do your own hair, then?”
“We usually style it ourselves, but Hongjoong is usually the one that cuts and dyes it for us,” Mingi tells you, a knowing gleam shining within his eyes as he looks towards their Captain.
At the way your awe filled gaze turns towards Hongjoong, he cannot help but to smile shyly.
“We usually just tell him what we want, and then he works his magic,” Seonghwa grins, noticing how the younger male suddenly becomes bashful beneath your stare.
“That’s incredible,” the way your eyes shine, a hint of pride echoing within your words, has a blush dusting Hongjoong’s features, the tips of his ears turning red as he clears his throat. “You’re incredible."
“It’s nothing,” he attempts to brush off your praise, a small shrug to his shoulders.
“Like hell it is,” you continue to stare at him with wide eye, a large smile pulling at your lips. "My sister is going to love you.”
“You think so?” Never have any of the others seen Hongjoong so timid. At least, not like this.
“I know so.” You hum, shifting your gaze to Seonghwa in the next moment. “She’s also big on fashion, so you two will probably instantly get a free pass.”
“Should the rest of us be worried, then?” Yunho jokes, a grin tugging onto his features.
“She can sometimes be more intimidating that my dad, so…” you trail off, raising your own brow teasingly. “But that’s if she and Vasco actually show up.”
Just like you said you would, you did manage to call your mother yesterday. Only, she didn’t let on if your sister and her husband were coming over for dinner, just that she and your father would be home all day.
“We’ll be prepared for anything and everything,” Wooyoung grins, an eager gleam shining within his eyes.
You smile back, a small nod to your head as you meet his gaze from across the counter. Honestly, you cannot wait for your family to meet all of them. There’s a certain eager pride building within you at the mere thought of getting to show them off to your family after so long of being single, that you cannot wait to see their reactions.
You can already picture it now. Your mother will probably give you her signature look where she blinks in disbelief while trying, and failing, to hide her surprise. Your father, on the other hand, will probably freeze in his spot and look like a deer caught in headlights before awkwardly clearing his throat.
You just have to brace yourself for your sister’s squeal of joy and subsequent ‘I told you so’s and ‘I knew it’.
An hour and a half later, after you’ve had a small bite to eat and finished getting ready, you’re heading towards the main foyer. You’ve already discussed just how you’re going to be getting to your parents house, much to their discontent.
It would be a bit alarming if you just suddenly popped up out of the blue on your parent’s front porch, not to mention with eight men, so you’ve all agreed to drive. Needless to say, you were a bit surprised when they told you that they could all drive cars, they just didn’t for convenience sake.
You had nodded at that, more caught up with the fact that they actually agreed to your idea without any push back. Well, San, Wooyoung, and Mingi still all pouted, but understood that they probably shouldn’t freak your parents out, or draw any unnecessary attention to themselves in the neighbourhood the first time they meet your family. Still, you cannot wait to get back in your car.
Driving has always been a way for you to clear your head; the way you can just cruise down the streets with your favourite music playing through your car speakers has always been able to relax you. Honestly, you’re looking forward to it, and besides, you could really use something to help clear your mind right now. Though, you don’t know how much relaxation you’ll find with Wooyoung, Mingi, and Yeosang all in the car with you.
That was one of the conditions you offered to them. Three of them could ride with you up to a certain point before heading back home to finish getting ready.
That, and you don’t think Wooyoung would have bothered to stop himself from joining you, anyways.
Needless to say, there was a big argument about who would be driving with you to start. You can still remember the way San pouted the entire time after the decision was made. A pout which still paints his features, arms crossed over his chest as the four of you walk towards the main entrance of the house.
“Well, I’ll see the rest of you later,” you say, a giddy smile on your features as you wave to them one last time.
For the first time since that night all of those months ago, you step through the front doors.
The exterior of the building is almost exactly as you remember it to be: grand, sleek, and beautiful. The only difference is that instead of those glass doors with the supposed hotel’s logo on them, they are now intricately carved wooden doors with glass windows covering the upper half of them.
You nod, approvingly, and even though it’s subconscious on your part, the three males that follow right behind you cannot help the way their hearts swell with pride at impressing you yet again in this way.
“Shotgun!” Wooyoung cheers, scurrying passed you and to the front passenger’s seat.
You grin, shaking your head, “someone’s eager.”
“We all are, Dearest,” Yeosang chuckles, walking over the the passenger’s seat directly behind the driver’s.
“We just love spending time with you, Starlight,” Mingi says, walking over to his designated seat now.
You quirk a brow. “So, how many times have you guys been driving with me without me knowing?”
Wooyoung shoots you a cheeky look from over the top of your car as he pulls open the passenger door.
You tilt your head expectantly, but the other two also remain silent, smiles tugging at their lips.
A sigh before you chuckle, shaking your head all the while. “Guess that answers that.”
Sliding into the front seat, you’re quick to start the car. Honestly, you’re surprised it still runs as smoothly as it does for the moment, considering you haven’t touched it in months.
“Jongho and I made sure to keep up its maintenance,” Mingi’s voice coming from the backseat has you sparing a glance at him from over your shoulder. “Just in case.”
“I didn’t know you guys were mechanics.” A soft smile tugs at the corner of your lips, your brows raising slightly in amusement. “I appreciate it.”
A moment later, you’ve finished connecting your phone to your stereo, your favourite songs playing gently through the speakers.
“Cars, weapons, machines, the house, you name it,” Wooyoung shrugs. “It’s all just another form of maintenance to us.”
Your brows raise even more as you put the car into reverse and finally drive away from your new home.
“You boys never fail to surprise me,” you hum.
“In a good way, I hope,” Yeosang meets your gaze briefly in the reflection of the rearview mirror.
You smile. “Always.”
The entire drive to your parents house is spent teasingly bickering with the guys, laughing all the while. Honestly, it’s the perfect way to clear your mind and focus on the conversation you’re sure to have with your mom when you get home. A fact which you could not be more thankful for.
At some point during the drive, Wooyoung had grabbed your one hand in his, seeing as you were driving with only your left on the steering wheel. The cheeky grin he sent you had you shooting him a brief side-eyed look in amusement, hearing Mingi grumbling about how he wanted to hold your hand instead. Hell, even Yeosang had crossed his arms at this, and you could just tell they were mentally complaining to Wooyoung about it the whole time.
Not that the younger minded. After all, he’s the one that got to hold your hand.
No wonder he wanted to sit in the front.
“Okay, we’re almost there,” you comment, turning onto one of the backroads that lead into your parent’s subdivision.
“Aw,” Wooyoung pouts. “Do we really have to go?”
You only quirk your brow in response. You all agreed that they would transport themselves back home before you reached your parents place, just so that your parent’s nosy neighbours wouldn’t get suspicious seeing four people drive up in a car, only for one to get out of it.
“We just don’t want to leave you, Starlight,” Mingi complains, a slight whine to his voice.
“You all agreed to the terms and conditions beforehand,” you spare a glance at Wooyoung. “Don’t make me turn this car around.”
“I don’t think any of us would complain about spending more time with you driving back home, Dearest,” Yeosang chuckles.
“I swear, if you guys could attach yourself to me like a symbiote, you would.” You snort, shaking your head.
Wooyoung smirks, his eyes flashing. “Don’t give me ideas.”
“Okay,” Yeosang’s eyes widen, his lips tightening into a thin line. “And on that note, I think it’s time for us to leave.”
“No!” Wooyoung whines, his lips pulling downwards dramatically. “I don’t want to!”
“Neither do I, but we promised we’d stick to the plan,” Yeosang replies, shaking his head at the way Wooyoung crosses his arms grumpily over his chest.
“I’ll probably be contacting you guys soon enough,” you chuckle, noticing how Mingi remains quiet for the time being. “Besides, they’ll need you for the directions.”
Another condition of sending them back early after driving with you is so they can get the best route possible. Not that they’d really need you to show them the directions, but still, it’s the thought that counts.
“We’ll see you soon, Dearest,” Yeosang sends you one final tender smile in the reflection of the mirror before he’s reaching out and teleporting the three of them back home.
A puff of laughter escapes you just as you turn into your parent’s subdivision, shaking your head lightly at their antics.
Blinking, you adjust your focus to the houses around you, rounding the corner to turn onto the street your parents live on. After one more turn, you pull into the driveway, a smile on your face.
Finally, you’re home.
Immediately, a sense of nostalgia washes over you as you step out of your car after cutting the engine. A warmth begins to spread throughout your body, radiating from the centre of your chest outwards.
You take a deep breath.
Yeah, this’ll be good for you. You can already tell.
Walking up to the front door, a gentle smile rests on your face. In the back of your mind, you wonder if your mother has left the door open.
Much to your content, she did.
The chime of the front door opening greets your ears, and you can faintly hear music coming from the direction of the basement. Your father must be down there either relaxing or doing something else for the moment, then.
“Hello!” You hear your mother’s chipper voice call out from just around the corner of the kitchen. “You’re here early-“
Her voice gets caught in her throat as she rounds the corner to see you standing at the front door having just finished slipping your shoes off for the moment.
A breathless gasp of your name escapes her as she rushes over to you, wrapping you in her embrace. A hug of which you eagerly return, just as tightly.
“Oh, Sweetie, I’ve missed you so much!” She coos into your ear. “I had a feeling you were coming to visit soon after your call yesterday, but I wasn’t expecting this.”
“I’ve missed you, too, mom,” you breathe out, practically melting into her arms. “It’s good to be home.”
“Well, come in! I’m making my homemade pasta sauce for dinner, you should stay!” She begins to lead you into the kitchen.
“If that’s okay,” you smile softly. “I wouldn’t want to intrude.”
You gaze catches on the baby grand piano right beside the front entranceway, the wood shining beneath the afternoon sun. It’s slight, but your breath hitches.
“Nonsense!” Her voice catches your attention, shifting your gaze to see her standing beside the entrance to the kitchen with her hands on her hips. “You’re family, you could never intrude.”
That warmth returns to your chest. “Thanks, mom.”
“Your father is just downstairs for the moment.” She continues as you walk into the kitchen. “He’s working out on the treadmill like he so often likes to do. It was raining a bit earlier, so he couldn’t go on his regular walk.”
“Oh, he must have been devastated,” you joke, hearing your mother chuckle along with you.
“You don’t know the half of it,” she grins, moving over to the stovetop to stir the sauce for the moment. “Anyways, please, come sit! Tell me all about what you’ve been up to lately. We’ve missed you so much!”
Pulling out one of the chairs at the counter, you’re quick to join your mother, who now stands eagerly on the other side of the kitchen island. She rests a hand on top of the granite, a giddiness to her features that immediately rubs off on you.
For the next forty minutes or so, you give your mother some updates on your life. Just some basics that don’t give much away as to what you’ve been up to with the boys, nor do you explicitly mention them at all. Though, with the way you notice her smiling at you, her eyes darting to the shining necklace you currently wear, you know that she’s putting a few things together.
“Speaking of that mall,” she begins. “I ran into David the other day.”
“Oh, did you now?” You quirk a brow, amusement shining on your features.
“First of all, he was more than happy to look into commissioning a pin of one of the Leaves of Lorien for me.” She says, and recognition flashes in your eyes. 
Your mother has always loved The Lord of the Rings almost as much as you, and she’s admitted to wanting a broach like that for quite a while now. You’re just sad you didn’t think of getting one for her sooner.
“He told me a very interesting thing about when you went to pick up that necklace of yours.” A knowing gleam shines within her gaze.
“What did he tell you?” You hum.
“Well, a little birdie told me that when you went to pick up your necklace, which is beautiful, by the way-“ a pointed look.
“Thank you.”
She nods, smiling faintly. “He told me that there were two men who were with you at the time. Two very handsome men.”
“Of course he did,” you sigh.
“Sweetie, you know if you’re seeing somebody, you can tell me,” she meets your gaze. “Don’t feel like you have to hide your relationships from us. We only want the best for you.”
“I know, mom,” you exhale a long breath, chuckling slightly.
“Even if it’s the both of them that are your mystery lovers, as long as they make you happy. That’s the main thing.” She adds.
“You would be okay with that?” You shoot her a knowing look. “Me, being in a relationship with more than one person?”
She pauses for a moment, considering your words. Then, she’s nodding once. Firmly. “I would.”
Your eyes widen ever so slightly in surprise.
“Like I said, as long as you’re happy, and they treat you right, that’s all that matters to me.” She nods in confirmation, voice firm.
“Thanks, mom,” you smile. “That really does mean a lot to me.”
“Of course, Sweetie,” she smiles back. “Now, why don’t you tell me all about those two mystery lovers of yours.”
At the wink she sends you, you laugh. “Actually, I would really like for you to meet them all.”
“All? So there is more than one?” Your mom quirks a brow knowingly.
“Oh, there’s more than one, alright,” you chuckle.
“Just how many of them are there?” She frowns lightly, tilting her head in confusion at you.
A tight smile tugs onto your features as you let out a bit of a nervous laugh.
“Uh, well,” you chuckle nervously once more, eyes flitting everywhere around the kitchen but in her direction for the moment. “There’s…“
“Yes?” Your mother leans forward slightly.
You mumble out a response lowly, enough to have your mother’s frown deepening.
“Pardon me?”
A brief pause.
“There’s eight of them.”
A moment of silence settles over the both of you as your mother’s eyes nearly bulge right out of her head.
“Sweetie! Eight of them? Holy shit!” Her jaw drops. “That’s- that’s-“ your mother searches for the right word as you smile sheepishly, “incredible!”
You blink, caught slightly off guard by her reaction. “You’re not weirded out?”
“I mean, I was expecting three at the most, but eight? As long as you’re happy, and they treat you right, you can have as many as you want. Though, your father might have a harder time wrapping his head around this.” She chuckles as she nods, grinning widely. That is, until her expression is becoming serious in the next second. “Honey, you didn’t stumble upon a cult accidentally, did you?”
You cannot help it, you burst out laughing. “No, mom. I didn’t stumble upon a cult.”
She simply raises an eyebrow at you in response. However, before either of you can say anything else, your dad rounding the corner of the kitchen catches your attention.
As soon as he sees you, he freezes in his tracks. He blinks once before a large smile is stretching across his features as he meets your gaze. “I didn’t know you were coming for a visit.”
“Surprise!” You chuckle, waving slightly at him.
“It’s great to see you again, Sweetie.” He says, his eyes shining as he looks at you. “I would give you a hug, but I’m all sweaty at the moment.”
“That’s okay, I’ll be around for a while still.” You smile.
“She’s staying for dinner,” your mother chimes in, and immediately, your father’s smile widens.
“That’s wonderful!”
“I promise I won’t leave unexpectedly again,” you tease, hearing how they both chuckle in response.
“Well then, I’m going to go shower, but I promise to be as quick as I can!” With a new spring to his step, he’s hurrying back the way he came and up the stairs to go freshen up.
As soon as your father is out of earshot, your mother is turning to you with a knowing look on her features. “One hour later.”
You laugh along with her, cheeks beginning to hurt already from how much smiling you’ve done so far today.
Yeah, you really needed this. You just knew it would help.
“I can’t wait for your sister to get here, too,” she hums. “Did she mention she has a surprise for you the next time you see her?”
“Yes, she mentioned something,” you nod, mildly surprised your mother hasn’t already spilled the beans in her excitement.
“Oh, so then, when are we going to get to meet these mystery lovers of yours?” A wiggle to her brows. “Soon, I hope.”
“I was hoping you could meet them today, honestly.” You admit, watching your mother’s reaction carefully.
At the way her eyes light up, you know she absolutely adores that idea.
“I’m making pasta, so there’s plenty to go around!” She grins, already moving to the cupboard to pull out two more large cans of tomato sauce to add them to the pot.
“Do you need any help?” You immediately offer, going to push back your chair and stand.
“Not in the slightest!” She tells you, placing the cans onto the counter. “You just sit and relax. Tell me all about these partners of yours before they arrive!” A brief pause. “When will they get here?”
“I’ll message them now, but probably in about an hour or so,” you smile, a glint shining in your eyes.
“Perfect!” She scurries over to the pot, reaching into one of the cabinets to pull out the can opener next.
Grabbing your phone, you make a show of sending a message to someone for your mother’s sake. Even if you don’t actually send anything.
You drop your void.
So… you begin, your voice resounding through all of their minds and catching their attention. Who wants to come over for dinner?
You mean…? San replies, an eagerness to his voice.
Yes. An affectionate brush of your mind against all of theirs. My mother is very excited to meet all of you.
You swear you can hear Wooyoung cheering happily in your mind as they all brush back.
We’ll be there in an hour, My Love. Hongjoong replies, and you don’t have to see him to know that he’s smiling right now.
With Hwa’s driving, make that thirty minutes. Yeosang chuckles.
Man nearly tore the car door open as soon as you reached out to us. At the way Jongho huffs, you can just tell he’s shaking his head in amusement right now.
Well excuse me if I’m excited. Seonghwa retorts.
Hurry up, you’re all taking too long! Wooyoung whines, and you just know he’s already in the car waiting for the others to join him.
We’ll see you shortly, Petal. Yunho chuckles fondly, brushing against your mind once more.
We love you, Starlight. Mingi hums affectionately.
You smile. I love you, too, My Kings.
Not even a moment later, you close your void.
Your mother manages to pull you out of your own thoughts by speaking, a hum to her words.
“I know that look,” there’s an understanding unlike ever before that paints her features as she meets your gaze. “They must be very special if you’re so caught up in your own little world like this after texting them.”
You avert your gaze, somewhat bashfully, to your phone which rests on top of the counter for the moment, a subtle heat rising to your cheeks. “They are.”
“Good,” she nods, that motherly look of affection dripping from her features. “I’m glad.”
“I can’t wait for you to meet them,” you grin giddily, wiggling slightly in excitement in your seat.
Your mother chuckles happily, “me neither.”
Almost immediately, you begin to launch into short descriptions of each of them. You don’t necessarily realize just how much your eyes light up as you speak of them, but your mother does. A fact of which warms her heart, glad to know that her little girl is all grown up and in love.
Before you know it, your ramblings span over the course of forty minutes, now able to add in little facts about things that you’ve done together with the guys that you couldn’t before. Minus a few details, of course.
“They all sound like real gentlemen,” your mother nods, approvingly.
You sigh, somewhat dreamily, “they really are.”
“I’m so happy for you, Sweetie,” she smiles widely, a gleam in her eyes.
“Thanks, mom,” you return her smile, somewhat shyly as you realize you’ve just spent almost an hour gushing about them to her.
Looks like you care even more about them than you thought. That, and the fact that you can finally talk about them to another person, and that person being your mother, is just so freeing. You’re so glad you can finally share your adventures with your family, even if they’re somewhat altered for the moment. Talking about everything most certainly is making you feel better, and brightening your spirits.
“From the sounds of things, they really love you, too.” She hums, stirring the sauce once more.
Your gaze darts to your hand resting on top of the counter. The same hand Wooyoung had been clinging onto in the car for practically the entire ride. “Yeah. They really do.”
“Just know, if they hurt you in any way, I’ll send both Sammy and Wolfie after them!” She mockingly threatens, turning to you with the wooden spoon still clutched in her hand.
“Oh, boy! I don’t think they’d be able to survive that,” you giggle, grinning right along with your mother. “Speaking of, where is that Monkey Boy? I’m surprised he hasn’t strutted down the hallway looking for attention yet.”
“He’s probably up in your old room, on your bed, sleeping,” she says, eyes briefly darting upwards in the direction she’s referring to.
“Of course he is,” you sigh teasingly, shaking your head.
Just as you go to push your chair out to go see him, a knock sounds at the front door.
Your heart skips a beat, nearly feeling it leap into your throat as you realize just what that knock means.
“Oh, is that them?” Your mother giddily scurries towards the front door, smoothing out the front of her shirt all the while.
“Most likely,” you reply, following right behind her and noticing how she also goes to smooth out her hair. “Relax mom, you look as lovely as you always do.”
“Oh, you!” She smiles bashfully, but you can tell that your words have helped assure her for the moment as she watches you walk passed her.
Reaching for the handle, you’re quick to pull open the door. 
A smile tugs at your features as you see eight familiar males standing just on the other side. “Hello, boys.”
Opening the door wider, you step back to allow them entrance into your parents home. 
“Hello, Dearest,” Yeosang is the first to enter, placing a brief kiss onto your cheek as he steps into the house.
Mingi is the next to step through the threshold, a bottle of red wine held in his hands. As soon as he sees you, a smile lights up his features. “Hi, Starlight.”
Subsequently, as each male enters, they greet you tenderly, either placing a kiss onto your forehead, or your cheek, smiling all the while. What you fail to notice, is how their eyes all light up as soon as they see you, such fond looks of affection shining within their gazes.
Looks of which your mother is quick to catch on to.
She smiles.
Closing the door quickly, you take a step back to observe them all as they stand just inside the foyer. Yunho holds another bottle of red wine, while both San and Seonghwa hold a bottle of white each. Wooyoung appears to be holding a box of chocolates in his hands, while a bouquet of flowers is cradled within Hongjoong’s arms. A book is held in Jongho’s hands.
“Sweetie, you didn’t tell me just how handsome they all are,” your mother teasingly tuts, stepping forward to greet them. 
“Thank you,” Hongjoong smiles bashfully, a blush beginning to dust his cheeks along with Yeosang’s, Mingi’s, and Jongho’s. “I can now see where My Love gets her stunning beauty from.”
“Oh, you’re certainly a charmer, aren’t you?” Your mother giggles. “I’m so glad you all could join us for dinner.”
“Thank you for inviting us,” Yunho replies graciously.
“Something smells absolutely delicious,” San hums, excitement shining in his eyes.
“You have a lovely home,” Yeosang adds, a smile pulling at his lips.
“Thank you very much,” a certain pride laces your mother’s words as she stands a little straighter.
“Here,” Hongjoong gently addresses your mother formally by your last name. “These are for you.”
“Please,” a certain gleam begins to shine within your mother’s eyes as she takes the bouquet of flowers from Hongjoong’s outstretched hands. The smile that graces her features is nothing short of touched as she sees the type he’s given her. “Call me Kaitlyn.”
The way she addresses all of them has a warmth already spreading throughout their chests. So far, the interaction between them all is going well, and they could not be happier.
“Lillies of the valley?” Her voice is soft, tender as she meets his gaze. “These are my favourite. How did you know?”
Briefly, Hongjoong’s eyes dart over to your figure leaning casually against the wall a little ways away.
“How thoughtful.” She hums. “You must be Hongjoong, then. My daughter says you have a habit of bringing her flowers.”
Again, his gaze briefly darts over to you. The tips of his ears begin to turn red.
“I am.” He nods, somewhat shyly in confirmation.
“She also tells me that you have an eye for design,” a knowing look is sent his way.
“It’s really not much,” he attempts to humbly brush off the praise, the blush spreading down his neck soon after.
“He’s being bashful,” you chuckle, grin tugging at your features.
“In fact, she’s told me a little bit about all of you,” Kaitlyn continues, eyes briefly glancing over all of them with a somewhat fond look shining in her eyes. “Please, do come in.”
Eight affectionate brushes are felt against your void, and you can just tell that it’s them asking you if you’ve really talked to your mother about them. At the subtle way you nod your head in response, they can feel their chests swelling with that familiar happiness even more.
Just then, the sound of footsteps hopping down the stairs reach your ears.
Turning your head, you see your father make it to the second landing of the stairs before lifting his head and stopping in his tracks. His eyes widen significantly before a furrow is pulling to his brow at seeing eight unfamiliar men standing just inside the front entranceway.
You nearly laugh at the sight. Looks like you were right about your father’s reaction.
“Papa!” Your excited voice calling out to him draws his attention.
Not even a moment later, he’s finished walking down the stairs to meet you halfway to wrap you in his embrace.
You bury your head into his chest as he holds you tightly, a large smile on his face.
“How’s my little girl? I’ve missed you,” his voice rumbles out, low and full of rough emotions as you feel his grip tighten ever so slightly around you.
You giggle. “I’ve missed you, too.”
You fail to see the way your mother gazes on so tenderly at the two of you, but the others do.
Smiles of their own tug subtly onto their features as the intimacy of the moment washes over the room. They can tell that you two haven’t seen one another in a very long time, and the happiness they can sense simply radiating off of the both of you rubs off on them immediately.
After another few seconds, your father is pulling away. His hands rest on your upper arms as he studies your features, a gentle smile tugging at his own. That is, before his gaze is shifting slightly towards the eight males still standing by the door.
“Who…” your father trails off, eyes narrowing the faintest bit in their direction before taking note of the bouquet of flowers now held in your mother’s arms.
“Perfect timing,” you chuckle, stepping away from your father for the moment as a soft smile adorns your lips. “Mom, dad, I’d like you to meet Yeosang, Mingi, Yunho, Seonghwa, Hongjoong, Jongho, San, and Wooyoung. My significant others.” 
As you say each male’s name, they each give a polite bow of their heads in acknowledgement towards your parents. Of course, you make it a bit simpler by going in order from left to right, too.
Your father’s reaction is immediate: his eyebrows nearly disappear into his hairline, eyes going wide as he looks like a deer in headlights. You swear he’s also stopped breathing for a moment there as his eyes flit over each of the eight males standing before him.
“It’s so lovely to meet the people who have been the cause of our daughter’s happiness over the past few months.” Your mother smiles, clutching the bouquet of flowers a little closer to her chest.
“The pleasure is all ours,” Seonghwa returns her smile wholeheartedly.
“Truly, it is an honour.” San adds, and you watch as they all bow in unison towards your parents.
“Thank you, again, for inviting us into your lovely home,” Wooyoung voices as soon as they straighten, staring deeply into your mother’s, and then your father’s eyes.
“They’ll be joining us for dinner,” your mother leans into your father slightly, and you watch as you see your father nod in understanding.
“Well then, let’s not stand at the door all day,” the way an instant sense of relief fills the room as your father says this has a small smile tugging at the corner of your lips.
The instant your parents turn around and begin walking towards the kitchen, you shoot the eight of them a thumbs up and a wink. Actions of which fill them all with a sense of pride as they slip off their shoes and follow you further into the house.
As soon as you all enter the kitchen, you see your mother stirring the sauce and your father standing just beside the counter.
“I see you’ve brought wine,” he nods, approvingly. “Good lads.”
Mingi is the first to hand his bottle to your father, jumping into an explanation as to why he chose each bottle as they’re placed onto the counter beside him. You can see how your father continues to nod approvingly at the choices Mingi has selected, listening intently to every word he says.
Out of the corner of your eyes, you see San subtly inching towards your mother who stands beside the stovetop. A second later, and he’s offering his cooking services to her to help in any way that he can.
She readily agrees, shooting you a look of acknowledgement in the process.
You smile.
Wordlessly, you move over to grab a small vase from the cupboard, seeing as your mother is now conversing with both San and Yunho for the moment while Wooyoung presents the chocolates to your father. You can tell your parents already like them, seeing as how naturally they’ve slipped into conversation with most of them as they stand around the kitchen.
Once you have the vase in your hands, you move to begin arranging the flowers Hongjoong got for your mother for her. Only, he gently takes your place, automatically placing the flowers in the vase once it’s filled with water.
Your mother just about steps in to stop him, stating how she shouldn’t be letting a guest do that work for her. Yet, at Hongjoong’s insistence, she backs off with a small nod and a smile.
Stepping around the counter once more, you stand just behind the chair you had been occupying for the past while. Placing your hands onto the back of the seat, you spare a glance around the room, feeling your heart swell with fondness at the scene surrounding you.
Just as Yeosang comes to stand beside you, you notice Jongho beginning to converse with your father.
“I brought this for you, Sir,” Jongho presents the book in his hands to your father. “I thought since you’re an author, and one of our,” he spares a brief glance in your direction, “favourite things to do is read and share literature together, I would bring you one of my favourite books.”
Your father nods, accepting the book graciously with a small thank you falling from his lips. “Feel free to call me Nick.”
That cover looks very familiar.
You see recognition flash across your father’s face, his eyebrow quirking in amusement.
“Oh,” a teasing lilt can be heard within Nick’s voice. “Would you like me to sign this for you instead?”
Immediately, all heads are turning towards your father as Jongho stands there with wide eyes, completely caught off guard by his statement.
“Pardon me?” The shock is clear in Jongho’s voice as he stands there, arms still half raised in the air in front of him as he blinks at Nick in surprise.
“I’m assuming she told you,” Nick chuckles, holding up the book slightly in his hand. “This is my pen name.”
You never thought you would see the day were it looked like Jongho would faint from shock, but alas, here he is, standing frozen to his spot. The youngest looks about ready to spontaneously combust, red creeping up his neck as he turns to look at you with a somewhat tight smile on his lips.
“No,” he replies. “I had no idea.”
Your father chuckles, walking over and bonking you lightly on the top of your head with the book. “Are you still on about that thing that happened in high school with Linda?”
“Oh, fuck no,” you nearly scoff. “The fact merely didn’t come up yet.”
“Linda?” Seonghwa quirks a brow at you, and you can tell from the subtle way they all spare glances at your from the corner of their eyes, they’re all curious about what happened.
You share a look with your father.
“Final year of high school, my homeroom found out who my dad was. Linda just so happened to be a big fan of his work.” You explain.
“I still think you should have torn her hair out when you found out, Sweetie,” Kaitlyn supplies, with an air of casualty to her tone.
Hongjoong nearly drops the flower in his hands.
“Mom, you and I both know that would have been a little too violent at the time,” you reply. “Besides, she ended up getting suspended, anyways."
Mingi frowns. “What did she do?”
“Oh, she became friends with me to try and impress my dad,” you recount, a certain gleam shining within your eyes as you spare a glance around at all of them. “Wasn’t subtle about it, either.”
You swear that if your parents weren’t in the room, eight low growls would have resounded in your ears.
“She used you?” Wooyoung frowns, disgust clear on his features.
“Eh,” you shrug. “It’s not like I didn’t really see it coming.”
Yeosang places a gentle hand onto your lower back, yet you can just tell how he feels at the moment. You can feel it in the way his fingers press into your skin.
So, you decide to quickly change the subject. Sort of.
“Speaking of, did you finally figure out the ending to your next novel?” You shift your gaze to your father.
Instantly, his eyes are lighting up. “I did!”
Nick jumps right into explaining his next novel, excitement clear on his features. The way you can see all of them listening intently to what he’s saying warms your heart. You can just tell Jongho is hanging on to every word.
“In fact,” he turns his attention to Jongho, “come with me.”
Your eyebrows raise in amusement as you watch your father lead Jongho into his office right down the hallway, Mingi and Yunho following close behind.
“Oh, now look what you did,” your mother chuckles. “You know how much your father loves talking about his books. Those poor boys will be stuck in there for hours.”
“I heard that!” Nick calls out teasingly from inside the office.
“Believe me,” you grin. “I don’t think they’ll mind at all.”
“Well, when you’re done,” your mother casually raises her voice to include your father in this, “show those three around the house. It’s about time we give them all a proper tour.”
“I think I speak for all of us when we say that we would love that,” Hongjoong turns to smile at your mother, seeing how he’s just finished arranging the flowers in the vase and pushed them to the centre of the counter.
“Alright then,” she places the lid over the pot, turning down the heat on the stove to let the sauce simmer. “You three,” she points to San, Yeosang, and Hongjoong, “follow me."
In the blink of an eye, she’s leading the three of them towards the basement, chatting all the while.
You spare a look at both Wooyoung and Seonghwa, the corner of your lips twitching upwards. “Come with me."
Without another word, you’re leading the two of them upstairs.
Once you reach the top landing, you’re turning to look at the two of them. There’s a subtle quirk of your brow as your gaze shifts from one male to the other, mentally debating on if you actually need to show them around or not. They’ve probably seen it all before, anyways.
Wooyoung’s brow raises, amusement dancing on his features as he looks around. “So, Gorgeous. Are you going to show us around, or not?”
“I just figured you’ve seen it all before,” you counter, a smirk tugging at the corner of your lips.
“Surprisingly, we haven’t,” Seonghwa replies, and at the way he curiously looks around, you can tell he’s not lying to you.
“Alright then,” you turn back around. “Follow me.”
It takes you maybe all of five minutes to show them the majority of the upstairs. That is, until you only have one room left.
Anticipation claws at both Wooyoung’s and Seonghwa’s chest as you lead them into what they know is your room. Only, from what they recall of your memories, it’s completely different than they expect.
At the mild confusion lingering on their faces, you’re quick to speak.
“It’s been four years since that happened,” you begin, something tugging at the back of your mind. “My parents moved here two years ago.”
Recognition flashes on both of their features as they fully take in your room. Until scowls are pulling on both of their faces as they see what resides on your one wall.
“Honestly, I’m surprised my mom hasn’t taken these down,” you chuckle, looking over the few Taemin posters you have hanging on the one side of your room. “That, and I’m surprised someone hasn’t torn them to shreds.”
At the way you turn your pointed gaze towards your bed, the two cannot help but to chuckle.
There, laying on your bed with his front paws crossed over one another, lays Sammy, your parent’s cat. He has a smug look on his features as what appears to be a fuzzy blanket is bunched up on the end of the bed right beside him. His eyes haven’t left you since you’ve entered the room.
You cross your arms over your chest, a scoff escaping you in the next second. “Why am I getting the ‘welcome home, cheater’ treatment?”
The two males standing on either side of you laugh.
“It’s because you are,” Wooyoung chuckles, taking the time to lean against your desk at the side of the room.
You gasp, as if scandalized, “and here I thought what we had was special, Sammy.”
The moment those words escape you, he’s cooing, flipping onto his back and exposing his belly for you to come and give him scratches.
“Oh, I see how it is,” you chuckle, walking over to the bed and sitting on the edge of it. As soon as you start to pet his belly, he begins to purr. “Some belly rubs and all is forgiven, huh?”
“He is a simple man, with simple needs,” Seonghwa jokes, turning to study every inch of your room.
“He’s a Monkey, is what he is,” you begin to coo at Sammy, noticing how he stands back to his feet in the next second.
Laying back on your bed, Sammy is quick to crawl up your body, settling comfortably on your chest.
“Just like old times,” you grin, petting the cat happily as the two males watch on with nothing but affection dripping from their eyes. “Though, I’m surprised he didn’t come running to the front door as soon as I got here, or you guys for that matter. Probably having too much fun with his girlfriend.”
“His girlfriend?” Seonghwa quirks a brow.
You vaguely motion to your scrunched up blanket laying at the end of the bed.
Understanding flashes across both of their features as Sammy jumps off of you and scurries from the room. 
You sit up, resting on the edge of the bed. A look of nostalgia crosses your features as you take the time to look around your room.
“I may not have been here for long, but I do have some good memories of this place,” you smile faintly, taking note of your somewhat empty bookshelves scattered throughout the room. “Though, I think the majority of my jewelry is still- yep!”
Opening the topmost drawer on the left of your dresser which sits right in front of you beside your bed, you pull out a small box. Opening the lid, your eyes take in the sight of all of your necklaces tangled in one great pile, rings buried beneath some bracelets.
“I don’t think I’ve touched this stuff in years,” you smile faintly, putting the box on top of your dresser for now. “I really only ever wore a few pieces.”
Your eyes dart to your small jewelry tree on the far right of your dresser.
A gasp escapes you. “No way."
Standing quickly back to your feet, you’re quick to snatch what appears to be a ring hanging from a somewhat thick chain from the tree.
“I can’t believe I forgot I had this,” you hum, gazing fondly at the item held in your hand as it sways slightly.
At the two curious gazes you can feel darting between the object in your hand and your face, you’re quick to grab another small ring off of the tree.
“A girl I used to know once got me two versions of the One Ring as a gift. One was this one,” you hold up the one on the chain, “and the other was this one.” A thinner version of the same ring is held in your fingers. “I always-“ you let out a small sigh through your nose. “I always planned to give this one,” you raise the chain slightly in your hand, “to my significant other, if I ever got one. Though, I don’t think I can split it into eight.”
“Then would you-“ Wooyoung clears his throat. “Would you keep the other one?”
“Yes,” you meet his gaze. “I always thought of it as having matching rings without the added concept of marriage attached to it.”
Seonghwa practically collapses on top of the small shelf you have at the end of your bed.
“Did you-“ he clears his throat. “Have you ever thought about marriage?”
“Oh, sure,” you reply casually, placing the two items back on top of your dresser. “When I was younger, I would joke about it all the time. Though, as I got older, it didn’t really have the same appeal to me.”
“What do you mean?” Wooyoung pushes himself off of your desk in order to slowly begin making his way closer to you. He sits himself beside his brother, the both of them looking at you expectantly.
“To have a piece of paper be the sole reason you can even acknowledge the fact that you’re married to someone just doesn’t appeal to me.” You shake your head. “I don’t know if it’s different for you guys, but if we’re together, we’re together. If you call me your wife, then I’m your wife. I don’t need a piece of paper dictating what I mean to you. I’d still sign it if my significant other wanted me to, but I think it’s more meaningful to acknowledge what we are and determine what that is ourselves, than with a signature on a flimsy sheet of paper.”
“Not to mention if things didn’t work out, then you have to go through the whole trouble of filing for divorce.” You add. “At least without a marriage certificate you can just end things without the hassle. It’s just easier that way, I think.”
“So, if I wanted to start calling you wifey…?” Wooyoung grins cheekily, a wiggle to his brows.
“I won’t stop you,” you grin. “Like I said, there are other means of acknowledging being in a relationship that I prefer. The most important being how we define ourselves. That’s what really matters.”
“Okay, so if what I’m understanding is correct,” Seonghwa nods, a gleam in his eyes as a cheeky grin pulls onto his features. “We’re married now.”
“Woah, slow down there, Mars,” you chuckle, turning your attention back to your jewelry tree for the moment. “Let’s make it through some things first before we actually start talking about that.”
At the way you notice him pouting out of the corner of your eyes, you chuckle.
“I’m not saying ‘no’,” you meet his gaze. “Just not yet.”
The way they both visibly perk up has a smile pulling at your lips.
“Besides, I do have something to give each of you, now,” you grin, pulling two pieces of jewelry off of your tree.
Moving to step in front of them, you face Wooyoung first. A necklace seems to be held in your hands as you smile at him softly.
“May I?” Your voice is gentle as you meet his gaze.
His eyes shine, lips parting slightly as he nods.
Stepping into him, you’re quick to bring the thin chain up and clasp it around his neck. A soft smile rests on your features as you look down at the small replica of a belladonna flower staring back at you. At the way his hand comes up to gently grasp the flower in his fingers, gazing upon such a gem with such awe, you know you’ve chosen right.
“Beautiful, but deadly,” you hum, noticing how Wooyoung’s eyes flash in recognition almost instantly.
A moment later, and you’ve stepped away from Wooyoung in order to place yourself directly in front of Seonghwa. Gently, you raise a hand in front of him, motioning for him to give you one of his own.
A look of complete wonder rests in Seonghwa’s eyes as he places his hand softly in your own. He can feel his heart racing as you begin to slide a silver ring onto one of his fingers, your thumb stroking over the metal as soon as it’s in place.
Sparing a brief glance down, Seonghwa takes in the sight of a small diamond embedded within an etching of a brilliant star.
“Planets tend to outshine even the brightest of stars,” you hum, thumb tracing over the band of the ring once more.
Nothing but awe fills each of their gazes as they continue to stare at you. Their hearts race erratically within their chests, hearts swelling as a warmth floods their veins. This moment is so tender to them, so significant, that nothing could take away the pure, unfiltered joy coursing through their very souls at this point in time.
You are everything to them, and this only just proves it.
A comfortable silence settles over the three of you as you all bask in this moment together. You take the time to lean into both of them, placing a tender kiss onto each of their foreheads in tandem, a smile gracing your features soon afterwards.
“Oh, are we interrupting something?” The teasing drawl of your mother’s voice catches your attention from the doorway.
You quirk a brow, “not at all.”
The four of them stand just inside your room, the three males looking around subtly. Again, you can see the distaste flash across their features, even if only briefly, at seeing the Taemin posters hanging on the side of the one wall. A fact of which that has your lips twitching upwards in the corners slightly.
“Looks like we finally caught up with you,” your father grins, stepping into the room with the final three males in tow.
The way Jongho still looks completely starstruck nearly has a chuckle falling from your lips.
“Well, I’m sure we can leave these fine gentleman in our daughter’s capable hands for the moment,” your mother begins to usher your father out of your room. “Besides, I need to go check on the sauce.”
Nick’s words of protest die on his lips as both Wooyoung and Seonghwa stand back to their feet.
“We’ll join you,” Seonghwa says, already beginning to follow after your parents with Wooyoung right behind him.
Briefly, you notice the two of them share a glance with the six others who have just entered your room, and you just know they’re speaking with one another in their minds. A fact which is only confirmed when six gazes turn towards you as soon as the others have left.
“Good timing,” you grin, walking back over to your jewelry tree. “I have something to give each of you.”
“You do?” There’s a slight bit of pleasant surprise clinging onto Yunho’s words as they all watch you carefully.
“I do,” you confirm softly with a nod of your head, turning your gaze to meet his own for the moment. “I’ve already given Woo and Hwa theirs, so now it’s time for yours.”
Motioning Yunho closer with your finger, you turn to fully face him as he comes to stand in front of you. A gentle smile rest on your features as you hold your one hand out for him, watching as he places his own in your hold in the next second.
Sliding your touch up, you’re quick to clasp an intricate bracelet around his wrist. Soft blue gems glitter up at him as what appears to be a stem of forget-me-nots wrap around his skin.
“I know it can’t replace what once was lost, but it’s a start,” you squeeze his hand, gazing deeply into his eyes.
At the way his breath hitches, you know that he knows exactly what you’re referring to.
“It’s more than enough,” he whispers lowly, eyes shining as he squeezes back.
Tenderly, you bring his hand up to your lips, placing a gentle kiss against his skin.
Yunho’s heart swells in his chest, a loving smile gracing his features. “Thank you, Petal.”
You nod, squeezing his hand one final time as he steps away. The way you can feel the other’s watching you carefully has your attention on them once more.
Just as Yunho begins to step away from you, you lock gazes with San across the room. With a motion of your head, he’s quick to begin making his way over to you.
“It’s a little on the nose, but I can’t picture it with anyone else.” You hum, turning briefly to grab another chain off of your jewelry tree.
Holding up the chain, an intricate trident pendant swings slightly in the air.
You meet his gaze, noticing how San comes to stand directly in front of you and blocks the others from your sight.
Wordlessly, you mouth ‘My Aquaman’ to him once more, noticing how a pleasant shiver trails up his spine as you move to clasp the chain around his neck. You’re sure a pleased growl would have escaped him, too, were it not for the current situation he finds himself in.
As soon as the clasp in in place, a brilliant smile is shining on his features. Almost immediately, one of his hands comes up to begin toying with the charm affectionately, staring down at it in awe.
Slowly, San begins to back away from you, and you meet gazes with the next male.
“Moonlight,” you smile softly, motioning him forward with one of your fingers.
Mingi steps towards you eagerly, a grin tugging on his features as he watches you grab another piece of jewelry from the tree.
Again, you present your hand, palm facing upwards, to him, and almost instantly, his own is placed in yours. Your fingers settle over his pulse, flipping his wrist as you wrap a leather bound bracelet around it. Once Mingi turns his hand back over, he nearly lets out a gasp in shock.
There, sitting against the back of his wrist, is an intricately carved silver crescent moon, swirl like designs hidden within. The leather straps holding it in place are a dark brown, almost black, tied securely around his wrist curtesy of you.
“Starlight,” his voice is but a breathless whisper on his lips.
“The stars cannot shine without their moon.” You smile faintly, meeting his gaze as you squeeze his hand.
He squeezes back, eyes shining with unshed tears as he steps away from you.
The next male you call over to you is the youngest, of whom is more than happy to make his way over to you as soon as you motion for him to join you. 
On the necklace you hold up to him hangs an intricate charm of a book. Although small, the silver cover is carved with vines, a small clasp near the side.
“Open it.” You encourage, allowing the charm to dangle between the both of you.
Wordlessly, Jongho reaches forward, grasping that little silver book in his fingers. The moment he flicks the clasp open, his breath hitches in his throat. There, held within the book, rests a small diamond heart, hidden within the pages of the novel.
He meets your gaze, eyes shining with all the unspoken words he wants to say. Yet, he doesn’t have to, for you already understand.
Stepping forward, you’re quick to secure the chain around his neck.
A bashful smile tugs at his features as a blush begins to creep up his neck. Instantly, his fingers reach up to begin toying with the charm, thumb brushing over the little pendant as he slowly backs away from you.
The next male you turn to begins walking towards you as soon as you meet his gaze. A soft smile rests on both of your features as Yeosang comes to stand before you.
“I’ve had this one since I was small,” you say, turning briefly to pull another necklace from the tree.
Again, you meet his gaze, and you know you don’t even have to say anything else for him to understand how much this single piece of jewelry means to you. How much he means to you.
The treble cleft pendant is small, a diamond shining in the centre of the worked silver. You’ve had it since you started learning to play the piano, and you know that he knows just how significant this piece is to you. To the both of you.
Once the chain is clasped around his neck, you brush your fingers over the pendant lightly. The way you feel him shiver beneath your touch has a smile tugging at your features once more.
“Thank you, Dearest,” you can hear the emotions within his voice as he meets your gaze, eyes shining with that all too familiar love and fondness he always looks at you with.
A nod of your head is all he receives back, that same look of fondness shining within your eyes as you watch him step away from you for the time being.
Now, for the final male who stands directly in the centre of all of his brothers.
Locking gazes with him, a soft smile pulls at your features. That is, until your eyes are briefly darting around to the other five males standing around him.
“May we have a moment alone?” The words haven’t even finished leaving your lips when the other five are moving to exit your room.
“We’ll see you downstairs,” Yeosang sends one final smile your way before closing the door behind him on his way out.
Turning your gaze back to Hongjoong, you notice how he stands, somewhat nervously, by your desk. His hands are clasped in front of his body as he shuffles slightly from foot to foot, the faintest hue of red dusting the tips of his ears.
“At first, I wasn’t sure what to gift you,” you begin, noticing how his eyes briefly dart up to meet your own. “After all, what could I gift the man who has given me everything?”
“Your happiness and love are gifts enough, My Love.” He replies, and you can just hear the sincerity in his tone bleeding through.
You shake your head lightly, that soft smile of yours still pulling onto your features. “It took me a little while, but I cannot picture it with anyone else.”
“My Love?” His breath hitches ever so slightly as he sees you beginning to make your way over to him.
“Close your eyes.”
The moment those words leave your lips, his eyelids are fluttering shut. You can see how anticipation claws at him, his chest rising and falling in uneven breaths as he hears you approaching him.
The sound of a chain rustling reaches his ears, and he cannot help the shiver that caresses his spine as he feels the ghost of your touch grace the sides of his neck. A moment later, and he feels a small weight settle on the skin of his upper chest.
“I have had many ideals about love, Hongjoong, and you have always managed to go above and beyond every single one of them. You all have.” Keeping your voice low, you bring a hand up to gently caress the side of his face. At the way he immediately leans into your touch, you smile. “Open your eyes.”
The first thing that greets Hongjoong’s gaze is your face, looking at him so tenderly as that soft grin tugs at your lips. He can feel his heart racing inside his chest as he notices your eyes glance briefly down towards the necklace you’ve just secured around his neck. Not just any necklace. A chain with the One Ring dangling from it.
Hongjoong’s breath gets caught in his throat, eyes shining with nothing but pure adoration and love as he meets your gaze. “My Love.”
“I’m sure you overheard me talking about this earlier,” you reply, somewhat knowingly.
“I did,” his voice comes out a little strained, choked by his emotions for the time being.
“Then you know how much it means to me, in more than one way.” Your thumb tenderly brushes against his cheek.
“I do.” He breathes, tears finally gathering at the corners of his eyes. “Thank you, My Love. This means everything to me. You mean everything to me.”
“Hongjoong,” you smile, meeting his gaze before leaning in and placing a tender kiss onto his forehead. Your next words are a mere whisper against his skin. “I believe you.”
A comfortable silence settles around the both of you as you continue to stare into one another’s eyes. The love you can see shining within his gaze sets your heart racing, a look you’re sure is mirrored in your own.
“Come on,” you grin, grabbing his one hand in your own. “Let’s go back downstairs before my mom starts to think we’re canoodling.”
The way his eyebrows raise in amusement has a chuckle falling from your lips.
“Canoodling?” The grin that pulls onto his features is nothing short of devious as his eyes flash.
“Now, don’t be getting any ideas, Captain,” the way you teasingly drawl out that one title of his has a pleasant shiver running down his spine. You lean in slightly, voice low as your breath tickles the shell of his ear, “we still have dinner to get through.”
The faintest of growls escapes his lips, and you can feel the way the grip he has on your hand tightens ever so slightly. Only, before he can so much as respond, you’re pulling away from him. A bright smile paints your features as you let out a faint giggle.
“Come on,” this time, you begin to tug him towards your closed door. “Let’s not keep them waiting.”
Leading him back out of your room, you’re quick to rejoin everyone downstairs. Of course, you do not fail to miss the way all eight of them all seem to be standing a little straighter, eyes gleaming with a newfound shine as your look around at all of them.
In fact, a few of them seem to be crowded around your mother’s side as San stirs the sauce for her. It looks like he’s even started getting the noodles ready to be cooked as she turns the page of whatever book they seem to be so engrossed in.
That’s when you realize just what they appear to be looking at.
“Oh, and this was when she was four and we had her taking ballet,” your mother points at a picture in the album. “They were dancing Swan Lake that year, it was so cute!”
“I didn’t realize she had taken ballet,” Wooyoung hums, a grin tugging on his features as he spares a glance towards you.
“Mom,” a slight panic to your voice.
“And this was her first birthday with cake all over her hair,” Kaitlyn coos, a knowing smile pulling at her lips as she meets your gaze.
“Mom, please,” your eyes go wide, feeling as Hongjoong quite literally slips through your fingers to go join his brothers peering over your mother’s shoulders.
“I tried to stop her, Sweetie, but you know how your mother gets with your baby photos,” Nick chuckles, crossing his arms lightly over his chest as he leans back against the counter.
You sigh, “unfortunately.”
“Oh!” Your mother squeals as she turns the page once more. “And this is when she dressed as a little lion cub for halloween when she was three!”
“Mother.” You’re torn between being completely mortified, and laughing in disbelief. You shake your head in defeat. “They were bound to come out sooner or later.”
“I think your mother’s just happy to finally be sharing them with the people you care about,” your father hums, nudging you slightly with his elbow as you rest beside him.
“You’re damn right I am!” Kaitlyn grins. “What is a mother’s job if not to embarrass her daughters in front of their significant others?”
“Now I know how Crystal feels,” you chuckle.
“Speaking of your sister, her and Vasco should be here soon.” Nick comments. “They’re a bit excited for today since we can’t do dinner together next week.”
“What’s next week?” You inquire casually.
“Well, I’m taking your mother out for a special dinner,” he replies.
“Right,” you nod, almost subconsciously. “It’s your anniversary next week.”
The words fall so easily from your mouth that you don’t even register them until you feel the stillness settle itself over the room. That’s when the reality of your situation is hitting you.
You can feel eight subtle glances directed towards you for the moment as you freeze in your spot. For a second, you swear you forget to breathe as your eyes zone in on the floor at your feet. With everything going on, the actual date seemed to have slipped your mind.
You take a deep breath to steady your nerves, feeling eight gentle caresses against your void in tandem. You brush back.
“Thirty-five years, right, pops?” You turn your head, noticing how your father smiles as he meets your gaze.
“That’s right.” He confirms with a happy nod.
“Alright,” you push yourself off of the counter, meeting your mother’s gaze once more. “Is it tuned?”
Kaitlyn’s brow furrows slightly in confusion before recognition flashes within her eyes. “Actually, it was just tuned Friday.”
You smile faintly, “good.”
You barely make it three steps out of the kitchen before your father is calling your name, a slight confused furrow to his brow.
“How would you like to relive a memory, papa?” You turn to smile at him from over your shoulder, motioning for them all to join you at the front of the house.
At the way you notice the eight of them hesitating, you’re quick to reach out to them with your mind. You all can join us, you know. This one’s for you as much as it will be for them.
The moment your words echo throughout their minds, they’re all quick to join you. Of course, San briefly turns off the stove, shutting the fan off of the cooktop for the moment so as not to interrupt the scene that is about to occur. A fact of which earns him an approving nod from your mother, causing a subtle blush to creep up his neck.
There’s a giddy spring to your father’s step as he moves over to prop open the baby grand piano as you pull out the bench to sit. You see your mother step in beside him, the others surrounding you on either side. Still, you cannot help but allow your fingers to hover above the keys for a moment, hesitating.
The last time you saw a piano, you had been harshly thrown into it, the strings snapping against your skin. Even now, as you look down at the ivory beneath your hands, you cannot keep the memories from coming to mind.
A gentle hand is placed onto your back, and you turn your head to see Yeosang smiling softly down at you. There’s an undertone of concern hiding behind his eyes as his thumb tenderly rubs against the skin of your back, and you just know that he’s reminding you of what they’ve been telling you all throughout this past week.
They’re all right here. She cannot hurt you anymore.
Subtly, you nod your head, turning back to the piano in front of you. Again, eight gentle caresses are felt against your mind, soothing you even further as you flex your fingers out before placing them on top of the keys.
Turning your attention to your parents, you see them already gazing at you so fondly. Your father’s one arm is wrapped around your mother’s shoulder, just as her arm is wrapped around his waist.
“It’s been a while since I played this, so you’ll have to excuse any mistakes,” you smile lightly at them. “This one’s for you.”
The opening notes to Elton John’s Your Song begin to fill the house, transposed slightly in order to make the key more comfortable for your range when you begin to sing.
“Sweetie,” your mother’s awe filled voice reaches your ears as both your parents look on at you with awe.
The pull of your lips upwards is nothing short of sweet as you begin to sing. Your voice echoes throughout the open space, comforting them all like a blanket with each note that you hit. A fact which makes their hearts all race in their chest as they register that this is for them, too.
Not even a second later, your father is extending his hand out to your mother in offering, a loving smile pulling at his lips. A hand of which your mother places her own in somewhat shyly. 
Pulling her in closer, your parents begin to slow dance to the melody that you create for them with this meaningful song. Each cannot help the way tears gather in the corners of their eyes, reliving very special memories all the while as they get lost in each other’s embrace.
The moment you hit the chorus, you drop your void.
“I hope you don’t mind,” every single tender emotion you’ve ever felt towards all eight of them washes over their very souls at this moment in time.
“I hope you don’t mind,” all the love, happiness, affection, and fondness you have for them floods their sense, and each male cannot help the way their breaths hitch silently in their throats.
“That I put down in words,” you smile, heart swelling in your chest as you think of your eight Kings surrounding you at this very moment. You brush against their minds. “How wonderful life is, while you’re in the world.”
You only play the first verse and chorus, but you can just tell from the way your parents turn to look at you afterwards that it was more than enough. Especially when you notice your mother quickly bring her hands up to wipe at her eyes.
“Thank you, Sweetie,” Nick’s voice is rough, choking slightly on his emotions as he meets your gaze. “That truly meant a lot to us.”
“It’s not every day you get to dance to your wedding song again, just like the first time,” your mother chuckles, eyes shining as she leans into your father’s side.
“I’m glad you enjoyed it,” you smile at them.
“I don’t think we’re the only ones who enjoyed it,” at the way your mother’s eyes briefly dart behind you, you’re quick to turn around.
Eight tender gazes stare back at you, eyes shining with the emotions they cannot put into words for the moment. Emotions of which wash over you, seeing as you have yet to close your void to them yet. A fact of which makes you smile as you are once more surrounded by that familiar warmth you have come to experience with them, comforted by their love and affection just as you always are.
Again, you tenderly brush against their minds, of which they immediately brush back.
Standing from the bench, you’re quick to step out. A faint smile rests on your features as you move to stand beside Jongho for the moment who currently leans against the railing of the stairs for support.
Just as you go to say something the sound of the front door opening draws your attention. You hear the scraping of nails against the hardwood floor before you feel yourself being tackled to the ground, wet, slobbery kisses being placed all over your face.
“Wes!” You giggle, attempting to catch your breath after getting the air knocked out of you. “Yes, yes, I’m happy to see you, too.”
“Wes!” The booming command of your sister’s voice reaches your ears, and immediately, the dog is sliding off of you. “No jumping!”
“It’s okay, he’s just-“ the words die in your throat as you sit up to see your sister being helped through the door by Vasco.
The catch in your breath is noticed by all as your gaze settles in on Crystal’s stomach, swollen and round. The way you can see her smiling at you softly, your mother practically beaming out of the corner of your eyes, has you on your feet in an instant.
“Surprise,” she breathes, watching as you come to stand before her as Vasco gently shuts the front door behind them.
“You- I-“ you blink, fresh tears springing to your eyes as you take in her figure standing before you. You laugh, nothing but pure joy pulling at your features as the first of your tears begin to slide down the side of your cheeks. “You’re pregnant.”
She nods. “I am.”
“I’m going to be an aunt,” you voice, gaze darting between her stomach and her eyes.
“You are,” she confirms, her own voice now slightly rough as her emotions wash down upon her, too. “Again.”
You fall to your knees, hands hesitant in touching her stomach. That is, until you see her smiling down at you, a subtle nod to her head.
Gently, you place your hands on her stomach, fingers trembling all the while.
“I swear to you,” you begin, keeping your tone low as you meet her gaze all the while. “For as long as I shall live, no harm will ever come to this little one.”
You fail to see the way eight males straighten ever so subtly behind you, for they know that those words you have just spoken are true. They will do whatever they can in their power to make sure that you keep your promise, protecting that child as if it were their own. After all, it’s exactly what you would want. It’s exactly what you are going to do.
Your sister places a tender hand on top of your head, humming all the while. “I know.”
Softly, you lean forward to rest your forehead against her stomach, feeling the way your sister places her hands atop your shoulders. She gives you a reassuring squeeze, revelling in this tender moment with you as her sister, the meaning deeper than either of your parents will ever realize.
“Now, are you gonna sit there on the floor all day, or are you going to introduce me to your mystery lovers here?” The teasing drawl of Crystal’s voice manages to catch your attention.
“You caught me,” you sigh, a chuckle falling from your lips as you move to wipe your eyes.
“I knew it!” She jeers, practically pulling you back onto your feet in the next second. “Vasco, didn’t I keep telling you that she was probably hiding more than one mystery lover?”
At the way she turns eagerly to her husband standing beside her, you can just tell that you’ve been the topic of many conversations regarding this.
“You did, Honey,” Vasco chuckles.
“Let’s see,” Crystal hums. “Just how many of there are you.”
You quirk a brow in amusement, watching as she nods her head as she counts off each male.
Her eyes widen significantly. “Eight! There’s eight of you?”
“Don’t sound so surprised,” you huff slightly, a teasing quirk to the corner of your lips.
“Blink twice if she’s paying you,” Crystal leans forward slightly, arms spread as if to hold you back at a moment’s notice.
“Crys!” You complain loudly, shooting her an exasperated look in the next moment.
“I’m just teasing you,” she chuckles, flinging an arm around your shoulders in the next second. “After all, what are big sisters for?”
“And here I was going to play you a song,” you hum, amusedly.
At the way her eyes nearly bug out of her head, she’s quick to begin apologizing. “You can still play me a song! I promise I won’t joke anymore!”
“You just missed her performing for us a few minutes ago,” your father adds, somewhat knowingly.
“Well, now you have to play for us!” Crystal states, matter-of-factly. “It’s not fair of you to deny little Elijah a chance to hear his aunt perform when she’s offering.”
“You’re having a boy?” Your eyes shine as you meet your sister’s gaze.
She nods, and immediately you wrap her in your arms. A hug of which she eagerly returns.
“He’s coming home.” She whispers lowly in your ear, her grip tightening ever so slightly.
A few moments later, you pull away, staring deeply into her eyes. Gently, you bring your hands down to grasp hers in your own, guiding her over to the piano. Carefully, you help her sit in the chair closest to the bench, giving her knee a light squeeze once she’s settled. 
Not even a second later, Vasco comes to stand beside her.
For the second time that day, you settle yourself onto the bench, fingers hovering over the ivory. Your heart swells, and you find yourself taking a deep breath in.
With the first chord you play, you immediately begin to sing. The soft tune of Marianas Trench’s Forget Me Not fills the air, and the longer you perform, the more you find yourself glancing at your sister out of the corner of your eyes.
“I’m here to remind you, what’s lost is never gone,” you meet her gaze, and you hear her breath hitch as you do so.
You blink, facing forward once more.
“I’m not ready for what’s to come,” again you brush against those eight strings within your mind, letting them know that this song is for you as much as it is for her.
“But I wanted you to know, I still need you, my friend,” you smile faintly, hearing her breath hitch once more as understanding flashes within her gaze. “From the line to amend, to the cradle again.”
Out of the corner of your eyes, you notice your parents holding onto one another as they watch this scene unfold before their very eyes. Tears line their vision, one already making its way down the side of your mother’s cheek.
“If memories are shadows, we’d best not waste the light.” Too many painful memories threaten to consume you, reminding you of all of your darkest times. Yet, beneath all that darkness, there is still hope. A golden hue that shines through with all the good memories you have, with all of them.
“I know you’re not quite here, but you’re not quite gone,” you will always hold onto your memories, even the bad ones. A sentiment that you know your sister shares as the first of her tears begin to trail down her face. “Sometimes the night gets darkest before the dawn.”
The only sound that can be heard throughout the house is you, the piano accompanying you accentuating your voice and the notes that you play. The song encompasses everything you wish to say to your sister and her unborn child, but also to yourself and your Eight Kings. You know the future is uncertain, and you know the road will be difficult, but you’ll get through this. Together. One step at a time.
“Life’s too short but the end is so long.” The final notes trickle out, softly ringing through the air as you still your hands over the keys once more.
The sound of your sister sniffling draws your attention to her and you turn your head to see her practically clinging onto Vasco for dear life. Her lower lip wobbles, hand coming up to wipe at her eyes frantically before meeting your gaze.
Everything she wants to say to you, you can see in her eyes. The gratitude, the understanding, but most of all, the love you can see shining within her gaze as she looks at you comes through clearly. A fact of which that has you smiling softly, the subtlest of nods to your head in acknowledgment as warmth floods your chest.
Eight tender caresses brush against your mind, and you let them in.
A content hum escapes your lips as their emotions wash over you for the moment. Shamelessly, all eight of them share with you exactly how you have just made them feel, for watching you, hearing you perform for them like this, means more to them than you’ll ever know. The fact that you have trusted them with such an intimacy which also reflects moments shared with your family has warmth flooding their veins, hearts pounding erratically within their chests.
“What a first impression I must be making,” Crystal jokes, drying her eyes. “Here I am sobbing in front of your significant others, and I don’t even know their names yet.”
You chuckle, a soft, teasing quirk to your lips, “what are younger sister’s for?”
“They’re staying for dinner, so there’ll be plenty of time for proper introductions then,” Nick adds, soothingly rubbing a hand over your mother’s back seeing as she’s finally calmed down for the moment.
You stand, moving to rest between Yunho and Seonghwa. Even though you’re only standing beside the two males, you can feel them all surrounding you, offering you comfort yet again in their own ways.
You smile.
“So,” your mother clears her throat, clapping her hands once to catch everyone’s attention, “who’s hungry?”
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h4wari · 2 months
We all know about Peatrice and how she is beautiful ofc, even seen her being shiped with Sky, which is very cute!!! But!!!!
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The beautiful amazing stunning and incredible @wayfayrr helped me out to put some ideas on how they ended up together
First off, you cant tell me those two dont think and daydream about kissing girls NFKSMFKEKKFKEDMMS and also!! They both got a two-pieced hairstyle and they both wear orange!!! They could have been childhood besties but then as they grow older some other feelings came up......
Think about it... They could bond over how their father and older brother were so overprotective of them. Theyre also clearly both nerds but Pea is more of an book nerd (there is no doubt that girl reads an Skyloft version of wattpad all fucking day) and Ori is more of a bird nerd, now imagine... The Book Girl and the Adventureous Girl!!! YOU CANT TELL ME THEY DONT MATCH!!!!!
I imagine Pea lending books to Ori and suggesting what to read and Ori taking Pea for a flightttttt!!! AND EVEN GO A BIT FASTER SO THAT PEA COULD HOLD HER TIGHTLY!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Sky could even act as an wingman!!! And help them out!!! They thought that Pea's dad, being this overprotective, wouldnt approve of the apple of his eye being in a relationship, so they needed a distraction!!!!
Sky acted as the perfect facade for her dad, and Im sure Parrow also helped out!! He just wants to see his little sister happy!!
Ofc Pea's dad would find out at some point but since I can only accept an happy ending he turns out to be very suportive too!!!! Just wanting his love to be safe and with someone she likes.
Thats it everyone I love this ship and they go so well together <333
Now I leave you a lil drawing I made of the girlies hihihihihihi
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This ship came to me as an absolute vision bc of a song (this one) and I had to spread the word to the world, so here it is!!!
I love them both with my whole life istggg
Anyway thanks for listening to my delulus hihihihihihi!! Love you allll mwaaaaaa!!!
Toodlessss 🍃🍃🍃
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yukidragon · 1 year
The Phantom of Sunny Day Jack Trailer Transcript
Please forgive me for taking a while to post the transcript for the Phantom of Sunny Day Jack trailer for those who need it.
For those of you who have questions/concerns about the twist at the end of the trailer, please check to see if they're addressed in this post. Thank you.
[Warning Screen]
This video contains violent and sexual content.
It is intended for mature audiences.
Viewer discretion is advised.
This is a fan-made project inspired by Something's Wrong With Sunny Day Jack and the various iterations of the Phantom of the Opera.
Original characters, concept, and music were created by Snacpop Studios, Gaston Leroux, and Andrew Lloyd Webber respectively.
Jack: Won't you sing for me, sunshine?
Inside the most famous opera house in Paris…
Ian: [worried, yet relieved] O-oh thank goodness you're alright. When I came in and saw you lying on the floor like that… I just… I-I didn't know. I don't know what I'd do if something bad happened to you.
Shaun: [excited and giddy] Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Can you believe it? They say a ghost is haunting the opera house! [excited squeal] How cool is that? Come on, let's go find him!
Nick: Oh, really? You get a little praise for your performance and now you think your vocals are a match for mine? Heh. Well, we'll just have to see about that, now won't we?
Jack: You can always rely on me to support you whenever you need me. I’ll always be here to take good care of you, don’t worry.
A secret has been buried...
Shaun: [playful fake regal accent] So, what's the verdict, princess? Does this fine repast meet my highness’ royal standards?
[Moonpie meows her approval through a mouthful of food.]
Shaun: [chuckles affectionately, tone softening] Glad to hear it little baby.
Shaun: [Regal accent] So how about you? Does my humble fare satisfy the glorious new rising star of the opera house?
Nick: So how's progress with your part?
Nick: I know you want to study your greatest rival closely, but if you keep staring at me like that, I'm going to start to feel embarrassed. What's on your mind?
Ian: You’ve been so busy performing all day today. I figured you haven’t had anything to eat yet, so I brought something for you.
Ian: Tada~! There's nothing like some hot fresh pizza after a long day of work. Just like the old days, remember?
Jack: You did great out there today. I'm so proud of you. You worked so hard... but remember that resting up and eating well is just as important.
And refuses to be forgotten
Jack: There's nothing to be scared of, sunshine. You can trust me. I only want to help you. Let me show you just how special and amazing you truly are.
YOU decide their fates
What do you see in the mirror?
Hairstyle [number changes]
Eye [number changes]
Mouth [number changes]
No Mark [changes to] Mark [number changes]
Press SpaceBar to sing!
[Successful chime.]
You did great, Sunshine!
Press SpaceBar to sing!
[Error sounds.]
How are you even here?
Try Again
Will love be enough to create a happy ending?
Your Childhood Sweetheart
Ian: [happy sigh] This feels like a dream come true!
Ian Duff
Voiced by Ben Sinning
Ian: [emotional] You have no idea how long I've wanted to hear you tell me that you... I... I can barely believe that you really feel the same way about me that I do for you.
The Stage Director
Shaun: Hey, hey... I know things are a going crazy right now and getting pretty scary, but I'm not going anywhere.
Shaun Durand-Cofer
Voiced by LewdZaxk
Shaun: I'll always be by your side, forever... I promise.
The Star Of The Show
Nick: My, my... look who's taking taking the lead for a change~ [chuckle]
Nicolas "Nick" Herraras
Voiced by MidnightBlu
Nick: [seductive] So tell me, mi pájaro cantor... what do you have planned for us tonight?
The Forgotten Phantom
Jack: My mask? You want to see what's under...
Jack: [nervous] I-I'm sorry, sunshine... I don't think I'm ready for that yet...
Sunny Day Jack
Voiced by NaughtyMaus
Jack: [suggestive] But I could take off everything else if you want me to~
Nick: [hopeless] The opera house is gone… The music is gone… Everything is just… gone. We're the only ones left. What's there to look forward to now?
Ian: [low and breathy] Don't worry... no one will ever find you here, not even him.
Ian: It's just going to be you and me... [unhinged chuckle] [pleasured sigh] forever. Just like it was always meant to be. [disturbing giggle]
Shaun: [choking on tears] It... it's fine. It's really fine. Things might look bad right now, but... but it'll get better as long as we stick together. ...It's going to be fine.
Jack?: [menacing] You promised to sing my music for me, remember? You promised to never leave me or forget me... You promised to always love me just as much as I love you... and those promises can never be broken.
Will you give in to the phantom's temptations?
Jack: If I am the phantom, it's because I was buried and forgotten.
Jack: If I am to be saved… it's because your love redeems me.
Or is it better to leave him forgotten?
Jack: [shouting, unhinged] This is the point of no return!
Jack: [ragged breathing, swallows hard] [whispered, desperate] Please... P-please. Don't leave me like this...
The Phantom of
Sunny Day
Something's Wrong with Sunny Day Jack Fangame Project
Coming Soon I
[April Fool's Skit]
Leaf: Hmm… What day is it today again?
Yuki: Today is [redacted], I think.
Yuki: Although… I feel like we're missing something too.
Kristella: You didn't actually think this was real did you?
Potato: Gosh, how embarrassing~
Lonsii: Looks like all that hard work paid off.
Prima: Even if it's just a prank, you all enjoyed it, right?~
Sauce: Zoo-wee-mama.
Everyone: HAPPY APRIL FOOLS!!!!111!!1!!11
[Click, the tape is stopped.]
Barry: No, no, no. [tisk] Cut the music.
Barry: This is all wrong.
Barry: Scrap it all and start over from the beginning. And make sure it's actually good this time!
Barry: [exasperated sigh] [mutters] Amateurs.
[Click of tape playing.]
SgtSemiSauce (@VoltagiumXO)
EC (@ThisisEClmao)
Potato (@enthusted_ubi)
Maus (@NaughtyMaus)
Sunny Day Jack
LewdZaxk (@LewdZaxk)
Shaun Durand-Cofer
Ben Sinning
Ian Duff
LewdZaxk (@LewdZaxk)
Shaun Durand-Cofer
Midnight Blu (@MidnightBlu11)
Nicolas "Nick" Herraras
Reece Bridger (@Reece_Bridger)
Yuki Dragon (@theyukidragon)
Yuki Dragon
Yuki Dragon
Lonsii (@Alonsy_Nah)
CG's lineworks by
EC and Potato
CG'S coloring by
Leaf (@luckycloverNB)
Ting (@ting4114)
Prima (@primarvelous)
Prima (@primarvelous)
Kristella-lav (@kristella_lav)
Something's Wrong with Sunny Day Jack
The Phantom of the Opera
The Snaccpop Studios Team (@SnaccPop)
All the fans of Something's Wrong with Sunny Day Jack who encouraged this project. The game might have been a prank, but we made this video with love for all of you. We hope you enjoyed it.
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kmgkmg · 1 year
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word count: 1.7k…
pairing: wonwoo x gn!reader
synopsis: wonwoo sits down for an interview after his pictorial to answer some questions, what he wasn't expecting was you to be the one interviewing him.
genre/s: angst, idol!wonwoo, ex!wonwoo, magazine editor!reader
warnings: none!
rating: pg
a/n: submission for k-label's firsts for everything event! the title and fic are inspired by bae suzy's solo debut with yes no maybe! while the title track is def the biggest inspiration, i relied on all of the mini album since it's one of my absolute favorites of kpop. also leaned into iu's discography a lot and ending scene was another inspiration. thank you @gyusangels and @hwasangelbaby for being the beta readers!
Wonwoo’s steps can be heard against the floor as he enters the studio. People are still shuffling about busily, setting up before the shoot officially starts. Next to the clothing racks, various conceptual pictures are taped all along the wall. He scans the pictures, trying his best to get a grasp of what vibe he had to emulate for the day. 
The continuous clicking sounds of the camera’s shutter rings in Wonwoo’s ears while the flashes of light hurt his eyes. On top of that, the studio booms with loud music to set the mood for the shoot. With each flash, Wonwoo subtly readjusts himself to a new pose. Five outfit changes along with five different hairstyles and makeup looks. Exhausted is an understatement. The shoot proceeds for nearly three hours before finally getting the last shot approved by the magazine’s staff. 
“You were absolutely terrific!” The enthusiastic photographer praises Wonwoo and Wonwoo immediately turns bashful. He’s weak to compliments, especially when the cameras are turned off.  
His manager approaches him with a water bottle and a handheld fan. 
“Are we done for the day then?” Wonwoo asks after sipping and starts to take the uncomfortable jacket off.
His manager avoids his eyes, an indication to Wonwoo that the day was not over. “You still have the Q&A video to film. Their Chief Editor is interviewing you.”
He pats his manager’s shoulder, reassuring him to not worry. “Q&A videos are a breeze! What do you want to grab for lunch afterwards?”
“Today’s weather is perfect for…sushi?” His manager suggests. 
Wonwoo is energized by the thought of eating sushi later on. “Now that you have motivated me, this interview will be done in no time!”
“Chief Editor L/N!” One of your employees greets you, making the others aware of your presence. You are distracted by the conversation on your phone and briefly greet the employees before finishing the phone call. 
Wonwoo is already waiting at the table that the staff set up, but his eyes dart up as he looks for you. He knew you worked at Vogue, but Vogue is a huge company. He never expected that he’d run into you like this, nearly a year after you dumped him. 
You sit behind the camera wordlessly, pulling your laptop out of your work bag. Straightening your posture on the chair, you double check that the camera is recording. “Seventeen’s Wonwoo, thank you for joining us today.” 
He’s thrown off by your extremely professional behavior. Nobody knew about your past relationship besides Seventeen, but you were treating him like a complete stranger. His initial shock dies down, but it's clear on his face that he’s experiencing a rollercoaster of emotions from your presence.  
His words spill out thoughtlessly, “So, you’ve been promoted to Chief Editor?”
You exchange glances with the staff around you, all looking back at you with quizzical expressions. Double-checking the flashing red dot on the camera, you reply curtly. “Yes, I’ve been Chief Editor for about seven months. Usually the managing editor conducts the interviews, but he had a family emergency today. We’re deeply sorry that we weren’t able to inform you sooner.”  
“No need to apologize!” Wonwoo replies, becoming aware of his surroundings once again. Flashing a wide smile to the camera, he turns on his idol persona. Staff around the studio begin gushing about his kind behavior as you look for which fan questions to read. 
“Do you have any plans on releasing any more videos or photos for Carats?”
“I plan to hold a traveling exhibition of my photography early next year! I can’t give too much away right now, but Carats will definitely love it.” 
A smile crept onto your face, glad that the ideas he bounced off of you were coming to fruition. “Do the members still ask you to take their pictures a lot?”
He blinks his eyes rapidly, surprised at your memory. “Yes, they do! At this point, DK, The8, and I are practically the assigned Instagram photographers in the group.”
You nod, and prepare yourself to read the next comment. “Ballad lover, Jeon Wonwoo! I love your music taste so much! What song have you been hooked on lately?”
“I’ve mentioned IU a lot in the past since her music means a lot to me. Luckily, Carats really enjoyed my cover of her song Knees. These days, I’ve been listening to The Visitor by her. The melody is very catchy and the instrumental is stripped back which adds a special layer of sentimentality to the track. I especially love the lyrics for the hook. ‘Why do I still love you? Why do I sing about you? Why do I still wait for you?  Babe I love you.’” He responds, purposefully looking away from the camera and instead having his eyes fixate on you. 
His longing gaze goes unnoticed by you as you type a note to the video editor to add IU’s in song during post production. “Wonwoo, I’m addicted to books like you! Which books are the most newly purchased in your library?”
“Book Park Lounge had a sale a week ago! I bought about eight new books? Greek Lessons by the author Han Kang has been insanely interesting so far. Although the novel came out in April, it was sold out in all of the bookstores around me immediately. Please, check it out if you enjoy books about the beauty of humanity. My rambling isn’t doing the book justice, just know that once you pick the book up, you won’t be able to put it down.”
You memorize the book’s title, secretly missing the reading lists he would make you. “Any recent activities you did with the members that you can share?”
Wonwoo takes a second to think, lightly tapping his fingers on the table’s surface. “Me and Minghao went to a tea tasting and blending workshop. I’ve recently been more interested in tea, so he suggested that I tag along with him. It was a really rewarding time, I got exposure to a lot of new flavors!”
“Since you made your own tea blend, do you have any tips for people that follow your steps and try making their own blends?”
“Great question!” He compliments, turning silent as he thinks of the best universally liked ingredient. “Dried rose petals are my recommendation. They are easy to add to any tea blend in my opinion, plus, the quantity that you add can customize how much you want the flavor to stand out. Minghao would probably recommend others’ first experience with tea to be a tea ceremony instead. I’ve done both and the ceremonies tend to focus on patience and maintaining steady hands.”
Hesitating to move on to the next question, you review your coworker’s email with the prewritten questions. “Do we have to ask every question here?” 
Wonwoo tilts his head in confusion, “Why not?”
“Very well. Wonwoo, have you ever regretted letting go of something or someone?” 
“Yes.” His immediate reply causes his manager to approach you and ask for it to be edited out. Wonwoo sees the interaction and tries his best to fix his mistake. “Actually, no… Well, maybe? At the time, I found myself asking a lot, what does my heart actually want? It’s strange, isn’t it? I mean how humans don’t understand their hearts at times. But by the time I realized what I wanted, it was far too late. So yes, I’m full of regret.”  
You look back at his manager, whose mouth is slightly agape over Wonwoo’s candid answer. Picking up on the manager’s flustered state, you skip to the last question. “What are your plans for the rest of the year?”
He tries his best to sound energetic again, “Well, Seventeen always tries to be as active as we can! Although a little less than half of the year is left, we will meet you very soon with new music and performances!” 
“Can you do the outro?”
“See you all next time! Subscribe, like, and comment to Vogue’s YouTube channel!” Wonwoo waves goodbye with both hands and you stand up to turn off the camera. 
He walks over to you as he stretches his arms. “Can we think about us again?”
You continue fidgeting with the camera and say in a low voice, “Wonwoo. Stop saying, let’s think about it again. You know better than anyone that we probably wouldn't last a day.”
“But, Y/N, life without you isn’t the same…” His eyes turn desperate. More eyes are on the two of you, unaware that you were so deeply acquainted with one another.  
“Follow me.” You excuse yourself from the studio with Wonwoo listening to your words.
He has a hopeful glint to his eyes now, biting down on his lip to contain his excitement. He’s at a complete loss of how to predict what you’re going to say. 
You’re shaking from the anger of his unprofessionalism. Wonwoo realizes your emotions and his face turns solemn. 
“What is with you today, Wonwoo? It’s obvious we’ll hurt each other again, so stop saying you can’t live without me. Please, just meet someone who will love you more than I did.” 
He looks down at his feet and mumbles, “You act like that is an easy task, Y/N.” 
“Wonwoo, I’m with someone else now. You’re the one that wanted us to date quietly and we broke up just as quietly. Now, let go of me quietly.” You request, not once faltering in front of him. 
Without giving him time to respond, you walk back towards the studio’s doors and hold one open for him. His feet move without him thinking, trudging back into the studio. 
His manager is talking to the photographer about which photos should be excluded from the final cut. Once he notices Wonwoo's return, he finishes the conversation effortlessly. 
“Ready for some sushi?”
Wonwoo takes one last look in your direction and sees you engrossed in your work as employees crowd you. Yes, he misses you more than anything. But no, he knows that you don’t feel the same. So maybe, it’s time for him to follow your wishes and let go of you. 
He clears his throat. “Yeah, let’s go.”
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nbmudkip · 5 months
ok im sorry i realized pandemonium is close and got to thinking and im pissed as fuck about tsukasa’s lims again. prsk devs were really like “Ok guys let’s give this guy two of the most banger lims in the game-“
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“Yes great perfect. Ok now as soon as ny3 ends let’s pivot 180° and beat him to death with a rusty metal pipe.” like for the love of god. since then we’ve had three kasa lims, and they are, in order:
managed to ruin my literal top dream mixed lineup of ruishizukasa by having leaks tease the thrilling concept of tanuki/kitsune limkasa and then ended up being Walking Nerd Emoji in a Plain Middle Schooler’s Uniform. when lineup and card set theme leaks dropped i was literally gearing up to podium this event, i wanted it to be my t3, and then the cards dropped and made me so mad i dropped to maybe t100 if i’m bored enough
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very pretty card art at least but my literal least favorite limkasa hair especially in terms of 3dmodel + previous world record holder for Most Boring Lim Costume
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*audible snarling* fucking kasafes. fucking new world record holder for #1 Most Boring Lim Costume and on a fes card of all things. fucking plain white cotton tshirt HGTV sugar free breakfast syrup commercial ass sitting in a boring suburban kitchen holding a piece of bread. “what’s that?” said the devs. “you were excited to see tsukasa’s version of the concept of fragment sekais, the reality-bending time-warping realms of pure feeling given physical form where characters come face to face with deeply symbolic fantastical scenarios and confront reflections of their deepest emotions? you wanted to see how creatively we could address the myriad of different complex patterns of thought that make tsukasa who he is, and were excited to see which of many unique and interesting routes we could’ve taken to explore him at his roots? ha! hahahahaha! No. You get breadboy.”
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LIKE. GIRL. HELLO. you have GOT to be shitting me. these are the lims we’re getting? for TENMA FUCKING TSUKASA of all people???? i could pull up to the most boring outfit competition in my last job’s uniform tshirt and a pair of uncomfortably textured khakis, and if i got up backstage and saw my opponents were these three chucklefucks, i would piss my pants in soul-crushing terror knowing i was miles out of my league.
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LIKE??? WHAT HAPPENED?????? compare them to his first three lims’ fits and hairstyles:
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the fuckin reverse glowup from those to the latest three is unreal. absolute shitfest. world’s most rancid dimdown. someone get my boy some fucking CLOTHES
as i always provide on my kasaposts, please see my approved hater license below the cut:
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i adore him guys i swear. im mad on his behalf not mad at him
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puppy-phum · 1 year
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7.7.2023 (1, 2) – Last Twilight Filming
+ bonus: The first look on Night
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I doubt I will be posting all the preview pictures like this, but I might occasionally drop some here as Tumblr and my own blog are both my archive and my safe space. So welcome on this journey with me if you choose to follow along ♥
I also try to keep away from talking too much about my own opinions and expectations when it comes to this series bc I don't really have much to add to the general discussion. Also, I hate to be known like that. But I wanted to share a few thoughts on these pictures nonetheless.
First of all, I am extremely curious about the whole mood change we can notice in these pictures. The warm and soft yellows in the trailer have changed to these stark and cold blues and grays. I know this most likely won't be their final look as the actual filmed material will go through coloring and editing in the post-production process, but these colors on set and in their styling are definitely a choice. I'm personally expecting this to mean the story will hit even harder, though I also think that was a given either way. They're out to murder us, I'm just saying.
I love what this change has done to Mork however. I've seen a lot of people on Twt say they don't really approve Jimmy's new hairstyle and that they cannot recognize the character of Mork without the longer hair, but I'm stoked. He looks worse, in a good way, than he did in the trailer. He's sharper, rougher from the edges. I can see that he can be even mean like this if he wants to, and I was kind of expecting the beginning of MorkDay's story to be based on some level of distaste or even hostility towards each other. Mork is not a natural caretaker and Day doesn't really want to be taken care of so I'm excited to see what will become of that.
(Also I will not talk about Mork with his bike bc my brain is just empty when it comes to that. You point that picture out to me and all you can hear are crickets. Though my brain will insist that the one in that picture is Wai which I find hilarious.)
With Day, I'm a bit more indecisive. I'm honestly surprised how much he suddenly changed from the trailer and how much the feeling I get from him changed when they decided to put these colder colors on him. Sea's hair is styled down which somehow makes me think about an anime character, and it doesn't help that he's dressed in those black shirts/jackets? with the stickup collar. (The blue stripe in that second picture makes me think about Connor from Detroit: Become Human which. Not an AU I thought I had in me lbh.) I am not against it though. He looks younger if colder, and with the casual t-shirts, he has this almost child-like feeling to him. Makes me think that Day will be a bit of a brat. I love that for us.
My biggest grievance currently is that they apparently changed the actress for Day's mother. I love the lady they had in the trailer and I was honestly so excited to see her working with JimmySea. She has, after all, played some of my favorite mothers in Thai BLs (Ayan's mother in The Eclipse, Mon's mother in GAP, and Junior's mother in Bad Buddy). I like her face and she has this very warm and gentle feeling to her. Maybe changing her out also had something to do with the overall mood switch, we will have to wait and see.
Overall very excited to see what actually happens in this. Also excited to see other locations than just Day's house but I guess we will have to wait for that for a while. Same with anything softer which I'm not against bc the first hint of intimacy between MorkDay will probably make me pass out.
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trappedinafantasy37 · 3 months
We have finally reached the climax of Act 2 and so much has happened!
Look at this loser on his knees, angrily accepting mercy!
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Such fookin dorks! How the hell am I supposed to take them seriously when they go around doing shit like this?
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Had a very constructive conversation with Ketheric. Apparently he doesn't like being shown mercy so he ran away from the fight. AGAIN!
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"Waaah! My god abandoned me!" Join the fuckin club buddy!
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Wonder if Minthara recognizes Daedra's face?
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She definitely recognizes Orin's!
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What an icon!
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Love the faces she makes when she's talkin about world domination.
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Shadowheart, being the dramatic bitch that she is, cut and dyed her hair. Too bad Minthara is colorblind and cannot tell that she and her girlfriend now have the same haircolor! Imagine going through all that trouble giving yourself a completely new hairstyle, hoping your girlfriend will like it, and she can't even tell what's different. I'd be bawling.
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Finally! Only took me 30 hours! This dating simulator has no business having combat and existential conversations about gods and stuff.
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Welp, just like that. Act 2 is over! Now onto Act 3. With Shadowheart having turned over a new leaf and abandoning Shar, who knows what kinda choices she's gonna make from now on. And who knows if Minthara is gonna approve of them. But, hey, Minthara loves her Shadowheart. No matter what the future holds, Minthara is loyal and devoted and intends to stand next to her girlfriend until the very end.
Here, another lesbian photo dump. I got a little trigger happy this act. I will not apologize!
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<The Gauntlet of Shar | Beginning of Act 3>
The Story of Act 2
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allykatsart · 5 months
STOPPPPPPPPPP peccantum is my child now sorry im adopting him you are losing your parental rights. move the fuck over alastor that little boi is MINE
no but for serious, I. Am. So. In. Love. With your series. the art, the dynamics, the designs, the lore, all of it ALL OF IT. you worked peccantum into the series events so smoothly like whaaaaat
A couple questions I have, and then I'll be out of your hair:
Does Peccantum have any preferred nicknames? I saw someone call him Pec/Pecc once and I've been calling him Peccy in my head. I'm curious if there's an actual, creator-approved, nickname we can use
Do we get to know the full details of what Peccantum got out if his deal? Not tryna steal info you aren't ready to share but by lucifer is it eating at me !!
I don't know if you watch Helluva Boss, but considering og Peccantum (not hazbin version) is space-themed and you mention he decorates his room like space,,, it's totally improbable but WHAT IF HE MET STOLAS or Octavia!!!!!!! I just think it would be so wholesome for him even though the Goetias don't interact with sinners
So in his pre-afterlife lore you mention he worked his way up a cult but got taken advantage of by the leader and stripped of all the power he'd accumulated. He's obviously suuuuuper power hungry so it may fog up his thinking, but did he not learn from that??? why is he cozying up to Al (like eating the rotten venison just to impress him) if the last time he did that, it resulted in him losing everything
Peccantum wears Alastor's colours bc soul ownership and everything, but during the 7 years when Peccantum never heard from him, how relaxed did he get? Did he still wear the colours then or did that begin when he was oh so kindly volunteered for "bellhop" services?
If Peccantum's red string theories lead to conspiracies like "Alastor is just Lucifer in disguise", how off the mark is he about who owns Al's soul? Like would he be crazy enough to suspect Razzle n Dazzle or something or would he hit close to the mark?
On a related note, do you have a HC for who owns his soul?
I LOVEDDDD when you gave Peccantum his different hairstyles (they were all gorgeous but I particularly enjoyed the one with the many braids),, maybe Angel or Charlie would convince him to play dress-up??
Does. Peccantum. wear. makeup.
Is there a particular reason behind bis jumpiness or is it just one of his many Talents ✨️
If Alastor ate Peccantum would Al season him or would he be eaten spiceless?
Peccantum visits Cannibal Town for Al's errands, is he chill with any of the residents or does he more employ the in-and-out-without-looking-at-or-speaking-to-or-acknowledging-anyone tactic
Also just curious about how his and Al's dynamic will evolve
I'm sorry this is such a rambling ask, and please feel free to completely gnore or only answer some questions, I'm just really invested in this au you have going on !!!!!
ps i looked up the name to find how you came up with it and i think you were very smart with it
Who is Peccantum?
Oh wow dkajfbshdhjsjshd I'm. I... I don't know how to respond?!??!! This is so sweet! Thank you! 🖤💜💚❤️💜💜💜❤️✨
Sorry it took so long to answer this! I was drawing a comic and it actually added context to a lot of these questions/answered them, so I figured I'd save it until after I was done. There's a lot here so I'm gonna answer it in numbered sections!
1. Names & Nicknames
I don't really have a nickname for him, I usually call him by his full name lol. Peccy is cool lol. His name is pronounced with hard C's. So Pec-cant-um. Or, in case of the nickname, Peck-y
Fun Fact! Peccantum isn't his 'real' name. Like Angel and Husk, he took a new name once he died. His other name was actually shorter (and an actual name too). Peccantum is actually a mix of the words peccatum, meaning sin or transgression in Latin, and incant, in Latin meaning enchant. Basically, magical sin, which sums up Peccantum pretty well actually!
2. Peccantum's Deal
Yes you can!
3. Meeting Stolas
I am a fan of helluva! Have been ever since it came out! Despite that I haven't actually thought about this until now.
Peccantum, absolute nerd that he is, would probably be fascinated by Stolas and his powers. Like talking about specific spells, how long it takes to set up, magic of the stars, etc. I feel like they would have a VERY long conversation about magic and space and shit cause Stolas is lonely and Peccantum is very enthusiastic about this topic. Octavia, meanwhile, would get a long list of places in the human world with little to no light pollution. For excellent star viewing, of course.
4. Cozying up to Alastor
The short answer? No, absolutely not, Peccantum learned nothing XD
The long answer? It's complicated and messy. Peccantum, at that time, went into a bad situation because it was familiar to him. Blood, illicit murders, and strange dealings were all part of what Peccantum was taught to do. He thought he could handle whatever Alastor would ask of him. That it wouldn't matter in the end because Alastor would eventually get rid of him.
He wasn't expecting the Radio Demon to vanish.
5. Clothing Choices
You may have noticed during Checking In that Peccantum is wearing a completely different outfit before he's pulled into the hotel! That is Alastor's doing! Because Peccantum wasn't working for him dressed like that.
At first Peccantum was completely on edge because he was expecting Alastor to show up. After that first year, Alastor could call on him at any time! That's a scary thing to constantly have in the back of your mind. But then, Alastor just... didn't? There were rumors that Alastor had fallen to angels and Alastor wasn't showing up? It left Peccantum completely to his own devices.
Slowly, very slowly, Peccantum started making choices for himself, and learning how to live. He got a shitty job, a shitty apartment, but for the first time in years he was actually living, making choices of his own. And he found he kinda liked it. Not everything, of course, but making your own path in life, finding out what you like and who you are... Well. It was nice, for a time.
Peccantum still has his own clothes but he's aware that what Alastor dressed him in is his uniform.
6. Who owns Alastor's soul?
Tbh, I think it's Lilith. Maybe that's the obvious answer but like... That's the only viable candidate we have rn.
Peccantum would be suspecting Lilith and Lucifer, mainly because of the specifics of the deal Alastor made with Charlie. He didn't take her soul, meaning there's some benefit to having her free.... Or the more likely option; Alastor can't. Whatever deal he's under restricts him from taking Charlie's soul. The only people Peccantum knows who care about Charlie enough to fuck with the Radio Demon would be her parents.
I think he would lean more towards Lucifer, though. It would explain the immediate hostility between him and Alastor. Lucifer's ignorance could be feigned to piss off Alastor even more.
However, Peccantum would also keep evidence for Adam and maybe some of the seven deadly sins on the board. He doesn't have enough evidence for them, but he's not going to dismiss those options just yet.
7. Dress up day
Peccantum doesn't own a lot of clothes but he has explored a few other outfits! Here's some of the sketches I made when exploring what he would wear before he came to the hotel.
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I do imagine there would be a 'express yourself through clothing choices' activity he would get wrapped up in tho. He can wear just about anything and still look pretty good. Charlie's happy to see Peccantum embracing different styles and exploring! Angel might help pick outfits and push Peccantum out of his comfort zone.
8. Makeup
Peccantum does wear makeup! It's actually pretty new for him, so he's not the best with it and he doesn't go too extreme but... It's kinda fun!
9. Spice or no spice?
I. I have no idea tbh. I'm not an expert in... people flavoring? XD
10. Jumping at shadows
Did you misspell trauma as talents? XD, joking. In all seriousness though, Peccantum is fairly jumpy because he's high strung. He's a very anxious person in general (there are exceptions) and he's in his own head a lot. Sometimes he will forget that other people are there and be surprised when he is reminded of their presence.
11. Errands to Cannibal Colony
Peccantum definitely keeps his head down. Cannibalism in general makes him uneasy, so best to keep out of the way of any hungry citizens who want to try their luck. Peccantum can defend himself, but he'd rather not if he can avoid it. Cannibals travel in packs and the best way to avoid them is to avoid putting a target on your back.
Thankfully, most people there know he's Alastor's, so they leave him be.
12. Alastor and Peccantum
This one is tricky because I wanna explore this more in other comics, but I'll try and give a general overview here.
Their relationship isn't... Healthy. Especially not at first, but Peccantum coming to the hotel does actually put him in a better place. He meets new people, gains friends, and makes a support network that he never had before. On the other hand, he has to deal with Alastor, the constant anxiety of job performance, and deal with/unpack several traumas he's been repressing. It's a mix of good and bad.
Later on, a few months after working at the hotel, I think Alastor does start to warm up to Peccantum some. They become friendlier, not to the point of being friends, but Alastor appreciates the work Peccantum does and trusts him with tasks that he wouldn't have beforehand. By the time the attack on the hotel happens, he trusts Peccantum won't screw him over.
And then the fight with Adam happens.
We don't know what will happen in season 2, and we probably won't for a while, but... I imagine losing that fight with Adam did not help Alastor's insecurities. Personally, I think the Radio Demon is going to close himself off from the others, more than he already has. To feel in control again, he's going to be a lot more strict with his 'employees' and a lot less lenient with Peccantum.
Peccantum, of course, isn't going to know this and would take it as a sign that he's failing Alastor, something he's deathly afraid of. His anxiety would spike and the almost neutral relationship he had with Alastor would turn unhealthy again. There would be a regression of progress.
Whatever happens in season 2 would def affect their relationship tho, so I can't say much more than that for now.
Thank you so much for the comment! I love answering about my lil deer guy!!!! Don't feel like you're bothering me, I may take a while but I do get to these questions eventually and I appreciate the interest!
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kallystah · 1 year
|10| LOOK. AT. ME.
559 words
Ran always had his own style, whether it was his style of clothing or the way he did his hair, he didn't care what other people thought, but if someone made fun of him a little too much for his taste, any good excuse would be taken to disfigure people with truncheons.
It had become a habit for him to be stared at in the street, because of his reputation or his charm, he liked that it was these two reasons, he was used to people turning around. Naturally he had been criticized at first, a man with long hair he was braiding, of course society wouldn't approve, anyway, those who laughed weren’t able to talk anymore.
That's why he had decided to change his style one morning, he wasn't going to give up his braids, just the color they had. So he had gone shopping and getting hair color while Rindou slept. Returning home, he noticed that his brother was still sleeping so after putting away the shopping he locked himself in the bathroom in which he remained locked up for several long minutes struggling with his hair...
Two hours later, Rindou called him to tell him to come eat. That's it, Ran was finally going to be able to talk, brag, about his new hairstyle to his brother. Once at the table, he waited impatiently for a look or a question from the youngest. Question that never happened. Indeed, Rindou seemed either to have noticed nothing, or to care less.
Ran tried throughout the afternoon to get his brother to notice him, be it insinuating phrases such as "Have you seen that actor? He dyed his hair" The new two-tone could no longer bear this, he, Ran Haitani being ignored? He just couldn't, it just couldn't be done. So he decided, once again, to deal with the problems of his daily life by confronting Rindou at the evening meal, it was a routine.
-Hum Rindou, you really haven't noticed any change? He asked running his hand through his hair.
-... I didn't dare tell you about it, I thought you might want to keep it for yourself...
-Eh ? What are you talking about ? He resumed in incomprehension.
- Well you have lice, don't you? You spent an hour in the bathroom this morning and you touch your hair all the time.
There, Ran was shocked.
He couldn't utter a word, how could someone be so wrong? Was it even doable? All these questions wandered in the head of our Haitani.
- What don't you have? Well, so much the better then.
-Of course I don't have any, but you seriously didn't notice the superb magnificent hairstyle I did! he exclaimed
- Oh your hair, well if I saw it went a bit from blond to black.
- So you're not saying anything? No comments ? Neither beautiful nor ugly?
-If you want me to tell you that it suits you, I won't tell you. He smiled teasingly.
- People usually turn around, beautiful or not...
-Yes, but you have a hairstyle, do what you want with it and if someone isn't happy, we beat them up.
-So it's okay with me? he begs.
Rindou replied with a vague affirmation having the phlegm to debate.
~~~ chapter 10 -> end ~~~
Masterlist tkr
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intothewestwing · 7 months
Ch 8- If I Can't Love Her
While Belle explored the hidden passages and their secrets, The Beast had made his way into the kitchens himself- a place he'd rarely been.
It was warm, bright, and filled with laughter and the echoes of timeless conversations between the castle staff. At least, it was, until his looming presence became known. A hush fell over the room and laughter died as he entered. An awkward silence hung in the air until someone spoke.
"Your grace!" A woman's voice said, startled. As she stepped forward, the burning fire of the ovens reflected off her translucent skin. The Beast marveled at her as he realized her body was completely made of a teal colored glass, much like many of the vases scattered throughout the castle. She seemed so fragile, much like some of the other servants, but at first glance, it almost looked as if she were made of ice.
Sybille was once a lady's maid, an expert of royal fashion across France. She was up to date on the latest trends, which make-up styles to try, and what hairstyles were out of season in the courts. Now, she wasted away, like all the others, cursed to be nothing but a decoration.
Though she was confident around the royal household, she'd had her fair share of run-ins with the prince, and the kitchen was the last place she'd ever expected him to be. With his regular rotation of staff attending to other duties, she had no choice but to spare the outspoken children in the room and tend to whatever The Beast needed.
"How may we be of service, your highness?" She offered a small curtsy, and the rest of the staff followed in suit.
Beast scanned the room, and without engaging in eye contact, he spoke his demands.
"A dinner tray. Two plates. Two cups of wine."
If Belle would not come to dinner, he thought, I will bring dinner to her. Perhaps it wasn't too late to start over.
Sybille turned to face her peers, and ushered for them to begin preparing the requested meals. As the staff followed suit, Sybille thought to distract their master while he waited, as he insisted on apparently standing in the middle of the kitchens.
"Is the other plate for our guest?" She asked as she pulled a chair for him to sit, to which Beast did not acknowledge. "Perhaps I shall...tidy you up a bit while we wait?"
Did she actually suggest she could make me look better? He thought, as he silently watched the staff scurry about, fulfilling his requests.
Luckily, they still had leftover food from their previous attempt at dinner that evening, so it didn't take too long to fill two plates, two cups, and a tray filled with goods for the unlikely pair to enjoy. As they made their final touches, Sybille spoke again, against her better judgement.
"Although it is not my place to insert myself, might I suggest a gentle approach? A soft knock at the door? A smile, perhaps?"
The Beast turned to face the eager servant as he was handed his requested tray.
"You're right." He spoke plainly.
She grinned at his approval.
"It isn't your place."
Sybille's smile faded as The Beast exited the kitchens and headed toward The East Wing.
The dinner made by the castle staff was divine. It was all of a sudden clear to her that they were the life of the dreary castle, and as if they'd been waiting just for her, they each welcomed her to their home with open arms- which was a much more pleasant welcome than the one The Beast had provided.
It wasn't just a simple dinner, either. It was a performance. Though she was just a simple farm girl at their table, they each made sure to treat her like royalty. She didn't grow up terribly poor, as her father always made sure there was food on their table, but there were occasional nights where their bread and potatoes weren't enough.
If only Papa could taste this food now, she thought.
If dinner was going to be like this every night, she'd have a much easier time settling in to her new life at the castle. And that was the goal of this dinner; Lumiere thought it best that they pull out all the stops to show she wasn't a prisoner, but a guest.
As quickly as the first course arrived, empty dessert plates left the dining room and back to the kitchens to be scrubbed and polished.
With a satisfied sigh, Belle sunk in her seat.
"What do you think, Mademoiselle?" Lumiere appeared behind her chair, and offered his metallic 'hand'.
"Oh, Lumiere, that was incredible." She exhaled, before taking his hand and following him back into the kitchens. As if she were royalty, the staff began bowing and curtseying at her entrance.
"Please, you don't need to do that." She shook her hands anxiously. "I am one of you now, and I cannot thank you enough for what you've done for me tonight."
"Yes, yes, good show everyone." A nasally voice picked up, belonging to none other than the head of staff, Cogsworth.
He clapped his hands together, and a chime rang out from what Belle could only assume was his abdomen. "And would you look at the time! Off to bed with you, mademoiselle!"
"Bed? After all that excitement? I couldn't possibly go now." She laughed joyously. "I'd love to take a look around, if that's alright."
"Absolutely not-"
"Why of course!" Lumiere interrupted, linking his arm with hers. Knowing that The Beast could be lurking anywhere, his confidante knew it would be best to keep her away from The West Wing at all costs.
"Mind if we join? My friend, here, gives an amazing tour of the castle, you see." He gestured suggestively at Cogsworth.
"Is that so?" Belle raised a brow. "It is my first time in an enchanted castle, after all."
"Enchanted!" Cogsworth chuckled. "My dear, it is much more magical than you might think."
With Cogsworth swayed into Lumiere's plan, the trio began their tour thru the dining room, and out into the grand hall.
As Sybille had suggested, The Beast knocked gently on the doors to the queen's suite, expecting a response from his new guest. But when she didn't answer his calls, he broke the lock by force and entered the room to find no sign of Belle.
Just a single, opened door to the servants' passageways.
He almost followed the passage to investigate further, until he heard the sounds of voices coming from the hallways behind him, echoing from the grand hall.
Beast set the tray of food down on the writing desk, and exited the suite to spy on the group. This was often how he lived his life- watching others interact, while he hid in the shadows. The Prince had already burdened them with the curse, it was only fair that he stay away from the majority of them, until the curse was finalized.
And what he saw now was a sight he'd never seen; Belle was smiling and laughing with Lumiere as Cogsworth led them on their tour of the castle. He couldn't hear exactly what they laughed about, but with Lumiere's arm linked with Belle's, The Beast felt what could only be a sting of jealousy.
He knew there was no harm in this small act, but it pained him that he'd never be able to make Belle smile like that. She'd never light up as he entered a room. She wouldn't miss him if he were gone. She-
"Oh Lumiere, it's all so beautiful! I had no idea!" Belle remarked, then sighed.
"If only he weren't here."
This hurt like a stab to the chest. Beast felt the air catch in his throat as he felt any hope of her approval leave his body. Of course she'd made up her mind. How could he be so foolish as to think she'd ever consider him anything more than the monster he was?
He watched as their shadows disappeared into another part of the castle, before he leapt down the staircase and sulked back into The West Wing.
It was hopeless. She could never love him, that was clear.
Like a fish on a hook, all he could think to do was let her go. It would just be more painful to let everyone believe they had a chance at breaking the spell. That he had a chance of anyone loving him as he was.
Come morning, he'd tell her she was free to go.
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hopeforkitten · 8 months
We were Raphael's pet, but what about being Haarlep's pet?
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• of course, Raphael will not allow him to leave an ordinary lost adventurer. but what about the new debtor, who did not have time to completely lose her mind and was picked up by Haarlep. Raphael is busy with adventures with tadpoles, he does not have time to give the new girl an instruction, so the poor thing is shaking and crying in the corners of the house. Haarlep finds a surprisingly reasonable debtor and decides to keep an eye on her. The owner is not spoiling him with attention at all right now, and any free ears will be pleasant to him.
• the debtor does not remember her past, does not remember why she is here, provoking these fragments of the mind is quite fun for Haarlep.
• Haarlep wears it under his arm like a ball
• while Raphael is away, he can take her to the boudoir, the main thing is that the owner did not find out about it.
• Haarlep plays a melody with the help of finger clicks, the debtor begins to answer him
"Maybe you were a bard?"
"A bard?" she asked thoughtfully.
"Well, you sang songs, all that"
"Songs... I think it's very scary."
"Well, there was a beautiful woman in this house and she sang beautifully. But only at first it was beautiful, then she coughed more and more often, and her voice turned into a scream. Even rather loud sobs, and she still couldn't shut up, it was very scary."
Haarlep mumbled understandingly, remembering the debtor who had arrived in front of her. An opera singer whose fate is very poetic.
• "And there's a scary gentleman walking around the house. Everyone else shies away from him, and I saw him swearing at one of them... I would not like to meet him." the debtor huddles at the door of the boudoir, not daring to go any further.
"Oh, this is Lord Raphael and he is our host." Haarlep looks into the closets with clothes trying to find something the size of a girl.
The debtor is even more worried and hopefully asks him.
"But you can protect me from him, right?"
Haarlep laughs and returns his gaze to her, assessing her from head to toe, making her squirm under his undressing gaze.
"He's very busy right now, so you won't be seeing him anytime soon."
He thought a little.
"In the meantime, you will be my ward... well, or rather a pet"
"A pet... And who are you anyway?"
"I'm just a taller servant of Raphael"
"And you also look very similar to him: wings, horns and hairstyle..."
"He's a bastard in many ways. I can look different, but he only requires his appearance."
"Do you want me to take your form?" The usual cunning gleam returned to Haarlep's eyes.
"Doesn't it hurt?"
"It doesn't hurt more than everything that awaits you here. Give me your hand,"
Haarlep weaves their fingers and two identical debtors stand opposite each other. The girl realizes that she has not yet seen her own reflection, because there are no mirrors in the corridors of the house of hope.
"Am I beautiful?"
Her copy laughs and rubs her cheek
"So far, you're dirty, little mouse. But we will definitely see what is hiding under this dirt."
•Forgive me, but what suitable clothes can Haarlep find? Between bdsm belts and Raphael's huge shirts...... a fitish maid's dress? I approve of this idea
• which will drive you crazy faster: the entourage of hell, or the fact that Haarlep will use you as a gossip girl friend? He will tell you how terrible his master is, how pathetic he is, how he rehearses performances for clients and how he thinks about loving some mortal named Tav.
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sundove88 · 11 months
Charitable Hearing- A Silent Voice One Shot Fanfic
A few weeks have passed since the events of A Silent Voice, and Shoko and Shoya have come up with a brilliant idea- a non profit charity for the deaf and hard of hearing! But will it all pay off?
It was a fine morning- the birds were singing, the butterflies were fluttering about, and bully and victim turned best friends Shoya Ishida and Shoko Nishimiya; alongside the latter’s sister Yuzuru, were planning on that day’s activity. What do you think we should do for people like you? The former replied to the latter in sign language. How about we begin a charity for them? The latter replied in sign. Oh, that’s a great idea! I’ll go tell my mom and make sure that she approves of it. Shoya signed back, and ran to get his mom.
“Mom!” He said as he ran into the hair salon where his mother, Miyako Ishida, was working. “What’s all the buzz, son?” She asked, finishing up the hairstyle of one of her clients. At the same time, Shoya’s sister Yachiyo Ishida and her husband Pedro walked in. “And what are you so excited about?” The latter replied. Shoya told them all about his idea and was crossing his fingers that they would approve. “A charity for the deaf and hard of hearing?” Miyako asked. “Well, I don’t see why not. As long as you stick to it, you can do it.” She replied as she ruffled her son’s hair. “Thanks, mom.” Shoya replied as he ran back to where Shoko was waiting for him.
Now that Shoya had the approval of his mom, the two of them immediately got to work on the charity. Ok, first up we should come up with titles or something like that. Something that can get people’s attention. He signed over to Shoko, who was busy writing down titles. After much brainstorming, they finally came up with a title- Help For The Hard of Hearing. “Now all we have to do is to notify everyone else about it- as long as they get the message.” Shoya said, posting the idea online. Yuzuru, on the other hand, took to the world offline to help get the word about her big sister’s idea.
It didn’t take long for word to get around, though. As once the idea was out, it didn’t take long for people to get the message. Tomohiro Nagatsuka found out first. “A charity… started by my friend?!” He exclaimed in amazement. Then Naoka Ueno, and then all the others that Shoya and Shoko knew. And not long after word got out, and as the three friends were working on the charity, a knock came at the door. It was everyone who had gotten word about the new non profit charity. “We just heard about your new charity!!” Miyoko Sahara said as she also signed it to the others. “When do we start?” Miki Kawai replied with ecstatic eyes. Satoshi Mashiba nodded in agreement. Even Yaeko Nishimiya, the mom of Shoko and Yuzuru, was amazed. “I never thought that the three of you would start a charity nowadays!” She said.
“So… when do we begin?” Asked Maria, Shoya’s niece as she tugged at her uncle’s pant leg. “When do we start…” he began. “I’d say about now!” Yuzuru finished for him. Everyone cheered as they all began to support the new charity. And to make a long story short, it was all worth it in the end.
The End
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