#we do not support antisemetism here
sm-baby · 2 years
Not gonna be able to vote I don't think cause I deleted twitter/don't remember how to log back on neither will I be home during the live, but I do hope the golem wins. I just want some use for Tuff, ya know?
The Minecraft golems will be renamed to "Guardians" in my world as well as in my everyday use.
I had educated myself on Mojang's antisemitism issue and I don't want to add to Judaism's erasure. As badly as I want to, I will not be voting for the tuff golem as I don't want to encourage Mojang. Creating more golems will only further erase and quiet the voices of the Jewish. I WILL still continue to love and make content of them, but I will not directly encourage Mojang to make more.
They could very easily just rename or redesigned the golems so we could keep and have more of them, but I don't think that's gonna be anytime soon.
I will refer to Iron as "The Iron Guardian" and I very much encourage you to do the same <:)
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ground rules:
1) Funny- the request needs to be humorous, memes usually the most popular but dnd in jokes and other shitpostery is welcome. i abide by the MBMBAM NO BUMMERS rule - there are plenty of sad/deep/beautiful calligraphers out there who’d be happy to work with yall, but this isn’t that sort of channel
2) Length - aim for no more than 75 characters a request, my cue cards are only so big so I can only fit so much on each one and still not look like garbage. There is a little leeway but if you send me smth with like 120 characters it aint getting written
3) Amount of Requests - I am trying to be fair but i am one person running almost the ENTIRE thing, logistics, tech, etc, I have twitch mods and a roommate for retrieving things and that's it. In order to be fair, please restrict yourselves to 3 requests per person to let everyone have a shot, if you send in more i will ctrl-f your username and pick my favourites
4) Content - I will not do anything I consider under the umbrella of general assholery - this includes racial slurs, edgelord bullshit, exclusionist jackassery etc. Please be kind to each other. Please let me know if I’ve taken a request that is some incredibly obscure piece of assholery, someone once tried to slip a really obscure antisemetic piece of slang by me once
5) Repeats - I keyword tag EVERY SINGLE piece i’ve ever done on this blog, if you think I might have written smth already but aren’t sure, the /search/[keyword] is your friend, check if i’ve done your request before
the askbox is theshitpostcalligrapher.tumblr.com/ask , not a dm or submission to the blog. I’ll close submissions too so people don’t get the boxes confused. DM me for any actual clarifications, kind words, etc so they don’t get swallowed up by the behemoth of my askbox for months, and if you want to give me live encouragement the twitch link is right there, and is the ideal way to inquire more about any of the day's rules.
If you want to jump the ENTIRE queue and get your card done immediately, there are ways to donate on the twitch stream to get your request done with an ink of your choice. You can still submit 3 free requests in addition to what you pay for.
I’ll be streaming the entire time the askbox is open on twitch @ theshitpostcalligrapher, trying to get as many of these done today as possible live. Once 10PM EST hits, the askbox will close but if you get your request into the askbox by then, it will be done eventually as I always have 4 cards up per day.
Here’s the link to my twitch, we’ll start a little after 3 o’clock.
Here is a direct donation link to my streamlabs, it works like a ko-fi but I’ve got it set to give me alerts on my twitch so I can see and thank you straightaway for supporting my takeout order
I've planned on a few donation goals this time! They help pay for all the hours I put in and the material costs. Every time we hit a goal, I'll refresh it to 0 and math out whatever overlap to add to the new goal
$20 > Time For Tea! I make a sparkly, food safe glittery tea that looks like ink to enjoy with yall on stream
$30 > Jackbox Break! My Discord VC and potentially chat plays a few games
$40 > Takeout O'clock: It is time to order a food, Mia! Polls will probably be involved for food options
$200 (I am fairly sure we won't get this one) > I bought all the requisite items to bleach my hair to prep for a dye. Let's do this shit LIVE ON AIR BAYBEE
Also of Note: I will be moving house sometime in the next week and a half, which means I will be RECYCLING ALL OF THE CARDS I'VE WRITTEN IN THE PAST TWO AND A HALF YEARS (save for the ones folks pay for on stream, those are earmarked to be mailed out anyways) so if you've gotten something written by me from september 2021 to january 2024 or so, please remember that there is an an etsy shop where you can snag any card from the blog for a few dollars. dm the shop if you'd like to buy a bundle of randoms, I WILL give you a sale about it
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determinate-negation · 11 months
im not jewish myself so i could be very wrong, but the current situation in palestine and gaza and israel seems like itll be bad for jewish people and antisemitism the world over. it seems like a lot of antisemites could use the world's response to israel as an excuse for antisemitism/"proof" that jews control the world or something. furthermore, israel calling anti-israel/anti-zionism stuff antisemetic i think could confuse well meaning but ignorant people on what is or isnt antisemetic. also, it seems that some people (mainly tumblr bloggers cause thats the only social media site i use (unless youtube is social media)) are using it as an excuse to be antisemitic while pretending to be propalestine.
wanted to hear your thoughts on it cause afaik your jewish and im like 90 percent sure youve talked about something like this before, if you dont mind.
ive been making and reblogging a few posts about this that generally sum up what i think because yeah
this is just actually so awful. we do not need to ontologically define our safety and identity and very existence in relation to a genocidal ethno nationalist state that is being propped up by the forces of american imperialism. it is so morally wrong and were choosing to side with an oppressor that doesnt actually have any commitment to us and supports israel for political economic and strategic reasons, rather than siding with oppressed people. also israel and pro israel organizations puts a lot of effort into redefining criticism of israel as antisemitism, and you can see reflected in everything the ADL puts out (more info here) and also the IRHA working definition of antisemitism that has been critiqued for this. i havent seen any antisemitism on tumblr in particular, but i think thats just bc of who i follow. in general the the radical right always is quick to capitalize off of how tightly controlled news on israel is and the left needs to have the real analysis. i also have seen instances of increased antisemitic attacks, in tunisia, france, and germany, and its really terrible but im glad at least to see a lot of organizations and popular pro palestine people denounce it and tell people that jews arent equivalent with zionists and this isnt a religious conflict, SOMETHING THAT ISRAEL IS ESSENTIALLY ARGUING THE OPPOSITE OF by the way. the us government and us media's relationship with israel is literally dangerous to us. but also, israeli politicians have connections to european neo nazis and shit. they benefit from jews in the diaspora feeling unsafe and being persecuted because it means people are more likely to settle in israel
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gay-otlc · 2 years
I was looking for a thorough list of recently published trans books and this list (plus the ones linked for other years) proved to be very helpful.
Except then.
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Okay. A lot to unpack here.
Censoring the word Israel. Quite honestly, I always find it annoying when people decide to put an asterisk when typing a word they don't like. I mean, if it's not an actual curse or slur, the asterisk is clearly only there to make a statement "I don't like this thing! I think it's yucky!" and it's just. I'm tired of that in all situations but it's especially weird to censor Israel like that when the word doesn't even exclusively refer to the country- it's been used in prayers long before 1948 and I just. Idk. I've ranted too long about one asterisk.
Fucking weird to remove a book from a list just because an author went on a vacation you didn't like! For one thing, I wanted that list for informational purposes, I don't give a fuck if I agree with all of the authors ideologically. But even so, would they do this if it was any other country? Plenty of countries have done really shitty things. America has done really shitty things! Why is Israel being singled out (hint: antisemitism)
After some googling, I determined that the author is Jewish. Cancelling someone for travelling to Israel like that would be shitty for anyone, but especially if they're Jewish, because visiting the land of Israel is a really significant experience for a lot of Jews. Not because we want to legitimize an apartheid state, but because we have so much history there that we might want to connect with. A lot of people might also have family there! Is it problematic to visit family? And it's really important to many Jews to go to the Western Wall and pray there. Cancelled for wanting a significant religious experience, I guess,
Oh, also, it gets worse if you go to the 2021 book list.
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Holy fucking shit. Both of these books did something the creators of the list objected to, except one of them faced much harsher consequences. If I were to guess which book would be met with "that's not great, but it can stay on the list" and "we cannot be associated with this book in any way because we can't support the author's actions," I wouldn't expect the book with the n word to receive the former and the Jewish author travelling to Israel to receive the latter!
Genuinely, these people think a Jew wanting to visit a sacred religious site is worse than literal racism.
Also, the absolute audacity of them to call this book out for antisemitism in the way their antagonist is written. If you actually cared about Jewish people, how about you stop being antisemetic dipshits!
This has been S with today's edition of Bullshit From Goyim. There will be more because goyim do so much bullshit.
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vergess · 10 months
Is “from the river to the sea” inherently an antisemetic dog whistle or can it be used in good faith in a similar vein to Free Palestine?
I’ve been hearing conflicting viewpoints
obviously if you feel uncomfortable you don’t have to answer
It's... complicated.
Personally, I don't believe most people saying "from the river to the sea" are actually calling for the immediate dismantling and re-refugeeing of Israel's entire population.
Nevertheless in absolute terms, that is EXACTLY what the slogan is demanding. See, a lot of people don't actually look at a map:
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The area highlighted in red is, approximately, what "the river to the sea" refers to in its most conservative terms. Note how almost every single population center is within that range.
In practical terms, it's straight up a demand that Israel stop existing and Palestine be returned to local control.
And normally, being a fucking sensible person, you'd think, "Well, land back! Give it back!!"
Only you're assuming Israelis are colonizers.
Which IS. NOT. TRUE. Just because Israel is operating as a US colonial project doesn't make Israelis colonizers themselves.
Israelis are better thought of as refugees. People who were successfully genocided out of EVERY SURROUNDING NATION:
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This map shows the expulsion or genocide of Jews from the area surrounding Israel over the last century.
Black-coloured countries have eliminated over 80% and up to 100% of their Jewish populations. That is to say, countries in black successfully committed genocide against their Jewish populations in the last century.
With any surviving refugees sent where?
To Israel.
Red represents greater than 60% population loss. In a century.
Blue represents 40+%, and yellow 20+%.
Remember: population loss over 10% is considered a strong indication of genocide, and 30% population loss is proof.
And remember that these number include the entire span of time between the holocaust and now.
IF it were possible to genuinely negotiate in good faith a peace treaty that allows Jewish refugees to Israel to stay in the Jewish Homeland that they've only barely even been sent to.
Then maybe "from the river to the sea" would not be a threat to finish off the last survivors of genocide.
But between US interventionism in the region, existing racial tensions, and the last century of genocide?
Good faith negotiations simply are not possible right now, and they won't be possible until the US and European powers make it possible by dialing back the imperialism and instead using their massive global power to support genuine negotiations of peace, that actually strive to develop a healthy, equitable society for both Jewish refugees returning to their historic homeland AND the people already living there.
Which, let's be realistic here. The EU is so busy crowing about how it's less racist than the US that they deny having even participated in these forced expulsions, claiming it was all "voluntary." And the US is literally still enslaving BIPOC in prisons.
So! That's just not going to happen!!
Which means we have to look at the phrase "from the river to the sea" not in the context of peace where it would be harmless, but in the context of, unfortunately, more wars over the last century than you could even give names to.
Where it calls for the expulsion of Jewish refugees from their homeland.
To where?
Well, most likely to death. After all, it's not like we're raring to take in ~7 million surviving Israeli Jews here in the US.
And that's the quiet part, I think. The part that people don't realize is being implied.
If Israel is gone, as the chant demands, then where do the 7 million Jewish Israelis go?
"Back home"? To the nations that killed off their entire families?
Because this isn't like land back movements in North America, where it is widely accepted that there would be no expulsions or relocations because they're inhumane.
The expulsions and forced relocations are already underway and currently ongoing.
That's the distinction that I think a lot of gentiles in the west don't grasp.
This slogan isn't "turn Israel over to Palestinian governance to achieve freedom" it's "turn Israel over to Palestinian control to complete the last century of genocides."
Like. Okay. In my ideal world, Israel as a state would never have been founded because the UK wouldn't have Done That To Palestine. But we live in this world, with this history.
To clamour for the dissolution of the Israeli state is to clamour for the slaughter and expulsion of 7 millions Jews. Bro that's half the global population.
Now, do I think "from the river to the sea" is an evil phrase and everyone who says it is genocidal?
I think it's a poetic chant that works well in English and gets a decent message across to most listeners that they should support Palestinian humanity in the face of that genocide.
But I think that if I catch your ass shouting it after a ceasefire or during peace negotiations instead of during actual war crimes?
I won't be likely to trust you. Either you're well intended but uninformed, or worse, you know damned well what you're doing and its vile.
So, I don't know. I guess I would say it's not inherently antisemitic now, at this moment in time.
But give it a few months, and it will be, just like it has been before.
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luesmainblog · 11 months
for those wondering why i have been mostly quiet regarding israel and palestine: most of the pro-palestine stuff i come across is dismissive of hamas' horrors, blatantly antisemetic in parts, and generally conflates the israeli population with their government. or worse, treats them as a monolith; it is true that there are many israelis mocking the people their soldiers are destroying. it is NOT true that all of israel doesn't care and is just totally cool with what's going on. i will share what i find of israel's atrocities, but i will not make my jewish followers feel unsafe for shit they had nothing to do with. most of the stuff i've seen that *does* acknowledge the horror is jewish bloggers who have spent much of their life advocating for palestine, now having to struggle against antisemetics coming to them, furious that they DARE to be upset at the lost israeli lives. as though they are not allowed to mourn for both sides. as though they are not allowed to be horrified by what has happened; that they can ONLY be worried for palestine and how the attack was the perfect excuse for israel to double down. i refuse to send even more hatred their way by spreading their grief further into the void; you never know Exactly who's following your follower's followers. i am glad, at least, that nobody i follow was outright celebrating. but i know that people WERE, and now they're trying to act like that never happened. so incase this wasn't clear, cheering on the deaths of Israelis does not fucking help palestine.
I am truly disgusted with the blatant racism and colonialism that manifests israel's very core. it is an attempt at a violent ethnostate, intent to not only destroy the people it seeks to replace, but fully erase them from history. i am also disgusted with the way that the left is happy to celebrate genuine terrorism if it's committed "for the right side", as if parading dead bodies and raping people does fucking ANYTHING good. as if that doesn't fuel the israeli government's chances for propoganda. as if it hasn't traumatized your jewish neighbors. there are no fucking winners in war. free palestine and protect your muslim AND jewish friends in this time, they are BOTH getting their shit kicked in by ignorant people who want to take out their anger on some random kid in ohio. we are all posting in anger here. but let's check ourselves before we post; misinformation and antisemitism weakens our voices. Edit for clarity: this post is for my mutuals. I am specifically asking my mutuals to think carefully about what they post; i am aware that i've been too quiet, and i am trying to remedy that. i am also warning my jewish and muslim followers that if you've been using my blog as a safe spot to not think about it for a little bit, you're gonna wanna block the tags below. 'horrible things' will usually do it. i am also venting about how every jew i follow is getting hit with the "die you stupid zionist" shit from coward anons who can't tell the difference between supporting israel and just being fucking concerned for your family over there. it's fucked.
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scarrletmoon · 2 months
i watched a great video today about antisemetism on the left that was a really in depth and nuanced look at a lot of perspectives, palestinian and jewish, throughout history. i think i understand better why some jewish people fiercly defend israel, even if i personally don't agree with them. it's so complicated. thousands and thousands of people are dying every day because of hate and it shouldn't be happening but it is, and it's going to be extremely difficult to resolve after a ceasefire
(and that's another thing i think about a lot, that yes there should absolutely be a ceasefire but. what do we do after to make sure civilians aren't killed in the next fight? how do we make sure there ISNT another genocide?)
i wish i could have a discussion about it in my server but i cant bc one person will derail the entire convo and i dont have the energy or expertise to get them to stop
like i'm sorry, but if you think "support palestine without being antisemetic about it" is somehow genocide apologia, idk what to do here
why are you here if you think i'm that kind of monster
anyway it's probably for the best that no one talks about it bc this isn't really a conversation that needs my input. i'm still learning and i'm very afraid of saying the wrong thing bc i'm aware of how little i know and how much harm that ignorance can cause
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Hello again! Lately I've been really active in the whole the Jewish people are indigenous to the levant - but as a white American (I'm a Jewish convert), I feel hypocritical for not doing as much for the indigenous populations here. I asked you before about what to do irt helping more and you said to listen to native voices - which I definitely agree with! But I'm not sure of who/which advocacy groups specifically are a good resource? Do you have any recommendations? Anyone to avoid? Like avoiding JVP for Jewish resources! /gen
Here is a good article about Indigenous Artists, it explains Indigenous artwork and artists. It also explains how to help support indigenous artists.
Being Jewish and Indigenous is not a common combination. It's hard to find other people, but I have a few mutuals who could probably contribute to this post as well.
This is a page on North American Indigenous cultures, specifically revolving around women and two-spirited individuals.
This page is about the past and on going genocide in Canada reader discretion advised.
How to help give us a voice here
How to get involved
Jewish people need support in forms of helping the government see we are actually in danger here.
Help educate people about the past, literal history that is proven fact.
Donate to support Israeli citizens
Donate to your local Synoguage(s)
Look at Sefaria and read through Jewish theology and history.
Participation in events that support Jews.
Shut down and call out people being antisemetic
Helping Jews can be as simple as sitting and listening, go to a Synoguage and ask a Rabbi some questions, or email them.
Send an email to your local Synoguage and explain you'd like to help your local Jewish community and they will guide you to more localized services to help jews in your area as well.
Here is a charity that supports Israel and Canadian Jews in the following ways listed below.
Food distributed through soup kitchens, meal delivery, and food box programs
Medical assistance including prescription programs, support for doctor visits and in-home medical care
Support for the elderly including food, home care, and winter relief
Aliyah (immigration) flights from the former Soviet Union, South America and other lands of distress
Emergency relief in the form of clothing, food, and medical care
Here is another good Charity Lost Tribes, by Jewish Voice.
Jewish Federation of Canada
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loveisinthebat · 2 years
Oh, and , as an aside.  Given we support Trans rights and The Jewish people BOTH in this house.  Supporters of the HP World, or those who justify their purchase of Racist Rowlings Antisemetic Party Game  Aren’t welcome here.  The bats are not for you.  The bats Give no room for Hate, or the people who support it In the face of all the harm it’s creator continues to do with the money you give her.  If you Feel the need to argue against this choice? Door’s On the left. 
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jetblkhotelmirror · 11 months
frank stans, how are we feeling?
i dont want to start anything but i would like to here peoples input on this- so, if youre gonna comment, be nice to each other please lol
im assuming that even though i havent seen much on it, the people here know about the ls dunes issues and related frank issues, but, to give a very short summary- ls dunes released an ai music video and when fans (rightfully) voiced their concern about the ethical implications of this, they doubled down, got defensive, and ended up saying some really harsh, hurtful things to fans. additionally, they have allowed "ai bros" to take over their fanbase and effectively bully original fans out of online spaces using homophobic, transphobic, and misogynistic rhetoric. in the aftermath, frank made an antisemetic joke (seemingly accidentally) and fans tried to (very calmy and respectfully for the most part) inform him that it was offensive, but instead of simply apologizing and taking it down, or doing anything productive whatsoever, he got mad and started insulting fans and insisted that it was not antisemetic and that he had done nothing wrong/people couldnt "take a joke." i might be forgetting some things but, lastly, a friend and frequent photographer of ls dunes showed up to a party dressed as an ls dunes fan. his outfit consisted of a bright orange wig, and ls dunes beanie, fingerless skeleton gloves, and the ls dunes shirt with wolves on it that was designed by a fan. it was clearly an attempt to laugh at and make fun of fans, specifically girls and women in the fanbase, and, though it wasnt one of the band members wearing it, the fact that he felt that it was not only okay but also funny means that fans are likely a common , or at least not an uncommon, subject of jokes or ridicule in that circle. a lot of people are justifiably upset that a band who was initially so vocal about loving and supporting the fanbase that has loved and supported them for so many years would let this happen, especially after all of the shitty things that have done/allowed to be done to fans in the last few months
im 100% done with ls dunes at this point for a number of reasons (ai, the toxicity in the new fanbase, the bashing of the fans for expressing their concerns, this costume, etc), but im not sure how to feel about frank in all this. i know that he has had a part in all of the dunes shit, so im definitely not his number 1 fan anymore, but the other stuff like the doubling down on the antisemetic joke is still rubbing me the wrong way.
i am kind of having a hard time being objective about this because i have loved him and his music for so many years, so i was wondering if anyone here has any thoughts or input as to what theyre thinking about frank after this whole situation. i certainly dont think he is flawless, and i never have, but at this point, after everything that has happened, i feel uncomfortable continuing to "stan" him in the way that i have been, and i definitely dont feel comfortable going on as if nothing has happened. like.. ive had a frank profile picture since i got a twitter account, and same on here, but i changed it bc i dont want people to think i support some of the shit thats been going on, so i really dont know what to do here
thoughts, anyone?
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tselbutnonhuman · 15 days
Request Form!
This is for our non BAH requests! Don't hesitate to ask what other kinds of requests we do as long as they are not bah requests! We have a separate blog for that linked in our pinned.
Our Inbox will be the same as our BAH blog. Only 5 requests are allowed at a time, however, you may request multiple things in one as long as there is a spot open. Your request may take longer and/or have a lower priority than single/simple requests. We have the right to delete your ask/request if sent in after requests have been closed.
Things We Will Make:
Moodboards / Stimboards Wallpapers Banners Userboxes Flag Redesigns (Please provide color palette along with details) Pfps (Alterhuman And/Or Pride) SFW/Non-harmful terms (dissomei, aldernic, perpesque, etc)
Content/Things We Won't Do:
Anything NSFW/18+ related (Please find another blog for that) Adult media (Family Guy, American Dad, etc) Harmful/Mocking identities (gender, sexuality, other) Anything related to countries/states/politics Anything related to Vivziepop (Here is why) Country Humans Radqueer/TransID/Proship related Anything related to Wilbur Soot, Dream, GeorgeNotFound, or other problematic people unless they are a source separated headmate or are not in support of their source and/or their actions Anything racist, ableist, homophobic/transphobic, antisemetic, zionist, nazi, transmed/sysmed, fatphobic, etc. Things related to harmful paras
Content We Absolutely Will Take Requests For: (List Will Grow With Suggestions & Time)
Anything Alterhuman/Otherhuman/Nonhuman/Otherkin/etc SFW pet and age regression SFW/Non-harmful aesthetics SFW Objectum and POSIC+ LGBTQIA+, MOGAI/LIOM, etc System/Plural Terms Things related to our interests (List Below)
Media/Things We Enjoy (Determines The Priority Of Requests) [ * Means its a current hyperfixation]
DSMP* QSMP Hermitcraft Minecraft* Plurality* Mental Health/Psychology* (NOT PRO PSYCHIATRY) Xenogenders/Neopronouns* Alter/Nonhumanity* Cartoons Anime Animals Books/Reading TLOZ Animal Crossing Slime Rancher
-------------------------------------------------------------- Request Requirements: Moodboards/Stimboards: Topic Subject Theme/Colors How many pictures/gifs you'd like included Extras you'd like included Anything you'd like excluded
Wallpapers/Banners Topic Subject(s) Themes/Colors Format (Desktop, Phone, Ipad, etc. Please specify dimensions) Other things you'd like included Anything you don't want included
Userboxes: Icon/Symbol Colors Text (What you'd like it to say) Font Extra decoration? (Stickers) Things that should be excluded
Pride/Kin Flags The term you want Is it a remake or something new? Colors? Number of stripes? Symbols/Icons? Things to exclude
This is our first time making a blog for requests like this so please be patient if you don't get your request done quickly. We are still learning and are trying our best. Please keep asks to at most 5 requests at once. Anon asks are on, if you'd like to claim a tag go ahead. We will provide a master list of tags once they start rolling in.
Requests will also be listed in this post.
Current Inbox/Drafts:
Zero of Five (0/5)
Claimed Tags / Current Anons:
Tag List: tsel userbox - for our userboxes tsel moodboard / tsel stimboard - For mood/stimboards tsel pride - for pride flags tsel requests - for answered asks tsel kin / tsel therian / tsel alterhuman / tsel nonhuman - for non-pride flags/alterhuman related things tsel flag edit/remake - for when we edit/remake flags tsel custom - for term requests tsel coins - for term reqs and coins
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fdelopera · 2 years
To all the non-Jewish people in the Moon Knight fandom who want to write about antisemitic rhetoric in detail as a way to “discourse” around Moon Knight authors like Bemis, I as a Jewish person who has experienced actual acts of antisemitic terror perpetrated by the alt-right am telling you politely to stop.
Describing that stuff only puts more antisemitism into the world, and it further traumatizes Jewish people.
You’re not “helping” Jewish people by describing it. You’re “white knighting” for us and passing it off as advocacy.
And please, don’t say “I talked to a Jewish person and they said it’s okay.” Don’t pull the “I have a Jewish friend” card.
You’re not “fighting against the alt-right.” You’re just echoing antisemitic rhetoric that has been used against Jews for millennia, and you are contributing to the trauma that Jewish people experience.
Please politely accept that you don’t have enough discernment to determine what is and isn’t antisemetic for gentiles to talk about. And accept that even if “your Jewish friend” says it’s okay, it’s still triggering for many Jews to read.
And if your response to this is, “But if no one talks about [insert horrible antisemitic trope here], how will people know it's wrong?” Trust us — people will know that it is wrong to talk about those things, which I won’t mention in this post, because I don’t want to trigger other Jewish people.
By talking about those things, you are not going to change the minds of any people on the alt-right. All you are doing is contributing to Jewish people’s pain.
It’s also important to understand that there are real consequences to antisemitic rhetoric in public discourse, and you talking about them is actually more likely to embolden the alt-right than to shame them.
Please, let Jews lead and guide these conversations.
Support Jewish people when we talk about antisemitism, but don’t be “our voice.”
When a Jew asks you to please not talk about antisemitic topics, don’t pit us against “your Jewish friend” and tell us that another Jew said it was okay.
Trust that we know how to talk safely about antisemitic topics, and understand that these are conversations for Jews to lead, not gentiles.
And if a Jew tells you that it makes us really uncomfortable when you talk about antisemitic topics, please believe us, and stop.
Thank you.
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kozmo-gay · 9 months
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About Me
 welcome to my blog !
 requests are open
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  what i offer !
 templates (discord, sntry, carrd, tumblr, pk / sp, etc.)
 flags / identities (nonharmful / good faith)
 icon hauls (i.e. i find icons w/ creators / artist creds attached
 names, pronouns, similar
 more!! don’t hesitate to ask, the worst i’ll do is deny your request
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  abt me !
hey! you can call me kozmo! i am 19 and currently attending university, so my schedule can look hectic. i enjoy drawing, d&d, saxophone, music in general, and i’m big on gaming. i’m a plural system and had audhd, bpd, and gad. mostly making this blog for fun, sorry if i disappear for periods of time—i blame uni
i made a masterlist of all of the things i've made and collected on tumblr - you can find that here [link]
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  bndries !
 what i will do !
— good faith and nonharmful identity requests
— emoji, banner, divider, and other graphic requests
— templates for various things!!
— sfw art requests
— commissioned nsfw art from 18+ only (ID confirm)
— commissioned sfw art from anyone (will have watermark if posting publicly + i will ask if i am allowed to post it publicly)
— icon hauls / hunts w/ credit to artists
 what i won’t do !
— harmful, derogatory, or offensive identities. (i.e. transracial, transtrauma, super straight / super gay, and similar)
— nsfw or gorey art non commissioned
— discourse related
Tumblr media
 before you int !
— we have did / osdd + do not wish to participate in any discourse. our content is for everyone so long as they aren’t using it in an inappropriate or offensive / harmful manner. we are neutral
— we are pro good faith identities. this includes mspec lesbians and gays, he/him lesbians and she/her gays, xenogenders, and similar
— i block without hesitation if someone displays behaviour in my dni
— dms / pms are allowed so long as you are respectful. if you're coming here to inquire about my identity shop, please start your pm off with that!
 dni !
— terfs, swerfs, radfems, exclusionists
— racists, anti-black, antisemetic, xenophobic, against blm / supports "all lives matter" or "blue lives matter", nazis / neo-nazis
— specifically nsfw / gore blogs
— ableist, against well-researched self-diagnosis
— lgbtq-phobic, against contradictory labels, aspec exclusionists, transmedicalists, against xenogenders, against neopronouns
— proship / comship, “fiction doesn’t affect reality”
— paraphiles, pedophiles, etc. (healthy bdsm enjoyers and recovering paraphiles not included in this)
— anyone who knows or supports alex & rin kagamine
— anyone who knows or supports morioh
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bisexualamy · 9 months
antisemetic evangelical politicians (who only care about Jews as short term votes or long term human rapture sacrifices) are redefining antisemitism out of existence and it is so exhausting. they never did and still don’t understand what it actually is and all it’s doing is driving hate crimes numbers.
this is not rebloggable bc it’s a vent and not the most important issue here. that being said, I am begging the usamerican left to not accept these definitions as truth. I cannot tell you how fucking exhausting it is to be a jew among jews who support palestinian liberation and to be subject to such awful antisemitism by other leftists. people who I thought were my friends cutting me off without warning, without even asking me what I believe and why, bc they assume I’m against liberation bc I’m a practicing Jew.
the right has never cared about us in earnest and the left is all we have if we hope to survive. when Jews ask leftists to actively condemn antisemitism in leftist spaces this is what we mean. it’s not excusable to take right wing propagandist virtue signaling as fact. if you were raised religious in a system that hurt you, you still don’t get to take your religious trauma out on Jews. I am so exhausted by just trying to survive in a country that would throw us back in camps if they could get away with it, only to be abandoned by fellow leftists while they profess inclusion and liberation from bigotry
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coveredinbees · 10 months
I've been seeing some people on Twitter calling Matt Bomer a zionist, and I have thoughts. I've included a cut here, so people don't have to read my mad political rantings if they don't want to. I know people are going to get mad at me, but, well... I can't help that.
Before I start, let me just get a few points straight:
Above all else, I support Palestine. They have been subject to gross apartheid for many fucking years, and what is happening right now is not a conflict between one state and another - it is the starvation and genocide of civilian people. The state of Israel must be condemned for their actions.
I also acknowledge that we need to be careful about the language we use when discussing Israel and Palestine. Because there are antisemetic people out there who will try and piggy back on pro-Palestinian arguments, ('fellow travelers', if you will); and honestly, fuck racists. It is possible, (even necessary), to openly condemn the actions of a government, without allowing racist narratives to bleed into the conversation. But we need to check ourselves.
Yes, I agree, Hamas are a terrorist organisation and they are fucking awful.
The big question is, "Is Matt Bomer a zionist? " And the unfortunate answer is, I don't know. If it turns out he is, then y'all stand aside, and I will yeet him off the cliff myself, but so far, all I've seen him accused of is posting the Israeli flag in his Instagram stories, (undated), and I suspect he might be one of the many celebrities out there who posted their support for one side, without doing any surface-level digging beyond what he saw in the media. Maybe he isn't a zionist, you guys. It's entirely possible - nay, likely - that he is just a dumb bitch, like the rest of us.
But we do live in a cancel culture society, and we do not tend to give a lot of leeway for people to be ill-informed or make mistakes on social media. Don't get me wrong - some people should be cancelled. But what I want to encourage here is critical thinking. Don't just cancel people because of a random tweet you saw. Ask yourself, "Is this person bad, or are they misinformed?" I mean, maybe it will turn out he does support the State of Israel in their actions, in which case - fuck him. But then, maybe it will turn out that he's human and he made a mistake. The dude did just win an award for his human rights work, so I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, until someone can give me categorical proof that Matt Bomer supports genocide.
Weigh things objectively. Decide for yourself. I am not here to tell you what to think. But personally, I want more information before I start boycotting him, or harassing him on social media, as I see some people are already doing.
If you feel that passionately about Palestine, good. You should be passionate, what is happening is horrendous. But turning that passion into vitriol for dumb celebrities is not very practical. Donate to Amnesty International, join one of the many 'Pro-Palestine' marches happening globally, or write to your MP. It all seems so small, but every little thing we do helps.
And thank you for reading. I'm always up for discourse, if anyone wants to have a conversation about this.
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gay-otlc · 1 year
Responding to a post saying “free palestine is not an inherently antisemitic phrase” by listing ways it can be used that way completely misses the point?? By saying “is not inherently” op is explicitly acknowledging that it can be used that way, but the phrase along is not antisemitic and neither is the idea??
First of all, the post you're referring to is two years old, so I'm not sure why you're sending an ask about it now, but okay. Let's do this.
I said the phrase was not antisemetic. And that the idea was not antisemetic. Multiple times. If you think I disagree with "the phrase alone is not antisemetic" your reading comprehension is pissed on by the poor.
And also, you are missing all of the context for that post. It was made in May 2021, during a significant rise in antisemitism from people who claimed to be pro Palestine. While I was looking for the post you referenced here, I found a lot of other posts from that same week discussing antisemitism I've faced for this reason.
And when people were called out for their antisemetic behavior, they always responded by saying "it's not antisemetic to criticize the Israeli government/it's not antisemetic to support Palestine." Which is a correct statement, but was also constantly used as a way to invalidate Jews' anger over the very real antisemitism we were facing from those who were criticizing the Israeli government.
So I don't remember the exact context of that post, but given everything happening at the time, I can assume I was in a state of mind where I read "Free Palestine is not an antisemetic statement" and agreed, but also felt as though the antisemitism in the conversation about Palestine was being ignored, and that upset me. Which is why I reblogged- by the way, agreeing with the fucking post, so I don't even know what you're mad about- saying that although the statement is not inherently antisemetic, and usually isn't, it sometimes is and acknowledging that is important.
I didn't miss the point, you dumbass. I agreed with the point and added to it, and you missed the context.
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