#we habe written.
gailynovelry · 3 months
*Emerges from the google doc covered in blood.*
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kendallroyvevo · 2 years
only 200 more pages of this dense book on German history in the 20th century
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vulcanhello · 2 years
star trek the savage trade was. so much. there were implications. there were friendships. there were ten thousand unfulfilled ideas. it was not well written but it WAS a ten course meal of food for thought
the most interesting part of this book was the complexity between spock and valek which was completely disregarded even though it arguably had the most interesting stuff going on. for example; when they meet up again after over ten years
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varen is her twin brother, which we’ll get to. but here she’s pretty rude towards spock, despite later telling kirk that she felt bad for bullying him/formally arguing against his existence when they were kids. which. okay. only to LATER find out she’s been amongst humans for over ten years. she even starts this little romantic thing with kirk like this
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she does stuff like this multiple times. kirk as the narrator even frequently mentions how ‘un-vulcan’ her actions are
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i thought it might have been heading in a direction where she also felt like her emotions were getting the better of her as a kid, maybe making her feel like spock was better than her even being half vulcan, but no. it was just about her going along with every other vulcan’s prejudice towards him. then there was this whole thing where she came to take back her opinions because she respected sarek and amanda so much, and of course once spock grew up and proved himself’ she respected him too. but like. there’s so much there. the main point made here regarding all this was that vulcans underestimated spock because obviously spock is great but he couldn’t earn respect until he proved himself in his profession. until then though it was public debate over his existence. imagine your classmate getting up and arguing you shouldn’t be alive. and the only person who’s disagreeing with her is her brother. WHICH.
next point: spock ‘when i feel friendship for you i feel ashamed’ has longtime childhood friends he still keeps in contact with? obsessed. what’s this? you’re not going to include him in the narrative? bro. varen is apparently spock’s only friend from way back and this isn’t even talked about. it’s basically just the reason why valek was angry with spock as kids but she already didn’t like him so it wasn’t like her brother and spock being friends was a catalyst. what i’m getting at is that this author put SO MANY interesting things in the story and then just didn’t use them. ACTUALLY GOING OFF THAT
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obsessed when novels mention sybok. this one’s especially interesting as according to her, sybok was seen as better than spock. in the final frontier novel it went that sybok felt like an outcast already, and was noticeably more emotional than other vulcans. spock, who assimilated and became as vulcan as possible to offset being half human, was still seen as less? insanity. i just feel like there’s so much going on here talking about spock’s childhood and then when you read the end of the savage trade spock’s just chillin with ben franklin absolutely uncaring (which good for him. if i met a childhood bully who was now everything she bullied ME for? i would be ruthless. spock elects to lose to benny frank in chess multiple times so he’s above all that)
anyways there was so much the author could have done with valek because she was really really interesting but her and spock almost never interact and it ends up falling pretty flat. LOST OPPORTUNITIES, like pretty much every star trek book in existence
ok one final thing the spock and varen being vulcan lab partners thing was really cute
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#sorry i literally want to tear this book apart with my teeth THERE WAS SO MUCH THAT COULD HABE BEEN EXPANDED UPON#and yet the runtime is filled with kirk and valek trying to get togethr 💀#also like half the plotlines of the first half of the book were completely dropped in the end this was NOT a well written book but bro#whatever happened with valek and spock and varen was ten thousand times more interesting#especially if we wanna discuss spock having a single friend from childhood he still keeps in contact with#i think that’s nice that’s something i want for spock even if it doesn’t really fit his character as someone who felt so alienated from v#vulcans that he ended up in starfleet#i would love to read abt him and varen what do they talk about? apparently varen attended the VSA so#they send their upcoming papers back and forth for editing and in the space version of google doc comments they drop all the drama from#their respective workplaces#ok fr tho i think this part of the book would have benefitted from valek and spock having more interactions. i mean she’s REALLY out here#acting very human and the FIRST thing she does is get on his case about FRIENDSHIP? when literal chapters later she commits the same crime!#i KNOW its bad writing bc in what world would spock admit to having friends but BRO. in the context of the story taking it at face value BRO#also. it was kinda funny that in the beginning of the book kirk is so wow mr spock its like we have a consistent and ongoing mindmeld we’re#so in synch <3#and then turns around and falls in love with this woman because she’s sooo vulcan#sorry! it’s funny to me. what do you really want sir 🤔#ok kidding i thought the valek / kirk thing was kinda sweet#i need to annotate this book and everything because the only thing mccoy did this whole story was have crazy sex with the ex gf of the#guy who wrote candid which. not my fav of the high school lit but#there was a slavery plot that mostly got dropped with the two alien races from the beginning#i think if i could rewrite any book it would be this one because it was THERE IT WAS ALL THERE. it just needed the talent and the time#okokok im done. for now#captain’s log#trek books#tos
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crazyunsexycool · 1 month
Can you write a drabble where Sugar and Bucky are telling Henry and Lottie that sugar is pregnant.
The kids don't really understand that they have to wait for a few months in order to see the baby!
So Lottie is like oh! I gets a baby sister! Okay where is she? Give her to me 🤲
And then Henry is like why is the baby inside mama? How did mama know there's a baby inside her? Did the baby tell her?🤨
Lottie is so disappointed that she has to wait so long in order to see her sibling.
Sugar and Bucky are having such a hard time trying to explain how pregnancy works to these little munchkins 😂😭
hahahahahaha. I'll do this because I'll be writing it a bit differently in the actual series. So here we go.
Warning: Talks of pregnancy.
Henry stared at you and Bucky as if you'd each grown a second head. Charlotte was looking around confused because she couldn't find the baby you were talking about.
"Where is baby sissy?" Lottie asks, looking up at you and Bucky.
"Well the baby is in my belly." You place your hand over where the baby bump would eventually be.
"Mama no!"
Henry yells causing Lottie to react. You and Bucky laugh as Henry walks over to you. He cups your face, worry written all over his face.
"Mama how will you get the baby out?"
"First of all, my sweet boy, I didn't eat the baby."
"When do you get the baby sissy mama?" Lottie had sat herself on Bucky's lap.
"Well the baby is going to grow in my belly for nine months and then the baby will be born. So we'll have to wait for a little bit."
Lottie pouted and crossed her arms over her chest at the though of having to wait a life time.
Bucky, who had his arm around you and couldn't stop smiling, added. "We still don't know if it's a bubba or a sissy though, doll. but now you get to be a big sissy. Aren't you excited?"
"Mmhmm. Can habe seepovers and tea parties. Babies wike pwincess mobiles?"
"Maybe our new baby will. But we'll have to wait and see."
"Yeah but you get to see my belly grow and fell the baby moving and you can even talk and sing to the baby while he or she is in there."
"Can wead night night books to the baby?" Lottie asks
"Mama if you didn't eat the baby, how did it get into your belly?" Henry asked.
"Well your dad-"
"You did this to her?" Henry sends a glare in his father’s direction.
You can’t help but laugh and bring him in for a hug.
“It’s ok Henry, you’ll be a big brother again.”
“So it’s good that you’re having a baby?”
“So good, bubs.” Bucky assured him.
“And the best part is we can decorate the nursery and my clothes and toys for the baby.”
“Can go shopping too mama?”
“Of course you can sweet Angel.”
Bucky leaned in and kissed your cheek. He couldn’t stop smiling and kissing and hugging you. It was a dream come true for both of you.
“So how did daddy get the baby in your belly?”
The smile you and Bucky both had faltered.
you were not ready to have that conversation…
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lacinkaju · 8 months
My European Poem
by Julia Cimafiejeva
This poem should be written in English. This poem should be written in German. This poem should be written in French, In Swedish, in Spanish, in my adorable Norwegian, Maybe in Finnish, Danish and Dutch. Baltic languages should decide for themselves. No Belarusian version for the poem, No Russian version for the poem, No Ukrainian version for the poem. The rest are at your choice. This poem should be written in the languages Of human rights organizations, Of those multiple expressed concerns by European politicians.
So Shall I get used to the thought That I could be taken to prison By the men wearing black, By the men in plain clothes, By the men with four fat letters On their fat black backs? Otherwise, my country Won’t gain any freedom. And it could not work anyways, As usual.
Shall I take it calmly that I Could be beaten and ultimately Found guilty for that because (They would say) I cried anti-state slogans like “Freedom!” Or “Release all political prisoners!” Though I would not need to cry them out at all (Like my Facebook friends and thousands of Someone else’s friends) In order to be arrested or beaten.
I won’t have to cry anything, I won’t have to do anything, Just stand silently, just be. I know I have to get used to that thought Just in case, because it’s so likely to happen. (Oh, my! I haven’t saved those telephones yet Whom to contact in case of detention.)
I can’t say that in Belarusian, I can’t say that in Russian, I can’t say that in Ukrainian, Only in English: I am afraid, Only in German: Ich habe Angst, Only in Norwegian: Jeg er redd. That’s enough, for other variants, Please, use Google translate. The translations should be more Or less accurate. These are not Those strange East European languages With their funny Cyrillic letters.
I’m afraid Like you would be in my place, If you lived in a country that is not free Where they’ve had the same president For 27 years. Oh, my god! more than Two thirds of my life I’ve spent Under the power of a crazy person Whom I’ve never voted for! (I can’t say that in Belarusian.) But my parents did. All the time they voted for him, All six times, and I think They’ll do that for the seventh, I’m just afraid to ask. Once a young daring girl, I got a slap on the face from my mom for not being “patriotic” enough. And my dad used to be a local election commission member. I’m afraid to ask whether he was honest While counting the votes, I am not sure. Thank God, he is on pension Now, but the rules there Are still the same. I can’t say it in Belarusian, I can’t say it in Russian.
Sorry, it’s a long poem, Because it’s a long story, I spent more than two thirds of my life Under the power of the man I’ve never voted for, Who harassed and suppressed and killed (They say).
And when I come to the literary festivals abroad, And when I speak English I try to tell the complicated history of my country (When I am asked) As if I am another person, As if I am like all those European poets and writers, Who do not have to get used to the thought That they could be arrested and beaten For the sake of their country’s freedom. As if my ugly history is just a harsh story That I can easily put out from the Anthology of Modern European short stories because It’s too long, And too dull.
When I tell it in English, I want to pretend that I am you, That I don’t have that painful experience Of constant protesting and constant failing, That nasty feeling of frustration and dismay. I want to pretend that I have a hope, Because when I tell it in Belarusian I realize, we all realize, there is none We can look forward to.
So forgive me my nagging in a half-broken English, My Eastern European never-ending complaints, As having read the books you’ve read, I still want to have a hope, I still believe I have a right for a hope, That hope could build its nest On my roof and sing its songs In Belarusian (Not in Russian).
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siriwesen · 2 months
TLDR: This is just a collection of my thoughts on the Bayern verbietet Gendern-Stuff. Do not approach this from a POV of an only English speaking person. German is a very gendered language and we have discourseTM. Language mixed for chaos and suffering of all who choose to read. Y'know, the issue with the Gendersternchen/ Semicolon etc. not being screenreader friendly, shouldn't mean, we abandon the notion of gendering in german. It should mean "We incentivise developers to include the Gendersternchen, Semikolon and other German gender Variants into their programming".
In written context, I definitely understand the accessibility option. Ich mein, als jemand der in einem pädagogischen author-bezogenen Bereich der Erwachsenenbildung gearbeitet hat und immer noch gelegentlich arbeitet, ist die Zielgruppe oft das A und O wenn Texte geschrieben werden. Gendern KANN Sätze umständlich und kompliziert gestalten. Lustigerweise ist "Lehrer:innen" oder "Lehrer*innen" jedoch schneller visuell zu fassen als z. B. das binäre Gendern. Beispieltext: "Lehrerinnen und Lehrer müssen sich der neuen Verordnung anpassen. Wenn die Lehrerinnen und Lehrer sich nicht anpassen, gibt es Diziplinarmaßnahmen von den zuständigen Kolleginnen und Kollegen. Viele Schülerinnen und Schüler verwenden womöglich bereits eine gegenderte Sprache. Wenn Jungen und Mädchen..." vs. "Lehrer:innen müssen sich der neuen Verordnung anpassen. Wenn die Lehrer:innen sich nicht anpassen, gibt es Disziplinarmaßnahmen von den zuständigen Kolleg:innen. Viele Schüler:innen verwenden womöglich bereits eine Gegenderte Sprache. Wenn Kinder..." Das ist jetzt nur ein Beispieltext den ich improvisiert verfasst habe, der natürlich nicht sehr sinnhaft ist oder perfekt ausformuliert. Aber in bestimmten E-Learning und Schreibkontexten muss man immer wieder die gleiche oder ähnliche Personengruppen erwähnen. Irgendwann ist man dann komplett genervt, weil man in einem Absatz drei mal "Beamtinnen und Beamten" oder "Verwaltungsmitarbeiterinnen und -Mitarbeiter" etc stehen hat. Vor allem wenn man als Author unter Zeitdruck steht und schlechte oder unzureichende Quellen zusammenfassen muss. Da gibt es dann viele Wiederholungen in bestimmten Begriffen und Phrasen, was auch eher eine Budget-/Zeitsache ist die da mit reinspielt. Wenn man gezwungen ist binär zu gendern im Text ist das anstrengend und ein Gender-Symbol ist tatsächlich weniger umständlich in diesen Kontexten. Alle Geschlechter sind mit eingebunden und der Text ist kürzer und griffiger. Das binäre gendern macht zwar Männer und Frauen sichtbar, aber es exkludiert auch ganz klar Intersex- und Transidentitäten. Ich selber gendere sehr häufig nicht, was eher aus Gewohnheit passiert. Ich verwende für mich selbst das generische Maskulinum, aber ich habe auch schon Personen getroffen, denen die weibliche Endung wichtig ist, oder denen das Gendersternchen wichtig ist. Von allen Arten gendergerecht zu schreiben ist das binäre Gendern von Personengruppen am längsten und zieht Texte am ehesten in die Länge.
Wir sind die Nation die zig Rechtschreibreformen innerhalb weniger Jahre durchgezogen hat. Ich habe zwei verschiedene Rechtschreibreformen mitgelernt in meiner Schulzeit. Wir haben Schulbücher innerhalb eines Jahres von DM auf Euro umgewandelt. Wir haben nach Jahren endlich offiziell ein großes scharfes ß in der Typographie eingeführt. Obwohl KEIN mir bekanntes deutsches Wort mit ß anfängt. Warum ist es so schwer zu sagen, wir führen ein Zeichen als Gendermarker ein, als Bestandteil unserer modernen Sprache, welches dann auch von Softwaredevelopern von z. B. Screenreadern wahrgenommen und umgesetzt werden muss? Zusätzlich, wenn man amtliche Dokumente in "leichter Sprache" beantragt, dann ist die Sprache und der Satzbau eh KOMPLETT anders, als man es von den üblichen Behördenschreiben gewohnt ist. Im Kontext mit leichter Sprache muss man vielleicht schauen, ob es einfacher ist "Menschen" oder "Personen" zu sagen anstelle von "Bürgerinnen und Bürger", "Einwohnerinnen und Einwohner" oder "Bürger:innen". Da kenne ich mich zu wenig aus, welche Worte da angebracht sind, ich weiß nur, dass lange Worte und Fremdworte vermieden werden müssen. Und dass Sätze kurz gehalten sein sollten. Aber es geht hier ja vorrangig nicht um leichte Sprache, sondern um das Beamtendeutsch. Und Beamtendeutsch war leider noch nie leicht. Behörden sind zwar angehalten Kommunikation so einfach wie möglich zu halten, aber dann ist die Verwendung Geschlechtergerechter Sprache (z.B. Personengruppen, Person, Studierende...) sinnvoller als überall "Studentinnen und Studenten" zu schreiben... like.
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copiousloverofcopia · 7 months
We are back again ghesties for the next installment of, The Hell Torn Heart featuring Secondo and @ashley-ghuleh OC Marcus!
Thank you so much for allowing me to write for you! Hope you all enjoy!
Commissions are OPEN, please see pinned post for Carrd info!
The Hell Torn Heart
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After a recurring dream leaves Marcus, a half-demon/half-hellhound, dealing with the ghosts of his troubled past and visions of a place he has never been. He is unexpectedly thrust into an unknown world. Guided by a mysterious couple to the Ministry, surrounded by ghouls and siblings of sin. The once outcast struggles with what haunts him and learning to find himself—until he meets Secondo.
Chapter 2: The Ritual and the Maestro
Also available HERE on AO3! Haven't started yet? Read from the beginning HERE!
Read more below the cut!
It was a dreary, overcast day. The sun, shunned by the blankets of clouds that hung above them. The crowd, gathering to enter the Olympiastadion in hordes of headbangers and moshers. The lot of them as far as the eye could see. Packed together like grains of sand in glass. All of them beaming for the night's concert. 
Metallica was the headliner, Ghost their opening band. Most of the crowd was adorned in the metal legend’s merch. Sporting “Ride the Lightning” shirts and long, thrasher style hair. Marcus could blend in easily. Wearing his “Crowned Crows” black crop top, his favorite black plugs in his ears, and the tuft of blue hair that graced his head—styled up into a mohawk. 
As he approached, the sheer size of the place intimidated him. While Marcus had dreamed of coming to shows in a place as grand as this—his meager income barely allowed him a drink at the Hundekeller, let alone top tier entertainment . When he finally reached the box office, he was delighted to see that Aether and Cumulus had kept their word. Waiting for him was an envelope with his name written plainly on the front, handed over by the sweet young woman helming the box office. 
When he opened it up he was delighted with what he found inside. A pit ticket with his name on it and a VIP access badge. Marcus couldn’t help but smile as he tucked the envelope into the pocket of his guitar case, still shocked security let it inside, and headed back in line. The energy of the crowd all around him, so palpable and exhilarating. 
“Ich kann nicht sagen, dass ich jemals zuvor von Ghost gehört habe. Kennst du sie?” a man dressed in a well-worn black band tee said to the blonde woman who accompanied him. Marcus couldn’t help but stare at it. The man’s shirt faded so much that the only thing recognizable was etchings of white from what at one point must have been a logo. The woman shook her head in response, seeming to be unaware of them as well. Marcus letting out a sigh of relief for having been embarrassed at not knowing who Ghost was before.  
When he, and the other pit ticket holders were escorted onto the Olympiastadion floor, Marcus was breathless. The towering building was crested by a large opening that revealed the sky. The stage, lined with metal and decorated in an array of stained-glass art that was flanked on each side by Ghost’s logo colored in marble white. It was the most breathtaking thing he had ever seen. 
Though he was towards the back of the pit, he could see the stage clearly. Past the raised lighting from phone screens and rows of hands held up in praise, he could make out all of the band members. Each of them dressed in black and their faces veiled by silver demon-like masks. Their anonymity, intriguing him along with their clear Satanic aesthetic. 
Their presence, a welcome celebration of things that Marcus held in secret. His own connection to the darkness—constantly cloaked from all those who surrounded him. Ghost had displayed these things openly as if it was something to take pride in—not keep hidden. Marcus could smell Aether and Cumulus were among those on stage. Unsure which of the masked musicians they were, Marcus kept careful watch. His attention, drawn to the two men at the front with their guitars—one in black and the other white. 
When the lights began to flicker—the stage ignited with the haunting sound of music, Marcus felt nothing short of awe. His heart pounding against his chest as the sounds flowed through him. The first chords played, resonating in a deep place within he could not quite explain. It was then as saw him, the man of the hour appearing from the back of the stage. Mustached, commanding, and surrounded in tight, crimson red fabric.
🎵 In times of turmoil, in times like these…🎵
As the man sang, Marcus felt the rush with each of his words. His voice, just as melodic and powerful as the music he sang to. It was only mere minutes into the show, and Marcus knew he had fallen in love. Watching, eyes wide open and heart soaring as the man he came to find was known as Cardinal Copia, continued on his way.
🎵 Them rats! 🎵
Song after song played, Marcus becoming more enticed as they passed. Feeling as if like magic, they cast a spell upon him just from watching and listening. The guitarists’ riffs, painting pictures in his head of the notes and chords as they played. Marcus, unable to control the urge to mime them. Feeling the phantom strings beneath his fingers as he mimicked their strokes. 
As fast as they came on, Ghost went. Leaving Marcus and the crowd—absolutely mesmerized. He was almost in tears, welling up with emotion from the experience. The music, somehow making him feel more at home and at peace than he had felt in a very long time. 
“This…this is incredible.” he uttered aloud. Wiping the stream of black eyeliner that had managed to trail down his cheek.  
“You got that right baby!” said the blonde from before, clapping and screaming as Ghost took their leave from the stage. The promise of Metallica, riling up the crowd. Marcus, however, was devastated. While he knew Metallica from before and was always a fan—Ghost had given him something entirely different. While the stadium geared up for the main event to take stage—He felt overcome with despair. Pained that he might never get to experience them like this again. 
His instant depression had clouded his memory. Forgetting all too quickly the VIP pass that lay within his guitar case, when Cumulus joined him within the crowd. No longer covered by her ghoulish mask but appearing as the same bubbly woman he had met the night before. She grabbed him by the shoulder to get his attention, her sweet smile extending from ear to ear.
“So what did you think sweet face…Helluva show huh?” she asked him. Sending him a wink as she stood beside him in the unsuspecting crowd.  
“I can’t even find the words—-that was…was…” Marcus stammered as he couldn’t explain just how he was feeling. 
“Unreal?” Aether said as he appeared behind Cumulus. “Come on kid, the boss man would like to meet you.” 
“The boss?” 
“The Cardinal.” Aether explained as he and Cumulus rushed Marcus through the crowd, intent on bringing him backstage. 
The walk backstage had Marcus’s blood pumping. Passing the packs of security, nervous despite his VIP pass on display that they'd find a reason to toss him. Each hall looked just the same as the last, giving him a sense of unease. And the quick, discreet glances between Aether and Cumulus, as if they knew something he didn’t, had sent him even more on edge. 
After yet another identical hall, they finally arrived at their destination. Given away by the taped-up, white 8 x 11 sheet with the Ghost logo printed on it. Marcus held his breath within his lungs as he stared at the double doors. So excited and scared at the same time to find out what awaited him behind them. 
"Ready?" Cumulus asked him. 
"As I'll ever be." Marcus replied as Aether opened the doors. Immediately Marcus was hit by the same smell carried by Aether and Cumulus, only this time it was unrelenting. Surely it wasn't a coincidence that he was engulfed in it now.
Marcus's eyes took a moment to adjust to the harsh fluorescents. His gaze, drawn to the man at the center of the room. It was the Cardinal, sitting in the middle of a long black couch, the rest of the room filled with the other band members. All of them, still in their black attire. 
The Cardinal seemed delighted with his appearance, quickly waving Aether and them forward with his leather gloved hand. “Ah yes, Aether, Cumulus…I see you have brought back the boy, eh?” Copia seemed to cheer. Scooting over to the side, allowing the three of them a place to sit beside him. Marcus could hardly believe he was standing there. 
The man who had captivated him on stage, welcoming him into the inner sanctum as if he had known him forever. To Marcus, it almost felt like he had even though he had yet to learn his name. The Cardinal, so familiar and kind. Notes of Marcus's own mother woven into their interaction. 
Copia was making polite conversation. Explaining how honored he felt to be welcomed to the area and about how much they enjoyed the energy of the crowd. Marcus tried hard to focus on the words spoken between them. Keeping his composure, if only just enough to prevent from dropping his glamour. The scent, growing harder and harder to ignore. 
“Something wrong?” Cardinal Copia asked, just as Marcus caught sight of the ornate details of the patch, embroidered on his jacket. That same shape, an inverted cross with a “G”, he had seen in his dreams. 
"I–think I've seen that before. Somewhere."
"A Grucifix? Well, it is a sacred symbol of our faith." Copia explained. Watching as Marcus looked more and more confused. 
"We are actual devil worshipers, you know?" Winked a black-haired woman. Leaning over the coach to whisper something into Copia's ear. Her high cheekbones and the most piercing eyes Marcus had ever seen, making her look almost ethereal. 
"I—oh is that so?" He asked, unsure of what else to say. He was unfazed, wondering if he should have acted more surprised. His true nature, making him acutely aware of the truth of the Devil and the existence of Hell.  
"You sure you're ok?" Cumulus asked, watching his nostrils flaring. The scent, becoming even stronger the more the band crowded around them.
“Yeah…it's just the smell—” Marcus began before realizing the words had escaped his lips. Scared he might have said too much.
"Ah well…about that…" Cumulus began when two other men approached them. One very tall, almost giant-like in his appearance. Broad-shouldered and very impressive to look at. The other, his opposite. Quite small—scrawny even with long blonde hair and his top lip covered in a 70s porn-stache. 
“Heh…that's alright, it's probably just Dew.” jabbed Mountain. Tilting his head to signal over to the smaller man at his side. Calling him out as the culprit of the offending scent. 
“Pff…ass.” Dew uttered under his breath, rolling his eyes as Aether and Cumulus took their respective spots beside the Cardinal on the couch.  
“Don’t mind him too much Marcus, was it?” Copia asked him, drawing back his attention. Marcus smiled and nodded, still standing before them and feeling almost even more ill at ease.
“Yeah it's Marcus. Marcus Kohle. You know, I just have to say before I lose my nerve, Cardinal, well you…you…" he began. Marcus, overcome with the feeling—the need to confess. Wanting to tell all of them about his dreams, about everything. Though he wanted, desperately, to ease the mounting tension. All he could say to finish was. "Ghost puts on a hell of a show.” 
“We sure do.” Cumulus said, giving the Cardinal a kiss on the cheek before getting up from the couch. She walked gingerly up to Marcus. Giving him a big hug before whispering in his ear, “Good luck.”
“Ah, well thank you. That was the intention.” Copia laughed. Marcus couldn’t help it. Compelled to explain further. To let them know that he wasn't just a fan…there was more to it than that.
“No…you don't understand. The music, the lyrics…they just…just... I am pretty sure I could even play the riffs already. I loved them so much.” he explained.
“Oh?” Copia said, surprised and flattered by Marcus's candor. 
“Well then, go ahead and show us. Dew, give him your guitar.” Aether teased. Dew immediately scowled and hissed back at him. Such an odd behavior for a mortal, that it immediately made Marcus suspicious. 
“That's ok, I have my own.” he explained, confused when the smaller man looked even more irritated. As if his refusal to play with his guitar, somehow disrespected his instrument. 
“Well go on then…play.” Dew snipped, waiting to smirk at what he assumed would be a feeble attempt, only to be floored when Marcus was able to play multiple sections of both Rats and the solo from Dance Macabre . The rest of the room too was speechless. The young man from Germany, able to play songs that took some of them months to perfect—and after only one listen. When Marcus was finished the room erupted with applause, with the exception of Dew who sat in a stupor. 
Cardinal Copia began smiling wide at him. Letting out a pleasant sigh before crossing one leg over the other as he relaxed back into the chair. The sound of the leather as it shifted, filling Marcus's ears. Marcus almost panting from the rush of adrenaline as he lowered his hand down the neck of his guitar. 
“Aether, I believe you are right…we can’t leave without him now.” he explained, as all the color drained from Marcus’s face. What did he mean by that, what have I gotten myself into? he asked himself as Aether stood up before him. 
“Marcus, we owe you an apology.” he began, the rest of the room falling silent as they waited for either Marcus’s response or for Aether to continue—only for Cardinal Copia to cut in. 
“You see, we are no typical metal band…things in Ghost work a little differently. We know what you are.” he explained. Marcus could hear ringing in his ears. His ears aching, reminiscent of his damn alarm. Scared that they did indeed know the truth. 
“You see friend, we are not what we seem.” Aether said, as the image of his masculine appearance peeled away.  Like paper burning and curling within a fire. Revealing the Hell spawn ghoul that lied underneath. His tail twitching back and forth behind him, and the horns standing proudly atop his head. 
“Oh fuck.” was all Marcus could get out. Watching as the rest of the band member’s own glamours faded away. Their gray-skinned, white glowing-eyed truth, all that remained. 
“No one here will judge you Marcus. We are all born of Hell fire here…well except for the Cardinal.” Aeth said, smiling as Copia shrugged in response. “Come back to Italy with us. Come meet the rest of the Abbey. Come home.” 
“Yes piccolo, come back with us and we will be your family. You will no longer need to hide what…who you really are.” reasoned the Cardinal. Marcus stood in complete silence, confused and flooded with the emotion of everything he had just seen and heard. Feeling his glamour slip for a brief second as the words of the Cardinal and Aether resonated inside him. All of them were like—him.
“Home.” Marcus asked, his eyes glazed over, still swimming in his own thoughts. The Cardinal stood up and placed a gloved hand on each of Marcus’s shoulders. Pulling him close enough to see the unholy glow of his left eye as he spoke
“That's right piccolo—home.”
Olympiastadion- Concert venue in Munich, Germany The Hundekeller- Hound Cellar (The bar in our little story) Ich kann nicht sagen, dass ich jemals zuvor von Ghost gehört habe. Kennst du sie?- I can't say I have ever heard of Ghost before. Do you know them?
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aprikotea · 6 months
Handwritten Notes from my Teacher
Actuall I still have a whole Kyoto trip I wanted to blog about here. But this will take a bit longer. So here are my impressions of my last tea school lesson.
We were practicing again in at the residence as last time. One of my two teacher was absent this time, which caused a little bit of a tighter schedule. But I got to be guest three times and also practiced being a hanto as well as the same teame as the last weeks. There were only really minor things my teacher corrected. A lot of it being the order of with which hand I pick up some utensils. Especially at the beginning and end. But one thing stood really out:
When I get the shimeru chawan from the hanto, I take it and before pouring water into it, I habe to say that I close the tea ceremony. Usually this is initiated by the main guest. But since the hanto bring tea from the mizuya this step is skipped.
Everybody got a copy of hand written notes of my teacher about the schedule and details for the event in December. I have jet to read them carefully and hope to understand at lest something.
Besides that, I also talked with some other students about wearing a kimono for the event. They recommended me to definitely talk to my teacher and find someone who will help me in the morning to put on the kimono.
Since the practice what quite busy this time, I didn’t got the chance to ask her. So I’ll probably write her a message.
Sorry no pictures this time.
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thebeautyoffanfics · 1 year
Can thee request a letter from thou?
I'd like a letter from Tsukasa Yugi (da ded one if that's ok) - And like basically I'd just like to habe a love confession from him-
Just curious on what it would be like and uh probably gonna fangirl
But -
Pronouns: She/Her
Nickname: Emiko-!
And here's some information !
I'm usually talkative but I do have moments where I'm just dead silent and won't talk to anyone.. or at least not that much. Kinda like I'm charging a battery
And I have trouble doing some things that have to do with interacting or just being out there because of bad anxiety. Like presenting a project or simply asking a teacher for help-
Ohhh and I'm also vv flirty but for some reason can just get red or embarassed by a compliment *they don't happen often*
I hope this helps!! I love your writing btw!!
a/n: thee certainly can <33 this took sooooo very long that the requester has … probably forgotten that she requested this - but , just in case you see this , sorry for the time this took !!!! I appreciate the compliment very much , and I hope you enjoy this , if you see it ^^
Ahhh i will note ,, i haven’t written in a while , and haven’t really been thinking much on tsukasa , so i’m sorry if this is ooc !! 
Dear Emiko!!,
Hii !! Hello !!! Bet you weren’t expecting this, huh!! I saw someone doing this the other day, and thought “huh, that sure is something!!” !!! But I kinda also thought “huh, maybe that’s not a bad idea?!” since the reciever looked REALLY HAPPY . I wonder if this will make you really happy …. Probably <3!! Who wouldn’t wanna receive a letter from me -- I’m too cute for you to NOT be happy!!
Hmm… now that I’m thinking about it, I dunno where to start this part, really!! Should I just go for it?! Well, you can’t really answer, so!!! Emiko, your cuteness has captured my heart!!!! It’s not beating or anything, but it’s completely in your hands!!! I’m giving you a round of applause, yaaaaay!! It’s not every day, month, or even year that Tsukasa Yugi gets his sweet little heart stolen, but here we are!!! I like you, maybe even love you!!!!!
Everything about you is soooooo cute!!! The way you blush at compliments I give you, and you’re even cute when you need a break!!! Maybe I’m not patient enough, and I kinda don’t get everything you go through, but!! It’s funny… I kind of want to, hmm… I kind of want to understand!!! I dunno if I can get everything- I don’t really get nervous like you do, and I don’t really have a social battery! But I think all of that is really neat about you, and so I hope that you can be willing to talk about it with me, as my girlfriend!?!? If you decide to respond, just meet me in the Broadcasting Club whenever <3!!
Looooots of love!!!,
Tsukasa Yugi <3
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randomstudyblr · 2 years
Konjunktiv auf Deutsch
This is part of the Langblr reactivation challenge! This is day 9 :)
Write an explanation on a grammar rule in your target language (such as verb tenses, exceptions, word order, etc). Include sentences to show how and when it is used.
Sooo Konjunktiv, we finally meet.
Aka this is the Konjunktiv post that nobody asked me to write and yet I did. It's probably not very understandable, especially if German isn't your first language, so I've also written it in English here :)
Konjunktiv I wird für die indirekte Rede verwendet. Außerdem gibt es feste Wendungen, wo man immer Konjunktiv I benutzt. Nur im Präsens muss man das Hauptverb konjugieren; anderseits werden nur die Hilfsverben konjugiert.
Das Verb sein ist im Konjunktiv I üblich: ich sei, du seiest, er sei, wir seien, ihr seiet, sie seien.
Die andere Verben konjugiert man nach dem folgenden Muster:
3. Person Singular wird am meisten verwendet, weil es in der indirekten Rede öfter passiert. Um es zu konjugieren, muss man das -n vom Infinitiv entfernen: haben - er habe.
Die Modalverben sind auch in der 1. und 3. Person Singular üblich: ich/er/sie/es müsse.
2. Person Singular und Plural werden von Indikativ nur durch das -e unterschieden: du gehst - du gehest/ihr geht - ihr gehet.
1. Person Singular und 1./3. Person Plural: da sich der Konjunktiv nicht vom Indikativ unterscheidet, muss man Konjunktiv II oder andere Verbformen verwenden.
Im Konjunktiv I kann man Sätze in der Gegenwart, Vergangenheit und Zukunft bilden. Zum Beispiel:
Gleichzeitigkeit. Haupt- und Nebensatz passieren gleichzeitig: er sagt, sie lese ein Buch.
Vorzeitigkeit. Nebensatz ist in der Vergangenheit des Hauptsatzes passier: er sagt, sie habe ein Buch gestern gelesen.
Nachzeitigkeit - Futur I und II. Nebensatz wird in der Zukunft des Hauptsatzes passieren: er sagt, sie werde morgen ein Buch lesen/er sagt, sie werde morgen ein Buch gelesen haben.
Um über nicht mögliche Sachen zu sprechen verwenden wir Konjunktiv II (aka Irrealis), aber auch für die indirekte Rede und andere Situationen:
Wünsche und Hoffnungen.
irreale Aussagen oder Bedingungssätze.
die vorherige erklärte indirekte Rede (wenn Konjunktiv I nicht möglich ist).
besonders höfliche oder vorsichtige Anfragen oder Aussagen.
Es gibt eine pure Form vom Konjunktiv II, für die Gegenwart, und mehrere Formen mit Hilfsverben.
In der Gegenwart kann man nur starke Verben im Konjunktiv II konjugieren, da schwache Verben gleich wie im Indikativ Präteritum konjugiert werden. Um starke Verben im Konjunktiv II zu bilden, muss man Konjunktivendungen an den Präteritumstamm anhängen (-e, -est, -e, -en, -et, -en). Außerdem erhalten Verben mit a/o/u einen Umlaut:
ich fände, du fändest, er fände, wir fänden, ihr fändet, sie fänden.
Die Modalverben und Hilfsverben konjugieren sich im Konjunktiv II auch:
ich wäre/ich hätte/ich würde/ich könnte/ich dürfte/ich müsste/ich sollte/ich wollte.
Aber manche Leute kennen schon diese Formen! Sie werden benutzt, wenn man vorsichtige Anfragen macht: Ich hätte gerne...
Die andere Formen werden mit Hilfsverben konjugiert.
Für zukünftige Situationen und auch für Situationen in der Gegenwart kann man würden + Infinitiv benutzen. Für schwache Verben ist diese die einzige Form, die für die Gegenwart benutzt wird: ich würde warten.
Plusquamperfekt bildet sich mit haben oder sein im Konjunktiv II + partizip des Verbs. Man benutzt Plusquamperfekt für die Vergangenheit: ich hätte gefunden/ich wäre gegangen.
Da gibt es auch eine zweite Futur-Form (Futur II). Sie ist mit würde + partizip + haben/sein gebildet: ich würde geträumt haben.
Vielen vielen Dank an Em @dreamofghosts für die Korrekturen und allgemeine Hilfe!!!!!!!!!!
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alwaysklako · 1 year
Sowas finde ich immer sehr spannend ❤️
16, 54, 77
Halli hallo 😊
Ich finde sowas auch immer total spannend 😊 und vielen Dank für die Zahlen/Fragen ❤️
Here it goes:
16. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Share one of them?
Ich habe derzeit 6 Geschichten auf meiner Liste, zu denen ich sofort sehr viele Ideen hätte, wenn ich länger darüber nachdenken würde.
Drei dieser Geschichten haben auch schon konkrete Notizen, zwei davon sind SEHR laut in meinem Kopf und eine besitzt einen mehr oder weniger fertigen Prolog :D
Bei den zwei sehr lauten Geschichten fällt es mir derzeit noch schwer, eine Entscheidung zu fällen, auf welche ich mich als erstes konzentrieren möchte. Die eine wäre AU, die andere an die Realität angelehnt (das ist die, mit dem Prolog).
Inhaltsteaser zur Real-Geschichte (das ist ein Tweet, der mir vor ein paar Wochen untergekommen ist): „If we‘re both single by a certain age we will marry each other“ is always a fun story concept but it could be even better if the pact is made between rivals as a drunken dare and they go to sabotage each other’s relationships because they‘ve been secretly in love all along.
54. What’s your favorite part about the fanfiction writing process?
Ich mag es am meisten, dass man nicht in den Korsetten gefangen ist, in denen man sich in „normaler“ Fiktion bewegen muss. Und in diesem Zusammenhang hauptsächlich, dass man sich die Zeit nehmen kann/darf, eine Geschichte zu erzählen. Ein Kuss muss nicht in einem Satz erzählt sein, sondern darf auch fünf, zehn oder zwanzig Sätze lang sein. Eine Handlung muss nicht in ~90.000 Worte gepresst sein, sondern darf auch doppelt oder dreimal so viele Wörter haben. Ich mag das Gefühl von „everything goes“.
77. Do you have a favorite scene you’ve written from [Fanfic Name] story/chapter?
Ich denke, ich würde hier Kapitel 3 von „Deine Melodie in mir“ wählen. Das Kennenlernen von Joko und Klaas in dieser AU-Welt zu schreiben hat sehr viel Spaß gemacht und ich glaube, ich konnte die Szene sehr gut so transportieren, wie ich sie im Kopf hatte und das ist irgendwie immer etwas besonderes.
Vielen lieben Dank nochmal fürs Mitmachen 🫶🏻
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cassiope25 · 1 year
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Ich habe 901 Mal im Jahr 2022 etwas gepostet
17 Einträge erstellt (2%)
884 Einträge gerebloggt (98%)
Blogs, die ich am häufigsten gerebloggt habe:
Ich habe 897 meiner Einträge im Jahr 2022 getaggt
#stargate atlantis – 814 Einträge
#sga – 790 Einträge
#rodney mckay – 594 Einträge
#john sheppard – 479 Einträge
#mcshep – 249 Einträge
#addicted to rodney mckay – 127 Einträge
#mcshep forever – 117 Einträge
#great gifset – 82 Einträge
#ronon dex – 71 Einträge
#teyla emmagan – 67 Einträge
Längstes Tag: 116 characters
#sometimes i can't imagine how great the results are when seeing under which circumstances the scenes had to be done!
Meine Top-Einträge im Jahr 2022:
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This is my very first fic and it's written for the SGA_Saturday Prompt Challenge #week 353-357 tender /quilt
I'm very exited about it and hope you'll enjoy it!
Summary :
“We are so doomed... I can't believe I can't find it!”
Rodney paces back and forth, hands either up in the air or yanking at his already dishevelled hair, which is now sticking up in the air in all directions. A picture of utter devastation.
Oh God, John loves this man!
on AO3
23 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 21. Oktober 2022
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Extract from the podfic:
For the Mcshep Month 2022, week 3:
mcshep comedic duo
@itstartedwithalex's and my work was inspired by SquaresAreNotCircles' aka @itwoodbeprefect fic about John and Rodney's hilarious epiphany of sexual identity.
It's also posted on AO3
So if you want to leave a very welcome reaction like a kudo or a comment you can find us here:
Podfic (complete) on AO3
Cover Art on AO3
Thank you SquaresAreNotCircles for giving us the permission to do so. We had a great time doing this for your wonderful fic.
Fic on AO3
John is leaning in, head bent low towards the curly-haired guy he’s talking to. Rodney is a little annoyed instantly because hey, what’s so important they would need to whisper it? Why isn’t John pulling him into this?
And then John reaches out and pulls the other guy in. Over the table, by his neck, and suddenly this other guy is kissing John.
Or: With DADT gone, John starts kissing guys. Rodney is (very mysteriously!) not having a great time.
26 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 24. März 2022
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A little McShep feeling 💖
27 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 12. Mai 2022
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A very belated happy birthday @mific 🎉
This is an Illustration for the hilarious fic "The Captive" that will always be one of my all time favorites.
It's also on AO3 along with the wonderful podfic by @itstartedwithalex.
Art on AO3
Podfic on AO3
Fic on AO3
Author's summary: He had to face facts. They'd brought him here to the warlord's private quarters — he stole a frightened sidelong glance at the bed, half-visible through the open door — which meant... Oh god, he was a body slave.
Thanks @mific for giving us permission to do this, we had such fun doing this for your awesome fic.
27 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 21. Dezember 2022
Meine #1 des Jahres 2022
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Happy Birthday! 🎉
Lt. Colonel John Sheppard 🇺🇸
* 14 Jun 1970
81 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 15. Juni 2022
Hol dir deinen Tumblr-Jahresrückblick 2022 →
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struggling-author · 10 months
Aang: "I'm all about peace and balance."
Azula: "And I'm all about chaos and fabulousness. We balance each other out, sweetie."
This joke was written by AI. I‘m testing out ChatGPT (and possibly turning it into an Azulaang shipper) and here’s my thoughts so far
read under the cut
I‘ll start with the elephant in the room - do I think it can/will replace actual writers?
the simple answer is no.
ChatGPT (and other AI I‘ve tested) is okay at writing basic storylines that sound pretty decent at first glance but it lacks any understanding of nuance or symbolism. It also has a bad case of „tell don’t show“ and loves narrating. Overall it would probably do much better at writing backstories than actual scenes for any type of media.
to put a slight addendum to my answer, I think given the nature of capitalism people will certainly try to replace writers, and are already trying afaik, I just don’t think it will be very successful in the long run. this mostly comes back to my previous point, which I‘ll try to demonstrate with an example. chatgpt can write a story where the protagonist loses his mind, but it does not actually understand the process of losing your mind, it cannot write coherent reasons for why he does or what kind of actions he committs to support and manifest this process. certainly it cannot give you a meaningful symbolism for his turn to madness.
where a real author may write something like „the prince sits alone in his tower, staring at his hands. his sword lays discarded at the side, but his fingers still drip with blood. as he looks up at the mirror to sees his reflection smirking back at him. ’see, I told you this was your destiny, it always has been‘. the prince shakes his head frantically and covers his eyes with his hands, unable to bear the thought of what he’d done. in desperation, he lashes out smashing the mirror to bits - though as he opens his eyes again, the shards of his shattered mirror still show that same smiling face, with bloody handprints over his eyes now completing the look. despite his better judgment, he finds himself chuckling at the irony.“ (that wasn’t even good but you get the point)
the AI instead will write something like „the prince sits in his tower tormented by his inner demons, he is afraid of what he has become. as the demons creep up on him, he loses himself in his madness and becomes the very thing he feared.“
I am underselling the prose here, because AI is actually decent at that part and I am honestly not, but in terms of nuance this is pretty close to what you actually get. the reason this happens is because ai doesn’t actually think or research „how does a person turn insane“ and then think how to best represent that in writing. instead it just guesses the most likely array of words for how someone might write that process, based on the stories it has already read. if you want to insert any sort of nuance into this, you will habe to tell the ai specifically how to do it, thus you must have thought of it yourself already.
what this means is that in any type of creative process, the fundamental ideas all still have to come from the actual author. so do I think chatgpt and other AI will change the writing process? absolutely! but I think it will do so more as a tool for writers than as a replacement.
it can help with prose and formulations, especially for writing in non-native languages, can help with outlines and structure, (something that judging by this rambling mess I could definitely use) and it could maybe get you started with some basic ideas, but everything that makes writing great and everything that makes writing matter, the creative thought process behind it, all of that still has to come from a human author and I think current AI would inbreed itself to death before it could ever learn to replicate that (ai inbreeding as I call it is already happening with image generation, because the internet is now flooded with ai-art some bots are copying themselves and creating worse and worse results)
little side note at the end, what it has also been pretty good at is writing jokes, so I‘ll be posting those as well as probably some of my other „research results“ here in the next couple days
also if it wasn’t clear, I am still in full support of the writers strike going on, just wanted to share some of my personal thoughts and experiences - and offer what I consider a reasoned optimistic perspective
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tintenspion · 1 year
Really curious about Goering's shit about being a friend of Manfred and things like that. Where can I see them?
First and foremost, there is an article written by him for "Unsere Luftstreitkräfte 1914-18", where he talks about MvRs death. He mentions that they knew each other and describes how he experienced his last fight. (I got the article scanned, and im considering getting the book myself but this is like 40 centimeters long and like five kilograms I am not exaggerating. It's the Big Chungus of books.)
"[Ich will Richthofen] so schildern, wie ich ihn persönlich erlebt habe in den gemeinsamen schweren Kämpfen und wie ich ihn gesehen habe im Kreise seiner Kameraden."
"I want to describe Richthofen the way I personally experienced him the hard battles we fought together and how I saw him in the circle of his comrades."
The biggest hole in his story is that at the time of Richthofens death he was commander of JaSta 27, which was part of Jagdgeschwader 3, in contrast to Richthofen who was the leader of Jagdgeschwader 1. Therefore he couldnt have been there to witness Richthofens death personally, and the entire article seems to be based on speculations.
Richthofen himself also never mentioned Göring ever in any of his surviving writings, and there are no photos that show them together. The Fokker films are edited in a way that makes it seem as if Göring and MvR were in the JG1 at the same time, but in fact those scenes were recorded months apart from each other.
Hermann Göring also wrote a ton of forewords for books about MvR that were published after 1933. Most notably the 1933 version of Der Rote Kampfflieger and Kunigunde von Richthofens war diary. There he also often implies that he knew MvR, even though I have established that it is highly unlikely.
The way he talks about Richthofen really sounds like he saw himself not just as his successor, but also as some kind of reincarnation of his spirit or some shit. From what ive read about Göring, that wouldnt even be the weirdest thing about him.
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rogerswifesblog · 11 months
When will we see our favorite mermaid again? I need her to reunite with Steve asap! 😭
Jesus yeah i know i hate myself for having so many on going wips🤣
But the chapter is like….70% written so it should be posted in the next two weeks!
I don’t habe As much time to write as before since I’m working in a night club and sleep a lot during the day:/
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evita-shelby · 1 year
I feel like Grace's character was simply not well written. We could've had a better arc for her, more psychological depth, even if she dies in the end.
Hers and Tommy's feelings for each other are super forced, there's no chemistry. Maybe it's a difference in acting styles?
Grace was always just bland imo. What do you think?
Yes, and having seen as her actress asJane Seymour in the Tudors before pb, her acting is literally the same in s.3.
Just wooden, bland trophy wife who fears her husband who she sort of pressured to marry.
All the other wives had that oomph and then you have Jane who is like just so bland she had to have an awful family and die birthing a son to be interesting despite the writing being there.
There is also that the most interesting parts about Grace (for me at least) is that she doesn't give a shit about using people for personal gain(wants to habe her cake and eat it too) and also that horror really is Annabelle Wallis' true genre as she excels on being a creepy ghost.
Like grace had no purpose after s.1 and given the theory that May couldn't come back because her actress and Tom Hardy had a baby that year.
Its possible that SK really just needed anyone to fill the role because this was basically how Cillian Murphy and Annabelle Wallis looked in s.2 and s.3
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