#we had all the icing colors for these characters so I made them
nera-forest · 3 days
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Okay this is a lil old but tryna use tumblr more and I used a fair amount of my brain for this concept, since I really like the idea of snowgrave making noelle a crazy powerful boss from Kris' influence kinda pushing her too far. any way I wanna break down my thought process a lil (even if a bit messy) so if you wanna hear me yap (warning, im really not the best at formulating words outside my head) read on. if not...mood board I made at bottom
TW// BLOOD, SHEDDING IN MOOD BOARD- might make people uncomfortable The main things I wanted to show in this design was the angel look and Christmas theme, all while pushing a more sad, hollow and evil look as i feel the juxtapose to "happy Christmas vibes" would make for a more tragic kind of feeling (with what we know of Noelle's character so far). getting the Christmas look was the fun easy part, I knew for a fact i wanted her silhouette to look like a Christmas tree. maybe because subconsciously a pine tree shape and look quite powerful or be kinda spooky. Much like a Christmas tree I wanted to implement the decorative aspect, tinsel, and baubles, but also got inspired by those paper snowflakes id make as a kid. the tinsel I put around the trim, and treated the baubles like reindeer harness Christmas bells, the snowflake like a lace trim but also draped like a head piece around the antlers (this is actually shed reindeer velvet) naturally angels and Christmas go hand in hand but i wanted to push the elegant look...and put a halo on her, like a decoration at the top of the tree framed by her antlers. oh and another thing being the star shape on her torso? i wanted another strong shape within the tree silhouette to draw focus a bit more (especially with the red...but ill talk color in a bit). a great segway to that actually is the ice/snow aspects, the reason i wanted this is ice naturally is another thing that can be both pretty and dreadful. for the design I like the idea of the more she uses her powers the more she gets covered in frost (im a sucker for character corruption) . i wanted to have the antlers go from cute to dangerous, I drew them as velvet shed antlers first, but also wanted to keep a little of her past on her design, so adding the ice shape in a way to allow the red of the antlers to show the old shape worked well by me. some more ice/snow i added was around her hoofs, hands and muzzle. the hooves frost shaping to be like a high heel shoe much like how reindeers have white fur close to the base of their hooves too. her hands fully frosted over not only because of main power direction source but to kind of look like elegant gloves. the frost on her face was mainly to add variety to her face while considering reindeer fur coloration, it also helped frame her red nose which helps draw focus to her face a bit more. general color summery, i wanted colors that contrast and give a feeling of cold and bad. but also red for Christmas yippee how fun!
last thing I guess is the pose. with this i had my silhouette first but realized I could do a sort of angel opening arms. which is naturally a welcoming and caring gesture, but in the context of the design kinda makes the vibe more creepy which....of course that worked for what i wanted to go for so i did that but uuuh yea, that's my thought process with it...there was probably more but I didn't write down stuff in the moment of making it. here is a very minimal moodboard. again
TW// BLOOD, SHEDDING IN MOOD BOARD- might make people uncomfortable:
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chibishortdeath · 9 months
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Merry Christmas to all who celebrate and happy holidays! I got some games hehehehehehe >:3
Also there’s a couple cookies I liked!
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five-rivers · 5 months
Art Nouveau Chapter 1
Set in my 'Painting in Different Colors' series!
Danny and Frostbite had just finished their spar and were walking back to the main hall to have some frozen chocolate (much better than hot chocolate) when a group of yetis waved them over.  They looked like they'd been arguing with each other, but they didn't seem angry, just frustrated with each other.  
“What is it, Driftice?” asked Frostbite.  
Danny trailed after him, feeling a little awkward.  Was this something he should be overhearing?  Or was it some intra-tribe thing he should bow out of?  
“Flashfreeze thought there might be a color shift spinward of us, near the false horizon.”  He gestured towards that edge of the island.  
“I am not the only one who thinks there has been a change.”
Frostbite looked in the direction Driftice had indicated.  “What kind of color shift?”
“Purple, I think,” said Flashfreeze.  “Or blue, perhaps.”
“I see,” said Frostbite.  “Great One, do you detect any such change in color in that direction?  Your eyes are different from ours, and may see it more sharply.”
Danny, who had already been looking in that direction, shrugged.  “Maybe?  I think it might just be that there are a lot of doors over there, though.”
“We could get out the telescope,” said Frostbite.  
Some of the other yetis made faces of distaste at that, but Danny perked up, levitating slightly.  “You have a telescope?  What kind of telescope?  Can I see it?”
“Yes,” said Frostbite.  He shot a look over Danny’s head, which Danny chose to ignore.  “It’s a rather large one.  Quite impressive, if I do say so myself.  I think you would like it.”
Danny nodded.  “I don’t think I’ve ever seen a telescope I didn’t like.  Unless it was, like, broken.  Or bad.  But you wouldn’t have a bad telescope, I’m sure.”
“Then we’re decided,” said Frostbite.  “We’ll see the telescope.”
“Yes!” shouted Danny, pumping his fist.  “Telescope!”
“It is this way,” said Frostbite, waving Danny towards the buildings and caves that made up the village proper.  “We keep it put away so it isn’t damaged.”
“Cool,” said Danny.  “So, is it a reflector or a refractor?”
“A refractor.  It is made of ice.”
“Of course,” said Danny, nodding.  “The lens and the tube and everything?”
“Yes,” said Frostbite.
“It must have really thick lenses, then, since ice has a lower refractive index than glass.”
Frostbite gave a great shrug.  “It is what it is.  We tend not to work with glass outside of medical settings, so the lenses seem to be the correct thickness to us.”
That made sense, overall, and for a short time, he just followed after Frostbite, glancing at the yetis behind him.  “What’s the big deal about the color being different, anyway?” he asked.  
“No one has spoken to you about the turning of the ages?” asked Frostbite, sounding surprised.  “Princess Dorathea?  Lord Clockwork?”
“Nope,” said Danny.  “Haven’t heard of that before at all.”
“One moment, Great One,” said Frostbite.  He called to the other nearby yetis, and started giving them instructions, directing them to one of the larger caves.  Together, they started the work of extracting the telescope.  
“Can I help?” asked Danny.  
“In this case, it is best to leave the work to those who know how to handle the telescope.  Now, where was I?”
“You mentioned the ‘turning of the ages?’”
“Yes, that’s right,” said Frostbite.  “Where to begin…  The Infinite Realms are made up of ectoplasm.  Ectoplasm is substantially different from normal matter.  So, the laws upon which it works are also different.”
“Sure,” said Danny.  The physics of ectoplasm was one of the things his parents studied.  He had a passing understanding of how it all worked.  
“Instead of, say, quantum spin, or quantum flavor, particles of ectoplasm might be better described in terms of color and character, qualities that go hand in hand.  On occasion, the character and color of the Realms shift.  The shift begins in one location, then spreads, until it has reached every corner of the Realms.”
“So… Ectoplasmic particles don’t have spin?”
“They do, to some degree, but that subject would require a great deal of additional explanation.  The important part is the change.”
“Right.  The change in color?”
“In color, but also in character.  In mood, or aesthetic, some might say.  Others might call it theme.”
“... I don’t get it,” admitted Danny. None of those things sounded very scientific to him.  
“Let me attempt to explain from a different angle,” said Frostbite.  “Every so often, the ambient ectoplasm of the Realms undergoes a change in color and character, which is called the turning of the age.  As the two are related, the color of the ectoplasm indicates to us the character of the coming age.  The character being how the Realms as a whole both look and behave.  The aesthetic, if you would.”
They followed the telescope up a nearby hill.  
“You are aware that different cultures had different views of the afterlife?  Some very similar, some very different?” 
Danny nodded.  
“Some of that is caused by natural portals during the relevant time periods leading to different Realms, but the larger differences can be ascribed to the portals leading to different ages.  For example, the popular conception of Hell was likely inspired by a red age.  During red ages, temperatures grow more extreme, islands crash together to form larger landmasses, ghosts take on a more monstrous, demonic mien and become more aggressive.”
“Wait, so this shift affects ghosts, too?”
“How could it not?  Like anything else, we change with our environment.  When the laws of nature change, we must adapt to them.  That being said, the internal ectoplasm of individual ghosts rarely changes color.  Yours will, in all likelihood, remain green.”
“Well, I guess I'm glad Flashfreeze thinks it's purple, then.  Red sounds kind of awful.”
“It might still become red,” said Frostbite.  “It is not at all uncommon for the color to change before the age has completely turned, or for an age to last only a very brief time.”
“So, turning into a demon is still on the table.”  As if he didn't already have enough trouble with his reputation back home.
Frostbite laughed, and patted his shoulder.  “Yes, but red ages have their good points, too.  They are exciting ages of alliances and camaraderie, and many a quiet injustice has been revealed and overturned in a red age.  But we ought to see if there even is a change in color before we speculate any more on the age to come, hm?”
“Okay,” said Danny, watching as the yetis heaved the immense telescope into position.  The white ice sides, taller than he was, twinkled in the light of the Zone.  
Flashfreeze looked through the eyepiece first.  They seemed to look for a long time, but then they stepped back and nodded, decisively.  “I was right,” they said.  “It isn't doors.  The ectoplasm over there is turning purple.”
“Okay, will you tell me what a purple age means now?” asked Danny, aggressively stirring his frozen chocolate with a spoon made of ice.  The telescope had been swarmed by yeti scientists immediately after Flashfreeze had made their pronouncement, and Danny hadn’t gotten a chance to look through it at all.  
“Yes, yes,” said Frostbite.  “Yes, but purple ages, or violet ages, are not nearly as easy to define or predict as some others.  They can be highly variable.”
“But they’ve got to have some common points.”
“That they do.  The principle commonality is rules.”
“I thought all of them shared rules.  All of the ages where the colors were the same, I mean.”
“Well, yes, but purple ages tend to apply more rules, and to a greater degree.  Rules similar to Frailties.”
Frailties were curses imparted by the five great rivers of the Ghost Zone.  The Styx, which bound one to promises, the Acheron, which defined uncrossable boundaries, physical and social, the Cocytus, which engendered weaknesses, the Lethe which granted forgetfulness, and the Phlegethon, which caused something like addiction, a dependence on a stimulus, most often blood or fire.  
“So, instead of demons, it’s more like vampires?”
Frostbite chuckled.  “I do not believe that has been the first guess of anyone I have ever explained this to.  Then again, I haven't explained it all that frequently.”
“Not vampires, then?”
“Vampires would not be out of the question, actually, what with their rules regarding thresholds, their diets, sunlight, and all the rest.  There was an age of vampires that was purple.  But most people think of fairies and the fae, not vampires.”
“We’re going to turn into… fairies.”
“Do not sound so skeptical.  There are a great variety of fairies, hence why purple ages are so unpredictable.”
“But fairies.”
“Or elves, or fae, or a variety of other subsets of such creatures.  Take unicorns, as an example.  While usually universally violent, when a purple age comes over the Realms, they become tamable by virgins.”
“That’s still weird,” said Danny.  
“The tendency towards rules extends to social structures as well.  That’s how it always is in these cases…  Last time we made all sorts of roles and positions and held all sorts of elections, competitions, what have you, in order to fulfill them.  Hierarchies.  Royalty and nobility are very popular in purple ages.  There is a great tendency to titles and epithets, as a depressingly common frailty is that of being bound by one’s true name.”
“Which river does that?”
“In most ages, it is a rare interaction between the Styx and the Acheron.  But in purple ages…”  Frostbite shrugged.  “Every age has something common to it that is rare elsewhere.  For example, cyan ages - that is the color between blue and green - tend to have a greater number of half humans.”
“Really?” asked Danny.  
“Truly,” said Frostbite.
“Do you think we’ll have one of those, soon?”
“Impossible to say.”
“What about red ages, what do they have?”
“Wars, I’m afraid.”
“Yeah, that sounds about right for demons.”  He shook his head.  “What else should I look out for, in a purple age?  Or is it too unpredictable?” he added, remembering some of Frostbite's earlier comments.  
“Ah, well, beyond the emphasis on rules…  Any turning of the age comes with physical changes.  It may be quite some time before you see any, the change has only just begun, but it would be wise to keep your eye out.”
“Do you think that it'll affect my human form?” asked Danny, frowning over the brim of his cup.  
Frostbite frowned as well.  “It may.  There are unfortunately few studies on the matter.”
“You'll probably be seeing a lot of me, then.”
“A silver lining, no matter how the coming age unfolds.”
Danny looked away and drank his frozen chocolate to hide how hard he was blushing.  
“So, you’re going to shrink and grow wings?” asked Tucker, raising an eyebrow.  
“I mean, maybe,” said Danny.  “I could also become a vampire.  Or maybe a werewolf.  Those have a lot of rules, too.”
“And Tinkerbell-lookalikes aren’t the only kind of fairy,” said Sam.  “Elves, hobgoblins, and banshees are all kinds of fairy, too.”
Due to various construction noises at Fentonworks - apparently something about the change of age had tripped some detector or other, and Danny’s parents were very excited about it - Team Phantom had retreated to Jazz’s usual haunt.  The library.  Specifically, one particular reading room in the library.  It was very cozy, with the three of them, and verged on tight when Jazz was in there.  
Of course, as soon as Danny had thought that, Jazz returned with a teetering stack of books.  She dropped them on the table as soon as she shut the door.  
Tucker sneezed.  “Blegh.  Dust.  This is why hard drives are the superior form of data storage.”
“Books can’t be defeated by magnets or overheating,” pointed out Jazz.
“Sure they can.  It’s called fire.”
“Is… is this an RPG book?” asked Danny, tugging one of the books out of the pile.
Jazz blushed.  “It’s– Well, yeah, but it’s something people did research for.  It’s all based on actual folklore and modern takes on that folklore.  I thought it would be easier to digest.”
“Gimme,” said Tucker, reaching for it.  
Danny moved it out of his reach.  
“I’ve also got the Encyclopaedia of Fairies, Collected Celtic Folklore, and a bunch of fairytale collections, of course,” said Jazz, ignoring Tucker and Danny as they wrestled over the book.  “Do you want The Dark Side of Fairytales?”
“Yes, please,” said Sam.  “I think I’d lose it trying to work through the others.”
“I was thinking we could list common weaknesses,” said Jazz.  “Physical characteristics are probably too varied, but the list of what works against fairies should be a little bit easier.”
Tucker managed to get the book away from Danny - via treacherous use of Danny’s ticklish spot - and Danny decided not to push Jazz by using his ghost powers in the library.  Sulking, he took the encyclopedia.  That, at least, would be organized.
“I regret all my decisions,” said Danny.  
“Is there any weakness here that isn’t contradicted by something else?” asked Sam.  
“Iron, I think,” said Tucker.  “I haven’t found anything that contradicts iron.  Unless, you know, fairy knights wear steel armor.  That’d do it.”
“Well,” said Jazz, with forced cheer, “we can still take the most common ones and test them regularly, to make sure they don’t trip you up later, right, Danny?”
“I guess,” said Danny, eying an illustration of a troll.  “I hope I don’t wind up looking like that.”
“Don’t say that,” said Tucker.  “You’ll jinx yourself.”
Danny let both the book and his head fall to the table with a thump.  
“Have you noticed anything?” asked Jazz, a couple weeks later.  
“No,” said Danny, as he had every time.  “I haven’t even gotten into the bathroom yet.  Give me a break.”
“I just think that you should probably get checked up.  There could be internal changes.”
Danny, who had just endured an interminable week of sex ed in health class, groaned.  “Don’t say that, that’s gross.”
“It’s not gross, it’s just the way things are,” protested Jazz.  “I know you haven’t had a chance to go since Mom and Dad started in on… whatever… but I think you really should.  Your health is important.”
“Fine,” said Danny.  “But later, and only if I can get past Mom and Dad.”
“That’s all I’m asking,” said Jazz.  
Danny felt like she was asking a lot more than that, especially so early in the morning.  He liked the Far Frozen, but it was, as the name suggested, far away.  The commute would eat up his weekend.  
“You guys’ll have to patrol without me, you know that, right?”
“It’s fine,” said Jazz.  “I’ve been practicing, and it’s been quiet.”
It had been, too.  Danny mumbled something like agreement in response and slipped into the bathroom.  
The first thing he did was poke the various iron bits that he and his friends had scraped together, on the premise that no one knew what ‘cold iron’ really meant.  There was a horseshoe nail, a broken piece of wrought iron, some regular iron filings, steel screws of various types, a lump of iron ore, and, Danny’s favorite, a tiny iron meteorite in its own case.
(Danny had taken to carrying that last one around in his pocket during the day and putting it away at night.)
None of them had given Danny so much as a rash.  That done, he checked his ears.  They weren’t pointy.  Teeth.  They weren’t sharp.  Fingers.  Had the right number of joints.  Skin.  Still a pale pink.  Eyes.  Blue, with round pupils.  He ran through the same check as Phantom, although that one naturally had different results. 
Either way, he couldn’t find any changes.  He hadn’t even grown taller, as far as he could tell, which was too bad.  He was among the shortest in his grade, although luckily not the shortest.  That honor fell on Mikey. 
He sighed.  He almost would prefer the changes to just happen already.  But he knew better than to say anything like that out loud.  
He grabbed his toothbrush.  If he really was going to the Far Frozen today, he’d need to get ready.  
The Ghost Zone looked different.  
Not a lot different.  The sky was still mostly green, islands and doors still floated lazily about, and small ghosts flitted to and fro.  There was, however, a haze of sweet-smelling purple mist in the air, and the grass growing on the ground had taken on a more natural hue.  
There was also a change in the quality of light and temperature of the Zone.  Most of the time, the Zone felt timeless, as if it was stuck in an eternal, neon night at the bottom of a very deep cave.  But today, it felt a lot like stepping outside on an autumn morning.  Which, incidentally, was what it was back in Amity Park.  
It was weird.  Not bad, but… weird.  Definitely weird.  
He took off towards the Far Frozen, making note of other small changes as he went.  Doors and islands, at first glance largely unaffected, seemed to be clustered closer together.  Several of the trees he passed looked alive, rather than dead.  The wind, when it blew audibly, sounded musical.  
Yes, Danny was definitely leaning towards fairies rather than vampires.  
However, Danny was only about halfway to the Far Frozen when he came upon a lair that simply should not have been anywhere near there: Clockwork’s tower, Long Now.  
Once he recognized it, he hovered for a few minutes, trying to figure out why Clockwork would be here.  None of the reasons Danny could think of were very good.  He rarely put himself so directly on someone’s path unless it was important.  And, in Danny’s experience, important often meant calamitous.  
It was a lot less disturbing when he went looking for Clockwork.  
Nevertheless, Danny shook himself and flew to the tower.  If Clockwork needed him…  Well, it was important.  Reaching the Far Frozen could wait.  
He touched down outside the large double doors, which opened immediately, and went in.  The atrium of the tower was empty, however…
Danny crouched down to look at the floor.  The last time he was here - about a month ago - this floor had been plain stone.  Now, it was inlaid with graceful swooping patterns that reminded Danny of vines, or maybe visualizations of how planets moved.  They were still somewhat indistinct, half-formed, but they described a path.  After another moment of hesitation, Danny followed.  
The path traced a spiral through Long Now, leading Danny through rooms he didn’t know existed.  As Danny went, the purple haze got thicker and thicker, to the point where Danny could swear he tasted lilacs on his tongue.  Finally, though, it deposited him in a circular courtyard.  
There was a garden in the courtyard, and at the very center of it was a tree.  Both the garden and the tree were divided into quarters.  One, had plants and trees just starting to put up new growth, and young, early spring flowers.  Another was rich and bright with full foliage and the buzz of summer insects.  The third looked much like Amity Park did now, wreathed in the golds and oranges of fall, with fruit growing on branches.  The final one was wintery, cold, but still vital with winter-blooming flowers.  
The tree at the center was partially in all four quarters, and looked it, with one quarter of the tree in bloom, a quarter in full leaf, a quarter bearing fruit, and a quarter bare.  
It was a very Clockwork garden.  
What wasn’t like Clockwork, however, was the number of other guests.  
Frostbite was there, and given the other two, Danny flew over to him as quickly as he could without damaging any of Clockwork’s plants.  The others were Fright Knight and Undergrowth.  
Clockwork, meanwhile, had his back to them, looking up at the tree.  
“Doubtless, you are all wondering why I have summoned you here,” said Clockwork, turning away from the tree to face them.  To Danny’s surprise, he was sporting a pair of legs.  He eyed them with interest.  He’d never seen Clockwork with legs before.
“The thought had crossed my mind, meddler,” said Undergrowth.  
“Before it is fully set, an age can be manipulated,” said Clockwork, gliding across the ground with small, even steps.  “Influenced.  Changed.  Not at all easily, but I have put the first building blocks into place.”  He waved his hand through the air, purple swirling after it.  “I intend to do so in your favor.”
“For what purpose?” asked Frostbite, just a touch of a growl in his voice.  
“I am not sure you would believe me if I told you.”
“I would,” said Danny.  
Clockwork smiled.  “Mischief, mainly.  I have few enough chances to divest myself of some of the Observants’ control.  This, establishing a hierarchy that they are not party to, is one of them.”
“And what hierarchy would that be, Lord Clockwork?” asked Fright Knight, his voice almost as deep as Frostbite’s.  
“The seasonal courts,” said Clockwork, gesturing to the corners of his garden.  “Summer and Winter, Fall and Spring.  The wheel of the year, all things moving in order.  With this changing of the age, seasons will come to the Realms, as will night and day, and the phases of the moon.”
“And you’ll make yourself stronger by marking the passage of time,” said Undergrowth.  “I see how that helps you, but I have no interest in that.  How will it help us?”
“Seasonal courts must have their rulers,” said Clockwork.  “I think you would serve well as the King of Summer.  And, you, as Champion of Autumn.”  He turned slightly to Fright Knight, and as he did so, his hood fell back, revealing silvery white braided hair and pointed ears.  
Actually… Clockwork had stayed in one, young and relatively handsome, form this whole time.  If Danny looked closely, the other three ghosts around him also looked more… polished, maybe.  It’d take a lot of work to make Undergrowth look like anything but a plant monstrosity, but he had more flowers growing from his vines.  Frostbite’s fur looked shinier and sleeker.  Even Fright Knight seemed less tarnished and bloody.  
Danny raised his hand to his own ears.  They weren’t nearly as pointed as Clockwork’s, but the taper was detectable.  Had the concentration of purple ectoplasm here accelerated the change?  Or had it happened when Danny first came through the portal?
“As for Chief of the Winter Court, I do not think I would ever find anyone more suitable than you, Chief Frostbite, who have managed the Far Frozen well for these past centuries.  And, finally, for our Prince of Spring, one who embodies youth, change, and life.”
Clockwork had, without Danny realizing it, gotten close enough to touch Danny’s face.  He flinched back, surprised.  
“I have ice powers, though,” said Danny.  
“As there is snow in spring,” said Clockwork, unconcerned.  
“And… I’m not sure about the responsibility.”
“You could be a figurehead.  But the symbolism is necessary, to wrest control from the Observants.  Even now, they are attempting to force things onto a path more suitable for themselves.”
“I don’t know…”
Undergrowth scoffed.  “It hardly matters.  I accept your proposal.  It has been some time since I ruled, and it’s high time I do so again.”
Clockwork nodded.  “Then stand in summer, King Undergrowth.”
“I will take on this task as well,” said Fright Knight.  He walked to the autumn section of the garden and drew his sword, setting the tip in the soil.  
“You’re doing this much, just to annoy the Observants?” asked Frostbite.  
Clockwork tilted his head to one side, regarding both Danny and Frostbite.  “There are some other forces at play as well, admittedly.  Rest assured, this path leads to the greatest good.  I cannot reveal more than that.”
“Then I accept,” said Frostbite.  “But be warned: if I should discover treachery at the end of this path, it will not go well for you.”
Well, Danny could hardly say no after all of that.  He still had to check.  “So, the greatest good?”
“That is correct.”
“And saying no, that wouldn’t lead to something on the level of, you know.  Dan.”
“Not on his level, no.  Not for you.”
Danny squinted at Clockwork.  He had to wonder if that careful phrasing was a way to get around a restriction on lying.  
But Clockwork had helped Danny, more than once.  Even if Clockwork wasn’t being entirely honest, Danny should at least return the favor.  
He scuffed his feet against the garden path, then looked up.  “What do I need to do?”
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🧁 cupcake analysis 🧁
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YES, YOU READ THAT CORRECTLY 🤡 I’m still fixated on the cute character-themed cupcakes we got from the recent TsumTsums x TWST collab… so I’m going to talk about more things I noticed in the cupcake designs by dorm + by individual characters!
Mmm, cupcakes… 🧁 I would make these if only I had the tools to make all of the painstaking little details—
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They all have checkered cupcake liners with a half-painted white rose. Famous Heartslabyul iconography!
Their names are written out in a white cursive font. Not the wackiest they could have gone with, but it fits the whimsical style of these cupcakes.
Of course, we have strawberries—a fruit from Riddle’s favorite dessert, his beloved strawberry tarts (which also have personal significance to him, being as it was a strawberry tart’s taste that entranced him and made him late to return home as a child). The ring of frosting piped around the strawberries kind of creates the illusion of a tart’s puff pastry with the fruit nesting inside.
Red frosting made with a piping tip to resemble a big rose! Again, more famous Heartslabyul iconography.
The cupcake also has the crown and a ribbon similar to the ones he wears in his Dorm Uniform~
Unlike the other Heartslabyul cupcakes, Riddle’s is predominantly one color: red. This could be referring to how Riddle is the most rigid in the dorm and someone who demands uniformity and preaches absolutism (“follow the rules”, “paint all the roses red”, etc.).
Even so! There are still little gold and blue sprinkles (though still in a neat arrangement)! I like to think of them as sprinkles of hope and a willingness to change… the first step he’s taking outside of his comfort zone!
No card; this makes sense since Riddle is also the only one without a card suit mark on his face.
The cookie iced to look like his hat…
Another cookie iced to look like the three of clubs heart (for obvious reasons)!
Trey’s cupcake looks kinda fuzzy like moss, so that leads me to believe the frosting got dipped in sanding sugar to give it texture or something. This makes the cupcake look like it’s an unassuming shrub—and really, isn’t that what Trey claims to be? He’s not an exciting red rose like Riddle, he’s the mild-mannered “normal” guy there to support the flower as the leaves and shoots.
Sugared violets as a topping! Nice way of incorporating Trey’s favorite food into this.
He has a little dusting of sprinkles too; maybe because it was him that showed Riddle “a whole new world”.
There seems to be a layer of jagged chunks (maybe crushed pistachios) along the rim. Feels quite different than the rest of the cake—maybe it’s to represent the less kind side of himself that Trey sometimes alludes to.
Two cookie sticks, which remind me of like two spears crossing to block off a path to the queen. On-brand for Trey, who initially follows Riddle’s orders to a T and kicks out his rule-breaking underclassmen.
There’s a LOT going on here, and I wonder if that’s in part because Cater is a Magicam fiend and in part because he’s using his flashiness to distract from looking deeper into him. This cupcake reflects that idea well, especially with the colorful sprinkles in the center (as opposed to spread out like Trey or Riddle’s) to make the otherwise mainly orange and red cake pop out more on a social media feed. It also could mean that Cater really keeps to himself, as the sprinkles are not spread outward.
If you look closely, the frosting vaguely resembles Cater’s hair. There’s a larger dollop in the middle which sort of looks like the middle section of his hair that’s pulled back.
There’s lots of little decorations that resembles the decorations on Cater’s phone case—an item near and dear to his heart.
The orange slices can be sweet—the impression that Cater tries to give off—but the pretzel implies a savory taste—what he actually prefers to eat.
There’s a squiggle of darker orange under his name. Is it to call attention to his identity? Cater tries to seek validation and attention from socials, so maybe this is a call to action.
Cater’s cupcake is the only one in his entire dorm that has TWO cards (both four of diamonds). One is probably a cookie and is in full color whole the other is one solid color (brown) and made of chocolate. Most likely this is referring to his UM, which allows Cater to create clones of himself. I wonder if the second card being chocolate alludes to something else too… Namely, the more melancholy and downtrodden part of himself that Cater usually does not let his peers know about 😔
Also two cookie sticks! Similar meaning as Trey’s, especially given that Cater was the first upperclassman to toss Adeuce out (after he gets them to paint the roses for him).
Ace of hearts card!
A sprinkle of hearts… Are any of us surprised??
His frosting is very ruffled and playful, much like his personality.
The cupcake is more on the simple side compared to many of the others; this is also very “Ace” of him, as Ace is commonly described as “the average high school boy” and has indicated himself that he has no particular goals or ambitions yet.
There’s a cherry on top! Very bright and cheeky, just like Ace—oh, and let’s not forget, cherry pie is his favorite food!
There’s also what appears to be almond shavings on Ace’s cupcake; almonds are actually very closely related to cherries so it’s a great pairing! If we really wanna stretch it, maybe it’s a reference to how Ace is skilled at mimicking or copying others, as the taste/smell of almond and cherries can be commonly mistaken for one another.
Two of spades card!
Deuce’s cupcake has a very different texture to it. Unlike the others, his is very smoothed out and almost shiny (like a mirror glazed cake!). It makes me think this is to help him stand out as someone who is trying to reform and reinvent himself into something sparkling—especially seeing as the blue part of the cake seems to be covering up/glooping over the body of the cupcake itself.
Little candy eggs (one with a crack in it) and a baby chick! A callback to him liking egg dishes and the utter despair he experienced when he first learned that supermarket eggs aren’t fertilized…
The light blue squiggle makes me think of Deuce meandering and not knowing where he wants to go in life, representative of his delinquent phase or perhaps struggling to stay on the straight and narrow path of an honors student.
Finally, we have the grey marks on the cupcake which look like tire marks left from skidding around on a magical wheel/blastcycle, Deuce’s preferred mode of transportation!
Deuce's cupcake goes from blonde/yellowish to blue, which probably refers to him going from bleached hair as a delinquent to his natural hair color as he tries to reform himself.
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Golden yellow cupcake liners with Savanaclaw’s signature horizontal zigzag pattern.
Their names seem to be done in a blocky text on chocolate. Fits the tough, somewhat rigid hierarchical feel of the dorm.
A crescent moon-shaped candy invokes the imagery of Scar singing the final line to Be Prepared as he and the hyenas ready themselves for the coup.
The darker frosting swirled on the side be interpreted as his scar or maybe the end of his tail.
Cacao nibs kind of remind me of rocks, perhaps to symbolize the hard childhood Leona had, desperately trying to prove himself to people who didn’t like him in the first place. There’s notably also golden specks there—a ray of hope for him to be better? Or maybe a nod to his noble lineage.
The chocolate sauce makes this cupcake feel very decadent but also adds to the dark look of it. I would say it resembles blot, but none of the other OB boys have this same feature. Maybe a hint at Leona’s depressive traits?
Wishful thinking on my part, but Leona’s cupcake is the only one in his dorm with a large splash of green (thanks to the leaves there). I like to think it’s him “turning over a new leaf” and turning his sights onto his internship + working toward helping to help preserve nature and discover energy efficient methods to help his country.
His cupcake is the “tallest” in Savanaclaw (because of how high his frosting is)—he’s obviously the leader of the pack.
Very decadent cupcake. A large scoop of ice-cream, nuts, pastries, tons of cream and frosting… it looks like someone just piled on all their favorite desserts (which suits a glutton like him). Even his own cake looks like it’s about to burst out of the liner!
Two donuts inserted in, because 1) they’re Ruggie’s favorite and 2) two is better than one!
The scattered chunks of chocolate resemble the pattern on the coat of a spotted hyena, which is what Ruggie is.
WHY DOES HIS CUPCAKE JUST STRAIGHT UP LOOK LIKE HIM… The two paler frosting peaks are his ears, the two-tone swirl results in his hair but also results in the high peak of his tail.
This cupcake has a lot of nuts (I see a walnut, a cashew, maybe crushed peanuts, and many whole hazelnuts). Maybe because Jack is “a tough nut to crack” due to his stoic and standoffish attitude? But we all know he’s a sweetheart deep down, perhaps why the most abundant of these nuts is hazelnuts, often used in many desserts and especially paired with chocolate.
xvsjwveiwk This is a slightly unserious note but there’s something whitish that night be dried coconut??? Sprinkled on the cake… I-Is that Jack shedding/j
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Each Octavinelle cupcake has a black macaron decorated to resemble their dorm uniform hats! The filling is purple (like Octa’s usual color) and has candy pearls (since they’re from the sea).
Their names are written in an elegant flowing font, with emphasis on the first letter of their names (slightly bigger than the other letters). It provides an impression that differs from the other letters in their names, much like how the Octatrio themselves can be deceptive.
A bowtie that matches what each boy wears in his dorm uniform.
The sprinkling of little purple pearls could really be nothing, but they could also be all the powers/abilities they have collected together.
The single chocolate stick (not two, unlike Cater and Trey’s) could pass as a straw, making the whole cupcake appear like a drink. Makes sense, the Mostro Lounge has a 1 drink minimum + his Dorm Uniform vignette is all about how he wants to buy the rights for the popular Mystery Drink from Sam.
A little contract and writhing chocolate tentacles pair nicely together. Together, they represent his UM and how his tendrils reach out to pull people into deals.
Azul also has a scoop of ice-cream, but it is notably VERY different looking than Ruggie’s. Azul’s is much smaller (because he moderates what he eats and how much) and neater too (because he cares about his tidy appearance).
There is a swirl of purple frosting on the bottom but most of the frosting is white and piled high. The former must be Ursula’s skin, and the latter her hair, as it is similar in shape.
His cupcake liner has the widest stripes (because he used to be overweight in the past) and has little purple dots (maybe in reference to the suctions on his tentacles).
Azul keeps the spiral seashell that resembles Ursula’s necklace.
Azul's cupcake goes from purple to white, which may denote his transition from octopus merman to human.
The twins have a scalloped seashell that splits in half, representing the other brother. The way the shell divets also makes it look like a heart shape, implying the brothers “share a heart” or perhaps calling back to how both of their UMs involve “the heart” (Shock/Bind the Heart).
Their frosting is the color of their hair, even containing a stripe of black (in opposite directions) to match their hair. The frosting also seems to be slightly textured, which matches the gills and scales on their merforms.
The peak of the frosting resembles the ends of their eel tails flicking in opposite directions.
Three diamond-shaped “scales” on each cupcake; this is ghe same shape and design as the earrings they wear.
A ring of purple frosting is included; this could represent Azul, someone whom the twins closely work with and consider a great source of amusement. It’s telling that the purple frosting is below the teal frosting, as the twins have made it clear before that they’re not his minions or “below” him, they act independently and choose to follow Azul because they want to (and have the agency to leave whenever).
Jade’s cupcake liner has the most numerous and thinnest vertical stripes. There is also a very fine zigzag running through the liner. Very similar to Jade’s teeth arrangement and how they present as small but frequent.
Jade's cupcake stays a consistent color throughout the creation process.
Floyd’s cupcake liner is in the middle of Azul and Jade’s in terms of line spread and thickness. The zigzag is also more elongated than Jade’s, matching Floyd’s more easygoing personality between the two twins. He’s also more likely to show his full teeth!
Floyd's cupcake goes from gold to teal, but Jade does not do the same or even the reverse. Maybe this hints at how Floyd is the more fickle brother?
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Scarabia cupcake liners are color blocked with solid black and a deep red with an intricate golden pattern. Matches their dorm uniforms well!
They have snake biscuits with their names in bold, blocky all capital letters for impact. The biscuit shape suits the Sorcerer of the Sands. The text choice… I’m not sure, maybe to match the “casual streetwear” style of the dorm…? Or the dorm leader’s brazenness and overt friendliness?
His earrings have been made into an edible version!
Thumbprint cookies that resemble glistening jewels! This, plus the colorful sugar pearls, represents Kalim’s immense wealth.
There’s a bow tied around his cupcake liner, which matches the cloth he wears around his head in many outfits of his.
The feathers that transition in color are for Kalim’s love of animals and willingness to accept others of all kinds (“colors”). This could also be a reference to his Dorm Uniform vignettes, where he pulled off a trick that made white birds appear to be “rainbow”.
At first I thought the white puffy frosting was to look like the Sultan’s turban, but wouldn’t they make it smoother and resemble one cohesive lump in that case…? Then I realized the white frosting actually resembles a CLOUD 😭 which fits Kalim so well, since he takes his friends out on magic carpet rides…
The red peak poking out of the top could be like… the domed roof of a tower, since there is one both for the Sultan’s palace and in Scarabia dorm. The white sprinkles/coconut shreds on the red part also gives the impression that the roof just poked through the clouds www
VERY tiny detail but if you look closely you’ll notice that Kalim’s cupcake is… lumpy… almost as though he tried baking for the first time himself and messed it up a little, so Jamil took over decorating for him to cover up the mistakes. (That’s headcanon anyway, lol)
Jamil’s cupcake is a two-tone twirl thar matches the colors of his dorm AND the turban he wears when he overblots.
We have the classic red feather, three golden orbs, and a thumprint cookie (again, resembling a jewel) to match Kalim’s and to match Jamil’s hair accessories!
The little bits of gold sprinkled around are hard to place but maybe it’s to show how Jamil has to put Kalim first and foremost while his own feelings get dismissed/belittled/treated as less important.
Large chunks of chocolate on top! Not sure what this could be, but a part of me wants to believe it’s his depressive or defeatist traits, since Leona also has chocolate, but scattered. (Can you tell I loved these two’s interactions in book 6?)
Finally, we come to the enigmatic and out-of-place golden squiggle. Someone as meticulous as Jamil couldn’t possibly have intentionally placed that there, right…? Allow me, if you will, to circle back to the “Kalim was trying to bake with Jamil” theory… What if, while Jamil was decorating Kalim’s cupcake to cover up the unevenness of the cake, Kalim tried to thank Jamil and repay the favor by decorating Jamil’s cupcake??? And it resulted in… that squiggle… so Jamil had to roll with it and make the rest of his cupcake look as aesthetically pleasing as possible.
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All Pomefiore names are written in elegant script on a chocolate disc that is also stamped with the stars and moons of their dorm.
The cupcake liners have the same stars and moons pattern and has the colors of Pomefiore.
Similar to Riddle, Vil has a crown to show that he is the dorm leader. His is, of course, a different design to reflect a different queen (the Fairest Queen, not the Queen of Hearts).
The frosting has a slight gradient which is the same as the tips his hair.
The golden leaves match the leaves on the back of his dorm leader tiara/crown.
There are berries on top; notably, a red one still has a bit of leaf and branch stuck to it, making the berry look like a red apple (you know, cuz the Evil Queen used one to poison Snow White).
Vil has golden dust and two types of round candies evenly dispersed on the cupcake. It shows us how clean and yet elegant his personal style is.
Rook's cupcake has a very unique shape that is not quite like any other student's. Indeed, his cupcake resembles his hat (note the little feather sticking out of the top purple part) and bangs (the lower yellow part).
The purple part looks like it is made with an extruder and results in a texture similar to the top of a mont blanc; this is probably to help differentiate it from the smoother texture of the yellow beneath. Since the purple is a hat, the texture is most likely to make it seem more "fabric-like".
The yellow part + the color change from yellow to purple may also be a reference to how he was originally in Savanaclaw, but then transferred to Pomefiore.
An edible bow and arrow motif befitting of a skilled huntsman!
The squiggle line here seems to be showing the path of his arrow, which always finds its mark. Additionally, Rook himself is a tricky person and usually employs roundabout strategies or misdirecting ways to achieve his goals.
At the end of the arrow's path is a cluster of what seems to be pomegranate seeds, which seems odd and something more befitting of Idia or Ortho (who have ties with Hades; there is a tale about Hades having Persephone eat a pomegranate fruit which dooms her to spending half of her time in the Underworld). However, I think here the pomegranate seeds are meant to be... like... an artistic, abstract depiction of blood once the arrow strikes its target.
There's blueberries on top, an element he has in common with Vil (someone whom he devotes himself to). The leaves here with the berries tie Rook to the wild, both as a huntsman and has an ex-Savanaclaw student.
The pale purple color of the frosting is the same as Epel’s hair!
Unlike Vil’s sprinkled-on decorations, Epel’s are not spread out evenly and instead cluster at the top. This may be attributed to their different levels of maturity, as Vil and more knowledgable than Epel, who expresses outdated views on gender and has a limited understanding of the world due to coming from a very rural area.
There’s a fine shimmer on Epel’s cupcake—probably because his arc in book 5 was about learning to appreciate and weaponize his beauty.
Two apple slices because… well, when you think of Epel, you think of apples and the Felmier family business!
There seems to be a little bit of yellow peaking out from the cake? Are those more apple slices or an apple filling…?
The pale frilled strip of frosting resembles a lace collar, something which Epel wears in his school uniform.
Epel is the only member of Pomefiore to have a cupcake which LACKS a blueberry (or really any berries at all). This is a subtle indication that he is the “odd one out” within the dorm, as he, unlike Rook, is not conforming to the standards set by his dorm leader.
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The Ignihyde cupcake liner has the same black and blue geometric look as their dorm uniform jackets.
I don’t know how to really describe the font their names are written in, but the way the letters are cut reminds me of a “Greek” style of text (similar to this).
Their names seem to be displayed on Oreos chocolate sandwich cookies with Ignihyde blue fillings. Counting the parts (2 cookies, the cream filling), there’s three in total, which matches the count of the heads of Cerberus, as well as how many Shroud brothers there are.
Both Idia and Ortho have what look to be confetti cakes as the base for their cupcakes, Because of the dark color of the cake and the bright color of the sprinkles, it creates the impression of stars in the night sky—maybe to reference Star Rogue, their favorite video game.
The skull-shaped technomantic device Ida uses to launch his magic spells tops off his cupcake.
On either side of the skull device are candies (?) that look like the same light sticks Idia is super into waving around at his beloved idols’ concerts.
The blue frosting is meant to look like his fiery hair!
Idia’s cupcake goes from a red gradient to a blue one. His hair actually goes change color like this based (on his mood), We’ve seen his hair go from blue to red from anger and/or determination and passion in both book 7 and in his Dorm Uniform vignettes.
This cupcake seems to represent both the deceased Ortho and the current android Ortho.
Not sure what it is, but there’s something with a cybernetic glowing design that implies a circuit board; this is part of the internal parts which make up robo!Ortho.
There’s some kind of sauce with sprinkles over the top of that layer; this could be the blot that makes up phantom!Ortho, since we usually don’t associate the “dripping” of the sauce with robo!Ortho.
The smaller dollop of blue frosting is Ortho’s fiery blue hair. He’s smaller and younger than Idia, so the flames do not consume the entire cupcake. (Alternatively, this could also be the fire-shaped bottle that serves as phantom!Ortho’s head.)
Under the frosting is a cookie and a thin ring which resembles the ring of glowing triangles that appears around robo!Ortho’s neck. A similar pattern appears around the neck of phantom!Ortho.
This cupcake’s cake is a lighter color than Idia’s cake. It also has a larger variety in the sprinkle colors, maybe as a nod to Ortho’s cheerier and more hopeful personality compared to Idia’s gloomier and pessimistic one.
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The Diasomnia cupcake liners are black with a green briar pattern.
Each student’s name is piped in chocolate, with the third years in white and the underclassmen in what seems to be milk chocolate.
The cupcakes seem to be malformed or sort of puffy like Kalim’s is. I wonder if that means Lilia roped all of his kids to bake with him as a bonding exercise www
Malleus’s cupcake goes from Diasomnia green to black (the royal color of the Draconia bloodline), symbolizing the eventual transition he must make from student to king of his country.
The frosting on top is the same colors as he night sky sprinkled with silver stars. Malleus likes to take solitary strolls under the cover of night, so this suits him.
Malleus wouldn’t be Hornton/Tsunotaro without the horns! Of course we’ve gotta include a chocolate version of his iconic horns.
Extra frosting in a bright green; these are meant to be Malleus’s apocalyptic green fire that he spouts.
There’s a purple grape cut into two (I’m sure Rollo would be furious/j) to reveal the green insides. How curious! These colors are also considered accent colors for Maleficent. Another nice detail about the grapes is that the veining of the flesh makes the insides resemble reptilian eyes—like those of a dragon.
The frosting is black for Lilia’s hair and has magenta (berry?) sauce to reflect his hair streaks.
Lots of berries (Lilia loves his berry juice) and irregular pink sprinkles or candy shards. It’s cute, punky, and whimsical, just like he is.
Chocolate bats for the bats that swarm Lilia in many animations. He’s also shown taking care of a bat in his Dorm Uniform vignettes.
I’ve been trying to figure out what the whole cream is… My best guess is they’re representing Malleus, Sebek, and Silver??? Silver and Sebek are the smaller two dollops since they grew up and trained together + are the most immature of the group. Malleus is the big, textured swirl on the left—he is older and more powerful than Sebek and Silver. This analogy also works when you consider that these three sit upon Lilia (the cupcake), who is the oldest and serves as the father figure and foundation for their dorm to get along with each other and with others.
I don’t know what that ahoge-like thing is supposed to be or mean—
His cupcake goes from a deep blonde/yellowish brown to silver. This reflects his hair color change following Lilia’s blessing.
Silver’s cupcake has a very dreamy and cloud-like quality to it because of the abundance of pastel-colored cream. The top of the frosting even droops over, sort of like a head dropping in sleep.
Crushed bits of an aurora-colored candy are sprinkled over the cake. They’re the same color as his eyes, as well as the ring gifted to him by his parents.
Two birds and some mint (?) leaves make up the colors of the Three Good Fairies (Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather). They also speak to Silver’s familiarity with the forest creatures.
The pastel green frosting for Sebek’s cupcakes is sloped, and it is the only one styled this way. It may represent his lopsidedly views and understanding of the world, as he is easily one of the most rigid thinking within his dorm.
Many different things are sprinkles on the cupcake; it looks like someone threw them on thinking they would look cool with very little thought or planning. It fits how brazen Sebek is and also (funnily enough) matches his struggle with the arts.
Sebek is the only student with triangular sprinkles; is this meant to look like scales?? Or maybe particles of lighting?
There’s a massive chocolate lightning bolt topping off the cupcake. Nothing subtle or tactful about it, much like Sebek’s personality and voice.
There are two pieces of sliced grape to mimic Malleus’s cupcake. Interestingly, the grape halves seem to come from entirely different kinds of grapes: one green (unlike Malleus’s), the other red (like Malleus’s). Assuming the red half (which Malleus has two of) implies fae heritage (Malleus is full fae), then the green half is one’s human heritage. The grapes, then, denote Sebek being of half fae, half human descent.
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He has a unique black and white vertically striped cupcake liner to represent Ramshackle dorm!
Grim’s name is written on a cookie that looks like a puffy manga text box. Makes sense, he’s usually being the mouth piece for Yuu when they don’t get dialogue options or even when they do.
Seems to be covered in sanding sugar to achieve the fuzzy texture of fur!
Little wafer (?) shaped like Grim’s tail! And cookies (?) iced to resemble his ears! Two paw prints 🥺 to match Grim’s toe beans… The cupcake truly is made in his image!!
The white shell border is probably a stand-in for the white tuft of fur that Grim has.
215 notes · View notes
lustspren · 2 years
La notte delle rose nere. ft Mina & Sana
length: 10.5k words ✦
Mina, Sana, Male Character & Male Reader.
genres:  sub! Mina, anal, hard sex, foursome, spitroast, DP, blowjob, squirt, oral sex, lesbian, voyeur, creampie, public sex, facefuck, facial, slight daddy kink✧ 
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The day had begun peacefully for you, it was Saturday, and you had gotten up early to go to the supermarket to do the month's shopping. The week was somewhat exhausting at your job, as was every week that coincided with a nominal payment, paperwork, paperwork and more paperwork, especially considering that you were the human resource’s director, but luckily everything went as expected, and right now you had no other concern than spending a nice weekend with the girl you loved the most in the hole world.
"Honey! I made a list of things we should take home, I don't know what you think," said a sweet little voice behind you as you walked into an aisle with the shopping cart still empty, you turned your body, walking now sideways so you could see her.
"Oh yeah?" you smiled seeing the enthusiasm on her face, "let me see, sweetie," she handed you a small notebook, in which the list was written, it caught your attention that it was perfectly colored and decorated.
"Well? What do you think?" she asked shyly, her hands clasped on her belly as she played with her fingers.
"Do we really need that much ice cream?" you raised both eyebrows, "and snacks?"
"Hmm, yeah?" she tilted her head, looking at you with tender eyes and blinking several times. You took a few long seconds to ‘think about it’, you even narrowed your eyes, but in the end her tenderness overcame you.
"Ugh, that's cheating, you know? But okay, you win," you stopped, only to place a small kiss on her lips, which brought a smile to her face.
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Myoui Mina looked as radiant and beautiful as ever, she was a girl with simple tastes, delicate, elegant, and above all, a tender and shy person. She was wearing a purple cotton shirt, baggy jeans and her cream-colored clutch, a basic outfit, but one that she knew how to wear perfectly with her charms.
It hadn't been an easy process to get to where you two were now. You had met about three years ago when you arrived in Rome, your friends were practically non-existent there, but even so you decided to go to the cinema to see a movie you had been waiting for a long time, coincidentally, she was going to the same movie as you, accompanied with a small group of two other friends, Minatozaki Sana, and the architect of everything, Hirai Momo.
Momo was responsible for welcoming you between them. She and Sana made you feel comfortable throughout the night, they were fun, kind, and above all, exaggeratedly beautiful, but despite that, neither of them caught your attention as much as Mina did. She was quiet all night, enjoying the movie and later your conversations, laughing, nodding, and speaking only when someone asked her something or involved her, but strangely enough, her reserved, delicate and pretty aura made you fall in love from the first moment.
You exchanged numbers with all of them that night, but the only one you started talking to every day was her. The months passed, and the connection between you was formed every day until you began to forge a special bond, she was very attentive, kind and nice to you, and you made sure to reciprocate all those good feelings. It was clear that you  liked each other, but neither of you managed to take that small step forward. You asked Sana for advice for many days, meditating on what would be the best way to declare yourself, but absolutely everything terrified you. The day had arrived, and you two had met in a small cafe north of the city, the conversation was difficult for you to carry, but you ended up telling her, with a long talk explaining your feelings for her included. Lucky for you, the feeling was reciprocated, and the two of you had a very nice date that day, but anyway, things didn't become official until months later, when at the most special and fun birthday party you've ever had your life, you two kissed in your room, completely alone, while Angel by Aerosmith was playing outside.
Since then your relationship hasn't changed much, she was your girlfriend now, but everything was exactly the same, with the difference that things were much more special for both of you, and you could express your love for each other in any way you wanted. You were very happy with her, and you could tell how happy she was with you, everything was perfect.
"Oh, you said you wanted a box of tea sachets, right?" you remembered, when you were passing by in front of the shelf. The cart was already half full, and a few things were missing.
"Yes! White tea," she grabbed the box of tea and dropped it on the cart, just at that moment, you and Mina received a message on your phones at the same time.
"Huh?" you took out your phone at the same time as Mina, and then you exchanged glances when you saw who the message was from.
"God, I really can't believe she's going to do it for real," she said, looking back at her phone.
"What? What thing?" You looked down at the screen, opened the message, and saw the photo she had sent you. It was an invitation to a masquerade party, too well designed in your opinion, but suspiciously worded, "did you know about this?"
"Yes, she's been planning this all month, but she didn't want to give me too many details," she put her phone in her back pocket, "what is she supposed to mean by 'a perfect night to unleash all your instincts and carnal urges'?"
"I can get an idea, but I don't want to jump to conclusions..." you replied, staring into space and touching the inside of your cheek with your tongue, "shall we go?" you turned to see her.
"You want to go?"
"I don't know, do you want to?"
"I want to go if you want to go, silly."
You looked at nothing again, but this time thinking very carefully about what decision to make, going meant taking a big risk, you didn't know what you were going to get into, and especially what you were going to get her into, but hell, no you could miss out on a potentially amazing night.
"Okay, we'll go, but that doesn't mean I'm not dying of anxiety right now."
"I know, I feel the same way," she sighed, as she looked at the products in the shopping cart, "let's finish getting everything and go home honey."
You nodded, and then set off again with the cart.
1 week later.
The week went by much faster than you could have imagined, this was a product of the anxiety that still caused you to think about what could happen in a few hours. You and Mina bought clothes exclusively for the occasion, with nice accessories and masks included, of course, and everything was ready to go, but the feeling that you were walking into the lion's den didn’t go away even if you tried to suppress it.
You saw yourself in the mirror for a few long seconds, analyzing every possible angle; you had opted for the easy option: pants, jacket, shirt, tie, and shoes, all black.
"Oh my gosh!" Mina exclaimed as she came out of the bedroom hallway, "Darling, you look amazing! And so handsome," she smiled at you, as she looked you up and down.
You turned to meet her gaze, but yours quickly shifted to the rest of her body; Mina definitely had a fashion sense far superior to yours, you could tell by the spectacular choice of dress that she had made; it was a short, long-sleeved black dress with protruding shoulder pads and a silver-trimmed belt that encircled her waist. You looked entranced by how beautiful her body looked, but that wasn't the only thing that caught your eye.
"Baby, do you have hair extensions on?" you asked innocently, taking a few steps towards her with a smile.
"Do you like it?" she cocked her head from side to side to show you the full length of her hair now perfectly ironed and styled.
"God, you're going to be the most beautiful girl in the place, I'm not even exaggerating," you took her by the waist and brought her closer to your body, to gave her a small peck on the lips, "hey, we have to go, the party started at 9 and it's almost 10 o'clock."
"Let's go then!"
All the way you couldn't do anything but wonder how the hell Momo had managed to rent a villa in Olgiata, one of the most prestigious areas in all of Italy, you knew the place only from photos, and you never thought that you could visit it one day, but it was a truly beautiful territory, no matter which way you looked, there were meadows adorned with beautiful houses and vineyards that, despite being at night, completely dazzled the landscape.
"Damn, do you have any idea how much the cheapest parcel should cost?" you said, one hand on the wheel and the other on Mina's hand.
"I don't know, but I'm concerned about the means by which Momo got a place here," she replied, looking out the window.
"Her parents?"
"She doesn't keep in touch with any of them, bad relationship I guess," she sighed.
"Oh… that sucks."
"But," she continued, turning to look at you, "she loves her sister, who does have a good relationship with her parents."
"Do you think she got it for her?"
"Who knows, I know her father is a wealthy businessman here in Italy, but nothing else," she shrugged.
"Well, great," you looked straight ahead, when a few meters ahead you saw the villa whose address was written on the invitation, "it's here, put on your mask."
When you parked next to all the cars lined up along the narrow road and turned off the car, the first thing you noticed was, of course, the blaring music coming from inside. The villa was surrounded by tall, perfectly trimmed bushes, and adorned on the inside by some tall trees.
"Well here we go, are you ready?" you said, after putting on the mask and turning to look at her, "wow, that mask really enhances your eyes, you look like a... what do they call it here in Italy? Oh yeah, un cigno nero."
"A black swan, huh?" she giggled, "alright, I'll act like it then, come on."
You and Mina got out of the car and went to the sidewalk, skirted the bushes and found the entrance to the villa, which consisted of a couple of stone steps that led to a small roundabout with a tree in the middle, it was there when you both could see in all its splendor the spectacular mansion that stood a few meters from the garden through which you were entering.
"This is amazing, what the fuck..." you said, genuinely impressed.
The two-story house had a beautiful Mediterranean architecture, which immediately reminded you of a Renaissance painting that you could perfectly see in a museum, only with a slight contemporary touch that achieved a perfect balance between historical eras.
You walked with Mina down the stone path, past a circular pool and a few ornamental pieces placed at random spots in the garden. She held your hand, and despite the fact that before she seemed confident, you could see out of the corner of your eye how she saw the place like a little scared puppy.
"What? Why are all the windows covered?" Mina pointed with her finger.
You hadn't noticed it at first, but she was right, all the windows were covered from the inside with what seemed to be black curtains, you had never seen such a thing in the house where a party was taking place.
"Okay, this is beyond suspicious, it's strange and creepy," you said somewhat worried, letting out a sigh. Mina squeezed your hand harder, while you stood in front of the double doors.
You took a few seconds to take a deep breath and try to calm your nerves, and finally you rang the bell; long seconds passed, but no one opened, so you decided to ring the bell a second time, another long seconds passed, until the doors were opened wide by a voluptuous sexy woman. Hirai Momo herself, wearing a long-sleeved red dress made of fine silk, it was long, but had a side slit that allowed her to fully show off her creamy toned left leg.
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"Damn! You guys are arriving so late, I thought you wouldn't come," she said smiling while biting her lower lip a little.
"Can you explain to us why the windows are boarded up and how you got this place?" Mina asked without even saying hello, she wasn't upset, but she was really puzzled.
"Oh come on, relax princess, I'll answer all your questions, but let's move on first," she replied, as she only gave you a quick wink before turning around for the two of you to follow her.
"Gosh, really, this girl," Mina snorted.
"Calm down honey, come on," you took the lead and walked in with her, closing the doors behind you. You three were in a corridor that led to a second and this time the final entrance, Momo standing in front of it waiting for you. The crystals blurred what was happening behind, but you saw movement, a lot of movement... and skin.
"Momo... what's going on-" Mina started, but Momo interrupted her.
"Honey, there won't be anything you haven't seen before, it'll just be a little… ingrandito" she turned her back on you, and opened the door to reveal what was going on inside. 
Ingrandito meant magnified. And it certainly was.
It was a sex party.
In front of your eyes was what you thought was the most bizarrely lascivious scene you could witness in your entire life, there was no other way to say it, there were people fucking everywhere, many completely naked and with only the mask on, and others with different items of clothing still on their bodies, but after all they all had the same thing in common. You had no idea where to look, since naked people weren't just fucking and that's it, they were also walking freely around, chatting or dancing. Of course, not everyone was completely or half naked, there were people still dressed, just enjoying the scene, among them you could see a girl dangerously similar to Sana, watching a guy fucking a girl against the column in front of her.
You simply didn’t have words to say at that moment, it was so much the shock of the moment and the different focuses of attention that you couldn’t produce any sound. You saw Mina out of the corner of your eye, and the poor thing had only managed to bring her hand to her mouth while she saw everything, her eyes wide open.
"So? What do you think? Wonderful, isn't it?" Right next to Momo, a man in a suit passed by with a tray with glasses of what seemed to be pina coladas, she didn't hesitate to grab one.
"Hirai Momo… you better… have an explanation," Mina said, not looking at her, but at a couple of girls kissing a few meters to her right.
You had already assimilated the initial shock, but that didn't make you less upset about how she had deceived you and Mina.
"What? Don't you guys fuck? Come on!" She laughed out loud, then took a sip of her pina colada, "Besides, you need to break that shyness a bit, sweetie, it was the perfect opportunity."
"You fucking b…" you clenched your fists, but swallowed the insult, "I mean, of course we… fuck," you said with slightly hot cheeks, "But this is going too far! Who says she wants to do that?!" you finally claimed.
"Well I don't know, she doesn't seem to be complaining," Momo pointed her chin at her.
You turned to look at her, realizing that her breathing was agitated and that she looked a little uncomfortable, but above all, you found her biting her lip while she was watching a girl being face fucked.
"Baby?" you said, and she turned to see you with eyes that you rarely saw in her. She was horny as fuck.
"Well, I have some things to put in order for the rest of the night, I'll see you guys in a bit!" she winked at you again, and left you two alone there.
"Honey..." Mina hugged your arm tightly, looking around, "let's go to a room, please, I need to calm down."
"I… fuck, sure," you swallowed, noticing that a few meters to your left Momo was handjobing an unknown man when he was close to cum.
Mina broke away from your arm and grabbed your hand to start walking out of the main focus of people. Staying focused on looking for an empty room was a stupidly difficult task, there were at least 3 couples fucking per square meter of the house, and if that wasn't enough, many of them stared at you as if they wanted you to join. Neither you nor she made eye contact, but the temptation to peek was always there.
On the ground floor you found nothing, all the rooms were either occupied or closed, so you had no choice but to go up to the second floor, where apparently there were far fewer people; in the corridors you did not find anyone, all the noise came from inside the rooms; you walked and walked for a while, until you put your ear to a door to make sure there was no one inside.
"This one is free, let's go," just as you put your hand on the knob a female voice foreign to Mina's suddenly spoke to you from behind.
"Hey! Where do you think you're going?"
You and Mina probably got the scare of their lives, both of you turned around startled to find yourself face to face with the woman you had seen a few minutes ago.
"S-Sana?" Mina asked.
"Hi Minari," she tilted her head slightly with an innocent smile. The mask did little to hide her identity, the shape of her body and her smile gave her away.
"Were you following us? You almost gave me a fucking heart attack, Minatozaki," you rolled your eyes, shaking your head in denial.
"I just wanted to see what you were up to, sorry," she shrugged.
"You knew about all this? Minatozaki Sana, why didn't you tell me?" Mina was hardly ever violent, but this time she gave Sana constant little nudges on her arm.
"Hey hey! That's enough," she grabbed her wrist to stop her, "yeah, of course I knew, but if I had told you, you'd never come."
"Ugh! I hate you so much!" Mina complained with a small growl, "now I'm in a house full of strangers having sex everywhere, and I'm horny as fuck!"
The three of you looked surprised at her own words, Mina quickly realized what she had said, so she put her hand to her mouth while her cheeks turned red.
"Oh, is that so?" Sana's innocent smile turned somewhat mischievous, and her eyes began to cover every part of your bodies, without even bothering to hide it.
"U-uh... no! I mean, ugh!" Mina shrieked, covering her face with her hands.
"But that's perfectly fine, sweetie," Sana took a step forward, taking advantage of the fact that Mina wasn't looking to bring a finger to your parted lips, and from there slowly lowering it down your torso until it reached your crotch, where without any warning she gave your cock a firm squeeze.
Your eyes widened and you took a small step back to get away from her hand, but seeing her face flushed with malevolence and mischief, and her curvaceous sexy body, you gave her no sign that you hadn’t liked that.
Sana giggled looking at you, then stood behind Mina, put her hands on her waist, and approached her ear.
"Wouldn't you love to choke on your very, very handsome boyfriend's cock?" she said quietly, followed by another giggle.
Mina was startled when she felt Sana's voice in her ear, and she took her hands from her face to turn around, her face was completely flushed.
"Hey! W-what are you doing? What are you talking about?" Sana was still holding onto her waist, so the two of them were now face to face. Mina watched Sana's face and lips, and a few quick glances at her neck and cleavage.
"Is there something wrong? I mean, I don't think it's something you haven't done before, right?" Sana had a constant innocent smirk as she took it upon herself to turn you both on, and she certainly was getting it. You didn't know how far this was going to go, but you decided to let things flow.
"I… no!" Mina bit her lip, already desperate and avoiding Sana's seductive gaze.
"Come on cutie, let's fuck…" Sana broke away from Mina and came to stand behind you, her chin in your shoulder, "Don't you think we deserve this big, juicy, throbbing cock inside our tight Japanese pussies?" she said as she squeezed your cock through your pants again, this time making it rock hard.
"W-What are you doing grabbing my boyfriend's cock? That... that's not right!" Mina exclaimed with fake annoyance, but you and Sana both knew that underneath all that edgy, icy facade, was a soaked fucking pussy.
"I know it's not right, but you like how I do it… don't you?" Sana was now constantly squeezing and massaging the bulge in your pants, "And I can do this too," she placed her tongue on your neck, giving it a long lick that sent shivers through your entire body.
"Can you… suck his cock?" Mina asked in the most tender way she could for a question like that. Your heart skipped a beat, you didn't expect your girlfriend, all innocent and pretty, to turn into this. Seeing so many people fucking in different possible ways woke up something in her that you didn't know existed, and it was all the fault of a certain Japanese woman who wasn't with you at the time.
"Do you really want that, Minari?" she asked, as she placed little kisses on your neck, "I have no problem with that, but we should know what your pretty boyfriend thinks."
You went blank for a moment, part of you knew that the right thing to do was to grab Mina and get out of there as quickly as possible, go home, and see how to handle the situation, but damn, an opportunity like that one wasn't going to appear twice.
 "I… let's go inside," you finally decided.
Sana broke away from you and opened the door behind her, motioning for you to enter the room. So you did, and the one who closed the door again was you. The lights in the quaint bedroom you had entered were already on; it was one of the two rooms that you noticed from the outside that had a balcony with two chairs and a small table, and it was also full of pretty plants and perfectly cared vines, a double bed, and a nightstand next to it with a bottle of wine, two glasses, a box of cigarettes and a lighter.
"Wow, what a nice view," Sana mentioned, looking at the scenery through the billowing curtains that led to the balcony, they certainly were, you were at a height where you could see acres and acres of beautiful countryside. She took her phone out of her handbag for a moment, and you could see that she was texting someone, but you couldn't see who. When she sent the message, she put the phone away again and placed it on top of the dresser, "Oh yeah, where we were?"
Mina had sat cross-legged on the edge of the bed when Sana fell to her knees in front of you, her face right in front of your bulge.
"And tell me, do you like messy or slow blowjobs?" Sana asked, biting her lower lip, undoing your belt and then unbuttoning your pants.
"Suck that cock any way you like, I don't care," you said, looking at her and then at your girlfriend, who had already pushed her dress up above her waist and had one hand tucked inside her black panties.
"As you wish," Sana lowered your pants and boxers to your ankles, freeing your throbbing cock and smacking her cheek with it, which made her giggle, "God… look at this perfect piece of meat, I wonder how it will feel inside my pussy," she licked her lips and took you right into her mouth, with a nice deep moan that made you gasp.
Her mouth moved just a few inches beyond your tip, giving you slow sucks and licks around it; she took her hand to your balls, squeezed them very delicately and began to massage them while she was taking more of your cock. When she reached the middle of your shaft and her head pumps became ever faster, you could hear Mina's unmistakable sweet moans as she rubbed her own slit, you glanced at her, and noticed that her panties were now on the floor, and she was spread-legged on the bed as she did it.
Sana's hand went from being on your balls, to now holding the base of your cock with two firm fingers, this to hold it in place and to be able to move her head at whatever angles she wanted; She teased you by slowing down her blowjob, then began pumping her head hard, her lips moving from your tip to almost touching her own fingers.
After a few seconds giving you a messy blowjob, Sana stopped abruptly when she reached your base, pushing a little more until her nose rested against your pubis. You couldn't help but let out a moan, close your eyes and purse your lips, wishing she would never get away from your cock. But you couldn't always get what you wished for. Sana took you out of her mouth and took a deep breath, as she quickly jerked you off.
"Hey, Minari, why don't you come over here and have a taste?" Sana said to Mina, her mouth all spittle, which she then spit back onto your dick.
Mina didn't even think twice before getting off the bed and kneeling next to Sana.
"Honey, I want you to fuck my mouth, please, I need it," Mina begged you, holding onto your thighs with her hands.
"Yeah, fuck her mouth, daddy, your little princess is so in need of it," Sana teased, placing small kisses on your balls and on your inner thighs.
"Do you want me not to be too rough with you dear?" you asked Mina, cupping the side of her face with your hand and caressing her cheek with your thumb.
"Oh no, please don't hold back, I want you to make a mess of me," she replied, slowly removing your hand from her face to open her mouth wide and stick the tongue out.
You were going to do the honors yourself, but Sana took the upper hand; she took your cock between her fingers, and guided it directly to your girlfriend's mouth; your shaft slid inside her, slowly and halfway, where Mina already had a little struggle in her throat until she coughed.
"Oh baby, don't you know how to take it to the throat?" Sana asked, as she caressed Mina's hair out of her face, "You just have to get used to it inch by inch, come on, you can do it."
This time you introduced your cock into your girlfriend's mouth, and repeated the process until you reached the middle, Mina closed her eyes and clung to your thighs while you pushed as carefully as possible, you felt that she was forcing herself too much, and she soon proved it when she let out some choking sounds. Sana kept caressing Mina's hair, but when she tried to back away, she grabbed the nape of her neck and held her in place.
After a few seconds your cock slid a few more inches, almost reaching your base, but that was more than enough to give her what she wanted.
"Sana, baby, could you hold her hair? And take off those masks, I want to see your faces well," you ordered with a slight imperative tone in your voice.
"Sure daddy!" She seemed to be looking forward to it for a long time, because she took off her mask in a matter of seconds, and also Mina's. After she threw both masks away, Sana grabbed all of your girlfriend's hair in a messy ponytail, giving you the green light to start moving your hips slowly.
You didn't dare to go faster than you were going, not while it looked like she was going to vomit every time your tip touched her uvula, but as time went by her throat adapted to the constant harassment of your cock, that's when you started moving your hips faster and faster.
It was a matter of seconds before her eye makeup began to smudge from the little tears that spilled out of her eyes, and the saliva in her mouth began to spill as your cock slid in and out of her warm mouth. Sana didn't lose her grip on Mina's hair, not even when she brought her free hand between your girlfriend's legs and slipped two of her fingers inside her. Mina went crazy between moans that were muffled by your cock and by the constant gag sounds that emanated from her throat. But just when you were closer to your peak, and Mina was about to cum all over Sana's fingers, the bedroom door was flung open.
The fright made you jump out of Mina's mouth, and you instinctively covered your crotch. Mina also covered herself, she seemed even more scared than you, but when she saw who she was, and who she was with, her face softened, but still seemed uneasy. The only one who was neither surprised nor scared was Sana.
"Momorin! Finally!" Sana applauded with a smile, "Oh, and he's…?"
Hirai Momo was standing in the doorway, still dressed but her dress was a little out of place, and showing more cleavage than usual, and next to her stood a man about 5.4 feet tall, short brown hair, short square beard, and a robust, muscular and hairy body, completely naked.
"I'm so sorry, but I can't join you, I have to make sure nothing gets out of hand down there," Momo said with a ragged breath, then glanced at the man next to her, "But, I'm sure that my friend Piero will be a very pleasant company."
When she said that she didn't even give you time to answer her back, she just pushed Piero into the room and disappeared from there by closing the door. Now you were locked in with a stranger.
"I'm going to ask it just once and I want you to tell me the truth, Minatozaki," you warned, looking down to meet her gaze, "it was you, wasn't it? The one who told Momo we were here."
"Yeah, it was me," she shrugged, "but my intention was for Momo to join, not him. Nothing personal," she clarified, looking at the man.
"Non preoccuparti" he said, just standing there. He seemed like a respectful and nice guy, since he didn't try anything weird without anyone's permission.
"Very good," you nodded, then sighed. Mina gave Piero discreet glances, especially at what he had between his legs, "Parlare inglese?" you asked the man.
"I can understand you well, but I can't answer you that well," he replied with a thick accent.
"Okay, you can join, but please don't do anything I don't tell you, okay?"
"Understood," he agreed.
"Baby, you're okay with this, right? I must say I'm overwhelmed by all of this, but I'm only concerned about you," you asked Mina with total sweetness, as if you weren't making her choke on your cock until a few seconds ago.
"This is the first and last time we'll do this, so we better seize the moment," she winked at you.
"Got it," you smiled at her, then turned to Piero, "Undress her, please" you pointed your chin at Sana, "I'll take care of my girlfriend."
"Oh hello handsome!" Sana said with a giggle as she stood up and saw that Piero was walking towards her, when they were face to face, their lips met in a passionate kiss, and Sana grabbed the man's cock while he took his hands behind her back to begin to take off her dress.
You grabbed Mina's hands and helped her getting up, putting your arms around her waist and crashing your lips against hers. As you kissed her your hands went into action, quickly unzipping her dress and removing it from her arms and then from the rest of her body, the only vestige of clothing left on her was her black strapless bra, which you removed as well.
"Now let me help you honey," Mina murmured against your lips, putting her hands on your jacket and beginning to unbutton it. It was a bit of a slow process, but after a few seconds, you and she were completely naked in front of each other. You glanced at Sana and Piero, realizing that Sana was already on her knees and naked, sucking on the man's cock. Your gaze indiscreetly roamed Sana's voluptuous and fleshy body, her tits were round, firm and perfect, creamy legs, and an ass even more perfect than her tits.
"Hey Sana," you called out to her, and she stopped to look at you, her face flushed with pleasure, "why don't you come over here and share our cocks?" Sana's eyes seemed to light up like two streetlights.
"Yes daddy! I'd be delighted," she nodded, then stood up.
"Can I call you daddy too?" asked Piero, trying to create a fun atmosphere, and he certainly succeeded, because Sana and Mina let out a little laugh.
"No, now come here."
You stood facing him, and he walked to stand in front of you. Mina and Sana understood the message, and they knelt one on your right side and the other on your left side, respectively. Neither of the two girls wasted any time, Sana took your cock, Mina took the man's, and they both took you straight into their mouths. Sana was pumping her head at a not so fast and not so slow pace, hardly anything messy like a few minutes ago, but this time, the way she used her tongue to explore and stimulate every part of your shaft was driving you crazy every time she she took you into her mouth; plus you had another added attraction, and it was her delicious naked body in all splendor, which you had to admit that you wanted to be able to contemplate since you met her.
Mina on the other hand was putting into practice everything she had learned from Sana a few minutes ago, replicating exactly the same kind of messy and sloppy blowjob, but you couldn't pay much attention to her, not when Sana demanded your eyes on her as she took you to deep down her throat for a few seconds, then let go of your cock to take a quick breath and plunge almost immediately into it again.
It wasn't long until Mina moved away from Piero's cock and turned to kiss your balls, Sana took you out of her mouth too, and they both coordinated to start kissing and licking the sides of your shaft until they reached the tip, where they shared a momentary passionate kiss before Sana now began to focus on Piero.
Now the one who had a free hand to do what she wanted with your cock was Mina, who didn't hesitate for a moment to treat it for what it was, a treasure of hers and for her, she kissed your shaft all over, with slow licks from your balls to your tip to then give you small suctions on it. When she was sure that she had adored your cock enough, she plunged straight into it, bringing her nose directly to your pelvis; a moan escaped from your mouth as you felt your tip brush against her throat. She couldn't hold it there for more than 2 seconds, but you still appreciated the effort, as she was doing amazing.
"Fuck, I'm so close honey," you warned Mina, who started pumping her head to the perfect rhythm that you loved.
"Me too," Piero told Sana, his hand on her head.
"Make her swallow it, we don't want them dirty yet," you ordered between gasps.
The wet sounds of their blowjobs were the only sound in the room for the next whole minute, the two girls were locked in their work, both with different ways of doing it but with the same goal, a goal that wasn’t long in coming. Both you and Piero held the girls by the neck, taking control yourselves to explode inside their mouths. Mina clung to your hip with one hand as you continually rocked it back and forth, sending multiple streams of your thick load straight down her throat.
You gave her one last slow thrust, reaching down her throat once more before pulling your cock out of her mouth. Mina looked at you with a restless breath, to then meet Sana's gaze, they both stared at each other for a few seconds, before opening a space for them to kiss.
You dedicated yourself for the next 30 seconds to watch as the two girls dedicated themselves to sharing saliva and doing a dance between their tongues, still filled with some of your cum.
"Now, who wants to be spitroasted first?" you asked, caressing the necks of both girls.
"We must please the little princess, right?" Sana replied as she separated from her kiss with Mina, who seemed even hornier and wanting more.
"What about you?"
"I don't mind waiting as long as I can help," she winked at you.
"Fair enough." you nodded.
You grabbed Mina's hands and helped her stand up to surround her body with your arms, you kissed her for a few seconds, until you made her move back towards the bed; she sat down on the edge of it, but immediately scooted further towards the center of the mattress and lay on her back, legs spread wide so the three of you could see her juicy pussy in all its glory.
"Sana, would you help us get them up again?" you asked her, while you held her chin and caressed it with your thumb.
"Of course daddy," she grinned, highlighting her tender cheeks. An interesting contrast.
Sana reached out with both hands until she took both of your cocks in her fingers, squeezed them firmly, and then began to move her arms slowly at first in case either of you were still sensitive, but soon she began to jerk you two off aggressively, until you were hard again.
"You know what to do, mate," you nodded to Piero, pointing at Mina with your eyes.
"Oh, do I?" he asked as you got on the bed and positioned yourself between Mina's legs.
"Don't make me repeat it."
You leaned forward, planting a few kisses on Mina's neck and jaw until you reached her mouth, where you also gave her a few small kisses as you rubbed the tip of your cock against her slit. You noticed that Piero had stood on the opposite edge of the bed, and he made a sign that you understood immediately. You held your girlfriend's body firmly and moved her forward on her mattress, so that her head was dangling off the bed, meeting Piero's balls and cock.
With everything ready, you didn't want to make her wait any longer, so you aligned your cock with her entrance and with a slow but firm thrust of your hips you were balls deep inside Myoui Mina's pussy. Your girlfriend let out a nice long moan, but the ability to make any sound was deprived of her as Piero also pushed his cock into her mouth, Mina instinctively stuck her tongue out, as he slowly began to slide in and out of her mouth, and you fucked her without applying much speed from the beginning.
The sensation of being inside Mina's hot and soft pussy wasn’t new to you, obviously, but you still wanted to dedicate yourself to feeling it completely with each thrust you gave her; it would have taken you longer, if it weren't for the fact that Piero wasn't having any mercy with your girlfriend's throat, he had his hands resting on her tits, and he moved his hips between gasps and grunts.
To balance things out, you decided to follow the rhythm he was using, fucking her pussy with equally strong and aggressive thrusts. Mina went crazy trying to hold on to something, her moans didn't produce any sound, so they stayed as simple grunts. Sana on the other hand, had climbed on the bed as a simple spectator, but all of a sudden she got up and knelt next to Mina's torso, bringing her two salivated fingers to your girlfriend’s pussy, to rub her clit while you continued pounding her.
"You want to make her cum fast so your turn can come, don't you? Fucking slut," you growled, glancing at Sana with the corner of your eye as her fingers rubbed quickly over her clit, making Mina shake wildly between tremors.
"Oh of course not! How could you think that?" she faked, not caring how fake it sounded tho.
"Come here..." you reached out a hand to grab Sana's neck and pulled her towards you, her lips meeting yours in a kiss that lacked any finesse, and rather was caught up in the intense and agitated moment.
You kept moving your hips as fast as you could, giving your girlfriend's body a strong shake with each thrust, inevitably you moved her place, but Piero kept a tight grip on her neck to hold her so she wouldn't fall. You were both giving your all to fuck both of Mina's holes with the dedication that she deserved, not to mention the extra stimulus that Sana was applying to her pussy while the two of you were still kissing, all this led to a sudden explosion of pleasure in Mina, who jerked between violent spasms as her walls tightened around your cock. Her muscular contractions made Piero come out of her throat at will, allowing her to moan as much as she wanted. Mina's moans weren't especially loud, but they were pretty and sexy, perfect with her personality.
Short and leisurely movements were the only thing you kept giving your girlfriend while she was still having her orgasm. You let a few seconds pass waiting for her body to relax, until you finally pulled your fluid-soaked cock out of her pussy.
"Rest for now darling," you told Mina between hectic breaths when you separated from the kiss with Sana, "it's time to give our little friend what she deserves," with the help of Piero himself you moved Mina to the side of the bed, near the pillows, in a way that she could be comfortable while resting. Her face was flushed, and her gaze was lost in what seemed like an attempt to assimilate what was happening, you only left a small kiss on her lips, and when you looked back at Sana, she was already in a perfect and hot doggystyle pose, with her face on the edge of the bed and her ass perfectly arched for you.
"You're going to cum inside me right?" Sana asked you with a voice full of mischief, "I want to feel daddy's hot thick load inside my slutty pussy," she rocked her butt slowly from side to side for you.
"Keep quiet and choke on that cock like a good girl," before she could reply Piero unkindly grabbed her by the hair and plunged her fully into his cock, going right down her throat in one thrust. Sana tried to free herself to speak, but her failed attempts were reflected in loud gag sounds.
You took advantage of the moment to position yourself behind her and raise your hand, letting it fall in an exaggeratedly strong spank that came loaded with a combination of anger, frustration, revenge and passion. Sana immediately stopped trying to break free to moan in response, but you weren't going to let her do that either; you made a sign to Piero, and he started fucking Sana's mouth once more, and this time he was being even harder than with Mina.
With that problem solved, it was time to focus on the main attraction. You licked two of your fingers, running them up and down repeatedly through Sana's slit, testing how wet her pink pussy was; You couldn't help but insert your thumb a couple of times inside her just to tease, but you couldn't resist the temptation yourself. You took your cock and quickly lined it up, then slid all the way into Sana's pussy.
The sensation was completely different from being inside Mina, Sana felt a lot tighter and wetter, and it felt like your cock was being engulfed by her silky folds. It didn't take long for you to start moving your hips with strong thrusts, her ass crashing against your pelvis every time your cock went in and out. 
A long but low moan escaped you as you clung to Sana's waist, using it as a support to keep your pace. It was satisfying for you to know that not only her pussy was being well filled, but also her mouth and throat. Piero was completely destroying her face, she wasn't wearing too much makeup, but the little that she had began to stain due to the tears and the huge amount of saliva that spilled from her mouth. Your thrusts didn’t stop for a single moment, you gave Sana another strong spank on the other buttock, and then you stretched out your arm so you could grab a handful of her hair and pull it towards you, forcing Piero to bring one foot up on the bed to be able to move comfortably.
You were already very close to your final peak since the session with Mina a few minutes ago, and of course fucking Sana so hard and well didn't mitigate that tingling feeling in your tummy. You had to really stay focused not to cum at that precise moment, but it was fucking complicated, not even the most mentally strong man in the world could have resisted filling that tight Japanese pussy all at once, but for some reason there you were, putting all your effort to last just a little longer so that Sana could continue to be well fucked.
Your luck with willpower couldn't be replicated by Piero, who only managed to hold on for a few more seconds before once again burying Sana completely against his cock to cum straight down her throat. He held her there throughout his orgasm until he finally released her from his grasp, you quickly seized the moment to grab her once more by the hair and pull her upright, so that her back was now almost resting against your chest, she hadn't even managed to close her mouth when you did that, so a good part of the fluids inside her mouth fell directly to the mattress.
From that position you were finally able to let go of her hair, to take your two hands to her neck and firmly squeeze your fingers around it while you fucked her with all your might. Again, Sana's moans didn't quite come out of her mouth, they all seemed muffled and compressed in her throat like growls. You had her sweaty back now right against your chest, and her soft brown hair filled your nostrils with the rich smell of chocolate. Soon your willpower would be of no use at all, the explosion of pleasure came to you suddenly and violently, held back for a while but finally released. You gave Sana a strong first thrust, shooting the first spurts of your load into her wet walls; you released her neck, letting her fall face down against her mattress, for you to firmly squeeze both of her buttocks as you continued to fill her. A few more hip movements were enough for Sana's pussy to be completely filled with your cum.
You pulled out your cock, letting all the cum leak out of her pussy and slowly spill out through her slit and then onto the mattress. You felt exhausted, all the energy was drained from your body in a matter of seconds, but you still had a job to do.
You took one hand to Sana's buttock, while the other went straight to her pussy to introduce your index and middle fingers inside her. You started moving your wrist as fast as you could, turning Sana into a quivering mess between loud moans. The extremely wet sounds of your fingers pumping against her pussy filled the room together with her screams of pleasure, and it took just under a minute to make the girl have her long-awaited and intense orgasm.
Her spasms were so intense that she could no longer keep her butt up, now she was completely lying on her stomach as she came on your fingers. You moved the wrist for a little while more until you felt her orgasm had passed, and with Sana already satisfied and fulfilled, you finally let yourself fall against the mattress, your head just falling on the abdomen of your girlfriend, who had been watching all.
"Did you have fun, honey?" Mina asked with the tenderness that characterized her, looking at you with a little smile and caressing your hair.
"Oh fuck yeah," you replied, still gasping, "and you?"
"Of course..." she paused for a few seconds as she looked at you and then at Piero, who was lying on his back next to Sana's ass, "but I'm still not satisfied, you know?"
"No?" You raised both eyebrows in surprise, "Are you telling me you want to get fucked again?"
"Why not? I'm your girlfriend, your  sweet pretty princess, you can't say no to me," Mina sat up so she could look down at you, "besides, none of you have fucked my ass yet."
Hearing that, Piero suddenly turned to look at her like a dog that has just heard a whistle, and you couldn't even assimilate that it was the same Mina who was shy even with the waiters in restaurants.
"Honey, just say what you want, and we'll give it to you."
"I want you both to fuck me… at the same time, I don't care who has which hole," she said biting her lip.
"Shit… uh, very good," you sighed, "but please give us a little break, my man and I can't even bear our souls right now."
"But I'm fine," said Piero.
"Shut up. You're exhausted and your very body weighs you down," you replied back. Mina could only laugh.
"You have to understand, Minari," Sana said in a weak voice, looking at the three of you face down, "he could barely resist my pussy, it's normal for him to feel like he ran a marathon."
"Zitto, slut."
"Is that so, darling? Don't you have the energy for your pretty baby anymore?" Mina teased, caressing your face with the back of her hand.
"Agh fuck, come here," you settled horizontally on the bed, but not before grabbing a pillow and resting your head on it. You subtly motioned with your eyes for Mina to climb on top of you, and she did, squeezing her strong, smooth thighs on either side of your torso, her pussy now brushing against the back of your shaft.
"Piero, Momo told me that in all the bedrooms there are things to use in the drawers," Sana intervened, "you know what to do."
Piero disappeared from your range of vision, but at that moment you could only focus on Mina's deep and charming eyes, full of desire for what she was about to go through. She reached between your bodies to take your limp cock between her fingers and begin to rub it slowly for a few seconds, then simply pressed her slit against it and leaned on your shoulders, rocking her hips back and forth until your manhood got hard again.
The direct contact between your cock and her pussy made her impatient too quickly, and without a second thought, she lifted her hips and grabbed your cock with one hand to set it straight, taking you deep inside her once more with a strong smash against your pelvis.
The smash was so strong that it even made you lose your breath for a moment, but she had quite enjoyed it judging by her long moan as she felt you fill her pussy again. Your girlfriend began to move her hips up and down, with slow strokes that made your cock go in and out completely; she put her hands on your chest, but they moved little by little until they rested on your neck, her pretty face infused with pleasure hovered just above your face, and it didn't take long for her to close that distance when she crashed her lips against yours.
While you and Mina were wrapped up in an intense kiss full of passion, all between the smashes that her round and big ass gave against your pelvis, you felt a greater weight climb on the bed again; You separated from the kiss to see what it was about, but you only managed to see how Piero positioned himself behind Mina's ass with his knees bent, and his feet on the mattress each one on the sides of your torso.
"Peach-scented lube? What a coincidence," he said, then placed a hand on Mina's lower back to stop her from moving, "is this the first time you're going to get fucked in the ass?" he asked her as he poured lube over his cock and a little over Mina's hole.
"Ah… yes, please be good to me," she gasped, looking over her shoulder at him.
You stood completely still as you looked at Mina's face, wanting to see how she would react. Piero flexed his knees even more, until he reached the perfect height where he could align his lubricated cock with your girlfriend's ass; Mina held her breath as he barely inserted his tip inside her, that alone made her face wrinkle, but as her ass was filled inch by inch with thick meat, her face distorted with pleasure at now having two cocks buried deep inside her.
"Oh fuck, fuck, fuck," she murmured under her breath between small moans, she somehow clung to your face without hurting you, since her eyes were closed, and that was the precise moment when you and Piero you coordinated to start fucking her.
You planted your feet on the bed, and began to move your hips up and down at the same speed with which she was moving before; Piero did so too, slipping in and out of her ass with ease but careful not to hurt her as she got used to the sensation.
Your hands went to her waist, which was the only possible place on her body where you could hold on while you kept the pace slow and leisurely, but it was enough for you to feel how Piero began to pound harder and harder against your girlfriend’s ass so that you could dedicate yourself to catch up the pace, driving Mina completely crazy on top of you. Her moans were like music to your ears, and to see her face completely submerged in ecstasy, a splendid work of art, you knew that your body at this point could no longer give more of itself, but somehow you drew out an energy reserve before unknown to you; the situation ignited faster than gunpowder, Mina was now taking two cocks through different holes, at a speed that did nothing but make her shake like a rag doll.
Mina had the urge to drop her face to one side of yours and hug to your head tightly, now you could feel her moans and gasps right against your ear, which served you as gasoline to continue fucking her with the same intensity you fucked Sana with a minutes ago. Your arms surrounded your girlfriend's torso in a warm hug that kept her still in her place. Piero on the other hand had already lost his fear of doing her any kind of harm, so he was pounding her big ass like she deserved it, strong and deep.
Fucking her obviously wasn't feeling great just for her, your thrusts up and down were between gasps and low moans, her pussy was extremely wet, and it felt more fucking amazing than ever. You wished you could be grabbing her ass right then, but for the moment you'd given the privilege to Piero, who was holding onto both of her buttocks as he filled her ass with thick throbbing meat.
"Look at the innocent and sweet princess Myoui Mina," Sana said from the side of you in a seductive voice, followed by a giggle. Amidst all the excitement you hadn't noticed her presence again, but she was just watching, her legs wide open and the fingers of one hand rubbing her pussy, "Who would have imagined that she could enjoy so much like two cocks filled her."
It was clear that none of the three of you could respond to her taunts or even give her your full attention, but you could still hear her. Mina was the only one who managed to turn her face to be able to see her between intense whimpers.
"Are you enjoying it, cutie?" Sana asked, "You love how they fill you up, don't you? And how they use you like a pretty fragile sex toy. I bet deep down that's what you've always wanted, to be completely torn apart while being fucked."
All of Sana's dirty talk to Mina escalated her pleasure even more, and within seconds, your girlfriend exploded in an intense orgasm that did little to even compare to the first; her pussy contracted violently, and her body spasmed, shaking her as electric shocks from a taser gun, while her fluids shot towards your cock in a slight squirt, something you never thought she would be able to do so far; you had no choice but to let your cock out of her pussy while it kept dripping and she kept shaking between intense cries of pleasure. You and Piero gave her a little rest, until her spasms were now controlled and her orgasm had passed. You were about to continue, but Sana interrupted you.
"Daddy, I don't think she can take it anymore for now, she must be very sensitive," Sana wailed, looking at all the mess your girlfriend was made, "Why don't you cum on her face? It would be a waste not to paint a canvas that expensive and pretty."
You and Piero listened to Sana for some reason, both coming out of Mina to help her kneel on the bed; Sana jumped to her aid as well, kneeling behind her to hold onto her shoulders so she wouldn't fall off. Your girlfriend's face looked completely different from what you were used to, full of lust, red with pleasure, her mouth parted and her eyes somewhat weak. You both stood in front of her, your cocks floating together over her face as you began to quickly jerk off.
"That's it, give all your load to this pretty and innocent princess," Sana grabbed Mina's hair in a ponytail to push it out of her face and then gave her a peck on the cheek, "she's been a very good girl this night," your girlfriend managed to nod, sticking out her tongue.
Mina could only look into your eyes and you into hers, and with the passing of the seconds you exploded first, followed by Piero a few seconds later; the cum began to paint Mina's face in all possible corners, long thick strips of thick load falling on her forehead, her mouth, her tongue, her nose and her cheeks from both directions, even Sana received a little unintentionally, which made her let out a mischievous giggle. Your girlfriend's face was now almost completely covered by white, which you would have found funny if it weren't for the fact that your legs collapsed, making you fall sideways on the bed.
"Oh shit, I think I'm dead now," was the last thing Piero said before staggering out of bed until he fell face up on the floor.
You were the only one who stayed there to watch your girlfriend pick up the cum that had fallen on her tongue to swallow it, while Sana helped her clean herself, holding her by the neck to run her tongue all over her face, picking up everything  she could and then spit it back into Mina's mouth. They repeated that hot process a couple of times, until Mina's face was clean, sticky, but clean.
You didn't have the energy to say anything else, you just settled in the middle of the bed and rested your head on a comfortable pillow. Sana and Mina joined you, each one on one side of your body, both of them raised one of their legs to your body, and then they hugged you.
"I hope you enjoyed this," Sana said quietly, looking at Mina and then at you, "You don't hate me do you?"
"No, Minatozaki, I don't hate you, now shut up and let me rest," you sighed.
"You didn't ask me," Mina replied now, her eyes closed.
"Do you hate me?"
"Nope, but I do want to kill Momo right now, I hate being tricked like this," she snorted.
"Save that for later, cutie, maybe the four of us can… you know, talk in private," Sana brushed her knee against your already dead cock for a moment when she said that.
"I'll pretend I didn't hear that, close your eyes and rest. Bye," you said quickly to muddle through, before closing your eyes and drifting off to sleep.
Spren Notes:
I almost died writing this thing bro lmao. I thought that Erinyes had been my most "ambitious" work so far, but I think that without a doubt this piece surpasses it by far. I must say that I am quite proud of the result, as I also hope that the user who bought this commission from me and gave me the main idea is too! Thank you very much bro, I hope you enjoyed it <3.
If you, dear reader, are also interested in buying me a commission, do not hesitate to go through my inbox, I’ll be delighted!
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1800naveen · 2 months
Spoilers?? (Mentions of major character deaths)
Greenies can joke about Rhaenyra's death all they want but it's one of the coolest ways someone can die in a song of ice and fire and as a Targaryen.
If you aren't aware of how Rhaenyra dies, she is cut at her breast which alerts Sunfyre and he (she?) doses Rhaenyra in dragon fire before devouring her.
That is metal as fuck.
That's a dragon rider's death. That's a Targaryen death right there.
"Rhaenyra Targaryen had time to raise her head toward the sky and shriek out one last curse upon her half-brother before Sunfyre’s jaws closed round her, tearing off her arm and shoulder."
And you want to know how Aegon died?
He got poisoned.
"A cold wind was blowing. As the litter set off, the king closed the curtains against the chill. Inside, as always, was a flagon of sweet Arbor red, Aegon’s favorite wine. The king availed himself of a small cup as the litter crossed the yard."
"Ser Gyles and the litter bearers had no notion aught was amiss until they reached the sept, and the curtains did not open. “We are here, Your Grace,” the knight said. No answer came, but only silence. When a second query and a third produced the same, Ser Gyles Belgrave threw back the curtains, and found the king dead upon his cushions."
“There was blood upon his lips,” the knight said. “Elsewise he might have been sleeping.”
Poison is considered to be a woman's weapon. Aegon who usurped his sister's throne because she was a woman, died by a woman's weapon. Gotta love the irony. There are theories that Corlys or Larys poisoned him, what do you think? I think Corlys did it.
"Aegon was a good king!"
"Septon Eustace tells us that a “strange euphoria” took hold of King’s Landing; Mushroom simply says that “half the city was drunk.” The corpse of King Aegon II was consigned to the flames, in the hopes that all the ills and hatreds of his reign might be burned away with his remains. Thousands climbed Aegon’s High Hill to hear Prince Aegon proclaim that peace was at hand."
Mfs was getting turnt the fuck up when they found out that he died. They could finally be at peace after his reign. Yeah, don't say Aegon is a good king when this quote exists.
And Aegon and Sunfyre don't have the most powerful bond. A good example would be Daemon and Caraxes, Dany and her children too.
That answer was no answer, plainly. “Not Silverwing,” His Grace declared. “I will have a new Sunfyre, prouder and fiercer than the last.”
Sunfyre in the afterlife hearing that:
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Your dragon died due to the shit you put them through and you want to get a new one? Damn, at least mourn or something. The dragons deserve so much better.
Everyone on team black died cool or interesting ass deaths. Rhaenys taking on two dragons and not even fleeing when she realized that she wouldn't win the battle, Jace and Luke dying alongside their dragons like a Targaryen and being buried in the sea like a Velaryon, Daemon leaping off Caraxes and driving Dark Sister into Aemond's eye; the eye that Luke took out.
Team green?
Otto got beheaded, Aemond looking up at terror when Daemon made him Dark Sister's place holder, Criston Cole getting arrows in him by the winter wolves who declared that no one will sing songs of him and his head was put on a spear, Daeron Tentsbane dying in a tent fire, and Alicent was driven mad after the dance, regretting her choices and hating the color green. Dark sister and Vhagar's skull were retrieved but they left Aemond's skeleton down there. They buried what was left of Rhaenyra but didn't do shit from him.
Helaena will not be mentioned because she didn't deserve any of this, the same for Jaehaerys, Maelor, and Jaehaera.
"Sunfyre ate!" Yes, Sunfyre did eat Rhaenyra. You want a cookie for reminding us?
"Sunfyre, it is said, did not seem at first to take any interest in the offering, until Broome pricked the queen’s breast with his dagger. The smell of blood roused the dragon, who sniffed at Her Grace, then bathed her in a blast of flame."
Sunfyre was nearing death, animals will stop eating when they near death (does it count for a dragon?).
Anyways, remember that Rhaenyra and Daemon's bloodline prevailed and gave us Daenerys, the current Baratheons, the current Martells, Brienne (through Duncan), Jon Snow (not yet to be confirmed in the books). And Aegon's line was brought to an end.
WHEN YOU USURP, YOUR LINE SHALL END! Maegor and Aegon: usurping the throne and having their line ended because of it.
"The choice is his, but he shall have no children. My sister’s line must end.”
Should've specified which sister.
Now enjoy some art of the rightful queen and her king (consort):
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🎨: Jotasaraiva! So good, power couple.
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🎨: Daewithmon! (Tried to make out the credits below but it's down there)
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🎨: Chillyravenart!
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@paparinka, give them a follow if you like the art!
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purplepixel · 9 months
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What if the turtles were in the pokemon world? And what if they were never turtles, but in fact, mutated pokemon? What if they lived in the Castelia sewers of Unova instead of New York?
Meet my Rise/Pokemon AU!! Waaaah this has been on my mind for MONTHS now. Pokemon is that one fixation that'll never leave me. I'm THAT pokemon fan that knows WAAAAY too much about the games and lore. For those that don't know,
Raph is Drednaw
Leo is Wartortle
Mikey is Torkoal
Donnie is Lapras
Yes. They are all shiny. I started with raph, since him as drednaw is pretty much a no brainer. The shiny form fit too well with him and his color scheme. Than I realized if I made him shiny, I had to make the other bros shiny as well so THEY ALL SHINY. (draxum shiny hunter confirmed?) Also dual rock typing fits well with raph's character.
Wartortle for leo was also a pretty obvious choice. I MEAN LOOK AT HIM. Long flowy tail? Yes please. I had to keep his markings somehow. Wartortle has little dark cheek spots, so I just changed them to be leo's markings. Water typing leo. Go with the flow, think on the spot, it worked out too well.
Torkoal for Mikey was another easy one. Fire turtle? Passionate, warm, also DANGEROUS (he can be a menace ok) Say no more. His powers in rise are already pyro related. Also having him shiny helped a lot with the color scheme. Torkoal is normally orange so having mikey be the yellow shiny form meant I didn't have to mess with his mask colors
Donnie on the other hand....OHHH BOI I STRUGGLED WITH YOU. I went through 4 DIFFERENT POKEMON, before deciding on the least turtle like of them all. I am aware that we do have a softshell pokemon with enamorous, but it's a legendary so thats not happening. But it was really important for me to keep donnie's soft shell and battle shell. I wanted this to be a RISE au and donnie's battle shell is pretty tied into his character. (there's also tirtouga which I almost went with, but I didn't like that both he and raph shared the exact same dual typing) Soooo, Lapras. Its more of a loch ness monster but it also draws inspiration from a placochelys (prehistoric seaturtle esque species) so IM COUNTING IT. Very unconventional but I have my reasons. Ice typing is a good offensive type, but is pretty bad defensively. Which ties into rise donnie's fighting style. If I wasn't a coward, I wouldve made donnie the biggest of the bros. Since lapras is like 8 feet tall compared to the others being like 1-3 feet. But uhhh, I swear I have an in universe explanation for why he's so small ok.
And than there's April. She is not a pokemon trainer in this au. At least not in the traditional sense. I've been with pokemon for all of my 26 years of life, and I always wanted to know what the normal people of the pokemon world are up to. Not everyone is out here collecting gym badges, travelling, or catching them all. How do non-trainers interact with the pokemon world? So that's where I'm at with April. She will get a pokemon partner, but other than that, she's just an average high schooler who befriended the turtles from a young age and takes part in all their shenanigans. I took some design elements from rosa and hilbert with her outfit, but otherwise its pretty much the same.
We'll see how far I'll take this. I've been using this as a break from my many other projects, but like everything I do, it grew too many legs and is slowly becoming its own thing.
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mamibaddie · 2 years
For Whom The Bell Tolls || Vampire!Steddie x reader
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Summary: Steve and Eddie are looking for an addition to their relationship. And you’d make the perfect bride.
Authors note: This idea came to me late at night. I love spooky season. I mentioned Lestat and Louis for Eddie and Steve because I think there’s some parallels to them but not much. They aren’t meant to be exactly like those characters, just that they’re lovers and bring a third into the relationship.
Warnings: some dark themes. Some manipulation, smut (18+ only!!) slight dubcon (but reader is attracted to them and likes them, but they’re hesitate to it all.) vampire shenanigans, corruption kink.
It was late October. The leaves are beginning to turn a red-yellow color. Signaling the beginning of a new season, and the death of another. You were walking to the local library with a sweetened iced coffee. Even though there was a cool breeze, you still enjoyed iced coffee. You walked into the library, checked in with Donna, and moved to find you a table. You took your notebook out, along with your textbook and literature book.
You jumped up and the library was dim. You looked at the windows and realized it was night time. How long were you asleep?
You jumped up and the library was dim. You looked at the windows and realized it was night time. How long were you asleep?
You jumped up and the library was dim. You looked at the windows and realized it was night time. How long were you asleep?
“Hello sweetheart, you fell asleep while hard at work.”
You turned to see Eddie Munson talking over you. Eddie was your best friend. A friend you, embarrassingly enough, had a crush on. He was a little goofy and eclectic. Definitely different from the typical guys in Hawkins, but you liked different.
You rubbed your eyes. “How long was I out?”
He shrugged. “Long enough for the librarian to be off of work.”
He dangled the keys in front of you. Donna knew you’d be able to lock up and come back to give her the keys the next day. You were trust-worthy and reliable. But you hated how predictable you were.
You begin packing up your stuff lazily.
Eddie snorted and picked up your book. “Dracula, huh?” He flipped through the pages, big eyes scanning the words.
You yawned and stretched your arms out. “Yeah, I love a good horror novel.”
You both made your way out of the library. You turned around locking the door. You scanned the outside of the library but couldn’t find Eddie’s van anywhere. Were you two walking?
“Are we taking your van?” You hoped so, it would be nice to get all comfy before heading over to Eddie’s trailer.
“No, Steve picked me up. So we’re taking his car.”
Steve. You had wondered how close Eddie and Steve had gotten so fast. Not only were they complete opposites, they use to have a rivalry with one another. Now the two are inseparable. You knew Eddie was bisexual. Having accidentally discovered his choice of porn mags lead you to know for a fact he was all about giving and receiving love, didn’t matter from who.
But Steve was questionable. You knew he had dated girls but the way he is with Eddie made you start to think that he may be bisexual too. How they’d gaze into each other’s eyes and how he’d laugh at something Eddie would say if when you knew it wasn’t that funny. So, it wouldn’t really surprise you if the two were secretly dating. Either way, you hated how he looked at you lately. He practically leered at you all summer. If that wasn’t enough, his touches began to linger. Before he’d make sure to pass by you without touching you. Now he grabs your hips, making sure to give a firm squeeze before letting go. What was friendly at first could now be considered flirty. You always thought Steve was attractive but if he was dating Eddie, you didn’t want to go behind his back. That wasn’t right at all.
“Hey Stevie, finally tracked down our girl.” Eddie said, reaching out and grabbing the handle of the back door on the car. He held the door opened for you while bowing.
“Why thank you kind sir.” You curtsied before climbing into the back seat.
“H-hey,” Steve said, his voice was a bit rough and raspy while saying your name. He was looking at you through the rearview window.
“Hey Steve.” Eddie slipped into the front seat of the car and buckled up. Steve put one of his hands on the back of Eddie’s seat and turned to look over his shoulder while backing out. You felt him looking at you on occasion. For the most part you avoided him until the last minute when you looked at his face and saw that he was looking at your thighs. You squeezed them together and pulled some your skirt a little. He quickly looked at your face before turning back around.
After a bit, you decided to break the silence. “So, where are we going?”
“We’re going to my house.” Steve stated.
You furrowed your eyebrows and looked at both of them. “Why are we going to Steve’s?”
Eddie turned completely around in his seat.
“You really don’t remember, do you sweetheart?”
“Eddie, please buckle up. We could get in a car crash. And no, I don’t remember.”
“You agreed to going with us to Tina’s Halloween Bash, remember? She throws it every year?”
You closed both of your eyes and slid a hand down your face. You completely forgot about the Halloween party happening tonight. You were so busy with your studies that you forgot to even have a social life. Eddie and Steve were always the more social, outgoing ones. You preferred to stay inside and watch movies. Most of the time that’s what you three did. Opting to find different activities that you all could do indoors or away from people. You decided to agree to go with them after they practically begged you for a month.
It was kind of funny because Eddie tended to hate parties with people he knew from high school. Most of them being down right rude to him.
“I’m so sorry guys. I totally forgot.”
“It’s okay babe. We get it. You’ve forgotten about us.” He turns and taps Steve on the arm with the back of his hand.
“She’s forgotten about us Stevie.”he says, his voice changes as if he’s about to cry and he covers his face with his hands. Pretending to sob.
“I’d rather drive a stake through my heart than have you forget us doll face.” Steve replied.
“You both are so dramatic. I don’t even have a costume.”
Eddie turned to look at you. “You think so little of us. How many times do we have to remind you that we got you?”
“You got me a costume?”
Steve pulled into his driveway and put the car in park before pulling his keys out of the ignition.
“Yes, we’re always thinking of you.” The way he said your name sent a chill down your spine.
You all got of Steve’s car and made your way over to his house. When Steve opened the door, it was completely dark inside. The still and quietness was enough to drive anyone crazy after a while.
Steve moves to the side and turns on a light.
“Let there be light!” He turns to you both, asking if you’d like anything to drink. You politely asked for some water, to which he nods and moves towards the kitchen.
“Hey Steve,” Eddie yells, “is it cool if we go to your room? I wanna show her the costume.”
“Sure!” Steve responds.
Eddie takes a hold of your hand with an excited grin. You both jog up the stairs and the left. Once you both entered Steves room, Eddie makes a beeline towards his closet. While you move to lay on Steve’s bed with your feet still on the ground. You close your eyes for a second. You really didn’t feel like going to a party, but since you already agreed to it, you’ll go with them. Eddie and Steve are your best friends, you’d do anything for them.
You felt a presence hovering over you. When you opened your eyes, you seen Eddie looking down at you with a Cheshire grin.
You jumped and put your hand over your heart.
“Jesus Christ!”
Eddie shoves the costume towards you, still wearing the same grin. “Ta-da! Here’s your costume!”
You sit up and examine it. It’s a white dress with poofy sleeves. It has embellished beads around the sweetheart neckline. There’s a significant amount of tulle underneath it.
“Isn’t it nice?” Steve walked in with your glass of water in hand.
“Sorry I took too long. I got side tracked.” He handed the water to you. You took a sip of it and Steve took your glass to put it on his dresser.
You looked at it and back at them.
“It’s….a lot.” They looked at you confused. Steve’s eyebrows furrowed and Eddie tilted his head to the side.
“You don’t like it sweetheart?” Eddie asked.
You thickly swallowed and looked at both of them.
“I’m just…a little confused. What are you two going as?”
“Oh, that’s right. Uh, we’re going as Vampires.” Steve replied.
“So…you two get to be super cool vampires… and I’m…?”
“The bride of course!” Eddie smiled.
You looked at him with wide eyes, your eyebrows were practically in your hairline.
“I don’t know about this…”
Ever since you three became best friends and super close, you did hear about some of the rumors spreading at school and around town. Some people thought that you three were in a relationship with one another. They’d talk about how strange it was that two guys and one girl can be that close and not experiment sexually. You remember one time you addressed some weird guy who came up to you asking you three about it. You quickly dismissed the claim but Steve and Eddie just brushed it off. They acted like it was no big deal.
“Oh!” Eddie snapped his fingers, “I almost forgot!” He went to Steve’s nightstand and pulled out a white veil.
“The finishing touch.” He gently placed it to fit the crown of your head. They both grabbed the sides of the veil to fluff it out more.
“You’ve got to be kidding me? If people don’t already think we’re in a relationship together, they’re definitely going to think it now!”
“Who cares what people think? It’s just a costume. Try it on. Eddie was convinced this was your size. I wanted to get another dress just in case but he’s so sure of it.”
You grab the dress and carry it to Steve’s bathroom.
“You don’t want to change out here babe?” Eddie asked.
“Ha-ha. Very funny.”
You closed and locked the bathroom door. Not that you don’t trust them, you just didn’t want them to forget. You looked at yourself in the mirror. The veil was pretty. Most of it was tulle with lace around the border. You noticed some makeup on the counter.
“Hey Steve? What’s with the makeup?”
“Oh. Oh, yeah! We got you some makeup as well! Thought it go good with the costume.”
You looked through it. Now that you’re actually thinking, everything they picked complimented your skin tone perfectly. Even the face powder was practically an identical match.
“They really went all out.” You whispered to yourself.
While you were getting ready, Steve and Eddie were also putting on their costumes. At times they’d get a little distracted with one another. Eddie running his fingers through Steve’s chest hair. Steve leering at Eddie’s tattoos and toned torso. They resisted from taking anything further than that and few kisses. They wanted to wait for later.
“Okay, I’m coming out.” You slowly open the door and step out into the room. It’s the first time Steve and Eddie are seeing you like this and vice versa. Steve is dressed as Louis and Eddie is dressed as Lestat. Their costumes are so detailed and intricate, right down to the lace and fingernails. You noticed they both had large blood red rings on their ring finger.
While you were taking them in, they were doing the same. The dress fit you to a T. It flattered your figure so well. The veil cascading down your hair and over your shoulders. The makeup accented your natural beauty.
Eddie stood up first and walked over to you. Slowly drifting his eyes up and down you.
“You look exquisite, my lady.”
“Look good enough to die for.” Steve said, suddenly right beside you. He grabbed your hand and kissed every single knuckle while looking you in the eye. The attention they were giving you was nice but intense. You weren’t use to it at all. You started to shrink in on yourself.
“Did you get her shoes, Steve?”
“Yes, my dear. Want to complete the look.” Steve bent down to get your shoes underneath his bed. He walked back over before getting back on his knees. The shoes were also white with a block heel attached. He gently grabbed your right ankle and slipped the shoe right on your foot. Then did the same to the other one. After the left one, his two fingers rubbed the inside of your ankle. He went up a little further and looked up at you.
“The finishing touch.”
He kept eye contact with you on his way back to standing up. It made your heart flutter.
Eddie clapped his hands, looking at you two.
“Are we ready?”
You nodded and Steve grabbed his car keys.
You guys had been driving for a several minutes.
“So….where is Tina’s house?”
You had never been, but you heard through word of mouth that it was close to where Steve lived. He was going the other way.
“Oh, we wanted to show you something before going to Tina’s. Trust me, I think you’ll like it.” Steve said.
You blinked a few times. In all your years, you completely trusted Eddie and Steve. You couldn’t really say that with confidence lately. Though they never pushed your boundaries without your consent, they were a lot more touchy, feely. That wasn’t too out of the norm for Eddie, but it was for Steve. Both of them together was intense.
Before you could ask where you’re all going, Eddie excitedly announced that you all were there. He was hitting his hands on the dashboard happily.
You looked out the window and seen a big mansion. The architecture was gothic and worn down. Foliage had started to grow on the exterior of the mansion. Parts of the foliage had started to wither and other parts were very much alive.
“What is this place?” You asked once you all were out of the car and walking towards the house. Steve opened the iron gate that kept people out and closed it back once you all were in.
“Let’s just say it’s a little gem Stevie and I found while we were exploring Hawkins.”
Eddie took a lock opener out of his pocket and picked the lock. Once the door was open he waved his hand out, “After you.”
You and Steve both walked in together which Eddie took complete advantage of because he was able to check both of you out at the same time. The problem was that he couldn’t do it at the same time.
“C’mon.” Steve stated. Holding his hand out, you hesitantly took it and felt a another rough, calloused hand grab your other one. You gasped and looked back at Eddie. He was smiling at you and winked.
After you went up the steps and turned a corner, there was another set of steps to go up.
“What is going on? I thought we’d be going to Tina’s party.”
Steve was lighting the candles in the large room. It was shaped like an attic but was decorated much like a bedroom. While the rest of the house had layers of dust caked into the floors and walls, this room was impeccably clean. There were layers of rugs thrown throughout the room. The bed that was off to the side was rather big. So big, that it had to be custom made. It looked like it could easily fit three people, if not more. The bedding matched the theme of the house. The sheets and pillowcases were red with a black duvet covering it. The goose down inside made the bed look soft. It was all rather inviting. As mentioned, candles were strewn all around the room. Some places had lanterns on the floor while others were hanging. There was even a fireplace in the attic that Steve started to prepare after finishing the candles. The silence was killing you. If it weren’t for Eddie’s cold hands caressing and sliding up and down your arms, you would’ve almost forgot he was there.
“You’re special,” Steve said while whispering your name. “I knew it the moment I laid eyes on you.”
“I did too.” Eddie added. He moved to where his face was in your hair before he moved to place his chin on your shoulder. “You were so sweet and kind to someone like me. Someone who had a bad reputation. Someone who was known as a freak. Tell me love, did you know about the rumors or were you ignorant to them?” He was now moving the tip of his nose across your hairline, not so subtly sniffing you.
“I-I knew somewhat of the rumors but I didn’t care. I wanted to get to know you for you.”
“I told you she was the one Eddie.” Steve said from across the way, sitting on the bed.
Eddie moaned and got incredibly closer to you. So close that even through the tulle and fabric of the dress, you felt his hard length press up against you. You swallowed hard. You were incredibly taken aback.
“T-the one for what?”
“The one for us. You’ll be that for us, won’t you sweetheart? You’ll be our good girl, right?” Eddie was now gently rocking his hips against your ass through the dress. He started to gently kiss your shoulder leading up to your neck. You closed your eyes and let out a loud moan. You had always wondered what Eddie would be like, what his lips would feel like. You just didn’t think it’d be with Steve. Upon thinking that, you opened your eyes to see Steve palming himself through his pants.
“You two look so hot together.” He said.
Eddie looked at him while still kissing your neck. He starts to slowly move you to come closer to Steve and before you know it, you’re right in front of him. You’re now caged in between the two with no way out.
“You haven’t answered my question, love. Will you be ours?”
You look at Eddie and he’s looking at you with those doe eyes of his. His eyes appear to be darker in this subtle light but you can tell that lust is swimming in them. You look at Steve and he’s looking at you expectedly, rubbing his hands up and down your thighs through your dress.
“A-are you guys serious?”
“As a heart attack.” Eddie said with a grin. That’s when you noticed his sharp teeth twinkling in the candlelight. You gasped out loud before letting out a scream. You move to get out of his grasp but Steve catches you and wraps his arms around you, sitting you on his lap.
“Ssssshh. Shshshsh. Please don’t be afraid.” Steve said. You’re on the verge of crying. A few tears stream down and as soon as they fall, Steve wiped them away.
“Who are you?! I want to know what’s going on?!”
“We already told you that.” Eddie stated sternly while saying your name. “We want you to join us.”
“L-like become a v-vampire?”
Steve chuckled beside you. “Yeah, something like that. Except you’ll be our queen.”
“W-why me? Why not any of the others? There’s plenty of guys and girls that’d love to be with you two.”
“Don’t act so coy.” Steve replied. “You’re everything we’re looking for. Plus, We know you think of us the same way we think of you. It’s okay to be attracted to us. We know how you were raised. In a strict household. So you try to suppress your emotions. Try to tame that fire of yours. But it’s okay.” Steve said. He started to move back into the bed with you still in his lap. Eddie moved towards the bed and crawled to lay beside you. Steve maneuvered you to lay in between him and Eddie. Eddie took his jacket off before grabbing the hem of his linen shirt and taking it off. Steve reached down to grab the zipper on the back of the dress and lowered it down. In an instant Eddie was on you. He looked at you expectedly. Despite your worry and hesitation, you nodded that it was okay. He lowered your dress and latched his mouth onto your breast while his hand played with the other. He moaned against you which caused you to moan. He scooted closer to you while grabbing your hand and lead it to his hard-on. He squeezed your hand around it and rocked against your hand.
“Do you see?” He stated breathlessly. “Do you feel what you do to me? It’s been so hard to resist such a walking temptation like yourself. I bet you taste sweet too.” He moved to lick your neck and started to suck on it. You briefly opened your half-lidded eyes to see Steve. He’s now fully naked and stroking himself to you two. You take this time to really look at him. He has his head thrown back, muscles in his arms and torso tensing up. His chest hair makes him that much more attractive. You let out another moan at the thought. Steve snaps his head right back up and makes eye contact with you. It’s so intense that you can look away. He hesitates for a second to pull away from his cock, but does. He grabs the hem of your dress and starts to pull it down. You lift your hips up to allow him to completely take it off. Your only left in your white lace underwear. Both Eddie and Steve moan at the thought. Steve moves over behind you when Eddie looks at Steve. That’s when they both lean into one another, lips and tongue moving with each other. Eddie runs his fingers through Steve’s chest and that’s when you start to touch Steve’s torso, slowly moving down further and further until you reach his hard cock. You begin to slowly stroke it and he lets out a groan in Eddies mouth. Both Eddie and Steve get impossibly closer to you. Eddie begins rocking his hips against the globes of your ass. You’re all a hot, moaning mess. Rocking against one another while feeling each other up. Eddie takes one of his long fingernails and cuts the side of your underwear off. You let out a little gasp before he slides it off of you.
“H-hey, what are you doing?” Steve asked. You looked at the both of them, Eddie finally releasing himself from his pants, pulling them down a little past his ass. “I’m going first remember?”
He states while tugging on the head of his cock and squeezing it, giving it much needed relief.
“Maybe we should our love who she wants first, hm?” Steve looks at you. “Who do you want in you first?”
You shook your head. “It doesn’t matter, just put it in me please. I need to feel one of you inside me.”
Eddie growled. “That’s good enough for me.” With that, he entered in you slowly. He is determined to feel every ripple and ridge inside of you. You see that he already has a fucked out face, eyes brows furrowed and his mouth in a perfect O shape. He leans his forehead against your shoulder. He mutters something to himself before going further. While you’re a moaning mess already, wishing he didn’t go so slow. Subtly trying to meet his hips but his hands are on yours stopping you from doing so. You turn to Steve who immediately starts kissing you. You pull away and look him in the eye while reaching down to tug on him.
“Can I put it in my mouth?” You ask. Steve could’ve cum right then and there. He nods and moves to where his hips meets your mouth. You all stay like this for a while. Entangled with one another while moans and groans feel up the room. The sounds of skin hitting skin becomes so erotic and adds to the slick that you’ve already gotten from Eddie fucking you and rubbing your clit. Steve cums first from your mouth. His head thrown back and his hand in your hair. You continue to suck him off through his orgasm. Eddie looked at you two and then down between you and him. He pulled out a little, his pubic hair all wet from yours and his juices. There was even a milky ring around his cool. His eyes rolled back and he groaned at the sight.
“F-fuck, I’m about to cum. You’re so good, sweetheart. So wet, you’re practically drowning me.” He says with shaky breath.
“Is it okay if I taste you, my love?”
You were so wrapped up in the erotic euphoria of it all that you nodded your head without even wondering what he meant.
Eddie proceeded to thank you while grabbing your wrist. He sunk his teeth into your wrist. In the beginning it hurt but as soon as he began to lick and suck from the blood flowing out of it, it added a weird sense of euphoria. You ended up cumming just from that. He groaned into your wrist and continued to fuck you through your orgasm. Steve came back down to meet you eye-to-eye.
“Don’t worry, my love. You’ll come to love your new life with us. If you haven’t already.” He took one of his long fingernails to his wrist and created about an inch long slit. Blood came rolling out and he held his wrist over your mouth. Before you knew it, a couple drops landed on your lips and you subconsciously licked them. Steve smiled and looked over at Eddie, who smiled into your wrist. He also added an inch long slit to his wrist and held up for it to drip into your mouth as well. Steve placed his hand behind your head and tilted you to the side. Allowing enough space for him to be able to make his two small punctures and take his turn sucking your blood. As he did so, you felt movement on the other side of you. Eddie had got off the bed and reached into the drawer on the nightstand for something small before he came back to bed.
“The things you want to do with us are the same things we want to do with you.” Eddie stated. “And if you’re worried about it being a sin or something, don’t worry.” Steve lifted off your neck and helped you turn your head to look at Eddie. You felt so drained but so alive at the same time. Eddie pulled out a small square box and opened it up. A gold ring with a red heart was placed right in the middle of it. He took it out the box and slipped it on your ring finger.
“You’re bonded to us now. In this life and the next.”
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nanaminokanojo · 7 months
–one night of fooling around with the annoying campus king gojo satoru (he thinks so), turns into...well, something else more long term
CHARACTERS: gojo satoru x you | geto suguru | jjk characters
GENRE: college au | smut | smau | smau + prose | everything in between | ons | fubus to lovers | aged-up characters | idk where this is going
⚠️ TW/CW: strong/mature language | 🔞 | mentions of alcohol, smoking, etc. | this has narrations | god-awful pet names | will add more if something arises
<<prev part 88 next>>
A/N: Contains prose. CW: slight violence (hello sukuna) | angst
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You swallowed hard, pausing a step behind your father when your cousin’s unmistakable low mocking tone jolted you from your tedium. Your old man made good on his word to obtain all the necessary requirements you would need for your transfer to London. Everything was going according to his plan, you thought bitterly, merely sitting down through the whole process in livid resignation as the dean of the students’ affairs babbled about losing an asset to your department.
Or so your father thought.
Tension rose like thick fog between your cousin and the four men who came with you per your father’s orders. The latter eyed Sukuna as if he wasn’t of any consequence, but you saw his shoulders square up ever so slightly. You were pretty sure he wouldn’t put it past Sukuna to do anything outrageous, and he hired people to watch you at least until the whole process was done.
“Damn, old man. Isn’t this going over the top?” Sukuna spat, leering at your father. You just stood there, watching his fists clenching and unclenching. There was no mistake in his intentions. You grew up with him after all. He took after your aunt, and when he sets his mind on something, regardless of what stood in his way, there was no stopping him.
Just then, his eyes shifted to you. “Are you just gonna stand there?” he snapped just as Yuuji appeared behind him, flashing you an imploring look. “Y/N, come with us.”
You swallowed hard. “I –”
“Get in the car. We had a deal.”
“Don’t move a fuckin’ inch, brat!” Sukuna hissed. “You’re coming home with us.”
“Enough.” The older male merely nodded, conveying his silent command for his men to handle Sukuna should be dare do anything. However, even they hesitated when Kento came into view, getting in between your father and Sukuna. Close behind him were Choso, Suguru, and…
“Sukuna, walk away,” you vaguely heard Kento say.
“Come on, man.” Suguru.
Everything seemed to slow down to a snail’s pace, everything quieting down to a dull hum as the images around you warped into nothing but blurry, distorted colors. Your breath caught in your throat the moment those striking cerulean eyes met yours. And like a dried up gorge, your mind filled with every waking moment you’ve spent with him, every word he ever uttered to you, the sound of his laughter, his smiles… his tears.
You didn’t think you’d see him so soon, and your eyes threatened to fill with tears. It took everything in you to suppress them along with the feeling of your knees about to buckle. Or maybe it was that feeling of just wanting to walk towards him, so near yet so, so very far, and melt in his warmth. Tell him you’re sorry. Hold him. Let him hold you together. Come clean.
Satoru’s eyes remained fixed on you, communicating with you without words, every single word he wrote to you in his messages trickling into the forefront of your mind.
‘I really miss you…’
‘Give me reason to let go…to hate you.’
‘I don’t regret anything.’
‘I love you.’
“No!” Sukuna growled, snapping you out of your reverie and making you remember just why you can’t even talk to him; why you can’t even explain anything to him. Because everything would be a lie anyway. It was better for him to just let you go than hear you spout bullshit about why you even hurt him.
Stepping forward, you stepped towards Sukuna and Yuuji, flashing them a warning look. “Don’t do this.”
Kento inconspicuously jerked his head towards the waiting car just a few paces away.
Your father shrugged, his cold eyes finding Satoru. It didn’t escape your notice how he smirked at the latter’s direction and held you back, grabbing your arm and dragging you behind him. “I said get in the car, Y/N,” he stated again, voice deceptively calm.
You knew Sukuna’s question was directed to you, the anger and sadness in his tone slashing at you, but you kept your resolve strong and shook your head.
“You promised you would stay with us. Was that a fucking lie? You’re just gonna leave us?”
You shook your head. “Let’s talk tomorrow.” To your father, you said, “Let’s go.” You turned to walk towards the car.
However, he just had to talk. “You have nothing to do with this –”
It all happened so fast. None of your father’s hired security personnel were able to react fast enough. Yuuji was just a beat too late holding Sukuna back, and Kento wasn’t able to anticipate it either. You stood there, barely able to turn your head to their direction when you saw a flash of pink and black, one large fist speeding towards your father who flew backwards on the pavement, ending up on his bottom, his mouth busted. All that happened in a matter of seconds. Probably not even.
“Sukuna!” you heard several people call his name, but all you could think about was how he would do anything to protect the family while you stood on the opposite side of the spectrum, unable to do just that.
Before you knew it, tears were falling from your eyes as chuckles started to erupt from your throat, soft at first and then becoming more audible, enough for everyone around you to snap their heads towards where you stood. You covered your mouth at first, not really understanding why the hell you were laughing of all things. You just were.
“Y/N…” Suguru was about to walk towards you, but one of your father’s men held out an arm while you started laughing, unable to stop it despite how much tears were falling from your eyes.
“You think this is funny?” Sukuna, who is being held back in a headlock by both Yuuji and Kento, asked you scathingly while your father looked at you strangely, seemingly unable to recognize you. But when did he? He didn’t even seem to linger much on the thought as he was helped up, jabbing a finger at your cousin.
“I’ll make sure you’re locked up for –”
“No.” Through your hysteria, you stood in front of your father, glaring hard at him through clenched teeth. Your hands balled into fists beside you, so tight that you could feel your nails ripping your palms open as you swallowed your misplaced laughter for your next words: “You p-promised. You fucking promised!”
At that, your father seemed to calm down a bit, merely glancing at Sukuna before turning away and getting in the car. You just stood there, breathing so hard that you were seeing black spots in your vision.
And then you felt that familiar warmth seize you as long fingers gently wrapped around your upper arm, making you turn around, but before your eyes can meet those blue drowning pools that threatened to pull you into their owner’s arms where you wished to stay – with each and every nerve on your body firing with nothing but pain – you made him unhand you, prying off his hand from you before walking away and feeling your body turn freezing cold despite the burning sun above you.
Just then Sukuna spoke, making you pause.
 I know.
And then you boarded the car without sparing a single glance towards the people you knew cared deeply for you, the same ones you were hurting deeply with your decision to leave.
All because you fell in love.
You both did.
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A/N: Gonna leave this update for you guys. I'll be doing the rest in the following days. Please enjoy! Thank you all so much for reading. It's getting long, but I don't want to make this half-assed or rushed. We'll get to the end soon enough. Again, thanks!
TAGS LIST: @arxliana @neeneee @charlie-xo @aelynaneedsalottathing @arizzu @cloudxp @justpuddinglol @mikkies @nyfwyeonjun @whats-humanity-lol @letthewindlead @whore-of-many-hot-men @localgaytrainwreck @pikibee @bloombb @mr-underhills-things @lysaray @chocoyanchan @poemzcheng @bookswillfindyouaway @dreamxiing @koutaroo @taelattecookie @kazuhasmaid @weebbuscuit @moonmalice @taengkatsu @reagan707 @lysaray
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creedslove · 5 months
"he was my first and i was just another girl"
Is perfect scenario for Pedro boys and reader 🥰
Javier Peña x f!reader
A/N: omg I thought of so many scenarios for this one, but there was only one answer: Javi and we know it 🚬
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• Laredo was a small city and everyone knew each other there, even if you didn't know the person per se, you had heard of them, and of course things wouldn't be different when it came to the infamous Javier Peña, the local hero and also hot gossip of the place
• you'd heard too much about him, his adventures in Colombia, the Escobar hunting and of course the most famous story about Javier Peña of all times: his runaway wedding. It was just so amusing as it didn't seem real at all but rather the tales of a fictional character and especially when you saw Javier for the first time, because you certainly didn't expect him to be so handsome
• you sort of expected him to be kind of pathetic, you were not sure why, but perhaps because you'd heard he used to wear tight jeans, colorful shirts, aviators and stuff like that, the image painted in your mind couldn't be further from the truth: yes, he did dress up in that corny way, but he was painfully handsome like you were not expecting
• and flirty too, you didn't expect him to be that flirty, but he was and against all of your judgments, you accepted a drink from him, what was the worst that could happen? He was a sight for sore eyes, his smile was to die for and the way he called you cariño for the first time you felt you were melting
• so a drink at a bar became two, and then it became dinner and then it turned to a salsa dancing date which surprised you because you never knew Javier Peña could dance, but he was quite good at it and it was so tempting and intense when he grabbed you by the hips and clung your bodies closer as you swayed them together
• and after that, it didn't take long for the two of you to crawl into bed together, and not only the bed, but his car, his ranch, the barn, the lake and many other places around the city you were sure that weren't really allowed to be used for that purpose, but it didn't matter
• you couldn't get enough of Javi, he was perfect, too good to be real, and it was too good because he made sure to tell you he didn't do romances or relationships and you were just on board with him, as you also didn't do romances or relationships... You had nothing against it, but it wasn't just your thing
• however, whenever you were around Javi, it sort of seemed that maybe, and just maybe, things could lead somewhere, because it was just so good, it came to a point you did everything with Javi: you went out together, you had ice cream by the main square, you both went to the movies, rode horses, you even helped him out at the ranch here and there
• he liked you, you were pretty, sweet, funny and he enjoyed your company, he just worried that maybe you both were just too connected somehow and when he realized you were starting to become more and more attached to him, he thought it was time to stop things for a while; he didn't want to make you think things were actually something else when they clearly weren't
• so as much as it hurt him, he decided to break things up, it would be better that way, then you could do your own things and move on with your life and he would do the same, no strings attached and no worries about it at all
• you didn't take it very well, you didn't see it coming, always thinking that you two were enjoying the relationship equally, but turns out it wasn't as you expected. However, you accepted it, there was nothing you could do but to accept it and set Javi free, deep down, you knew he wasn't meant to be trapped with only one person, he belonged to everyone
• as you watched him take another girl out exactly the same way he has taken you out several times before, you still felt a pang in your chest, sighing at the realization that was bitter as the truth: he'd been the first one you loved, but to him, you were just another girl
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writerseclipse1 · 4 months
rewarded [joel m.]
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inspo: somewhere only we know (keane)
summary: does death look you in the eye before you die? or does life flash your memories in your mind? aka: joel's on death's doorstep; he reminisces your time together
warnings: angst (flashback fluff), canon-typical violence, blood and gore, dialogue follows joel's death scene, vivid descriptions of joel's death, major character death, flashbacks, abby (if u hate her ig), guns, knives, and a golf club as a weapon, crying ellie, cursing, no use of y/n. pls tell me if i missed anything!
word count: 2.7k
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ a/n: am so excited to be back into writing! ik i promised a 505-inspired fic w joel but i couldn't help it!
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“Joel Miller.” The sadistic sneer in her voice is what causes him to look up at her, groaning in pain as his leg throbs. He can feel the bullet she lodged into his skin.
“Why don’t you say whatever speech you’ve got rehearsed and get this over with.” He said, annoyance evident in his tone, anger flooded his veins as he stared at her with a look that made it clear he was in no mood to mess around. Neither was Abby and she made that clear, especially when she barked out orders to tourniquet Joel’s leg.
He groaned, eyes shutting tight and tilting his head back. He cursed under his breath, leg pulsing and hurting like a bitch. “God damn it!” He started seeing spots of black in his vision, the figures in the room turning into dull, blurry colors.
His chest heaved, trying to regain control of his breathing and his entire being, seeing Abby flip the handle of her weapon in her hands, his blood ran cold, colder than the metal of the golf club she raised in the air.
Her chuckle was a deep rumble in her chest, the corner of her lip twitching upwards as she murmured. “You don’t get to rush this old man.”
“Hey!” The plastic material of the frisbee dug into his palms slightly as he caught it. Jackie, one of the bigger kids in town, inched carefully to Joel and he handed the disc back, but not without a pointed look. “Watch where you’re throwin’ next time.” She uttered out a meek apology, all but running back toward her friends and almost instantly resumed their game.
Snow crunched under his boots as he walked, his feets leaving tracks in the snow. The sound of children laughing and birds chirping filled his ears, a beautiful memory he had come to love. The wind whipped at his face as the chilly air bit his skin but he paid it no mind. Not when she was right there, full of warmth even in just the palm of her hand.
His hand reached out to grasp hers once more as they continued walking, his grip a slight squeeze but if she noticed anything, she said nothing. His eyes were restless, occasionally sneaking a glance to get a glimpse of her, in all her glory. The way her eyes rivaled the stars in the clear night sky, the way she graced passersby with her smile, the way her presence warmed up his heart, the heart he once thought was trapped under all these layers of ice, only to be melted by an unexpected yet welcome gift.
His train of thought derailed once he was pulled back, almost colliding with a child who looked no older than seven. After muttering out an apology and a small ‘I told them to watch it”, his eyes rolled and glared at her playfully when he heard her get engulfed in a fit of giggles that she tried hard to control.
“Think that’s funny, do ya?” He pretended to be offended, turning around to poke her in the ribs and smirking as she let out a squeal.
“Joel!” He laughed as she tried to chase him down the street, his longer legs taking him further and her voice getting distant. It wasn’t until his legs slowed down to a step that she caught up, wrapping an arm around his waist as she saw his somber expression. Following his gaze, you saw Ellie on Dina’s front porch, the two focused on each other. Ellie had her arms wrapped around Dina, her head atop the girl while Dina’s nose brushed the skin of Ellie’s neck, her sniffles being muffled by the material of Ellie’s sweater.
From the corner of his eye, he could see your lips spread out into a grin, closing his eyes with a sigh when he felt your lips brush his cheek, muttering a small “Thank you.”
“For what? You got nothin’ to thank me for, darlin’.” Eyes now on the woman beside him, he noticed your focus stray from the two girls back to him, your walking only slowing down but not stopping.
“For being a lover,” you whispered back, pulling back to look up at him. “Maybe your fighter days are over.”
He shook his head as they passed Ellie and Dina yet his eyes never left her once. “I ain’t stoppin’ my fightin’ days, baby. ‘Cause I fight for you everyday.” His eyes wrinkled at the corners as he smiled when he heard you laugh, not noticing that the attention of the two girls moved to you and him, watching as you walked further away.
Good thing Dina buried her head in Ellie’s shoulder just in time for you to look back and send Ellie a wink, a soft pink hue spreading on her cheeks as yours and Joel’s footfalls started to fade.
Thud, thud, thud.
It was all that echoed in his ears as his heart pounded in his chest, his ribs taking the damage Abby’s boot was inflicting on his body, all while he lay helplessly on the floor. He felt bile crawl up his throat and out his mouth when the girl kicked his stomach. His eyes widened slightly when he realized that it wasn’t bile, but blood.
Abby let out a huff, pacing in front of his body and if Joel could let out a sigh of relief, he would, but it hurt to even breathe. He choked on his own blood, his head lolling to the side as he spat out blood, the red liquid coating his lips and dripping to the floor. She looked at him with a mixture of anger and disgust, the former more evident as she readied her weapon again.
Yet her intentions were the farthest thing from his thoughts, feeling a familiar warmth spread across his body as his mind brought him back to a time of safety, of care, of arms wrapped around him and lips pressed to his skin.
Before he could feel the shattering impact of the metal club, he closed his eyes and thought—
“This is stupid,” he muttered and you only shook your head. The two stood on the front porch, in front of the wooden column on the right. Digging your hand into your pocket, you flipped open your pocket knife and he watched you flip it in your hands. He still remembers the time you first held it in your palm.
There was nothing to your relationship at first, with the exemption of watching each other’s backs during patrols outside the walls. He took the reins during missions and when he first saw it, untouched and sitting pretty in a gardener’s shed they passed by, his first thought was to give it to you to make sure you had a weapon that “didn’t let you shoot your goddamn ass off.”
Never would he expect that the same sharp blade that has sliced a man’s throat and lodged itself in an infected’s chest would be the same blade that would carve your initials on his front porch.
“Come on, Joel, stop being such an old grump,” you pouted, taking his hand and wrapping it around the hilt before your own came up to rest on his. He let out a chuckle when you guided his hand, from the curve of the J to the lines of your own initial. Both of you stepped back slightly to admire your work but he tilted his head at you when he heard you hum.
“Something’s missing,” you murmured, eyes casting downward as you thought. He always admired you when you were deep in the recesses of your mind, how your eyebrows pinched together and how your lips pursed. He fought the urge to kiss your lips until you were giggling against his. “Aha!”
He watched you move forward, your body covering most of the carving as you added a detail. When you stepped back, he couldn’t contain his chuckle. You had added two hearts that sat beside each other, one bigger than the other. Your eyebrows furrowed again, this time not in thought but in mock indignation. “And why are you laughing?”
“Nothin’ honey, it’s cute!” He reasoned but you only huffed, facing the opposite way. He let out an audible scoff but he licked his lips, a mischievous smile taking over his expression. Wrapping his arms around you, he carried you into the house, ignoring your protests and your wriggling motions as he laid you down on the couch, kissing you deeply.
It shut you up for the rest of the afternoon.
“What? Cat got your tongue now?” Abby scoffed, hitting him again and again without abandon. Joel didn’t speak, every inch of his face covered in blood. He felt like he was drowning, swimming in a pool of his own blood with each drop of the weapon.
At first he thought it was the club, striking his head hard that his skull cracked open but when he opened his eyes, he saw Ellie, a hand wrapped around her gun tightly as she tried to shoot but to no avail. Pinned down, the girl could only watch as Joel struggled to breathe, his chest rising and falling with every shaky breath.
A man who was certainly younger than him started talking, barking out orders to people in the room but Joel couldn’t hear a single thing with the ringing in his ears and the pounding in his head. But he could guess what it was when Abby snarled down at him, her hands wrapping tightly around the club as she raised it. And just as quickly as it rose, it fell.
“Joel!” He turned his head, closing his eyes as he tried to gain his composure, breathing in like how he was taught by his momma when he got mad. Slowly in, slowly out. In through the nose, out through the—
“Joel Miller! Don’t you dare walk away from this conversation!” So much for composure.
“And what? Huh? I’ll let you go out there on a stupid horse with a stupid partner Tommy paired you up with and then what? What if you get hurt, what then? What’ll I do? Beat ‘ em up for not keepin’ an eye on you? It wouldn’t be his fault, wouldn’t it? No it wouldn’t, because you,” he pressed his finger against your chest, “Didn’t listen to me!”
“Why are you already assuming I’ll get hurt? Do you think I’m that helpless?” Your jaw ticked and from the corner of his eye, your hand twitched and balled itself into a fist. Everything was going so well for him but he had to hit a bump in the road somewhere. “I asked you a question.” His thoughts were out of order but Joel was a patient man to the right people, he didn’t want to say the wrong thing.
“No! No I don’t but—”
“Then why are you so—”
“Because if something happened to you, I dunno what I’d do with myself!” He yelled and his heart froze when you stepped back, surely taken aback from what he did. He didn’t mean to do that, he didn’t mean to yell.
“I know.” His eyes locked with yours, scanning your expression. He didn’t mean to say that out loud. Seeing the guilt in your unshed tears he sighed, shaking his head. His fists unclenched and he stretched his fingers as he took in a breath, closing his eyes. In through the nose, out through the mouth. In through the nose, out through the—
Arms snaked around him, like vines creeping around an abandoned brick house that has definitely seen better days, fingers interlocking behind him so that he couldn’t escape. Like I want to leave in the first place, he thought as he felt your cheek fall against his chest and your ear press against his heart.
When Joel would encounter danger and violence, his heart wouldn’t beat like a sinner’s caught in church, fast and swift, no. His heart followed a rhythm. Du dum, du dum, du dum, always steady and strong. It reflects how he is, always biding his time, saving his energy until he’s ready to strike. 
He could practically feel your shoulders slump as you heard his heart beating, steady and strong. Du dum, du dum, du dum.
“I’m sorry,” you choked out and he only realized the tears that dripped like water from a broken faucet; dripping one-by-one yet loud and clear. His body moved on autopilot, arms wrapping around you before he could even clear his head and rubbing his hand up and down your back, resting his chin on the top of your head. “I didn’t mean to make you feel like—”
“I know.” He smothered kisses into your hair and he felt your shoulders lighten and your chest rumble with a sniffle before a chuckle. He could feel your pout through the thin material of his button-up, putting a hand on your cheek and tilting your head up, staring into your soul like it was a window without blinds. “I only want you to be safe. You’re the reason why I wake up in the morning, why I sit on the porch and wave to people I barely give a damn about, why I water the flowers outside our house because you love it when the house looks so lively even from the outside. You’re the reason why I care about the little things. I don’t want you, my reason to come back home, not come back home.”
He felt you sniffle into his chest, nodding as you pulled slightly back. “I get it. I just…”
“Hey, let’s talk about it in the morning, yeah? We got plenty’a time,” he whispered, brushing back a strand of hair wet from your tears, giving you a kiss on the forehead. “We got plenty’a time.”
For the first time in Joel’s life, he lied to you that night. He just didn’t know it yet. 
He was sorry.
He’ll always be sorry.
Even after his dying breath, he knew that sorry can’t reverse his mistakes. That was like trying to put a bandaid on a porcelain plate. He was an idiot.
A Stupid. Fucking. Idiot.
He thought it was safe.
It was winter, it shouldn’t’ve even been there. It should have been freezing in one of the fucking rivers or something.
It was his fault.
All of it.
“Baby?” His breath caught in his throat as he watched your body, his figure as unmoving as you were. He inched closer, crouching down to you, looking away from the infected he killed with its mouth open and brains splattered everywhere. He saw red, maybe it was the blood on his shirt. Whose was it? He didn’t want to know.
“Baby?” His voice echoed, asking again and foolishly enough, he expected an answer. He only saw your eyes staring back at him, distant, unwavering, unmoving.
He shook his head and shut his eyes, unwilling to see, unwilling to believe. “Baby? You–you gotta wake up for me, honey. No, no, you can’t—” He choked, covering his mouth with the palm of his hand as his eyes filled with tears. Tears you’ll never get to wipe with the pad of your thumb. He cradled your face gently, like you were still sleeping but with your eyes open, like you didn’t see the infected coming at you and he didn’t see it too, like you were lying in a pool of your own blood, like he was the cause of it.
Like he didn’t know what he was going to do.
His chest was engulfed in wracking sobs, sobs that would make the merciless merciful, sobs that would make the follower the leader, sobs that would make the dead live.
He prayed that was the case. It wasn’t.
And it never will be.
Not even when Ellie cried at his chest, her eyes screwed tight and muttering apologies, recounting old memories, anything to get Joel back, yet even the man knew he himself was already gone. Ellie was wrapped up in her anguish and her pain to notice the distant but hopeful look in Joel’s eyes, shaking his body like it would shock him back to life. But life rewarded the patient, not the vengeful.
Joel had been a patient man all his life and he knew it.
And when he saw you, surrounded by a circle of light and an arm outstretched, he knew he had been rewarded.
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la mort en rose
A study on Ryoji, Minato, and the people they love. P3(R) spoilers abound.
“You guys are a weird combo,” Junpei says. “You know that, right?” “What!!” Ryoji gasps. “No way! Minato and I are made for each other! We’re like rice and curry! Peanut butter and jelly! We even finish each other’s…” “Homework,” Minato mumbles, swapping the papers in front of them.
Minato is… quiet.
Not the kind of quiet that makes you a good listener—the kind that makes you seem like you’re not all there. Like even when he’s standing right next to you, he’s really somewhere else, listening to something else. Buried so deep inside himself that not even sound can reach him. Somewhere that light has never touched.
It should make him bad company, but it doesn’t. Minato is exceptional company. Transfixing, even. And it’s not just Ryoji who thinks so. He’s seen Minato’s phone. It’s an endless stream of inbound texts, a hundred colorful characters vying for his attention. Most of which are left unread.
Which should be rude! Shouldn’t it? But when Minato doesn’t text back, it doesn’t feel like an insult. You just sort of assume he had something more important to do.
Maybe it helps that Ryoji is so different. ‘Opposites attract,’ and all that. Minato’s silence gestures at hidden depths, abyssal-dark and ocean-deep. And Ryoji is all surface.
“Something about him just feels so… free,” Ryoji says dreamily. “Do you know what I mean? Like nothing he says is ever forced. Like he’s achieved, oh, I don’t know, nirvana, or something; only he doesn’t have to tell anyone, because he doesn’t have anything to prove.”
“Uh huh,” Yukari says, stifling a yawn.
She’s sitting across the table from him, twirling her straw in her iced latte and trying to look like she’s not bored out of her mind. In her defense, Ryoji is kind of a broken record. It’s all, ‘blah blah blah, Minato, blah blah blah, mirrored souls, compliments and complements and narrative foils and Minato Minato Minato.’ Like, seriously, get a hobby.
When she looks up, Ryoji’s eyes are shining, his hands clasped earnestly. “Don’t you think so, Takeba-san?”
“For sure. Totally.”
She only agreed to go on this stupid date to annoy Minato into actually doing something, instead of just staring holes in the back of Ryoji’s head and brooding at him. But she hadn’t expected to spend the entire date talking about her housemate. Wasn’t Ryoji supposed to be popular with girls?
“…so mysterious!” Ryoji is gushing now. “You get the sense that he’s always thinking about something important, something real.”
“Mhmm.” A few tables over, there’s a girl wearing the cutest little cropped halter, hemmed with lace and embroidered with tiny purple roses. If Ryoji were just a little less attentive—if he’d go to the bathroom, at least—Yukari could probably sneak away for long enough to ask where she bought it. But he hasn’t.
The shirt isn’t really in her palette. That girl has the hair for it, long and dark and silky-straight, but Yukari is a summer; jewel tones wash her out. Maybe it comes in pink?
“…do you do, anyway?”
Yukari looks up to find Ryoji smiling at her, clearly waiting for an answer. Oops. She was totally not listening. “Sorry, what?”
“In your club! The Specialized Extracurriculur…” He frowns thoughtfully. “You know, I’m not sure I’ve ever heard the full name! Just the acronym. You have to admit, it’s a little mysterious.”
Oh. Oh. Unfortunately, Mitsuru explained their cover story back when Yukari was busy hating her. And now it’s way too late to ask. “Oh, um… our senpais would be better at explaining…”
“I don’t think Kirijo-san likes me very much,” Ryoji says morosely.
“What,” Yukari snickers. “Did you make a pass at her or something?”
“I only said that, with that hair and those boots, she’d—”
“No, stop, I literally don’t want to know. You didn’t hit on Sanada-senpai too, did you?”
(Hah!!) “You didn’t.”
“If it’s any comfort, I don’t think he noticed.”
She can’t help snorting a laugh. “Ryoji-kun! You are relentless!”
“People like it!” he protests, but he’s grinning, too. “It makes them laugh!!”
“Some people. If you try that stuff on the wrong person, you’re gonna get your butt kicked, you know.”
“Oh my god. Please tell me this story.”
To her relief, Ryoji seems to forget about SEES after his second story makes her laugh so hard that coffee shoots out her nose. And good riddance. Girl talk is way more fun than prying into her supernatural extracurriculars.
You can read the rest of chapter one here: ao3.org/works/58634896/chapters/149399371
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transboysokka · 9 months
So my favorite character in The Brothers Sun is Taiwan. Like yeah Taiwan has its own shows and movies but it just feels Different to see Taiwan in a big international/American show! It’s SO cool actually and so um here are some thoughts I had and things I Noticed about different Taiwan scenes and things in the show idk
Episode 1
the opening shot of Taipei tells us this is a Thursday- the top of 101 is green and is a different color every day of the week
that corkscrew-shaped apartment building we see Charles living in is kind of an urban legend here in Taipei. They say it’s the most expensive place to live in the city, that each apartment has its own swimming pool, and that there’s an elevator specifically to bring cars up to display in your living room. No idea if the interiors look like that for real though
I was gonna say it’s pretty crazy he has an American-style oven in Taipei bc nobody does but actually in that apartment… yeah he probably would
afaik there’s not a way to (“legally”/officially) stream any of those famous British baking shows here rip
I do wonder if they actually filmed the opening scene in the corkscrew building or if they just really pay attention to detail because the skyline seen out the window matches up to what it would really look like from that part of the city
the shoes, I mean we all know about shoes-off houses but yeah
豆漿. Soy milk. Yeah
They definitely eat Hi-chews in one of these scenes
Episode 2
It makes way more sense for the guys to have snuck out for shaved ice as kids than youtiao… I’m just saying… like would *I* do that yes but it’s usually just like. A thing you eat with soup or breakfast
Episode 3
“Are you sure you can handle-“ “the heat? I’m from Taiwan.” lmfao BITCH Taiwan has some of the blandest cuisine I’ve ever tasted (he does think it’s too spicy tho lol)
“Keelung. A fishing village just north of Taipei.” Okay like I can see how the older generation would call it that but it’s actually a whole ass city…
Episode 5
Not a Taiwan thing but the Maotai made me laugh. It’s like the Coca Cola of Chinese baijiu and imho it’s just as awful as every other brand
Episode 6
ok the episode that made me want to make this list
the Costco shit IS funny because vitamins, baby formula, that’s all the good stuff you want to bring back from abroad BUT actually we have Costco in Taiwan and can easily get a lot of that stuff? This concept imo would fit a lot better for China than Taiwan. It’s still very much a thing to load your suitcase up with baby formula on the way home to China, and there’s actually a huge smuggling business bringing it in through Hong Kong but I digress
Idk why I’m happy to hear Changhua and Douliu mentioned in an American TV show… Seriously, I don’t know. They’re kind of like nowhere places I’ve never even been. I just feel like everyone’s grandparents live there.
Even the way they film Mama Sun on the plane. Like the Mandarin music in the background with the announcement for Taoyuan airport… to me it feels specifically like a transpacific flight to Taiwan lolol but that’s definitely like a bias probably
Okay not to be SO nitpicky but so when she looks out the window on the plane to see Taipei 101 etc I’m not sure about that? The airport is actually in another city and I feel like I usually come in around and over the ocean or something?
But WOW the taxi scene my favorite scene it’s SO visceral and SO Taiwan… the street, the lights, the Cosmed/Mos Burger/7-Eleven, the street noises, like I can FEEL Taiwan through the screen and HER FACE taking it all in I WANT TO SOB
The temple, beautiful like this episode makes me believe Michelle Yeoh is Taiwanese lol
I appreciate the viscerality of the night market shots too but it seemed a bit empty
Okay so Mama Sun’s mom is super rich too based on where she lives which I guess it makes sense. But what I am curious about is the story about why they’re speaking Cantonese because Taiwan has a lot of languages but that’s not one of them like officially at all. I wonder if there’s a character backstory there or they just like. Didn’t want to bother teaching Michelle how to speak Minnan or something
The cemetery too is so fancy, I mean it fits but wow that’s expensive real estate
In the hospital scene, Taipei 101 is lit blue out the window, making it a Friday. Has everything in the show so far happened in only 8 days?
Episode 7
“Last night the Boxers made their move” 101 says it’s Tuesday for anyone keeping track
I LOST it at the Foodpanda driver assassin the first time I saw this… So Taiwan
Big fancy church in Taipei? I know they exist but I’ve never seen one in person (like 2%? of the country is Christian)
A mom bringing back tea as a souvenir from Taiwan? 100% real
Episode 8
RAW is a real restaurant in Taipei. It’s very fancy and very expensive and had I think two Michelin stars. I don’t know ANYONE who’s actually been there lol
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five-rivers · 1 year
An AU following the same 'ages' concept as Baroque. You do not have to read Baroque to understand this.
As a superhero, ghost-based or otherwise, Danny tended to be hyper-aware of changes in his environment.  So long as he wasn't sleep-deprived, anyway.  Which he was.  Frequently.  But Frostbite didn't spar with him when he was sleep deprived, so, when he called a time out to their bout, he wasn't.  
"Is everything alright, Great One?" asked Frostbite.  
Danny, a little out of breath despite not needing to breathe - it was a psychological thing, okay? - shrugged and pointed.  "What's that?"
Frostbite turned to look and stiffened.  Danny didn't blame him.  The sight had surprised him, too.  A flat, black disk, about the size of his pinky fingernail held at arm's length, hung in the Ghost Zone sky, over what had formerly been its brightest part.  It looked like an eclipse, only with a lot less light escaping from around the edges.  
"Oh, dear," said Frostbite.  
"What is it?" 
Frostbite turned and flew quickly out of the training stadium.  
"Driftice!" he called.  "The age is turning!  We need the telescope!"
"The telescope?" asked Danny, matching his pace with Frostbite's.  
Frostbite spared a moment to smile down at Danny.  "It's very impressive, I think you'll like it."
Danny nodded.  He’d never met a telescope he didn’t like.  
By the time they reached the buildings proper, yetis were starting to stop and stare at the black spot.  A few of them would then start running, doing something, but others just… kept staring.  
“The telescope!” Frostbite called again.  That spurred a few more yetis into action.  He started giving people directions.
Soon, they were dragging a long, ridged tube from within one of the larger caves and hooking it up to all sorts of equipment.  The lens inside winked at Danny, its curve seeming highly exaggerated for the length of the telescope, until Danny realized it must be made out of ice, which didn’t bend light as much as glass.  
… He may have looked into making a few ice telescopes of his own.  Hey, having a hobby under his circumstances was hard!
“What’s going on?” asked Danny, after Frostbite paused in his orders.  “Are we being attacked or something?”
“Not… as such, no.”  Frostbite looked back up at the black spot, clearly worried.  “Every so often, the Realms… change.  We call it the turning of the age.  It begins with the color of the ambient ectoplasm, and the color tends to indicate the character of the age.  So far, we have been experiencing a green age, which tends towards the more natural or chaotic, with differences between ghosts exaggerated.  With ghosts themselves exaggerated to a degree.”
“Okay,” said Danny, “so… it’s not normally like this?”
“Normal is relative.” Frostbite waved his hand as if dismissing the entire concept.  “Ages can last from anywhere from one year to thousands.  This one has lasted only a few hundred.”
“And I’m guessing black isn’t a good color?”
“It is somewhat more complicated than that.  It is possible that it isn’t true black, which is why we’re looking.  To make sure.  It could be a very deep blue, or green, or red, which tends not to be terribly comfortable, but is still bearable.  It could be the color of a starry night, which is a good deal better.  It could be a color we do not have the senses to see directly, such as ultraviolet or infrared, both of which give rise to rather alien ages, but…”
“But black?” prompted Danny.  
“I do hope it is not truly black,” said Frostbite.  “How to put this… There are certain popular conceptions of afterlives, and other… let us call them worlds beyond worlds, yes?”
Danny nodded, not sure where this was going.  “Like heaven and hell, or the Greek underworld?” he asked, to clarify.
“Indeed,” said Frostbite.  “The Realms reflect those.  Or, perhaps, they reflect the Realms.  Again, the color is the indicator.”
“So, what does black mean?  Hell?”
Frostbite shook his head.  “No.  Hell is red, and… to be truthful, Great One, despite all the woes that come to the fore when we become demons, red ages have positives as well.  Black, true black, is… nothing.”
“Nothing?” repeated Danny.  He was hoping he was misunderstanding.
“Nothing,” confirmed Frostbite.  “Cessation.  Nonexistence.  Not Ending, but stopping.  It is–”
“You’re going to die?”
“No,” said Frostbite.  “As I said, no Ending.  Typically.  But… if the age is truly black, then we will cease to exist until the next age, only returning when it turns again.  It is not sleep.  It is not death.  We simply will not be.”
Danny wasn’t sure if that was better, and he was sure that showed on his face, but Frostbite didn’t look all that enthused, either.  
“The black ectoplasm will spread from where it began, affecting other ectoplasm constructs, including ghosts, on contact.”
“So, if it touches you, you just… stop existing?”
“There is generally a small amount of time between contact and cessation, but… yes.”  Frostbite turned more fully to Danny.  “That is why, if the age is true black, you must leave and not return until the age changes again.”
“What?  Why just me?”
“Think, Great One.  We are fully ghosts.  We cannot survive without ectoplasm.  Yes, some might try to hide in the human world, and avoid the touch of the black.  Some might even succeed.  But they will be much weakened, perhaps even to Fading, should the age last long at all.  But here, we will return, even if much time has passed.  But for you… You are different.”
“Because I’m a half ghost.”
“Yes,” said Frostbite.  “You may be affected just as we are, but imagine, what might happen to you if you suddenly lost your ghost half?”
“I’d… lose my powers, at least,” said Danny, swallowing against sudden nausea.  That was a little too close to what had happened in the bad future, even if it was in the opposite direction.  
“Yes, and if that happened here, while the black was coming, you would not be able to escape.  You would simply fall, unless you managed to hit something.  What is the other option?”
Not one Danny wanted to consider.  “I might… die.”
“And your ghost might come back at the end of the age, or… it might not.  I do not mean to frighten you unduly, Great One, but let me say it again: if the age is black, leave, and do not come back.  Close your portal, leave town, go where you will not be found.”
“Because other ghosts might be affected and bring it through the portal?”
“Because the portal itself would go black, and radiate throughout your town before collapsing.”
“Oh,” said Danny, softly.  “Okay.”
“I would not wish to come back to this world, only to find that you were unmade by black ectoplasm.  I would far prefer to learn that you had died after a long and happy life.”  He smiled.  “But the age might not even be black!  There could be stars, or–”
“Chief Frostbite,” said one of the technicians, nervously lacing and unlacing his fingers. 
“Yes, Flashfreeze?”
“It’s black.”
“I’m so sorry, Danny,” said Jazz.  
“It’s not like anyone is dying,” said Danny, mouth dry.  No one but him, if he screwed up.  
No one but him, Vlad, and Dani.  
“It’s still a loss,” said Jazz, who looked like she wanted to cry herself.  “How are we going to tell Mom and Dad?”
“I–”  He hadn’t made a decision to tell them anything.  “I don’t know.”
“They won’t close the portal unless one of us says something,” said Jazz, which was very true.  “We’re going to have to tell them, especially if we have to move away to get away from the natural portals.”
“I know,” said Danny, hunching his shoulders.  
“I know,” said Jazz.  “This is awful, but…  I don’t want you to die, Danny.  I don’t even want you to have to lose your powers.”
“I know,” said Danny.  “I know.  I’m just…  I think I need to talk to Vlad first.”  Vlad was out of town for the rest of the weekend for some business thing, but he’d be back on Monday.
“What?” asked Jazz, making a face that was a very appropriate reaction to Danny suggesting they talk to Vlad.  
“He studied the same stuff they did.  He’ll know how to explain it to them.  And he might know how to find Dani.”
Jazz cursed softly under her breath.  “I didn’t even think–  You haven’t heard from her lately?”
Danny shook his head.  “Last time, she was in Eastern Europe and it was a payphone.  She’d broken the burner Sam got for her and couldn’t get a new one.”
“Crap,” she said.  “Wait, what about Valerie?  Isn’t her board powered by ectoplasm?”
“I don’t know,” said Danny, chewing his lip.  “Maybe.  Oh, gosh, what if she falls out of the sky or something?”  He rubbed his face.  “Do I have to tell her, too?”
“Maybe we can get Mom and Dad to warn her,” said Jazz, in a blinding display of optimism.  “Maybe after we tell them, they can make a public service announcement or something.”
“Maybe,” said Danny, significantly more dubious.  “I just– I think I need to tell Vlad first, that’s all.”
Jazz nodded, then paused.  “We have time?”
“Yeah, it didn’t look like it was getting any bigger from where I was,” said Danny.  “Frostbite said it could take months for the age to completely flip over, depending on stuff like where it started.”
“Okay,” said Jazz.  “Then we can wait until you tell him.”
“Okay,” said Danny.  “Great.”  He rubbed his arms.  He itched to leave, to run, to fly and put this behind him, but…  The idea of a touch of black, then falling–  
Jazz hugged him.  “It’s going to be alright,” she said. 
Danny hugged her back.  “I hope so.”
“Anyway,” said Danny, picking at a sliver of veneer that had come off Tucker’s desk.  It was only attached by one end.  “That’s it, I suppose.  The end.”
“That’s… a lot,” said Tucker.  “Are you… okay?”
“Not really,” said Danny.  “It’s–  Maybe it’s a good thing?  I won’t have to fight ghosts anymore and all that, right?”  He rubbed his eyes.  
“I mean, maybe?  I’m a little… stunned about it, too.”
“So am I,” said Sam.  “It’s just going to disappear?  All of it?”
“Yeah, apparently.”
“How long?”
Danny shook his head.  
“Oh my gosh.”  Sam got up from the beanbag chair and started to pace.  “It’s just, we have friends there.  And they’re just going to–?  Are you sure we can’t do anything?”
“Frostbite was pretty sure,” said Danny, curling up.  
“I don’t want to die again, Sam.”  That brought Sam’s pacing to a stop.  “I’ll always fight if it seems like there’s a chance, but.  I really don’t want to die.”
Sam sat back down.  
“Frostbite really made it sound like there was nothing we could do,” continued Danny.  “He’s been around for a while, you know?  It sounded… It sounded like he’s done this before.”
“Okay,” whispered Sam.  “What do you want us to do?”
Danny shrugged, then made himself laugh.  “Get into whatever college I do?  That’s a joke.”
“Hey, you tell us where you’re going, and we will,” said Tucker.  “Fast as anything.”
“At least the same city,” said Sam.  
Danny had to ring the doorbell three times before Vlad opened up.  Jerk.  
“Why, Daniel,” purred Vlad, who had clearly just been taking his time, “are you skipping school for this?”
“Shut up,” said Danny, already annoyed by Vlad’s whole… everything.  “We need to talk.”
“By all means, come inside.”
Vlad’s mansion was as opulent as ever.  
“Can I offer you some breakfast?  Guaranteed not to come alive.”
Danny forced down the thought that soon his home wouldn’t be at risk for that, either, and shut the door behind him.  “No thanks,” he said, and began to share what Frostbite had told him.  
As he did, the smug look slipped off Vlad’s face, replaced with something stonier.  
“I’ll have to confirm independently, you understand,” he said.  It didn’t sound like a taunt or a joke, just a fact.  
“Yeah, yeah, I get it.  I have to go to school, so don’t get yourself killed.”
“I’m touched by your concern, Daniel, but unlike your father, I do understand basic lab safety.”
That had to be a new addition since college, but Danny kept the snark behind his teeth and just let the door bang behind him on his way out.
Vlad was waiting in the parking lot for him when school got out.  
“Why’s he here?” asked Sam.  
“Probably because he’s just as freaked out as I am,” said Danny.  He sat down on the steps.  “I’m going to wait for Jazz.”
“You sure, dude?” asked Tucker.  
“I’m sure.”
“Okay,” said Tucker, dubiously.  
“Call us if you need us to kick some vampire butt.”
“Got it.”
Danny only had to wait a few more minutes before Jazz came out.  “Why’s he here?”
“Dunno,” said Danny, getting up and brushing off his pants.  “Want to find out?”
They walked over to the running car.  It wasn’t quite a limo, but it was long, and the back seats faced each other.  
“So?” asked Danny, climbing in.  
Vlad looked wrecked.  “You were right,” he said.  
“Wow, no kidding.”
Vlad waved off his sarcasm.  “This is not time for jokes, Daniel, I–  Jasmine.”
“I wasn’t expecting you.”
“Well, you get both of us or none of us,” said Danny.  “You can drop Jazz off at home just as easily as you can drop me off.”
“And Jasmine’s car?”
“Aren’t you rich or something?” asked Jazz.  “Just drive me back.”
Vlad rolled his eyes.  “I can send someone to come pick it up.”  He leaned over to close the door after Jazz, then tapped on the closed divider between them and their driver.  The car started forward.  
“So, you’ll tell them?  Our parents?” asked Danny.  
“I’ll try.  But do you really think that will stop them?”
“Yes,” said Danny, forcefully.
“If they know it’s something that could hurt Danny, they’ll stop.”
“I certainly hope you’re right,” said Vlad.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
Vlad’s sneer was a shadow of its former self.  He looked genuinely ill.  “Daniel, they already know their research has hurt you.  Or do you think they forgot about bringing you to the hospital after your accident with the portal?”
“That’s different.”  That was an equipment problem, not an issue with the content of their research itself.
“Is it?  They are very aware that the same research landed me in the hospital for years, no matter how much they like to ignore that little fact.”
Normally, Danny would dismiss this as just another ploy of Vlad’s, an attempt to turn him against Jack and become Vlad’s evil apprentice, but…  Not today.  There was a little too much truth to his words.  
“Did they even put up any safety measures after that?  How about when they learned their portal was spewing dangerous ghosts into town at all the hours of the day and night?”
“They did,” said Jazz, although her tone rang false to Danny.  It was true that they’d installed the doors on the portal, and the ecto-exodus alarm, but… for all they claimed to be dedicated to protecting people from ghosts, they hadn’t done much else.
Vlad leaned back.  “As I said, I hope you’re right, for both our sakes.  Based on my calculations, we should leave town before the month is over, to be safe.  If they haven’t left by the thirtieth, I advise you to come with me.  My lawyers can sort everything out after the fact, and if not, I have enough contacts to be able to create entirely new identities for both of us.”
“Do you have any idea how threatening that sounds?” asked Jazz, peeved.
“It’s a service Daniel might find himself in need of, if Jack and Maddie are unreasonable.  I have no intention of dying or letting Daniel die because of this.”
The declaration made Danny feel better.  Not much better, but better.  
The car rolled to a stop.  “In the meantime, I will try to use less drastic measures.”  Vlad raised an eyebrow.  “The question now, I think, is whether or not you will tell them.”
Danny hunched his shoulders and fiddled with the door handle.  “Yeah,” he said.  
“Excellent.  Then we can begin.”
“Wait,” said Danny.  
“What?” asked Vlad, flatly, clearly annoyed.
“Do you know where Dani is?” asked Danny, reluctant to bring Vlad into this particular problem, but unwilling to give up even the thinnest lead.
Vlad gave him a baffled look.  
“Danielle,” clarified Danny, annoyed.  
“Yes,” said Vlad.  “Don’t look so surprised, Daniel.  We may have parted on less than amicable terms, but she’s still my daughter.”
“You tried to melt her.”
“A misunderstanding.”  
Danny wasn’t sure how that could be a misunderstanding.  
“We all do unwise things under the influence of our passions, Daniel.  The important thing is that we rise above them.  You’ll understand someday.”  He climbed out of the car. 
“I hope not,” muttered Jazz.  
Then, some of the conversation’s implications caught up with Danny.  
“Wait,” he said, phasing through Jazz to get out fast and jogging after Vlad.  “Wait.  You don’t expect me to tell them now, do you?”
“Daniel, there is no time.  Tell them now, or tell them never.”  Vlad opened the door and walked in like he owned the place.  
“Vladdie!” exclaimed Jack, who had been tinkering at the kitchen table.  He leapt up and embraced Vlad, swirling him around.  Vlad looked like he wanted to die again right then and there.  
“Hello, Jack, is Maddie home?”
“Yes,” said Maddie, coming up the stairs from the lab.  Her voice was about as warm and cuddly as sandpaper left in Antarctica for three months.  “What do you want, Vlad?”
“I have discovered some disturbing news,” he said, “but I’m afraid that much of it will only make sense in the context of what Daniel is about to tell you.”
Everyone looked at him expectantly.  Jazz gave him a small thumbs up.  
Danny very much would have liked to strangle Vlad.  If someone had to out themselves, why couldn’t it be him?
“What is it, Danno?” asked Jack.  
Danny swallowed.  “Do you remember that time I got shocked by the portal?”
As far as reveals went… it was neither everything he’d feared nor everything he’d hoped for.  There had been a lot of shouting.  No one thought he was dead or possessing his own corpse.  Jazz had accidentally outed Vlad somewhere in the middle of an argument.  He was able to go to sleep in his own house without being afraid he was going to be dissected.  His parents had agreed to start the process of shutting down the portal.  The only reason he wasn’t super ultra forever grounded for the rest of his life was because of the whole ‘might die soon’ thing.  
It was exhausting.  Danny didn’t know if he was glad it was over or not.  
This whole week was exhausting.  
He pressed his face into his pillow and swallowed back tears.  He was going to miss his friends. Heck, he was going to miss his enemies.  
He didn’t want to die.
Every time he went to school that week, every time he went to Sam’s, or Tucker’s, or the Nasty Burger, or anywhere in town, he was acutely aware that it might be the last time he was in any of those places.  Every time he went ghost, he understood that this time might be it.  Every time he shooed off an animal ghost or spotted Valerie in the hall, or saw the green glow of ectotechnology–
It was ending.  It was all ending.  At least for Danny.  
He wanted to hold onto it.  He wanted to stop time - and wasn’t that a temptation?  To try to find Clockwork?  But he’d learned his lesson about meddling with time, and there was no guarantee Clockwork was even still…  
Danny settled on the word awake.  
So, he did his best to savor it all, even the bad parts.  It didn’t always work very well.  There was too much tension, too much fear.  
Tension and fear did wonders for his Doomed score, though.  He was actually close to beating Sam, for once.  
Except, no he wasn’t.
“No, no, no,” said Danny as Sam pulled a power move out of nowhere.  “Argh!”  Annoyed, he pushed his rolling chair back so he could stare more directly at Sam, where she was playing on the other side of Tucker’s attic.  She wasn’t even looking at the screen, but staring over her shoulder to grin smugly at Danny.  “You suck,” he said.  
“No, that’d be you.  You know, the one whose screen says ‘you died’ on it?”
“Ha!” exclaimed Tucker.  “I’ve got the key!”
Danny turned back to the computer and started smashing the resurrect button.  
Danny’s phone began to ring.  He juggled it open with one hand.  “Hi, sorry, Jazz, I lost track of time and–”
“Don’t come home,” said Jazz.  
“They–”  Jazz inhaled sharply, angrily.  “The ectoweenies are dead.”  
Danny’s hand fell still.  “What do you mean… dead?”
“They’re just.  They’re hot dogs!  Rotting hot dogs.  I don’t–  I think they’re experimenting with it.  Mom and Dad.  I overheard–  I think they found some, and they’re experimenting with it, and some of them got into the fridge full of stuff we eat because neither of them ever heard about lab safety, and I don’t know if it’s safe for you to be around me, Danny.”
The death jingle played tauntingly over the speakers, three times over.  
“What- Why wouldn’t it be safe for you to be around me?”
“For you to be around me.  I could have black ectoplasm on me and not even know it.  I don’t think it’s really detectable without an energy signature, is it?”
“Jazz,” said Danny, voice cracking.  “Do you– Why?”  He gasped.  “Why would they–?”
“I don’t know.”
“You have to know!”  Danny had to know!
“They said something about fixing– I don’t know if I heard it right.  I just–”  Her voice crackled over the phone.  “Go to Vlad’s.  Forget whatever they promised.  Leave now.  I’ll– If they ask, I’ll say you’re in bed.”
Danny closed his eyes.  His face was wet.  “Okay,” he said.  “Okay.  I– I love you, Jazz.”
“I love you, too, little brother.  Stay safe.”  She hung up first.  She must have known he wouldn’t.  
“You have to go, don’t you?” asked Sam. 
“Yeah,” said Danny, hoarsely.  He scrubbed at his face.  “I do.  But… I will see you guys again.”
Tucker nodded.  “You’ve still got our numbers and our Doomed codes, right?” 
Sam threw a pen at him.  “Not the time?”
“Then when is the time?” demanded Tucker, rubbing the back of his head.  “When is the time, huh?  When he’s gone and can’t contact us because he doesn’t have our phone numbers?”
“I have them,” said Danny.  “Memorized.  I– I’ll call.  As soon as it’s safe.”
“You’d better,” said Sam.  
He hugged them.  
(He hoped it wasn’t the last time.)
The sun was just beginning to set when Danny reached Vlad’s house, and the comparison between the darkening sky and the darkening Ghost Zone made him shiver.  He bypassed security and knocked on Vlad’s door.  
“Daniel?  What are you doing here?” Vlad asked.  Unlike before, he was wearing clearly casual clothes.  “Did something happen?”
“You were right,” said Danny.  “They didn’t stop.”  Danny’s voice cracked and he swallowed.  “Jazz says we need to leave, now.”
“Oh, Daniel,” said Vlad.  “I’m so sorry.  Genuinely, I would have preferred them to see reason, for both our sakes.’”  He reached back inside and grabbed a pair of long coats.  The first he threw at Danny, the second he put on around his own shoulder.  “Can I assume that second bag is your ‘go-bag?’”
Danny nodded.  He’d kept one at the school, and hadn’t brought it home after the reveal.  He hadn’t thought to.  He’d raided his locker on the way to get it, and before he’d left Tucker had shoved a lot of other stuff at him that had gotten squished either into his backpack or the go-bag.  
“Good.”  Vlad knelt and phased a hand through his entryway tile before pulling out a hefty duffel bag of his own.  “Then we don’t need to wait.  I’ve had my plane fueled and ready to go at a moments’ notice since you told me.”  He took two steps back into the house.  “We will transform and fly there invisibly, to avoid notice.  Can you maintain that for the entire journey?”
“Yeah,” said Danny, stepping inside and closing the door behind him.  
“Don’t let your pride get in the way.  Can you?  Surely, you’ve noticed our abilities becoming more difficult to access.”
Danny had thought that was just him.  Some kind of psychological thing.  But if Vlad had noticed it, too…  “I can do it,” he said.  
“Good,” said Vlad, transforming.  “Follow me.”  He turned invisible and flew through the ceiling.  
Danny paced him.  “So, where are we going?” he asked.  “On the plane,” he clarified, catching Vlad’s look.
“For now?  Missouri.  I have properties there that I never involved in my research and which should be safe for us.  Afterwards, we will be able to assess our situation and move from there.  I will have to contact my lawyers - our lawyers, now.  The child endangerment and neglect case against your parents will have to be absolutely airtight, which shouldn’t be too difficult, considering the deathtrap they have downstairs and how long I’ve been collecting evidence.”
Danny wrinkled his nose.  “And how long have you been collecting evidence?”
“Quite some time.  Don’t forget, I’ve just been vindicated, Daniel.”
He wouldn’t.  Not for a long, long time.  “Is there anything else I ought to know?”
“I was able to get into contact with Danielle earlier today,” said Vlad.
“What did she say?”
“Not much to me,” said Vlad, with a hint of wryness.  “She wants to hear everything from you before she believes anything I say.”
“And you didn’t call me?”
“She hung up on me.  Don’t worry, she’s far away from any major supernatural hotspots.  I thought I’d give her time to cool down and then contact her again while you were present.”
“Fine,” said Danny.  “Where is she?”
“Poland, at the moment.”  
They reached the airport and descended into the plane.  Danny let go of his invisibility with a heavy sigh as Vlad went about turning on the lights.  
“Our pilot will be here momentarily,” said Vlad.  “Make yourself at home.”
Home.  Danny put his bags on his lap and hunched around them.  He’d been bracing himself for this.  Really.  He’d known he was going to have to leave for a whole week, now.  
It still felt worse than getting thrown clear through a building.  
“It’s true,” said Danny, looking out the landscape windows of Vlad’s Missouri estate.  “I’m with Vlad, the Ghost Zone isn’t safe, the…”  He trailed off, not wanting to recap everything.  “I’m the one who told Vlad it was happening.”
“Okay,” said Dani, voice small and distant.  “So… What should I do?  If even your powers are getting harder to use…”  She trailed off, but she didn’t have to finish the sentence.  In more ways than one, Dani’s existence depended on the careful use of her powers.  
“Let Vlad bring you back here.  It’s– I know,” he said in response to Dani’s groan.  “I know.  But he doesn’t actually want either of us dead, and he’s got, you know, resources.  And– And I don’t want you out on the streets in a foreign country, okay?”
“All countries are foreign to me,” grumbled Dani.  “I don’t want anything to do with him.”
“Please,” said Danny.  “Even if it’s just long enough for him to set us up in a boarding school or give us our own apartment or something.”
“You think he’d do that?”
“I have no idea,” admitted Danny.  “He’s rich enough to.  Please come, Dani.”  Vlad was… not being as terrible as he could be, about all this.  Actually, he was being… fine.
There was a long silence on the other end of the line.  “Alright,” she said, finally.  “I’ll come.”
Living in Missouri…  Well, living in Vlad’s version of Missouri was beautiful, lavish, luxurious.  Vlad was definitely going all out.  But every day Danny spent here, it felt more and more like living in a photograph.  The sunlight, the grass, the leaves on the trees… it all felt flat, as if something vital had been drained from underneath the world.  Even sitting in the garden, bare feet in the fountain, felt unreal.  
Danny didn’t know if that was just him, or if it was another side effect of the Ghost Zone going dormant.  He hoped it was just him.  That would mean it might go away if he got a grip.
“Daniel,” said Vlad, shoes crunching along the gravel path.  “I think you’ll be pleased to know the court case is going well, and I am attempting to develop a decontamination procedure that might allow Jasmine to visit us here someday.”
“Okay,” said Danny.  He swished his feet through the water.  “Do you feel like…”  He sighed, not being able to find the words.  
“Every day,” said Vlad, sitting down next to Danny.  “We won’t be able to stay here longer than a year.  Our own ectoplasm will tend to form a thin spot.”
“That’s fine,” said Danny.  “Dani likes traveling.”  She liked traveling, and hopefully Vlad would hurry up and get her fake passport made already.
“I hope you will come to like it, too…  Although, I’m not sure we’ll need to keep up that pace for very long.  Our ectosignatures are fading.  I suppose we owed more of our powers to the Ghost Zone proper than I expected.”  He shook his head. “In any case, we should look towards the future.  Our futures.  You want to be an astronaut, don’t you?”
“Does that even matter, now?”
“Daniel, you are aware of how rich I am, aren’t you?  I could buy NASA.”  Vlad’s dramatic gestures matched his words.  He even went as far as to light his hands with pink ectoplasm.  Danny watched them flicker through the reflection in the basin of the fountain.  
“No, you couldn’t.”
“No,” said Vlad, lowering and extinguishing his hands, “I couldn’t.”  He kept looking up at the sky.  “It’s strange, isn’t it?  It’s strange.  All this power we’ve had, and our passions, all our goals, simply… remained out of our reach.  But now we’re losing them.  Our powers.  Our passions.”
“Do you think we’ll find them again?” asked Danny.  
“Perhaps.  Perhaps if we live long enough, if we fight hard enough.  You do want to be an astronaut, don’t you, Daniel?”
Danny looked up, but not towards Vlad.  He focused on the thin, faint gibbous moon, visible even in daylight.  
“I guess,” he said. 
Vlad patted his shoulder as he stood.  “There,” he said.  “Then we should start discussing your education, little badger!  You can’t become an astronaut by moping around my mansion all day!”
Danny turned his head to regard Vlad with a mixture of disbelief and disgust.  “Don’t call me that, fruitloop.”
“That’s more like it!  Now, come along.  We have tutors to vet!”
Thinking about potentially doing more with this continuity.
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halliescomut · 1 year
Boss/Noeul for The Boy Next World
So we got official confirmation (that we were all expecting) that Boss and Noeul will be playing Cirrus and Phugun respectively in The Boy Next World series coming form Mame/MeMindY. I read the whole novel in about 2 days...finishing up 4 hours prior to the announcement. (Poor decision making on my part honestly.) But I wanted to talk about the novel and basic story, the characters and what I think makes Boss and Noeul a good fit for them, some concerns, and some moments in the novel I'm excited to see.
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I am going to attempt to sort of graduate spoilers, so we'll start with no spoilers, move on to potential mild spoilers, and the on to pretty moderate-severe ones. I will clearly mark each transition, so you can stop reading when you like.
No Spoiler Section- Story and Character Summaries
We'll start by going over the basic summary of the story. Phugun and Cirrus are university students that live in the same apartment building. One night Cirrus shows up at Phugun's apartment and tells him that he is his boyfriend. Phugun is understandably confused, as despite having attended the same high school and university, they've NEVER interacted before, but invites him in. Cirrus asserts that he is from a parallel universe where they had started dating in high school. From there it's a bit of a shenanigans ensue situation, but Phugun, being soft-hearted, agrees to try and help Cir get back to his own world, and Cir simply can't help doting on whatever Phugun is available to him. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you might yell.
Now to the characters:
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Phugun (often called Phu) is a 2nd year humanities student. He is described as small, cute, and a bit silly. He's also quite feisty and soft-hearted (though he doesn't present that side of himself) and importantly he's kind of superstitious. It is a main character point that he believes that wearing certain colors on certain days will bring him luck, and on days where he can't bad things happen to him. He's an only child and his father passed away when he was in middle school or junior high, so probably about 12-13. After that his mother began travelling abroad, leaving him under the supervision of an aunt. He has a close-knit group of university friends, though from what I can tell none of them pre-date uni.
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Cirrus (most often referred to as Cir or P'Cir) is a 4th year business management student. He is described as tall and very handsome, often pursued by other students, but he entertains no one. His nickname on campus is Ice Prince, and many people seem to be afraid of his dark glowers. He does have a small group of friends as well, one from high school (or possibly previously) and one that appears to be just from university. He is the eldest of two children, with a 1 year younger brother (Zone), and his parents are divorced. With Phugun, Cirrus becomes warm and doting, in contrast to the cold persona he presents otherwise.
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Now reading through those descriptions you may think...those sound kind of a lot like Rain and Payu...and you are correct. Beginning the novel, I had the same concerns, that these characters were far to similar to their LITA ones and wouldn't offer much space for growth and progression as actors. I have also read the LITA novels (they're actually the only Mame novels I had read before embarking on the Boy Next World) and while I enjoyed Love Storm, I did feel that there wasn't A LOT of serious depth or emotional growth happening in the novel. This is not bad, it's simply my observation, and I enjoyed the novel and series regardless. Through the BNW novel we do have access to both leads points of view and a lot more detail about their backstories, so they are far more fleshed out, complex characters from the start. Because of this, I am potentially hopeful of some really affecting moments that will give Boss and Noeul a great opportunity to really stretch their acting wings. I've made a post before about Noeul's acting specifically, as Rain is incredibly different from him overall, and that remembering that definitely increased my appreciation of his performance there. Rain as a roles is more one that seems simple because he's kind of the most relatable, but for him to be so different from Noeul would offer a specific set of challenges.
There are also a couple of instances in the novel that I think Boss and Noeul in particular could convey very well....
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Parallel World Set-up
I also want to give a small explanation of the parallel world basis for the novel, as there are many wildly different systems used in fictional stories, some more complex than others. Below is a pretty basic diagram of the type of parallel world set-up we're looking at.
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It's pretty basic, the timeline moves forward and a certain point an occurrence or decision changes the course of the timeline creating to separate but parallel worlds (hence why they travel in the same direction together). In media this divergence point can be anything, in Sliding Doors it's Gwenyth Paltrow's character catching the train versus missing it, but it can also occasionally be a decision. A yes leads to one future, no leads to another, similar to a choose your own adventure story. The divergence point is revealed in the novel, but I won't spoil that, but that decision creates Timeline B where Cirrus and Phugun meet and begin dating in high school. That is the only difference between the two timelines. The orange dashed line is the inciting incident of the novel itself where Cirrus-B ends up in timeline A, and Cirrus-A ends up in timeline B.
I'm going to finish up with trigger warnings for the novel (and likely the series) if you choose to pick it up prior to the show coming out. There are some pretty serious instances of emotional and physical abuse of Cirrus at the hands of his mother, starting from when he was a child. There are also a couple of instances of homophobia. Most of this stems from two specific characters, but there are insensitive and degrading comments made by sort of background characters as well. Grief and grieving is also a potential trigger, as there is discussion related to the death of Phugun's father throughout the novel. As someone who has lost both parents, I did cry at these moments.
Mild to Moderate Spoilers- Scenes and aspects I would like to see in the series
So there are a handful of portions of the book that I really would like to see in the series, and a couple of 'silly' things that I think would just be fun/funny. I'll start with those.
Since we've now established the potential for recasting... I think it would be hilarious if Mame cast a bunch of the actors from the friend group in LITA as the friends in BNW. Specifically Pepper as P'Ren, one of Cirrus's friends who is obsessed with his tropical fish. It would just give the whole thing a bit of a community theater vibe, and I love that.
Since we have a a parallel or alternate universe situation, cast the previous Cir and Phu (Haii and Title) from TharnType 2 as the other versions of them. We don't actually see the other versions in the novel, but it feel like it would be funny like in the opening credits to see like side-by-sides of their lives/timelines.
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Now on to actual story points and scenes from the novel I really want to see, and one I kind of hope we don't. We shall get the No out of the way first:
-I do think it is important to keep the child abuse storyline, but I very much hope that it is kept very circumspect or minimal in the show. I would especially not like to SEE it. I think maybe having Cir and Phu talk about it, maybe with audio-overlays or allusions to what happened. But it's pretty dark, and I don't want something like what we got in Don't Say No. Mostly because I have concerns about how filming those scenes can psychologically impact a child actor.
Now the YES's:
-I very much want to see the potential or alluded to second couple of P'Wim and Jin (who are friends of Cir and Phugun). Their vibe is one best described as Hermione Granger and Luna Lovegood, and their interactions in the novel were delightful. I'm sure how much we'll get depends on the episode count, but I'm hopeful for more than a Ryu/Sun situation in Wedding Plan.
-As discussed, Phugun has some superstitions related to the clothes he wears, and in the novel this goes all the way down to underwear. I would love to see like a calendar montage where you see him rotating through a rainbow of different colored outfits. (It would be delightfully gay.)
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-I want Zone to be in the show. He's only present a couple of times in the novel, but I do feel that he's necessary to the story and that removing him would negatively impact Cirrus's character/backstory, as his relationship with his brother does play a role in a lot of his choices. But in the novel, they have a fun dynamic, and his interactions with Phugun are quite sweet, so I feel like it would be a great inclusion.
-There are a couple of instances in the story where Cir sings Phugun to sleep to comfort him. We know Boss has a lovely singing voice, I would like to see that.
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-There is a scene related to a musical instrument that was left to Phugun by his late father, but Phugun can't play it. In the scene Cirrus plays it for him, and it's one of the scenes that made me absolutely lose it. Now the instrument isn't a guitar, but since we know Boss can play guitar, I don't think it's unreasonable to just change the type of instrument, as that doesn't really affect the story. Though I am aware that a lot of viewers hate the "guitar in BLs" trope, there is a real emotional gravitas to this scene that I think it would be unfortunate to lose.
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-Lastly, there are not many NC scenes in the novel, I think 3 fully explicit ones and a couple that are alluded to. But the first one is a BJ in which Phu is receiving and Cir is performing. Now BJs in general are rarely even portrayed in BL, for many reasons, but the fact that it's not easy to film in a manner that would get by censors, or to portray in a romantic light are probably major factors. It's also something that could be far more uncomfortable for the actors to film. But when they are even hinted at it's often the 'Top' who is receiving, we honestly rarely see concentrated effort from a 'Top' to pleasure their 'bottom' without achieving their own 'completion.' I think a lot of this stems from the heteronormative relationship aspects traditionally applied to BL couples. Just as there's an idea in heteronormative/patriarchal society that a woman is there to provide pleasure to the man, and a man is not obligated to return it, that get's saddled on homosexual characters, leading to a situation where we rarely see Tops do much more than prep and penetrate (and the prep is often off screen). It's something that bugs me regularly, even in shows I really like. It's something you see with Kinn/Porsche, with Dean and Pharm in UWMA. These are characters where there is supposed to be this insane level of affection and adoration in the Top for their bottom, but they're not going out of their way to make sure they feel good??? Seems fake. In fairness to Mame, while she does fall into many a problematic trope, she also really likes bossy bottoms who advocate for their own pleasure, so there is that.
So....that's my thoughts on what to expect and what I hope to see. I hope you enjoyed.
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running-with-kn1ves · 10 months
Soooo since you asked for comfy requests, my comfort character of yours is Cirdan, and I would love covering his scars with little kisses and telling him how handsome he is cause I know dude has to be insecure about that and he would combust on spot
I know its cliché but I enjoy simple pleasures
A/N: Naur I love the little(big) elf guy and the softness of this idea. I wish I did it more detailed justice but here's my drabble take. UGHH I LOVEd how sweet it was it makes me all gushy inside.
CW: None! Fluff and comfort all the way through buddy
“You don’t have to be alone, you know.” Ice-tipped toes of yours brushed the wood panels lining the floor, an electric chill running down your back as the wind from the slightly ajar window perused inside. Your husband always liked it cold, but lately you couldn’t stand it. It was getting too cold outside. Maybe it was because you grew up in suffocatingly warm homes with seasons that hardly shifted, you didn’t have the ability to stand below freezing temperatures like elves did year-round. 
Cirdan gently turned his head at your voice, softening his pursed brow as he saw you there shrinking into yourself, leaning a shoulder against the door frame. It didn’t help that all you had to wear were these thin cotton pajamas, white and hip-fitting to show the color of your skin underneath when put under the right light. It made him gaze at you, when all that illuminated the shared bedroom was muted-orange oil lamps and the shine of the moon decorating the floor in a thin silver. It was strange, to be stared at. There was a certain sadness in the elf’s eyes, but it seemed to morph into a relief when that greyish green bore into you, taking in all that you were, only to run back to your eyes and give the softest stare. 
You walked to him as he gave a short, croaky hum. “Just cleaning these. Already finished up dinner.” He said simply, in that short way he always seemed to speak when he was down. 
You looked over his shoulder to see what he concentrated so painfully on, peering at the delicate pair of battle sickles he hasn’t used since… well, before you got married.
You put a gentle hand on his bare shoulder, musing at the thin and thick pinkish-brown scars along his back. 
“I don’t know how you can wear nothing in this weather.” You say with a shiver, sitting down on the spot directly behind the elf.
You practically heard him smile, head still down-turned to look at the sharp steel between the tan cloth he used to rub against them. Your fingers traced the scars you could touch, the long one crossing over his shoulder, the thick few stuck between the blades of his back, which seemed to twitch methodically under your touch. 
“S’because you aren’t used to the cold. We sleep in the snow.” Cirdan hummed, “we” meaning his old elven clan. 
He grabbed your hand all of a frightful sudden, placing it on the clean and untouched part of his neck not covered by starlight hair or scars. It was so soft and gentle, one of the few places Cirdan had yet to be wounded. 
“Hm?” You let through closed lips, sitting on your knees to bring your face up close to his from behind. “Don’t want me touching your cuts?” 
“Scars,” He corrected, like it was an ugly word. “Wouldn’t you rather feel something soft?”
He turned just slightly to look at you, eyes shifting to see your face only a nose touch away. Your hands rested on his warm shoulders, feeling them lift just slightly as his chest rose. 
“Nope.” You respond, nudging against Cirdan’s temple as you nuzzled into his hair and flattened ear rim. “I’d rather feel you. Wanna memorize every scar and stitch.” 
Your hands slide to his back, feeling the ridges of indents in his skin as they fall. “Mmh, its fun to touch them; you don’t feel like anyone else.” 
You soak in the warm that pulses from his body, a different heat from the sharp sheets and iced floor. He smelled akin to the grassy scent that whaffed in from the window, a slight musk about him that came from his body glazing over with its natural smell after a bath had rubbed it off not long ago. Oh how you loved it, loved how flesh-like it was, reminding you that there was a living, breathing person by your side, his heart beating through his back and his body altering at every new spot you claimed with your fingers. 
Cirdan stopped from cleaning the sickle blades, shoulders hunched as his elbows rested on his knees. He was silent, moping a little over how much you stared, a nagging thought making him want to put his shirt back on. 
You snaked your arms around to the front of his chest, giving the best reach of a back hug that you could, bringing your legs to wrap around his warm flank. Your cold feel seemed to make him jolt as you clung onto him like a baby to its mama, burying your face against the deep indent of his shoulder. 
“But, wouldn’t you rather--” 
“Shh.” You hushed, fingers brushing over the invisible scars from his chest that you could only memorize by touch. “If you keep worrying I’m going to have to kiss each and every scratch on you.” 
You pressed noisy smooches to the teensy bits on his shoulder, running your way to his bicep and armpit, showing no sign of stopping. 
“Alright alright,” He tittered, putting a hand over one of yours that cupped his chest. 
Your fingers rubbed over each single change in flesh, feeling the softer ridges of his nipples, running to the dip of his chest, caressing the deep uneven ‘X’ scar against his collar bone. 
“Don’t ever try to change them for me, pretty boy.” You mumbled to his ear, playfully kissing from its tip down to his cheek. “I want your scars and your bits and pieces just how they are. I want all of it.” 
You rested your smooshed face against his sharp jaw, letting it dig into your cheek as you kept your nose nearly nestled under his chin. 
Cirdan was still, an arm grabbing one of the thighs that wrapped around him, the other entertwining his fingers with the hands that held the fat of his chest. He feared if he moved, the moment would break, that you would suddenly pull away and be gone forever. He wanted desperately to push you deeper against him, to make it so you were both smothered with his warmth, that he enveloped every part of your body to keep it safe. There would be no piece of you undiscovered, and you would fill in the gaps of him that were missing. 
“What do you do to me…” He mumbles, hoping you’ll lift your head as he turns his. You do, curious. But he looks partially down, a faded eye following his good one as silver-toned lashes made his honey-soaked eyes look like they were covered with snow. 
Cirdan doesn’t let the time slip away from him, pressing his warmed lips against yours with an inward tilt. His nose fits snuggly against the side of yours, forehead pushing forward as you lean into him. The elf drops the sickles to the floor, aside from his bare feet. 
He wraps the fullness of his hand around your thigh, trying to smush it deeper against his skin. But the break away from your mouth is too long for him, he moves in again. The longing in his chest he feels, when he senses that desperation to kiss you, a genuine ache of withdrawal when he doesn’t feel that cold cheek against his or the dampened warmth of your tongue. 
But you avoid his lips, slipping away the hand of yours that he held to his chest. You rested it to his temple, thumb against his cheek. As cirdan moved in expecting your lips, he found your chin instead, your own mouth covering the usually hidden eye he kept away. You wished he had the confidence to leave it visible; baby steps. 
The warm wet poke of a tongue darted between fleshy lips against your chin and jaw, your own mouth opening just slightly. You felt the warm cavern of his eye, eyelashes touching your upper lip as your open mouth pressed a deep kiss to his blind eye, Cirdan freezing as you moved. You lingered there for a moment, pausing to give another gently pressing kiss to the scarred skin below his eye. 
You moved away, a bit nervous from how Cirdan’s body was suddenly so stiff. But the moment you moved away, he melted. His shoulders slumped looking up at you with slightly parted lips. He was at your mercy, anything you told him or commanded of him, he’d do without a thought of conscience or hesitation. 
There was a gentle drugged look in his gaze, desperate for any little affection you would so graciously bestow upon him. 
“So beautiful…” You hummed, looking into the droopy pool of smoke-green he stared back with. 
If it was possible, the elf sinked even further into your touch, letting your hands hold his firm cheeks as you planted small kiss after kiss onto the bridge of his nose, to the corner of his stilled lips. But he could not take staying still for so much longer, diving for your moving mouth as you were about to kiss the other side. But he caught you in a smooth mouth to mouth, opened lips begging you to come to him. 
You followed, letting your jaw go slack, allowing cirdan’s mouth to fit snuggly against yours, like a puzzle piece of warm air breathing into you. 
Your fingers tangled into the elf’s hair that seemed to surround him, listening to the needy groans that left his adored mouth as both his hands held your thighs around his flank, flexing his fingers into your skin like a cat, wanting you deeper, closer. But for now, he’d settle for this, letting you agonizingly sweeten him up with each syrupy kiss and touch that was like a buzzing pleasure, making his heart lurch with desire.
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