#I still gotta draw him being happy today hmm
plutowrites · 8 months
Of Magic
note: whew dusted off the ole keyboard for this one. if i'm rusty, you gotta allow it. i love this one sm. because i love nanami kento. that is all.
pairings: dad!nanami x (fem) reader
contains: fluff. nanami being the best duh wbk. modern au.
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You hear a faint scraping noise from the kitchen as you quietly enter your home, holding your breath while gently closing the door behind you. It's 9:53 PM, and although wishful thinking has you hoping the girls are fast asleep in their beds, you know they're probably waiting for you to come and kiss them goodnight. In your opinion, Kento outshines you in almost every aspect of parenting, but bedtime belongs to you. He just can't do stories like you can—nothing beats the silly voices you give to each character. Your voice range is impeccable.
However, it is late, and you've had multiple conversations with your children about not waiting up for you tonight; one when they had just woken up, another during breakfast, and the last reminder during the car ride to school before dropping them off. They know very well that you had a company event to attend outside of work hours and wouldn't be home until late at night. But still, a small (horrible) part of you wanted them to still be awake, just to hear their cute giggles and feel their tiny, warm hands wrapped around your neck in a tight hug. 
"How'd it go?" Kento asks, closing the lid over the Tupperware filled with tonight's dinner, which looks (and smells) like beef and broccoli stir-fry. You stand in the kitchen with a puzzled look on your face.
Instead of answering his question, you point to the food in his hands. "They ate the broccoli?"
Nanami turns to face you and frowns. "Of course they ate the broccoli."
"What?! They never eat broccoli when I'm around."
"That's only because you don't eat broccoli, honey. You're their hero; they wouldn't even touch chocolate cake if dearest mommy turned up her nose at it."
"Dearest mommy, huh," you repeat after him, a grin slowly spreading across your face. Kento wraps one arm around your shoulders lazily, pulling you into him and pressing a quick kiss to the top of your head.
"They should be asleep—"
"But they're probably not," Nanami finishes. You lean your head back to look at him. The beginnings of a smile dance on the corners of his lips.
You fake gasp. "How naughty."
"Soooo naughty."
"I'll go check on them when I go up there to change my clothes." Kento lets go of you and runs a hand through his hair. Noting the exhaustion on his face, you add, "You should rest now that I'm home. I can pack the girls' lunches for tomorrow too."
He shakes his head. "They're already done, but did you know they're really into star shapes now? It was just hearts last week. I can do hearts. I did hearts like a pro, actually."
"Are stars really that hard to do?" You ask, tongue in cheek.
He shoots you a look. In your husband’s defense, he really did cut hearts into foods like a pro. Every single item that went into the girls’ lunch boxes that could be carved into the shape of a heart, was in the shape of a heart. You always watched Kento from the couch in the living room as he meticulously sliced and diced away to make his girls happy.
You pat your hand across one of his cheeks and coo, "You're the best dad ever, literally." You draw out the word literally, eliciting a snort from Nanami.
"I had to ban that word today."
Now it’s your turn to laugh—your oldest daughter learned the word 'literally' in school this week and hasn't stopped using it since. It's sort of hilarious how she sneaks it into every other sentence. You tilt your head to the side and reply in the most serious tone you can muster, "Thank you because it was literally driving me, literally, insane, literally."
A chorus of giggles erupts from the top of the stairs, followed by a thundering rumble of footsteps descending. The moment in the kitchen, interrupted.
Nanami shakes his head gently and sighs, "Hmm, I wonder if they’re awake."
You grab the back of his neck, yank him closer, and plant a loud kiss on his cheek. "My babies are spoiled like little princesses. They need entertainment to go to sleep, and I am their jester. I bid you farewell."
"You’re going to read them a bedtime story?"
"Yes, I am going to read them a bedtime story..."
"Now? At 10:00 PM? And you call me soft..."
“You are, don’t even start.”
After a beat, Kento says softly, “You're so good to them, you know? They’re so lucky to have you.”
Hearing those words from him stops you in your tracks. They wouldn't mean nearly as much coming from anyone else as they do coming from Kento, simply because he is the best father. 
He’s so patient, and kind, and understanding. He lets the girls wear whatever madness they want, and is completely fluent in their ramblings and mumbles— far better than you. He knows exactly how they like their oatmeal, and memorized the milk to cereal ratio they must have in their bowls or else the world stops for them; he knows exactly what to say when they're feeling upset to calm them down.
He learned how to bake white chocolate raspberry muffins because it’s their favourite. He learned how to do funky hairstyles just because a crazy hair day at their school was on the horizon. He even learned how to patch holes in their clothes instead of telling them not to lay and roll around in the wood chips at the park because he couldn't bear to cut into their fun.
If Kento didn’t know how to do something, he learned. He was always trying. 
To you, your husband is a hard-working, dedicated, outrageously beautiful force of a man.
To your children, he’s nothing short of magic.
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302 notes · View notes
treacheryinblue · 2 months
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Chapter 5/?
× Elysium (noun) : a place or condition of ideal happiness. type of: fictitious place, imaginary place, mythical place.
Word Count: 8.1k
A Noah Sebastian x OC Series
× Summary: Noah and his new found (sort of) friend, Persephone, battle the trivial ins and outs of being teenagers in a world that doesn't accept you. They survive together all the way into adulthood - with bouts of loneliness included - where the world is still a fickle bitch.
× Warnings!: smut (chapter 4 and beyond), language, violence, slowburn, friends to lovers to enemies back to friends, rinse and repeat (not even in that order), sexual themes, etc. Each chapter will have its own set of separate warnings.
× Author Notes: ( 1 ) I'm sorry that this took so long! I had majority written for awhile but it just didn't feel right. I'm not even sure if it finally does but I'm going with it!
× Chapter Warnings!: smut (oral - m receiving), language, talks of mental illness, drinking.
Happy reading! xoxo
“What are you doing?”
Noah yawned out his words as he stirred in bed, an inked hand lifting to scratch at his chest. She didn't even look up from the little comic-like scene she had been doodling - this being what she had chosen to throw herself into hours ago when she couldn't sleep and needed a distraction. 
Sleep. What a foreign thing that was to her nowadays. It infuriated her beyond belief, much more than anyone around her could've guessed. Seph had taken to not talking much about the issues she was having because she knew Noah would only fixate on them and try to help. And while she appreciated his attempts, she couldn't stop herself from wondering if they were doing more harm than good. 
Maybe their lack of full on intimacy didn't sound like a huge deal, but to her, it was making her lose her mind. Although, not because she was aching for it (even if she was); this was more so due to all the thoughts it was causing her to have. The worries. The overthinking. It was becoming almost unbearable up in her brain. 
“Hmm?” Noah hummed curiously when she didn't yet give a response. 
“Just some drawing.” 
Seph allowed her eyes to flicker up to him, a slight smile being forced across her lips. She was sure he wouldn't believe it, but she didn't have it in her to dwell on that right then. 
“Did you have breakfast?”
Jesus fucking Christ. Why couldn't he ever stop? 
It's not his fault. Don't take it out on him. 
“Yeah, I made some peanut butter toast awhile ago.”
A small lie, although not completely. She had made said toast, but unfortunately, she only took a single bite of it before the texture assaulted her senses and she had to swallow it down with the help of a leftover Sprite in the fridge. No idea who it belonged to, but it was flat as hell. 
Noah nodded, again yawning as he shifted onto his side to face her. A long arm snaked around her waist and gave a firm tug, forcing her to set her sketchbook aside so she could be pulled into his warmth without issue. Now that his chest was pressed into her back, he nuzzled into the crook of her neck and released a sigh of content. 
If only she could feel as carefree as he did right then. 
“You okay?” 
“Yeah, I'm good,” she softly spoke, fingertips trailing along the top of his hand that closed around her. 
“Just tired because I didn't sleep well.” Seph elaborated a bit, just so Noah wouldn't further worry about her. If she blamed it all on being tired, then there would be no issue, right? 
“I’m sorry,” he murmured against her skin. 
“We gotta shoot that video today, so I'll be gone for a bit. Did you want to come?”
Aka 'do you need a babysitter?’
Seph forced those thoughts to pause. She couldn't assume this is what Noah meant all because he was asking if she wanted to tag along. Who's to say he didn't actually want her there? 
Adjusting within his arms, she angled herself back a bit so she could see his face. She then smiled and shook her head, just before placing a light kiss to his awaiting mouth. Morning Noah was always the most adorable to her. His heavy lidded eyes and pouty lips were something she could stare at all day if given the option. 
“I have therapy, so I can't. You need some time with the guys without me cramping your style, anyway.” 
Noah rolled his eyes and tightened the hold he had on her body, his face then burying back into her neck where he began to lightly kiss a couple of times. 
“You give us our style. You know that.” 
Slender fingers slithered along her side, dropping over the curve of her hip before managing to slip beneath the fabric of the t-shirt she wore. Noah rubbed gentle circles into her skin, this soft sensation causing her eyes to flutter closed and her lips to part to allow a small exhale through. 
No, she couldn't let herself fall victim to this again because she knew exactly how it would end. Since Noah struggled to keep his hands off of her, he would either continue to caress her body until she made the move to progress further, which he would reject in his own way. Or he would sink his fingers between her thighs, quickly get her off, then carry on as if he wasn't hard and pressed into her lower back. 
While the latter option sounded far better, both actually sucked. 
“Is everyone coming back here tonight?” She figured changing the subject and focusing on something else would help distract not only her mind, but also those damned fingers of his. 
Noah made a small sound that told her yes, nodding slightly. 
“It'll be another not so chill night.”
There was a disdain in his voice that she hadn't been expecting. Did he not like when everyone piled into his shared place for a night of drinking and nonsense? 
Reaching for his hand to stop him from taking things further, she laced their fingers together and folded their now intertwined digits into her chest. 
“At least you'll have me there,” she shrugged. 
× × ×
“Persephone…if we adjust your medications again, this will be the third time within a year. In my professional opinion, I don't think you're really giving them a chance.”
Professional. Right. What a jackass. 
This was the statement that finally broke her that day. Her shoulders dropped and her head bowed, heavy sobs immediately beginning to escape her. A hand lifted to cover her mouth in an attempt to muffle the sounds, though she knew the older man wasn't so blind that he hadn't witnessed her oncoming break. 
“You don't get it. No one gets it.” She choked out while tugging down the sleeve of her (Noah’s) hoodie so she could wipe beneath her nose. 
“I hate the way all of the meds have made me. I'm not myself. I don't feel normal. I mean…who I was before wasn't so great, considering, but at least then I felt something that wasn't just…emptiness and anger and this sadness that's been eating away at me.”
Trembling hands cradled her face after dropping it into her palms, the tears not yet ceasing. It felt like a dam had broken within her - or maybe it was just a patch. Something told her this wasn't the breakdown she had brewing inside.
“I can't eat. I can't sleep. I can't even enjoy my time with the guy I fucking lo-” she paused before finishing the sentence, cutting herself off with a shake of her head. 
Nope. She wasn't going to admit that for the first time to her goddamn therapist. 
Seph took in a deep breath as she wiped the tears from beneath her eyes. She was hoping she could get herself together now, though mostly because she didn't want to return to the public with red and puffy eyes. 
“Maybe I'm just better without the meds. Is that an option? Things in my life are different now, right? So maybe the changes will help me stay level headed. I just need to feel like myself again.” 
“No.” The man was quick to respond. “Stopping medications abruptly is never suggested and you know this. It could make your negative feelings worse, as well as become more physical ailments, too.”
He deeply sighed as he looked at her across the room. It was clear to her that he was at a loss for words, though she wasn't surprised. It's the same expression she received time and time again from every therapist who was unlucky enough to have her land in their lap. Seph knew she wasn't that much of a handful, especially not in comparison to other people in the world. She was just…frustrating. Possibly even incapable of receiving help because she wasn't willing to open up to it. Or whatever the fuck her last therapist had told her parents. 
It was all bullshit either way. 
× × ×
Against her therapist’s better judgment, and possibly even her own, Seph had decided on her way back to Noah's after her appointment that she was going to put her medications to rest. She wasn't going to be so irresponsible as to quit them cold turkey, but tapering herself off was definitely in the works. Any of the effects she may experience couldn't be nearly as bad as how she was currently feeling on a day to day basis. This is what she told herself to justify the decision. 
Merely having put this plan into action was already lifting her spirits. She felt happier, lighter in her steps. Maybe even excited for the night that lied ahead? While parties used to be her cup of tea, it should come as no surprise that she wasn't as lively at them as she once had been. 
Not this time. She thought to herself while getting ready that evening. She was going to be the old Seph that night even if it killed her. 
High waisted shorts that were cut entirely too short in the back? Check. Random t-shirt of Noah’s that she had tied and tucked up at her waist? Check. Secret vodka shots that were taken before the guys arrived back? Double check. 
“You seem to be in a good mood.” Noah mused as he approached her a little later that night. “Therapy go well?”
Seph peered up at him, a grin manifesting over her lips. She assumed he didn't think anything of the cup in her hand that was a mixture of fruit punch and vodka, since the red juice was typically being had by her during any of their parties. Why would he suspect the second ingredient now? 
“It was fine, but we can talk about it tomorrow.” A wave of her hand brushed the topic away. She didn't want to dwell on something like that right then when she was supposed to be having fun, especially when she knew telling Noah about her session and her decision afterwards would put a stop to all the said fun. 
With her cup clutched securely in her hand, she took a step closer to Noah so her arms could link around his waist. Her body pressed firm into his now that her head angled up and her chin could prop against his chest, just so she could get a clear view of his face. 
“What are you doing?” Noah chuckled, a hand of his own rubbing along her back so she knew her sudden affection was welcomed despite the people. 
“Nothin’, I just missed you.” 
Wasn't it funny how she had once been worried about what people would think of her for cozying up with someone like Noah? And now, not only could she not care less about what others thought, she was actually pretty happy to be with him. 
When happiness could be felt. 
Not to mention the night and day difference Noah was to Mason. Her ex would always act embarrassed when she was a little more affectionate and craving his attention, even more so when others were around. But Noah? He leaned into it and gave it right back, sometimes tenfold. 
“How was the video shoot?” 
“Uh…” Noah shrugged, his other hand bringing his beer up for a swallow as the one still caressed along her back. “It went okay. Some creative differences but that's to be expected.” 
At this point in their relationship, Seph believed she knew Noah pretty well. She could tell when he was lying, or at least withholding things from her, and this was one of those times. Not even her vodka goggles could make her blind to it. 
“That doesn't sound too good…” The words were mumbled against his mouth after she had pushed up onto her tip toes to press her lips to his. While the initial kiss only lasted a second or so, Seph couldn't stop herself from leaning in for another, this one lingering for longer. 
How could it not when he always tasted so damn good? Still, she made a mental note to ask him more about the video shoot later. 
“Hey! We're gearing up for beer pong!” 
Folio’s voice cut through the little bubble they had placed themselves in which unfortunately forced Noah to pull back from her a bit. He looked off to the side where his bandmate was shuffling away, giving him a nod and a wave of his hand as a signal that he understood. 
Seph huffed, the pout obvious on her lips from the lack of connection. She so badly wanted to be as close as humanly possible to him, more so than usual. It was hard to tell if Noah shared the same desire, though. Things had been so off with him lately, as well as herself, that it was impossible to know for sure. Obviously she had yet to take Nick’s advice and actually talk to Noah about it. 
“I'm gonna run to the bathroom and then we're getting in on that game.” Noah tilted his head back to finish off what remained of his beer. 
“You're on my team, by the way, since you're oddly good at it…” 
Eying her suspiciously, Noah began to take slow steps backwards until her hand slipped from his. Seph could only laugh and roll her eyes at him, knowing damn well she had explained to him before that she had been playing beer pong almost religiously since she was thirteen. So, of course she was good at it. 
Once he rounded the corner down the hallway, she took in a deep breath, her smile falling. Her frustrations were really beginning to grow and that worried her. How much longer until she outright exploded? 
Goddammit. She couldn't keep letting her inner most thoughts drift to these things. This was supposed to be her fun night. Not her 'dwell on whether or not Noah is over me’ night. 
With pursed lips she glanced in the direction of the hallway he had sauntered down mere seconds ago. No…she shouldn't…right? 
Seph refused to think about it for too long. After all, she had vowed to act like her old self. The version of her that was all for taking chances and doing things that were probably pretty dumb. This little idea definitely fit the criteria. 
After finishing off the remnants of her drink, she found herself following the same path Noah had taken. It was mostly empty in this area of the house now because the other party-goers were either outside or joining in on the commotion in the kitchen and dining room. As she approached the bathroom, she heard the toilet flush and then the sink turn on, which didn't give her much time to back out if she chose to. 
Oh, hell. Why was she so nervous anyway? Noah was basically her boyfriend (relationship defining conversation still pending) and this is the sort of thing they did. What's the worst that could happen?  
Well…he could completely reject her…that was always likely…
Thankfully, the bathroom door opened before she could think any harder on that pesky thought. Noah appeared slightly shocked to see her standing there, though she barely had time to register his expression shift before she was closing the space between them and pushing him back into the bathroom with the force of her body colliding with his. 
She cut him off after nudging the door closed with her elbow, a hand grabbing the back of his head and pulling his lips down to hers. His own hands were quick to find her waist, firmly clutching at her bare skin and pulling her in closer against him. 
Good. This was the sort of reaction she was looking for. 
Seph tightly grasped his hair between her fingers as she moaned into the kiss, letting him know exactly what she was angling towards. Noah seemed to be accepting of it by the way he guided her back into the wall and then used a singular hand to pin her wrists up above her head. She could already feel the bulge beginning to form in his jeans - and this made her so ecstatic that she barely knew how to contain herself. 
Fuck, she just knew she was about to cum so hard. 
“I don't know what's gotten into you…” he breathed across her skin while biting a trail down her jaw and neck, his free hand dragging along her waist. “But it's fucking hot.” 
Noah pressed himself between her thighs and tightened the grip he had on her wrists, though only for a brief moment before releasing them. Oh, so he found it hot when she took the lead? Noted. 
“Only thing I need getting into me right now is your dick.” 
Seph didn't care how ridiculous that sounded because not only was her brain foggy with only her desire for Noah, but she was also pretty buzzed from the shots and her mixed drink. Not drinking for a year was really getting the best of her. 
The moment her hands were free, they dropped to begin working on the irritating button and zipper of his jeans. Her lips worked skillfully over his as they engaged in another heated kiss; tongues massaged together, moans mixing, both of their primal needs for the other heightening in sync. Noah’s hands were in her hair and then feeling along her body, grabbing and touching at every bit of her that he could. She didn't even care when he drunkenly pulled too hard on her necklace by accident, almost ripping it off in the process. Thankfully the chain remained secure. 
“I knew you'd be hard for me already…” she taunted after slipping her fingers beneath the band of his boxers and feeling for herself just how hard he actually was. The answer: hard enough for his cock to pulse at the first graze of her fingers. 
A few steps forward and she had backed him up to the counter, all while she simultaneously pushed his boxers down and tugged his cock free. Seph looked up at him with a devilish smirk as her thumb grazed along the tip, this slight motion causing his hips to jerk forward and his hands to clutch the counter tight enough that his knuckles turned white. 
“Fuck,” Noah groaned. The sound of his breathing was already picking up despite her having just secured her fingers around his thick cock, slowly pumping along every inch. 
It was the expressions he made that she really liked watching - which now helped her realize why Noah also liked looking up at her as he was eating her out. Being able to see the other person coming undone more and more with every passing second was euphoric all on its own. His eyes closed and his jaw clenched, lips briefly folding in before another moan erupted from his chest. Of course just her simply jerking him off was going to be a show for her - it had been forever since he let her even touch him below the waist last. 
Seph picked up her pace, the grip she had tightening every time her hand would twist up towards the top. She noticed how he was trying his best to stop himself from thrusting forward into her palm, and while she wanted to call him out for it, she decided against it because she knew he wouldn't be able to hold back once she was on her knees. 
Speaking of - that's exactly where she had ended up. 
Heavy lidded eyes stared down at her now, his fingers helping with moving her hair out of her face and gathering it back in a makeshift ponytail. Seph smiled up at him just as she gripped the base of his cock and secured her plump lips around the tip, her tongue swirling around and gathering the bead of moisture that had already appeared. 
Noah did a sharp inhale, and she could feel the way his body tensed while she had him in such a vulnerable position. Since she didn't get to blow him often, she definitely liked to make the most of it. After taking in a deep breath of her own through her nose, her tongue laid against the underside of his cock, her head beginning its tortuously slow bob to take him in inch by inch. 
“Goddamn, Seph,” Noah cursed above her, “your mouth…”
There was no way he was able to finish the statement once she was swallowing his cock down at a faster pace, bringing him as far back to her throat as she could. Her new motions quite the contrast to how she had just been teasing him only seconds ago. Noah’s grip of her hair tightened so he could help guide her, a bit of force being applied in an attempt to push her deeper. 
“Lift your shirt up,” he then demanded, which she quickly obeyed by hauling the t-shirt up to rest on the top of her chest. 
Noah’s eyes focused on her chest, watching as she used one hand to massage her breasts from over her bra, the other still holding firm to his cock. She could see his eyes bouncing back and forth between her chest and the sight of most of his cock disappearing past her lips, since she was still trying her best to keep her sights set on him. 
A low groan escaped him, his hips thrusting forward to further feel more of her mouth. “You're so fucking hot.”
Seph then took it upon herself to tug down the cups of the bralette she wore, baring her chest to him. If his pupils weren't blown before then they definitely were now as he watched her play with herself, both for his entertainment and also to help relieve some of the tension she was feeling. 
Unfortunately, her dream of cumming hard was not in the works of coming true. 
“Dude, what the fuck are you-”
“Fuck! Folio! Get out!” 
Suddenly she was forced to the side and her mouth emptied as he pulled back, Noah’s body turning to shield not only himself, but also her from the intruder. 
“Shitshitshit! Dude! I'm sorry!” 
Seph was quickly trying to pull her shirt down after she had dropped to her bottom on the bathroom floor, while also attempting to see around Noah so that Folio could catch a glimpse of her glare. 
“Shut the fucking door! No! Get out and then shut the door!”
She had been so goddamn close to getting what she wanted. There was no way Noah would've let them exit the bathroom without first making her cum around his cock, but now either of them getting off was a thing of the past. 
“You live here! You have a bedroom!” Folio yelled from the other side of the door, prompting both her and Noah to simultaneously yell for him to ‘fuck off’ - a few other profanities and choice words also added into the mix. 
Seph groaned in annoyance as she continued to work at adjusting her bra and then tying the shirt up at her waist again. When she looked up, Noah had already stuffed himself back into his jeans - albeit a little uncomfortably - and was now extending a hand out to her. 
“I'm pissed,” she exclaimed after taking his hand and pulling herself to her feet with his assistance. Noah heavily sighed, his eyes still focused on her. He began to smooth his hands over her hair, gently tucking strands back behind her ear while nodding in agreement. 
“I'm more pissed that Folio might've seen your tits.” 
A pout and a whine took over her, though Noah only chuckled and pulled her into his chest where she could bury her face for a moment. 
“Don't worry. I'll kick his ass if he says anything about your tits. I already know they're amazing, no one else needs to.” 
“Not funny!” She huffed, the back of her hand lightly smacking against his shoulder. 
“I would see if you wanted to continue, but uh…” he looked down between them, his brows pulling together as if he was concentrating. After a few seconds, Noah released an exasperated sigh and shook his head. “I think the moment is gone…seeing Folio’s dumbass face makes it impossible to stay hard.” 
The moment was so gone that they had no choice but to slyly join the party again. Seph was crossing her fingers that Folio hadn't opened his big mouth to anyone about what he just walked in on, but by the look Alexa gave her, she knew how unlikely that was. 
Thankfully, nothing was said. A few sideways glances weren't going to get her all riled up, not when all of her unhappy feelings were still currently being directed at Folio. She glared at him from over the brim of her cup, though he was none the wiser. Noah, on the other hand, noticed each and every time. Seph could hear his subtle chuckle accompanied by his hand gliding along her lower back as if that would be enough to calm her. It was…kind of…but not fully. 
“Are you drinking?” Noah had bent down so his lips were at her ear, allowing her to clearly hear his inquiry over the sound of mindless chatter around them. 
Uh oh, she had been caught. 
Seph contemplated her response, though she eventually landed on simply nodding. Lying about it definitely wouldn't have been a good idea. If Noah was asking, then that meant he already knew she was. Huh…wonder what it could've been to give her away. 
“Yeah…” she glanced down to her drink, then back up to his eyes that had focused on her with quite a bit of intent. “It was a not so great session, okay? I just wanted to unwind. It's the first time in a year, I swear.” 
A smile then pulled up on his lips and he laughed, head slightly shaking. 
“Seph…Seph…stop. It's okay. I was only asking so I'd know. You know your limits, not me.” 
To further prove that he wasn't upset, Noah lightly held her chin between his fingers and met her halfway for a chaste kiss. As they parted, his arm slung across her shoulders, keeping her pulled in close against him. 
“Never Have I Ever!” Alexa suddenly interjected despite whatever conversations were happening. 
The mention of the game made Jolly groan, his eyes, along with a few others, rolling at the suggestion. 
“Oh, fuck off, you big babies. It's fun! No topics off limits, yeah?” The other girl continued with an animated wiggle of her eyebrows, five fingers now being held up. “And we didn't have enough cups left for beer pong so you get what you get.” 
The remainder of the people around the kitchen island begrudgingly followed suit until they all had a hand up, long swallows of their drinks already being taken before the game even began. 
“That's only four fingers…” she called out to Nicholas, whose brows furrowed as his eyes attempted to focus on his right hand.
Oh, someone had definitely had a bit too much to drink. 
“Ah, shit.” He laughed, only to add the fifth finger to stand with the others. “That's my bad.”
“I'll start!” Alexa further announced while her eyes danced around the people before eventually landing on her. She grinned, already erupting into a small fit of laughter. 
“Never have I ever…been to Sweden.”
Seph narrowed her eyes, though opted to lower a finger for no other reason but to play into the joke. At this point, why the hell not?
“Very funny, you bitch.” She grumbled behind her cup, taking a swallow from the sickeningly sweet concoction. 
The only other person to not have five fingers up was Jolly, and he still appeared very lost and confused by the joke exchanged. 
No, she wasn't actually mad about her Sweden trip being brought up, but Noah still gave the back of her neck a reassuring squeeze when his touch traveled down along her back and then up again. The way he was always touching her definitely didn't help the need she still had for him, although she wasn't going to complain. What she was going to do was squeeze her thighs together to hopefully relieve the slightest bit of tension. 
It sure as fuck didn't work. 
As the game began to slide into a full swing, Seph quickly realized that people were playing rather dirty and purposely singling others out. She should've known this by the opening statement being about her, but she had figured that was just Alexa being…well…Alexa. 
During the game, Seph had told herself not to look at the number of fingers Noah had up, or which he had lowered for. She didn't want to know, especially when the questions were geared more towards the sexual side of things. Unfortunately, when she accidentally caught a glimpse of his two fingers up compared to her four that remained, her mind began to wander. 
Which had he lowered for? 
Oh god…it hadn't been the threesome related statement, right? 
Seph was sure he also hadn't lowered when someone drunkenly muttered incoherent words about having sex with more than two people in a night…right? 
Fuck, she was going to be sick. 
“Never have I ever acted like a complete diva on a video shoot.” 
Wait, what? 
Seph’s eyes quickly drifted to the direction of the voice before realizing the words had been spoken by Nick. He was staring dead at Noah, no laughter or the slightest hint of a smile to be seen. Well…this surely wasn't the Nick she was used to. 
That didn't stop Noah from dropping a finger, leaving him with only one. That one was switched to his middle finger, it now being directed to Nick. 
Before she had a chance to question what Nick was talking about, Noah’s voice cut through the silence that had fallen upon the group. 
“Never have I ever told Folio that I think my best friend’s girlfriend is hot.” 
“Okay, what's happening?” Seph pulled back from Noah a bit so she could look back and forth between both him and Nick. Neither responded, or really even paid her any mind, for they were practically glaring at each other. 
“I mean…Seph is pretty hot…” Alexa nervously murmured to cut the tension. 
“Never have I ever been caught by Folio getting blown by my girlfriend!” 
Jolly laughed, pointing to Folio who was appearing as if he wanted to just curl up and die right then. “Bro, you got a big fucking mouth.” 
“Fuck, I’m sorry, guys! Get some drinks in me and I just start saying things. It's not done on pur-”
Alexa gave his arm a tug to silence him, her head shaking. Yeah, they all knew this wasn't the time for explanations. 
“What is going on?! I really just need someone to fill me in on what I missed because-”
“Never have I ever rejected my girlfriend's advances for sex for over two weeks!” Nick continued despite it not being his turn technically, but it was safe to assume all cordial game play had already gone right out the window. 
Nick’s exclamation was loud enough to cover her own protests and demands for them to cut it out. She abruptly stopped talking, her eyes going wide, the entirety of her body freezing. 
But wait, did they keep saying girlfriend? Okay, now wasn't the time to dwell on that. 
“Oh shit…” Alexa whispered in shock at the outcome of her request to play the juvenile game. 
The way Noah tensed beside her was painfully obvious. She was far too scared to look over at him, knowing damn well he would be wearing an expression that screamed how hurt and furious he was. 
“Nick!” Seph hissed. 
It was like her saying his name had brought him back down to Earth, because he blinked a couple of times and then looked at her. His eyes also went wide to match her own and that's when she knew Nick had no idea he had even just yelled that until the reality of it came toppling down onto him. 
“You told him that?”
Noah’s voice had softened, yet there was still an edge to it; and fuck, was it sharp. 
That was when she finally mustered enough courage to tilt her head up, their eyes meeting. She tried to speak but no words would come out, nothing more beyond a couple of syllables that meant absolutely nothing.  
“No, Noah, I- I mean yes, I did, but I just needed someone to tal…can we talk about this in private?” 
“Nah, you want to talk about our private business to Nick every chance you get, so why don't we let everyone listen in too?” 
“It's not like that!” She quickly protested, her head shaking back and forth.
“He’s my best friend, Seph!”
“He's my friend too! I just didn't have anyone else I could talk to and he's always been able to give me decent advice and-”
“Was it Nick’s decent advice that told you to throw yourself at me in the bathroom?” 
This was the moment when people began to clear out. Of course they wanted to linger and listen to the fight, but everyone was smart enough to know better. For the most part, at least. Before she knew it, only her, Noah, and Nick remained in the kitchen. 
“What?” Her face contorted in confusion, very much lost by the question. “No! That's not…no.”
“Don't worry about it. I'll go ahead to my room and you two can gossip a bit more.” 
Much to his dismay, or so she could assume, she wasn't going to let it drop like that. Instead, she was right on his heels, following him back to his bedroom. Nick was calling out behind them, though neither stopped to figure out what he was saying. 
“Noah…” she softly spoke his name after closing the bedroom door, hesitant steps then being taken closer to where he stood. 
“Do you really want to know why we haven't had sex?” A hand was held up that silently signaled for her to stop progressing forward, which she obeyed, swaying body and all. 
“It's because you aren't attracted to me anymore, right?” Maybe Noah’s question had been rhetorical, but her drunken brain was always going to get the best of her. 
“Because you want someone with more experience or someone with less issues or someone who-” her voice was cracking and wavering as she spoke, the tears welling in her eyes threatening to fall over. 
Never before had she been so thankful for Noah cutting her off. 
“Jesus fucking Christ, Seph, stop. Listen to me.” Noah moved towards her, his inked digits grasping onto her shoulders so she had no choice but to stare straight at him. There was a deep breath that he exhaled, and Seph could tell that he was now struggling to find the words of his own. 
“When I look at you…I just want to fuck the absolute shit out of you. I want you begging and taking it and making those specific little moans that you do when you're really into it.” Noah paused and took a deep breath as if simply saying the words was too much for him to admit. Vulnerability wasn't something he did well. 
“But then at the same time I also just want to hold you as close as possible and make sure you're okay.” His voice softened now, just as his hands released the grip on her shoulders so he could instead slowly rub along her arms.  
“I have to know that you're okay, Seph, and that will always trump my physical needs.”
Now, why the hell couldn't he have said these things to her when they were both sober and shit hadn't just hit the fan? Why did a big explosion have to happen before he would express the deeper side of emotions to her? 
“And lately, I just…I can tell you're not okay. I've tried to get you to talk to me about it but you've been closed off, and I know you're annoyed with my questions all the time but I have to be able to say that I did everything I could to help.”
After a brief shift in his expression, Noah dropped his hands from her arms and took a step back. Maybe he had just remembered that he was mad at her and he needed to act accordingly. Or maybe he felt awkward since she had yet to say anything back to him. 
Oh, right, she did need to actually open her mouth…
“I never asked you to do that for me.”
Wait, no. She was supposed to say something nice! What the fuck was that?
Noah appeared both perplexed and offended by how she chose to respond. If he was trying to figure out why she had said that, then hopefully he’d be able to fill her in once he stumbled upon a conclusion. Not even she knew why. 
“You're unbelievable. What were you expecting me to do?” He breathed out a laugh of disbelief with a hint of annoyance - both completely understandable to be feeling right then. “Stand back and watch as you fade away to nothing? Literally and figuratively.” 
“No, no, that's not what I meant. I don't know why I said that.”
Seph lifted her hands to her head to press against her temples. A headache was slowly creeping up, though she wasn't sure if it was a response to her drinking or the stressful night they were experiencing. 
“Then what did you mean, Seph? I'd really like to know.” 
With her eyes closed and her fingers rubbing slow circles around her temples, she still somehow managed to shake her head and heavily exhale. There was too much going on her mind right then; focusing on one singular thought was proving to be harder and harder. 
“I don't know. I…fuck.” 
Noah dropped his hands to his sides in a dramatic smack and then rubbed over his own face, his form shifting back a few more steps away from her. He was aggravated. She would know this in any mental state. It didn't matter how hazy her mind was. 
“It doesn't make sense, okay? Like…why? Why would you think constantly rejecting me would be helping me?” 
“Because I didn't want you to use us having sex as an outlet!” 
“Oh, I wasn't allowed to have a few minutes of happiness and actually feel something because you were worried I'd…what? Rely on it? Become addicted? Constantly need to sit on your dick?”
“It's longer than a few minutes…” he grumbled. 
“That wasn't a fucking dig at you, Noah!” She groaned in frustration. To say that she was annoyed by his childish comment would've been an understatement. Of course that's what he would choose to latch onto. 
“Also, what guy doesn't want their girlfriend, or whatever, to be on their dick all the time?”
Wasn't that supposed to be the male dream or something like that? 
Those thoughts pushed aside, Seph and Noah stared silently at each other. She could see all the thoughts running through his mind, just as she assumed he could see the same for her. There was a lot she wanted to say, but none of it seemed like it would sound right. It wouldn't feel right. This was obviously a conversation they should be having when sober. 
But was that going to stop her? Probably not. 
“I know you were coming from a good place, okay, I get that. But…fuck…you don't understand how doing that made me feel absolutely terrible. Like something was wrong with me because why else would you be rejecting my advances?” There was another crack in her voice as she tried her best to explain her feelings, though that wasn't very easy to put into words. They both struggled with emoting verbally - if that wasn't already painfully obvious. 
“I needed you to be my boyfriend, Noah. Not my dad or my doctor. Or whatever you are, I don't know.” 
“You don't know? The fuck does that mean? What are you talking about?” 
Seph shrugged as she dropped her eyes down, a thumb now at her mouth for her to nervously chew on her cuticles. 
“You don't know if we're together or not?” 
There was now silence coming from her, this being enough of a response to tell Noah that yes, she didn't know. Or maybe she did? It was all very complicated and she was having an increasingly hard time wrapping her head around it. 
“Christ, Seph, of course we are. Why- what even makes you think we aren't?”
Well, now she definitely felt silly and possibly even a little bit ridiculous. She glanced up to look at Noah from beneath her lashes, her shoulder relaying another small shrug. 
“We've never really talked about it…so I didn't know…”
“You practically live here! In this room! With me! We hold hands, we cook for each other, we sleep in the same bed, we…do other things in bed!” 
Seph wanted to remind him that they rarely did other things in bed as of lately, but she figured he already had to know this. It's what had spawned the entire argument to begin with. 
“Well, I don't know, Noah! I'm not here every night so I don't know what you do or with who!”
Noah definitely looked offended now. Oops. 
“And you're about to leave for tour! Maybe you don't want anything serious before then so you can just…do whatever while you're gone!” 
The words were flowing from her at a rapid pace. Word vomit as people liked to call it. 
“You'll be meeting all these new people and seeing new faces and making new fun memories! While I'm sitting back here in Richm-”
“Then come with us!”
Seph abruptly halted her word vomit so she could process what he had just said. Her brows knitted together in confusion, a deep breath then being taken. 
“Come with us on tour,” he repeated. 
“It's just a van, so it'll be cramped and we’ll be in shitty motels, and the food will be from wherever we pass, and I can't promise it'll always smell the best with all the other guys, but I want you to come.” 
More silence from her. Noah’s words kept repeating in her head as she dissected them piece by piece, looking for any evidence that pointed towards him just offering this to shut her up for the night. 
Almost as if Noah could sense this, he took a step closer to her, a hand reaching out to lightly rub along the back of her arm. 
“I've been wanting to ask you but I was worried that maybe it wouldn't be what's best for you right now. I was being your doctor and not your boyfriend…I can see that.” 
The hand on her elbow tightened so he could pull her into him, both of his long arms then securing around her to keep her close against his chest. Seph instinctively circled her own arms around his waist, face buried into him as he planted a kiss to the top of her head. 
This was where she felt the most comfortable. Her happy place. 
“Okay,” she finally murmured. The word was muffled but she knew Noah heard her by the way his arms tightened even more around her body. 
“Okay?” He repeated, clearly wanting her to elaborate even though he knew and she knew that he knew. 
“Okay, I'll go with you.” 
× × ×
“I’m going to go grab some things real quick since we’re here, okay? It'll only take a couple of minutes.” 
Noah wanted to protest because that meant he would be left alone with the wolves, but he smiled and gave her a nod. She was already leaning in close to kiss him, which he would've been crazy to deny, and even crazier to ruin with his childish pout. 
Only when Seph disappeared into her house did he finally tear his gaze away from where she had been. He took in a deep breath and slowly exhaled, his eyes now drifting around to briefly study the faces of those around him. Some were still glancing his way but most had taken to acting like he wasn't even there. If they were friends with Seph's dad then he was sure only the nicest of things had been said about him. 
“Enjoying the party?”
Noah turned to see the devil himself approaching, a polite but slightly sinister smile taking residence on his face. There wasn't much that he was scared of but this man…he truly made his insides churn. 
“Can't really say it's my style,” he attempted to joke, a nervous laugh to follow. 
Mr. Hill only held his gaze even as he took a swallow from his drink. “I won't disagree with you.” 
“Listen…” his heavy hand laid against the back of Noah’s shoulder to guide him to the side, away from prying ears but not so distant that people would grow curious. “I thought you and I had come to an understanding.” 
Noah’s fists clenched and unclenched at his sides, his jaw tightening and heart rate immediately picking up. 
“So, why are you here? And why is my daughter still parading around with you?” 
Silence was the only answer he could give. Back when Seph was away in Sweden, her dad had paid him a visit. Their conversation was mostly about the video circulating thanks to Maisie, but it had transitioned to the typical ‘stay away from my daughter’ monologue. Noah had only agreed so that the man would get out of his face. There was no intention to actually follow through with the empty promise, not until her dad 'sweetened the deal'. Initially he had denied all bribes but after the guys heard what the man was offering…
“I gave you the money to pay for that van your little band needed. I talked to my buddy who cut you the deal of a lifetime on your house. I held up my end of the bargain, so why haven't you? Are you not a man of your word, Noah?” 
Just hearing the things he had agreed to made him sick. There was a sting of acid in the back of his throat and he truly considered vomiting on Mr. Hill right then. Noah managed to swallow it down but only because he knew the man's suit cost more than his monthly mortgage. 
Despite Noah's silence, Seph’s dad could somehow read every thought he was having. He lowly chuckled, the grip on Noah’s shoulder briefly tightening. 
“Whatever you're thinking right now, go ahead and shove it all away. What you two have isn't love.” He grimaced through the last word. “It's fascination, rebellion, boredom.” 
“You don't know anything about what Seph and I have,” Noah finally spoke through gritted teeth. “If I could give you back every dime right now, I would. None of that stuff is more important than Seph.”
“No? Then why don't you go on and tell her? Let's find out from Persephone what's important.”
Noah shrugged the older man's hand from his shoulder, although in an indiscreet way that wouldn't draw the eye of others. He took in a sharp breath to attempt calming his nerves before shaking his head to the idiotic suggestion. 
“You want her to know even less than I do because you know it won't only be me she writes off.” Noah shared an intense glare with Mr. Hill, one that his wife must've noticed because she was soon approaching the pair and attempting to diffuse the conversation with a smile and quickly strung together lies. 
“Noah, it really was great to see you again,” Marilyn dramatically gushed while brushing a piece of invisible lint from her husband’s shoulder. “Dear, I think I just heard Bannon mention something about being in the market for a new office building?” 
With a tilt of his head, the man finished his drink and then pushed the empty glass into Noah’s chest for him to discard as if he was nothing more than the hired help.
“Davis,” he grumbled out his departure mere moments before Seph reappeared looking flushed but eager to leave. 
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halcyonstorm · 3 years
Buttered Popcorn
“In the trip to Marley, I imagine Onyankopon would tell Levi and Hange to go to the movies, because he thought Hange would love it. (I imagine they would go without Onyankopon) So, in the cinema, at the beginning when the lights of the projector turn on she would be super excited and Levi would hush her.  And well, the movie would begin… (I don’t care the genre) and I imagine they would get a little close, maybe arms touching? But then the typical romance scene would appear, with the actors kissing, and so they would get conscious of the situation, Levi would get awkward and separate from Hange, and I don’t know anymore. I think it can be funny, fluffy and whatever you feel like :)”
Hi! Thank you for leaving me a submission! I altered what you said a little bit, but I hope it’s still enjoyable. Some of the movies I added are recent, so just please disregard that the movies definitely came out after their lifetime. I really enjoyed writing this, so thank you!
Marley was hustling and bustling. Every weekend, markets would open up and merchants would gather in the center of the city to sell their items. All sorts of items, including fruit, jewelry, books, liquor, ice cream, and even animals. Today was the day that the 104 was able to forget about Titans for a little while. Onyankapon decided to take advantage of that. 
“Hey, Levi,” Onyankapon whispered, touching his upper back, gesturing for Levi to walk with him. He pulled him away from Hange for a moment. Hange was purchasing something at a stall. “The kids are going to that restaurant down the block for an early supper.” He gestured towards the road behind them. “You and Hange should go on a date.”
Levi scoffed, shoving his hands in his pockets. “Why would you ask me, specifically, to go on a date with her?”
“Cut the crap, Levi. We all know you like her,” Onyankapon said. Levi shot him a death glare, which made Onyankapon’s shoulders tense. They walked a little further while Levi contemplated his decision.
“…Fine. I’ll keep her company to make sure she doesn’t wander off,” Levi agreed. Onyankapon smiled wide.
“Great! There is a cinema down the block on the right side. You should take her there. I’m sure she’d love it.” Did he already plan our date? Levi asked himself.
“What’s a cinema?”
“It’s where you sit in a big theater and a movie is shown on the screen. You can buy all sorts of food too. There are a ton of showings. Horror, romance, comedy, action; You should go with her and decide. They’re showing movies at all times of the day.”
Levi nodded in understanding. Where was the Commander, anyways?
“The movies…” he muttered to himself. He, himself, had never seen a movie before. He figured Hange would enjoy it. Plus, he could spend some alone time with her. 
Levi turned his head to look behind him. He narrowed his brows. “Where’d Hange go?” He asked aloud, noticing Onyankapon disappeared as well. He began pushing through the flow of the crowd to find her. He was starting to panic. His heart rate started to pick up, adrenaline coursing through his veins. This new city was enormous compared to their little island of Paradis. She’d be gone, forever stuck in enemy territory. It was then he suddenly noticed Onyankapon from his tall stature, who must’ve stopped walking with Levi at some moment in which he couldn’t quite remember. He was standing casually, chatting with someone. He jogged over to him and found Hange. Levi rolled his eyes.
“Hange, stay with the group,” Levi enunciated. Hange just smiled, pushing out a wafer cone with a creamy substance on top.
“Try this!” She said. Levi was confused. After a moment of him just staring at it, she took his hand, placed his fingers around the cone, and let go. “Try it. It’s good.”
Hange had a cone for herself. “It’s called ice cream. This is vanilla. It’s so sweet and creamy and cold and soooooooo good!!”
Levi bent his head down towards the cone, awkwardly opening his mouth to lick it. The woman-you’re-in-love-with’s hand touching yours can be very convincing after all. An eyebrow raised in interest.
“Mm… Not bad.” Levi noticed Onyankapon was staring at him. He kept weirdly shaking his head towards Hange and clearing his throat. Is he okay? he asked himself. Levi shook his head quickly at him, as if to ask what the fuck?
Onyankapon rolled his eyes dramatically, patting Hange’s back. “I’ve gotta use the bathroom. Levi, keep an eye on Hange.” He winked at Levi. Levi is so fucking dense, Onyankapon thought to himself, passing by them to find a bathroom. Oh. That’s why he was acting funny, Levi thought to himself.
Hange started walking next to Levi, licking her ice cream. She really likes it, Levi thought to himself. It made him happy. He figured now was the only appropriate time to ask her out… He had to make it as casual as possible. He felt his heart start to race and his hands begin to shake. It wasn’t a big deal. We are just hanging out like we usually do. Then he thought maybe he didn’t have to even say anything. He can lead them to the cinema and somehow draw her attention that she’ll ask him. Yep. That’s what he was going to do.
“Let’s go this way,” Levi said, grabbing her wrist gently. He didn’t want to lose her in the crowd, knowing how her attention span can be short at times. Hange was really grateful to be spending the day with him and that he wanted to spend it with her.
The pair got through the crowd in the center of the city. They passed some stalls on the outskirts when he finally noticed the cinema. There was a huge red and white sign at the top. There were black letter cards that read multiple movie titles, including “Psycho”, “The Wizard of Oz”, “The Godfather”, and “The Best Years of Our Lives.” There was a ticket booth in the center with glass doors on either side. Levi had finished his ice cream cone and had a wrapper remaining. Hange finished too. Great, he thought. There’s a trash can right by the cinema. I’ll go over there, draw her attention this way, and she’ll invite me to go in. 
“I’ll take your wrapper,” he said, putting his hand out. 
“It’s okay, I got it,” Hange replied.
“Give it to me,” he said sternly. Hange chuckled nervously. 
“Okay. There’s a trash can right there on the left,” she said, pointing in the opposite way of the cinema. 
“I see one over there. I’ll throw it out there.” He had already walked towards the cinema before she could respond. There weren’t many people on this street, so Hange had a clear view of Levi.
“Oh! Levi!” Hange started walking quickly over to him. “Onyankapon told me about the cinema… Let’s go watch a movie!” Levi smirked to himself.
“I guess,” he replied, being coy. My plan worked.
Hange seemed to light up once they walked in the building. It was very pretty inside. A chandelier hung from the ceiling, huge movie posters propped on easels, and there were red and yellow flashing lights around each theater room which also lined the floor. The smell of butter filled their nostrils. 
“What’s that smell?” Hange asked aloud, walking towards the counter.
“Popcorn!” the employee responded. “Would you like some?” Hange looked behind the lady, noticing a huge red glass box with yellow and white kernels inside.
“Yes! Large.” The employee smiled, starting to fill a large bucket with popcorn. Hange suddenly had a burst of energy. “What movie do you want to see?” She asked Levi.
“Hmm… Half of them sound boring.”
“I’ll pick,” Hange nodded.
The employee handed them their bucket. Hange’s eyes widened and glistened. It smelt so good. There were a few wet pieces at the top, fresh with drizzled butter and the salt glistened in the light. The bucket was very warm.
“Which movie would you two like to see?” she asked.
“Hmm… Psycho,” Hange replied. “I’m not sure what it’s about, but I like the sound of it!” 
The employee grinned, handing her the tickets. “I hope you enjoy!”
Hange happily walked down the hallway with the bucket of popcorn. She offered some to Levi. He was stubborn, but Hange insisted he tried it. As it turns out, he loved it. It was salty and buttery, but a light snack. It was perfect for movies.
They found the movie theater their movie was playing. It was completely dark in the room, except for the bright screen. Hange gasped.
“Whoa!” She exclaimed. “This screen is HUGE!”
“If you eat that entire thing, something else will be huge later too.”
Hange chuckled. “Oh, Levi…” She seemed like she was gonna continue, but she didn’t. “Let’s sit up there!” Before Levi looked her way, she was already climbing the stairs up to the higher chairs. Levi passively agreed, following her. He thought she looked very handsome today. He enjoyed seeing her in a suit.
She picked a seat in the middle, weeding her way through. She finally sat down with a plop.
“I’m so excited!” Hange whispered loudly, smiling wide. Levi’s heart swelled at the sight. 
“Just keep it down,” Levi said endearingly, taking the popcorn from her. Hange was staring at the screen, eyes wide in excitement. “I have no idea what it’s about!!”
Levi felt the urge to kiss her right there. After all, no one would see. It was dark and people were mumbling amongst themselves. No one would be able to see them here. He, however, held back his urge.
The small lights on the walls around them dimmed, hinting that the movie was starting. Creepy music started playing. Hange’s grin was still ear-to-ear, eyes wide. She was loudly munching on popcorn. Levi shushed her, grabbing some popcorn with his hand. It was unlike him, but he shoved it in his mouth. He wasn’t gonna tell her that he loved it (unless she asked, of course).
The movie began. It was beginning with a lady stealing money and driving away in a car, not knowing someone has been stalking her. She had bought a new car and changed her look, trying to ward the guy off. It started to get really creepy after this. She was in a motel room, beginning to strip. Hange felt extremely awkward, as did Levi. This feeling, however, quickly dissipated. She got in the shower, and the creepy man broke into her room, starting to slowly make his way to her bathroom. When they showed his dagger, Hange gasped.
“Oh my god! She’s gonna die!” Hange whispered loudly to Levi.
“No, she’s not,” Levi said, but definitely lying. He was getting nervous too.
Suddenly, it happened. The man whipped open the shower curtains, stabbing the lady in the shower to death. She screamed bloody murder, pun intended.
Levi and Hange screamed. Hange was sure that he never screamed in his life until now. A few others screamed in the audience as well. Levi unintentionally grabbed Hange’s hand, still a bit greasy from the popcorn. 
“I told you she was gonna die!” Hange nagged, her voice normal now.
“Well, I didn’t expect them to show it on screen!” Levi replied whispering. 
“I am NEVER showering again!” Hange whispered loudly.
“It’s not like you shower to begin with!” Levi replied back to her. Someone loudly shushed them in the audience. Hange giggled softly.
“Maybe you’ll just have to knock me out again.”
Their hands remained laced throughout the entire movie, Hange accidentally squeezing way too hard when a scary scene was shown. Levi blushed each time this happened. He really liked holding her hand. It turns out that this movie was on a whole other level of fucked up, but it was right up Hange’s alley. She loved crazy shit like this. Levi was starting to get weirded out but every time he looked at Hange, that feeling went away. Finally, the movie ended, and the credits rolled out. People in the audience were clapping. Hange made a questionable face at Levi before softly clapping her hands together. Levi placed his hand on her chin and turned her face towards him. 
“You have something on your cheek,” Levi said. He grabbed a handkerchief from his pocket, inspecting her face.
“Oh, it’s probably popcorn,” Hange chuckled, her cheeks flushing red. Thank God the room was still a bit dark.
He started to smush the kerchief on her cheek, trying to rub off the butter. He was looking at her so intricately, so carefully. The lights started to brighten the room again. They were almost alone in the theater. 
“There you go,” Levi said, folding his dirty kerchief and placing it in his pocket. Hange was feeling adventurous today. He got her all hot and bothered by staring so beautifully at her face. 
“You’ve got something on your face, too,” Hange said nervously. Levi knitted his brows. 
“Here,” She said, slowly leaning in. She placed a soft but sweet kiss on his beautiful lips. Levi was shocked, pleasantly shocked. He kissed her back for that brief moment. His cheeks flushed red as he tried to hide his excitement from her kiss.
When she pulled away, their eyes locked. 
“I think I missed a spot,” Levi said softly, placing his hand on her cheek, kissing her softly again.
“So…” Levi began as they walked out of the theater. “He was the psycho the whole time? His mother wasn’t even alive…”
“Uh huh!” 
“That’s a Psycho for you,” Levi added. Hange started to laugh. Levi smiled; Hange was lucky enough to catch his smile. He didn’t show his teeth, but the corners of his mouth turned up in a happy, content smile. He hadn’t felt happy (or felt this happy) in a long, long time. 
“Levi,” Hange said, looking over at him. “Let’s see more movies together sometime.”
Levi smiled visibly at her. “Let’s do that.”
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misora-msby · 4 years
night drive
Tumblr media
rating : mature
word count : 1.9k
themes : fluff, fwb, mutual pining, implied sex, drug use (alcohol and marijuana)
notes : originally from my ao3, thought i might post it here as well :) // you can kinda imagine this is an au where atsumu’s not doing volleyball in college because this dude would definitely take care of his body better than this as an athlete lmfao
miya 🤢 : “im driving over rn. be ready in 10?”
You grimaced slightly. Atsumu always did this; he’d text late at night, insisting to meet up without giving you much of a choice.
“bitch it’s so late and i literally just finished my assignment gimme a break”
Your reply was read and within a few seconds you received a reply;
miya 🤢 : “Sorry! I’m driving right now and will reply later.”
An annoyed groan escaped you at the use of the automatic reply function. You knew he definitely read the message. It was just like Tsumu to do this.
Throwing on a light cardigan and applying a bit of lip gloss, you grabbed your phone and a little tin box you always brought along on your drives with Atsumu. After stuffing them into the pockets of your sweatpants, you double checked your appearance in the full length mirror by the door. A spray of perfume was used and you slipped on a comfy pair of sneakers before exiting the flat to wait at the entrance of the building.
As promised, Atsumu arrived and you got into the passenger seat of the car. It was a little messy and you had to dust off some crumbs on the seat but it smelt just of him and the cologne he loved to use.
“You gotta stop doing this. Especially the impromptu texting.” you muttered, leaning back in the seat as he began driving.
“But ya always agree to it anyways. And as promised, I never do it on a Tuesday, Friday, or Sunday night, just like ya asked.” he hummed while giving the smirk you hated but loved. And as much as you hated to agree, he was right.
Six months ago, you two had been set up on a blind date with each other by some friends. Miya Atsumu, known as a notorious flirt all his life, and you, a regular student just looking for a change in life. The date itself didn’t go too well but the sex that followed was incredible and so you two had continued with this agreement for the past half year.
And here you were now; on a drive to someplace out of town, a packet of cigarettes to share in the cupholder while the little tin in your pocket contained something a little stronger to smoke. And not to forget the cooler in the backseat which most likely contained at least two bottles of beer.
“Fine… you’re right.” you sighed, crossing your arms as you kept your eyes on the road to try and guess where you two were driving.
“Hey, doll. Light me a cig, would ya?” Atsumu asked. As always, you pulled out the stick of tobacco from the packet and lit it before passing it to him. He took a long draw on it before rolling down the window to breathe it out.
“I don’t get how you’re still so fuckin’ handsome after all the ciggies and drinks you take.” you muttered while taking the cigarette from his hand to have your own draw of it.
“Same goes to you, doll.”
“... T-Thanks.” you muttered while reaching back to grab a beer from his cooler.
Neither of you saw it but there may have been the slightest flush on both of your cheeks.
After that, the drive was silent for half an hour, save for the soft R&B that played and the occasional humming from Atsumu. It was always like this, and somehow the two of you had grown to like it. As much as you complained over and over about it, you enjoyed it. Enjoyed the thrill, the sex, the debauchery, and strangely, the company.
“This place looks good.” his smooth voice hummed while turning into a forest. It was dark and a little scary with how cramped it felt with the towering trees, but your pride refused to let him know that. Plus, you knew you wouldn’t be thinking about it for much longer. He parked his car in a decent spot and unfastened his seatbelt before turning to face you who was just a little drowsy from the beer you had. “There’s a real pretty place I wanna go in there. But first…” Atsumu’s eyes looked darker than ever as he placed a hand on your thigh.
No words had to be said before lips were locked and soft moans were pulled from your lips. It only took a few more seconds before you were both scrambling into the backseat, with him pushing you down onto your back as he grinded his strong hips into your more delicate self. The kiss ensued, though at this point it was hard to call it a kiss as it seemed more like a battle between lips. He groaned softly as he felt your fingers entangle themselves in his blond locks.
The two of you pulled away for a second to gaze into each other’s eyes, dark with lust and passion.
“You taste like beer,” he chuckled while wiping off a little bit of saliva from the corner of your lips with his thumb. His touch was strangely soft, contrasting the way he had kissed you just seconds before.
“Yeah? You taste like nicotine.” you replied with a slight grin on your face. He replicated that smile, a rare sight from him, before resuming your kiss.
* ・ ゜゚ ・ * : . 。 . . 。 . : * • * : . 。 . . 。 . : * ・ ゜゚ ・ *
“Think you can walk over to that place I was talkin’ ‘bout?” Atsumu asked while pulling his sweatpants back up.
“Hmm… I don’t know, you were pretty rough tonight. You might have to carry me,” you laughed while putting your own clothes back on.
The man rolled his eyes, though there was the slightest hint of endearing in them as he took the blunt you had half finished smoking earlier and lit it himself, leaning back in the seat a bit. 
As he did so, he glanced over at you - hair messy and strands stuck to your brow from the sweat, your clothes were in a disarray, and marks he had left on your skin covered your neck and collarbones. It gave him a weird feeling to look upon you, like a sort of strange pride. Whether it was because he had given you that messy look, or because he was just proud of you in general, he didn’t know.
“No way, I’m tired too,” Atsumu scoffed and redirected his gaze out of the open window for a second before looking at you. His eyes softened slightly at the pout on your lips before he sighed, “Fine, I’ll do it. Help carry the drinks.”
He opened the door and carefully carried you out in a princess carry before kicking the door shut and beginning to walk. His steps were a little uneven and shaky as he was just slightly intoxicated.
As he carried you, you looked up at him, eyes tracing his sharp jawline and his blond hair. There were bags under his eyes and the scent of sex and everything you two were consuming today mixed into the cologne he wore with his natural scent. Somehow, it was still attractive.
“You’re hot.” The words left you in a whisper without you even realising it. Atsumu looked down and nearly stopped walking for a moment before laughing as he continued to walk.
“You’ve got the weirdest fuckin’ timing. But yeah, I know that.” he replied before setting you down a little later.
“Where are we?” you raised a brow at him, still holding onto his arm.
“Just take a look, would ya?”
Tearing away your gaze from his handsome self to look at the sight before you, you gasped softly.
You stood near the edge of a cliff, just beyond the fence-like barrier, there were paddy fields and the occasional farmhouse providing a small source of light. It was a pretty normal sight, but upon closer inspection, you could see the reflection of the night’s stars in the water of the fields. The twinkling stars shone in pitch blackness, undeterred by the city lights you were used to. The moon looked brighter than ever too. A cool wind blew past your face, refreshing it after the stuffy feeling of having sex in Atsumu’s backseat, carrying the faint scent of spring on it.
“You know, I think being here would feel so much better if I didn’t have your cum in me.”
“Shut the fuck up and enjoy it. You asked for it anyways.”
Atsumu flicked your forehead lightly before pulling you closer to the edge and sitting down on a log, looking out over the fields and up at the sparkling sky.
“Happy 6 months.”
“Tsumu, I don’t think anyone celebrates a fuckbuddy anniversary.”
“Eh, whatever. Fuck and drink buddy.”
“...well uh, happy anniversary!”
“Happy anniversary, doll.”
The two of you looked at each other in silence for a few seconds, slightly dazed expressions on your faces before breaking out into giggles.
“Oh! Right!” you passed him a bottle of beer and opened your own with a spare coin in your pocket. “Cheers!” you clinked your bottle against his before drinking about a third of it.
“Cheers.” Atsumu replied and took his own large gulp of the drink.
You leaned against him the moment he moved the bottle away from his lips. His muscular arm, strengthened by years of playing volleyball made him rather comfortable to lean against. You hummed an unfamiliar tune before sighing in content.
Atsumu looked down at you resting against him. He could get used to this. He realised that lately he had been opting to stay the night after the fun you had together. Whether the time contained pillowtalk or it was just falling asleep in silence, he enjoyed it. Atsumu enjoyed being around you.
You enjoyed it too. People often claimed the blond was an ass but you knew better. There were nights when after you two had sex, the worries of the day or week would catch up to you and you’d end up crying to him. It was awkward at first but he slowly got used to it and eventually would comfort you with food he ordered or a few words of encouragement. (“Yeah it’s that bitch’s fault, go fuck her up.” was probably the most commonly said thing). As the nights passed, you found yourself wanting to spend more and more time with him.
“Hey… the sun’s coming up.” Atsumu said, making you finally look up from your silence. You hadn’t even realised you had fallen asleep on him for a bit. 
As you narrowed your eyes and looked over the fields and fields of crops, you noticed he was right. The first rays of sunlight could be seen peeking over the landscape, bringing light to the sky.
“Woah… it’s pretty.” you whispered in awe.
Atsumu looked over and studied your features for a few seconds. The way your eyes sparkled and was lit by the early morning sunshine, the way your hair bounced just a little as the wind blew, and the way your feet tapped quietly on the dirt in tired excitement. He didn’t want to admit it but he realised he might’ve been falling for you for a while now.
“Thanks for bringing me here. I love it.” you grinned up at him. At the man who you hadn’t realised you had fallen for weeks ago.
“Yeah,” he replied, and in a voice just barely audible to the two of you, he whispered, “and I love you.”
This moment seemed like a perfect time to properly ask you to be his, but he figured he would just let you two enjoy it in silence for a little longer.
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the-himawari · 3 years
A3! Rurikawa Yuki - Translation [SR] Spotlight (1/2)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog; default name set as Izumi
Izumi: Shall we go up to here for today?
Muku: Yuki-kun was really in tip top shape, huh?
Kazunari: So true! His etude lines were super cool.
Yuki: Guess so.
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Kumon: I gotta work harder too~!
Tenma: He’ll let it get to his head if you praise him too much.
Yuki: Ha? Don’t lump me together with the hack actor, will you?
Tenma: Who’s a hack!
Misumi: Tenma’s eyes became triangles~.
Izumi: Alright, take a good rest, everyone.
Kazunari: Gotcha piko~!
Muku: Good work today!
Yuki: …I wonder if I can still get a little work done at this hour.
Tenma: Are you gonna do something right now?
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Yuki: I figured I’d think about our next costumes for a bit.
Tenma: I’m not planning to tell you to stop anything… But don’t overdo it, alright?
Yuki: Uwah, if you’re worried about that, then hell’s gonna freeze over tomorrow.
Tenma: Hey, I’m going out of my way to…!
Yuki: I got it, I got it. …I know when to quit, so I’ll be alright.
Tenma: …Then that’s fine.
Izumi: (Umm, Yuki-kun is… Ah, there he is.) (What’s he drawing in his sketchbook…?) Yuki-kun, do you have a minute right now?
Yuki: Yeah, no problem. What’s up?
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Izumi: It’s your turn for the “Spotlight” WEB version next, so the questionnaire was delivered. Find some time to check it over, ok?
Yuki: Got it.
Izumi: Were you drawing our next costumes just now, Yuki-kun?
Yuki: Yeah, I was.
Izumi: Can I see?
Yuki: I’m still working on it… but sure, I guess.
Izumi: Woah, the costumes are really stylish this time as well!
Yuki: Hmm… but I’m still undecided over the colours. I’m trying a bunch of different things, but nothing fits. Should I try consulting Kazunari about it…
Izumi: Fufu.
Yuki: What are you smiling for…
Izumi: I was thinking that it seems you’ve come to rely on the people around you honestly.
Yuki: …Well, I learned a long time ago that there’s no use being stubborn.
Izumi: Yuki-kun, you’ve grown steadily as both an actor and costumer, learning to rely on the others around you like that, huh?
Yuki: I feel that personally, too. …But I don’t like how you’re smirking.
Option 1: “Ahaha, sorry, sorry.”
Izumi: Ahaha, sorry, sorry.
Yuki: I don't think it's a bad thing, you know?
Izumi: I mean, I think it’s great that you became able to honestly rely on the others around you.
Yuki: Well, yeah. I get now that there are times both my acting and costume making will go well by asking the opinions of those around me.
Izumi: That’s true, it’s important to ask the opinion of many different people, right?
Yuki: I think it's interesting to come up with new ideas you couldn't have thought up on your own. There are times Kazunari suggests unexpected designs for me. And Misumi’s ideas are also pretty interesting too.
Option 2: “That kind of makes me happy.”
Izumi: That kind of makes me happy.
Yuki: …You really are weird for being happy about something like that.
Izumi: But that’s because you trust in your teammates at MANKAI Company, isn’t it? As a director, I've never been happier.
Yuki: …You’re exaggerating. They’re all straightforward guys, so there’s simply no reason to doubt them. Summer troupe, especially.
Izumi: Fufu, I’ll just leave it at that.
Yuki: Geez, stop smirking already, will you?
Kazunari: Huh, isn’t it Yukki and Director-chan! Whatcha two up to?
Yuki: Ah, perfect timing.
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Kazunari: Eh, what, what? Do you need me for something?
Yuki: Just sit there for now.
Kazunari: Okay!
Yuki: I can’t decide on the colours for these costumes.
Kazunari: Hm, which ones?
Izumi: (Those two look like they’re having fun.) Alright, I’ll get going then. Yuki-kun, please take care of the interview questionnaire.
Yuki: Got it.
| next
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jubilantwriter · 3 years
Jaspvid Week 2021: Day 2 - Baking
Togetherness is Soft and Warm
Summary:  Based off of Ellohcee's Kiki's Delivery Service AU.
David forgets that working for Clementine means more than just making deliveries. An impromptu lesson is all it takes to remind David of how rewarding it is to create something to share with another. Bread isn't always meant to be eaten alone, after all.
Word Count:  3121
It's a rather slow day in the bakery today.  David blows his bangs out of his face as he slouches behind the cashier, watching as the townspeople go about their merry way.  It's a nice and sunny day out, and he's only a little bit jealous that he's in here working while everyone else is enjoying the sunshine.  Ah, well, he needs a little bit more money anyways - there was a nice looking cat dish that he wanted to get for Max since the little black cat keeps complaining about the dish he has now.  A bored sigh escapes him as yet more people walk by the bakery.  Not a single customer so far, and he's been sitting here for what feels like ages.
"Davey?"  A sweet voice calls for him from the kitchen. 
"Can you come here for a mite?"
"Okay!"  He hops off the stool happily and walks into the kitchen, the heat from the ovens blowing up against his face as he blinks in surprise.  "...Oh!"
"Oh, sorry, hun."  Clementine dusts off her hands with a laugh and gestures towards him to come closer.  "I take it's pretty borin' out there, huh?"
He fidgets with his black shirt and shrugs.  "I mean, it's not too bad.  Sometimes someone will wave at me when they pass by!"
"Hmm, do they now?"
"Yeah!  And, um, they all seem to be enjoying the sun too, and they all look so relaxed..."
Clementine chuckles as she bends down to David's level.  "Do ya wanna take a break from work for a bit?"
"N-no!"  With an embarrassed blush, he waves his hands frantically in front of him.  "I don't mind working!  Who knows, maybe someone will need a delivery soon!"
"That's very true!"  Clementine nods along, her bun bouncing as she straightens up.  "But... hm..."  She taps her chin, looking off into the distance.  Curious, David follows her line of sight and sees her staring at nothing in particular.  
"Is something wrong, Ms. Clementine?"
"Just a bit."  She cradles her head in her hand as she sighs dramatically.  "Ya see, the bread's been sellin' like hotcakes since you joined with your lil delivery service, but I haven't been able to keep up with the demand!"
"Is that so?"  He gasps and covers his mouth.  "Oh no, I'm so sorry!"
"Now now, that's not a bad thing!"  She takes his hands and lowers them from his mouth.  "It's a good thing, really!  It just means I gotta work a little extra harder to keep everyone happy."  With a wink, she lets go of his hands to reach for a spare apron.  "And since it's mighty slow out there, I was wonderin' if you'd like to help me in here instead?"
"You mean... to bake bread?"  He looks over at the roaring ovens, and then to racks of cooling baked goods that lined the walls.  "But... it looks like you've already got enough to sell."
"Don't be silly!"  She walks over to the flour covered counter and pats it.  "What I've learned in all my years of bein' a baker is that there is always someone who needs a little treat, be it a roll or a muffin or even a warm, fresh loaf."  She smiles and gestures him over, helping him put the apron on with ease.  The old thing covers up most of his dark clothes, and she adjusts the bandanna around his neck so that it too can be partially covered with the apron.  "Plus, it'll be loads of fun to bake with someone else for a change!  I know I do most of my bakin' in the morning, but it won't hurt to do some smaller batches during a slow time, don'tcha think?"
"Mmmm..."  He rocks back and forth on his heels, looking out to where the front of the bakery is still quiet and empty, and to the kitchen where Clementine is grinning with a bright smile.  With a nod, he smiles back bashfully.  "Okay, I wanna help!"
Baking bread always did seem like a lot of fun!  Whenever he crept down a little too early, he'd always see Clementine hard at work, the dough she prepared the previous night already being shaped and kneaded and worked to perfection, and the smells...
Goodness!  And now he gets to help in making such treats!
"Wonderful!"  She claps her hands together and giggles, a small puff of flour erupting from her hands as she does so.  David laughs along and stands eagerly by her side as she pulls out a dusty bowl.  "Now, we'll be startin' from scratch here, so would ya kindly get me-"
The door to the store opens as the bell jingles.  Max walks in from the front, his feline face scowling as he yowls at David.  "Hey!  You've got a visitor!"
"Hold on," he keeps the apron on as he stops Clementine from going to the front herself, "I've got this!  It'll just be a sec."
"Alrighty, hun."
He grins as he races to the front, intent on helping their customer as quickly as possible.  "Hi, how can I-!"
"Davey!"  Jasper rests his arms on the cashier's counter, grinning brightly as he does so.  "There you are!"
"Jasp!"  He runs over and hugs the other boy, the two of them laughing brightly as they part.  "What are you doing here?"
"Well, I was feeling kinda hungry, and I thought, hey!  The bakery's got some sweet bites, and I'll get to see Davey!"  
"Oh!  If that's the case, is there anything you want?"
"Hmm..."  Jasper looks around the bakery, hovering by the shelfs and displays as he sizes up all the treats.  With a grin, he turns back to David and shrugs.  "Dunno!  What do you suggest?"
"Um, lemme see..."  He walks over to Jasper's side and looks at all the baked goods on sale.  There's muffins, rolls, biscuits, sweet breads, and so on... but perhaps, because he's been living with Clementine for a good few months, despite the good quality of all the food, he can't help but think that they've been sitting out too long and gotten a bit... cold.
When he thinks of a pleasant treat, he imagines it fresh from the cooling rack, warmth still radiating off of it, but having rested long enough that when he bites into it, all of the flavors that Clementine had carefully worked into the dough comes out perfectly.  He taps his chin and looks around the bakery some more.  His gaze lingers to the back of the bakery, where Clementine still waits for him.
Maybe... if he asks nicely...
He grabs Jasper's hand, shocking the other boy as he tugs him towards the kitchen.
"W-woah!  Davey, hang on-"
"Ms. Clementine!"  His call startles the woman, her reverie broken from where she was busy petting Max as he drank some milk.  "Is it okay if Jasper joins too?"
"Hm?"  Her gaze lands on the brunet standing next to David, the boy suddenly bashful and nervous as his hand is held tightly in David's.  "...Oh!  Of course, I don't mind at all.  You know what they say - the more the merrier!"  Before Jasper can protest, she looks around and finds one more spare apron.  She quickly puts it on Jasper, the poor boy being dragged about too quickly for him to keep up with the energy of both redheads.  "There we are!"
"What- what are we doing?"  Jasper finally manages to get a word, looking at David bewildered as the other boy grins and tugs him towards the counter.
"We're making bread!  Or something!  Actually, I'm not too sure."  He looks over to Clementine as she begins setting the ingredients on the table.  "What are we making?"
"Well, it can be anything you'd both like."  She hums thoughtfully to herself as considers the options.  "We can make something small, like biscuits and cookies.  Or we can make something filling, like pies if I've got the ingredients for it.  Or we can just do something simple!  Like a bread of sorts."  
"Hmmm..."  David taps his chin and looks to Jasper.  "What do you think?"
"Mmm, how about something sweet?"  Jasper meets David's gaze and grins.  "I think sweet breads are pretty stellar!"  
"I'm okay with that!"
"Sweet bread it is then."  
Clementine is incredibly patient with them as they bumble their way through her instructions.  Flour is spilt here and there, but she merely laughs it off and helps them make the right measurements.  David is intent on following her instructions through and through, though Jasper tries to have his own little ideas once in a while.
"Jasp!"  David bats away a giggling Jasper as he holds an orange up in his hands.  "We don't need that!"
"Hmm... actually."  Clementine holds her hand out and Jasper places it into her hand.  "I think we can do something with this."
"Like what?"  Jasper's mischief changes to genuine curiosity as she takes a tiny looking grater out.  
"Well, oranges are sweet, aren't they?  And the rinds of these fruits make for a lovely smell."  She rubs the rind against the grater, producing a zest as Jasper and David ooh and ahh next to her.  "Why don't you keep this up for me, Jasper?"
"Yes ma'am!"  He dutifully takes the orange from her and mimics her actions, his tongue sticking out a bit in concentration.  David can't help the giggle that escapes him as he watches Jasper work.  The brunet looks over at his giggle and makes a confused grin.  "What's so funny?"
"You were making a funny face, like this!"  He mimics Jasper's earlier look, earning a laugh from the other boy as he then makes a more exaggerated face.  This draws a stronger laugh from David as they continue to make faces at each other.  
"Now now, no horsin' around!  We still have bread to make," Clementine chastises, but her tone is anything but harsh as she smiles fondly.  "We still got plenty to do!"
"Yes, ma'am!"  
The rest of the time is filled with aimless chatter as the two boys follow her instructions, mixing the fresh orange juice and zest into the dough.  Jasper at one point managed to smear some flour on David's cheek, resulting in David smearing some flour on his face in retaliation.  Before they can start chasing each other around the counter, Clementine has them watch her knead the dough before letting the boys each take their turn.  Jasper is all gusto as he pushes and pulls the dough energetically before getting tired.  David takes over, and he tries to be more precise than Jasper, making sure the dough isn't too sticky before looking over to Clementine for her nod of approval.  When she dubs it done, she takes the dough and places it to the side and covers it.
"And now we wait for it to rise."
"Won't it take long?"  David looks out the window and frowns, the sun setting in the distance as worry sets in.  "Jasper, will you be able to stay long?"
"Mmm... well, I think I can push it until a little after eight."  He folds his arms behind his head and smiles wide.  "I should have some time until then!"
"That we do.  Why don't we bake some other things like cookies?"
Baking, as it turns out, is much more exciting than he anticipated.  There's something amazing with being able to make something from scratch with his own hands.  Sure, he's made eggs and pancakes before, but he's never truly baked.  And having Jasper next to him adds to the fun as the boy turns to do silly things that make David laugh.  For instance, trying to juggle a few eggs before one of them lands on his head.  Or even mixing the batter a little too fast and getting bits of it all over his face and apron.
Whatever Jasper does never fails to bring a smile and a laugh to David's face.  Nighttime comes far too quickly, and by the time Clementine pulls out their final batch of muffins and cookies, Jasper makes a startled jump as he checks the time on his watch.
"Shnikes!  It's super late!"  He rushes to pull the apron off in a panic.  "Aw man, my mom's gonna kill me-"
"Hold on, let me help!"  David unties the knot from behind and takes the apron from Jasper.  "There we go!"
"Now just a min," Clementine says as she walks to the front of the bakery, grabbing a paper bag and dropping a few of their recently baked goods into it.  She hands it to Jasper with a smile.  "For you and your ma."
"Oh, thanks," he says, fumbling to reach into his pocket to pay.
"No need, hun!"  She begins pushing Jasper towards the door as he stammers and tries to argue.
"But I gotta pay-!"
"Sweetheart, you helped make the treats, you don't gotta pay a cent for them!"  With a chuckle, she gently pushes him out the door and winks to David.  "Now why don't y'all say goodbye real quick while I go clean up and close the shop?"  She waves to them as she retreats back to the kitchen, leaving David and Jasper by themselves.  Jasper grins easily, holding the bag with one arm as he turns to face David.
"Honestly, I didn't think I'd be baking today when I came to get a snack," he says lightly, making David laugh awkwardly as he rubs his arm, "but I had a lot of fun!  It's... kinda nice to learn something else for once."
"Yeah, and it was nice to hang out with you here in the bakery.  I know I haven't been around much since I've got to do my deliveries and stuff but...  I promise to hang out with you more!"
"Nah, don't sweat it."  Jasper winks easily as David looks away with a blush.  "If anything, I'll just come find ya myself!"  
"Like today!"  They both share a laugh before Jasper shuffles his feet awkwardly.  
"Well," he says with a soft smile, "guess I'll be catching you on the flipside later?"
"Of course!  I miss flying with you, especially since the weather is so nice right now..."  He sighs, disappointment settling in as he realizes that he'd been spending more time working and training than he did taking time for himself.  A small voice reminds him to be careful, before he burns himself out again.  Before he can dwell anymore on his thoughts, a hand lands on his shoulder as Jasper's crooked grin greets him.
"We can do it whenever you're free.  I'm always willin' to wait for ya, no matter how long it takes.  You know me, I won't get upset."
"...Of course not."  A smile finds its way back to David's face.  Jasper always did have that special talent of cheering David up.  
It's probably why...
"Oh- shoot, I really should go now."  Jasper backs away quickly when he realizes the time yet again, awkwardly running backwards as he waves to David.  "We'll fly again soon!  See ya later, Davey!"
"Bye, Jasp!"  He waves to his retreating figure until he can't see him no longer.  As he walks back into the bakery to lock up, he finds that the entire place feels... more empty than it usually is.  Max coils around his feet, looking up at David with an unimpressed look.
"Stop moping," the cat says, stretching himself out as he leads David back to their room, "it's not like he's gonna be gone forever."
"Still..."  He sighs softly and looks around the kitchen, Clementine already gone now that their mess has disappeared.  "I kinda miss him already."
"Oh YUCK, that's DISGUSTING."  Max makes a hacking sound, making David chuckle at his dramatic antics.  
"What?  It's not wrong to miss friends after they leave!"
"Sure.  Friends."  Max quickly walks away, looking over his shoulder to glare at David.  "Now hurry up!  I wanna fucking sleep."
"Max!"  He follows after the cat, a little thought tugging at this thoughts.  "We talked about this- OH NO, THE BREAD!"
Clementine wraps up the loaf in paper and slips it into the bag.  It's a start of another day, and he's actually got a few deliveries to make.  She smiles as she hands him a slip with a name and address.  
Jasper McFadden.  
She winks and pats his shoulder.  "It's still gonna be warm if you manage to fly as quickly as you normally do."
He blushes and hugs the delivery close to his chest.  "Right.  Um, see you later, Ms. Clementine!"  
"Fly safely now!"
He runs out of the store and quickly settles himself on his broom, concentrating with an ease that comes second nature to him.  The lift off is seamless, and he launches himself high into the air, already soaring towards his destination.
As he circles around the familiar neighborhood, a voice calls out to him from high walls as the brunet signals him down.  "Davey!"
"Hey!  I've got a delivery for you!"
"What's it?  I don't remember ordering anything."  Jasper takes the offered bag from David and pulls out a nicely braided loaf.  The soft sheen and sweet smell of oranges immediately has Jasper widening his eyes.  "Oh!  This is the bread we made yesterday!"
"Yeah, Ms. Clementine wanted me to deliver your fair share."  He stays on his broom as he hovers by Jasper.  "It should still be warm so you should try a slice!"
"Hmm, actually," Jasper looks up at David with a mischievous smile, "do ya have any other deliveries to do?"
"Um, no I don't think so."
"Sweet!"  He holds up the bread to David's eye level and gestures him down.  "Wanna try some with me?"
His heart soars at the suggestion, and he lands all too quickly as he stumbles into Jasper.  The other boy catches him easily and laughs as David straightens himself out.  
"I take it that you wanna eat some?"
"Yes!"  He grins brightly, already looking forward to spending more time with Jasper.  The scent of the warm bread wafts between them as Jasper leads him towards his house.  As they tear into it with jams and butter, the softness of the bread shows of their combined hard work, and Jasper makes a show of pointing out each little bit of zest that he made to his mother and David.  The bread is fluffy as he pulls the braid apart to eat it.  Perhaps its his bias to freshly baked goods, or maybe just simply the fact that he made it himself with Jasper and Clementine - whatever the reason may be, David just can't help but think that this bread is the sweetest he's ever tasted.  
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razorblade180 · 3 years
Shackles 12: Protect your own
[part 11]
One thing leads to another. Pain brings grief, joy brings progress, day brings night; Jacquelyn knew simple truths like these, but she had really wished she could get her joy before night came. That didn’t seem to be the case. The tired woman sat on the Belladonna balcony. Her eyes scanned the stars that have kept her company for many years, bringing a sense of ease while her hands clasped a mug of warm tea. Blake’s mother, Kali, walked up from inside the house and poured more.
“Thank you.” Jacquelyn uttered softly. All day Kali hadn’t spoken a word to her. The older woman gave no expression, but her eyes said enough. They were upset, and mulling things over. “I’m-”
“If you’re going to apologize then don’t. There’s nothing you could say on his behalf.”
“Of..of course. I would never. I was going to apologize for myself. I’m…I involved your daughter in this. That one is on me.”
Kali looked over Jacquelyn. It just didn’t make sense to her. The girl before her sat solemnly waiting for a man who’s wracked sorrow to countless lives.
“If I wasn’t for Sun and Ilia, I would’ve denied you being here. I don’t want him near my home. He’s caused enough harm.”
“I understand. Still, I’m grateful. I know this can’t be easy for you.”
Tears of frustration welled up in Kali’s eyes the more Jacquelyn spoke to her. “Did you have a mother growing up?”
“…For a while. I lost her young.”
“I don’t know you, but I can tell she must’ve been caring; the kind of mother that would go to war for you.”
“Hehe, yeah, she was.” A tiny smile crept to her face, thinking back on the remarkable woman. “I owe her a lot in life.”
“A good mother’s only wish in life is to keep their kids safe and happy no matter what. So yeah, this isn’t easy. The thing I love the most in this world, my precious baby girl, you’ve helped invite back the very thing I failed to protect her from. I’m absolutely livid.So don’t tell me you understand. You’re not a mother.”
A lump formed in Jacquelyn’s throat. The little joy she had fizzled out. Kali’s words felt colder than Atlas winds and they had a right to be. However…a click at the door cut through all that.
“We’re home.” Blake said down stairs. Kali quickly ran downstairs. Jacquelyn put down the mug and ran too, but then, she stopped. A loud slurp came from behind her. She turned back around, gasping. Adam sat in her chair with her mug. His face was a bit pale and clothes were replaced with something a bit nostalgic.
“Hey, how you feeling? ” She said, smirking at his attempts to look cool.
“Dehydrated. Also a little stuffy.” He took off his old signature jacket. “Cannot believe this thing was still around. I guess evidence lockers really collect everything.”
“Did you climb up here?”
“Both Ghira, Blake and I all agreed that Kali is the absolute last person who should see me.” He walked towards her.
“Pfft yeah.” Jacquelyn did her best to chuckle but the smile she tried to force turned to a lip quiver while tears came automatically. Adam put her arms around her and she lost it. Her fingers clung to his shirt and wept, not caring who heard.
“Do you enjoy scaring me?”
“What did you think happened to me?”
“I don’t fucking know.” She sniffed, “so many things. I didn’t want to think you decided to up and leave but now I kinda wish that was the case. At least then I could be pissed at you for being an idiot. I held you Adam. You were so cold.”
“You off all people should know how close to death I can get. But I’ll admit it, I thought I was a goner. I’ll tell you about everything later, but first…” Adam let her go and stepped out of view from the balcony doors.
The entire Belladonna family came up stairs. Kali’s eyes were noticeably more red and her hand held Ghira’s. Blake’s eyes were also a bit puffy but much less.
Jacquelyn sighed as she wiped her own eyes. “Have we all been crying today?”
Blake chuckled halfheartedly “Looks like it. You okay?”
“Not really. I need a nap.”
Kali looked at the balcony. “…Adam, sincerity starts with eye contact.”
“Is that what you want from me?”
“No. Frankly I like not seeing you, but it’s rude to let this woman stand alone after waiting.” Kali wasn’t petty. She knew this wasn’t about her.
Adam walked into view slowly and stood beside Jacquelyn. He took Kali’s glare head on. It was actually nice to know one person in this room would definitely not hold back against him. He’s gotten used to that.
Blake looked at Jacquelyn and spoke. “Where’s Ilia and Sun? I thought they would’ve stayed.”
“Those two only stayed for about an hour. Ilia said she had to do something important and Sun tagged along with her. I have no idea where but they took an airship. They said they’d be back by sunrise.”
That was a little concerning. Blake had hoped to have everyone here for this. What in the world could possess them to leave?
“Guess this is everyone for now. Adam, we gotta do something with you. Even if you’re technically dead, things have to be different.”
“Lock me up.” He said bluntly. Everyone jumped a little from the suggestion.
“Lock you up!? Adam I made a case to keep you out of-”
“I wasn’t finished.” He interjected. “There’s already a collection of people here who know I’m alive. Those guards of yours in particular. Loyalty is easy to strain. If you just let me walk then they will resent you. Allowing them to put me behind bars covertly might give you a better chance to negotiate what to do with me later on.”
“Or you’re locked up forever without real protection. You might be at their mercy. I’m not allowing that.”
Jacquelyn nodded. “Neither am I. We didn’t get you out of one situation just to throw you back into the exact same one! Even if they work for Blake, she can’t watch over their every action.”
Ghira rubbed his beard. That was true. It wouldn’t be good for Blake to be visiting jail constantly anyways, still. “It wouldn’t be wise for Adam to go unpunished. I think for people’s peace of mind he must be detained for a while.”
“Dad! But…”
“Saber is a good man. He wouldn’t act out of line on a whim. Besides, I will volunteer personally to check on him daily.”
Kali looked at Blake’s shocked expression. “Sweetie, he is still a criminal.”
“I know, but…this doesn’t solve anything! How do you expect him to prove things are different behind a cell!?” Blake looked at Adam. “How can you be okay with it?”
“I’m not. If I see another pair of shackles again it would be too soon; but the public finding out about me is no short of a death sentence. However, I do have conditions for going along with this.”
Kali’s eyes narrowed. “Are you really in a position to discuss terms?”
“As long as this is a majority, then yes.” That wasn’t gonna score points with her but oh well Atonement or not, Adam refused to be walked all over. “First, Jackie’s home was blown up. I’d like her to stay here until it can be rebuilt. Second, I’d also want Sienna to be put in Jackie's care when she’s out of the hospital.”
Both Kali and Jacquelyn were highly confused. The maiden spoke up. “Ummm Sienna Khan?”
“Hmm? Oh, no. She’s this little girl that escaped the mineshaft with me.”
“White tiger ears? I remember a girl by you in the desert. Why me?”
“Unfortunately she’s not speaking much.” Ghira said. “Adam says you’re pretty good and patient with situations like these. Also, the child seems attached to Adam, so maybe she’ll be comfortable with the person around him.”
“Be careful though. She can get pretty defensive and violent.”
Jacquelyn squinted. “Giving me a way to focus while you’re gone, is that it? Hmph, like I’d say no regardless. Of course I’ll help her if I can.” She folded her arms. Guess she was getting single mother practice early.
“I’m glad. I do have one more condition.” He put his arm over the maiden’s shoulder and pulled her close. “I’ll go to jail, after I help Jacquelyn get through her pregnancy.”
The room went silent. Jacquelyn felt her face get hot and eyes water again. He knew. These terms weren’t for his benefit at all. They were all for her.
Ghira and Kali looked at each other, shocked by this revelation. A twinge of guilt hit Kali for the words she spoke early, but now she understood Jacquelyn’s feelings just a little bit more.
“You would send yourself to jail even knowing her condition?”
“I don’t make money and I don’t see any outcome where me being free makes it easier for Jacquelyn or those two kids. Anybody drawing the connections would be problematic to put it lightly. At least this way I’m not a complete dead beat. So, do we have an agreement?” He asked Ghira.
Blake bit her bottom lip. Right now she needs to look outside herself. She reminded herself of Yang’s parting words. “Slow down. I don’t need things done in a night. Sigh, besides, it’s not like I have a better plan.” Blake looked at her father. “It’s not unreasonable.”
“That’s not exactly the problem. I’d agree but even nine months of him being free is a lot to swallow. We simply don’t have the men to watch him or a place to keep him.”
“Yeah I don’t want him in my home of all places.” Kali added. “Now matter how you look at it, Adam is too dangerous for anyone to look after while he’s free. I can’t go on good faith where there isn’t any.”
“Mom he’s-”
“OH! OH! I’LL WATCH HIM!” Yelled a voice outside, brimming with energy.
A gust of wind blew in from the balcony bringing a glimmer of faith and dozens of rose petals. Blake’s jaw dropped. “Ruby!?”
The full fledged scythe wielding huntress grinned ear to ear. “Yo!” Ruby dashed in and stopped right in front of Blake, giving her a big hug and waving to her parents. “Busy day huh?”
Blake grabbed her leader by the shoulders. This had to be a fever dream. “Ruby, why are you here!?”
The reaper’s face went red as she started chuckling. “Hehe, so funny story…”
“Ruby?!” Yang questioned, shouting over the edge of her ship at another ship passing by. Sure enough, her little sister turned around and gasped.
“Yang!? Why are you on a boat leaving Menagerie!?”
“Why are you on a boat docking to Menagerie is a better question!”
“I stopped by your house only to hear from Jaune that you went to see Blake for the first time in forever! You think I was gonna be calm about it? I took the first mission here I could find to have an excuse!”
Yang could not believe what she was hearing. “Rubes…but that..why!? Just why!?”
“You have a bad habit of saying things you don’t mean when you get emotional. If things went south then they might not get better.”
Moments like these made it really hard for Yang to believe she was the older sister; especially when Ruby is absolutely right. “Can you not call me out like that?”
“Why are you leaving? Don’t tell me things went up in flames?”
“N- Well they almost did, but it’s fine! We’re okay; more than okay. I had to cut things short because…I gotta do some stuff. So does she.” Ruby would have a cow if she learned Yang was pregnant. Yang wanted to tell her, but Jaune had to be first. Well…technically second, but first in her heart!”
Ruby could not believe she rushed over to Menagerie for nothing! Well at least her sister looked happy, so things must’ve gone okay. “Well, I’m happy for you! Sigh…I guess I’ll knock out this mission as fast as I can then-”
“Actually, Ruby, can you do your big sis a huge favor?”
“And now I’m here.” Ruby rubbed the back of her head in embarrassment. “Would’ve gotten here sooner but a supply mission is a supply mission. I also checked in with Saber, was it? When I explained who I was he gave me a brief and vague update. Since I came here to mediate in the first place and Yang asked so nicely, I thought I’d lend a hand.”
“You were gonna do that favor or no favor.”
Ruby grinned. It was nice to be known so well. “Mr. and Mrs. Belladonna, I’ll watch Adam. That’s the main reason you turned the offer right?”
“Y…Yes but-” Ghira stuttered.
Kali sighed, “Do you really plan on sticking around for nine months?”
“Technically as long as he’s with me and out of sight then I wouldn’t have to stay here specially, but I can understand if you don’t want him too far away. If he’s genuine then having him help rebuild the blown up home should be no problem. I can stay in the house to watch everyone, or I’m happy to rent a place and keep them there. Ilia has a spot out of the way of people. We got options.”
Call her impulsive, but Ruby was persistent. A game changer everywhere she went and she knew it. The girl took a step back to be in the middle of the room. Her hands went on her hips. The next words she spoke were with pure confidence and sincerity.
“If you need good faith then look towards me. I love your daughter like family and I’ve always looked out for people, so believe me when I say this. Adam Taurus has nothing on me. I can take him.” Bold words but she meant them to the letter.
That confidence was felt by everyone. Even Adam felt challenged, though he had no intention of betraying anyone. His first time seeing Blake’s leader and the sister of a person he never thought would save his life, and she was trash talking him. Huh, I guess they really were related. The argument was strong, too strong for Kali and Ghira to deny. Both of them gave a look of uncertainty before nodding.
“I will cut everyone some slack and let them stay in this room tonight as long as you’re here too.” Kali said.
“Yes ma’am. I appreciate it.” Ruby gave a nod as the older woman left.
Ghira gave a smile to Ruby. “I’m glad Blake has family everywhere.” He left after his wife, leaving the rest of them to sort the rest out.
Ruby finger gunned Blake before turning around,
approaching Adam for the first time in her life. He was definitely tall. That’s for sure. “I don’t think we’ve officially met yet.”
“But I’m positive you know everything you need to know about me?”
“Eh, Blake’s not much of a talker. My sister said a few things but they weren’t exactly helpful, just nasty. You’ve done a lot to her, more than you probably know. Still, Yang fights her own battles and I guess recently she won a big one. We’ll only have a fight if you start one, deal?” Ruby extended her hand.
Adam couldn’t get a read on Ruby. She was open, yet guarded. Kinda Jacquelyn. He shook her hand. “Pretty bold to say you can beat someone you never met.”
“Really? I don’t think so. If my friends could do it years ago then me doing it now should be cake. I mean you even look like a ghost right now.” Her eyes shifted to Jacquelyn. “Congratulations by the way.”
“Thanks?” Jacquelyn grabbed Adam’s sleeve. “Can the two of us talk on the balcony in private?”
“Be my guest.” Ruby watched her new assignment get dragged away by….whatever that girl was to him. “So Blake, I know this isn’t the sweetest vis-eep!” A tight hug snuck up on her.
Blake squeezed tightly and let her stress fade
away. “That’s my incredible leader. Always coming to my rescue.”
“Awe, oh sweet hehe. Now I really know you’re stressed.” Ruby hugged back happily.
Outside, things were a little less warm and cozy. The cool breeze against Jacquelyn’s skin did little to cool her off as her hands tugged gently on the front of Adam’s shirt. Her eyes were glued to the floor while she felt his hand on her head.
“For the record, I’m not the biggest fan of all this.”
“Aren’t you the one who’s been preaching about being more than what I was? Salvation and all that?”
“I didn’t say I wasn’t proud.” She lifted her for him to see her pouting. “So you knew I was pregnant all along? Gotta admit, that makes you getting kidnapped willingly and trying to go to jail makes you look really shitty.”
“I know I’m twisting your intentions but I can’t help but feel that way okay? I mean it’s fine. I’m just the gal who took pity on you and helped for her own therapeutic needs or salvation; whatever you wanna call it. Sure we slept around from time to time but that’s what happens when you have no one else. We had no labels. Circumstances made us glorified roommates at best. I mean yeah sure, on paper I guess I did what I set out to do. You’re changing.”
“And you’re trying not to cry.” He rubbed her cheek. Jackie wasted no time reaching to hold it in place. “You’ve spent a few years trying to get me to be more direct with myself. Think you can take your own advice right now.”
“……I fucked up. I should’ve just been helping you but I did more than that. I fell for you, and I can’t say with confidence I know how you feel back because we never talked about these things. A situation like this is what I used to imagine but along the line all I thought of was us, always together.”
“So you’re basically asking me what you are to me, is that it?”
“Stupid, right?” Jacquelyn started laughing at her own insecurities until Adam wrapped his arms around her and rested her head on his chest. The sound of his heart filled her senses and calmed her.
“I thought of you every day I was trapped. To tell you the truth, I don’t feel much different from the day you found me. If anything it’s only harder for me to deny how fucked I am.”
“Idiot, that’s a world of difference, and I’m not the only one who sees that.” Jacquelyn gave a soft smile. So much between was unsaid and uncertain, but that's fine for now. He thought of her, fought for her. She did the same. Those actions were worth a billion words. Roughly nine more months of actions before life changed forever. Best to not waste them. Jacquelyn tilted her head up and leaned in, kissing him gently. The joy she waited for was finally hers as he kissed her back.
Two sets of footsteps came back up the stairs. One pair was a very exhausted Ilia and the other was a slightly less tired Sun.
“Ilia! You’re back!” Blake yelled.
“Yeah I-” she spotted the intimacy happening on the balcony. “Hmm didn’t need to see that.”
“Be nice.”
“That’s what I’ve been doing this entire adventure. Also hey Ruby. Couldn’t resist a good drama?”
“As if! I came here to keep things drama free!”
Sun guided Ilia to the couch for her to plop on. Poor girl has been traveling nonstop for at least three days now. He was tired too, but a sudden rush of energy hit him in the form of Blake giving him a running hug and a quick passionate kiss that made him laugh.
“Haha, is that you saying sorry or thank you?”
“It’s me saying you’re amazing and I love you for rolling with this so effortlessly.”
“Oh there’s effort. You’re just worth it.” He smiled, kissing her again. “I’m just happy you’re safe, but you gotta-”
“Slow down. Yeah…I’ve been told.” Blake rested her head on his chest. His heartbeat was steady and strong, like he always is. “Where did you two go?”
Sun looked at Ilia who immediately got up and left to bother the pair on the balcony, grabbing Ruby too. Sun let Blake go. The man let out a faux cough. “So umm this is probably a completely inappropriate time to ask this but…”
Blake saw him reach into his pocket and her face immediately felt like fire. “Wait!” She frantically grabbed his wrist before he could take his hand out. “I know I asked but you could’ve lied!”
“Hey! I was actually trying to get things prepared back in Vacou but people started getting abducted. I know I just talked about you slowing things down and this isn’t the first time we’ve discussed-”
“Yes!” Blake could see the goofy and confused smile Sun was forming. It only flustered her more. “Don’t be surprised. Listen, it was always gonna be a yes. I’m still going to say yes; especially with all that’s happened. Lately it feels like I’ve been putting off things in my life for things I want in my life, but…you are someone I always want. Even if I don’t say it all the time.”
“I know that. It’s okay. Equality is busy work. It is your dream.”
Blake blushed, “So is marrying you. When this situation gets sorted out and dealt with, can you ask me then? You’ve given all your attention through this. I want to give you all of mine when.”
Drat! How could that feel so bittersweet sweet and yet appropriate? Sun knew his face was red too. Blake didn’t reject him by any means but the moment of courage was dashed! Guess that was the point. Typical Blake. Nothing typical about her. Sun let go of the ring in his pocket and chose to hold Blake’s face, staring into her eyes. How could they be so determined one moment and bashful the next. Honestly…
“My future wife is so ridiculous sometimes.”
“I think that’s what my future husband likes about me.” Blake smirked, “I love you.”
The two shared a kiss, taking a moment for themselves.
Ruby smiled from outside and looked at the others. “Okay, I know there’s more of a reason for nabbing me, because that pretty moment was happening no matter how many were around.”
“I brought you out here because the four of us plus Sun are about to keep a secret.” Ilia put her back against the railing, her head looking towards the stars. “Sobek, I handled it.”
Jacquelyn went bug eyed. “What? H-How?”
“Talked to the victims here, Vacou, and Adam briefly. If I would’ve gone in with you all then I might’ve recognized him. He did work in Atlas after all. Anyways it’s dealt with and you don’t have to worry about any of those victims talking. They already wanted to forget the ordeal so adding funds was icing on the cake.” Ilia stared at Adam with soullessness
“I know, you didn’t do it for me.”
“Oh how I wish that were true. Let’s make things clear right now, I’m so pissed at you. If you weren’t injured then I’d throw down right now. Blake never told you this most likely, but near my house I gave you a grave. To me you deserved at least that much; you kept me alive and going for a time. As much as I now hate some of the things I know how to do, I was fortunate you taught me them because those skills help people.”
Adam watched as Ilia took her pointer finger and pressed it against his heart. He could feel her shaking.
“If you ever want my help again then you will keep me in the loop at all times. I was there before and after Blake worked beside us. I had every right to know about you being alive as much as she did.” Ilia would never admit it to anybody but as much as she was crushed when Blake fell for Adam, she couldn’t help but feel angry when both began undervaluing her contribution. Like they say, three is a crowd.
Adam removed Ilia’s finger and nodded. “Hehe, I can accept those rules.”
“What’s so funny huh? Ugh, you really know how to tick a person off.”
“Nothing. Just…everyone is mad at me for something different. Hard to keep track of it all. Guess being a leader was doomed after all. I don’t get any of you. I can’t help but laugh at myself.” He chuckled to himself.
The strange humor of it all caused Jacquelyn to join in quietly while Ilia rolled her eyes and let things be as they were. She said her peace. Ruby though, she couldn’t help but look at the three of them, Adam specifically. There he was, a person recently beaten to near death, laughing at his own past mistakes in a world that didn’t want him.
“Hmmm I don’t get it. What was scary about this guy?”
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absoloutenonsense · 3 years
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“Sorry,” Harry’s voice comes through, sounding a little further away this time. His voice gets clearer the longer he talks. “I’m sorry, I dropped the phone.”
“Oh, that’s okay.”
It’s quiet for a moment. Louis listens to Harry’s breathing and tries not to panic that he’s already done something wrong. Other than, you know, pretending to be an operator when he’s actually just the guy who connects the call. He has absolutely no training and no idea what to do. Sure, he’s done a bit of dirty talk with some past partners, but nothing so official. He’s not prepared on how to handle the silence. 
“Sorry,” Harry says again. “I’m sorry, I really wanted to jump right in, but I think I’m too nervous.” He sighs. “Maybe this was a bad idea.”
“Hey,” Louis says, a little softer now from the distress in his voice. “It really is okay. I’m… I’m actually nervous too,” Louis says truthfully, looking at his computer screen and sighing. 
Harry snorts. “Yeah sure.”
“You do what, dozens of these calls a day? What’ve you got to be nervous about?”
“Truth be told,” Louis says, “I’m pretty new at this.” Started about two minutes ago, actually, he adds in his own head. 
“Oh,” Harry says. 
Ah, fuck. Maybe he shouldn’t have said that. Maybe Mr. Sexy Voice wanted someone worldly and experienced to walk him through this. Louis rolls his eyes at his own stupidity. 
“That makes me feel better, actually,” Harry says then. 
Oh. Okay. Okay, Louis can work with this. He loves comforting people. He can muscle his way through this. 
“Good,” Louis says. “So… what did you do today?”
Harry giggles, and it makes Louis smile. 
“We can start as slow as you want,” Louis says. “We can just talk, if you want. It doesn’t have to be, you know, that.” 
Harry sighs. “But I do want that.”
“Okay,” Louis says, drawing out the ‘o’ a little in what he hopes comes across as understanding-but-curious. 
“It’s just… so like…” He huffs. “I suppose… I don’t know you so I can just, like, say it right? Because I don’t know you and you can’t hold this against me and it doesn’t really matter.”
“Of course.”
“Right so, I’m just sort of starting the process of kind of… coming out. Maybe.”
Louis blinks at his monitor and feels his heart go a bit soft at that. “Congratulations,” he says. 
“Thanks,” he says in an unsure voice. 
“No really,” Louis reassures. “Even if you had the easiest time in the history of the world, there’s always that bit of stress, isn’t there? The build up, the fear… probably judgement from at least a couple of your dad’s friends who no longer know how to talk to you if it’s not about girls.”
That gets a big laugh from Harry. “Sounds like you know from personal experience.”
Louis raises his eyebrows and tilts his head to the side, shrugging even though no one’s there to see him. “Had a barbecue after finishing secondary school, just about a month after I’d told everyone, and three of my stepdad’s friends tried to ask me if I was going to uni for fashion. Not slagging off fashion or anything, but it was like they completely forgot I’d gotten a football scholarship. Would’ve rather them try to pretend to know anything about that instead.”
Harry giggles and the sound is tinny, like he’s pulled the phone away from his mouth. 
“My nana asked me if it meant I didn’t believe in God anymore and my grandad bought me lipstick for my birthday last month.”
Louis laughs. “Did you wear it to mess with them?”
“Nah,” Harry says. “Gave it to my sister. It was a coral… so not my shade.”
“Love a man who knows his color wheel.”
Harry lets out a hiccup-y laugh. “Of course. I got it in my gay lifestyle welcome kit.”
“Oh, are they still giving those out? How many different flavoured condoms did you get?”
“None, unfortunately, for those of us who are too scared to even think of approaching a man they fancy.”
Louis smiles down at his keyboard. “There’s no need to rush, you know,” he says. “You don’t have to dive straight into chatting up blokes.”
“I know, I’m diving gay in.”
Louis pauses as the pun hits him, and then he groans. Harry’s giggling as he says, “That was awful.”
“Puns aren’t supposed to be good.”
“Yeah, but there’s not good and then there’s I-may-never-laugh-again terrible.”
“Oh no!” Harry says. “You’ve got such a lovely laugh. I’d be torn to bits if I was the reason you never laughed again.” 
Louis feels himself blush a little. Which is just absolutely ridiculous. This isn’t flirting, Louis reminds himself. Harry is paying to talk to you, you’re providing a service. Man up for fuck’s sake.
“You sound angelic,” Louis says, wincing as he tries to gauge whether or not that sounds too cringe or not. 
“Hmm,” Harry hums thoughtfully. “Can I be honest? Like maybe too honest?”
Louis pauses and then nods, before realizing again, Harry can’t see him. “Yes.”
“I don’t like your sexy voice.”
A laugh is startled out of Louis. “What?”
“I’m sorry!” Harry says, an edge of laughter to that as well. “I’m sure I’m the nutter here, like the only one who doesn’t, but I can’t help it. All I can picture is someone holding a rose in between their teeth and wiggling their eyebrows and it’s just not working for me.”
Louis is in absolute bits at that image, doubled over in his chair. 
“Honest! It’s like you’re wearing a fedora and about to tell me my eyes look like a plush forest.”
Louis’ wheezing.
“That nothing means anything in the world if I’m not the girl by your side!”
“Okay, okay, enough!” he says. “Enough, enough. I get it. Gone, it’s gone. Oh fuck my stomach hurts. Christ, I haven’t laughed that hard in ages.”
Harry lets out a pleased noise on the other end of the line. 
“So no voices,” Louis says. “What’re you into then?”
“Dunno,” Harry says, and then he sighs. “I feel like I haven’t had the chance to figure it out yet.”
“Well, here’s the perfect place to start, love. You’ve already shit all over me voice—”
“Just the fake sexy voice!” Harry interrupts. 
“—so I think we can be open and honest with each other. What do you think you’d like? What’ve you liked before?”
Louis watches the screen in front of him go black from being idle for so long. His heart picks up as he rushes to keep it on, and panic-checks his logs. Okay, okay, Sam and Patrick are free now, but no one’s waiting in the queue thank god.
“Suppose I like to be taken care of,” Harry says quietly. “And taking care of someone else. The last— like the relationship I was in before… it was all about making her feel good, for me.”
Louis nods and makes a noise to show he’s listening. 
“I like being held.”
“And I like… ugh, I’m really not sure.” 
“That’s okay,” Louis’ quick to say. “It’s all okay, Harry. There’s no wrong answers for what you like.”
“I feel like ‘I don’t know’ isn’t a great one.” 
“It’s an honest one,” he says sincerely. “You wanted me to pretend I was your boyfriend at the start, right?”
“Yeah,” Harry breathes out. “Everything else just feels to much, y’know? Like I just want to be good at things straight away, or at least pretend I’m good at them.” He chuckles a little hollowly. “Suppose I mucked that up quite quickly here.”
“C’mon,” Louis says. “I’m so happy you let me know.” And he is. He feels much more relaxed now, like he’s talking to a friend, or maybe a long-term boyfriend, if he had one of those recently. “We’ve gotten to know each other a bit, which is nice. But we don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. We have been on for nearly twenty minutes now, and I’m sure your credit card will feel that in the morning. We can call it a night, if you want?”
Oi, Louis, shut the fuck up about ending calls early, he thinks. That’s gotta be like, rule number one of phone-sex-operating. 
A pause. In a quiet voice, he hears Harry say, “No.”
Louis can’t help but smile. “Should we try again? From the top?” Harry giggles and immediately, Louis adds, “Don’t you dare make a topping joke.”
Which makes Harry laugh really hard for a full minute before it drifts out into soft, lovely giggles. 
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tchallasbabymama · 4 years
who you are (T’Challa x Black!OC)
6,281 words
A/N: Damn I wrote a lot. So I want this to turn into a series based around music, but I haven’t figured out the series title yet. It’ll come to me.
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As soon as the sun peeked out over the horizon Ashanti’s eyes blinked open. It was going to be a normal sweltering January day in Wakanda, so the merchant tribe girl took advantage of the cool morning air. She threw on a t-shirt and a pair of shorts before putting on her running shoes and heading out into the world. She stood on her porch to stretch her muscles while she watched the sun begin to peek between the trees. Once she limbered up, she took off for her daily run around the streets of Birnin Zana. Her mind cleared as she processed her dream from the night before.
In her dream, a faceless man walked into her store and browsed for a long time before turning to face her. Ashanti was drawn to him. Her arms found their way around his neck and her lips met his. She felt a buzzing all throughout her body and her lips heated up like she had eaten hot peppers. Their breathing synched up and his hands roamed from her neck all the way down to her ass, cupping her cheeks and getting dangerously close to her dripping pussy. He introduced his tongue to her mouth and her knees buckled as she let out a desperate moan. Just as his right hand slipped under her skirt the sun rose and woke her from her utopia with her mystery man.
Ashanti kept a dream journal, and this one was one she wanted to have on record to come back to later. It felt like more than a dream, it felt too real for it to just be a dream.
Ashanti pushed through her run and made it back to her house in record time. When she walked in the door she could hear the sounds of her roommates finally rising for the day. Ashanti loved living with Kwame and Binta, and there was never a dull day around the house living with the two rambunctious fraternal twins. Both of their parents had died by the time they graduated high school, and the big empty house had been left to them. When the twins met Ashanti they had been looking for another roommate to make it feel like a home again, and it was friendship at first sight. They knew they had found a good match.
“Good morning Titi!”
“Ayy look who it is! How was the run today?”
“You wouldn't have to ask that if you’d join me,” Ashanti teased knowing damn well Kwame wasn’t one for non-sexual physical activity. Kwame rolled his eyes and shoveled more plantains onto his plate.
“Girl you know I don't do all that running mess. For what?!”
Ashanti and Binta giggled as they shared a knowing look and the older twin  handed her a plate full of food that she had just whipped up while Ashanti was on her run.
The three of them had lived together since college and fell into their morning routine years ago. Ashanti would rise at the crack of dawn and go for her run, then Binta would get up and make breakfast which was somehow always ready by whatever time Ashanti got back and Kwame finally decided to join the land of the living. Ashanti asked her once how she had perfect timing every morning, and the twins responded in perfect unison.
“Magic.” “Magic.”
Ashanti never asked again, mostly because she couldn’t tell if they were serious or not. She wouldn’t be surprised either way.
Per their routine, Ashanti shoveled her food down and made her way to the bathroom for a shower. She turned on the water to let it warm up, and in the meantime she stripped down to her birthday suit and admired her body in the mirror. She had a love-hate relationship with her body for most of her life, but she found that the more she saw herself naked the more she loved what she saw. Ashanti wasn’t vain though, it was a self-esteem thing.
Once she tore her eyes away from her naked form she stepped into the falling water and just stood there for a moment letting it all wash over her. She grabbed her lemongrass and black soap bar and her loofa and went to town washing her body from head to toe.
Since she was a little girl Ashanti had a fear of singing in public, but when she was in the shower she never held back. Thankful for the soundproof vibranium-laced walls, she belted her heart out to her favorites. She even had a playlist just of songs to sing in the shower. Sometimes she would build a queue, but other times she would let the shuffle button have it’s way. This was one of those times.
This perception's got me restless I ain't dreamin' 'less you're there I supply what you require I need you like I need air You give me life with all the light you're shinin' Oh, there's no question It's evident that you would compliment the love you're not havin'
So how would you feel If I gave you somethin' real? If I told you I was serious I'm not spinnin' your wheels If I open up my heart Took a chance with you and maybe you can show me who you are
She carefully swayed her hips and sang along with Luke James, feeling every bit of the emotion in his words. The song made her feel warm inside like a first crush. That nervous yet adorable energy swirled around her as she reveled in the feeling of puppy love, something she hadn’t felt in a long time.
Ashanti had discovered western music when Wakanda opened itself to the world, and she wanted to personally thank King T’Challa for allowing the joys of R&B and other genres from across the diaspora into her life. The melodies and the beats were reminiscent of music from her home country in many ways, and she gravitated towards the love songs, songs about heartbreak, and ass-shaking music. She needed to feel it either emotionally or physically.
She could’ve stayed in that shower for hours if she had the time, but Ashanti had errands to run and work to do.
After getting dressed for the day, she grabbed her bag and flung it over her shoulder before heading back downstairs. Binta was lying across the couch staring at their newly installed hologram tv in contempt. Ashanti noticed it was playing some American reality show about rich colonizers that try to look like Black women.
Binta sucked her teeth.
“Can you believe this? Why do they look like that?!” Binta half yelled at Ashanti and half yelled at the screen.
“Because, girl look at us,” Ashanti gestured at her and her roommate’s beautiful assets and they both fell out laughing.
“You heading into work already? It’s barely 8”
“Yeah, I need to get some shopping done before I open up. Be good!” Ashanti pecked Binta on the cheek before sliding her shoes on and heading out the door for the second time that morning.
Ashanti walked through the bazaar and took in the sights and smells. She made quick work of her shopping list and even with being stopped to say hello to every other person she encountered on the way, she made it to her store in record time. She loved the energy of the marketplace as a little girl growing up in the Merchant tribe. When she was seven years old her parents, Chidi and Bisa Mostafa, opened up a restaurant, Zana Cafe, smack dab in the middle of the Birnin Zana Bazaar that’s been going strong for twenty years. When the shop owner from across the street grew too old to run her art supply store she sold it to the Mostafas for a low low price. There wasn’t another shop like it in the market, so Chidi and Bisa tasked Ashanti with keeping it running.
Ashanti eventually saved enough money to buy the shop next door and she transformed the space into a combination art gallery, supply store, and amateur marketplace. She wanted it to be a space where artists of all skill levels could come together, create, and even sell their work.  She sold her own handmade crystal jewelry and had a children’s section full of finger paints and fun craft projects. The kids loved when she displayed their art along the shop walls. There was even a classroom towards that back of the multi-use space she used for community art lessons.
Ashanti had named the space after the first person to encourage her art, her umakhulu Taj. She missed her grandaddy more than anything in this world, and she dedicated her creative space to his memory. People from all over Wakanda knew of Taj’s, it being the only shop of it’s kind in all of Birnin Zana.
Chidi waved at Ashanti from across the street while he prepared the restaurant for the morning rush, and she blew him a kiss before stepping into her shop, her happy place.
She closed her eyes and smiled a warm smile before drawing the curtains and letting the light in. She turned on her music and danced around the shop, straightening up as she went. She still had that same Luke James song on repeat from earlier.
Did I mention, I love tension? No more stressin' when we touch My salvation, my temptation I felt safety in your clutch (clutch) Come save me now, just stick around No, you ain't gotta stay long How you make minutes pass like seconds I feel like I gotta hold on (hmm) So how would you feel If I gave you somethin' real? If I told you I was serious I'm not spinnin' your wheels If I open up my heart Took a chance with you and maybe you can show me who you are
A chill went down Ashanti’s spine as that warm fuzzy feeling filled her once more. Her face felt flushed and she kept grinning wider and wider as she shuffled around Taj’s, sweeping all the dirt out the back door. She went to sweep her stoop when the sight of the Dora Milaje caught her off guard. It wasn’t often that royalty made their way to the market, but she knew every shop owner would be clamoring to gain whoever’s attention. She kept sweeping then opened her shop doors wide before heading back inside.
Before she could make it halfway back to her spot at the front counter, she heard the chime that alerts her when new customers enter.
“Hi, welcome to Taj’s, what can I-”, her voice caught in her throat when she turned around and saw the king flanked by two of his Dora Milaje. She noticed two more stationed at the door and looked past them to see her nosy parent across the street staring into Taj’s to get a glimpse of what's going on.
“Kumkani wam.”
Ashanti saluted King T’Challa and a deep rumbling erupted from his chest before he cracked the most adorable crooked smile.
“Please, none of that.”
Mornings in Birnin Zana were always calm and quiet until about 10am when the whole city woke up and went on about their day. This wasn’t the case for King T’Challa who preferred to start his day at 6. It was the only time he could really have to himself without interruption. He would always go for a run around the palace grounds or out into the lush Wakandan forest right as the sun poked out above the trees.
Another thing people didn’t know about the King of Wakanda is that he loved to cook. As a boy he spent so much of his time hanging around the kitchen staff they jokingly put him to work one day and he took right to it. Not only did T’Challa love mornings because of the solitude, he loved mornings because of breakfast. It was his favorite meal of the day. When he was a teenager he often cooked breakfast for his family, but as an adult it’s something he only had time for sparingly. He always had a meeting or a mission or something important and unavoidable in the way.
However, today he had the time because he had taken the day off. As king he answers to nobody but Bast and the people of Wakanda...but there are a lot of people and a lot of problems to solve so sometimes the king needed a day to himself. T’Challa trusted his sister and his cousin to keep things running smoothly in his absence,and he made them swear to only contact him if the country was about to collapse.
These would be a beautiful 24 hours.
After making his way back to the palace he quickly showered and threw on some clothes for the day. T’Challa felt relaxed being dressed-down and thought about maybe doing it more often. The royal robes were so stiff.
The king slid into the kitchen with a smile on his face, humming to some American song he couldn’t get out of his head but didn’t know the words to. He scooped up some mandazi the kitchen staff had left for him and took a bite while he rummaged through the refrigerator looking for whatever called to him. T’Challa found what he was looking for and got to work dicing and mixing and grating his ingredients. He had just thrown a pinch more of cardamom in the pancake batter when his mother strolled in.
“Mholo, unyana wam!”
“Good morning to you too mother,” T’Challa chuckled at the Queen Mother’s jovial mood.
He kissed her cheek and flipped the pancakes on the griddle. He turned around just in time to catch Ramonda taking a swipe of the batter.
“Mama you should know better. What kind of role model are you for your young impressionable daughter?”
“Hush, child”
The two smiled and settled into a comfortable silence while T’Challa sautéed up fragrant vegetables, making Ramonda even more impatient. Just as she was about to ask T’Challa how much longer until they could eat, her young impressionable daughter rounded the corner looking like she had been caught in a tornado. That was the normal for Shuri, a notoriously wild sleeper.
“Good morning mother, Gap Tooth,” Shuri yawned. “ Where’s Braille?”
T’Challa rolled his eyes at his little sister’s nicknames and cracked eggs into the pan.
“You know that boy only shows up right when the food is do-“
Ramonda was cut off by the doors opening and Prince N’Jadaka strolled in with sunglasses on and the same clothes they saw him wearing when he left last night.
He noticed all three sets of eyes were glued to his hungover form. He was surprised when instead of admonishing him for his obviously very unroyal behavior they all broke out into laughter. He couldn’t help but smile himself.
“Long night?”
“Man you already know, we’ll talk later when there aren’t sensitive ears around.”
The two male cousins dapped each other up before N’Jadaka kissed his Auntie and little cousin on their foreheads.
“Mornin’ Auntie, Rugrat.”
“Mholo Daka.”
“Topographic map.”
Even T’Challa had to give her that one.
The family of four sat down and enjoyed the home-cooked meal of spiced plantain pancakes drizzled with honey, an egg and vegetable scramble, cheese grits, spicy sausage, and fresh fruit.
T’Challa loved seeing the look of satisfaction on people’s faces when they eat his food almost as much as his family loved eating whatever he put in front of them. It was the perfect symbiotic relationship.
After breakfast, T’Challa hung around and chatted with his family while they cleaned the kitchen. They never let him do this part, and since none of the Udakus were big on relying on the palace staff for every little thing, the prince, princess, and Queen Mother of Wakanda rolled up their sleeves to do some quick manual labor. Shuri and Ramonda washed and dried the dishes while N’Jadaka wiped down the table and countertops. He finished and the two male cousins went to take a walk around the gardens.
The second they stepped outside the palace T’Challa pulled out a blunt of the finest Wakanda kush and lit the tip. He pulled the smoke into his mouth and let it float up to his nose. He inhaled and then exhaled the smoke as he felt it take effect. He passed it to N’Jadaka and started talking.
“Last night…?”
N’Jadaka took a hit.
“My nigga...so you remember that hot lil river tribe thang I told you about?” T’Challa nodded as N’Jadaka handed him the blunt.
“So I take her out, right? Tell me why, we get to the restaurant she starts acting brand new? Turns out, this whole time we been smashing she’s trying to lock this down. So I paid for dinner and had Aneka take her home-“
“So where did you end up staying all night?”
“With the waitress.”
T’Challa stopped walking and glanced at his cousin before they both broke out into a fit of giggles.
They continued to walk and talk and pass the blunt back and forth. As they neared the palace doors the blunt had burned down to the roach. The two “went for a walk” so much they had it timed perfectly.
“So what you got planned for your day off?”
“Absolutely nothing,” T’Challa said, grinning from ear to ear. “And it better-“
“Stay that way, yeah yeah nigga I know. The Brain and I got this, go enjoy your day. Do some shit you haven’t done in a while. Be lazy. Make something. Get some pussy.”
T’Challa cut his eyes at his slightly younger cousin but couldn’t deny the truth in his statement. It had been a while for all of those things and damn did he miss them.
He clapped N’Jadaka on the back and turned to walk in the other direction.
“Good idea, umzala.”
“Which one?...Aye I know you heard me witcho supersonic hearing ass…”
T’Challa just chuckled and flipped off his cousin as he rounded the corner.
“Don’t ruin my country while I’m gone!”
“I should burn it down again just for that.”
T’Challa roamed the Birnin Zana Bazaar with his Dora Milaje for the first time in at least two years. Yes, he was a busy man with very little leisure time, but the Bazaar also held a lot of memories that the king would rather not revisit. As he passed the winding staircase he sighed, thinking of his former lover Nakia. She was off living a happy life in America with her girlfriend Janelle and their two goofy looking dogs, and he was genuinely happy for her. He and Nakia had love for each other, but they eventually realized they weren’t in love and decided to split. The memories were bittersweet.
The king decided he would pay an old friend a visit. Growing up, T’Challa only had his father. His biological mother died in childbirth, and since his father didn’t meet Ramonda until he was 12, the only mother he knew as a young child had been his nanny Ada.
She was a firecracker of a woman who never let him get away with anything, and he loved her with his whole heart. She was still an unofficial member of the Udaku family with an open invitation to visit the palace whenever she wanted. T’Chaka and Ramonda had tried to offer her a room in the palace but she refused, saying, “It’s too quiet here.” After she hung up her nanny hat, Ada became an entrepreneur. She had always loved arts and crafts so she opened up an art supply shop in the middle of the Bazaar, thanks to a hefty check from the Udakus. T’Challa used to love visiting Ada’s shop, but when she grew too old to care for it anymore she sold it and he hadn’t yet seen what became of it. He decided he’d stop by the shop before visiting Ada.
People were everywhere, but T’Challa loved the hustle and bustle of the city. Many of the past monarchs avoided mingling with the public more than necessary, but T’Chaka had taught his son the value in spending time among the people. In fact, T’Challa’s favorite part of being king is when he makes his rounds to visit all the tribes.
The king and his Doras strolled through the market, periodically stopping to converse with excited children.
They rounded the corner of the main streetway and he noticed a woman sweeping the stoop in front of what was Ada’s shop. He watched the sway of her hips and tried to read her lips to figure out what song she was singing. As he got closer he could just make out her angelic voice singing over the acoustic guitar in the unfamiliar song.  She had a dreamy smile on her face that made her deep dimples come out of hiding, and when she turned around to head inside the shop he noticed the thickness of her ass and thighs.
“Bast have mercy.”
His feet automatically carried him into Taj’s, and when she turned around to face him his knees nearly buckled. She was the most beautiful person he had ever seen.
Ashanti felt her cheeks heat up. She couldn’t believe the king was in her shop of all places.
“My apologies, your highness,” she stammered and the broom fell out of her sweaty hand.
Before she could even reach for it, the king had already lifted the old broom from the floor. He passed it to her and when their fingers brushed against each other they both felt static in their fingertips, though neither of them broke their poker faces.
“Truly, it is not a problem.”
T’Challa tore his eyes from hers and looked around the multi-use space. His eyes and eventually his body gravitated towards the childrens’ artwork along the walls, taking it all in with an adorably crooked smile.
“How long has this shop been open?”
“Coming up on two years now...your highness.”
“No need for all the formalities miss…”
“Ashanti Mostafa, my kin- I mean, um, sir,” Ashanti stumbled over her words, unsure of how to address the royal.
“I took the day off so just call me T’Challa, Miss Ashanti,” he winked and continued around the space.
“Is Taj in today?”
“No, Taj was my umakhulu. He died five years ago, so when I got this place I named it after him because he’s the one who taught me how to draw and paint and mold clay...he shared his love of art with me, so I’m paying it forward with all this,” Ashanti gestured outwardly.
T’Challa was in awe of her. He listened to her story and walked towards the artist marketplace section of the shop. His eyes gravitated towards a golden vibranium filigree choker with an intricately wrapped garnet pendant.
“These pieces are beautiful, I would love to get one for my mother and my sister. Does the artist take custom orders?”
“They will for the king.”
“Well sometimes being royalty has its privileges. Ayo, will you get the artist’s information from Miss Ashanti here?”
Ashanti couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She was almost stunned to silence. The king liked her pieces.
“Actually your hi-,” she was stopped by a playful warning look from the king.
“T’Challa, I’m the artist.”
T’Challa became more and more enamoured with the shop owner every time she spoke. She was beautiful, talented, and her aura seemed to cover everything in its reach with her warm glow. He would definitely be visiting the Bazaar more often.
Ashanti rounded the counter and fiddled with her rose gold kimoyo beads before her other designs were projected in the air in front of the king.
“I thought you said you painted and molded clay. This is certainly not that,” he leaned on the counter as his Doras shared a knowing glance.
“That’s just how I started,” Ashanti explained. “I still paint sometimes when the mood hits, but nowadays I mostly craft jewelry. Oh I just got into beading, and you wouldn’t believe how sore my fingertips are.”
In that moment it took all of T’Challa’s willpower to keep from reaching out and kissing her calloused but delicate fingers.
Ashanti unconsciously leaned in closer to the king.
“So what brought you to my humble shop, T’Challa? Bast, it feels so weird to call you that.”
T’Challa chuckled, and Ashanti nearly blushed again from the deep rumbling.
“You’ll get used to it eventually. As I mentioned before, these pieces are beautiful. I would like to commission two. What is your price?”
“Two hundred a piece.”
“I’ll give you one thousand.”
Ashanti’s eyes blinked and her smile gradually crept up her chubby cheeks. The two went back and forth for over an hour over the details of the necklaces before the king bid the shop owner adieu with the promise to return in two weeks. Before he reached the door he turned around, almost catching her staring at him.
“I forgot to ask. Miss Ashanti, do you normally play the same song on repeat in the store?”
Ashanti hadn’t even noticed Luke James’ “Who You Are” had been playing ever since she opened her doors. Her mind had been clouded by the king’s powerful aura and kind eyes, and the only sound that mattered in that moment was the smoky melody of his voice. She blushed yet again.
“I don’t normally, but something had me a little distracted today,” she winked at the king. “The artist is Luke James, one of my favorites from America. You should check him out if you like what you hear.”
Her eyes locked onto his and he smirked.
“I’ll do just that.”
---------------------------------- A week passed and both Ashanti and T’Challa had listened to that same song on repeat more times than they could count. Neither one could understand how they had become so smitten with the other in a 90 minute time span.
Even the people around them had begun to notice the changes in their behavior. Unsurprisingly, the first two to say something were N’Jadaka and Kwame.
N’Jadaka slipped into T’Challa’s office after the council meeting wrapped up. His cousin had spent the last hour settling land disputes and was in desperate need of a break. They were too busy to take a walk, so T’Challa poured two generous glasses of the strongest palm wine in Wakanda. It wasn’t enough to make them drunk since the heart shaped herb running through their veins burned off alcohol too quickly for one glass to cause any damage. They’d have to drink a bottle a piece to even start to have a good time. However, they felt the effects of cannabis and psychedelics just like anyone else.
“What’s got you smiling so much? It’s starting to get creepy, you looked way too happy during that land dispute and I know you hate doing that shit.”
“I don’t know what-”
“You're really gonna lie to me? Your favorite cousin? I’m hurt.”
T’Challa rolled his eyes at his least favorite cousin’s dramatics.
“You are my only cousin, N’Jadaka. And besides, I really do not know what you mean, I have just been in good spirits lately.”
“Mmmhm. You got some pussy, didn’t you?”
“You sure? Because you're acting like you got some pussy.”
On the other side of Birnin Zana, Kwame watched Ashanti glide around the living room with a dreamy smile on her face.
“Girl I know you’re not that happy about dusting. Spill.”
“What?” Ashanti giggled. “I’m just in a good mood today, it’s been a good week at the shop.”
Kwame cut his eyes at her and pursed his lips. He didn’t believe a damn thing she said. Binta told him she had seen Ashanti humming and slow dancing in the kitchen the other day, so he knew something had to be up.
“Did you get some dick? Or some pus- nah that’s a dick face right there.”
“Who’s a dick face?” Binta came in and grabbed some coconut water from the fridge.
“Apparently I have ‘just got some dick’ face,” Ashanti responded with an eye roll.
“Yeah you’ve had it for about a week now. Spill.”
“That’s what I said, twin!”
They did their annoying twin handshake and turned back to Ashanti.
“I really don’t know what you’re talking about, it’s just been a good week at the shop.”
Ashanti tried to get back to her dusting, but they wouldn’t let her.
“Nuh uh girl, get to talking.”
“We’re waiting…”
Ashanti rolled her eyes so hard they almost got stuck, or so her mom would say had she seen it.
“Ok, fine! This man came into the shop the other day and had me blushing like a sixth grader with her first crush. He was just so...fine, and smooth, and sweet…”
Ashanti drifted off into a daydream while the twins sat there taking it all in. Kwame was the first to speak.
“Titi, your nose is wide the fuck open. Did you get his name, tap beads, something?!”
Ashanti couldn’t admit she had a crush on the king. For one, she was a little embarrassed because she knew how foolish she looked pining after a royal who could never return the sentiments. Secondly, if she told them she would never hear the end of it.
“Uh, his name is...Amare.”
Binta’s eyes went soft.
“Amare, I’ve always loved that name. What’s he look like?”
“Like Bast carved him out of vibranium.”
Kwame and Binta look at each other again.
“Like I said...wide open. So when are you opening those legs too?”
Ashanti tried to look busy.
“I’m uh, not sure if he’ll be back. His accent sounded American.”
She knew that would get them off her case. Ever since T’Challa announced Wakanda’s riches to the world they had opened up their doors to the Lost Tribe. For the last two years, Black people from all over the globe had travelled to Wakanda, so it would be an easy cop out for Ashanti.
“Well damn girl, you finally get a man and this is how it goes...maybe one day the king will allow outsiders to move here permanently and you can get your Prince Charming.”
“Heh, maybe. So what’s for dinner?”
Another week passed and the day had come for Ashanti and T’Challa to see each other again.
Both of them were nervous beyond belief, but only one of them had someone to confide in.
“I’m telling you, T, just be cool. Plus, you’re the king, she’d have to be an idiot to say no.”
T’Challa had planned to ask Ashanti out on a date. He couldn’t get her out of his head the whole two weeks they were apart, and he took it as a sign from Bast that she was something special.
He was nervous to see her again and he hoped it didn’t show on his face.
Right in the center of the Birnin Zana Bazaar, Ashanti fiddled with the custom necklaces she made at the king’s request. She hoped they were good enough for royalty and her nerves started to get the best of her. Her hands shook and her breathing sped up. She took a deep breath then walked out her shop and across the street to her parents’ restaurant. Her mom was the first to greet her.
“Hi honey, what brings you over to our side of the street?”
“Bisa you know the girl wants something!” Chidi yelled from the supply closet.
“Hello to you too baba!” Ashanti laughed at her father’s antics.
“I’m just nervous. The king is coming back today...what if he hates them? What if Queen Mother or Princess Shuri hate them?!”
Ashanti started to get worked up again and Bisa rubbed her back in slow circles. Chidi brought her a cup of tea and the three of them sat outside the cafe in silence while she calmed down.
“Sweetie, it’ll be ok. He wouldn’t have commissioned the pieces if he thought they wouldn’t like them. And he’s seen your work, how could he not like it?! If so he’s a fool.”
“Baba! This is the king we’re talking about.”
“I don’t care! Anyone who can’t see my baby’s talent isn’t worth my respect.” He kissed her on her forehead and when he opened his eyes he noticed the women in red coming around the corner.
“Someone’s early…”
Ashanti looked confused for a moment before her mother gestured for her to turn around.
There stood the king and his Dora Milaje.
Bisa and Chidi quickly stood and saluted the king, Ashanti giggled and they looked at her in disbelief.
“That is unnecessary, please.”
“We are sorry, my king. Welcome to our restaurant, we are Ashanti’s parents. I am Chidi Mostafa and this is my wife Bisa.”
“We are so honored to have you.”
T’Challa reached out and shook their hands, shocking the older Mostafas.
Ashanti wondered if she looked this starstruck last time...she concluded she probably did.
However, this time when she stared at him she made sure to take in all his features. The faint crinkle around his eyes and his frown lines reminded her of their slight age difference and the stress of his job. His big bright eyes made him look like a puppy and his gap-toothed smile leaned perfectly to the left.
“Unfortunately I cannot stay long, I have other business to attend to that I cannot  get out of. I do hope to see the two of you again, but I believe Miss Ashanti here has something for me.”
“I sure do. Mama, Baba, I’ll swing by later.”
She kissed their cheeks and walked shoulder to shoulder with the king to her shop across the street.
“I have had your parents’ food before, in my opinion it is the best in all of the Bazaar. You are very talented people, Miss Ashanti.”
She was getting really tired of blushing, but it happened again.
“Thanks T’Challa. So, um, let’s get to it so you can get to your important kingly duties.”
They shared a smile.
She pulled out two large velvet boxes and opened them. Sitting among the silk were two necklaces that were more beautiful than T’Challa had imagined.
Shuri’s necklace featured a rough sapphire gem wrapped in wire hanging from a structured v-shaped vibranium collar. The stones set in the vibranium gave the necklace an ombre look as the stones grew lighter and lighter all the way down to the sapphire. The necklace would land about mid-chest on the princess, and T’Challa just knew she’d love it.
Queen Mother’s necklace was even more intricate and more like the necklace he had seen his first time in the shop. The gold filigree collar necklace was dripping with small gems hanging from every loop, with one large ruby set in the middle.
“Miss Ashanti…” T’Challa barely breathed out.
“Oh no, You hate them.”
“No, no! Quite the opposite actually. They’re beautiful, I-I’m speechless.”
Ashanti breathed a sigh of relief.
“As I mentioned before, you Mostafa’s are very talented…and beautiful.”
Ashanti gasped. There was no way…
“My king?”
“What? It is true. You are a very beautiful woman Ashanti, among many other things.”
That damn song started playing in her head and her smile pushed her dimples deeper the larger it grew.
“Thank you, T’Challa. You’re...alright looking.”
They both had to have a laugh at that one.
“Just alright?” He leaned in closer to her across the counter.
“Hm, maybe”
“Will you let me change your mind?”
“How would you do that?” She asked, leaning closer and getting a whiff of the cocoa butter on his skin.
“If you’d accompany me for a night out tomorrow evening I could show you.”
Ashanti froze and backed up. For a minute there she almost forgot who he was, but she had to remind herself that he wasn’t just a cute customer. He was the king, and he had to have been out of his Bast-given mind.
Unless this was something he did often.
“My k-, T’Challa...If you are looking for someone to play with and discard, I suggest looking elsewhere. I’m sure there are plenty of your subjects lined up in waiting for the bachelor king to swoop them up.”
Ashanti immediately regretted her words, but they just seemed to tickle T’Challa.
“Miss Ashanti, I am not that kind of man. I believe you have me confused with Prince N’Jadaka.”
Ashanti snorted. She had heard many stories about the prince and sort of assumed all royals behaved in such a manner.
“Besides I am much too busy to play the field since becoming king. Had you known me 5-10 years ago it would’ve been a different story.” T’Challa winked and noticed her look away to hide her smile. She remained silent.
“Please, it would bring me great joy to see you again. If not I will leave you alone. Just think about it.”
He tapped his black and purple kimoyo beads to her rose gold ones.
“There, now you have my contact information. It’s my direct line, please feel free to use it.”
With that he turned and left the shop. Ashanti had to pinch herself to make sure she was awake. After a minute it started to sink in that the king of Wakanda had asked her on a date.
“That really just happened.”
She stood there in a daze and was only pulled out of it when a customer walked into the shop.
“Welcome to Taj’s!”
Chapter 2
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timextoxhajima · 3 years
Grounded: Level 8
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Level 7 | Level 9
Member: Minho (Lee Know)
Genre: idol minho x idol trainee reader
Taglist: @jaehyvnsvalentine @licorice526 @lolwhatameme @felixn-recs @yunapixie @rindomo @sleeping-hero-of-procastination​​
A/N: This chapter includes fake character idol profiles so please don’t attack me that your face isn’t there. No, I am not glorifying the fact that only korean girls are pretty, but this is in fact the most culturally accurate account of a fake profile I can create given the context. 
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WI5HES (위셔스) is a South Korean girl group under HYBE (previously known as BigHit Ent.). The group currently consists of Ju Rin, l/n, Ga Hyun, So Eun and Min Jung. WI5HES debuted on March 15, 2021 under HYBE. They are HYBE’s first girl group since 2014.
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Stage Name: Ju Rin
Birthname: Wang Ju Rin
Position: Leader, Lead Vocalist, Sub-Rapper
Birthday: May 10, 2000
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Height: 167cm (5′5)
Weight: 48kg (106 lbs)
Blood Type: A+
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Stage Name: l/n y/n
Birthname: y/n
Position: Main Dancer, Lead Rapper, Sub-Vocalist
Birthday: June 15, 2000
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Height: 164cm (5′4)
Weight: 49kg (108 lbs)
Blood Type: O
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Stage Name: Ga Hyun
Birthname: Choi Ga Hyun
Position: Lead Vocalist, Lead Rapper, Lead Dancer, Visual
Birthday: October 25, 2001
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Height: 170cm (5′6)
Weight: 51kg (112 lbs)
Blood Type: O
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Stage Name: So Eun
Birthname: Kang So Eun
Position: Main Rapper, Lead Dancer, Sub-Vocalist, Center
Birthday: November 5, 2001
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Height: 172cm (5′6)
Weight: 50kg (110 lbs)
Blood Type: B
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Stage name: Min Jung
Birthname: Gwang Min Jung
Position: Main Vocalist, Lead Rapper, maknae
Birthday: August 15, 2003
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Height: 163cm (5′3)
Weight: 46kg (101 lbs)
Blood Type: AB
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“Five is better than three, annyeonghaseyo, WI5HES-ibnida!” The echo of your introduction rings through the dressing room, backstage of the MCountdown stage. It draws goosebumps from your arms and your back. Min Jung grits her teeth, attempting to contain her anxiety when she sees herself on stage through the recording for the first time.
So Eun’s sobbing into Ju Rin’s shoulder, and Ga Hyun has her phone out, randomly snapping photos of So Eun’s slightly smudged make-up. 
“Yah, haven’t you taken enough?” Ju Rin wraps the rim of Ga Hyun’s phone with her palm, covering the camera, unable to contain her grin. 
“Aw, come on!” Ga Hyun pouts, retracting her phone and wiping the lens with her sleeve. “It’s not everyday we get to debut.”
Knock Knock
“Who is it?” Ju Rin cranes her neck behind her, nodding for Min Jung to get the door. Already halfway down a bow, Min Jung opens the door to reveal a strange mixture of Hyunjin, I.N, Soobin, Yeonjun and Beomgyu. 
“Oh, annyeonghaseyo,” Min Jung’s reflexes are to greet Hyunjin and I.N first. 
“Annyeonghaseyo,” Hyunjin and I.N bow to the lot of you, and suddenly everybody’s bowing. “Congratulations on your debut!”
Ju Rin releases So Eun to receive the adorable box of cupcakes from Hyunjin and I.N. 
“Chan-hyung and the others send their regards. They couldn’t be here today for a separate schedule.”
“Oh, we’re not the ones you should be reporting this to,” Ga Hyun snickers, pulling away from what looks like a handshake routine with Beomgyu. Eyes turn to you, forcing the blush on your cheeks to be of natural effect and not the make-up. 
After the scandal with Yeonjun, things died down relatively quickly. More pictures of you training with the other members were released, diluting the idea that you and Yeonjun were dating. Furthermore, there was no other evidence of you and Yeonjun going out on secret dates that the company didn’t know about. 
But of course, WI5HES and TXT know about Minho’s confession, and needless to say, they had to be reeled back under control.
“My God, it’s like you want Lee Know hyung to pass out from jealousy,” Hyunjin’s eyes narrow with mischief, holding out his phone screen to you. 
“What? Why would he be jealous? There’s not a single person on that page that’s a threat to him,” Scrolling through the pictures absent-mindedly, you scorn at his baseless remark. 
“He’ll be jealous solely from the fact that you look good in your photos,” Jeongin sucks on the upper row of his teeth. 
“I know,” A shy smile appears on your lips. “We’ve had this conversation before.”
“Eugh,” Hyunjin shudders, shoulders reaching his ears as he groans in disgust. “Glad I wasn’t around for that conversation.”
“Anyway, thank you all for coming by our Debut Stage today, but we gotta head back to BigHit to handle some new scheduling,” Ju Rin’s waving her hands, telling the girls to pack up and for TXT to help. 
Walking past Sunmi, Chungha and other idols while you make your way out of the building felt so strange and alien, you almost couldn’t believe you were at the end of your first promotion. You were an idol now, and there was no going back. Everything you did, every move you made - would be under public scruntiny now, regardless of the reason, whether you liked it or not. 
“Thank you!” The bodyguard nods at you as he shuts the door. Sat in the middle with Ju Rin to your right, and the three younger in the back, you can smell the odd mixture of perfume and that strange scent of new costumes and clothes. BigHit - no, HYBE - had invested so much into your costumes though they looked nothing like the price they cost. 
Then again, half of you were wearing YSL pullovers and Dior jeans.
“You okay?” 
“Hmm?” Turning your head as it leans against the headrest, your eyes meet Ju Rin’s. “Yeah, you? I’m surprised you haven’t cried yet.”
Ju Rin laughs under her breath, glancing out the window as the car starts. “Oh, believe me, I’ve cried. I just don’t do it infront of you guys.”
“Aw,” The sides of your lips curl downwards. There’s a pinch in your heart you can’t take, only because Ju Rin has to keep up such a strong facade for you and for the rest of her members. She’s responsible, and time and time again she reminds you why she was chosen to be leader. “You know you can cry infront of us. You don’t have to act or put up a strong front.”
“I know, but I wouldn’t be able to see you guys crying tears of... happiness if my vision is blurred out by my own, right?”
You can’t contain the scoff that runs out your throat, eyes darting to look at the city outside, now coated with the drizzle that’s blurring the city sights. 
“Fucking full of shit,” You chuckle under your breath, unable to hide the smile that’s stretching across your face.
Ju Rin snickers and purses her lips, reaching her left hand out to you. Her hand is warm and soft (from all the moisturizer products she’s using - HYBE’s trying to get her some make-up CF already), but the smile on her face is more home than anything will ever be. 
Time to count the number of days before the world is made your home. Tours, meeting new people, inspiring others with your love for performance and dance, the same way you were inspired into chasing a dream that you didn’t even think you had a chance of achieving. Some might say it’s unfair, how the chance fell unto your feet all so easily, like it had been planned. It’s unfair that of all the crew members to be scouted, you were the only one. 
But that wasn’t your dream. At that point of time in your life, all you wanted was to fulfil your need to be perfect in dancing; to be by Minho’s side. So, in some way, fate had pulled you away from him instead. 
He didn’t tell anybody he auditioned for Cube. He didn’t tell anybody he’d auditioned for JYP before that either, only for JYP to call him back to be part of that cursed show.
And before you knew it, you had lost the one thing you didn’t want to lose: Minho. It was heartbreaking, watching him live his life of a dream that he’d been chasing without you knowing in the first place. You couldn’t decide if you were angry with him for leaving you out of his happiness or if you had simply convinced yourself he had forgotten about you. 
But you caught yourself tripping over your own feelings of hurt and love when you realise you started searching for some bit of Minho in someone else, and you were lucky it was Yeonjun. Yeonjun who had a pure heart and nothing but kindness. 
The things that could’ve happened had you searched for a part of Minho in someone else who might’ve taken you for granted. 
Minho made up for that heartbreak though, when Hyunjin had told him you were alone with Yeonjun, walking to some desolate part of the building but only spotted Yeonjun coming back alone. Minho, who at that point of time already known you a good three (or was it four?) years, knew you well enough to know that you were somewhere sobbing your eyes out. 
His scent when he had his arms around you was stuck in your nostrils for days and weeks because that was just how long he had spent being away from you. You didn’t even know how much you missed his scent until it was in your system again. 
The risk you both had chosen to take that fateful day when the scandal of you and Yeonjun was released was of astounding magnitude. 
Who the Hell confesses their love to another celebrity, so close to their own debut date?
“You,” Minho trills, almost crumpling the Uno cards on the table. The tears in the corners of your eyes are threatening to dribble over your lids, but then Changbin is sitting behind you on the sofa, trying his best to hide his laughter through his gritted teeth. “We’ll see if the two of you can still laugh after this.”
Minho picks up twelve cards with a disproportionate amount of strength, the cards nearly being folded under his fingers. 
“Yah- hyung!” Changbin yells and points at the cards, glaring at the elder.
“What? You complain about me damaging the cards as if you can’t afford a new deck yourself.”
“This is our fifth deck!” Changbin nearly screeches, and the exchange forces you to fall to your back at Changbin’s feet, your arm clutching your tummy from how much it hurt from your laughter. 
“Oh my God!” The words are struggling to leave your voice box, between silent giggles. “This- this is your- oh, my God- this is your fifth deck?” 
“We’ll need a sixth deck soon! Can you tell your man to be a little less aggressive?!” Changbin loses his patience and gets up, hands sweeping the cards off the table and plucking Minho’s set out from his hands. 
“‘Yah’,” Changbin’s distorted imitation of Minho calls for the elder to surge to his feet, suddenly towering over Changbin who cowers on the couch behind you. “Ah- Ah- OkAy, take your stupid cards back-” 
“I’ll get you a new deck if I destroy this one, but first I gotta destroy you.”
The finger in your face goes unnoticed when you laugh again, stomach hurting from the aggressive giggling. 
“My God, she’s lost it!” Minho sings sarcastically, holding his hands to his head with the cards still in his palm. “No, quick, Earth to y/n, come back so I can win!”
“Eugh,” Changbin groans and squints his eyes. Minho never says these kind of things, so when he does, it’s weird, and unlike of him to do so, making it ultra-
“CriNGe!!!!!” Hyunjin yells at the top of his voice as he exits his room and heads for the kitchen. “Just get a room already!”
“HYUNJIN!” Chan’s voice booms from elsewhere in the apartment. 
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zu-is-here · 3 years
HI ZU! oh I didn't end up doing the chores on the end, but I did go shopping! We bought so much pasta sauce it's not even funny XD
Yeah I'm going full lineless! I just didn't wanna draw the line work, all those skull.... Nope! So lineless it is, gonna take a short break though, got other things I need to work on.
Yeah I'm trying to get better about fears.
Oh you didn't? It's about vow or Never killer and his feelings about cross getting transferred! Some mild Kross angst, you must read!
Yay! Maybe I could tell you more today? If you wanted to dm me about it when you're free? That's up to you though. <3
Today it was raining as well! It was on and off alllll day! And right in my juice too.
You know, I have a hugeeeee fan in my room, it's heaven when things do get hot here! It used to be in the living room, but it's mine now!
I'm glad the Allergys have been better!
Oooooooo! Over 100!!? Dammmm mmmm good luck! You are almost there! We believe!
OH! I don't think I've seen this!! I need to look for the art! That was yesterday right?
Today I'm good! I met up with a friend and we had dinner together! It was really fun! We also got smoothies and cake and walked around town. We went to a charity shop and I scored a new toy for the collection, 5 pound for a brand new, but I got it for 50p! Score!
You ever had any good secondhand shop finds?
We also came up with a dark cream headcannon with my twins and it's still making me laugh XD my friend is the best and they make me wanna draw my babys again! Toooooo busy.
I also find myself really interested in lust X nightmare for some reason? Like my brain randomly becomes really into ships.
And also L20 cross x dream because.... The sfw art is really cute! And I wondered what celest and luna would look like in that universe!
How are you today Zu? How's your weekend going?
Hi Gayfish! <3 Oh my god— it's never too much pasta sauce nyeh heh heh XD
I'm sure it looks amazing! No need to rush╰(*´︶`*)╯ I'm looking forward to your other works as well, keep up the great work! *^*
Hoo boi— some good kross angst, you say? Gotta read soon (*゚∀゚*)
Yesss that would be great, thanks! <3 Oki ☆
Oh no XD Was it still warm outside today? *^* You are really lucky with a huge fan in your room!
Again, thank you so much for your support, I do appreciate it a lot ♡
Yep, the only post I had time for yesterday xp Worth it! ☆
Oh wow!! I'm really glad to hear you're having a good time (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
I remember buying sneakers for $4.99 instead of $74.99 cause someone took different sizes but the remaining ones fit really well?? :D
More cool headcanons! (*'▽'*) Lust x Nightmare hmm,,, sounds interesting~ LV20!Cross x Dream is really sweet!! yet kinda sad ;3;
Busy but determined, thanks! <3 4 days left so I can't think of anything but my diploma,,, but when I'm done, I'm gonna sleep and draw and stream— also walking outside since the weather's great *^*
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As they say, the nature doesn't have a bad weather <3 Hope so too! *^*
Thanks! A mini victory indeed (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
It does! That's just something new for me yet really potential *^* We can have passive!Nightmare here as well btw ;) Lust x Dance ohhh! Reminds me of one small and sad comic with a happy ending <3
So wholesome (´;ω;`) I do like LV20!Cross concept, initially it was so potential, with Cross being guilty and longing for forgiveness from the monster he always loved (and who still loves him) until they began to use it differently but nevertheless, that idyll they reached warms my soul <3
*hugs* Thank you so much ♡ After all, I still have loads of things to draw, and I will heheh! (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)☆
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OH. ★ It does make more sense now! (´;ω;`) They both became this way not of their own will, they were misunderstood and judged (both in AUs and in the fandom), and even if they can't clean their reputations, they can understand each other... Great ♡
For real (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`) Hope they'll get to his soul after they have enough with his body, heh <3
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ji-yaaan · 4 years
@kendal0ksw Asks: Anyway... I would like to request a sweet honey milk tea of Deuce, Azul, and Malleus (being called Tsunotaro) with a male Yuu kissing their hand. And when asked why he responds that 1. they looked like they needed a little distraction from whatever was troubling them and 2. to show how much they care about them. Hope this is alright...
𝑨 𝒌𝒊𝒔𝒔 𝒐𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒃𝒍𝒆𝒔 𝒈𝒐 𝒂𝒘𝒂𝒚
Headcannons with: Malleus, Deuce, & Azul
Note: Someone pls shoot me I don't know how to write 3 repetitive scenarios w/o making it boring asf. So with request that has similar patterns per character, I figured Headcannons would work? I hope it's ok. I tried making imagines but it looked boring... OH! But I added my short Azul scenario as compensation. Blergh enough chitchat I'm thirstea.
[ 𝙷𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝙱𝚘𝚋𝚊 𝚝𝚎𝚊 𝚖𝚢 𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚍... ]
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-ˋˏ•𝑴𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒖𝒔 𝑫𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒊𝒂•ˎˊ-
After a long day of being avoided being the infamous “Malleus Draconia” this fae gets tired from the attention he draws and the lack of attention he gets.
Dealing with Dorm duties, People constantly fearing him for nothing, people approaching him to pry information *cough Rook cough* and to not even get an invite in dorm leader meetings? This just gives him a bit of a headache.
He will probably flee to his room when things get a little bit out of hand and he needs some of that good relaxation time.
Resting his head on the bed. Eyes slowly close. The atmosphere relaxing as breaths slow down. "Welcome back Tsunotaro!" You cheerfully exclaimed.
What? Nani? What in the world? Was he that distracted to not notice you in the room this whole time? Expect yourself a O.O face from you local fae.
"Hmm? I didnt notice you were there Y/n..." Even if your lovely Malleus is shocked, He will still gently smile at you. Eyes narrowing, an endearing smile appears in his face everytime he looks at you.
Slowly, your hands would make it's way to creep in his hands. Bingo! Hand holding complete!
Ok! Time for mission number 2! After a tight clasp on Malleus' fingers, you brought your face close to the hands you held dear, and gave the fae a small kiss at the back of his hands.
As if the shock earlier wasn't enough, The fae's eyes widens in surprise yet again. Malleus definitely doesn't get your behavior at times..... But it's not like he hates it... In fact, He loves it...( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
A warm giddy smile paint your face. How infectious... A smile that can melt all your troubles away within a hitch of a second. Malleus can't help but smile ear to ear with the endearing gestures he received.
"But why would you even kiss my hand?" The fae questions in laughter. "Well, you looked pretty troubled today and I dont really know how to help... So I thought that a small kiss will do the trick!"
"You know how much I care about you right?" The answer Malleus got was something priceless. His heart felt warm and fuzzy hearing that someone cares for him. There really was never a dull moment with you.
Expect a little tint of flushed pink in the fae's cheeks for a brief moment. But gotta look close! Malleus won't show it, but he's blushy wushy and melting all over!
Tsunotaro is not much of the type to get the receiving end but he's still very thankful you did this for him uwu.
Expect malleus to give you a kiss on your hand in return too! He can't help but want to share the feeling he got when you kissed his! ^~^
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-ˋˏ•𝑫𝒆𝒖𝒄𝒆 𝑺𝒑𝒂𝒅𝒆•ˎˊ-
Finishing the last lesson of Alchemy class, Spade boi is exhausted. Using too much braincells is not his forte, but he still needs to grind to get to the honor roll!
He will probably stay in the classroom for a bit and study some of the history materials and alchemy reviewers for the test tommorow... Oops, our cutie fell asleep while writing down his notes.
You walk your way to the classroom because you forgot something. But surprise surprise, it seems like the something you forgot is actually a person, not a belonging...ಠωಠ
You peeked at deuce sleeping soundly with his head resting on the desk. You laughed at how cute he looked sleeping with his mouth open.
He didn't even spare time to take off his lab coat. He must be exhausted huh?Worried by deuce, staying for a bit won't be a crime right?
While reading, somehow, your eyes wanders off to his hands that fell off the desk while he grunted "five more minutes." Wow, sleeping deuce is probably one of the best deuce out there huh? You laughed to yourself.
Maybe it was because of boredom, maybe even from worry, or maybe its just because you simply wanted to do it. But you started to intertwine your fingers with deuce... WoaH...
Smiling at how comfortable it was to hold his hands. You prop your face to kiss his fingers. Chu~♡
"Uhhhmmm....." Oh... You got caught redhanded... Deuce wakes up to find you holding his hands... furthermore, YOU WERE KISSING IT! How embarrassing...(O////O)
Looking up at Deuce, You see a red tomato flushed boy. His cheeks up to his ears are painted pink from embarassment.
"Ahaha... Good morning... Oh wait... Good afternoon." Deuce will look away from you bashfully... How embarrassing for him... But face it, this is such a treat for you.
"You know... You've been awfully dazed and troubled these days... Please take take a break too... It's bad if you keep sleeping in random places! I care about you a lot and I don't want to see you stressed ok?"
Deuce was left astounded with the heartwarming speech you gave him... He felt butterflies flew in his stomach, like flowers bloomed inside his heart. Truly touching words...
Spade boi will smile gently at you, pink cheeks like powder blush, and eyes that sparkled Joy.
Expect this boi to grab your hands and put them in his pockets, saying "If taking a break is ok... Then this is ok right? Let's stay like this for a little bit longer... Ok?"
He'll look away in the other direction, propping his other hand and resting his head on it. If you look closely... A delicious red blush can be seen in his neck and ears too!
“Even if Riddle were to scold us, i think it will be worth it”♡♡♡♡♡♡
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-ˋˏ•𝑨𝒛𝒖𝒍 𝑨𝒔𝒉𝒆𝒏𝒈𝒓𝒐𝒕𝒕𝒐•ˎˊ-
After a tiresome day as Mostro Lounge, the lounge closing a little later than the usual, A certain octopus is really tired and frustrated because the work got pushed back in their schedule.
As he skims through the numerous pages of parchment, octo boi let out a sigh from frustration. He has to deal with a lot of things this night....
But what he didn't expect was that you were there to brighten his night!
Have a short scenario cuz I love u ♡
Boisterous laughter. Joyful screams. Drinks spilt in the floors and tables. The lounge was getting rowdier with each passing second. Fights fuming in the other tables. Song being sung across the bars.
What's up with this chaos? Where was Jade and Floyd?.... Oh right... Azul nagged on floyd earlier this morning. He's now in his infamous bad moods leaving Jade the only responsible person azul can rely on. But Jade got his hands preoccupied with stopping fights at the moment... Dammit... This is going to be one hell of an evening.
After dealing with the chaos of Mostro Lounge's happy hour, strain and fatigue was evident just by a peek at Azul's Face.
"Haaahhhh... Dealing with those morons was a waste of time, I've still got a long night reviewing the deals and homeworks... Hah. Wonderful..." The sound of pen scratching the wood rang across the room as Azul hummed a melody trying to relieve stress...
"A.z.u.l. kun! Hello!" You happily hummed as azul got caught off guard shocked. "Hm! Oh! Y/n? When did you get here? Pardon me, The lounge was quite rowdy earlier and we had to close a little later than the usual... Oh wait a second lem me just take care of this..." Fingers swept through the crisp pages of numerous books. His pen lightly tapping a beat in the wooden desk.
Moments pass as seconds became minutes. The pen scratching noises enveloped the room drowning in silence. Azul was lost in thought as he burn through the hundreds of words written in the thin pieces of parchment.
You pout at the thought of azul ignoring you, but it's not like you can disturb his work either. So in the end, you just watch him skim through hundreds of pages and thousands of words. Eyebrows furrowed, he fixes his eyeglasses again...
Lost in thought, your eyes wanders off to his ungloved hand... The back of his hand looked smooth and it looked soft. Caught in the moment of daze, you didn't even realize your hands crept stealthily working its way to lock fingers with Azul. This caused azul to look at you in disbelief and shock as a tinge of pink paints his pale face.
What? Octoboi is confused. What? Why were you holding his hands? What? You're not letting go of his hands! futhermore, your fingers are INTERTWINED! Azul.exe has stopped working. Azul wasn't made for cute moments like this.
"Y/n... May I ask why you suddenly linked fingers with me?" Azul asked with his fingers tinged pink, face was painted red down to his neck. "Well... You looked really troubled while you were doing your work... So I thought that you can use a short break? You looked pretty stressed so...."
Ahhhh.... Azul really should've read that one romance book he once stumbled upon, how does he deal with this? Damn, he surely wasn't made for this... He stared up your eyes only to look away again bashfully.
Pfttt you gotta admit... Azul really looks cute like this. You slowy brought your lips to azul's hands. Chu~♡ a kiss on the hands! bingo! "There! Have a kiss as a token of my love for you and how much I care for you! Hehe!"
That's it, Azul needs maintenace after this... This is just too cute for his soul. Cheeks tinged red, he fixes his glasses up again. His hands lightly squeeze yours as he began to say "Well, I cannot abandon my work and responsibilities... But maybe it's not a crime if its just for a few minutes... Don't let go of my hand ok?" The night at Mostro Lounge was quite chilly than the usual. But the hours that passed by felt warmer with the hold of a certain octopus.
Note: Running low on braincells, Hope you liked this. And yes, I'm currently in my real time Azul loving hours. Time to buy takoyaki~ jk no I'm doing more requests that is rotting in my inbox. Again, sorry if this was not your cup o' tea (༎ຶ‿༎ຶ)
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thiswasinevitableid · 3 years
.. for mermay.. 8, indruck nsfw?
Here you go! Duck’s design is based on a rudderfish.
Authors note: since prompt 8 is “drunk,” drinking is mentioned in this. It’s also implied Indrid is doing some self-destructive behaviors to cope with trauma.
The party is a splendid success, as was the book launch that preceded it. Indrid has done what he does best, lined his pockets and those of his agents and editors, and gotten everyone talking. 
“Did you see the one of the pyres?”
“The one of the hurricane aftermath, the look in the girls eyes is so haunting.”
“Personally, I found the jeweled mummies a bit much, but the emergency room shots? Stunning.”
This is why Indrid is sitting on the rocks on his private cove, and will not be going back up to the house until he’s polished off all three of these heavily spiked bottles of eggnog. It’s better than the time he emptied most of a bottle of vanilla vodka, but not by much. 
He was tipsy when he snuck out the back door and down the path to the sea. So when the empty bottle rolls away, all he can do is whap at the air close to it and wave as it plonks into the water.
“Oops. Hic, oh, hic, well, what’s one more piece of trash in, hic, a dying world?”
He yelps, knocking his remaining bottles into the sand as the lost one flies through the air towards him. Or he thinks that’s the trajectory; it’s hard to tell. The point is, the bottle is back and he’s clutching his chest like an old man in a silent movie.
“Look, man, I know it’s temptin to just leave trash everywhere, but there are signs up and down this beach sayin not to litter.” A man floats in the water at the foot of the rock, black hair plastered to his forehead and muscular arms crossed over a bare chest. 
“It, hic, it was an accident. And I am, hic, in no condition to retrieve anything from the water.”
The man frowns, “shit, if you’re that drunk, you oughta get off the rocks. It’s deep here, you might drown. Go sit on the sand, it’s safer. Warmer too, still holdin heat from the sun.”
“I, I’m fine, hic, don’t, don’t need some wet man babying me.” He stands to prove his point, nearly falls face first into the water, and sits back down, “see, m’fine.”
“Get off the rock.” The man says, sounding for all the world like a cat owner two seconds from grabbing the spray bottle. 
“No.” Indrid huffs. 
Water splashes his face and he sputters.
The man pulls his hand back, preparing to send another wave at him, “Get.”
“Fuck you” 
The splash is much more intense this time and he curses, scrambles sideways, and falls to his knees in the sand. 
“That’s better, now I don’t gotta worry about fishin your careless ass outta the water.”
“If, if we are, hic, t-talking careless, you, you shouldn’t say a thing. You’re, hic, swimming in cold water with, without a wetsuit.”
The man shrugs, “Don’t need one.” With that he floats on his back, bringing a dark-scaled tail into view. 
“You’re, hic, you’re a merman.” He crawls forward, breathless, “that’s so cool, wanna, gotta photograph you, so handsome, gotta-”
“Nope” The merman swims back into deeper water, “no pictures, those can end real bad for us.”
“But, but you’re so beautiful. If, hic, if pictures are no good, I, I can draw. I draw good, even if no one likes it.”
“Uh, you really wanna sit on a cold beach paintin my picture instead of hangin out at that shindig?” He points up the hill to the brightly lit house. 
“No, nonono, hic, don’t, don’t wanna go back up there, s’awful, hic.” 
“Awful?” The merman sounds concerned, and in the patchy moonlight he swims close enough that Indrid can see the details of his face, “is someone up there hurtin you?”
“No” He shakes his head, “it, it-”
“Damn it.” He mutters as the merman retreat beneath waves. As his guests grow closer he stands, carefully picks up all three bottles, and heads uphill to meet them.
Indrid shuffles through the house, head pounding, decides he hates the following people, in this order:
-His agent
-Whoever mentioned it was a shame there were no Plata River Bridge photos, causing Indrid to drink a whole martini in order to bite his tongue.
It’s not until his third cup of coffee that he remembers the merman. God, he was really rude to someone who was just trying to keep him from drowning.
Very, very carefully, he makes his way to the beach, sketchbook in one hand and thermos in the other. 
“Hello?” He calls across the water. No reply. Of course there isn’t; the merman has the whole ocean to explore, there’s no reason for him to hang around Indrid’s house. He sighs, sits down on a piece of driftwood, and draws. Normally the cold would drive him back indoors, but today it’s bracing, blowing his hangover off of him and down the sand. 
“Glad to see you’re in one piece” 
Indrid sits bolt upright. The merman waves to him.
“You came back?”
“Yeah? I mean, this is part of my rounds, so I come by here at least once a day. More surprised you’re down here when it’s all cold and grey.”
“I, ah, I wanted to apologize for last night. I was being stubborn and rude.”
“You were, but I was kinda grumpy too. At the end of my shift and all that, but I shouldn’t have splashed you.” He smiles, swims closer, “do you, uh, remember any of the other stuff you said?”
“I have a vague memory of begging to photograph you. Or maybe draw, it’s all very fuzzy.”
“You did. I, uh” the merman’s cheeks turn pink, “you were really, uh, well let’s just say you were excited at the idea of drawin me, so I thought maybe, if you wanted to..”
“Yes”  Indrid shifts down into the sand so he can rest his back on the log, “can we do it now? You said you were on rounds, and if you’re working I don’t want to interrupt.”
“I’m done for the day. Should I get on a rock or somethin?”
“Can you come on the sand at all? Oh, ah, it seems you can.” Indrid scoots back as the merman slides gracefully ashore. In the daylight, his tail is a rich green-brown, his hair streaked with grey near his forehead. His eyes, one green and one brown, regard Indrid with curiosity as he turns to a new page. 
“You got a name?”
“Indrid. Indrid Cold.”
“Duck Newton. It’s a nickname.” The mer stretches his arms and tail, and were Indrid in a self-flattering frame of mind he’d say he was flexing for him, “I gotta pose?”
“No, as long as you don’t move too much, I should be fine.”
Duck nods, shifts onto his belly with his tail dipped in the surf. Indrid sets his pen to paper, asks Duck what he does for work and when the tunnel vision of his project dissipates, it’s dusk.
“Oh my, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to keep you so long.”
The merman yawns, “S’okay, it was nice talkin with you, and I got to birdwatch some. Can I see?”
Indrid turns the sketchbook. Mis-matched eyes widen. 
“Holy fuck. You made me look damn good.”
“I simply captured you as you are.” Indrid feels a blush moving up his cheeks as Duck scoots closer. 
“You gonna do this tomorrow?  If, uh, if you don’t wanna draw me again, I can bring you some interestin stuff from the water. If, uh, if you want.”
His schedule for tomorrow starts with a phone interview, after which he was planning to sit in a dark living room and watch mindless T.V.
“That sounds lovely. Thank you, Duck.”
The merman beams, waves, and then pushes back into the sea, raising his tail once in farewell. 
“...now, Juno thinks it’s-holy fuck ‘Drid, was that your stomach?” Duck raises his head from where he’s been sort-of-napping, sort of talking.
“Hmm? Yes, I suppose it was.” He has his watercolors out today, a surprise stretch of sunny days rendering the beach and hillsides in glorious technicolor. 
“When did you last eat?”
“Oh my fuckin god, ��Drid, no wonder you look like you’re close to passin out.”
“I’m fine.” 
Duck has that look on his face again, the one he got when Indrid admitted to walking the cliff-side trails when he’s coming back from the roadhouse on the edge of town. When Indrid says he hasn’t slept in two days. 
The merman says nothing, goes back to reading the book of nature essays Indrid brought him. A buzz cuts through the air and he groans, shuts off the alarm on his phone, “I need to go get ready for that interview.”
“You wanna meet up tonight?”
“Great. But, uh, seem to remember you promised me some of those cookies you say are the best in the world.”
Indrid smirks, “I suppose I did.”
“I want some. But not for dinner, with dinner. You feel me?” There’s an edge in his drawl, as formidable and unyielding as the nearby cliff-face. 
“Alright, I'll bring you some other things to try.” Indrid smiles, suddenly looking forward to a grocery run. 
Duck, now in the water, looks over his shoulder, “Good boy.”
Indrid shivers even as heat blooms in his chest. 
When sunset graces the beach, Indrid is busy setting out a half dozen take-out containers and many plastic boxes of cookies and fruit.
“Damn” Duck slides and wiggles his way onto the sand by the blanket, “you went all out.”
“You wanted a meal. I brought you one.”
“Sure did.” Duck sniffs the air, taps a carry-out bowl of soup, “what’s this?”
“Umm” Indrid peers at the label, “french onion soup.”
“Can I have it?”
“Of course.”
The merman downs the soup as fast as temperature allows, munches happily on the orange segments Indrid peels and samples the cookies. 
“Ahhh” He flops his head into Indrid’s lap, “that hit the spot.”
The human nods, bottle of pineapple soda on his lips. He’s so happy and full. 
“Duck? Did you suggest this just so I would eat something?”
The face in his lap only looks a little chagrined, “Kinda. I been meanin to suggest this, and today seemed like the right time. And, uh, I know sometimes I have a hard time lookin after myself for me, but if someone else tells me to do it, or I have to do it as part of lookin after them, it’s easier. Thought that might be goin’ on with you. I, uh, I won’t do it again if you don’t want me to.”
“Nono” Indrid sets a hand in his hair, stroking it so Duck rubs his cheek against his thigh, “you’re right. It was easier to do the kind thing for myself when you told me to. Would, ah, would you be willing to do it again.” 
Duck meets his eyes, gaze bubbling with something dark and alluring, “Sure thing, ‘Drid.”
“Before you go, I wanted to give you this.” Indrid holds out the small camera. Duck, perched on a rock, takes it with a puzzled frown. He adds, “It’s waterproof. You mentioned you wish you could take pictures of the things you see in your home. I couldn’t think of a better time to give you than your trip.”
“Thanks, ‘Drid.” Duck leans forward, rubbing their cheeks together, “you remember your instructions?”
“Yes.” He whimpers when Duck pulls back. 
“Good. Want you in good shape when I get home.” Duck’s voice returns to normal, “should be back in a week. I’ll see you then.”
Indrid waves goodbye, keeps waving well past the point where Duck could see him, even if he surfaced. Then he grabs the basket of fresh oysters and heads to the house to call Barclay. 
The phone calls and dinners with one of his few friends in town are part of his agreement with Duck. The mer told him he couldn’t meet every night, so maybe Indrid should find other forms of company. He also helpfully supplies Indrid with fresh shellfish that he has no idea how to cook, but his friend the professional chef certainly does. This dovetails nicely with his promise to Duck to eat at least one full meal a day.
It’s not just the strange dynamic they’ve hit upon that’s improving his life; it’s Duck. The merman makes him feel so safe, like someone cares about the real him and not just the him that makes them money or feeds their morbid curiosity. Not to mention he’s even more handsome than Indrid first thought and he spends plenty of nights jerking off to the thought of a cool, strong tail between his legs. 
He does well the first five days Duck is gone. Barclay and Dani come over for dinner, he paints and draws prolifically, and he even reads up on whether it’s feasible for him to adopt rats (“those are kinda like otters, right?” “close enough.”). Friday night his agent calls, excitedly reporting that it’ll soon be the fifth anniversary of the Plata River incident and the magazine is getting requests for a feature on it and Indrid will be perfect. 
Indrid says he’ll think about it, hangs up, and opens the fridge. He promised Duck he’d only drink if it was with dinner or with friends. He grabs two wine coolers and heads into the living room. 
The next day, he’s idly fiddling with the dating app he hasn’t touched since December when a new profile appears. Very good looking, close by, clearly just passing through town, and interested in Indrid. He invites him over, spends the next half hour getting ready, and even cleans the bedroom because well, that’s what he’d do for Duck, he should do it for anyone else he brings over. 
Indrid opens the door at the second knock. The guy takes one look at him, shakes his head, and returns to his car.
Indrid downs the remaining wine coolers and goes down to the beach to sulk. He tucks his legs up, pressing his forehead to his knees, and rocks back and forth. He’s nearly sober when a voice drifts across the waves.
He looks up, glasses slipping down his nose, “Duck? You’re, you’re back.”
“Yep. It was fast goin the last ten miles. Brought the camera back, think you gotta be the one to get the pictures off, but I can’t wait to show you all the cool shit we saw.”
“Me neither” He stands and instantly pitches forward, landing on his hands and knees in the shallow water. 
“You been drinking?”
“You and Barclay have a good time?” He’s giving him the benefit of the doubt, giving him an out, and Indrid decides that isn’t what he wants. 
“I wasn't with Barclay. I got horrible news last night, and today I tried to get laid and got rejected, and I’m at the point in my life where I nearly called after the guy that he could keep his eyes shut and I’d just blow him so he wouldn’t need to look at or touch me. So yes, Duck, I’ve been drinking.”
Duck’s expression swims between concern and disappointment, then comes to rest on neutral steel, “That ain’t what we agreed.”
“I’m aware. But I don’t care, I don’t” he aims a splash at Duck, “it doesn’t matter, nothing matters, nothing will come of it, same as always.”
The merman cocks an eyebrow, “You really think that? You forgettin I said there’d be consequences if you broke the rules?”
“Oooh, I’m so scared.” Indrid splashes him again.
Duck smiles, reminding him that all his teeth end in points, “Didn’t say anythin about scarin you. You really wanna believe that nothing matters, you can head home. Or” he points to a nearby rock, “you go get on your hands and knees, facin the cliffs.”
Indrid crawls gracelessly to the designated spot. It’s dangerous to turn his back on the ocean, but a gentle voice in his mind reminds him over and over that Duck is here. Duck won’t let him get hurt. 
There’s a splash as Duck pulls himself onto the rock. Then a whoosh of air and a sting in the right side of his ass. He yelps, startled, and looks behind him.
“If this ain’t okay, need you to say so now.” Duck’s eyes are wide and hungry, but his hands stay on the grey rock. 
“It’s okay.” He can’t believe this is happening, can’t decide if he should tell Duck this is not remotely a punishment. 
Another sharp grin, “Eyes front.”
Indrid’s barely obeyed when the next strike comes. Duck is strong and makes no attempt to hide it, hitting him hard enough that his knees jolt forward in the sand. The pain lights him up each time, forces the thing knotted in his chest up towards his throat. 
When the blows stop he whimpers, pushing his ass back in hopes of more.
“Don’t worry, ‘Drid, I ain’t done with you by a long shot.” Cold fingers undo his fly, bring his pants and underwear down to his thighs. He’s expecting another hit, wiggles his ass in anticipation. 
What he gets are teeth sinking into his skin.
“AH!GOD” He yells loud enough that his throat hurts.
Duck chuckles, “Holler all you want, we both know no one can hear what goes on on this beach, especially with all the wind.” He bites down again, Indrid thrashing and moaning as teeth sink into already reddened skin. Duck growls in reply, savaging the meat of his as and grazing his teeth along his thighs, dangerously close to his balls. He’s already getting hard, the process expedited by warm breath and lips on his body. 
He moans embarrassingly loud when Duck shoves his ass apart.
“Damn, you really did get all prepped for that fella. Shame, he didn’t know what he was missin.” The plug hits the sand to his right.
“You, you don’t have to flatter meEEEoh, oh Duckohmygoodness.” His fingers dig into the sand as the merman teases his rim with a flexible tongue. There’s a muffled laugh, but Duck doesn’t respond beyond that, too busy threatening him with a good time as his tongue gives an experimental push. 
Then it retreats and he turns his head left and right, delivering quick bites to either cheek before his tongue returns. He alternates between the delicious, teasing licks and painful bites, the shift never coming when Indrid expects and causing him to cry out every time. When the mer releases one side of his ass in order to slap his thighs while he continues licking, kissing, and nipping his way across bruised, sensitive skin, Indrid lets out a strangled sound, the thing in his chest now trapped at the back of his throat. 
“You make such cute noises, but they ain’t the ones I’m lookin for. I ain’t stoppin until you apologize.”
Indrid opens his mouth, intending to say something about how this is the wrong way to make him do so. 
“I, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, please don’t be angry with me, don’t leave, don’t leave me here, I can’t, I, I don’t want to think about it, Duck please, I’m sorry, so sorry” he;s hunched forward, sobbing into the sand, when he realizes he’s fully clothed and Duck isn’t behind him.
“No” he squeaks, “no please don’t go.”
“I ain’t goin anywhere.” Duck slides up the sand next to him, pulls him into his arms, “I’m so sorry darlin, I didn’t mean to make you cry, I took it too far, I ain’t mad, not really” he eases Indrid’s glasses off and sets them out of harms way, “oh darlin, c’mere, it’s okay” salty kisses dot his forehead and green scales pet his legs. 
“It’s, hic, it’s not your fault. I, I l-liked it, but this has, hic, been building up for months. Years.” He hides his face in Duck’s chest.
“Years?” Duck grabs Indrid’s sweater from where he cast it off, draping it over the human. 
Indrid sniffs, “You know I’m a photographer. But I’ve never told you what I photograph. I, I made my name recording disasters and their aftermath. For a long time I took pride in it; someone has to document those things, so we can’t erase them, so we have to confront them and try to make things better, or try to keep such tragedy from reoccurring. I was so good at recording it I became famous. Wealthy. And I learned that most people like to gawk at horror and then go about their days. I, I tried branching out and...and I ended up with a disaster anyway. A bridge collapse, I chronicled everything from the instant it started to the funerals and it, it was too much. Ever since then I’ve felt trapped by my work. At times, by my life. My agent wants me to go back for the fifth anniversary, he told me so last night.”
“You ain’t goin, right?” 
“I don’t think I can.” 
Duck nods, rests his chin atop his head, “tell me what you wanna do instead.”
He does. He tells him about his other art, about the pitches for childrens books and the plans for a real vacation, about the life that, for the first time, feels in reach when he speaks about it. By the time he’s done the stars are out and he’s much calmer and clear-headed.
“Did you mean what you said earlier? That, that you thought I was attractive?”
“Every damn word.” Duck rolls them so Indrid is on his back, kisses his cheek, “thought so since that first night. But, uh” his gaze flicks down to Indrid’s crotch, “if you want more proof I’m happy to give it.”
“Get your pants off and lay on your sweater.”
Indrid complies, shivers when Duck guides his shirt up and off. 
“Fuuuuck” the mer rubs his hands up and down his torso, “when it warms up, you’re gonna swim out with me so I can get my fill of this while you ride my dick.”
“Yes. Ah, I, I did prep, but it’s been long enough now that lubrication may be an issueOOOh, ooohyes.” He release into the sand as Duck grinds his tail against his cock. The scales feel as lovely now as they do when he pets them, and he wonders if Duck will let him get off by humping his tail one of these days.
“It won’t, trust me. Lemme just--there we go. Open your legs. Heh, eager little thing.”
“I’ve wanted this too long to play coy.”
“Eeep!” Something slick and squirming presses into his ass, “do, do you have tentacles?”
“Kinda? They’re just the tip, for this exact reason. It, uh, it feel okay?” Duck smiles reassuringly and that, combined with the genuine concern in his voice makes Indrid moans and nudge him closer. 
“VeryOH, oohgracious” two more tentacles join the first, pulsing and scissoring him open, “how many are there?”
“About eight.”
He moans louder and Duck laughs, pushes his hips forward, “glad you like it, darlin’. Because from where I’m sittin your ass is fuckin amazin and I wanna be as deep in it as I can.”
“Yes, absolutely, pleaseAHHnnn” enough tentacles now that he can’t keep an accurate count, “please use it as you see fit.”
“As I see fit huh? That’s a tricky question. See, sometimes I wanna, fuck, wanna shove the whole thing in you at once and make you scream while I leave my mark on your neck.”
“AHHnnngod” A firmer shaft pushes in, ridges rubbing all the right places as the tentacles continue exploring him. 
“Other times, think it’s better to tease you with the tip, maybe make you blow me first and jerk you off until you’re beggin for my dick.”
“Yes, yesyesyesyes”
“But tonight” Duck bottoms out with a groan, “I’m gonna take it nice and slow, show you just how fuckin wonderful you are. How much you mean to me. My Indrid.”
“Yours” Indrid twines his limbs around him, “god, Duck, it feels so good, you’re so good, you always look after me.”
“That I do. Because you deserve it. And” the tentacles find his prostate and he nearly howls as Duck continues, “you deserve to learn how t’be nice to yourself. And I, ahfuck, know that ain’t easy, but I’m gonna be here to help.”
“Yes, ohgod, yes, you’re, you’re so perfect, aaAAAhnI, I’m, close sweetheart, you fill me so well.”
“Damn right. Gonna, nnngh, gonna find every fuckin way to fill you, make you feel fuckin amazin, fuck, that’s it darlin, ohfuckyeah” as he starts spilling into him, Indrid cums with a shout, splattering their stomachs. Duck moans at the sight, wriggles his hips as his shaft continues rippling and pulsing. It turns out mer orgasms are long, so long that Indrid is whimpering from overstimulation by the time Duck pulls out. 
A gentle, salt-soaked kiss to his lips, “Lookit you, took it all. You’re so good for me, darlin.”
“Mmmhmm” He doesn’t want to let go, cold, wind, and damp be damned. Duck seems to understand, holds him and whispers sweet promises in his ears until he’s shivering.
“‘Drid, your teeth are chatterin.”
“I kn-know, I s-should g-go home and w-warm up.”
Duck kisses him again, “sooner you go and rest, sooner we can do this again.”
“An excellent p-point.” He stands, blows a shaky kiss towards his future, “see you tomorrow.”
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rohad93 · 4 years
Moonlit Masquerade: Shades of Autumn
Luz is early today. She’d been getting to school earlier and earlier as the weeks have worn on.
She always has been an early riser, just not an early to do anything after she got up, person. More content to lay in bed, enjoying the quiet of the morning till her alarm actually went off and she was forced to get up.
But Amity gets to school early, so Luz does too, of course.
Any extra time spent with her paramour Is enough to get her moving, even at the crack of dawn.
The air is cool and crisp with the onset of fall. The trees have begun to change color, though to her it’s strange to see because the foliage in the Isles is already such varying shades aside from the green she’s used to, the only way she can really tell is because the ones she sees every day outside the owl house or on the way to school have begun to change hue and flake off the branches. Greens are turning red and brown while the reds wilt into bright yellows. The woods are a rainbow of hues; she likes it.
Even if it is a constant reminder.
She takes a deep breath of the cool air and grins as she jogs towards the school, some fallen leaves crunching under her steps.
As she runs up the path to Hexside she quickly spots her girlfriend’s head of mint green hair near the steps, she grins and makes a beeline straight for her.
She’s talking to Gus and Willow who are apparently also early today.
“Hey, guys!” She smiles brightly as she comes to a skidding halt in front of them.
Hey, Luz.“ Gus and Willow grin and wave.
“Buenos dìas, mi amor.” She nudges Amity with her hip, who pinks a little but smiles at her tenderly. She’s spent enough time with Luz over the last month and a half to have started picking up some Spanish and it’s only when Luz starts her rapid, spitfire rambling in the language that she gets hopelessly lost, but she’s trying. She wants to learn, for Luz and for herself. She’d like to be able to say whatever she wants to her without fear of people overhearing things they shouldn’t.
It’s slow work, but Luz is all too happy to help her learn, even when she giggles at the stilted, choppy way Amity says things. Rolling her ‘R’s is another thing she’s having difficulty with.
She may have also managed to get a hold of a handy little Spanish to English dictionary, courtesy of Eda, from her pile of human trash. She’s been studying it in her spare time, hoping to surprise her girlfriend with things she hasn’t yet taught her.
“Morning…” She hesitates, hoping she’s not going to butcher this, “querida.”
Luz chokes on her own spit as her face turns red and Amity feels rather proud of herself, having brought her chatty girlfriend to stupefied silence.
“What’s going on?” Gus whispers to Willow who just smiles.
They’ve become pretty accustomed to Luz and Amity’s somewhat new dynamic since they started dating and all the strange, sometimes hard to follow conversations the two have. Though without any context Willow thinks she knows what’s going on.
She’s also picked up a little of Luz’s other language, and while she doesn’t know ‘amor’ or ‘querida’ the faces the two make tells her all she needs to know about the nature of these words and she rolls her eyes at the couple.
“They’re just being sappy, don’t worry about it.
“Oh…” Gus nods.
“Where did you learn that?” Luz finally sputters, still red-faced, and Amity grins, and maybe it’s a Blight sibling thing, but she winks and Luz feels like she might just melt into a puddle of human goo. She only thought she got flustered whenever one of the twins winked at her, this was a whole nother level entirely.
“If you two are done…,“ Willow started, drawing the couples embarrassed gazes. “I heard the Autumn festival is going to be in town this weekend, we should all go.”
“Yeah!” Luz quickly agreed before stopping. “What’s The Autumn festival?” she asks and Willow laughs while Amity can only roll her eyes fondly.
“It’s like a carnival but with autumn-themed food and games and all kinds of fun stuff,” Gus explains, bouncing excitedly on the balls of his feet and Luz joins him in excited fidgeting.
“Count me in!” Luz pumps a fist before turning to look at her girlfriend imploringly. Amity’s lips twitch at the large, pleading eyes now turned on her. Luz is the only one with this kind of power over her. Not that she would have turned down the opportunity to spend an afternoon with her and their friends.
“Sounds like fun,” she agreed.
Luz and Gus cheer, high-fiving while Amity and Willow share a look.
They talked a little while longer before the bell rang and they all had to make their way to class.
It was Thursday, and Luz had Bard and Oracle track classes today, so she bid farewell to her friends as she and Amity walked down another hall. Abominations were only one hall down from the bard hall.
When they stopped in front of the entrance to the bard’s hall Amity grabbed her arm.
“I won’t be able to meet you today, my mom wants me to come straight home after school.” She frowned and Luz resisted the urge to pout, she knew Amity didn’t like it anymore then she did so she simply nodded.
“It’s okay, I’ll see you tomorrow and I’ll message you tonight.” She smiled and Amity’s frown vanished in the face of it. She wanted very badly to close the short distance between them and lay a quick kiss on her mouth but there were students all around them, though none close enough to hear them.
“I’ll be waiting for it, querida.” she grinned as she walked away from her again short-circuiting girlfriend.
~ ~ ~
Luz was worried
She’d waited until sometime after dinner before sending Amity a message on her scroll as she laid in bed. Usually, Amity replied within a few minutes.
She’d waited a few hours, checking her scroll periodically, eventually feeling antsy and moving about the house.
Eda and Lilith seemed to pick up on her behavior pretty quickly as she wandered around the kitchen and living room, frowning.
“Is something the matter, Luz?” Lilith was the first to ask.
“Hmm, Amity hasn’t messaged me back yet and it’s been four hours…,” she mumbled, plopping down on the floor, opposite the couch where the sisters were sitting.’
“That’s it? Your girlfriend hasn’t messaged you back yet?” Eda cocked a brow. “You were wandering around here looking like someone was being murdered.” She crossed her arms.
“You don’t understand, Eda!” She threw up her hands. “She’s never not responded to me before… and her mom wanted her to come home right after school today… I’m worried.” She glanced down at her still silent scroll.
The women shared a look before turning back to Luz.
“I’m sure it’s gonna be okay, kid. If her mom wanted her home it must have been for something, she’s just busy.” Eda tried to comfort her apprentice.
“Surely if something were wrong she would have messaged you first,” Lilith followed up.
“Yeah, kids head over heels for you. If she needed you, she’d let you know.”
“Hmm, I guess…,” Luz grumbled.
Eda frowned at the glum look on her kid’s face and stood.
“Come on Luz, let’s go get ice screams,” she said, ruffling the girl’s head as she walked over to the door.
A tiny smile pulled at her lips at what she knew Eda was trying to do. They were probably right, Amity had a tighter schedule than most adults she knew, she was probably just busy.
“Okay” She hopped up to join Eda at the door.
“King, let’s go, we’re getting Ice screams!” she yelled, and upstairs a loud squeal of excitement echoed back. “You too, Lilly.” Eda jerked her head.
“Very well.”
~ ~ ~
Luz was very worried now as she walked quickly to school.
Amity had never returned her message and according to the little text next to it, she had never even read it.
That was not like her and it made Luz’s stomach tight with worry.
She shot right out of the house as soon as she had gotten dressed when she’d checked her scroll to still see no sign of Amity.
Students were milling about the front of the building. If she wanted to avoid people Amity would get to school just before the bell rang so she could use it as an excuse. She’s done it a couple of times since they started dating, though never to Luz.
Just as she predicted, she could see her girlfriends bright green head as she walked toward Hexside’s main steps.
She froze stiff at the call, but she didn’t look like she was going to try and run.
“Hey! I was worried about you, you never messaged me back last night.” She stopped at Amity’s side so their conversation was hushed as kids walked by them.
“Sorry, Luz… I got busy last night, I didn’t mean to worry you…” She turned to look at her with a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes.
Luz noticed it immediately.
Amity’s hair was a bright new shade of mint and the auburn roots Luz adored were gone, now the same shade as the rest of her hair.
“Your hair…,” Luz mumbled and Amity clutched her books tighter to her chest. She knew Luz would notice right away. She didn’t know why she thought she could avoid this.
Luz pursed her lips as she looked at the uniform color and remembered what Amity had told her about it. She’d held her tongue before about the subject, but this clearly caused her girlfriend distress if the way her hunched shoulders and the way she couldn’t meet Luz’s eyes meant anything.
“Did your mom make you re-dye your hair last night?” She knew she hit the nail on the head because as soon as the sentence left her mouth Amity flinched, hunkering in even further.
“Yes,” she answered after a long moment, just as the bell rang. “I gotta go.” She tried to walk away but Luz grabbed her shoulder.
“Amity, wait…”
“I really don’t want to talk about this right now, Luz.” She pulled away and ran inside leaving Luz to watch her go from the bottom of the steps with a frown.
Her stomach was churning with worry for Amity and anger at her girlfriend’s mother. She’d never met Mrs. Blight, but she knew already without a doubt, she didn’t like her.
~ ~ ~
Amity could hardly pay attention to her classes. She was mad at herself.
She knew eventually her roots were going to reach a point where her mother was going to ‘suggest’ that she fix it. She knew by the length that the time was approaching and she should have told Luz about it, knowing that she would notice right away and that she knew her and her mother’s… secret agreement, if that was what she wanted to call it. Amity sniffed at that.
Even Ed and Em didn’t know why she colored her hair, they’d teased her mercilessly about it after the first time, saying that if she wanted to be like them she’d have to try harder then that.
Hell, she wasn’t sure her father even knew. Having inherited her warm auburn hair from him, he’d seemed a little disappointed after the first time her mother had ‘asked’ her to color it, in that cloying sweet way that meant she wasn’t really asking.
She sighed to herself, she hadn’t meant to ignore Luz last night, but having her hair recolored had put her in a very bad mood and she didn’t think she’d have been good company.
Then this morning… she groaned quietly.
Of course, Luz would be able to put two and two together and see that she was upset. She always was the first couple of days after having her hair fixed. She really shouldn’t have blown her off though. She would send her a message later, apologizing.
There wasn’t much she could do about her hair. She wished she could just let it be the color it was; It frustrated her.
When class mercifully ended she took her time gathering her things. She knew in the back of her mind it was just to avoid Luz, even though she really wanted to see her.
After last night she just wanted to let her girlfriend hold her. She was always happiest and at peace whenever the human wrapped her arms around her and let her just bury her face into her neck.
But Luz also asked too many questions and felt righteous, indignant anger for others much too strong to simply ignore this, it was one of the things Amity loved about her. She cared so much, but this was something beyond her, and Amity needed to find a way to explain it to her so she would let it go.  
Luz thought the emperor was tough? She’d never met Odalia Blight and if Amity had her way, she never would.
She was walking down the quiet empty halls tiredly when a classroom door swung open and someone grabbed her pulling her inside. She didn’t even have time to cry out as the door shut and she was standing in the middle of an empty classroom.
“It’s just me!” Luz quickly soothed her panic.
“Luz!” Amity hissed. “What are you doing?” She held a hand to her chest over her rapidly beating heart.
“Sorry, I was waiting for you.”
“You could have just waited outside for me…,” Amity grumbled.
“So you could take off running the second you saw me?” Luz frowned, not glaring but it was a very stern look that made Amity frown guiltily.
“I’m sorry…,” she mumbled.
“Don’t be sorry, just talk to me, Amity” Luz pleaded. “I can’t help you if you don’t talk to me, amor”
“You can’t help with this, Luz.” she shook her head, looking at the floor. “This is just… something I have to do… I know you want to help but you can’t. So please, can you just forget about it?”
“No!” Luz flings out her arms. “How can I just ignore it when it makes you like this?!” Luz can’t understand why Amity just can’t talk to her about this.
Maybe she can’t do anything, but she’s there for Amity to lean on even when she needs her, when she’s hurting, even when they can’t do anything about it.
She doesn’t have to shove it all down and pretend she’s not bothered when she clearly is.
Frustration is bubbling up in Amity’s stomach like a boiling cauldron. Why can’t Luz understand that this is just something she has to do?
“It’s just hair, Luz!” She’s not shouting but it’s much louder than it needs to be.
“If it was just about hair then you wouldn’t be so upset and miserable about it!” Luz’s tone also raises. “You wouldn’t be hiding from me!”
“It doesn’t matter, I have to do this, you don’t know what my mother is like!” she is yelling now.
"I would if you would just explain it to me!” She shouts back, just as loud.
Amity turns away from her, shaking. She hates this, hates how angry she is, hates her mother, and that Luz can’t just let this go. Just this once, she wished she didn’t care so much.  
Luz frowns. This wasn’t at all how she had wanted this to go. She takes a breath, calming herself.
“Hey, it’s okay… maybe I don’t get it…” Luz starts quietly and reaches out a hand towards Amity’s shaking shoulder. “But my mom…”
Amity is just so frustrated by everything she spins around to face her surprised girlfriend and snaps:
“Stop, your right, you don’t get it and your mom isn’t here!“
Brown eyes go wide and the hurt couldn’t be clearer.
Just like that, all her frustration drains out of her and she wants nothing more than to take the words back, pull them back and swallow the vile things before they leave her mouth, but she can’t. They’re out there now and she has to live with that.
Live with the deafening silence that fills the empty classroom as she and Luz stare back at each other with wide eyes, gold filled with horror and brown with shock and hurt
Her stomach drops into her feet as Luz’s lips begin to tremble and her eyes turn glassy.
She wants to say something, anything, but for the life of her, she can’t get her mouth to form the words.
Luz bursts, choking on a sob before she turns and runs, wrenching the door open. It slams against the wall, the bang echoing through the room as she flees down the hall.
"Luz!” Amity calls finally able to make her body respond and she runs after her, but Luz is fast, much faster then Amity realized as she bursts out of the schools front doors in time to see the other girl vanishing into the woods at the edge of the school grounds, she stops at the bottom of the steps, helplessly watching her girlfriend disappear from sight amid the trees.
“Amity!?” She looks to see Gus and Willow, standing at the edge of the steps looking at her with concerned faces. No doubt they had seen Luz run by sobbing.
“What happened!?” Willow asks.
“What did you do!?” Gus accuses, pointing a finger at her and glaring.
‘I…” she stammers, then bites her lip and after a long minute trying to form coherent thoughts, she slowly explains what happened. The two friends’ faces change from shock to outrage and alarm by the time she’s done.
“Why would you say that?!” Willow is all but shouting at her as Gus crosses his arms and glares as if she didn’t already feel bad about what she’d said to Luz.
“I don’t know!” she wails. “It was stupid and cruel and I don’t know! I didn’t mean to, I was just frustrated, she wouldn’t drop it and it just came out…” She buried her face in her hands miserably.
Willow is pinching the bridge of her nose beneath her glasses. She knows what she’s about to say is going to make Amity feel so much worse, but it needs to be said.
“You don’t know how cruel…,” she starts and Amity is looking at her with worried eyes at the miserable tone of her voice. “Summer is over Amity, Luz was supposed to go home almost two weeks ago…,” she trails off and Amity’s mind shifts gears, spinning into overdrive as she takes in the meaning of those words, understanding slapping her in the face.
“Oh… oh, Titan, no!” She covers her mouth with her hands but the horror In her eyes is clear. In the midst of the cloudy haze of their blossoming relationship, Amity had lost track of the days.
Somewhere in the human world, a mother is desperately searching for her missing daughter and Luz knows this, Amity, Willow, and Gus know this, and Amity had only, no matter how unintentionally, dug the knife in deeper.
Her knees are on the verge of giving out and she drops on the bottom step before they can buckle of their own accord.
“Why am I so terrible!” Amity shouts, reaching up to pull at her hair, shame is the only thing she can feel and it makes bile threaten to rise up her throat; she thinks she’s about to be sick as water pools in the corners of her eyes.
Willow sighs and kneels down on the ground in front of her, thinking about what to say.
“You’re not terrible, Amity,” she said slowly. “I know you didn’t mean it and I’m sure Luz knows it to…”
“I hurt her…” Amity whimpers, and she’s never been so disappointed in herself as she is at this moment, knowing that she’s hurt the one person she cares about more than anything.
Willow and Gus share a look before turning back to the girl cracking too pieces in front of them.
“You can still fix this, Amity.” Willow reaches up and lays a comforting hand on the trembling girl’s shoulder. “You need to talk to her, now.” Willow impresses the urgency upon her.
She nods, wiping away the tears that are threatening to fall and she stands.
“I gotta go…” she takes off toward the owl house without another word.
When she’s finally standing in front of the house she’s panting, having run all the way.
She takes a moment to get her breath back before walking up to knock on the door. Hooty is strangely quiet as he looks at her from his place in the door.
After a moment it opens and the owl lady is standing there looking at her with a frown.
“Is Luz here? she asks, trying not to cower as Eda looks down at her.
Eda simply regards her for another few seconds before saying anything.
“Yeah, ran through here crying. Your doing, I take it?” It’s not really a question.
“Can I talk to her…, please?” She’ll beg if she has to. She has to make this right.
Eda continues to stare at her for the longest few seconds of Amity’s life before she steps aside and Amity shoots through the door and up the stairs, not even acknowledging King or Lilith sitting on the couch.
Luz’s door is closed but she can hear her quiet muffled crying through the door and it tears at her heart. She lifts her hand to knock but hesitates, and swallows, but her mouth is dry.
Finally, she taps on the door and the cries quiet.
“Not now, Eda…” her voice is quiet and it cracks. Amity takes hold of the handle, gripping it tightly before pushing it open.
It’s dim in the room, stray beams of light are streaming through the drawn curtains, just enough that she can see.
Luz is curled up on her bed, facing away from her.
She must have heard the door open.
“I just wanna be alone, Eda,” she choked quietly.
Amity licks her dry lips.
The girl goes still before her cries pick up again, though she’s trying to muffle them.
Amity’s feet are heavy as she walks across the room, but hesitates at the bedside, not sure what to do with herself.
Finally, she settles for kneeling on the floor, so her face is level with Luz, hands holding onto the edge of the mattress. The old, worn wood bites into her knees but she ignores it.
“Luz…, I am so sorry,” she finally says. “I didn’t mean to say that… or to yell at you… I was just frustrated and I know that’s no excuse for it, I just…” she chokes back her own tears. “I’m sorry, I’m just so sorry.” It’s all she can say as she stares at her girlfriend’s quaking back, tears dripping down her cheeks. Her head drops and she clenches her eyes shut as more tears fall, dripping off her chin to the floor, leaving little wet circles in the dry wood.
She stays right there for several long minutes before the bed shifts and she looks up.
Luz has rolled over to face her, staring back at her with wet, red-rimmed eyes.
She’s still crying as she holds up an arm and Amity stares back at her with wide eyes.
“C'mere,” she croaks and Amity scrambles into the bed, wedging one of her arms between Luz and the mattress to squeeze her close, burying her face into her chest.
Luz’s grip on her is just as tight as she nuzzles her face into bright green hair.
They just lay there for a while as their tears slow, eyes closed
They don’t hear the Clawthorne sisters outside the door.
“Edalyn!” Lilith hisses as she follows her sister down the hall to Luz’s room. “Do you honestly think they’re in there making out again?!” She asks with quiet outrage.
“After last week I’m just checking!” she hisses back. “They know the rules, door open!” she says quietly.
Lilith rolls her eyes, scowling. “Luz was in tears!”
“I know. Do you know how many crying people I’ve 'comforted’?” The younger finger quotes and Lilith’s scowl only intensifies; for multiple reasons.
“Do you really think so lowly of Amity?” she growls.
“No, of course not, but I need to check on my kid!” Eda growls, looking at Lilith over her shoulder. The elder only frowns but says nothing else.
She’s silent when she turns the door handle and opens it just a couple of inches to peek inside. the first thing she sees of course is the two teenagers curled up together on the bed, and she’s just about to throw the door open when she hears it.
Both of them are huddled together on the bed crying.
She closes the door as silently as she opened it and backs away.
“Well?” Lilith asks lowly and Eda just shakes her head.
“Leave 'em be,” she says as they walk back down the hall.
When the crying has stopped the two are just laying there quietly, absorbing each other’s warmth, still sniffling on occasion as Luz runs her fingers through Amity’s hair while the other clenches and unclenches her hands in the fabric of Luz’s shirt.
Finally, Amity finds the will to speak.
“I lost track of the days…,” she starts quietly. “I completely forgot when you were supposed to go back…”
Luz hums.
“Why didn’t you say anything?” Amity finally finds the courage to ask.
Luz just shrugs, frowning into Amity’s hair.
“I didn’t want anyone to worry about me. I especially didn’t want you to worry about me. Worrying about it isn’t going to fix it…,” she trails off.
Amity makes a frustrated sound in her throat and pulls back just enough so they can look at each other. Both their eyes are red and puffy.
“That’s not how this works, Luz! I’m going to worry about you whether you want me to or not, that’s how love works!” She’s more than aware of the hypocrisy of her words as they come out of her mouth, but more so as those deep brown eyes lock with hers, but she goes on. “I want to be there for you, even if I can’t do anything, I want you to be able to lean on me.”
“Then why won’t you let me be there for you?” she shoots back and Amity flinches. The words hold no anger, just sad confusion.
“I…,” Amity sighs. She’s been thinking about this too and has finally come to the answer. “I don’t know how…” her voice is so soft Luz barely hears it. “I’m a Blight… I’m not supposed to need anyone. I should be strong enough on my own.” She closes her eyes, unable to stare into Luz’s any longer, she can’t bear whatever she might find there.
“That’s stupid.”
Her eyes shoot open to look at Luz, who is frowning. She looks angry but Amity realizes it’s not directed at her as she presses her forehead against hers.
“Everyone needs help sometimes, no matter what their name is, and… we’re supposed to be there to help each other, no matter what, that’s what this is.” Her grip on Amity tightens. “Like you said, that’s what love is. Us against the world, but you have to let me, Amity.” Her voice is thick with raw emotion.
Luz is getting blurry as tears fill Amity’s eyes again and her fingers dig into Luz’s shirt in a death grip. Luz is smiling at her sadly as they begin to drip down her cheeks to the bed. She nods shakily.
“I know…,” she hiccups.
“You said I don’t understand. So explain it to me,” she breathes, and Amity sniffles. “Please, mi amor. Tell me.” Luz whispers.
So she does.
They lay there a long time, so long, the sunlight in the room disappears, casting the room in darkness as Amity explains exactly what it’s like growing up in Blight Manor, with parents that are too busy most of the time to even remember they have children unless it’s convenient to them. With a distant father who is usually too busy to spend time with his family or know what is going on and a mother who when she has the time, uses it to try and sculpt all her children into perfectly painted figurines for her to display to their friends and acquaintances at parties.
Nevermind that the paint just hides the many chips and cracks beneath.
Luz only holds her all the tighter the longer they lay there and her heart aches the more Amity speaks as she realizes that Willow and green hair dye are only the tip of an iceberg lodged in her girlfriend’s heart.
“Oh, Amity,” Luz breathes, holding her as tight as she can without crushing her. “I’m sorry,” she finally says when Amity is finished. “I should have left it alone…”
Amity shakes her head
“No…, I should have talked to you about this instead of just trying to ignore it,” she sighs “I know you, Luz. I know how much you care and want to help… I love that about you… I guess part of me just didn’t want you to know what a mess I am,” she mumbles, gold eyes sliding to look anywhere but Luz. She squeaks as Luz’s grip on her becomes crushing.
“You’re not!” she growls, anger burns in her belly like she’s swallowed fire. She’s never felt such intense hatred before as she feels at Amity’s mom right now. “You’re amazing and I love you so much.” She squeezes harder still. “And what your parents do isn’t your fault,” she asserts.
“Luz, too tight…,” Amity squeaks.
“Sorry, sorry!” Luz smiles sheepishly and relaxes her death grip on Amity, who can finally take a full breath. “Really, though. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have pushed. When you tell me to leave something alone I need to listen…,” she says with a frown, which makes Amity frown.
She draws her hands back from around Luz’s back and wedges them between them to wrap her fingers around her neck, thumbs brushing her cheeks.
“And I need to learn that I can rely on you, no matter what,” she says and Luz smiles, making her own lips pull up.
“Always, mi amor.” she affirms, leaning into Amity’s touch.
Amity closes the incrementally small distance between the two to press a soft kiss to her girlfriend’s smiling mouth.
When she releases her she sighs happily but exhausted.
“We’ve been here a long time… you probably need to get home.” Luz frowns, not at all happy about having to send Amity home now that she knows exactly what that home is like.
The twins can only help so much, they too are just teenagers in the same boat as their sister, even though it seems to Luz that shielding Amity from as much as they can is their priority; for which she could never be more grateful.
Thankfully Amity just shakes her head.
“They left for the weekend this morning… it’s just Ed and Em at home,” she says.
“Then stay,” Luz says without even having to think about it.
Amity jerks up to look at her, eyes blown wide and cheeks pinking.
“I… don’t think Eda will be okay with that after what happened last week” the pink turns red.
“She will if I explain It to her…,” she says. Amity looks unsure of that. “We need adults in our corner, even if they’re both wanted criminals.” She grins and Amity can’t help but giggle at her. Even when it’s dark, Luz has a way of lighting up her world.
“Okay” she moves to sit up but Luz pushes her back down with a hand on her shoulder.
“You stay here, I can do it, amor,” Luz assures her. Amity wants to argue, but she feels drained after explaining it all to Luz, so she just nods.
Luz pressed a kiss to the corner of her mouth and crawls off the bed, moving to the door.
Amity bites her lip before calling out.
“Hurry back, querida.”
Luz freezes and Amity grins, knowing even without being able to see her face as it’s turned away and dark that Luz is blushing.
After a second she just looks over her shoulder and smiles.
“Siempre volveré a ti, mi amor.” She says before opening the door and disappearing down the hall, leaving Amity confused but flustered.
She pulls out her scroll and calls her sister who picks up on the second ring.
“Mittens, are you okay, where are you?” She sounds worried and Amity feels a little guilty about that.
“I’m fine, Em. I’m at Luz's…”
“Oooh, and what are you two up to I wonder…?” she says with a knowing lilt, but she does not have the energy to be angry at her older sisters teasing.
“Emira…” the tired and almost sad way she says her sister’s name makes the sound on the other end go quiet for a moment.
“What’s wrong?” Emira sounds serious now, and with a weary sigh she explains the last few hours to the twins after Emira has put her scroll on speaker, which includes finally telling the twins why she’s been dying her hair green for years; they don’t like it. Not one bit.
After about twenty minutes Luz peeks her head in the bedroom door and seeing her on her scroll, gives her a thumbs-up as she walks quietly into the room to sit on the end of the bed.
“Titan, Amity…” she hears her brother say quietly.
“I’m going to stay with Luz tonight, I’ll be back in the morning and we can talk about it later,” she says before he or Emira can say anything else.
There’s a long moment of silence and Amity can just see the two of them, looking at each other having one of the silent conversations they’re famous for.
“Alright, we’ll see you tomorrow. We love you!” The two chorus at the end and Amity rolls here eyes, but smiles.
“I love you too.” The scroll beeps as the call ends and Luz reaches out to grab her hand and squeezes reassuringly.
“Eda said we’re good to go for tonight and that dinner is ready.”
It isn’t until she says this that Amity realizes how absolutely starving she is.
“That sounds nice.” She nods.
Luz grins and leads her downstairs, hand still threaded through hers.
Eda looks up as they walk into the kitchen.
“Have a seat, kids.” She motions to the table where Lilith and King are already sitting, waiting.
They do, and they all smile, and for once Amity is glad that Lilith is here.
Maybe she hasn’t forgiven her yet, but she’s trying, and after all this talk about her mother, she’s glad for anyone else.
She gives Lilith a small smile and the woman seems surprised, but it’s quickly replaced with a reassuring look.
When dinner finished and everything is cleaned up, Amity insists on helping, the two head for the stairs only to be stopped by Eda, poking her head out of the kitchen to look at the two as they start up the stairs.
“Luz” her mentor calls, and they both turn back to look at her.
“You two can sleep up there, but that door stays open, no funny business, or this is the last time anyone stays here; got it?” They both turn bright red but Luz nods.
“No funny business,” she squeaks. she’s not going to even attempt to argue that nothing is going to happen, she just agrees; not willing to look a gift horse in the mouth.
“Good. Night, kids.” Eda grins and the two hurry up the stairs, mumbling to each other and faces red.
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nalgenewhore · 4 years
Slipping Through My Fingers - Fifteen
masterlist - ao3 - last chapter - next chapter 
warnings: none
an: well. 
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Lorcan was tinkering with an engine, only half-listening to whatever music Fenrys had chosen for the garage when Ansel rapped on his door, poking her head in. 
“Hey, man, the kids are here,” she said, her grin falling off her lips as he nodded vaguely, hardly hearing her. “Lorcan. Lorcan. Lorcan. Lorcan. Lor–”
“Fucking hell, what do you want, Ans?” he snarled, irritation flashing in his eyes. 
Ansel rose a manicured wine-red brow, glancing over her shoulder before she stepped in and closed the door, leaning back against it. “Excuse you?” He held her stare until he glanced away, shaking his head. “Really? You’re just gonna ignore me?” 
Lorcan cocked his jaw and crossed his arms, decidedly staying silent. 
Ansel sighed and swaggered over to the other stool, sitting down and kicking his foot with hers. “So, uh, Elide took the day off. Apparently she’s been calling in sick the entire week,” she commented, her face impassive as he snapped his head up and breathed in sharply. 
Then, Lorcan shrugged and sniffed, looking down at his hands, “Guess she isn’t feeling well.” 
“Stop it,” Ansel hissed at him, her eyes narrowing, “I went to Aelin’s. I saw her, Lorcan.” 
“Aelin’s?” Lorcan didn’t know that. He didn’t know she was staying with her sister. Rowan hadn’t told him that. 
“Well…” he trailed, unable to figure out what to say. 
“What happened?” 
He shrugged again and muttered something unintelligible, picking at his nails. “We’re just taking a couple weeks, you know. No biggie.” 
“You’re a terrible liar, Lorcan,” Ansel told him, her voice hard. She opened her mouth to say something when the door was slammed open and two ankle biters raced in, yelling at their parents. 
Esther was chattering, as usual, in her mother’s native tongue as Ansel scooped her up and smiled down at her. “J’ai fait un dessin d’un ourson et son maman sur son plâtre.” She pointed over to Kohana’s cast where there was indeed a drawing of a bear cub and its mother. 
“Bien fait, ma chère,” Ansel murmured, brushing back her daughter’s hair and kissing her head as she glared daggers at Lorcan. 
Lorcan rolled his eyes and smiled softly at Kohana, accepting the hug his son offered him. “Hey, kid.” 
“Hi, Dad,” Kohana said, climbing onto his father’s lap and cuddling into his chest. “When do we get to go home?” 
“Soon,” Lorcan promised him, the two of them saying good-bye to Ansel and Esther when they walked out. Kohana stepped down onto the floor, running his hand over his cast. 
“Mm-hmm?” Kohana didn’t answer and Lorcan looked up, his eyebrow arched. “K-Man?” 
“…does Ellie need space from me at school, too?” 
“What? No, not at all,” Lorcan said, his heart clenching. “She doesn’t need space from you, she needs space from me. None of it is because of you, ok?” Kohana looked up at him, his eyes big and filled with tears as he sniffled. “Oh, kid, c’mere.” Kohana launched himself into Lorcan’s arms, crying into his shirt. 
“I miss Ellie,” Ko cried, burying his face in his father’s chest. “I didn’t want her to go.” 
All Lorcan could do was hold his son close and kiss the top of his head, whispering soothing words of comfort as he silently cursed himself and all he stood for. 
The rain was coming down heavy as Lorcan slammed his car door shut and jogged around to open up Ko’s. “C’mon, man, we gotta go.” 
“I’m comin’, Dad,” Kohana grumbled, not at all pleased with what they were doing, but they needed groceries and he couldn’t be left at home. The little one refused to move after Lorcan undid his seatbelt, so Lorcan picked him up and walked quickly over to the grocery store. 
“Ko, stay here,” Lorcan said as he put him down, “I’m gonna grab a cart, alright?” 
Kohana didn’t say a word and wandered a couple steps inside the store, pushing his hood back and pulling his braid out. He became fascinated by the way his frog gumboots squeaked on the linoleum and started walking around, staring intensely down at the sound, a happy little grin on his round little face. 
He pattered around in a circle, twisting his feet and giggling gleefully at the resulting sound. He bumped into someone’s legs and reached up, grabbing two of their fingers and staying in place as he moved his boots back and forth. “Dad, look, look at my bo–” 
It was at that moment Kohana looked up and gasped, his heart dropping when he realized the person he’d been talking to and whose hand he’d been holding onto was not his father. 
Kohana worriedly turned around and ran back to Lorcan, too upset to feel any sort of joy at the squeaking sound of his boots. “Até,” he cried, ducking behind his father and hiding as he gripped Lorcan’s painter pants tightly with his unbroken arm. 
Lorcan chuckled and looked down at him, fondly stroking his hand over Ko’s head. “Prince, what happened?” 
Kohana just shook his head and carefully peeked out at the stranger before hurriedly looking away again. Lorcan laughed quietly again and picked him up, turning to the other man as his son buried his face in his shoulder, his round cheeks fiercely aflame. “Sorry ‘bout that, man, he’s a little shy sometimes, ain’t that right, K-Man?” 
Again, Kohana didn’t answer and the two adults chuckled. The other man said something and departed, continuing on with his shopping as Lorcan looked at Kohana whilst he lifted his head. “I thought he was you, Daddy. I didn’t mean to.” 
Lorcan smiled softly, his eyes turning gentle as he put Kohana in the cart, “I know, baby. It’s ok, you’re ok, yeah?” 
“Yeah… I’m ok,” Ko whispered, smiling shyly, his cheeks still tinged pink. “I’m very ok, Dad.”
Elide ran through the rain to the grocery store, leaving Aelin in the car to wait. Since they only needed a couple things, it was a one-person job and Elide had lost rock-paper-scissors once again. 
She shook off her hoodie hood, regretting wearing her cotton sweater in the rain. Elide grabbed herself a basket and walked quickly into the store, just wanting to rush home and make dinner with her sister. 
Elide idly perused the aisles, pulling things into her basket and tapping against the handles a random beat, humming low under her breath. Her eyes got caught on the brand of tea she had at home and she almost fell, tripping over her feet. 
Home. It didn’t feel the same anymore, not without him. That was why she’d been staying with Aelin for the past five days. Maybe she was kidding herself by saying that she was just taking time to heal and maybe she was being a coward, but… she just couldn’t care right now. 
It was nice to be with her sister, even if she did feel a little bit bad for kicking Rowan out.
Elide just shook her head to dispel her thoughts as she blinked her tears away and hurriedly exited the aisle, not seeing where she was going as she crashed into somebody’s cart and floundered to keep from falling when whoever it was wrapped their hands around her biceps and righted her. 
Her cheeks were aflame as she stepped away, “I’m so sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was going and it’s–” her words fell away when she looked up, seeing Kohana sitting in the cart and Lorcan, half a foot away from her. 
Immediately, tears sprung in her eyes and her throat ached. Damn it, she did not want to cry in her local grocery store. Elide backed away further, protectively shielding her basket, though she didn’t know why. 
“Ellie! Hi-hi!” 
“Hey, Kohana,” she breathed, her voice wavering. While she addressed Kohana, she looked at his father, biting the inside of her bottom lip to stop it from trembling. She was not going to cry today. At least, she wasn’t going to cry in the store. Once she was in the car or even outside the store, all bets were off. 
Lorcan bent down and that was when Elide noticed that most of her groceries had fallen to the linoleum floors. He passed her a can of coconut milk and she nearly dropped it again when their fingers brushed and she snatched her hand away, looking at him like he had burned her. He opened his mouth to say something, but she spoke first.
“I ca- I can’t- I have to go,” she whispered, waving an unenthusiastic farewell to Kohana as she hurried off, already feeling a tear slip free. Elide rushed through the self-checkout, her head ducked down as more hot tears blurred her vision. 
She hastily paid and didn’t even wait for the machine to spit out her receipt before she ran out to the car, crying as she threw herself into the passenger seat. 
Aelin stared at her with wide eyes as she blubbered and weeped, gesturing vaguely to the store and then to the bag. The blonde just sighed softly and pulled Elide in for a hug over the centre console. “Let’s go home, babes. I’ll cook!” 
That had Elide laughing, albeit tearfully as she sniffled and wiped her eyes, “That’s really sweet of you, but I’d rather see Lorcan than eat your food.” 
“Well, now, that’s just rude.” 
Lorcan slowly closed the door, smiling as Kohana sighed sleepily and cuddled onto his side, hugging his stuffed hippo tightly. Tigger stood watch at the end of his bed, his yellow eyes glowing bright. Fuck, that cat creeped him out. 
He carefully walked downstairs, trying to not let them creak too much. Then, he walked over to the TV cabinet, rifling through the shelf until he located the baby videos of Ko. He popped one of them into the DVD player, standing and crossing over to the couch. He sat down heavily, nervously bouncing his knee up and down. 
With the remote, he pressed play and tossed it to the cushion beside him, running a ragged hand down his face, reaching his other hand up to finger the ring hanging from the chain around his neck. 
His eyes were already burning with tears as the video started. The footage, slightly grainy, was of Essar, rocking a little bundle to and fro as she sang a gentle, seaside melody from her childhood. Her tattooed lips pulled into the happiest grin he’d ever seen as two little hands reached up, patting the ink on her chin and batting the air as the bundle gurgled. 
Then, Essar looked up at the camera, rolling her eyes playfully, “Are you seriously filming right now?��� 
Lorcan heard himself laugh and then his younger self appeared in the frame, walking over to the two of them and peering down at the very precious cargo Essar carried. “I like it when you sing, Ess. Prettiest voice in the whole dang world.” 
A soft blush pinked her cheeks and she smiled up at him, laughing when Kohana demanded their attention by waving his fists aggressively. Lorcan laughed as well and pulled the top of the blanket down. “Hey, kid. You’re pretty cute, you know that?” He sat down on the edge of their bed and pulled Essar down onto his thigh, resting his chin on her shoulder and twining his arms around her waist. “You just might be the cutest kid in the world. You wanna know why?” 
Essar answered for their son, leaning back against him as Kohana wrapped his hand around Lorcan’s finger. “Why, o husband of mine?” 
“‘Cause his momma is the most gorgeous girl around and his pops?” Essar turned to look at him, a fake warning in her eyes. “He’s the luckiest man alive.” 
Essar smiled and he pressed a chaste kiss to the skin beneath her jaw. “I love you so fuckin’ much, Essar.” 
“Language,” she chided him, resting her head on his shoulder and gazing down at their child. “I love you too, Lorcan. So fuckin’ much.” 
Lorcan faked an offended gasp and delicately covered Kohana’s ears, “Ms. Tangaroa-Salvaterre! There is a child, an infant in your presence. I am going to have to ask you to,” he dropped his voice into a low hiss, “watch your language, ma’am.” 
“Oh, shut it,” Essar said, smacking his tattooed chest as an upright, grey tail came swishing into view. She saw what her cat was going to do and cried out, “Tigger, no!” just as Tigger, that blasted creature sent from hell, knocked over the camera. 
The screen went black, but Lorcan heard himself sigh and mutter, “I hate that gods-damned cat.” 
Tears were rolling down his cheeks and his breathing was ragged as he pressed his hand against his chest, trying to push his heart back together. He wanted to yell, to scream at his wife, demanding why she had left him, why she hadn’t stayed. 
Logically, he understood Essar had no choice in the matter and the last thing she had ever wanted to do was leave him, leave their little coconut. But still, he couldn’t help but feel cheated, feel like she’d abandoned him. 
The screen went from black to white, then Essar’s giddy face as she toggled with the brightness. Her hair was falling around her face and she pushed it back with her free hand as she held the camera facing towards her and she walked through their shitty little apartment. 
Her eyes looked at something behind the camera, her eyes bright as she pushed open a door and creeped in, biting her tattooed lip before she turned the camera to show what she was so amused by. 
It was him, dead asleep and sprawled across their bed on his back, but cradled on his chest was Kohana. He was so itty bitty compared to Lorcan as they snoozed. 
Real-time Lorcan smiled through his silent tears as baby Ko stretched out, his little fists stretching all the way up before he settled back down. “It’s kinda creepy of you to stand there and film us, Ess,” Lorcan commented without opening his eyes, rubbing Kohana’s back when he squirmed and whimpered, kicking his footie-pajama feet out. 
“It’s noon, babe, why are you asleep?” 
“Well, you were studying all night and I had the distinct pleasure of soothing your screaming son back to sleep four times,” he said, utter exhaustion in his voice. He held out his hand for her and Essar put the camera down, not bothering to stop recording as she pranced over to the mattress and eased down beside them both, curling into Lorcan’s side. 
“Why is he my son when he does the things you don’t like,” she muttered, resting her hand on the back of Kohana’s head, softly rubbing her thumb over his soft hair. “He’s half you, you know.” 
“Oh, don’t fret, my darling, I know. Never forgot it,” he whispered. “You gave me my dream.” 
“Your dream?” 
“Mm-hmm,” Lorcan hummed, not once opening his eyes. “You and Ko - that’s all I need.” 
The video faded out and he supposed the next one began, and the one after that, because the next thing he saw was the TV shutting itself off. Then, he heard two little feet padding down the stairs, the sound of soft paws accompanying them. 
Lorcan looked over his shoulder at Kohana, who was half-hiding behind the staircase banister. Tigger stood, ever watchful, on the step below him, his head poking through two balusters. 
“Até, can I come down, please?” 
He nodded and wiped his cheeks, “Always, coconut.” Kohana smiled and hurried down the stairs, racing over to him. He sat on the cushion beside Lorcan, dragging Tigger up into his lap. 
Kohana’s eyes went wide as the moonlight cutting through their windows made the tear tracks on Lorcan’s face shine silver. “Are you crying?” 
“Remember last week, when you hurt your arm and we were at the hospital?” 
Kohana nodded vigorously, gesturing to upstairs, “Yeah! I got a stuffy and some candies. My stuffy was a bear, but the one I got for Essie was a shark ‘cause she likes sharks.” He became quiet and still as Tigger slinked out from his hold. Slowly, Kohana shifted so he had his head against the cat’s side. “But… Ellie left. She didn’t say bye-bye to me.” 
Lorcan sighed heavily, picking at the skin around his thumb. “Well… yeah. I know. That’s ‘cause I said some mean things to Ellie and she needed a break.” 
“Why did you say mean things?”
He exhaled slowly and looked at Kohana’s cast, covered in idle doodles, no doubt Esther or Fenrys’ handiwork. Ko wouldn’t let anyone else get close to him like that and the others claimed they were above such silliness. “I was scared, prince, and sometimes, when we’re scared, we say mean things. I told her she did something wrong.”
“But Ellie didn’t do something wrong,” Kohana said quietly, cuddling into Lorcan’s side. 
Lorcan hugged his son, “I know that. Now. But I didn’t know that earlier.”
Kohana hummed and they sat in silence for a bit until he spoke up again, “Did you say sorry? I think you should say sorry.” 
Huffing a laugh, Lorcan looked down at his kid’s head, brushing back his wild hair. “Maybe I’ll try that, kid.” Kohana nodded, as if he had solved all the problems and like adults were so stupid sometimes. “When’d you get so wise, K-Man?” 
“I’m in school now. Big boy means big brain.” 
Well, that pretty much said it all, he supposed. 
When Lorcan walked into work the next day, Malakai gave him a weird look from behind the front desk. “Why’re you here?” 
“Um… I work here? I think you’re getting a lil old, pops.” 
Malakai glared and stood up, walking over to him, “I know you work here, boyo. Rowan and Fenrys told me you were taking the day off.” 
Lorcan scrunched his brow in confusion, tilting his head to the side. He opened his mouth to reply just as someone tapped his shoulder and he turned around to see Rowan standing there, an unimpressed look on his face. “You ready?” 
“For what? The fuck is happening, man?” 
“Get in the car,” was all Rowan said, jerking his thumb to his car waiting by the curb. 
Lorcan could see he didn’t exactly have a choice and sighed as they walked over and got in. Rowan didn’t say a word as he turned on the ignition and pulled away from the curb, driving down the street. “Really? You’re not gonna tell me where we’re going?” 
“Shut up.” 
He clenched his jaw and crossed his arms over his chest, glaring out the windshield as they continued on. Neither said a word. 
It was only a couple minutes later that Rowan parked in front of the boxing gym they frequented and told Lorcan to get out and get his bag from the trunk. 
“What bag?” 
“Just get it.” 
Murder is bad, you can’t see your kid in prison, murder is bad, you can’t see your kid in prison, murder is bad, he recited silently as he popped the trunk and pulled out his gym bag, not even going to ask how Rowan got it. 
They signed in and went into the changing rooms, efficiently getting dressed and heading out into the gym. 
Lorcan put up his hair as Rowan signed out a ring for them and then they both wrapped their hands. Rowan still hadn’t told him what they were doing. 
His green-eyed brother was already waiting as Lorcan ducked under the ropes, bouncing on his toes. “So, you finally gonna tell me what we’re doing?” 
“You haven’t seen Elide in… what, a week now? You need to fight, ‘cause I know you aren’t gonna talk,” Rowan said, holding up his fists and nodding at Lorcan to do the same. 
He did and they bumped their knuckles before assuming their positions. 
The brothers exchanged a few casual shots, easy ones to get them warmed up. Then, Rowan nailed in him the ribs with a wicked left hook and Lorcan hissed through the pain, glaring at Rowan. “Man, the fuck?” 
Rowan just glared back and upped his game, raining quick and hard shots down upon him. Usually, Lorcan would’ve blocked them effortlessly and returned with his own, but he just couldn’t keep up. Eventually, after Rowan hit the same spot on his ribs, Lorcan flipped, shoving him back, “Fucking stop, Ro! Just stop.” He shook his head and looked down as he started unwrapping his hands, but they just got tangled up in his distress and he swore low. “Fuck this.” 
He finally got it and threw them to the ground, dragging his hands through his hair. “I really fucked it up this time, didn’t I?” 
“Yeah. You did,” Rowan said, pushing him out of the ring and to the nearest bench. 
Lorcan braced his forearms against his thighs and dropped his head, “It was going perfect, alright? And then I just… I pushed her out.” He sniffed and bounced his knee up and down, unable to stop it. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”
Rowan scoffed, “Nothing’s wrong with you, it’s just your stupid brain being a dick. You got scared, man.” He slung his arm around Lorcan’s neck, pulling the dark haired man into his side and pressing a kiss to the side of his head. “But this radio silence or whatever the fuck y’all are doing isn’t helping. You need to call her, L.”
Lorcan stayed silent and Rowan went on to add, “If you give her up, if you won’t even make an effort to keep her, then you’ll hate yourself for the rest of your life, man. I have, not once in the past four years, seen you smile like you smile around Elide.” Lorcan glanced at Rowan, obsidian eyes meeting ones of pine. “She isn’t gonna wait around for you to get your shit together. So either fix shit with her, or let her go. But you can’t keep dragging her along and acting like you guys are just done after a fight.” 
“Ok, it wasn’t a fight, I said some–” 
“I know what you said and I’ve had to physically restrain my girlfriend from jumping you, so call your girl. Say you’re sorry. Tell her you love her. Just stop being a little bitch boy.” 
“Fuck you.” 
“Fuck you.” 
“No, I said fuck you.” 
“No, I said fuck you.” 
“Stop copying me.” 
“Stop copying me.” 
“I’m gonna fucking stab you in your sleep.” 
“I’m gonna fucking stab you in your sleep.” 
“Stop it.” 
“Stop it.” 
“You’re a fucking child, Rowan.” 
Lorcan said a quick good-bye to Kohana and Rowan, who had decided it was time for Ko to have another sleepover with his favourite uncle. The kid was beyond excited, his body practically buzzing in the backseat of Rowan’s car. 
Walking back inside, Lorcan shut the door and moved to the kitchen, taking a seat at the island. He took his phone out of his pocket and tossed it on the island top, unlocking it and clicking on the phone app. 
He stared at Elide’s contact for a long, long time before pressing on her number. Lorcan’s heart was in his throat as he held it to his ear and bit his thumbnail, hearing it ring three times. 
“Hey. It’s… me.”
@mythicaitt​ @tinywolfofeyllwe​ @schmlip-scribble​ @the-regal-warrior​ @empire-of-wildfire​ @rhysands-highlady​ @shyvioletcat​ @alifletcher2012​ @ttakeitbacknoww​ @tswaney17 @ourbooksuniverse @flora-and-fae @thesirenwashere @queenofxhearts @maastrash @mynewdreamwasyou @cursebreaker29 @superspiritfestival @empress-ofbloodshed @queen-of-glass @sleeping-and-books @beccasophia95 @exersize-me-i-dare-u @thewayshedreamed @hizqueen4life @ifinallygavein @bat-wing-rhys @awkward-avocado-s @b00kworm @mu-si-ca-l @lovemollywho @tacmc @soitsgorgeous @staarligght @starrynightsbooks @keshavomit
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together through the dark (dawn is still a long way off)
Dream SMP, Rated G, 3.4k, chapter 1 of ??
Summary: Fundy's family is messed up and painfully complicated as it is, with betrayal and heartbreak and death separating them on too many sides of too many wars to count. He should be grateful the attempt to revive his father failed, that Wilbur isn't here to make things worse.
But he isn't. And that pitiful heart might just be their undoing.
Or: Phil tried and failed twice to bring Wilbur back himself. Fundy succeeded without even wanting to try.
Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Accidental Resurrection, therapy arc let's go, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, it's gonna take a bit for Phil and Tommy to get involved in this ngl, if the CCs ever have a problem with this let me know and it'll be gone, bro do you ever start writing a fic only for canon to start stealing your ideas, Canon-typical swearing, Brief description of injury, Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit are Not Biological Siblings, but that doesn't mean Found Family doesn't exist, They/Them Pronouns for Eret (Video Blogging RPF)
Can be read on AO3 (link will be in the notes)
The moon and the first of the stars had begun to peek over the horizon by the time they’d finally admitted defeat.
The mismatched crowd that had gathered for the spectacle of an attempted resurrection had begun the long trek down the Prime Path back to the Greater SMP, chatter finally respectfully subdued where before it had been badly contained manic chaos throughout the entire afternoon. Everyone seemed to have noticed the somber mood that had engulfed Philza, and had reined themselves in appropriately.
Fundy had lagged further and further behind, jittery with some unexplainable emotion.
It had failed.
The resurrection had been a waste of time all along, so-
He should be happy, right?
He was. He was glad Wilbur wasn’t coming back. He was glad to be spared from his father’s tumultuous presence for another day.
Hell, he was relieved.
… right?
But – But walking back, watching Ghostbur smile and murmur something comforting to the silly little sheep trailing beside him, seeing Philza’s melancholic smile, feeling the weight of Tommy’s pointed silence – it’s all suffocating.
If he follows for one more step, he’s going to end up saying or doing something he’ll regret.
No one notices when he stops tagging along – which is just typical, a nasty little part of his brain thinks – no one at all.
No one except for Eret, who darts a glance over their shoulder and almost doubles back, expression plainly worried.
Fundy quickly shook his head and shrugged, reluctant to disrupt the dejected parade and draw attention to himself.
Eret, Prime bless them, seems to understand without a word. They smile, nod, and carry on after the others.
Their door will be open later for him, he knew. If he came back soon enough, he’d even have someone available to rant to if need be.
Just the knowledge of that is a huge relief to Fundy. Eret always seems to get him when he’s in these moods, and even when they don’t, they’re always at least willing to listen.
Which is more than could be said for the rest of Fundy’s family.
And that wonderful thought is an excellent segue way into an immediate downward spiral. Fundy shakes himself hard to rid himself of the impulse to follow that down the rabbit hole. He predictably fails miserably.
Focus, dammit.
Except what else is there to focus on? The botched attempt to bring his crazy dad back to life?
Oh, hey, that’s not good for his mental health either. Great.
Fundy spins right around and starts stomping back up the Path without a single care how immature it might seem or who might see it, headed straight back where they’d come from.
He walks steadily across the glass carefully immortalizing the greatest disaster that had befallen the SMP so far, making sure not to look down for longer than a few seconds. He makes it back to the bizarre little revival shrine in record time without a host of noisy spectators slowing him down, just in time to avoid the slight drizzle the cloudy sky had been threatening the entire latter half of the afternoon.
He steps very carefully onto the blue and yellow brickwork, eyes trailing over the uncomfortably familiar little offerings placed all over like the world’s worst interior design project, before he reaches the middle and has to bite down hard on his cheek to prevent the litany of swear words wanting to escape his mouth.
Philza hung the sword on the wall, before he left.
Just- just put it up there, like it’s no big deal, like it’s a fucking prop, like it isn’t the sword he used to stab his son, Fundy’s father.
Nope. Nope, nope, Fundy isn’t okay with this.
He grabs the handle and pulls it down, and that’s as far as his planning goes. He’s left standing there like a fool holding his father’s murder weapon, heavily debating the pros and cons of either putting it down on the floor so it at least doesn’t look like a reward, or giving up entirely on composure and screaming and throwing it down into the ugly scar in the earth outside. Let it rot in the bedrock with the rest of his father’s legacy where Fundy will never have to look at it again.
But before he can decide which is the option less likely to leave him crying his eyes out to Eret later tonight, a gentle voice echoes behind him. “What are you doing, Fundy?”
Fundy straightens involuntarily upon recognizing that voice, and turns automatically. “Wil- er, Ghostbur?” He almost moves to hide the hideous thing behind his back, but Ghostbur is already floating there staring and that really would be the end of his dignity, so he just lets it hang awkwardly from one hand. “Why are you here? Did you follow me?”
Never mind the tiny stupid feeling in his chest, fluttering in excitement at being noticed.
Ghostbur hummed curiously, carefully shaking water droplets from the rain off of his steaming hands. “Hmm? Oh, no. I mean, I noticed you were gone and all, but I didn’t know you’d be here. I just came back myself, that’s all.”
Hope squashed. Fundy nodded with a hum of his own, face carefully neutral.
“So what are you doing?” Ghostbur repeated, and suddenly having an audience just makes Fundy feel very, very stupid.
His ears flattened against his skull as he stuttered a reply, “W-well, you know, I just thought, well I mean it seemed, it was just, I. Uh.”
Ghostbur tilted his head innocently. Fundy wanted to sink into the bricks under his feet.
Fundy holds out his free hand and gestured emphatically. “What are you doing here?”
Master of changing the subject, he is.
Luckily, with Ghostbur, it doesn’t really matter how dumb the change of subject is, he just rolls right along with it. “Oh, well, Phil and Tommy both went back through the Nether Portal to head home, so I didn’t really know who to follow. They were both a bit sad, so I gave them some blue, but Phil still looked upset so I- I thought maybe I’d come back here one more time, just to see if I could remember anything else that might help.”
Fundy didn’t even bother trying to disguise the bitterness in his voice when he snorted. “Well, that was a nice thought, but I doubt any memories you have of this room could make Phil less upset.”
Ghostbur smiled emptily, pulling a bit of blue out of one pocket to cup in both hands, and immediately Fundy feels awful. Being sassy to Ghostbur never feels satisfying or rebellious, just cruel.
Grimacing, Fundy glared down at his own bit of blue, too large and shaped like the world’s ugliest sword, tamping down on equally ugly feelings in his chest. “But you can do whatever you want, I won’t stop you. I’m just, glad you’re not planning to go through with an unannounced midnight resurrection to surprise us all in the morning with, or something.”
“Oh, you don’t have to worry about that anymore.”
Fundy blinked and looked back up. “Huh?”
Ghostbur shrugged and smiled nervously. “Oh, you know. Things change, given time. Places, people… decisions… you know? People change their minds all the time! Especially when it’s a really important or dangerous decision! And it usually works out just fine!”
It took a second for his meaning to get through. When it finally did, Fundy suddenly felt rather cold
“So, wait. You’re saying you… don’t want to be revived anymore?”
Ghostbur worried his tiny bit of blue between his fingers, shoulders slowly inching up towards his ears. “N- well- I don’t- I don’t think so? No, I don’t think so, Fundy. I’m sorry.”
Sorry? Really?
“Why would you need to be sorry?” Fundy asked, voice a bit too loud even in his own ears.
Ghostbur grew even more tense, his hands kneading the blue even faster as he ducked his head. “I just- well, I know Phil was disappointed, even when he didn’t say anything. He gets this look on his face when he- Anyway, Tommy was, was saying some things about Wilbur, and- that place I fell into was just awf- And, and I just- I just thought that-”
The ghost’s stammering became more and more incomprehensible, slowly fading out in that way it usually did when Ghostbur was starting to forget something.
Watching his expression become quietly distressed was painful in more ways than one, so Fundy cut him off. “It’s okay Ghostbur, you don’t gotta explain yourself if it hurts.”
If anything, his attempt at consolation only made Ghostbur more upset, dammit. “But that’s just it, Fundy! If, if it hurts for me, it must hurt so much more for everyone else!” He cradled his head in his hands like it hurt.
“Everyone was so excited today, everyone was working together, even after you and Phil had that falling out-”
Fundy flinched. He wouldn’t exactly describe being banished at sword point from Philza’s Arctic base without even a chance to try and explain himself as a simple ‘falling out’-
“-you still both came and no one was arguing and, and Eret was going to apologize and finally talk things over with Wilbur, and it was perfect but-”
Ghostbur’s face was wretched as his hands dropped, the picture of abject misery. “But it didn’t work, and that place was so empty, and I- I just don’t think I can do it, Fundy. I don’t want to go back there. I’m so so sorry.”
Fundy swallowed hard.
“That’s fine, Ghostbur,” and fuck, why was his throat so tight, why were his eyes stinging, “Nobody’s gonna force you if you don’t want to.”
The little ghost looks so pathetically grateful in that moment that Fundy has to turn away, has to look anywhere else lest something mortifying comes out of his mouth.
But his brain is a dirty traitor, so his eyes land back on the shitty sword, and all he can do is try to process.
Should he be angry to hear that?
Should he be relieved to hear that?
Fundy isn’t sure. He never really knows how he should feel, when Ghostbur is around.
On one hand, that’s his father, and a good day with his father back when he was alive was a day where talking to him – or arguing with him, more often than not – didn’t make Fundy angry enough that he couldn’t think straight for an hour.
On the other hand, Ghostbur can’t remember many of those days, good or bad. From what he’s said in the past, his memories of Fundy are all the scattered bright spots of their lives together; the day Fundy was born, the day they chose his name, their days in L’Manburg, little snippets here and there of jokes and teasing that had still been lighthearted, before a war and a presidency and a betrayal made all of their casual jabs carry jagged edges they hadn’t before.
Ghostbur is kind, and cheerful, and always wonderfully, terribly happy whenever Fundy is around to visit and talk to. A stark contrast to Fundy’s memories of the last few months of his father’s life, where the man was sullen, snappish, giddy and half-crazed one moment, menacingly calm and collected the next.
It’s an incredibly disquieting thing to think about, so Fundy doesn’t very often. Now, of course, he can’t help it; standing here, in this macabre, borderline cartoonish little shrine filled with all of the things that slowly drove the man into the grave, it’s impossible not to think of all the things that make the ghost of him so much better. And so much worse.
Because Ghostbur isn’t his father, and that is equally both a blessing and a curse.
Every conversation he has with Ghostbur just leaves Fundy feeling frustrated and a bit guilty, the two emotions spinning a waltz right in the middle of his guts until they’re twisted into knots.
Ghostbur’s entire existence is frustrating, but even in Fundy’s worst moods, he’s never wished ill on him.
In the end, all of these feelings of betrayal and heartbreak and anger are all Fundy’s alone to remember.
And that’s totally fine.
Ghostbur was never actually involved with any of Fundy’s worst memories, so it wasn’t his job to try and fix anything between them.
It’s just on Fundy to deal with it.
And he can definitely do that.
Just, maybe some other time or somewhere else, far away from the stone that had once been stained with his father’s blood, with his literal murder weapon not in his hands.
Staring down at it right now is not doing Fundy’s emotional state any favors, thanks.
He breathes out unsteadily, holding the damn thing out horizontally with both hands, rather tempted to do- something unpleasant to it.
“Fundy?” Ghostbur asks from too close and very far away, voice echoing with confusion and worry. “Are you okay?”
But Fundy isn’t really listening.
He doesn’t want to accuse Ghostbur of anything when he doesn’t even know what he’s feeling. Arguing with Phil accomplishes diddly-fucking-squat.
But maybe-
He’s not really sure what he intends to do in the moment his grip tightens – the loud, stupid traitor part of his brain that always insists he yells louder during an argument to get his point across (as if anyone would actually listen) is clamoring for him to snap it over his knee like a twig, never mind how impossible that is with literal diamond – but it doesn’t really matter.
He is abruptly reminded why it is a rather bad idea to grab a sword by the blade end without reinforced gloves.
“Ah! Hell!”
Fundy curses vehemently under his breath, relaxing his grip quickly before he can do something even more stupid.
And then-
He says it so softly.
Not scared, or sad, or panicked.
Ghostbur approaches and sees blood welling in between Fundy’s fingers, and he blinks like he just took a wrong step in a dark tunnel, and finally realized which way home was.
Blood drips down Fundy’s fingers and on to the sword, carving a path down where his father was run through, and drip-drops onto the ground still stained blue with evidence of a failed resurrection.
“Oh,” Ghostbur repeats quietly, and blinks out of existence.
“Wha-?!” Fundy jolts in surprise, which, ow, fuck, nearly slices his damn fingers off. He flings his empty hand further away from the diamond blade’s razor edge-
-just in time for Ghostbur to flicker back into view.
“Jesus Chr- dude! Hasn’t Tommy ever told you not to go invisible without warning like that?!” Fundy has to remind himself not to yell, because the ghost of his father he might be, he doesn’t actually want to start a fight right now.
Ghostbur doesn’t start stammering apologies immediately, doesn’t rush forward with a little bit of blue bandage to help Fundy feel better, doesn’t mumble in worry about forgetting something again because someone got hurt.
Maybe any of those should have been the first clue.
But Fundy doesn’t notice those clues right away, grimacing down at his bloody hand and looking for somewhere to put the damn sword that isn’t on the rack like some terrible trophy or on top of a stack of dynamite (why would they choose dynamite of all things to symbolize his father his traitor brain demands, why did Philza allow that, he should know better than anyone that guitars and books and warm sweaters would have done the trick of luring Wilbur in, that they had always made dad happiest back when he was younger and happier and not clawing at the walls of a tunnel and threatening to blow up the home he’d founded and built for himself and his friends and Fundy-).
Fundy half spins, still looking for a suitable place to put the stupid fucking sword, looks up-
- sees a tall silhouette and his vision blurs for just a second; he blinks hard, shakes his head-
- does a double-take and freezes.
At the first glance, he was exactly the same as he was before; bright yellow sweater stained blue in a gruesome approximation of the fatal wound that took his last life over plain black pants, hair hidden by a beanie older than Fundy has even been alive, pale like snow with circles dark enough to be bruises underneath his eyes.
He was the same as he always is, except not anymore, because Fundy can actually see him. And he’s standing.
Not see through him. Not at a dull, washed out copy of the man that made a rather poor show of raising him. Not floating just slightly above the ground like he should be.
That’s not Ghostbur at all.
Fundy sees Wilbur, eyes wide and face entirely slack with shock, with skin flushed just slightly with color rather than lifelessly white.
He’s standing right there where Ghostbur used to be, not transparent, not desaturated,  not- not dead.
Is he dead? He should be. Why is he not-?
For one silent moment the world stands frozen on the edge of a knife, the two locked in a disbelieving staring contest.
Fundy blinks first. The man that should be a ghost is still not see-through, and full of more color than he should be.
The world has utterly ceased to make any sense.
Fundy’s fingers went numb.
Metal clanged unnoticed as that awful, ugly sword bounced off a brewing stand and hit the ground, splashing unremarkably into a puddle of mud.
Dead silence is left in its wake, broken only by the patter of rain that is suddenly so very far away.
Wilbur swayed a little on his feet. His face slowly contorted, warping Ghostbur’s final expression of gentle surprise into quiet, pained horror. His hands rose to press shaking fingers against his middle, where the appalling reminder of his violent end had always freely dribbled blue down his front like paint.
Fundy gaped back in response, ears ringing, heart pounding too fast and painful in his ribs, black spots eating at the corners of his vision- what is- why-
A slow, startled inhale became a choked, ragged gasp.
The specter that might have been a man stumbled.
Hurt and betrayal, anger and hatred; it all tumbled right out of Fundy’s spinning head.
One unsteady step forward-
- Wilbur’s knees buckled-
-and Fundy ran.
Miles and miles away in a place too dark too small too quiet, the walls glittered sickly in the light of magma sluggishly dripping over the only exit; a sticky, uncomfortable heat flooded the room only to be sucked away by the volcanic glass encasing it.
The room was utterly barren except for two things; a chest, and the resident seated upon it.
A lone young man sat hunched forward in the not-light of the lava-reflecting obsidian and stared blankly at the dark, dark walls around him.
Too still.
Too stiff.
Too quiet, quiet, quiet for far, far too long; all day, every day, ever since his favorite visitor had escaped and he’d been left all alone with nothing to play with again.
If someone were to look in at him, they might not even think he was breathing. Perhaps they would question, then, what the point was of such an elaborate cell for nothing more than a corpse.
But then-
-cold diamond slice through skin, warm blood drip-drip down, death become life again-
a movement, finally.
The young man’s blond head jerked upright, like a shock, like it was the first time in a long time that he had blinked awake.
His hungry green gaze swept his cell and fixed on the death trap that should have been a door, beyond even that, past weeping obsidian walls and wide empty fields, past the broad stretch of a long, long road to a country now lay in ruin, to a room of broken walls painted with the hope and suffering of the fathers and sons of one particular family.
For the first time in weeks, the young man’s eyes came to life with something beyond sheer boredom.
For the first time in an age, the god hidden under his skin did the same.
Dream and the shadow that shared his name stared wordlessly at the strange family reunion for one long heartbeat, then two.
Neither blinked.
They just tilted their head, curiosity personified; the closest either would come to admitting some semblance of surprise.
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