#we kind of grew some interests together and that was great. i'll take more of that
autisticlee · 1 year
I always think about how nice and fun it would be to have friend who have the same interests and enjoy doing the same things as me.
but the reality is, most of the people I call friend or who try to be my friend have almost nothing in common with me. our interests are always different. we don't enjoy any of the same activities. there's never anything to talk about or do together. our vibes and energy dont match. our goals are different. it's a struggle to have a conversation beyond the dreaded small talk or figure out what to do if we hang out.
I usually try to befriend people based on a shared interest, usually being my special interest. usually that's the only thing we have in common, but it brings us together and we bond amazingly at first. once one or both of us lose interest in the thing, we slowly stop talking until we never speak again.
I never know how to talk to people I dont have anything in common with, especially if it's not the base of our friendship. I never learned how to do that. I often see allistics being friends when they don't seem to share interests of talk/hang out based on a shared interest and it confuses me. I don't understand how they do that. I wish I could. maybe it would be easier for people to not become bored of me or boring to me 😅
it still sounds nice to have friends that I have many things in common with, always have a thing to talk about and share with each other, and always have something to do together that we enjoy. how do you even find people like that 🥹
#lee rambles#autistic#autism#actually autistic#autism things#adhd#adhd things#audhd#i feel like this for me at least is both an autism and an adhd thing#either im super focused on my special interest more than them and its all i talk about and they get bored#or i jump interests too fast out of boredom and they don't care about those things and theres nothing to talk about#autistic friendship#adhd friendships#friendship problems#i had a friend really close to this though and ot was great....but then she replaced me or chose others over me and threw me out#i didnt see a problem but she decided she liked our other friends better and everyone decided to ghost me and alienate me#was great while it lasted. i want that again but better. no weird shady business and cutting me off#more common interests and sharing more together#we kind of grew some interests together and that was great. i'll take more of that#but she also was too closed off and detached so it was too easy for her to push me away....#i was a temporary replacement for her best friend who moved away and lost interest in her interests#them i got replaced by her new best friends. and i introduced them all together and was the one who got kicked out wtf🥲#oops i lost track of what i was talking about and now im just rambling in the tags like a lonely loser lmao oops#i havent talked about that whole situation here yet though. maybe one day i'll post about it here.#i think i posted it all on twitter so ill take that and paste it here one day maybe#or write a short post. idk
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nanabansama · 2 months
Inspired by colowallocake's post, I searched through various Japanese legends about human sacrifice and wanted to offer some of my own suggestions as to the identity of the infamous "Pit God," as I like to call it.
First, let's recap what we know about it.
The god is heavily associated with water. The kannagi are sacrificed by being forced off cliffs and into a water-filled abyss. These kannagi wash ashore to a reservoir below the Red House, which was built on a well that taps into said reservoir. And when Tsukasa sacrifices himself, the God talks in watery speech bubbles:
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It seems that whoever this god is, it's some kind of water god (水神 Mizugami) that dwells in Kamome.
And that's actually a common thing! After pouring through a few different articles about human sacrifice in Japan, I found that many of them are done to appease water gods. This is both a good and bad thing; good because there's so many and it's easy to find info, and bad because it doesn't really help us narrow it down.
That said, I have a few different stories I'd like to share with you. The first will be Mitsumata-fuchi.
Mitsumata-fuchi's story is remarkably similar to how the sacrificial ceremony works in TBHK. A beautiful maiden or otherwise a kannagi, aged about 15-16, is thrown into a pool of deep water for a festival thrown anywhere from once yearly to every 12 years to quell the anger of a wrathful god. That's crazy similar, isn't it?
And this "Mitsumata" is a real place! It's where the Numakawa and Wadagawa rivers in Japan join together. It's located in Fuji City in the Shizuoka prefecture. The Wadagawa river is also called by the name "Sacrifice River", funnily enough...
Anyway, there's another story about the Mitsumata I found interesting. A group of 7 girls were passing by when one of them, Oaji, was selected by the villagers to be sacrificed. The other 6 girls were spared and escaped, but feeling bad for the friend they left behind, they end up drowning themselves in a lake.
...But in an ironic twist of fate, the villagers had let Oaji go. Oaji ran after her friends, but when she learned they drowned themselves, she grew so sorrowful she threw herself into the water with them. Thereafter, the evil god was said to never demand a sacrifice again...
I'm not sure if AidaIro will ever reference this particular story, but I found the fact that 7 girls were sacrificed very intriguing in the context of TBHK.
Anyway, there are some interesting things in this legend that haven't been addressed in TBHK. For one, the god here is either a dragon or a giant (sometimes poisonous) snake.
We do have an illustration of this Pit God, which...
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...was probably heavily stylized by some in-universe artist, but it is a valuable frame of reference nonetheless. Honestly, it really just looks like a nonspecific supernatural monster to me, but to call it a dragon or serpent isn't a far reach, either, I think...
Something about the multiple mouths reminds me of another story, though. And while I can't really get a specific name or detailed description for the Mitsumata-fuchi god, I do have one for this next one.
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This tale is a lot more famous, so I'll be quick. Yamata-no-Orochi is an eight-headed serpent legendarily defeated by the brother of the great Amaterasu, Susanoo-no-Mikoto. When Amaterasu's fail brother was kicked out of Takamagahara, he wound up in the land of Izumo and met a crying old couple and a young girl. The old couple explains that they once had 8 daughters, but Yamata-no-Orochi devoured the other 7. It comes down once every year to eat one of their daughters, and soon enough their last daughter will be eaten, too.
Hearing this, Susanoo agrees to help them under one condition: that they let him take their last daughter as a wife. They agree, and Susanoo turns their daughter into a comb and asks them to prepare 8 tubs filled with sake. They comply, and when the serpent comes, each one of its eight heads greedily drink up the sake. Now drunk, the serpent is easily slain by Susanoo and his mighty blade.
...it kind of reminds you of how Minamoto no Yorimitsu got the oni Hakubo lived with drunk and slaughtered them, doesn't it? All these stories and making me afraid to drink sake... *shiver*
Anyway, Orochi is also a Water God, and probably the most famous of the ones that eat young maidens. While I'm unsure if our Pit God is Orochi, it wouldn't exactly surprise me! The fact that Yamata-no-Orochi (八岐大蛇) has eight heads while our protagonist Yashiro Nene (八尋寧々) has the kanji for 8 in her name is also an interesting connection.
As for our last story, I'll try to keep it brief. This one involves a dog, though, so I hope that keeps it fun and fresh for you.
This is the story of Shippeitaro, the legendary dog who, spoiler alert, saved a village from an evil spirit that demanded human sacrifices. In this story, girls are chosen to be sacrificed by a white arrow, and whoever's house is hit by the white arrow has to offer up their daughter. The girl is then sacrificed by being left at a shrine inside of a box/cage. Hmm, intriguing...
Anyway, long story short, the dog hides inside of the box instead and when the evil spirit comes to eat it, it springs out and defeats it! Good boy.
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One of the interesting things about this story is that there are many variations. You'll notice I said "evil spirit" instead of something specific. That's because the spirit takes many forms. One of the more popular variations is that of a cat, but it can also be a monkey, fox, wolf...mostly different animals, from what I'm seeing.
Overall I think this story has a weaker connection than the other two, but on the whole, it wouldn't surprise me if AidaIro is taking inspiration from multiple stories instead of any specific one. Which brings me to my next point...
It's totally possible that our Water Pit God is just an original creation by AidaIro! In case you're not in the know, Japanese kami (gods) are basically infinite. Considering TBHK takes place in a made-up town, it's not too surprising if this kami is made-up, too, hm? :)
But hopefully you still found this post to be of help. I had a lot of fun researching for it. And if any of the stuff I mentioned here ever happens to show up in TBHK, that would be really cool! Anyway, if you made it this far, thanks for reading. ☆
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spaceorphan18 · 2 months
The Lady Whistledown Papers : 1x01 - A Diamond of the First Water (Part 3)
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Hi! Welcome back to The Lady Whistledown Papers, where I'm taking an in-depth look at Penelope Featherington and Colin Bridgerton's character arcs and romance within the show Bridgerton!
For previous issues, follow tag : The Lady Whistledown Papers
Girls Like You
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Jumping back in, we start off with a montage of suitors for both Daphne and Marina set to Maroon 5's Girls Like You. Usually, I have some great thoughts on the use of music within shows but this one feels... just like a fun little pop song to put to a montage? Most of the lyrics involve -- needing a girl like you -- and -- yeah yeah yeah. It's not the most profound song, but it works nicely for the montage.
Also, I love when they match the Featherington girls' dresses. I'd love the backstory as to why Portia is obsessed with citrus fruits.
As a nice touch, when the LW voice over starts, the camera pushes in on Penelope. I kind of love all the hints they give that LW is Pen -- it's incredibly obvious once you start looking for them. Anyway, Penelope is so devilish here. She loves the attention Marina is getting - not only because she finds Marina a nice person, but because it's pissing her mother off. I love that the LW narration is Pen's way of throwing salt in her mothers' wound. It's a bit wicked. And delicious.
What's somewhat wild, though, is that LW goes after the Queen about her choice of Daphne as a diamond. THE QUEEN! Like, that is bold, Pen. Incredibly bold. She even throws shade at King George, like wow. It's no wonder the Queen is obsessed to track her down. Pen's playing with fire here. But I wonder if she doesn't realize, yet, that there can be consequences to her words? I mean - right now, LW is almost like her journaled words being published -- unedited thoughts that aren't necessarily filtered, but are done so anonymously. The only reactions she's really getting are her mother's frustrations -- which she delights in.
It'll be interesting to watch the LW development as the show continues...
Courting I
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Awww, it's our first real Polin scene of the show! And it's... like ten seconds long. But! Still plenty to dig through.
Colin's decided to call on Marina - I'm assuming he's the one (or one of the ones really) who brought her flowers. And during one of the suitor's atrocious poems, Colin's throwing Pen (and you could argue Eloise) looks. Like, can you believe this guy? Seriously?
But, no, I love that there's this layer of non-verbal communication right off the bat. Colin isn't just some random dude Pen has had a crush on from afar. They have an established relationship from the onset (which I'll talk about more in a sec) and how many times -- cutting through the ridiculous nature of the society they live in, do they shoot each other knowing looks.
They grew up together, and while Colin probably very much thinks of her as an additional sister at this point -- there's a comfort there that he can express how he's feeling over the situation to her.
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A quick second about the dog - it took me a sad amount of times to realize that one of the suitors had brought it as a gift. It also doesn't show up after this episode (I think) so I really hope it's safely living at a neighbor's house after Portia decides to get rid of it.
Anyway... I was thinking about Eloise in this scene. Why is she even in this scene, she doesn't need to be. Well, actually, in a way, she does! First of all - we can appreciate Claudia Jessie's fantastic comedic skills (Btw - anyone else up for a buddy comedy with Claudie Jessie and Nicola Coughlan? Because I sure am here for it).
Secondly, it helps reestablish that Pen and Eloise are bffs. Which helps establish why Colin would otherwise randomly come up to talk to her after calling hour is over. This is the first episode of the series, and all of these relationships are being established. And it can be done without dialogue having to confirm it. It's all subtle, but it's better than the trap of over explaining things in expository dialogue.
Anyway, I want some backstory... How often do Eloise and Pen sneak over to each other's houses? They were children when they met - how often did Pen play over at the Bridgerton house? It's interesting that children are allowed some freedoms that once you get older, aren't allowed anymore. I have to wonder - if one reason that Pen and Colin are so free with each other later on is that because they they were children together, and probably played together as kids, they don't feel as bound by society's rules because they didn't have to when they were younger.
And now I just have all of these headcanons about a much younger Colin chasing his sister(s) and Pen who is visiting around the house in the way siblings do. And Eloise deciding she wants to take revenge, and she and Pen coming up with plots to play pranks on her brother(s). Think of Gregory and Hyacinth at the beginning of the episode, running around causing havoc. And I can just imagine that Eloise and Colin are a lot like that, too. And of course, Pen, who wanted to be away from her own family, from her own sisters who treated her like a disease, would want to be a part of it as much as she could.
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Before I get into their exchange, a small, but important detail is what Portia says a moment before -- she encourages the young men to acknowledge her other daughters in hopes that someone will notice Prudence or Phillipa. But the way she includes Penelope's name -- "or even Penelope" -- it's an after thought. It's like, oh yeah, I have a third child I guess if you really want to acknowledge her, go ahead, but meh, who cares. It's so sad, really that Portia thinks so little of her at this point in time.
But then here's the kicker -- not one of these suitors even takes a glance over in Prudence or Phillipa's direction. But Colin takes a moment to full on have a short aside with Penelope. He makes it a point to go over to her to share a laugh -- because they'd probably been rolling their eyes at each other during all of this suitor business, and now that the official courting moment is over, they can have an exchange.
The fact that Portia is so blind to what goes on with her youngest daughter is the reason LW works. Penelope is left to really be on her own - and while that's devastatingly lonely, it also allows her a freedom that other women her age and place in society don't get.
Anyway, back to Colin -- and the fact that the first thing he does is seek out Penelope. He could address his own sister, who is sitting right there, but he doesn't. Because Eloise probably usually ignores him. Penelope doesn't. She latches on to pretty much everything he says, and that's gonna be a big deal for Colin (but we'll get there...)
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Their exchange is only a couple of lines, but they're able to be witty with each other. Penelope mentions that the suitor is no Lord Byron (and -- guys, as an aside, if you want a wild time, look up the life and times of Lord Byron and the Shelleys. It's just... a good time...) Anyway, Colin's face subtly shifts in this moment. Her wit and intelligence is impressive, and he clocks that. It's why he keeps coming back to her - because they can share similar thoughts - but also she's deeply amusing on top of that.
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And, oh, dear Penelope... Her eyes never leave him. She is just so, so gone. Not only is she just over the moon that he comes to stop to talk to her, not only is she gazing adoringly up at him during the quick exchange, her look lingers as he leaves. Of course, part of this is visual storytelling to show the depths of her feelings. But, we're beyond crush stuff here -- this girl has got it bad.
Seriously -- how does Eloise not notice all of this? I mean, plot purposes, yes, and the fact that Eloise is usually caught up in her own drama to really notice other things. But you'd think you'd notice your best friend being moony for brother after a while. Because, Pen, girl, you wear your heart on your sleeve...
Courting II
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Before we get into the meat of this short, little moment - I have to mention the transition. In the scene before, Simon and Anthony were talking, and Anthony mentions that he's not worried about taking a wife because he has brothers... And we cut to this scene where Colin is courting Marina. And, I think it's a neat little transition because - we see Colin doing something that Anthony is actively not doing. Looking for a wife. (Or at least a romantic partner)
That's the thing about Colin -- he is a romantic. Unlike Anthony, whose position is different because he is the oldest and therefore there's more responsibility there, and therefore he'd rather not deal with it at all (and who has a ton of trauma going on in addition) and unlike Benedict, who is kind of caught up in finding himself more than anything, Colin (who is young still at this point) likes the idea of a wife and a partner and a domestic home.
It's one (of many - I'll get to it) reason he is so quick to propose to Marina. It's why he doesn't fuck around ages later when he figures out his feelings for Penelope. It's actually something Colin and Penelope have in common -- they both have a shared love of romance.
Okay, so onto this moment, I want to note the blocking of the scene. Notice how Penelope is on the floor, playing with the dog? It's purposeful! It positions her to reflect that she's still a child, or at least a child when compared to Colin and Marina on the couch, deep in their courting moment. It highlights the chasm currently between them -- something Marina will bring up later, that Penelope is still a child, a younger sister, not serious marriage prospect in Colin's eyes.
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There's Lady Whistledown narration going over this scene -- where LW proclaims that Colin might be rewarded with the prize of Marina. And we see Penelope watching with a mix of emotion.
Penelope was having fun with all the suitors back when there were a ton of them and they were spouting bad poetry. But now that it's just Colin and Marina, the knife twists a bit in Pen's heart. She's playing with the puppy, as a way to pretend she's not that interested, but she's dutifully watching. And yes, a small part of it is her LW ways. A bigger part of it is to watch the development of this particular courtship. And, a third part of it is that there's a twisted sense of -- I may hate every thing about what's happening, but we're still in the same room together. She doesn't miss opportunities to be near Colin whenever she can.
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The LW narration is somewhat brutal and almost petty. Pen is mocking Marina through the guise of carefully placed compliments. (Note - Julie Andrews doesn't oversell it the narration, but the hint of sarcasm is there.) Again, they did a great job at layering the narration over Pen's face, so we literally are hearing what she's thinking.
Here's the other thing about the narration :: 'It has come to my ears that Mr. Colin Bridgerton will win the grand prize when he sweeps Miss Thompson off her pretty, little, slippered feet.'
There's a lot in that little sentence. Pen is watching Colin and Marina laugh together. And that is hard for Pen -- because we saw it even in the first scene they have together. They laugh, have in-jokes, seek each other out and share cute, sweet little moments. Sure -- we know (or will be told) that Colin is flirty in general, he cracks jokes, makes people seem at ease, and is genuinely kind to everyone. But Pen has taken a lot of those interactions for herself, has buried them away as something special between the two of them.
Colin flirting out during promenades (or whenever) is kind of a distant thing. Pen having a front row seat to watch Colin lay his natural charm at a serious romantic partner is something else entirely. She hates it. And that's why she turns away, because it's a bit too much. And yet, she doesn't leave -- because she can't.
Also, ALSO! The - sweep her off her feet - comment in the narration. Marina will find Colin a bit fun, but it's a nice connection. And I do think she likes Colin. But she's not really swept off her feet. Pen was the one who got swept off her feet. I just... think they did a great job keeping up the duality of having LW be her own thing and having it really reflect Pen's inner thoughts.
So on that angsty note... one more post about the first episode to wrap it up, then we can move on!! See -- I told you there's a lot in this first episode!
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romantichoneypie · 2 months
Tasting you
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Pairing:Nacha mikaelys X fem!reader
Warnings:18+ MDNI!,smut,Fluff,fingering,Oral sex,strapon,Undefined relationship.
Author's notes:This is my first request and I'm very happy with it!, I hope the person who ordered likes it.
Word Count:6.3k
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You are Nacha's best friend, for a long time, actually, since your teenage years. You were college friends, both of you were studying gastronomy, and your friendship only grew when you decided to open a business together, a restaurant and, for the most part, a bakery. It was a great business, always busy, and it was great to work with what you love.
One thing that no one knew was that you had an interest in Nacha, but for a long time you just kept quiet. Nacha dated Francis Mosses for a long time, with whom she even had a daughter, Anastacha Mikaelys. Unfortunately, the relationship didn't work out very well and they were never really married, but they shared custody of Anastacha with Anastacha, spending the weekends with Francis.
Nacha was just beautiful, but that was never the main characteristic that you admired. She is very kind and enthusiastic, very sweet, and lately you and she have been in a kind of "relationship".
Nacha knew that you liked women and that she was bisexual, and then one day when you were walking with her to the building where you both live, before entering the door, she gave you a soft kiss on the lips and that was enough to make you happy for the rest of the week.
Many people would say that it is tiring and sometimes boring to work with the person you are in a relationship with, but it was just sweet when you saw her ask about how a cream she made turned out or about a new dish that could be added to the menu.
Today was one of those days, she was testing a new recipe, this time a fillet paillard recipe, you were making cakes like the cherry one.
"Hey honey, I want you to try this, I was thinking of putting it on the restaurant menu, it's fillet paillard, stuffed with emmental cheese, served with palm heart risotto with leeks" Nacha says almost calmly, she really loves cooking and it's almost therapeutic for her.
The dish looks beautiful and makes you want to try it. She hands you a fork with food for you to taste, and then you eat it and it definitely looks delicious.
"Hmmm... it's just delicious, my dear, I think it would be great to put on the menu." And that simple word makes Nacha extremely happy with it. She smiles and gives you a soft kiss on the cheek and then takes the dish to taste it too.
"Hmmm, yes, it's delicious, I loved it. Let's put it on the menu when we update everything. Have you finished the pies yet?" Nacha asked and in the meantime you see her eating the dish she had prepared.
"Hmmm, we almost ran out of fillings for the pies, what's chocolate?" you say calmly, picking up the ingredients. The two of you always stayed much longer even after closing the restaurant to prepare tomorrow's things and tidy up some things like the kitchen, since the longer you two stayed there, the more items got dirty, even though everything had already been cleaned beforehand.
"Hmmm, I can help you then... I'll put the dishes in the dishwasher and dry them, I'll take the dish I made for Anastacha, it's starting to get late, isn't it?" Nacha said calmly. It was now about eight o'clock at night. The restaurant only opened until seven-thirty at night. You saw her taking one of the delivery packages and putting what she had made as a test in there.
Did you know that Anastacha studied at a full-time school where she stayed from seven-thirty in the morning until five in the afternoon. At that time, she was already at home watching one of the series she liked or reading something. Anastacha was an almost typical 14-year-old teenager who was usually ironic and didn't care much about things. This was just a facade. She loved it when her mother brought her dinner or when you, Nacha, you and her, stayed together at night.
"Hmmm, yes, if you want, you can go. I'll dry the board and lock everything up." You say calmly, starting to stir the chocolate filling that contains cocoa, condensed milk, and cream.
"Oh, of course not! I wouldn't let you do everything alone, and besides, if we do everything together, we'll finish faster." Nacha looks at you with those beautiful eyes. She has heterochromia, her right eye being blue and her left eye being green. She looked just adorable, and the freckles on her cheek only made her more charming in your eyes. She gently gives you a little kiss on the cheek, it was her way of showing affection.
And while the radio played with the songs that were playing on the radio she put the dirty slate in the machine while you make the filling and take the doughs preparing the filling and doing everything, after that nacha dries and you put the items away when the two of you finish it is around nine o'clock at night, but it is still comfortable to be together like this, spending time with nacha was one of your favorite things, when finally everything is finished you both make sure to grab everything to go to your car to the building you both live in.
You drive a 1951 Buick Super, it's just a beautiful blue car and quite good for its time. You open the door for Nacha to get in the seat next to the driver. "What a carvalheira you are." She laughs at that and quickly gets in the car, turning on the radio to see what's going on. No one was very interested in what D.D.D had to say. People were tired of this anomaly and general panic... in fact, it was quite common now to have people just to analyze if someone was a doppelganger everywhere before letting people in.
"I'm a very polite person... when I want to be and with the people I like," you say calmly, starting the car while listening to the song Nacha had chosen. It was "Eddie My Love" by The Chordettes.
"Don't you think this song is cute?" She says calmly as she looks at you, the seatbelt around her waist as she hums part of the lyrics.
"Hmmm... yeah, it's cute, it even reminds me of you, you like that kind of cheesy music" you say calmly as you drive the car, you only see Nacha laughing at that.
"You're not the most romantic person in the world, it's not cheesy, it's the style of music of the decade" Nacha says calmly, there was something about her eyes that made you go crazy, the sweet way they were and also how they sparkled, you couldn't get distracted or it would result in a crash.
"Hmmm maybe I'm not the most romantic person ever but I try, and besides that I like... Sometimes that kind of music because like I said, it reminds me of you" you say calmly and you can see her smiling out of the corner of your eye.
"You're very sweet when you want to be, just like the sweets you make" she says and you can feel her hand gently touching your leg, you give a slight shiver and take her hand away so it doesn't get in the way of driving.
"Speaking of sweets, did you get the cupcakes for Anastacha?" You see her smiling, she likes it when you think about her daughter, in fact it's quite sweet of you to think about her, you've known her for a long time since she was born, Nacha leans on the window looking at the night sky.
"Of course...she loves your cupcakes, almost more than the food I make" she answers you and then a comfortable silence hangs in the air that is filled with music during the walk to the residential building, before you park your car you have to go through the doorman, Henry who lets you in after a brief inspection and you park your car in the garage and Nacha gets what she brought for Anastacha.
"Do you think she's sleeping?" Nacha says as the two of you take the elevator, side by side she looks calm and you can only watch her, her manner is so sweet and so is she.
"Definitely not, if she's lying down she's definitely faking it, she must be reading or watching something" you say, you know very well that Anastacha has a slight obsession with manga and some main TV series, the ones that are shown more at night.
The two of you make your way to Anastacha's apartment and when you enter there you find Anastacha "sleeping" but with her eyelids trembling and she climbs onto the couch.
"I brought the cupcakes that Anastacha likes, too bad she's already asleep, I guess we can eat then" Nacha says just to get attention which always works because Anastacha just waits for night to taste what Nacha made.
"Hmmm... I'm not sleeping or anything" Anastacha quickly gets up, she has the usual dark circles under her eyes and unlike the uniform she usually wears she wears a long black blouse and shorts along with a pair of socks and her hair loose.
"You're always so quick when it comes to food, you're a little greedy you know that?" Nacha says and laughs a little, calling her to the table and Anastacha looks at you and gives you a small smile. If she knew anything, you feel like she would be the main ally in your and Nacha's relationship.
"You're always together... I wonder if it's tiring or something... You studied together, work together and live in the same building, that's a lot of closeness." Anastacha says and you know it's just her way of being. She sits at the table next to Nacha and you on the other side.
"Is that how you talk to someone, Anastacha?" Nacha scolds her gently and hands a plate to Anastacha, who has already taken one of the strawberry cupcakes you made. This makes you laugh.
"No, Mom, sorry... Good night... And by the way, your cupcake is delicious." This time she's more polite and you smile at the way she compliments the sweet treat you made.
"Thank you Anastacha, and there's no need to apologize, I already know your temperament" you say calmly taking one of the cupcakes you brought.
"You're a terrible example, you know? She has to eat food first and then eat the sweets" Nacha also scolds you and you just shrug.
Nacha realizes a little that Anastacha also had some of her habits, like usually saying "hmmm" before sentences and the fact that they were a little indifferent. Anastacha also had a lot of Francis, like her. "She lived with two little ants." Nacha says and you, Anastacha, finish her cupcake quickly, and she opens the package to see what Nacha brought.
"What did you make that was good, mom?" She says and starts putting it on the plate without even knowing what it is, because she knows that no matter what it is, it will be delicious.
"It's fillet paillard, stuffed with emmental cheese, served with heart of palm risotto with leek. I'm thinking about putting it on the menu when we renew the list of dishes," Nacha says calmly and then rests her face in her hands, waiting for Anastacha's reaction when she tastes it.
"Hmmm... it sounds fancy, and it looks delicious," Anastacha says and cuts a piece of fillet and eats it with the risotto and everything. You hear Anastacha say a sigh.
"it's perfect, just delicious, I could eat a lot" Anastacha says while eating what Nacha finds a bit rude and scolds her.
"my dear, you eat with your mouth closed and don't talk with your mouth full" Nacha says calmly and takes the cupcake that was left, which was hers, it was just cute to see the two of them talking.
"hmmm...or whatever" she says as soon as she swallows what she was eating, the three of you talk for a bit until Anastacha finishes.
"hey I need help with my history homework...I kind of put it off until the last day and if I don't do it I'll lose my visa" Anastacha says so casually that Nacha just sighs, Anastacha really didn't have much time to do her homework since she was studying full time.
"I can help you with that. History was my favorite subject in high school. Come on, I'll help you." You offer and see Anastacha picking up her notebook, her book, and her pencil case. Meanwhile, Nacha was washing the blackboard that was left behind. She just thought it was cute how you and Anastacha usually interacted.
"We're studying the independence of the United States, like the purchase of territories and treaties," Anastacha says and sits down next to you at the table to start studying.
"Hmmm...this subject is easy. I remember a little about it. I'll give a general explanation. The process of independence of the United States was made from the purchase of territories, such as the annexation of Texas, which ended up resulting in a war between Mexico and the United States over the territory." The two of you continue studying together and answering the questions in Anastacha's activity. Right after that, she closes her notebook. You saw Nacha drying the dishes and then going to the bathroom to take a shower and change her clothes.
"It's ten thirty at night, Anastacha. It's time to go to bed, isn't it?" Nacha says, and Anastacha sighs. She reads, taking and picking up her notebook and book.
"Okay, good night, mom. Good night (y/n)." Anastacha calmly smiles and, as she passes by, receives a kiss on the top of her head. When she goes to her room, Nacha stays by her side.
"Thank you for helping Anastacha with her homework, you're just cute doing it" Nacha says calmly, she wears a light blue nightgown and her hair is braided, she gently approaches and gently touches your leg.
"Don't be like that, I love Anastacha and I'll help you with these little things as much as I can" you say and smile you can see Nacha starting to play with your hair and smiling.
"You do a lot for me, you know?" she says and you feel her getting closer, a soft kiss on your lips is transferred, but you were never one to be satisfied, you deepen the kiss exploring Nacha's mouth and also gently caressing her waist.
"Hmmm... I would do anything to please you" you whisper during the kiss and just feel her smile, she gently stops the kiss and caresses your hair.
"It's really a shame that you can't sleep here, you know? But tomorrow Anastacha won't be here, but at Francis' apartment we can stay together" Nacha says calmly in a low tone as she rests her head on your shoulder and smiles, enjoying the comfort of your body.
"Hmmm yes, it's a shame and I think I should go to my apartment, it's getting late and tomorrow we have to wake up early, right? Yes, I shouldn't but I'm glad that Anastacha isn't here" you say laughing softly so as not to disturb Anastacha's sleep, you just lean in even more for a soft kiss on the lips and gently stroke Nacha's red hair.
"So I hope to see you tomorrow night my beautiful, and I have a surprise for you my love, tomorrow I'll show you" Nacha says calmly giving you soft kisses on your cheek which only makes you laugh.
"Can I know what the surprise is or do I have to wait until tomorrow?" you say calmly and Nacha smiles.
"I'll tell you tomorrow, my beautiful one" Nacha says, laughing a little and feels you pulling her into your arms and both of you, you and she, like it.
"You're cruel, you know? You're going to make me curious just because you want to... but regardless, I'll end up seeing it" you say, laughing a little, and then you pass by, "Why aren't you going to tell me what it is?" you say calmly, and then you get up from the chair. You let out a sigh and look at her.
"Good night, my dear. Go get some rest... we'll see you tomorrow. I love you." The last part is whispered calmly in her ear, and you give her a light kiss before actually leaving for your own apartment, accompanied to the door by Nacha. The two of you were almost neighbors.
"Good night, beautiful," you say calmly, and steal a soft kiss on her lips, which only makes her blush slightly.
When you enter your apartment and go to take a shower, you just let out a sigh. Take a hot shower and leave the bathroom, changing into something warmer and more comfortable. You just throw yourself on the bed, then hug the pillow and start a comfortable dream.
The morning dawns and the sun enters through your window, hitting your body and your eyes in the morning. You just sigh at that. Your alarm clock has just gone off, indicating six in the morning. You get up and the first thing you do is make your bed, then take a shower and get dressed, changing into those tailored pants that you like. It was great to be able to wear pants, even though it was normal for a woman to wear dresses. You put on a black turtleneck, let your hair down, and then go downstairs to the kitchen.
Usually the first people to open the restaurant are some of the employees. You and Nacha work with eight other people: two waiters, who play tambourines, two more people in the kitchen, one assistant, and a receptionist who checks IDs and reservations. It was a great team, ideal for keeping the pace of the exceptional and fast restaurant going.
You eat only something basic in the morning, an omelet with cheese, bread, coffee with milk and also a portion of grapes with yogurt and then you brush your teeth, you go out the door of the house after grabbing your bag and simply knock softly on Nacha's door and you are greeted by Anastacha who is already changed and eating an apple.
"Good morning Anastacha, where is your mother?" you ask softly and Anastacha makes way for you to enter the apartment, it was common for you to give Nacha and Anastacha a ride.
"Good morning or anything, my mother is just finishing getting ready, can you wait a little?" Anastacha speaks in a calm tone, you sit down and look at the clock on the wall, it says seven fifteen in the morning.
"Oh, I'm going, honey. I'm just packing my bag." You hear Nacha talking and you wait a little while and then she comes out of the room and gives you a smile. She's wearing a light blue dress with white stripes and her hair is half down and half tied in a kind of ponytail. The makeup she uses is mascara and lipstick. She doesn't need much to be pretty, she's just gorgeous. Her freckles are adorable on her face.
"I'm going to get my bag so we can go," Anastacha says and you approach Nacha. You smile and the two of you just give a quick kiss.
"You're just gorgeous, you know that?" You whisper in her ear and you both gently smile at each other and she gently holds your hand with her gloved one.
"We can go now, right?" Anastacha says, already with her bag on her back, and you gently let go of Nacha's hand and the three of you go down to the garage. The door opens and you get in your car to drive to the desired locations.
"Can I put on some music?" Anastacha speaks calmly and you nod, the three of you are wearing your seatbelts and Anastacha leans forward to choose a song.
"God only has sweet music on the radio" Anastacha says and then puts on "Mr. Sandman" mainly to please her mother and also because the music is good.
The road is calm until you arrive and stop in front of Anastacha's school. She gets out of the car and waves to you and Nacha, she seems calm about it.
"See you later, dear" Nacha says calmly and then gives her daughter a soft kiss on the cheek.
"See you mom" she says quickly and just lets her mother kiss her cheek, and enters the school joining a group of friends after getting the key from her mother.
After that you two continue on your way to the restaurant and it is already open, clean and ready for breakfast time, you and Nacha put on your aprons and go to the kitchen to start working.
In a way the day goes on comfortably with the two of you working mainly inside, the routine was a little tiring but it was also good to have the little radio playing music while You cook, nacha and always focused on what you do and you love making sweets.
And so the day goes by faster than usual due to the speed of the flow of people in the restaurant, the two of you then leave the restaurant earlier to enjoy the night, you again take Nacha into the car that continues to keep a secret.
"Okay, that sounds interesting, now I'm even more excited for us to see it" you say laughing a little at that and you smile barely knowing what Nacha prepared.
"I'll call Anastacha when we get home, I barely spoke to her today" Nacha is always sweet with Anastacha which you just find cute about her.
"Okay... she's at Francis' apartment right?" you say calmly arriving at the apartment and she nods her head, the two of you arrived at the building and apartment.
"Yes, it's going today, Saturday and Sunday, I love my girl and I like having her close" Nacha says calmly and the two of you follow the path to her apartment, inside the apartment you both just hold each other's hands during those little moments until you reach her floor.
"I don't feel like cooking, but that's why it's good to just be a chef," Nacha says, showing you one of the food packages. You just laugh at that and approach her, putting your arms around her waist.
"You're an intelligent woman, you know that? And I missed my secret girlfriend," you whisper softly in her ear, and you can see her blush.
"I missed you too, my love... How about you put the dishes together while I talk to Anastacha?" She says calmly and gives you a sweet kiss on the lips before letting go of your embrace to go to the phone and call Anastacha, who answers after a while.
"Hi, mom, is everything okay?" Anastacha asks calmly on the other end of the line.
"Yes, I just wanted to see if you got there... Are you okay? Oh, and while you're there, don't sleep late and don't stay up all night," Nacha says, and while you're doing that, you start putting the dishes together for both of you. You smile at that.
"Sure, Mom. Don't worry. Good night." Anastacha says, then hangs up the phone and puts it back in its place. Nacha approaches you. She lets out a soft sigh and then gives you a sweet kiss on the lips.
"She's fine. I just don't like it when she leaves the house." Nacha says, and you gently start to caress her curly red hair.
"Don't worry. She's fine and she's with her father. Nothing's going to happen." You say calmly, gently wrapping your arms around her waist, and giving her a soft kiss.
"I know that, but let's eat. I want to enjoy being together." Nacha says, and then you smile and pull out a chair for you both to sit down.
"What's for dinner tonight,chef ?" Nacha asks, laughing, and you smile. If there was a boss, she was the boss. Meanwhile, you're there opening a bottle of red wine for the two of you to drink.
"Codfish soufflé, served with rice and arugula salad, and the only chef here is you," you say calmly, taking two plates, filling them up, and then placing one near her and sitting down.
"I know that...because I'm the only one who can order you around, right?" she says in a calm, almost sweet voice, and you can feel her leg against yours under the table.
"You've never been so right in your life," you say calmly, and it doesn't happen often, but your face is slightly flushed.
"Very well, I like it that way...a toast?...for finally having some time alone," she says, and you laugh a little. After the toast, a comfortable silence hangs over you and you both start to enjoy the meal in front of you.
"Did you get dessert?" you ask Nacha as you collect the plates.
"No, but there's ice cream in the freezer," she says calmly and walks over to you, helping you by taking small scoops, and you put the strawberry ice cream there.
"Hmm, did you know that strawberry is my favorite?" You say calmly as you eat the ice cream and you can see Nacha smiling and approaching you.
"Hmm, of course I know what your favorite is, I always know" She says and puts her arms around your neck, pulling you into a kiss, a sweet kiss with a strawberry flavor, which as the seconds go by gets even deeper, your tongue rubbing against hers while the taste of the strawberry flavor is there.
"Ice cream is even tastier when it's on your lips" She says and you feel her caressing your hair and then she pulls away and continues eating her ice cream.
"I agree with that more than one hundred percent" You whisper in her ear causing a shiver and she laughs softly.
"Hmm my love, I'm going to take a shower now, can you wait a bit?" she says in a sweet tone and gently fidgets with her necklace.
"Of course, I need one too and I'm going to wash the dishes too" this makes her smile and she gives you a kiss on the lips and moves to the bathroom and in the meantime you wash and dry the dishes, after putting them away you go to your own apartment to take a shower.
You already had an idea of ​​what Nacha's surprise might be, a new lingerie of the kind you love to see on her body... probably that.
You take your own time to shower, washing yourself well and after that putting on a black bra and panty set, you dress in fabric shorts and a plain black button-up blouse and let your hair dry, in addition to brushing your teeth, after you leave your apartment and enter Nacha's you hear her speak.
"Lock the door and come here to my room" she says and you obey, locking the door and making your way to her room.
You get there and you come across Nacha there, she is wearing dark blue lingerie with lace, a garter belt with long stockings and a corset of the same color and with her hair loose, she looks simply beautiful.
"What do you think? You are making me nervous, don't say anything!" she says and you need a moment to close your mouth because you were already salivating.
"Oh my God, you are just beautiful, just... perfect" you say and then you come closer and then you put your arms around her waist and start to caress the sides of her body and you can feel her skin shivering at the touch.
"I'm glad you liked it... I bought it thinking of you" she says calmly and then puts her arms around your neck, leans in and kisses you on the lips, you ask for passage which she gives you immediately, she holds the back of your neck and just kisses you back, exchanging a heated kiss, and little by little you move to take her to the bed, the two of you reach the edge and start kissing each other even more, a slight pause is given so you both can breathe.
"I missed you so much, I missed being with you, making love to you" Nacha says the two of you are kissing and you feel Nacha taking off your blouse, unbuttoning it while you kiss her neck listening to her noises softly.
"I miss you too, I miss touching you and kissing you" you say calmly and you gently start to bite her neck.
"I have another surprise for you...but this one I want to know if you're comfortable with" Nacha says calmly and you start to take off her corset, she looks beautiful, you gently remove the fabric from her body and then start to caress her collarbone.
"You're just beautiful, I feel bad taking your clothes off, your body is beautiful, you can show me that" you say calmly and she moves a little and you let her get off of each other, you see her going to her closet.
"I'm a little embarrassed right now" Nacha says and picks up a box you're just a little confused by this and she sits down next to you.
"It's okay, I'm just curious about it."
"It's a toy... I bought it, but I want to know if you're comfortable with it," Nacha says and opens the box. Inside there's a strap-on, a leather belt with an opening to fit the dildo. You feel a little excited about it. The dildo is quite large, about 17 centimeters long and slightly thick.
"Wow... It looks good. Do you want me to use it on you?" You say calmly and look at her. She gently caresses your cheek.
"Exactly... Are you comfortable with this?" She says calmly. You start to take off your shorts and panties. You then take the strap-on and fit it around your waist. You see Nacha moving around and she fits the dildo into your belt.
On the one hand, you want to laugh a little at this, but on the other hand, it's exciting and it also looks good on you. "This looks interesting," you say and you can see Nacha leaning over to give you a soft kiss on the lips. You gently hold her waist.
"You look beautiful, you know? I liked that" Nacha says, she really seems embarrassed about it but still excited, you two have already shared desires and well this was one of Nacha's.
"I won't deny it, I'm excited about it" Nacha listens and laughs a little at that, you feel her moving her kisses down to your neck and chest, she sucks your nipple and with her hand she massages the other one, you like that your breasts are sensitive.
"I want to suck you" she says with a sensual and slightly husky tone, she looks at you with those beautiful eyes and you let out a sigh.
"Go ahead" you say and she smiles, Nacha gently pushes you to the edge of the bed and she kneels, you gently pull her hair gently bringing her in for a kiss before anything else.
"I love you," Nacha says after kissing you and then she bends down and starts sucking the toy. You can't exactly feel it, but the sight is exciting, and it's also exciting because the strap-on has a small vibrator that also makes you feel stimulated.
"I love you too, my beautiful," you whisper softly and gently guide her head, gently moving it against the base of your member. Your fingers curl in her curls.
The small wet noises filling the air, in a way, serve to lubricate the toy when it goes into Nacha. You love seeing her like this, and you gently move your own hips against the direction of her mouth.
"Hmmm...." You hear a small noise coming from Nacha's lips and she removes the member from her mouth and gently starts to caress it. One of her hands wraps around the length and her other hand goes to your thighs, gently scratching and massaging them.
"You're so beautiful... You drive me crazy, you know that?" You whisper and see Nacha moving. She gets up and then sits on your lap and gently strokes your hair.
"You're so sweet, my love... I need you," Nacha whispers and you give her a soft kiss on the lips. Then you lay her down. You climb on the bed and gently start to remove her bra. While you kiss her neck, your hands slide down to remove her panties, without removing the garter belt.
"You're such a sweet woman... more perfect than anything," you whisper and kiss her belly until you reach her intimacy. You gently separate her thighs and fit yourself there. You want to get her body ready for you.
"Oh God... that's it," Nacha says, and then she holds your hair, guiding you to where she wants you most. You feel her already being so wet.
"You're so wet... so hot, I love it, I love your body" you whisper against her intimate area and then you gently lick her pussy, your lips wrapping around her clit, your tongue focuses on sucking the length and then you do exactly how she likes it, you gently fit your tongue into her entrance and then you start holding her thighs and start going fast and as deep as possible into her pussy.
"Oh my love that's it, you're great like this... I love your tongue but I need your fingers" Nacha asks and then you give it to her, you gently remove your tongue from her entrance and you gently fit two of your fingers inside her starting to penetrate her going deeper with your slender, long and slightly thick fingers you only feel her getting even wetter, your mouth gently licks her clit.
"Hmmmm... I'm almost there my love, almost there for you" she says and you become more and more determined to get her there, sucking and licking as well as making your fingers go deeper.
"Yes, yes, that's it, oh my love, I'm cumming," Nacha says in a hoarse voice, and her body trembles a little. Her thighs tighten a little around your face, and then you hold her thigh. The liquid comes out of her body in abundance. You lightly feel her taste, bittersweet and tasty as always.
You leave her and then lean over, giving her a kiss on the lips. You gently caress her hair and fit between her body, and she wraps her legs around your waist. You fit your cock inside her and then you start moving.
"You're delicious, you know?" you say, and then you move and see Nacha letting out sighs and small moans.
"Ooh, that's it, it feels so good inside me... you're wonderful," Nacha says between moans, and you feel her moving against you and the small vibrator making you feel so wet, and you feel yourself getting close to coming, but you just focus on giving Nacha pleasure.
"That's it, my love. I love it. I can feel you squeezing me, you know?" You whisper softly and then lower your head and start kissing her breasts, gently pulling on her nipples. Her walls welcome your member and you can feel the warm sensation of her body.
"Hmm oh (y/n) that's it, I'm so sensitive... I'm coming" Nacha almost feels embarrassed for cumming so fast and you just feel good giving her pleasure and your pleasure which only makes you feel even more stimulated.
After a few more thrusts Nacha cums and so do you. You gently continue moving inside her prolonging her orgasm and after that, both you and she are tired.
"hmmm... I loved that my beautiful" you whisper softly and then gently kiss her forehead. Nacha rests her head on your chest and gives a soft kiss there.
"Hmmm... I feel so good, thank you for this, and I want to show you something" Nacha says calmly and opens one of the drawers of the dresser next to the bed, and takes out a necklace with a ring as a pendant, you smile at that.
"I bought this for you because well...we don't have a very well-defined relationship, but I want you to know that I love you and that for me you are my girlfriend and my love" she says and approaches you and puts the necklace around your neck and hugs you
"Did you really like my love?, the surprises I gave you today?, I've been thinking about it for a long time" Nacha says and gently touches your hip removing the toy from your waist and setting it aside to be sanitized and cleaned later, because at the moment the only thing she wants is to sleep with you and rest.
"I loved everything you did today, you were nothing but sweet to me" you whisper and pull her to your chest and you gently stroke her hair.
"I'm happy with this..., I'm sleepy, can we sleep?" Nacha says with a sleepy and tired voice the day was long and definitely enjoyable.
"Let's go to sleep my beautiful, good night" you whisper and then you feel Nacha's body relaxing over time and you also fall asleep.
The night goes on calmly with the woman you love sleeping on your chest, your girlfriend, your love.
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AITA for retroactively cheating on my partner?
Look, I know the title sounds kinda dumb, but it was kind of the best way I could sum it up. This also might get a little long. I'm just trying to give the context it needs that I feel sorta led me to the decisions I made.
I (22M) went on my first vacation with my partner (25F) last summer. Our vacation was to a relatively local spot not too far out of the city that's decently popular. We'd been dating at that point for around 18 months, though a lot of our dating had been done online cuz of the whole global pandemic thing. When the restrictions started loosening she started getting pushy about me moving in. This caused some tension between us, but it always kind of fizzled out. I still lived with my dad at that point. I'd never moved in with her, since I always wanna be really absolutely sure about these things beforehand, and I'll admit to viewing our week long vacation as sort of a trial run for maybe, one day, taking that step. All of this is just context for the fact that I was really serious about her. It was also the first real adult relationship that I'd been in.
If it was meant to be a trial for moving in, the vacation probably brought to the surface all the issues that I'd had with her. It was seriously a disaster. Our first day was great, but she spent a lot of the next two days taking calls from work and having some "alone time". I was really pissed off on the third day, waking up to ask if she wanted to go swimming, and having her tell me she was up for hours, and if I wanted to go I should've talked to her earlier. I suggested things we could do together, and we did eat lunch together and go to the pool, but she wasn't at all interested in doing anything else with me. After lunch, she sort of disappeared, so I went to the bar myself and considered texting her to join me. I got distracted talking to a guy, and soon enough we were super invested in the conversation together.
For context, I'm probably somewhere on the bi/pan end of things, but I grew up and continued living in a close minded small town. Especially last year, I was very much not out, not comfortable with people seeing me as in any way lgbtq adjacent, and still holding onto a lot more internalised stuff than I was willing to admit to.
This guy (who I'll call R) and I hit it off. We had lots in common, and he was fun to hang around with, and a good listener. I won't lie, I did find him pretty physically attractive, but naturally, it wasn't a huge issue. I've never had a problem being faithful, it's something I value over anything else in a relationship. When I spoke to my girlfriend about him later, she make some teasing remarks towards me about him being my "boyfriend". I was extremely sensitive about this, and snapped at her, to which she called me oversensitive and complained I never understand her jokes. I, being more mean than I should've been, told her she should try being funny, and she just called me misogynistic, which I resented, so I walked out, and came back later when I was sure she was asleep.
The next day, she shut me off completely, which I understood. I apologised, but I appreciated that she needed some space. I ended up meeting R at the pool again. We went for a hike, which took longer than expected, and made it home at dinner, which we got together. He insisted on paying in full, and we had a fun time, walking back to the hotel together. He told me he was leaving that evening, and I offered to help him pack. We got into his room, I helped him pack, we talked, traded socials, and, eventually, just out of the blue, I kissed him. I don't really know why, but it was nothing more than a chaste kiss, and I panicked and left.
The rest of the trip with my girlfriend was mostly us keeping to ourselves, and while we made up, there was definitely an atmosphere. The atmosphere just stayed. We broke up in October, for reasons unrelated directly to the vacation.
However, my issue is that from the vacation to when my gf and I broke up, R and I were dming each other. Objectively,it wasn't anything romantic or sexual, no nudes, nothing like that. We would just talk like we always did. We decided to try out dating in February of this year, and so far, its been great - he's genuinely a brilliant partner, we have far less conflicts, we sort things out quicker, and we generally seem to mesh much better than I did with my ex. But being with him has sort of taught me that what I valued him for when we were just talking is also what I mostly value him for now that we're dating - his good listening, his great sense of humour, the fact he just seems to get me. I could be overthinking things, but I can't shake this weird feeling that while I was with my ex I was somehow having all the trappings of another relationship whilst not indulging in the traditional markers of one. It just doesn't feel right to me. Am I the asshole?
What are these acronyms?
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smolwritingchick · 8 months
The Bangtan Gal Chapter 59- ISAC 2015 Chuseok Special
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Chapter Summary: Jen shows off her studio and gets noticed by her celeb crush. BTS plays Smash. Volleyball becomes a new competition for the ladies at ISAC as Jen finds it to be her calling while the guys dominate in running. Jen does a V-Live
Words: 14,000+
Author's Note: Again, not sure if they are still active on Tumblr but also @darlings-illustrated created Jen’s V-Live outfit for this chapter. <3 credit to them! :)
After her outing, Jen spent the rest of the day relaxing in her room, in good spirits. She was grateful for Sam Okyere and his kindness. She was looking forward to seeing him again and even assisting him with his future charity projects.
While she chilled in her room, she felt bored and didn’t feel like doing anything until an idea popped into her head.
Why not broadcast a V-Live? 
Grabbing her phone, she signed in, naming the broadcast, ‘Jammin’ With Smartie’, setting the camera in front of her as she sat on the bed. She made sure the camera showed her entire body while she sat pretzel style.
Immediately viewers began popping in at a rapid rate, surprising her. Guess they really wanted to see her. 
It made her feel good.
“Hey, hey!” she spoke in English, waving as the comments started flowing in
‘Ennie! Miss youuuu’
‘Hope you come back to America! We miss you!’
‘Come to London!’
‘MOM! Finally, we get a V-Live with you!’
Jen started laughing when she read comments from ARMY calling her mom. 
“Mom? That’s new. Ahahaha.”
‘Hi Jennie!’
'Can you speak in Korean?'
"Yeah, I'll go back and forth," she replied in Korean before going back to English.
‘Jen get some rest, it’s late!’
“It’s not that late. I’ll sleep soon. I wanted to see how you all were doing.”
‘Come to Brazil! Brazil loves you!’
“I would love to come to Brazil. It will happen one day!” she guaranteed. “I want to travel more and see more ARMY around the world. Hopefully, we can have a big world tour one day. I definitely want to go to Europe. I always think about Europe when it comes to tours.”
‘Those curls are poppin!’
‘So cuteeeee’
‘I love youuuuu’
“Where are you??’
“Where am I? I’m in my room~!” she responded as she continued to read the various comments. “I was bored so decided to do this and spend some time with y’all.”
‘How are you?’
‘I hope you’re eating well!’
She checked out the number of viewers. “That’s a lot. Over 60,000 already? Sweet. I hope you guys aren’t watching this late at night. Get some shut-eye, it’s good for the soul. And don’t worry, I will be sleeping soon. Yes, I am eating. I’m eating a lot actually. I was kind of stress eating a little bit but I’m fine, now.”
‘Please take care of yourself’
‘Don’t stress!’
‘What did you do today?’
“I’m trying my best. Idol life can be hectic. What did I do today? I hung out with Sam Okyere! I had such a great time with him! He’s mad cool. We ate African food. I never tried it before since I grew up eating Soul Food in my household in America. It’s so good! I'm definitely telling my family to start making African food."
‘Excited for ISAC?’
“Hell yeah, I am. Getting to wrestle and play volleyball? I’m a bit worried about the volleyball. I haven’t played volleyball before so it’ll be interesting to see how I do. But I’ve been practicing and watching YouTube videos for advice. But the wrestling, I’m confident about that.”
‘Can you play the guitar?’
“You want me to play something for you? Sure. For a while now I have been working on a Shawn Mendes song. He’s bae, of course.” she laughed. "I admire Shawn so much. I would love to sing with him one day. Even make a song together. Ah...okay. Let's see...ah, I know. I'll play Stitches for you!" she grabbed her guitar. 
‘I love when she spoils us’
'Awwww her bright smile when she spoke about Shawn. I hope they meet!'
“I’ve been practicing the song for a while, making sure I get the notes down. I wanted to focus more on the emotion of the song to have a greater impact while singing,” she spoke as she made sure the guitar was tuned up.
As soon as she began the first notes of the song, ARMY noticed a change in her demeanor as she continued to play. They noticed how focused and happy she was when she played the guitar and it looked wholesome to watch.
“I thought that I’ve been hurt before. But no one’s ever left me quite this sore.” she sang softly, strumming along lightly.
‘Her voiceeeee &lt;;3’
‘So, can I ship her with Shawn now?’
‘Getting goosebumps already.’
“Your words cut deeper than a knife. Now I need someone to breathe me back to life.” she continued to sing while her strumming got stronger as she sang out with her voice getting a little louder.
“Got a feeling that I’m going under. But I know that I’ll make it out alive. If I quit calling you my lover. Move on~"
‘Stop being my bias wrecker!’
“You watch me bleed until I can’t breathe, shaking. Falling onto my knees. And now that I’m without your kisses. I’ll be needing stitches. Tripping over myself, aching. Begging you to come help. And now that I’m without your kisses. I’ll be needing stitches.”
ARMY noticed that her breath control had improved as she produced a consistent tone while singing smoothly and warmly.
“Needle and the thread gotta get you out of my head. Needle and the thread, gonna wind up dead. Needle and the thread, gotta get you out of my head, get you out of my head. You watch me~!” She stopped strumming and held that note for a few seconds before strumming again, “Bleed until I can’t breathe! I’m shaking falling onto my knees. And now that I’m without your kisses I’ll be needing stitches. I’m tripping over myself. I’m aching begging you to come help. And now that I’m without your kisses, I’ll be needing stitches. And now that I’m without your kisses, I’ll be needing stitches. And now that I’m without your kisses, I’ll be needing stitches.”
She strummed softly for the final note and exhaled. 
“That was fun.” she chuckled lightly and set her guitar down. “How’d I do?” she checked the comments
‘Come thruuuuu sis!’
‘Yassss boo!’
‘Honestly, I’ll be the first to say that I wouldn’t mind Jennie singing me to sleep because her voice is so soothing.’
‘Shawn Mendes needs to see this ASAP!’
‘You did so well!’
‘You make us so proud!’
‘Represent Jennie!’
“Ah...thanks, everyone,” she replied and looked up when she noticed Hobi sticking his head out of her door with a bright smile. “Oh, hey Hobi! Did I wake you?”
“Yeah, I was awakened by a sweet voice. At first, I thought it was Jungkook singing like he usually does in his room but as I walked down the hall, I noticed it was coming from your room. That was you? With the guitar?”
“Uh, yes?” She smiled shyly.
“Whaaaaaa, munchkin, you’re improving.”
“You make me so happy. Thank you.” She pretended to cry, touched by his words.
After her V-Live, she went to sleep while ARMY made various videos of her cover and tried to get Shawn Mendes’ attention on Instagram and Twitter so he could watch her video. 
They knew how much it would mean the world to her if she was able to get noticed by him.
For the past few days, ARMY had tried to get his attention, asking him to watch her cover and to check out her Instagram. They would speak highly of the Bangtan Girl and how much she admired him as an artist.
After remaining persistent and dedicated for Shawn to notice Jennie, they finally reached their goal and began to tag BTS in Shawn’s recent tweet and also tagged Jennie in Shawn’s recent Instagram post.
On Instagram, Shawn reposted a 15-second video of her playing stitches with the caption, ‘Wow, she is amazing! I love this! Who is this girl with the guitar?’
ARMY was quick to flood his comment section, freaking out that he noticed Jennie.
‘Finally you noticed her!’
'Jennie is about to lose her shit'
‘OMG! JJennie_JW look at this!’
‘That’s Jennie! She’s an African American member of the Korean Pop group, BTS. Check them out, they’re great!’
‘Jennie from BTS! She is a former member of Amity! She’s amazing, I’m so happy you noticed her! Her profile is JJennie_JW’
‘I love when my favs recognize each other. This is just made my morning!’
#GirlWithTheGuitar began to trend on Twitter while Shawn’s fans began to also be intrigued by who she was because they were confused as to why ARMY kept commenting about someone named ‘Jennie’ and ‘Miss Bangtan’ on his page.
Meanwhile, with Jennie, she was in Yoongi’s studio with Taehyung. She sat on one of the chairs, spinning around on it.
“Ah, you have a small pimple on your cheek.” Taehyung pointed out and giggled.
“Stop.” She tried to cover it.
“Hehehehe, it’s cute.”
“Stop talking about it.” She groaned.
“Ah, it’s just saying hi.”
“Oh my God, stop talking to it.” She laughed with him.
“I watched your V-Live this morning!”
“Oh, you did? What did you think? Too much? Too little?”
Taehyung smiled. “I loved it! You really like Shawn Mendes, don’t you? You always gush over that guy. Someone has a crush?”
“Ahaha, nah it’s not like that. I just really admire him.”
“So a big crush.”
“No!” she exclaimed as Yoongi walked in and set his bag down.
“Get out Taehyung, we’re about to work.” He called out. 
“Hey! Don’t be so mean.” Jennie scolded the Daegu rapper while Tae frowned. “Tae, don’t make that face. Ugh, see what you do, Yoongi?”
“He’ll live.”
She rolled her eyes. “I’ll hang with you later, Tae. And don’t worry, I will find a way to get you into Cypher.”
Taehyung grinned at her statement, ignoring Yoongi’s protests. After he left, Yoongi and Jen prepared their rap lessons and after a couple of hours, they took a break.
“Smartie, you may want to take a look on Twitter,” he responded, looking up at his phone.
“Something wrong?” she asked, confused, and took out her phone. 
Their notifications were blowing up like usual but something about Shawn Mendes made her stomach drop.
What about Shawn Mendes?
Was he hurt?
Was he coming out with new music?
On BTS’ profile, she realized that one of the members had retweeted his tweet, ‘Jennie, I think your fav noticed you~~ hehehe #V’
Shawn had tweeted a screenshot of her V-Live on the app, ‘BTS_twt This was so good! Wow! Thank you for covering my song &lt;;3’
She let out a scream of excitement and immediately got up from the chair, while Yoongi began laughing at her.
“Holy shi-“ she continued to look at the various screenshots that ARMY had been tagging her in and she realized that he was following her back on Instagram. 
She dropped her phone and ran out that door excitedly as the Daegu rapper’s laughter increased in volume.
His phone buzzed and he looked down to see Namjoon texting him.
Namjoon: I assume Nie Nie realized that Shawn Mendes noticed her and started screaming, running around the building?
Yoongi: As expected
A few minutes later, Jennie ran back into his studio. 
“Got it all out of your system?” she heard the rapper ask with amusement in his voice.
She wiped the tears from her eyes, trying to pull herself together as she picked up her phone. 
“Not all of it!” She responded. “Like you have no idea how big this is! This is crazy!”
She tweeted Shawn back, ‘ShawnMendes OMFG THANK UUUU! I LOVE YOU! You have no idea how much this means to me #Jen’
On her Instagram, she began to film herself for a 15-second video, “G-guys, guys, Shawn Mendes just noticed your girl. He noticed your girl, JW! Miss Bangtan! Jennie! I am on cloud nine~! Come throuuuuuugh! Thank you so much ARMY!”
She posted the video with the caption, ‘IM CRYING! Shawn really just noticed your girl! #Blessed #ThankYouARMY’
“What a kid.” Yoongi chuckled and left to go to the bathroom.
After calming down, she scrolled on Instagram to some of her fan pages that she was happily following and came across a video of The8 from Seventeen talking about her.
He had expressed his interest in meeting her when asked which idols he would like to get closer to. He also mentioned that the other members of Seventeen think she seems like an easygoing person to hang out with, eager to see her at ISAC. 
She has kept her eye on Seventeen for a while, enjoying their music. She’s heard of The8 especially and was aware that Chinese is his first language. She wanted to learn a little more Chinese to be able to speak to him.
Sure, she did not look like anyone’s ideal type around here in Korea with their beauty standards but her personality was more than enough to make her admirable with her kindness and outgoing nature. She always appreciated when other idols spoke highly of her and mentioned that she was doing well in the industry.
Once she liked the video, fans noticed quickly, commenting that she liked the post and hoped that they would meet each other.
Jennie looked up to see Yoongi walking in with a familiar face behind him. She widened her eyes and opened her mouth once she caught who was with him.
There stood her sister, Vienna, with an awkward smile on her face. 
“Hey.” she waved.
Standing up, Jennie ran up to her, wrapping her arms around her tightly. “’Enna! What are you doing here!?”
“Rap Monster let me in the building when I reached out,” she responded, pulling away while Yoongi left to give them some privacy. “I uh, came to see you and apologize. And to thank you for what you did for my tuition.”
“The hell? You couldn’t have called?”
She really flew across the country to say Sorry?
“I wanted to see you. Damn, I’m so jetlagged,” the college student exhaled and sat down. “So this is what you go through? Plane after plane? Country after country? City after city? Just to perform? And participate in other activities? Waking up early on top of that? This is...so tiring. Being on that plane for almost a day. Ugh, my acting can’t even compare. I don’t know how you do it, JW.”
Jen let out a chuckle and sat with her. “Tell me about it. My body took months to get used to living in Korea and traveling from place to place for events. I can’t even describe how exhausted my body was when I first started in BTS.”
“I see. Well, you’re still here,” Vienna smiled softly. “Look, I-I’m sorry. For everything. For all those things I said. I was just so frustrated. But there will be plenty of opportunities for me as an actress. Broadway will be in my future real soon. I just know it,"
“Hey, it’s fine. I forgive you. I'm sorry too. I love you. Even if we butt heads at times, nothing will ever change that,”
“Even after all that hurtful stuff, I said?”
“I know you didn’t mean it. Just like I didn't mean the hurtful things I said to you. We're fine."
“I’m lucky to have a little sister like you. I’m really proud of you.”
“And I'm lucky to have a big sister like you. I'm proud of you, too,” she gave her a tight hug and they stayed like that for a while. Pulling away, she asked, “So, shouldn’t you be in class?”
“Shouldn’t you mind your business?” Vienna teased as Jennie rolled her eyes
“So, how long you staying for?”
“Wow, you want to kick me out, already?”
“Well, you really should be in class.”
“You’re joking right?” Vienna stared at her in disbelief.
Jen paused before laughing. “Yeah, I’m joking! Let’s have some fun while you’re here!”
“That’s the Jennie I know.”
“So, does Alani, mom, or dad know about this? That you’re here?”
“Um...not yet.”
“As expected.”
Back at the dorm, the members agreed to have a video game night of playing Super Mario Smash Bros on the Wii U. Jennie sat on the couch with Vienna, Jimin, Taehyung, and Hobi while the rest of the members sat in chairs or on the floor. Jen and Namjoon would occasionally translate to Vienna on what was going on, and the college student was eager to watch the chaos.
Creating a Twitter video, Jen spoke in her Native tongue, “ARMY, we bout to play smash bros. BTS may not be a group anymore after this. Wish us luck because friendships will be lost.”
“Let’s do this thang!” Jimin shouted in English, causing her to laugh as she stopped the video and tweeted, ‘Friendships will be lost...no hard feelings, mkay? #Jen’
For the first match, it was Jennie vs Jimin vs Namjoon vs Jin. They went to the character select menu as the epic video game music continued to play.
“Let me guess, Rosalina & Luma?” Jungkook declared.
“Damn right,” Jen replied and selected them. “I’m at my best when I use them.”
“Ahahaha, for future reference, we may have to kick some people out of Bangtan due to frustrations in this game so let’s try to have a clean and fair fight, all right?” Jin announced.
“We’re choosing the Norfair stage.” Jimin picked.
“NO!” Jen yelled.
“YES!” Namjoon yelled back
“I hate that stage! We just started playing, can we choose a more sane and civilized stage?” Miss Bangtan pleaded
“Nope! Suffer.” Namjoon laughed evilly.
Jennie shook her head in disbelief. “This is so uncharacteristic of you. I am appalled.”
“Wait! Wait! I wasn’t ready!” Jin yelled as his character, Luigi, began to get punched around by Jimin who giggled hysterically.
Jennie decided to go on a defensive route and stay away from all the fighting until she found an opening, watching the character’s movements.
“No defensive this time, Jen Drop.” Namjoon’s character, Sonic, went right after hers as they began fighting around.
As the game went on, Jimin started laughing when his character, Yoshi, accidentally fell off the map.
“How?!” Taehyung laughed at him with Jungkook.
“It was an accident!” Jimin exclaimed
Meanwhile, Jennie managed to kick Jin off the map to eliminate him until he could respawn again.
Jin frowned. “Why, Jennie? Why would you do this? And stop taunting me, Jimin!” The oldest member yelled over their laughter.
Before they knew it, the giant lava wave began to come up to the screen while Jennie managed to kick Namjoon out of one of the safe areas so she wouldn’t get hit. But suddenly he paused the game
“Hey! We are not doing this, you can’t do that!” she shouted.
“What are you talking about!?” Namjoon shouted back, trying to look innocent.
“Stop pausing the game!” 
“I accidentally pressed pause!”
“Stop lying!”
Namjoon unpaused the game and managed to get into the safe area with her while the lava wave came through. Unfortunately for Jin, he spawned just in time for his character to get hit again, knocking him out of the match again as everyone laughed at him.
“This is how you treat the oldest?” Jin asked.
Near the end of the round, Jennie and Namjoon were the final ones in the match, with Namjoon occasionally trying to find slick ways to cheat by messing with her controller and pausing the game constantly to distract her. The lava wave in the game came once again and he managed to make her character face its wrath, to win the match.
‘GAME! The winner is! Sonic!’
“Looks like I won!” He happily announced
“What is you talkin’ about!?” Jennie yelled. “Friggin cheater!”
Next was Yoongi vs Jungkook vs Taehyung vs Namjoon, who battled each other in the Final Destination stage. After giving her controller to Taehyung, Jen watched as Jungkook used Mario to trash his opponents.
“Can you at least go easy on me!?” Namjoon exclaimed.
“I don’t think that’s happening,” Yoongi replied.
With no surprise, the Golden Maknae won the match and proceeded to take on Hobi, Taehyung, and Jimin this time. Before Jen knew it, it was her turn to play again. She ended up groaning when she watched Jungkook select Ganondorf as his character.
“Why?” She complained. “Why would you do this? I hate playing against him, he’s so damn hard!”
“Exactly why I picked him.” The Golden Maknae smirked, still proud of his winning streak. 
He had won four games straight.
She rolled her eyes and selected the Wuhu Island. As the match began, the players continued to fight around the platforms that were moving occasionally.
“Stop trying to take me out, Kook!” She attempted to evade his attacks before he could take her off the map. “I hate you, he got me struggling over here with this character.”
Unluckily for her, her character fell into the water and sank down, getting taken out as she rolled her eyes.
Hobi, playing as Ryu from Street Fighter, begins to shout, “Hadoken! Hadoken! Hadoken! Hadoken! Hadoken! Ha-“
“Shut up!” Yoongi shouted, causing him to squeal in surprise.
As the match went on, Jungkook caught Jennie with his final smash as she angrily handed the controller to Namjoon. 
“Fuck outta here!” She snapped while Jungkook laughed hysterically.
It was down to Jungkook and Hobi. The members mainly cheered on Hobi because they wanted to see Jungkook lose.
“Did he get him?! He did!” Jimin yelled when Hobi hit Jungkook with the final smash, beating him as everyone cheered.
“You sure you don’t want to play?” Jen asked Vienna.
“Why not?” She took Jungkook’s controller after Jen told him to give it to her. ”I don’t know how to play, though.”
After Jen told her the basic moves, Vienna chose Kirby to go up against Yoongi, Hobi, and Taehyung. They battled at Hyrule Castle 64 as the main theme of The Legend of Zelda played.
“W-wait stop falling off the edge of the map. Jump up! ” Jen laughed and tried to coach her sister. 
After a few moments, she continued to get the hang of it, taking out Yoongi’s Pikachu character.
“What? That connected?” Vienna asked, bewildered.
“You knocked him out of the map but the battle isn’t over yet, keep fighting.” Jen encouraged.
“That’s some disrespect, right there,” Vienna complained when her character was taken out the map by Taehyung.
“Ah, fuck this game!” Yoongi rage quit and handed the controller to Jin instead so he could take over. He got frustrated when he kept getting beaten down by everyone.
“Really, hyung?” Jimin giggled.
“He’s just a little upset.” Namjoon teased.
When Vienna suddenly realized that she won the game, beating Taehyung, she responded in shock, “Wait, I won?!”
“Good job!” Taehyung happily said, placing his hand out for her to high five him, while the rest of the members applauded her efforts.
“Thank you! Good game!” She beamed and turned to Jennie. “That was fun! You’re in good hands here. I like their vibe, up close and personal. It’s like you’re not away from family.”
Jen returned her smile and nodded. “Thanks, Vee. I agree.”
“All right, let’s play teams now,” Jimin announced.
“I call Jungkook.” Jennie declared, high fiving the Golden Maknae.
“NO!” Namjoon and Jimin shout.
“Noooooooooo~!” Taehyung and Hobi complained
“Absolutely not.” Jin shook his head
“Hell no,” Yoongi added.
“And why not?” Jungkook asked with irritation while Jennie scowled at the members’ disapproval of her choice of partner.
“No JenKook for this because you always win together. Change it up.” Namjoon demanded which caused the 97 Liners to look displeased by their demands.
“I call Jennie!” Taehyung shouted and clung to her.
“What...?” Jungkook frowned, narrowing his eyes at the 95 Liner. “How come he gets to-“
“And I call Jungkook~!” Jimin hugged him as Jungkook let out an exasperated sigh. 
Jen shot Jungkook an apologetic smile and prepared to play.
Jennie and Taehyung battle against Jin and Namjoon, easily getting a win when Jen took out both of her opponents with Rosalina & Luma’s final smash.
“No! No!” Jin complained
“OP! That is OP! So overpowered!” Namjoon shouted.
Miss Bangtan danced in victory with Tae, ignoring their protests, “Hey! Hey! Hey!”
As an hour went by, Jimin spoke, “I want to see Jungkook and Jennie battle each other.” 
His idea made the 97 Liners' interest rise as they glanced at each other.
“I’m down, are you?” Jen asked.
“Bring it on.” The Golden Maknae responded.
Jennie chose the same character while Jungkook chose Shulk. For their first battle, they chose the Gaur Plain stage as the theme played.
As soon as the fight began, Jennie and Jungkook clashed, trying to get as many hits as possible while avoiding falling off the map. Jungkook managed to juggle Jennie up in the air with perfectly timed strikes before blasting her off the map. A confident smirk came across his lips as he waited for her character to respawn.
Jennie kept calm, making sure to keep a cool head while fighting back. Her heart began to race faster as they continued to play, aiming to win. The members watched them game keenly, with no words spoken as they watched them back and forth.
Jungkook managed to knock her off the map to win the game as she roughly ran a hand over her face.
Frustration was clear on her face for a moment before she got calm again. They played again, picking the same stage. Jen glanced at the top of the screen to see and hear, Mechanical Rhythm, playing in the background for the stage, setting the mood for a more aggressive gameplay
“And she’s getting mad.” Jungkook teased, trying to get under her skin.
Jennie decided to ignore him and remained focused. 
All that was heard was the rapid button mashing and battle cries of their characters. Once she began to continuously strike his character off the map, the Golden Maknae began to become vigilant of the direction of the battle.
'She got this,' Vienna thought as she watched her sister focus.
"See ya!" Jen lightly said once she swiftly got behind his character and kicked him straight to the sky for a finishing blow.
"Shit!" Jungkook shouted.
“YES!” she shouted, standing up and fist pumped.
“AHHHHHHHHH!” the members yelled, jumping up and down while Vienna grinned and applauded.
The winner is, Rosalina & Luma!
The Golden Maknae was visibly disappointed by his loss, remaining silent while everyone celebrated her victory.
“Final round! Who will win?” Jin laughed
“That was just luck. I let you win.” Jungkook responded.
“We’ll see about that in the final round,” Jen replied.
For the final round, they fought furiously, both equally matched. Once they saw the smash ball spawn, they aimed to hit it. She managed to destroy the smash ball just before him and caught him in Rosalina’s final smash. She watched as Luma expanded bigger and started to repeatedly attack Jungkook’s character, boosting up his percentage rate and then he was blasted out of the map
“WOO!” She jumped up.
“OH MAH GOD!” Jimin yelled while the rest of the members started yelling and jumping up and down with her
“She beat Jungkook!” Jin celebrated
Jungkook placed his controller down and huffed, displeased at his loss while some of the members teased him by shaking him while laughing at him. 
Jennie took a seat right next to him on the carpet with her phone in her hand. She took a victory selfie with a bright smile on her face with an annoyed Jungkook in the background. 
She tweeted, ‘#Bodied’
Standing up, Jungkook grabbed a pillow and tossed it across the room before going straight to his room while everyone continued laughing
“Ahahahahaha! Yooooooo! He tossed the pillow!” Vienna cackled. “He’s so mad.”
After another hour of gaming, everyone decided to head off to bed. Jennie let Vienna sleep in her bed while she took a visit to Jungkook’s room, wondering if he was still upset that he lost. She’d be feeling the same way since they both enjoy winning.
Who doesn’t like to win?
Shutting his door after walking inside, she saw him sulking while playing on his phone. He was still feeling bitter about the loss.
“So, we not friends, now?” she teased and took a seat on his bed. 
Instead of replying, he ignored her and placed the covers over himself.
“I hope you know that won’t get rid of me.” she grabbed his covers and got in the bed with him, facing his back. He sighed and tried to move away but she moved against him, hugging him from behind. “We still not friends?”
Ignored again.
She suddenly pressed her soft lips to his cheek, taking him by surprise. 
“How about now?” she asked but didn't get a response. 
The Golden Maknae felt his cheeks warm up but he continued to be stubborn while pondering if she’d kiss him, again. Seconds later, he felt those lips against his cheek repeatedly.
“Now?” She asked again.
“How about now?”
“What about now?”
“How about now?”
It was getting harder to ignore her as he was greeted by her kisses all over his face. He was losing the battle in fighting the big grin appearing on his face.
“I see that smile! Now answer, we still friends?” she spoke and he tried to ignore her again. “I’ll stay here all night if I have to. I guess I have to be the big spoon, so be it. So, we still not friends? I know you hear me.”
She laughed, snuggling up against him tightly as he started forgetting about his anger from losing the game.
Jungkook sighed and turned around, wrapping an arm around her to bring her to his chest. 
“I can’t stay mad at you...” He grumbled.
“Good. Now good night.” She snuggled against him.
“Y-you’re staying?”
“And having to deal with Vienna’s wild sleeping? I think not. Besides I like sleeping with you. You’re so warm and comfortable. Like a friggin human heater. Unless you want me to leave-“
“Stay, please,”
The next morning, Jungkook woke up with Jennie sleeping on his chest. He briefly watched her sleep and smiled. He pondered what it’d be like to wake up to this every day if they were a couple. Good morning kisses were guaranteed as well as him trying to make her stay in bed with him.
Gently moving her, he got out of bed and placed the covers on her. Stretching his arms, he headed out of the room, noticing that Jin already made breakfast because of the smell of food. Saying their good mornings, Jungkook grabbed a plate and took it back to his room, placing it on his nightstand for Jen to eat.
When he went back into the kitchen, he noticed Vienna sitting by the table, eating with Jin while trying to speak English with him.
Vienna noticed Jungkook and smiled warmly. 
“Hey. Morning.” she greeted while Jin went to make plates for the members when they woke up.
“Good morning!” Jungkook greeted while smiling shyly.
She typed something in her phone and slid it to him. He looked at it and it read, ‘Sorry for the language barrier. I don’t know Korean but found this app to help translate. I’ll cut right to the chase. There’s been a question I’ve been wanting to ask you since I met you. You like my sister, don’t you?’
He looked up, surprised, and averted his eyes, looking shy. 
That immediately gave her an answer.
She chuckled and typed something else on her phone before sliding it back to him.
‘I’m not angry. I’m happy. I love my sister and I would do anything for her. And watching you...I see that your feelings are genuine and that you deeply care for her. You’ll make a cute couple. You have my full support. :)’
He read and looked up, nodding. “Th-thank you.” He responded softly.
“You’re welcome,” she replied and went back to eating.
After breakfast, Jennie and Vienna hang out in Seoul to bond. When they were shopping at a local store, Jen had found an emoji head and tried it on. 
Vienna thought it was funny and took a photo, posting it on her Instagram with the caption, ‘My heart &lt;;3’
Tumblr media
Not long after, Alani facetimed Vienna. “Oh gosh, I guess she saw the post.” Vienna laughed and accepted the call. 
The screen revealed Alani shaking her head while Jennie popped up next to Vienna, waving.
“Yo, I hate y’all...skipping class, Vienna? Leaving ME to present our project!?” Alani yelled. “Ima kill you when you come back! Are you kidding me!?”
“Wait you left Alani with your project?” Jen exclaimed
“Well...I mean...I did my part.” Vienna grinned sheepishly
“Yes, this girl left me to present alone!” Alani yelled angrily.
“It’s good practice for what you want to do.” Vienna shrugged. “Don’t be a snitch and tell mom or dad. I’ll be home soon.”
“I cannot believe you! I could’ve gone with you!”
Jen was surprised by her statement while Vienna laughed. “That wasn’t what I was expecting.” 
"Hey! I can be rebellious, too!" Alani exclaimed. 
Later that day, an African American female college student hung around Dunkin Donuts, filming a vlog for her YouTube channel. She was with two of her American friends, a guy and another girl, who sipped on their coffee, eating breakfast sandwiches.
“Hey guys, we are back with another video. It is day 3 of us being in Seoul, and we’re here eating Dunkin Donuts. Say hi!” she panned the camera to her friends and they rambled about their excitement for their upcoming semester of studying abroad.
While her friends were talking, she turned to do more people watching but froze when she noticed Jennie.
“Wait a minute is that-oh my God, guys, I think that’s Jennie from BTS.,” she said quickly with a whisper. She panned her camera to Miss Bangtan and Vienna who were waiting for their order. “What the heck is she doing here!?”
Her two friends widened their eyes and covered their mouths. 
“Holy sh-no way is that really her?” her female friend exclaimed as their hearts started racing.
“Guys, we are in the same building as Miss Bangtan, how great is this?” her guy friend responded.
“Should we say hi?” the Youtuber pondered.
“No! We should be respectful.” Her female friend disapproved.
“And miss an opportunity to say hey to our favorite K-pop idol? Hell no, I want to say hi. We’re not screaming in her face or anything.” her male friend said.
“I dunno...should we?” the Youtuber wondered.
“We should do it.”
“Won’t it be rude?”
“Yelling and screaming in excitement in her face is. But as long as we’re not too crazy, I honestly don’t see what the problem is with approaching your favorite idol.”
“Jennie looks so mad though, should we approach her?” the female friend added.
“Remember that Jen always says that she has a resting bitch face?” the Youtuber brought up.
The Youtuber handed her friends the camera and she got out of her seat, making her way to Jennie. Butterflies were in her stomach as she inched closer to her idol. She even went over what she planned to say in her head.
When the Youtuber watched Jennie and Vienna turn around, she froze as she locked eyes with Miss Bangtan. 
“Um-I uh, annyeongh-hello-haseyo-um-i uh-hi.” She stuttered, trying to say hello.
“Hi.” Jennie let out a chuckle. “You good, girl?”
“I can’t even speak, right now. If I can’t even speak in my own language, what makes me think I can speak in Korean?” the fan sighed. “I’m sorry, I just wanted to say hi, I can’t believe you are in front of me. I’m trying to create a Vlog for YouTube and then you showed up, throwing me off guard with your beauty and I’m just embarrassing myself in front of you.”
“Awww thank you! You don’t have to be so nervous. You’re fine! I encourage fans to say hi!” Jen reassured while the girl’s two friends appeared next to her, nervously saying hi. “How are you guys? You eat this morning?”
“Yes, we did. We’re college students. Studying abroad.”
“Wow, really? When did you come to Korea?” 
“A few days before to know our surroundings until it’s time for the Fall semester to start.”
“Wow, enjoy it to the fullest. I always hear that some people want to get closer to their favorite K-Pop idols and all while being here but still take time to learn the culture and go sightseeing. Learn the history and even more of the language. It’s a beautiful place and South Korea isn’t just about K-Pop, you feel me?”
“Definitely. You inspired me to study abroad here. I was always nervous to step out of my comfort zone and go to another country. But when you did it, especially at a young age, away from family, it motivated me. This is my second time studying abroad. I went to Spain last summer. I’m glad I did it, I’m learning a lot about myself and trying new things. Now I’m a senior in college, here in Seoul.”
“Wow, that means so much to me. It’s good to get out there, you will learn a lot. I always think it’s fascinating to learn about other cultures. Especially the food, that’s always a plus. Do you know some Korean?”
“Only the basics.” the YouTuber’s female friend responded while their guy friend agreed.
“I’m at an intermediate level but I’m so nervous to be in front of you, I couldn’t show you my Korean skills or even speak in proper English.” the Youtuber responded which made Jennie laugh at the way she said her statement.
“We managed to grab seats for ISAC, too!” the male friend beamed
“No way, for real? That’s dope. Make sure you cheer on Bangtan.”
After she took photos with the three students and did a quick shoutout when being filmed for the vlog, Jennie offered them some of her munchkins and wrote encouraging messages on their notebooks with an autograph.
‘Don’t stay in your dorm during your semester. Go out, take the train and travel around South Korea!’
‘This is a great experience to learn more about yourself and another country’s culture. Enjoy every second of it and have a blast.‘
‘Cherish the people you meet along your journey here in Seoul. Learn something new while you are here.’
Just before the ISAC event, Big Hit released a Bangtan Bomb called, ‘Training Smartie for ISAC 2015’
The video contained multiple clips of the members overexaggerating and eagerly yelling words of encouragement while training her.
As she lifted weights, the members would yell encouraging words such as, “Let’s go smartie!”, “Let’s go! Feel the power!”, “Believe in the power!” and she managed not to laugh at their yells as they jumped up and down.
For a bonus clip, Jennie was seated at the table with Suga and Jungkook next to her. She began eating a big plate of Lamb Skewers while Suga and Jungkook cheered her on.
“You got this! You got this!”
“Chew it well!”
“You must eat well for wrestling!”
On the day of the event, Bangtan arrived, already in their assigned outfits while Vienna walked with Jennie.
“I don’t know what the hell is going on. What are they saying? And why do they keep staring? It’s starting to piss me off-excuse me don’t touch my hair!” Vienna exclaimed.
Jennie cringed and pulled her away. She turned to one of the staff members and bowed slightly. 
“Please don’t touch our hair without our permission. It’s rude, all right?” she responded in Korean.
“Is that your real hair?” the staff member asked.
“Yes. It is our natural, real hair,” she responded as they looked amazed and confused.
As the two sisters walked away, Vienna mentioned, “I don’t want no one looking at me cross-eyed. It’s rude to stare.”
“I mean...you’ll get used to it. It can be annoying,"
Around 300 idols made of ten teams were participating today and it was packed with various fandoms supporting their favorite groups. Once Jennie escorted Vienna to sit with the Big Hit staff on the seats, she waited for the event to start.
She stood with Bangtan backstage, waiting for their team to be called out so they could walk out.
“Now the players are entering.” The commentators announced.
“Team Female-vengers: Kara, Rainbow, Dal shabet, EXID, Minx, GFriend.” was the second team announced.
“Ah, Hayoon~.” Jennie beamed when she saw her happily walk out with G-Friend.
“How you feeling?” Rapmon stood next to her.
“Nervous but excited too. I really hope I do well in these two games. Wrestling and volleyball? I trained as hard as I could for this. I have a great feeling about this ISAC.”
“You’ll make Bangtan proud no matter what happens. Just keep a cool head and remember what we told you.”
“Team Who’s your boss: Noel, Wonder Girls, Jeong Jinwoon, Changmin, Lee Hyun, MissA, Baek A-yeon, BTS, Bestie, GOT7.” was announced next as they walked out. 
BTS walked out with big smiles on their faces, while Jennie looked on amazed at how many people showed up this time.
On the electronic display, it showed various idols. When it showed Jennie, who wasn’t aware that she was shown at first, ARMY screamed loud and proud. Jin nudged her and pointed up at the screen. She looked up and widened her eyes, chuckling before waving.
The fact that she was on the same team as Wonder Girls was astounding and she was even on a volleyball team with two of the members. It’ll be a great experience.
After saying the oath, the event started with Women’s Ssireum. There were teams consisting of three members and they played the best out of three. The time of play is one minute and 30 seconds. Jennie was teamed up with Baek A-Yeon and Haeryung from Bestie. They were stretching together and talking strategy.
For the preliminaries, Kyoungri from Nine Muses went up against Hyerin from EXID for the first match. Jennie was standing around with Bangtan, focused as she watched them closely.
“Breathe,” Namjoon said encouragingly behind her and placed his hands on her shoulders. “Don’t be discouraged. They’re not ready for Miss Bangtan.”
“Thanks.” she smiled and they took a seat.
Jungkook sat next to her as they watched closely at the two wrestling. Hyerin had attacked by effortlessly using her feet to trip Kyoungri down in 2.06 seconds.
“You see how she goes for the legs?” Jungkook pointed out. “She aims to trip her opponents. Watch your feet if you go up against her.”
“All right,” she responded.
“Do all that you can to stay on your feet. When you see an opening go for the takedown,”
Throughout the entire round of Nine Muses and EXID, Jungkook pointed some stuff out to pay attention to, mentioning strategies on how to take on the girls. Fansites that attended ISAC, filmed the BTS members and updated their Twitter accounts on what was going on. Once they snapped a photo of JenKook watching closely, with Jungkook whispering strategy in her ear, they tweeted the photos with the caption, ‘Mentor and student. JenKook look focused!’
Fans would immediately tweet,
‘97Liners, I ship!'
'If he whispered in my ear, I would’ve DIED! How can she just sit there so calm?'
'Jungkook is such a great mentor!'
'There is no way she was that calm when you have the golden Maknae whispering in your ear’
'He was probably giving her advice on the wrestling. Y'all thirsty! It ain’t that deep!’
Matches such as Girl's Day vs AOA, Apink vs Red Velvet, Tara vs Secret, and Mamamoo vs Sistar occurred until it was time for Jen’s team to go up against G-Friend. AOA, APink, T-ara, Nine Muses and Mamamoo all advanced to the semi round and it was down to either G-Friend or Bestie/Baek A-Yeon & Jennie. Umji, Eunha, and Yerin represented G-Friend in this match.
“First we have the plucky Miss Bangtan representing BTS and is teaming up with Baek A-Yeon and Haeryung. Last year, she had a running relay and fell down.” the commentators recapped, showing her falling on the screen.
The sight of her falling, caused Jen to roll her eyes, seeming irritated at the sight. They were doing her dirty because she fell. It was over and done with. 
“They really bringing up this crap again?” she grumbled under her breath, shaking her head.
She stepped up on the platform while Yerin waited for her with a bright smile since they were great friends. The two winked at each other before giggling.
“Go, Jennie! Go, Yerin!” Hayoon, along with the other G-Friend members cheered. 
Jen exhaled and glanced at Jungkook who gave her a reassuring smile.
“You got this. Remember what I told you,” he mouthed and she responded with a curt nod and turned back to Yerin.
The two of them bowed to each other and positioned themselves while kneeling.
“JENNNIEEEEEEEEEEE~!” Jimin yelled with Taehyung, applauding.
“Munchkin! Munchkin! Munchkin!” Hobi chanted while Rapmon and Suga laughed with one another, feeling second-hand embarrassment.
“Miss Bangtan has quite the fanboys, it seems. Who will win? Jennie or Yerin?” the announcers wondered.
Once the whistle blew, Jennie immediately used her strength to lift Yerin high in the air and slammed her down on the mat. 
Jungkook slapped his hands together and stood up with a big grin on his face, fist pumping.
“Yes!” he yelled.
“AHHHHHHHHHHHHH~!” Bangtan jumped up, applauding her victory while ARMY and the rest of Bangtan supporters began screaming for her.
Yerin started laughing, covering her face while Jennie helped her up. 
“You all right, sis?” she hugged her.
“Yes, I’m fine. You’re so strong.” Yerin giggled.
“Wow! That power!” the commentators exclaimed as they went to a slow-motion replay. “The strength of Miss Bangtan should not be underestimated!”
“Winner! BTS’ Jennie!” was announced as male idols watched the performance, surprised and mesmerized. 
Some were whispering to themselves about her and smirking in approval.
“Atta girl!” Zico from Block B, shouted, cheering her on with the rest of the Block B members.
GOT7 also became her cheerleaders as Bam Bam stared at her with heart eyes, placing a hand over her heart. 
“I think I’m in love,” Bam Bam mentioned to Jackson, who cackled at him, slapping his arm.
As the fansites filmed videos and posted it on their social media, as fans commented,
‘Some of the boys look pleased’
'So who is gonna be the next idol to speak on how much they admire Jen? Cause some of them are staring hard af and I'm here for it'
‘Hahaha some of the guys look like they wanna marry her’
‘Bam Bam watching with that pleased look on his face, ahahah.’
‘Sexy, beautiful and powerful! Go gurl!
‘The girls’ faces hahaha they look so scared to face her now’
‘Look at her face in the beginning! She looked like, “Oh shit, I’m dead.’
‘I’m ready to see Jennie at Wrestlemania now.’
‘She took that so seriously ahaha.’
‘Can Jennie throw me like that too!?’
‘Force to be reckoned with! She didn’t come to play! She definitely redeemed herself from last time.’
‘How did she get so strong!? OMG Jungkook what have you been teaching her!?’
‘Flipped her like pancakes. Didn’t even last two seconds!’
‘She-she just picked her up and slammed her down in 2.0 seconds!’
‘I blinked and Yerin was on the mat. What happened!?’
‘I love how the guys are smiling so hard.’
‘That Captain America strength right there! Miss Bangtan 100%! Represent us!’
Jennie was smiling brightly at the cheers and applauds for her efforts as she bowed and waved. 
After leaving the mat, Hayoon ran up to her to hug her. “That was amazing!” she said and started giving her repeated kisses on her cheek.
After speaking with G-Friend, Jennie went back to Bangtan who had given her high fives and compliments such as, “Well done.” And “You’ve worked hard.”
“You did it!” Jungkook high fived her and pulled her to his chest for a warm hug.
“We did it.” she corrected him as she wrapped her arms around his back. The rest of the members joined in for a group hug before sitting back down to watch the rest of her team wrestle.
She cheered on Baek A-Yeon as she went up against Umji and managed to slam her down on the mat to make her team advance to the semi-round. 
“Yeah!” Jennie jumped up and ran up to Baek A-Yeon with Haeryung to celebrate their advancement.
As the last round started, Jennie sat back down with Taehyung wrapping his arms around her from behind, sitting behind her. Jimin sat in front of her, laying his back between her legs while Jungkook hugged Taehyung from behind.
They watched as Baek A-Yeon went up against Sung-a from Nine Muses and lost the match when she was slammed down. 
Jennie stood up and walked to the mat, preparing to wrestle Sojin. They bowed to each other and got in position.
As soon as the whistle blew, Sojin tried to catch her off guard by going after her legs but Jennie stood her ground and lifted her up to slam her down within five seconds.
“Sorry.” Jennie grinned and helped her up while Sojin reassured her that she was fine.
The fansites had filmed Jungkook smiling proudly and in the end, Jen’s team had won a Bronze medal for their efforts when Haeryung fell short against her opponent. After they received their bronze medals, Haeryung began to cry. 
“Wait, why are you crying?” Jennie went to console her with Baek A-Yeon.
“I let the team down. I’m sorry,” she responded, sadly.
“Hey, you did not let us down. We tried our best and we had fun. Thank you for your hard work. You’ve done well, girl. Don't even worry about it.” she reassured her, wiping her tears as the fansites filmed their conversation.
The three ladies join in for a group hug, thanking each other for a job well done for wrestling.
When the interaction was posted on Twitter, people praised Jennie's kindness and sportsmanship.
While soccer began, Jennie chilled with Bangtan, taking out her bun. Before she prepared to fix it, Taehyung grabbed her hair tie and got behind her, fixing her bun for her. She was surprised at how delicate he was to not hurt her. He placed her hair in a high bun and got in front of her to place a strand of curls on each side. Once he was done, he patted her head and smiled.
She took out her phone and checked it out. “This looks really good, Tae.”
Wandering around after catching up with some idol friends, Jennie decided to finally approach The8, greeting him in Chinese. 
“I only know a little bit of Chinese but I will try to learn more so there can be less of a language barrier between us.” her Chinese was broken but he smiled at her efforts and managed to understand her clearly.
‘Wow...handsome.” he responded in English which caused her to chuckle
“Beautiful.” she corrected.
“Sorry, sorry.” he bowed, feeling embarrassed.
“It’s all right. Can you recommend me some Chinese dishes I should try? I love Chinese food.” 
“Yes, of course!” he started naming some of his favorite dishes. 
As they spoke, Joshua approached them and greeted them.
“Hey! Great job on the wrestling.” Joshua said in English.
“Oh, thank you! I had a blast. You’re Joshua, right?”
“Yeah, it’s nice to finally meet Miss Bangtan. I’m actually from Los Angeles.”
“Ah, west coast. I’m from the east. East side is better just so you know.” she teased and they shared a laugh. “The both of you two are so cute.” she pointed at the both of them.
“You’re cute, too. The8 is really fond of you. He always talks about how kind and hardworking you are.” he gestured while The8 was looking at them back and forth, confused since they were speaking in English.
“I saw the video. It always gives me a giddy feeling when people tell me that. It makes me feel really good. Hey, can I have your Kakao Talk?”
“Yeah, of course.” he took out his phone
“I want your Kakao Talk too, The8.” she gestured to him and he took out his phone. 
After getting each other's Kakao Talk, Jennie continued to bring The8 into their conversation.
“Joshua also plays the guitar. We saw your V-Live. You were great.” The8 smiled.
“Really? Thank you! Oh gosh, I feel so embarrassed, I didn’t think some idols would watch it too.” she responded.
As she continued to wander around, she even met Yeeun from CLC, remembering that Yeeun was eager to meet her. They compared their classes for the upcoming school year and noticed that they’ll be sharing a few classes together. They will definitely have more time to hang out and get to know each other.
Throughout the event, Hayoon would cling to Jennie, hugging her from behind, while she laughed.
“Why are you affectionate, today? You must want something.” she assumed, since last time she wanted some of her smarties.
“No, I’m just happy to see you. I haven’t seen you in a while.” Hayoon replied.
While she was being hugged, Jennie would look around at the crowd and noticed fans wearing USA clothing and waving American flags to represent her. She smiled and pointed them out, feeling even more good about herself. She even spotted Vienna in the crowd and waved, blowing kisses.
“LOVE YOU!” Vienna shouted from her seat. The college student noticed some ARMY trying to get her attention. “I don’t speak Korean but it looks like you want to take a selfie, so sure.” she gestured for them to give her their phones.
Jennie and Jimin migrated to the basketball court to support Suga who was currently warming up for the basketball finals match. Jimin and Jennie were standing where the staff seats were while she took photos on her phone.
“Suga got this in the bag. He should be fine.” Jennie said.
“Yes!” Jimin praised when they watched Suga make a shot in the basket while practicing.
When the game started, Jennie and Jimin became cheerleaders for the Daegu rapper.
“MIN YOONGI~!” Jimin shouted. “Lee Changmin! Jung Jinwoon! Lee Hyun-hyungnim!”
Suga had put his head down, while his teammates started laughing at their enthusiasm for their groupmate.
Due to their heated cheers, Jimin and Jennie sat on the sidelines to watch the game. Every time Suga’s team made a shot, Jimin and Jennie would jump up from their seats and cheer.
“That’s my Suga!” Jennie shouted proudly, happily applauding. “I am a proud little sister!”
“Yoon! Gi! Yoon! Gi! Yoon! Gi! Yoon! Gi!” Jennie and Jimin chanted as the game progressed.
Yoongi’s team ended up winning and earning gold medals.
Before Jennie knew it, it was time for Volleyball as she stood backstage with the stylists, preparing her outfit. She wore a long sleeve shirt and black shorts with knee pads. When Jennie put on the shorts, she noticed they were a bit too small.
“Ah...I told you to get a bigger size. My ass is bigger than you Korean women. And I have wider hips.” she exclaimed while the stylists giggled.
“We came prepared, don’t worry.” 
They brought in a backup pair which fit much better. She checked out her outfit in the mirror and turned around to look at her behind. 
“All right, it’s covering up everything. Ah, I’m freaking out.” Jennie rambled.
When she was all dressed up, she walked to the gym, where the volleyball court was already put up. She gathered around the members as they helped prepare her.
“Ready, sweetie?” Jin smiled.
“A little nervous.”
“You’ll be just fine.” Yoongi patted her on the back
Taehyung gave her water while Jimin began massaging her shoulders to help her relax.
“I have the tape.” Namjoon brought up and grabbed one of her hands while Hobi grabbed her other hand to start taping her fingers.
“Remember, be careful, spike some balls and win.” Jungkook reminded her. “Use your golden defense skills.”
“I’ll be sure to do that and more.” she nodded.
Hobi cupped her face, pressing his lips to her forehead. He smiled softly, “You got this, Jennie! Show those ladies why Bangtan is great!”
She nodded and started to grin, high fiving each member before walking up to the court to meet with her teammates.
Representing Team Who’s The Boss, Jennie teamed with Baek A-Yeon, Hyelim & Yubin from Wonder Girls and Min and Suzy from Miss A. Their opponents were from Team the Return of The King which consisted of Hyuna & Gayoon from 4Minute, Yeeun & Seunghee from CLC, and Hayoung and Naeyun from APink.
“Here we are! This is the first time we are having a volleyball event at ISAC. Miss Bangtan will be starting to serve, representing Team Who’s the Boss.” The commentators mentioned over the roaring cheers of the audience.
Jennie exhaled sharply, as her heart raced while having the ball in her hands. 
‘I can do this...’ she gave herself words of encouragement. 
Just before she could serve, she heard loud screaming.
The screaming caught her by surprise and she turned around sharply to see Jimin, J-Hope, and Yoongi hollering for her. Rap Monster had facepalmed, shaking his head while Jin and Jungkook were giggling, clapping to themselves.
Her teammates began giggling at her enthusiastic group members and thought it was cute that they were cheering her on. 
Jennie had let out a loud laugh and blew some kisses at Bangtan before turning back to her opponents.
“GO JENNIE!” another scream caught her by surprise but this time it was actually from Hayoon who was standing on the sidelines with the rest of GFriend, cheering her on. 
She had shyly looked down after screaming so loudly but Jennie had appreciated her cheers.
‘Okay...let’s do this.’ she began bouncing the volleyball by slapping it with her palm as it hit the ground then back to her palm, numerous times. 
The loud sound began to intimidate her opponents as they tried to get ready.
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Raising the ball in the air, she jumped up high for a powerful spike. The ball ended up hitting the ground on the other side before the opposing team could hit it and Jennie earned a point for her team. Loud screams from ARMY were heard around the arena while some watched, stunned at the spike.
“YES! That is my child! I raised her! That is my beautiful little girl!” Jin yelled happily.
“WOOOOOOO! ATTA GIRL!” Namjoon shouted. 
A proud smile came across Jungkook’s lips as he nodded in approval, applauding her efforts. 'That's my Jennie,' he thought proudly.
“Whaaaaaaa, what a powerful strike from Jennie of BTS! Wow!” the commentators went on.
She was surprised as her teammates went to hug her. “I can’t believe I got that.” she started laughing while Yubin and Hyelim smiled sweetly, patting her on the back.
The game progressed with Bangtan watching closely as they saw the concentration in her eyes. They admired her efforts because she truly had worked hard. Jen soared with her defensive skills as she effortlessly blocked the ball, which caused some of her opponents to get annoyed that they couldn’t get a point.
“Ah, Jennie, stop blocking my spikes!” Hyuna whined.
“Not sorry.” Jennie replied with a grin.
“Are you seeing this!? Are you seeing this!?” Taehyung grabbed onto Jimin and started shaking him. “She keeps blocking the ball! They’re gonna win!”
“WOOOOO! Go, Jen!” Jackson, Bam Bam and Mark became some of her hypemen throughout the match.
Jen’s forearms began to sting from the constant hitting of the ball as the game went on. Her team was well in the lead, thanks to Yubin and Suzy soaring in setting the ball for their teammates to spike, Hyelim being great at passing the ball to her teammates and Baek A-Yeon specializing in spiking with Min. Jennie had made sure to jump up and throw her hands up to block the ball whenever she could with her teammates, which helped tremendously in the game.
"Miss Bangtan's defense is dangerous," the commentators pointed out at how effortless she made blocking for her team.
Once Hayoung served the ball, Hyelim managed to hit the ball, passing it to Suzy who managed to hit the ball over the net. Yeeun dove down, hitting the ball as she connected with the floor while Gayoon passed the ball to Naeyun. Naeyun spiked the ball and Min hit the ball back. Yubin and Baek A-Yeon watched it fly near them and Baek A-Yeon managed to set the ball. 
“All yours, Jennie!” she gestured as Miss Bangtan jumped up and spiked the ball across the court.
Once they saw that the ball hit the floor before their opponents could hit it, they happily yelled in excitement.
“YES!” Jen screamed and fist pumped over the loud cheers and screams from the crowd. 
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She started jumping up and down while her teammates threw themselves at her, and they all fell to the floor while hugging. When they got back on their feet, they celebrated all around the arena while Jen did aerial cartwheels around the arena in celebration.
Bangtan started laughing wholeheartedly that she still had the energy to jump and cartwheel around. They immediately ran down to the volleyball court to celebrate with her. J-Hope picked her up over his shoulders and ran around with Bangtan as they all cheered and celebrated. 
"Jennie! Jennie! Jennie!" The boys chanted.
The volleyball team received gold medals for their efforts. When the team was interviewed, Jennie thanked her teammates for working so hard to be victorious and praised them for their hard work. She had a blast with them and hopes volleyball continues to be an event in ISAC.
Meanwhile, Bam Bam had been watching her, smitten by her athleticism in the volleyball game. After some pep talk from Jackson, he finally decided to approach her, bringing a water and towel for her to wipe her sweaty face.
“Have you played volleyball, before?” he asked.
“I kid you not, this was my first actual game.”
“Wow, well you need to teach me some time because you were amazing out there.”
With the Maknae Line, Jimin was on alert when he noticed that Bam Bam was starting to flirt with her as she had covered her mouth while giggling and shyly averting her eyes. Once he nudged Taehyung and Jungkook to point out what was going on, Jungkook shot Bam Bam a sharp stare.
“All right, relax, he still has a dating ban so we should be okay,” Taehyung reassured.
“I hope so,” Jungkook grumbled.
Going backstage, Jen had Namjoon snap a photo of herself with her arms outstretched and a proud smile on her face. 
She tweets, ‘I came, I slayed, I conquered. Getting 1st place at ISAC feels so good. We winning! Yay us! #BlackGirlMagic #DidntTripThisTime #JEN’
For the final event, which was the final of Men's 400m relay, Jennie approached Jungkook from behind, placing a hand on his shoulder while smiling. “You ready?”
“I hope so. I really want to win.” he tilted his head to the side.
“You’ll do well. I’ll be waiting for you at the finish line, Golden Maknae,” she reassured him.
Those words motivated him to do well. Running and passing the finish line, to see her there, cheering him on. It brought a smile to his face.
Seventeen, B1A4, Teen Top, and BTS were the teams going up against each other. Jennie stood on the sidelines with GFriend and Yeeun.
“Let’s go Jimin!” Jennie shouted, clapping as her heart began to race. 
Once the idols started running, the arena started screaming. Jimin passed his stick to Taehyung as he dashed in his line tailing behind Sandeul from B1A4. 
“You got this Tae!” she began jumping up and down with GFriend and Yeeun.
Once Tae passed the stick to Hobi, he ran behind Jinyeong, before passing it to the last runner, which was Jungkook.
Soon as Jungkook zoomed past, everyone, he created a big gap as he aimed for the finish line. 
“Yes!” she happily yelled, continuing to watch him run. 
She started to migrate near the finish line, waiting for him to finish. ARMY began screaming as soon as Jungkook ran through the finish line. 
“The last runner from BTS is so amazing!” the commentators exclaimed while Rapmon and Jimin ran after him.
Jungkook kept running until he saw Jennie happily running towards him. He ran up to her and embraced her, rejoicing in his victory
“Ahhhh I’m so proud of you!” she wrapped her arms around his neck. 
They both felt a collision when Jimin, Rapmon, and Tae ran over, joining in the hug and they ended up tumbling onto the floor as the rest of the members joined in, laughing.
Yeeun ended up giggling with GFriend. “Ah, Jungkook and Jennie are so cute~!”
“I know! He looks so happy, too.” Eunha added with a smile.
“I haven’t told Jennie but I really ship her with Jungkook. Don’t you agree?” Hayoon asked.
“I know me too. I bet we’re not the only ones” SinB mentioned as they all agreed.
A few days later, Jennie sat in her little studio at Big Hit with her camera videotaping her live for another V-Live. She sat in her chair, spinning around, while the views continued to multiply. She always had her V-Lives in English, enjoying speaking her primary language. But also tended to accommodate those who wanted to hear some Korean and Japanese. Some even asked for Chinese although she was still learning and needed work on it.
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After a few moments and checked out the screen and waved. “What up, what up??” she smiled.
‘ahhh I love you so much!’
‘Love u JW!’
“Welcome to the Smartie Factory!” she presented. “My own little studio, haha. Just like Suga, J-Hope, and Rapmon. This is where I create my covers and work on my music. Let me give you a tour.” she took the camera and showed off the computer. “So, this is where I have all my music on. I recently transferred my stuff from my laptop. I had this studio for a few months now and finally have the chance to show it off. Remember all the stuffed animals I received on White Day? Ahahaha, they’re all happily here to cheer me on while I work.” 
After showing everything, she set it back down on the desk while she sat and faced the camera.
“Sadly, there are no Smarties, right now, I ate them all. I’m so upset, I just had some yesterday. Sometimes I think the guys steal some of my smarties because there is just no way in the world I don’t have any left.”
‘How was ISAC?’
‘I saw videos of you at ISAC! You did great!’
‘You killed it at ISAC!’
“Yes, ISAC was sooooo fun! Mad fun! I had a great time, a better time than last year. At least I didn’t fall! I was so annoyed when they kept bringing up me falling last year. Just let it go, you know?” She continued to read the comments.
“Hahaha you say that some guys were looking at me? Who? Let me know the tea.” she spoke eagerly with amusement. “And yeah, I did meet more people! I finally got to meet some Seventeen members. They’re mad cool. The8 is very kind and cute. He accidentally called me handsome when he meant to say beautiful. I am trying to learn more Chinese so I can speak with him more and also to speak with more of our Chinese ARMY. I want to be able to communicate with you all without much of a language barrier. So please bear with me. I’ll be learning. You know, I get a kick out of my friends getting so confused when I speak English. And even Korean. It’s funny to see their reaction. I feel that way too when I’m not familiar with a language.”
‘The black community is so proud of you’
‘I love your self-determination’
“Well, I’m very proud that I’m representing the black community up here.” she beamed while reading the comments.
‘Did you see a lot of ARMY at ISAC?’
“Yeah, I did see a lot of ARMY at ISAC. I even saw some of you wear some USA merch. That was really cool of you to do that. I ran into some lucky ARMY after the show. Please don’t be so nervous to talk to me. I’m just a normal person just like you, just more known for her talents, that’s all. Like say hey, I’ll say hey back. While on Tumblr, I read that our supporters would probably die or pass out or wouldn’t be able to talk in front of their favorite idols. But I don’t want to miss an opportunity to meet my passionate supporters, so please don’t feel that way. I’m human, let’s have a brief conversation and chill.”
“Oh! For a while now, I was making some of my own music,” she added. “But lately I kind of got a little discouraged. I won’t scrap it, I’ll just leave it on my computer until I find the motivation to work on it again. My goals are to create music for myself one day and release it for you.”
‘Release it!’
‘Please release it!’
‘Don’t tease us like that’
‘Do I need to fly to Korea? Release it!’
She smiled softly. “One day I’ll release it. I want to rerecord everything though. My vocals are improving, so that’s good. I had this notebook and...” she trailed off
She remembered her young self, back in Amity, constantly writing a couple of songs in her notebook. Back when the other members were getting called out to work on their solo songs. Excited and eager she was, patiently waiting for her time to share a song that she wrote. She kept the notebook to herself and didn’t tell anyone.
When Hailey found out, she wanted to use Jen’s written songs for Amity’s next album but Jen refused because she couldn’t just give songs so personal away like that. It caused more of a rift in her relationship with the group.
But before Jen knew it, she had lost the notebook right before she left the group and hadn’t seen it ever since. But then recently, with Amity’s new album out to help promote their world tour, Jen noticed that some of those songs on their album were the songs she had written in her notebook. Crazy enough, some songs were tweaked for a more sexual tone and sadly, defeated the purpose of the written songs that she spent weeks working on because she wasn’t a professional songwriter and just wrote what came to mind.
Jennie shouldn’t have been surprised but soon as she heard those familiar words, she teared up and cried in her room. It discouraged and hurt her that they would do something that. They weren’t going to let her or Angelina live it down that they wanted to leave, huh? She couldn’t do anything about it but move on. She had spoken with Namjoon about it and vented to him. Yoongi was in the studio with them and she remembered the Daegu rapper suggesting to create a diss track. But her rap skills weren’t up to par just yet to go that way. And Amity, well, they just weren’t worth it and Namjoon agreed with her reasons.
Throughout this year, Amity would constantly poke shots at her and Angelina on social media because they’ve been winning awards like the Grammys. But Jennie and Angelina wanted quality music, not quantity.
Jen wanted to sing songs that were meaningful to her. She was glad she was here because Big Hit gave her more musical freedom, unlike SongStress Entertainment. It would be a while before she could begin writing songs again. The wound had not healed yet.
She sighed and shook the negative thoughts out of her head. “I had written a couple of songs but lost the notebook to it,” she responded. “Someone that I thought I could trust, now is singing those songs that I had written. But it’s okay. I hope to make better songs. So, bear with me.”
“Why do you stay in BTS when there’s some so-called “ARMY” that won’t support you but will support the other members?” she read a question. “Well, because I love what I do. And I refuse to let someone have that power over me to stop doing what I want to do in my life. It’s crazy, people always are there to see you fall but don’t say much when they see you do your own thing and succeed. But all these antis and haters, they can take a seat and watch me thrive. I ain’t going nowhere. Oh, so I was on Tumblr, right?” 
‘Uh oh...’
‘Oh nooooo’
‘What did you see!?’
‘Hide your fanfics!’
“You guys come up with some interesting fan blog names of me. Let’s see...um...what were they? Oh yeah, Jenniesyummythighs was one. MunchkinsBooty was another.” she laughed. “Uh, IAmJenniesBoobies was another I came across. HireJennieForNike is one I really like, they really should hire me. I’d be a great model for them. I’m so enthusiastic about their product.”
‘Lmaoooooo omg’
‘LOL can you blame us?’
“So, ARMY, I have a question to ask you. I’m curious. So whenever I’m on Tumblr, I usually like to check the BTS tag, right? So, um...what is this about a Sub Jennie, I’m seeing lately? Should I be concerned?” she deadpanned, looking serious with a genuine voice.
“Uh huh. That’s what I thought. But who said I was a sub?” she asked curiously but ended up laughing at how she asserted her question, shaking her head. “I didn’t mean it like that. I meant literally, who said I was a sub? Where did that even start? Ugh, I think I accidentally just gave you story ideas. Let me be quiet. My statement came out dirtier than I intended.”
‘OMG which one are you?’
“Ah, I should keep it PG. I’m not about that life.”
‘Do you read them?’
“No, I don’t read your fanfics. That seems like taboo territory for me. I don’t want to feel some type of way around anyone you write me with but you do you guys. I like the mood boards that you make and also the fan art. I came across this Hunger Games AU mood board and I thought it was so good. I love the Hunger Games and I enjoy mood boards so make more of those, please.”
“I saved some of my favorites on my phone. I like some of these users on Instagram and follow them. Here." she pointed out some famous K-Pop fanart pages on her phone. “I will try my best to see all your stuff. If you make the hashtag #JWFanart then I’ll always check that tag on Instagram and Tumblr. I’ll like the stuff on Instagram when I can.”
“Oh, and by the way, all of your MLTs of me that I randomly came across, seem to be all wrong," she pointed out. "I remember seeing this one statement that said who is most likely to kiss first. Y’all put me allllll the way at the bottom. I highly recommend that you reconsider that. I'm not afraid to kiss somebody,"
“Another thing, why y’all think I’ll be a crazy ass girlfriend? Like jeez, I’m mad chill, I promise you. Is it because of the I Need U music video with the cheating scene? I was just acting! And who is most likely to cheat? Why did y’all put me at the TOP of the list!? Bruh! Who do you think I am?” she called them out. "Like, no! Absolutely not, you wildin’, don’t play like that!”
She laughed again. “All right, I’m done teasing. Y'all enjoy whatever your imagination takes you,"
With Jungkook, he was in the Big Hit building, in a dance studio with Jimin and Taehyung, watching her V-Live on his phone.
“What kind of girlfriend do I think I’ll be?” he watched her read a comment in Korean. “I feel like I’ll be so cheesy, to be honest. I’d like to do some nice things for my future significant other, to show how much I appreciate them. I’m not sure what yet. I’ll cross that bridge when I get there. Gosh but the thought of dating someone, I’m like, you really want to put up with me? Me? Of all people?”
“Absolutely.” the Golden Maknae spoke, answering her statement.
“I’m so weird, are you sure?”
“That makes two of us.” he continued.
“I’ll admit, sometimes I have my fears. I try not to overthink it but some days I’m like, man I hope the person I date won’t get bored of me after a while.”
“I’d never get bored of you.” He guaranteed.
“I’m pretty sure a lot of people get those thoughts and overthink things. I feel like I'm a terrible kisser and need to get better at it. I apologize in advance to my future lover.”
“It’s okay,” he murmured under his breath with a smile.
"I guess when I do date, I'll get better at kissing. So I hope my future significant other doesn't mind me kissing them a lot,"
"I'd love that," Jungkook added
Jimin and Taehyung saw Jungkook immersed on his phone with a smitten smile on his face and they decided to see what he was up to. 
“I bet he’s watching Jennie’s V-Live.” Taehyung teased.
“I know. Look at him, trying so hard not to smile.” Jimin giggled.
Jungkook glanced up and narrowed his eyes. “Shut up!” He tried to get away from them as they tried to watch what was going on.
Back to Jennie, a comment popped up and she read, “When you start dating, you’ll improve your kissing skills. You can kiss your boyfriend whenever you want.”
Jen let out a soft laugh and nodded. “Yeah, you’re right. And for those out there, don’t change yourself for anyone. It’s their loss if they can’t appreciate you for you. There will be someone out there for you, so don’t sweat it if you don’t think you won't find someone special. Be patient. It’ll be worth it.”
‘Can you please sing for us?’
“You want me to sing? It’ll cost you. How much?” She teased and took out her phone. “I’ll put my music on shuffle and see what pops up.”
The first song to come on is a rock song. “I’m a little bit of a rock and metalhead. But let’s choose another song. You know one day I would like to create some type of alternative or rock song while playing my guitar. That would be so cool. Or maybe collab with a rock band, one day. K-Rock or not, it’ll be fun. Maybe, we’ll see what the future holds. I want to be more active with my guitar. I enjoy that style of music because the guitar just sounds so good with it.”
She pressed shuffle again and Love by Keyshia Cole came on. “Ah, this song! How come all these throwbacks are popping up on my phone, huh Spotify? Really?”
She pressed shuffle again and Pon de Replay played. “Ahhhh 2005 Rihanna. This was my song!”
She started moving her shoulders, bumping to the beat. “I love Rihanna’s evolution as an artist. I hope I can have the same type of evolution as her, music and appearance wise. I want to be an amazing artist just like her! The way she thrives in so many genres of music! Nicki Minaj too! So versatile! I hope to be just like them in music. Rock Star is one of my favorites from Rihanna! I want to be a rockstar! Black women in rock are amazing! It'll be a dream to work with them! I don't care what it is. Modeling, music, anything! I adore them!"
She pressed shuffle again as Ridin by Chamillionaire popped on. “Ooh! This song too!”
She started bouncing up and down on her seat to the beat while ARMY started laughing at her enthusiasm. “They see me rollin’, they hatin’, Patrollin’ and tryna catch me ridin’ dirty. Tryna catch me ridin’ dirty. Tryna catch me ridin’ dirty. Tryna catch me ridin’ dirty. Tryna catch me ridin’ dirty. My music’s so loud, I’m swangin’. They hopin’ that they gonna catch me ridin’ dirty. Tryna catch me ridin’ dirty. Tryna catch me ridin’ dirty. Tryna catch me ridin’ dirty. Tryna catch me ridin’ dirty.”
She pressed shuffle again and Right Thurr by Chingy came on. “Oh~ another throwback! I haven’t heard this in a minute! Okay, Okay, let me get back on track and stop fooling around. Let’s find a song to sing for you.”
Unconditional by Kehlani came on.
“Ah, okay, I’ll sing this. I highly recommend her music.” she looked at the camera and laughed shyly “You guys are gonna make me nervous.” she pressed her hands against her cheeks
Back to the Golden Maknae, he couldn’t contain his smile as he watched her sing sweetly to Kehlani’s song.
“Whipped!” Taehyung teased.
“Shut up!” he yelled and smacked him on the arm as he continued to try to watch her V-Live.
With Miss Bangtan, she sang, “Sometimes I come home and I’m sweaty from the day. And my hair’s all in a messy bun cause I had to get it out my face.” She pointed to her messy bun. “And I rather lace my sneakers up cause high heels ain’t my thing.” she showed off her Nike sneakers on her feet as she wiggled her eyebrows goofily which caused some ARMY to type in various comments indicating that they were laughing and amused at her movements.
“And I don’t see a flaw in that, I never want to change. So if you love~ me like you say~! You’ll be a man, grab my hand, take me as I am~!” she got out of her seat to dance and sing around.
I wanna l-l-l-l-l-l-l-love unconditional
I wanna l-l-l-l-l-l-l-love unconditional
‘Protect this child’
‘Why is she so adorable!?’
‘Ahhhhh I love this girl!’
After the song, she got back to her seat to check out the comments. “Protect me? Ahahaha! I guess I have some issues, don’t I? All jokes aside, I’ve been so excited to show you how much my singing has improved that I’ve been working on a number of covers to share with you on SoundCloud, probably near the holiday season as an early Christmas gift. Okay, let’s check out what’s next on the shuffle.” she pressed the next button.
Ain’t It Fun by Paramore came on and she started jamming. “Ooh, yes!” she jumped out of her seat to grab one of the biggest teddy bears from her White Day stuffed animal stash, and began to dance with it.
‘And I thought Jungkook was the weirdest, AHAHAH’
‘This is the true personality of Miss Bangtan. LOL'
Back with Jungkook, he started laughing hysterically. This was too adorable.
Instagram Models by Charlie Puth came on next when she changed the song, sitting back down.
“Oh! This song! Make sure y’all stay away from these Instagram models! Men and women! They will get you! Stay away from these people, man! Don’t give them clout, brah! Do not! Give them! CLOUT!” she yelled and spun around in her chair.
As the Maknae Line was leaving the dance studio, they began to walk near Jen’s studio. 
“Hey, Jungkookie, you should see Jennie and join her,” Jimin suggested with a mischievous glint.
“Ah, I shouldn’t.” The Golden Maknae shook his head, taking out his earbuds.
“I think you should.” He opened up the door and quickly shoved him in.
“Hyung!” he whispered in a hiss while the door closed silently.
Jennie, unaware that Jungkook was in her studio, continued Lil Wayne’s rap. 
“Uh, she just wanted to be popular. Uh, she just want ten thousand followers.” she pulled up her Instagram page, showing it on the screen. Setting her phone down, she shook her head and gestured with her hands, “Lord, she posted, she posted, she posted. They like it, they like it, repost it. She party promoting, she hosting. She posing, legs open, provoking. It got my head smoking. I tried to act like I don’t notice. Emotions, emotions, emotions, Lord!” 
She dramatically fell out of her seat as ARMY typed in LOL and laughing emojis while the chorus came back on
‘I am cryinggggg XD’
‘Omg, she must be on a sugar high from those smarties.’
‘I'm high key happy that she is so comfortable with us like this. She used to be so reserved. She’s so goofy now ahaha’
Meanwhile, Jungkook silently started laughing and wondered when she’d notice him as ARMY noticed him in the background.
She got back to her seat to continue the next verse and she pretended like she was about to cry as she dramatically lip synced, “I had to leave that ho alone and get my mind right. I had to go talk to my friends, I had to find Christ.” She placed a hand over her heart and the other high up in the air, reaching the sky.
Once she saw a comment about Jungkook being in the room, she quickly turned around and widened her eyes. 
“How long have you been there!?” she exclaimed while he started cackling. She quickly paused the song while he grabbed a seat to sit next to her.
“Long enough.” he teased.
“Wow. Well, Jungkook make sure you stay away from these Instagram Models, mkay?’
“Duly noted.”
“I’m serious. They nothing but trouble.”
“I’m aware from what I just saw.”
“Hahah.” she turned to the camera. “ARMY! Look who stopped by, the Golden Maknae after he just watched me act goofy. Say hello to ARMY.”
“Hello!” he waved. “ARMY, Jennie is weird, isn’t she?”
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“And you’re not?” she turned her head to meet his gaze as a big smile came across his face.
‘OMG, the way he’s looking at her! I ship it!’
‘I love their friendship so much. They are friendship goals.’
‘Aw, the way Jungkook is smiling, I want him to smile like that more often.’
“ARMY! Thank you so much for getting Shawn Mendes’ attention. I’m still stunned he noticed the cover. ARMY, you are truly one of a kind. Thank you so much for this.”
‘You are welcome!’
‘You deserve it!’
‘We ship you and Shawn!’
“You ship us? Hahaha. I do have a little crush on him. Hopefully, I’ll meet him one day and attend one of his concerts.”
“You like him?” Jungkook brought up.
“Not as much as you like IU.” she teased, causing him to smile shyly. “So when are you going to talk to IU?”
“When you are going to talk to Ailee?” he countered
“L-let’s not get into that. I’m not prepared.” She responded, making him chuckle.
‘Who would you date out of all the members of BTS’
“Who would I date? Shawn Mendes,” she answered with a grin
‘Who would you want to collaborate with?’
“Shawn Mendes.”
‘Who would you like to meet?’
“Shawn Mendes.” She answered again, causing Jungkook to poke the inside of his cheek as she continued to talk about Shawn.
‘Hahahah Jungkook looks a little jealous!’ he noticed a fan comment.
Did he really make it that obvious? 
He had hoped Jen didn’t see the comment. 
He needed to work on having a poker face and keep his jealousy in check.
“I’m gonna go. I’ll see you back at the dorm. I’m going to get something to eat first, did you want anything?” Jungkook got up from his seat.
“Lamb Skewers.”
“I’m glad our minds think alike.” he happily accepted her request and said goodbye to ARMY, exiting the room.
“As the year will be ending soon, I’m hoping that soon we can have some fan meets in America like there are in Korea and Japan. I want to be able to connect one on one with our American supporters just like we do here. So I’ll see what I can do.” She mentioned.
“I have also been writing out some more goals. I want to work more on my breath control when singing. I'm getting better at it. I’m currently working on trying to inhale a good amount of oxygen that flows out my lungs smoothly while I sing my verses to songs with ease. I've getting some vocal lessons to help with that, so I hope you look forward to my improvements as the years go by. I am striving hard to improve and reinvent myself. Especially with my live singing.”
Before she could speak again, she heard a loud yell from outside the room and watched Jimin and Taehyung run into her studio, locking the door.
She sat there, bewildered, and questioned them, “What the heck? Can’t you see I’m trying to talk to ARMY?”
She was cut off by their giggling. “We pranked Suga and Rapmon. We made it seem like we put water on their computers.” Jimin mentioned.
“Oh no, you didn’t.” she looked at them in horror.
‘Oh shitttt, Jen’s face says it all’
‘RIP Jimin and Taehyung’
“Can we please hide in here?” Taehyung asked,
“I hurt my finger, can you get me a band-aid?” Jimin asked.
“I wish I could band-aid your mouth.” Jen retorted, earning giggles from the 95 Liners. She turned to the computer when she heard hard knocking on her door. “U-um, ARMY, our time will be cut short. I need to fix the mess that these two goofballs created. Thanks for hanging out with me today. Love you, bye!” she turned off the V-Live and got up from her seat.
She smacked Jimin and Tae upside their heads, causing them to yelp.
"That's for bringing the drama to my studio!" she scolded.
“Smartie!” Yoongi yelled on the other side of the door.
“Yeah!?” She called out loudly.
“I know they’re in there! Open the door! Why is it locked!?”
“Because I was having a VLive with ARMY!”
“Bullshit, where are those two!? I'm trying to work on this damn album, and they spilled water on my fucking computer!“
Jennie rubbed her temples while Jimin and Tae panicked, and scrambled around to find hiding spots.
Yoongi was not in a pleasant mood.
“SMARTIE!” he banged on the door, causing her to flinch.
“Look what you got me into!” She whispered harshly to them.
Somehow, Namjoon managed to work on opening up her door, which caused Jennie to push the door shut with Taehyung and Jimin. Loud screams and curses were heard as the rappers tried to push the door open after they unlocked it.
“Not the door! NOT THE DOOR! My door!” she yelled when Namjoon accidentally dented her door, barging in to go after the poor 95 Liners. “Take this outside! Take this outside, right now! I just cleaned this studio up!”
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moonsquaremars · 8 months
Astrological Analysis of my new Relationship
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Ok, so to the left is my natal chart, and to the right is the natal chart of the new guy I've been seeing. We met about six years ago at a bathhouse, and lost contact. We reunited this past September, and the ball got rolling.
We had really great sex, and we have a lot in common. We enjoy each other's company. Oddly, he reminds me of my friend who just committed suicide a few months ago. It's like the universe is still providing that energy for me now that my friend Brad is gone.
I'll call new guy Mr. Mouse. One of my nicknames for him is Millionaire Mouse, cuz he's a millionaire and he reminds me of a mouse lol. He's very kind and sweet, not pushy at all. Sometimes too sweet. But after what I've been through, that's not so bad.
Immediately while looking at his chart, it's interesting. It has a lot going on. It looks like a diamond. And all that checks out, cuz his life is anything but boring. I told him my chart is the shell, and his chart is the pearl that fits inside.
I'm still not over 8th house sun, but I'm not holding my breath for him any longer. We still talk occasionally, I still love him, but it looks like he is gonna have to take the back burner.
I really hesitated doing my synastry chart with Mr. Mouse, because I didn't want him to have more key aspects than 8th House Man. Part of me still believes I will end up with him, and I didn't want to entertain the idea of anyone else replacing him or having more key aspects than he has. 8th house has one key aspect, as does Mr. Mouse. Unfortunately, the key aspect for 8 isn't exactly a positive one, but Mouse's is. So both men who I have been torn between only have one key aspect in our synastry.
I'm not sure how to interpret this, because other partner's I've had have had more keys, but then again, my relationships with them didn't last anyway. It's possible these relationships won't last either. anyways.
The most interesting thing about Mr Mouse's chart is his 12th house moon. My sun is in the 12th house, as is my dad's. 12th house rules monestaries, and he grew up in a small town that is known for its catholic monestary. It makes sense I would end up there, living with him. I think it will be a very healthy change of pace for me. The city has gotten so toxic and overwhelming.
Another interesting thing is that he has Sun trine Moon natally. My dad has that aspect, my best friend patrick, and most of my ex boyfriends have had that placement for some reason. My sun sextiles my moon and my little sister has the same placement. It's said to make one really agreeable, balanced, and well liked.
Our north nodes are both in libra, and we both have a life path of 7. I used to be extremely ambitious, like capitalist, enterprising, all that stuff. So is he. He built his own company and is a CEO and 'an important person'. I had met rich people before, but dating him has exposed me to mega rich people.... It's been an experience.
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To the left is our synastry chart, and to the right is our composite. For those who don't know, synastry is how our charts blend together, the composite chart is the chart for the relationship itself.
It appears his sun lands in my 6th house, which makes sense, cuz he's helping me heal and get solid ground. My sun touches his 9th house, which I guess adds up, cuz I feel like I'm expanding him intelectually. My moon in his 11th house makes total sense, bc of my 11th house stellium, and the fact that I speak french and mandarin is very fascinating and beneficial for him.
As for the composite, our sun is in aries.
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this adds up. we've traveled a lot, and our relationship has been pretty fun so far. Oddly, our composite sun is in the 8th house, which is the natal sun of the guy I fell in love with this summer. so it seems the universe is saying something.
I'm definitely getting into my more spiritual, psychic, intuitive side. I saw both men in a dream, before I even met them. I talk in a post about the dream about 8th house man, but after all that bullshxt went down and I was so depressed in july, I had a premonition dream that saw Mr. Mouse.
In the dream, which felt like I was watching a movie in the theaters, was me walking around a very wealthy, well decorated home. I was in a room with no walls, and I was older, and a priest. I thought the dream was telling me that I would be old and wealthy, but then the priest part didn't make any sense. Why would I become a priest? Turns out Mr. Mouse went to seminary to be a catholic priest, and the house I saw was his mother's. The second floor doesn't have windows.
So I've seen both men in a dream. That doesn't help me too much with making a decision. Haha.
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These are some of our synastry aspects. The key aspect is positive, and helped me gain clarity on why exactly we are together. We have an age gap, and I hate the way people look at us in public. But I'm also in love with summer boy and hoping he'll come around.
The sexual magnetism is very true. We have so much sex and we don't seem to grow tired of it, yet at least lol.
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bubblesandgutz · 9 months
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Every Record I Own - Day 800: The Rolling Stones Sticky Fingers
There's a bar in Greenpoint, Brooklyn called Moonlight Mile that my husband and I went to all the time back when we lived in New York. It was just a block or two off of the East River, so we would often walk to a nearby park to watch the sun set over Manhattan then head to the bar for a drink or two. It was a mellow neighborhood spot with a well-curated free jukebox. I felt like a bit of a dork for it, but I put on "Moonlight Mile" off of Sticky Fingers pretty much every time I went in there. Maybe it was a bit too on-the-nose, but fuck it... it's exactly the kind of song I wanna listen to with a beer in my hand as the night creeps in.
Like Let It Bleed, I picked up this cheap copy of Sticky Fingers at some point in the '00s because it's considered to be one of the Stones' best albums (if not THE best). And like Let It Bleed, I wasn't all that enamored with it at first. Sure, I knew the hits off the album. "Brown Sugar" is a classic rock staple (and a frequent topic of discussion when it comes to the more problematic aspects of the band) and "Wild Horses" is great (thanks in large part to involvement of Gram Parsons), but there wasn't much else that leapt out at me. It just sounds like the stereotypical sleazy, bluesy sound I associate with '70s classic rock.
But individual songs began to grow on me. First it was "Dead Flowers"---a defiant country tune that drops a very unsubtle heroin reference in the second verse ("I'll be in my basement room / with a needle and a spoon"). Combined with the slavery and sadism references in "Brown Sugar" and the cock bulge on the album cover, I'm surprised Sticky Fingers wasn't the subject of a massive boycott. How was this considered mainstream material back in 1971?
The slow-burn ballad "Moonlight Mile" was the next song to win me over. For years, I'd play "Dead Flowers" and "Moonlight Mile"---the closers to the album---while I was showering in hotel rooms on tour. They were the perfect length and the ideal way to gauge how much time I was taking getting ready in the bathroom while one of my bandmates waited for their turn to shower.
Other songs started luring me in: the primary riff of "Bitch," the dueling guitar line verses and gospel chorus of "Can't You Hear Me Knocking," the wistful soul of "Sway" and "I Got the Blues"... it's as if something else grew on me with every listen.
That might explain why initial reviews of Sticky Fingers were mixed while the album is now considered to be one of the greatest rock records of all time. Stones records aren't immediately rewarding. They're loose and unrefined. They aren't burnished to shine. Instead, they sound like fleeting moments. More than one studio engineer mentioned that the Stones seemed like they were barely a functional band when they were writing and formulating songs together in the studio, and then at some point they would all lock in and magic would happen.
Many years ago, an old band of mine recorded with Jack Endino, the engineer behind a bunch of quintessential grunge albums. Jack didn't care much about fixing our minor flubs. "People still love Rolling Stones albums," he argued, "and those performances were sloppy as hell." His reasoning was that the small imperfections in a song---the slightly flat notes, the fluctuations in tempo, the not-quite-together accents---kept the brain intrigued. Even if the listener isn't 100% aware of the errors, the subconscious keeps trying to make sense of the flaws, and that keeps the music interesting.
There's so much music out there vying for our attention these days, and it could be very easy to give Sticky Fingers a cursory listen and shrug it off. But how many albums somehow manage to get better with every listen? Maybe it's the slop factor. Maybe it's the quality songs glimmering in the dirt like diamonds in the rough.
Whatever it is, I love Sticky Fingers a little more every time I listen to it. And I still throw "Moonlight Mile" on the jukebox when I'm in NYC and visiting my old neighborhood bar in Greenpoint.
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s0nia246 · 2 years
This is really long. Longer then I thought it would be. For some reason I wrote this like a movie script. Like this going to turn into a Shrek movie XD. Anyway hope you enjoy.
A light shines down on a storybook, lying face up on a table in a room of some sort, the candlelight reflecting off the pages. The pages are covered in symbols in an unknown language that can only be read by touch, the pages were old and worn but there was some sense of beauty to the book.
Y/N: "Once upon a-Opps! " 
The page on the book is quickly lifted from its resting place by a magical hand,  looking around frantically until they spot the correct page.
Y/N: "How stupid...."  
 You mutter to yourself before picking it up again.
Y/N: "Once upon a time, many centuries ago, when The Land of  Oz was ruled by a Wicked king, he ruled his land with cruelty and brutality. Glinda the Good was a good witch, caring for everyone's needs, her love and kindness were appreciated by many.  Not wanting to see the people of Oz suffer under the cruel reign of the Wicked King, Glinda came up with a plan to save the people of Oz from their miserable existence as the wicked ruler's servants. 
Glinda placed the Forbidden Fountain on the grounds where the Royal Palace of Oz The Wicked King and all his subjects drank of it, and afterward grew wise together. The Wicked King realized his mistakes and tried to fix his mistakes, but alas, his greed had gotten him so far into his mistakes, he couldn't bring himself to change anything. With great reluctance and regret, he decided that he would resign the throne to Glinda."
While reading the story ingredients as each magical word is read out loud and the spell cast, you notice something strange. There were several spells used at one point, yet none of them seem like they have been written in a long time. The writing on the pages has faded over time, making it hard to see certain words or phrases. A single sentence catches your eye, it reads: "The fountain will not last forever.  It is now empty. I wish it was never created. The Wizard will return."
Y/N: "Well, that seems...interesting... but that's not important now. I wonder what familiar I'll get. I hope it's a unicorn. No a dragon! Or maybe both, they're cute..."
 You start giggling to yourself at how silly this all sounds but you continue anyway, because the more you think about what your familiar could potentially look like, the more excited you become. 
You gather all the ingredients needed to complete the spell together and then begin casting it. You take the paper from the book and start chanting softly, the spell is simple. 
Y/N:" I bind thee to me and make thee mine ally for my fight against The Wicked.  Though thou mayest hate me, if we part we shall always be true comrades."
 The fireplace behind you bursts into flame, and the cauldron in front of you fills with bubbling black goo.
Y/N:" That's not how-"
Before you can finish speaking, the cauldron explodes, and the smoke coming out of it turns solid and forms a man.
Y/N: "Not again..." You sigh heavily. "Not even a dragon?!"
Prince Charming: "Where am I ?" His eyes darted back and forth wildly, trying to take in everything in the room. 
Y/N: "I'm sorry.  I didn't mean-...Wait?" You cut your apology short and stare at him. 
Y/N: "No way..." You whispered and moved closer to Prince Charming. Placing your hands on either side of his face, you stare deep into his eyes, trying to find some kind of answer. "Prince Charming?"
Prince Charming: "Unhand me!" He snaps and tries to free himself from the cauldron he was trapped in. 
Y/N: "Yep, you're definitely him but...I don't understand...where's all the magical energy coming from.
Y/N: "No way..." You whispered and moved closer to Prince Charming. Placing your hands on either side of his face, you stare deep into his eyes, trying to find some kind of answer. "Prince Charming?"
Prince Charming: "Unhand me!" He snaps and tries to free himself from the cauldron he was trapped in. 
Y/N: "Yep, you're definitely him but...I don't understand...where's all the magical energy coming from..." You mumbled as you continued to stare at Prince Charming with wide eyes and a gaping mouth, unable to believe it was happening right before you.
Prince Charming: "Unhand your King!" Charming yells at you.
Y/N: "Uhh...King? I don't think you married Princess Fiona.  She married that Ogre.  " You point out.
Prince Charming: "She didn't marry me.  She married that Ogre.  Now please, Let. Me. Out!"  Charming tries to push Y/N away but to no avail.
Y/N: "I'll let you out when you explain why you'll still be in Far, Far Away," you chuckle softly. 
Prince Charming:" I don't need to explain anything! The only thing that matters, is getting me out of this cursed cauldron and back to my kingdom.  Now  Unhand me." Prince Charming said again more sternly.
You hummed quietly, thinking hard while still holding onto Prince Charming. After a few seconds, you let go of his face and move back, a small smile on your face. You look around the room for your staff. The staff was made out of wood, and on the top was a white crescent moon piece with a chain of a boy fishing on the end with leaves attached to its sides.  On the bottom was a broom brush in case a witch ever needed to fly, you always had a few in case of emergencies. You walked back to Charming and placed your hand on Charming's forehead.
Y/N: "To get you home you must allow me to see the last location that you were in." You started and began to tap Charming's forehead with your finger.  
Prince Charming: "Fine. Just  hurry up and get me out already." Charming snapped again, still frustrated about being stuck.
 place one of your hands on top of Charming's temples.
Y/N: "Now let's see.."
The magic begins to swirl up and around the staff. Charming squints his eyes from the intense light radiating off your staff and begins to feel uncomfortable due to how bright it is.
Prince Charming: "Hey!" He yelled. Trying his best not to shout.
Y/N: "Oh!" 
The magic from the staff turned into a projector screen with images of the stage, with curtains, props and costumes, villains, and an Ogre. Charming's jaw dropped and Y/N couldn't help himself. You burst into laughter.
Y/N: "So that's why you didn't want to tell me."
Prince Charming: "What are you talking about, peasant? This is nothing compared to what I have been through! How could this be funny?"
Y/N: "You're hilarious when you're mad, your grace." You replied sarcastically.
Prince Charming: "Excuse me?! Do you know who you are addressing, peasant?!"
Y/N:" Yes I do. Some who's wanted for Treason and Conspiracy Against Her Majesty."
Prince Charming: "Treason! Why on Earth would you even consider that?!"
Y/N: "You're the Evil King of Far, Far Away."
Prince Charming: "...You're insane."
Y/N: "Not according to my staff, Your royal highness. You snitched on yourself" You snickered."But enough about me. I should probably get home. I wonder what my reward will be for turning into a criminal. "
Prince Charming:" Wait! Turn me in?"
Y/N: "Yes Your Royal Highness." You smile at him. You turn around and place both of your hands on Charming's shoulders.
Y/N: "Don't worry. I heard jail isn't that bad. It's better than the death penalty ."
Prince Charming: "Death?!" Charming gasped loudly, feeling panic rise inside of him. "Wait for a second! H-How about we make a deal?"
Y/N: "I'm glad you brought it up.  You felt the magic from the spell from earlier right? That's all from you. Here's my deal: Become my familiar, and I'll protect you, and won't turn you in."
Prince Charming: "What?!  That is absolutely unacceptable! Never!"
Y/N: "So you'd rather go to jail or die than stay by my side?" You ask with a raised eyebrow.
Charming: "I don't like the idea of dying."
Y/N: "Then do we have a deal?"
Charming thought long and hard.   Eventually, after a few minutes, he sighed defeated.
Prince Charming: "I suppose if you're willing to give me a chance, I'll agree with you."
Y/N: "Excellent! "
 You tap your staff on the floor and it ejects Charming from the cauldron. He lands in a pile next to the cauldron and slowly lifts himself up.
Y/N: "Now follow me, your highness."
Charming groaned as he got up, but followed you anyway. He was confused,  confused, and just confused. Why was some witch helping him? Was it just an act?  No, you seemed too genuine. There was something off about you, there was something he couldn't figure out. But at least he was safe...right?  Right?
‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ♡°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ♡‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵
Again. I hope you like it and thank you for reading my crack story idea. Happy New Year's Everyone!
Also here's part 2 if you want to read it.
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Alright, first analysis and we're starting with Season 1! Also I'm still finding my style, so sorry if my analysis seems strange.
I quite like season 1, it's a great start to the incredible legacy and franchise that it would become later. There's definitely some awkwardness and growing pains to it, but there's bound to be, it's season 1. And there's still plenty to like about it.
Season 1 is actually a bit hard for me to talk about. (I've tried to write this analysis three times). I'm not 100% sure why this is, but I'm trying my best here without copying others.
First thing I wanna get out of the way. I like both the Ringo Starr narration and the George Carlin narration for this season. I actually grew up with a bit of both. I can't say I think one is better than the other, they both have their own feel and their own strengths in my eyes. Ringo's monotone also makes me laugh in some spots. George Carlin does a good job of giving characters different voices.
Watching it, you can tell they definitely weren't used to the models yet. Things are more static and less detailed in this season in comparison to the following seasons, but it's not bad. They just needed some time (and a bigger budget) to improve the sets. Another interesting thing is the way it's shot, oftentimes with objects in the foreground and engines in the mid or background. I don't know why it's shot this way, but it's not bad, it just caught my attention. I'm no expert on cinematography though, I can't explain it. It kinda feels like photography sometimes (I mean, I know videos are just many pictures being taken all at once, but still), especially with the more limited motion for the season. I think overall they managed to balance it between taking enough time to tell the stories and moving along enough to keep the children's attention, seeing as the show continued on for a long time.
Another thing I like are the mini arcs for the characters. The one that stands out most to me would have to be Henry's. I actually didn't like Henry as a child and I don't really know why. Now that I'm older, I can relate to him actually. Not in the first part of his arc where he's afraid of rain and goes into tunnel, mind you, but once we get to the second part of his arc, where he needs special coal and needs to be sent to crew. I am someone who struggles with chronic pain and autism. I spent a lot of my life being told that I didn't try hard enough or that nothing was wrong with me except me being lazy, much like Henry. (I've learned to cope much better now, thankfully). Seeing Henry get the support he needed just felt nice and I was rooting for him (despite the fact I know exactly how his arc goes). I've heard others say that The Flying Kipper is their favorite episode and I have to agree.
Another smaller arc I like are Gordon and Thomas' shared arc, where both end up in disgrace and the two agree to work together. It ties up the season in a nice little bow, since the season started with Gordon teaching Thomas a lesson.
James' introductory arc was the one I remembered watching the most. I also remember his rather snazzy theme very well. James was my first favorite character. James entered with a spectacular crash and through a few misadventures learned his lesson. (Well, somewhat, but not really). Despite how many times I watched the James episodes, I don't have much to say about them.
I used to never think much about Toby, but I definitely like him more now that I'm older. He's kind and polite, but also takes no shit. I also like his musical theme.
For now, I don't have much to say about Percy, but I'll definitely have more to say about him later on, since he was introduced late into this season. I just wanted to make sure to note that I didn't forget about him. I do like his cheek though, like when he calls out Gordon for saying he's never had an accident or scares Henry with his wheeshing (is that how it's spelled?)
Season 1 overall is a good start to the series. It's definitely iconic and has made a lasting impact. It's not my favorite season, but it's always fun to revisit. Hopefully I could do it some justice here. I actually enjoyed this analysis, even if it took three tries to get anywhere.
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father-flame · 4 months
Recently I had the pleasure of claiming a fresh virgin woman. In her own words, she said she was waiting for the right guy, but it got away from her, and now she's in her 20s. When I asked her what qualifies the right guy, I was surprised at her explanation.
She told me that it wasn't the standard "checklist" (she did air quotes). And she seemed adorably embarrassed to tell myself and the group we were talking with, but eventually she got around to saying that she didn't want the standard fair, and proceeded to show me her Tumblr and some choice other sites.
Now, this girl was sexy. Tiny, breakable, breedable, the kind of girl that gets you throbbing every time she says "yes sir" just because I'm twice her age. She has to look up at me due to height difference, with cute eyes and pretty lips. She had been approached by several men and women of course, but nothing seemed to click for her.
The blog was excellent, her pics are great, even if she's too shy to show more than undies. But I soon figure out why she hasn't had a partner yet.
Her blog is nearly entirely cnc posts, thoughts, reblogs, ect.
After asking her some follow ups, I introduced her to some very knowledgeable friends of mine, specifically a few women that were familiar/enthusiasts for cnc. They hit it off pretty fast and the night went very well. Letting her learn more about cnc from practiced individuals and creating a safe environment for her to understand her kink and the risks behind it was the best option.
We also told her about fake doms, safe words, hard limits, she had a tone of questions, and we spent several hours just chatting at the table. Before we left the gathering, she offered me her number, which I of course accepted.
Just a few months later, after messaging with her semi-consistently, I got a message from a fellow dom and his sub that I'm very close with. Great people. They had apparently been talking with this girl as well and were becoming fast friends. They told me that this girl was totally ready to have her first experience, and to my mild surprise, she had asked them to see if I was interested.
Now, keep in mind. You don't often get asked if you're interested in taking another friend's virginity, even as deep into the bdsm scene that I am. Suffice to say, I was interested. We got together and the four of us talked. Set some boundaries, limits, safe words, and anything else we could think of before proceeding.
Less than a week later, I'm using this sexy little girls body like a toy out in the woods. I had hunted her through the woods and wilds, pinned her in the dirt and ravaged her virgin body. I enjoyed her.... Ohh how I enjoyed her... She begged for mercy, she moaned in the most adorable way. I could see her eyes grow wide as my cock was revealed to her, her breath catching in her chest as I tore her panties off her body roughly. I explored every inch of her as she squirmed under me, her perky breasts were my personal chewtoys, I shoved my fingers down her throat and let her drool cover her face and chest.
I'll admit, I wanted to breed her then and there. I hadn't been this turned on in a long time. After a few hours of using her, her body now covered and dirt and scratches, a warm load already pumped down her throat. I have her bent over a fallen tree, abusing her soaked hole relentlessly. I pulled her hair back and whispered in her ear.
"I'm going to fill you up now little girl, I'm going fill your little pussy with my hot cum."
She had a rather intense orgasm at that moment, moaning out to me. "I'm on the pill sir"
HOLY SHIT did I fucking cum. I firmly believe that my cock grew an extra inch in that moment, doing everything it could to fill this sexy little woman's deepest reaches. I don't even remember how long my orgasm lasted, but firmly remember the sounds she made as she felt my warm seed filling her up.
We stayed like that for a while, before I carried her back to the house for aftercare, we both needed a shower badly.
We are still very close now, we hang out frequently and play together occasionally. She hits me up for spontaneous cnc scenes sometimes, which I look forward too.
Why the long story just to brag about taking a virginity? It's about the aftercare people. A lot of "doms" wouldn't have invested the time, or would have enjoyed the scene and failed in the aftercare. Perhaps she could have chosen someone who didn't respect her boundaries or limits, or God forbid someone who wouldn't respect the safety or safe-words.
Ladies, gents, doms and subs of any persuasion. Be safe! Put in the effort, create a tangible trust. I could have half assed meeting her, I could have used her and been done with it. But I'm perfect comfortable saying that making her feel safe and cared for was an easy decision. And now we both get to enjoy something intense and complex with each other.
Be safe. Create safe.
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tiredassmage · 5 months
so there's a lot going on in act iii of baldur's gate. that's not news, lol. but if i don't start writing down my blorbo thoughts about it somewhere, they're gonna become as murky as my quest log trying to complete it all.
and ambrose has really, really become my blorbo for the game i think. which is fantastic, i missed him, she unlocked new gender since her first iteration i had a while ago, he is not having a great time!!! but there's some really interesting things coming together as companion questlines come to their close with her and. i need to gnaw on it like a bone. [so, spoilers naturally ahead.]
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part of it requires me to do a lil bit of a setup since i haven't put a lot about her backstory in posts. i don't think i've really done any of such things, so! ambrose is my wild magic sorcerer, my sweet darling angel, my sweet bean finally attempting to leave the abusive teachings that raised her right as the whole mindflayer abduction business was seeing a massive growth spurt, and so thus added tadpole problems to trying to unlearn apologizing for existing wrong related to her magical talents in addition to changing his name and having an identity exploration era shorn of the master that raised her and trained her and her talents for a very specific purpose.
in short, ambrose is more familiar seeing himself as an ice- and lightning-magic inclined runepowder bomb who is somehow both... dangerously competent at her own magics as well as inherently incapable of truly controlling them. in short, a lot of internalized feelings of never being good enough, regardless of which path or action he decided to take. his one bastion of trust in it all was a paladin that grew up with her named ysabel - and ysabel is the one that got them both out of their home (if you can loosely call it such) and to baldur's gate in the first place. [you're going to ask me what happened to her and i'll admit right now, i have... not decided. which i also thought i would've done by this far in, but... here we are. <.>]
naturally, becoming the leader of a merry band of tadfooled misfits didn't exactly factor into that plan and it was... frankly overwhelming. and terrifying. as if everything they were encountering wasn't terrifying. ambrose can be timid. she's used to saying "yes" to things on reflex, because "no" wasn't particularly allowed. or feasible.
and in an attempt to keep nearly the whole game's worth of experience semi-short as just an introduction, ambrose has been particularly gifted at haphazardly discovering ways to do things i had not found in the previous like 200 hours of playing, lol. so, he's been challenged plenty. and a lot of it has been "do it downright fucking scared."
he fell first for shadowheart, which is not what i would've expected, but i think her 'take no shit' attitude, for... a failure on my part to think of a better way to describe it in this exact moment, does a lot for ambrose and i think... might've been part of the appeal. ysabel's guidance was... similar, though a bit softer. but they share a quality of not being willing for ambrose to simply lay down and take whatever is pushed on her. [it did, admittedly, intimidate ambrose at first. i almost didn't think they'd quite get along.] but then ambrose is also... well, kind of a sad puppy, tbh. and just. genuine in asking questions, when he does. i think... it's a slow process of trying to give to others the space she didn't quite have, growing up. this whole process of... being able to share freely that she cares, what he likes and doesn't like is... still pretty new. so it's... as helpful for her as it is trying to be helpful for his companions.
and then... gale and her are so painfully alike in circumstance, if not motivation. ambrose sees mystra's request and his battle with the orb in his chest a lot like her own training. ambrose's content of study still makes her feel more an acolyte than a soldier, but there's no denying that he was a weapon, meant to be handled as thing of war [with the resulting backfired fireball-related injuries concealed under long sleeves to accompany it]. it breaks her heart when gale sounds so resigned and defeated. ambrose doesn't want gale to resign himself to being what she was made to be by choice. but he also doesn't want gale's own ambition and rose-tinted askance of forgiveness to turn around and bite him. the fate of the crown of karsus is their most recent point of contention.
and astarion and her have been butting heads for a while now, but they've also made progress. i'm not sure they ever had a great understanding of one another, but ambrose figured enough to at least think astarion was hurting, too. just... being a vampire's snack pushed on her own fears and traumas around autonomy and control of her fate. again, astarion i think... did scare her with that whole... little incident one night at camp, but. it was important for them to have a conversation for ambrose. astarion at the time i think was still a bit allergic to being so open and vulnerable with feelings, but ambrose didn't ask to speak with him after really expecting that to change. she just needed to get across why she'd said no, and why that was important to her. he wanted astarion to stay - they are all in this together - but. he... might've gotten a fireball in the face if he'd tried again. he got a little lucky she didn't smack him with one in fright the first time. she didn't want to have to, but. she would. if it kept her feeling safe.
and i think those are the three stories i've touched on lately in act iii that are really getting me in my feelings. after a very unceremonious and startling entrance into the city that saw ambrose sign a deal with raphael - which just. agonizes me, honestly. because it's a decision she made absolutely fucking terrified. a decision he knows has no good consequences for anybody in the end. but i think it's one that came down to ambrose being more afraid of the emperor than of raphael. to be clear, he's terrified of both. but they've dealth with hellish types before on this little journey, right???
[she does not, actually, have a plan for how that's going to work out. it does, in fact, hurt and scare him that such a decision disappoints practically the entire camp.]
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karlach especially oh my god i don't think i'm done crying about that reaction. ouuuuggggh. anyway. before i get entirely derailed wailing off a cliff about it. karlach thankfully has an idea and ambrose somehow pulled off the actual performance of her life lying to the emperor about making a deal at all, so stay tuned for our future visit to the house of hope to see how that all goes down.
but! we have concluded... the house of grief and cazador's palace now, so! i can now say with certainty ambrose has killed someone for her girlfriend, which is kadnfl;dsfnl; not a sentence i ever thought i'd be writing. sure, they've been in plenty of battles, but shadowheart left viconia's fate up to ambrose and... i admit i'm a little surprised he went in for a definitive kill, but also... thinking about it, i think... it is because she's seen how shadowheart has hurt so much and for so long under shar's gripping hold, and here is the person that helped facilitate that. here is someone that treated shadowheart... not exactly like how ambrose was raised, but far too similar to ignore.
and that sort of... taken with continuing to push back on gale, to question more and more plainly if that path to the crown really ends in anything good for gale, let alone the rest of them, and... still pressing astarion about right and wrong and who are we, really? is all just... a culmination of the journey. asking wyll to break his contract so soon after she caved to one with raphael felt hypocritical, but it's advice given out of a place knowing ambrose didn't make hers for the right reasons - if there is such a thing in dealing with the hells.
that deal might have been rock bottom, and i wonder if seeing these places where maybe he can still help his friends is... sort of the switch back to hope she desperately needed, especially right now. part of what i think i'd already had to start slip in regards to ambrose's deal with raphael is... it was also made in a place of there was no one 'better' in the party but her for such a role. he was already raised in a role far beyond himself, something sacrificial in one way or another. she doesn't like it, he'd been trying to finally free himself from those shackles when this all started, but she hadn't really felt like she'd made it. so it was... resignation, in a lot of ways. before the horror of what it was got a grip back on her.
and then orin got her claws around gale, and ambrose i don't think has before reacted so strongly with anger and desperation. it didn't matter in that moment what orin was capable of, only that she had gale, and ambrose needed to see him safe again. and she wasn't keen on taking on gortash - not yet. the foundry is... a lot to go up against, and... somehow strolling into a den of murderers felt really possible in that moment of anger - more so than strolling into gortash's office for more than a chat or taking on the entire city, it felt like, in going after the steel watch. and this... came up before i'd turned sights on actually going after viconia and cazador, so that. might have played into those decisions, too, i reckon.
maybe ambrose has finally given up enough. maybe she's done with being scared, being bound to that expectation that she is, that he should be. sure, plenty of enough of what they have yet to do is scary, it is no walk in a park with cake, but... these are his friends. none of them have turned away from him even with a less than stellar choice this far in. she still has shadowheart, and halsin and them have grown closer.
the idea of defying raphael is still. ouu that's. that's terrifying. but. but they've taken down orin now, too, right? something would have to give eventually between this deal and seeing gale's mission through anyway, right? right??? i'm rooting for her to nuke raphael. she's got this. might not know it yet, but she's got it.
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anti-katsuki-lounge · 2 years
This is about your 'Who's your least/favourite character and why' post. (P.S. this is a long one)
I'd have to say my least favorite is Uraraka. Now, I KNOW this is probably a common hot take, but she is just a COMPLETE and total waste of character and story-telling potential.
She seemed to have something going on there for a while, but a s many fans have pointed out, she kind of became a potato after the Sports Festival Arc. And that was a total shame because that arc opened up a bunch of cans of worms that could have been delved into. We got to see her interacting with her one of parents, we got to see her resourcefulness and her want to be independent. She tried her hardest and it wasn't enough, but you know what? She learned from it! She decided to focus on her lacking points (fighting) and it was nice to see her grow like that! She was also one of the few characters that wanted to be a rescue hero, so I was excited to see how her path to hero hood and her views on heroism differed from her classmates in that aspect. But nope! Hori threw all that out the window during their final exams, and let me clarify, I have no problem with romantic sub-plots. They can be interesting when it's NOT THE FOCUS.
Hori took a female character, made her seem like she was just going to be the bubbly love interest, turned her into a badass with her own goals and interesting characteristics, and then made her the bubbly love interest again. He had it going for awhile, but then he bombed! Uraraka has her moments where we see glimpses of her could-be self, but in the end she always comes back to Deku. She even promised to forget her crush for the sake of pursuing her dream during the licensing exam and SHE DIDN'T.
But okay, Deku left for awhile, Uraraka realized the kind of hero she wanted to be for the third time and I foolishly hoped this would be expanded upon more, her want to save heroes, but nope! She instead blames them for all the eff-up shit going down at the moment. Now, I'm not completely caught up with the manga at the moment, but from what I gather, she is still just Deku's love interest but is also used as a tool to further Toga now. I just, it baffles me. And like I said, I know I'm parroting a lot, but that is because it's true!
As for my favorite (and I know this will be predictable) it's Dabi. I'll get to the plot part of why I like him later. For now though, I'll say the real-world reason why I like him. As someone who has experienced abuse in multiple forms by multiple parents, I love the way he calls Endeavor out on it. He doesn't forgive him, he doesn't just forget about it. I have forgiven both my abusers, and while one was much worst than the other, I feel like I shouldn't have fully forgiven them. I want to call them out, I want to hate them, I want to stand way above them and laugh in their faces. I've never been assertive or great at expressing my feelings, but Dabi does. This is just my personal bias, on to the analysis.
For one thing, Dabi had a HUGE development from when we first saw him. Not just in his relationships, but his character as a whole. He was kind of flat in the beginning, a lone, smug villain who wanted to end hero society. And he stayed that way for awhile, but he started interacting with the other villains more. While I have no doubt his mind never drifted from his intention to use the league to get back at Endeavor, he seemed to think of them more as his team mates. And he obviously grew to care for them, he cried for Twice and attacked Hawks because he killed him (that was also because Hawks was a mole) and he burned Toga's house down for her, because he knew how hurt she was. Even with Hawks, he knew pretty much the whole time he was a double agent but he went out of the way to tell him more info then he needed too and they both seemed to spend more time together then what was necessary. He views Shigaraki as the leader and seems to have some (some) respect for him in that aspect.
We also get his backstory. We see how he came to be, we were let in on his motivations and that really helped him. Before he was just some joe who agreed with Stain but like Spinner, we saw why that was. And honestly, for someone who seemed to be so infatuated and agreeing with Stain, he hardly mentions Stain or his ideals, and you know, I kind of like that. He has moved on towards completely and realizing his own dreams instead of someone elses. His parts seemed to be well written and despite being a sociopath, he just seems so much more relatable and human compared to the 'good guys'. Hori has also spent more time flushing out character development for him instead of pointless fight scenes. At this point, I feel like Hori likes the villains more than the heroes.
This is just my opinion though! Thx for listening :)
With your points on Ochako, her character is something I wanna cover over on my other blog cause Hori’s done some great things with her and has dropped the ball in other areas.
With your points about Dabi, you actually bring up things I never considered. In terms of his relationship with his fellow villains, he’s definitely developed for the reasons you’ve mentioned.
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eggsbenedictinurmom · 9 months
Recently I had a thought.
I love the Minecraft Warden, my overhated baby. And I love Wally, my most likely traumatized baby. And so, by all known laws of my brain, they are now required to fuse like gems from Steven Universe.
Ok so hear me out rq. Welcome Home used to be a normal kid's show, right? Everything's probably the same as the start of the OG timeline, really. The puppets also interact with the Playfellow Workshop employees MFN-style, as in: nobody fucking cares about the fact their sentient there and it's treated like it's completely normal.
But then, an accident happened in 1974. Pretty vague about what actually happened, because nobody ever documented it (or rather, the documentation never left the workshop, so nobody knew about it), but the only apparent thing is that there was death involved. A LOT of death. Like, almost the entire team of the Playfellow Workshop died, probably.
The immense soul power of the murdered managed to crack into the puppet world thanks to Home, who in this case is sorta headcannoned(?) to be a gateway between the two worlds. They fused with the void (the thing many people call "So Below") under it, creating a hivemind of sorts, y'know, like sculk from Minecraft, and immediately grew all over Home. it also ripped the fabric of the universe causing the world of minecraft to merge with the neighborhood but pretend not to know that so that you can act surprised later-
The sculk only has one goal: protect Home so that nothing can pass through into the muppets x minecraft crossover world, because we all know that if the millionaires find out about a dimension that stretches into infinity and where you can literally duplicate resources, they're gonna colonize the everloving disc 5 fuck-ment out of it, and that's obviously bad.
But Home wasn't a good enough host. It needed a more mobile catalyst to ensure the world's safety. And since Wally was sticking to Home like slime to my mother's beloved silver blanket thanks to his empathy for it, the sculk "decided" to infect him, unintentionally breaking the structure of his eyes and permanently blinding him in the process.
Wally, however, was not worried about this. With his naive nature, he simply saw the sculk as a new neighbor, albeit a bit peculiar one. This made him very cooperative, which, I gotta agree, was a great "choice" for the sculk in the end, as he, too, wanted to protect Home after what happened.
Through time, the sculk managed to crack through Home into the human world workshop, setting up something in the sort of shriekers to alert it of oncoming danger to Home. But it had no interest in leaving the vicinity of the building, of course, so it still stays inside, the people outside being completely unaware of what's going on in the workshop and simply taking it as abandoned and occasionally making creepypastas about it on the internet. Some stupid teenagers sometimes go inside thanks to a dare and obviously end up dying, which kinds sucks, but hey, they sorta deserve it.
You see what I'm getting at? Insanely OP creature, protecting a maybe-portal with the help of the tortured souls of the dead??
Reference picture that I'll probably remake + some fun facties:
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(If a single person "exploits" the fact most of his clothes are torn off him on despite the fact he's a literal semi-corpse puppet that is only strung together by the power of the undead and gets constantly sunk in and out of a state of disassemblence I will gulp down a comically large canister of gasoline in one go on a tiktok stream while my friend makes dangitgrandpa cosplay poses in the background every time someone gives me a rose)
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I will 100% make the rest of the neighbors other Minecraft mobs btw if you couldn't tell
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khodorkovskaya · 1 year
storytime: i caused a divorce
the story starts in 2019... i used to give language lessons when i was in highschool to make some pocket money and found students through facebook groups or specialised websites. when i started uni however i stopped because not only did i not have the time, but i also kinda grew out of it. i had about a dozen students and ive been teaching for 4 years, it was time to move on. so i told my students that i'll no longer be available and stopped looking for new ones. until i got a very peculiar message... little did i know, it was the start of a new friendship.
let's call him lucien for the sake of the story. now how do i even describe him to you guys?
the first time i met him was at his office for a language lesson. and he was devastated because his wife (let's call her sarah) had just left him after 10 years of marriage. she left him for another woman... (and later had a gf who had hpv??? but idk if that's the woman she left him for?) anyway, he was very sad and heartbroken.
lucien is very neurodivergent (huuuge adhd and idk if it's a joke or not but he said he's been diagnosed with schizophrenia?? but again he says random shit all the time so idk). he's somewhere on the ace spectrum and never had sex with sarah. bc (1) he's not interested in sex and (2) she's like 20 years younger than him and he felt uneasy about it. and he's also weirdly rich. i say weirdly because he's not a standard kind of rich person. he has periods where he is literally broke and has to beg sarah for money to buy instant noodles. and he has periods where he makes 6 figures in a week. and when he does have money, he doesn't keep it for very long bc he spends it all on expensive hobbies.
now let me explain his expensive hobbies to you. because he doesn't drink and doesn't do drugs (he used to do lots of drugs back in the 90s, has tried everything and a lot of his friends died from overdose yikes). but he is very passionate about his life. he spends tens of thousands on professional diving school and diving equipment, jumps out of planes for fun (with a custom parachute transported to him from lichtenstein ofc), he has all kinds of gadgets that cost more that tuition at elite american colleges, he used to spend 2k a month just to learn how to ice skate, the list goes on... it's insane. id love to tell you guys more about the guy but i can't reveal too much. but if we're chill and you follow me on insta hmu and i'll show you his profile.
so anyway, over the years we've been thru a lot together. we went to russia together, he paid for shooting lessons for me, he gave me an ak-74 once as a present and uhh yeah that was uh an experience.... when my cousin came over last summer we went for a plane ride together. and this year we've been obsessed with ice skating.
every sunday lucien, sarah, my bestie and i would go to the rink. it was my favourite part of the week! the four of us would have a blast! my bestie and lucien would skate in a pair and sarah would show me different techniques and stuff bc im a beginner skater. it was great! sarah struggles with mental health issues and she's been on and off medication, so she's been depressed and tired all this time and now she was finally looking happier and she'd come ice skating with us every time and we'd chat after skating and get coffee together, me and my bestie loved it!
then when the season came to an end lucien offered to buy me and my bestie ice skates! we couldn't be more excited! he often buys his friends presents and judging by the obscene amounts of money he spends on his hobbies and gadgets, it didn't stand out of the ordinary. the four of us went to a professional shop in lausanne and got ice skates and then we went to a museum and had so much fun, it was great! i was so happy that sarah came too bc lucien was telling me how it was a struggle for her to be on her feet all day bc she usually takes lots of naps bc of medication withdrawal. but she seemed fine and we had lots of fun together!
during the trip i briefly mentioned that i wanted to go to skating summer camp and said to my bestie that i was probably gonna save up some money and go bc it's a lot of fun.
the next day
lucien sent me 1000chf to my account with a note saying that it's for the skating camp
i was shocked ofc but decided not to say anything over messages but talk to him about it in person the following day bc we were going skating together (my bestie couldn't come cos she was working and sarah didn't come either). he said that he feels the need to support young people's willingness to do things and it's a great initiative that would be a shame for me to miss if i didn't have the money. and i was like okay that's fair and i asked him if he was coming too. and he said he wanted to make sure with me whether it was okay for him to come too bc he didn't want to be creepy. and we agreed that we'll all go together, me, lucien, sarah, and if my bestie isn't working that week we could maybe get her to come along too. he said that if it's only young people and women there, he will sleep at a hotel or at his parents' place (bc his parents have a villa in that region) to not make everyone uncomfortable. we were v excited and i was looking forward to going skating with the usual crew!
and this morning guess what! i receive a message from sarah on our family business email address (so my parents received it too), reading the following:
"id like to inform you that i find lucien's sponsoring of you unhealthy and it's turning into financial domination.
because of that, starting today i have launched a definitive divorce procedure because i don't want to be part of this triangle anymore.
kind regards,
ooooo the drama! who could've expected that!!?? and to my parents' email too? good lord!
disclaimer, im not a fake mental health advocate at all and i support all mentally ill women, especially those who display mental illness symptoms! whether you're an alcoholic and it's not a pretty sight or whether your mental health is causing you to act out messy or whatever, i will always be on your side and i will never call you "crazy" or blame you no matter what! i will defend mentally ill women till the end!
so im on sarah's side on this 100%! idk what lucien has told her and she knows him better than i (or my bestie) do. but for me it was clear that we were ALL going to skating camp. if it was for me only i wouldn't have accepted bc yeah that's weird. and lucien, no matter his neurodivergence, has full responsibility of how he spends his money. so idk what went down behind the scenes. maybe he didn't tell her and she just saw that he sent me 1k from his bank account?? whatever it is, lucien better figure shit out bc sarah has been dealing with too much already. she's sacrificed so much for him! and she can do so much better, no offence to lucien ofc, but she's drop dead gorgeous and an amazing person! im rooting for her!
and do i think she will go thru with the divorce? probably not. she's been "threatening" with divorce for a while now and i think that possibly she was having an episode or something when she sent the email. my stepmum does these kind of things. like she'll be normal and then she'll be manic and write weird emails to my mum and call her a whore and stuff. so receiving this email gave me flashbacks and tbh i can't take it seriously.
but i hope our skating group will make it out of this incident just fine. and i still really want to go to skating camp with everyone :(((
im seeing lucien tomorrow so i'll keep you guys updated!
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twotangledsisters · 2 years
The Tangled Characters in my Fanfic - What's changed?
So, I write an AU where Cassandra and Rapunzel were raised as sisters. And obviously this kind of drastic change to the environment they were raised for makes for a few interesting changed to their characters.
They aren't the only characters experience some changed in this AU. Partly because I tend to write the series a tad more serious than the show (not by too much, but nobody breaks into song or randomly acts extremely stupid for the sake of a joke). The other thing is interpretation.
TTS is written by several writers and I'm sure not all of them saw the characters as exactly the same, the same goes for us fic writers, we all have our little headcanons, we each latch onto different parts of a character's personality, and that's part of the fun.
So, here's a quick run down of some of the more predominant characters and how I think they change in my fic in contrast to the show!
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Probably goes through the biggest change. In this AU she was raised in the tower with Rapunzel. She has the four years alone with Gothel followed by eighteen alone with Rapunzel and Gothel just popping in.
She's more open about her emotions, especially with Rapunzel. As anybody who succeeded in surviving quarantine with roommates knows, communication is key! These two are great at addressing each other's emotions. Often with direct questions and answers. And this extends past Rapunzel, we see her opening up throughout the series to Arianna, Frederic, Eugene, Captain and others.
She's more fearful. Casandra in the series was never fearless, but there weren't many incidents where she'd be visibly scared. But this Cassandra was raised on stories meant to scare her away from the world outside the tower. That kind of upbringing doesn't disappear. Although usually the things she's scared of aren't the real dangers of life, she gets scared of holidays, of certain expressions, but a bunch of guards coming at her with swords, BRING IT ON!
She's more innocent and naive. Rapunzel was always very innocent, bought up on fairytales isolated from the world, well Cassandra is a bit more cynical than her little sister but she isn't exempt from this either. They don't know what booing is, or what the holidays really mean, but they want to learn.
She's more responsible? Maybe? Cassandra was taking care of Rapunzel from the age of four, she's very much used to having the weight of the world on her shoulders. And she deals with it pretty well. She sees a problem and she goes for it. For example she realizes Corona Law could be improved upon so she works towards that, whenever Rapunzel has an issue she's quick to start searching for a solution... She's a big sister, with all that comes the title.
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Second most obvious. Instead of growing up in isolation, she had a big sister that's been there for her since day one.
She's more fight fewer hugs and rainbows. Rapunzel watched Gothel make Cassandra feel bad through words and actions, and did not like that. Rapunzel may be the little sister, but love equals protectiveness and that protectiveness grew into disdain for their mother. She still manages to see the best in people, but she's not past telling someone to go away when they're being mean or hurtful.
She's more emotionally intelligent. She didn't grow up with only a single narcissist as her only social interaction. So she's a bit more prepared for society... just a bit though.
Also... both girls probably have some attachment issues I'll have to deal with eventually... eventually. 18 in the same tiny space together, in Rapunzel's case literally since she was born pretty much... yeah.
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So, I love Eugene both in the movie and the series. But when I saw the movie in cinemas I definitely took Eugene to be a fair bit smarter than the series makes him out to be.
The amount of times in the series Cassandra insults him and he takes a moment to realize it's an insult like, Eugene is a fast thinking master thief. No need to turn him into a punchline.
Now he gets plenty of amazing moments in the series, don't get me wrong. But I think Cassandra (who I obviously love) ended up taking on a part of what was his role, like what was a dynamic duo became a dynamic trio.
So Eugene in my fic is the retired master thief. He's smart, he's talented in a very specific set of skills, and he's not always fully onboard with the rules.
Most of the time he's having fun, he teases Cassandra a lot just like the series but it's far clearer they are both having fun, both in how quick they drop it when talking about serious topics or small gestures of affection in between their bickering (for example Eugene helping Cassandra with her hair before dinner while they talk). As well as both of them laughing at the jokes the other makes and so on...
But also he will drop all fun and games when things get serious. How far he is willing to go to protect the love of his life and sister-in-law is probably further than Rapunzel would be comfortable with. But he grew up on the street, he was involved with crime lords and fleeing guards for his life, like, this guy is not someone you mess with.
He also isn't past going against orders or behind Rapunzel's back if he thinks it's for her safety.
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Almost identical, bit more neglectful, bit more abusive.
With Cassandra to take care of her flower, she is free to disappear for days and days, returning only to bring the bare minimum supplies and restore her youth.
We are going to eventually deep dive into her history a bit.
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Mostly similar, Eugene earns his respect a bit earlier on which makes their dynamic a little different. I try to not treat the guards with the level of uselessness the series does. Although Eugene does make several comments about them not being the best.
Obviously Captain isn't Cassandra's dad in this. He is fond of her, mostly because she goes to him to learn the way of the sword.
The best way to describe their dynamic is probably that of a mentor and student, she looks up to him and wants to be like him, and he is proud and impressed by her abilities.
That dynamic gets a bit more complicated later on though as Cassandra is a figure of authority who can give the captain orders, can and does when the needs arises.
The captain can't just do what he thinks is best for her, he has to convince her it's the right choice as he can't go against a direct order of the royal family.
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I don't think he changed that much... we do however, get to see a lot more of him! Here's the thing, I get that Frederic made mistakes in the show, BIG mistakes. But flawed characters are the best characters and all his mistakes came from a place of love and protectiveness.
I think the issue is the show did not spend enough time showing us that love. There were moments but not enough moments to justify his actions on an emotional level to the audience. Which is why a lot of the fandom still dislikes him.
Saying that he does say the most harmful words Cassandra hears throughout much of the series, though he didn't intend for her to hear them and works hard to make up for them.
The main differences is he is shown to have a lot more trust in Eugene.
We also spent a fair bit more time on politics so we see more of what he does and how that affects his treatment of the girls.
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Again, she gets a lot more time to shine. She's perhaps a bit less formal. When they used the personality swap potion, the opposite to Arianna's personality was literally rude.
Which I guess would imply the main aspect to Arianna's personality is politeness? Etiquette? Anyway, on several occasions she purposefully throws protocols out the window to make a more comfortable and welcoming environment for the girls because I believe Arianna would be a mother BEFORE a queen. Although she is obviously both.
Also, the series told us she was an adventurer before settling down, we see her adventurous heart but... it never really explored this and I can tell you now this will get more attention eventually in this series.
Which is all I can say on that matter without going into spoiler territory.
She also talks up to Frederic more than the show, not allowing her husband to push their daughters away like in the show.
Anyway, I hope this was fun, I liked doing this because it gave me a chance to sit back and think about this. These kind of exercises are great as a fic writer, I recommend.
Any characters you can think of that have already shown up in the series? (Might reblog later with characters such as Varian, Zhan Tiri, Adira, etc).
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