#we love a messed up little paladin
grigori77 · 1 year
Reasons to LOVE Dungeons & Dragons: Honour Among Thieves
It's brand new in cinemas, so there are still plenty who ain't seen it, so if you're among 'em best skip this and just GO SEE IT, it's SO well worth it, genuinely it's one of the best new movies I've seen so far this year. Hope you love it as much as I did!
So, yeah, there you go - SPOILER WARNING, FOLKS!!! If you don't wanna get spoiled, RUN!!!
Still here? Okay, here we go then ...
This really is, UNAPOLOGETICALLY, a comedy. I mean yeah, this is a classic fantasy action adventure in the Willow, Krull or Ladyhawke mold, but it is also very enthusiastically POKING FUN at the classic conventions of the genre ... albeit CLEARLY done with great affection and love for the material, as only the best lampoons can be. So this is more The Princess Bride or Galaxy Quest than Your Highness or Spaceballs ...
Chris Pine is ALWAYS at his best when he's being FUNNY, so he is PERFECT here. Edgin is most definitely a bit of a douchebag, but he's the sweetest, most lovable douchebag you'll ever encounter.
Holga. Literally just EVERYTHING about Holga. She's my favourite character in this, this REALLY IS the best role that Michelle Rodriguez has EVER HAD, if you ask me. She's a total badass, a truly AMAZING FIGHTER, but I love that despite her dour demeanour she's actually quite sweet, gentle and really a great innocent in many ways. She's an absolute cinammon roll and must be protected at all costs.
OH MY GODS!!! All the easter eggs, SO MANY easter eggs ... FAR too many to count throughout, all the references and nods and winks to the game itself, all the spells and races and creatures and stuff ... but I love how the movie NEVER beats you over the head pointing any of it out, it just lets you enjoy it. So the proper fans will get a huge kick out of spotting it all, but casual viewers will just enjoy it as rich worldbuilding colour and flavour.
Seriously though, it's a D&D fan's DREAM!!! Not just the mimic, or the owlbear, or the gelatinous cube! SO MUCH to spot ...
Justice Smith's Simon gets THE CLEVEREST and best introduction in the film, I love the theatre scene, he's SO BAD at this while also simulataneously being really great. Totally sums up this gloriously clunky hot mess of a sorcerer ...
the opening is GENIUS, totally sets the movie up as it means to go on - the parole hearing is a brilliant comedic take on the scene-setting infodump which is brilliantly carried through in the way the movie delivers exposition in a fun way or just lets you absorb it through what's happening in each scene. This is the perfect, TEXTBOOK way to do it.
"That is one pudgy dragon!" LOL
Doric. Just EVERYTHING about Doric. Sophia Lillis' tiefling druid is a wonderful diminutive little action hero, so fiesty and capable. I love her. It's just a shame she's not primary coloured, I'd have loved it even more if she'd been blue, or red ...
The Wildshape Escape! XD Yeah, I love that, that's THE BEST set-piece in the whole movie, definitely, when Doric gets cught out spying and has to shapeshift on the fly to get away, and it all plays out in one immersive single shot that just leaves your heart in your mouth ...
Oh, the Speak With The Dead montage, that is comedy GOLD. Funniest scene in the whole movie. And with added payoff at the end! XD
Rege-Jean Page's Xenk Yendar. Oh boy, that paladin is something else. I love how LITERAL he is, he's like Drax in GOTG but much more intelligent. Y'know when Holga says: "You're not a lot of fun, are you?" to him? She's so wrong. I just wish there was more of him in this ...
The heist! Oh, the heist! So good ... the portal trick, it's great, love the way they did that, and then that HILARIOUS bard illusion distraction - Pine skipping the song like a broken record was just chef's kiss!
That wonderful wibbly-wobbly illusory reality thing whenever Simon tries to atune to the Helm ... wow, that is some spectacularly trippy shit. Granted, twice is fine for terms of pacing, but I could've done with a few more scenes of that, it's fascinating.
Hugh Grant really has just become a MASTER at playing smarmy, slimy duplicitous gits now, hasn't he? Forge is a reprehensible prick and I love it.
I love how they made Bradley Cooper a halfling for his cameo. They're never gonna let him live down the fact that he's now probably best known for playing a two-foot-tall talking racoon so forever after he will be a Short King.
Wow, Daisy Head's Sofina is a CRACKING villain, she's just SO CREEPY!!! I love how coolly menacing she is, a brilliant dark necromantic wizard that just makes your skin crawl. Especially at the end ... IS SHE a lich? Is that what they were doing there?
That whole big action climax, the showdown in the city centre is FIRE!!! It's so amazing, so brilliantly dynamic, with EVEN MORE great easter eggs! Simon and Sofina having an insanely awesome "arm wrestling" bout with Mage Hand versus Earthen Grasp (I think that's the spell, couldn't be sure), oh my gods! So cool ... and then the way they neutralised the threat! Brilliant.
Chloe Coleman's Kira is an absolutely adorable delight, and I think she's ENTIRELY JUSTIFIED in how pissed she is at Edgin for abandoning her. It makes the payoff when they finally make up so much better.
And that resurrection scene at the end? Yeah, sure, I saw that coming a mile off, but it was so well done, and they played it so well, that it was still SUCH a powerful scene even so. Just perfect.
Seriously, they just did this whole thing SO PERFECTLY. It's visually STUNNING, really it just looks AMAZING, and the action sequences are BRILLIANT but always feel entirely necessary for the story, which is how you want to do it. Best of all, though, is THE PACING!!! This is such a quick, breezy film, it just barrels along at a spectacular clip, so it never drags. Mark Kermode is right, even though this is two and a quarter hours long it doesn't FEEL LIKE IT, it feels like a super-trim 90-minute movie.
And it ties everything off nice and neat, too. Sure, there are definitely possibilities for the future, going forward if they make more, but if the movie DOES tank then it's fine, because this really does do a great job about feeling self-contained and telling its own complete story, so if we DON'T get more it won't be too big a disappointment ...
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For all that Keith easily sees the strength in others, he struggles to accept just how much value he holds. He’s not like Lance, of course — Lance sees the good in every person he meets because as much as he hates to admit it, he’s gullible. But Keith looks at every person he meets and easily identifies their strength. Sometimes it’s with fondness, sometimes with wariness, but he is completely certain that everyone in the universe has a value to them.
He, however, struggles to see how he is valued by others.
It’s not that he thinks he’s useless. He knows he isn’t. He knows he’s skilled. But Lance has always observed Keith in any way he could, and that didn’t stop when they got married. Lance knows his husband can’t quite understand why he is loved as much as he is. He’s happy to explain why he values everyone else, from earnestly explaining to Allura that she’s the spirit of Voltron and fondly telling Lance to leave the math to Pidge — he loves metaphors, that husband of Lance’s, because heaven forbid he just says what he wants to say — but vehemently denies that he might be held in just as high regard.
But Lance knows. Quietly, proved over and over again through the years, he knows that Keith is who people turn to when they need someone. Keith is reliable, he’s dependable, he’s strong — a little tactless, sure, but when you’re scared and vulnerable and you don’t know what to do or who to rely on? You turn to Keith. Lance did it himself, years and years ago, when there were five lions and six paladins and he didn’t know where to go from there. The war may be behind them, but that didn’t stop their team from needing their leader.
1. Pidge
Lance really starts to clue in when Keith’s phone goes off, late at night, when they’re cuddling and watching a movie (but mostly cuddling).
“Sorry,” Keith mutters sheepishly. Lance just rolls his eyes fondly and digs around for the remote to pause the movie (he is not going to have Keith talk over Legally Blonde. That’s a sin). Remote search or no, though, Lance refuses to move even one inch away from his own personal space heater, so he feels it when said personal space heater tenses up.
Here we go.
“Yeah, yeah, okay. Just — don’t hang up. I’m coming, okay?”
Keith puts his hand over the base of his phone, looking at Lance urgently.
“It’s Pidge.”
“Is she okay? Does she need Voltron?”
“Not all of us,” he says, hushed. “She’s just — she messed around in the wrong server and got herself arrested in the Delrn quadrant. She needs someone to go get her.”
Lance exhales, shoulders slumping. That’s not — that’s not good, obviously, but after years of Pidge needs help meaning Pidge is being ambushed by dozens of armed soldiers, it’s a lot less scary.
“You need my help?”
Keith shakes his head. “No, you stay here. I’ve got it. It shouldn’t take too long. Don’t wait up though, okay?”
He presses a kiss to Lance’s cheek before untangling himself from the blankets, walking over to the front door and sliding on his boots.
“I’m coming now, Pidge, okay? Keep on, I’ll transfer your line to my ship in a minute.”
“Text me when she’s safe,” Lance calls as Keith unlocks the door.
“Will do.” He shoots a rueful smile in Lance’s direction. “Sorry for ditching movie night.”
Lance shakes his head fondly, waving him away. “Go, Oh Mighty Black Paladin. I’ll see you when you get home.”
Keith grins at him one more time before he ducks into the garage, locking the door behind him. Lance sighs, turning off the T.V. and folding the blanket, heading over to the kitchen to make himself a coffee. He won’t be able to sleep until he knows Pidge is home safe, anyway. (And, he’ll be honest, there’s a snowball’s chance in hell that he’ll be able to sleep without Keith’s constant snores.)
By the time Keith gets home, Lance has finished three (3) coffees and has sewn the lining of the current project he’s working on. It’s something like 4 in the morning, but Lance stopped looking at the clock a couple hours ago.
“I thought I told you not to wait up,” Keith says, leaning down to press a lingering kiss to Lance’s lips.
“Mm,” Lance mumbles, grabbing Keith’s shirt and keeping him right where he is (pressed close close closely to Lance, where Lance has selfishly and unashamedly decided he belongs). “Can’t sleep without you. I’ve unfortunately fallen victim to your conditioning, Pavlov.”
Keith snorts, kissing him one last time before fully scooping him up in his arms.
Lance, whipped as he is, does not protest.
“I think you’re maybe just in love with me,” he says, smirking.
Lance pretends to think about it. “I dunno. There’s this really hot guy, maybe you’ve heard of him. Leader of Voltron? Ex-Blade? He’s got this dreamy mullet. I kind of have a thing for him.”
Keith rolls his eyes, fully throwing him on the bed and crawling in after him, ignoring Lance’s indignant yelp.
“He sounds like a dork,” he says drily.
Lance grins. “He is.”
“Whatever, you butthead. Get over here so we can sleep.”
Without a moment of hesitation, Lance flops into Keith’s open arms, snaking his arms around his husband’s waist and tangling their legs together. He holds him closely, head over his heart, listening to it beat.
“Pidge okay?” he asks softly.
Keith hums, running his hands through Lance’s hair. “Yeah. Pretending to be less shaken up than she is. She got cocky and got caught and it freaked her out, so she started running her mouth. You know her.”
Lance laughs quietly. Sounds like Pidge.
“But it wasn’t that big of a deal. I went to the station and talked them out of pressing charges for spying. She’s banned from the quadrant for life, but nothing else. Dunno why she called me to help. Coran probably would have been more helpful.”
Privately, Lance thinks he knows exactly why Pidge called Keith. Why, when she was scared and alone and knew she had fucked up, she immediately called the one person who would drop everything to make sure she’s okay. Who has done it for her before and will do it again. Who respects her as a grown woman, now, who doesn’t need his guidance, but who will never stop providing his support.
“Bet she thought the big bad Black Paladin would win her some intimidation points,” he says instead, because he knows his husband isn’t yet ready to hear it.
They’ll get there.
2. Hunk
It’s not that Keith gets these calls often. Hell, definitely no more than once every five or six months. Few and far between, really. Staggered enough that the pattern might skip most people’s notice.
But Lance knows better.
So when Keith’s phone rings — and of course it actually rings, because Keith is the only person Lance knows who never, ever turns his ringer off, because even though he might not realise it he is constantly ready to help and would never put himself in a position where he can’t — in the middle of their mortgage meeting with the bank, Lance ducks his head to hide his smile.
He figured that might happen.
“Fuck,” Keith mutters, digging around in his pocket. “Sorry. I have to take this.”
The bank teller — a very serious-looking woman in her late sixties — does not look amused. She mutters something about professionalism.
Lance does her a favour and does not point out that Keith is one of five reasons that Earth is not currently a pile of space dust, and she should perhaps provide some lenience.
“Keith?” comes a nervous, teary voice from Keith’s phone (the bank teller’s office is real small, and there’s no room for privacy).
“Yeah, Hunk. You okay?”
“Um, sorry to bother you. You’re probably busy. But, uh. My car broke down? I tried fixing it myself but I don’t have the parts I need, and triple A says they can’t send a tow because of all the snow, and I’m wearing a coat but I don’t really want to be here for hours so —“
“Hunk,” Keith interrupts, “breathe, buddy.”
Hunk does, deep and noisy enough to be heard through the phone.
(Lance thinks back to the first time he can remember that Hunk’s anxiety made itself known around Keith. He remembers seeing Keith, eighteen and still bitter and unsure but desperate to be part of a family, with wide panicked eyes and stuttering advice about ‘not worrying about it’, trying to calm Hunk down to no avail. It’s certainly something, he’s thinks, that Keith can now calm Hunk effortlessly through the phone.)
“I’m leaving now to come pick you up. We’ll come back later to get your car, yeah?”
“I don’t want to put you out —“
“Hunk,” Keith says firmly, “chill out. Or, er, don’t, I guess, since that’s the problem. Um, stay in your car so you’ll stay warm. I’ll be there soon. Okay?”
Keith hangs up, and looks apologetically at Lance.
“I’m sorry, babe, I know this is important —”
Lance squeezes his hand. “Go. I got this.”
Keith quickly gets up from the stuffy chair, presses a kiss to Lance’s temple, and rushes out without a word.
The bank teller sniffs. “High demand, your husband. Can’t even make time for one appointment. That doesn’t inspire confidence, you know.”
“Family emergency, ma’am,” Lance says with great amusement. “Besides, we’re nearly finished. I’ll make sure to relay everything you say to him when he gets home.”
Lance decides to walk home after the meeting, since Keith has their car. It’s nice. Despite the mishap, the meeting had gone rather smoothly, and there’s no reason why they shouldn’t get approved for their mortgage within the week. That’ll keep things going nicely. Lance will miss their quiet little apartment, but he’s excited for what they’re going to build together next.
Besides, he thinks, when Keith gets home several hours later with a sheepish Hunk in tow, it’ll be nice to have a couple guest bedrooms.
He’s sure they’ll need them.
3. Romelle
The ring of the doorbell makes them both panic.
“Is that the social worker?”
“She’s not supposed to be here for another hour,” Lance hisses, three steps away from freaking out. Keith is not far behind him.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck. Can we ignore it?”
“No, we can’t ignore it! It’s a home visit! We need to be home!”
“Fuck! Okay! I’m gonna answer the door, fix your hair!”
Lance does, frantically trying to pat it down so it doesn’t look like he’s been nervously running his hands through it for four hours (he has) or that he just had sex (he hasn’t). (Well. Not since this morning.)
“Here, let me —” Lance practically melts at Keith’s touch, his gentle hands through the knots in Lance’s un-straightened hair, even though it’s certainly not a new sensation.
But he always appreciates Keith’s hands on him.
“We’ll be okay,” Keith says, dropping a kiss on Lance’s forehead before stepping away. “I mean, if we fail we can just be assholes and pull the saviours-of-the-universe card, right?”
Lance flicks him on the forehead, unable to fight back a smile. “We’re supposed to be responsible now, Mullet.”
Keith grins, curling one hand in Lance’s and one around the doorknob. “Whatever you say, Kogane. You ready?”
Lance nods, squeezing Keith’s hand.
They’ve got this.
“Hi,” says someone who is decidedly not the social worker, looking at them nervously from their front door.
Keith and Lance blink at her, and then each other, shocked.
Well. At least this is better than Mrs. Kreft coming early, at least.
“Romelle? What are you doing here?”
The Altean’s face crumples, and she throws herself at Keith.
“I don’t know what I’m doing with my life,” she wails.
Lance sighs fondly, shaking his head.
He should have known.
“I’ll call Mrs. Kreft,” Lance says as Keith guides the sobbing woman to their couch. Keith nods gratefully, then turns his attention back to Romelle, so Lance heads to the kitchen to give them some privacy.
He quickly dials the social worker’s number, resting his hip on the counter and fiddling with a random pen he found.
“Lance! I’m about to leave for your place now. Everything okay?”
“Everything’s fine,” he reassures. “Keith’s sister popped by unexpectedly, though. She’ll probably stay for a couple weeks. I was wondering if you could maybe do one of our character evaluations at the same time as the home visit? Two birds with one stone, you know.”
If there’s one thing Lance is good at, it’s rolling with the punches. He’ll handle this.
“You caught me at a good time, then,” Mrs. Kreft says jovially. “I’ll get the right paperwork. Is Keith’s sister prepared for the interview process? She’s not really meant to rehearse or anything — she’s supposed to provide an honest and timely assessment of your caregiving abilities — but it would be best if she knew it was coming.”
“I’ll make sure to brief her. Thank you, Mrs. Kreft. We really appreciate it.”
“Of course, Lance. I’m rooting for you two. I’ll see you in about forty-five minutes.”
“Alright, thanks. Bye.”
Keith walks in to the kitchen just as she hangs up.
“Everything okay?”
“Yes,” Lance says, reaching over to rest his hand on the side of Keith’s neck. He rubs his thumb over the tense muscles there, tracing over his clenched jaw and pursed lips. “I handled it, baby. She’s going to do a character interview with Romelle at the same time, so this worked out.”
Keith sighs in relief, tilting forward to rest his head on Lance’s shoulder. Lance shifts so he’s comfortable, running his hands through Keith’s hair.
“Oh, thank God.”
Lance hums. “Told you it would be fine.”
“I know. It’s just — I feel like every time we try and do something for our future, something happens and you end up picking up my mess on your own. We’re about to — we’re trying to be parents, Lance. I want us to be on equal grounds.”
“Hey.” Lance tugs gently on his husband’s hair. “Look at me.”
Keith does, looking down at him with a furrowed brow and frustrated pout. Lance reaches up to smooth the line between his eyebrows.
“Do you think I walked into this unprepared?” he asks sternly. “I know you, sweetheart. I knew exactly what I signed up for when I agreed to be your right hand. Do you think that stopped when the war was won? Do you think I didn’t know that were were going to be doing this leading schtick our whole lives? I knew who you were when I married you, baby. This is not a surprise. You’re not leaving me to clean up after you. We’re a team, cielo. And sometimes a team means I stay home and hold the fort while you’re picking up our dumbass friends from a holding cell, or calling the social worker as you make sure everything’s okay. Okay?”
Keith exhales, pressing his forehead to Lance’s.
“Okay. Thank you, Lance. I love you.”
“I love you too.” Lance presses a quick kiss to his lips before stepping away, grabbing a box of tissues and filling up a glass of water. “Okay, Samurai. Fill me in. What’s up with Romelle?”
“She’s worried she’s got no future. She’s been kind of drifting around between New Altea and the Rebels and the Blades, doesn’t feel like she fits in anywhere.”
“So she’s going through the emo Keith phase,” Lance teases.
Keith scowls. “Whatever. Technically.”
“She came to the right place, then. Your earnestly awkward life-coach ass will have her fixed up in no time.”
“You’re mean to me,” Keith says, pouting.
Lance laughs, pressing a kiss to his lips. “Mhm, and you’d be lost without me. Let’s go make sure you’re sister is okay.”
To Lance’s relief, there are no interruptions on the most important day of their lives — the day everything they’ve been slowly working for comes together. The day their family grows to four — two kids, siblings, lives uprooted by the war — there are no interruptions. No one calls, no one shows up unexpectedly, no one needs their help.
It’s just them, terrified and elated at the front door, meeting Mason and Keevah for the first time.
Keith is the first to react. He squeezes Lance’s hands three times in quick succession then lets go, sitting criss-cross-applesauce on the floor, eye-level with Mason. He looks at Keith warily, untrusting.
It makes Lance’s heart ache, for this little boy who had the worst thing that could ever happen to a kid happen to him while the entire planet was falling apart, who has learned to be jaded and icy to every adult he’s met, who only barely remembers what it’s like to live in a loving home.
“Hi,” Mason says eventually.
Keith smiles slightly. “I’m Keith. My husband’s name is Lance.” Lance waves. Mason glances at him, but does not wave back. “We have a room prepared for you and your sister.”
Mason blinks, surprised. “Me and Keevah?”
Lance smiles, finally losing the battle with his tears. (He’s doing everything he can to keep the smile on his face, keep himself from openly sobbing. He keeps imagining himself in Mason’s position, losing his parents before he could talk properly and suddenly desperate to stay with your infant sister. It’s heartbreaking. He already aches for this kid, and he barely knows him.)
“Yes,” he says, voice cracking. “We figured that would make the transition easier.”
Mason hesitates a moment. Lance can see the emotions warring on his face — to trust, or not to trust — and he can hear Keith’s breathing shift, slightly, like he’s remembering feeling those exact same emotions himself, years and years ago, stepping into Shiro’s apartment for the first time and wondering if it’s worth it to hope.
“Okay,” Mason says eventually. He tugs on Keevah’s hand, wrapped tightly around her big brother’s finger, other thumb in her mouth as she stares at Keith and Lance with blatant curiosity. “Let’s go, Keevah. It’s late. Time for bed.”
Lance moves to guide them to their new room, but Keith stands, placing a hand on his shoulder to stop him.
“It’s the first door on your left,” he tells them. Mason nods once and walks off, superhero suitcase rolling behind him. (They hadn’t known if Mason liked superheroes, or Keevah, but Keith had been adamant that they buy a set of luggage before signing all the paperwork, quietly confiding that the worst thing about moving to a new home growing up was packing all your shit in a garbage bag, like that was all it was worth. Lance was quick to agree.)
“They’ll need time to adjust,” Keith murmurs. “I always hated the fosters that were too overbearing.”
Lance sniffles, nodding. “Good point.”
Keith’s smile is soft as he reaches over to brush the tears from Lance’s cheeks, bending down to press a kiss to his forehead.
“Everything will work out,” he murmurs. “Promise.”
The surety of his husband’s voice makes him smile. Keith’s strength is unwavering.
“I know. I trust you.”
4. Allura
By the time the fourth call comes, half a year later, Keith is starting to catch on. He’s in the middle of shoving their last duffel bag into the trunk when his phone rings, and his sigh is so heavy that Lance can hear it from the driver’s seat. He hides a smile in his hand.
Keith’s phone is connected to the car’s bluetooth, so Lance turns down the volume — high enough that he can hear, but low enough that Mason and Keevah, who are playing patty cake in the back seat, can’t.
“Allura? Everything okay?” Despite his exasperation, his voice is calm.
For a whole fifteen seconds the other end is silent, long enough that Lance would almost think that the Queen of New Altea had simply butt dialed them were it not for the faintest sounds of heavy, stressed breathing. Then Allura blurts out: “I can’t do this anymore.”
There’s another moment of silence as Keith processes that.
“Do what?” he asks hesitantly. He slides into the passenger seat, buckling up and flashing a small smile at Lance. Lance shoots him a thumbs up in acknowledgment, glancing in the rearview to make sure the kids are buckled too, before peeling out of the driveway, setting route for his parent’s house.
“Do this!” Allura cries, tears audible in her voice. “I’m — I’m quiznaking everything up! I can’t — I’m not fit to be a leader, Keith! I’m not you, I’m not Shiro, and I’m certainly not my father, and I am going to lead my entire people and our planet into a flaming pile of Weblum dung! I am the worst queen to ever be coronated! I’m a mistake!” She sobs, so loud the audio crackles with it. Lance exchanges a worried look with his husband.
He’s never heard Allura so upset — not even when they were facing the end of the universe and none of them had a hail mary to fall back on.
“You’re not a mistake, Allura.” Keith’s voice is quiet, but firm, full of undeniable conviction. He leaves absolutely no room for doubt. “Don’t insult my friend that way.”
Allura chokes on another sob over the phone. For a while there are no words, just the sound of her cries, long enough that Lance feels his own heart start to hurt and chin start to tremble. He hates hearing his friends — his family — suffering.
“I don’t know what to do,” Allura chokes out. “I’m not — every choice I make is the wrong one.”
Keith reaches over and plucks one of Lance’s hands off the steering wheel, gripping it tightly. He doesn’t even seem to notice he’s done it, staring thoughtfully at his phone, like he needed to borrow Lance’s strength for a minute. He hates hearing any of them in pain, too.
Lance squeezes tightly, happy to lend it.
“What happened?”
It’s hard to make out everything she’s saying, intergalactic calls already so staticky on top of her emotions making her accent thicker than usual, but the gist is pretty obvious. Allura has been queen for half a decade, now, a little more — the honeymoon phase, so to speak, is starting to wear off. No longer are all her people just relieved to be out from Lotor’s tyranny — like with any nation, tension has arisen, and Allura is struggling to handle it all on her own. She can’t please everybody, and it’s beyond disheartening to have so many people, who were once completely happy with her and her leadership, frustrated with her.
Keith lets her vent until she finally stops for a moment to breathe. He takes a moment to gather himself, frowning deeply.
“I don’t understand why all of this is resting on your shoulders,” he says carefully.
There’s a pause.
“You seem to be the only one putting out every single fire that’s popping up,” Keith repeats. “Where’s Coran? Or the rest of your council?”
This time the pause is much longer.
“I don’t want to burden them.”
Keith sighs, but it’s not disappointed. It’s exasperated. Concerned, more than anything. Despite himself, Lance smiles; it’s the exact same sigh Lance would often heave when Keith was trying to do everything by himself, in his earliest Black Paladin days. It’s beyond a little amusing to hear it from the other end.
“Allura, that is their job. They are paid to take some of that burden from you, dude. Quite a lot of it, in fact.”
“Still,” Allura says stubbornly. “It’s not — I’m the queen. ‘Heavy is the head that wears the crown’, as you humans say.”
Keith’s indigo eyes brighten. Lance groans, barely resisting the urge to slam his head on the steering wheel — he recognises that look. That’s his husband’s I just thought of an applicable metaphor look.
Keith gleefully ignores him, bolstering right on.
“And what happens if the head is too heavy, ‘Llura?”
Lance groans louder, so Allura can hear this time. It startles a laugh out of her, which brings a smile to Lance’s face and a scowl to Keith’s.
“…You topple right over,” Allura admits begrudgingly.
Keith nods, inordinately pleased with himself. “Exactly.”
“You’re infuriating,” Allura informs him. She blows her nose. “I hate it when you’re right.”
“Well, good thing that doesn’t happen often,” Lance chimes in, because the opportunity was right there and the whole point of marriage is that he has the opportunity to mock Keith until they both finally bite it.
Allura laughs as Keith glares at him. Lance smiles primly.
“I cannot believe you two,” Keith mutters to himself. Lance kisses the tips of his fingers with an exaggerated mwah noise and presses the fingers to Keith’s forehead. Much to his own chagrin, no doubt, the action makes his lips twitch up into a smile.
“Thank you, Keith,” Allura says. “You too, Lance. I — appreciate it. And you.”
The softness bleeds back into Keith’s expression. Sap. “Of course, Allura. Love you.”
“Love you too.”
He’s quiet for a moment after she hangs up, contemplative.
“Isn’t it strange that she called me for — for leadership advice?” he questions finally, turning to face Lance. “I mean, I stumbled through every day as leader. Shiro was more of a natural. Hell, you’re better with pep talks, Mr. The Black Lion Chose You And I Trust It’s Judgement.”
The set up is there. Lance could spell it out for him now, gently explain what he’s observed over the years, what he knows to be true — Keith, even though he refuses to admit it or even let himself notice, is the cornerstone of their family, the one who grew up with so much change so constantly that he learned to find steadiness in himself.
But that’s a longer conversation. That’s a quiet conversation, for when Lance can give his husband his full attention, when they can face each other and be honest and work through the inevitable pain of Keith accepting that as truth. Not when Lance is driving, and their kids are in the back, very obviously listening in at this point.
“Oh, come on, Fearless Leader,” Lance teases. “She knew she needed a nice, cheesy metaphor to set her head on straight, isn’t it obvious?”
Keith scoffs, smacking him on the bicep. “Jerk.”
Lance gasps loudly, clutching the bicep dramatically.
“Mason! Keevah! Did you see what your evil, evil daddy did to me?! To your beloved Papa! Oh, how I am wounded! Betrayed! By the love of my life, my dearest husband, the man to whom I have pledged my heart —”
The kids giggle, Keith rolling his eyes so hard it has to hurt him.
Lance smiles to himself. Now’s not the right time, but they’ll get there — soon.
5. Sylvio
The truth finally starts to cement itself in Keith’s head by the fifth phone call.
Lance groans as his husband’s ringtone drags him from his sleep, glaring at the man who sleeps peacefully right through it. He smacks him with a pillow, waking him with a startled “Wha—?” and then hands him his phone.
“Hello?” Keith asks groggily, sitting up — dragging Lance, who was laying on his chest, up with him, much to his chagrin — and rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
There’s a beat of silence, then a timid: “Tio Keith?”
Both of them shoot up in alarm. Lance hasn’t heard his nephew sound so close to tears since he was much younger.
“It’s three in the morning, kiddo,” Keith says, looking at Lance as if to ask what’s going on?. Lance shrugs, gesturing at the phone — find out!
“I fucked up,” Sylvio says in a small voice, and then he bursts into tears. Keith leaps out of bed immediately, frantically looking for some pants. Lance grabs them and tosses them to him, watching in concern.
“Woah — Sylvio — slow down, I can’t —”
But Sylvio keeps rambling, in a mix of Spanish and English so muddled that even Lance has no idea what he’s saying.
“Just please come get me,” he cries, the first clear words in minutes.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m coming, kiddo. Where are you?”
Sylvio rattles off an address, and Keith nods. “I’m coming, okay? Keep your phone on you.”
Sylvio says something in affirmation, then keeps crying, muttering to himself. Keith covers the phone with one hand, he other tugging on some socks. He looks at Lance in panic.
“Why is he calling me?”
Lance shrugs. “I don’t know.”
“You should go,” Keith says nervously. “He’s your nephew, you —”
“He’s your nephew too,” Lance interrupts quietly. “You know that. Plus, he called you, cielo. You’re the one he needs right now.”
Keith doesn’t look any more reassured. In fact he looks more desperate and confused by the second. “Maybe we should both go.”
Lance is already shaking his head before he finishes his sentence. “Keevah’s sick, baby. One of us has to stay home in case she gets worse, or throws up.” He slides off the bed, padding over to Keith and cupping his face gently. “Go, Keith. Bring him back, we’ll talk to him then, okay? I’ll wait up. Luis and Lisa aren’t far from here, it won’t take you more than twenty minutes both ways.”
“Right.” Keith takes a deep breath, closing his eyes. When he opens them again, most of the panic is gone, replaced with the same determination he always has when things get a little dicey and hopeless. “I’ll be back in a bit,” he says, leaning down and pressing a quick kiss to Lance’s lips. Lance holds him there for a moment, trying to press a little bit more of his love into it than usual.
“I’ll be here.”
+1. Keith
A little less than an hour later, Lance hears their car pull into the driveway. He tugs his robe around him tightly, hurrying to open the door.
“Hey,” Keith says, kissing him quickly and then moving to let Sylvio come through. His face is creased in worry. Sylvio walks in after, silently, shoulders hunched and eyes puffy, face streaked with tears. Lance closes and locks the door behind him, reaching up to hug his nephew tightly.
“Hi, sweetheart.”
Sylvio sniffles, face crumpling. He leans into Lance’s embrace, face to his neck, and Lance feels his face get wet with tears again. “Hi, Tio.” His voice cracks.
Lance guides them both to the living room, setting them down on the couch.
“I’ll grab some tea,” Keith murmurs.
Lance hums at him, leaning back onto the cushions and stroking Sylvio’s hair as he cries. Keith is back shortly, setting three mugs on the coffee table and sitting on Sylvio’s other side, arm over the back of the couch. He’s silent for a while, waiting for the kid’s cries to peter out.
“What happened?” he asks, once Sylvio has finally calmed down a bit.
“Dad and I have been fighting a lot,” he says quietly. Lance winces. He’s heard from Lisa and Luis, of course, but he would have figured it out even if he hadn’t — Sylvio has called Luis ‘Papa’ every day of his life, since he was a little boy. He’s only called Luis ‘Dad’ when he’s furious, when he’s deliberately trying to hurt Luis, when both of them can barely stand to be in the same room as each other.
Lance rubs his shoulder. “What happened?”
Sylvio’s chin trembles, and another tear drips down his cheek. “He never — no one I bring home is ever good enough. Nadia can bring home whomever she wants and it’s never a problem, but when I do it, suddenly he has a million faults and he’s bad for me or too old for me or just a shitbag.” He makes a noise of frustration. “He treats me like a baby, like I’m incapable of of making a fucking decision for myself.”
As subtly as he can, Lance exchanges a look with Keith. This is not the first time this situation has been brought up, by more than one person. Sylvio calls Lance to complain about his parents on a semi-regular basis, and both Luis and Lisa have confided in him on more than one occasion.
The problem is, Sylvio is…kind of in the wrong, here.
Privately, when they try and make light of the situation, they joke that Sylvio has the Lance taste — that is, garbage. Before Keith, Lance was very good at falling for people who were either really bad for him, bad in general, didn’t like him, or treated him like shit. A good portion of that came from his own insecurity and cripplingly low self-esteem, and Sylvio is no exception.
Every guy he has brought home has been, to Luis’ credit, not good enough. Once it was someone who made fun of Sylvio every other sentence, once it was a guy who was three times his age, once someone who was clearly using Sylvio as a rebound… Luis saw it, but he was incapable of handling it in any way other than outright banning Sylvio from seeing whomever the loser of the month was, which went about as well as you would think.
It’s been an ongoing problem.
“I’m sorry you guys are fighting,” Lance says, because it’s truly not his place to try and parent Sylvio. He’s tried to guide both his brother and his nephew into the right direction, but neither listen. “I’m glad you called us first, though. That was the safest thing for you to do.”
Sylvio bites his lip. Keith shakes his head slightly.
Lance’s face drops. “Oh, Sylvio…”
His nephew’s face crumples. “I thought the party would be a good distraction,” he whispers. “I didn’t think — he’s supposed to love me, why did he —” Sylvio interrupts himself with a sob. Lance holds him tightly again. He’s not sure exactly what happened, and he won’t know until he can ask, but he can make a pretty good assumption.
“It’s okay, sweetheart. Let it out.”
Sylvio cries on his shoulder for a while longer, long past when he runs out of tears, just dry-sobbing until his whole body shakes and his eyes must be burning. Lance holds him through it, and Keith keeps a steady hand on his back.
“Daddy?” comes a small voice, at least a half hour later. All three of them crane their necks towards the sound, seeing Keevah, eyes watery, standing in the low light of the kitchen with her stuffed lion clutched in her hand. “I threw up.”
Keith gets up immediately. “Oh, c’mere, sweetie.” He scoops her up, her head resting on his shoulder, then turns toward Lance. “I’ll put her back to bed, you get Sylvio to bed?”
Lance nods, and Keith heads back to her and Mason’s bedroom. Lance stands, gently pulling his nephew to his feet, guiding him to the guest room.
Once he’s got the bed turned down and Sylvio in some of Keith’s old pj’s, he tucks him into bed like he’s nine instead of nineteen, kissing him gently on the forehead.
“I’ll call your parents to let them know you’re safe, okay?” Sylvio nods, half asleep. “Sleep. We’ll talk more in the morning.”
By the time Lance hits the lights, he’s out. Lance watches him for a moment, smiling sadly.
He’ll figure it out. Lance did, when he was nineteen, even though it sucked.
He pads over to his and Keith’s bedroom, exhausted, but knowing that he won’t be sleeping for a while. Keith is already there, pulling off his vomit-stained shirt — poor Keevah — and pulling on a fresh one.
“She okay?” Lance murmurs, crawling under the covers and into Keith’s open arms. Keith nods, tightening his hold and pressing a kiss to Lance’s hair.
“Yeah. Fell asleep halfway through her bath.”
“Poor thing.”
Keith is silent for a while, fingertips tracing circles on Lance’s lower back, but he’s nowhere near falling asleep. He’s tense as a live wire, and Lance can feel his heart pound where their chests are pressed together.
“I don’t understand,” he says eventually. His voice is so quiet Lance can barely hear him.
Lance doesn’t need him to specify. “I do.”
The mindless shapes Keith is tracing shift to something more deliberate, tapping, seeking comfort rather than mindless fidgeting.
“…Explain it to me?”
Lance shifts slightly, so he’s still in Keith’s hold but there’s a bit of space between them, so he can look Keith in the face.
“People trust you, Keith. There’s nothing to explain.” He leans in and presses a kiss to Keith’s neck, the hollow of his throat — not to instigate anything, but to touch, to press his lips somewhere vulnerable and say I am watching out for you. “You are so deliberate, my love. So devoted. Everyone knows it, even if they don’t realise it outright.”
Keith’s breathing is laboured. “I’m not what they think I am,” he says, voice wrecked. Lance presses another kiss right on his adam’s apple, to his trachea, to the underside of his jaw, to his chin.
“You are more than you think you are.”
“I’m not. I’m not.” Lance kisses right under his ear, and he tastes salt, from where a tear finally escaped and trailed down his cheekbone. “I’m a mess, Lance. Nothing about me is stable. Why do they rely on me?”
“I rely on you.”
“That’s different. We’re — you’re my husband. We rely on each other.”
Lance pauses for a second, gathering his thoughts, considering his angle. How can he explain the fundamental truth about Keith Kogane that is so obvious to everyone who knows him? That is the clearest part of him?
“When Pidge wanted to run from Voltron and find her family, who convinced her to stay?”
Keith is silent.
“When Shiro had flashbacks of his year of torture and couldn’t tell reality from nightmare, who sat with him until he could breath again?”
Keith’s chin trembles.
“When the Blades were out of ideas and out of luck, who changed everything?”
His breathing gets heavier. “Lance —”
Lance ignores him, barrelling on. “When Hunk’s panic attacks got so bad he was convinced he was having a heart attack, who squeezed his hand until he could breath again?”
Keith sobs. “Lance, that’s not —”
Lance reaches up to gently wipe the tears, staring at his husband until he finally looks back, until indigo meets brown and he knows that Keith is finally getting it.
“Who,” he asks quietly, determined, “was it that I came to, when there were five lions and six paladins? Who stepped down for me?”
Keith laughs wetly. “I gave you the worst pep talk in the world,” he protests, but Lance can finally hear the acceptance in his voice. He smiles.
“And yet.”
“And yet,” Keith agrees. He ducks down and kisses Lance soundly, hands cupping his face, lips moving like he’s trying to fuse himself to Lance.
“Thank you. For knowing and watching and waiting for me.”
“Always,” Lance murmurs, pressing their foreheads together. “Always, my star.”
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craziechwiv · 20 days
The Paladin and their Succubus Frenemy - 4.5
During the night, Jaune was sound asleep in his dorm room as he slept soundly. His window was open, letting some cold air get in while he tucked halfway under his blankets. As Jaune slept to the soothing feel of the chilly air mixed with the comforts of his bed and covers, he felt something touch his leg. Thinking it was only a bug, he jolted his leg and kicked it off, only to hear someone say 'Ow!' in return.
That got him wide awake. He opened his eyes wide and looked down at his waist, only to see a sizeable lump moving under his covers. He slid himself to his bed's wooden board and sat up, uncovering himself to see none other than Ruby, in her fully succubus form and...in some seductive bra and panties.
Succubus!Ruby: Hello, my dear Paladin~.
Jaune: R-Ruby?! What are you doing- do you have any idea how screwed you'll be if someone sees you like this?!
Succubus!Ruby: I know, I know what you're gonna say; "You can't be so reckless!" or, "Like heck I'd let you do this." By please hear me out. I have an actual reason for being here!
Jaune, sensing some kind of trap was hesitant to answer, but he gazed right into Ruby's ever silver eyes and his guard fell down.
Jaune: Fine...what is it?
Succubus!Ruby: We need to talk about a problem I have, and I need to warn you about it too.
Jaune: What is it?
Succubus!Ruby: Well...
Ruby flew behind Jaune, wrapping her arms around him, feeling his manly physic while her wings kept him covered. Jaune got flustered by her approach of this, and was sent overboard by one of her hands reaching down to his lower half, touching a lump under his underwear.
Succubus!Ruby: It's my sister. She visited me a couple days ago. And if I know her more than anyone else here, she's out for something.
Jaune: W-What do you mean?
Succubus!Ruby: I'm saying be on your guard, you blonde mess~.
Ruby teased the lump more, wrapping her hand around it as it started to leak.
Jaune: A-Ah...stop~..
Succubus!Ruby: Shh, I'm not done yet. I just...really needed this. And even if I'm merely here to have some fun with you, I truly need to feed off something to keep me going. Or else my energy will out, and I'll be exposed. You wouldn't want that, would you~?
Jaune could barely speak at what she was saying to him, but she continued to tease him more and more. He just wanted it all to be over with, even if...it felt good. But he wouldn't admit that to his enemy to be.
Succubus!Ruby: So, I need you to do me a favor, and count to 3. Okay?
Jaune: O-Okay~...
Succubus!Ruby: Good boy~.
Jaune braced for it, closing his eyes as he heard her count.
Succubus!Ruby: 1, 2...
Jaune: Ngh~....ah-...ahow?
Jaune opened his eyes, hoping to see a demoness between his legs cleaning his uh...lil jaune off. But between his legs were vacant as he felt something strange against his neck until it was gone and Ruby was in his view once again. She licked her lips and exhaled her breath in satisfaction, looking at her meal with loving eyes.
Succubus!Ruby: I thank you for that, It's been so long since I've had such a tasty meal~. You truly are like hi- uhm. Are very helpful! Yes...that.
Jaune: D-Did you just drink my-
Succubus!Ruby: Blood? Of course, silly. I mean, what else would I need to sustain my energy? Unless...you wanted something more~?
Jaune: U-Uhm...
Ruby got closer to his ear, nibbling it abit as she spoke.
Succubus!Ruby: Just say it, and I'll take care of it for you. Our little secret~.
Jaune: ...
Jaune's will was strong...
"Mph, mph~"
Jaune wouldn't falter towards anything that'd deter his way of completing his goal.
"S-Slow down, ah~"
And most importantly,
"I'm close Ruby...w-wait~!
Jaune would never, fall down the path of adultery as simple as that.
"Mmmmph, cmm~!
Jaune held onto Ruby's hair as he released his 'energy' into her throat, filling her up as she got her mouth off his length. She licked her lips, getting every last drop before smiling at him.
While she felt like a whole new her, Jaune felt...like he had betrayed his faith.
Jaune: I-I'm so screwed. What am I going to do now?!
Ruby didn't care much for his feelings at the moment, she was on cloud 9 after all. But, she did hate seeing her newfound favorite person in such a state. So, she got up, lifted his face up to hers and gave him a passionate kiss before cutting it off.
Succubus!Ruby: Listen, you just did me a huge favor. I don't really know what counts as a sin here, nor do I care. But here's the thing. You really did save me. And I appreciate it.
Ruby then got up, wiping away some of the mess left over and opened the door to his room slowly.
Succubus!Ruby: By the way, remember what I said about...'her'. There's no telling when she'll show up, but be ready when she does. Got it?
Jaune just slowly nodded his head as he was busy recounting what just happened.
Succubus!Ruby: Good. I'll see you in the morning, leader~.
With that being said, the demoness left his room. All that was left was Jaune, his schlong hanging from his underwear, and a white sticky puddle from their session together. If Jaune knew anything, he'd have to be prepared for what she said, and what she might do in the future now.
Next Chapter >
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love-kurdt · 5 months
Swooping, Sloping, Cursive Letters: 5
word count: 578
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October 3, 1987
Dear Will,
Why does loving you feel so wrong, yet so right? It seems like for every thought I have about you, another comes to bite me in the ass. I wish I could just think about you in peace without all of the shame. But at the same time, I know it isn’t normal for me to like you, to love you, to want you. I’m usually able to stop my mind from wandering into that territory, but there’s something about you that is making it more and more difficult for me to resist those thoughts from entering my head. I think the main culprit is your shoulders. Yes, I said it. I am attracted to your shoulders. Specifically when you wear your polo shirts that are a size or two too small and hug your upper body a little too tightly. Or when you steal my leather jacket and shove it on, and it accentuates your arms, rather than making them disappear like it does to mine. You’re so attractive, it’s actually crazy. I think my brain needs to catch up to my heart. Because my heart is thriving, but my brain is a killjoy.
On another (less horny) note, it feels amazing to have you back in school again. I meant it when I told you that Hawkins wasn’t the same without you. I wasn’t the same without you. But now I have you. As a friend, of course. Obviously. And that’s totally okay. Because now, walking through the hallways doesn’t feel so lonely. Now, when someone says something funny, I’m able to turn and see your reaction. Now, I can put effort into my English notes again, because someone never reads the assigned chapters. And now, I’m not going to fail art!
Speaking of, I might have run out of space in my binder of your art. So I had to run to Melvald’s to pick up another one. Your mom had so many questions, and I was a stuttering mess for literally no reason. I ended up telling her it was for an English project, which was a stupid idea, because I momentarily blanked and failed to remember that we’re in the same class. Your mom got all wound up like she usually does and sent me off with a second binder to drop off at your house on her behalf, because she didn’t know we had a “project” due. I was so embarrassed, standing in your doorway and watching your face morph from surprise to confusion, then to amusement. But seeing you laugh at my idiocy made it all the more worth it. And now you have a random binder in your possession that is definitely not for an English project. I hope you find some use for it.
When I got home, I started putting your newer drawings in the second binder, and kind of spent an hour staring at and analyzing them when I should have been doing homework. So your notes for the next few chapters of The Grapes of Wrath probably won’t be too detailed this time around… sorry. I can’t help that I’m completely obsessed with you. I should probably get to those notes, though, before I forget to take them altogether. Plus, we have plans to ride bikes to school early so we can work on our next campaign, and this overdramatic paladin needs his beauty rest.
I’ll see you tomorrow.
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lilflowerpot · 10 months
You probably already know about this, but i was reading an old post where you said how weird it is that Lotor and Keith are perfect narrative foils and I just wondered if you knew there was actually a reason for that? I think (as we can only speculate from what the people involved in the show said) that was by design. However as Shiro was a fan favourite and had unexpected popularity he was written back into the show earlier, despite the fact they had already storyboarded/written at least parts of s4 so they kind of replaced Keith with Shiro in s4 and sent Keith to the BOM. I feel like re-inserting keith back into the narrative though makes so much more sense in some scenes as it explains why some parts felt so *not* lead-up to and out of character and why a lot of loose ends weren’t tied off (Naxzela fallout, Keith being a hybrid never really developed, why the paladins never really mention Keith leaving to the BOM much, Shiro trusting Lotor after very little lead up and giving him the bayard which seems like a much more keith-ey instinctive thing to do, Keith & Lotor’s narrative foils and potential friendship as well as being a perfect way to get the audience to trust and like Lotor even more before his betrayal, Shiro being written suddenly as hot-headed and using Keith’s mannerisms, like his wall leaning thing etc)
There’s an interesting video that explains it a lot better here if you are interested: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iiFiVFxR_Q8
(Also to be clear absolutely no hate to anyone who made the show, it was still great.)
Also thanks so much for writing little blade! Your attention to detail in world building is amazing and really gives an extra depth to the story and makes it so engrossing.
As you say, we can only really speculate the ins and outs of why certain decisions were made and narrative directions taken, and honestly the fact that there's so much that we as fans simply don't know makes it really hard to comment, but ultimately, whatever the writer's reasoning for doing what they did,,, they messed up.
I'm not even saying this as someone who, obviously, loves Lotor blindly, but to use him as an example, his character arc didn't make sense; I can accept absolutely everything (alteans being used as batteries included) as a valid and narratively-supported exploration of his character up until his declaration that he wanted to commit genocide and wipe out the entire galra race,,, because that went against literally everything his character had been built upon. It wasn't a "twist" that served to prove he'd been pulling a long con, it was just... bad writing, plain and simple. Lotor, who'd been actively working to undermine everything his father had become, is ~revealed~ to want to commit the same atrocity that Zarkon did, just in reverse?? Lotor who begged on his knees for the lives of Ven'tar and her people- Lotor who was so gentle when talking to Allura about everything he'd lost in the past and everything he wished to build in the future- Lotor who was trying to create a second Voltron not as a weapon but rather as a means of supplying an endless source of clean energy for the Empire so that it would no longer have cause to devastate and destroy entire planets... that Lotor?
And look, here's the thing, so they'd planned to kill Shiro off only to be surprised that he was popular and so bring him back, fine, they had enough time to do that and do it well... but did they? Because frankly, Kuron got more dedicated screen time than "resurrected" Shiro, and all they really succeeded in doing was shove an obsolete character into a narrative that no longer had room for him, which was d e e p l y unsatisfying no matter how you slice it. I say this as someone who //adores// Shiro, and wanted nothing more than for him to be alive, but from an authorial perspective it felt deeply disingenuous and like an obvious after-thought. Not to mention, as that video says, "team voltron" didn't feel like a team at all, by the end—they barely knew each other let alone liked one another. Keith's ousting from the squad had so much potential from a "Kuron is a double-agent actively working to destabilise voltron" sort of way, but if they wanted that to work then there needed to be some recognition of what happened? Some apologies from the other paladins for never really fighting for Keith at all? Never understanding he was grieving not only Shiro but Regris too (sans, of everyone, Allura, who was the only person to actually recognise & acknowledge that Keith was in pain)?
Speaking of Allura, she's another character who suffered from what I can only assume was the writers repeatedly changing their minds on the direction of the story and simply shoving her into whatever box best fit. She & Keith at first seemed to be building something important, and while I'm not especially a kallura shipper, god, at least they had an actual foundation for a relationship (in whatever form) hard-won,,, having her throw herself at Lance, who she'd shown ZERO interest in before that point, immediately after her former lover (1) reveals he has a secret colony of her people that he's been using as living batteries, and (2) dIES RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER...? She should have been grieving, and //slowly// healing, but instead she jumps straight into a new relationship that the narrative treats as if it's some sort of epic yet tragically doomed romance rather than an ill-thought rebound?
It just.. it wasn't even a good plot, let alone a satisfying one.
Hunk was originally implied to be the beating heart of the group, except they gave him next to no screen-time only to realise in those last couple of seasons "shit, people are supposed to care about him, errr have a tragic family rescue mission". Lance was treated as a joke from day one, despite being set up to (I personally suspect) become Keith's right hand and emotional support in more than just battle. Keith himself was repeatedly given all the foundations for genuinely solid and satisfying plots only to never quite follow through in the end (learning to let down his walls, to trust, to love- until the entire team casts him out never to apologise for it and only takes him back when they lose their replacement once more / becoming a confident leader and Shiro's successor only for it to be undermined and then thrown back together again when convenient / finding and building a relationship with his mother, except they speed-ran it in one montage and had Krolia leave again soon after).
Truthfully, Pidge is probably the only core character who managed to come out at the end with what felt like a properly concluded arc.
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seraphimfawn-fallen · 8 months
The Child in the Castle - Part 1 Helping Love - Klance Omegaverse AU
It was just another day in the castle of lions, nothing out of place, nothing out of the ordinary- except for the laughter of a child. A child that wasn't supposed to be in the castle nor was there a child in the first place, "Can anyone find out where the laughter is coming from?" Hunk asked a bit paranoid, it's not everyday you here a child's laughter where you aren't supposed to.
"Not sure, I can't seem to find anyone looking through the cameras" Allura frowned though thoroughly she was a bit nervous, the child's laugher again voiced around them in a small echo. "Wait, where is Lance and Keith?" Pidge asked looking around and not spotting either of them, then immediately after the announcement of the two missing paladins, the bridge doors opened and in walked Keith- with a toddler who was Altean. "Lura!" Allura blinked, "Keith, where did you find him?" she asked him while making her way over to the excited child practically reaching for her, "In our room, Lance was gone and in his place was this little guy" he said as Allura took the child who laughed in smiles, "Lura? Isn't your name Allura though?" Shiro voiced, "It's an old nickname given to me by my little brother, but this is impossible" she said, the child played with her hands "What do you mean?" Pidge asked "My brother was kidnapped when he was 5, we couldn't find him and I don't even know if he's alive" looking at the child who looked at her, she thought that he was possibly her little brother.
"You didn't tell us you even had a sibling" Pidge frowned, "I know because my family and my people were heartbroken because of it so we didn't say much in order to not be reminded that he was missing with no trace" she explained grimly with a shaky breath, "No cry, here" he tapped her chin with a smile, "What was his name?" Keith asked after a few moments of processing, "The same name as our blue Paladin. Lance Altea" the child smiled, "Blue!" he giggled, "Wait, Lance is Human though is there another one just like him?" Hunk questioned, "Possibly but the loss prince can't have been in the castle when number 2 found the child who, judging from his current age, about 2 at the moment" Coran messed with his mustache, "Coran! Up, up!" the old Altean blinked, "Okay then Lad" Allura handed him over, "Where's papa? Momma I couldn't find them" he asked innocently, "What are you talking about there, lad?" he asked the young toddler, "I can't find my momma and papa, Lura is right there but I woke up with the nice man there" he pointed his small finger at Keith, "Hey you woke up in my bed and my mate is missing" he grumbled, "Momma said I would have a good mate when I grow up, Lura and papa kept forbidding it" the Paladins looked at Allura who showed bright pink cheeks in embarrassment, "You did?" Pidge grinned, as she sputtered "He's an innocent boy who doesn't need a mate who may just use him! I had my reasons as his big sister" she squeaked and Pidge laughed.
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silentwillowwhisperer · 4 months
Okay do you agree with me that we were severely deprived of Ezor, Zethrid, Axca, and Veronica content? Because they would be the ultimate lesbian squad like
Do not even. Get. Me. Started.
Too late.
(warning: this is a loooooong post.)
My poor girls, they were so perfect! And don't forget Narti (blind lizard gal) because as much as I think Lotor's whole villain arc thingy was dumb, I will NEVER forgive him for killing her. Never ever ever.
I do refer to them as Lotor and the Lesbians in my head, so I think it's pretty clear what I think about them. (Small note: If they were a band that would be their name.)
And Veronica! She was so cool! You know she steals all the girls her brothers bring home. Like, 'Oh you met someone cool at work? I'm just gonna take her off your hands...' Let's be real, if Veronica was not a fictional character, she would be a notorious lady charmer.
And COME ON. Ezor and Zethrid were LITERALLY DATING. I will take NO ARGUEMENTS. Do we not remember that whole episode where Zethrid went berserk on the paladins cuz she thought Ezor was dead?? And how they looked lovingly into each other's eyes? They had an END SCENE together! Well, it wasn't about them, it was that thing about Keith taking over command of the blade but WHAT-EVER. They were 2 feet away from each other because they were inseparable and in. love.
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look at them.
Wait I can do better:
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I'm gonna scream.
And, yeah, they were technically canon but this doesn't count. If Shiro and the dude he married (..Curtis?) get a canon kiss then so do Ezor and Zethrid.
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Before I start my little spiel and Veronica and Acxa, I'm just gonna leave a picture of Narti here for those of you who don't remember her.
She was the one without eyes who could see through the eyes of her cat (honestly so real in a fictional way, love that for her).
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Ringing any bells? Yeah, I cried when she died. (I made a rhyme!)
Veronica and Acxa. They would have been SO CUTE together. And even if they didn't get together, at the very least they should have been best friends. Like the kind of best friends where Acxa is adopted into the McClain family to the point at which she can always be found there just chilling in their house like she owns the place. The kind of best friends that finish each other's sentences and know EVERYTHING about each other. GUYS. This was the VISION.
And you know what? I gonna put a picture of them here in just a sec, but you ALL know what I'm talking about when I say that they had a klance-style bonding moment.
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Do not even try to tell me that they did not have potential. They're making awkward love eyes at each other.
(Also, the limited fanart that exists of them is SO. CUTE.)
Honestly, if the show really wanted to show representation that bad, then why couldn't these ships be real? Adam is great and all that, but if we're going to introduce a queer relationship in the name of representation, then maybe don't kill him off for the sake of drama after only about 5 minutes total screentime.
In fact, Shiro's whole thing was messed up. Yes, I get that he's a queer icon, but why are these things being forced on him? Instead of putting him with another character that also only got 5 minutes of screentime, maybe his end scene could be something like, 'Shiro went and finally got the therapy he deserved' or 'Shiro and Keith spent quality time together now that they were no longer separated' or even, 'Shiro retired from military business and built a comfortable life for himself as a coffee shop owner.'
He. Does. Not. Need. No. Man.
Based on the fact that he still has that Garrison-issued arm, he is still in relations with them in some way. And maybe he quit and just got to keep the arm, but that needed to be specified. Are we forgetting his previous trauma? His periodic flashbacks? The fact that his body was taken over by alien life and used to INJURE HIS YOUNGER BROTHER? The very same brother that he was a role model to?
And maybe we could have kicked Lance's scene out and instead shown him with his family? That would have been a great place to insert Veronica and show them actually bonding like family. Did anyone else find it weird that we got basically no scenes of them interacting in space? With their personalities, they should have been gossiping and having spa days left and right, but there was nothing of the sort.
Wait, I'm sorry, I got off topic.
Where was I? Oh yeah.
The most talked about example of queerbaiting is always Klance because as main characters, they're in the spotlight, but these closeted lesbians do in fact exist.
Why did we get Allurance but not Ezor and Zethrid? They were SO CLEARLY compatible and they weren't toxic to each other like Allura and Lance. My main argument against that ship is because of Klance, it's because Allura had just lost someone important and rebounded to Lance, and Lance constantly tried to be the rock for her that she wasn't ready to lean on. He finally had what he wanted from day 1, and realized that if he really wanted it to continue, he would have to change in ways he wasn't ready for.
If that kind of relationship gets a kiss, then Ezor and Zethrid should get one too. They spent their whole time on the show supporting and relying on each other.
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rinwellisathing · 3 months
You're Awful, I Love You: Part 26
Enver Gortash/Trans Male Tiefling Durge Content warning: Sex scene plus cannibalism mention
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Sentry leaned back, gazing curiously down as the Tyrant knelt before him. His tail raised behind him as he watched with eager anticipation as the sharp fingers of that gauntlet tore through the lacing of his trousers. A look of pure delight filled the Bhaalspawn's eyes as his partner tore his pants lower, exposing his crotch slowly. “Mmm...what will Bane think of you worshipping me like this?” Sentry cooed gently, his sharp nails brushing against Enver's scalp as he entangled his scarred and calloused fingers in his hair. “I mean I know what I think of---” His words were halted and he tossed back his head and gasped as he felt his companion's warm, wet tongue part his slit, prodding eagerly inside, tasting his juices. Sentry's toes curled in his boots and he felt himself begin to squirm with pleasure, tail curling and wagging side to side. Gortash didn't respond, only slid his arms under Sentry's knees and hoisted his hips closer, his face now buried, the ridges that lined Sentry's inner thighs rubbed against the sides of his face and he felt those strong thighs pull him in closer, knees shifting to lock behind his neck. The heels of Sentry's boots dug into his back, holding him deep in the warm, suffocating wetness of Sentry's cunt. The feeling of his breath being cut off, the lightheadedness that came with it made his cock throb in his pants. The idea that the paladin could easily snap his neck with those powerful legs, or suffocate him against his ridged and barbed flesh, was a powerful aphrodisiac, second only to the strange, otherworldly scent of Sentry's juices, a scent all at once sweet and musky that drew a partner in.
Sentry's hips bucked eagerly as he drew closer and closer to his release, but shortly before he could feel it set in, he untangled his legs from behind Enver and pressed the sole of his boot to his partner's head, shoving him back. “No, not like this.” “No?” Gortash looked up at Sentry, aware how he must look, his face slick with the tiefling's juices, flushed and a mess. “No...Let's really earn our release...yeah?” He grinned, a wicked expression on his face. “This is soft....pedestrian. Why shouldn't our love be a masterpiece? Especially if you claim we won't fall victim to the same old betrayals, the same old in-fighting.” Even panting to catch his breath and slow his heartrate, Sentry sounded surprisingly serious about this. There was something in his voice, though, that only added to the thrill of the situation. “What did you have in mind?” Gortash had to compose himself, it wouldn't do to appear desperate, to get impatient, but his cock was achingly hard and the desire to silence Sentry's little speech by shoving it into that pretty little mouth was getting more and more difficult to tamp down. Sentry reached into his satchel and tossed Enver a knife. “Show I can trust you.” “What, sharing blood?” Gortash snorted. “Like schoolboys?”
“Hardly.” Sentry stood and approached him until they were standing body to body. “I am so tired of my father, my servants, my very nature trying to force me to breed with the other faithful. Ever since I was a child, it has been pounded into my head and into my body. You know what that's like, maybe not the breeding bit, but what that feels like.” He leaned down, running his tongue over the side of Enver's face, tasting his own juices mixed with his lover's sweat and saliva. “I want to disabuse them of that plan. I want to ruin it....Breed me. But you'll have to earn it.” “Knowing you, you won't submit easily.” Gortash smirked, weighing the knife in his hands. “That's why I said earn it.” Sentry grinned again, were his teeth sharper? It had to be a trick of the light. There was no time to clarify that thought, however, as he lunged forward, teeth sinking into Gortash's arm. “Dammit! You've torn my coat!” He snapped indignantly, stabbing Sentry in the shoulder blade and kicking at him, causing the tiefling to bolt backwards, but only a bit. “Relax, you can afford a new one. Besides, you taste delicious. I'm almost convinced by that alone...but this is so much more exhilarating.” The young man teased, poised to strike yet again. After a rough tussle that left Enver panting and sweating, covered in bites and scratches, he finally saw his opening. He tossed the knife aside, cursing it as useless and grabbed Sentry by the horns, gripping tightly and looking into the tiefling's face, pleased to see the flush of pleasure across his cheeks and his eyes start to glaze slightly. “Your horns are sensitive...right, I remember...”
He kept his grip on Sentry's horns, forcing him down onto his back and gazing down at him. Their heavy breathing and the frantic sound of hearts hammering in their chests, adrenaline still rushing was all that broke the silence of the fortress, surrounded by the oppressive, sound dampening sea.
The bed was stained with blood and sweat at the very least by the end of the encounter, both men lay panting side by side, a hand still protected by gold metal rested on Sentry's sweat slicked belly as the tiefling stared up at the ceiling somewhere between bliss and deep thought. Finally, he spoke, eyes still gazing upward. “When I was little, you know, the only escape I had from my 'training' was when my guardians would forget to lock my breeding pen.” He murmured softly. “They had books, lots of them, but all dusty like they never even read them. Most were on Bhaalist history or religion, but there was this one from Calimshan, an old fairy tale or legend or something about these impossibly beautiful beings. I think it's what inspired me to paint, honestly. Just the stunning colors of their feathered wings, how sharp their talons were, but from the knees to the head they were human with human flesh...” He explained, he spoke in a dreamy, far off tone. Enver listened intently, running his fingers over Sentry's skin, admiring both the old scars and the new ones he himself had managed to leave. “But what captivated me most, and the piece I will one day paint from the story, was the last two alive fell in love and when one became pregnant, they retreated somewhere quiet...its mate sang this beautiful, mournful song for months on end, until its throat bled...and then, nearing the end of the gestation, the singing stopped...When the gods could see the two again, they realized the one carrying their child had eaten its mate alive to sustain their progeny....and that is what I intend to do to you...and that will be our masterpiece, my muse...I will see our plan through, we will bring your plan to life along with our child, and then I will devour you little by little.”
This was the most serious and stoic Enver had ever seen his lover. A lesser man might have balked, might have argued or run in fear, but even as those glowing eyes turned to meet his gaze, no sign of a joke or hidden meaning behind them, he felt no fear. Instead, he gripped Sentry's hand in his, lacing their fingers and leaning down to kiss him deeply. Sentry closed his eyes and relaxed into the kiss, tongue entwining with the Tyrant's as the two lay there together in the after glow for just a little longer before the next phases of planning began.
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little-tyrant-gortash · 6 months
Pairing: fem!Tav x Enver Gortash, fem!Tav/Astarion
Tags: Emotional Manipulation, Manipulation, Manipulative Relationship, Paladin Tav (Baldur's Gate), Vaginal Sex, Penis In Vagina Sex, Drunk Sex, Unrequited Love, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Scars, Blood and Injury, Injury, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Pregnancy, Unplanned Pregnancy, Miscarriage, Torture, Psychological Torture, Implied/Referenced Torture
Word count: 1,547
Ao3 here.
Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8. ⬇
Chapter 9.
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Chapter 8: Planning
The morning found her still nestled safely in his arms; but she quickly noticed he was not asleep anymore. A shiver ran down her spine when she realised that he was trying to wake her up by tracing his fingers up and down on her back. Tav half smiled at the sensation and buried her face in his neck. He still smelled like vanilla from their shared bath.
"Good morning", he murmured above her.
"We should get up."
"I don't want to. Can't we stay in bed all day?"
His laugh warmed her heart. Her still broken heart swelled with something bittersweet; something that shattered it not so long ago. That should be too soon. She was still recovering from it and yet... and yet...
"As an Archduke, do you think I have days off, my dear?"
His question was hypothetical, she knew, but she couldn't help herself. Especially now that he pointed it out that she shared the bed with the Archduke of Baldur's Gate.
She realised that her efforts to keep herself away from him were in vain. She wouldn't be able to. It'd hurt too much if she tried; to lose all the warmth and safety his arms provided.
She was truly lost. Her free will was crushed along with her Oath when she let him become the Archduke. She couldn't control herself anymore. Not when it came to him.
Tav slipped a hand on his shoulder and pushed, until he was lying on his back. She pushed herself up to half sit; the blanket falling away from her bare body. Despite that, his eyes were on her face, already trying to deduce what mood she was in.
"No rest for the wicked, huh?" She cocked a brow, making him smirk.
"Indeed, no rest for the- ah-" As she moved her leg over him and settled on his hips, his voice got suddenly lost in his throat. She could feel he was already half hard. It was surprising, but also great to know that it wasn't only him who had an effect on her. Knowing he couldn't control how his body reacted to her made her smile. "And here I thought I satisfied your cravings last night, twice over, in fact..."
"It seems you were wrong", Tav cocked a brow with a little smile as she let him slide inside of her.
"Let me correct my mistake, then."
His hands gripped her hips, and he moved with her in tandem, grinding and thrusting, once again, working on her pleasure as well as his own. Tav closed her eyes and her back arched - she was always caught off guard when he had her like this. Even if she was on top of him, he controlled every movement, every twitch, every thrust, making her come undone for him, over and over and over again.
She could feel he pushed himself up to sit, to wrap his strong arms around her form as they both came down from their highs. The golden gauntlets that ran up from his wrists to his shoulders felt warm against her skin. She hid her face in his neck. He was still inside of her, but he stopped moving; sharing the moment of pure bliss in each other's arms.
He was tracing the scars on her back without a word, watching as the light made it's way in his chambers. If he wanted to be honest, he was tired; tired of running from the shadows that haunted him in his entire life. If only she could stay to bring the light in…
Gortash closed his eyes. He made himself swear he wouldn't do this – not to himself, not to her, not to her friends involved in this mess. But there was so little he could do. If he found an ally, someone he could trust at least a tiny bit, he dug his claws as deep in them as he possibly could to ensure they wouldn't betray him.
Perhaps he went a tad too far with Tav. He should've kept himself at arm's distance. But from the first touch he'd found her irresistible, and this unusual craving that seeped in his very bones was making him restless.
It was already too late, he realised. He failed, but perhaps, this wasn't a bad thing. There could be another outcome to this.
Once Orin was out of the picture, they'd be able to put this behind themselves – and what then? What would she do? She'd want to leave. The thought caused him to wrap her in a tighter embrace, and she melted in his arms. It seemed she did not mind the way he was trying to take power, to rule, but what purpose that would serve if he couldn't share it with someone… with her?
He had to cement her at his side. He had to somehow gain control of her more, but at the moment, he wondered: how to do that?
First of all – he begrudgingly acknowledged –, he really must fix Karlach's infernal machine. He had to do that to gain Tav's favour. She'd be more… relaxed around him if he did that for her. Not for Karlach. She was a face of the past, but Gortash wanted to look forward. He could care less what the tiefling thought of him. Anything he'd do, he'd do it for Tav, and no one else.
Then he must make a proposal Tav couldn't refuse.
There were plenty of occasions when he could play that hand, and he was smiling as he was already planning such an occasion.
"Don't fall back asleep", he warned her quietly when he felt her breathing shifted.
"Mmn… can't I?"
"We have to get up."
Tav sighed and ran her hands up and down his back. The warmth of her hands felt… small, compared to his broad back.
"What's the point of being the Archduke if you can't have lazy days?"
Gortash chuckled quietly as he pulled his head back to look in her eyes. She looked gorgeous in the morning light. He cupped her face and kissed her softly.
"There are benefits", he murmured once he pulled away from her.
"Yeah?" Tav pulled away from him, moving carefully, not to stain his sheets. "Well I'm listening to those benefits while I'm getting dressed, if you don't mind."
Gortash almost rolled his eyes. Almost.
"First, we get the best food."
"Hmm, that's a fair point", she half smiled as she attempted to clear herself up with the towel he dropped near the door.
"Second, we live in a beautiful home."
"…which isn't yours, by the way."
She tutted as she pulled her underwear up on her thighs. Enver watched her, and he wished he had some more time to remove it from her body yet again.
"Ours, dearest", Gortash cocked a brow as he got up as well and started to get dressed as well. "It is ours for as long as we want it to be. Third, endless riches."
"Hah~ I didn't believe Karlach when she said you had your fingers in every pie, but upon my research on you, it appears she was right."
"Your research on me?"
Tav gave him a mischievous smile.
"Surprised? Believe it or not, the city is full of you."
"I know it is, I was surprised at your confession of doing a research on me."
"It was hard not to."
"And what did you find, in the end?"
As he asked his last question, he finished putting on his last ring and she finished braiding her hair. Gortash walked over to her with a little smile. Tav looked up in his eyes; her heart stirring in a way it should not. She reached up to try and style his unruly hair the way he did it, with surprising success. The dawn drew a shining light right across his heart.
Gortash definitely did not like her answer. His expression darkened as he reached up with his right hand to grip her chin. There was a flicker of doubt and fear in her eyes, then; a split second when she was rethinking her choices of trusting him. But when he kissed her again, that doubt and fear vanished just as fast.
"Did I say hope?" She murmured when he pulled away a bit. "No, Your Grace, my most sincere apologies for my mistake. You're a problem." His lips twitched as she kissed him softly. "You're a terror." Another little kiss. "You're a menace to society."
"Tav", he warned her, but his voice was slightly playful.
"What? It's the truth."
"You're going to pay for all of this, you know that, right?"
His promise made a shiver of excitement run down her spine – so fast that she couldn't even feel bad about it.
"I believe you've extorted enough from me, yesterday."
"Not nearly enough."
"Hah", she smiled up at him, playfulness making her eyes shine. "You've got to catch me first to make me pay, Your Grace."
He watched her walk out of his chambers, giving him a good look of her form as she did so, while he replied in his mind: I will catch you. And when I do, you won't run away. Ever again.
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saturnaous · 2 months
hi. your turn. what if you talked about your ocs teehee. stares at you with sparkly eyes
ooohhhh. ohhhhhhh. hooohoohooohhh. you messed up. you messed up big time. I'm on my computer now and you have to bare this hellstorm you brought up. hoohhhh
okay first we're going over Morble. because he's been on my mind lately teehee.
okay where are my pictures of him hold on. hold ond
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marby mooby mamb. . .
okay so he's three years old now. I have to say that. I made him a few days before my birthday. it's horrible. we were similar ages now I'm OLD and he's also a lot older now but at the same time he's NOT. why are you in sixth grade still marbs. why.
anyways. He was made after another spurt of my enjoyment of The Weekly Roll on webtoon; it's a dungeons and dragons type webtoon, Morble is inspired by Sir Becket(he's now Lord Becket. good for you Becket). Becket's a Paladin, Morble's a Paladin. I dunno. It's neat.
that's not the neatest part about Morble though! You see. He's from a modernish dnd-like world. so uhm. basically he's kinda boring. besides being like an orphan or whatever. wait no before I move on to other bits I'm just gonna go in order of what happens.
Morble's basically just a little guy. he's just a fella. uh. he has a brother and HAD. two parents OH ACTULLY I RELALY LIKE HIS PARENTS HOLD ON I HAVE DRAWINGS OF THEM.
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Katty and Mavrick. I like them a lot. these are them at maybe like early to mid twenties? around the time they got together(they went to the same highschool but met in collage and really connected at that point. they're so awesome together). they are SO neat to me.
Kat is a nice lady; she's like 6'1 and has a real hearty laugh. She's so sweet and so cool I love her so much. Mavrick is fucking deranged. He's an absolutely spunky ball of chaotic energy. He has no self preservation skill and is just an absolute goober. He's great. Everytime I imagine these two I just think of the rabbits with the "rabbit obsessed with his giant girlfriend who's 4x times his size" because he IS. They are looking at eachother thinking "I love my wife". Marvrick you are so wife. it doesn't help that he took her last name. Katty and Maverick Moor. . .
Kat was a firefighter for the longest time. Mav was a chaotic fencer and fence instructor. he's stupid with it though. His ass didn't like wearing protective gear half the time because of his confidence and lack of preservation skills. He died of a collapsed lung oneday when Morble was about nine.
teehee. mav's a little fabric guy tho. he knits. he sews. he embroiders. uhhhmmm. In that second image of Morble up here with the purple background! He's wearing a red cloak! Maverick made it for him and was gonna give it to him for his birthday. neat. obviously he couldn't. Kat gave it to him because. Well. Yeah.
Morble had a hard time with his dad being dead. I mean. what's a 9 year old supposed to do when your dad dies. it kinda sucks. Kat was going over some family history and going through some old heirlooms and stuff. The Moor's are from a pretty long line of Paladins spanding at least 500 years back(heehoo. hold onto that information). Turns out! There's also a great helm made by one of these Paladins from 500 years ago. Katty pulled it out of storage or whatever and gave it to Morble because he thought he might like it. Because it's neat. Morble loved it. literally has never taken it off.
A couple months after Mav died, Kat died while on the job. kinda fucked up. It's totally my fault for that but. Morble doesn't have to know that. But sucks for him. his brother too but he's a 4yo he doesn't really. know what's happening. but still sucks.
Morble and his brother move in with their grandma and stepgrandma. I don't have anything on them. but yeah.
Fastforward when Morble's 12. bc they had to move they're in a new school and stuff. nobody knows about dead parents or any symbolism in anything. yeah. he's kinda bullied but he just kinda shrugs it off. he's not that kind of guy.
anyways. now we're getting tot he fun parts. Morble walks from school to his grandma's apartment. there's a neat little field kinda inbetween the walk. onepoint Morble noticed a little glimmer near one of the super old trees over there. dunno how he caught it but he did(plot reasonings are why). anwyays.
morble goes over. turns out it's a neat little ring. he grabs it.
BOOM. he fucked up. the ring is magic. he gets swallowed up into some weird current thing the only way I've thought about what it's like is. basically imagine the sky is a giant fuckingthing of water and you can't breathe. it feels like drowning.
once he gets oout of it and recovers from the drowning feeling or whatever. he's like. where the hell am I. Because it's completely different from where he just was. which was like a dewy day or whatever. right now he's in super tall fields with grass and shit.
well. heehoo. yk how I said paladins go back about 500 years in his family? well. heehoo. heehoo. guess what.
Magic ring was really fucking magic and wahoo! Time traveling. I know. Wild. I don't know what I was thinking when I made him do that but it's integral to his character now so I can't change it.
Turns out. there's a little Party down a head from the road he got spat out right next to. turns out. hoo boy. The paladin in the party is an ancestor of Morble's. Got the same helm and everything. turns out he's the guy who MADE the helm actually. His name is Hearth. Hearth Moor. he's pretty cool.
about. uhhh. I dunno maybe 10 years go by? yeah Morble basically gets situated to being 500 years offset from his actual timeline. he's been looking for a way to get back for the entire time but. there hasn't been much luck. so he's just chillin.
he's 22 at this point. He sticks with Hearth and the whole party which I only vaugely got. then they go to fight a red dragon for some reason. no biggie.
hearth fucking gets clobbered and dies. which sucks. they retreat. then morble has the bright idea of well. I'm gonna go fight this dragon myself and WIN. avenge him or whatever. like an idiot. you remember how your dad died, right, morby? you little fucker.
anyways.he goes and fights this dragon. and somehow! for whatever reason! motherfucker wins. chops off his head and brings it back into town. he almost died tho. bro's bleeding like all hell. so yeah he has to spend some time being not fucking dead.
okay you know how I did that serval vs brown tabby poll yesterday. well. that was on our next character, Coraline.
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coraline. the baddie. she's so cool.
she's a serval now btw. the poll said so and I was digigng the design more than the brown tabby. anyways.
She's a bard! She's working at the tavern the party was staying at. She basically became Morble's nurse because. because. she'd sing him songs and shit. Her voice claim is actually. uhhhhhhh. The son Rich by Cosmo Sheldrake and the other person that worked on it. yeah.
Coraline joins the party whenever they get back on their feet. The Tavern keeps the dragons head because Morble said they could. They go from 'The Hollow Tavern' to 'The Hollow Dragon's Tavern'. p neat.
uh. yeah. Next two years Coraline and Morble get kinda close. they like eachother but Morble's fucking stupid. he's a shy little himbo. what a goober.
that's basically all I got on canon for him tbh. I like to twirl him around in my head. I have one pathway where Marby finds a way to go back to his timeline. when he's 12. he was missing for about two months tho. 12 years turned into 12 weeks. yeah. sucked for everyone around them. but mostly morble because he's now 24 in a scrawny 12 yearold's body and going to 6thgrade classes. and everybody thinks he's 12 and doesn't know where he's been for like two months and he won't tell anyone because nobody would believe him if he shrugged and said Yeahhh I picked up a magic ring and I was stuck 500 years ago for 12 years! No biggie!! yeah. Morble just kinda goes about like tho after that and becomes a highschool history teacher and works at the local museum. he's really neat. He also is super funky when it comes to his classroom decorations because he has a wall of swords and an entire replica of the suit of heavy armor he used to wear. he's also deranged and under his clothes and leather jacket he has like. jackchains, chainmail(lining his jacket), greaves, and. I think something else but I forgot what. he's wild. I just really like to put him in the salad spinner of my head and think about him with things teehee. twirls hair kicks feet.
yeah. you fucked up with this ask tho. I have more. I'm talking about Harry now. maybe Kinglen if I feel like it. let me get my things fo harry.
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this be harry. harry hearthorn. I'm obsessed with him. he's so fucking funny. you'll have to excuse the things of Alphonse and stuff in that last one. I'm gonna be using. him for dnd <3
I love Harry. He's from a military type country or whatever. it's. it's not the best. they're like. I don't know how to describe it. think of amestris but less "we wanna take over the world" and more "we like war and we want more" or whatever. you understand. it's a weird one.
there's like three main branches of jobs. military, research and development slash the sciences, and basically 'entertainment'. entertainers are literally just everything that doesn't fall into the other catagories. these are like artists and show runners and broadcasters and radio hosts and other things of the sort.
school works in this place by being 12 years just like 'merican schools(EAGLE SCREECH GUNSHOTS FIREWORKS). but the first 8 you are just doing general stuff. the 9 and 10th are for pinning down what branch you're going into. and 11 and 12 are getting experience in your field. this is mainly getting mentorships and other stuff, witht he execption of the military branch
Military only has one place to go. If you're going into the military at 16, you're goign STRAIGHT To tht emilitary at 16.
Harry's mom was in the R&D branch, Harry's dad was in the military. they met at a bar. they're funny. both bisexual which is REALLY funny because Harriet is ALSO bisexual and Harry is bicurious-aspec. harry's mom is 6'1 btw. Harry's 6'5. justlittle stuff. I think I named her Maria. his dad is named Henry.
anyways. Harry and Harriet., they are siblings. Harriet is two years older than Harry. though it's funny bc their full names are Harrison and Harriet. but. Harriet is Harry. And Harrison is Harriet. they had a sense of humor.
ATM harry is 31. Harriet is 33 and a senior broadcaster at one of the shownetworks or whatever. Maria is retired. Henry died while on duty when Harry and Harriet were lke 12 and 14.
anyways. Harry wanted to go into the science or military branches. like his parents. His scores were leaning more to being althetic and shit so he got put into the military. he's been there like. ever since. he barely goes home bc he feels no need and because there's an active war(a really long one. . . neither side will stop. . . they really like war) and he just. didn't feel the need. but they forced him to go home a few times when he got like. shot and stabbed and stuff. yeah he's a g like that. did I mention he's a first lieutenant btw. he's a first lieutenant bc I said so.
anyways. his downfall is when onetime. after making a bad call sends the part of his platoon he's with through a part of whereever they are. one fo the younger guys. steps on a landmine. out of like, 14 soliders, only three of them survive. harry, someone else who was closer to the mine, and a younger one that was farther away and practically unscathed. Harry lost his leg and most of his hearing in his right ear and all of it in his left. teehee
anyways. after his main amount of recovery. he's still in the military but they don't put him on any active duty despite him BEGGING for it. because of the PTSD mainly and because he's depressed as fuck secondarly. yeah. basically it sucks for him really bad. he gets put on staff duty indefinetly. also I have to mention Harry fucks. severially. I mentioned that he's aspec. like. arospec. he is not acespec. he fucks.
anyways. basically he's depressed as fuck because. he accidently killed a bunch of guys and ptsd is kicking his ass. he tries to drink his worries away and doesn't care about what kind of trouble he gets into with the drinking and getting caught with girls and stuff. he gets put onto suicide watch after an incident with a lower ranking guy. yeah.
at that point they decide the best option is to just. give him an honorable discharge. so they do that. Harry has to move in with his mom and sister. he does that. everything sucks for him. yeah
at some point after his birthday he decides well. this fucking sucks. I hate this. I'm leaving. he grabs like his old uniform, and money, and a pack, and a pack of smokes and just. hitchhikes. out of the country. without fucking telling anyone. he calls Harriet and his mom after he's out of the country like "heyyy. I'm. I'm out west or whatever. gonna. figure something out here." and they're like WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK MAN. WHAT THE HELL. but he writes them letters and calls them ebcause they can't really do jack about it. yeah
so. basically he's just hitchhiking till he gets to another country. which he does and then basically he tried to do some freelance work or something. then he finds a little group who are gonna basically take down the government. I dunno that's where the campaign is gonna start methinks. Harry might get himself a funny little dragonborn boyfriend. yeah. okay I have to shower and. actually do stuff teehee I rolls out of bed and went straight to my puter to talk about these guys. so teehe. I'm so hungry I need water.
OH OH HOLD ON. uhhmmm here's old art of morble. spannign from 3 years ago to a couple months ago. teehee
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neat. the third one is the very very VERY first thing I did of him ever in existance. second one is one I did and the first one is a redraw from months later. the last one is me just doodling him months ago and pinning down his design again. I changed his helm bc it made no sense.
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inventors-fair · 9 months
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Getting the Bant Back Together: Alara Contest Winners ~
Congratulations to @bread-into-toast, @izzet-always-r-versus-u, and @spooky-bard for winning this week's contest!
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@bread-into-toast — Bant Paragon
Bant and Enlist are a match made in heaven, or wherever the angels of Bant live. The name is perfectly reasonable, not too much, perfectly descriptive enough, and surprising that it hasn't been used already. Triple enlist is absolutely a wakening slap, I'll say that much. What I love about this card is that you can enlist the butts off your creatures if you want to smack someone, but a single multicolored creature can get the job done. This is a uniquely decisive design that offers so much more than it seems at first glance. You'll have to invest a little in white, but perhaps the environment is more of a flavorful allowance than a precise measure of everyone-gets-mana-fixing.
Curiosity does drive me here, as does a little bit of nostalgia. Alara certainly had its pips, and it had some weird pips at that. Committing to double colors felt like a bit of a risky miracle. You absolutely could—triple pips if you so chose! But for a three-color environment? Risky, risky, risky. Double here ain't so bad, but you're still encouraged to branch out. So hybrid maybe? Who knows! Or the power here is simply asking for enlistment, white with a splash, a centering. The notion of this knight finding their allies while retaining their central strength is still powerful in its own emotional right, with the single attacker calling back to exalted naturally as well. Thoroughly enjoyable and thoughtful choices were made here. Love this card as a limited tempo beater and a potential mono-white/hybrid aggro constructed card.
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@izzet-always-r-versus-u — Tidehollow Salvage
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I mean, hell, c'mon, it's pretty wonderful. I'll talk about the mechanics afterwards, but the flavor? I'll admit: I don't like the Phyrexians invading all the worlds at once. I didn't like the MOM story as much as I could've, I was a huge fan of the ONE world but not as much the invasion aspect, and having my poor baby plane of Alara infected with these guys wasn't my idea of a good time. Here, you've infused that nostalgic factor with a post-conflict eeriness and a grotesque emotional reality on top of a neat draw spell. Yeah, the perfection of Esper is steeped in inequality! Tezzeret was sympathetic for a while! He got really messed up! Etherium is scarce! It still kind of sucks underground here! I didn't know a lot about the Alara storyline when I started playing, but the feeling for the shards was always there. Bant's casts felt uncomfortable for their societal enforcement, but Esper's commodity-based world was uncomfortable in a different, desperate way. Man. This is cool.
Plus, putting the surveil on a separate paragraph? You gotta love it. I know it's a small detail, and it's just a design necessity, but it's the attention to that detail that I love about this card. I can imagine it as part of a cycle of alternate spells, like with a red creature that forces discard on ETB if black was spent to cast it, or a blue return spell that exiles something instead if white was spent to cast it, etc. We got possible multicolor but good draws otherwise, we have the cost of metal-scrapping, and... I mean, what else is there to say? This card's chops speak for themselves.
When I talk in my contests about elegant common design, this is exactly what I'm looking for. As a player, big splashy complex cards will slot in my decks. As a designer and storyteller, tightness is key.
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@spooky-bard — Sigiled Construction
See what I mean? I'm only mildly irked that this doesn't have a quote from, like, a Vedalken designer who's learning how to venerate the designs of the angels, or a Bant paladin who for the first time is accepting the use of etherium as a means of fabricated glory. I can imagine both of those scenarios, but argh! At least this card's a pain in the ass. ... Hold on, I'm sounding more negative than I intend. What I mean is that someone's going to get three of these in their sealed pool, play UWX, slam a Thopter, and every turn thereafter is going to have a massive exalted attacker clock. Is it too powerful? Depends on the environment. Is it really cool from a lot of perspectives? Yes, absolutely, and I wanna talk about it.
In short, this card is one of THOSE commons—you know, first-pickable-over-rares sometimes kind of commons—and the chances of it doing nothing if something bigger comes along is also totally there. And that's okay! It's not oppressive, it's not unbalanced, it's not literally better than the mythics that would be appearing in this set. Just a plain old good card. And I do like the implication of how these shards would be coming together. I like how all three winning cards this week highlighted different possible aspects of Alaran unification. The first was a knight finding their way through a harrowing world, the second an emphasis on the underlying Alaran conflict, and this one is the coming-together of two strengths in a positive light. Whatever's happening here, I can still feel the wonder even while I'm whining for flavor text. Dangit, I can only whine so far... Heh. I'd love to play and see this card played.
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Runners and more soon! @abelzumi
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masterqwertster · 11 months
More AU thoughts:
BH C1 Class Swap and the Gods
Due to the class changes, paladin!Orym and cleric!Fearne have actual ties to goddesses that were developed before the campaign. Which in turn affects the "Saving the gods" debate that Bells Hells has once Predathos and the Ruby Vanguard are known.
Starts as a paladin of either the Wildmother, Dawnfather, or Everlight. Wildmother matches druid town vibes, Dawnfather and Everlight, by their commandments (and alignments), match a bit closer to Orym's personality
Honestly, I'm leaning a bit toward Everlight because "1) Lead with mercy, patience, and compassion. Inspire others to unite in fellowship. 2) Aid those who are without guide. Heal those who are without hope. 3) Those who are beyond redemption, who revel in slaughter and remorseless evil, must be dispatched with swift justice." sounds like Orym's sort of deal over the Wildmother's commandments. And given Keyleth's friendship with Pike, Champion of the Everlight, I could see this goddess catching on in Zephrah a little bit
I also haven't ruled out whether or not Orym might switch to the Matron of Ravens after Will and Derrig's passing as some sort of form of mourning. She's also a goddess with presence in Zephrah because of her most recent Champion, after all
She's a Moonweaver cleric
The commandments very much fit fey whimsy and stubbornness: 1) Seize your own destiny and pursue your own passions. 2) Let the shadows protect you from the burning light of fanaticism and the absolute darkness of despair. 3) Walk unbridled and untethered, forging new memories and experiences.
Plus the Moonweaver lives in the Fey Realm, so she's there for worship selection
Not to mention as the moon goddess, having a Ruidusborn worshipper just makes sense
It really just boils down to Bells Hells having long-standing proof that the gods can be helpful and good. Every time Orym and Fearne are healing and protecting them with magic, it's magic a goddess granted them to help
So it definitely takes some of the black and white arguments off the table since they can't say the gods haven't (semi-indirectly as they do with anyone not a cleric or paladin) helped them, in particular. Unlike in canon, where the closest they get to godly help is FCG's barely realized faith in the Changebringer and Orym getting his sword blessed/Chetney's trial
Also, debate about whether the Moonweaver actually has domain over Ruidus as a "moon" or not
Split Teams
If Orym is a Wildmother paladin, that is such a juicy mess with Bor'dor
The traitorous twig is going to have his ass protected by a guy powered by the goddess he hates most. Where was this when his mother was being taken away?
And like, even with a different goddess, it's still the idea of "Why didn't the gods help me then?" and "How can you believe when they didn't save your husband or father(-in-law)?"
And the whole Temple in Hearthdell mess gets even messier because Orym is actually a holy person too. And he just can't convince these people that there's a more honorable fight to be had elsewhere, that they shouldn't be oppressing this town
Orym definitely isn't feeling great about the mess they make fighting and then destroying the Temple
Later, Orym is kind of disgusted to find out about the plans to spread Vasselheim agenda in a town that truly does not want it. It's definitely not the kind of religion he grew up with in Zephrah.
Also, I kind of love that for Team Wildemount, Deanna and Fearne will have a sun and moon clerics theme going in this AU 💕
Fearne finally gets to Commune with the Moonweaver and ask about her power over Ruidus (gosh I wish we could get that answered in canon. Matt, please). And probably about whether her best buddy Orym (and the other Hells) are okay
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It wasn’t noise that woke Keith, or even movement, but rather the sudden emptiness in his arms. He blinked awake, groggy, seeing Lance trying to subtly crawl away through blurry eyes.
“Where’re y’going,” he slurred, tongue heavy with sleep.
Lance startled a little. “Nowhere. Go back to sleep.”
Keith, who was allergic to instructions on a good day, did not listen. He blinked himself fully awake, tossing off the sleeping bag and manoeuvring himself so he was kneeling in front of Lance.
“I wanna come,” he insisted, voice still gravelly.
Lance sighed, but a small smile tugged up his lips.
“Fine, you dork.” He held out his hand, and Keith grabbed it, pulling himself up and lacing their fingers together once he was standing.
Lance guided them around the sleeping bodies of their teammates, stopping every so often to pull up covers or gently adjust heads so no one woke up with a kink in their neck.
Keith smiled. He wondered if Lance did this every night they stopped, every time they stayed on a planet instead of sleeping in their lions. He probably did.
Eventually, they made it to the edge of their camp, just in front of the Lions, who rested in a semicircle around the sleeping paladins and company. Lance tugged him over to Black, letting go of his hand once he reached the Lion’s massive paw.
“C’mon,” he whispered as he became to climb. Keith followed, watching carefully in case Lance’s clumsiness decided to make an appearance, but both of them made it to the tip of Black’s snout with no issue.
“What are we doing?” Keith asked. There was nothing up here, and they weren’t going to the cockpit. What was Lance crawling out of bed at who-knows-o’clock in the morning to do?
Lance hummed in lieu of an answer, making himself comfortable at the end of Black’s nose, feet dangling off the edge. Keith followed immediately, partly because he always wants to be near Lance, and partly because, like before, he wants to make sure Lance doesn’t go plummeting off the edge. (For someone who can be so graceful and athletic, Lance was a right mess. Once Keith saw him trip sitting down, somehow. He’s not ashamed to say he laughed until tears formed in his eyes. It was an objectively funny situation, something even Lance agreed to in hindsight.)
As soon as Keith settled beside him, legs dangling over to edge in the same way, Lance grabbed the Black Paladin’s wrist, lifting his arm over his shoulders and sagging into him with a sigh. Keith didn’t hesitate to pull him closer, leaning over to press a quick kiss to his forehead. He felt Lance’s grin from where his face was pressed to his bicep, before Lance turned his head towards the sky.
“Just stargazing,” Lance said after a while, in answer to his earlier question. “I couldn’t sleep. I didn’t mean to wake you up, but this is nice.”
Keith exhaled deeply as he looked out into the endless sky, bright diamonds of light covering it so intricately there almost wasn’t any black space in between the stars.
He sat there, his family sleeping safely below, his Lion sending calming waves in the back of his mind, the love of his life tucked under his arm, and infinite space all around him, and he couldn’t help but agree.
“Yeah, Lance,” he said, resting his head on top of his right hand’s. “This is nice.”
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harukaprism · 2 years
Dirty old priest
Pairing: Shiro Funjimoto x F!Reader Warnings: smut, 18+ only, MDNI, bathtub sex, creampie, Word Count: 1,650 Dawn's notes: Reupload from previous blog
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Knowing Shiro Fujimoto was a whirlwind, a dirty priest, an ex paladin and the father to two adorable twin sons of Satan. Of course you also knew their true beginning being that you were close to Yuri and Shiro during that time. You had made a deal with Mephisto to stay with Shiro and the boys as you knew he would be helpless and also because as the best tamer you would need the comfort that Rin was taken care of.
So here you found yourself coming back to the church with the groceries to a crying 3 year old Yukio. Dropping all the groceries you ran into the back room where the young boy was. "Yukio?!"
Your worries softened as you saw Shiro bent down trying to comfort the child. "Hey it's okay."
Feeling a tug on your pants you kneeled down to see the older twin. "Hey Rinny, what happened?" Your hands ran through his unruly hair as you spoke softly to him.
"Yukio tripped and fell." His eyes were a little red and puffy, he had been crying too.
"There isn't any reason to cry, don't worry me and your dad will make it all better." You pulled him in for a little hug and an Eskimo kiss. Turning around to the crying boy you opened your arms and he ran right into them. "It's okay Yukio, you're okay."
"It was a demon who tripped me." He whispered in your ear. He was still shaking like a leaf as he clung onto you.
You met Shiros eyes and he only nodded. "It's okay Yuki, why don't you show me where you tripped yeah?"
He only pointed to the stairs as you walked through the church, you could see it. It wasn't big or anything intimidating to your adult mind but for a 3 year old, it was terrifying.
Setting the boy down you grabbed your little needle and made a summoning circle on the ground. "Come forth and serve me." Your familiar dog appeared and looked at you waiting for your orders, putting Yuki in your lap while you smile. "Just watch." You pointed at the demon. "Destroy it."
As usual your familiar ran at the demon and quickly disposed of it. After dismissing the familiar you smiled at him. "All better now!" His smile came back and it warmed your heart. "Now go tell your father that I had to lug all the groceries back home and he needs to cook dinner."
The little boy ran off as the others joined you to help clean up the blood and the aftermath, after everything was sorted away you joined your boys. "Just a loose board, all fixed now! Who's hungry?"
The twins were now in a better mood as they ran into the kitchen. "Thanks for takin' care of that."
With a quick glance around you approached Shiro wrapping your arms around his neck. "Of course, I hate seeing both of them cry."
The man only gave you that grin that set butterflies in your stomach ablaze. "I hate it too." He quickly pulled you away from the open area and into the hall to hide you. "But what I do love is seeing you cry under me."
"And here I thought priests were all gentle and kind." You faked a sigh as you stood on your tiptoes placing a sweet and small kiss on his lips. "Later okay? We have groceries and children to feed."
"Yeah I also got a call for a job too." He clearly didn't like the look on your face. "It's for Moriyama okay? I know you don't like it but I gotta give her mom and baby a check up."
You could only angrily stomp your foot gently. "You're getting too old for this Shiro."
"Yeah yeah yeah. Now shut up and kiss me." He chuckled as his lips molded with yours, of course you fell for him. Stupid dirty priest. "Promise I won't be long."
"You'll owe me." You mumbled into his mouth as you pulled him in closer for a deeper kiss.
He released you and walked to the kitchen leaving you a panting wanting mess. Sometimes you wanted to wring his stupid neck. You followed after him and set dinner for everyone. As usual you spent most of the time helping feed Rin and Yukio while the others talked and went about their day.
Once dinner was done Shiro had left you to bathe the twins. "Okay bath time boys!"
As usual Rin fought you to take a bath but Yukio was an angel while you washed them down. Once the bath was taken care of you quickly dried them off and got them dressed for bed. It didn't take them long to fall asleep as you read them a bedtime story.
You took your bath next, you knew how long these missions took Shiro so you decided to treat yourself. Slipping in your headphones and turning some music on your MP3 player, relaxing back into the bubbles.
Closing your eyes you started to drift off into your mind as the warm water and the lavender scent lulled you into sleep. Not knowing how long you had been in that daze you were pulled out when your headphones were removed from your ears.
"I thought I told you not to sleep in the bathtub." Shiro's voice was deep in your ear as he slotted his body behind yours in the tub.
The calluses on his hands ran over the smooth skin on your thighs, taking a moment to squeeze the fat. You couldn't say anything to his taunts.
"I saw the boys tucked into their bed, all snuggled up in their pajamas." He hummed as his fingers dared to go higher on your thighs getting dangerously close to your core. "You're such a good girl taking care of them all by yourself."
"Shiro please stop teasing-" Your sentence was interrupted with his fingers quickly running over your clit ripping a moan from your lips.
"I know I tease you so much but it makes it so much better." He chuckled as his finger lazily rubbed small circles across your small bundle of nerves all while he sat so close to you that you could feel his growing erection pressing into your back. "Ask and I'll give it to you."
Yeah, like that was easy to do. He was always so good with his fingers, all those years handling and cleaning guns, his precision with his herbs, and of course the delicate way he treated you. You opened your mouth to beg like he wanted you to do but another moan left your lips as you felt him easily bury two fingers inside your clenching hole.
His lips attached themselves to your neck as he easily pumped his fingers in and out of you. Teeth dug into your neck leaving marks of his love behind. You were at his will and you wouldn't have it any other way. "Come on baby, just tell me you want me and I'll fuck you like you deserve."
You let out a whine as he pulled his fingers out of you, now was your chance. Moving quickly, you sat up and turned around to sit in his lap, as you wrapped your arms around his neck you stared him down. Those beautiful brown eyes pierced your soul and made you clench around nothing. "Shiro, I need you. I need you to fuck me now."
He gave you his signature smirk as one hand disappeared under the water and the other found a place on your hip. "Atta girl."
Feeling the swollen tip of his cock swipe between your folds made you shiver in anticipation. Shiro Fujimoto was a selfless lover and mainly focused on your pleasure rather than his, a stark contrast from when you had first met him.
Your nails bit into the soft skin around his shoulders as he slowly lowered you down on to him. Even in his late 30s he was very well versed in your pleasure, always focused on you and how you were feeling. He told you the first night he ever disturbed your sleep back when you had first turned 20 that he was just there to have a good time and give you the time of your life.
How right he was, the devil.
Once you had settled in his lap he was fully sheathed inside you. Throwing your head back you released a throaty moan, the feeling of him inside you and being with you was always so pleasurable.
His thrusts were slow and precise as he held you tight against him. "That's my girl, always so good for me." You loved when he was like this, when he was slow and precise, he was more focused on you than himself.
"Love you Shiro." You whimpered out as your body melted further into his, he always had this effect on you and you would never get tired of it; always bringing you to bliss in no time, what other men could never do.
"Gettin' all sweet on me baby?" His chuckle was sweet as his grip tightened on you. "Love you too, but you gotta stop squeezing me so fucking tight, not gonna last long." You could feel him twitching inside of you so you decided to give him a little squeeze just to tease him back.
That is when the coil snapped and you came undone on top of him, it was hard to process anything, he made you feel so full and good that you couldn’t help yourself. With one last final thrust he was emptying himself inside of you.
“You’re such a good girl.” He whispered in your ear as he pulled your body closer to his keeping you as close as possible as you both came down from your highs.
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nullshocked · 3 months
HELLO ALPHABET SOUP TIME!! WOOHOOO!! (answer as many/however u want 🧡)
A, E, J, K, Q, U, V, X, Z!!
and ima throw in a 6 and 13 and 22 just for no reason dnjksnfdsa!!
OC Alphabet Soup / Questions About Your Durge I ASSUME THE NUMBERS ARE FOR THE DURGE QUESTIONS???
Going under a cut for obvious reasons:
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A - Aodh'a Nbolo
One of my miqo'te boys! A kind of reserved, blunt, and grumpy conjurer who runs a clinic in Gridania where he treats people at little to no cost. He is a deeply caring person who is extremely bad at expressing himself and full of anxiety bees. Also has like four kids now (three he gave birth to, one he adopted as his own that's the daughter of his mate/partner by another mother) and the youngest two are twins and he is so tired all the fucking time for real.
E - Eyes
Not much to say because it's an OC I had when I was like 14 that I mostly just drew art of. I don't think there was anything I ever really like... did with him outside of that? He started with silver hair but I ended up making it bright blue later. I think he was blind maybe and the name was ironic??
J - Josef Hamilton
Dumb werewolf whose twin sister was a vampire, and he was pretty relentlessly cruel to her about that. Also just depraved bisexual vibes. I don't remember much beyond that about either of them, except that his sister was married to a rockstar AND had a girlfriend/wife (not legally married) and I think Josef was kind of pissed she got to be happy with her partners and their shared children.
K - Kaenea Dawnstar
Blood elf paladin I played for actual years. She was a war veteran involved in the Third War and the Northrend campaign, both of which profoundly scarred her emotionally as well as physically. She was a bit of a complicated mess determined to do the right thing in a world that... made that very difficult, a lot of the time. I love her.
Q, U - Nothing for these, unfortunately.
V - Vanessa Harley
Originally started as a Silent Hill OC with a split personality and got reworked. Her other personality just became her twin sister instead named Valerie. Vanessa is a violinist with a love of music and a quiet, soft personality contrasting with her twin's fiery passion. They also share a telepathic and empathic bond with one another. So that's neat.
X - None for this one either.
Z - Zion Tobias
Used to be a doctor, then he died and went to hell and became the side piece/personal manservant to Lucifer. Don't worry about how that works. I think he later got with a nurse if I recall? I dunno, he was. A guy.
6. How does your Dark Urge react to waking up with memory loss?
Jack wakes up with no memory and kind of not a lot of personality to start, which is eerie to the people he meets because he just seems so emotionally detached from everything around him. (He snaps out of it later and starts to kind of revert to some of his more benign tendencies pre-tadpole.) Overall he actually reacts quite calmly, but that's probably more to do with shock and the whole like... we're gunna crash if we don't do something about this ship crashing thing. Practicality.
He does spend a lot of time muttering "my name is Jack" to himself over and over again in some effort to like... make sure he doesn't lose the one piece of himself he remembers. This is also kind of weird to everyone he meets, before they realize what's up.
13. How does your Dark Urge feel about killing?
Pre-tadpole? He's good at it, but for him it's more practical and clinical than something he takes joy in. He kills for his father's approval, not because he enjoys the act of killing anyone. Post-tadpole, the ease with which he kills people (and doing while not in control of himself) is something that deeply frightens him, to the point that he actively avoids doing so if he doesn't have to.
22. What first impression does your Dark Urge give off to strangers?
"Sad wet cat man. Are we sure he's the Chosen of Bhaal? I mean look at him, he's got anxiety and he keeps clutching the pale one like a fucking freak."
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heard-nsfw-is-back · 11 months
Is this targeted to anyone in particular? Maybe. 😌 part 1 because I hit the character limit
Steve and Robin absolutely love Halloween. The camp of it all. They don't scare kids, it's not fun. Like punching down a little. But they do spend weeks handmaking their costumes. Will talk about it and plan what parties they'll hop around and make sure they're well fed and hydrated the night before. Amazing realistic scary costumes or fully decked out light shows. But after everything they've been through, being scary is the last thing on their mind. No monster seems as scary as facing their own mortality.
Nancy and Robin are sitting across the room and Steve is sat cringing at the two women trying to (not) reach for each other's hand. "How about those pumpkin head costumes?" He suggested. Robin glares at him. "The couples costume?" She bites at the same time Nancy gasps happily "The couples costume!" Robin blinks and a blush rushes up her cheeks. 'Bingo.' Steve is so happy with himself. Nancy is looking at Robin, and Robin couldn't break eye contact if she tried. Not that she would want to. "We could. Wear them? If you want?" Robin pulls words out of her absolutely whipped mind. Nancy grins, wide and happy. 'I'd love that!" "Okay." "Okay!"
Steve is busy counting the tiles in the ceiling trying very hard to not ruin the moment. Nancy slowly turns to him and her grin becomes a bit toothy. A bit mean. And that usually means trouble for Steve on particular. "You're so nice for giving us an idea. Maybe you can take our suggestion. Cat or dog?" Steve has a great radar for trouble these days and yet. "Cat? I guess. I don't mind dogs." Nancy nods wisely, "The gear would be expensive too." Robin looks at her and puts a pin in that particular comment. "Sorry. Gear?" Steve leans forward and Nancy ignores them both. Too busy mentally going through the stores she would have to go to.
She could ask Eddie. Nancy gasps and sits up. "Yes you're doing this! Sexy cat." Steve shakes his head and stands up. "No no I'm not doing this." "Oh come on!" Nancy pleads. "It'll be good for you to do something fun and silly!" Robin grins, well versed in 'messing with Steve' "Yeah Steve. Do something different." Steve points at her. "Don't even." He stands there and looks at Nancy with her perfectly manicured 'please, for me' face and Robin with her shit eating grin. "Ugh fine. But I'm changing when I hate it." They both nod and Steve pretends that he has some semblance of control over his life. "I'm not wearing fish nets."
A few weeks later and Steve is wiping off the Nair on his legs and Robin is finishing off spraying lemon juice in the head of her pumpkin mask. Nancy lets herself in and Eddie who dressed like one of the mini figure paladins that he made recently. She's wearing some cute gingham dress and is holding up her pumpkin. "It looks good!" Robin gushes and Eddie snorts and ducks away from their looks. "Where's hair?" He asks instead and Robin points upstairs. "He should be done. I told him shaving his legs would be better but he insists on Nair. Something about it being better?" Eddie swallows. "What's he going as?" Robin and Nancy look at each other. "You'll see." Nancy smiles and walks up to give Steve his costume accessories.
He's pulling up some shorts and sighs at Nancy's disapproving stare. "I got black ears and thigh highs. You need to change." Steve gapes at her. "These are the smallest shorts I own." Nancy purses her lips. "You're not wearing your uniform shorts. One, ew I can smell the antifreeze. Two, if they get ruined, you're down a pair of clothes for work." Steve looks at her. "Why would they get ruined?" Nancy turns and walks away. "Luckily!" She retorts back at him. "I'm a merciful and omnipotent goddess. There's shorts in the bag. Have fun. You have 10 minutes." Steve groans and changes.
Robin is spraying her pumpkin with the lemon and Robin is suddenly very touched and fond all at once. "I didn't even think to do that! Smart!" Eddie makes a face. She definitely did and in fact made him pocket two lemons just in case. Robin blushes and shrugs. Eddie is looking around. Steve's house is clean except for the pumpkin mutilation on his dining table. Decorative posters and lights all over and cobwebs. "Looks good. A bit spirit halloween but it'll do." Robin sticks her tongue out and Steve comes down the stairs.
"Next time show up a week before to help us decorate. Also, I need a pin, the tail doesn't have one." Robin gets up to go to the kitchen and is stopped by Eddie handing one out. "Sure you don't need help kitty?" Eddie is now working overtime to not be creepy but Steve looks so good in a cat boy costume. Cliché but with an ass like that he'll allow it. Steve stares, discovering something new about himself immediately. "Uh, yeah thanks man." Eddie grinned and mocks a bow. "Of course." He turns Steve around and wow those are hips. A perfect fucking ass and hips. Because of course Steve Harrington has a body made to be eaten.
Steve tries not to wiggle too much. Eddie's hands are hot and it's just this side of comfortable but he can't keep holding his hips like that. And like Eddie read his mind, his hands are moving and taking the tail. One hand is tracing the middle of his back and drifting lower and lower until he gets to the shorts. "Wh. What are you doing?" Steve whispers. Eddie just glances up. "Following your spine to get to the middle." Steve hums. That made sense. Eddie laughs. "Sounds like you're purring when you hum." Steve blinks and feels Eddie slide the pin on. He grins and leans back against his chest. He rolls his Rs and Eddie groans. "Don't. Don't do that." Steve smiled and pulls away.
"It's going to be cold. You have a jacket?" Eddie backs up trying to get his shit together. "Yeah I have a cardigan in the closet. Eddie mouths cardigan mockingly. "And if it rains?" Steve looked through the jacket closet. He doesn't have a black jacket with a hood. "Guess I'll just have to borrow Robin's." "Or mine. I have a hood that zips on." Steve pulls the sweater on. "You just want me to wear your jacket. Possessive and you're not even my boyfriend." Steve tsks at him. "What a shame." Eddie narrows his eyes but they're interrupted by Nancy walking over. "Ready to go?" Robin pulls on her pumpkin mask and they look so cute Steve makes a beeline to the living room and grabs a camera. He takes about 50 photos, not really, but Robin is getting a headache from the weight of the gourd and is quickly impatient. Eddie doesn't look like he's fully paying attention to what's happening but Nancy can see him staring at Steve, and she grins.
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