#we reached over 500 :D
draagu · 9 months
a little over a day left for the nightcats! when there's only 24hrs left I'll post a pic of all the refs I've got
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highvern · 5 months
Baby Blues
Pairing: Kim Mingyu x fem!reader
Genre: fluff, domestic!au
Warnings: gross tooth rotting fluff, dad!gyu mom!reader.
Length: ~500
Note: Drunk Goggles couple is back! for a moment! I'm in a bit of a slump and needed something easy and they're so near and dear to my heart. I saw a tiktok of a baby refusing to say dada and i couldn't let it go. threw in some speech development bc im annoying (babies use their lips to say M and B sounds and their tongues to say D which is a skill they develop later)
read more here
“Say da-da.”
“Your daughter hates me.” Mingyu huffs, head falling to the kitchen table with a thunk. 
Hana delights in her fathers dramatics, squealing her joy while yogurt goes flying. Her chubby fists clap against the plastic table of her high chair and little legs kick out. Mingyu smiles through the pain, never able to truly be annoyed with his favorite person in the world.
Mingyu had been trying to get her to say dada for the better part of an hour. So far each request was either answered with "mama", bubble noises, or unintelligible baby gibberish. You'd simply watched the entire thing unfold from behind your coffee cup, smirking into the rim at Mingyu's desperation.
“Our daughter doesn’t hate you." You say, rolling your eyes. "She’s a baby.”
“No, she hates me. Watch. Say dada, Hana.”
Hana doesn’t pause before shrieking, “Mama!”
“See!” He argues, arms out towards the babbling baby like she's torturing him on purpose.
“She just loves her mama, don’t you Hana?” You coo at her, stroking the top of her head covered in wispy hair as you wipe the mess of drool and her breakfast away.
“Daddy is silly, isn’t he?”
“Bfffff.” Hana spits, ungracefully wiggling in her seat.
Eyes wide, you agree with her ramblings. “Exactly what I was thinking.”
“Hey! Don’t talk about me like I’m not here.” Mingyu pouts.
“We would never!” You give Hana a cartoonish wink that sends her into a fit.
Returning to the sink with dirty dishes, you listen to your husband try desperately to get Hana to say the words he’s been begging to hear since she called you mama for the first time a week ago. Hana humors him, pure sunshine under Mingyu’s constant attention; giggling at his crestfallen face every time like its new.
Deciding to take mercy, you approach Hana’s chair and lift her into your arms. “Gyu watch this. Hana, where’s baba? Baba?” You ask, pointing one of her pudgy fists directly at Mingyu.
“She—she said—I’m baba!” Mingyu repeats dumbstruck, staring at your smiling face.  “LETS GO!” He whoops, rising to bolt around the kitchen. Jumping around the room like he won the lottery, fists punching the air in victory. 
It’s the same way he reacted when he found the positive test waiting for him on the bathroom counter almost a year ago. Unfiltered, unadulterated joy. Except there were far more tears when he found out he was going to be a dad, a broken lamp, and a broken couch.
Now, he grins like a mad man, chest puffed in pride that his daughter finally recognized him. As if it was ever a question despite Hana being a spitting image of Mingyu except for her nose which clearly comes from your gene pool. How she screams when he gets home from work and immediately picks her up for smothering kisses like he’d been gone more than a couple hours. Or when you’re all curled up on the couch and she falls asleep on his chest, her mouth open wide as she snores just like the man holding her. And the times all the boys visit to coo over their niece, bribing her with funny faces and silly voices to let them carry her, but the only person she reaches her little arms for his Mingyu.
Hana is Mingyu’s mini me, attached to his hip since her first day. But she's already learning how to get the best of him, no doubt a skill she inherited from you.
You and your daughter cackle in unison as Mingyu sweeps you both into a bear hug, alternating kisses between your lips and Hana’s almost bald head. 
“My girls,” he says with a squeeze, content seeping into his words.
There's a sigh of resignation, and a nod of his head. “We’ll work on it.”
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mrs-illyrian-baby · 1 month
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A Pet's Punishment | Prince Loki's Favourite Maid AU | Loki x Reader | Drabble 500 words
Loki likes to tease you while you work, but you know the reward will always be worth the wait.
Warnings: 18+ for sexual content, sex magic, orgasm control, d/s relationship, Dom!Loki, public-ish sex, chair sex, p in v. S for SMUTTY
Dividers by @firefly-graphics & @reveriesources
Masterlist | Prince Loki's Favourite Maid AU | Loki Masterlist
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You pressed your knees harder together as you paused in the long corridor. For the last hour Loki had been using his magic to tease and torment you while you finished your days work. Making you fall to your knees with pleasure while you carried linens, groaning into your darning and thrashing quietly in a dark corner when it got too much.
Each time his voice would sound in your ear and tell you not to release. Under no circumstances were you to orgasm yet. You had to hold it.
Now that your day was done you hurried faster to your Prince's chambers, thrumming with need and desperate for sweet painful release bursting through the doors and falling to your knees on the rug by the fire at Loki's feet without evening looking at your surroundings.
"Now, Pet, please be a quiet, don't ruin this just because I have company," Loki raised his eyebrow and inclined his head towards Prince Thor in the chair next to him.
Thor, to his credit, averted his gaze and suggested that he should leave but Loki stilled him with one hand and coaxed you closer with the other until your body was leaning against his thigh, your head in his lap hiding your embrassment.
"Brother, we should finalise our plans," his voice was rich and velvety, your senses heightened, nerve endings on fire as his words washed over you. Squirming desperately you pressed against him again, hoping he could feel how wet and needy you were through your silk knickers and his heavy trousers.
Instead he placed his palm on top of your head, stroking absently at your hair, the shell of your ear and down your bare neck.
You could see and feel both of his hands so when you felt warm, searching fingers on your thighs you gasped in shock. As proof that he hasn't moved he slipped a finger into your open mouth for you to suck.
The phantom fingers continued their exploration, stroking gently over your clit, opening you slowly under their invisible ministrations. You moaned around Loki's finger, nipping at the pad gently to get his attention.
He glanced down only briefly and shook his head sharply.
But you couldn't help it, you bit again, eyes pleading, thighs squeezed tight.
"Puh- puh-" you stuttered, hoping he'd understand. And he did.
"I think that concludes our plans, Thor, I'll see you at dinner?"
"We'll see," Thor called back as he strode out of the room leaving the air quiet and empty.
"Pet, you've been so good, do you think you can wait a few more minutes?"
"I- Master!?" You wailed, the fingers delving deeper, pressing intently against your fluttering walls.
"I understand," the sensation vanished along with Loki's clothing, his own arousal evident just inches from your drooling mouth. You licked, without permission, at the bead of precum charting it's way down the thick vein of his shaft, "don't be naughty when you've been so well behaved," he chided, reaching to lift you into his lap.
Shuffling your knees you hovered above him, the soft pink head spliting you open, "sit down, Pet." He demaned and you did, falling flush against him, filled in one smooth movement. You clenched but try to stay calm with a lung full of air.
"Well done, Pet. Cum for me."
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hi there!!! first off, congrats on 500!!! your works are so nice they tickle my brain the right way 😭😭😭 i love love love the way you write ezreal and drunk on you gave me Ideas so i wanted to ask if you could write some more pent up horny ez and some making out? whether its heavily suggestive or straight up nsfw is up to u! :D
Thank you Anon!! ❤️ Did I write too little? Well, I hope this is satisfying enough for your request! Sorry for the interruption at the end ;0
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Desperate for friction
Heartsteel! Ezreal x Reader (No gendered terms used but reader is female bodied!)
You were shivering in pleasure as your hips met Ezreal’s, grinding your covered core onto his straining erection through his pants. The friction was delicious but it was not enough to satisfy you both. But Ezreal didn’t have enough time and with all the accessories he was wearing, being able to remove his clothes would be a hassle. But god did he need you right now. He needed to feel your body against his, needed to hear your whimpers and moans, needing the feeling over your velvety walls wrapped tight around his aching cock. He smothered you with a sloppy kiss, muffling his desperate moans. He pulled away, biting his lips at the sight of your dress bunched up around your waist, tights and panties becoming soaked with your arousal from grinding you back and forth on his lap. God it wasn’t enough. “We can’t-” Ezreal interrupted with a hiss of pleasure and leaned up to press another open mouth kiss against your mouth. His tongue quickly sneaking past your lips to rub against your own. You moan into the kiss as his thrusts become more desperate. He pulls away with a wet smack, entranced by the single strand of saliva connecting your lips. Ezreal watched as it snapped and licked his lips, holding himself back from smothering you with another kiss. “I know.” He growled while he cradled you in his arms, adjusting your position so your lower back was partially pressing against the counter of the dressing room. He pressed himself closer to you, pressing you harder onto his hips and controlling the pace. Sweat beaded at his brow, you could tell he was close. You grasped the counter behind you to rut into him, meeting his thrusts and desperate pace. Leaning your head forward to press teasing wet kisses to the corner of his mouth but he wanted more. Ezreal turned his head to capture your lips against his again, his tongue swiping against your bottom lip. This time though you wanted a taste of him. You playfully bit his tongue causing him to jolt and pull away. You didn’t let him get far and swiped your own tongue against his lips, seeking entrance to his mouth. Ezreal moaned as you dominated the kiss, your own tongue rubbing against his and exploring his mouth. He pulled away abruptly and let out a desperate moan, “fuck it.” Was the only warning you got as Ezreal shoved his pants down enough to let his cock spring free. The sound of cloth tearing reached your ears and you gasped at the sight of your tights torn at the crotch. Ezreal didn’t stop there and shoved your underwear to the side, exposing your cunt.. And finally your wet core met his heated flesh. You both let out a moan of relief, his cock grinding between your wet folds once, twice before finally prodding at your entrance- A knock on the door made you both freeze. “Ezreal c’mon it’s time!” A gruff voice yelled out. Ezreal shoved his face into your shoulder and let out a whine at being interrupted. He was definitely grumpy during the whole shoot. And no one except you knew why.
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jimraisedmeup · 2 months
TICK // 6.1 - i feel you
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Rating: mature (violence, language)
Word Count: 500
A/N: First and foremost, thank you to everyone who has taken a portion of their time to read TICK... words cannot explain my joy to know if even one person can relate to it or make them feel some type of way. I also wanted to mention, this is a random short chapter - just for this one, we are fast forwarding to 1986, what I am calling "present day" (AKA Season 4) for a smidge ;-D As part of the storytelling, I might do this more, and there might be small time skips coming up, so, *wink wink* watch the date at the beginning of each chapter. thank u agn love u all
...now let's get on with it.
I feel you Your sun it shines I feel you Within my mind
Spring Break 1986 - present day
Eddie Munson held a broken beer bottle against Steve Harrington's throat. 
Three dark figures rushed forward, at the front being Dustin Henderson. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, Eddie! Eddie! Stop!" He was frantic.
But Eddie knew better than to let his guard down at the mere arrival of a friendly face. Even the innocent face of a freshman in the Hellfire Club. The situation was dire.
"Eddie. Eddie. It's me. It's Dustin." The shorter kid gestured towards Harrington. "This is Steve. He's not gonna hurt you, right, Steve?"
The douchebag in his grasp was barely visible in the dark boathouse, but Eddie could feel him nod.
"Right. Yeah."
"Steve, why don't you drop the oar?" Dustin suggested.
He hesitated for a second, but then Harrington finally dropped the oar. The sudden sound of it crashing on the ground only prompted Eddie to press the broken glass further onto Steve's neck.
The trio behind him pleaded with him.
"He's cool! He's. Cool." 
Past the glints of light coming off his own silver rings, Eddie made eye contact with the guy struggling in his grasp. 
"I'm cool, man. I'm cool."
"What are you doing here?" was the only thing Eddie Munson could think to ask.
Dustin raised his hands before him. "We're looking for you."
A familiar voice chirped from Dustin's right, distracting him for a second. "We're here to help." 
He felt a tugging at the back of his skull... a distant memory. Dustin kept rambling.
"Eddie, these are my friends. You know Robin, from band. This is my friend Max. The one who never wants to play D&D," Dustin paused. "Eddie. We're on your side. I swear on my mother! Right guys?"
Everyone else around him quickly concurred. But Eddie's mind went completely blank at the name Robin.
"Yes. Yes. We swear." A small red-haired girl, looking extremely depressed.
"On Dustin's mother." That familiar voice again, bringing him back to images and memories he repressed over a year ago. 
Eddie was pulled out of his thoughts by Harrington speaking, squirming in his grip.
"Yeah, Dustin's… Dustin's mother."
He stared at the Harrington kid for a second, remembering all the times he and his jock friends called him a "freak". But now wasn't the time for old grudges. A new dawn approached.
Eddie let him go and stepped away.
"Jesus Chr-" Steve complained, holding his neck.
The rest of them watched Eddie carefully as he leaned against the wall, slowly sliding down until he reached the floor. His head felt like a timebomb ready to blow at any moment.
Dustin crouched in front of him. "We just want to talk. Okay."
"We want to know what happened." The girl with short hair and blue eyes approached him. Those damn blue eyes.
"Robin Buckley?"
"Uh… the one and only." She couldn't have possibly looked more uncomfortable.
Eddie was utterly confused for a moment, his brown eyes moving to each of the faces like he was looking for someone.
"Wait," he spoke, his voice hoarse. "How exactly did you guys find me?"
Unbeknownst to the shaken man, you sat on the hood of the car outside, acting as a lookout.
I feel you Each move you make I feel you Each breath you take
Where angels sing And spread their wings My love's on high You take me home To glory's throne By and by
(song lyrics credit: "I Feel You" by Depeche Mode)
TAGLIST for this series if you would like to be notified when I post new chapters!
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dominicsorel · 1 year
Two disabled people in need of help (only one has disability while the other’s claim is being processed)
I haven’t made one of these posts in a while but since the bank screwed us over, I don’t really see what else to do at this point. You might not know this already but we were scammed recently and the bank gave us our money back only to investigate afterwards and decide it wasn’t their problem and take the money back.
Well, now we’re 500 in the hole and every month we get 1000 dollars where 600 of it goes to rent. Now 500 of that has to go to the bank and we won’t be able to make our rent so I’m asking for some help. If you do the math, that should be 100 dollars we need to make sure both problems are solved. We’ll be broke after that, however, and usually we’d live on the 400 for the rest of the month. So that brings it up to 500 which is what we owe the bank.
Here’s the link to my paypal account and my venmo is deirdrey-11. I’ll try to update this post as often as possible and edit the original once we’ve reached the amount. I’d really appreciate if you could reblog this and I’m very grateful to anyone who donates. You’ll be doing us a real solid by helping with this. I’m aware it’s seen as shameful to be scammed and best not to tell a bunch of people about it because of self-image or whatever but I can’t afford to care about my self-image in this situation so keep any thoughts on that part to yourself, kindly. Also, apparently you shouldn’t tag posts like this with the word d*nations to avoid it disappearing so please don’t tag it with that!
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cricketnationrise · 4 months
Congrats on reaching 500 followers!!! 🎉🎉🎉
Here’s my prompt: 10:03pm, Alex Claremont-Diaz in his bedroom. The vibes are ‘Just Fucking Let Me Love You’ by Lowen, any rating :-)
(Big fan btw (ao3: larsons) <3)
your prompt song is the latest in an installment of 'absolute life-ruiners i didn't know existed before this fest.' i need to make a fucking playlist or something. suffice it to say i'm now obsessed with this song. thank you for the opportunity to learn of it's existence! enjoy your ficlet, despite me handwaving at the canon time of day to suit my needs (we can just pretend the book doesn't mention it's morning, right?) 💜🦗
read the rest of the ficlets here
10:03pm, alex's bedroom
Dear Thisbee, I wish there weren’t a wall. Love, Pyramus
Inexplicably, the first thought Alex has after his frantic Google search is how lovely Henry’s handwriting is. It’s so smooth and flowy, each letter gracefully connected to the next, the same even spacing between each word, each line steady and straight despite the lack of lines on the scrap of paper. Alex could never, and frankly, it’s unfair—one more thing on the long list of things about Henry that are adorably infuriating—that the ghosting jackass doesn’t need lined paper to guide his hand. 
Alex can’t stop tracing Henry’s note; his fingers trailing lightly over the curve of “D” and tapping the “L” reverently. Objectively, it feels like every other piece of printer paper that Alex has ever picked up, but some part of his brain is convinced that he’ll be able to dig up some faint trace of Henry in the pen’s indentations if he traces the letters just one more time. 
Last week at the lake had been some of the best days of Alex’s life. And up until Henry had ducked below the water to avoid Alex’s confession, he’d been so sure they were on the same page. Henry had matched him email for email, text for text, late night call for late night call. Henry had reached out just as often as Alex over the last few months. They’d both flung their secrets and fears and dreams across the Atlantic; an electronic lifeboat, built line by line and quote by quote. The rare times they were alone together Alex could feel his brain slowing down, his stress melting away— Hell, he could almost see the connection they were building together, stretched tight like a bungee cord between their chests.
With his final note, his polite fucking thank you, Henry had set their lifeboat on fire—and Alex feels like he never learned to swim. He’s practically drowning in his own fucking love for Henry. It’s overwhelming, it’s all-encompassing. It feels like lightning beneath his skin, like one of those party favors that pop open and shoot streamers everywhere. It feels bigger than the Texas sky, deeper than the fucking ocean Henry put between them. It should be like helium, keeping him afloat during all the stress of the campaign and what the future holds for him. Instead, it feels like an anchor around his neck, pulling him into the depths.
It’s infuriating.
Alex clutches at the note again, the vague whisper of a plan swirling in the back of his mind. I wish there weren’t a wall. Who gave Henry the fucking right to say something like that to Alex of all people? The only wall between them is the one Henry laid the foundation for. The only wall is the one Henry’s trying to make as tall as possible by not responding to Alex. The only wall is the one Henry made by leaving in the first place. Alex straightens up, decision made. Henry wants a wall? Fine. 
Alex can be fucking dynamite.
To $$$: what are you doing for the next 24 hours?
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violet-shadows · 2 years
Cover Story (Part Two)
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Masterlist
Summary: When a mission leads him to a secluded island, Azriel recruits a friend and colleague to pose as his mate. Their time spent working together reveals more than they anticipated. 
Word Count: 3.3k
Pairing: Azriel x Reader (She/Her)
Warnings: canon-typical graphic violence, torture
A/N: This work is part of a three-part series, the final part will be published on September 14th is posted!
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Azriel left shortly after your morning discussion, making some excuse about reconnaissance before leaving. You didn’t argue with him this time, still steaming over your earlier disagreement. You and Azriel had worked together before, though never as partners as you did on this assignment. Part of you, perhaps a naive part, had been excited when he asked you to come. You thought that the Spymaster might respect your skills as an operative enough to recruit you, but it was beginning to seem like you were just a convenient placeholder. It shouldn’t have bothered you so much, but it did. You spent the day in the room, your idyllic surroundings now bittersweet as you stewed over the male. 
When he returned in the late afternoon, Azriel seemed surprised to find you sitting at the window, a book in hand. “Make any progress?” you asked cooly. From the corner of your eye, he appeared to cringe at your tone. 
“Yes,” he replied. “I got confirmation it’s in the house. Most likely in a vault in the basement.” 
“So you just waltz in and snag it tonight while the guards switch out, then?” You didn’t look up from the page as you spoke, aiming to appear indifferent. 
“I wouldn’t call 500 years' worth of training a waltz,” he huffed. “But sure, that’s basically the plan.” 
“You’ve got it all figured out then.” You said, snapping your book shut. 
“Well, except for dinner,” he said. You furrowed your brows in confusion, turning to look at him. “We still need to keep up appearances until tonight. If we stay cooped up or separated and someone has eyes on us, it will look bad,” he said, shrugging. 
“I suppose I’ll get ready then,” you replied. “To keep up appearances.”
⊱ —————— ❈  —————— ⊰
You took your time getting ready, ensuring your appearance was immaculate for your final night on the island. Soon, the charade would be over and you and Azriel would go back to being colleagues and nothing more. Until then, you would enjoy the faux holiday just a bit longer. When you emerged from the bathroom clad in a black, backless gown and the sapphire necklace he purchased for you, Azriel looked momentarily stunned. 
“Too much?” You asked, suddenly self-conscious as he stared, somewhat slack-jawed.
“You look perfect,” he assured you, sounding earnest. He offered you his arm, some of the tension from before having dissipated, and you made your way into the now busy streets. The restaurant Azriel had selected was not in an advantageous location, nestled among the beachside cliffs away from the city. What it lacked in opportunity for surveillance, however, it made up for in ambiance. 
“Why this place?” You asked as you climbed the stairs towards the patio. As you reached the top, you were met by a view of the sun sinking slowly below the horizon, painting the sky vivid hues of pink, orange, and gold. The cerulean water below was calm and glittering in the evening light. It was truly breathtaking.
“That’s why,” Azriel murmured from behind you. When you turned to look at him, he wore a satisfied smirk that you couldn't help but return. The maitre d' approached, escorting you to a table at the edge of the patio, beneath a pergola covered in climbing vines. 
“Don’t tell me you came all this way because you wanted to see the view," you teased. He took a seat across from you, not meeting your eyes as he looked out over the bay. In the waning, golden light, his features looked downright angelic, even with the glamour concealing his wings and shadows. 
“No,” he finally looked at you, his usual hard stare softening somewhat. “But it fit the cover and, as you said, I wanted to make the most of being here.” 
“Can I ask you something?” you began, curiosity getting the better of you the more you mulled over the male. “Why did you ask me to come with you?” 
The question seemed to catch him off guard and you regretted asking it almost immediately. Before you could take it back, though, he replied, “I needed a believable cover for being here.” 
Perhaps it was the wine getting to you, but you blurted out your next question without thinking, “why me though?”
Azriel was quiet for several heartbeats, his gaze fixed on the horizon. You held your breath, your stomach beginning to sink with each second of silence that ticked by. You could almost see his walls coming back up as he contemplated your question and it left a sour taste in your mouth. Finally, Azriel seemed to snap out of his thoughts and shrugged, looking down at his plate. “Schedules and timing just worked out, I guess.” It was a perfectly reasonable answer, but not what you wanted to hear, and that alone made you feel quite foolish.
You changed the subject abruptly, steering the conversation towards Prythian politics to keep either of you from looking further into your question. After dinner, you walked towards the inn in silence, both of you lost in thought. Azriel didn’t offer his arm or hold your hand as you walked, instead matching your pace from an arm's length away. It wasn’t until you turned a corner towards a pub where a group of males lingered that he got close to you again. In an instant, he moved you to his opposite side and threw an arm around your shoulder, holding you close as you passed the males. He didn’t look at you as he walked, his gaze fixed on the group in a steely, almost threatening glare. It reminded you of the posturing of newly mated males and you were swiftly reminded of the role Azriel was playing. 
“Still think we’re being watched?” You murmured, falling into step next to him. He didn’t look down at you, intent on surveilling your surroundings, even after you stepped into a nearly empty corridor, his hold on your waist remaining tight.
“Hmm?” He hummed, eyebrows furrowed. “Oh… you never know.” His response was odd, but before you could ask him more questions you were at the doorstep of the inn. You were quiet as you climbed the steps, waiting until you were in private once more to bring up the plan.
“I should be on standby, just in case,” you said. “I can wait for you on the roof across the square, that way–”
“No,” Azriel cut you off. “The plan isn’t changing, you stay here.”
“And if something goes wrong?” You asked, grinding your teeth.
“Then you leave without me and report back to Rhysand,” he replied. His tone was clipped and he didn’t turn to look at you as he spoke.
“I wouldn’t just leave you behind,” you said. The concept of abandoning Azriel if things went poorly was incomprehensible. 
“Yes, you would, because that’s what I’m telling you to do.” 
“Azriel, we need a better backup plan. If this goes wrong–.”
“It’s not going to go wrong!” He turned to look at you, his hazel eyes blazing with intensity. He wasn’t shouting, but his voice was slightly raised, a far cry from his usual placid demeanor. “And even if it does, I don’t need you there making things worse!” 
You flinched as if he had slapped you. You might have preferred it if he had. Previously, you thought Azriel had some degree of trust in your abilities, but the anger in his voice when he snapped at you said otherwise. Your heart sank, and you had to swallow back the wave of hurt to keep it from showing on your face. When you spoke again, your voice was steady. “Understood. Good luck, Spymaster.” 
It was a farewell and a dismissal in one. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see Azriel freeze for a moment, a conflicted look on his face. After a few seconds of tense silence, he gathered his gear and took his leave, shutting the chamber door quietly behind him. Tears stung your eyes and you resisted the urge to cry out in frustration. As you sat alone, his words replaying in your mind, the sapphire necklace felt heavy and constricting around your neck. You reached up and grasped the stone, ripping off the jewelry and sending it flying across the room. It didn’t make you feel any better. 
⊱ —————— ❈  —————— ⊰
Azriel was late, and you were nervous. The extraction should have taken less than an hour. If he lingered any longer, the chances of being caught were far higher. You knew you needed to give him time, that sometimes these things require improvisation, but as the minutes ticked by, a pit formed in your stomach. Your orders were clear if he didn’t return: leave the island and rendezvous with the Night Court. Rhysand would launch a rescue operation, but it would take at least a day for you to reach the Night Court and another to return for Azriel. Who knows what kind of trouble he could be in by then?
The sick feeling in your stomach didn’t ease, and you found yourself glued to the window, unable to take your eyes off the street below, lest you miss a clue to Azriel’s whereabouts. The sun had fully sunken beneath the horizon, the only light coming from shop windows lining the street. Nearly an hour past his planned return time, the figure of a tall male clad in all black rounded the corner and approached the inn door. He was flanked by two others, and in the dim light, you caught sight of armor underneath their cloaks. They weren’t guests at the inn, of that you were sure, and there were few reasons locals would have to visit the small lodging. You ducked away from the window as they entered the building, your eyes darting to the chamber door to make sure the lock was still engaged. You held your breath, listening closely as three sets of heavy boots made their way up the narrow staircase. 
You were already armed and packed, ready to respond if things went poorly, and you weighed your options as they approached your door. If Azriel had been captured then your cover was blown, so feigning innocence and sticking to your story wasn’t an option. You were a skilled fighter and could attempt to take them on, but three against one was not good odds, especially in such tight quarters.
Bang. Bang. Bang.
Three knocks sounded on the door, too loud to be polite. A gruff voice spoke from the other side, “Come on out, girlie.” You held your breath. “Your mate took off without ya. We caught em’ tryna steal but he’s a slippery bastard. S’probably halfway to the continent on a some boat by now, an’ I’m guessing that leaves you without a ride home.” Your blood ran cold, horror seeping into your veins as you processed his words. Azriel had been caught. “You come wit’ us, give us a little bit of information, and we’ll send you on yer way. How’s that sound, eh?” 
You knew better than to believe any promises of safety and inched towards the window, sliding it open as quietly as you could. Your mind reeled as you considered his tale and you wondered how much truth there was to it. Azriel wasn’t the type to leave an ally behind in enemy territory, but he also prioritized the mission above all else. If he had the book, getting it to Rhysand would take priority over extracting an operative he didn’t even trust, so it was entirely possible the males outside your door weren’t lying about that part. Three more loud knocks sounded on the door and the same male called out again, “Last warning! Don’t make us come in there after ya.” 
When you didn’t respond, there was a series of loud cracks as a boot hit the wooden door. They had it off its hinges rather quickly, splintering the frame as they went. The three males rushed inside, blades drawn with a feral glint in their eyes, only to find an empty room. 
⊱ —————— ❈  —————— ⊰
“It’s a simple question, really. You tell me who you're working for, and I’ll think about letting you free,” the Lord of the Island paced as he spoke, twirling Truth Teller in his hands. Azriel's arms were stretched above him, locked in iron manacles that suspended him from the ceiling. His ankles were bound in similar chains, keeping him firmly in place. At first, they had only restrained his hands, but when he delivered a rib-snapping kick to one of the guards that had him coughing up blood, they fastened him to the floor as well. He didn’t reply to the male, keeping his eyes fixed on a particular crack in the wall across from him. Having conducted his fair share of interrogations, Azriel knew better than to give his captors anything to work with.  
“You are quite the loyal dog, aren’t you?” The Lord chuckled, slashing the stolen blade across Azriel’s bare back. He took the blow unflinchingly and his wings remained glamoured, along with his shadows, but he knew the illusion wouldn’t hold in death. If they figured out he was Illyrian, it would lead them to the Night Court. “Perhaps when my men retrieve your sweet little mate, she can tell us what you’re doing here instead.”
He straightened, then, his resolve crumbling as blind panic consumed him. “Don’t you fucking touch her,” he hissed, yanking at the restraints. The Lord let out a gleeful laugh, circling around so he could observe his captive's reaction. 
“So that part of the story is true, then?” He said a smug look on his face. “Tell me, what kind of male drags their mate into enemy territory for the purpose of stealing? Surely even a rat like you wouldn’t put her in such danger?” 
Azriel swallowed thickly, returning his gaze to the wall as he attempted to reign in his emotions. He knew what his captor was doing, riling him up to break his resolve. He needed to stay calm if he was going to help either of you. In spite of himself, his heart began to pound in his chest, cold fear gripping him. “I imagine she’s still at that lovely little inn, warming your bed while she waits for your return. The poor thing is in for quite a surprise when my guards show up instead. In fact, they should be greeting her as we speak.” 
Bile rose in Azriel’s throat as he thought of you, alone and vulnerable behind enemy lines, unaware that you were being hunted. The last words he said to you were so callous, as well, and the look of hurt that flashed on your face before he left was burned in his mind. He didn’t want that to be his last memory of you. “Don’t look so glum,” the Lord teased. “You’re in for a reunion shortly.” The next thing Azriel saw was a fist flying at his face, and then he was out like a light. 
⊱ —————— ❈  —————— ⊰
You slipped out the window only moments before the door burst open, landing hard on the cobblestone below. You wasted no time recovering, taking off around a dark corner and darting through streets and corridors until you were certain no one could have followed you. When you finally stopped to catch your breath, you were conflicted. According to the plan, you were supposed to go to the harbor and look for Azriel’s contact, a fisherman paid handsomely to ferry you away in the night. If the males at your door were telling the truth, Azriel had beat you to it and the boat might be gone. If they were lying, he was captured and likely being interrogated, or worse. You thought briefly about listening to him and looking for safe passage to the mainland, but abandoning him to certain death would surely cleave your soul in two. If he was indeed captured and you went after him, the worst-case scenario was that you, too, would be killed. It was jarring to realize you were more than willing to take on that risk. 
You made your way through the city streets in stealth, ducking behind walls and beneath awnings at the first sign of movement. The city guard was restless, their usual patrol routes disrupted, and you wondered if it was you or Azriel that they searched for. Their breach in formation gave you an opportunity to approach the Lord’s estate from behind, where a patch of thick vegetation allowed you to slip over the courtyard wall undetected. If Azriel was here, he would likely be in the lower levels of the guard’s barracks, locked in a holding cell to await judgment. 
You crossed the courtyard quickly, darting behind a low wall when you heard the murmur of approaching voices. Two guards rounded the corner, pausing near your hiding spot, and you fought to calm the hammering of your heart. For a few, agonizing seconds you thought you had been caught until one of the males bid the other goodnight and made his way inside the barracks. The other guard walked onward, and it wasn’t until he disappeared around a corner that you allowed yourself to relax. 
When you were sure he was gone, you slowly crept around to the barrack door, listening carefully for movement inside. From the sound of it, the guard who had just entered was alone. If that were the case, you wouldn’t get a better opportunity. Steeling yourself, you pushed the door open, eyeing the lone male whose back was turned to you. You entered, quiet as death, and drew your blade. One second passed, then two, and when you were sure he hadn’t heard you, you sprang forward and attacked.
⊱ —————— ❈  —————— ⊰
“Wake up, thief.” Cold water hit Azriel’s face and bare chest and he gasped, startling awake. The Lord was back, this time with a new pair of guards lining the walls. He was far too cowardly to risk being alone with his prisoner. “I’m afraid I come baring bad news,” he began, a sarcastic lilt to his voice. “While I was hoping to reunite you with your mate, her retrieval didn’t entirely go as planned.” Azriel felt the blood drain from his face and the Lord gave a cruel smirk. “Don’t you worry, the female is alive, for now, but I’m afraid my men had to use far more force than you would have liked.” He tried valiantly to retain his composure, but the panic bubbling within him was difficult to contain. “Now, I have a healer on standby who would be more than happy to patch her up, however, there is a matter of payment for those services.” 
It was a lie, he reasoned, it had to be. He clung to that hope and bit the inside of his cheek, his temper and fear intermingling to form cold rage. “Now, I figured you’d want some proof of life, and showing a male their mate in that state would just be cruel,” he crooned, as though it were a joke. “So I brought you this.” 
He lifted his hand to wave a cobalt gem in Azriel’s face. It was a sapphire necklace set in fine, silver filigree. Blood dripped down the chain, making it appear tarnished, and there were a few strands of hair tangled in the broken clasp. “My men got clumsy when they cut it from her neck.”
Azriel saw red. 
⊱ —————— ❈  —————— ⊰
Likes, reblogs, comments, and feedback are greatly appreciated. Please let me know if you would like to be added to or removed from my tag list for future fics. Click here to check out my other work.
Taglist: @answer-the-sirenss @microwaveallthedemons @judig92 @wolfyland077 @donttellthecatss @goldentournesoll @mulansauceyy @starlit-terror @starrstrucked @bankerfrog @xxoverthinkxx @luv-xoxo @abrunettefangirlnerd @reiincarnatiion @valeridarkness @hollyismentallyillhelp
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butterfluffy · 2 years
HLOOOO I was wondering if I could ask for ace in the "my strange addiction" special? 🙈🙈🙈
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“my strange addiction”
⠀⠀ੈ♡˳· ace never planned on getting addicted to anything, but here he is, being highly possesive, and territorial with his property, you..
⠀⠀➧ fluff | not-so-yandere!p. d. ace × gn!reader | oneshot
⠀⠀➧ warnings — contains (slight) yandere themes, (slight) violence, and possesive behavior. get out of this fic if you're uncomfortable with these. mistakes and swearing are present too.
⠀⠀➧ requests are closed until further notice!
⠀⠀꒰ 🍨 ꒱ notes: welcome to “my strange addiction,” which is a writing special i made to celebrate this account reaching 500+ followers.
requested by: anonymous — [*/loud barking noises, AHDJSOCRMDMXKSKS POSSESIVE ACE IS WHAT I LIVE FOR 😫😫😫
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by continuing, you consent into reading this oneshot fanfic which contains yandere themes, violence, and possesive behavior. if uncomfortable, then please don't read this. don't go blaming me too, i gave you a warning.
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A small groan leaves your lips upon awakening, feeling your body get crushed by something, or shall I say someone heavy on top of you..
“..Ugh, Ace, you're crushing me.” You muttered, caressing your raven-haired lover's bare back, waking him up.
“Ah? Sorry, let's switch places, mhm?” Ace offers, getting up, giving your nose a quick kiss before chuckling, swiftly changing positions with you.
“Oh Ace.. You sweet dork, well, my sweet dork, fufu..~” You snickered, drawing circles on his chest as you listened to his heartbeat that you love listening to..
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“Ahem, lovebirds. I hope I'm not disturbing anything, but could I borrow you for a bit, Y/n?” Izou huffs out with an eye roll, arms crossed as he looked at Ace who's frowning at him, holding you tighter in his arms.
“No!” Ace childishly grumbles, cheeks puffed up, causing you to snicker by his behavior. “C'mon, you big baby, let me go already.”
“..Fine. But let me come with you two.” Letting you out of his cage-like arms, you then went with Izou, followed by Ace...
“So, Y/n. Just show this guy around the ship and introduce him, yeah?” Izou hums, pushing the new member of WB Pirates to you, giving you a task.
“Oh, alright. Then, let's go..~!” Flashing a smile, you then slinged your arm over the guy's shoulder, chatting with him as you looked around the ship—.. completely forgetting about Ace who's eyes darkened by the sight before him...
“Thanks for showing me around, Y/n.. I appreciate it lots, and I do hope we could interact more.. Can we?” The guy shyly asks as you tilt your head to the side—
“Of course—” “NOT!”
Ace exclaims, pushing the guy away from you, causing him to drop to the floor—clinging himself to you.
“Listen here, newbie, Y/n's mine, and only mine, got that!?” Ace growls, holding your waist with his calloused hand and kissing you in front of the new member who's eyes widened in stun from seeing Ace being greatly territorial with you, his property.
“U-Uh, yes, I.. I got that, s..sorry, Ace, Y/n—I-I'll just—leave you two alone, yeah.” The man stammered, scrambling away from you and your lover..
“Gah, Ace..! You scared him off!” You shrieked, looking up at Ace who wore a smug look on his face. “Good. He was gettin' close with you, so.”
“Still..! He was just getting friendly, you don't have to be so—so possesive.. With me. I'm all yours anyway..” You muttered, engulfing Ace into an embrace, causing him to laugh in joy, peppering you with kisses, whispering, “Mhm, all mine..~!”
© butterfluffy 2022
⠀⠀ʚїɞ · likes, comments, reblogs, and/or feedbacks are highly appreciated!
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syneilesis · 10 months
[fic] The Captain Does Not Go Down with the Ship
The Captain Does Not Go Down with the Ship
Ikemen Sengoku | Mouri Motonari x Reader | T | 500 words ao3 link (later)
You try your best to stop the Imperial Army from capturing your captain.
A/N: My last entry for @cy-inky's one week challenge! I started with a boom and I'm ending it with a bang! I used two prompts! "Let me guess ... you caused it?" and "Are you an idiot? I am not leaving you here." And it's an action-packed space opera AU! :D Admittedly my star wars and star trek knowledge are poor and shallow, and I did minimal research for this fic, but I hope that it's passable enough lol. I had fun writing this one, and I have to thank Inky for the event 💖 because I've never written so many words in such a short period of time. I was consistently inspired! That's so rare! 🥹
Divider by @/saradika. Hope you enjoy my final entry piece! 🫶
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“Let me guess!” Motonari's yell pierces through your ears, amidst the din of blaster shots and sirens and stomps of the crew and the enemies. “You caused it?”
You're tailing your captain, twisting your way through the narrow path that leads to the escape pods. Once or twice, an automatic door opens to reveal a trooper ready to fire, but you're quicker than them. Times like these you're thankful for your agility and speed.
“I'm sorry—it's the only thing I could think of!”
When an imperial ship appeared crying for your captain’s head and sent an army of troopers to collect it, marching their way into the bridge, you tried to stop them by blowing up the main passageway—a move that only delayed them. But that's enough to get the crew going—Motonari shouting orders to engage and eliminate soldiers as many as they can.
“We gotta get you out of here, Captain!” You herded Motonari to a narrower corridor that led to the escape pods.
“D'ya think I'd leave my men alone while I run away like a coward?”
“That's not it at all! That's not—”
And that's when the imperial ship fired.
A trooper jumps out of their hiding, armed with a blaster rifle. And Motonari, raging at the currently disarrayed state of his ship and crew, increases his pace and meets the weapon head on with his electro-sword.
“Captain!” You catch up and try to knock the trooper out but another appears to your right, wielding a knife that almost slices your arm.
“Don't ya ever think of dyin'!” Motonari yells, and he kicks the trooper down to stab them, piercing the dark blue armor. Lightning sparks across his blade, and the trooper is summarily electrocuted.
“I won't!” Another slash—and you crouch down to glide your feet into a sweep, knocking your opponent down, and smash their helmet with a forceful fist.
You glance at Motonari for a cursory check: no injuries—good. “Let's go, Captain!”
When you reach the pod area, Hiroyoshi is already there. “I've already instructed the others to escape. This is the only one left—hurry!”
And as you and Motonari race over where Hiroyoshi waits, a voice cuts through the noise, freezing you both.
“How humiliating it is to see Pirate-Captain Motonari Mouri abandoning his beloved ship.”
Behind them, several meters away, is the silhouette of Imperial General Kicho.
Motonari vibrates with fury, grits his teeth. Kicho's hand lifts, and a gun points at his head.
There's no time to think: Motonari stands closer to Hiroyoshi, so you push him in that direction, screaming, “Hiroyoshi—take care of the captain!” and then face Kicho again, all your cells ablaze.
You can hear Motonari's shouting—“Are you an idiot?! I'm not leavin' ya here!”—his voice strained by Hiroyoshi's persistence. You ignore it, and instead take a step closer to Kicho, blaster at the ready.
A twitch of his eyebrow is your only warning before he pulls the trigger.
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
okay okay wait i have some non-angsty hashira hcs too <3
okay so we know it's canon that sanemi can read but he can't write and given tengen's upbringing there's no way he can't write so when he finds out i bet he uses it against sanemi, he'll tickle him and when sanemi tells him to back off he'll be like "idk what you mean, can you spell that out for me :)"
So MEAN! 😭 Call me sadistic, but I love it lols! I've gotcha covered, Rey! :D
CW: Swearing
“Gah! What the actual- TENGEN!” Sanemi whirled, glaring daggers as the grinning ex-shinobi, arms pressed tightly into his sides.
“Hey Grump-zugawa! Got a question for ya-” He reached out poking Sanemi again and again. “Is it true you don’t know how to write? Like- you read really well, but you can’t write letters?”
“F-Fuhuhuck off, you oversized rock!” Sanemi snarled, stumbling back as he tried fighting off the hands prodding at him. His face burned, both from the tickles and his weakness brought up. “Geheheht the hell oohoohoff me!”
“Can I get that in writing?” Tengen winked, grabbing Sanemi’s fist before it could collide with his face. “Okay, mean- I get it. Still, I didn’t just come over here to bully you.” His free hand shot down, wiggling along the Wind Hashira’s exposed side. “Okay, maybe I did a little.”
“Geahahhahhahaha! T-Tehehehengen, I’ll fuhuhuhuhcking muhuhuuhurder yohuhuhuhou!” Sanemi shot up with a cackle, torn between yanking himself away and throwing another fist into the bigger man’s direction. For now, he had settled on trying to yank the offending hand away from his ribs. “Bahahhahahack ohohohohoohff!”
“Nah, this is too fun. Anyway- I genuinely came over about it. See- I grew up required to write, and I’m fairly good at it.” Tengen changed gears, clawing five fingers along Sanemi’s belly and making him double over with a squeal. “I can teach you how to write!”
“I dohohohoohn’t neehehehehehd yohohohohohur hehehehehelp!”
“They all say that- but in the end, my students are master writers. Here- first lesson’s free! T…I…” He poked out the shapes along Sanemi’s skin, giggling between letters himself at the way the pale haired man doubled over. “Hold still, I’m teaching you to spell! C…K…”
“TEHEHEHEHNGEHEHHEEHEN!” Sanemi cried, unable to fight back the laughter any longer. Figuring he was screwed either way, he reeled his leg back and kicked upward. Tengen’s instincts kicked in as he jumped back, releasing the other. Sanemi was free!
For five seconds. Then his back hit the ground and Tengen was looming over him with a new glint in his eyes.
“Wow, and I thought I was mean! Did you really just try to kick me in the chin?” His hands were back along Sanemi’s torso, making the other swear and scream. “Fine, let’s work on another word. S…O…R…R…Y… Can you spell that one for me?”
“See? Was that so hard?” Tengen grinned, releasing him but stayed hovering. “Really- I do want to teach you, Shinazugawa. I think it’d be nice for both of us.”
“Heheh…hehe..hohow so?” Sanemi groaned out, too tired to do more than push his bangs out of his face.
“I feel accomplished as a teacher, and you get to send love letters to Tomioka!” Tengen grinned, laughing when Sanemi went beet red.
It wasn’t long before their positions were reversed, Sanemi’s fingers flying over Tengen’s armpits and the big oaf cackling for mercy.
Send me a headcanon and character(s) and I'll write a short 300-500 word dabble for it!
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johnconstantinesdick · 4 months
Op your post and tags about Artemis doing damage control is absolutely delightful.
I mean, from Titan's curse we know Artemis was trying to get the council to prepare for the war, recognizing what was happening, even before the war gods actively acted.
Also Apollo getting a ping when a new possible child of the prophecy gets born actually makes sense. He knew how old Thalia was, he's also a god of truth besides just prophecy and during the years of the Hunt functioning I doubt the only big three kids to join are Bianca and Thalia. The chances are really small for that to happen.
It could also be Roman demigods, since literally anyone can join and it's better to be safe than sorry. And since it was 'child of the eldest gods' and not specifically the big three, she might have even counted in children of Demeter, since Hestia and Hera don't have (in Hera's case demigod) children.
About anon that Artemis acted predatory: bestie do you want the prophecy to happen? Do you want to risk Olympus falling?
And the average life expectancy of a Greek demigod is like 13 years old, were it not for them, the squad at Westover would have little chances of survival at the age they were at. Also statistically, the Hunt even helps to get demigods the chance to reach the camp by killing the monsters.
In conclusion: was it sketchy? Sure. Was she lying tho? Not at all.
From the few Hunters we got the chance to meet, sure, Bianca was really young when she died, but Phoebe and Zoë were thousands of years old. Let's do the math. If Zoë had been with the Hunt for let's say 3 000 years, and Phoebe for 2 500. Bianca died at 13 I think? Even these three on their own puts the average life expectancy of a Hunter to 1 838 years. And that's a bit higher than the chances of Greek demigods.
Artemis literally is doing the absolute most of a damage control.
(also personal headcanon that Artemis sends the Hunters to the camp instead of being on their own so they were safe from Orion since he usually targets them when they're alone, and being without Artemis who even got stolen and physically cannot help would be quite a chance to miss)
I love your username!
It always interests me how out of all of the gods Artemis is the most involved in the everyday lives of demigods. Mr. D helps run the camp, but she spends her time with her hunters, fighting with them and forging relationships. She’s notable in TTC because when the gang is fighting Atlas with her, she feels like a comrade more than a capricious god.
She’s not above criticism, but even taking my Great Prophecy Damage Control read out of the situation, she does more to directly help demigods than like. Any other god. So when I see wild criticism of her like “if Artemis hadn’t recruited the girl who admitted she might have destroyed Olympus if allowed to age then Hera wouldn’t have targeted Thalia so much. She was really just mad Thalia foreswore her only family in Jason. Isn’t Artemis so bad and evil???” It’s kind of like. Why are you bending over backwards to vilify one of the only gods consistently fighting and advocating for our heroes.
(Btw yes that is an actual take I saw in a fic.)
And you’re right on the Hunters ages!! Like we have several girls that have been around for thousands of years!!!! We have like five named Greek demigods that have lived to the age of eighteen in the original series, and over half of them proceeded to die anyway. Artemis is obviously doing something right to keep her girls alive this long.
With the fic idea… I may just have to write it when I get a chance. If I remember right, I don’t think the Romans were in line for the first Great Prophecy anyway, but it would be so funny if Artemis was like… fuck that. If I have to keep cleaning up my dad and uncle’s messes then I’m going to clean up all of them and get more hunters out of it.
Anyway thank you for the ask! I had fun making the post but then the anons I got kind of soured it :\ so I’m glad you like my thoughts!
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writemanjiro · 2 years
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| 340 words | fluff | tw: none | obey me | satan x gn!reader |
: ̗̀➛ prompt: write a scene between two of your characters with no dialogue. Make it a quiet, private moment where we see what they’re like together when no one else is around. [credits: @/yourdailywritingprompt (tiktok)]
: ̗̀➛ note: finally my first post! so the goal is to get you guys to write your own little drabbles to these prompts as well! There's no talking allowed in the writing with this prompt so let's use this opportunity to try and be as descriptive as possible. I personally found it a little difficult, but keep this in mind; Show your readers what you want them to see in the scene, don't tell them. Good luck! Tag me in your drabbles, write them through a reblog, in the comments, or in my asks! I'd love to see what you all come up with :D keep it under 500 words!
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The plush mattress and silky soft sheets are inviting beneath you as your eyes struggle to stay open, sleepiness washing over you in an instant. Your eyes close without your permission, leaving the page Satan was reading beside you. He had made it a habit somewhere along the way, of inviting himself into your room most nights to read and be in your company. Not that you minded much…Each turn of the page serves as a lullaby as you lie comfortably on his shoulder, taking in the sounds of the room as Satan occasionally reaches a hand up to run through your hair, soothingly. 
The House of Lamentation is silent; it's about a few minutes past midnight and everyone is cooped up in their respective rooms, turning in for the night. The peaceful silence is comforting. The only sounds that remain are the quiet hum of the AC, keeping you both cool from the blazing Devildom summer heat, as well as the breathing of the man you loved beside you. The slight whistle of his inhale and the gentle breeze of his exhale, you feel yourself relaxing further into his side. The dim light illuminating the pages of Satan’s book glows softly behind your closed eyes and it’s not long until you’re deeply sleeping on his shoulder.
Satan feels your breathing slow into a patterned rhythm, your hands falling gently to your sides as sleep completely takes over your body. He smiles softly at your sleeping form and yawns before setting his book aside and shutting the small lamp off beside him. A deep sigh escapes his lips, one full of content and peace as he guides you down with him onto your pillow, holding you close to his firm chest. One swift peck to your cheek serves as a goodnight and the blond quickly joins you in your slumber, allowing the small noises of the silent room along with your sweet breaths to lull him to sleep next to you. It was just another normal night for you both.
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posted: 9/4/22
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cringycrisis · 3 months
Tales from the Evil!Kg Au (I can't think of a better name right now)
Another crappy day, just like the day before that, and the day before that one, in fact, it's been like that for however long Kid's been alive. Nothing ever seemed to be good. He gets out of bed, gets ready, and avoids his hag of a mother as he tries to get out of that god-forsaken house in the morning. Then, he gets to be harassed all day by two popular raven-haired assholes who don't understand how to leave him alone while being threatened by their stalker. Then he gets to go back home and hopes that his “loving parents” don't harass him.
As Kid walks out of the lunch room he finds himself walking down one of the unused hallways that always seemed to hardly have any classes going on in them. He always hated the loud sounds that came from the cafeteria. It was always too damn noisy with people talking over each other and screaming nonsense. He could hardly hear himself think! 
Reaching the end of the hallway, he walks up to the exit doors and leaves the building, turning left and walking right around the corner. Stopping only a few feet from the corner so he could still hear the bell for when lunch is over and finally plopped his backpack and lunch tray on the ground before taking a seat on the grass against the building. 
He takes a bite of his sandwich, enjoying the nice weather, gentle cool wind blowing by. While he eats he hears a door open and footsteps approach him, god damn it, can Lily and Billy just not follow him for once in their-
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“Hey Kiddy, mind if we join you?” Oh. It was just Felix. Kid looks up at the blonde, peeking from around Felix's Shoulder was Cindy. Madison and Ozzy soon come into view from around the corner, quietly talking to each other as Kid and Madison steal a glance from each other.
“...sure, whatever.” Kid says… At least they hardly bug him. Felix smiles in response and takes a seat next to him. Cindy sits on the other side of Kid and smiles cheerfully.
“How are you feeling Kid?” She asks as she pulls a bandaid from her fanny pack. Ozzy hands her over a disinfectant wipe as she moves to get a better look at Kid's face.
Cindy carefully wipes Kid's cheek with the wipe and then gently puts a bandaid over a cut that was there. 
“You look like you got hit by a car.” Madison bluntly points out, getting a glare from the brunette.
“Yeah to get away from you.” Kid said, his tone being dead like how he felt inside. Madison stuck her tongue out at him in retaliation.
“Parents giving you a rough time again?” Felix asked, his smile always so soft and sweet to Kid. The brunette didn't bother to say anything more, they knew full well of his home life.
“I feel bad for the inmates they get, your father is a fucking dictator.” Madison said, remembering the few times she got arrested and had to deal with Kid's father.
“Are they threatening boarding school again?”
“What do you think?” 
“Man, lucky guy.” Ozzy jokes as he pretends to fantasize over it. Kid rolls his eyes.
“I went to a boys boarding school once, then they found me.” Madison chipped in, staring at her lunch as she stirs it with her fork.
“Why were you there in the first place?” Asked Felix.
“Remember that time for about 3 months where I was getting like $500 a week?”
“Oh my god don't tell me you were-”
“I was selling them cigarettes, those boys were so easy to swindle.”
“Oh. That wasn’t so bad.” Cindy says, as her shocked expression dropped.
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“What the hell do you think I was doing Cindy?” Madison sneers, Cindy quickly looks away, flustered as she sips on her orange juice nervously. Madison's stare quickly hardened as she wanted to burn a hole into Cindy, making the blonde girl scoot closer to Kid as if she could somehow use him for protection.
“I'm sure Cindy was worried you were selling something more illegal, like weed or something!” Felix butts in, quickly trying to defuse the situation. Madison rolls her eyes at him as she goes back to her lunch. The conversation quickly died down after that. Cindy didn't bother to move from her spot, making Kid move his knees up to his chest so he wasn't as squished in-between the two blondes. His back began to hurt as he was still pressed hard against the brick wall.
Usually if he were either by himself or with anybody else he would complain, yet now when he's with these guys. He could care less about it. He just sat there eating his lunch while listening to their conversations without a care in the world. It was one of the daily moments where he felt like he could relax. 
“I'm not sure, hey Kid, what do you think?” Felix looks down at Kid, waiting for an answer.
“It sounds lame.” Kid responds.
“You think everything is lame.” said Madison.
“It's lame like your face.”
“At least it's not stupid like yours.”
Felix cuts in. “Guys please, don't fight.”
“Whatever you say prince pacifist.”
Madison says as she smirks at Kid. Making direct eye contact that seemed playful.
“I just don't like it when people fight.”
“What about that fight with Billy a few days ago?” Ozzy points out, the blonde boy always seems to get pulled into a brawl every week by the raven haired boy. A one-sided rivalry that has been a thorn in Felix’s side since forever.
“I didn’t intend to instigate one! He just seems to always want to fight!”
“It's always going to shock me that he keeps getting away with stuff like that.” Cindy sighs, almost defeated by that fact.
“His parents are besties with the school's superintendent. How else do you think?” Kid says as he picks at the crust on his sandwich.
“Huh, what a surprise. Privileged bastards.” Madison says sarcastically.
“Makes sense, I mean, if I was also an asshole with a parent like that, I'd probably do the same.” Ozzy says as Kid hands him the crust he didn't want. Happily putting it into his chocolate milk carton and then shaking it.
“Do you think Lily has ever gotten sick of him?” 
“I wouldn't be shocked if she pushed him in front of a bus.”
“It wouldn't be the first time one of them did something like that.” Madison says amusingly, chuckling to herself afterwards.
“Hey. Can I have a spork?” Ozzy asks as he opens his backpack and pulls out a can of whipped cream from a hidden lunch bag, Kid hands him an unused spork as Ozzy sprays the whipped cream into the now opened milk carton. Madison holds her hand out for the can, to which Ozzy gives it to her, spraying a huge handful into her mouth before handing it back to him. Quickly wiping it off, Ozzy sets the can back into his backpack and starts eating his concoction.
“For a guy obsessed with health, you really love sweets.” Cindy joked as Ozzy hums in acknowledgment. 
“Hey, who says I can't enjoy a dessert after a meal?”
“Is it really that good?” 
“You wanna try?”
“Yeah, can I?”
Ozzy hands the carton over to Cindy as she wipes off her own spork, scooping out a small portion of the dessert and eating before handing it back to Ozzy.
“Feels like it could use some cinnamon.”
“Guess I know what to bring tomorrow!”
As quick as it went, the lunch bell rings, indicating it was time to go back to class. Ozzy and Cindy groan as they all pick up their things and begin their walk back into the building. 
“Hey, do you guys want to hang out after school?” Felix asks as he leads the way back into the building.
“Where to?”
“Hell yeah!” Madison cheered.
“I'm down.”
“Sweet! Maybe I can beat the high score in ‘dance floor exclusive’!” Mused Ozzy, cracking his knuckles as Madison giggles.
“What about you, Kid?” Kid turns to look up at Felix, the blonde boy's face full of kindness as his eyes sparkle, waiting for his answer.
“...Sure, why not.” Felix’s smile grew.
“Great! We can all go to Popper's Pizza afterwards, my treat!” Felix opens the door for his friends, stepping to the side while holding it open for his friends to pass through. When they all go through Kid stops a few feet away to wait for the blonde. The other three seemingly engrossed in a conversation about a video game Kid could care less about kept moving forward as Kid waited. Once Felix was on the other side of the door, they continued on towards their classes. They walked as Kid nudges Felix, earning back a more gentle nudge. 
“Yo, slow pokes, hurry up!” Madison calls back to them annoyed. 
“Sorry!” Felix apologizes and grabs Kid's hand, dragging him along as they catch up to their friends who were waiting. As they continue to walk back to class, Kid realizes that Felix never let go of his hand, so instead of pulling away, he intertwines their fingers. Yeah, these guys are alright. Not that Kid would admit it, but he does enjoy their presence.
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jacksprimalfear · 11 months
I’m Empty ‘till he fills, I’m alive ‘till he kills.
(this is a collaboration with @a3s1rxx )
And my condo is absolutely destroyed. Up in flames. The police and fire department are already on their way as I sadly walk over to the payphone.
Once in, I reach into my pocket, pulling out Marla’s number. I reach for the phone and slowly punch in the numbers from the paper.
As soon as she picks up, I hang up. Opting to call Tyler instead, the man I met on the plane. I have no idea why I called him, but I did.
I punch in the number on his business card.
Ring ring ring.
He doesn’t pick up. Crap. I slowly start to step out and away from the payphone before hearing it ring. I pick up the phone. Hello? I say.
I hear him eating chips on the other end of the line, “Who’s this?” He asks me. Tyler? I ask, to make sure it’s him.
“Who is this?” He asks once again. Uh, we met on the airplane, we had the same suitcase, I reply. The uh, the clever guy, I continue. He laughs “Oh yeah, right.”
I called…a second ago, I inform him. There was no answer I’m at a paypho- “Yeah i’m sorry I *69’d you, I never pick up my phone.”
I let out a little smile at that. “So, what’s up?” He asks. Uh..well, you’re not going to believe this. I say, looking back at my burning condo.
We’re now at Lou’s Tavern, a bar. I tell him about all the things I have lost. “Why do guys like us know what a duvet is. Is it essential to our survival in the hunter gatherer sense of the word? No. What are we, then?” I look at him, a bit puzzled.
I dunno, consumers? I answer. “Right, we’re consumers, we are byproducts of a lifestyle obsession.”
He goes on, “Murder, crime, poverty. These things don’t concern me. What’s concerns me are celebrity magazines, televisions with 500 channels, some guys name on my underwear.”
I start to become almost amused with his big ideas about consumerism. Martha Stewart. I add on.
“Fuck Martha Stewart, she’s polishing the brass on the Titanic, it’s all going down man!” He says
“So fuck off with your sofa units and Strinne green stripe patterns.” He sure is passionate about all of this “I say never be complete. I say stop being perfect. I say let’s evolve. Let the chips fall where they may.”
He’s very..intentional with the way he talks, like he’s trying to convince you. “But that’s me, and I could be wrong. Maybe it’s some terrible tragedy.”
We are now outside Lou’s. “Just ask” he says. Huh? I reply “Is it a problem for you to ask if you can stay with me?” Oh god. Oh, Tyler, really it’s fine. I say. “No seriously stay with me.” Seriously. I’ll go find a hotel. I respond.
“Stay. With. Me” I’m starting to get annoyed by his asking. No, I respond, I’ll go find a hotel, I’m not staying with a guy I just met. I go on. “Fine, guess we’ll have to do this the hard way, Ikea-boy.” What could he mea-
I find myself waking up, tied to a chair. I try to scream but i’m gagged. Some sort of cloth in my mouth. I start trying to remember what happened, and then it hits me. Tyler.
Tyler had knocked me out and brought me to some abandoned looking house. I try to squirm but it’s no use, I assume Tyler had heard me moving and walked into the room I was in “You’re awake.”
I look at him, rage in my eyes. “You didn’t wanna come with me so unfortunately this is how it has to be.” I tried to scream again. “Shut up. It’s no use, you’re gagged. You’re only wasting your breath.”
I squirm again. “And you’re only gonna give yourself rope burn with all that moving.” I sigh and give up, hanging my head low. “There we go, just let go, be good, and you’ll be fine.” He pats my head. Oh how I want to break his hand.
Oh how I want to just beat him into the ground a- He’s waving a hand in front of my face. “Come back to reality, Ikea-boy.” I hate that nickname.
“Don’t try and escape from this. Stay right in the moment”. You sick fuck. After looking at me for a moment he starts up again, “Well. I’m getting tired, I’m heading to bed, night.”
He leaves and i’m left alone with nothing but my thoughts. Torture.
I sit for hours, letting my situation sink in, I know nobody is going to look for me.
I start to panic, then I start to cry. Wondering how I ended up here. I hope my crying will make me fall asleep, but it doesn’t. It’s not satisfying, it doesn’t help me in any way.
I just sit there and cry, helpless. I see some of my tears hit the dirty and grimy floor, I start to wonder how old this building is. All I can do is look around and take everything in, to assess my situation. It’s definitely not looking good.
I stay like this until the sun comes up. I can hear Tyler getting up from his bed in the other room, I listen to each step as he makes his way to me. Opening the door I see him again.
“Good morning, sunshine, did you sleep well?” I refuse to give him any reaction. “I asked you a fucking question.” I still give no response, nothing. He walks up to him a swiftly slaps me across the face, I groan in pain. “Answer me. Yes or no.” I hesitantly shake my head.
“Awh, that’s too bad isn’t it. I slept like a baby.” He walks back over to the door. “I’ll bring you breakfast soon.”
He leaves and closes the door. I start to think of ways I could escape, my mind comes up blank. I’m tied pretty tight to this chair, it’ll take Tyler untying me before I even think about escaping.
Tyler finally comes back with my “breakfast” if you can even call it that, it was just a slice of bread and some water.
“Now I’m gonna remove the sock from your mouth. And you’re not going to scream.” He takes out the sock and it looks disgusting, grimy, dirty, I almost threw up now that I knew that was in my mouth.
“Open up.” I hesitantly open my mouth, he feeds me the bread and lets me sip the water, and then drink it all, I’m still very hungry. He leaves the room again and I’m left to think…again.
I’m at least grateful to have the sock out of my mouth. My jaw hurts from being propped open for so long.
I begin to think about my sad and pathetic life leading up to this moment, how I’ve wasted my time, my life really. About my childhood, my father, my upbringing.
I think about the support groups, how they’ll all think the worst when they realise i’ve stopped showing up, the looks on their faces. I think about how many sleepless nights ill go through, trapped here. About ho-
There’s a fly. It lands on my nose. I begin to think about how jealous I am of this fly, he can move freely, and he doesn’t have to have the burden of human sentience, he doesn’t have any concept of time. He’ll probably die in a day or two.
Not me, I’m stuck here, for however long Tyler wants to keep me here, fully aware of everything.
I wish I could be as blissfully unaware as this fly. I shake my head, making the fly buzz away. I watch it fly around the room, bumping into the walls. Stupid thing.
I watch the fly zoom around for a while until Tyler comes in and kills it. “How’s it going?” He talks to me as if he didn’t kidnap me.
“Oh come on not this shit again.” I don’t respond to him. “I asked you, how’s it going.” I stare at him, mouth shut. He suddenly punches me
“I don’t like being ignored.” I groan from the pain. It stings, but then also feels numb. I…
I trail off, not knowing what to say “Spit it out already.” I don’t like it here. I reply.
“You’ll get used to it.” He stares at me “You have a really sad and sick desperation in your eyes. Like a war orphan.” A war orphan.
“Later tonight I have something to give you, consider it a gift.” I’m now wondering what my gift could possibly be. He leaves again.
It has been hours. I think I’m starting to go insane, I’m hungry, exhausted, and my cheek hurts, Ive been crying on and off thinking about everything. Tyler comes in “I’m gonna give you your gift now.”
He walks closer to me, untying me, I think of running but I know it’s no use. He grabs me by the arm and pulls me down the stairs and into the kitchen, lots of chemicals splayed on the counter.
“I’m making soap.” Will my gift be soap? He’s on the other side of the counter. He grabs my hand and licks his lips, he kisses my hand.
What is this? I ask. He suddenly grabs a tub of lye and pours it over my hand “This is chemical burn.” Immediately my hand feels like it’s on fire, the lye literally burning my skin.
Of course this is his idea of a gift. I cry out in pain and try to move away but he holds me in place. PLEASE PLEASE TYLER. I cry and scream. “Just take it.” I beg for him to please free me from this pain.
I try and zone out, but he slaps me “NO. Stay right with me Ikea-boy. Right here.”
I sob and continue to beg. “Just accept the pain. Shut up and accept it. It’s only after we lost everything that we are free to do anything.”
I try to shut up and take it like he says, and a few minutes later he pours vinegar on my hand to neutralise the burn.
I fall over and he walks over to me. He squats down to my level. “Now we’re matching.” He lifts up his hand and shows me his burn scar in the same place as mine but on his hand. “Lets get you back up to your room.”
He helps me up and brings me back to the room, but instead of tying me to the chair, he ties my arms and legs and leaves me on the dirty mattress in the corner of the room.
I look at my hand. Now every time I look at it, i’ll be reminded of Tyler and how he gave me this.
I will forever be tethered to Tyler through this scar. No matter if I make it out of here or not. It’s an absolutely sickening thought.
It’s almost like he’s branded me, like he’s trying to show me he owns me now. And no matter what I do, he’ll always own me.
It’s been 2 and a half weeks. I’m miserable, I’m frail, I’m exhausted, and I’m starting to grow an attachment to Tyler. Every so often he comes in here and talks to me, he’s the only person I can talk to. He’s almost sweet sometimes.
But other times he gets angry and takes it out on me, beating me. I have many bruises left by Tyler. He told me I should be grateful for every bruise, that it’s a gift from him, and I’m starting to believe it.
It’s starting to make sense to me. He treats me to little things sometimes, like instead of bread, I get a cupcake. Sometimes he’ll let me sit on the couch with him, that is if i’m good. And I almost hate to say it but I enjoy it.
I start to really like Tyler, but then I hate him again. Just to really like him again. I start to think I can live here forever and I can be with him forever, but then he starts to disgust me all over again. I start to loathe him. I end up in tears.
It’s a cycle.
“So, are you mad at me today?” I look over at him “Answer me, and be honest.” I nod. “Is it because I hit you yesterday?” I nod once more.
He walks over to my bed, where i’m sitting and sits next to me. “Come here.” He opens his arms and I almost jump into them, even though my arms and legs are tied together.
He gently unties my hands and I wrap my arms around him. He envelopes me into a hug.
“You know I only hit you because I’m mad. I just need something to help me blow some steam.” I nod, I feel happy that I can help him feel better.
“If you’re good today, i’ll let you have some reading time.” Ah my favorite.
Sometimes he gave me books to read. I’ve never appreciated a book more in my life than I have in here.
A couple hours have passed and I have gotten my book after all. Tyler had come back into my room and he laid down on my bed.
I’m reading the book to him. I am Jacks enflamed sense of rejection. I read.
I hear snoring.
He’s sleeping. Instantly my mind gets the urge to run, to make an escape, but I just look down at him. I gently run my fingers through his hair and he smiles a bit in his sleep.
I stay put.
I don’t even know how long it’s been anymore. The cycle of me hating and loving Tyler has gotten worse, I don’t know what to do.
He hurts me, then comforts me, he hurts me, then comforts me, he hurts me, then comforts me, he hurts me, then comforts me, he hurts me, then comforts m-
Tyler comes into my room.
“Do you wanna go out for a walk?” He asks. I look at him like this is the best offer i’ve ever gotten in my life. YES! I reply.
He walks over to me and unties my hands and feet and helps me to stand up, I get my shoes on and walk downstairs with him.
“Be good, okay? Don’t try and run.” I nod and we walk out of the house, we walk around for a couple of blocks.
He talks about consumerism and goes on his big rant about it. But then he asks me something. “Tell me something about yourself.”
I open my mouth and nothing comes out. I’ve been with him so long I no longer have a sense of self, it’s not like I had any hobbies before him either.
I have no life outside of him. I just stop walking and stand there.
“Uh, you alright?” I look at him and then I look forward.
I start running.
I don’t even know why I start to run, but I do, and instantly Tyler is yelling, running after me, I run like my life depends on it, which it sort of does.
Nothing on my mind but escaping the hell i’ve been trapped in for months, routine beatings, starvation, and isolation. I almost thought I could outrun him.
Until I ran out of adrenaline. I haven’t been exactly healthy, and Tyler works out almost everyday.
He caught up to me. He grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder, carrying me back to the house, angrily “You’re IN for it this time.” There was no escaping this.
Once we got home, Tyler throws me on the floor, getting on top of me and beating me like he usually does.
But it doesn’t stop, and the pain gets worse with each punch, I can imagine I look swollen and ridiculous at this point, with how often he beats me and how hard he does.
He’s yelling at me but I can barely hear him over the hard packing sounds of his fists meeting my face, it’s deafening. I can feel the iron taste of blood in my mouth, and I can feel it dripping into my eye.
There comes a point where you’re experiencing so much pain that it almost feels numbing. I’m fading in and out of consciousness. This feels almost peaceful, as if I’m feeling the sensation of falling asleep.
It almost feels like i’m having an out of body experience. Maybe this is what he meant about letting go. Just letting it happen.
As he said It’s only after we have lost everything that we are free to do anything. Maybe this is my freedom.
My vision is fading as he repeatedly beats me. I think I’m falling asleep, but I don’t think I’m gonna wake up.
The last things I hear are the shouts of Tyler as he beats me to death. To sweet sweet death. Please, Tyler, tear me apart, let me never be complete. Now I can finally let go and be free.
[AN: I did not spell check any of this. Also. Gonna make Narrator and Tyler fluff later to cope with this]
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