#we stan dads and granddads here
ouatsnark · 5 months
On the topic of Gold.
People really don't talk about how bad of a dad, granddad, and husband he was after he became the dark one.
I will not deny he was a good/decent dad to Baelfire before he became the dark one? But after?
The poor kid was terrified and ended up hating magic because of it, even into adulthood.
He traded away their second kid without discussing with Milah OR Belle when the two started dating.
He was all for murdering his grandson knowing the pain it would cause (because he lost a kid. He knew what it felt like and was willing to permanently injury/kill Henry. To permanently take away three people (HIS OWN SON'S) ten year old son and two people's own grandson (not including him in that since he clearly didn't care) before he found out Neal was dead.
He didn't respect Neal's wishes or Belle's.
He stole someone's baby during the hero and villains' thing.
He was gonna take ASHLEY'S baby and has been implied to have taken others, for purposes we do not know.
And he killed Milah TWICE. Like wtf.
And I don't see enough people talk about it?
People will seriously defend him to the grave not acknowledging any of this.
I don't get how. The man was willing to permanently take away multiple people's children (his 'true love's' and his own son's son included) despite knowing damn well how it felt.
And he doesn't show much remorse, does he?
I hate that retcon with the Charmings being baby snatchers but at least they showed remorse!
I don’t think much discussion happens around Gold at all because he was a minor character and not in the way of any major ships. Sad, isn’t it? Because the ship he is involved in was toxic as hell and deserves a lot of discussion!
Yes, I will agree that Rumple was a decent father before becoming the dark one. Rumple, however, was never a descent husband. To be fair, Milah wasn’t a decent wife either. Her anger over her husband being unable to kill someone when she, herself, wasn’t willing to do it, is just … wrong. But Rumple trading his second born without telling Milah (and later not disclosing this to Belle) was an asshole, cowardly, move. Does that make him a rotten father though? He was doing everything he could for his son. I do believe branding himself a coward was selfish and did his family wrong by dishonoring them.
However, blaming Rumple for his actions after being consumed by darkness is a tricky thing. I don’t fully blame Rumple because he was literally just consumed by darkness. He wasn’t even aware at the time what he was doing even though anger, cowardice and indignation led him to this fate… he was still consumed by a literal evil force. I begin to blame Rumple for his actions as the Dark One around the time he let his son fall through a portal. He was struggling there for control and he lost it. It’s like when Killian chose Emma above his power and over his own life. Rumple was just weaker.
The Rumple stans 100% do not acknowledge that Rumple’s love for Henry was very much contingent on his own happy ending. If Neal hadn’t been dead, Henry would be dead. If it had come down between Henry and Belle, he wouldn’t have hesitated to kill Henry. Rumple was very selfish.
And that selfishness showed in how he controlled Belle’s life. He never asked her before he did anything. He put her in a sleeping curse so he could get what he wanted in S4 during the shattered sight curse. He went against her wishes to wake her in S5. And again in S6 he locked her on his ship, tried to force her to give him their child and then didn’t ask her in S6 finale if she wanted to participate in his mother’s curse! Her life was basically a chess piece for him to maneuver around to gain his own happiness.
Rumple also got away with killing Milah twice. And I always forget: HELP ME OUT HERE… does Belle know that Rumple killed Milah or does she still think it’s Killian’s fault? Because that was always a WTF for me. I am pretty sure Rumple lets her think he isn’t a wife killer when he is.
And no, Rumple has zero remorse. After all “it is the man he is.”
I also hate the Charming baby snatching retcon but to be fair they didn’t know it was a human child. So in no way are they even on the same plane of evil as Regina or Rumple. But yes, they are the only ones to show remorse for harming a child. Well, Killian too. He regrets leaving Bae to Pan after being offended by Bae’s rejection.
P.S. The baby he stole during the AU was baby Snowflake aka Snowing’s child.
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impishtubist · 2 years
Listen it’s been an hour and I’m still thinking about grandad Jegulus!!!!
Reg having a little freak out about becoming a grandfather SO young (James Sirius was so NOT planned!! Idc! 😂 he’s was a lovely oopsie! )
Regulus with streaks of white in his curls 😩
Both of them with eye crinkles 🥺
James deciding to grow a beard & it comes in all grey!
Sirius freaking out when he notices he’s getting wrinkles and Reg isn’t but then finds out about the 6 step skin care routine Jegulus does every night and forces Moony to get one with him.
James has a bad knee from repeated bludger hits that Reg massages when it gets cold!!!
The idea is just so good 😭 let them live long and be old men together!!!!
LET JEGULUS AND WOLFSTAR GROW OLD TOGETHER!!!! YES!!!! Sirius and Regulus both having meltdowns when they discover their first gray hair and/or wrinkle and James and Remus having to talk them down. And yes!!!! Bearded Granddad James Potter!!!!
Also lol at Regulus being like "I'm too young to be a granddad! Harry is too young to be a dad!!" and losing his fucking mind. Sirius is just like ??????? weren't you like 18 when you got knocked up with Harry???? And Regulus is like SHUT YOUR DAMN MOUTH SIRIUS ORION.
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i wanna know what love is - 22
Pairing: rockstar! sebastian stan x writer!reader
Warnings: sexual themes
A/N: happy easter and happy passover. to celebrate i’m posting two chapters today. let me know what you think lovelies . enjoy xx 💕💕
Last Chapter // Next Chapter
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    - I know you and my brother were smoking outside. - Y/N said as he closed the door to their room. He froze in place, would she be mad at him? In his defence, he would’ve done everything to leave that situation which was even worse when they got back. Y/N’s mother managed to diffuse it out for his luck, but he was 100% sure her grandfather did not like him. 
   - Bunny, I can explain. - he was ready to weave an apology, but instead of seeing a very mad Y/N, she just placed her hands on his shoulders, head slightly tilted to the side. - Are you not mad?
   - No, I think it was best for you. 
   - I don’t think your grandfather enjoys my presence. - he grabbed her hands in his, caressing her palm with his thumb. 
   - My grandfather doesn’t like anyone. Why do you think I don’t come here a lot? - she got out of her shoes, leading him to her very small bed. Sebastian was not very upset by the size of the bed, the smaller the bed, the more cuddles he could get and he always adored cuddling, specially if he got to sleep with her in his arms. - I’m sorry about him. He can be a very traditional man. Everyone in his family has gone to really good universities. 
   - I can see. - he remembered seeing memorabilia from various ivy leagues from Brown to Darmouth. - If you don’t mind me asking, how come your family is this wealthy? I thought your great grandfather wrote for the New Yorker?
   - My great grandfather married a girl from the Dumas’ family. She had made quite a fortune by herself and then inherited half her parents’ state which was an obnoxious amount of money and property. Since she married into my family, our last name prevailed and we climbed up to America’s elite. - she had little memories of her great grandfather but he’d always tell her and Theo when they were younger about how much he loved his wife despite it all, so Y/N knew the whole story by heart. - Then my grandfather started a printing company which is doing pretty well by itself. And I’m not wealthy, my parents are. 
   - Aren’t the Dumas’ family related to Hermes? - Y/N nodded. - Are you an Hermes’ heir?
   - If everyone dies including the present Dumas’ family and then all my relatives, yes. - she laughed.
They ended up spending the whole night talk and eventually fell off asleep still on their clothes. Sebastian envied the lifestyle she’d left behind but at the same time had to give her kudos for deciding to accept no money from no one and making something of herself without nepotism. 
They got woken up by a knock on her door. Y/N raised her head and sleepingly walked to the door, opening it slightly and silently to see her mother already dressed and in a very colourful polka dotted apron.
   - It’s cooking time, c’mon Y/N. - she didn’t even gave her time to complain about it, as she dragged her down the stairs and into the kitchen, offering her a cooking apron and telling her to start cutting carrots. - So Sebastian, how serious is it?
   - It’s recent, mum. - she continued to peel and cut some carrots. 
   - I think he’s a very nice young man. - Y/N was not expecting that. Not from her mother who publicly disliked every single person their children had been romantically linked to. - He makes you smile and me and your father had never seen you like that. 
   - Does dad like him too? - her mother nodded and Y/N felt her heart swell up. Her parents did not just like anyone and it was fairly important they liked him, specially when her grandfather disliked him so badly. - So the Vanderbilts are coming for dinner?
   - They’re business partners with your grandfather. It’s not like we can argue with him, you know that. 
Sebastian had drifted off to sleep after she left but woke up with another knock on the door. This house was much too polite for him, specially when he grew up with his mother opening the door wide open at very ... unfortunate times. He deeply missed it, nevertheless. 
He mumbled something and the door opened to see Theseus peaking him. He lifted his arm to show him a pack of cigarettes and Sebastian understood the message, getting up from bed and following him back to Y/N’s balcony. He had to admit, Y/N must had a pretty good view growing up. 
   - I think I’ll just make you some company. - he replied sitting on one of the white wooden chairs. - Tom Vanderbilt is coming today, isn’t he?
   - I wouldn’t worry. He mostly talks to my dad and granddad, he knows Y/N hates his guts. So, you and Y/N, anything serious? 
   - She’s a lovely girl.
   - Not the question. - he stubbed onto his cigarette. - My father is probably gonna ask you that sometime, you should train your answer.
   - She’s the only person who thinks I’m a good person. - he shrugged. - She’s also very feisty. 
They remained there for quite a while and Theo even offered Sebastian some of his suits so he could wear them to lunch, which he gladly took. He didn’t want to offend her grandfather anymore than what his existence had. Sebastian and Theo went down the stairs, one going into the living room while Sebastian went to the kitchen where Y/N was helping her mother ice the champagne. She was wearing a pink dress, a very flowy one that looked like she had been taken off a Disney movie.
   - Nice suit, darling. - her mother said, walking over to him and fixing his shoulders. - Doesn’t Sebastian look nice, honey?
   - Whose suit is that? - she asked and he gave her his typical smirk. - You look very dashing. 
   - Only for you. 
   - You two should go to the living room, great some people. - her mother suggested, sending them on their merry way into the living room which was packed full of people. Y/N was never a fan of big lunches, she always find it upsetting to have to pretend to be happy to see people she didn’t really enjoy. Sadly, since she wasn’t around much she was the talk of the town.
   - Y/N, dear, you must come and see Tom. - her grandfather came into her eyesight. 
   - I’m sure Sebastian would love to meet him too. - he would definitely not, but she knew what he was playing at and if she brought Sebastian, his expectations would be brought down. The old man took the couple by the fireplace where Tom and his father were standing. 
   - Don, you’ve meet my granddaughter before. - he introduced her to Tom’s father. He was a very pudgy man with a love for old scotch. Y/N had met him a few times during her grandfather’s meetings and back when she was dating Tom. 
   - Y/N, you grow more beautiful every time I see you. - he shock her hand, a weird smile on his face. - You sure have been missed at our dinner table.
   - And this is Sebastian Stan, he’s Y/N’s guest. - he introduced Sebastian who shock both men’s hands.
   - Guests don’t kiss, grandpa. He’s my partner. - Sebastian had to hold in a laugh as she said that with the most polite yet sharp tone, making the three men stop drinking to stare at both of them. - I’ve heard you got a spot in my grandfather’s business, Thomas. Congratulations. 
   - Thank you, Y/N. I see you’ve done pretty well by yourself. You’re an intern, aren’t you? - Sebastian disliked him even more due to that comment. 
   - You two must come fishing with us later. - Mr.Vanderbilt added. - It’s always good to have two more in the bunch.
   - I don’t think Sebastian ...
   - We would love to go, Mr. Vanderbilt. - Sebastian interrupted her, putting his arm around her waist. - Wouldn’t we, bunny?
   - Yes. - she had a confused look on her face. They excused themselves from the group and walked over to a quiet location. - What the fuck, Sebastian!
   - What? I love fishing. 
   - For girls maybe, not for actual fish. - she rolled her eyes. - You just doomed us to an afternoon of disappointment.
   - C’mon. - he hugged her, placing a kiss on top of her head. - He was being arrogant. 
   - I don’t need you to defend my honour. 
   - I know you don’t, but I still will.
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staliasjeronica · 5 years
Riverdale S4 Ep5 Thoughts *Spoilers*
- What kind of person would pepper spray someone who literally helps them??? I mean, I get it, you’re scared, but like… he didn’t make any move towards you at all???
- Betty and Kevin being Jr. FBI specialists??? Don’t you have to mentally prepared for that, and both of them are the least from it… but sure whatever
- Wait suddenly Veronica wants to help her mom? She’s shown NO interest to help either of her parents However I’ll let it slide because Hermione has done wrong, but she was also being manipulated by Hiram and also her and Veronica’s relationship in season one was super cute and I desperately want it back
- Nerdy!Jughead is the cutest and only jughead that deserves rights, this school is the best thing that’s ever happened to him because he’s away from his relationship and the Serpents (although I’m pissed he kicked out the only good possible leader for no reason and then dipped but—)
- “I’m fighting for my freedom” fuck off Hiram you’re not even clean just fucking let it go, nobody likes you or your plot!!! LET HIM ROT IN JAIL AND GO AWAY SO HE CAN LEAVE HIS DAUGHTER ALONE. I swear, if they flip everything and make Veronica the one in jail and her father out free I’m gonna flip my shit
- Betty looks cute in her FBI shirt though don’t get me wrong. But if she’s this “amazing” with her intuition why isn’t she like that in any other moment in the show, like she’s an awful investigator and this is only happening because it’s bettydale 
- Not them STILL going with this dumb serial killer genes thing…….
- “Dad, why’d you stop?” probably because you guys didn’t have much money to keep food on the table?? Or because your father at the time was an alcoholic and shit so he spent the money on something else. Probably why FP seemed so against answering.
- Not this dude calling the fucking community center a half-way house??? 
- Of course Betty is lying about something she doesn’t have to lie about, what’s new. But, like, just because you have the gene doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll be a serial killer… it just means you are more likely than others… or something like that.
- “rabble-razzle”? lmao what kind of name—
- Jughead’s such a fanboy ughhhh so cute!!!
- Veronica is so smart ugh her MIND. I know Betty is favored but like Veronica thinks things through and is able to put the pieces together. I prefer detective!Veronica than Betty (if that wasn’t obvious already lol)
- Not the writers forgetting that Betty drowned her cat, and didn’t smash it with a rock… c’mon they even showed it in the callback omfg
- Okay FP I get you have bad memories but don’t hurt Jughead in the process…
- We stan a Lodge who blackmails to help others
- When that one dude makes sure Jughead gets the murderer card… also Bret being a whiny little bitch
- Betty a lot of people keep diaries,,, chill if they’re going to go through with this dumb serial killer genes shit then put Betty in therapy
- Oh she’s finally coming clean to Kevin,,, this is like the quickest time she’s done that. Usually she keeps it to herself for like episodes
- Betty why are you acting like your dad making you finish off your cat is like a actually your fault. YES LISTEN TO KEVIN. But every time he has good advice you never listen so,,, WAIT WHY DOES KEVIN HAVE TO LEAVE IF BETTY DOES???
- FP why are you calling Archie Red…
- Oh more information about the Serpents that we’ll never see because they’re like abandoned
- Ew that was the cringe “shut your mouth” part from Jughead from the trailer lmao
- I know I said that Archie’s arc was kinda boring but if there wasn’t Dodger it’d be perfect. It’s actually not that bad. Also the Vixen’s and Bulldog’s backing Archie THIS IS WHAT WE WANT TO SEE, BUT LIKE,,, WITH OUR EYES AND NOT JUST WORDS
- Jughead, one dude says some small false bullshit and suddenly you want to leave??? That doesn’t sound like Jughead Jones
- “Do you want me to look for him?” Jughead what could you possibly do lol just be a kid please
- How can Charles have the genes when he’s not Hal’s child???????????????????? Riverdale writers PLEASE. The FBI would help control his impulses…? This sounds fake as fuck I wanna put that out there right the fuck now
- Hermosa hello,,, why are you stalking your younger sister?? Also how has she never met her? Veronica she looks exactly like you…  Of course she’s fucking evil, why can’t they just drop the fucking Lodge shit. They can’t do anything to make me hate Veronica but Jesus fucking Christ END THE BORING LODGE STORYLINE I BEG YOU
- Here’s the detective Jughead I actually kinda missed… ever since BH it’s only been Betty for some reason and Jughead just going along with whatever she says
- Hiram you were just on trial nobody’s going to vote for you to be the fucking MAYOR. If even FRED FUCKING ANDREWS (rip) didn’t make it as mayor, neither will you, you annoying fuck
- Seriously, Betty? Stop being a fucking stalker, this isn’t your job
- Oh no yep Jughead’s death is totally all a sham, there’s no way FP would call out their names like that without any anger over the fact that they “killed” Jughead… and to think I thought the writers actually had some balls.
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steve0discusses · 5 years
Yugioh S4 Episode 2: Rebecca...She’s back, I guess?
So I got hella sick this week so it’s...just one update this weekend. The rest of the next update has the caps done but then the copy I was putting together got very distracted about which Founding Father was the hottest and I think that was the Dayquil? I barely know what day of the week it is rn. I think it’s Saturday, is it Saturday?
Anyway, we’re battling that Monocle guy. Gurimo? Yeah his name is Gurimo. I honestly can’t remember him saying his name even once, so thanks Google for the help.
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It’s a new season so not only did we suck all the power out of God Cards but now you can’t use them anymore with the new glowing green mechanic. The writers really did just...a lot to make it so God Cards are no longer relevant. Like they buried them so far.
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This guy repeats himself quite a lot about being soul hungry? Yeah I watched all of Sailor Moon so like, I’m super up to date on my soul energy anime. I’ve walked this path before I know it well.
(read more under the cut)
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Such a shame we can’t read those stats which may just be Hebrew letters in lorem ipsum (note that when Pegasus makes you a card, you don’t get to have stats) but it’s nice to know that, if you wanted to, you could play Rex and Weevil in universe of the show and something would happen.
Anyway, Gurimo lost, his eyes went all glowy red at some point, and decided to go out throwing stuff because it’s Yugioh and you have to throw cards at least 3 times a season, its in the contract.
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Don’t think about physics guys, just trust that cards can do this on a roof where there’s no wind for some reason.
And then he went up in a green ball of glory. It was nice of the green beam of soul energy to wait until the impossible card toss was over.
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Lol this show and how it just kills people on screen just...all the time. All the freakin time. Can’t show a gun, but murder as many people as you like. It’s OK, his soul is in a paper card so he’s not *really* dead. That won’t terrify children under the age of 10.
So Pharaoh decides to do the tactic of telling a bunch of motorcycle gang edgy kids (adults? not sure about those three) that stealing is Wrong.
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They also, youknow, are implicit in murdering Rex and Weevil but youknow, stealing is wrong and the God Cards don’t belong to them and Pharaoh is shook that these kids won’t keep their end of their bargain that whoever wins the card fight keeps the cards.
So basically Gurimo died for freakin nothing.
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Welcome back to the fold, Rex and Weevil, apparently this show isn’t done with you yet. I was pretty much done with both of you 3 seasons ago but alas, you will be back, with your raspy as hell voice acting, at the beginning of S5. I am sure of it.
(PS I just noticed I spelled resurrect wrong and I know I should go back into photoshop but like...I’m too sick to care at this moment so maybe I’ll change it in the next week or so I dunno, I’m just gonna post this thing so I can feel like I did something productive today.)
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And so these kids decide the police are never going to freakin show up to the rooftop brawl where a guy super died and several children were endangered and a huge beam of light you can see from space went out like a bat signal to the rest of the city of “ps, something bad is happening over here, if any of you adults feel like helping out these four high school drop outs? Nobody?”
First, they decide to keep this horrible thing:
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(which second thought is not SO surprising, because Yugi clearly loves hoarding dead people)
And then this other horrible thing:
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Why would you keep these? Why would you do this?
I mean Yugi’s got such specific dark tastes that I wouldn’t be half surprised if his closet is filled with dozens and dozens of rat skulls he collected from the subway station.
And then the next day, Yugi decided to just like watch Joey and Tristan dangle Rex and Weevil like puppets. It just seemed super unnecessary.
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Like Yugi isn’t even Pharaoh right now but he’s absolutely fine with these guys getting shook around. Yugi is all sorts of gray area in this show and I’m glad that’s never changed although sometimes it’s like “Is Yugi slowly turning into a mob boss? Because I’m down, but also somewhat concerned?”
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Anyway, the God Cards aren’t even here anymore so we say farewell to Rex and Weevil who seem just as confused at how the hell you can steal a God Card as we are.
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*not entirely sure where Rex and Weevil are from. I’ve been assuming the UK or the US but like...maybe they live here? I don’t even know.
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And then Chibiusa--I mean Rebecca showed up.
Ah, remember this plot point from S1? What if she shows up and (according to Bro) Just never leaves?
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I’m coming to terms with this. Anyway, Rebecca’s only purpose seems to be as a part of a (love????) triangle (square????) between Yugi and Tea but like...
And maybe this is the Dayquil speaking but...
Is this even weird?
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Seriously, they’re family friends, why is this weird? Maybe it’s because one of Rebecca’s core traits is that she’s American and I’m also an American so I don’t even see a problem with Rebecca and how she acts (since she’s a freakin child with a crush on a card-famous person) but like what small child see her friend she hasn’t seen in 2 years and is not going to hug him?
Anyway, Yugi was the worst to not remember this chick. Maybe his brain looks like a box of loose packing peanuts (I say as a metaphor remembering that his brain literally looks like an Escher painting screensaver), but he can’t remember this chick from just 2 years ago that he gave his rarest card to? The chick who’s grandfather had that blue-eyes he gave to Yugi’s Grandfather? The chick who’s grandfather helped his grandfather get that necklace around Yugi’s neck? The necklace he wears every single day and is super cursed by?
How do you forget the Hawkins when they are part of the reason everyone thinks you’re losing your mind?
But I guess she looks older now and got a pair of glasses (bifocals????). She No longer has her hair in pigtails but, I dunno, she looks basically the same to me since she’s still about the same size as Yugi but wtv.
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And then Yugioh was like “Listen everyone, we’re very tired of all of your angry reviews, and I see y’all are saying we never do romance, well get ready, we know how to do romance really well, get ready for it, we can make things move faster than a snail in wet cement, just watch.”
Because somehow, after Yugi was the biggest asshole ever to Rebeca, I guess she figured like “well, at least you’re still card famous”
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You know what? I have several girlfriends who I am not dating, but, if it’s been a couple weeks since they’ve seen me last, will give me a huge as drunk hug on my arm and go “MY LOVE MY GIRLFRIEND MARRY ME” and like...Again I’m American so maybe this is just my culture here in California?
I’d like to believe that Rebecca is just messing with these people because she can.
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Ps I’m pretty sure this girl was 6 last time we saw her but they decided...we better age her up if it’s gonna be a romance but they only made her 12. OK show. Yugi’s pushing 17 at this point so like...barely even logical. I’d say legal but I’m thinking more of just logic at this point because the last time we saw this girl she was holding a teddy bear (which we can guarantee is probably still shoved into her luggage)
...OK, show...
Now listen listen listen. All ships are fine here. I’m not gonna go after shipping because like, c’mon, it’s 2019. If you stan Rebecca and Yugi, go for it, why not? I’ve said it before, and my feelings haven’t really changed, I’m immune to shipping, so I feel absolutely no different with Rebecca and Yugi than I do with Tea and Yugi. I think Tea makes more sense, but that’s not saying very much because literally anyone else on this cast who isn’t related to him could probably work. Go ahead and bring back Mako Tsunami. There’d be a fun pair.
Bro got very excited when I mentioned a MakoxYugi pairing just now ps.
But it really does feel like this ship has the dynamic of the Usagi/Chibiusa/Mamaru ship from Sailor Moon where Usagi was always jealous of small little Chibiusa spending time with Mamaru who was her OWN DAD. Why would you EVER be jealous of a 12 year old girl hanging with your boy...friend? Tea is a 17ish year old ballerina who never, ever wears full pants. She’d have this in the bag if she ever decided to like...do anything with...this. And I don’t blame Tea for never doing anything with “this” because like...look at “this.”
I just don’t think the writing team knows how to write a competent love triangle (square) but...this exists now. They even had Rebecca decide to dress nearly identically to Tea as a demonstration of her devotion but like...it honestly comes off more that this small child just admires Tea. Because she’s 12.
Yugi is just babysitting this girl for his Grandfather and it feels like the writing team just had to have the girls be all catty at eachother. Because it’s a kids show. Gotta have those girls all catty. Can’t let them be friends.
Anyway, back at this museum that these kids visit so freakin often, you’d think they’d change their home address, we meet up with the granddads in question.
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Ah, now Ishizu is no longer with us, Exposition Grandpa is here to take the torch. Can’t wait for that.
And I made his font gray because I freakin give up. Grandpa Hawkins might change his font color every episode. I...I’m figuring it out.
And then, every helicopter in Domino shed a single tear.
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Wow. I’ve been so mad for so many seasons that they never use a freakin seaplane to cross the ocean that when they actually do I’m like...kind of disappointed?
I mean it’s not shaped like a dragon, but I will take this perfectly acceptable seaplane.
I can’t believe they drew a normal ass plane. on this show.
*Waits patiently for it to turn into a blimp next episode*
Anyway, if you just got here, this is a link to read all the caps in chrono order. There’s over 3 seasons of this. Y’all I’ve done over 100 episodes.
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katecarteir · 5 years
reddie with 45 heeheee !
pairing: eddie kaspbrak/richie tozier (reddie)word count: 1,535summary: Eddie scrambled to his feet. He ran through the crowds of people and cars, flinging himself at Richie. He tossed both arms around Richie’s neck, his legs lifting off the ground to reach his destination. He felt himself exhale. “I thought you were dead.”prompt: reddie + 45: You make me a better person.
read on ao3.
The city was falling apart. It was as though the entire ground had shaken so hard to the  every single thing was going to immediately collapse into dust. Eddie held tightly onto Bill’s arm as his best friend, and unspoken leader, looked the window of his house towards the front window. “We have to g-g-get out of huh-here.” Bill said firmly, but the paleness of his face and the slight stutter in his words being the only hint that he was nervous at all. “This huh-whole place is going down.”
“Well, I’m not going to die here.” Richie Tozier said firmly, placing his hands on his hips. As far as people to be spending the end of the world with, Richie Tozier was pretty much at the bottom of Eddie’s list. They’d been friends nearly their whole lives, growing up right down the street from each other, but Richie was loud and flirtatious and never seemed to take anything seriously enough for Eddie’s liking. Not mention that he was wondrously good at distracting Eddie from things he needed to focus on, and this would be the worst time for Eddie to find himself distracted.
But there was firm stubbornness on Richie’s face as he looked back at Bill, eyes only for their unofficial group leader, and Eddie had to wonder what Richie had lost. Richie had been suspiciously quiet since he’d arrived, with dirt streaked cheeks and cuts all over his arms and hands. Eddie wanted to go to him, but he didn’t suppose that he didn’t have time for all that. The world was ending, and they’d all had losses. They may loose more yet.
“They’re making evacuations downtown.” Mike said, seeming appearing out of thin air from the back room of the Denbrough’s house. Bill let out a deep sigh of relief, moving forward to drag Mike into a quick hug. They patted at each other’s backs like true bros, but Bill’s eyes were misty as he pulled back. Mike cleared his throat, catching both Stan and Richie in each in one arm as they came running at him, too. When the crisis had dropped onto them, Mike had been the only Losers they hadn’t managed to a hold of. Ben was visiting Bev out in Portland, and Eddie himself had spoken to them both but the phone at the Hanlon farm had just rung and rung until Stan had hung up, looking ready to cry. 
Mike smiled sadly at Stan, cupping the back of Richie’s head and his eyes found Bill’s once again. “The government dropped a couple of choppers and there were more trucks and vehicle than I could count. They’re taking everybody out to Portland, which seems to the closest safety shelter.”
“Yeah.” Eddie nodded. “I talked to Bev and Ben, they’re out there and they’re safe.”
Mike nodded. “My dad and granddad have already gotten lined up and probably on their ways. Hopefully. I made it pretty clear that I wasn’t going to leave until I at least looked for you guys. I’m glad you were in the most obvious possible place.”
“We’re about to leave.” Bill said firmly, nodding as Georgie came into the room with the backpack full of whatever supplies he’d been able to find in the house. The Denbrough parents were currently in the middle of the Pacific ocean on an anniversary cruise, and the collapse of half of the state of Maine likely hadn’t even reached their ears yet. 
Richie and Eddie ended up a little bit behind the rest of the chattering group, and Eddie found himself staring at the side of Richie’s face. Finally close to him, Eddie could see that Richie’s face also had scratches all over it. “What happened, Rich?”
Richie let out a humourless laugh. “I don’t know, Eds. What happened with you?” 
Eddie sighed, thinking back to his talking with Ma back when they’d first starting announcing the collapse on the news. He’d tried to encourage his mother to leave the house, he’d begged her, tears in his eyes, down on his knees in front of her. No matter what he said to her, her answer was always the same. “Derry is home, Eddie bear. I was born here, I lived my whole life here. I will die here if that is Gods will.”
Eddie had packed a bag, kissed his Ma on the cheek, and walked out of the house with tears in his eyes. Now, Eddie just shrugged. “She didn’t want to leave. I tried but-” Eddie made a choking noise, and Richie’s hand came to press on his shoulder.
“I wasn’t home.” Richie said, his hand moving from resting on Eddie’s shoulder to completely wrapping around him. “I was smoking down at the railroads when I felt the shaking start. Once I realized what was happening, I ran home but it…” Richie’s voice was terribly detached, his eyes staring in front of them seemingly without seeing. “My house was already… fallen down. I tried to get through it, but there was so much and they weren’t… when I called for them, nobody…” 
Eddie reached out and took Richie’s hand in his own. “I’m sorry, Richie.” Eddie  felt tears in his own eyes, thinking of the beautiful Tozier house with it’s huge windows and of Maggie Tozier’s soft smile and the smile of Wentworth’s cigar. Of little Ellie Tozier’s lisp and braids.”
“I’m sorry, too, Eds. About your mom.” Richie offered up, pulling a lighter out of his pocket and flicking it mindlessly. “I know she wasn’t the best person in the fucking world, but I also know you loved her. And nobody deserves to loose somebody like this.”
Eddie nodded slowly as they the Losers made their way into the downtown square. It was just as wild as Mike had described, maybe even more wild.  Eddie felt his breath coming a little harsher, Richie reaching down to rub at his back soothingly. They stood in the queue to give their information to government workers at the front lines, and once they got their ride information they moved towards the second round of lines. 
They all talked to one another about absolutely nothing, trying their hardest to avoid thinking about everything that had happened in such a short period of time when there was a loud explosion coming from behind them. The government workers started making loud shouts, sirens sounding throughout the entire area. They started hoarding everybody onto the buses and the choppers, no longer using any sort of orderly fashion. 
“There’s people in that building.” Richie said in Eddie’s ears, and he was slipping away before Eddie had a chance to react to Richie’s words. Whipping around, he watched Richie rushing through crowds of government men and women who attempted to grab him as he rushed into the now on-fire building.
“RICHIE!” Eddie screamed, rushing away from his friends and out of the line. 
“Kid.” A man pushed on Eddie’s chest, attempting to get him back into the line. Eddie struggled against him, feeling the arms go around his waist and holding onto it.. “Let go of me! Do not FUCKING touch me!” 
“Eddie, we have to go.” Stan cried, tugging on Bill’s hand as he, too, tried to run after Richie and Eddie as well. “We have to go now.”
“I’m not leaving without Richie!” Eddie screamed, kicking at the workers who were holding him. He didn’t watch as his three friends were hoarded onto the bus that would take to them safety while Eddie himself might end up being detained by the government. 
A moment later, people came running out of the building, children and adults alike. Eddie dropped against the officer holding him, watching as the group of people trailed into smaller groups and eventually into nothing, and Eddie hadn’t seem Richie come back out. “No…” Eddie whimpered, letting the soldiers drop him to the ground as they moved forward to help with the crowds of people coming out onto the streets.
Eddie let out a rough sob, and lifted his head up slowly. Just as he looked at the burning building, he watched a running figure coming from the wide open front door. Eddie’s ability to breathe cut out completely as he watched Richie Tozier come into view. Just moments after Richie was out of the building, there was another explosion behind him, blasting the windows out and causing Richie to stumble and nearly fall. 
Eddie scrambled to his feet. He ran through the crowds of people and cars, flinging himself at Richie. He tossed both arms around Richie’s neck, his legs lifting off the ground to reach his destination. He felt himself exhale. “I thought you were dead.”
Richie’s arms wrapped around Eddie quickly, lifting him off his feet once again. “I couldn’t die yet, Eds.” Richie whispered against Eddie’s neck, Eddie able to feel the wetness from Richie’s tears. “Not before I got you tell you that you make me a better person. Eddie. And that I love you.”
Eddie pulled back, cupping Richie’s dirty and bloody face with both hands. “I love you, too, dumbass. Now let’s get the fuck out of here. Please. Before we die.”
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ineffablecolors · 6 years
Kinda have to agree with your previous anon there, a lot of the criticism is mostly out on emma during s5 and s6 comes off not good? like they make her out to be someone who abuses hook or what not? also just villanizes the cs relationship, people really don’t understand that we don’t want to see that? especially since most of it is coming from s7 stans who don’t like cs anymore?
ok, anon, I’m going to use your ask to state my opinion on a number of things and I sincerely hope that neither you nor anyone else will be personally offended by any of it but I’m not the kind of person that keeps quiet about anything so..
I approached my first ask without any prejudice and hopefully the anon can make some use of the blogs I recommended and the other recommended in the replies. But I got something out of that post as well because the awesome people I tagged and a bunch of others put into a nutshell the current “problem” we seem to have - some fans want a completely positive and happy fandom experience without criticism of their favourites and with joyful immersion and acceptance of canon, other fans like to view everything critically, discuss and dissect and speculate on how what they see as flaws in canon could have been fixed or avoided.
There is nothing wrong with that. There are blogs that are criticism-free and they are wonderful places. Hell, I’m a really damn positive person and I think that I mostly keep to the joy and love side of things as well. However, I have no problem seeing discourse, criticism and even some negativity on my dash either. I don’t think this variety is a problem at all, I think it’s part of the beauty of fandom. Yes, I have unfollowed people who spend more time posting negativity than positivity about something I love but even then I’ve never judged those people for being disappointed by a show/fandom and venting. That’s what the follow/unfollow buttons are for - so one can curate one’s dash to one’s tastes.
(here I want to add though that discourse and criticism does not always equal negativity and being critical of a relationship/character does not always equal vilifying them. And neither equal hate most of the time. I think you went a bit too far there.)
That being said, there is a problem and that problem is people who claim what does and what does not constitute a fan. Being an OUAT fan, a CS shipper or a Hook stan is not a freaking bachelor’s degree and there are no exams you need to take to qualify. A blog can post 100% CS 100% of the time and love every single interaction Hook and Emma have had. Another blog can post 20% CS, 25% HQ, 10% Red Swan and 45% other fandom stuff and prefer CS’s dynamic is S6 to their dynamic before that. If both those blogs consider themselves CS fans - they are both CS fans. They don’t need to prove their “faithfullness” to CS to me or you or anyone else. That’s just not how shipping does or should work.
I agree with some of your ask - I do understand why some fans don’t want to see Emma criticism or a dissection of the CS relationship - that’s their prerogative. However, your “vilifying” and s7 comments completely lost me because they resemble exactly one of those “you are not a fan anymore” statements that I don’t know if I should rage at or just roll my eyes at this point. Unless someone says they no longer like CS there is no reason for you to assume they no longer like CS or accuse them of that. Matter of fact, there is no reason to assume anything or accuse anyone of anything. You don’t like what they post - don’t follow.
I do not like or support this unnecessary tension between people with different preferences. I’m the kind of person who considered herself a Spuffy shipper even though I hated Buffy a whole lot of the time and thought they were both monstrously abusive to each other in S6. I made Spuffy videos but I also made Bangel videos. Yeah, that’s right. I didn’t even ship Bangel. Yet I spent hours and hours years ago watching and editing footage of them kissing and fucking to romantic songs. Why? Cuz I felt like it. Cuz I liked making videos. Cuz fandom should be a safe place that encourages creativity and discourse in every direction and doesn’t censor anything that isn’t harmful to people. The more we talk and create - the more we have to choose from. And the choice is yours.
And last just for the hell of it - I’m a person who considers herself a hardcore CS shipper, the Neverland Renaissance gives me life, Killian Jones deserves all the love in the world, I loved S7, I love Wish Hook and Rogers just as much as I love the first Killian Jones we met, I understand why Emma did all the wrong and questionable things she did in S5, I understand why Killian hates himself for all the wrong and questionable things he did in S5, I support multi-shipping, I support monogamous shipping, I love Emma Swan more than I have ever loved a female character, I read Killian whump without an ounce of guilt and love the everloving fuck out of it, I think the whole “Killian killed her granddad” plot was unnecessary and contrived and horrible, I think the speech Emma gave Killian when she found out was perfect, I think her giving him back the ring was too much, I think we should’ve had Henry call Killian dad, I think Snow was a bad mom to Emma 80% of the time, I would’ve loved to see Detective Rogers with Tiana or Regina, I cried when Rumple gaveRoger’s his heart, I think Emma is often not attentive enough to Killian’s feelings, I think her “he has one hand” comment was horrific, I think Killian should’ve learnt to stop keeping secrets after the Zelena debacle, I think Emma should have learnt that Killian would never leave her by S6, I think S5 is what proved how much Emma Swan loves Killian Jones, I think Killian deserved to have Nemo and Smee and his brother at their wedding, Emma saying “I will find you, Killian. I will always find you.” is probably the greatest moment of my shipping existence, I like Alice better than Hope for a CS daughter, I love seeing posts, fanfic and fanart on my dashboard that express an array of opinions because that is part of shipping for me, I completely understand and respect people who prefer to keep their shipping completely “clean” and positive. 
I think we should stop telling people how to love things and spend that time finding the right people to surround ourselves with and telling them how much we love talking to them, watching their videos, reading their metas and fanfics and being part of this multifaceted fandom.
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Lights At The Top Of The Stairs
Part 1.
I lived until I was 7 years old with my Nan. My nan and granddad were like my mum and dad and I loved them dearly. I frequently had strange dreams and occurrences happen to me as a child and they have only got stronger and stranger the older I got particularly the past few years. This recurring dream involved an old film camera and strangely enough an immense feeling of euphoric pleasure, fantastic experiences and visitors at weird times and in funny circumstances. The dream was one of three that I had all the time the first one happened when I was young and involved me taking photographs of lampposts, (I know I still don’t get it even now, maybe one day I may understand it’s strange. But it gets even stranger I assure you as you will no doubt find out if you follow the story. So strange you will probably find it all very hard to believe. But on my nans life and grave god bless her it’s all true. The lampposts featured in the dream was on the street where I lived as a child. The other two dreams and all the events in my life I want to explain, I will get to as I post these episodes each day. The synchronicity events and strangeness of it all should eventually become clear and leave you questioning things in your own life and what they may mean. Maybe you have had similair experiences as myself I am almost certain there will be people out there. Get in touch and comment I will be happy to reply.
Thinking from the present as I am writing this, I felt that my childhood dreams couldn’t be ignored but now looking back maybe they shouldn't have been followed considering what happened when I followed my dreams thinking it would be nothing but all good turned into something entirely different. Hopefully eventually I will understand why, what the dream meant, if anything at all. I hope it all becomes a happy positive event and not regretting my choices as I started to after the nightmare that entered my life.
It was a warm, hopeful summer, many years after the events I explain to you here that I remembered the childhood dreams. It was a summer where dreams seemed real and obtainable. I didn't want to be just another faceless nobody, with no real reason or meaning in my life. The idea of not doing anything worth while scared me, and that's all there was to it. The dream I had as a child was going to be followed with all my will, I just didn’t expect it to lead me where it eventually did. I just wanted to do well for my family. I can’t travel back and change things. I can now only hope for the best.
My mum gave birth to me at a young age and I went to live with my grandma. I called my grandma mum and always used to get my mum and nan’s names mixed up when I talked to them so this was the appropriate solution to me as a child. When I was living with my nan-mum I had a very strange dream whilst lying on my bed upstairs. I always until this day remember the dream. It’s what I influenced me me greatly to start my photographic journey.
I was settling down in the living room waiting for my Nan to come home. Strange visions and flashbacks in daydreams. knowledge I always wondered how I knew at a young age. My mum lived in a flat and felt it would be better on that I stayed with my nan while she worked to get money and a stable life for us. I was young anyway and loved my Nan and grandad and tonight I was looking forward to spending time with my them.
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My Nan had been longer than usual this evening and I was getting worried. We were going to watch a spooky film together because it was Halloween. “Where’s nan gone Grandad” My 5 year old self said “ She’s ran off with the milk man” came the reply. I never really understood what this meant, just a funny remark at the time knowing my grandads humour.
The key turned in the front door and I felt better glad his Nan was home and safe. My grandad shouted “ be back later Mary there’s some money on top of the television if you need anything I wont be too long, going to speak to a man about some work tomorow” and with that my grandad went out on foot to the local for a few pints.
Nan took off her head scarf, quickly hung it up and threw her anorak over the back of the chair. She walked slowly towards the roaring coal fire to warm up her hands, carefully avoiding the tin bath prepared for the school bath earlier. She lit up a cigarette and sat in the chair opposite the brown veneered square TV set with the 50p box on the side slowly winding its way down ready for another hexagonal queens head. The air was stale, thick with smoke and the smell of cigarettes as she inhaled twice slowly blowing the smoke towards the ceiling and away from me. Feeling satisfied She turned to me. Ive got some jacket potatoes in the oven and treacle toffee, oh and toffee apples as well your favourite. I know its early but we can treat ourselves while we watch the movie, and why not”. “Thanks mum... nan”. I regularly stuttered and got names mixed up. “Thanks nan, are you looking forward to the scary move?” I can only remember seeing a large black Alsatian but having ominous feelings about this dog and the music in the film was eerie, more scary than the actual film at the time. We didn’t get to watch much of it. The tv went black and the 50p meter clicked loudly asking for another coin. Mary got up and went to the top of the tv looking for that big silver piece, inverted triangles that meet in the centre, in the pile of coins Grandad had left for nan “ I’m afraid we haven’t got any 50ps. We will have to wait until your grandad gets back now, isn’t that a shame I was enjoying that, Just when it was getting good as well”
I felt slightly fed up and walked into the kitchen to get a toffee apple. Pausing at the bottom of the stairs in the hallway I peered up to the bedroom landing. More scared now than after watching the actual film. I was thinking of the lights that came. I didn’t understand what they were but they made me feel anxious and scared. I wouldn’t look straight up tothe top of the stairs as it was too scary I had to peer out from the corner of my eye to check everything was ok up there and when I realised it was I hurriedly half jumped half ran across the front door hallway into the kitchen not once looking behind until I was at the toffee apples in the cupboard. Then peeling the yellow plastic wrapper off the sticky apple I took a bite as quickly as possible making sure to get as much of that red toffee in my mouth as possible and avoid the sour apple. I started hopping on the spot needing the toilet. The dread filled me as I knew I couldn’t go on my own up those stairs towards where the light came from. The light might get me. “ NANN, MUMM, NANN. I need the toilet will you sit on the stairs whilst I go please I’m bursting. “OK, But you should be able to go yourself”. I stood at the gas iron cooker and waited until nanmum appeared at the bottom of the stairs so I could approach the crooked steps, the lights formed in my sub conscious worried that very real and strange wisp of light might make another appearance. WHAT WAS IT. I ran to the bathroom at the top of the crooked stairs, terrified of the light appearing. I knew how it felt, never threatening at all the last time in fact quite the opposite but I was young and the not knowing scared me. “Nan don’t move, stay sat there please, I’m watching, if you go I wont be able to have a wee”, “ I wont move an inch you know that I wont” “I knew she wouldn’t let me down and trusted her more than anything” I ran up the stairs as quickly as possible looking back every two steps to make sure she hadn’t gone. When reaching the top step I kept my head and eyes straight forward not daring to look right or left and quickly went to the toilet pushing outwards as fast as possible always keeping the door open and making a backward glance towards Her for reassurance. No quicker was I finished and I was halfway back down those stairs again breathing heavily with the exertion and back with his nan. “ Why do you do that”, she said “The light comes nan it scares me” “What light?” “ I cant tell you, I want to, but I cant tell you”. Nan rolled her eyes and said, “You’ve been watching too many horror movies at aunty carols your imagination is wild”. I didn’t even hear Marys remark I was just so relieved to be back beside his nan and safe again.
Nan eventually found a 50p and walked over to the meter fumbling to find the right angle, the perfect spot so it would wind and drop, it clicked and fell into the empty box readily, having been emptied the day before. The TV came to life and Mary switched over to coronation street. Hilda was sat with Stan underneath the triple flying ducks in the living room and it reminded Stefan of his nan and grandad, Gail was also my other mum. I always made these comparisons with everyone in the tv and read their names backwards. “thats enough scary movies for tonight said nan. I think its best don’t you” “Aww Nan I wanted to watch till the end”.
My nan didn’t answer. She just gave me that look. She always knew the answer it was a sort of instinct she had. A knowing. We connected like that. We rarely had to speak we both knew the other like the inside of a well read secret book. I always felt content around her, it was like she could read my mind and the looks she gave me spoke a thousand words resonating on a much deeper level. When you feel the answer with your subconscious voice, those continuous thoughts, in your mind you don’t have to speak but your heart knows.
I was getting sleepy now but my stress levels were rising with the thought of bedtime, they always did especially on a Sunday night, a school night brought depression. It wasn’t school though that scared me, a small part maybe, but it was knowing I had to go to bed early on my own and face the light and the vastness of open space. The people in my dreams. The place between awake and falling asleep where the strange existed. The light outside the door on the landing, so bright and beautiful it would fill my room when I shut my eyes. When it touched my mind I was taken away to an immense blackness of what seemed like outer space. Where feelings crossed over and smells mixed with colours in ultraviolet strings that wrapped around my arms and merged with needles that pierced the tips of my fingers in moments of pleasure accompanied by a peculiar watering of the mouth, a sickly feeling. Floating around in what seemed like an endless universe of random screen images. Pixelated people and smooth two dimensional places wrapped up in tubes of light. It made no sense at all but felt strange and infinite, never endingly good at the same instant. Chattering noises and a great feeling of love wrapped in greater love and surrounded by humanoid like shapes manipulating it like a Rubin’s cube in an instance where all time stood still. silence for what felt like an eternity of singular moments posed inside each other, but was only a second in reality. Not past, present or future but only “is”. The light was so bright and perfect it became transparent emotion to the pit of my soul. To me it was normal I thought everyone must get visits by the light people. I find it hard to explain the happenings now I’ve grown up, but as a child I just couldn’t comprehend what was happening and that night was the start of something strange and beautiful that led to the worst and best time of my life all wrapped into one. If only I understood it as I understand things now as I walked towards the crooked stairs.
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timmyrx2000 · 6 years
Dipper Steps Up: Chapter 6
Chapter Index: (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13)
Chapter 6
When Wendy and Dipper left the Shack, the sun had just set. The night insects had not yet tuned up, but bats twittered overhead and out in the forest the woodpeckers, who didn't give up until the light was almost gone, drummed away. "Where are we going?" Dipper asked as they stepped off the trail.
"Into the woods," Wendy said. "You bring a flashlight, dude?"
"Yeah, I have one of the prototypes Grunkle Ford made."
"Good deal. I got the one I use camping. We'll need light on the way back."
In the gathering twilight they hiked on, uphill and down, skirting thickets of huckleberry, boggy growths of cobra lily, and stands of trailplant, threading their way through second-growth fir and pine forests, passing expanses of tree stumps and seedlings. "Dad logs all through here," Wendy said in one clearing, the air sharp with the scent of freshly-cut wood. She switched on her own flashlight and said, "Not far now."
Finally, they reached the cleared crown of a domed hill. Stars spangled the sky overhead, lots more than Dipper had ever seen in Piedmont, where the light pollution from Oakland and San Francisco dimmed them. No moon yet—it was gibbous and waning and, because of the recent change to Daylight Saving Time, it wouldn't rise until nearly eleven.
Creatures howled in the distance. Like the panda duck that Dipper had tried to win for Wendy, the species were indeterminate. In Gravity Falls, they might be anything. Wendy stood beside a stump and took a deep breath. "OK, dude, I know you won't freak out, but this might be rough on you. Remember I'm here for you, though. Wanna hold my hand?"
"Anytime," Dipper said. Her hand was warm in his.
"OK, Gramps, I brought him!" Wendy yelled into the night.
Dipper looked at her, but she had turned off the flashlight and he saw only her silhouette against the stars. "Huh?"
"He said not to tell you till he got here. Gramps! It's me, Wendy!"
In front of them, a greenish fog coalesced. Floating a couple of feet above the ground, it pulsed and brightened and then shrank in on itself, transforming into a hulking, bearded human figure.
"Oh, my gosh!" Dipper said. "The ghost from the Northwest mansion!"
"Dipper," the apparition moaned in its deep, rumbling voice. "I have to talk to you. I mean you no harm!"
Dipper almost sagged with relief. "No problem, sir! Wendy, I'm not afraid of him. You look a lot better, Mr. uh, Lumberjack. Your beard's not on fire, and your missing eye seems to have healed up. And the, uh, axe in your head's gone."
"I'm not haunting anyone now," the ghost explained, self-consciously straightening the blow tie it wore on its . . . beard. "I have no wish to terrify. When you're a ghost, you can take many forms."
"Dude," Wendy said, squeezing Dipper's hand, "this is Archibald Corduroy. He's, like, my great-great grandfather!"
"I wondered about that!" Dipper said. "I saw his picture in your house—uh, it's nice to meet you, Mr. Corduroy."
"You treated me well," the ghost said. "I regret tricking you and then turning you into wood."
"That . . . was sort of scary," Dipper admitted, rubbing the back of his neck.
The apparition shrugged modestly. "Well, I am a ghost."
"Yeah. Uh, excuse me, but I thought that after Pacifica let everybody in, you had gone on to, you know, your reward."
"I could not bear to leave this forest that I loved so much in life," the ghost said, gesturing with a sweep of his glowing arm that took in all the surroundings. "Also, once free of haunting the hated Northwest house, I wondered what had become of my family. I soon discovered I have a mighty descendant in Daniel, and a beautiful one in Wendy." The ghost floated next to Dipper and confided: "She likes you, boy!"
"Aw, Gramps!" Wendy said, laughing. "Cut it out, dude! Look, I brought Dipper, like you asked, so just tell him what you've got for him, OK?"
The ghost backed away from Dipper, towering over them both. "He's a brave, intelligent boy, Wendy. You could do a lot worse."
"I really like your great-great granddad," Dipper said to Wendy.
Wendy giggled. "You guys! C'mon, Gramps."
"Very well. Dipper, the root of your friend's trouble is another ghost from the past. An evil one. Well, I say 'evil,' I suppose I went a little overboard myself, but my anger branched out from the betrayal the Northwests committed against my friends and me—no, no, I'll cut that short. Forget it. I'm sorry for the bad things that came from my long hatred, leave it at that. But now an ill-intentioned spirit is trying to possess your fiend Taylor. If he succeeds, terrible things will happen. You have to stop him."
"How?" Dipper asked, his throat feeling tight.
"I'm a lumberjack, not an exorcist," the ghost said a little irritably. "You must discover the way to help. Speak to the boy's family. Seek out his mother. Tell her. She will sense the truth of what I've told you. And beware! The spirit that threatens your friend is implacable, his grip as strong as cypress roots!"
"Dude," Wendy said, "you have, like, a really good vocabulary for a nineteenth-century lumberjack!"
"Being an outdoorsman doesn't mean you have to be illiterate, girl." The ghost started to dim.
"Wait, wait!" Dipper said. "Uh, sir—who is the ghost? That would help!"
"You already know in your heart," the fading ghost said. "It is a spirit that wishes to reincarnate—for revenge!"
"Bill Cipher?"
For just a second the ghost became a little brighter and clearer. "Who? No! Think human!"
And Archibald Corduroy went out like a candle flame in a wind.
"Who did he mean?" Dipper asked in the sudden darkness.
"I'm stumped," Wendy confessed. "Man, Dipper, you took that whole thing a lot better'n I expected! First time Archibald appeared to me, I totally freaked!"
"When was that?"
"Fall, two years back, after you an' Mabes went back to California. Along in October. I was in the woods behind our house cuttin' down some deadwood for the fireplace, and there he was, floatin' right in front of me. I kinda attacked him with my axe, but that went nowhere fast. He eventually calmed me down and told me who he was and all, and said he was gonna watch over our family and protect us, and since then I never saw him again—until I started asking around about the Northwests. Few days ago, he appeared to me in a stall of the girls' bathroom at school. Now, that was awkward. Anyhow, he seemed to know you were gonna come to Gravity Falls and said I needed to get you an' him together so he could tell you something, and he said you might be scared, so not to let you know who I was takin' you to see. You weren't scared, though. Good for you, dude!"
Dipper shrugged. "Those first ghosts I ever saw, the ones in the Dusk 2 Dawn, scared the heck out of me. Mainly because of what they were doing to Mabel and your friends. But I've kinda learned that most ghosts don't want to hurt you. Who could be haunting Chuck Taylor, though?"
"Dunno, man," Wendy said. They'd both switched on their flashlights and were headed back through the woods.
They didn't talk much. But when the lights of the Mystery Shack gleamed through the trees ahead, Dipper stopped in his tracks and said, "Reincarnate. Oh, no!"
Wendy stopped too. "What's wrong, Dip?"
"No," Dipper said. "No, no, no. I hope I'm wrong."
"About what?" she asked.
He swallowed hard. "Nathaniel Northwest."
The rest of the week flew by without any substantial developments in the case. Grunkle Ford lent Dipper a few detection devices and taught him how to use them, and then Grunkle Stan drove the kids home the next Saturday.
They spent Sunday and Monday brushing up for the CAHSEE that the school would give on Tuesday and Wednesday, and to their relief, the tests didn't seem all that hard. "I hope you didn't get bored and start putting down random answers," Dipper told Mabel after the last exam ended.
"Nope!" Mabel said. "I learned my lesson after the test I took in fifth grade that said I should be busted to kindergarten."
Chuck had seemed OK, and that afternoon, their first practice since the early spring break, he recovered his playing form again, pitching hard, hitting hard, running full-out. The Thursday practice was good, too, and Dipper began to think that everything was all right again.
Saturday brought a big game with the Bay City Blues. Their win-loss record tied Piedmont's, and Coach said that the teams were a pretty close match in ability, too. The Blues had a good pitching staff, some good hitters, and typically racked up scores of five to ten points in a game. They weren't the most spectacular team, but like the Panthers they played a steady, relentless game.
Saturday morning, the game started out well. Bay City won the toss and chose to take the field. Their pitcher had game: he struck out both Mike and Petey with three pitches each, and Dipper began to think the Panthers were doomed to an early loss.
However, Chuck, looking healthy, belted out a solid double, and following him at bat, both JD and Barb managed singles, sending Chuck home for the first run of the game. Unfortunately, Jon J sent a sweet high fly ball deep into left field—and right into the fielder's glove.
Chuck's pitching began unsteadily. The first batter racked up one strike and three balls before hitting a single. The second man up got a double on the first pitch, putting the runner on third and ready to score. From the bench, Tripper watched Chuck wipe sweat from his face, kick at the mound, and then lean forward, looking determined.
Off on the sidelines, Mabel, in her cheerleader costume, acted subdued. The Panthers had a bigger crowd than ever—their away games had frankly pitiful attendance, just the kids' parents and maybe five or six students—but now the bleachers were nearly full of cheering kids and adults. Except Mabel's enthusiasm had ebbed. Dipper knew she was worrying about Chuck.
However, Chuck promptly struck out two Blues in a row. The next two batters both got on base, though, one single, one double. Then when Vance McCall stepped into the batter's box, Chuck took his time considering his first pitch. McCall was the Blues' best hitter by far.
And he proved it by pulling a low fly to far right field, where it hit and bounced, for a moment looking as if it would go straight to Petey DeFoy—but then it bounced again, taking a bad hop deeper into fair territory, making it hard to field.
McCall wound up standing on second base. The first two Blues scored, and there went Piedmont's lead. As though to apologize to the fans, Chuck struck the next guy out with three fast pitches.
Second inning began with X-Man getting a single, trying to push it into a double, and getting tagged out. However, then both Hi-Ho and Bobby made it to base—Hi-Ho successfully stealing second before Bobby's single put him on third. Dub struck out, and it was Dipper's turn.
He'd been working hard on his batting. He let a ball go by, choked up on his grip, and took a swing at the next pitch—and connected. It was a grounder, skipping just past the third baseman and running right along the foul line.
Miracle of miracles, it didn't cross the line, and Dipper made it to first! More, it took Hi-Ho home—Dipper's first RBI. For a moment, it looked like a Piedmont rally, but Big W's hard grounder was snagged by the Blues shortstop, who fired the ball home just in time for the catcher to tag Bobby out.
The Blues couldn't get anything going in the bottom half, and the second inning closed with a 2-2 tie.
The Panthers came to bat for the third inning. Coach sent Dipper and Krenk in as subs and asked Chuck how he was feeling. "I'm OK," he insisted, though Dipper thought he was sweating harder than usual. It was a dismal inning, three Panthers coming up to bat, two being put out, one getting on base, and then with Jimmy in scoring position on third base—Krenk went down swinging, one, two, three, to retire the side.
In the bottom, Chuck's pitching was noticeably slower and less accurate. Still, he held the Blues to just one run, though that put them ahead again, three to two.
Before the turnover, Coach walked out and asked Chuck, "You gonna be OK? I can pull you."
Dipper saw Chuck shake his head and heard him mutter, "I think laying off practice last week put me off my game. I'll stay in."
In the top of the fourth inning, Mike, first up, got a single, and Chuck matched it. Coach called for time out and said, "Pines, you're faster. Go in as a pinch runner for Monohan."
Though he felt a flutter of anxiety, Dipper did. He led off second, tense, ready to jump back if the Blues pitcher suddenly turned and threw to the second baseman. Like Chuck, the Blues pitcher seemed to have lost some steam, and JD blasted his first pitch into a hard liner into the gap and dug out on what looked to be a double—but the right fielder scooped it up and got it to first in time to hold him.
But Dipper, running full out, tagged third, saw the coach motion him, and, imagining the Gobblewonker nipping at his heels, blasted for home. He could hear Mabel, not leading a cheer, but just screaming "Go, Bro, go, go, GO!"
The catcher stepped up, mitt raised, and Dipper fell into a slide, raising dust. The ball smacked the mitt. Dipper's cleats touched home plate, the catcher tagged his calf, and the ump yelled, "Safe!"
The crowd went wild. Well, mostly Mabel went wild, but still. He had tied the game again, 3-all.
There the Panthers lost their luck. One man out on a pop fly, and then a double play ended their chance to pull ahead.
Chuck didn't look as if he felt well when he stood on the mound. But he bore down and struck out the first two Blues at bat—the second out was actually their first man in the rotation. Then he got two strikes past the third batter—and as he wound up for the third pitch, all at once he tottered and went down on one knee, the ball on the ground, his right hand going out to brace himself. He croaked, "Coach!"
Waylund, Dipper, and the other Panthers hustled out. "What's wrong, Chuck?" Coach asked.
"Real dizzy," Chuck gasped. "Better take me out."
The crowd applauded as Waylund helped Chuck to the dugout, and Dipper saw Mr. and Mrs. Taylor coming down from the bleachers, looking anxious. Waylund sent in Jon J as replacement pitcher, and he did his best, but Chuck's second near-faint had shaken up him and the other Panthers, and Jon J let another two Blues batters on base before the next one got a single, pulling the Blues ahead by one run. Then he pulled it together and struck the last man out.
Dipper hastily trotted in to ask Chuck how he was feeling. Chuck, huddled on the bench, shrugged miserably. "We'll take him back to the doctor," his dad said.
"Not until the game ends," Chuck said firmly. "Just a little dizzy."
It might have gone better if he'd gone then. The Panthers, keenly aware that Chuck was sick and was watching them, lost their concentration. They fought the game out, even managing another run in the top of the seventh, but it ended with a Blues win, 9-4.
Dipper had missed an easy catch and had fanned three pitches, striking out in the worst way possible. As soon as the game ended, the Taylors took Chuck away—he was walking under his own power, at least—and the team morosely apologized to the coach.
"Forget it, men," he said. "I'll stay in touch with the Taylors and get word out to you if it looks serious. Let's hope it isn't."
"We're all hoping," Mabel said. She had come into the dugout, and tears stood in her eyes.
In the back seat of the family car, as their mom and dad stood outside talking about the game—and probably Chuck's illness—Dipper said to Mabel, "I'm going over to the Taylors' this afternoon."
"I'm coming too," she said.
"If you want. Listen, do me a big favor. You get Chuck and his dad aside somehow. I have to talk to Mrs. Taylor."
"About what?"
Dipper's voice was grim: "About a family ghost."
To be continued
Note from the Authors: This was just an idea I had but the one who really worked his magic and wrote almost all of this is none other than BillEase. He’s an amazing author who usually hangs out at fanfiction.net. Don’t pass up on a chance to check out his stuff. This guy is AMAZING. He wrote the story, I just gave the plot.
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billnoncipher · 7 years
(by William Easley)
My story, written for Wendip Week 2017. Prompt: Meet the Parents
(August 30, 2017)
The next day would be Dipper's eighteenth birthday.
And Wendy Corduroy couldn't sleep. Because.
Because of a lot of things. For a change, Dipper and Mabel weren't riding back to Piedmont on a bus, or driving themselves, or even flying down on an airplane. Instead, their dad and mom were coming to pick them up here, in Gravity Falls.
Because, though Wendy had met Mr. and Mrs. Pines many times—and though Mr. Pines especially was fond of her and talked her up—tomorrow she'd meet them in a whole different way.
Because "Mom, Dad," Dipper would tell them, "this is the girl I'm going to marry."
Normally Wendy could stick her chin out and deal with anything, from a chimera to an animated mummy to a ghost. Normally she was fearless. But tonight—
What if Mrs. Pines brings up the age thing?
No, I'm twenty, he's eighteen, big deal! My dad was younger than my mom when they married! Dipper says his mom's six months older than his dad, too. She doesn't let anybody know that, though.
And look at Ford and Stan! Decades, man!
But—Dipper's always been his mom's favorite. What if she, like, hates the idea and disowns him? I couldn't come between him and his mom. So—what will I do then?
She tossed and she turned so much that finally she couldn't stand it, got up, dressed, and quietly left the Corduroy cabin.
Maybe a walk in the woods would calm her. She walked straight back from the house, down a path through the woods that led to a shallow tinkling creek, crossed the creek on a tree trunk her dad had felled and then adzed off level to make a rough bridge, and started an upward climb that came out on the treeless crest of a hill.
She noticed how quiet it was—no insects, no owls, no wind. Bright moonlight making everything silvery and blue-shadowed.
Standing alone, with her arms crossed, Wendy stood there looking at the distant lights of town, bathed in the glow of a full moon, directly overhead—Must be midnight.
"No," Dipper said. "Later, I think. And the moon's really only just past first quarter. I think you're dreaming."
"Dude!" She turned around. "How'd you know I'd be here?"
Dipper shrugged. "I think I'm dreaming, too."
They embraced, and it felt warm and real enough. She leaned her forehead against his. "I still got two inches on you, Dip," she said fondly.
"You wear flats to the wedding," he said. "I'll wear heels."
That made her laugh. "Is this real?"
"I . . . don't know. We'll talk about it tomorrow and see who remembers what."
"This is weird, man. I never had a dream this intense."
"Nice weird, though," he said. They kissed, and that felt real too.
They heard a cough and looked around. Wendy wasn't surprised—though probably she should have been—to see Archibald Corduroy standing there, just at the edge of the forest. He had both eyes and looked younger than he had appeared to Dipper years before. And he had no axe embedded in his head, either, which improved his looks.
"Great-great granddad?" she asked.
He smiled and nodded. "Wendy. Someone wants to see you. I said I'd make the introduction. Hello, Dipper. Sorry about that turning you into wood thing."
"It's OK, man. You had issues."
"It's been a pleasure watching my little descendant here grow up to be a fine woman. And I know you're going to be a good man." He waved off anything they might have said in response and turned and beckoned. "Come on," he said in a surprisingly gentle voice.
From the forest at the foot of the hill walked—another Wendy.
"What?" Wendy asked. "Dude, who—"
"I'm your mother," the woman said softly as she stopped a few steps away. "Not the way I looked the last time you saw me, all wasted and sick. This is the way I looked when I was your age."
Her red hair was a lot shorter, but otherwise—they could have been twins. Like Wendy, Mrs. Corduroy wore a flannel shirt, jeans, and boots. "Wendy, Dipper," Archibald said, "this is Wendy's mother, Mrs. Amanda Blerble Corduroy."
Wendy said, "Oh!" She stepped forward. "I—can I touch you?"
Mrs. Corduroy smiled and spread her arms, and Wendy rushed into them. "I missed you so bad," Wendy said, her voice muffled.
Her mother stroked her long hair. "I've been watching you," she said softly. "I was never very far away." She raised her hand and gestured, and Dipper came over shyly and grasped it. "Mason Pines," Mrs. Corduroy said. "Or shall I call you Dipper?"
"Whatever you want, ma'am," Dipper said.
Then Wendy's mother embraced them both at once and kissed first Wendy, then Dipper. "I want you to know you have my blessing," she whispered. "I want you to tell Dan that, too." Her voice became a little sad. "I can't appear to him, you see. He misses me too much, and it would break his heart. But tell him you saw me and that I still love him just as much as I ever did."
Wendy stepped away—not far—and stared at her. In a weeping and laughing voice, she said, "You know what? I never knew your last name was Blerble before you married dad! Not until, like, two years ago! See, Dad wouldn't ever tell me my middle name, just that my initial was B."
"Oh, Dan can be so stubborn! My father was Henry Ward Blerble," she said. "My grandfather welcomed Dan into the family. My father, well, father thought Dan was too young and too poor for me and didn't. And Dan was an awfully proud man. I saw my father often enough after Dan and I were married, and he knew I was happy, but he went his way and Dan went his. The two of them never spoke, and even when we were poor, Dan wouldn't accept any help from him." She touched Wendy's cheek. "But don't be concerned about yourself. I have it on good authority that Mrs. Pines is going to be very happy with your announcement, darling. Stop worrying."
"Thank you, Mom," Wendy said.
"Dipper," Mrs. Corduroy said, "Don't you be afraid tomorrow. Just tell your mother, while you hold Wendy's hand. Just say it: We're in love, and we're going to be married. She already knows Wendy's good for you." She winked. "We mothers know more about love than you young folks think we do."
Archibald led Dipper off a little way and let the womenfolk have their talk, as he said. Archibald spoke of the forest and how much and how little it had changed in the last century and a half. Dipper listened. And some time afterward—too soon—Wendy came and took his hand and they turned and the ghosts were gone.
"I guess we have to wake up now," Wendy said sadly.
"I guess so. I love you so much."
"I love you, Big Dipper. More than I can say."
And mumbling, "More than I can say," Wendy opened her eyes and realized she was in bed. The clock's display said it was nearly three in the morning. Her phone chimed—Dipper's ring. She rolled over, got it, and thumbed it on. "Hi."
"Uh—hi. Wendy, sorry for calling this late. I just woke up. I had this dream—"
"I was there," Wendy said. "I know."
"Uh—on the hilltop? And we got your mom's blessing?" he asked tentatively.
"Yeah. We did."
His voice sounded joyful: "It was real."
She gently corrected him: "It is real."
"Yeah," he said. "It is real."
And that was all they needed to say.
The End
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syubnrg · 7 years
Tagged by the legendary @hongbombs MY SUGA MAMA, THE -PE TO MY SO- my edwin to my javier ily
Relationship status: single
Favorite colour: pink, but I’m also an orange fan
Pets: none, I cry every day
Wake up time: 6:30 (I live far from campus send help)
Cats or dogs: both
Coke or Pepsi: neither, I only have eyes for one doctor, Dr Pepper
Chapstick or Lipstick: moisturizing lip tint
Last song i listened to: Cadillac - Miguel (the get down OST)
RANDOM LIST TAG Rules: Go to this website: https://www.random.org/lists/ Pick 15 characters from any fandom or whatever you are into. Put them in order. Tag five more people and have fun!
1) Mum/Dad: sehun (BYE I HATE THIS ALREADY)
2) Sibling: Minho (I take back what I said I stan)
3) Grandma/Granddad: GD (mood)
4) Haunts You: jeup (*screams* we prob broke up)
5) Boyfriend/Girlfriend: beyonce (high kicks into outer space)
6) Your Ex: jaebum (I mean… sorry boo)
7) Your Best Friend: joongki (we’d use his 7 day face mask)
8) Proposed to you: yoongi (well I’m not saying we’re meant to be but… the randomize never lies. Also does this mean I broke up with Beyoncé? because I’d never leave beyonce)
9) Your Boss: Luna (okay best job)
10) Random Person You Meet at a Bar: jimin (OKAY ANOTHER MOOD)
11) First Kiss: Johnny (bitch….. “do you have a boyfriend?” hdakfhdsklfdasj)
12) Your rival: Minhyuk (!!!!!! I BELEIEB IT GOODBYE)
13) Drunk and Singing Karaoke: Hoseok (another mood)
14) Played 7 minutes in heaven with: kihyun (*insert clutching heart meme*)
15) Gave you your favorite Dessert: Jackson (@ Jen there’s a trend here maybe he owns a bakery?)
i tag @orayanno @fleur-de-jinki @w00nkiee  @kikiwantsfood @raretete @caratmuffler @1daehyun @bangdansonyeondan  @taelynn
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i wanna know what love is - 20
Pairing: rockstar! sebastian stan x writer!reader
Warnings: teasing
A/N: enjoy xx 💕💕
Last Chapter // Next Chapter
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Y/N had slept on his shoulder for the whole plane journey and he didn’t dare move, he daren’t wake her up after waking her up this morning. Of course with that came the jokes from his bandmates and snarky remarks from Melody who’d get a snarky look from Mary in return. Luckily, he didn’t have to awake her up once the plane landed as the captain’s announcement did that for him and she was pissed. He couldn’t help it but find it rather cute how she would pout at not being allowed to sleep. 
They all went through security again, got their bags and all met up in a quiet zone of the airport to figure the best way to get into the bus without getting too much attention drawn to them, specially to Y/N who was new to all of this. Luckily, they weren’t and knew exactly how to go without being noticed, they just liked to brainstorm. Y/N knew they probably got a kick out of brainstorming ideas to be unseen. 
     - Y/N can go with one of the security guards to the back. - Michael pointed out but Y/N already knew what she was gonna do, and it wasn’t going to enter the bus again.
    - I think I’ll just get the taxi to the bay and then get a boat to St.Michaels. Gonna see my parents for a while, if that’s alright. 
    - Yeah, that’s alright, Y/N. We have around three days before the gig, so take your time. - Anthony replied, taking his eyes from his phone to look at her while he spoke and returning right back to it. He was probably speaking to his wife. 
    - Right, then I’ll see you guys in three days. - she kissed Sebastian goodbye and turned on her wheel to walk to the taxi area to see if she could hail one and get to her destination in one piece. Sebastian watched her go with a tinge of sadness, something that was greatly noticed by Mary. What could she say? She was a great emotional reader.
    - Do you wanna go with Y/N? - she questioned before they could all leave and go inside the bumpy, hard to sleep in bus until they reached Maryland, where they would once again sleep in the uncomfortable bus. Besides, if Melody was staying in, he was definitely gonna sleep in the coach. - Go on, just don’t sleep with her in her parents’ house. 
   - He’s not really gonna go to her ... - Melody started to complain but her complaint fell on def ears as he had already decided to start sprinting towards the taxi area, hoping she hadn’t caught one yet. Gladly, she had not caught a taxi yet and was seated on the sidewalk waiting for everyone to get one so she could try and hail a cab once again. How did she even survive in NY? Sebastian chuckled before walking over to her and sitting by her side.
   - Seb ... - she turned to see him, a look of worry in her face. - Are you alright? Please tell me you didn’t get kicked out of the band already.
   - Not yet, Mary just suggested I went with you to St.Michaels. 
   - Mary suggested? - she raised her eyebrows at him in pure disbelief. 
   - Yes, it’s a 30 minute journey from Washington to Maryland plus boat journey. You could get kidnapped, lost or worse drown at sea. - he added making her hold in a chuckle as she tried to look serious. - Unless you don’t want me to meet your folks. 
   - Can you hail a taxi? - she asked and he immediately got up on his feet, raising his arm up and as if by magic a taxi stopped. She sure needed to get famous as that was the only explanation as to why he could hail a taxi so easily.
The taxi drive was, to put in the least interesting. Small talk was not her strong suit, however it was Sebastian and he spent the whole half hour making the man question if he really knew him or if he was just going insane. She wanted to scold him for that, but she couldn’t deny it wasn’t funny. They got to the docks on time and she went over to the ticket place to get some passages while Sebastian stared at the boat. He hated boats. He never understood the fixation of famous people with boats, he personally hated them and he hated them even more once he had taken a half an hour journey only to get dumped at the beach along with Y/N in the middle of the most posh collection of beach houses. 
   - Your parents own a house here? - he questioned, following her as she walked through the sand to one of the white houses. - For someone who gets excited at the glitz and glamour, I don’t understand how you don’t get bored. You’re clearly rich. 
   - My family is rich, it’s their money not mine. - she replied. Y/N did indeed live comfortably until her teenage years where she decided to move to NY and from them on she went on surviving with her own money so she didn’t really have many memories from being surrounded with riches except for the holidays. In her mind, the money her parents had were theirs and she didn’t want anything to do with it. She was gonna make it without any monetary help from her family. They finally reached the porch of a big white house that looked straight out of a dream holiday magazine and Sebastian swore he still did not understand why she got interested by the riches of his lifestyle. She knocked on the door, and took to stand next to Sebastian. - Most of my family lives here.
   - Like a beehive? 
   - You could say so. - she chuckled but got interrupted by the door being opened. The woman in front of them had Y/N’s vibrant eyes and Sebastian guessed it was her mother. 
   - Y/N, what a lovely surprise. - Miss Wiley came to hug her daughter, her gaze still stuck on the man next to her. - I thought you were working.
   - I took a little vacation. - she smiled. - Mum, this is Sebastian Stan. The one who got me the tour article. 
   - Pleasure to meet you, I’m Elizabeth Wiley. - she extended her hand for Sebastian to shake which he did. - Please come inside.
Sebastian followed Y/N and her mother into the entrance. It was a very serene with white walls and light blue accents, something he’d expect to see coming into a beach house. It was mind-blowing to him how he could still hear the ocean waves as if he was on the beach. 
   - Who is it, Betty? - a man, probably in his mid 50′s dressed in a plad suit walked into the entrance. - Pumpkin, what are you doing here?
   - She came to give us a little visit. - her mother placed her arms on her shoulder. - Oh and this is Sebastian.
   - Are you her boyfriend? - he was quite blunt, something Sebastian should’ve been expecting from a political reporter but he was still taken aback. 
   - Dad. - Y/N scolded, a light warmth coming to her face.
   - It’s a fair question, pumpkin. 
   - Leave them alone, Harry. - her mother went to stay by his side. - Why don’t you two come into the living room? 
She took them onto the living room where an elderly man was sat down watching a movie Sebastian had briefly seen. His eyes immediately set on him and he felt a cold shudder run through his spine. He was speechless, not sure how to act. 
   - Look dad, Y/N came to visit us. - her mum told the man who got up to look at his granddaughter. - Oh and this is Sebastian, he’s the one who got Y/N the writing job. 
   - You look much more like your mother. - he commented, shaking her granddaughter’s hand which Sebastian found odd but didn’t dare comment considering he was still looking at him like he was the enemy.
   - Right, why don’t you go into the garden and call for your brother, we should be dinning in a bit. I’ll take your bags. - Elizabeth took their bags and disappeared into the hallway and Y/N pushed him through the house and into the back garden. He’d never been so happy to be far away from someone as he was right now. 
They reached the back garden which should really be called a back park in Sebastian’s opinion. He’d never seen a garden so big yet there he was and a bit further away was a man playing squash against a movable plastic wall. He turned his back to see what the rustling noise was and a smile plastered onto his face. He rushed through to the couple, completing ignoring Y/N and shaking Sebastian’s hand.
   - You sir, are a legend. - he said, shaking Sebastian’s hand thus becoming the 3rd man in the Wiley household that he did not know what to reply to. - I have most of your records.
   - Thank you. - was all he could say. 
   - Why, thank you Theseus for noticing me. - Y/N interjected, arms crossed and a playful look on her face. - Sebastian, this fanboy is my brother, Theseus. He often likes to pretend I don’t exist. 
   - Call me Theo. - he replied. Their parents were avid mythological readers so when their firstborn came along, they decided to name him after the mythical king and founder of Athens. He, however, immediately found a nickname to replace it, something Y/N never really decided to call him by. - So, what are you doing here? Sleeping with my sister or something?
   - No, I’d never do that. She’s a respectable woman and I wouldn’t dare ...
   - Chill. - he interrupted. - Save that for granddad. He’s the one who believes Y/N is innocent but I was there when she had a crush on Indiana Jones.
   - Why don’t we go freshen up. - she pushed Sebastian out of the garden before her brother could spill more secrets. She ignored the living room, having noticed how awkward the scene had been with her parents and grandparents. Y/N took the kitchen rout before climbing the stairs up to her bedroom.
Sebastian always had a thing to see other people’s childhood bedroom and Y/N’s was no different. She had a trophy stand which was no surprise for him, a few boyband posters along with some vintage movie posters. The thing he found funnier was the Phantom of the Opera mask hanging from the one of the windows.
  - 1st place at the Spelling Bee? - he lifted a bee shaped trophy from the stand chuckling at it. - Aw bunny, you’re a nerd.
  - Give me that. - she took it from him, placing it back on her shelf. She would be lying if she said she didn’t love her little trophy collection. - I’m really glad you came over.
  - Free time away from them with you ... - he placed his hands on her hand, moving her a bit closer to him. - Sounds like a real good plan for me.
  - Mh ... - she hummed, her hands on top of his. - I’m sorry about my grandpa. He’s a very ... old school man.
  - Elitist, you mean. 
  - He’s still my grandpa, Seb. Besides, I’m sure he’ll love you once he gets to know you.
  - Yes, because you obviously adored me when you first met me. 
  - Well, you did say that you loved when I talked dirty to you.
  - I’d still love if you talked dirty to me. - he placed his chin in the space between her shoulder and her neck, so close she could feel his breathing. Y/N once again got uncomfortable, pushing from him. Sebastian furrowed his eyebrows, putting his fingers against his forehead. - What’s wrong?
  - Nothing’s wrong. - she took her jacket off, hanging it on the two hanger screwed to the door. 
  - No there’s definitely something wrong because whenever I used to make any sex involving jokes you’d normally roll my eyes at me, not act like that. Is everything alright? - he questioned sitting on her twin bed. - You don’t need to tell me if you don’t want you. I just don’t want to hurt you or make you upset.
 - You’re not making me upset. - she sat by his side, hands on top of her legs.
 - Did I do something that annoyed you? You can tell me.
 - Sebastian, I’m a virgin.
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I may not be a mother, but I of course have a mother, and I am so thankful for my mom. My faith in God is what it is today largely because of my mother and how she held me with an open hand to God. She has made it possible in many different ways for me to be who I am today, through her love and joy, her talents and beautiful characteristics, as well as her mistakes.  And if you look at it, so has yours.
I’ve had a pretty good upbringing, not perfect, but I know my parents have loved me the best they’ve known how, and for that I am extremely thankful. My mother has fought through much more than I will probably ever know to be who she is today, and I am forever grateful for who she is and how she and my dad have raised me. Through all her battles, she raised my sisters and I, so there’s bound to be some debris.
My outlook on my family growing up was that I had it pretty made actually, no drastic trauma, my parents are still married, we all loved each other, so it actually made it a little difficult for me to recognise or admit where there were failures or hurts from life in my family, we all have them, but some are easier to see for some reason than others, and therefore easier to admit. But over the last few years, God has been bringing things to the surface of my heart, life views, self-views, beliefs, perceptions, outlooks, etc, some wonderful and great, and some not all that pretty.
I don’t have to be a mother to understand that motherhood is not easy, from the pressures of society and culture to the pressures of family traditions and expectations, every mother usually tries her best to have her children’s best interest at heart, but we’re all bound to get it a bit wrong. And to recognise where a parent has let us down, hurt us, caused damage, misunderstood us, misjudged us, or abandoned us, etc, can be really tough, as well as admitting that or how it affected us.
To these realisations I would like to speak, yes our mothers may have made their own mistakes, and we may have things we have to work through that are after effects of those mistakes, but she never promised to be perfect or to not make mistakes.
I think we hear one of two things a lot of times when we get to the topic of our mothers, (though not limited to these two), one being; “my mother is so amazing, she has supported me and loved me and pushed me to pursue my dreams, I know I wouldn’t be who I am today without her.”
And another other is, “my mother never seemed to care about me, she didn’t love me, she told me how horrible I was, she left me, she blamed me for her mistakes, my mother was just not a good mother, I know I wouldn’t be who I am today without her…I have this crap in my life because of her.”
Or somewhere in between, your mother doesn’t have to have abused you to have hurt you or let you down in your expectations of what a mother should be.
But can I say, I think it’s very easy for us to get stuck in saying, “I got that problem from my mother” and/or, “that issue is in me because of my mother”, and yes, it’s very valid and needed to understand where something came from to help us along our journey of healing. And those things need to take their time to process and be worked through to get to our healing and freedom. 
Recognising where and how our imperfect upbringings have affected us is part of our walk into freedom.
Even if you’ve been raised in a relatively normal or amazing family, there are still places of imperfections or dysfunction that affect our personal outlook on ourselves and the world around us.
Here’s one way I kind of see it, that it can be like walking around wearing cloaks we thought were supposed to protect us, but we keep getting injured and wondering why our cloak isn’t shielding us. Then we find out that this cloak is old and worn out, passed down from our family, it has holes in it, and wouldn’t even protect us from a needle. So we maybe get angry or sad, but at least we understand that it’s not really our fault. But after this realisation, we don’t get rid of the old cloak. Yes we maybe clean it up a bit, patch some of the holes and such, but we keep using it, blaming our mother or family every time it doesn’t work to protect us. But what we haven’t realised, is that it was never meant to shield us, and it never will.
Jesus is standing there with a brand new cloak that, like an Elvin cloak, will shield us and hide us from the enemy and keep us safe. But He can’t give us this cloak while we are still holding onto the old one.
What old cloaks may you be wearing that you were never meant to wear?
And are there any judgements, bitterness or offenses you’ve held against your mother or yourself that you need to forgive and release?
We have the choice and the power to lay down that old cloak and take Jesus’ new cloak of love, freedom and peace. We need to let go of our offenses or judgements on our family. Because after we have recognised and seen the issues for ourselves, it’s no longer their fault that we continue to operate in them. We have the freedom to choose forgiveness, Jesus wants our freedom even more than we do and He loves us too much to leave us under the cloaks of old mindsets and judgements.
God can use the revelations we get when we’ve realised some of our disfunctions and issues have come from mistakes our family has made. It is a very freeing thing when we can recognise that ‘this or that’ came from my mother, or my father, or my grandmother, or granddad, though today we’re talking about mothers. Recognising that something we don’t like has come from our mother, in either genetics or in how she treated me, or judged me, or didn’t love me the way I receive love etc, can be a big step towards more freedom in our lives…but only if we’re willing to not hold onto it and hold it against her once we’ve recognised it.
It’s a comfort to finally figure out that there’s a reason for something in your life you haven’t understood before but, as soon as the comfort in knowing where something came from, becomes my excuse for not moving forward in life, it becomes a new dysfunction disguised as freedom. Disguised as that comfort of it “not being my fault” or “knowing who to blame”.
Can I tell you something? Once we have recognised it, once we have seen it, it’s no longer on her that we aren’t able to change, it’s on us, we are the one who makes the choice whether or not to live within that thing.Yes she may have contributed to a dysfunction, and it may be a hereditary bend through our family line towards that dysfunction or problem, but it is not my mother or my grandmother living my life, it’s me. And now that I know where that thing, or things come from, I can fight it in a new way.
I bet if I look back on my family line, the problem or problems I’ve seen were stronger the further back I go. Each generation generally tries to do better than the last, it’s the way we’re wired as humans, we try to overcome where we see the shortcomings or failures of our past generations. And with each generation we can usually see where it improves, small or big there have probably been shifts and breakthroughs throughout our family lines.
My mother may have made her mistakes but she pushed through things I never had to push through because she conquered it for me, and her mother conquered things in her life my mother therefore never had to go through, and on and on and on.
So yes, our mothers may not be perfect, but who is? And holding onto that unforgiveness and blame and excuse of the crap in our lives being because of her shortcomings? That will not get us to the level of conquering or freedom we desire and seek. Half the battles we fight in our lives no one else will see.
So for all the unseen battles fought and won, for all the unseen and unrecognised conquering our mothers have done for us, thank you.
Thank you for not giving up on us by not giving up on yourselves, thank you for doing the best you knew how.
And for all the ways our mothers may have failed or hurt us, I invite you to forgive, to stop holding it against her and blaming her for your mistakes or imperfections, let us let go of where we have held our life problems over her or blamed them on her, our problems are our responsibility, no one else’s.
Let us move forward into another level of freedom in our lives because of our mothers, let us go out and continue conquering where she may have left off. Let us release the chain of blame so we can move forward into deeper healing and freedom.
So thank you, to all the mothers, imperfections and all, for all the sacrifices, for letting us go the best you knew how, and thank you for making it possible for us to continue our walk into freedom with the advantage of the battles you’ve already won.
And if you are reading this and saying, that’s not my story, my mother left me, my mother doesn’t seem to have conquered anything for our family line. First, I am truly sorry for your pain, I can honestly say that I don’t know what it’s like to walk in your shoes, but I do know this, Jesus is longing to heal you and set you free from this pain, you have the power to start those breakthroughs and conquering’s now, you can make new choices now, starting with you. And you don’t have to do it alone, I know I can’t go through life without my connection to God, to my Jesus, but I also can’t go through life without those God has placed in my life to help me. So I encourage you, in fact I encourage us all, to reach out to God, talk to Him as you would a friend, He really does loves you with an everlasting love and wants to help you into freedom and healing. Reach out to those around you who can help, if you don’t have anyone, ask God to lead you to someone who can help, seeking out good counselling can be very helpful, and there may be a community group in your area you can get connected to.
But don’t think you have to walk through life alone, because you don’t.
Last but not least,
Thank you for all the stand in mothers in our lives, for all the spiritual mothers who have given above and beyond to see us succeed in life, thank you for speaking up, for stepping up to the plate, for taking us up, for spending time with us when you didn’t have to.
There are so many in the world who had no other mother besides you, and you have no idea how many lives you have probably saved because of your brave and courageous kindness, love and sacrifice.
Happy Mothers Day
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hy-ddy · 8 years
 @blissful-kyungsoo​ tagged me !!! thank u <3 !
Rules: Go to this website: www.random.org/lists/ and pick 15 of your bias/faves
  I. Mom/Dad : Luhan. I wouldn’t trust Luhan with a baby anywhere near him for some reason lmao/
II. Sibling : Tao. COME HERE ME BABY I’VE ALWAYS WANTED A BROTHER (@ my sisters ilu but hey)
III.Grandma/Granddad : Chanyeol. This is taking a weird turn.
IV. Haunts You : Jongin. Oh no me poor baby what the heck happened let me get into a long journey to do all the things u couldn’t do while u were alive so u can rest in peace u beAUTIFUL PUP
V. Boyfriend/Girlfriend : Namjoon. I am very. VERY okay with that. I’d probably kiss his smooth cheeks all day and steal all his clothes.
VI. Your Ex : Kyungsoo. I don’t see where we went wrong, probably not with my intense need to burn every person that annoys me ??? ksoo ilu
VIII. Proposed to you : Yixing. Ok so so far i’ve been with soo namjoon n yixing what the fuck me why didn’t u keep them all.............so soft
IX. Your boss : Yifan. OK MAN I MEAN YEA
X. Random person you meet at a bar : Sehun :^) probably started talking because of COLORFUL HAIR
XII. First kiss : Baekhyun. /le gasp
XIII. Drunk and singing karaoke : Amber. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS SO GOOD YES PLEASE I LOVE THIS YES
XIV. Played 7 minuets in heaven with : Seokjin oh gasp i was probably very flustered lmao cries
XV. Gave you your favorite dessert : Junmyeon !!! u sweetie
I’M TIRED SO I’M NOT TAGGING ANyONE I’M SORRY I HAVE N ENERGY EZFPEJFPZEJFEZ¨but anyone who wanna do it can consider themselves tagges by me !!
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