#we truly do share custody
roetrolls · 8 months
Simpler Times
“Orfuse!” His name, called as a greeting, is laced with just enough exasperation to alert the oracle of what he is about to hear next. “You forgot to lock the door again.”
“Hello to you too, grumpy-pants!” He chirps back, scribbling a note in his journal and listening for his moirail’s familiar, heavy footfall in the hall.
“What if someone wanted to kill you?”
“Well, I don’t think the door’s persuasive enough to help me there.”
“I’m sorry!” he concedes. “I forgot.”
The word comes out with such incredulity that it breaks in two, and Orfuse beams into his notebook. He can’t get enough of the adorable cracks that have begun to grace that ever-deepening voice, as embarrassing as his moirail seems to find them.
“Maybe my hands were full!”
“You’re a handful,” Harlan says fondly, finally coming to a halt in the living room’s entrance.
With a twinkling laugh, Orfuse lifts his head to greet him proper. At once, though, his mirth is stymied, replaced by a horrified gasp and his heart in his throat.
Harlan leans against the doorframe with his clothing wrinkled and his facepaint smudged to nothing, dried blood spattered across his skin. His lip is busted and his cheek is swollen, with a fresh bruise already blooming at his temple.
Orfuse nearly falls from his chair with how fast he leaps from it. “Harly!”
“I’m fine.”
“You’re hurt!” He counters, taking his moirail by the arms and dragging him to sit on the couch for a better look at the damage. His fists seem to have had the worst of it, with knuckles split to bleeding and bruises on his fingers. “What happened?”
“There was a fight,” Harlan answers simply, sitting still and allowing Orfuse’s worried hands to comb through his hair in search of hidden wounds. 
“I can see that,” he says, and it is his turn to be incredulous. Though he can’t seem to find any evidence of injury, there is certainly blood, dried into his tresses in such a way that it crunches between the oracle’s fingers. “Is this yours?”
He draws back, relieved.
“But this is,” Harlan adds, raising one sharp, shiny tooth into view. Orfuse gapes, eyes widening into saucers, and the purpleblood grins wide enough for him to see the gap where his canine should have been.
Orfuse tries in vain to lift his jaw off the floor.
“It’ll grow back,” the young subjug shrugs, still flashing him that dimpled, toothless smile. “Faster if you kiss it, maybe?”
“Harly!” He admonishes through a bout of suppressed giggles, shoving at his face with a hand. “What is wrong with you!?”
Harlan guffaws, reaching up to pull the oracle’s arm away. His grip is weaker than Orfuse is used to, and the awkward way he holds the bronzeblood’s wrist to lay a kiss upon his palm belies just how much pain he’s really in.
Pity swells in the oracle’s chest, and he takes one of Harlan’s hands in his to assess the damage once more. He’s not so naive as to be unaware what an injury of this nature means. He has a feeling he doesn’t want to see the other guy.
“I’ll get you some bandages,” he says softly, stifling the instinct to give his palm a squeeze. 
“Thank you.”
It doesn’t take him long to return with the first aid supplies, but a few minutes alone is all it takes for whatever adrenaline carried Harlan here to finish filtering out. By the time Orfuse settles back in to begin cleaning the wounds, his moirail looks exhausted.
“Does anything else hurt?”
Harlan exhales through his nose. “Apart from everything? No. Not from the fight.”
Orfuse flashes him a sympathetic look, pausing his medical ministrations to put a comforting hand on his knee. “Achey?”
“Sharp. The growing kind.” He sighs wearily, his eyelids heavy. “I’d like to be done with it already. I don’t need to get any bigger.”
A silence lingers between them for a moment. Orfuse hopes it’s the welcome sort.
“I’m going to use the alcohol now, alright? It might sting a little.”
Harlan nods in acknowledgement, then looks away, likely hoping to hide whatever reaction he may have when the liquid meets his cuts.
“What was the fight about?”
“You.” His shoulders relax as Orfuse begins wrapping his knuckles, the worst of the process finished. “Krivek wanted to run his mouth again. He called you a leech. Said you made me weak.”
“Harly…” Orfuse frowns. “You can’t go picking fights every time someone says a bad word about me. I don’t want that.”
“You don’t understand the church, Orfuse. There’s no place for weakness in that world. I needed to prove him wrong, for both our sakes.”
“What did you even prove?”
“That you make me strong.”
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faaun · 1 month
omw to see a guy im not interested in bc he has my coat
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seravphs · 1 year
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The Zenins want Megumi. Gojo isn’t having it.
wc — 1.7k
tags — one suggestive line after “those girls are better off without you” if you want to avoid it, set after 棠, part of teen dad gojoverse, in which you and Gojo raise Megumi together
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Gojo’s been in the doghouse since last night. Not literally, obviously - though he might have preferred it if you were there with him, at least. He’d take anything over being kicked out of your shared bedroom and being forced to sleep on the couch. 
If you had it your way, you’d prolong his punishment, but you can’t. Not when, as he told you last night, the Zenins are coming today to wrest Megumi from your custody. 
Fat chance. 
You’d die before you let that happen. 
Gojo’s not too keen on either of those outcomes. For the first time in his life, he’s taking the pacifist’s route and talking it out, though you’re sure his version of talking involves more insults than most people’s. 
He thought about simply having it out with the elders, but it’s not worth it. Not when he has a plan for the future of Jujutsu Society. Not when he has you, Megumi, and Tsumiki. He’s playing the long game. He can’t afford to screw it up now. 
Being a family man really has ruined him. 
Zenin Keiko is a tall woman with a severe black bob and the characteristic Zenin look of perpetual contempt. She’s Naoya’s cousin, alright. 
“Twice-removed,” Gojo whispers to you. “Or illegitimate. Something like that, I can’t remember.” 
“Shut up,” you whisper back out of the corner of your mouth. “She’s going to hear you.” 
Welcoming a Zenin into your home feels like blasphemy, though you suppose Gojo is the closest thing Jujutsu society has to a god. 
Gojo’s unimpressed by her, mostly because he feels like the Zenins are mocking him. It’s not like anyone can take him on, but to send someone who has no battle capabilities feels like an insult.  
Keiko is an auxiliary manager with no cursed technique to speak of besides a weak barrier. It’s a wonder she has the nerve to speak to Gojo. The Zenins truly did not care about her if they sent her as the proxy to undermine your roles as the Fushiguro children’s guardians. In fact, you suspect that’s the precise reason she was chosen - because she’s expendable. 
Keiko, to her credit, shows no sign of fear. 
“I’d like to meet the children, Mr. Gojo. It’ll give me a good grasp of what the situation is.” 
“Hell no,” Gojo outright laughs in her face. “I’m not letting a Zenin near my brats. Your-“
“Gojo.” You squeeze his knee. Cooperate. 
“I’ll go get them,” he says begrudgingly.
The two of you sandwich the children between you on the couch. Tsumiki sits on Gojo’s left. Megumi sits on your right. That way, the two that are most likely to fight are separated. It’s a strategized united front. 
“Megumi, do you like your guardians? Do you like staying here?” 
Megumi looks at you. You smile at him encouragingly - and there Keiko goes, scribbling away in her notebook. She’s probably saying something about how Megumi is so scared of you he won’t answer the question unless you give him permission. 
“Are you sure? Forgive me, but Gojo seems a little…immature for a parent.” 
A direct attack right out of the gates. Gojo objects to this very accurate assessment of his character. 
“He’s fine, I guess,” Megumi says. There’s more scribbling. You’re starting to hate the sound of pen on paper. “I like-“ 
He looks at you. There’s a tiny blush on his cheeks, just the faintest hint of red. More quietly, he says, “It’s fine, cause she takes care of us.” 
Gojo stares at him, slack-jawed. “Are you kidding me? You are one ungrateful brat. Who found you? Who took you in?” 
Tsumiki chimes in, “We like Gojo a lot too! He’s fun.” 
Keiko ignores her completely, focusing on Megumi instead. Your distaste for her grows. 
“Would you say that Gojo has an active role in taking care of you?” 
“Why aren’t you asking Tsumiki anything?” Megumi interrupts. “Her opinion’s important too.” 
Keiko gives him a strained smile. Gojo reaches behind Tsumiki on the couch to ruffle Megumi’s hair. He only tolerates this for five seconds before he shakes his head to get him off. 
“He loves me,” Gojo says. 
“I have Stockholm syndrome,” Megumi says. ‘Help,’ he mouthes. 
“He’s joking,” Tsumiki says nervously.
You’ve given up on making them behave. It’s just not happening. 
Keiko seems to have given up too. Rather than continue prodding Megumi, she turns to Gojo. 
“How often are you home?”
“Basically every day,” Gojo lies. He does try his best, but it’s more like every other day. Such is the fate of the strongest sorcerer. 
“Don’t want my baby all alone, poor little thing.” 
He catches your look and cackles. “No, the other one. My other baby,” and the kiss he presses to your knuckles is so tender it melts your heart. 
Keiko makes an uncomfortable expression. “Please try to stay focused, Mr. Gojo.” 
Megumi gags loudly. Tsumiki pinches his arm to get him to shut up and he yelps. Keiko narrows her eyes and makes another note. 
“I understand how Gojo might take responsibility for the children,” Keiko says, directing her attention to you, “but how did you come into the picture. Are you a girlfriend-“
“Wife,” Gojo interjects. 
Keiko’s entire body does an approximation of what it would look if a human had a screenshot function. 
“Aren’t you children?”
You don’t like Keiko at all, but you respect the balls it takes to talk to Gojo like that. All the Zenins seem to have that death wish of wanting to mouth off to the strongest. Maybe it’s a genetic thing. 
Gojo shrugs. “If I’m old enough for the missions you send me on, I’m old enough to take care of kids, right? How hard can it be?”
You pinch his thigh. “Gojo.” 
“What? It is easy. You just give them a bunch of lollipops and call it a day.” 
Keiko’s writing is now background noise to you. “Are you still doing that? I told you-“
“It’s fine! All kids need sugar to grow. I had a sweet tooth when I was their age.”
“And that’s probably the reason why you still have one now! Except it’s rotting your teeth-“
“It’s not-“
“It is!”
“Don’t be so uptight!”
“How does it look if I’m always saying no to him and you’re always saying yes? It isn’t fair, Satoru. Parenting has to be a team effort.” 
“What are you talking about?” 
“I’m talking about you playing good cop, bad cop with him!” 
“Have you gone insane? We went over this! He likes you more than me! There is no good cop, bad cop when he just takes your side every single time.” 
“Excuse me,” Keiko says. She’s somehow managed to look a complex combination of perplexed, annoyed, and satisfied. “Please take care of your lovers’ tiffs outside of this interview. I will say that this doesn’t seem like an environment particularly conducive to raising children, however.” 
“What do you know?” Gojo says rudely. “The only reason you’re even doing this interview is because I’m letting you.” 
Normally, you would tell him off, but in front of the Zenins? You’re a united front. You place a hand on his forearm and look down your nose at the woman in front of you as best as you can when she’s taller than most people you meet. 
“I think you’ve overstayed your welcome,” you say. 
“You agreed to an interview,” she says. 
“An interview, not an inquisition.”
“You can’t refuse a request from the elders without consequences,” she says, as patiently as she would speak to a child. It’s condescending. 
“Are you threatening my wife?” 
When you look to your side, Gojo’s face is shadowed. His eyes are storm dark and frightening. Keiko can’t hide her visceral reaction. 
She forgets her coat on her way out, she’s in such a hurry to leave. Gojo takes it and disappears. 
While he’s away, you let Megumi and Tsumiki return to their rooms. They’re muttering amongst themselves, but you don’t pry. Children need their space, too. You’ll talk to them about it later. 
He’s back within a minute. 
“What did you do with it?” You’re bracing yourself for the answer. 
“I just sent a message,” he says, as cheerily as if nothing had happened. “Think we passed that?” 
“Gojo, I think that’s the first test you’ve ever failed. Did you see the way she was writing during the last twenty minutes? And Megumi and Tsumiki! Every time they said something, she made a face!” 
Gojo shrugs, still so certain of his place in the hierarchy. One day, the elders will get tired of him throwing his weight around like Jujutsu’s one and only tyrant, but not someday soon if they want to keep their heads. 
“It’s fine,” he says. “I’m not going to make Megumi and Tsumiki act like repressed little puppet children just so that they can find some way to snipe them out from under us anyways. Who knows, maybe we’ll teach the Zenins a thing or two about healthy child raising. I hear they have two girls now. One of them has no cursed energy. Should we kidnap some more children?” 
“Like you know anything about healthy parenting,” you snark. “Those girls are better off without you.” 
“Does being mean to me get you off or something?” 
“Do you want to find out?” 
“I would love to,” he purrs, sliding a hand under your shirt just so slightly so his nails prick at your lower stomach. You grab his wrist. 
“Sorry,” you say, your stomach churning at the joke gone wrong. “I can’t.”
He stops immediately. “What’s wrong?” 
“I just- They want Megumi badly enough to go to the higher ups. I know what they do to their children. I can’t let him go there, Satoru. I can’t.” 
“I won’t let that happen.”
“I can’t stop thinking about those girls.”
“Come here,” he says. 
You lean closer to him. He lifts his arm so easily, without thinking. When you slide under it, you fit into him perfectly. 
Now that you’re safely tucked under his arm, you feel sheltered from anything that could happen.  “I don’t want to give the kids to the Zenins. They’re monsters. And they would make monsters out of them.” 
“That’s only if they take them away,” Gojo says, his smile fanged and vicious. 
“And if they do?”
“I hope they try.”
You trust him. 
You know he’ll keep his word. If Gojo says Megumi and Tsumiki won’t be going to the Zenins as long as he’s alive, then they won’t be going at all. 
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thebearer · 4 months
Annnnnnd how would Lip act in the situation of the devastation fic
i’ve had to think about this tbh. bc he kinda already had his own version with the unexpected pregnancy news of freddy.
but i started thinking in terms of lip’s reader leaving and taking the kids with her, and genuinely, i can’t think of a situation where that would happen and she would come back. like they’d be done.
now, with that being said, i could see lip and you getting into a fight- a huuuuugggeee fight. bigher than the one when you found out you were pregnant with amelia. this is based off of lip with best friend!reader who’s a elementary school teacher. she does pretty well, has a salary and insurance so wayyyy better than anything lip grew up with, but they’re not rich by any means. truly comfortable. lip’s working at the auto shop, still doing odd ball jobs but more full time, got promoted to a shift supervisor and got a raise. you both share a bank account together bc it makes it easier.
debby (bc it’s always debby and i’m a debby hater sorry) does something stupid. stupid enough to need bail money, stupid enough that she might get franny taken away or placed into custody elsewhere. debby calls lip, wailing and frantic for money, and lip, of course, rushes to give in.
comes to you all frantic and manic. “hey, uh, i-i need to move some money alright?”
“move some money? why?” you frown. “lip, are you- is everything alright?”
“debby got arrested.” lip mumbles. he’s known you for a while, a long while, he knows your disdain when it comes to debby and her carelessness. more so, his incessant need to always pull her out of the hole she dug herself in. “she needs money for bail.”
“woah, woah, hold on.” you stop him. “you’re- you’re not- lip, absolutely not.”
“what?” lip snaps. “absolutely not? what-“
“-lip.” you glare at him lightly. “no, we-we don’t have that kind of money right now. jude starts daycare next month, and the daycare fees are going to double-“
“-yeah because you insist on puttin’ them in that fancy ass one by your school.” lip scoffs. “couldn’t leave them with mrs. mcgee. too fuckin’ good for that.”
“yeah, i am too good to leave my babies with a lady who chain smokes and watches the price is right all day.” you glare. “i want my babies to go somewhere safe and- that’s not even the point right now. lip, no. you’re not doing it. we can’t afford it.”
“we can fucking afford it. don’t start this shit with me-“
“-lip, we might have the money for it, but that does not mean we can afford it. that’s our savings, our safety net-“
“-and this is my family. my sister.” lip gritted his teeth. “isn’t that what the safety nets for, huh? for shit like this? unexpected bad shit?”
“not for debby.” you snap, finality in your tone. “not for someone who continues to make bad decisions and not learn from them and then wants you to run and get her out of it every time. i’m sorry, lip. this time i’m not letting you do it.”
that escalates bc one, you told lip he couldn’t do something which just made him turn more stubborn, and two, he’s blinded with irrational rage.
“what about franny, huh? she’s your fuckin’ niece, you’re gonna just let her get put in the system-“
“-franny is more than welcome to stay here. i will gladly take her while debby’s figuring shit out, but you have kids you need to think of. two kid that are yours that you need to think of, lip!”
“don’t you fucking dare.” lip snarls. “don’t you use my kids against me.”
“i’m not using them against you! jesus, lip, you don’t get to just come in here and tell me what we’re doing with our money! that’s my money in there too, ok? i’m telling you right now, if you fuckin’ use my money on this, and not think about our kids, you might as well just not come home.”
lip is furious, leaves without another word, slamming the door hard behind him leaving you in the house with freddy and baby jude. you’re fuming, upset, hurt- he’s feeling the same. lip is furious, furious at you telling him what to do.
he ends up at ian’s house after coming dangerously close to going to the alibi. ian talks him down, tells him you’re right, which was not what lip wanted to hear.
“debby can wait. she’ll get out soon enough and she can figure it out.” ian rolls his eyes. “she shouldn’t have been such a fuckin’ moron.”
“what about franny then, huh? you’re gonna just let her go into the system? let cps get her until then?” lip spat furiously.
ian scoffs. “franny is with carl right now. he’s bringin’ her here tonight.”
lip burns with embarrassment, feeling petulant but still pissed. “hey, word of advice?” ian smirks. “quit bein’ a hard headed jack ass and go home and apologize to your wife before she comes to her senses and leaves your ass for good.”
and lip is still mad but it’s dwindling, a guilt replacing it instead. he just needed to calm down, to think straight. walking back to your house, he had the time to.
lip jammed his key in the door, the ridges not sliding the usual way, not clicking. so he tried again, turning the key with no luck- it didn’t budge. he pulled on the knob, twisting again and again but nothing. “stupid fuckin’ piece of shit door.” lip grumbles, knocking on the door.
he waits, huffing, knocking louder. when there was still no response, lip goes to pull out his phone, only then does he see the pink envelope with his name on it on the welcome mat.
lip opens it up to find a note:
since you insist on doing whatever you want without asking me or considering our family, i decided i would do the same. you can go stay with debby since you chose her over me and my kids.
ps. don’t bother with the lock, i had them changed xoxo”
he found his car keys under the envelope. lip was furious, absolutely fucking furious and sick and upset and just overwhelmed with every emotion possible. you hadn’t even given him his lighter, so he took a walk to the corner store to buy a pack of spirits and a lighter. he called you on his way back, not surprised when you didn’t pick up.
“hey, you know, i know you think you’re bein’ real fuckin’ funny but this shit isn’t funny, ok? i didn’t choose debby, i didn’t do shit, alright? so let me back in the house and let’s be adults about this.”
then another voicemail.
“alright, seriously? you’re not gonna let me in? you’re not gonna let me come say goodnight to freddy or jude? that’s fucked up. really fuckin’ fucked up.”
“you’re bitchin’ me out about not spending money, and-and you get that done? get the locks changed? how much did that cost huh? you can use money to be petty and childish but i don’t get a say in what i want to use it in?”
“ok this is ridiculous. let me in. talk to me. be a fuckin’ adult.”
“seriously? where the fuck am i supposed to sleep tonight? i know you’re fuckin’ seeing’ these- i can fuckin’ see you! just let me in!”
you don’t budge. don’t reply back, don’t answer the calls. he knows better than to bang on the door, wake jude or freddy up, and truthfully… he’s a little terrified at the moment. very scared that you’re truly done with him, that ian was right and you’d come to your senses.
so he slept in his car. in the driveway, thankful it was warm that night and he had a few spare shirts and things in the back. he waited until the next morning, when he knew you’d be up with the boys, to ring the doorbell.
his anger had vanished to fear and guilt, retreating back to you with his tail tucked between his legs, all sad eyes and gentle apologies that you deflected with anger still bubbling.
it definitely took him a while to make it up, a very long while before you actually gave him his new key. he had to make it up to you, work on his communication and his sharing especially with you.
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liulith · 6 months
Sir Pentious & Alastor: an underrated dynamic
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"Show yourself, Alastor! Come and face--! Oh, there you are. FACE MY WRATH!"
Sir Pentious has been in Hell for much longer than Alastor. That means he was there when the Radio Demon appeared, and he's been trying to overthrow Alastor for decades! We know what Alastor is capable of, and what he could do if he truly wanted Sir Pentious to stop. He obviously doesn't register Sir Pentious as a threat, but that doesn't mean he's not annoying (like when he interrupts his song in the pilot and destroys a wall in ep2). Yet in all those decades, Alastor always let him go with the equivalent of a slap on the wrist, considering what he's done to other sinners in his broadcasts.
And why is that? Why, he must find Sir Pentious very entertaining, of course! Even though he calls Sir Pentious forgettable (to rile him up), there's no way a narcissist like him doesn't LOVE being the main focus of Pentious' "evil plans", as pathetic as they are. Not only does he give him the attention he deserves (like Vox), he's a true "architect of evil" who constantly reinvents himself to try and get the upper hand on Alastor. To Alastor, Pentious is like a sillier, weaker, more immature version of Vox with close to ZERO survival instincts but twice the creativity. Even Vox, who made a whole diss track about Al, wouldn't dare speak to him the way Sir Pentious does if they were face to face.
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"SILENCE! Now cower! For when I've ssslain you, the almighty Vees will finally acknowledge me as their equal."
He does have some "oh shit" moments when he sees he crossed a line/is about to get Team Rocket-ed, but he still gets back up and attacks him again with all the unearned confidence of a man who has no idea how easy Alastor goes on him.
Just like Alastor, Pentious is attached to the aesthetics and technology of the time period he knew when he was alive, and still manages to innovate with those limitations. I think Alastor could respect that.
"You whores have no class! In war, the side remembered is the side with the most style!"
It's also funny that to Pentious, Alastor is the young, modern one. Some phrases Alastor uses are "young people slang" to him!
Pentious asking Alastor questions on his "modern" radio technology...
Alastor is one sarcastic bastard, and Sir Pent is one of the most naive characters in the show. He takes a lot of things way too literally (#autism?). That's just PERFECT for comedic misunderstandings between these two!
Before s1 was released there were quite a lot of ace!Pentious headcanons. I think we could still make a case for closeted ace-adjacent!Pentious in canon! Possibility even aroace!Pentious, if we interpret his crush on Cherri as compulsive heteronormativity (he loves her creative genius and is fascinated by her explosive contraptions; surely that means she's the one, right?)
Ace4Ace Alastor & Pentious would be a fun duo in my opinion. They could bond over their shared experience
On the topic of bonding... ("I have feelings for you" (Narrator voice: the feeling was friendship, but he had ever experienced it before)
Seriously, imagine Sir Pentious spending more and more time around Alastor because of the hotel, taking his sarcastic and mocking remarks literally and thinking they're becoming closer... And then being like. WAIT. Do I have feelings for him?? and trying to seduce him like he does with Cherri Bomb. The absolute shenanigans... Rizzlord Pentious strikes again.
Accidental fake dating scenario that only exists in Vox's head, where Vox, being the stalker that he is, spies in the two of them bonding and reaches all the wrong conclusions
Once Sir Pentious dies for the second time and ascends to Heaven, he could meet Alastor's mom 👀
EDIT: OH and How could I forget the Egg Boiz?? Egg Boiz babysitter!Alastor is canon and he definitely babysat them multiple times in the few months Sir Pentious spent at the hotel. Joint custody :3
AND let's not forget the important information that Frank the Egg Boy reported to Sir Pentious lol. The one Charlie made a deal with Alastor for. I can imagine Alastor considering killing the Egg Boiz/ Sir Pentious after learning Frank didn't keep quiet (Imagine Sir Pentious trying to engage in a conversation w/ Alastor and telling him what Frank told him as a joke akfkkd), spending a whole afternoon trailing after them and making plans, only to realise that the Egg Boiz say insane shit all the time and Sir Pentious was in fact NOT playing 4D chess by telling him he knew (and probably already forgot all about it)
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tricktster · 2 months
Is the mom in the picture at all?
Bahahha trust me, these kids are not lacking for moms. We have shared custody, which means on paper they’re with their Mommy (my boyfriend’s ex) and Mama (her new partner) half the week and Daddy and TST the other half… but, you know, in practice?
Schedules are complicated, we’re all getting our respective post-divorce permanent housing situations sorted out, we all wanna see the kids as much as humanly possible, and I’m the only one who isn’t directly in the medical field and doesn’t have overnights where I have to work or be on call, sooo like… it��s not an infrequent situation for all four of us to be under the same roof for the whole weekend, or for me to stay over when Mommy’s on call and might have to go to the hospital and Dad and Mama are both working overnight shifts, etc etc. We’ll take them to the amusement park and switch off kid duty halfway through, we all went to pride together, we went to kindergarten orientation together, we do all the big holidays/birthdays together… we even had a group halloween costume (the kids were Squirtle and Meowth, bf and I were Team Instinct/Valor trainers, mommy and mama were Team Rocket, it was fucking adorable.)
It was truly weird at first. It’s still occasionally weird. I know we’re all looking forward to seeing a little less of each other once we finalize housing. But like… at the end of the day, all that really matters is that the kids now have four incredibly loving adults in their lives who all have their best interests at heart and can put aside any interpersonal awkwardness in furtherance of that goal. They’re great moms, and I’m so happy the kiddos have them.
3 y/o was lounging in the pool a few weeks ago and looked around at everyone and happily announced “This is my family. Somehow.” and if that ain’t the truth, I dunno what is.
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lolasimms · 1 year
a lots gonna change pt.9
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Summary: Married life isn’t great, infidelity ensues, and things change
I’m all of you guys’ mother and I will continue to feed you, also please don’t hate me :)
next chapter
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The past four months and a half had been torture for you, it was as if there was an ongoing battle occurring in your brain. You were stuck between a rock and a hard place. The question; "Should I stay or should I go" engrained itself in your head. When finally you'd decided to go through with the divorce.
You'd had the support from your family and friends who assured you that you were doing the right thing. You'd gotten yourself a place not too far from your ex, to ensure Lila wasn't far from her. You had Lila during the week, with Ellie occasionally taking her for weekends, just until your custody date was settled. You'd both come to a mutual agreement that the best thing for the two of you was to seperate. However Ellie still had moments in which she would spiral and try and get you to take her back, but you never complied.
Your sister Nara took it upon herself to fly out to come support you and you couldn't have been happier to have her with you. With the support of her, Joel, Dina and Jesse you felt like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders,like you wouldn't have to be doing it all alone anymore. You also began seeing a therapist, except this time it was on your own, her name was Francine, and she was the best piece of solace you'd had. She'd truly made you feel like you'd be able to heal from all the damage that had been done.
Work was a great distraction, at first Abby had kept her distance and respected your need for space. Until you'd realised she only wanted to be there for you. You'd let her in, little by little only wanting to take things slow. Nothing sexual had happened between the two of you, as you still didn't feel right being touched by anyone other than Ellie. For years she was the only person you'd grown accustomed to and it frightened you to think about letting anyone other than her in.
Going through with the divorce was difficult but you only wanted what was best for Lila, and that was ending the relationship between you and Ellie and beginning a healthy co-parenting one. You knew getting back with Ellie would only mean you'd be in a relationship where you struggled with trust issues and insecurity. You just wanted the two of you to remain civil. That was exactly why you had decided not to fight Ellie for full custody, you'd give her an equal opportunity to bond and build a relationship with her daughter.
You can just take a seat over here Ms. Y/LN."  You we're still growing accustomed to not going by Ellie's last name, yours sounding foreign. The attorney as motions to the chair on his right. You hesitantly take a seat, then steal a quick glance at Ellie who is sitting across from you, her lawyer is seated to her left.
"Alright, we may start the proceedings now, Mr. Reynolds would you like to start" her defence asks, as he looks up at your lawyer.
"Sure, as displayed here my client is set on joint custody, with no asks for alimony or spousal support, she want's this to be fair and easy"
Ellie looks up at you in relief and visibly relaxes in her seat. You steal a glance at her but quickly look to the floor, to avoid making any further eye contact. You were a nervous wreck, the lump in your throat making you feel the need to scratch yourself, bite your nails, anything to make time pass.
"Ok, well if that is the case, Mrs. Williams would like to have her daughter on Friday to Sundays, due to work scheduling, is that okay with the defendant?" You nod your head at your lawyer, and he proceeds.
"Yes, my client is okay with that, however I'd like to discuss the deeds of the house. The two of them bought this house with the intent of sharing 50-50 assets, her name is on the papers so how would the defendant like to settle that?" You finally bring your gaze up to see Ellie, who's eyes were already on yours. She was fidgeting with her wedding ring, which she was still wearing despite your divorce being finalised weeks ago.
"My client doesn't mind, Mrs. Williams says Y/n can have the house, after all she will be the primary caretaker of their daughter" her lawyer says and you finally take it upon yourself to be vocal.
"I don't want it" you say, voice low and barely above a whisper, and your attorney turns to you with a glare. "We talked about this Y/n, this is a great deal for you" he whispers and you shake your head.
"No, I'd like for her to keep it, and I want my name off of the papers" you say aloud, and Ellie's hands visibly tense. It was the first time in months she had heard you speak more than three words. You try fighting back tears, but of course they come, flowing freely down your face and you wipe them in embarrassment.
"Alright, then that's settles it, anything else you'd like to discuss?" Her defence asks and your lawyer shakes his head no. The both of them stand up and shake hands, and your lawyer walks you out of the room, to congratulate you.
"Thank you Mr. Reynolds, I'm glad you were able to make it as easy and as fast as possible" He smiles and pats your shoulders.
"Please, call me Matt and its what I do, I'm just glad you got your clarity" his phone begins to vibrate and he picks it out of his pocket to respond.
"Im, sorry Y/N but it's my sons school I've got to get going, but I'm glad everything worked out in your favour"
"Thats fine, and once again thank you so much for everything" you wave him goodbye as he speed walks down the steps of the courthouse and you are left standing there in the heat, as you wait for your sister to come pick you up.
"Y/n?" you know who's voice it is, never in a million years would your forget her voice, and immediately you tense up at the touch of her hand that was on your shoulder.
"Can we talk?" Ellie asks, and you promptly remove her hand from your shoulder, leaving her red from embarrassment.
"I said everything I needed to, inside there Ellie" you refuse to make eye contact with her and she sighs desperately. She wears a simple black suit, the button of her blazer was left unopened and she had cut her hair a tad bit shorter than usual.
"I'm sorry, I don't know how many times I have to say it but I truly am sorry, I love you Y/n" she whispers, with tears in her eyes.
"You lied to me Ellie, we went to therapy and the whole time you were lying to me, you made me feel like a fool"
"I was doing it for your own good, I thought what you didn't know couldn't hurt you" You scoff and take a step down the stairs, desperately needing some space.
"Yeah cause it was 100 times easier to hear of your infidelity from Amelia" you spit, with sarcasm, the disdain for her ex-lover evident in your voice.
"I- Y/n she didn't mean anyth-" she tries but you cut her off swiftly.
"Don't fucking lie to my face and tell me she meant nothing, cause I know she did" Ellie sighs in frustration and runs a hand through her hair.
"I'm sorry" she whispers again, for what felt like the 1 millionth time.
"You can say sorry as many times as you'd like but I won't forgive you. You got the house, you've got your sanity and you get to see Lila, just let me be." You say and before she can continue, you get a message from Nara telling you she was here.
"I'm leaving now Ellie, I hope you're happy"
"Why the fuck, did you let her take the house?" Your sister was grilling you as the two of you sat on the balcony of her hotel room, sipping on red wine.
"Nara, that house, I couldn't take even if I wanted to, the memories are just too much." You confess, as you glance at the view of the waterfront. Her words are tuned out as you gaze at the sailboats, as they paraded down the canal. One by one, they went and you watched in awe as the catamaran's glided on the dark blue body of water.
"Y/n?" Nara calls a second time, but you are entranced by the sailboats.
"I think I wan't to buy a catamaran" you blurt out, as you are broken out of your trance and she stares at you in disbelief.
"You hate the water" she laughs as she pours, more wine into your half empty glass and you bring it to your lips, taking a sip.
"People change" you mutter under your breath, she proceeds to put her hand in yours and the rest of your evening is spent in comfortable silence, indulged in glasses of wine, and the sound of crashing waves and friendly chatter from the hotel bar.
"Momma, when is mommy coming back?" Lila questions, from the sofa, where she was seated with a small brown doll in her lap.
Ellie looks up from her laptop, where she was completing some documents from work and swallows thickly. This was the part that you and her hadn't discussed, the part where you find the right thing to say to your 3 year old kid.
"Mommy's not coming honey, she'll come pick you up tomorrow" she shuts her laptop lid, and walks over to the sofa to sit with her.
"But mommy and momma sleep together and I sleep in my bed?" She mumbles, the young girl trying to piece together why her mothers had stopped sleeping in the same house and bed.
"Now mommy and momma sleep in their own beds, my love" Ellie soothingly rubs her back and lifts her into her lap. Where the rest of the movie they watch is complete in sheer silence. Lila falls asleep, on the sofa and she takes her up to the room, to sleep with her as she couldn't bare the feeling of being alone.
"I love you honey, when I'm awake and when I sleep, I love you" she whispers into her daughters hair, as she kisses her goodnight.
"Pink please, momma" Lila says as she holds her hand out. The two of them had been playing all afternoon and she couldn't have been happier. If it weren't for the time she got to spend with her daughter she wasn't sure she'd survive the separation.
"Here you go baby" Ellie immediately grabs the thick crayon and places it in the toddlers hand and she accepts it graciously.
"Ok, almost done, don't look yet" she says in a serious tone, and she knows to not look, as the last thing she needed was a tantrum from her sassy daughter.
"Pleaseee, can I look now?" She asks and Lila sighs dramatically and lifts the paper quickly to her chest.
"Ok fine, ready?" Ellie nods and when Lila turns the paper towards her with a nervous giggle.
"Wow... it's beautiful honey" She can feel tears brimming from her eyes and she has to fight to keep them from spilling. She had drawn a messy yet clear picture of the three of you holding hands. With the labels "Momma" "Mommy" and "Me".
"Do I get to keep it, baby?" She asks as she lifts her from the stool and pulls her into her embrace and she nods with a wide grin on her face.
Shortly after she had packed up the crayons and began to pack up her toys, Ellie was startled by a few knocks at the door. Lila perks up from the couch and runs over to the door and she has to speed walk to stop her from answering it.
"Mommy!" The toddler screams as she reaches her hands up for her mother and you instantly pick her up, showering her in kisses. She then notices her aunt and does the same, to which Nara pecks her cheek and smiles.
"Hi Y/n, Nara good to see you again" Nara ignores her and you mutter a simple "Hi" as you avoid eye contact, something you had started doing ever since the day you had found out about her cheating.
"Is her bag packed?" You ask and she mentally curses herself for forgetting that you'd be coming to pick Lila up so soon.
"Uhhh no, but I can do it real quick"
"It's fine, she'll get them next time" you trail off as you nervously look too your sister who nods. She looks at the both of you and you hand Lila to Nara.
"Lila say bye to your mom" Nara finally speaks and the young child kisses Ellie goodbye and is led off to the car by her aunt.
"Can we talk Ellie?" You ask and her heart rate speeds up, she's not sure if you had forgiven her, or if you had changed your mind on the divorce but she had positive hopes, as this was the first time since the split that you had asked to speak to her alone.
"So you bought a house?" She tries to make sense of your words.
"Yeah, it's not far from here so we don't have to drive too long and it's close to her preschool." She nods at your words and shifts uncomfortably, the silence killing the both of you.
"So I'll be coming back tomorrow to come pick up all my stuff, her stuff can stay here, I'll buy her new shit that'll stay at my place" you say.
"I wish you didn't have to do all of this, Y/n" she finally breaks her silence and you're left scoffing.
"I did this? That's rich coming from the person who cheated on me" you laugh maniacally as she looks at you in disbelief.
"I know, it's my fault. I can't even apologise because I know it won't make a difference but I won't stop fighting to get you back." You shake your head and get up, having had enough of her words.
"I mean it Y/n I'm not going to stop until I get you back"
"Good luck with that Ellie"
Abby was in her office when she'd gotten a text from your personal contact. You'd never texted her from your personal phone before so she was surprised. The past few months the two of you had spent friendly time together. She knew you'd wanted space, to take things slow, so she gave you exactly that. She didn't want to screw her only chance up.
'Can you come to my office please, it's urgent.'
She was worried something had happened so immediately she got up and rushed to your office down the hall. She knocked on the door and heard a light "Come in" As soon as she entered you'd gotten off of your seat walking towards her. You grabbed her face down towards yours and began kissing her fervently. She was stuck in place, not believing if this was real or she was dreaming. You were desperately clawing at her biceps, pulling her towards the sofa that was against your office wall.
"What's this about?" She mumbles into your mouth as you push your tongue into her mouth, grinding against her vigorously.
"It's a celebration, I'm a free woman and I think it's time I let you fuck me" Her stomach lurches at your words and she can't help but let out a hard moan.
"Should we be doing this here, what if someone comes in" she smiles as she unbuttons your satin blouse, peppering kisses against your neck.
"We can discuss all the ways that this is wrong after you've thoroughly fucked me" you don't know what's gotten into you, but you needed to feel her inside you or else you’d combust.
You were tired of waiting. Ellie had had her fun for five months straight, so why couldn't you? You'd waited until your divorce, kept Abby hanging but that was not how things were going to go now. It was finally time you focused on what was good for you.
@moonlightdivine @maybe-cece @macaroni676 @sawaagyapong @katiemars @ellieseater @dakota-dream @joliettes @hebrokeimup @bratydoll @wakasaaa @catostrophiclesbian @l0v3e1i @dinas-a-bird
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kieran-granola · 1 year
I promised @krizariel that I would transcribe this one next, so here we go for older JayTim schmoop.
Bruce's funeral takes place on a sunny June day. It's early, too early, but living life the way he did and getting exposed to so many harmful substances and radiation has consequences. Everyone in the Batfamily shows up, no matter how strained their relationship with the Wayne name. Some of them come accompanied by their partner and/or children, and some alone.
Tim is on the cusp of forty, settled in his career, and happy with where he is. He doesn't wear capes anymore, instead he helps train younger heroes. He loves knowing that he's doing what he can to protect them and to help them stay alive to help others.
Jason will blow his forty-second candles in a few months. He still runs a criminal empire, but he's gone to university and gotten a degree. He now has a network of charities that are absolutely fronts, but he runs them in legitimate, ethical ways that enact good in the community. He also has two daughters, one in middle school and the other starting high school, and he has kept a good relationship with his now ex-wife with whom he shares custody.
Tim and Jason haven't exactly worked together or kept contact in over a decade. For all intents and purposes, they're now strangers. They have, however, both had the opportunity to work through their issues. Tim, because it was that or dying, Jason because he wanted to do the work for his daughters.
On the day of Bruce's funeral, they sit together and catch breakfast. They're the first ones awake in the Manor after they all spent the night sitting shiva, and their old enmity feels so far away. They actually get up and reintroduce themselves to each other with strong handshakes all around.
They spend the rest of the morning quietly chatting until the rest of the house awakens. Then the day truly starts, and Tim gets to see how soft Jason has turned out to be because… Well. His daughters are here and, as fraught as Jason and Bruce's relationship was, Bruce definitely showed up to be as good a grandpa as he could be for the girls. His passing devastated them, and Jason is doing everything he can to manage his own grief while being as much of a pillar of support for them as he can be.
It's intriguing and bittersweet for Tim because it makes him realize everything he missed when he decided to keep his distance from the family outside of cape work.
Anyway, eventually the girls need a break, and so Jason offers to drive them to their favorite bookshop for a spot of shopping and ice cream. On an impulse, Tim asks if he can tag along, and Jason agrees.
The "new" face helps get the girls' minds off their grief more than the bookshop does. Jason is incredibly relieved when Tim plays into it and lets them ask their questions. Still, everyone definitely has misty eyes when Jason's youngest picks a new edition of her favorite childhood book, because Bruce used to read it to her all the time, and she wants to read it with him one last time.
Having these interactions opens things up between Tim and Jason. When the girls join their other cousins back at the Manor, the two of them abscond to the patio and share their memories of their own fathers. The conversation goes from there to happier memories—childhood foods, shenanigans, broken vases and finger painting—and they find themselves smiling despite their shared grief.
They enjoy each other's company so much that they share phone numbers and make a promise to just... Catch up again. In happier circumstances.
As the weeks go by, their texting history lengthens. They chat every time they have a minute, and it takes a while but they eventually find a shared free spot in their schedules to grab a beer together. It's not a date—not in any of their minds at least, not yet—but they both sense the potential there when they're looking each other in the eye, feeling light and happy.
Eventually, after many months of meetings, they end one of their evenings with a spur-of-the-moment kiss, and they finally put words on the dating they've been doing.
They keep seeing each other for a while after that, now as romantic partners, and they do try out the bedroom when the girls are at their mum's place.
Then, Jason asks Tim if he'd be willing to have dinner with him and his daughters.
(He kept things on the down low at first, and he didn't really advertise his recurring meetings/dates with Tim, but the girls could see the way he smiled at his phone sometimes... and how he actually went shopping for more than his usual boring suits. They're not surprised when he tells them he's seeing someone.)
The girls absolutely hoot when Tim shows up with flowers for them, and wine for Jason and him. They then proceed to grill him over dinner while roasting the absolute hell out of Jason. Jason retaliates with the worst dad jokes and the threat of baby pictures.
Tim has an absolute blast, and that's when he realizes that Oh, it's more than just casual dating. He's falling in love with Jason. And obviously Jason is serious about this too, or he never would have introduced him to his daughters as more than a distant uncle.
The evening keeps going despite Tim's momentous realization. Jason and him start reminiscing about their younger days and the girls give each other a commiserating look of "ugh" at the dinosaurs and abscond to their bedrooms. Tim and Jason end up curled up together on the couch for one last coffee, then Tim heads back home, feeling warm down to his bones.
After that first dinner, the girls keep asking Jason if Tim will be there whenever their dad offers to take them somewhere. They insist on inviting him if Jason doesn't, because he obviously makes their dad happy, and eventually it becomes natural to include Tim in the family activities from the get-go.
The girls know they've won and gotten their dad to stop pussyfooting around his feelings when Jason shows up to his eldest's hockey match hand-in-hand with Tim and introduces him to their mom.
(She's very amused and tells him she's heard so much about him from the girls she already feels like they're friends.)
But… Jason isn't the only one with kids who care about him. Tim, as The Only Cool and Reliable Adult in most of his superhero protégés' lives, ends up being a surrogate father to quite a few of them. It's not rare for him to get random visits from young vigilantes in need of advice/a hug/someone to tell them they're proud of them and doing good.
Jason: "This isn't fair."
Tim: "What."
Jason: "My girls barely threatened you, meanwhile Wonder Girl 13 dangled me off a building because she thought I'd brainwashed you."
Tim: "Don't tell me you're scared of my students."
Jason: "Well, I can't exactly SHOOT them, can I?"
Tim: "I'd be very cross with you if you did."
Jason: "No shit. At least that explains why you were so good with the girls."
Tim: "Hmm?"
Jason: "You're a father of twelve, Tim."
Tim: "... I guess, I am. Though.... More like fourteen now, I hope?"
Jason: "You'll have to sort it out with the girls, but considering they keep sending me links to jewellers, I think it's safe to assume so."
Tim: "Nic— Wait. What?? They want us to get married?!"
Jason: "No, they think you need a new watch. Of course, they want us to get married."
Tim: "...I've never been married."
Jason: "I have."
Tim: "...Would you be opposed to doing it again?"
Jason, putting down his reading to look into Tim's eyes: "Why, are you interested?"
Tim: "...Maybe."
Jason: "..."
Tim: "..."
Jason: "..."
Tim: "...Nevermind this was s—"
Jason, interrupting him: "What's your band size?"
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billys-pretty-babe · 1 year
Mr Stole Your Girl
Pairing : Billy Hargrove x Fem!Reader
Summary : Nearly 2 weeks after you drunkenly confessed your feelings for your best friend, your boyfriend had found out and the two of you broke up. Now, you're finally Billy's girl.
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Warnings : Swearing, infidelity accusations, Billy is competitive
Word count : 1, 230
A/N : Part 2 of Mr Steal Your Girl. There's a time skip, but it's labeled!
"It's because of him isn't it," Chris asked you, eyes studying yours. "No, it's not. I feel like we're not a good fit. I'm a partier, you're not and that's okay." He nodded, still not believing you. "Okay, yeah, I understand." You nodded before leaving his house and sighing, thinking about what you'd do next.
Somehow you ended up on Cherry Lane, car parked right behind the Camaro. You didn't see Neil's truck and decided to round the house to Billy's window as you knocked. His curtains moved, the cherry on his cigarette burning and he smiled around it and unlocked his window.
"Boyfriend letting you come over? How nice of him to share custody." You flicked him off and climbed through his window. "We broke up, thank you very much." His smile fell, "Wait, what?" His heart raced, his stomach lurching slightly but his soul danced on the inside, couple hip thrusts here and there at the news.
You nodded, "I just felt like we were too different plus I lost feelings about two months ago." He winced, "Damn." You nodded, trying to insinuate that you were talking about the night that you told him you'd kiss him. He rubbed the cherry of his cigarette in the ash tray as he pushed his hair back. "Why'd you lose feelings? You seemed like you liked him a lot." You nodded, "I did but I also realized I was in love with someone." His heart stopped and shattered, a gaping hole now in it's place.
"Oh." You nodded. "Are you gonna tell the guy?" You looked at Billy, "I've been trying to give him signals since I showed up to his house but I think all the nicotine has gotten to his head." He looked at you, blinking slowly, trying to comprehend what you were saying. "Say it then." You looked at him and smiled, "I'm in love with you." He smiled, a genuine, smile with teeth.
"Glad the feeling's reciprocated. Swear I fucking fell in love with you when Carol introduced us."
That was three months ago and Billy was everything you could ever want and more especially now that the two of you didn't have the energy to hide your relationship anymore. He was still your flirty best friend but now he could kiss you without crossing a line.
You talked to Carol at your locker, Billy's keys in hand as you waited for him. You knew he was trying to be sneaky but Tommy made it impossible and you laughed, "I know you're there, B." He sighed, "Damn it," he said in your ear, making you jump considering you didn't know how close he had truly gotten to you.
He smacked a fat, wet kiss to your cheek and you laughed, "Gross." He gasped jokingly, "Gross? Says the one that has a spi-" you cut him off by putting your hand over his mouth as he nipped and licked at your palm. "You're like a rabid dog, stop it." He bit you harder and laughed as soon as he was free.
Three lockers away from you slammed shut and the four of you looked over as Chris made eye contact with you, shaking his head and Billy snickered in your ear. "Someone pissed in his Cheerios." You hushed him. "Stop, he's just upset." He hummed and nodded. "I'll see you later, okay?" You nodded and quickly pecked his lips and he hummed, "Maybe I can skip practice." You shook your head. "No you can't. You said yourself that you suck." He scoffed and you laughed.
"Go." He nodded and walked with Tommy and Carol wolf-whistled and Tommy turned around and winked at her. You and Carol went outside to Billy's car and you turned his radio on, having to kill time.
Billy walked into the locker room as Chris shoulder checked him and Tommy looked at Chris. "The fuck?" Chris looked at Tommy. "Oops." Billy hummed, biting his cheek. "So, you guys fucked huh?" Billy looked down slightly, Chris being a few inches shorter than him. "That's none of your business." Chris laughed, "Man, I had a feeling something was going on with you two especially after I saw that Polaroid of all of you at that party, the way you were groping her made me think a little." Tommy scoffed, "He didn't fuck her while you were together." Chris hummed, "Sure, I'll believe it for now," he said as he left the locker room and went to the court.
"Bat shit, I tell you, man," Tommy said as he and Billy walked to their lockers. "He's bat shit because he lost her. Fuck, I'd be bat shit too." Tommy laughed, "You already are." Billy mocked Tommy's laugh and hit the back of his head before changing and going to the court. An hour passed and Billy and Tommy walked to the Camaro and he opened the driver door, "Out, you can't drive for shit." You mocked him and he laughed, gently swatting your ass when your back faced him.
Tommy and Carol bid the two of you farewell and Billy began driving the two of you to your house. You two bound up the stairs and he immediately laid on your bed and you wrinkled your nose, "Are you still sweaty?" He shook his head, "Showered at the school." You nodded and laid beside him and he hummed as you wrapped your arm around his chest.
You immediately removed it, hand going to his jaw and you turned his face and he winced, knowing you found the bruise. "What happened?" He bit his tongue gently, "Got into a little scuffle, nothing to worry about." You looked at him, "With who?" You knew who, they had been going at each other for months, even before you and Billy began dating.
He sighed, "It's not a big deal. It doesn't hurt, just a little bruise, fucked punches like a bitch anyways." You ran your thumb over the bruise and he winced, "Sure seems like it hurts." He looked at you, taking your hand off of his face, "Hurts because it's fresh, it'll be fine in a few hours. He kept saying I fucked you when you guys were together." You sighed, "Just ignore it, we know that we didn't." He nodded.
"But fuck, I sure wanted to kiss you that night." You laughed, "I did too, thankfully I didn't." You both laughed and he pulled you closer to him. "We can kiss now," he said as his face got closer to yours, "and no one would have to know, our little secret."
You laughed and pressed your lips to his and he hummed and held the back of your head as he slowly sat the two of you up, his lips slightly chapped against yours, his teeth nipping at your bottom lip occasionally as he held you as close as he could because this would never be close enough for him, he physically needed to be sewed to you, he was greedy like that, always needing you beside him, your skin on his to calm him.
The next day when Tommy saw the two of you, he laughed and dapped up Billy before calling him something that made the two of you laugh, "Morning Mister Steal Your Girl." The four of you laughed before going about your day.
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thequietkid-moonie · 2 years
ProHero taking custody of a reformed young villian
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[ PLATONIC HEADCANONS ] [ EraserHead, Fatgum, All might ]
[ My hero academia / Boku no hero academia ]
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Unofficial dads 😈 hehe
By young I mean their student's age
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Summary: After being captured for the heroes, they determinante that you are no longer a threat, and, for being so young, they put you in a reformation program under the watch of a ProHero
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Shota Aizawa (EraserHead)
Its not like he wanted this, but now he's trapped in this situation . He read the police report about you to know everything he need to know
Since the first moment he makes sure you understand that he is the autority and you're no free to do whatever you want
If you're the rebellious type this will annoy him for a while, becoming a constant fight with him. If you're more the quiet type then this going to be more easy, but will still be watching you. If you're more energetic he will treat you like a child
Soon you two form a dynamic to live together that work for you two, and with time you stop treating yourself as a ProHero and a ex-villian, now you start treating you like friends or even family
He's not exactly interested on heard your backstory, but if you want to share it he's open to listen. If you became a villian becouse you didn't have another option he will feel sympathy and will try to comfort you
If you show that you really want to change or even regret for what you did he will go more easy on you. Ones he notice that you're really changing he will be proud of you, also after this he will treat you different (no more wary and more like a parental figure)
We know probably some people won't be so accepting of your change, so if you have problems with others for this he will let you handle it, unless this truly affect you (like is making you feel depressed) or you're trying to solve it in violent ways (either fighting those people or letting them hurt you) he will step in
It would become a habit to eat together at least once at day and talk about your day (more like complaining)
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Toshinori Yagi (All Might)
When he gets the news of this mision he gets super nervous, he don't know if he will be able to take care of it
He will try and have a friendly approach when meeting you, he won't want to make you feel threatened or anything, you want to change, so he will give you a chance
If you're more the rebellious type he will gets even more nervous and will scold you in a serious manner. If you're more the quiet type he won't know how to treat you, but won't take him long to get used to
He always treat you with respect and like the young one you are!
If you show that you really want to change he will so happy and will encoure you to do so. If you feel regret about what you did as a villian he will comfort you! You're trying to change and do things better and thats what matter!
He's really interested in hearing your backstory, but won't ask you to tell him right away, he will wait all the time you need until you feel ready to tell him
If is the case that you became a villian because you didn't have another option he will feel so bad, Toshinori is a kind sould and storys like this sadden him a lot, especially seen how much affected your life (there are chances that he will even feel guilty for don't being able to help you back then)
It won't be difficult to warm up with Toshinori (even if you try to), so soon you two will ended up having a family dinamic to live together
After a while it will be noticeble the change in you, and Toshinori couldn't be more proud of you! He congratulates you and even offers to celebrate!
If you have relatives he will help you look for them if you want (unless they were abusive)
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Taishiro Toyomitsu (Fatgum)
If you're the rebellious type he wont mind too much, will just brush it off. If you're more the quiet type its fine with him. If you're more energetic then he will match your energy. But in neither case will he let you take advantage of it
He's convinced that you have a great potential to becoming an amazing person, so he will encoure you to try other things (more healthy and less illegal)
Taishiro always try to treat you as an equaly, as a civilian, never like a villain. He will always treat you in a friendly manner too, so won't take long to you to see him as a friend too, someone you can trust
Most of the time he ended up treating you like a child, he isn't trying to disrespect you or something, he just thinks you should live (and enjoy your life) as the kid you are. Taishiro knows pretty well that you've been through a lot and that life isn't exactly easy, so he's trying to give you the peaceful life he believes you deserve!
He's really interesed in your backstory, even ask you, but if you don't want to talk about it he won't force you
Taishiro always invite you over to eat together, and always make a friendly chat over it (don't mind if you don't talk much). Also, he has a really cheerful personality and will try to make you laugh all the time
When he notice the change in you he feels so proud of you! He will even take you to a special diner to celebrate!
Also, Taishiro will love to take you over his agency and present you to Tamaki and Kirishima!
If you ever get problems with other people talking bad about you for your past he will stand up for you
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coco-santos · 9 months
I Do
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The day has finally arrived the day Y/N and Rúben would be finally unite as one they will become Mr and Mrs Dias.
For Y/N she was excited a little bit nervous but she knew all those nerves would go away when she sees the love of her life by the altar . She's happy to be surrounded by her close friends as she got ready for the big day. Her makeup was done she just had to put on her gorgeous dress. "I just want to say a few words " Y/N sister who is also her maid of honour started. "Today is a very special day for a very special person and I know you dreamt of this day for almost most of your life I remember when we were little we use to make mood boards of our dream weddings and after I got married I never thought it would happen for Y/N because she was the true definition of a Bachelorette that was untill she met Rúben and he made her believe in true love and the rest is history now we here today trying to get you to the alter .... I'm gonna make a toast to Y/N and Rúben " she ended as everyone made the toast. Y/N finally got in her dress and the dress hugged every curve on her body the right way . Tears was threatening to come out . "No no don't cry we don't want to ruin your make-up "her best friend said. She gave them all a hug and thanked them for being here to share this special day with her .
Rúben was busy fixing his 4 year olds bow tie then his son Rauw asked what's marriage. "Well Marriage is when two people love each other very very much and they want to be together forever it's not just that but they bring two families together"Rúben tried explaining to his son that's from a previous relationship but he had full custody of him because his mother just left one day. "So that means you love Y/N very very much" Rauw asked. "Yes that means I love Y/N to the moon and back more then words can describe little one"Rúben patted his shoulder.
Rúben couldn't wait to see Y/N he was counting down the seconds for her arrival. He stand in front of the altar with his best man John Stones and a few of his other friends. All the guests was seated and everything went quiet when the music started to play and Y/N arrived....Rúben was speechless...the dress was beautiful but Y/N was a million times more beautiful. Before handing Y/N over to Rúben Y/N dad shared some words with his almost son in law. "Please take care of her in all her days and if one day you don't feel the same towards her don't break her down , cheat on her or just leave her bring her back to me so we can kill you together " he said making Rúben chuckle "I don't see that ever happening you have nothing to worry about I'll take care of her I promise " he said. Y/N father then gave her of to Rúben. "Wow you look beautiful I can't believe you all mine "Rúben said crying a little. "Aww you crying I would have walked back if you didn't " Y/N made a joke making everyone laugh. "Well we can't have that happening " Rúben said. "Family and Friends today we are brought together to celebrate the love between Y/N and Rúben most of you have been witnessing the special bond they have and how happy they make eachother and today they are here to make there promise to eachother so let's here them make there vows" the pastor said. "Y/N the first time I saw you I knew you were the one for me and I thank God everyday for letting our paths cross because I truly don't know where I would have been now without you I just can't imagine my life without you and also the way you were ready to step in and take on a role as a mom for Rauw is amazing and we both love and adore you very much and I know marriage isn't all sun shine and roses but as long as we have our love for eachother we can overcome everything I love you and I'll never make you doubt it " Rúben said taking her hand and placing a kiss on it . "You gonna make me cry"Y/N said wiping her tears. "Well I'm truly blessed to be standing here Infront of everyone today with you and I won't make any promises because we know life is not easy but I'll try to be with you every step of the way ,on your sad days I'll listen to what you have to say and comfort you and also on your happy days I'll overwhelm your heart with joy Rúben since the day I met you I couldn't picture myself with anyone else I knew that it's you or no one the day you and Rauw became a part of my life I became the luckiest person alive and if we aren't together forever just love me till whenever because I don't know about you but I pinky promise I'll love you forever"Y/N said connecting her pinky with his . "Can we have the rings " the pastor said. Rauw walked up giving the rings "Y/N I just want to say that I'm very happy to have a mommy like you and I love you very much " Rauw said hugging your leg. "Aww Rauwi I love you too" you said. Then you guys repeated everything the pastor said and you placed the rings on each others fingers. "Well if anyone is against these two being together come forward or forever hold your piece" Ruben then made a joke of him having a gun by his waist and turned around to look at everyone... everyone laughed. "Well then I'm not holding you guys back Rúben Dias and Y/N Y/L/N I now pronounce you husband and wife you maybe kiss the bride " And Rúben didn't waist any time to kiss Y/N...
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Liked by yourusername and 1,789,567others
Rubéndias Forever and ever @yourusername
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Liked by Rúbendias and 1,234,645 others
Yourusername Mr and Mrs Dias 💕
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simonsrosebud · 2 months
hi, i just wanted to say how much i love your next gen socmed au!
could you give us more information on amalia day and how her relationships are(with her parents, stepfathers, significant others)
yes!! i love her sm
Amalia & Kevin
Despite the stern, impolite, and brash Kevin that we see in aftg, the Kevin that raises Amalia is almost a complete opposite
Kevin and Thea have split custody of Amalia, but Kevin has her a lot more often. She grows up in Kevin’s shadow, but he is very protective of her when it comes to his fame because he decided before she was even born that he did not want the same kind of childhood for her.
Amalia has Kevin’s determined and focused expression, the one that often mimics Wymack’s on the sidelines.
She also has Kevin’s resting bitch face, which Andrew is the one to point it out to Kevin, it leaves him speecsshless.
Amalia is a daddy’s girl and it’s always “daddy do it!” when him and Thea were still together.
Kevin carried her until shded literally got too big to carry, she’s his little girl and he surely treats her like the little princess she is.
Stern with her when need be because someone has to.
Ultimate sports dad. Goes to every single game of hers and cheers her on like all the other dads. Wymack, Jean and Jeremy relegate him to being a normal person about her playing exy instead of being kevin days daughter. Jeremy bc he’s seen the damage it can do, Jean bc he never got a choice in his future and needs to ensure she does, and Wymack bc he’s his voice of reason.
Kevin is the one who she goes to to complain and hear what she wants to hear, because Kevin is smart with his words when it comes to her.
Kevin is the one who teaches her to drive- the only one she lets because Jeremy is not a good driver and Jean doesn’t have the patience.
He takes her to shop for prom dresses with Abby and Amalia’s school friend. He gets teary eyed once she disappears back inside to take off the winner. She looks so much like his mother it hurts.
When Amalia is truly heartbroken over her relationship with Thea (because she sees how Katelyn Minyard is with the twins, how her friends are with their moms) then she cuddles with Kevin, something she hasn’t done to this extent in a few years, and falls asleep in his bed.
Amalia has Kevin’s stubbornness and hard headedness, his determination and confidence.
Amalia & Jeremy
Jeremy is the one that Amalia goes to when she wants something because more often than not he will say yes (within reason of course)
Jeremy is also the one that Amalia goes to when she fucks up and is scared of the consequences because Jeremy is the most patient of the three and operates by calmly talking things out and discussing what will probably happen while also making it clear that she has to tell the others or he will.
He is the one that she curls into and cries to when Thea doesn’t text her until 7pm for her 17th birthday, and who she confides in when someone in 8th grade questions her about her 3 dads and she doesn’t know what to say.
Jeremy and her go to the movies often and it’s their thing. They love Marvel movies and House of the Dragon (shut up ab timelines) and spend like 20 minutes after movies and weekly episodes debating and theorizing what this meant or what will happen next or what movie could come next.
Amalia and Jeremy share the same humor that he, Cat and Laila always had. They’re both silly and lighthearted and laugh with their whole bodies, a mimicked thing from over the years.
Amalia has Jeremy’s gentle heartedness and easy joy.
Amalia & Jean
^But Jean’s honesty and ability to verbally rip someone to shreds.
Jean is the most conscious of not stepping on Kevin and Thea’s toes when he and Jeremy get reintroduced into Kevin and Amalia’s lives, so he and Amalia take longer to bond. He and Kevin have too much history for him not to care about her, he’d take her in without question for her safety after the world they’d grown up in. But he knows there are limits when there is an existing family involved in the relationship he, Jeremy, and Kevin endeavor on.
Jean speaks to Amalia solely in French until she’s like 7 because Kevin and Thea were raising her bilingual and it was hard for Kevin to teach both when he had custody of her most of the time. Even after, French becomes their main mode of communication.
Jean teaches her to cook the same way that Cat once taught him. Coming becomes their thing.
Jean buys her pads and tampons when she gets her first period a month after Thea gets transferred three states over. It’s mortifying for her but Jean has zero shame and shows her how to use a tampon against her will.
Jean is the one Amalia goes to to complain and get a brutally honest answer or advice or whatnot. She goes to him when she’s pissed off and wants to scream because he’s surprisingly good at settling her with just facts and not feelings.
Amalia & Thea
Thea was heavily focused on her Exy career even after she had Amalia, but always made the time for her.
She and Amalia always had a special bond, but by the time Amalia is 9 that has greatly lessened. I don’t want to paint Thea as a bad guy bc it’s rlly not ab her as much as me simply wanting kerejean lol.
Amalia gets Thea’s skin tone, lighter but still not white. She teaches Amalia about her indian heritage and teaches her to love herself because she knows it’s not easy being a woman of color even if Amalia passes as a tan white girl with bright green eyes. Amalia learns to stick up for herself and correct people when they mis-label her as white.
She gets Thea and Kevin’s athleticism and height and ends up being 5’11.
Thea gets transferred to another team when Amalia is 12, and Kevin and Thea don’t go to court for custody because Thea knows Amalia needs to stay where she is with her family and friends and support systems. Thea is very supportive of Jeremy and Jean being in Amalia’s life bc she knows how important they are to her and wouldn’t rip her from that.
But her calls become less frequent over the years and although she visits when she can, Amalia doesn’t feel like she knows her as much as she should. Junior year of high school when Thea is a sports announcer or smth after retiring, she’s only able to get one weekend off not two in a row, and instead of using it for Amalia’s prom she uses it for her Exy tournament the weekend after. This crushes Amalia.
Amalia gets very jealous of other mother daughter bonds and Abby fills in as a mother figure while Thea is gone. Kevin, Jeremy, and Jean pick up on this easily and fill in where they can.
Amalia loves her mother, but she hates that she left. She hates that she didn’t visit, that her calls had spaced so far apart, that she wasn’t there 24/7 like she was supposed to be. She had 3 fathers that she loved, but nothing would compare to the way she remembered her mother brushing or braiding her hair and telling her stories when she was little.
Significant other?
I don’t have anyone planned out for her rn bc in the AU she’s freshly 17, but I think she befriends a kid from her high school exy team, a boy striker a year below her. He lives with his aunt and uncle because his mother died and his father is in prison, and Amalia often times finds him in the gym practicing alone because it’s so quiet at home, and his aunt and uncle are lovely but it’s just jarring to get used to, not having parents.
Amalia is a dealer, so she invites him to practice with her on the weekend when “my dads are free. we have scrimmages sometimes.”
And he agrees but hesitantly. He knows who Amalia’s parents are, and he knows he’s no match for them. But she’s delighted when he’s actually waiting there when she walks into the gym that weekend with Kevin and Jeremy in tow. Bc he’s dorky and kinda quiet which rivals her family, so she wasn’t expecting him to actually show.
The kid does pretty well, but unsurprisingly gets lots of criticism from Kevin. He doesn't waste time with the switch from how he played to how Kevin is telling him to play instead. He’s the pro after all.
Then it becomes a habit, practicing with Amalia with or without her family, and eventually he impresses their coach enough to let him start a game.
Then they start hanging out more often.
He gets more playing time, which Amalia likes, because he's a reliable player and quick to call for help. Morgan’s other seniors don't do that and it infuriates her because then it's her fault for not dropping her mark and helping out.
And then he starts getting invited over for lunch after going to the court on the weekends. He gets along with Jeremy and finally meets Jean who grips his hand hard when he shakes it and says something to Amalia in french just to make him sweat bc this is the kid that's been making her smile at her phone so often?
Kevin doesn’t know when things go from friendly to more than that, but jean is the first to notice. He brings it up to Kevin and Jeremy first bc did they even establish rules on dating?! But then Jeremy sees Amalia run out to the lawn and jump into his arms and nearly take him down on the ring camera and- did she just kiss him?! Before getting into his car?! Did no one else see that?!
“You’re freaking out”
“Yeah, within reason though, right? She’s dating!”
“Kev, not to alarm you, but there's also a good chance she's kissed a boy by now, too. She’s seventeen.”
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lloydfrontera · 9 months
I am sooo tempted to read the novel just so I can write a fic with Lloyd and Javier in a happy relationship with a mutual benefits agreement with Alicia and Silluria (who are of course also in a happy relationship) with the right characterizations.
honestly. that's such a fun dynamic. putting all of them in a happy polycule resolves so many issues at once and gives us such insane possibilities. i am now obsessed with this concept.
but also i'm bi so like. in my head. this is their arrangement.
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lloyd and alicia get married so he can have the tax benefits of being the royal consort and she can get rid of the annoying people that say she needs to be married and have someone to make an heir with, but he still lives in the frontera estate and they see each other every weekend when alicia gets visitation rights to yongyong because they share custody of him. once charlotte is born, she alternates between spending two weeks in the palace, one with only alicia and the other with both alicia and lloyd, and then one at the frontera estate with only lloyd.
as for why javier and silurian get married it's mostly so she can also get rid of the people who think that if she's her father's heir then she should at least be married so she can have an heir of her own. and well they spend a reasonable amount of time together, when they meet in the capital while accompanying their respective lovers so. yeah why not. they have two babies, the eldest a namaran and the youngest an asrahan, who spent two weeks at the palace, one at the frontera estate and then visit their grandfather at namaran one week every two months.
all four of them are Stressing™ about all those trips and poor yongyong and ggoming get so much work out but they're committed to giving their kids the chance to get to experience everything they have to offer them. but also they run a tight schedule and trying to organize anything is a nightmare, they get the hang of it eventually but the first couple years were An Ordeal.
everyone in court pretends not to know about their arrangement but it's really hard when the royal consort only spends two weeks out of three at the palace, bringing and taking with him lady namaran's husband, while lady namaran lives almost permanently in the capital with the queen.
that and also all three kids call alicia 'mom', silurian 'mama', lloyd 'appa' and javier 'papa'. so like. it's an open secret.
the facts its rumored that more often than not lord frontera and sir asrahan will share a room, while the queen and lady namaran have rooms next to one another, that may or may not have a secret passage between them and that more than once all four of them have been seen going in and out of the royal chamber is really not anyone's business either.
i do want to say this does not solve the fact that lloyd emphatically did not want to marry into a position of power and that silurian had a whole arc about not needing to marry, but. it is much funnier and gayer than the original ending so i'm a lot happier ajksdhjkahfkjds
of course this is just. what came out of my brain once you oppened that possibility ajskdhjkafds
please do try it out your own way, i'm sure you have some truly wonderful ideas!!! please. give us gays everything we want <333
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Have Mine Instead.
billy hargrove x babysitter!reader.
content: smut, praise, breeding, belly bulge, pretty vanilla, slight age gap, reader has daddy issues.
background: working for a woman who works two jobs and shared custody of her child with a man under the name "billy hargrove" was weird. especially since you remember an old senior at your highschool who had that name when you were just a freshman.
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"Alright, Billy should be here in a few minutes. Erm. Oh! Here's your check, I'm so sorry. It's two hundred since I forgot last week." She sounds overwhelmed, moving as she's in a rush.
"It's okay ma'am, truly. I don't mind. I know how it is having a struggle for money like that, you know that you don't need to pay me that much." I place a loving hand on her shoulder and smile.
"Thanks honey, but you deserve it. You're here nearly every day and every night that I have him.. I'm so grateful for you." She places a kiss on my cheek. "I do really need to go before I'm late though, thank you again!" She heads out the door, quickly headed to her car.
I head to Ryan's room to see if he's awake, slowly opening his door to see him sit up with a smile on his face. "Miss Y/n!" He gets up and hugs me after I bend down to his height.
"Hi honey, wanna go make brekkie?" I ask referring to breakfast, picking him up and placing him on my hip.
He nods and hugs my neck as I walk him to the kitchen.
I put him down and get a pan and a bowl as Ryan gets the pancake mix and other ingredients to make the pancakes.
"After you eat, your daddy should be here." I smile down to him as I mix the batter.
He frowns "leave you?".
I feel almost hurt when he says that, "yes honey. You're gonna see me soon though!" I hide my sadness with a smile.
He smiles back, "I really like you, Miss y/n."
"Aw, I like you too, Ryan." I finish mixing the batter. "You go get dressed while I finish these so you're ready when daddy gets here, okay?".
He nods, small feet stomping in a run to his bedroom.
I cook the pancakes, Ryan sitting at the table waiting patiently watching whatever was on the television.
I finish up and make him a plate, extra ones sitting on another plate as I'm not hungry.
"You want syrup?" I ask, placing the plate in front of him on the table. He nods and I drizzle the sweet liquid onto his plate.
"I've gotta go get your bag packed, you stay here and finish up your breakfast." I pat his shoulder before heading to his room and packing his backpack with his homework I helped him with the night prior and other school supplies.
I hear the front door open before a deep voice rings in the other room, "Hey buddy.".
You take his bag out of his room and walk to the dining room to see him. The man I haven't seen since highschool, Billy motherfuckin' Hargrove.
And when I say that that man has aged like fine wine I mean he is just beautiful, this man.
The stubble on his jaw and his dark golden locks still in his unforgettable mullet he'd always had. And he was wearing a light green button up top and khakis with a black belt and dress shoes.
I mean he was a very pretty boy when I went to school with him, but wow.
I see him eye me up and down, "you look familiar.. what's your name, pretty?"
I feel my knees almost buckle when we make eyecontact and he says the name pretty so perfectly.
"Erm. Y/n L/n. I went to Hawkins High School.".
"I knew I'd known your face, l/n huh? You were so young when I'd last seen you, all grown up now." He smiles and tilts his head.
"Yeah, could say the same about you." I giggle and blush a little at his comments.
"So you babysit little Ryan? Isn't he just the best." He smiles and rubs a hand in his son's similarly dirty blonde hair.
"I should've known he was your kid, he looks just like you." I look down slightly and whisper to Ryan "doesn't act like you though."
"What's that s'posed to mean?" He chuckles and walks closer to me to whisper in my ear, "I'm not the same I was in highschool, ya know." Before pulling away, adding a wink when we make eyecontact.
"Yeah? Cus to me you haven't changed." I put a hand on his chest and wink back at him.
He bites his lip and looks me up and down, placing a hand on my waist.
"Are we gonna go, daddy?" Ryan interrupts, hitting his fathers thigh with little fists.
"Uh, yeah. Yeah, time to go Ry. Say bye to Miss y/n." He places the hand that once was on my waist on his son's back, grabbing the boys backpack with his free hand.
I lean down to his height. "Bye Miss Y/n! Thank you for brekkie!" He smiles and hugs me.
"Bye Ryan," I say before standing up. "Bye Billy." I smile at the taller man and he smirks back with a small wave, following his son out the door.
I almost want to scream. What the fuck was that? That entire interaction! Weird.
And for the rest of the week? I couldn't stop thinking about Billy Hargrove, his pretty face.
A few mornings after our first interaction, I head back to Rachel's house to watch Ryan.
Not before I throw on a tiny sundress that shows my matching panties when I move a certain way, knowing Billy is going to pick up his son.
I quickly head to her house and knock on the door. She opens it and greets me with "Hi Y/n! Looking gorgeous!"
I blush at the compliment, "thanks ma'am." I smile, heading into the house.
"Where's Ryan?" I ask.
"Ugh, Billy is running late, I hope you don't mind waiting here for a little until he gets here. I would stay with you but I have to go to work" She looks at her watch "now apparently."
"Oh, that's fine ma'am I really don't mind, you head off to work. Have an amazing day!" I kiss her cheek and she kisses mine back before running out the door.
Once she's gone I run to the bathroom, fixing my hair and my makeup to be perfect.
I was secretly victorious when I heard that he'd be late enough for us to be almost alone together again.
I hear the door open and head out of the bathroom to see Billy holding Ryan at the door.
Fuck he looks so good. God, how I wish that was my baby he is holding.
I smile and walk down the hallway, he smiles bright when he sees me.
"Hey, pretty. You look beautiful." He says as he sets down Ryan before the boy comes running for a hug.
"Miss Y/n! I missed you! You should start coming to daddy's house too stead of just here." I giggle and bend down to pick him up.
"Hm, maybe you should." Billy winks.
"I don't think that would go over too well." I smile at the man before me.
"Where's my hug?" He asks, almost sounding sarcastic, but looking serious holding out his arms.
I walk right into them and my face goes to his chest as he hugs me tight. I inhale the beautiful scent of his cologne and don't wanna pull away.
I scratch as his back through his shirt as he rubs his hands down my back, to the curve of my ass.
I pull away before anything gets too bold affront his child.
And this is how it all started. I would excitedly dress up to look all pretty whenever Billy came to pick up or drop off Ryan.
I wanted so badly to have his attention, the undivided attention from a very attractive older man. That was all I wanted, was him.
And then, he invited me to his home, shooting me a text "come over lol." And immediately I arose off my bed and got into the shower, quickly rinsing off my body and getting dressed in the prettiest little skirt and tank top, doing my hair and makeup when he calls me.
I pick up the phone and put it on speaker as I brush my hair.
"Hey." Is all I say.
"You get my text?, I said come over." He sounds serious, but not in a mean way.
"Oh, yeah. Be on my way in just a sec." I grin to myself, heading out the bathroom to grab my keys and head over to his place.
"Okay. Let me know when you're here so I can let you in." He says before a brief "bye" and hanging up.
I drive to the address he'd told me he lived at, and arrive not soon after I left, as he doesn't live very far.
I text him, "I'm here." And soon see the door open to Billy wearing grey sweats and no shirt, he appears to have just gotten out of the shower too.
"Hi pretty." He lets me inside and brings me to his couch, saying "Wanted to hang out, haven't seen your pretty face in like.. three days. You know, since Rachel is on vacation from work and she wanted to spend time with Ryan."
I giggle. "I missed you too, Billy." I sit next to him on his couch and he brings a heavy arm around my shoulder.
"Been so lonely, no kid, no pretty girl, what a scam." He chuckles.
I scoff, "It's been three days, you goof."
But realistically, I've been missing him too. Been wanting to call or text but haven't built up the courage to do it. I didn't want to ruin what we kinda had going.
"Yeah, three days too long to be missin' your face." He pulls me onto his lap cautiously and slowly, "been thinkin' real hard about you for a while now."
"Yeah? What do you think about?" I ask innocently.
"Hm. Well, you watchin' my kid, obviously." He pauses for a moment and I nod to let him know to keep going. "Been thinkin' bout this pretty little tummy of yours.. swelling up with my baby. Bein' a pretty little step mother to my boy, give him a sibling."
His hot breath inches closer to my neck, "have mine instead," He kisses my neck softly and I grind into him. "I'll give you all the babies I know you want so bad.."
I find myself pulling away from him before smashing my lips against his.
This is what I wanted, this is exactly what I dreamt of every night before bed as I touched myself to the mere idea of having Billy's kids.
But a wave of guilt flows from my lips down to my core.
"You don't feel bad?" I ask after pulling away from the kiss.
"Feel bad for what, baby?" He rubs his hands on my thighs and up my skirt.
"Feel bad that.. don't know, cus.."
"Cus you work for her." He interrupts and I nod.
"Listen, baby. You don't need to work for her, when you could just watch Ryan at my place."
I sigh and hug his neck. "Don't know bout this, Billy."
"Honey, it's okay. Plus worst comes to worst, you don't tell her it's my kid in this tummy of yours." He tickles the side of my ribcage and I giggle and squirm atop him.
"Clearly- hmnn.. you have strong genes." I say between wet kisses before he begins to take off my tank top.
He rolls his eyes and chuckles softly before kissing my neck, breathing out "I'd love to see her face when she finds out."
I bite my lip, knowing what he's saying is so wrong but finding it so attractive, throwing my neck back to give him more access as I grind against his erection under his thin sweats.
He puts his hands on my waist, stopping my movement.
I whine and put my head in the crook of his neck, urgently missing the friction I had going.
"You know how.. fucking hot everyone thought you were in highschool? God." He groans as he rubs his hands down my sides, soon up my skirt.
"Me? No, you. Everyone wanted you so bad." I peck his lips.
"Did you?" He asks, hiking me off himself to lay me down on my back on the couch.
I bite my lip and think before saying anything, "maybe." I smile.
"Yeah? Always starin' at me with your friends while I waited on Maxine.." He chuckles, "I remember that."
"I remember that too, you looked so pretty standing by your car. Was so tempted to go ask to share the cigarette you'd always have in your mouth." I say as I pull down my panties, leaving on my skirt.
He brings his hand to my warm cunt, "Baby, you're dripping." He smirks.
"F'you. All f'you, Billy." I breathe out in a subtle moan when he inserts two fingers into my tight hole.
He groans, "wanna feel you.".
"Then fuck me." I get on my forearms as he pulls his fingers out of me, leaning to my face to give me a wet, pretty kiss.
"You ready?" He asks as he pulls down his sweatpants, prodding his tip against my entrance.
"Been ready." I bite my lip before he slides his thick tip into me, my mouth falling open.
Sliding further into me, splitting apart on his thick cock I moan out pretty sounds.
The sounds of skin against skin and pretty groans filling my ears and my vision gets hazy.
"Fuck, honey." He places a hand on my lower stomach, "feel me right there?".
I nod and moan into his touch, arching my back off the couch.
He leans down, "look at me, baby." as he fucks into me.
I look into his eyes and I can feel my climax arise.
"You're close?" He asks with sweetness lingering in his voice.
I nod and whine an "mhmm.." and he massages my tummy.
"Want me to fill you up? Make you a mommy?" He whispers.
I nod aggressively and moan louder, my chest hitting his as I arch my back in pleasure.
"God, baby. 'm gonna cum real soon.." He groans out.
"Please." I snake my hands around his broad back, scratching at his pretty muscles.
His head falls down as his thrusts become sloppy, and I reach my climax.
Heavily breathing and soon feel his warm load filling up my tight cunt as he moans softly, our heavy breathing mixing with soft sounds of wet skin against wet skin.
We sit in silence for a moment, his cock still inside my cunt as we just heavily breathe together when we make eyecontact, giggling slightly.
"Ugh, that was.. fucking.. amazing." He breathes out in a laugh, "haven't had that good of a time in.. forever."
I smile softly and grip his hair to pull his face down to mine, kissing his lips passionately.
And a few weeks later.. I was fired because she found out I was pregnant with her ex boyfriend's kid.
But honestly, I couldn't be more happy. And besides I got another job anyway.
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angeldeviloshi · 2 months
Thinking about Makima and the Angel Devil again. Specifically her getting him to kill his village with his powers and leashing him into Public Safety with the context of what she represents under the state.
Makima stating she's on the side of humanity and a necessary evil yet here she has no qualms about killing off an entire village living peacefully with a devil with no intent of doing any harm, harm that she caused through his skin. And in turn justifies the Angel Devil's custody under Public Safety as a devil and tool.
It's truly one of the instances of the most senseless violence we see even if it happened off-screen and lasted only for a couple pages, but says so much about the depth of Makima's "necessary evil" under the state and a glimpse into her personal desire in a much darker and bitter light than the movie date and the train. It's her country mouse speech in the alleyway.
The way she tells the Angel Devil that he has a "good" power after letting him see what he's done, rubbing in what his purpose is, what he can't have because of what he is and what he does. He's designed to be a tool, a weapon to be armed by the state, by her. And as a weapon he can only hurt and be used. The fallen angel parallels with Denji's Chainsaw Man and the devoured country mouse shared with Reze!!! Barem's definition of hybridhood.
The Japanese government may not have intended for the villagers to be killed but the authority and beliefs they instilled in Makima are what led to it. And it's just intriguing to me I guess, that this brief flashback encapsulates so much of the Angel Devil's dilemma regarding his existence and the role he plays in the narrative alongside Makima and her paradoxical actions as state agent acting in the supposed interest of humanity in her capturing of the Angel Devil and her instigating the massacre of an innocent population like it was necessary.
Like Makima's actions while independent are still bound to her contract to the Japanese prime minister and the way she was raised in a way such that she's unable to turn on them due to her nature as the Control Devil. Yet the way she trickles her personal want into her purpose as a "necessary evil" also speaks to a certain futility in the desire to imbue agency against what she's purposed to be that's shared with the Angel Devil and the rest of the country and city mice. (Reze, Aki, Denji and even Yoshida/Asa in part 2.)
The thing you want/want to be goes against what you're ordained to be/told to believe and embody, you try to let yourself want it, try to bring yourself closer to being/having it, distance yourself from what's preventing you from reaching it, but ultimately you can't separate yourself from it, so you exist as a miserable contradiction.
I see other characters/dynamics discussed and analysed to death but when it comes to Angel Devil (and Aki in this respect) there's not much going on? Just because they're either dead or have a reputation of being a BL ship and that somehow makes them less worthy of narrative introspection when they're like such a convenient case study of csm's core themes in p1 bleeding into p2 both in micro and macro and how it all plays out under and adjacent to Makima.
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sir-subpar · 5 months
Weird idea(s) for my Reimagined Hazbin thing:
I might give it a new name soon. Just so we can differentiate it from the original one. Because the more I do this the more I kind of wish this was my own story but wish it also wasn't. I have mixed feelings.
Charlie is technically hald angel, because Lucifer is her father.
But her personality is so unbelievably doe-eyed innocent to the point where it's really frustrating and doesn't make sense. That's something we all know. I've said it before, many others have said it, not a new take.
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But I do have a weird concept for my rewrite. I have my jungle for that she keeps This truly horrifying form hidden underneath her porcelain doll like exterior. It's a concept I've played with before. (More under the cut)
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I like the idea sje made this rehab project out of some spite against Lucifer. If Lucifer restaurant of Heaven for trying to be better than God, maybe Charlie is trying to be better than Lucifer. In a sense it's come full circle.
But it made me think, would have been really reject her so much just because she happened to be related to lucifer? Would they have let her into heaven at some point?
Does Lucifer have shared custody with Lilith in heaven?? Because we see Charlie get taken away as a child, but she's still in hell right now?
Did she go to hell my choice? Was she forced to go? Is it a shared custody thing and then she decided to stay in hell in adulthood?
Part of me is actually kind of curious to explore what that kind of childhood would be like to experience.
And I do wonder if maybe I should explore that in my reimagined version of her. Did she spend part of her childhood in heaven and part of it in hell?
And I also thought about her role in hell overall. Lucifer is immortal, so why have anybody possibly inherit the throne? What is the point of that? Especially for somebody who is infamously selfish and prideful like Lucifer.
Is she not quite holy and not quite unholy?
And then I had a thought.
Maybe her domain isn't heaven, and it isn't hell.
It's limbo, the in between.
I like the idea that she's full of conflicting intentions, just as her childhood was. Does she question her own motives? Is she actually doing this for the greater good or to prove a point? That's what I want to explore. I like the idea that she still has a cutesy exterior, but her true form is barely contained.
She suppressed it, she denies it, she doesn't want to be a demon, but it's part if her, she too, is flawed. She wants to believe she is a wise moral compass, but she too, is lost.
Maybe she has some friends in hell and some in heaven.
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Quick sketch I did.
It might be a weird concept, but isn't that the point of Indie projects? To experiment? To try other things? See what happens.
So, tell me, what do you think of this idea?
If you have any questions or would like any clarifications, let me know.
I'm typing this whole Post in one go so it may not make as much as I think it does.
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