#we’ll see if my opinion stays the same
Guess who FINALLY caved and started obx?
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solarisfortuneia · 1 year
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— glimpses of life.
misc. scenarios with them. (ft. diluc, childe, kaeya, kazuha and xiao.)
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diluc ragnvindr.
“diluc, can we please, please go to starsnatch cliff today?” you plead on one fine day, tugging at his sleeve.
never one to deny your requests and always one to indulge your whims, he glances at his desk. “well, I am done with a considerable amount of work, so i don't see why we can't.” he kisses your temple and lightly pats your head. “we’ll go after lunch, beloved.”
you cheer, a sparkle in your eyes, and a million flowers bloom in his heart; an ever-growing garden.
true to his words, he takes you there later that day. while you take pleasure in the view and the feeling of the wind, he relishes in your smile and the pure, unbridled joy you exude. he's seen a thousand views over the years, but he knows nothing will ever come close to the one in front of him.
“diluc, look.” you call his name, and he lifts up a hand in acknowledgement. “look at what i found!”
he walks over with a curious expression on his face. you gesture to the flower in your hand, and he looks at it, confused, brows knitted. “my apologies, my heart, but i believe that’s just a cecilia?”
you shake your head with a mysterious smile dancing on your lips. “no, no, look closely, this one’s special.”
he runs his eyes over it again, analyzing the color, the shape of the petals and the green of the leaves. “it looks exactly like the others, my love.”
you sigh, dramatically looking at the sky. “no, my dear darling diluc, this one’s different from the rest,” you meet his eyes once more, and he sees mischief dancing in them. “it’s different because—” you drag it out for as long as you can. he raises an eyebrow at your familiar dramatics. “—this one right here, is the one i think would look the best in your hair.” he coughs in surprise, not expecting that answer and your grin almost splits your face in two.
“it would look quite delightful against the red, wouldn’t it?” you press on.
“whatever you say, beloved.” he tries his best to keep his expression neutral, but his voice wavers. you grin wider
“come closer, then! let me put it there for you.”
he leans over, allowyou to secure it in place behind his ear. “well, what do you think?” he looks at you, fondness swimming in crimson eyes.
“beautiful.” the one-word response takes him by surprise and a blush spreads over his face. “diluc, you’re starting to look like your hair now. you're very cute, aren't you?”
he groans, head in his palms. “whatever will i do with you?”
“love me, hopefully.” that he does, with all of his heart. 
and many moons later, you find the same flower carefully pressed and preserved between the pages of his journal. a tiny heart proudly adores the caption: a gift, from my beloved.
the day began perfectly. the sky was clear, the sun was shining, and a periodic breeze blew throughout the harbor. and it stayed that way, until childe decided it was a great day for a sparring match.
it was fine in the beginning; you were able to keep up. however, seeing as you lacked his inhuman stamina and thirst for battle, your energy drained far quicker.
after a long—too long in your opinion— session, you crumple onto the ground, exhausted beyond measure.
“come on, sweetie, you can do better than that!” he says, playfully spinning his weapon. “what happened to all that spirit i saw earlier today?” he kneels down next to you. “let’s go for another round, shall we?”
“no thanks,” you grumble. “i’m perfectly fine here. the ground and i are friends now.”
“aww,” he adopts an expression of mock disappointment, then chuckles. “although, i must admit, you really were commendable today.”
he stands up and offers you a hand. “let’s head back, i’m dying for something refreshing.”
“fine.” you huff. you take his hand and get up with a groan. you expect him to let go after you’re situated securely on your feet, but he tightens his grip and shoots you a bright grin instead.
and in spite of your exhaustion, you return it almost instantaneously.
as you walk to your destination together, he swings your intertwined hands over and over again, chattering away, and you can’t help but think that maybe the day wasn’t so bad after all.
kaeya alberich.
the long, grueling day left you an equally unpleasant souvenir to deal with: a horrible, awful headache.
kaeya, perceptive as ever, notices the minute you step through the door.
“are you okay, sweetheart?” he holds your face in his hands, concern written all over his expression.
you nod, slowly. he raises an eyebrow and gives you a long, serious glance. you correct yourself. “terrible headache. i feel like something a horse left behind.”
he chuckles lightly. “oh, my poor sweet baby,” he coos. “let’s get you something to alleviate the pain, shall we, dearest?”
he gathers pillows and blankets and makes a soft, cuddly pile for you to rest in. once he helps you settle in, he wraps you up in one of the blankets. “there we go,” he strokes your hair. “close your eyes and relax, i’ll make something warm for you.”
and make something warm he does. once you open your eyes after a half hour, you find a plate of your favorite food awaiting you.
“say ah.” a spoon enters your field of vision.
“kaeya! you don’t have to feed me!” you pout at him. “i can do it myself,”
he hums, “i know, but i want to. now,” he brings it closer to your lips. “hurry up and eat before it gets cold.”
a warm belly and an hour later, your head rests in his lap while he massages your forehead. “does that feel good?” his long, lithe fingers rub circles into your temples and gently press the bridge of your nose.
“like heaven.” you smile, “i feel much better now. thank you,” you motion with your hands. “for everything.”
“i’m always at your service, my angel. and i do it with pride.”
kaedehara kazuha.
“oh dear, it appears that our timing may have been off,” raindrops fall onto his outstretched hand, and he looks up at the cloudy sky.
“don’t worry,” you smile at him, “i’m sure i have an umbrella here with me.”
“or,” he catches your wrist before you can reach for your bag and intertwines your fingers. “we could forego the umbrella entirely, and enjoy the rain in all its glory?”
you look at him sideways, “kazuha, i love you very much, but this idea of yours could make us fall sick.”
“my lovely blossom,” he brings your hand up to place a featherlight kiss, fleeting, delicate and gentle. “if you were to fall ill, I promise you that without a shadow of a doubt, i would be by your side the whole time.”
“and what about you?”
“me?” he laughs, carefree, airy, and so very endearing, sound melding beautifully with the pitter-patter of the rain. “i’d say a small cold is worth a few moments of absolute freedom, wouldn’t you agree?”
his eyes are eager and pleading, and you cannot find the heart to deny him of his request. a grin tugs at the ends of his mouth, and you know that he knows exactly that.
“fine,” you nod your head, fighting off a smile of your own. “i suppose we could, just this once.”
“thank you, dearest.” he tugs you closer to his chest. “now, listen closely, or you might miss it.”
you strain your ears, concentrating very hard on your surroundings. at first, all you can hear is falling water, which soon gives way to chirping birds and crickets, a harmonious symphony that seems to have been tailor made just for the both of you.
“it would be a shame to let this music go to waste,” he says, bowing, “would you do me the honor of a dance, starlight?”
he pulls you out from under your temporary shelter and twirls you round and around until you’re laughing, and he is too.  your feet move in erratic motions, yet rhythm thrives in every single step. droplets trickle down both your bodies, weighing down your clothes and hair, but you pay it no mind.
and there, with him, a blur of red against the grey sky and trees of jade and olive, you think of exactly how blessed you are to have him with you.
another week, another random disappearance. xiao looks at you suspiciously as you make an almost unbelievable excuse. “i need to go to the harbor to check if my shipment of inazuman ore has arrived,” you tell him as you fail miserably in hiding a note behind your back.
“i need to check if granny shan’s made the kites i asked her to,” another poor excuse.
he remembers every aspect of your mercantile business that you’ve told him about so far, and he knows full well that the shipment you’re speaking of arrived last month, and he knows that the kites have been delayed by another three weeks because of a priority order, yet he says nothing.
this constant cycle continues for over a month, and he stays silent each and every time, opting to give you space and not step over the threshold of your privacy. after all, you had your life, didn't you? he didn't share every aspect of his own with you, and in his view, you shouldn't be expected to either.
so he leaves it be.
until one day, he hears a faint call of his name in the wind. he recognizes the voice almost instantaneously and he teleports there just as fast. he sees you, leg stuck under a huge rock and a cart overturned on the side of the path.
“what in the name of rex lapis were you trying to accomplish?” he asks, after he’s freed you.
“nothing!” you shake your head, slowly rotating your ankle. “i was just heading back to the inn.”
he raises an eyebrow, but accepts it nevertheless. sighing, he kneels down. “is your leg alright?”
you nod. “don’t worry, the weight of the boulder wasn’t on my leg, i just couldn’t move it.”
he escorts you back to the inn, as reserved as the night, with not a single unnecessary word. only once the two of you are in your quarters does he shatter the silence.
“i have been observing you for days now,” his eyes are slightly narrowed. “what are you trying to do?”
you look down, awkwardly rubbing your neck. “this isn’t how i hoped to tell you but,” you reach for a small pouch. “this is for you.” you wait till he takes it and continue, “the reason i’ve been acting so strange lately is because i was having this made for you.”
he pulls the drawstring open and finds an amulet, made of the most delicately cut amber he’d seen till date.
“you know how amber helps to clear and cleanse negative energy?” you fiddle with your fingers, looking down at the ground. “i thought it might help you with your karmic debt. it symbolizes good luck in battle too.”
he makes a noise halfway between a snort and a grunt. “my karmic debt is not your responsibility.” he turns it around. “besides, we adepti have no need for such a trinket.”
you smile. “i know. think of it as a way to assure my peace of mind?”
“hmph.” he looks away. “fine. if that is what you wish.” his face softens. “thank you for thinking of me.”
“i’m always thinking of you, xiao. especially when you’re out cleansing the land.”
red rises to his face. “tch. you truly have no respect for an adeptus and their skills.”
he says that, yet every time you see him, the amber amulet sits just below his collarbone, gleaming proudly in the light.
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bambisnc · 4 days
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i guess the time has come [ft. p.hn]
-> recap : “hanniii,” iroha says, throwing an arm around your best friend’s shoulder, “i can’t believe you left your ~girlfriend~ moka here all alone… she’s been pining after you for ages now~” you quietly slip out before you can hear her response.
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pairing : bsf!hanni x f!reader genre : angst uwu cw/tw : girl idk i tried to make it sad + uneditted <3 wc : 0.6k (chat did u notice how the number of words keeps decreasing ...)
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it’s raining. 
it’s raining and you’re still in school long after the bell signaling the end of the day; embroiled in the committee plans for the upcoming school festival. 
it’s raining when you see hanni’s lone figure walking back through the school gates. she doesn’t see you though, her eyes too busy focusing on her phone screen. 
a minute later, you hear a familiar notification from your own phone.
● hanniiee 😏 guess who’s at school rn … 
● you well. me
● hanniiee WHAT WHERE WHY 
● you  dumbass look up
her head swoops up, and you swear you could almost count the stars upon stars in her eyes which look around in search of you.
you wave to catch her attention.
and when she waves back, for a second it’s just the two of you in the entire world.
hanni races over to meet you and you almost want to scold her because the ground is already wet – what if she slips or something? but somehow the sight of her eagerness is enough to quell all the other feelings bubbling inside you. 
“yn~? jesus did you zone out on me?” hanni teasingly asks. 
you shake your head, “i wouldn’t dare.” 
“mwah <3 that’s more like it. hey so why are you in school so late anyway?” 
before you reply, you take a moment to look at your best friend. hanni shakes the umbrella slightly to rid it of the water. 
when she looks up, she doesn’t meet your eyes. she’s looking at someone else. 
“ah-! moka, there you are! i can’t believe you’d make me come all the way here just to get you an umbrella.” 
you don’t turn around. 
“pft. why? am i not allowed to disturb the ever-too-busy-for-me pham hanni for a teeny-tiny little favor?~” 
hanni walks behind you, shoulder brushing yours ever so slightly. her clear laugh is what finally propels you to turn around and stop staring at the blank wall in front of you.
“well~ i might make an exception for you. just because you’re a cutie <3”
“my my, such an honor isn’t it? oh right! i wanted to ask your opinions on the dance my club members and i were preparing for the festival!!”
“oooh dance~? yeah you did mention that earlier … ”
she and hanni go on talking about something; you’d be damned if anything actually registered in your brain. you can’t really bring yourself to interrupt them either.
but anymore of this,... you don’t think you’ll be able to handle.
“hi moka..! um also hanni my work’s already done so i’ll be leaving now-” it’s genuinely nothing less than a herculean task for you to be able to layer your words with a thick coating of nonchalance. 
it’s all you can do to act normal. at least for now. 
at least in front of her.
“already?” hanni whines, “aw can’t you stay longer? what’ll i do here without you :( ~” 
you’d do anything for her. 
“i really can’t,” you smile, “moka.. you’ll keep hanni company though, yeah?”
she looks shocked to hear you say her name. to be fair, you are too. 
“yeah i’ll- i’ll be here.”
hanni, bless her heart, immediately offers you her umbrella, “here-! take this, it’s still pouring out there.” the same umbrella which she had come all the way here to give to moka. 
“wouldn't you two need it though?” you ask.
“no.” her hand is looped through moka’s. you don’t remember since when they were standing like that. 
since when they even became a concept. 
(you know you’re overreacting but wasn’t it supposed to be the two of you against the world?)
“i think we’ll manage without, it’s fine really.” 
hanni’s smile bids you farewell.
you leave the umbrella right by the gate where hanni’s bag was kept. you couldn’t take it and leave the 2 of them umbrella-less in good conscience. 
you also can’t help thinking of another universe.. one in which she’d run after you, through the rain. like a scene from the one of those cheesy rom coms you used to binge all the time.
… looking up at the grey sky, you’re almost grateful for the rain and how it streams down your face.
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notes : 🤷🤷 + [m.list] + YALL CLICK ON THE LINK PLEASE song rec : te quiero - kiof wbk
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𐙚 . regulars : none yet! ⋆
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bonesxbows · 3 months
Colors of the Underdark (Astarion x Reader)
My Masterlist
A trip to the Underdark goes south and you're left with no light source. Your human eyes become useless and you start to panic. You're terrified of the dark and there's nothing but darkness around you down here. Astarion can tell and can actually see you start to panic. He tries his best to comfort you.
(WARNINGS) - Descriptions of the dark - Descriptions of fear - Anxious feelings - Descriptions of a panic attack
I'm still trying to get a sense of writing his character, this is my first attempt so pls be nice if it's bad. This was also written over the course of a couple of days so sorry if it's a bit choppy. The idea came from the fact that humans are like one of the few species that don't have dark vision. I'm also afraid of the dark so it's a tad self-indulgent lol. Hopefully, you still enjoy it, reblogs are much appreciated :)
A sudden gust of wind blew your burning torch to mere embers, encasing you and your party in pure and utter darkness. The only source of light anywhere around was the few glowing mushrooms miles away, but the only thing they did was remind you of the cavern system that surrounded you, threatening to suffocate you at a moment's notice.
“Fuck…fuck!” You screamed, your heart immediately beginning to sputter and race.
“Relax darling, it's just a little darkness, nothing to worry over.” His voice was relaxed, calm, collected, and in control. Every emotion opposite of what you were feeling.
“Relax?! Are you insane? We need to get out of here, now!” Your voice was laced with panic and you were beginning to hyperventilate.
“Are they okay?” You could hear Gale ask, although the answer he was looking for was very much apparent. Astarion was starting to worry, though he didn’t let the others see. He didn't answer Gale and instead barked an order.
“Set up camp, we’ll stay here for the time being.” He told him.
“It's not up for debate and I didn't ask for your opinion nor your advice. Go.”
Gale scoffed but did as he was told and Shadowheart followed him without any comment. You were now on your knees scratching the head of your torch on the rocky ground, desperately trying to spark it alight again. As soon as Gale and Shadowheart were out of earshot Astarion kneeled next to you and his confident exterior fell away to sadness. The sight of you being so scared and desperate broke his heart. Of course, he could see every detail around him easily, even the crease of your brow as you concentrated on your futile task. He couldn’t imagine what your perspective as a human was like; was it pure pitch black? Could you still see the outlines of your surroundings? Did you even sense him near you? Trying to put himself in your shoes reminded him of his punishment of being locked inside that mausoleum so many years ago and he hated that feeling. Most of all he hated the idea of you experiencing that same amount of fear.
“Darling? Can you look at me?” He asked you in a soft voice. You didn't reply and he could now see tears start to flood your face. His frown deepened and so he reached forward and grabbed the torch out of your hands before you started to scrape the tips of your fingers raw. Your fingernails were already suffering from the constant friction. You practically jumped out of your skin from his unexpected interference. “I'm sorry my sweet but you're starting to hurt yourself. This torch is beyond dead anyway, beating it against the ground won't do you any good.” He tossed it aside and both of you could hear the wood bounce against the stone ground with a hollow clunk. You stared right at him, whether you realized you were doing so or not, and your face tore a new hole in his undead heart; you were seriously frightened, tears stained your face, and your eyes took no hesitation in replacing them with fresh ones. You were visibly shaking and you were constantly blinking, no doubt trying to find any sense of purchase of your surroundings.
“I can't see you.”
“I know darling.”
“I'm afraid of the dark.”
You spoke in whispers, he almost didn't hear your confession. For once he was glad you couldn't see him, his first reaction was shock and it showed on his face. You were so fearless in battle, nothing scared you then, and you were always so confident in your actions, nothing like the person in front of him now. How could someone like you be so afraid of something so non-threatening? You continued to stare at him, tears still streaming down your face. He could hear your heartbeat start to speed up even faster.
“Astarion…? Are you…are you still there?” Your voice was scratchy from fear. His eyes widened as he realized what he had inadvertently done; his delay in response had given you the impression that he had gotten up and left you all alone. He quickly remedied his mistake by reaching out and grasping your hands in his, again making you jump out of your skin from the sudden unexpected contact. He silently cursed himself for scaring you again, he'd get better at this one day he promised himself, but immediately your heart began to calm down slightly from his cool touch.
“I'm here my sweet, I won't leave you.” You breathed a sigh of relief and you let go of one of his hands, fumbling it around to find his shoulder. He stayed still, letting you find him through touch and letting you get a sense of your surroundings by comparing your location to his. He wanted to laugh, your hand movements were adorable, like a puppy using its nose to find food, but he held his tongue. He didn't want to make this moment any more uncomfortable for you than it already was. It took you a minute but eventually, you grasped his shoulder.
“Can I…can I come closer?” You asked. He couldn't help but smile at your timid question. You were still shaking with fear but yet you still remembered to ask before touching him in any intimate way.
“Oh, my love…how could I say no to you? Come here, I’ll help you.” As you began to scoot closer to him he moved his hands to your upper arms to guide you, pulling you in the right direction towards him. You fumbled a bit but he helped you settle in his lap, nestled in between his legs with his arms wrapped around you. You were facing away from him, but you didn't mind this time, you couldn't see his face anyway regardless in the darkness. You could sense his arms around your waist and you could feel his cold hands on your stomach even through your armor. Your surroundings were still nothing but pitch black from your perspective, but the feeling of his body pressed up against yours helped start to calm your frazzled nerves. You couldn't see him, you couldn't see anything, but you knew you were safe with him. He was being your eyes and he would protect you when you couldn't protect yourself. You leaned back into him and he tightened his arms around you, giving you a reassuring squeeze.
“You're safe with me darling. The darkness can’t hurt you.” He whispered into your ear. The trust you had built with each other was enough for you to let yourself believe him. Your body had started to return to normal, your breathing was becoming even and your heart rate was turning into a steady rhythm.
“Where are the others?” you asked. You had no sense if they were even still around, you still couldn't see anything and you couldn't hear them either, but you assumed Astarion could.
“Don't worry your sweet little head about them, they're alright.” As soon as he finished his sentence a faint orange glow lit up the nearby area. You had stayed as still as possible so far but your head whipped in the direction of the new source of light as soon as it appeared. Your hair brushed against Astarion’s face aggressively when you turned, but he was too relieved to mind. He could feel the tension melt from your body. He watched as you forcefully blinked, adjusting your eyes from the pitch darkness to the now faint light. The rest of the party had finally sparked the campfire and they were now preoccupied with trying to roast something over it. You turned back to Astarion and caught the slightest hint of a smile on his face.
“Are you alright? Better now with the light?” he asked, moving one of his hands to push a strand of your hair out of your face and tucking it behind your ear. You nodded, grateful he had stayed with you.
“Can I…um…” your words were failing you again but you glanced down at his lips and he understood. His smile grew a little wider.
“Of course my love.”
You were quick. He barely had time to react before the force of you sent you both tumbling backward. Your lips crashed into his and your hands grasped his shoulders, holding on to him like a lifeforce. Once he had balanced the two of you again he gently grabbed your face, deepening the kiss and teasingly nicking your bottom lip with his fangs. You retreated after he did so, but you were smiling. You placed your forehead against his and stared into those ruby eyes you loved. He returned the same look of admiration and love.
“Thank you,” you told him. He pecked your lips again.
“You don't always need me to protect you, but I most certainly will whenever I can. Nothing will harm you while I'm around. Not here in the Underdark, nor anywhere else. I love you too much to let anything happen to you.”
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Platonic Yandere Batfam x Mentally Ill/Forgetful Reader
Warning: This work is a yandere work, hopefully part of a series, as as such will contain themes of manipulation, abuse, violence and obsession. Stay safe, and enjoy!!
Your ID was missing.
You stand in the middle of your room, every drawer open and rifled through. You had gone through every bag, every purse, every wallet it might have been it. You had moved the bed, moved the couch, moved every piece of furniture that it might have fallen behind. Nothing had worked.
“Fuck..” You groan, sinking onto your couch. “Fuck, this cannot be happening. I’m so screwed.”
You had a doctors appointment coming up, to get your anxiety meds refilled, and you were already starting to run low. You had been hoping to manage, but with your ID missing and no way to find it, you were shit out of luck.
Your phone rings, and you glance down, staring at the caller ID. It was Dick.
“Hey.” You greet, trying to force the appropriate amount of cheer into your voice. The older man was nice, pleasant to talk to and attentive, but he had the irritating habit of picking up on your moods eerily well, even over the phone. That would lead to him fussing, and while you appreciated the thought, you were an adult and would prefer to be treated like one.
“Hey! Everything alright? You sound stressed, kiddo.”
“I’m fine.” You huff, putting the phone on speaker. You, for whatever reason, despised things touching your face, even phones.
“Uh-huh. What’s going on? You’re never this quiet.” Dick presses, and you press your lips together into a fine line, starting to put up your stuff. It wouldn’t do to have someone come over when you had torn apart your apartment. You may live in Gotham, but you refused to have your apartment look half as bad on the inside as it did on the outside.
“My ID is missing. Don’t have a damn clue what happened to it.” You hear Dick suck in a breath, and you curl your shoulders in, wanting to sink into the floor and die. Dick was always so nice that any time you upset or disappointed him, it was like a punch to the gut.
“(Y/N)…” He starts, and your shoulders twitch up higher, and you dig your nails into your forearms.
“I know! I can’t find it anywhere, but I know it’s in the apartment because I literally had it last night.”
“Hey, it’s alright. Me and Dami will come over, we’ll help you look, alright.”
You groan. You didn’t want them coming over, especially not both him and Damian, and seeing you so freaked out and panicked. While Damian was, you knew, extremely mature for being 14, he was also judgemental as all hell and had the very annoying habit of implying that you shouldn’t be living alone. Which wouldn’t bother you all that much, he was a kid, but Dick seemed to be of the same opinion and it drive you absolutely insane some days.
“You guys don’t have to bother, really. I’ll find it, and if I don’t find it, I’ll set something up at the DMV to get a new one.”
“Just let us come over, (Y/N). Maybe we can help you find it.” Dick wasn’t asking now, and you huff, crossing your arms.
“Fine. Just let yourselves in when y’all get here, I guess.”
You hear Dick snicker, probably at your use of the word “y’all” and roll your eyes. For someone who was nearly a decade older than you, he sure had a childish sense of humor sometimes.
“Alright. We’ll see you than.” The phone beeps when he hangs up. You set it down, an ugly knot in your chest.
“Damn it.” You had been trying, so hard, to distance yourself from the Wayne family. They were nice enough, always willing to help even if they were always busy at some point or another, but they had the irritating habit of inserting themselves into anything you did. If you went out shopping, they were somehow there. Doctor’s appointment? They somehow met you outside the office. On a date? They were at the same restaurant. You weren’t sure if it was intentional or accidental but anytime you tried thinking about it you would nearly spiral so badly you had to stop.
“Fuck.” Your chest was tight, and you snarl, frustrated at the way your heart rate was starting to pick up and your hands were starting to shake. You knew, well and good, that the likelihood of it being anything nefarious was low, the Wayne’s were reknowned for being good people, from a multitude of backgrounds. That didn’t stop the way your mind latched onto the possibility though. You tried to ignore it. Your meds had been getting less and less effective, lately.
The doorbell rings. You get up off your couch, ignore the mess, and open the door.
“Hey.” Dick ruffles your hair, and you scowl. He doesn’t seem all that put off, but you suppose he wouldn’t with Jason and Damian as his brothers.
“Hey. You know I said to just let yourself in, right? I gave you a key for a reason.” This had been early on, in knowing the Wayne’s when you hadn’t realized that giving Dick a key meant surprise visits without a call and very little warning.
“Yeah, I know. I left it at the manor, though, I was using one of Bruce’s cars and don’t have my keys.” He explains, and steps inside, not even waiting for you to open the door further. Damian follows silently, and you mentally curse the fact the kid was 14 and already your height. He was going to be so damn tall, it was almost insulting.
“Cool. As you can see, I’ve been looking for it, and..” Your hand motions uselessly. Surprisingly, Dick nods, his face sympathetic. You had expected more scolding.
“Why don’t you just go and sit down, yeah? Me and Damian can search. Did you take your meds today? Set your alarm and everything?”
“I took my meds, Dick. All of them.”
“Including the Methylphenidate?”
“Dick, if I didn’t remember to take that, I wouldn’t remember to take anything else. I took all my meds today, and not only did I take my meds, I actually went to therapy this week instead of forgetting.”
“Good. You need it.” Damian hums, rooting through the couch cushion. You begin to get up to help him, and he sends you a sharp look. You sit back down.
“When do you need your meds refilled? Did you have it in the house?” Dick asks.
“It was in the house. And I need them refilled soon. I can probably try and stretch them out-“
“Don’t. We can get you your meds if we need to, just keep taking them on schedule.” Dick rebukes, and you cringe. You didn’t doubt they could, but you didn’t like feeling like a charity case
“Dick, y’all really don’t have to do that.”
“Relax.” He huffs, standing and squinting at the drawer angrily. “I wouldn’t offer if I didn’t mean it. ‘Sides, you’ve helped me out more than a few times.”
“Yeah, by covering a shift not by buying your psych meds. These are not at all the same.” You laugh. You and Dick had met working at the YMCA in Bludhaven, and when you had moved to Gotham due to the extraordinarily cheap rent, you both had stayed in contact.
“May as well be.” Dick shrugs. “You cooking anything tonight?”
“Was gonna put some meat out to thaw.” You admit, flushing. The judgemental look Damian sends you says more than enough.
“Why don’t you come on over to the Manor to eat? I know Alfred has missed you helping him wrangle everyone together.” Dick offers, and you want to protest. What about your ID, which he had offered to help find? Wasn’t it late at night?
“Sure.” You say instead, reaching for your keys even as Dick cheers, and Damian smiles.
You can’t shake the feeling something is wrong even as you close your front door, locking it behind you, and let Dick lead you to the car.
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techlove-1999 · 7 months
ok, so… securitrons move around with One Big Tire. while it gives their design a pretty memorable Staple, its… well, realistically it would be TERRIBLE 4 balance…!!! while a big tire like that on its Own could probably balance just fine, we of course have a Big (Cute) Bulky Robot that’s gonna be Fucking with its Center of Mass, kind of like a heavy unicycle!! so i have 2 wonder how they do it so well ingame…!! obviously it could be explained through cartoon physics or something like that… but i wanna dig a bit Deeper than that. i love securitrons too much 2 just write it off anyhow…^_^ so lets solve the mystery of how these things can balance so good!!!
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now.. it could be that securitrons are specifically coded 2 know how 2 Balance themselves, or have some kind of mechanic that keeps them from Toppling Over every time they want 2 stop moving or stay Still. it could be possible that they have a sort of special Locking Mechanism that keeps their tire from making them roll away…? however this does Not solve the problem of the robot’s center of mass!! because even if the tire is locked in place, the Weight of the securitron’s body will still, well… make it tip over!!
so i propose an Idea. what if the securitrons center of mass. is actually a lot Lower than it may seem from their build. stay with me here, ok…? ok…
obviously house is too much of a Haughty Smarty Pants or something like that 2 just have written off or ignore this issue. in fact- the way securitrons ingame can effortlessly balance is a testament 2 this fact!! so what did he do 2 let the securitrons actually balance…?
its is My Opinion that securitrons must have their center of mass Lower in their bodies. this would make it Much easier 4 them 2 actually balance themselves as we see in new vegas!! if i had 2 guess where Specifically, i’d say somewhere as shown in This Simple Graphic…
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since the part housing the Screen is the bulkiest part of the chassis, you would Typically expect that 2 be the center of mass… however, with it being So High Up on the body, it would cause the robot 2 fall over!!! crash!!! ow!!! @_@
however… if the center of mass is Below that part, in the “waist” area per se, then the robot won’t have as much of a discrepancy in weight distribution. it wont be as Top Heavy, allowing the entire machine 2 stay standing!!
now as 4 How exactly the center of weight would realistically be in the waist area, i’d have 2 say its probably something 2 do with how the Functions of the parts affect how theyd be Built, if that makes any sense... the lower waist area is where the Wheel connects 2 the rest of the body, so the part where it connects is most likely More Fortified so it doesn’t Come Apart, especially considering the amount of Movement that part would have 2 put up with, so it should there4 be using Stronger/More Material so it doesn’t Wear Down so easily. perhaps the material in that area is pretty thick, making it heavy!!
as 4 the part Above that however… we can see its made up of the same material as the Arms, and from securitron movement and idle animations, we see its somewhat Flexible from the way it Bounces!! perhaps theres a comically large spring inside? or perhaps a multitude of springs that allow the chassis 2 Bounce in the way it does? (leaving that outside bit as the only thing letting it bounce would be a bit Stupid, really… there would be Zero support 4 the chassis and it would just always be Crushing the thing…!!!) so perhaps those springs are quite heavy, as they’d have 2 be Strong and there4 pretty Big and Thick so they dont snap inside of the body!
of course this is all just Speculation, as we dont 4 sure know what the inside of one of these cuties looks like. maybe one day we’ll get a good look at the inner workings of a securitron, but until we know that, all we have 2 rely on is the power of Headcanon!! so i could be spot on, or i could be way off. who knows!! maybe theyre powered by cartoon bullshittery 4 real!!!
id really love 2 hear Other People’s ideas and thoughts on this too… i am not an Expert on Robotics by a Long Shot, even if i do love them with my Whole Heart… im just some sillyguy giving its two cents on a cute robot!! so if anyone has different or cooler interpretations on how securitrons can balance, i would love 2 hear them!!
also… thank you 4 reading my speculations as well in the First Place… it honestly means a Whole Lot 2 me whenever people enjoy the stuff i put out here 4 fun, so thank you thank you Thank You 4 taking the time 2 enjoy my silly little works...!!! (seriously everyone leaves the sweetest stuff in the tags and it makes me want 2 Cry Tears Of Joy. who let you all be so kind and wonderful.)
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seuonji · 11 months
night shift ★彡 xu minghao
xu minghao x yn ln
彡when yn’s juniors finds trouble with some fellow college mates, yn goes through mountains just to get them justice, even if it means needing to infiltrate and make friends with the most intimidating clique on campus.
#5 better days when?! | #6 a bittersweet encounter! | #7 7th chance!
#work count 0.6k
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you trudged into icey milk with slow steps, immediately catching minghao’s attention.
he stood at the front counter, eyeing your every step.
you decided to place on your kindest face to make a good impression. you walked to minghao and with a sincere smile, you introduced yourself, “hi, i’m yn ln, the new part timer!”
his eyes went back to the registry as he spoke, not even sparing you a smile, “yea i know who you are.”
“really? from where?” you tilted your head staying oblivious to the fact that you were literally the vice of your college. but you couldn’t lie, you took pride in having that title and you liked hearing it from other people.
“we have social studies together?” he faced you with furrowed brows. he spoke with a tone that sounded as if he was losing his patience with you.
you had no idea.
you had to hold yourself back from blurting a ‘we do?’ instead, you had to play pretend. “woah! right we do, i’m shocked you noticed me,” you laughed.
he suddenly muttered, “kinda hard to not notice you.”
“and what may you mean by that?” you squinted your eyes.
“well, you’re kinda loud in class. i think you should tone it down, you’re not setting a good example to the students around you, you know?”
no one, not even seungkwan has spoken to with such disgrace and disrespect.
you took a breathe in and stayed understanding to his opinion, “sorry, i’ll tone it down.”
after he relished in your astonished expression, he placed his hands in his pockets and rested on the counter, “well the manager should be in the back, they’ll give you your uniform then we’ll get started here.”
did this boy never learn how to smile? your mouth was still opened from shock even after you turned around to walk to the employees only room.
this was not going to be an easy shift.
you changed into the uniform and mentally prepared yourself before walking back out.
he stood there, still leaning on the counter. there was another worker tending to the customers and just by judgement, they looked kinder than minghao. you wondered why couldn’t you have the other employee as your mentor.
as you stood by your mentor, he placed down his phone and pointed to the machine beside him, “soft serve is the easiest to prep up so i’ll teach you that first.”
“isn’t it literally just you placing a cup or cone in the holder then the ice cream swirls on its own?“ you crossed your arms.
“right, but i don’t know, manager is kinda strict about the way the swirls look. i’ll demonstrate so that you can tell her later on i did teach you something,” he shrugged his shoulders.
he placed the cone underneath the machine and simultaneously swirled the cone to create the instagrammble ice cream effect.
he smiled proudly while he showed the finished product.
so he can smile, you thought.
suddenly, he placed it upside down over your head making you duck. he chucked at your bewildered expression as your eye twitched from his antics.
“my bad, was just showing you how firm the ice cream is, it won’t fall at all, i mean not unless it’s at its melting point.”
he had some wit to him and it was kinda entertaining.
“okay, you try,” he passed you a cone as he ate the one he just prepared.
you followed as he did, focusing on the ice cream but sometimes your eyes drifted to him to see his expression. he was deadpanned most of the time but gosh would some reassurance save you right now.
you finished it up and placed it infront of his face.
“does it look good?“ you widened your eyes.
he closed his eyes and nodded, “looks fine.”
you decided to pull the same trick as he did earlier. you turned the ice cream upside down then placed it over his head. it’s soft serve, it shouldn’t fall out right?
but it did.
and it fell all over minghao’s hair.
suddenly it’s as if you’ve seen light.
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funfact: minghao asked to take early leave after the incident. to yn’s weird luck, they ended up getting trained by the nicer employee that day.
taglist: @weird-bookworm @kissesfrmwonwoo @haecien @amxlia-stars @addyanm @anemoiant @kokoiinuts @leewonkyeom @silver-liner @zzenkha @buffhoshi @woozixo @porridgesblog @ilovehimyourhonour @koala-wonderland @bangantokchy @limbomoon @som1ig
send an ask to be added to taglist! (replies are fine but i may not see them!!) — please check your visibility before asking to be added to taglist! if your account is hidden it won’t allow you to be tagged on posts!🤍
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typenull · 1 year
While the climax of Dunmesh [here’s your warning for spoilers] gives us an extremely thorough look into Laios’s psyche and his own desires, we don’t actually know that much about Falin, despite her “death” kicking the entire story into motion. The only bits of Falin we get to see are through the lens of other characters, who inherently show us their own biased perceptions of her. I’d go as far to say that Falin is actually the character in Dungeon Meshi who’s true desires we know the least about!
We know with absolute certainty at least a few things: Falin is gifted with powerful magic, wants to follow behind and travel with her brother who she deeply respects, loves her friend Marcille, likes fruits and creams, loves insects and is curious about monsters, once again like Laios… most of the things we learn about Falin are things that she has in common with her brother, but what does SHE want, deep down? How does she feel about everything? I don’t think we’ll fully get an answer to that question before the manga is over. This is definitely on purpose though, and has even been hinted at in the text (which I’ll get to later).
In my opinion the main difference between Falin and Laios is that Falin doesn’t want to hurt anyone besides herself (for the sake of others, and she barely knows who that self is) and Laios wants to hurt anyone who he “doesn’t like” (anyone who endangers him and those he loves). Both of these feelings stem from the same shared events of their childhood where they both began to feel “disconnected” from humanity so to speak, but they reacted to it in opposite ways.
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Where Laios stubbornly ran away and refused to deal with being hurt and surrounded by hurt, Falin, who we rarely see making choices based on any desires for herself (staying in the academy for 8 years after being sent by her father despite not thinking it’s for her, nearly agreeing to marry Shuro just so that she doesn’t have to deal with being asked later, etc.), doesn’t object to anything she’s subject to because the only person being “hurt” in these scenarios is herself, which to her is acceptable. She accepts the fact that she’s considered “othered” extremely easily, and this reflects openly in both her behavior and in the few things we know about her: she connects with and cares deeply for spirits despite being ostracized, admires insects and monsters like her brother, and is even fine planning to take on a job that’s revered in her hometown. To Falin, being “othered” is more normal to her than the alternative
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The only people in Falin’s life that make her feel like *more* than just an outsider are Laios and Marcille. As a result Laios and Falin end up with similar sounding mindsets on the surface; "As long as [the people I love] are okay, I don't care about anything else" — but underneath, they actually manifest completely differently! Where Laios “doesn’t care about people”, Falin cares deeply about them despite barely being treated as one.
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The only *active* decision from Falin we see that most obviously reflects her deepest desires is her choice to die for those she loves, which I think says a lot about her.
I think that if Laios is “a human who wants to become a monster” because he hates humans due to his past, the most obvious foil to him is Kabru, “a human who wants to destroy monsters” because of his past in Utaya (and feeling like a monster himself). Thinking of them as two ends of a spectrum, in the grey middle ground of this is where I think I’d put Falin.
She’s simultaneously a human made subhuman, a monster made to follow Thistle, a “ghost” of her former self haunting Laios and Marcille — she really IS the absolute epitome of a “chimera”.
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The Lion cursing Laios was the “hinting in the text” I talked about earlier: forcing his deepest desire into something seemingly impossible to achieve, a chimera. The surface level conclusion when reading this is that Falin won’t be revived, but I seriously don’t think it’ll be that simple in the end. After all, a chimera is multifaceted.
My hope for the final chapter of Dungeon Meshi is that, *if* by some chance Falin is revived, she will finally have to grapple with not only having to look deep within herself to answer all of these things for her own sake, but also with having the one opportunity in which she chose to use any sort of agency to act upon her deepest desires not only be completely reversed, but also hurting so many people in the process. When Falin is revived in the Red Dragon arc, she doesn’t even remember sacrificing herself for her friends — but she promises Laios to never do it again, falling back into her typical submissive obedience. How would she react the second time? Will we even get to know? Something tells me, probably not.
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thenerdofthegroup · 27 days
Analysing the Ballad of the Witches Road and I wanted to point out something. If others have figured this out then… I might be slow and just was dumbfounded by how beautiful Agatha was but here we go. The lyrics:
“Gather sisters far who water, earth and air darkest hour wake thy power, Earthly and Divine”
So this is slightly piggybacking on @trickofthelights blog (with your amazing Coven collage) but this is directly referencing the women in the coven. Later in the song it mentions ‘Familiar by thy side’ which is Billy Teen and this is purely the witches.
Agatha gathers a coven made of Alice (Fire- we see her associated with fire and red/orange a lot in the trailer), Jennifer (Water- we see her try and be drowned and she definitely fits personality wise) and Lilia (Air- we see her floating in the beautiful shot and she just gives ‘air’ vibes… so yeah we’ll go with that) to help her on her journey. The ‘far’ may reference the corners of the world they come from (Alice is linked to Homg Kong through her mother, Lilia is Sicilian).
The next line is more of a prophesy, it’s linking Agatha (divine) and Rio (Earthly) separately in being able to awaken agatha’s powers. I think this is telling us that at the end Rio will be absolutely crutial in getting agatha’s magic back. Some think it’s in a bad way, some think it’s in a good way, no one can really say. She is such an up and down character, but everything we have gotten leads us to the conclusion that she is obsessed with Agatha. Even looking back at the trailer, whenever she isn’t able to take the piss out of a situation or isn’t the centre of Agatha’s attention, she’s bored. That’s my interpretation anyway, proof here:
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(i just think this photo is cute)
ANYWAY, the separation of them in the song tells us that those two are much closer and more intertwined than the others. I think that the other witches (probably won't die because I actually want to see them all together at the end, don't shoot me I know that's an unpopular opinion) will come of the road and the main three of the series, Agatha Rio and Billy will be left.
Short analysis whilst I am now on page 42 on my dissecting Agatha evidence document that I will never show anyone out of embarrassment if everything is wrong. But I am making theories every day. Only the ones I love and don't think have a chance of being bollocks do I share.
Also this is what I call them now “The Earthly and Divine” as you could probably tell by my fic title. But I’m trying to stay objective in these theory things because some people are getting quite violent over ships and shipping culture. The internet is a scary place and I don’t ever want to interact long on here because some of y’all are actually crazy and I cannot understand it…
Anyway, thanks to anyone who actually reads these theories, this was done at midnight because I can't sleep. Today your gift for reading this is this observation: The flower Rio plays with in the photo above is in most of the show (note, in the airport clips, in the solo posing that we can see because it is filmed atrociously I'm positive she's holding the same flower):
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Right after this disco scene she gives it to Agatha trust I'm Jac Shaeffer-
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dr-spectre · 5 months
I’ve been seeing a lot of people in the Splatoon community say that Splatoon 3 ROTM will be the last time we will see the New Squidbeak Splatoon which includes Callie and Marie, but like… no?! Nintendo hasn’t outright said “hey y'all, you like the Squid Sisters and wanna see them continue to grow and develop? TOO BAD BITCH!! THEY AIN'T COMING BACK AFTER THIS GAME HA HA! IT'S JUST OFF THE PEAK AND DEEP PEAK NOW BUDDY! ENJOY!!”
When that person said in the Splatoon 3 direct “witness the finale of the Splatoon Saga” she meant the finale of the trilogy set up from Splatoon 1, the story of the New Squidbeak Splatoon vs the Octarians. The Splatoon games up until this point have always had a consistent throughline of developing the Octarians and giving more insight into the conflict between them and the Inklings. Octo Expansion was about diving deeper into the Octolings, them reaching the surface and living with the Inklings. In Splatoon 3, it seems like the Inklings have accepted the Octolings and are living peacefully alongside them. (Or they are just really dumb and still don't realize that Octolings aren't just Inklings with weird hairstyles.) 
Splatoon 3 ROTM marks the finale of the New Squidbeak Splatoon vs Octarians storyline as DJ Octavio’s entire army literally got turned into mindless furries and he became allies with the New Squidbeak Splatoon at the end of the game. Whether he’ll stay as a good guy remains to be seen but by judging Smollusk’s dialogue in Side Order where he says that Octavio is just flying around in his new machine nowadays, he’s probably gonna stay at the very least neutral to the Squidbeak Splatoon. His mission to save his race is basically over now, Octolings are living on the surface and his army is a bunch of furries. We will most likely never see the Octarians as enemies ever again in the series and the developers will move on to different threats never seen before and start a new storyline, or maybe they’ll focus on the Salmonids for Splatoon 4 but we’ll have to wait and see. 
Now I wanna roll back to the Squid Sisters, listen, aside from the Inklings, Callie and Marie are the most iconic characters in the entire franchise. If you tell a random person “do you know Splatoon?” They are probably gonna think of the Inklings, the unique gameplay and then the Squid Sisters. The only other characters that rivals their popularity are arguably Off the Hook, Deep Cut are still recognizable but they aren’t on the same level of popularity as those two groups in my opinion. 
It would genuinely be a bad financial and story mistake to never ever bring back Callie and Marie for Splatoon 4 and onwards, they are extremely iconic and profitable characters that people LOVE and wanna see more and continue having brand new adventures. Now, do I think they are gonna have the same role as before? No, I think they may take a break or step back from the Squidbeak Splatoon and let Captain 3 take control over Agent 4, Neo Agent 3, etc.
For Splatoon 4, I am guessing they are still gonna perform as the Squid Sisters, but in the main story mode or dlc I'm hoping that the developers take an Octo Expansion/Side Order route with the Squid Sisters where you get to hang out with them and learn more about them. How are they doing currently? What was it like for them at the start of their careers? Some more info about how they were as kids? How do Callie and Marie look back on the events of Splatoon 2? How do they feel about the other Idols and characters? 
There’s still so much left for these girls and just never seeing them again after Splatoon 3 would be a massive mistake and destroy all that interesting potential and lore. 
Also, the way that the Splatoon world works is that it’s an ever evolving world that follows our time, meaning that the characters age and go on new journeys as the years go by in our world. We see updates on past characters and are shown where they are at, the only times when that doesn't happen is when a character is fucking dead (Commander Tartar and the Octoweapons except for Octostomp) or they are in a location that isn’t the focus of what the writers wanna tell (C.Q. Cumber), heck even a character like Iso Padre who was a small side character in Octo Expansion managed to make an appearance in Splatoon 3 and show that he actually made it to the surface! 
Callie and Marie are not going anywhere, you can rest easy. The credits song "Wave Goodbye" is not called that in Japanese, it's called "Star of the Sea Breeze" and we all know that the localization team can make some pretty bad mistakes....
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gloriayang · 9 months
Prayers for Lennon, January 2024
To our family and friends,
This month is a big one for our family, especially for Lennon. He will be going in for a follow up CT scan tomorrow morning at Beaumont RO. This scan will show us whether his lungs have worsened, healed, or stayed the same. It will be the first time we’re seeing the condition of his lungs since August. The last scan showed an abnormal result — lots of holes and scarring on his lungs. We have been waiting for this scan and praying so hard to see improvement in his lungs. We want our baby to be on his way to healing and to experience life without the need for supplemental oxygen if it’s in God’s will for him. More than that, it’s our hope that this scan will give his pulmonologist and team of doctors new information. Up until now, they’ve been clueless in how to treat Lennon’s lung disease. We are hoping this scan offers new insight that gives his doctors a new angle to consider. We are anxious yet hopeful about his results and would appreciate prayers for strength and peace as we wait.
Following his scan, we’d also like to ask for prayer for Lennon’s upcoming appointment at C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital / UofM on January 9th. We are seeking a second opinion at UofM and we’re praying so hard that there is a doctor on their pulmonology team that has seen or cared for a baby like Lennon before. His lung disease is not a common one which has made it hard to find care for him. We are praying for just ONE doctor who knows how to treat Lennon or at least point us in the right direction.
We are growing weary from all the uncertainties. We don’t know what type of lung disease Lennon has or how severe it is — only that it’s interstitial lung disease (an umbrella term). We don’t know how life threatening the disease is. We don’t know how long we have with our baby. My own research tells us it’s between 3-5 years for babies born with ILD. We don’t know if he’s in pain or if he needs immediate intervention to give him the best chance at a long and healthy life. We need some definite answers to be at peace. We don’t want our baby to suffer more than he has to if there’s something we could be doing to help ease his pain now.
We’re preparing ourselves for changes following Lennon’s pulmonology appointment at UofM. We don’t know what will be required of us once he’s an established patient there. Whether we’ll need to make the commute to Ann Arbor often, or have Lennon readmitted for observation, or even be turned away…we’re just praying that the Lord provides us with what we need for every outcome.
Please pray for these specific things and anything else you feel led to pray for. We are so grateful for each of you and we couldn’t do any of this without your support and love. We will update you as we receive his results and process what it will mean for our family. Thank you so much.
All our love, Gloria and James
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lookingfts · 4 months
One of my favorite stories of yours is a place to rest, amongst a multitude of yours that are really just fantastic reads.
How are those two doing today?
Thank you! I can’t believe I wrote that fic almost two years ago. Here’s a little glimpse into them now.
She always knew when Anthony had something on his mind. When he was tangled up in an issue at work, or one of his siblings was involved in drama (constantly), or his mum was going through a rough patch. That little dimple would pop in his forehead, his brows furrowed in concentration, his lips pressed together in a thin line.
“Everything okay?” Kate asked, running her hands through his thick hair. Anthony looked up, pressing his laptop closed, and flashed that warm smile that seemed exclusive to her.
Stretching out his hands, he tugged Kate into his lap, and she went willingly, wrapping her arms around his neck. “Yeah. I’m okay. Just thinking.” Drawing little circles on her hip, Anthony took a breath. “I’m glad you’re here, actually. There’s something I need to run by you.”
“Okay.” Even before they’d gotten married and officially merged their lives together, Anthony had sought her opinion on personal and business matters alike. He trusted her to tell him the truth, and even when they disagreed – sometimes passionately – they always managed to find a way forward.
“I’ve been thinking about this for a while,” Anthony said, deliberately as though he was searching for the right words. “And I want to buy Journey’s End from your mum when she’s ready to retire.”
The words soaked in slowly, and Kate blinked at him. “What?”
“I talked to Mary about it last weekend. She was thrilled. But I want you to be on board too.” His hand tightened on her hip, his expression so earnest that her heart skipped a beat. “I want it to stay in your family. Our family. Besides, it has sentimental value to me, too. It’s where I fell in love with my wife, you know.”
Kate laughed thickly, remembering the sad girl who hid behind her responsibilities to avoid living. Until a smug, rude viscount happened upon her corner of the world and turned everything upside down.
She didn’t even feel like the same person anymore. Maybe no one had it all, but Kate thought she was pretty close. A challenging but fulfilling career, a strong marriage, a solid relationship with her family. And even more incredible things on the way.
“We’ll hire people we trust to run it,” Anthony said quickly, mistaking her silence for hesitation. “We can be involved as much or as little as you want. Maybe one day our kids will want to be involved.” His hand rested on her stomach, only the smallest curve visible. None of their friends knew yet, and she could tell it was killing Anthony not to shout it from the rooftops. “It wasn’t your dream to run it. And I’m selfishly glad about that. But we could still keep your father’s legacy alive.”
Tears welled in her eyes, beading on her lashes. Kate had never faced a harder decision than walking away from the thing her father had worked so hard for. Accepting that following in his footsteps wasn’t the only way to honor his memory, especially if it was holding her back from what she was really meant to do.
But Anthony was offering her the chance to do both. To live her life in London, with him, while ensuring that her father’s dream wouldn’t fall into the hands of someone else. Someone who would never understand what it meant, would never see all the sweat and tears and love that lived within its walls.
There weren’t many men who would have known how important her father’s legacy was, but Anthony did. He knew better than anyone how badly Kate wanted to do right by him, even after he was gone. Especially after he was gone, and could only live on through her and Mary and Edwina. And, in six months or so, through their child.
“Are you sure?” she asked, tears spilling onto her cheeks now, and Anthony’s face softened as he brushed them away.
“Of course. I’ve already run the numbers on it. Plus, Mary could retire when she wants and not have to feel guilty. She’ll have the money to live off and know that it won’t just get torn down and turned into ugly flats.”
Taking her hand in both of his, Kate pressed a kiss to his knuckles, feeling almost incapable of containing the affection swelling inside her. “It’s perfect. Thank you.”
“You’re happy?”
“So happy.”
“Good.” He kissed her, soft and tender, and she knew he felt the same. “I’m dying for chai, want some?”
She chuckled, brushing her nose against his. “Definitely.”
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lewkwoodnco · 11 months
get him BACK! - Lockwood x Reader
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A/N: The idea for this fic has been living rent-free in my head for WEEKS and I finally decided to write it all out hahah I wanted to try a new style of writing, something more lighthearted and not so serious/depressing so here's a fun lil fic based off get him back! by olivia rodrigo! couldn't decide which gif to put so I put BOTH lolll ofc I made some modifications to better fit Lockwood and there are some parts where their relationship isn't the healthiest butttt it's a work of fiction soo take with a grain of salt! Tyyy to @karensirkobabes for giving me the push I needed to get this written down <3 enemies to lovers, reader is a Fittes agent similar to the I can see you fic (not exactly the same set up but quite similar so think parallel universe?) HAVE FUN, 5.4k
Enough was enough. She picked up the golf club and stomped out.
“Y/N. Y/N! Where are you - hey!”
She pulled her arm back, and now she was bringing it smashing down, probably inefficiently so, but she didn’t care. She punctuated Lockwood’s yells with shattering glass and screams of her own, wreaking havoc on his car like a woman scorned. She was a woman scorned. How dare he be so irritating yet so fucking irresistible all in the same breath?
She had met him shortly after she came back from a much needed summer vacation, ready to dive into a case that ended up lasting nearly 7 months. They had been assigned to the case around the tail-end of August, but for some odd reason Barnes had been keen on briefing them individually. Perhaps it had something to do with how both of them had hounded him after their frosty first encounter. She had tried her best to be open-minded, but she couldn’t help how her face twisted over having to work with this pompous prick, convinced that he was God’s gift to them all. That was enough to incite some snarky, underhanded comment and she retaliated, and they went back and forth until they realised Barnes was gone.
In hindsight, maybe it was their extreme hounding of him as they begged to be assigned elsewhere that made him decide to never be in the same room as both of them.
"She's uptight, narrow-minded, contemptuous -"
"I hate him I hate him I hate him I hate him I-"
"- bossy, irritating, ill-tempered, and did I mention uptight?"
"- I hate him I hate him I hate him I hate him I-"
"Enough!" Barnes could only walk so fast and they could walk faster. "The rest of the teams are already stretched thin over this spiked string of hauntings across the country. So if you want to keep your job, and if you want the commission I know you so desperately need, I suggest you find a way to put aside your differences."
So she couldn’t avoid him forever, though she tried her best. He just had to have an opinion over everything that came out of her mouth and that opinion always had to contradict hers.
“I think we should split up into the different rooms.”
“Hmm. I think it’s best we all stay in the dining hall.”
“But the Sources could be in the rooms too.”
“But it’s unlikely, since most of the guests were killed during a dinner party held…where was it? Oh yes, the dining hall.”
“All the cutlery from that party is in the kitchen, the tablecloths in the linen cupboard, the chairs in -“
“Because cutlery, tablecloths and chairs are known for being prime Sources. Infamous, really.”
She hated how mocking his eyes were. She was a leader of strong character with resolute faith in her instincts, so damn did it sting to cave.
“Fine. Shaw, you’ll set up the chains -"
“Don’t be ridiculous, Lucy’ll do it.”
“She’s the best Listener in all of London; she’ll know the best place to set them up.”
“Fine. We’ll meet in the dining hall at 5 pm-”
“Hang on - what about the groups?”
She mouthed wordlessly at him. “Wha - we just decided that we’ll all be in the same room! What groups?”
“To look for the Sources in the linen closets, the kitchen, the -“
“I thought we just decided that those trinkets were too menial.”
“Oh, well, we can never be a hundred percent sure, can’t we? A good agent is thorough, you know.”
She blinked, her eyes sliding over the rest of her team’s as she wordlessly mouthed retorts which were too stunned to form. She tugged at her hair, dreaming of yanking it from her scalp strand by strand.
“Fine. Fine. Fine.” She slammed her journal on the desk, treating the pages with less care than she ought to be. “Shaw and Karim, you’ll take the parlour. Lockwood and Vernon, you’ll take the master bedroom. Carlyle and -“
“Vernon? Hasn’t he been sick, like, three times this week?”
“I’LL do the master bedroom with you, Lockwood. Anything wrong with that? Hm? Anything to nitpick or whine or complain about?”
He leaned back in his chair, his smile a little too lazy for her liking. “Trying to get me into a bed? We’ve only just met.”
She had to physically restrain herself from screaming at him. That wasn't any different from the kind of digs they took at each other in private, so why was her face beginning to heat up?
"What can I say?" She spoke through gritted teeth. "You bring out the absolute worst in me."
Thankfully, by the time they were stationed in their different rooms, most of the fight had bled out of the two of them, and they were the closest they have ever been to amicable, or even civil. Lockwood insisted that he was better at handling a rapier than her so they decided that he would keep the visitor back, should it make an appearance, as she searched the room.
A visitor did show up, screaming something awful at the two of them. She was spiralling in despair as she tore apart drawers and boxes, coming up empty. Then, in a sudden wave of inspiration, she realised that they hadn't considered looking under the floorboards. There had been a loose one in the corner of the room, but the only problem was that the visitor was floating mere inches above the floorboard.
Lockwood, with all his proclaimed prowess, seemed quite evenly matched with the visitor, and he looked far too pale to comprehend a new plan. She squeezed her eyes shut and launched herself to the floorboard, hoping that the surprise would be enough to give the visitor pause. There was an anguished yell mixed with aggressive taunts from Lockwood, and she could make out the hiss of a flare as her fingers scrabbled for the Source: a pen. She flung it into her net and the visitor disappeared, leaving behind Lockwood sprawled on the floor, having been backed into a corner.
She numbly put the chains away and shouldered their bag of supplies, starting the trek downstairs while Lockwood caught his breath and struggled with something. She hadn't missed the outrage in his eyes and the way his jaw was ticking something furious, and prepared for the worst.
"What the hell was that? That wasn't the plan!"
"Oh, but you provoking the visitor was?"
"I was drawing it out! You were inches away from being ghost-touched."
"I was not."
"Were too!"
"Ugh, you're such a child!"
"You know, none of this would be happening if you didn't suck at finding Sources."
"Like you would have been any better."
"Actually, yes, I would have."
"Fine!" She turned and threw the bag at him, relishing the way it (momentarily) knocked the wind out of him. "You look for the rest, and God help you if you don't find them all."
Fortunately or unfortunately, her threat never saw the light of day as the rest of them had managed to find the other Sources with not nearly as much fuss as them. Everyone was too tired to talk much on the way back to DEPRAC. She began drafting their report while Lockwood helped Lucy limp along to one of the nurses. She signed the report, not looking up as Lockwood approached.
"Come to yell at me some more?"
"Ha-ha." But it was wooden and deflated. She glanced at his exhausted face and decided it wasn't worth it. "I was just...taken aback, is all. I didn't mean to -"
"It's fine. I wouldn't have lasted this long if I crumbled every time someone got mad at me."
The corner of his mouth quirked upwards and she felt this absurd sense of accomplishment.
"Still, let me make it up to you. Let's all go for dinner. My treat."
"Oh." She felt her face warm as she clumsily tried to remind herself how awful he was and how terrible having dinner with him sounded. "It's no need, really -"
"We'll be at this for a while, if tonight was any indication, so we might as well keep our spirits high."
"I'll get George to start flagging down some cabs." With that, he briskly turned away, case report in hand, while she stared at him like a goldfish. So he was a prick on and off the job. Who did he think he was, ordering her around like that. Part of her wanted to refuse to come along out of spite, but she was starving, so she settled for a silent internal rebellion.
As much as she hated to admit it, the food was good and her team members seemed to be having the most fun they've had in months, if their noise was any indication. George and Ned were locked in some intense argument about their research on the house and Lucy was desperately trying to get them to shut up, in between a conversation about cheese rolling. She was getting lightheaded from laughing over Lucy's unusual fascination and George being George ("Shaw, say one more thing about my page holder and I'll come over there and fuck you up.") when Lockwood turned to her, half-yelling into her ear, and she nearly choked on her drink. Her weird sense of humour was usually perceived as non-existent, but Lockwood somehow managed to come up with the most out-of-pocket statements that made her sides ache. But she still hated his guts, of course.
And so began their convoluted relationship. Sure, they were both prone to the extremes, but in an oddly balanced kind of way. They would butt heads and swear at each other copiously during cases and then tiredly patch up (mostly) over dinner. She had started to grow fond of their team dinners, but only because of the camraderie and fostered and not because it meant having the thigh of a certain someone with excessively long legs pressing into hers in their cramped corner of the booth. That was just an unfortunate by-product that she, er, suffered through. That, and the wrestling with Lockwood over the bill ("How are you affording any of this? Aren't you at the edge of bankruptcy??"). Their relationship was complicated enough before his string of small gifts began.
Lockwood walked into the agent lounge where she was examining the file of their mission that night, and her eyes barely flickered in acknowledgement. The case was excruciatingly demanding to the point where they spent less time apart than together. He tossed a small bag on her papers before being accosted by one of her team members. By the time he was done, the lounge had cleared out and she had unwrapped the package. Her eyebrow twitched.
"What's this?"
"Oh, I thought someone might have told you by now. This here is a nifty little device called a watch, and -"
"Hardy har har. You're hilarious. I meant, why are you giving this to me?"
"Oh. Didn't your watch get smashed a few nights back?"
She grimaced. It had been rough to accept, but she had slammed against the wall so roughly that it was a miracle she didn't get a concussion. She had really liked it and she had a feeling he had picked up on how much she had been missing it over the past few days.
"Er, yes, but what does that have to do with you?"
"Feel bad, is all."
"Like how you felt bad enough to buy me a designer pen?"
"I have no idea what you're talking about." His coat was draped on his chair and he was working on a biscuit tin from the cabinet. "That was just a momento to commemorate our first house together."
"Uh-huh. Sure." She reluctantly but carefully put the watch away. "You better not make a habit of this. I...appreciate the gesture, but I don't need any of this."
"I know."
"So this is the last, um, trinket. Right?"
He leaned forward, sleeves rolled up to his elbows. "Aw. You're cute as a button." He tapped her nose as she spluttered angrily, innocently picking up one of the maps she was pouring over as the rest of the team started to arrive.
After the case, she began writing the report as usual, because Lockwood always had some reason or the other to dawdle. But when she looked up, she felt her breath hitch. The scene was crowded, but he was somehow in her direct line of vision, talking to one of her team members, Catherine, who was laughing at whatever he was saying. She stood there, stunned, as if only just remembering that he had a life outside of her. Betrayal stabbed in her gut. Really, she only had herself to blame for thinking she was somehow special. Maybe it was the long hours, or the exhaustion that had caught up with her, but for a moment there...she could have sworn...
She didn't realise he was standing in front of her. He made some teasing remark as he looked over the report, but she wasn't in the mood. She was never bound to stay with him while he made his own additions to the report, but there was always something magnetic about him that fascinated her, and she wouldn't even realise until he was done. But not today. She glared at him before turning away swiftly, his smooth voice cutting off abruptly.
"Y/N?" He caught up with her, carelessly signing the report. "Was it- was it something I said?"
She turned to look at him, no longer illusioned by dreams or fantasies her mind had a particular propensity to concoct.
"Ugh, you're such a boy."
She had never been a sentimental person, but as they ascended in the elevator of the illusions museum that was their final case, she was feeling some type of way. She glanced at Lockwood, whose eyes snapped up to her face, and she squinted at him suspiciously. But he took care to keep his face blank, so she looked away. She wasn't completely innocent herself, either. It was just the showy swagger with which he walked that drew her eyes to how his rapier hung near his hip. He was always one for theatrics.
When they exited the elevator, it looked as though they were faced with a dead end, until they realised it was just an oddly placed wall.
"I'll climb over, since I'm the one with any real height."
"You're just a fraction taller than me." So not true, which he picked up on as well with a short bark of laughter. Her neck would hurt from looking up at him if they were too close together.
"I'm nearly 1.9 metres tall, and-"
"Oh, shut up; you are not that tall!" But there was no real heat behind her words, and she rolled her eyes at his grin before he pulled himself over. Once they were both at the other side, they wandered around in a maze of mirrors, looking into every door they came across, until Lockwood found one gleaming of iron that wouldn't budge.
"I'm going to pick it."
"Lockwood, no. If the door has an iron frame; it's probably locked for a reason."
"What are the odds?"
"Very high."
"Eh, I'm not convinced."
"Leave the door!"
"Geez, relax. You're no fun."
"...you're picking the lock right now, aren't you?"
She groaned frustratedly, haphazardly trying to get to him through the maze, but it was too late. A shriek rang out in the deathly silence, followed by loud cursing from Lockwood. She caught glimpses of the Spectre through the reflections, which luckily seemed just as confused as them, though significantly more aggrieved. She somehow managed to find the room the Spectre had burst out of, though it seemed to have sealed shut again. She yelled to Lockwood, and tugged harder at the door, finally wrenching it open. She heard his footsteps as he drew closer, rolling in just as she shut the door against the Spectre wailing at his heels.
"Lockwood," she gasped in relief, "you are so full of shit."
Still panting against the door with an angry cut running through his eyebrow, he pressed his mouth against hers, and they were a mess of lips, tongue and teeth clashing against each other. Just as suddenly as it started, it was over, and he looked away, not meeting her eyes. Her vision swam. She had never felt so alive.
"You're maddening," he choked out. "What do you suggest we do, then?"
She was dizzy and felt sure that her legs were going to give away any minute now. "I- I don't...um...god, where is that humming coming from?" She spun around, the buzzing grating against her nerves. After some hunting, they managed to find a box hidden in a cavity in the wall which reeked of psychic charge. They wrapped it in their iron net and instantly the wailing ceased.
They took the elevator down in silence. She watched him from the corner of her eye. His eyes swept her from head to toe with a dark, unrecognisable expression, before he turned to face the doors like her. What was it? Disdain? Interest? Contempt? Awe? She wanted to shake an answer out of him.
"It's hard to be on the same wavelength with someone who insists on arguing with me about everything."
“Look, I’m not the one who decided that you were a terrible person from the get-go.”
“I did not do that. I looked at the evidence and made an educated guess. Besides, I never meant to be so blatant with it. I’m just…an expressive person.”
She regretted the words as soon as they left her mouth, grimacing as she heard the smile in his voice.
“Expressive, huh?”
“Oh, sod off.”
He clicked his tongue. She wanted to rip it out with her teeth. "You can be so adorable when you're nice."
"Oh yeah? What am I when I'm not nice?"
The elevator doors opened. Suddenly, his warm breath was ghosting the exposed sliver of her shoulder.
"Hot as fuck."
She briefly short-circuited, Lockwood long gone by the time she came to her senses. She hurried out, kicking herself over how heavily she was breathing over a stupid whisper like that.
It was a full month before she saw him again, and she never got fully used to working with just her team again. She would turn, wondering why Lockwood was remarkably quiet, or waiting for some smartass comment, but it would never come, and it rubbed at something raw inside of her. She hadn't laughed the way she did with him since he left, and the memory of his bruising kiss hovered at the back of her mind. Not that she missed him or anything, ew. She was glad he was gone. So glad. Good...riddance.
She entered her flat, fumbling for the light switch, sighing at the pile of letters that stood abandoned on her desk. It didn't take long for some part of her to long to reach out to Lockwood, but every letter she wrote was disgustingly sappy. Sometimes, in a fit of desperation she would put on her coat, determined to post her latest letter, but the resolve would fade before she even stepped out. She'd be an embarrassment to Fittes and he would awkwardly explain how she wasn't anyone special and she would never live it down. How humiliating to be rejected by someone who made her life a living hell.
She stabbed her latest letter on her mantle with a newfound passion for vengeance. This was all his fault, the sick bastard. She was going to get him back.
The opportunity somehow presented itself by fate. The next day had just happened to be her day off, when she received a panicked phone call from Lucy. She had to return home for some emergency but George was down with the flu, and Lockwood was away at a client meeting, so would it be alright if she came over for a few hours, just until Lockwood got back?
She went over and calmed a frantic Lucy rushed off her feet enough for her to get to the train station. George was taking a nap, and though Lucy had mentioned that he'd make some soup for himself when he woke, she decided to make herself useful. She was just finishing up the touches on some spaghetti for herself and Lockwood when he arrived. He looked a little stunned to see her, and she couldn't quite find her voice either. He looked more sombre, somehow, like the last month had weighed heavily on him.
"I'm sorry about all this, it's just there was a strike, and the trains were all-"
"Oh, no worries."
"Thank you for the - is that soup?"
"Yes, and some, erm, watery spaghetti-"
"No, it looks amazing, really. You shouldn't have..."
"It was no trouble." They paused as they heard a thump coming from George's door. She left to check on him.
"George? Is everything all right? Is it the soup?"
George coughed, calling out in a raspy voice. "Soup's wonderful, thank you. That isn't Ned, is it?"
"Hm? Oh, no, Lockwood's just come home. But he came around earlier today. He wanted to see how you were doing but you were asleep."
"Oh," he wheezed. "Well, you tell him to piss off if he comes back. And maybe you can tell him I'm doing alright." He took a sip of the soup and closed his eyes. "Try not to murder Lockwood till I'm better. I want a front-row seat."
She smiled to herself as she walked back to the kitchen. Lockwood had put out two plates of the spaghetti for the both of them, and was waiting for her.
"Everything okay?"
She nodded. He picked up his fork, then set it back down, almost as an afterthought.
“You didn’t poison this, did you?” She flung her dishcloth at him, which he caught, but just barely. Damn his reflexes. But things were starting to feel normal again.
“Don’t tempt me.”
Lockwood had a job to do at a cemetery that evening, and though he insisted he would be fine on his own, the look in his eyes was enough of a request for her help.
"You know," he was saying on the way there, "I've got another job two days later, if you're interested, that is."
"That sounds - oh. Hang on, I'm going to the movies with Terence that day."
"Terence?" She turned to see an uncharacteristically confused Lockwood, looking as though the wind had left his sails. "Not Terence Fisher?"
"He's the only Terence I know. No worries, I think we can shift-"
"No." A stubborn streak that had lied dormant since their reunion emerged, rearing its ugly head. "It's fine. I think it's just a Type One anyway."
"Oh. I mean, you can never be too sure-"
"I'll be fine. I can handle it. You go enjoy your...your date with Terence." He looked so disgusted, and that only enraged her further. They were getting along so well. What was his problem? She responded to his cold shoulder with one of her own, glaring out the cab window.
Despite her anger, the case went smoothly if a bit quieter than normal, and she enjoyed their familiar rhythm that she had so dearly missed. Somewhere in the middle, Lockwood looked as though his anger had thawed, but then his features changed, like he had just remembered something, and he walked away frostily. She swore, biting her tongue. Fucking Lockwood.
She wandered around, kicking at pebbles, while waiting for Lockwood to straighten out his fees with the client when her heart stopped. It couldn't be. She pulled back the vines creeping around one of the headstones in an unmarked plot. The grave of Celia Lockwood.
Once she had gotten over her shock, the words seemed to flow out of her mouth of their own accord. "Um, hi." She cleared her throat. "This is probably...the most disrespectful thing I've done, but, uh, I have to ask about your son. Why the fuck is he so aggravating?" She laughed nervously, hoping Celia Lockwood wouldn't be hunting her down in her sleep for this. "He sucks. I'm sorry, I know it's terrible to say, and I'm sure you were lovely people who gave him the most loving home he could wish for...but god does he suck."
"Y/N?" Lockwood called from a distance. She waved to the headstones before hurrying back, before he could see where she had been loitering.
"I need to drop the report off at DEPRAC. Want to come with? Unless you're off to meet Terence, that is." He looked away. There it was again. Gosh, would it kill him to not pick a fight for once?
"No, I'm not meeting Terence. Not that it's any of your business."
He muttered under his breath, yanking the cab door open more viciously than needed. She could feel her temper bubbling under the surface and Lockwood's was clearly only barely restrained.
"You know," he had started, jaw ticking promisingly, once they were in the elevator. "I don't understand what your problem is."
"Me? I'm not the one throwing a tantrum like a baby."
He sharply inhaled, and she defiantly stared at him, daring him to speak. The doors opened again, and a crowd of people entered, pressing them to the back of the elevator. He seemed to decide against whatever he was going to say.
"Y/N L/N..." he murmured, exhaling through his teeth. They were nearly touching, but not quite, but she could feel the vibrations of him talking. "You are one tough nut to crack."
"Bite me." Her whisper was rougher than intended, but she was unable to tear her thoughts away from her irritation with him. Why was she feeling so shaken up? Stupid Lockwood was stupid, big deal; it wasn't anything new.
"Oh, I think I'd leave that to Terence."
"What is your obsession -" She felt this wave of euphoria wash over her as realisation struck. "Oh my god. Oh. My god. You're jealous."
"Am not." But he looked too disturbed to seem even remotely convincing. They had reached their floor and he was quickly walking away from her, and for once she didn't mind running to keep up with his long strides. Her eyes glittered with glee. Oh, this was absolutely delicious.
"You are so. You can't stand the thought of Terence and I together, can you?" She crowed, only mildly breathless, relishing his discomfort, her words honey on her tongue. Ah, at last, sweet, sweet revenge for his months of hell. "Does it hurt? Does it sting? Does it eat away at you on the ins-"
"Please. Like you've never been jealous either." The gleam in his eye looked so knowing that she felt herself falter.
"How'd you know?"
"I didn't. I...what was it? Ah, yes, 'looked at the evidence and made an educated guess.'"
She shoved his shoulder, and he just laughed. "Still not as down bad as you, idiot."
He slammed the report on the counter, frightening the poor receptionist. "I am not 'down bad.' But you can't pretend like who you're seeing is none of my business."
"But it isn't! Why do you care so much anyway, huh?"
"I just do."
"Then make it your business." Something unstable was climbing up her throat, and the nervous look in his eye told her that he was thinking about the same thing as her - that time he had pulled her lips to his.
"I...I can't."
"Why not?"
"Because...because you're the most insufferable person I've ever had the misfortune of meeting-"
"At least I'm not a completely emotionally avoidant dickhead-"
"An emotionally avoidant dickhead whose throat you stuck your tongue down-"
She shrieked, and before she knew what she was doing, she was pulling her arm back, and she heard the thud of her fist connecting with his cheekbone. From the corner of her eye, she saw a figure that looked suspiciously like Barnes hurriedly back out of the lobby.
It was all over before it even began. The uppercut was enough to shut him up for the ride back to 35 Portland Row, where she forced him into a chair at the dining table and pulled out their first aid kit. She
"I'm sorry I punched you." Not even a little, but she had to be the first to try to make amends. Not that he would have the initiative. He just sullenly looked down at the table, twitching his cheek a little. "Is there something you'd like to say to me? An apology, perhaps?"
"Apologise for what? The truth?"
She clenched her teeth. "It was crass, and in public -"
"Big deal. I'm always crass in public with you. What was so bad about it this time that you just had to beat me up?"
"I didn't beat you up -"
"Oh, so I just did this to myself, then?"
She had promised George that she would wait till he was better, but she wasn't sure how much longer she could hold out on strangling him. "Enough with the snark."
"I'll tell you why it bothered you so much."
"Because it was true. It was the truth, and it hurt, and you couldn't stand it-"
For the second time in less than a span of an hour, she saw red. She stumbled out the door, grabbing the golf club that was in the stand with their rapiers, and there she was now. George wasn't too upset; he seemed to enjoy the view from his bedroom window.
"Y/N -"
"Y/N, please, let's talk about this -"
"Oh, now you want to talk?"
"Please, just put down the golf club -"
"FUCK YOU!" She continued demolishing his car until he finally wrestled the club out of her hands.
"What's gotten into you?" Lockwood cried, and he looked concerned enough to give her pause. She blinked her murderous rage away, regret overwhelming her. Numbly, she allowed herself to be guided back inside, where Lockwood made a cup of tea for both of them.
“Oh god.” She buried her face in her hands, the embarrassment finally catching up to her. Had she completely lost her mind? “I’m such a mess. I’m sorry you had to see all that.”
“I’ll leave now.”
“Hey - what for?”
“Are...are you kidding me? I just smashed your car to bits. I might be medically certified insane.”
“I don’t mind. I’ll put up with it.”
“...you’ll hate that. It’s rotten work.”
“Not to me. Not if it’s you.” She exhaled, watching the tiny daisies at the windowsill sigh and flutter in the barely-there wind. He aggrieved her like a bad habit she couldn't quite kick.
“You’re…a masochist.”
“I’m aware.”
“No, I don’t think you are.”
“Why else would I have held out so long for you?”
The teasing was back, and she let out a short, indignant gasp before walking towards him and sitting in his lap. Her eyelashes grazed his cheek as she traced the dressing on his bruise. Pity that his gorgeous face had been the only punching bag in the vicinity.
“I’m always going to hate loving you. You know that, right?”
“Know it? It’s my crowning achievement.”
She punched his shoulder and he let out an exaggerated wheeze that made her laugh despite herself. She shifted and leaned on his chest as they watched the sunlight glimmer over the shards that littered the driveway. He was both the light of her life and the insanity that drove her to destruction. She didn’t feel so bad about the car anymore.
Serves him right for fucking her up this way.
They hadn't been overly obvious about their relationship, but it wasn't exactly something they could keep from George and Lucy. Lucy was back from her trip and was tickled pink by the smashed up Volvo in the driveway.
"Yeah. Lockwood."
"You do realise that he is absolutely batshit crazy?"
She smiled into her tea. “Yeah. You’re probably right. But,” she smiled innocently. “I am my father’s daughter. Maybe I can fix him.”
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alieinthemorning · 6 months
Lifetime Contract [Azul Ashengrotto]
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Content: Fluff, Reader is a Cat Beastmen, Timeskips, Jade Leech Being a Little Shit
Pronouns: None
Reblogs: Let me know that you enjoy my work and want to see more, so don’t forget to like and reblog (and comment in the tags. I love seeing people’s rambles in the tags)!
This work’s concepts, plot and original characters are my own which means I do not allow any sort of creative theft nor do I allow my work to be entered into any sort of A.I. bots. Thank you for respecting my space and boundaries.
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One thing you noticed very quickly during your first year as a transfer at Night Raven College is that Azul Ashengrotto was a very fascinating person. Despite the businessman persona he aired, you knew that there was something beneath it. So, you pursed him. 
First, it was simply to satiate your curiosity. Which meant you often found yourself in the Monstro Lounge. 
“Fufufu…it seems something has caught your attention.” Jade commented, glancing in the same direction that you were looking. 
Azul was on the floor today (a rare occurrence). Gracing the people with his presence (conning them out of more Thaumarks).
 “Might I recommend a new drink for you?” Jade suddenly said, drawing your attention away from the silver-tongue boy. “It is from our…secret menu.” 
You smiled. “Yes, I’d like that.” 
You figured Jade out quickly. He was the kind of person to stay around those who he found amusing and can keep him entertained. And he was very entertained by your curiosity. 
So, you let him indulge every once in a while (as long as it was mutual beneficial to you). 
And thus your prey had found its way to you. 
“Ahem…The Vanessa.” 
Your smile slipped into a grin.  “Thank you, Azul.”  
“Yes, well—” You cut him off with a raised hand. 
“I’d actually like to know more about this drink.” You leaned forward, resting your elbows on the table, and your chin on your laced fingers. “You’ll tell me, won't you?”
You watched his Adam’s Apple bob as he realized that there was no getting away from you. For who was he to deny a such a simple request of a costumer?
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Slowly, but surely, did he get used to your presence in the lounge. Your table was always ready, and there was a new drink to try at least once a week. You were sure he was doing this for you, but why? Was it a mutual fascination? Or did he found worth in your intel gathering skills. You didn’t know, but it did unnerve you when he began to seek you out.
And so the hunter became the hunted. 
He greeted you easily, despite the fact that you were hiding away in a tree (Jade obviously had something to do with this). “Might you give me a moment of your time? I’m conducting a… consumer survey.”
You rolled your eyes, ears flicking in annoyance. 
Is this really the best he had? 
“Ah, I also have a sample of a new product. I’d like to get your opinion.” 
You removed yourself from the tree branch, landing effortlessly on your feet. 
“Sample first, questions later.” 
He smiled, and it wasn’t that slimy business smile, but it wasn’t fully genuine. 
To put it simply, it was just a smile. Nothing behind it, nothing in front of it. 
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Then a year passed between the two of you playing this game of Cat and Octopus. Which is how you somehow found yourself in Azul’s office the evening before graduation night. A plain paper contract sitting between you. 
Your gaze lifted from the paper, to the man who had issued it. He was leaned forward, chin resting on his laced fingers. He was very intently staring at the contract. 
You knew what he was asking, you also knew why he was going about it this was, but—
“Fine, I accept this contract. However,” You shoved three fingers into his relieved face, “I will win your heart in three years, and if I do this contract will be voided, and we’ll have a relationship with nothing in between us.” You signed the contract, noting the lack of his Unique Magic (It really was a regular contract, huh).
He slumped back in his chair. “I…”
“You just have to trust me.” You paused, “Or should I say invest in our relationship?” 
He chuckled. “I’ve done a lot of investing in this relationship.”
“Then invest in our future together, Azul.” You smiled. “Take this step of faith.”
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“After all these years, I never thought that I’d still find the two of you entertaining.” 
You smiled, adjusting your shell necklace. “I’ll be honest, I thought the same. I thought you’d be more interested in what was going on with Ace and Yuuna.”
“Oh, I am interested in those two, quite much. However, there’s a nostalgic charm with you and Azul that I just adore.”
“I can’t believe you’re saying such sweet things on my wedding day. Are you trying to steal me away, Jade Leech?”  
He placed a hand on his chest, looking apologetic (you knew he wasn’t). “I wouldn’t dare encroach on what wasn’t mine. Especially after you worked so hard for his heart.” His hands reached toward you, gently moving the veil over your face. “Enough banter for now, we’ll have all the time in the world after this.”
“You’re right.”
“He might just burst out into tears if we do.”
You blinked, then said. 
“I want all the details after this has all settled.”
“You’ve got a deal, Mx. Ashengrotto.” 
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It's 1AM, and I decided to write something from my random thoughts doc.
Enjoy, nya.
Ko-Fi | Commission | Masterlist
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38 notes · View notes
morganski-19 · 6 months
I Don't Know Which Way's Home
Chapter 15: Visitors
ao3 link, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14
cw: minor descriptions of violence/physicall assault
Present Day, March 1987
“When are you going to move in,” Sarah asks over the phone.
“Next week, I think. I should get the keys in a few days and then we’ll take some time to get some basic furniture. Then we should be all good.”
Steve was excited for the move. Excited to get out of this house to something he owns. Something he can make his own. A place where he can walk through the door and see himself on the walls. In the furniture. Where it feels like home.
Not just a large house where most of the lights are never on. Suffocating anyone who lives in it.
It’ll be an adjustment. But he’s willing to do it. Ready to do it. He’s been stuck in the same loop for so long, he ready to break it.
“Any word from your parents?”
Steve still feels bad about that. If things went the way he wanted them to, Julie would never have to endure his parents. Over the phone or in person. Knowing her, she’d probably want to sit behind him in court. She’d see them there. But wouldn’t be dealing with him. That’s his job, not hers. Not anyone’s.
He’s been dealing with his parents for his entire life. He’s used to it. Knows how to shut up and say the right things just so the issue is dropped. Most of the time. Sometimes he fights back. Stands up for himself. Just to get knocked back down to the lowest peg possible. But he tries.
Now, it’s a totally different ballgame. They can’t knock him down again, not really. He’s stronger than he was back then. Older. More mature. Has a sense of his own self worth and how it doesn’t revolve around their opinions. They never cared enough to stay, why should he care about their words.
“Uh yeah. They got the papers, last I heard from the courthouse is that they got the response letter. It wasn’t pretty.”
“Well, that was to be expected. Anything else?”
Steve hesitates. “Yeah, um. I sort of got kicked out.”
“Yeah, my dad said he wanted me gone. That if I thought I was going to get anything from them anymore I was wrong and can’t keep living here rent free. But they haven’t, like, sent a cop or anything to make sure I’m gone. So, it’s fine. I’m handling it.”
“That’s only because you have an in with the Chief, Steve,” Sarah says sternly. He can picture the frustration on her face. “When did they tell you this?”
“Two weeks ago.”
Sarah swears under her breath. “You’re cutting it close here, Steve.”
“I know,” he says before she can continue. “I know I am. But we’re so close to getting out. Most of our stuff is out of the house except for essentials, and I have people on standby incase they come home. I’m not going into this blind. I know how they are.”
“The minute they show up, the minute that this backup plan gets put into place, you call me immediately.”
Steve knows that Sarah’s just planning for the worst possible outcome. That it’s better to plan for things that might never happen than to scramble for a solution. He doesn’t want to think of the worst. Deep down, there’s a strong feeling that it’s actually going to happen.
Because he does know them. He knows how they will want to fight. They don’t want to do it at all. Threats have gotten them out of trouble before, it shouldn’t be any different now. Only Steve wasn’t giving up. Giving in. He separated himself from them enough that their words don’t mean shit anymore.
At least that’s how he’ll act. In court, he’ll tell the judge the truth, not caring what their going to say as a rebuttal. The way they’ll tear him down as much as they can. It won’t affect him then, but Steve has no way of knowing how it will affect him behind closed doors.
Despite everything, someone deep inside him craves for their approval. Their attention. That person has been getting satisfaction knowing that he’s getting it somehow. The same person that threw large parties just to get the cops called. Just to see if they would show up again. Give him a phone call. Steve wants to ignore that part of him, but it’s there.
That same part of him will probably cry when this is all over. Knowing that his parents are done with him forever. That they think the worst of him. Their opinion shouldn’t matter. It still does sometimes.
“I promise I will,” Steve assures.
“Good.” Sarah hangs up without another word.
Steve’s relationship with his parents has always been complicated. He knew that. Everyone knew that. There was a small hope that if he just acted right, did all the right things, the relationship would become less complicated. Less strained. He’d be their son the way other sons were. Not just a trophy to sit on a shelf, but something more. It never became that, no matter how hard he tried.
So he stopped trying, and look where he is now.
. . .
Julie was putting her plate in the sink when a car pulled into the driveway. Steve’s head turned to the door, wondering who it is. He never does that. People come and go here all the time, normally Eddie since he has a car. Robin if she gets him to pick her up on the way.
But Steve never turns his head when it’s them. Like he has some sort of sixth sense when it comes to random people showing up at his door. Always knowing who it is before he sees them. This is different.
Still, Julie doesn’t pay much thought on it. It’s probably just one of them. Or maybe one of the kids had their parents drive them over. It’s nothing.
Until they hear the garage door start to open. No one ever uses the garage.
Steve’s body tightens. Standing straighter that he normally does.  He abandons his dish in the sink, walking toward the door leading to the garage. On attention. Waiting for something to pounce.
She’s never seen him like this before.
When he returns to the kitchen, there’s a frightened look in his eye. One that immediately makers her heart start to pound faster. It can’t be that bad. What can scare him into looking like this? Spine tied up with a string. Stance ready to start running. Afraid. He’s so afraid.
His mouth opens to say something as a car door slams. A rage filled voice traveling across the house. Enough that she can place who’s it is, even after only hearing it once. Steve’s fear matches in her eyes.
“Steve, who’s here?” Her voice waivers.
Without saying a word, Steve gently grabs her arm and brings her to the sliding door. “You can’t be here right now. They can’t know you’re here.”
“Steve,” she asks again.
He slides the door open, the evening air making her shiver. “The Byers house isn’t that far through the woods. You remember going there for Christmas Eve, right? Go straight about thirty feet, then make a right and keep walking.”
The door starts to open, and the voices fill the other room. Steve’s eyes dart towards the sound before landing back on her. Only making her more scared.
“I’ll be there within an hour with the rest of our stuff. But it will be worse if they see you’re here. I don’t want them to hurt you.”
“Steve,” she pleads for him to slow down.
“You got it. Go to the loose fence behind the pool house and then walk straight a little bit. Then make a right and keep going. You’ll see their house after a while. Take this.” He reaches for the walkie on the kitchen table. Messing with the dial. “When you get to the woods, call for a code red. It won’t go to everyone, just to them. I’ll be there when I can.”
Before Julie can say anything else, Steve pushes her out the door and shuts it behind her. Sliding the lock into place.
Heavy breaths fill her lungs, burning slightly with the chilled air. She looks at Steve though the glass. Face frantically asking for an explanation. Trying to convince her the one she has is wrong. They can’t be here right now.
“Go, please,” Steve mouths through the glass. Terrified.
Julie turns. Walking to the pool house. Finding the loose panels of the fence and pulls them to the side. The same way she would do when she would sneak into this backyard. When she lived in that other house and would do anything not to be there.
Steve’s instructions replay in her mind. Walk straight for a bit, about thirty feet. Maybe more. The turn right and keep walking until you see the house. Call for a code red. Julie looks at the walkie in her hand before she presses the button. Seeing how her hand in shaking.
“Copy,” a man’s voice comes through the speaker. Julie unable to place it right now. “I’ll wait outside for you. If you don’t see the porch light, look for the flashlight. Call again if you get lost.”
Julie turns to the house again. The light click on in Steve’s room. He shouldn’t be much longer. There’s not much else to grab. He should be right after her.
She thinks about waiting. But she already called. They’ll get worried if she doesn’t show up.
Her mind can’t stop racing as she walks. Sun setting slowly as it becomes harder to see the ground. Squinting to make sure she doesn’t trip on a root or branch.
Did Steve’s parents really show up? Just unannounced. That part wasn’t as surprising when she thought about it. They seemed like the people to do that. Steve mentioned that they might come home. She didn’t believe it then. She barely believed it now.
He was right. They showed up at the worst possible time. Give it another week and they would have been out of there anyway. But no, they just had to show up today.
The rage of Steve’s father’s voice rings in her head. The threats on the phone call finding their way back to her mind. What would they do when they saw he was still there? He wanted the two of them gone, that didn’t happen. Not yet. It was happening, but something told Julie that wouldn’t matter. In their heads, Steve disobeyed them. Again.
. . .
Steve watches Julie round the pool house before he turns away. Knowing that she’s going to a safe place, that no matter what the Byers’ will take care of her. His safety, he’s not so sure about. Anger fills his dad fast, and it’s already bubbling over with the sight of the Beemer still sitting in the driveway. Or the fact that there’s lights on in the house.
He’s about to see his parents for the first time in two years. And he’s terrified.
Everything slows down like one of the horror movie scenes. Where the footsteps thump down the hall while the protagonist just stands and waits like an idiot. Waiting for it to strike. They don’t seem like such idiots anymore. Steve knows how feet can feel glued to the floor, but it has a whole new meaning now.
His back is straight, chest puffed out in a way that makes him look bigger than he is. Anything to make him more menacing than his father’s glare. Or fist. Or whatever is coming his way as his father finds his way to the kitchen.
For the first time in two years, Steve looks at his father’s face. Disgusted how much it looks like his. A constant reminder of where he comes from, no matter how hard he tries. Rage filled eyes meet Steve’s, waiting for him to make the first move. All he does is cross his arms, clench his jaw. Trap his father in a glare. He’s not speaking until he has to.
“Steven,” his mother breaks the silence. “We were not expecting you.”
She always tried to keep the peace between them. To try and keep in his father’s rage. It rarely worked. But she tried. It was the one thing Steve commended her for. Deep down, he felt bad for her. Trapped in an unhappy marriage having to follow after Richard just to make sure he didn’t cheat. But that still meant leaving him, and she didn’t call enough for him to forgive for that.
“No, we were not,” Richard finally speaks, voice tense. “What are you still doing here?” Considering you are no longer welcome in this house, that is.
His father can’t even speak his name. Steve debates walking past right up to his room. Filling the last tote bag before doing the same with the rest of Julie’s stuff. Walking out without an explanation. His father raises his eyebrow with a tilt to his head. Awaiting an explanation.
Instead, Steve decides to gloat. “I’m actually just waiting for the keys to my house. Didn’t want the neighbors to think you left your son to sleep in his car. That wouldn’t be so nice to the reputation, wouldn’t it, dad.” He continues to glare at his father, not backing down.
His father lets out a condescending laugh. “If you were so concerned about reputation, then we wouldn’t have to go to court. Would we, Steven? Instead, you think that you deserve some kind of justice. After all we’ve done for you.”
It’s Steve’s turn to laugh. “What did you do for me exactly?”
“Put a roof over your head, make sure there was money to put food on the table. Give you a car, clothes, expensive gifts. See you through high school, pay for your sports equipment. Everything you have is because we gave it to you.” Richard’s voice raises, almost yelling. Almost.
Steve resists a flinch when the last word booms through the room. Instead of saying another word, he side-steps his parents, heading upstairs. Flicking on the light in his room, stuffing as much of his stuff into a tote bag. His room already looks bare except for the sheet and the stupid car poster on his wall.
His mother appears in his doorway moments later, a more silent argument ready to be said. Until she sees the walls. “You painted?” she gasped.
“I did. Hope you don’t mind. I won’t be here much longer anyway. You can turn it back into what it was.”
A sickened smile forms on his mother’s face. “You never told me you wanted to change your room. We could have done it together.”
Meaning that she could have changed it while he watched. Hating how it would have turned out no matter what the product was. His mother never listened to him anyway.
“Well, you were never here long enough to change it, so I just did it myself.” He smiles to himself when his mother’s smile twitches. Knowing that his words stung.
The tote bag gets slung over his shoulder as he pushes past her. Leaving her to look at her ruined masterpiece as he packs up Julie’s room. Pulling out the tote bag she has underneath her bed and putting away the few essentials that she had left. Taking out another to shove her clothes into.
His mother gasps as she sees the paint over these walls as well. This room in particular being her favorite guest room. “What have you done?”
“Painted. Like I said.” He continues to fill the second tote bag.
Richard finds his way up the stairs, done waiting for Steve. Eyes landing on the desk where the picture of Julie and her mother rests. Steve grabs it before he can, gently placing it in the tote bag. Throwing some clothes around it so it doesn’t break.
“Has someone been living in here?” his father asks, not willing to admit he recognized the woman in the picture.
Steve takes a deep breath. “Oh no one special. Just your daughter.”
His parents stiffen at the same time. Bringing a sly smile to Steve’s face.
“I don’t have a daughter,” his mother says with feigned confidence. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“I wasn’t talking to you. I was talking to him.” He meets his father’s eyes again. “I was talking about Julie.”
As fast the smile formed of Steve’s face, it’s smacked off. Cheek stinging with the contact of his father’s hand. His mother gasps, scolding her husband. Knowing nothing would stop him from doing it again. Steve grabs the desk chair, using it to balance him as he gets his bearings. Waits for the ringing in his ear to calm down, for the breath to return to his lungs.
“You are never to speak that name again,” Richard commands. “She is nothing.”
“Julie is not nothing.” Steve manages to stand, only to have to grip the chair again when Richard’s fist makes contact again. Lip darting out to taste the blood coming from his split lip. A short laugh escapes as he stands, planting his feet stronger this time. “You really thought I’d never figure out about her.”
“You think you are so tough, don’t you, Steven. Changing your room, getting a job, housing someone you don’t know. All of that you could do because of me. All of that you are going to lose. What will come of you when you don’t have us paying for everything anymore? When you can’t come crawling back to us when life gets hard.”
Steve manages to stand again. Plants his feet the way he’s learned to. Treating his father like every other monster he���s faced. Wishing that there was a bat in his hand to twirl around. Make a show of protecting himself.
He doesn’t need it this time. Richard might pretend to be strong and menacing, but he’s just a person. Who got a few good hits in because Steve wasn’t prepared for them. He is now.
“You would know something about housing someone you don’t know. You’ve been housing me for twenty years.”
Richard’s arm raises again, but Steve was ready for it this time. Catching his wrist before it can contact Steve’s face. It surprises the both of them, but Steve doesn’t let his guard down. His eyes dart to his mother, who hides just barely behind Richard. Laura was never one for confrontation, and now he’s something more than just her son. Now he’s a threat.
“I am more than what you think I am. I changed my room because I never liked the old one. Because I should feel welcome in my childhood home. I got the job because if my hard work, not because of my name. I gave Julie a home because she is my sister, that is a fact. And because her and I have something in common. Our father knows nothing about us.”
“Let go of me, Steven.” For the first time, Richard is the one with fear in his eyes.
“Are you going to hit me again?” Steve tightens his grip.
Richard shakes his head. “No, no I’m not. Don’t do anything rash here, Steven.”
Steve lets go of Richard’s wrist with a swing, letting it slam back into him. “I go by Steve, but you both always ignored that anyway. I’m not some kid you get to push around anymore, no matter how hard you’ll try. You might think I’m stupid for staying here after you told me to get out, you might think what I’m doing is pointless. But I’m not doing all of this for me anymore, I’m doing it for me and for Julie. Because while you thought she was just something you could pay to never think about again, you missed out on a pretty great kid.”
He takes a deep breath. “But I guess you’re used to that. You missed out on the kid you kept around. Even if you weren’t here to see me grow up. I hope it all was worth it. It was a lot of hell for me.”
Steve grabs the tote bags, slinging one over each shoulder and the other in his hand. Taking a moment to realize that this is the last time he’ll ever set foot in this house. It’ll no longer be his home. It should be sadder than it is. There were many good memories among the bad that happened here. But he feels a weight lift off his shoulders. It’s not over yet, but he’s free of one of his chains.
“You going to let me leave? Not like you want me here anyway.”
Neither of them moves. Not ready to admit they lost.
“Where are you going to go?” Laura asks like she cares. She might, but it was too little too late at this point.
“You don’t get to know that.”
Laura lowers her head in a nod, accepting. Steve pushes his way past them and down the stairs. Finding his keys.
Richard follows him down, not willing to give up. “Don’t think you can have the car, we paid for that. It’s ours.”
Steve laughs, undoing a keychain Robin made him from the ring. “I know, was just getting this off.” He tosses Richard the keys. “There you go. House key is on there too, so you won’t have to bother about me coming back.”
He grabs his flashlight from the hall closet before opening the door. Sparing one last look at his parents, to find anything that shows remorse. All he sees is Richard’s hard stare and Laura’s sorry eyes. Nothing calling him to stay.
So he leaves.
. . .
Julie was lucky she didn’t get lost. She followed the directions and, after a while, saw the porch light. The last bit of sunlight helps her get the rest of the way there. Illuminating the path just slightly so she doesn’t trip.
“Hey,” a voice says from beside her, making her jump. “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.”
Julie turns to see the Chief holding a flashlight, the light pointing towards her. “I think you would have even if I knew you were there.”
“Come on, let’s get you inside. It’s getting cold out here.” Hopper steps in front of her, leading her the rest of the way.
Joyce is waiting for them in the house. Getting up from the couch when they open the door. “You’ve been out there for a while. I was getting worried. Oh honey, you’re shaking, are you cold?”
Julie looks down at her hands, seeing them shake. She doesn’t feel cold. More in shock than anything. Afraid of something she’s never really experienced. Only hearing his voice once over the phone. That was enough to spark fear. Not for her, but for Steve.
It was all she could think about when she was walking. What Steve was going to face when his parents saw that he wasn’t there. If they saw what they did to their rooms. If they saw her.
She agreed it was probably best that she wasn’t there. It would have probably made it all ten times worse. But leaving Steve alone in that house, with them. It felt like a bad idea.
He can take care of himself, she knew that. That didn’t stop her from feeling like she should be there. Be a barrier to stop them from hurting him. In whatever way they were going to. Maybe if there was a witness, he could leave without a fight.
“Julie, sweetie, are you ok?” Joyce’s warm voice breaks through her thoughts.
Julie tries to say something, but nothing comes out. It hits her all at once how scared she was for him.
“What time is it?” she asks.
Joyce checks the clock in the living room. “Just about seven thirty, why?”
Julie left a little after seven. So, assuming Steve left right after her, he should be here soon. And if he left a bit later, he should be here by eight. That’s if nothing went wrong. If they didn’t get into an argument. Or he didn’t get lost.
“He said he’d get here within the hour. So by eight. If nothing happened. Do you think something will happen?” Her voice can’t help but shake.
Joyce makes a face that is supposed to help but doesn’t. Full of sympathy, but one of no answers. “I’m not sure. But whatever it is, he’ll be fine. I know he will.”
“And if he isn’t?” Julie keeps seeing the small person that Steve becomes when he talks to his father. How the light drains out of him, and he becomes a shell of the person he is. His father isn’t even in person and can do that. What will happen when he is in person?
“He will be,” Joyce assures. “How about you come in, sit down. Can I get you anything? Water, hot chocolate?”
Julie lets herself be led to the living room. “Water would be nice.”
“Alright. El here if you want to see her, have someone to sit with.”
“Yeah, yes. I would like that.”
Joyce smiles at her. “Ok, I’ll go get her for you. Jim.” She nods her head toward the kitchen before heading down the hall.
Hopper brings her a glass of water, which she takes. Taking a sip before setting it on the table, seeing how her hands still shake. Joyce comes back down the hall motioning for Hopper to join her in the kitchen. Leaving Julie alone in the living room. Until El comes to sit next to her.
“Joyce told me about what happened,” she says softly. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“He used to hit my mom,” Julie blurts out. “He used to hit my mom when they were together, and she made him angry. Steve made him angry. I know he did. He called the house last week and, and kicked us out. And we didn’t leave yet, because we couldn’t. Steve doesn’t get the keys for a few more days. What if he hits Steve, too?”
El’s hands find hers, holding them together to calm the shaking. Julie turns her head to meet El’s eyes. Seeing an expression that feigns strength but fear still rests in her eyes. She’s scared for Steve too.
“I have known Steve for longer that you have. I know how strong he is, how brave he is. He will be ok. I promise.” There’s a certainty in her words.
Somehow, Julie believes her. “Ok. Ok, yeah. Yeah. He’ll be ok.”
“Would you like a hug?”
Julie nods. Her breath starting to even out again, the adrenaline keeping her tears at bay failing.
El opens her arms and leans forward to give Julie a hug. Julie takes it with a choked sob, tears starting to fall. El pats her back awkwardly, not quite sure what to do but it’s helping. With a few deep breaths, Julie’s able to pull herself together. Pulling away from El to wipe the tears from her eyes. She won’t be ok until Steve shows up, but she’s better. For now.
“Thanks, that helped.”
El smiles. “Good. Do you want to watch something while we wait? Keep your mind off of it?”
“Yeah, sure.”
El clicks on the tv, finding a channel with some reruns that Julie doesn’t pay attention to. Her mind is still on Steve. Knowing that the there’s no sunlight left to guide the way, and he has no walkie to let her know when she’s coming. Yet she still grips the one resting in her lap. Hoping by some miracle she hears Steve’s voice through the staticky connection and knows he’s ok.
But nothing comes through. The only noise filling the house is the tv, and the not so silent whispering between Joyce and the Chief in the kitchen. After a while, Hopper heads back outside with the flashlight, walkie stuffed in his jacket pocket. He’s going to look for Steve.
It feels like forever before there’s a knock at the door. Making Julie sit up straighter. Joyce emerges from the kitchen to open it. A very winded Steve behind the door, tote bags slung over his shoulder and flashlight in hand.
“Sorry I’m late,” he apologizes while catching his breath. “I had to go the long way.”
Joyce ushers him in. Steve barely gets a chance to put the bags down before Julie’s on her feet and pulling him into a hug.
“You’re ok.”
“Yeah, I’m ok. Did you get here ok, I know I kind of freaked you out.”
Julie lets go. “Freaked me out. Steve, you terrified the shit out of me. After the phone call last week and the little I knew about him I,” she pauses when she sees his split lip. “He hit you?”
Steve touches his lip. “Yeah, he, uh, he did. But I’m ok. I’ve had far worse than this.”
“You say that like it makes it ok. It doesn’t.”
He looks down with a shake of his head. “I know it doesn’t.”
“He really hit you because you didn’t leave.” Julie can’t seem to wrap her head around the idea. But then, she would never hit someone for any reason. Let alone that.
Steve clears his throat. “Sort of. Why don’t you go sit with El for a bit, I have to talk to Joyce for a second.”
She gives him a confused look, knowing he didn’t answer her question fully. But she still goes to sit on the couch again. Him and Joyce go to the kitchen, speaking in whispers. Something tells her that reason he was attacked was because of her.
. . .
Joyce uses her walkie to let Hopper know that Steve is at the house. She gets him a glass of water and makes him sit down, looking at his lip.
“It’s really not that bad. You and I both know this is the least beat up I’ve ever been after a fight.”
She sits down in the chair across from him. “You should listen to Julie. That still doesn’t make it ok.”
He looks down at his hands. “I know. Just easier to think of it that way. Out of all the things he’s done, he’s never hit me before.”
Hopper comes into the kitchen, sitting down next to Joyce. “You ok, kid?”
Steve shakes his head. “I will be, just need a second. Thanks for making sure she got here. Making sure she was safe. I didn’t know what would happen if he saw her there. Just knowing that she was there at all was the reason why,” he can’t finish the sentence.
“Of course. You both can stay here as long as you need to,” Joyce offers.
“Thanks, I appreciate it.”
Hopper crosses his arms. “You could press charges if you wanted, make your case a little stronger.”
“It’s my word against his, and my mom will never speak out against him.” She never did before, why would it change now. “Can I use your phone, I need to make some calls.”
Joyce nods and Steve heads to the phone in the hall. Pulling out Sarah’s number from his pocket. Dialing it with a deep breath. She wouldn’t be happy with this.
She wasn’t. Cursing Steve through the phone with an “I told you so”. But grateful that Julie is safe, grateful that he is too. She gives him a day before she’ll say anything. Give him time to make it look like Julie was just at an extended sleepover. For them to move. He thanks her just before she hangs up.
Robin is next. Takes a second to make sure he’s ok before cursing out his dad. Offering to go over there herself and give him a piece of her mind. He tells her it’s a bad idea, she disagrees, but still says she will keep it all for when she sees him in court. That way there will be witnesses. She makes sure he’s ok, offers to come over. Steve assures that he’s fine and will talk to her again in the morning.
The last person is Eddie. Steve already knows how he’ll react, but still hopes he won’t freak out that much.
“Where are you right now?” he asks after Steve fills him in.
“The Byers. It was the closest place that was safe.”
“I’ll be there soon.”
Steve holds the phone closer to his mouth. “Eds, really. You don’t have to come over.”
“Like hell I don’t.” Eddie hangs up before Steve can protest anymore.
He’d be lying if he said that he didn’t want to see Eddie right now. That if knowing that his boyfriend was willing to drop everything just to be there with him right now didn’t bring him comfort. Part of him didn’t want Eddie to see him like this, though. Fragile, partially homeless. Taken a few hits to the face.
As if Eddie hasn’t seen Steve beat up before. Pretty much all of Hawkins has, it’s a reoccurring event. But those times were different. It was because of his own idiocy or protecting someone. This was at the hands of someone that already caused him more pain than he should have gone through. He didn’t know how to admit that he got hit for no reason.
He heads back to the kitchen, tells them that Eddie’s coming over. They don’t say much, but have a knowing look in their eye. One that scares the hell out of him, but makes him feel seen at the same time. Steve could be himself in this house. Around these people. It wasn’t even his, and it felt more like home than he’s ever known.
“I never asked if you were ok,” Steve says as he sits down next to Julie. “Are you?”
Julie shrugs. “As ok as I can be I guess.”
“Sounds about right.”
“Did he hit you because of me?” Julie asks after a pause.
Steve would do anything to lie to her right now. To dart around the question and make up some excuse. Knowing her, she would see right through it. She didn’t need him lying to add to tonight. But would it be better for her to know the truth?
There’s a knock at the door before Steve can try to answer. He thinks it’s for the best. Enough has happened for one night.
He stands when Joyce opens the door. Almost getting pushed out of the way when Eddie sees Steve in the living room. They meet in a hug, Steve feeling more relieved that he thought he would.
“Those jackasses couldn’t have waited a few more days before they finally came home. They had to do it while you were still there.”
Steve huffs out a laugh. “Yeah well, they never had the best timing.”
Eddie notices the cut on his lip when he pulls back from the hug. Eyes filling with anger. “I’m actually going to get arrested for murder this time.”
“Eds, it’s really not that bad.”
“Not that bad.” Eddie’s voice raises. “Not that bad, Steve. You have a fucking split lip. Your eye is puffy.”
Steve tries to calm Eddie down, still conscious of the people around them. Trying not to make it look too revealing. “It could be worse.”
He sees Joyce say something to the girls that gets them to leave and head down the hall. Leaving him and Eddie alone in the living room.
“How hard did he hit you? Can you hear me alright? What about your vision, nothing’s blurry. You can still see fine?” Eddie clocks when they leave, grabbing Steve’s head with both his hands, assessing the damage.
Steve tries to pull Eddie’s hands away, make this less of a big deal. “I can hear and see fine. He didn’t hit me hard enough to do anything. I’ve had worse, it’s the least concerning thing that’s happened in the last few hours.”
“Your father, a grown man, assaulted you. His son. And you think there are more concerning things that happened in the last few hours.” Eddie’s face falls. “Just because you’re an adult when he hit you doesn’t make it better.”
“I know that,” he admits. Starting to feel the weight of everything finally sink in. “I just don’t know how to process it all right now. Tonight’s been a lot and I just need a minute, a day, I don’t know. Something. I just can’t think about that right now.”
“Ok,” Eddie says softly. “Ok. Then we won’t talk about it anymore. When every you’re ready. Does it hurt though, do you need ice or anything? Last thing, I promise.”
Steve shakes his head. “No, no. It’s ok. I’m ok right now.”
Eddie nods. Kissing Steve before pulling him into another hug.
Just when Steve gets his life together, it all falls apart again. Or at least feels like it. In just a few days, the pieces will be put back into place. His life will get back on schedule. His schedule. Where he can move into a house that he bought, with his own money. To a job that he got, by himself. And life that has nothing to do with his last name.
Even if the court date is a few months away, and he’ll have to see his parents again. But after that, he’ll never have to interact with them again. He will be permanently free.
Right now. He’s trying to hold it all together. Making his brain slow down to give himself a minute to breath. Before the crushing reality of all that just happened presses down on his chest. And they’ll take hold of his mind again. Just for a little while, then he’ll break free again.
Joyce insists they stay the night. Explaining how Julie is already set up in El’s room, and how the two of them can take the pull-out couch. Just like that, with no explanation needed. Or excuses. Maybe Steve could tell everyone about them soon.
It’s still early when everyone goes to bed. Just wanting the day to be over, even if they’re not tired. But the comfort of darkness lets Eddie scoot closer, hold Steve a little tighter. Make him feel put together even though he’s slowly starting to fall apart.
Tomorrow is a new day. With plenty of problems to be solved and conversations to be had. Telling the rest of the group to stay clear of his old house and change his contact information with a few people. Try to get the keys a few days earlier.
Tonight is meant for sleep. To float around and exist without anything pressing his mind. Wrapped up in his boyfriend’s arms and feel comfort for a brief moment. Until his looks in the mirror again and see the healing cut on his lip, and the slight bruise on his cheek. Almost fall apart all over again until he pulls himself back together. Each time a little weaker than the last until he finally breaks.
It’s so easy to fall back into old habits. To bottle everything up for the sake of other. For the sake of himself. Steve really can’t process everything right now. It would sting more that it already does. So, it gets pushed away. Until he’s ready to face it again.
He only hopes that time will be sooner than most. So he doesn’t blow up at someone that’s undeserving. Saying something he can’t take back.
But right now, he doesn’t need to think about that. Right now he needs to sleep.
Tag list(let me know if you want to be added or removed): @homoerotictangerine, @mugloversonly, @thesuninyaface, @imyelenasexual, @anaibis, @ilovecupcakesandtea, @brainsteddielyrotted, @jackiemonroe5512, @eddie-munsons-missing-nipple, @goodolefashionedloverboi, @cinnamon-mushroomabomination, @lolawonsstuff, @writingandmushroomdragons, @stevesbipanic, @sierra-violet, @steddie-as-they-go, @dauntlessdiva, @mousedetective, @the-daydreamer-in-the-corner, @zombiethingy, @connected-dots-st-reblogger, @that-agender-from-pluto, @allyricas, @cheddartreets, @devondespresso, @crypticcorvidinacottage, @queenie-ofthe-void @chronicpainstevetruther, @cheddartreets, @theupsidedownrealestateagent, @acidbubblegummie, @sirsnacksalot, @l0st-strawberry, @helpimstuckposting, @strawberry-starss, @freddykicksasses, @italianwhore1, @i-threw-my-name-out-the-window, @rageagainsttheapathy, @nuggies4life, @ape31, @whimsicalwitchm, @chrissycunninghamfanblog, @michellegilligan, @hippielittlemetalhead, @bridget-malfoy-stilinski-hale, @jaytriesstuff, @confused-stripes, @faeb1tch42069, @marklee-blackmore, @hel-spawn, @genderless-spoon, @mamafaithful, @estrellami-1, @starryeyedpoet17 @i-amthepizzaman, @lilpomelito @melonmochi
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asherloki · 1 year
Hi! I made a prompt list ! Feel free to use it, reblog it and request with your idea!
"I loved you since long ago, before we even met"
“Stop messing with my hair! I curled it this morning!”
“I love you, but sometimes I really want to throw you off a cliff.”
”I thought you were a princess or royalty.” "how did you know?"
"You're a literal goddess"
“If this isn’t meant to be, I don’t know what is.”
“It’s hard to explain, so I’m not gonna try to explain and you can figure it out for yourself.” “Fair.”
“Love isn’t something you can control.” “I know, so I’m leaving before it can.”
“Who are we to each other?” “You tell me.”
“I can’t tell if you’re joking or not.” “Stay with me for long enough and you’ll be able to.
“How do I make you feel better?” “Go get me a cheesecake, coffee, and chips, that’ll make me feel better.” “Fine.”
“Bite me.” “I thought you’d never ask.”
“You are the most idiotic but adorable human on the planet.”
“Stay with me.” He hugged me tightly. “Please.”
“I promised…” He gasped for breath. “That I would protect you. And I intend to keep the damn promise.”
“I’ve never met someone like you.” “Because everyone in this world is different and there isn’t another face like mine? Duh?”
"Everyone I loved chose other women over me" "I choose you over myself."
“Let her go. Now.” His hand gripped tightly on his wrist. “Or else this isn’t going to end well for that little nose of yours.”
“Gosh, you’re so handsome.” I paused. “I think I just said that out loud, didn’t I?” He gave me a wide grin, “Yeah.”
“Listen to me, you’re both my queen and your parents’ princess.”
"I looked for you in every century I was in, before finally getting you".
“If we aren’t meant to be together, then I don’t even know anymore.”
“I’m not getting involved in this, you’re doing this yourself.”
“So? What’s so urgent that you had to call me out at one in the morning?” “I just wanted to see you again.” “Oh fuck you.”
“I will say I love you everyday to make sure that you remember you’re very much loved in this world.”
“You just never cease to amaze me, do you?”
"Loving you is a commitment for me itself".
"People say so" "they don't know me and my love for you."
"I forgot to even ask her name ".
"How can you look cute even while being mad?"
"You make me feel like I've never been in love before."
"Say it, blame me." "I forgive you, you're never to be blamed, we're fine".
"People says I'm odd" "you're incredible."
“Hey, I know it’s a mess, but it’s our beautiful mess. We’ll fix it together.”
“You’re all talk. Why don’t you show me what you really mean?”
“Don’t go. I don’t even know who I am without you.”
"you never asked me anything in return, you just showered love on me, and all I gave you was doubt, unfaithfulness and mistreatment."
“You’re so cute when you’re sleepy.”
You've done everything for me, it's my time to be your knight ".
"I started loving you with the intention of never stopping."
"I know you, no other opinion can make think differently."
"I am not easy to deal with no?" "I don't like easy".
"I never thought I'd get someone who'll love me more than anyone else"
"don't push me away" "I'm here to pull you back".
"I don't want a lover if it's not you".
"I don't know who are you to me." "Perhaps someone you were looking for."
"do you know what love is?" "Yes" "what?" "For me it's you".
"you are violent! I like it".
"you are a pink rose, just needed a gardener to bloom at it's best."
"everything seems different and out of control." "Trust me, I'm still the same."
"the moon, it's just like you".
"will you stick with me even if I am not the person you knew anymore?" "You're always my person, and I'm always yours".
"I'm an open book." "But the genre is mystery, it's hard to solve it, buf I'm here for the adventure."
"I know you more than I know myself."
"you don't know how beautiful you are to me, since day one" "you found me when I was a mess." "Still, a beautiful mess".
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