#we’re just gonna add some more lmao
deus-ex-mona · 2 years
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i’m waiting, honeypre (👁‿👁)
#hajimari no sayonara: the ✨song of all time✨#(and also bc hajimari no sayonara is def long enough to be a 3 parts song lol. support the cause for hajimari no sayonara now—)#if they add nakimushi kareshi 2 years after suki kirai… p l s don’t make us wait for 2 more years for hajimari no sayonara (ʘ‿ʘ)#while we’re on this topic,i got the suki kirai novel for *some* inexplicable reason and—#there was a short manga about the formation of honeyworks at the back of the novel (illustrated by yamako) lmaoooo. it’s funny!!#in it yamako was like ‘i wonder what kind of song these two dudes are gonna make’…#then they sent her nakimushi kareshi and she was like ‘iT’S A BALLAD????’#and the song after that (suki kirai) was also met with similar surprise a la ‘THE SONG THIS TIME IS A CUTE ONE????’#oh dip i just realised that suki kirai is more than 10 years old now lol. time flies…#btw has anyone else here played suki kirai on project diva👀👀 i like the wedding bells addition at the end if you clear the chance time thing#i think raspberry monster and terekakushi shishunki have also managed to infiltrate project diva? pd x and pd arcade respectively i think?#but yeah. suki kirai on expert (in project diva f2nd) was a really fun beatmap. they cut out the 2nd verse thoughhhh#and the mv was so cute!!! the way rin went :D when len said ‘suki da’ at the last part of the song..#screw it they should just throw in the project diva mv of suki kirai in as a guerilla live beatmap#rin and len’s dancing skills are much better than whatever minami’s trying to do in bae love lmao#just honeypre things#inedible blubbering#as you can see i’m 10000% normal about hajimari no sayonara—
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kuiinncedes · 1 year
#idek anymore bro it def isn’t helping my work on this project the fact that i’m staying up until like 5#but 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 fucking brain doesn’t want to be efficient and do work i don’t fucking know 😭😭😭😭🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠#all my own fucking fault lmfao#i was gonna try to do some more but i can’t tell if it’s worth it i don’t think it is i don’t think i can rly add anything rn 😭😭😭#but i also feel like i should try since i’m relatively awake#i know that’s bullshit tho ok time to sleep 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭#i might have to i’m probably gonna turn in my stats hw due thursday late as well LMAO#🥳 30% off or sm for late for that but it’s fine i also get a hw drop#this project i might have to use both free late days#we did get a one day extension but i don’t know if that rly helping me 🤡🤡🤡#andfbsjiehdhdishdhrhehbddhjdhdh i can’t wait for this fuckjng weekend#which will be slightly stressful in it’s own right bc we’re doing like a travel show#but anyway#🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠 if ur wondering no it’s not past 5am i’m fine :DDDDDD dwdw#jeanne talks#also da birds r chirping y are they chirping it’s dark out :c lol#love going to sleep w birds chirping outside eheheheh#bro just tryna make me feel bad abt the time >:((((#what even is time damn#also i am getting a little sleep :DDD bc i fucking fell asleep while i was trying to do work tonight and the past couple nights lmao 😭😭😭#so yeah it’s fine there is sleep sometimes :DDDDD
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hi gorgeous!! The way you write james has me thinking non stop about him for days (i need him fr) so on that note, can i please get a request where reader gets jealous for some reason and he doesn’t notice at first cause he only has eyes for her but she kind of gets clingier and a little grumpy so he talks to her and just lots of fluff and cuddles? Thank you <3
thank youu! comments like that make me want to be writing all the time really hope you like it!! sorry i got a little carried away length-wise
a confession among friends: getting called my boyfriend's sister actually happened to me once and i was soo pissed lmao
pairing: James Potter x reader word count: 4.1k (not completely proofread)
You weren’t much in the mood for a party. No matter how many times Sirius clarified that it was only a “get together,” it was a party. Still, James had wanted to come, and there’d been plenty of times he’d come out because you were the one who felt like it, so you were happy to try to make the most of it. 
James comes up behind you now, surprising you and tickling you with no warning. You break out in full laughter but contort to smack him away. 
“Stop! stop!” you half laugh, half yell. 
“Alright, shortcake, but if I catch you looking grumpy again, you’re gonna get it,” he replies cheekily, giving you a playfully accusatory squint. “Shortcake” wasn’t your favourite of his nicknames, but it had stuck after one night the boys had had way too much to drink and way too much fun making fun of you for being the shortest of the group, not bothering with your contention that it wasn’t fair since you were the only girl.
“I was not looking grumpy.” 
“Given I’m the one who could see what you looked like, not you, I think my word counts for more here.” 
“What are you two on about?” Sirius interrupts, wrapping an arm around James’s shoulders in their typically brotherly way. 
“Was or was she not looking grumpy just now?” James asks.
“Was,” Sirius nods affirmatively.
“Whatever, you losers,” you roll your eyes at them. “Anyway, if I’m looking bored” — you glare at them before either corrects your word choice — “I feel justified in blaming the host of the party,” you smirk at Sirius.
“It’s not a party; it’s a get t—“ 
“A get together,” you both finish for him. 
“Yes, yes, we know, mate,” James laughs. “Lots of people in your flat for a ‘get together,’ don’t you think?” 
“Well, I’ve just made lots of cool friends recently. Thought it’d be nice for them to meet each other,” he shrugs.
“Always so generous,” you tease.
“‘Course,” he shrugs. “How else are you two annoyingly romantic recluses going to meet anyone new? You never leave your flat.”
“We do so,” you try, but it sounds damningly defensive. You cringe before Sirius can pounce and add, “Well, we’re here now aren’t we?”
“Fair. Glad you’ve graced me with your presence, L/N,” Sirius smiles.
Just then a small toy football whizzes past Sirius’s head. 
“Oi!” he yells, turning towards the source of the projectile. “No indoor football!” Then he grins his characteristically wolfish smile. “Not before I get to pick teams! I am host after all.” He grabs you by the wrist, dragging you with him. When you begin to object, he just shushes you with, “Weren’t you just complaining about being bored?” 
James comes too, no dragging necessary. You’re surprised to find Remus, usually so responsible, in the midst of the ball game crowd. 
You raise an eyebrow at him, and he chuckles, shrugging and telling you, “It’s Sirius’s flat. Do you think we’d even be able to tell if something got damaged?” He looks around at the messy space. 
You all start what was initially some kind of football game, but it just devolves into a drunken monkey in the middle situation. 
You get stuck in the middle, for frustratingly longer than most. It’s not fair Remus is so tall, and James so athletic. When you’ve finally had enough, you jump at James when he catches the ball, wrapping your arms around him, not even going for the ball.
“Hey!” he yells as he’s laughing. “Ref! Foul!” He shakes you loose, not without a fight from you. “That’s not the game,” he chides you. He lifts the ball high, and you make the mistake of reaching for it, obviously having no chance. “Gotta try better than that.” He hasn’t stopped laughing as you jump up and down like an idiot.
“I give up,” you announce, winded but smiling slightly.
“Such a sore loser,” he teases, ruffling your hair a bit and giving you a gentle playful push. 
“Whatever,” you push him back. “I’m thirsty. You want anything?”
“I’m good. Catch up in a sec.”
He throws the ball over your head at a ready Sirius as you weave your way to the kitchen. 
You lean on the counter, drinking some water. You look back over toward your silly boyfriend and best friends, who are still playing the game, but your view is mostly blocked by a couple of girls who are also watching the shenanigans. You don’t mean to eavesdrop, but they’re standing very close to you. 
“He’s so cute,” says one of them, a strikingly attractive girl in heels that make her a whole head taller than the other girl. 
“Why am I not surprised? You have such a specific type,” laughs her friend. 
The gorgeous girl just shrugs, owning it with no shame. 
Having witnessed your fair share of such reactions, you automatically assume they’re talking about Sirius. You just smile and roll your eyes, used to it. 
Soon the boys are over the antics too even though the game continues without them, and they come get some water as well. James stands next to you as he downs his glass. He bumps his shoulder against yours, a common gesture between you. 
The girls turn toward your group now, and the especially pretty one says, “Thanks again for inviting us, Sirius. If I’d realized it was going to get so… physical” — she emphasizes the word seductively, as she nods back to where they had just been throwing the ball — “I wouldn’t’ve worn such high heels.” She kicks her foot back a bit, as if to show the heels she’s blaming, but you don’t miss her turn into it, showing off her (amazing) body.
Sirius just grins knowingly, unfazed. 
“You could always take them off,” he suggests nonchalantly. 
She giggles and retorts, “But they look so good on me.” 
You can’t help but think it’s incredible people actually just talk to each other this way. You feel like you’re watching a movie, sure you’d never feel bold enough to say something like that unless the other person knew it was your line. You’d never been particularly good at flirting, and getting together with James since back at school, you hadn’t had the need in a long time. Even with James, though, you’d never talked like this, not back then, not now. You were glad you didn’t feel the need; everything just came naturally when it came to James. He used to make you nervous from how much you liked him, sure, but for years, you’d become completely comfortable with him. The closest you came to flirting was your quite frequent teasing, but you teased Sirius and Remus as well, and they you. 
“Aren’t you going to introduce us to your friends?” The girl’s question breaks you from your thoughts, drawing your gaze to her. Her gaze, you come to find, is not on Sirius, but on James. Directly, aggressively on James. 
Oh god. Maybe it wasn’t Sirius after all. 
“Oh, how rude of me,” Sirius says, typically theatrical. “Lads, this is Jules and…” Jules introduces her friend, but you miss her name as a group of people near you laugh loudly. “And these are my best mates, Remus, James, and Y/N,” he gestures at each of you in turn. “We go back to our school days,” he adds kind of adorably.
“Oh, how cute!” says Jules. 
Ok, not that adorably. You cringe internally at her then feel a bit guilty for disliking this girl for very little reason. Well, maybe there was a reason… but it wasn’t one you felt often.
She hasn’t stopped staring at James the whole time, and you steal a glance at him now. He’s pouring himself more water, quite unaffected. He looks at her only when she addresses him directly. 
“You were so good at… whatever you all were doing over there,” she giggles. “James. It was James, right?”
Oh please. She obviously remembered.
“Yeah,” James smiles, wiping some water that had condensed around his glass. “Thanks,” he chuckles and shrugs. “Not much competition, though,” he adds teasingly, shoving Sirius on one side of him and splashing your face with the water droplets lingering on his fingers on the other.  
“Oh don’t be mean,” she says exaggeratedly, playfully hitting his shoulder. 
You are not a fan of how angry such minimal contact makes you. 
“I thought you put up a really good fight against someone so tall and clearly athletic,” she says to you, looking back toward James at the end of her sentence. 
James just laughs lightly and, turning to you, bumping your shoulder, asks, “What do you think, shortcake? You think you put up a good fight?” His tone is all teasing. 
“You two are too cute,” says Jules. 
Weird angle for her obvious flirting, you think. 
“Is this your sister?” she asks, pointing between the two of you. 
Oh god. You are simultaneously mortified and infuriated. 
Sirius breaks out laughing, saying, “I told you I bet other people play siblings or dating with you two when we go out.”
James starts saying something, but just then, the ball from the continued game hits the counter right next to you, knocking over a bunch of water glasses and startling you all.
“Alright,” Sirius chuckles. “Maybe enough with this shit.” He grabs the ball and goes to toss it in a closet. James goest to dry his arm where it got splashed. Remus starts cleaning up the mess. A loudly apologetic bloke you don’t know comes over to help.
The slight chaos has moved the conversation away from what was just happening, and you have no idea how to clarify things without being incredibly awkward. 
His sister? What the fuck? Did this girl really not mind being a total bitch to get what she wanted or, worse, did she actually think you were siblings? Did you look like siblings to the rest of the world? Should it bother you so much if you did?
You’re reeling, and start thinking back to what could’ve given her that impression. Your stomach sinks at the realization of so much playful bumping, hair ruffling, and the like. You can’t remember kissing James once tonight. Maybe this isn’t out of the ordinary, with your slight aversion to PDA, but not once? You realize also how many of your gestures toward James you’d also done toward Sirius. How much they behaved similarly not just with you but with each other. Oh god. Were you that sisterly? 
You panic, reach for a kitchen towel, and start drying your damp boyfriend, getting way too close and speaking way too loudly when you say, “Let me help you with that, baby.” 
James is a little taken aback. You never call him baby. In fact, though his calling you pet names is common, the reverse is rare. You usually stick with “Jamie” … or some dumb teasing insult like “loser.”
“Uh, it’s fine,” he chuckles confusedly. “Wasn’t that much.” You nod and put the towel down. “You okay?” he asks. 
“Fine,” you say too quickly.
You glance toward Jules to gauge her reaction, but she’s busy also drying off, her friend having gotten the worst of it, and you’re not sure whether she heard you.
“Wanna go sit down? I’m tired,” you tell James, dragging him by the hand, which you don’t let go of even after he’s clearly following you, back to the living room. 
You pull him down to the couch, where you proceed to sit way too close to him despite there being more room on your other side and wind your arm under his as you continue to hold his hand. You kiss his cheek as he settles in. 
He’s smiling but asks, “What’s with you, love?”
“Nothing,” you say, but your voice sounds off even to you. You kiss him again, and even more confusion seeps into his smile. 
You’re trying to think of something “couple-y” to do but come up with absolutely nothing, an awkward air arising between the two of you as you squirm. You literally cannot remember the last time you felt awkward with him, and now you add feeling guilty into the mix. At your insecurities, at your jealousy, at his slight discomfort, you’re not even sure at what, but it’s awful. 
“You sure you’re alright, sweetheart? You’re all tense, and I’m pretty sure I’ve lost circulation in my hand at this point,” he chuckles. You notice your grip is vice-like. 
His tone is light, but yours is not as you snap, “I’m just holding your hand. I’m your girlfriend; that shouldn’t be weird.”
His smile fades quickly as he answers, “Uh… I didn’t say it was weird, Y/N. Just too tight?” It sounds like a question, but that’s probably just because he seems very confused overall. 
“Right. Sorry.” Your voice is much softer now as you let go of his hand. 
“It’s fine. Obviously. I just… Um…” He’s searching for what to say, wanting to comfort you but unsure what you even needed comforting from. He opts for just reaching for your hand again, straining a smile though his eyebrows remain in a confused furrow.
“You wanna go disorganize Sirius’s beloved record collection?” he asks mischievously.
“No, not really,” you say softly, not feeling like a prank right now even though you usually did. 
“Um, ok.” James looks a bit awkward. “You hungry?”
“Right.” A silence. “Let’s just sit here then,” he says, probably a bit more sarcastically than intended. 
“Is that so bad? Do we always have to be doing something for me to be fun?” you shoot, standing up. “Why don’t you go find Sirius or Remus, James. I’m sure it won’t even make a difference.” You turn away angrily, but he follows you up quickly and stops you. 
“Whoah, what’s up, shortcake?” he asks, eyes wide. 
“Don’t call me that. It sounds like you’re teasing your little sister.” 
You see something in his eyes at the word “sister,” but you turn and keep trying to walk away before you have time to really analyse it.  
James is following you but he has to weave between a group of people you managed to avoid, so you get to the bathroom before he catches up. He knocks a second later. 
“Y/N? Can we talk please?” You don’t say anything. “Come on, Y/N. Let me in. Or you come out.” You lean against the door but still don’t say anything. 
“I just want to know you’re okay,” he says more softly this time. 
“I’m fine,” you say, softly too. “I just need a second, okay? I’ll be out in a minute.” 
“You sure?” 
“Yeah, just give me a minute.” 
“Alright, love, but just come back quick, alright?” 
You’re not even really sure what you’re doing in here. You just need to collect yourself, you guess. You fiddle with some stuff on the sink then find yourself looking in the mirror. 
An ugly thought arises, and you hate it, trying to push it away. It comes back anyway. 
She’s much prettier than me… 
That distorted inner voice doesn’t stop there. 
And better at being a girl.
“You’re being ridiculous,” you whisper out loud to yourself. “Completely ridiculous.”
You wash your hands even though you haven’t used the toilet, shaking your head, your gaze fixed on your hands. Then you go back out into the party. 
James is across the room, talking to Remus, but staring at the door you just came out of. As soon as he sees you, he pats Remus on the shoulder, saying something quickly, and starts moving toward you. 
He’s stopped in the middle of the room by a perfectly manicured hand on his chest. It’s attached to Jules, of course, and your glare hardens. You’re too far away to hear what she says to him, her hand lingering on him. 
James shakes his head a bit at whatever she’s saying, his eyes coming back toward you quickly. He gives her a glance again and a nod then his hand comes to her shoulder. You’re eyes are glued to where they connect, and so your gaze follows the motion of James’s hand gently pushing her body aside. A moment later, it detaches as he continues walking toward you. You haven’t moved when he reaches you.
“Hey,” he says simply. 
“Hi,” you return. You look away from his face, shy and confused about what to tell him. 
His hand gently guides your chin back up, and you lose yourself in his beautiful eyes for a second. He gives you his warmest smile, and you give him a pitiful but sincere one back.
“You wanna talk about what the hell just happened?” he laughs lightly. 
“Isn’t it obvious?” you try. You’re not sure you want it to be, but you’re too embarrassed to explain and would take any option that meant you didn’t have to. 
“Actually, it wasn’t,” he chuckles. “When you got weird, I thought it was just because you didn’t want to come tonight,” he starts. “But I still didn’t understand the specific… I don’t know, kind? of weird you got.” His lips quirk into a teasing-adjacent smile here, but your face immediately contorts in embarrassment. You cover it with your hand, but James quickly removes yours with his. “Hey, hey, no, sorry. I’m sorry. It’s alright, lovely.” He caresses your hand he’s still holding. “I’m not teasing, okay?” He smiles at you, and you just keep watching him, but your face relaxes a bit. “Then,” he exhales dramatically, “Remus asked me how you reacted to that girl flirting with me right in front of you then calling you my sister.” He grimaces. 
Thank God for Remus, you think, the only emotionally aware man you’ve ever met.
“I hadn’t noticed the first part, sweetheart,” James adds. “The flirting part, I mean. I’m sorry, pretty girl. I mean, she didn’t know I had a girlfriend — clearly — but I would’ve just told her I did if that ball hadn’t hit us.”
“She was really into you,” you say before thinking, unsure where that’s supposed to take the conversation. 
“Was she? Huh.” He sounds slightly amused, but you know he’s acting to amuse you. 
“You really couldn’t tell?” you ask him. There’s disbelief in your voice, but you’re smiling a bit at him. He takes a step closer to you.
“I mean, I guess in retrospect, it makes sense,” he says honestly. “But I guess I’m out of practice,” he laughs. “And more importantly, I don’t care who’s really into me because I’m really into you, you silly girl.”
You exhale, your heart warming and most of your heavy emotions leaving you. You squeeze his hand, and shaking your head at yourself, bring it to rest on his chest. James chuckles into your hairline, kissing the top of your head and holding it close, his fingers interweaving into your hair.
“I’m sorry,” you mumble, your mouth squished against him. 
You can feel him shake his head since he’s resting it on yours.
“No need,” he smiles. “I’m sorry. Was quite daft.” You laugh into his chest. You wipe away a tiny tear you’d been about to shed then rest your hand on his chest. The image reminds you, and you jolt upright, looking into his face again. He looks startled but amused. 
“What was she saying to you? Just now?” You nod toward where they’d been talking. He laughs a full laugh. 
“She was telling me we should ditch this get together and go to her place.” He wiggles his eyebrows goofily. 
“Jamieee,” you scold, smacking his chest. He grabs hold of your hand and holds it to his heart, thumb caressing the back of it. His other hand still at the nape of your neck. 
“She was telling me,” he leans in conspiratorially, “‘sorry for not realizing your girlfriend was your girlfriend,’” he chuckles again. “I guess your little show worked afterward.”
“And what’d you say?”
“Does it matter?” It’s not harsh; he’s all warmth now. Knowing him, you realize he probably just doesn’t see the point of lingering.
“I just want to know,” you say.
“I said I didn’t care and it was fine or something.” He shrugs. “Can’t remember my exact words. Had more important things — a more important person — on my mind, to be honest.” He smiles at you. You smile back. 
“I love you,” you tell him. 
“I love you too,” he replies with a laugh as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world. “So much,” he adds, a bit more seriously, and kisses your forehead.
You just stand there, close to each other, your head back on his chest, his arms around you, for a few moments.
Then, leaning back to look at his face, you ask seriously, “Do you really?”
He looks confused by your question, its sincerity. “Of course I do. I adore you. You don’t know that?” His question has more than a tinge of hurt under it. 
“No,” you chuckle. But before he can get the wrong idea, you quickly continue, “Of course I know that.” You smile earnestly, and he seems comforted. “I mean, do you really not care? That she couldn’t tell I was your girlfriend?” Your voice grows softer and softer as you ask, and it’s a mere whisper by the end.
“No, sweetheart,” he smiles. “I don’t. I know. And you know. Who cares what other people think?”
“I did,” you scold yourself. “I’m sorry I got so weird. I just… I got really insecure about being just like Sirius or Remus to you. I know I’m just one of you in some ways —“
He cuts you off, “Yeah, baby, you’re one of us in some ways, but not in every way. The four of us, we have something special,” he nods. “But the two of us, we have something special too.” He tightens your embrace. “Seriously special. Yeah, we’re… what? friendly? sometimes. But, darling, you are not like Sirius or Remus to me.” He brings his hand to your face, caressing your cheek. “For starters, I don’t want to kiss Sirius or Remus, and they’re pretty good looking blokes,” he jokes. “And I don’t want to tell them about every single thing that makes me smile — just a lot of them — and about everything important in my life. I don’t need to make sure they’re happy and safe absolutely all of the time. I don’t feel warm and happy to be alive every time I look at them, and I don’t love cuddling with them at night, waking up to them in the morning. Not to even mention the other things that happen in that bed…” Now you laugh too.
“Yeah,” you nod, getting convinced.
“Yeah?” he pushes. 
“Yeah,” you say certainly. 
You hum a warm assent.
“Now what do you say we ditch this get together and go back to our place?” 
You roll your eyes at him but laugh as you nod. 
“Yeah, let’s go home.” 
He’s nodding as he shifts his arm across your shoulders, kissing the top of your head and continuing to hold you close as you walk toward Sirius and Remus to say goodbye. 
“Leaving already?” Sirius complains, teasing you about being antisocial and lame. 
“Sorry, mate, but I really want to cuddle up with my girlfriend right now, and this doesn’t seem like the best place for that.”
“Ugh, so cheesy, Prongs. Just leave already,” he says, feigning disgust and pushing James away. 
“Good night, gorgeous,” Sirius tells you, kissing your cheek carelessly like he’s done a million times. Similar words, similar gestures, yes, you think, but they don’t feel the same at all. You smile.
“Good night, Siri,” you say. You and James hug Remus too. 
James puts his arm back around you as you go to leave. You smile up at him, then, mischief in your eyes, you push him away and walk faster. 
“You’re all sweaty, Potter. Gross.” He laughs and play chases you all the way out the door. 
Once you’re on the other side of it, enveloped by the welcoming quiet privacy of the night, he catches up to you and pulls you to him. You resist for only a moment, your laughter intermingling with his, then you melt into his embrace.
“C’mere, gorgeous,” James huffs, kissing you ardently. “Can’t wait to get home with you,” he whispers before kissing you again.
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danibeanie · 4 months
your gonna remember me
Astrology observations (synastry)
the wounded healer chiron😋
-people you have chiron synastry are usually people that your never gonna forget. Wether it be a good or bad ending there is always gonna be a hidden feeling of what ifs between the 2.
Moon conjunct Chiron synastry = hidden feelings of confession we both feel something for each other but it just can’t happen. (1st BOY I REALLY liked and I just knew he liked me 2 but he was leaving for college out of state and we both knew it wasn’t gonna happen)
Mercury conjunct Chiron synastry=hurt through the topic of communication.usually didn’t care to communicate. (2nd boy that hurt me with not caring to fix things on how they went down.. all he had to do is apologize.)
Where your Chiron is also depends on how this synastry play out- for me this synastry occurs in my 9th house which rules travel and school… how this occurred for me was one person is always leaving wether it be graduating school and going their separate ways or getting a scholarship and leaving the state meaning I CANT SEE THEM😍
Saturn synastry oh boy.
-a man usually has his saturn conjuncting my planets and while it is good for long term it’s also hard if you don’t have any saturn aspects in your chart or saturn energy in general. Your gonna feel a bit trapped and they’ll probably remind you of your parents somehow lmao.
There’s always a age difference in this synastry wether it be 2 years ,4, or even 1 the Saturn person will want to commit to you and will feel the need to stick by you. Way stronger if they have Capricorn or Aquarius placements.
These people are usually karmic (Saturn ruling karma) and these people just come into your life outta nowhere 😭 mostly needed.
natal venus retrograde rant :/
-It’s so hard having this in your chart because every person you’ve ever had a bond with or romantic partnership will always affect you WAY MORE than it should. we take relationships to the extreme and it’s so easy to get disappointed from people that don’t reciprocate how much we give and give. I’ve learned that the hard way and so many call us guarded and bit cold but just know it’s cause of past hurt. LITERALLY PAST HURT 😭.
NN synastry
-NOW THIS ONE… I had my Venus conjunct a guys north node and it felt so free and easy going yet terrifying and a bit uncomfortable. The north node is what we’re trying to learn in this life and people that put planets in it usually give a lesson to learn built off of the planet. in this case I had a relationship (Venus)with NN and it didn’t last long, we both got hurt in the end but I know that this was meant to happen AS A LESSON. I felt like the best version of myself and you can just be yourself. The nn perosn had a HUGE crush on me and u can feel the pure admiration from the nn🥲
I’ve been in both sides b4 and I have a man’s Venus conjunct my nn rn and I just wanna give and give to him. His Venus falls into my 12th house where this conjunction occurs but it’s also unconditional support and It’s a bond-like no other.
The planet person and any axis points that conjunction another north node will always help you in your path. Neither will forget but the nn person will always be thankful for the planet person for pushing them to where they are now.
In conjunction synastry😀
-you know that saying opposites attract well yeah this is literally OPPOSITES ATTRACT. When you date someone you have inconjunction with *cough *cough (gemini and capricorn) it can give u a doozy. I can literally write essays about this dynamic but I’ll keep it short and sweet. If you ever get into a relationship with someone that has Inconjunction with most of your planets and add this with 4th house and 8th house synastry…. Its something both of you will learn from. You’ll think back at this relationship and be like wow I dated him?!?😭
some background info I was a senior in highschool and even though I knew people I wasn’t super popular like at all lmao. this guy that was known to be a huge player and just super attractive had a huge crush on me since forever. We ended up dating and that was my 1st ever thing with anyone and let’s just say I got hurt obviously but I left. So many people questioned this relationship “she’s so nice” and “he’s so cocky” well yeah. It’s just 2 different people that are attracted to each other but just think too differently to make it work.
What makes this so strong is that we both really don’t know how this person acts. It’s like with opposition even though their opposites there’s similar traits. Inconjunction just screams going into a job you’ve never worked at and just learning everything on the spot.😭
8th house synastry
If a man’s planets fall into your 8th house just know that they want u so bad. LMAO JK no but actually they want to know everything about you and the attraction is off the charts with this one. - the boy from earlier had his sun in my 8th house and the tension between us was something I never felt b4. I felt uncomfortable and rushed. He was shining light on this relationship he wanted with me and I felt like he could see right thru me. (I have Pluto in the 8th house so I felt like my boundaries where even higher.) if you’ve never interacted with your 8th house sign your either gonna make the worst enemies of them or the bestest friends. 8th house also rules 1st when it comes to anything sexual. He was my 1st kiss
I have so much more to say but I’ll save it for another post and thank you guys for the likes on my last post!😙💘
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redstarwriting · 1 year
happy birthday
miles morales x reader
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request?: yes
request: “I LOVEDDD THE HC’S OMG OMG WORK OF ART!!! i was wondering if you would write something expanding on getting miles’ doodles tatted as an adult!! i would love to read more abt it, it’s so cutee”
requested by: anon​
word count: 2.2k
genre: fluff
Warnings: language, tattoos, mentions of tattoos and needles, Miles is so sweet it's sick
A/N: GLADLY!! i've been itching to get a new tattoo since the minute i got my first like three years ago and writing this just made me want to get another one so bad LMAO. i hope you enjoy!
also in case you were wondering what hcs anon is talking about, it's my pda/general affection hcs i wrote for hobie and miles! you can check it out here if you haven't already and feel compelled to :)
“Miles! Baby, can you give me a tattoo?” you ask, and he smiles. This has become a common practice in your relationship. From the time y’all were kids in love to now, you would always ask him for a tattoo. Of course, he didn’t actually give you tattoos, he just drew on your arm. He’s mentioned you, and even urged you, to get a tattoo every now and again. Especially when he offered to design them, but you always say his temporary ones are more special than any other tattoo you could get. He isn’t upset about it. He genuinely loves drawing on you. “Of course, babe. Come here,” he says, motioning you over to him as he grabs his markers he has specifically for your “tattoos.” You go over to him, sitting between his legs and extending your arm. “Can you draw it right next to the uh… elbow pit?” you say, and he laughs. “Elbow pit?”
“Yeah, like the inside of my arm and not on the bicep part or the elbow pit part, but the forearm part by the elbow pit,” you explain, pointing to the area you’re talking about. He chuckles. “Elbow pit.”
“Well, what else would it be called?” you ask, smiling, and he grins, starting to doodle on your arm. “I’ll text and ask my mom what the scientific name for it is after I’m done here,” he says, and you lean your head back against his shoulder. “Oh, god, please don’t tell her I called it an elbow pit.”
“Oh, I’m totally telling her you called it that,” he teases, placing a quick peck on your lips before returning his attention to your arm. He draws a spiderweb, of course, but in the shape of a heart. He adds his Miles touch to it by making it look like the web was spraypainted, and having it pop with black and red. You don’t even look at the tattoo as he draws it, you just stare at his face. You love watching him when he does his art. You assume it’s similar to the way his face looks when he’s swinging around the city as Spider-Man. He’s in his element, laser-focused and yet has an ease about him that mesmerizes you. “Take a picture, it’ll last longer,” he says, smirking and turning his attention to you. You feel your face heat up but roll your eyes. “Can’t, arm’s a bit preoccupied.”
“You can get creative; I have an idea. Maybe use the one I’m not drawing on?”
“Don’t know what you’re talking about,” you say, and he shakes his head. “What do you think, amor?” he asks, and you look. You smile. “I love it, Miles. Thank you,” you say, kissing him on the cheek. He grins, wrapping his arms around your waist as you admire his art. “What time is it?” you ask, and he glances at his phone. “11:15. Why?” 
“Ganke and I are gonna go get some lunch today.”
“Should I be worried?” Miles jokes. “No, dummy. We’re just talking about… something happening soon,” you say, and a sly smile spreads across Miles’ face. “How soon?”
“I’ve said too much,” you say, trying to get up. Unfortunately for you, your boyfriend is Spider-Man and can easily hold you in place. “Nuh uh, how soon is this something happening?” he looks at you with a shit-eating grin, and you roll your eyes. “Wouldn’t you like to know, spider boy?”
“I would. Is it, and this is just a wild guess… something happening tomorrow? A special something happening on a very special day?” he guesses, and you sigh. “Don’t tell Ganke you found out…”
“I knew it!”
“We’re supposed to be planning your birthday party, yes. For tomorrow. On your birthday. Are you happy you spoiled it for yourself now?” you feign annoyance, and he laughs. “I am, actually. Now I know to look good for you tomorrow.” You roll your eyes. “You always look nice, Miles.”
“Only for you,” he grins at you, turning your face to look at him. The two of you share a kiss before it’s interrupted by his police scanner going off. He frowns slightly. “It’s okay, Miles. I gotta go soon anyways,” you give him a quick peck for squeezing out of his arms. He sighs. “Fine, fine. Guess I’ll go save the city. Be the best thing that ever happened to New York and all that.”
“My hero,” you joke, and he grins. “You know it,” he says, slipping his mask on and sliding his everyday clothes off. “I’ll see you later, Miles. Stay safe. Love you.”
“You stay safe, too. Love you more.” He leaps out of the window, and you make sure he’s gone before you call Ganke. “Yo, what’s up?”
“You gotta plan Miles’ birthday party tomorrow.”
“Woah, what?” You sigh. “I already have the roof of our building booked out for it, I ordered the cake already and will pick it up tomorrow and have all the decorations. You just need to invite everyone, okay?”
“You mean I have to reach out to people in different dimensions, tell them to clear their schedules for tomorrow, and hope for the best?” Ganke asks, and you hum into the phone. “Yep! Thanks, Ganke! Also, if Miles asks, we went and got lunch, okay?”
“And where are you really going?”
“I’m getting a tattoo to surprise him for his birthday tomorrow,” you say, grabbing your keys and putting some money in your pocket. You put Ganke on speaker, sending a quick text to Hobie. “You need to stop using me as a cover-up, (Y/n).”
“Who else am I supposed to use? Gwen?” you say, and Ganke sighs. “I mean, yeah, you know she would be down to help you with something like this.”
“Ganke she is so bad at keeping secrets like that, and you know it,” you say, admiring the art on your arm again. “Then use Hobie.”
“Wait that’s actually a good idea,” you say, “Especially since he’s the one giving me the tattoo.”
“I PANICKED! He was asking questions! Just, listen, invite as many people as you can think of, alright? Please, and thank you.”
“Fine. Go get inked or whatever they say,” Ganke says. The two of you give some quick goodbyes before hanging up. You receive a reply from Hobie, and a portal opens in Miles and your bedroom. You step through it and find yourself in Hobie’s flat. “Can I just say it’s about damn time you got one of ‘is works tattooed onto ya,” Hobie says, motioning to his couch. You sit and he gets his whole get-up ready, all the cleaning wipes and gloves and the tattoo gun all ready to go. “Yeah, yeah, whatever. I’m getting it now and that’s what matters,” you say, and he clicks his tongue. “I can guarantee ya this is just gonna be the beginning. Kinda becomes an addiction,” he says, sitting next to you, and fiddling with his gun. “Then I guess I’ll just need to have Miles draw on me even more.” He chuckles. “Lemme see it.”
You show him the drawing, and Hobie shakes his head. “Your man is corny,” he says, and you shrug. “I like it.”
“I know,” he dips his gun in ink, and looks at you, “Ya ready?” You nod, and he begins tattooing Miles’ art onto your skin. The two of you talk the whole time, really, and you let him know about the party tomorrow. He, of course, agrees to come, and can’t wait to see Miles’ reaction. It takes a few hours, but eventually he finishes up and it looks exactly like Miles just drew it on your skin. Hobie places fake skin over it and gives you the rundown of how to take care of it. He turns away from you to put something away, and you quickly slip $100 under a pillow on the couch. You know he won’t accept any money from you because he’s ‘not a capitalist pig,’ so you have to be sneaky with it. “Thank you so much, Hobie,” you say, and he winks at you. “Anythin’ for my mate’s better ‘alf.”
He opens the portal again, and you two say bye until tomorrow. You’re back home, literally, in no time, and you quickly throw one of the hoodies Miles left lying around on. This way he won’t see the tattoo, and you can play it off like you missed him. Especially since you did kind of miss him and it is sort of a staple in your relationship that you wear his clothes when you do. That’ll make him melt and he’ll forget all about the art on your arm. And you were absolutely right. 
It ended up being a late night for Spider-Man, and when he got home, he saw you curled up on the couch, sleeping with his hoodie on, and all he could think about was that you missed him. He carefully picked you up and carried you to your shared bed. You started to wake up as soon as he was getting in bed after taking a shower and cleaning up, and he began desperately trying to get you to go back to sleep. “What time is it?” you groggily ask. “It’s like 3am, (Y/n/n), I’m here now, we can go to sleep, okay?” he says, slipping into bed next to you and pulling you on top of his chest. “Happy birthday!” you sleepily say, burying your face into his chest. He smiles. “Thank you, amor. Let’s get back to sleep now, yeah?” You make a muffled mmhmm sound and are out like a light almost immediately. Miles smiles to himself, wondering how he got this lucky.
You can imagine his disappointment when he wakes up the next day and you’re not snug against his chest, but he feels better the minute he sees a little note on his chest that explains you’ll be home, you just had to go do something for him. He gets up and decided he can do his Spider-Man duties until you text him and let him know he needs to come home. It may be his birthday, but the city still needs it’s defender. So that’s exactly what he does. He cannot explain how grateful he is that none of the big bads were trying to start anything today, because if he didn’t get to see you and eat a slice of cake, he was going to scream. The day went slower than he wanted but also sped by when eventually he got a text from you saying to come home. He immediately obliges, swinging in through the window and putting on some of his nicest clothes. He walks out of your room and sees you chilling on the couch. “Miss me?” he asks, walking over and bending down to kiss your lips. You giggle. “Obviously. Hey, before we go up to the roof where there totally isn’t a party waiting for you, I wanna show you something, okay?”
“Okay,” he grins, and you grin back. “Cover your eyes.” He does as instructed, and hears you shift slightly. “Okay… open them.” He opens his eyes, and immediately sees his “tattoo” on your arm. Only it was covered in a clear wrap. And it’s real. His eyes get big, and he looks at your face. You give a small smile. “You always encouraged me to get a real tattoo, so… happy birthday.”
“Yo! It looks so good, hold up,” he gently grabs your arm and softly traces it through the saniderm. “When did you get this?”
“You weren’t actually with Ganke, were you?”
“No, I was with Hobie,” you say, and he shakes his head. “I got a little liar on my hands, huh?”
“It wasn’t lying it was covering my ass because you ask too many damn questions,” you say, and he laughs. “I love it, (Y/n/n).” You smile and the two of you share a kiss. “We should probably get up there. Some people are waiting. Oh, and pretend like you haven’t seen it yet. Hobie wants to see your reaction.” Miles laughs. “Alright. Well, I hope he knows I’m not gonna stop drawing on you. And that he fully traced my art,” Miles says, and you shake your head. “I’m sure he knows, Miles. You really like it?”
“Like it? Baby, I told you I love it. I love you; I love this tattoo; I love that this is a birthday present from you… everything about this? I love it. I don’t even need to go up there to make the day better because all I need is you,” he says, and you smile. “Hobie was right. You’re so corny.”
“Nah, hold on, he said that? Forget everything I just said it’ll be a perfect day when I punch him.” You laugh as the two of you make your way up to the party. But the whole time, Miles keeps finding his eyes drifting to your tattoo. Something about having his art on you permanently makes his heart swell with pride and happiness. And he and Hobie were both right.
It’s not the only “tattoo” that will become real.
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rendezvouz-fling · 1 year
Astro observations #5
Moon signs edition!🍂
• Aries moons, are not even the type to hold grudges or be mad for that long. My bestie has this placement and—we rarely get mad at each other but when we used to she’d literally get so sarcastic (she’s a libra rising) after trying to call me out on my BS. But then would literally text me half an hour later and act like it never happened lol.
• Fire moons are the type to explode in the moment but put it behind them and just continue about like it never happened.
• Air moons are the types to ghost their friends lmao.
• Aquarius moons tend to avoid their partner if they start feeling suffocated in a relationship or if they start losing feelings they’ll just start detaching.
• Libra moons are so indecisive!! They’ll literally reason their pro and cons about something but never really make up their minds.
• Gemini moons give me more Gemini rising vibes than Gemini risings do! Lol 😭.
• Also what is it with some Gemini moons’ moms not giving them attention? To the point of not even checking on them to see how they’re doing or to ask how their mental health’s going…
• Sagittarius moons and never admitting they’re wrong>>>
• Fire moons have some of the biggest hearts!!
• Aquarius/Capricorn moons DO have feelings and they DO feel them. They’re just forced to internalize them most of the times in their home environment so that’s why they come across as “cold”.
• Moons at Capricorn degree (10/22) tend to have to raise themselves in a way.
• I love how bold and raw Aries moons are! Definitely ride or die type friends.
• Virgo moons tend to be heavily attached to their mothers even if their mothers aren’t the most emotional.
• Cancer moons are hella sweet and nurturing! My heart goes out to these people.<3
• Taurus moons cook so well?🤠
• Leo moons can have emotionally immature mothers or mothers that don’t know how to be moms. My heart goes out to these people too! I know that apart from that ego there’s a big genuine heart that’s tired of being hurt. 🤎
• Scorpio moons may be well reserved but once you get close with them they are the sweetest, most kindest people with big hearts. 💞
• Once a Sagittarius moon or Aries moon is vulnerable around you, that’s when you know you’ve won them over.
• Might I add with Sag moons it could be more spontaneous, like, you won’t see it coming.
• Pisces moons are literally the sweetest people ever! But the men—if underdeveloped can the most manipulative people ever.
• I see so many Cancer moons act like superficial Aries moons lol. Very fiesty too and funny May I add!
• Virgo moons could literally be having a mental breakdown but won’t tell you even if you ask them. You’ll probably notice it if they’re biting their nails.
• Earth moons are the type who will know important stuff and you won’t even know they know unless you ask them lol.
• Aquarius moons are the ones you go to for advice. ☝🏽
• Aries moons be having the craziest yet funnest ideas ever loll. “When we see that girl we’re gonna go up to her and confront her, oh and I’ll make sure to bring my baseball bat with the spikes.” Said by my Aries moon bestie💀
• Leo moons literally be holding back on their crazy ideas when they like someone! Even in a relationship. Unless you prove to them that you’re down with whatever then you’ll never really hear them suggest some out of pocket ideas.
• Remember that cousin/sibling with the crazy ideas? Yeah they were probably an Aquarius moon lmao.😂
• Gemini/Sag moon culture is giving somebody advice or encouraging them to take impulsive risks but then saying “That’s just what my opinion though/But that’s just me.” 🌚
• If Saturnian moons are venting then Capricorn moons would be the first to cry, hands down.
• I’ve noticed singers with really big status or influence tend to have mostly Water moons and musicians mostly Air moons. E.g. Michael Jackson & Prince were Pisces moons, Beyoncé is a Scorpio moon, Eddie Van Halen & Randy Rhodes were Aquarius moons, etc…
• Fire moons are also the type to start talking to you first after an argument. Sag moons will try to get close to you again by bringing a topic you both enjoy. Aries moons will bring something random up and continue like y’all didn’t just argue moments ago. Leo moons will tell you not to talk to them then they’ll start talking to you a minute later and if you bring it up they’ll get angry again lol. But they’re not the type to stay mad that long. <3
• Virgo moons will either stay mad at you then if you try to talk to them they’ll hit you with what they think you did/said wrong. Then after 5 minutes they’ll be alright again. Or they’re the type to try to offer you something after they’ve made you mad to smooth things out lol.
• Sag moons 🤝 being unapologetically unfiltered
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kumquats-are-gay · 7 months
Johnny Cage x Reader (NSFW)
Hey, fuckers, I finally made some of the Johnny Cage x Reader content I promised. Just spent the past five hours writing this instead of doing my homework, lol. I imagined MK1 Johnny Cage for this, so it reflects his specific personality the most, but you could probably imagine a different Johnny Cage. I plan on writing for daddy/DILF MK11 Johnny Cage at some point, too.
Anyways, if you know me irl, then dear god please do not read this, and do not mention this.
...unless like, you enjoyed it and want to talk about it in a good way, ya know? Otherwise just ignore it. You can judge me silently, just please not to my face. K, thanks. Lmao.
A/N: If people enjoy this enough, then I'll take some time to make a gn!reader version of this later! Beta read by me (extremely unreliable) and pasted directly from Google Docs, so pardon any weird formatting.
Words: 2,688
Tags: female!reader, afab anatomy, smut, kind of rough smut, safe sane and consensual, fluff, full Nelson position, creampie, implied breeding kink (it's there for 0.2 seconds), sexual photography (only at the beginning portion), light overstimulation, Johnny is absolutely smitten with you, feelings, Johnny is also a total goofball, Johnny is a horndog
Please lmk if there are any tags you think I'm missing and/or should add! <3
Edit: Here's the AO3 link!
✨You're Something Else✨
He flipped over to the inner camera and curtailed his pace as he angled his phone this way and that, getting the perfect framing. Of course, he had also taken care to angle his dick just right and surprised you with one harsh thrust against your bundle of nerves. The noise you made was borderline pornographic. And, as you’d find out, so was your expression. You heard the sound of a synthetic camera shutter, and the knowledge of what that meant sent a different shudder throughout your body. 
“Take a look, babe,” he breathed into your ear before bringing the screen close enough for you to get a good look. “God, we’re so hot.” You struggled to keep your head up so you could look; it repeatedly threatened to loll over as Johnny slowly swiveled his hips this way and that. He seemed to pick up on your troubles, but mercy wasn’t part of his arsenal today. “C’mon, focus, hon’,” he huffed, a tad petulant, and grabbed your chin with his free hand to at least keep you facing forward. His movements didn’t relent, however. Johnny’s chin was hooked over your shoulder so he could look at the picture some more, too. “Here, why don’t you hold it?”
You grabbed the phone and were able to gather a modicum of your wits and senses, just enough to cut through the blurry glaze over your eyes. There you were, held tightly within Johnny’s thick arms. One of his hands was squeezing your breast. A sliver of your skin could be seen gripped between a glimpse of his teeth. The flash caught the glistening sweat that covered your bodies. Oh, and your face bared one of the most fucked-out expressions you think you’ve ever seen on someone. All in all, it was an incredible picture. He had a knack for the camera, you’d give him that. Johnny couldn’t seem to agree more, too. You heard his appreciative groan as he studied the picture yet again, his cock twitching within you.
“Fuck, gonna get that one framed,” Johnny said through nearly-gritted teeth. You wondered in bewilderment just where he would put it.
He dropped the phone onto the mattress, ignoring it in favor of using both of his now-free hands to grab your waist and roll the both of you over. He pushed himself up and back against the headboard with your back still pressed against his firm chest and gripped the underneath of your plush thighs in the process. His sweaty palms slid up to the undersides of your knees, which were soon replaced as he hooked his elbows underneath them instead. In a display of strength, he effortlessly pulled your legs apart and backwards, keeping them held there. You hissed just a little at the pain; your hamstrings weren’t ready for a sudden stretch like that. But you bore through it, for you knew the outcome would most certainly be worth it.
He strained your legs just a bit more, pulling them further back in order to get your arms in his grasp, too. His wrists were pressed against the front of your shoulders, and he topped it off by threading his fingers together behind your head, clasping his hands against the base of your skull. You could feel his warm palms bearing down on the back of your neck. You obeyed and yielded to the applied pressure by allowing your head to be pushed and angled downward.
And, just like that, you were practically immobile. He had you in a body-lock impaled on his dick. In other words, you were utterly at his mercy. God, his cock was already pressing against places you didn’t think were possible to reach—you could only imagine what it would feel like once he got go- “AH!”
“Sorry about that,” Johnny laughed, sounding completely unapologetic about the sudden, sharp thrust, “looked like you were thinkin’ real hard about something.” If you had more control over your mental faculties at the moment, perhaps you would have rolled your eyes in something other than pleasure. “Probably thinking ‘bout my cock, huh?” he tacked on, as if he needed to elaborate upon the obvious implication of his previous statement. You felt a hot wave of embarrassment wash over you nonetheless. You tried to cover your face, but gave a plaintive cry when you remembered that your range of motion was extremely inhibited right now. Johnny chuckled behind you; your attempt at hiding yourself hadn’t gone unnoticed.
“Johnny,” you whined, knowing fully well what saying his name like that did to him. Right on cue, you felt his dick twitch violently against your walls, but the man held fast. The realization that you wouldn’t be let off the hook so easily caused a delicious little knot of anxiousness to form in your belly.
“Nice try, sweetheart, but I wanna hear you say it,” he huffed against your hair. In a retaliation that doubled as a last-ditch effort to break his resolve, you clenched around him. This prompted a soft grunt to fall from his lips, but nothing more happened. He remained almost statue-still.
Feeling resigned and a little humiliated, you managed to whimper, “I-I was… thinking about your- your… cock…”
Johnny hummed in approval and rewarded you with a few thrusts, albeit rather shallow ones. You nearly wailed when he stopped again just to whisper into your ear, “Good, that’s good, babe, but I want the specifics; give me the dirty details.” The hands laced behind your neck kept you from throwing your head back in frustration.
“Johnny!” you cried out with more intensity than the last time. Johnny shuddered lightly, then blew out a focusing breath. He unlocked his fingers so that he could soothingly stroke your hair.
“C’mon, babe, you know I’m not gonna judge you for what you say, and it’s not like you’re sharing your thoughts with me unsolicited; I’m literally asking to hear them,” he cooed as he continued to mollify your flustered, frayed person. “And let’s be honest: you could say pretty much anything and it would turn me on.” You laughed in the form of a sharp exhale while a tear threatened to spill down your cheek. You couldn’t believe this man- he could be totally serious one moment, then have the humor of a teenage boy the next. It nearly gave you whiplash. Through it all, though, you heard the pleading sincerity underneath. No matter what, he was always so earnest with you—heartfelt to a fault. You loved him for that, and for many other reasons that would take too long to list. He wanted you to trust him, and you did. Wholly.
You sighed, though not in exasperation, and relaxed in his grip; you would have fallen forward if it hadn’t been for strong arms holding you up. The only thing that fell back was your head which now rested on his shoulder. Always an opportunist, Johnny took this moment to suckle at your exposed neck as you gathered your words (though his consistent mouthing made that a bit difficult). “I was, um… thinking about your- your dick, and how it would… feel in this position, f-fucking me.”
Johnny outright groaned this time, no longer feeling the need to hold himself back as you finally began to confess. “Yeah?” he prompted.
“Y-yeah…” you swallowed the lump in your throat before continuing, “‘cause it feels deep- deeper than usual.” At long last, you felt him start to move, causing immediate relief to flood your system. But you weren’t done; he had been so sweet when asking you, after all. Plus, the noises he began to make served as fuel for that fire within you, scorching and tantalizing all at once. “A-and just- ngh- how far you… hah, could- could come inside me.”
“Holy shit, yes,” Johnny gasped with excitement. His pace grew even more rapid after hearing your admission. “Gonna fill you to the goddamn brim-” he was almost panting now, “-and fuck my come so deep inside of you that- ah, fuck- that, soon enough, everyone will know who you belong to.” Another deluge of molten lava surged through you, responding to the implication held in his filthy words. Yet, you were helpless in this position to do anything about it. All you really could do was allow yourself to be used as Johnny’s personal fleshlight, but you didn’t mind. He bullied himself into you relentlessly, sparing you not a single moment of his love and lust for you, and the squelching sounds that echoed throughout the room were downright obscene. “Goddamn, you’re so fucking wet,” Johnny breathed. Your thighs were sore and you knew your voice would be scratchy tomorrow with how he was making you scream to the high fuckin’ Heavens and back. Your muscles begin to repeatedly tense and relax, a sign alongside your high-pitched keening that you were quickly approaching your orgasm.
“Oh, fuck,” he hissed at the intense stimulation you were providing. His grip turned vice as any inhibitions of his that were left (read: very few) were thrown out the door along with the metaphorical key. “Fuck…fuck!” He kept your thighs and arms squeezed between his biceps and forearms, leaving you unable to do anything but take it. It seemed like Johnny wasn’t very far behind you, but you needed just a little bit more to reach your release. So, naturally, you began to beg.
“Plea- GUH- nn…ple- h-ease…! Touch- hah…need-!” you sputtered, barely able to form a single coherent word with just how ruthlessly he was jackhammering into you. Knowing you and your body well by now, Johnny was able to interpret your nearly incomprehensible request. 
“Be good for me, baby,” he groaned. Johnny then released one of your arms and legs as he slid the respective hand down your torso—lightly pinching your tit on its way down—and over your sex. “Be a good girl and come for me,” he demanded before he pressed his finger against your clit and began to apply pressure in movements of tight little circles. It barely took five more seconds for you to come. You practically convulsed on his lap, your body jerking this way and that as pure ecstasy overtook every fiber of your being. Being the gentleman that he is, Johnny fucked you through it all, riding the wave of your frenzy alongside you. 
Oversensitivity began to inevitably settle in, though, and Johnny was still tearing through you like a bull in a china shop. Though the mingled pain and pleasure felt amazing, you weren’t sure how much of it you could take. Just as you were about to voice this, Johnny fiercely shouted your name before you felt the unmistakable warmth of his semen saturating your insides. He held you tightly against him as he continued shooting ropes of cum into your throbbing, awaiting pussy, all of which you readily accepted as you milked his cock with unrivaled greed. The peak of his pleasure seemed to go on for a while before he eventually began to simmer down. His whole body relaxed and he repositioned his arms around your waist while he eased his grip. 
It took some time for the both of you to regain your breath. Johnny’s fanned over your neck as your own grazed his collarbone. After some time you felt both of your hearts begin to settle, beating in and out of synchronicity. Johnny pressed a kiss against your temple, eliciting a contented sigh from you.
“God, you’re so hot,” Johnny proclaimed.
“I thought we were both hot?” you asked, parroting his statement from earlier.
“Well yeah, we are; I wasn’t People’s Sexiest Man Alive last year for nothing.” You actually did roll your eyes in amusement this time—would he ever stop bringing that up? “But, you? God, you’re…” he trailed off, momentarily at a loss for words (an extraordinarily scarce occurrence). Your heart skipped a beat as he struggled for what to say. “You’re just something else, you know? I don’t know how else to describe it—you’re just…amazing. Smart, funny, supportive, sexy-” he lowered his voice as he spoke the last word and drummed his fingers against your sides. You didn’t have to turn around to know he was wiggling his eyebrows like a fool. You lightly backhanded his shoulder for his antics, but he only laughed and grabbed your hand before you could pull it back and laced his fingers with yours. “Okay, no, seriously though, you always have my back no matter what I do or say, even when you know I’m wrong, as rare as that is-” This time, you used your other hand to softly smack at his chest. He laughed again, and you couldn’t help but giggle with him, especially when he did as you had expected and grabbed your other hand and also intertwined it with his own. After your snorts and snickering died down, he decided to kiss the tip of your nose.
“‘Something else’, huh?” you mirthfully repeated with a gleam in your eye. Johnny looked at you like a lovesick fool with those big, brown puppy-dog eyes.
“Something else,” he firmly restated as he held your gaze. You couldn’t help the shy, soft smile that adorned your features.
“At the risk of overinflating your ego, I have to say that I also find you to be ‘something else’,” you expressed, and then decided to elaborate,” “underneath all of that muscle, bravado, and good looks, you’re a big softy who has a heart of gold and lots of love to give, and I wouldn’t rather spend my time with anyone else.”
Johnny’s expression had morphed into a mixture of disbelief and awe by this point. He didn’t say a word—just continued looking at you like you might have hung the moon and the stars. It was a little overwhelming, though certainly not unwelcome. And then the goofiest grin you’ve ever seen on him suddenly stretched across his face, reaching from ear to ear. The look was completed with a single quirked eyebrow.
“You think I’m good looking, huh?”
“Oh, my God,” you groaned exasperatedly, but you couldn’t help the hint of amusement that seeped into your voice. “That’s it, I’m sleeping in the other room.” Though joking, you let go of his hands and made to get up, but Johnny’s reaction was instantaneous; he pulled you back against him, and only then did you realize that his penis was still inside of you as you felt it shift during the sudden movement. 
“Nooo, stay here,” he whined petulantly. He reaffirmed his grasp around your waist and kept you in his lap, snugly wrapped around his cock. Your stomach fluttered a little bit at the feeling of still being full while his seed dripped down along your perineum. 
You made an exaggerated sound of irritation, clearly putting on an act, and dramatically exclaimed, ���Ugh, fine, I guess I can stay for a bit longer.”
“Knew you couldn’t resist my charm,” Johnny hummed into your hair, muffling his voice a bit. You just shook your head and smiled.
“You never miss an opportunity, do you?”
You chuckled again before settling in against him, squirming around a bit to try and get comfortable. “You gonna pull out anytime soon, oorrr…?” you inquired.
For a brief moment, he acted like he was actually going to think about it, then quickly replied, “Nah, don’t think I will.” Though you weren’t opposed to the idea, this was certainly a new behavior from Johnny. You furrowed your brow.
“And why’s that?” 
“Hmm, I said I was going to fuck my cum into you,” he recalled like he was telling you about yesterday’s weather. And just like that, the dying ember that resided in your abdomen flared back to life. You could hear him lick his lips, which was followed by a nibble at your earlobe. He purred against it, “or have you already forgotten?” You could feel him beginning to harden again inside of your abused cunt.
Oh, this was going to be a long night.
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dollfaceksj · 9 months
GIRL THE WAY ID BE THROWING UP IF I GOT THAT MESSAGE 😭😭 LIKE WDYM "COME OUT"?? no hello how are you jus straight to the point
well let’s see what tae has to say!
i’ve been brainstorming this lore since like the 2nd or 3rd drabble. it’s rlly sad guys. i just love angst too much. you have been WARNED. i took out some of it bc to me it was a little too much lmao. a little too dark. the too dark stuff might come back later. its just details. so yeah. i took out a bit of the sadness but its still sad. uve been warned.
going to sleep right after this so scream at me all u want. 😘
taste of a poison paradise | jjk (m) #18
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‘Come out’
worry is already bubbling up the back of your throat
you turn to jungkook. “what the fuck do i do?”
“calm down,” he whispers, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder. “pretend you’re asleep.”
you shake your head. “that’s gonna make it more obvious. what if he comes all the way here and continues to try and wake us up and then he’ll see the state of this damn tent when we open up?” you say while sliding on your shoes
jungkook clicks his tongue as he contemplates. “alright, whatever you do, just don’t admit, alright? we’re not exactly in an area where we have hospitals and stuff.”
you nod to what he’s saying but his last words snap you out of it
your heart is already starting to beat quicker than it should
“hospital??? why a hospital??? you think he’s gonna get violent?”
he shakes his head. “i’m not explicitly saying that, i’m just saying someone could get hurt whether that’s through a fight or by accident. like he could get angry and trip or hit something with his fist. we don’t exactly have anything here to take care of him.”
you blink at him for a few moments as you start tugging your pants back up and try to fix your hair
he’s so?? calm about that
he knows tae would be angry and try to fight him but he’s calm to keep you calm
he adds, “just calm down, okay? i’ll be near if you need me.”
you shake your head. “no, you need to stay far away from me when i’m talking to taehyung.” you start to unzip the tent and glance back at him
just in time to watch him yank his condom off
ugh gross
you groan, “what are you going to do with that thing!!!”
“i don’t know!!! what am i supposed to do????”
at least he’s funny 😭😭
“y/n,” he calls out to you before you exit the tent
you turn to look at him over your shoulder
“just breathe.”
the words are so insignificant
but in this moment
they mean so much
you nod your head. you slowly crawl out and look around, the only thing that has some light is the campfire but if you squint
you see tae’s silhouette by the campfire
you take a deep breath
you can do this
you can do this.
you slowly walk up to him, watching as his figure becomes bigger and bigger until he looks up at you
“hey,” you quietly say
your hands are sweating like fucking crazy
“hey.” he rises to his feet. “come,” he says as he starts walking away from the campfire
away from civilians…..
where is he taking you??
why are you so nervous
just calm down
don’t get it wrong though
you’re not scared of tae, never will be
on the contrary actually he’s your home
but the tension is weird.
you quietly follow him
“where are we going?” you quietly ask
the crunching of the branches underneath your feet and the sounds of beetles making noise fill up your ears
he replies, “somewhere private, obviously.”
what the hell
what the HELL?
what’s up with him
everyone’s asleep? why would u need privacy
now you’re starting to get scared
not of him but of what he has to say
your heart is beating out of control
just breathe. breathe. jungkook said to breathe.
tae stops near the open road, leaning against a tree
you look at him confused
you start, “sooo… what did you want to talk about?”
he crosses his arms.
as if you’re supposed to know
you frown
what is going on?
have you and jungkook been too obvious after all?
you manage to collect yourself and ask, “what?”
he pinches his brows together. “jungkook.”
freefalls to your feet
oh shit
oh no
oh no
“what about him?” you try to sound casual
he tilts his head to the side. “did you forget? i was going to tell you about him.”
oh shit
oh he’s talking about
jungkook being sensitive???? going through a lot??
Holy shit
thought it was about to be your last day on earth
“oh. oh!” you snap out of your thoughts. “yeah, right. right. what’s going on?”
taehyung takes a deep breath as he starts talking about jungkook
“listen. jungkook has a lot of issues and emotional baggage that you need to take into consideration when you say certain stuff to him.”
this sounds..
pretty dark?
“what do you mean?”
he sighs and rubs his eyes. “i mean that you’re a bit harsh on him sometimes. jungkook grew up in a messy household. shitty dad. busy mom.”
oh right
his mother is a sensitive topic
you say, “okay, that’s sad but a lot of people grow up in broken homes.”
he nods. “you’re right but a lot of people react differently to trauma.”
ohhh kay
we getting into trauma territory ???
“and how does he react?”
“after witnessing his parents arguing and in physical altercations, jungkook decided that romance was nothing for him because he associates marriage and love with what he saw growing up.”
you blink at him.
that’s actually kinda sad
you wonder how young jk was during these things :(
poor guy
“so, how’s his relationship with his parents now? does he still talk to his mom?”
he shakes his head. “his mother passed away. dad didn’t even show up to the funeral. made 15 year old jungkook go through it all on his own.”
(backstory for that is even sadder so i took it out.. might come later)
if you’ve ever felt like your heart imploded within your ribs
it was in this exact moment
the birthflower tattoo :(
you glance at the ground. “what about his dad?”
“his piece of shit dad only throws money at him. he’s rich so he thinks pumping jungkook’s bank account full of money is a good way of raising him.”
that’s why
“oh. that’s why he always seems to have money but is never working a job…” you think out loud
taehyung nods his head at your epiphany
you continue, “and always wearing seemingly expensive clothes. his sneakers, the calvin klein boxers… hm.” you nod your head
he nods again but slowly stops. “what?”
“what?” you echo
“how do you know what kind of boxers he wears?”
oh no
you blink quickly. “what?”
he stares you down head-on. “you just said he wears calvin klein. how do you know that? what situation would you need to be in in order to know that?”
oh god
just calm down
jungkook said to stay calm and breathe
don’t admit
“tae, i share a tent with him. you think he shyly hides his shit away from me when he takes clothes out of his bag? he doesn’t really care.”
you really just talked shit and it worked
cause tae’s frown subsides
“oh okay.” he rubs his chin. “well, now you know why jungkook is looking for affection anywhere he can get it because he doesn’t really care for romance.”
“oh,” you manage to say, a bit choked up. because that’s. really sad.
“he was once head over heels for a girl. it’s like she made him forget about everything.”
made him forget about everything
“he swears she cheated on him but she’s adamant on the fact that they were never really together. it also added onto why jungkook doesn’t get romantically involved with people. he genuinely thinks it’s nothing for him.”
so jungkook is convinced that love just isn’t for him
but then he goes out and disguises his need for love and affection as sex and quick fucks
you do actually feel guilty about calling him a fuckboy now
he’s still a fuckboy
but :( u should stop saying it to his face :(
and now knowing about his mom :(
you wonder what happened…
like you really don’t need to know that
knowing she’s dead is enough
but knowing how she died makes it easier for you to talk about certain topics around jungkook
that’s too dark for now
thinking about young jungkook
associating something as beautiful as love
with something as horrible as a broken home
what’s that?
you’re melting
your hard shell is cracking
you just
want to hold him now :(
give him the affection he so desperately desires :(
but should you feed into it?
clearly it’s not healthy for him
you know if you’ll keep sneaking around with jungkook
he might get attached
and you don’t like jungkook like that
so you’d have to break his heart
this is so messy
you need to call it quits with jungkook while you still can
“so just,” he sighs quietly, “i know he’s a bit of a player but he just craves affection. and seeing you two constantly bickering and being mean to each other, i just want y’all to get along. maybe even form the same type of bond you and i have. he should get affection in other ways, not just through sex, you know? you could be like,” he says as he thinks for a moment, “his big sister.”
oh for fucks sake.
this just
you’d rather tae find out about you and jungkook than assume y’all have a sibling-like bond 😭😭😭
like yeah
you and tae are very sibling like
because of tae’s responsibility to you
but if he starts thinking you and jungkook are just *gag* SIBLINGS *gag*
oh this is sickening
you slowly nod your head to what he’s saying but you wish you never heard any of it
you mumble, “let’s go back, we have to get up early.”
“okay. anything else you wanna tell me now that we have all the privacy in the world?” he says in a joking tone
you shake your head. “no, not really.”
he pauses. “really?”
“what?” you say
he frowns at you. “i give you the opportunity to come clean right now and you don’t?”
holy shit
what the fuck
oh shit
does he know??? he knows??????
oh no
does he actually think something is going on between you and jungkook?
fuck FUCK
he crosses his arms as he sternly stares you down.
don’t admit
you finally say, “what are you talking about?”
“i’m talking about you and yoongi.”
oh right
oh yoongi…
yeah…. yoongi
you quietly sigh. “i was planning on telling you, i really was. but i don’t know, stuff just kept getting in the way.”
he nods in understanding and pulls you in for a big hug. “it’s okay. i know you’re in good hands.”
you huff. “it’s nothing serious, tae.”
he looks down at you in his arms. “i don’t like that.”
“taehyung, i’m a grown woman,” you say as you roll your eyes
“i know but i don’t wanna be the bearer of bad news back home, okay? just be careful.”
more tae & reader lore coming soon
what is he even saying…
bad news
a broken heart?
a pregnant belly?
a bad academic year?
none of those things are going to happen. trust
you roll your eyes. “nothing bad is going to happen.”
“anything could happen, y/n.” he presses a kiss to the top of your head before releasing you. “now, let’s go back.”
he leads you back to the camping site and walks you to your tent. “goodnight.” he rubs your shoulder before heading back to his tent
and now
you have
to face
you take a deep breath as you crawl back into the tent, jungkook’s back is turned to you
is he asleep?
you’re not sure
you slowly crawl back to your space after zipping the tent back up
“what did he want to talk about?”
jungkook’s voice makes you flinch
he’s awake
“oh,” you blink at his back. “yoongi. he wanted to talk about yoongi.”
lie after lie after lie after lie after lie
he turns onto his back and glances at you, neither of you can see much anyway
“do you want to continue?”
you shake your head. “no, not really. it kind of,” you say as you recall everything taehyung just told you. “ruined my mood.”
“okay.” he slowly crawls over your body and out the tent
“what are you doin–”
“getting rid of the evidence, duh.”
the damn condom😭😭😭😭
he’s so fucking annoying
you kinda want to hold him now. :(
would he be weirded out
if you
cuddled him?
he probably never cuddles any of his little hookups
aren’t you different?
by the time jungkook has returned
you’ve crawled back into his sleeping bag
he doesn’t say anything about it as he crawls in with you
he turns his back to you and seemingly tries to go to sleep
you slowly scoot closer
and closer
and closer
until you’re pressed up against him.
“you’re really close, y/n.”
“i know, i’m sorry. i just,” you whisper, “don’t feel so good.”
he doesn’t say anything about it
just like he doesn’t say anything when you wrap your arm around his waist
and press your face into the back of his neck
and place your hand on his chest
the soft thumping of his heart against your hand
you just want him to feel loved :(
“you’re so warm,” you whisper as you close your eyes
for someone who tries to act cold… he’s really warm
so warm
“i could just,” you continue, “lie next to you for the rest of my life.”
now that you think about it
there’s wordplay
cause this could mean two different things
literally lying next to each other, in a bed or whatever
but lying next to him, lying about sneaking around, lying about wanting each other
cause it seems like you’ll be lying about it for the rest of your life at this rate
he doesn’t say anything yet again
and it allows you to shut the fuck up
and try to fall asleep
and you do
you’re dozing off
cause you don’t remember him saying these next few words
“i could too.”
to be continued
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dailydegurechaff · 5 months
I wanted to know how do you interpret Tanya's gender. After reading chapter 58 of the manga i got the impression that she is definitely trans coded, but maybe thats just me
Very good question.
To be honest, when I think too hard about Tanya’s gender (and sexuality, for that matter) it gives me brain worms. Fun brain worms, but brain worms nonetheless. I can’t explain it. Everything she’s got going on is complicated as shit there’s way too much to think about.
Like, she was a man, but now she's a girl. But at some points she says she still sees herself as a man internally so is this MtFtM? How does that work. And if she accepts she's a woman now, is that just MtF or do we add more letters. More importantly: Was Being X being Transphobic or being the Greatest Trans Ally of All Time with the free divinely issued sex change.
Ok ok, jokes aside. Confession: I actually do not keep up with the manga, so I had to go find the chapter and read it first. Having read it now though, I see what you mean.
The conversation she has with the Salaryman/herself in that chapter really does read as essentially saying “I’ve accepted who I am now.” It’s a far cry from a much earlier part of the manga I remember where she has a breakdown about being a man/people seeing her as a girl.
A friend of mine was actually showing me stuff from more recent chapters of the manga (don’t know which chapter tragically, but I know it’s not currently translated to English) and from what I gathered of it, Being X was showing Tanya a dream of being back in her past life and in response she basically demanded to go back to being Tanya immediately. It is definitely not just you, I 100% see the trans-coding you’re talking about.
As for my personal interpretation of her gender, I touched very briefly on it once before, but I honestly think she wouldn’t want to label herself as anything. At first, this is out of hesitance and not wanting to acknowledge that anything might be ““wrong”” or ““different”” about her. Later on it turns into character growth, more along the lines of, “I don’t need the label to define me, I just am what I am/like what I like. I don’t care about it any more than that.” Yes this is 100% projection on my part. No, I won’t apologize for it lmao.
Of course, that's entirely my own headcanon. I definitely am not saying it’s the only way to interpret her, it’s just my personal thoughts. Especially since my opinion is subject to change on a dime depending on what I’m reading/working on myself. The Tanya gender is, in fact, transient, shifting like water.
Like. A transfem Tanya fic that focuses on her adapting to life in her new world and coming to discover she doesn’t actually hate her new body? I’d totally read that. I’ve seen a few fics that include that as a part of the narrative and those scenes of acceptance were among my favorite parts.
I get the feeling this is the route that the manga is going as well. It’s a bit of a shame that we don't have those aforementioned scenes in the light novel (or at least, I don't remember them), but I don’t think that Carlo Zen really intended that to be the focus/narrative in the first place. And honestly, I also think that’s a good thing because it allows for so much more room for interpretation and headcanon around Tanya’s character.
Anyway, the other direction is also compelling to me. A transmasc Tanya fic where, after feeling uncomfortable and hating how feminine he looks for years and years, he finally goes ‘Fuck this, I’m gonna go back to being a man’? I would read the fuck out of that too.
Could also be paired with him finally choosing to defect, where they think about it like, ‘Well there’s nothing to hold me back now, right? I don’t have to maintain appearances anymore. Also, since I’m defecting this would be a great way to hide myself. They’d all be looking for the wrong person. Two birds with one stone, how efficient.’ …Now we’re getting to fic ideas I won’t ever get to so it’s time to move on I think.
Semi-related to the Trans Tanya Concept, this actually brings me to a bit of a lore/headcanon/idea/question I want to present to the public for opinions. In Norden, during the inciting battle of the war, Tanya uses magic to “dope up” so she could enhance her strength and reaction time and kill pain. I took this to mean she used a formula to synthesize the narcotics/adrenaline hormone/whatever else directly into herself, right?
Can you see where I’m going with this? As long as you know which hormones to make, how they’re made up, and what quantities you need… Well, don’t you think magic HRT is completely possible? Of course, as I'm not sure it makes sense for Salaryman to have known the detailed specifics about it from the modern world, it would require a lot of in-universe research/science advancement for someone to actually do that, but theoretically...
The magic system in this universe has so much potential to be explored, I’m fascinated by what you can theoretically do with it. Although, this is long and off-topic already I think this should be the end, lol.
I think I talked too much? I’m sorry, you were probably not expecting such an answer. I told you, Tanya gives me brain worms (mental illness).
I guess the TL;DR is this: that kid definitely ain’t cishet.
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booksandpaperss · 1 year
so this post by @theonebyler talking about this (alleged) rack-focus shot—
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—really got me thinking about the ending of volume 2 actually giving us the Mike POV we’ve (mostly) been missing all of season 4. This started as a quick reblog of Em’s og post but it turned into its own post and I didn’t wanna hijack the original, so here you go byler tag!
What’s interesting about the last 30 minutes of volume 2 is that we really do finally start to see Mike’s POV more clearly with camera angles.
For example:
At the start of volume 2, we get the van scene, and while we do have some head on shots of Mike that are very incriminating, we also get shots like… this
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The focus is on Will, and Mike is BLURRED in the background. We are literally being censored away from how he’s feeling here, probably bc that expression would’ve immediately confirmed that Mike actually did understand what Will was saying. But we as the audience don’t get that confirmation here, we’re kept from really seeing Mike.
But then, at the end of volume 2, we get shots of Mike looking at Will like THIS
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just LOOK at that. That is a head on shot of Mike just staring at Will. He seems worried, but he also seems mesmerized. And while Will can’t see Mike looking at him like this, this time, unlike the van scene, we as the audience can. We’re finally being given a real look into how Mike is feeling, and I guarantee you that if we had gotten more uninhibited head on shots of Mike like this in volume 1, those quick glances that we eventually caught him doing after looking closely would’ve been a lot more obvious. There’s also something to be said about the fact that Mike seems to be letting himself look a little longer in volume 2… but that’s another conversation.
And to add to Em’s earlier point in her post, this cabin scene shot isn’t the first time we’ve seen a shot like that… it’s just been reversed:
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Look at how similar these are. Even the circumstances are similar in the fact that one of them is clearly stressed and their side profiled at the edge of the frame, while the other is staring at them in worry and also… something else 👀
As Em was starting to point out, all the camera angles that were used in volume 1 to portray the depths of Will’s feelings for Mike were being used towards the end of volume 2 for MIKE while looking at Will. And If those shots were romantic for Will, that absolutely means they were romantic for Mike too. I would even argue that atp saying these shots are showing Mike’s romantic feelings for Will is implied canon, but that would probably start riots lmao
This also all lines up perfectly with the formula for byler that the show has been using so far: show Will’s crush in season 3, then show how deep those feelings actually go in season 4 while simultaneously showing Mike’s crush in the same season, which of course strongly suggests that we will be getting Mike POV in s5 in the same way we got Will POV in s4, showing the depths of Mike’s feelings for Will, and so the end of volume 2 was essentially transitioning into what’s gonna be full Mike POV.
It also matches up with my theory/analysis that Mike’s queer realization arc is exactly one season behind Will’s. I might have to revisit these Mike POV shots in more depth and detail actually for that bc like… wow.
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amuhav · 2 years
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[ Anything  But  Grey ]
woooo we love lazy previews lmao but sorry this is all you get
Anyway, this post may look like garbage not a lot, but this is a BIG download, I swear. A big ol’ dump of a post, in fact. This download is 37 skins (yes, THIRTY FREAKING SEVEN), all recoloured with the ramps shown above. 32 Ephemera skins, 2 S-club skins, Fresh Blue blend by Brntwaffles, and 2 ~special personal blends~ of mine I was too lazy to take out of the download file lol.
Downloads, if you don’t care for details:
Just gimme ALL the skins (zipped)
Just those two special blends, plz! (zipped)
Link to all packages separated
So, what’s so special about them, anyway? What are you actually downloading? What is even the point of this? Well:
I edited them all to work with “normal” coloured ramps, aka not their horrible original ones. If you’ve used E-Skins or S-club skins before, you probably know what I mean. Colours all over the place, can never get them to go darker than a lightly tanned white person, or they go... bluey, greenish or freaking ashy grey. Well, NO MORE. All 37 skins come with 4 tone ramps pictured at the top of the post; the three base game ramps, “Default”, “Yellow”, and “Red”, and then my own extra one, “Pasty”. The Pasty ramp is specifically designed to replicate some of the pale tones of the originals, as I had some sims using them and didn’t want them to stop being their pale ass selves lol.
(This wasn’t just changing out the ramps, btw. I had to actually recolour almost every single one of the skins’ textures themselves, as a lot of them were more of the problem than the terrible ramps. I did not add in any ages that each of the skins didn’t already have, so keep that in mind.)
Also, they’re set up with clear-to-read thumbnails so you can see exactly which skin you’re using and which ramp, AND they even stay together in groups in the skintone panel, so no hunting for one little circle in a sea of randomly coloured dots. Like thissss:
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Isn’t that tidy? Yes, I too wish it was a rainbow, but this was the best I could do lol. There’s some handy pngs in the zip file with a list of all the skins and their corresponding thumbnail colours.
None overwrite anything, so if you wish to swap out the original skins, you will have to manually change your sim’s skins. Or you can keep both! (they also don’t overwrite my old versions, pretty please pretend those don’t exist and use these instead 🙏🏻)
I really don’t recommend you put all 37 into your game at once lmao. 37x4 is like. A LOT to clog up your skintone panel with, trust me I should know cough we’re gonna pretend I don’t have them all in my game okay, do as I say not as I do cough.  I’d recommend just downloading the ones you usually use, compare against the originals, and then maybe trying others in batches. 
A few are... really not that great. There seem to be a couple of much older E-Skins, ones that don’t even seem to be up for official download anymore. But I included them because... well, I’d already done them LOL might as well. They all have unique faces (I checked each and every one) so maybe someone might find a use for them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Now, what are those two ~special personal blends~ I mentioned?
FreckledFrou - a blend of Pate Choux by Momo with Fresh Blue, and a bunch of my own edits and hand-drawn stuff, including a lot of freckles! (hence the name lol) It was designed to be a very pale, freckled skin, but it comes with all 4 ramps and does go darker. It’s for toddlers all the way up to adults. The face isn’t overly defined other than the freckles, because I made it for my personal use and I tend to layer a lot of skin detail makeup on top, so I really didn’t care, but it’s worth keeping in mind.
CurvyBlue - a blend of Fresh Blue and PPNH’s lovely Gina Skin, and again a bunch of my own edits. This skin is only for YA and Adult Females, unfortunately, as it was made for a specific sim of mine. Like all the rest, it includes all 4 ramps. It was made to be a curvier, fuller-bodied skin, (so no defined ribcage or muscles here!) but to not look out of place alongside other E-skins.
Other than the two personal blends, they’re all literally just recolours at the heart of it, so I don’t really have any claim to them lol. Just credit or a link back or whatever. Same with the blends, credit if you use them as a base, and especially remember to credit the original skin creators too, ephemera, momo and pleaseputnamehere.
If you know how to use skininator, feel free to delete ramps you don’t want, add any you do etc. Now the skin textures themselves are recoloured, they should play nice with any “human” coloured ramps. (eg I’ve tested with kurasoberina’s, works great). Dunno about unnatural/berry tone ramps, but feel free to test! Just credit me for recolouring the textures, I guess.
and. I guess that’s it. man, I hope this made any sense as to what you’re getting lol. I know I know it’s a mess, but hey, what do you expect from me of all people (ง •_•)ง
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depressopax · 5 months
Sit down - Mike Ehrmantraut x gn!reader smut
Pairing: Mike Ehrmantraut x gender neutral reader Genre: Smut Warning(s): Sexual content. Age gap, semi-public sex (car sex). Anal sex (reader receiving) Teasing, handjob (Mike receiving), curse words, slight degradation, Mike & reader first time, unprotected, gender neutral reader. Mike being grumpy lmao I tried making the smut as gender neutral as possible. Lmk how I can improve my writing in gn-smuts! &lt;3 Words: 1.5K Summary: Kinda continuation of “Dating Apps” - You work for Gus, and are in a secret relationship with Mike. Once out on a mission with Mike, you decide to tease him a bit… English is not my main language, if I make any spelling mistakes please let me know so I can improve my writing! <3 AO3 link
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You hum to the music playing in the car, Mike’s hard resting on your thigh as he drives through the quiet dark night in Albuquerque. 
It’s 12am and the mission has just begun. To keep you awake, Mike insisted on stopping at McDonalds to buy a coffee. He knows you too well, and that you tend to get bored during these types of missions. You look at him, hoping to meet his blue eyes. And he does, even gives you a small smile too, before he focuses on the road again, his warm hand leaving your thigh and grabbing the steering wheel.
What type of relationship you and Mike have is a mystery. Apart from kisses and make-out sessions, you’ve been on two dates so far. But the work you both have makes it hard to be open about the relationship, especially since you two are colleagues and working for the drug kingpin Gustavo Fring. 
You enjoy Mike’s company and he likes being with you, but he’s still pretty distant. You know he has a hard time shifting between his role at work and his role in private life. 
When doing missions with him, he’s usually very stern and cold, just like he was before you got to know him. When you’re alone with him though, he’s very affectionate and caring. 
You wonder what he’ll be like tonight. 
“What are we doing again?”
You ask, breaking the comfortable silence between the two of you. 
“We’re supposed to guard this one house, keeping track of movements in case our target makes any sudden move. And if we get the right opportunity, break into the house to gather some evidence.”
“I see. Sounds boring!”
“...Work is not supposed to be fun, y’know that.”
You chuckle, but realize it’s no point in telling him you’re joking around, instead you add:
“Maybe we can make it more fun.”
He stares at you, stunned by your bold move. But he quickly looks away again. It’s hard to see, but he has a hint of blush on his face. 
“Keep it in your pants”
You let out a frustrated groan at his comment and Mike rolls his eyes. The car ride continues for about 10 minutes until he stops at an empty street, with the perfect view of a big house with the lights on. Mike already seems focused and you know it’s gonna be a long night…
At 2, there still hasn’t been a single movement from the house, and you are starting to get frustrated from boredom. Mike seems bored too, but unlike you, he’s a professional and doesn’t let his emotions get in the way. Too bad he’s partnered up with you for the mission…
Your hand sneaks from his knee, and up to his thigh. He jumps, a bit caught off guard with your sudden move. 
“Y/n. Focus.” 
He warns you but you only give him an innocent smile, squeezing his upper thigh. He grabs your hand and glares at you. He doesn’t seem impressed with your attempts to seduce him. 
Sure you’ve only been “dating” for a month, but still, you want his attention. He tends to make you feel touch starved. Mike squeezing your thigh or pushing his tongue into your mouth is usually enough to rile you up and feel greedy for more. You guys haven’t had sex yet. You’ve done other stuff using hands and tongue, but never gotten to the “main event”. 
After 15 minutes, the lights in the kitchen shuts off, and Mike reacts quickly, and observes the house. But nothing else seems to happen. The rest of the house is still lit up. You lean forward a bit, kissing Mike’s neck. You get a low growl in response.
“Fuck, y/n. Can you just…”
He stops mid sentence, when you unbuckle the belt to his jeans.
“Stop being such a slut. We’re in the middle of a damn mission!”
He hisses, but directly seems to regret his choice of words.
“I didn’t mean to…”
“Just, give me attention, please! I promise I’ll stop when the coast is clear for the mission…”
He looks at you, as if trying to decide if he should let in or not. His eyes roll back slightly in pleasure as your cold hand finds its way into his boxers. 
“Go ahead then,” 
He murmurs. His eyes are still locked on the house, whilst you move your hand over his length, feeling his member grow from the touch of your soft palm. Once his cock hardens, you can pump him faster, using some of his pre-cum as lubrication as your hand moves up and down in smooth movements. He cusses and buckles his hips up, desperate for your touch. You feel like being a tease, so when you feel him tense up, and when he has a hard time covering those moans, you remove your hand. 
At first he doesn’t react, at all. There’s a thick silence between you.
“Are you fuck kidding me?” 
Mike hisses, grabbing your hand and forcing it back to his awaiting erection.
“Finish what you started.”
“I don’t know…” 
If looks could kill, you’d be dead right now. 
“Take off your pants.”
You don’t question him, instead, you almost tremble from excitement as you pull the blue jeans off, only left in shirt and underwear. You watch Mike stroke himself with one hand, as he looks at you, his eyes raw from passion and frustration. 
His other hand goes to your underwear, rubbing your sex through the fabric. You let out a soft moan as Mike tosses the clothing aside.
“But I…” 
You’ve never gotten this far before, and you didn’t think your first time with Mike would be in his car, whilst on a mission.
“That was not a question.”
You move closer to him and guide yourself to his lap. He starts by warming you up slowly, his fingers working in and out of you, getting you nice and ready. He lifts your hips, slowly guiding you down until his erection, lubricated from pre-cum and saliva, sinks into you from behind. He grunts deeply as your tightness wraps around him. You let out a whimper from the pain, as Mike stretches you with his length. The sensation is painful at first, and Mike makes sure to guide you through the sensations.
“You wanna stop?”
He asks, planting soft kisses on your neck. He holds still inside of you, giving you time to adjust to his size and get used to the feeling.
You whisper, looking back at him, your eyes slightly teary from how intense everything feels. He gives you a comforting kiss and suddenly he shows you that soft side of himself that you love so much. You’ve been waiting for so long to be intimate with him, and now you’re finally doing it. He is patient with you, guiding you through the pain and keeps reminding you to take deep breaths for him. He whispers praise to you, whilst his free hand works with teasing your sex, making sure you’re enjoying the moment. After a while, the pain finally fades and you can enjoy the moment. You can feel Mike’s member throb in excitement from being inside of you, and you let out a moan in approval. He once again starts moving, his hands holding you close to his body.
“Fuck! Taking me so well, love.”
You move together, reaching a new height of pleasure together. 
You reach an orgasm first, Mike only seconds away, as he pulls out of you, shooting thick ropes of cum onto your ass and back. He cusses as he empties himself and paints your bare skin white. 
Afterwards, Mike is quick to get dressed. He wipes your back off gently using some paper towels, and then helps you put the clothes back on. You rest your head on his shoulder and Mike responds by wrapping one arm around you, soothingly holding you.
“Are you satisfied now, brat?”
“Yea. Are you, old man?”
He rolls his eyes, as if he’s annoyed. But you can see the hint of a smile as he nods. You feel very tired, despite the coffee. Mike notices this and sighs
“The coffee didn’t help?”“Blame yourself, you just fucked me up.”
“Yea… But you asked for it, love… Try resting for a bit, I’ll wake you up if anything happens, ok?”
“You don’t want me awake?”
“Not when you're being such a damn tease.”
You laugh at his comment but can’t find a comeback. Instead, you just cuddle up to his warm chest.
“Wake me up in an hour or two.” 
You mumble and fall asleep with a smile.
Someone save me from my Mike addiction 😭 (actually don't) I LOVE HIM <3
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nightwardenminthara · 3 months
oc in 15
tagged by @foxboyclit, ty :3 this looks fun, i'm always trying to work on voice so this is relevant lol
Rules: share 15 or fewer lines of dialogue from an OC, ideally lines that capture the character/personality/vibe of the OC. Bonus points for just using dialogue without other details about the scene, but you're free to include those as well!
sooo I kinda wanna do multiple ocs so I'm gonna do a few lines for multiple ocs!
Gideon Trevelyan
“Fine. I go to the Chantry on Tuesday evenings, but I’m free after. You can help me then.” He moves to leave but stops himself. “Don’t bring Jowan.”
“I’m not afraid!” He is, he’s terrified. It would be slightly more convincing if he wasn’t breathing like he’d just run a race. “I just- I want it gone. I want it gone. I’m so confused. I don’t know what to think, so many different… voices in my head saying opposite things.” “If I lived in a grand estate in Amaranthine, I’d at least have silk sheets.” Gideon grins, nudging him with a shoulder. “Oh and a thick Antivan carpet and fennec furs.” He adds dreamily. He looks back at Rodaine. “I bet I can picture your room clearly. Immaculate and barren and austere and full of books.”
Grant Hawke this one was hard, i haven't written enough of him interacting with friends lmao, i promise he is not a hardass all the time
“You shouldn’t have run up to them like that.” Hawke reprimands. “What were you bloody thinking? I could have handled it.” "I'm not losing any more money and I'm not losing the shirt off my back. What does that leave me?" “I have questions about your maps, Warden.”
Valztefein Rilynval
“Got you this warm room and all and you’re whining. Don’t I deserve some attention, Elkantar?” “This is what we’re calling a best man these days? Surely I’ve already bested him and I haven’t even drawn my blade?” “This is true. You are weak. Far weaker than any cleric of Lolth should be.” “It seems our dear fresh-faced fighter has lost his tongue.” He presses his heel further into his gut. “Louder.”
Cyril Lodovka
Cyril smiles, rising again to his full height. “I have prepared the entertainment tonight, my dear. I have something for you… a gift, of sorts. That is, if you wish to see it.” Cyril chuckles, smiling into his own glass. “You may send him into a conniption. Throw in some reference to bacchanal blood-drinking feasts and the fashionability of the Undead and even the chirurgeons will struggle to mend him.” "I will endeavor to compliment you less until you can properly receive my attentions," Cyril teases. “I can make something that may relieve it a little. Help you rest. Unless you’d prefer your method of suffering in silence?” “Apologies. I did not mean to condescend. It is simply… charming, and I am not one to speak, my instructors abhorred reading my assignments.”
i tag @transprincecaspian @sinquisition @ysali @idolsgf
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cas-skz · 1 year
🤣 I'm laughing at your snow plow man flirting, but in a "it's cute" way.
Wait, this is a fic! It's Lee Know, you're the final street on his route. He likes shameless flirting and he comes back after his shift in 30 minutes to see how much hospitality he can wring out of you 💀
Thank you so much for this lmao it was actually so fun to write!!
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18+!! Please&thanks!! MDNI
warnings: cursing, drinking alcohol, boobie play, petname - pretty girl, dirty talk, protected sex (crowd gasps)
“Stupid fucking winter, stupid fucking snow!” You yelled as you lazily pushed the snow off your walk way. It was the first major storm of the season, and you knew it wouldn’t be the last.
You had finally made it to the end of your driveway when the snowplow turned the corner, daring to add more snow to the already large mountain at the end of the driveway.
You groaned quietly as you backed up, only to slip on ice and land flat out on your back. “I. Fucking. Hate. Winter!” You yelled, throwing your arms out beside you.
The loud beeping and bright of the snowplow stoped in front of your house, the sound of the squeaky metal door opening. “You okay?” He yelled, you couldn’t hear him.
“Hello?” His face popped into view above you, offering a hand to help you up.
You furrows your brows at the stranger, but took his hand and pulled yourself up, brushing the snow off your coat.
“You okay?” He asked again, his soft brown eyes scanning your face.
“Physically fine, mentally hating every single thing about winter.” You kicked a snowball with your foot.
Leeknow laughed, shaking his head as he glanced back at his plow. “Ya, I guess I don’t help with that.” He looked back at you and extended a hand. “I’m Leeknow.”
You yanked your glove off and shook his hand. “Y/N.”
You couldn’t help but check out the man in front of you. He was extremely attractive, to hot to be driving a snowplow, but a job was a job.
“So, no boyfriend around to shovel for you?” He asked with a tilt of the head.
You huffed a laugh, “Even if I did, they wouldn’t do this. I have a history of picking leaches.”
“Leaches?” He laughed
“Yea, men who just stick to you and suck all your worth.” You shook your head, feeling slightly embarrassed by your own remark.
“Anyways, thank you for helping me up. I’ll appreciate you until you make more snow for me to shovel.”
Leeknow motioned with his shoulder towards your house, “Go warm up, I’ll get rid of it for you.”
He nodded, “It’ll take me two seconds.”
You smiled widely, “Thank you, so much. I owe you a drink.”
“I’ll keep your word on that.” He smirked, giving a little wave as he turned back to get in his truck.
You watched from the window as he cleared the snow for you, even getting out to make sure it was perfectly clean before heading on his way.
You grabbed some fuzzy pj shorts and a matching bralette, throwing it on and pulling in your house coat over it. You relaxed on the couch with a white claw, chatting on the phone with your phone as the tv played in the background.
“I haven’t hooked up with anyone since you dragged me out last summer and I got wasted.” You laughed, taking a sip of your drink. “Besides, I’ll get some dick when I get some, there’s no rush.”
“Hey, maybe plow guy will come back to plow you.”
You rolled your eyes, holding the one to one ear as the doorbell rang. “Shut up! I’m not gonna tell you about the cute guys I meet if you think we’re going to fuck right away.”
Grabbing your wallet, you opened the door expecting a food delivery person. Instead it was Leeknow, with a 24 pack of drinks in hand.
“Hey…I’m gonna have to call you back. Leeknow is here.”
You went to hang up the phone, just as us ur friend yelled “plow guy?!” Loud enough for him to hear.
Your cheeks flushed a deep red, as you threw your phone onto the couch. “Sorry, I thought you were my Chinese food.” You mumbled for a moment before raising an eyebrow at him. “Wait, why are you here? Do I owe you money for clearing the snow?” Your second question was filled with sarcasm.
“You said you owe me a drink.” He held up the case of white claws, “I brought some, just in case you didn’t have any.” He said with a wink.
You shook your head with a laugh, stepping aside to let him in. “If you try to murder me, I have a witness that you were here.”
“Am I that scary looking?” He asked with a smirk, kicking off his shoes as he glanced around the room. “Fridge?” He asked holding the box of drinks to you.
You took it and motioned for him to follow you. “I have some chilled already.”
Turning into the kitchen, you noticed Leeknow had gotten distracted by your cat. “That’s Taylor.”
Leeknow joined you a moment later, “Your cats name is Taylor?” He asked with a laugh, leaning up against your center island as you opened the fridge for him to see the drink options.
“Yes. I did not name her, and she refused to be renamed.”
After a few minutes of chatting in the kitchen, the doorbell rang. You started towards it, but Leeknow stopped you. “I’ll get it.”
It caught you off guard, in a good way.
He came back with the food a few minutes later, setting it on the island. “And now I’ve bought you dinner.”
You blushed a deep red, biting your lips before grabbing two plates and passing him one. “Lucky for you, I can’t pick one thing, so there’s tons.”
The two of you chatted while you ate, laughing and telling stories. You didn’t end up eating very much since he kept the conversation flowing. But you definitely had a good buzz on.
“So, how would you say our first date is going?” He asked, gathering the dishes and cleaning up a bit.
You sat back in your chair, watching him easily move around your kitchen, asking where certain things went and insisted you just relax.
“Honestly, probably the best one I’ve had. I’m comfy as heck, didn’t have to go anywhere and I laughed a lot.”
“And what about the guy? What do you think about him?” He asked as he stood at the sink, washing the plates you had used.
You shifted a little in your seat, taking a drink as you checked him out from behind. “Great ass.”
“Thank you.” He laughed
“Did not mean for that to come out, but you’re welcome.” You laughed quietly, biting your lip.
You tried your best to ignore the butterflies swirling in your stomach. Something about watching a man being domestic drove you mind into the gutter.
“He’s funny, super sweet. My cat likes him which is a big thing cause she doesn’t like a lot of people.”
He turned to look at you, a smile on his face as he dried off his hands. You didn’t notice before, but they were beautiful in their own way, perfectly lined with popping veins.
You took a long drink, the warm effect of the alcohol taking over your body, “and what did he think about the girl?”
“She’s smart, very pretty. Likes to color and draw, which is super cute.”
You took off your house coat, completely forgetting that you only had minimal pjs on.
“She’s also got a great body.” He choked over his words.
You looked down at your body, giggling a bit. “I guess you’re lucky I have something on.”
Your filter was basically gone at this point as a result of the alcohol. You lazily lofted the housecoat back over your shoulders.
The two of you made your way to the living room to continue chatting. Leeknow had a few more drinks and you, against your own judgment, had another one.
For some reason, this man who was just a stranger a few hours ago, made you feel safe and happy. It felt like you’d known each other in another life time.
You curled up next to him to watch a movie, his arm draped around you, his fingers gently rubbing your shoulder.
When a sex scene came on in the movie, you bit your lip hard. As if the drunken sexual tension wasn’t enough, you were picturing Leeknow fucking you like the guy on screen.
His fingers came to a stop as the scene got more intense, the girl was being called slut and you couldn’t help when a smirk pulled at your lips.
“Whatcha’ smiling about?” He whispered in your ear.
“It’s kinda hot.” You looked up at him for a quick second, eyes trailing to his plump lips before darting back to the tv.
Leeknow hummed, his fingers starting to move again, this time slipping under your bralette slap.
His touch gave you goosebumps, and you swore you could feel his eyes staring you down.
“I don’t want to sound lewd, but my eyes haven’t been on the movies all that much.”
You slid your hand onto his thigh, squeezing a bit, “well what have you been looking at?”
Leeknow moved a little closer, his hand moving down your chest, running along his fingers slowly across the hem of your bralette.
“Oh, I guess they are quite out there.” You looked over at him, “I can put them away if you’d like.”
“Please don’t.” He said with a smirk, licking his lips.
You repositioned on the couch, sitting cross legged facing him, “Do you wanna touch?”
Leeknow laughed shyly, a dark red tinting his ears. His hand started to move, but bypassed and cupped you cheek instead.
He pressed his lips into yours, gently at first but deepening it when you kissed back.
As the kissing intensified, his hands started to wander over your body, caressing the exposed parts of your skin.
You moved to straddle his lap, earning a soft moan as you felt his semi hard cock under you. Your hand trailed down his firm toned chest, across his abs to lift his shirt.
Your eyes looked over his body, ogling at how good he looked without a shirt. “You’re so fucking sexy.”
Leeknow’s hand rested on your thigh, running under the bottom of your fuzzy shorts, slowly sliding up.
You slowly slid each strap off your shoulder before pulling your bralette off, your breasts bouncing freely.
“Says you.” Leeknow said smirking, both hands cupping your breasts. His fingers ran over your erect nipples, twisting and flicking at them gently “You like that?”
You nodded and moaned softly, feeling your wetness start to soak your panties. You rolled your hips against his, grinding roughly.
He hummed happily as his lips went back to yours, gently kissing before he worked his way down your chest, sliding his tongue every few seconds.
His mouth sucked gently on your nipple, tongue swirling and lapping at your sensitive bud.
You gasped quietly as his mouth moved, biting down and sucking hard at the skin of your breast, slowly leading to the other nipple.
“I’m so fucking wet for you.” You say in a moan, scooting back a bit on his lap as your hand ran over his bulge.
“You want that cock, pretty girl?” He asked, pulling back as his fingers slipped under your shorts and panties. His fingers ran slowly over your clit before be carefully pulled them back, admiring the release on his fingers.
“Well” You started to undo his pants, tugging them down a bit as you freed his cock. It was much bigger than you though. “How else am I going to thank you for dinner and plowing?”
Your hand started to pump slowly, with a twist of the wrist when you reached the top. His fingers went back to your pussy, his thumb pressing into your clit as two dipped in your hole.
“You sure you want me to stretch out this tight little pussy?” He asked, his eyes on you as you reacted to his touch.
You tilted your head at him, your hand stopping at the top of his cock. Your thumb ran over the tip, collecting a little of his pre cum before bringing your thumb to your mouth and giving it a little suck.
“Afraid you’ll like it to much?”
Leeknow’s three fingers worked away, pumping your entrance and moving his thumb slowly. He looked up at you, pulling your face towards him. “I already know I will.”
You roughly kissed his lips as your hand trailed down his length, massaging his balls gently.
“You wanna go to the bedroom?” You asked against his lips, your walls starting to tighten around his fingers.
Leeknow slipped his hand from your shorts, wrapping both arms around you to stand up.
You giggled and wrapped yourself around him. “You keep this up and I might want to keep you.”
“Just feed me twice a day and I’ll pretty easy to handle.”
You directed him to the bedroom, where he climbed onto the bed with you still under him.
“Do you have a condom?” Leeknow asked as he kissed you, yanking down your shorts.
You turned over, leaning across the bed to the side table, unaware of how exposed you were to him.
He groaned quietly behind you, his fingers running along your entrance. “You’re fucking killing me.”
You gave your butt a little wiggle, digging through the drawer. “I swear there was some in here.”
Leeknow moved up behind you, his cock resting against your throbbing entrance. He leaned up behind you, “back corner” he pointed.
You held his cock in place, moaning softly at the feeling of his length against your clit. Your hand reached to hold him in place and you started to grind against him.
Leeknow groaned loudly, his teeth biting into your shoulder. His dick barely fit between your folds it was so thick, so long that the tip rested culled in your hand.
“Fuckin’ shit you feel so good.” You moaned, feeling your body shake gently, a gush of liquid running down your legs. You hand found Leeknow’s, passing him the condom.
“Haven’t even fucked you yet and you’re already making a mess.” He repositioned you on your back, moving between your legs as he rolled the condom on.
“I’m sure I’ll have to sleep in the spare bedroom.” You giggle, biting down on your finger as his length started to poke at your entrance.
He leaned down, inches away from your face as he pushed in a bit. “What? You’re kicking me out already?”
You tried to steady your breathing, feeling him stretch you out, making you wetter with each stroke.
“Because I know after this,” You start, your hand trailing down his cheek and flicking off his jaw. “I’m going to want more of you.”
He thrusted slowly as his lips pecked yours, his own moans making you more aroused. “I already want more of you.”
Leeknow’s lips found yours, kissing you roughly as he started to pick up speed.
You moaned into his mouth, allowing his tongue to slip in, moving along with yours.
“Pretty, pretty girl.” He whispered.
Your walls clenched around his length, wetness staring to drip and trickling onto Leeknow.
He held your hips as he fucked you through your orgasm, your body shaking under him.
Something about his lips were so addicting, the way they moved so easily with yours. How sweet he tasted.
He pulled back a little, just to look down at you. Smiling softly down at you, “You’re so pretty, and super fucking cool.”
You blushed hard and smiled at him, “Clears my snow, pays for dinner, fucks so good, and now complements?”
You leaned up to kiss his lips, gently pushing him back to climb on top. “Good luck getting rid of me.”
Leeknow looked at you with gazing eyes, watching as you lowered yourself onto his cock, “Please fucking stay.”
His words gave you goosebumps and a chill ran up your spine. You leaned down to kiss his lips, the unexpected butterflies made you smile into the kiss.
“I can be all yours.” You whispered, your hips slamming down into his. Your fist balled on his chest, feeling his cock start to firm.
“I’m gonna cum,” you moaned, both your and Leeknow’s breathing becoming more and more erratic. “Cum for me Leeknow.”
His hips started to thrust into yours, cursing as he gripped onto your skin.
You laid your head on his shoulder as he slammed into you, your moans turning into whimpers as you felt his cock throbbing inside you.
His arms wrapped around your body, a hand rubbing your back gently.
“You ready to sleep?,” he asked, pressing kisses into the side of your head.
You whined quietly, hiding your face in the neck more. “Can you carry me to the spare bedroom and cuddle me?”
It was mostly a joke, but Leeknow didn’t take it as one. He slid out from underneath you, rolling the condom off and tossing it in the trash before scooping you up.
He plopped you on the bed, pulling the covers over you before climbing in and taking you into his arms.
It didn’t take long for you to drift to sleep, the warmth and comfort of Leeknow making it easy.
You woke up still in his arms, “Hey you.” You say wuietly.
Leeknow smiled at you, kissing your head. “Hey pretty girl, sleep well?”
You kissed his arm, “I did actually. How about you?”
“Probably the best sleep I’ve had in a long time.”
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localplaguenurse · 8 months
I am just nosy, forgive me. Can you describe each one of your mutuals?
Buckle up people and prepare to get complimented >:3c
First and foremost, they’re all absolute sweethearts to me.
There are my irl friends, such as @wretchedshade, @granolabird, @siriuscitrus and @scales-of-stardust or beta as I usually refer to them. I share the same braincell with these people.
Wretchedshade has been my best friend since we were ten, we’ve been there for each other for 11 years. I initially got her into anime, and then she got me into jojo, and every once in a while we cry about Doukyuusei again. She’s a great artist and is really good at writing sad shit, which is why I write sad shit; to have the glory of finally making her cry. She kicked cancer’s teeth in a few months ago so it’s about goddamn time something good come her way and I WILL fight someone on that.
Granolabird is the dm for my dnd campaign, and like I said, absolute sweetheart, chaotic adhd haver (actually like most of my friend group is like this lmao we’re all queer and neurodivergent). Either way, we used to share thoughts on each other’s original stories, and we still do sometimes but it’s mostly just sending each other tiktoks/reels like “this you” or “this your oc.”
Siriuscitrus is usually pretty hyper, but also tries to be v considerate of everyone’s feelings. If you said that the McDonald’s employee put pickles on your burger when you said no, they’d probably be the one to tell them. They’re also scarily good at vibechecking people and told me I give “future he/they vibes” and like a week later I said “fuck you’re right oh my god.”
You’ve probably seen me and beta’s interactions on here or in the ao3 comments. We enjoy our like playful rivalry/enemyship. I like to torment tease her and she usually gets me back pretty good, it’s all in good fun. It’s also really funny to me whenever we meet up, I tell myself “you are friends with them for reasons other than fic so do not make it about fic” and then we’ll spend literally hours talking about and brainstorming fic ideas. It just Happens.
I’m also gonna add @memory-mortis into here because while we’ve not met irl I’ve introduced him to my friend group. Yet another sweetheart, love her art style a lot, and she was one of the first comments I got on ginkgo trees to motivate me to keep going. I was kinda worried about bringing him into my friendgroup because like if I’m not overthinking I am not thinking At All. I was super relieved and happy that she like IMMEDIATELY fit in with everyone so :D
For some of my other close but only on tumblr/ao3/outside my general friendgroup mutuals! (There are too many so I’m sorry if you’re not here it’s mostly people I interact with more regularly ;-;)
@crimson-ashes who I have occasionally with absolute love called my “askbox gremlin” because they live in my inbox. I need to stress this is affectionate because genuinely, I love opening tumblr and seeing I’ve got asks from them. They gotta stop posting Astarion though because I’m feeling So Tempted to play BG but I know my laptop would kill itself (joking).
@crystalflygeo and I know I’ve called everyone sweethearts but genuinely, she’s probably one of the sweetest people I’ve had the pleasure of talking to. She’s really wholesome (unlike her writing which is never gonna be a complaint in my book, good soup) and super supportive of other people.
@madamemachikonew who’s super polite and really kind. She’s also really creative/smart when it comes to referencing real world art and philosophy in her writing and integrating it into her own worldbuilding. I would have never thought to have done that, and it makes her writing very unique!
We don’t interact as much but @probably-doesnt-exist, @ethve, @euniveve and @ainescribe are such talented artists and super sweet, have literally made me screech and cackle with utter joy whenever they draw the characters from ginkgo trees. I rotate through which art becomes my phone’s lock/home screens.
This is long af but fuck it, I wanna brighten people’s days and I told myself to say “I love you” to my friends and family more, so consider this one big “I love you!” to y’all. It’s a pleasure talking to y’all!
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grandma-battle · 1 year
hello and welcome to the grandma battle! here your favorite grandmas will battle it out to see who’s the ultimate grandma! ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و
the end day for submissions is april 14, since i’m most likely gonna be without internet for spring break lol
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the rules are as follows:
they must be fictional grandmas! as much as most of us would probably like to submit our own grandmas, we’re going fictional
i ask your submission be an actual grandma (by blood, by choice, etc). though, if you have someone who just gives off like, intense granny energy you can submit them too, just know that there is a less likely chance of them getting chosen!!
going off of the topic of there being a less likely chance of getting chosen, grannies from like, super popular media also has a less likely chance of getting chosen, srry!! though there will most likely be “popular” grannies in this poll, i wanna try and keep it as least skewed as possible! o(╥﹏╥)o hope y’all understand!!
i also ask that any character you submit is female.. and if they’re trans, they have to be canonically or heavily implied to be trans.. i might do a full grandparent battle in the future, but for now, we’re going with grannies!
do as many submissions as you want, just please don’t submit them more than once! when doing submissions, i ask you give at least a lil info on them since i honestly have the most scuffed interest taste ever lmao ◔…◔
talking about submissions, i’m going the unconventional way of reblogs! to submit your character, reblog THIS post !!
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here is a loose template— you don’t have to copy it directly, just some pointers that are probably important ;)
template thing:
character name: (if they have a full name, please put it, and if they have a common name they go by, add that in parentheses beside it)
media they’re from: (as stated)
why you think they should be nominated: (here you could give info on what they’re like, what they’ve done, etc! this info can also be about when they were younger if that is known, as long as they’re still a granny :) also go at it with propaganda!! go crazy so stupid with it!!!)
add a photo or two if you can, mostly so i know what to put if they get chosen lmao
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example of a submission:
char name: erina pendleton
media: jojo’s bizarre adventure
erina is like, super cool <3 she was able to keep joseph in check which is honestly an achievement in it of itself— also when she was younger she washed her mouth out with mud after dio kissed her bc that was better honestly what a queen <333 (btw you can still submit erina if you were thinking of doing so think of this as admin propaganda)
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tags used !
#grandmapolls - used for the actual polls so if that’s all you wanna do, keep an eye on that one \(^-^)/
#grandmainfo - announcements, info, and extra deciding polls
#grandmabattle - used on all of the posts here ^^
#grandmapropaganda - for any ask submissions, reblogs, or posts that are character propaganda :)
#grandmaasks - just for general asks & stuff !!
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inspired by ! (。◕‿◕。)
@ultimate-divorce-tournament, @ultimatefnaf-favoritecompetition, @sleepsmackdown, @irishtourney, @i-need-to-fuck-that-old-man, @protagonistpolling, @fashiondisastertournament, @white-boy-bracket, @cry-baby-anarchy, @fictional-malewife-tournament, and more !!
admin: @abba-cchio
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