#we’re on our last ropes and angry as fuck. we want the ones that want us dead OUT.
khamomile-kitty · 1 year
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spookyboywhump · 1 year
AI-Less Whumptober Day Three- Sensory Deprivation
Originally this was supposed to be done with Zander and Vanessa but for some reason it just wasn't working out. Zander and one of the most annoying pairs of people to exist instead (Cain and Nicholas).
Fandom: OC's/Original Work
Word Count: 1,310
CW: pet whump, sensory deprivation, mentions of claustrophobia
 Nicholas was starting to get creative. If beatings and whippings weren’t going to work, then he’d have to try other methods, and Cain had given his permission for this, he told Nicholas that it had quieted him down for at least a couple of days in the past. Zander had fought the entire time he was dragged to the basement, it took both Cain and Nicholas working together to pull him downstairs, all while he tried to claw his way out of their grasp, yelling at them to fuck off and let him go. 
 Nicholas kept a tight grip on his collar, his other hand holding a fistful of his hair, despite Zander’s best attempts to get free. He kept him kneeling by one of the wooden posts in the basement, if he tried to get up he’d just get kicked back down.
 “Darling, I think we should use rope this time.” Nicholas told him, his tone light and upbeat, as though this was just a game to them.
 “I was thinking the same thing.” Cain said, searching through Nicholas’ supplies and coming back with more than enough rope. It took both of them to keep Zander in place, including Cain slapping him across the face a few times, hitting the back of his head against the post. “Quit fighting us, if you didn’t want to get punished then you shouldn’t have misbehaved!” He told him, but he didn’t even sound angry anymore, just amused. Really, misbehaving was a strong word for what he’d actually been doing, he’d say he’d just been acting annoying.
 “If being a bit annoying gets me tied up in a fucking basement then shouldn’t you be left down here too?” He said to Cain, only to get slapped again, even harder than before. He was bound so tightly he was forced to stay on his knees, sitting up straight, rope even wound around his neck to keep him from pulling away too far. His back already ached from the position. 
 Cain and Nicholas seemed to be in a great mood now that he was restrained, Cain pulled a blindfold over his eyes, and Nicholas muzzled him for snapping at Cain when he did so. He pulled against the rope holding him in place but they knew how to tie knots secure enough to keep him down, struggling was no use.
 “We’re going easy on you, mutt.” Nicholas laughed at him. “Teaching you a real lesson would take up so much of our time. Think of this like a time out, you can sit and think about what you’ve done wrong.” Nicholas said. The pair laughing at him and mocking him was the last thing he heard before headphones were placed over his ears, instantly blocking out all noise. It made him shudder as the abrupt silence settled over him, he knew he should consider himself lucky he wasn’t being whipped or beaten, but knowing this was his punishment, he was absolutely terrified. 
 He assumed they went back upstairs, leaving him down there alone. It’s not like it mattered, he couldn’t see or hear anything other than his own heart pounding in his chest and his attempts to take deep breaths through his nose. He didn’t know how much time had passed before he started to feel lightheaded and sick, he pulled against his restraints again but he was stuck there until they finally decided to come back for him.
 Much to his own annoyance, he did think about what he’d done wrong. He knew he should’ve kept his mouth shut, he should’ve stayed quiet and stopped making jabs and taunts at them. He thought it was funny though, and it was making Wren laugh. He probably would’ve stopped if one of them had just slapped him hard enough, he would’ve found some other way to entertain himself. This really wasn’t all that necessary. He worried about Wren being left up there with them, particularly with Nicholas, but he hoped Cain would keep him occupied. He hoped they wouldn’t decide to hurt Wren now that Zander couldn’t protect him. 
 It was hard to tell how much time was passing. It could’ve only been an hour or it could’ve been much later into the night already and he wouldn’t know. It was cold down there in Nicholas’ basement, he kind of wished that he’d been quieter just so he could be in the warmer part of the house. He briefly wondered if Cain intended to stay the night there, if they were going to leave him trapped down there all night long, and he was thankful he was alone because he couldn’t stop himself from whimpering. 
 He got more desperate as time went on. There were raw spots on his arms where he’d struggled against the rope, the muzzle sat uncomfortably against his face, part of him too hot and part of him too cold. He was shaking, he didn’t know if it was from the cold or from just how scared and miserable he was. Having only some of his senses cut off made everything else feel overwhelming, it made him feel claustrophobic. He was struggling to breathe again when he was startled by the first change in what felt like forever, finally the headphones were pulled off his head. At first he was tense and on edge, ready to be grabbed or hit again, he expected the worst, but he was quickly put at ease. 
 “H-hey, don’t worry, it’s just me.” Wren said softly. Zander relaxed instantly, he knew he was safe as long as it was Wren. “I’m sorry about all this…” He said, getting the muzzle off first and then the blindfold. Zander took a shaky deep breath, and if Wren noticed that he was still blinking back tears, he didn’t say anything. 
 “Th-thanks…” He murmured, struggling to speak from how dry his mouth was after that.
 “Of course.” He told him, turning his attention to the knots in the rope now.
 “You aren’t- you won’t get in any trouble for this, right? I-I don’t-”
 “It’s okay, they told me to do it.” He said, carefully working his way through the knots. “They were going to bed so we uh, we’re stuck down here tonight. They said I could free you.” He told him. 
 “Okay…” Wren finally got through the last knot and Zander was able to relax and slouch down again, his back and knees aching from holding that position for so long. “How long was I down here? They- they didn’t hurt you, did they?”
 “It’s been a few hours, at least.” Wren said, he seemed unsure of exactly how long it had been himself, but knowing it was hours was enough to make Zander feel a little less bad about how distraught it made him feel. “They didn’t hurt me though, they were pretty obsessed with each other.” He looked almost grossed out by whatever he’d seen up there. “I’d much rather be down here, as long as it’s away from them.”
 “Agreed.” Zander sighed. “I could’ve done without… all of that, though.” He said, stretching his arms over his head to try and deal with the pain of being still for so long. Now that he wasn’t worrying about if or when he’d be freed, all he could think about was how exhausted and hungry he was. He’d have to hope one of them would think to feed them in the morning.
 Until then, the two of them would have to spend their night down there. It was probably better than being anywhere near Cain and Nicholas, and when Wren sat close to him and pressed up against his side, he didn’t feel as cold as he did before. This was so much more bearable, despite the less than ideal conditions, he found that he finally felt perfectly relaxed.
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The Ropes That Bind Us - Peter Tork x Female!Reader PART SIX
Taglist: @strawberry-sunset-skies
A/N: Y/h/c = your hair colour 
Y/e/c = your eye colour
“I can’t imagine they’d have taken Peter too far away.” Mike glanced between Davy and Micky who were both attempting to take notes from all the random things that were spewing out of Michael’s mouth. “He’s definitely still in the state.” Michael sighed.
“Mike, babe. Sit down, you’re making this worse for yourself. I’m sure we’ll get more leads as to where Pete is soon, but you need to chill. This level of stress isn’t going to bring him back any quicker. We need to sit and think this through, don’t even think about arguing with me. We need to think this through in a more calm way. Look, I want Pete back as badly as you do, but I know we need to think about this more rationally.” Micky walked over to Mike and put an arm around his shoulder, pressing a kiss to the side of his head.
“But, but, imagine how scared poor Peter must be, knowing him he probably thinks we’re not coming for him. He’s probably being tortured for information. What if they’re trying to get one of us and they’re trying to hurt him to get to us and he’s taking it rather than answering? Oh god, so many things could be happening to him, what if he’s really really hurt?”
“Michael, we went over this in the last chapter, he won’t be really really hurt, please. You’re not helping anyone.” Davy stood up and hugged Mike’s other shoulder, the one that Micky wasn’t hogging.
“Right, so-” Mike started, Micky slapped a hand over his mouth.
“No, not right now Michael. We need to wait until your head is clearer when you can think straight. We need to do something that’ll make you happy. What makes you happy, Michael?” Micky asked, stroking one of Mike’s sideburns.
“Playing music.” Mike said in a quiet voice, Davy and Micky went to retrieve their instruments and Mike’s guitar, handing it to the Texan. They let him take the lead and Mike started to play ‘Sweet Young Thing’, they had barely plate for a minute before Mike stopped and shrugged off his guitar angrily. Davy and Micky glanced at each other nervously, they weren’t sure what was the reason for him doing this, although, they had a small idea.
“It isn’t the same. It doesn’t sound fucking right. We need Peter. God, I can’t play music without him. Why am I even trying?” Michael snapped, kicking the table that was in front of him. “We’re nothing without him. Fuck, why’d this Lord Reynolds guy think we don’t need him? Of course we fucking need him! Not just musically but in general! He’s our best friend god fucking damnit.” Davy and Micky began to get more concerned about the Texan, they hadn’t seen him this angry for a long time, and it was scary.
“Mike, please.” Micky was practically begging at this point. “Please just calm slightly. I know it’s hard, I really do, but-” He got cut off by the older man storming out of the house. Micky looked at Davy who just shrugged and went to grab his shoes and the house key.
“God, he moves quickly. Michael? MICHAEL” Davy yelled, Micky followed his lead, shouting the name of the Texan. “Slow down, get back here. Michael!” Davy screamed across the street, getting lots of strange looks from passers-by.
“Don’t make me ground you when we get home.” Micky chased after him. “Wait, why are we doing this?” Micky turned to Davy.
“I don’t know, the author is trying to fill in some space I guess.” Davy shrugged, Micky pulled a face of confused agreement and carried on running after him.
Eventually, they approached a large mansion-like house that had a white wooden fence surrounding the outskirts of it, not much protection from a tall, angry Texan.
“You don’t think?” Davy’s sentence trailed off, surely Peter wasn’t here, was he?
“I think so, hang on.” Mike jumped the fence and snuck up to the letter box, he pulled out an envelope addressed to ‘Lord Reynolds’. A nasty grin spread over his face, the leader turned to his two companions and signalled that they follow him, Micky gave Davy a boost over the fence before hopping it himself.
“Pete’s here?” Davy looked up uncertainly at the house, he knew from past experiences with houses full of rich people that it probably wasn’t the cleverest or safest idea, but then again, he didn’t care about that right now, he just wanted Peter back home where he was safe.
“What’s that?” Micky pointed towards a hatch in the ground that hadn’t been shut properly. He looked up and Mike gave him a knowing look.
“In we go then I suppose.” Mike tried lifting it up, it was heavier than he anticipated, both of his bandmates came over to help him and between them, they got it open. They climbed down the ladder and found themselves in a long hallway with a door at the end.
“You don’t think this might be trap to hurt us all? Take Peter to be able to kidnap us all.” Davy glanced up at Michael who put his hand on his shoulder. 
“No. But even if it is, we need Peter safe, so, let’s go.” The trio made their way down the corridor.
“Let’s hope you’re right about Peter being here.”
Peter glanced over to where Y/N was sat, he hadn’t heard a single noise from her for what seemed like years but had really only been three hours. He wasn’t sure whether he should try to speak or let her rest, chances were she had passed out from the stress on her body.
All he wanted was to hug her. And his friends. But right now, his priority was the girl who’d sacrificed herself to stop him from getting hurt.
“Y/N? Y/N, please, just let me know if you’re okay.” Peter whispered loudly, he heard a bit of a shuffle from where the girl was, but no noise escaped her mouth. Peter let ut a quiet cry, he was scared that she was gone for good, she had sacrificed a lot for him and he cared about her, in more ways than one apparently.
“H-hey. Don’t cry. It’s okay Peter.” A tired, croaky voice whispered from across the room, Y/N. 
“Y-you’re alive? You’re okay? Y/N, I’m so so sorry.” Peter rambled, thankful that she was still there.
“I’m fine, Pete, really.” Y/N said.
“I’m glad.”
The pair sat in silence for a bit before they heard a loud bang on the door at the opposite end of the room, both of them jumped, terrified that it was their captor returning to hurt either of them.
“You don’t think it’s?” Peter whispered, he was scared, he didn’t want to get hurt but he also didn’t want Y/N to get hurt either. He shrunk down in his chair as far as the ropes would allow him. 
“Peter? Peter are you in there?” A loud voice from the other side of the door shouted. Peter’s eyes widened, it was Micky. His friends had come for him, Y/N had been right, they do care about him! 
“Micky! Micky!” Peter raised his voice as loudly as he could. He was so happy! He thought he was going to be stuck in there forever. Y/N smiled to herself, she was happy for Peter. She knew his friends would come for him, after everything he had told her, she knew he would be found by them. She was just sad that they had found him this quickly. Y/N knew it was selfish of her to feel that way, but she’d finally felt less alone, she found a friend, someone who made her laugh. She’d been alone for years in the dark before he was kidnapped.
The lock on the door eventually gave way after Davy had picked it, light filled the room, both squinted at the brightness, Y/N hadn’t seen any light for three years. Once their eyes had adjusted, they saw three figures in the doorway, three pairs of eyes searched for Peter and ran towards him, the short Brit ran straight for Peter and untied him, pulling him up and into a tight hug as soon as he was freed. Michael and Micky took their turns in hugging the golden-haired man.
“Are you okay? Are you hurt?” Michael questioned, checking the boy all over looking for any cuts or bruises, Peter quickly shook him off. “I’m fine, Michael. Thank you.” He said, glancing over his shoulder to try and get a look at Y/N who was sat awkwardly, staring at her feet.
“Let’s get out of here then, I don’t like the vibe this place gives off.” Davy shudders, grabbing Peter’s hand, Pete wriggled his hand out of Davy’s and ran over to Y/N. He finally got a good look at the girl, she had y/h/c that reached her shoulders, and y/e/c that were dim due to the exhaustion and trauma she’d been through. Her lip was bust, she had a black eye as well as several other cuts and bruises on her face, he couldn’t see any more of her body to see what the evil bastard that kidnapped them had done to her, Peter thought she was absolutely gorgous though.
“Go, Peter.” Y/N whispered, barely looking up, she knew it would be harder if she knew what he looked like, she caught his long blond hair out of the corner of her eyes.
“I’m not leaving without you. Come on.” Peter desperately tried to pull at the tight ropes that bound her to the chair, Y/N shook her head sadly, finally getting a look at the puppy-eyed man that she had lived with the past few days.
“Peter. You have to leave me here. Taking me would make your escape even riskier. Please, just go. You know I can handle being in here.” She smiled sadly at him, God, he’s gorgeous, she thought as she looked back at her feet again.
“Come on Pete. I know you don’t think so, but she is right. I’m sorry.” Micky wrapped his arm around the bassissts shoulder and began to guide him out of the room, leaving Y/N in the dark, alone again.
Peter sobbed the whole car journey home, he wished he could have saved Y/N.
“Peter, babe, your safe. We have you.” Michael pulled the older man into a tight hug, resting his chin on the mop of golden hair.
“I know, but, Y/N, she-she isn’t safe. He’s hurt her so much. She took all the torture and abuse that the man was going to give me. He raped her for fucksake Michael.” Peter said angrily, Michael and the other two boys who were perched on the end of the sofa were slightly taken aback. Peter didn’t do being angry, Peter didn’t raise his voice out of anger, and Peter most definitely did not swear.
“She’s been suffering there for three years. She isn’t lucky like me, she doesn’t have people who’d come and save her. I’m the only person she had god fucking damnit.” Peter stood up, kicked a book on the floor and headed for his room.
“Don’t you guys see? We have to go back for her.” Peter’s tears spilled over his eyelids and he broke down. Micky went and gently coaxed him back down onto the sofa, Davy stroked his hair. Eventually, Peter cried himself to exhaustion and fell asleep. “What are we going to do?” Micky whispered.
“We’re going back for her.”
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tomurasprincess · 4 years
Okay but have you ever considered Yandere Hawks going into rut and kidnapping his poor, overworked secretary, taking them home to his lovely nest, and breeding them. I mean, come on, it's spring. If they didn't want to be Keigo's breeding bitch then why did they stick around for so long? 🤔 None of the other secretaries cared enough to last this long. Clearly their still at his agency because they L O V E him~ 😏 Won't they just be so pleased to carry his hatchlings and be his pretty mate? 🥵🙏
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Warnings: Noncon, oviposition, forced breeding, forced orgasms, mating rut, kidnapping, drugging, yandere Note: Sorry this took so long to fill, but uhhh...I went crazy with it and this is a 1.2k monster of a mini fic. 😂
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When you wake up, it takes you several seconds to realize exactly what happened. You were working overtime as per usual when your boss Hawks came in. His pupils were full blown, sweat dripping from his body like he had just run miles, and he couldn’t seem to stop shaking.
You didn’t realize the danger until it was too late and he had you in his arms, pressing a sweet smelling cloth to your mouth and holding you until you passed out. And now, you’re tied to a bed naked, legs spread wide as an even more feral looking Hawks stares at you with hunger in his eyes.
“My pretty little bird,” he whispers as he climbs into bed with you. “You’re finally awake. I didn’t want to do this while you were unconscious, that makes it no fun at all for either of us.”
“Hawks, what is the meaning of this?” You try to sound calm, rational to try and talk some sense into him. “You need to let me go.”
“Why would I do that?” He slips up your body, slotting himself in between your thighs and grinding the bulge in the front of his pants against you. The rough fabric of his jeans pushes against your clit, and you let out a soft gasp. “See? You want this.”
“Whatever this is, no I don’t want it!” You snap at him, but instead of looking angry, the corners of his lips turns up into a smile.
“Of course you do, pretty bird. It’s breeding season for me, and you stayed around like a good little bird. You wanted to be bred by me, filled up with my hatchlings until you’re big and round.”
Your eyes widen in horror. “What - no, I don’t -”
You had heard rumors of Hawks, speculation on just how bird-like the number two hero truly was. But you had no idea of this, not even an inkling. “Your breeding season?” You ask hesitantly.”
“I’m in a rut.” And then he’s unzipping his pants, pulling them off and revealing a truly large, impressive cock that’s already rock hard. “And I can’t wait, my baby bird. I need to be inside of you, need to breed you until you can’t handle any more of my eggs.”
“Eggs? No no no, Hawks, please think about this - “
But he doesn’t answer, sheathing himself inside of your unprepared pussy in one firm snap of his hips. You whine at the painful stretch of your tight muscles around his length, and tears form at the corner of your eyes that he promptly kisses away.
“Shh, it’s okay, you’ll feel good in no time,” he coos at you as he begins to thrust. “Fuck, you’re so tight - you were saving yourself just for me, weren’t you? Of course you were.”
You begin to argue, but then you feel something at the entrance of your pussy, trying to force its way in. He said eggs, you remind yourself with dawning horror, that must be an egg -
“Hawks please, please think about this! I don’t want this!”
“Yes you do, little bird,” he grunts out, as he begins to make sharp, shallow thrusts into you as the egg forces your pussy to stretch even further. “You wouldn’t have stayed if you didn’t want this.”
You scream as the egg enters you and he fucks it up into your pussy with more sharp thrusts. You feel it press against your g-spot, and your eyes roll into the back of your head as you cum hard around it. 
“See? I knew it, you fucking wanted this. You cumming around my eggs is so fucking hot, baby bird,” he groans out as he fucks the egg up into you. He reaches the barrier of your cervix, pausing for one second as he reassures you. 
“This will hurt at first,” he admits, “but then it’ll feel good. And it will all be worth it when we have our precious hatchlings.” And then he gives one massive thrust as he forces your cervix open.
The blinding pain takes your breath away, the feeling of the egg pushing past into your womb agonizing. You feel a pop as your cervix gives way, and then the egg is filling up your once empty womb. Suddenly your body is on fire, pussy gushing liquid around his cock as more eggs push inside of you easily now that you’re more stretched open.
“Fuck fuck fuck fuck,” you mindlessly babble as the eggs move along your walls, pressing hard against them and causing more orgasms to wrack your body. “Oh fuck, Hawks, oh god, it feels so good - I can’t - “
“Keigo,” he corrects you, “call me Keigo, my beautiful mate, the mother of my children.” He presses against your stomach, rolling the egg around in your tummy and causing you to scream from the sheer pleasure.
More eggs plop into your womb along with the other, and your belly begins to swell and stretch and you’re only able to lay there limply as your body is wracked with more orgasms. “Please, no more,” you whimper pathetically, Keigo, it’s too much - ‘
“Shh, this is the last one, I promise,” he whispers to you, forcing one more egg through your wide open cervix. You glance down at your belly, shocked to see that you look 9 months pregnant already. You can see the outline of the eggs, and you marvel at it for a second before you reach down to touch one.
You give a broken moan as you feel the eggs inside of you, realizing that maybe he was right - isn’t this what you were made for? To be bred and full of eggs? It’s not so bad, you think, and in fact it feels amazing. How were you able to live, being so empty before?
“I knew it,” he smiles happily, “you realize this is what you were meant for.” He begins to thrust again, several sharp movements before he’s cumming against your cervix, shooting hot ropes of cum directly into your womb to fertilize the eggs.
He lifts your hips up, keeping his cock snugly inside of you until your cervix closes again, ensuring that no eggs slip out and all of his cum stays inside of you.
He picks you up gently, placing you in a large ring of pillows and blankets before tucking you in. “This is your nest, little bird. You’ll stay here until the eggs are ready to hatch, okay? Don’t strain yourself, you’re so delicate right now.”
You wouldn’t be able to move much even if you wanted to, you realize. Your belly feels so heavy and full, and you’re unbelievably sleepy. But before you pass out, you hear your mate distantly say something.
“We’re going to be such a happy family, baby bird.”
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writersblog20 · 3 years
I can't help being scared!
Sebastian Stan x reader
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Guest appearance: marvel cast
Warnings: some curse words. Little bit of angst if you squint but barely noticeable.
Summary: The reader is on the Graham Norton Show with Sebastian, Tom Hiddleston, Chris Evans, RDJ, Anthony Mackie and Benedict Cumberbatch. Graham shows a clip of the reader with her classmates for a project at a haunted house. That gives the rest of the cast a brilliant idea! But unfortunately their great plan didn’t turn out great for you… or did it?
Words: 3169
I can’t help being scared!
You were backstage with Sebastian, Tom, Chris, RDJ, Anthony and Benedict. You were quit nervous to say the least. This was your first time on a talk show host. But you weren’t nervous for the actual show but because Graham always knew how to find embarrassing videos and/or pictures. And there were enough of them! Sebastian stood next to you. His arm around you. “you’re great, they’re gonna love you” he told you. You just smiled. “Sebastian is right darling, no need to worry! We’re here with you.” Tom said sweetly. You blushed a little. “thank you guys” you told them.
Since you were the newbie you thought they would give you a little bit of a hard time but that was everything but the truth! They took you in as a part of the family. The fans already loved you! And you really grew closer to Sebastian. This was your first big role and you loved Marvel way before you got the part. And you also had a huge crush on Sebastian before that. You might have hoped that he was a jackass so it would be easier to be around him than crush on him hard. But also that was everything but the truth. He was so nice. Nicer than you thought he was, which is very hard to achieve, but yet there he was. He might’ve been the nicest person you’ve ever encountered. But the whole cast was extremely nice and kind! It just didn’t help with your crush on Sebastian to say the least….. you were full head over heels for the blue eyed man.
Graham called you one by one on the stage, leaving you and Sebastian alone for a second. “Really sweetheart, they’re gonna love you!” he told you “Thank you Seba” you told him with a slight blush. “also you look incredible!” he told you while scanning you which made you blush even harder. Graham called Sebastian to the stage and he gave you a quick kiss on the side of your head and squeezed your hand before going up.
You paced a little around when your name came up. “and a huge applause for Y/N Y/L/N!” the crowd grew wild. You walked up and waved to the people and gave Graham a hug while the whole cast smiled at you. You plopped down the couch next to Sebastian and Chris. You took a sip of your alcoholic drank.
The show was going great until the last moment. “So Y/N, do you get scared easily?” he looked at him in confusion. “ehm I don’t really know actually although the question scares me” you told him laughing not knowing what he was going with this. The crowd was laughing with you. “I’m asking because we have found a video of you, and I believe are some classmates? At a haunted house for a project…. “ he said waiting for the ball to drop in your head. “oh god” you said immediately feeling embarrassment filing up your body.
“yeah I remember….” You said chuckling. The whole cast looked at you in confusion. “well we don’t know!” RDJ said. “well luckily we have the footage” Graham said. You groaned putting your hands in your face. “maybe you can gives a little background story on this” Graham asked chuckling while holding his cards in front of his mouth. You chuckled a little as well “okay so ehm… we had a project to make a video and we were left doing what we wanted but it had some criteria we had to get of course. But ehm the group decided to go to a haunted house and well I didn’t really like it” you said “lets watch the footage” Graham said and the crew scooted over to get a good look at the monitor it was playing the video on.
“so here we are! At a haunted house for a challenge!” one of your classmates Joey said. You were in a group of 5 people. They all stood next to each other. Tyron didn’t like it as well. All the others were excited except the two of you. You on the other hand wasn’t in the shot. They all introduced themselves “and Y/N is over there!” they panned the camera to you, who was standing against the wall. You gave them a small wave. They started laughing. “what are you doing over there?” they asked you teasingly. “yeah I don’t trust anyone behind me right now. and now I can see them coming” you said.
After 1 minute of introduction a scare actor came up to you on roller skates and knee pads. He took a good run up you and went on his knees rolling further towards you. You noticed him and immediately jumped over the guy running towards the group who were now laughing their asses off. “yeah very funny can we just get this over with?” you asked the group annoyed.
“sure but now first the challenge! You guys don’t know what it is right?” you all nodded. Right so we’re going to be bound to one another. So we have a rope and we tie it up around one ankle so you’re bound to the other person. “excuse me know???” you asked unamused. They laughed. “Y/N you’re with Tyron.” They made the pairs and you tied each other up.
You went in the haunted house and already got scared. You and Tylor wanted to run but you both went the other way which made you fall down. The rest of the group laughed again. “Fuck dude!” you yelled but more at the actor and yourself. This went down for another good 4 minutes which got harder with the second since the actors had their eyes on you and Tylor because you were so scared. They figured “Let’s make it worse!”. At the last minute in the haunted house you and Tylor untied yourself and fleet the scene with a lot of actors behind your asses. You run like you never had before.
~end footage~
The cast was laughing a lot and you giggled a little while holding your face in embarrassment. “So I figured you didn’t really liked it?” Graham asked you. You laughed “no not really”. You all talked about it for a little more until the show ended.
You were standing in the dressing room changing in sweatpants. the cast couldn’t stop talking about it. “You have to give me that footage!” Chris said laughing. You rolled your eyes. You knew you were going to be the center of Chris’s scare pranks. Everyone was changed in comfortable clothes and Sebastian in black sweatpants as well.
You all got out of the building thinking of what to do next since everyone was so hyped. “I have a great idea!” Anthony said and whispered something to Chris who was now laughing his ass off. You frowned and looked at Sebastian who looked at you in confusion as well. “okay I know a great place!” Anthony said which made Chris laugh more “yeah I don’t think I trust you right now” you told Anthony. “Oh come on you’ll love it! Just follow me” he said making his way. Everyone looked at each other considering it. Eventually following the two boys.
You walked in a funfair. You frowned and wondered what the two boys were up to. You stopped in front of a haunted house. “absolutely fucking not” you told them shaking your head. “oh come on Y/N. It’s not like it is a haunted house where you went. I mean we’re at a funfair. It’s not going to be that scary!” you rolled your eyes.
Sebastian placed his hand softly on your arm. “I’m here with you. I’m not going to let you alone or fuck with you.” He told you and got a little closer “you can hold my hand if that helps.” He said and you were waiting for him to crack up laughing but he didn’t he looked sincere. “and of course if you really don’t want to we don’t have to! I mean there are a lot of great games that we can play” he told you excited which made you laugh a little. “alright I’ll come with you” you said to Anthony and Chris.
“we’ll go too!” Benedict said motioning to him and Tom. “Great! So everyone is going!” RDJ said. They bought tickets and you were in line. It was a busy night. You stood next to Sebastian “like I said I’m not going anywhere!” he told you with a soft genuine smile. You took his hand softly in yours which made him smile. “I’m not going to let you go now” he said with a grin and you chuckled. “Hey love birds! It’s our turn now!” Anthony said.
You rolled your eyes. fine now or never you said to yourself. Sebastian squeezed in your hand. What all of you didn’t know was that this was the scariest haunted house in the world. It toured all over the world and looked like a crappy haunted house but at the back it was huge! But you all didn’t know that.
You walked in and you immediately had weird vibes. Tom and Ben noticed as well and looked at you a little worried but getting scared themselves as well. You started to hold Sebastian’s arm with your free hand. He looked at you. “Are you okay?” he asked “I don’t know it feels…..” right before you could finish your sentence scare actors came from everywhere and there were flashing lights and loud sounds like they were throwing stuff.
“oh fuck….” You heard Anthony say. Sebastian threw a arm around you and still held your hand protectively. “I’m not letting go. I’m right here sweetheart.” He said while getting a little frightened himself. Tom stood on the other side of your protectively as well. Sebastian threw a mad glance at Anthony and Chris.
You were a couple of rooms further but that meant it only got scarier. A scare actor came behind you and you jumped to the front where there was another scare actor waiting for you. He came into your personal space and into your face which made you more mad and angry then scared actually. “The hell!” you said angry. Sebastian and Benedict pulled you back and took you further. “what an asshole!” you said and huffed.
You let go of Sebastian’s hand more pissed then scared and walked towards the front. You pushed Anthony and Chris out of the way which scared them to death and walked up front. “oh she’s really pissed now” said Benedict. “yup” said Sebastian with a proud grin on his face. You ignored all the scare actors and didn’t get out of the way. One actor was trying to scare you and you just stood there, pissed of with a face of steel. He also tried to get into your face. “I really wouldn’t do that buddy. I’m not playing anymore.” You told him calmly. He went out of your way and all the boys looked surprised but also mesmerized. Anthony and Chris looked at each other in guilt and stress. You were really intimidating now and they knew you were mad at them. The started to get more scared of you then the actual haunted house itself.
You got out first and waited for Anthony and Chris while you stood there with your hands on your hips. They got out and immediately started to apologize. You looked unamused with them but your face softened a little at them. “I know you didn’t know but don’t you dare to do shit like this again” you said stern “Yes ma’am” Anthony said without thinking which made everyone giggle a little.
“So ehm well, that was eventful but I’m going back to the hotel now” Tom said. Benedict nodded. “yeah we’ll go as well. And again we’re really sorry Y/N” Chris said really feeling bad. You gave them a hug. “It’s okay now just don’t do something like this again” they nodded and left. “Well have fun lovebirds! Just not too much fun” RDJ said with a wink.
When everyone left you looked at Sebastian. “Thank you for keeping your promise Seba” you told him softly. “of course! Can’t let my favorite girl suffer!” you started to blush not really knowing what to say. He smiled at you. “What about those games huh?” Sebastian said with a grin. “sounds good to me” you told him with a smile.
After a few games you started to get chills. “Are you cold sweetheart?” Sebastian asked you. A little bit yeah. Sebastian took his coat off and after that his sweater. He pulled his coat on again and helped you out of yours. He pulled the sweater over your head. It was so warm and soft and it smelled like Sebastian. “Better?” He asked you with a soft smile but yet so bright. “Much” you told him giving him a kiss on his cheek which made him blush.
The whole evening you played games. Sebastian won a lot of plushy toys for you. You both walked back to the hotel. You with a big ass plushy toy in your arms and Sebastian with four others and some food. You laughed your whole way back remembering the eventful night. “No, no, no, Y/N I’m telling you! You were such a badass. I mean even Anthony said Ma’am to you” Sebastian laughed and you fell against him from laughing so hard.
“hey I got a idea” you told him with a big evil grin on your face. He started to giggle “oh no, what have you got in mind?” You took his hand and walked towards the elevator and stepped in. “what room are they staying in again?” you asked Sebastian and he had to remain himself from laughing too hard. “ehm I believe 212” he told you. You got out of the elevator going to your own room to place the stuff down before going back again”You turned to Sebastian who looked at you curiously while you stood at their door. “payback time” you told Sebastian and you bonked at their door. You took Sebastian’s hand while running away.
You were both a giggling mess. “Hello?” we heard Anthony say. Sebastian got closer and you stood with your back against the wall. You placed your hand on his mouth to silence the giggles. “Hello???” You heard Anthony say again. Sebastian stopped giggling as well as you did. You started to look at each other. Getting lost in his bright blue eyes. and he in yours. You felt your heartbeat pick up. You realized that his body was plastered on yours at the moment and his face just inches away from yours. You slowly lowered your hand from his mouth. He got closer to you. That was when you heard footsteps. Sebastian took your hand this time and run with you. You ran across Chris’s room and you bonked on that one as well before running further.
You kind of went in circles. You saw the back of Anthony and Chris. They were talking to each other. This time you dragged Sebastian behind you. You slowly made your way towards their back. When you were finally there you started to yell. But not hard enough to wake up other guest but enough to scare them. Chris fell on the ground and Anthony held onto his chest. “Payback bitch!” you said laughing along with Sebastian. They looked at you petrified “goodnight” you said with an evil smile like a hint for them to know that there would be more (there wasn’t but you let them think that there was).
You went back to your hotel room with Sebastian. You were still holding hands. “Do you want to watch a movie maybe?” you asked Sebastian not wanting to be alone. He grinned “I would love that”. You felt butterflies in your stomach again.
You got in your hotel room and Sebastian placed the big plushy bear on your bed which made you giggle. You started to take his sweater of before he stopped you. “keep it on, looks better on you anyway” he told you with a soft smile which made you blush once again.
You got beverages out of the fridge and some crisps and you plopped on the bed. Sebastian wanted to take the chair which made you frown but yet made your heart melt at the gentleman that he is. “Seba?” He looked at you and you padded next to you on the bed. He smiled and said next to you. You both choose a comedy movie and you made yourself comfortable.
You laid on Sebastian’s chest with your arm on his stomach. He held you close to him. “Seb? Can you please stay with me tonight? You asked him sleepy. “I will. I’m not going to let you go sweetheart.” He said with hearts in his eyes when he looked at you. He crawled closer under the covers with you which made you lay almost on top of him. He started to laugh “Sweetheart, I would love to stay with you but you have got to let me breath” he said laughing. You groaned and laid next to him.
He turned so you were face to face. He studied your features with love in his eyes. “you’re staring Seb” you said chuckling and opening your eyes. he blushed a little. “I’m sorry. You’re just…. You’re just really beautiful and…. And I really like you Y/N”
Your eyes got big at his confession. You loved him you just didn’t think he would feel the same. “I really like you too Seb” You told him. He got closer again and placed his plump lips on yours. He cupped your cheek with his hand and you deepened the kiss. After a while he pulled back. “Would you like to go on a date with me?” I would love to Seb. Only if you make it just as adventurous as this one” you told him with a smile. He had the biggest grin on his face. “promise except for the haunted house” he told you. You smiled. “I had you with me so it wasn’t so bad” you told him with a grin. He kissed you again. You both couldn’t wait for the future and adventurous dates you would have. Everything would be okay because you had Seb and Sebastian had you.
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fruitcoops · 3 years
Can I please ask for some protective Cubs and/or Coops. I adore these boys and I love the fics where they always have each other’s backs. It could be a similar situation to Remus and that Stan guy or something different. No pressure or anything and if you don’t vibe with this prompt don’t stess bestie
Yes, I love protective Lions! For the anon whose meds got mixed up: I'm so sorry that happened, and I hope this provides the comfort you were looking for in the form of Cub lovin' <3 SW credit goes to @lumosinlove!
TW for panic attacks, forgetting to eat a healthy meal
It was Sirius who noticed first. Then Remus. Then Finn.
He was still kicking himself over that one, to be honest.
Sirius moved like a solid wall, murmuring in quiet French as he led Logan out of the gym and into the hall with Remus hot on their heels. A pang hit Finn right in the heart—I want to understand, he thought, fervent and afraid as he set the jump rope down. I would build the Tower of Babel again to understand how to help.
His pulse picked up; sweat itched at his forehead even after he stopped exercising. “Something’s wrong,” Leo said under his breath as they hurried into the hall.
Obviously, Finn bit back. He should have known since the second Logan started snapping his fingers in a nervous tic, should have seen the fucking signs—
“Everything alright?” James asked cautiously from the weight bench where he laid. “Did someone get hurt?”
“Just—just hang on a second.”
“Respire.” Sirius sat crosslegged across from Logan, whose eyes were squeezed shut as he leaned his head against the wall about ten feet from the door. “Logan, respire.”
A gentle but firm hand moved Finn out of the way by his shoulder; Remus slipped past them with a cup of water. “Drink this,” he ordered as he took Logan’s twitching hand between his own. “Open your eyes if you can.”
“Gonna throw up,” Logan managed, his voice high and reedy.
“Lo?” Finn’s mouth was dry. Logan hadn’t had a panic attack since their last year at Harvard together—he barely remembered what to do.
Logan’s chest caved at the sound of his voice, and one pale green eye cracked open to stare at him in sheer terror. “Finn. Finn, it’s happening, I don’t know what to do—”
“Move.” Finn’s throat hurt, but his brain kicked into autopilot. I can fix this. “Leo, get some damp paper towels from the break room. Cap, give him space.”
Leo disappeared from his stunned place by his side; after a moment’s hesitation, Sirius held his hands up and backed away. Logan was still gripping Remus’ hand with white knuckles. “How do I help?” Remus asked as soon as Finn knelt next to Logan.
“Grab some more water, and granola bars.” Slowly and deliberately, he reached up and cupped the side of Logan’s face. He had never allowed himself to do it at Harvard, but Logan always came back to himself quicker with a grounding touch. “Logan, can you look at me for a second?”
He shook his head. “Gonna throw up.”
“Alright.” With a shaky exhale, Logan leaned into his palm. “There you go, good job. Are you still dizzy?”
“Little bit.”
Past adrenaline rush, past collapsing, moving through dizziness. Finn ran through his mental checklist like it was just yesterday that Logan had crumbled after a bad game in from of scouts. “Cap was right, you need to breathe. I’ll do it with you, okay?”
He watched Logan’s chest move up and down, erratic at first before slowing to match Finn’s steady pace. Something damp and cool brushed against his free hand and he pressed the paper towel to Logan’s forehead, then kissed Leo’s cheek in gratitude as he sat down. “What happened, love?”
Logan swallowed hard and licked his lips, but his eyes were opening. “Dunno. I was almost at the end of my reps. I was fine.”
“Did you eat?” Sirius asked quietly to his left, waiting with his arms crossed. Despite his stance, he didn’t look angry.
“Bagel for breakfast. Coffee.”
His mouth tilted down. “That’s not enough.”
“We’re not upset,” Finn assured him, sliding the makeshift washcloth to his temple. “Just worried.”
“It’s really warm in here,” Logan panted. His pupils had dilated so far they almost masked the green entirely. Past dizziness, into dehydration. “Is anyone else warm?”
Finn’s sweat was already cooling on his body as he handed him the water glass. “Drink.”
In twenty seconds, half of it was gone. A decent amount spilled over the front of Logan’s shirt from his shaking hands, but that didn’t seem to bother him. Leo’s whole face was lined with concern. “Better?”
Finn glanced up at the others and gave them a quick nod. We’ve got him. Sirius squeezed his shoulder as he passed, and Remus passed him a couple energy bars before heading back into the gym. Logan’s breaths were coming easier; they waited in silence until the rest of the water was gone and his face regained some of its color. “You can’t skip breakfast on heavy workout days, Lo,” Finn said, folding his legs under himself. “You know that’s how these get triggered.”
“It’s been long enough that I thought I’d be alright.”
“Does this happen a lot with you?” Leo asked. Insecurity flickered over his face and Finn felt a stab of guilt.
Thankfully, Logan shook his head. “Not for a while. They used to, back in school.”
“Then why’d you skip breakfast if you knew it might happen?”
“I slept weird. Didn’t wake up hungry, and by the time I was, we had to go.”
“We can take another five or ten minutes to make sure you eat instead of having a panic attack.” Just to make that extremely clear, he added in his mind. “For future reference.”
Logan’s nose twitched as he looked toward the gym door. “Sorry for interrupting your practice.”
“Health comes first,” Leo said firmly. “Practice won’t ever be more important than your safety.”
“It’s our job—”
Finn held his hands up in a timeout motion. “Panic attacks aren’t something we fuck around with, remember? The guys will understand. Coach will understand. Besides, we’re your boyfriends. It’s our job to take care of you when you’re feeling shitty.”
Logan looked between them, sighed, and leaned forward to rest his forehead on both their shoulders. “I love you.”
“Love you, too,” Leo said into the soft skin of his neck with a light kiss.
Finn rubbed small circles onto the back of his hand and buried his face Logan’s slightly-sweaty curls. “Love you, three. Ready to head back in?”
“Only if you’re ready for me to kick your ass in squats.”
Leo snorted. “Bold of you to assume Cap’s letting you near anything heavy for the next 24 hours.”
“That assumes he lets you in the gym at all,” Finn amended.
Logan rolled his eyes. “I’m fine.”
“And I’m sure he’ll believe you, after you’ve been cleared by every doctor in a four-mile radius.”
“I’ll make him let me in.”
“Now that I’d pay to see,” Finn laughed. He internally cheered at the rosy splotches of temper that lived a semi-permanent life on Logan’s cheeks.
Leo nodded. “A true battle of wills.”
Logan’s jaw ticked at the side. “You’re the worst boyfriends ever.”
“Nah, we’re just protecting you from your big bad older brother who is fully capable of banning you from the gym if you don’t play your cards right.” They heaved him to his feet by his hands; if Finn spent a little extra time dusting his back and thighs off, that was nobody’s business but their own.
“Are you done?” Logan asked with clear amusement written all over his face.
“I’m protecting the booty,” Finn said solemnly. Next to him, Leo fought a valiant battle against the grin trying to take over his face. “It’s a very important booty, you know.”
“Like you’d know, Pancake O’Hara.” With a playful smack to his—admittedly lacking, in comparison—rear end, Logan strolled back down the hall to the gym and pulled the door open.
“Yoga mats,” Sirius said without preamble. Leo clamped a hand over his mouth and hid his face in Finn’s shoulder.
“Yoga mats. If you even breathe on the weights, I swear to god I’ll sit on you.”
“You’re the worst.”
“Love you, too.” Sirius narrowed his eyes down the hall. “You two have absolutely no excuse to chill out here. Congrats, Harzy, your rotation for the bench press just started. Knutty, Bliz is waiting for you by the ice baths.”
“Oh, god,” Leo groaned.
Even Sirius looked sympathetic as he moved aside to let Logan in. “It’s only fifteen minutes. You’ll sur—Logan, put that down!”
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marauderundercover · 3 years
This Side of Normal Ch. 9
Marinette blinks at the house in front of her in shock. She didn’t know what she had expected when Dick had mentioned a trapeze at his house. She definitely hadn’t expected the house to look like...this.
“Your house is freaking huge.” Marinette says.
“Not my house. It’s the guy who adopted us. Me and Dickie bird.” Jason says, slinging an arm over Adrien’s shoulders to reach over and ruffle her hair. 
“Are you sure that it’s okay we’re here?” She asks, frowning. 
“Sure! Besides, B’s probably still at work.” Dick says, grinning as the door opens. 
“Master Dick, Master Jason. I see you’ve brought guests.” An older man says, quirking an eyebrow. Marinette smiles awkwardly. 
“Hi. I’m Marinette, and this is Adrien.” She says, extending her hand. The man nods, shaking her hand. 
“Pleasure to meet you, Miss. I am the family’s butler and caretaker, Alfred Pennyworth.” He says. Marinette smiles. 
“Nice to meet you as well, Monsieur Pennyworth.” She says. 
“I’m gonna go try and show Mari here some trapeze moves.” Dick explains with a wide grin. 
“Very well. Should I plan for two more at dinner?” Mr. Pennyworth asks. 
“Oh, no, I don’t-” Marinette starts to argue, but Dick cuts her off. 
“Yes please!” He says before hurrying down the hallway. “Come on slowpokes!” He adds with a grin. Marinette looks at Jason pleadingly. 
“You’re the one who said you were gonna adopt Dick as your brother. This is all on you, Pixie Pop.” He says with a smirk, continuing to walk after Dick. Marinette groans, but follows, glaring at Adrien who snorts at her pain. 
“You’re a little bitch.” She mumbles under her breath, glaring at him. He rolls his eyes. 
“You know you love me.” He says. Marinette speeds up her walk, careful to keep Dick in sights at all times. This place was huge. She bumps into Adrien, nudging him with her shoulder as they walk down the hall. 
“Okay, okay, are you guys ready for this?” Dick asks, stopping in front of closed double doors. Marinette nods and Dick grins before pushing open the doors. Her jaw drops as she looks into the gym. It had everything you could possibly want or need. Including a bunch of gymnastics equipment, aerial silks and a trapeze. It was amazing. 
“Wow.” She says, eyes wide as she looks around. This was even cooler than she’d imagined. 
“Man, this would’ve been helpful a year ago.” Adrien mumbles, and Marinette snorts, knowing he’s thinking back to their rooftop training sessions with Jason. And all the times they got scraped up from the rough roofs. She glances over at Jason, noticing the thoughtful look on his face. Probably thinking the same thing, she thinks before turning back to Dick. 
“So, how do we start?” She asks, bouncing back and forth between the balls of her feet. This was going to be so freaking cool!
This is so worth a trip to Gotham! Marientte thinks to herself as she flies through the air. Dick was surprised at how quickly she caught on for her first time (she pointedly ignored the snorts from Adrien and Jason who both knew this was not her first time flying through the air). Once they get back to the platform, Dick’s phone starts to ring and he smiles apologetically. 
“I’ve really gotta take this.” He says, darting down the ladder and rushing out of the gym to answer his phone. Marinette shrugs and follows him down the latter, punching Jason’s arm as she walks by him to grab a drink of water. 
“Ow, what the hell was that for?” He asks, rubbing his arm and glaring at the girl. 
“I saw you two idiots laughing at me.” She replies, shrugging. 
“Why do you still punch so hard?” Jason asks, and she can tell he’s starting to be concerned for her. She recognizes the look on his face. 
“Pent up aggression from fighting an emotional terrorist for a good chunk of my adolescence.” She deapans. He raises an eyebrow and she huffs. “Okay, I took up boxing.” 
“So have you both kept up with training?” He asks, visibly concerned. Marinette shares a look with Adrien, trying to decide if she should be honest or not. But...it’s Jason. So she has to be. 
“Yeah….” She draws out the word before sighing, pushing her bangs back from her face. “In our defense, it’s hard to go back to being a civilian after being a hero for several years. It’s just- especially with Guardian shit, right? Like, that’s a lifetime commitment. If I give it up, I give up my memories. I can’t do that, Jay. I’d forget you and Adrien and I can’t do that. So I don’t-” She pauses and lets herself take a breath. “I don’t have a choice.” Jason’s face drops into a scowl, but she knows it’s not directed at her. As much as she admired Master Fu, he was not the best mentor. And he left her without a choice when it came to hero work. Something she knew that Jason couldn’t forgive him for. Even if she tried to.
“Come on, we’re gonna spar.” Jason instructs, not giving her a chance to object. She sighs, but follows him over to the mats, immediately getting into position. 
“I fight better than I did a year ago.” She warns, and Jason grins. 
“That’s what I’m counting on Pixie Pop.” He says, immediately lunging towards her. Marinette jumps back, staying light on her feet as she gets used to sparring with Jason again. He wasn’t slow by any means, but he was much bigger than her, which meant he couldn’t jump around as lightly as she did. She’d have to use his weight against him. She leaps to the side and then brings a swift kick up, using her foot to kick his thigh, hard. He stumbles slightly, grinning widely before throwing a swing. Deciding to use his momentum, she grabs onto his arm and lets the swing of his arm lift her up so that she can wrap her arms around his neck in a chokehold as she clings to his back. 
“Oh come on Jay, don’t tell me you’ve already lost!” Adrien teases from the side. Marinette feels Jason tense and can tell he’s about to throw himself down, which would definitely end the fight for her. Instead of letting him get that far, she moves her hands to grip onto his shoulders and vault herself over him, rolling out of the leap and jumping back up, grinning from ear to ear. 
“You’ve learned some new tricks.” Jason praises, squaring his stance once again. 
“Enough to beat you, old man.” She teases, snorting at the faux hurt on Jason’s face. 
“You wound me, Pix.” He says, clutching his heart and shutting his eyes as if in pain. Marinette decides to use his momentary theatrics to her advantage and delivers a swift kick to the back of his left leg, throwing all of her weight into the kick. Jason yelps in surprise, and falls to the ground. 
“Jump rope!” She calls out to Adrien, knowing she saw one earlier. And also knowing that there was no way she could keep Jason pinned without assistance. She holds her hand up, catching the rope that Adrien tosses to her, using it to quickly tie his ankles and wrists together. She steps back and admires her handy work, snorting at the shocked look on Jason’s face. Slow claps coming from the doorway make her snap to attention, turning and glancing at the intruder. Her eyes widen at the boy, who appeared to be around their age. With dark spiky hair and brilliant green eyes- No. Bad Mari, stop falling for green eyes. Ugh. She blinks, shoving the thoughts from her mind. 
“Er- hi.” She says awkwardly, glancing over at Adrien who simply shrugs. 
“Who is it?” Jason asks, since he’s currently not facing the door. Marinette glances down at him and smirks. 
“Oh, you mean you can’t see, Jay? Why ever would that be?” She teases. He huffs. 
“I don’t know, some crazy Pixie chick tied me up with a freaking jump rope like an angry kindergartner.” He gripes back. She crosses her arms. 
“You do realize that ‘angry kindergartner’ is the only one who can untie you, right?” She asks, choosing to ignore the stranger in the doorway for now. 
“Not true. Someone else came in, and Adrien can also untie a couple knots.” Jason argues. Marinette glances at Adrien who shakes his head, despite the fact that Jason can’t see. 
“Yeah, sorry Jay. I’m not going against Mari. She’s kinda scary.” Adrien says, making Jason whine. 
“Who the fuck is at the door then?” He asks, obviously starting to lose his patience. 
“Tt. As if I would help you, Todd.” The boy says and Marinette feels herself melt slightly at his voice. It was so- NO. BAD MARI. STOP. NO. 
“His name’s Jason.” Adrien pipes up, and Marinette turns to him, frowning. Because, yes, his name is Jason. So then what-
“His last name is Todd.” The boy says, and Adrien’s face turns red. He rubs the back of his neck- his go to ‘I’m feeling awkward right now’ pose. 
“Oops.” He says with a lopsided smile. Marinette rolls her eyes playfully at him before turning back and looking right in the boy’s eyes. 
“Hi, I’m Marinette Dupain Cheng. That dork over there is Adrien.” She introduces with a short wave. 
“Pleasure. I’m Damian Wayne.” The boy, Damian, introduces. Marinette smiles at him, feeling herself start to get lost in his eyes again. It wouldn’t hurt to look for just a minute, besides, he wasn’t looking away either. And his eyes were such a pretty color-
“Could someone please fucking untie me.” Jason groans. Marinette blushes furiously, dropping down and swiftly untying Jason. 
“Sorry Jay.” She apologizes, wincing at the annoyed look on his face as he stands up. He simply grunts and ruffles her hair, making her protest. 
“S’okay Pix. Besides, now you can take me down without using Adrien as a distraction. Big improvement.” He compliments and her annoyed face quickly morphs into a wide smile. 
“Alfred sent me to let you know dinner is ready.” Damian says, an annoyed expression on his face. Marinette immediately blushes again and glances at Jason who simply raises an eyebrow. She groans and falls back in line with Adrien who had a knowing smirk on his face. 
“Shut up.” She mutters, elbowing the boy. He snorts, shaking his head at her. Jason starts to walk out, trading insults with Damian as the group makes their way to the dining room. 
“Whatever you say, Bug.” He says, throwing an arm over her shoulder. She narrows her eyes at him. 
“Say anything, and I’ll beat you with your own arm.” She whispers. He holds up his hands in surrender and she sighs in relief. Hopefully they’d make it through this dinner without Adrien embarrassing the hell out of her. Following Jason and Damian into what had to be the dining room, she’s surprised to see a guy a couple years older than them, and a much taller man who had to be Jason’s dad. 
“Hello, I don’t believe we’ve met.” He says, extending a hand. “I’m Bruce Wayne.” He says with a wide (but false, Marinette notes, watching how it doesn’t reach his eyes) smile. Marinette’s eyes widen and she glances at Jason who just rolls his eyes. 
“Mari, Adrien, this is my….father.” He says the word as if it’s bitter. Marinette makes a note to ask about that later. They’d already sent one asshole father to prison, she had no problems sending another. 
“Nice to meet you.” Marinette says, shaking his hand, her smile not reaching her eyes either. She wouldn’t give him a real smile, not until she’d talked to Jason about it. He had helped them so much, it only made sense to help him too. Dinner should be interesting.
Tag list (open) @toodaloo-kangaroo @laurcad123 @kittenmywaythrulife @lost-in-the-world-of-maribat @queenz-z @daminette-56 
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sundaysundaes · 4 years
Lee Donghyuck/Haechan X Reader | Smut, Romance | 4k | Mr. & Mrs. Smith AU, Secret Agents/Assassins AU
A continuation of Delirium.
Summary: Your relationship with the mysterious stranger you met during your mission continues and it intensifies into something deeper, forcing you to break your own rules.
Warnings: car sex, rough sex, oral sex (male receiving), swearing
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“Spend the day with me.”
Your hands stopped mid-air during their attempt in drying your hair with a towel. Donghyuck was sitting on the edge of the bed, tapping his fingers against each other, his eyes gazing at you from behind his bangs. Unlike you, he has dressed handsomely in a pair of black ripped jeans and a light blue denim shirt with sleeves rolled up to his elbows. The bedsheets were all crumpled and stained underneath him from the activity you shared with him the night before—and this morning as well, when he suddenly decided to take the whipped cream and strawberries off his plate and smeared them all over your stomach, tasting them directly from your skin. 
“Let’s get some breakfast together or something,” he offered.
You coyly smile. “I thought we’ve had our breakfast.”
“Well, I’m still hungry.” But by the way his eyes ran down your body, lingering a little too long at the hem of your lingerie, you knew he was craving for something else. “I want to take you out on a date.” 
Still dressed solely in your underwear after your morning shower, you sent him a sly grin. “Do you do this with all your one night stands?”
“Only the pretty ones.”
You shook your head in amusement. “I’m supposed to fly back to Seoul tonight.”
“Change it. We can fly back together tomorrow.”
“I have work tomorrow.”
“Then take a day off.”
You scrunched up your nose. “Are you always this demanding?”
“Part of my charm.” He stood up from his seat, walking closer to you and you carelessly let your towel slide down to the floor, hands winding naturally around his neck. The way he sighed whenever your mouth made contact with his always left you a bit weak, stomach somersaulting in delight. “I’m a pretty determined man.” He kissed the skin below your ear, his hand trailing around the dip of your waist. “I have to get what I want and I won’t back down until I have it.”
You tilted your head, exposing more of your neck for his teeth to mark on. “And what is it that you want?”
He unclasped your bra, calloused fingertips raking down your spine before they went back to your chest. “What do you think I want?”
You didn’t want to think about anything else, not even the fact that you just washed yourself clean from his previous touches. You just wanted to feel him again, to hear his soft moans against your ear, to make him flinch when you slide your hand under his shirt, nails scraping against his delicate v-lines.
“I love your cherry mint lip balm,” he commented after he glided his tongue across your lower lip. “But you taste even better without it.”
Ripping his buttons open with hasty fingers, you murmured against his mouth, “I think we should just go straight for lunch. What do you think?”
Donghyuck smirked and let you crawl on top of his lap.
Being attached to someone could risk your life, or worse, put your loved ones in danger. You knew this. That was the most important rule in your handbook and you had been following that for years in order to survive, even distancing yourself from your parents and family. Which was the whole reason why you wanted to keep it casual with him. As much fun as he was, Donghyuck was only a lover for one night. That was how he was supposed to be.
But the last two days you spent with him was magical. Donghyuck was alluring, reeked of masculinity and sensuality, but the more time you spent with him, the more you realized that he was still a child at heart. The little pout he made when he lost an argument, the way his tongue was protruding against the inside of his cheek whenever your joke struck too close to home, and the little whines that escaped his lips when things didn’t go his way—he was young, refreshing, in a way. And you could feel yourself letting go, allowing yourself to bury the guilt and the sins you’d committed somewhere deep inside your mind and finally be yourself for once.
But all magical things must end at some point. And yet, when you were about to part ways with him at the airport, already walking toward the opposite direction of where he was heading, you realized how your heart stayed with him; how your body still longed for him, no matter how many times they had made contact during your two days together. When you pivoted on your heels, about to ask him to stay longer, you saw him doing the same thing.
With a sheepish smile—a stark contrast to how he usually displayed his expression—he suggested, “Maybe we can get some coffee first before we head home?”
You didn’t get to come home that night, but your heart had already settled down someplace better.
Neither of you ever talked about your relationship status. It wasn’t important, anyway. But what started as a strictly physical bond, became so much more the second he opened up about his childhood days followed by you disclosing your recurring dreams and nightmares. Personal things were shared, intimate memories were told and the wall that separated you from him began to crumble.
Despite how talkative he was, Donghyuck could really listen when you needed him to. He wouldn’t give you any advice because he knew you were already smart enough to figure them out by yourself, but he would embrace you tightly to his chest with his lips grazing against your fringe, his fingers playing with your strands. And if you really wanted him to say something, he would kiss you on your forehead and whisper, “You’re strong. You’ll get through this. But if you feel like you’re tired of their shits, you could just ring me. I’ll finish them for you.”
You laughed. You thought he was joking.
The hardest part of being an undercover assassin was you had to travel most of the time for your work. Your target could be walking in another city, living in a different country, speaking a different language and you just couldn’t afford to be distracted. So whenever you got the chance to meet him, you’ll try to satisfy your needs—mostly, physical—as best as you could. Lucky for you, he was only eager to comply.
Hovering above you, nude except for the silver necklace hanging around his neck, body glistening with sweat, Donghyuck took a detailed look at your wrist. The lighting in your room wasn’t bright enough for him to examine the bruises blooming on your skin, but the way his eyes narrowed, accompanied by a frown, told you that he knew it wasn’t just a simple injury. 
“Who did this to you?” His choice of words startled you. He didn’t ask what or how—he straightforwardly asked who, confident that it was done by someone and not merely a result of an accident. It sent a shiver down your spine because the truth was you were wounded during your last mission when you tried to infiltrate the enemy’s base by getting caught in purpose. At one point, you were restrained to a pole with ropes tied firmly along your wrists, hence the bruises. But there was no way you could be honest.
So, you lied.
“I tripped and accidentally twisted my wrist,” you said, moving your hips to distract him. He was still sheathed deep inside you, his cock slightly twitching in response, but held you by the waist to keep your body still.
“Did someone hurt you?” His voice was deep as it reverberated through the air, and you grew rigid after noticing how his previously laid-back demeanor suddenly became serious, almost dangerous even. “Who is it? Tell me his name.”
You swallowed. He was smarter than you’d expected. Way smarter. “I was tied up.”
“By who?”
The way he strictly sought revenge at the thought of someone hurting you was both arousing and frightening at the same time. You knew how protective he was over the things he owned, you just didn’t realize you were one of them.
“By a cute guy I met at a club,” you said, smiling seductively at him. “Per my request.” 
His grip around your wrist loosened a little bit, his lips parted in surprise. “What?”
“It’s not like we’re officially dating or anything,” you taunted him, clenching your walls around him in purpose. “Are we?”
Donghyuck’s eyes were almost gleaming at that point, staring down at you coldly at first before he broke into a smirk. 
“Not official, huh?” The way he suddenly flipped you over to your stomach almost made you yelp. “Get on your knees.”
He was angry, you knew it, and you were grateful that you were facing the headboard because you could feel your smirk creeping up your face, excitement bubbling up in your chest.
“He tied you up with a rope, did he?” He held your ass in the air, his nails sinking into the skin of your hips as he forcefully thrust inside, slamming his entire length in one motion. “I wasn’t aware you were into that.”
Donghyuck had always been passionate and although he loved marking you with his lips and teeth, he was never rough. Tonight, though, that was all he was. Rough and merciless, and you enjoyed every second of it.
You didn’t even hold back your moans, knowing he wouldn’t want you to anyway. Your voice would most likely be hoarse tomorrow and that would be awful since you had a meeting scheduled on the next morning, but you couldn’t care. It was easier to let go than to hold back, because Donghyuck was hitting you at the right spot, at the right pace, at the perfect angle.
“Tying you up with a rope is a bit too much, don’t you think?” He breathed out, pounding into you hard and fast, his hand sliding down your stomach to rub his fingertips against your clit. “If it was me, I would’ve used my tie.”
Fuck. “Then—” Your breathing began to stutter, matching the snap of his hips. “What’s stopping you?”
“I wanted to hear you ask about it first.” You were astonished by how thoughtful he was. “And force you to beg for it afterward.” You took your words back. He was a fucking tease, after all.
You fisted the sheet beneath you, desperate to keep a hold on something as you gasped his name. “Was he any good?” He slammed his hips once, pausing for your answer and when he saw you nodding, he thrust again, harder this time. “Better than me?”
You were having the toughest time concentrating, couldn’t even breathe properly, let alone forming a word. You were pushed against the headboard, now placing your hands on the wall for support. You shakily nodded, wanting to rile him up even more, driving him to the brink and practically forcing him to give the best fuck of your life.
And he did, exceeding your expectation.
When he asked again, his lips were grazing against your ear. “You sure about that, Sweetheart?”
You couldn’t tell if more words were falling from his mouth because the rest of the world had faded into a blur. He was giving you the same amount of pain and pleasure from how he was frantically thrusting inside you, and it felt so new, so raw, that you started feeling lightheaded, drowning in ecstasy. You closed your eyes, stars sparkling behind your eyelids as your orgasm hit you like a wave, leaving you shaking and whimpering against the sheets.
Donghyuck turned you around so he could ravish your lips with his, teeth gnawing against soft skin, tongue sliding against yours in a messy kiss. His left hand was squeezing your thigh, bringing you closer so he could release inside you; his other one was on the side of your face, fingers tangling around your strands, nearly tugging against the roots of your hair as he slid his hand down to your neck, applying pressure until you choked out his name. He came with a loud, breathy moan, which you swallowed directly with your mouth.
When both of your bodies had stopped trembling from your post-orgasm, Donghyuck kissed you again, slower and idly this time, as he was still in a haze. You responded with a sigh, your heartbeat gradually reducing to its normal pace.
“Let’s make it official,” he said, still breathing quite heavily as he placed his temple against yours. His eyes were closed. “You belong to me, as much as I belong to you. How does that sound?”
And as he felt you smiling against his lips, you said, “Sounds perfect.”
Donghyuck was protective but not possessive, which played a huge part in why your relationship with him worked so well. He knew how to keep you safe, how to give you comfort, and wouldn’t let anything harm you even when he knew you could protect yourself just fine. Being with Donghyuck was easy because he respected you without making inquiries. He was a man with a lot of demands, but he always gave you the space you needed and knew when to put your priorities before his. He always picked-up little details but never making unnecessary comments or questions, unless you wanted him to. Sometimes it made you nervous, perturbed by the possibility of him finding out about your secret. But with a pocket knife hidden inside your vanity bag, you knew what to do if something went wrong. It would be near impossible for you to hurt him as you probably wouldn’t have the heart to do it, but your identity and your profession remained the top priority.
You just wished, really wished, he wouldn’t notice.
“You look nice,” you commented when he showed up at your flat, dressed sharply in a black suit and tie. His hair was shorter, slightly pushed back and parted to the side, making him look younger but also much more mature at the same time. It was the night of your second anniversary—well, counting from the day you met him anyway. The top of his white shirt was unbuttoned, two more than necessary, as always.
He smiled, taking you by the wrist and yanked you forward until you fell on his chest, lips locked with his. When he broke the kiss, he licked his bottom lip once. “You taste nice.”
You slapped him lightly on his shoulder, smiling bashfully to yourself as you grabbed your purse. “What time is our reservation?”
“In half an hour.”
“Then, we better go.” You linked your arm around his. “I’ll just ravish you after dinner later.”
The way he chuckled made you feel warm inside. “Can’t wait.”
His Audi smelled more of citrus and less bergamot—the perfume he often wore—and you wondered whether it was a rental or he just rarely used it. You didn’t have the strength to care, too busy stealing glances at him during the drive to the restaurant. He had lent you his suit to cover your bare shoulders from the night cold, and he had his sleeves rolled up to his elbows, showcasing his veiny arms with his silver Tag Heuer watch glinting along his wrist whenever a passing car shone headlights. He only had one hand on the steering wheel, with another one propped up against the window, unconsciously pressing the side of his index finger to his lips and a thumb on his chin. 
“Thinking about something?” You questioned since he seemed to be deep in thoughts. 
He took a glimpse of your face, the corner of his lips curving upwards. “Just trying to figure out why you keep on looking at me every two seconds.” 
You were a bit flustered but kept your face in check. “Honestly? You just look so good in that black shirt.”
“Yeah?” He changed gears, chuckling softly. “Then, what should we do about it?”
“Well, it’s been a while since we’ve had the time for ourselves, what with us being busy with our jobs.” You placed a hand on his thigh, rubbing up and down the silky fabric of his black trousers. “I’m sorry I left you alone for so long. I’ve always hated going overseas, even more now since I met you.”
Donghyuck glanced at the way your fingers are reaching dangerously close to the part he had been longing to be touched for the last three weeks you had been separated. “That’s… fine… ” He forced his eyes to go back to the road when a car passed by from his side, honking angrily at him. “I had to go out of town too, so we wouldn’t have been able to meet anyway.”
You bit the corner of your lip, trying to contain a smirk from breaking on your face. He was obviously distracted, but the way he tried to act so composed was adorable too. “Then…” You tucked some loose strands behind your ear, wetting your lips. “Let me make it up to you.”
You leaned over to his seat, close enough to be able to unfasten his belt and unzip his pants. Donghyuck took a sharp breath when he felt your fingers curling around his length, stroking him gently until he came alive in your hand.
“Keep your eyes on the road,” you said, smiling at him as you glided your thumb across his tip. 
Donghyuck mirrored your mischievous smile. “Yes, Ma’am.” 
When you dipped your head, slanting your lips around his tip, he let out this small sigh of content which only urged you to please him more. You slid your tongue across his slit, going down to the side to trace his vein, and murmuring sinful things against his sensitive skin.
“You’re being rather expressive today,” he comments. His voice sounded stable but the way he bit the tip of his thumb to contain his groan betrayed him. “Did something good happen?”
“I’m just happy,” you pause to engulf his length completely, bobbing your head twice before letting him go with a pop. “That I get to see you again.”
The way he hit on the brakes were not as gentle as before. Waiting for the red light to go green, Donghyuck leaned back to his seat, his fingers immediately slipped between your strands, tugging softly at your locks as he slightly thrust into your mouth.
“Fuck, baby,” he hissed, reeling in the sensation of your heated mouth enveloping him. “That feels good—you’re so good at this.”
But when a car stopped by just three meters away from you, Donghyuck straightened up on his seat. The driver—a middle-aged man with a goatee—was nodding his head to the music, both windows of his car opened for him to enjoy the night wind. He noticed Donghyuck’s car, perhaps amazed with how expensive it was, and your boyfriend slid his window down to show his face. You wanted to protest but he held you down by pressing his palm against the back of your head. “It’s too dark, he won’t be able to see.” He reassured you and you grunted in response, which made him chuckle under his breath.
“Nice car, man,” shouted the man.
Donghyuck waved a hand, an innocent smile strapped to his face. “Thanks. I like your tires. Custom made?”
And they began to have a casual conversation as if he didn’t have your mouth wrapped around his cock. He was always like this, a fucking tease, but two could play at this game. You sucked harder around his tip before you went down completely until he hit the back of your throat. Donghyuck’s grip around your locks grew tighter but his voice was airy when he replied to the man. You swallowed around him to pull more reaction out of him.
It was his luck that the light turned green. 
As he drove away, taking the opposite direction from the other man, you pulled away from him. “Where are we going?” You noticed he was no longer heading to the restaurant. 
“Someplace quiet where I can fuck you properly,” he said, smiling dangerously at you. “You don’t think I’m gonna let you go just like that, do you?”
You grinned. “You never fail to impress me.”
The second he pulled over an empty parking lot behind an abandoned building, Donghyuck immediately moved your seat all the way back and latched his lips on yours, making you giggle against his mouth on your way down. 
“Let me be on top this time,” you breathed out heavily when he pushed your lingerie to the side with one hand and stroked himself with his other one. Donghyuck glanced at you from behind his bangs, his lips bruised from your kisses. He confirmed your plead with a nod and let you switch positions. It wasn’t easy to move around in such a small space that you ended up bumping your head against his chin but the hilarity of it all only added more emotional feelings to be involved. Suddenly, the need for physical contact didn’t matter as much as before. You were enjoying his laughter, blushing when he swatted the bangs out of your eyes, pouting when he told you how ridiculous you looked trying to work this out and you just really loved having him around.
Maybe it worked the same way with him too because Donghyuck’s eyes were not solely filled with lust anymore. They were soft, tender as they peered into yours, and the way he caressed your face was soothing, as if you were the most fragile being he had ever touched in his life.
“Kiss me,” you said, not sure if you could handle his gaze any longer than that. He made you feel vulnerable, made you feel transparent and you were scared of having him look into your soul and finding out the secrets you’d been hiding.
He pressed his lips gently to yours, almost in a chaste kiss. He broke away to kiss the corner of your mouth when you were about to deepen the kiss, then he peppered more to your cheek, your temple before he landed a peck on the tip of your nose. “I’ve missed you,” he confessed, making you grow stiff in his arms. “I missed you so much when you were gone.”
It was very unusual for him to say such romantic words in such a serious manner and you were left speechless, dazed even, at the way he tenderly embraced you. “Happy anniversary, Sweetheart.”
You buried your face in the crook of his neck, hiding your smile. “Happy anniversary, baby.”
It felt different that night, the way he held you, the way he moved inside you, the way he made you feel. It was the first time he ever made love to you, truly, and it was both weird and funny to know that it was happening in an abandoned parking lot, with both of you fully clothed except for the part where you were connected to him.
And as he tried to be quiet, you could hear him sigh and curse almost inaudibly under his breath—which felt somehow more erotic to your ears. Leaning forward to get closer to him, Donghyuck intertwined his fingers with yours, his free hand tugging at the zipper of your dress so the strap would fall off your shoulder, revealing enough skin for him to mark on.
Usually, he would be rough and dominating, sucking bruises until you hissed in pain but this time, he only applied soft kisses, sometimes peeking out his tongue just to make you shiver. Sex with Donghyuck had never been boring since he knew how to keep his women entertained, but tonight, your senses were taking so much more details because your heart was involved. And so was his.
“I’m—” You quivered, the sway of your hips moving out of rhythm. Being on top of him let you take control and you used it fully to maximize your pleasure. “I think I’m gonna come—” 
He added the sensation by rubbing his thumb over your clit, almost making you jump off his lap. “Wait—” You could feel the knot in your stomach tightened. Knowing you were so close to the edge, Donghyuck’s hand found home in your hair once again and brought your lips to his. “I love you,” he whispered between kisses and you lost it. You lost every sense, every control, every thought that you could only whimper against his lips when you came undone, him following soon after. 
Donghyuck muffled his moan by mouthing against the bare skin of your shoulder. His whole body shook under your touch and you let him finish without a word, just pressing your lips lazily against his collarbone. 
Your heart was beating loudly, and you wondered whether it was simply because of the sex or his last three words. You had known that he was committed to you, just like you were to him, but you didn’t know that he loved you that way. 
Donghyuck had his head thrown back, eyes tightly closed as he enjoyed the rest of his orgasm, breathing heavily through parted lips. You kissed him softly on his chin, making him look back at you. “Hey,” he smiled, a bit drowsy.
“Hey, stranger,” you cooed, fingers stroking his jaw. “Did you mean it?”
“Mean what?”
“When you said you loved me.” You analyze his expression, every contort of his face. “Or was it just because of a spur of the moment?”
The sudden vulnerable look on his face made you freeze. Donghyuck had always been a little guarded and you’d noticed that, no matter how hard he tried to hide it behind his teasing smirks and mischievous smiles. You just never questioned about it because like him, you also had your secrets to bury inside your chest. You thought it wasn’t fair to pester him about it when he never forced you to spill. It wasn’t like he was hiding the fact that he murdered people on a monthly basis like you did. Unbeknownst to you, anyway.
“I don’t think I know what love is,” he answered with eyes just as soft as his voice. “What I do know is that I’ve never felt this way about anyone before. I thought about you a lot, so much that it freaks me out.”
You quietly laughed. “You’re just obsessing over me.”
“Whether it’s an obsession or love, I’m willing to have it.” He cupped your face, eyes boring into yours. “I want to feel everything, I want you to make me feel everything.”
“That’s quite a demand.” You gazed down to his lips, tentatively touching his plump lower one with your fingertips. “But as a start, I think I want to love you too, Hyuck.”
The way he reflected your smile was both beautiful and heartbreaking—as if it was the first time he ever heard someone said those words back to him. He pulled you for another embrace, his lips grazing against your earlobe when he sighed, “That’s good enough for me.”
You giggled, nuzzling closer to him. “I think we’re late for our reservation.”
He chuckled. “We have got to stop skipping our meals for sex.”
553 notes · View notes
Hi! Do you know if there are any good Wild West/Cowboy fics of Ryan & Shane?
hello hello! we have quite a few recommendations for you!
fics marked with an ‘♦️’ are written by our server members, can have been written before or after they joined 💙
♦️ Psalms 17:2-5 by RedLlamas | E, 22.2k, complete
Time waits for one man.
Shane Madej, a small-time rancher on a dying farm, volunteers to escort captured outlaw, Ryan Bergara, to the train that'll take him to court in Yuma. Along the way, they'll have to face off friends and foes alike.
people will say we’re in love by MiraclesofPaul | T, 6.4k, complete
The dance is tonight. Ryan has been staring at the horizon for weeks, waiting and waiting and waiting like an idiot, hoping and hoping that Shane would come ask him to be his date. Shane has some nerve showing up at the last minute like this.
♦️ 2:10 to Wellton by quackers | T, 6.6k, complete
There's opportunity in the West.
A spouse.
every road leads to you by abovetheruins | M, 9.9k, complete
"There’s work to be done and fools to look after.”
“That’s no way to talk about your ranch hands, Ryan. Mr. Lim in particular would be mighty offended, I think.”
Ryan squints open one eye and fixes Shane with a glare. “Don’t,” he says, and curses himself as he feels his lips twitch. “Don’t make me laugh. I’m angry with you.”
“It won’t last,” Shane says, with all the confidence of a man who would know. “It never does.”
ballad of a law abiding sophisticate by amosanguis | E, 1.1k, complete
There’s blood under Ryan’s fingernails and blood in his teeth and he makes no excuse to the posse that surrounds him, rope in hand. Then comes a devil on a pale horse.
♦️ love put a gun in my hand by bodhirookes | E, 20.9k, complete
“Evening,” Shane says, though it’s leaning closer to midnight than to dinnertime. “Heard from my deputy that somethin’ was afoot down here.”
TJ carefully tips his head, gesturing at the table of men. “They rolled in about an hour ago. It took me until now to recognize them—Bergara and his boys.”
Shane looks at the table again, and this time, one of the men is looking back. Even across the room, his eyes are fierce and devastating to gaze upon, like taking a pair of bullets to the gut. Messy black hair escapes the brim of his hat, brushing the top of a long, vivid scar that runs from forehead to cheek over his right eye, and the expression on his handsome face is as arrogant as it is enticing, like he’s inviting anyone who seeks him out to start a fistfight and end it with a good, hard fuck. Shane would know that face anywhere, and has seen it on more WANTED posters than he could ever hope to count.
Or, Shane is the sheriff of a town that infamous bounty hunter-disguised-criminal Ryan Bergara has set his sights on, and will do whatever it takes to keep Bergara from burning it to the ground
26 notes · View notes
ithehellisbucky · 3 years
forget me not
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spencer reid x reader
Request: No
Word Count: 3.5k
Warnings: Kidnapping, torture, drowning, murder, drug mention, etc
Summary: You and Spencer don't realize you love each other until it's almost too late
Author's Note: First thing in like fucking forever, so yeah. This was originally a request and then I was at school and I couldn't look at my request so it was way off script, so I just did my own shit, this also takes place in the 5th season, in the middle just after hayley dies.
"The unsub is a white male between the ages of 35-45. His modus operandi is drowning in the great lakes, he's already struck Superior, Michigan, Ontario, and Huron, so we expect Lake Erie to be next." Hotch says, glancing at his phone every minute or so. It's his third case back since Hayley died, and he's picked up a habit of waiting to hear bad news.
"This unsub has recently developed a hallucinative disorder where every face he sees has an emotional connection. There were no discernable connections between his victims which leads us to believe that his mind is filling in the gaps at random." Reid says, gesturing abstractly at nothing at all in particular.
"This disorder was likely triggered by a recent brain injury connected to the Great Lakes so keep a lookout for any recent accident victims. He was very social until the accident, and after it he immediately became anti-social. He was probably in a relationship recently, but then broke it off, he is not married, but possibly has children, which he will not shy away from using in a hostage situation." Morgan exclaims as he leans against a desk.
"His victims are all over the place, so we advise everyone to be on high alert. There is no pattern to the murders, from a 51-year-old single mother of two to a 14-year-old on vacation." You pause and take a breath, looking back down at your notes. "Someone out there knows this man, so we implore you to tell as many people as possible, our Media Liaison Jennifer Jareau will be setting up a press conference, and it is very important to get this out to as many people as possible."
"Won't that just spook him more?" One of the sheriff's deputy says, with a concerned look on his face.
"Yes, but at this point, he will kill again no matter what, it's better to have the public be informed because he will take another victim, whether we find him during or after is up to us."
He nods, and looks down at his notepad, badly masking his disturbed grimace.
"Thank you and let us know if you have any leads," Hotch exclaims, closing the meeting.
You walk up to Spencer "I bet we're their favorite people right about now." You say, sipping on your coffee.
Reid avoids your eyes and continues to fidget with the chess piece that he probably stole from one of the officer's desks. "What's wrong Reid?"
"I dunno, I just have a really bad feeling about this one," He picks up his cane and walks away. When Spencer has enough he needs to walk away, and as long as he wasn't hurt that was fine with you.
"Reid, y/l/n, Garcia's got something." Morgan raps his knuckles on the doorway and calls you into a conference room. "Hey babygirl, what do ya got for us?" He exclaims, shifting the call to speakerphone.
"A luscious blonde mane and an intense yearning to hold you." Emily giggles a little bit and Garcia can probably feel Hotch's glare "oh come on Derek."
"Sorry baby, keep goin'."
"I have a name. One Larry Todd. 3 weeks ago he was in a boat accident in which he had a severe concussion and was unconscious for 3 days. He immediately broke up with his girlfriend Shelby, which she was very angry about, adieu to her Facebook page. His ex-wife reported that he missed his last two visitations with his daughter Amelia." She takes a pause "he owned a bait shop that's been closed since his boat was destroyed in the accident, and it's listed as his last residency.
"Fits our profile to a tee," Emily exclaims.
"Thanks, Garcia," Hotch says, hanging up the phone call. "Emily, JJ is in the conference so run out and let her know. Morgan and Rossi, go to the bait shop with SWAT, and Reid and y/l/n go to the ex-wife's house; Emily and I will stay here and see what else we can dig up."
Everyone goes their separate ways. The sheriff takes the driver's seat, with you in the shotgun seat and Spencer in the back. You can hear the clang his leg makes against his cane and his foot bouncing.
"I'll take the daughter, and you can have the ex-wife."
"Okay," responds Spencer.
The ex-wife Miranda opens the door sobbing when you knock on it. "Excuse me, ma'am, my name is Agent y/n y/l/n and this is my partner Dr. Spencer Reid, do you mind if we ask you and your daughter a few questions about your ex-husband?"
She continues to sob but lets you in. You look back to see the sheriff playing video games on his phone and you scoff.
Spencer sits down with the crying woman and you politely ask if you can speak to her daughter. She tells you yes and that Amelia is around back.
"Bye, Reid." You blow a kiss to Spencer and walk out the door, shaking a sinister nagging feeling itching at the back of your neck.
You walk across the pavement and open the gate to enter your unsub's former backyard. "Hi Amelia, my name is y/n, I'm a friend of your mommies."
Beginning to grow more suspicious, you pull out your gun and triple-check to make sure it's on safety. If Todd is there you know that he would be fine with sacrificing his daughter for his own goals and you wouldn't let that happen "Amelia? Is your daddy here."
"Boo!" A little girl with pigtails holding a stuffed rabbit jumps from behind the recycling bin and you chuckle, putting your gun away in your holster. "Did I scare you?"
"You sure did!" You laugh. "Wow, that's such a pretty bunny, where did you get it?"
"My daddy got it for me." She said, showing off her gap tooth.
"That's so cool! Do you remember what it was like when he gave it to you?" You kneel to be at eye level with the child.
"Yeah, he was super cuddly, now he's a little more pokey, but that's okay." She says, playing with the bunny ears.
"When did he get pokey, Amelia?" You hesitated, something was off "I just want your daddy to be cuddly again."
"A little bit ago. He used to tell me stories till I fell asleep eeeeeverynight, but then he stopped for a week and when he came back he was like a big lion."
You had a growing sense of paranoia budding in your spine, why was she telling you all this so fast? "What type of stories?"
"He used to tell me princess stories, but after he stopped for a week he talked all about ones about the scary lady who tried to take me away, but then he stopped her! And the boy who was being dangerous so he had to make sure that she didn't hurt me." She exclaimed absentmindedly.
You start to pull your phone out of your pocket until Amelia starts talking again "and just now, he was talking about the bad knight who tried to take me away."
Your jaw dropped and you tried to find the best course of action, but by the time your brain started working it was too late. He walked up behind you and whispered into your ear "Nighty-night."
And then everything was black
"Hey, mommy."
"Yes, sweetheart?" She quickly wiped the tears off of her face to turn to her daughter.
"Can I have ice cream?"
"Of course sweetheart" she gives me a small smile and gets up towards the kitchen. "Where's that nice agent that came here with Dr. Reid?"
"They weren't a nice agent, they were a bad, bad, bad knight, and they were trying to take me away, so daddy took them instead."
Oh no.
No no no no no no no no.
Where were they? Where was y/n?
I pulled out my gun without a second thought and left my cane behind, I ran as fast as I could without it, and by the time I was in the backyard my knee was burning and they were gone.
You woke up halfway through the drive. The road switched from smooth the bumpy a million times over, and it smelled like bees. Not like honey, not like pollen, like bees. Just bees. It smelled nice, but you don't want to die smelling bees.
You wanted to move. Move your body, move your head, move your eyes, move anything, but you couldn't move. Nothing could move. There was a sweaty tv shirt shoved between your teeth. Your hands were bound with bristled rope and there was metal all around you and you were certain that this was the back of a van. At first, you thought there must be a blindfold over your eyes, and then you realized that they were just too tired to open.
There was an old country song playing over the radio, a love song about a family in a house. The truck stopped shaking and he pulled the ignition. A growing sense of dread filled your stomach as he walked around towards the back of the truck. He opened the door and you saw his face.
That could only mean one thing- you weren't leaving here alive.
Within minutes crime scene techs were on the scene, but I knew they wouldn't find anything useful. The only thing that was there was the absence of y/n and our distraught profile.
"They were right here, right here, they were- they were right here, right here." Hotch looked at me somberly, and Morgan rubbed my shoulder with sympathy.
"We need to update our profile," Emily said, there was no time to waste, "we know what this guy does to people, and if he would risk abducting an armed federal agent in front of his daughter there's no doubt they in danger."
"We know Emily," Everyone looks at me kind of funny like I've said something wrong, but at this point, I don't care what anyone thinks of me, "His reason for doing this was for his daughter, he took out anyone he saw as a threat, a motherly figure, someone who could be her older brother, anyone who was a threat and wanted to take Amelia away from him.
"His disorder is fairly undocumented, being exactly the opposite of prosopagnosia, where patients disassociate faces from their loved ones, causes him to feel emotions about people he's never seen before, and his subconscious is assigning meaning to them at random, picking up anyone shows the slightest twinge of distaste.
"y/n picked up more than a twinge, they were there to take his daughter away, so he likely believes they're the mastermind." Everyone looks at me and waits for me to say the thing we all know is coming "he's not going to kill them before they suffer."
As we hitched a ride back to the station my leg was bouncing like crazy and my fingers were tapping the numbers of pi into the leather of the car door. Emily put her hand on my shoulder but I couldn't feel her, y/n missing was the only thing I could feel.
"Garcia I need you to check if Larry Todd owns any vehicles large enough to hold a person, trunks, vans, trucks anything," Morgan says into his speakerphone once we get back to the station.
"Oh god it's true, he really has them?" I can hear the distraught coated thick on her voice "do you think they're in pain, do you think he-"
"Garcia we don't have time for this, does he or does he not have any vehicles in his name." I snapped, I could apologize later when y/n was in a hospital bed.
"No, but you know I'm never one to go to bed early, and it turns out his great uncle died a year and a half ago, but his van was pulled over and given a speeding ticket a few months ago, how much do you wanna bet that's our guy and not a psychopath's uncle."
"Thanks, Garcia," Rossi hangs up the phone and turns to one of the sheriff's deputies in the room, "put out an ATB on that van."
"Okay, I'm gonna go through the medical files again, see if there's anything I missed," Hotch catches my arm.
"There isn't, right now all we can do is wait and look." He pauses "we've sent out patrol cars to look for the van, go out with Morgan, and circle around Lake Erie."
"Hotch, what if- what if we don't find them, or we find them and it's too late, or we find-"
"Right now she's alive, you said it yourself, he's not gonna let her die so easy."
As disturbing as it is hearing that someone you love more than anything is being tortured, I found it strangely comforting. They're alive. They are alive. They are prepared. After Tobias took me they brought me to a CIA torture seminar, just on the off chance that anything happened, I wouldn't break again.
I stared out the window of the passenger side of the SUV. Morgan wasn't talking, he knew what I was feeling, because he felt it before, when it happened to me.
"We've got a report of the vehicle going down sunmist lane" the scanner jumps to life.
I had memorized the map the second we landed; "we're five minutes away" and then, quietly under my breath, I whispered, "I'm coming y/n."
He held your head underwater for the 7th or the fiftieth time. You can't remember. You can't remember. You can't remember anything other than the water under the dock filling my lungs.
"What do you want with my daughter?!" He screamed at you as he pulled you out again, You vomited up all the water that my body could muster. You didn't know he had a daughter.
You forgot everything you learned to do. You forgot to pretend it was affecting me, You forgot how to hold my breath, You forgot. You forgot everything.
Except for Spencer, Spencer's smile, Spencer holding you, Spencer missing you until that was gone too.
Everything went away but the water.
He kicked you back off the dock again, and for a second you gasped for air, and then you sank, nothing even mattered anyways.
The man pulled you out again and kicked you in the ribs; you felt something rip inside of you and you screamed as loud as you could, which was more like a whimper.
"Larry Todd put your hands up!" Two men came behind the man who drowned you, you couldn't remember them, but you could remember the rip in your ribs filling with water.
He shoved you back into the water and you didn't even try to fight this time, you just sank, feet after feet after feet of water. You didn't hold your breath, you didn't care.
A figure appeared above you, and you saw the angel. He had a shimmering brown halo and a beautiful bright face that looked terrified, just like an angel.
And then he pulled you up.
This might be heaven, but it might be hell. You can tell the room is white without opening your eyes. There's a steady beeping sound to your left and it smells like chlorine.
When you finally manage to open your eyes you wished you hadn't. All you see is lethargy around you.
JJ is drooling in her sleep while Emily is asleep on her shoulder, Garcia is snoring in the corner with her knitting in a pile next to her. Morgan and Rossi are nowhere to be seen, but you can't blame them, seeing people they love getting beat up over and over again never gets easier. You can hear the faint sounds of Hotch arguing with someone over the phone in the hallway.
But worst of all is Spencer. He's wide awake and his foot is tapping like crazy on the ground. There are deep and dark eye bags surrounding his eyes and hints at a beard forming on his face. His cane is tossed uncharacteristically on the ground, and he pays it no attention whatever.
You open your mouth to speak, but when you do a stabbing pain shoots through your diaphragm and you gasp. The second Spencer hears you he shoots up and kneels next to the bed, which must be no easy feat.
"Hey, how are you?" He strokes your hair as gently as he can.
You try to speak but no words come out.
"Do you want some water?" You nod, trying to not feel pathetic. The second the glass of water comes into your eye line you knock it out of his hand and it goes shattering onto the floor, waking everyone else in the room up.
You start to cry, feeling guilty and scared about why a glass of water could've terrified you so much. "Hey, hey, it's okay, it's okay, it's just a bunch of sand made into something you can drink out of, it's not a big deal, don't worry." That calms you down a little bit.
You look around to see the rest of the team cradled around you. "How are you feeling honey?" Garcia whispers as if speaking too loudly would mortally wound you.
You reach up and touch your throat, and it burns. There's more confusion, and then JJ is getting her hand cut on the glass she was cleaning, Garcia was whispering too loudly and Emily was touching your arm, and Hotch and Morgan and Rossi were walking in the room and Spencer was pushing a button on your bed and the monitor was beeping and then you were screaming.
Screaming so loudly, screaming in pain, screaming in fear, screaming in confusion, screaming because you were overwhelmed and sad and scared. "Everyone gets out," Spencer says, and everyone quickly does, he knows you best, and right now, everything was too much.
"Wh-what happened" you whisper, throat and lungs still hurting but since you had screamed the worst part was over.
"The unsub kidnapped you, and tried to drown you, your heart stopped in the ambulance, but they brought you back." You remembered "You had been dunked in the water and brought back up at least 15 times, not including when I brought you out.
"You needed 53 stitches and had a punctured lung when we found you." He pauses "You're safe now, we have him in custody and he can never hurt anyone ever again." You let out a breath that you didn't know you had been holding.
"I'm so sorry," You were crying "I forgot you, I'm so sorry. He made everything go away but the water I'm sorry that I forgot you."
"It's okay, it's okay, you didn't do anything wrong, you were trying to stay alive." He stroked your hair and held your hands gently "He tortured you, when Hankel tortured me all I could think about were the drugs and the pain, you didn't do anything wrong, you survived."
"I survived?"
"Can I tell you something?" You chuckled, your tears had stopped but it was still wet on your face.
"I thought you were an angel when you saved, and now I realize that you weren't my angel, it wasn't magic, and it wasn't godly." Spencer looks puzzled, and you paused to take a deep and painful breath "It was the fact that I am so deeply in love with you, that seeing you love me back felt like heaven.
Spencer stares at you, his mouth closed and his mouth on the floor "You don't have to say anything, just know that-"
His lips are on yours before you can finish your sentence. For a moment you forget about the pain in your throat, the burn in your lungs, and the agony all over your body; it was just Spencer.
You pulled away for breath, your breaths dancing with each other.
"I was so scared" he whimpered in fear.
You stroked his hair gently "I was more terrified than I had ever been. I was so horrified that I would wake up tomorrow and my reason for living would be dead. I was more scared than I had been when I thought my dad killed a kid, I was more scared than when Hankel tortured me, I was more scared when I realized that I loved drugs more than my own life.
"You were the person that held my hand when I was hurting so bad I would forget to breathe, and then you weren't here because you were the person in pain and I realized that I loved you because nothing hurt me more than the fear that I could lose the one thing in the world that made me feel okay."
He takes a deep breath and looks at you as deeply in your eyes as you thought could ever be possible. "I love you too, and I promise you I'll never let you go."
His lips meet yours, and through a kiss, you whisper "I'll never forget you again"
And you knew that you had Spencer and everything is going to be okay.
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Criminal Minds:
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billys-mullet · 3 years
"you want to w h a t!?"
tw; w/tersports
billy's glare scared away the curious eyes that shot in their direction. sounds of running water and the raucous that tended to follow practice sessions filled the locker room for a moment. and when it appeared that nothing more was going to come from the outburst the gazes turned away. brown bored into blue as billy glared.
it was stupid to have brought this up in a crowded place, but it had been weighing heavy on his mind ever since he saw his ridiculously charming boyfriend yakking away at stephanie's party last week, all eyes within a ten foot radius trained on him. nevermind that steve had supposedly fallen from grace; people still flocked to him for his charisma and his pretty face. there wasn't anybody steve harrington couldn't charm. and that became extremely evident in the way tanya harris had been plastered against his side, giggling away at every little detail of the story steve was weaving.
so maybe billy was jealous. maybe he was a little possessive. maybe he wanted to mark his territory in the most animalistic of ways —
yeah, okay, maybe it was a little weird. the heat clawing up the back neck wasn't caused by the shitty spray coming from the showerhead.
steve breathed heavily behind the palm that billy had slapped over his mouth. they glared at one another for a long minute, and then billy's hand fell back against his side.
'not a word,' his scowl snapped.
'we're talking about this,' steve's glower replied.
billy would rather walk out of the room — but he knows steve will follow. they'll make a scene, one that probably wont end in flying fists like it should. they're past that now. have been for a few months. not even the illusion of the 'shaky friendship' they're putting forward would be enough to keep rumors from spreading.
billy's glare slides to the side and they slow down the pace of their showering until the locker room eventually empties aside from the pair. the door hasn't even shut all the way before steve is turning to explode on him:
"you want to /pee/ on me!?"
"it's not —"
"don't. don't you 'it's not like that' me. what else can it be!? there's nothing else it could be!"
"at least i asked first before whipping out my dick and just /doing/ it."
"you're disgusting."
"yeah? you like it."
steve's silence and the purse of his lips betray that he does, indeed, like billy... no matter how nasty he is. and, god, he was nasty.
"why...? why is that even a thing?"
"it's..." billy feels stupid. this was a stupid thing to ask for. but his boyfriend is hot. and sometimes his mouth got the better of him when he was spewing filth and things just came out, things he should have kept tucked away, things that should never ever see the light of day.
like this, like now. billy begins gathering up his bag, turning away from steve. nevermind. he shouldn't have brought it up. there must be some kind of look on his face because a hand slides up his wet arm and wraps around his bicep.
"billy... you have to talk to me. we're working on that, remember?"
"shut up."
"hey... hey, come here. i'm sorry, okay? i'm sure there's a reason. i'm sure, um, i'm sure we all have our kinks. just... explain it to me."
steve was so— billy didn't deserve him. he should leave this locker room without looking back, make steve crawl after him like a begging bitch.
"christ, harrington... you're killing me."
"you said it too fast!"
"i want to pee on you because i'm jealous!"
"...wh–... why? that doesn't even–"
"i saw you talking to tanya the other day and she was making these... these..." billy's voice is a breathless rush, "stupid goo-goo eyes at you. it pissed me off. and i cant stop thinking that... you know, you're /mine/. and i can't prove that in any way. and nobody knows. so if i were to just do something, like if i were to mark you then–"
steve's eyebrows furrow closer and closer together the longer than billy rambles. and then they suddenly shoot up.
"like a dog?"
"like a dog. they pee to mark their territory. is that...?"
"you calling me a bitch?"
"something like that." but steve is grinning. the hackles on the back of billy's neck lower. he's scowling, eyes narrowed where they glare at steve. he wants to mop the floor with the smile.
"fuck you."
"i'm sorry! come here. c'mere, i'm sorry. you set yourself up for that one."
as angry as billy is, he allows steve to gather him in his arms. their bodies slide against one another, slick from the spray still raining down on them. steve's mouth finds his easily, their lips moving together in a chaste press before billy pulls away. he's still trying to run, but the leg steve wraps around his waist keeps him rooted.
billy's eyebrow arches.
"fine. you can pee on me."
"fuck off."
"i mean it! i mean it, billy. i'm not joking." steve's eyes are wide and sincere. billy rolls his own before going to untangle himself from their embrace. steve still won't let him. he hops up and wraps /both/ legs around billy's waist, taking him hy surprise and causing the two of them to nearly go toppling to the ground. billy barely managed to wrap his arm around that dotted waist, the way he stumbled forward causing them to rest against the tilted shower wall.
"this is as good of a place as any, right? no mess to clean up after. so just... do it. stop looking at me and do it. i'm not going to make fun of you anymore, i promise." steve is breathing a little heavy, though it's unclear if that was from excitement or from the fact that they had nearly busted ass.
billy can't look. the way his hands tremble and his own unsteady breaths betray him. he knows he should be cocky and sure but this is — it's a lot. too much. yet steve was still understanding and too damn sweet for his own good. billy loves him. he hasn't ever said it out loud but he hopes steve knows that.
"c'mon, bills. it's okay." a hand buries itself in the back of his head, scratching at his scalp. it's all the encouragement he needs.
a little maneuvering has the head of billy's dick trapped at the juncture between one of steve's thighs and the softness of his stomach. nerves bite him in the ass, but so does excitement. and it's hard to keep from getting, well, /hard/ when he's got slick wet skin against his own, the smell of steve's shampoo making him lightheaded. he's vaguely aware that steve murmurs words of encouragement against his temple.
it takes him a moment to actually do it. there's a visible jerk to his dick, body shuddering, and then relief floods his lower stomach while ropes of liquid heat spill over a dotted thigh, trickling down over his hip and along his ass.
billy buries his face in the softness of steve's throat, teeth gnawing a bruise. can't help himself as he murmurs a litany of, "mineminemine" as his bladder empties and a different kind of relief fills him. it's the nastiest thing he's ever done. it's the best thing he's ever done.
and steve—
gasps. goes taut. makes the strangest sound in the back of his throat when the warmth trickles over his skin. it might be from the way billy's got a hand fisted in the back of his hair, keeping him pulled close, but billy is selfish and wants to think it's because he's getting off on this too.
"g– od...  billy..."
a grunt is the only response steve gets. billy's bladder had emptied itself but he refuses to pull away from his hiding spot.
"billy," steve whines, tugging on the back of his head until he gets the idea. their mouths slot together in another kiss, sloppy and full of teeth. steve rolls his hips forward, half-hard dick sliding against billy's stomach, and it's enough to have his own fattening up where it's still enveloped in velvety tightness.
"that was hot. i've n– never seen you... like that. you really want me that bad?" a strand of dark hair sticks to steve's forehead. his own eyes are heavy with need, lips a swollen pink from their kiss. he slides forward again and makes that noise from earlier, head falling back against the wall. billy wants to devour him.
their bodies move together without any rhythm, nothing but the thought of chasing pleasure in their minds. steve finishes first, his yelp echoing off the walls. billy paints his hip white with a muffled groan a few seconds after, fingers biting into his backside.
they haven't even caught their breaths before steve is leaning down and whining a pathetic, "again."
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lunnybunny12 · 4 years
Sandor Clegane x reader (Reason 1)
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Warnings: Death, Murder, hanging, swearing and prostitution 
Word count: 1230
Part 2 (Reason 2)
Part 3 (Reason 3)
Part 4 (Reason 4)
Master list
A daughter of a whore, raised by nuns, became a thief, ran away to Braavos and was trained as an assassin. That just about summed you up.
You had fought your whole life to get to where you were, to prove you were worthy enough to be apart of a world filled with shitty people. Despite all of that, you still found yourself  laughing at the situation you found yourself in.
"(Y/n) fucking Hill"
Your head shot up at hearing that name. You hadn't gone my Hill since you went to Braavos.
"Ah, so you know our little sparrow do ya Clegane?" Thoros said nudging your side as he sat beside you.  When he saw the look you gave to the former guard he dropped his joking demeanour. 
"The Fuck you doing here?"
Sandor stared at you for a moment before turning to the 3 men behind you. The men were stood on 3 small barrels, hands tied behind their backs and a rope around their necks.
"Chasing them. You?"
"Hanging them" Berec retorted.
"They're our men. Or they were. They attacked a nearby septor and murdered the villagers, why do you want them?" Thoros asked.
"Same reason. I was helping build it. They killed a friend of mine."
"You have friends?"
"Not any more" Sandor said, his eyes darted to you for a second before walking up to your group "They're mine."
"It's the brotherhoods good name they've dragged through the dirt-"
"Fuck your name. They're mine," Sandor said through gritted teeth. " I've killed you once before Beric and I'm happy to do it again."
At the corner of your eye, you saw another one of your group stretch his bowstring and aim an arrow at him.
"Drop the arrow," You said clearly so that everyone could hear and stepped closer to him.
 "He's not going to hurt US... you can have one of them."
The look you got wasn't one of surprise or shock. He was thinking. The other men around you weren't surprised at your boldness, you'd been with them for years and had quickly earnt the respect you were given.
"... Two" Sandor said looking at you.
After a moment of silent deliberation, you nodded to him in agreement.
Just as Sandor was about to plant his axe in one of the traitors heads, Thoros stopped him.
"We're not butchers..."
"Speak for yourselves" you mumbled under your breath with a smile.
"... We hang them"
With an annoyed look, Sandor replied "Hanging? All over in an instant. Wheres the punishment in that?"
"They die-"
"Thay all bloody die. Except for that one" Sandor said motioning to the one-eyed man behind him. " I'll only gutt one of em"
By this point, you had taken a few steps away to get a better view of the scene. The men that were about to die were part of your group once but their twisted sense of right and wrong had lead them to do awful things. They deserved what they were about to get and thankfully others thought the same.
"No" Beric said.
"Chop off one hand?"
"We gave you 2 of the 3 out of the respect of your loss. That's generous."
With a sigh, Sandor dropped his axe " You're all a bunch of Nancies... There was a time I would've killed all 8 of you just to gutt these 3."
"You're getting old Clegane" you chuffed
Suddenly, Sandor kicked the barrel out from under one of the man's feet, sending him falling a short distance to his slow death.
"He's not" Sandor said doing the same to another of the man.
That's when you moved to stand in front of the last man. His eyes wide with fear. You'd admit that you enjoyed watching the fear grow as you let kicked away his barrel too.
When you got back to camp, Beric told Sandor that he was born a fighter and no matter where he went a fight would always find him. How everything happens for a reason Bla bla bla.  It was true that Sandor was a fighter, he had gutted his first man when he was 12 years old and didn't regret it, but that didn't make him a fighter. What made him a fighter was how he continued to live his life and grow stranger with every passing day and by the way he looked he had continued to do so. Beric also said that Sandor would be useful in the brotherhood. How it needed strong men to help is win the upcoming war and how he could help more people he's hurt.
You saw something change in him at that moment. It could have been how he sat or the look in his eye, you weren't sure... but something did change.
That night when everyone was supposed to be asleep, you stayed awake to keep the fire lit. While stoking the flames, thoughts swam around your head like a fish in a shallow pond. The flames shone like a beacon in the pitch-black forest. The occasional snore and animal sounds echoed off of the trees. The stars above were the only thing for the company.
At the corner of your eye, you saw someone lumbering their way towards you. You weren't scared, you knew he wouldn't hurt you.
"Cant sleep Clegane?"
"Not with all these cunts snoring like dying pigs"
"It good to see you haven't changed" You said, eyes gazing into the fire. 
"and there's no point in trying to save face, I know you're still angry with me,"
"And for good fucking reason. You kissed me took the gold and pissed off to Braavos the first chance you got." he quietly seethed. when he put it like that it did sound like an awful thing to do.
With a sighed "Sandor, what am I?"
"I'm not playing guessing games (Y/n)"
"What am I? I'm a bastard, born to a whore and gods know who. No money, no parents, hell not even a name. From the moment I was born, I had to fight for myself because no one else would. I pissed off because after your father died and that brother of yours became the lord, you became the princes bitch in the red keep. There was nothing for me in Westeros, so I left,"
"And what of that kiss then ey? You left that out of your little rant" he said cockily.
You looked at him without a speck of fear in your eyes. His whole life he had never met anyone who looked at him like that and it rendered him speechless.
"That kiss was the only thing of worth I could've given you to remember my by. I knew full well that if I died you'd be the only one in Westeros to remember me ... we were friends once Clegane and you couldn't even tell me you were leaving so I did it first." You said taking a deep swig of ale from a pouch on your hip and then passing it to him.
"Was that the only reason?" He asked taking the pouch from you.
"No. but its the only one I'm brave enough to admit to right now" You joked earning a smile from the man.
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pretend-writer · 3 years
Down Below (Chapter 77)
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Summary: After being sent down on Earth with the other prisoners from the Ark, Y/N Reyes faces series of events and learns about survival. With new things happening around her, she is now starting a new chapter in her life.
Pairing: Bellamy Blake x reader, John Murphy x reader, Raven Reyes x sister!reader
Word Count: 3.3k words
Warning: swearing, mention of death, murder and violence
✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤
'Isn't it such a lovely day outside?' Josephine inhaled the fresh air whilst holding onto my hands that were tied up. 'If it weren't for this whole royal blood thing, we could totally have a picnic together.'
'With all due expect, I'll pass the invitation.' We were held against our will from Russell and his guards to guide them to our ship. I wasn't in a playful mood at all, especially when Emori and John were on their side now.
The two walked alongside Russell up front as we marched back to our ship, talking and having a casual conversation with him as if they didn't plot to kill him the night before.
Emori had threw us under the bus to save herself and John, I've never felt so betrayed. It hurt even more that John seemed okay with this, not doing anything to save us from Russell's insanity.
Josephine sighed, 'Come on. Bellamy has no chance with you after what he did and you and Murphy are practically broken up right?'
'I don't know, I have more important things to worry about. Like your homicidal father. And why do you know about what Bellamy did to me?'
'Abby told me. Emori helped me get through to her when I tried to find out how to get the royal blood. We started talking about you and-' She paused with a sad look on her face. 'She told me everything about everyone, spoke really nasty about you and how you're the reason why her life was a mess. Something about Marcus breaking up with her.'
I shook my head, crazy how I had to hear this from Josephine. Abby was never satisfied with anything, she was the one that made my life a living hell. 'She ruined her own fucking life, I didn't even know he broke up with her. He never told me.'
'Well, that's great. I have another competition going after you.'
'Marcus is family, more so my dad.' As I chuckled lightly watching her reaction, I asked her a question. 'Was talking to Emori and Abby the reason why you fooled some of our people?'
'Emori taught me how to be Clarke. It didn't help in the long run because eventually Murphy found out. Apparently I kept calling his "John".'
Madi walked up to me with a guard behind her, also holding onto her tied up hands. 'Y/N, why are you being friends with this murderer?'
'I'm not friends with her.'
'We're not?'
Turning around to face Josephine, I sighed. She curled her lips and nodded. 'I was only joking... kind of.'
'Well, Clarke is dead and nothing is a joke about that.' Madi implied, glaring at Josephine.
'Madi, remember it wasn't her that killed Clarke. It was Russell. She wasn't alive when everything happened so it's not necessarily her fault.'
'But she's a part of the clan that killed her.'
Oh, how I wish that I could just sit next to her and comfort her. I couldn't imagine how she felt when she was told that Clarke was gone from her life forever.
She reminded me of my younger self, how broken I was after my parents had passed. Even with the abuse that I went through, I was sad that my mother was gone.
The difference between us was that Clarke was with her the whole time. It hurt me that Madi lost someone so dear to her heart and she had no time to grieve.
'We shouldn't associate a person just because they're in the same clan. Miller was Wonkru but he was no where near bad as I was. Matter of fact, he was one of the very few people that didn't lose himself.'
Madi kept her head down, couldn't quite tell if she was feeling sad or not but I didn't want to pry. 'I'm no Clarke but if you need someone to talk to about anything, I'm here.'
She nodded her head up and down, not saying anything at all. I began to worry, hoping that she didn't suddenly feel sick. 'Are you okay Madi?'
'Yes, just a little headache. Some commanders in my head are distracting my thoughts.'
'Do you want me to call Gaia to help you? She's just walking a little ahead of us.'
'No, I'll be fine. Thank you Y/N.'
Josephine stared at Madi as she slowed down on pacing herself with us, eventually walking behind us. 'What's a commander?'
'You know Y/N, you should lighten up a little. It seems like you've been down since your little incident with Murphy.'
He wasn't the reason I was "down", I was angry at Emori and her selfish ways of selling us out just for some dumb mind drives. Was living for eternity so important, more important than any of our lives?
'It's not that, not that I need to owe you an explanation.'
'Ouch. I don't blame you for hating me though, my dad did kill this girl.'
'I don't hate you because you're his daughter. You're on the killer's side so I'm just hesitant.'
Josephine pouted, 'Aw. Even after our kiss?'
Miller butted in on our conversation, who was walking next to us. 'Kiss!? Y/N Reyes, you're such a player.'
'Shut up, Miller.' I rolled my eyes as he chuckled. 'Besides, she kissed me not the other way around.'
'Yeah, sure.'
Josephine was fairly nice to me, from what I've seen she wasn't a terrible person. Other than enabling John from getting hurt of course, even though that wasn't really her choice.
It would be great to have her on our side, having someone on the inside to help us get out of this mess. Especially her being Russell's daughter, there would be so much we can use against him but I highly doubt Josephine would take the route of betraying her family.
'We're here.' Russell signaled his armed guards to go in the ship as he whispered something into their ears. He then followed them inside after they've managed to open the ship, leading the rest of us inside.
'All clear.' Guards would yell as they invade our space, inspecting one hallway, one room at a time.
'What's going on?' I heard Jackson mumbling from the main area as the guards reached the last room. 'Why are you all here?'
Russell squeezed between his guards, 'We won't hurt you if you do as I say. All we want is for you guys to make the royal blood.'
'Don't do it.' Raven instantly gotten shoved as she spoke against Russell.
Jackson furrowed his brows as he saw Raven groan from pain, soon realizing something was odd. 'I-I don't know what you're talking about.'
'Just do as he says.' Emori jumped in, 'Make the nightblood and no one has to get hurt. Please.'
The rest of the room was silent, despite the old Wonkru people being there, standing behind Jackson. People were scared, I could sense their fear and confusion. I couldn't blame them, they'd thought that the next time we came back was to tell them our compound was ready.
Niylah walked next to Jackson, stared at Emori for a while. 'Why aren't you and Murphy tied up like the rest of them?'
'Can we just ask questions later, please?' John answered for her, 'Do we have everything we need to make the nightblood?'
'We do, once we fly this thing up.' Abby said as she was standing behind me, hands tied up also. 'I could make it, I just need access to the lab.'
Shaking my head, I turned around to Abby. 'You do realize you need Shaw to fly this ship up.'
A breath escaped Raven's mouth. 'Of course you have to drag him into this, Abby.'
'We don't have a choice right now.'
'There's always a fucking choice.' I yelled at her, 'Just like when we were at the bunker, there is always a choice. You are just too much of a pussy to make one.'
Russell let out a breathe, 'Abby. You come with me. The rest of you will stay in here.'
Murphy's POV;
The guards started to let go of everyone's restraints from their wrists, untying the ropes as they were finally free.
Bellamy immediately approached Y/N, worrying about her and asking questions regarding the situation. Perhaps they were plotting something, finding a way to stop Russell.
This had given me mixed feelings, feeling a little bit of guilt as Bellamy and Y/N have gotten closer. Echo was right, I have probably hurt Y/N for betraying her.
We've never talked about the morning she had told me she loved me either, not that it mattered anymore. Given the circumstances, she had probably forgotten about me already. I didn't blame her, I was the reason for us falling apart as it always was.
This also proved that I was right too, I should've killed Russell a long time ago. As soon as I was free from him, I should've ended everything. Instead Emori made a deal with him, made Y/N think that I was a part of this scheme.
Emori signaled me to come with her as Russell and his wife took Shaw and Abby with them out the room. I took a quick glance at Y/N, who was talking to Bellamy and her sister. I didn't want her to see me following Emori.
Walking quickly to avoid Y/N watching me, I exited the room with Emori. 'What's wrong? You don't agree with this all of the sudden?'
'I never agreed to this, Emori. We said we're going to get Russell at night, when he's sleeping. Not make a deal with him and get the rest of them in trouble.'
'You didn't care about Y/N's opinion but now all of the sudden you do?'
'That and this is different! Now she's held against her will where Russell can possibly kill her.' I held my head, pacing back and forth. 'Instead you got us on his side, I never wanted this.'
Emori held my hand, pulling me closer. 'John, don't you get it? I did this for you.'
'But I never wanted this. I just wan-'
'We can live forever, together. I got this damn mind drive just for you.'
I could see the sorrow and desperation in her eyes. This was all my fault, I broke her heart back at The Ring. Knowing how much she needed me, I decided to leave her.
It wasn't an easy choice to make. At The Ring, I still loved Y/N and believed that she was alive, hoping that Abby and Jackson somehow fixed her after she was exposed from radiation. Even though there was a possibility that I would never see her again, I couldn't be with Emori knowing that my heart belonged to someone else.
But that wasn't enough for Emori, I still hurt her. She would've rather had me fake it than leave her.
'John... why her, why not me?'
'I don't know, Emori. I loved you and I'll always love you. We had our great times but I'm in love with Y/N and I think I've always have been. I'm sorry I don't have an explanation for that.'
Emori shocked her head, it seemed like tears were falling but she was trying to hide it. 'Pathetic, you should've told me this when we broke up.'
'You walked away from me when I wanted to talk to you, don't blame this on me.'
'I just wanted you to fight for me. I'd thought that if I walked away, you'd realize what you had lost.'
The past few years, Emori acted as though the break up didn't hurt her. She was good at hiding it, I never thought that she was feeling this way. 'I'm sorry, Emori. I-I don't know what to say.'
‘It’s... fine. You’ve said enough.’ Emori walked away from me, left to the room where Russell, Simone, Shaw and Abby entered. Sighing, I went back to the room I came from.
Joining in their circle, Echo raised her eyebrows. ‘Your best friend, Russell went the other way Murphy.’
‘I’m not a part of this nor did I agree to this. I didn’t know Emori was going to make a deal with him.’
Talking quietly amongst ourselves, Y/N looked at me. ‘You are a part of it because you didn’t say shit to back us up. This is on you and Emori.’
'I thought you said not to associate them?' Madi looked up at Y/N, I didn't quite understand what she meant by that.
'Madi-' Y/N huffed and pulled her closer, whispering something in her ears.
It stung me that Y/N felt that way about me, there was anger and hatred behind her eyes as she looked at me. This was all my fault so she wasn’t to blame at all, although I was bothered that Emori had dragged me into this. It was the fact that I didn’t do anything about it.
‘Y/N, can we talk in private please?’
‘Do you seriously think now is a good time?’
Bellamy bit his lips and stared at the floor. I bet he was amused at this, watching Y/N and my relationship crumble down. Not only did it hurt me that Y/N was upset with me, Bellamy was getting too comfortable and that irritated me.
Raven looked at Y/N, then me. Her eyes said it all, "give her some space." I rolled my eyes, frustrated in myself and how stupid I've been the last few days.
'So later is now, Murphy. Are you going to answer my question?' Jackson had sensed Y/N wasn't happy with me, assuming that she didn't want to speak and instead changed the subject.
'Like I said earlier, Emori made a deal with Russell. I realize once that he had took everyone else except me and her, that she had some sort of new plan that involved me.'
Y/N's POV;
John irritated me. Just everything made me mad, it was betrayal and I felt as though he took his ex's side over mine. Not that I was more important, knowing that we didn't put a label on our relationship. I just expected more but perhaps I was overthinking.
He claimed that Emori orchestrated everything and I believed him, but I was still mad at him. Call me selfish but couldn't quite forgive him just yet.
I've even told Madi after she had tried to use my words against me; I simply told her that it was different. She replied back with "how?"
The girl was too smart because she was right, it wasn't different. I was too stubborn to admit to her and she knew that because she smirked back at me. She was quite the cheeky one, Clarke did something right for once.
'So back to the plan?' Miller ignored Murphy, 'How are we going to stop Russell from getting the nightblood?'
'There's only a few guards, we can easily take them.' Echo said.
'Yeah but if they fire their guns, it's over. Russell's going to find out we're resisting and can kill us. We need to find another way.' I replied back.
It would've been easy to take them down if it wasn't for their weapons, that'll notify Russell and all of our effort would be for nothing. Instead, I thought of a better plan; Something that can work but I needed this little one to agree with me.
As I looked over at Madi, I smiled. She crinkled her brows in response. 'What?'
'Are you up for a challenge? I think I have a plan that can work.'
'Of course, what do you want me to do?'
✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤
'It's been a while since Madi had gone, you think she's okay?' Jackson whispered to us, trying to make sure the guards wouldn't hear us talking.
'She's led Wonkru through the gorge, she'll be fine.' Echo reassured us, not that I was worried. I trusted her with everything, especially with her helping us after Wonkru had fallen when Octavia and I fucked everything up.
Our plan was to have Madi crawl into a vent to get some of the criminals out to help us. Since the vent was too small for any of us to fit, she was a perfect candidate for this plan. Echo and Raven had a fake argument to distract the guards while we helped Madi into the vent.
It had been about fifteen minutes since then, waiting patiently for Madi to come back with help. John would look at me from time to time, figured he was trying to find the right timing to come to talk to me.
Of course I wanted to talk to him too, try to go back to how things were before but given the fact that we were in a life or death situation right now, I had to concentrate. Not only that but I was also feeling a bit of jealousy about him and Emori.
Not going to lie, that was main the reason why I didn’t want to talk to him just yet but I wasn't going to admit that.
‘How are you holding up?’ Bellamy scooted closer to me as I was leaning against the wall. ‘Still want to keep Russell alive?’
Raising my brows, I stared at him with a confusing look. He chuckled lightly. ‘I was kidding, sorry.’
‘You’re funny but Russell was not what I had in mind.’ There was no way I was going to tell him that it was John that crossed my mind, we didn't need a real argument to start at this moment.
‘Yeah I figured but I-I just didn’t know what to say to you. It felt like it had been so long since we had a decent conversation with each other.’
I had to admit, it was cute seeing Bellamy acting shy and awkward. Or maybe perhaps the argument that I had with John was making me see Bellamy in a different way again. I didn’t like it, the way my heart would switch between the two, it wasn’t fair for them and it sure as hell was not fair for me either. Already having so much to deal with, I didn’t want my love life to be more complicated than it already was.
Just as I was about to reply to Bellamy, a noise came from the electrical doorway that was locking us in. Everyone in the room including the guards turned to face that direction, getting ready for whoever was trying to come in.
After that noise was just pure silence, it was as if everyone was holding their breath. That wasn't until a few moments later, the door opened widely, revealing Madi and several armed criminals standing behind her.
‘Put down your weapons, it’s over.’ Madi walked in, ‘You shoot and you are all dead including your precious Primes.’
‘That’s my girl.’ I smiled, approaching Madi while the rest of the criminals worked their way to the guards, tying their hands with the ropes that were used on us earlier. 'Any signs of Russell?'
‘Nope, I don't think him and his wife suspected a thing.’ She grinned back, giving me a high five. ‘You are forgetting something though.’
‘What do you mean?’
She turned around and pointed behind her, where Marcus was standing by the door way with a huge smile on his face. He looked perfectly healthy, as if the surgery and the incident never happened. He waved his hand, greeting me. ‘Hey monkey.’
Instantly I ran off to hug him, jumping onto him as I wrapped my arms tightly around him. ‘Sorry, I know you’re hurt and all but I couldn’t help it.’
‘No, it’s fine.’ I felt his breath on my neck as he lightly laughed, ‘I don’t care about that at all. I’m just glad to see you again kiddo.’
Burying my face into his shoulder, I started to cry. With everything that was happening from Russell’s murder to my problems with Bellamy and John, I was so glad to see Marcus again. ‘I’m glad to see you too.’
He cupped my face, wiping the tears off my cheeks with his thumbs. 'We're going to help our people, together this time.'
It was nice to have Marcus back on his two feet, I was more happy that he was by my side this time. 'Sounds like a plan.'
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physicalturian · 3 years
[18+] Words of pleasure - Law x F!Reader - Part 10 (Last)
[No spoilers] [Modern AU - College AU] [She/her pronouns used for the reader, no physical description; Everyone +18] Words : 8634 Archive of our own
Warning : Power play / Dom/sub Dynamics / Control / Oral / Discipline / Voyeurism / Brat / Shibari / Impact play / Tears (from dick uh) / Protected sex / Aftercare / Edging / Pet names The voyeurism part is only for part of it. For those who do not know what 'voyeurism' is, it means someone is watching - It's done with everyone's consent.; The tears are purely deep dick in throat; Don’t forget there are oral protections for when you give head to someone, or receive it tbh, to avoid STD’s.
If you feel like I should add more warnings, send me a dm or and ask
– Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9
There stood Rosinante. And clearly, Law was not expecting him to come by. I hurriedly covered myself, but it was too late, and the blond man seemed to have enjoyed the sight as he looked at my hands gripping the lapel tight before looking at me with a grin. “I see you’ve got company Traffy,”
“I’m guessing the date went well-“ “I asked you a question Cora, what do you want?” I felt the tension between the two men, clearly Law was annoyed by the interruption which was not the most welcomed right now. I was about to sneak out of sight when I saw the delivery girl in the back, she looked at the device in her hand, confused. I nudged Law’s side to get his attention and he told Rosinante to get out of the way so he could get the takeout.
 When he did, I walked past him and exchanged the money Law had handed me, for the bag of food in her hand. I saw her glimpse at my chest and quickly bid her goodbye before shuffling back inside and putting everything back on the table. When I joined the black-haired man’s side, he told me to go on and start eating without him, he had to talk with the blond. I half-heartedly accepted and went back to the dining room where I unpacked everything. While I did so, I paid attention to what was being said in the corridor.
 “-It wouldn’t be the first time, I don’t see why you don’t want to Law,” I heard the blond almost whine.
“Did you really think that coming all the way here would make me accept the offer? This is different than the other times,” Law replied, his tone stern and still laced with annoyance. I made sure to not seem like I was listening as I started eating.
“I’m just saying, if that’s what she’s into, I’m the man for the job-“ “I didn’t ask, and we’re taking things slow,” Law’s answer made Rosinante laugh, it quickly turned into a gasp as I heard a thud before their conversation resumed.
 “That’s not what the rope around her breasts says,” I turned around to look at them in shock, and quickly turned back to face my food when both of them looked my way. Fuck, be discrete, you haven’t heard anything.
 Law sighed and I heard the door lock, it was followed by shoes hitting the parquet. “I’m not taking a decision without her, first we eat, then we talk,”
“It’s alright I’ve already eaten,” I heard Rosinante’s deep voice getting closer, and Law’s reply even more, “I didn’t ask, there is none for you, sit down and don’t talk,”
 From the interactions between the two, I felt like there was bad blood between the two of them which clashed with the man now sitting right next to Law in front of me. Law was sitting at the end of the table, Rosinante on his right and me on his left. I wrapped the bathrobe tighter around me, throwing a glance at Law and fidgeted on my seat. Was it his way of playing with my appreciation of ‘giving a show’ as he put it? “Don’t mind him, eat,”
 “It’s kind of hard not to, he’s staring right at me and he’s pretty big,” Facing the blond, I quirked a brow, going back to be in control. “Why are you here? Do you need something? We were a bit busy until you arrived, and while I respect that you’re his colleague, I think he’s not on shift right now.” I stated with as much professionalism as I could. I was not going to speak in Law’s stead, but I was frustrated by the interruption, if it had just been the delivery girl, we could have gone back to our little game once the door was closed. But here, I felt myself run cold… And burning at the same time, I was very aware of the restrictions around my form, after all, how could I not?
 I felt Law’s hand on my thigh after my question and had to muster all my strength not to move in startlement. I hope the blond hadn’t seen my reaction, after all I knew he had caught a glimpse of the rope work under my robe, but he did not show any sign of awkwardness. “It’s not work related, don’t you worry, actually it’s more of a leisurely visit,” The blond rolled up his sleeves and leaned back on his chair, almost tumbling back before grabbing the edge of the table and catching himself. Ignoring his almost-accident, I kept eating and did not ask any more question. I exchanged a few glances with Law when his hand traveled higher on my thigh.
 I didn’t know what games he was playing, and I didn’t know why he was being so daring when his colleague was there… but I liked it. To make him understand I was on board, I spread my legs wider and as I made it so it looked like I was seating back properly, I moved his hand even higher.
 I heard a huff coming from him as he continued eating. While his eyes were on his plate, his nails dug themselves inside my skin ever so lightly before going up and down my thigh. My attention being solely on his touch under the table, I almost forgot the man right in front of us who was silent up until now, “You know, Law, I understand you telling me to wait until you’re done eating and all that, but you can’t say that and then start the fun right under my nose,”
 Confused, and thinking he knew, I grabbed Law’s hand from going any higher, but he deftly moved my hand from his and held my thigh tightly. He was rubbing my inner thigh, letting his hand graze my crotch many times without even reacting. I had to put everything down when I was getting too excited to finish my plate, thinking I’d finish the rest after the eventful night I was promised those past few nights by HandSurgeon. “Then ask her, see how it goes,” Law almost spat, giving Rosinante a glare that I wouldn’t have wanted to be the receiving end of.
 ‘Cora’ however was unbothered, his grin only widening as he leaned further on the table. I felt a foot bump against mine under the able but did not say anything. “See, with Law here, we sometimes have interesting nights-“ “It was two times, Cora,”
“Actually, it was three, don’t you remember the one a few months ago who really wanted-“ Law interrupted him by standing up and taking our two plates from the table, leaving me exposed as I quickly covered my thigh with the robe.
 Looking at me with a smug smile, the blond whispered, “It’s actually three times like this, but we sometimes do other things- not like we fuck, but-“ Surprised by his words, I did not let it show on my face and made a gesture with my hand to tell him to go on, “Just, stop beating around the bush, I really don’t care what he, or you, used to do,” I shrugged, still curious about what they used to do. I was not going to be nosy and ask but part of me hoped he wouldn’t keep doing whatever they used to do when we’ll really be together… Unless we’ve talked about it.
 “Right, I feel like you kinda like showing off, am I wrong?” I couldn’t blame him for going straight to the point as I asked, but his question caught me off guard and I threw a glance at Law who was coming back from the kitchen with a neutral expression on his face.
 Looking at Law, embarrassed, I said, “Did you tell him about-“ “I didn’t tell him anything, I’d live better if he did not meddle with my shit, believe me,” Law replied before I could finish my sentence. I looked back at the blond and shrugged, “I don’t really know why it’s relevant,” I started, my face heating up. What was one supposed to do in this situation? I was not about to tell that stranger what turned me on, even though he seemed to have pinpointed the right thing. Denying sounded like a nice option though.
 “You’re not making it easier on me,” The blond glanced at Law, asking him to help out without words. He had seemed cocky enough to preach what he did many times with Law but was starting to get cold feet. Law quirked a brow and asked me to get up, which I did with him, my eyes still riveted on Rosinante. I was then brought to the bedroom, feeling Rosinante’s intense gaze following us. Once we were inside the room, Law left the door open and approached me.
 “The offer is simple, do you want to hear it?” He pulled me closer, sliding his hands inside the bathrobe to rest them on my hips, his thumbs brushing over the skin oh so delicately. “Go ahead, I’m really curious of what you might offer that won’t be ruined by your great colleague-“ “The attitude stays outside the bedroom, let’s start again. Do you want to hear the offer?” He breathed right next to my ear more sternly, his grip on my hips was tighter.
 I held his forearm and held back a huff, mumbled, “Yes sir” I don’t believe I had said it in front of him, ever, since we learnt about one another. And it felt ten times worse than saying it to a stranger online, this time I could see the smirk on his face when he looked at me with a certain pride, my body was burning up from simply folding, submitting, over nothing. And I was enjoying it.
 “He likes to watch, you like to be looked at, you like being the center of attention,” he explained slowly. His hands were now gripping the lapel of the bathrobe, I held his hands to stop them from removing the item just yet. “I don’t know… it seemed like you didn’t want to do any of this, earlier. You seemed angry at him, maybe we shouldn’t have him here,” I said softly, earning an earnest smile from the man in front of me as he cradled my face in his hands.
 “Because he is wasting my time while I could be having you on your knees, your mouth eager to do your best to please me…” My eyes widened, his action was tender, but his words were salacious, and yet it mixed so well together. “Or maybe tonight could be all about you, I believe I promised I’d tie you up to the bedpost, or maybe we could work on more discipline, I remember you enjoyed it greatly,” He paused and gauged my reactions. I was breathing more heavily than moments ago, recalling his promises.
 The more he talked, the more I felt this need to prove I could take whatever he gave me. I wanted him to praise me like he did so many times before, I wanted him to be able to flaunt me, and what better way to do so than to give him a show, to him and his friend. “He doesn’t join, he just watches, right?” I asked in a low tone, my eyes darting at the blond who was watching us from the dining table. He had his elbow resting on the table, his head leaning on his fist while smiling lazily. “That’s the plan, it’s purely sexual,” Law forced me to look at him, his fingers on my chin, “Just because he’s there doesn’t mean I won’t be taking care of you, it’s sexual for him, but it’s something different for us, understood?”
 “I just ignore him, then?”
“No, no, you better be fully aware of him, know you’re being watched…” He slowly helped me shrug off the bathrobe, placing himself in front of me to block the sight to Rosinante. “And I’d expect my girl to give us a show I know she’s capable of, so do you agree?” This was exciting, I never expected to be part of something like this. And with or without the blond man in the other room, I would have still felt over the moon knowing what Law was about to do to me. “Yes, do we still use the colours? In case I want to stop, for any specific reason- not that I think I will use it, I trust you-“
 “Colours, yes. But remember that even if you trust me, you can stop everything. The moment it’s too much, not that I aim for it to be, you tell me. Are we clear?” There was real worry in his eyes, and I couldn’t help but roll my eyes playfully but nodded. Wanting to get started, I looked at him with a widening smile and let my hand wander to the knot of his sweatpants.
“I do remember our conversations you know, no need to repeat yourself,” I started, “And you haven’t fucked my brains out enough for me to forget it, just yet. Maybe it was an empty promise,” I was stopped dead in my tracks by his hand gripping mine.
 “Then you remember I said to be patient, and to leave the attitude out of the bedroom,” He said in faux-politeness as he pulled me closer, his hand let go of mine to pull at the leash-like rope around my neck. I huffed a chuckle and looked at him, satisfied.
“The door’s open, it came back rushing in,” I breathed out, talking about the attitude I supposedly left outside the room.
 Law watched me a moment before humming, a dark smile on his lips, “You want to play it like that, let’s,” he stepped away from me and I felt a shiver run down my spine, I wanted to get things heated because it had started quieting down, but now I had a price to pay. I had barely done anything, but Law jumped on the occasion to take the attitude down a notch. He grinned mischievously and told me to follow him as he sat at the edge of the bed and told me to kneel in front of him.
 “Are you serious-“ “Color?”
I huffed, “Green.”
“Then I’m deadly serious, on your knees.” His tone was stern, but his face showed something else. His half-lidded eyes watched me make way towards him and stop right in front of him. I threw a quick glance at the blond through the doorway and saw him with the seat fully facing the room and his hands on his lap for now. He gestured for me to go on. My eyes widened at that, does he expect me to listen to him? I looked back at Law and instead of kneeling in front of him, I placed my hands on his shoulders and moved one of my leg over his to straddle him.
 He gripped the back of my legs tight to get me off of him, “Are you acting out on purpose, to give Cora a show? Is this what’s going on?” He asked, while standing up, power dripping off his voice. I wanted to tell him no, but I think I did. It felt weird to submit in front of someone other than Law, and I wanted to put it off as long as I could. I looked to the side once more, this time Law gripped my chin forcefully to make me look at him, “Is my girl getting shy?” He asked as he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, his lips grazing my lobe. “I’ll say it only once: when I ask you a question, you answer, go,” He slid his hand to the back of my neck and made me look at him.
 “I’m not shy, I’m just not used to this- and you surprised me with asking me to get on my knees,” I whispered back, noticing the grin that spread on his face.
“Don’t play the innocent act, I recall you were very eager to suck your toy off when it was just you and me, correct?” He breathed against my neck as his fingers slipped over the rope to grab my ass and bring my leg over his, still standing up. His other hand grazed over my ass, then I felt his fingers brush between my legs and gasped. I gripped his hand before trying to have his fingers touch my clit, but it had the opposite effect.
 Grunting, he slapped my hand off his and held me in place, “Look at you, grinding against my fingers already. Don’t tell me you’re that desperate yet?”
“I’m not, you’re talking more than you’re doing, right now,” I regretted it instantly when a scowl formed on his forehead, quickly turning into an expression that said he accepted the challenge.
 “That needy look of yours says something else. Here, I’ll help you out, but first,” He stepped away from me and sat on the bed, his legs open wide, “First we’ll put you back in your place. I have the perfect gag for that pretty mouth of yours,”
 I was about to kneel when I noticed he was still fully dressed, when I reached for his shirt, he gripped my wrists tight. “That’s one too many, if you’re in a bratty mood then all I’ll have to do is discipline you, don’t you agree?” I agree, whispering a ‘yes sir’ which made him laugh as he told me to get on my knees, hands behind my back. He then stood up and went to the drawer behind me. I did as he told me, knowing I had crossed the limit but couldn’t help but feel excited.
 “We’re going to test that patience of yours, look at me,” When I did, a smirk pulled the corner of his lips. I followed his form until he was sitting in front of me, I could see the bulge in his pants that at this point demanded to be freed, when I glanced at it, Law’s smirk only widened. “Let me tell you how good you look on your knees like that,” He praised as he leaned back only slightly on one of his hand as the other held what I believe was a riding crop. The latter placed itself under my chin to raise it up, “Here’s what’s going to happen: you use that mouth for something good, no touching, if I see you trying to move your hands….” He trailed off and looked at the riding crop.
 “Then I strike you.”
 He paused, gauging my reaction. And from the way my breath hitched in my throat, he had guessed I would enjoy it. “If you want to stop, you make a peace sign with your hand behind your back, understood?” I nodded, and he told me to do one right now to make sure I understood. Once I did, he smiled genuinely and pulled out his cock from his sweatpants. It was now fully erected and while I had seen it through different pictures, I wanted it more now. He stroked his cock lazily a few times, then beckoned me to come closer, “Open your mouth,” he slid it in slowly, praising me as he did so, “There we go, good girl,”
 Instinctively, I was about to move my hands to grab the base of his cock but was struck before I could do so. I moaned at the stinging pain, breathing through my nose before starting to bob my head the best I could without the balance of my hand. I started licking him slowly, making sure to let my tongue press the tip of his cock more than the rest, suckling on the tip from time to time. I relished in the groans it elated from him. His free hand slid to the base of my neck, maybe he was unsure of how I’d react if he did more.
 Dragging my lips back and forth on his length, making sure to use my tongue around it, I twirled my tongue around his tip, looking him dead in the eyes. “Grab my hair, are you the one feeling shy now, doc?” I licked my lips when he grabbed a fistful of hair and pulled my head back to have me look at him from a different angle. I gasped at the pain, my mouth open yet smiling, so was he. He was smiling smugly as he looked down at me, enjoying the sight a lot more than he was showing it. I moved a bit to use my heel to get some friction and was struck down to stop.
 Chuckling breathlessly, I quirked a brow, it only unnerved him more, “You’re being a lot more disobedient when we have company, I can’t have him think you’re untamed now, can I?” He breathed against my lips, I closed my eyes, expecting a kiss from him but was met with a leathery texture. Opening my eyes, I realized Law was brushing the riding crop over my lips, I opened my mouth once more, he did not wait to brush it over my tongue. Giving it a little tap, startling me before bringing his hand that was holding it, over my shoulder.
 “So desperate for it, so eager… But so, fucking, insubordinate- if you want it so bad you better start taking it,” He breathed, “And it’s: yes sir, not doc,” Without further warning, he shoved my head over his cock, and I moaned around it when I felt it hit the back of my throat. It made him laugh breathlessly, groaning at the same time as he kept guiding my head onto his cock. When I hollowed my cheeks around it, a sigh escaped his lips and he paused for a moment, leaning in. Before he could speak, I uttered, “Did I say you could stop?”
 His brows raised and all playfulness was gone from his eyes, mine widened and I felt a shiver run down my spine. Fuck, I shouldn’t have done that, I thought as I straightened my back, about to move my hands to hold his thighs, I was struck down before I could do anything. The moan that escaped my lips was more embarrassing than anything, I could feel a rush of heat coursing through my body. He let go of my hair and instead gripped my jaw tightly, “I can’t praise you when you’re being anything but good,” He said sternly,
 “From what I’m seeing, you want it rough, and I’m ready to give it...” He trailed off, his eyes traveling over my form while his finger brushed over my drooling lips, “Unless you make it up to me, and stop fighting me,” I averted my eyes, thinking, but quickly looked back at Law when he tutted me, saying “Eyes over here,”
 “Keep that little game up and I promise, I’ll have you tied up in the middle of the bed with a toy inside you and no fucking relief,” He said loud enough for Rosinante to hear it, I tried to glance at him but had Law’s leg in the way and huffed, “Or you give up the reins, and let me lead the dance,” He continued, his finger pulling my lip down before opening my mouth, his thumb on my teeth. I licked it without answering, hands still behind my back.
 “So, what do you say, are you going to be good now?” I nodded. He struck me down, I gasped in pleasure feeling the new spot on my back sting more than the other times, “What did I say? Words.”
With his finger still in my mouth, I articulated the best I could, “I’ll be good, sir. I’m sorry-“ “You will be, let’s have you apologize properly hm? Open wide,” Once again, I took him in, I did not waste time to try and take him deeper than I had before, making him moan out of breath as his hand settled under my chin on my throat. He wasn’t gripping it tightly; If anything, I believe he was feeling the bulge of his cock in my throat and getting off on knowing he did that.
 I saw his composure slip as he leaned back and started bucking his hips in my mouth, “That’s it, take it- all- like a good- little- pet-“ Each words were emphasized by a thrust, I tried to meet them all and could feel tears streaming down my face at the effort it took fort me not to gag. Sounds of our heavy breathings and moans, mixed with groans of pleasure, echoed on the walls until he pulled out. He had stopped himself before reaching climax and was still very hard, I licked his cock clean before wiping my mouth and chin on his pants.
 With a lazy smile, he leaned in and grabbed the rope to pull me closer, his lips ghosting over mine, “Are you going to behave, now?”
Raised on my knees, I tried to meet his lips, but he struck me without thinking twice about it, “A question, an answer, is it so hard?” I shook my head, gulping and replied in a sore voice, “I’ll behave, sir.” He then whispered, “Good girl,” before bringing me into a kiss, tender at first but it quickly turned more hungry, more needy. I wanted to bring him closer, taking his face in my hands to feel him but focused on keeping my hands behind my back.
 He must have sensed my struggle since he broke the kiss to look at me intently, “While you do look good on your knees…” He let go of the rope and stood up, making sure to take the riding crop with him. I tensed when I felt it touch my back, knowing how raw my skin was, and how it still felt like it was burning. Yet, I wanted to lean in, and I was ready to beg for more. But instead, I looked straight ahead, and waited. “When I say good, I mean, exquisite…” I moved my hands to my lap, thinking it’d be better for him.
 I was wrong. “I didn’t say you could do that,” Another hit, this time at the juncture of my shoulder blade and my neck, another breathless moan, another quick move as I brought my hands back in my back. I was startled once more when I felt his presence over me, his lips brushing over my ear, “I knew you’d make the most sinful sounds,” His teeth grazed the shell of my ear, biting it just enough to feel them.
 “But I think seeing the tears rolling down your face,” he started, gripping my chin tightly to make me look up at him, my jaw clenched, “… and your pretty mouth fucked out, unable to talk back, that’s how I want it,” He continued, his eyes riveted on the drying tears on my cheeks as his thumb brushed over them. He then leaned over and placed a kiss on my forehead, “You did good. Now, let’s get my girl in a more comfortable position, what do you say?” I didn’t move but whispered back in agreement. It made him laugh as he let go of my face and told me that I could move.
 I had to hold onto his arm when I stood up and wobbled. Having stayed on my knees too long made my articulations hurt but it felt good to finally be standing, it did not last long when Law had me lay down on my back after making sure I was alright. “I’m alright, in fact I could have taken it a bit longer, if you want to know,” I told him teasingly, talking about his thrusts in my throat. He stopped mid-way, a knee on the bed, still wearing his pants. “Your sore voice says otherwise,” he replied in a tone just as light, he gave me a once over before leaning to the side and getting an unopened bottle of water from the side of the bed.
 “If you’re still that eager, we better take care of you before any more fun, mh?” Opening it, he told me to drink some more before continuing, I reached out for the bottle and saw that my hands were slightly shaking. I thought it wasn’t noticeable until Law scooted closer and was ready to help me drink. I simply took the bottle from his hand, brought a pillow to cover my front and took large gulps, maybe letting some spill down my chin and over my throat.
 Law watched me carefully, an interested smile on his face, “It’s funny how you’re trying to act decent by covering yourself, and yet, intentionally bring my attention to you,” He took the bottle from my hand and put it on the nightstand before pushing me down and throwing the pillow away. His lips latched onto my throat as he licked the trickling drop away, starting from the bottom to finally reach my chin where he kissed my lips softly. “Let’s ruin that made-up sense of decency and make it as debauched as we can,”
 Kissing him back, I chuckled at how promising it sounded and suggested enthusiastically, “Then let’s start by taking those pants off,” When I slithered my hands to the string of his pants, he quickly pinned them over my head making me yelp in surprise, and excitement once more. I wrapped my hands the best I could around his, or at least touched the back of his hand with the tip of my fingers, “Let’s make something clear, because you seem to forget I’m the one who’s leading this dance,” He started, his free hand hovering right above my breast as he very delicately ghosted his finger over my nipple, making me gasp when I felt the wetness from his skin.
 I looked at him more carefully and saw him dip his finger inside the water bottle to just have me even more sensitive as he brushed it against my skin. All the while playing with my nipples, he spoke, “That mouth of yours is allowed to do four things. One, answer when I ask a question, two, beg, three, moan, four, scream my fucking name. Is that understood?” Although he asked it in a stern tone, making sure I was going to obey and not act out, I couldn’t help the smile on my face as I nodded, “Yes, sir,” I was thoroughly enjoying the sight of him with his lips, mere breaths away from my nipple.
 Looking at him expectantly, I bit the inside of my lips as he approached closer and closer, his breath cooling the wetness on my skin. I let out a satisfied sigh when I felt his warm tongue balancing the coldness of my hardened nipple. Thinking he was solely focused on my breasts; I was surprised when I felt his hand slowly travel down my stomach and to my thighs. He paused there and drummed his fingers there a moment before starting to draw little patterns with the tip of his fingers. I wasn’t getting anything. His tongue was working on my breasts, but that was it. I wanted more, I needed more.
So, I threw a glance at the door, but I couldn’t see anything from this angle. Casting my pride aside, I mumbled Law’s name, followed by, “Please…” He stopped everything, and quirked a brow, a smug smile on his lips, “I didn’t quite catch that, pet. A bit louder, go ahead,” His tongue resumed its work on my nipples, this time his hands joining. I was trying to arch my back to feel him more, my breathing getting only heavier, it made it impossible to not feel the ropes around my form. “I’m not hearing anything, maybe I should stop-“ “Please, sir… Please, more, everything,”
 “Good girl,” He breathed against my lips before pressing his against mine very slowly, his tongue prying my mouth open as he deepened the kiss. It heated up quickly, I threaded my hands through his hair to pull him closer only to have him laugh breathlessly as he broke the kiss. “Show me how bad you want it,” He sat back on the bed, still between my legs and wrapped my legs around his hips, he started kissing my inner thigh softly as he spoke, “I’ll be right there, and you will be touching yourself for me,”
 Sitting up, I quickly moved my hands behind my back to show him I wasn’t doing anything with them, and saw the grin displayed on his lips. I continued, “Law- really? No, please, I don’t want to wait any longer, please?” Pulling me closer by my thighs, I gasped and almost lost balance but gripped his forearms tightly. “You’ll wait, because I told you to. You want to be good, don’t you?” A shiver ran down my spine, I looked off to the side but didn’t reply. He continued, “You think I forgot, all that we talked about those past few nights?” He whispered against my ear.
 “How desperate you were for me to guide you, obeying each of my command…” He left a kiss behind my ear, trailing to the side of my neck, the hair on my body rose, I was thrilled. I felt his hand travel up my body, to one of my arms, down to my hand were the held me a moment, “And how little time it took for you to show off,” He brought my hand between our body, I reached for his pants but he tutted me, “to spread those legs,” He spread his, spreading mine in the process, “and to touch yourself to the sound of my voice?” I wasn’t looking at him, instead my eyes were focused on his body, on how his hand felt around mine.
 “Not with your friend here, please,” I whispered hesitantly. It felt more intimate like this, to touch yourself in front of someone, than being literally fucked in front of someone, I was afraid Law would find it annoying but instead he chuckled. “He left a moment ago, when I brought you on the bed, I told him to leave,” He explained. I rose to my knees to look behind Law’s back and indeed saw that no one was on the chair, I felt more comfortable to do as Law suggested, but wanted to hear more of him. When I sat back, my legs still around his hips, he looked at me with a look of almost-hunger.
 I chuckled nervously, never leaving his gaze. With a smug smile, his free hand caressed my throat slowly. “That doesn’t mean we’re done, I believe I was reminding you of how obedient you were before and how much you misbehaved tonight, mh?” “I’m good now, I promise,” I said clearly, not wanting to let it transpire that I kind of enjoyed how he handled the attitude.
“Then, show me how good you are, pet,” He guided my hand between my legs, and pressed my fingers with his, right behind my hand. “I’m sure you know what to do from there,” I nodded, and did exactly as he wanted, to help I rested my forehead on his shoulder and closed my eyes to focus more but was quickly stopped.
 “That won’t do, show me your pretty face,” When I did, he smiled and pressed his lips on my throat, “That’s it, a lot better, good girl,” I let out a shaky breath upon hearing the words, and had to hold myself back from leaning back on his shoulder. It became harder when his tongue trailed down my neck, leaving hickeys all over it, but he was still talking between as he busied himself,
 Isn’t it easier like that? To do exactly as I tell you. I find it easier to praise my girl when she is acting like the good girl, I know she is. Not when she’s bratting out. Needy for my cock. Eager to get fucked. Desperately clinging onto the power. Not letting go of it. But we both know you relish in being powerless, don’t you? Being told what to do. I can see how much you enjoy it. Look at you, fucking yourself on my lap. If you keep making those sounds, I won’t be able to hold back, doll.
 Meeting his gaze once more, I said his name in the most desperate way I could. I didn’t want him to hold back, I wanted him to fuck me. Feeling myself getting close, I stopped and held onto Law’s shoulders before starting to roll my hips over his. He groaned and stopped talking, instead he gripped my hips forcefully to hold me in place. “Such a needy little thing, aren’t you?” He didn’t wait for my answer to throw me on my back and take off his pants. He reached out for the drawer in his nightstand and pulled out a condom before kneeling back between my legs and rolling the condom on.
 “Seeing how fucking needy you are, I would be tempted to see how many times I can make you cum until you’re finally satiated,” He looked me up and down before smirking, “But I think you’ve had quite a ride tonight,” I nodded, arching my back at the feeling of the sheets brushing against my pained back. Grinning, Law slid a hand between my leg and hovered there a moment, “Did you go a good job, or do I need to finger you myself?” It wasn’t a need more than a want, I would never say no to feeling his hands in me, on me, touching me, playing me like a toy.
 I wanted to tell him, “Law, just fuck me,” but I knew he wouldn’t like that, there was a power dynamic at play right now, I had to remember that. Yet I was also tempted to taunt him, get him more riled up but thought against it. It took some restraint, but I said, “I’m good-“ “Oh, I know you are, you are being very good, and I’m sure you’ll feel just as,” his elbows hooked under my knees, he did not waste time and started sheathing himself slowly, groaning in the process.
 A satisfied smile made its way on my lips, it felt so good, feeling him stretching me out, his hands gripping my legs with so much force it made the experience only more ecstatic. I pulled myself closer to him, making him hiss as he tried to hold back more sounds of pleasure from escaping his lips. Once he was fully in, he leaned in a moment, the muscles in my thighs were stretching but I was loving it. “What if I kept you like this?” I looked at him wide-eyed, about to refuse, but he continued, “That expression on your face, I’ll be sure to do it another time, but I want to make good use of my fucktoy tonight.”
 Pressing a kiss to my cheek, he trailed down and nibble the skin of my neck, “That’s what you are, mm? A good girl, but also my pretty little fucktoy,” He wanted me to say it, it felt weird to say it out loud, it didn’t want to roll of my tongue.
 Bucking his hips inside me, Law grunted, “I asked you a question,” I let out a breathless pant, my head diving in the pillows, “Sure, yes, I’m your fucktoy,” I huffed, trying to meet his hips once more, but he held me in place and pinned my hands over my head once more, his free hand turning my face to look at him. “Try again, without the attitude, I want to see your embarrassed face, I did say I’d ruin that silly pride of yours, did I not?” He asked rhetorically as he started thrusting very slowly inside me.
 Meeting his gaze, I felt my body heat up and stared at him the best I could, my mouth gasping soundlessly at each of his thrusts. When I closed my eyes to enjoy it more, he stopped, “You’re not going to get it, if you don’t say it, I am a patient man,” The way my name rolled of his tongue, made it a lot more sinful than I thought it could be. The staring contest lasted a few moments before I let it leave my mouth in a low tone, when I looked off to the side, I was tutted again and forced myself to look at him, jaw clenched, “I am your fucktoy, sir.”
 The smug smile on his face made me believe I was done with this, but his grip on my hands tightened when he leaned in and kissed me softly. It felt warm, and reassuring, unlike the grin that was now displayed on his lips, “Guess I’ll have to make you say it with more enthusiasm,” The pace of his thrusts quickened and deepened, each followed by a grunt. The expression on his face didn’t change, he was looking at me as if challenging me, I did not even try to match it, I was enjoying it too much.
 Mouth wide open, moans escaping my throat, back arched to meet each of his thrusts, my legs wrapped tighter around him to try and keep him deep inside me. My heels were digging his back, soon his thrusting was accompanied by soft praises, telling me how good I made him feel, how much he was enjoying the sight of me splayed out for him like that. My breath was erratic, I had a harder time to breath with the ropes, but I could still breathe well enough. It felt so good. I hadn’t realized I had begged for more until I heard his chuckle, “You’re taking me so well, let’s see how good you’ll do when you’re on your knees,” He pulled out and told me to turn around.
 With shaky limbs, I did as he gestured and pressed my chest on the bed, my hands on each side of my head, my ass up. As his hands caressed my ass, his cock teasing me, he leaned over and in a gentle voice asked my color, “Green, green,” I repeated it in case he hadn’t heard me with my head pressed against the mattress. One of his hand gently placed itself on my head and brushed my hair softly, before tracing his hand on my back, grazing his nails on my skin on the way. I whimpered at the sudden feeling, feeling even more elated.
 Without further warning, he slid his cock back in and started fucking me senseless, he did not take his time. He was going in wildly, slamming hips against his without ever stopping. I was moaning loudly, my hands gripping the sheets, when I tried to move one of my hand to touch my clit, he laughed and told me to not move them. I whined, thinking I wouldn’t get any of that heaven sent pleasure, but was caught off guard when one of his hand did exactly what I needed. His finger was playing with my clit, all the while his cock was being rammed mercilessly inside me.
 When my teeth clenched around the sheet to try to hold back my loud moaning, Law only went harder but more erratically, “I believe I said your mouth could do four things, mind reminding them to me?” I nodded against the mattress, but didn’t go ahead, I felt him move and felt the sudden stinging pain of the riding crop hitting my ass. A half-pain, half-pleasure gasp left my lips, as I obeyed, “Answer your- questions,” I breathed, wanting to cover my mouth when I interrupted myself by panting more groans. “Beg,” a strong thrust, a moan, “moan,” and again. “Scream your name-“ I felt his lips pressed against my neck as he whispered a praise, “That’s my girl,”
 “Now, since you’re being so good, I’ll tell you what’s going to happen, yes?” I nodded, he lazily played with my clit as his thrusts slowed down while he talked, “If by the time you’re going to cum, you haven’t admitted you’re my pretty little fucktoy,” he threaded his fingers through my hair and lifted my head to have me look at him, “And mean it, then I’ll stop, understood?” I looked at him through tired eyes, and yet with surprise. He wouldn’t do that, would he? As he if heard my thought, he smiled at me, a smile that told me he was entirely willing to do so. “Yes, sir.”
 The fingers that were threaded through my hair slid to my cheek and caressed it gently, “You’re so beautiful like that, let’s have you even more fucked out, mh?” Just like that, he resumed his thrusting. It wasn’t as consistent as before, making it harder to get used to the pace. When he hit the spot, I panted out his name and regretted right away, “Right- there?-“ he bucked his hips each time, making me let out high-pitched whimpers. He leaned over, and whispered, out of breath, “Time’s running out, pretty girl,” I couldn’t look at him.
 I was getting closer and closer at each thrust, my ability to speak getting lost on the way but it couldn’t let it happen. I had to tell him, but I was getting a bit foggy and out of it from how good I felt, yet I managed to utter between the melody of pleasure leaving my mouth, “Please- let me cum- I’m- fuck, your fucktoy- Law-“ A very satisfied grunt left his throat, while my face burnt hotter than fire, it was embarrassing to say so out loud, “Turn around, I want to see that pretty face of yours when I make you cum,”
 When I did, I tried to cover my face, but he moved my hands away, pining them over my head once more. “There, was it that hard? Look at you, you can’t be shy when moments ago you were practically begging for my cock,” “Law, fuck me, please,” I breathed out tiredly, needily, his expression lost its arrogance for a moment and was filled with surprise before returning to the cocky one. Without another word, he fucked me senseless as promised. It was wild, rough, I tried to bring his hand to my neck, but he only shook his head and told me not tonight before focusing back on the sensation of my walls around his cock.
 At this pace, we were both reaching our peak in no time. His thrusts were erratic, I was being loud but didn’t try to cover it, I knew he was enjoying it a lot and wanted him to feel as good as he made me feel. The mix of his cock hitting the perfect spot, his fingers stimulating my clit along the constricted feeling of the ropes around my chest brought me closer to release. I felt my toes curl as my back arched, the praising that flooded from Law’s mouth made me break, the knot inside my stomach snapped and I felt myself go limp. Law joined me soon, finishing off before pulling out.
 I was a bit dazed, but at some point, I saw Law kneel on the side of the bed with a washcloth and ointment. He first undid the ropes around my form, it took some time. I looked at him through tired eyes the entire time, he was focused but when he looked at me, a small smile was painted on his face. “You did good, we’ll talk more about that later-“ “I’m good right now, what do we talk about?” I slurred, was I that tired?
 “First, let’s take care of you. It was a bit rougher than I expected,” He said softly, when he was done with the ropes, he helped me lay on my stomach and covered my butt with a blanket as he put some ointment on my back. Maybe it was because I was only half-awake, or perhaps it was because I was dozing off even more with the massage I was receiving as he spread the ointment on my back, but I spoke, “I want to do this again… not right now, not all the time, because I think I’d like to just have casual sex with you along sessions like this too,”
 With my head resting on my arms, I glanced at Law, “But also go on a date, or more than one,” I mumbled against my arms. Law hadn’t answered yet and was now drying his hands as he handed me a shirt. For a moment, I thought I had fucked up once again. That I should have just left after the sex, but not only was I physically unable to do so at this instant, but I also did not want to. “You are aware my schedule is fucked up?”
 “That didn’t stop you from sexting a stranger from your office, did it?” I asked teasingly, making a blush appear on his cheeks as he stood up and put everything away. I only now realized he had dressed up once more. “What I’m saying is that, we can make it work if we want to, and… I don’t mind having online… fun if we’re both a bit busy but horny, you know?” a snort escaped his lips as he left the room and came back just as quickly with a plate in hand.
 “Would you be willing to go to charity galas? Because if we’re dating, there will be a lot of those,” He said softly, his cheeks still tainted with pink. I looked up at him curiously as I put on the shirt and sat up, groaning as I felt the soreness that was settling. “Would I have to wear a fancy outfit and look super hot?” I asked half-jokingly while taking the food he handed me. It felt so fucking good to eat after such an intense effort.
 Smiling genuinely, he nodded, “Yes, and maybe even add a little accessory, I think you’ve heard of it, it’s called a vibrating egg-“ “Law! Fuck off- it was- no, you know what? Let’s! I think it could be fun, but you can’t blame me if I pull you to the side when it’s too much- plus we were talking casually, did you have to bring that up?” I asked rhetorically, this time my cheeks were aflame. But we were both smiling, and when he placed a hand on my knee reassuringly and I placed mine on his.
 “It’s a strange situation but I think something good can come out of it, do we give it a try?” We had both talked about being willing to do this, but this time asking it like that felt a bit frightening. I feel like he could still refuse, and I was afraid of it, but still waited. “I’ll try my best to keep you entertained, Edelweiss,” He put an emphasis on my username before leaning in and kissing me softly. We both smiled into the kiss, feeling a lot better than we did when it started, almost content.
 Boredom makes you do crazy things, lack of free time too… but I think boredom won’t be a concern of mine no more, and no matter how busy I’ll be I’ll surely find some entertainment with the prettiest surgeon I would soon call partner, of more than research purposes.
[The end]
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medusinestories · 3 years
Black Sails, IV (S1, ep 04)
- Silver's horrified face when he finds out he's going to have to roast pigs is a Journey, starting with shock, then fake smiling, and then this horrified shuddery expression. It's just as interesting when they drop the dead pig at his feet and he clearly doesn't know what to do with it and also finds it disgusting. I can absolutely see where all the Jewish John Silver headcanons come from, especially since it's unlikely that a London urchin has never seen a dead pig and raw meat in general before.
- Here we have the first performance of Cassandra DeGroot: he knows that the bay they'd chosen to do the careening was too dangerous, and warns the crew. He's immediately countered by Flint, who has much more persuasive arguments to get the careening done fast but in a risky manner. (this whole thing reminds me of our current COVID/climate situation, where scientists get talked over by politicians, and people prefer listening to the latter because they seem to offer much better prospects than the “catastrophist” former)
- In this episode Billy is now quartermaster and he shows himself to actually be really good at disciplining the crew, something Gates, DeGroot and even Flint recognise. However, he also agreed to do the careening only because he's afraid to say no to Flint and allowed the men to have a fuck tent, which he feared would distract them - and it did, the two men who placed the rope on the wrong tree decided not to follow his orders and go fuck instead. This all weighs on him enormously after the disaster with Randall and Morley, who accuses him minutes before his death of already being in Flint's pocket. It's pretty clear that more responsibility doesn't do Billy's mental state any good.
- Morley's story about the Maria Aleyne gives some idea of a timeline, albeit a faint one. The incident took place "a number of years back", before Billy joined. This means that Billy is a somewhat new addition to the crew. We know that Randall was bosun when Billy joined. This also establishes that Lord Hamilton has been dead for several years, which now begs the question: who is the Lord Proprietor that Richard Guthrie is now in touch with? Did Thomas have a younger brother who inherited the Bahamas? Was someone new appointed? Was there a gap between Proprietors that allowed the pirates to establish themselves even more after Lord Alfred's death?
- I just adore the fact that Miranda actually went to stinking, violent Nassau because she was just too impatient to wait at home and wanted to be there when the Walrus came in and immediately hear the news of Lord Alfred's death. She is that vengeful and angry and I love her <3
- Speaking of which, this episode gives us the Passive-Agressive Sex Scene which makes so many people doubt of Flint's attraction to Miranda. Just look at Flint’s face: this man isn't uncomfortable or sad he is PISSED. He plays starfish and glares at Miranda all through it (while maintaining an erection all the same!). Miranda must be hella frustrated (or determined) because she manages to get off in spite of all of this (also, how uncommon is it for a sex scene to end when the woman climaxes rather than the man?) It's only when it ends that both Flint and Miranda are both shown as vulnerable and sad and reflective, with Flint reaching up to touch her but not quite getting there - imo because he's still angry but knows that she (and he) needs comfort.
- This leads into the argument over Meditations, and Miranda explicitly talking about Thomas and not wanting to forget him. The book hasn't been touched in a long time, confirming the idea that Miranda shared it with Richard Guthrie because Flint refuses to touch it. Her grief, her loneliness, are incredibly poignant in this scene, and we see Flint shift from bristling and stonily glaring at her, to absolutely melting (Toby's facial expression shifts here are just *chef's kiss*) and finally being gentle and tender with her. However, even though he promises to make things better, Miranda clearly doesn't believe him anymore.
- This brings in a big theme in the episode: betrayal from people you care for/trust. Mr Scott asks Eleanor not to do anything rash in order to get the Andromache’s guns, only to discover her Plan B: to kill Bryson if he didn't comply. In the meantime, Richard Guthrie tells (a very sceptical) Miranda that he can only support Eleanor and Flint, because he pretty much has no choice in the matter. He then proceeds to betray his daughter by making a deal with Bryson and with Mr Scott, who’s still smarting from Eleanor’s betrayal and who Guthrie tries to convince by saying that Eleanor's endeavour will lead to her death and Nassau’s destruction (considering what we later find out about Mr Scott, Eleanor’s safety is probably not be the argument that actually compels Mr Scott - but he certainly doesn't want the Navy searching the area and finding Maroon Island, and needs a stable Nassau to continue supplying his island).
- The Undercooked Pig scene and Silver's attempts at communicating with Flint will never not be funny. Silver looks so small when Flint glares him down, but that doesn't last all that long: once Flint has taught him how to cook the pork, Silver seems much more bold, asking Flint how he learned to glaze the pig, insisting that Flint should trust him and not Billy. This is also a moment where Silver shows that, unlike Flint, he is incredibly perceptive: he noticed that Billy is "straining at the seams" because of the lie he told. And while Flint spits a "there is no we" and calls Silver a rodent, it's obvious that Silver's words still have an impact on him. Their collaboration is sealed when Silver hands him the cleaver so that he can save Randall (and himself). When Flint returns the cleaver to Silver, he's ready to accept that Silver is actually on his side (albeit for selfish reasons) and listens to him for the first time.
- Max believed that she could charm Vane's remaining crew into being kind to her - and overall it seems to have worked. While again I hate this plot, it does give an interesting insight into how even the worst pirate crew is portrayed: most of the men are happy to comply with Max and get sexual rewards "for gentle obedience". Most of them, basically, aren't violent monsters deep down. However there's always one, in this case That Big Bastard (I'm sure he has a name, I just can't be bothered to google it), who clearly gets a kick out of torturing/raping people and hates the idea of a woman taking the lead.
- Fuck You Jack is another theme of this episode. Vane is high on opium and booze and has basically lost the will to do anything. Anne has been courted by several other crews, but Jack hasn't received any offers (note there's no loyalty to Vane here, Jack’s ready to leave, but nobody will have him) and nobody is willing to help him after the pearl cock-up. Then Noonan wants Max back, which Jack refuses because she's the only thing keeping the few members of his crew loyal - and Anne isn't on board with that, leading to her telling him to fuck himself. This, btw, might have crossed Jack’s mind considering the position she was in when he found her. I think it’s easy to forget that Jack is portrayed as pretty callous and happily willing to treat people like pawns too.
- When Richard Guthrie talks about Nassau, he describes it as a place "a place where she [Eleanor] matters, a place where you [Mr Scott] matter", and adds that a place like this isn't meant to last. Nassau, then, is currently an utopia where women and black people can have some semblance of power - and he doesn't believe that this will ever be allowed to exist because this kind of story never has a happy ending in their current society. But when Flint talks to Eleanor about their project, he's of the opposite view: people don't believe that it's possible, but when they succeed, they'll say it was inevitable. It seems Flint is firmly in the camp of "winners get to tell the story", and that the story will influence how the rest of the world sees them.
- When the Walrus tilts and squashes Randall, Flint stops Billy from intervening and rushes to rescue Randall himself - even though he knows the ship will be cut loose at any moment. He puts himself into incredible danger in this moment. Why? Theoretically, it could be for a manipulative purpose: to look good to the crew, or to get rid of Morley. But Flint seems genuinely involved in the struggle to save Randall, and he barely had time to think before he ran off. I feel that this is a rare spontaneous moment for Flint, where instead of thinking about his plans or his position as Captain, he just thinks like a person in an emergency who wants to rescue someone else. He absolutely could have died out there. And while Billy seems to suspect him of having killed Morley, I don't find that reading compatible with what we're shown of Flint trying to save Randall. True, he may have kicked/pushed Morley at the very last second, but we’ll never know that for sure.
- Back to the theme of people betraying their loved ones, we have Richard Guthrie getting back to Miranda, telling her he knows who she is and revealing the "Thomas went mad because Miranda and Flint cheated" story which he heard from Lord Alfred himself. So now Miranda knows that her identity has been revealed and that Richard could spread the story to, say, Pastor Lambrick (let's not pretend this didn't cross her mind, she keeps her identity secret for a reason). And then Guthrie offers her a way back to civilisation. This, right after a kid threw a stone at her, calling her a witch. This, after Flint has promised to make things better, even as he goes deeper into reckless/utopian plans of fortifying Nassau. Backed into a corner, was Miranda ever going to refuse, if she could be safe and have him be safe? And obviously, Richard Guthrie isn't doing this out of the kindness of his heart. He apparently figured out that Miranda was a way to get in touch with Pastor Lambrick and that ridding New Providence of Flint and winning over the “good”, normal inhabitants would be a perfect beginning to buying back his influence on the Island - the end goal being named Governor, of course.
- If there was any doubt that Vane’s tough guy thing is part of an act, his opium hallucination of Eleanor makes it crystal clear: "you're alone, you don't have to pretend with me". That is, pretend that he's not afraid and that he's not vulnerable. The hallucination also offers Vane an explanation for why Eleanor is how she is: like him she's afraid of appearing weak. He's actually spot on, a big problem in their relationship is that they're too alike and are struggling for dominance. Which is probably why Vane wants to overcome his fear and weakness, and regain power by confronting his old slave master (btw, nice parallel with Flint haunted by Miranda in S3). The scene where Vane kills Noonan also shows him in a very animalistic light - at first he's cornered and somewhat pathetic, beaten, throwing up, only saved by the fact that a gun misfires. Then he turns violent: quick, instinctive and relentless, deaf to Noonan's plea to leave him alive, even if theoretically it could have been profitable for him.
- I have to say, I snickered quite a bit when Pastor Lambrick sees Richard Guthrie and tells him "God teaches us not to cheer when someone stumbles, in your case I may ask his forgiveness". I mean, I really see his point. He leads a group of Puritans who are trying to make a life for themselves on this island. Historically, people who lived and farmed in New Providence were constant targets for errant pirates, who robbed, raped and killed a lot of them. This is what the Pastor is trying to protect his congregation from (and Miranda, since he doesn't understand why she's with Flint and is likely terrified that a pirate lives so close to his congregation, hence the spies he sends out). There's a bit of a parallel with Billy, where both Lambrick and Billy are presented as being very preoccupied with the well-being of the group they're responsible for, and both are presented as, well, Goody-Two-Shoes - (self-)righteous, loyal, honest, caring. Except they're both human, and sooner or later they falter.
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ssa-sugar-tits · 4 years
queen of hearts // chapter four
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summary: y/n y/l/n was crushed when she found out about maeve donovan. heartbroken, she left her entire life behind. what happens when she becomes the most prolific serial killer the bau has ever seen?
prologue + series masterlist & taglist
content warnings: swearing, angst, implied/mentioned sex, restraints, blood, head injury, kidnap/hostage, alcohol, gunshot, murder
a/n: reader is a psychotic murderer. this is purely a work of fiction and if you or someone you know are experiencing homicidal urges, seek professional help immediately.
The room was filled with tension and an overwhelming sense of despair but no one said a word. No more hellish arguing, no irritatingly random facts, not even discussion to solve the case. Everyone worked on their angle of the case and despite the fact that no one would dare admit it, they all somewhat hoped that Y/N wouldn't be caught. Some hoped more than others but deep down they all felt a twinge of it. JJ walked into the room and spoke, startling the team and ripping them away from their thoughts and guilt.
"I've given a picture of her to the media, it's being circulated."
It pained her-- almost physically-- to have to hand over a picture of someone who'd been like family for so many goddamn years. She felt that she was betraying Y/N and that made her feel indescribably horrible.
"Now what? We just wait?" Morgan seemed to be the only one that really did want to stop her. Maybe he was angry that he hadn't seen the signs. Maybe he was angry that his best friend had just... left. Maybe he was angry that she lost herself so much. Maybe he blamed himself.
"What else is there to do Derek? Call me bad at my job- Hell, call all of us bad at our jobs but we can't profile her. Admit it, we're all biased. Too biased to think straight but there's no way we can give this case to another unit." Emily had always been so close to Y/N and was able to open up to her. Something she couldn't bring herself to do with most people. But you weren't most people, were you? Even with what Y/N could be doing, Emily doesn't have it in her to hate her. The sadness she was feeling must have shown because JJ squeezed Emily's hand and gave her a weak smile. And for the millionth fucking time, everyone stayed silent. Not even Spencer was saying anything and he is not the type to stay quiet this long. Believe it or not, that was actually one of the things Y/N had loved about him. Everyone rolled their eyes or cut him off but she loved to listen to him ramble. To everyone's surprise, she was always genuinely interested in what he had to say and that was one of the first things that made him fall in love with her. She never invalidated him or called him strange. Sometimes when she had a nightmare or experienced anxiety she'd even ask him talk to her about a random topic so she could focus on his voice until she calmed down. 
"Your voice is like... honey. In my ears." Spencer wanted to scream with emotional torture building up as he remembered how she'd laughed when she said that and how he'd had smiled at her with nothing but adoration and love.
"That seems unsanitary Y/N."
"You're such a smartass."
"Am I?"
"Definitely. But it's ok. I love that about you. I love you."
"I love you too."
She'd planted a sweet kiss on his lips before laying her head on his lap and listening to the rest of his topic rant. Still basking in the memory of Y/N, a sharp pain entered his hand and he realized he'd dug his crescent nails into the palm of his hand. And in that moment, he couldn't help but think about how much he'd love to be holding her hand right now.
They all turned to Garcia, the source of the exclaim, who was walking in with Hotch.
"A bartender downtown says he just saw a woman matching Y/N's description leave with another man."
"She's chosen another victim? Here?" Rossi asked with confusion written on his face. "Up until now she's only killed 2 people per state and knowing the BAU has been called in, why is she staying here?"
JJ stepped in,
"This place is special to her, she has history here. Y/N must have an endgame but what is it?"
"The profile says she'll take as many people as she can with her. Probably suicide by cop."
Derek had accepted the situation. So why did that hurt to say?
"Rossi will go to the bar and talk to witnesses. Reid and Prentiss, stay here with Garcia. JJ and Morgan, PD is surveilling the radius around the bar and setting up roadblocks, come with me to help them."
"There's no way I'm staying here." Spencer objected.
Stay here and do nothing? Like hell.
"Neither am I, what the hell Hotch?"
"Reid, Prentiss that's an order. You're not going."
They both started to argue again but Hotch had already left. JJ and Derek followed and Rossi stood up with to leave for the bar. Apologetic looks were shot at Spencer and Emily because they all know why they have to stay behind. They're the two closest to her, the two that wouldn't be able to keep their emotions from affecting them on the field. And with that, off they all went.
The second you get to his hotel room, your lips crash against the handsome stranger. Your next victim. He pushes you against the wall and you moan loudly. His hands roam your body and you pull back.
"Hey... Go lie on the bed and wait for me."
Panting and staring at you with lust, he complies. Of course he does.
For God's sake. This man doesn't even know your name.
To be fair, Spence didn't even know Maeve's last name. And he still chose her.
You walk over to the eager man on the bed. Your hot breath on his neck, you lean close and whisper to him.
"We're going to do things my way."
He moans and you fight the urge to roll your eyes at him in disgust.
"Yes ma'am."
Taking out a rope, you tie him up and you know he thinks you're just a kinky slut. That's what they all see, isnt it? Suddenly something roars inside of you. Forgetting your usual routine, you pick up the lamp on the bedside table and smash it against him. Crimson stains the bed and you drop it, shocked by yourself. Yes, you've done worse. But it isn't the act that's sending regret and nausea through your body, it's that you're devolving. You're losing control.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
Starting to panic, you take the unconscious man and check for a pulse. He's still alive.
Giving him a shower (much to your disdain) and change of clothes, you put his arm over your shoulder and walk out of the room giggling as you pass one of the housekeepers.
"Baby, you're such a lightweight! Let's get you out of here."
The housekeeper barely gives you a second glace but when she enters the room of the man you've taken, she starts to scream and you know you're running out of time.
Run. Drag him. Just hurry the hell up.
Finally at his car, you take him to the small studio you own downtown. No one can find you here. It's been yours for nearly a decade and you aren't stupid enough to have told anyone about it or put it under your name. Granted, you'd never thought you'd have to use it to hide out from the feds, it's still useful. After taking a look at the brightly colored wall in your basement, you feel a sense of sudden pain race through your veins. You used to be normal. You used to have a life.
The man is chained up, gagged, and bleeding but you can't even remember doing anything to him. What you need is numbness. They thought the other bodies were bad? Wait til they fucking see what you do with him. Pain shoots through your skull again and you wince and fall to the ground.
"Fuck. I- I need a drink." you stammer to no one in particular but yourself.
A wig and sunglasses make you look different enough from the woman being circulated to take the bus to a nearby gas station. Walking down the liquor aisle of the store, you hum a song to yourself and let the AC blow on your skin. Vision blurred, you bite your lip and taste the unmistakable strong metallic taste of your own blood. Still humming that fucking song. The song you'd danced to with Spencer in your living room before you'd made love for the first time.
"You cannot be serious!"
"Y/N! I can't dance."
"Oh come on. How bad can you be?  Seriously, the songs going to end and it'll be too late."
"Yes, that's what I'm hoping for."
"Psh. Don't tell me Doctor Reid is scared to sway around a little."
"Shut up."
"Make me." you laughed.
With one playful look, you dared him to shut you up in the most passionate, sensual way he could. But instead he put his warm hands on your hips and swayed to the song. You melted into his touch and your breaths synced as you laid your head on his chest. His heart beat was steady and calming. One hand reached for yours and intertwined before twirling you and pulling you back in to dance. He'd held you until it was over and brought your chin up to his face. The kiss was so intense, so loving. He tilted his head and pulled you tighter to get as close as he could to you. His tongue met yours and your mouths bathed in each other's taste. Running a hand through your hair, you'd started to unbutton his shirt. He'd been taken aback at first but then picked you up and placed you in the bedroom ever so softly. Placing gentle kisses all over each other's bodies and undressing for the other, you made raw, breathtaking love for the first of many times.
"Hey lady! Get out of the way!"
"W-What?..." You tremble and realize you're crying on the floor of the aisle.
"I said get out of the damn way, some of us got places to be."
The man is clearly batshit drunk. Probably here to buy his next fix. Shaking and letting yourself actually feel your emotions, you stand and use the wall to balance yourself.  The man that yelled at you curses to himself as his phone rings and he picks it up.
"Hell do you want? Thought you were still mad about Andrea."
Andrea? Mad about Andrea. Another cheater. Another liar. Right? It has to be.
Before you can process what you're doing-- how irrational it is-- the gunshot rings through the store and everyone turns to see the man before you on the ground, screaming and spitting blood. A mix of a laugh and a sob escapes you and you scream.
"Everyone on the fucking ground! If I see any cellphones, I'll shoot you just like this dickhead. Got it?"
Frightened people drop to the ground and you start to yell, incoherent bullshit again. You smash the freezer glass behind you and open an expensive bottle of bourbon.
You practically whimper having to take deep gasps in between words, but in a somehow still confident, fearless tone.
"Now let's have some fucking fun."
But what you didn't know was that the cashier in the front had sent a text 5 minutes earlier.
Call 911! The girl from the news, the Queen of Hearts. She's in the store.
What you didn't know was that the woman that recieved the text had called immediately.
911, what's your emergency?
What you didn't know was that the BAU was on their way.
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