#I was gonna call it ‘hated by god’ but that didn’t make as much sense lol
khamomile-kitty · 9 months
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agoofyannoyancetolaw · 3 months
consider... Ghost babytrapping reader. It's something some could see Soap or Graves doing, but never Simon.
He's so sly and sneaky, never showing his needs, but when he senses you drifting away, he will slip a pill in your drink when he's sure he's ovulating to ride you till sunset, making sure to milk you dry
a/n: god I love these requests
minors DNI- warnings: baby-trapping duh, trans ghost as well
ghost wasn’t ever going to admit how much he wanted you, how much he needed you in fact. He didn’t want to put into words how he felt- but he knew deep in his gut that you were his, right? You had to be his in some way. You and him had been friends for quite a while, and eventually just enough more that he could call you to his barrack any time of night and have that perfect feeling of sex fade into his senses with you
that’s all you really were though- fuck buddies. God he hated that term, it made his gut boil with envy and hate that someone could slide into your life and end it all so easily. No, no, that couldn’t happen. He wouldn’t let it happen.
these thoughts all brewed in his mind over the months, but the thing that set it all in motion was when he saw you at the closest base pub getting all close to some civilian. That’s what truly got him going, the fact you were flirting with a civilian- not even part of the team, although he’s not quite sure if that would have been worse.
sure he could tell you his feelings straight up, but where’s the point in that?
so he made a plan. It started in physical motion the second you got back from base and he texted you to come to his room for the usual quick fuck, nothing horrible so far
he had this all planned out- unknown to you of course. Any condom you have now has little needle holes poked in and any drink at his house has just a smidge of something he found just to make sure he takes
he rides you all fucking night even when your half asleep and tired, he still keeps bouncing on your length, his body clenching around your member and his folds wet and inviting as if he was trying to keep every little drop inside of him, his gummy walls squeezing every little drop he can get out of you and cockwarming you till you fall asleep next to him
he just felt it in his bones that it was gonna take, it just had to. And god was he close to bouncing in joy when he pulled out a test a few days later and it came up positive, him getting ready to put on some fake tears to tell you. You couldn’t really just be fuck buddies now, could you?
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spliffymae · 3 months
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just some head canons i have.
in my head im imagining a blend of dave and fridayy, where he can sing as well (he got variety!). same universe as my musicproducer!connie fic but reader is not famous here, as opposed to w/ connie’s. (lol i gave her a last name too—davis.) in my mind, im picturing ony from the uk and connie from ny.
★ *  °    🛰  °. 🌓 •  .°•   🚀
rapper!ony who first pops up on the scene in a music video of his friend connie’s song. he wasn’t featured on the track, but rather just in the background getting hype with everyone else.
but y’all know how the girlies get when a fine black man/woman/person start trending.
rapper!ony who wasn’t shy about his craft, but just wasn’t big on social media. his agent hated it, he loved it. he simply released music, let people know, and then went about his business.
rapper!ony was trending and although he didn’t take this as an opportunity to get in his social media bag, his best friend, musicproducer!connie did!
rapper!ony who goes from a couple thousand people knowing what he does to over a million people screaming his lyrics at they’re phones on tiktok in ONE night.
“bro, you can’t even get mad at me gang!” connie yelled from his shower. ony was sitting outside, accosting his friend for what he did. “you said you didn’t care what happened to the project!”
“but tell me if you gon post it and make it a whole thing, nigga damn!” ony yelled back.
rapper!ony who now has to adjust to his quickly rising popularity. he has yet to know the number of artists looking for a feature; and he doesn’t know that he secretly has some of these industry boys shaking in their boots because where the hell he come from?
no, rapper!ony is too busy focusing on whyyy they’re a million fan edits of him across tiktok and instagram. clips of him from his streams, connie’s videos, and his other friend’s content.
ony groans as connie’s message banner pops up on his phone, the message being a link to a tiktok. when he clicked it, it was a fan edit of him using his song ‘when it comes to you’. “bro, who keeps sending these to you, man?!” ony exclaimed. connie heard it from his room and snickered.
rapper!ony who had to adjust to being the attention at these red carpet events. he usually just walked behind connie and his girl, along with the rest of the entourage but now he is getting stopped for photographs.
there’s nothing like listening to music live. so rapper!ony puts on a fake smile and pushes through the crowded carpet to get inside. he waves to people he’s worked with, artists, and fans who called out to him. all so he can hear some music.
he sees connie holding hands with his girlfriend, both of them making goofy faces at the cameras. he softly smiles at the couple, but before he could make way, connie somehow senses him and turns to him “ony! ven aquí!” damn!
rapper!ony who doesn’t expect much from the awards show. just to go, support connie, and go home. he was nominated,yeah, but he was also in the category with some of the most popular artists right now…so he wasn’t feeling all that confident.
rapper!ony who is shocked as shocked can be when his name is called from the podium for best new artist.
“F**CK YEAH!” connie yelled, jumping up from his seat along with his girl and the rest of the table—aran, zora, jean, armin, and mikasa.
rapper!ony who walks up on stage with connie who is still screaming from excitement.
“uhhh, i’m not gonna lie, mans weren’t expecting to win still.” ony laughed, running a hand over his fresh waves. the audience laughed with him.
“first i would like to thank God, the most high who has blessed me with this amazing opportunity. i want to thank my people for having my back; connie—this man,” ony pointed behind him to connie, who was full out filming the moment on his phone.
“who told me on a random day when we were cleaning out our college dorm room that if we made a project together we would be the new heartthrobs of the generation. connie i thank you for being you; having my back and working alongside me. my brother for life, that is.” connie screamed, and so did his girlfriend from the audience as the claps poured in.
“and finally, i want to thank my heart in human form. the woman who made all of this possible, y/n davis. she don’t like the attention so im gonna hear bout this name drop when i get home. but babes, i love you, and thank you for being my rib. i owe you the world and more. and to her parents, thank you for my better half. thank you lot again. love!” ony raised his hand with the award, smiling and waving to the crowd and cameras as he walked to the back.
meanwhile, across the country, cuddled up in her bed was y/n, who was watching the award show before going to sleep. she had expressed to ony she wasn’t too sure about going, not liking the cameras and attention. he reassured her it was okay because there wasn’t any way he would be winning with who else was in the category.
so…safe to say when you saw your boyfriend on the stage with the award in his hand, you could not contain your shock and excitement. you jumped out of bed screaming and quickly getting to your phone camera to record the tv. squeals and “yeah baby” was all you could say as he gave connie his thanks.
but then… when you heard him say your name, for everyone around the world to hear, everything just turned to shock as your phone fell from your frozen hands, still recording. you were stunned. he said your name. your government name. on national television.
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gojos-thot-patrol · 10 months
Geto/gojo/reader “I can’t believe there’s only one bed” and HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY
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THANK YOOUUU!! So, this one really sang to me, I went ahead and combined the two, mostly because they are very similar. Thank you both for the prompt!!
Now Presenting...
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Starring: A flirty Satoru Gojo, and a tired Suguru Geto
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Your body protested every step you took as you walked into the hotel, screaming at you to lay down and accept the sweet embrace of death. Okay, maybe death was a little extreme, but you could definitely have gone for a light coma in that moment. A yawn you had been suppressing came forward, and you tried to rub the sleep out of your eyes.
“Awe, well aren’t you cute when you’re sleepy.” Gojo teased with a smile, earning him a glare from you. 
“Shut up Satoru.” This entire trip he kept making note of how cute you were, and how you needed to be protected, and at this point, he was on the brink of losing vocal cord privileges.
“Flirt later you two, let’s just get checked in.” Suguru muttered as he ushered the two of you to the front desk. He tried to summon a friendly smile for the clerk, but it didn’t touch his tired eyes. “Hi! Uh, we should have two reservations under Masamichi Yaga.” He said, really hoping they didn’t ask for an id. He told his teacher that he should probably put the rooms under one of the three people going on the mission, but the man was more muscle than brain.
The young worker started typing on the computer, before confusion fell over her features. “Um, I found the reservations, but it says it’s only for one room?” She asked. You were a bit taken back by that, and you could tell from the looks on their faces the boys were too. You thought for sure you’d at least get your own room. But, then again, if getting a room with 3 beds was cheaper than getting 2 separate rooms, it did make sense for Yaga to take that route, the penny pinching bastard. 
“Uh, yea that should be fine, that’s us.” Suguru shrugged, too tired to really argue. Much to your relief (and concern) the woman nodded and happily gave over the room key, not bothering to ask for an ID. What a stand up place. The three of you dragged your tired worn bodies over to the elevator. Well, two of you did. Satoru felt fine, because of course he did. And because he had no problem filling the elevator with whatever came to his head. You shared a look with Suguru.
How do we shut him up? Your eyes asked.
Pillow over his face as he sleeps Sugurus eyes offered.
No, I want him to shut up now. 
Oh, that’s not gonna happen. For now, we just have to endure him.
You sighed, knowing he was right and hating that fact at the same time. Thankfully, the elevator door opened, and the room wasn’t far from it. Geto unlocked the door, and you and Gojo practically fell over him to get into it. You quickly went to grab your toothbrush, and Gojo went to fiddle with the tv. It was Suguru who noticed it first.
“Uh, guys? I don’t see another bed.” He said. You and Gojo stopped cold in your tracks, heads whipping to the center of the room and- yep. That was one bed, and only one bed. Not even so much as a pull out couch in sight. 
“OH ho ho!!” Satoru laughed, launching himself onto the bed and folding himself into what you think was meant to be a sexy pose. “I’ve read fan fiction before, I know what happens here!” He cackled, “Be gentle with me, I’m a virgin” He swooned, acting like a helpless flower. 
“I call sleeping in the bathtub.” Suguru said, checking out of this battle before it became a war.
“No, Don’t!” Gojo whined, reaching out to him, “The bathtub is cold and hard, I'm warm and soft. Unless you want me to be hard.” He winked. 
“I can’t believe there’s only one fucking bed, who sets this shit up?!” You snapped, aggressively waving your hands at the bed.
“God.” Gojo responded.
“Bad fan fiction writers.” Geto retorted, apparently salty about his characterization in my past fics. 
“Satoru get out of the bed.” You demanded, shaking your head. You did not just get out of a fight with ten, count em, ten first grade curses to sleep on the floor.
“How about you get in the bed?” He purred.
“I will, as soon as you get out of it.” you scoffed, fighting back a laugh at the absurdity of the situation.
“Why not get in it with me?” He grinned at you, opening his arms wide as an invitation. 
“I’d rather sleep in the bathtub.” You replied.
“Not an option, I already called it!” Suguru reminded you.
“Why don’t you sleep with him?” You accused more than asked, “He’s your man!”
“He is most definitely not my man!” Geto rebuffed the statement, shaking his head.
“He’s actually my man, we just haven’t taken our relationship to the next level yet.” Satoru purred with a cheeky wink to Geto to really seal the deal. Geto rolled his eyes.
“I’m going to bed, goodnight.” He said, going to grab a pillow from the bed, only for Satoru to grab his arm.
“Come on guys, don’t be silly! This bed is big enough for all of us!” He argued, “We all trust each other, right?!” Gojo paused long enough to look at both you and Geto, but not long enough for an answer. He already knew it. “We know no ones going to try any funny business, we trust each other with our lives there's no reason for any of us to be uncomfortable tonight!” you and Suguru shared more glances. Gojo may be annoying, but when he was right he was right. The only thing really keeping the three of you from sharing was standard social conventions. 
“Fine, but if any of you touch me I’m throwing you off the balcony.” You warned. Geto sighed and ran a hand through his hair, sitting on the bed.
“I just don’t get why we weren’t warned about this.”
“I mean, it kind of explains the weird look she gave us.” You noted, sitting on the other side of Gojo.
“Yay, sleepover!” Gojo cheered, grabbing onto Suguru because he was the one that didn’t threaten him, “Fair warning, I’m a cuddler.” He grinned, wiggling his eyebrows for emphasis. 
“I knew I should have just slept in the tub.” Geto sighed.
In the morning, you were a tangled mess of limbs and drool with your two best friends. Any warning against cuddling being tossed to the wind in exchange for the comfort human warmth brings. You hated to admit it, but it was the best sleep you had gotten in weeks. Gojo woke up not long after you, smiling softly, slowly coming back to life.
“Good morning,” He said. You shook your head and covered his face with a pillow.
“It was before you started talking.” You muttered.“It’s 6 am, go back to bed.” Suguru begged, not happy to have been woken up.
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moxfirefly · 6 months
Bayverse Donnie with F!Reader (she/her)
"You think I like being like this? Every time someone fucking touches you I want to rip their hands off!"
"I...I don't want to stop. Please don't ask me to stop."
Happy holidays 💙❤️💜🧡
Oh boy yes!!! This is a great one! Let’s get it, goes without sayin’.
Rated Explicit
He hated what his overworked brain could cook up some nights, the tension that settled in his muscles whenever that nagging little monster in his head told that ‘he didn’t deserve this’.
Because Donnie’s always been a little too in tune with what he is, what he looks like.
Compared to you? You who somehow found your way in under the safety fence around his heart. You who somehow wanted to be with him and settle.
It was settling, he knew that sooner rather than later you’d wake up from your fugue state and realize this isn’t a life worth living for with him. What could he provide? Not all the typical things a partner should, he couldn’t walk out and take somewhere, he couldn’t meet your friends, he can’t marry you…
He hates how everyone gets to touch you out in the open, out in your normal life away from the violence and the secrecy.
Donnie swallows a lump in his throat when he sees Casey pull you into a hug, the free affection he could supply not just down here but up above in your real world with your real life. It’s not even about Vern and how he grabs your hand after a high five and laughs. He hates to admit that he’s thought about every other set of normal hands that have touched you throughout your day, every perfect palm that could connect perfectly with yours, each of their five fingers running a path across your body.
God, he hates how much you’ve been touched by perfectly normal beings.
There’s that little monster again inside of him, calling him a freak, a monster, you’re ruining her life, Donnie, what makes you think she’s going to stay? Why would she want your imperfect, disgusting—
“Hey? Are you alright?” You ask him, arms draped around his neck from the back of the couch, a set of beautiful arms he’d want to be his noose any day.
“Y-yeah, just a little tired.” Lie, he was gonna stay up until the migraine took over or the exhausting did him in first.
“Then let’s sneak are way back to your room and lie down.” You kissed his cheek, nudging him by the shell to get up. Everyone was still mingling about so it was easy to slip away.
He entered his room that he shared many nights with you, it was hard to fathom it was only his now. Every little corner held something of yours and on nights you couldn’t stay over he found comfort in your lingering scent.
“You aren’t alright are you?” He caught your voice muffled from the shirt you were taking off, showing off skin he could pick out from a hundred yards away. How acquainted he was with each blemish, freckle, scar…
“Is there anything from your ex boyfriend that you preferred? …liked I mean, or that he has that I don’t?” This is a Pandora’s box and from the way your eyebrows shoot up he knows it’s a bad idea but Christ he’s floundering.
“Absolutely nothing, why are you bringing him up?” You tossed your shirt aside, kicking off your shoes next and progressively becoming more aware that Donnie was holding back a giant wave of something not good right now.
“I’m just trying to make sense of something… I know why you both broke up but you were with him, there was an appeal at some point.” He wants to look away, drop the conversation but his hands feel tense and his skin itchy.
“There was an appeal before I found out who the real him was, appeal went away pretty fast if you ask me, baby why are you—“
“What’s the appeal here?” He motioned to himself, to his form, his face, his everything. “Because I can’t see it for myself, I don’t know why you’re here…with me.” His voice felt lumpy, crackling like a detuned radio.
You stood stock still, shocked at his words.
“What’s bringing this on? I haven’t spoken to that asshole in years, Don. What appeal? He has none, I’m with you.” You took a step, he took one backwards.
“You’re going to want things I cannot give you even if I would sell my soul for them. I—I can’t give you kids, or a normal home, or marriage, for fuck sake look at me, where does this make sense??” He sat down aggressively on the bed, he needed to concentrate on something else than your worried face. With shakey hands he began to untie his boots.
He saw your feet first, through the thin film of tears, god he didn’t want to cry now.
Gently you took his glasses off and set them on the night table.
“What’s going on? Tell me the truth, why are you acting like this? Why are you bringing my ex up all of a sudden to fight—” The deep concern, the frown lines on your forehead, he had you so damn worried.
“You think I like being like this? Every time someone fucking touches you I want to rip their hands off!” He didn’t mean to blow up but this hand bubbles, seeped over the mug and now there was no stopping it.
“I’m never going to understand why you would rather waste your life away with a monst—“ he felt your hands shoot up and cover his mouth.
“You are not a monster, Donatello, and if you ever use that stupid word to describe yourself ever again, I’m throwing a wrench at your head.” You let your hand slip away, instead you cupped his face. “I’m with you because I love you, you were my friend first and now you’re the most important thing in my life, and none of this is going to stop my feelings.” You rubbed your thumbs affectionately around his cheeks. Donnie’s gaze fell, eyes still red from holding back tears. He pressed his face against your sternum, and once you felt those large armed enclose around you, you hugged him tight.
“I—I’m sorry, I—fuck,” He sighed against your skin, finding comfort in your flesh as he often did.
“It alright, just please don’t ever question how I feel, okay?” You kissed the top of his head, letting yourself be pushed closer to him, he needed this, needed the physical reassurance. “I love you, Donnie, I love you so much.” You carresed him, cheek against the top of his head. Donnie’s hands found the back pockets of your jeans, hooked his fingers in and began to shove them down.
He needed more, he needed you and you knew it.
“I…I don’t want to stop. Please don’t ask me to stop.” He kissed each words onto your stomach, bit the periods onto your flesh and he dragged your underwear down as well. Effortlessly he picked you up and placed you on the bed with another feverish kiss that sent your head spinning. He bit more of those pleads onto your neck, grinding himself between your legs with intent of having your scent on his clothes forever.
It was messy, desperate and filled with longing. You somehow pushed down his pants with the heels of your feet and told him, gently and with need that you wanted him inside of you.
And he could never say no to you, he could never deny you a single thing.
So when he slipped in to the heat that he belonged to, to the woman that could drive him to burn the world at a moments time, he could feel a little less self hatred.
Your moan, long and aching, always a task to adjust to his size but never an unwelcome burn, blessed his ears. He needed this, he needed you inking those words and sounds with each thrust.
Donnie watched transfixed, enamored with your flushed skin and hooded eyes. Watched as your hands reached for him when he sat back on his knees. He hooked an arm beneath you and held you against him as he thrusted upwards with every intent of fucking these awful thoughts out.
“Fucking—Love you,” Donnie’s lips pressed against your own, the intimacy of spilling his love against your own lips too much for him. You moaned against his mouth, moving in tune with him to chase the high. ‘I love you’ you mouthed as you felt your voice be replaced with another lustful moan. Donnie half smiled, drunk off of your scent and deep into how perfect you felt wrapped around his cock. He held you like that, arms secure around you as he fucked the first load into you just as you came with a tightening and broken wail.
When you felt your back against the blankets and felt him continue to thrust, pushing past the oversensitivity, you knew he needed more.
He needed so much more.
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soap-ify · 6 months
simon can't be with you anymore.
cw gn!reader , angst , hurt / no comfort, simon doesn't know what he's doing.
notes streets said that it's angstmas !! didn't know that it existed until recently. anyways, since i'm having the worst week of my life, i'm gonna ruin it for simon too.
maybe simon was being stupid.
he probably was. not that he could think of any other options besides leaving you.
his work was too dangerous, and the next deployment was probably going to be his last. especially after the recent briefing he went to where the captain spoke about the upcoming mission — a highly risky one. in fact, even the most skilled like ‘ghost’ was bound to either get severely injured or just die. probably the latter. especially since he wouldn’t be with the rest of the taskforce 141 in the fucking warzone.
just a sacrifice for the better of the world, yeah? even though a part of him didn’t want to. fuck the world. you meant so much more to him. but he had chosen this job right. he had agreed to the mission.
and after all, he never considered himself deserving of you, deserving of this relationship he had with you. he knew he was somewhat of a distant boyfriend — barely opening up about his own feelings or past. at least he had shown you his face. you didn’t deserve someone as dangerous as him, someone so… damaged.
he didn’t want to die knowing that you’d be waiting home, all sad and lonely. he didn’t want to leave you like that, but at the same time, he didn’t want to stay and just watch this sweet bubble you two were in shatter. in both ways, he had to leave you. he had to somehow make this less painful, to make it easier for you to move on.
god, he was an asshole. he knew he was. he spent the week just distancing himself from you, responding to your words with nods and grunts while barely reciprocating to your affectionate touches. his heart was breaking more and more everyday, noticing the pained look in your eyes.
he couldn’t keep doing this for much longer. eventually, he had to end this, and he did.
“we can’t be together.”
his words hit you like a brick. literally on a random friday evening. not so random now, it seemed.
“what do you mean, si…?” your voice got quieter with each word, uncertainty towards your own state of mind flooding inside you while a lump formed in your throat, restraining you from properly even speaking out. your eyes stared at him in pure confusion and heart, noticing how he was cladded in his uniform, how he wore that damn skull mask balaclava — building up those walls again that you had managed to break so easily with your love.
simon hated this. he didn’t want to see you so confused and defeated. he had to stop himself mentally from doing something irrational. he was doing this for you, for your own good. though hearing you call him ‘si’ seemed to somewhat crack his composure.
“look, we can’t be together. s’too dangerous. too risky for you. you never know when i might die.” soon, but he held himself from saying that. you didn’t need to know about his deployment, not at all.
“w-why so sudden?” your voice cracked as you tried to properly make sense of his words, emotions taking off your being while you tried to hold in the tears that had begun to sting your eyes.
too dangerous, too risky — maybe somewhere in your heart, you had known that a day like this would come. simon riley was too careful about safety, too dedicated to his work while simultaneously being madly in love. suddenly, all of his sudden distant behavior made sense, and you felt somewhat stupid. stupid for, well, everything.
he was the plague that had infected you, and now he needed to leave so you could heal.
but you never thought of him like that. he was your rock, the anchor that held you from slipping away into loneliness that had always somehow stuck with you throughout your life, a sting that only simon could soothe. it was simon who would craddle you in his arks every night, it was simon who would listen to your rambles. it was simon who your heart was so willing to give love to.
and now he was going to leave.
simon had expected you to scream, to somehow target your anger and frustrations at him. he wanted you to yell at him, he deserved it.
but you didn’t. you sniffled, beads of tears beginning to roll down your cheeks as you took a wobbly step back, too exhausted to fight back or anything.
you didn’t blame simon. how could you? even now, you couldn’t find a flaw in him. too in love? maybe.
as silence filled the living room of the apartment you used to share with him, he slowly picked up his duffel bag and sighed, trying to keep his brown eyes cold and unfeeling, to make it look like he didn’t feel remorseful, to hide his heart was threatening to tear out of his own skin.
“i’ll always love you, simon…”
you said after a few seconds, causing his head to turn over to look back at you — your eyes teary and puffy while your cheeks were streaked with tears, his hands aching to wipe them away. your voice was weak, reluctantly defeated. you know that there was no point in stopping him.
i’ll always love you too, he mentally thought, though never said.
"one final kiss...?" simon froze at your request, knowing that if he were to look at your face any longer, he'd actually stay. he sighed and pressed a soft kiss on your forehead before pulling away, brown eyes hardening up.
he gave you a final nod and exited the apartment from the front door, leaving you alone all over again, your heart torn in pieces as you fell down on your knees, shattering into pieces that no one was going to bother picking up now. only simon could, but he was gone.
simon riley had died three months after that, and you never found out. for you, ge had just disappeared, leaving no traces behind.
just a memory that you were afraid you’d forget eventually, forget his touch and his voice, forget his face — just a memory that was going to bury itself no matter how hard you may try.
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outivv · 2 years
could i request "What makes them flustered" with Leona,Ruggie,Ace and Jamil please?
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Synopsis: what makes them flustered!!
Warnings: not proofread
Characters: Leona, Ruggie, Ace, and Jamil
Pronouns for reader: gender neutral/ not mentioned
A/n: hello!! Thank you for requesting :]!! Honestly, at this rate, I might just make a pt 4, and knock out the rest of the characters. Key word maybe :’). Anyways, hope you enjoy!! And have a great rest of your day :]
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— Leona —
When you play with his hair as he sleeps
Oh my god the way your fingers feel against his scalp as he sleeps, or when he’s barely awake, ohhhhhh myyyyyyyy goddddddddddddd. He absolutely adores it, he hates sleeping without you there now. He sleeps on your chest, always. Any time he can. He’s like a big dog, who still thinks he’s a little puppy and can easily lay on someone’s lap, he doesn’t care how heavy he is, he will lay on your chest whether you like it or not >:(, and you will be playing with his hair.
When you make, and give him something
He gets this… giddy, kinda, soft feeling when you hand him a box full of baked goods, or a sweater you made, or a painting, whatever you’re most proficient in. Someone’s passions is a huge part of them, and Leona knows that. He’s very much appreciative of anything you make and then give to him, because he understands the kinda time that takes. He also always cherishes whatever you give him, if it’s food he’ll absolutely devour it and leave no crumbs, if it’s a sweater he’ll wear it when it’s even slightly chilly, if it’s a painting it’s going in his room asap.
— Ruggie —
Whenever you call him “just to say hi”
He always answers your calls, no matter what, and when you call him just to say hello, or check up on him, his whole face goes red. You??? Wanna??? Check up on him??? You genuinely wanna see how he’s doing??? You wanna know what he’s doing too??? Oh he’s head over heels for sure. He also just likes listening to your voice, it’s very refreshing to him :).
When you call him dear, love, etc etc
“Oh dear could you grab that for me?” “Love? How do you think his shirt looks on me” HES WEAK. His head is buried in his hands, as he just agrees to whatever you said. He didn’t even hear anything else except for the pet name you called him, and he doesn’t care about anything else, just keep calling him dear, love, Etc.
— Ace —
When you laugh at yourself
He’s a moron, but granted you probably are too, and he thinks that hot. Especially, when you can laugh at your own stupidity. A good sense of humor is definitely something ace actively looks for in anyone, and when you show that humor, or that you’re carefree enough to laugh at yourself, wooooo he’s blushing for no reason.
When you tutor him
Leaning over his shoulder, and pointing out solutions to problems, he can’t focus on anythingggg. You’re saying words yeah yeah he knows that, he doesn’t care though, he can’t think of anything but you in that moment, and it’s making him soooo flustered.
— Jamil —
When you correct him in something
This doesn’t happen often, but when it does he feels almost?? Proud?? That you corrected him in something??? He’s slightly embarrassed too, but in a??? Composed and in a good way??? It’s hard to explain but when you correct him it makes him very happy, and kinda flustered :]
When you ask him for help
Jamil is the kinda guy who, when he can, likes to subtly show off. And when you hand that kind of opportunity to him in a silver platter??? Of course he’s gonna take it. The way you so kindly ask for help is really what gets him, and the way you actually pay attention to what he’s saying. He likes how all of your attention is on him too :]
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multi-fxndom446 · 6 months
Say don’t go
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley X Reader
Summary: simon hates how far you dug yourself into his life. He really doesn’t.
Warning: kinda angsty with fluff ending, kinda toxic Simon but it’s really just him being bad at emotions, probably ooc I’m sorry, sleeping problems.
Word count: 3.9K
I know I’m late on this I apologize 😗 I had work and then I fell asleep I’m not even gonna lie.
I genuinely can’t tell if I love or hate this piece so I really hope you guys like it either way.
This is his part two to his ‘you came? You called.’ scenario that I will link {{here}}
This would honestly make more sense if you read that first.
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When you first came into his life you were really nothing more than an acquaintance. He knew of you because he knew almost everyone on base but you..you just came into his life like you knew you were the missing piece to his puzzle.
The first day he finally met you, you sat yourself down at the table he was sharing with Gaz and Soap in the back of the cafeteria. Both men instantly shutting up as they watched Simon turn to stare at you after glancing around the room to see if this was the only empty seat. It wasn’t.
“Morning!” You smiled and went about eating your food not saying another word. So he didn’t either.
Then suddenly you were just there.
In meetings, at meals, at training you were always there right beside him. It was like you sought him out because one minute he’d enter a room unnoticed and be standing in the corner alone when suddenly you were right next to him when only a minute ago you were clear across the room talking to some soldiers on your squad.
You never really spoke to him unless he spoke to you but you made sure he felt your presence. Especially when you’d offer nightly to help him with paperwork, he thinks it’s because you caught onto the fact he opens up a little more when you’re alone.
Suddenly, he couldn’t see his life without you now. Without your quiet support. But sometimes it was to much, he felt like he was being crowded and he remembered the first night he finally snapped at you for it. The first of many more times he’d push you away.
And it worked. You gave him space. You stuck with your own friends and only offered him a smile in passing. He hated it.
He hated that he started to like you and your presence. He hated that you made him like you so easily when Soap worked hard to finally get close to him.
He hated that he couldn’t even blame you for how he felt. You didn’t know the effect you were having on him. You didn’t know that he started searching for you in every room or that he hated seeing how the other soldiers looked and spoke to you.
He didn’t know why it boiled his blood to see so many of them stare at you like you were a piece of meat or why when he heard the way they flirted with you it made him want to strangle them.
After the first week of you giving him space, he gave in after he couldn’t take seeing the soldiers all over you again.
He couldn’t help but feel a little smug when he noticed that those men didn’t talk to you as much when they saw you were always next to the scary lieutenant with a skull mask.
Simon learned about you this time around. He found himself drawn to the kind of person you were and he wanted to know more. So on those late nights where you helped him in his office, he’d ask you questions which you were more than happy to answer. Not wanting to miss an opportunity to have an actual conversation with the man.
You told him about your life, family, friends, past missions you’ve been on and in turn he told you some of his experiences even if he didn’t divulge all the details.
As the night dragged on with shared stories and secrets he had learned that you never slept very well and that’s why you never minded staying up late to help him.
It was this reason alone that he wasn’t entirely shocked when one night you showed up at his door at some god awful hour of the night almost on the verge of tears after not having slept for 3 days.
He let you in immediately and let you get comfortable, handing you the hoodie that would end up becoming your favorite when he noticed you were cold.
He tried to give you the bed that night but you all but yanked him into the bed with you and curled yourself into his side while he laid there stiff as a board. He counted the seconds ticking by almost waiting for you to admit this wasn’t going to help you sleep either until he heard your soft even breathes and he dared to glance at you.
You were sound asleep and Simon was terrified to move. But after laying there for almost two hours the sound of your breathing eventually lulled him to sleep and he’d never admit it was some of the best sleep he’d gotten.
By the time the sunlight started to seep into his room, you were gone and he almost wondered if he dreamt the whole thing before he noticed the hoodie he lent you was long gone as well. He would find it when he finally went to the cafeteria that morning and saw you wearing it as you spoke with the other soldiers.
And so began the long months of his back and forth. Of his hot and cold, tiptoeing the line between wanting to make you only his and not wanting to burden you with him and his life.
He tried often to keep you at a distance, to push you away but you never seemed to let him get very far because any time he yelled about wanting space he would find you at his door, in his hoodie ready to sleep in his arms and he suddenly couldn’t remember why he wanted space.
It wasn’t like he really did want you to leave anyways. He wanted you with him always but when he could see the way others made you laugh in a way he couldn’t or the way some of those soldiers still had the balls to flirt with you while he loomed behind you. He wished he could just do that but it wasn’t like him to do any of that. So he kept things between you private and outside the hoodie there was no other sign you and he were involved in any sort of way.
You always respected his wishes and kept whatever you had going on private but on some nights where you genuinely thought he wanted you gone you would stay gone and end up finding him at your door when you didn’t come to him at the usual time.
It wasn’t healthy. You knew that and so did he but neither of you could seem to care when it got to the end of the day. None of it mattered when you were behind closed doors and there would be sweet nothings whispered and lips ghosting each other when he felt like lifting his mask just enough.
You knew what you wanted, you never tiptoed the line. You just waited for him to realize that he wanted you no matter what too.
But When Simon broke things off for the final time you wanted to say you were shocked but in truth you weren’t.
The nights leading up to it there were more arguments and more avoided glances in the mornings. He’d keep his distance in every situation and on some nights he even locked his door to prevent you from coming in.
It was heartbreaking. And you didn’t even know why he was doing this.
You didn’t even know that he was hurting just as much as you were. It killed him in every way to see that the way he was treating you was tearing you down slowly.
The boiling point finally came when you were assigned to work with Soap on a mission. It came as a little bit of a surprise for everybody until price explained that you were moving up in the team and he wanted you trained to start going on missions with the 141.
He was truly happy for you for moving up in your career but at the same time he hated how this allowed you and Soap to get closer. He hated the way his Scottish friend could speak to you so freely, how he could hug you out of no where and not have a care in the world.
Simon wasn’t an insecure man.
He knew that.
In fact he knew he may even be a little to full of himself. He knew he was an attractive man, mask or not. He knew women who would love a chance with him but he never cared to entertain them. So he definitely didn’t care that Soap would flirt with you jokingly all the time.
What he did hate was how happy you seemed to be when you talked to him. How open and yourself you seemed when you would be passing jokes back and forth.
He couldn’t help but watch it unfold over time. The way you lit up whenever Johnny would say something, the way your smile widened at some stupid joke he attempted.
Simon couldn’t help but think about how Johnny was the one you should be with. He knew for a fact Johnny wouldn’t tiptoe this stupid line he drew he knew he wouldn’t hide the fact he cares for you or try to push you away when he felt like you deserved better.
He started to wonder if you were falling for his Scottish friend but every night he would be reminded how much more you loved him. He felt unworthy of it. Unworthy of the way you would look at him with all the adoration in the world, unworthy of the way your soft lips would always come so close to his as you whispered to him late in the night. He felt unworthy of the way he could tell when you smiled at him it was completely different from the way you smiled at anyone else.
It was a smile that was reserved for him and him alone.
He knew that.
But as he was forced to watch you and Johnny interact on a daily as you got ready for your mission, his own judgment was getting clouded by the way he thought you would be happier with Johnny.
You both were such a forced to be reckoned with. Both of you shared a warmth that drew people in, like a moth to a flame. He wondered how he’d never seen how perfect you were for each other before..a little to perfect.
You and Johnny were a little to similar and it’s what made you such good friends but both of you knew nothing more would ever happen. He knew your heart belonged to someone else and he wasn’t looking for anything to begin with. But Simon was blinded.
He broke it off with you only a few days after your mission with Soap. Every night for a least a week he would hear you come to his door and knock gently but it went ignored.
“Simon can we please talk about this?” He heard you whisper on the final night. His heart breaking from how emotionally exhausted you sounded. “I don’t know what I did. Did I do something wrong?”
He got up quietly and walked to the door and stood just right there. If he reached out even just a little he could reach the handle and swing open the door. But he refrained.
He heard you sigh before there was rustling on your side. When it got quiet again he could practically feel the way your head leaned against the door. “I’m sorry. I only ever wanted to be with you.” Then you were gone and his head fell against the door with a soft thud.
He waited until he knew you were long gone before he opened the door. There on the floor, folded neatly was his hoodie that you took from him all those months ago.
Picking it up, he held it close to him. It smelled like you now. When he closed his door and was left in cold silence once again he hung the hoodie up and didn’t touch it again until you called for him almost a month later.
The days passed by as they always did before you were in his life. Uneventful. He trained, ate, did paperwork then slept but he quickly learned how much he hated sleeping alone.
The bed felt colder without you curled up next to him. It felt lonelier without your hand tracing over his arm softly or playing with his fingers as you spoke quietly in the night.
He missed you and he hated how much he was letting this affect him.
“I don think she’s sleepin’” Johnny mentioned one night and Simon followed his line of sight to see you making your way into the cafeteria. “She looks like shite.”
He wasn’t wrong. The flame that you had, seemed like it dwindled extensively. The circles under your eyes seemed darker and the weak smile you gave your friends didn’t convince anyone but you looked like you were beyond caring.
One of your friends rubbed your shoulder soothingly while your eyes scanned the room as if you could feel him watching you. The millisecond it took for your eyes to connect he was already looking away and turning back to Johnny.
It was the first time since it ended that you sought him out again. For the most part you kept to yourself, never looked for him anymore and went about your day but it seemed the lack of sleep was catching up to you.
“What the hell happened between you two L.T.?” Johnny muttered as he leaned closer. “Don’t tell me some fuckin shite about not knowing. She talked about you all the time so I know something happened.”
Simon didn’t let show how much that comment took him off guard. He didn’t realize you talked about him so much and to soap of all people.
“Eat your food Johnny.” He grumbled instead unable to look him in the eye.
“Well I’m just worried bout ‘er.” He muttered while he did what he was told and started eating again. “I don’t know how well she can handle the mission tomorrow with the way she looks.”
Simon looked up at that. “What mission?”
“You don’t know? Price is sending her out on her own. Supposed to be a short mission but she looks like a walking skeleton already.” Johnny glanced in your direction before going quiet.
Johnny didn’t even get a chance to say anything else before Simon was already on his feet and half way out of the room on his way to see Price.
The captain was standing at his desk when Simon all but slammed open his door, eyes narrowed. “Simon, I was expecting you.” Price said nonchalantly as he went back to looking at his papers. “Tea?”
“No I don’t want your bloody tea.” He spat out, closing the door behind him but the captain didn’t look up even when Simon was standing right in front of his desk.
“Then what can I help you with?” He asked it like he already knew and Simon supposed out of anyone besides Johnny, he probably did. “Does it have anything to do with a mission taking place tomorrow?” Price finally looked up to meet his gaze head on.
“Send me with her.”
“Send. Me. With. Her.”
A tense silence filled the air while the two men stared each other down before price shook his head softly. “No.”
“No? Price this could be a dangerous mission.” But the captain no longer seemed to be listening. “Sir she’s in no condition to go on a mission.”
“Is that the real reason you came here? To talk about her wellbeing?” Simon went silent at the look Price leveled him with. “Do you not trust her?”
“Of course I do-“
“Do you not trust that she is a good soldier that can get the job done?”
“Yes but-“
“Then this conversation is finished. She leaves early tomorrow morning so I suggest you get yourself together Simon.” Price was glaring at him like a father scolding his son. Like he knew Simon was the reason you weren’t doing amazingly.
“What is it for?” He finally asked, fists clenched at his sides while he resisted the urge to sit there and demand he go on this mission.
Price shook his head. “You know I can’t tell you that.”
“Just tell me if this is a suicide mission.” His jaw clenched painfully as he tried to keep his eyes clear of emotion. “Please.”
“Simon.” Price sighed in slight frustration. “She’s only going in for some intel. She’ll be fine.”
Simon nodded stiffly after a moment and as he was turning to leave Price called out to him. “I’d at least talk with her before she leaves Simon.”
He didn’t acknowledge that he heard him, just continued out the door and mindlessly walked the rest of the way to his room where he would be for the next coming hours.
Hours later He could hear the moment everyone was starting to head to bed. It was well into the night by now and he knew that but he couldn’t sleep. His mind was racing with thoughts of you. He hated himself for how much pain he’s put you through.
He reached for his phone and immediately went to your contact. His thumb hovered over the call button but he never pressed it. He never got the chance to because in the next second his phone started vibrating and your name appeared.
The shock lasted for the first rings before he answered it but he couldn’t bring himself to say anything. He didn’t want to hurt you more but he could hear it, the desperation, the love you still held for him even after everything.
He knew then just exactly what he wanted.
So The moment you confessed to him that you couldn’t sleep without him, he was already sitting up in bed getting his shoes on.
The moment you realized he wasn’t going to verbally answer you and you hung up he was already halfway to your room. Wearing your favorite hoodie of his.
The moment you opened the door and your eyes met and your voice called his name softly, his entire body just wanted to kneel to the floor in front of you and beg for forgiveness.
The moment he had you cradled in his arms and had you whispering that you missed him he felt whatever resolve he had, built up in the time apart, crumble.
He couldn’t believe just how far you dug yourself into his heart until he finally felt you against him after not speaking for so long. It was his fault, he knew that. He knew he was the one who broke whatever was going on off.
He knew he was the reason there never was an official relationship to break off in the first place. Just a line drawn that you both kept tiptoeing the day you met, never crossing the boundary of being friends or more.
And as he laid there, carding his fingers softly through your hair the way he knew you liked, he couldn’t help but think about the moment that got him into this mess. Sometimes he wished he turned you away more. Or at least kept his distance better.
But it didn’t matter now.
Simon didn’t want to go to sleep, not when he was enjoying watching you breathe softly as you curled yourself further against him.
He considered the fact that he should leave, let you sleep and not wake up to the reality that he was in bed with you again, a reality he was sure you would regret when you were more alert again.
But as he moved to try and slowly get off the bed you were suddenly wide awake and grabbing onto his arm. “Why are you leaving?” Your voice was groggy but he could hear the hint of fear and hurt in it at his actions. “Do you hate me that much?”
“What? Hate you?” Immediately he relaxed back into his spot and looked you straight in the eyes. How could you ever think he hated you? “I don’t hate you.”
“Then please,” your eyes were pleading with him. “Please don’t go.” The weight of your words settled on his heart and it felt like you were asking him for more than just to simply help you sleep.
A tense silence settled over the two of you as you practically stared into his soul. He opened his mouth to relent when you spoke again. “I love you Simon.”
He felt his breathing go completely still. Your words sounded like you couldn’t hold them to yourself any longer. “I’ve loved you since the first week we met. Even when you pushed me away, even when I wanted to kill you. I’ve loved you.” The more you talked the more he was sure his heart wouldn’t start again.
He could feel the moment when you started pulling away from him after he took too long to respond. He could feel you slipping through his fingers again and he couldn’t let it happen again not this time.
In an instant one of his arms wrapped around you and pulled you tightly against him while the other went to his mask and pulled it off.
He didn’t give you the chance to even take him in before he was pulling you to him, his lips landing on yours in a desperate first kiss.
A kiss that flooded you with every emotion he was withholding from you this whole time. A kiss that he had been wanting to feel ever since the first time he felt your lips ghost his.
The hand that was on your back moved to grip your hip as he sat up just slightly to kiss you harder. The hand holding his mask went to rest beside your head so he could hold himself better while he felt your hands everywhere like you were exploring something for the first time. Which you were.
Your hands were in his hair, dragging down his cheeks and jaw before gripping his neck to pull him impossibly closer. Only breaking when you ran out of breathe but he didn’t move far.
You stared at him, gasping in breathes while he looked at you like it was the first time all over again. “I love you too. I’m sorry for ever making you feel like I didn’t. I always have.” He said it softly like he was making sure only you would ever hear those words leave his mouth.
You smiled gently and brought him in for a softer kiss before he muttered against them, “come back to me tomorrow yeah?” You could only nod as he gave you one more kiss before falling back onto his side and pulling you into him.
His mask long gone on the floor and his heart content when you buried your face in his neck, sighing happily.
And true to your promise, you came straight back to him after your mission a few days later.
Really hope yall liked this🙏🏻😭
Also! Johnnys part two next and I’ve made the executive decision that Rudy is coming after that 😋
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phi4mars · 6 months
So I was thinking of a request, when an idea popped into my mind, I definitely see Velvet to be the type to fall really hard in love and be in complete denial while also acting dismissive and uncaring, but in reality she’s all putty and melting at just the thought of them(and veneer knows and teases her about it) and she tries really hard not to show those weaknesses to anyone, especially the reader who in this case is worried on why velvet seems to avoid them like the plague. So yeah I thought a lot about this for some reason, hope it’ll give you more ideas for future stories:)
ahh yes. guys im so sorry i haven’t updated im suuuuuper busy right now but i should be able to post more. keep requesting please!!!
anyways thankyou for the suggestion i love it!!
“i do not like her!! she’s my bestfriend!” velvet denies shouting at veneer.
“sure you don’t!! your all lovey dovey around her, just admit it!” he yells back frustrated that his sister will not admit she is a girl kisser.
“what do you mean lovey dovey?!” she asks crossing her arms.
“you’re always trying to get close to her and you turn into a blushing mess when she compliments you!!” veneer says slapping his face.
velvet thinks for a minute, then dropping her jaw.
“oh my god.”
2 days later velvet and veneer are in their dressing room after one of their shows. velvet lays on the couch after sighing,
“where’s y/n?” she asks looking disappointed.
“why so you can swoon over her?” veneer replies snickering.
“shut up” she replies covering her face.
suddenly the door bursts open revealing a very angry y/n.
“can you believe it? the stupid security guard held me back and called me a crazy fan!” she says moving her hands around.
y/n walks over to the couch and sits next to the green haired girl. velvet shifts away from her a little leaving y/n super confused.
“anyways you guys did amazing tonight! everyone was going crazy” y/n exclaimed.
“awe thankyou” veneer said while velvet stayed silent.
veneer shot velvet a look before she finally replied,
“oh yeah thanks” she said coldly.
y/n could tell something was off with velvet since she always used to be right next to her and talk a crazy lot. there was so much tension in the room y/n thought it would be best to leave.
“i’m gonna leave, see ya later!” she smiled at the two.
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y/ns pov
“i need space” the message read, from my own bestfriend. my heart stopped. what the fuck was going on.
what had i done? it doesn’t make sense, i didn’t do anything.
i held back tears as i dialled veneer, surely he would have answers right?
no answer.
a million thoughts rushed through my head as i tried to backtrack my whole life trying to find anything that could have caused this. the pure panic rushed through my body as i couldn’t hold back the tears.
velvets pov
“i need space” i typed in and sent. i didn’t think before i sent that fucking message. she read it straight away.
what have i done?
i have messed up so bad, it’s so hard being around her, it feels all so different. i like her. no i’m inlove with my own bestfriend.
it felt like the only answer, avoid her until these feelings go away right? she probably hates me now.
“velvet, y/n is calling me” veneer opened the door and told me showing me his phone.
“don’t answer it.” i said sternly
“why?” he questioned.
“don’t answer it!” i screamed as i put my head in my hands.
part 2?
sorry this isn’t really like the request and a bit short it’s just if i continued it would be so long lol
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f10werfae · 2 years
My wife is fine, thanks
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pairing: Husband!Henry x Wife!Reader
summary: I LOVE YOUR HENRY CAVILL POSTS!So can I request an Instagram blurb for wife!reader (obv for Henry Cavill), where fans react to wife!reader and henry having an age gap (10+). (requested by @chaotictwig)
requests are open/likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated♥️
Full M.List, Henry M.List, Taglist Form
@/hellostarsky: Can everyone stop hating on Henry, so what if he’s 39 and she’s 28?? They’re both legal consenting adults, he did not groom her and treats her with the utmost respect. She does not need the stress of you guys while she’s pregnant with their baby.
@/caviilll: I don’t care what anyone says, Y/n and Henry are so mf cute. The way he spoils the hell out of her and just always holds her close♥️♥️ If only
@/relatimefr: Ok but their age gap is so weird, she was being born when he was like 11 wtf
>> @/Prettyprincess: They lit started dating at 24 and 35, you can calm yourself honey, they did nothing but fall in love☠️
@/Henry Cavill: Happy 29th birthday to my lovely beautiful wife, the future mother to our baby(ies) and my best friend in life. Glad to be doing life with you and no one else, can’t wait to see you when I get home tonight, both you and baby Cavill ♥️
@/Holymacsncheese: But their age gap suits them sm, Y/n makes sure Henry keeps up to date with all the new things today, and he grounds her to a sense of comfort and love. They compliment each other so much, match made in heaven I say
@/Polypockets: yall acting as if he groomed her straight out of highschool, they literally met on set where she had to play his wife, yall just jealous cause it ain’t you 💋
@/Y/nCavill: 35 Weeks today! Baby Cavill is now officially nearly here, unfortunately i’ll be taking a break from future projects for some time, I want to finally settle down and accept my new role. The role of motherhood. Hope you all understand, Y/n xx
>> @/HenryCavill: I’d like to follow this by saying that, after this new movie I will also be taking a break for the next year or so, who knows. Just would like you all to know that I appreciate those who support us wholeheartedly, and I can’t wait to start this new journey!
@/User19204726: That picture of Henry showing Y/n new dresses in the maternity shop while she’s sitting watching him, is the cutest thing. She was too tired to walk about the shop, so he literally went around and got everything to have a mini fashion show for her
@/pumpituplease: God bless Y/n for posting pictures of Henry painting the nursery, that man is giving real dilf material now, and we can’t forget about the milf Y/n. Sexiest Power couple for realsies
@/geraltlovers: Omg I thought we were over the whole age gap thing?! Why the hell are papers still calling him all these names and calling Y/n naïve?? They lit have a child together, get a grip
>> @/petalsforpeps: omg ikr, like get over yourselves because they don’t care about what you have to say
@/Y/nCavill: Henry and I would like to welcome baby Penelope into the world, she arrived on September 25th and is currently rocking it! No pictures will be shared, hope you all understand that ♥️
@/rainbowsncakes: Omg that photo Y/n posted with Henry’s back to the camera, you can just see the tiniest bit of baby Penelope’s hair out of the corner of his arm, AND ITS DARK HAIR, SHE GOT HIS CURLY HAIR I BET
>>> @Y/nCavill: NO BECAUSE THIS IS TRUE, 38 HOURS OF PURE HARD LABOUR. Thankful for all the nurses, doctors, midwives and especially my bear of a husband who didn’t leave me alone once♥️
@/user823783: Fuck this family bullshit, when is Henry gonna back to our screens?!
>> @/HenryCavill: i’m sorry but I don’t tolerate anyone speaking about my family like that, a fan of mine wouldn’t speak of people I love like that. We want to live a peaceful life full of love, if you can’t respect that then i’m glad i’m not back to work yet. Family comes first.
@/HenryCavill: I love my wife @Y/nCavill and my gorgeous daughter Penelope, the exact double of me I must say (sorry babe) I also love the people who support me, and it hurts me to say that it’s a minority of you that seem to keep harassing my family. Please respect our lives, not only has our relationship been through enough, but our privacy has been violated more than enough times. Enough is enough.
>> @/jellyjumpbean: What sorta losers are still hating on them?! Can we please grow up and stop being delusional, the man is happy with his own family now. None of then deserve this abuse and especially not little Penelope who hasn’t even been here 5 minutes
@/Dcornarvel: Y/n is absolutely growing post pregnancy, you would never guess that she’s edging 30, Henry is one lucky man for real
>> @/HenryCavill: That I am. Thank you very much my friend ♥️
Taglist Tags (Form is up there^^): @fdl305 @alexxavicry @bookfrog242 @alina02 @aerangi @i-beg-your-pardon-laufeyson @sparklemarysunshine @oliviah-25 @mischiefhasbeenmanaged @nikkitc0703 @misshale21 @hallecarey1 @girl-of-multi-fandoms @mansaaay @princess-paramour @stormcloudss @uwiuwi @marvelgurl @taramaria @mysticfalls01 @kebabgirl67 @athena-roy @tinyelfperson @madebylilly @dumb-fawkin-bitch @vrittivsanghavi @beck07990 @kimhtoo17 @thereisa8ella @pandaxnienke @marvelstarker-mha98
2K notes · View notes
Summary: You and Dean facetime whenever he goes on a hunt, but things go south when he and Sam are miles away
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female Reader 
Rating: R for language, violence
Word Count: 3.5k
Warnings: language, blood, violence, torture, hostage situation, implied nudity, injured reader, mind control, starts off fluffy but gets real dark real quick, reader is a fan of Chris Evans
Author’s Note: This is loosely based on a dream I had and I know this gif is Dean looking at a coffee maker, but if you squint the coffee maker looks like a laptop :) Also, I don’t usually use capital letters (intentionally, but for no particular reason) but I thought I’d see how my writing looks with capital letters.
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“Dean I don’t think your mic’s working,” You furrowed your brows in frustration, trying to tell him you couldn’t hear a word he was saying.
“Yeah it was off, that makes sense,” He laughed lightly. You smiled, happy to hear his voice and see his face. Sam and Dean had been on this hunt for nearly four days at this point and you missed your boyfriend so much it was driving you crazy. 
You weren’t much of a hunter; you preferred to keep a safe distance and help with research, instead of picking up a machete and chopping up vampires. Dean knew you preferred to stay home and he was happy with you being out of the line of fire. He’d hate himself if he let you get hurt on a hunt, you were his everything.
It was hard, though. You lived in the bunker but you still didn’t spend as much time with Dean as you would’ve liked to. You wanted to be with him each night instead of falling asleep to either his music playing on vinyl or his voice over the phone if you were lucky enough to be in the same time zone. Most of the time you’d go days without hearing his voice. 
That was until Sam had the brilliant (but blatantly obvious, you couldn’t believe you hadn’t come up with it) idea of you and Dean facetiming while doing research for the case; as opposed to just texting each other important details. 
“So, what’re you hunting?” You asked. Your laptop was set up next to your phone which is what you were calling Dean from. You were seated in the library and eager to help however you could. 
“Sam’s thinking a god,” Dean sighed. “He’s out getting the food.”
“And you’re doing the research?” You laughed. 
“Well, I wanted to talk with you, and see that beautiful face of yours,” He smirked. “Sammy can do the actual research when he gets back, should be soon.”
“I miss you,” You smiled, he did the same.
“I miss you, too, hun. How’re you doing? Cas is gonna get back home tomorrow morning so you won’t have the whole bunker to yourself for much longer.”
“It’s really lonely,” You laughed wryly. “As an introvert, I swore never to say this, but I kinda wish more people lived here.”
“Yeah, I know it’s... it’s not ideal,” He gave you a sympathetic look. “Y’know there’s a library in town you could go to if you don’t wanna be alone.”
“Yeah, I think I’m gonna head over there. I don’t know what’s wrong with me tonight, I’m really starting to go stir-crazy!” 
“Wanna stay on the phone while you drive over there?” Dean asked hopefully.
“Of course!” You emphasized. “I’m so happy I finally get to talk to you for the first time today! I’m just gonna change into something more presentable real quick.”
“It’s 2pm on a Tuesday and you’re going to a public library; who are you thinking you might run into?” He teased lightly.
“Hey if I go not looking my best and Chris Evans just happens to be there I would kick myself!” You replied honestly. “Gimme a second.” You put the phone on your dresser and faced it away from where you would be changing.
“Y/n, I’ve seen you naked, you can change in front of me!” He sighed dramatically when you didn’t respond right away. “C’mon, I miss you!”
“You only get to see these boobs when you hurry up, finish that case, and get your ass back here!” You called out to him as you got dressed.
“That’s no fair,” Dean whined. You finished getting dressed pretty quickly and grabbed your phone off your dresser and your purse off your desk before you left the room.
“Okay I’m heading out now,” You smiled at your phone as you walked up to the entrance of the bunker.
“Which car are you taking?” Dean asked. 
“Mine; it’s parked outside, not in the garage. why?”
“Just wanna know you’ll be safe getting there. A lot of the cars in the garage tend to break down at random,” He replied. You hopped into your car and set your phone on the stand that was attached to the front window. 
“Ah, shit,” You winced suddenly, your hands now pressed against your temples. “De, something’s wrong-” You croaked out. Your head felt like it was going to explode as your vision began getting blurry. 
“Y/n? Y/n, talk to me! What’s happening,” Dean exclaimed, his voice ripe with panic. 
The pounding in your head suddenly stopped as your vision went black and you passed out. 
Your head was throbbing as you woke up. You tried bringing your hands to your head but then realized you were tied to a chair. You then also realized you were wearing nothing but a bra and your boy-short panties. 
“What the fuck,” You mumbled to yourself. You tightened your fists and pulled against the restraints.
“It’s no use, y/n,” A voice behind you announced. “You’re not going anywhere anytime soon. who knows, you might even die here.”
“Y/n? Y/n!” Dean exclaimed. He was completely panicking as he watched your car door open and someone pull you out of the driver’s seat. 
“Dean Winchester!” The man picked up the cell phone and showed Dean his face; complete with hideous black eyes. “Looks like I now have the thing you care about most,” The demon laughed. 
“You son of a bitch,” Dean screamed. “You hurt her and I swear I will-”
“What? What’re you gonna do Dean? Kill me? You don’t know where I’m taking her and I’m dumping this meat suit before you get the chance to figure out this guy’s name. No, you can’t do anything, Dean. You are completely and utterly powerless. I have the bitch you seem to love so much, and there’s nothing you can do.”
“What do you want?” Dean seethed through gritted teeth. He slammed his fist on the table next to him. “What do you fucking want?”
“To watch you suffer,” The demon smirked then hung up.
“Son of a bitch!” Dean screamed. He grabbed the chair he was sitting on and threw it to the side in frustration.
“Dean, what the hell?” Sam exclaimed. He had walked in right as the chair hit the wall. “I take a little too long getting the burgers and you start breaking the furniture?” He laughed lightly. 
“Y/n,” Dean shouted. “A demon has y/n!”
“What the fuck? How? When?” Sam’s eyes widened.
“Just now, we- we were facetiming and she was gonna go to the library- and she- it just took her Sam- I-” Tears welled in Dean's eyes as he looked at his younger brother with desperation. 
“What do you want from me?” You asked the demon. He was now kneeling in front of you as he toyed with your hair. 
“Nothing, sweetheart,” He smiled wickedly. “You see, you are very important to Dean Winchester; I hate Dean Winchester. I want him to suffer. Having you locked up in here is the easiest way to torture him. He’ll find you eventually, I’m sure, but you’ll be so broken and beaten you won’t ever be the same. You’ll never be his cheerful y/n again. You’ll be worn down by what I'm going to do to you, you’re not going to want to be anywhere near him. And that will break his heart beyond repair - that will be the ultimate torture. I'll be known as the demon who destroyed Dean Winchester’s will to live.”
“You’re wrong,” You whispered. “Dean cares about me, sure, but losing me isn’t gonna break him, you idiot! He'll be over me within a few months then he will hunt you down and tear you limb from limb.”
“Maybe,” The demon shrugged. “Guess we’ll just have to wait and see how long it takes him to get over you.” He pulled a knife out of his back pocket and plunged it into your thigh. You screamed in pain as tears streamed down your face. You looked down at the blood now dripping down your thigh then looked back up.
“D-Dean?” You whispered. “Wh-What’s going on?” Your head was spinning as you tried to focus on the man in front of you. “Dean! Dean, you found me?”
“Yeah, hun, it’s me,” The demon held your face with his hands. 
“H-Help me out of here,” You quivered, confused as to why Dean was so calm. He shook his head, smiled, then gripped the knife and twisted it. “Y-You’re not Dean!”
“Of course I am, y/n! And I'm so happy I finally get to show you how I really feel about you,” He smiled. He took the knife out and pressed it against your left breast. “You know I never really cared much about you, you’re just an easy lay.”
“You’re not Dean,” You closed your eyes tightly. “Dean loves me.”
“Awe, that’s really sweet y/n, but of course I'm Dean! And I wouldn’t say I love you, more like I love having my own pathetic fucktoy handy at all times,” He patted your cheek. “I mean, let’s face it; all we do when I'm not hunting is have sex! Why else would I want you living with me?”
“That’s- That’s not true!” You whispered, more to yourself than to the monster posing as the love of your life. “We have movie nights, we bake pie, we have dinner together, we-”
“Do we?” He touched your temple with two fingers. “Dean never did any of that with you.”
“Y-You never did any of that with me,” You mumbled.
“Days, Sam! It's been days!” Dean shouted. “Y/n is still with that fucking demon!”
“I know it’s been days, Dean but you need to sleep. Just four hours; recharge and come back with a clear head.”
“Do you think y/n is able to sleep? Or have a second of peace or quiet! She is being tortured by a demon, because of me!”
“Cas will be back with some information in a few hours, until then you should sleep,” Sam suggested. “Look, we’ve done all we can for right now, you’re no use to y/n if you’re too tired to function!”
Before Dean could protest, his phone rang and he answered; “Hello?”
“Dean Winchester,” the voice replied.
“Yes? Who is this?”
“I’m the demon that’s got y/n,” He replied. Dean could hear the smirk in his voice.
“I swear to God I will find you and-”
“And you’ll kill me, blah, blah, blah; you’ve said that before. I'm just calling to let you know you can have her back. I'll text you the address.” The demon hung up.
“What-” Dean brought his phone down, confused. “That was the demon, he said he’s texting me the address where y/n is,” He told Sam.
“What? That makes no sense?”
“Yeah, but he wasn’t lying,” Dean held up his phone and showed Sam the text. 
“It’s definitely a trap, right?”
“Doesn't matter, let's go; we can meet Cas there.”
“Dean, that's at least a six-hour drive; let me drive so you can sleep,” Sam offered. Dean was ridiculously tired and he knew he wasn’t at his full strength so he decided to take a nap on the way.
“Y/n! Oh my god!” Dean exclaimed when he walked into the dark warehouse and saw you tied to the chair.
“Sam?” You breathed out. “Cas?” You smiled slightly, barely lifting your head. 
“Hey- Hey hun,” Dean crouched down and held your face.
“What, now you’re all sweet?” You scoffed, then looked past him and up at his younger brother. “Sam, please help me! Dean, he- he did this to me.”
“What? No! No, no, I would never! I love you," Dean stuttered, not taking his eyes off you. He untied your right hand and you punched the side of his head, which caused him to fall to the side. 
“Cas! Please! You guys have to believe me!”
“It's okay, you’re safe now,” Cas came up to you. He put two fingers on your forehead and healed you. “We’re gonna take you home, okay?”
“Okay,” You replied as the angel untied you. Sam looked around for your clothes and, surprisingly, found them off to the side and folded neatly. Cas helped you up as Sam handed you your jeans and shirt, and you happily put them on. Dean was standing up at this point, but he just stood there; silent tears falling as he looked at you. 
“Y/n- Hun, please- please tell me you know this wasn’t me!” He whispered, you looked over at him. “Please you- you know it was a demon!”
“Oh and where is this demon now, Dean?” You asked flatly, Dean stayed silent. “You know, I fucking trusted you!” Tears escaped your eyes and you brushed them away quickly. You continued, gritting your teeth in anger, “I hate you.” 
“Let’s get you home,” Sam interrupted, he knew Dean didn’t do this and he needed to figure out how to make you know too. You nodded and followed Castiel out the door, Sam followed you and, after a moment, Dean did too.
Cas opened the back door for you while Sam opened the passenger door. 
“Sam, can you drive?” You asked him quietly. “Please? I know you don’t believe me about Dean, but I don't trust him; please don’t let him drive.”
“Sweetheart, I-” Dean started, overhearing what you said to Sam.
“Don’t you dare call me that,” You hissed and pointed your finger at him with anger. You turned back to Sam, “If it was up to me, I’d say cuff him; but at least don’t let him be the fucking driver!” With that, you hopped in the back seat, Cas doing the same after you.
Dean took the demon cuffs out of his back pocket and handed them to Sam before holding his hands behind him.
“Seriously?” Sam scoffed.
“I want her to feel safe,” Dean replied. “Well, as safe as she can feel while I'm still in proximity.” Sam nodded and cuffed his older brother before they both got into the car; Sam in the driver’s seat.
“You really don’t believe me?” You practically screamed. You were all back at the bunker and Sam was refusing to lock Dean up in the dungeon.
“It's not that I don’t believe you-”
“Then do something!”
“Sam, Dean, can I talk to you?” Cas asked and the three went around the corner, you huffed to yourself and sat at the war room table. “There’s something really wrong with y/n.”
“Yeah, Cas, we can tell,” Dean replied.
“No, I mean, really wrong! When I healed her at the warehouse, I could feel something pushing back.”
“What do you think that means?” Sam asked.
“I think we need to call Crowley. He’s had a soft spot for y/n for a while now, maybe he’ll know what’s wrong.”
“Yeah, great! Let another demon get their hands on her,” Dean scoffed sarcastically.
“Crowley isn’t just ‘another demon’ Dean; he might be able to reverse whatever’s happened here!” Castiel retorted. 
“Fine, fine we’ll give him a call,” Dean sighed. The three of them walked back around the corner but you weren’t sitting at the table anymore. “Y/n?” Dean called out, beginning to panic.
Sam rushed outside while Dean checked your bedroom and Cas checked the garage.
“Y/n, what’re you doing?” Dean asked. You frantically threw clothes into your duffle and didn’t answer him. “Sweet- Uh, sorry- y/n please,” Dean stumbled over his words.
“I’m leaving Dean, and I never want to see you again!” You exclaimed and tried to brush past him. He gently gripped your forearm to pull you back and your demeanor changed. “Please, please don’t hurt me,” You whispered; tears welled in your eyes as Dean’s widened. He let go of you and put his hands up, backing away.
“No, no I- I’m not going to hurt you, y/n, I wanna help you,” He said calmly. “We all do. Please, don’t go.”
“Why are you being so sweet now, I don’t understand,” You let the tears fall. “Is it just cause of Sam and Cas? Is that it? You’d like to take out your knife and get back to work but you don’t want your baby brother and your best friend to see you torturing me?”
“I- I don’t know what to say, y/n,” He replied, also letting tears fall. “I swear that was not me!”
“Right, right it was a demon,” You scoffed. “Seriously, Dean? The least you could do is own up to what you did, for fuck’s sake! But I guess I should’ve seen this coming, huh?”
“What’re you talking about?”
“You only ever cared about my body, Dean! Was just a matter of time before you got bored and used what Alastair taught you!”
“What? Y/n we’ve known each other for ten years, we’ve only been dating the last two! We didn’t even sleep together the first four months because we wanted to take it slow; do you not remember any of this?”
“Does this actually work on people?” You laughed. “You fake a few tears, look at them with lost puppy eyes, and try to make them believe such ridiculous lies?”
“Y/n!” Castiel called out from behind you. He had checked the garage and when he didn’t see you there he decided to check the kitchen and then head over to your bedroom.
“Castiel, please get me out of here!” You hurried to his side. “Dean won’t let me leave!”
“No- I-” Dean tried to protest but then just shook his head in defeat, not wanting to make things worse.
“We have a working theory going about what happened,” Cas lied to you. “We think Dean may have been possessed before, and the demon that possessed him may still be looking for you. You should stay here in the bunker where it’s safe, okay?”
“Okay, Cas, I trust you,” You clung to his arm, still terrified of Dean. 
“Dean, why don’t you get Sam and meet me in the dungeon in a few minutes,” Cas asked him. “Y/n, you can stay in your room until we know more.”
It took Crowley a couple of days to figure out what the demon did but once he did, he called Dean and was summoned to the bunker.
“It’s a hex bag,” He said before his trademark, “Hello, boys.”
“A hex bag? Where?” Sam asked. “She’s changed clothes, we’re nowhere near the warehouse-”
“According to Frank-” 
“Frank? The demon’s name is Frank?” Dean scoffed.
“Yes,” Crowley rolled his eyes. “Anyway, Frank said he carved it into her thigh.”
“Good Lord,” Sam muttered. 
“How do we get it out?” Dean asked Crowley. “We can’t just cut back into her!”
“That’s exactly what we’re going to do,” Crowley replied.
“No! She’s already terrified we can’t-”
“I can put her to sleep,” Castiel suggested. “She shouldn’t feel a thing.”
“Well, let’s get this over with,” Crowley walked out of the dungeon and over to your room.
“What’s he doing here?” You glared at Dean when the four men entered your bedroom. You had been seated on your couch reading when Crowley knocked and opened the door.
“Dean, maybe you should wait outside,” Sam told him quietly. Dean nodded slightly and backed out of the room.
“She’s asking for you,” Sam smiled a little, walking into the library to find Dean downing another glass of whiskey.
“Seriously!? She wants to see me?” He practically jumped out of the chair and then hurried to your room. He took a deep breath and opened your door.
You were at the edge of your bed with one knee tucked against you. When Dean entered, you looked at him with tear-stained eyes and let a quiet sob leave your lips. 
“I’m so sorry,” You whispered. “De, I’m so, so sorry!”
“No, no, no it’s- none of this is your fault,” He hurried to your side but hesitated to wrap his arms around you. “Can I… Can I hug you? Please?”
“Of course,” You replied and wrapped your arms around him when he held you. “I love you so much, Dean, I’m so sorry I believed the demon.”
“It’s not your fault, it was a hex bag,” He kissed the crown of your head. “You didn’t have a choice.”
“I know, but I should’ve been able to snap out of it!” You protested. “I mean, these hands,” You took his left hand and held it, kissing his palm gently. “I love these hands, how could I have believed that they, that you hurt me?” You kissed his hand again then looked up at him. “I’m sorry, for what I said.”
“It’s okay,” He kissed your forehead. “I’m just glad you’re okay, that you’re back.” The two of you sat in comfortable silence for a while before Dean asked you, “How are you feeling?”
“Physically? Fine. Emotionally? Fucking terrible,” You replied, squeezing Dean tighter. “I keep getting these like flashbacks about what the demon did, and in a lot of the memories the demon still looks like you.”
“I’m sorry sweetheart, that sounds awful!”
“Yeah,” You sighed. “I'll be okay though, I’ve got you.”
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mydearesthrry · 1 month
i loveddd the musician reader blurb 🥹🥹 would loveee to see more
a/n: I LOVED WRITING IT THANK U FOR THIS ANON. enjoy my babies <3 i have an fc for musician!yn x har and its gonna be gracie abrams :p
warnings: nonesies, fluff!!
“hey, h?” Y/N called from her spot on the sofa, her laptop on her lap as she scrolled through the files for her next project, entitled five seconds flat.
“yeah, baby?” he shouted back, his footsteps soon following his words as he walked through their house, sitting next to Y/N when he arrived. “whats wrong?”
“um, to be honest, i- i don’t even really know. i just think something’s missing from here,” she sighed, running a hand through her hair. “like, i love it so far, but it’s missing something. i think it’s missing it’s ‘overarching love’ song. which is really stupid because this album has so many love songs.”
“not really.” he replied simply, shrugging and looking at her.
“what do you mean? there’s tons!”
“really? like what? go through the tracklist, baby.”
she rolled her eyes, mumbling a ‘fine!’, before pulling up the tracklist. “see! um, all my ghosts, what a shame? kinda?”
“exactly.” he stated, giggling at his wife.
“you’re so annoying. can you help me? please?”
he scoffs playfully, “as if i didn’t produce nearly the entire thing f’you, but sure.”
“okay, so i’m thinking of a poem that i wrote a long time ago called lame, and i wanna work on that. it was right before i told you i loved you.”
after cracking open y/n’s journal and flipping through the pages, they had finally had a song.
“fucking finally, holy shit!” she shouted, clapping as she collapsed on harry who laid sprawled on the couch.
“y’still gotta record it, m’precious wife,” he giggled. “and find a feature. since we decided that’s what we’re doing, f’some reason.”
“fuck my life,” she groaned, twisting in her spot to attach her cheek to his chest, hair fanning out around her and nearly tickling his nose. “why can’t you do it with me?”
“no, dude!”
“harry,” his wife stressed, holding the ‘y’. “pretty please? i’ll do that thing you like with my mouth?” she offered, knowing he wouldn’t refuse that.
“oh my god, fine! but this is the first and last collab im doing!” he grumbled exasperatedly.
“thank you, oh my god!” she squealed, running over to him and jumping, legs wrapping around his legs and her arms crossing around his neck.
“whatever. better hold up your end of the bargain.” he rolled his eyes, his hypocritical hands coming down to rest on her waist.
she grinned, jumping down from him and placing her hands on his chest. blinking up at him owlishly, she ran her hands down his torso and murmured, “i plan to, handsome. i’ll even start right now.”
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liked by charles_leclerc, sabrinacarpenter, and 7,662,617 others
yourinstagram: took a tiny break and ended up at long pond with my beautiful producer husband <3. u have to wait to hear what we made there,,, butttt….. HATE TO BE LAME FT HARRY STYLES IS OUT NOWWWWW LOVE YOU LOVE YOU LOVE YOU
pinned yourinstagram: ps our faces when we cant figure out a chord progression 😭😭😭
comments on this post have been limited
charles_leclerc: Already streaming in the Ferrari garage!
> scuderiaferrari: charles_leclerc we can confirm 🫡
> yourinstagram: scuderiaferrari OMGGGGG MI FAMIGLIAAAAAA LOVE U
landonorris: party celebration for the surprise release when???
> yourinstagram: landonorris get podium this weekend and u can celebrate for us 🤗🤗🤗
billieeilish: crying again i love you guys
ynrrysweethearts: EEEEEK
niallhoran: Gnomeo and Juliet back and better than ever!
> harrystyles: Rude.
madisonbeer: ur literally perfect in every way goddd i miss u guys so much
> yourinstagram: madisonbeer we miss u our precious daughter
harrystyles: We’re so cute. I love us.
harrystyles: I love you times infinity. It makes sense that you’ll probably be my first and last feature. H Xxxx
> yourinstagram: first and last but a few more right 🥹🥹
daylightyn: our parents!!!!!
alexandrasaintmleux: my beautiful angel girlllll
> yourinstagram: alex my love i miss u to bits
francisca.cgomes: we miss u on the paddock sweet bby 💞
> yourinstagram: oh my god kika i miss u so much its a problem
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liked by yourinstagram, niallhoran, and 9,266,166 others
harrystyles: HATE TO BE LAME. OUT NOW.
view all 78,189 comments
yourinstagram: 🤭🤭🤭
yourinstagram: love youuuuuuu so muchsies
> harrystyles: I love you moresies. Xx
yourinstagram: ok look at us being models
yourinstagram: am i hyping u up enough
> harrystyles: yourinstagram Yes. Fueling my ego.
yourinstagram: my precious baby angel sugar cookie muffin pie <3 <3
> harrystyles: You’re insane.
user1: MORESIES??????? WTF
user2: he just said moresies yn is influencing him too much 😭😭😭
> yourinstagram: user2 its my job!!!! 😁😁
user3: they’re both on the writing credits they prob wrote it together 😭😭😭
oscarpiastri: dad!!!!!!!!
> harrystyles: No. ❤️
user4: harry calling yn insane is so funny like hes def heard worse
user5: i love them so bad oh my god
> user7: yes!!! yn’s sister was a mechanic for ferrari and is now lando’s race engineer so they all get along really well!
yourinstagram: sorry im back here again WE R SO CUTEEEEEE
116 notes · View notes
supernovafics · 10 months
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series masterlist | last part
pairing: modern!actor!steve harrington x fem!reader
word count: 8.1k words
warnings: explicit language, angst, fluff, smut (18+)
summary: it’s ten months of texts, phone calls, voicemails, anything to make it feel like everything isn’t too different. and for the most part, it works. until you and steve finally see each other again
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EPILOGUE | ❝𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒉𝒐𝒎𝒆❞
You: How’s New York so far?
Steve: Good aside from Tom trying to force me to do more press stuff than what we initially agreed on and I’ve only been here three days
You: I kinda miss that british man
Steve: That truly offends me</3
You: I’m sorry<3
You: Okay very very important question
You: Empire State of Mind or Welcome to New York?
Steve: ???? 
You: You’re in New York for the next month so one of them has to be your signature song (and yes this is coming from the person that has only been to New York a handful of times. shut up don’t mention it) 
Steve: Can I say no to both of them?
You: No.
Steve: Okay then 
Steve: The Taylor Swift one
You: Solid answer
You: Now I will start your morning right every day you’re there by sending you lyrics from that song :) 
Steve: Oh god
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
Steve: What was the name of that show we watched for almost five hours at your place that one night?
You: It sincerely hurts me that you forgot the name of Brooklyn Nine-Nine….
Steve: Yes, that’s it! I was thinking about this one episode we watched of it but I couldn’t remember the name
You: Are you about to watch it without me? (if the answer is yes that hurts me even more)
Steve: Yes I was… But now no way I would never watch it without you
You: A true friend. Thank you 
Steve: Oh wait I’m just now realizing how late it is where you are. How are you even talking to me right now? 
You: Yeah, it’s 2am but I can’t sleep. First day of real filming tomorrow. First day being AD. And yes all the pre-production stuff me and Jessie have been doing since we got to Spain two weeks ago has been perfectly leading to this moment, but now it just feels so fucking real and even though I know I’m not gonna mess up or anything I’m still nervous
Steve: You’re gonna do great and actually I think it’s impossible for you not to be really good at what you do  
You: Thank you
Steve: I would suggest that I call you and we watch an episode of Brooklyn Nine-Nine to take your mind off things but you should sleep 
You: No actually can we do that? I’m wide awake right now and I don’t think I’ll be able to fall asleep anytime soon 
You: Also fun fact: I’m actually able to function better when I’m running on barely three hours of sleep 
Steve: That’s a huge lie but okay
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
“… Please leave a message after the beep.”
You listened to the all-too familiar sound of the “beep” and then began speaking. “Okay, I know it’s like three in the morning in LA right now, so it completely makes sense why you didn’t answer. But, anyway, I just landed in London last night and now it’s morning and I’m at the coffee shop that you told me I should go to while I’m here.” 
“It’s really, really great, and I hate how right you are about the tea being amazing, and it actually makes me change my mind about how much I dislike tea. Oh, also, I got my first ever British scone from here and it’s so good too. I think I’ll probably be spending every day at this place while I’m here for the next month.”
“And I know you raved a lot about the breakfast sandwiches here too, so I will try that tomorrow. I think you said that the bacon one was your favorite, but please confirm that because I can’t fully remember… Oh, wait, nevermind, it’s definitely the bacon because I do remember you saying that you miss it a lot.”
“I could bring you one back if you want? No, wait, actually, that wouldn’t make sense because even when I leave London, I’m still gonna be in Europe for three more months… Wait, I see that they sell coffee mugs here, though, so I could definitely bring you back that if you wanted me to? They have some cool options.” 
“Alright, I think I’m just rambling at this point so let me shut up.” You let out a small laugh. “Okay, bye.” 
Call Ended
You: *image attached* 
You: Enjoy that picture of me being the most touristy tourist in the world :) 
Steve: I can’t believe you’re doing the leaning tower of pisa pose thing
You: I had to. I couldn’t come here and not do it. It feels like tradition. A rite of passage, if you will
Steve: You’re such a dork 
You: Joke’s on you because I fully take that as a compliment, so thank you 
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
The feeling of your phone vibrating in the back pocket of the jeans you were wearing surprised you because you thought you had turned it off for the day. And then seeing Steve’s name take over your phone screen further surprised you, but you didn’t hesitate to answer the call.  
“Hi,” You said. You were on a break for the first time that day, so the timing of his call was actually kind of perfect. “This is a pretty nice surprise.”
“Hey, how’s it going?” It felt really good actually hearing his voice for the first time in what felt like forever.  
“Pretty good. I never thought I’d actually find myself truly missing LA, but now I kinda can’t wait to be back there in three weeks,” You answered, saying what had been on your mind for a while at this point. “How’s Vancouver?” 
“Nice so far. It’s actually been snowing a lot, but I like it.” 
“I hope you've been doing all of the snow and Winter activities; making snow angels, sledding down hills. Y’know, all the stuff they do in children’s Christmas movies.” 
You almost immediately heard Steve laugh at your words. “The apartment I’m staying at here has a balcony, and last night after it stopped snowing I made a really small snowman.” 
You smiled. “I love that. Please send me a picture of it.” 
Things became quiet for a moment, and it was a silence that easily felt comfortable and you didn’t mind it at all. Simply knowing that Steve was on the other end of the call felt like enough. 
“This is a random thought, but we never usually talk on the phone. Mainly because our time zones are insanely different, so the timing is never right, and we’re either leaving each other voicemails or just texting, which is fine. But it’s really nice hearing your voice. It’s just… really comforting.” You let out a soft breath. “Where I am right now and where I’ve been the past five-ish months have become my makeshift “homes,” but talking to you actually feels like home, in a way… And I know exactly how disgustingly cheesy that sounds. Don’t say anything about it, or I will end this call.”
Steve laughed a bit. “No, I agree with you. We’ve talked about feeling lonely before, but even though we haven’t seen each other in what feels like a really long time, whenever we text and especially when we talk on the phone, it’s hard to feel lonely. It’s like all of these miles between us don’t really matter, which is nice. You’re my “home” too.”
You were quiet for a second, fully taking in his words and smiling at how happy they made you feel. It was the kind of happiness where you also kind of felt like crying. 
You loved what you had been doing currently with your job and you wouldn’t have changed any of it, but you also really wished that you could see Steve right then; you would’ve killed for a hug.  
“Okay, I think I should go before I start crying,” You said, only slightly joking with your words. “Also, I only have ten more minutes of my break, and I haven’t eaten since this morning.” 
“Oh shit, I’m sorry.”
You shook your head even though he couldn’t see you. “No, don’t be sorry. Like I said, I really like when we can actually talk to each other. I like hearing your voice.” 
“I like hearing yours too,” He told you and somehow it was easy to hear the smile in his tone. “Okay, I’m gonna hang up now. Go eat something.”
“Aye, aye captain,” You said with a small laugh. “Talk to you soon.”  
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
You: I just watched the final cut of Fear of Lonesome with Jessie… Enjoy this picture of me currently bawling my eyes out at the ending
You: *image attached*
Steve: Sorry for making you cry?
You: It was worth it, honestly
Steve: You’re coming to the cast and crew screening next week right?
You: Of course. I will happily cry at this movie again :)
You: It’s kinda really fucked up how good of an actor you are 
Steve: Thank you? At least I think that’s a compliment
You: It is<3
You: Anyway I’ll see you next week then
You: The first time in a really really long time. Holy shit 
Steve: That feels a little weird to think about. But a good kind of weird
You: Yeah definitely the good kind 
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
It was a moment that was ten months in the making. 
Ten months of texts, voicemails, and sporadic phone calls. Ten months of being so far apart from one another, but doing so much to make it feel like you weren’t. 
It was all leading here— seeing Steve in person at the small theater in West Hollywood that had been rented out for the night’s occasion. And when you saw him, talking to random members of the cast and crew, it didn’t exactly feel real, which made you not say anything. 
Until he saw you and your eyes met and small smiles were quickly shared. You gave him a small nod before you got pulled into a conversation with someone.
He looked a little different, hair grown out a bit more and there was something minorly different about his stance, but overall he was still your Steve. Well, not technically yours, but close enough. You then wondered if he thought you looked any different. You personally felt a bit different, in a good way; like you’d become better over the past ten months, and in some ways, more of yourself. 
It was almost amusing how, most of the time, the time seemed to move slowly over the past ten months, but now it was suddenly moving so much faster. 
Everyone left the lobby area and started making their way inside the room that the screening would be happening in since it was scheduled to start in five minutes, but you and Steve lingered back, walking toward each other until there were only a few beats of space between you two. 
You smiled at him again. “Hi.”
“Hi.” He stepped forward to close the rest of the distance between you and pull you in for a hug, but you stepped back. 
“Oh, I don’t know if I’m allowed to hug you. Y’know given that you’re an engaged man and all.” You tried to be completely serious with your words but it was hard not to laugh at least a little bit.
According to many celebrity news outlets, Steve and his female costar of the limited series he’d been filming in Vancouver for the past five months were dating. It was a rumor that started about two months into filming, and there had been no confirmations about the said relationship but there were also no hard denials, so the speculations continued. And then there were even a handful of news outlets that went quite insane with their headlines and said that the two were secretly engaged. You both had laughed about it then when you sent that article to him, because the rumors were hilariously ridiculous, and you couldn’t not joke about it now. 
“Ha ha,” He said, voice deadpan. “I didn’t even get to tell you, but Tom suggested that me and Lily actually start fake dating because, in addition to all of this giving so much more press to the show, it could also help me. If I’m dating someone it will fully “kill off the asshole image.” I immediately vetoed that idea, though.”
Although the asshole narrative that surrounded Steve still existed— not as prominent as it once was but it still lingered whenever his name was brought up by the media— it was hard to see him like that anymore.  
You let out a laugh. “Of course Tom would suggest that.” 
“Yeah, he’s…” Steve trailed off with a quick shake of his head. “Anyway, c’mere.”
You walked into his open arms that time, pushing up on your toes to circle your arms around his neck as his wrapped around your waist. Your eyes fell shut as he held you tight and it was then that the time felt like it started to move slow again. 
“I have something for you,” You told him after a moment, words getting somewhat lost in his neck but he was still able to hear you. “A little gift. It’s in my car, I’ll give it to you after.” 
“I also have something for you,” Steve whispered, and you opened your eyes at that.
You pulled back from the hug, still smiling at him. “Great minds, hm?”
He nodded and matched your smile with one of his own. Seeing him right then still didn’t entirely feel real just yet, so you went quiet once again and the two of you simply looked at each other. 
During the past ten months you and him had talked pretty much all of the time, but there was something different about this moment. Feelings that you thought you had successfully pushed far away rushed right back to the surface. 
“We should head inside,” He said, breaking the silence and pulling you out of your thoughts, which you were grateful for because you really didn’t want to think right then, especially not about that.
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
You were the one that suggested Steve come back to your place and the small gift exchange happen there. 
The screening felt as if it ended too soon and the inevitability of the night itself ending started to hang in the air. However, you couldn’t allow that to happen; you wanted this night to last as long as it could. 
Steve agreed with your suggestion and thirty minutes after various goodbyes were said, the two of you were sitting on your couch as a frozen pizza that you’d just bought yesterday cooked in the oven because both of you were hungry. 
You were already wearing the navy blue oversized crewneck he got you that had “Vancouver” embroidered in white across the front of it. It was comfortable and perfect, and a simple gift but also the best thing you’d received in a while. 
“I hope you like this,” You said as you handed him the gift you’d gotten for him; a cream colored mug with the logo of a coffee shop in brown lettering on the side. “I know you said that you were okay with not getting a mug from that coffee shop in London, but I just really wanted to get you this one.”
Steve looked at the mug for a second and then at you, a smile on his face. “Thanks.”
“You’re welcome,” You said and your fingers started mindlessly playing with the hem of your crewneck as you continued speaking. “I’ve missed you a lot this past year. I know we talked so often and everything, but being right here, in person, feels really nice.”
“I’ve missed you too,” He said softly before he placed the mug on the coffee table barely a few feet away and then met your eyes again. “There were so many times where I wanted to just drop everything and go see you. Rearrange plans or cancel some stupid press stuff and meet up with you. Even if it would only be for barely a day or whatever. I just always wanted to see you.” 
You wanted to tell him how much you related to his words. You wanted to say how there were a countless amount of times where you had yearned to do the exact same thing. However, you couldn’t find the words to tell Steve any of that, so instead you only looked at him for a bit.
It was almost funny how many times you had become at a loss of words so far that night simply because of him. But it was as if the fact that you were suppressing so much made you unable to say pretty much anything. Because you were scared of where exactly your mind would go if you didn’t immediately shut down some of your thoughts that involved you and Steve, especially now that he was right here instead of thousands of miles away and no longer solely limited to the confines of your phone.  
He was your friend. Best friend. And it had been so much easier to pretend that that was where you and him solely began and ended when you both were so far away from each other— when he wasn’t right in front of you and you weren’t so easily reminded of how close you two used to be in such a different way. 
Those same revived feelings from earlier that night came right back again, and they practically increased tenfold because you found yourself wanting to kiss him so fucking badly. And, of course, there was a part of your mind that immediately told you just how bad of an idea that would be. However, at that moment, you became okay with all logical thinking being pushed out of the window. 
In your mind it felt like you were moving in slow motion, scooting closer to him on the couch and sliding into his lap so that your legs were on either side of him, but in reality it was happening so much quicker. However, you stopped there before you did anything else.
You could see some confusion in his eyes and also something else that you couldn’t fully decipher, maybe he was contemplating things as much as you had been before you decided to take this sort of plunge.  
That look was almost enough to wake you up and remind you of what had been agreed upon all those months ago, but it wasn’t enough to make you pull away from Steve. However, instead of sliding off of his lap or moving things further, you gave the metaphorical ball to him. 
You let silence hang in the air as the two of you simply looked at each other and you gave him the opportunity to push you away. To tell you that there wasn’t any part of him that wanted this to happen. That he was so far past feeling anything like that toward you anymore. That he never even thought about it.
You would’ve been okay with any of those things happening because even though it would’ve hurt, it would actually make things a thousand times easier. 
But, he didn’t do or say any of that. Instead, he closed the last bit of space between you two and slotted his lips against yours. 
It was an immovable and obvious fact that you had missed him so much over the past ten months, but you now realized that you had missed this just as much. A soft kiss that almost immediately turned into something more with one of Steve’s hands coming up to cup your cheek and the other finding your hip to keep you steady. You couldn’t help but moan into his mouth when his tongue ran across your bottom lip making the kiss deeper, and your hands fisted themselves into his t-shirt to bring yourself impossibly closer to him. 
For the time being, you effectively turned your mind off. You deliberately chose not to think about what this exactly meant or what it would come to mean. All you focused on in that moment was how fucking good doing this with Steve felt. 
Your hands found the hem of your crewneck because you suddenly felt way too hot and you pulled away from Steve for a second so that you could slip it over your head, leaving you in just your black tank top and shorts.  
You became so lost in the pure happiness of everything that was happening right then that you couldn’t hear anything except your heart pounding in your ears and the soft sounds Steve was managing to elicit from you due to the way he was squeezing your hips.  
“The oven,” He mumbled against your lips, which slowly snapped you out of the haze you were in. “The oven is beeping.” 
It was then that you heard the incessant noise; almost too loud and clear. 
You abruptly pulled away from Steve and maneuvered off of his lap. “Oh, shit.”  
He followed you into the kitchen as you opened up the oven and used a mitt to grab the circular pan the pizza was on and place it atop the stove. 
“That was, um…” You trailed off not knowing exactly where you wanted to go with your words. 
Steve shook his head. “It’s okay. We don’t have to talk about it.” 
“I don’t regret what just happened,” You blurted out. They were the words that pretty much mimicked what was said after the first time you two ever had sex. But, instead of those words first coming from Steve they were coming from you. “And I don’t really know what that means, and I kinda don’t wanna think about what it means right now. I kinda just don’t wanna think at all right now. Sometimes I feel like I think way too much when it comes to us.”
He was quiet for a second before he nodded at you. “Okay.”
His hands found your hips and you were softly pressed against the side of the kitchen counter. You two shared a look that felt as if it was saying a million things, none of which you particularly wanted to decipher right then. 
Before things could stay silent for too long, before you accidentally let your mind fall down a spiraling rabbit hole, you nodded a bit and mimicked Steve’s previous word. “Okay.”   
His hands came up to cup your face before he leaned in to kiss you again. You didn’t waste a second to push yourself onto the counter and Steve’s lips found your neck, roughly kissing and nipping at the skin. Your hands started playing with the hem of his t-shirt before circling in the loops of his jeans and pulling him flush against you. When you felt his hardness press against your inner thigh, you took in a sharp breath and let out a soft moan. You were completely certain that you would’ve let him pull off your shorts and underwear and do whatever he wanted to do to you against your kitchen counter if you weren’t reminded of something else. 
“The pizza?” You mumbled, a bit unable to form the question coherently because all you could really focus on was the feeling of Steve’s mouth against you. 
He pulled away from your neck and met your eyes. “We can eat it after.”
He didn’t have to specify further for you to know exactly what he meant. You smiled and pressed a quick kiss against his lips. “Yeah, after sounds perfect.” 
It became a blur of movements after those words fell from your lips. His hands found the backs of your thighs and he picked you up— the abruptness of the action made you simultaneously yelp and laugh as your arms came up to circle around his neck. You were carried to your bedroom and softly placed down against the unmade bed. Clothes were quickly shed until there was nothing between you and him. 
No words were said in these rushed moments where hands and mouths roamed almost everywhere on each other's bodies; the brief looks shared and breathy noises coming from both of you were enough. 
It was as if one mind was being shared or a song that only you two knew the words to was playing and both of you were singing along. Your hands were in his hair, softly pulling because the groans he’d let out were probably the hottest thing you’d ever heard. And his middle finger softly teased your clit as he whispered the filthiest things in your ear because he knew just how much that would make you lose it. 
It had been almost a year but neither of you forgot these little things about one another and it almost felt like second nature to be with each other in this way. There wasn’t a hint of nervousness or awkwardness, and maybe that was saying a lot more than you wanted to admit. 
You were positive that if you fully thought about what was happening right then, your mind wouldn’t hesitate to yell at you that this was a bad idea; that it would only make things complicated, and start you both back at square one. 
However, it would also tell you that the times in your life where you felt your happiest and most comfortable mainly consisted of moments with Steve, and that was something that felt as if it would never change. 
Therefore, when he slipped inside you with a low groan that you caught with your mouth and proceeded to make you come faster than you had in such a long time, it was hard to feel anything but completely happy. 
Your legs wrapped around him, coaxing him deeper inside of you and soft “pleases” fell from your lips begging him to come. And after a particularly hard thrust, he let out a loud “Fuck” and came inside of you, and you couldn’t do anything but moan at the feeling of his cum painting your walls. 
The weight of him crushed you in the most comforting way possible, and you tilted your head upward a bit to meet his lips in a soft and lazy kiss. The two of you stayed just like that for a while, coming down from your highs and letting your racing hearts return to normal. Your head fell back against your pillow, eyes closing, but you didn’t feel tired. 
“When those articles about you and Lily dating started coming out, I knew exactly how ridiculous the rumors were because I feel like we have the kind of… friendship where you’d tell me if you were dating someone… But, there was still a small part of me that believed it for a second, and it was actually so hard to not feel a little sad about it.” Your words came out quiet, and you actually had no idea why you had just said all of that— perhaps that confession did not make for the best post-sex pillow talk conversation. But, for some reason, you wanted to say it. 
It was a thought that had weighed on you all those months ago, and you knew that you couldn’t tell that to him then because of what it implied. And you weren’t entirely sure why and what made this moment different from then. 
Steve was quiet for a bit and his face was buried in your neck as he softly spoke. “I don’t really know what to say to that.”
“It’s okay,” You whispered back. “You don’t have to say anything. It was dumb of me to feel that way about it.” 
He rolled off of you and the feel of his warmth against you was something that you missed almost immediately. For a second you thought that maybe you ruined this moment, whatever it was, but then he said something.  
“What are you doing this weekend?” He asked, and you were grateful for the randomness of the subject change. 
You let out a breath that you didn't know you’d been holding and turned on your side to face him. “For once, absolutely nothing. It’ll probably be the last time I actually have nothing to do before the documentary I’m helping out on starts filming in a month, and I have to do some pre-production stuff for it soon.”
Work was honestly the only thing in your life that felt completely certain, so it always felt easy to talk about.
“You should come to New York. I’m going tomorrow, and I'll be there until the premiere here for the movie next week. I have to do some press stuff and have a few meetings. A bunch of boring stuff, but you should come for the weekend,” Steve said, one hand finding your bare hip and softly rubbing the skin. “To make the boring stuff a lot less boring.” 
You couldn’t help but smile at that, and you nodded at him, quickly deciding not to think too heavily about your answer. “Okay.” 
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
It was a little surprising that it wasn’t surprising how easy things fell back into that old place with you and Steve. Back to what sort of resembled the “arrangement” that had started during filming a year ago where you two pretty much acted like you were in a relationship, but neither of you would say the words or wholeheartedly acknowledge that fact. 
There was a lot that you two would eventually have to talk about, but you decided that that would be a bridge that you’d cross once you were hours away from getting on your flight back to California. And it was a flight that kept changing because you didn’t want to leave New York just yet; you didn’t want to leave Steve yet. 
So, your weekend trip extended days upon days until Wednesday came and it was agreed upon that you’d just go back to Los Angeles Friday morning when Steve was heading back there as well because that was the same day as the movie premiere.
You had a little work to do during those first few weekdays you were there, but you found it easy to respond to emails and make the phone calls you needed to from the comfort of Steve’s apartment, which was smaller than his place in LA but of course still massive and had a great view of Central Park. The dining room area became your makeshift “work from home” spot with your laptop at the table at pretty much all times. And while you did that, Steve was off doing press stuff for the movie, or he was in meetings; the things aside from filming that came along with being a famous actor. 
And then when the day would change into the evening and then night, you two were together, doing everything that you both had desperately missed doing. You two still knew each other’s bodies so well, and it was as if that fact was only further and further proven every night. 
It was hard not to be close to each other when for so long, you hadn’t been able to be, and because of that, things became a little different this time around in comparison to what the “arrangement” had been. There were little touches and affections— holding hands while sitting as close as you possibly could on the couch or Steve kissing you goodbye before he’d leave the apartment— that hadn’t happened before because of the lines that had been metaphorically drawn, but they felt pretty blurred now. 
A sort of routine quickly and almost effortlessly formed and it gave you that glimpse into what you and him could be if the circumstances were slightly different. And it was hard not to admit that you completely adored what this “what if” looked like. 
“We need snacks.” Your words were random and abrupt and Steve only looked at you amusingly. 
It was Wednesday night, days before things would inevitably change, and you weren’t completely sure what they’d change into— if they’d go back to the normal you had created with Steve where the two of you were friends and nothing more, or if things changed into something else entirely. You still completely avoided thinking about it all, and it was pretty damn nice living in this fantasy world. 
The two of you were on the couch in his living room. Your legs were draped over his lap and a blanket covered you both.
One of Steve’s hands was absentmindedly rubbing your leg beneath the blanket as he spoke. “There’s some stuff in the pantry.” 
“If we’re about to spend the entire night watching The Hunger Games movies we need more than just the chips to keep us alive.” 
His eyebrows furrowed at your words. “Am I underestimating how long these movies are?”
“You definitely are,” You said with a small laugh and pressed a quick kiss against his lips. You then pulled off the blanket that had been draped over the both of you and stood up from the couch. “I’ll go to the convenience store down the street.” 
Steve got up as well. “I’ll come too.” 
You quickly shook your head. “No way. It’s kinda insane how the paparazzi seem way more ruthless here. I think they’re always camping outside the building.” 
Over the past few days, you had come to the conclusion that it was lucky that Steve lived in an apartment building because whenever you would leave and come back, no one could ever know that you were there for him. And you knew just how big of a field day they would have if they did know, especially because of the dating rumors that were still circling about him and Lily.
“Yeah, way too many famous people live here,” Steve said as he followed you into his bedroom.
Your small suitcase, that had only been meant for a weekend trip and was packed as such, was a haphazard mess in the corner. You slipped off the shorts you were wearing and pulled on a black pair of leggings.  
“And yet, I’ve still not run into Paul Rudd on the elevator since I’ve been here,” You jokingly said and expected Steve to laugh, but instead he bypassed your statement.  
“Wait, it’s raining. You sure you’re gonna be okay out there?” 
You smiled at his slightly concerned face. “Okay, I know I’ve been living in LA for a long time now, but don’t worry I have in fact experienced rain before.” 
Steve shook his head at you but still couldn’t help but laugh a little at your words. “Hold on.” 
He almost immediately walked away, heading into his closet, before you could ask him what he was doing, and then returned moments later with a hoodie and umbrella. 
“I was already planning to steal a hoodie, but thanks for the umbrella,” You told him with a smile as you put on the plain black hoodie. “What kind of candy do you want me to get?”
“Solid answer,” You responded with a nod. 
The two of you headed toward the front door and you put on your shoes that were next to it. Once you were done, Steve handed you the umbrella. He then pulled the hood of the hoodie over your head and then leaned in to press a kiss on your nose. “Don’t meet Paul Rudd on the elevator.”
You laughed a bit. “I’m sorry, but I really, really hope I do.” 
You didn’t meet Paul Rudd on the elevator, and you told Steve that with an over dramatic sad sigh when you came back from the store twenty minutes later, a bag full of junk food in hand, before you both settled back on the couch.
The two of you were only able to fully watch the first two Hunger Games movies before falling asleep an hour into the third one, around two in the morning. You half-woke up when the credits were rolling and then lightly poked Steve awake so that you two could go to his actual bed for the rest of the night.
“This is how it would be, y’know,” Steve said in the morning, words slightly getting lost in your hair.
The two of you were cuddled in his bed, your back pressed against his front and one of his arms draped over your waist. You had just finished having a half-awake discussion about what to do for breakfast before he said that he had to leave soon for the final day of press interviews for the movie, but he told you about a bagel place nearby that you’d probably like. And then the conversation shifted to a pinky promise agreement that you and him would finish the final two Hunger Games movies that night. 
Things became quiet after that, with both of you savoring the last few minutes you could spend in bed, and you found his hand, intertwining it with yours and pulling it up to kiss the back of it. 
You almost shifted around to face Steve after he abruptly said his previous words, but you felt too comfortable in your current position to do so. “How what would be?”
“You and me if we decided to be something real.”
 “Steve,” You said softly and then decided to shift around so that you were looking at him. His hair was a little disheveled and he looked pretty tired, but he also looked so cute. If he hadn’t just abruptly pushed open the door to the conversation that you knew needed to happen, you were certain that you would’ve kissed him right then. 
“I’m just saying...” He said as his shoulders upturned in a small shrug. “Also, I’m slightly kidding. This week has been really good, and I’m glad we got to have it, but I know things will go back to… normal soon. And that’s okay.” 
Hearing him say that— confirming that things would just go back to how they were, a friendship where you both seemed to just lie about what you really wanted and how you felt— made you get hit with the sudden realization that you hated the thought of going back to that.
However, for some reason, you couldn’t find the words to tell him that right then, so instead you nodded at what he had just said and plastered on a fake smile. You made your voice sound as light as possible. “Yeah.” 
He left the apartment forty-minutes later and you left it twenty minutes after that, deciding to go to the bagel place he suggested because you were hungry and also because you didn’t want to be alone in his apartment with only your confusing and contradicting thoughts to keep you company. 
However, somehow as you walked aimlessly around Central Park— your bag with your plain cream cheese bagel in one hand and iced coffee in the other— that was when it felt like the dam broke, and your mind started spiraling because it finally felt impossible to keep avoiding and pushing your thoughts away. You were finally facing the bridge that you had told yourself you’d eventually have to cross, and in your head, you could see that the end of it was leading in two completely different directions. And you knew the exact direction you wanted to go in. 
Your friendship with Steve was supposed to be more than enough. That was what you had told yourself that night at the wrap party to convince yourself that you were completely okay with only having a friendship with him. 
But now, after these past five days of getting that glimpse into what something more could look like, you knew that just being friends really wasn’t enough, and it never would be. And although a part of you still felt a little scared to risk it all, there was an even bigger part of you that didn’t want to give this up anymore. 
You couldn’t give up how completely and irrevocably happy Steve made you in more ways than just friendship. It was a mixture of the butterflies you’d get in your stomach whenever he would pull you close to him to press a soft kiss against your forehead or cheek and the wide smile you’d get on your face when he’d come back to the apartment after being gone for hours. It was also how he would look at you so adoringly when you would ramble about work stuff and how he could easily manage to convince you to stay in bed for “five more minutes;” five minutes that would always turn into at least ten but you never cared. 
Steve Harrington made you the happiest you’d ever been and you suddenly became tired of continuously avoiding that fact.  
It was a series of quick but definitely long overdue actions that happened next. 
You found yourself sitting on a park bench with the thought of eating your bagel or drinking more of your coffee long forgotten for the time being, and instead they simply sat next to you, because there was something else you needed to do at that moment. You pulled out your phone and went to Steve’s contact, pressing the call button before you could think twice about it. 
It went straight to voicemail, just like you knew it would because he always kept it off during interviews, so you waited for the way too familiar “beep” sound and then started speaking. 
“Hi,” Your voice came out softer than you expected it to, so you cleared your throat. “I knew that you weren’t gonna answer, and I’m kinda glad that you didn’t because I just want to get all of this out all at once. So, stay tuned for a very long-winded ramble from me.” You let out a small laugh. “Um, anyway, these past five days that I’ve been here in New York with you have been so good, like insanely good, and I’ve been avoiding thinking about what would happen after this and what would exactly change between us. And I was completely okay with not thinking about any of that because it made it easier to just live in the moment and be happy with what we’ve been doing. But then this morning, you said that it’s okay that things will go back to normal soon and that finally made me think about everything, and I realized that I don’t want us to go back to “normal.” I actually kind of hate the thought of doing so.” 
You stopped for a moment, gaze becoming fixated on a group of friends that had blankets spread out in the grass and were having a picnic not that far away from you, and then you looked at a couple that was walking down one of the paths holding hands. 
After taking a quick breath, you kept going. “You’re so important to me, and our friendship is so important to me too… But I love you. I’m in love with you. And because of that, I can’t just be your friend. I want more, I want us to be something real; and that’s pretty much exactly what you said that night at my apartment almost a year ago. I’m so sorry that it’s taken me this long to realize just how fucking great we are together.”  
Your hand that wasn’t holding your phone to your ear began absentmindedly playing with the hem of the sweatshirt you were wearing; it was the Vancouver crewneck he got for you.
“I want us to have days like this past week forever. And I know that this week has kind of been a fluke because, for the first time in a really long time, our schedules worked out pretty well. But we can make this work. I know we can. I was an idiot to say that we don’t make sense before because we do. Yes, our lives pull us in pretty different directions most of the time, and it sucks, but it's okay because it doesn’t change how I feel about you, and it never will. And I think that's the most important thing. It's why I know we, us, can actually work.”  
You leaned back against the wooden bench and let out a breath. “Okay, wow, I’m so surprised that I haven’t been cut off yet… I’m currently sitting on a park bench in Central Park, and I got a bagel and coffee from the place you mentioned. I haven’t tried the bagel yet, but the coffee’s pretty good…” You trailed off with a shake of your head and then laughed a bit. “I have no idea why I’m telling you that right now. Um, anyway, I’m gonna stop talking now, and I’ll see you back at the apartment later. Bye.” 
When you ended the call and pocketed your phone away, you felt an immediate weight lift off of your shoulders and you let out a contented sigh that turned into a small laugh. 
You waited for a second, though, waited for something that resembled dread or regret to suddenly hit you, but it never did. And that was what let you know that what you’d just done was fully the right thing to do. 
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
Hours later, you still felt nothing but complete contentment with what you had done, leaving the minute and a half long voicemail that would, in fact, change everything. You wanted it to change everything. 
After responding to a handful of work emails and then enduring an hour-long phone call with one of the Producer’s of the soon-to-be filming documentary, you were in the kitchen searching for some sort of a snack to eat. However, hearing the sound of the front door opening halted your rummaging. 
“Hi,” You said, watching Steve enter the apartment and then close and lock the door behind him. 
He met your eyes almost immediately. “I really loved that voicemail.”
You smiled at him, at how quickly he wanted to address the elephant in the room before it really even had a chance to enter. “Yeah?”
He didn’t hesitate to nod his head and he smiled back at you. “Yeah. I’m never deleting it.”
He looked so happy as he walked over to you where you were leaning against the kitchen island, and that look made your heart constrict in your chest. 
“I love you,” It didn’t feel the tiniest bit scary to say the words right to him, they just felt so honest and undeniable. Your voice was soft and your arms came up to wrap around his neck, hands immediately finding home in the hair at the nape. 
“Mm,” His eyes slipped shut as his arms circled around you, pulling you against him.  “Say it again.” 
Your mouth was right against his ear as you spoke. “I love you.” 
He hummed again and then pulled back a bit, his nose brushed against yours and his lips did the same. It was all so teasing, like he wanted to take his absolute time with kissing you. However, now it didn’t have to be slow or drawn out because none of this was going to abruptly end; there was no expiration date apart of this like the arrangement you had a year ago. 
“I love you too,” He said before finally slotting his lips against yours.  
There was so much expressed in the soft kiss. It completely felt like the beginning of something new, something better, rather than simply a continuation of what you two had. The kiss was so certain and sure and it only further confirmed to you that everything happening was right and good and perfect. This was what you had wanted from the moment the two of you made that pinky promise during the wrap party; the one where you both said that you wouldn’t let your friendship end. Technically, it wasn’t being broken. 
You pulled away when you started feeling lightheaded and you met Steve’s gaze as you allowed yourself to breathe for a bit. You were quiet for only a second. 
“This will work,” You whispered. 
Steve nodded and then pressed a kiss to your forehead. “Yeah, it will.” 
The three simple words comforted you, they wrapped around you like a warm blanket, and you savored the feel of them. For the first time, probably ever, your overthinking mind felt sated; it couldn’t find anything wrong about this moment. You finally felt like you could breathe so goddamn easy because there was nothing to truly worry about, and you found yourself wanting to cry at that feeling, but you didn’t. Instead, you kissed Steve’s cheek and then his other one, and then his nose and forehead. 
“This is random, but I’m really, really glad that I was forced to be your assistant.” 
Steve laughed a bit at that. “Sometimes it doesn’t even really feel like that's where we started.” His hands found yours, intertwining them and giving them a light squeeze. “But, I’m so fucking glad that it was you.” 
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
author’s note: i'm gonna miss these two<333 i hope yall enjoyed this series! its been a rollercoaster fr (a good one for the most part though lol) i might do lil blurbs for these two someday because i'm way too attached to them and i have some minor ideas of some things i'd wanna do involving them.... but that probably won't happen for a while because after somehow being able to put out chapters weekly for this i do in fact need a Break lmao but anyway thank you for reading and enjoying this series🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾
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igotanidea · 1 year
Quiet: Dick Grayson x fem!reader
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Stubborn like a mule, Dick would never admit he fell for a teammate. Of course everybody knows and with the amount of teasing it won't take much to push him over the edge.
Inspired by Charlie Puth;s song Charlie be quiet.
Warning: it's long :D (20.971 words!) - that part was not planned :D
Seven years ago
„Stop staring.”
„You heard me. Stop ogling her.”
“I am not….”
“Dick.” Donna’s voice was as stern as it possibly could. Despite her best effort she was slowly losing patience with Robin’s childish play of cat and mouse. Everyone, literally everyone, team or not could say he was head over heels in love with his teammate, Y/N Y/L/N, who also happened to posses the power of blue lantern. She was the third one to join the Titans, after the corps decided that the girl, born human, had to be near Earth’s green lantern to get access to her full power. Hal, who was supposed to be her mentor trained her well for a couple of years and despite their differences they become friends. So when the green one left her at the tower, arguing that she needed friends at the same age and with similar capabilities and assuring that she could always reach him if need arises, her heart broke a little. At first she was withdrawn, intimidating and hard to understand but soon her other, lighter side emerged. One thing everyone noticed about the girl was that everytime she was indulged in things that gave her sense of fulfillment the lantern’s blue light surrounded her, making her look ethereal and beautiful. Perhaps that was the thing that quickly caught Dick’s attention. Despite their initial fights and a lot of misunderstandings and communications problem they worked through it. Of course, only for the sake of the team, nothing else. Both Dick and Y/N were individuals who hated being told what, how and when to do, but also knew when to step down. She was the one to make him stop, think and analyze the situation before acting, he helped her in developing her intuition. In no time, he found himself falling for that introverted analyst who always, always had  a plan and was way too much in her own head.
“She’s gonna figure it out. Is that what you want?” Wondergirl mocked, knowing well enough that for the last couple of years Dick was doing everything in his power to keep this infatuation a secret. In his own words, it was not wise to get into relationship with someone who could be called into space at every second. And definitely stupid to love a teammate, which may cause a distraction and damage while fighting. He just kept coming with so many dumb excuses to adore her from the distance. At this point he didn’t even bother to answer Donna’s question since it was obvious Y/N realization of the situation would be the end of him. So he kept it quiet. Y/N was that kind of person who preferred to keep the emotions at bay as well, never giving him any sign she was interested in forming a relationship, more often than not pushing people away when she was scared and worried and stressed and vulnerable. Not really talking about it but separating to gather back her strength and balance. Well, she was the blue lantern, who got power from hope, so what else could you expect.
“Did you guys want something?” said blue one turned around towards her friends “you’ve been standing there for like a quarter now and it’s getting suspicious” she mocked
“it’s fine. We were just trash-talking you” Donna smirked
“Oh thank god, I was getting worried you were saying some good stuff about me. Such a relief” she fake-brushed her forehead. “Anyway, is anyone up for some sparring? I need to keep my spark up.”
“I thought you were  supposed to recharge? I mean… meet with Hal?” Dick frowned and a shadow of disappointment crossed the girl’s face as she shook her head.
“He was called on Oa. Apparently some threat appeared in the north side of the galaxy and Green Corp needs his immediate help. Nothing new, so yeah, I’m gonna go workout. Want to join me, Grayson.”
“Nope.” He felt his heartbeat fasten. Shit, it was getting harder and harder to be around her.
“ Ok. Donna?”
“Sure. I’m game. You can never count on the boys, right.”
“Hear, hear, sister.”
Just as Donna and Y/N left, heading towards the training room, Hank appeared on the other side.
“You did it again, didn’t you?” he let out a laugh “I would love to see you breaking one day.”
“Not a chance.”
Four years ago
“You’ve got to be kidding me” Y/N eyes went wide the second she entered the lab at the precinct. “it’s all for me?” it took a lot of strength not to jump out in joy. When, after the Jericho incident, the Titans fell apart and everyone went their own ways, she put all her intellectual efforts into science, biology and chemistry, taking first steps on a path to become a Forensic Scientist. With her stubbornness, passion and insight she soon got to be the best in the field. Last year was spend on working with the best detectives and investigators (including detective Chloe Decker from LAPD), getting hell of a knowledge and experience. And now, she moved to new city and easily scored a job at the best precinct in the whole country.
“Yep. All yours. Take your time and when you are ready, come meet the team. It’s quite big if you ask me, may be a bit overwhelming, so at first you’ll only meet with the best of the best. Those will be your regulars.”
“Good. I’m not exactly good with people.”
Half an hour later, the girl finally left the lab equipment, the books and agents and came down to the main office of detectives. With every step the feeling of something strangely familiar of this place was consuming her more and more and that hope of good things to come made her hand glow blue. A single raise of an eyebrow of one the officers was enough to snuff it.
“Y/N! Oh, you decided to grace us with your presence.” Her boss was talking to some man, whose back was turned to her so she did not see his face. “good timing. I would like to present to you our top investigator. Meet detective Richard Grayson.”
“Wha.. what?” she stuttered a little bit, pure shock reflecting in her eyes as the man turned around his expression being a mirror reflection of hers. “Dick?”
“Y/N?” he hadn’t seen her for two freaking years. Hell, he did not contact her in any way, despite a bit of stalking to make sure she was doing fine. And after all this time his heart skipped a beat at the sight of the girl he was still in love with. Time did nothing. And she was going to work with him, again.
“Hi.” She tilted her head and smiled lightly as the first surprise passed
“You know each other?” the captain caught up on the scene happening in front of his eyes
“From the previous life.” Dick said without looking away from her. It was real, she was real and here. He got her back.
“Should I be worried then? Will your past cause any problems in professional relationship?”
“No, sir. Not at all.”
Dick Grayson was always a good liar.
She wasn’t even doing anything, just sitting at the desk, covered with document and samples collected from the crime scene. Her eyes were a bit puffy and red,  clear sign she did not sleep much in the last days, her thick h/c hair a perfect mess. Lack of makeup and lab’s soft light mixed with her blue aura made her look young, fragile and innocent. All those adjectives far from truth given her secret identity.
“Hey Dick.” She smiled softly, yawning and stretching “I’m so glad you’re here.”
“You are?” that was surprising. Maybe she did change during the last time he saw her. There was something more gentle in her action.
“Mhm.” She rubbed her eyes in child-like manner “I need to stand from behind this desk like now. I’m way too sore. I’m going to grab some coffee. Would you mind staying here and watching the documents? Can’t risk anyone getting the confidential information about the investigation. And since it’s yours….”
“Sure.” His heart dropped a little but he did not let it show.
“Thank you.” She hopped down from the chair and suddenly lost her balance. Dick’s instincts kicked in and he was quick to catch and hold her before she fell to the ground. For the first time since the Titans she was so close to him, yet not close enough. He wanted to embrace her fully, stroke her hair, feel her heartbeat next to his, feel her. Sad thing he couldn’t.
“When was the last time you slept?” he asked instead, unwillingly letting go.
“Not sure. I took a nap yesterday, but…”
“What?” she scoffed “to much to do. You know…. the other job…. And it’s not like you are not running around the streets dressed in red and green.”
“Yeah, of course I know. I observe. And did you really think I bought that story about your injuries being the effect of the latest work action? Please, I know you better than that.”
“And I know you. How’s your light doing? Hope still up?”
“Never dying. But I’m not going to lie. Given the condition of the world last two years was a rough ride. I was even summoned by the Blues.”
“You were in space, huh? Why?”
“They thought I was getting weak. Wondered if I deserve the power of the lantern. But you know, the ring know what it does. I was just cut from using it for a bit. Last week of my suspension and then I’m back at my full capabilities.”
“I’m sorry about it.” He took a step closer and grabbed her hand. She didn’t even flinch when he started caressing her palm. It was nice and comforting and moving something inside her.
“It’s fine. We learn from mistakes, right? At least some of us” she shoved him playfully killing the atmosphere in effect.
“Sit down, Y/N. I’ll fetch you coffee and then we’ll talk about my case.”
“Ok, thanks. I want…..”
“Black, no sugar. I remember.”
“I’m sorry I dragged you into this” Dick and Y/N were standing at the crime scene. Or rather a battlefield scene. Blood and dead bodies were everywhere reminding of horror movies, especially those where the chainsaw was used.
“I’m not an amateur, Dick and this is not my first rodeo so stop it. I’ve seen worse. In both lifes.”
“Right. Sorry.”
“It’s ok. That little protectiveness of ours is touching. And gives me a reason to mock you freely.”
“Don’t you dare” he hissed grabbing her by the waist “I can always go full Robin on you” he whispered his face centimeters from her, unwillingly leaning in, forgetting where he was, who he was and what he was doing.
“Well than, I’ll go full blue lantern on you” she smirked and wriggled from his arms “but now, I have work to do. Genetic material, my favorite kind”.
As Y/N came closer to the one of the bodies Dick was completely consumed by his own thoughts. He loved her even more now and it was getting impossible to hide it.
Two years ago
Two years of working together did not bring him any closer to confessing his feelings. Even when after night patrol he showed at her apartment to get patched up and stayed the night watching her sleep on the other side of the same bed, unable to even close an eye. Her obliviousness was no help, since she was always calling him a friend, a coworker, a team member, even a mate. It was killing him. 
“Why aren’t you sleeping?” she muttered shifting her position  a bit. She knew he was awake and there was no point denying “how are your injuries?” she reached towards his arm covered with fresh cuts almost touching it, but stopping a few millimeters away from the skin. Luckily for him, since he knew her single touch would make him burn. He wanted to kiss her, to do more – to make her feel good, to make her his and only his…….. Dirty thought and images was now creeping in his mind “Dick?” she frowned “you are distracted, officer”. That last word and her body so close made him jump out of the bed immediately, terrified his self-control was failing him.
“I’m fine. I’m gonna get some water. Go back to sleep, you need to rest.”
“No buts. Sleep. I’m taking the couch.”
He did not get any rest that night. Crazy dreams that could never happen were enough to keep him up.
She got hurt. Because of him. Because of his recklessness and distraction. He shouldn’t have left her alone. Y/N was just doing her job, securing the evidences. Every other detective was in the other room of the house when shooters came through the door, firing their guns in every possible direction. Before anyone could react three policemen where bleeding, and one was dead.
“Shit! Y/N!” Dick hissed and rushed to the place where she was hoping nothing happened. He managed to disarm three of the attackers on the way, but judging from the sound she was dealing with the fourth, doing pretty good job. Even if blue lanterns were never considered the fighters, she was an exception, years in Titans and Hal’s upraise giving her exceptional skills in hand-to-hand fight, blue constructs adding to that. She was spinning, ducking and sliding, creating blue daggers and blades, going for the win when she saw him. A second of hesitation was enough for the opponent and she ended up with a knife in her stomach and  blood flowing everywhere. The last thing she felt was a pair of strong arms embracing her and lifting her up, holding close to wide chest whispering the most cliché words – it’s gonna be ok.
And now she was on the ICU, looking small and pale in hospital bed with Dick sitting on the uncomfortable chair holding her cold hands.
“Detective Grayson?” doctor’s voice made him stand up immediately “she’s going to be fine. No serious damage was done, luckily the blade missed the organs by an inch. And this girl, she’s strong, a fighter.”
“You have no idea, doctor. Thank you.”
“Just doing my job.” The MD shrugged but smiled happily “you got couple minutes left, and then she’ll need rest.”
“Ok.” When the doctor disappeared he leaned over girl’s sleeping figure and lovingly kissed her forehead “I’ll take care of you.”
Year ago.
 “I need your help.”
“My help of Blue’s help?” she asked “wait, don’t answer. I know what it will be.”
“Of course you do.” she could tell he rolled her eyes on the other side of the phone line.
“So? what’s the case? Go on. I got work.”
“There’s this girl. Her name is Rachel…..”
“Wait, are you talking about the teenager that run away from the house? The one, whose mother was shot straight in the head?” Y/N voice came up an octave.
“Yes. Wait, how do you…..?”
“So it happens I’m at the crime scene, detective.”
“Right.” Of course, he should have known she would be called there right away. And he did not like the fact that he wasn’t there with her to keep her safe. He didn’t trust anyone else with that.
“Relax, Dick. Everyone’s safe and I know how to protect myself. I can’t understand why do I have to assure you of it every time you are not around. I thought you knew my killer skills.”
“I know, but remember what happened last time?”
“It was a year ago, you fool! And it was your fault.” He went quiet for a bit too long “Dick? Are you still there?”
“I didn’t mean to make you feel guilty.”
“I know.”
“But you’re sulking. We’ve been through this. All is forgiven and forgotten. Now, what about this Rachel girl?”
“She’s like you. She has powers. And she’s terrified.”
“she just lost her mother, no surprise with that.”
“Not only about that. There’s something dark about her. Can you come?”
“Give me an hour.”
“Hey, you must be Rachel? I’m  a friend of Dick.”
“Where is he?” the girl truly was terrified
“Dealing with paperwork. He asked me to watch over you.”
“I don’t think it’s safe to be around me.”
“I can handle myself. Now, since I work on the case of …. Nevermind. Can you tell me what happened?” Y/N held Rachel’s hand trying to reach for the hope inside the girl.
“I…. I……”
“I won’t push you. But I know Dick promised to help you and I’m going to make sure he keeps that promise, all right?”
“Ok. I need help…..”
“What exactly is the case of Dick and Y/N?”  Gar could not hold back the question
“Are you asking me?” Donna raised an eyebrow at the green haired boy.
“Well you are the only one here who knows about their past.”
“Yeah, everyone can tell he’s in love with her.” Rachel added “so why does she keep pushing his limits?”
“Well it’s not my story to tell” Donna scoffed “if you want to know anything you may as well go the subject of this discussion and …..”
“So you are now talking shit about me behind my back?” Y/N leaned on the doorframe and crossed he arms “come on, I;m a big girl I can handle anything. Donna?”
“Nope. I’m out. You can talk to the kids, they seem very interested about your past.”
“Really? Why? Rachel? Gar?”
“Y/N, I love you, but I need to speak with Dick. Gar can explain. Right, Gar?” she eyed him suggestively.
“What?” he frowned but soon the realization dawned on him “oh, yeah, right, sure. I’ll explain.” Rachel and Donna nodded and left leaving Y/N with the boy.
“So, what’s up shifter?”
“Why don’t you love Dick back?” Gar blurted before realizing his words
“What?” she was taken aback “what are you talking about?”
“Nothing.” He tried to escape but she was quick to pin him back to the chair
“Oh, no, no, no, no. You are not running away from me. Talk. Now.”
“Don’t shoot the messenger.” Gar raised both his hands in surrender “but how can you be so oblivious? Everyone knows he loves you and you miss all the signs!”
“that’s absurd! He’s just a friend. Which is a progress, since we were more like enemies at the beginning. And who’s everyone? And since when you are so gossiping?”
“Donna. Rachel. Kori. Me. Everyone! From what I can tell even Hank and Dawn get the message. And I’m not gossiping.” He sighed “Look Y/N, you are my best friend, you know it, right?” the girl nodded “and that’s why I care about your happiness.”
“No, no buts. You are making two people unhappy. Three if you count me. Do you love him?”
“Do you?” he studied her face carefully, his tone now gentle. They only knew each other for a while but he already knew talking about and expressing emotions was not her stronger suit.
“I do….” She whispered looking down.
“Well I can assure you he loves you to. Why do you think Rachel went to talk to him?”
“You two are unbelievable.”
“And that’s why you love us” he grinned “now go talk to him.”
“Dick? Can we…. Can we talk?”
“I’m actually a bit busy.” He was tensed so his conversation with Rachel must have been emotional
“Come on, Dickie, I bet you have five minutes for me.” She came closer and put an hand on his arm from behind gently stroking his shoulder. Out of instinct he leaned more into her touch wanting more. “So, Gar talked to me.”
“About what?” he turned around making her hand drop and immediately missing the contact.
“You. And well.. um.. me being blind.”
“How so?”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Tell you what?”
“You know what!”
“Well maybe I’m tired of guessing!”
“Putting the pieces of information together is your job! So quit playing!”
Instead of soft conversation they were now yelling at each other. Not how it supposed to go.
“I hate you! All those years I held it back but I hate you!”
“Really?” She mocked “what do you hate about me the most?” she started circling him like a predator
“don’t do this.” He warned, his eyes glistening
“my blue light?” she took a step letting some of the aura out “or maybe my hands?” she brushed her fingertips on his arm causing him to close his eyes
“You’re walking down a dangerous path….”
“Sure, what’s new. Oh,I know” she faked surprise “I know what you hate about me the most.” She leaned close to him “I bet it’s my lips, right?”
He didn’t answer as he could not hold back anymore and closed the distance between them crashing his lips on hers. She was right. He hated those soft pink, plump and kissable lips he was dreaming about for so long. He hated her aura, full of hope. He hated her hands that patched him up so many times and that brought him comfort and sense of safety everytime she touched him. He hated what she was doing to him, how she was messing with his head, how vulnerable she was making him, he hated…..
“I love you” he whispered pulling away, letting his arms sneak around her waist, holding her tight, not wanting to let go. “I loved you since the day you showed at the tower. I wanted you for so long.”
“Why did you hold it back? I really thought we were just friends. You were withdrawing every time I tried to…."
“Stop talking.” He pressed their lips together again, drunk on the feeling of her, craving her, tightening the embrace trying to get her closer than it was physically possible.
“Ouch, not that I’m complaining, but Dick that hurts. You’re strong, remember?” she whined as he started to crush her.
“Sorry. But I love you so fucking much. Feels good to say it.”
“Why don’t you let me try then?” she smirked locking hands on his neck and looking him straight into the eyes “Richard Grayson, I love you too. But you are an idiot! Why the hell didn’t you tell me?!”
“I was scared you would run away. You always displaced the emotions, so….”
“Dick, you dumbass. I am a lantern, I thrive on emotions, I just can’t let it consume me. Don’t want to turn into the red lantern, or worse – a black one. Do you know the latter drive on death?”
“Is that possible? For you to change color?"
“Don’t know, but I can’t risk it.”
“Well, I’ll make sure to provide you with hope if that’s what you need. Hope for us, for starters.”
“Ok, Mr. Grayson, so why don’t you kiss me again?”
“Gladly.” He would never get tired of holding, touching and having her. He was dead set on making up for the lost seven years.  
@somest1 @pinksirensong
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jongbross · 11 months
dating kim jongin would include...
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pairing: kim jongin x reader
word count: 1.1k
genre: fluffyyyy
warnings: -
a/n: i had to repost it, i’m so sorry 😭
pouts a lot
you can’t give him attention right now? he gets it, but he will pout
you give him just a little peck, but he wants more? look at him again, he will be pouting
he’s feeling quite left out or you did something little that disappointed him? boom, the biggest pout ever
jongin doesn’t like to fight, but he’s stubborn so don’t expect him to back down easily
he won’t scream though, he doesn’t believe in screaming
and if you ever start screaming at him during an argument, just know that he will get dead silent and give you the cold shoulder
any problem between the two of you should be handled with maturity, jongin believes
so he’s ready to forgive you and talk to you like proper adults once you realize you’re wrong and apologize to him
and of course, he will too apologize if he ever realizes he’s the wrong one on the situation
although it’s going to take a little bit of time because like i said, he’s stubborn
actually his stubbornness is probably what initiate any type of conflict between the two of you, usually
because no one, besides his mom, can talk sense into him when he’s being unreasonable
he’s a bit spoiled, yeah
and jealous, jongin has trouble dealing with his jealousy
like, he doesn’t think you’re gonna cheat on him or that he can’t trust you
he does trust you a lot and hopes you trust him just the same
but he definitely hates when people try their ways with you, or when you get too friendly towards someone new because hey, new is exciting, right?
so what if they’re smarter than jongin, or have a better physique? or worse, what if you laugh more at their jokes than at jongin’s?
oh my god, that person probably has more time to spend with you too than jongin does! they’re so much better, aren't they?
yeah, that’s how jongin thinks
his jealousy comes from the “i love you so much and i can’t stand the idea of you finding someone better because then i would have to let you go even though i don’t want to but i would because you deserve the best even if that ain’t me” side
call him selfish, he doesn’t care
he just loves you so much and wants to stay with you for as long as you allow him
jongin had some relationships in the past, of course, so he knows how things work
but all of said relationships ended, and although some breakups were friendly, he still hates when he remembers how much in love he was and how he felt when it didn’t work
and he doesn’t wanna feel that with you
it’s no secret that jongin wants to get married and have kids because that dude got the baby fever at some point in his life and it ain’t going away
so make your relationship work and make his dream come true beside someone he loves so much and so dearly is one of his biggest priorities
and damn, you got so lucky because jongin really puts some effort into making you happy
he’s naturally romantic, naturally cute and soft when it comes to you
so he cooks for you when you’re tired, he gives you massages whenever you ask him to (and sometimes even when you don’t)
he calls you pet names all day long
he texts you constantly too, sending you good morning/night texts, updating you about his day and sending you photos of cute or funny things he saw
he always try to make sure that you’re okay and that you know he loves you
but on top of that comes his effort
to not let the romance die, so he tries to have dates with you at least twice a month (like having dinner at any restaurant you may want or having a weekend getaway with you)
to make you feel loved, so he listens to you even if it’s about something he doesn’t understand or isn’t interested in
to protect you, so often doesn’t show too much pda but still tries to reassure you that it isn’t because he doesn’t want to, it’s just something bigger, out of his control
jongin likes his privacy too, so he might let his fans know that he is dating but he will never, ever expose you unless you want to
and still, he will think about it because again, he cares a lot about your safety
actually, he cares a lot about you in general, about how you feel
so much so that even he’s sure he wants you forever and always, he will still wait a little bit before taking the next step
he will think about what he’s feeling versus what you may be feeling versus the pros versus the consequences
he thinks a lot tbh
so if you’re a rush person or something just be patient with him, he only wants what is best for both of you
that means don’t think he won’t ask you to move in with him, because he will
it might take some time but he will
same goes for marriage
although you will get suspicious that he might be planning to pop the question because all of sudden jongin wants to watch things on tv related to marriage
and all of a sudden he will say things like “oh, when noona got married…” or “did you know that when chen hyung got married…”
he isn’t too subtle about it, the poor soft dude
but he will still do his best to surprise you with a romantic way to ask your hand in marriage
i mean, he always does his best when it comes to you
it might be on something “silly”, like when he volunteered to brush your hair and he tried to make sure he wasn’t hurting you
or when he chose your outfit for a week because you complained about not having a fashion sense like he does
or on something more serious, like when he messed up and made you cry and realized that he had a flaw he should try to work on so he wouldn’t hurt anyone he loves anymore
or when he managed to complete his schedule faster so he could travel to be with you when a beloved one of yours passed away
that’s just who jongin is
that’s just how jongin treats the ones he loves
going out of his way and trying to be a better version of himself for them
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spiderlandry · 11 months
Spider — ethan landry
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Description: You worry Ethan for a moment, until he realizes it’s not that serious.
Pairing: Spider-Man!Ethan Landry x GN!Reader (no use of y/n)
Warnings: mentions of spiders but no actual description, mentions of kidnapping but no actual kidnapping, ethan is just an overthinker, use of ‘babe’ as pet name like three times, not proofread
Word Count: 688
Author’s Note: this is for all spider haters i hate spiders so bad. yes it’s in my url yes i hate spiders
The events of the past week made Ethan giddy, practically bouncing on his feet every time he was around you. He asked you out last week, and the dating stage had been progressing nicely despite his Spider-Man duties. He no longer had to worry about bothering you whenever he landed on your fire escape bruised and wounded as your best friend, because on your third date (which was interrupted by a giant green lizard—not cool), you told him that no matter what happened, you will always fix him up. It was the closest thing he’d gotten to a declaration of love, even if it was just the third date.
Long story short: It was a great week.
And here he was, cooking both of you dinner with a recipe he practiced the day before as to make sure he wouldn’t fuck it up, and you were getting something from your bedroom when—
A shriek—your shriek—reached his ears.
He dropped the wooden spoon on the floor, unable to think about cleaning the mess up later because what if somehow, some way, one of his enemies found out his identity and tracked him to you? And—oh god—you left your bedroom window open to let in the breeze, what if you were taken?
The door almost broke from its hinges at his entrance, and his eyes fell on your figure in the center of the room. He ran over to you, checking for any injuries, hugging you as close to him as possible because his web-shooters were back in the other room and he was an idiot for not thinking to bring it.
“What—what is it?” He tightened his hold on you while he looked around the room, not seeing any threat but he’d be a liar if the thought of an invisible nemesis didn’t cross his mind. “Are you okay?”
You nuzzled your head into the crook of his neck, letting out a too-quiet mumble, too quiet even for his spider senses to hear.
“You’re gonna have to say it louder, babe. I can’t hear you.” Where the hell did babe come from?
“There’s a spider—and—and it’s gone, and I don’t know where it went and—“
The biggest weight on his chest had just been lifted. “You scared me,” He breathed out, pulling back to see your worried face turn into bewilderment.
“Ethan!” You lightly slapped his chest. “This is serious, what if it crawls on me while I sleep?!”
He laughed, much to your distress. “Babe, it’s just a spider. It can’t do that much damage.”
“I’m scared.” You whispered, and he pulled you back into an embrace.
The rumble of his laughter did make you feel better, though.
“Okay, how about this,” he rubbed your back in comfort. “We’ll eat here, then go back to my place, and you can sleep there. Is that okay? I can take the couch.”
“But there’s gonna be another spider there.” You rebutted.
“What—I’ll make sure—“ He stammered, until he realized. “Oh, you’re real funny.”
You pulled back just a tad to see his grin, mirroring yours. “I can’t believe you forgot.”
“I thought you were in danger.”
“I’m sorry, babe.” You enunciated the ‘babe’ which wasn’t lost on him. “When did we call each other that?”
“I—I didn’t—It just came out, okay?” He shrugged, hands intertwined behind your back. “Do you not want me to?”
“Well,” you pretended to think about it. “Since you’re my spider, I guess it’s okay.”
His heart fluttered at the possessive word, my. He was yours.
“You don’t have to take the couch,” you whispered, inching closer to him.
“I’m not letting you sleep on the couch,” he shook his head.
“That’s not what I meant.”
“Then what—oh,” He gaped like a fish out of water. He searched your eyes for any jokes, to find none. “Oh.”
You hummed, nodding. “Is that okay?”
“More than okay.”
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