#we’re with my partners family so it’s a full house here but she’s been ever since polite so far with monty the in laws dog
treewithabark · 1 month
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Junebug’s on holiday!!
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alloutshirt · 9 months
disclaimer : this is a personal life vent look away
shouldn’t be sharing this but i need to take it off my brain (wow reading it back it really sounds like i lost my mind but unfortunately it’s all true and not all of it fits in 30 tags lmaooo)
#because at this point it’s too funny not to share#keep in mind that all of this happened in the last two months 😭#so my dad wants to introduce us to his new gf who he met barely two weeks ago on holidays and will now move in and look for a job here caus#she’s from romania and wants to stay ?????#i know because my dad asked me to clear my room so she has one which okay i guess#my room that’s currently full cause we had to get the stuff we stored at my grandparents following my parents breakup as they’re themselves#getting a divorce after 60 years together and selling the family home we all grew up in#this happening because my grandma got diagnosed with alzheimer n my grandpa so this as an escape door to talk about her being violent#cause breaking news we all looked up to them as the inspiration for a couple but apparently she’s been abusive their whole life#we also just learned to our last name should be different as my grandpa never knew his dad and too his mothers name#all of this we learned having to question our aunt cause we found out by randomly seeing to house on selling website and our dad just sayin#'sometimes people aren’t in love anymore' like we’re 5 yo#i don’t think my dad ever processed any emotion#taking it back to my dad he wants to introduce us on the 16th which funny thing is the day my mom is getting married to her partner#and im still not sure if my dad knows#marriage that makes me sicker the closer it gets cause the guy is a walking red flag and lately i haven’t seen my mom that much#cause i can’t stand him and how she is when he’s around#which he always. is.#oh and his daughter who hasn’t talked to him in years and truly i get it sis will be here but everyone knows#it’s to ask him for the money he doesn’t have again#so im torn but also i up she makes a fuss and everything gets cancel so i don’t have to talk to my mom about how she’s doing exactly#what she promised to never fall for again after finally ditching my dad#and like at least my mom’s side is out of the equation as there’s probably still a murderer on the loose looking for her sicko sister#who herself threatened my mom several times cause my mom dared calling her out on abandoning her disabled daughter to live#with their parents for twenty years and still now with them nearing 80 being sick and broke cause they never made it official and she’s#still the one getting money support lmaooo#oh how could i forget im also staying at my dads cause my big sister moved back with my mom and took my room#following her breakup with her bf of 4 years when she caught him cheating with a 16 years old#oh and now some of my best friends are still deliberating wether they ever wanna talk to me again#this could be fine if i could cry **** *** and dissociate but i no longer have my own room :) being so so brave rn :)
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sserajeans · 9 months
you are in love | 44. making the bed (written)
note: is my olivia rodrigo obsession showing..
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timing was definitely on hanni’s side as the moment she stepped on minji’s porch, the taller walked out of her front door with a white jacket over her pajamas.
“are you kidding me minji…”
“what? completes the doc kim look i think.”
hanni shook her head laughing before taking a seat on the front steps of the house. minji shrugged and followed, leaving a small space in between the two.
“so what’s with the emergency meeting?”
hanni hummed, her gaze fixed on the empty road in front of them.
“how do you know you like someone?”
minji smirked hearing the line. whether she was proud hanni was getting somewhere, or was excited she’d get to talk about her ultimate rizzler skills, she liked where the conversation was going.
“ohhh~ we’re getting into this huh?”
“hey i’m asking a serious question here, didn’t you want to help?”
minji laughed at the shorter, shifting herself sideways to lean on the handrails of the steps and to face her friend.
“i don’t know.”
“…are you fucking serious?”
“hehe no i’m kidding! i figured out i was at least interested in wonyoung when we were partnered up for mrs. choi’s media literacy project. we had to spend a lot of time together and i don’t know… i got to know her better and i found myself wanting to spend more time with her.”
“is that it?”
“well… i knew it was something else when i started messing up my drills if she was watching…”
“this is down-bad behavior, kim!”
“and you walking in the rain to cook breakfast isn’t?”
hanni’s smile slowly dropped into a more blank face, but her eyes were clear and full of thought. she stayed silent for a couple more seconds before minji started snapping her fingers in front of her face.
“bro. seriously.”
“don’t worry. but anyways, yeah that’s how liking someone feels, other than the physical side effects like the butterflies and crap. i doubt you’ve never felt it before… you probably just didn’t identify it as such.”
hanni nodded slightly, still choosing to bask in the combination of the silence and the cool wind, a reminder of the christmas season that was beginning. the village, or well, the town in general was a sight during the holidays. lights and decor everywhere, snow sculptures on the frontyards, a couple of christmas themed food trucks at the park. during the season of late november to early january was always the happiest and prettiest the small city was.
“an idiot can figure it out faster than you, you know?”
the vietnamese-australian flinched at the sudden voice, having completely forgotten she was at her best friend’s house after sitting on the porch, completely lost in thought.
minji let out a deep sigh (something she’s been doing ever since she decided to get herself invested in hanni and y/n’s business) and shook her head.
“the pieces are all laid out in front of you. what’s taking you so long to put them together?”
hanni looked down at her clasped hands, fiddling with her fingers and cracking every joint with deep inhales and exhales every time.
“i’m scared, okay?”
“i mean i got it the first time, you know. you weren’t very sure about everything. but like now you literally….“
hanni took another deep inhale and exhale before deciding to continue.
“y/n’s the closest friend i have. the person i value the most. one i hold at utmost respect and regard. i could probably even say i care more for her than my own damn family.”
“well okay. wasn’t expecting a speech! but if that’s the case then why aren’t you-“
“that means i have everything to lose if i mess things up.”
the shorter girl finally looked in minji's direction, her eyes, though not watery, were dark and heavy almost. her expression a mix: frustration, tiredness, disappointment.
“pham, this is y/n we’re talking about.”
“i’m very well aware.”
“every direction i look… if i dug into this whole emotions thing deeper, every direction i look would end up with me losing her. if i figure out i don’t like her and tell her straight up, i lose her. if i figure out i do and i mess things up because i have no idea what the hell i’m doing, i lose her.”
minji chuckled, very softly so as to not anger her friend in front of her. 
“those are all uncertain endings, pham. how are you so sure of it when you haven’t crossed the bridge yet?”
she gave no response.
“the one thing you think you’re avoiding is bound to happen for sure with the way you’re going about this.”
still silent.
“this isn’t just any friend, right? you said it yourself. this is lee y/n we’re talking about, right?”
hanni nodded, following along.
“is she not worth the risk? is your friendship with her not worth exploring feelings you’re so scared to look into?”
hanni stared silently at her hands in front of her, slow and heavy breathing the only sound that could be heard from her.
“you know the answer already pham. you know what to say. i think i do too. and if anything encourages you to actually say it, it’s that you’re starting to lose her already.”
hanni let the words sink in, closing her eyes and letting out another sigh. though her words were stern, minji’s tone never lost its light and comfort. as much as she wanted things to be better for y/n, she’s hanni’s best friend too.
the two exchanged a couple more words on the subject, hanni not forgetting to thank minji and whoever philosopher possessed her that night. things are a lot clearer now. 
she made the bed, now she must lay in it.
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masterlist. next.
taglist: @yyeonmis @lostamoeba @jisooftme @yoontoonwhs @awkwardtoafault @lcv3lies @limbforalimb @kaypanaq @manooffline @kimsgayness @justme-idle @mightymyo @sewiouslyz @txtbrainrot @li0ilthecxnt @captivq @paranoxic @sofakingwoso @pandafuriosa60 @haerinkisser @lesleepyyy @haechansbbg @rosiehrs @jiwoneiric @blue4hour @bzeus28
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themultifandomgal · 3 months
From 2010- Funeral
Part 24
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Trigger warning- religious talk and talk about death.
“Hey” I see Liam and Harry walking into my bedroom wearing all black and a sad smile “the errm… the cars outside” Liam says as I look at myself in my black dress in the mirror
“I don’t think I can do this” I tell them looking down at my feet “I don’t want to do this”
“I know, but you’ll regret it if you don’t. We will all be by your side”
“How have I lost another person I love?” Tears start to spill from my eyes as I turn to face Harry and Liam
“ m’so sorry YN” Harry says opening his arms out and I run into them. Harry strokes my hair while holding me
“Guys we have to go” I hear Zayn say
“We’re coming. Come on” Liam takes my hand and leads me downstairs and out of the house where my dad is waiting with the other boys and Emma. Reluctantly I get into the car that’s following the hearse with Alex’s mum, dad and sister who are all crying. The boys, my dad and Emma will be following us in another car.
The drive to the church is quiet, expect for all of our sobs. I haven’t been able to take my eyes off the hearse in front where I can see his coffin. My hand never leaves his mothers. Yes I’ve lost my love, but she’s lost her son all because of a drunk driver who still hasn’t been caught.
Once the car has stopped we slowly get out. I immediately go to my dad, holding on to his arm. I notice many of our old school friends, even James is here with I’m guessing his boyfriend. Not wanting to interact with anyone I follow Alex’s parents into the church and we take our seats
“The grace and peace of God our Father, who raised Jesus from the dead, be always with you” the priest says sprinkling water on the casket
“And you” we all reply
“We gather here today to celebrate the life of Alexander Williams, who has now returned to his home with Our God, The Father. I’d like to read a passage from the Old Testament. Wisdom 3:1-9 The souls of the righteous are in the hand of God, and no torment shall touch them. They seemed, in the view of the foolish, to be dead; and their passing away was thought an affliction and their going forth from us, utter destruction.
But they are in peace. For if to others, indeed, they seem punished, yet is their hope full of immortality; chastised a little, they shall be greatly blessed, because God tried them and found them worthy of himself.
As gold in the furnace, he proved them, and as sacrificial offerings he took them to himself. In the time of their judgment they shall shine and dart about as sparks through stubble they shall judge nations and rule over peoples, and the LORD shall be their King forever.
Those who trust in him shall understand truth, and the faithful shall abide with him in love: because grace and mercy are with his holy ones, and his care is with the elect. The Word of the Lord” tears spill throughout the whole reading. I wipe the tears from my face with the back of my hand “I’d like to invite Alex’s partner YN up here to read his eulogy” shakingly I stand up and walk to the front of the church where the priest was
“I wrote and rewrote this so many times. I didn’t know where to start. So I decided to just start with saying that Alex was the kindest human I think I ever knew. I don’t think he ever had a bad bone in his body. We met at high school, I sat next to him in maths which we all know was not my strong suite. Alex helped me when I was struggling. He loved his family and….” I choke up a little while reading. I wipe my tears and take a deep breath “sorry. He loved his family and friends and would have done anything for them. He also cared about others, strangers that he saw on the streets. More often than not he would be giving money to some sort of charity. I will forever be grateful for the time we spent together and hope I could only be half the person he was” I now turn to the coffin “I will always love you Alex, I hope you rest in peace” I kiss my hand and place it on the coffin before going back to my seat.
The priest talks some more, we do a few prayers before finishing up the service with the Lords Prayer.
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“Why don’t we go for lunch?”
“Not hungry” I reply to Emma wrapped up in a blanket on the sofa staring at the TV that’s not even on
“Then why don’t we take cookie for a walk?”
“Dad took her earlier” I reply
“Come on YN. It’s been a week since the funeral”
“My boyfriend died, was killed by a possible drunk driver who hasn’t been caught yet so I’m sorry that I’m sad and grieving” Emma sighs at my response
“I know your trying to push me away, your hurting, but I’m staying here. You can yell at me all you like but I’m not going anywhere” I turn away from Emma and stare at the TV again
“I’m sorry” I whisper hating that I shouted at Emma. She’s grieving as well “I just keep thinking that this is a dream, a nightmare that I’ll wake up from”
“I know, I’m so sorry your having to go through this again” Emma pulls me into her side letting my cry “Alex will always be here with you. Why don’t we do something to honour him”
“I’ve wanted to get a tattoo for my mum. Maybe I could get one in honour of Alex as well”
“Love that idea, but before you book a tattoo and get it done maybe we should have a shower and brush our teeth Hmm?” I give Emma a little nudge
“Thank you for being here and not leaving me to deal with this”
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‘Tis The Damn Season: Chapter Three
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pairing: marcus pike x f!ofc (nathalie moss)
chapter rating: E (18+ Only, no explicit smut but lots of steamy makeouts and wandering hands so putting an explicit warning just to be safe, talks of anxiety, talks of breakups/cheating, smooch city basically)
word count: 4k
series masterlist | series playlist
Nathalie hadn’t been on a first date in seven years.
The last time she’d done this—getting pampered and getting ready, squeezing on her best dress and making sure her red lipstick wasn’t bleeding onto her pearly whites—she’d was only twenty-one years old. She knew so little about herself, about what she wanted and didn’t want in a parter and in life. She used to be content with simply being desired, but now, after years and years of hard lessons and harsh truths, she craved so much more from this silly little thing called love.
As she stood in front of her full-length mirror examining herself, her hands smoothing over the fabric of the little black dress she’d worn for Valentine’s Day—back when she was still a bride-to-be, she couldn’t help but wonder how many of these newfound cravings were sated by Marcus’s presence in her life.
Most, her brain was quick to answer.
Marcus was kind, intelligent, funny, gentle, romantic, handsome, but above all that, he seemed to know her in a way her ex never did, even after years of living with her.
Marcus made her feel faint with his sort of natural ease in understanding her. She always had to fight so hard to be understood by her friends, partners, and even her own family at times. She was so used to feeling like she had to convince people to like her—to get her—and here comes Marcus, doing it as though it was as easy as breathing, flipping her world upside down.
“Who are you and what did you do with my gremlin daughter?” Mr. Moss leaned against the opened door of her bedroom as she fussed over her hair, combing through the curls so that they fell more like waves. Nathalie turned around with an eye roll and a chuckle, shaking her head at him as he grinned proudly at his teasing, a half-melted bowl of ice cream in his hands as it was “Sundae Night” at the Moss house. “You look nice, sweetheart.”
“Thanks, dad.” Nathalie walked over to her bed and grabbed her purse, making sure she had everything she might need in it.
“Oh, would you look at that!” Mrs. Moss gushed at her daughter’s done up appearance as she joined her husband in the doorway. “I hardly recognize you.”
“Is that supposed to be a compliment, mom?” She asked with a nervous chuckle, their reactions to her appearance making her question whether or not she’d gone a bit over the top.
“Well…we’re just used to seeing you a bit more casual is all,” Mrs. Moss assured, though it did little to quell her daughters building anxiety. “Not that you don’t look stunning in your pajamas and sweats and pimple patches—“
“Thanks, mom.” Nathalie felt her stomach start to flip with anxiety, but thankfully, Marcus didn’t give her any time to simmer with it, his knocks on the front door making all three pairs of eyes widen with differing emotions—elation, amusement, and puke-your-brains-out panic.
“Let me go grab my shotgun,” Mr. Moss joked, earning a swat on his stomach from his wife.
“Hush,” she scolded before turning back to Nathalie. “You don’t even own a water-gun, you big idiot.” Mrs. Moss quickly turned her attention back to Nathalie, flashing her a bright, hopeful smile. “You ready?”
“As I’ll ever be,” she spoke through an exhale as she grabbed her clutch and followed her nosy parents down to the front door, quickly throwing her coat and scarf on. Taking one last breath of confidence, she opened the door and instead of beaming at Marcus, she was greeted by someone she never expected to see again. “James?”
“Nat,” her ex-fiancé breathed out in relief upon seeing her, until his blue eyes focused and he took in her outfit, clearly not remembering he’d already seen her in that dress earlier that year. “Holy…you look incredible.”
“James, what are you doing here?” She asked in a sharp tone, her parents eavesdropping and hiding behind the open door.
“I can’t stop thinking about you,” he confessed, boldly taking a step forward while Nathalie took two steps back. Sensing her hesitation, James froze and held his hands up apologetically. “Listen, I know we left things sort of…messily—“
“Messily? ” She asked in disbelief, turning to look at her parents for help. Her father was quick to make his presence known, staring down the man he used to view as his son. Nathalie begged him again, disgusted by his presence, “James, I don’t want to see you. I want you to leave.”
“Nat,” he pleaded softly, as if a little pout could remedy all the hurt he bestowed upon her over the years.
“James,” Marcus’ voice was both soothing and worrying as he approached her ex, taking slow strides up the porch steps until he was standing beside him, his eyes taking over Nathalie’s state for only a moment before turning back to her ex. Nathalie cringed. She didn’t want this to be the way their first date began, and she especially didn’t want Marcus to get the wrong idea about her and James—she’d much rather die than to be with him again. “What an unpleasant surprise.”
“Marcus,” James nodded at him, his tone full of irritation at the lack of privacy he was likely hoping for. The privacy that would increase his odds at appealing to her desperation and stupidity. “Nat, is there anywhere we can go to talk? Just the two of us?”
“No,” she chuckled, appalled by his casual persistence. “I told you. I don’t want to talk to you.”
He stared at her with pure shock. This wasn’t the woman he remembered—the living, breathing doormat he loved to walk all over was long gone.
“Besides,” she stepped passed him to where Marcus patiently waited on the porch, her arm looping with his. “I’m busy tonight.”
“With him?” James chuckled, shaking his head.
“Yeah,” Marcus nodded, suddenly looking so much different than the man she knew. He looked more masculine, more threatening, the change in posture even making him appear bigger. “With me.”
“Don’t worry, Nattie,” Mr. Moss assured. “If this asshead is still around by the time you get home, I’ll be sure to handle it.”
Nathalie couldn’t help but smile at her father’s protectiveness, the man usually so gentle he refused to hurt even a fly, but when it came to his baby girl he would stop at nothing to make sure she was not only safe, but happy.
“Nat!” James called out from the porch as Marcus walked her down her porch and freshly shoveled walkway to his car waiting by the curb. “C’mon!”
“Well…he’s persistent, I’ll give him that,” she chided as Marcus reached to open her door.
“He’s an asshole.” Marcus looked tense, his eyes hardly meeting hers as he held her door open, Nathalie carefully seating herself without flashing him.
As she waited in the car for him to walk around and climb in beside her, she felt panic start to bubble up in her again. Was he angry with her? Did he no longer want to go out? Was her drama too much drama for him to handle?
“Marcus, I’m sorr—“
“You look so fucking good,” he confessed as he sat down and shut his door, shooing all worry out of her mind yet again. His eyes turned to meet hers, a longing in them that made her thighs squeeze together out of instinct. Marcus tried not to notice, but the knowing smile that grew on his face told her he was far too vigilant to miss it. “I had a whole thing rehearsed in my head for when I first saw you. But that was before your idiot of an ex showed up to try and win you back.”
“Emphasis on try.” She reached over the center console and placed her hand on his knee, one of Marcus’ hands quickly dropping from the steering wheel to intertwine with hers. “I was worried I went a little overboard with the makeup, and the heels, and the hair, and the dress—“
“No, I love the dress.” He glanced over at her with a smirk, his eyes flickering down to her cleavage before lifting back to her own. “You look beautiful.”
“All this sweetness is gonna take some getting used to,” she confessed softly, unable to believe his compliments after years of being picked apart by James. Marcus lifted the hand holding hers up to her chin, lovingly pinching it.
“I’m a patient man,” he assured with a knee-weakening smile.
“You’re…a saint, apparently,” she chuckled, turning to look out of the window at their snow-covered town.
“Trust me, I’m not a saint.” Her eyes wandered back to his profile, studying him to try and find any sort of flaw or sin lying beneath the surface but she couldn’t see any from where she sat—just a handsome man that made her feel at home whenever she looked into his eyes.
“I’m struggling to see where your faults are,” she challenged, earning a bashful chuckle. “I’ve always thought you were so much better than everyone. Not even just your looks—“
“Tell me more about my good looks.” He glanced at her with a smirk.
“I think I’ll save that ego-boost for another time,” she winked, forcing a blush to his cheeks. “But no, beyond all that physical stuff, you’ve always just been such a good guy. You sorta set a standard, intentionally or not.”
“Well,” he laughed. “I’m good at seeming a lot better than I am, I guess.”
“Well, go on, then. What’s going on beneath the surface that I haven’t seen yet?” She challenged with an eyebrow raise and a smirk, Marcus shrugging through his shyness.
“I don’t know,” he spoke with a boyish bashfulness and a smile. When he turned to look at her, his train of thought was interrupted by the passing yellow light of the street lamps illuminating her face. Suddenly every word he knew seemed more meaningless than they did a few seconds prior, none of them quite able to describe her beauty well enough to earn being voiced to her listening ears. So, he settled on saying nothing at all, his eyes choosing to keep this moment of admiration a private one for now. “There’s lots of things.”
“Just give me one thing that makes you anything less than perfect,” she asked sweetly, oblivious to the fact that Marcus would already do whatever for her, including laying his heart out for her to judge and pick apart at her will.
“Okay, I rush into things a lot. That’s a big one,” he finally managed a response as they pulled into the parking lot of an upscale Italian restaurant. “Yeah, I just…in the past, I’ve gotten swept up in the romance of it all and I suppose I had a tendency to move a little quick.”
“I don’t mind moving a little quick every now and then,” she replied, tone thick with suggestion. Marcus chuckled and let out a sigh, struggling to find the willpower to do as his mother told and take things slow with Nathalie.
“You’re…” he chuckled as he struggled to find an adequate adjective to describe her. “I’d say perfect but that makes it sound like having flaws is a bad thing.“
“They’re not?” She questioned, shifting in her seat to better face him, content to spend the entire night right there in this parking lot listening to him speak.
“I don’t think so,” he shrugged, turning a bit in his own seat. Nathalie quirked an eyebrow at him in a silent demand for him to elaborate and he chuckled. “They go into making you, you just as much as the good stuff does.”
Nathalie smiled and nodded, her eyes locked on his. With her smile growing wider and more playful, she looked down at her lap and spoke, “So…if you don’t want to call me perfect, what am I then?”
“Thought-consuming, how about that?” He sounded bashful, his voice quieted to a rasp just above a whisper.
Nathalie didn’t care that they were in a parking lot, she didn’t care that anyone could walk past and judge them, she only cared about feeling his lips on hers again, his taste and feel intoxicating and soothing at the same time.
“Think that’s two words,” she breathed out as she leaned over the console between them, Marcus grinning as he met her halfway into a nearly painful kiss. Her hands held the curve of where his jaw met his neck while his rested on her face, keeping her close. When Nathalie tested out something needier, a swipe of her tongue over his lips, Marcus let out a groan that sent a jolt of pleasure straight to her core.
“Mm,” he hummed as he found the strength to pull away, chuckling against her lips. “Taking it slow, remember.”
“That’s gonna be…”
“Impossible, yeah.” He laughed through a sigh and ran his hands over his face as he sat back in his seat.
“You okay?” She asked with genuine concern. Marcus was quick to nod and give her a soft smile to reassure her.
“Yeah, I’m just trying to…calm down,” he chuckled in embarrassment as Nathalie’s eyes lowered to his pants, his unexpected (and impressive) bulge causing her eyes to widen.
“Yeah, this is…gonna be difficult,” she laughed and lifted her eyes back to his, reaching over to pinch his bearded chin. “And really fun.”
“Yeah,” he beamed. “I think so too.”
“Do you still wanna go in?” She asked after a beat, earning a curious look from Marcus. “Honestly, we could just grab McDonald’s and sit in the car all night talking and I’d be happy.”
“Yeah?” He asked with a curl of his lips. “We can do whatever you want. I’m just glad to be here.”
“Me too.” She reached over and tugged him in for one more kiss, this time something soft and sweet rather than needy and heated. She wanted him to feel how happy he was already making her, how downright into him she was. His soft hum buzzing against her lips told her that he was hoping to do the same. “Okay, McDonald’s now.”
“Yes, Miss Moss.”
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“So…” Marcus started with a smirk, pausing to chew on the fries he’d just lifted to his lips. The couple was sat in the McDonald’s parking lot, the bright yellow and red light of the Golden Arch glowing into the car as they ate.
“So?” Nathalie asked with a look of amused interest, taking a sip of her Coke.
“What, uh, what actually went down with you and James?” He asked, turning his head to meet hers. Nathalie kept her slight smile on, though a sigh left her lips. “You don’t have to tell me—“
“No, no. It’s not…I just…the thought of him always puts me in a bad mood, and I don’t want you to have to be around me like that,” she clarified, but Marcus only creased his brows in response.
“Nat,” he spoke her name sternly, bringing her eyes back to his. “You don’t have to hide yourself away from me. I work for the government, I’m good at handling a bad mood.”
She chuckled and nodded before reaching over and stealing one of his fries. “Well, I thought everything was perfect between him and I. That entire seven years, I was delusional and happy and peacefully ignorant to how just plain fucking awful he was to me.”
Marcus didn’t say anything, simply shifting in his seat to better face her, his fingers quietly lifting his fries to his mouth as she continued.
“Anyways, one night I’d been working pretty late at the museum, and so I’d texted him and let him know that I probably wouldn’t be home until around midnight.” Nathalie paused to take a bite out of her burger, missing the way Marcus watched her in endearment as she tried to hurry her chews, her hand waving as though it would help. “Sorry, this burger is so good.”
“I know, I finished mine in three bites.” Nathalie chuckled as she looked over at Marcus’ empty burger box. “Alright, so you’re at the museum—“
“Right,” she nodded, regaining her focus. “I texted him that I’d be home late or whatever, but then I managed to finish early, so instead of showing up at midnight like he thought, I ended up showing up around ten—and the first thing I see when I unlock my door? My fiancé and my fucking boss fully going at it on the couch I bought. Straight up naked, spread eagle.”
“Oh, god,” Marcus sympathized, shaking his head at her as she nodded.
“Yeah. So, I left immediately and spent the night at a friend’s place. I just remember feeling like I’d finally turned the fucking light on and could see that this past seven years of my life, I’d been so unhappy. Sleeping on my friends couch I finally realized that I actually hated James. I was only still with him because I was comfortable. Because he was gonna give me the life I dreamed of or whatever. But after seeing him with someone else, there was no way I could go back. So I packed all my shit up and left town, left my job, left everything. Now I’m just here…recovering.”
“Jesus,” Marcus sighed, his eyes full of sincere sympathy. “I’m so sorry you had to go through that.”
“It’s alright,” Nathalie chuckled bashfully, shrugging her shoulders. “After all, it brought me here.”
Marcus smiled as he leaned over, his hand cradling her jaw as he gave her enough space to reject him but there was no need. Nathalie quickly leaned in and pressed her lips to his.
What started out as a tender kiss soon became ravenous, Marcus’ strength seemingly to dwindle with each little burst of a makeout. His hand slid up her sheer stockings, warming the outside of her thigh as his fingertips reached the hem of her dress. Nathalie let out a soft, hardly audible moan as he allowed his fingers to continue traveling up underneath her skirt until he was gripping her hip.
“Marcus,” she breathed against his lips, suddenly aware of the public nature of their makeout.
“Sorry,” he panted as he pulled back, readjusting her skirt as he slid his hand back down to her knee.
“Don’t be too sorry,” she reached over for his chin, her fingertips smoothing along his bearded jaw. “Just maybe not in a McDonald’s parking lot.”
“Or your parent’s house…or my parent’s house,” he added, a frown forming on both their faces until Marcus seemingly got an idea. “Hey, I have to go into the city to finish up my shopping this weekend. Do you maybe wanna come with me?”
Nathalie looked stunned, but in a good way. The prospect of spending a weekend away in New York City with Marcus fucking Pike during Christmastime was the stuff of her teenage dreams.
“Oh no, is that too much, too fast?” He asked with panic all over his face, the first sign of that emotion that she knew intimately coming from him.
“No,” she reached her hand back to rest on his neck, scratching at the hairs on the base of his skull. “It sounds like a fucking dream.”
Marcus brightened again, leaning in to place a singular peck onto her lips.
“I can’t wait,” he smiled as he pulled away and packed his trash into the brown bag while Nathalie ate her last bite of burger before doing the same. “I, uh, think my parents are still out at church…if you wanted to watch a movie at my place or something? I’ve got…puzzles?”
Nathalie couldn’t help but chuckle at the boyish nature of his smile, his eyes clearly filled with hope for more time in her company. How could she ever say no when he was looking at her with his big brown eyes?
“I’m pretty good at puzzles.”
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Marcus’s parents had indeed still been out of the house when they pulled into his driveway, but that was just about all that went according to plan.
As soon as the couple crossed the threshold of his front door, they couldn’t keep their hands off one another. Marcus walked her back against the wall of the entryway, making a family portrait rattle against the wall as she hit it with a soft thud. Nathalie giggled as his lips trailed down to her neck, the scruff of his beard tickling her the entire time.
“You smell so good,” he praised, too swept up in her to join her in her giggles. His voice sent a chill down her spine and she tightened her grip on his coat, tugging him closer until he was pressing his hips into hers. She gasped as she felt his bulge against her hip, quickly stiffening with each passing second. It wasn’t long before Marcus was breathing out against her neck, “fuck, I want you”.
“Take me upstairs,” she panted, her hand lowering from the lapel of his coat down to his cock, rubbing it through the fabric of his pants.
“Can’t,” he sucked a mark on her collarbone, a considerate one that could easily be hidden under a sweater. “My parents are gonna be home soon.”
“We can be quick,” she persisted, pulling his face from her neck and holding it as she looked into his eyes with a mischievous pout. Marcus beamed at her full of affection, his thumb lifting to stroke over her bottom lip.
“I don’t want our first time to be quick, baby.”
Nathalie felt like she was floating and melting and burning all at the same time as she listened to him call her ‘baby’, the look in his eyes just the cherry on top of an already dream-worthy moment that she never in her wildest dreams would’ve imagined happening.
“If you call me baby again, I’m gonna pass out, I think,” she whispered through her grin, her eyes falling to his lips as she pulled him closer for a kiss, Marcus chuckling into it when their lips met.
“Well, I’ll be here to catch you…baby,” he felt her smile grow against his lips, her giggle being kissed away.
As Marcus moved to deepen the kiss again, the couple was surprised by the front door opening abruptly, not giving them enough time to sort themselves out before his parents were taking in their flushed states.
“Marcus…Nathalie,” Mr. Pike greeted awkwardly as Mrs. Pike gave the couple a beaming smile, clearly approving of their romance. She tugged her husband out of the entryway to give the pair some privacy again, noticing the blushes on Marcus and Nathalie’s faces.
“Walk me home?” Nathalie asked once they were alone again. Marcus nodded, slipping his hand into hers and opening the front door.
Once they were out in the cold, Marcus wrapped his arm around Nathalie’s waist, holding her close to his side.
“So you got to ask me about my ex,” she started with a smirk, her eyes facing forward. “What happened with yours?”
“I don’t know if we have the time,” he chuckled.
“You can come in for some tea,” she offered, turning her head to look at him with round, hopeful eyes.
“Okay,” he agreed softly.
He was sure that she could get him to do anything with those eyes.
After unlocking her door, she welcomed him into her home, the lights on the downstairs all off signaling that her parents had gone to bed. Flicking through light switch on in the entryway, she kicked her boots off before shedding her coat, hanging it on the hook by her parent’s. Marcus did the same, except he chose to drape his coat over his arm, holding onto it until they reached the kitchen, then setting it down on the barstool of the island.
“So, what was her name?” Nathalie asked in a hushed voice as she started to prepare the kettle on the stove.
“Teresa,” he sighed, pulling out the barstool as silently as he could before sitting down in it. “We worked together on a case, art theft. I, uh, liked her a lot. But there was another guy who was always sort of there—in between us. I guess I thought I needed to hurry up and settle down with her before he could, I don’t know. I definitely wasn’t doing it because I was sure that I wanted to marry her. I knew she didn’t love me like she loved him, but I wasn’t ready to give up on the fantasy I’d created in my head of a wife and kids.”
Nathalie turned around once the kettle had been set on the flame, resting her elbows on the island and studying the hurt in his eyes.
“Have you given up on that?” She asked, watching as he shook his head.
“No,” he chuckled. “I still believe in real love and want to have a family someday, I just…I’d like to think I’ve gotten better about being realistic about it.”
“Did you think Emily was gonna be the one?” She teased, earning a guffaw from him.
“Emily was my complete and total opposite in every sense of the word,” he assured, standing up to go join her on the other side of the island, his hand tilting her jaw up.
“Did you two…”
“No.” He shook his head. “She’s saving herself for marriage. Apparently she’s very devout. I didn’t know that.”
“I think that’s the first time religion’s paid off for me,” Nathalie chuckled to herself, lowering her eyes to his belt, her fingertip reaching to trace the metal of it, Marcus’s breath catching in response.
“Thought I heard a noise down here,” Mrs. Moss walked into the kitchen and broke the pair apart, Marcus clearing his throat while Nathalie moved to take the whistling kettle off the heat. “How was dinner?”
“It was good,” Nathalie replied through a still fuzzy mind, Marcus’s cologne still permeating her senses.
“Good!” Her mother’s attention turned to Marcus as he fetched a couple mugs out of one of the cabinets, having become familiar with the Moss kitchen over the years. “Marcus, any ideas for date number two?”
“Mom.” Nathalie scolded as she stood beside a chuckling Marcus, dropping a tea bag in each mug before filling them with water.
“Actually, yeah. I’m going into the city for some last minute Christmas shopping this weekend and I invited Nat to come,” he smiled as he glanced over at Nathalie, carefully measuring honey on a spoon before dropping it into the hot tea.
“Oh, how fun! It’s been half a year since she’s left our little town.” Her mom teased, earning another embarrassed groan from her daughter. Marcus couldn’t help but feel even more endeared to her as she blushed her way through fixing him a cup of tea, avoiding both pairs of eyes locked onto her.
“Mom, Marcus and I were talking,” Nathalie gave her mom a look that she hoped conveyed her desperation for more alone time with her date, but of course, Mrs. Moss couldn’t be subtle about it—not so long as it embarrassed her daughter.
“Oh! Talking. Right. Wink, wink.” Mrs. Moss retired back upstairs while Nathalie groaned and covered her face.
“I’m so sorry—“
“Don’t be, I love your mom,” he assured, rubbing her back. “I think it’s sweet how invested in your life she is. My mom’s the same way.”
“I think we have them to thank for us finally getting together,” she raised her mug up as though to toast, Marcus beaming as he lifted his own and clinked it against hers.
“To our meddling mothers,” he proposed.
“Gotta love ‘em.”
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taglist: @joelmillerscoffee @ajeff855 @wildemaven @axshadows @sherala007 @browneyes-issac @tooflef @mariasabana @tae27 @kimm4710 @stxrrylunatic @sara-alonso @paulalikestuff @jbh-castaway @oceandolores @mandomover @chxpsi @auberosier @mashomasho @vanemando15 @wickedmunson @marvel-sw-lover @jediknight122 @harriedandharassed @star-wars-fan-2005 @alwaysdjarin @jalobro @trickstersp8 @mccn-bcys @manuymesut @trinkets01 @tanzthompson @jlmaddinson @hopeamarsu @fanofverymanythings @lovesbiggerthanpride @pinkything @fireproofmarta @littlenosoul @tryonmyworld @berriesarepunk @laureliciousdefinition @camishadjarin @rav3n-pascal22 @fishingforpike @rocketrhap3000 @amneris21 @lexloon @alwayslurkinginthebackground @myrealmofchaos @under-the-seas
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bedbellyandbeyond · 1 year
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Auntie Karla
(Story Post)
Korsy shook his head. “Don't mention it. Anything for family.” They arrived at his aunt's house around noon the next day. She had a flat in Stockholm, a lovely space with plants and a couple free roaming rabbits. She greeted Korsy and Dusty sweetly, suggesting they come in and sit on the balcony. “You have a beautiful home,” Dusty said as he petted a bunny that had come to sniff at his feet. “Ah, thank you, kära,” Karla said. As a full-blooded dark elf, she had long light pink hair with a halo of braids, and a darker and colder complexion than Korsy. Her eyes were a tender gold colour, stormy with worry. She sat down with them, poised like royalty. “Your trip wasn't too bad, was it?”
“No, no,” Korsy said, although they had a few bumps along the way with such sudden travel booking. “Don't concern yourself with us anyhow. I came to see if I can help. Can you explain to me again how my cousin got into this mess?” Karla sighed, her fingers gripping her teacup. “My son, you know, he is so naïve sometimes… As he told me, he was just trying to help these people, but they are from Mörkret.” “The Dark Realm?” Korsy asked. “He found people in the Dark Realm? There are only monsters there.” “He said he found elves,” Karla said. “Not like us but he believes they are. He believed they belong here with us, but they were all detained at the border. Even my Asger.” Korsy frowned. “And my uncle can't have him released?” “It is his father that wants him there,” Karla said, with acidity in her voice. “He thinks he needs to punish him, make an example of him. But you know your uncle. He is a cruel unreasonable man.” Korsy nodded slowly, a dark shadow cast across his face. He patted his aunt's hand. “Good thing you left when you did.” Karla pouted, her expression melancholic. “I feel so foolish ever falling for such a man. I should have seen through him, but he used to be so charming and warm. It is like his heart was frozen, ever since…” She trailed off, glancing at Korsy then back to her tea. Dusty noticed Korsy stiffen a little and could only wonder what she could have been referring to. He dared not pry for now though. “Anyway, Asger asked me to contact you,” Karla continued. “He believed that you could help him. I do not know what his plan was, but if there is something you can do, I would be very grateful.” “I don't know…” Korsy leaned back and rubbed his neck. “I've never bailed anyone out of elf jail before… But perhaps, if I met these people my cousin was talking about, then I might see why he’s so keen on protecting them.” “So, you will go?” Karla asked. “I can provide you safe enough passage there. They will not bother you.” Korsy shook his head. “I don't care about their remarks, I know what my family thinks of half elves like me… I'm more concerned about what finding help from me might do to my cousin's reputation.” “Do not worry about anything like that, you know your cousin thinks well of you,” Karla said. “He would not ask if he did not trust you.” “I couldn't break his trust, could I?” Korsy stood up and stretched. “Should we get to it, then?” “Oh, so eager! You remind me so much of your mother,” Karla said, chuckling to herself. “But we will have to wait until late tonight. Security has gotten stricter. No one can enter the city by day.” “Really? That's so unnecessary. I imagine this is my uncle's doing as well?” Korsy assumed. “You imagine correctly. But you do not need to worry, you and your friend can stay and have dinner with me, and then we will go,” Karla said. “Now please, you must properly introduce me. This poor thing has been sitting here so patiently listening to me lament. Who is this handsome man?” “Sorry. This is Dusty,” Korsy introduced. “He is my—” “Are you Elliot's boyfriend?” Karla asked expectantly. “Oh, for now, we're just work partners,” Dusty said, offering a hand and playing up the charm. He turned his head to Korsy, smiling devilishly. “Elliot?” Korsy just rolled his eyes. “I'm training him. He's new. We happened to be in Prague when you called.” “Oh, that's too bad. Your mother would've loved to know you found someone special,” Karla said. “I'm sure she's watching and waiting for you to find such happiness.” Korsy frowned. “I am doing perfectly well on my own.” “Well, I hear Elliot does have his eyes on someone, but he won't tell me,” Dusty gossiped. Korsy shot him a glared. “Oh, really?” Karla patted Korsy's arm. “That makes your tant feel better. You're getting older, you know, I don't want to worry you're alone.” “I'm really fine,” Korsy said. “And I'm not alone. I have friends. But that's it.” “Sure, sure,” Karla brushed off. “I understand. You kids like to keep things so secret until you're sure.” “One second, I'm ‘getting older' and now I'm a kid,” Korsy complained. His aunt caressed his cheek. “You know you'll always be little Elliot to your family. But you are of course an adult and you should really start thinking about settling down.” “Karla, could you please call me Korsy?” Korsy asked. “It's tradition you know.” “Ah, I'm so sorry,” Karla apologised, withdrawing her hand, only to place it on his arm. “I forgot, you know. And your mother gave you such a beautiful name. I wouldn't want to forget it. But you want to be Korsy, you are Korsy.” “Thank you,” Korsy said, patting her hand. She smiled and sat back. “Now, that Korsy name is tradition for your father's family. Don't you want to pass it down? You could become…what's the whole name?” “Korsgaard,” Korsy answered, getting uncomfortable. “But Karla, I'm not—” “You could be Korsgaard with your own little Korsy,” she said. “Yeah,” he folded. “Maybe one day. But not right now.” “Of course, of course.” “Auntie, I've never been to Stockholm before. Is there anywhere I should see before we leave tonight?” Dusty interrupted. “Oh, this is your first visit? Of course!” Karla was all grins. “I will give you the tour. There is a lot to see so we should get to it!” As his aunt got up to put their teacups away, Korsy gave Dusty an appreciative glance. “Thank you for that,” Korsy said. “Don't mention it, Elliot,” Dusty teased. “Don't you start too.” “I won't, I won't.”
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hstoryhuh-a · 8 months
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“I am, and always have been - first, last, and always - a child of America.
You raised me. I grew up in the pastures and hills of Texas, but I had been to thirty-four states before I learned how to drive. When I caught the stomach flu in the fifth grade, my mother sent a note to school written on the back of a holiday memo from Vice President Biden. Sorry, sir—we were in a rush, and it was the only paper she had on hand.
I spoke to you for the first time when I was eighteen, on the stage of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, when I introduced my mother as the nominee for president. You cheered for me. I was young and full of hope, and you let me embody the American dream: that a boy who grew up speaking two languages, whose family was blended and beautiful and enduring, could make a home for himself in the White House.
You pinned the flag to my lapel and said, “We’re rooting for you.” As I stand before you today, my hope is that I have not let you down.
Years ago, I met a prince. And though I didn’t realize it at the time, his country had raised him too.
The truth is, Henry and I have been together since the beginning of this year. The truth is, as many of you have read, we have both struggled every day with what this means for our families, our countries, and our futures. The truth is, we have both had to make compromises that cost us sleep at night in order to afford us enough time to share our relationship with the world on our own terms.
We were not afforded that liberty.
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But the truth is, also, simply this: love is indomitable. America has always believed this. And so, I am not ashamed to stand here today where presidents have stood and say that I love him, the same as Jack loved Jackie, the same as Lyndon loved Lady Bird. Every person who bears a legacy makes the choice of a partner with whom they will share it, whom the American people will “hold beside them in hearts and memories and history books. America: He is my choice.
Like countless other Americans, I was afraid to say this out loud because of what the consequences might be. To you, specifically, I say: I see you. I am one of you. As long as I have a place in this White House, so will you. I am the First Son of the United States, and I’m bisexual. History will remember us.
If I can ask only one thing of the American people, it’s this: Please, do not let my actions influence your decision in November. The decision you will make this year is so much bigger than anything I could ever say or do, and it will determine the fate of this country for years to come. My mother, your president, is the warrior and the champion that each and every American deserves for four more years of growth, progress, and prosperity. Please, don’t let my actions send us backward. I ask the media not to focus on me or on Henry, but on the campaign, on policy, on the lives and livelihoods of millions of Americans at stake in this election.
And finally, I hope America will remember that I am still the son you raised. My blood still runs from Lometa, Texas, and San Diego, California, and Mexico City. I still remember the sound of your voices from that stage in Philadelphia. I wake up every morning thinking of your hometowns, of the families I’ve met at rallies in Idaho and Oregon and South Carolina. I have never hoped to be anything other than what I was to you then, and what I am to you now—the First Son, yours in actions and words. And I hope when Inauguration Day comes again in January, I will continue to be.”
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jurrasicworldcc · 1 year
Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous: Return to Isla Nublar fanfic (Part 1)
Characters: Darius Bowman, Kenji Kon-Bowman, Casey Johnson (OC), April Turner-Johnson (OC), Ben Pincus, Brooklynn, Yasmina “Yaz” Fadoula-Gutierrez, Sammy Gutierrez, The Ultra Rex, Tiff, Tommy Oliver (OC), Lana Williams (OC), Edie (OC), Audrey (OC), Caroline Johnson (OC), Mae Turner
Context: So, I made a post recently about a JWCC sequel idea and I apparently decided to make a fanfic series to incorporate the full story. Hope you enjoy part 1!!!
Warning: Blood, Mentions and future scenes of Child abuse, Gore, Violence, Intense & Frightening scenes, Language
San Antonio, Texas - Gutierrez Family Barn - March 12th, 2023
Casey adjusted his tie and sighed. He, Darius, Kenji, and Ben were sitting in the chairs that were set in rows in the barn. It was Yaz and Sammy’s wedding.
“Man…I totally bet Sammy’s scared shitless..” Kenji whispered.
Casey chuckled quietly and turned on his walkie. “Brooklynn? What’s taking so long??”
“We’re fine!” Brooklynn’s voice replied. “We’re just dealing with some bridal stress relief right now.”
He could hear Sammy hyperventilating and her sisters trying to calm her down. “Quick, calm her down and get ready. Yaz is sweating profusely from where I can see!”
“Okay, okay, calm down.”
The walkie shut off and Casey sighed. Darius smiled and said, “Can you believe it? Yaz and Sammy are getting married.”
“Yeah, we kinda knew this would happen.” Ben replied. “I just wish Bumpy were here.”
“You can tell her about it when you visit Isla Mantah again.”
“Thanks, D.”
Suddenly, the piano music came and the audience stood up.
“Finally!” Casey whispered.
Brooklynn, April, and Sammy’s sisters made it to the altar and Mr. Gutierrez walking Sammy down the isle. Yaz was so happy and giggled.
After what seems like an eternity, Bessie (the cow) came with the rings and Yaz and Sammy got their rings on each finger. With that, the pastor said, “Now, with the power invested in me, I now pronounce you both married partners for life. You may kiss the bride.”
The pastor stepped back and Sammy pulled Yaz in for a passionate kiss and hugged her tight. The audience erupted into cheer and laughter and the pastor loudly announced, “I now introduce Samantha and Yasmina Gutierrez!”
Casey clapped and April waved at him. With that, Ms. Fadoula burst into tears and wailed, “My baby’s married now!!”
Yaz smiled at her new wife and said, “Hi, Mrs. Gutierrez.”
Three Months Later - Costa Rica
Casey finally placed the last piece of science down and stretched. “Man, that was the last piece of sodium placed and now…quitting time for the day.”
April sat down and said, “Hey, hon.”
She planted a kiss on his cheek and Casey returned the favor with a peck on her lips. April giggled gleefully and said, “We gotta meet up with the others for that picnic that Yaz and Sammy planned with us after their honeymoon.”
“Yeah, I know, April. Sammy reminded us twelve times.” Casey chuckled.
The two proceeded to exit the lab part of the house and Caroline smiled. “Took you two long enough.”
“Mom…” Casey chuckled.
“How about I go get ready and we head on over to the park?” April asked.
“Sure, babe.”
April pecked Casey’s lips and left the room. Caroline smiled and asked, “Casey, what is it?”
Casey chuckled and looked at his mother. “Mom…I’m gonna plan to ask April to marry me!”
Caroline covered her mouth keep her screaming from joy and hugged him. “Casey! I have been wanting this moment to happen ever since you first introduced me to her!”
“You okay?” April’s voice called.
Caroline smiled and went to a cabinet in which she took out a small ring box which she opened and showed a silver ring with a beautiful diamond on it. “This was my grandmother’s engagement ring. She hoped that I would eventually use it and then give it to my children…and I now give it to you.”
Casey looked at the beautiful ring and suddenly put it in his pocket as he heard April’s footsteps and she appeared with a basket and her blue skirt well-ironed. “Ready?”
“Yep.” Casey replied.
The two proceeded to leave the house and walked to the Parque Okayama park where the others were sitting on a beach towel over one of the grass fields. Ben waved for the two. “Hey! April and Casey! Over here!”
The couple smiled and sat down. Darius said, “Hey, guys!”
“Hey, Case!” Sammy said.
“Hey, guys!” Casey said. “Sammy, Yaz, how was your honeymoon?”
Yaz laughed gleefully. “We loved it! A honeymoon in Italy was the best day we’ve had since our first kiss! Thanks, Kenji, for paying for all that.”
“I’m just stuck paying the bills.” Kenji chuckled. “It’s the least I can do to make you two ladies happen.”
Sammy chuckled and gazed lovingly at her wife. “And spending that week in Italy with my wife is the best experience I could have.”
“I love you, Sam.” Yaz smiled.
“I love you too, Yaz.”
The two kissed and Brooklynn said, “This was way better than when you spam your flirty stuff on the Discord DMs.”
Yaz playfully chucked a leaf at Brooklynn and the two girls giggled. Sammy wrapped her arms around her wife and said, “Guys! We gotta get eating!”
Kenji pulled out the pizza box and Casey asked, “Is this Papa Johns?”
“Yup.” Kenji replied. “ Aaaaaaannnddd, I forgot a pizza cutter.”
“Oh, honey.” Brooklynn soothed a hand on his shoulder.
“No need.” Casey showed his hand which formed into his raptor claw and cut the pizza in separate slices.
After a while, it nearly became sunset and then Brooklynn asked Kenji, “Hey, Kenj? Should we tell them?”
“Tell us what?” Casey asked. “I mean, Ben and Darius are dating and we were shocked by that, Yaz and Sammy are married, so what’s gonna shock us now?”
Brooklynn showed her right hand which had a shiny little ring and Kenji said, “We’re engaged!”
Sammy squealed and Ben cheered. Yaz clapped her hands and Casey yelled, “Holy shit! Congratulations!”
“Yeah! Congratulations!” April added.
“Awesome! Congrats, bro!” Darius said.
“Y’know, I’m soon to become a Bowman.” Brooklynn replied. “Just thinking about it…”
She squealed like Suzie Q from Jojo. “It makes me blush!”
“This is crazy…” Sammy said. “This all started eight years ago, back on Isla Nublar. We went from strangers, to friends, and eventually family.”
“Yeah…Yeah, we did.” Casey smiled.
“Now look at us. Now we’re-”
“Immortal.” Ben said.
“In-laws.” Brooklynn said.
“Survivors.” April said.
“Celebrities.” Darius said.
“I was gonna say, “Soulmates” and together.” Sammy replied.
“And to think that Sammy would become my wife.” Yaz added.
“And to think that most of us are about to be married.” Darius said.
“Also, it’s June. This is the seventh anniversary of when we escaped Nublar.” Casey said. “Happy Nublar-escape anniversary!!”
Around an hour and a half, the six of the Nublar Seven returned to the hotel and Casey and April walked back to their home.
April chuckled and got her night clothes on. Casey looked in his pocket and got the box with the ring in it. April sat on the bed and said, “It’s nice that the others are staying in Costa Rica for the rest of the week for that anniversary that you made.”
“Yeah.” Casey walked over to her with the ring box behind his back. “Hey, babe. I have a massive question right now. Since Kenji and Brooklynn are engaged now and, well, April…I love you so much and now that Mae has a girlfriend and a lot of things are going good in our lives right now, I wanna make our lives even better than those experiences on Isla Mantah and with TJ, Angel, Rebel, and Firecracker…So, April Turner, will you…” He opened the box in which April gasped. “…marry me?”
“Casey, YES!” April exclaimed.
Casey and April hugged and he slid the ring onto her finger. The two kissed and Caroline walked in. The scientist smiled and asked her son, “So, what’s the answer?”
“Yes.” April has happy tears down her face.
Caroline screamed of excitement and hugged the two. Casey smiled and before the two went to bed, he got on his phone and got into the group chat.
DrCaseyJohnson: Hey, guys!
TrackOlympicsYaz (Mrs. Gutierrez): What?
Farmgirl2022: Yeah, you woke me and Yaz up. What’s the news???
BrooklynnUnboxesTheWorld: What’s the news, Dr. Johnson?”
DrCaseyJohnson: I proposed to April tonight and she said, “Yes!!!!”
JungleBoy5000: WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Dinonerd2001: THAT’S AMAZING!!!! I’m so happy for you two!!!!
BrooklynnUnboxesTheWorld: When’s the wedding????
DrCaseyJohnson: I just proposed! I had not thought of anything else yet. To quote Yaz from 2015, “I did not think this through.”
TrackOlympicsYaz (Mrs. Gutierrez): Please do not quote me the day I broke my ankle, that was not a pleasant moment for any of us.
Casey smiled and looked at the sleeping fiancée besides him. Life could not be any better.
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simthorium · 1 year
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In honor of graduation, Shea, Jordyn, and Luna were throwing a huge rager on the rooftop of Shea’s building. Music had been blasting all night and high school and college kids alike were passing through, coming for the music and booze. Even though it was a happy occassion, Shea felt a little upset. Her girlfriend Asia had decided not to come after they’d gotten into a big fight, which meant she was the only one there without  a partner.
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Shea rolled her eyes as she watched Jordyn dance with her boyfriend Johnny and Luna make out with her boyfriend James. It just felt so unfair! They were all having this party together, at her house, and she was the third wheel.
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“Let’s hear it for the graduates!” Kauker exclaimed from the DJ booth. “We want the people all the way in Strangetown to hear us!!!” Everyone on the rooftop whooped and cheered as loud as they could.
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“This party is sick,” James said as he danced with Luna. “I know, right?” she said with a smile. “We only through the coolest parties, obviously. It’s gonna be even better when we get to college!”
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“Dude, I thought the Zarro family practically invented the Smustle!” Johnny said, laughing a little at Jordyn’s stiff dance moves. “Hey, it’s not my fault I was born with two left feet,” she said. “Just pretend I’m really good and hot.” “No need to pretend there, babe,” Johnny said with a smile.
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As the night went on, more and more people began to show up at the party, including Zaire Vasquez. Shea had had a crush on Zaire all year, but had never acted on it since she was dating Asia. But, she was tipsy and feeling sad about the fight she’d had with her girlfriend, and figured it’d be harmless to make a move.
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“I’m a movie star, you know,” Shea said, touching Zaire’s shoulder. “I know,” Zaire said. “That’s the only reason I’m here.” “Ouch,” Shea said with a laugh. “You know, if you’re nice to me, I could talk to my director and put you in my next movie.” “Does that line ever work?” Zaire asked. “I guess we’re about to find out,” said Shea.
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Shea stepped forward and grabbed Zaire, pulling her into a sloppy kiss. Zaire kissed back, and soon the two were full on making out in the middle of the dance floor.
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“Sorry I’m late, I had to--” Asia stopped in the middle of her sentence when she saw Shea making out with Zaire. Johnny furtively tapped Shea on the shoulder to alert her to the incoming drama, and Shea untangled herself from Zaire.
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“You have GOT to be kidding me!” Asia shouted, nearly louder than the music. “We get into one fight and you’re off kissing the first girl you see!?” “C’mon Asia, it’s not like that,” Shea said, still tipsy.  “Oh really?” Asia asked. “What’s it like, then? Tell me.” Shea thought for a second, trying to string a coherent sentence together, but her words were failing her.
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“I’m sorry,” Shea said, her shoulders sagging. “Things have been so weird between us and I was mad about the fight.” “So you wanted to hurt me back,” Asia said with a sigh. “No, no,” Shea said. “I would never want to hurt you.” “Well, it’s too late,” said Asia, tears in her eyes. “You did. And we’re through!” She turned on her heel and stormed out.
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“Yikes,” Zaire said after Asia left. “Movie stars are so much more drama than they’re worth.” “Way to rub it in, man,” Shea muttered.
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“Hey kid,” said Shea’s older cousin Rumi. “That looked absolutely dreadful and I’m so sorry about it all, buy my boyfriend just called, so I’m gonna dip.” “You watch me get dumped and then tell me about your booty call?” Shea summarized. Rumi shrugged and left. After a while, most of the older cousins had gone as well.
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Soon it was back to being just the high school graduates, and the youngest of generation 7. James and Luna chatted about college, Jordyn and Johnny made out some more, and Shea squirted juice directly into her mouth in an attempt to drown out everything that happened tonight.
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After the party was over, Shea made her way down to her bedroom. Strangely enough, Zaire was there. “Party’s over,” Shea muttered. “Go home, I wanna go to sleep.” “You sure?” Zaire asked, her hands grabbing Shea’s hips. “I felt like our kiss got interrupted. Shea smiled up at her and wrapped her arms around her shoulders, pulling her into the kiss. The two made out for a little, then fell onto the bed, getting tangled in the sheets and one another.
0 notes
rafescoke · 3 years
Maybank ; Rafe Cameron (Part 2)
Part #2
Read part #1 here
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x reader
Summary: Sometimes both sides are in the wrong.
Warnings: More angst, mentions of substance, gaslighting!
A/N: you know the drill. . . send requests!
(Y/N) isn’t one to feel jealous easily.
When she dated a certain boy from her school a few years ago, she wasn’t even phased when she had found him kissing another girl at a party.
She simply didn’t care.
But the aching feeling in her when she saw her current boyfriend sniffing a line on the back of a random girl with the perfect house and the perfect clothes and the-
“(Y/N), do you want to come down to the beach with us?”
(Y/N) finally looks up from her novel in which she wasn’t even reading in the first place. Her mind was somewhere else, and her thoughts weren’t put in the context of the book.
“No. I’m not feeling well.”
JJ sighs, fixing his cap backwards and placing himself beside her. He looks over her lap, reading the first few lines of the book his sister’s reading and sighs. 
“I never read, so I do not understand how this whole novel thing works. But I’m pretty sure reading about getting over a breakup won’t do you any good.”
(Y/N) rolls her eyes, snapping her book with a shut. The last thing she ever wants is for JJ to lecture her. She had enough bawling her eyes the past 2 weeks. 
“What time are you supposed to go again? Go.”
She’s grateful, of course, for JJ. He was there for her the whole 2 weeks when she didn’t feel like eating or taking a shower or anything that involved getting out of the bed.
But she feels better now, her hair perfectly up in a hairdo and the red color of her cheeks returning.
She’s not sad anymore.
The feeling evolves into anger.
Of course, (Y/N).
You’re nothing but a pogue.
If there’s one thing Obx is famous for, that will be the annual bonfire. It’s an excuse for every teenager on the island to let loose and to free themselves after a year of studying.
For (Y/N), it’s just another party for Rafe to ignore her.
But she’s not coming down to the beach with him a few distance away, hell, she doesn’t even know if he’s coming.
“What the fuck! You told me you’re not coming,” JJ laughs, giving his sister a side hug. “You look good. You don’t look pale anymore.”
“I’m gonna be sick if you keep saying nice things to me,” (Y/N) rolls her eyes, though her insides are beaming. JJ has always been her number one supporter, and she loves her brother with all her heart.
“Just don’t go to the other side of the beach, okay? All your friends are here.”
And we’re back to him protecting her.
She gets it, really, but she doesn’t feel like a night full of JJ and his friends becoming some sort of bodyguards to her.
The last thing she ever wants is for Rafe to think she’s still weak.
“J, I know.”
He holds both of his hands up, “I’m just saying. I’m by the fire if you ever need me, okay?”
It’s funny how the boy who cried to her over his scraped knee is the same boy who’s trying his best to protect her. Growing up in a dysfunctional family, all (Y/N) and JJ has is each other. 
(Y/N) walks to the music booth, getting so tired over the same artist being played over and over again. She doesn’t feel like listening to Drake all while trying to forget a certain brunette boy from the back of her head.
“Hey, can I get something different? Play the Euphoria soundtrack if you must. Anything other than the songs you’re playing.”
The DJ looks up to her and gives out the widest grin. (Y/N) tries to look away from the charming smile, but her eyes are glued to a pair of blue ones.
“Not a fan of Drake?”
“Why? Trying to move on from an ex?”
She gulps, “No. Just have a good taste in music.”
The guy licks his teeth, “Touche. The name’s Nate.”
(Y/N) gives him a small grin, “Hm. Can we change the song now?”
Nate raises a brow because god; no one has ever disregard him. 
There’s something about the girl.
“Is Party In The USA good enough for you, princess?”
Her breath hitches. The last time someone has ever called her princess was probably a few weeks ago. 
This is not helping her to get over him.
“Whatever. You’re the DJ, right?” she answers, turning on her heels. “Oh wait, Nate?”
He smiles at her again, and (Y/N) has the urge to slap the smug look off his face.
“Don’t call me princess. You’re not my boyfriend.”
For the past 40 minutes, no Drake song has been playing. The crowd begins filling the empty space in the middle to dance with each other, and (Y/N) has to look away from the couple getting close and leaving kisses down each other’s necks.
She makes her way down to the drinks counter to get herself a beer because she really doesn’t feel like watching another friend of hers kissing their partners while sober. She decides that if she has to stay for another hour of people making out with each other, it’s better if she’s intoxicated.
(Y/N) turns her back, expecting to see a drunk friend of hers, but the sight of the same DJ from before greets her.
She rolls her eyes, “I’m not asking you to change the music.”
“I know, I guess I started off wrong just now. Let me reintroduce myself. You deserve to know the real me.”
(Y/N) laughs, because this whole thing sounds like something out of a corny Netflix movie. He’s cute, sure, but she’s just not interested.
He removes the beanie he’s been wearing all night, revealing a blonde buzz cut underneath. (Y/N) tries not to stare.
Okay. Screw cute. He’s handsome. 
“Hi, I’m Nate. I’m from New York, and I just moved here.”
She smiles, finally, because he fits the exact image she has of every male teenager in New York. Blonde buzz cut, an unbuttoned blue shirt with a peak of his toned body underneath, and a pair of red shorts. 
A new kook.
“Nate, your kind and I don’t match. You’re a kook.”
He scrunches his face, “They’ve been telling me that shit since the first week I’ve been here-” he steps closer, and (Y/N) can smell his expensive cologne. It’s not the same one she favors on Rafe, but it’s close. “-don’t tell me you believe that stuff.”
She grins, “I’m not rich, Nate.”
“The name’s (Y/N),” she smiles, extending her hand. Nate beams, because finally, after a whole night of watching her from his booth, she finally expresses the most beautiful smile there is. 
“(Y/N), I feel like we’re going to get closer soon.”
“Yeah? Why’s that?”
“I’m not a Drake’s fan either.”
. . .
(Y/N)’s hesitant. 
She doesn’t believe him in one bit, not even when he flashes her the most charming smile ever. 
But he’s not afraid to show her off. She went on a date with him a few nights ago, and she distanced herself from him upon the entrance of the restaurant.
“What the fuck are you doing? C’mere.”
(Y/N) looked up to him, “You don’t have to stay near with me.”
Nate turned to her with a confused expression. “Why? I’m buying you dinner, remember?”
He held her hands in his, and she let him.
Nate pokes her side and suppresses a giggle when she yelps from the sudden touch. He fails, however, when she falls from his bed onto the floor. 
“You’re too ticklish,” he says and helps her up to her feet. Her eyes wander to the band posters on his wall again, being so amazed and surprised by this boy’s taste in music and movies.
“I don’t even listen to half of the bands you listen to,” she says finally, pulling herself down to the empty space beside him. “Do you know who’s Ariana Grande?”
Nate rolls his eyes, “Ha-ha. No. I don’t. Is she the one who sang Despacito or something?”
(Y/N) laughs and her heart suddenly soars. She feels at ease, and there’s lightness in the air, even when they’re in public.
(Y/N) stands up, taking the full room into view again, and walks to the shelf full of pictures of Nate and his family. There’s a picture of him in a soccer jersey, a picture of him playing the drums and then an electric guitar, and-
“Oh my god, is this your girlfriend?” (Y/N) exclaims, picking up a photo frame with a beautiful brunette girl smiling back at her. “She’s so pretty.”
“(Y/N), put it back,” Nate rolls his eyes, standing up from the comfort of his bed and walking towards her. (Y/N) laughs, liking the way his eyebrows scrunch in distress and hides the photo frame behind her.
“(Y/N). . . I’m not playing.”
“No one is playing, Nate,” she laughs, taking a few steps back as he motions forward. “I can’t believe you have a sweetheart back in NYC, Nate.”
“(Y/N), put it back.”
(Y/N) pulls a confused expression, “Put what back?” she brings the frame forward, and expressed a fake sigh. “Oh, this? I was just checking this out-” Nate charges for her and she squeals, running towards the end of his room and watching as he runs in her direction. She panics, looking around for a place to hide, and as her eyes meet his bed, Nate has the same idea in his head.
He pushes her over his bed so she topples over, the frame still in her hands. She yelps, leaving the frame alone and using both of her hands to push his chest away. 
Nate hovers over her, being so close he can smell her sweet scent now, and she looks so good under his yellow lights and in his bed and that goddamn smirk on her face-
“Is she your girlfriend, Nate?”
“None of your concern, princess,” he answers. Her eyes snap down to the cross dangling from his neck, and he can’t do this anymore; not when she looks so pretty under his gaze.
(Y/N) can feel the sudden change in the air now, and the chasing game they’ve been playing suddenly doesn’t look like a chasing game.
He’s like a predator waiting to attack. 
(Y/N)’s eyes look up to him again. “Is she your girlfriend?”
And he connects his lips with her. She gasps from the sudden touch, but after a few seconds, he can feel her kissing him back. 
And for once, she feels okay again. She wraps her arms around him, pulling him close to her and letting his warmth engulfing her.
She feels at peace.
“Rafe,” she whispers, letting the blonde boy trails down to her neck.
Nate pulls away, his lips sore and red after their brief makeout session.
Chest heaving, he steps away. “Rafe?”
(Y/N) sits up, groaning and fixing her hair. “God, I’m so stupid. I don’t mean that, Nate, I’m sorry. Please, don’t go.”
Nate pulls a disgusted face, and it’s the same look Rafe had put in the party a few weeks ago to her and she can feel herself losing again. 
“I’m going out. You can stay here if you want.”
The door closes behind him, and (Y/N) groans. 
Way to go, (Y/N).
. . .
She hates how bad she feels for Nate.
He has been nothing but a total sweetheart to her, and there she was; moaning another guy’s name and letting him walked out of his own home.
So that’s the core reason as to why she’s standing outside of his house at 10 p.m. on a Friday, letting the heavy rain soaks her whole outfit because of course she would forget to bring an umbrella.
She knocks again, with her fists this time, because she’s certain he hadn’t heard her. For a moment, she’s afraid his father or mother would open the door but after remembering how they’re going to be away for a business trip, she sighs in relief. 
The door opens midway of her banging on the door, revealing a shirtless Nate with nothing but green sweatpants complimenting his legs.
“(Y/N)? What are you doing here?” he groans, tugging her arms in and closing the door after her. (Y/N) attacks him in a tight hug, slightly shivering from the cold rain outside, and after a few seconds, Nate hugs her back.
“You’re okay?”
“Can we talk in your room?”
“Uh, I don’t-”
(Y/N) doesn’t let him give any excuse and she pulls him into the living room, but before she can reach the space, he pulls her to a halt.
“Hey, we can’t go there, I’m kinda, um, doing something. What’s wrong?”
She sighs, “Nate, I’m so sorry, okay? I didn’t mean it when I called you someone else’s name and that’s the stupidest thing I ever did but please don’t go, okay? You’re all I have.”
Nate laughs, “God, you’re really worried about that? I get it, it’s okay.”
“No, it’s not.”
“It is, really. But tell me one thing, though-” he pulls her arms, and pins her against the wall. (Y/N) smiles, staring into his blue orbs. “Is this Rafe more handsome than me?”
“Hey man, we really can’t wait-” a voice starts from the direction of the living room, and before (Y/N) can move away, the voice rings again. “Ah. Of course.”
Oh my god.
She misses him too much. His hair is messier than ever, his eyes bloodshot and his nose red. (Y/N) wonders how many lines he did, but judging from the distant look in his eyes, she’s guessing a lot.
“Rafe,” she whispers, getting closer to the boy she missed and letting his smell engulf her. 
“Rafe?” Nate quirks a brow because this isn’t making any sense. Why would she called his friend the name-
Of course.
Rafael is Rafe.
So this is the guy.
His childhood friend is ‘the Rafe’ of the girl he’s starting to fall for.
After so many hours of trying to find the Rafe she accidentally called him, he hadn’t thought of his own childhood friend to be the guy all along.
Growing up, he have been told to call him Rafael up until the day he moved to New York. 
He can’t believe it.
“Rafe,” she calls again, this time following Rafe out to the living room. “Rafe, listen to me.”
“You moved on too fast.”
“I haven’t moved on, Rafe, fuck, I swear I haven’t,” she expresses. “Please. Listen to me.”
“You were mad at me for doing a line from some bitch’s back and you’re, you’re o-out here, under my own fucking friend’s arms and- did y’all fucked?”
“What?” she gasps, “God, Rafe, no. No. I will never fuck anyone other than you.”
“Yeah?” Rafe raises a brow and lets out a shrill laugh. “God, I don’t even know if I can trust you.”
“You can, Rafe,” she steps forward, trying to reach his face with her cold fingers. The anger she felt before suddenly dissipates into the thin air because god, she did not realize how much she has been missing this boy more than anything in the world.
Her everything.
Rafe flinches away, “Stop. Do you know how miserable I am the past few weeks without you?”
“Don’t turn this on me now, Rafe.” “And you’re out here with fucking Nate Hamilton. Jesus fucking Christ.”
“Rafe, it’s not like that,” Nate suddenly steps in, and (Y/N) gives him a warning look not to say anything more. He ignores her, “Are we not going to talk about how you disregard her just because of her status on this fucking island?”
“God, always with your equality shit,” Rafe groans. “You guys deserve each other. I can’t believe you will ever do this to me, Nate.”
What hurt Rafe more isn’t the fact that she was all pinned under his arms, but it was because Nate knew about their relationship. Rafe had told him everything about her ever since they first started dating, and he hadn’t just lost her tonight.
He lost his childhood friend too.
“I’m leaving,” he says, rubbing his nose and sniffing. Rafe isn’t sure how many lines he has done, but his mind is getting lighter and lighter and the lights are turning blurry. 
He can’t stand being in the same room as them. He will fucking drive if he has to.
(Y/N) bites her lips, trying to stop herself from bursting into tears. So they know each other? Why won’t Rafe ever tell her about him? Is this still her fault? She wasn’t even cheating on him. They’re not together.
Are they together?
“Hey, you’re okay?”
(Y/N) pulls her hands away, stepping away from the blonde boy and walking towards the exit. She has to leave this house as soon as possible. The once comforting bright color of the wall seems so dull and suffocating now, and she longs for the familiar blue paint of Rafe’s room.
She wants Rafe. 
No one else.
Just him.
“Just me?” Rafe smiled. “Hey, hey, I got a surprise for you.”
“Rafe, I hate surprises,” (Y/N) groaned, throwing her head back against the headrest. “You bought me a dress before!”
“Look-” he smiled, showing her a gold ring in a small velvet box. “It’s a ring.”
“Oh my god, it looks like yours!” (Y/N) exclaimed, clutching his hand with the ring and comparing the color. 
“Of course it’s the same ring. You’re my wife, I’m not going to buy you a different kind.”
“What? Am I not your husband?”
(Y/N) wishes for nothing but Rafe. 
She presses on his contact again, turning her phone downside and moving the speaker nearer to her lips.
“Rafe, please call me back. I miss you, and we can fix this, okay? I didn’t know about Nate and I was so, so stupid. I can never replace you, Rafe. You’re mine, remember? Please. Call me back. I miss you.”
She sighs, setting her phone down on her lap and watches as the rain patters down her front windscreen heavily.
Love is a hell of a drug.
@okayshoto @joselyn001 @onceuponateenagetrash @dyingsleeping @iwannabeapogue @meaganjm @rafesobxs @flossy2929 @unfortunatekiwitrash @scottybitch @asimpwriter @amaya124 @tommy-tommo @thatshithurted8 @fallincindy @marvelwhor3 @rafeswh0ree @kookap @supernaturallydc-blog @blank-velvet @alaniskauany @kiiim8 @witchywrter @kaitlyn2907 @heyimflo @overcookedpastasause @tsukkiswifeey @spidey-d00d @anonymousobxfan @gotmeinloveagain @chicagoblackhawkslover96 @lexi-writes @classydragonthingknight @belongtoyou-u @badbussylol @savannah-elliott @angelreyesgirl100 @haterpenny @beehappyyy @alwaysclassyeagle @maybankslut @kayleea122 @clearbolts @lovelyxtom @christianaevans @jemimah-b99 @opierdalacz @dangerdolns @wildflowerliv @classygirlything21 @pogueslandia @alwaysclassyeagle @rottenstyx @wxn-drlst
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Like I did with you
So I’ve been procrastinating hard during my study break for my exams, but here have a song fic!
Ghost of you by 5SOS
Genius comments: The song tells the tale of a heartbroken lover who has lost his significant other – due to a breakup or even suicide/death – and is refusing to accept the fact that she is never coming back.
I didn’t feel like writing angst and whenever I hear this song I feel like ballroom dancing (and I have).
Also thank you to the lovely people on the Maribat discord server!
The sequel ‘It started with a whisper’ is up!
Gotham Academy implemented a new ‘Study Abroad’ program due to recent funding from a local humanitarian. This program gave the students of Gotham Academy a chance to study abroad in Europe and vice versa. Countries like Sweden, Greece, Germany, Ireland and more participated in the program; offering a multitude of high schools with many different courses.
And because of that very wealthy benefactor, his son got first pick on where he would like to study. This was 100% not a forced decision at all to subtly keep track of the happenings of Paris. With that the Ice Prince of Gotham took the City of Love by storm.
He had been at Collège Françoise Dupont for the past few months, and it’s been hell. The class he had been placed into was ripping apart at the seams. There were two students that the class gravitated towards; he observed some of the others meeting in secret, without the knowledge of their respective ‘leaders’.
The first student that held the majority of the class’ focus was Lila Rossi. She was a black hole with beady green eyes, who dragged who ever was in her reach to an agonising fate. Damian saw through her deceptions and rejected her flirtations. The students that followed her, ate up whatever lie she spat out. Rossi soon learned that lies about the Wayne family and Gotham wouldn’t fly with him.
“Really? You worked with Monsieur Wayne?” The pink clad girl, Rose, squeaked.
Damian had just walked into class on his second day at the hell hole and already regretted it. He shot a glare towards the large group, “Who ever told you that is severely misinformed. My father has never worked with a minor from Europe, due to potential rumours and allegations it could cause. It is not a threat but a promise if a lie of similar caliber is spread there will be a lawsuit.” And with that he walked towards his seat in the back, the Ice Prince had cast his decree, the class’ atmosphere had frozen over.
The second student was Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Those that surrounded her were Alix Kubdel, Chloé Bourgeois, Max Kanté, Lê Chiến Kim and the occasional secret appearance from Juleka Couffaine. They didn’t view Dupain-Cheng through rose coloured lenses, they were always grounded and opinions were respected. Damian, who was a loner without Jon at his side, was satisfied by himself; Marinette respected that and didn’t force him to socialise like Lila tried to.
So that leads us to this. He stood against a sidewall of the giant banquet hall, staring out at the crowd before him. Jon was walking to wards him with a can of sprite in hand. Jon had moved to Paris with him but had been placed into a different class. The boy who was the epitome of sunshine stuck around the Ice Prince, their friendship is an enigma to the Françoise Dupont students.
Jon’s face was flushed. He had just gotten a drink after dancing for the past hour. Tonight was the night of the Collège’s formal dance for their graduating class. Skirts of all colours and fabrics swirled, as their partners (majority of whom had matching suits) twirled them to the music.
Jon, gesturing to the crowd, asked him whether he was going to stand there all night or dance. Taking a sip of his drink a smirk appears on his face, “unless the great Damian Wayne is to much of a coward to dance.”
Here I am waking up
Still can't sleep on your side
Damian’s head snapped towards the taller boy, “Are you seriously using my ego to get me to dance?”
Jon raising an eyebrow, “Well?”
If I can dream long enough
The temperamental teen stormed off, grumbling about “Jon being as bad as Todd”. Scanning the room he search for a suitable partner, there was no way he would embarrass himself by dancing alone.
You'd tell me I'd be just fine
I'll be just fine
He spotted Dupain-Cheng stood off to the side, alone. She was draped in a layered white dress with black hemming. As he neared, he realised that the asymmetrical skirt was actually a light blush with her signature apple blossom flowers embroidered. She looked up at him and he straightened his stance, slowing his pace. Her sapphire eyes locked on to his, her bangs curled off to the side along with the rest of her hair in beach waves.
So I drown it out like I always do
She gifted him a small smile, a usual occurrence within her interactions with him. He offered his left hand, bowing his head slightly. “Dupain-Che—“ he cleared his throat, “Marinette. Would you do me the honour of joining me in this dance?”
Dancing through our house
With the ghost of you
Her eyes widened, not expecting the Arabian God of a teen before her to ask her such a question. She saw his temper during class during his spats with Lila and how he kept to himself without the presence of Jon. But here he was in a fitted Armani suit that made his green eyes glow, and hair messily slicked to the side. Marinette looked at his hand, glad that her makeup mostly hid her blush.
And I chase it down
“I am...” She paused to find the right word, “I am a bad dancer. It is better for everyone that I don’t participate.”
“I can think of nothing less appealing than an evening of watching other people dance.” A small gasp escaped from her mouth before she could stop it. She watched as his mouth twitch’s downwards before his facade returned with full strength. “If you do not wish, to I won’t force you. But if you’ll allow me I’ll guide you through the dance to make sure it isn’t an utter disaster.”
With a shot of truth
Marinette’s lips quirked, giggling as she took his hand, “Your funeral Damian.”
What had he gotten himself into?
The two entered the dance floor, taking up the dance support hold. Their dance had the basic steps of the waltz, with a promenade and many spins; some as a couple and some were just Mari. Damian soon found he enjoy watching the sparkles in her dress light up as she spun. It became even more enjoyable when he discovered that the dress was her own creation.
Dancing through our house
The two made quiet conversations during their dance. Damian pulled her closer by the waist as they repeated the basic steps, their bodies perfectly in tune with each other. “You are a fine dancer despite your protests”
With the ghost of you
Marinette tilted her head up at him, blinding him with a dazzling smile. Damian’s heart fluttered, the two always had a mutual respect but it seems to have grown into a fond appreciation.
From the tables scattered around the dance floor there was a blond, with his fist clenched. Lila had dragged him off of the floor as soon as Damian and Marinette made their debuts; together. The brunette was now off angrily gossiping to Alya and any other who’d listen. It was a hot topic between Lila and Alya that Marinette loved him, although now, as he watched her dance with Damian, he was unsure as to whether that was ever true. He sat there, glued to his seat, watching the spectacle before him.
Cleaning up today
Found that old Zepplin shirt
The two dancers didn’t notice that everyone had cleared off the floor to watch them. They danced in sync, no movement was made without the other following it. Adrien had realised awhile ago that even though he didn’t have romantic feelings for Marinette, he cherished her friendship. That relationship was now tarnished due to the path he took when he first revealed his knowledge of the deceptions. His father had forced him to keep Lila happy, even if it made him miserable.
You wore when you ran away
And no one could feel your hurt
He had lost her, and he was unsure as to whether he could gain any semblance of their relationship back.
We're too young, too dumb
To know things like love
Damian lifted his partner’s right hand and twirled her three times, they both were content within their own world. The two swayed before turning together and walking around the now open space.
But I know better now (Better now)
Marinette flushed as she realised what was happening around her, leaning towards her partner she whispered, “I think we’ve become an impromptu entertainment.”
Too young, too dumb
To know things like love
Too young, too dumb
Damian subtly gazed behind her seeing their peers in a circle surrounding them. He was on the inside looking out, and he wouldn’t trade it for the world. He whispered reassurances in her ear, he wished to finish the song before he released her from his embrace. The two drowned out their audience, focusing on each other and the beat of the song.
So I drown it out like I always do
Dancing through our house
With the ghost of you
And I chase it down
With a shot of truth
That my feet don't dance
Like they did with you
The melody slowly faded off as the last lines were sung. The two finished on a basic waltz step before swaying in each other’s arms. The music ends and there is silence, blood rushed to their ears and their breaths mingled.
The two stayed in the other’s embrace, face-to-face, staring. They broke out of their trance by clapping. Looking around Marinette saw many of her peers and most of the supervising teachers applauding their performance.
Their friends broke through the crowd, Jon patted Damian’s shoulder (retracting before he got bit) while Chloe and Alix pulled Marinette back to their table to discuss what Disney magic had befallen the couple. The bluenette glanced back at her partner, mouthing a silent goodbye.
The crowd dispersed but were still buzzing from their display. Marinette was bombarded with questions, not only from her friends, but from other students about her dancing with the demon. Her stuttered replies did little to quench the crowd’s thirst. Her face must be comparable to that of a tomato.
Damian, having noticed the building crowd and Marinette’s uncomfortable stance, broke away from Jon. The crowd parted like the red sea, unwilling to be the one to anger the Ice Prince.
He offered her his arm (to which she took) and escorted her out to the patio outside. She stayed entwined with him, as she looked out at the stray Parisian night; leaning her head onto his should. Here the two could breathe. Here the two of them could be their present selves, no ghostly facades needed. It seems they could drown out anything in the presence of each other.
Unbeknownst to them, Jon had recorded their dance, along with their previous and present interactions of that night. He thought for a second to use it as blackmail material but decided to just send it off anyways. Oh the chaos it caused.
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1800-omi · 3 years
when you overhear him say he’s dating you only to make his brother jealous.
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characters: miya twins
warnings: female reader, swear words
notes: i didn’t proofread besties sorry if there’s any errors 😔👊🏼
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Osamu was walking down the school hallways beside his best friend, Sunarin when the conversation came up. They had been talking about school, then from school, they started talking about classmates then from that the subject changed to partners and dating. When Rintarou found out about his friend, he was obviously happy for him, yet he couldn’t help but wonder why his friend suddenly got into a relationship when he hasn’t shown any interest in dating someone for months. So, he decided to ask.
“So,” he put both his hands behind his head, his elbows pointing up, “Why’d ya do it?”
“Huh?” Osamu looked up at him, “do what?”
“You started dating YN so suddenly. It just seems so out of character for you to do.” He replied, “Or maybe my question should be, how you started dating her? Pretty much every boy in school has had his eyes on her at one point.”
Osamu chuckled at the question. “Well, I’ve got my ways when it comes to flirting and all that. As for why I did it,” a smirk grew on his lips as he thought about it. “Alright, listen, I’m only tellin’ you this ‘cause you’re my best friend, okay?” Rintarou nodded, unsure of what to expect next. “I started dating her because I wanted to make Atsumu jealous. He brags to me about girls he meets all the time, about how much his fangirls love him. The best way I could get back to him is if I started dating the girl every guy around here wanted.”
Suna looked at his friend wide-eyed before letting out a laugh, “oh my God, you’re evil!”
The conversation had kept your boyfriend’s attention away from the fact that while he was talking, he was passing your class. Having just gotten back from your lunch break, you did not expect to be overhearing this conversation. You felt crushed, used. You were ready to open up to him, good thing that you never did. As Osamu and his friend disappeared into the school’s halls, you put your hand over the necklace your soon-to-be ex-boyfriend had given you and made a decision. You would not be suffering over an asshole, not this time, not again.
That afternoon, after all the classes were over, Osamu waited for you at the school gates so you two could walk home together. You met him at the school gates, just like you always do. You two went on about your usual conversations as you walked home, homework, exams, family, anything normal couples talk about. You two soon enough arrived at his house, you walked him to his doorstep and instead of giving him the usual kiss on the lips, you decided to speak up.
“Atsumu’s kind of annoying, isn’t he?” you smiled at your boyfriend, he let out a ‘huh’ in confusion before you proceeded. “He’s always bragging about how girls want him, doesn't it make you want to get back to him in some way?”
With that, a frown appeared on Osamu’s face. Realizing that there was no way he could get out of this situation and still get to call you his, he gave up. “Who told you?” a part of him thought Suna had informed you, then again, he was the only one who knew besides Osamu.
“Do you think I’m stupid, Osamu? Honestly, I’m curious. Just how long did you think you could use me for?”
Hearing your monotone voice made him remember just how much you had done for him during the time he was dating you. Hearing your tone made him realise how much he’d lost, made him realise why everyone wanted to be with you in the first place. Most of all, it made him remember why when he first saw you, for a moment, he fell for you too. “Listen, YN, maybe I can make it up–”
“Oh, fuck off! You won’t make up shit.” you grabbed the necklace he had gifted you and ripped it off your neck, throwing it on the grass of the Miya family’s front yard. “You’ll have to find someone else to play your games with because we’re done, Miya. Please don’t talk to me again.” You turned around, feeling as if the heaviest weight has been lift off your chest. You finally feel at ease as you walk out of Miya’s property and make your way home. That day you left Osamu at his doorstep, you left him feeling broken and full of regret. One might say you left him the way you first met him.
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Atsumu had told you he would be going out with his teammate Ginjima that day, what you hadn’t had time to tell him is that you would be going out to the town too.
He walked around the town’s shopping centre with a bubble tea cup in his hand, looking around the various stores. “Did ya know YN actually loves this place?” By the tone of Atsumu voice, it was clear to Gin that Atsumu was about to start another one of his annoying rants. “She always likes coming here with me. She says she likes the atmosphere. It’s classic girl stuff, I guess. Shopping and all that.”
“I don’t blame her, to be honest. There’s some really cool stuff ‘round here.” Ginjima replied, hoping that he would end Atsumu rant like that.
“I guess. She’s kinda annoying sometimes, always dragging me around to do stuff with her. I mean, I didn’t even start dating her because of me, y’know?”
Ginjima looked at Atsumu, what the fuck was he talking about? “No, I don’t know, Atsumu.”
“Oh, well, I actually started dating her because Osamu has a crush on her.” He admitted it so shamelessly as if it was the most normal thing in the world to say, as if he did it every day. Gin didn’t know what to focus on, the fact Atsumu’s playing with this girl or the fact he’s hurting his twin brother’s feelings with it.
“Atsumu, you fucking–”
Ginjima was interrupted by your voice, you had greeted Atsumu and him as you grabbed Atsumu’s arm, smiling up at him. He wasn’t sure where you came from, whereas Atsumu, on the other hand, could recall you had been behind them and they hadn’t noticed until you talked to them.
Atsumu wasn’t sure whether you had heard what he said about you. His heart was beating a little quicker as he opened his mouth to reply. “H-Hey Yn! I didn’t know you’d be here!”
“Yeah, sorry about that! I forgot to tell you, babe.” You kept on smiling, putting Atsumu at ease. He let out a sigh out of relief, convinced you hadn’t heard them. “What were you two talking about?” You continued.
Before Atsumu could say anything, Ginjima answered for him, “Osamu has a crush apparently. Atsumu decided to tell me his secret like the horrible brother he is.” Gin wasn’t entirely sure why he decided to lie to you, but he wasn’t going to pass on an opportunity to blackmail Atsumu, was he?
“Don’t say than Gin! ‘Tsumu is a great brother and boyfriend!” you exclaimed, making Atsumu even more convinced that you hadn't heard him.
And with that, the went on continued normally. The three of you wandered around the shopping centre before eventually deciding to split up, leaving you and Atsumu to walk home together. He had invited you over to his house, saying he's home alone this weekend. As you entered the house and sat on the couch there was an uncomfortable silence between the two of you. After your boyfriend sat next to you, you finally spoke up about what had been bothering you ever since you saw him at that mall.
“You know that you’re an asshole, right, Atsumu?” he turned his gaze at you, surprised. “Do you have any idea–”
Feeling the need to make up an excuse, Atsumu interrupted you. “Listen, babe–”
“Don’t fucking interrupt me!” you slightly started raising your voice, “You know, I’m glad that you got to go around and tell all your friends about how much of a player you are! While I was busy being called a slut and a whore for dating you!”
“What? Who the fuck was calling you a whore?”
“Your fucking fangirls, Atsumu,” you said his name with such disgust in your voice, and he noticed. “And you would've fucking known if you ever cared enough to listen. I guess I don't blame you for never listening, then again, I was just a little game so that your brother would get jealous.”
“YN, hear me out here, ”
“No, Atsumu, there is nothing for me to hear. We’re done, we’re over.” You weren't sure whether there was anything else to say to him, you didn't want to argue with him either.
“Fuck you, Atsumu Miya,” you said as you got up and stormed out the door.
At that moment, Atsumu had just shaken his head and continued about his day normally. He knew you would found out eventually, so he has promised himself he wouldn't become attached to you. What he didn't know is that he has broken that promise the second you had first kissed his lips, every time he saw you walking down the hallways at school he felt his heart slightly ache, as if it was becoming smaller. When he saw you blushing as his twin brother confessed to you under the big cherry blossom tree at the school’s backyard, he felt the same feeling. Now when he sees you holding his brother's hand, he still feels the same, hurt, aching, and as if his regret is ready to drown him.
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reblogs are appreciated <3
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slytherinwh0re · 4 years
Sex Pollen
Draco Malfoy x female reader AU
Warnings: SMUT (18+ minors dni), swearing, some fluff
Summary: Where you and Draco encounter sex pollen while working on a herbology assignment
Requested by: @bitchybeatle
A/N: Ask box is open for requests!
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You hated herbology. Such a waste of time in your opinion. The only saving grace was that you had it with your boyfriend, Draco Malfoy. The relationship was still fairly new, you’d only been dating for a couple weeks and everything was perfect. Well almost perfect, the only issue was that Draco hadn’t fucked you yet. 
Every time you thought it was going to happen he’d just lick his finger clean, smirk, and tell you he’d see you later with a quick kiss. He would make you cum every time, whether it be his fingers or mouth, but you just needed more. The boy was driving you crazy and he knew it. 
“Alright class, you’re to get with a partner and find all the plants from the list I’ve given you, they’re all pretty common so you can find them anywhere, not just the school grounds. I want them turned in by next Monday.” Profesor Sprout said cutting off your thoughts of Draco as the small lady handed everyone the parchment paper full of plant names.
“Draco, we could probably find these this weekend when we visit your parents in the forest behind your house.”
“I was just thinking the same thing love. I’ve seen all of these back there, it shouldn’t be a problem finding them.” Draco was skimming over the list nodding to himself, one of his hands resting on your knee under the table you shared.
You grabbed his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze, smiling at the boy that you’re completely infatuated with. Draco looked over at you and smiled before planting a quick kiss on your cheek and going back to the list in his hand, trying to remember where he’d seen the plants we needed to find.
“Alright mum, (y/n) and I are gonna head out. We have to find some plants for a herbology assignment in the forest, we’ll be back before dinner.” Draco said as you finish up the last of your morning tea.
“Thank you for the tea Mrs. Malfoy, it was very nice catching up with you.” She’s always been very kind to you and your family, even before you started dating her son.
“(Y/n) dear, how many times do I have to tell you to call me Narcissa, Mrs. Malfoy makes me sound old. Now you two be careful, you never know what you’ll find in that forest.” You just blush as Draco assures her that we’ll be okay.
It’s beautiful day outside, the spring air warm on your faces, perfect weather for an afternoon scavenging the forest. Draco knew exactly where to find most of the plants, having spent a lot of his childhood running around these same trails.
“Draco I’m starving, maybe we should turn back and we can finish up tomorrow?” We’d been walking for hours, finding almost everything on the list. Your feet hurt and your stomach was grumbling, the book bag you carried on your back feeling much heavier than before.
“We’re almost to where I’m taking you love, just right around this bend.” He grabs your hand, walking a little faster, and then you see it.
In front of you is a small meadow, the grass covered in small yellow flowers and completely surrounded by tress.
“This place is beautiful Draco.”
“I knew you’d like it.” He looks so happy you can’t help but smile. “I brought us some sandwiches and butter beers, thought we could have lunch here.” He pulls a blanket out his bag and sets it down for us to sit on, handing you a sandwich and drink.
“You know what Malfoy, you aren’t too bad.” You joke making him laugh.
“You’re not too bad yourself (y/l/n).” He winks at you.
Once your sandwiches were gone you both laid back staring at the sky in a comfortable silence, his hand holding yours. This being the most at peace you’ve ever felt in your life. You turn your head to look at the handsome blonde, stunned when he’s already looking at you.
“Have I ever told you you’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.” He tells you everyday, and everyday it makes your face burn bright red.
“You may have brought it up once or twice.” You lean in, kissing his soft lips, he puts his hand on your cheek kissing back.
“Draco do you smell that?” You pull away from him, something smelled ridiculously sweet, you couldn’t concentrate on anything else at the moment.
He takes in a big whiff and his eyes widen, “fuck” you barely hear him whisper. You could tell he was also being effected by the weird aroma. Both of you seemingly in a trance. You looked at each other and it was as if you’re the only two people in the world, Draco looking at you as if you were his next meal. The thought making you rub your thighs together.
“(Y/n) it’s sex pollen, it must be coming from the flowers. It makes it to where whoever smells it can’t resist the person they’re with, I’ve never brought anyone here so it’s never effected me.” He looks you up and down, stopping when he see you with your lip in between your teeth. “Bloody hell, you need to leave. I won’t be able to stop if you don’t leave.”
“What if I don’t want you to stop?” You scoot closer and closer to him until you’re only a few inches away from his face. He looks down at your lips and you can see him physically fighting himself to keep his composure.
“It’s just the pollen talking love, I can’t take advantage of you.” Your heart swells in you chest at his words but you can’t help the laugh that escapes your mouth.
“Take advantage of me? Draco I’ve wanted you to fuck me since the first time we made out in that broom closet, we weren’t even dating then. You’ve been driving me crazy for weeks now baby.” Both of you are breathing hard, the effects of the pollen making it harder and harder not to touch each other. You drag your fingers down the front of his shirt, feeling his hard chest over the fabric.
He shut his eyes, the feeling of your hands on him making him shiver “Are you sure?” he asks. So you said the one thing you knew would get you what you wanted.
“If you won’t fuck me I’ll just go find someone that will.”
Draco immediately opens his eyes and pushes you down onto the blanket, pinning both your wrists above your head with one hand, the smirk that was on your face is long gone. He hovers an inch above you before slamming his lips onto yours, slowly making his way down to your neck, sucking on that one spot he knew made you weak.
He pulls away with a smirk, admiring the dark bruise he left. He lets go of your wrist and sits you up so he can slide your tshirt off, not wasting any time to unclasp your bra. You reach for his shirt as well, needing to touch his bare skin. The desire you feel for Draco multiplying by the second.
He hooks his fingers in your leggings and underwear pulling them down your legs and finally taking them off you completely. You lay beneath him completely naked as he lets his eyes roam your body.
“I’m the only person that gets to see you like this, you’re mine (y/n).” He kisses his way down your body, lips closing around your nipple making you moan. You feel his hand running down your body, leaving a trail of goosebumps as you grab onto his shoulders, sliding your own hands down his back, feeling the muscles contract as he moves.
Draco pulls his head away from your breast and sit up so he’s kneeling between your legs, both of you watching as he slides his fingers through your folds, already soaked for him. He slowly draws circles on your clit and then finally dips two long fingers into you, his name tumbling from your mouth over and over again. The effects of the pollen in full swing, both of you so lost in each other you don’t even care you’re in an open meadow.
He speeds up his fingers making sure to curl them so they hit that spot that makes your toes curl, that stupid smirk you love so much on his face as you prop yourself up on your elbows so you can watch everything he’s doing to you.
“Feel good princess? You’re already soaked for me, who made you feel this good?”
“You Draco, only you.” Your legs start to shake, the pleasure almost too overwhelming as he goes back to rubbing your clit.
“That’s right love, only me.” You felt yourself inching closer and closer when he suddenly pulled his finger away.
“What the hell.” You were furious, the ache in between your legs very uncomfortable.
“Patience (y/n), now open up, I want you to taste yourself.” He brought his fingers up to your mouth and you wrapped your lips around them, tasting yourself for the first time, your eyes never leaving his. He pulled his finger out your mouth and stood up, pulling down his pants and boxer. His dick rock solid, dripping with precum, the sight making you rub your legs together.
He kneeled in between your legs, sliding his dick inbetween your folds, coating himself in your juices.
“You ready?” He was lined up at your entrance waiting for you approval.
“Please just fuck me Draco. I need to feel you.” With that he slammed into you. You threw your head back, his hips keeping a steady rythm.
“You sound so fucking sexy begging for my dick, you take me so well my love.” He grabbed your hips, thrusting into you harder. You use your hands to squeeze your tits, playing with your own nipples, the look on his face is priceless. He leans down and captures you lips with his, tongue entering your mouth as you move your hands to his hair, tugging lightly, earning a groan from him.
You used that moment to flip him over so you were on top, his dick feeling even deeper than before with the new angle. He looks stunned but once you start riding him all is forgotten. His hands are everywhere, running up your sides and back until one lands a loud smack right on your ass. The sting making you moan even louder.
“I always knew you’d be into that.” He lands another smack on the opposite cheek, the little smirk never leaving his handsome face. You feel the knot in your stomach tighten and you know you’re close.
“Draco I’m gonna cum.” He reaches up and drags your bottom lip down with his thumb, his finger wrapping themselves around your throat, his rings cold against your skin. You moan his name as he thrusts his hips up, meeting yours halfway. This boy will be the death of you.
“Cum for me love. Let go.” A few more thrusts and you were seeing stars, Draco following right behind. You fell on top of him as you both rode out your highs, his face buried in your neck.
Once you catch your breath you roll off of him, both of you staring at the sky again in a comfortable silence. You turn your head to look at him and he’s already looking at you.
“I’ve wanted to do that for so long.” He grabs your hand, playing with your fingers.
“Then why didn’t you? I’ve been waiting.” He kisses your hand, looking at you again.
“I just wanted to make sure it was something you wouldn’t regret, you mean a lot to me love, I was in no rush.”
“I would never regret being with you Draco but it was worth the wait.”
“Good, because now that I know what I’ve been missing out on I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of it.”
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comfortwriting · 3 years
A Triwizard Baby - Final Part - F.W
Fred Weasley x Fem Reader
Masterlist, Requesting Rules, Writing Prompt Masterlist
Final Part of the 'Triwizard Baby' mini-series.
Please Read Parts 1, 2, 3, and 4 if you haven’t already.
A/N: Thank you ever so much for loving and for showing so much support and excitement for this mini-series, it has been one of my favourite things to have ever written and I'm so sad it's coming to an end, but I hope you enjoy it <3
Warnings: Implied Smut, swearing.
Mr and Mrs Weasley were slowly approaching the hospital wing, George following not far behind.
“Yeah, which I’ve only just found out are mine!”
The hospital wing doors opened, Molly and Arthur standing in the doorway, staring at you, their son, and their grandchildren.
"Mum!" Fred smiled "Dad!"
You looked up and swallowed hard at the sight of your child's confused grandparents, they were just as clueless as Freddie with this whole situation, but when Molly's eyes landed on the smaller and sleeping twin, her heart burst into flames.
"Oh, congratulations dear!" she smiled, starting to tear up, you encouraged Fred to hand the baby over for her to hold.
Molly cradled the bundle of joy in her arms, counting his fingers and toes, stroking his soft hair as tears filled her eyes "he looks just like you, Freddie when you were a baby."
"He finally knows," George smiled, approaching you, planting a friendly kiss on your head and sitting next to you "I'm sorry I couldn't be here."
"It's okay," you sigh, the corners of your lips curling up into a smile "but it's okay, everything has worked out perfectly in the end, better than I ever thought it would."
“I’m sorry for crashing into you” he frowned, sitting next to you on the train “is your head alright? I can try and make the bruising go away.”
You couldn’t stay mad at him, you chuckled and shook your head “It’s okay but thank you for offering” you smiled.
His twin brother entered the carriage, “Fred-” he stared at you “what’s happened to you?”
“I wish you were coming with us” Fred sighed, grumbling to himself.
“Oh don’t be silly, you’re going on holiday!” you beamed “just make sure you take plenty of pictures, I’ve heard Egypt is lovely!”
“I’ll write to you and I’ll send the photos through the owl post if I’ve got enough time.”
“We’re supposed to be studying for our O.W.Ls!” you hissed at Fred, hiding your answers from him as he continued to make your stationary levitate and drop onto your head.
“Please take part in this prank, Y/N” he begged “I promise I won’t ask for anything ever again.”
“But you always do, Freddie!”
He stared at you, pouting and making puppy eyes.
“Fine” you sighed, giving in “Let’s go and do it then.”
Fred punched the air and grabbed you by the hand, pulling you away from your desk, the two of you smirking and giggling with excitement.
“I didn’t realise it would be this cold” you shivered, standing outside of Honey Dukes, snow falling from the sky and sticking to the pavement.
Fred pulled off his knitted jumper “Put this on love, don’t want you freezing now do we?”
“I want you.” you breathed, pulling away from the kiss “I want you to fuck me like you do everyone else.”
“I want you too” Fred replied, taking your hand and fleeing from the party.
“Are you going to tell him?” George asked.
You shook your head “No, and the both of you aren’t going to tell him either, you need to promise me.”
“I’ve got plans!” Angelina smiled, unable to hold her emotions back, the bottle lid slowly starting to tremble as the liquid inside bubbled up.
“What’s going on?” Fred asked again, slightly puzzled as he had never seen her so excited.
“You don’t know?!” Angelina gasped “Me, George, and the girls are planning a surprise baby shower for Y/N!” she beamed.
“I’m ready to tell you” you sighed again “who the father is.”
They all stayed silent except Matt’s little sister, “who is it?” she asked quietly.
“Fred,” you blurted out, unable to hide his name for much longer “Fred Weasley is the father.”
"Y/N Y/L/N, will you marry me?" he asked, opening the ring box
You and George smirk at one another and laugh, shaking your heads, you partner Fred watching you and his newborns full of life - he had never felt this heavy strike to his heart before - but he couldn't mistake it anymore, he knew - he was truly in love.
Flickering your eyes open, you smirked at the open wide brown eyes staring back at you, the peppered freckles sitting across his nose and face which you slowly stroked with your index finger.
You didn't need to speak, you could just live in this moment forever, with him, your husband.
Your bedroom door slowly creaks open, you and Fred quickly cover your faces with the bed covers so only your eyes are visible, and the two of you chuckle when you hear the pattering of feet thunder across the room, only to be followed by another pair of feet, less thundery and more stumbly.
Your two boys pounce on the bed, full of energy and mischief, you and your husband jump up and lift up your children in your arms, pulling them into the soft and cosy sheets, tickling them, the room filling up with their laughter.
"Gideon! Fabian!" Molly yells up "Get down here now! Leave your poor mother and father alone to sleep!"
"Go! Go!" Fred whispers "Uncle Ron won't show you any magic if you don't listen!"
"Listen to your dad!" you smile "Or Uncle George won't show you any magic either!"
Your twins quickly pull shocked faces and scamper away, hurrying downstairs to finish packing with Molly to go to her house for the weekend as you and Fred were getting ready to go away for your honeymoon.
"Last night was the best night of my life," you kiss Fred softly, bringing up your hand in the morning light, examining the beautiful ring.
Hearing the door close downstairs and many feet storm away from the house, Fred wraps his arms around you and he pulls you into him, kissing your neck, his hot breath now tickling your ear.
"You won the bet" Fred whispered
“So, when can we make another one?” Fred winked.
“When we graduate from Hogwarts!-”
“Next year?” he raised an eyebrow.
“You didn’t let me finish! We need to graduate, get stable jobs and have a house with enough room!”
“So next year then?” Fred smirked, still cradling the baby.
Your furrowed your brows, unsure whether or not he was bluffing.
“Okay then, since you’re all confident, let’s make a bet.” You smirked back.
“If I win, we make another baby, if you win… we get married,” Fred said softly as the baby opened his eyes and let out a cry.
"Even if I did," Fred sighs "I still want to make another one."
You ponder the thought for a minute, "So why don't we?"
Sharing a glance, your husband attacks your lips with his, his hands roaming all over your body and pulling off your pyjamas whilst you take off his and get your hands lost in his golden hair. Life had finally worked out for you, for the twins, for Fred, you were finally a family - you never thought that you would be here now compared to the situation you were in three years ago.
Fred's eyes admire your naked body basking in the beam of sunlight that burst through the gap in the curtains, his finger traces your stretchmarks and he places small kisses across every single one of them, the reminder that you created and nurtured two lives inside of you, two lives he had helped you create after a heated makeout session at a party.
Fred didn't want anyone else but you, and the thought of him being present for the whole nine months to see another life blossom inside of you, gave him one more reason to thank the world for being in it.
taglist: @amourtentiaa @alwaysnforeverfangirl @horrorxweasley @inglourious-imagines @reeophidian @sebby-staan @onlyfreds @pandaxnienke @xmalfoyweasleyx @onlyfreds @manuosorioh @cosmiccomicloverqueen @the-romanian-is-bae @fhhsposts @cavalinhox @purple-vodka-99 @simpforweasleys2 @dracoismybabey @xuminghoasworld @michael-loves-chickens @freddie-weaslebee
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plaidbooks · 3 years
Autumn Leaves
A/N: Autumn prompts are an excuse for me to write stupidly cute fluff, so that’s what I did. This is a Sonny Carisi x reader fic that covers the Autumn square in @adarafaelbarba​ moodboard bingo!
P.S. second-cousins are children of cousins
Tags: none, just fluff
Words: 1872
Taglist: @witches-unruly-heart​  @beccabarba​  @thatesqcrush​ @itsjustmyfantasyroom​ @permanentlydizzy​ @ben-c-group-therapy​  @infiniteoddball​ @glowingmess​ @whimsicallymad​ @lv7867​ @storiesofsvu​ @cycat4077​ @alwaysachorusgirl​  @glimmerglittergirl​ @joanofarkansass​ @caracalwithchips​ @berniesilvas​​  @reading--mermaid​  @averyhotchner​  @mrsrafaelbarba​ @detective-giggles​ @crowleysqueenofhell​ @dreamlover31​
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“My family is insane, especially the kids,” Sonny explained while he drove you to Staten Island. “They don’t know how to sit and eat food without screaming.”
You chuckled, "it's fine, Carisi, I promise; I'm kind of used to this type of stuff already."
“What? You are? You don’t even know what’s awaitin’ ya, yet,” he replied, scoffing.
While in the precinct, you overheard Sonny on the phone with his ma. He seemed upset and perpetually tired when he hung up. When you asked him what was wrong, he told you that his ma was basically guilt-tripping him into visiting on Saturday, to help with the Autumn Feast his family partook in. And when you asked why that was so bad, he complained that no matter what they cooked, the kids of the Carisi Clan would hardly sit still long enough to eat, and would scream and cry if it wasn’t something they wanted.
“It just…it’s a handful…and not my ideal day off, even if I do get to see my family,” Sonny finished
You had nodded in sympathy before offering to go with him; you had a pretty big family with a lot of kids, too. Plus, you could never turn down Sonny’s amazing cooking, and now, you were getting a chance to taste his mom’s.
He had picked you up that morning, and now, you were on your way to Staten Island, Sonny warning you the whole way. You laughed and shrugged it off, but he kept giving you a look like you’ll see what I mean.
He pulled up to his childhood home, and your eyes sparkled at the state of the townhouse. Not only was the building itself quaint and adorable, but there were decorations everywhere. And not just Halloween, but general autumn décor, as well. There were wreaths made with leaves of reds and oranges and yellows, there were scarecrows against the walls, there were fake pumpkins on every step leading to the house. And looming over the house from out back were two enormous trees, their branches almost completely bare, the leaves scattered on the roof, the front yard, and the back.
Sonny led you up the stairs to the front door, opening it for you. The first thing to assault your senses was the cacophony of noise. Children screaming in delight as they ran through the house, chatter and laughter from the various rooms as people talked. There was a tv on somewhere, with what sounded like a sports or news reporter blathering on and on.
The second thing you noticed was the wonderful smells. Your mouth was almost instantly watering as you caught the smell of garlic, potatoes, some sort of roast cooking with assorted spices, as well as cinnamon, sugar, and apples. It was so much at once; it was hard to differentiate.
But the third thing you felt was a type of warmth that comes only from a loving home. It bloomed in your chest, and you found yourself smiling as you stepped over the threshold, Sonny following and closing the door. It reminded you of the holidays at your own family’s place, and a calm washed over you.
In all of the chaos, Mama Carisi must’ve heard the door open and close, because she stuck her head out of the kitchen. Once her eyes latched onto Sonny’s, her smile grew to blinding proportions.
“Sonny, my little bambino! Come see your ma,” she cooed, arms open as she came out of the kitchen fully.
Sonny scooted passed you and hurried to his mother, wrapping her in a tight hug and kissing her cheek. You smiled at the reunion, and Mama Carisi opened her eyes to find you.
“And who is this?” she asked, releasing her son and coming over to you.
Sonny followed, looking more relaxed than you had ever seen him; getting a hug from your ma did that to a person. “Ah, this is my partner in the department,” he explained, introducing you.
You went to shake her hand, but Mama Carisi wrapped you up in a huge hug, kissing your cheek and whispering, “it’s nice to meet you. Welcome to my home,” into your ear.
“Thank you for having me,” you replied, easily melting into her embrace—okay, maybe it wasn’t just hugging your own mom that relaxed a person; maybe it was hugging Mama Carisi.
She pulled back to give you a look, a warm smile on her face. “Anyone who’s a friend of Sonny’s is welcome here.”
The next hour was a flurry of meeting family member after family member. Even with your detective skills, you quickly forgot most names, and your cheeks started to hurt from smiling. You and Sonny had started in the kitchen before he shuttled you through the house and out to the backyard.
“And these are all my cousins and second cousins; I’m not gonna bother introducing ya, since they won’t pay attention,” Sonny said, chuckling.
You didn’t blame him; there was a gaggle of children running and playing in the backyard. The oldest looked maybe ten, the youngest around four or five.
“Are these the ones that give you such problems?” you asked as a joke. It’s true that they were loud and crazy—as most kids are.
Sonny smirked, nodding. “Sure are. Watch; I bet ya twenty dollars that at least half of them will complain about dinner.”
“You got yourself a deal,” you replied, shaking his hand. Then, you scanned the expansive backyard. Leaves were covering the ground so completely that you could hardly see the lawn; kids were slipping on them all over the place. In the back, left corner stood an apple tree, bare of fruit—you assumed they’d already been harvested. And opposite the tree sat a little toolshed.
Grinning, you made your way through the throng of people and screaming children until you reached the shed. You opened the door and leaning just inside were two rakes: one huge one, and one medium sized. You grabbed the bigger of the two, then went to a small section of the backyard that somehow had no kids.
You glanced over and saw Sonny giving you a weird look, wondering what you were doing. Then, you started raking the leaves. You didn’t expect to get very far—the first pile rarely did. But there were so many leaves that you quickly had a pile up to your hip. As soon as one kid noticed, though, it was on.
The pile was quickly demolished as child after child flung themselves into it, screaming with laughter. But you had already moved on, starting another pile where they had just vacated. This one got a little bigger than the last, since they were distracted with the first pile. But once it was seen, it, too, became a new playground.
As you started on the third pile, another rake joined you. You glanced over and Sonny was there, smiling wide as he helped you rake. This pile got to be huge before little bodies flung themselves into it.
You quickly lost track of time, had no idea how many piles you had built only to be destroyed. But that was the point of the piles in the first place. Soon enough, the children started to become too tired, their little legs worn out. Your own arms were burning, but it was a good burn, and you continued until the piles started to outnumber the children.
By the time dinner was announced, there was not a single child running and playing anymore. They were scattered along the ground, panting, and smiling at each other with a job well done. Their parents all either ushered them to one of the various tables, or simply handed them a plate. Sonny, as well as the rest of his family, watched in stunned fascination as the children ate, too tired to complain or throw a fit about what they were given.
“How the hell did you do that?” Sonny asked in a hushed voice.
You chuckled. “I told you I had experience with this; you’re not the only one with a big family. And besides, no child has ever turned down the opportunity of crunching leaves.”
He gave you a look full of awe before he broke into a wide grin. Then he reached into his pocket, pulled out his wallet, and grabbed a $20. You huffed out a laugh as he handed it to you, and you tucked it away.
Mama Carisi walked up then, looking at everyone enjoying her hard work in the kitchen. “You’re a miracle worker, dear,” she said to you before looking at Sonny, “please tell me you’re keeping her?”
Sonny’s ears turned a bright pink. “Ma!”
“What? She’s helpful, knows how to play with children, and is a beautiful, young woman—”
“Ma! Stop talking, please!” Sonny whined. You felt a heat in your cheeks as Sonny avoided looking directly at you. It wasn’t like you never thought about dating Sonny; on the contrary, you found him incredibly attractive. But you were partners; there was a line there that you didn’t know if you could cross.
Mama Carisi scoffed before walking off, leaving you and Sonny to stand awkwardly next to each other. He glanced at you out of the corner of his eye before he turned and went into the now mostly empty house. You gave a sweeping look at the party guests before following him in.
You found him standing in his old living room, idly looking at childhood pictures on the wall. You watched him for a moment before you moved closer, within arm’s reach.
“I’m…sorry about ma,” he muttered, eyes still focused on the pictures. “She keeps trying to hook me up with any woman around my age and just…I’m sorry.”
You gave him a soft smile that he didn’t see. “It’s okay, Sonny, really. I don’t think anything less of you or anything. We’re partners, and damn good ones, if I do say so myself.”
“Yeah, but…what if I don’t want to be just partners?” he asked, voice soft.
You froze; what did he say? Sonny slowly turned to look at you, saw the shock on your face. Then he was shaking his head, quickly saying, “look, forget I said anything—”
You cut him off with a gentle kiss, your lips soft against his. He let out a little gasp of surprise before he was kissing you back. One hand came up to your face, cupping your cheek, while the other went to your hip. You slowly wrapped your arms around his waist, pulling him closer to you. You felt that line that defined you as partners only start to fade away as your mouths moved against each other.
Gently, you pulled away from him, just enough to look deeply into those blue eyes you loved so much. “Maybe I don’t want to be just partners, either,” you said softly.
Sonny grinned, his thumb rubbing your cheek tenderly. “Can I take you out to dinner tomorrow, then?”
“Sounds like a date,” you replied, smiling up at him. His grin broadened before he dipped his head, kissing away any fears or doubts you had about this.
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icequeenbae · 3 years
Daddy’s Struggles (m) | BBH
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Pairing: Baekhyun x Reader
Dad!Baek, domestic au, established relationship (duh), a slice of life, fluff, a lil smutty(!)
Warnings: some friskiness between mom and dad if you know what I mean, mentions of teenagers watching porn (I’m not promoting it, you guys lol), also this gets fluffin’ sweet get a bucket in advance
Word Count: ~2.2k
Summary: Baekhyun overhears your teenage daughter watching porn. You have to handle a small crisis.
Event: the BBH day @supermwritersnet​
© Please do not copy/ post on other platforms without permission.
Author’s Note: This… came out of nowhere:D I blame my dear beta @baekshoney​​ – we'd once discussed the idea of Baek being a teenager’s parent (in relation to a different story). Don’t we all love dilf Baek though? lol Anyways, this is a tiny glimpse into his future as a cute af father and husband <3 Let’s name him puppydad!Baek 😊 I hope this lifts your mood a little on a day like this!
On that note – happy birthday to our genius idol (aka mochi-cheeked hyperactive puppy), I wish that he stays healthy and happy and on the radar throughout the next 2 years (and forever)!! Don’t be too sad, guys, he’s hopefully going to finally lead a somewhat normal life for a bit 💞 Ok, I’ll let you get to it already~
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A yawn.
You rubbed your tired eyes and dictated a reminder for tomorrow morning to your AI assistant. It was pretty late and you had your hands full all day with your kids. And while family time was always great, there hadn’t been a spare moment for you to tend to your own business. But two decades of dealing with your hyperactive yet loveable children (and husband) taught you to make the most out of what you got. So you were doing just that, organizing your errands and sorting important emails after everyone had scurried off to their rooms, and your husband — to the shower.
Baekhyun was quite exhausted himself, so you realized he must’ve gotten in the common bathroom by the time you exited the one in your bedroom. He did that sometimes when you locked the door out of habit. Not that he couldn’t come in, it was just… You used to scold him pretty badly for breaking into the bathroom. Picking locks wasn’t something you wanted your juniors to acquire as a habit. They had enough of their daddy’s traits as it was.
The thought made you chuckle. Your eldest son had already outgrown his father by at least five and a half – gotta be precise here! – centimeters (which made daddy very proud, but also a teeny tiny bit jealous). Despite his height, which, you were sure, was going to break the golden 180cm in the next few months, your boy’s build was exactly the same as Baekhyun’s. His shoulders were broad, his hips wide, and his waist was naturally narrow. Legs long and lean, and eyes always mischievous. He was eighteen and already seemed more like Baekhyun’s best friend rather than his child. Being both the hyung and the oppa of the household, he was the most mature out of the bunch, and always a big help to his parents.
Your middle child, your precious daughter, resembled you a lot. Her wavy hair and her big eyes with the longest eyelashes either of you’d ever witnessed. Seriously, that was the first thing Baekhyun’s friends had commented on when they came by to meet your new baby. ‘Is this even normal? Can she see through those? That’s one pretty baby!’ She was even prettier now, at her sweet sixteen, cheeks still a bit chubby, which – just as her button nose – were definitely an homage to her dad. Not to mention her hands that were even more delicate and exquisite than his.
The youngest, your six-year-old son, was a blessing. You weren’t planning to have more children after the first two until you suddenly thought… why not? Cannot say that you weren’t a little bit under the influence at the time. It was one of those rare weekends when your kids had a sleepover at their grandparents’, so you had the whole house to yourself. Deciding to have a domestic date and enjoy shameless daytime drinking, you indulged in a whole glass of wine before both of you were tipsy and giggling, then you added one more to the mix. At that point, all kinds of crazy things were brought up.
‘We should do this more often…’ You informed your partner. ‘This is exciting! We can walk around naked the way we used to before we had teenagers in the house!’
‘I miss our naked Saturdays…’ Baekhyun whined, almost spilling his wine while trying to sip it gracefully. ‘Now I barely even see you naked with your shower locking obsession!’
Pursing your lips, you dismissed his complaint.
‘After that incident… You cannot blame me for my caution.’
The incident was, well, your son needing to use the bathroom while his sister was taking too long and heading to the one in your bedroom. He nearly walked in on… an adult scene.
‘He didn’t even see anything, Y/N-ah,’ your husband grumbled, but you waved him off, downing your drink as if it was a shot of tequila rather than a glass of wine.
‘I don’t see a problem though,’ he blinked at you, not following. ‘We’re alone. Why not… See each other naked again?’
‘Right. We can also- Y/N-ah!’
‘What?’ You eyed his suddenly enthusiastic form with nothing but suspicion.
‘We can create a distraction!’
‘A distraction for them. So that they’d be busy with something else while we’re away.’
‘Hmm?’ You still couldn’t locate the source of his excitement.
‘Lemme show you,’ he slurred, tugging on your wrist to get you up and dragging you to the bedroom.
Let’s have another baby – that was his brilliant idea. Had you both not been such poor drinkers, one of you would’ve thought this through.
Nevertheless, you were glad that you didn’t. Because your little angel, who could sometimes be more of a tiny demon, to be frank, was the single sweetest thing to ever exist on planet Earth. He had his entire family wrapped around his little finger, and you – most of all. How could anyone blame you? That troublemaker was the spitting image of his dad and had a personality to match — just as playful and affectionate.
The chill spring breeze from the window licked at the bare skin of your arm, causing you to shiver slightly, coming back from the land of reminiscing. You stretched on the bed, noticing how protruding your nipples became from the cold even while hidden by the gentle fabric of your nightgown. Pulling the covers up, you grunted under your breath, wondering what was taking Baekhyun so long.
Just as you did, the door cracked open, and your husband sauntered into the room.
‘Ah finally, I thought I needed to go rescue you again,’ you chuckled.
That had happened before. He once used the common bathroom to shower before bed and ended up captured by your daughter, who was around six or seven at the time, in the hallway. She then demanded cuddles, knowing that her father was too weak to turn his precious girl down and send her back to bed. You found them both huddled up asleep on the couch, with your husband’s head tilted dangerously to the side. Terrible sleeping postures always had consequences, so you spared him the agony of the next morning, waking him up mercifully and helping to get your little girl to her bed. This was only one of many occasions – Baekhyun was a softie.
This time, however, he was a bit stupefied.
He didn’t react to your remark and seemed like he was going on autopilot when he came closer and sat on the bed.
You lifted the covers, inviting him to join you, and he followed your lead, still staring at the wall across the room.
‘Yeobo,’ you called, getting slightly alarmed. ‘Are you okay?’
He blinked, the stupor breaking, and looked at you with astounded eyes.
‘I- I think,’ he began, making you shift to face him properly. ‘I think I just overheard our daughter watching porn!’
His voice lowered to a whisper by the end of that sentence.
‘Oh my god,’ you whispered back. ‘How do you figure?’
‘I was walking down the hallway, and I thought I heard something from her room. I didn’t fully register what it was, but now that it processed… It was definitely porn!’
The signs of distress on his face almost caused you to break down in a fit of laughter. You held it in with all you got. Fathers and daughters, the eternal struggle.
‘First of all, ew. Aren’t you even a little bit ashamed to be eavesdropping on your kids like that?’ You didn’t let him protest. ‘Also, how do you even know it was porn, you know she sometimes mumbles and whimpers in her sleep. Like someone else we know…’
Giving him a pointed look, you leaned over his chest to turn the lights to the lowest mode, leaving the room dimly lit. It was always effective when you wanted to help him relax.
‘I wasn’t ea- And you think I can’t tell what porn sounds like? There are some generic… sounds. That give it away.’
‘When was the last time you watched it?’ You murmured, eyeing him curiously.
Of all people, you knew best how short his attention span was. Sometimes it could work to your advantage. Like right now, when you needed to de-escalate this before you could reason with him.
‘I- wh- I don’t know, probably when you were pregnant,’ he recalled. ‘The third one was somehow the toughest on me. You looked way too attractive for a heavily pregnant lady, let me tell you.’
‘Heavily pregnant??’ You scoffed, softening right after. ‘Well, you have a point, he was pretty huge. I swear, if he doesn’t grow up to be taller than Chanyeol, I’d be offended. That boy’s giant head prolonged my healing by at least a month.’
Baekhyun sighed and looked up at the ceiling, thinking back to that time.
‘He was the only one who caused you to tear, right?’
‘Yeah. Which is weird, considering that he was my third one. Ah well, I guess I’m not getting any younger…’
‘Aren’t you though? I’m constantly being asked about my pretty young wife,’ Baekhyun smiled at you charmingly. ‘And you only became prettier after the third pregnancy. I say it’s the hormones.’
Your cunning little plan was working. He was incredibly easy to distract.
‘Tell me the truth, was it the boobs? Or my butt? I did gain the most weight with the little daredevil, that’s for sure.’
‘It was all of you. You always looked so sexy when pregnant, I just wanted to have you all to myself,’ he cooed at you. ‘To feed you handpicked strawberries. And smother you with kisses. My beautiful young wife.’
At some point during this conversation, you shuffled closer to each other, now cuddled up snugly on the bed. Your finger slowly traced abstract patterns on his chest, happily exploiting the access to his skin where his pajama shirt was unbuttoned.
‘Ah, you’re just saying that to get under my nightgown,’ you batted your eyelashes at him, and he shook his head.
‘Maybe a little, but that’s true. And it’s not surprising that people are noticing – you are younger than me.’
‘A couple of years is nothing at our age,’ you murmured, bending your knee and moving your leg slightly up his to get cozy.
‘Well, you know what people say… Small kids make parents younger. Wanna have another one?’ He nudged you gently and laughed at the dirty look you gave him.
‘Yeobo- please don’t make jokes like this. I’d rather look for other elixirs of youth than go through that entire ordeal again.’
You knew that he was kidding, but the thought made you shiver.
‘I know, honey, I know. Like I said, you’re not in need of any elixirs.’
At this you relaxed, melting into his shoulder, and guiding his arm to wrap around you, warming your exposed shoulders.
‘Well, Mr Byun, same to you. Still as charming as two decades ago.’
‘Hey, I’d like to think that I’m more charming now. The experience and all.’
‘Who helped you gain all that experience though?’ You poked him lightly, and a low chesty laugh escaped his lips.
‘Of course, it was my one and only, my young, and beautiful, and smart and sexy little wife,’ he punctuated each compliment with a chaste kiss to your cheeks, nose, lips, and neck.
You squirmed in his arms.
‘Ah, you make a woman go mad,’ you purred into his lips mockingly.
He snickered softly, ready to lean in, but then stopped abruptly.
‘Wait a second- What about-’
‘Baekhyun…’ You murmured as he fussed on the bed.
‘I should probably go in there, and-’
‘And what? Embarrass your daughter?’ You held him down. ‘She’s sixteen, honey, it’s just the hormones. We’ve both been there. Let her be.’ You nuzzled his neck, pressing your lips to his sensitive skin lazily.
His mind was growing cloudy again since your hand was now caressing his inner thigh foxily. He’d probably realized what you were doing by now, but you were right, so he allowed you to sway him into giving the idea of an immediate intervention up.
‘Besides, I’m sure you wouldn’t be nearly as appalled if that was our eldest,’ you scoffed and added in an exaggerated tone. ‘Never took you for a sexist.’
‘But- he’s eighteen, and she- she’s my little girl…’ He mumbled in a small voice, hazed further by your not-so-subtle seduction. ‘I can’t let her- watch that-’
‘Don’t worry, yeobo,’ you whispered soothingly in his ear, slipping your hand into his loose pants. ‘I’ll talk to her tomorrow. Without you. No need to traumatize the poor girl, that’s how daddy issues develop.’
‘You should know,’ he bit back meekly, sighing when you finally wrapped your fingers around his semi-hard length.
‘The sass! It’s almost like you still got it, Mr Byun. Care to impress that young wife of yours?’
‘I sure will, you cunning woman,’ he growled playfully, completely giving in to it and attacking your laughing mouth as he lifted the covers over your head.
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A/N: Thank you for reading! As usual, feel free to share your thoughts in the comments/ asks, and if you’re new – check out my Masterlist ^^
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