#we’ve got frozen pipes
niccage · 1 year
Do you think the fact that ive called my mom crying no less than 12 times this week will make up for the fact that im about to bring a second uninvited dog to Christmas tomorrow morning
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aching-tummies · 1 year
5 Days of Upset....
Literal last-minute holiday guests as well as unexpected gifts of food have been stressing me out and doing a number on my digestion.
I found out while at work one day that we'd be having a last-minute guest stay at our place for 2 weeks. I was at work--far away from the house--where our guest-room was filled with boxes and piles of my old clothes as I took my time sorting out what to donate, what to store, and what to keep. I rushed home, foregoing my plans to get food and fill my starving tummy. I had ended up unwillingly skipping breakfast too that day when the bus had skipped. I had planned to find, buy, and eat breakfast in the area once the bus got me there--meaning I left the house and planned to be on a bus a full hour earlier than the one I'd usually take to get to my workplace. The bus skipping on me meant I spent an hour shivering at a frozen bus-stop, feeling my stomach begin to wake up and start grumbling at me, wondering why I had yet to fill it.
I managed to quickly tidy up the guest room. My tummy was snarling at me the whole time and I definitely slowed down to comfort my starving tummy a few times. Being hungry and having a mess of random groceries in the kitchen as well as impromptu stuff being thrown in last minute in hopes of it defrosting in time for the guests...I planned to eat instant noodles, but I couldn't bear the wait (we boil 'em rather than microwave or dump hot water on 'em--so a pot of 'instant' noodles is actually 10-20 min noodles). I ended up digging out a forgotten frozen personal-pizza out of the freezer and nuking that. It was gone in maybe four bites--a record for me because I'm usually the type to take small bites and savour my food rather than swallowing piping hot mouthfuls. I ate the noodles too, once they were ready. I was still feeling hungry after it, but the pell-mell mess I'd so quickly swallowed had left me with a nasty upset tummy. My stomach-organ was bloated (I drank the broth from the noodles too) and a bit too stretched while my intestines were being gummed up by microwaved dough and cheese.
All of that went down 5 days ago as I write this. I'm writing on the morning of the 6th day since the guests arrived. I haven't had time to truly sit down and be mindful of the state of my tummy or to write about it until now. Yeah...my stomach's been upset for the entire 5 days with maybe only two times where I felt somewhat hungry...but the hunger was definitely muffled under "upset" even when it felt like my guts were empty. The bus skipped and even blew right passed me a couple of times throughout the last 5 days--days where water literally freezes in under 3 minutes when left outside. I'm not exaggerating--I was the one standing at a bus stop with my water-bottle in-hand--watching it ice-over in real-time before the song I was listening to had completed.
Aside from the first day stress, diet, and upset...we've had other things to throw my digestion completely out of whack. Lots of fried food because family decided to bring home fried chicken for dinner spur-of-the-moment while I was at work, eating fried spring-rolls that I had bought thanks to craving 'em for weeks. So that resulted in me having to join them for fried-chicken dinner when my belly was already a vat of oil from the spring rolls.
My coworkers have been supplying me with desserts and candy to bring home and share with my family--and that's more sweets than I planned to eat in a single month right there.
On my days off I'm told there are no plans, so I make and cook something for myself (instant noodles 'cuz with the guests here I have no clue what belongs to whom and what is safe to use in the fridge). Only to be told extended family have just invited us out for dim-sum, ass-in-the-car-in-20-min--and it'd be terribly rude not to attend. Off we go to dim-sum, my belly sloshing with noodles and broth and already churning away unhappily.
Due to how busy work has been and the random scheduling because every one of my coworkers is taking days off except for me...I haven't had as many opportunities to indulge in tummy stuff for the whole month. I decided to change that the last two nights.
My poor belly has been upset for 5 days in a row and I guess I haven't been giving it much TLC when I have a minute (usually before bed) to tend to it. I learned how to shimmy an elastic off of the suction toy to tie-off my pulled-out navel. Prodding deeply into my navel was my old trick to get my tummy to rumble--stirring it up and basically irritating my intestines via my navel was the old trick. With it popped out the way it's tied, I've found that even just rubbing the senstitive nub draws deeper growls from my upset tummy. Because the base of my navel is up and accessible, I don't need to rest my palm on my tummy like deep prodding used to require--this means that the squelches and rumbles aren't being muffled by anything sitting or pressing on my tummy. A combination of an upset, bloated, and fairly full tummy and the singular stimulation of teasing my popped-out navel resulted in a very loud upset tummy. It was like my intestines were twitching as a result of the rubbing (like how a ticklish person reacts to being tickled). Having my intestines twitching while there was still stuff in various stages of digestion in them caused such loud squelches and rumbles--it was glorious. I actually feel bad for not having a partner and for indulging alone because those noises were pure bliss and I feel like it was a crime to enjoy it all alone.
I'm pretty sure that the abuse I've been conducting on my navel has caused more upsets. My navel is sore and I guess my intestines around that area are also sore because of being sucked out and manipulated for 20+ minutes the last 2 nights. I made sure to use plenty of lotion to prevent chaffing and to prevent the rough edges of the toy from cutting into my navel like the first time I used 'em...but the lotion doesn't do much for the soreness left over from the fun. I've been walking around with a distinct soreness radiating from my navel area.
I just woke up on day 6. I feel hungry, but it's the kind of hunger that feels muted by indigestion. I've been feeling the small twinges that usually signal my tummy working up a hungry growl...but there's also a molten-lava feeling in my guts...like a veiled threat that swallowing anything is going to reveal the knots my guts have wound themselves into and that whatever I swallow is going to beat a hasty exit from either end of my digestive system.
I've been missing interacting with my followers. If you've got an RP-Ask or RP-Lite, or general comment on my posts or the state of my tummy--don't be a stranger. I know that I created this blog to be my own personal archive of stuff and that followers and interaction don't change that--but at times I do feel like I'm just sending this stuff into the void.
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lamppostss · 2 months
"Fevers" [1/3] (Disc)
“These mountains fucking suck. We should’ve gone around.” Concludes the woman with a mild coughing fit following her words. “M-maybe it’s… Malifex.” Quietly peeps the bard from behind everyone’s back. “Shush, ye eejit, stay quiet.” Interjected the staunch dwarf, pensively running his stubby fingers through his luxurious, dark beard. “We’ve seen malifex. It did nae look like this.” An awkward pause followed suit, as everyone stood frozen in place, contemplating one thing or another. They have been going through the mountain pass for the last week or so. The endless myriad of afflictions one could easily catch in those lands couldn’t be ruled out easily. Not without a medical specialist on hand. “Wizard.” Grumbled the dwarf, turning to the gaunt figure propped up against the wooden wall. “We need diagnosis.” The quiet, thin man, slightly titled his head to the side. His icy eyes were filled with anything but positive emotions. “Me? A doctor?” he scoffs. “You must have mistaken me for someone else. I am no expert on lizards. You should get a veterinarian or something…” “Crouton-eating smartass.” Hisses the young woman, still in bed, turning her head away from the pale mage. “Hope your nuts freeze off…” “Children. Silence.” Interjects the dwarf. “For now – everything points to the Mountaintop Fever. Which…” “Which sounds like a good title for a song!” pipes up the bird musician, before almost getting a good heavy-handed slap from the squat warrior. “Told ye to shush, Lavender. As for you two…” he turned to the wizard and the rogue. “Vallarys – you will stay in bed for the next few days. Soleil – you will also stay and watch over her. Got it?” The reception of such plans was… mixed, to say the least. The fair-headed young man let out a noise that can best be described as a growling sigh. “Merde de chien et gravier…” The scaled rogue, meanwhile, seemed conflicted. “I am not some doddering hag! I can still…” the words of protest were interrupted with a series of heavy coughs. “Fucking hells… Sure. Baguette-boy, fetch your mistress some coffee. And more pillows. And scratch my back while you’re at it.” she adds, with a smug snicker.
“Master Dwarf, is this… really necessary?” with a sheepish annoyance to his tone mumbled Soleil. “Yes. You are the best cook out of us three. Besides – those books of your must have some notes on basic care of sick people.” “Hey! I am not sick! Just… under the weather, that’s all. If only my callboy was more responsive…” interrupts the dragonborn, theatrically leaning back with her hand over her eyes. “Mhm.” nods the dwarf. “Me and Lavender will go and talk to those diggers from the camp ahead. And you two will stay put.”
The warrior left the room, with the bard following and giving the other two a slightly absent-minded hand-wave. As soon as the heavy footsteps and claw scratching quiet down, the young rogue tries springing back into action. “Well, so much for my coffee and pillows. You’re a shit nurse, has anyone told you that before?”
Having finished her defiant rant, she gets up from the bed, adjusts her armor, stands fully up, takes a step… Falls forward onto a single knee. Wide eyed. Scared. What kind of fever is this? Her whole body felt like it was made of papier mâché – weightless, empty, with nothing to put behind it. Shit. And that wizarding rat was staring. She had to put on a brave face, she had to… “Are you hurt?” suddenly asked the pale man, crouching before her and trying to get a look into her eyes. “ME? Hurt? No? I’m fine. What’s it to you anyway? I am not a child, I don’t need you to kiss my boo-boos or whatever…” “You are an ass.” Concluded Soleil. “Get back to bed. I’ll get you your coffee and breakfast. And some clothes too. You won’t be needing armor right now anyway.” Vallarys tries to look as prideful and stoic as possible, all while the dastardly academic awkwardly, but gently helps her get onto the bed again. “Don’t forget a dessert.”
“Well, right now I can offer you a sugar sandwich or sweet nothings. Be right back.” The wizard folds his black robes into a neat square and pushes them aside, walking out of the room as well. “Loser…” she mumbles, stacking pillows under her head. Maybe, a part of her did prefer the company of a poncy bookworm to the company of literally no-one. Maybe… The kitchen in this particular house was a rather old, brick-and-wood type of deal. The stench of dust and soot assaulted the wizard’s senses as he got around to making breakfast for himself and his newly acquired patient. Lighting the stove with a finger click, he pondered to himself about a great deal of things. First of all – the rogue was right in one thing, the mountains did fucking suck. Second – what did he do to deserve being left alone with a free-spirited verbally abusive glorified lizard? The bitter aftertaste of being told to serve. Bring that, place this, fuck off to a closet until called. So ever familiar. So ever suffocating. Blue-blooded know it all. He should spit in her coffee. Lock her in a dark room like THEY looked HIM. And almost forget to put the food on the stove. Again… He wouldn’t. He was above such pettiness. Besides – what kind of monster responds to banter with actual abuse? She was at her most vulnerable. And despite his anger – the thought of hurting her alone made the fair-headed man wince in disgust. As the fire crackled under the newly set frying pan, Soleil let out a heavy sigh. It will be difficult. But he will endure. He’s been through worse. Being dramatic about a spoiled bed-ridden frog is… Unnecessary.
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justsomeguycore · 1 year
i’m in a shared patio of several restaurants and they’re all pumping music separately. to my left out of the frozen yogurt shop, we’ve got all of me by john legend; behind me, fried chicken and house of the rising sun, playing so goddamn loudly that i can’t make out what song is piping out of the pizza place. sounds like pop punk. this is what america means to me
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dansnaturepictures · 1 year
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22nd January 2023 post 1 of 3: Lymington (The wildlife) 
We came back here today and saw three species it’s a good place to see for the first time this year; a dinky Ringed Plover on an island in a frozen Normandy lagoon, imposing Spoonbill distant in the estuary and a fine view of a smart Spotted Redshank. All very welcome additions to my year list and ones I admire to take my year list to 127, pipping last year by two to already mean I’ve seen more birds after one month of a year than ever this year which I am thrilled to achieve. It has been a whirlwind of a month already and an amazing birdwatching one with so much seen. Having seen Greenshank and Common Redshank standout birds today also earlier in the walk at the point where we saw the Spotted Redshank by the bridge we had the amazing moment of seeing Spotted Redshank, Redshank and Greenshank all wading near to each other. One of those birding moments out when things align perfectly to create a textbook in the mudflats to compare the features of the three waders which was really interesting and brilliant to see. It was quite interesting also that in 2018 the same day we went to see Hawfinches at Mercer Way (which we did yesterday) I got Greenshank and Spotted Redshank as year ticks here and saw the two side by side at this point by the bridge. I took the sixth picture in this photoset of the Greenshank earlier in the walk and final two pictures in this set of the Spotted Redshank.
There were strong connected moments to nature this afternoon seeing Avocets seeking new sanctuary on bits of land out to sea with their usual Normandy lagoon haunt frozen always elegant birds to see I enjoyed seeing one flying today which is always great too, immersive sights and sounds of Brent Geese especially flying over birds I love, the stunning sound and sight of Mute Swans flying ahead and magical sounds from Curlews’ wings as some flew over. There was also an astonishing moment as a Curlew flew into an area the other side of the sea wall to the path further up and as we walked by it stayed put surprisingly, meaning we uncharacteristically for this species got some sensational intimate views of the bird. What a special species to observe so closely, I took the second and third pictures in this photoset of this bird. Other highlights today were Goldeneye out to sea, Little Egrets including close views of one which I took the seventh picture in this photoset of and one flying by a pipe where another emerged from near and chased it which was great and Little Grebes including four at once near each other on Eight Acre pond where there were a few so this was great. I am thankful to a kind couple we got speaking to as the gentlemen walked back towards us after walking on after the conversation to show us the Spoonbills and ensured we’d noticed the Curlew too.
It was also fantastic to see and get to photograph a Kingfisher on the icy moat like channel around Normandy lagoon, it was atmospheric to see this bird probably the one that was our first of the year here three weeks ago today to the back drop of the frost and ice of the lagoon behind, and I cherished some powerful and cracking views of this colourful bird. Obviously these were the star of our Winnall Moors visit yesterday and with this being somewhere we’ve seen them so much over the years and this year already I had a funny feeling it might be in the script for me to see and photograph a Kingfisher again this weekend. I took the first, fourth and fifth pictures in this photoset of it. It is always an honour to see them so this was a big moment and I possibly saw another flying over the sea. 
Charmingly on the way in and out where we had seen Roe Deers three weeks ago on New Year’s Day and before we saw Roe Deers in fields, eight of them which is more than I’ve seen at once before I believe. In flower gorse especially to the backdrop of ice was a nice floral sight today I took the eighth picture in this photoset of some gorse with cleavers seen nicely in the lane.
Wildlife Sightings Summary for Lymington: My first Ringed Plover, Spoonbill and Spotted Redshank of the year, Kingfisher, Great Crested Grebes seen nicely, Shelduck nicely seen flying over, Brent Geese, Little Egret, Canada Geese seen nicely, Mute Swan, Mallard, Tufted Duck, Wigeon, Shoveler on Eight Acre pond which we’d not seen before possibly driven there by the freezing of the lagoon water which I could say about Redshank on that pond too, Gadwall, Goldeneye, Little Grebe, Cormorant, Grey Heron, Black-headed Gull, Curlew, Lapwing, Avocet, Oystercatcher, Redshank, Greenshank, Dunlin, probable Turnstone, Stonechat seen really well, Pied Wagtail seen well, Greenfinch seen nicely in the lane at the start, Robin and Roe Deer.
My next two posts are about the landscape at Lymington and bits at home and on journeys today.
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as shitty and horrible as this week has been (may be getting laid off, flight to puerto rico got cancelled... leaving my partner and i stranded in chicago after our first flight and eventually had to get a $400 rental car to try and speed home before the blizzard hit [and who knows how much of a refund we will get from the flights/hotels/etc], now one of our pipes is definitely frozen and hidden behind a brick wall in a crawl space that there is no way for us to access so we’re waiting either until the emergency plumber can come within the next 48ish hours or until our house explodes i guess) i am really grateful to have my partner with me like this is easily the most stressful 48 hours i have ever been thru and idk he’s kept me calm and we’ve handled each others breakdowns with grace and care and support and idk i have these feelings welling up in me and i want to throw them into the void. life sucks and this sucks but if i had to go through it im really glad it’s with him
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sosplumbingdrainage · 4 months
Winter is fast approaching, and you know what that means – frozen pipes, blocked drains, and potential chaos for your home! Don’t let the cold weather catch you off guard. At SOS Drains, we’ve got the ultimate guide to help you prepare your drains for the winter freeze, ensuring a hassle-free season for your home.
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atlanticcanada · 1 year
The Big Thaw: Burst pipes, water damage wreaks havoc on Maritime homes
After one of the coldest days in years for most of the Maritimes, temperatures were up significantly Sunday.
Now, after the big chill came the big thaw -- and a flood of calls for local plumbers.
Trevor Wheatley started his work day early. He received 87 texts Saturday night and almost 50 phone calls Sunday morning. With frozen pipes now defrosting, many in the Halifax area and beyond are calling for help.
“I’ve got people from Windsor crying out because they can’t get anybody to service them and they’re willing to pay extra travel time and extra money,” said Wheatley.
It wasn’t just plumbers dealing with broken lines. The city’s water utility had to fix another broken main Sunday, after dealing with a number of them Saturday.
Fire crews were also run off their feet.
“It’s been a large volume of calls, probably four times what we would normally see during this time span,” said Chief Robert Hebb, District 3 Chief of Halifax Firefighters.
A representative of the firefighters union says it’s responded to 173 incidents between midnight and 2:30 a.m. Normally they see about a thousand a month.
Calls Sunday included fishing a vehicle out of the Bedford Basin after it slid down an icy boat launch. No one was hurt.
Hebb says many of the calls were about broken or leaking sprinkler and piping systems, along with some fires associated with heat sources to both residential and commercial properties.
“Today is pretty much a record day. We had well over 100 calls before 6:30 a.m. this morning. Most of those calls have involved sprinkler systems and alarm systems.”
It was also a busy day for power crews trying to reconnect more than 25,000 customers knocked off the grid. By 4:00 p.m. Sunday, the number was down to less than 3,800 across the Maritimes.
Frozen pipes are also an issue in the Moncton area, with water damage forcing two people from their apartments and the closure of Riverview Middle School on Monday and Tuesday.
A similar story in Charlottetown, where burst pipes forced two people out from a townhouse complex on Park Royal Court. The Red Cross also aided them with emergency lodging and meals.
“We’ve assisted more than 40 people over ten different communities. Several of those were house fires. Most of those were burst pipes and the resulting flooding.”
A short cold snap leaving a flood of clean-up work in its wake.
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/MEQnDNK
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heyyoufathead · 1 year
Monday 12/26/2022
My best friend’s favorite holiday was Christmas. The Friday before Christmas marked 10 months since she died. Today would have been her 4-year anniversary with her partner - who has been destroyed by the loss of her AND has a really nasty bug.
Today, the day after Christmas, makes 1 year since we had our old man dog put to sleep. His heart had been failing and at the end he could hardly breathe.
My oldest child’s significant other had a family emergency last night. Her dad had a mild stroke and is in hospital.
My face lady’s studio was flooded and there’s no power (I assume frozen pipes due to the deep freeze we’ve been in) so I’ll be turning into a werewolf.
Talking with my elderly parents has become more tiresome than normal. Or maybe it’s just that I started my period on Christmas (I asked for menopause but got Aunt Flo...fuck me) and my patience is depleted.
I’m physically and emotionally worn out. I’ve laid in bed for 3 days and it’s still not enough.
The cherry on the anxiety-and-sadness riddled holiday is that I stepped up on my weekly diabetes injections and even Zofran can’t completely fend off the nausea.
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longmyown · 2 years
Inkslinger tattoo
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#Inkslinger tattoo free#
I am 100% aware that this is not a priority to anyone, and that there are so many great causes out there that you can support - but any help would be appreciated. Realtime driving directions to Ink Slinger Tattoo Pub, Blanding Blvd, 2581, Middleburg, based on live traffic updates and road conditions from Waze fellow. This is not the first time we have had to undertake repairs like this to our beloved shop - but as you all know, we are living in extremely difficult times. The following transport lines have routes that pass near Inkslinger Tattoo Studio. 5,355 Followers, 6,519 Following, 408 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Chicago Tattoo Artist (chicagoinkslinger) chicagoinkslinger. Our interior insurance policy doesn’t cover damage caused by an I repaired exterior issue. Directions to Inkslinger Tattoo Studio (Erewash) with public transport. The nature of our lease means that since the damage is technically internal the landlord will not consider allowing us to claim on the buildings insurance, even though the damage has originated from lack of exterior maintenance, which is their responsibility. This has frozen, expanded, ruptured the pipes and then melted causing flooding to destroy internal walls, flooring, ceiling boards and generally make a mess of things. of tattoo artists down to Hollywood for the first annual Inkslinger's Ball. Click the contact button to request more information about pricing. Peter, it turned out, was also heavily tattooed, wearing work by some of the. Prices for Tattoos depends on Size, Style and Location of piece.
#Inkslinger tattoo free#
Heavy snowfall has covered the roof and an accumulation of exterior debris (which has built up over years and the landlord assured us would be removed) has blocked the opening to the covered Victorian guttering in the roof space this has then caused the water to sit in the old lead piping inside. Tattoo consultations are free but booking requires a 50. The studio building was built in 1835 and needs regular repairs. We’ve had no really help from the government. Renting a studio in Newcastle city centre is expensive. If you just got ink done or are looking to hydrate and keep. Just like every other tattoo crew out there, me and the rest of the artists at my studio have been hit hard by covid and the subsequent lockdowns. Want to keep your tattoos looking fresh and hydrated Our Ink Slinger Balm is what you want. inkslingers Finished this back piece on my boy tattoosbykurt When Im putting the white on a tattoo No pain no gain.
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sovaharbor · 2 years
ive also been screaming about this with a friend too so im going to put all of this here as well
i just know for a fact this shit would emotionally destroy him. we’ve seen that warren CONTINUES to pretend he’s totally fine and archangel isn’t a problem and he’s totally not stupidly traumatized and unable to control archangel as much as he says he can. there’s like so much untapped trauma in this man that he’s like a frozen-over pipe where once u dislodge the ice there’s like months worth of watery misery that’s going to come spewing out uncontrollably. when hodge cut his wings off, his immediate response was to go ‘ah yes. im going to k*ll myself now.’ and then when he tried to do that, apocalypse scooped him up and made him death. AND LIKE.... DO WE TRULY THINK HE EVER GOT OVER THAT? I RLY THINK THE FUCK NOT.
so then now you just scoop him up in a stupid x-force cameo and you take this man, who’s in a place he goes to that he arguably considers a Safe Place to decompress and calm down. and you have him get captured. and you have one of his wings just cut off. for funsies. like, for the x-force emotional trauma fun of it all. and then you? don’t mention it again?? not in that same issue, not even in the next one??? bestie why
and like it’s not even the echoing of him losing his wings before, but just. holy shit. that looked painful, that looked awful, and it’s just the ONE wing. warren’s a very pretty man who prides himself on his appearance, and we know his wings don’t just grow back, so. now he has to look in the mirror and see the one wing and it’s not just a pride in his appearance thing but it’s also just this awful reminder because he’ll see Just The One Wing and!!! THAT JUST WOULD DESTROY HIM JUST AS MUCH
AND I JUST HATE HOW IT JUST. HAPPENED. AND THEN WAS NOT TOUCHED ON AT ALL AFTER. i genuinely can think of at least 5 ways you could take this and actually GIVE HIM SOMETHING. SOME GROWTH. SOME DEVELOPMENT. SOMETHING. ANYTHING AT ALL. but nope let’s just cut his wing off and then toss him right back into non-existence because he  served his purpose as trauma fodder and that’s about all he’s good for rn apparently!!!
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rapidproservices · 2 years
Residential and emergency Plumbing services in Orlando: RAPIDPROSERVICES
RAPIDPROSERVICES can be a small own family of the foremost relied on and professional Plumbing offerings urban center, and that we're right here up to date serve you. All of our personnel are not simply handymen. With an large dealer location that includes Orlando and its neighboring regions, we provide kind of the up-to-date up to date accomplishment and elements at the most reasonable expenses.
up to date relieve the concern of having your plumbing up to date regular, we promise that our valuation can surpass any written quote from any of our up-to-date. Our minimum overhead allows us updated skip the money financial savings on to our cusupupdated, making our products a number of low-fee.
screw ups don't up to date wait until conventional enterprise hours updated strike.
RAPIDPROSERVICES in urban middle has created one in all the up to date’s fastest and maximum low in charge 24-hour emergency plumbing offerings! retaining our up-to-date glad and fear-loose is our priority, that' why we've a gaggle of managers and technicians updated round the clock. Emergency Plumbers Orlando FL contains the following:
Residential Plumbers Orlando services:
● Drains which can be clogged
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● Emergency services are up to date at any time.
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● Pipes which are deup to detonating
● Frozen pipes.
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numerous matters alive want ready, however a craftsman is one. if you've got a plumbing hassle, it is viable an emergency. on up to datepicupdated of RAPIDPROSERVICES, we have been given your lower again! As an finish result, we've got a group of quite skilled plumbers who are regularly up to date updated on all the plumbing up to date reupdated and set up techniques.
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waitimcomingtoo · 3 years
Give Yourself a Try
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader enemies to lovers
Synopsis: you and Peter hate each other, which becomes a problem when you’re given a group project
Part two and three
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“Good morning Ned.” You kindly greeted as you took your seat in front of Peter in your first period physics class.
“Morning Y/n.” Ned said back, gearing up for what he knew was coming.
“I really like your makeup today, Y/n.” Peter smiled as he leaned forward in his seat. “Is it hard balancing your schoolwork with your job at the circus?”
“Not at all.” You smiled sweetly at him as you turned around. “I could get you a job there if you’d like. We’ve been needing something small to feed to the lions between shows. You’d be perfect.”
“Small? Darling, you must be mistaken.” Peter kept a sickly sweet grin on. “I’m bigger than your boyfriend of the week over there.”
“Silly goose.” You scrunched your nose at him. “Harry Osborn is not my boyfriend. And just so you know, steroids are really bad for you. I’m worried about your well being.”
“I’m not on steroids.” Peter hissed, dropping the act. “Stop trying to start that rumor.”
“Why not?” You shot back. “You had no trouble spreading the rumor that I was the one who killed Herbie the hamster when we all know it was you who left the door open after cleaning his cage.”
“Are you kidding me? That was fifth grade.” He whispered harshly.
“I will never forget it.” You snapped back.
“Ahem.” The teacher cleared her throat as she stared at you and Peter with an annoyed expression. This was an everyday occurrence in her class, and any other class you had with Peter. You hated each other and everyone knew it. You and Peter stopped arguing and slumped in your seats, giving each other one last look of disdain.
“Instead of a final exam this semester, I’ll be giving you a final project.” The teacher continued. “You’ll be working with one other student.”
“Nice. We can finally present our work on quantum physics.” Peter excitedly high fived Ned.
“Can you guys reschedule your virgin convention for later?” You asked seriously. “I’m trying to listen.”
“Because of the disappointing grades on the last project, I will be assigning your partners.” The teacher went on.
“Don’t worry.” Peter whispered to Ned again. “We could still end up together. We got an A last time so she knows we work well together.”
“We got an A last time.” You mimicked his voice and moved your hand like a puppet.
“Yeah. An A.” Peter said as he leaned forward in his seat. “You know, like your bra size.”
“What did you just say to me?” You snapped as you whipped around. He had on his infamous shit eating grin that you hated.
“Young man, can you please stop interrupting our conversation?” He said as he held up a hand. Your jaw dropped at the insult, face growing warm with anger. You decide not to give him the satisfaction of an insult exchange and turned around in your seat. Your teacher began to list off the partners for the projects.
“Leeds, Stacy.” She called out. “You’ll be working together.”
“Sorry, man. But also, not sorry man.” Ness frown quickly turned into a smile. “Gwen, over here!”
“Aw.” You snickered as you turned around on your chair. “I feel bad for whoever gets stuck with you now. That poor, unfortunate soul.”
“Parker. L/n. You’ll be working together.”
“What?” You and Peter screamed in unison. You gave each other an angry look before looking at your teacher in protest.
“You two are always holding up my class and I’m tired of it.” She held up a hand. “This project will teach you how to finally get along and stop disrupting me while I teach.”
“Mrs. Avery, with all due respect, I can feel myself getting more disruptive already.” You told her.
“I think that’s your STD.” Peter mumbled.
“You two need to learn how to be professional and amicable.” She ignored your protest. “You won’t always like your peers. But you will always have to collaborate with them at some point.”
“I understand that.” You assured her. “But if we do this project together, my fist is going to collaborate with Peters face.”
“That’s a threat.” Peter piped up. “I’d like to file a report.”
“And I’d like to take that report and shove it up your-“
“Enough.” Mrs. Avery cut you off. “You will be working together and that is final.”
You both shrunk in your seats, fuming with anger over the teachers decision. You didn’t cause any more disruptions throughout the class and quickly left once the bell rang.
Peter saw you at your locker, which was coincidentally next to his locker, spraying some perfume on.
“Darling!” Peter exclaimed as he stood next to you. “So good to see you! You know how much I love when you hog all the locker space and make the entire hallways smell like perfume.”
“Why, thank you.” You touched your hand to your heart. “As I’m sure you know, some of us prefer to smell like things other than Neosporin and baby powder. After all, that’s your signature scent and I’d just hate to step on your toes.”
“I didn’t know. Thank you for opening your gigantic mouth and telling me!” Peter said through a toothy grin.
“Oh, Peter.” You laughed airily. “You’re very welcome, you sad sack of shit.”
“Classy.” Peter faked a smile as he opened his locker. “Do you want to come over to my house after school to work on the project? I live walking distance from here.”
“What? No.” You scoffed. “You’re not getting me to a secondary location. We’ll work in the library.”
“Actually, we won’t, because it’s closed for maintenance.” He replied with a tight smile.
“I wish you were closed for maintenance.” Yoh grumbled as you zipped up your bag.
“Hilarious.” He fake laughed loudly. “Are you coming over or not?”
“Not.” You said in disgust. “I don’t know you or your parents. You might try to kill me as a part of some Parker family cult ritual.”
“My parents are dead.” He told you, unamused. “It’s just me and my aunt.”
“Is your aunt a cult leader?” You asked.
“No.” He groaned.
“Cult member?”
“No. All she does is cheat at cross world puzzles and shop at Whole Foods.” He said.
“So you lied.” You slammed your locker and looked at him. “She’s in the Whole Foods cult.”
“Can you try not to be difficult for two minutes, please? We need to get this project done.”
“Jokes on you, Parker.” You folded your arms. “Difficult is my lowest setting.”
“Ooo. Scary.” He mocked you. “What’s your highest? Because I’m pretty sure I saw it last Tuesday when your backpack got stuck on the door handle and you decided to blame me.”
“I know that was your fault. And I go from difficult to hooligan to the step mom from Parent Trap.” You shrugged.
“And they said women aren’t funny.” Peter replied as he slapped his knee. You raised an eyebrow at him, judging him for his material.
“I’m sorry.” He mumbled.
“You’re gonna be sorry.” You told him. “Where do you live again?”
“Waking distance from here. I said that less than five minutes ago.” He rolled his eyes at you.
“Well I didn’t hear that because I tune you out when you speak. You know, like most people do.” You said sweetly.
“Wow, you’re so funny.” Peter said sarcastically. “If I meet you here at the end of the day, will you come home with me?”
“Fine.” You huffed. “I’ll go home with you. But if I start detecting any cult shit going on, I’m leaving.”
“Fine by me.” He scoffed. “I’ll see you later.”
“Are you ready to go?” Peter asked after the last bell had rang. You shouldered your backpack and shut your locker, feeling unusually anxious around him. You could deal with Peter for 40 minutes at a time when all you did was trade insults. Something about walking to his home together and spending time alone knocked the confidence right out of you.
“I’m ready.” You nodded.
“What, no insult?” He asked. “No mocking of my voice?”
“We were assigned each other as partners so we could learn to be civil, right?” You shrugged. “I guess I’m just mature enough to give it a try.”
“There she is.” Peter smiled as you began to walk in the direction of his apartment. “There’s my girl.”
You looked to the side when you heard him say this, unsure of how it made you feel. You often called each other pet names ironically, but this felt different. There was a change in the dynamic between the two of you and it was clouding your judgment.
You let Peter do all the talking as you walked home, thankful that he lived so close to the school. He spewed out ideas for the project the entire elevator ride up and didn’t stop until you were standing outside his bedroom door.
Peter stopped talking and opened the door, gesturing for you to go inside. You made a face at him before walking, staying in one spot as he shut the door and sat down. You were frozen as you looked around his room, not liking how human it made him. He had notes from classes you didn’t have with him strewn around and an open first aid kit on his desk.
“You can sit.” He chuckled when he noticed how stiff you were.
“I’m scared to.” You admitted.
“I don’t know.” You answered honestly. Something about sitting on this boys bed with him seemed finalizing, like you’d be opening a door you couldn’t close.
“Just sit down.” He repeated. “I didn’t rig the place with boobytraps, if that’s what you’re thinking.”
“That’s what someone who rigged the place with booby traps would say.” You replied as you took a hesitant seat on his bed.
“There. Isnt that nice?” He asked sarcastically.
“No.” You said immediately. “Am I the first girl to ever sit on your bed?”
“Psh. No.”
“I’ll take that as a yes ma’am.” You mumbled.
“Whatever.” He replied. “What do you want to do the project on?”
“How about micropenises?” You suggested. “You won’t even have to do any research.”
“Haha. So funny.” He rolled his eyes. “You are so annoying it’s actually impressive.”
“Please.” You laughed. “You so have a crush on me.”
“What?” His entire face went red. “No I don’t.”
“No I don’t.” You mimicked his voice. “Yes you do. That’s why you’re up my ass all the time.”
“That makes no sense.” He scoffed.
“It makes total sense.” You insisted. “You know I’ll never like you back, so you made me hate you. That way, you still get to talk to me all the time. Genius, really. I applaud you.”
“That’s a nice little fantasy you’ve created for yourself. Is that what you tell yourself to help you fall asleep?” He teased you.
“Yep.” You smiled brightly. “Right after I finger blast myself to the thought of you in your Catholic schoolboy sweaters.”
“Oh my God.” His cheeks turned even redder at your inappropriate joke.
“And they said women aren’t funny.” You used his words from earlier.
“They were right.” He said, making you laugh.
“God, I love it when you talk down to me.” You fanned yourself. “Can you tell me how to change a tire?”
Peter began to laugh as well, looking at you as you both laughed. You quickly stopped laughing when you realized you just gave him a genuine smile and looked away.
“Do you want to do the project on tensile strength?” You suggested to break the tension. “I know you’re weirdly into that.”
“How’d you know?” He wondered.
“You almost popped a boner when we talked about in last month.” You teased him. “It’s just rope, dude.”
“It’s not just rope. It’s the force-“
“-the force required to pull something until it breaks. I know.” You finished his sentence. “I’m smart too, you know.”
“Oh.” He was dumbfounded that you knew something he was interested in. “I didn’t know.”
“Yeah.” You nodded. “Women use brain sometime. Woman say smart thing like man.”
Peter laughed again, realizing you were actually kind of funny when you wanted to be.
“I’m not a misogynist, you know.” Peter said after a beat. “You don’t have to make jokes like that. I may not like you, but I respect you.”
“You respect me?” You raised a skeptical eyebrow at him.
“I respect all women. The strongest person I know is my Aunt. Plus, I’ve still never met anyone who was as smart as my mom. I wouldn’t be half the man I was if it weren’t for the women who raised me.” He shrugged. “But it would be ignorant and naive of me to only respect woman who are related to me in some way. So I respect all of them unless they give me a reason not to.”
“Have I given you a reason not to?” You batted your eyelashes at him.
“Not yet.” He chuckled to himself. “You’re annoying, but you’re brilliant. I know you would never admit this, but we’re basically the same person. You’re just more extroverted so you have more friends and popularity. And you’re smart but you don’t make that your whole personality, so it impresses more people when you let your intelligence show.”
Your body language shifted when you realized he was actually a nice guy. He clearly paid attention to you and was impressed by what he saw. You didn’t say anything, so Peter kept going.
“People lean in to listen when you start speaking instead of tuning you out.” He brought up your insult from earlier, and you felt bad. You didn’t realize he admired you in any way and you felt guilty for always teasing him. Peter’s kept his eyes down, playing with his fingers to distract himself.
“You’re…you’re kind of every thing I wanted to be.” He said quietly. You smiled softly at him, but he didn’t see it. It was the first time you had a nice moment with Peter, and you didn’t hate it. You could tell he was beginning to panic for sharing so much, so you reached forward and tilted his chin up to look at you. His wide eyes met yours and you gave him a small smile.
“How did your parents die?” You asked quietly, immediately ruining the moment.
“Damn.” Peter pulled away with a shocked laugh. “When was your first period?”
“All right. I get your point.” You rolled your eyes. “That was a little abrupt.”
“You’re telling me.” He teased. You sat in silence for a moment, neither of you sure where to go from there. You knew Peter was still processing you touching his face, so you talked first.
“My parents are dead too.” You said without looking up at him.
“They are?” He asked, scooting a little closer to you on the bed.
“Yeah.” You looked up and gave him a sad smile. “But if you think we’re gonna take a turn and fall in love because we have similar trauma, you’re wrong. I can’t stand orphans.”
“But you’re an orphan.” He reminded you.
“Never mind.” He shook his head. “I have a feeling I won’t be getting through to you.”
“Probably not.” You agreed. “Tell me more, though. Did your parents die doing something cool?”
“I don’t really know.” He shrugged. “It was a plane crash. That’s all I’ve been told.”
“Oh.” You nodded. “Sounds lame.”
“A plane crash?” You raised your eyebrow. “That’s so boring. Yawn.”
“Excuse me?” He laughed in shock again. “Fine. How did your parents die?”
“Firefighters.” You said proudly. “Died saving three children.”
“Wow.” Peter sat back, stumped.
“Yeah.” You nodded. “I was one of them.”
“Seriously?” His eyes widened as he fought the urge to hold your hand.
“No. I’m fucking with you.” You began to laugh as he let out a groan.
“Why would you do that to me?” He whined. “You had me, for a minute there.”
“What can I say? I’m an actor.” You flipped your hair ostentatiously.
“What actually happened?” He wondered. You stopped smiling and bit your bottom lip.
“Drunk driver.” You told him. He didn’t fight the urge this time and reached over to take your hand in his. You stared at your interlocked hands, wondering if you should pull away or not. On the one hand, he was your enemy. But that didn’t make his warmth any less inviting.
“I’m sorry.” He said softly. “That must have been really hard on you.”
“You know the feeling, don’t you?” You asked with a sad smile.
“I do.” He nodded. “And I know how much it sucked to not have someone who knew how it felt. You don’t have to feel that way anymore. Neither of us do.”
You opened your mouth to speak but quickly shut it, not wanting to ruin the moment again. The guy holding your hand was not the same guy who sat behind you in physics. This guy was someone you actually liked.
“I might have misjudged you, Peter Parker.” You laughed shyly. “You might not be as unbearable as I remembered.”
“And you might not be the frigid bitch I thought you were.” He matched your tone.
“Watch it.” You warned.
“Sorry.” He mumbled.
“You were right.” You said after a beat. “We are pretty much the same person. I never realized that before.”
“Maybe that’s why we don’t get along.” He shrugged, rubbing soft circles into your hand.
“I’d be willing to give it a try, if you were.” You said sheepishly. “Who knows? I might just like you.”
“You want to give this a try?” He asked, eyes lighting up in excitement.
“Why not?” You shrugged. “What do I have to lose?”
“Okay.” He nodded eagerly. “Then we’ll try.”
“Cool.” You smiled.
“Cool.” He said before leaning in for a kiss. Your eyes widened as his fluttered shut, making you realize you were on different pages. His lips made contact with yours for a few seconds before you pushed him off.
“What the hell are you doing?” You asked as you covered your mouth with your hand.
“Kissing you?” He asked in confusion as hurt flashed in his eyes.
“Why the hell would you do that?” You exclaimed, still in shock. You got off the bed and backed away from him, trying to process what just happened.
“You said we were giving it a try!” He was shouting now too, but not out of anger. “I thought we were finally admitting that we like each other.”
“I meant giving friendship a try! I never said anything about a relationship.” You shouted. You quieted down when you saw the upset look on his face. “You... you like me?”
“I thought it was obvious.” He said quietly. “I-I thought you knew. You said it before and I just…I thought you knew.”
“Peter, I was joking when I said all that stuff.” You calmed down and sat back on his bed. “I didn’t actually think you liked me.”
“Oh.” He blinked a few times before looking down. “I…I do.”
“Peter, I’m sorry.” You reached for his hand again but his withdrew it.
“No, it’s my fault.” He shook his head and got off the bed. “I misunderstood the situation.”
“Peter, wait.” You caught him by the wrists and pulled him back down to the bed. He sat down again but looked anywhere but at you. You could see that his eyes were glassy so you put a hand on his face.
“You were right.” His voice wavered. “I did like you and I did think you’d never like me back. That’s why I always tease you. I just wanted you to talk to me.”
“Pete.” You whispered, rubbing his cheekbone with your thumb.
“I’m sorry. I really don’t want to be here right now. I’ll email you my part of the project and-“
You cut him off by wrapping your hand around the back of his neck and pulling him into a kiss. You both had your eyes closed this time and it lasted much longer. Your lips moved against his slowly and you could feel how inexperienced he was. Even so, it was perfect. You pulled away after a minute and looked into his eyes, feeling better now that there were no traces of sadness in them.
“You kissed me.” He said, dumbfounded.
“I can’t know I don’t like you back if I never give you a chance.” You shrugged as you withdrew your hand from his face.
“Well what did you decide?” He asked curiously. You puckered your lips and tilted your head, staring at him as if you were making a decision.
“I still think you’re super annoying.” You concluded.
“Okay.” Peter nodded.
“But it’s an annoying I’m willing to put up with.” You decided as you slipped your hand back into his. Peter broke out into a smile and nodded again.
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2K notes · View notes
writertitan · 3 years
pairing: levi x f!reader (she/her pronouns used)
word count: 3.3k
themes: a little angsty at first but trust the process, fluffy ending, canonverse, levi is nervous
requested by anon
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The first time you felt something was amiss was when you caught Levi scrambling to hide something in his desk drawer as you walked into his office. 
“What’s that?” you asked, more out of slight curiosity than anything else, as you closed the door behind you. 
“Nothing,” Levi responded curtly, and that was the end of it. 
For a moment, you wondered about pressing it, mostly just to tease, but it was forgotten the moment Levi got up and walked towards you to hand you a cup of tea. 
You stole a quick peck from him in the process, his sneaky little moment now completely wiped from your head, and you launched into a summary of your day with your squad. 
Levi listened as attentively as he always did. As you spoke, the two of you ended up leaving his office to take a stroll outside, sipping your teas as you chatted. 
It was no surprise that you ended up where you always did outside. A private spot - the one you’d dubbed your spot with Levi - in a quiet part of base, aware from prying eyes and the constant noise and running around. 
You looked towards the sunset that bled across the wall and sighed in content, clutching your teacup close to your chest as you took in the sight. You could feel Levi’s eyes on you but you didn’t turn to him right away, choosing to admire the warm colors before the sky turned inky. Still, that didn’t stop you from being cheeky. 
“What are you staring at?” you asked with a small smile tugging at your lips. Finally, your gaze flickered to Levi, catching his silvery eyes. 
He grunted a noncommittal response and looked towards the sunset as well, but you saw the faint pink dusting his ears. It made you smile wider, and you hid it behind your teacup before taking one last sip of tea. 
“We should go back inside soon, it’s getting chilly,” you said, and Levi nodded once, his eyes on you yet again when he noticed that you were getting closer to him instead of heading back inside. 
The evening was settling into a cool spring night, and you couldn’t help your desire to snuggle closer into Levi. There was no one around - you could hear the ruckus of dinnertime in the mess hall - which made it the perfect opportunity to find comfort in his sturdy, warm chest. 
Over the years, you’d noticed that your more unexpected advances, like this one, made Levi tense up less and less. The very first time you’d gotten cuddly with him, even in the privacy of his room, he’d frozen up and couldn’t respond. An entirely different Levi from this current one, who easily looped an arm around your middle and nuzzled his nose into your hairline when you rested your head against his shoulder.
“Let’s go back in now,” he murmured against your forehead, and you hummed in both agreement and disagreement. 
It was nice to be like this with him. It felt normal, weightless. You wanted to soak up in this moment forever. 
When Levi pulled away, you whined a little and leaned towards him again, seeking his warmth, but you stopped when Levi set his cup down gently on the grass to shrug out of his jacket and drape it over your shoulders. His warmth and his scent enveloped your senses and you smiled shyly at him, using your free hand to tug his jacket closer around you. 
He took your cup from you and then grabbed his cup from the grass, allowing you a few moments to snuggle up in his jacket and stick your arms through the sleeves. The two of you were settled in a comfortable silence as you walked back inside, straight towards your shared room. 
On the way back you passed by Levi’s office, door still ajar, and Levi asked you to stop so he could finish up a few things and lock it up for the night. 
“Mind taking these back to the kitchen?” he asked you as he gently handed you the empty teacups. 
“Don’t mind at all, I’ll just meet you in our room,” you said, turning back around to leave. 
You turned to look at him over your shoulder before closing the door behind you, and stopped when you saw him briefly peek into the same drawer he’d been so sneaky about earlier, the memory popping back up in your brain. 
Whatever he was hiding, he didn’t take it out, and you didn’t wait around to see if he would. It was probably nothing. 
By the time you got to your shared room, Levi was already there, and the memory was almost to the back of your mind again, to be completely forgotten the moment his lips touched yours. It wasn’t until you were drifting off to sleep, Levi’s hand stroking along your spine, that your mind conjured it up again in a dream. 
The second time you felt something was up was when Hange and Levi shut up the moment you stepped into the room. 
Hushed whispers cut off short the moment you walked in, and it was a little irritating. Whatever urgent matter you’d needed Levi for was wiped from your head for the moment, replaced with unease. 
“What?” you pressed, eyebrows knit together in confusion. “Am I interrupting something?” 
“No,” Levi said, a little too quickly for your liking, and you gave him a frown. 
“Then what were you talking about?” 
“Can’t tell you yet,” Hange piped up, which in turn made Levi glare at them. 
You pressed your lips together, trying to decide if it was worth asking for more information, but before you could make up your mind, Hange jumped up from their chair and gave you a bright smile, glasses flashing in the afternoon light streaming through the window of their lab. 
“Well, I’m off! Got lots of things to tend to this afternoon. See you for supper?” They didn’t want for an answer as they hurried past you, leaving you alone with a very on edge Levi. 
You hadn’t seen him this tensed up since you’d first gotten together. It was startling. 
It was scary. 
“Levi…,” you began, but couldn’t find the words. Finally, you decided on, “Is everything okay?” 
He softened at your question, which had come out quiet and clearly laced with worry, and in no time he was in front of you and smoothing some hair from your face. 
“Stop worrying so much,” he answered; his eyes were sincere and calming, and your heartbeat slowly went back to normal when he let you lean into his touch. 
You didn’t dawdle too much and eventually you pulled away from him, giving him a stern look when you remembered what you’d come to find him for. 
“One of the cadets tracked in...horse shit. And he doesn’t know how to clean it up. Honestly, he’s just spreading it around even more. We need you,” you explained, just about gagging even at the very recent memory of the poor boy trying his best to clean before his captain could find out. 
Levi’s eyes had widened the moment you’d mentioned anything about horse dung being anywhere other than in the stables, and then darkened as he processed the situation at hand. 
“This batch has got to be the worst we’ve ever had,” he muttered, referring to your newest recruits. “I think I’m gonna be fucking sick. Let’s go.” 
It wasn’t until you both heard Hange’s bloodcurdling scream that you sprung into action. Because for Hange of all people to get worked up about a mess, it had to be bad. And Levi knew that better than anyone. 
He had never left you behind as fast as he did right then. 
Though the sneakiness persisted over the next couple of weeks, what you couldn’t let go of was the way Levi was slowly tensing up again. 
What had you done? Had you done something that had set him off and made him uncomfortable?
Every time you tried to broach the subject with him, Levi was quick to change the subject. Then, for a while, he’d be sort of back to normal with you. He’d sneak a few affectionate touches in private, he’d take an evening stroll outside only for you to end up at your favorite spot, and then you’d feel your worries slip away. 
Only for those same worries to come crashing back when he’d tense up again. 
The final straw was after training, when you’d walked into his office to give him some paperwork, and had caught him pacing back and forth. He looked stressed out and it made your heart hurt for him. 
Apparently, he was so wrapped up in his thoughts that he didn’t hear you come in. As he turned his head towards the window, back to you, you walked over to place a hand on his shoulder, ready to comfort him. 
The way he cringed away made you stumble back as if you’d been slapped. The pain of rejection spread from your heart to your entire body as Levi whipped around to face you, grey eyes filled with surprise when he saw it was you. 
And then you just couldn’t help it. The tears that filled your eyes couldn’t be stopped, and Levi looked horrified at the sight. 
“I’m sorry-” he started, but you interrupted him with a whispered, “Stop.” 
It was then that the most horrible thought came to you, a thought that suddenly made the most sense. 
“Do you not want to be with me anymore?” you asked him, voice cracking at the end. 
The sneakiness, the tension he radiated, it all pointed to one thing: He was done with you. That had to be it. Just the idea of it made your heart simultaneously sink and beat hard in denial. Your body was just as tense as Levi’s. 
Somehow, somewhere along the way, maybe Levi had decided that a relationship really was too hard. Maybe you’d forced him to be too open. Maybe he was uncomfortable with you. It had taken a long time for him to come out of his shell and truly open up to you, but maybe he regretted it. 
Levi, for the first time ever since you’d known him, looked dumbfounded. 
“What are you talking about?” he asked, but your heart sank at that. 
Answering a question with another question. A telltale sign that he was avoiding the answer. 
“All of your sneaking around, Levi! You’ve been acting so different lately and I guess I get it now,” you said, voice still wobbly as the tears threatened to fall. 
Realization dawned on Levi’s face then, but you didn’t wait around for whatever he was about to say. You’d thought that maybe Levi had just needed some space before. Now it was you who needed space. If he was going to call things off, you needed a bit more time to prepare yourself. 
You left despite Levi calling out for you, tears finally trickling down your cheeks as you desperately tried to hurry off and find somewhere to calm down. 
You pushed yourself into the first supply closet you could find and locked it after you, settling down in the darkness as you wiped at your continuously falling tears. 
Maybe you were jumping to conclusions, but something was just different about Levi lately. And to have him tense up like that, when he hadn’t done so in such a long time...it hurt more than anything else. Even the thought of him not being in your life sent shots of panic through you. 
But you couldn’t face him just yet. You’d have to sort it out soon with him, whether you were right or not, but the fear and insecurity ate away at you in that supply closet. 
One thing stood out though, as your tears subsided. 
Levi would never intentionally hurt you. He wanted you to be safe, to feel safe, like you made him feel safe. 
And, the most important thing you had to remember, was that you loved him. And you weren’t willing to throw it all away without doing all you could to repair whatever needed fixing. 
You had to be brave. You owed it to Levi to be brave, even if you were about to hear something you didn’t want to hear. 
So, after a deep breath, you dusted yourself off and slowly left the closet, quiet and a little anxious as you headed back to his office. 
Your footsteps were the only sound as you made your way down the hall. Nobody was around and, as you got closer to Levi’s office, you couldn’t hear him inside. 
Peeking your head in, your suspicions were confirmed when you were met with an empty space. You quietly shut the door behind you and looked around, as if Levi would randomly appear. 
The silence was uncomfortable. Though much of your time spent alone with Levi was in silence, it was comfortable and perfect, and made you feel as if you could continue on that way forever. But just you here in his office with Levi nowhere in sight, with only silence to accompany you, made you feel cold. 
You sat at his desk and sighed, rubbing at your face for a moment before leaning back in his chair and contemplating what to do next. Should you just wait for him here? 
But when your eyes flickered to the desk drawer that had started the first bouts of unease in you, your mind blanked. 
It was unlike you to invade Levi’s privacy. And truly, whatever he’d pushed into that drawer must have been taken out by now, right? 
But you were acting so unlike you today. 
Part of you felt bad to be opening up the drawer to peek inside, but the other part of you just needed to know, and needed to find answers. 
There were a few documents in there that looked standard, but the folded up piece of parchment at the back caught your attention immediately. 
You carefully pulled it out and shut the drawer, heart thumping as you unfolded it to look at the contents. 
At morning? At night?   at sunset, our spot
Write a speech
Memorize the speech? 
Or maybe just ask her Too aggressive. Say something romantic first asshole
Ask Hange for help on what to say even if it makes you want to die 
Be confident
Would she even want to marry you? 
Be confident
Where at first your heart had been pounding, it had suddenly skipped a few beats when you realized what you were reading. 
Levi’s normally neat and beautiful handwriting was more erratic here, with ink blotting through and so many things scratched out.
But even so, your eyes fell back to the word you couldn’t believe you were reading. 
He wanted to marry you? 
And he was actually questioning if you’d want to marry him? 
All of your previous worries suddenly seemed so stupid. You felt so stupid. You’d jumped to conclusions, and your conclusion had been the complete opposite of what was going on. 
And now you had to find Levi. 
The best part about being with Levi for so long was gradually figuring out his thought process. And you knew, judging from how you’d taken off earlier, that Levi would try to think like you and run off to find you in the places where you’d most likely go to calm down and seek comfort. 
Definitely not a supply closet. 
Your feet guided you outside and you felt like you were on autopilot as you strolled the grounds, slowly making your way to yours and Levi’s spot. 
When the sight of him came into view, him sitting on the ground and leaning against the wall of the building, your heart fluttered and you breathed out in relief. 
He whipped his head in your direction once your footsteps could be heard coming towards him, and the conflicted expression on his face melted away at the sight of you. But at the sight of his little secret clutched in one of your hands, his eyes widened and a faint blush spread over his face. He got up quickly, hesitating for a moment before stepping towards you. 
“I’m sorry for going through your things-” you started, but were cut off by Levi pulling you into a tight embrace. 
“I do want to be with you,” he whispered in your ear, pulling away after a moment to look at your face with the most gentle gaze. He briefly nodded toward the parchment in your hand, looking even a little shy as he met your eyes again. “I want to be with you for as long as I’m allowed to be. But I was so busy being nervous about asking you that I didn’t realize I was acting like an asshole. I’m sorry. You deserve bett-” 
Your lips were on his before he could finish. 
Levi had the annoying habit of thinking you were too good for him. But now, it looked like you could spend the rest of your life proving to him that he was exactly what you deserved. 
When you pulled away, you beamed at him, tears sprouting in your eyes again. This time, of pure happiness. 
You turned to look at the slowly disappearing sunset and laughed a little; it was just how Levi had tried to plan it. 
Still, he looked flustered as he pulled you closer. 
“This wasn’t exactly how I wanted it to go, I don’t even have a ring yet,” he whispered, but you shook your head and cupped his face, pressing your forehead to his. 
You just wanted to hear the words. 
“This is perfect,” you assured him, and it really was. He could have asked you at any moment, ever, and you would have thought it was perfect. “Just ask me. I just want you to ask me.” 
Levi cleared his throat awkwardly, which made you giggle, but it died down when his thumb danced over your jaw sweetly, and you felt his words ghost over your lips when he finally spoke. 
“Will you marry me?” 
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liquid-luck-00 · 3 years
Internet Friends
@maribatmarch-2k21 Day 4: Internet Friends
You know the internet is a magical place. You can connect with people all over the world in a matter of seconds. You know what isn’t magical, your best friend enrolling you in a ‘coffee seminar’. Like seriously Adrien I love you like a brother so what the hell. I’m busy enough as it is without giving up my Saturday morning on the only day I have free for months.
Sure my school and social life is a flaming pile of garbage thanks to a little liar manipulating almost everyone who was my friend. So why, but if anything this little online seminar may just be the thing I need.
Okay not what I needed. The coffee seminar was apparently a coffee intervention workshop. Big surprise there, what was a welcome surprise was I wasn’t the youngest person there. Through out the entirety of the web seminar they sent private messages back and forth completely ignoring the speaker, only adding in when asked. Buy the end they decided to share emails, and that was how Marinette found herself a, hopefully, friend and at the very least a partner in caffeinated crimes.
She would mainly email Tim rants about school and the akuma. He at first tried to see how open she was to help, from the JLA, to come in and help the Parisian heroes. But she shut that down quickly by explaining how the villains powers work and how many of the heroes tend to be emotional when they fight even if they don’t show it.
He in turn ranted about his brothers and how they tried to hide his coffee and the stress of his work. Which sparked the conversation of what he did. Sure she was surprised when she found out her new friend was Tim Drake-Wayne so she decided to let him into her being MDC after he couldn’t find the designer and that he wanted a commission for a gala in a few months.
They ended up, either video chatting or messaging often to rant or brainstorm for their respective projects. Or just send each other dumb photos or memes to brighten the others’ day.
Mari doesn't know how this came to be but it did. She was walking along the second floor railing. She was going to meet Tim face-to-face as he was going to pick her up from school to do a fitting before sending out his suit.
He had messaged her that he was in front of the school. So she said to meet her in the court yard. To her dismay her classmates formed a half circle pinning her back to the railing.
"Seriously Mari, why would you do that?!" Alya screamed at her the eyes of the entire school and of a black haired blue eyed boy, now on their group.
"Do what exactly?" she questioned adjusting the straps of her backpack.
"I can't *sniff* believe you don't *sniff* remember, Mari. It was so mean *sniff*." Lila choked out burrowing her face into Kim's sweater, who looked disgusted with her.
"One, I still don't know what I supposedly did. And two, only my friends call me, Mari, and you aren't on that list." she turned to leave but they closed in on her. Unfortunately, Adrien and Kagami left earlier for a tournament. Luka was out of the country as was Chloe, so she didn't have anyone to break her out.
"You two aren't, but we are!" Alya shouted motioning to herself and the others In the class.
"We haven't been friends for years," she thought, unfortunately she said it out loud.
"What?!?" was chorused by the entire class.
So she took a breath. "There are only two people I consider friends within our class, both of which are not here. Why are you all surprised?" A tilt of her head and a perfect look of innocence crossed her features. "You all claim I'm a bully, why be friends with bullies. I'm just ripping off the band aid you are all to scared to touch."
"You're lying they are still your friends can't you see that!" Lila stopped sniffling and came to the class' defense.
"Really. I want them to think and think hard of the last time any of them sought me out to talk or hangout. Not tell me or accuse me of something, or demand clothes or sweets." They were all silent dead in thought. "The reason you can't is because it hasn't happened since Lycee."
"That's not true Mari, we are your friends," Rose piped in softly.
"DC we've been friends forever, this isn’t like you." Kim pleaded.
"Ya we were friends for a long time, so you should know I hate liars and I never lie." Everyone seemed to register her words.
"Oh get over yourself!" Lila snapped pushing her backwards.
The bad part, she was already on the edge so she was falling from the second floor. Fortunately for her, her time as ladybug along with being a gymnast since she could stand, her body reacted, her mind catching up a moment later. She grabbed a sprinkler pipe and turned a few times, held herself upside down and then swung again. Letting the bar go twisting in the air and shifting her backpack. Everyone on the first floor scattered to the edges of the courtyard to give her space to land without obstacles. As she finishes in a rollout to protect herself and her backpack now clutched to her chest.
"What was that!?" Lila screamed gripping the balcony railing, her facade completely dropped. Everyone else stood shocked silent, frozen in place, until one black haired blue eyed boy stormed up to the bluenette.
"Mari I swear the first time we meet up and you do that. God I am never going to leave you with Dick." Tim stormed up to her. "You are going to give me a heart attack."
"Hey Tim," she chuckled in response.
"That said I am sending this to him."
"Go ahead. Coffee?"
"You know me too well," he grinned as they began to leave the still frozen, still silent school yard. "So what are you going to do about them?" he jabbed a finger behind them.
"Dunno how much did you record?" she pointed to the phone clearly in his hand still.
"Since the first scream, but audio is kinda off from that far."
"I got that part covered," she took out her phone from her jacket pocket. Now her class started to move so both coffee addicted teens started to record again in case of anything.
"Who is this Mari?" Nino genuinely asked.
"He is a friend, and he can use that name unlike any of you."
"Best friend actually."
"You will have to fight Adrien for that title." she teased.
"I got Gami's approval. I can take Sunshine on."
"That was an acknowledgment and we all know it."
"Why haven't we ever seen him before then?" Alya snipped.
"I'm not from Paris, much less from France, if the accent didn't give it away. I'm visiting on a trip with my father and wanted to stop by." The two just walked away after that.
Who would have guessed that being forced into a coffee intervention seminar would result in gaining one friend and loosing a class worth of dead weight. And oh did it feel good to walk away from that toxicity. Unfortunately she still has to finish this last year of school before University. At least she has people she knows will stand beside her. All thanks to the magic of the internet.
Permanent Taglist: @itsmeevie01 @miraculouspenta @adrestar @vixen-uchiha
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tuiccim · 3 years
Terrigenisis (Part 20)
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Pairing: Stucky x Inhuman!Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1.7K
Summary: After undergoing terrigenisis unwillingly your life is turned upside down when you are deemed too dangerous to return to life as a civilian. You are put with the Avengers team to train and rebuild. As you hone your powers and skills, you must also decide if you can find home and love again. Or is your curse to be a lonely wanderer forever?
Warnings: Fluff, Smut (NSFW 18+)
Dividers by @firefly-graphics​
Terrigenisis Series Masterlist
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The following afternoon, the entire team is back at the compound and doing a team training session. You, Steve, and Bucky use the opportunity to announce your engagement. Your teammates are excited and hugs and well wishes surround you. 
“Can I be the flower girl?” Wanda jokes as she hugs you. 
“Dizzy’s already claimed that honor,” you laugh.
“Alright, alright! Let’s get to work. We need to be in perfect sync for the mission.” Steve redirects everyone’s attention. 
“You got it, Cap!” you salute him as you get into position. Two hours later, you break from the drills and begin to disburse when you pull up your phone. “What the hell?” you say as you see your social media had blown up with comments and messages. You pull up your feed and begin reading. You can feel the color drain from your face. 
“Doll, are you okay?” Bucky is the first to notice you frozen in shock. 
“I… the… I don’t understand.” You feel like throwing up reading the words whore, slut, and many other disgusting slurs left on your account. Bucky pulls your phone from your hand and looks at it. 
“What the fuck?” He yells.
Steve speeds over and looks at the phone that Bucky holds out to him. 
“I don’t understand,” you say again, trembling. Bucky puts his arms around you. 
“Uhhh, guys,” Tony says as he pulls up a video.
The spokesman for one of the biggest celebrity tabloids flashes a picture of Steve and Bucky on the screen and says, “Speculation has always run wild on the love life of Captain America, Steve Rogers, and The Winter Soldier, Bucky Barnes, but they’ve always kept it hush-hush. Now, a source close to the Avengers has come forward to give us the down and dirty details. Allegedly, our shield throwing hero doesn’t have just a girlfriend, but a boyfriend as well. Way to play both sides, Captain. We’ve been told that Captain America is dating none other than his two teammates, The Winter Soldier and Artemis, the newest member of the Avengers.”
“Artemis! The fuck?” you exclaim as a picture of the three of you is displayed on the screen. 
“Seen here at one of Tony Stark’s exclusive parties, the three have allegedly been dating for several months. But, according to our source, two men aren’t enough for the voracious Artemis, she’s also in a relationship with none other than the villainous Loki of Asgard,” the spokesman continues. Another picture from the party flashes up of you and Loki laughing together. Your stomach is rolling as this apparently isn’t the end of the slanderous story, “Artemis, an Inhuman with the skills of a linguist and animal trainer, joined the team a year ago and has apparently had her hooks in every man she’s come across since then. Our source claims she had affairs with Tony Stark, Clint Barton, and Sam Wilson before settling on the three she dates now. There is also some speculation surrounding the death of her first husband. Is she the real black widow of the Avengers?”
The video ends and you clutch your stomach, “I’m gonna be sick.” Running to the bathroom, you barely make it to the toilet before you lose your lunch. Bucky and Steve are right behind you. 
“Doll, it’s okay. It’s gonna be okay.” Bucky soothes as he rubs your back. 
You sit back against the wall and begin to sob. Steve pulls you into his lap and Bucky’s arms surround you both. 
“It’s gonna be okay, sweetheart. We’ll fix this.” Steve says as he rubs your back. 
“We’ll get through it, doll. Whatever we have to do. We won’t let this stand.” Bucky reassures you. 
When the sobs begin to subside, you look at the two of them and nod. They help you stand and you wash out your mouth. When you return, the team is still standing around together. 
“Okay, kids. Artie is on his way and formulating a plan as we speak to work this out. We’ll demand a retraction of the slander. The PR team is going through your social media and deleting and blocking any negative comments. There are several groups who are rallying behind you all and your relationship. We’ve got your back, kid.” Tony puts a hand on your shoulder and you nod weakly. 
Wanda hugs you and you nearly break down again. Natasha looks as if she’s plotting murder with Clint. You notice Sam is missing. 
“Let’s go to our room and rest until Artie gets here. It’ll probably be a long meeting.” Bucky suggests. 
“Yeah, okay,” you follow his lead out. Shortly after the three of you get to your room there’s a knock on the door. Steve opens it and lets Sam into the room. 
“I, uh… I’m so sorry.” Sam stutters uncharacteristically and can’t quite meet your eyes. 
“Kaziah,” you state.
“Yeah. I’m pretty sure. I’m so sorry. I swear I never said anything like that to her. I would never disrespect you like that.” Sam explains. 
“It’s not your fault, Sam,” you reassure him. 
“But I did tell her about you guys. And how you lost Charlie and became an Inhuman. I’m so sorry.” 
“You trusted her. I’m so sorry she betrayed you like that,” you hug Sam’s neck. “I know you must be so hurt that she did that. Maybe she was jealous about our torrid love affair.”
Sam breaks a smile, “I do have a way with the ladies.” 
“Your spirit is unbreakable. Already cracking jokes,” Steve puts his arms around you. 
“I think it’s laugh or cry at this point. I’d rather laugh. I’m sure there will be more tears later,” you say. “I need a shower.”
“That’s my cue to leave.” Sam quips. 
“Sam,” you call. 
“Can you tell Tony, please? He can probably find out for sure.” 
“Yeah. Of course.” Sam exits. 
“Alright, doll. Let’s get that shower.” Bucky pulls you into the bathroom. You stand under the spray minutes later with Bucky and Steve on each side of you. You wash each other gently, sharing soft touches and loving caresses. No matter what anyone ever says about your relationship and your love, you will never give up these two men. The loves of your life. 
Your stomach twists for a moment. Loving Steve and Bucky does not negate your love of Charlie. The accusation of killing him was what hurt more than anything else. If it hadn’t been for Terrigenisis you would still most likely be happily married to Charlie. It reaffirms to you that perhaps there really is a reason that everything happens. Which means there is a reason for this happening. You just couldn’t figure out what it was quite yet. 
“Team meeting in the conference room, immediately.” Friday chimes into your thoughts. 
Ten minutes later, the team is sitting around the conference table facing Artemus "Artie" Pithins, Director of Public Relations, and Tony. 
“We apparently have another Artemis now.” Artie chuckles as he greets you. 
“Wasn’t my decision but if it means I am as formidable as you I’m honored,” you smile as you shake Artie’s hand. 
“Charming under pressure. I love it. We’ll get through this.” Artie reassures you. When everyone is seated Artie addresses the team, “I’d like to begin by telling you all, we have confirmed the source of the leak and that person is being dealt with accordingly. Next, I give this story no credence, but I do need to go through it piece by piece to confirm what is truth and what is lies.”
“We understand.” Steve affirms.
“Are you in a polyamorous relationship as described?” Artie addresses Steve. 
“Yes,” Steve replies. 
“I see. Sgt. Barnes and our newly dubbed Artemis are your boyfriend and girlfriend?” Artie asks. 
“No, they’re my fiancees.” Steve counters. 
“Oh, Congratulations.” Artie’s wheels are turning as he continues down his list of questions. He turns to you next, “Are you in any type of relationship with Prince Loki Odinson?”
“He’s a close friend and my training partner,” you say calmly. 
“But no romantic relationship now or previously?” Artie confirms.
“No,” you reply. 
“Mr. Stark, are you now or have you ever been in a sexual relationship-”
“No, never.” Tony interrupts rolling his eyes. 
“Mr. Bar-”
“No,” Clint says curtly.
“Also, no.” Sam pipes in before the question can be asked. 
“And the last claim I won’t even dignify. That will be retracted with an apology if I have anything to say about it. I know this is not the most couth question but I need to ask. Have any of the three of you had a sexual relationship with another teammate?” Artie states.
“No,” the three of you say practically in unison. 
“Well, then I think we have the perfect solution already in the works. We’ll need the two of you to do a couple of interviews to dispel the rumors and we’ll use that time to also announce the wedding of Captain America and Artemis.” Artie smiles at you. 
“You mean the three of us, Captain America, The Winter Soldier, and Artemis,” you say. 
“The polyamorous relationship is not going to play well, but if we can shift the story from that relationship to the romance that grew out of you joining the team and throw a spectacular wedding, we’ll have nothing to worry about it,” Artie explains.
“No,” you say, looking between Steve and Bucky. 
“Let’s reconvene in two hours. Take the time to discuss it. You have a lot to consider.” Artie closes the meeting. 
Back in your room, you sit on the couch with your head in your hands. 
“Doll?” Steve sits beside you and puts a hand on your back. 
You look up at him, “Do you want to go through with this charade? Leave Bucky out of the ceremony? Everything this entails?”
“I’m pretty sure I’d be best man in Stevie’s wedding no matter what,” Bucky tries to lighten the mood. 
“You should be a groom in it, baby,” you counter.
“I know, I know, doll,” Bucky sits on the other side of you, “But it’d just be a show for the public. We can have a ceremony with just our friends after. Or before. However you want.”
“Is that what you think, Stevie?” you ask.
“Here’s what I’m thinking…”
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Part 21
Tuiccim’s Masterlist
Updates and taglist: Due to the unreliable nature of tags, I no longer keep a taglist. Updates for series are made weekly. Please follow my sideblog @tuiccimfanfiction​​ and turn on notifications for updates. All series and new stories will be reblogged to it. You will only receive notifications when a new part or story is out! Nothing else will be blogged to the page. I can’t thank you enough for your support!
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