#we're all with you
eulchu · 1 year
im a big advocate for george to start saying faggot again WHOS WITH ME !
I imagine if George actually every responded to people trying to cancel him for saying the f slur as a child he would literally say bro I am one
usjfkkmmmmm this lowkey
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riacte · 9 months
not romantic not platonic but a secret third thing [what would happen between earth and the moon if the earth stopped spinning as illustrated by xkcd randall munroe]
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erzvolnes · 4 months
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the-gayest-sky-kid · 9 months
god i love my friends. shout out to people who love their friends. this is a post for friend lovers
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liquidstar · 10 months
Yes, Greece still exists, we didn't all die 2000 years ago. Yes, people speak Greek. You people are so fucking stupid for real. So many of you claim to love ancient shit but can't even acknowledge the actual living culture of the people whose mythology and classics you romanticize. You keep leaving annoying comments about how you just forget Greek people still exist, thinking you're being quirky because you love ancient stuff soooo much that you forgot about the people it came from. You think about it so little you don't even realize that an actual Greek person has to read this shit, making it clear how little you actually care about the culture beyond the romanticized (and westernized) mythology. Don't claim you love Greece, don't use our mythology anymore if you can't acknowledge that we're still around without making it about how little you think about us. It's mind boggling that you'd think a Greek person would read this and think you're anything but obnoxious. Explode.
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embraceyourdestiny · 11 months
to any americans who feel "paralyzed" and "dont know what to do" to help with gaza:
reading a fucking book. i beg of you.
in a time of knowledge suppression is it your duty to arm yourself with knowledge.
read about americas occupations in the middle east.
read about 9/11 from outside of america and see how they inflicted senseless harm and violence to countless amounts of people and have been suppressing your rights for the past 2 fucking decades.
read about any of the countless wars from the past 30 years. especially from a civilian's. and the victims and survivors' perspective. listen to the horror stories and do not plug your fucking ears as to what your country is doing.
and read about fucking gaza and palestine and keep up with what is happening no matter how "sad" or "uncountable" you might get.
dont look away from this.
you dont have the right to be comfortable during countless active genocides.
if you're knowledgeable, you're powerful, and our current state doesnt fucking want that.
you have the power to change things if you open your eyes and scream to the world.
wake the fuck up.
Edit: please check the reblogs there are readings and ways to help
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fishandshesmygills · 2 years
everything is about reaching the ending except for the ending which is about wanting to go back to the start
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lotus-pear · 2 months
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learning to love
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deadpanwalking · 2 months
Could you give us 5 books to read after you’re 30? All anyone online wants to talk about are the books to read before.
Do not answer this, but whoooo the fuck is talking about books that way? What's the meaningful difference between the shit you can read at 28 and the shit you can read at 32? Man, it reeks of Reese Witherspoon's book club, I cannot sanction this buffoonery. Anyway, here goes:
Book That You Never Got Around To Reading by That Author You Enjoy
Favorite Author's Favorite Book by Your Favorite Author's Favorite Author
Book of Collected Short Stories by Author of That One Short Story From English Class That Changed Your Whole Shit in High School
Book That Looks Good by Author You've Never Heard Of
Book You Are Intimidated By by Author Who Had No Vested Interest in Your Self-Esteem When They Wrote It
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egophiliac · 4 months
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we were fucking ROBBED
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glorious-spoon · 11 months
i know we all laugh (mostly fondly) about the paper-thin plots in porn that only exist to make the sex happen, but i was reading some old stargate fic over the weekend, and i really think we're sleeping on the paper-thin hurt/comfort plot that only exists to force the characters to FEEL THINGS.
like, is this scenario realistic? no. does it make any rational sense? no. does it provide a built-in excuse for a character to collapse, bloody and disoriented, into the arms of his beloved/friend/partner? obviously, that's the whole point of this exercise.
i love it. it's my favorite thing in the world.
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the-raindeer-king · 4 months
Imagine Simon's mom doesn't die with Tommy and Beth. Maybe she was out of town, or at a friend's house, and Roba's men were sloppy and missed her. Anyway, so it's just Simon and her now, and because he blames himself for what happened, he's pulled away from her.
He pays her rent, even if he wanted her to live in a nicer apartment complex. And he visits during her birthday and Mother's Day, and sometimes just randomly stops by. But he never stays very long, and he doesn't tell her a lot about his new life. It's a very one sided relationship, but she tries to make the best of it.
And then you move in next door, during one of Simon's deployments. You feel bad for the sweet lady that lives next to you. She never seems to have much company, and you take it upon yourself to befriend her, spending more time in her apartment than your own.
You learn about her ex husband, her sons, the tragedy, and most importantly, you learn about Simon. And you hate him. Mrs. Riley (she insists you call her Sarah) is such a lovely woman, and it's clear how much she cares about her living son, how hard she's trying to keep their relationship alive.
It's the second Mother's Day after you move in when you finally meet Simon. Your relationship with your own mother is complicated, so you've opted to spend the day with Mrs. Riley. You'd gotten her a small present, and had planned to spend the day drinking wine and watching historical romance movies.
You're thoroughly shocked when you knock on her door, and a man answers. Six feet, built like a brick house, but under his scowl, you recognize Sarah's eyes.
“You must be Simon.”
His scowl deepens, but before he can say anything, Mama Riley is pushing past him, pulling you into her apartment to fuss over you.
She apologizes for not telling you sooner, but your plans will have to be rescheduled. Simon's back early, and she can't waste a precious second.
You're understanding. You've listened to her worried rants, given her space to cry over how things have turned out. You know she loves spending time with her son, even if the visits are short and he doesn't talk much.
Simon doesn't miss the way you glare at him. There's a fury in your eyes, even as you cheerily wish his mother a happy mother's day. For a moment, he wonders if you're a spy. But that thought is quickly diminished, when you verbally eviscerate him at the door.
You're quiet, not wanting to upset his mom, but your anger is clear. It may not be your business, but Mama Riley is your friend, and you adore the older woman. And you cannot stand by while he treats her like this. She loves her son so much, and he needs to step up and try harder.
As you're chewing him out, Simon's already head over heels, planning your wedding as the seconds tick by.
(A/N: You can read this as a stand alone piece, but I did write 3 more drabbles (four in total!) for this! They're all on my blog under the tag mama riley au. Thank you for reading!)
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hurtmemoreplease · 4 months
Hey. Pay attention. This is important. Listen very carefully.
Your mission, should you chose to accept it, is of vital importance.
You're going to find one of those trans girls; you know the type. Insecure, overly-agreeable, quick to offer her time and energy to the cause of making other people happy. You'll find her topping other trans girls, or DMing a campaign, or doing her best to make other people like her feel desirable and wanted. Yes, I see the light dawning in your eyes - you know exactly who I mean.
Once you find her, you'll need to act quick. You need to push her down, get her while she's high, or simply overpower her if possible, but you need to get a collar around her neck ASAP. She'll struggle, deny that she needs it, ask you what you want instead. You have options here; you can tell her that you want her, or you can tell her to shut up and make it clear through your actions.
Regardless, once you've tightened the collar around her neck, she should go limp and get all pliable. This is where the fun begins, and is absolutely critical that you have fun. Her pleasure (and pain!) should be the first priority, but if you're not enjoying yourself, she WILL know. Still, this is your chance to play around with a tgirl. Take full advantage of it! Feel up her tits, stick your fingers in her mouth - enjoy her dumb little sensitive moans. I'd recommend employing some light hypnosis to make things easier next time; implant some commands to make her melt whenever you'd like!
When she's getting tired, or has cum, or has started to tap out, then its time to move onto the second to last step - don't let it end. Don't take her collar off. Put her in the chastity cage that she bought and barely used. This is her new normal now, and she's going to have to accept it. Tell her that! Tell her that she belongs to you; that her cock might as well not be there anymore. Tell her that her body exists for your pleasure. She's your toy. A cute, submissive little pet for you to use and abuse at your leisure.
Here's the real final step - make good on your promise. Feel her up. Don't make it a one time thing. Don't let it be a once in a blue moon occasion. You've stripped her bare, forced her to give in and submit for her own sake and for yours, instead of sacrificing her own engagement for other people's pleasure. Don't waste that vulnerability.
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sophsun1 · 4 months
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But if he can't take you ballroom dancing and tell you you're pretty, hell with him, is that it?
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captainjonnitkessler · 9 months
Do you guys notice how when Shawn Fain, president of the United Auto Workers union, started planning a general strike, he did it by a) targeting his messaging towards unions with the ability to safely and effectively strike in large numbers, b) laid out a clear, actionable plan for those unions to follow (setting contracts to all expire at the same time, since many unions cannot strike while under contract), c) is using union contracts to set clear, actionable demands that can be met in order to gauge success and provide an end goal, and d) started organizing FOUR YEARS before the proposed strike date to give people the chance to plan accordingly, because it takes a really freaking long time to get tens of millions of people organized?
You notice how he didn't do it by slapping a message on Twitter saying 'hey nobody go to work on Monday, that'll really show 'em'?
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seasicksilver · 7 months
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reading the Iliad is an experience
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