#we're going to pretend that I actually got this out in time for his birthday
experthiese · 10 months
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@cuttingcanine asked: 'you always know just what i need. ❜ (Jigen) / Praise Kink Starters
❝ 'Course I do, Jiji. I know you better than anyone, don't I? ❞
Their shirts and jackets lay tangled together on the floor somewhere - Lupin really should pay more attention to where he's throwing these things - leaving only this. Warmth against warmth, skin against skin.
Just as he'd done all those years ago, back when he'd been a teenager temporarily emboldened by his new friendship, he pressed his palm up and against Jigen's heart. He lets his touch linger this time, though; lets his fingers spread out a little and press harder into the warm skin beneath them. It's a ritual he follows every time they're together like this, a way to remind himself of just how far they've come since that initial heist.
A treasure he values above all others, if the way he treats it is any indication. For what is Lupin, if not good to Jigen?
Any other gains are quickly abandoned, their novel appeal lost in the same instant they're made his, but this stolen heart is different. Its value only increases with every minute they spend together, every job taken, every incredible success and crushing failure. His partner, his best friend, his closest confidant and the one he's loved for far too long to recount now.
But this isn't the moment to spill such feelings. Lupin's the romantic one between them; Jigen is... Jigen. Wringing tender feelings out of him is about as easy as squeezing blood from a stone.
Instead, he leans down, butting their foreheads against one another like an affectionate cat.
❝ Besides, it's your special day. I'm not gonna make you work for your present. ❞
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AITA for pretending I cheated on my partner when our common friend asked why we fought?
It will sound fake and fictional, but please bear with me because I'm getting crazy over it. And also sorry for any english mistake, we're not from an english speaking country.
To give some context: I am a man. There was this person, B(m), which whom I kind of grew up with. We went through the same schools from our 6 years old to 17 but we never were really friends. Then, around our 13, I got into a clique that fed into all my bad habits and I started to actively bully B because he seemed like an easy target at the time. I enjoyed it and was encouraged to do so (because I was such an asshole and I'm not even cringing thinking about it, it's worse. I regret it so much and I was a stupid and bad teenager). It was so bad that after years of enduring it, B changed school before we graduated and I went on with my life.
It' was's been about 15 years ago that I graduated.
In the meantime, I dealt with some problems that I had with my family and I went through intensive therapy which changed me for the better, and I came to terms with my sexuality as well.
Flashforward to 2019/2020, I meet with someone online through some games and it goes very well. Thanks to the Covid and the lockdowns, we play even more and get closer. At some point, I talk about an event happening close to my city, and he tells me that he knows about it as well and that we're living close to each other. Because we enjoyed our time online (ngl, we had started flirting although I didn't know how sincere it was) we decided to meet at that event.
And there, I find out that my online friend is B. It's extremely awkward but only for me because he cannot recognize me for three reasons: 1. I changed physically with my puberty finally finishing the job after my 18 birthday, and I found some love into dying my hair. 2. I changed in terms of personality thanks to the therapy I went through. 3. My legal name was changed when I said goodbye to this fucking family of mine and left without turning back (but I was getting sick just saying my last name).
I, obviously, didn't tell him anything about who I really was because I just wanted to enjoy that evening with a friend, and we didn't see each other since he left high school because of me. My plan was just to slowly distance myself from him after that evening but it failed because we had a lot of fun and we actually really hit off and I was dying constantly at the idea that he could find out.
We've been in a relationship sicne the beginning of 2021 and I was decided to just never tell him (horrifying idea I know, anyone with a braincell would have told me that it was bound to be found).
A month ago, I met with an old friend from high school (so yeah, he was in the bullying gang but more of a followers, so we stayed in friendly terms when we both agreed that it was bad) and as he recognized B, he decided to excuse himself and hoped that B would forgive him like he "forgave" me (I never got to tell that friend to shut up about that) so yeah, B found out that I was his main bully who had lied to him for almost 4 years now.
We had quite a big talk about it. How bad my bullying ended up for B; why I lied like that and never admitted it. And even if it went alright, B told me that he needed a break to think about things and it's going to be one month that I'm crashing at a common friend of us. At first, I just said that B and I got into a fight and it was good enough, but as it's been already a month, the friend asked more about it. Not wanting to bring up B's trauma to someone else (especially after our conversation), I just told the first lie that came to me and pretended that I cheated on B and he found out.
Now that common friend is calling me an asshole and keeps reminding me how much they are disappointed in me to have done something so horrifying to B. I keep wondering if I did well to lie like that, or if I should have found another way out.
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baby-yongbok · 1 year
4:26 am
Best friend!Bang Chan × Fem!Reader
Genre: Smut
Summary: You love your boyfriend Minho, but lately your best friend has been on your mind.
Warnings: Cheating, Chan is a tiny bit manipulative, Car Sex? (That should be all, sorry if I missed anything!)
A/N: This might might, be the last of Chan's birthday posts. I have one more that I prepared awhile ago but I might save it. Who knows lol. I hope that you enjoy! I'm trying to start writing again and it's been hard so I'm sorry if this is a bit rough 😅
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 “Tell me again why we're parked in an abandoned parking lot at 4:26 am.” Chan asks quizzically. I sighed, running my hands over my face. 
“I needed someone to vent to.” My gaze stays fixed on my lap, I don’t know if I can look at him, I don’t know what I’ll do when his eyes meet mine. He’s my best friend and I know I can tell him anything, hell, he picked up the phone in the middle of the night and came running to me. So I know that I can trust him but right now the thought of looking him in the eye with these thoughts running through my head is dizzying.
“Well I'm here, start when you want.” He leans forward, crossing his arms and resting them on top of the steering wheel. I run my hands through my hair as I try to gather my thoughts.
“Okay so, uh, Minho came home early tonight and he surprised me with this really cute home date and ya know… we had sex and it was good, really it was, but I just don’t feel… I haven’t been feeling…” My heart is beating a mile a minute, Chan and I are extremely close and we talk about our sex lives all the time but this time it’s different. 
“Unsatisfied?” Chan asks with an eyebrow raised. I nod my head, thankful that he finished the sentence for me. Talking about Minho behind his back feels so wrong but I suppose it’s not as wrong as what I plan to confess next.
“Yeah, unsatisfied and I've been… thinking of someone else.” I swallow hard as I play with the zipper of my hoodie, desperate to pay attention to anything but the look on Chan’s face. I know him, I know that he’s looking at me with semi wide interested eyes and he’s waiting for me to look back at him but I just can’t. 
“Who do you think about?” If I were in a hospital right now the nurses would go crazy because I am almost certain that my heart stopped, exploded even. I knew that he’d ask me that question but hearing it actually come out of his mouth sets off a whole new type of panic. Should I tell him the truth? I’m in a relationship, a beautiful and loving one at that, I shouldn’t go around confessing these things. But on the other hand, the thought of my fantasy coming true is too inviting to ignore. It’s now or never and I choose now.
“Well, it depends on the day. It could be Hyunjin, Seungmin, but… I mostly think of you. I guess it’s because of our connection or some shit like that, I don't know” My nerves got to me half way through my confession, shit, he must think I’m fucking with him. The silence around us lasted far too long for my liking, causing me to look over at the man in the driver's seat. His eyebrows were slightly raised and there was a red tint to the tips of his ears but other than that he seemed completely cool and collected. 
“Okay, uh, you think about me in what way? Like, do you daydream about me and kind of dissociate from Minho or do you pretend that he's me?” His brows knit together briefly before relaxing again. He shifts in his seat, leaning back completely and bringing his crossed arms to rest over his chest. He’s clearly trying not to show the effect that my confession has on him.
“I imagine that he's you, that his hands are yours and that you’re the one fucking me, it's better when I pretend.” I look back down at my lap as a deep blush creeps onto my cheeks. 
“Do you come faster? More intensely?” My head jolts up quickly and my eye’s find his immediately, the look of disbelief written all over my features makes Chan grin. He chuckles a bit and that's when I realize that he's messing with me. I sigh dramatically, relaxing into my seat before flashing my middle finger in his direction.
“Fuck you, don’t taunt me.” He smiles wider, looking down at his lap.
“I just want to know for my own personal records.” He licks his lips before looking back up at me  “It's fun hearing what I do to you.” 
At this point I’m sure that my brown skin is as red as a rose. Why did he have to look at me like that? Is he trying to ruin me? 
“I called you because I need to vent.” I remind him as I turn to look out of the passenger window, anything to avoid his gaze for a second. 
“Sorry sorry, continue.” I clear my throat and unzip my hoodie just a bit, is it getting hot in here? Why does his car suddenly feel so small?
“He falls asleep after sex all the time, I mean how could I blame him? Three rounds every night for four or five days a week is a lot on top of working and all of the other stuff that he does in a day. But no matter how many times we do it I’m still not satisfied afterwards, I watch porn and use my vibrator on the bathroom floor, every time.”
“Did you do that tonight?” His eyebrows knit together in curiosity, I open my mouth to try to answer him but when I look back in his direction I get distracted by the sight of his strong arms. He leaned back in his seat a bit more than he was a minute ago, his fingers intertwined and tucked behind his head giving me the perfect view of his biceps and everything that matches it. 
“No, I called you instead. I just needed to talk to someone. I feel like I'm going crazy, I keep wanting more and more sex. This can’t be normal.” Chan chuckles lightly and I can’t help but to roll my eyes. Is he even taking this seriously?
“Well either you're a sex addict or you aren't satisfied because you want someone else. In this case that person would be me.” He moves his hands from behind his head and rests them in his lap lazily.
“So, what? I fuck you and it goes away? If anything I'll keep wanting it.” I scoff, shaking my head in an attempt to erase the thoughts.
“You'll never know unless you try.” My eyes meet his quickly, I open my mouth to reply but no words make sense in my head. Is he serious? He’s messing with me… right? 
“I couldn't cheat on… I can't.” 
“Haven't you already though? Thinking of another man inside of you while he is? Imagining that you're with me.. your best friend. If he were thinking of someone else while he fucked you would you call that cheating?”  I turn away from him as if I'm physically trying to run away from his words. This is all too much to handle. The man that I can’t stop thinking about is basically offering himself to me. But I can’t do that to Minho, he’s been nothing but good to me for all of these years, he’s loving and attractive and he shares all of my values… but so does Chan and right now my best friend has one up on my boyfriend when it comes to intimacy. Is this really worth it? Is sex really worth potentially ruining my relationship to start a new one with Chan?
“I'm single, Y/n, if I screw you no one will care. But you, you're in a relationship. If we fuck you'll either feel guilty and confess everything to him or you'll feel so amazing that you'll call me at 4 am every night, The choice is yours.” Silence surrounds us and it almost feels heavy on my skin. What should I do next? I could tell him to take me home or I could get in the backseat and let him fuck me until I’m satisfied. I glance over at Chan to find that he’s already looking at me, his relaxed gaze is raking over my frame slowly but that’s not what did it. It was the way he licked his lips as his eyes met mine, like he could already taste me. Like he already had me. 
“Fuck it.” I blurt out, making up my mind all at once. It’s like every system in my brain shut off at once. I'm not really even thinking anymore, every move is now driven by desire. “Let me see your dick.”
 I maintain eye contact so that he knows that I’m serious. A smirk plays upon his lips and his eyebrows raise instantly.
“That escalated quickly.” He chuckles and I try my best to hide my giddy grin, Am I really doing this? Maybe I can take it back?
“Show me.” Chan takes a deep breath, hooking his thumbs into the waistline of his sweats before giving me a glance. I can tell what he’s trying to say with his eyes, he’s asking me if I’m sure about this and to be honest that answer is no, I’m anything but sure. All I know is that part of me is desperate to see if he really has this effect on me or if it’s all in my head. I nod to him and without another word he lowers the hem of his gray sweatpants and his cock springs up, resting against his clothed stomach.
Fuck what I said before, I don’t want to take it back. The mere sight of his dick, makes my mouth water. It takes every ounce of control that I have in my body not to lean forward and take him in my mouth. I want to taste him, to feel him, to use him.
“No underwear?” I tease with a smile and he shrugs.
“You said it was an emergency, I rushed over to you. Threw on the first thing I could find.”
“Mm maybe that's a sign.” He furrows his brows slightly as he watches me with curious eyes. I unzipped my hoodie completely, revealing the lingerie that I had put on for Minho tonight and never changed out of. 
“Fuck.” Chan says in a breathy sigh, bringing his hand up to his cock.
“Is it still cheating if I don't touch you?” I slip off my silk sleep shorts and turn my body towards Chan so that my back is against the passenger door. I open my legs to give him a full view of my cunt, reaching down to spread my arousal over my folds. 
“You’re so fucking pretty, babygirl” His tone is a bit deeper than before, the soft and playful tone replaced with a deep and husky one. He holds his hand out towards me and I nearly moan at the words that follow.
“Get it wet for me?” A low hum vibrates from my throat as I lean forward, pursing my lips and spitting into his palm. He coos at me, a quiet ‘good girl’ leaving his lips as he watches me. His eyes don’t leave mine as he takes his hand back and spreads my spit over his leaking tip mixing my saliva with his pre-cum. Slowly, his eyes trail down my body until they fix on my dripping pussy. He slowly starts to stroke himself, exhaling heavily when he rubs over his tip.
“Play with yourself for me, yeah?” At this point the only thing going through my head is Chan. He’s all I can remember, all that I want, all that I need. I feel drunk off of the sight of him sitting across from me, cheeks flushed and his long fingers wrapped around his hard cock. How could I possibly want to do anything but please this man?
I take a deep breath, exhaling slowly through parted lips, my eyes stay trained on him as I slowly trail my hand from my neck to my stomach. I watch his expression as he grows a bit impatient from my teasing, his dark gaze warning me to give him what he asked for. 
“Does it look like I want you to tease me, baby?” The tone of his voice sends chills down my spine, his words are breathy and challenging and it makes me hungry for more. What would he do to me if I kept teasing? How would he punish me? 
“Why would I give you what you want right away?” I run my fingers along my inner thighs, smiling at him as his gaze drops from my eyes to my core, watching my hand carefully. “That would be boring.”
“Touch yourself or I'll do it for you.” A shiver runs down my spine as I imagine him getting impatient with me and taking control, using his long fingers to fuck me. Why do I feel drunk off of that thought? It hasn’t even happened and yet I feel like I’m on cloud 9. 
“Fuck.” I hiss as I run my fingers between my folds brushing against my clit and circling it. Chan strokes himself a bit faster as he watches me, his bottom lip pulled between his teeth. 
“Put a finger inside.” He looks up from my cunt and my eyes follow his meeting for a second. My pussy clenches around nothing, desperate for something, anything, him. “Pretend that it’s me” 
He nearly sounds like he’s pleading me to do it, like he’s desperate to see how I fuck myself. Desperate to see what the thought of him does to me. I nod, slowly obeying his command and slipping my middle finger deep into my cunt.
“Oh fuck.” My back arches up off of the passenger door once I start fucking myself, increasing the pace gradually as I start to become desperate for more. I pressed the palm of my hand against my clit, trying to add as much stimulation as possible. He watches in awe as my hips buck into my hand a bit. 
“Add another.” I quickly obey his command, adding my ring finger inside, eliciting a groan of pleasure to fall from my parted lips. I try my best to keep my eyes open, I want to watch him, I need to watch him. His strokes are much faster now, small grunts and sighs leaving his parted lips, his head thrown back in ecstasy. I take in the way that his jaw clenched as he builds himself closer to the edge, his right leg slightly bouncing, it's a masterpiece that I wish I could become a part of. 
“Chan.” His name passes my lips in a breathy moan and he looks over at me as he strokes the head of his dick, his teeth sinking into his bottom lip at the sensation. “I need you so badly.” 
“Your choice.” He groans out as he throws his head back again squeezing his eyes shut. “ Better make up your mind, I’m so close, babygirl.” 
I sigh heavily as I try my best to fight the urge to climb over and ride him until I pass out. I focus on my own pleasure again, Imagining that it’s Chan rubbing tight circles on my clit while his long fingers reach spots that I didn’t even know existed. I imagine that it’s him bringing me closer and closer to the edge, I wish it was him. The wet sounds of Chan stroking his cock mix with my moans as we both draw closer to the edge. I watch his hand as he pleasures himself, I wonder if he’s imagining that, that’s me. I wonder if he feels that same way. Does he touch himself to the thought of me at night? Thinking of all of the times that we were play fighting and his fingers grazed my bare skin, all of the tight hugs that we shared, my chest pressed up against him. Does he think about me?
“Shit, oh my god” I squeeze my eyes shut and arch my back at the thought of him wanting me just as much as I want him, maybe even more.
“Fucking cum for me, babygirl.”  Chan groans “I'm so fucking close for you.”
Those words alone throw me over the edge, one of my fantasies is coming true right in front of my eyes.
“Oh my- I'm gonna..” Before I could get another word out my orgasm rushed over me, breathtaking and mind fogging.  I clamped my legs shut and arched my back off of the car door. My moans filled the space around us but I couldn’t hear them, the pleasure was deafening. 
“Fuck, Y/n.” My name fell off of his tongue in a sweet moan and my pussy clenched at the sound of it, sending another wave of euphoria through me. “Oh shit, I'm cumming.” 
He squeezes his eyes shut, his strokes becoming shorter but still just as fast. A rush of adrenaline hit me and suddenly my vision changed. I felt like a rabid animal who was desperate for food. Suddenly, I forgot about everything that was looming over my head. All of my thoughts about Minho and saving our relationship were gone. All that I could think of was pleasure and I was absolutely driven by it, so much so that after the first stream of cum came leaking from Chan’s tip I leaned forward, getting on my knees in the passenger seat and running my tongue up his length. He moved his hand quickly, clearly surprised by my sudden confidence. I licked up to the head of his cock and then took the rest of his length down my throat. His seed spilled into my mouth in warm and delicious spurts, painting my throat with his sticky arousal. Every bit of him tasted like heaven and in this moment I swear that I would do anything that anybody asks as long as I get to stay here. As long as I get to feel him. 
“Y/n” His hand lightly lays on the back of my head, stroking my hair slightly. “Fuck, baby, you feel so good.” I bob my head a couple of times, milking his arousal from him until I’m sure that I’ve got every last drop. Once he’s come down from his high I sit up, releasing his cock from my mouth with a faint ‘pop’ and licking my lips. I sit back into my seat, settling in a bit while we watch each other. Chan’s chest is rising and falling heavily and there’s a ghost of a smile on his lips, once he seem to have composed himself a little the tiniest chuckle falls from his lips as he begins to tuck himself back into his sweatpants
“Do you think that fulfilled your lust for me?” 
“Not even close.”
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A Little Gosling - Goose
Pairing: Nick "Goose" Bradshaw / Mitchell! Fem! OC | Reader
Word Count: 3.7k
Warnings: (Unplanned) Pregnancy - Don't Like, Don't Read; Secret Relationship; Suggestive Content; Mentions of Sex; Light Angst; Second Person ("You") POV, but No Y/N
[Reader is Maverick's younger sister and a teacher. Everything else is left open-ended.]
If you are a MINOR, do me a favor and READ SOMETHING ELSE.
This work, all of my other works, and my entire blog are 18+ Only.
Summary: Some frantic goodbye sex with your secret boyfriend Goose yields a little surprise. Four months later, Goose comes back stateside to attend Top Gun. Now, all you need to worry about is telling him before your brother Maverick finds out.
A.N. We're going to pretend that Carole and Goose never met and Carole is off living her best life elsewhere here.
Edit: Part 2 is now out!
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You adjusted your dress carefully, checking your appearance in the mirror. The cups of your dress were tighter than normal, but the rest of the dress was flowy and hid your figure well enough. Someone would have to really be scrutinizing your abdomen to find a sign of your little bump among the patterned fabric.
Getting into a secret relationship with your brother’s best friend was definitely not the best idea that you ever had in your life. And neither was getting accidentally pregnant with his baby before you even told your brother Maverick that you were together in the first place.
But in your defense, if Maverick wanted keep you two apart, he should have stopped leaving you two alone together while he chased after whoever caught his eye. Goose and you spent a lot of time together over the years because of Maverick’s horndog tendencies and you weren’t going to apologize for that.
And, well, Goose was a good man. He was sweet to you. He bought you flowers for your birthday even before you ever dated. He always supported you and never spoke over you or made you feel like you weren’t important. He sent you love letters that made you swoon even though he knew that you couldn’t do the same for him for fear of Maverick finding them.
You loved him. And he loved you. And that was all that mattered.
You took a deep breath and tried to calm yourself down. It wouldn’t do you or anyone else any good if you showed up stressed. Maverick would get suspicious and hover around you and then you wouldn’t be able to tell Goose the news. And you needed to tell him. Soon. Before your bump was actually noticeable and everyone found out.
You just hit seventeen weeks and your bump was growing every day. You managed to hide it from everyone for now, but soon, it wasn’t going to be possible. So, you really needed to tell Goose. Tonight. Immediately. You were lucky enough that he got called home when he did, instead of in another seven months like originally planned.
So, you had to tell Goose about the little gosling. Tonight.
“What do you think, huh?” you asked, running a hand down your bump. “I’m just freaking out over nothing, aren’t I?” You rubbed your hand up and down your bump and sighed, placing your hands on your hips. “You know, one of these days, you’re going to have to kick for me.”
But not today, apparently.
Smiling softly, you grabbed your purse and keys and headed out to Goose’s car—his blue 1972 Ford Bronco. Goose called the car ‘his baby’ and left you specific instructions on how to take care of it while he was away. Ironically, Goose’s actual baby was more than likely conceived in the backseat.
Frantic goodbye sex minus a condom because Goose never restocked his stash plus your now very ironic ‘just pull out, we’ll be fine’ comment equaled one little gosling.
And you hadn’t told Goose. You were worried about his reaction—mostly about the high possibility that he would open the letter in front of Maverick, your brother, pass out from the new information, Maverick would read the letter, and it would all blow up from there. And, well, if Maverick was going to freak out, then Goose didn’t deserve to go through that alone.
Not if you could help it, anyway.
Pulling up to base, you showed the guard your ID and signed in before you were directed to the proper parking lot. Adjusting the straps of your dress, you made your way over to the airstrip. On your way over, however, you were surprised to see Cougar’s wife Eileen and her son.
“Eileen?” you called, causing her to turn around. “Cougar’s coming home too?”
“Yes, he is,” Eileen replied, adjusting her hold on her son. “I just got the message last night. Maverick and Goose are coming home as well?”
“Yeah, I got a message last night too,” you explained, trying to not stare at the baby boy.
You were the second-grade teacher at the on-base elementary school, so you had spent quite a lot of time around children. But there was just something about finding out that you were expecting one of your own that made your eyes latch onto any baby within a ten-meter radius of you.
“Where’s Kathy then?” you added, referring to Merlin’s wife.
“I called her last night and she said that she never got any message. Merlin isn’t coming home.”
“That’s strange,” you trailed off, trying to not assume the worst. You quickly forced your usual teacher smile when dealing with a concerned parent and gestured to Eileen’s son. “But at least Cougar finally gets to meet this little cutie.”
 “I know,” Eileen sighed, hugging her son closer. “He was so upset that he missed his birth.”
“That’s the Navy, unfortunately,” you mumbled, grimacing to yourself.
The thought of giving birth alone crossed your mind more than you would have liked to admit already. Goose and Maverick could be redeployed at the drop of a hat and sent to the complete opposite side of the world, leaving you all by yourself. You tried to not dwell on that fact, though. There were a lot of other steps that had to be taken first before you even got there.
“Come on, I’m sure that they’re just about to land,” you urged, redirecting the conversation.
You made your way over to the airstrip to see the three aviators already walking over. Cougar started sprinting as soon as he spotted his wife and son. You smiled and squeezed Eileen’s shoulder reassuringly before breaking away to greet your own boys. Maverick reached your first, but Goose was impatiently right on his tail.
“Ah, there you are,” Maverick jokingly called to you. “You weren’t going to make us walk home?”
“Not this time,” you mused, letting your brother pull you into a hug. “I missed you, Pete.”
“Missed you too, Sis.”
You released your brother, who instead stared over at the exchange between Cougar and Eileen. You quickly turned to Goose and fought the significant urge to leap into his arms and kiss him breathless. Instead, you stepped over and got up on your tiptoes to give him a proper hug.
“Hey, Goosie,” you stated, burying your face in his chest.
“Hey, honey,” he returned, resting his head on top your own.
Goose quickly wrapped his arms around your and pressed a discreet kiss to the top of your head. One that you knew meant that he was excited to see you and that he was barely holding onto his sanity at the fact that he couldn’t kiss your like he wanted to right then and there.
But you both knew that you just had to wait a little longer before you could reunite properly.
“What happened with Cougar?” you asked, reluctantly breaking away from Goose.
“He turned in his wings,” Goose replied bluntly, causing your eyes to widen.
“He did what?”
“He got all freaked out on one of our patrols,” Maverick supplied, turning to you. “He thought that he was going to die and never meet his son.”
“Poor man,” you sighed, shaking your head. You turned back to Maverick and Goose and straightened up, studying their gazes. “But why are the two of you home then?”
“We’re going to TOP GUN,” Maverick stated proudly, high-fiving Goose before turning back to you. “And you should come with us.”
“Really? You want me to come with you guys?” you asked, trying to not reach out to Goose.
“Yeah, unless you’re doing summer school,” Maverick replied, shrugging his shoulders.
“No, I’m not,” you replied, shaking your head a bit. Sharing an intensely longing look with Goose, you eventually turned back to Maverick. “I mean, if you don’t mind me coming along, I could.”
“I think that you should,” Goose all but blurted out immediately. “Come along, I mean.”
“Well, then I guess I should get packing,” you agreed, unable to help your wide smile.
As Maverick turned to start walking over to greet Cougar and his wife, Goose reached for your hand and gave it a quick squeeze. You grabbed his hand in return, wanting to openly show the world that you loved Goose and that he loved you.
“Tonight,” Goose whispered in your ear, causing you to sneak a quick peck to his cheek.
“Tonight,” you agreed quietly.
And, like clockwork, Maverick’s horndog tendencies gave the two of you some space to talk.
Goose threw open the door to your bedroom and kicked it closed with his heel. Carrying you over to your bed, Goose gently laid you down before crawling on top. You cupped Goose’s cheeks with your hands and wrapped your legs around his waist. You rolled your hips up to grind against his own, which caused Goose to tighten his hold on you.
“Did you miss me, Goosie?” you asked, running your hands down his back.
“Every day, honey. Every. Goddamn. Day,” Goose groaned, rolling his hips in time with your own.
He sat up and quickly removed his Hawaiian shirt. You helped him pull off his white undershirt before pulling him back down to your lips once more. Goose rolled you two over and reached for your zipper without ever taking his lips off of your own.
But when you felt your dress start to loosen, you pulled back. Goose dropped his hands immediately and stared up at you with concern.
“What is it, honey? What’s wrong?” Goose asked softly.
You pressed your lips together and rested your hand against Goose’s chest, feeling his heartbeat underneath your fingers.
“Before we go any further, there’s something that I need to tell you.”
You climbed off of Goose and sat up on your bed. Goose straightened up and turned to you with a worried expression. He reached for your hand and brought it up to his lips, earning a small smile in return from you.
“What is it? You can tell me, honey.”
“Do you remember the night before you shipped out?” you started off with, staring down at your lap.
“Very well,” Goose assured you, pressing a kiss to your cheek. “Why?”
“Well . . .”
You trailed off, trying to figure out how to deliver the news. You released Goose’s hand and slowly stood up. Reaching back, you finished pulling down the zipper of your dress. Turning back to Goose, you put up a brave face and pulled the straps of your dress down. You let the fabric pool around your feet and stepped out of it.
Goose stared up at you, clearly confused, before he spotted the now visible bump. You slowly cupped your small bump, which became infinitely more noticeable when you curved your back a bit and turned to the side. Goose’s breath left his body. His eyes looked like they were about to pop out of his skull and his lips parted in shock.
“Well, um, I got a souvenir from that night,” you quipped nervously, waiting for Goose’s reaction.
He blinked rapidly, glancing between your face and your small bump. You pursed your lips together anxiously, trying to remain calm. You reminded yourself that you just dropped a bomb on Goose. This was definitely a surprise for him, so you just needed to be patient.
“You’re pregnant?” Goose breathed out, staring up at you with wide eyes.
“Yeah, Goosie.”
Goose nodded slowly, still processing the information before he slowly got up from his spot. You watched him closely, worried that he was going to get up and leave. But then he carefully pulled you to his chest and gently tilted your chin up so that he could rest his forehead against your own.
“You’re pregnant?” he repeated, his tone softer than before.
“I’m pregnant,” you confirmed, causing Goose to nod.
“And you’re okay with that?” he asked you softly, searching your eyes for concern.
“Yeah, I’m okay, Goosie.”
“And everything’s healthy? With both of you?”
“Clean bills of health.”
“I’m going to be a dad?” he asked, his voice picking up a lighter tone.
“Yes, Goosie,” you mused, rubbing your noses together. “You’re going to be a dad.”
“Holy shit,” Goose breathed out, causing you to chuckle. “I’m going to be a dad.”
He quickly pressed a set of kisses all over your face, which made you giggle due to the tickle of his mustache. You tried to return the kisses, but he was too fast for you. Pulling you into a deep kiss that stole your breath away, Goose slowly rested his hand on the swell of your bump. He spread his fingers, feeling the curve on his own properly for the first time.
“Holy shit, I’m going to be a dad!” Goose exclaimed, causing you to frantically shush him.
“Goose, the neighbors!”
“I’m going to be a dad!” Goose yelled out instead.
“Nick,” you laughed, trying to get him to quiet down. “You’ll alert the whole town yelling like that. Including Mav.”
“Right, sorry,” Goose whispered back. “Holy shit, I’m going to be a dad.”
Goose pulled you in for another soft kiss before dropping down to his knees to kiss your small bump. Nuzzling against your skin, Goose pressed a series of kisses that brought happy tears to your eyes. You ran a hand through his hair as Goose whispered to your little gosling.
“Hey, I’m your dad,” Goose informed your bump, causing you to smile. “I’m sorry that I was away for a bit, but I’m here now and I can’t wait to meet you in . . .”
“About five months,” you supplied for Goose.
“About five months,” he echoed back to your bump.
Goose pressed another kiss to your bump before standing up and gathering you in his arms again. But just as you started to return his loving kiss, Goose pulled back with a sudden realization.
“Wait right here.”
“What? Goose, what are you—”
You didn’t even get to finish your question before Goose bolted out of the room. Sighing to yourself, you shook your head. Running a hand down your bump, you managed a small smile when you heard Goose cursing at himself as he rummaged through his drawers.
“Your dad’s a bit of a nutcase,” you informed your baby, shaking your head. “But we like our nutcase.”
Goose nearly tripped as he ran back into your bedroom. You were about to ask him what the fuss was all about when he dramatically dropped onto one knee and held up a small box. And this time, it was your turn to comedically widen your eyes and drop your mouth open.
“Nick . . . are you serious?” you asked him softly, holding a hand to your chest. 
“Of course, I’m serious,” Goose replied, popping open the case.
“How long have you had the ring?”
“About a year.”
“Nick, we’ve only been dating for a year,” you pointed out, like he was the crazy one.
“I know, honey,” Goose replied, causing your eyes to widen again.
“Holy shit.”
Goose laughed and held up the ring for you to see it. The ring was simple with a gold band and a circular diamond in the center. It wasn’t that large and Goose knew that some of the men who routinely flirted with you on base could probably afford a bigger and grander ring. But you didn’t seem to mind when you held your hands to your mouth, happy tears in your eyes.
“Will you marry me and make me the happiest guy in the whole world?” Goose asked, smiling softly.
“Of course, I’ll marry you, Goose,” you gushed, urging him to his feet.
You pulled him in for an emotional kiss and Goose managed to somehow slide the ring onto your finger despite the distraction. After you broke away from the kiss, you rested your head against his chest and admired your new ring.
“It’s perfect, Goosie.”
“You’re perfect, honey,” Goose returned, causing you to shoot him a playful glare.
“You’re a sap, Nick Bradshaw.”
“But I’m your sap, honey.”
“And don’t you forget it,” you warned him jokingly.
You pulled him down for another kiss, running your hands through his short hair. Goose trailed his hands up and down your sides, mapping out every inch of your subtle curve where your baby was growing. Your baby. A little human that you made together.
Holy shit you were going to be parents.
You shared soft kiss and caresses for a few moments, communicating all of the love that you shared for each other. But then you both remembered that you hadn’t seen each other in months and hell, you were both running high on adrenaline. Pulling away from the kiss, you rested your hands on Goose’s chest and tilted your chin up.
“Make love to me, Goosie,” you whispered against his lips.
“Yes, ma’am,” he replied, grinning as he pressed another kiss to your lips.  
Goose gently lowering you back onto your bed. He stood up, shoved his pants down, and hurried back to you. Carefully hovering over you, mindful of your little bump, Goose trailed kissed down your face and down to your chest. Nuzzling the sensitive valley between your breasts and pressing a kiss to the top of both of them, Goose paused for a moment.
“I’ll be back for you two soon,” he stated, referring to your breasts.
“Goosie, stop personifying my breasts!”
“I don’t think they mind it, honey!”
Despite your playful scoff, Goose went back to task and trailed kisses down your stomach. Kissing over your small baby bump, Goose paused again and sat up a bit.
“Gosling, I’m going to need you to close your eyes and plug your ears for a bit. It’s nothing personal, but I just think that you’re a little young to—”
“What?” he laughed, causing you to shake your head at him and buck your hips. “Don’t worry, honey, I’m getting there. Be patient with me.” He grabbed the waistband of your underwear and shot you the smile that got you into this whole mess in the first place. “Now, you just sit back, relax, and enjoy the moment, sweetheart.”
After becoming very well acquainted with each other again, you snuggled up together on your bed.
“When did you want to get married?” Goose asked you softly, wrapping an arm around your bump.
“Well, we should tell Pete about what’s going on before we sign the papers,” you mumbled, rubbing a pattern into Goose’s chest. You sighed, snuggling further into Goose’s side. “I just hope that he doesn’t freak out about it.”
“You’ll be fine,” Goose replied, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “Me, on the other hand, he might strangle with his bare hands.”
“No, he won’t,” you told Goose. “He loves you like a brother. He’d never hurt you like that.”
“But he’s your actual brother,” Goose pointed out. “And he’s hated all of your boyfriends.”
“None of them hold a candle to you, Goosie,” you told him honestly.
“I know that you’re just telling me that to make me feel better, but it’s actually working,” Goose stated, causing you to laugh softly.
“I’m serious,” you assured him, pressing a kiss to his chest. “I love you, Goosie. Like I’ve never loved another man before. He’ll see that.”
“I love you too,” Goose returned softly, rubbing his fingers over your bump. “You and our little gosling . . . there’s nothing else that I care more about in the whole world.”
You hummed contentedly and snuggled further into Goose’s touch. Goose leaned down and pulled the thin blanket over your bodies as you slowly started to drift off to sleep. He pressed a kiss to your forehead, your nose, and then finally your lips.
“Goodnight, honey.”
“Goodnight, Goosie.”
Your breathing evened out and you quickly fell asleep against Goose’s chest like you always did after your reunions. Goose kept a careful hold on you, making sure that you stayed warm and secure. Rubbing your back and your bump, Goose couldn’t help but let his mind wander as the afterglow of your reunion faded and reality started to set back in.
You were pregnant with his baby. And that changed everything.
Hell, you needed to get married. Quickly. And before you got married, you really should tell Maverick about the whole situation. And then deal with the fallout of that because even if Goose and Maverick were like brothers, Maverick was still an overprotective older brother when it came to you.
And Goose wasn’t just dating you. He knocked you up. And he was marrying you.
Maverick was going to put his head on a pike when he found out.
And, then, of course, there was the whole issue of money and a house and everything else that went into having a baby. The benefits would be good and he wouldn’t have to worry about healthcare for you, but hell, he needed to buy a house. Not just a cheap rundown one, like the one that you all shared now. But a real one.
With a fenced in backyard so that the gosling could run around. And with an actual driveway so that the gosling could learn how to ride his or her bike without worrying about someone hitting them with a car. And without a rickety staircase out front that would definitely give them a splinter. One that didn’t have too many projects in case he got sent out soon after the baby was born.
Hell, would he even get to be there when the baby was born? Cougar didn’t.
Goose paused in his worrying when he felt pressure against his hand. Confused, he looked over at you to see you still asleep. Pulling back the covers a bit, Goose sucked in a breath when he realized that the pressure against his hand was coming from your bump. From your little gosling.
The baby was kicking. Your baby was kicking.
Goose pressed against the kick gently, just to tell the gosling that he was there and grinned when the pressure returned. Resting his head on top of your own, Goose pressed a kiss to your forehead as he cupped your small bump again.
He knew that he had to figure things out. He had a lot of things to figure out. But for right now, he just wanted to hold you and your baby.
And so, he did.
Part 2
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seungminxstay · 7 months
party girl / seungkwan x reader / 18+ mdni
when you need liquid courage to fuck your best friend
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Seungkwan was just back from an okay date when he saw an unexpected caller ID pop up on his phone. Hoshi calling him past midnight on a weekend, when was that ever a good thing?
“What did you do?”
“No, not me,” Hoshi replied, sounding surprisingly sober. “Y/n.”
Seungkwan’s frown deepened. “She told me she was studying today.”
“Well, look who’s here and wasted as hell. Come before she pukes on my precious sofa.”
Hoshi hung up before Seungkwan could argue, but he was already reaching for his jacket and keys.
It’s been a while since Seungkwan had to pick you up. Every party you’ve ever been to, from birthday parties in kindergarten to your first actual party in college, Seungkwan was there besides you - like he was in every important and non-important stages of your life.
He drove off campus to the house Hoshi shared with several others, having to park three blocks away because of how crowded the street was. As soon as he got out of the car, he could hear music blaring in the near distance.
Seungkwan invited himself in Hoshi’s house - he’s been here too many times to count. He squeezed through the buzzing crowd, exchanging hasty greetings with people he recognized, but his attention was solely on finding you as he restlessly looked around the room
You were sitting on the sofa; or to be exact, you were curled up on Lee Chan’s lap, your hands comfortably resting on his arm and whispering something in his ear. Chan looked helpless as he simply sat back, letting you continue whatever game you were playing.
Seungkwan’s stomach burned. His initial reaction was to steer back, but when Chan met his eyes and mouthed “HELP ME,” he had no choice but to go and confront you.
“Kwannie,” you slurred, not even bothering to turn your head. “Aren’t you busy screwing your girlfriend?”
Seungkwan felt a sharp jab in his gut. You never talk to him like this.
“It’s just a date and she’s not my girlfriend. You’re drunk, we're going home.”
“No, I’m staying with Channie today, right, Channie?”
“Um, I might actually go and... get something to drink? God, I'm thirsty. See you guys later!”
He squirmed out, leaving Seungkwan with a very drunk and sour you. You still refused to look at him, taking a swig from the plastic cup in your hand.
Seungkwan grabbed your wrist. You let out a yelp as the drink spilled over you, but that was the least of his worries.
“You’ve had too much,” he grunted. You whined in protest, but you were too drunk to physically fight back as Seungkwan, quite literally, dragged you out of the party and to the car.
It was silent on the drive back. Seungkwan considered dumping you on the doorsteps of your dorm and leaving someone else to deal with the mess you were. Unfortunately, your roommate was out for the night, and he couldn’t leave you like this. When you might wander off and find another guy to get cuddly with.
He carried you up the stairs and to your room. He had the keys - you've said it was only for emergencies, but Seungkwan's emergencies included using your bed for naps between classes or just simply coming to bug you.
Today, though, was a different story. You and Seungkwan have fought endlessly since kindergarten, from petty playground fights to times in high school when you stopped talking to each other for days. But one of you eventually caved in and made up after every fight. This was one of these instances, right?
"If you expect me to come every time you go and throw yourself on some random guy..."
“I didn’t even ask you to. I was doing fine with Chan,” you mumbled, knowing what you say was going to get him agitated. Seungkwan clenched his jaw.
“Well, I’m sorry then, you could have just fucked Channie and I shouldn't have cared. Why should I care?"
His voice rose louder than he intended to, and he could see a flash of hurt in your eyes. You both didn’t know - no, pretended not to notice - why you were working each other up like this.
Then the next second, you were kissing him. He stumbled backwards onto your bed, the force knocking the wind out of him.
It wasn’t like what Seungkwan had imagined from time to time - in the quiet afternoon library, or cuddled beneath the blankets of his bed, or on the doorsteps of your dorm, after a sweet date. It was messy and angry, and you reeked of alcohol and Chan’s perfume.
Your hands grabbed his face, and Seungkwan found it so easy to get lost in the heated kiss. He could feel hot tears streaming down your cheeks, and everything was so overwhelming, he didn't know what to think. It just felt good.
He was brought back to his senses by your hands snaking under his shirt.
“You're drunk, I'm not doing anything if you're - ”
“Please please please Seungkwan, you know I’ve only wanted you, all this time.”
Did you really mean it? Seungkwan tried meeting your eyes, but you were busy trailing kisses down his jawline, his neck...
You sank down on your knees. Seungkwan's breath hitched as you lowered his pants and brought your mouth to his bulge, embarrassingly hard from the kisses alone.
Heat rose to his cheeks as he contemplated whether to look away from such a sinful sight - you, his best friend, his first love, his crush since forever, giving him head like you needed it. He could cum from just seeing you in this angle, nestled between his thighs and looking pretty as hell.
Seungkwan had such a pretty cock. You ran your tongue up his length, swirling at the tip and using your whole mouth to take him in. One hand you kept wrapped around the base, the other you used to get yourself off. Seungkwan watched your hand travel underneath your skirt, moaning sweetly on his cock as you pleasured yourself.
He so badly wanted to be the one touching you, fingers buried deep in your pussy, thumb rubbing your clit. Just his imagination made him lightheaded, and he couldn't stop the loud moans as he came, hot cum hitting the back of your throat.
You tried swallowing, but some of the white was smeared on your lips. Seungkwan impulsively leaned over and kissed you square on the mouth.
“Did you just taste yourself?”
“It was gross. Spit it out next time.”
A next time. You smiled to yourself as you softly pushed him on his back, straddling him. You took off your shirt and bra. He was mesmerized by the sight, staring at your body being unwrapped like a Christmas present, gulping at your gorgeous curves, until you guided his hands there. He squeezed your breasts gently and ran his fingertips over your nipples, earning a soft sigh from you.
"You're such a good boy Kwannie... Now let me ride your pretty cock. Hard already for me, hmm?"
Seungkwan groaned as you lowered yourself on his length. You squirmed around, getting used to his girth, but quickly picked up your pace as you felt his thick dick grind your sweet spot.
Seungkwan covered his face with his hands, unable to take in everything without his face burning.
"Look at me,” you said, lacing your fingers with his. Seungkwan was all red and fucked out as you bounced on his cock, and knowing that you had so much power over him, hearing him moan your name, made the heat pooling in your lower body swell. You stifled a cry as an intense orgasm washed over you, falling over on Seungkwan and desperately wrapping your arms around his neck.
Your sensitive nipples brushed against his smooth chest, making you shiver, but it was Seungkwan's cum filling you up that brought you past your limit.
You were suddenly tired. You felt Seungkwan’s ragged, uneven breaths, his length still burried in you, the hollow of his collarbone perfectly matching the curve of your cheek…
You jolted awake, surprised to see a sleeping Seungkwan right next to you, his body pressed against yours. Your bed was too small for two people to share. Sunlight filtered through the edges of the curtain, dappling his cheekbones, and as you brushed his hair out of his eyes, you remembered everything from last night - what you said to each other word to word, how the kisses tasted like.
You both had started seeing other people since high school, but it had hurt, every single time, when Seungkwan would get a glimpse of you laughing at a random guy's jokes, or when you would call Seungkwan at the most spontaneous of times, only to find out that he was on a date with some other girl.
It was just a childhood crush. You’d eventually grow out of it. You were best friends before anything.
That was what you kept telling yourself, but apparently, it wasn't the case when it was Boo Seungkwan.
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insuke69 · 1 year
birthday edition
Warnings: Idk I'll just put in the warnings here if there are any. In this one the reader is younger than Miles (but turning 15 like him)
Implied female reader ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
If its a school day then he is taking a cupcake with a lil itty baby candle, He took a lighter to light it and got yelled at.
Would use it as an excuse to shower you with gifts or things you wouldn't let him buy you (his family is STRUGGLING, he isn't rich but he still wants you spoiled.)
one hundred percent woulding fucking smoosh your head into the cake. -If you're mexican, that 'Que la muerda' tradition to bite the cake: He would take that chance, if he actually ruins your cake or makeup (if you wear any) then he apologizes a million times and offers to get you a whole new cake + Makeup kisses <3
HE REMEMBERS THE BIRTHDAY, he deadass only watched you put in a school survey where you put in your birthday and remembered since.
He wanted to do that prank where he pretended to not remember or something but it was hard to because of your passive aggressive quips about your birthday/age. Plus, he'd feel bad, knowing others probably wouldn't say or do much anyways.
Scenario (idk angst? just some boohoo about birthdays and Miles lighting it up by being himself) There you were: The day you waited all year for, Your Birthday! Except.. Oh? Mom or Dads alarm didn't go off to make that birthday breakfast that was a tradition at that point, that's fine, I'll have breakfast at school. Damn, it's raining, It's okay! I love the rain.! Fucking hell, the bus is full, never mind that, I'll just uhm.. stand aside in the full bus--getting shoved so people could exit or get on. Finally at scho- FUCK I stepped in a puddle, my sock is now wet in my shoe, It's alright, I'll get over it. Walking into school wanting a fresh vibe: Clothes moist and hair damp. You walk up to your small friend group, Half expecting them to joke about you being old since you were the youngest of the group.. nothing, like a normal day as they tease you for looking so wet from the rain and not a single mention of happy birthday. did they forget? Naw they are probably planning something.. right? Almost lost in thought without your friend group noticing you felt a hand yank your arm which pulled aside and into a warm loving hug. Miles! His comfortable embrace just ignoring how wet you were by the rain because you walked from the bus stop to your school, Visions academy. "Miles, Hey! What's with all th-" Before you could finish your statement he pulls back and opens his backpack to take out a red velvet walmart cupcake along with a small purple wax birthday candle. Still not having said a word but was visibly excited by that silly grin he always had when he knew you were going to love something. He sticks the candle into the icing of the cupcake and pulled out a black lighter to light the candle. "Happy Birthday, Finally, it's tiring to always say my girl is younger." Miles jokes playfully as he holds out the birthday cupcake to you.
If it isn't a school day then you wake up to see a text from Miles: "Hey mami, u up????" "I JUST woke up" "why?" "Get ready, we're going out, I'll be there in about 2 hours" The day followed to being out with Miles, he took you out for breakfast, went with you and your family to birthday lunch and your small family get together at the end of the day, there was not a moment where he wasn't by your side.
______________________________________________________________ @sukioyakio part four
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stilljuststardust · 2 months
Heyyy! It’s parrot again! And today I have two related questiones!
Both have to do with the information that all one needs to do to manifest is desire and live in the imagination/daydream.
1: if kids often truly believe the things they are playing or imagining to be real how come they don’t accidentally manifest them?
2: i daydream pretty much constantly and have been affirming out the wazoo and i am going to continue persisting and believing and all that jazz, but i have yet to see the results in the 3D(i am confident they will come; im just getting a lil impatient lol)
Thanksssss! Have a nice day :3
Hi parrot!
Children can manifest, sometimes they do (I did). However, they don't usually manifest their play pretend because on some level they do know its just that, pretend. I remember having tons of crazy beliefs as a kid but my mindset was almost always "if I wish really hard maybe it will be true" instead of actually assuming so. So, unfortunately, I didn't get a pokemon on my birthday.
Children aren't stupid and I do believe that they know they're playing pretend.
However, there were times I did apply the law as a child.
This story is humiliating but whatever, I was a child.
When I was a kid I was really into lip sync battles (now an source of intense shame lmao) and every damn day I practiced because I was CONVINCED it was going to happen at some point for me.
When we were leaving town to meet my grandparents in a more populated area I was like, welp this is it, clearly I'm going to do it now. My mother was like, why do you keep talking about that I promise you there aren't any where we're going.
I didn't listen because I knew she was wrong. We arrive and immediately go out for dinner to a random restaurant, we walk in and in big neon letters a sign says "lip sync battle next door".
My mom literally thought I was crazy the entire week leading up because she had no idea why I was so adamant that when we got there I would be in one.
Why did this manifest and my pokemon didn't? Because when I was practicing for it I did it as if it was real. I knew it was going to happen and I didn't even stop to think about when or how all I knew was I should have a song ready.
I didn't budge because I knew I had it. I knew it was going to happen no matter what.
I wasn't day dreaming, I was practicing. I wasn't hoping, I was commanding.
I know many people refer to the 4D as "imagination" but this doesn't mean play pretend or day dreaming, what they mean is your internal world.
Yes as a child I was imagining it happened but I did so from the assumption that what I was imagining HAD to happen. I didn't consider it play pretend I considered it practice.
People literally thought I was dumb but I didn't stop to consider there opinion because I knew it was mine.
When you imagine the image of what you want don't think "I hope I'll get this" think "I already have this"
I think we often unconsciously undermine ourselves because we're still thinking as if it isn't here.
Asking where it is or telling yourself it's not here yet are still affirming against it.
Affirmations are just thoughts you repeat, if you're ALSO repetitively thinking against what you want then you are ALSO affirming against it.
Think as if you have already manifested it, as if having it is cold hard fact. Yes it may feel unnatural at first but that doesn't matter.
In my story from before, I didn't ever stop to wonder why I hadn't been in one yet because I knew that it was happening no matter what so timing was irrelevant to me.
Think about who you'd be if you had it, how you'd see the world, what you would think, then think as that version of you.
Personally I like to ground before I do anything because it helps me to think of it as real.
Take a look at these, i think they'll help you:
Mental diets aren't just getting rid of negative thoughts
This one's really good
Loa checklist
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badkitty3000 · 3 months
what kind of clothes do you think five would like on his s/o?? what casual clothes would he like for himself?? ik we saw a bit in s3 but i need more vest five😭😭
So, as usual, I feel like I can go a couple different ways with this answer, but I'm going to mostly focus on my own personal headcanon version or we're going to be here all day. In my own little Five world, he's a uniform guy. He wore a uniform as a kid in the academy, he wore a (I assume) company-issued suit in the Commission, again with the academy uniform, and then when he actually had a bit of a choice he got to relax in his retirement clothes for about 12 hours before it was back to business again, and then...suit. So, to me, this is just easier for him. He doesn't have to think about what to wear every day, matching colors, and shopping for new clothes. He is stylish, yet practical, and it's clear that looking put together is a priority for him. After wearing whatever he could get his hands on in the apocalypse, and having to dress for extreme weather, it's probably a luxury for him to be able to dress the way he wants. But there's also a second, very important reason for this headcanon of mine and that is....HAVE YOU SEEN HIM IN A FUCKING SUIT!!???
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*wiping drool off my chin* Sorry, I don't know what came over me.
Ok, as I was saying...it is also a headcanon of mine that once he's finally settled down, maybe married, has a family, etc, his casual outfits consist of jeans and a plain black t-shirt. This is his new "uniform" and again, it's stylish but he doesn't have to think about it. He wears this every day, unless he's going out somewhere nice or maybe having to perform a random assassination, then it's back to the suit. (also, if you're wondering, and I'm sure you are...black boxer briefs...always).
Now, retirement Five in his little hat and vest is adorable, don't get me wrong, and is much more in line with his character's age and personality than how I write him. I could totally see him embarrassing his kid by showing up to their softball game in black socks and sandals, wearing his dorky weird old-man glasses.
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I could also see him wearing a sweatshirt with the name of his kid's school on the front and "Hargreeves" on the back. Oh my god, let's just stop and imagine that for a moment, shall we?😭😭😭
You also asked about what he would like his s/o to wear. I covered this a little in my nsfw headcanons, but I'll elaborate a little more. I definitely think he checks ladies out. Dancers, strippers, random women at the grocery store; I think deep down Five is a sex-starved freak that has a lot of lost time to make up for. However, even though a nice body and skimpy clothes is going to catch his attention, that's not really what he cares about. He would be just as happy with his girl in frumpy sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt as he would be with her in a tight cocktail dress. Now, given the choice, if you were really going to press him on it, I'd say he would want to see her in a tight skirt that shows off her ass and tall heels to accentuate her legs. But again, it doesn't really matter what she wears, he's going to think she's the prettiest/sexiest woman on the planet regardless. And ketchup-stained sweatpants and a Garfield shirt are just as easy to tear off and throw on the floor as a tight dress is. 😉
I do think Five would take time and try and find and buy something for his s/o for her birthday or Christmas that he knows she would like. He would pay attention to her style and if he was out somewhere and came across an outfit, or hat and scarf, or even lingerie that reminded him of her, he'd buy it and then watch expectedly and nervously as she opened it in front of him. Then he would be so happy every time she would wear it, even though he'd pretend he was too cool to notice. He took the time to make sure Dolores was going to get a new outfit and knew she liked sequins, so that just proves he actually pays attention to what his girl likes.
In conclusion, I think Five wants to be stylish, comfortable, and practical with his clothes, while not having to think too hard about it on a daily basis. He has much more pressing matters to deal with, and even though wearing a three-piece suit while trying to kick ass and save the world is a bit impractical...
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Thank you so much for this question! ❤️
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austinslounge · 3 months
So... The time as come. We can spill some tea, right? I'm talking about the Zendaya-Jacob-Kaia stuff. I don't know much, I only read rumors 'cause I really love Z. I remember I was shocking when in the first place I saw the Zendaya and Jacob pap pics, especially because she always has been private and I never liked him. And than, out of nowhere, he started dating Kaia, without any official announcement about the break up with Z. I don't know if rumors started with those pap pics, but I remember that someone said he cheated on Z on her birthday??? And correct me if I'm wrong, but he hadn't cheated on Joey King too? A cheater is a cheater and adding the rumors about the Lili-Cole-Kaia thing (I didn't know about this one, I recently find out) it seems a pattern. Am I miss something?
Oooo -- this is an interesting topic.
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I'll spill!
I'm a fan of Zendaya, so I was following her relationship with Elordi back then, so I can only spill what I personally observed, and also what other fans in the fandom kind of felt during that time.
**DISCLAIMER -- This is just based on observation and what I've heard/seen circulating in the fandoms. Sip or Spit.
Click below 👇 to read more, if you dare lol:
Jacob & Joey
Yes, lots of Joey King fans feel that he cheated on Joey because Joey kind of alluded to it by some of her likes around the time of their split. She was liking a lot of cheating posts. 👀
Supposedly, word on the street is that Jacob had cheated on his Aussie gf with Joey. 😬
Jacob & Zendaya & Kaia
Jacob and Zendaya started dating after she and Tom broke up in 2019. Tom was spotted with some blonde chick in London, and then not too long after that, Zendaya started dating her Euphoria co-star Elordi. I think they got spotted in Greece sometime around August of 2019.
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What's interesting is that Jacob met Kaia Gerber at some point the very next month in September of that same year at some fashion show/event.
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It's funny, because around that time, Kaia and Tommy Dorfman (I think he's trans now?) used to hang out a lot together, and now, you almost never see her with him/her. Not sure what happened. Anyway, so Jacob used to be seen at the same events that Kaia was at, and he was always hanging out with her and her friends. Other fans of Zendaya and I all thought that was pretty sus. 👀
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At one party, Jacob was even seen flirting with Kaia on video, all while he's dating Zendaya and had just been papped in NYC kissing her in Feb 2020 (so they were definitely official).
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In all honesty, those papped pics with the Elordi/Zendaya kiss all looked pretty staged to me, but we're not going to get into that lol. 👀/
Around early September, Zendaya fans noticed Jacob (who had now come back to the states from Australia during covid) hanging out with Kaia Gerber again, and it was at this point we knew for a fact that he and Zendaya had split up. We weren't even shocked to see Kaia and Jacob together tbh because we all saw signs that he was always hanging around her even while he and Zendaya were dating.
By March 2020, as we all know, the global pandemic hit, and Jacob flew off to Australia, and we all know what happened after that. 👀
Next thing we know, Jacob flew to LA in September, and guess who he's spotted with???
You guessed it! KAIA GERBER.
This article above from E! came out when they got spotted out, and they were still trying to pretend that they were just friends, but we fans knew what was up. 😒
Jacob didn't cheat on Zendaya on her birthday, it's just that those pictures of Kaia and Jacob came out on Zendaya's birthday (or around her birthday), so that's why some fans assumed that he cheated on her birthday.
Most fans and I feel that Jacob and Zendaya actually split up months before it was common knowledge, and before he even stepped foot back on US soil. We all know he was keeping in touch with Kaia all throughout their relationship though.
There's no way you're jumping right to another woman when you first step foot back in LA unless you've been chatting her up for a while before you even get back into the country.
That's another reason why I don't trust Kaia. Too many weird sus things follow her around. Then I also remember the whole weird Cole Sprouse/Lili breakup and how she was around that whole thing too. 🥴 The girl is sus.
Another thing that's weird ---- Kaia and Elordi were spotted the last time together at some Halloween party back in 2021.
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The next thing you know, she and Elordi have split up, and she's immediately spotted with and dating Austin Butler in early December 2021.
I'm sorry, but if you're moving on that fast from your boyfriend of a year and immediately already out with some other guy almost less than a month later, you can't tell me that there wasn't some type of overlap, or you got hooked up by somebody.
I personally kind of wonder if Kaia had her eye on Austin for a while (maybe ever since the Lily Rose fling) 👀, and dropped Elordi for a chance with Austin. Jacob himself also moved on pretty quickly as well, and they both had articles come out on the same day with their new respective significant others. (Again, weird!) I just find it strange that we still to this day don't know how Austin and Kaia even met each other (maybe mutual friends?), but I suspect Kaia and Co. pulled some strings because they don't even fly in the same circles like that lol. Not to mention the stark age difference between the two of them. 🥴 She was only 20 guys. At least she and Elordi were in the same circles and were attending the same events together before they dated. There is photo evidence. So their pairing made more sense. With Austin, it's like, there was nothing, and then BAM! All of a sudden they're pictured together lol. 😅
So anyway -- that's all the tea I have for today. Thanks for stopping by for Tea Time at Austin's Lounge lol. 🤭
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spadecentral · 2 years
👑 Prince Promise | Leona Kingscholar x Reader
>> requested: no >> a/n: happy birthday Skai!!!!! love ya <3 also just a disclaimer im not that happy with the first couple of paragraphs so just pretend like its normal pls
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>> masterlist: here!! >> summary: you and leona run away together to start a new life. unfortunately, a prince cannot always run >> reader prns: not specified >> warning(s): second person; fire; no dialogue;
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You, a royal gardener, had begun to catch Leona's eye. So when Leona had some free time, he had always fund himself staring over at you, whether it be from inside at a window or outside underneath a tree. And what was good about being an unwanted prince was that he had a lot of free time.
The way he watched you with loving eyes confused the royal workers. They had never seen the prince so smitten before.
The first time he talked to you, he was very nonchalant. At least, he was on the outside. If you were able to read his mind, or get past the fact that a literal prince was talking to you, you would have noticed how nervous he was. How nervous he was of fucking up. How scared he was of doing something wrong.
And you fell so hard for him. Like, head-over-heels hard. Like, I-will-rip-out-my-heart-and-serve-it-on-a-nice-fancy-china-plate-for-you-to-stake-a-knife-into hard. You fell for him so hard that it would be less painful for you to repeatedly hit your head on a brick wall several times.
He had already fallen for you, however. He was just waiting for you to catch up to him.
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When he suggested that the both of you run away together, you couldn't believe your ears. You? Run away with him? The prince of Sunset Savannah?
And what shocked you even more was the immediate yes that tumbled from your lips.
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The palace gardeners weren't surprised to find your bedsheets stripped from your mattress and your clothes nowhere to be seen the next morning. They had taken bets actually, on when you two would run away.
They knew that no one was going to accept some gardener as the partner to their prince, no matter how in love you were.
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You two had found a quaint little house on the outskirts of some small town, and Leona had bought it right away.
But to be honest, your first night in your own house with Leona was nerve-wracking. You still weren't accustomed to being in the same room with him all the time. And sharing a bed with him?! That was a completely new experience.
Though Leona could sense your uncomfortableness and had said several times that he could sleep on the couch if you wanted him to, you told him that it wouldn't be necessary. You wanted nothing more than to be near him. To be close to him. To be within two feet of him, holding his hand or brushing your fingers together.
And in that bed during the first night of your new beginning together, he had tenderly kissed you on the lips.
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The two of you had lived comfortably in that house for a little under a month at this point. It had worked surprisingly well, 'it' being your relationship. There was the perfect balance of responsibilities divided between the two of you. You had even started your own little farm in your backyard, growing lettuce, squash, and tomatoes.
Leona had left to grab some things from the village. Some cheese, sausage links, and a nice bottle of wine. You both we're going to celebrate one month together in the comfort of each other's presence.
Thankful he was finally able to leave the town square, he headed back home. Even though he was never really fond of the people in the village, he made due. For you.
He was about a third of a mile away from home when he knew something was wrong. The smell of smoke was too strong for you to have only set a fire in your fireplace.
Not caring about the food, he immediately dropped the bags and ran. Ran towards you.
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His stomach felt like it had dropped through his feet when he got to your home. Red and orange flames danced in the air as the building crumbled on top of itself.
He knew that you weren't going to make it out alive. But he still ran. Ran towards you. Ran towards home.
His tunnel vision was cleared when he was held back by palace guards.
And thats when he remembered something he had heard all the time when he was growing up. Something that his parents would always say to his retched brother.
"Son, it is like treason to not marry a person of a royal status. You must not break the hierarchy. No matter how much you love someone."
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An eye-catcher was never a good idea. Especially when you catch the eye of Leona Kingscholar. Not because of him. But because of the people who wish to keep him within arms reach.
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>> twst taglist: @tulipluvlettr | @ghost-hyacinth | @gh-0st-y | @ch3lun | @oseathepebble | @ventisaircurrent | @epelys | @pastelmages | @xphantasmagoriax | @atlasnessie | @divinesapph | @mystaposts | @ze-maki-nin | @v-anrouge
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callmewrinkles3 · 7 months
July 2018
Em still wasn't sure why she'd agreed to do this. She could have left. She could have walked away and pretended that Dan never sent that text, that she'd leave Dan alone and pretend they'd never met. That Monaco never happened. It would have made her life easier.
But Dan had actually called her and she couldn't turn him down over the phone. And without thinking she told him to meet her at her favourite cafe in Ealing, close to where she'd been to uni. So she was sitting there trying to get some work done before he arrived. She'd nearly texted him to go to the Pret down the street, somewhere unfamiliar, but she deleted the message. A familiar place would be better for her nerves, Sue grinning and starting her latte as she walked in and asking how Em was and what she was doing.
She sat in the corner with her coffee and a chicken sandwich that Ron handed her with a smile and a greeting. She'd have loved to say that she didn't notice Dan walking in, but she did immediately. It was too small to not notice someone arrive, but that curly hair was too much to ignore. He came straight across to her with his broad smile and she couldn't help but return it.
"Hey Emmy, what're you drinking? I'll get one."
"Caramel latte, just tell Sue it's for me and she'll know." It took five minutes before he was back, one of the little trays in his hands carrying everything. There was a coffee for each of them, a blueberry muffin for her and a noodle salad for Dan, with a slice of cake in between them on the table to share.
"The woman at the counter said this is your favourite, is that right? I guess you come here often."
"Yeah, I used to work here in uni. Still pull shifts if they need a hand and I have time." Em took a sip of her coffee, smiling at the taste. "Congrats on France, by the way. And happy birthday, I hope it's a good year for you."
"Thanks, we're doing drinks after Silverstone for it. At least I got to finish the race this time! Plus some good points. But how are you? How was the last few weeks?"
She paused, trying to work out how to make it sound more fun than it had been. "You know, the usual. Working, making sure Blake's apartment doesn't fall apart while he's running around the world."
They both took a bite in the awkward silence that had fallen between them and Em waited for him to speak. It had never been awkward between them before.
"I owe you an apology." It was the most serious she'd ever heard him before.
"No, Emmy, please. I owe you one. I shouldn't have just ignored you, that was wrong and I'm sorry. I know it doesn't fix it but I didn't mean to. Yeah I was busy, but I shouldn't have. I promise I didn't want to. Work was insane and with the way my schedule is I didn't want to bother you when you have enough going on." She watched him take a few seconds to work out how to phrase what he wanted to say and let him pause. "I'm sorry. It wasn't a one night stand, and you're my friend. I don't want us to lose any of what we have."
"You don't need to apologise, Dan. We both did it."
"Yeah but I w-"
"Look, Dan, I still want to be your friend. I still want to hang out with you and spend time with you when you have it, and we both know you don't have much." She took a breath to get the rest of what she needed to say out, "But I don't think we should sleep together anymore. You mean a hell of a lot to me, and if we keep sleeping together we're going to fuck up eventually. We can be friends though, right?"
"Yeah. Friends." The smile on his face didn't fully reach his eyes and that hurt Em, but she knew it was the right call. And if he didn't want to be her friend he could fade out of her life. It'd be fine. They stayed quiet eating for a few moments.
"So you're coming to Silverstone, right? I organised a hotel room for you."
"I have your pass!" He pulled four passes from his jacket, lanyards wrapped around the neatly stacked batch. "You don't have to take a flight this time. Please? As my birthday present?"
"I have your birthday present, actually. It's not much, but here." Em felt so silly pulling it out of her bag. The book was carefully wrapped in blue paper. She'd seen Jack Brabham's autobiography in her favourite second hand book shop the week after Monaco and picked it up. Trying to think of a birthday present felt impossible for the man who could have it all. Now sitting in front of him it felt ridiculous to give a Formula One driver a book about one? Stupid. But Dan was opening it so she couldn't take it away.
"It's for me?" Dan asked, oblivious to Em's internal freak out. "Emmy you didn't have to."
"It's nothing. Like seriously, it's nothing. I don't even know what I was thinking when I got it, but you said you wanted to start reading more and I thought it'd be nice."
She took a sip of her drink and looked down at the table for a moment, wanting to give him a couple of moments to act like he was happy instead of just seeing disappointment on his face. Why did she think this was a good idea? Stupid. Stupid.
"You saw this and thought of me?" He smiled as he held it up. A real smile.
"I mean Australian, driver, it made sense in my head. I know it was a stupid idea."
"Emmy it's perfect. I love it. Thank you, seriously. Dad used to tell me stories about watching him drive when he was a kid, he'll love me saying I have this. I love it."
"Glad you like it." She smiled shyly, picking off a piece of muffin to pop into her mouth. "Can I think about the race?"
It was absolutely a lie. She knew she'd say yes. She knew it. There was nothing those brown eyes couldn't make her do.
"Of course you can. But if it helps in any way, I have to say I'd love to see you there." Dan insisted. As much as Em hated to admit it her heart began to melt just a little bit.
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bookshelf-dust · 2 years
i’m going to see him today.
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billy hargrove x fem!reader
word count: 1,613
warnings: swearing, grief, allusions to depression, mentions of death, trauma, reader isn’t good with emotions/dealing
a/n: yes, i’m having a shitty time. yes, you may have this because of it. i have a thing for wanting to call him ‘lover boy,’ so you can pretend it’s not there if you’d like. i used to like this a whole lot, but now i’m doubting those feelings, and just hoping someone else likes it. <333
Max was next. She knew she was. It was just a matter of time. She wanted to let it all out, considering she was seemingly shit at sharing her feelings these days. So she wrote letters. To everyone she cared about. Including one she set aside for you. 
“East Hawkins? Wait, why are we going to East Hawkins?” Steve questioned this field trip, not wanting to go anywhere—risk anything. 
“We're making a pit stop first. Near Dustin's. It's not far,” Max told him.
You were sat on the couch, cocooned in layers of sweats you hadn't washed since who-knew-when, and more blankets than you'd realized you had. Including that goddamn green one that you couldn't seem to part with for anything, except when you actually, really had to leave the house.
There was knock at the door. “Y/N? It's me.” Outside, she fidgeted with her zipper. “It's Max.”
You got up, pulling the door open, only then realizing that you hadn't brushed your hair in days. But you didn't care. You couldn't find much to care about at all anymore. Not since him.
“Hey. Wow. You look worse and than I do.”
That was one thing grief had not taken from Max Mayfield: her incredible ability to be completely blunt. But there was a smile creeping up at the corners of her mouth, and she pulled you in for a hug. 
It was a lingering one. Neither of you had been properly hugged in a very long time. 
“Um…” she trailed off, fidgeting again. “I'm going to see him today. Do you want to come?”She asked, twirling the cord to her headphones that was hanging out of her bag.
The question took you by surprise, considering you'd only ever gone alone. But you weren't going to pass up an opportunity.
Especially when Max looked like this—and based on the boys watching the two of you in the car, there was something going on. And you had this sickening feeling that you knew what it was. So of course you were going to go. 
“What are you holding?” Brown paper caught your eye, bringing a stinging sensation to your chest.
“This is for you.” She tugged the envelope free, holding it out to you. “It's a fail safe. If you're coming, we can explain everything. If—if not, then...” Max looked at you like she was afraid of what would happen if you weren't there. 
You took the letter from her, seeing your name scrawled on the front side. You realized your hands were shaking.
“I wrote them for everyone. Everyone that matters to me. I wrote him one. So that's why I'm going to see him.” Max wasn't looking at you anymore, just staring at her feet. 
“Can you wait here a second?” You left the door open, going back inside to put real pants on and tie your hair up. You grabbed a folded paper from your dresser and went back to meet her. She noticed what you had, her brows furrowing. 
“I wrote him one, too. Since his birthday is coming up. I don't know. I'll come with you—if you still want me to.”
Turns out she did, and you found yourself sandwiched in between Max and Lucas in the backseat of Steve Harrington's car, Max resting her head against your shoulder. 
She had never been this affectionate towards you until what happened.
But right now, she put her head on your shoulder because they'd all just told you what was going on. You were not going to lose her. She'd become like a sister. Like a younger best friend to you. You were not losing her. Not like you did him.
Pulling into the Roane county cemetery, your hands started to shake again. Your heart rate picked up, and you were bouncing your leg furiously in the back seat. Enough that Steve noticed, but he wasn't going to tell you to calm down.
The boys seemed confused at first, about why Max had led them here. But when she'd said she “was going to see him,” you’d known what she meant. 
“You can go first,” Max told you, grabbing your attention.
“Are you sure?” You questioned, not wanting to overstep. 
“Yeah. We'll be right here.” You nodded, and made your way up to where you knew the headstone would be. The one you'd grazed with your fingers, feeling the grooves that formed his name, trying to feel him. The one you'd stared at, having not felt anything for weeks. 
You had met Billy Hargrove when he'd shown up in Hawkins, just like everyone else. But you'd hit it off at Tina's fucking Halloween party, picking on his costume after he said he hadn't seen Sixteen Candles, the movie you'd roughly based your own outfit on. 
The both of you were so different, on the outside. But it hadn't ended up being that way. Both being lost and finding comfort in one another.
You'd become his best friend, and him yours. You'd fallen in love with him. And then you lost him. 
You plopped down carefully on the grass, pulling the crumpled paper from your pocket, deciding you didn't want to waste anyone's time, and wanted to get this over with, knowing it was going to hurt.
You skimmed the first line you'd scrawled in a mess of handwriting, and started crying before you even spoke, but you continued even so.
“Lover boy,” you read, “I want to start this by telling you that I miss you. But if we were talking, you'd ask me to tell you what’s been going on in that 'pretty little head' of mine.”
“So here goes. I've been doing fine in school, same as always—it’s been a distraction. I've been reading more, spending time with Max, helping her deal with this. Watching Lucas play. Thinking about when I used to watch you. Picking up the boys from their club. Working. But I haven't been sleeping well. I lay there and reach out for you, but you're not there.”
You paused, a sob escaping your throat.
“My sheets don't smell like you anymore. My mom washed them and I cried for a week. And it's silly because I used to fuss at you for making my bed smell like cigarettes and your fucking cologne. But now I can't breathe you in anymore."
Another sob. 
“I applied to a few schools around Hawkins, and got in to all of them. And I hadn't told you over the summer, but when you told me you were saving to go to California, I decided to scout a few schools around where you'd said you wanted to go, and applied to some. I'd forgotten about it until the letters showed up a few weeks ago.”
“And I got in. I don't know if it's anything I'll pursue anymore. I didn't tell anyone I did that. Not even you. And I would've killed to see the look on your face." 
You set the paper down, wiping your face, then picking it back up again.
“I miss the sound of your fucking car. I miss your hands, and how callused they'd get, and how you'd let me rub salve on them. How you'd let me brush your hair.”
“It's so funny to me that I told you how I'd never been able to miss anyone. Not my parents. Not my friends. I never missed anyone until you. And it fucking hurts. I know you'd tell me that you weren't worth missing, but you are." 
“I am still in love with you, William Hargrove. I miss calling you William to piss you off. I don't know if I'm ever going to be able to love anyone else in the way that I loved you. You were my home.”
Your letter was wet at this point, some of the ink smearing where you’d written out into the margins.
“I had you for so little time, and I'd give anything to have had longer. You deserved longer. You deserved to—to live. I haven't told anyone how much I miss you. How much I've cried. Cried. You know that thing I could never do before. I've just been helping Max and distracting myself. I just wish you were here, so I could hold you.”
“You are the love of my life, Billy Hargrove. And I think you'd be happy to know that I've been sleeping in your clothes. You always liked when I did that.”
“Love, your best girl.”
You knew you probably looked like shit. But still, you leaned forward, running your fingertips along his name, his birthday. Trying to feel for him again. "I love you, baby," you mumbled. It came out like a whisper. Like a secret.
You wiped your face and pulled yourself to stand. "See you later, pretty boy." 
You walked down to the car, shoving the letter back into your pocket. They were all staring at you, but busied themselves when you caught them. Max didn't say anything, just smiled at you, bringing you in for a quick hug, before heading up herself. 
Steve finally looked at you, and opened his arms. You fell into him. He'd been a friend for a while, but had been good at listening, especially when you were having bad days and needed an early lunch at work.
Dustin and Lucas joined in, the three of them holding you. They didn't say anything, but it was more than enough.
And after the rest of the events that played out at the cemetery, you deciding to call it, finding Max, you were going to fight like hell to save her. Because she deserved to live too.
please let me know if you liked this! feedback is always appreciated!! comments and reblogs mean more than you know. <33
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dizzybizz · 1 year
you have unleashed a demon. i warned you.
i don't think this is going to have any structure whatsoever but i will pretend it does for my own sanity.
i want to start with some behind the scenes stuff bc obviously i do
like i only named guy that because i didn't want to think too hard about names and he has always been a silly little guy. his farms name is sail away farm,,, like the enya song. that's where it came from but really it's a SSS reference cus i will bring other SIs into this somehow. (it was from one of the ai dungeon streams... when julia wrapped up yet another accidental psychological horror story by sailing away whilst listening "to the tunes of enya")
and with remy i had already planned on romancing harvey so i wanted a name i could make a funny shipname of. their shipname is harmy (ironic isn't it ^^). stowaway farm came from some thoughts i had about remy's life before moving to pelican town. where he didn't feel welcome and like the people around him weren't keen on being seen with him. and i just liked the ring it has to it :) the two of them both having farms with "away" in the name was accidental and didn't hit me until after it was too late to change it.
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here they are at the character creation screen !!!!
GUY IS MY SILLIEST LITTLE GUY. he's like a hamster or a chipmunk or other small rodents
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him asf ^^^^
he's also like ponyo to me, he is very ponyocoded. his theme song would be the full version of ponyo on the cliff by the sea.
he is a biter, a chewer. he's kirby, a chainchomper... he would snack on rocks if he could. he's the breakdancing sims cat. he has bad volume control. he is an octopus, a koala, a monkey. he names a lot of his farm animals after fictional characters. but his hens are named hip, hop, cherry and pop after the lemon demon song. he would take a sip of a joja cola and go "oh, that is vile" and keep taking sips like he needs to confirm it multiple times.
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him and elliott are so silly..... their shipname is gull which worked out so well it almost seems intentional. they both got ties to the ocean and beach... we love to see it. they got together the day after elliott's birthday, not only that but it was also right before elliott's 8 heart event. so it was really like guy came in before his book reading, asked him out and then was all "THAT'S MY BF EVERYONE I LOVE HIM SO MUCH" during the reading... he is his biggest cheerleader
he is best friends with emily and shane. and when emily mentioned that she would make a good clown during the stardew fair, he said "this is why we're best friends. we would be the best clowns." and he ate three burgers in a row that day. one day during blackberry season he collected 93 blackberries and was just running around the town with them on his person. him and gus have history together which i will make a whole comic about some day. whilst gaming with abigail he ran into enemies twice and got himself killed. he accidentally bought a pirate sword from marlon. he has died once. he is trying to goad alex into actually shaving his hair off because of that one throwaway comment. HE HAS TWO GARBAGE HATS. (tootsies is SO getting the other one once 1.6 is out)
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^ this is what he wore for spirit's eve, called it "farmer in a rush" (he literally just took off his shorts)
i have way less on remy cus he isn't as far along and has had a mostly average time in pelican town so far.
remy is just a big dog who is scared of most things. he is a baby giraffe trying to walk for the first time. he feels very out of place in social interactions. his limbs are too long for him. he is trying his best.
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he can come off as very... displeased... his resting face just looks slightly ticked off. really he's a big softie. he has some real unfortunate luck too.. except the night of the egg hunt when he had a fairy visit. he holds onto that little bit of luck there. a glimmer of hope. he had a meteor crash in the middle of his farm, luckily his crops were safe and sound tho, small mercies. weeds damaged his farm the same night the scripted earthquake hit. one day in the mines he got so lost in the dark he had to give up for the day and head up to the surface again, he was one level away from an elevator. he is financially struggling. he names his animals after food. his theme song would probably be cave in by margaux or something.
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harmy is a slow-burn, strangers to friends to lovers scenario. they're delightful, i can't wait to see their relationship develop. remy kinda wanted to ask harvey to dance during the flower dance but chickened out (totally not because i only had 3 hearts with him stfu) (also those two pages aren't canon in my headcanon cus i think both of them would be oblivious and dumb as a rock. i just wanted to draw it lol. i think it takes a whileeee for either of them to ever catch feelings.)
he doesn't know many of the villagers too well. he is taking his time settling in fully and is so busy with the farm and mines and fishing and whatnot. oh y'know when sam asks you what his next song should be about?? yeah, remy said trains which has planted the idea that he is a former train kid in my head. and that's something he and harvey can bond over- i think it's really sweet :'). train and plane autism couple. remy has a sweet tooth. he feels intimidated by most villagers. i have a whole hair arc planned for him where he ends up growing his hair out once he really settles in. it's gonna be so epic. he went through 3 of emily's heart events in a row which was wild.
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his chest lineup >>>>>
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here's an expression sheet i started and will hopefully finish one day
i ain't proofreading this are you kidding me.
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y'all summoned this. my mutuals summoning my infodump demon with their summoning triangle. feeding my hyperfixation.
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New Rule: The Truth About Christmas | Real Time with Bill Maher
Finally, New Rule: Praise Jesus, it's a Christmas miracle. For the first time in the 21 year history of this show we are on in December, which gives me a chance to explain to everyone something I've always wanted to expound upon in this show.
You know that whole thing about Jesus being born on December 25th? Well it's a crock of shit. Now, this is not an attack on Jesus. Although, he was a nepo baby. But also a revolutionary philosopher with a beautiful message. As to whether he's a God, that's up to you.
But if the subject is "Gods born on December 25th," we have enough of those for an entire Jeopardy category.
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He was the Egyptian god who took the form of a falcon. Who is Horus?
He is the god from ancient Persia born bearing a torch. Who is Mithra?
He is the Greek god of rebirth. Who is Adonis?
He was the fertility god in Cleopatra's time. Who is Osiris?
This Greek deity was known for having a good time. Who is Dionysis?
So you may be asking - those are all real by the way, I think that was the problem, they think I'm making this up but I'm not - why do all the gods want the same birthday? Well, because December 25th was a pagan holiday coming a few days after the shortest day of the year, when primitive peoples noticed that the days were starting to get longer again, and so a cause for celebration.
Cut to:
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And that's the story of Christmas. A holiday I love by the way. The tree, the presents, the music, the Christmas memories with my sister and our cousins filling the bong with eggnog. It's the only time of the year it's okay to put alcohol in milk. Christmas is fun if you just accept it's pretend time. Like a Hollywood wedding.
Yes, I love Christmas and always have. Just don't try to make me take it seriously.
And that is what has been going on a lot lately here in America. We have a new Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, who says America is actually a Biblical Republic and that he's even got a flag picked out that hangs outside his office, and which also could be seen in the mob on January 6th. Mike also says, "the separation of church and state is a misnomer," and congresswoman Lauren Boebert concurs saying she's, "tired of this separation of church and state junk." So too Marjorie Taylor Green, who says, "I say it proudly, we should all be Christian nationalists."
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Now I know it may seem like this is just a few crazies, but I gotta tell you, dumbass Republicans who believe horrible ideas are like ants: there's always more that you can't see.
And in in fact, these ideas are no longer the fringe. According to a recent survey, over half of Republicans are either adherents of Christian nationalism or sympathetic to it. And they agree with statements like: "The US government should declare America a Christian Nation," and "Being Christian is an important part of being truly American," and "God has called Christians to exercise dominion over all areas of American society."
I'm sorry but I don't want anyone exercising their dominion over me unless I pay them and we've established a safe-word.
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Boebert says, "The church is supposed to direct the government. The government is not supposed to direct the church." Well, no and no. Neither one is supposed to direct the other. That's what separation of church and state means.
Republicans, Jesus fucking Christ. First you stop believing in democracy - Senator Mike Lee said it, among others. Trump lives the idea every day, and here we have the Speaker of the House saying it. And now Republicans also don't believe in the separation of church and state? Does anyone in that party remember what fucking country you're living in?
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We're the place that stakes so much of our greatness on being the first to specifically prohibit having a state religion. There are dozens of countries that have an official religion. There's 13 where being an atheist is punishable by death. Four have "Islamic" right in the title of the country.
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And maybe that warms the hearts of the TikTok crowd who lately have found heroes in Hamas and Osama Bin Laden. But that's not us. That's not what we do here. I get it you kids like to switch things up. But I can only handle one side at a time being ridiculous about religious fanaticism, and right now I've got my hands full with Mike Johnson.
Because Mike Johnson has the power to actually make laws. And I don't want my global warming policy decided by someone who is rooting for the end of the world so we can get on with the Rapture. And who once filed a legal brief before the Supreme Court arguing that what he called "deviant same sex intercourse" should be a crime. Even the lesbian stuff?
Mike thinks God personally chooses, raises up our leaders, which is a very dangerous thought, because then when you lose an election you think it's just another of God's tricks to test your faith. Like fossils. Mike says, "We began as a Christian nation." We didn't. Did you miss that day in home school, Mike? If you don't know that the pilgrims came here to get away from the Church of England then you don't know, literally, the first thing about our country. Mike says, being a Christian nation is, "our tradition," and, "it's who we are as a people."
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It's not. We're the people who have a First Amendment which says, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion." And we have an Article Six which says, "no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office."
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So, I take these people at their word when they say that they think we should be Christian nationalists. But then they have to take John Adams at his word when he wrote, "the government of the United States of America is not an any sense founded on the Christian religion."
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But I still love Christmas!
Introduction The rising influence of Christian nationalism in some segments of American politics poses a major threat to the health of our democracy. Increasingly, the major battle lines of the culture war are being drawn between a right animated by a Christian nationalist worldview and Americans who embrace the country’s growing racial and religious diversity. This new PRRI/Brookings survey of more than 6,000 Americans takes a closer look at the underpinnings of Christian nationalism, providing new measures to estimate the proportion of Americans who adhere to and reject Christian nationalist ideology. The survey also examines how Christian nationalist views intersect with white identity, anti-Black sentiment, support of patriarchy, antisemitism, anti-Muslim sentiments, anti-immigrant attitudes, authoritarianism, and support for violence. Additionally, the survey explores the influence Christian nationalism has within our two primary political parties and major religious subgroups and what this reveals about the state of American democracy and the health of our society.
Freedom of religion and freedom from religion are the same thing.
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hils79 · 5 months
Hils Watches In Blossom - Ep 32
Well, we're on the final episode. I'm sad. For many reasons.
I'm going to go straight under the cut so I don't spoil things for anyone who hasn't watched yet
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I know your sister got brutally murdered but please think of the man instead of yourself
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Oh no 😭
I will say that I found Zhuo Lanjiang's death marginally less upsetting than the princess's. They made it clear when he killed a dude in cold blood in front of his son just to further his quest for revenge that he wasn't going to come back from it. The way he died surprised me, but the death itself not so much. I mean obv I am still very sad because he was my favourite, but I'm more annoyed about the princess who literally died for no reason other than to 'solve' the fake engagement she was in.
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Oh, yikes. Couldn't even pretend that he loved her even when he knew he was going to die. Bai Xiaosheng deserves better than him.
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Did not expect Pan Yue's dad to turn out to be the MVP of this entire drama
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The Empress is like 'FFS I was just supposed to sit here and watch a boring promotion ceremony and now I've got to listen to a witness in a whole spy and murder plot'
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I am so sorry, I am the worst person. When they said there was someone at the door with crucial information about the case I wasn't expecting her to wheel in a corpse. I laughed. I'm awful, I'm sorry son.
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And the fact that she had time to acquire and change into mourning robes before making her dramatic entrance
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OH SHIIIIIT! He wasn't friend zoning Bai Xiaosheng he was telling her to take his body to Yang Caiwei
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I bet the people who aren't involved in this case at all are standing there with metaphorical popcorn. Came to see a dude get promoted and now there's going to be a live autopsy in front of the empress.
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It is kind of fucked up that she has to cut open the body of her best friend in front of a live studio audience and royalty
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Why not?? Did they seriously fake not finding the evidence just to add a bit of drama to things. IT'S ALREADY DRAMATIC!
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This promotion ceremony has the highest body count I've ever seen in a drama. Usually its weddings or birthday parties where all the murder happens. Again, I shouldn't be laughing and yet...
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I do feel bad for him. His sister was evil and everything but imagine finding out your sister is actually a completely different person and your actual sister has been dead for months.
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Imagining she's really your sister does not seem like a healthy way of dealing with all this
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Dun dun DUN! Turns out they haven't actually defeated the final boss yet
Well, that sure was a thing I watched. I enjoyed it up to a point but then it lost me I'm afraid. If they make a second season I may watch it for Liu Xueyi but it won't be high on my list of priorities.
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kayleezra · 1 year
A Sunflower and Their Encyclopedia // (Ezra x GN!Reader)
Word Count: idk like 500-600
Summary: Modern AU? idk but we're on Earth so you decide. Ezra tells you he loves you.. in some less than normal ways...
A/N: FOR MY WIFE @writer-darling WHOSE BIRTHDAY IT IS TODAY (it's short and shitty because I just typed it up after work but I couldn't not post something!) BUT HAPPY BIRTHDAY I LOVE YOU MOSTEST
oh and this is like not at all accurate because sunflowers use circadian rhythm to face and follow the sun but… we’re going to pretend we don’t know that and believe the social media myth
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“You’re my sunflower,” Ezra's smooth voice brings you back to reality. 
“What?” You ask, not sure you heard him right in your trance-like state.
“You are my sunflower,” he annunciates, “or Helianthus as it’s scientifically known” he adds as if that would clear everything for you. 
If the two of you had been talking about flowers, it would make some sense, but you were simply enjoying each other's presence in silence. 
“What?” you ask again, clearly confused. 
“Well when it’s overcast and sunflowers are looking for the sun, they often face each other. Claiming each other as their own personal sun, sharing each other’s energy. You’re my sunflower, you’re who I turn to in dark times to keep me going.”
“That is… incredibly sweet,” tears brim your eyes, “Then you’re my sunflower too. What brought that up?” 
A slow smile creeps its way onto his face, the corners of his mouth lifting with love and eyes warming. 
“I was simply enjoying the view, of you. And how captivated and intoxicated I am from the sheer joy you exude. How my infatuation and devotion to you knows no bounds. You’re my life source, my light and my love.”
A cheesy smile is plastered on your face, “And so the obvious conclusion was sunflowers?”
“Perhaps sunflowers didn’t properly convey all that.”
“No it did I was ju-” but before you can finish he interrupts by continuing his thoughts.
“You’re the Acacia Tree to my ant colony,” he finishes with a proud smile.
You stare at him dumbfounded.
“Acacia trees, commonly found in South Africa and Australia, grow hollow roots, structures that allow ants to use as shelter and even feed from. In return, the ants defend the tree from herbivores. The ants larvae also feed off Beltian bodies, which are small pouches of important proteins and nutrients and in return the ants protect new acacia seedlings from being eaten by other small critters.”
“So… I’m a tree,”
“An acacia tree, yes”
“And you… are a colony of ants,”
“That share a relationship,”
“A symbiotic relationship, yes”
“That share a symbiotic relationship. But why am I the tree and you the ants?”
“Easy. Because you’re a life-giving thing that is much greater than I. A beautiful great standing of Mother Nature.”
Then it dawns on you. Where Ezra is getting all this random nature information. Weeks ago while thrifting he came across a tattered nature encyclopedia, his nose was stuck in the book before he even purchased it. He returned it to the shelf claiming he did not need it but something tells you he went back…
“Did you get that encyclopedia?”
“Is it that obvious?”
You laugh, “I take it you're enjoying it”
“And how many more métaphores do you have for us?”
Ezra looks up and cocks his head like he’s actually mentally counting them, “at least another hundred.”
You laugh again at his absurdity born of love.
“Although I don’t think I could even run out of ways to tell you I love you, my dear. And if I did then I’d learn more languages. And if I ran out of those, I’d create our own language that never runs out of ways to express my love for you.”
And you know that this man in front of you means every damn word he's just said. You can't help but wonder how you got so lucky, while he wonders the same.
Taglist: @spideysimpossiblegirl @littlemisspascal @writer-darling  @avengetheunnatural @louderfortheback @currentobsessionrabbithole
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