#we're okay. she was just having trouble keeping in touch with people because she was just discharged and it was a lot
ohisms · 11 months
↪   ᵀᴴᴱ 𝑀𝐼𝐶𝐾 .    (  a  series  of  sentence  starters  from  season  1  of fox's sitcom ,  “ the mick ” .   adjust  phrasing  as  necessary . will be updated !  )
oh my god , why do you have gasoline ?!
we're fine , not that it's any of your concern .
stay out of trouble .
no , you're not coming in with me .
you're embarrassing . you embarrass me . i'm embarrassed of you .
can i bum a smoke , please ?
it's okay , i already have a dollar .
i get the sense that you're in need a lot .
i don't have a problem . you do , otherwise we wouldn't be having this conversation .
what do you mean ? you invited me .
i got into yale , that doesn't mean i'm going .
the scales of justice tip in favor of the wealthy .
if we throw enough money at this thing , i'm sure it'll go away .
let's catch up in ten years when you need another loan .
i feel like we got off on the wrong foot .
i want you to come to me with boy problems . or girl problems , i don't assume .
i know you think you're pretty clever with this plan to drink me under the table , but there's two problems ... you're not , .. & you can't .
she's not dead , i can see her breathing .
i cannot count the number of times i've been ripped off a barstool & thrown in a cage .
i should probably get out of the house , yesterday kinda got away from me .
i don't like these people . but i like you .
why are we at a poor person's restaurant ?
don't touch my stuff , psycho .
no , i don't believe you . you're lying .
uh , i don't know , maybe because you're a lying bitch .
okay , look , i understand this stuff is really hard to hear .
let's just keep our voices down , okay ?
you think i care about these idiots ?
what is wrong with you ? you're making a scene .
how's that for a scene ?! dinner & a show !
i know what you're up to , & you're not gonna get away with it .
i'm sorry , you think you're in charge ?
once all this is gone , all that's left is this . & nobody wants just this .
wait , wait , wait ! i'm coming with you !
i will only go if i have your blessing .
if you need anything at all , do not hesitate to call 911 .
[ name ] , my beautiful angel !
i heard about that little accident you had .
so , this is it ! home sweet home .
holy crap , you're alive ...
what are you doing here ? are you living at my place ?
okay , i'm sensing some major hostility here .
i thought you were dead !
don't pay attention to him , he's no one .
— i'm just kidding ! oh , i'm so sorry , your face ...
no ... you're joking — this is a joke , right ?
i'm gonna go freshen up , this'll be fun !
my legs are heavy , but my mind is light ...
wait , why is my window open ?
do i look like i'm playing games ?
we both burnt that bridge , it doesn't matter who lit the match .
i need you to do me a favor , i did you a favor .
oh , thank god you're here . you've gotta help us .
oh , i'm not going anywhere .
what do you want me to do about it ?
knock - knock ... can i come in ?
oh ... i get it . you're jealous .
enough with the guessing games , i'm freaking out over here .
fine . i'll fix this myself .
i thought we agreed i'm the boss ?!
if you saw my silence as agreeing with you , that's on you .
don't take it personally , his heart just isn't for sale .
not now , [ name ] , i'm gloating .
[ name ] ?! since when do you smoke ?
HEY .. !! [ name ] . just the person i wanted to see .
i haven't gone this long without a smoke in years .
either be part of the solution or get the hell out .
well , now i feel like you're lying .
regardless of how we got here , i'm having a really good time .
is it ? is it creepy to be ahead of everybody at all times ?
i want to squeeze you around your neck until you can't breathe .
i said that forever ago when i was young and dumb .
if i were you , i would take this opportunity to lay low .
that's the opposite of what i just suggested .
[ name ] , you've been overruled .
i don't mean to offend you , you don't fit the [ surname ] brand .
it's already happening , we're becoming socially radioactive .
i'm sorry , that night is a blur of bad pinot and intolerable conversation .
oh , so you're a liar too ?
i was sitting at home , and then i remembered you're not my boss .
what's the matter ? little plan didn't work ?
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russellsppttemplates · 10 months
How much of their struggle to have a babies did y/n and Lance's families know? Like, did they keep things more between themselves, or did they share with few people( like y/n mom or Choe)?
Tw: infertility, IVF treatments
"Do you want me to go with you?", Lance wondered, "you wouldn't mind?", you replied, "of course not, sweetheart. We're in this together", he kissed your knuckles, "besides, your mother texted me yesterday saying that she had baked those little cakes I love", he smirked.
"Mom", you called, "remind me again of what happened when aunt and uncle were trying to have a baby", you asked. Having someone in the family with a similar diagnosis to yours meant that the baby questions were somewhat carefully thought through before someone asked them, so asking your mum, you figured, would be safe.
"Oh, well, they tried for a really long time, she took some hormones to help with her ovulation, because she had a low egg count", she said, "at the time, they also saw a specialist but the treatments were not an option for her, but around a year, a year and a half later, your cousin arrived", she finished, "something on your mind?".
"We've been doing the whole calendar thing and ovulation sticks, but it's yet to work", you admitted, "we both have healthy counts, so it's something else, but this really sucks, you know?", you blurted, feeling her hug you to her side, "I'm sorry, darling, but it will all work for the best, I'm sure of it", she kissed your forehead, "besides, it doesn't look like it's a job to try, you know? You have a very handsome looking husband", she smirked as you swatted her hand, "besides, as long as there is love between you two, you'll be good".
As much as you didn't feel like shouting out to everyone in the world that you would be undergoing fertility treatments to start building your family, you knew you and Lance needed support. Not because you were ashamed or embarrassed, but it was still a personal matter that involved your families, and having their support would be good to fall back on.
When you arrived at your parents' house, your father was quick to get some drinks out while your mother made some tea and got the little cakes to the coffee table, "so, Lance, everything fine at work?", you dad began, "yes, it's been going really well, actually", he smiled talking about a few new topics and some they had discussed the previous visit you had payed them.
"You're a bit quiet, darling, is everything okay?", your mother noticed, rubbing your thigh from her seat by your side, "Actually, I've been meaning to tell you something, we have, actually", you gulped, "We have been to Dr. Marlin's office again because we've been having trouble with trying for a baby, and as it turns out, it's a blocked fallopian tube, so things aren't ending up where they should end up and it makes the whole thing pretty much impossible this way",
"Oh, Y/N, I'm sorry", she got up to hug you before your dad gestured the sign you've had since you were little. You sometimes got scared when going to school, so whenever you were already inside the gate and he couldn't give you another hug after dropping you off, he would slightly cross his arms on his chest as if he was hugging you and you would do the same before stretching out your pointer finger as he did the same, pretending you were touching his. It had become a silly thing when you were little, but it quickly became your thing.
"We are going to begin the treatments soon, hopefully", Lance took over, "Dr. Marlin just needs to get the cycle up to speed and sorted out, and then we begin them when Y/N is comfortable enough", Lance noted, absentmindedly grabbed your hand in his, his thumb rubbing the skin.
"Honey, if there is anything we can help you, help you both", your father said, "let us know. You're not going through this alone", he smiled.
"How are you doing with all of it?", Chloe asked her younger brother as she bounced her little one in her arms. Scotty and Chloe had finally felt okay enough to welcome visitors to meet the new addition to the Stroll-James family and you and Lance also found the time to vist them between both of your schedules.
"I've been good. I think now that we know what is happening, we know how to deal with it. We kept trying and it wasn't working, so to know why it wasn't working and that there is a way to help it's comforting", he admitted, "Y/N has been good, too, I think. I've made sure she's telling me how she feels and whenever things get too much so we can work it out together, like a team", he smiled, stretching his arm and softly touching his nephew's cheek.
"I was so scared to invite you because I didn't want Y/N to feel bad about it. I know it's stupid to try and put myself in her position when I've never had issues, but I didn't want either of you feeling bad", Chloe added, "thanks for your consideration, but I think it's fine", Lance smiled as he heard Scotty's footsteps and your giggles coming their way.
"I'm proud of you, Lance", his sister complimented, "of the man you've become. I'm not saying I doubted you'd be like this, but it's a pleasure to see you like this", she nudged him, seeing her husband and you walking into the living room.
"Hey, look who's up!", you cooed at the little bow, "can Auntie Y/N have a cuddle? It's okay if it's not, though", you checked with your sister in-law, "of course it's okay, it gives me time to go to the bathroom!", she cheered, passing her son to your arms, "hello, sweet boy, you're wide awake now, aren't you?", you smiled, touching his soft cheek and seeing his light coloured eyes now open, "here", you heard Lance call you, arranging the space next to him on the sofa so you could sit next to him, wrapping his arm around your shoulders, "are you feeling good?", he wondered, checking in as you smiled at him, "yes, I am. Thank you for checking in", you kissed his cheek, "and this is good practice, isn't it? Isn't it, gorgeous boy? Yes, it is", you cooed at your nephew, hoping that this was a practice moment for what was to come.
(Thank you for submitting an ask 🤍)
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elacular-kink · 11 days
Poly-Techhic 4: Dinner date
Popping back to the present (3.5 B, oops all hiccups, will happen someday, but apparently not today), we will now see Kiran and Susanna go on their first date, for good and for ill.
Character Sheet
TW: Anxiety, Dysphoria (MtF), hunger, Internalized fatphobia, Body Issues, Embarrassment, Snobbish asshole, Emotional breakdown
Kinks: Hiccups, Embarrassment, Hunger, Stomach noises, hurt/comfort?
I was so nervous.
I was so unbelievably, unbearably, incredibly, unimaginably nervous.
Was my dress alright? It didn't look stupid, did it? Did I look feminine enough in it? Had I shaved well enough? Was I growing any stubble? Were my shoes okay? I knew we'd need to walk, so I'd chosen flats, but would they still be painful? Was the restaurant I'd chosen an acceptable distance away? Would it be a good restaurant? Would the food be good? How much should I eat? I wouldn't want to look like a pig in front of her, absolutely not, but I was hungry since I hadn't been able to stomach eating lunch today and—
Breathe. I tried to force myself to breathe.
My stomach growled. That didn't help.
I repeated Olivia's words in my head. "You don't have to be afraid of her. Susanna will tell you if she doesn't like something." And she hadn't told me she didn't like me. She'd communicated that on more than one occasion to people she actually didn't like, so I knew she was capable of it and willing to do it. So if she didn't like the restaurant, she'd say so and then we'd
We would...
Before I could think of an answer to that, I heard her voice. "Hey, Kiran." When I looked, Susanna was approaching me, wearing one of her usual cool black hoodies and a set of loose-fitting khakis. Did this mean I was overdressed? How formal was a strapless pink dress and a white loose-knit cardigan? Especially when that dress was supposed to be a midi but looked more like a mini because I was too tall and too fat and clothes were impossible to find and—"Fuck, you look really cute in that."
"A-ah!" I looked down and saw a soft smile underneath her hood. When she looked up at me I also saw that she had put on some eyeliner (crap, I was barely wearing any makeup, did I look okay?). "Th-thank you!" My stupid hands wouldn't stop flapping. "Y-you look, um—"
Susanna chuckled. "Don't worry. I know I'm not exactly Prince Charming over here. I'm actually dressed a little better than I look right now, but it's fuckin' cold out." Her eyes went down me and I followed them. When I looked down lower, I saw that she was actually wearing dark brown dress shoes. "Speaking of which, I'm amazed you're not freezing your ass off. Let's get a move on." She tilted her head in the direction of the restaurant and I squeaked and nodded. God, how was I supposed to handle a date with someone so cool?
We were walking. I'd walked this path to the restaurant a few times before to prepare, but it still felt like it'd fallen out of my brain. It felt even more like that when Susanna reached over and grabbed my hand. "I have a little trouble keeping pace with other people when we're walking together. Mind if I hang on?" I shook my head, nodded, then decided to communicate that I meant yes by intertwining my fingers with hers as best I could. She smiled at me again. "Cool. Sorry I couldn't get a ride, but Maya'd wanna come in with us, and I love her, but I'm trying to have a date with you here. And there's no way I'm making you sit in Olivia's deathtrap of a car." I'd seen said deathtrap and I agreed that I would prefer to never even touch it, much less enter it, though I certainly wouldn't be saying as much out loud.
"I-it's perfectly fine!" I shook my head. "I really should take more walks anyway. I could really stand to lose some weight."
Susanna frowned at me, her lips pursed. "Nah. Walking's good and all, but not because you need to lose weight. Your body's fine just the way it is."
I couldn't bear to look at her. "You don't need to say that."
"Yeah, I don't need to. But I'm gonna anyway. 'Cause I feel like it."
A little laugh worked its way out of me, and I was able to stop flapping my free hand long enough to brush my hair back. "Well...I suppose that I can't stop you in that case."
"Damn right you can't." For the remainder of the walk, Susanna filled the air between us with talk about her class on sound mixing. The combination of computers and music was something we could both have educated input on, and that helped me pay attention and stay engaged. Eventually, though, we arrived at the restaurant, whose name was something French that neither of us could quite pronounce. Susanna glanced through the windows at the white-sheeted tables within. "Uh...not to be a mooch or anything, but you're paying, right?"
"N-naturally, naturally." That had always been the plan, and I could imagine very few scenarios where I'd want any date to pay for our various activities rather than myself doing so. I may not have had much to offer, but as long as money still mattered, that was something I could treat people with.
"Cool. Then after you." Susanna pulled the door open and gestured for me to enter, and I couldn't help but giggle.
Once I had shaken my laughter away, I took a deep breath and walked up to the maître d'. This was where I had to be the social one, and I'd seen it done enough times to copy the behavior myself. "Mandal, party of two."
The man in the tuxedo looked past me at Susanna as she entered. "We don't wear hoods in this establishment, sir."
"M-ma'am!" I corrected him, blushing.
"It's cool, Kiran," Susanna pulled her hood down and I saw that, rather than laying flat or being mussed like it usually was, her hair looked like it had been styled with gel or spray, a perfect gently punkish messy spikiness to it. As she unzipped her hoodie, I saw that she was wearing a white button-up shirt underneath, the arms having been cuffed up past her elbows in an imitation of short sleeves, and the bottom tucked into her khakis and strapped down with a leather belt. Oh god, she looked so dapper. How was I supposed to cope? "I don't mind what people call me, and I figu—uh..." She'd started tying her hoodie around her waist when the maître d' took it from her and hung it up on a coat rack instead alongside mostly suit jackets. "Uh...yeah. Okay. That works."
The tuxedoed man sniffed and turned. "This way, ma'am and ma'am." He showed us to a small table and placed a set of black leather-bound menus in front of us. "I'll need to see ID if you intend to drink."
"Nah, I'm good. I'll just take water."
"Hmph." He took a note.
My stomach growled. I hoped to god it wasn't audible. The idea of ordering soda in a place like this made my stomach hurt even more. "I-I'll take water as well, please!" The maître d' made a noise I didn't know how to interpret and walked away.
Susanna sighed and flopped against the back of her chair. "Damn. You get taken to intimidating-ass places like this a lot?"
"A-ah...occasionally, yes. L-less often than other members of my family go to them." I kept a death grip on my menu so my hands couldn't flap.
"Man. I dunno how I'd handle it. I feel like the air in here hasn't been circulated since the 70s." She opened her own menu, then squinted down at it. "Uh...okay, do you know what the fu—uuuhhh...the heck any of these are?" Hearing her nearly swear, I choked back a laugh.
When I actually looked at my own menu, I saw that they had, in fact, only included the names and prices of various appetizers, entrees, and desserts. Luckily, I knew what they were, and I forced her to ignore the numbers as we considered the less intimidating spread of appetizers. Once I convinced her money was no object, she ordered canapés and I ordered a salad (hoping I'd grown into enough of an adult to actually eat it).
I particularly hoped I'd be able to eat my salad when my stomach growled very audibly. A small twinge of pain went through it, and I couldn't help but cringe for multiple reasons. "You good, Kiran?" Susanna asked. I nodded, but I couldn't bear to look her in the face. "Right. 'Scuse me, sir." My heart fell into my empty stomach as I saw her call over a waiter. I had no idea how to read the man's face as she requested our appetizers. Our water hadn't even arrived yet. "Right," she turned back to me once she was done. "Hopefully that'll—shit. You okay?" I wasn't sure. Was that polite enough? Had she offended someone? Why did she do that? "Hey. Take a breath, Kiran." Susanna audibly inhaled, then exhaled the same way. When she'd done that a few times, I was able to join her. "Yeah. There you go. Is that, uh..." She glanced back towards the waiter she'd summoned. "Is that a thing I shouldn't do?"
"I...I'm not sure."
"'Kay. I won't do it again. Sorry about that." She put a hand on mine and I saw that she'd painted her nails dark blue. It looked really cute. I wondered if I should try painting my nails.
After a bit too long, I managed to initiate a conversation about that. She told me she'd gone to a friend from one of her music courses for help with it. I was surprised to learn that she actually did used to paint her nails fairly often, but now that she roomed with Olivia, the smells of the polish and remover were too offensive for her to ever use them in their dorm, so she'd given up on it outside of special occasions. I managed to suggest that she could teach me and do her own nails at the same time in my building from time to time, and the smile she gave me absolutely filled my stomach with butterflies.
It was unfortunate that it was only butterflies and not anything else filling it because it kept growling. I felt ridiculous, and it felt like everyone in the restaurant must be staring at me. Why didn't I force myself to eat something? I knew my body got noisy when I was hungry. At least I could take some comfort in knowing that it could be worse.
I then immediately lost all of that comfort when a particularly loud growl was followed by an even louder "*HEEK!*"
Susanna's eyes were on me. I could feel them. I couldn't bear to look at her, but I could feel them. "Whoa. You okay, Kiran?" I didn't dare open my mouth to answer. Please be a "single", please please please please please be a "single".
Of course I wasn't that lucky. My body rocked with a barely muffled "*EEP*" that felt ear-splitting even as I slapped both hands down over my mouth. Fuck, how could my body be doing this to me? God dammit, why couldn't it ever do anything right? "*MMP!*" Even with my mouth completely covered, it was still so loud.
"Oh shit." Her voice was soft, and I heard her get up from her chair. Before I knew what was happening, I felt her presence beside me, her hand hovering over my back for a moment before carefully landing on it and beginning to rub it. "Hey. It's okay. You're okay, Kiran. Do you wanna try drinking some water?" God, did I? Would it help? I had no idea. "You don't have to." I couldn't just sit here and keep making these noises. I at least had to try. So I nodded. "Okay. I can hold your glass up for you, so you don't have to keep your mouth uncovered for too long." 
How could she be so considerate? I opened my eyes back up and saw her lift my glass with one hand. I removed one of my own and helped with it, waited until my next "*MNK!*" hiccup had passed, then put my lips to the water as quickly as I could and drank. I drained my glass as fast as possible, half holding my breath and desperately hoping that my body would shut up and let me continue having this date. But no. As soon as I put the glass down and opened my mouth to breathe, another deafening "*HIUK!*" forced itself out of me. I covered my face, hearing my voice whining with horror. Worse still, even though I managed to muffle my next "*HMK!*" I felt my stomach jolt and heard all of the water sloshing inside of it. God, what was wrong with me? How could my body be so obstructive and gross?"
"Shit. It's okay, Kiran. It's okay." I had no idea how it could possibly be okay, but the gentleness of Susanna's voice and the feeling of her hand rubbing up and down my back made it seem the tiniest bit more believable. "It, uh..." her voice paused in an odd way. "This is happening because you're hungry, right?" I nodded. "You think eating would help?" I nodded again. "Okay. Hopefully your salad'll get here soon. Think about what kind of main thing you'll wanna order, we should tell the waiter about that the next time he comes around."
How could she be so calm? I looked up and saw that her face was actually flushed bright red. When she saw I was looking at her, she quickly turned away. Fuck, she wasn't calm. She was embarrassed too. Of course she was. How couldn't she be?
"Ma'am, you're distracting other diners. Please sit back down in your chair." I heard the maître d''s voice behind us.
"Shi—uh, sure. Yeah, sorry about that." I felt her move away from me and missed her hand on my back, though she gently pulled one of my hands away from my mouth so that she could hold it from across the table.
"I'm sure that your fellow patrons would appreciate it if you would keep quiet as well, ma'am." I couldn't even bear to open my eyes.
"Hey. She can't help it." There was a slight growl to Susanna's voice, and her fingers gripped the top of my hand more firmly.
"Of course." Even I could hear the contempt in his voice as he walked away.
"...asshole. Don't worry about him, Kiran. Fuck that guy." Susanna kept her voice low as she swore, and I couldn't help but laugh. That almost made a louder hiccup come out of me, and even through my hand, I couldn't silence them. Not completely. And I could still hear my stomach sloshing. God, the chair might have even been creaking every time I moved.
Excruciating minutes passed with Susanna gently rubbing my hand, speaking softly to me about random, unthreatening topics, like video games that she was enjoying, or the less raunchy escapades Maya had dragged her and Olivia into. I appreciated it so much, but it didn't do anything for the fact that I just kept hiccupping every few seconds. Not to mention my stomach was growling...everything about me was so big and loud and obnoxious. I hated it so much. Why couldn't I be small enough to just disappear like she was?
"Uh, hey, cool," I heard the voice of the waiter that Susanna had accosted earlier. "Do you know how long the salad's gonna take? Oh, also, I wanna order for her. Which one of these will take the least time to—"
"I-I'm sorry, madams, but I'm going to have to ask you to leave." My eyes shot open and I looked at our waiter. Unlike the maître d', he looked apologetic enough that even I could see it.
"'Scuse me?" Susanna's voice hardened again, and her hand firmly gripped onto mine.
"Erm, other customers have been complaini—"
"What other customers? This place is mostly empty. If someone's really been complaining, can't you just move us further towards—"
"Other customers have been complaining, and I'm afraid that unless you're able to be less disruptive, we'll have to request that you leave." The waiter's voice sounded nearly pained as he said that.
"Look, if you could bring out her salad or some other food, that should help and she'll—" I couldn't help it. I sobbed. Then I hiccupped. I could feel the eyes of the waiter and Susanna on me, and I felt so humiliated that I couldn't even think. I had no idea whether to cover my mouth or my eyes, and the hand that had been under Susanna's was uselessly flapping instead of doing either of those things. "...fine. Okay, come on, Kiran." I forced my eyes open and saw Susanna, slightly blurry, take a wallet out of her pocket. She glanced at the menu, cringed, then pulled out a few bills and placed them on the table. "Change is a tip for you." 
Susanna grabbed my flapping hand and started dragging me away, pausing for a second to glare at the maître d'. I could hear him sniff as we left. "Don't forget your...jacket."
"...thanks." Susanna paused long enough to grab her hoodie, then dragged me the rest of the way out. "Okay, fuck that place. There's a Wawa just a block away, we'll get you something there, then I'll see if there's any better restaurants nearby where I can get you some real food."
"I'm–*HIUK!*" I choked out more sobs and I could feel tears rolling down my face. Pathetic. "I'm sorr–*EEK!*"
"Don't be." We reached the convenience store. I wasn't sure I'd ever been inside of one. "Okay, think about what kind of sandwich you might want. I'll grab you something quicker." I forced my eyes open and looked around. There were a few people here, and they glanced at me when I hiccuped, but then looked back away. The middle-aged woman behind the counter looked particularly unbothered by me...unbothered by anything, really. And unemotive about anything. Possibly chemically so. "You don't eat meat, right?" I nodded at Susanna. "Got it. Kinda, uh, limits our options, but..." She went to the counter and, before I could stop her, paid for an apple fritter, a fruit cup, and some sort of...bag of pickle slices? How did she know that I'd been craving pickles lately?
However she knew it, when she gave them to me, I immediately started eating, hoping to god that it would make my body stop making sounds. I was still crying, but at least I was doing so mostly silently. When she confirmed that I would be able to eat it, Susanna bought me a large sandwich with cheese, tomatoes, and lettuce. I felt absurd for making her have to order and pay for me, but the fluorescent lights were making my head ache. "Hey. There's a park-type thing a couple blocks from here. It'd be pretty quiet, so you can take a minute and rest. That sound good?" I nodded, and she smiled up at me. "Cool. Come with me."
Susanna didn't hold my hand this time, just because both of mine were full with the sandwich and snacks she had bought me. I was still crying and hiccupping, and it made me feel so ridiculous. My attempts to eat weren't helping. And my feet ached. It was such a relief when we reached the park and she showed me to a bench. There was nobody there, and the street lamps were warm and unthreatening. "Okay. You don't have to try and hold back or hide, Kiran. We're alone here. You won't bother anyone."
Feeling her sit next to me and hearing her say that made me sob again, which didn't help my stupid hiccups. "I'm sorr–*HEEK!*"
"You shouldn't be. You didn't do anything wrong." I did, but I wasn't able to explain that to her right now. Whether or not I did, though, Susanna was rubbing my back again, not seeming bothered at all by the way I would jolt into her over and over. "Hey, I'm gonna call my mom for a minute, okay? Don't worry about being quiet or anything, this won't take long." I nodded. I doubted I even could be quiet, no matter how much I might have wanted to. I heard the sound of Susanna's phone and glanced at her. She'd ended up tying her hoodie around her waist, so she'd unrolled her shirtsleeves, which were now just barely avoiding covering her hands. Her face looked a little flushed, but the lack of light made it hard to be sure. "Yeah. Hey Mom. I need to borrow the Yelp account." She paused and rolled her eyes. "Yes yes, how are you, I'm great thanks, look, can we keep it short right now? I'm on a date...yeah, she's great, Mom." Susanna scowled and rubbed the bridge of her nose. "Fine, I'll call you on Saturday, you can hold me to that. But I need the Yelp account now...because I'm gonna go nuclear Karen on someone's ass and you're the one who actually reviews things...No, I'm not overreacting, they made my date cry!" The genuine anger in her voice was a little scary, and I must have audibly gasped, because she turned towards me and stopped rubbing my back for a moment to gently pat my shoulder. "Yeah. Yeah, that's what I thought...God—...bless it, Mom, you really need to change that password...Well, I ask every time because I'm very polite and respectful." I couldn't help it. I laughed. I laughed and I hiccuped, and Susanna smiled at me. And my heart fluttered. "Okay. No, I don't need your help, I learned from the best...I know, I know, I won't use any profanity. I'll be good...yeah yeah, love you too. Bye." She hung up and exhaled. "Mom says hi. And...I only just now realized that I should ask you about this, so...are you okay with me being a bitch to that French place on Yelp?"
I looked down. "You...*HMK* You shouldn't be. They di–*IC* they didn't do anythi–*INK*–i-ing wrong."
"Bullshit. You're the one who didn't do anything wrong."
"But I did! *HIUK!*" Yelling was a terrible idea, but that didn't stop me from doing it, and my stupid eyes were tearing up again. "I didn't ea–*EEK* eat lunch today becau–*UCK* because I was nervous, but I kn–*HEEP* know that being hungr–*EEK* hungry makes my stomach gr–*UCK* growl and gives me th–*IC* the hic–*CUPS!* I ruined our d–*HUP* our date!"
"Bullshit!" It caught me off guard just how quickly she repeated herself, and she grabbed both of my hands. "You didn't ruin anything, Kiran. Your body did normal human things and that dickhead in the tux was a piece of shit about it. He sucks, that place sucks, fuck both of them. I didn't see any of the other patrons complaining, so I'm pretty sure it was just that prick. And even if it wasn't, fuck anyone who tried to give you shit about it." Susanna closed her eyes and took a slow breath. "You're allowed to take up space, Kiran. You're allowed to be a person and experience the shit that humans experience. You shouldn't have to be perfect. I mean, you'd think they were being assholes if they kicked Olivia out for the same reason, right?"
I blinked. "W...well yes, b–*UK* but...she can't he–*ULK* help it."
"And you can't either. Not right now at least. I don't care if you could have somehow avoided it earlier; the past is the past, now is now. And right now you can't help it." Her face was definitely strangely flushed right now, and she was avoiding eye contact too. "It's not your fault. You've just...you've just got the h-hiccups. That's all."
"Yeah. *HMK*. I'm sorry."
"Don't be." After a moment of hesitant hovering, Susanna got up and hugged me. Her arms wrapped around my neck and she leaned over, so her front was pressed against mine. My stomach jolted with a hiccup and it shook her whole body, and I heard her let out an odd little giggle at that. Somehow, that made me giggle too. "Don't be sorry. You don't huh--have to be." When another hiccup bounced her, it interrupted her voice. "And I don't mind. I'm frie—uh, friends with Oliv---via. Of course I do--on't."
That...made sense. I wrapped my arms around her too, and even though it was embarrassing to feel how my body shook and wobbled against hers, it felt good to have her small form pulled to me and feel how soft she really was. "Thank you. *HMK*"
"Of course."
I didn't really let go. And she didn't really either. So for a few minutes, we were just holding each other while I hiccupped, and....it was okay. It was okay. I apologized when I was loud next to her ear, and she told me it was fine. Eventually, she started wriggling and pulled back. I honestly could have stayed like that all night, but it wouldn't do either of us any good to be greedy. I went back to eating and she leaned against me, somehow managing to type on her phone while I kept shaking her. After a few minutes, she turned to me and showed me the review she'd typed out, which was the politest, most venomous thing I'd ever read in my life ("My mom's white. She taught me their secrets."). With a few small edits, I let her leave her one-star review, and she snickered to herself as she sent it before logging out.
As I was finishing up my sandwich, something occurred to me. "Susanna, *mnk* you didn't actually buy anyth–*IC* anything for yourself, did you?"
"Uh," she chuckled. "Nah. Guess I kind of forgot that."
"Mm. Did you find a re–*uck* restaurant nearby that lo–*HOOP*–nnnhf...excuse me, *mmk* looks good?"
Her lips pursed. "I mean, good to me or good to you? Because there's a diner-type place that I'm kinda curious about but—"
"Then let's go th---there. *mmk*"
She looked up at me. "You sure?"
"Well, my sug---gestion didn't exactly pan ou–*HUP* o-out, so...let's try your inst–*ic* instincts this time. You will be le–*HUP* letting me pay this time, though."
Susanna chuckled and scratched the back of her head. "S'long as you're sure, I guess. I want you to be comfortable."
"I want y–*HUP* you to be comfortable to–*HOOP*–oooohhh..." I rubbed my chest, a bit surprised they were still holding on. I still felt hungry, though. Which was...humiliating, given how many snacks I had just been given, but I did my best not to let it bother me. I decided to be gently self-deprecating instead of aggressively so for a change. "Besides, *hmk*, Olivia's not here to ge–*ulp* get them for you, so we would–*nnkt*–n't want you getting too hu–*UP*–ungry and catching the hi–*IC*–cups like me."
Instead of the soft laughter I expected, I was watching her close enough to see Susanna's face flush bright red. A second later, she laughed far louder than she usually did and scratched the back of her neck. "Y-yeah. Wouldn't want that, hahaha..."
That was...that was odd.
When we got to the diner the woman behind the counter glared at us and threw the menus aggressively on our table, then gave us both free hot chocolate because "it's cold out there, you goddamn kids." There were significantly more people in this restaurant, and I did get brief glances while I still had the hiccups, but only a few. Since we'd been seated at a booth more appropriate for four people, Susanna sat next to me, and I noticed that she leaned against me and took every opportunity to rub my back. Under the less aggressive fluorescent lights, I could see just how much more flushed her face was than normal, and see how it drained back to its usual color when the Portobello burger I ordered finally filled me up and chased my hiccups away. The whole time we talked about our classes, the music we listened to and played ("I used to play piano when I was young! Do you think you could teach me more?" "Maybe. I'm actually better at pipe organ, of all fucking things."), our families, our friends on the rugby teams, the friendships we were developing outside of them, and it was just...
It was just comfortable.
I just felt like myself.
I was a bit overfull by the time we left, and Susanna had poached what was left of my meal into a doggy bag that she would be keeping. As we were walking, I kept an eye on her, waiting for the inevitable as I felt that tiny tension in my chest that I always got after I ate a little too much, until eventually I—"*HEEK!*" hiccuped loudly again. Even though I'd been awaiting and anticipating it, I still felt myself blush bright red and automatically covered my mouth.
Under the street lights, I saw Susanna blush bright red too as she whipped around to stare at me. "Uh—" There was something tense about her voice, and she looked away faster than she normally would. "Y-you good?"
"Y-yes, excuse me." My little stutter matched hers. "I, um, had another one of those 'singles'."
She chuckled. She was bad at laughing on purpose. Even I could tell it wasn't quite right. And since she didn't have her hood on, when I leaned forward, even though she was facing away, I could see the tiny smile on her flushed face. "Don't worry about it, Kiran. I don't mind."
That seemed like it might not actually be true...or that it was, if anything, an understatement.
When we were in front of my house, it wasn't long after my "single", and Susanna was still a little unmoored. Even so, she smiled up at me. "Hey. I had fun tonight."
I could feel myself smiling and realized that my hands were flapping. I didn't have the energy to try and hold them back though. "I-I did too! Sincerely! The..." my hands stilled and I felt the shame of earlier crawl into the back of my throat. "The first restaurant was...bad. But everything else..." I laughed. "Everything else was really lovely. Even with the hiccups."
Red. Her face went red again. She fake-laughed again. She scratched the back of her neck again. "Glad to hear it. So, if we both had a good time..." she looked up. I dodged her eyes, but I already knew she didn't take offense to that. "Wanna try it again another week?"
My hands were flapping again. "Yes! Yes please!"
"Hehey, that works great!" Her smile was so wide. She then hesitated, lifted a hand, lowered it, then lifted it again and placed it on my cheek. I instinctively leaned into her touch. "Hey, Kiran. Think you could bend over a bit for me?"
My heart was pounding in my chest as I lowered myself. "Y...yes. Like this?"
"Yeah. Exactly like that." I felt the heat of her breath against my lips and my eyes shut without me before we touched. Hers were so chapped but so soft. I had no idea what I was doing. But she taught me. She taught me and I learned as best as I could. And we stayed together much longer than a second or two. When we finally pulled back, I was breathing heavily. So was she. Clouds of steam were forming between our lips. "...night, Kiran."
"Goodnight, Susanna."
Our faces were close enough that I felt her smile before I saw it. And then she walked away, only seeming to realize once I was behind her that she could put her hoodie back on.
I made my way back into the empty house, walking past the bedrooms where other students weren't and up the stairs to my own. And once I was curled up in my warm bed, I took out my phone and looked at my messages from what I was mostly sure was Maya.
Kiran (Kiki): Hello Maya(?) Our date went wonderfully.
Queen of Illusion: Youre damn right it did! (And yup its me)
Kiran (Kiki): Before I get into that, though, may I ask you something that might seem a little ...strange?
Queen of Illusion: Bitch I might seem a little strange go 4 it
Kiran (Kiki): Alright.
Before I could bring myself to actually ask, I scrolled back a large number of messages until I found three spoilered ones. I finally clicked the spoilers of the last message.
3: Its something Liv does all the fuckin time
Alright. That made me significantly more confident in what I was about to type.
Kiran (Kiki): With regard to the missing context that you and Olivia have concerning Susanna Would that context possibly be that she has some sort of ...affinity? For hiccups?
Queen of Illusion: ...babe.
Kiran (Kiki): Did I say something wrong?
Queen of Illusion: Babe no You said everything fuckin right. And we are gonna have so much fuckin fun with this OPERATION "SEDUCE THAT BUTCH" IS A FUCKIN GO!
The mixture of excitement and terror in my stomach made me feel like I'd made the best decision of my life and a horrible mistake all at once.
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pt 4/4: little changes (gun park x reader)
...except the main character is goo and reader only plays a role in little dialogue. hear me out.
( pt 1 | pt 2 | pt 3 )
details: fluffy oneshot, gender neutral reader written in 2nd pov, general canon au, you and gun have been dating for a while in secret
summary: goo starts to notice little changes in gun, influenced by you. the thing is, gun is keeping his relationship on the low, so here are goo's antics of being annoying and trying to find out who you are.
a/n: we're at the finale! thanks for reading <3
What better way to get information about Gun than from the people around him? That tight-lipped man wouldn't ever say anything to Goo anyways.
Their boss was his first choice.
"Why do you care?"
"Good question." Goo gestured animatedly as he spoke. "It's... simple curiosity. I just want to know what he's up to. So, has there been anyone he's been getting close to lately?"
"I do not know and I do not care because it has not affected his work life. He's as diligent as always--aside from being late sometimes to night meetings, but that has yet to cause trouble for me." Mr. Choi spun around in his chair to face the window behind him. "Find out yourself if you're that desperate."
"But siiir!" complained Goo in a singsong voice. "Has there really been no one around him that you've see be close to him? A friend or anything?"
"No. He just does his job."
"Does his job involve--"
"Do you want your paycheck to be lowered this month?"
"No, sir," Goo said stiffly, already turning around and placing his hand the doorknob to leave Mr. Choi's office. "Sorry for bothering you! Goodbye!"
He sighed as soon as he shut the door behind him and looked up. "I'm not sure what I expected, but it was something more than just, 'I don't care.' Stupid old man..." Goo grumbled, walking down the hallway and entering the elevator to head down. "Whatever, he's our boss who's mainly neutral. Fortunately I know someone else who knows Gun personally."
Goo pulled out his phone to call Crystal, someone's he's only contacted whenever Gun wouldn't pick up the phone (which was often, because Gun liked to ignore him).
"What do you want, Goo?"
Goo grinned. "Hey, girl, I'm bothering to ask you about Gun. Not because he's not picking up the phone but because I've got a question for you about him. At least, I'm hoping you can answer it."
"Make it quick."
"You in a rush?"
"No, I just don't want to talk to you."
Goo laughed as he exited the elevator, leaving the office building while continuing to talk loudly on the phone. "I know, I know, I'm a very pleasant person." He hummed. "Anyways, I wanted to know if you know any people who have gotten close to Gun recently, or in the past few months."
"Well, do you?"
There was a pause for a bit, but Goo was willing to wait. He walked out through the streets, listening closely. Eventually, she responded very hesitatingly, "This sounds like a set up for blackmail material. You're not planning to kidnap someone he cares about to torture them to get him to do something you want, right?"
Huh, somehow Goo didn't think about that. Good idea, Crystal, Goo'll store that in the back of his head. Although he's known Gun for years--if Gun really was serious about this "someone special," Goo wasn't sure he could even touch this person before Gun killed him. Or at least, that's what he'd assume, considering he's never seen Gun view someone as special to him but knew the man was dead set on things when he was serious about it.
Either way, Goo laughed and said back, "I'm not that cruel! I just noticed that he's been talking about someone special and got curious about who it could be~"
"Yeahhh, okay. If he didn't tell you, I'd be willing to bet he wouldn't want me to tell you."
"Aw, c'mon! For a bestie! I'll give you something good in return!" pleaded Goo.
"Nope, goodbye, Goo. I value my life." Crystal hung up and Goo froze in place, even though he had just started crossing the crosswalk.
"Fucking hell... well, at least Crystal confirmed this person exists." Goo sighed, not quite ready to give up but feeling at a loss. He pocketed his phone and continued to stay still, holding his chin while humming in thought. He ignored the cars honking at him while he tried to come up with an idea of what to do next.
"Stalk Gun, I guess?"
But how...? He'd figure it out later. Still, he pondered about it some more as he whistled and began to walk, once again ignoring the yelling and honking people were sending his way.
Goo figured it out. He'd just hire a black market professional to tail Gun and see if he's with anyone that isn't affiliated with him in a professional way. Why do the work himself, right?
For poor Goo, that idea was short-lived because two days later the man he employed came back looking like he had his tail between his legs.
"He caught me."
The emotion of disappointment but not really surprise filled up Goo. What could he expect, even he himself didn't want to follow Gun in secret because he knew he would fail, so how could he expect some other guy to do it? He sighed anyway and said, "I thought you were a professional."
The man tilted his hat, hiding his eyes a bit. "Apologies. He threatened to kill my wife and children if I didn't return to you, Mr. Goo."
Goo snickered. "Classic Gun. Well, now he knows I attempted to stalk him so there goes my plan..."
"Why am I even bothering to do this? Gun certainly seems to mean it when he says he doesn't want me to find his special someone, so maybe I'll never find out no matter how hard I try."
Fuck it. Goo wasn't going to waste his time. He attempted once and didn't get his answer, so he might as well just end there. As curious as he was to find out who could've possibly stolen a freak like Gun's heart, it wasn't something he needed to know. And Mr. Choi was right. Gun was the same as always, he just now had a secret lover or something.
Goo tossed a much too small envelope of money at the man who caught it with surprise. "There you go, money for attempting anyways."
"T... thank you..." Goo waved him off and the man shuffled out of his office.
"Here's to hoping Gun just slips up one day!" The blonde wasn't religious, but he clapped his hands together anyway and made a half hearted prayer.
"I fucked up."
Goo had not heard a single thing from Gun about his special someone ever since the failed stalking. Not that he minded particularly, but it was always interesting to hear Gun make small vague comments about this special someone, but now he was just back to his boring ass, stoic self.
Currently they were sitting quietly in the back of a car, driven by someone Mr. Choi sent to pick them up.
Goo got bored of Candy Crush already. Maybe Gun was right, he should just keep driving. He didn't know what to do with himself for twenty minutes. Social media was only fun for so long, and there was only so much to do by staring out the window.
He couldn't talk to Gun either, who, first off, sucked at casual conversations, and secondly, was busy texting. Maybe he could talk to the driver but also no because the car was specially built so that they were in a soundproof room to ensure the driver would not hear any confidential information Gun and Goo might talk about.
But they weren't even talking about things like that or at all, and Goo was bored out of his mind. Nap, maybe...? Nah, that wasn't his style. He just looked around before his eyes landed on Gun's phone screen. It was barely visible from his point of view so he leaned in slightly, but just as he did that, Gun turned so his screen couldn't be seen.
Goo crossed his arms. "Hmph. Texting your 'special someone?'"
Once again Gun was being surprisingly honest, but then again he was never the type to outright lie... which was why he was often vague and never denied or confirmed anything. Damn him.
Goo leaned in some more, and Gun turned away even more. Then Goo just stared at the reflection of his sunglasses, managing to catch a glimpse of Gun receiving a text that said, "Be safe, okay?" before Gun pulled off his sunglasses.
He glared at Goo silently, and it was like a puff of angry black smoke was coming off of him. Goo just smiled mischievously and finally backed off, going back to staring out the window.
If he could tell anything from that text, it certainly seemed like Gun indeed had a lover. A romantic partner, huh... just who would fall for Gun, and who could possibly grab the attention of a man obsessed with nothing but fighting?
More curiosity grew in Goo, but he tried to ignore it. Again, he was curious, but he didn't really care. And he knew he would probably never find out anyways unless Gun fucked up since he seemed to be actively making sure Goo would never meet this person.
Goo ended up praying again.
Three months passed.
And suddenly, Goo's prayers came true.
He was at Gun's place to drop something off, but without warning because that was just what he always did. He knocked twice and heard the knob turning. A smile naturally plastered itself on his face as he prepared to say something snarky to his coworker but when the door opened, his eyes widened at the unknown person standing before him.
An unfamiliar voice entered Goo's ears as his eyes scanned this person wearing a shirt he recognized to be Gun's--it was a little oversized on them. His mind was slowly processing what was going on and if he interrupted one of Gun's one night stands or if--
"IS THIS HIS SPECIAL SOMEONE?!" The smile on Goo's face turned into a grin. "It has to be! Gun never sleeps with anyone at his place; always at a hotel!"
He ignored the look of nervousness growing on the person's face as he leaned down a bit to be on their eye level and said in an overly gleeful tone, "Hi! I'm Gun's friend."
"Um..." The person trailed off, before glancing behind them. "Sorry, I thought you were the guy here to deliver food. Do you want me to get Gun for you or something...?"
"Oh, he's home? Yes, please! I'm here to drop this off for him." He added with a closed eye smile, "And to talk to him about something."
"Sure, wait here." The person awkwardly shut the door before walking away.
Goo could barely contain himself. He bounced on his heels, holding the box of what he planned to drop off, but internally he was evilly rubbing his hands together. There was no way Gun could get himself out of this one--Goo was going to hear for himself about this special someone of his!!
This... this special someone who looked surprisingly... boring? Plain? And very weak and average? Was that... Gun's type...?
"What the fuck." Goo immediately stopped bouncing on his heels. He had only seen this person for less than a minute, but they looked far from what Goo imagined Gun would be into. Yeah, again, he didn't really know what Gun's type would be, but his one night stands were usually very charming and attractive people.
On second thought: of course sex workers were charming and attractive, that was their whole job.
So... romantically... Gun liked normal people? The guy who liked fighting?? Or maybe this person was stronger than they looked, but Goo doubted it just based off his quick interaction with them.
Before he could think more about it, Gun opened the door, looking pissed off. It pleased Goo to no end.
"Give me the box." Gun didn't hesitate to cut him off.
"Ah, ah, ah!" Goo held back the box, practically daring Gun to jump him with the shit eating grin he had on. "Who's the person that opened the door for me, huh?"
"Give. Me. The. Box."
"Just answer the question, man!" Gun lunged forward, attempting to grab the box but Goo was quick to react. "Just tell me if that person was your 'special someone' and I'll give you the box!" Gun practically growled at him. Goo continued to grin. "Promise!" he chimed.
A tense silence fell over them as they stared (well, Gun was glaring) at each other. Million of emotions flew through Gun's eyes and knitted brows, but the easiest to pick out was, "I'm going to kill you." No effect on Goo, of course, but still fun for him to point out.
"...Yes," Gun finally admitted through gritted teeth.
Goo immediately started whooping and cheering. "I fucking knew it!" He laughed in between his words. He handed the box over like promised and nearly fell over with the force Gun used to snatch it out of his hands. "Hey!" Next thing he knew, the door was being slammed into his face.
He frowned but shrugged it off. Tonight's victory belonged to him anyways. He whistled a tune he made up as he walked off, unable to keep a grin off his face.
Maybe there was hope, after all. Next plan: find out what exactly this special someone to Gun was like!
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verdemoun · 3 months
The gang would go batshit over decorations in modern times, i think. Plants. Charles probably has a lot of indoor plants. Somehow he keeps them alive. The house is 70% kitchen 25% plants and the 5% is other stuff (aka Not Relevant).
I'm not sure what they're called in English, but those little gel fuckers you can stick to a window? Yeah that. I'm looking at them as I'm typing this shit. The first person to get them in shape of bloody handprints (again, what I'm looking at, I'm absolutely projecting) is sentenced to death aka a rant from Bessie.
PAINTING OH GOD. Let's be honest, those interested in building/house renovation are divided into two groups. Technical stuff, aka Charles for example, and decorating. They tried to paint on furniture at least once. And it's pretty!! Hey, carving into wood isn't the only option anymore, furniture can be colorful! Those girls on social media that paint furniture and it's funky but also rly pretty??? Yeah that's happening. *glances at mr morgan*
Same for wall decorating. You mentioned Lenny's uhhh right okay i forgot what it was called in the middle of typing. I am. drunk actually. sorry lol. But that wall where he's gonna figure out who appears next? Yeah that was the start. Then came notes for his studies. Someone saw that and had a wait you can do that??? moment. Posters appear soon enough. Abigail wishes she could have double sided tape in Beecher's Hope. Jack's old drawings would be up on the wall, much to his embarrassment. Luckily for him, nothing survived.
I'm so normal abt this au okay
Took a week to reply because this is just a yes and post absolutely 100% nailed it you get it. A+ gold star sticker like lost my mind multiple times over this. Welcome to the timewarp brainrot you get a name badge and t-shirt official uniform of people who just get it. We're all so normal here.
Arthur might have a garden bed outside full of herbs for cooking but Charles is the king of indoor plants. Arthur is banned from touching them because he will overwater them and Charles will give him the quiet treatment. The plants are on the couch if people are coming over Charles will grumble about having to move his plants. The gang absolutely believe they miss 1899 camping so much they are trying to make their house look as much like outside as possible. These are not traditional houseplants there are vines and flowers and a homemade hydroponics set-up growing vegetables.
I love that shit it was Sean he was at least self-aware enough to know he'd get in trouble and put it on the window of his trailer/caravan only to be woken up by Bessie who was originally panicked he'd been hurt and then threatened to hurt him herself for putting bloody handprints on the window like she wasn't meant to panic. Still gives her a heart attack when she walks out. Lenny got annoyed he has no talent for drawing meanwhile Arthur successfully covered the whole kitchen window with mock stained glass that makes the house glow with the whole color spectrum when the sun catches it just right.
Mr Poor rancher John Martson is the worst at hoarding road-side furniture, has accidentally brought bed bugs into the house at least once. However Abigail queen of youtube adores fixing up and painting furniture with Arthur's help if she texts he knows it's a solid 50/50 their sons are in jail OR she needs to borrow the soda blaster again. By borrow she needs him to come over and do it she refuses to learn herself she just likes painting. Loves painting. Best in-laws ever fixing up furniture together. Arthur does the fine details like cabinets with birds and plants painted on the side so intricately.
Lenny's murder wall!! When they realize how much easier it is to pin things to walls than it is tents they all absolutely go nuts. Bessie struggles so much not wanting to interrupt them learning they can express themselves and feel stable enough in their new home to put their own personality into it but Sean goes through a phase of putting up take-away menus instead of posters and photos just because colorful. Abigail is so determined to let Jack be a kid she knows her poor boy grew up way too fast and is still trying to act like an adult despite being 19 she wants him to know he's always her baby. He certainly isn't much of a artist anymore but she will frame serviettes he scribbles poetry and song lyrics on to his mortification. First time she went to a hardware store she 'stole' almost every single paint color swatch and just pinned them up for a bit before realizing wait I can actually... buy paint. First thing she did was paint the kitchen blue. Lets her daughter draw on the walls. The centerpiece is a massive print of the blueprints to Beecher's Hope they found in an history archive, framed above the wall mounted gas heater in place of a fireplace.
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mawidixon · 5 months
Ink and Ashes
Chapter 2- "Find hope"
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x fem!oc
Warnings: TWD violence, swearing, fear of needles
Setting: Season 1 - some things Will be changed in the whole history!!!
A/N: Tell me if I missed something in the warnings.
Chapter 1 -- Chapter 3
@mawi22 I don't want my work to be modified, copied, or any of this kind of stuff without my consent!!!
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Rick looked at Margaret with a troubled expression on his face- "We don't have lots of space inside the car." He told her, "You have to decide whether you want to ride with Shane or Daryl." He tried to project a sense of urgency by looking her right in the eye as he spoke.
Margaret responded with a worried expression on her face.- "I think both of them are very intolerant to me, and it seems like they are not interested in hearing what I am saying or considering my perspective. It has been really difficult to communicate effectively with them."
"Sure, I understand, but there's no other choice," he said, then hurried away to help other people.
"The hell, there is no way I am doing it"- Margaret muttered to herself in an angry yet helpless voice.
The sun was burning through the clouds, shedding golden light over everything. The soft air brushed Margaret's dark hair and some strands dropped before her eyes, so she brushed them aside to remove them from her view. The wind was still blowing but the air was warm and made the atmosphere pleasant and peaceful. "At least the weather is great"-she sighed.
Then she heard something. So she bent her head against the noise and saw Carol and some other people hugging Morales and his family. She walked towards them, feeling the need to find out what was going on. She found out that the Morales family didn't plan to go with them. It was odd that she wanted to say bye to them although they had not known each other for long she sent them words of goodwill and goodbye.
"Okay, guys! We're leaving!"
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After having a conversation with Jim, Rick returned to the group and informed them, "Jim wants to be left there, he said he wants to be with his family again."
"Are you sure he meant it?"- Shane asked.
"Yeah, I'm sure"
Then Lori spoke, her voice was heavy with a deep sadness and a sense of resignation. "We can't do anything about his decision, I understand it's a terrible thing for us, but still, if he wants it then we must let him be."
"Lori is right." Margaret simply nodded in approval.
After carrying Jim, who was too weak to keep going, Shane and Rick placed him by the tree. The rest of the group gathered around him to say their goodbyes in their unique ways. Margaret, who had only just met Jim, approached him and said, "It was nice to meet you, even if I weren't able to meet you before you got a bit.." She wiped her tears and rejoined the group, who were waiting for her near the parked cars. As she walked towards Daryl's vehicle, she opened the door, sat down, and placed her backpack next to her feet. The Archer sat behind the car's wheel and drove, trailing closely behind the others. Margaret was lost in her thoughts and was trying to push aside the recent events that had taken place, she watched as the trees passed by in a blur. Just then, Daryl broke the silence with a question that surprised her. "Why would ya even bother?" he asked.
"You mean Jim?" - Margaret looked at him. - "I guess it had such an impact on me because not many people are left in this world ..." Then it was silence; no one spoke and the only sound everyone heard was the car engine. Margaret took out from her backpack a notebook and a pen and began to write something.
As the pen touched the paper, the ink began to run, and some letters kept coming and coming until a new poem was formed. Her mind was calm and relaxed. Each stroke of the pen was deliberate and measured as if each letter was a piece of art. It was a gradual and tender process, but the result was a piece of poetry that was simply gorgeous and it expressed the thoughts and feelings of Margaret in a way that only words could.
"In shadows cast by crimson skies,
Amidst the whispers, silent cries,
The world now falls, its end draws near,
As people leave, consumed by fear.
Through barren lands, they wander lost,
Their dreams and hopes now turned to frost.
The echo of their steps grows faint,
As they depart without restraint.
No more the laughter, joy, or song,
Just remnants of a world gone wrong.
In silence now, they fade away,
As night devours the light of day.
But in the ruins, new seeds sow,
A glimmer of hope begins to grow.
For from the ashes, life shall rise,
Beneath the bleak and ashen skies"
Archer took a quick peek at the notebook that she was writing in and then turned his gaze towards the street. "The hell ya writin'?" he asked curiously. She paused for a moment, before answering, "Nothing"
"If it's nothin' then stop"- Daryl said.
"Great timing, I have just finished."
"Fine, quit talkin'. It pisses me off," he harshly answered, his tone brimming with annoyance. He rolled his eyes in frustration. His body language spoke volumes, revealing that he was no longer interested in continuing the discussion. Margaret felt perplexed as she found herself in a rather confusing situation. It was he who initiated the conversation, asking questions.- "Why are you such an asshole? I didn't do anything."
Daryl let out a grunt of frustration.-" And that's the problem, ya do nothin', just writin' yer stupid poems. The world ended, poems won't save anyone!"
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As strong as her desire to leave the car was, she knew she had to remain there. It seemed like the ride was endless, with Margaret and Daryl quarreling about nothing specific. The Archer couldn't stand her taking part in their group, and she felt like a ballast to him. Margaret, in contrast, was infuriated with Daryl for being a bastard and that he should at least try to be nice to the people. The yelling just got louder and louder as each of them tried to prove themselves louder than the other.
As the car stopped, Daryl came out of it fast, and the rest of the group followed, the cars' doors slamming behind them in a tense, synchronized manner. Of a sudden, Margaret pondered a while, taking in the depressing display before her, before she hardened herself and went along with the others.
The smell was so strong, that it hung thickly in the air, invading their senses with its undiluted sulfury intensity, and trying to overpower any stomach that wasn’t the strongest in the world. Margaret struggled to prevent the nausea from taking over, one hand covering the mouth and nose and the other trying to block the foul smell. Beside them was the scenery littered with the lifeless bodies of the fallen, their distorted and twisted bodies a haunting reminder of the horrors that their companions witnessed. A buzzing of flies was unstoppable. The most horrible sensation gripped them as they trudged onward, slowly approaching the huge outline of the CDC, all their hopes and aspirations pinned on the tiny chance of finding something good inside those walls. Every step was like a hesitating tread toward a murky destiny, yet they had no other choice but to hold tightly to the slender strands of hope that remained.
As Rick and the others tried to figure out how to get inside the building Margaret angled over to look behind her. "SHIT"- Margaret's heart beat so fast, it was like a drum, as she tried to grab her knife from her knife pocket, only to find it stuck. A wave of panic rose inside her, her blank forehead getting covered with cold sweat. The air smelled like death approaching as the walkers came closer, their growls getting louder with each step. A heavyweight with a sickening thud, she was downed to the ground, pinned underneath a man's living body. She wrestled with the heavy mass, almost panting with every breath. In the next second, an arrow penetrated the walker's head, and the lifeless body fell with a disgusting thud and lay right on top of Margaret. Blood stained her face, and her skin gave a creepy sensation. Without any delay, she rose to her feet and noticed that Daryl was lowering his crossbow, but in this situation, she did not pay much attention to it.
Amid the fog of fear and the storm of confusion, Margaret saw Rick one more time yelling into the camera of the CDC building. Rick's voice was echoing through the empty streets as he screamed, "YOU'RE KILLING US." Lori came to his side as fast as she could, trying to calm him down. Abruptly, a blinding light filled the air and there was no more possibility of seeing anything around them. It was not until their eyes were fully adjusted that they were able to see that the gigantic gate of the CDC building was open.
The atmosphere was strained, as each individual in the hall clutched their gun tightly, eyes narrowed, hearts drumming with adrenaline. Only the faint glow of emergency lights, barely helping to see. It was there at the deep end of the corridor that they finally saw the form they were longing for. He was seen with the silhouette shaped against the gloominess, weapon in hand, the glitter of the metal could not escape the sight. His steps were precise, when moving around, as also he had this confidence, that he knew what he was doing. As he took a step forward, the others got their fingers close to the trigger of their guns, with muscles tensing up. The face-off to be endless, each and every breath reverberating exceedingly in the silence. The last thing he could recall was the stranger's voice - heard unexpectedly, it sent chills down their spines. His voice was low, barely riseing above the background noise, but there was a certain something in it, a weariness, or maybe a resolve borne through years of outliving the crazies.
"Anybody is infected?" he said sharply- his voice cutting through the tension like a sharp knife. Words were like a blade in the air, heedless to the unnatural dread that had overcome them all. For a split second, everything was frozen, with the only sound of the odd mechanical murmurs from the ventilation system. As Rick and a blonde-haired man conversed, the rest of the group had agreed to undergo blood tests that the unknown man had suggested to check for any potential infections. The gate was then closed, and they all made their way underground via the elevator. As they reached the lowest floor they all got out of the elevator and followed the man.
Then Margaret noticed that Carol's complexion seemed paler than usual. Concerned, Margaret asked, "Hey Carol, are you feeling okay?" To which Carol replied, "Yes, I am just claustrophobic," as she started to breathe heavily. Understanding Carol's condition, Margaret simply nodded in response. As they walked further down the corridor, a man stopped before a large room. He instructed, "Vi, bring up the lights in the big room," This was everybody having a hard time understanding what was going on. They have come across a guy who seems to be talking to a person or something invisible. Their confusion was not yet over since the lights came up and revealed to them a room that had never existed before. The man who had been talking turned to face the group, and he called himself Dr. Jenner. He said that they were in zone 5 now. In the beginning, they were perplexed and disturbed. But, knowing that they were at least safe amid all the unrest and chaos of the apocalypse helped them feel a sense of relief.
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The last person whose blood was analyzed was Margaret. On the moment, she sat down on the chair, anxiety washed over her, and she instantly became white. Dr. Jenner had realized her worry. He told her gently, "Don’t say you are scared of needles, just don’t think about it", trying to relax her nerves and calm her down. Margaret became ashamed of her actions. She was aware that she was behaving like a 4-year-old child but she was helpless. And one tear rolled from her eye and down her cheek. She was fast enough to clean it with no trace that Dr. Jenner even looked at it.
Needles turned out to be her Achilles' heel. This was the start when she was a young kid while being vaccinated. The one who was vaccinating me was not at all gentle, and the treatment was unbearably painful. In the following days, Margaret developed a phobia for needles. It was not only fear; it was a vengeful, savage hatred.
Margaret attempted to avert her mind by concentrating on a point in the wall as Dr. Jenner set up the equipment. She could hear her heartbeat racing with every passing second. Memories of past painful incidents came out to her mind and that made her anxiety more severe. Dr. Jenner walked towards her on her face trying to ease her anxiety. "Okay, Margaret, just a moment of pinch, and it will be gone before you can say anything," he said reassuringly. Margaret gave a weak smile in response, but her hands were moist with sweat and her stomach was knotting up with fear. She closed and squeezed her eyes tightly, trying to block the impending pain. The needles prick stung sharply causing Margaret to involuntarily twitch. The sensation of the needle piercing her skin was followed by a feeling as her blood was extracted. Despite Dr. Jenners reassurances she couldn't shake off the discomfort lingering within her. After what seemed like a moment Dr. Jenner withdrew the needle. Gently apply a cotton ball to the spot. Margaret slowly opened her eyes feeling tired and slightly lightheaded. She let out a sigh of relief grateful that it was finally done.
After a long and exhausting day, the group finally reunited to share one of the most priceless moments-the hot and satisfying dinner. Everyone made their contribution, either by cooking or doing the other chores. In the end, when everything was ready, they all sat by to taste the wonderful food. The heat of the meal and the presence of their fellow survivors, even though they were surrounded by the mess outside the world, gave them a much-needed sense of warmth and calm. Margaret had been starving for several days already, and the gorgeous dish that was in front of her was all that she could think about. The room was filled with the appetizing smell of the food, and she was so occupied in relishing each mouthful that she never noticed that T-Dog was trying to say something to her. "Hey, would you like a glass of wine?" he asked, as he attempted to attract her attention. And after getting no response from him, he questioned him all over. Last but not least, Margaret lifted her head and realized that he was addressing her. "Of course," I said with a happy tone. He hands her the glass and carefully pours the wine from the bottle into it, which she takes gratefully and is about to taste.
The mood of the room was jolly, among all people were laughing and having drinks. The air was filled with laughter and people making one joke after another. It did not take long for Margaret to start to talk to Daryl and Shane who were the two people in the group whose dislike for her was the most obvious.
As the world seems to be crazy out of control and full of walkers who to eat all the alive people, there may still be a little hope to find out inner peace and tranquility out of the chaos.
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donotopendeadinside · 6 months
Mod is about to depression post, so if you guys aren't comfy with any vents or rants, you can keep on scrolling. I'm having a mental breadown.
TW: Mentions of SH, SA, Suicidal tendencies and just a bunch of sad shit.
My mother will never love me. Thats just the facts of my own existence. I wake up, lay in bed, stay in my room, hide away from EVERYONE, and sometimes just ignore people because I cant find the energy to talk. My mother hates me and my older sister, we share the same dad. We're too much like my father. She lied to me for years about my dad, calling him abusive, and all of these horrible things, blaming my sister for walking out of an abusive situation all so my sister could get stable enough to bring her baby girl home.
She thrives on control. Thats all she's ever done.
When I was 15, i contemplated taking my life. I told my mother how I was feeling, it spiraled into an argument. She told me, that if I was really suicidal, she'd unlock my step-dad's gun cabinet and give me his gun so I could shoot myself with it.
I have anger issues, but I stopped taking them out on people a very long time ago. Now, if im angry, I bite my arms just hard enough not to break my skin, because its all I can do to keep myself grounded.
My mother has neglected me and my older sister in favor of the youngest. She can fake anything and get me in trouble and screams when she doesn't get her way. She's 15.
I was S.A'ed in my freshman year of highschool by someone I thought was my friend. He got ontop of me and grabbed my chest. A teacher saw it but did nothing but walk into her classroom. The boy was never suspended, nor did anything else happen to him. My ASL teacher paired me up with a boy, we had to touch hands. She was already told that I wasn't okay with doing anything like that due to what happened.
She called me a liar and told me to get over it.
A few weeks ago, i nearly slit my wrists because I thought that I wasn't worth it. That i didn't deserve anything good to happen. My mom has kicked me out twice. Once over a single plate that was in the sink.
The second time was because I refused to lie to my father. He had just lost his wife at 46 due to pancreatic cancer. I refused to lie to him about why I couldn't go to the funeral. We couldn't afford to send me as I had just gone up there a few weeks prior. My dad bought me the ticket and flew me up to Tennessee.
My fiancee. I love him with everything I have, and im so fucking terrified of loosing him. He's everything to me, but hes reckless. Thats okay. But sometimes it worries me. I just wish he'd talk to me more about how he feels, instead of just lying and saying he's okay.
I'm terrified of the one good thing I have just falling between my fingers like sand, and I have no idea how to keep myself sane when all I know how to do is fear for whatever the hell could happen, be it my mother or something else.
Im so fucking scared and I don't know how to fix it. I come on this hellsite so that I can forget shitty things, and interact with people that I find cool.
But sometimes I just wish people would want to interact with me too... sometimes I dont want to be the one to initiate it. I just want someone to talk to me.
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Foxtrot Alpha Alpha - Chapter 22
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Pairing: Hangman x Female OC
Word Count: 3206
Warnings: Swearing, grief, death
Summary: Hangman learned his lesson a long time ago to never show his true feelings when someone's words or actions hurt him. To do so showed weakness that could be exploited, and Seresin men couldn't show weakness. Of course, there was an exception to every rule, and Jake's always came in the form of women, three in particular: his mom, Juliette Kazansky, and the girl whose name he could no longer bring himself to speak. She was the girl that got away; she was his biggest 'what if' and his biggest regret; she would forever be the ghost that haunted his dreams. Jake believed that's where she'd stay, for he would surely never see her again after what he did.
Or so he thought.
Notes: This is the sequel to India Lima Yankee; I'm using the same callsign for the Female OC as in Ghost Story because I just really like it, but they are different characters; chapters in italics are flashbacks. Also happy birthday @shanimallina87!!
Chapter Songs: State of Grace (Acoustic) Labyrinth
After the catharsis of finally admitting all her troubles, concerns, and self-loathing for having felt the way she did for so long, a small weight lifted off of Ghost's shoulders. Juliette, the saving grace that she was, had listened so graciously and consoled her distraught friend when needed. She had validated the fact that Ghost had endured a severely traumatic experience, and while Ghost herself recognized this, she had never truly been able to accept it because why had no one else reacted similarly to her after enduring such a horrific event? Why had others been able to move past such awful circumstances, whereas she held onto this grudge for years?
Maybe because I technically lost two people I loved that day...
The realization did not help lessen the knot in her throat, but Raptor laying next to her with his head on her knee while she built the crib certainly eased her anxiety. Add in Juliette's uncanny ability to keep Ghost talking while avoiding any topic where Hangman would be brought up, she found herself wholly at ease again. Not long after, the first crib sat fully constructed on the girl's side of the room.
Ghost and Juliette stood, admiring their handiwork and teamwork. The latter inquired, "How long do you think this would've taken the boys?"
"Oh, at least a week. In their defense, they only had the Chinese instructions. We found the English ones. That did help."
"True, but we're not going to tell them that, are we?"
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"Oh, hell no. We'll make them think we're just that good." Ghost grabbed the instructions and crumpled them up. "Hey, is my makeup okay? I'd be amazed if my earlier breakdown didn't ruin it somewhat."
Juliette studied her friend's face. "Yeah, we might want to touch up your eyeliner. It's smudged enough that the boys might question it. Come on."
The girls headed to Juliette's bathroom, the dogs on their heels. Sure enough, when Ghost caught her reflection, she grimaced at the messy eyeliner. It definitely gave away her tearful confession. Juliette dug through her makeup bag and handed Ghost her concealer and pencil liner.
"You're a lifesaver in so many ways today," Ghost said, leaning forward to apply the makeup.
"This is what friends are for. Besides, you saved mine when I passed out at the Hard Deck."
"Any of the Daggers could've done that."
"Yeah, but you kept Rooster calm at the hospital. Trust me, that's not an easy feat. He's distrusted doctors ever since they misdiagnosed his mom's cancer, and he's not trusting them with me either. Seriously, you kept him sane."
"Maverick helped."
"Maybe, but they're still working through some things, relearning each other after over ten years of not speaking," Juliette said, leaning against the counter, "I'm honestly not sure Maverick could've calmed Rooster down the way you did."
"How are they doing?"
"Compared to when the mission training started? It's a million times better. They're still working each other out, seeing how much the other wants them around, how much they can prod without pissing the other off, and it's mainly Maverick being hesitant. He doesn't want to bother Rooster and inadvertently cause him to withdraw from him, but then Rooster still knows when Maverick isn't telling him everything and starts thinking he's hiding some big secret again, and it's a... whole thing."
"Sounds like this happened recently," Ghost noted, putting away the borrowed makeup.
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"This morning," Juliette confirmed, shaking her head. "Rooster thinks Maverick is hiding something because he went to the hangar without telling us like he normally does, and I agree with Rooster; I do think Mav is hiding something, but he's also a grown man who doesn't need to tell us everything. I think Rooster's paranoid that his dad's keeping another life-altering secret from him again. I'm trying to convince him that's not going to happen, but you know Rooster: once he gets an idea stuck in his head-"
"It won't go away unless he's proven firmly right or wrong."
Juliette nodded. "Exactly."
"Speaking of Rooster, has he or Hangman texted you about where they are with dinner? I'm starving," Ghost said. Her stomach growled in agreeance with uncanny timing.
"No. I should probably check on them," Juliette mused, taking out her cell phone. As if their ears had been burning, the garage door opened, followed by the irked voices of Hangman and Rooster. Sharing dubious glances, the girls went to greet them and to check what had taken so long. Upon seeing the men, it took no time to figure out why. Paint splattered their jeans and shirts and speckled their faces, hair, and Rooster's mustache.
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Ghost looked them up and down in disbelief. "Did you have a fight with a paint can?" 
"Actually-" Rooster started, setting his bag of food on the counter and glaring at Hangman- "you wouldn't be far off."
"They shouldn't have had an open paint can on an unstable ladder," Hangman grumbled, setting his bag on the counter.
"You shouldn't have been near said unstable ladder!"
"It was either that or us getting barrelled into by that biker gang, and I'm choosing the damn paint, Bradshaw."
"You could've pulled us in the other direction," Rooster pointed out.
"Yeah, but it was farther. You're the one who tripped on your own damn feet and caused us to start falling in the first place."
"You're lucky they love Juliette so much; otherwise, I don't think we'd be allowed back there." Rooster turned to his fiancée and said, "We went to Home Depot to get them a new can of paint, and it was a bitch to find. That's what took so long. I'm sorry."
Juliette laughed. "I always know to add an extra hour onto whatever errand you're running when it's you two. Why don't you take off your clothes, change into new ones, and I'll try to get these stains out?"
"Honey, if you wanted to see me shirtless, all you had to do was ask," Rooster teased, winking playfully at his future wife while stripping off his shirt. Hangman followed suit, and Ghost tried to avert her eyes so she wouldn't be caught ogling his Adonis build, but a few sneak peeks happened. 
The two men hurried to the master bedroom to grab some new clothes. Juliette and Ghost both peered around the corner, watching them go. The girls glanced at each other, then burst out laughing and hurried back to the counter before Rooster and Hangman caught them.
"What are you two giggling about?" Rooster asked when he returned, wrapping his arms around Juliette's waist from behind and resting his head on her shoulder. Hangman stopped on the opposite side of the island, watching the couple with an unidentified emotion.
"Nothing," she and Ghost said simultaneously.
"I find that hard to believe," Hangman jested. He grabbed some of the to-go containers and placed them on the table. Ghost followed with the remaining ones, purposefully putting her food next to his to reserve her spot. She wouldn't separate Rooster and Juliette because of her feelings toward Hangman. She would take the high road and continue being as cordial as possible with him in front of others. 
The group sat down and dug into the food, chatting amiably about wherever the conversation led them. Ghost tried to bring herself to ask Hangman questions directly but choked on the words every time. What could she ask? What could she say? How could she even think about attempting to reach out when she couldn't think of a simple thing to say to him?
Ghost listened to the bantering between Hangman and Rooster, but Juliette fiddling with her necklace caught her attention. After commenting on how pretty the dainty anchor locket was, Juliette responded, "Thanks! It was the first gift Rooster ever gave me when we started dating. It has our saying on the back: India Lima Yankee."
"India Lima Yankee?" Ghost repeated, perplexed.
"Means 'I love you' in the phonetic alphabet. It's how we used to say I love you when we were just friends, so our other friends wouldn't read anything into it. Of course, then we started dating, but we let it stick."
"That's so sweet!" 
"Yeah, I had a crush on her for the longest time," Roosted admitted, jumping into the conversation. He placed his hand on Juliette's thigh. "I meant the saying romantically for most of the time we started saying it, but I never realized she did too until we finally admitted our feelings for each other."
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Ghost smiled nostalgically, the story reminding her of what she and Hangman used to say to each other. Without thinking, she said, "I had a similar situation with a friend. We loved each other, albeit only platonically, unlike you two, but still kind of similar. We had a saying we reserved for each other only, too."
"What was the saying?" Juliette asked, her gaze flicking momentarily over to Hangman.
"Forever and always. I would say, for example, 'I've got your back.' He would respond with 'Forever,' and I would say 'and always.'"
"Oh, that's adorable!" Jules gushed. "I'm blanking right now, but what would that be in the phonetic alphabet?"
"Foxtrot Alpha Alpha," Hangman said, staring at Ghost with a mixture of confusion and wistful reminiscence and the silent question: why are you bringing this up?
Ghost held no answer for him because she had no clue herself. The memory popped into her head and rolled off her tongue before she could consider the consequences of voicing it. Maybe this was her sign to rekindle her friendship with Hangman. Maybe she had to suck it up and accept that she would never get an explanation from him about that fateful day. Or perhaps she had to start the friendship again in order to get the explanation. It was worth a shot. 
"I like that: Foxtrot Alpha Alpha," Juliette said, standing up from the table and grabbing her empty container along with the others'. 
"People might think you're referring to the Federal Aviation Administration," Roosted joked. Standing up, he added, "I'm going to work on the crib some more, see if I can make heads or tails of those instructions. Hangman, you coming?"
"Right behind you." Jake followed Rooster to the bedroom. Juliette and Ghost locked eyes and silently waited for the impending interrogation about the newly built crib. Sure enough, hardly five seconds later, the boys returned, and Rooster said, "Now, I could've sworn when Hangman and I left, the crib had not been built."
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"Maybe it was the dogs," Juliette suggested innocently, popping a missed fried crawfish into her mouth.
"I might believe that if they had opposable thumbs, but they don't. Please tell me you did not build that by yourself."
"Don't worry, I sat the entire time. Ghost did all the heavy lifting. Literally."
Rooster sighed. "Fine, fine. Did you find the English instructions?"
"No, we followed the Chinese ones," Ghost lied easily, standing up and stretching. "I don't know what you two found so difficult about them. Y'all need help with the second one?"
"We could probably use some supervision," Hangman said, meeting Ghost's gaze. Unless she was mistaken, she saw a glimmer of hope in his green eyes.
"Count us in," Juliette chirped. They all headed into the nursery and sat down to build the last crib. Juliette, now wholly outnumbered, sat in the recliner and watched. She asked, "By the way, Ghost, how's Jackie?"
"Oh, shit, I completely forgot to tell you about that!" Ghost exclaimed, straightening in surprise. She dove into the story of her sister's woes and broken marriage. Hangman, Juliette, and Rooster listened intently, aghast at the flimsy excuses Ryan had given Jackie for ending their relationship so suddenly.
"That smells fishy," Hangman declared in distaste. "Sounds like there's someone else in the picture."
"I started wondering the same thing. However, I didn't want to say anything when she was already distraught. We'll likely find out if it's true sooner or later. See, this is why I don't trust marriage. Outside of you two-" she waved the Allen key at Juliette and Rooster- "I see so many problematic marriages. Hell, even my parents briefly split up about a year before I was born, if only for two weeks, but still. Now Jackie and Ryan, so many people from high school-"
"Oh, yeah, I saw Braxton and Paxton were getting divorced. Guess they couldn't come up with a kid's name that rhymed with theirs," Hangman joked.
Ghost chuckled. "See, the one that shocked me was Nelly and PJ. They seemed so smitten."
"Did you go to the ten-year reunion?"
"No. I wasn't friends with anyone, and I didn't want to stand around awkwardly while everyone else caught up. Did you?"
"Are you kidding? I couldn't wait to get out of high school. Why would I want to go back?" Hangman finished tightening the last screw, and the group stood up. "Well, looks like we can get a lot done with the girls watching over us."
"And when we have English instructions," Rooster added, glancing at the aforementioned packet lying on the floor next to his feet. 
Juliette joined the group to admire the handiwork. "Thanks for helping you two. We owe you."
Hangman waved a dismissive hand. "Nah, this is on the house for our future niece and nephew. I think Uncle Jake and Aunt Annalise have a good ring to it." 
"Agreed. If y'all need help with anything else, you know who to call," Ghost said, checking her phone. "I should get going. I promised I'd talk to Jackie later to see how breaking the news to Mom and Dad about her divorce went."
Jake turned his attention to Rooster. "Bradshaw, it's been fun."
Rooster frowned. "No, it hasn't."
"We make a good team," Jake continued, offering his hand to shake.
Bradley took it and broke into a grin, replying, "No, we didn't. It was a disaster."
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"I look forward to the next project." He and Ghost headed to the front door with Juliette and Rooster behind them. Bidding the couple farewell, the two aviators left the house and walked silently down the sidewalk to their rides.
"You okay getting home this late?" Hangman queried, unlocking his truck. 
"Yeah, I'll be fine," Ghost said, wondering where the question had arisen.
"You feel safe getting home by yourself?"
"Yeah. Why?"
Hangman rubbed the back of his neck. "I've been worried about you ever since you told me about Kyle. I don't trust him not to stalk you because his behavior is obsessive already. And look, if you're saying you feel safe because it's me and you want me to leave you alone, then just let me know, and I'll get Coyote or Rooster-"
"Jake-" Ghost interrupted- "I'm not saying I'm fine to get you off my back. I'm telling you that because it's true. If I felt unsafe, I would rather have you escort me home than potentially risk my safety."
Hangman nodded. "Good, good. I, uh, I'll let you go. Enjoy your night, Annalise. I guess I'll see you around."
"Yeah, see you around." Ghost turned toward her bike and then stopped, an idea popping into her head of how she could potentially break the ice between them and set them on the road of reconciliation. She took a deep breath and called, "Hey, Jake?"
He whirled around instantly. "Hmm?" 
"Something dawned on me earlier-" Ghost stepped toward him with her hands clasped tightly in front of her- "you and I are both close to Juliette. We're not going to be able to avoid each other because of it, and I don't want Jules to feel like she has to choose between us. It's not fair to her. I understand I'm the one who cut contact between you and me, so I felt the need to be the one who tried to reestablish it. I'm not- I'm not saying we need to hang out outside of other people's invites-"
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"Then what are you saying? Because I know it's not that you want to be friends again."
The sadness in his eyes added the missing emotion to his stoic tone, and Ghost ached to reach out for him, to embrace him and confess how much she'd missed him all these years, that she did want to be friends again but didn't know how or where to begin repairing what had been broken between them. Ghost forced herself to stay rooted to the spot and mulled over what to say. Hangman would sense if she lied, so she twisted the truth. "I'm not sure we can be friends again, not in the way we once were, but I do believe we need to find a way to at least become friendly acquaintances. For Juliette's sake and our future niece and nephew's."
Hangman nodded. "Agreed."
Ghost offered her hand, and he shook it. She barely managed to stop herself from shivering at the contact and the tingling sensation engulfing the parts of her hand where his skin touched hers. Snatching her hand back before her mind traveled down the road of desire, Ghost cleared her throat and said, "Good, good... well, I should, uh, I should get home. See you around?"
"Yeah. Are you going to be at dogfight football this Saturday?"
"I don't know." It sounded better than saying, 'I haven't gotten an invite from Maverick because, despite his cordialness to me the other day, I don't think he likes me.'
"Why not?"
Ghost shrugged. "The invite was a one-time thing last time. I don't want to show up uninvited."
"Then this is me inviting you. Besides, if you say no-" a cocky smirk spread across his chiseled face- "I'll tell Juliette, and then she'll call you asking where you are. We don't want her thinking it's because of our fall-out."
Ghost narrowed her eyes at him. "Are you using my own argument against me?"
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"Yes," he said unabashedly.
Ghost tried but failed to bite back a smile. "Fine. I'll come."
"Great. I'll pick you up at nine. That way, we can swing by Starbucks on the way there."
"I can drive myself." Despite her protest, Ghost couldn't ignore her heart fluttering in anticipation at the idea of being alone with Hangman in his truck. A flood of memories washed over her: singing along to country music while cruising down roads in his passenger seat, sitting in the bed of his truck while star-gazing, and chatting while they drove through the hills of the Smoky Mountains to escape the Academy and see the fall foliage among so many others.
"Yeah, but then you can back out at the last minute, and I'm not letting you do that. I'll see you Saturday at nine sharp." Not giving her the chance to respond, he winked cheekily at her before getting in his truck. Ghost smiled to herself while she went to her motorcycle, simultaneously elated and nervous about the new situation she'd put herself in with Hangman. This plan would either take off or crash and burn. Right now, she couldn't tell which way was more likely, but Ghost knew what she hoped for.
Tags: @lgg5989 @shanimallina87 @polikszena @summ3rlotus @icemansgirl1999 @supernaturaldawning @thedarkinmansfield @lyannaforpresident @lapilark @getmyprettynameoutofyourmouth @simpofthecentury @shadeops21 @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @double-j @bradshawsandbridgetons @catsandgeekyandnerd @peachiicherries @multifandomcnova @fandomsstolemylife00 @bookloverhorses @mak-32 @midnightmagpiemama @luckyladycreator2 @ellamae021 @kmc1989
Chapters: Chp 1 Chp 2 Chp 3 Chp 4 Chp 5 Chp 6 Chp 7 Chp 8 Chp 9 Chp 10 Chp 11 Chp 12 Chp 13 Chp 14 Chp 15 Chp 16 Chp 17 Chp 18 Chp 19 Chp 20 Chp 21 Chp 22
If you're not on the tag list and want to be, just let me know :)
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darksidesuguru · 13 days
hi >:)
3, 17, and 18 plz and thank uuu 🫵😈
thank u for the inaugural ask <3333
3. What would be your cursed technique/domain expansion in JJK?
"I'll go easy on you" *asks me this question* Okay so I actually have a self-insert JJK character, her name is Ren and she's Grade 1. The problem is, I am having so much trouble coming up with a cursed technique that isn't cringy as hell. I'm a very musical person so I was thinking something to do with music or sound - like a siren song that can manipulate others to bend to her will or a high-frequency pitch that immobilizes opponents. But hey, I'm here for the trauma, not the fight scenes, and I can barely follow the cursed technique jargon, so. I'll keep working on it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
17. Match your favorite JJK character with a song.
Now this, I can answer. Gojo is my favorite JJK character (if you couldn't tell) because I'm basic like that. But we also have so much in common it continues to astound me. We both push ourselves to be the best because we know it's our responsibility to do so, and if we aren't the best, then we're aren't worth anything. People think we're assholes but it's all part of our defense mechanisms, and if you look past the flippant exterior, we are hopeless optimists. We both care deeply for our friends/family and want the best for them--even those of them that have forsaken us. Which leads me to my last point: the abandonment issues. Anyway. I am Gojo, Gojo is me, etc etc. There are so many songs that could work here but my song for Gojo since I joined the fandom has been Eyes Closed by Imagine Dragons. At first it reminded my of him just because the main lyric is "I could do this with my eyes closed," which. He literally can, but. I kept listening and the lyrics just keep on going--"I was born I was made for this" (he was literally raised to be the strongest and nothing else) -- ""lock me up inside a cage, just throw away the key don't worry about me" (the whole sealing thing and the fact the Gojo sacrificed himself so those he loved could survive) -- "killed and resurrected cause I'll never be dead" (okay maybe I just wish he was still alive, rip). But sometimes I let myself have a little "Gojo is the strongest and everyone lives happily ever after," as a treat.
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18. Share a headcanon about your favorite character.
Okay so it's Gojo yap hours ig @supportingwomenswrongs i scrolled all the way through our texts to try to find a good one because suddenly my head is empty So one that's more canon than headcanon is that Gojo collects strays. And I will also reference punk baby: revival here because that one does the strays thing so well. But yeah, canonically Gojo takes in Megumi and Tsumiki but I love the headcanon that he takes in Inumaki as well, and anyone else who needs guidance. He has such a caring soul and is trying to fill a void by helping these kids and I'm obsessed with that idea. But something that I totally made up on my own? Well @supportingwomenswrongs you know this one already, it's that Gojo is weirdly good at massages. He's probably touched starved yeah but he's also dextrous and fidgety and has huge hands and long fingers and knows a lot about physicality so I headcanon that he's good with his hands and... Where was I going with this? Oh yeah, he gives a mean massage after a hard mission. I know there's a fic out there with Geto giving Gojo a massage but I think it could work really well the other way around too.
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(from this post)
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linagram · 11 months
[ 𝚢𝚘𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚘𝚔𝚊 𝚎𝚒𝚔𝚘'𝚜 𝚝𝟸 𝚟𝚘𝚒𝚌𝚎 𝚍𝚛𝚊𝚖𝚊 ] 𝚍𝚒𝚜𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚘𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚕𝚒𝚏𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚊 𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚏𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚜𝚝
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i have a feeling like i know what eiko's verdict is gonna be this time, but still.. i'm kinda curious to see where this goes! after eiko's trial ends, i'll be able to figure out how exactly kei, shun and eiko's dynamic will look in season 3 :) it won't be good either way
Warnings for Eiko's VD: None, except some mentions of toxic relationships
Warnings for Eiko's MV: I guess there is kind of, like.. a mention of animal death? It's not detailed though.
(sounds of footsteps)
Miki: .. Eiji-san, I think you should take a break.
Eiji: I'm fine. I told you I'm fi-
Miki: Does your arm hurt a lot? Let me check-
Miki: ...
Eiji: .. I'm sorry.
Eiji: It's just.. How? How did this happen? No, actually, how does this keep happening?
Eiji: First it was Shun, now it's Kei..
Miki: .. It's weird how you're the only guard that the prisoners are allowed to touch. 
Miki: Hmm..
Eiji: What, do you have any ideas?
Miki: O-oh, no, no, I-I'm not smart enough for that!
Miki: But, uh.. 
Miki: I have this thought, maybe.. So if there's something that protects us from the prisoners, do you think it's possible to.. "remove" it in some way? Or maybe "turn it off"?
Miki: And if that's possible, you most likely can turn it off for a specific guard, because, uh..
Miki: Well, when I'm in one room and you're in a different one, the prisoners are still not allowed to touch us, so.. Maybe those things work separately..
Miki: I-I don't know what I'm saying, I'm sorry-
Eiji: No, I.. I actually think you might be right.
Eiji: Obviously, there are people who are more powerful than us, you know, the people who created this place.
Eiji: And.. If they can give us as much power as we want..
Eiji: M-maybe they can take it from us too..
Eiji: "But why me?"
Eiji: "What did I do wrong? I'm more loyal to Milgram than Miki is, I've never questioned anything and-"
Eiji: ".. Unless we count that one time."
Miki: Eiji-san, so are you going to take a break?
Miki: I can interrogate Yoshioka-san, if you want-
Eiji: No, it's fine, let's do it together.
Eiji: .. I don't think she will try to hurt me anyway. It's not like I'm scared of it, obviously..
(the door opens)
Eiko: Ah, you're finally here!
Eiko: Hehe, I missed you two so much~ Eiji-kun, can I give you a hug?
Eiji: No. Sit back down.
Eiko: *sighs* You're as serious as ever. 
Eiko: So, the second trial, huh?
Eiko: .. You two look like you've gone through a lot. What happened?
Miki: I-it's fine, we're just a little tired..
Eiko: I can imagine. 
Eiko: Well, I'll try my best not to cause much trouble. Seriously, ask me anything you want.
Eiko: I've said it before and I'll say it again: I can just tell you everything about my crime. I have a lot of secrets, but my murder doesn't count as one.
Eiji: Okay, first question.
Eiji: .. Why are you so calm about it?
Eiko: What do you mean?
Eiji: If I'm not wrong, you said that if I vote you innocent, that will mean that I just want you to feel like you owe me something. 
Eiji: Or that I just want to feel good because I've saved.. uh..
Eiji: "A pretty woman like you", as you would say. 
Eiji: So why did you accept being forgiven by me so easily?
Eiko: ...
Eiko: *laughs* Well, Eiji-kun.. 
Eiko: I feel like I just knew that you will forgive me.
Eiko: And like, what did you expect me to say? Did you expect me to say "No, that's not the verdict I deserve"? Did you expect me to hate you?
Eiko: I'm seriously okay with anything. Forgive me, punish me, I still won't change my mind, so why bother?
Eiko: Also, I feel like it would be boring for you to punish someone as calm as me, so..
Eiko: Yeah, you forgiving me is not that big of a surprise.
Eiko: Honestly, sometimes I feel like.. 
Eiko: It's like I just know what verdict each prisoner is going to get and not just me.
Eiko: Haha, maybe I just know you really well.
Eiji: T-then, another question.
Eiji: .. What's going on with your relationship with Kei?
Eiji: A-and Shun too, I guess.
Eiko: .. Huh, well that's interesting.
Eiko: I wouldn't be surprised to hear a question like that from Miki-chan, but.. why are you so interested in it?
Eiko: I thought you don't really care about what happens to Kei?
Miki: I-I actually wanted to ask you that question-
Eiji: I'm just reminding you that I'm the one who's in charge of punishing the prisoners. Not you and not anyone else. Not even Guard 002 is allowed to do that.
Miki: (to Eiji) *whispers* T-that's because I don't even want to punish them!..
Eiji: (to Miki) *whispers* I know.
Eiko: Hm.. So you think that what I'm doing to Kei can be considered a "punishment"?
Eiko: *laughs* Well, to be honest, you're actually kinda right.
Eiji: Wait, what?
Eiko: You see, I thought long and hard about how I can thank you for forgiving me. 
Eiko: You know, like, I didn't even ask you to forgive me or anything. I just said that I will be okay with any verdict, but I was still voted innocent.
Eiko: And I don't know why you had decided to "save" me and I'm not sure if I even want to know that, but hey, that's still a nice thing to do, right? Especially when you're this cruel and sadistic guard who is hated by almost everyone here.
Eiko: So I was like, "What would make Eiji-kun the happiest man in the world?"
Eiko: And then I realized something.
Eiko: "It would be seeing his older brother in pain".
Eiko: Hehe, so, was I right?
Eiji: .. You're doing all of this for me?
Miki: Wait, but what about Ishizu-san? Eiji-san never really said anything about hating him-
Eiji: Now I hate him more than I ever did.
Eiko: Ah, about that guy. 
Eiko: *shrugs* Listen, I'm not even doing much. It's not like I asked him to make Kei's life worse or something. 
Eiji: But you're not really trying to stop him either.
Eiko: He makes my job easier, so again, why should I bother? I'm doing all of this for you, you know.
Eiji: Oh, so now you're just using me as an excuse?
Eiko: What Shun does is none of my business. That's his real self. 
Eiko: Honestly, if you want to blame someone, you have no one to blame but yourself and Miki-chan.
Eiji: *stands up* What are you trying to say-
Eiko: I'm trying to say that you and Miki-chan have way too much power here and you don't know what to do with it.
Eiko: Honestly, sometimes I look at you and think..
Eiko: .. "What kind of person was he before all of this happened?"
Eiko: I can see that you love being a guard a lot, Eiji-kun. But do you love it because you genuinely want to help this world become a better place or just because you have nothing else to do?
Eiko: .. Ah, I see.
Eiko: It's like.. your life finally has a purpose.
Eiji: .. Y-yes, and that purpose is-
Eiko: Yeah, yeah, you want all criminals to die a painful death, whatever. Seriously, Eiji-kun, I like you, but you need to get a hobby.
Eiko: Anyway, did you learn anything from my video? Do you know how my crime went now?
Eiji: Kind of. But yeah, it did look like you've killed someone for not being as good as you thought he would be.
Eiko: Yeah, that's exactly what happened.
Eiko: So, what else do you want to know?
Miki: .. What did you mean by him not being as perfect as you thought he would be?
Miki: Was he not attractive enough? Was he not smart enough?
Miki: I'm sorry, but I still find it confusing..
Eiko: No, no, it's okay, sweetie. 
Eiko: Well, let's see.. About his appearance: I guess some people would still think he's cute, but if you ask me, his looks were completely average. 
Eiko: And I don't think he was that smart. *laughs*
Eiko: I mean, he sure was manipulative, but I think it was his friends who helped him with everything. I doubt he came up with all of that himself.
Eiko: I still hate him though.
Miki: He manipulated you.. in what way?
Eiko: You see, at first we were just online friends. Nothing more, nothing less. We had a couple of common interests, though honestly, I think he just lied about his hobbies. That guy knew nothing about fashion, that's for sure.
Eiko: We started to bond over our problems too. 
Miki: Problems?..
Eiko: *nods* Like, yes, I love my family, my father is the kindest man I know, my little brother is adorable and I respect my mother a lot, but sometimes.. 
Eiko: They were a bit-
Eiko: .. Haha.
Eiko: I think I became someone who's so obsessed with everything being perfect because of them, to be honest.
Eiko: And he had a lot of problems too. So we talked about it and we became closer and closer.
Eiko: Eventually, we started falling in love. And this is the first time I've ever fell in love with someone.
Eiko: He promised me a lot of things. He said that he wants to make me the happiest woman in the world, he said that he will do anything to make me smile and that he just wants me to forget about everything that makes me sad.
Eiko: Romantic, isn't it? Well, then he stopped replying to my messages.
Eiji: What, did you kill him because he wasn't online for like two days?
Eiko: It's been four months.
Eiji: Oh.
Miki: F-four months?.. B-but did he read your messages? Was he even online?
Eiko: No, and that's what scared me. 
Eiko: He was that guy who couldn't live without social media, you know? So if there was something that could've made him stop using it for four months..
Eiko: That would mean he's most likely already dead.
Miki: .. But he was still alive, right?
Eiko: Yeah. But when I saw him for the first time, I thought..
Eiko:"It would be so much easier if you really were dead."
Miki: I just.. I want to know what exactly he did. 
Eiko: Well, let me ask you a question.
Eiko: Let's imagine there's someone who you really don't like. Maybe you're scared of them or maybe they're just annoying. But they still want to talk to you and they still want to become closer with you and you have to see them every single day of your life.
Eiko: What would you do in that situation?
Miki: .. I-I would probably try my best to.. y-you know, avoid them..
Eiji: I would hope that they will die soon. 
Eiko: Haha, I didn't expect anything less from you, Eiji.
Eiko: Well, just keep my question in mind when you watch my video. I don't know what it will show, so I just hope that you will get all the information you need.
Eiji: Why can't you just tell us everything already? Didn't you say that you're okay with doing that?
Eiko: I sure am okay with that. But also, I really do think that you have to see everything for yourself. 
Eiko: When I say that he wasn't perfect enough, I don't mean that he wasn't as pretty as I imagined him to be, or that he wasn't as smart, or that he had problems with money, or anything like that.. 
Eiko: Though he did lie about all that.
Eiko: I mean that he ruined my dreams of perfect life without any worries. 
Eiko: It's like I've already had a plan, but he just had to, again, ruin everything.
Eiko: And also, he just..
Eiko: *takes a deep breath*
Miki: Yoshioka-san, is everything okay?..
Eiko: Sorry, it's just that what he did was so terrible, it actually makes me want to kill him again, even though I know that he's dead.
(the bell rings, machinery sounds)
Eiko: Oh, it's already time? That was a nice conversation.
Eiko: Honestly, I'm feeling a bit.. lighter? I don't know how to explain, but it's like I really needed to talk about all of this with someone.
Eiko: Ah, before you extract my video, can I ask you a question?
Miki: Y-yes, what is it, Yoshioka-san?
Eiko: Eiji-kun, what happened to your arm?
Eiko: Why are you holding it like that? Are you okay? Does it hurt?
Eiko: .. Wait a second, it was Kei before me, right?
Eiji: I'm fine. Stop asking.
Eiko: I know that we can't touch you and all, but.. 
Eiko: If that guy hurts you, you really should tell me.
Eiji: What, so that you can protect me from him?
Eiko: Yes. 
Eiji: .. Stop saying things like that. I can protect myself.
Eiji: Prisoner 006, Eiko, sing your sins!
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Eiko's T2 MV Descrption.
Her MV would mostly have a lot of black and white and also darker shades of blue, green and teal.
Eiko's MV starts with what appears to be a flat-screen TV in a dark room. The screen is glitching and it's hard to tell what's going on until it slowly gets closer and we can clearly see Eiko's face. She appears to be crying and we can see her parents and her younger brother comforting her, though if her father and brother seem to be genuinely worried, her mother is most likely only pretending and she even leaves to answer a phone call. We get a close-up of Eiko's crying face again and then her expression suddenly becomes more emotionless and Eiko finally starts singing. 
We see Eiko sitting on a couch and watching that same TV while wearing an elegant black dress and a hat and we can also see a few young men sitting next to her. If you look closer, you can see that one of them actually looks very similar to Eiji. Also, he appears to be wearing much better clothes than all the other men and he has a calmer face expression than the other guys, who actually look terrified. 
"Huh? What's wrong? Stop feeling sorry for him
Why don't you feel sorry for me? Comfort me, calm me down, tell me he deserved it"
Eiko looks bored and she turns the TV off.  As she's about to get up, the guy who looks like Eiji suddenly grabs the remote and turns the TV on again and we can see Eiko there as well, but now it looks like something has changed. The "real" Eiko walks closer to the TV and sees that the "TV Eiko" looks more happy and the people around her are clapping their hands, praising her for something and her family looks happy for her too, though we can't see her mother's face expression this time. 
"Wait, are you telling me you've solved it?
Even though you have all the facts, you still think I was in the right?"
The real Eiko starts to realize something and she smiles brightly and turns back to those men. 
"Well, I can't just ignore it
So let me give you a reward for your kindness"
And then she presses one of the buttons on that remote and all men disappear except that Eiji lookalike. 
The chorus starts playing and we can see Eiko leaving the house and the whole video becoming brighter and more colorful. Some people stop to greet her or simply look at her as she's walking. 
"Yay, she did it, good for her! What a queen, am I right?
Haha, thank you, thank you! Serves him right, I know
You've forgiven me, darling, so let me thank you properly
Tell me what you want, I will give you everything and more"
Eiko is having fun while shopping and she actually looks happy for real. But as it's getting dark and she decides to go back home, she checks her phone and while she does that, she suddenly trips and falls.
"But I know I can't be lost in perfection forever
Time to open up my eyes, this world isn't as fun and bright as everyone wants to believe"
Her phone breaks at that exact moment and everything becomes black and white again.
Now it looks like she's home now and she's lying on the floor while her parents are talking about something. She just has the same emotionless face expression while her younger brother is poking her cheek and trying to "wake her up". 
"But is it so bad for me to wish for a better life?
Is it so bad for me to want more?
I know I'm not perfect, but don't I deserve better than this?
So come on, promise me a safer world, I'll believe your every word"
She slowly gets up and goes to what appears to be her room and locks the door. She takes her laptop and sits with it for some time until her eyes light up and her cheeks become more pink. She starts typing faster and overall she looks happier. Her room actually looks much softer and comfortable now. It doesn't have that cool and elegant aesthetic anymore, but it feels warmer, maybe a bit more messy, but it's like Eiko is finally acting like her true self.
"Maybe it's okay for me to be happy
Maybe it's okay for me to ask for more
I know you're just lying to me, but please
Let me act like a lovestruck teenager for once"
Looks like a few days have passed and we can see Eiko walking into her room and checking her laptop. Judging by her disappointed face expression, looks like she hasn't received any new messages. 
"So where are you? Are we over? Are we done?
You're not going to keep your promises, are you?
I wish there was a world where I wasn't mad at you
So that I could move on and forget all your lies"
We can also see that person's profile picture which appears to be a cute drawing of a frog. 
She keeps waiting and as she does so, she cleans her room, picks out an outfit, does her makeup.. But still no new messages. As she checks it again, her brother suddenly runs into her room and calls her and she follows him. 
Eiko walks into what is most likely a living room and sees that her parents are watching TV, this one looks more "old" compared to the more "modern" one from the beginning of the video. Eiko stops for a minute to watch it too and we can't see the screen, but we can tell from Eiko's face expression that something horrible has happened and she leaves the room immediately. 
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry for blaming you
I forget about everything except myself when I'm angry
Forgive me for being so selfish
I promise I'll try to become as perfect as you"
Later we can see her crying herself to sleep and when she wakes up, the colors are warm again, but Eiko looks confused for some reason. 
"So are we over? Are we done?
Sorry for asking this, but I just want to make sure
I know you're in pain, but I just want you to keep your promises
So let me act like a lovestruck teenager for once-"
She lifts her blanket and.. she sees that there is actually a frog in her bed. 
She doesn't even panic and she grabs the remote, which was lying on the floor for some reason and we can't see all the details, but it's easy to guess that she used it to hit that frog. However, now we get a close-up of Eiko's face and she actually looks scared this time and it's hard to say what's going on, but there's much more blood on her bed than it was supposed to be and it's also starting to look like it wasn't a frog lying next to her, but a man. We can't see what he looks like because of all the blood though. 
"Yes, I knew you were a liar from the start
But this is even worse than I thought
Why would you do that? Was I not enough for you?
Or actually.. Maybe I was too much?"
Eiko slowly turns around and sees that flat-screen TV again and it turns on. She can see people applauding her and the chorus starts playing again, but now it sounds much slower and more distorted. When it gets closer to the end, Eiko smiles and we can see that she's sitting on the couch with that man who looks like Eiji again and they turn the TV off together.  
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bafflement · 1 year
Deaged Oz AU: Presents And Surprises
"I'm sorry, okay?" Tip sounded annoyed. "I might be the wizard, but I'm only eleven... I do not, in fact, know everything."
"We know that, Winter. However, surely you have some insight as to what they might do next?"
Tip sighed, pushing the report he'd carefully transcribed over to them. "If the pattern holds, they might follow what I wrote. But people can be unpredictable and this isn't really my job? They're your criminals and you appear to be more used to their antics than myself. I appreciate being asked for advice, but..." he shrugged, looking a bit helpless. "I don't really know the intricacies of how things work in Atlas. You do. Follow the report or don't, I've tried my best."
The council looked unhappy, but it was quickly obvious that they'd get nothing more out of Tip today. He had a point and they did have to admit it, however the fact that Winter was their version of the wizard meant that they were starting to push issues.
"You are Atlasian, though, Winter. You need to know how things work here, you're ours."
"No, I'm not. I do not remember being Winter Schnee, not really. I'm Tip, but... I do not belong to you. As the wizard, I don't think I actually can?" He sounded doubtful, even as Ozymandias cheered him on in the back of his head.
"Well, if we have more questions, we'll call you back. However, depending on the status of the report... you're free to go, Winter. Thank you for your help in the matter."
Stepping out of the room, Tip met up with Qrow and Winter, both of whom looked slightly worried at his obvious exhaustion.
"Ya okay, Pocketsized?" Qrow asked gently, reaching out and ruffling his hair. Tip leaned into the touch slightly even as he rolled his eyes.
"I'll be just fine, Qrow. I just... wish that they would stop asking for my help on matters that I have no real knowledge of. i appreciate that Atlas has a crime problem, but that isn't really in my jurisdiction anymore and even if it was... Atlas is not my kingdom."
Winter made a noise of disagreement and got a tired glare for her trouble. "It really, truly isn't. It may have been, once... but I'm from Vale, Winter."
"You're from Atlas, uncle. Vale stole you, but you're ours."
"I may be a Schnee, Winter, but that does not mean that I belong to Atlas."
Winter sputtered. "That's not what I meant! You're ours, part of our family. You're not theirs. Even if saying that sounds..."
"It is okay, Winter, truly. I'm only eleven, hopefully by the time I grow up again, things might be better?"
"Tip... why do you think you're eleven?"
"Because I... am? I was born in September, Winter, I'm eleven..."
"Did you just not read your own records? You... you were born in December, uncle. You're still ten."
Tip blinked at that, looking briefly annoyed before shrugging.
"So even my birthday is wrong? I don't celebrate it, but still..."
"We'll do something about it this year, okay?"'
Tip looked like he wanted to say something, but he also knew a losing battle when he heard one.
"Your birthday's next month?" Oscar butted in, having joined them a minute or so earlier.
"Apparently? Why, Oscar?"
"Because you're my brother, Tip... of course we're celebrating. You'll be eleven, right?"
"Physically, yes."
"Awesome. We'll do something good, don't worry!"
Tip hoped for several days that the others would just forget, only to be tapped on the head while curled up reading. He looked up to see Winter with a suspiciously shaped box in her hands.
"What's this, Winter?"
"A gift. We missed too many of your birthdays, uncle and you needed something to defend yourself with."
"I... have things, though? I have The Long Memory, i have my rapier..."
"Yes, but they're not distance weapons..."
"Distance? Winter, this isn't a gun, is it? You know i don't like guns."
"Just keep it with you, alright? I think we'd all feel safer."
"I will. thank you Winter." He smiled at her, albeit strained and she grinned back, leaving him to his book.
Tip, sighing, pulled the thing out of the box, blinking down at the heavy, tightly sheathed dagger. it was definitely mechashift and he unsheathed it carefully, pointed towards the floor and pulled the lever. A second later, he was holding a pistol, looking just as uncomfortable as he felt. Shifting it back quickly, he resheathed it, shoving it deep into his bag so as to be technically carrying it. He really, really didn't like guns.
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rin-and-jade · 1 year
I have only one other alter. And we are pretty much ambivalent to each other. We don’t hate each other, we don’t particularly like each other either. Due to this, I feel as though I’m faking because alters are supposed to be formed to help, to comfort take care or in the case of a persecutor to cause trouble. But she and me don’t do any of these things to each other. When she front sometimes I come ba k to realize she got me in trouble but it’s never for the express purpose of getting me in trouble. Even in the inner world void, we don’t talk to each other, just sometimes see each other. It’s also very isolating because I feel so left out of system positivity posts, as they’re always about how much their system supports them but I have one other person and she doesn’t like me. I feel like I. An never talk about or be positive about my system in system spaces. It’s lonely. What should I do? Is there anything I can do? Am I faking? You don’t have to answer every question I know it’s a lot just any kind of answer would be nice.
My guy, you come here to look for answers, i'm here to do my job by answering any and every questions people give to me,, it doesn't matter if its silly or its unimportant because.. i want to do it for you guys. Also bare with this long explanation, i got to...
When people think of the perfect image of a family or friendship, it all varies but the similarity in general (of how i think) is everything being as functional and as happy as possible all the time, right? I wish, that only exists in fiction sadly. It does not work that way in real life (or to an extent) as not everyone can be friends with each other and thats fine.
I hope you would appreciate me telling my own relationships with others-- i'll give you one,, this one's a secondary keeper, it's a he, so in short he and i are sort of "meh" with each other,, sometimes he gets me in trouble or i get him or others in trouble,, we do not click at all in a discussion or in a debate as we got our own opinions and morals. Does this makes us perfect? No it doesn't. Does it also means we're not doing the things we're supposed to? No, we do our work. Even though it is true that parts are created to be of help, its only half of the truth,, and the even trickier thing is if you don't see things from a different perspective, it will make people assume that the "help" has one definitive meaning and form. This is untrue.
If you think of love, what comes to your mind at first,, is it physical touch like hugs? Maybe being supportive? Attentive? Meeting your emotional needs? Physical needs?? If a guardian love its child, it may not be able to sacrifice time to play together or go somewhere and have fun, be it either too busy working to meet your needs or other problems,, does this means the guardian doesn't love you because not being with you all the time? No. Do you wish it talks with you more? Probably yes. If love can comes in many form, so does with help.
Back to my relation with the secondary keeper, we do not fare well with each other and i BARELY talk to him,, but taking account of his or my actions, mutually agree to work together in solving (because i'd just push him away i couldn't care that much) and keeping an eye out of each other is still a form of help, not what anyone would ask for but needed. Do we go along well? No. But sure we do still have our own ways of being a help. It is alright to have fights, to have enemies, to not know each other despite living in one same body for years-- it is also okay if everyone goes along with each other and barely fight and support each other pretty often,, everyone's dynamic look different, so in conclusion, you are not faking for having it differently.
- j
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tuckersdeslauriers · 2 years
Hi! Just curious... I was reading one of your previous answers and you said you feel they're building toward a breaking point with chenford this season. I hadn't seen it that way and I'm just wondering if you can share more about what you think is leading towards this and what kind of breaking point you're expecting? Thanks!
sure thing! just noting this is like...purely conjecture, but ultimately what i would like to see coming up. i also think a lot of people don't want to see this and i respect that, so as a blanket statement since i am posting this publicly: all i ask in sharing this is that you please reciprocate that respect.
so, i think it's incredibly telling that chenford has yet to really talk about their feelings. if you look at 5x08, 5x09, 5x10 – everything is actionable, leading towards something (their first date, then their first time, etc) rather than them tackling how they feel for one another. right now, they're in this blissful happy little space where they're each other's most important person who they can now freely be with. they don't have to shrink back, pretend they don't want to touch, push feelings off – but they still haven't said much, which matters. if they were just going to be settled and together, we'd have seen a bigger moment of confession, a somewhat more dramatic arc of getting together, etc. it's been fairly easy up until now, and i think that's incredibly telling – because it shouldn't be, and it isn't actually easy.
the other shoe is going to drop, and i personally think that'll come in the form of a breakup. i know some hate the idea of this, but i honestly think it'll serve to see them pining for one another now that they know how incredible it feels to be together. whether it be some greater force (work, the powers that be at the LAPD, etc) that keep them from continuing their relationship, a miscommunication (tim went over lucy's head to take the desk job, lucy's now gone over tim's head to get him into metro – and in lucy's case, she's now actively deceiving tim about it, lying to his face when she says "i don't know how you keep that all straight" after orchestrating the whole thing), or a mixture of things (metro's hard on tim, they're missing each other because of shifts, and then it comes out lucy's been lying to him this whole time)...something's going to drive a wedge between these two.
a lot of people saw lucy orchestrating tim's move to metro as a thing tim would be okay with – and i don't think he wouldn't be okay with the move, but the way lucy went about it and the way she kept him in the dark...even after he got the promotion? i don't think tim's going to be cool with that. i could be wrong, but the idea that she's lied to him and actively kept it from him, even when all their colleagues/friends know doesn't seem like it'll sit well when it inevitably comes out.
ultimately, as a viewer i will be more satisfied with their story if it's difficult – and up until now, i don't feel it has been. sure: we have waited for them – but i don't think chenford understood there was even the potential for something until 4x21/4x22 (feelings are a different thing, but literal potential i don't think happened until the fake proposal/first kiss). like, i'm loving the content we're getting but there's no way (imo) that there isn't trouble afoot for them. it wouldn't make sense to me to just let them be – especially with the way problems have cropped up left and right for them from the second they even considered being together. every time something gets resolved, two new issues pop up – so i won't be surprised to see it all come to a head and blow up in their faces for a while.
plus, i would love to see a version of chenford who knows how deeply they feel for one another try to walk it back even a little and be like...we're still friends. we can still be friends! totally! when they know they cannot – when they know they are still (and will always be) each other's most important person. melissa and eric would be bonkers in an exes we-almost-had-it-all-and-i-never-got-to-tell-you-i-love-you arc...and i for one would like to see that happen.
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doubleddenden · 2 years
I'm going to make an adult Scoobert Dooby Doo spin-off utilizing all members of Mystery Inc and throw in my own ideas.
Premise: a villain has kidnapped Scrappy Doo and the rest of the Doo clan. Yes, we're going to like Scrappy Doo by making him a cute puppy and yes we're going to ignore the last 20 years of Scrappy erasure.
The Doos are being guarded closely by "Monsters," and by "Monsters" I mean people that the Big Bad has gifted special costumes to that turn them into the monsters for as long as they wear the masks. The longer you wear it, the more humanity you lose. Also most of the villains are serial killers and corrupt people that the Big Bad has broken out, and they all have some grudge or another against Mystery Inc members.
As for the gang themselves, we're going to try to keep things truer to form, but I will drip some uniqueness to this iteration. For the record, they're in their late 20s now.
Fred: stressed dad friend but kind Himbo type. Also he's gay and his boyfriend is Alan M Mayberry- yes, the blond guy from Josey and the Pussy Cats. There's a recurring joke about people having trouble telling them apart. Alan is a talented folk singer on tour and still friends with his Co stars. Fred in this series is a car mechanic and has engineering experience as well, so he's the "Pimp my ride" type guy to add in all sorts of bullshit to cars (explaining why the MM is so suped up). He insists that ascots are "in" but they're not.
Daphne: Used to date Fred for a bit, then they realized they weren't really for each other and Fred eventually realized he was gay. Daphne is still supportive of him. She's into fashion and knows martial arts like usual, but also has a bit of a goofy side to her. She loves and supports her friends a lot and will absolutely be the "She asked for no pickles!" Person. There's also a gag that she's done some crimes- like freeing animals from a zoo, vandalizing cop cars, stealing all the left shoes of her previous ex, etc. Also is friends with the Hex Girls, and in college they- usually gets cut off by shenanigans but they absolutely fucked.
Velma: okay we're going to have fun with this bitch because I honestly find her boring or kinda bitchy in her later iterations. First off she's a bisexual, second of all she's sort of got the personality she had from A Pup Named Scooby Doo where she's quiet for the most part, solving things in the background, and a tech genius. She is very useless around pretty nerdy girls and handsome DILF types. Also, a running gag from the show is that she sometimes takes up part time work with other Mystery Solvers like the Clue Club, Fang Face, etc. She's very thoughtful of her friends and always remembers birthdays and such. Scooby is very protective of her. Absolutely has a shrine dedicated to waifus and husbandos, and she doesn't really care that her friends see it. She will kiss her picture of David Harbour and you can either get out or make it awkward for both of you by staring.
Shaggy: scaredy cat, food lover, basically mostly what we're familiar with- except everyone always accuses him of being a stoner. He's never touched a weed in his life because he made a promise to his grandma that he wouldn't. He's just REALLY into scooby snacks for some reason- Velma hypothesises it's because he has a few times more taste buds than average and can taste seasonings no normal person would ever detect. Shaggy is also a well known track star and gymnast, a ventriloquist, and he does improv sometimes with friends. He's a dense harem protagonist- he's straight, just dense af. He doesn't know why Madelyn (Velma's little sister from Abra Kadabra Doo) looks at him with big ol doe eyes, he doesn't get why the Hex Girls keep dedicating songs to him, he doesn't get why Tootie (Reluctant Werewolf) messages him at like 3 am with "U up?" And pictures of herself in cute outfits, thinks its neat that Bat Girl gave him her number once, got invited to be a roadie for spring break for Josie and the Pussy Cats- and this drives the others CRAZY because they all ALSO had crushes on him at some point and made it obvious af, but he's kinda dumb in that regard and so they moved on. He DID have a crush on a hippie girl, but she turned out to be an alien and he's still a little sore about it. Beloved family friend of the Doo clan and part of some chosen one prophecy handed down to them by the ages.
Scooby is here obviously. Everyone assumes Shaggy is the stoner but it's actually SCOOBY that smokes. For this series, Scooby and Shaggy both have the ability to utilize haunted costumes like the bad guys, but Scooby as a beast can remain in perfect control of himself as a man Shark, a demon, or whatever. He is still scared and dumb and a good luck type of clumsy of course, but he's also got some "adult cartoon" qualities. He's a convicted felon, he's a retired secret agent and has all sorts of weird connections, for some reason most celebrities know him, he's part of a Mystery Mascot Union with the likes of Speed Buggy, Jabber Jaw, Sebastion the Cat, etc, and he curses. Ruck you! Rhat da rell? Ritches ret stitches. The Doo clan sent him to live with Shaggy as a puppy as part of an exchange program, and then in Scooby's rebellious age he went off and did all sorts of shit. He's now a scaredy cat after some "incident" at the vet that he refuses to elaborate on, but he loves each of his friends dearly and will go feral for them if necessary. He makes scooby snack edibles and he's got some kids with a random dog, and works with the gang to make child support. Oddly enough, it took Scrappy Doo, his sister's kid, to make him realize he's been missing out on fatherhood.
And of course there's a running gag with Scrappy Doo, who sounds like Catbug now. He's adorable and is either adorably sad or doing puppy stuff like chasing his tail and breaking out of his prison.
Guest appearances by Flim Flam, Tootie, Vincent Van Ghoul, casts of various other Scooby clones, the Boo Brothers, Batman and friends, and of course each episode has one or two Doos, like Yabba Doo, Scooby Dum, Ruby Doo (Scrappy's mom), Skippy Doo, Uncle Horton Doo, and kids we're going to call Gooby, Zooby, and Tooby.
And the big bad? The big bad?
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sunnyie-eve · 1 year
23 || Safe Haven
Series: Trust | Maze Runner (Thomas x OFC)
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: none
A/N: Might be a few mistakes
When we get to the safe haven it looks beautiful. People already started builded structures for us to be at home. The boys took care of Thomas while Brenda and me got new clothes and cleaned up. "Why aren't you saying anything?" I laugh at her.
"I didn't think you were in the taking mood." She gives me a sad look.
"I'm not but it would help to talk about anything." I tell her truthfully.
"Wanna bunk near each other? We can be roommates." She dances her way over to me making me laugh.
"Thank you for asking because I know the guys are just gonna pop a squat next to me. I appreciate you asking." I say making her laugh.
"You girls dressed?" We hear Jorge walk up to the hurt we were in.
"Yes, we're coming." Brenda walks ahead of me.
"We got him all patched up but he's still out. He's gonna be okay though." He tells us but gives me a hug. "Vince wants to talk to you." He lets me know then points him out for me.
"You wanted to talk to me?" I walk up to him and he just pulls me into a hug. I wrap my arms around him and he rubs my back rocking us.
"You're a touch girl, Liz. You're mom always said you hated to show others how you felt and was good at hiding it at a young age. I'm sorry. Newt told me y'all were super close." I tear up some nodding my head. "We're all gonna have a better life here. We're not gonna lose anyone else that way."
"Vince?" I look up at him.
"What is it honey?" He leans back looking at me.
"Is it alright if I call you dad? I mean you cared about my mom and I have no one as a parent figure since she's gone." I wipe my tears away while his slightly get glassy.
"Yes, you can." He gives me a big hug before telling me to go join the others while he gets back to work.
"You're gonna get in trouble again, Lizzie." Thomas whisper shouts at Elizabeth as she peaks out the door to check the halls. "Oh well. I'm bored, Thomas. Come on. I saw where they take the games." She giggles taking off making Thomas follow her. "Shh." She puts her arm out stopping him as a doctor walks down the hall going into another room. "Lizzie." Thomas runs to keep up with her.
"There's a code and we came all this way." He looks as the doors pad then at her. "8697." She says putting in the code opening the door smiling at Thomas. As they hear voices down the hall she grabs him but the shirt pulling him into the room. "How did you know the code?" Thomas asks as she goes to the toys and games. "The code is toys, the letters correspond with the numbers. It's pretty easy." She gives him a look. "Sorry I'm dumb." He rolls his eyes. "You're not dumb, dummy." She kisses his cheek making him blush.
"What was that for?" He wipes his cheek off. "Because I felt like it." She laughs making his cheeks go read again. "Oh, Lizzie has a crush on me, huh?" He jokes with her. "Maybe I do." She smiles making him just stares at her before kissing her cheek fast. As her cheeks start to turn red Thomas makes fun of her for it.
Thomas wakes up groaning in pain as he sits up looking at his wrapped wound. The sound of the wind and waves making him slowly get up and leave the hut. As he moves the curtain back he's met with the view of the ocean. The sound of people causes him to turn and see the settlement that was starting to grow slowly.
Thomas makes his way around till he's met with the rest of the group. They all just look at each other and the first person he embraces was Minho because he was in the front. One by one Thomas gives them a slight hug till he comes face to face with Elizabeth. They embrace each other tightly but she makes sure not to hurt him. Her hands cup his face pulling him into a kiss.
"What was that for?" He raises an eyebrow jokingly.
"Because I felt like it." She laughs making Thomas think back to what he saw when he was asleep so he cups her face kissing her back.
"So are you guys like official because you didn't ask for my permission." Minho speaks up making everyone laugh.
"It wasn't just Newt you had to go through... You gotta go through Minho too. He's basically my brother." She leaves him going over putting her arm around Minho.
"Oh, and I'm watching you closely, Thomas. She's basically my daughter now so watch yourself." Vince speaks up making Thomas look back at him.
"So I just watch for you two got it." Thomas nods his head.
"No." Brenda, Gally, Fry, and Jorge say all at the same time.
"What?!" Thomas looks at them.
"That's my sister." Brenda eyes him.
"She's like a niece to me." Jorge adds.
"She's family to me." Fry laughs.
"I can't say family because I actually dated her and that would be weird to say but she's my best friend." Gally says making Elizabeth laugh.
"Whatever." Thomas's shakes his head laughing.
As the day went on Thomas stayed with me alone as we sat on the beach. "I never knew the meaning behind this until Newt showed me his. During those six months whenever he hit really worried he messed with his." Thomas takes my hand messing with the bracelet on my wrist.
"He made us each one. It was a birthday gift from him. The month after he came up in the box he gave it to me. He said it was physically proof that no matter what we will forever be best friends." I explain to him looking at my wrist then mess with it.
"Are you upset?" I see him pull us his sleeve showing me Newt's bracelet. I look at him starting to feel myself wanting to cry. "He begged me to take it and when I told him no he put it on me. He said if anyone else was to wear his it would be me."
"I'm not upset. It's better being with you then... w-w-with him in a city burned to the ground." I choke up so Thomas pulls me into his side.
"He would have loved to see this." He kisses the side of my head.
"He is seeing this. From a higher view. So is Chuck." I look up smiling.
When night came we all sat together to listen to Vince's speech. "We have come a long way together. So many have sacrificed so much... to make this place possible. Your friends and your family. So here's to the ones who couldn't be here. Here's to the friends we lost. This place is for you. It's for all of us. But this, this is for them. So, in your own time, in your own way, come make your peace. And welcome to the safe haven." We raise our drinks and cheer to the ones we lost to get here.
Everyone cheers while Minho, Thomas, and me sit together. "This is gonna be a good home for us." Minho tells us.
"Yeah." Thomas sighs.
"You had this on you while you were passed out. Figured I'd keep it safe for ya." Minho pulls out Newts necklace.
"Thanks, Minho." Thomas takes it from him.
"See you out there." Minho gets up going to the others.
"I'll give you a minute because I know." I get up going to join Minho.
"You should do it." Minho looks at the rock handing me the tool to carve a name.
Once I was done with Newt's name Brenda comes to stand next to me taking my hand into hers then pulls me into her side holding me close to her. I give her a smile before we all walk going to sit around the fire and talk having a good time.
Soon Thomas joins us so we give him a hug before continuing to laugh. "You knew about the letter?" Thomas takes my hand into his.
"Yeah, he read it to me once to see if he needed to start all over." I lay my head on his shoulder.
"You should wear it though." Thomas lifts my head to tie it around my neck. "So a part of him will forever be close to your heart." He kisses my temple as I cuddle into his side.
We all continue to have a good night talking, drinking, and eating. When it was time to get some rest we all go to our little home area. From left to right it was Brenda, Jorge, Minho, Fry, Gally, me then Thomas. Vince also slept in the same area as us.
"How did you sleep?" Vince asks as I see Thomas over by the rock.
"Okay. I'll be back." I go over to Thomas and see he wrote Teresa into the rock.
"She died making sure you made it to safety. And I know to her she did was wrong to us but she did it because she thought it was the right thing to do. She would've liked to see this." I smile looking at her name.
"So would everyone else we lost on the way. But like you said yesterday they are in a different place." He looks over at me. "I love you."
"I love you too."
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i got three questions on my mind !!
1. so *does* gojo trust rinko completely then?? i cant imagine he does given geto was literally his one and only best friend who went a different path. so how does he feel about rinko in that sense? and also vice versa with rinko bc she’s got some trauma too
2. do the zenins know that rinko spends time with megumi bc i bet that would piss them off
3. given rinko is a grade 1 and shes going to get hard missions that could end up being too much, does she ever get a mission that ends badly (someone dies or smth to that effect) / how would she react in a situation like that?
MORE HEAVY HITTERS. I love it. Thank you so much sweet anon 💕
I'm loving this!! ❤️❤️
Okay, these will eventually all be addressed in the story, so I'm going to try to keep it spoiler free while also answering your questions!! Answers are below the cut!
1.) Does Gojo trust her completely? And vice versa?
Short answer: Eventually he's going to trust her completely. And it's gonna scare the shit outta him. (this is going to be a HUGE piece of their story in the future so I can't reveal too much more)
He already trusts her more than he's trusted a lot of other people because she has a key to his place. She's proven herself a few times already that she's worthy of it and he hasn't even realized how much he actually trusts her yet.
She trusts him very deeply already. The fact that he has respected every single one of her boundaries and let her handle the Zenin's on her own, even when he clearly doesn't want to, has shown her she can trust him. In fact, he already, even just where we are so far in their story, knows more about her than anyone else she knows, with maybe Shoko as an exception. Him learning about Naoya stabbing her was big, because only Shoko knew about that before.👀
(Some of you may have clocked that Shoko knew who her family was before anyone else, how free she was talking about it when it was just the two of them. THAT is a lil easter egg for you.) Because Hime knows there's something, but she doesn't know the extent. Only knows the Zenin's don't like her.
2.) Does the Zenin clan know how much time she spends with Megumi?
Short answer: Not to the extent that she does. But they actually don't care as much as she thinks they would.
They know she spends time with him when he's with Gojo, but they don't realize how much, and she wants to keep it that way to keep them from being able to exploit the relationship. They sure as hell don't know she took him on a fun trip for his birthday.
But they don't care as much as she's afraid they will. Primarily because she isn't any worse than Megumi spending so much time with Gojo and they know they can't exactly stop it. Because Gojo has laid claim to Megumi in a way, they know that touching him means Gojo has free reign to go apeshit on them. And he's made it clear that he will. So as long as Megumi isn't causing them any real trouble, they kinda don't give a fuck.
3.) Does she get jobs that are too much/how does she handle losing someone on a job?
Short answer: Shibuya.
She'll be present during the Shibuya Incident. And she'll also be holding down Kyoto when Geto is releasing his death parade in 2017. Gojo is going to ask her personally to take care of Kyoto for him so that he doesn't need to worry about it.
In this next part, actually, we're going to learn that Rinko has been offered a teaching position at Kyoto Tech. And she'll have some current and former students who fall during the battle against Geto's lil "family"
For those of you who have read the manga, you know what happens in Shibuya and she's going to take it incredibly hard. It's going to break her for a bit. She's going to blame herself for quite a few things that are going to be out of her control. And she's going to feel like fate is cheating her out of her happiness on purpose at one point.
We're going to see her blossom at Shibuya in ways that are heartbreaking and empowering and I'm both not ready for you guys to see it and so excited for you to read about it. She's going to take a lot of the pain she's been holding for her entire life and it's going to fuel her.
I'll give a lil taste of something that happens at Shibuya:
“The only mistake is that you were ever born!” she snarled, launching herself at him now. “You spiteful piece of shit! I’ll kill you-!” Nanami caught her by her waist, yanking her away. “Kurisaki,” he said, his glasses slipping when she fought to get away from him. “Kurisaki-” “Let me kill him, Kento,” she snarled, all the emotions she’d been forcing to stay bottled for the past few hours fueling her rage now. “He’s no good to us anyway.” "Rinko!” Nanami snapped, his eyes now flashing at her. “Get a hold of yourself. We can’t afford to fight among ourselves.” “He isn’t one of ours,” she snarled, elbowing him harshly, pulling a grunt of pain from her friend. “Let me go.”
Couple guesses who she's talking about? I'll give you a hint: it isn't Naoya.
As for regular jobs, she mostly gets solo jobs or she has Nanami, Gojo, or occasionally Hime with her. So they handle them relatively well.
Thank you again for your questions!! I'm loving them 😊😊
Read Another Level on AO3 :)
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