#weapon stories
Staff Stories
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vaguely-concerned · 6 months
can't believe garak went from 'hope you have fun following my little breadcrumb trail of maybe-truths doctor it builds character ;)' at the beginning of the show to '*sigh* fuck it here's the whole loaf. the entire fucked up bakery of my soul. if you somehow still wanna have sex with me after this you know where I am, yours in infinite longing etc.' in a stitch in time. has anyone ever been so pathetically horrifically enduringly down bad as garak is for julian (laudatory)
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harmonysanreads · 5 months
Firm believer that Aventurine takes off his glasses each time you're within the vicinity, even if you have no clue of his existence, he always reaches out to take them off. It's his own way of letting everyone know who has his attention.
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nataliesscatorccio · 1 year
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sophfandoms53 · 3 months
“They’re retconning Shadow’s backstory, why is Emerl there??? He’s not supposed to be there?? That’s wrong???”
So what I’m gathering from that is some of y’all just don’t actually know shit about Sonic Battle and Shadow’s story in that game huh,,,
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tin-cant · 3 days
Is it a weapon though? Or a rabid dog you're trying to let out of its cage and leash with a little thread?
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just-an-enby-lemon · 1 year
"The Mechanisms were Jonathan Sims college band" and "Jon is the secret real past of Jonny D'ville" are both great takes but I present "Jon's descend into an unwilling antichirst figure is The Mecs new album and Jonny plays him in the songs because they just have very similar voices for some reason."
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Hey, I love your work so much! Would it be possible to do a "living weapon" in recovery, possibly taken to a rebel base and one of the rebels being nice to the weapon and giving them affection, but the weapon has no idea how to act?
"Hey. You need anything?"
The weapon's head snapped up, sharp gaze fixing on them. They otherwise sat perfectly still where the rebel leader had left them. Lou had watched them, on and off, for the past hour.
"I brought you some tea. If you'd like it. I always find tea soothing when I'm in new, strange places." Lou offered a small smile as he held up the drink, stepping further into the room. "What's your name?"
"Yeah. What do you like to be called?"
"I'm the weapon."
"You like being called that?"
The weapon's head tilted the smallest fraction. "It is what I am called. It's what I've always been called."
Lou didn't let their smile slip, despite the sorrow-horror that notched through their heart at that. Now was hardly the time to push. "Okay," they said. "Well. Tea? I wanted to check in if you need anything?"
The weapon stared at them. It was the sort of stare that stripped a person to their component parts.
Lou cleared their throat. They crossed the room to set the tea mug down on a side table. "You hungry? Thirsty? Tired? You want - I don't know. A book or something? You don't have to just sit there."
"I was told you to stay here."
"Well, yes, but..." They didn't know how to explain that the difference been stay there, okay? and an actual command that had to be 100% followed. Lou took another step closer to the weapon. "You can stay there if you want to, but you're not our prisoner. You can wander around the base, you know? Go to the bathroom or...whatever. Get some sleep."
"You should stay back."
Lou stopped. "Sorry," they said. They held their hand up. "Not trying to scare you or anything. If-"
"-You do not scare me."
"Oh. Well, that's good!"
"I am dangerous."
Lou's brow furrowed slightly, because of course they knew that. They just weren't entirely sure what the weapon meant by the words. They didn't say it like a threat.
"You are kind," the weapon said. "I do not want to hurt you."
"Oh." Heat flooded Lou's face. "Well, then you probably won't, right?"
The weapon blinked.
"I mean," Lou said, after a beat, "you can control your abilities, right?"
"...yes." The weapon still seemed a little confused. "Of course."
"So you won't hurt me."
This seemed to be a new concept, judging by the look on the weapon's face. "I...won't hurt you."
"Yeah," Lou said. "You can choose not to."
"I can choose."
"Uhuh. But, hey. Even if you do hurt me, it's not the end of the world? Accidents happen."
"I can choose," the weapon said to themselves again, quietly. "I don't have to hurt people."
"And no one here is going to make you."
"You need weapons. You are losing."
"Yeah, but that's not why we helped you."
The weapon swallowed, hard. It was the most obviously human reaction that Lou had seen from them so far. As if all of the normal reactions, all of the emotions and pleasures and weaknesses of being human were something they had been forcibly trained out of having. They probably had.
"I don't have to hurt people," the weapon said, as if that idea had never occurred to them before. As if nobody had ever told them that before. They looked down at their hands, curling them in their lap. "Thank you."
"Oh, sure. Any time!" It didn't seem like enough to offer, after everything that the weapon had been through. "And if you need - if you want - anything else, just ask. Okay?"
The weapon stared at them once more. After a long moment, they gave a small nod.
"Would you like me to stay and sit with you for a while?" Lou asked, as gently as they could. "Or would you like me to leave you alone? Either one is fine."
"Stay." It was barely audible. Hoarse.
"Cool. Do you want the tea?"
"I am...very thirsty."
Lou brought the tea over, then took a seat next to the weapon.
The weapon cradled the mug in their hands like they were afraid it would shatter. They swallowed again. Their hands shook the smallest, barely perceptible fraction.
"Careful," Lou said. "It's-" The weapon's gaze snapped to them once more. "It's hot," Lou finished. "I don't want you to get hurt. Scald your tongue."
The weapon took the most careful sip. Then they relaxed, the smallest fraction, at Lou's side. "It's nice." They hesitated, then smiled themselves. Tentative, fragile. "You're nice."
"Well, I certainly try to be," Lou said, with a weak laugh. They rubbed a hand over the back of their head. "We should all try to be."
The weapon drank their tea in silence, watching. Listening, as Lou filled the space with idle chatter about the base and the people there and their favourite kind of tea that their grandma always used to make.
The weapon quietly followed them everywhere around base after that.
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xenonsdoodles · 1 year
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2H Sword Stories
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monachopsissssss · 3 months
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fanart for weapon by name by @cnwolf-brainrot (hope its ok to tag)
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ink-blot-thoughts · 5 months
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Arlecchino, looking at this dumbass 20 year old who's a good person at heart and extremely talented at fighting: *Don't adopt him don't adopt him don't adopt him-*
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soaked-ghost · 8 months
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sooooo I had the idea of nightmare being a merchant and I have a lot to say about it hihi (see tags)
(comic under cut cuz it was getting too long)
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elithemiar-blog · 2 years
Danny gets invited into a robotics/mechanics club after he mumbled out the basic idea of his parent's latest invention just by looking at it, the name did help.
He doesn't have much of a choice to recognize what an invention can do based off of its look for his safety.
So mechanics and engineering he just starts picking up from his parents through association.
At some point, he has to modify one because it hurts both humans and ghosts.
His parents are so caught up on the fact that it hurts ghosts as intended that they completely miss that it hurts humans too, severely.
Danny, and Tucker when needed, start modifying the weapons for people's safety. Which Danny gets really good at and starts taking his parent's blueprints and building safer, and mostly better, inventions.
So, when this new classmate overhears the trio discussing on how to fix it. They think Danny would be a great addition to the club, and when they bring it up at their next meeting, everyone else either doesn't believe them or is joking.
Due to gossip and high school hierarchy (by Casper standards), Danny is a freak, loser, and stupid.
This classmate brings Danny's intelligence to himself and tries to urge this kid to come to the club one day after school.
Danny downgrades his own intelligence on engineering that the classmate is befuddled, until being at Casper for longer they understand on why this is.
A school event has this classmate trying to strike high praise on Danny, but even his parents kind of bat him aside to talk about ghosts.
People start gossiping that this classmate has a crush on Danny.
Eventually, they do get Danny to a club and the rest of the members kind of call him out on his crush, in front of Danny. However, he does prove himself and the club agrees to invite him to some kind of multi-school engineering showcase, and they do need one other person to make a full team.
He really doesn’t want to go. Somehow his parents are pushing him to go. At some point, somehow, he's being required to go.
Maybe Tucker and Sam urge him to go, who already noticed Danny's talent. He still doesn't want to leave Amity, but with his friends pushing him to have fun he's more willing to think about it.
Maybe the trip becomes a 50/50 extra credit opportunity on his math and science grades, which he needs.
Marvel: Tony, Peter, and/or Banner are at this event to find future employees or award scholarships.
DC: Bruce and/or Tim are at this event (maybe another as well), to also find future employees or award scholarships.
Maybe there's some kind of lead revealed during this event that helps a case.
They find Danny being isolated by the club except for the classmate and they're curious on why.
The classmate is giving high praises, gifting information that Danny doesn't want revealed, to these people who will actually listen.
This team gets challenged to build something different.
The classmate turns to Danny to help out and he gets invited by the rest, but he doesn't get a say...
Danny sees something wrong and tries to say something, but no one let's him get a word in..
When the build gets judged, it doesn't work. Danny with random parts in hand, fixes it on the spot adding a little touch that makes it work and then some.
He gets high compliments from these very smart people, but he brushes them aside. Not realizing what he did, he'd just really wants to get back to Amity.
While the event is still going on, he gets pulled aside to look over a project or design and he can tell what needs fixed or how to reroute power better (purposeful mistakes meant to challenge him).
Here he is, at an event for school, being given complements and not really noticing.
These people very curious on who this kid is goes searching. Maybe the club kids tell the not-paying-attention-club-advisor that he did nothing.
Maybe the one doing the complimenting calls the school and, petty tattles on the club, gives full praise and offers a scholarship.
Someone can be so focused on either working on what they want to do or what they have to do (in Danny's case), that talent found isn't recognized even if highly complimented by an expert.
The mental image of Tim inviting Danny to the manor to help out with a WE project, and Tim is trying to get him to recognize his own talent. Bonus points if its vigilante associated (like Nightwing's eskrima sticks malfunctioning and sleep deprived Tim can't figure it out). Bonus points if the rest of the family are there over seeing.
Maybe he can't be an astronaut anymore cause he doesn’t fit certain requirements. Maybe he can still work for NASA despite his grades, he fixes a missed problem that would've made the rocket launch unsuccessful, and it was a last-minute change.
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fecto-forgo · 28 days
anyways heres some misc jamba cult info from the japanese version of star allies the official translation removed/changed the meaning of i found a couple days back (fan translations can be found here)
-this is implied but misworded in english, the jamba cult worships dark matter rather than be masters of it (this is prob why gooey gets positive nickname privileges from zan on twitter)
-the magic n science ancients old relationship prior to the magic clans ban is explicitly positive in japanese
-english hyness says magic overcame science n reached prosperity, japanese says science n magic could only reach prosperity when together
-for wtv reason, english replaced one of the mentions of the "book of legends" (the book abt void hyness has) w talking abt ambiguous ancient scrolls instead...?
-theres some references to a paradise void will destroy in the japanese screens w that one cult prayer that were cut from english (the second n fourth ones specifically iirc), the sisters guest star screens make references to paradise as well, make of that what you will regarding the religious side of the cult
-most if not all instances of void being called dark lord r used to censor out void being called god/god of destruction in the original version
-pon & cons japanese title (a-un guardian beasts) is a reference to a buddhist concept of beginning n ending, the pause screen states they surrendered to the enemy n thats why theyre doing guard work there, rather than they became cultists off screen between games like one might assume
-japanese hyness uses ~ when talking a lot, while most ppl associate that w a character having a sweet cute voice tone, for him it likely just indicates he tends to drag out the end of words a lot
-fully removed from english, hyness has a complex abt his face, which is why its so well covered
-zans second boss screen in english credits her loyalty to hyness' intoxicating charisma n her sense of duty, while japanese later does canonize she has a strong sense of duty in a different screen, it instead says for the second boss she feels indebted he took her in n is also "enamoured" by his charisma n "admires him from within the heart", quoting the used wording bc i think shes both adorable n so deeply worrisome
-weve all heard the english translation censored zan being heavily implied to have attempted suicide n being saved by hyness after it fails (succeeds?) after shes struck by lightning n nearly dies/gets bought back by him.wtv take on hyness saving the mages you prefer
-zan is never called the eldest of the sisters in the original, just the chief of the trio
-hyness misremembers zans name as zan paruru, a pun on the japanese word for forgotten (wasuraruru), that same pun is used for her boss themes title
-one of zans attacks in japanese is named after the "thunder candies" (type of wagashi) found in kaminarimon, where a statue of the shinto thunder god raijin is found, zans drums used during that same attack r literally based on raijins own drums
-zans first boss screen claims she toys w her enemies through her quick attacks rather than render them helpless like prey.just mentioning bc thats silly n has a slightly new show of her personality that line up w her depiction on the official twitter in a way
-flamberge wasnt taking a break in her second boss fight she was just slacking off n picked a nice star/planet on purpose for that.thats funny of her so its justified
-flamberge calls francisca kiss-chan in japanese, this is the same nickname zan gives her in japanese thats officially translated as franny
-this isnt mentioned in the documents but im bringing it up bc its funny.that part of HIAD where francisca calls flamberge "miss flamberge" was just flamberge-san in jp, -san is just a polite honorific to use that isnt immediately translated to miss/mister, specially if the characters know each other.why did they make it that lmao
-japanese explicitly says too much heat might straight up make francisca melt (english also implies that tbf)
-francisca dislikes "pointless murder", but is fine freezing ppl n keeping them for her collection if she deems them an enemy
-hyness' japanese title can be read as both mage priest n devil priest
-the sisters titles all have a reoccurring use of ice blossom, hellfire n thunder fang respectively, n theyre called the demon generals instead of mage sisters
-HIAD hyness' title fell priest has a reference to fallen angels.i feel thats giving pre corruption hyness too much personality credit but alright
-void is refered to both as devil n angel in different forms titles.this is awesome
-theres a kanji for hope thats associated w the jamba cult throughout the whole game
-the japanese guest star screens for the mages say theyre no longer praying n r seeking a new paradise together, for whatever reason, english completely removes the no longer praying part, completely losing the meaning of the sentence n development the sisters have (interestingly, hyness is mentioned in those n still called their master, n zans description straight up states she wants him to watch her triumph (translated officially as her wanting to make him proud), so its not actually explained if they disbanded the cult or theyre just.some kind of normal religion now? but theyre atleast touching grass now)
todays conclusion is the KSA translators just hate us 👍 check the linked fan translation for more examples of that
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druidonity2 · 8 months
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Jaina of the blue flight and Varian of the black flight
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