#wedding hairstyles for curly black hair
phas3d · 9 months
Ideal Type || Slytherin Boys
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note :: just what i think, but they could honestly be with anyone
members :: mattheo riddle, theodore nott, lorenzo berkshire
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Mattheo Riddle
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Sharp eyes that could kill him, eye color doesn’t matter to him
Likes people with more meat on them
Goes crazy if he sees you wearing thigh highs or tight underwear so that you have a little bit of a muffin top, he loves that stuff
Loves dark hair, all of his celebrity crushes are brunettes or have black hair
Likes the y2k style and clean girl, he doesn’t know it’s called that but he likes it lmao
Loves long hair but will make an exception for a short black bob
Low rise jeans are his favorite thing ever
Pretty nails are also a pro in his eyes, shows that you’re hygienic - likes longer nails
Plump lips are a major plus
Likes outfits that show skin in some way, so crop tops, dresses, etc
Slightly toxic, which is perfect for him since he’s ultra toxic 😍
He’s not willing to change his lifestyle just for a girl, so he needs someone who’s down to party and do the bad stuff he does
Loves confidence, wouldn’t date a girl who’s insecure
People with the wonyongism mindset are literally his dream type, makes him weak in the knees
If you yell back at him or call him out on his shit, oml he’s already planning your wedding
Loves to annoy you just to get a reaction, smth about you being angry draws him in
He likes social people who get along with others easily
A little bit cocky, but if you laugh at his jokes he instantly finds you more attractive
Dedicated and driven people, like not failing classes, having internships, having a job, all of that is so attractive to him
If you listen to: Kali Uchis, Tyler the Creator, Ariana Grande, Travis Scott, The Neighborhood, The Smiths, The Weeknd, BlackPink, Aespa, Beyoncé, you get so many extra points
Theodore Nott
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Likes shorter people, which is easy for him since he’s 6’0 (183 cm)
Has a thing for people that are flatter, likes rectangle body types
Long hair is his ideal type but loves curly short hairstyles
Gets flustered when he sees you with your hair up, something about it is so appealing to him
Long lashes and falsies are so pretty in his eyes, loves it
Ballet-core, old-money, and minimalist are what styles he likes best on someone
Lovessss skirts and headbands
Likes people with glasses, but specifically people who wear contacts in public but glasses at home
People with the resting sad face are so beautiful to him
Likes introverts or shy people, he likes knowing that you’re a homebody so he doesn’t have to worry about cheating
Nerds omg They’re his secret weakness
He loves book smart-street dumb people, it’s a sense of comfort knowing that you’re not involved in his life style
He’s a fuckboy who smokes and drinks, so you become a safe space for him
Quiet and soft voices are one of his biggest weaknesses
Elegance is also something he needs in a partner, someone who’s aware of their words and their actions
When someone covers their mouth when they laugh - So attractive to him
Caring and nurturing people make him want to cry, please comfort this man
If you listen to: Lana Del Rey, Billie Eilish, Mitski, SZA, Her, Adele, Yerin Baek, Matt Maltese, Radiohead, you get an extra point
Lorenzo Berkshire
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Downtown girl, athletic wear, coquette, and other cutesy yet comfortable styles are his idea type
Really loves when someone can dress up in a nice ass outfit and then show up the next day in just a hoodie and bagggyyyy pants
Doesn’t really like tight clothes on his s/o, likes baggy or flowy clothes
Doesn’t care for body type, has dated people on the bigger size and people that were super thin
Loves any facial markings - moles, acne scars, freckles, but esp ance scars
Loves curly and wavy hair, doesn’t care for hair color but does prefer light colors like brown and blonde
Likes girls that look kinda intimidating because of how pretty they are, but are secretly a softie (basically him)
For example, people with a resting bitch face but the second they see something cute they light up
Being shorter than him is fine, but if he’s dead honest he’s always wanted to date a girl taller than him (185 cm+)
Bubbly people make him fall so hard
People who are happy almost 24/7 and a little bit stupid and naive is what he loves
Doesn’t care about intelligence much, but doesn’t like people who are failing school
When you’re oblivious to flirting??? Omg he’s done
Wants to feel needed, so you being slightly air headed helps him a lot
Smiling makes him attracted to someone instantly, so constantly smiling and laughing makes him feel the same way
Loves people with a tad bit of sass to them, like eye rolls and stuff
Playful people who agree to do dumb shit with him suits his ideal lifestyle
Someone’s who funny, cause if I’m fr this man is not that funny. He def gets with someone who’s funny
He def had way too many crushes on manic pixie dream girls, so he kinda likes the chase
Likes people who are so free spirited that it’s hard to tie to them
If you listen to: Wave2Earth, Kpop, Taylor Swift, Olivia Rodrigo, Beabadoobee, Sarah Kinsley, Faye Webster, it’s an extra plus for him
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adz · 11 months
Property Brothers
The first Property Brother is born and it’s like a light appearing during the long night of an earth without Property Brothers. His name is Abraham, and from the moment of his birth there are murmurs about who he will partner with, which properties he will purchase and the renovations he will spearhead, and the media appearances that will follow.
Colin is born a year later, and it’s not apparent he even is a Property Brother until his second year of elementary school when he brings the deed to his parents’ home into show-and-tell and flips it for nearly three times the amount they’d paid a decade earlier. Abraham is the one who takes the ball and runs with it, securing new land on which to build a new home. The mother and father are pretty much just along for the ride.
With their fledgling businesses geographically overlapping so severely one might think the two boys would be at odds, but nothing could be further from the truth. Abraham and Colin are thick as thieves and do everything together, feeding and bathing one another and talking in hushed tones long into the night. They apply to business school when Colin is 11 and Abraham is 12, and they both get in, and they do each others' homework, quickly moving up through the ranks until they are teaching the classes while their professors watch in awed silence. When they graduate at the top of their class, perfectly tied with the highest grades ever recorded, they sell the school building and use the money to start their own business.
There was another brother born too, Gus, and he will become relevant later.
The Property Brothers are in their element. Here's how they do things. First, they purchase a property. Then, they visit the property and loudly remark on its positive and negative qualities. A process follows where the positive qualities are enhanced and the negative qualities utterly erased - this part is difficult to understand and not worth describing in detail. Finally, the brothers sell the property and make a hell of a lot of dough. They could use this dough for anything, but they always use it to buy more property. To do otherwise would be contrary to their nature.
Neither Abraham nor Colin has ever gone to a barber, but their identical black hairstyles are an inch and a half long and neatly slicked down. One of them wears a denim shirt and the other wears selvedge denim jeans. At all times, the one wearing the denim shirt wears dark pants, and the one wearing denim jeans wears a light patterned button-down shirt. It is impossible to say which brother is which. They orbit one another like sister stars with identical masses. They still live in their parents' home and sleep together in their childhood bedroom. At one point, they are seen dating beautiful women with white sweaters, and they marry, but soon their wives recede into the background radiation, and it's unclear if they were ever discrete objects to begin with.
Someone offers the Property Brothers a reality show on television, but they turn it down. They have everything they could possibly need. They have never flown on a plane; they drive black Ford Mustangs. They eat oatmeal for breakfast and steak for dinner. They have never gone to a library or movie theater, never been to a funeral or wedding (not even their own), never held a baby, never listened to music. The properties they own accumulate value at an impossible rate, baffling economists. The Property Brothers are ironclad. The gentle, masculine, beatific front they present is not actually a front but completely real and true. They have not said anything demeaning or rude about a person in their entire lives.
On the fifteenth anniversary of the founding of Abraham and Colin's business, Gus comes to visit. He has graduated from college with a degree in sociology. You can tell him apart by his hair, which is slightly curly, and his sneakers, which neither Abraham nor Colin would be caught dead in. Otherwise he is identical and somehow simultaneously the exact same age as the other two.
When Abraham opens the door to their parents' house and sees Gus, he smiles and says "It's great to see you! Let me get my brother." He closes and locks the door and goes into the garage. Colin is in his bedroom on the second story looking down out of the window at Gus.
For the next three years, the brothers have to use the Internet to buy and sell property. They work on their laptops at the living room table while their parents move to and fro. Colin contracts a scout to observe properties and report back to the brothers, and Abraham chooses to buy or sell based on the scout's info. The scout misses important details: the Property Brothers would never buy an ochre house, but they are told it's vermilion. For the first time in their lives, they begin to lose money. Meanwhile, Gus has died of exposure.
During the time the Property Brothers spend indoors, their business goes bankrupt and their names are dragged through the dirt. "Abraham" is known to buy houses with flooded basements, and the name "Colin" becomes synonymous with "house that has a gas leak." Everyone has forgotten that they ever had wives; no one would marry them now. The brothers are ruined.
However, something is about to happen that nobody would expect. It happens on a Sunday morning while their parents are at church. Colin is in the garage cleaning his Mustang with special soap, and Abraham is looking at paintings in the hallway. Suddenly, both brothers smell the familiar scent of their house burning. They run into the living room and see that their laptops have simultaneously ignited and that the blaze has consumed the table, the chairs, the carpet, the wainscoting, the cornices, the pilasters. Abraham and Colin embrace and the house collapses around them, kicking up a large cloud of ash. 
When the dust settles the brothers straighten up, blinking, and walk through the wreckage of the destroyed house, past what used to be the front door and a loose pile of deteriorating human bones. They stand at the end of the driveway and look back at what used to be their refuge and their prison.
A limousine pulls up next to the brothers, and a man wearing a black suit gets out. "What happened here?" he asks.
"Recent renovations to this property have opened up basically infinite opportunities for land utilization," says Colin.
"The area is zoned for residential and you can pick up this lot for a song," says Abraham.
"This is a wonderful neighborhood with lots of walking trails and natural features," says Colin.
When the Property Brothers' parents return home, they see that their home is gone and another home is being built in its place by a new owner. They see that their sons have freed themselves from the pain of knowing themselves, from knowing not-themselves. They hold one another and weep with joy. Residents come out of the neighboring homes with folding tables, grills, and champagne. Everyone here deserves to be here. Everything is arranged in a way that makes sense visually. Jewel and earth tones. Granite and marble. The fingerprints of God lie across everything. These homes are also properties. These people are also brothers.
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jamethinks · 2 months
anyways Melinda and Donovan hc because I working on a wip hehe
Melinda and Donovan's marriage was actually one of convience. Donovan had recently decided to go into politics and he knew he needed a wife as Ostania had extremely conservative beliefs. Melinda wanted to get married to get away from her parents and live independently. So Donovan proposed to her family that he wanted to marry their daughter who had not even graduated high school yet, literally saying the wedding will be after she leaves. Insane man.
When they first met Donovan basically called a weak personality-less loser who's only concern in life is to get married and accused her of having no interests. Melinda retaliated by saying she had two interests: her favourite was blue, sky blue and she wanted to own a blue mansion when she got older and she loved playing chess and was actually on the Eden chess team but left because she felt it would scare away potential suitors. And for the time in his life, Donovan lied (knowingly), saying his favorite was also blue and he wanted to challenge Melinda to game of chess (which he had barely played). But in the end Blue did become his favourite colour (although he prefered a more rich royal velvety blue) and he began playing chess and would regularly play with her.
Also for her 20th birthday he revealed to her a gorgeous blue mansion with exactly 20 rooms with a garden overflowing with blue flowers. It was built by a foreign architect and was based on greek architecture and is an iconic site because it sticks out so much in the more tradition utilitarian style found in Berlint. It was a bit of a controversial choice since this was shortly after ww2 so building a big fancy stylistic mansion for your child bride was kinda crazy but he was kinda crazy about her.
Lastly, Melinda is kind of fashion icon in Ostania. She had a lot more public appearances before her first son was born and she was seen wearing fancy gorgeous outfits that perfectly complimented her husbands. It was notably modern and youth, contrasting most politicians' wives. It wasn't really risque but it still pushed conservative ideals. It was based heavily on 1930s style and that wasnt by accident, that was obviously before the war and is considered a high point in Ostanian history so her stylist references made her more beloved by the public.
Her 3 most iconic fashion moments was:
3. her pregnancy coat: a oversized fur coat she wore while she was conceal her second pregnancy. it was midthigh and she wore heals. It was extremely cunt
2. Demetrius' first public appearance: after years of rumor infidelity, Melinda made an shinning appearance with her new baby with a the biggest grin ever. she wore a white blouse with a long black polka dot skirt and a long black velvet trench coat and a matching polka dot blanket for Deme's drool
Her wedding dress: it was this long 30s inspired wedding dress with a low cut in the back, her veil having blue floral detailing that was subtle but really pulled the outfit together. Also popularised the weird bun hairstyle with the two strands at the side and the rest of her hair tucked away (ie Yor's hairstyle, of course hers was curly)
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thesims4blogger · 2 years
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The Sims 4: New Hairstyles Coming In Upcoming SDX 
For upcoming SDX drop, The Sims has collaborated with DeeSims to create two stunning, natural hairstyles, Bantu knots and two strand twists, that are fit for any occasion. Both are protective, staple styles originated and worn by the Black community.
Interviews with Deesims:
DeeSims has had a love for The Sims™ from a very young age. As a dedicated Simmer, YouTuber, and content creator, she knows no bounds when it comes to storytelling within The Sims™ 4.
It is Simmers like DeeSims that continue to spark us, and we wouldn’t be us without YOU! As part of our ongoing You Make The Sims series, we’re continuing to spotlight creators across the world who inspire us and the game we make.
We sat down and spoke with DeeSims about the importance of this addition to the game, her inspiration for the styles, and how they will enhance the Create-A-Sim (CAS) experience for Simmers.
When we connected with you on this collaboration opportunity back in June and you started to research what hairstyle you wanted to see in game, did you have a specific goal in mind?
My goal was representation! I knew I wanted to create more textured hairstyles for the game. I wanted to embrace curly and textured hair patterns with day to day hairstyles and to create styles that are common in the Black community, so more and more Simmers could continue to see themselves in The Sims 4!
What made you decide on the Bantu knots and two strand twists hairstyles for your collaboration? Did you have specific inspiration?
I had so much inspiration! It was truly hard to decide which path I wanted to take because there are so many amazing hairstyles that stem from the Black community. But once plans were in motion, it was clear that the Bantu Knots and Two Strand twist hairstyles were perfect for my vision!
How does it feel to have collaborated on two hairstyle pieces being added to The Sims 4? It's so surreal! I love The Sims and the franchise! I’ve been playing The Sims since I was very young. I promise you, as a young kid, I never would have thought I would one day create something that would be added to the game. It feels good to contribute to a game that has had a huge impact on my life!
What value do these two hairstyles add to The Sims 4 in your opinion? I believe they hold a great value! The hairs are detailed with features that Simmers take into account. So much time and research went into this project, and those little details matter. I wanted to make sure that every feature was well thought out and implemented. For that, and that the hairs are so freaking cute, I believe the Simming Community will embrace them!
Which hair color swatches are you most excited to see the community style? I am excited for the purple hair swatch of the Bantu Knots! Purple is my favorite color. I’m also excited about the roots of the hair; the rich colored hair swatches have slightly darker roots with the Bantu knots. It has a realistic feel to it which was very important to me when creating these hairstyles!
What’s something new you learned about hair in the process of designing hairstyles for The Sims? I learned about hair budgeting. To stay true to the character design of the game, there are certain things you have to take into account when creating hairs - the length, the texture, the bump outs, the curves…they all play a part in creating a style. You have to account for clothing or objects that interact with the hair and how it would all pan out with your idea. It was very rewarding to see my ideas come to life! It was a great experience and I truly learned a lot!
How do you see people using these hairstyles in the game/how would you style Sims with these hairstyles? The hairstyles are versatile! They can be used on any occasion - from a wedding, to a party, to makeover for your mid-life crisis, the options are limitless. I honestly see Simmers using these hairstyles casually in their day to day looks…that’s exactly what I’m going to do!
The two Create-A-Sim items by DeeSims will be available beginning 11/17 in The Sims 4 on PC via EA app, Mac® via Origin, Steam®, PlayStation®5, PlayStation®4, Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One systems.
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rubberduckyrye · 2 months
I'll keep that all in mind, thanks!
Unfortunately when I say I have to reference it for plot reasons that was genuine, the thing that requires it is so small yet so narratively important that I can't just completely cut it out. Nor can I consult you cause the context is literally the biggest spoiler of this entire story. (I know that explanation sounds bad without context but please trust me it's not nearly as bad as it sounds ;-;)
Luckily I've already thought up some alternatives to put it in the far background. I'll definitely rework it alot though. Thanks for the advice! :D
I mean... Again, since you're remaking Angie's background story, I really recommend thinking long and hard about the inclusion of any blood ritual in her culture, and if it's actually so important to the plot that you can't come up with something else, like the newly weds gifting each other their most precious items instead. Something so important that it attaches to their very soul. Something like that. Or, you can look up native Hawaiian traditions regarding the union of two people. That sort of thing.
You are in total control of your story. You aren't trapped by the narrative or are helpless to it. You are the author, making the decisions. You essentially a god of your own story, and you can do with it whatever you please. This single detail of a blood ritual--it's probably not as important to your story as you think it is. It can, and should, be reworked and erased for this context. You should always rework a problematic aspect of your story, no matter how integral you think it is to the plot.
For example: When I first made my OC, Jaden, I gave him the wrong hair texture for a black character. I gave him 3A-3B curls, because I was mistaken and believed that any race could have any hair texture and that hair texture wasn't necessarily a "race" thing (for context, I grew up with a very White cousin who had coily/Afro hair (and no it wasn't a perm, her hair was just really curly and coily despite being white as hell), and often saw black girls with straightened hair in school with most black boys and men shaving their heads. I've since learned from this, but it happens.)
I was later corrected by my partner, Celest, and I immediately jumped to defend the hairstyle design I chose. I had convinced myself it was important to his character to have these kinds of curls, even to the point where when I "gave in" and gave him the right texture, I insisted he straightened it and styled it the same.
However, I knew I was kidding myself and that the hair style wasn't really a "queer effeminate black man curling his hair" thing. It was me being attached to a natural hair style that was just not for a black character like him.
So, I finally changed it. And you know what happened?
The hair style for Jaden was FAR more inconsequential than I had ever imagined it to be. Literally did nothing to the story to change up his hair from curls to twists. From there, I've messed around with other Afro hair styles for him (like rag curls and giving him an Afro puff when he's older), and it helped me grow as an artist, a writer, and a character designer to overcome that initial stage of "Oh no, this problematic aspect of my story/character design is too important to edit out, it needs to stay!"
I am sorry if this sounds harsh, but it is something that you REALLY need to think long and hard about. I'm assuming by your last paragraph that you might have something else in mind, but I thought that this really needs to be said as well.
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mysticstarlightduck · 3 months
Your characters are attending a wedding! What are they wearing, what present are they giving the couple, and what do they get arrested for when the night is over?
I'll go with a few of my characters from my WIPs!
Tarrant (Song of Thorns) -
What he is wearing: An impeccable blue robe with gold trim and delicate embroidered details, with a ruffled white shirt, tight black pants, and delicate boots. He also has delicate black silk gloves and golden jewelry. He may or may not be wearing light traditional makeup. His long strawberry-blond hair is either loose and styled with delicate silver chains or tied into a neat ponytail.
What present is he giving the couple: Something expensive but standard. He probably doesn't have time to spend choosing something incredibly specific, so he chooses the next best thing: something of quality that he knows will be considered useful by the wedded couple.
What does he get arrested for when the night is over: Getting into a fight with an important guest who got too drunk and tried to hit on him inappropriately.
Jack (Supernova Initiative) -
What he is wearing: An elegant white suit or a pitch black smoking, with a loose "button-up" shirt and no tie. He wears well-tailored pants and fancy shoes. He probably has styled his hair a bit more than usual with gel but otherwise keeps his same usual hairstyle. He still wears his trinket necklace. Most of his fancy "black-tie" clothes are likely rental, except for the shirt.
What present is he giving the couple: Something that will impress them, likely something incredibly unique or at least unusual. Very likely stolen too, given his occupation is literally being an "intergalactic thief".
What does he get arrested for when the night is over: Doesn't get arrested because he is way too good at what he does. Since he most likely doesn't know the bride and groom, he probably has robbed them blind and is halfway to a space diner with his sister and friends right now to celebrate another successful heist.
Masen (Of Starlight and Beasts) -
What he is wearing: A pristine and intricate red and gold bard's robe with simple grey pants and leather boots, along with a fancy fur cloak. His long curly brown hair is loose but styled with two simple braids and iron jewelry. He also carries his best lute.
What present is he giving the couple: A cask of the finest and most exquisite wine of the land, which he hopes to enjoy during the celebration as well.
What does he get arrested for when the night is over: Trying to use his bardic magic (literally) to enchant the crowds at the wedding into giving him all their money and then trying to make a run for it.
Kane (Song of Thorns) -
What he is wearing: His finest suit of armor, polished especially for this occasion, along with his famous bear fur cloak and his silver sword proudly on display at his side. His hair is loose and combed into semi-perfection.
What present is he giving the couple: A finely crafted duo of swords - one for each one of the duo.
What does he get arrested for when the night is over: Having a little too much to drink and then getting into a brawl with someone who tried to insult his family name.
Cassiopeia (Supernova Initiative) -
What is she wearing: A glittery dress with their galaxy's constellations perfectly etched onto it, with delicate party slippers. She also wears her half of the trinket necklace.
What gift does she give the couple: A newly built robot of her own making possibly one to help around the couple's house.
What does she get arrested for at the end of the night: Same answer as Jack's (her big brother). Doesn't get arrested and flies away on their spaceship to a space diner to celebrate a successful heist.
Elodie (The Forgotten Ones) -
What is she wearing: A ruffled shirt with tight black pants and a fancy green vest/corset, with new leather boots.
What gift does she give the couple: An enchanted and rare kind of butterfly that is said to grant wishes. It's known as the Moonflight.
What does she get arrested for when the night is over: Getting too carried away and trying to steal some of the silver cutlery and small ornaments from the party.
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uhairwigs · 17 days
What Is a 13x4 Lace Wig?
A 13x4 lace wig is a popular choice among wig enthusiasts for its versatility and natural look. The 13x4 lace frontal refers to the measurement of the lace area on the wig, which extends 13 inches from ear to ear and 4 inches back, allowing for various parting options and styles. These wigs, like all wigs from UHAIR, are made from 100% human hair, offering a natural appearance and comfortable wear. They are also designed to provide free shipping to customers, ensuring accessibility.
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Why Choose a 13x4 Lace Wig? The lace frontal construction allows for a seamless blend with your natural hairline, making it appear as though the hair is growing directly from your scalp. This flexibility makes it easy to part the hair in multiple directions, whether you prefer a middle part, side part, or even a zigzag part. Additionally, the 13x4 lace wig is perfect for achieving different styles, from sleek and straight to voluminous curls, depending on your hair type.
Customizing a 13x4 Lace Wig Customizing a lace wig involves several steps to ensure it looks as natural as possible. Many wig wearers like to bleach the knots to remove any visible black dots on the lace. This step is crucial for those with lighter hair colors, such as dirty blonde hair or even red-haired shanks, as it helps the lace blend better with the scalp.
Plucking the hairline is another key step in achieving a more natural look. This involves using a tweezer to thin out the hairline and create baby hairs, which mimic the natural growth pattern of real hair. Whether you’re going for a trendy butterfly haircut or a classic shag haircut, these customizations can make a huge difference in the final result.
Styling and Maintaining Your Wig A 13x4 lace wig allows you to experiment with various styles. If you’re aiming for a sophisticated look, the wig can be styled with wedding-down hairstyles for long hair or soft waves using a curling iron. For a more casual, everyday style, a surfer hair or curly hair fade look is easily achievable. It's essential to keep in mind that proper hair care products, such as castor oil, can help maintain the health and longevity of your wig.
Hair Types and Trends The 13x4 lace wig can accommodate different hair types, whether you have 2a hair, coarse hair, or even 1b hair. This adaptability makes it ideal for anyone looking to try out new trends or experiment with various hair length chart guidelines. Celebrities like Beyoncé, who flaunt their real hair confidently, or Kate Middleton’s new hair, often inspire wig styles. If you’re going for something bold and unique, consider replicating Paris Hilton’s black hair or the popular skunk hair trend.
For those with curly or wavy hair types, understanding your hair’s texture is vital for maintaining your wig. Whether you have 2c hair, frizzy wavy hair, or medium-length curly hair, knowing how to care for your natural hair can help you achieve the best results with your wig.
Conclusion A 13x4 lace wig offers unmatched versatility, whether you're aiming for crazy hair day looks or sophisticated styles. With endless possibilities for parting and customization, it suits various hair types and textures. UHAIR’s 100% human hair wigs ensure high quality and a natural appearance, giving you the freedom to explore your style confidently. Remember to experiment with different styles and techniques, and don’t forget that UHAIR offers free shipping to make your wig-buying experience even better!
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briosomakeup · 25 days
Bridal Hairstyle for Indian Brides
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Which bridal hairstyle should you choose on your wedding day? Which is the ideal bridal hairstyle for adding charm to your wedding appearance or look?
So, guys, we’re here to assist you in discovering incredible bridal hairstyles for weddings because this journey is a roller coaster. And because your wedding day is the most auspicious and unforgettable day of your life, you must nail the gorgeousness while setting the fire on the floor.
Today, we will look at the top ten Indian bridal hairstyles for brides. Whether you’re a bride, a bridesmaid, or enjoy the elegance of these styles, this post is for you.
Let’s have a look at these lovely and flexible Indian bridal hairstyles.
How to Maintain Your Bridal Hairstyle on Your Wedding Day.
On your wedding day, it is critical to care for your bridal hairstyle so that it remains gorgeous from morning until the last dance. First and foremost, rely on a competent hairstylist who specializes in bridal looks.
Discuss your hairstyle in advance, and consider a trial run to guarantee it’s right on your wedding day. On the wedding day, make sure your hair is clean and dry before the stylist starts. This creates a blank canvas for them to work on.
Top 10 Indian Bridal Hairstyles For Brides:
1. Braided Ponytail
Set the floor flaming with one of the best Indian bridal hairstyles for weddings. It’s basic yet gorgeous. Look for a wedding makeup professional who also specializes in wedding hairstyles. Only a professional can fix your braid to perfection. Show him the photograph, and you’ll be ready for your big day.
2. Bridal Bun Hairstyle
The Bridal Bun Hairstyle is a classic and timeless option for Indian brides. This attractive and adaptable hairdo is prevalent throughout India’s different regions and cultures, making it a favorite choice for many. The Bridal Bun normally consists of gathering the bride’s hair at the nape of her neck and putting it into a tight and structured bun. It can be tailored to specific preferences and themes, ranging from sleek and minimalist buns to more ornate and intricate forms.
3. Traditional South Indian Braid
The Traditional South Indian Braid, which has deep roots in South India’s rich traditions, is a well-known and culturally significant bridal hairstyle. This design emphasizes a bride’s long, black hair’s inherent beauty.
South Indian brides typically grow their hair long and carefully styled since it is regarded as a beauty and auspiciousness symbol. The braid is painstakingly woven from two or more strands, and aromatic flowers such as roses or jasmine are usually used to enhance charm and elegance.
4. Flower Adorned Updo
This style is great for brides who like a more organic and ethereal appearance, as it adds a touch of natural charm to the overall attire. The Flower Adorned Updo often involves putting the hair on top or back of the head into an updo or bun. Depending on the bride’s tastes, this updo can range from a polished and neat chignon to a slightly untamed and bohemian bun.
5. Maharashtrian Peshwai Bun
This hairstyle usually involves creating a high, massive bun at the crown of the head. The bun is meticulously embellished with a profusion of traditional Marathi hair decorations, including ‘vaki,’ or gold hairpins, and ‘thaushi,’ intricate bun covers.
6. Messy Braid
A messy braid bridal hairdo is the perfect approach to impress your groom. Adding flowers to this wedding hairstyle for ladies will improve your appearance and wedding appeal.
7. Ornamental-cum-curly Braid
Adding decorations to your braid transforms it into a more complex Indian wedding hairdo. You can be more imaginative when designing your Indian bridal hairstyle. However, this is also a very stylish wedding hairdo. Even though it is the ideal bridal hairstyle for a long face.
8. Milkmaid Curly Braid
A wedding is a once-in-a-lifetime event, thus it should include certain moments and images that allow you to reflect on those important moments at any time. However, you should not feel bad about your wedding appearance when you look at your wedding photos.
9. Mughal-Style Updo
This look typically involves creating an intricate updo decorated with hairpins, gems, and a central maang tikka. The hairstyle is enhanced by delicate and exquisite jewelry that complements the rich fabrics, intricate embroidery, and exceptional craftsmanship of traditional Mughal bridal dress.The Mughal-style Updo is an excellent choice for brides who respect classic elegance and the Mughal dynasty’s legacy since it exemplifies luxury and historic beauty.
10. Rose-Structured Bun
Inspired by the beauty of flowers, this bridal hairstyle has a bun that simulates rose petals. It’s a lovely and whimsical choice that adds a distinctive and eye-catching accent to the bridal cooperative. Ideal for brides looking to stand out.
In summary, Indian bridal hairstyles for brides are about more than just appearance; they reflect a bride’s individuality, values, and love as she embarks on her new adventure. These styles demonstrate how tradition may blend smoothly with new trends in today’s weddings. Whether a bride chooses a conventional bun or a flower arrangement, her hairdo reflects her cultural pride and style.
Here are the top ten Indian bridal hairstyles for weddings that you should try this season. People looking for a perfect bridal style for a lehenga, long hair, short hair, an oval face, a long face, or any bride would look stunning in these wedding hairstyles.
All of these wedding hairstyles have the potential to completely transform your big day. Find a unique wedding makeup artist or choose a professional bridal makeup artist who can also do hair styling.
Brides who are still unsure about which bridal hairstyle for weddings would enhance their beauty and wedding apparel “Brioso will make your wedding day amazing!
Our professional team will create the ideal bridal hairdo based on your preferences. With us, you’ll go down the aisle with beauty and confidence.
Book now for a perfect look that will make an unforgettable impression on your big day!
Brioso offers bridal makeup services in Pune, Goa, Mumbai, and Nashik including these modern bridal hairstyles done perfectly.
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sneakydraws · 1 month
Hair for oc thing?
hair: How does your OC wear their hair? Does it have some kind of meaning?
you didn't specify a character so i'll take this as an opportunity to talk about my peasants ocs because they're the most on my mind rn hehe!!
so among polish peasant women in the past, most common were braids (one or multiple) for unmarried girls, then part of the wedding ceremony was either cutting the bride's hair or putting it up in a new style - either way, the point was that she was no longer supposed to be "showing it off", and from now on she would wear some sort of head covering when in public, most commonly a kerchief. i read in the kraków ethnographical museum that this head covering would have also been worn by "old maids". i believe this cutting of the hair was not a thing for jewish brides? but i haven't looked into it yet. i'm also not sure what the customs were for tatar women, although i have read that, despite this being a muslim community, rules concerning the covering of hair were not as strict as in arab countries?
so anyway, the main character of this story is a young unmarried woman at first and wears her hair in a single braid. it's very straight and smooth, which she herself considers plain and unattractive, but she's definitely the kind of girl who makes sure to brush it a hundred times to ensure it grows well. i've thought about how, because she's actively looking to marry, she would have tried to look her best at all times, even with her limited resources, so i've started giving her a simple but eye-catching ribbon to tie her hair with. after her wedding, she wears the typical kerchief, though i haven't decided yet whether her oczepiny would have involved cutting the hair considerably or just trimming/restyling it. i've also been trying to pin down where the story is set, and i'm not decided yet but this one region's folk dress has a really unique and complicated head dress!
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her husband has thick, wavy, slightly unruly black hair because he's a reskin of an existing oc 💀 i've been going through the process of hair regrowing after a buzzcut so i gave him the same kind of length haha, he's a bit lazy and uncaring wrt his appearance so it checks out that he wouldn't cut it frequently. i also figured he should have facial hair but i need to a. research it more and b. get better at drawing it...
the other prominent female character right now is the husband's sister. her hair texture, like her brother's, is more unruly and on the curly side, very thick and healthy (in designing characters who are supposed to be attractive i may slip in my biases haha... i think curly hair is really pretty). i've just thought recently that this could be a source of shame or discomfort for her, because a lot of her character is centred around the pursuit of christian notions of self-restraint and orderliness, so she would rather have the kind of straight, neatly arranged hair that the main character has! alas, just like how her very earthly urges slip out despite her best attempts to be the perfect christian saint, her unruly hair slips out from the kerchief that she decides to wear despite being unmarried. she's not at the age of unmarriageability yet, but she's almost resigned to it, and maybe even a little proud of it in a "oh i already belong to god" sort of way. she has slight marya b vibes haha
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there's another female character in the works but she's still wip so the farmhand is my last major character for now! i'm suffering here because i reallllly want to keep this multi-braid hairstyle i gave him on a whim. i was definitely inspired by these designs from a bride's tale
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but it's looking less and less likely to be historically accurate for a tatar man in 19th century poland -__-" i'm still grasping at straws looking at various old turkic men's hairstyles and mongolian hairstyles and trying to trace some sort of connection because i really like ittttt but i have a feeling it'll have to be a battle between my historical integrity and my character design sensibilities
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topreviewin · 11 months
Looking for the perfect bow? Look no further! We've got the best roundup of bows for every occasion. Whether you're looking for a cute and personalized bow for your daughter's birthday, a chic hair accessory for a wedding, or a unique gift for a baby or toddler, we've got the perfect bow for you. From big bows for long hair to small bows for kids, we've got everything you need to add that final finishing touch to any outfit. And don't forget, these bows make great Christmas gifts for the whole family!Table of ContentsHallmark Bright Gift Bow Assortment (36 Bows) Red, Pink, Orange, Green, Teal, Yellow for Birthdays, Weddings, Baby / Bridal Showers, Christmas, HanukkahSUSULU Hair-Bows for Women Girls,Big Bows for Hair Satin Hair Bow Clip Barrettes White Black Large Hair Ribbons Oversized Long-tail Hair Accessories Christmas Birthday Gifts,Pack of 2Niceye Baby Headbands Stretchy Nylon Headband with Bows for Newborn Wide Headbands Infant Baby Toddler Girls- Pack of 6Frequently Asked QuestionsHallmark Bright Gift Bow Assortment (36 Bows) Red, Pink, Orange, Green, Teal, Yellow for Birthdays, Weddings, Baby / Bridal Showers, Christmas, HanukkahPROS The Hallmark Bright Gift Bow Assortment contains 36 bows in an array of colors including orange, pink, yellow, teal, green, and red. These bows are a perfect way to decorate wrapped presents and gift boxes for any occasion including birthdays, weddings, baby showers, graduations, Christmas, Hanukkah, and Valentine's Day. Each bow is made of shiny ribbon and measures approximately 3.5" wide. CONS Bows may come undone if not handled with care. These festive bows are a great way to add a finishing touch to any gift. The Hallmark Bright Gift Bow Assortment contains 36 bows in an array of colors including orange, pink, yellow, teal, green, and red. These bows are a perfect way to decorate wrapped presents and gift boxes for any occasion including birthdays, weddings, baby showers, graduations, Christmas, Hanukkah, and Valentine's Day. Each bow is made of shiny ribbon and measures approximately 3.5" wide.SUSULU Hair-Bows for Women Girls,Big Bows for Hair Satin Hair Bow Clip Barrettes White Black Large Hair Ribbons Oversized Long-tail Hair Accessories Christmas Birthday Gifts,Pack of 2 Long-tail hair ribbons: bows clips feature a big bow and long tail, metal clip keeps hair securely in place, holds thick or curly long hair well Black bows hair clips: it can't go wrong adding a bow to your hairstyle, and this hair clip features a cute, smooth satin bow, a beautiful hair accessory Bows for hair: these hair bows are so cute that they can easily dress up any hairstyle or outfit! Perfect for date night, parties, school, forest walks Gift idea: Perfect to give as a gift. A sweet gift for your daughter, granddaughter, wife, mother, and girlfriend on birthdays, parties, weddings, anniversaries, Mother's Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentine's Day, and other holidays Hair bows for women girls: hair bow barrettes made of metal french clips and feature decorative silky satin fabric with long tail, soft and durable These hair accessories are the perfect addition to any outfit! The long-tail hair ribbons are made of metal clip and feature a decorative silky satin fabric with a long tail. The black bows hair clips are made with a metal french clip and a smooth satin bow. The hair bows are a perfect gift for any woman or girl in your life!Niceye Baby Headbands Stretchy Nylon Headband with Bows for Newborn Wide Headbands Infant Baby Toddler Girls- Pack of 6Niceye Baby Headbands are perfect for making your little one look absolutely captivating in photographs. These beautiful bow headbands are handmade from soft nylon and are available in a variety of colors. They are also trendsetting and make an ideal gift for baby showers and baptisms. Frequently Asked QuestionsQ: Looking for the perfect bow for a special occasion? Look no further! We've got the best roundup of bows for every occasion, from birthdays, weddings, baby showers, to Christmas and Hanukkah!
Our Hallmark Bright Gift Bow Assortment (36 bows) comes in a variety of colors, including red, pink, orange, green, teal, yellow, and is perfect for any occasion! Plus, our hair bows are made with high-quality materials and are super soft and comfortable for even the most sensitive hair! Our SUSULU Hair-Bows for Women Girls are also the perfect accessory for a special occasion! These big bows are made with satin hair, making them luxurious and beautiful. Plus, they're big enough to cover a large section of hair, making them perfect for wedding ceremonies and special events. Finally, our Niceye Baby Headbands Stretchy Nylon Headband with Bows are perfect for babies and toddlers! These headbands are stretchy and durable, making them perfect for children who are always moving around. Plus, they come with six adorable bows, making them the perfect Christmas gift!
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kinsmade1 · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Large Fascinator Fashion Ascott Derby My Fair Lady Hat headband FA-003-BA.
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brioso123 · 2 years
Best Wedding Hairstyles for Off-the-Shoulder Wedding Dresses
You've chosen the wedding dress of your dreams and now it's time to find the perfect hairstyle to go with it. There is a wide variety of clothing options so it is a difficult decision between having your hair up or down, formal or informal, and whether your hair matches the neckline of your chosen wedding dress.
The choice of your wedding hairstyle is important and not only depends on what looks good on you, but it must also match your wedding dress and neckline. If you are so confused about what hairstyle is done on your beautiful wedding dress then the Best Makeup Artist help you to solve this confusion and give you the best for you. 
If a bride is wearing a low-necked dress, she should avoid an updo, as it will reveal too much skin. There are many different types of necklines in wedding dresses, and a hairstyle that looks perfect for one neckline may not work well with another style. The ideal hairstyle for a wedding can make all the difference.
If you're looking for some ideas on how to style your hair to go with your off-the-shoulder wedding dress and your personal style, check out these gorgeous dresses and the equally gorgeous brides who really shine in them on their special day.
Twisted Updo Hairstyle
The updo style is the formal version of the on-trend 'messy bun' look. This glamorous style exudes a royal feel and elongates the neck. Depending on the style of your wedding, you can combine your hairstyle with flowers or headpieces, or simply leave it exposed with some loose locks for a more casual and romantic atmosphere. Having your collarbones and neck exposed can give your bridal look a special charm.
Half Up Half Down Wedding Hairstyle
Half-up, half-down hairstyles will always be in vogue. They are among brides' most preferred hairdos. This is a style that works for both brides with short and long hair who are looking for an updo with romantic curls and a polished glam of loose, wavy hair. You can braid your hair or style it in twists from your temples, and then accessorize to match your wedding's theme with hair crowns or more understated headpieces. Loose curls will complement an off-the-shoulder wedding dress and help draw the eye down as well as elongate the body.
Curly Layered Hairstyle for Off-Shoulder Dress
Opt for a relaxed curly hairstyle for off-the-shoulder dresses. Style layers and choose a grain-blonde ombre for your braids. Wear the bangs on one side and you will get a fabulous hairstyle for your wavy and curly hair.
Braided Hairstyle for an Off-the-Shoulder Dress
One of the best black hairstyles for off-the-shoulder dresses and tops is undoubtedly braids. Opt for corn braids, box braids, or whatever type of weave you fancy, and build a large bun on top of your head. It will lengthen your face and draw attention to your shoulders.
Mermaid Wedding Hairstyles
Known for being the most dramatic and glamorous of all wedding dress silhouettes, our mermaid dresses hug the body, waist and hips. They are the best dress to show the natural curve of your body. These dresses flare at or just below the knee area, imitating a mermaid tail. Let's be honest, who wouldn't love to feel like a mermaid on their wedding day?
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pinerrider · 2 years
Short natural hair twist styles
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Making long and tiny Senegalese twist braids can be beautiful but at some point, they may cause inconvenience with their weight, as well as the fact that they prevent one from getting enough air. You can use a hair accessory to secure the ponytail as desired and then watch the lower portion of your hair stand up tall and straight. Just take out some locks in front and braid to the back, then gather up your whole hair and pack into a high ponytail. This is one style that you can use to spice up your medium-length dreadlocks. This style is not all about convenience though as it is also quite pretty, so you get comfort and class all in one style. The intricate braids also ensure that your scalp gets the amount of air it needs.
This leaves your neck free for proper circulation of air. The flat twist updo natural hair is quite convenient for the summer months when the weather becomes unbearable. Flat Twist Updo Natural Hair Image Source The beautiful thing about extensions is that you can ditch your black hair for other fun colors such as burgundy and maroon. To get the flat twist updo with extensions, you need Marley hair extensions, as well as edge control cream to make sure your natural hair blends into the extension. Hair extensions are one fun way to switch up your look and if your preferred hairstyle is the flat twist updo, it is very much possible. This particular style will expose your scalp so make sure to take care of any unsightly issues such as dandruff. The two-strand twist-up does not last long but the beautiful thing about it is that you can easily recreate it as many times as you need. You can throw in red lipstick to add a pop of color to your look. It is also suitable for formal occasions. Be it a wedding or a dinner date, the flat twist updo will serve nicely. Just be sure to shampoo and condition properly and this gorgeous style can be yours. The flat twist updo is quite suitable for those that have really long hair. Once you are through, you can use any beautiful hair accessory of your choice to finish things off. This style does not require a trip to the salon but is one that you can do by yourself in just a couple of minutes. If your aim is to look chic and classy, then the French twist updo is for you. When you want to get your groove on at the end of the day, you can also have your hair tumbling out with just a small flick of your finger. This is one hairstyle that you can use to transform yourself into a proper-looking lady at short notice. The curly chignon updo will hang lower than your regular updo but you can be sure that any small discomfort will be well worth it. Curly Chignon Updo with Twist Image Source There are also the flat-out twists and Senegalese twists for those that have natural African hair. This ranges from the curly chignon updo with a twist to the French twist for people with silky hair. No matter the texture of your hair, there is a twist updo hairstyle for you. Are you grooming your natural hair? There are also updo hairstyles for you as well. There are a million and one reasons to love updos and whether you fancy braids or twists, there is an updo hairstyle for you. They keep hair out of the way, allowing you to get a great supply of air and carry out your daily tasks without any hindrance. Also, if you are blessed with a stunning facial and neck structure, you can flaunt a twist, natural, or braided updo.īeyond the aesthetics, updo hairstyles are also very convenient. Updo hairstyles never go out of fashion and they enable ladies to show off exquisite accessories and make-up.
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23 Glamorous Side Swept Hair Looks Featured: Hairstyle | Hairstyles | Side Swept Hairstyle | Side Swept | Side Swept Hairstyles | Swept | Wedding Hairstyle | Prom Hairstyles | How To Do A Curled Sid Swept Hairstyle | Side Swept Hair | Bridal Hairstyles | Pin Up Natural Hairstyles For Black Women | Wedding Hairstyles | Easy Hairstyles | Curly Hairstyles | How To Cut Your Own Hair At Home/ Side Swept Bangs | Sideswept Bridal Hairstyle | Side Swept Natural Hair Styles | Side Swept Curls | Side Swept Hait Styles | Side Ponytail Hairstyle Credit: Getty Images #sideswepthairstyle #hairstyles #sideswepthair ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Remark: All Images Shown In This Video Are Taken From The Net , And Are In No Way The Property Of This YouTube Channel. Thank You For Your Comprehension And Collaboration ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @Hairzy YouTube channel does not promote any illegal content or encourage any type of illegal activity. All content provided by @Hairzy is intended exclusively for educational and informational purposes. The owner, administrator, author and publisher of this YouTube channel, @Hairzy, have no responsibility for the content of this video. #hairstyles #haircut #hair #hairzy by Hairzy
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ephyavenue · 5 years
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We really outdid ourselves with these durags.
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