#weight loss surgeries
knower-one · 1 year
سعر عملية تكميم المعدة في مصر
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تعتبر عملية تكميم المعدة واحدة من الحلول الجراحية للتحكم في الوزن الزائد، وهي عملية تتمثل في تصغير حجم المعدة بواسطة الخيوط الطبية أو الأشرطة القابلة للنفخ. ومع تزايد الإقبال على هذه العملية في مصر، يبحث الكثير من الأشخاص عن سعر عملية تكميم المعدة في مصر والعوامل التي تؤثر على تكلفة العملية. في هذا المقال، سنلقي نظرة على سعر عملية تكميم المعدة في مصر والعوامل التي تؤثر على تكلفة العملية.
عملية تكميم المعدة
فإنها ليست صعبة ولكنها تحتاج إلى التزام حتى يتم الوصول إلى النتائج المرغوبة. والوصول إلى الوزن المثالي يعد مطلبًا وحلمًا للكثيرين، ويتحقق ذلك بفضل العمليات الجراحية التي تساعد على إنقاص الوزن بشكل آمن. ولتحقيق أفضل النتائج، يجب اختيار الطبيب الأفضل والأكفأ والالتزام بالتعليمات بعد العملية.
وتقوم العملية على استئصال ما يقرب من 70% من حجم المعدة عن طريق شقوق صغيرة ، وربط الجزء المتبقي بعضه البعض، وذلك بغرض تقليص حجم المعدة، واستقبال الأمعاء الدقيقة لكميات أقل من الطعام، وهو ما بدوره يساعد على تقليل نسبة حرق الجسم للسعرات الحرارية، وبالتالي يفقد المريض جزء كبير من وزنه.
يعد دكتور احمد سفينة افضل دكتور جراحه سمنه في مصر لأنه  استشاري جراحات السمنة والمناظير، وأستاذ الجراحة العامة وطب المناظير بالقصر العيني. كما أن لديه دكتوراه في الجراحة وجراحة المناظير ماجستير الجراحة العامة 
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fatphobiabusters · 7 months
Theres something really insidious about how gastric bypass advocates deny that essential organ mutilation is unhealthy.
"I've lost so much weight I'm so healthy" your stomach is mutilated.
"My doctor is praising my progress" your stomach is mutilated.
"I fit in so many more clothes now"
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Because an essential, life sustaining organ in your body was cut up and your digestive system rerouted.
Health isn't the end all be all of value, humanity or importance but I feel like there is a huge lie here when this is "healthy" and it's just ignored.
Sorry to just bring this up out of no where but I was reminded of how little this is really talked about in bypass circles. Like, no matter what, you are now unhealthy. The spector of health continues. The Ouroboros is unbroken. Only this time it's doctor approved.
-mod squirrel
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slavicafire · 7 months
once you notice the ghoulification of celebrities through uncontrolled unhealthy and obsessive drug-induced extreme weight loss you will no longer be able to miss it. faces and bodies and expressions nearly unrecognisable. and you need to see it! you must consciously see it. paired with just as extreme and uncontrolled and unhealthy plastic surgery, you need to see it as grotesque and ridiculous, you must not assume this is the new normal, you can't passively accept it as this new standard we must hold each other to.
you must see it as a cruel and oppressive capitalist tool that it is. you need to see it and point it out and remember that it is unhealthy and obsessive and that it is actively harmful as it trickles down from the rich high horse down onto the people. that it is directly and consciously created to target minorities and profit off of them. that it brings direct and tangible harm to people already endangered by the system. you need to see and understand the impact of the abuse of resources and the push for accepting a lack of ethics in genuinely useful medical fields. it is pushed as the new standard hard. push back.
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playerprophet · 1 year
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This is Meredith, a friend of mine who, whenever I encounter her at parties I always ask her about her research on this stuff. She's fat-positive and doing research for her PhD on weight-loss surgery in Canada. In her tweets she says she's looking to talk to people who are "engaged in fat politics, have had negative or harmful experiences in surgery", particularly cis men, trans and non-binary people, and BIPOC.
Meredith is one of the most gentle and kind people I know and I'm sure talking to her will be a wonderful experience. It seems like she could use more fat trans voices in her research, and I am sharing this with her permission, because I know there are a lot of people on tumblr who have a lot to say. Let your voices be heard!
Contact her at besseym at uoguelph dot ca, and signal boost!
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(cw medical transphobia and weight loss mention) adding on to the BMI is bullshit thing, I’m a trans dude who’s now being refused top surgery until I get my BMI under 30 and like… I have a similar body type to you, kat. It’s stupid and ridiculous- and my chest is part of what makes my bmi that high in the first place! These things aren’t made of bubbles and air, it’s fat! So the tldr is that I now have to lose a certain amount of weight before my next appointment in a year, which honestly sucks big time
No that's so stupid, because first of all it isn't even scientifically proven that intentional weight loss is a realistic option for most people, and on the other hand the many "health risks" associated with fatness may very well be more correlation than causation due to many doctors not taking their fat patients seriously in time. I'm so sorry you have to deal with this ❤️
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jenthebug · 2 months
Update: I’ll be having two surgeries, a double mastectomy and tissue expanders, then a bilateral DIEP flap (reconstruction using fat from my belly) a couple months later when my tissue has sufficiently expanded. It’s gonna expand a lot. I’m going big.
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I’m about to be sober af this summer…no weed 6 weeks before or after each surgery. So I’m getting absolutely snoop dogged tonight. 200mg. Because my surgery could be as soon as 6 weeks from now (come on let’s get this over with!). I’ll get an exact date when the surgery scheduler calls.
Dr. Plastics wants me to start losing weight in a healthy way, too; cut out sweets, fast foods, and alcohol, and cut back on simple carbs. So that’ll be something to work on this spring.
This. Is. Gonna. Suck.
These are huge surgeries.
And two of my favorite coping mechanisms are now off limits. Three, counting sweets.
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hi-its-meg · 2 months
Friday is the day I meet with the plastic surgeon for a skin removal consult 🙈
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raceweek · 2 years
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agrownupgeekgirl · 11 months
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A few shots from my walk to and from Yoga today and then resting once I got home.
7 months ago when I had my Gastric Sleeve surgery I could barely walk 5 minutes in my back yard. Today I walked a total of 2 miles and did an hour and a half of yoga. I'm pretty fucking proud of myself.
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ahappybeginning · 1 year
I just hit a major milestone: 200 lbs down. In 13 1/2 months.
I’m honestly just…crying with relief and joy and pride and so much love for myself and this journey I decided to take. 🥹🥹
At the beginning of this year, I set a series of goals for myself. Some were weight-related, some were non-scale victories I wanted to achieve. This particular milestone, based on what I was predicting my rate of continued weight loss would look like, I had put as wanting to hit by my birthday, in September. It’s exactly 3 months from my birthday today, and I’m already here.
And this puts me only 10 lbs from the lowest (recorded) weight I got to during my first weight loss attempt in 2018. So soon, I will be in completely uncharted territory with my lowest weight as an adult, and I’m so freaking excited.
I’m going to Disney this weekend to celebrate. Just got a brand new annual pass, so this trip will mark my triumphant return to my happy place that I haven’t been to since 2019. And honestly, that last trip was anything but happy for me due to some unrelated bullshit happening in my personal life at the same time, so I’m very much looking forward to reclaiming my joy and making it magical for me again. I’m gonna get a celebration button, take allllllll the professional photos, ride the new rides that have opened since I was last there…basically I’m gonna celebrate my face off because I FREAKING LOST 200 POUNDS AND I DAMN WELL DESERVE IT!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
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fatphobiabusters · 2 years
Society will really be against gender-affirming surgery for trans people but a-okay and actually encourage surgeries to mutilate healthy digestive organs in fat people to make us conform to fatphobic beauty standards. All this despite those weight loss surgeries having extremely high death rates and risks of complications, alcoholism, depression, eating disorders, and suicide, while at the same time there being no proof that weight loss surgeries actually improve health or cause someone to lose weight long term. They don't work and we still force them on fat people, not only through pressure to conform but also there are many times doctors demand a fat person have weight loss surgery before they will perform actual life-saving healthcare. And yet somehow the surgeries society has a problem with are not these but instead gender-affirming surgeries that have been actually shown to improve the health and lives of trans people.
-Mod Worthy
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fatmasc · 1 year
Top surgery while fat!!!!
I got inverted T/anchor T top surgery on feb 13 2023 after many many years of wanting it. Heres some stuff i learned and dealt with over that process:
I live in a state where transgender healthcare must be covered by insurance according to state law. Despite this, i felt unable to try and bill through insurance. This is because the requirements for top surgery approval involve getting approved by a gender therapist who you have seen for at least a year and then getting approved again by the clinic you are applying to. Almost every trans person i know who did this had to reapply multiple times because theyre were rejected for unclear reasons. And if you get approved you are often waitlisted for at least a year bc there are only so many top surgeons in jn the state
Thats not even touching on how most surgeons have a low BMI barrier here, so i was more likely to be rejected by insurance through that alone (apparently the primary place ppl seek top surgery in my state has since changed this but it was too late for me)
I sought informed consent surgery (read: completely paid out of pocket) with a well-regarded surgeon. This guy was one of my least favorite people because his bedside manner was so dismissive and i was told to lose weight multiple times. If his nursing staff wasnt so awesome and i not so desperate i might have put off surgery to seek out another surgeon. This is a problem i have heard from multiple other ppl who seek surgery from him: he sucks but his results are good
On his initial application form, my surgeon lists his BMI barrier as 36. At consultation, he told me the hard cap is 40. I would be operated on if i was above 36 but turned away day of surgery if my BMI was 40. I spent the five months between my consultation and surgery date losing 30 pounds to make sure i could get this surgery
My surgeon is already able to charge a hefty amount because his practice is so well known, but that combined with a) recent inflation and b) his statement thay i would need an extra hour on the table and therefore more anesthesia meant i was charged even more! Compared to a recent quote from another person who saw him, i was charged about $1000+ more for my surgery
The operaton went without hitch and so far recovery has gone wonderfully. I was finished half an hour before expecred and the anesthesiologist only asked me if i have had past issues w anesthesia. As far as i can tell, my weight has had very little to do with that. It is super weird to feel nerves reconnecting but finally the way i look in the mirror matches the way i look in my head.
Im happy to answer questions ab top esp while im still recovering! Im still a little bewildered that its finally happened and i dont think itll fully hit me until i can actually get dressed on my own lol
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Hi bunnies!
Post op week 14. Healing well. My surgeon has released me to run and exercise as I wish.
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I have reduce my bra size from a 36E/F to 36B (full). Or 34C (which women know is the same size cup).
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My belly and legs have gone soft and fluffy. So I welcome the Spring and being free to run again outside! But I wouldn’t trade a day exercise restricted to go back to this size!
Hope you all are happy and getting plenty of Vitamin D! ☀️☀️☀️☀️
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Jfc this is the worst, most harmful take regarding fat kids I’ve seen in a long long time.
They’re honestly saying that “[t]eens 13 and older with severe obesity (sic) should be evaluated for [bariatric] surgery”????? And “use of weight loss medications is appropriate” for kids 12 and older?????
It’s fucking disgusting and indefensible. These poor kids! God this could’ve been me and I’m so so angry.
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blackgirlssadi · 5 months
Hello everyone! I'm excited to start this blog and share my weight loss journey with you all.
I'm sure many of us can relate to the struggles of trying to lose weight, especially after having the SADI surgery.
What is SADI-S: SADI-S (Single anastomosis duodeno-ileal bypass with sleeve gastrectomy) is a newer variant of duodenal switch surgery, which for three decades has helped obese patients control their weight. The key benefit of SADI-S is that one intestinal bypass is made, rather than two, resulting in less time in surgery and reduced risk of intestinal leakage.
Let's look at the rollercoaster a little👇🏾👇🏾:
I remember feeling so hopeless before my surgery, like I was stuck in a never-ending cycle of dieting and gaining weight back. But since having the surgery, l've noticed a significant change in my appetite and eating habits. It's amazing how much more mindful I am now about what l put into my body.
However, the journey isn't without its challenges. There are days when I feel like giving up, when the cravings are too strong, or when I don't see the results I want as quickly as I'd like. That's why I'm so grateful for this group and the support that comes with it. Knowing that I'm not alone in this journey and that there are others who understand what I'm going through is incredibly comforting.
So, l'd love to hear from you all! How has your weight loss journey been so far? What are some of the challenges you've faced, and how have you overcome them?
HW: 322
SW: 303 12/13/23
CW: 277.8 01/31/24
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corvidaedream · 4 months
had an appointment w my pcp and told her the plastic surgeon i had a consult w wants me to lose weight before he'll consider top surgery and she just sighed deeply.
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