#weird punctuation
fallstreakfeathers · 1 year
Human as you are
When you tell him you want to demat his hair, you're met with a scoff
"It'd have to be cut. All of it. Make me uglier than I already am" he snarls
You disagree, and sweetly push, reassure, promise
He rolls his eyes, fights, tries to intimidate
Mumbles a sarcastic "only if you're naked, too"
He hopes it shuts you up. Embarrasses. Deflects your horrible insistence
To his shock, terror, you agree.
You sit behind him, nude in water a little too warm for your liking, muscles undoubtedly to cramp in the small space of a tub not meant for two people, but that's okay
It's claustrophobic, suffocating
But that's okay, too, because he's letting you close to him
Letting himself be vulnerable
An honor even his sister rarely sees, you're aware, even if he's mostly hidden himself from you by the ridiculous amount of soap bubbles that surround your bodies like snowfall
Even if he refuses to let his weary eyes meet yours
Gentle hands soak his gnarled, broken strands with conditioner and detanglers
He flinches under your touch
Your touch, which has never hurt him, would never, could never
But the world has, the world will, the world takes wicked joy in it, and that is enough to justify the tenseness of his shoulders and the bobbing of his throat as he swallows, forcing himself to still
To trust his judgement
To trust you
You pretend not to notice, preserve his pride, devour your own
He swears it burns where your flesh touches his, wonders if you think him as diseased as everyone else does, wonders if you even care
Wonders if Daki allowed you this time away from scrubbing floors to spoil her dear brother
Wonders how you stand the stench, human as you are, of the blood and gore and the decomposing filth that may as well take up as much of his head as his dark locks do
A bladed comb cuts through the worst of it, straightening the rest as much as his hair allows
He watches your reflection in the water, watches your tongue poke through your lips as you concentrate on a particularly stubborn mat, watches you smile as you massage the falling suds into the spots on his shoulders- not to erase but to soothe
You would never hurt him
You work long, and pull so many unsavable chunks from his head he fears you really might cut him bald
You work hard, and resist the urge to playfully squish the inky dots below the corners of his mouth
There's no pain in your work, not enough for an Oni of his strength to notice, but you apologize every time the brush catches his knots anyway 
It's cute
You're cute, he thinks
Eventually, slowly, he allows himself to lean into you
Relaxes in the warmth surrounding him
He tells himself it's only so you don't have to stretch so far to reach him
Wouldn't want you to hurt your weak human arms
Ignores the inner voice that snickers with the knowledge that if he weren't so ugly, prideful, scared, he may have even allowed himself to smile
And when you leave, finally, to let him to wash his lower half without the threat of you, and he's left to sit in cooling water, eyes wide in the confusion that someone dares to care for him in such a way, like he's not disgusting, like he's not a monster, like he's a person, he pretends the tears threatening to fall is just the water left from his hair.
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romanticskull · 3 months
I can be proud of myself -- but how do I do that
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deuynndoodles · 7 months
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[id: A 3-panel, monochrome digital comic featuring Four and Twilight from Linked Universe.
Four drags a trash bag along the ground. He calls over his shoulder, "Hey Rancher, can you take out this trash?"
Twilight sniffs, wiping his nose on his glove. He raises his head and looks off into the distance, wistful. With tears in his eyes, he says, "Midna used to call me trash…" end id]
being an artist means i can make shit like this whenever i want. lovely world we live in
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twildflower · 1 month
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og if you want it. Idk. Know how to read it. Wtv.
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pricel0ss · 6 months
A thought,
Would it truly be far fetched? Would it be wishful thinking? Would I be reaching if I said; BEAST!Chuuya is in the Port Mafia only because the original Chuuya will eventually leave it?
This is too early for me to be rambling but I just thought about it. All of the characters in the BEAST!Universe went through some sort of change compared to the Original!Universe. All, except for Chuuya.
He has been a dormant character ever since the 16 light novel, actually. His ideals haven't gone through any major developments since the incident with Verlaine and I doubt Asagiri plans to keep it this way.
Also, whoever says he's loyal to the Port Mafia is missing the point. Because he's anything but that. He would leave if he could. Even Mori knows that, it's precisely why he keeps him close as a right hand man.
Just think about it:
Ever since he joined the Port Mafia after Dazai forced him to, he had shown clear signs of wanting to leave. Only seeking the fastest way to aquire the position of executive, getting his hands on the Arahabaki files and leaving. Even Mori knew that, seeing as he sent the flags to recruit him and keep their eyes on him in the hopes he'd want to stay on his own.
He never felt betrayed over Dazai leaving the Port Mafia. He never regards the matter with any sense of sadness or betrayal, even in his most honest state (drunk), he only shows frustration over Dazai ignoring his calls and blowing up his car before he left, only being bitter about how he himself couldn't leave (yet)
Chuuya isn't as dumb as the fandom paints him sometimes. He'd know better than anyone (yes, even Oda) just how much the mafia ruined Dazai, considering he was the only one to witness the differences Dazai went through after officially joining. (Aside from Mori)
He had shown clear sighs of wanting Murase to actually 'save' him and show him the light. With the way Murase's death parallels Oda's death, do you truly believe that Chuuya would be the one to do nothing whilst Dazai is the one actually affected after such an event?
That, or I'm thinking too much.
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TFA Wreck-Gar
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trashyreptilian · 2 years
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Dear Ruth,
I know you can't read this letter so… I guess this is more for my peace of mind. I miss you a lot, man… I like to think that, you're watching me somehow, making fun of me while I write you this fucking letter. But I'm always greeted by that same invasive silence.
I keep driving by the house like uuh… I'm gonna get over it somehow, you know? But it hasn't gotten easier. There's a lot uh-… Movies and music that you missed. I wish I could show it to you. Just one more time.
Cuz' the reality is, Ruth- I don't think… I'm gonna find another friend like you can… And every day it hurts… It hurts so bad… And now you're DEAD cuz' I was too FUCKING scared… I was too fucking scared… I'm so sorry… You deserved better, Weaver… You really did…
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cristalviper · 7 months
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Made a sim for @squea's Corn! A friend, a lover, an enemy, who knows! I would like to apologize in advance for all the sliders included in his download, making fat sims is borderline impossible without them! Cries!
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Insert witty bio here! I promise I'll come up with something after some food and a nap ;__; For now I offer you this:
Grant "GiGi" Guillaume - adult, gay, he/him
World-Famous Celebrity Aspiration - squeamish, outgoing, lavish
He only has his everyday outfit since I didn't want there to be an overwhelming amount of CC, but I copied his makeup and accessories to the other outfits to hopefully save you some time when editing him. You can change whatever you'd like, btw; be it gender identity/expression, pronouns, sexuality, whatever!
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Included in the download is all the CC used for him, including a trait mod. Again, I used a LOT of sliders for him, so please keep in mind that if you don't use them all, he may not look as intended. Maybe one day double chins will be base game, right? For sure. Slams face on desk.
[DOWNLOAD] If anything doesn't work or is amiss, please let me know!
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people never bother me with random rp anymore :( and I don't know how to bother other people with random rp
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okay! i suppose we can do this then!
. ? ! , : ; ' " – — - · ... [ ] { } ( ) / < >
here's our list of punctuation at current moment .
(gonna like really quickly assume you know what the first four are for. they're easy. periods end sentences, question marks end sentences when the sentence is a question, exclamation points express emotion (raised tone i guess? it could be excitement. it could be annoyance. you get it), and commas break down sentences and whatever. you know commas.)
colon and semicolon are kinda like a comma in that they will subdivide sentences. some schools of grammar like to do this thing where they all are like. supposed to represent a period of time you should pause for? so it's like the period/question mark/exclamation point pauses longest, then the colon, then semicolon, then comma. it's a whole thing. i figure most of you also know how to use these
an apostrophe is for contractions! i'm pretty sure you also know this. quotation marks are for quoting things or occasionally as irony punctuation (called scare quotes in this case)
for the en dash and em dash, i'm going to refer you to either of these posts (though one of them is slightly off. there is technically a separate minus sign but some people use an en dash)
the hyphen (or technically hyphen-minus. don't worry about it. it changed when typewriters were invented so it's basically just the normal hyphen but i don't like it so) is used for hyphenated words. and names. you know the ones. look up a list of hyphenated words if you don't know any. some people use two hyphens in a row to be an em dash but that's kinda dumb. sorry.
the interpunct is mostly used in non-english languages honestly. in french it's cool because it thwarts the horrible gendering by being fun and making the word gender neutral (basically it's "word with masculine ending·feminine ending" as in étudiant·e . it's not official but like. no gender neutral stuff in french is official. so . i don't care.) but also it's in a lot of twitter screenshots so. and also also, sometimes i will count bullets as interpuncts because. it's easier. they're similar okay • vs · is fine (it actually bothers me but we can redecide on it later)
... you know ellipses right? sorry i'm busy, so i'll skip em. they're longer than a period in the length thing i think
[ ] brackets like these are mostly used for adding information, context, whatever to quotes! they're sometimes called square brackets. it's mostly just quotes.
{ } curvy brackets/braces are mostly used in math. they do have uses technically but like. they're mostly here because i didn't want to leave them out
(you know these too right?)
/ good ol' fashioned slash. not a backslash that's this guy \ anyways. this is used for like. either/or a lot. or pronouns. those are fun
< > these are technically the less than/greater than signs but they're honorary angle brackets because it's easier to type. proper angle brackets are these ⟨ ⟩ and they're used to offset parenthetical information if you're not using an em dash or parentheses for whatever reason. sometimes called chevrons. afaik the less than/greater than signs can be substituted unless you're like. writing something extremely formal. also sometimes used in comics to indicate something has been translated! also sometimes used to denote thoughts! ⟨hm should i call this a day now?⟩
yeah. that's good enough. but if you want more info on any specific punctuation, you can ask me more specifically and then i will answer it when i am less busy probably
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lokidanger · 2 months
There's nothing like that cold feeling that goes from the nape of your neck to your waist to keep you lucid. It travels through the shoulder blades, hits hard in the middle and dies in the lower back, just like those cold hands do when they experience those areas, believing that no one notices. And Val has become so accustomed to how frozen Loki's body is that he has learned to remain quiet and still, and pretend that he has fallen asleep on those nights where the two of them just remain silent. Because there is so much that silence can say, a mutual understanding between both of when nothing is much and when everything is little. He doesn't quite remember the exact moment when such closeness between the two started, but while Val keeps his eyes closed resting in the couch Loki invited him to sit, he can't avoid the feeling of loss as those fingers leave his skin, and he frowns slightly as that discomfort returns to his chest as the moment dies between the two of them.
It is not the first time that it has happened, nor the last that will happen, that there will be these frictions without any type of communication between the two, because it is not as if one of them is ignorant of the power they have over the other, and it is not as if the other ignores the insecurity that one of them suffers that all types of affection are false and for convenience, or worse, that it is genuine and vulnerable to disappointment.
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beauzos · 1 month
i love trying to play Splatoon and then getting disconnected within 10 seconds every time i get into a match after the matchmaking takes like 5 minutes. and then i get temp banned for 10 minutes because of the disconnects
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gillianthecat · 1 month
finished with the semester
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ivyppoison · 1 month
some fics have good ideas, but are uh badly written
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eebie · 11 months
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wow more
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popizdyao · 9 months
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Inspired by the moment from the last Brt chapter when Inojin continued to hold Himawari in his arms even after they were on solid ground 🥺 I pictured a few of my headcanons in the art: - Hima has freckles - Inojin and Himawari wear the identical friendship bracelets in their colors (yellow represents Hima, purple represents Inojin). They call it "friendship", but well, you know, it means more than just the personification of friendship bonds to them (Friends to lovers trope ;) hehe). Ik in the manga, Inojin wears a hoodie with long sleeves and it is not visible whether he has any accessories on his wrists, but let's imagine that he has some, ok? - Hima also has bracelets representing her parents and brother. Following the canon, Hima has two bracelets on each hand, and at first I wanted to make only orange and purple (NaruHina), but I felt so sad for Boruto, he means so much to Himawari, so I added a third pink one for him.
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