#weird vampires
airas-story · 7 months
The Vampirism Solution
Stephen had assumed, once he’d successfully gotten his PhD and MD, he would never have to take another class again.
He glanced around the classroom he was in now. It was full of mostly young men and women in their twenties, emanating naïveté. He and Tony were obvious outliers. And not just because they were older. Stephen suspected that very few of his fellow students had truly considered what they were signing up for.
Stephen suspected that they’d fail the interview for that exact same reason.
“So, you wish to be a vampire,” Professor Ancient, their instructor, said. She tapped the simple hand fan she carried against the palm of her hand. Her gaze, with her crimson red eyes, seemed to pierce straight through Stephen as she examined the class.
Stephen forced himself to nod along with the rest of the class to the question. He’d thought this through, created pros-and-cons lists galore, and discussed the matter with Tony so often that Stephen had memorized each of their talking points.
Being a vampire would solve 90 percent of Stephen’s problems and otherwise create only work-around-able complications.
Now that society had found a cure for the unfortunate blood frenzy—thanks to Doctors Bruce Banner and Maya Hansen—vampirism was taking off in certain circles as a cure-all. 
That was a little optimistic, in Stephen’s opinion. As a doctor he felt qualified in declaring that nothing was a cure all. But there was a certain sort of brilliance to it.
Stephen, though, Stephen had one very large pro.
Vampires needed only 1/6 the ‘sleep’ of a normal human. By the Supernatural, the amount of things that Stephen would get done if he didn’t need to waste so much of his time sleeping. His work as a neurosurgeon was fulfilling, but it was… time-consuming. Hell, he hadn’t watched a movie in six years! Worse, he’d slept through his and Tony’s 10th anniversary.
Tony still hadn’t forgiven him for that.
Which was fair, since Stephen was still holding the fact that Tony had worked through their 5th anniversary over Tony’s head.
Which really, was another reason why vampirism would be good for him and Tony. They both worked so much, that needing less sleep opened up more time for them to spend time together when they didn’t need to waste that time restoring their sleep reserves.
Yes, immortality was a bit of a nuisance, but Stephen could work with that. Maybe six hundred years or so—and he couldn’t even begin to imagine the sort of medical progress that would be made in 600 years, and he’d be able to see it all—and then there were careful, government-controlled methods to legally deal with such immortality issues for those ready to pass on.
“Doctor Strange—“ from behind him someone giggled. Stephen refrained from rolling his eyes. His name was not that amusing. “What are the top three rules for the vampire?” Professor Ancient asked.
“You do not drink blood without permission,” Stephen responded immediately. “You do not attempt to create thralls out of unwilling victims. And you do not cross the threshold of a person’s home with explicit permission.” Which really, vampire or not, Stephen wasn’t the sort to just invite himself into another persons home. 
Professor Ancient nodded before turning to the giggle perpetrator. “Miss Mina, what did the result of Vampirism vs The Government decide for night-time shapeshifting?”
Stephen glanced at Tony as Mina stuttered out an answer as Professor Ancient’s piercing, vaguely terrifying gaze settled on her. Tony smiled at him. It had been Stephen’s idea to apply for a turning, but Tony had been by his side from the beginning. Which was good, since Stephen wasn’t about to accept a turning without Tony by his side.
Immortality would be lonely without Tony.
This was their first of the six mandated classes before the test and qualifying interview. But Stephen had a good feeling about this.
If both he and Tony ended up qualifying they’d take the rites of vampirism, cross the line from mortality to immortality, and begin their new lives as an undead couple.
Stephen couldn’t wait to get started.
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wanologic · 2 months
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sorry danny, sam will never think you’re cool
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I need more of Astarion being an absolute undead fucking weirdo. No more suave charming elf man NO this man forgets to breathe for prolonged periods of time and randomly gasps or croaks because he can't speak without air in his lungs. He lurks in dark corners with weird reflective eyes and doesn't move until you notice him. He's SUPER into the scent of his lover and buries his face in their neck or chest while taking in a BIG snorf. He gets very affectionate when he notices his partner is on their period or is bleeding from other causes. He doesn't make noise when approaching someone and often scares the shit out of them because he just silently shows up behind them. He's addicted to the warmth of his partner and rubs his body against them like a cat. He makes animalistic grunts and moans while he feeds. He forgets to blink and just stares at people with wide eyes while they talk. He stares at his lovers pulse point instead of looking in their eyes. He growls when displeased. Sometimes he smiles just a tad too wide. He watches his lover sleep and waits for them to wake up for them to find him just staring them down, unblinking. He's a fucking freak and I love him to bits I need more weirdo Astarion.
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mulderscully · 2 months
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kimik0hippie · 2 months
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I fell in love with these silly vampires and now they`re a part of the family💖
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gringlishgoth · 6 months
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me & my love 🖤
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blehhblep · 2 months
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sophsun1 · 3 months
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There was a light in his eyes. A light I had not seen for years.
Interview With The Vampire – 2.07: I Could Not Prevent It
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bennidraws · 10 months
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some comfort and pleasure in between saving the world
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hermit-frog · 4 months
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blumencia · 2 years
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calmlb · 6 months
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Chuuya definitely saw Dazai fall out of his cell.
Trust me, I’m Harukawa’s pen
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loust4t · 1 month
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nightcolorz · 4 months
friendly reminder that the reason rolin jones made Louis a pimp in the show is because the network told him he couldn’t write him as a slave owner like the books but rolin considered that Louis having an exploitative working position that demonstrates his lack of empathy for people he doesn’t respect and his tendency to have little qualms for using humans as property for financial gain was an important part of his character that he wanted to honor and find an equivalency for…. Friendly reminder that analyzing Louis’s negative traits is an intended reaction by the writers and Louis is and has always been deceptively good willed 🙏 friendly reminder that it is likely very intentional that in the books Louis was a past slave owner and Armand was a past slave which added dimension to their relationship, and in the show they found an equivalency by making Louis a past pimp and Armand a past (forced) prostitute. Friendly reminder!! That all of this is not fanfare made up by fans meant to unjustly demonize Louis but actually like,, fairly overt subtext, and that Louis being portrayed as capable of harm and having negative qualities actually in fact!! Makes him a better more, likable and complex character in a cast full of horrible people, and that analyzing and appreciating this doesn’t meant u r unjustly demonizing Louis 🙏 thanks
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calvinandhobbes · 3 months
hello again friend of a friend i knew you when…
yeah im definitely not beating the armand daniel enjoyer allegations
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prettyhopemachine · 2 days
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