#welcome home converts
cree-future-rabbi · 25 days
To my converted or converting brothers and sisters.
You are valid. You are now Jewish.
I want to be a Rabbi one day, so I like to help out with the conversion courses in our Synoguage. I love to sit in on the days where you explain (as my Rabbi says it) "what brought you here, to this moment. Sitting at this table? What makes you feel you are Jewish?"
The answers are always unique but similar in so many ways. Hearing a majority of you muttering some kind of version of Kol Nidre, I see people who their families were forced to convert and they want to come back, people find out through ancestry.com that they have Jewish grandparents.
I've seen older adults sitting at that table, I've seen young adults sitting around that table, I've even seen elderly people sitting around that table.
Every one of your stories you tell, everything you feel, it's valid. I can feel the love and the pain that is in that room on those days.
Many Jews feel that conversion means "astray and coming back"
Many converts, even with no prior knowledge, find blood Jews in their family tree.
My feeling is that a convert is no longer really white, either. Your family, most likely at one point in more recent times, either chose to convert to another faith, went crypto, or were forced to convert to another faith.
All that matters is that you are coming/came home.
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kakyogay · 3 months
funny computer virus
[audio referencing this video]
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mesopelagos · 1 year
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unfortunately, acrylic paint is a lot harder to remove from fabric than from skin,
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pennyparsnip · 3 months
Howdy, Neighbor! Perhaps you've seen this charming fella's standee on the website-
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-? Well, boy, do I have news for you! I have made a digital recreation!
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I even cropped it! So you could see the box better!
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Now, isn't that just the m̸̦̹̈́ơ̴̖̖̹͔͗̎͆s̶͇̤̽̃ţ̴̩̞͉̈́ 🤭💚?
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jewishbarbies · 2 months
me, knowing the majority of my boops came from jews i didn’t know existed until today:
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I do occasionally get violently reminded that not everyone views missionaries as kinda fucking evil and someone will be telling what they clearly think is an inspirational story while I’m trying not to let the disgust show
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Hi! I'm a former agnostic raised in christian schools, yet I've never felt connected to any religions until i learned that i came from Jewish descent (my great grand mother was born jewish but got adopted to a Christian family to survive WW2). I'm now working towards converting, though i know it'll be slightly harder since I'm trans. Still i feel so happy, like I'm returning home! Thank you for all the advices and resources you give to students ^^
Of course!!
Best of luck on your journey <3
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sanwalarain33 · 1 year
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khana kabba
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gschellyart · 1 year
The sads
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saqlain-khan · 3 months
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"🏋️‍♂️💪 Excited to share my ebook on fitness and bodybuilding!
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Grab your copy now and let's crush those fitness goals together! #FitnessGoals #Bodybuilding #Ebook" #fitness
Get Free Fitness Guide Ebook
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zoneoftools · 3 months
Text to Voice Converter: Transforming Words into Audio Magic
In today's digital era, technology continues to push the boundaries of what we once thought was possible. One such innovation is the remarkable text to voice converter. This cutting-edge tool has the power to transform written words into delightful audio experiences. Whether you are a teacher looking to engage your students, a content creator seeking a new medium, or someone with a visual impairment, a text to voice converter opens up a world of possibilities. Let's delve deeper into this revolutionary technology and explore its benefits, applications, and how it works.
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What is a Text to Voice Converter?
its core, a text to voice converter is a software or application that converts written text into spoken words. It utilizes advanced voice synthesis technology to generate human-like voices that can accurately interpret and communicate the written content. By leveraging natural language processing and artificial intelligence algorithms, a text to voice converter can capture nuances in tone, emphasis, and pacing to deliver an authentic audio experience.
How Does a Text to Voice Converter Work?
Understanding the inner workings of a text to voice converter can be quite fascinating. Behind the scenes, these remarkable tools employ complex algorithms and linguistic analysis techniques to decipher and interpret text. Here is a simplified breakdown of the text to voice conversion process:
Text Analysis: The input text is carefully analyzed, taking into account punctuation, grammar, and formatting.
Linguistic Processing: The converter breaks down the text into smaller linguistic units, such as sentences, phrases, and words.
Pronunciation Mapping: The converter utilizes linguistic rules and databases to determine the correct pronunciation of words and phrases.
Voice Synthesis: In this crucial step, the converter generates audio by matching specific phonetic representations with corresponding voice samples. This process ensures a seamless and natural-sounding result.
Audio Rendering: Finally, the synthesized voice is combined with appropriate intonation, rhythm, and pacing to produce the final audio output.
Benefits of Using a Text to Voice Converter
The application of text to voice converters is vast and far-reaching. Let's explore some of the key benefits this technology brings to various industries and individuals:
Accessibility: For individuals with visual impairments, a text to voice converter enables access to written content that may have otherwise been inaccessible. Whether it's books, articles, or websites, converting text to audio form empowers individuals to engage with information effortlessly.
Language Learning: Language learners can significantly benefit from a text to voice converter. By hearing the correct pronunciation and intonation, learners can enhance their spoken skills and improve their overall language proficiency.
Content Creation: With the rise of audio content platforms, such as podcasts, a text to voice converter offers content creators a new medium to reach their audience. Converting written content into audio form allows for an immersive and engaging experience.
Productivity: Busy professionals can save time by listening to documents, emails, or reports while multitasking. Instead of dedicating exclusive time to reading, a text to voice converter provides a hands-free option for consuming information.
Future Developments and Challenges
As technology progresses, so too does the development of text to voice converters. Deep learning techniques and neural networks hold the promise of even more realistic and human-like voices. Additionally, providing a wider range of voice options, including regional accents and languages, will further enhance the user experience.
Nevertheless, challenges still exist in perfecting this technology. Overcoming issues such as pronunciation errors, naturalness of speech, or accurately conveying sarcasm or humor remains ongoing research areas. However, continuous advancements indicate a promising future for text to voice converters.
In Conclusion
Text to voice converters have revolutionized the way we interact with written content. From accessibility to language learning and content creation, the applications are endless. With the potential for even more realistic voices and improved capabilities on the horizon, text to voice converters are set to shape the future of audio experiences. Embrace this technology and open yourself up to a world of spoken word magic.
Meta Description: Discover the wonders of a text to voice converter. Transform written words into audio magic with this innovative technology. Enhance accessibility, language learning, and content creation
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edienxdyt · 4 months
Memes That Only Understand Muslims EXTREME HARD MODE! ( Part 4 ) #shorts...
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xbintiqrar · 11 months
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renoed · 1 year
wound too tight | h. brown
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❥ — PAIRING hobie brown x gn! bassist! reader
❥ — SUMMARY you and your neighbour are the loudest people in your apartment building - drowning out the sound of each other's music with your own. You hadn't realised that your neighbour saw it less like a competition and more like a collaboration.
# A/N i keep seeing “drummer reader” this and “drummer reader” that so, as a fellow bassist, i’m giving us little guys some food
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Your neighbour did not like you.
Luckily for them, the feeling was mutual.
Whenever you had a spare second, you'd take the opportunity to grab your bass and unwind, pulling out a CD you had burnt with all the songs you could play. You had strong feelings about paying a subscription fee to listen to music without ads, so you opted for totally legal youtube to mp3 converters.
You had never really been a noisy neighbour, keeping your amp as quiet as possible and stopping as soon as you knew people would be going to bed. Generally, the people that knew you in the building were fond of you.
So when the old lady in the flat next to you moved out, needing to live with family for the support, and a young man your age turned up, guitar case slung over his shoulder, you were curious. Eager to be friends, even.
The first week was quiet. There was an occasional clatter on the wall that connected your flats, but other than that you could've forgotten your old neighbour had even left. You occasionally saw him entering his apartment as you left, or vice versa, and he'd spare you a momentary glance as you offered a smile. A little rude, in your opinion, but not uncommon.
After that first week, your curiosity had died down and you had been following your regular routine, sifting through your CDs. You had one with a specific set of songs and you couldn't find it anywhere. After an hour, you had turned your entire apartment upside down to no avail and frowned at your own mess. You'd clean it up later.
Not bothering with a CD, you plugged it into your amp and checked the tuning of your bass, instinctively playing the familiar bassline of Boys Don't Cry - it had become habit for it to be the first thing you played, having been the first song you learnt.
What you didn't expect was, hardly five minutes later, an incredibly loud guitar strum to echo throughout your flat, barely muffled by your neighbour's walls. You listened in (not really having a choice due to it's volume) and recognised that he was playing a song you knew; one of the ones you had on that missing CD. It was a favourite of yours.
Biting the inside of your cheek you listened to him finish the first verse, aware that you couldn't practice with him making so much noise. When he reached the chorus, however, you used your foot to bump up the volume of your amp and play along, hoping that he could hear you (and that he was smart enough to realise he had been disturbing your practice).
It carried on like that for at least an hour, both of you gradually increasing the volume in an attempt to overpower the other.
When you finished, you immediately felt guilty for being an annoyance to just about everyone else in the building. You'd apologise for the disturbance the next morning.
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That morning, you made a quick trip to your local cornershop, buying some baking ingredients so you could apologise with more than just a promise not to get carried away again.
None of your neighbours disliked you, easily accepting the apology and baked goods when you sputtered out an explanation for all the noise. A couple of them even invited you in for a cup of tea, which was always welcome.
"That boy," the middle aged woman across from you leaned closer, a devious glint in her eyes, "the one that just moved in, are you friends?"
"Uh, no," you tilted your head to the side, feeling like you were 17 again and being questioned by aunts about 'when will you bring someone home?', "we haven't even spoken, actually."
"Oh," you watched her deflated, "that's boring. I thought you two would've been fast friends."
It was difficult not to laugh at her lack of subtlety and you took it as a sign to leave before you had to dodge any more questions. Maybe in another universe she was a pestering aunt - you didn't think you'd hate that.
As you walked across the hall to your apartment, you noticed your neighbour was leaving, no guitar in sight.
You caught eyes momentarily before letting unlocking your door. As you made your way inside, you couldn't help feeling like there were still eyes on you.
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This became a frequent routine - you'd practice bass, only to get interrupted by your lovely, polite neighbour deciding he wanted to play guitar whenever you didn't want him to, and a war over who could play louder would ensue.
It would've been funny the first time, but it was causing you to lose enjoyment out of practicing and a significant portion of your paycheck was being spent on ingrediants that you didn't even get to enjoy the results of. You were certain that the patience of your other neighbours were running thin, too.
So, like any normal person would, you began waiting for the familiar click of your neighbour's door closing before you even thought about touching your bass. The door, for whatever reason, had always been a sound you could hear from your apartment - you'd mostly tuned it out but now it proved vital in letting you practice bass in peace. And it worked.
For all of two days.
The last thing you expected when walking past your neighbour on the stairs was for him to reach out and grab your arm, stopping you in your tracks. His fingers were calloused, undoubtedly from guitar, but soft on your skin.
The contact made you turn to face him and you both stood like that for, what felt like, minutes. Just looking at each other. You hadn't noticed all his piercings. You hadn't noticed that he was as attractive as he was irritating.
"You the bassist?"
His words took you by surprise. Obviously he knew it was you - you didn't live with anyone, so there couldn't be multiple suspects.
"Yeah, I am."
His face broke out into a smile, grip tightening so he could pull you into him, slinging an arm over your shoulders. He smelt of aftershave and what you could only think to describe as an old library.
Since he had moved in, a word hadn't been spoken between you - a smile hadn't been shared. Now he'd nestled you under his arm, after just one admission from you.
"Mate," he was buzzing, "you are the sickest bassist I think I've ever heard. Every time you play I gotta join in, you're jus' too good!"
All ill-will towards the man melted away at his words: he was just joining in. It was cute, almost.
"Thanks," you offered, "I hadn't realised that's what you were doing, to be honest."
He didn't respond, catching sight of the plastic corner-shop bag in your hands. Flour, eggs, sugar, chocolate chips. Today you were making chocolate-chip muffins, it was one of the bakery recipes left in your cook book that you hadn't tried yet.
"You baking?"
"For the neighbours-"
"For me?" his smile only brightened, unintentionally leaning closer to you, "What's the occa-"
"To apologise for someone's noise," you shot back, not missing a beat. The statement had paused him in his tracks, lips pursed together and arm dropping away from you. It felt like you were missing something as he pulled away. If you didnt know better, you would've thought he hadn't even spared a second thought to your neighbours, or the volume of his amp.
"Hadn't really thought about that, I guess."
He'd proven you wrong; you didn't know better.
With the lull in conversation at his statement, you took a step away from him, offering your sweetest smile as you outstretched your arm with the bag, "I think I'm overdue some help, don't you?"
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reblogs are hugely appreciated ♡ [part two, three | masterlist]
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bluecollarmcandtf · 1 month
Cash Slave, reporting in...
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Good morning, master. State Trooper Hernandez reporting!
I hope you're doing well since the last time we saw each other. Again, I can't apologize enough for pulling you over on the highway. I had no idea you were such an amazing hypnotist. Thank you again for letting me get off easy and only making me taze myself twice! I was paralyzed in that muddy ditch for awhile, but you could've given me a helluva worse punishment!
Your instructions aren't negotiable, so I made sure to snap a photo before I started my shift today. As you suggested, I've been eating a box of donuts every morning, and I've packed on a hefty 30 lbs since I've started. My wife has complained, but I know you want me to look more like a cliche of law enforcement!
I'll stop by your house to drop off my paycheck tonight after work. I won't forget to pick up some pizza for you and your friends on the way: extra sausage, just like you said!
See you tonight, master!
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Hello sir.
It's been a week since you came into my shop, and I've followed everything you said. I didn't agree with it at first, but you convinced me with that little pendant.
You were right! I really am beneath powerful men like you. Filthy blue-collar workers aren't worthy to lick the dirt off your shoes. You were right to point that out, and you were right to tell me to embrace it. When the world looks at me, they shouldn't see a man. They should see a grease monkey at the bottom of society.
That's why I haven't showered or changed in seven days. My BO is uncomfortable to work in, but I know it's just a reminder of what I am. I used to be proud of my job. Ha! I used to look down on suits like you, but I'm nothing in comparison; just a tool at your disposal.
Anyways, I cleaned and waxed your old car as fast as I could. I know I lent you my convertible, but you're welcome to keep it. I put a lot of sweat and blood in fixing her up, but like you said, fancy cars are meant for you to drive and me to maintain.
Stop back in my garage anytime. White-collar men like you get free service here! It's not the place of any lowly laborer to get in the way of what you want.
Thank you again, sir.
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Hello boss.
Just started another long day of window washing! It's another hot one, but I'll keep my head down and sweat through it like usual.
I've gotta say, it's days like this that make me miss the comforts of my old corporate desk job. I'd kill for some AC right now, but I remember how much you made me realize I hated that career. Like you said, I'm much better suited to a life of mindless cleaning.
It turns out you're the real one with a knack for business strategy because all of your advice has been genius! The income is dependent on the hours I put in, and since I'm working for half the price of all competitors, I've gotten a monopoly on the market! I've fully booked all seven days for the next five or so weeks, so I'll be washing windows non-stop!
The business is already booming! I've been billing customers to your bank account, so you should already see all the profit in there!
Later today, I'll make a note of the minimum I need to replenish the cleaning supplies I'm running through. I'd also be grateful if you loaned me a bit for personal use, but it's understandable if you can't spare any! We agreed that I wasn't working for a salary, and I'm fine with that! I've been sleeping in the company van the last few weeks and it's more than good enough for me!
Don't worry, boss. I'll get back to work!
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Tell my wife hello for me, master!
Working on a rig has been isolating. The job is brutal, the days are long, and every night I head back to our bunks covered in oil. I thought I'd at least get to bond with the other guys, but most of us are too tired to do anything but eat and sleep after our shift.
The only thing that's getting me through it is thinking about you. I know I also have a girl at home, but you were the one that gave my life purpose. I was never going to make money as an actor, and you helped me see that! You were the one that convinced me to go for this ridiculous job in the middle of the ocean, and now I'm making a ton of money!
You deserve it all.
I wouldn't have seen any of this cash if I hadn't stuck around after your stage hypnosis show. I still remember the wild look in your eyes when you came up with this idea for me. I also remember that hungry look you had when you saw my wife. It was impossible to say no.
Oh, and thanks for keeping my wife company while I'm gone. A man like you deserves her attention more than I do. Like you said, I doubt I was pleasing her to begin with. The only thing I'm good for is earning money, and I hope you're enjoying it because it sure isn't easy to earn!
I gotta get back, but I wanted to let you know that I signed up for another six months like you suggested. It's lonely, but I'm happy to do it, master!
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Son, or should I still call you 'sir'?
I'm not sure if I your new title applies through text as well? Being your dad and your servant can be a bit confusing, but I don't mean disrespect you! Just let me know.
My workout is done and I'm headed back to your house. I signed the deed over to you this morning, so you officially own it now! Like usual, I'll clean the place from top to bottom. I've got all the mops and cleaning supplies in my van and ready to go. Since it's Friday, I'll start on the weekly yard work; mowing, weeding, etc... I don't want to bore you with the details, but it'll take the majority of the day to keep your place in tip top shape!
As I understand it, you are having friends over tonight, so I'll prepare a three course meal for eight. I ironed my apron this morning so I should look like a more presentable waiter than last night when I served your food!
As always, please let me know if there's any other way I can be of service today or tonight.
I'll be awaiting your return, sir.
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Hey little bro,
I just finished my workout at the gym with dad. We're both hitting PRs and we're really starting to see some results! Still can't believe you hypnotized his dumb ass to think he's your butler! That man looks so stupid changing from gym clothes into a bowtie and gloves. He's constantly calling you 'sir' too, even when you're not around.
He's such an idiot.
Anyways, I'm all dressed and ready for my new job. You were totally right. I'm going to be so much happier as a clown instead of a wrestler. I'm about to head out to my first gig; a ten year old's birthday party. I think he's the kid of someone I used to compete with. It might be a little awkward, but it won't affect my routine. I've got an afternoon of pies in the face and self-deprecating humor ahead of me.
I made sure to tell the guy who hired me that I'm willing to stay after and clean up. Kids make a huge mess after all. I just hope he won't be too weird about me being a clown at his son's party. We may have been rivals in the past, but that was back when I wrestled. Now I'm just a joke for hire. He's technically my boss for the day, so I'll have to get used to taking orders from him.
Wish me luck, bro. I'll give you the money after the dad dismisses me. Let's hope I make a good clown!
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