#well i definitely won't be able to watch Wilde the same way again
xjulixred45x · 10 months
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This request is a bit detailed but if it's okay can I please ask for a scenario with a yandere Gojo with a kianna reader
Where he finds out that like her sister Yui her blood can make others stronger and she's pissed off about it because she already had to deal with blood sucking vampires and now she has to deal
with Wizards and Sorcerers and that want her blood so they can make themselves stronger
And so in a fit of rage she
becomes a sorcerer to defend herself and uses a sledgehammer with cursed energy to kill cursed spirits that want her blood or sorcerers and Wizards
because in her eyes she's not going to give some random stranger her blood and if they want it they would have to take it from her when she's dead
And Gojo is impressed that she's able to kill a sorcerer and he understands her reasons so
He protects her from sorcerers and wizards and cursed spirits that want her blood or curses and he is aware that she can fight by herself but what if a sorcerer manages to kill her or she gets kidnapped and
So he takes her under his wing as his daughter
And makes it very clear to any sorcerer that he works with that if they lay a finger on her or try to take her blood that he will kill them without hesitation
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And I'm sorry if this is a bit too much
Not at all! Actually i already have some kind of serie(? Of Yui Komori in Jujustu Kaisen(Even Gojo is a posible love Interest Lol, Here is) so, if You don't mind i Will use ir for reference.
PLATONIC!YANDERE!Gojo Satoru x Komori! Reader(+background Yandere Gojo x Yui Komori)
Gojo Satoru:Brute End
Warnings: YANDERE, UNHEALTY MINDSET, OBSESIVE BEHAVIOR, menor intimidation, OOC Satoru Gojo.
ok, this will be a bit different, it won't be Headcanons, but detailed writings/scripts, I hope it works.
Let's assume that this is a possible branch of the "Satoru x Yui Route", that is, not only do we have a Yandere Romantic Gojo on Yui, but eventually it will also turn on Kiana as well.
Gojo is not a yandere who turns like this out of the blue or right away, although I would say that he developed the typical tendencies of one more or less at the same time both romantically (Yui) and platonically (Kiana).
For some context, Gojo was the one who saved both Kiana and Yui from the vampires. We already know Gojo and his philosophy that protecting the weak "is exhausting" and for this reason he would be very interested in the sisters from the beginning. In Yui for her mental strength and sweet personality, while with Kianna he was impressed by her great willingness to protect herself (and Yui) even becoming a Sorcerer in record time.
They are two types of taste that complement each other. at first.
To Gojo, Kianna is like a wild cat in a "cute way." He thinks he can easily erase her trust issues like he does with his students, overestimating himself what a surprise. when he realizes NO IT'S NOT THAT EASY, he gets confused, he looks good with kids (and he is in a way, he's as immature as one--) but he realizes pretty quickly what's going on and that he has to do something different if he wants to reach Kianna's heart.
he can (and will) use his position as a teacher to encourage Kianna to spend more time together and teach her powerful techniques (even inviting Yui to watch to show off a bit, two for one!), though at the same time he's like a slight intimidation, since although Gojo would NEVER use those techniques against Kianna or Yui, he definitely shows more than he should. it's scary.
As you said, it's pretty explicit that Gojo is willing to kill not only people who are willing to try to hurt Yui (or god forbid, kidnap her again) but also applies to possible threats to Kianna. I feel that with her the levels of overprotection skyrocket due to a purely cultural issue. with Yui he is much more possessive like a romantic Yandere and with Kianna he is much more overprotective like a platonic Yandere.
is surprisingly paranoid (I haven't seen the second season so sorry if I'm wrong), we could say that the whole situation reminds him a bit of what happened with Riko and, by extension, Geto, the idea that Yui and Kianna, the The new two most important people in his life, whether they are torn from him like that, whether by the big shots or by curses, it doesn't matter, IT EATS HIM FROM THE INSIDE OUT.
does a decent to mediocre job of hiding these thoughts, Yui tries to get him to talk to her thinking "venting it out might help me deal with it in a healthy way" though it only ends up generating a higher level of Satoru's obsession over her.
while Kianna has mixed feelings, on the one hand she is somewhat afraid of Satoru, afraid that he will hurt her as Seiji has done in the past, but on the other hand she is doing something that she never thought she would do, showing herself vulnerable (something like that). , ends up in a certain way empathizing with him and even accepting his company more. again only increasing the level of obsession over her.
it all ends with Kianna officially being a member of the Gojo family, even if she doesn't quite know how they got to this point, she can't even go on as many missions as before (or even GO OUT as much as before). although at least they don't have to worry about the people who were chasing them before, they're already gone, she doesn't know how, but they're gone, and everyone knows better than to question "the strongest". Yui seems happy tho, finally having the "peacefull life" she always dream of.
Even if it's the way she want it.
Satoru is more than pleased with this turn of events, no Sorcerer dares even look at Yui or Kianna the wrong way, Yui is his wife, Kianna is his daughter, he has everything. Absolutely everything at hand, under control, safe and sound.
What more he could ask?
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ingravinoveritas · 3 years
So, this delightfully juicy tidbit was brought to my attention today thanks to @thereallovebug: A new interview with Kate Beckinsale on the Armchair Expert podcast in which she and host Dax Shepard talk about their celebrity crushes, and Kate mentions Michael having a crush on Jude Law during the filming of Wilde.
Transcript below:
DS: “Who’s your--Jude Law’s for you?”
Kate: “No, Michael’s was Jude Law when we were dating, so I always assume that’s everybody’s.”
DS: “Ohh, right. That’s so in keeping with Michael, though.”
Kate: “But Michael was also playing his lover in a movie about Oscar Wilde at the time so he might’ve got carried away in his head.”
It’s first worth noting that Michael and Jude actually played rivals in Wilde, not lovers, so it is intriguing that Kate (mis)remembered it that way. Even more significant, though, is that it adds to the list of crushes Michael has loudly talked about having on men, and establishes that he is attracted to his male costars as well as female.
Another interesting thing is that Dax elaborates on his comment following this clip, saying that a crush on Jude Law was “on brand” for Michael. (”On brand” in what sense, one wonders? That Michael likes slim, pretty men? I’m shocked.  Shocked, I tell you...) While Dax expands on this by saying that Michael is an “artistic actor,” it doesn’t go beyond there...but for a hot second it almost like he was going to mention David as another “pretty” male costar of Michael’s.
This brings up another point, which is Kate’s seeming dismissal of Michael’s feelings as him getting “carried away in his head.” We know Michael has said previously that he doesn’t know where the line is between him and Aziraphale, and that it is very blurry. But again, Michael’s character in Wilde wasn’t a paramour of Jude’s character, so we know Michael can and does have feelings that surpass what he is acting in a given moment.
There’s no question in my mind that what Michael feels for David seems to go far beyond a mere crush, however...and while it might have started on the set of the show (or maybe even at the first table read), it’s been years since Good Omens came out, and Michael still seems just as besotted with David as ever.
So this was just a lovely piece of information to stumble across today, and seems to add further credence to the idea that Michael is highkey bi (or least definitely not 100% straight). Very, very interesting indeed...
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pan-fangirl-345 · 3 years
Promise Me You Won't Fall In Love
Summary: You and Tsukishima have been friends since you were kids, and you made a promise not to fall in love with each other. But of course, everything's fine and great until someone (both of you) fucked up and caught feelings.
TW: swearing, mutual pining, unrequited love (it is requited later), minor harassment (not a lot), and there is some derogatory talk from an extra that doesn't even have a name (Kei puts him in his place, I promise).
A/N: So this wasn't requested, but I've been thinking about this one a lot recently and I wanted to do something with it, hence this.
Note: Anything in italics is a memory! Well, not all of it, but the longer sections. Most of the time the one or two word-er things are simply emphasized, that kind of thing.
"Tsukishima, your girlfriend's here to see you!" Sugawara told the middle blocker, and he turned to see you leaning against the wall near Yachi and Kiyoko, laughing at something they were saying to you.
"She's not my girlfriend," Kei muttered, walking over.
"Kei! I knew you'd be here," you said, digging through your bag. "One of the girls in my class wanted me to give this to you."
You handed him a bright pink envelope with black sparkly writing on the front, his name scrawled in almost perfect handwriting.
"Another love letter?" he asked, taking it.
"Probably, I've stopped asking. It makes them think that we're together," you told him, crossing your arms.
Kei sighed, opening the letter with little fanfare.
He scanned through it quickly, rolling his eyes.
One thing he had noticed was that the letters he had been getting were really sucky poetry and fancy words. They knew nothing about him worthwhile and he was pretty sure they just wanted to check off the 'I have a boyfriend' box on their high school checklists.
Kei made a noise of disgust and walked over to the nearest trash can, dumping the letter in.
"I'm assuming that's another no?" you asked, smirking at him, already knowing the answer.
He nodded, ignoring the smirk on your face.
You, Tadashi, and Kei had all been friends since middle school. Kei had known you longer, since you lived in the same neighborhood, but you had kind of adopted Tadashi when you had heard about him being bullied, hence why Kei and you were actual friends now. Tadashi was the link between the two of you that had stuck. Being forced to make conversation as some of the only kids in the neighborhood had simply made you acquaintances.
"If you knew I was going to say no then why would you give me the letter?" Kei asked.
"Because I'm hoping you'll broaden your horizons," you offered, waving your hand dismissively. "Besides, it sends the wrong message if I just throw them away without giving them to you. Not to mention, a lot of the girls don't like me to begin with because I'm one of the few people you can tolerate for more than a few minutes at the time. You've never had a girlfriend, Kei, even if they aren't girlfriend material, couldn't you at least make a few more friends?"
"I can barely deal with you and Tadashi, I don't need anymore friends," Kei told you, and you laughed.
"Keep telling yourself that Kei. I'll see you guys later, alright?"
Tadashi and Kei nodded, watching you leave before they rejoined practice.
"Are you sure she isn't your girlfriend, Tsukishima?" Sugawara asked, watching the blocker with mild interest.
Despite being second years now, their former upperclassmen were showing up more as tournament season drew closer. Though Kei also suspected that they were being nostalgic and that they missed their underclassmen's chaos.
"I'm sure," he assured the former setter. "Why?"
"Nothing, just a hunch," he murmured.
"Guys, do you ever wonder how many people see you on the side of the street and think, 'Wow, they are the most beautiful person I have ever seen'?" you asked, as you hung upside down on the monkey bars.
"I think the blood is going to your head, (Y/F/N)," Tadashi teased.
"No, I'm serious," you said, turning to look at him. "I was thinking, earlier, about how Kei keeps getting all these love letters, and it made me wonder how many people see me as attractive, but never say anything. I don't think it's very many," you admitted, "but I wonder if they are out there."
Tadashi sighed, putting his hands on his forehead in an exasperated manner.
"(Y/F/N)," he said, sounding almost breathless, "just because Kei is getting letters doesn't mean that people don't find you attractive."
"I'm not saying people don't find me attractive," you said, swinging yourself up onto the bars again. "I know someone in the world must have standards that low, but just because they find me attractive doesn't mean they would date me."
"Why are we talking about this?" Kei asked, annoyance riddling his tone.
"Technically Tadashi and I were talking about it," you told him. "You were simply listening to the conversation."
"That doesn't tell me why this is the topic of conversation," he countered.
"I'm just saying! Kei keeps getting all these letters, and it makes me wonder if these girls actually think that they're in love with him. Attraction is really just a release of chemicals in the brain from when we were simply a species trying to survive. But that's not love," you said.
"So what's love to you?" Tadashi asked, curious.
"I think real, true love is when you see something that reminds you of them and you smile, even without realizing it. I think it's when it hurts to see them hurt, but you stay by them instead of seeking revenge, knowing they need you in the moment. I think it's the little inside jokes that mean nothing to people around you, but it's everything to you. I think it's knowing that there are plenty of people that are better than you out there, but wanting to stick around to be better for that person, to prove that you're worth it.
"I think it's seeing all the broken pieces, and loving them all anyway. It's remembering the little things. It's being able to sit in complete silence and know what the other is saying just because of the way their eyes crinkle. It's knowing that they have the power to break off new pieces, and trusting that they won't. It's when . . . instead of breaking pieces of yourself so that they can handle you, you stay whole. If they choke, you know it's not love, not really.
"It's knowing that you can stand on your own two feet, but leaning on them anyway. It's knowing that you are your own person, but wanting to share it with someone anyway. It's feeling free and wild, but content to stay still, because you trust them. For me, I feel like love is knowing that someone would read with me on a window seat, watching it rain, but they would also drive just a little too fast down older roads with the windows down so we can pretend, just for a moment, that we're in a shitty music video."
You smiled as you turned yourself upside down on the monkey bars again.
"I think it's kind of like what we have, but more romantic."
"You've been reading too much fanfiction," Kei muttered.
"Maybe," you admitted. "But maybe that's because I want to be able to spew romantic bullshit like that when I finally find a guy that likes me for me. I realize that, realistically, I'll probably never feel like that. Or at least, I won't feel it enough to put it into words like that. Fantasy never lives up to reality after all. But it's a nice thought."
"So, you don't think you'll ever find something like that?" Tadashi asked.
"I think that I'll either end up married to a man that was good enough, or on my own with no social life except you and Kei. I'll rely on work to keep me entertained."
Kei snorted.
"What's so funny you overly salted French fry?" you asked, raising an eyebrow.
"If I ever think you're marrying a man that's just 'good enough', I'll say 'I object!' at the wedding," he told you.
"Oh yeah?" you asked, smiling. "And why's that?"
"Because you deserve more than that," he said, looking you in the eye. "(Y/F/N), you are not the kind of girl that should end up with 'good enough'. You're too . . . free for that. Although, maybe independent is a better word. You would wither with just 'good enough', and that's not something I'm willing to let happen."
"Aw, so you do care about me," you cooed, swinging yourself upright onto the bars. "And don't worry Kei, we both know that Tadashi and I will never let you settle with 'good enough' either."
"What about me?" Tadashi squawked, and you laughed.
"Come 'Dashi," you chided, "we all know that you won't end up with 'good enough' even if you try."
His cheeks went pink and you laughed again.
Kei, as much as he pretended otherwise, really loved seeing you and Tadashi laugh like this. It reminded him that there were people who didn't see just the bastard act that he threw up to protect himself.
He loved the way your dimple appeared when you gave Tadashi that real smile, not the smirk or the grin you gave people. He loved seeing Tadashi carefree and not hiding behind his hand when he laughed or smiled.
He loved being able to sit and watch the two of you interact, but know that he could pop into the conversation whenever.
"Kei, that look on your face is kind of creepy," you teased, sliding to the ground to ruffle his hair, a small way of telling him you didn't mean it. "What's it for?"
"Nothing," he muttered, hoping to the heavens that his ears weren't turning pink, though they probably were.
"Come on Tsukki," Tadashi said, giving him a look, "we've all been friends for years. We know you better than that."
"I'm just glad is all," he murmured.
"Glad for what?" you asked, wrapping your arms around his shoulders, leaning over them to look at his face.
"You. Tadashi. You know, my friends," he confessed.
Damn it! His ears were definitely pink.
But he didn't shove you off.
Most people assumed that Kei was a jerk all the time, and while that might have been true for anyone else, you and Tadashi were the exceptions to his rule.
You and Tadashi had been friends with him for almost your whole lives, and both of you had been there during the brother debacle.
You and Kei had lived in the same neighborhood for years, and had been a part of more than a few conversations that had been forced by social convention, and your mother had been good friends with his in high school, though they had lost touch after that.
You had noticed Tadashi being bullied in class and had stepped in, defending him and deciding that he was more worth your time than the other kids.
Which led you to Kei, when you found out that he had helped Tadashi on the playground, even if that had never been his original intention.
The three of you had become a trio of sorts in your later years, though your reputations weren't the most . . . innocent.
Kei had always had a sharp tongue and a quicker wit, and his irritation seemed to have no limits.
You were on level with him, though you were much harder to set off than he was.
Tadashi never really provoked, but he watched as the two of you eviscerated anyone that insulted him.
Kei was ruthless with people who made comments on you and/or Tadashi, never giving them a chance to get another word in, though they had often tried, simply making themselves seem more like idiots.
On the other hand, you tended to let people hang themselves with their own tongues, before using that quick wit and sharp tongue to gut them like the pigs that they were.
Tadashi had little confidence on his own, and he tended to be more affected by words than you or Kei, so most of the time he let you and Kei handle people, but every once in a while, he would be set off.
Nothing was scarier than Tadashi getting pissed. He was rarely ever confrontational, but when something set him off, it was terrifying. He got really quiet, and he never raised his voice. There was a quiet kind of fury that radiated from him when he got like that, and if you and Kei used your words to eviscerate, Tadashi used his to give someone hypothermia. He would make them get colder and colder before their brains tricked them into thinking they were too hot, and then ended them.
All three of you were terrifying in your own ways, but that didn't mean you were like that all the time.
Kei wasn't an asshole all the time, and he enjoyed receiving hugs and other types of physical affection, he was just shit at reciprocating it and letting others see that more 'vulnerable side of him', as he put it. He was better at fixing problems logically. He helped you and Tadashi study, or sometimes bought gifts to make you both feel better, little things that still made your days.
Tadashi was someone who might not be confrontational, but he was very good about getting you and Kei out of your heads when something did hit a chink in your respective armors. He knew that both you and Kei were more affected by what people said than most people were led to believe. He was also a very good listener.
You were the giver of physical affection when the boys needed it. Kei tended to need it more than Tadashi, since Tadashi had his moms who were more than willing to give hugs. Kei didn't like his mother thinking anything was wrong, and he didn't completely trust his brother anymore, so physical contact was kept to a minimum.
Tadashi was okay with giving Kei affection, but most of the time, when it came to Kei, you were the one he went to.
You had asked him once, why he always came to you.
"I sometimes think Tadashi puts me up on a pedestal," he had admitted. "He knows me, and he's my friend, but sometimes it feels like I can't disappoint him. I don't feel that way with you. Besides, your short enough that hugging you feels better. Plus, Tadashi is all bones."
"We're glad for you too Kei," you told him, leaning your chin on his shoulder.
Tadashi nodded, taking a seat beside Kei.
Kei's heart clenched, like it often did when he was reminded that he really did have great friends, and his ears got hotter.
"Alright, enough of the mushy stuff," he muttered, trying to wave you and Tadashi away.
"Come on Kei," you whined softly, gently bumping your head with his, "we all know that you have a heart! Don't be that way, it's just us."
Kei made a small noise, and you laughed, releasing him so that you could sit on his other side, peering up into his face with your adorable fucking doe eyes.
"You know you don't have to pretend with us," you murmured, leaning on his shoulder, taking his hand.
"Yeah, we've all been friends for long enough Tsukki," Tadashi agreed, leaning his head on Kei's other shoulder.
"I hate you both," he muttered, trying to hide his face in his hands.
"Nuh uh," you said, pulling away to pull his hands from his face, sounding like a child. "No hiding from us."
You took his hand again, and for a while, all three of you just sat there, enjoying each other's company.
"Tsukishima! You're girlfriend is here again," Suga said, gesturing to where you were walking through the doors of the gym, laughing with Yachi.
"Again, she's not my girlfriend," Kei muttered.
He remembered, suddenly, about the promise you had both made when you were middle school and boys were starting to notice girls and vice versa.
"Kei and (Y/F/N) would make such a cute couple when they're older," your mother had told his, smiling as you both chatted at a neighborhood barbeque, being two of the only children there that could hold an intelligent conversation.
At that point, you and Kei were more than acquaintances, but you weren't exactly friends yet either.
Neither mother had realized that you and Kei had overheard, and when Kei had glanced at you, your nose was wrinkled like it did when you were grossed out by something, your expression mirroring his.
"Promise me something Kei," you had said, turning your attention back to him. "Promise me that you won't ever fall in love with me."
"Why not? I mean, I won't, but I want a reason," he had said, arms crossed as he looked at you.
"Because we're friends," you had said, like it had been the simplest thing in the world. "And because if we ended up falling in love and dating that means Tadashi would feel left out all the time and I won't let that happen. So promise me."
"I promise not to fall in love with you if you promise not to fall in love with me," he had offered.
"Deal," you had told him, offering him your hand to shake on it.
"Ah, Kei, there you are!" you said, smiling at him. "There's another letter. Based on the amount of hearts on it, another confession."
"Keep it," he muttered, pushing your hand away when you went to hand him the letter.
"Kei, I don't want to carry around another one of your love letters," you said, wrinkling your nose. "These aren't for me, and they make me sick, so please, for the sake of our friendship, take the damn thing off my hands so I can wash them."
He sighed, a pained sound that had you laughing, and took the letter, slipping it into his bag, wondering if the girls at school would ever take a hint that he wasn't interested.
"Why is Tsukishima so popular with the girls?" Hinata wondered out loud. "His personality is so crappy."
"And I don't think I've ever heard him say a nice thing to anyone," Kageyama added.
"That's because you guys are irritating to Kei," you interrupted, turning to them, arms crossed and hip cocked out to the side. "Most of the time, he's helpful and respectful. You two just aren't the kind of people he would voluntarily hang out with."
"Rude," Hinata cried, then pouted, "but true."
"The only people Kei really rips into are people he doesn't like, doesn't respect, people who disrespect Tadashi or me, or people who betray his trust. You two are options one and two."
"He just seems like an unfeeling asshole, even after three years of knowing him."
"I think it's the opposite actually," you told them.
Kei could feel your eyes on the back of his head, either unaware that he could hear you or uncaring that he was listening.
"I think he feels all of it, at one hundred and twenty percent. He just acts like that to avoid getting hurt in most cases. In your case though, he really does just not like you. Or, more accurately, he doesn't like that you two are so clearly passionate about something when he gets scared of something hurting him if he cares too much. Like Tadashi told you once, Hinata, if Kei didn't at least like volleyball, he wouldn't be here. Just think about it," you told them.
"(Y/F/N)!" Tadashi called. "We're still studying at your place right?"
"Yeah, just like always," you assured him. "Kei, you still have the spare key, just let yourselves in."
He nodded, spinning the ball in his hands as he watched you walk away.
"Tsukishima, are you one hundred percent sure that she isn't your girlfriend?" Suga asked, eyebrows raised at him.
"Three hundred percent sure," Tsukishima grunted as he served the ball.
"Why do you never accept any of the confessions, Kei?" you asked, looking at him from over the top of your textbook.
Your head was hanging off the side of your bed and your socked feet were crossed at the ankles, resting on your wall.
Kei's neck hurt just looking at you, but he didn't say anything to you about moving.
"Because they aren't my type," Kei muttered, checking his notes before writing down an answer on his paper.
"What is your type?" you inquired, rolling onto your stomach, setting you book to the side. "Because I don't think I've ever seen you take an interest in a girl." You frowned, then added, "Romantic interest I mean."
Kei wondered what other interest you had thought he might get out of that, but he decided not to question it. Despite knowing you for years, and being as close to you as he was, you still managed to be somewhat of a mystery to him.
"Does it matter?" he asked.
"Yes, because I want to be able to set you up when you decide you're ready for a relationship!" you said. "Tadashi and I would make great wingmen. Well, wingman and wingwoman, but you know what I mean."
Kei actually turned to look at you at that one.
"You're serious," he muttered, noting the look on your face.
"Yes! Unless you don't think you're going to want a romantic relationship, which is completely okay too. I just want you to be happy is all."
"You know what makes me happy?" Kei asked, pausing to let you answer, but instead you stayed quiet, watching him with those damn doe eyes. "Getting my homework done and not having to deal with confessions from girls that don't know the first thing about me."
Kei heard your small chuckle, and as he went back to his homework, he found himself smiling.
Kei had always known that, objectively, you were very pretty (he had heard enough from his classmates over the years to have it verified), but sometimes you did something, and he would realize all over again.
Today you had laughed a little harder as he ripped into someone, and you had given him one of those dimpled smiles that he adored so much, and he had stood there blinking for a moment before he cooled his expression again.
Kei didn't really understand why he got so mad when someone flirted with you in the hallways, or when you came to cheer the team on during games.
He had always assumed that it was merely because you were such good friends, but then he had realized that no one else got that mad, they didn't feel the same painful burning in the pit of their stomachs at seeing you with another guy.
Asking Suga had done absolutely nothing, the setter had merely suggested that Kei was jealous, which was absolute bullshit, and he wasn't desperate enough to contact Bokuto or Kuroo yet, though he might be at the point of asking Akaashi.
He would know if he liked you the way that the older setter was implying. He would know if he was in love with you.
Kei could worry about that later, right now he was more interested in getting that guy's hand off your shoulder and away from your neck.
"(Y/F/N)," Kei called, striding over, back straight. "The game's about to start, we've got to go."
"Kei!" you chirped, smiling at him, moving to his side immediately, giving the guy that had been bugging you a sugar sweet (and utterly fake) smile over your shoulder. "See you around never, hopefully!"
Kei pressed his lips together to hide his smile, letting you wrap your hand around his.
"Was that guy bothering you?"
"A little, but you got there just in time," you told him, your hand tightening it's grip for a moment before you let him go. "Thanks for always having the most amazing timing Kei!"
"Yeah, whatever," he told you, bumping your shoulder with his.
"Seriously, what is it with the girls that hang around with us and wandering off?" Daichi asked when you walked into the gym with Kei.
"Sorry guys! I just wanted to buy a key chain," you said, holding it up, grinning. "It's not my fault that athletes can't take no for an answer! Sometimes I think your on-court determination bleeds over into everyday life."
There were some nods, and Kei watched as the guy that had been bothering you stepped onto the other side of the court.
He followed the guy's eyes to you, where you were laughing at something Kageyama said.
Did- Did that moron just lick his lips at you?
Kei felt that burning sensation in his stomach again.
Kei didn't realize that he had been glaring until he heard your voice right next to him.
"Anyway, good luck guys!" you told them, affectionately ruffling Tadashi's hair, hip-checking Kei on your way into the stands, flashing him that damned dimpled grin over your shoulder.
"Hey, Blondie!" the guy called. "You, Glasses! I'm talkin' to you!"
Kei turned to see the guy from earlier smirking at him.
"Dude, your girl is so hot!" he said.
Kei felt the entirety of Karasuno tense behind him as they realized what was going on.
"Yeah, she is," Kei agreed.
"Think you'd be willin' to share her with me? I promise I'd take good care of her."
"Oh shit," someone muttered, and Kei saw red for a moment before he got himself under control.
"Is your ass jealous about the amount of shit that just came out of your mouth?" Kei asked, putting his hand on his hip.
Using insults like that was never really his thing, but he was really pissed right now.
"Hey, Tsukki," Tadashi said quietly, "you might not want to-"
"What did you just say to me?" the guy asked.
"Hey, Kei!" you called from the stands, waving at him to catch his attention. "Leave the smack talk for when you actually win! Block his spike down his throat for me, alright?"
He nodded, giving you a grin that had you giving him one right back.
"God forbid if she was a guy and they were on the same team," Suga muttered, and the others nodded.
"Alright, time for the game to start," Daichi said.
Kei did as you asked: he blocked every single spike that the guy tried to send over the net, and Kei could already tell that the guy was pissed at the end of the first set.
He was spiking more and more aggressively, which was screwing up aim to the point where Kei didn't even really need to block.
"Go Karasuno!" you cheered, smiling at the team from the stands.
Kei, every time he felt his anger getting out of control, looked to you in the stands to calm down.
Finally, the scumbag was so out of control that he was switched out with another wing spiker.
From there, the game was easy.
By the end of it, Kei hadn't even needed to look for you in the stands. Not only had he memorized where you were, but no one else on that team pissed him off as much as that scumbag did.
As soon as the ball landed on the other side of the court, and it was called, you were running down from the stands, running for him.
"Kei! You were so great!" you cheered, wrapping your arms around his neck, jumping at him.
He wrapped his arms around your waist to keep the both of you from falling over, and he buried his face in your neck as he set you down.
"Oh my gosh, Kei that was so amazing! I think that's the best you've played all season! Seriously! Some of those blocked looked like they would've ripped my arms off, that was so cool!" you gushed, holding onto his forearms.
Kei nodded, giving Tadashi a look over your shoulder for a moment, letting him know that it was okay for him to go on ahead.
"Thanks for blocking the slime ball for me Kei!" you said, smiling up at him. "And what did he say to you that got you so pissed off? I haven't seen you that mad in forever!"
"It was nothing," he told you, "it was stupid."
"Are you sure?" you inquired, looking up at him.
"Yeah, I'm sure the team will tell you about it later."
"Alright, I just wanted to make sure that you were okay," you told him, "'cause you looked really pissed. I haven't seen you that pissed off since that one guy tried to make Tadashi cry."
"I don't like it when people make you uncomfortable like that," Kei said. "It really pisses me off."
"Is that why you kept looking at me during the game?" you asked, and Kei wondered if any other girl would've been so honest with him about something like this, or if it as just the fact that you had both spent so much time together growing up. "I noticed that you always looked at me whenever you had the chance."
Kei nodded, gesturing with his head towards the doors, so that he could catch up with the team and talk with you at the same time.
"Yeah, that was one of the reasons. It kept me focused on the scumbag's spikes, and it calmed me down enough so that I didn't punch him whenever we were across the net from each other."
"I kinda wish that you had, but I also know that it would've gotten you ejected from the game, which is not something I want to happen. Anyway, thanks Kei," you told him, smiling up at him.
"Yeah, always," he said, putting his hand on your head.
It was when you were over at his house Sunday morning when he realized that he might need to call Kuroo and Bokuto.
You, Kei, and Tadashi had had a sleepover, but Tadashi had left early to spend some time with his moms, so Kei had woken up to you with a hand on his chest and his arm numb from where it was pillowing your head.
The three of you had been sitting on Kei's bed watching a movie, but Tadashi had tipped over sometime near the halfway marker, and Kei had fallen asleep not long after that, so he could only assume that you had fallen asleep sometime after Tadashi had left this morning.
Kei turned on his side slowly, not wanting to wake you up, wrapping an arm around your waist softly.
He toyed with your hair, twisting it in his fingers gently, brushing it behind your ear, threading his fingers through it.
He wasn't ready to get up for the day yet, so he laid there with you, wondering how it would be ten years in the future.
Would your hair be longer? Would you cut it shorter? Would you dye it? Would you have kids by then?
That last one had made him pause.
He had always known that short of you dying or some huge falling out, Kei was in no way going to be able to get rid of you or Tadashi, but he had never even considered dating you, let alone anything beyond that.
So why was he wondering what your kids would look like? Why was he wondering how many you would want, if any? Why was he questioning how many stray animals you might bring home after work?
He sounded like every lovesick fool that got his heart broken in those weird movies that Tadashi liked to watch.
Kei glanced down at your face, and he suddenly found himself unable to think of a reality where he didn't wake up like this for the rest of his life.
When had he stopped seeing you as his little sister, or the annoying female friend that all of his classmates admired? When had he started seeing you as someone he could fall in love with, if he hadn't already?
But even with this new revelation, he couldn't bring himself to pull away from you.
Kei loved it when you both bickered like you hated each other, and he loved when you were able to throw back any insulting thing he said to you. He loved being able to have real conversations with you, but he also liked just sitting quietly with you.
This though, this was by far his favorite thing, seeing all the stress gone from your body, seeing your face without any kind of mask on, he adore seeing the calm serenity that came with sleep.
"Mm, Kei?" you asked sleepily, glancing at him. "What time is it?"
"Still early," he murmured, tucking you into his chest again. "Go back to sleep."
"M'kay," you said, nuzzling in close.
Kei waited for a minute before he grabbed his phone and his glasses from the side table, texting Kuroo.
Normally, he would've talked to Tadashi, but Kei didn't want to drag him into anything until he knew for sure, just in case he was wrong.
Kei: I have a question for you
Kuroo: What's up Tsukki-poo?
Kei: First, don't call me that
Kei: Secondly, and this is completely hypothetical, but how do you know when you love someone?
Kuroo: Aww, is my little kouhai in love with someone? How cute!
Kei made a face, taking a deep breath and glancing at you quickly before he turned his attention back to his phone.
Kei: Just answer the question
Kuroo: We're talking hypothetically?
Kei: Yeah
Kuroo: Can't you use the internet for this stuff? Why ask me? Why not ask Freckles? Or the pretty setter on your team?
Kei: The internet would tell me I have cancer, not that I might be in love with someone
Kei: Secondly, as for the setter comment, I'm assuming you mean Suga
Kei: Thirdly, he would go tell Tadashi, and then the possible love interest, and I don't want to deal with any of those things
Kei: So, please, for the sake of my sanity, just answer the question
Kuroo: Alright, alright. Jeesh. Hypothetically, if you were in love with someone you might start noticing their presence more
Kuroo: It would feel almost like you have a compass where the needle points to them, and you can't turn it off. You notice the little things more than normal, and you know them. I mean, really know them. They feel almost like a part of you
Kuroo: Seeing them hurt hurts you. You constantly feel the need to make sure that they're okay. Even the little things that kind of annoy you are a huge part of what you love about them
Kuroo: You find yourself smiling at them, even when they're doing something completely mundane, and you could recognize their voice in a crowd. Suddenly, they went from just another person, to someone that you could find in a crowd, even if they blend in enough that they normally fade into the background
Kuroo: Hypothetically speaking, of course
Kei was surprised by how much his mentor was able to type out in such a short amount of time, but in the end, he was most surprised by how much it lined up with what you had told him earlier. The basics were the same, and Kei sighed, realizing what this meant for him.
Kei: How to I make it stop?
Kei: Hypothetically
Kuroo: When I figure that out, I'll let you know
Kei blinked at that, then sighed again.
Kei: Thanks, Kuroo-san.
Kuroo: Sure thing Skinny, let me know how it goes
Kuroo: Hypothetically, of course
Kei couldn't help but chuckle softly, and he set his phone aside, wondering whether this was going to change anything, and how long he had been in love with you.
He had always noticed the little things about you, it was just a part of him being perceptive, and he had grown up with you, so he automatically knew you better than 80 percent of the people you went to school with.
But he was more in tune with your presence than even Tadashi was. And he had always managed to pick your voice out in a crowd.
He glanced down at you, and suddenly, instead of being worried about if he was in love you, he was more worried about whether you loved him back or not.
Kei debated texting Tadashi, but he decided that it could wait, and he wanted to enjoy this time with you unhindered.
Kei knew that he was never going to say anything unless he was sure you felt the same way about him.
For one thing, you were nice enough that it was entirely possible that you would date him just because you were too nice to say no. For another thing, he wasn't the kind of guy to make a move if he thought it wouldn't lead to a win. Not to mention, that if you he did ask you out and you said no, that might make things awkward in the friend group, and Kei didn't want that to happen.
He had gone this long, right? What was a few more weeks?
But, of course, things didn't go the way that Kei wanted them to.
As the end of a semester approached, as well as the end of the year, projects piled on, as did speeches and tests.
Kei had always done well academically, and he wasn't as stressed as some of the other people he knew, like Hinata and Kageyama.
You seemed to be feeling the pressure too, even though Kei knew that you were going to be getting some of the higher grades in class, just like always.
You were freaking out more than usual, and Kei realized that he needed to do something if he didn't want you to overwork yourself.
He found you on the swings at the park by your house.
He had gone over to make sure that you had eaten something, but your mother had told him that you had gone out earlier, and that she didn't know where you were.
"Hey," he said, announcing his presence as he settled beside you.
"Hey Kei," you replied, staring at the ground in front of you like it held the key to the universe.
"Are you okay?"
"No," you admitted. "I'm so nervous and freaked out that I can't eat anything. I have that weird mineral deficiency so drinking water just makes me really dizzy and I almost passed out when I stood up at the end of the day and there's nothing I can do about it! Not to mention that, once again, I got stuck with the morons that aren't going to do anything to help me with the project so I'm stuck doing everything by myself. For some of my classes, that's okay, I can just tell the teacher that they didn't help, but for some of them they're going to give me that bullshit lecture about working together. I have no idea what to do my speech about for that one class, and I have so many back to back tests that I think I might forget everything!"
Kei let you ramble, watching the way your hands moved around, trying to communicate the stress and anger and nerves that you were experiencing all at once.
He watched the way yours eyes widened and squeezed shut to add extra emphasis. He watched the way you glanced over at him to make sure that he was still paying attention, to make sure that you weren't annoying him, the way you smiled a little bit whenever you noticed that he was watching you and that you weren't annoying him by talking.
Somehow, you started talking about the constant love letters that he was getting.
"I mean, I get that some girls feel the need to have a boyfriend," you said, rolling your eyes, "but I have bigger things to worry about than their attraction to you, you know? One girl gave me a letter the other day, and I was so tired that I didn't realize what it was, and I started to read it and I was caught between wanting to laugh, cry, and hurl all at the same time."
Kei perked up at that.
"It made me kinda sad too," you admitted, your voice quieting. "I mean, it must really suck for you, getting all these letters claiming that they love you when they don't even know that first thing about who you are. I mean, it was hilarious that she even thought that you were interested in getting a girlfriend, and it was sickening how many times she used the words 'hot', 'sexy', and 'unadulteratedly handsome' to describe you."
Kei knew he made a face at that, with the way you laughed, before you continued, your voice even quieter than it had been, "But it made me sad to think that you keep having to read these things. They claim that they love you, that they want to be with you, and they don't even know who you are. Not in a way that matters at least. I don't know, it was just kind of depressing I guess."
You glanced at him, turning to face him.
"I hope you don't mind, but I started throwing them away. I'm getting sick and tired of being their carrier pigeon, and I really hate thinking about you having to deal with them all the time. If they want to confess they can find another way to do it."
"I don't mind, at all," he assured you, and you smiled at him.
But then your smiled faded into something similar to a frown.
"Hey, Kei?"
"Do you remember that promise we made when we were kids?"
"How could I forget? You never shut up about it during middle school," he teased.
"I broke that promise," you whispered. "That was one of the reasons that those letters made me so upset. As someone who has loved you, really loved you, for longer than they've known about you, it made me sick to read some of the things they said. I know that that makes me sound like some kind of possessive bitch, but it's true."
Kei stared at you, wondering if he had just heard that right.
You were in love with him? And had been for more than three years?
Kei felt like the breath had been knocked out of him.
"What's with the face Kei?" you asked. "I thought you knew already."
Kei didn't think that his eyes could get any wider than they were at that moment.
"Y-You . . . I-I what?"
"Come on Kei, you had to have noticed by now," you said, looking more concerned by the second. "I mean, it's not like I act the same way around everyone else that I do around you."
Kei let his brain process the things that you were telling him before he managed to squeak out, "You mean, like a friend thing right?"
You bit your lip, checking his face for something, fiddling with your fingers in your lap.
"No, Kei," you said finally. "I mean like, I want to be your girlfriend kind of love."
You weren't looking at him now, and he was worried you were taking this the wrong way. He didn't want this to end in a misunderstanding so he sighed dramatically.
"So, you're telling me that I could have confessed months ago and avoided the entire overthinking part of my recent internal panic?" he asked, watching the way your brows furrowed with confusion, the way your head whipped up when you finally realized what he was saying to you.
"A-Are you saying that the feeling is mutual?" you asked, eyes wide as you both looked at each other.
"Yes, you dumbass," he teased, smiling softly at you. "I broke that promise too, so it's okay, since we both broke it."
Now you were the one staring at him in disbelief.
Then you were off your swing and pacing in front of them, waving your hands around like a madwoman.
"Holy shit, you love me back," you muttered, glancing at him out of the corner of your eye every few seconds, like you were worried he would disappear. "I-I don't know what to do from here. I never thought that I would get this far. Is . . . is this where we talk about whether we want this to be a serious thing?" you asked. "Is this where we agree that we love each other but we pretend like nothing's changed? What am I supposed to do in this situation?"
"For one thing," Kei said, standing so that he could wrap his hands around your wrists, gently making you look at him. "You could calm down and let me get a word or two in before you make yourself black out."
You nodded, taking a deep breath.
"For another," he continued, "you and I should go back to your house. Your mom is worried sick about you, and you need to eat something before you pass out. We can have a serious talk about what this means once you aren't in danger of passing out from exhaustion or malnutrition."
"Okay, but only because I know that you're going to make me do it anyway," you told him, making him laugh.
You both walked in silence for a while before you asked, "When did you realize?"
"A few months ago," he admitted. "I think I've always known, but that guy- the slimeball that I blocked- got on my nerves enough that I knew it wasn't some platonic 'protect a friend' thing. I started seeing it more and more after that. I talked to Kuroo-san about it when I was nearly 100 percent sure, and that solidified it for me I guess, that night you and Tadashi stayed over and we watched that horrid slasher film. I woke up and you were right there by my side, and suddenly I couldn't imagine waking up any other way."
"That really was a horrible movie," you muttered. "I didn't think you were going to be the cheesy one today, but then again, you are always surprising me. And you didn't think to tell me?"
"I was worried it would make things awkward, and I didn't want to say something and be wrong, you know? Besides, you can't say anything. How long have you known?"
"Do you remember the summer before our third year in middle school and we all stayed at my grandparents' camp for three weeks?"
"That long? We were- what?- twelve?"
"Yeah. I remember that there was a thunderstorm the first night we were there, and I got up in the middle of the night because I couldn't sleep, so I stood on the deck, in a tank top and shorts because I wanted to. I don't even remember how long I had been out there when you wandered out. I remember calling you a dumbass because 'What if I was a murderer?' and you just called me short.
"We both stood there for a few minutes, and when I shivered, you wrapped your arms around my waist from behind me, pressing your chest to my back and calling me an idiot for wearing something so light in the middle of a thunderstorm. Instead of doing the sensible thing and getting a blanket or a jacket, you just hugged me and stood there with me until I couldn't stand it and we went inside."
Kei remembered that. He had seen you standing out on the deck when the lightning had flashed, and he had been worried when you weren't in your room, so he had gone out to check on you.
You had looked so happy, standing there in the rain, listening to the thunder crash in the distance.
He had wanted to stay with you, so he had.
It was one of the first times he had decided that he didn't care what it looked like, he cared for you, and he was going to show it somehow.
Kei slipped his hand into yours, interlacing your fingers together.
You glanced at him, but you didn't say anything, just squeezed his hand and walked with him.
When you both got back to your house, you grabbed a plate of food and plopped down at your desk in your room.
Kei lounged on your bed while you ate, watching you flip through a textbook and scribble notes in between bites of food.
When you pushed the plate to the side, your turned to face him.
You both locked eyes and chuckled.
"I already told you what I wanted out of this," you told him, shrugging. "I'm fine with whatever we decide, but that's my best case scenario ending for this."
"You make this sound like a business meeting," he teased, watching you stand up to move next to him on your bed.
"What do you want from this, Kei?" you asked, glancing down at your lap.
"I want you to be my girlfriend," he admitted. "I want to glare at guys that think they even have a chance with you. I want to kiss you for good luck before a game, all that sappy shit that everyone says that I wouldn't be into."
You smiled, laughing a little breathlessly for a moment before you comprehended everything he said.
"All of it?" you asked, turning those damned doe eyes on him again.
"All of it," he confirmed.
You chuckled softly, taking his hand again.
"Good. Me too."
"Good," he replied, pressing a quick kiss to your temple.
You giggled, something that made Kei stop for a moment, because you weren't the type of girl to giggle, at anything.
He smiled softly at you, and he wondered how much shit he was going to get from his team with you around, but he realized that it wasn't anything he needed to worry about yet.
Then he remembered something else.
"Hey, do you want to cause a little chaos?" Kei asked you.
"How so?"
"Remember how I said I talked to Kuroo-san?"
"Well, he wanted me to let him know how it went," Kei admitted. "I have him, Bokuto, Akaashi, Lev, and Hinata in a discord group chat. I want to try something, if you're okay with it."
"What do you have in mind?" you asked, arching an eyebrow, a smirk on your lips that said you were up for almost anything.
Skinny: img.jpg
Skinny: Thanks Kuroo-san
five people are typing...
Kei laughed, leaning over to show you the chaos that had ensued when he had sent the group chat the photo of you kissing his cheek.
You giggled at the many exclamation points and question marks, snickering at Kuroo's reply.
"I love you," you told him, kissing his cheek again.
"I love you too," he said, ignoring the calls that were coming through on his phone as he leaned over to cup your face in his hands.
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lovingonrepeat · 4 years
Paint It White // Liu Yangyang
Day three of my Kinktober // NCT 2020 Project
DAY 3: Yangyang + mirror sex → “You’d better be quiet or everyone’s going to know what a naughty little slut you are.”
Word count: 1.7k || Genre: smut
Warnings: femdom, mirror sex, semi public sex, edging, brat taming, punishment, begging, restraints, hair pulling, finger sucking, cum eating
This work is completely fictional. Feedback is welcome. Hate will be blocked. Thank you!
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(credit x)
Note to self, thank Taemin.
If Yangyang was honest, he would realize how this was all his fault. He wouldn't have tried to play with your thigh and get you hot and bothered while you were eating lunch with the WayV boys. He wouldn't have sent you those dirty texts, trying to get a rise from you while you were watching a movie in the dorm with everyone. He would've listened to you when you told him to stop trying to grind into you while you were in the crowded SM elevator. And he definitely wouldn't have grabbed your ass when he thought he saw a staff member looking at you.
He knew that you were getting irritated at his actions, but that's what he was counting on. He was looking for you to finally break, so when you snapped and dragged him into the empty practice room, locking the door behind you and looking at him with fire in your eyes, he couldn't stop the thrill that coursed straight through him.
It was all Yangyang's fault, and he loved it.
He thought he had everything figured out, but he wasn't expecting you to do this. You had managed to take a quick look at the schedule posted outside the practice rooms before choosing this one, specifically for the fact that Taemin had been the last one to use it. You went straight for the ties he'd been using for his Criminal promotions as soon as the door was locked, and you felt the way arousal coursed through you as you saw the wide eyed look he gave you.
And that's how Yangyang ended up here, clothes long gone and forced onto his knees with his hands tied behind his back. He's set up right in front of the mirror as you play with him, embarrassment shooting through him as you force him to watch himself.
He can't control his moans, desperate to be able to reach out and pull your bra and panties off so that he can see you better, and so that he wasn't the only one fully exposed like this. But he can't. All he can do is moan and shake and become all consumed by the way you're stroking him.
It's so much and not enough at the same time, the way you jerk him off fast just to slow down the instant he starts to get close. It's maddening, and he can't help but buck into your touch, hoping that maybe he can prevent you from depriving him of yet another high.
You notice the way that he can't seem to catch his breath, gulping on air as he silently prays that you'll have mercy on him.
You won't.
"Ready to give in yet?" You ask, not slowing down your movements as you build him up to another high he won't get to release.
He shakes his head rapidly, and his wise crack is cut off by a moan as you give him a couple extra hard pumps for that. When he finally composes himself enough to speak, his voice comes out ragged and broken.
"Go to hell."
You lean close, pulling on his bound wrists so he falls back into your chest a bit. You move your grip down to allow him to grab your hand between his fingers, and he holds onto it for dear life. It's a tender moment between your otherwise devastating actions, and it makes him feel safe, despite being vulnerable to you in the most intimate way possible.
When you speak, it's directly into his ear, ghosting along the shell and making his entire body shiver with the sweet tone of your voice saying something so sinful.
"Baby, you're already in hell."
He groans at your words, and at the way you just keep touching him. He's getting so close, and if would only keep going, maybe he can get there.
"You know," you tell him, starting to slow down as you notice the signs of his high. "This practice room is free the rest of the day, and the door's locked. I could do this forever."
You slow your hand almost completely, giving him hard and deliberate strokes to emphasize your point. He groans, frustration boiling over as he slumps forward. His head rests on the mirror, with his sweaty and too long hair hanging in his eyes. He can't get enough air, gasping and fogging up the mirror with his lust filled exhales. The sight is extremely erotic, and you can't stop the rush of arousal that courses through you.
It makes you want to wreck him even more.
You move your hand away from his wrists, bringing it up to tangle into his hair. You give his hair a tug, pulling his head up to stare right in his own eyes as he gasps from the pain. He cries out as he sees his frame in the reflection, with his disheveled hair and sweaty body and wild eyes and his dick that's so, so hard. His mouth hangs open, letting out loud, broken moans as your hand increases its pace again, building him up to yet another high he won't experience. His sounds echo off the walls of the dance studio, and you lean in so your chin rests on his shoulder.
“You’d better be quiet, Yangyang. Or everyone’s going to know what a naughty, little slut you are.”
He bites his lip hard as he whimpers, trying desperately to muffle his moans as your words send a shiver through him. But he's not able to hold his sounds back for long as he starts to get overwhelmed again.
"Shit, shit, shit," he sobs as he feels the pleasure start to overtake him again. You plant soft kisses onto the back of his shoulder as he shakes under you.
"Is there something you wanna say?" You ask, smirking against his skin as you feel him nod hard above you.
"Yes, yes, yes. Please, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."
You grin widens, and you give him a little nip on his back that makes his entire body jump. But when you start to slow your hand again, he panics.
"What? Why? I said sorry. Why? Please?"
"What are you sorry for, baby?"
He groans, beyond frustrated as you slow your movements to allow him enough clarity of mind to answer your question. He tries to drop his head and tear his eyes away from his own reflection, but your grip on his hair stops him, only serving to intensify his arousal with the way it causes his scalp to sting.
"Well?" You ask him.
"Uh," he starts. "I'm sorry for being a brat, and I'm sorry for not listening, and I'm sorry for taking $10 from you without asking first, but just please."
He's babbling at this point, and you're not even sure if he's aware of all the words coming out of his mouth. You chuckle, satisfied with his answer as you move to place a kiss on his temple.
"There you go, baby. That wasn't so hard."
You increase the speed of your pumps again, and he lets out a hiss that turns into a high pitched whimper as the pleasure starts to overtake him for what feels like the umpteenth time. You see the way his eyes look around frantically, not sure whether he should look at the way your hand is pumping him or the way you're looking at him with pure lust burning in your eyes or watch the way he's falling apart. The sight just makes everything so much more intense, and he can't fathom how has hasn't exploded yet, and decides that it's solely because you just know his body too, too well. His breathing picks up as moans fall involuntarily from his lips, echoing through the empty walls of the dance studio.
"You can let go now," you tell him, moving your hand from his hair to firmly grip his jaw and loving the way his eyes all but roll into the back of his head at your words. "Go ahead and paint the mirror white with your cum."
He orgasms with a shout, shaking and trembling through his orgasm as the hot white spurts of his release shoot onto the glass and your hand. It feels like it goes on forever for him, wave after wave of earth shattering pleasure after being kept on edge and denied for so long. He collapses into your body when he's finally done, resting his body weight on you as he kisses your neck. You bring your hand down to his tied ones again, allowing him to hold your clean hand in his as he comes back down to Earth.
"You okay?" You ask him, and your heart melts when he flashes you that thousand watt smile of his.
"More than okay," he replies. He's sleepy, but you can hear the tinge of satisfaction in his voice.
You reach forward, swiping your already dirty hand through the mess he made on the mirror. He starts to say something that you're sure is probably smug and will get him into trouble again, but you don't give him the chance, sticking your stained fingers into his pretty mouth.
He's a bit taken aback at the action, but obeys immediately, sucking around your fingers and humming contently to himself.
"By the way, I knew it was you that took that $10. I cannot believe you framed Hendery for it."
He laughs around your fingers, and you laugh too, placing a small kiss onto his nose as you do. When you take your fingers out of his mouth, you wrap your arms around him, gently guiding him to lay down with his arms still bound behind him. He sits up on his elbows, watching you curiously as you reach around to unclip your bra and pull your underwear off your body. You straddle his, but not before collecting more of his release onto your fingers for him to suck off. He groans around your fingers, and looks up at you with lust filled, obedient eyes.
"Now, we have this room for a couple more hours. So now it's your turn to make me feel good."
Tagging @mingishoe ​ @armysantiny ​ @domreaderrecs @chickenkatxu ​@lucas-wongs @drippinlovetalk @brooklynalpha @wildernessuntothemselves @loviejaehyun @skzctnightnight @capriccio-con-espressione @euphoricsunflowers @nct-writers as requested! Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list for future fics!
Read all of my fics HERE!
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heyheyheyhaikyu · 3 years
twenty four - nickname
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⚠︎︎𝚆𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚗 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝⚠︎︎
Kuroo had stayed awake through the night, unable to find sleep as he restlessly imagined how the day ahead would go. How will he react? Does he even feel the same? Questions towered in his mind as he laid awake.
The sun was already beginning to rise by the time sleep finally found its way to him. The few hours he slept in the morning he managed was enough to get him energized and ready to take on the day.
A message dinged on his phone and woke him from his light sleep.
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He shook his head with a chuckle, putting his phone down. After a nice shower, he got dressed and headed out to the park. Kenma and Lev already happened to be there setting up a few things.
“Oh, you guys are already here?” Kuroo said as he slid into his secret area.
“I figured you weren't going to be able to sleep last night, so I thought maybe we should get an early start for you,” Kenma said without looking up from what he was doing.
“Honestly, how do you know me so well?” Kuroo sighed and shock his head with a smile.
“Well, it's not like we’ve been friends since we were little kids or anything,” Kenma said sarcastically.
Kuroo rolled his eyes and lightly shoved Kenmas shoulder. “Oh yeah, definitely not.”
“Well, what's your vision, big man?” Lev asked as he slapped Kuroo on the back.
“I feel like its lame, but here.” He showed the two a few photos to get the idea across.
They worked for a few hours, putting lights up, getting blankets and pillows laid down and just getting everything put together like Kuroo had imagined.
“Wow, it's really coming together guys!” Kuroo said excitedly.
“Do you know when Bokuto and Tsukishima are supposed to get here?” Lev asked.
Just as that was said, the two poked their heads in. “What was that about us?” Bokuto asked with a bright smile as he walked over and slung his arm around Kuroos shoulder.
“Nothing interesting, but that’s kinda hard to do about you anyway.” Kuroo nudged with a teasing smile.
“Ah- I'll have you know I'm the most interesting one of us here,” Bo said with a huff and crossed his arms.
“Sure you are.”
Everyone laughed and shook their heads at the twos banter while Bo just rolled his eyes and ignored Kuroo for a few minutes until he forgot about the incident.
It all seemed to be going smoothly. Bo and Tsuki brought a screen and projector to add to the setup. Everything looked perfect and just how Kuroo had imagined.
Since everything was ready to go, the group decided to go get a small meal together. The walk was nice and refreshing. It was nice to be able to really talk to Bo and Tsuki, catching up on everything going on in their lives.
As they were all sitting in the small café, a familiar face walked through the door. Lev and Tsuki were the two that saw him and they tried to discreetly hide and not be seen.
“What are you two doing? You look insane,” Kuroo said with a confused look.
“A wild y/n just walked through the door.”
“Oh shit- umm... just stay calm and try to act normal. Maybe he won't see us and just leave?”
“Yeah, I don’t think that’s going to work.”
Ah, a nice refreshing boba and a sandwich sound so good right now. The past few days have been weird to say the least. Everyone had been just sort of weird...? Honestly, I don’t know what Kuroo has planned, but I can only assume it’ll be... something.
I ordered my drink and sandwich on auto pilot, lost in my head. Once I got my order, I turned to look for an empty table I could yoink.
Across the room sat all of my friends in the corner booth. My head spun with confusion and hurt. What are they all doing here? Why wasn't I invited?
Bo had been avoiding me all day and wouldn’t even talk to me at practice this morning. What if this thing Kuroo wanted to talk to me about was the fact that they all hate me now and don’t what to be friends with me any- No, stop thinking like that, y/n. Just go over there and ask them. It's not that hard of an issue to figure out.
I shrugged off my thoughts from a second ago and walked to the corner they were in. “Hey guys, what are you all doing here?” I shot them a confused smile as I leaned against Kuroo and looked at him, trying not to think too hard about why I hadn't been invited.
“O-oh! Hi y/n,” Kuroo stuttered out. It was clear he was nervous about something.
“Uh hi?” I raised an eyebrow at him. “Am I intruding on something?”
“No, not at all!” Bo yelled excitedly, making us all flinch.
“Well in that case do you mind if I join you guys? But if you were getting ready to leave or anything, no need to feel pressured. You guys are obviously up to something.”
“Nono, we just got here a few minutes ago. Please feel free to sit,” he said patting his lap with a smirk plastered onto his pretty face.
I rolled my eyes and pushed him over, sitting on the end next to him. “In your dreams, kitten.” The nickname slipped passed my lips with ease and before I even knew what I had said, everyone was looking at the two of us like:  
I glanced up at them after taking a bite of my sandwich. “What’s with the staring, geez. If you guys need me to leave your little secret meeting I can, but just stop looking at me like that,” I said as my forehead crinkled in confusion. I glanced at Kuroo to see him blushing a crimson red.
I thought back over the last minute, trying to pinpoint what happened. Realization struck and I burst out laughing. “Oh, this is about your nickname,” I snickered. “I didn’t even realize I said it, but I also thought I had said it around all of you guys already.” I looked out them and we all laughed.
From there forward, it was smooth sailing. Conversation flowed smoothly and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves.
I glanced down at my watch and sighed. “Hate to leave you guys so soon, but I have a couple meetings I have to call into from home.” I frowned and started to stand up. “Oh hey, Kuroo, so this “surprise” at the park tonight. What time are you thinking? I'm afraid I won't be free for quite a while with these status report meetings. It might be late before I can meet up. Is that okay?”
“Oh yeah, that’s perfect actually. Just call or text me when you’re on your way.” He smiled and gave my hand a little squeeze before I stood up.
I smiled back at him and ruffled his hair as I said my goodbyes and headed out.
Geez, it's been a long day already and I bet it's only going to get worse. I sighed and walked home. The sky was bright, without a single cloud accenting the vibrant shade of blue.
Everyone seemed to relax more once y/n left. The relentless teasing about his nickname and interactions with y/n made him blush a bright red once again.
“You’re so soft for him- it's kinda sickening honestly,” Kenma complained.
“Y/n almost never gives me head pats anymore,” Bo whined.
“Yeah, I think it's pretty clear that you won't have any trouble sealing the deal tonight,” Tsuki said.
“Who really knows? Y/n is an affectionate person and it's hard to really pinpoint what he thinks about you. He’s too good at hiding his emotions towards people,” Bo said as he sipped his drink.
“I’ll never know if I don’t ask, right?” Kuroo said with a smile as he stood up and started cleaning up the table.
“I agree. I'm only saying don’t assume anything too fast or you’ll just end up getting yourself hurt.”
Kuroo nods and after getting everything cleaned up, the group heads out and goes to the store before splitting up and heading in their separate directions.
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masterlist || next || previous
☞ Fateful encounters happen all the time. When you find yourself after a bad breakup getting pressured by friends into making an online dating profile, you give in and do it. The fateful encounter to come wasn’t quite what you were expecting though.
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A/N: this took a while, but oh well- hopefully it’s not horrible. The party really begins next update😌
taglist: @kookie-doughs @sparklylandflaplawyer @azztronut @channiechanchan @choke-medazai @420-uwu @afire24
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angelic-serenade · 4 years
Alastor + disaster cook! S/O
✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧
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gif, original work and characters do not belong to me
you could not cook to save your life
any attempt at cooking would result in certain failure in the best case scenario and 5.4 magnitude earthquake damage in the worst
sure, you could make edible pasta and if you really put your best efforts into it, acceptable omelette too
but anything past that level of complexity was simply out of your league, a lost cause to put it mildly
don't you even think about making a cake, that shit's dangerous
as they say: as above so below
when you landed in Hell and found yourself joining the Happy Hotel soon after, you came to find out your culinary skills had not magically improved
which is quite ironic since Charlie had made you head chef of the hotel
the string of curses which had left your lips upon hearing the news had been legendary, even for Hell
you adored the demon princess with your whole heart (or whatever was left of it anyway), bUT REALLY CHARLIE? YOU DO NOT GIVE A GUN TO A CHILD AND EXPECT CASUALTIES NOT TO HAPPEN
at this point you were certain she was subconsciously auto-sabotaging
either way, you didn't have the heart to tell her no, so you decided to put your heart and soul into trying to learn how to properly cook, which didn't turn out to be the ideal choice of words since you were in Hell and your soul was probably rotten to the core
at least, nobody could say you hadn't tried your damn best
and hey! some days your cooking hadn't even been completely sickening
you decided to stick to easy, “safe” dishes though, you know, just to be sure
so pasta and eggs were definitely a thing
a constant and repetitive thing to be precise
you were trying your best, okay? nobody in your place with your limited set of skills would have taken the job, but you did and you deserved recognition for that feat alone
or a fucking donkey hat for your skyrocketing dumbness levels
things were not so bad at first
both Charlie and Vaggie were very supportive, each one of them in their own way - even though you had totally seen Charlie trying to swallow pure unadulterated fear that one time you had announced you wanted to try to cook something more elaborate
Angel Dust on the other hand... hadn't been as considerate as to lie to your face about what he thought of your cooking
"fuck me doll, this shit's disgusting"
*insert the I don't have friends they disappoint me vine here*
Vaggie had proceeded to give Angel quite the earful while Charlie tried her best to cheer you up
you went full hermit mode on them for two days after that
you were proud of yourself, handling criticism so well
anyway, the cycle kept repeating, with the only difference that most days Angel would grab something to eat outside of the hotel and join you during meals only to blankly stare at the plates and silvery
Charlie had tried to shield you from the truth, but you weren't that stupid
you respected Angel's choice, really, you did, and you had decided to be the bigger person among the two
that's why you began to put a lil bit of laxative into his portions whenever he decided to grace your efforts and actually eat your "disgusting cooking"
y’know just to spicy things up a little
at least now he had a valid reason to complain
with the whole fiasco on live TV and the sudden and suspicious appearence of the one and only Radio Demon at your doorstep, however, things started going haywire
Alastor's presence was eeirly demanding and unsettlingly charmimg at the same time
so it was only natural for you to gravitate the fuck away from him whenever you could
you always acted politely, greeting him whenever you bumped into him through the corridors of the hotel, but you only went as far as to appear courteous because you didn't want for him to go Hannibal Lecter on you. thanks, no thanks
“and what can you do my feminine fellow?”
“I can suck your dick!”
you had snorted a bit at that which immediately shifted the strawberry pimp's attention to yourself
“and what about you, pretty dame? I take it you're in charge of the kitchens around here?”
dressed in your chef attire, you were going to meekly answer him, but before you could, roaring laughter erupted in the room. it belonged to the one and only slutty spider you found oh so irritating
in the fraction of seconds, Alastor snapped his neck at an unnatural angle to stare at the spider with a strained smile on his face
needless to say, the cursed image would forever haunt your traumatized psyche
“hasn't your mother taught you it is rude to interrupt a conversation which you have no part in? that just won't do!”
static filled the air and you feared you were going to implode if the heavy pressure didn't lift off soon enough, so you decided to take action
“ugh... yes, I'm the head chef! but, well, I... could actually use some practice and proper training?”
you hated how uncertain you sounded, but Angel's comments and your own dissatisfaction with your culinary products made you quite self-conscious about your skills
“don't fret your pretty little head about it, my dear! I, for one, am a culinary connaisseur and wonderful chef, if I do say so myself. I'll be ecstatic to guide you through your training!”
how you'd be able to handle his booming voice during hours and hours of practice was your first and main concern, but you had never been one to refuse the chance to finally prove the people who had criticized you wrong *cough cough* Angel Dust
since that day, Alastor began to personally give you cooking lessons
he was exuberant and pretty sly when it came to veiled jabs about your dreadful cooking, but he really took his time to help you out
which you had been both grateful and suspicious about
“now, we can't have our future patrons starving to death, can we?”
he was strangely patient and an overall good teacher too (emphasis on overall)
he guided you step by step through each dish, simultaneously showing off his own flawless culinary skills
you hated that you daily found yourself boosting his already GIGANTIC ego, but you couldn't help it. you could only dream about reaching that level of artistry in cooking
he always came up with creative recipes to test your limits and cooked for you in order to make you more familiar with different tastes. his mother’s were your favorites, jambalaya being his one true specialty 
he had blindfolded you once and proceeded to present you with various samples of spices, oilments and all kinds of food so that you could acquaint yourself with the smells and flavors of the ingredients and figure out yourself which ones would best suit a certain dish
saying you were hesitant at first was an understatement, because you know? being completely at the mercy of a sadistic serial killer who had terrorized the seven circles of hell? not even being able to see him? not on your bucket list
he had tried to ease your nervousness with the whole “if I wanted to hurt anyone here, I would have done so already” thing, but it was getting kind of old pretty fast
“if I had been one to play with fire, I'd have joined a circus”
he found your sense of humor as endearing your sheer presence
(when he rolled up his sleeves to cook, you felt like you could catch fire any minute, you were a slut for strong skinny arms) 
yes, Alastor had always loved to show off his own impeccable skills but he unexpectedly found himself enjoying the moments spent in your company too
he relished in seeing you fail again and again, but he also admired the way you always managed to bring yourself back up to your feet each time
he had yet to fully understand if it was foolishness or stubbornness to guide your steps
either way, you turned out to be his favorite form of entertainment in the hotel!
no matter how many slights would he send your way, you'd always manage to find an appropriate remark that made his permanent smile stretch a little more in sheer amusement
“oh dear, this beef is so undercooked one could still hear the poor beast’s lament”
“the only noise I hear is the obnoxious ramblings of an arrogant boomer”
he wasn't technically a boomer but it was always so satisfying to irk him with terms he had no knowledge of
during your cooking lessons, when the only thing left to do with a dish was wait and pray for the best, you'd come to talk about everything and anything
he'd talk to you about his precious New Orleans as he remembered it and you'd fill him in on recent historical/social developments of your time
he always looked so taken when you shared with him that modern knowledge and it made you feel useful for a change
it was, dare you say it, almost adorable how he'd ask you countless questions about your home town, the catastrophes of the last century and had there been any other war since his death?
the topic switches almost made you dizzy though
once or twice, when the timing allowed, he'd even indulge in a musical show to pass time
on the days your mood soured because of a particularly complicated recipe or bad result, he'd drag you along and dance until you were so distracted by the absurdness of the circumstances that you forgot about your previous sadness
with time, his musical shows became more frequent as he realized you'd always offer him a genuine smile after his flashy performances
it was out of personal indulgence, not because he liked the way his music always seemed to cheer you up
he'd not been vocal about the way he tried to comfort you, but you were grateful nonetheless
the first time you managed to succesfully complete one of his complicated recipes, you had almost cried
“now, now deary, under my watchful eye, it was only a matter of time until you'd finally blossom into a fine cook!”
“Alastor can I... can I hug you?”
and how could he say no to such an adorable expression? he found himself stunned into silence, not being able to tell you yes either, therefore you slowly came closer as if trying not to scare a wild animal away
when Alastor passively stood before you, not moving away, you wrapped your arms around him
he really was such a dorky noodle
he didn't relax into the hug, but he kept still as you relished in the moment and let the pressure you had hoarded for months now loose
Alastor proceeded to show off your dish during dinner and even Angel Dust could do nothing but shut up and dig in
The all powerful Radio Demon was simply so proud of your progress - not that he doubted you'd prevail in the end, thanks to his expertise and guidance
from that moment onward things only got better and even if you didn't necessarily need Alastor's help anymore, neither of you ever mentioned going your separate ways
you were both secretly glad for the silent agreement
friendly banter and dad jokes were a daily occurrence and with your new-found confidence in the field, you'd always bite back showing off new delicious dishes instead than words
you still had trouble every now and then, but Alastor was always there to help you out
not that you'd ever hear the end of it if you actually asked him for help
“what was that, my darling? is the mightiest chef in Hell having trouble in Paradise?”
you had noticed however that he'd started sneaking glances your way more than usual lately and he also started following you around wherever you went in the hotel. he became your shadow both inside and outside of the kitchen
the attention soon became unnerving, even more so when you'd go in the kitchen only find a different flower on the counter each morning
you came to realize that Alastor's advances were rather old fashioned, but you would amuse the dork and yourself for a while before taking charge
gifts became an ordinary occurrence as well as praise and you preferred not to think about what praise could do to you when it came from Alastor
he enjoyed your reactions to his flattering words a little too much, he had to admit
you had had enough of his childish antics one day and you decided to finally put your plan into action
“Al, can you come here for one sec?”
he wasn't particularly fond of the nickname, but you just loved to get under his skin as much as he did when it came to you
“what can I do for you, my darling chef?”
“here, I have a gift for you”
he looked uncharacteristically unsure of what to do but slightly amused as well. in the end curiosity took the best of him and he finally decided to open the box you had handed to him rather unceremoniously
“what is this dear?”
the apron you had chosen was a perfect fit for your long boi
“read it, please”
“kiss the cook? well, if you ask me so nicely, I just might have to”
he then proceeded to peck your cheek and you swore you could have fainted right there and then by the sheer sweetness of the gesture
it hadn't exactly been what you had planned, but you weren't going to complain
your relationship was bound to be full of surprises apparently
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whaleofatjme1920 · 3 years
Hello El!!
I bring my exchange info for an matchup. If say creepypasta/marblehornets matchup for this.
So my name is Shay, I go by Whiskey because it's a preference in liquor on my end. I go by they/them pronouns, AFAB and I'm bi and omniromantic, I do have an mild preference for men or masc aligned people. I'm a Libra sun, Virgo moon and Aquarius rising. I'm also introvert (INFJ-A) and I'm constantly sleeply. I do have C-PSTD, Bipolar II and GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder).
I'm Caucasian/White and I stand at 5'9. I have celtic and Danish heritage, My family where vikings. I'm really tall and legs double the size of my torso, as in my thighs are as big as my torso in length, same with my calves. I call myself spider legs because of that. I have this natural like wolf cut going on that is this dark green with my roots be my natural dark chocolate brown hair. My eyes are hazel with gold flecks that shift in color which I found out is normal for people with hazel eyes. I paint my nails black a lot because I find the color pleasing. My build wise is like a rectangle like shape with broad shoulders. I'm pretty strong and I'm proud of my strength. I'm currently starting to get into shape and lose weight so I have fit shape but not like over for. Just the right amount of fat over my muscles. I have a lot of stretch marks,, mostly around my waist and my biceps. I call them my stripes or lighting marks. I have plans to get snake bite piercings and wear like the ring ones in them. I'm getting an tattoo soon that is like this and then I want a burning match tattoo on my color bone. My ears are piercing and I like wearing fake gauges, spirals and then the ratings that have the dangly stuff and cuffs with them. I also wear like those stereotypical hot topic chokers. I wear a lot of long sleeves and skinny jeans, I do like ripped skinny jeans. I also love flannels and black boots like doc martins or converse.
I think you can assume by the statement of me liking whiskey I am the rebellious sort which is true. I have drank a bit and tried weed, I don't do it anymore tho.I have been told if people don't know me and see me from afar I'm intimidating to approach. Even being spooky and intimidating, I promise I'm just a big softie. I usually assume the mom friend of the group with my friends. I always worry about them and make sure they take care of themselves. Sometimes I do it so much I forget to take care of myself. I'm really gentle and compassionate, along with being extremely empathetic. I can be stubborn and bit judgemental at times, mostly working off first impressions myself when getting to know each other. I have an hard time being insertive and putting my foot down with my boundaries, scared to lose people even if the hurt me. I'm an introvert through and through, liking to watch from the back and observe the way things go on around me. I do my best to be an optimist because I can't see the point in see everything wrong in this world, it helps me to see the good. I love going on adventures with my close friends and love being a chaotic bastard with them. My dnd alignment is chaotic neutral and I'm Hufflepuff. I do live by the saying do no harm but take no shit. But I won't hesitate to fight someone for the right causes.
I do always constantly look like I am going to funeral of some sort because I own nothing but black. The color makes me feel really comfortable but it's not my favorite color. My favorite color is green but I like sage green, forest green, mossy green, etc. The earthy greens are my favorites. I have a love for the forest and woodlands, finding a sense of home in the woods. I do love archery and something I'm definitely going to be picking up along with playing the drums. I also smoke herbal cigarettes as well as alternative to smoking.
You know that I often get called a cryptid and at this point, I am just one. Cryptidcore, Midwest Gothic, and Pacific Northwest Gothic are my favorite aesthetics. I have a huge love for cryptozoology (the study of cryptids), parapsychology (the psychic phenomena and other paranormal claims), original creepypasta stories and to be honest anything like spooky and creepy. I want to be a mortician and I'm attending school for that. I also really love the dark, especially if I have some good music blasting through my earbuds. I am a sucker for long road trips and seeing things, filling the adventure heart I have. My favorite animals are coyotes and I also like horses. I like to write a lot as well. My favorite cryptids are The Beast of Bray Road, Not Deer, Jersey Devil and Jacklopes.
Thank you so much and I'm so glad I got a chance to reach out to you. It all started with me wanting to send memes to you and being a little 🌲 anon.
Also here is what the tattoo I'm am getting done looks like ↓↓↓
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Your matchup is... Jeff!
Sorry this took me a hot minute, I've been out all day! But here's my part of the exchange :}
In general:
Alright, I read this over and just immediately thought about Jeff, mostly because of your personality!! I have so many things I want to get into and want to say though. SO, let's get right into that.
Things he likes about you:
Physically speaking, as that is how I always start, Jeff really, really loves your height and your legs make him fuzzy on the inside. He just loves it SO MUCH. Your hair is gorgeous, and he's never going to stop wanting to run his fingers through it. Whatever color it's dyed as becomes his new favorite, and he loves seeing your natural hair poke through as well. Your eyes are so gorgeous in his opinion and he finds himself getting lost in them. He thinks your nails being painted black is nice because honestly, he's prone to painting his nails black as well. He finds your body so great!! Wants to hold you and loves feeling new muscles when they get built up. Regardless, he just physically adores you. Your stretch marks are also something he adores as well, and he will fondly call them your tiger stripes and admire them in their entirety. He would love your piercings and the tattoo you want to get. Also really, really loves your choice in jewelry. Chokers are hot in his opinion lmfao. Ripped skinny jeans, flannels, black boots, converse!! just everything about your style works so well with him. And your personality!! That slight rebellious edge am slightly intimidating nature??? PLEASE
General cute stuff:
I feel like the two of you are going to spend some evenings in painting nails. Jeff is slightly touch starved and will absolutely run his hands over your body and just adore everything about you. I can also see Jeff working out with you as well!! He will be your number one supporter regardless of what you're going to be doing. He finds it so sweet that you take care of other people. Jeff also understands you being an introvert, because he's kind of the same way. He would absolutely would hang back with you and just exist. He likes observing as well. However, he also can be a bit of a chaotic guy and will go on adventures with you! Scary places, nature, wherever you want, Jeff will go with you. He'll also read up on fun little places and then go with you. He will absolutely get you green things just because he knows that you like that color. Jeff will also take you on walks in the woods, and he'll also let you wear his clothing!! Jeff actually smokes weed semi-regularly, so while you smoke herbal cigarettes, he's going to be lighting up alongside you as long as you're comfortable. He'd probably like the herbal cigarettes as well. Jeff would love to hear about your love of cryptozoology! He's met so many beings in his life that fit that that he'd just go buck wild being able to tell you about his stories and experiences as well. Parapsychology is also something he'd love to listen from you. He finds you going into the mortician business so incredible, and that you like the dark. Your music?? Please share that with him!!
You two as a couple:
Jeff knows that you are intimidating but so, so sweet. He finds you so admirable and honestly, he needs that kind of caring, loving influence in his life. He finds you being the mom friend of your group super fun and while he's not a dad friend, definitely loves saying things to remind all of your shared 'kids' to listen to you. He wants you to take care of yourself!! He wants you to be kind to yourself!! You being stubborn is something he understands because honestly he can be stubborn. Judgmental? He gets it but honestly might challenge the notion from time to time. He will remind you about boundaries and how important it is to set them. Time to time, he may step in just to help you out. He will also remind you to be assertive, mostly because he would hate to see anyone take advantage of you. Jeff will read up on C-PTSD, Bipolar II, and your anxiety simply so he can be more prepared to help you in any way he can. He deals with some things himself, but he doesn't always know how to handle others. So, he would definitely read up for you and end up becoming your rock when you need it. Honestly, just let him take care of you in his own way. Rough around the edges?? Absolutely. But he's so soft for you. He will help you in any way he can, whether it be weathering the bad days and loving the good ones. Let him adore you.
Closing Thoughts/Other Things:
Hi love bug, or as I will often fondly refer to you as, Dr. Cryptid! I was so happy to read all of this about you. Thank you so so much for sending this in and once again doing mine! I loved reading all about it, and I love talking with you. Thank you so much for that lil pine tree emoji and memes. Also, please take care of yourself!! There's only one of you in the universe and it's so important to love and cherish yourself. It's always okay to say no or know when to bail. Never take care of so many people that you leave all your energy with them and none for yourself. I look forward to our future convos and just friendship in general. As always, let me know what you think and I hope you enjoyed!
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spirit-of-vengeance · 3 years
@spxcemuses @mr-mansnoozie @xxstar-bluesxx
Guess who gathered enough mind to finally write her full backstory of Western Verse. Her being a bounty hunter is set in the Wild West time period (1865-1895), there is no current year(s) to set her story in mainly because I don't want to make a mistake messing up the timeline.
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Calm before the storm
Her father, Attila a lesser Hungarian noble whom supported the 1848-1849 revolutionary war but after the failure of it he escaped emigrated to America to avoid the Habsburg revenge, soon followed by his brother Gábor. He could save a small amount of his fortune along with his two most important horses: a purebred Lipizzan stallion and an extremely rare Akhal Teke mare. He had settled near a small town, due to his financial situation and education as a noble he established a school with the support and approval of the local church. To quieten his guilt for abandoning his country in its peril, he poured all of his heart into educating children; at least he is still useful in some way.
One day, a group of artists traveling artists, acrobats traveled through the town and the aristocrat fell in love at first sight. She was like the queen of fairy from the folk tales he'd heard in his childhood, she was tall, blue eyes sparkled like light sapphire, long golden brown hair floated ethereally with every twirl. The smitten lord shamelessly courted the the graceful acrobat, determined to know at least the name.
The group had stayed in the town for a few weeks, allowing Attila's and Myra's romance to blossom; after a month she ended up staying with him, just like in true fairytales.
My obsession with angst backstory strikes again
The lord was in love, deeper than poets could express it. Since the loss of his home and country he had found his place in the universe along with the perfect companion by his side. He paid less attention to the school, the church and other public affairs; it wasn't like he abandoned them but became more withdrawn to spend time with the love of his life, especially after the birth of their daughter. She was almost the perfect miniature of her mother, same beautiful hair glinting gold in the sunlight, only her eyes were the brightest emerald green he'd ever seen.
While Myra's heart and aura was as pure as a fairy's; the local church was beyond distressed. They claimed that Attila had completely abandoned helping those in need because of her wicked seduction. When they witnessed her performing for the amusement of the crowd, the 'temptress witch' brand couldn't be lifted. They gathered a few enthusiastic townsfolk whom shared their views and a few morally questionable men whom only wanted a piece of the lord's fortune.
10 year old Karma was awakened from her deep slumber by her frantic father; smoke and yelling blinding her senses as he carried her out of the burning house into the nearby forest so the mob won't find her. He promised her he will be back but he had to return into their home for Myra; he couldn't leave her inside. Karma watched her dad disappear into the flames, the air filled with suffocating smoke and religious shouts for god to smite the sinners. She couldn't tear her eyes away from the spot where her father was gone, waiting for her parents to stumble out of the half collapsed building; but that never had happened. She sat unmoving from her spot, struck staring into the flames then into the ashes as the sun has risen.
Birth of the marksman
Attila's brother, Gábor arrived the next day after hearing the news, he was the one whom found Karma still staring at the ruins in a catatonic state. He couldn't avenge his sibling as it meant endangering his niece and she has lost more than enough.
Gábor expected her to become a soft spoken, reserved lady once she overcame her trauma; that theory was soon abandoned when once he had awoken to his niece practicing with his rifle outside with frighteningly great accuracy. The young girl naturally had an extraordinary aim and after a few long talks, he'd seen the determination burning in her to avenge the murder of her parents. Given by her mother's dance lessons, she was also flexible and capable of many different acrobatic moves; this combined with her aim proven to be a very dangerous combination.
To not awaken suspicion he told his friends Karma was an orphan whose parents were killed by bandits and he had adopted her to give her a family and education. Karma was fascinated chasing greater heights of her skills, this involved reading every possible book about anatomy, marking, engraving the useful spots of the body. Karma knows where to shoot to disarm, to cause a slow death, to paralyze, to disable for life and when it is only a warning: an injury which will heal with time. Along with her accuracy, her drawing speed only can be compared to lightning. Although she prefers/most comfortable with her dual revolvers (model undecided yet), she is still a menace with shotguns, rifles, flintlocks and even bows due to Gàbor's 'A Hungarian is not a Hungarian if they can't use a bow' mindset.
The bounty hunter quicker than death
Karma had her first official gunfight at the age of 18 on the auction. for Vihar (Storm), the filly of her father's horses.
Detailed post about Vihar
She officially entered the bounty hunter business when she was 20 and Vihar was 2, aiming for the most dangerous criminals whom committed the worst acts possible. In her early years after the kill she slit open corpses she trying to find the bullet, surverying the damage it caused and adding filler information to her anatomy knowledge. Of course she didn’t bother burying the bodies, she knew as a woman she has to be extremely vicious above talented to be hired and mutilated dead bodies did send a great message & served as cement for building her reputation. The name Karma wasn't entirely her idea, many thankful family members claimed that karma has came for their loved ones' murderers. Her talent spread like wildfire among the men of law, glad to be rid of the dangerous scum; with careful planning, use of environment and Vihar as backup she had wiped out gangs, not solely focused on individuals.
Unfortunately her reputation summoned an unofficial grand price on her head as well in certain circles; they had tracked her back to her uncle's house. The battle claimed Gábor's life and nearly her sight as her right eye was almost slashed out. The new loss opened old wounds: her not being able to protect her loved ones. She couldn't look into a mirror, the scar a reminder how despite all years of training she wasn't untouchable; after burying her uncle plan to gain control over her psyche already formed.
She took a knife and carefully carved four half circles around her eye to form a crosshair with her pupil being the middle of it. She made sure she kept the wounds open for enough time to scar as visibly as the vertical cut; she wanted a symbol to add to her legend. Excuse my pathetic excuse of an edit, I'm not good in this, nor I can draw.
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Now Karma is 25, Vihar is 6, both of them in their peak physical prime; the name Vihar is also symbolic a little, Karma is the lightning to her horse. She is dancing on the thin edge of bounty hunting and being an outlaw as she often takes...side jobs to help people who deserve it and usually that person doesn't have a bounty on their head, therefore it is technically murder.
Local antisocial feral monk & cocky gunslinger feral lady / addition of the AU with the amazing @mr-mansnoozie
Near her uncle's house, Karma had discovered a cave and a grumpy mute monk living in it along with his pet bear. The monk, Sandy eventually became a second uncle to the traumatized angry orphan, he taught her how to move & creep upon someone soundlessly, disappear without a trace, cover her stances and behavior patterns of various animals. Before and after returning from a job she always visits her uncle of choice for a chat; a silent way to prepare him to the possibility of her not coming back. But she always do. She considers Sandy as part of her tiny family, although his...copying mechanisms with his own traumas were a bit strange to get used to; she adapted quite fast, after all who is she to judge with a past like that?
I'm a dead man walking, Hell's at my door.
aka collection of small headcanons
🎯 Her dual revolvers are called Salvation and Damnation because she's dramatic
🎯 Karma has a small sketchbook filled with anatomy drawings for further practice.
🎯 She actually can sing, but rarely does, only to Vihar since she never received positive feedback on it. Her voice is gritty, rugged and deep; definitely not the usual and desired sounding from a woman.
🎯 If her target was an outstandingly cruel bastard and/or one of those whom killed her parents she uses a little psychological torture. After fatally wounding them she starts whistling (for the most terrifying experience wear headphones & close your eyes while listening) as they try to crawl away or beg for mercy. The first time the whistle gets shrill & more intense is when she lazily reloads, knowing she has both the time and the upper hand. The second pace shift is when she aims; she shoots during the last, long drawn out high note.
🎯 This is her only verse where Cindy is afraid, no terrified of fire; during her....26 AU's she's always been associated with fire despite dying in or being wounded by it. In this verse she is more tied to lightning, the scent of smoke is enough to send her into a silent panic attack and despite loathing the cold she will never sit close to the fireplace. Her other deep fears include injuring her hands & sight and losing Vihar. Her horse is the only remaining family member of hers, she can't fail her too.
🎯 Most of Karma's scars, injuries are a result of her standing between Vihar and a knife/bullet/ even a bullwhip when a criminal was smart enough to catch on their deep emotional bond.
🎯 She has recurring night terrors about the night her parents died, she always wakes up in cold sweat; she's sort of used to them. Though, sometimes she still cries but thankfully Vihar is there to comfort her.
🎯 Karma has a special morning stretch routine to keep her flexibility and warm up her hands & keep them steady and fast.
🎯 Due to her dad and uncle she received high quality education
🎯 For the untrained eye, the belt of her hat are simple crosses while in reality, they are inverted crosses to symbolize her stance with Christianity
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🎯 Karma's middle name is Emerald, given by her father due to her eye color.
🎯 Karma was first inspired by League of Legends Miss Fortune because that name alone is great but unfortunately she is too pirate coded for a western so I abandoned the relation. Though when Karma is not being the 'Call me a slow reader but I only made it to the Dead part, the or Alive didn't register.' ; her personality is similar to hers.
🎯 Due to her dad, Karma is actually half aristocrat. Not like she cares about it the slightest; the only indication of noble blood is her idle stance. It is an unconscious mirror of how her father used to hold himself: back straightened to almost impossible point, left arm behind it, right hand resting on the grip of in her case, revolver instead of hilt of a sword.
🎯 If given the chance to live a normal life, she would've grown into a captivating, lively young woman, much like her mother but with the aristocrat elegance of her father; finding a suitor who lives up to her parents' and her standards would've been the challenge of the century.
🎯 Her special move is called Dance of Death. This is used as last resort when she's facing more opponents up to 12, as with her dual revolvers she has 12 bullets without reloading. She mentally marks the stances of all opponents, predicts their movement, firing order and possible way of their bullets before whirling out of her hiding place. Each pose minimizes the chance of getting shot, and with each change of movement two bullets are fired, two men drop dead.
🎯 Her accuracy isn't just 'gun goes boom >:D' but a combination of natural talent, endless practice, movement prediction, sharp, quick thinking & analytical skills and different techniques molten together to utilize them all at once
🎯 Her hair is now as long as her mother's, she always keeps it in a single tight braid to keep it out of the way; without her hat and hair down she actually loses some of her dangerous edge.
🎯 The only physical memory Karma has of her parents is her dad's hussar sword she found underneath the ruins of the house, it was protected by a very thick wooden box & a lock of her mother's hair is tied to the grip. She has hidden it in the nearby forest, her thoughts often wander to it along with the wish to wield it.
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xxisxxisxxis · 4 years
La fin
Inspired by this ask.
Present day Duff and Vivian reflect on their romantic relationship
I sat down with my best friend to discuss our affair for the first time in 26 years…and gain a final piece of closure the two of us have yet to attain from one another. 
"This is gonna be interesting because both of our spouses are here." I say as I sit down, at my kitchen bar and Duff takes a sip of his water before joining me.
"Nah, Su's as cool as a cucumber. We got this." He replies. "...I don't know about Sixx but me, you and Su can handle it." He teases. 
"If you get war flashbacks, baby, just remember you're sober." I tell Nikki and he chuckles. 
"I'll just go to the bathroom and sing 'Kumbaya'." Nikki adds and Susan laughs. 
"It won't be that bad." She assures him. "I got my waterproof mascara on. I'm ready." 
"I'm getting through this without crying." I state.
"You cry over google commercials, Viv." Duff informs me.
"Because they know how to market. This happened…" I have to do the math. "...thirty-two and a half years ago. I won't cry." 
"Okay, well, just in case, I came prepared." Susan tosses me a pack of Kleenex. 
"Thank you." I say to her, doubting I'll need it.
"I'm about to start the camera." Nikki tells us, going to press start on the camera he's got set up to film this. "Oh, it's already started." He states. 
"It's okay, people won't care." I shrug, taking a sip of my Pepsi. "Okay, Hey, Guys." I say to the camera. "This is a very special occasion because I'm here with my best friend, and the father of my first child, Michael Andrew McKagan a.k.a Duff McKagan a.k.a Daddy McKagan according to some of you nasty, freaky, bastards." I pipe and Duff rubs his face. 
"Oh my God." He chuckles. 
"Do you read your instagram comments?" I remind him and he nods. 
"It's just so weird to hear it in real time." He explains. "I think that's one of the most odd things you can call a sexual partner. Like…'daddy'..."
We just stare at each other for a moment and I look at the camera. 
"He just single handedly dragged me in the nicest way possible." I say to him as Nikki and Susan try not to laugh. 
"No, I jus--well, you can say whatever the hell you wanna say and call him whatever you wanna call him because you've earned it with the shit you've been through, but it's just odd for me to go online and there's, like, girls 30 years younger than me calling me 'daddy.' Like, I'm not sure if you realize this, sweetie, but I have daughters your age." He points out and I start laughing. "I-I could actually be your dad. Careful now." 
"I think Vince has a higher chance of being these horny girls' father." I state. 
"I know, but it's just food for thought, you know?" He shrugs. 
"I don't even know how to transition from that to the topic--which is a serious topic, but this is just...oh my gosh." I giggle out, not able to stop. 
"Speaking of 'food for thought'," He creates a transition for us to go into what we're talking about and I take the opportunity. 
"Yes, we will be discussing our weird relationship-but-not-really-because-I-was-married-and-confused situationship in honor of my book coming out 'Verbatim: The Truth, The Whole Truth, & Nothing Left Unsaid', which tells everything that happened from 1981, to early 2000s, that people have already read about in everybody else's books." I explain. "I've had this, 'it isn't anybody's business' mindset and now, I feel like I'm in a place where I can tell what happened, including our thing--which is something, believe it or not, we have not talked about as much as people think we have." 
"No, we haven't." 
"I don't know exactly why we haven't spoken about it much, like it happened, it obviously happened because we got a son out of it...we just haven't acknowledged it happened, really. Which is why we're gonna ask the tough questions and hopefully get through some stuff."
"Which is nice because I honestly think the last time we even alluded to it was 1994, right after I got sober, and was advised to resolve things in my friendships, and even then we didn't get everything out there." He replies. "At least I didn't, and I feel like a lot of people have something to say about it, and we spent so many years letting other people define what that time was to us--which it was such a private and personal thing between the two of us that other people's two cent shouldn't have had the impact on us that it did--but we let it get to that point where we lost sight of what it meant to us and let it be defined however the fuck people wanted to call it. And that wasn't good for either of us, and I think that's one of the things that's kept me from bringing it up again. Especially now that, ya know, I'm married, have two grown daughters with Susan, you have Nikki and your children, and I've always thought there's no point in bringing something up that happened--like you said--thirty-two, almost thirty-three--years ago.
"Because you don't want to hear the b.s."
"Because I don't want to hear the b.s." He agrees. "But the more I've thought about it, there are parts of me that feels like I didn't get to say what I wanted to say when we decided to go separate ways, and that just gets fucking heavier and heavier with each year, and I'm sure you might, too." 
"Oh, definitely." I agree completely, able to relate to it. "I feel like one of the main reasons for me, why I haven't tried to talk to you about it is because, like you said, people will automatically start something out of absolutely nothing, but also because I felt like I never had the right to." I state and he furrows his brows a little. "Why did you wait so long to tell me how you really felt about me?
He lets out a breath before thinking a moment. 
"I refused to hinder what little happiness you had left in your relationship with Nikki. I knew you guys were struggling, I knew you were fighting like hell to get your relationship back on track, and I didn't want you to have any more confusion going on than what was already being put on you and if I would have told you how I felt, that would've done that. And then I was with Mandy for a while and that kinda helped me feel like I was over those feelings, but I realized I wasn't when she and I broke up."
"Did anybody else know about how you felt or..?"
"Well, I--yeah, Stevie thought it was just a little, like, I had a crush on you, but Izzy knew I loved you...which is why he wasn't shocked when they found out about us." He says. "...Of course he wasn't surprised because all the Nikki/Vanity stuff happened, so he was kinda expecting you to do something, which--okay, I don't know how to ask this." He admits, thinking of how to word it, glancing at Nikki. 
"What?" I ask him. 
"I just don't want to come across as an asshole for asking this because I'm assuming it's a lot deeper than just...okay, whatever, I'm asking it." He decides. 
"Okay." I prepare for it and he sighs. 
"Why did it take that level of public humiliation for you to realize you weren't in a good marriage?" He asks and it nearly makes the breath leave my body, Nikki and I looking at each other. 
"Because it was public." I confess. "Everything else that had been done, had been done in private. There was no public input on it, there was nobody watching the situation unfold under a microscope, everything that happened up to that point was private. So, he could trip during a crack binge and shoot me and I could stay with him because I didn't have the public watching me, giving their opinions. But when his mistress announces it on TV, I can't just gloss over that because now everybody knows and has an inkling that 'uh oh, they're not this perfect relationship they've made people believe they are' and yes we came out and said it was a lie and tried to undo that damage that Denise caused, so physically I was still in the marriage, mentally I was drawing up divorce papers. And I'm not completely sure it was just the very public aspect of it, I think it was the fact it was her. And I realized, 'I can't compete with a woman who has absolutely everything about her that Nikki is addicted to: she knows how to have a good time, she's equally as wild as him, she's got the sex appeal, she's got all the drugs, she's on the same level as him in terms of entertainment industry' just everything that I wasn't...she was. And I was too exhausted at the point to try to compete with her so I gave up when that came out."
"I remember Izzy ranting, 'she's fucking comparing herself to Vanity and there's no reason to'." He impersonates Izzy and I chuckle. 
"He drilled into my head for years to follow that I was fine the way I was, I didn't need to change anything about my looks, my personality, my hobbies, my sobriety, like it was like 'The Help' when she's constantly reassuring the little girl 'you is smart, you is kind, you is important'." I quote. "Anytime Izzy could see me struggling with myself or not feeling my best he'd be like 'seventeen outta ten, Viv. Seventeen.'" 
Duff looks enlightened, and points to the space behind my right ear. 
"That's why've got '17' right there." He realizes and I nod. "In his writing." He adds. 
"In his writing." I confirm. 
"That's--wow. I didn't know you struggled with that for so long because there was no competition." He assures me.
"Well, I already had shitty self-esteem and then that made it worse, and then even when you and I were together I still had this fear a little bit that you were only with me to help yourself get over Mandy." 
"Abso-fucking-lutely not." He doesn't even think before saying and I feel myself tear up a little. "No way. No freaking way. I loved you, Viv, I really, really did. When you told me that you were filing as soon as the tour was over I started planning out our lives together, as crazy or cheesy that makes me seem, like, I was really going for it." He tells me.
"Duff." I feel guilty, my heart aching a little. 
"I remembered, 'okay, she wants this many kids, she says she likes dogs but really wants a cat, too, she doesn't want to live in the middle of the city, she doesn't want an over-the-top house, she wants to go back to school at some point so I'll put away some savings for that', like, I was planning out everything and fitting Guns N' Roses in wherever there was time in that whole plan. I was ready to be with you and start a life with you. I really, really was." He adds and I see Susan's sympathy for him, only adding to my guilt. 
"Well, just rip my heart out, why don't you?" I ask him to add some relief and Susan giggles, her bright smile coming back to her lips. 
"Right?" She asks. "Geez, babe." 
"I'm just saying." Duff tells us. 
"Nikki didn't even plan his days out when he woke up back then, and then you were there with a calculator adding up how much money you probably needed to put away for my schooling." 
"We wouldn't have had any money to go to school, anyway, Viv, 'cause it was all going to taxes and heroin." Nikki points out and I think for a moment. 
"And house payments." 
"And house payments." He agrees as I look back to Duff, who looks like he's thinking about something. 
"Okay, sorry if this is a weird question, but what did you mean you felt like you had 'no right' to talk about our relationship?" 
"Okay, well, we broke up, I was working on things with Nikki, you married Mandy four months after we broke up...I felt like 'okay, you've already gotten your husband back, he's gotten Mandy back, they're married, who the--' pardon my french ''--fuck are you to bring up your relationship and how it affected your friendship when you're both married to other people and doing your own things? Who are you to be worried with your time with him when you're with Nikki and he's got a wife, now?'." 
"Ohh, yeah. Yeah." He knows what I'm talking about, nodding. "So, you kinda felt like it was disrespectful to dwell on it too long." He adds. 
"Exactly. And I didn't want to disrespect Nikki, or Mandy, or Linda, and now Susan, by trying to work on us again, as friends, because we are exes, whether we want to admit it, we are. We dated. And I feel like it's easy to forget that sometimes because it was so long ago and that freaking sucks because I don't want…" My voice cracks and he looks at me pointedly as tears come to my eyes and I take a deep breath. "...I don't want to forget that time. And I'm not trying to be rude to my marriage or yours or make it seem like I still have those feelings for you, because I don't, but I don't want to forget there was a time in that hellacious cycle my life was in at that moment, that for a few months, I was genuinely happy in the midst of my life falling apart." I explain, sniffling. "And that wouldn't have been the case, if not for you. And I don't want to forget that." 
"Vivian." He says as I grab at a tissue and I see Susan knuckle a tear in her tear duct. 
"I don't know, it just felt like there was never a right time to address what happened fully because everything was happening so fast in our personal lives, for you and Guns, for Nikki and the band, I started having kids, and you got married a second time and your drinking was worse and worse, so it just never happened." 
"Can I ask you something else?" He says and I nod. "When do you think we should have said, 'look, we were together, it happened, and it's okay'. Because we avoided it like the plague for years and still do at times, and that's practically due to--like I said earlier--listening to how people defined it. Like you were called a 'whore' and a 'slut' and just awful shit in public and in papers and tabloids for years after it happened and I feel like because of that, there was that element of 'we should be ashamed of ourselves and just pretend it never fucking happened' surrounding it, even though we had Monroe who's breathing proof of what happened at some point, but we just treated it as if we adopted him together as friends or something like--" I laugh, wiping a tear, and he laughs with me for a few seconds. "--it's the truth, though, we never talked about our relationship. We went on Howard Stern in '88 right after Monroe was born, and he grilled us about it, but we just shut the fuck down after that and didn't speak of anything again for a couple years until we got in that fight over you limiting my time with Monroe, and then again in '94, and that was it--and none of those times really accomplished anything. At all." 
"We should have had that conversation before you got married to Mandy that May." I point out.
"That was so, so soon." He smiles nervously. "That was too soon, way too soon, to get married."
"You proposed to her the day after we broke up." I recall and he nods. 
"I sure did. I sure as hell did. So stupid." He states. "I learned not to make important decisions when I'm in pain. 'Cause I married two different women when I was going through some painful stuff and only made it worse." He explains. 
"And see that's the thing because you had me completely convinced you wanted Mandy. Like I felt so much better when we broke up, knowing you were with who you really wanted to be with, and I was with who I wanted to be with, and then I found out in an argument with you that you were miserable and married Mandy to try to make yourself excited about being back together with her." 
"And that's exactly why I told you that because I needed you to be happy and if I would have told you how I really felt about you, you wouldn't have been happy because you would've felt guilty for staying with Nikki and fixing things with him. And I wouldn't have forgiven myself if I would have put you through that so I married Mandy so fast because I was hurt, and I thought I loved her as much as I loved you, and I held on to that and ran with it." He tells me. "Why wasn't I good enough for you to stay?" 
I go to answer, before the weight of what he's asking really hits me, and several tears topple down my cheeks before I'm wiping them away. 
"I can't begin to put into words how highly you surpassed 'good enough'." I inform him when I finally speak. "Um, my decision to stay with Nikki had absolutely nothing to do with you. That was all me, and issues I thought were resolved within myself that weren't resolved at all, I was just ignoring them." I say. "And something in me was telling me not to stay with you...and I fully believe that was God telling me to back the hell off because he had a plan for you and I had no business accompanying you in that plan as your significant other." I explain. "And I hate to say this, but I really feel like we would have gotten divorced." 
His eyes widen and his brows raise, a knowing smile on his lips as his nods his head. 
"And I hate to think that but we would have made it, maybe, up until '92 because I wasn't even your wife or your girlfriend but just being around you made me so miserable." I admit. "I-It was like--you would get up and start drinking until you passed out that night. I was watching the person who had his shit together the most in my life, fall apart, and that was scary for me because we had a son who was witnessing his dad spiral." 
"Yeah." He rubs his lips together. 
"And getting you to take accountability for what you were doing was like trying to bathe a cat." I add.
"And it took me months after getting sober to evaluate what went wrong in my life with the band, what went wrong in my relationships, what went wrong in my parenting with Monroe, what went wrong in my friendship/co-parentship with you, and own up to what I played a part in because none of it imploded on it's own, or just because of other people, like I played a part in all of it, too, and admitting that took a lot of time to swallow my pride and just accept that I became the very thing I got pissed at Nikki for being, years prior to that, and saying, 'okay, I made all those mistakes, I fucked up, how can I do better and learn from it to better myself, to better my friendships, to better my relationship with my son, and just do what I'm supposed to do?' And I even ended up going to Nikki, and apologizing for what happened between us," he motions between me and him, "because even before you and him were separated over the Vanity thing, knowing you went to me for shit, over him, made him feel less than, made him feel like he wasn't a good enough husband and I kinda felt the same way when he stepped up for Monroe when I was going through my drinking, and it made me feel like I wasn't adequate enough as a father because Monroe was leaning a bit more on him than he was on me, and for the shit I was going through in my life with my alcoholism and drugs, I was doing the best I could do as a dad. And it made me realize that Nikki was doing the best he could do as a husband back when he was in the thick of his heroin addiction, because he was sick and couldn't fucking help himself, just like I was sick and couldn't help myself, and neither of us wanted to hear we had a problem, neither of us wanted help. And I know people are gonna, 'well, Nikki cheated and was mean to her and this and that', I know what you looked like when Nikki was hurting you. I know the look you would get on your face...I know that I hurt you as much as Nikki did through my drinking because you would look at me the way you would look at him when you weren't recognizing the person in front of you due to how royally they had fucked themselves up." 
"Yes." I nod, not even arguing. 
"And that fucking hurt to realize that I was hurting you as bad as he had, and I remembered getting so pissed at him for doing that back in '86/'87 as he got worse, but then I did it, too, and that experience really opened my eyes when I got sober because I wouldn't have been humbled in that way had I not had a drinking addiction and reached that low, and I do think that's one of the reasons that was allowed to happen to me." He finishes and I take a deep breath before asking:
"If Monroe wouldn't have been conceived, if we wouldn't have had a child to come out of our relationship, knowing what we know now, how we ended up not staying together, the public slander and stuff we had to go through...would you still have had a relationship with me, if you could go back and change it?" 
"Without a doubt, yes." He says, matter-of-fact. "It would have been a waste of a blessing to not have taken the opportunity to love someone as recklessly--maybe even stupidly, at times--unconditionally, with the magnitude I loved you with, at such a young age. Like, usually you can expect to find something like what we had when people get a little older, and get through all their bullshit relationships before finding the person that loves them for them fully, but I had the chance of experiencing that when I was, like, in my early twenties...and I didn't experience that again, and so much more, until I met Susan." He says and I nod. "And I don't want you to think that because we haven't spoken about it, maybe as much as we should have, that I'm ashamed of you or us or embarrassed, because I'm not proud that we did what we did in that timing--because it was really shitty timing and we both can agree on that, I think," he raises his brows and I agree, "but I will never be ashamed, or apologetic,  or embarrassed that I ever had that with you. I felt like one of the most fortunate people to even know you, and then to have that relationship we had--even for the few months it lasted--was just...it was such a short time compared to how long you've been with Nikki and how long I've been with Su, but we spent it loving each other the best that we could. And we really did love each other, and we do still love each other--even if it's not in that same way, the spirit of it, I guess, is still there. There's still that 23 year old kid in me that'll kick somebody's ass over you, and wants to see you happy, and is in absolute love with you. And don't get me wrong, there's a 56 year old me that wants to see you happy and that'll still kick somebody's ass over you." He clarifies, making me laugh. "I'm just pointing out that even when those feelings went away, I don't think that bond ever did." 
"Yeah." I nod, sniffling as I press a tissue to under my eye to catch more tears. "Do you, um...do you remember our break up?" 
He exhales and gives me a little smile, nodding, before tears come to his eyes.
"I--yeah, I...I remember it…" He informs me. 
"We had just gotten done messing around, and if we did anything before we went to bed we would just stay in bed and go to sleep, but if we did anything in the afternoon or whatever we'd get up shortly after and clean up and go about the day. And we got done, it was, like, 2:00pm, and it was this odd feeling in the midst of it that 'this is gonna be the last time we ever do this with one another', and neither of us said a word, we just laid there with each other for four hours when we were done, taking in every second that we could. Well I finally got up to go back home and check on Nikki because he had OD'd the night before." I explain. 
"And you went to the door to leave and I stopped you, and was like, 'I know you're going to make things right with Nikki, and I'm going to fix things with Mandy, and I want you to know that I love you, and I'm proud of you, and I always will and always will be'. Of course you can understand me a little better now because I was crying when I choked those out, but, um," he laughs and I smile back more tears. "And you said, 'thank you, I love you, Duff' and gave me a kiss and a hug and then you were gone." 
"And we rarely spoke about it, again."
"And we rarely spoke about it, again." He confirms and I let out a breath, feeling more tears swell in my eyes. "What a fucking way to end a relationship." He adds. 
"This is where I'm really gonna start crying, um…" I start, chuckling nervously. "...I wasn't thanking you for being understanding, I was thanking you for everything that you'd done for me, and it took me a while to understand that that was one of the things I felt like was unresolved because that 'thank you' had a lot of weight behind it." I tell him. 
"Okay." He tells me, listening intently. 
"This is so freaking stupid and unhealthy but I wrote suicide notes for when Nikki finally OD'd and died, because I knew if he were to go, I'd have to go with him, I couldn't live without him." I tell him and he looks a shocked. "You taught me that I could live without him when I didn't think that I could, and you brought me so much peace and rest in a time when I couldn't remember the last time I was at peace, and I sure as hell couldn't get any rest. And I felt, and still feel, so indebted to you for those months that you spent trying your hardest to fix what you didn't break--you risked your career over me, you protected me, you defended me, you supported me, you loved me--and that's what I was thanking you for that day, and I feel like I've got a weight off my shoulders now because I have never told you that and I've always wanted to but didn't think it was a good time." 
"Holy shit, Viv." He wipes a stray tear, and I see Susan doing the same, Nikki just smiling at me like he's glad I've gotten that weight off of me, because he knows I've been wanting to say it for years.
"And I'm sorry it was such a shitty breakup that kind of came out of nowhere." 
"The way you were screaming and crying and begging God whenever we were trying to get Nikki to wake up, I knew if he lived you were gonna fix things. I was prepared for it, I promise." He assures me. "And I'm really glad we got to do this and get this out there with each other and I really hope you were able to get some closure with this, because I really did." 
"I did, too." I nod, wiping more tears. 
"I love you." He tells me as we get out of our chairs, giving me a quick, innocent, peck on the lips, before hugging me tightly.  
"I love you, too." 
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Part 8
When Erik's eyes opened, his head was foggy.. smashed into the bed.. and Frankie Beverly was blasting out the common room. He raised his chin before dropping it with a deep sigh. This nigga, he thought. Goddamn.. What time was it?
"CHRIS," he yelled getting no answer other than a loud "BEFORE I LET YOU GOOOOOOOO!"
"Mothafucka," he grumbled eyes shut and grunting as he couldn't sleep with all the noise. Throwing himself onto his feet, he nearly tripped over his boots left standing near the bed in his jeans. Kicking them out the way, he marched out the room turning the corner as he scratched his bare chest.  "You know what time it is?!"
"Yeah, it's 12:48 PM in the afternoon," Brit said from the small couch as Chris looked up, looking stupid. "Good afternoon Sleeping Beauty." Erik hadn't even seen her sitting there, but there she was.. in one of Chris' bigass shirts and sweatpants. Erik looked down finding himself ass naked, dick hanging on soft. Her eyes followed his, scanning him before settling on his eyes, humored.
"Stop looking at my dick."
She smirked. "You were fucked up last night do you remember anything?"
"I remember you," he grinned still feeling fuzzy. One thing he knew for sure.. he'd gotten Fucked. Up. "Why you got his shit on?"
"One, you were sleep so I couldn't ask you. Two, do you own anything that would fit me?"
He pouted. She had a good point.
"Breakfast?" Her brow arched in a reminder.
"SHIT," he gasped suddenly remembering he was a human being with a life. He grabbed his head. "Why you ain't wake me up?"
"Tuh! I tried. You were like a damn log," her shoulders shook in a small chuckle.
Meanwhile, Chris danced with a bag of chips and a coke.
"Sit ya happy ass down somewhere," Erik frowned, half-serious and rolling his eyes when Brit put up a disciplinary finger. He sighed. "Wait for me, I'm a take a quick shower and I'll be ready in fifteen."
Turning the corner, he could hear them talking low and snickering. He stuck his head back out and their eyes both went to him at the same time, Brit snickering again.
"What's so funny RED," he challenged.
"YOU, nigga. Breakfast over, me and Chris already went, it's lunch time."
"Y'all went without me?" His face froze in disappointment.
"Look..," Chris mumbled walking over with his phone to show him a video of them trying to wake him up. Chris had yelled Erik's name super loud and Brit climbed over top0 him in the bed, dressed in Chris' clothes as she cackled at the fact that Erik was still snoring.
"Put some damn clothes on," she laughed.
"You the one keep lookin at my dick." She kept looking at it like she wanted it.
"You asked me to stay and I'm here.. as you requested. But I got shit to do and I'm hungry so LET'S GOOO," she clapped. "Get your ass in the showerrr! Let's move!"
"...You lucky you fine," he warned turning to hit the shower. He was used to showering fast, with as much work as he'd taken on this year. Early, long, full days of school, tutoring, group assignments, homework, Omega meetups, and he had to get his workouts in too. In fact, based on the time... he had an appointment to tutor a few people back to back in a couple hours. Work hard, play hard was the motto. Dashing from the shower, he dried himself quickly and threw on a purple t-shirt he thrifted with grey joggers and Jordan's. He'd been rocking these same Jordans faithfully since 11th grade.
"Aye, you ready," he called heading to the door. Standing, she was right behind him and he looked at Chris who'd gotten up to come. "Fuck you going, this ain't that kinda party."
"Erik.. it's the caf I gotta go too."
"Leave first then." Ignoring Brit's face, Erik watched Chris roll his eyes, shake his head, and head out. "...What? ...He ain't walking with us." He smacked her ass as she walked through the door. He could get used to that jiggle.
The stroll to the caf was lighter as Erik was able to breathe fresh air, move, and make conversation with one of his new favorite people. He took his time next to her, rubbing his hands together as he plotted in his mind new ways to flirt with her.
"I'm dressed so bummy, I can't wait to get into my own clothes."
"Last night was wild wasn't it," he grinned. He didn't remember it all but he knew he'd had fun.
"YOU were wild last night," she amended. "You know you ran around the party butt naked with a purple dick?!"
"Purple and gold," he corrected. Of course he remembered. He'd planned it while sober. "You got a lil wild too," he smiled side-eyeing her. "I saw you tryna dance.."
"Trying? No, boo. I'm a dancer," she snapped playfully.
"You better at kissing," he smirked leading the way into the caf as she rolled her eyes.
It was inevitable. They couldn't just eat and be alone because people kept coming over to talk to them, separately and together. Erik started to get irritated at the third interruption.. Her line sister came to greet her and wouldn't leave. Erik stared at Brit who glanced back obviously reading his mind and finding it funny.
"What you expect," she smiled watching his annoyance. "Between the two of us we know half the people at this school."
"We need privacy."
"That's what dates are for," she quipped, still smirking.. She was waiting for him to ask her out on one, but for some reason he couldn't bring himself to do it. That was when James from one of Erik's classes approached asking for tutoring.
"Pay me," Erik shrugged. "Guaranteed A if you listen and study like I tell you." It was easy money.
Brit looked at her phone and finished the food on her tray, picking it up as she stood. "I'll get with you, aight? I gotta meet someone for a project."
"Wait, why you leaving?" He frowned looking up for her to sit back down. He wasn't done vibin.
"I just told you and I wanna change my clothes."
He kissed his teeth. "Aight, well, call me."
"When I have time..."
Erik was taken aback. That was already a given, so for her to say it meant she was purposely gonna wait. Why? He decided to give her a little more incentive standing to follow her out. He ain't wanna do what he had planned right in the caf.
"Where you going," her brow raised seeing him behind her in her peripheral vision. He grabbed her waist, turning her to face him before holding her face in his hands and laying a fat kiss on her soft lips that lasted a good moment.
"What was that for," she breathed, looking up with soft eyes.
"Felt like kissing you," he shrugged backing up. "Call me," he pointed heading back to the caf. That should've been good enough to make her call quick, but she didn't and he'd waited lowkey. Everytime someone hit his phone he was annoyed because it was the wrong number. So he called her one afternoon when he was in need of sexual relief.. but according to her she was busy. Aight, fine.. He called her a couple days later getting the same response. That was bullshit and she was lying. What the fuck was going on? She didn't want dick?
After a week passed by with no contact, he decided to pop up on her in the criminal justice building. All it took was to ask around and he found her in a computer lab, sitting in the empty seat beside her at her computer. She kept typing unaware until she looked over and nearly jumped from her skin.
"Why you been ignoring me lately."
"I haven't been ignoring you, I said I was busy."
"Bullshit, you make time for what you want to make time for."
"Why you sweating me so hard? You're not my man. You won't even ask me on a date."
It clicked. "That's what this is about. Look, you want another date, fine."
"Tuh. Not with that attitude," she scoffed. "I can have anyone I want, you better step to me like you know."
Erik's brows rose. Engine RED, that bitch that made him want to work for it was rearing her head.
"Bye Erik," she waved flicking her wrist like he was a damn fly. He was shocked.. but also entertained and strangely turned on. Smirking at her profile as she purposely ignored him, he decided to gone and ask.
"Ms. RED," he whispered laughing silently to himself when she ignored him again. "Fine chocolate ass.." She was gonna make him really be serious. Containing himself, he looked at her, she was still typing.. some assignment. "Aight... Brittany... You're absolutely right and I would love it if you let me enjoy the pleasure of your company this upcoming weekend."
"Where we going?"
"Where you want?"
"Don't ask me that if you don't have money. I'm being gracious by letting you plan it around your price point."
"You right," he spoke honestly. "I'll plan it out and call you with the details."
He smirked. She definitely knew how to get what she wanted from him. Now he wanted something from her in the meantime.
"Can I kiss you?"
"Go ahead," she mumbled, fingers never ceasing on the keyboard. He leaned forward and kissed her smoothly on the cheek, feeling light.
"What you doing today?"
"I have a date."
"With who?" His eyes widened. He didn't expect that."
"I don't think you know him."
"Try me."
"Habib Eze."
She was right, he didn't know him. Damn. Niggas moved fast. He wondered how many times she'd seen this Habib and if she was dodging him to meet that nigga. She wasn't doing anything wrong.. he just didn't expect it.. nor did he like it. She was serious about these damn dates. "Damn.. well I'll still get at you for this weekend," he said feeling like a simp as he left her.
A thought crossed his mind. He couldn't afford to take her on a million dates, he had shit to pay for. However, if he made her his girl.. he wouldn't have to put up cash so constantly. But if he did that, would he have to be loyal? Would she trip over that? She would. It would get ugly. Dating was out of the question for now.
Crossing campus, Erik met a familiar set of eyes and she double-taked walking in his direction to slide her fingers along his forearm. He recognized her as one of the girls he danced on at the party, but she looked a little more put together now.
"Heey," she smiled leaning into him for a hug before stepping back. "Fun night, when's the next one?"
"Three weeks, gimme your number I'll send you the info." Pulling out his phone, he took her number catching her hints that he could call her for sex as well. He'd have to think about that, but in the meantime she was touching his arm so he flirted back. Then she moved her arm and casually put her hand on his dick. He stared at her like she was crazy but she didn't get the memo. He had to move her hand off. "I'll call you," he nodded walking off. He didn't plan to.
When Brit called it was Thursday and Erik was shocked. He'd just left class. But then she asked him to meet her in the library and he figured it was on some 'using him' shit. He was right. She needed help.
"Hey," she smiled greeting him. "Thanks for meeting with me and I'm willing to compensate you for your time. I know you tutor in multiple subjects and you know a lot about the law. Could you help me with this?" She showed him her assignment and he read the directions, catching where her confusion would be. Sighing, he decided to help her. He had a little time and spent it explaining as much as he could and giving her shit to write down. It wasn't as much time as she'd needed for him to help her finish, but she wasn't dumb she could figure the rest out on her own.
"Hm?" He was too absorbed in her books to look at her.
"You ever have a girlfriend?"
He paused looking up before closing the book solemnly. "Hell nah.... Why?"
"Forget it."
"You wanna be my girlfriend?" He was stunned.
"No." She looked away and he caught the glimpse of a paper in her bag... it was marked with a 92% in bright red pen. He looked at the book in his hand and dropped it on the table with a sigh.
"What you want from me..."
"I don't want anything from you," she's shrugged but that was a lie.
"You don't need my help." He snatched the graded paper and held it up. "You doing just fine. I'll ask you again... what you want from me? Why you really call me?"
She stood grapping her stuff to pack it up but he took her bag to halt her, commanding eye contact.
"Ain't no Habib," he stated calling her bluff. Her silence was proof. "You be lying," he pointed.
"Because you're an idiot! We been flirting back and forth and it takes all of this for you to ask me out. All those book smarts and you can't think to be honest. So to not waste our time, I sped things up! YOU'RE WELCOME."
Erik stared, understanding it all. Yeah, he was stubborn and always tryna see what he could get... He could've still done without the lying.
"Oh get over yourself," she frowned snatching her bag back and stuffing her books back into it. She stormed off and for a second Erik let her before he decided to give chase. He was able to catch up easily since she hadn't gotten far.
"So this whole time you been plotting on me."
"Worked didn't it." She had no shame as she strutted.
"You know I ain't fucked no one since we started fuckin," he side-eyed. "How the fuck you do that?"
"Voodoo," she smirked causing him to raise a brow before she stopped walking to face him.
"This ass... It's voodoo," she smirked and his face cracked as looked off fighting a smile.
"Lame ass." He walked her back to her place, taking it slow and she asked him about the tutoring session he was missing. He wasn't thinking about them, they could miss one session. He had more pressing matters. Getting Brit into the bed for one. Now that he knew she was lying about another nigga, he knew she was feeling him and feening. He still couldn't see himself dating exclusively, but he could see himself inside of her guts and for now that's what Ms. Engine RED would have to deal with.
The End
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@love-more122 @shaekingshitup @fd-writes @teakturn @ju5tp34chy @scrumptiouslytenaciouscrusade @purplehairgawdess @soufcakmistress
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i am very much enjoying my vague void! it's currently blasting hozier at full volume and that's almost louder than my internal screaming (don't worry, everything is fine, i just saw a spider)
i've never once in my life have followed a recipe correctly. all of my measurements are completely random and whatever happens happens. it is no longer in my hands. whatever eldritch entities exist take the wheel. and i absolutely refuse to spell anything in english without autocorrect because y'all have way too many double letters and random vowel placement
thank you! sadly, i won't have a break right now, because we just had christmas vacations, but the start of the new semester is always pretty chill. and you're absolutely right, i should take up necromancy! the snow and the cold will add to my mysterious vibes. i just need to get a big black cape with a hood to complete the aesthetic
i definitely picture everything above 5'6 feet as the same height. 5'7 and 6'2? the exact same thing. no difference here
how is morepork a real bird name. it's just... more pork? but the bird is magnificent. i completely approve of your first order as bird queen, not that you need approval from mere peasants like me, but it's a great order. ohhh salps look really cool, and it does look a lot like it! when you said boob implant i thought of mermaids and them using salps as boob implants but then i realised wait wouldn't jellyfish be better for that? because of their shape? ignoring their little leggies they're quite boob shaped, no? and then i realised that i was thinking about mermaids and alive boob implants... if i had to think it, you have to read it. i'm sorry
i was sold before but now i'm even more sure that i want to hire you. and I'll make sure to have lactose free cheese for the backflips (unless you want the lactose version? i'm not judging). will the biting of ankles cost extra?
that sounds like a brilliant set-up for a horror movie where they kill off all the children one by one. it's absolutely horrifying. if something like that would've happened to me i would've most likely just passed out. whatever happens afterwards is not my problem. and now i really don't want to know what the hell your leg was caught on because that seems like knowledge that would get me killed
ah so you're a fellow dirt eater? according to my mom my favourite thing to do outside when i was a little kid used to be eating sand. just shovelling handfuls of it into my mouth and crying when my mom made me spit it out. which i refuse to believe. if there are no photos it didn't happen
you warm climate people are starting to make me think that i'm better adjusted to the cold than i thought i am! it's either that or our buildings are better heated. i definitely don't know if anyone else calls hot water bottled hotties but i like it so from now on i'm using it
that's so cute! i was clearly a way more selfish child because when i found any amount of money i just kept it and bought candy as soon as i could. i clearly couldn't save money then and i can't now. we have stores like that (or i'm assuming that they're like that solely based on how they sell lollies) and they used to be my favourite thing because you could get so many lollies for such a small price!! and my mom even used to let me order for myself sometimes so i always felt like a very big girl jsjshsbsjk
also the fact that i can't send pictures on anon is a crime (yes i know why and it's good that that's not possible because can you imagine anons being able to send pictures? oh no is all i have to say about it) but anyways. because i have this one super cursed photo that reminded me of you and now i can't share it :((
duuuuude, sick void bro. sounds like a vibing void. I feel like I haven’t seen a spider in awhile. Other than daddy long legs. But they’re chill. They mind their own business. 
I nearly always follow recipes exactly. My mum is like oh cook this for about 7 minutes? Yeah sure. I’ll take a wild guess. I’m like they say exactly 7 minutes so I’ll set a timer for 7 minutes and start a stopwatch so if it does seem to need more than 7 I can keep an eye on the extra time and be aware of exactly how long it takes me for next time. Other people are like oh let's see I have [lists 5-10 things in their fridge], hmm...oh I know what I could make with that! I’m like I have beans in my freezer because one recipe required them and no other recipes I know how to make do so what am I supposed to do with these now,,, this is stressful,,, basically I barely know how to cook and recipes are the only things saving me in that area. That is entirely fair. Except for the fuck duck, and murder is not the word you want surely, situations, it’s pretty helpful.
Ohhh I see. At least the start is chill! For a little! Before your entire situation spirals out of hand and you’re behind in every class and it’s taken you a whole day to read 10 pages and you’re exhausted and it’s only week 2. Just me? ok. fair. anyway. I want a cloak so bad. One of my uni friends tempted me to class because she said she was wearing a cloak so my depressed ass honest to god dragged myself out of bed and to said class just to see it. It was worth it. They’re incredible. Everyone should own a big cloak for the aesthetic.
I’m glad it isn’t just me hahaha. I can visualise my own height in feet but everything else is just the same size that is a vague amount taller than me, mentally.
It’s also known as the ruru. But the name morepork amuses me. It’s named after the call it makes haha. It does sound like it’s asking for more pork if you know to listen for that. thank u for ur approval, it means a lot, turns out becoming bird queen didn’t ACTUALLY get rid of my anxiety disorder weirdly enough so validation is great! lmaooo. What if the jellyfish stung them tho? At least salps wouldn’t do you dirty like that. The mermaids would just look like there are hundreds of bugs crawling around in their boobs, flesh shifting as they float around. Which is a vibe. If you’re into that. Jellyfish WOULD make a more solid, single, implant, some of them are definitely boob shaped. But that’s kinda boring no one’s gonna be traumatised by that. Salps on the other hand...yeah, that sight will DEFINITELY traumatise someone.
To be PERFECTLY honest I haven’t done a backflip in years but for lactose-free cheese? Dude. I’ll be going back to training. Gonna be the best backflip you’ve ever seen. As long as it’s not Tasty cheese I am content, but lactose free IS better. The biting of ankles will not cost extra, it is a pleasure to be allowed to do that.
Oh it absolutely would be. It’d be very funny if it reached the wider world bc people would probably be like ok but who would send kids into the bush like that,, it’s an odd concept. meanwhile everyone who grew up in nz is gonna be like y’all, you’re not gonna fuckin BELIEVE what i experienced growing up, it’s real dude. On one hand, I feel like murdering kids in a movie is questionable, on the other hand, It exists, so maybe people would be down for it. I feel like it’d be a good concept even if it wasn’t murdery tho. Like psychological horror? I’m not sure if I’m using that category correctly I don’t watch much horror. A kid following the rope but then being shifted into a different horror dimension but they never take the blindfold off because their teachers said not to and they’d probably have to let go of the rope to do it...I feel like this could work super well as a short film. The viewers see everything. The child just knows something is off and no one is coming when they call for help. I am so down for this. I also do not want to know what my leg was caught on. Some things I am better off not knowing.
yes! I am a fellow dirt eater! We had a sandpit at home (that’s a little bold. It was a large plastic shell that my parents filled with sand. technically a sandpit. but not fancy sdflsdkfsdf) but I don’t think I ever tried to eat it. Then again, I possibly did and just don’t remember because there’s no photo evidence of that one. I’d have to ask my parents sdfhsjdfs, I would however fully believe them if they said yes. it’s very characteristic of me. I don’t doubt it for a second. muuuum that’s my emotional support sand don’t make me spit it out smh the disrespect these days.
Oh I’m absolutely terrible even by most people’s standards around here when it comes to cold and hot temperatures. I remember sitting in the sun in my school shirt and school jersey in summer on a blazing day like it’s a bit chilly, isn’t it? Meanwhile my friends were in the shade absolutely dying from the heat. Likewise in winter I’d be shivering, teeth chattering, dying with my long sleeve thermal, my school shirt, my school jersey, my school jacket, my longs, warm socks and sneakers and gloves and school scarf while ppl would be walking around in a shirt and shorts like it’s a bit warm this winter huh? my body didn’t learn how to thermoregulate and it shows. But yeah NZ does also have a reputation for shittily insulated buildings and such. It shows. skhdfsfs if it’s not common use maybe don’t say can i have a hotty to someone without context but otherwise go ahead lmao. it’s a fun shortened version.
I was typically a very good saver, to the point where my extended family started gifting me gift cards and vouchers for Christmas and my birthday because if they just gave me money I’d put it in my bank account to save towards uni once I hit like, 12 years old. Which I think was a smart move. But apparently, I’m supposed to buy myself ‘something nice’ with it. I think I’m still an okay saver but I’m not as strict anymore. I’m aware of how much I can spare and I’m not just like you can never get anything for yourself ever, so I do get lil things for myself sometimes. oooo yay! At least you know what I mean. But yes. They were the gold mine for lollies. Absolutely terrific stores. My mum would be like hey lindsey how about you order? And I’d be like mother, I am 7 years old and I have an undiagnosed anxiety disorder everyone assumes is child shyness why would you think I would want to do that. Instead I will whisper my choices to you. After therapy tho I felt pretty rad for picking my own lollies by myself. I was like 13 at that point but sdfkjhsdf listen I got there in the end.
sdfkjsdfkjhsdf I like that a cursed photo reminded you of me. That’s all I need to hear. Tumblr said no anon dick pics but they also said no anon cursed photos either,,, very sad. for the latter part. the first part thank god. If I could turn on photos on anon I absolutely would just to see this but I don’t think I can :(
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smashskate · 4 years
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Jackie Jett - For @thesimsters-stories​‘s Love Island
“Well damn! I’m Jackie, and I can control the weather!”
Name: Jackie Jett
Age: 26
Location: Del Sol Valley
Occupation: Weather Reporter
Traits: Non-Committal, Ambitious, Outgoing
Aspiration: World-Famous Celebrity
Charisma: 8
Wisdom: 6
Dancing: 4
Acting: 4
Introducing Jacqueline “Jackie” Jett, the semi-famous Weather Reporter on the Del Sol Valley Network, Channel 7. With hair about as big as her ego, Jackie is known for being loud, proud, and... another word that ends in -oud. Give us a bit to think of one, and we’ll get back to you. 
Jackie grew up in the suburbs of Del Sol Valley, with her parents and two older brothers. She excelled in school, graduating Valedictorian of her class and getting accepted into Foxbury Institute’s Specialized Biology program. It’s safe to say that years of success definitely boosted her opinion of herself, which was struck down a few notches when the job market tightened up as soon as she graduated. Jobs in her field were hard to come by, and Jackie was feeling down on her luck. One day while shopping with her bffs, she was approached by a man who she assumed to be a model scout. It turned out to be Victor Price, one of the producers at DSVN, who offered her a spot as their new weather reporter. With the show’s viewer count draining as online news becomes the new craze, Jackie’s appearance is possibly the only thing holding the studio together at this point, and she knows it.
While Jackie does have some brains on her, her most admirable trait are her wits. She’s real cunning, and knows how to play the game to come out on top. Unlike some of the other applicants, long-term romance isn’t really Jackie’s thing. She’s much more inclined to one night stands and hookups, and anyone who lasts longer gets their number deleted from her phone. Jackie claims to love this lifestyle, much to her cuffed friend’s dismay. While they think she’s crazy for not wanting to get boo’d up, she thinks the idea of being tied down is absolutely sickening. So why would she apply for a show like Love Island, where the only goal is to find true (or true in terms of reality television) love? (Reason number 1 will shock you!)
Briefly describe yourself and your life.
“If you insist, LOL! Alright, my name’s Jackie Jett and I’m 26 years old. If I look familiar, it’s probably because you’ve seen me on DSVN, during the 8am time slot, 9 on weekends. Shameless plug, I’m the hottest weather girl in the hottest city in the west! Sure, the job’s a bore at times and I really only got hired for my looks and not my now-useless biology degree, but it pays well and I get a lot of time off to do the things I actually enjoy! I’m not actually as dumb as I come off to our viewers. I’m college educated! Although, it doesn’t really matter much at the moment, so I figured why not have fun where I am now? Also yes, I’m a natural redhead. Anyone that tells you different is a disgusting liar.”
Any Hobbies?
“My hobbies pretty much only consist of me going out and getting drunk. But it’s not that bad! I’ve always been a party girl, since high school even. There’s nothing more fun than going to a nightclub and letting your inhibitions run wild for a few hours! And if I can witness some celeb drama happen live before I hear about it at the studio the next morning, that's always a plus.”
How long have you been single?
“Well, that depends on what you define a relationship as, doesn't it? If you’re talking about any kind of romance, than I’m technically never single. I’m just never with the same person! If you define it as a romantic, long term relationship, then not since freshman year of college. And I’d like to keep it that way, thank you very much. I love to have my options open.”
Why did your last relationship end?
“Again, if we’re talking longer term, he wanted to get more serious and I realized that it just wasn’t what I was looking for. I was 19 and I still wanted to experience so much before getting cuffed. He really didn't take it well, so kinda safe to say I dodged a bullet on that one.”
What are you looking for in a relationship?
“If I had to be in one? I would want the other person to know and respect that I’m not going to be tied down for the rest of time. The whole “open relationship” thing is a standard I like to set with my long term hookups, and I would like that to apply here as well. Also, they should be hot. I’ve been with every type of guy you can think of, but I’ve got standards. I like em sexy, who can blame me? I promise, if I get on the show I’ll try to restrain myself. Keyword try. Also generally don't be a dick. Just because I’ve been with a lot of men doesn't mean I’m less deserving of respect. Any guy that thinks differently goes out the door, sorry not sorry. Oh, did you know that I have Demi Lovato’s phone number? We’re, like, basically besties.”
What are you not looking for in a relationship?
“By this point in the interview I think it’s pretty obvious the one thing I’m super not looking for, LOL! But other than that, I’m open to a lot! Just depends on who’s asking.” *winks* “I’m really not territorial, but if any of the women try to shame me for my lifestyle, I’m not afraid to get my claws out. Women are supposed to support women, I’m not tolerating any bullshit.”
Something else we should know about you?
“Okay, I guess this is where I come clean. Well, to the producers at least. So, basically, for the last few months, our shows ratings and viewership have been dropping. Our analytics team looked into it, and we’re pretty sure it’s because of that Simstagram News update. Instead of watching the actual news, people are going there because it’s quicker and easier to get info. So one day, Victor comes up to me and is all like “I’ve got an idea and I need your help”, which is already fishy because that’s basically code for “I need to use your looks to get the show traction”. So I go into his office and he brings up the Love Island Application. And, like, at first I’m hesitant because I work in showbiz, right? I know how reality tv stars get perceived by the public. But then I realized that if the studio tanks, I’ll no longer have a job, which like, major bummer. So I say yes!
In the end, I’m here to stir up drama and look cute on camera, all as bait for people to come and watch live news. Of course, I get the added benefit of a longer segment on the show, and a boost in Simstagram followers! So it’s really a win-win! Honestly, I probably would have applied anyway, if I had seen the casting call before Victor showed it to me. A bunch of hot guys, hookups, and more drama than a Kardashian-Jenner Simstagram comment section? That’s basically my dream life! And hey, who knows? Maybe I’ll finally get a tan!”
Some fun facts:
Please, make more That 70′s Show references when you meet her. She’s never heard them before. You’re so original, oh my gosh.
She’s allergic to shrimp. Makes for a downer at fancy parties.
She doesn’t tan, just burns. Curse her Irish heritage.
She played volleyball in college. She was pretty good at it, but almost broke her nose, which cause her to quit out of fear of getting a nose job.
She’s definitely a B list celebrity. No, don’t look it up. The internet is full of misinformation. You can’t trust anything.
She watched Mr.Robot and now has tape over her webcam. Sincerest apologies to her FBI agent. He/She’s missing a lot.
She’s a secret drama nerd. She can’t sing for the life of her, but she did the occasional play when she was younger.
Although her brothers know she can make her own decisions, they’re still super protective. They’re like 6ft+ guard dogs that Jackie sicks on any man that harms her.
She's got a tattoo of a ladybug. She won't tell you where, you’ll just have to find out for yourself ;)
Despite her complaining, her and Victor are pretty close. They have that sibling type bond. Only if one sibling was able to fire the other.
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intricatecaprice · 4 years
And after a day where emotional spoonfuls have been filled plenty, here I am ahah, I sincerely hope you're doing well ♡(⇀ 3 ↼) Sorry if I'm late for the fic asks, may I inquire - if it's no problem - the numbers 10, 11 and 18 for Bella Muerte? For the 18 I wanna make you laugh: what you'd change about the story while keeping it exactly the same? (=wild card, you get to change drastically 1 thing anachronistically/ fantastically/ nonsensically but everything stil goes the same, surprise me 😂)
Thank you @acidyellowlava for the asks!
I'm so sorry for the late response, I've been overwhelmed lately by Lori with her constant stuff and things
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But I'm starting to come out from under the personal anxiety rock again (it's like a hobbit hole, I should've been a hobbit, I would have made a great hobbit, could've lived a boring uneventful life while writing super long epic stories...)
But here's the answers to your Q's 💗💗💗(And yay for Bella Muerte asks!!)
10. Was there anything that gave you the inspiration to come up with this story?
Well, I had a super vivid dream of (cursed) Capitán Salazar. After writing the dream down, and mulling on it for a while, I knew I wanted to write a story where he meets someone from our time, but didn't know how to frame it...
@blukoffee messaged me out of the blue (ha ha, Blu messaged me out of the blue, ha haaaa haaaaaa yeah ok I know it's not that funny) about a completely different thing, and we got to talking, and I realised that I can easily put a modern character with Capitán by using that old trope of:
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So with acknowledgement to Blu, I started writing Bella Muerte.
Other inspirations for Bella Muerte have been movies like Back to the Future, Strange Magic, and books like Times without Number (a book about what the world might have been like if the Spanish Armada had won against England in 1588) and just about every age of sail novel by Julian Stockwin. With a few re-reads of certain original (and gory) fairytales by the Grimm brothers.
11. Any unofficial Soundtrack and/or Songs you associate with the story?
Light by Sleeping At Last for Athena and Capitán Salazar
Survivor (2WEI) for Athena (This song will make more sense as we see more of her backstory in future chapters...)
Vengeance by Zack Hemsey For... so many characters in BM... because so many... have... issues.
18. Open-Ended Question: what would you change about the story while keeping it exactly the same? (You get to change one thing anachronistically/fantastically/nonsensically but everything still goes the same?)
Gosh. What would I change. Hmm. That's a hard question.
My inner child screams "Dragons!" And just wants a dragon to come down to La María Silenciosa (what's plot, work it out later, just put a dragon in it!)
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(But... yeah. I think Capitán would take on even a dragon, no one sets fire to his ship (again), ready men - fire the sharks!... but now that's a completely different story)
So if I was going to do a simple change that does not affect the course of the story, I would... I would put an injured cat in the hold of the Proserpine.
And they hear its plaintive meows.
And then one of the humans - you know it's gonna be Athena, she will insist - has to pick their way across the dirt covered deck to retrieve the poor thing. All while Capitán Salazar watches, gripping his sword tensely, half worried she'll try to escape and half worried she'll get hurt and he won't be able to help her, and he won't stop watching until she's brought the cat safely back...
And then there's constant references within the story forever afterwards to the cat, which they will have to name something Spanish (after much arguing, they decide that the cat is definitely an Officer, regardless of gender, and should be given a grand Spanish Name, again regardless of gender) as the entire crew fall in love with the cat, and nurse it back to health, and even tough Bracero and impassive Miguel Magda get very noticeably attached to the ship's new cat...
What is happening.
Um. Yeah. So. Names for a Spanish Cat?
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moonelluffer · 4 years
"I Choose You!" Leon X Reader One-Shot
Galar Region
          You are laying in bed at your hotel room in Motosoke at the Budew Inn. You had just beaten the Gym Leader Kabu and his fire type pokemon with your trusty sidekick Scornbunny, who had been given to you by your friend Hop's brother Leon. Scornbunny and you had this connection the first time you two had layed eyes on each other. It was almost like you two were meant to be. This is why picking the small fire rabbit was so easy for you.
Year 2020
          As you started to get up from the bed, you looked out the window to see that it was raining outside. Looking over at Scornbunny laying on the floor in a corner you began to chuckle to yourself. Luckily, the carpet is soft and not to rough for the creatures' fur, giving him some cushioning to lay on while he slept.
          Getting up from the bed, you want to go take a shower, brush you teeth and get ready for the day. After showering and finishing up your hygiene in the bathroom you grabbed your [F/C] simple dress and put it on, along with her [F/C] high top socks and equally as [F/C] combat boots. Looking in the mirror you didn't know what you wanted to do with your [H/L] [H/C] hair that day, so you decided to brush the knots out and let it hang down for the day.
          After waking Scorbunny up you were all set and ready to go out the door. As you left the apartment you ran right into Hop, Leon's younger brother who was equally as excited as you were about continuing on to the next gym.
          "Hey [Y/N]! You all set and ready for the next Gym Leader? I heard Allistar is pretty tough and doesn't take it easy on anyone!" Hop said in a very excited tone. He seemed to be really pumped about taking on the Ghost Type Gym Leader.
          "Yeah, I would say I'm pretty excited as well. Winning this will turn into my next stepping stone for beating your brother in the finals." you had stated more calmly but still as excited as Hop.
          "I wouldn't get too sure of yourselves about that!" ??? Said
          You snapped your head around to see the one and only Champion Leon standing behind you in his usual outfit and crown design hat. As he steps closer to you and Hop his 6 foot tall frame towers over you're [Y/H] height. You begin to feel flustered by the sight of him and lose your words. Leon notices you expression and looks at you while giving you a smirk.
          "What's wrong? Meowth got your tongue." he says sarcastically while tilting his head slightly.
          "I-I ... I-uhhh.." you muster out in a weak tone. You begin to get frustrated not knowing why all of a sudden you can't come up with a decent response to his witty remark. As you are standing there lost in your own thoughts Leon can see the annoyance on your face.
          "Hey hun, I'm just messing with you. It's ok." he states in a tone that sounds apologetic while walking up to you and placing his hand on your shoulder.
          "Riiiiggghhht..... Yea... I knew that!" You respond back in an unsure what to say tone. "Well anyway as I was sayi-"
          "How about we all grab some breakfast or coffee before you guys decide to continue on with your journey, shall we?" Leon states cheerfully cutting you off in the process. "I know a really good place where you can get some really good coffee. It's called the "Battle Café", it's most definitely worth a try." Leon continues on.
          "I would, but I'd much rather train up my team for the next gym badge, so I can beat [Y/N] next time I see her again." Hop says confidently to you and his brother Leon. Hop then proceeds to run off without saying another word. You are then left standing there in the hallway of the hotel with the one and only Champion Leon.
          "I guess ... that just makes the two of us! If, you are still up for having the best coffee in town." Leon says confidently. While staring back at you waiting for your response.
          "Yea. Sure we can get some coffee together. What's the name of the place again?" You respond questionably.
          "It's the "Battle Cafè". Come on! Follow me and I'll show you where it is, and this time I won't get lost." Leon answers while gesturing his hand for you to follow as you both make your way to the hotel elevators so you guys can head back to the main floor. As you both were heading out and too the cafè, you couldn't help but fixate your [E/C] eyes on Leon. It was almost like something about him put you in this trance-like state. You watched as he turned to look back at you. His golden amber eyes locking onto your shimmering gentle [E/C] eyes. It was like there was something about you just couldn't re-
          "HELLO! Galar Region to [Y/N]!" Leon said loudly.
          Your thoughts were immediately cut off and your face became red. Feeling stunned and taken a back at the sudden interruption of thoughts you're [S/C] was starting to become visibly even redder. You stood there dumbfounded and the only thing you could muster was:
          "S-s-sorry  ... I must have been dozing off into space." You stammered out the best you could while putting your arm on your other arm and tilting your head down so that your [H/L] [H/C] covered your extremely red face.
         "I was gonna shake you if I couldn't get you to stop staring at me like that. Hahaha!" He stated happily. As if your face couldn't get even more red, it did. You began to shrink down even more and shake alittle from all the emotion you were feeling. Leon noticed you were not ok and rested his hand on your shoulder gently.
          "Hey, are you ok? You've been out of it lately. If you do want we can go back to your hote-
          "No! I'm fine! Everything is fine. I guess my mind has been else where lately, but I would still love to be around you." you shout loudly while cutting Leon off abruptly.
          "Very well my lady. Let us go inside and grab something." Leon replies back with a causal but charming tone. He gracefully grabs your small hand and brings you inside the Cafè. He asks the waiter at the front for a table for two and as you both make your way over to your assigned seat, you could not help but blush more at how well put together and gentleman like he was.
          As you both sat down from across each other the waitress walked over to take both you and orders of drinks.
          "Hello, what can I get for the two of you today." The chipper waitress asked.
          "Two orders of your finest coffee please." Leon stated. The waitress then walked off to get your cups of coffee and both you and Leon were left there to too look at one another until a conversation sparked.
          "So are trying to bring me on this date to smooth talk me into how I plan to kick your butt when I battle you." You remarked jokingly at Leon.
          "Haha! Very funny, but no actually. I wanted to just talk casual with you. Get to know you more as a person, not just as a trainer." Leon replied back.
           "Really? You wanna know stuff about me? What would you even wanna know about me, because my life isnt all that exciting as yours." You replied.
           "I beg to differ, if I may. I'm positive you are more interesting than you found yourself to be, and my life is more stressful than exciting and sometimes, I just wish to get away from it all." Leon responded
           Listening to his response did raise your attention quite alot. "But, if it stresses you out. Why do you do what you do then? I'm sorry if this question seems silly, but I am confused." You questioned.
           "There is no such thing as a silly question, so you are fine. To further elaborate, what I mean is I set out on my journey to be the greatest pokemon trainer of the Galar Region, not to sign my life away and become some brand to the world. I wanted to do it to inspire others. To show them that if somone like me, a person who came from nothing, was able to it! Anyone can do it too!" Leon explained proudly.
           You couldn't help but fall even deeper for him after him saying this. It was comforting to hear him talk like a person instead of this facade he walks around portraying to the whole entire region of Galar. "So -."
          "Well, I might as well stop talking about this. I don't need to be throwing all my Champion life problems onto you. I got myself into this mess after all." Leon stated with great sadness to his voice while cutting you off.
          You looked at him and could see the pained expression on his face. He was definitely bothered by it all and despite him trying to hide it. It was showing more and more as you kept talking.
          You felt compelled to reach your hand over and grab his hand gently but firmly.  He raised his head a bit and his amber eyes looked back into your [E/C] eyes. As your eyes were locked onto each other, you knew in that moment you really loved this man and wanted to be with him.
          "Hey, I just want to say. It's ok, and if you need someone to listen to what really goes on in your head, I am here. You don't need to pretend anymore." You stated softly to him. You could see tears start well up in his eyes for sec and then they dissapeared.
          "T-thank you." Leon stammered softly.
          The coffee than arrived and you both drank it together and made some causal talk with one another. Leon learned that you also liked to walk around the Wild Area quite alot and you learned that he often enjoys making pasta and curry for people. As your conversation continued on you knew you were knee deep in love with him and there was no escaping that.
          After you guys finished your 3rd round of coffee. You realized how late it was getting. It was literally a quarter past 7. You guys have been talking for quite some time. After Leon payed for the check you both than proceeded to walk out and make your two separate ways, but before you were able to go Leon grabbed your arm as you were turning to leave. You stopped and looked back at him and saw he had that same expression he had on earlier when you saw him cry alittle.
          "Are you okay Leon?" You asked calmly. He looked at you for a bit and slowly moved towards you. You guys were about a few inches apart and this made you realize how much he towered over you. You knew he was tall, but never realised how tall. This caused you to blush slightly having him this close to you and looming above your small stature.
          You stare up at him, lost in eyes unaware of your actions anymore you find yourself going up on your toes and planting a kiss on face. Since you are so short you end up missing so your top lip came into contact with his bottom lip. Leon stiffens slightly and you feel as though you made a mistake doing this until Leon pulls back alittle and returns the favor with a proper kiss, not missing this time.
          Your eyes widen slightly surprised at his reaction, but you start to relax. You carefully but slowly  wrap your arms around his neck and let your body arch back slightly to allow you to brush up against his chest until there is no gap between you two. You melt into the kiss and allow him to slip his tongue into your mouth for alittle bit. After a few minutes you both proceed to let go of each other so you both could breath.
          Leon looks down at you and smiles his charming smile at you, the same smile that caused you to fall head over heels for him in the first place. "Good luck trying to beat in the final match now." He teasingly remarks while his arms are still wrapped around your waist holding you close to him.
          "Oh hush! You're not THAT charming!" Yoy playfully respond. Leon raises an eyebrow at you as if indicating he doesn't believe what you said, but you just playfully push him and laugh. "I'll see you tomorrow. I gotta head home." You say while turning to leave.
          "We should do this again sometime. You are a comforting person and I haven't felt that feeling in such a long time." Leone states while turning away and making his way back home. You watch ad he leaves and you couldn't help but blush and smile to yourself.
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rogue-barnes-16 · 5 years
Summary: after the too convenient disappearance of Natasha Romanoff, the Avengers —a local biker gang— search for help in the most unexpected place in order to get their friend back. Will it help, or will the situation just get more twisted and dangerous?
Pairing: biker!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Genre: angst-ish (biker gang au)
The mysterious disappearance of Natasha Romanoff:
@shirukitsune @retrxbarnes
Permanent taglist:
@notexactlythatgirl @thisismysecrethappyplace @sofreakinmanyfandoms @pizzarollpatrol @bubblycypress87 @1a-girl-has-no-name1 @loislp @lovenaturefirst @dyanna-corona @2ptonpt @goodnightmode @disneyprincessbuffyannesummers @mannls @cutie1365 @catch22inareddress @mybooradley @sebastianisasnack @butifulsoul125 @unlikelygalaxygiver
Warnings: language, kinda angsty but not too much
A/N: third part of these because I think I'll go crazy if I stay in this kind of semi-hiatus any longer. Hope you enjoy my darlings <3.
The mysterious disappearance of Natasha Romanoff masterlist
Rogue-barnes-16 masterlist
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Her hands were on the sides of my ribcage to provide her some balance while I was riding to the nearest diner.
It was an odd, though familiar feeling. The way her grip on my leather jacket briefly tightened when I took a turn, or the contact her the front of her legs made with the back of mines.
And I really really didn't want to stop driving, because I had missed that feeling, even if I wouldn't admit it out loud, even if I wanted to think I had moved on.
But I started to slow down the moment we reached the nearest diner's parking lot, and her hands left my jacket to hold herself steady using to the back of the bike.
As soon as the bike was parked, my feet reached the ground, still straddling the vehicle for us to be safe while taking off the helmet.
Once I had accomplished that task, I looked over my, slightly turning my torso to see if Y/n had done the same.
"Wow! okay" I chuckled while that magnetic girl I had just met in the bar —thanks to Carol— combed her recently messed hair with her fingers. "that was... Wild." her eyes were still widely open, but a half smile was now tugging the corner of her lip. "such a ride."
"first time riding a bike?"
"first time in bike with you" she replied, climbing off in a very surprisingly smooth way . "you really gotta slow down, I didn't even have helmet, boy."
I mimicked her movements and grabbed my things before approaching her. "well, I can fix that." we walked side by side to the bar. "I'll get you one."
"you seem pretty confident about me riding with you ever again."
"got a feeling you'll end up liking it" I replied with a smug smirk, opening the door of the establishment for her.
She shook her head no, peeking at me with a half smile tugging the corner of her lips. "Keep dreaming, Bucky."
"with you?" I questioned, following right behind her back into the bar, where both the gang and Carol waited for us. "Always."
I let the helmet rest on my seat between my things while I combed my hair with my fingers. No matter how short or covered it was, with or without helmet, it always ended up tangled.
I had forgotten that minor inconvenience of riding a bike, specifically with the man I rode with.
"Ready?" he asked, holding the handlebars firmly. I gave him a lazy nod in response and proceeded to hop off the bike. "Let's go then." he walked side by side with me to the diner and when we reached the door, he opened it for me.
As soon as we sat down on the booth that was the furthest from the patrons of the place, the waiter came to take our order, which were just two black coffees, one of them iced.
Bucky waited until we had our coffees to speak, in order to avoid nosy ears, I figured. "It was two days ago." he started, swallowing the first sip of his coffee. "Nat had been keeping an eye on a guy for a while." I motioned for him to continue.
"Why would she do that?" I questioned with a frown. "Thought you were that type of gang, now were you?" I added with sarcasm.
"Wait a fucking second, will ya?" I motioned him to keep going with my hand. "the dude was following this girl." I tilted my head with confusion. "Stalking her."
"I got it the first time, James, I'm not that dumb." he muttered something under his breath, taking another sip of coffee. In reply, I just scoffed. "Why help that girl in particular?"
"We owed his brother a favor. Big one" he added, not quite focused on what he was saying. "Tasha's gonna scare him y'know? But turns out this guy wasn't a creep." he nursed his cup. "He's a rival gang member."
I opened my eyes widely, letting myself fall against the backrest of the booth. "Holy fuck." I always had assumed the Avengers were the only gang. Never in my time with them had I heard about a rival gang, I only knew that was dangerous shit.
Bucky’s blue eyes flickered to me, realizing too late that this was completely new information to me. "Yeah... I told Natasha to quit, we could protect this girl in other ways." he shook his head no. "she said she'll stay, just in case what was happening involved us."
"And then she dissappears." I sighed, massaging my temples, wondering what the fuck I was thinking when I decided I would help. "Bucky, I really don't see why I'm the only option."
"I-- listen." he lifted his gaze subtly to check no one was observing us. "I'm not supposed to be tellin' ya this."
"But you're gonna do it anyway."
He straight up ignored my comment as he mirrored my posture. "we have an inside problem."
"a something or a someone?" I was now definitely regretting the decision of going to my ex's house to lend a hand to his gang. "fuck, James, you better tell me it's a something and not a someone."
His sorry eyes and pursed lips killed my lame hope. "you want me to lie?"
"Yeah, for once I actually want you to lie." he clenched his jaw and diverted his eyes from me. "I went to your place and you have a fucking mole." Bucky’s gaze returned to me intently, shushing me. "don't fucking shush me" I retorted, internally freaking out. "I just put myself in danger 'cause I was stupid enough to decide to help."
"You're not in danger." he replied in low voice.
"okay now, you don't fucking know that."
"Whoever the problem is, they ain't there."
"Yeah sure." thousands of different scenarios that ended up with my corpse in a ditch went through my panicking mind as I stood up to walk away. "this was the worst fucking idea I've ever had." I mumbled under my breath, stepping out of the diner.
The fact that I didn't hear Bucky’s heavy combat boots after me in order to try and change my mind was surprising enough.
What was also surprising was finding another bike approaching the parking lot of the diner, and Clint almost jumping off it.
He took off his helmet way too fast for it to be safe before close to shouting my name. "Y/n!" For some reason, I stopped walking to wait for him to get to me. "Listen--"
"I'm out, Clint. I'm sorry." my apologies were genuine, because I knew how much Natasha meant to the dirty blonde man.
"No! Fuck- hold on for a second please." he begged, raising his hands in front of me to stop me. "I don't know what Barnes told you but--"
"Said that you got a mole inside."
"Fuckin'... Okay, I know you feel like your life is in danger if you help us but listen," his eyes spoke how desperate he was to get to his bestfriend on time. "Nat... You know I can't lose her and I swear if you help us, I'll protect you with my life okay? But please, Y/n... I'm sorry you got mixed into this but we- I really need you to help us."
I clenched my jaw, trying to meditate coolly about my reply to his beg.
I had put my feelings aside in order to think clearer, and that was one hell of a headache, given the people who were involved.
"Y/n please. Please, I swear on my fucking life I won't let anything bad happen to you." Clint assured me in a whisper. "please."
I stayed sat in the booth for a brief moment after Y/n had left.
I really didn't know what else I could do to convince her to help us. I didn't know how to make her believe me, to assure her that she wouldn't get hurt on my watch.
I didn't know how to get her to trust me if I promised to keep her safe at all costs, because once you break someone's trust —specially someone's like Y/n's— there was no going back 99% of the times.
I rushed to the door, attempting to reach Y/n, because I had to convince her. I owed it to Natasha, to Clint, to Sam, to Steve; I owed it to myself, because I kept losing my grasp on Y/n, and in this situation, letting her leave wasn't an option anymore.
When I got out, both helmets in my hands, I saw Clint in front of Y/n, practically begging for her aid.
"Clint... I'm sorry. I really am..." she spoke. "I can't."
"Yeah, you can." she spun around at the same time as Clint's eyes laid on my form over the girl's shoulder. "you can, and you have to."
She was suddenly fuming. "what the hell did you just say?"
"Bucky shut the fuck up and stop making it worse." Clint warned me while Y/n took a couple of steps towards me.
"You have to." I repeated as confident as I could whilst my heart pounded in my chest. "You have to, that's why you came all the way from your fancy ass apartment in Manhattan." it was the fourth sort of conversation I had with the girl I hadn't talked in a year, and I had decided to push her buttons. "'cause no matter how you fucking hate me, y'know you won't be able to sleep at night—"
"Shut the fuck up, Bucky." Clint repeated, almost hysterical as I went on, my eyes locked with Y/n's in an attempt to make her know I meant every word.
"—if something happened to Natasha when, knowing you could've, you refused to help." Y/n pursed her lips, refusing to retort anything. "whether you like it or not, I know you Y/n, and I know you're not gonna leave."
It was the riskiest stunt I had pulled in a while, but after a dreadful instant of silence, I realized it had worked.
"You're so goddamn confident about it, aren't you?"
"I also know you're probably considering leaving, just to fucking prove me wrong."
Silence again, her eyes dug into mines as she closed the distance between the two of us to grab her helmet. "You're so full of yourself."
"I'm right, though." I couldn't help but retort with the lightest tinge of amusement in my tone.
"I'm riding with Clint."
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leelee10898 · 5 years
A closer look: Alicia & Maxwell
This is from the cgw universe(Cordonians gone wild) a collaborative effort by @ao719 @speedyoperarascalparty @cocomaxley @riseandshinelittleblossom and myself. Catch up on our other crazy adventures here
We asked, you picked. Here is a closer look at Alicia and Maxwells friendship.
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Alicia stood in front of the massive Christmas tree in the foyer of the Palace surrounded by their friends. This was the first Christmas with the new king and Queen and with that came new traditions. Since deciding to stay in Cordonia, Anitah thought it would be a good idea for Alicia to get involved in a charity. Although no title, the buzz about the woman who did the unthinkable, and got the playboy prince to commit drew a lot of attention.  Alicia chose helpful hearts, an organization that helped families who struggled financially. Speaking to Anitah and liam she got permission to use the grand entryway tree as an angel tree. Liam and anitah hosted a Charity ball in honor of the organization and as also have each family in attendance chose a child from the tree, and provide presents.
“This was a huge success love.” She grinned as she felt a pair of strong arms wrap around her.  “I know, it's so great we have raised a lot of money. Did you pick a child from the tree?” she turned facing him. “I did. I almost had to fight lord Davis for one, he picked 6.” “Well, I'm glad people are embracing this. There will be a lot of happy children on Christmas morning.” Leo placed a soft kiss on her lips. “Speaking of Christmas gifts. You still have not given me any ideas my prince.”
Leo shook his head “That's because I've got all I need in my arms. As long as you're mine, that's all I need.” “Leo, im serious.” He smirked as he walked over to speak with Regina.
“This is so awesome Alicia.  I am excited to buy presents for these kids.” Maxwell grinned holding a handful of papers. “Maxwell, how many families did you pick?” Maxwell pursed his lips “ahhh 8.” He silently counted the slips in his hand. “Yup, 8.”
“Maxwell, that is just. Please don't ever change ok.” She pulled him into a hug. “Oh, thank you Alicia. I won't, don't worry.” She sank down into a nearby chair, letting out a sigh. “Whats wrong?” he asked. “It's just, Its Leo.” she sighed. “leo? What's wrong with Leo? I thought you guys were doing really good.” He sat, concerned. “Oh, we are. It's just. It's Christmas, our first Christmas together.  It's Also six months since we made things official. He is so amazing, and I just want to get him something really nice.” Maxwell grinned “oh. Your six monthaversary? That's awesome. Hey, how about if we go shopping together. We can shop for the kids, and i can help you find the perfect present for leo.” Alicia perked up “really Max? You would help me?” “Of course, Leo is my best bud.” “Oh thank you so much Maxwell, I can't wait.” She threw her arms around him squeezing him tight.  “It's going to be so much fun. It will also give us some time to get to know each other more.”
A few days later. The tinted SUV pulled up in front of the Ramsford estate. A ginning Maxwell came running out. “oooh I can't wait.” he squealed making Alicia giggle. “So I have narrowed it down to a few ideas. Do you think you could store a puppy for me until Christmas? Bertrand wont let me bring any more animals into the house.” He pouted. “oh, ah. I think they are looking for um, presents that are not alive.  Maybe a stuffed dog instead?” Maxwell made an o shape with his mouth “Good call. Ok then a huge stuffed dog then.” Alicia shook her head and smiled.
They pulled up to the mall and walked in. “So what do you think Leo would like?” Alicia asked Maxwell, who's eyes immediately found the toy store. “A motorcycle.” He grinned.  “He has 5. And I don't have motorcycle money.” she chuckled. “Well, i'm sure we will find something. Can't we, um.” Maxwells eyes kept darting towards the toy store. “Lets go.” she motioned towards the store. “ok, one little girl wants a Tiffany doll. But they are sold out everywhere.” Maxwell pouted. “well it doesn't hurt to look or ask.” Alicia walked up to a sale associate “Excuse me miss, I know this may be a long shot but do you happen to have any Tiffany dolls in stock?” The cashier sighed “we haven't been able to keep them in stock, but, we did just get a shipment in. Can you check back in about 2 hours? They are unloading the truck as we speak.” Alicia nodded and they left.
They headed into a leather store “Do you think Leo would like a new Leather Jacket? He always wears the same brown one.” Alicia asked. “Maybe, but what about these?” Maxwell held up a pair of leather riding gloves.  “Oh those are nice, they even customize them. I could have LJR put on them. ” Alicia admired the gloves. “Done, i'll handle the forms, you go look and see if anything else catches your eye.” Maxwell waved her off.
The next store they went into was a novelty store. Maxwell held up a blow up doll “Maybe he would like one of these, this one looks like you. He could snuggle it whenever you arent home. Or is it a pool float?” Alicia's eyes went wide. “Ahh max, i um, that's not. You know what, were just gonna put that back.” He shrugged walking away. As Alicia browsed she noticed Maxwell pulling out his phone, smiling at the screen and then shoving it back into his pocket. Maxwell put a few things into her basket, insisting Leo would love them. They checked out, and again Maxwell was on his phone Texting.
They walked around the mall stopping at a few kiosk in the center. “Leo is lucky to have you, he seems like the perfect guy.” Maxwell grinned. “He is great. But he has flaws too Max. We all do.” “Maverick? No way, I don't believe it. Like what then.”
Alicia shook her head “Trust me, he does. Like hes a stress farter.” Maxwell stopped immediately “A what?” “He farts, when He's stressed out. The only thing that helps it is Sex.” Maxwell's eyes went wide. “No way!” “I swear to god. He has such a high sex drive as it is, why do you think we have so much sex?” Alicia giggled. “I just thought you two couldn't keep your hands off each other.”He shrugged. “Well we can't but, that's one of the reasons. God please don't tell anyone,  he would kill me.” maxwell held up his hand “Beaumont promise.”
“so why do you call him Maverick?” they continued walking. “Oh um. When we were younger Leo and Bertrand were really into top gun. They let Liam and i watch it with them once. And Maverick was so cool with his leather Jacket and aviators. Just like Leo. So that's what I started calling him.”
“wait a minute,  are you saying Leo wore a leather jacket even back then?” Maxwell shook his head “Yup. Leo was the definition of cool. Everyone wanted to be him, and all the girls wanted him. And even with the attention and popularity he always made time for me. He was like the cool older brother Bertrand never was.” “Awe Max. That is so sweet, and so cheesy. Now I know why Leo has such a big head.” she laughed. Maxwell pulled out his phone again, typing and smiling before putting it back.
They sat down to get some lunch in the food court. “This is great. Bertrand never lets me eat food court food. I love cheese burgers and fries.” He said with a smile. “Maxwell, who have you been texting?” She eyed him as he typed again. “Oh um. Well.” he rubbed the back of his neck. “You remember Drakes cousin Stephanie?” Alicia nodded “The cute little redhead that you couldn't take your eyes off of all night?” she grinned. “Yeah, well we um, we have been talking for a while.” he took a huge bite out of his burger. “oh, that is so cute Maxwell. So, you like her?” she pushed. “Yeah, she's  great. But she's in Texas, and well i'm here.” He frowned. “Do you think she likes you too?” maxwell contemplated her words for a minute “yeah.. i think so. But, like I Said, the distance thing.” Alicia flashed him a smirk “if its love, it'll find a way.” Maxwell grinned “You know, you can tell you and Leo are together.”
“Why do you say that?” “Because you just gave me the same smirk he gives.” Alicia's hand slapped her forehead shit.
It was finally time to head back to the toy store. They walked in finding the same clerk they spoke to earlier. “Oh thank god, I was able to hold one, but they didn't last a minute.” she held up the box. Suddenly a woman came from out of nowhere snatching the doll from the clerks hands. “Thanks.” she grinned beginning to walk away. “HEY.” Maxwell hollerd, the woman rolled her eyes. “No the fuck she didn't. Maxwell, wait here.” Alicia took off towards the woman. “Excuse me.” She called out trying to get the woman's attention “EXCUSE ME.” the woman turned around. “That doll is my friends.” the woman rolled her eyes again. “Well, i'm the one who has it, so looks like its mine.” she smirked. “Yes because you snatched it out of the the clerks hands, now I'd like the back please.”
“You snooze you lose, im keeping it.” The woman turned around to leave,  Alicia grabbed her arm “Maybe you didn't hear me the first time, give me the doll back.”
“I heard you, I'm not giving it to you. Get your hand off me you trashy bitch.” Alicia's eyes went wide. “Oh no you didn't. I tried to be nice, I tried to do this the civil way but..” Alicia started taking off her earrings. “Look here bitch, you got 2 options. 1, you give me the doll back and be on your way. Or 2, I whoop your fucking ass and take the doll back. Your choice.” she jumped shaking her head and arms. “Think fast, because where i'm from we don't give much time to think”
The woman stammered “I'll call security.”
“Go ahead, I promise you nothing will happen to me. But I'll still enjoy beating your ass.”
“wait a minute, you're. You're that American, the one Prince Leo is dating.”
“You know, you can never really be sure. Tick tock lady.”
“You're crazy. Here, take it.” She tossed the doll at Alicia and hurried out of the store.
Alicia returned to Maxwell and handed him the doll. “That was, awesome Tiger Lily.”
“Tiger lily?”
“Yeah, I like flowers. Your feisty so, its fitting.”
Alicia shrugged her shoulders “Sounds good to me. Now let's get these presents for the kids.”
Maxwell and Alicia made their way back to the leather store to pick up the gloves. Alicia ran to get them smoothies while maxwell ran in to get the gloves. He approached Alicia a large grin on his face. “they turn out good?” she asked taking a seat on the bench. Maxwell nodded his head “Yup, take a look.” He opened the box, Alicia's eyes went wide, she spilt her drink out and coughed.  “Ma. Maxwell. Why. Why do they say Big Daddy on them? I told you to put Leos initials.” she wiped her mouth. “I thought this would be nicer, I heard you call him that a few times.” her face reddened at the realization Maxwell had definitely heard them having sex a time or two. “Oh god. Um thanks Maxwell, im ah, sure Leos going to get a kick out of these.”
After dropping Maxwell off Alicia returned to the Palace. She entered her and Leos Quarters and attempted to hide his presents. She left the bags for the adopt a family on the bed. “Hey baby, how was shopping with Max today?”  “Oh it was, eventful, but fun.” She stuffed the last bag into the closet. “This all the stuff for the kids.” Leo began looking in the bags. “Ah yup, I just need to take it with me tomorrow.”
“What's this?” Leo picked up a box that was under one of the bags. “The leather shop?” he started to open the box “no leo don't.” She dove for the box but it was to late.  “Oh, leather riding gloves these are Ni-” He stopped mid sentence, that sly smirk spread across his face. “Big daddy?” Alicia's face reddened “I told Maxwell to have them put your initials, but um, he thought my nickname for you was a nice touch.” “But that's not your nickname for, oooooh.” the realization set in Leo started to chuckle “Apparently we are um, a bit loud when we have sex.” Alicia giggled.
A few days later Alicia, Anitah and Genevieve met up for lunch. Pam had plans extra appointments, so she said she would see them later at her house. “How was shopping with Maxwell?” Genevieve asked. “oh it was good,  lots of fun.” Alicia picked up a breadstick. “oh she had fun alright. She almost got into a rumble with some lady over a doll.” Anitah giggled. “A fight? Oh I wish I was there.” Gen grinned. “It was for the children.” she tossed the breadstick at Anitah. “Maxwell is a really sweet,  kind and caring guy. Anitah you know first hand how above and beyond he goes for his friends.” Anitah nodded in agreement. “I learned that our Maxwell has a crush. And I have an idea.” The girls both grinned and scooted forward. “Ok, how about…."
Read what the squad did for Maxwell HERE
Tags: @greyeyedsmile14 @mind-reader1  @hopefulmoonobject @alicars @bella-ca @blznbaby @blackwidow2721 @simsvetements @furiousherringoperatortoad @choicesfannatalie @crookedslimecreatorpasta @coldcollectornight08 @museofbooks @syltti78 @itsstillnotwhatyouthink @gardeningourmet
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