#well. not falling apart but there's one person we Can't Stand Anymore. kinda.
evagora · 7 months
out here avoiding the shitstorm around me
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kierahazel · 1 year
pairing: Klaus Mikaelson x reader
Summary: You are Klaus new girlfriend, but you notice that he still have feelings for his ex, Caroline. One day she found them together.
WARNING: none. I think its sad?
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Watch as she stand with her holding your hand.
There he is. With her. I thought I'm his new important person in his life, but oh boy was I wrong. Here I am, watching them as they walk together in the carnival. He told me he have to go out off town for some vampire business, and yet I found him here, with Caroline, his ex.
Put your arm 'round her shoulder, now I'm getting colder.
They look so..happy. He put his arm around her shoulder as she lean to his side. I can feel a tear drop down my cheek.
But how could I hate her? She's such an angle
He promised me that she only his close friend, and I believe him. Me and Klaus known each other since the first time I arrive in New Orleans to stay with my cousin, Bonnie. And Caroline is one of her close friends. She is gorgeous, I can't blame Klaus to fall for her.
But then again, kinda wish she were dead as she
Walks by..
As I watch the two of them, the thing Klaus said to me when our first date.
He cupped my face gently before he whisper lovingly to me .
"you are the most beautiful creature I ever laid my eyes on this earth, love.."
What a sight for sore eyes.. Brighter than the blue sky
The longer I watch them, the more tears flooding my cheek as soft sob escape my mouth. I watched him lean closer to her and kiss her on the lips. My whole body shaking in betrayed. I saw the look in his eyes when they pull apart. He never looked at me that way..
She's got you mesmerized while I die
Why would you ever kiss me?..I'm not even half of pretty
I just stood there watching the two of them, and soon enough he saw me. The sudden change on his face turn into shocked and guilty.
"love?..I-I.. can exp-"
He try to talk to me and hold my hand but I push him away softly. It hurts. I glance back at Caroline and notice that she is wearing the jacket I gave him a while on our first date.
You gave her your sweater.. it's just polyester..
The world around me feel silent as I watched him try to explain himself but I can't hear anything, the only thing I hear is my own sob and the thoughts of his useless promises sweet talk when we were together. I slowly take a step back from him and began to walk away ignoring all his begging and apology.
"love please.. Its a misunderstanding.. you know I would never...I - I'm sorry.. please listen to me.. I love you.."
That words hurt my feeling. He try to grab my hand but I quickly pull them away. "I love you" but I knew that was not for me.
But you like her better..
I wipe away the tears on my cheek as I reached my car. He try to stop me but I get into the car in a perfect timing and locked it from the inside. He knocked the window but I ignored him and start the engine.
"Y/n ! Please! Listen to me!"
I drove off to the mansion but I knew he would be there first. As I thought, he already there waiting for me. I gathered myself and walk past him ignoring everything he say and went straight to our shared bedroom, well not anymore. He follow me from behind trying to stop me. I start to packed my things.
"what are you doing? why are you packing your things?"
He say in a sad tone.
"I can't take it anymore, Nik"
His breath hitched as he heard I called him Nik since I always called him that in a serious time, and he knew, he is fucked this time"
"I can't stand watching you with Caroline even though you said she is only your close friend. But then I saw with my own eyes you kissed her. Is that what close friends should do?"
I start to cry and cover my face with my palms as I sob harder than before, but he take my hand to make me look at him.
"I'm sorry I hurt you.. but I promised you that my heart only belongs to you-"
"Cut the bullshit Klaus! I know you still love her! I saw it in your eyes everytime she was around, and today prove my point that you indeed still in love with Caroline!"
I cut him off and pull my hand from him. I continue to pack my things and storm out off the house.
"Y/n please.. don't leave me please.. I'm sorry!"
I can see the tears flowing through his cheek as he follow me from behind. he suddenly hug me from behind and sob on my shoulder. I closed my eyes as I leaned into his touch for the last time before I push him off
"Goodbye.. Klaus.."
I wish I was heather..
I whisper before I get into my car that Klaus bought me on our 2 years anniversary, at least it's the only thing about him that left. I took the last look at him before I drove away. I knew that I can't be like Caroline..I will never be..
I wish I was Heather..
I'm sorry if there is any vocabulary or grammar pronunciation... English is not my nature language. Hope you guys enjoy!
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wearelondonhq · 2 months
Happy Meme Day!!! If you want to take part all you have to do is reblog this post. Remember if you reblog to send them out to EVERYONE who also does. Meme lasts from today until the next Sunday (the 28th of July).
❛ My family hasn't come to see me. ❜
❛ You can't trust her! She's a monster! ❜
❛ I don't stand a chance if he doesn't get better. You'll never let him go. ❜
❛ That's like kissing someone who's drunk. Doesn't count. ❜
❝ Remember , we’re madly in love , so it’s all right to kiss me anytime you feel like it .❞
❛ I guess there are no rules anymore about what a person can do to another person. ❜
❛ There's gotta be a better way. ❜
❛ With that kinda thinking, you can kill whoever you want. ❜
❛ Sometimes killing isn't personal. Figured if anyone knew that, it was you. ❜
❛ I, of all people, know that it's always personal. ❜
❛ Give me one reason I shouldn't shoot you. ❜
❝  I’m the kind of girl who , when she might actually be of use , would run to stay alive and leave those who couldn’t follow to suffer and die .❞
❝  the kisses have the opposite effect , of make my need greater . i thought i was something of an expert on hunger , but this is an entirely new kind . ❞
❛ He corrupts everyone and everything. He turns the best of us against each other. Stop killing for him. ❜
❝  isn’t it strange that i know you’d risk your life to save mine , but i don’t even know what your favorite color is ? ❞
❝  you are my life .❞
❛ You have a habit of burying people before they're dead. ❜
❛ What about you? You feeling totally safe? ❜
❛ So what are your injuries? ❜
❛ It doesn't matter what you want. It's for [name]. ❜
❛ I watched you die. ❜
❛ I was never the nice one. You were. ❜
❛ Why would I take a beating like that for you? ❜
❛ [name] says that everything that comes out of your mouth is a lie. ❜
❛ I’m not going anywhere. I’m gonna stay right here. Cause all kinds of trouble. ❜
❛ How can we live like this? How can anybody live like this? ❜
❛ You could live 100 lifetimes and never deserve that boy/girl/person. ❜
❛ I don’t want to be with anyone else in there. Just you. ❜
❛ Look at this. They’re holding hands. I want them dead. ❜
❛ Someday I want to love someone that much. ❜
❛ If you die and I live, I’d have nothing. Nobody else that I care about. ❜
❛ It’s okay. You were just dreaming, you were dreaming. ❜
❛ I’m sorry that this happened to you. And I’m here to help you in any way I can. ❜
❛ Don’t you know how beautiful you look? ❜
❛ We are not star-crossed lovers. ❜
❛ I just don’t wanna be another piece in their game, you know? ❜
❛ I just keep wishing I could think of a way to show them that they don’t own me. ❜
❛ If I’m gonna die, I wanna still be me. ❜
❛ I’m not allowed to bet, but if I could I’d bet on you. ❜
❛ It’s okay. You’re okay. You’re alright. ❜
❛ You have to win. ❜
❛ Can you sing? ❜
❛ You’re not gonna risk your life for me. I’m not gonna let you. ❜
❛ Well, I’m sorry it didn’t go the way they planned. You know I’m not very happy with them either. ❜
❛ So what happens when we get back? ❜
❛ I guess we try to forget. ❜
❛ I don’t wanna forget. ❜
❛ The thing with revolutions, they're a tender flame. They need to be nurtured with a little kindling and warmth. ❜
❛ Everyone's either gonna wanna kiss you, kill you, or be you. ❜
❛ You must love her very much to be able to forgive her. ❜
❛ I wasn't gonna leave him behind. I couldn't live with myself. ❜
❛ You love him. I'm not saying in what way. Maybe you don't even know yourself. But anyone paying attention can see it. ❜
❛ Takes ten times longer to put yourself back together than it does to fall apart. ❜
❛ It's the things we love most that destroy us. ❜
❛ It's the worst torture in the world. Waiting, when you know there's nothing you can do. ❜
❛ Whatever strength, courage, madness, keeps us going, you find it, at times like these. You have it. It's what's kept you alive all this time. And it won't fail you now. ❜
❛ You’re okay. You’re safe. It’s okay. You’re here with me. ❜
❛ I did what I had to do to survive. If I didn’t, I’d be dead. ❜
❛ If you wanted to be babied, you should’ve asked [name]. ❜
❛ You are a strangely dislikeable person. But you do have your virtues. ❜
❛ You know how I feel about you. But I can’t think about anyone that way right now. ❜
❛ The only thing that I can think about every day, every waking moment, is how afraid I am. There’s no room for anything else. ❜
❛ Whatever comes, we’ll get through this together. I’m not leaving your side. ❜
❛ I’ve always worked best in the shadows, and that’s where I have to stay. ❜
❛ People said you loved me. ❜
❛ I'm going to kill [name]. Nothing good is safe while he's alive. ❜
❛ This isn't just adolescent, it's insubordination. ❜
❛ I'm plannin' for you to have a long life. ❜
❝  my nightmares are usually about losing you .❞
❛ I'm sorry. I just can't tell what's real and what's made up anymore. ❜
❛ This is a bad spot. We need to move now. ❜
❛ 'Cause when you’re around, I kind of feel like I can deal with anything, you know? ❜
❛ You're still trying to protect me. Real or not real? ❜
❛ That's what you and I do. Keep each other alive. ❜
❛ Stay with me. ❜
❛ I never meant for this to happen. I failed. I… I killed them. ❜
❛ If you end all of this, all those deaths, they mean something. ❜
❛ I have moments when I'm here. And my memories are getting better, but other times it's like I'm sleepwalking. ❜
❝  ____ ? maybe some pants ? ❞
❛ You love me. Real or not real? ❜
❝  At some point , you have to stop running & turn around and face whoever wants you dead .❞
❛ Will you stay with me? ❜
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sidneypoindexter · 1 year
Smurfs WIPs I'll never post
#4- keep on walking, come what will
Everything changes so quickly. Brainy remembers when he was young, and their village was completely isolated. Now there's children younger than him, there's women, there's gray-skinned Smurfs from the future. He isn't being beat up regularly anymore. Some smurfs are starting to question Papa Smurf, which is a bad idea if Brainy’s ever heard one. Nothing is the same anymore.
Nothing, that is, except for Clumsy.
Clumsy's been by Brainy's side for a long time. They became friends before either was even a century old, and they've stayed like this since. Even driven apart, the two will end up together again. They're best friends, they always have been, and they always will be. Brainy can't imagine a world without Clumsy. It simply wouldn't be worth anything.
"So!" Smurfblossom says, startling Brainy out of his thoughts. "What's this 'Valentine's Day' thing you guys do, again?"
Ah, right. The girls have moved into the village, and this is their first Valentine's Day.
"Well," Brainy says, "Saint Valentine's Day originated as a human religious holiday honoring a... god? Of their religion. The day became smurfed with romantic love fairly recently when notions of courtly love flourished, apparently by smurf with the lovebirds of early spring. Personally, I think it should smurf in early spring, then, if that's the case. But we smurfed it up, changed it around, and now the holiday is a time to smurf gifts to those you love."
"I undersmurfed, like, half of that," Blossom says. Brainy sighs.
"Do you need me to explain it again?"
"Nah, I got it. So like, giving stuff to people you love? Hum..." She twists herself around on the bench the two are sitting on until her head is close to the ground and her feet point towards the sky.
"Your cap," Brainy warns. Blossom's phrygian cap has almost fallen off her head.
"You boys-" Blossom stops. She looks up at Brainy, and then pulls her cap up so it's covering her eyes, and her head is nestled more snugly inside it. "-You people have some weird customs. If my cap falls off, I'll just put it back on. Doesn't really matter."
"It does matter! We're in public, and going without your cap would be incredibly unsmurfy! I certainly don't want to see that, and in fact-"
"Shush, shush, shush, shush." Blossom reaches up to try and shush Brainy. With her cap covering her eyes, she's not able to see, so she just ends up flailing her arm around near him until she slaps his cheek. "Not the point, smarty-pants. Let's get back to this love holiday. You give gifts, right? Is it like... you'd give something to Clumsy or something?"
Brainy is glad that Blossom's cap is over her eyes, so she can't see him blush. "N-not like that," he says. "I mean, kind of, sometimes, you’d smurf a card or small gift to a friend to show you care... But usually, Valentine's Day is more romantic.”
"Yeah, and?"
“Um, and,” Brainy tries to explain, “Clumsy and I are best friends.”
“Still don’t get it.”
“Just best friends.”
"Huh, really?" Blossom sits up and lifts her cap away from her eyes. Brainy tries not to feel jealous of her "core strength," or whatever Hefty calls it that's needed to do that. "Guess I should tell Smurfclover she does have a chance, after all."
"No!" Brainy bursts out, and immediately slaps his hands over his mouth as several nearby Smurfs look over. "I mean, uh," he laughs sheepishly, "nothing to see here! Just a regular conversation!"
“...Sure,” One of the Smurfs says, and turns away. The others turn away as well. Blossom laughs.
“Yeah, just best friends. Keep telling yourself that!” She says. “Anyways, what kinda gifts would you give to someone?”
Brainy starts to explain, and Blossom nods along.
“Gee, this year’s Valentine’s Day should be fun!” Clumsy says. “Holidays are always funner with new people ‘round!”
“More fun, Clumsy. ‘Funner’ isn’t a word.”
Clumsy looks up and sees Brainy standing there, holding his lunch tray.
“Gee,” he says, “I didn't know that. Why ain’t it?”
“It’s not grammatically correct,” Brainy says as he sits down next to him. Their arms brush against each other, and Clumsy feels a tingle up his spine he assumes to be static shock.
He gasps out an “Ohhh...” in surprise, which Brainy mistakes for interest. His eyes light up and he continues.
“Fascinating, isn’t it? You’d think it should be ‘funner,’ right? As a one-smurf adjective, it would smurf sense for ‘fun’ to have the comparative and superlative forms ‘funner’ and ‘funnest.’ The reason it doesn’t, though, has its origin in the adjectival status of ‘fun’ itself. Only recently has the word ‘fun’ become able to be smurfed as an adjective, whereas for most of history it was just a noun. Fun as a noun does continue to be smurfed more. So it really all has to do with the word’s origin.”
Clumsy understands about five percent of that, and to be quite honest he doesn’t really care about any of it. But Brainy seems so happy explaining it that Clumsy decides to latch on to the one part he did understand in order to ask a question.
“But ‘smurf’ is originally a noun, too, right, Brainy? How come we say ‘smurfier’ an’ not ‘more smurfy’?”
“That’s because smurfy is an adjective. Think of how funny is an adjective, and we say funnier. It’s like that- we say smurfier, but not smurfer....”
Some other Smurfs at the table sigh, and some roll their eyes. Clumsy rests his head on his hand as he gazes at Brainy with adoration. The bespectacled Smurf is still talking, elaborating on the intricacies of grammar no one else but him cares for. He’s beautiful, Clumsy thinks.
“And that’s why some words work in a way that seems counterinutive,” Brainy finishes.
“Uh!” Clumsy startles to attention. “Y-yeah, Brainy, whatever you say!”
“Clumsy, Clumsy, Clumsy.” Brainy sighs. “Were you even listening to anything I just said?”
“Golly, Brainy, yer voice is so purty, I don’t think I could ignore ya if I tried!” Brainy blushes, and Clumsy wonders if he said something wrong. “I- I mean, I love what’cha say, too. It’s all real smurfy.”
“Right, I’m out. This sappy stuff isn’t for me.” Smurfstorm stands up from the table and leaves. Brainy laughs sheepishly.
“Yes, we should probably get back to lunch.”
“Uh, gee, yeah.”
Alright, Brainy’s in love with his best friend. Love always ends in disaster, though, and he doesn’t want what he has with Clumsy to end. They walk out of the dining hall hand in hand, and Brainy doesn’t know how they got this way.
Is Clumsy in love with him? Brainy doubts it. No matter what he’s said, no matter what he’s told him, Clumsy is a fool who has probably never fallen in love.
Someone as attractive as Clumsy could have had had his pick of Smurfs long ago. Instead, he chooses, every time he’s given the chance, to stay with his friend Brainy instead. Brainy has no selfish notions about this- it’s clear Clumsy just sees him as a friend.
Sometimes it’s hard for Clumsy to be around Brainy. He’s so cute, and so oblivious to his own cuteness. When he smiles, Clumsy gets dizzy. They’re holding hands right now, and Clumsy squeezes Brainy’s hand. Brainy squeezes his back in return.
Gosh, everything’s always so much smurfier when Brainy is around! Sometimes Clumsy just wants to grab his best friend and kiss him until they have to pull apart to breathe. But Brainy’s never liked being touched.
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theghostofashton · 2 years
Hiii if you could rewrite the s4 Klaine breakup, without Blaine cheating on Kurt, what would be the reason they broke up?
I think Blaine was so out of character when he “resolved” his attachment issues with one night stand, but we can clearly see that the long distance relationship and Kurt being too busy was killing him.
So if Blaine had flied to NY to break up with Kurt, what would you have him tell Kurt after singing teenage dream?
The fact that he can’t stand the long distance anymore is a good point, but it’s just not enough for how much they love each other (that’s why I also understand why the writers choose the easiest way for them to break up bc of the cheating) so what do you think it’s a more realistic reason excluding the cheating?
You can also space out and invent the plot of the reason, I just need some more ideas for my daydreaming lol
Thanks, love your posts!
hi! thanks for the ask!
first off, you're totally welcome to see that storyline this way! but to be completely honest, i don't think blaine cheating was out of character at all. i think it worked perfectly for the story and it makes sense for him in my mind. (i can get into why i think so in another post, if you want?)
but to answer your question, i think there are quite a few ways this could go. i've read quite a few fics where authors try to fix this storyline, and one of the ones i've enjoyed a lot is a scenario where blaine is really struggling mentally, and can't handle it anymore, so he flies to kurt to just....kinda tell him that?
i can see that working pretty well. he's really upset and desperate to see kurt, so he flies out to him. when he breaks down during teenage dream, kurt notices that something is clearly wrong, and when he asks him about it, blaine kinda just falls apart. he tells kurt how lonely he's been and how sad he feels, all the time, how he's tried to fill his time with clubs and things but nothing has really helped, and how he's kinda at a true breaking point. he didn't think kurt leaving would be this hard, but it is, and he doesn't know what to do.
and kurt is, naturally, incredibly worried for him, and wants to help in whatever way he can. i can see kurt taking blaine back to the loft and laying with him until he falls asleep, and then calling burt bc he feels out of his depth. he wants to help so badly but doesn't know what to do.
which would lead to burt telling him that a good solution may be to break up, not because he doesn't love blaine or because he wants to hurt blaine, but because it isn't healthy for blaine to depend on him so much. he needs a support system that's far bigger than kurt, he needs someone to talk to about what he's feeling, etc. kurt lives in new york now, he has his vogue internship, he's trying to acclimate to the city. as much as he loves blaine, it isn't realistic for him to be around 24/7, and that's something blaine needs to learn how to adjust to. part of the reason he was struggling so much was because he only felt like he had kurt and when kurt left, he felt really alone. he defined himself as kurt's boyfriend for so long, and when kurt moved, he lost that way to identify at school and such, and he really felt the loss.
that brings me to one of the big aims with blaine's character in s4 - building friendships with the rest of glee club and build that support system for himself, so he doesn't have to rely on one person for happiness. i think that could also come from kurt deciding to end things because he wants blaine to choose himself, to work on finding happiness within himself and finding friends to become close with.
so i feel like that could def be another way to do the breakup! kurt ends things because he's concerned for blaine's mental health and doesn't want things to get any worse. as hard as kurt tries, it's not realistic (or healthy) for him to be there 24/7, and the extent to which blaine is struggling with that indicates that there definitely is something deeper going on. so they end things and blaine ends up getting into therapy and starting to build the friendships with sam, tina, etc, and they come back together when blaine feels a lot better and more stable as himself, rather than kurt's boyfriend.
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snake-snacc · 3 years
Fandom: Twisted Wonderland 
Topic: The "Fuckboy" thing 
DISCLAIMER: This is my opinion and my thoughts! You are free to have a different opinion! Take it with a little bit of humour!
forgive my bad english
You know what guys? I think it's kinda funny how a part of the Twisted Wonderland Fandom really goes with "Yes XY is a total fuckboy! You see it in his eyes!" And from what I saw the most characters that get into this discussion are Leona, Malleus, Ace, Jamil and Floyd. BUT LET ME BURST YOUR BUBBLES GUYS AND LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT THE REAL "FUCKBOY" OF TWISTED WONDERLAND!
First of all, I'm gonna tell you why the pretty boys above are not really fit for the title of "Fuckboy". :3 [I will refer often to female partners but I try to keep it gender neutral most times!]
Let's start with the sleepy the lion, LEONA KINGSCHOLAR
— No, my argument is not that he's too lazy. No, no. But he probably was raised to totally respect women. He even stated that he is afraid of the women in his homeland because they are pretty tough ladys! So, they wouldn't hesitate to slap a bitch if they find out he fucks around and leaves them heart broken 
— Also, he probably doesn't have the strength or the motivation to handle all the drama 
Next! Horny (no pun intended) boy, MALLEUS DRACONIA
— Let's be honest, he probably doesn't know how to really communicate with people, beside Yuu/MC, Lilia and maybe the rest of his dorm. Yes he can talk to others but get them into bed? I don't think so. 
— He probably doesn't even know what even kissing is 
— He would go all out about stuff like "Yes, I totally would bang that girl/that boy" but in the moment the person would be stripping down in front of him, with the intention to do naughty stuff with him, he would panic. He would straight up panic and would get out of there
— Look at him. He doesn't even know how to use his dick
Next Boy! JAMIL (I'm a whore for you) VIPER
— As sad as it makes me, this pretty boy is way to stressed for fucking around! He couldn't even use it as a stress relief because while doing it, he would stress himself with stuff like "Is this good enough? Do I have enough time left? Does Kalim need help? Is the food ready?" 
— Plus I see him more as a "I choose a partner and stay by their side" kinda guy. But even then he wouldn't get a partner because he knows he wouldn't have time for them so he doesn't even starts dating
Next and last! FLOYD LEECH
— He would start it, get bored and leave. Facts. This boy would just straight up leave the second his partner wouldn't play along. Maybe he even just goes before they even started because "I don't want to anymore" 
— His mood swings would keep the people away from him and I don't see that he really appeals to all the naughty stuff
SO! Now that I bursted your bubbles, let me tell you about the real "Fuckboy" from Twisted Wonderland…
*dramatic music* 
(☞゚ヮ゚)☞KALIM AL-ASIM!☜(゚ヮ゚☜)
Yeah I know I know
"But he is so baby and naive and innocent!"- quit that! No! He is not! Yes he is very naive, but in the way to trust and believe people way too easy and to believe they wouldn't do bad things twice. (This whole chapter broke my heart… my poor boys! ;-;)
But let me explain to you, why Kalim is (in my eyes) the one that should/could wear the title "Fuckboy": 
— Let's start at the beginning: From what we know he has over 30 siblings, is probably the oldest, so there for he saw his Dad with the Mom. Or should I say, the Moms?! Kalims Dad probably had more than one wife, and not like "She died, or, we fell apart after 10 years", no, probably like "you look pretty, give birth to my kids, you are my wife now for a few years". (My theory/opinion on what kind of dad he has) So he had an Idol which had more women on his hands that a normal man would ever. I can see that Kalim is totally used to stuff like that from his homeland, his familie, and that the idea/concept of multiple partners at the same time is something totally normal to him. 
— He will be the next Sultan. You can't tell me the girls at his homeland didn't throw themselves at him at some point of his life. "Oh you're so handsome~ And so sweet~ omg you make me laugh~", etc. And with his carefree and happy nature he probably doesn't even have a problem with that. "Oh thank you, you too ^^ Your hair is so pretty, your eyes are enchanting~", etc. 
— If this sweet, so happy, smiling boy would throw a party and ask a random girl to dance with him, they wouldn't say no. They would dance with him, smile and be happy. He could get all of them wrapped around his little finger, by just smiling and asking nicely. Yes he is a little over the top sometimes, but that probably don't stand in his way
— If he doesn't get what he wants, he cries. He is so used to getting what he wants the second he recommends it, that a "No sorry, I don't want to dance/talk/come over" would be the instant start of big, wet puppy eyes and stuff like "But it would make me so happy! We could have soooo much fun! *sobbing*" (He kinda is a pick me boy not gonna lie, but i love him) and who wants a happy nature like Kalim to cry? No one! (Besides Jamil) So they would probably feel bad and be like ".. Okay.. just this one time.. and not so long.." and in the end they would be at his side for more hours then they could count. 
— I can see that if he would directly ask for a person to come with him in his room and they say no, that he would be kinda sad. Puppy eyes and everything BUT he knows that he can't force people to do that stuff with him, so he just gets sad and is like "Can we at least cuddle..?" And you know what? In the end it's not just a cuddle. BUT WITH CONSENT! He respects a No, but he can't do anything about it if the person changes their mind because little Kalim is all sweet talk and praise while cuddling
— Fact is, Kalim would totally flirt talk or at least very flirty praise people without even realising. (I mean.. have you ever listened closely to how he talks about Jamil..? Way to much praise and simpness) You know, while just casual dancing with them, out of nowhere something like "Your body looks so beautiful in this light and the way it moves, mesmerising" 
— Because of his "It's totally normal to have multiple partners" thingy, I can see him just living that. Party here, party there, oh you look pretty, you're mine now. And yes he knows some would just be at his side for the chance of getting some money, but why would he care? He doesn't plan to marry one of them. He would care for that when it comes to the one he should marry and when he finds out they are just after him because of the money, yeah, well bye bye then 
— He is probably in general way too touchy with people, so accidents happen, right?~ (that sounds wrong) I mean with that, that probably some people would get his closeness a little wrong think he is interested in them, so they get interested and in the end, Fun~ 
— He calls people casually with sweet nicknames. He called Yuu/MC "My Love". So why wouldn't he just call other people too by stuff like that? The pretty dancer lady he had invited with the green eyes? "My shining emerald" The handsome boy he met at a feast in his homeland with the sun-kissed skin? "My golden sunshine" 
— Just saying, who in his Homeland, from the young ladys that need to get married and stuff, wouldn't instantly say yes, if Kalim would ask them to spend time with him? The moment he would invite them into the palast, they would fall in love with him (or his money) 
— He knows how the world is working. Money does big things. A soft smile, a nice ask and a little bit of "One night at the Sultans Palace / One night treated like a princess/prince, getting served from servants" and he has a partner. Kalim isn't stupid, maybe school related stuff, but not about life. 
— By the way: "One night treated like a princess/prince", come one. Tell me this boy wouldn't absolutely treat his partner, even just one night stands, like total princesses/princes. He would praise them so much, tell them all the way how beautiful they are, how they are his treasure right now. Surely he could also go easily into the mood of "Serve me I'm the Prince", but I think he would make this the first few times by accident (because he was taught to be served from everyone) but quickly realize that that's not how it works.
— Facit:
Kalim could easily be a Fuckboy, or a very popular and successful Pick me Boy. But I think he would get himself in the way with his "I don't do that on purpose" nature. 
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dimonds456 · 3 years
*sees your tags about being salty about suf spinel*
Okay, but I'm warning you, you asked for it.
Dimonds456 Presents: How They Did My Baby Dirty: An SUTM and SUF Analysis on Steven and Spinel (Told by a Progressively More and More Angry Narrator)
THE CONTEXT: There was a post talking about how you think a character will fix everything, but then they wind up making it works. My tags were "#*looks at suf spinel* #I am still salty about that like the bitch I am fghdjskgfa"
Grab some water, guys.
Let's start by talking about Steven for a moment. In the original show, when we were following him as a 12-14-year-old, we watched as he built up trauma and then learned how to hide it expertly well, to the point that most of the audience didn't even realize he was struggling.
You can actually pinpoint the seconds he makes those decisions, too. The best example is in "The Test," when he's storming up to the gems. He's pissed. His fists are clenched, he's got that anime eye shadow overlay on his face, he's frowning, all that. the Crystal Gems are clapping for him and lying to his face, and he KNOWS they are because he overheard them talking about how it was "impossible for him to fail" that test (- Garnet).
And yet... he also overheard them saying that they're just trying their best. They don't know what he needs. They never really have. No one is sure. So, Steven realizes that by picking a fight, he would just be making it worse for them because they would know they messed up, and nothing gets solved, and everyone gets more depressed and Amethyst and Pearl go back to fighting each other and- well, you get the picture. He doesn't have a full understanding of what's going on, so his kid brain went "so I can either be angry at them and cause problems, or I can tell them I did a good job to make them happy."
"I can lie to make them happy."
He storms down there angry, still mulling this decision over. He drops to the floor, frowning and pissed, and says "I can't believe you guys." He is so close to yelling at them, and yet, when he looks up at them...
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"That was so... INSANE!"
You never would have been able to tell. It was right there. That moment. And then he never stops. For the ENTIRE REST of the series, he NEVER STOPS. He puts the Crystal Gems above himself every time. Think Rose's Scabbard, The Message, The Return/Jailbreak. The Cluster. Peridot. Dealing with Jasper. The zoo arc (ESPECIALLY the zoo arc). Aquamarine. Then pretty much the entirety of Season 5.
(NOTE: I went back and rewatched that scene for the screenshot. There is a blink-and-you'll-miss-it lip tremble in there too! D,: )
He lives for the people around him, and not for himself. Almost never for himself.
Put a pin in that.
Now, let's look at his maturity. People thought that was just him being mature, right? That he grew up. No. That was not it at all. He was learning from his own behaviors as well as the people around him, and building up this idea that he had to "fight to be everything that everyone wants [him] to be when [he's] grown" (- Steven, the extended intro).
Yes, he matured, but not because of that. He started making various decisions to benefit the group that oftentimes he wasn't fully comfortable with, but something he believed would be better for everyone.
Put a pin in that.
Then, later in Future, we see it all manifest. He is selfless to a fault, to the point that he can't think of himself in a positive light in the sense that he's good. We see it a couple of times, but especially in "Prickly Pair," when he vents to Cactus Steven about everything that happened. He feels useless, which is taking a toll on his mental health.
"Why do I need to be needed?" He needs to be needed because that's everything he was as a kid. His entire IDENTITY rests on his ability to help other people, no matter what happens to him. He literally sacrificed himself for them countless times (the big one of course being the Aquamarine incident), and now as a teenager, his whole sense of self is wrapped up in this need to get up and do something to make the world better.
And when he can't make the world better, his world falls apart.
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Put a pin in that.
Now, let's talk about Spinel, the moment we've all been waiting for.
Spinel, as a gem, was made specifically to be a friend. That is her niche, and her purpose. Her reason for existing. At first, she and Pink Diamond got along very well, as shown in the flashbacks right before Drift Away plays (I headcanon she has illusion powers and was literally projecting her trauma, but that's a completely different post).
She and Pink vibed together for who knows how long, until one day, Pink started to not like being around Spinel anymore, finding her annoying and childish. We don't know what really caused the switch, just that it did happen (but of course, I have headcanons for that, too). Spinel never realized until it was FAR too late.
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Steven actually describes his younger self as annoying at one point during the Diamond Days arc, when he decides to throw the ball, so I'm legally allowed to make this comparison.
Steven and Spinel were the SAME. They were both young and dumb, and something that at least a few people found annoying. People put up with their BS though, since they cared about them. But, while Steven realized this and matured because of it (or bottled up his emotions, to each their own), Spinel never did. She never matured. She was never given a chance.
In the movie, we saw her as a child, and watched as she played with Pink and never tried to be or do anything else, to the point that Pink Diamond thought to realize she might be struggling (and maybe Spinel didn't, either!).
She lives for the people around him, and not for herself. Almost never for herself.
And when she can't be friends with this one person, her world falls apart.
Sound familiar? It should. I literally pulled from things I said earlier lol.
Spinel and Steven are mirror reflections of each other. Reset!Spinel is 14-year-old Steven, completely devoting her entire self to one idea. Steven's was helping others no matter what, Spinel's was serving Pink no matter what. Spinel is like a combination of 14 and 12-year-old Steven in this sense, honestly. Goofy, without a care in the world, except one thing: the people around her. She would do anything for Pink, just as Steven would do anything for his family.
Now, Pink Diamond left Spinel. We all know this story. She left Spins there in the garden for 6,000 years because she grew more mature and started a rebellion, effectively forgetting about this one gem she kinda stopped caring about standing there.
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Personally, I don't think Pink had any malicious or even intentional intent in that, but this ain't about her. This is about how Spinel continued to sacrifice herself for Pink, even when Pink didn't need her to anymore. She wanted to please Pink 24/7, all day every day, to the point she self-sacrificed and stood perfectly still for her for millenia.
Now, back to Steven. The gems don't need him anymore in Future, right? They've all grown up and matured and headed off towards their own futures, effectively stranding him alone in terms of self-identity and self-worth. But he stays there, ready to assist at the drop of a hat, or- in Future's case- the call of a phone.
Episode 6 anyone? The one everyone says shouldn't be in Future? That it should have been cut to allow more focus on Steven himself? The fusion episode? YEAH. THAT. He is running himself RAGGED to try and help others, to give himself a purpose. He is self-sacrificing. (He's a professional, don't worry. /j)
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Steven metaphorically planted his feet down and decided that he was going to devote himself to the people around him.
Spinel's feet were literally tied down soon after she made that very same decision.
Okay, enough with the backstory. Time for the salt.
In Future, Steven is at his lowest low. He is running to the Diamonds for help, to see if there is SOMETHING they can do to help him. And we first see Spinel.
Spinel has been through the ringer on a lot of the same mental problems Steven himself is facing. She self-isolated, watched as everyone grew up and left her, and then began to lash out because of it. She understands what he's going through. We even see her concerned as Steven starts to tell her why he's there.
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Spinel takes him from Diamond to Diamond, until he's running out of White's room in a blind panic. Spinel is able to catch up with him, and Steven realizes the same. SHE GETS IT. He turns around and says "Hey, you used to have vengeful thoughts!"
Spinel replies "Ohhhhh yeah, but I don't have 'em anymore."
"How did you make them stop?"
She then goes on to sing Change to him, effectively cutting that conversation short.
On paper, that sounds very in-character for her. She's goofy! And that is what worked for her! But the problem is that they had to dumb her down in order to make that character decision work. In the movie, she was shown to be observant and able to put two and two together, even if she often jumps to conclusions (see her being the one to figure out that the gems needed to remember their "pieces," as she remembers the Garden, her re-realizing what Pink did, and her meltdown later when she reactivates the injector).
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Spinel is smart. It should have been in character for her to realize that Steven was panicking just as she had been, and needed to be talked to gently. But no. Instead, she starts belting out Change, which given Steven's situation, would not work for him.
At the very least, she would have started doing little tricks or started trying to get him to join a game, which would have taken his mind off of it (to her anyways, that wouldn't have worked either), which then could have prompted further discussion.
Then, once they finally start talking, Spinel could have been able to share some legitimate advise. She was hurt and lashed out. What worked for her was opening up to others and letting them in, learning to trust again (which Steven also has problems with- he can't trust that the Gems won't break down the second he turns his back. Trust does NOT equal love, there is no doubt he loves them to no end), and allowing other people in.
That is what Steven needed, too. He needed to let his guard down and just talk to someone. Sure, Spinel was not going to be a fix-all, but she could have at least offered some insight on what to do.
She UNDERSTANDS him. They are a reflection of each other.
But instead of offering help, Spinel made it worse. She was dumbed down to allow the rest of Future to happen, to make Steven feel even worse. Because- and here's the kicker- because the one person who MIGHT understand him doesn't, that means there's no hope for him.
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At least, that's how he sees it. And so, the denial- and "Everything's Fine"- begins.
Here's the thing, though; they DIDN'T NEED to make that decision. If the Crew wanted to have Spinel not understand Steven, then draw the line of her being a Gem from Era 1, used to the Diamonds shattering people.
Steven has killed Jasper and revived her at this point, so maybe Spinel offers that at least he's trying to get better, just like the other Diamonds! See, they're doing so great now! And then that makes him feel worse since he IS trying to do better, but is only failing, while the Diamonds- who were MADE to be nasty dictators- are doing better than him.
The Diamonds shattered a lot of people, and they're doing better than Steven, who has only shattered one person, and not even on purpose. How horrible is that?
Then boom. THERE'S your angst, with a much smarter, more helpful Spinel.
Look, I knew going in that Spinel wasn't going to be able to help. The finale had to happen somehow, and we hadn't seen Wormy Boi yet. I have always been a storng believer of the corrupted Steven theory, so I knew it was bound to happen. But I was hoping that Spinel would at least try. But she really didn't. She just brushed him off, offering really loose advise that didn't even fit his situation and thinking that would be enough.
No. It's not.
I can see where the Crew was coming from. I still love that episode, and I love seeing Spins in it (until that exact moment). This is probably the only thing in SU that genuinely gets me mad. Or, well, maybe not mad, but definitely annoyed and- you guessed it- salty.
I have an unfinished fic where I kinda delve into Spinel's head for that episode called "A New Start". If you really want my thoughts on where Spinel's head was at, there's a bit in there that really explains it. In the fic, Steven decides to rejuvenate himself and brings Spinel along with him, and that's all the context you need for this.
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I cannot explain that moment in the climax of the episode, though. Maybe she thought it would make him feel better, or that maybe he really did just need to open his eyes and see the error of his ways (which doesn't make sense, he KNOWS what he did). Maybe she thought that being silly would help somehow.
But you'd think she'd learn from her time with Pink as she grew more annoyed with her, but apparently not. Or maybe she would realize for a second that being loud and annoying was bad. Or maybe she doesn't learn.
Either way, it- and she- was dumb. And they did my baby dirty.
*drops mic and walks away*
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tinisprout · 3 years
Serendipity on a lonely night
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Pairing: Jacob x gn!Reader
Genre: Angst, Hurt and Comfort, Fluff
Word count: 3,547
Warnings: mention of blood (once), some cursing, lmk if I missed something
Summary: After a bad breakup, two sad souls decided to go to a park to cry alone. Neither of them expects someone to intrude on their moment. Although they are strangers, they might make this depressing night just a little less lonely for each other.
Being cheated on sucks, but it hurt him a little bit more to find out on his birthday of all days. Jacob thought they were just going through a rough patch in their relationship, he truly thought they would make it out ok. Never did he expect to see his now ex making out with someone else. Angry and hurt, he didn't bother saying much to them and left. Going back to his apartment, he changes into his workout clothes and stuffs a handful of tissues into his jacket pocket as he leaves his house to go for a night run.
He ran as fast as he could, with abandon, looking like a mad man. He was so frustrated he just wanted to forget it all and move on. He knew he didn't need to keep a person like that in his life, but that didn't make it hurt any less. He went to the one place he thought no one would be at, the park. The man tried to slow his pace as his body came barreling at the bench, he threw his hands out to brace himself.
The impact hurt, but this new pain was a welcomed distraction. His chest heaved as he tried to catch his breath. He felt the need to vomit and so he crawled to the bush to do just that. He regrets not eating earlier as he retched up bile, burning his throat an egregious amount. Then came the booming sound of footsteps slamming on the ground from behind. Jacob hoped no one would come here he wanted to be a mess in peace, but to hell with it, he'll just leave after he finishes dry heaving, he thought.
Being cheated on fucking sucks, period. You didn't expect anyone to here and to your surprise there seemed to be a drunk man throwing up in the bushes. Maybe going out at night wasn't the best choice, but in the heat of the moment you wanted to cry alone, but it seems that wasn't in the cards. As your attention was diverted you tripped on absolutely nothing and your knees were the first to hit the ground, skidding on the pavement. Regretting wearing shorts, you propped your arms out ready to catch the rest of your body.
On your hands and knees, you were winded from running, your shoulders rose and fell rapidly. "Son of a bitch, that hurt." You bit your lip trying to hold it in this was not the place to cry, someone was here. You sat on the ground sick of it all, to hell with it, you were tired of holding back and used the pain in your knees as an excuse to cry your eyes out. Like a stream they came pouring out your eyes, changing the color of the ground.
"Um, are you okay?" 'Huh, is the drunk man trying to talk to me? He doesn't sound drunk,' you thought to yourself. Looking up at him without wiping your still falling tears.
"No," you continued to cry and you hoped that would be the end of the conversation. To your shock he offered you a tissue from his pocket and sat down, it seems he also started crying. Well, at least this man wasn't a threat. And so, you both cried not caring about the presence of the other. Both cries coming to a still as time passed, you both just sat there in silence for some time.
'This is embarrassing,' Jacob thought. When he saw the person in front of him crying, he didn't expect them to give a blunt answer when he asked if they were okay. Crying without a care, he wanted to do that, he was so tired of holding it in. Well, it happened already, there is nothing he can do about it. It seems the person in front of him was also thinking about how to get out of this awkward situation. "Why were you crying?" Yes, break the awkward atmosphere with an awkward question.
"I feel like that should be my question," you state, making a face.
"Oh well, I already wanted to cry and see you cry it kinda just happened."
"Well, I just got dumped after finding out I was cheated on, all on call. I didn’t believe them, thinking it was some cruel joke. So they send me a picture of them kissing someone else. I came here to cry my guts out, I didn't expect anyone else here."
"What a coincidence, me too. I caught my partner making out with someone else, told me they didn't love me anymore, on my birthday of all days. I ran here to get some fresh air and cry, but I guess I pushed myself too hard and ended up throwing up." He laughs at how pathetic he sounds. He notices you check your phone. 'I guess they want to leave,' he thinks while sighing to himself.
"I'm sorry that happened to you. Um, sorry if this is weird since it not happy anymore, but, happy birthday." The unexpected response made Jacob look at you, mouth slightly agape in surprise. Then he laughed, the look you made wondering if you might have said something wrong. His smile was captivating, the kind that most would do anything to see again. Who in their right mind would cheat on this man?!
Birthday wishes from a stranger at this moment felt nice. Jacob got up from the ground dusting himself off. He offered you a hand, "Thank you, I feel a little better now." You weren't sure why he laughed, but if he was feeling better that was good, he seemed to be having a shitty day. You take his hand as he pulls you up, as your knees bend you groan in pain.
"Crap, my knees." You looked down addressing the pain, there was dust mixed in with the blood. Judging on how you hit the floor, your knees we definitely bruised or at least were going to be later.
"Oh no, are you okay?"
"No," you chuckled at him asking the same question and you giving the same answer. The corner of his lips tugged up when he realized the same thing, he wanted to laugh, but his concern for the stranger took greater priority. Getting a closer look at it, it looked pretty bad.
"Can you walk?"
"Of course,... I just need to push myself." Jacob looked up and searched for the convenience store he knew was around here.
"Hey, you should get this cleaned up soon. There is a convenience store right over there, I can help you if you're ok with that."
"You know what, that would be greatly appreciated, thank you." He bent down a little so you could easily put your arm around his neck. The man supporting you relieved some of the pressure. With his help, you hobbled your way to the convenience store. Finally arriving he tells you to wait at the front of the store while he gets everything, saying it was on him as a thank you. It didn't make too much sense, but you weren't about to argue, so you took a seat at one of the free tables.
He quickly rushed through the store to get big bandages, two water bottles, Neosporin, and a small bottle of mouthwash. He wanted to talk to them earlier, but they were a lot closer and he knew his breath must have smelt rancid after throwing up. After paying, he quickly went to the bathroom and washed his mouth out with the water and mouthwash. Throwing away the evidence as he did a breath check, grabbing a few paper towels before he ran back to you.
"Okay, I'm done, sorry for the wait." You see him carrying a bag with a few things inside.
"You're good, a break from walking is fine with me," you offer up a smile and he smiles back.
"This is probably gonna hurt some, but I'll try to be as gentle as possible." Your smile fades as he gets down on his knees to meet your legs and you clench your jaw. He wet two paper towels and left two dry ones asking you to hold both sets. "Stick one of your legs out, please." Doing as you're told, he takes this opportunity to lift your leg till it's about parallel to your seat. He pours water on the wound and you jolt at the sensation as it stings your knees. Some water slides down your leg and he wipes it back up with his hand and flicks the water off his hand. "Wet paper towel please."
"Huh," you were absorbed by the movement of his hands on your leg, weird. "Oh yeah, here." He glanced at you for a moment, but he didn't question it. Setting your leg down he takes the wet paper towel and gently wipes away at the remaining grime on your knee.
"Dry one, please." 'So polite,' you thought, handing him the paper towel. He dries your wound and leg off, tossing the waste into the bag and he takes out the Neosporin and bandages. He smears the ointment on the cotton pad of the bandage, then smooths the bandage onto your leg. You two repeat the process on your other leg. "All done."
"Thank you." You slowly stand up, it still hurts for sure, you wanted to do something. "Alright, your turn buddy. You stay here I'm going to get something real quick."
"Huh, you don't need help?" He sees you struggling to walk and has his hands up ready to catch you if you fall.
"I'll be fine, just give me a minute." He doesn't push it and takes the seat next to your now empty one. He wonders what you could be doing. A few minutes pass and he hears your familiar voice. Turning to you he sees you now carry a bag. You see his eyes linger around the bag. You clear your throat, "I need you to close your eyes, you can't open them until I say." Jacob is a simple man and does not question them and follows through with the orders. He covers his eyes with his hands. "Oh yeah, I didn't get your name yet. I'm, y/n." He smiles at your statement.
"I'm, Jacob."
"Alright, you can open your eyes now." He puts his hands down opening his eyes and to his bewilderment there are two cupcakes each with a lit candle. His lips form a little pout and his eye go wide as he looks at you. "Happy Birthday, Jacob. This might be the crappiest birthday you've ever had, but I hope this makes it a little bit better."
"Wow, thank you…" Jacob was at a loss for words. There were a lot of emotions coming up again, he felt his throat go a little tight.
"Ah sorry, I shouldn't have brought up the bad things."
"No it's not that...well it partly is that, but I'm also happy. Why are you so kind to me?" That seemed like a weird question, is this not the golden rule?
"Well as thanks, of course. And I think you are being nicer to me than I am to you. Anyways, before your candles completely melt, make a wish!"
"Ah let me think," A wish, there wasn't any particular thing he wished for. His eyes wandered around trying to think of something and his eyes find their way back to you. The soft glow of the candlelight illuminating your face. A smile gracing your face as you wait for him to make his wish. He looks back to the candles and closes his eyes, 'I wish for something wonderful.' opening his eyes he gently blows out the candles. You found yourself hoping Jacob’s wish would come true.
“Perfect, now I didn’t know what flavor you liked, so I just got the standard vanilla and chocolate. Hope that’s okay.”
“That’s fine,” he says taking one of the cupcakes and pushing the other towards you.
“I can’t they’re yours.”
“It’s fine I shouldn’t eat two cupcakes this late at night anyway. Unless you don’t like that flavor?”
“Oh, it’s good. Uh, thank you then.” You both take your time eating your cupcakes while continuing to converse with each other. Taking his last bite he licks his fingers clean and you hand him a napkin from your bag.
“Thanks,” After he wipes his hands he stood up. “Can you walk okay, now?” You stood up carefully. It still hurts, but you felt like walking wouldn’t be too terrible, maybe.
“Yeah, I think I will be good, thank you.” You stagger your way back to the sidewalk and Jacob matches his pace with yours.
“Well, I go this way.”
“Oh, me too.” A smile alights both your faces, happy to stay with the kind soul next to you for a little longer before the loneliness grabs hold of you again.
“In that case do you still want my help walking?”
“Are you okay with that?”
“Don’t worry about it.” Jacob sets out in front with his back facing you, he kneels on the ground, turning his head to you.
“Won’t that be too tiring for you?
“My endurance is pretty good, besides we can get home faster this way, it’s pretty late already. It will only be till we part ways.” Maybe you would have been more hesitant if he didn’t always make sure you were comfortable when talking and interacting with him, keeping a respectable distance that strangers should have.
“Excuse me then.” As you climb on his back he links his arms under your legs as you wrap your arms around his neck and he slowly rises.
“Up we go.” he adjusts, bouncing you up higher on his back. He started walking, and like a gentleman, making sure you weren’t suspicious of him, he tells you which path he takes first before continuing to walk. To both your surprise, your time together lasted longer than imagined. You thought how he might live past you as you got closer to your home.
“Hey, I know we are still kinda strangers, but if it means anything, I think you are really kind. I was treated nicer by you in this short hour or so that we have known each other than I was ever by my ex. I won’t judge your relationship because I don’t know anything, but I think you deserve better. I hope you can move on soon and when your ready, find someone that values you properly.” Jacob lets out a titter at your words.
“Man, I feel like crying again.”
“No, it’s fine. I hope the same for you, don’t feel down over someone that left you like that.”
“Ugh, of course! I’m not that sad to lose them, we weren’t dating for that long. I know that kind of person doesn’t deserve to be in my life… I’m sadder at the fact that it happened, it makes me feel inadequate.”
“Hey, don’t say that. Just like you said to me, I think you deserve a person that values you better.”
“Thanks.” He stops in his tracks again.
“I go straight.” To your disappointment, this is where your journey together ends.
“Ah, I go right.”
“Oh,” is all he gives as a reply. Jacob lowers himself letting go of his grip on your legs. Your hands move from around his neck to hold his shoulders as you steady yourself. When you let go of his shoulders he turns around to meet your eyes. “I guess this is goodbye.”
“Yeah, I guess so.” Neither of you wanted to part ways yet, but what could you do? You both thought, this person would be a good friend to have, would it be too much to ask for their number?
“I’ll go first. Please be careful on your way home,” Jacob says, cutting off the awkward silence.
“You too. Thank you, for making this night a little less lonely,” you give him a sorrowful smile and he returns a look just the same.
“Thank you.” And so you both go your separate ways. He finds himself regretting not asking for your number, but it would be weird to go back now, if only he had a second chance. If he had another wish right now, he would have wished to see them again, not that it would have actually helped him anyway.
Finally making it to your apartment building you call the elevator sighing. You find yourself thinking about Jacob as you look at your knees, ‘I should have gotten his number.’ The elevator dings and the doors open up. Someone leaves the elevator and you take their place.
Jacob walks into his apartment building, and sees a person leaving then sees the foot of a person entering the elevator. He calls out to them.
“Please hold the door!” He starts jogging to the elevator. Hearing that familiar voice seems unbelievable. So you move to stick your head out to check to make sure you weren’t mistaken.
“Jac-” you didn’t expect a body to round the corner so fast and you reacted as best you could and tried stepping back, but their body still hit you, though it was with less force than you expected. Cool you thought, you were gonna fall for the second time tonight. The man that bumped into you didn’t think the person inside would try to come out so he had little time to try and stop his momentum and despite his efforts, he collided with the other. Not wanting to fall you reach your arms up and out to the person getting a death grip on their shoulders. The man lunges forward reaching out to catch the falling body, wrapping his arms around the person’s waist. There is a pause as Jacob gets a good look at the person in his arms. When he rounded the corner it was fast, but for a hot second, he thought that person looked like, y/n. He was right, they were staring at each other, hearts pounding in fright. Jacob was the first to open his mouth.
“Hey,” he offers up an awkward smile. You bite your top lip to keep from laughing. The elevator door closes.
“You live here? You ask at the same time. This brought genuine smiles to your faces.
“Yeah, uh how did you get here before me?” He asks, stepping back to give you room to stand straight again. You loosen your grip on his shoulders letting your arms fall back to your sides. He lets go of you as well taking a step back.
“I took a shortcut. Do you not know about it?”
“No? Im new here, still getting used to this area, so I haven’t really explored around,” you hum in response. He goes to press his floor number and steps aside so you can do the same. You look at the panel of buttons and see your floor number is pressed. The elevator starts rising.
“I think we are neighbors.”
“Yup, same floor.”
“Huh, small world.”
“Guess it is.” Ah, it was awkward again. Maybe you both felt that way cause you were just thinking about each other, not like the other person knew that though. The elevator came to a stop opening to your floor. You stepped out first and Jacob followed. Pointing one way you give him a questioning look and he nods. You walk together in silence thinking how now would be the perfect time to ask for their number, but they’ve been silent this whole time maybe they don’t want to talk right now? Both of your minds hesitant to speak first. Jacob stops first.
“This is my door.” You look at the number on the door that is two off from your door number. Then that means.
“I’m the next door down. I didn’t know I had a new neighbor.” That wasn’t something you bothered paying attention to.
“From strangers to neighbors. Nice to meet you,” he jokes, smiling. You smile back.
“Nice to meet you too.”
“y/n, you seem like a really great person. If it’s ok with you, can I get your number? I think we would be good friends.” That should have been your line, you step closer to him, confessing.
“I actually wanted to ask you the same thing.” The two of you pull out your phones opening up contacts and exchanging phones, putting your info into the other’s phone. Taking back your phones, you take a step back. “Until next time.”
“Until then.” You turn around and start walking to your door. Jacob happily punches in his pin code. And steps into the door, but there was something else he wanted to say, so he poked his head out and saw you opening your door. “y/n,” you turn your head to look at the voice calling you. “Thank you, for making this night less lonely.” You smiled at the familiar words. “That’s it, good night, y/n.”
“Good night, Jacob.” The two of you heading into your respective homes with a tender smile. Hoping to see the other more often.
taglist: @taegurl-ne
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rogue-durin-16 · 4 years
"shock therapy"
Summary: After Fred's death, George and Y/n lean on each other to carry on. This wasn't the most brilliant idea, though; George was pretty much in love with the girl, and Y/n— well, she had been dating Fred prior to the Battle of Hogwarts.
Pairing: George Weasley x Reader
Genre: angst mostly
Suggested by: @crispykittywitch
Things never go as planned: @sarcasticallywitty15 @beautyschoo1dropout @s1ut4georgeweasley @leovaldez37 @missmulti @weasleywh0r3s
Permanent taglist: @elia-the-bibliophile @randomparanoid @karlthecat15722 @thebutchersdaughtersblog
Warnings: language, grief, allusions to suicide, mentions of death, let me know if I missed something
A/N: okay this is... Kinda dark, but I mean, expected given the prompt I'm working with lmao, I'd say enjoy but... Well, enjoy <3
Prologue: the aftermath
Part I: sleepless nights
Part II: candy floss
Part IV: wrong name
Part V: the perfect excuse
Part VI: the downfall
Part VII: apart
Epilogue: I still love you
Rogue-durin-16 masterlist
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It began with small actions, like waking up earlier than me, or taking on making breakfast himself.
I thought he was feeling better.
Then came the big actions, like deciding to switch places with me an working with the clients while I made the shippings.
I started to feel something was off the third day since the exchange; I escaped the office to visit him and he could have easily passed as the giant mannequin in our façade.
"Are you alright?" I questioned in a worried whisper near his ear.
"Of course." I knitted my brows, puzzled at his response. He noticed how odd it had been due to my face, and that forced smile fell for a second as he leaned on me to place a kiss on my crown. "Don't worry about me, darling."
Before I could insist, his attention was stolen by a couple of very confused clients.
The following night in the flat, while we were making dinner, it seemed he had gone back to his usual demeanor, so I figured he was making extra effort to look happy in front of the customers.
I couldn't shake off the feeling that something was wrong, though, something between us; I couldn't pinpoint it, yet knew it existed.
It was that same night that I got a grip of what was going on, when the bed's weight shifted, shaking me out of my sleep just in time to hear a muffled sob followed by a shaky breath.
"George?" His eyes met my own as I propped myself on my forearms.
"Did I wake you?" He questioned, his voice as quiet as mine. "Sorry, love."
Sometimes —more often than not— when he called me that name, I would feel butterflies in my stomach, and the fact that it was normally accompanied by some kind of physical contact didn't help at all.
He extended his arm to reach my hand, his thumb caressing the back of my palm. "Go back to sleep." He commanded in a soft whisper, getting up and walking towards the door.
As the door closed, my chest ached at the mere possibility of us going back to the first week we spend together in the flat after the war.
I went straight to the kitchen and splashed my face with water before pouring myself a glass of milk.
Y/n had the brilliant idea of throw away all the alcohol in our apartment to avoid falling into bad habits as a copying mechanism, and, in all honesty, it was one of her best ones.
Grabbing the glass, I made my way to the living room, plopping down on the couch; I wouldn't even try to fall asleep there— it was proven impossible during the first week.
I had to snap out of it and start to sleep in my own room; the war left us all scarred in s million ways, and one of them included that even the slightest, quietest movement would wake you up, and I knew for a fact that Y/n wasn't getting one single night of sound sleep, and I was the one to blame.
"Oi," Speaking of which.
"What are you doing up?"
"Checking on you." She responded, leaning against the doorframe "You alright?" I nodded, but she walked to the couch either way, sitting down and letting herself fall over my chest. "You've been acting weird." She mumbled, snugging her face on my chest and consequently making my heart swell. "You can tell me anything, you know that, right?"
I hummed, my chin resting over her crown as my arm wrapped around her. "I know." I murmured, knowing very well it was lie.
There was several things I couldn't and wouldn't tell her ever, but I wouldn't let her know that. "C'mon, go back to bed."
"Not without you." It wasn't more than a mumble, since she was beginning to fall asleep on my chest, but it was loud enough to trigger me.
How many times I had dreamed of having her just like this, how many times had I yearned to wrap my arms around her and never let go, to kiss her, to sleep with her before the war; I still did.
I still wanted to kiss all her sadness away, to be able to call her mine; I still loved her in a way I shouldn't, and somehow it felt even more wrong now that Fred was gone.
It took me a moment to realise she had, in fact, fallen asleep. I carried her back to her bed and lay her down, carefully pulling the sheets to cover her.
I lay down too, promising myself I would face my fears the next day— I owe her that, at the very least.
Y/n had left the apartment to go down the Diagon Alley to buy groceries and a new blouse.
It's now or never, I thought to myself, standing at the start of the hallway. I took a deep breath and made my way to my room with my bags hanging on my shoulders.
You can do this.
I reached for the knob with shaky hands and turned it.
You can do this.
My arms pushed the door open in a swift movement, my eyes anxiously scanning the room as if I was expecting to find a monster inside.
But there was no monster, it was just my room; a bit dusty and with a musty smell, but still my room.
I left my bags on the floor and sat on the edge of my bed. It wasn't scary, nor haunted, as I thought it would be, and I felt a weight off my shoulders; Y/n would be able to sleep the nights through, instead of waking up every now and then to my gasps and sobs.
Since it had been way easier than I thought it would be, I decided to take it a step further; I would have to enter there sooner rather than later to clean, so why not now?
Oh, what a big mistake I had made.
"I'm back!" Somehow, I had managed to climb upstairs whilst carrying all the bags without tripping. "Did you know that Florean Fortescue's has three new ice cream flavours?" I threw the Twilfitt and Tatting’s bag on the sofa and made my way to the kitchen. "Don't be mad but I got you something at Twilfitt and Tatting’s!" Laying the groceries over the counter, I frowned at George's lack of responses. "George?" I left the kitchen and took a look around the flat; maybe he was down in the shop?
I was about to go downstairs when I saw a crack of light down the hall, one coming from a partially open door —from Fred's door.
My heart pounded hard against my chest as I made my way to the part of the house we rarely got to.
I knew George had to be inside, but the fact that no sound was coming out of the room —no sobs, no weeping, no ragged breathing— was about to put me under cardiac arrest.
What if during the last week he had gotten worse —rock bottom kind of worse— and that was why he had been acting so distant? What if those 'don't worry about me's had been foreshadowing something terrible?
I shut my eyes, my pulse hammering as I pushed the door open, dreading to find a horrifying scenario.
Open your fucking eyes, Y/n.
I couldn't help the sigh of relief when I saw George kneeled in the middle of the room, alive and breathing.
Then, I doubled checked and realized that maybe he wasn't that much alive. I circled the ginger so we could be face to face, and my heart shattered at the sight in front of me; his eyes were puffy, his cheeks pale, his nose red and streaks of freshly shed tears wetting his face. His hands clutched onto something that I quickly recognised as Fred's blazer, and my breath caught up in my throat.
"George..." I called his name in a quiet whisper; somehow it felt like we were trespassing.
He then looked up at me, eyes hollow, and spoke words so harsh that they burned, even if they weren't meant to hurt me. "It should have been me."
"It should've been me there, I should've gone with Percy."
"It should've been me, not him." I felt my eyes watering, slightly blurring my vision as the man before me kept talking. "He had a life— he had you, I didn't have anything but him." His gaze was now casted down, and I no longer knew if he was speaking to me or to himself. "What am I compared to him? It should be me six feet under, not him."
That last sentence was what snapped me out of the state I was in. "Look at me." I commanded, kneeling in front of him and cupping his cheeks. "Do you think Fred would've wanted you to think that?" His lower lip quivered; we rarely said his name out loud anymore. "He would have beaten your ass. Don't you dare think like that ever again, you hear me?"
"But it's true—"
"No it's not!" I yelled, making him flinch. "It's not, George." I repeated, this time softer, my thumbs caressing his cheeks soothingly. "You're sweet, creative, caring and smart, and I'm so happy to have you here with me." His eyes closed, eyebrows knitted and lips pursed. "You're your own person, and that person is amazing." He leaned on, letting his forehead fall on my shoulder, my hands travelling to his back and hair as his arms wrapped around my waist.
"I miss him, Y/n." He confessed. "I miss him so much— it hurts."
“I miss him too, but I can’t let you lose yourself because of him.” I explained, planting a chaste kiss on his temple. “I cannot lose you too, okay?” I whispered, loud enough for him to hear.
"I'm sorry." His breath fanned on my neck, sending shivers down my spine. "I wanted to get better, so you didn't have to take care of me."
"Oi," I squeezed him tighter, if possible. "We're taking care of each other." His face buried deeper in the crook of my neck and I had to hold back a content sigh. "We can do this— together." I stated. "You can't go on your own for shock therapy— it doesn't work like that." He nodded. "You gave me a big scare."
"I'm really sorry." His hand, which, until then had been holding onto the blazer, let go of it in order to rub my back.
We stayed like that in silence for Merlin knows how long before I spoke against his shoulder, "I bought chocolate strawberries ice cream."
"Is that a thing?" I hummed affirmatively. He slowly pulled away, his hands leaving my back to rest on my waist before they held mines, pulling me up with him. We gazed into each other's eyes for an instant that felt like an eternity. "I didn't mean to scare you, love." He assured me, pulling me into another hug, this one only long enough for him to kiss my crown.
"I know." I pulled away, giving him a small smile that he managed to return, most likely involuntarily. "Wanna try that ice cream?" He nodded and I led him out of the room. "I also bought you a tie at Twilfitt and Tatting’s."
"Why would you buy anything from there?" His voice was starting to recover some strength as we walked to the kitchen with our hands interlaced.
"'Cause it was a very pretty tie." I defended myself, going to the sofa to grab the fancy bag while George went to grab a couple of spoons and the ice cream. "Look."
He walked to me and examined the tie. "Okay, it's quite pretty." He agreed, offering me one of the spoons.
"Told you." I handed him the tie and he gave it another look before leaning down to kiss my cheek.
"You didn't have to buy me anything." That small smile appeared again, making my heart swell.
"Well, I wanted to." I went to sit on the couch and he followed my lead, carefully leaving the tie over the backrest so he could open the tub.
"Sweet." He commented, dipping his spoon into the ice cream and handing me the container. We ate it in silence and, once we finished, his voice filled the room. "I think I might go for a nightwalk."
"It'll do you good." I nodded, bringing my knees to my chest and curling up in the couch after he took the spoon away from me and got up to leave it in the sink.
"Do you wanna come?" His quiet, almost sheepish question made my head turn to the kitchen door. "I mean— you've just come back but—" He left the kitchen, staring at me expectingly, scratching the back of his neck. "uh... if you wanna come, I could use some company."
"I'd love to." I didn't even notice the way my gaze lighted up until I saw it reflected on his own features, that shone with the slightest tinge of joy.
The fact that I was able to do that only by smiling at him made my tummy flutter.
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tojishugetiddies · 4 years
Key: e/d = energy drink, h/l =, hair length, h/c = hair color, e/c = eye color, y/f/v/c = your favorite videogame character
Here's an extra long chapter! I had a lot of fun with this one lol
Link to prologue:
Link to ch.1
Chapter 2
y/n's pov
"Really? Okay that's great! So I'll be meeting him here and show him around the studio. Yeah, of course! No problem! Bye." *click* Well it seems today is my lucky day! I got an applicant for a roomie! Only problem is... it wasn't my potential roommate I talked too.
It was Mr. Shigaraki, the owner of a big corporate conglomerate of hospitals, labs, and warehouses. When I tell you this man is loaded, he is LOADED. Although I heard some rumors that he might be involved in human experimentation. But imagine my surprise when I found out his son would be my roomate if I gave him the okay! I'm actually quite a fan of his son, whenever I have free time I watch his streams. They are pretty entertaining, especially when he, Dabi, Spinner, Twice, and Toga play Overwatch together. I never knew some of those curse words even existed!
Well, I better go to bed early, I have the feeling I'm going to need a good rest. I head to my room and change into a t-shirt and panties, slip into my bed, and I feel Bingus curl up near my feet. And with that I slip into the land of unconsciousness.
~Time skip to the next day~
You woke up early and made sure everything was ready. You put on some casual clothes, a baggy black hoodie showing a kitten with a ramen bowl, and some skinny jeans. You cleaned up the apartment, stocked the cabinets with some snacks, got soda and energy drinks in the fridge, and made sure to organize your room. You organized your video games and consoles, and made sure some were charged.
By the time you finished you were kinda tired to you took an energy drink out of the fridge and took a couple of sips. Bingus stalks over and starts to scream at you. "Oh shit! I forgot to feed you! I'm sorry Bingy." You said. As you walked over to get his food he kept screaming at you. When you finally put the food in his bowl and gave him fresh water he finally stopped screaming at you. But not without making a 'mrrt' sound at you and turn around sassily going to his food. "Always gotta be such a drama queen Bingus I swear." You shake your head in amusement.
You check your phone an look at the time, "huh, he should be here in about 5 minutes." You mumble to yourself. You pet Bingus for awhile until you hear a knocking at your door. You are so nervous! 'Okay, be cool y/n, just treat him as a regular person.' You walk towards the door with your heart beating a mile a minute. You open the door and...
Tomura's pov:
Welp, time to meet my potential roomate I guess. I wore a baggy black hoodie, black pants, and my iconic red shoes. Kurogiri warps me in front of the apartment. I feel anxiety course through me. With a deep inhale and breathing out a sigh I put my fist to the wooden door and knock. I hear faint footsteps come closer and as the door opens I look down a bit to see a small female woman.
I examine her discreetly and notice she has shiny h/l h/c hair and she has big round e/c eyes. "Well, are you going to let me in or are you just gonna keep standing there?" I say. I see her jump a bit and she apologizes. "Whatever. You gonna show me the apartment or what?" I say annoyed. She let's me in and the first thing I see is a fluffy calico cat sitting on the island in the kitchen batting what seems to be a can of... e/d? She turns around just as the cat bats the can to the floor spilling the drink. I look at her and she looks both mortified and offended, it's pretty amusing, I smirk a little.
"Bingus! What. The. Fuck?! You little shit!" She says while she approaches the mess, picks the can up an puts it back down near the cat. I can see her give the cat an exasperated look, and when I looked at the cat I swear, if a cat could make a smug face with a shit eating grin, this cat would have it. I chuckle at the interaction, it was certainly not going to be boring here it seemed. The cat looked at me and started...screaming? How the fuck? "Bingus don't be rude to him he might be living here!" You tell the cat. The cat pauses and seems to examine me before screaming again then running away into what I assumed was y/n's room. Well. That was...something.
By the time he snapped out of his thoughts you had already cleaned up the mess and just chug the drink then throw it out. Okay so you definitely weren't like other girls, good, he gained some respect for you, but only a little. "Shall we continue our tour?" I nod my head. She shows me the common room, then the kitchen. We head into the next room and I look around. There's pencils, paint, some canvases, a desk, a lamp on the desk, some erasures, sketchpads, markers, you get the point. It was an art room. I walk towards a painting of a silhouette of a person on a hill sitting beneath a tree looking at the dark night sky with beautiful stars and constellations. "Wow, you made this?" I ask. She blushes embarrassed and says "Yeah... It's an important painting to me, because it's a painting of one of my memories, when I was living in the countryside." She looks off into the distance, seemingly recalling that specific memory.
She snaps out of it and asks "Shall we return to the tour? All I have left to show you are the bathrooms, my room, then what will be your room if you choose to room with me." She smiles softly and I nod my head. She shows me the bathroom in the hall and tells me that that is the only bathroom with a tub and shower, but our rooms have basic toiletries. She shows me to my possible room first. "Here is your room if you wanna be my roomate!" She says. I examine the room; dark red walls with white accents, a wooden floorboard and a basic queen sized bed, a bedside table, a dresser, desk, etc. This might not be so bad after all.
We head to our last stop, to be honest I expected something frillish and girly but to my pleasant surprise she had a pretty cool room. The walls were f/c with accessories such as a neon sign that says 'Fuck You', a poster of CORPSE, and another of y/f/v/c. Then I noticed the game consoles. "Wow you have a Nintendo 64? I haven't seen one of these in years!" I say impressed. That's when I realised that not only will I be rooming with a girl, that same girl is cute as fuck, likes energy drinks, and places video games! I never met a girl who played video games in real life besides Himiko, but she is like 4 years younger than me so I don't really count her. And y/n is pretty nice too. I wonder if she watches my streams? Fuck, that'd be pretty hot. I snap out of my inner thoughts by y/n asking me how the apartment is. I tell her I really like it and would be glad to room with her. She looked so happy when I said that, but blushed and went back to normal. We exchanged numbers and promised to keep in contact and agreed to me moving in here in about 4 days. I act all bored but really I can't wait to move in.
We part ways at the door and when she closed the door I texted Kurogiri to pick me up. Suddenly I'm really tired, having interactions with a stranger, a girl nonetheless really drained me. As I walk into the portal then step out into my room Kurogiri asks how it went. I gave him a short summary and when he was satisfied he left to tell father. I fall onto my bed and sigh. Y/n... huh. You are pretty interesting. I wonder how long it will take until you betray me...no, she wouldn't...right? I mean after all, she was really nice and inviting, she didn't seem to mind my scars, and her eyes lit up when we briefly talked about video games. My betrayal issues rise inside of me, making me anxious and wary. We will see, for now I'm too tired to think anymore. And with that as I get comfortable in my bed I fall asleep, thoughts of y/n swarming my mind.
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silverisbestboy · 4 years
Sonic Boom x Reader
Requested by @blackace1993: Conversation was accidentally deleted but from what I remeber of it, they wanted hc for the Sonic Boom characters who has a partner who frequently gets into trouble and/or captured by Eggman. They didn't specify which character they wanted so I just did all of them minus Tails. Hope you enjoy!
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There's no denying it
Sonic was smitten
The moment you set foot on the island Sonic was taken aback by you
To him, you were drop dead gorgeous with a great personality so I guess you could say it was love at first sight for him
This boy is a fool for you
It's actually quite funny watching him zip across the island at the slightest remark that you need something
"Man, you what? I'm feeling kind of hungry"
"Say no more!" He'll say as he zooms away and reappears seconds later with a chili dog in hand
But, unfortunately for you, being in any sort of relationship with Sonic is not wothout complication
Eggman sees you as a new oppurtunity to best Sonic and ends up taking you hostage on a regular basis
The first time it happens, Sonic all but destroys Eggman's fortress looking for you
But after it continuously happening, it starts getting kinda old
"Greeting Sonic! I see you've come to rescue your little girlfriend"
"Yeah, yeah. Can we just we just get to the part where I clobber you?"
It gets to the point where Sonic starts teaching you how to defend yourself so you can hold your own against Eggman
Not that he doesn't mind rescuing, it's just he can't always be there to protect
With the amount of times they've had to save you, the team are already very familiar with you and consider you apart of their friend group
But as you get better is self-defence, Sonic officially announces you as part of the team and you start joining them on missions
While Sonic does tend to stick to your side more than his other teammates during battle, he's glad to have you fighting alongside them
After all, he's happy to spend as much time with you as possible, even if that means having to bash Eggman's robots to do so
You're not a bad person
So what if you have anger issues
So what if you get into fights from time to time
So what if you've been in trouble with the cops before
Doesn't mean you're a bad person, it just means you've.... got some issues
One day you're not in the best mood and have already had a pretty shitty day, and you're just a ticking time bomb waiting to explode
So it's no wonder that when a big guy bumps into you and causes you to drop the tray of food you're holding, you go off on him
Unfortunately for you, this guy is huge, a tall red echidna with bulking arms that looks like he could punch you into next week
But you're not one to back down from a fight, you've beaten up guys twice your size before and you're not afraid to do it again
"Woah, hey, sorry about that, didn't see you there."
What, is he dense?! Who does this guy think he is barrelling into anyone he pleases just because he's big? You bet he was just gonna walk off without even helping you. Well, you'd show him!
Without warning, you lunged at the echidna with the intent of knocking him over the same way he almost did to you
But you underestimated his initial strength and reflexes and he caught you midair with your legs kicking and your hands clawing for his face
"Woah, dude chill! I said I was sorry!"
He just kinda holds you up in air at arms length with you kicking and screaming until you eventually tire yourself out
The echidna stares at you cautiously
"Are you good now?"
After a moment, you reluctantly nod, and he gently sets you back on your feet
He then carefully leans down without takong his eyes off you and grabs your burger which is still wrapped in foil and reaches it out to you
"How about we start over? I'm Knuckles."
You thought after that encounter, that was the last you'd see of him
But one day, you've gotten yourself into another fight, and to say you're losing would be an understatement
It's once again, a guy twice your size and he's absolutely beating the crap out of you
But by some miracle, Knuckles happens to be walking by and immediately notices you
He steps in to save you, and the guy you're fighting knows about Knuckles being part of Sonic's team and doesn't even bother attempting to fight him
Knuckles takes your half conscious body to Tails's work shop where they fix you up
After that, Knuckles refuses to leave you alone
Even if you try to leave, he always ends finding you to make sure you don't get into more trouble
He helps you find outlets for your anger by sparring and working out with him
You grow a soft spot for Knuckles that you'd never thought you'd have for anyone
He's your big goofball that somehow always manages to calm you down and get you out of whatever trouble your in
Though it's beyond you why anyone would want to put up with you, eespecially a lovable ray of sunshine like Knuckles, you're so grateful that you have someone like himin your life to keep you in check
A/N: Might make more hcs for that because I absolutely love the idea of big, strong goofball Knuckles having a little ball of pure rage as a partner.
Amy Rose:
Some would say you're a pacifist
Some would say you care too much
Some would say you're too nice
But you like to think that you're just trying to do good in the world
You're definitely the type of person that hates conflict and wants everyone to get along, and you're more often than not a bit of a pushover
You like to give people benefit of the doubt and prefer to see the good in people, although sometimes, this affects you negatively
A kindly looking (or at least in your opinion) wolf with a showman's top hat and a certain glint his eyes one day stops you in your tracks and asks you ever so politely if you would kindly lend him some money to help feed his family
Of course, you're quick to help, but little do you know that this is none other than T.W. Barker himself, and he's been watching you carefully for some time
He notices the way you jump at the oppurtunity to help someone in need, and he being a con man at heart, decides to take advantage of that
But before you can lend the man all the money you have in your pocket, a certain pink hedgehog decides to interfere
"Hey, you leave her alone Barker! Go find your own ATM machine!"
Amy Rose herself stands not far behind you, hammer in hand and ready for trouble
"N-now, now, let's not be too hasty. I was simply accepting a generous donation from this unsuspecting-- I mean self-less young lady."
"Yeah right. Beat it before I hammer you into next Tuesday, punk!"
You're in utter shock as the seeming wolf in sheep's clothing (pun intended) makes his escape
"Gotta look out for scumbags. Seems this village is getting more and more of them everyday. Anyways, I'm Amy, what's your name?"
Since then, Amy keeps a close eye on you to make sure you don't become prey to anymore scam artists
Now Amy will never admit she has anger issues, but she does get... irritated from time to time
On more than one occasion, you're there to help her calm down and have a sleepover planned or a spa day for when things get particularly rough for her
Whenever she needs help choosing which paint to redo her wall with, or which dress she should wear to a party, she calls you up, because no matter what you're interests are or how inconvenient the timing might seem, you're ready to help a friend, even with mundane things
Amy has you become a part of the Sonic family, and while you never do join them in battles, you help keep the peace between the team whenever there's an argument
And Amy always makes sure your overly caring attitude isn't being taken advantage of
No matter the time or the place, Amy knows she can always count on you, and you know she's always got your back
Well this is quite the predicament you've gotten yourself into
A lot of people would descibe you as clumsy, but you knew you just bad luck
And to prove just that, here you were dangling upside from a rope trap after deciding to take a liesure stroll through the forest
What are we, nomads? Who sets out traps in the middle of the woods anymore?!
After about 20 minutes, the blood is rushing to your head and you're starting to feel faint
But just as you think that your bad luck will finally be the end of you, figure bursts from the bushes with a fierce battle cry
It's a badger girl with a boomerang clutched in her paw, ready for a fight
But after a moment she realizes just who's gotten caught up in her trap
"Hey, what's the big idea?! Why're you in my snare?"
"Why am I in your snare? Why did you put out a snare you loon?!"
After about 5 minutes of arguing, Sticks reluctantly cuts you down, begrudgingly explaining that she set out a trap for any woodland monsters
You run into her again on another walk, crossing a small stream before tripping on one of the stepping stones and almost falling in before a furry arm wraps around your waist
"You outta be more careful out here. The wilderness is no place to be a klutz."
"Hey, I'm not a klutz. I just have bad luck is all."
And what more to gain the attention of a superstitious badger than the possibility of supernatural forces at play
"You could've been hexed by a witch. Or worse, there could be a vengeful spirit after you! We gotta get you an exorcist!"
"I'm fine, I'm just unlucky. Always have been always will be."
"We should still burn some sage in your home just to be sure."
You let Sticks do what she wants with you, after all, her superstitious perspective is a nice change from everyone just thinking your clumsy
You think her attempts to "cleanse" you are endearing, she tries something new everyday, and you end up learning a thing or two about survival and the corruptedness of politics from her
Weeks later, her attempts slowly dwindle down, and she just comes to accept she's just gonna have to keep an extra close eye on you, especially when she sets out booby traps
The time y'all have spent together, although it was somewhat motivated by Sticks not wanting to get whatever curse you exposed her to, lead to y'all having a close bond
Everyone has their quirks, she's paranoid and you're clumsy, but you two always manage to work things out
And that's the beauty of a relationship
A/N: Sorry I haven't been that active lately, so take this as an apology. Four hcs for the price of one!
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love-hatred-stuff · 3 years
Pieces } Lim Jaebeom [got7]
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genre: angst
warning(s): none actually, mentions of murder, heartbreak
word count: about 1.5k
note: so this is just a short oneshot that I wrote, it's kinda sad and doesn't have a happy end, inspired by this song:
You and Jaebeom broke up a long time ago. No, actually it was only him that broke up with you and disappeared without any reason.
But the worst thing was that your last memories together were horrible. He was cold as ice to you and stopped showing affection to you completely about a week before you two separated your ways.
And one day he came to you with a sadistic smile and told you he wanted to break up. You weren't very sensitive about those things but it truly broke your heart. Of course you had loved him, you had thought he was the love of your life for quite a while before everything came out as a pure disaster.
What made you sad the most was that you thought he had loved you as well, but obviously you were wrong and had to find out the rough way.
You never forgot how he had looked down at you while you tried to find out what the reason was for this sudden break up. Because all he was responding was that he was dumping you. He asked you if you thought that you would be special and with that all your trust for him broke. So you immediately had made your way out of his apartment and left.
The love you both had shared was broken into pieces and he knew that, he just didn't wanted to realise that.
And eventually, you never saw each other again.
But until this day you ask yourself what the actual reason was or if he really had lost all his feelings for you in a matter of six days. You found it hard to believe but continued to live your own life, without him in it.
It had needed a while until you were pretty persuaded that it was better this way, for the both of you.
Your relationship didn't exactly start on good terms. Because you were born into a mafia family and everyone except you were deep into this illicit business. That's also basically how you met him.
He had to kill one of your brothers but didn't in the end because he started to have feelings for you after awhile.
Skipping a few months, Jeobeom and you started dating. It never was easy with him, because he had kind of a broken character. He never learned how to give or receive love. You were the one that had thaught him everything he knew about affection.
Jaebeom's POV
I was finally back in her town and it gave me chills that rolled down my spine.
Never had I ever experienced something so intense like I did with Y/N and breaking her heart the way I did was the most cruel thing I had ever done in my life.
Not just that, it was really stupid of me.
I left her because she would be safer without me by her side. But I figured now that it didn't made any difference. We were always in danger, no matter if we're together or not.
And I want her back, badly. Since the day I broke her heart.
My heart hurts since the time we've been taking separated ways too.
I know that the chanve is low for her to forgive me, but I can't live without her in my life any longer. It's a wonder that I have made it until this day.
I was in the same apartment that I had been living in when I got the job to kill one of Y/N's brothers.
I never finished this mission because it just felt wrong to do that while I was loving the sister of his.
My plan was to visit her that day to apologise for all of my mistakes.
I was standing in front her door taking a deep breath while asking myself if I really should do this.
But I had to, I loved her.
She thought me how to love and I had left her, alone, all by herself.
I hated myself for that. At least as much as she must hate me.
Now she deserved at least an excuse from me.
Suddenly I heard a female laughing from inside the apartment and frowned when it was followed by a male chuckling.
I didn't thaught about that until this moment. What if she's not alone anymore?
This thought scared me. What would I do if I couldn't win her back?
My eyes got teary without even having to see her face.
God, I was so broken.
I compelled myself to knock finally and waited for someone to open up.
It needed a few seconds before the door slowly swung open and revealed the most beautiful woman I had ever seen.
I could see how her whole body tensed and her eyes slightly widened in shock.
I sensed, it wasn't a good kind of shock.
She doesn't want to see me.
Y/N breathed out to calm down and opened her mouth to say something.
"Jaebeom? What do want here?" Her voice was monotone and sounded like she really didn't want me here.
"I- Needed to see you." Was all I could press out, before looking down to the floor.
Afraid to encounter her stern gaze full of hate.
"We didn't see each other for a year. What makes you wanna see me now?" She asked, probably getting angry inside.
"I don't know. I think I miss you, Y/N." I guilty looked in her eyes.
She snorted out shortly and gave me a questionable look.
"You don't have the right to miss me, Jaebeom."
"I know, but I do anyways. I'm sorry, Y/N. I'm here to say sorry." I explained while trying to figure out what she thought at that moment.
"Should I congratulate you for having the courage to appear after a year? No, sorry, I don't need your excuse. You made everything clear the day you ended our relationship." She stated and kept a cold look on her perfect face.
A tear slipt out of my eye while trying my best to not break down into pieces again.
"I'm deeply sorry for everything I said that night. Everything I told you was bullshit. I didn't want to dump you, I wanted to protect you. And you were special to me Y/N, the most important person in my life. I need to talk to you, please." I begged and grasped her hand.
"You broke my heart that day. You broke our love and everything we had in pieces, Jaebeom. Nothing will ever change that. I accepted that and am over you. You should move on as well. It's for the best."
I grabbed her hand tighter, not wanting to let go, as the tears started streaming down my cheeks.
"No Y/N, I love you. And only you." I confessed.
But then something disturbed us.
"Y/N, is everything all right?" A man asked from behind, causing her to take her hand from mine and turning her head to look at him.
"Yeah, everything's fine. I will come back soon." She assured him with a calming smile.
That smile that I wished she would give me some day again. Just once, once and I wouldn't complain anymore.
The man nodded and disappeared again.
"Who is that?" I wanted to know.
What if he was more than just a friend?
"He is my fiancè, if you really wanna know." She turned back to me.
I gulped in pain, feeling how my heart wrenched inside my chest.
"I said that I was over you, Jaebeom. You had your chance long ago and made me feel like I was worth absolutely nothing. But he made me feel worth the world. I'm sorry you have to find this out now. But I think you should go."
I never cried, but now I couldn't help. Now I knew how it was to feel your haert break into a million pieces.
"Goodbye, Jaebeom. Take care." She shoved me back a bit so she could close the door behind her.
I just stood there, frozen in my movements.
Everything I could do was cry.
I didn't felt capable of doing anything else in this moment.
  ●  ●
♫"I'll be falling down,
You be watching by side,
I just need you in my life"
"Clouds keep turning black,
Baby, please just call me back,
You keep living in my mind,
Feel your soul inside"
"Falling into pieces, I'm so alone"♫
●  ●
"The sadest part about falling out of love with you was that I remember how much I loved you.
I remember every single breathless, heartstopping, joy filled moment with you, and you ruined it.
I wish I could remember you fondly but you broke me so many times that I can't remember how to."
The last words were copies and are not my original lines
The pictures that I used for this cover are not mine, all credits to the owners
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xxisxxisxxis · 4 years
Gateway Drug | Part Eighty-Five [PT. 1]
Part Eighty-Five [PT. 2]
Words: 5.5k
Warning(s): explicit language, explicit sexual situations, mentions of drug abuse
Tag List: @unknownoblivion  @edwardtriggerhandzz  @haileynicoleseavey17  @cierrasixx19  @oskea93  @mgkobsessed  @sharon6713  @itsametaphorbriansblog  @miriampraez  @allie-mcginn @xpoisonousrosesx  @rebeccaphillips14  @nicholeh7 @lilmou5ie  @emariehorror  @divaanya  @6ixx6ixx  @ratedrkohardychick91  @floregrohlssard  @oldschoolimagineblog  @thanks2pete  @abaldboi  @liith-ium  @jd-johndeacon-or-jackdaniels  @ytwahsog  @scarecrowmax  @random-internet-user-4471  @solohqrry  @sparxx27  @kaitieskidmore1  @cruecifymesixx    @meetthesixxter   @sublimeprincesswasteland  @arianareirg  @gingerspicetalks
@fancywasmyname1  @teller258316  @ggorehorror  @blowinmeupwithherlove  @xrosegoldwolfx  @mylifeisjustafeverdream  @redlipscrystalskies14 @str4nge-haze @reigns420 @sixxseconds2love @leatherandheels @dogmom2014 @allyouneedislove-mp3 @n0-self-c0ntro1 @viinceneil
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My lawyer looks completely unimpressed with my lack of shoes, shirt, and dignity as he leans back in his chair behind his desk, rubbing his temples. 
"It doesn't work like that, Nikki, I'm afraid." He informs me finally, sitting up and leaning forward to rest his elbows on his desk. 
"I was declared dead for two minutes. I died. My wife's technically a widow." 
"You can't annul a four year marriage on the basis of 'I died for two minutes.' Some cases of actual death, it can take an act of congress for widow or widower to have an annulment for a marriage where their spouse is no longer alive, legitimately." He explains and I roll my eyes. 
"So, what, I just get some divorce papers or something?" 
"Unless I declare mental incapacity given that you went through a traumatic series of events within the last twenty-four hours and this could possibly be a very serious lapse in judgement." He argues and I stare at him.
"Stop pulling my dick." 
"I'm not 'pulling your dick.' I just don't want you to make this decision and then regret it when your head clears." 
I managed to wear him down and by the next morning, he left the papers by Tommy's door after Vince mentioned to me that Viv stayed over there with Tommy and Heather.
When I get home, Karen opens the door and looks at me, wide eyed and confused. 
"H-Hey?" She says as I push past her and go to the phone, opting to change my answering machine. 
"Hey, it's Nikki." I say. "I'm not here because I'm dead." 
Karen just looks at me, astounded, and I go to my room, slamming the door. 
I was good and tired and glutton for punishment because I got home that night and loaded up the biggest shot of smack I could muster and pulled the trigger.
I wake up with a sharp pain in the crook of my arm, a needle still in my skin as blood trails my forearm to collect in my palm...Jesus fucking Christ, I've officially lost it. 
I take the needle out and force myself up to trudge to the living room to check my messages. 
Things like, "You're an asshole," and "that's not funny," tend to be the common theme. 
I guess I need to change my answering machine. 
I comb through to see if I have anything from Viv. 
Now would be a good time to hear her bitch me out for almost making her kill herself--because, lets face it, she's gonna blame it on me, anyway. 
Nothing's found, though. 
"Fuck, Vivian." I sigh out, sitting on the carpet in the living room, rubbing my forehead as a new message comes on…
"You fucker, you would be the one to fucking OD and die and then get up right after and file for divorce as if she doesn't have enough shit going on, already." 
I furrow my brows at the voice. 
"Axl the Twat?" I say aloud, confused, as he finishes with, "fuck you, you fucking fuck." 
He hangs up and I raise my brows. 
Did I die and wake up in a parallel universe? Axl defending Vivian? 
Is this hell? 
It cuts to the last message. 
"Hey, umm...I don't know if you'll get this or not or if…" Vanity. "...I don't know what's going on but I heard something terrible on the radio and I suppose it was true--well, kind of, um…" she sighs. "We're not together anymore and I get that I just hope you're o--"
"Fuck that." I grumble, hitting delete. 
I fall back and I look up at myself. 
It's fucked that I bought this fucking house for Viv, and she's not even staying in it anymore. 
I feel like I promised her so much and haven't given a damn thing to her except reasons to want to throw herself off of balconies.
I look down at my arm, dried blood still on my skin. 
I'm fucking tired of this shit. 
I let my complete exhaustion of being sick fuel me to dig through everything I own and throw out all of my rigs, any other drugs in my path, and even pour everything to get drunk off of down the sink--even the fucking cooking-wine. 
Vivian's somewhere catching the holy spirit, probably, just sensing I'm finally fucking done. 
Or she's somewhere in tears over me finally taking the final step to end our relationship. 
I feel like it's dead in every way aside from legal. 
Whisky's laying by the door, whining when I step over him to go throw the big garbage bag out. 
I'd get down there and whine for her, too, but I know this is what needs to be done. 
Our entire relationship has just been one giant clusterfuck, and I don't want to put her through the bullshit of having to try to forgive me and trust me, again. 
I think I've already stolen enough of her peace of mind. 
She'll be happier with Duff, anyway. He's a good guy. A hell of a lot more suited for her than I am. 
My hand rubs the back of my neck and I realize I'm still wearing the small crucifix of her's. 
I'm tempted not to give it back. 
I just sigh and throw the trash out and get back in the house, getting in the shower. 
When I get out, I ruffle a towel through my hair, seeing the light blinking on my answering machine. 
I go over and try to keep myself from getting too excited at the thought of it being Viv before I hit play on my messages. 
"Nikki, it's Doc. I know you feel like horseshit right about now but I need you to come down to the office at 5:00p.m., we're getting you guys together because we need to talk. See you then--preferebly kinda sober and coherent." 
Turns out I'll have my ass chewed by Doc before Viv, after all. 
I know he came down to the hospital and tore Slash and the guys new ones while I was unconscious. 
I'm digging in my garbage for a couple pills to dull down my future shakes that I just know are gonna be coming before sundown. 
Despite being not in shape to fucking drive anywhere, I still go because I know if I don't go, Doc will come here and I don't need him here. 
It's morbid walking into the office to see Vince, Tommy, and Mick sitting and waiting for me while Doc sits behind his desk. 
"Fuck me." I complain out loud, dreading what Doc's about to go on about. 
"Sit." Doc tells me and I plop down beside Tommy, sighing, and Doc waits a minute before saying, "I canceled the European tour."
"What?" Vince asks and Mick furrows his brows. 
"What the fuck, Doc--"
"--Shut the fuck up and listen." He cuts me off while Tommy nervously shakes his leg. "If you bastards go to Europe, one of you will come back in a body bag. And I'm not gonna be the fucking manager that runs Mötley Crüe into the ground." He states harshly. 
"That's a fucking first." I laugh out, meanly, and Doc glares at me. "Guess dead rockstars don't make as much money as alive ones, huh? I coulda told ya that after Razzle--"
"--Nikki." Mick states. 
"Where's my wife?" I snap next. 
"Oh, the one you so stupidly filed for divorce from without giving me a heads up first? Probably with her friends that haven't put her through the ringer and fucked her over time and time again." He states. 
"I didn't know I needed permission to make decisions in my personal life--that have nothing to do with Mötley Crüe." 
"Are you two just gonna argue or are we gonna actually talk about why we're here because I have things to do." Vince grumbles. 
"Tommy came to me and told me he's thinking about rehab." Doc tells us and I glance at Tommy, who's avoiding looking at anybody. "I'm not taking Mötley Crüe on tour again, in a studio, whatever, until you guys get your act together." 
We all look at each other, exhaling, and I rub my lips together. 
"Fine." Vince sighs, and Doc looks at Tommy.
He nods. 
"Nikki?" Doc asks and I just stare at him. 
The guys are gone in a few minutes, leaving just me and Doc and I stand up. 
"I wanna see Viv." I tell Doc as he digs through some files, and he looks up and blinks from behind his desk, 
"She said she's not seeing you until you get help." Doc states. 
"She says that but I bet I could find her tonight and still get her under me in less than three minutes." 
"Assuming she's not still under Duff." Doc says and I tense up. "You think I didn't notice how questionably close they got on tour?" He adds. 
"She's going through a crisis." I reply. 
"Can't imagine why." He mumbles. 
"Just tell me where she's at, Doc." I snap. 
"You look like shit. You need to go home and get some fuckin' rest because you're all checking in tomorrow afternoon." He adds. 
"I'm not going anywhere until I see my wife."
"You mean the wife you filed for divorce from?" He questions and I roll my jaw. "Your wife is resting. You should, too."
I fumble for my key to the apartment, cussing under my breath when I can't get the door opened. 
"Motherfucker." I hiss, finally getting it unlocked and shoving it open…
I slam it shut and toss my keys across the room, hearing Tommy and Vince's room door creak open. 
Vivian crosses her arms, a scowl on her face, her hair tousled from sleep. 
"Could you be any louder?" She snaps, shutting the door behind her, going to the kitchen.
My eyes run up and down her long legs as she heads that way, only in one of Tommy's t-shirts and panties. 
Fuck. Me. 
I go to grab the bottle of Jack on the counter, taking a sip as she gulps some water down, a droplet escaping the glass as she drinks, rolling down her chin to her neck and I watch it, my burning throat getting dry as I try to pull myself together, my prick starting to push against my pants. 
It's like the sane part of myself is trying to slap the hopelessly horny part of me. 
She's fucking evil, dude, fuck off, I tell myself. 
She's hot. 
You hate each other. 
I wonder what weird shit she's into in bed. 
She's a bitch. You know she's a bitch. Leave her alone. 
Oh, I forgot she's supposedly a virgin.
Go to bed, dumbfuck. GO TO BED. 
That means I get to watch her experience stuff for the first time.
I end up chuckling, amused at the thought of seeing her pretty eyes roll in her head as pleasure bombards her for the first time. 
"What?" She snaps, and I realize I've been staring at her. 
I'm about to answer until I get caught up at the sight of her nipples peering through her shirt...fuck me. 
"Nikki," she shoves at my shoulder, making me take my eyes off of her chest.
She just scoffs. 
"Go touch yourself in the bathroom or something. Jesus." She puts the glass down and walks past me to go back to Tommy's room.
See? Evil. 
I ignore the voice of reason and I catch her wrist and stop her, yanking her closer to me. 
She looks like a deer in headlights for a minute before I'm grabbing at her hair closest to her neck and pulling her to me, kissing her. 
It's a pretty clean kiss, no tongue, no mess, just testing the waters. 
She doesn't push me away or beat me up like I always thought she would do, instead, when I pull away for a moment, she takes a breath, wide eyed, before grabbing me by my jacket, pulling me back in. 
I'm surprised but I don't let it get in the way, taking lead a little to guide her. 
For someone who's never been kissed before (again, allegedly) she's not awful at it like I expected--well, I didn't expect her to be awful because she's never kissed anybody, I expected her to be awful because she's so mean to me. 
Her hands push my jacket off my shoulders and I push my tongue past her lips, coaxing a quiet moan from her. 
Holy shit. 
My hands go to her ass and she grasps at my hair as I pick her up, her legs wrapping around me. 
Just to see if we're on a standard starting basis of common interests, I lift one of my hands and bring it back down, not too hard, but hard enough, and she hums, fucking biting my bottom lip and grinding into me a couple times. 
I have to keep from creaming my pants just by her moving against me. 
You're being stupid, I tell myself, but I can't bring myself to leave her alone now. 
She's been the forbidden fruit or whatever for months now and I just gotta have it. 
I take her to my room and kick the door shut with my foot, taking her to the shitty mattress on the floor. 
I drop her onto it, seeing her in the glow of streetlights. 
"Take your shirt off." I say, lowly, and she rubs her lips together and slowly pulls it over her head, her bare chest exposed and my dick's practically throbbing at this point. 
I take her crucifix in my hand, and she looks down at it as I lick my lips. 
She unfastens it and throws it aside. 
I lean down and kiss her again, trailing down her neck, my tongue against her skin and she gasps out a sharp breath, her hands pulling at my shirt. 
I take it off and she's sitting up and running her palms over my shoulders, down my chest, and I grasp her around her throat, pushing her back to the mattress and I feel a little shiver go up her spine. 
My tongue circles one of her nipples and she lets out bated breaths as I take it between my teeth. 
She moans, loudly, and I move my hand to her mouth. 
"Shh!" I say. "You're gonna wake them up." I add and she nods. 
I do the same to her other breast, with my hand over her mouth, but then I get an idea. 
A glorious, completely selfish idea. 
I take my hand off of her mouth and smirk before kissing the middle of her chest, one of her top ribs, biting into it, hard, making her scratch at my shoulder while covering her own mouth as a sharp moan is forced from her.
I run my tongue over the bite mark and continue down her stomach, stopping at the top of her panties, glancing at her. 
She's still breathing heavy, hands covering her chest, tilting her head to see me. 
I run my hand over her clothed core, a little noise coming from her throat, feeling a big wet spot over her cunt. 
She lifts her hips and starts pulling them down and I take them and discard them, running my fingertips up the inside of her thigh before I rub my thumb around her clit that's slickened wet. 
Her hands jolt to mine between her legs, her back arching, trying her hardest not to be loud. 
I tug her to the edge of the mattress, and grab one of her hands, replacing mine with it before I'm looming over her for a moment. "Touch yourself." I tell her, my lips brushing against hers and I can tell she's blushing under the dark of the room. "C'mon, it's hot, just do what feels good." I add, my lips pressing against hers for a moment before I feel her hand move, a delicate gasp coming from her and I pull my lips from hers to watch her face. 
Her eyes close, her head tilts back while her other hand tangles in her hair. 
I stand up to take my pants off, grabbing at my painfully hard cock when she bucks her hips against her frail fingers. 
"Nikki," she says, eyes still shut, head back, and I rub my hands down my face. 
We haven't even fucked yet and I can already tell she's gonna make me a fucking idiot. 
I get my pants off and run my thumb over my tip and get some precum on it, leaning down and holding it up to her lips. 
"Hold your tongue out," I tell her and she opens her eyes and looks at me, before doing as I say. 
The pad of my thumb rubs it over her tongue and she lets out a satisfied sigh, looking up at me as I lick her spit off my thumb. 
I get back up on my feet for a moment and she gets up and crawls to the foot of the bed, her eyes on my prick, hunger in her eyes…
Nice try, evil bitch, you're not stealing my soul by sucking it through my dick. 
I grab her hair and make her look at me. 
"Lay down." I tell her and doesn't argue, eyes still ravenous…
I kiss up her kneecap to her thigh, sliding up and up until--
"Oh, fuck!" She whimpers out when my tongue swirls her clit around, getting the first taste of Saint Viv. 
My eyes are the ones to roll back, now. 
Holy shit. 
It's good because she's Satan and needs something to trap you with, that little voice comes back. 
Her hands find my hair, her lips find my name and if I don't get ahold of myself, I'll be finding God based on this experience alone.
Apparently she's finding him right now because all she can muster out is, "oh, God." 
I find a good rhythm with my tongue, her pussy starting to grind against my face as teasing, little sultry moans flutter through the room. 
After a minute I feel her body tense up, and I pat myself on the back as she comes, my tongue lapping at her entrance to get drunk off of her, my hands running over her stomach and thighs. 
Vivian claims we just went right into sex without doing anything aside from making out before hand but I distinctly remember going down on her. She must've blacked out once she realized we were about to fool around or something but I remember that happening because it was something I'd dreamed up doing ever since I met her, creepy but honest.
I pry myself from her to grab a rubber behind the head of the mattress, the both of us pulling ourselves up there.
I get it on and turn over, getting on top of her. 
She's already hooking her legs around me before I even line myself up with her. 
She looks like she's high or drunk, eyes nearly shut, her lip between her teeth, her head tilted slightly, exposing her neck. 
I lean down and kiss her neck, her skin damp with sweat and she sighs. 
I rub my tip against her opening and she closes her eyes. 
I push into her, having to coach myself through because fuck her pussy is tight, and she winces, her mouth opening but nothing coming out. I'm about to ask her if she's alright when she speaks first. 
"Take it off." She tells me. 
"The condom, take it off." 
"Are you trying to trap me or something?" I snap at her. 
"I wanna feel you." She tells me softly, and I guess it's kinda sweet, or primal, whatever. 
I pull out of her and take the condom off, dropping it by the bed before I'm pushing back into her. 
We both moan, and I can feel her body stretching to accommodate my entrance, her face showing pain. 
I pullout again, but before I can get out completely, she pulls me back in with her legs, letting out a high pitched breath. 
More of her juices coat over my cock. 
"Fuck, Vivian," I say it, thrusting into her again and she wraps her arms around my back, hugging me to her, and my lips find hers as I push into her again, and again, roughly, the feeling of heaven washing over me each time I go back inside her. 
I make her take every inch, forcing myself to fit the last inch and a half despite her body not having room, and she writhes underneath me. 
"I think I'm bleeding." She tells me breathlessly and I think she wants me to back off or get off her, but when I go to, she says, "No, keep going, it feels good." 
The look on her face is a clear indication that she's into it. 
I'm kind of shocked that churchy Vivian is into the same shit I'm into, and I grab her throat, again, and kiss her, our tongues moving together. 
"I wanna get on top next." She tells me through moans. 
"Why?" I ask. 
"I wanna see it." She says and I furrow my brows for a second before I catch on. 
I'm rolling off of her and onto my back, my hands running up her thighs and waist when she gets on top of me, and I grab myself as she straddles me, pushing it against her before my hands pull  her down onto me. 
She screws her eyes shut, as she sinks down to the hilt, her thighs shaking, and I hit her ass cheek as hard as I can and she gets so tight around me I can't pull out until she relaxes. 
"You can't do that shit." I tell her harshly, biting back my urge to go ahead and come, and she relaxes a little more as my hands hold at her waist, guiding her movements since she's never done this before. 
"Does it feel good?" I ask her, her little moans and whimpers getting me even more hot and bothered. 
"Yes," she nods, tipping her head back. "So good."
I look between us, clear view of her pussy taking it, and I sigh. 
"It looks good, too." I tell her and she leans down over me, her forehead against my chest as she watches me fuck her for a moment before looking at me, kissing me sloppily, her chest pressing against mine making her sigh when her nipples brush against my skin. 
When she pulls away, I'm sticking two fingers in her mouth, taking her by surprise but she starts sucking on them in a second, and I force them down her throat, making her gag, as I start pounding into her, making her nearly shriek out but I gag her with my hand around her throat. 
"You're so pretty." I tell her, spit all down her chin from choking on my fingers, eyes nearly shut, my hand around her throat, and I glance down between us, licking my lips. "That pussy's pretty, too." I add and she cries out when my other hand starts rubbing at her clit. 
I take my hand from her throat and she gasps for air. 
"Nikki, I'm--" 
She can't finish. 
I roll onto her again, getting on my knees and lift her hips, continuing to hammer into her roughly and her eyes go to the back of her head, as her cum soaks the both of us. 
Why the fuck didn't she tell me she can come like that? 
I feel myself reaching my own end and go to pull out but she tugs me onto her, kissing me, her legs snaking around me. 
At first I don't think she realizes I'm about to blow my kids everywhere, then when I try to pullout, she says, "do it in me, I've heard it feels good."
I look at her like she's crazy because it's something I'd never expect her to say. 
"Please, Nikki, let me have it." 
I don't have time to argue because I'm finishing with a grunt and a satisfied smile at the sight of tears of pleasure in her eyes before her lids screw shut, her mouth open as a moan leaves her, her body sparking off with shivers. 
I let her have it.
"You're a slut." I tell her, thrusting into her a couple more times and she hums at my words. 
"Shut up." She says next and I kiss her one last time before rolling off of her. 
She pulls the covers over her chest and closes her eyes, tired, and I watch her for a moment. 
Okay, she may not be a slut, but I know she's gonna be able to get away with murder and I'm gonna let her because she's fucking Vivian. 
I ran myself into my own grave, but heroin and Vivian were major catalysts, but I know I was a catalyst for her own rock bottom, too. We were just too fucking young to know better, I guess. We fell in love and got hooked on playing house without actually stopping to think what all it would look like. Of course, neither of us expected me to be on smack, neither of us expected me to reach the level of stupidity that I reached with Vanity, and neither of us expected her to be conceiving a lovechild while I was next door dying, and I certainly didn't expect to file for divorce first, if at all. I remember that first night together in that shitty apartment got me hooked on her. Not just sex, I actually started listening to what she had to say after that, and wanting to have conversations, and hangout...I fell in love and she made it easy for me to. It was like boiling a frog. Things got worse and worse slowly overtime until BAM! I had Vanity, crack, and junk, and Vivian had Duff and a secret savings account she didn't think our lawyer would get record of. I was pissed, but I knew it was my fault. 
All of it was. 
I had promised her the world and instead stole everything from her like a life-sucking demon. 
She wasn't the evil, manipulative bitch. 
I was.
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jeagerism · 4 years
wish you were here
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✒ word count : 4.2k
✒ characters : park jimin x reader
✒ warnings : sadness, like hella sadness im sorry, break up!au, reader just misses him lots, small amounts of fluff, cursing, seeing the person you love with someone new, first dates, moving on, crying
✒ summary : You're sitting in your bathtub eating marshmallows at 3 in the morning three weeks after the break up, and you're doing fine, you really are. But then, all of a sudden, you're crying and realising how much you miss him.
✒ author's note : as i wrote more and more i was like...hmmm. jimin. here is the completed fic im scared to post this didusissj but if i don't i might die so. hope u guys like dis one xoxo it's my first jimin imagine pls do not hurt me im trying :o
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It's 6 p.m. on a Saturday when it happens.
The curtains are open slightly in the living room, rays of golden sunlight reaching just past where your feet rest on the couch. You're typing up an essay when Jimin slips through the door, toeing his shoes off. Five-fifty, just like clockwork. The coat he wears everyday goes on the same hook - third from the left. He shuffles over to the couch and presses his lips to the crown of your head, just like always.
It's easy to fall into routine.
Another episode of Sex Education plays in the background, long forgotten after an hour of staring at the same screen. You're pretty sure your brain is fried. But you'd made a promise to yourself that you'd finish this essay today, so you make due. 
"Hey." The way your lips stretch into a smile is hard to control, even more so when he copies your actions. He falls onto the couch beside you, leaning into the cushions with a hum. He smells like the strawberries and honey body wash in the bathroom.
You let your eyes study him for a few seconds, then go back to typing, and it's quiet, just like always. It feels normal. Nothing's different. 
Until it is.
"I think we should break up."
Of the five years you've known Jimin, you've been through a lot. And while most of it had been dealing with things much bigger than yourselves, bigger than romance and first kisses, you'd had your fair share of relationship issues.
But things were good. He would come home every day, smiling, press that same kiss to your forehead. Sit right beside you, leaning into your side, his warmth seeping into you. Sometimes he'd play with your fingers, a thing that kept him occupied and calm. You knew Jimin, you knew all his habits, what made him tick, how he acted when he was sad, or happy, or angry.
"I can't", you breathe out, so softly it's barely audible. And you wonder if he can even hear you. If he can hear the way you're trying to gather up everything you're feeling right now and trying to shove it down, down, down. "I don't understand? I need, can you-" 
And as much as you know Jimin, he knows you all the same. He knows you're panicking, and normally, he'd grab your hands and help you breathe. In for three, out for three. In for three out for three. He doesn't do that this time. He doesn't even look at you.
"I'm just not...happy. I'm not happy and I don't think I make you happy anymore, either."
But you do. He does, Jimin makes you so happy that sometimes you forget how to breathe. He makes you so happy that you love everything about him, even the things that drive you insane sometimes. So happy that you pick up the clothes he leaves on the floor after his shower, or place his shoes back neatly, or cook his favorite food for him whenever he asks.
These are the things you want to tell him. You want to tell him it all and more, but the only thing that comes out is :
Because what else can you say? He's just said that he's not happy with you anymore, and he's so close but farther away than ever, and he's not even looking at you.
In for three, out for three. But you still can't breathe. And this time, as his words fall on near deaf ears - something about "my stuff" and "sometime later" and "you stay, I'll go" - and he slips his shoes and coat back on, and it's quiet, it's not because you're happy.
You can't breathe because it hurts. You're not sure of how long you stay on the couch, computer running hot on your lap, a "Are you still watching" message on the tv. But when you finally look up, it's dark. 
And you take a breath. Dragging yourself to Jimin and your bedroom - your bedroom - takes more of an effort than you'll admit, but you get there. The pillow is cool against your burning cheek. You allow your eyes to close tight, because his side of the bed is never this cold.
All you can do is breathe. In for three, out for three. Something you'd learned from him, with him. 
It's all you can do to keep yourself from breaking.
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He takes you on your first date in September.
It's bowling, which is a stereotypical first date, but it's him, so you don't really mind. 
Park Jimin is nervous. It's evident in the way he wipes his hands on his pants before he holds your hand. The way he gets quiet after laughing at one of your jokes, as if he's afraid of being too loud or happy.
"No fair!", you call, speaking through a pout. "You've got like, superhuman abilities or something. You're obviously gonna win." Crossing your arms, you shake your head. "I think we should label this as cheating."
Jimin chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck. "I'm not trying, though." 
You make a noise of protest. "That's even worse!" Leaning closer to him, a furrow in your eyebrows, you huff. "Are you saying I'm just plain ole bad at bowling, Park?"
"You said it, not me." It's the first joke he's made all night. You laugh, eyes closing just from the force. "I could, uh, I could help you? If you want. Since I'm so good and everything." The last part is said teasingly, and you can hear the smirk in his voice.
You stand, ruffling his hair with a smile. "Teach me then." By the time you've grabbed the ball you've been using the entire time, he's right behind you. Sticking your fingers in the holes, you twist it around lightly. 
"I see why you're so bad now." You turn, opening your mouth to defend yourself. "You're not even holding the ball right, you know."
"Well, I'm sorry I was never taught bowling ball holding basics. I didn't even know you could hold one of these-"
He interrupts you with a hand on your waist, delicate and soft. His fingers rest just above the top of your jeans, brushing against soft skin. "Like this", he murmurs. Jimin's other hand adjusts your own. "And then this." He keeps his hand atop yours, and brings your arm back, helping you swing it forward. You're so focused on how close he is that you don't notice you still need to let go of the ball.
Lips brushing against the side of your cheek, Jimin hums. You shiver. "You know, this doesn't actually work unless you let go of the ball when you swing, pretty girl." 
You feel like you're going to combust. Park Jimin just called you pretty. Park Jimin, the boy you've had a crush on for months. Called you pretty. Blinking, you swing your arm back with him again, and let it go when it comes forward. Not caring if the ball hits the pins or not, you rotate, until you're face to face with him. All soft, silky hair and lips that look as soft as pillows. 
"What?" He raises an eyebrow, another pretty flush spreading over his cheeks. 
"Can I kiss you?"
The noise that comes from him mirrors the shock on his face that quickly morphs into timidness. "Like you even have to ask, Y/N." 
His lips feel even softer than they look. You've had a first kiss before, but this is the only one that's felt right. Something in you tells you that means something. When you pull away, you're smiling, breathless.
"Hey", Jimin whispers, nodding his head behind you. "You knocked down all the pins."
As he walks you home, he holds your hand.
"I'm glad we got to do this", Jimin says, and his eyes don't meet your own until you squeeze his hand tight. You think about how he'd wrapped you up in the extra sweater he'd been wearing when he'd noticed you were cold. How he'd pulled you closer when walking down the sidewalk because people were bumping into you, and had held you that way the entire way back.
"Me too." You grin, watching the pink on his cheeks spread to his ears and down his neck. His smile mirrors yours regardless. 
Jimin sighs. "I'm, um, sorry if it was lame. I know bowling is kinda...well, kinda bland for a first date-"
"It was perfect." You let your fingers detangle as you back up. "Best first date I've ever had." 
His cheeks swell with a big, boyish grin. "Next time I'll take you to the arcade downtown." A smirk. "Maybe that time you can beat me in something."
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You always thought that if Jimin ever left you, you'd cry.
Not that you thought of it often, but it still came up once or twice. Every time it did, he was always right there, with soothing words and soft lips pressed against the tip of your nose. 
So, the fact that you don't cry surprises you.
You don't cry, and a part of you thinks that, if you did, it would never stop. 
Your sadness turns into anger at every reminder of him around your apartment. There's traces of him everywhere, a forced memory no matter where you step. So you keep breathing. You take a breath. 
You take a breath when you see his lunchbox he took to work with him every day. When you visit your friends and they ask how plans for the yearly Halloween party you'd always throw with him are going. When you see a news article about him and the boy's album release. You breathe.
Because you are angry with him. Angry for making you waste your time, making you think that it was you and him. That he still loved you, and that you knew him.
Going back in your head, everything had seemed fine. The two of you hardly fought, you told each other I love you every morning and every night. You still had your weekly movie nights every Friday. You laughed together. 
Nothing had changed, right? You knew him, right?
A week after he's been gone, it hits you that you never knew him that well at all.
You didn't even know him well enough to tell that he was falling out of love with you.
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Two weeks after the breakup, and you no longer feel angry. You feel the dragging feeling of sadness creep up on you again. The anger probably would've stayed, but he'd come to get his stuff earlier in the week. 
He forgets a few things, but you don't say anything. Why don't you say anything?
Getting used to life without him is a process. You forget that you don't have to buy those off brand crackers he likes. You never wake up in the morning to his humming in the shower. Things...change.
The bed was never this big, was it? It always seemed small, small enough that the two of you always crowded together, legs tangled together, arms around waists.
Now, it's massive. You pull the blanket up to your chin, and even though you probably shouldn't, you press your cheek into his pillow. 
When you fall asleep, you dream of him.
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His skin is bathed in moonlight, pale and soft. The two of you sit in the big clawfoot bathtub, the one you both loved, empty and fully clothed. He's quiet, and anyone else would think that's because it's nearing three in the morning, but you know him. You recognize the subtle shaking of his hands, the sweat beading at his hairline even though it was freezing inside the apartment, the way he taps his fingers together in rhythm.
You know him.
"Hey." It's the first word spoken since you'd sat down. He's facing you, curls going every which way from attempting to sleep earlier. Holding up the bag you'd snagged before you'd followed him in here, you grin. "Want some marshmallows?"
Jimin's lips twitch into a smile, and even though it disappears as quickly as it came, it's something. Massive hand plunging into the bag, he grabs a handful and proceeds to shove a few in his mouth. You settle for popping them in one by one; the small, colorful bits melt on your tongue. 
The bag empties faster than expected, so soon you have nothing to occupy yourselves. As you start to suggest opening the other bag in the pantry, he speaks.
"It's happening again", his shoulders rise up to his ears. His hands rest in between his knees, tangled together, fidgeting.
With a heavy sigh, you lay a hand across his own. "I know." Jimin's eyes meet yours, honey colored and exhausted. The bags under his eyes are more prominent than they have been, and although it's not as bad as the last few times, it's still bad.
"I don't want it to happen again."
And well, you don't quite know what to say to that. Because you don't either. This feeling was always with him, always simmering underneath the surface. It never completely disappeared, but it did get easier to deal with. It was bearable, almost nonexistent at times.
You know it hurts him, and him hurting makes you hurt. He deserves so much good, he is too good, to have so much weight on his shoulders. To be plagued with so much anxiety and pain, and for what? You don't even know the answer.
No one is perfect, as living with him for this many years often reminds you. He's definitely not. He leaves his shoes in the middle of the floor. He forgets to replace the tissue when the roll runs out. He's never had a plant that's lasted more than a week, because he's either not here or just forgets. 
So no, he's not perfect. But you know damn well he's the closest thing to it you have.
"I'll be here." You swallow, fingers slotting in between his. "I am here. No matter what, rain or shine, you know that." Jimin lifts the side of his lips into a smile. "I love you."
Switching in his spot, he turns, leaning back against your chest, rejoining your hands soon after. "I know." He brushes his lips across your knuckles. "I love you, too."
Your other hand combs through his hair, twirling curls around your fingers like thread.
The two of you don't retire to your bed until the sun begins to peak over the horizon.
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You wake up with sweat beading at your hairline.
In for three, out for three.
You ignore the phantom taste of marshmallows on your tongue. A shaky hand pushes the blankets off of your body, and you're taking the familiar path to the kitchen before you can really think. There's a bag of mini marshmallows where they always are. You grab them, tearing a whole in the top as you walk towards the bathroom. 
When your back meets the familiar chill of the tub, you can feel the way your throat begins closing up. But you push it away with a hand full of marshmallows, which distracts you from the aching burn settled deep in your chest.
You've never done this alone. Every time you've sat in this exact same position, marshmallows in hand, he's been here. But there's always time for change. At least that's what you tell yourself.
You'd spent all your time in this tub with Jimin. There weren't any more of those times. No more late night baths where you just talked about your days. No more pic nics on the living room floor when you didn't feel like going out. No more hugs or I love you's or simply just seeing him across the room. 
And another. In for three, out for three. Focus on something else. Anything else but him. Your eyes switch from the wall to the bottle of soap on the ledge of the tub. Strawberries and honey. His favorite. Something else. The two towels hanging on the rack, one yellow and one red. You remember picking them out the night you moved in. It's getting harder to see with the tears in your eyes, but it's fine. It's fine.
Because you don't miss him. You can't, because the smell of strawberries and honey are fading from the pillow that's beside yours. The red towel hasn't been used in a month. There's never a box of off-brand crackers with his name on them in the cabinet anymore. And he's not here.
And you can't wish that he is. 
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September is different this time.
The streets are full of people, and you're filled with a happy sort of warmth as you wait outside of a coffee shop. Rubbing your hands together, you blow warm air on them to rid yourself of the numbness starting to creep in. It's the type of cold that sets in slowly. You nudge your nose against the scarf you're wearing with a shiver.
People around you pass by with smiles, arms full of bags or holding others hands. It's peaceful.
"You're going to drop them!"
Glancing up, your eyes dart around until they find the source of the noise. There's a part of you that wishes you hadn't. A part of you that wants to shove your nose back into the fabric around your neck. 
Seeing Park Jimin is...weird.
There's a certain type of irony in the way that you see him during your first September without him. It twists and tears at you with bleeding fists.
"Jimin, let me carry some!"
The girl next to him is pretty. She's more than pretty. Jealousy ebbs in your chest for a mere moment at the smile he gives her, the way his eyes sparkle. Remembering how he used to look at you like that pours salt onto the wound. 
His hair is blond now. He looks good. Jimin had always looked good, though. There's no doubt in your mind that he's one of the prettiest people you've ever met. But he looks good. He looks like he's glowing. He looks...happy.
I'm just not...happy anymore.
"I've got it", he laughs, leaning his head back with a smile. Turning, he regains his grip on the bags, switching his gaze over, over, over. "See, like…" His eyes are sparkling. He looks happy. Is this what he meant?
I'm not happy and I don't think I make you happy anymore, either.
You quickly avert your eyes, turning and stuffing your hands into your pockets with a huff of breath you can see in the cold air. For a second, you can hear his footsteps getting closer. Of all the ways you thought you'd bump into him, it was safe to say this wasn't on the list. Seeing him wasn't on the list at all. Avoiding the problem until it went away seemed like a good enough plan.
Just as you're ready to turn around and face him, even if you really do not want to, a hand lands on your shoulder. Gentle.
The endless run on thoughts of what you're going to say become muddled as you open your eyes. 
"Sorry it took so long. Since someone wanted peppermint hot chocolate, even though they were obviously going to be running out, I had to wait a little longer." The corner of his lips lift into a grin. "Didn't mind though. Anything for you, I suppose." 
You shake your head with a smile as he hands you the cup. "Thank you." The drink warms your hands, the numbness melting away. 
"Ready to go?"
Jimin's behind you. Jimin is behind you with a girl who may not even be his girlfriend, but a girl who makes him happy. Makes him smile. 
And you think you're a little okay with it. 
You don't really have a choice, but. It's easier to swallow than you'd expected. 
You've learned to live without him. And even though there's a piece of you screaming and throwing a fit like a child that just wants and wants, you don't break. 
"Yeah. I am."
Pivoting, you walk forward. He's still relatively far away, but close enough that you can see him in your peripheral vision. Close enough that you make eye contact once more as he readjusts the bags in his arms. Close enough that you see the sparkle in his eyes.
You take a breath as your shoulders pass, mere inches of space between you. He still feels far away.
In for three, out for three. Breathe in.
It smells like strawberries and honey.
You smack your lips together as you continue on.
You're craving marshmallows.
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Two Months Before
Park Jimin is scared.
Which isn't something he'd normally admit so easily. But, given the circumstances, he doesn't think too much of it.
Filling his cheeks with air, he gnaws on his bottom lip in thought. He's been chewing on it for so long he'll probably tear a whole in it, but he can't help it. Thinking back on the conversation he'd had hours before scares him. Leaves him with an unsettling feeling in his stomach. Anxious, deadly butterflies.
"How're things with Y/N?" Taehyung sits back, sipping from a stark white coffee mug. "Not that we don't see you guys every two weeks, but, you know."
Jimin laughs, shaking his head. "They're good. She's good, amazing." He's smiling so wide his cheeks hurt. 
"God, stop looking like a lovesick fool", his friend teases. He tilts his head, scoffing. "Propose already." Jimin must look as lost as he feels, because Taehyung raises an eyebrow. "You okay?"
He blinks, rolling his shoulders. "Yeah, I'm good. I guess I just...never thought about it. Marriage and stuff. I mean, I have, I just…" He shrugs, eyebrows furrowed. "Never really thought about it too in detail." Why does his stomach feel like this?
"Do you want to marry her?"
"Yes." The answer is instant. Something hidden underneath, but something all known. 
Taehyung smiles. "That was pretty fast. Are you sure you've never thought about it?"
Jimin wets his lips, clearing his throat. "Guess it just...doesn't make sense with anyone else. It makes sense with her though. It feels right."
The blue haired male across from him smirks, huffing out a laugh. "Guess you'll need a ring then, huh?"
Marriage had always been a far away concept. Something to be worried about later down the line. It seemed like, without even realising it, down the line had come sooner than he expected. He's known Y/N for five years, and while every moment has been one he wouldn't give up, it's sped by so fast. 
But when he thinks about it, it doesn't make sense if it isn't her. Nothing makes sense if it's not her. If he closes his eyes and pictures his wedding day, no matter what, in every scenario, every way you look at it, she's the one walking down the aisle. Every time. It's her.
Jimin reaches into the dresser drawer beside the bed, feeling around until he finds what he's searching for. His fingers brush against the velvet box he'd shoved in there an hour earlier. When he brings it out, the butterflies in his stomach have friends. 
He wants to marry her. He wants to do it right. He wants to put this ring on her finger and watch her eyes light up. And plan the wedding with her and discuss color schemes and where to seat guests at the reception. Wants to kiss her in front of a room of people as his wife for the first time. He wants to adopt a dog and buy a house with a backyard.
Park Jimin wants to do all of this, and he wants it to feel right, and it only feels right with her.
But if she said no. If she didn't want him the way he wanted her. Park Jimin is terrifyingly in love with her. The type of love that makes him crazy. That makes him wake up early just to pull her back into his arms, because he knows how she likes being held. Because he knows her.
So if she didn't need him like he needed her, he doesn't think he'd be able to handle it. Because she may be able to walk away and find someone new, but he won't.
She's it for him. This is it for him. He doesn't think there's ever gonna be anyone else. 
He's loved her every day since the moment he met her.
The not wanting is what might tear him to pieces. Can nervous butterflies die?
The sound of keys turning in lock nab his attention, and he jumps to his feet, heart in his throat. Something in him aches. "Jimin? I'm home!"
Rubbing his thumb over the velvet box once more, he slips it back into the drawer, way in the back. He closes it, and breathes. In for three, out for three. Jimin looks up, and puts on a smile, even with this ache.
He loves her.
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✒ tags : @lysjeon @goldenlilyz @savageprince7
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boomstyle · 4 years
Sonic Boom: Friend or Foe
Disclaimer: I don’t own the characters and settings of Sonic boom. Oh, watch out for OCs!
Roboken War
(Force field cage)
Well, that was just as quick as it's. Now, where are we?
Tails and I reach the cage in just a zip. I thought Lyric will just put mind control device or at least send them far away from our reach. Well, I guess Lyric may not be as smart and cunning as I thought after all.
Speaking of cunning and smart, I can't stand a breathe anymore. I wish we can get out of here. Wait! We can't. Lyric closed the entrance of the central power station with a force field. I guess he's smart and cunning after all. Ugh...
While I was desperate to get out of the room, Tails was busy tinkering on the force field cage. Hurry up Tails, the gas is getting stronger. Now, I feel nauseous.
"Tails, would you mind speed it up a little?", I asked Tails politely.
"Sorry, Sonic. This may take a while. I can't find the key just yet. It must be somewhere up here.", Tails explain the technical thing but I am not sure what. What I really know is that I am gonna vomit for real.
(45 minutes later)
Ugh... What's taking Tails so long?
"Aha... I found it. The key to the force field was at the upper edge. Just gonna rotate it to the right and here it goes.", Tails was busy tinkering.
"Once I open the secret key, it will be easier to disable the force field."
"Yeah, Tails. Just pretend I don't hear it!", I replied in a cool manner. Not exactly a cool manner though, I was being slightly rude. If Amy heard me saying this, she might just taichi me or whip me or worse hit me with her so-called "legendary hammer". What's so legendary about her hammer? It's just a regular oversized hammer.  Sometimes, I don't understand why she's super obsessive about her hammer. If she loses her hammer, she could have just fought in hand to hand or use her enerbeam whip or sword. I mean, she's athletic and has amazing martial art skills to top it off so she didn't really have to bother the whole team to search for her hammer or be like "My hammer is my whole identity. It's a gift from fate.". Tsk...whatever.
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Yep, Archie Sonic Boom Issue 3 (HammerSpace). You got it. No need to beat the bush like that, Amy. I feel really bad for Sonic.
I was drowning in confusion until Tails snapped me out. He didn't exactly snap me out, more like bringing me to reality.
"Done it! I've taken out the force field from here.", Tails said in excitement. Team Cyborg is released from the cage. Now, time to open the forcefield!
"Oh, finally! Now, how do we open the forcefield barrier, Cyborg me?", I asked in desperation and relief at the same time.
"Right here!", Cyborg Sonic replied. What? The forcefield entrance key was literally close to us but I see nothing.
"Where? It's just a freaking wall?", I scolded him out of impatience. Ugh, I can't take it anymore. The gas...(cough)...
"Just do as I said!", Cyborg Sonic instructed.
"Fine! Just gonna touch this...(surprised) wall (slowly)", I am stunned. I can't believe it. They're right. Just gonna press the bottom and it's done.
"Yay, we did it! Teamwork rocks! Now, let's move it!"
Just as I thought our business is done from the moment we escape from the central power station filled with gas and traps. I was hell wrong. I heard an invisible siren tone with a beaming red background while we ran away. Talking about disco light, this is worse.
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*Lol* (Remember when Dave fool himself in "Next Top Villian", Sonic Boom Series Season 1.)
(Siren Alarm Beam Tone)
"Ugh... Come one! We just escape from it.", I complained.
"Sonic, our escape caused the siren to beam. So this is expected.", Tails calmed me down.
"But we just get out like a few hours ago.", I argued. Technically, it's been 45 minutes but it feels like hours already.
"Are you guys done with your blabber, Sonic?", Cyborg Amy shouted. Ooo... She's just as scary and temperamental as Amy.
"Fine! I'll shut it."
"Good. Let's keep moving! We didn't have all day."
Okay, okay, Amy! Is it necessary for you to be so demanding? Just chill out, Cyborg Amy! Regardless, she's right. There's no time to waste. If we don't get out, we might as well got caught by Lyric. Yep, we did.
"Where are you going right now?", Lyric asked.
"You think you can escape from me, Sonic. Think again!"
"Rise my armies! I command you to finish them once and for all!"
"We can call your robot quit in just a zip, Snake-head.", I deride Lyric confidently.
The infected robots shoot lasers at us as instructed. Tails and I started off dodging their attacks while Team Cybonic launched their special attacks. Well, more like duplicates of our attacks. Hehe...
Just as the battle started, my gangs came to my aid. Oh, just in time but where's Shawn? I mean, the East bender faker. Yeah, he must be planning this whole thing. I bet but regardless, I am glad that my team to the rescue. As I dodge a laser, I spot FriendBot along with Amy, Knuckles and Sticks arrive at the scene and prepare for combat.
"Anyone need some backup?", Amy asked.
Amy, Knuckles, and Sticks charge down and destroy some robots. Sonic dashes towards Amy.
"Amy. I'm glad you're here.", I started a conversation but Amy just shrugged me off. I wonder what's bugging her. Surely, Shawn must have manipulated her. Now, that she ignored me as if I didn't exist. This is just not like her.
"Oh, so you're just gonna ignore me, your boyfriend. Alright, sure. Go ahead."
Oops, did I just said b-word out loud? Not that I care or whatever but we're totally busted right now.
"Hmph... Like I even have one...", Amy shrugged me off.
Oh, is that it? You're just going to going to act negatively out of character toward me. That's it, I had it enough of your rudeness. This is just not you. He's literally turning you into a cold-headed girl. I know she can get temperamental, snarky, rude, or slightly selfish at some point but this is way too far.
"That's it, Ames. I had it enough. If you want to break up, just say so. (punch and kick robot nearby) No need to buzz over me like that.", I confronted her.
"You're saying I got too far. Well, that describes you, Mr. Hedgehog. The way you treated Shawn was totally unacceptable. And besides, you're not so good after all. You're snarky, reckless, messy worker, impatient and impulsive.", Amy talked back.
"Like you have the best personality, I'm sick of your bossy, demanding, and overbearing attitude behind your mature act.", I argued her back.
"I was doing it for your good. You could get a little bit too far with your prank games, jokes or worse run head log in trouble. So I have to step in AS THE MOTHER FIGURE OF THE GROUP(shouted and smash the robot)", Amy defended.
"Yeah, like I need one.", I grunted.
"That's the problem with you. You act as if you're the coolest top speedy hedgehog ever but you're not thoughtful. The way you badmouth and suspect Shawn when you yourself were the one who introduced it to the whole team explains it. You're saying you're responsible for him but what I got is empty promises.", Amy berated me while she was busy beating robots near her just like I did. Speaking of which, what she said reminds me when I introduced Egg man's so called brother without even consulting the whole team. She's kinda right at this. I should have been more considerate and premediated next time. The way I just invite Shawn and Steve Eggman in the group without much consideration indicate my impulsiveness. Looks like I really realized how impulsive and unthoughtful I have been but still, she's literally overreacting just like usual. Thus, why should I be blamed for it?
"Oh come on, why do I get blamed for it? You're literally falling your heels over him anyway so why should I have to get the portion of the blame?", I threw the blame on her. I admitted I am being impulsive and inconsiderate considering how I just invite Shawn in without any consultation.
"Responsibility, Sonic! You can't just introduce someone and suddenly come up with a conclusion that his guy is bad when YOU CAN'T EVEN PROVE IT!", Amy reasoned with me. In some way, she's right but she just didn't understand the issue here. Shawn is...
"Yeah, you're right. I don't have proof but that doesn't mean I'm wrong. You know why? HERO!", I am enraged and boastful, yes and I don't care.
"That's it! I can't take it anymore. You, sir, are impetuously boastful and arrogant being. Have you even take my feeling into account when you said that? it's like you don't consider me a girlfriend anymore. You know what, let's break up!", Amy leashed out on me.
"You wanna break up. FINE! Who wants to be with a Bloodthirsty and indicative hedgehog in a cute and friendly package?", I said.
"And who wants an egomaniac, reckless and immature guy in a speedy hero PACKAGE?", Amy retaliated. She's going super angry and yep, this is good and bad at the same time.
"HAYAK(smash)... (spin hammer attack other robots)... (pull the further robot near her with enerbeam rope) HAYAK (smash, smash, smash until every infected robot disintegrated)... (stand in her ninja-style pose)Ha... Time to take on, Lyric."
Just as we broke up, Amy turned into a temperamental monster. Then, she started to crash all of the infected robots in just a zip. Sticks, Knuckles and Tails as well as our cyborg duplicates are unimpressed. Wow, I was surprised they're not shocked at our break up and Amy's sudden temperamental combat.
"What a lovely couple indeed? I suspect that the alien overlord must have spelled them apart.", Sticks said.
"To be frank, this robot apocalypse has sent Amy mad too.", Cyborg Sticks said. Well, she's partially right. The robot apocalypse really sent Amy crazy after the break-up. Not the best answer you've got, Cybonic Sticks but you sure have Sticks' paranoid DNA with you. Am I okay? Why do I agree with Sticks' paranoid statement now? Oh no, if this happens again, I might need to consider seeing a psychiatrist.
"I don't know Sticks but surely, the secretive skinny couple has finally come to a devastating breakup. If Sonic and Amy were the one, I may be gigging out in shame.", Cyborg Knuckles replied sadly.  
"Yeah. Not cool, Sonic. First, you deny that you dated Amy and now, you just let Amy cut off the relationship.", Knuckles said while holding his clenched fist.
"Well, this gets little it out of hand. let's just help Amy fight off Lyric!", Cyborg Sonic said.
"Yeah", Team Cybonic and my gangs except Knuckles and Amy agreed.
While they're battling Lyric, we're in the middle of a pointless argument because of Knuckles. This is the first time we ever battle each other in the middle of a war.
"Knuckles, don't get me started!", I ordered. What the heck is wrong with Knuckles? Sure we kept the relationship in secret and just broke up but this is not an excuse for Knuckles to just burst up like that.
"Do you think I'm not smart, Sonic?", Knuckles asked.
"What? Not, it's not that... It's just", I tried to persuade him but Knuckles cut me off.
"It's just that I'm not smart enough to figure it out that you're dating.", Knuckles straightened his point. What? I don't mean to hide our relationship just to shame you. It's just that it's not a good time yet. If Eggman and other villains know about our relationship, the worst scenario is that the whole team and anyone related to us would be in a threatening situation. Seriously, Eggman may not be you know the victorious one but he's surely dangerous when unexpected. And besides, the group will be awkward if everyone knows we date.
"What's up, Sonic? Scared of me?"
"Knuckles. this is madness. You got to snap out, man. That snakehead was literally your battle.", I persuaded while trying to dodge his punches. I don't want to attack him. He's my friend.
"I've heard you said enough already"
We battle with each other until we heard Amy, Tails, and Sticks as well as our duplicates got smacked down in the middle of battle.
"Guys! Oh no!", Knuckles and I gulped.
"At last, I finally got to end you after a thousand years.", Lyric smirked while approaching us.
"I guess it's the end of Team Knuckles", Knuckles said. Team? Oh, forget it! I'm not going to argue. Besides he's right. It's the end of Team Son...ic.
"Lyric, I said I will find you", Shadow appeared. Uuu... Looks like the edgelord will end the robot apocalypse. He must have a reason as to defeat Lyric. He will not just be here to save us but anyway, it's our lucky day.
Shadow punch out Lyric and take out his technopathy. As the result, everything was back to normal except that all Roboken's army got dismantled, and yeah, things get messed up when Shawn approached in.
ugh... Finally, it's nearly the end of the book chapter. Sorry, I got too personal with the Sonamy relationship and rivalry between Knuckles and Sonic but I just can't help it. Anyway, How do you think Shadow and Shawn were able to come in? What will be the consequences afterward? Find out in the next chapter.
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pixie88 · 4 years
The Gala
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Chapter 2 - Our Little Secret.
A/N: Queen B fanfiction. Let me know if you would like to be tagged!
Find previous chapters HERE under Queen B - Our Little Secret.
Word count: 2165
WARNINGS:  ⚠️ Some adult language and NSFW
Disclaimer: Characters are property of Pixelberry.
Pairings: Ian x MC - Lyla.
I can feel my face getting hot with anger. "Lyla, don't worry I have the perfect outfit! I brought it for myself, but it didn't suit me" She pulls out a red dress with a plunging neckline. "Zo, this is gorgeous are you sure?" she smiles "Of course, Lyla" "Thank you, Zoey! What would I do without you?" "Not dress half as well as you do?" she laughs.
I roll over reaching for my phone to turn off my alarm and I realize it's the day of the Gala.  I jump out of bed and into the shower.
Later me and Zoey are getting ready for the Gala, I decide on an updo, I'm just finishing up my make up when Gizmo jumps on /my lap. "Hey buddy, I wish I could take you tonight but I don't think dogs are allowed sorry" Zoey walks into my room.
"Ready?" "Yes!" I put Gizmo on the floor. "See you later boy!" I follow Zoey out to the limo as soon as we get in she opens the champagne and pours us both a glass. "To my girl winning the person to watch award!" we clink glasses.
We pull up outside the Gala to flashing cameras, we step out blinded "Come on, Lyla strike a pose!" I let them take a few photos before heading inside.
I spot Penelope and Taylor talking "Hey Lyla, Are you ready to dethrone Poppy?" Taylor asks I smile at her "Born ready!" "I can't wait to see the look on her face!" Penelope says.
I laugh the music starts Taylor wonders over to Benedict, they make their way to the dance floor "Aren't they cute" Penelope says "Yeah adorable!" "Penelope, would you like to dance?" Michael asks as he appears in front of us. She drags him to the dance floor, then I feel a presence behind me and I turn to find Ian inches away from me.
He smiles "Lyla, may I have this dance?" "Professor, I would love to but what would people say?" "To be honest, I don't care!" Wow, he's truly broken the barrier he put up between us. "Well in that case, I would love to" He takes my hand and leads me to the dance floor.
I can see Poppy eyeing us up, but I don't care she has no proof. He places a hand on my lower back and his other hand takes mine, and we start to sway. He smiles at me "Lyla, you look stunning tonight!" I smile "Thank you, Ian. Well, we are paying compliments to each other I guess now is the perfect time to tell you that you look hot in that suit! It makes me want to rip off your clothes right here." His eyes darken.
"Lyla, you shouldn't say stuff like that!" I laugh, "Why? It's so much fun!" his lips brush my ear "As fun as me telling you that I want to take you back to my office and have a replay of yesterday?" I swallow hard (Ok, it's definitely not fun to tease!) "Well, I'd like nothing more Professor!" I wink.
The music changes to something more upbeat. Ian spins me, takes both my hands and moves us to the beat. "Wow, I didn't know you had moves like this, Ian!" he laughs a laugh, I've never heard before, "Neither did I," He spins me again but back into him, he holds me tightly against him and I feel his chest on my back.
I feel his breath on my neck close to my ear "Lyla, I know your going to win tonight and there is something I need to tell you" "What is it?" "Lyla, I....." the music stops and Dean Steinhelm comes over the speaker. "Ladies and gentlemen, if you can please take your seats we will announce the  winner of the Person to watch award!" I turn in his arms.
"Ian, what were you going to say?" he gives me a weak smile "Another time, Lyla. We better go back to our seats" "Ok, thanks for the dance Ian" he nods.
We make our way back to our seat before the dean speaks again. "There are so many talented young people here tonight. Each shine in their own light! It gives me great pleasure to announce the person to watch award goes to...............Ms. Lyla Hughes!" "Oh my god, Lyla Well done!" Zoey tells me.
I stand and make my way to the front while everyone is clapping. Dean Steinhelm welcomes me onto the stage, once I get to her, she smiles and congratulates me before handing the award and gestures me to make a speech.
I'm so nervous I kinda fumble my speech, but I thank who I need to. I make my way off the stage when I catch his eyes from across the room, he smiles and winks then makes his way towards the exit. The music starts up again everyone makes their way back onto the dance floor.
I look around the room no one is looking in my direction, I head for the door I saw Ian leave through. I walk through and see Ian waiting for me, he smiles "Congratulations, Lyla!" "Thanks, Ian!" I walk towards him and he cups my face.
"Are you going to congratulate me in another way?" His eyes widen and he swallows hard. "Yes, but not here," he takes my hand, and we make our way to the car park where Ian's car is parked.
20 Minutes later we pull up outside an apartment building, we get out, "Ian, where are we?" He smiles "My place" "Oh, you've never brought me here before," he takes my hand again. "I know, but I wanted to take you somewhere we wouldn't be interrupted" he leads me into the building, and we take the elevator.
It opens on the 3rd floor, we walk down the hall and get to a door when he pulls out his keys and unlocks the door. We step inside the apartment it is very Ian! I follow him into the living room, he grabs a bottle and 2 glasses from his mini bar in the corner, and we both take a seat on the couch.
He opens the bottle, pours us both a glass and hands me one. "Cheers, to you Lyla. The person to watch!" I smile at him and his eyes sparkle in the light. "Thank you again, Ian. Also, what was it you were going to tell me another time earlier?" he's gone shy.
His tongue parts my lips and swirls with mine "Hmmm Ian!" his hand cups my breast he squeezes lightly. Mine reach for the buttons on his suit jacket and begin to undo them. His hand move towards my back, I can feel him searching then he finds his goal and pulls down the zipper on my dress.
"Ian, what's wrong?" he smiles "Nothing, quite the opposite" he takes a sip of his wine before turning back to me, he takes a deep breath "Lyla, I love you" (OH MY GOD! Did he just...wow) "Ian, I....I love you too!" his face lights up before I know it his hand is tangled in my hair and his lips are on mine.
His lips never leave mine as I feel him pull the straps down off my shoulder. "Lyla, I've wanted to get you by yourself all evening!" he whispers against my lips. I smile "Why is that, Ian?" in one swift movement he picks me up into a bridal carry and starts walking towards what I guess is the bedroom.
He kicks open the door, I can't help giggle "Ian!!" he puts me down, and we stand next to the bed. He pulls down the rest of my dress, it falls to the floor I'm standing there in just my underwear he pulls me to him and I unbutton his shirt as his lips begin to caress my neck and I let my head fall back giving him more access.
His hands begin to explore my body starting with my breast, he pinches my hardened nipple I moan. I finally pull off his shirt, I run my hands over arms, his chest and down to his abs, my hand brushes against his hard member in his trousers.
I feel him nip my ear"Lyla, get on the bed"  I do as I'm told, he takes off my killer heels then walks over to a draw opens it and pulls out a tie. "What are you planning on doing with that, Professor?" he walks over to the bed with a mischievous grin he climbs on to it, he hovers over me and his hand wraps around me helping me further up the bed.
He takes both my wrists and places the above my head, then begins to restrain me with his tie and ties me to the bed frame. "Is this how you want me? At your mercy?" his eyes light up and his lips met mine, he pulls away a little trapping my lip between his teeth before letting go. He whispers against my ear "Yes, I want to tease you until you can't take anymore. Just like you have been doing to me since we met!" his words give me flutters.
He kisses my neck again trailing down to my breast, he takes my nipple into his mouth and flicks his tongue over it"Ohhh...wow!" he moves again nipping my tummy as he heads south, he trails kisses to the inside of my thigh.
He pulls my underwear aside, I'm anticipating his next move, but he lets go and continues kissing down my leg "Argh! Ian that is teasing!" I hear a small laugh,"I know, Lyla!" he moves back up my leg I expect him to move pass my centre to meet my lips, but suddenly I feel him moving my underwear again and I feel his tongue laps my centre "God, yes just like that! Fuck Ian!"  his tongue slips inside me.
He stops "What? No, don't stop!"  I look down, he grins at me then his hands pull down my underwear, and he tosses them to the side. He brings my legs up and his head dives between them again, this time he's more urgent which makes me arch off the bed. He hits the right spot I don't think I can hold on any longer.
"Ian...YES!" I fall over the edge he comes up and places himself between my legs. I try to touch him, but I'm still tied up, he looks down at me with a smirk "Sorry, that isn't coming off just yet!"  I huff when he starts to grind against me (I need friction, I need him inside me) "Ian..I need you" he's still smirking.
His lips meet mine, he kisses me passionately as he grinds against me harder. I can feel him through his trouser, I want him now and I know he wants me to. It isn't long before he pulls off his trousers and boxers.
He brushes against my centre then his length enters me slowly to start with then his pace becomes urgent "God, Lyla!" "Ohhh harder, Ian!" his thrusts speed up, he grabs the headboard which makes him go deeper and I wrap my legs round him. I buck my hips up to match his rhythm, but our moans are muffled by our kiss.
His thrust becomes so rough the bed moves and hits the wall, Ian pulls away and smirks "Good job my neighbors are away!" "So, we can be as loud as we like huh?"  he smiles then while he's still thrusting into me, he unties me and flips me.
He pulls me onto my knees, spreads my legs a little, then enters me from behind as his hand makes it's way to the front of me, and he circles my button. With each thrust he goes deeper "Ian, I'm goi.....Ohhhh YES!!" I'm spent and Ian isn't far behind "Fuck...LYLA!" we collapse onto the bed next to each other.
He rolls onto his side and strokes my face "I love you, Lyla" I smile, "I love you too, Ian Kingsley!" he pulls me on top of him and kisses me. I can feel him stiffen against me, I start to grind against it, he pulls away "Round 2?" I smile before leaning in to kiss him again.
Bzzzzzt Bzzzzt Bzzzzzzzzzzt!
The sun beams through the window I feel Ian's arm wrapped around me. Then I hear it again.
Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzt Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzt Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzt!
I nudge Ian "Ian, I think someone is at the door," he stirs and looks at the time it 10.06am. He gets off the bed and puts on his boxers. "Lyla, stay here," he leaves the room and I hear the front door open. I know that voice what is she doing here! I hear Ian asking her the same question "Lexi, why are you doing here?"
Continue reading this story here - Chapter 3.
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