prashanthfertility · 2 months
Join Us for an Informative Webinar on "Myths and Facts of IVF"
Prashanth Hospitals presents The Hindu Wellness Series, where we bring you a deep dive into the myths and facts surrounding IVF.
Date: Wednesday, July 24, 2024 Time: 3 PM onwards
Dr. C. Geetha Haripriya Head of Department Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Infertility, Chairperson, Prashanth Group of Hospitals, Chennai
Dr. Samhitha Moturi Consultant Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Infertility, Director, Prashanth Group of Hospitals, Chennai
Dr. Lakshmi Srinivasan Senior Consultant, Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Infertility, Prashanth Hospitals, Velachery, Chennai
Dr. V. Abarajda Consultant, Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Infertility, Prashanth Hospitals, Kolathur, Chennai
Moderator: Soma Basu, Senior Deputy Editor, The Hindu Don't miss this opportunity to learn from the experts and get your questions answered.
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prashanthhospitals · 2 months
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Join Us for an Informative Webinar on "Myths and Facts of IVF"
Prashanth Hospitals presents The Hindu Wellness Series, where we bring you a deep dive into the myths and facts surrounding IVF.
Date: Wednesday, July 24, 2024 Time: 3 PM onwards
Dr. C. Geetha Haripriya Head of Department Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Infertility, Chairperson, Prashanth Group of Hospitals, Chennai
Dr. Samhitha Moturi Consultant Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Infertility, Director, Prashanth Group of Hospitals, Chennai
Dr. Lakshmi Srinivasan Senior Consultant, Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Infertility, Prashanth Hospitals, Velachery, Chennai
Dr. V. Abarajala Consultant, Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Infertility, Prashanth Hospitals, Kolathur, Chennai
Moderator: Soma Basu, Senior Deputy Editor, The Hindu Don't miss this opportunity to learn from the experts and get your questions answered.
Click the link to Register now: https://thehindutheme.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Ni7MEFliT_WpQ0Qb5EOEKw
Let's debunk the myths and embrace the facts together!
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Our latest #podcast in the #WellnessSeries on The #LivingSugarFreeLifestyleShow #AITM is out and it's a doosy! ⚠ WARNING: The #CommunityWellness episode w/ Daniel Chapman may trigger strong emotion for those with #Autism or caring for #Autistic people. Listen to this and all the episodes in this series at SugarFreeCoaching.com or in your favorite podcast player #Spotify #iTunes #GooglePodcasts #Breaker #Overcast #Stocher and more. ****Access all links in bio.**** #wellness #ASD #eatrealfood #healthyliving #mentalhealth #neurodivergence #racerelations #ActuallyAutistic #foodscience #ChoiceArchitecture #AutismSpeaks #culture #socialchange #AdultAutistics #puzzlepiece #AutismCommunity #advocacy https://www.instagram.com/p/B5BGamcgFcy/?igshid=jheotln0greo
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yatayain-blog · 5 years
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Health & Welness Series : Ever thought about ME time??? Want to experience a change in your Wellness & Lifestyle? Guided(Groups) & UnGuided Motorised experience to Thekkady. https://www.yataya.in/post/detox-mantra-thekkady Get intouch with us at [email protected] or +919113649452. #Experience #Travel #Explore #Thekkady #Travellife #Yataya #Ride #Drive #HealthSeries #WellnessSeries https://www.instagram.com/p/BzPmA0UAo4z/?igshid=81vwnlxpgbif
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siberian-wellness · 2 years
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Set 4 WellnessSerie Essential Fatty Acids Artikel 500918 Universaler Komplex aus Vitaminen, Mineralstoffen und Omega-3-Fettsäuren für den täglichen Verzehr. Länder, in denen Sie Waren kaufen können Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russian Federation https://www.instagram.com/p/CijBiwvqBqf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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drargie · 5 years
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Excited about speaking tonight at Mt. Sinai Seventh-Day Adventist Church in Trenton NJ. Thank you for the invitation Pastor Corey Johson and First Lady, (my Soror) Morgan Johnson.
We'll be having a Courageous Conversation about creating Healthy Relationships and how to have and maintain great Emotional Health & Relational Wellness.
Meet me at the book signing immediately after the talk where you can get your signed copy of Courageous Conversations Connect: A Pathway to Reset Your Mindset With Intentional Thoughts From The Inside-Out
Have a beautiful day on purpose from my heart to yours.
#BlessedToBeABlessing #ThisFarByFaith #FaithInc #ConnectionsMatterLLC #CouragousConversationsConnect
#HealthyRelationships #TalkMatters #RelationalWellness #EmotionalHealth #MtSinaiSDAChurch #WellnessSeries #MentalHealth #PastorCoreyJohnson #FirstLadyMorganJohsnon #AskDrArgie
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nordicwannabe-blog · 4 years
Hej, skandinavische Pflegeprodukte sind perfekt, um sich sanft und natürlich die Hände zu reinigen. – Kennt Ihr das? Die Zeit bis zum nächsten Skandi-Urlaub ist noch ewig weit entfernt. Die Sehnsucht in den Norden wird immer größer. In diesem Blogpost gibt es eine kleine Übersicht meiner nordischen Seifenoper mit Produkten aus Schweden und Dänemark. Ich war selbst sehr überrascht, wie groß das Angebot ist. Manche duften nach nordischen Wäldern, manche nach dänischen Stränden oder sind einfach erfrischend. Dabei ist es egal, ob es Flüssigseife ist oder ein Stück Seife. Es gibt günstige Varianten und alles ist made in Skandinavien. Ich habe alle Sorten für Euch mal getestet. Viel Spaß beim Hände-Waschen oder Duschen. 
Skandinavische Pflegeprodukte von LA BRUKET aus Schweden
Die Produkte von LA BRUKET haben es mir sehr angetan seitdem ich sie das erste Mal in einem Hotel in Helsinki ausprobiert habe. Lange Zeit war ich ein großer Fan von der Nummer 74 mit Gurke und Minze*. Doch nun habe ich die Nummer 222 für mich entdeckt: Fichte & Grapefruit*. Alle schwedischen Pflegeprodukte von LA BRUKET sind natürlich, mild und feuchtigkeitsspendend. Die ätherischen Öle reinige die Haut, machen sie weich und erfrischen. Die Inhaltsstoffe sind natürlich und biologisch. Das Gute an den Flüssigseifen ist, dass man sie  auch als Duschgel nutzen kann. Wer die Variante Gran/Spruce nutzt, erlebt beim Duschen einen imaginären Besuch im Fichtenwald. Herrlicher Duft, entspannend und typisch nordisch.
Duschgel von ARKET – made in Sweden
Die von der nordischen Flora inspirierten Zutaten für das Duschgel OAKMOSS werden in Schweden zusammengestellt. Das Duschgel schäumt und bietet der Haut auch genügend Feuchtigkeit. Perfekt auch für die Hände. Der Eichenmoos-Duft sorgt für den Wald-Duft, der an Baumrinden und grünes Laub erinnert. Leinsamenextrakt, nordische Zuckerrüben und Birkenzucker sorgen für eine geschmeidige Haut. Die Inhaltsstoffe sind zu 85 % natürlich. Was auch sehr gut ist: die Flasche mit praktischem Pumparm ist aus recyceltem Material.
Handpflege aus Skandinavien von H&M Home
Ebenso “Made in Sweden” ist das Duschgel “Love is power, free as a flower”. Das sehr blumige Duschgel, kann natürlich auch als Handseife genutzt werden. Es gibt aber auch milde Flüssigseife, die nach Minze duftet in einer 250 ml-Flasche. Diese Seife ist durch Ecocert Greenlife gemäß COSMOS-Standard Cosmos Organic-zertifiziert. Die Rezeptur ist vegan und enthält keine Inhaltsstoffe tierischen Ursprungs. Die Flasche besteht aus recyceltem PET-Plastik.
Seife aus Dänemark von Søstrene Grene
Ich möchte an dieser Stelle nicht gendern. Aber die Flüssigseife mit dem Duft Sage Dawn ist für Frauen sicherlich perfekt. Für mich war es einfach zu blumig, zu süß und rosig. Ich kann es nicht genau beschrieben, aber zu feminin eben. Der Duft besteht aus Freesien, Rose und Patschuli mit einer Note Orange, Zitrone und Minze, sowie einem Fond aus Moschus und Moos. Zur Auswahl stehen Body Butter, Körperöl, Peeling, Duschgel, Handcreme und Seife. Alle Produkte sind vegan, wurden entwickelt in Dänemark und produziert in Europa. In der Plastikflasche mit Sage Dawn sind 500 ML und der Preis liegt bei knapp 5 Euro.
Nicht nur Möbel, auch Bolia bietet auch skandinavische Pflegeprodukte
Mal eben schnell Hände waschen und dabei an Dänemark denken? Das geht mit der Flüssigseife aus der Aurora Wellnessserie von Bolia. Sie wurde in Dänemark entwickelt und hergestellt. Ihr Duft beruht auf natürlichen Inhaltsstoffen, wie Tang und Sanddorn und erinnert an die dänische Nordseeküste mit Sand und Meer. 500 ML sind in der Flasche und der Preis liegt bei 22,00 Euro. Die Seife ist ohne Paraben und Farbstoffe. Das “klassische” Stück Seife liegt bei 10,00 Euro und bietet ein angenehmes Hand-Peeling.
Happy-End in der nordischen Seifen-Oper? Schau mal in Deinen Schubladen nach
Bei mir ist es so, dass ich mich auf meinen Reisen immer wieder inspirieren lassen. So auch zum Kauf von Seifen, weil mich der Duft in den kleinen Skandi-Läden immer wieder besticht. So habe ich mir in Aarhus zum Beispiel die Seife “Dream Fragments” von Badeanstalten gekauft. In Norwegen auf den Lofoten eine kleine Seife mit dem Namen “Aurora Soap” und bei meiner letzten Wohnmobil-Reise durch Dänemark habe ich in einem kleinen Lädchen handgemachte Seife aus Holbæk geshoppt. Eine Sorte mit Lakritz mit zwei mit Zitrus. Ich habe alle Seifen neulich beim aufräumen gefunden. Sicherlich sind das auch Erinnerungsstücke, aber es ist auch gut, wenn man sie mal benutzt. Deswegen werde ich wohl für die nächsten Jahre erst mal keine Seife mehr brauchen.
  Ende der nordischen Seifenoper.
    Nordische Seifenoper: Hände waschen ist wegen #Corona immer noch wichtig! Hier eine kurze Übersicht mit skandinavischen Pflegeprodukten für die Hände aus #Schweden und #Dänemark Hej, skandinavische Pflegeprodukte sind perfekt, um sich sanft und natürlich die Hände zu reinigen. - Kennt Ihr das?
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howtogetgirls1-blog · 6 years
Don't forget to share! How to PICK UP Girls Like a Pro (5 Easy "HACKS")
http://www.letshaveadrink.co/?p=2404265 Date: 2019-02-11 15:00:03➜ Check out Anson Belts: https://ansonbelt.com/products/box-set ➜ Take my Free Physique Quiz: https://beastquiz.com Inside this video: Learn how to approach women like a pro. These are 5 "hacks" for how to talk to girls. SUPPLEMENTS I USE: ➜ BULK Pre-Workout (code=BEAST): http://www.transparentlabs.com/products/preseries-bulk-preworkout#a_aid=howtobeast ➜ Protein Powder (code=BEAST): https://www.transparentlabs.com/collections/bulk/products/proteinseries-100-grass-fed-whey-protein-concentrate#a_aid=howtobeast ➜ Greens Powder (code=BEAST): https://www.transparentlabs.com/collections/wellnessseries/products/prebiotic-greens#a_aid=howtobeast CLOTHING I WEAR: ➜ EDGE Lifestyle: https://shopedge.co ➜ Alphalete: https://alphalete.shop/how-to-beast MY SOCIAL MEDIA: ➜ Instagram: http://instagram.com/howtobeast ➜ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/howtobeast ➜ Website: http://www.howtobeast.com NEW HERE? My name is David de las Morenas. I'm a strength coach & bestselling author based in Austin. I upload new videos every Monday & Thursday. Song credit: Sub Urban - Cradles [NCS Release] Intro song: JPB & MYRNE - Feels Right (ft. Yung Fusion)
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theunmasteredblog · 7 years
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This week's Living UNmASTERED deals with something that affects us all, mental wellness.... That overwhelming feeling is not your cross to solely bear... Eric talks about ways to find your center and live in the now... Control your controllables on a path to a new you, a happier you... Just search for this episode in the The TmP Life on your favorite Podcast app #MentalWellness #Podcast #PodcastLife #WellnessSeries #iTunes #GooglePlay #SoundCloud #Stitcher #LivingUNmASTERED #KeepGoing #StayUNmASTERED
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prashanthfertility · 2 months
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Join Us for an Informative Webinar on "Myths and Facts of IVF"
Prashanth Hospitals presents The Hindu Wellness Series, where we bring you a deep dive into the myths and facts surrounding IVF.
Date: Wednesday, July 24, 2024 Time: 3 PM onwards
Dr. C. Geetha Haripriya Head of Department Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Infertility, Chairperson, Prashanth Group of Hospitals, Chennai
Dr. Samhitha Moturi Consultant Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Infertility, Director, Prashanth Group of Hospitals, Chennai
Dr. Lakshmi Srinivasan Senior Consultant, Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Infertility, Prashanth Hospitals, Velachery, Chennai
Dr. V. Abarajda Consultant, Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Infertility, Prashanth Hospitals, Kolathur, Chennai
Moderator: Soma Basu, Senior Deputy Editor, The Hindu Don't miss this opportunity to learn from the experts and get your questions answered.
Click the link to Register now: https://thehindutheme.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Ni7MEFliT_WpQ0Qb5EOEKw
Let's debunk the myths and embrace the facts together!
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The #NewYear #Rewind episode of #LivingSugarFreeLifestyle Show #podcast is out w/ a #throwback clip from the holidays. After dinner my cousins sat down with me to talk about #financialwellness #community #culture and being a #voiceforchange. 🎤 • Don't forget to LIKE, Share and comment. We'll be back next week with another episode of #AITM and more #sustainablefashion #Vintagefashion and #DIYFashion pics and tips, announcements and info from our awesome community #TXNL @TXNLVision @BetterMeInc. 🔜 • Until next time enjoy this flashback and follow all of my brilliant guests @bellamy.brown @iamthecritic @1202duecelee @didallioauthor and @montalvokid to name a few. Then go binge the #WellnessSeries and the #CreatorsSeries if you haven't already. 🎧 • Listen on #Spotify #iTunes #GooglePodcasts, your favorite podcast ap, or in your browser from SugarFreeCoaching.com ***Access to all links in bio*** • • • • • #acceptance #mentalhealth #Veterans #ActuallyAutistic #1stFVTOG #diversity #DIYHeadExtraction #ASD #AspieSecrets #SocialEntrepreneurs https://www.instagram.com/p/B8hOEF_Htxd/?igshid=161v8chgyz596
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#LivingSugarFree #MoodBoard #TXNLVision #IGGrid via @canva and #9square @sugarfreecoach with @repostsaveapp ・・・ #LivingSugarFree #WinterSolstice #CapricornSeason #Vision ✔️ • Happy #SelfieSunday #BossMovesMonday sweet🧡's, happy birthday fellow #Capricorns! ♑ • Still celebrating! I went to the #beach, got brand new #RoseColoredGlasses, saw dolphins, ate fish & chips, and leveled up my brand. 🏖 • Did you get your eBook? If you did share, drop a comment and let me know. 📚 • Someone asked about my 2019 brags. It was a fun eye opening exercise. Here's how I responsed: I love this. 💖🔥💖🔥💖 Okay here goes: 1️⃣ Published my 1st book #LivingSugarFreeRevealed #AspieSecrets and got amazing reviews. 2️⃣ Joined the #WritingCommunity here and on Twitter & hosted a #CreatorsSeries on The #LivingSugarFreeLifestyle Show #AITM podcast w/ these amazing creators @iamthecritic @didallioauthor @actorcutter @kylehesterland @janiecelmaloneauthor @willokiwrites @drtarasanderson  @1202duecelee @jon.m.ketcham and more... Also a #WellnessSeries to help with cold weather and had several guests back as cohosts. 💖 3️⃣ Escaped a potential nightmare relationship. 4️⃣ Completed a 20 year VA claim process. 5️⃣ Aquired a house. 6️⃣ Remained in 💜 for 💜's sake. 7️⃣ Made lot's and lots of #lemonade 🍋 #BOOM #2019Slayed 📚 • To celebrate the anniversary or book birthday and these wins I did an eBook giveaway to say thanks to all of you... Over 70 eBooks went out and I hope you enjoy and are enriched by my experiences. Photography by @SimplyDenise, cover art by @nehemiahsol 🎁 • Best Birthday ever! 🎂 • • • • • #amwriting #memoir #January2020 #NewYearSameMe #GOAT #1stFVTOG #BeTheChange https://www.instagram.com/p/B7Qgcz0AQjp/?igshid=cvyle08qovv4
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In this episode of The #LivingSugarFreeLifestyle Show #AITM Daniel @1202duecelee and I talk about what to expect in 2020 and how to #bethechange. 🎨 • My cohost #DanielChapman is an artist, musician, author and microbiologist. He's written two children's books, both available on Amazon and both awesome stories #CanYouFindAFourLeafClover and #TeachAGirlToFish. We are always fortunate to have his very scientific and yet empathetic and creative perspectives on current events and lifestyle solutions. 📚 • Be sure to follow Daniel on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Soundcloud and Vocal Media... Also check out his new mixtape on Spinrilla. 🎶 • Catch this #CommunityWellness episode, as well as previous ones with Daniel, and the entire #WellnessSeries on #Spotify, #iTunes, #GooglePodcasts and other #podcast platform favorites or in any browser from my website SugarFreeCoaching.com ⚡ • • • • #wellness #lifestyle #authorslife #qualityoflife #racerelations #ActuallyAutistic #foodscience #ChoiceArchitecture #Renaissance #neurodivergence #superpowers #AspieSecrets • ****see bio for playlist links**** https://www.instagram.com/p/B6JzJS6gu8u/?igshid=lzp4jc3q5rru
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Shout out to all the guest hosts of #LivingSugarFreeLifestyle Show #AITM #podcast #WellnessSeries #YouRock **********************🎉🎊🎉🎊 * * Leigh Grissom : @the_critic44 (on IG), @iamthecritic author (on Twitter), of #KLS9 and #SABRE6 LeighGrissom.com   * * Di Dallio : @DiDallioAuthor (on IG) author of  Don't Drink the Water (on Amazon). * * Maura Knowles : @MauraMKnowles (on IG), @macnmomorsels  (on Twitter),  Actress, nutrionist, foodie, recipe and creator of #Morselicious Treats. MauraMKnowles.com * *  Sonia Montalvo : @MontalvoKid (on IG)  What If I Fly ? and  Ad-lib  (on Amazon). * * Daniel Chapman : @1202duecelee (on IG),  @dannyduece  (on Twitter)  /  MehjiLeaks - 1202 Duece Lee - Cell Perfect (on Spinrilla). * * Denise Giarratano :  @SimplyDeniseStyle  (on IG),  @SimplyDenise  (on Twitter)   CEO of SD Management & Consulting and Membership Director of #TXNL & BetterMeInc.org. * * Binge the whole series this weekend with your friends and family on all major podcast platforms and in your browser from my website SugarFreeCoaching.com * * * * * #wisdom #wellness #strength #focus #balance #planning #authenticself #acceptance #selfawareness #growth #neurodivergence #veterans #entrepreneurs #authors #lifehacks #healthyholidays #healthyrecipes #healthyingredients #SelfCareSunday #mentalhealth #lemonade 🍋 https://www.instagram.com/p/B5TWUCGgRPp/?igshid=16aw7o1lqwn1y
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#LifestyleWellness with @SimplyDenise is out. A huge shout out and thank you to Denise all my cohosts so far. #FF be sure to follow and connect with everyone. 💖 The latest episode in our #WellnessSeries on The #LivingSugarFreeLifestyle Show #AITM #podcast is full of useful information you can implement right now. 📝 My co-host for today's is also my #bigsis #DeniseGiarratano. She provided the photographs for #LivingSugarFreeRevealed and was recently featured in a documentary short about her and her husband called, Joe & Denise, at the #UtopiaFilmFestival. 🎭 Denise is the owner of #SDMC and the backbone of #TXNL. Her #BrandReveal is life changing. 💯 I want all #LivingSugarFree sweet 💜 's to stay safe, healthy and well during these cold weather months and beyond. ❄️ Throuout this series my cohosts all shared shared some trusted tips we've been instinctively doing for years and we kept it going today with a few things we've done in our family for years. 🍋 We're sharing all this with you because it's good, but we also get paid for sharing the products we're discussing. We want you to use quality products that won't harm you and get paid too. 💵 Listen on #Spotify #iTunes #GooglePodcasts, your favorite podcast player, or in your browser from my website SugarFreeCoaching.com 🎧 * * * * * #wisdom #wellness #strength #RainbowHealth #OLWMP #eatrealfood #alternativeremedies #lifehacks #homeremedies #wellnesssolutions #naturalgirls #sisters #familyhabits https://www.instagram.com/p/B5Lx73dgVcr/?igshid=1csefemc4nwrv
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This #WellnessSeries is intended to share a variety of perspectives, solutions, tips, and resources to help #LivingSugarFree sweet 💜 's stay healthy and well during these cold weather months and beyond. ❄️ It's been fun and we've covered a lot. We may have even made you cringe a few times. As we go into the holidays I want to remind you to take the parts you can use and leave the rest. 📝 Today in our #LifestyleWellness episode, my sister @SimplyDenise and I shared some long time secrets we've been instinctively doing for years and some we've only started doing faithfully. Hey when you know better you do better. 🤓 We're sharing this with you because it's good, but we also get paid for sharing the products we're discussing. We want you to use quality products that won't harm you and get paid too. 💵 I hope you enjoy this and all the episodes of The #LivingSugarFreeLifestyle Show #AITM #podcast. You can listen on any podcast player or in your browser from my website SugarFreeCoaching.com 🎧 * * * * * #wisdom #wellness #strength #RainbowHealth #OLWMP #eatrealfood #alternativeremedies #lifehacks #homeremedies #wellnesssolutions #shoppingclub https://www.instagram.com/p/B5LuxYfA5GO/?igshid=1agoiefku4v1w
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