#welp too late now ig
sezija · 5 months
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The many forms of Alcor :3
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rubye402 · 9 months
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Here's to loving Android Wheatley's that look unique! And here's to the Android Wheatley's who are just the usual blonde twinks! Both are great!!!
Anyways, this is just some art dedicated to @a-genuine-moron 's "Love as a Construct" dating sim that I accidentally reminded them off. Whoopsie. Hope this helps keep you going at least?
Also, I took my best guess about some details with the updated design, so hope it's at least close enough to what you meant. (I was going nuts trying to figure out what you meant by "he has two toned hair now for example" is it an ambre??? Blocks or highlights of color??? Half and half??? WHAT DO YOU MEAN I'M SHAKING YOU /lh)
Alright, just a small doodle under the cut otherwise just for them and das it. Hope y'all have a Happy New Year if I don't post before then!
Bonus bc your doodle was silly:
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theonyxranger · 2 years
Ohhhhhh okay I know what the problem is today I forgot to take my meds. Idiot.
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oh-katsuki · 2 years
just realized i’ve been messaging my professor through my discord. of which the bio on my profile is “🎀 death threat”. 
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I waited whole day long for a 2 min+ video..?
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withwritersblock · 3 months
Do I Wanna Know?
~Do I Wanna Know? by Arctic Monkeys~
Author's Note: welp this was a helluva lot longer and smuttier than I wanted but oopsie. Also first time publishing smut so like take it with a grain of salt. As always italics are flashbacks. lowkey may reupload without smut Summary: ig childhood enemies to lovers? Warnings: smut! smut! 18+ please do not read if uncomfortable, swearing Word Count: 10,241 Jack Hughes x fm!reader
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It was her favorite and least favorite part of the summer. It was the three weeks during the summer where her parents allowed her to have the lake house to herself. She would invite her closest friends and their boyfriends to spend each day drunk and tanning or getting a sunburn. It was supposed to be the best summer of her life.
Until the Hughes boys next door started doing the same thing, during the same three weeks. She didn’t mind at first, being a single girl, it was always nice to have some gorgeous men to admire. But her friendship, or lack of one, with Jack Hughes was always difficult to enjoy those three weeks. 
Her hatred towards Jack started when they were younger. It was the second summer that her family owned the lake house. She was twelve, and Jack was thirteen. It was innocent at the time, at least Jack thought so. He would always throw her into the lake, tease her on every single aspect of her life. 
They were sitting on the dock, swinging their legs over the edge. Y/N and her best friend, Chloe, were watching the sunset in their swimsuits. They have yet to meet the boys next door, all of them around their age. Twelve. The middle boy, seemingly the most outgoing compared to the others, began walking towards the entrance to the dock. 
“I’m Jack, those are my brothers Quinn and Lukey,” Jack points out both of the boys shyly walking behind them. 
“It’s just Luke,” the younger one peeped out. Chloe smiled towards the younger one as she slowly stood up from her seated position. Y/N tilted her head back suspiciously. Why now? Why were they suddenly interested in the two girls? 
“Chloe, this is Y/N and that’s her parents' lake house,” Chloe explained as she pointed to the incredibly big lake house. Y/N reluctantly stood up from her seated position as she awkwardly walked beside Chloe. 
“Want to go swimming with us?” Jack asked, standing point between his two brothers. Chloe smiled widely, nodding her head as she walked towards the boy.
“We should probably go ask my parents if we can, it’s getting late,” Y/N said while awkwardly crossing her arms over her body. Jack’s eyes widen, a smirk forming on his lips. Y/N dropped her gaze towards her painted toes. 
“You need to ask your parents? What are you like four years old? Come on, let’s go,” Jack teased as he began walking towards her and Chloe. Y/N lifted her gaze, furrowing her eyebrows harshly as she scanned his features. He had a wide smile on his lips as if he was up to something. 
“No, I just-they like to know where we are,” she offered, swallowing hard. He rolled his eyes as he took a hold of her waist, “What the hell?!” she shouted as he lifted her up in the air and began running off the dock. Luke, Quinn, and Chloe quickly followed them. Jack and Y/N landed hard into the lake, it was cold. 
Jack let go as they hit the water, he slowly resurfaced shaking his head. He laughed hard as Y/N resurfaced a few seconds later, a frown on her lips. 
“I don’t know you! Why did you do that?!” she shouted towards him, shoving him away from her. 
“Because it was funny,” he mumbled, a smirk on his lips as he shifted his gaze towards Quinn. He was not as amused as Jack was. Luke on the other hand was laughing up a storm as he thought it was funny as well.
“Does it look like I’m laughing?!” she groaned as she stared towards him.
“I thought it was funny,” he let out, still grinning. Chloe shyly started to laugh too as she stared towards Y/N angry expression. It was at that moment Chloe knew, a friend group was formed.
She pulled into her parking spot at the house with four of her friends squished into her small car. Chloe was in the passenger seat beside her. Her boyfriend, Jacob, was in the back beside Ollie and Melanie. She pulled her keys from her car and lifted her gaze towards the Hughes house to see a large group of guys sitting on the front steps sipping White Claws.
Her eyes landed on the boy she to this day despised. Every summer she would have to spend every day with him, every second of it she would hold a scowl to her features. She hated him, she hated that he was cocky and confident. She hated that his ego had been boosted by being drafted first overall. She hated that TikTok made him into the white boy of the year. She hated the smirk on his lips, she wanted to smack it right off.
Stepping out of the car, the boys across the house instantly hollered. One boy's voice stood out particularly as he said, “Bout damn time you showed up Sunshine!” Jack called out. 
She was sixteen now, four years deep into her hatred towards Jack Hughes. It’s been four years of constant petty arguments, the teasing, the constant feeling of wanting to punch him. She was laying on the dock, a towel beneath her frame as she laid out, feeling the heat from the sun burn her skin. 
Chloe was still asleep, as she could sleep forever if she had the chance. It was ten in the morning, the sun was already working hard. She wasn’t looking to tan, but she loved the feeling of the sun on her skin. It was too early for her parents to get out on the boat, so this was the second best option.
She heard footsteps walking towards her, a sigh fell from her lips as she slowly sat up, looking towards who was walking towards her.
Jack was shirtless, approaching her. She rolled her eyes as she laid back down, shutting her eyes. Jack smiled as he sat beside her, crossing his legs as he stared towards the lake, admiring the sun cascading over the water. 
“Hey Sunshine,” Jack let out, knowing the nickname would piss her off. He loved making her mad. Ever since that day he tossed her into the lake for the first time, it’s been his goal to make her angry. A groan fell from her lips as she covered the sun from her eyes with her hand.
“Go away,” she mumbled as she moved her hand back to her side. He smiled as he rested his elbows onto his knees. He looked back towards the lake. 
“No ones awake yet, who else am I supposed to talk to?” he asked, shifting in his spot slightly.
“That’s not my problem, go away,” she let out as she took a deep breath, her chest rising and falling. Jack glanced towards her chest, clearing his throat slightly as he dropped his gaze towards his lap. 
“But we have such great conversations, Sunshine,” he teased as he bit his bottom lip.
“Stop calling me that,” she said as she sat up on her elbows, meeting his gaze as she squinted from the sun. He smirked as he looked into her eyes. His eyes casually lowered, scanning her frame. Looking at the small beads of sweat on her skin.
“Do you want to go with me to go get breakfast for everyone, Sunshine?” he asked. She huffed, forced out a laugh.
“What makes you think I want to spend any time alone with you?” she questioned. He tilted his head to the side while running his fingers through his hair. 
“Oh, I know you do, Sunshine, you haven’t left my side since I sat down,” he teased. She rolled her eyes as she clenched her jaw. 
“You are literally the most annoying person on the planet,” she forced out as she stood up from her position, her body completely standing above him, perfectly in his line of sight. He was shamelessly admiring each curve, each gorgeous part of her. “Don’t look at me like that,” she let out as she started walking away, covering her body with the towel.
“You seriously cannot still be mad at me for shoving you into the lake that day,” he expressed as he jogged towards her, she was surprisingly fast. 
Stopping dead in her tracks she spun around, facing him. He stumbled back as he wasn’t prepared for her to stop. Her face was scrunched together as she took in a sharp breath. His eyes were staring hard at her glossed lips, craving the taste of her lips.
“Do you really think that’s why I don’t like you? Some stupid childhood argument?”
“I mean yeah, that whole year I just kept doing it,” he said, nearly proud of his behavior.  He swallowed hard as he felt his heart beat fast.
“I don’t like you because you’re cocky and rude and think you’re a god just because you’re good at hockey. You think you can do whatever you want because girls think you’re hot!” she shouted towards him, the towel becoming loose on her frame. She pulled it off, scrunching it into a ball in her hands before she slowly started walking backwards away from him. 
“Are you one of those girls?” he asked, ignoring everything else that she said. She scoffed while shaking her head. She spun around, meeting his gaze. Her jaw clenched tightly. 
“I couldn’t be less attracted to you,” she said as she scanned his features, “I don’t think losers are hot,” she expressed harshly before she walked back down the dock towards her lake house. The towel was still in her hand, giving Jack a full view of her frame. The way her hips swayed back and forth as she walked away from him. He dropped his head, taking in a deep breath.
“Wow,” he mumbled, taking in a deep breath.
She met his gaze, dramatically rolling her eyes as she continued towards the garage. Her four other friends pulled up in two other cars, nearly immediately after it began to open. The two other cars were full to the brim of luggage. 
He smiled proudly to himself as he continued watching her. Cole beside him started laughing as he stood up from his seat. “Y/N, do you guys need help bringing the luggage inside?” he shouted. Y/N’s lips curled up into a grin.
“That would be great, Cole!” she shouted back, warmly. Cole chuckled as himself and the rest of the boys jogged the short distance towards the other lake house. Jack stood up and walked towards the two cars, greeting Reagan and Harry as they climbed out of the car.
“Thought you guys couldn’t make it!” Jack said excitedly as he hugged Harry before he hugged Reagan. 
“We’re only here for the first week, but it’ll be fun!” Reagan said as she pulled away from Jack. “How’s your shoulder?” she asked as she glanced towards the small scar on his shoulder. 
“It’s good, I just have to keep up with my physical therapy while I’m here,” he said softly. Y/N watched from a distance, his tone was soft and kind. Something she’s observed over the last two years. Ever since his little brother joined the league, something about Jack’s attitude has changed. 
She swallowed hard as she walked towards the small group. She smiled towards her friends, glanced towards Jack. She quickly hugged Reagan and Harry before she opened the backseat, pulling a suitcase out. “What no hug for me, Sunshine?” he teased as he waited for his turn to take a bag. She placed the suitcase on the ground, pulling the handle up. 
“When have I ever hugged you Mr. People pay to see me play?” she said, teasing him right back. His mouth fell open, shocked as he began to chuckle. 
“You’re never going to let me live that down, are you?” he let out as he took a hold of a bright blue suitcase. She shook her head as she followed the rest of the friend group inside of her lake house. 
Usually on her first day at the house, all of her friends and herself would clean the hell out of the house. Since it has been left untouched for multiple months. She sighed as she excitedly stood in the center of the living room, already anticipating the potential events that may occur. 
She sat beside Chole as the NHL draft was beginning. It was obvious in the whole hockey world that Jack was getting drafted first overall. Despite that knowledge, he was still terrified he would fall to a lower draft ranking. But as the New Jersey Devils began to name their selection, there was no doubt in anyone's mind that it was Jack. 
As his name was called, his smile was wide. It was a genuine smile, that was never pointed towards Y/N. Her own lips curled upward as she watched him hug his brothers. His younger brother first, and then his older brother. He began walking down the aisle towards the stage.
Sure, she hated him but she’s spent every summer with him for the last six years. It was a great moment to see. She pulled her phone from her pocket, pulling up his contact.
Y/N: Congrats, hotshot, don’t let it go to your head ;)
It took several hours before Jack was able to reply. Being drafted first overall came with a lot of media. He laughed out loud as he saw the text message. 
Jack: Don’t worry Sunshine, it already has 
It took a few minutes before she replied.
Y/N: You’re going to be even more unbearable this summer aren’t you?
Jack: Are you kidding? I’m a delight
Y/N: Goodbyeee Jack
Jack: So you agree?
She watched as Luke placed her bright pink suitcase down onto the ground, it was one of two suitcases that she brought with her for the vacation. “Thanks Lukey,” she mumbled as she took a hold of it and began walking towards her bedroom. She rested it onto her bed, a small smile on her lips. She began unzipping it.
Herself and this specific group of friends already have a routine that they have. Everyone instantly unpacks and begins cleaning so they can start drinking by five. It’s worked for the last two years. She began pulling her swimsuits out first as she began to find the pairs first before she shoved them into the dresser.
Spinning around, she finds Jack leaning against the door. “Oh my god,” she let out fast. She planted a hand against her chest. He dropped his head while laughing. 
“I’m sorry,” he let out as he took a step inside of the bedroom. Glancing down towards his feet for a brief second before he awkwardly pulled up his swim trunks. “Is Parker joining you guys later tonight?” Jack asked, swallowing hard.
It was weird for her group to arrive first for the three week vacation. But it was the summer after Jack’s rookie year. So the boys were all traveling from everywhere. They were arriving later in the night. But it was nice for Y/N to enjoy several hours with Parker. Her boyfriend for the last six months. He was great, kind, too nice for his own good. 
Her friend group was all laying in the living room, tipsy already from day drinking. Reagan and Harry were asleep on top of each other on the couch. Chloe and Jacob were whispering to one another as they were switching from their heads resting on each other’s shoulders. Ollie and Melanie were gone, probably off in their bedroom together. Brandon and Sasha were in the kitchen making more drinks for themselves. Y/N was sitting in Parker’s lap as she was applying aloe to his bright red cheeks. 
“I told you to sunscreen, Baby,” she whispered as she slowly ran her fingertips along his cheeks, he winced as the gel was cold on his skin. 
“I thought I could handle it,” he whispered jokingly. She rolled her eyes playfully as she heard the front door being pulled open. She didn’t intentionally forget to tell Parker about the pack of boys that would be joining them in the summer. It was so normal for the six of the guys to be next door that she forgot it may not be for Parker. He furrowed his eyebrows, taking a grip of her thighs protectively as he watched all six of the guys enter the house.
“Sunshine! Why are you guys not on the boat drunk already! You know that’s how this works!” Jack shouted. He stopped short seeing Y/N sitting in Parker’s lap. His eyes widened slightly as he scanned the sleepy couples around them all. “You guys pregame too hard?” he further pressed.
“Who’s this guy?” Parker asked, delicately shoving Y/N off of his lap. She plopped down beside him, resting her hand onto his thigh. 
“Jack, Quinn, Luke, Trevor, Cole, and Dylan,” she said quietly as she pointed to each boy. Jack smirked as he met Parker’s gaze. “Boys, this is Parker, my boyfriend,” she said as she slowly stood up, suddenly self conscious of the bikini covering her frame. Parker stood up and rested a protective hand on her hip.
Quinn shoves past Jack, becoming front and center, “Nice to meet you, man. The house next door is ours, and those three are our friends,” Quinn explained, at first pointing to himself and his brothers before he pointed to their friends. Parker nodded slightly, looking back towards Jack before he shook Quinn’s hand. 
“So you all will be here for the whole time we’re here?” Parker asked. Quinn nodded. “Great,” Parker expressed sarcastically as he forced a smile onto his lips. “Let’s get to drinking again, shall we Babe?” he asked as he forced his gaze towards Y/N. She forced a smile on her lips as she nodded towards him.
She was laying on the beanbag in the basement of the Hughes lake house. Parker was playing pool with a few of the other boys. Y/N was drunk as she was scrolling through her Instagram feed for the fifteenth time that night as she kept seeing the same pictures over and over again. 
Jack was not in the current game as he sat down beside Y/N. She groaned as she dropped her phone beside her head, “What, Hotshot?” she questioned as she shifted her drunken gaze towards him. He smirked as he took a deep breath. 
“I’m a washed up draft pick remember?” he said as he brought the beer bottle towards his lips. “Not a hotshot anymore,” he mumbled. She gasped drunkenly as she smacked her hand against his thigh. It was barely a tap but his attention fully switched over to Y/N.
“Don’t say that,” she scolded as she sat up. Her eyes widened as she blinked slowly, trying to regain her balance. Despite her not even moving in the process. 
“It’s a transition into the b-best league in the world, Jack, you’re a kid playin’ against like-what- thirty year olds? You’re still a hotshot, Hotshot. You’ll f-find your way back,” she explained. Jack smiled as he met her gaze. His lips fell into a pout as he admired her eyes. 
“I think that’s the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me, Y/N,” he mumbled, a genuine soft smile formed on his lips as he scooted towards her subconsciously.
“What, no Sunshine?” she asked, as she scanned his features. Was he always this pretty? She found herself thinking. 
“You miss it?” he teased. She laughed while she leaned back into the beanbag. 
“A little,” she mumbled. He laughed as he shook his head. Parker watched the interaction from afar, Jack met Parker’s gaze. He cleared his throat as he shifted his gaze back down towards his lap.
Parker leaned down and hit the 8-ball into the pocket he needed to, ending the game. The boys cheer. “Y/N’s falling asleep over there, I’m gonna take her to bed,” he mumbled, politely smiling towards the small group of guys. He walked towards Jack and Y/N.
Without looking towards Jack, he reached down, taking a hold of Y/N’s waist, “Come on, beautiful, let’s get you to bed,” he whispered. She hummed as she rested her head onto his shoulder as she wrapped her legs around his waist. Parker took a hold of her thighs as he carried her up the stairs out of the Hughes’s basement. 
Jack watched as the pair left the basement, he leaned his head against the beanbag as he began peeling at the wet label of the beer in his hand. His heart fluttered as the words Y/N said circled his mind. He’s heard those words a thousand times but something about it coming from her felt different. She hated him and he knew that but she still felt that he could be a success. He sighed as the boys shouted towards him to join in on the next round.
“We broke up a few months ago,” she let out sadly as she opened the drawer as she tossed her bikinis inside. His eyes widened. 
“Oh man, I’m sorry, Sunshine. You guys were good together,” he mumbled as he crossed his arms over his chest.
“It’s weird not having him here. It was the new normal, you know?” she explained, her voice cracking in the process. He nodded, crossing his arms over his chest. If he was being honest, he wished he hated the guy but he was impossible to hate. He was genuinely the nicest guy he’s ever met. He was convinced they were going to end up married. “Our lives just went separate ways, that’s all.” She said not-so-convincingly
“Yeah, I’m sorry,” he let out while he smiled sadly. 
“Yeah me too, I have to hang out with you six for the whole three weeks. I’m not third wheeling any of them,” she lightened the subject. He barked out a laugh. 
“It is not that bad, Y/N,” he mumbled as Trevor stepped into the bedroom.
“Harry said you and Parks broke up?” Trevor asked, shocked to say the least. She simply nodded. “Damn, I’m sorry, Y/N. He was awesome,” Trevor mumbled before he walked out of the room. 
She scoffed, a laugh leaving her throat. Jack furrowed his eyebrows as he stepped towards her, kicking the door shut with his foot, “What really happened with you two?” Jack asked in a hushed tone.
She laughed dryly as she wiped a sudden tear on her cheek, “Like I would tell you, Jack,” she muttered as she shook her head. 
He clenched his jaw as he rolled his eyes. “Come on, Y/N, didn’t we bury this years ago?” 
“I have been nothing but nice to you all summer and you still treat me like I’m an asshole!” Jack shouted as he tossed his hands to the side, “I’ve apologized for every dumbass thing I’ve done over the years, but you still treat me like dirt, Sunshine!” 
“See that! That right there is why I am still pissed at you and I still don’t like you! You act like years of teasing and making fun of me will just go away because you apologized!” She took a small step towards him. He took in a shaky breath as he scanned her fuming features. “An-And stop calling me Sunshine! I know it’s because you think I’m a buzzkill! It’s not funny, it’s not cute! I’m over it!” 
“What do you want me to do?! If endless apologizes won’t help you like me then what would you like me to do then?! I can get on my knees-” he spoke, getting on his knees, “I’ll beg! I’ll do whatever you want, Sun-Y/N,” 
“Get up! Why do you want me to like you so much? We’ve spent nine years hating each other. Why do we need to start being friends?” she let out, staring down towards him. His eyes were soft yet, the smirk on his lips was full of anger. He stood up, meeting her gaze, they were standing near inches away from one another.
“I never hated you, Y/N. That was all you. I like making you mad. You’re really hot when you yell at me. What can I say?” he mumbled, a dry laugh leaving his lips. He took a step back. His eyes widened slightly as he finally processed the words that left his lips. He took a shaky breath as he looked deeply into her eyes. “I think-” he took a deep breath, “I think you like it when I piss you off, Sunshine, you get all hot and bothered with it too,” 
She felt like her heart was beating so hard it would break out of her chest. “I don’t-get hot and bothered with it. I get angry. You are the most infuriating person I have ever met!” she expressed, her gaze slowly dipping down to his lips. He was right, he did make her entire body hot and needy for his touch.
“You are the most exhausting person I have ever met,” he let out, his gaze on her lips too. 
“You better start liking me before you cheat on your boyfriend with me. I really like the guy. I don’t want to do that to him,” he rested his hand onto her hip, gripping it somewhat tightly. “You can’t pretend you don’t like the way I make you feel,” he whispered into her ear before he began walking away.
“I don’t! I would never cheat on Parker. Let alone cheat on him with you!” she shouted out. She was grateful that everyone had gone grocery shopping, leaving the pair alone. Jack and Y/N were the only ones still asleep when everyone else left.
“Then you better start liking me because the longer you hate me the more you want me,” he let out, winking before he walked out of her living room. She scoffed as she stared towards the door that he walked out of.
He was right. Damnit, he was right.
“Barely, that was like our worst argument ever,” she expressed, a chuckle leaving her lips. She sat on the end of her bed, leaning slightly into her suitcase. Jack followed in pursuit, sitting beside her. Their knees were touching. 
“You stopped hating me, so it worked,” he whispered. She turned her head, met his gaze, smiling softly. 
“I still don’t like you,” she countered, raising her eyebrows. He rolled his eyes playfully.
“What happened with Parks?” he switched the subject, his tone genuine as he pressed his lips together. She continued looking into his eyes, he was being kind. 
Sure, she hasn’t fully hated him in years. But she still didn’t want to be comforted by him, he was the last person who she would go to about things. She took a deep breath as she brushed a few pieces of hair away from her face. 
“I found out he had another girlfriend,” she mumbled. Jack’s eyes widened as his mouth fell open. “His work trips were really trips to go visit her,”
“That fucking dick,” Jack let out while shaking his head.
“I’m just glad I never followed through moving in with him,” she let out as she turned her gaze towards her hands. Her freshly manicured hands for the vacation. They were red. 
“Here I was thinking you two would end up engaged soon. Idiot,” he said while he took a deep breath. She rolled her eyes as she laughed. “I’m serious, I swore you two were end game,” he expressed. She stood up, a small smirk on her lips as she pulled the door open. She leaned her head against the door as she stared towards Jack. 
“Can you leave my room so I can unpack and clean, please?” He stared towards her suspiciously before he began walking out of the door. Stopping short, only a few inches away from her face. “I’ll see you later, Hotshot,” she mumbled. He rolled his eyes playfully before he walked out of the room, leaving her alone.
It had been several hours since the house was cleaned, it was well into the night. Everyone was sitting together around the fire pit. Quinn was in charge of the fire. Y/N sat alone, on the blanket she had set up for herself. She sat with her legs crossed as she sipped on the seltzer Quinn had bought the group.
It was definitely the most lonely she has felt in months. Watching each of her closest friends sit together close and coupley. She missed that feeling, but the memories were tampered with the knowledge that it was all a lie. She pouted as she stared towards the orange glow. 
“Sunshine, you gonna share or am I gonna have to get my ass wet on the grass?” Jack asked as he returned with a beer bottle in his hand as Cole was walking towards his usual seat. She rolled her eyes as she scooted away from the center of the blanket to allow him to sit down beside her. He grunted as he scooted closer to her, their shoulders bumping into one another. 
He leaned his head towards her, his lips nearly touching her ear, “You feeling better?” his voice sent shivers down her spine. She tilted her head, meeting his gaze. Their lips are only a few inches apart. She simply nodded. He hummed as he pulled his head back. 
“What’s so secretive?” Trevor teased as he leaned his elbows onto his thighs. His voice grasped the attention of everyone surrounding the firepit. Jack glanced towards Y/N before he shifted his gaze towards Trevor. 
She took a deep breath as she forced a smile onto her face. Tilting her head to the side, “You know how you guys think Parker is this amazing guy?” she began, she was drunk; probably the most drunk she’s been at the lake house in years. The boys all collectively shared awkward glances. “He had another girlfriend! He was fully dating someone else the entire relationship, but he had a problem with Jack and I!” she barked out a laugh.
Jack shifted his gaze towards Y/N, his face full of confusion. She rolled her eyes as she took a shaky breath. “He thought that I was cheating on him with Jack!” 
“Like we would have sex,” she said while pointing between herself and Jack. Her laughter soon stopped with the memory of their last argument floating through her mind. “But nope, he was so self-conscious because he was the one cheating. So Trevor, that’s what’s so secretive,” 
“He thought we were having sex?” Jack asked quietly. She turned her head to meet Jack’s gaze. She simply nodded. “Wow,” he mumbled as he dropped his head, staring towards his beer. 
Chloe stood up from her seat as she handed her drink towards her boyfriend. “Y/N, let’s get you to bed,” she mumbled.
“Why? Because I told everyone the truth? I’m sorry if that disappoints you all. I know you all think he was so awesome,” she let out while her eyes were filled with tears. 
“Y/N, come on,” Chloe mumbled, gripping Y/N’s arm and lifting her up from the ground. She didn’t protest as she followed Chloe towards the house. 
Everyone stayed silent for a moment, processing that someone they thought was their friend could be lying for so many years. Jack kept replaying the part where she had said that Parker thought they were having sex. Was it that obvious that he liked her? Maybe I had feelings for her?
“Why would Parker think you two were having sex?” Ollie asked. Jack lifted his head, pouted his lips as he shook his head slightly. Cole chuckled as he rolled his eyes.
“Jack has had the hots for Y/N since he was twelve,” Cole let out, he was drunk as well. His filter was long gone. Jack’s eyes widened as he shifted his gaze towards Cole.
“Thanks for that,” he said through gritted teeth. 
“You’re welcome,” Cole said, completely missing the sarcasm.
Jack rolled his eyes as he took in a sharp breath. “I never acted on anything. I mean she’s spent most of the time I’ve known her hating me,” he explained while shrugging his shoulders.
“Yeah and you liked pissing her off because it turned you on,” Cole continued, clearly needing to go to bed himself.
“Alright! Cole, maybe you should head to bed too!” Jack silenced him as he swallowed hard, shyly looking towards the crowd of couples to his left. 
Cole nodded, standing up. He stumbled slightly as Trevor took a hold of his shoulders, guiding him towards the Hughes house. Jack clenched his jaw as he stared towards the bottle for a second before he brought it towards his lips, chugging the rest of his beer.
“I’m never telling him anything ever again,” he mumbled as he dropped the beer bottle to his side. He met Harry’s gaze, suddenly feeling the need to defend himself. 
“I don’t know why, I just liked making her mad. We got into it-argued- a few years ago and that was the last time we really went at each other’s throats. We’ve been friends since?” he explained. “I mean I wouldn’t help someone cheat on their boyfriend. Even if I knew Parker was a dick,” 
Harry furrowed his eyebrows as he crossed his arms over his chest. “Alright, I wasn’t going to say anything but Reagan and I heard that argument. We thought this whole time you two were secretly having sex,” Harry explained. Jack’s eyes widened.
“You what?!” Jack let out loudly. Everyone else besides Harry and Reagan began dispersing away from the firepit, all of them heading towards the Hughes house. Despite half of them that sleep at Y/N’s. “Did you tell Parker that?!” Jack asked.
Harry clenched his jaw as he nodded his head. Jack scoffed while rolling his eyes. “I mean you told her to stop hating you before you two have sex!” he let out a chuckle, “I mean, we thought she still hated you-”
“So you made an assumption and probably ruined their entire relationship. That’s fucking awesome of you, Harry,” Jack stood up, getting ready to walk towards his house.
“You fucking ruined it man, you clearly have feelings for her!”
“I think she’s attractive, that’s fucking different! Why would I have feelings for someone that hated me!?” he stood up shouting again. 
“Cole said you’ve had feelings for her since you were twelve!” Harry shouted back.
“First off, Cole’s drunk barely knows what he’s saying. Second off he said I had the hots for her. Two very fucking different things!” Jack defended. He took a deep breath, meeting Harry’s gaze. “And if I did have feelings for her, I would treat her a hell of a lot better than how Parker treated her. Even if she hated me first,” he said simply before he started walking away towards his house. 
After a few seconds he stopped short, spinning around to meet Harry’s gaze. His anger and frustration quickly dissipated. He took a deep breath. “Y/N didn’t cheat on Parker with me. I only said that to rile her up. I never brought it up again.” he met Harry’s gaze. “You only did what you thought you had to do and I get that, I just-I don’t have feelings for her. I’m sorry for getting pissed at you. I’m drunk and I get snappy when I’m tired.” 
Reagan tapped Harry’s arm encouragingly. “I’m-I’m sorry too. I just Y/N’s practically my sister and Parks and I got close over the years. I didn’t like seeing anyone get hurt, I should’ve asked you two about it before I went and told Parks,” he explained. Jack simply nodded before he left to walk towards his house.
Reagan took a deep breath, “How do you boys just scream at one another and then apologize and get over a minute later? How is that even possible?” 
Harry laughed while shaking his head, “I don’t know, it just happens,” he mumbled.
Jack jolted awake, his breathing heavy as he shook his head. His dream from last night flashed in his mind for a moment. A scene of Y/N sprawled out on his mattress, completely naked awaiting for him to lean down and kiss her lips. That damn pout was on her lips as she looked towards him desperately. He shut his eyes, feeling his boxers tighten as the dream continued to replay in his mind. 
“Fuck,” he mumbled as he stood up, forcing himself to try and occupy his mind with something else. Except he turned around to see his mattress. The vision of Y/N on his mattresses plastered in front of him, she was stunning and desperate in his dream, he wanted to see it in real time. He wanted to be with her. He clenched his jaw as he walked towards his bathroom. Needing to shower away his thoughts. 
He stood underneath the hot water, staring down towards his erection, mad that his thoughts were sending him there. It’s been years since he thought that way about her, he thought he was finally over it. But she was single again. Maybe even a little desperate. Or he was the desperate one. 
Maybe he needed to have sex with her once, maybe it’ll be a one time thing. One and done, get her out of his system. He sighed as he finished his shower, still half-hard as he pulled on his swim trunks. 
He jogged down the steps to the voices of everyone else in the house awake. The air was tense as Jack entered the living room. The rest of the boys were awake, sitting and chatting. They all shifted their gaze towards Jack. “Harry and I already apologized and are over it, alright?” Jack rasped out as he stumbled towards the coffee maker.
“I’m sorry for my drunk ass,” Cole rasped out, his eyes barely open. He was very hungover. “I gotta learn to shut the fuck up,”
“Yeah you do, but it’s fine. I just hope Y/N’s alright,” he mumbled as he waited for the Kurig to pour him his cup. He spun around, rubbing his hand across his face. The boys shared knowing glances again. “What?” Jack asked, his voice cracking slightly. 
“So Caufield’s right? You have feelings for her?” Luke asked, crossing his arms over his chest. Jack took a deep breath.
“I think she’s hot, I don’t have feelings for her,” he clarified as he pulled the mug from the coffee maker, taking a small sip. His hangover, disappearing nearly instantly. Jack rolled his shoulder back, groaning slightly. 
It was a handful of hours later and any tension between the group dissipated within a few minutes. They were all laughing and smiling together again on the boat. Y/N’s family has a slightly bigger boat that fits everyone. The Hughes’s boat is much smaller. Y/N was sitting beside Chloe as she was talking about something that was going on with her new school district that she was working for.
Jack was sitting beside Quinn, subtly looking towards Y/N every chance he could. “Are you sure?” Quinn asked Jack. At first, Jack didn’t hear him as he continued glancing towards Y/N. “Jack, are you sure?” he let out again. 
Jack shifted his gaze towards Quinn, “Sure about what?” he asked as he reluctantly glanced back towards Y/N.
“If you look towards Y/N one more time I think you might burn a hole into her forehead,” he teased. Jack smacked his arm as he dropped his gaze towards his lap. 
“Shut up,” Jack mumbled as he stared towards his hands. Quinn had stopped the boat at the center of the lake, spinning around to face everyone.
“Who wants to go swimming?” he asked. The boys nearly instantly jumped into the lake without hesitation. Quinn slowly pulled his t-shirt from his frame, dropping it to his side before he jumped into the water, landing near Dylan. Jack stood at the opposite end of the boat, watching Y/N and the other girls slowly get ready to climb into the water. Reagan and Chloe were the first to jump into the water. 
“Jack don’t you fucking think about it-” she expressed, pointing a finger towards him but it was too late he was already making a beeline towards her. “Jack!” she shouted as he took a hold of her legs, tossing over his shoulder before he jumped into the lake, tossing her in with him.
He soon resurfaced, shaking his head of the water. She slowly resurfaced after him, pouting her lips as she splashed him. “I was going to jump in, asshole!” she said, teasingly. He smirked as he began to splash her back. 
“Are you cheating on me?” Parker asked out of nowhere. Y/N was mid bite of her sandwich when he asked. She stared towards him blankly as she chewed quickly. Swallowing hard, she rested her sandwich down onto the plate while she stood up. 
“No, why would you think that?” she asked while shaking her head. Her heart was pounding hard against her chest. Almost as if she was guilty. But she wasn’t. The only thing she was guilty of was sex dreams with other people. Mainly just Jack. 
She hasn’t seen him in six months and on and off she would have a very hot and heavy dream where they would be having sex. Anywhere and everywhere they could between their lake houses.
“Are you and Jack having sex? I can’t stop this nagging idea that every time we go to the lakehouse you are sleeping with him!” he shouted. His voice was much louder than it was before. She scoffed, her lips curling up in a smile. Her fantasies were the furthest she would consider going with Jack Hughes. 
“That’s fucking crazy! I don’t like him! Why would I ever consider having sex with him?” she let out, still laughing.
“Why are you laughing?!” he asked.
“Because it is ridiculous to me that you would believe that Jack, who lives in New Jersey, and I are having sex!”
~Three Days Later~
The group was starting to disperse back to their respective rooms. It was well past two in the morning, everyone was drunk and stumbling. Except Jack and Y/N. They were tipsy, but more sober than their friends. Y/N walked a handful of her friends back towards her house, watching each of them enter their rooms. She stood still in the living room letting her tipsy mind wander.
Which led to her feet wandering. 
She stepped outside, the chill of the night air hit her skin creating goosebumps all over her skin. 
She walked towards the backdoor of the Hughes house as she met Jack’s gaze through the glass door. 
He bit his bottom lip as he pulled the door open. 
“It’s late, Sunshine,” he mumbled as he pulled his lips between his teeth, running his tongue along his lips. She scanned his features, his eyes darkened as he scanned her frame. It was only covered by a thin black bikini. She stepped towards him, gently resting her hand onto his bare chest. He took small steps backwards.
“I know,” she mumbled, her gaze only on his lips. They would drift towards his eyes, every few seconds. But she was so focused on his lips. 
“Nothing good happens after two AM, that’s that stupid rule you follow from that show you like,” he could hear his heartbeat. He knew what she wanted, he knew what he wanted. But what if the others find out?
“It’s from How I Met Your Mother and it’s not stupid,” she muttered as her hands started trailing his body, feeling his skin rise in goosebumps under her touch. Her eyes drifted down towards his body, his tanned frame was hard to not admire. Her fingertips grazed the small bump of a scar line from his surgery he had. He looked over her features, she wasn’t thinking straight. She couldn’t have been.
“You’re drunk, Y/N,” he let out, feeling his body grow tense under her touch. His lips were starting to tingle from anticipation. 
“I’ve had two shots and a beer, Jack, I’m not drunk,” she lifted her head slightly. Meeting his eye. 
He took in a shaky breath as he took both of his hands and took a hold of her cheeks. He pulled her towards him, slamming his lips against hers as if a bomb would go off if he didn’t. She moaned against his lips as she rested her hands onto his chest muscles. Their tongues connected. His hands slowly glid from her cheeks down towards her neck, one hand ran through her hair as his other kept a soft hold of her neck. 
His thumb caressed the side of her neck slowly before he pulled away. “What-” she trailed off as he leaned down and took a hold of her thighs, lifting her up from the ground, tossing her onto his shoulder. “Jack what are you doing?” she asked as she rested her hands onto the center of his back as she was being carried upstairs. 
“Hold on-” he mumbled as he turned the corner towards his room. A room she has only seen a handful of times. He not so gently laid her down onto the bed, his eyes lit up at the sight of her on his bed. His nights have been filled with dreams of her laying exactly like that. With him hovering above her. She took in a deep shaky breath as he smiled towards him, she inched back slightly, trying to give them more room.
Jack shut the door and quickly locked it. He quickly climbed on top of her, supporting himself with his good arm. His other arm quickly took a hold of her thigh, putting their bodies closer together.
Immediately his lips pressed hard against hers as his grip on her thigh tightened. She moaned against his mouth as she ran her fingers through the ends of his growing hair. 
His breathing quickened as he slowly pulled his lips away from hers as he slowly pressed his lips against her jaw. Tilting her head back, her entire neck and chest was in view. She was breathing hard as she continued running her fingers through the ends of his hair, tugging slightly. His lips trailed down her neck, not leaving a mark on her skin. He knows he wouldn’t hear the end of it if he did. 
Her back arched, as he slowly glided his fingertips towards the small clip of her bikini on her back. He looked up towards her, pleading that she allow him to see her. She lowered her gaze, meeting his desperate gaze. All she could muster up was a nod as he quickly unclipped the top. With her assistance the top came off. He tilted back slightly, taking in her boobs. 
She suddenly felt shy, no man, not even Parker, admired her like this. Jack soon leaned towards her, connecting their lips once more, “You’re so beautiful,” he mumbled against her lips. She didn’t reply, only started letting her own hands wander towards his swim trunks. 
He pulled away from her lips as he began kissing and running his tongue along her skin once more. She was breathing heavily as his tongue and lips connected with her boob. She took in a sharp breath as she tilted her head back. His other hand began massaging the other one, as he took in every single breath and small utter leaving her lips. He continued lower for only a few seconds before he pulled away.
He climbed up, meeting her gaze as he slowly leaned down and kissed her lips, less urgently. More sensually as her hands slowly toyed with the waistband of his swim trunks. 
He hummed as he slowly lowered his lips again, kissing and sucking the skin right below her collarbone. He was convinced that she had a swimsuit that covered it. He thought the longer his lips remained at that certain spot, creating a red jagged bruise, she would tell him to stop but he continued. 
Once he was satisfied he stood up from the bed, smirking towards her. He pulled off his swim trunks, revealing himself to her. Her eyes widened as she smirked towards him. He winked towards her as he slowly walked towards her, taking a hold of her swim bottoms. He met her gaze briefly before he slowly began to pull the bottoms off of her frame. Slowly revealing herself to him. 
His fantasy was in front of him, she was laying completely naked, desperately looking towards him for more. He’s never made it past this part, never made farther in his dreams. But here he was, climbing on top of her as he kissed her lips urgently. His free hand slowly wandered down towards her clit. 
He slowly began running small tight circles, she moaned against his lips as she tilted her head back. “Shh,” he pointed towards the wall, warning her that Trevor’s room was right beside them. She nodded absentmindedly as she pulled his head towards her again, connecting their lips. 
He pulled away again, a whine left her lips. “I think you’re gonna like this a lot better, Sunshine,” he whispered before he slowly climbed down her frame. He took a hold of her thighs, spreading them apart, getting a look of how wet she was for him. 
He leaned towards her, slowly running his thumb along her clit, hearing her squirm at his touch. He smiled before he leaned towards her. His tongue slowly circled her center. A breathy moan left her lips as she gripped the pillow behind her. After a few seconds, he took her clit in his mouth.
“Oh my god,” she let out as she tilted her head back. He hummed against her body, sending an electric set of shivers through her body. Her legs tensed around his head as he slowly pulled away from her, he pressed sloppy but delicately kissed from her center, into her inner thigh before he climbed up her frame, kissing her jawline before he connected their lips once more in a sloppy dazed state.
“J-Jack,” she let out, tilting her head back, her breathing strained as her lips were swollen. He smirked as he met her gaze. 
He took a hold of his hard on and ran his hand up and down it a few times before he slowly leaned down, aligning himself with her center. He slowly pushed inside, he glanced towards her watching her tilt her head back. He thrusted a few times before he leaned down, taking a hold of her thigh. 
He pressed his lips against hers as he thrusted hard into her. She let out a breathy moan against his lips, too overwhelmed to kiss him properly. He smirked as he pressed his lips against her jaw, encouragingly. “You’re doing so good, Sunshine,” he mumbled against her ear. 
He was already feeling close to his climax as her breathy moans continued leaving her lips. Her hands found his back, digging her nails into his skin as she was nearly at her own climax. Jack slowed his pace, not wanting the moment to be over just yet, “No,” she let out barely above a whisper. 
“Sunshine, you gotta be patient,” he teased, a smirk on his lips as he took a hold of her jaw, turning her gaze towards him. “Look at me,” he mumbled before he slammed his lips against hers as he quickened his pace. He continued thrusting hard against her as she was holding her breath, trying to keep the moans inside.
“I’m gonna-” she mumbled as she tilted her head back as her release happened quickly as she tightened around him. After one more thrust he was reaching his climax. 
He let out a breathy moan as he pulled out, “Fuck,” he mumbled against her jawline. She took in a deep breath as her climax slowly ended. Her head tilted back towards him, admiring his features. The sweat formed on his forehead. She reached her hand up and brushed a few stray pieces of his hair away from his face. 
He leaned towards her, pecking her lips briefly. “Not so patient are we, Sunshine?” he teased. She rolled her eyes, smacking her hand against his arm. “It’s okay, we’ll work on it,”
He climbed away from her, taking a towel from the folded section beside his clean clothes. He sat beside her, slowly and delicately cleaning up the mess as he looked towards her, a small grin on his lips.
They didn’t talk about it afterwards. It happened, it was great and they didn’t talk about it. She kissed him one last time before she snuck out of the house and walked back to her own. She didn’t know how to feel, she couldn’t sleep. All she did was lay on her bed, staring towards the ceiling fan. She kept picturing him hovering above her, whispering things to her. His touch, his lips all over her body. 
It was around eight in the morning when she woke up. Probably only an hour of sleep under her belt. She walked towards her bathroom, looking into the mirror to see the hickeys all over her chest. He wasn’t as careful as she thought. She sighed as she walked towards the shower, turning on the hot water as she stepped inside. 
After thirty minutes, she covered her frame with a hoodie as a pair of loose shorts. She entered the living room of her lakehouse to see Ollie and Melanie sitting on the couch watching the news. She smiled towards them awkwardly as she sauntered towards the kitchen. 
Jack stepped out of his shower and smiled to himself as he met his own gaze in the mirror. He was still trying to process the events of last night. It was as if it was a dream, but it was far from it. He simply put on a pair of shorts as he climbed down the steps towards the living room, the grin on his lips not dissipating. 
He lifted his head to see Trevor and Cole sitting on the couch watching Friends. Jack ignored them as he beelined towards the coffee pot. His back was facing Trevor and Cole as he was adding his K-cup to the Kurig. Trevor’s eyes lit up as he barked out a laugh.
“I told you I wasn’t crazy!” Trevor laughed as he smacked his hand against Cole’s shoulder. Jack spun around, facing his friends. 
“What?” Jack asked innocently. 
“You had sex last night!” Trevor shouted. 
“What? No I didn’t, I would know if I did,” he defended badly, the smirk on his lips was evidence enough.
“So a ghost did that to your back?” Cole teased, as he pursed his lips forward.
“What?” he asked innocently again as he jogged towards the floor length mirror. He awkwardly checked his back to see long thin scratches along the top of his shoulders. A cocky grin formed on his lips. “I always forget to check that,” he mumbled, running his hand across his chin. 
“So what does this Tinder girl look like?” Cole asked. Jack shrugged.
“It’s none of your business,” Jack expressed, a grin to his lips. 
Y/N kept her mug in her lap as she watched the TV screen silently with Ollie and Melanie. Ollie was whispering to Melanie, a few snickers leaving his lips. Y/N shifted her gaze towards the pair, furrowing her eyebrows harshly. He smiled politely as he remained silent as he shifted his gaze towards the screen. 
Chloe stumbled down the steps with Jacob behind her. Y/N stayed silent, which was unusual of her. Any time she would not greet anyone, she always had something to hide. A secret circling her thoughts. Chloe stopped dead in her tracks, watching Y/N ignore her. She furrowed her eyebrows, suspiciously wandering towards Y/N. 
“Why didn’t you say hi to me?” she asked harshly. Y/N shifted her gaze towards her.
“Hi Chloe, good morning,” Y/N offered, a fake grin to her lips. Chloe peaked her head around the small hidden hickey just beneath her ear. Chloe’s eyes widened.
“You had sex last night!” she accused as she pointed a finger towards her. Y/N fought the smile forming to her lips.
“I-I did not,” she said, completely blowing her cover. Chloe widened her eyes as she raised her eyebrows. Y/N sighed, dropping her gaze towards her lap. “I might’ve had sex last night, but I don’t want to talk about it, okay?” 
“Fine, but when you do wanna talk about it. I need all the details,” Chloe expressed as she walked towards the kitchen to get herself a cup of coffee as well.
Somehow the secret that Y/N and Jack hooked up remained quiet. No one was plotting to figure out who the person was. Chloe had a feeling the guy Y/N hooked up with was Jack. She has always silently rooted for them to get together, but she wasn’t going to press the situation. 
Ollie, Melanie, and Harry offered to drive everyone to the Zach Bryan concert they were attending later that night. The boys were all ready. Many dressed in similar attire as the girls were still getting ready. Y/N stood in her bathroom, trying to cover up the hickeys scattered around her boobs and collarbone. A knock hit her bathroom door, she jumped nervously.
Jack slowly slipped into the bathroom. His eyes lowered towards her chest, the half covered hickeys. His eyes widened, a small chuckle leaving his throat. “Sorry,” he mumbled. She rolled her eyes playfully. 
“It’s okay, heard Cole joking about your back. Sorry,” she said, smiling towards him through the mirror. He shrugged as he stood behind her, watching her apply the makeup to her body. “I might need a new outfit, I don’t think I can cover all of these,” she let out defeatedly. 
“You’ll look beautiful in anything,” he expressed genuinely. She smiled towards him.
“You look very cute,” she mumbled towards him. 
His eyes widened, he leaned towards her, “Was that a compliment, Sunshine?” he whispered into her ear. She rolled her eyes as she leaned forward, still attempting to cover the last one beneath her collarbone. “Are we going to talk about it?” he asked. 
She sighed as she licked her lips nervously. “I don’t know if we should make it more than a one time thing, Jack. I mean you live in Jersey, I just got a new job here. It wouldn’t make sense,” she said, avoiding his gaze. He nodded. 
He cleared his throat, “Well, I’ve got to be back in Jersey by September first. Let’s do our thing, whatever that may be and have this conversation then?” he mumbled, his head rested on her shoulder. She met his gaze through the mirror for only a moment before she nodded without hesitation. He took a hold of her hips as he spun her around, leaning her back against the bathroom counter.
He leaned towards her desperately as he kissed her. She giggled while taking a hold of his cheek, pulling him away from her. “Shhh,” she forced out while laughing.
The concert was going as well as she could’ve expected. It was amazing, the group was amazing. Everyone was having a blast together. Something in the Orange began playing and Jack slowly walked up behind Y/N. She tilted her head back meeting his gaze, smiling up towards him. He wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her towards his chest.
They swayed back and forth, quietly singing along to the song together. Chloe, Cole, and Trevor huddled up as they watched the pair from a distance. Chloe’s jaw nearly hit the floor as she continued to stare towards them. 
“No fucking way!” Trevor shouted, he was barely audible as the concert was so loud. Cole and Trevor started shoving and directing their friends' attention towards Jack and Y/N. 
“To you, I’m just a man, to me  you’re all I am. Where the hell am I supposed to go?” Jack mumbled into her ear, kissing the skin just below it. She hummed as she tilted her head back, meeting his gaze as she pressed her lips against his. 
“Are you kidding me!” Chloe shouted as she walked towards the pair. The music slowly faded as Zach was beginning his transition into the next song. “Are you kidding me?!” she said again as she stopped beside them. “I fucking knew it! I called it!” she yelled out. 
Jack and Y/N dropped their heads as they slowly stepped apart, giggles leaving their lips. “We don’t even know what we’re doing yet! Calm down!” Y/N explained.
“Oh-oh-oh okay, I’ll calm down when you two explain when this fucking happened!”
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embrosegraves · 8 months
𝕆𝕓𝕤𝕖𝕤𝕤𝕖𝕕 𝔹𝔽, ℙ𝕣𝕖𝕥𝕥𝕪 𝔾𝔽
Mick Schumacher x Reader  Mick's hard soft launch gets a tad spicy "I would apologise but that implies that I regret what happened."
Notes: its implied that a risque video was posted to Mick's ig story but nothing gets graphic, just a bit suggestive
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Liked by YourBestie and others
yn.ln Even our shadows love each other 🥰
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yourBestie Shadow Boy is good for you ↪ yn.ln I'm telling him you said that ↪ yourBestie NO DON'T HE'LL THINK I LIKE HIM NOW ↪ yn.ln Too late 😀 - Shadow Boy
userOne Ain't no way we lost her to a man
userTwo I was afraid this day would come 😭💔
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Liked by gina_schumacher and others
mickschumacher 🔓 -> 🔒
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gina_schumacher How did you get her to fall for you ↪ mickschumacher I fell for his silly goofy smile - (◔◡◔) ↪ gina_schumacher that doesn't surprise me
mercedesamgf1 🔥
userThree sad day to be a mick girlie ✊😔
userFour 😭i'm😭so😭happy😭for😭you😭
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Liked by YourBestie and others
yn.ln My dad approves 🫶
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YourBestie If only your dad knew what you tell me about Shadow Boy ↪ yn.ln Then it's a good thing you're never going to tell him 🔪 ↪ YourBestie Yes Ma'am 🫡🫡
userTwo see what I mean userFive ??? ↪ userFive I so thought you were lying 😭😭😭
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Liked by YourBestie and others
yn.ln Obsessed Bf 🤝 Beautiful, Stunning, Gorgeous Gf
comments have been turned off
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Liked by gina_schumacher and others
mickschumacher I mean I would apologise, but that implies that I regret telling the world about my Beautiful, Stunning, Gorgeous, Absolutely Breath-taking girlfriend. Which I don't.
comments have been limited
YourBestie I'm so glad ig stories go away after 24 hours ↪ mickschumacher oh I made a highlight just for that story ↪ YourBestie I hate you sm
gina_schumacher Little Brother all grown up 🥲 ↪ yn.ln all GROWN up ifkwim 😏 ↪ YourBestie EW EW EW EW EW EW ↪ yn.ln 🤭🤭
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welp. there's that.
i hope you enjoyed!
as usual, likes replies and reblogs are always appreciated <3
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snackugaki · 1 year
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... just make an iteration* for fun, I said
a universe where they've made it into their late 30s-early 40s and they chill and can be serene in the company of friends and family for once. maybe a flashback or two for the action moments
"fix" your childhood turtles so they can have a reprieve and some shenanigans, i reasoned with myself--
my tmnt au iteration (where everyone made it past their 20s, splinter’s alive just old, venus is here, and they deserve some goddamn respite and shenanigans)
tmnt au iteration part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9
tmnt au iteration omake 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11
lny visit 1 | 2
is this actually new ramblings for the iteration or like one new lore bit and just a rerererererehashing of lore i sprinkled across the other posts.
first though, with my sorta-outsider-not-active-participant-in-fandom history I realized "au" isn't the proper term for what I've been doing, the more suitable term is "iteration".
and we're gonna sit with the fact that even someone at my old-ass age recognized my previous understanding of a term was, for all intents and purposes, not entirely correct and that I acknowledged it, rectified when I could, and that's it, it can be that easy.
okay back to the bullshit.
so my Mondo was introduced in the Archie run, a funky guy with a metal band called Merciless Slaughter, dressed like a punk Hulk, all around good peoples, hung out with the Mutanimals.
His design cobbling isn't too deep, I don't think. Just thought it'd be more rad if he looked more like a guy who fronts a band called Merciless Slaughter while remaining the same ol' Mondo inside, post mutation.
Kept some of his original color palette around in his hat, his pants, his NYHC logo (links) knockoff, and his little dyed leather cord bracelets.
the letters for the logo are for, Skate or Die (across), and Merciless Slaughter (down)
hmm still waffling on if I'm more tickled by him being taller than Mikey or the same height (5'4")
and now for the rererererehash rambling because none of this design progression is coming out linear for me. so super quick, am an original 90s turtlemania survivor, Rise brought me back, gorged Rise then Bay then 2007 movie then rererererewatching of Next Mutation and the 90s trilogy for fun then hacking my way back through the Archie and Mirage runs then caught up with IDW and then just... slogging through 2003 and 2012 which honestly I feel like I got the gists of through gif sets alone.
one hand I can see why old fans (90s turtlemania) didn't seem to like the Rise designs, ours really were just the same li'l green dude but in different colors and hit sticks looks-wise. But here comes Rise with all the character design classics: different shapes! different sizes! exaggeration! and that's on top of all the nudges and twists made to the usual lore; Raphael is now the oldest, Leo and Donnie are now twins, they're different species of turtles, they're tools for war, brand new antagonists etc.
idk, to me when I was watching that shit, it was fun and refreshing so... ionno, built different cope maybe to the other oldheads pissing their pantaloons still ig whatevs
what tickles me most, personally, is the utter fuckton of Rise AUs, and a few Rise-driven iterations, and also some of the other non canon media iterations. so tickled that I got hit by the makeaniterationigitis itllbefunoccocal virus too. UnU (i'm kidding, i'm having so much fucking fun) just I'm addressing the flowers I wanna give to the kids who took Rise's take on tmnt and just RAN with the "different turtle species" from full out coloring their turtles the same as the species they picked to mimicking Rise's design language with different markings.
God, the markings thing just really nestled into my heart, it's such a simple thing and yet it took Rise to just try it, not even a lot, just a little for flavorrrrr. It's just enjoyable as fuck to me tbh and I'm sharpening my teeth when I revisit my coloring choices for the 8th time... fuck where was I?
right, mine are mistakes. wrongright place at the wrongright time, mutagen was there and now they can swing swords around and eat pizza.
someone(s) was high tailing it outta a TGRI lab with some mutagen barrels, driving recklessly while a bunch of eco-vigilantes had broken out of a pet shop that was the face of a black market pet trade/medicine/exotic food racket of endangered species. hence where their bit of human pre-mutagenic contact comes from (the strike team of people who freed them from their cages because all of them were endangered species & destined for a tank, a cutting board or a pill box); including a sea turtle Venus, Leatherhead, Tokka, Rahzar, Man-Ray some others etc etc. Jennika keeping her origin because it was dope as fuck. splinter was just there watching this symphony of human fuckery happen and decided to adopt some kids with no one asking (it was tang shen's onryo that is rooted in Splinter's mind that was asking, shh)
and ever since it clicked when I was gathering ref shots, ✨sea turtle Venus just makes sense✨ to me, it's taken my brain stem and rung it like a bell for new year's nonstop and i am not mad
... fuck, I am but also am not looking forward to when I start delving into ninjutsu, ninpo, Venus' whole schtick and how the supernatural fits into this world that I definitely don't need to be fleshing out this much just to draw them chilling on April's couch.
i've got like over 70 refs, holy shit
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lindszeppelin · 5 days
Marcello just untagged himself from those pics (on both posts). Too much attention? It seems a little too late, now...
girl lmfao this is so messy im living for this. untagging himself from the pictures implies very clearly that he in some way wanted to keep this contained and it blew up for him in a way that he didn't want. otherwise...if it was just two friends being friends at a party then what is there to be untagging yourself for?
mind you, kaia is also avoiding sharing the pictures to her IG stories as well so, they both are complicit in keeping this under wraps from the general public. to be fair, yes they were at a party and did this in front of everyone, but it's a small hollywood party. They know what's going on, the general public will always be the last one to know about what goes down behind the scenes. I really don't think kaia and marcello intended for pics of them to be uploaded and to be tagged in them, and for people to find them honestly. the photographer tagging kaia and marcello did it probably without thinking it was a big deal. but welp...now that the entire goddamn internet is talking about it...the cat is out of the bag.
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expiredsoda · 6 months
It’s hella late for me so you’ll get a less unhinged ask but multiple edition because you’re the one FCD member I haven’t personally victimized or interrogated
• Face off against Donna in a fist fight (you HAVE to defeat her in order to be released from the ring, she doesn’t want to fight you but she isn’t being given a choice)
• Deal with the stans, Mia, Miranda and Cassandra all over the course of 6 hours (how you deal with them is up to you, do tell how you’d deal with them)
Dealing with them: nullify them so they can cause no more harm
And an additional ask, do you have any pets? What kind of pets?
Do you play any games? Which games? :)
just when you thought the fire wouldn't burn to ya own doorstep 💀
1.) hmm obviously, fist fighting donna is a "hell nah" I mean come on not like I would could ever lay a finger on her, I ain't no wife beater 🗣️‼️
which now led us to face the other option... sigh
I think the stans and mia are relatively easy as long cassandra isn't mentioned in a convo/do something that could endangered the filipino twink. I have plenty of experience dealing with the ✨popular griles✨ for example, just be their dog
ughm I mean ughh yeah what I'm saying is I can deal with these kind of people if needed, as for "nullify" them welp they wouldn't cause any harm as long I'm smart about my mouth 💀
for cassandra herself I think she wouldn't actually be too hard either, at most I got my ear yapp off or get flirt ig 🤷 which both are fine with me 😔(😏) engaging some convo with cass would actually be fun though ngl
last but not least, miranda the bird bitch herself 👏 there no room for me to speak, she's the one to decide how to deal with me 💀. honestly though, I imagine miranda would just be the typical headmistress to npc student, so at most she's just gonna ask me a lot of stuff about my grades 💀
now that I think about it I rather spend the time with donna instead🧍huh what you say? I have to DEFEAT her in order to get RELEASED from the ring? who say I wanna get released 😏 (ayo bro???
2.) I only got one doggo (milo) as for now, another precious old baby just passed away not long ago 🕊️, though I am more of a cat person lmao ':3c
3.) as for games, mostly gacha games rn like hsr/re1999/path to nowhere, they all got good artstyle and amazing plot lines which made sense that I also enjoy some visual novels, or interactive story based game like life is strange etc
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daemon-in-my-head · 3 months
I liked your thoughts in the latest post and I agree with the whole "Gortash was on board with Orin's plan" take. But did Durge really have a reason to go soft? What if he actually was the opposite. What if Gortash really wanted that blue tongue up his ass, but Durge was too busy having fun with corpses cause that's the only way his father allowed? Then, if Orin's plan goes well, Durge will no longer be the chosen and Gortash might have a chance (especially with the "i am your only ally now" act)? But Gortash underestimated Orin's madness so all he got from her is loosing any contact with his now lobotomized bhaal babe. And then his return but with a new fucking lover 🥴
yea.. I am sorry if I throw too much attention your way lately
Please don't stop throwing the attention I'm a whore for talking about these vile vile lovely gremlins. I'm thriving lol
Either way back to topic; yes yes mutually assured destruction and hubris being his down fall my beloved. Long story short; I can see it, I agree, and my personal HC/the dynamic between my Durge Elli nd Gortash is a mix of both of these things lol.
Ig spoilery territory for that longfic but here's what's going on in my personal dynamic cuz it's way easier to explain this way rather than my usual round about posting:
Sooo, I should begin by saying that Gortash has been trying to get rid of Orin for a while. She's a loose canon, most definitely distracting, and she can nd will influence Elli whenever he's showing a bit too much favor to the local tyrant.
All in all, though, they were somewhat okay with the current dynamic, at least up until everybody reunited at Moonrise. Not only did my Durge grow ever more unstable with the whole 'embracing the life he wishes to have with his equal vs glory for his creator and master'- bit as things got increasingly serious, there was also the whole kinda running from trauma stuff still going on. And now, on top of that, lovely lil Orin was absolutely fed up with being 'banished' to Moonrise by Elli, so the first thing she did was a pretty open and honest assassination attempt. Granted, it failed, but Elli didn't do anything to get revenge or smth either. Didn't even confront her about it besides ridiculing her a bit for her too-slow reflexes when anyone else would've lost their life for such audacity.
And welp. That kind of caused a certain somebody to snap. Gorty found out about her plans, and decided Elli can't see reason unless she corners him even more as clearly he's way too soft on her. So he kept his trap shut about what he knew was going to happen despite some more shit he found out that rly, rly, rly should've caused him to intervene but alas. His own obsession won over the reason he wanted to see in his equal.
TL;DR Gortash wanted Elli to make a choice and stick with it as Elli's old self would've done, but Elli didn't and instead he was oddly neutral so Gortash snapped and let it happen cuz my guy can't possibly communicate about what's going on. Also he does reason with himself that no matter the outcome, either Ellis death or his choice, would be in his favour and he'd finally fully surrender and his own plan could be accomplished just the way he wants it.
So I guess soft isn't quite the right word but it also is cuz technically yeah Durge is much softer than he used to be or is with anyone else but also Gortash is being absolutely 100% unreasonable but also he is reasonable cuz Orin IS a threat to their plans and idfk. It's a mess, I adore your take, in fact I've had a similar one but I choose to make it complicated LMFAO I hope my brain made sense for this one
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askamnesiamoonjumper · 8 months
(🫂: Comforting hugs)
WOE MJ COMING OUT BE UPON YE (though should be noted this isn’t 100% how it happens in the final fic in my head, example being I tweaked some dialogue to not have references to spoilers and made it just be Mj and Snatcher, where as in my head I think Delilah would also be there :3 but yeah I have no clue how I actually got myself to write this I was fully expecting to fail horribly at this bc of my motivation sucking ass but welp here we are ig?) (also note this is taking place during the timeskip but I think everyone here already knows that about femmj) anyway, enjoy!!
(Tw for accidental misgendering)
“…So, are you going to tell me what’s eating you?”
“Moonboy you know I can’t hear you with your face in the pillow like that.”
Moonjumper flinched at the nickname, he doesn’t know. She had to remind herself. 
The two sat in the corpses room, with said corpse having their form pressed into the pillows of their bed, as their brother sat at the end to question their odd behavior lately. 
Moonjumper tilted their head away from the pillow to unmuffle their words. “I said no— it… it’s fine, Snatcher, really.” 
“Yeah, and my name is the Twilight Goat, I’m not falling for that Moon, now fess up.” He gave a deadpan look, a hint of annoyance inching its way into his tone. 
“Snatcher really, it’s—”
“I know it’s not fine. Now. Talk.”
“No, it’s—”
“No, you’ve had yourself locked up in here throwing yourself a little pity party all week! So what’s going on? Because I’m not leaving until you say why!” The ghost snapped. 
The two were left in silence, Moonjumper bit their lip uncomfortably and buried their face back into the pillow, clutching it tighter between her claws. Why couldn’t she just tell him? It would solve both of their problems wouldn't it? 
“I…” Moonjumper tried but the words died on her lips. 
Snatcher simply gave them a sympathetic but simultaneously tired look, one that said he knew far too well what they were feeling right now, oh the joys of being one in the same— you know every little trick and act the other knows. All the same horrible coping and communication skills, like a snake eating its own tail. 
The ghost sighed, “Look— I didn’t mean to get mad. I’m just… worried. You know how I am.” He looked off to the side, shoulders slumping. 
Moonjumper nodded, she knew, she knew he was worried— who wouldn’t be after you realize the pattern over the years that your sibling shuts down through self isolation. A painful habit from the Horizon. Who wouldn’t realize the spirit hadn’t been seen all week and come to the conclusion they’re rotting away in their room, wallowing in their own misery over something that couldn’t even be. Who wouldn’t come check on them, who wouldn’t worry. 
“I know…” Moonjumper whispered, turning over to better face him, “I just…” she blinked a few times, tears rung the corners of her eyes, “I… just don’t think you’d get it…” they looked off to the side. I know you’d understand, I know you won’t care, but I care, I care so much, and it's killing me, it’s killing me how much I care. 
Snatcher only stared at them, “Try me.” He prompted.
The spirit looked up at him upon hearing the words, it’s not you, it’s me, it’s not you, it’s not your fault, it’s not that you won’t get it, it's not that you won’t understand, it’s that I can’t say it, my mouth goes dry just thinking about it, so how in the world could I possibly say it?
Moonjumper slowly sat upright, holding the thick pillow in their lap, suffocating the poor fabric into their chest, “…I…” try again, “I’m—…“ again, “it’s just that— …that I-“ one more time, “I think— no- I am—! I mean— I…” 
“I’ll be here all day, Moonboy.” Snatcher gave an amused look at their failed attempts at the words, though it wasn’t hostile, or the typical harsher teasings he gave, it had a softness he only showed now to them, after all the years that had passed, the kind of softness his past self would gag at seeing from himself. 
There it was, the nickname, …it’s now or never. 
“That!” Moonjumper scrunched their eyes shut, “that— that's the issue.” They mumbled.
Snatcher blinked in pure confusion, “…What?” 
“Th- the name…? Um… that.” She sat up a bit straighter, not looking at anything in particular. “Can you… not call me that…?”
Snatcher was silent, before laughing a bit under his breath, “Wh- the nickname!? Was that what this was all about!?” 
“N- no, Snatcher it’s…” their voice trailed quieter. 
“Haha— You- you had yourself locked up in here for that!?” He laughed, continuing on.
“There’s more to it th—!”
“What? Did you think I would steal your soul over it or something!? Ahahaha—!” 
“Snatcher I'm not a boy!” The words came out as one sound, like ripping away a bandaid, get the pain over with. 
Snatcher froze, his laughter instantly disappeared, he looked at the other, eyes wide before his brows furrowed, bright gold lights looking into amaryllis red irises that shook and shivered with tears that lined the corners of their eyes. 
“You— …what…?” His voice was a complete 180, hushed and silent like the wind, rather than booming and loud like a thundering hurricane. 
Moonjumper bit her lip, desperately blinking the tears away from her eyes, “I— I…” she hicced, voice trembling against her will. She simply let her head fall down, burying her face into the pillow in her grasp, harshly digging her fingers into the cloth coated stuffing. 
Snatcher shifted on the bed, scooting closer to the spirit, “Woah, woah, hey, Moon— it’s ok, I didn’t—“ he didn’t finish his sentence, as he spoke while he moved, bringing his claw to his siblings— (possibly sisters? He wasn’t going to ask just yet,)— shoulder, to which they wordlessly understood where the gesture was leading, shoving the pillow to the floor and diving into his arms. Snatcher was still in shock from the quick hug for a second, before he eased into the embrace, wrapping his arms around the others shoulders as they sobbed silently. 
Moonjumper let the tears slip down their face, allowing themself to relax in his hold, the heat of his fire magic helping tremendously, as they let their form slowly limp against his warm chest, keeping their hold around his back tight though, as their head rested comfortably in the crook of his spectral neck. 
Her sobs slowly died down, but the two remained like that together, wordlessly in each other's embrace 
“So…” Snatcher began, “Do I have a sister, or…?”
Moonjumper laughed quietly, “Maybe~” she sang. “…But, um, I don’t mind you still calling me your sibling, that part is staying the same.” She added in a more serious tone. 
“Got it.” He nodded, “Just no more ‘he’, then? ‘Brother’, ‘Moonboy’, none of that?” He asked to double check. 
Moonjumper shook her head, “I don’t think so, no.” She mumbled. 
“Alright, good to know.” He mused. 
The two were silent yet again, simply resting into the other's arms. Moonjumpers' breathing slowed, dying out into dead emptiness as they stopped forcing it to show itself. 
“So… why were you so upset? Isn’t this a good thing?” Snatcher asked. 
Moonjumper looked at nothing for a moment, biting their tongue in their mouth to think of the words. 
“It’s just…” she shifted, finally breaking the hug to demonstrate— “Well, Snatcher look at me! I’m dead!” They held out their arms, gesturing to their form.
The ghost blinked, “Well, Yeah, so am I. What’s the issue here? That isn’t exactly able to stop me from calling you different things, is it?” He laughed slightly. 
Moonjumper huffed, “it’s not just that— it’s- my form is what’s wrong— it’s my body, not just the words.” They explained, hands motioning as she spoke, “And… and anything that I think of I know wouldn’t do anything— medicine would just absorb into my magic, and- and I couldn’t go to any kind of doctors because— well, one, they probably wouldn’t even take spirits for patients, and two, even if they did, they wouldn’t know how my biology works!? Hell, I hardly do!” She continued to motion her hands, waving them out exaggeratedly at the last part before they fell down into being crossed against her chest, as the corpse huffed, looking off to the side. Her eyes looked at nothing intently, the ghost across from her watched as tears began to build in her eyes once more. 
Moonjumper turned to him, “Snatcher, don’t you get it?” She said in a desperate, defeated tone, “I can���t have it.” 
Snatcher looked at the corpse in sympathy, watching as they looked down, nails clutching tighter into their crossed arms. 
“And how do you know that?” He finally spoke.
Moonjumper sniffled, before looking up to him with wide eyes. “P… pardon?” She said in a shaky voice. 
“How do you know you can’t.” He repeated, deadpan. 
“I— …I just told you?” They said in confusion.
“And what if you’re just jumping to conclusions.” He challenged.
“I…” the spirit didn’t have any words. …Huh. They hadn’t… considered that… 
…They supposed that was what happened when you made an echo chamber of your own negative thoughts for days straight… 
“Well?” Snatcher broke her from out of her head.
Moonjumper only blinked a few times, trying to sort through their thoughts, before she laughed weakly. “I- I guess you have a point…!” She smiled tiredly, a bittersweet sadness rung in her face, as she still managed a toothy grin despite that. 
Snatcher seemed satisfied with that, bringing himself closer once more and hugging the other again. “Even if all that nonsense does turn out to be true, I’ll make sure we find a way, promise.” He leaned his head back away from the hug, pressing his forehead against hers.
Moonjumper laughed airily under her breath, “O- okay.” She shakily breathed out with a smile, easing her head against his.  
“That’s more like it.” Snatcher said in encouragement. “…Glad we talked, Moongirl.” He added. 
Moonjumper paused, her brain freezing up trying to comprehend the words, the nickname hitting her like a train. Once it sunk in, a warm fuzziness she didn’t know existed filled her form, making her smile stretch more as she dizzily pressed her forehead further into Snatchers, letting her eyes slip shut in her newfound haze of bliss. “Yeah…” She echoed the sentiment, “…Glad we talked.” 
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(Part 2 of incorrect quotes for my dsmp superpower AU ig)
Also forgot to mention last time, I got half the quotes on this post & ALL of the ones on the post you're currently reading from ScatterPatter's Incorrect Quotes Generator!
Welp yeah that's all, uhhhhhhh enjoy??
Punz: Where are you going?
Purpled: To get ice cream or commit a felony, I’ll decide on the way there.
Tommy: What the f*ck is wrong with you?!
Wilbur: Wow, you could start with a 'good morning'.
Tommy: Good morning. What the f*ck is wrong with you?!
Tommy: Must be hard not being able to laugh.
Techno: I do have a sense of humor you know.
Tommy: I've never heard you laugh before.
Techno: I've never heard you say anything funny.
Eret: Go to Hell.
Ant, tearing up: I wish I could.
(A younger Phil and teenage Techno talking)
Phil: Jail is no fun. I'll tell you that much.
Techno: Oh, you've been?
Phil: Once. In Monopoly.
Eret: God, give me patience.
Ant: I think you mean 'give me strength'.
Eret: If God gave me strength, you'd be dead.
Skeppy: You're the love of my life and my best friend, I would do anything for you.
Bad: I want you to eat three meals a day and have a decent sleep schedule.
Skeppy: Absolutely not.
Eret: Don’t worry, I have a few knives up my sleeve.
Tina: ?? I think you mean cards?
Foolish: No, she does not.
Eret, pulling out knives: I do not.
Purpled: Oh just so you know, it's very muggy outside.
Quackity: Purpled, I swear, if I step outside and all of our mugs are on the front gate entrance path...
Purpled: (Sips coffee from bowl)
Wilbur: Am I going too far?
Techno: No, no, no. You went too far about seven years ago. Now you're going to prison.
Tommy: You f*ckers don’t know about my knife stick. It’s a knife taped to a stick and it’s the ultimate weapon.
Techno, not looking up from his book: Spear.
Wilbur: You're right.
Techno: That's... That's an unusual phrase for you. Did you just learn it?
Purpled: In light of what you did for me, you can hug me for four to five seconds.
Purpled: No! Four to five seconds!
Tommy: Too late!!!
Techno: If there's going to be a big dramatic scene, wait until I get back.
Phil: Of course. I can't flip this table by myself.
Dream: Someone will die.
Sapnap: Of fun!
Niki: How many kids do you have?
Phil: Biologically, emotionally, or legally?
Hannah: I'm 10 times funnier and sexier than you.
Sam: 10 times 0 is still 0 though.
Hannah: Joke's on you, I can't do math.
Ranboo: Do you take constructive criticism?
Purpled: I only take cash or credit.
Wilbur: So that's my plan.
Kristin: Are you alright with constructive criticism? I don't want to sound mean.
Wilbur: No, go ahead, I want to hear it.
Kristin: It f*cking sucks.
Wilbur: That's not constructive criticism.
Niki: I prevented a murder today.
Puffy: Really? How'd you do that?
Niki: self control.
Hannah: Look. I may not be a saint, but it's not like I've killed anybody. I'm not an arsonist. I've never found a wallet outside of an IHOP and thought about returning it but saw the owner lived out of state so just took the cash and dropped the wallet back on the ground.
Sam: Okay, that's really specific, and that makes me think that you definitely did do that.
Techno: We need a distraction.
Phil: Is anyone here good at jumping up and down and making weird noises?
Clingyduo, whispering: Our time has come.
Ranboo: What time is it?
Tommy: I don't know, pass me that saxophone and we’ll find out.
Tommy: (Plays sax loudly and extremely out of tune)
Tommy: It’s 2 A.M.
Tubbo: What do you think Eryn and Aimsey will do for a distraction?
Ranboo: They'll probably, like, make a noise or throw a rock. That’s what I would do.
(Building explodes and several car alarms go off)
Ranboo: ... Or they could do that.
Hannah, trying to ask Tina out: Would you like to stay for dinner?
Connor, hanging upside down from the ceiling: WOULD YOU LIKE TO STAY FOREVER?
[Part 1] [Part 3]
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coconox · 1 year
honestly been going back and forth w myself on a lot of things lately attaching a read more for the sake of ik i'll be rambling like theres no tmr
a part of me wants to drop pnc but i havent really gotten everyone i wanted yet + im broke so i need to build my stash up *looks at clotho and eos* oddly enough pnc has been a game ive been pretty happy on playing still hate how i missed a login day tho tbf ive rarely borderline never interacted w the fandom so me just being in the dark w what goes on there has kinda been a blessing and a curse in a sense that i can enjoy the game in peace but it feels like im alone doing so
pgr im really REALLY tempted on dropping my glb acc, once nocti comes around which will prob be around the end of the school yr for me thats where i'd be like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ welp ig im done and drop that acc after playing around w nocti and whatev. tw im still not too sure abt?? prob when i get around to lvling up my main teams i can be like ok im done and drop that at any time since im just there to experience content ahead of time without being in cn directly
before dropping pgr entirely i do wanna complete a few stuff i had in mind tho
countdown for hyperreal which will prob happen bambi patch
still need to finish that nocti countdown for tw ive barely had any motivation completing that
nocti's bday countdown (similar to how lee's went)
glb nocti's countdown
draw every char up to latest one in cn
a few noctiskk comics thats been in the back of my head for MONTHS now
basically LOTS of countdowns and nocti stuff before i drop everything entirely
will i still draw pgr stuff after all that? mayyybeee???? itll moreso be towards kye's lore building rather than it being a standalone thing. i'll still collect merch and build up my shrines and make cosplay for chars but aside from that i'm pretty much gonna be moving on to other things
ive always had 50/50 feelings w being in the pgr fandom, tho being introduced to it on disc and then going to twt may have affected my views on this whole thing. esp when the side of the fandom i was first introduced to is like the lowest of the low, i dont want to go back to a place where a bunch of dudebro incels made fun of me for being afab and liking lee and me thinking that was a norm when it clearly isnt. its been 2 goddamn yrs and theyre still poking fun at that?? like my god grow up im so sick and tired of it.
if by a slim chance i still want to participate in being in the pgr fandom i'll just go back to lurking like ive always done in prev fandoms, if i really wanna be active in talking abt the game i'll talk abt it in servers or dms, but publicly i felt that i could never really comfortably talk abt how i feel abt it aside from here cause this site >>>>>> bc i felt like my opinions arent valid, tho that really applies to anything i do so 💀💀
pgr has been a really nice game for me to destress and detach myself from reality for a bit, tho now i wanna move on to other games and focus more on my ocs like i did back in the day. once i properly set up everyone's lore doc maybe in the future i'll make a game around them, nothing too big since i'll pretty much be making most of it, but i kinda wanna fulfill my childhood dream that was just recently unlocked
theres also that small part of me that wants to be known for my oc stuff rather than pgr stuff, but bc im not tagging w popular art tags im kinda just existing, and thats fine by me. hitting 500+ follows on twt was like peak realization of me going like "oh shit, 😨 maybe this big of a following aint for me" and it truly isnt lol
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mango-jpeg · 5 months
on the obverse notes
according to a note i wrote i started around feb 23rd - so before i’d finished drop the knife - which seems like. way too long. welp. i think p3 is out of my system now
trying to capture the long term relationship experience of being royally pissed off at the person you most want to spend time with so you’re simultaneously furious + totally contented
tried also to balance aki’s canon future (running off to south america to get his tits clawed off by a bear) w the fact that i think being in a relationship would affect his priorities. n that i don't like his canon future
obviously i am a sucker for the p4 & p5 hierophants (gruff middle aged caretakers) but there's something sooo crazy-making about a teenager w that characterization
giving shinji the kaeya treatment (writing fic where he's surrounded by friends. get loved, idiot)
this is another fic that is so exactly what i want to read it feels kinda weird to share it? but if one other person likes it then it's worth it 👍
one of the truest delights in writing is getting partway into a scene and discovering there's a third character there too. it's nice to break up the constant one-on-one conversations
honestly love when characters do not talk it out but since the whole premise of this fic was that they can’t carry on as they had been before - that being together does actually change things - i did need them to talk it out to resolve this fic :/
but i do think clear communication would instakill them so it was tricky to balance. there’s definitely an imagined reader in my head unsatisfied w the resolution
realized after the fact that shinji also laughs @ aki's confession in st elmo's fire. sometimes it's just like that ig
reading: i’m going to be annoying and put a comprehensive list (- work stuff)
The Cheerleaders, Kara Thomas
Calypso, David Sedaris
Bad Cree, Jessica Johns
Happy-Go-Lucky, David Sedaris
Roaming, Jillian & Mariko Tamaki
The World We Make, N.K. Jeminsin
Drown, Junot Diaz
Invisible Monsters, Chuck Palahniuk
Heartburn, Nora Ephron
Trouble, Lex Croucher
I Used to Be Charming, Eve Babitz
some were more influential than others—"native tongue" was a phrase pulled from Invisible Monsters for ex.—but ultimately Heartburn remains my number one
the whole premise was probably in part inspired by 'Keeping Up', my fav Sedaris essay (& one of the most romantic things i've ever read) from back in jan
listening: cold turkey, deadweight, rings
fav early bit:
They stood in the kitchen, Aki staring at Shinjiro, Shinjiro staring at the pot. He didn’t know what to say. Aki’s haircut pissed him off, the flakes of dried cum in his stomach hair pissed him off, but he didn’t feel angry. Standing there, he could feel himself warming under the weight of Aki’s gaze.
fav late addition:
After a moment Shinjiro leaned against Aki and Aki squeezed him gently, not saying anything, just taking his weight.
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orangelemonsstuff · 2 years
Yuu: wow nice fireflies
Malleus: *forking appears*
Yuu: ooh not bad, they are quite the looker
Yuu: hey there handsome~ you come here often?
Malleus: a child of man?
Yuu: yeah i could be anything you like pretty face *wink wink*
Malleus: do you reside in that ruin? i thought that building is abandoned, hmm seems that I'm wrong
Yuu: yeah i live in the ramshack over there, but its a clean place if one wants to come over or something~
Malleus: oh hoh? how intriguing, are you perhaps interested in me in "that way"?
Yuu: yeah maybe i am, I don't mind seeing you more around or anything~
Malleus: do you not know who are you talking to? not any clue of who i am?
Yuu: well if i do i might've hit on a drop dead gorgeous like you before and it's not so often i get pretty visitors this late at night for no reason~ y'know what I'm saying?
Malleus: pfft-- ahaha!! how amusing you are child of man, very well, give me thy name of how may i adress you
Yuu: if i do will you give me yours? hahaha just kidding, you don't have to if you don't want to, but you can call me Yuu, beautiful
Malleus: Yuu...
Yuu: hope my name taste good in your tounge, i want to hear it more often
Malleus: *just stares at them with complete amusement*
Malleus: you really have no idea of who i am?
Yuu: yeah like i said if i know you before i would've taken you on a date or two, that is if you want to and if i could still take you *smug flirty smirk ig???*
Malleus: you truly are something else for a child of man, very well, I'll give you a privilege of calling me of whatever you prefer, although i just could not promise you what consequence it might bring to a human like you
Malleus: ah, it's getting way too late now... i should head back, see you next time child of man
*disappears again*
Yuu: awwh man, didn't even get his contact number... welp, I'll be lucky next time maybe even lucky enough to take him out on a date~
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i love flirty!Yuu now, sorry for my dorky ass writing i don't know how to flirt wih somebody TT-TT
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