#went a little heavy on the blue ngl
stardust948 · 5 months
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Trip to the beach
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fatuismooches · 8 months
greetings!!! this is the first time i've ever shared my idea to anyone, kind of worry but guess that i have to share it with you because your writings are so good and i love how you execute scenarios and ideas (literally awake all night scrolling through your brainrot 😭😭😭😭)
let me tell you that fragile!reader and dottore is what keeps me awake at night i love them so much, i literally read everything in the tags, the fluff and angst is SOO GOOD NGL.
so, angst/ no comfort (because i love tormenting myself (⁠◠⁠‿⁠・⁠)⁠—⁠☆), fragile!reader and terminal lucidity - somebody suddenly became lively and conscious before their deaths. i see that you have written about fragile!reader whose memories are slowly deteriorating or slowly losing their eyesight. imagine one day, everything just come back...normal, the sudden recollection of memories, vision returned miraculously, no pain, no suffering, as if they were back to the days at Akademiya. they became gleeful, happy, full of live, no longer the gloomy, sick-ridden individual.
Dottore, of course, was surprised at this phenomenal, run more tests and check-ups just to be sure that we are actually healthy because there is no way we actually turn healthy after being sick in centuries. the segments however, especially Zandy, didn't think much about the whole ordeal. you are fine!! you can finally walking and running freely without being on life-support. your turn in health manage to turned them into a bunch of joyful, blue-haired maniacs with giddy, happy smiles on their lips.
we are fine for a few weeks, which also make Dottore himself believe that maybe, maybe his efforts have paid off, maybe our health have been stable, and maybe from now on, he could spend the rest of eternity with his beloved.
then we die (this is so mean i'm so sorry 😭😭😭😭😭). how they perish is completely up you but i'd preferably that they die in their sleep, a peaceful death. Dottore and the segments are... well, shocked is an understatement, their whole world have...gone, they'd question themself: how can this happen? you were fine in the past few weeks? In which Dottore blame himself the most, he shouldn't have believed that we were fine, he should have run more test, he should have been more cautious about the whole situation but now he completely felt... helpless, for the first time in millions of years. the only person who went thick and thin, the person that can tolerate him in the Akademiya days and the person that he can tolerate now have passed away.
(the ending is kind if short because idk what else to say since my vocabulary and grammar is rather limited. i hope this would be sufficient 😭😭😭😭😭 also looking forward on how you react to this. for now i'll just cry myself to sleep with this scenario while waiting for your work ❤️🥰)
- 🪷
It would come out of nowhere, no one expected it, no one believed it in the beginning. After all, over four hundred years of debilitating illness makes it hard for anyone to believe something good finally happened. But it does, when you first wake up you can feel that something is different - you definitely do some test runs in your room, picking up objects that were once too heavy for you, simple actions that no longer left you tired, no more aches or pains, it was marvelous. So obviously with your newfound energy, you sprint out to find anyone, hell even a random agent would do, because you're finally free. (You can already hear the voices of the segments - no running in the lab because of the very obvious dangers.)
Naturally, Dottore is very skeptical of this, yes, he does not trust how his heart beats at the sight of your glowing self putting on a little performance for him to show how healthy you are now, he can't bring himself to. He's witnessed how low you could become from the worst stages of your sickness, so although he's more than happy to see you well, the possibility of you falling back into such a state is very high. However he cannot find anything, and you don't show any visible signs either. Even so, he still watches you very closely. It's a feeling that always nags, one that may always nag him perhaps, the thought of you becoming worse. But he's not going to damper your mood with his thoughts, you should enjoy this.
Dottore and the segments would still scold you for your recklessness but realize that you are no longer sick and frail and they no longer have to fuss over your health. It's a very strange sensation that's hard to break out of since they've been doing it for so long. But it's good! You're happy! You're strong! You're the [Name] that was buried away, come to rise to the surface once more. Let's just say Zandy very much enjoys the piggyback rides. The checkups still persist as a general measure, but they always go smoothly. It seems there's nothing to worry about.
You would want to assume your role of his assistant once again right away - it's something you've been longing for, to be able to be useful to your lover just like how you once were. To live those days of banter and sharing fascinating knowledge and listening to each other's ideas once more. And so you do, Dottore's more than happy to let you, oh how he's missed you by his side so often. He's excited, he's ready to put the past four hundred years behind and move on, his mind already racing with the countless possibilities that have opened up now. Unfortunately, they don't come to fruition.
Perhaps you felt something wasn't right but it was already far too late - on the day of your death you acted like everything was normal, carrying out your new duties, but also with a lot of added affection, visiting each segment and Dottore and kissing them with all your love. They don't think much of it, you're usually affectionate like that. If only they knew that would be the last time they were embraced by you. Little Zandy too - it would be the last time you ever hugged him and listened to you read him a story. He'd be absolutely inconsolable after your death.
With you gone, the spark in his life would be gone. It would be the same routine of his duties and experiments and research, with nothing to ease his tension. Sure, he no longer has to spend lots of time finding a cure or producing medicine, but this wasn't the way he wanted it to happen. It's the same as when you were sleeping, except this time he no longer has the anticipation of you eventually waking up. Or does he?
Resurrection is a forbidden art, but he is Il Dottore, the one who has no problem sinking his hands into what should not be done, and he is Zandik, the one who loves you. If this world wants you gone so badly, then so be it. He will simply reach for your hand and pull you back to him every time, because even if it is lifeless, he will make sure it's warm once again.
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youremyheaven · 5 months
What are your thoughts on men with prominent Venus nakhatras? Ngl, I feel from personal experience that Purva Phalguni men have an inclination to be more promiscuous compared to other nakshatras 😂 Do you feel Bharani and Uttara Phalguni are similar as well?
my FAV question 😍bc I'm a Venusian men connoisseur, enthusiast and expert 😤🤭
God has given me the exquisite privilege of having known many Venusian men and women and let me tell y'all 😍I love them😍 this is gonna be a bit of a storytime as well so buckle up.
Fair warning, these experiences are a bit of a mixed bag 🤧😤
1. Purvaphalguni Moon guy, super duper sweet, would bring me chocolates, drop me home in his car whenever I asked?? just all around super considerate?? he always did that tall guy thing where they bend forward a little bit to hear you better and idk it always made my heart skip a beat 😌he once saw me argue with a guy and he intervened and then also told me to let him know if this other guy ever gave me trouble (im really into this kind of performative masculinity 😌) he always defended me in front of others?? and always took my side and made me feel comfortable. he asked me out one night and confessed that he had a thing for me for 5 years (i been knowing but I played it cool 😎) but then got all pervy and said he wished I was in bed next to him??? 🤮🤮🤮Imagine waiting 5 years to confess and then u fkn ruin it like that ??? Gave me the ICK big time. I stopped talking to him, 6 months later, he texts me again and says he misses me and wants to ask me out again and I was seeing my ex at that point so I told him I'm seeing someone else and he said ?? it doesn't matter ??? 😭😭 and that he's never ever felt this way ever before and that he wanted me to think this over ??? (I never texted him after that)
2. Purvaphalguni Moon man in his 30s- I worked with him a few years ago. He was super shy and kind of awkward but extremely intelligent and good at what he did. He was married and had a kid. He always gave me mixed signals?? one day I was working with him and it was just us and he said that he's been intrigued by me since the first day and that he usually never initiates conversation with anyone but really wants to talk to me (he seemed genuine and he legit did not speak to anybody there and he had a very warm gentlemanly demeanor so none of this sounded creepy to me) and he told me that I seem very different from everybody else and I was like 😏😏but then he said "you seem to carry a heavy emotional burden" and I was like 😳😳how u know that and I said (we were talking in our mother tongue and I said this using very formal language??) "I don't deny that" and he responded (in similarly formal language) "Even if you do, I won't believe you" and trust me y'all my heart was 😭😭😭he always helped me?? always did little things to make things easier for me?? even when we weren't directly working together, i could always tell he was watching me?? He always indulged me?? I remember how I'd do something stupid and look at him with a 🥺🥹poor me kind of expression and his face would soften and he'd help me out in a very warm genuinely sweet way?? the first guy I mentioned was also like that, the eyes chico, they never lie
3. My ex had Venus atmakaraka so I'm gonna include him 🤪
Y'all the man was obsessed with me. He'd come all the way over to my house, just to see me stand on my balcony 😭 he came all the way over to my house to give me a love letter he wrote for me?? He knew I loved dark chocolate so one day out of the blue, he bought me a big bar for no reason?? along with a book because he knows I love to read 😭😭he loved giving head 🤪i associate being a giver with Venusian men ngl and he always told me he was so fond of it. He always video called me bc he missed seeing me and whenever we went even a little while without talking on call, he'd call me and then say "God I missed your voice, please keep talking, I just want to hear you" 😭😭😭and he'd buy me little gifts 🥺 and we'd do this thing where he kissed me all over my face, even on video?? like I'd point to my forehead and he'd kiss that, then cheek, other cheek until my whole face was covered. I have a lot of moles all over me and he remembered them all and he'd give kisses to them as well 😭😭😭he always told me how pretty I looked and whenever I got shy, he'd do these cute hand gestures that you'd do to coo a baby?? and he'd say "awwww ur sooo cuteee when ur shy" and give me kisses 🥺and he always told me how he wants to see me make art etc and he'd call me after every therapy session to know how it went 🥺🥺 a million things were wrong with our relationship but all the goodness i associate with Venus tbh 😍
4. my Purvashada Moon male friend
he was in a relationship when i was friends with him but again, he was sooooo fond of me 🥺I was chilling with his gf once and he ran up to us with a DSLR and took pics of me and not her?? (I always felt like he didn't enjoy being with her but this moment really cemented that) he always included me in everything and he loved it when I'd make my jokes or tease him or whatever,, I'm the type of person who loves to be taken care of and he was the kind of guy who loved taking care of people,, he was always gentlemanly and sweet and would compliment me randomly?? again, he's never been a creep to me but I always felt awkward about how he seemed to treat me better than he treated his gf (he ended up cheating on her and breaking up with her so 😬😬)
5. Bharani Moon failed talking stage
He was super duper sweet. Extremely gentlemanly and considerate. One thing I've noticed is that all these Venusian men have complimented my voice/said they love to listen to me talk. I used to sing this man to sleep ya'll 🥹and he always said I put him in a trance?? lol? One time I told him that I'm such a boomer and I only know how to use my phone to text and make calls and he said "that's all you need to know cause if you need anything else, you have me" (for context: he was a software engineer) he helped me set up my LinkedIn??? one day we were on call and he asked me "oh the xyz internship you mentioned, can you tell me more about it?" and i thought it was a general question and i started yapping and he did that with my other internships and finally he said, "okay check your WhatsApp" and he had sent me a summarised bullet point list of everything??? and he said "okay now just copy paste this to LinkedIn" and i was so shook?? lol, he stayed on call with me until I was done, i asked him a million dumb questions and he was patient af and literally held my hand through the whole process (setting up a profile is really not that hard at all, it's just filling up a bunch of stuff and he was helping me out with that) after things ended between us, we spoke one more time and he said "I made xyz dish" (a dish that I had told him was my fav and which he didn't know how to make and promised me he would learn) and i was like "why?" and he said "because I was thinking of you and promised you I'd learn to make it" 😩😩😩😩i s2g these Venusian men really know how to get into ur heart bc wtf
6. Bharani Moon, the guy who I think might be my twin flame
First of all, UFFFFF he was obsessed with me. For over a year, he'd just follow me around like a lamb and stare. Even after he asked me out and I said I wasn't interested, he still didn't give up??? he seemed so obsessed with me , it was crazyy, he told me he just wanted to see me and talk to me (I don't know his personality at all but getting those texts kinda creeped me out but maybe he was as genuine as all the other guys?? 😶 Idk) he was always so intense?? like he never shied away from expressing his interest in me, i never expected him to be so forthcoming lol. he came all the way to my uni for no reason than to see me not once but TWICE 🥺🥺wish i could've interacted with him offline to gauge his personality bc based on how he was on text and call, I was put off by his intensity
7. bc i remembered another guy who was a Purvaphalguni Sun, Purvashada Moon
he was super sweet to me, he always wanted to talk to me, we'd spend hours talking and he always complimented me, he always asked me if he could bring me snacks??? and he lived like half an hour away and he always said "yk you just have to call and ill be at your door" whenever i spoke about wanting to travel, he'd always say "i'll take you" (i had known of him for a long time but we'd only been talking for a few days so i thought it was too much and kinda gave me the ick???) and he was always just doing THE most and then he got super pervy which made me uncomfortable. i told him off for it and he said sorry and then literally in the next conversation when i asked him "what are three things you'd want to do before you die?", he said 2 things and then said "you" and i was like 🙄🙄and he said "dont hold it against me, im a dying man" ICKKKK anyways we stopped talking lol
im actually only now realising that ive had less than positive experiences with Venusian women lol lmk if you want me to talk about that tho 😶
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jay-hope · 2 months
Slipping through my. fingers.
Bucky x reader (oc)
Hey! So this is the first time that im posting in tumblr so sorry if something is wrong (also english its not my first language so) Enjoy!
contains: lil angst ngl.
He saw the body hitting the groud, he freezed. With pleading eyes, she looked at him, a gasp leaving her mouth as everything felt slow. 
The knife going through her skin, leaving her out of breath. It felt like a lightning had strucked her body from head to toe.
"DELILAH" the scream resounded in the building, above all the noise. His face filling with pure rage and within less than a second, a bullet went straigh into the head at the one who deared to touch her beloved.
His body moved on his own, running directly to were she was, falling into his knees. Those bright blue yes filled with tears while he wraped his arms around her, pressing his hand into the wound.
"Look at me, honey. You are gonna be alright. You- hold on baby" His voice breaking, feeling how the light of his life was slowly bleeding out.
"J-James" Her voice sounded so fragile. Tears slowly rolling down her face, as she winced from the pain spreading across her body. Her hands clinging for dear life into him.
"I NEED MEDIC," his voice desperate, "AGENT DOWN," all around him seamed to fade, his focus on the women in his arms. "Dont close your eyes, baby" he said softly. "C'mon, look at me".  His voice growing overwhelmed, feeling her struggling to breathe.
"I NEED A FUCKIN MEDIC" His voice craking. "SHE'S BLEEDING OUT" The raw scream seemed to reach everyones ears.
"Who needs medic? i'm going as fast as i can." Tony responded with a firm voice.
"She's- Delilah, she- They stabbed her" the ones hearing gasped, moving inmediatly, everyone could hear the fear in his voice.
"I'm on the other side of the building, hang on, Bucky! " Steve said loudly.
"Barnes, press the wound as hard as you can, i'm coming" The voice of Natasha sounded agitated as she ran to her teammates.
The woman laying on the floor had her face crunched in pain. She knew that she was going to pass out soon.
"C'mon, doll. You can't leave me." His broken voice sounded muffled. "You can't- i need to tell so many things." His eyes looking at her freneticaly. "We need to do so many things together, baby." He was pleading her, now full crying. His body shaking.
She lifted her right arm, her hand shaking, cupping his face.
"I'm-" a sharp pain interrupted her.
"Why would you do that, sweetheart? Why risking your life, baby?" A sob escaped his mouth
"I couldn't let them get you." She whispers shakily.
"You-" He sucked a breath "It doesn't matter if they hurt me." His voice trembling "You can't risk your life for someone like me." He sounded so vulnerable.
"James, you-" a flash of pain went trough her face.
"Don't talk, love, please." He said. "Save your energy."
"You're worth everything, James" she chuckled painfuly "Of course you are worth it, baby." Her voice said softly.
He winced, shaking his face, denying it.
"No, love, no." He said. "You can't- you can't just leave me like this" He was begging her. "It's not worth keep breathing without you" His voice broken.
"I'm almost there, Barnes!" Tony screamed.
Bucky felt everything blurry passing his mind. 
"C'mon, D. You can't-" Steve said with a shaky voice. "Hold on, little. We're coming"
"Hold on, D" Natasha said almost in a whisper.
Delilah couldn't hold the strength of her arm anymore. Her gaze straight into the glassy eyes that she loved so much.
"It's okay, baby" She said whispering, softly. "I love you with all that i have" A broken smile was on her face.
Bucky held her tighter as he felt her slipping through his arms. His hand pressed harder at the wound.
"I- Doll, you are my everthing" His broken voice said in a whisper . "You are my life and if you're gone- " he closed his eyes tightly. " You're the love of my life, baby. Don't give up on us, please." he pleaded.
She felt her eyelids heavy and, with a deep breath, said:
"Till the end, baby"
He tried to shake her, but she didn't respond.
"Doll" he cried. "Delilah, c'mon,  love." He was desperate. Tears now falling freely.
"IN HERE" Tony came abruptly, going straight to them.
"I'm almost there, bud" said Steve "Nat's coming too"
With a loud crush, they broke trough a window and ran to their teammes.
The eyes of the newcomers faced the scene of soldier, a supposedly indestructible one, clinging desesperatly into the woman that he loved.
He looked at them with a face bathed in tears.
"Please- plase help her." He begged, with a broken voice.
Tony went quickly to him, to lift delilah.
"I got her, buddy, let me take her." Stark's voice trembled. "She'll be fine"
He was gone in a blink, taking the woman with him in a rush. He knew that she didn't have much time.
Natasha looked at Bucky, kneeled beside him and put a hand into his soulder.
"Hey, she's in good hands" she said soflty, as if a loud noise could break him.
"Buck" Steve went straigh to hold him in his arms. Feeling a knot in his throat.
His heart broke. He crossed looks with Natasha, who's face demostrated the concern and fear of losing a friend. His best friend, sobbing loudly in the floor, gripping Steve's arms.
They slowsly lifted Bucky, both at each side of him, holding him to get him out of the building.
"Let's go, buddy. She's gonna be alright and you're gonna spend the rest of your life with her, you hear me?" Steve said. His troat feeling tight.
"C'mon, men. You're not alone" Natasha said.
Bucky-no. James raised his face, looking at them.
"I can't lose her- i don't-" a sob went trough his voice. "I can't"
"You won't" They said.
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msookyspooky · 2 years
☆♡ Severen Obsessed With You ♡☆
Yandere Severen x GN!Reader Imagine • You already know it's toxic af • TW: Dubcon, Stalker, Captor-Hostage/Master-Servant Dynamic, Hints of Stockholm Syndrome, Blood, Gore, Sadism
NGL irl that man is gonna be hiding from ME. I already have a wedding dress on calling his name and hunting him down as he's hiding behind a building. Crazy bitch hours for that man, always.
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- He saw you once late at night while hunting and followed you from afar. Smirking to himself if you dropped your keys, tilting his head when he saw your side profile as you gazed up at the night, studying you when you stretched as his eyes traveled over your frame. He was enamored with you the second he laid eyes on you. He thought you looked like a very interesting little play thing he'd love to have. He NEEDED to have you.
- He had been stalking you like prey for a few nights. Watching you from the dark treeline when you walked on the sidewalks and roads. Near your house in the middle of the night. Outside your work or someones house if you left at night....Something about you made him want you for more than a meal and he wasn't passing it up. It was like a deep aching longing as he realized he might have found someone worth sticking around with.
- Finally, he saw an opportunity and took it. You were being harassed by a group of rowdy people. He took it upon himself to 'save you' by scaring them off. All before introducing himself in that silky voice laced with that Texas draw so distinctive and thick ss he spoke. The way he spoke to you so cordially; you couldn't help hanging onto every word. He sounded like he was apart of an old wild west movie or something. He'd wear his white shirt and bolo tie to not scare you off. A complete southern gentleman when you first met. How could you not be a little bit flattered at the flirty remarks and complete admiration he sent your way? He was skilled at this. He didn't just say you were hot or good looking like most guys would your age. He laid out the most awestruck, respectfully tasteful, honeyed words you ever heard...Honestly, he felt like he was from a different time period courting you if you were silly enough to think like that. (Hmm.)
- He was charming, offering to buy you a drink. When you politely declined the offer from this man you didn't know, he seemed calm. He then offered dinner. If you declined that as well (I'd fold. I'd be obsessed with HIM but this wouldn't be made if that was the case lol). He'd beg to be a 'proper gentleman' an at least walk you home. Anything to be near you.
-"Sorry but...I just wanna make sure yer safe. What type of Gentleman would I be lettin' ya go alone? Jus' a few moments of yer time to get you back safe and sound...Please?" He asked, big blue eyes staring at you in a way that was hard to resist.
- He walks you home and you relax near him. His charm working wonders on you even if something in your gut was SCREAMING at you to get away from him. Screaming that something was wrong with him. He took you back home and when you said goodnight and went to go inside...He stopped you. Insisting you were cutting the night too short and he'd like to take a midnight stroll down the dark road nearby. You declined and went to open the door again and with scary strength he forced it to shut once more. All that gentry was gone; just like that.
- You felt fear grip you with your instincts telling you to distance yourself from him as you firmly told him "GOODNIGHT." as forcefully as you could muster. He saw this and backed off, apologizing for being too forceful. You quickly got inside and locked that door. Your instincts screaming at you that something was severely wrong with him.
- The next night, there he was wherever you were at. This time offering his apology that he didn't mean to scare you. He laid it on thick that he was lonely and just wanted to get to know someone as nice as you. Laying that emotional manipulation on you heavy as can be. You almost gave in but instead you just told him 'thank you but goodbye. Maybe some other night?'...You visibly saw his fake pitiful niceness fall from his features. An almost challenging look in his eye as you left him.
- Feeling followed the rest of the night. Like someone was right behind you wherever you went just to turn around and no one was there.... You locked your door just for it to be kicked in and practically ripped to shreds not even a minute later; proving you were being stalked.
- A hand reached in an jokingly unlocked it."Yoo hoo. Anyone home?" He joked with a chuckle as you were terrified... To have a door be ripped to shreds like that wasn't normal. Not at all!
- This time; he walked in with a smirk and his head tilted. "I'm sorry about the heavy handed knock on yer door there darlin' but gee I didn't think you'd answer!" He sarcastically gave before a predatory grin stretched over his face. "Don't be scared. Just come with me and save us both the trouble, would ya?"
- A very unfair fight ensues with him grinning the entire time no matter what damage you gave him. He grabs you, jerking you towards him with his fingers around the back of your neck and grin on his face as he joyfully tells you. "Shh. This ain't gonna hurt much...The fun we're gonna have is gonna outweight it. You'll see." and it all becomes a blur as he sank his teeth into your neck...Everything goes black after that. What felt like a human bite soon turned to burning venom coursing through your veins.
- You wake up some time later among a group of people arguing. Severen's voice ringing out demanding you stay. You force your eyes shut hearing footsteps and the jangling of a spur on a pair of boots...Soon, you open your eyes fully to him smiling down at you. His hair fluffy and wild instead of slicked back, a white stained tank on with a flannel and then a leather jacket with badges and pins all over it...You felt so sick, like you were dying. Like your insides were shutting down. Like you weren't human anymore...
- He treated you well, and yet, all of this was forced. You didn't want turned, you wanted to go home! You didn't love him, he was your kidnapper for fucksakes!
- He reasoned you were his missing piece he didn't think would happen in his 120+ years of life. That he was NOT letting you go and neither would Jesse and the clan. You had no privacy, under his arm or watchful eye 24/7. His touch started to nauseat you as he was constantly holding hands or brushing your hair or holding onto you no matter how you felt. Never allowed to be by yourself. He even seemed jealous anytime anyone else in the group had your attention more than him.
- Forced into his lap to sleep everyday with his hands constantly gripping onto you or snaking around you. Him caressing your thighs or lowerback...Or snaking his ringed fingers lower. You shoved him away everytime as he just smirked at you in amusement. Not necessarily forcing you, kind of hard to do in a camper full of people anyways, but he also didn't hesitate telling you you were just playing 'Hard to get.' and that you were a 'tease'. He acted like you were just being playfully coy with him all while it was obvious you hated it here and hated him.
- He killed a young crying teen girl infront of you as you clutched your mouth and helplessly watched. You viewed him as a monster. He was caked in blood after taunting her and her friends. Playing cat and mouse with them before the sadistic cat finally put the terrified squealing mouse out of its misery....Nothing but bloody corpses around a bonfire these teens were having. Of course, after seeing that, you refused to drink a drop of their blood. He glared at you shrinking away and furiously shaking your head. Viewing it as an insult. Refusing his generosity to get a kill just for you like someone refusing a paid for meal. Especially since he didn't force YOU to make the kill, he did it for you and you still refused...That shit wasn't going to fly.
- You gasped when his strong grip dug into the back of your neck to force you to look up at him. "Yer drinking the goddamn blood. I turned you, I can only teach you, I'm yer maker." He smirked and tilted his head. "I'm yer God or yer Daddy; whichever works for you, and you'll do what I fuckin' tell you...And I'm tellin' you as nicely as I can to drink the fuckin' blood for your own good." His smirk dropped as you stared up at him, terrified and shaking. He softly smiled at you, his thumb rubbing your cheek. "Don't look at me like that, yer bringing this on yourself! Have I hit you or assaulted you? Have I? Have I been that bad of a guy to you?" He asked in an extremely soft tone. "I'm sorry, baby. How bout we kiss and make up? Hmm? I don't want you t' look at me like a monster."
- You were like a deer in headlights, only nodding because this man you just saw crush someone's skull with his bare hands had a grip on the back of your head. He practically purred at that, easing down to kiss you on the lips. It was nice at first. Gentle and sweet...Then you felt his jaw click and blood spill into your mouth. You tried jerking away but he just grabbed you more firmly to hold you still as you realized he bit his own tongue almost clean off just to put blood in your mouth. His blood and his victims blood coursing through you as your instincts took over and gripped onto him for more. Kissing him like a wild animal desperate to get more blood as if it were a drug. You were becoming addicted to the blood and desperate for him whether you liked it or not...Like a chain tethering you to him.
- After that, you knew you had to get away before it was too late. Before you truly were addicted to the blood and lost your humanity; you had to get out. You waited till he was asleep during the day. Slipping out from under him and wrapping yourself in a blanket to leave. The sun felt like fire but the pain was worth getting away from him. You found an empty building and waited till dusk to come back out. Your charred skin not healing at how little of human blood you had in you. Only relying on him to feed you this last week of being captive.
- You stole a car and drove a ways away, wanting to go home but scared of him finding you and hurting your loved ones or pets as punishment. So you just drove the opposite way of where you lived, hoping to wait it out a few weeks and then go home. Eager to never see him again.
- You were getting blood sparringly and laying low. Feeling relieved to be free despite how hard it was. Sleeping in train cars or empty buildings. Scared of the sun. Scared of law enforcement catching you. Constantly on alert for him. Weak from not getting as many victims as you should....But you were free...Until a few nights later; that is.
- There he was. Standing in the middle of the road at 3 am. Broad shoulders covered in the trophies from his victims on his jacket, his imposing figure looming in the distance with a glare sent your way.
- "I'm hurt, YN! Fuckin' leaving without sayin' goodbye!" He exclaimed in a mocking tone and expression before his face settled back into serious glare. " Ya actually thought you'd get away? I can smell ya better than any hound, I can feel ya in me and I know you can feel me inside you too...You'll never get rid of me that easy, YN...Now, you're ungrateful ass is coming back even if I gotta drag you back there."
- Anger and fear coursed through you as you stepped on the gas of a truck you had stolen. Flooring it as he grinned and spreaded his arms wide. You hit him and went from having a triumphant grin to your face falling into terror as his body laid on your hood...And then he lifted his head and smiled at you. Blowing you a kiss as blood and tissue fell from his face and your mouth hung open in the drivers seat.
- You slammed on the brakes, he flew off and landed a few yards away...But your heart dropped when he just hollared and laughed in excitement. Spitting out a bloody tooth and giving you a crazed grin. You put the pedal to the metal once more, truck barreling towards him as he jumped up on it at the right time. His boots on the hood as he punched the window and hung on. You screamed as glass shattered and he tried grabbing the wheel. You slammed on the brake again but this time he hung on. You got out to run and he jumped off the hood and grabbed you. You punched him, and unlike when you were human, it sent him back. Blood dripped off your hand from him as you ran....And then you felt searing pain in your leg. A gunshot rang out in the night as the bullet shattered your shin. You screamed and collapsed...Not enough blood in you to fully heal. You tried running again, stumbling and falling in pain everytime before a strong hand grabbed ahold of the back of your shirt and hauled you up to be face to face with him.
- Half of his face was drenched in his own blood and his head was split with the side of his face looking rather mangled. He still grinned at you, acting like the pain didn't bother the nutjob...That making sure getting you by any means necessary outweighed any pain he felt.
- "Woo!" He shouted with a nod to himself and that signature laugh of his. He settled down just a tad and gave you a closed smile. "Now look at us." He chuckled out like you didn't just run him over and he didn't just shoot you in the leg. "God damn, that's why you're the one for me. Fuckin' roughened me up good, didn't ya? Love you for that even if you technically walked out on me."
- You whimpered as he purposely kicked his boot at your leg. Tears escaped your eyes as he tilted his head at you, still holding you up. "Ooh, hurts don't it? Ain't got no blood in ya to heal, huh?" He mocked, his skin already looking like it was knitting back together slowly. He leaned close, a sadistic grin on his face as he whispered. "Daddy ain't putting no food on yer plate anymore, is he? Shouldn't bite the fuckin' hand that feeds ya. Bet yer real sorry ya don't have my blood coursing through you no more."
- You looked at him and felt your face twist into a quiet sob...You needed him. You needed him to still teach you how to live this new life. You needed him to help you get stronger....And most of all, you knew he'd follow you till you killed him and some part of you couldn't do it both physically not strong enough and emotionally attached to this mismatched group...And some sick part of you attached to him. You felt it now.
- You apologized and asked him if you could go home. He gave you a hard time, acting like YOU were the guilty one as if he didn't turn you without permission and all the other things that had happened to you weren't his fault. As if he didn't drive you away. He still accepted you back and this time you reasoned you were staying and you were going to make this awful situation work out...That you wanted to be with him.
- He was beyond skeptical about that and clearly didn't trust you. Watching you like a hawk and not nearly as warm with you as he was before. In his fucked up mind; you hurt him. You realized even if he was deranged, he truly did give a shit about you and you leaving devastated him. It made you even more determined to stay and prove you weren't going to do it again because if you were being forced into this you'd rather have the playful side of him rather than the gruff and cold one.
- He protected you, he loved you, he was soft with you despite his brutish nature with anyone else, even after everything you did he fully accepted you back after a week or so of proving you were eager to learn from him and stay...And all you had to do was let him be in your presence. You both were mates, he reasoned. It was why he couldn't escape you just as well as you couldn't escape him.
- Soon, he allowed you the choice to leave after he was clearly sure you wouldn't. "If your so damned determined to be human again, go on. Go be around them and see for yer self. I'll be waiting right here." He told you with a cigarette in his mouth sitting on a parked train car one day near the town where you lived before Jesse was going to take them to another State.
- You couldn't imagine eternity without him because after he allowed you to test the waters and be near human friends or family again...You sadly realized now their company felt like being a starving person with delicious food in front of you. You couldn't connect with humans anymore. All you had was him. All you needed was him and all you wanted was him...He won.
- You had him forever. You wore one of his rings and always had his arm around you anytime you were in public. If he could have had his bitemark unhealed to mark his territory; he would. He was constantly whispering loving words to you, touching you, wanting you and you liked it. Despite it all at first, you craved him now as much as he craved you.
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niki-phoria · 2 years
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i'm literally obsessed with this gif i'm sorry LOOK AT HIS EYELINER HES SO PRETTY
pairing: chishiya x male!reader (he/him pronouns) genre: fluff, hurt comfort kinda happy ending ?? word count: 1.4k
inspired by this post from @cupofcappuccino !! i hope it was okay for me to write this, i loved this idea
a/n: requests are open !! i made a hyunsu (sweet home) fic a few days ago pls go read it my boy deserves more
warnings: not really canon compliant, mentions of blood, canon typical violence, slightly ooc chishiya, i can't really remember how tag went ngl, blue shirt guy is supposed to be arisu if it doesn't make any sense lmao
chishiya barely glances at you, biting back a sigh as he leans back against the wall. he holds his modified taser in his pocket, sizing up the other players underneath the rim of his hood. he keeps his gaze on the floor as two men walk up the steps, each grabbing a phone and logging in. 
“excuse me,” another man hesitantly steps forwards. “i don’t know what’s going on, could you help me?” 
“you have a visa connected to the phones,” the man in blue says. “you have to win the games every three days.” 
next to him, his friend elbows him in the ribs. “are you crazy? we don’t know him.” the man in blue shrinks back, walking with his friend away from the other man and out of the stairwell. 
“registration closed,” an announcement chimes. an automated voice plays from speakers. “difficulty: five of spades. game: tag. rules: players will find a safe zone in an unlocked room and press a button while avoiding a tagger in the hallways. game clear: players find and press the button in the safe zone. game over: the tagger finds the players or the time limit is reached. players have five minutes before the game begins.” 
chishiya shoves his radio into his pocket, unplugging the headphones and pulling them out of his ears. you follow after him as he makes his way up the elevator, leaning over the edge on the fifth floor. 
“do you need something?” he asks, eyes focused on the other players. 
you cock your head at him, standing away from the edge. “no.” 
“then stop following me.” 
“but you’re so cool,” you walk over to the edge, leaving space between you and chishiya as you lean against it. you ignore chishiya’s slight glare, pulling your jacket up over your shoulders. the breeze is cold against your skin, making you zip it up fully. 
chishiya remains silent, even as gunshots start to ring out. you flinch a little at the noise. you can see the tagger as they make their way through the hallways. they’re wearing a horse mask and an army uniform. they hold a gun across their chest, heavy black boots echoing with each step. you lean over a little further as they suddenly stop, repeatedly firing at a specific door. the nervous man you saw in the lobby hides behind the wall. the man wearing blue rushes over to him, pulling him away from the door. the shooting stops once they leave. 
“that must be where the button is,” you murmur. chishiya hums, startling you a little. his gaze remains fixated on the door. 
you’re not sure how long you’ve been standing around when chishiya suddenly moves away from the ledge. he uses one hand to push his hood off of his head, shoving his hands into his pockets as he makes his way to the staircase. you follow after him as he makes his way to the fourth floor.
the man in blue is already there, making his way into the room. the tagger chases after him, shooting through the walls of the apartment building. chishiya pulls you out of the way, holding the door shut. you can hear a struggle from inside the room before the man yells out. 
“there’s two buttons!” 
“are you serious?” chishiya scoffs, letting out an exasperated laugh. he pulls the taser out of his pocket, setting it down on the ground. 
he cracks the door open, sliding the taser to the man. he takes it, quick to turn it on and press it against the tagger’s side. the tagger falls to the ground as the man scrambles to his feet, looking between the two walls.
from the window you can see a woman hoist herself up through the window. “you called?” 
chishiya reaches over, pulling you further away from the door so you’re behind him. the timer clicks down before they both jump up at the buttons, pressing them with only one second left. the woman grunts when she hits the ground, sitting up and staring at the clock before letting out a relieved sigh. 
chishiya helps you up, opening the door and entering the room. the tagger sits on the ground- a woman, staring up at you terrified. she pulls at the collar around her neck to no avail. you turn behind chishiya’s shoulder, flinching at the noise of it exploding. 
he kneels down, checking through her suit for anything that could’ve been left behind. in a pocket, he pulls out a small scrap of paper, opening it. you peer over him to see what it is. it’s a circle with seemingly random lines passing through it. “what do you think it is?” you murmur. 
“i’m not sure,” chishiya says, shoving it into his pocket. you follow him out of the apartment building, joining aguni and the others on their way back to the beach. 
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you’re completely silent when you pass by chishiya, making your way to your room. blood stains the edges of your jacket. it’s smeared across your cheek. your eyes are red and puffy. 
kuina raises an eyebrow at him, watching you leave. “is everything okay?” she asks, taking her wooden cigarette out of her mouth. “i haven’t seen you with y/n all day.” 
chishiya simply shrugs, though a small part of him is curious about what happened to you. “he’s probably fine.”
kuina furrows her eyebrows. “are you sure?” 
he pushes the unsettling feeling in his stomach down, glancing over to where you are. you wave arisu and usagi off, rushing to hide away in your room. 
“i’m sure.” 
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chishiya’s side feels oddly empty without you next to him, tagging along wherever he goes, asking questions about what he’s making, silently observing every action he’s making and mirroring it. he sighs, setting the newly created bomb aside and standing up in search of you. 
“kuina,” the girl looks up at him, surprised. “have you seen y/n?” 
she shakes her head, rolling her cigarette between her fingers. “he usually stays on the roof, right?” chishiya hums, shoving his hands into his pockets before he makes his way up through the hotel to the roof. the beach’s lights shine brightly in the night sky. golden hues light up the ground below. 
your back is turned to chishiya when he closes the door to the roof. he pauses, silently watching you. your knees are pulled up to your chest, hoodie wrapped tightly around your body. it’s out of character. 
he’s sure you know he’s behind you as he steps closer. you don’t react when he sits down next to you, leaning back on his hands. “have you ever seen someone die?” your voice is so quiet it almost catches chishiya off guard, though he tries not to show it. “i mean… before all of this.” 
“how do you do it?” this time your voice cracks. chishiya can almost feel pieces of his resolve chipping away, your emotion breaking down his walls in ways he never thought were possible before. “how do you keep going knowing you couldn’t save them?” 
your hands tremble as you dig your nails into your palms. chishiya reaches over, gently pulling your hand into his. your skin is cold. your gaze remains fixated on the sky in front of you. “none of this is your fault,” he whispers. “there’s nothing you could’ve done that would change anything. you’ve done everything that you could.” 
chishiya remains fixated on you. the tears welling in your eyes roll down your cheeks. you swallow harshly, trying to push the emotion down. you forcefully wipe the tears away from your eyes. “i’m sorry,” you mumble. 
“come here.” you turn to him, hesitating before slowly making your way into his arms. chishiya stiffens before he relaxes, wrapping his arm around your waist. he gently rubs your back, letting you cry into his chest. you cling to him tightly, hands shaking as you bury your face into his neck. he ignores the uncomfortable feeling of your tears wetting his skin and soaking into his jacket. “it’s okay,” he whispers. “it’s gonna be okay.” 
you sniffle when you pull away, forcefully wiping the tears away from your eyes. “you promise?” the words feel juvenile as you’re saying them but chishiya nods anyway, gently wiping your tears away. you let his warmth seep through you. chishiya holds you even closer. 
“i promise.” 
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hellbubu · 4 months
Hello, it's me xD (I'm a bit late today cause I had a bday tea party to attend to ;P) Finally watched the episode! The first two thirds were so good, nice, glowy. It kinda makes me wonder if Ciel, deep down, cherishes these spun sugar memories or if in trying to put a front for Sebastian doesn't let himself even feel a bit of joy. (Also, yeah, was the fucking viscunt necessary??)
I do not know/remember anything about that chicken either. Took me out, ngl. Also, the *moment* the saphire's stood with both hands on the rows I was like "how tf are you gonna take off your hats and hold that heavy ass thing at the same time??" Them falling into the water was hilarious, but I think it made the other houses finally be 100% ok with them winning this one tornament (I think we all know there's not gonna be another 'miracle' for a loooong time lol).
It boggles my mind that no one, not a *single* soul in this whole ass school (with the exception of Cole, but fuck him) think of Ciel as even slightly suspicious! Like, in a month, two months? He managed to impress the P4 so much they invited him to tea, uncovered a bully and his plot *from another house*, became the prefect's drudge's drudge (and somehow still served the P4), got 'recommended' for the criquet team, did a complete overhaul of their techniques and strategies, managed to *pull off a win* for the house whose only won once before *AND* moved the audience to tears to win an invitation. And NOBODY thinks this is strange??? Smh
(Also, can we talk about how realistically Cole would have *totally* found out about the cover-up of the P4 and used it to keep his place? That was an oversight, in my eyes.)
Ciel using the angle of the kids' families' despair instead of his mission as Watchdog/Guard dog is so clever. Since he doesn't have a clue UT is under that hat, he's going with 'reasonable and sympathetic', which would have worked...on anyone else. Can't wait until next ep!!! (BTW, do you like boybands? *hinthint* ;P *nudgenugde*)
(Also, this idea just came up to me the other day: if the arc went even further -weird as that would be since this is one of if not the longest arc- I would have *loved* to see Finny in Weston! Like, let's suposse there were scholarships back then, and Sebastian did some *magic* to get him into Blue House -since he isnt of noble birth and i dont see Finny as artistic, and giving him to green house would mean completely losing the tornament lmao- before Ciel, so its not completely suspicious. Imagine Ciel, McMillan, Finny and Hartcourt (add Soma if you want) hanging out together, in the grass! All of them playing with Soma's elephant! Imagine the cuteness overload! I'm aware of the impossibility of this idea, I just want to bask in it for a little while. Finny being around kids his age, for once; Ciel defending him from bullies because you know Finny would let himself get pushed around if it meant not hurting others. Finny blushing everytime he says Ciel's name cause he's not supossed to be *allowed* but now he *is*. Finny scared shitless of Proff Michaelis instead of starstruck, cause he *knows* how much that ruler/can hurts, thanks no thanks. I just, I love this silly little idea xD)
Ohhh a tea party sounds nice. I've never been to one. I hope you had fun 💖💖💖💖
IDK I think he enjoyed life at Weston to an extent. He had friends and a sense of normalcy. But at the same time, it's a temptation. I remember in a scene of the circus arc, that Sebastian kinda tried to get Ciel to want a normal life/take back the contract or smth so he could eat his soul. It was a flashback if I remember properly. It further proves that Ciel doesn't regret/he doesn't have second thoughts about having sold his soul.
(It's this scene. Watching it again after knowing that Ciel took his brother's identity, makes the wording of "the name I bear comes with responsibilities" seem like a hint to the twin brothers but it might sound like that because I'm an ESL :P It's also probably a pretty important moment in Ciel and Sebastian's relationship. It shows Sebastian that 1. Ciel doesn't regret shit. 2. Ciel's character.)
The chicken was from a scene that wasn't animated. The chicken might just be the most important character in the whole series /j
The blue house falling in front of the Queen gave me secondhand embarrassment. Like, seriously, did no one think "Maybe with the help of the shady boy and the teacher that seems kinda obsessed with him we might win, so let's practice so we don't make fools of ourselves in front of the motherfucking Queen?"
Everyone in the school just thinks/knows Ciel is that school's main character. They won't fight it. The second he ran with that English biscuit in his mouth it was over. When fucking Heather Chandler, I mean Redmond fixed his tie and let him get away with stepping on the grass, they knew it. What's the point of fighting it?
I doubt Cole would've found out. Most of the school takes the P4's words at face value. Plus, if he hanged around Redmond too much it'd be obvious he outsources his job to others.
Depends on the boyband 👀👀 or is this a hint to smth else? 👀👀👀
It'd be UT's choice as to where Finny goes. But I doubt he'd understand cricket all that well. It took me until like episode 7 to figure out what's going on. But if he were in Green house, he'd fuck up just for Ciel to win, or maybe just accidentally. Ciel would probably do something cheat to make sure he doesn't bat or throw well.
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cantalooprat · 1 year
After My Ex-Boyfriend’s White Moonlight Proposed to Me
What I Liked
a sweet healing sort of story, the shou is like a bird aimlessly flying about and the gong is the one who provides a safe, warm home for him
ngl i loved how they're both such utter weirdos, the beginning rly highlights their temperament as artists and how they just click. i wish they explored that a bit more, bc it was super fun how the shou just gets what the gong was trying to express with his niche art films
has a kind of overbearing protective gong and quiet shy tsundere shou. usually i rly dislike the controlling gong type but here the shou actually feels relieved that the gong is so driven and is perfectly happy to go with the flow, like the gong is exactly what he needs so i thought their relationship is rly comfortable and nice
the extras were cute... the rabbit au and the college au...
everything was more or less explained by the end i guess? the shou's past, the shou's mother's paranoia... like it doesn't excuse her terrible treatment but it does give a justification. n the shou's father... like they're both. terrible parents. n the shou honestly deserves better. but i also kind of see where they're coming from even when i think it's terrible, so i appreciated the author explaining them but also the gong still condemns them and the shou doesn't care abt them anymore, which is what they deserve.
the rabbit n blue whale imagery is super cute
lowkey felt a little like hybw if gu zhuoyan was actually there for zhuang fanxin's healing
What I Disliked
clickbait title much lmao ig its true but at the same time i didn't expect such a heavy story coming into it
also mentioned this under likes but i wish they went a bit deeper into the artistic connection the main cp shares
hmm they did explain it with the gong not wanting to dig into the shou's scars, but somewhere deep inside i wish the shou would open up to the gong abt his past and source of trauma instead of the gong having to dig it out of the ppl around the shou. mb both of them w the psychologist or sth.
it was...mostly ok. i like it. but it's just mostly ok.
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justabunchofdragons · 2 years
🍒🍊🦋🛋☔️ for the ask game! you dont have to answer em all
i will answer as many as i can eheh >:)
🍒 - funny story that happened in headspace?
oooh boy i hvae a good one. ok so one time i can't remember exactly what was going on but we'd either had a bunch of splits or a bunch of people were just close to front and like 2 or 3 persecutors were active too so there was like a full blown fight that broke out in headspace but i was. asleep. i went to sleep and tensions were high but i was like fuck this im leaving and sorta hoped if the body was u know. sleeping nothing would happen but i woke up and front was trashed like the sofas were ripped & there was like a 1.5m wide hole in the bottom of our living room leading to the void and i fell in. uh and then phoenix had to fly in and get me.
the rest under the cut because kgjkfhk.oops that got long
🍊 - tiktok audio/vine that reminds you of a headmate?
NO idea. ive been compulsively scrolling ig for the last couple of weeks but shit goes in and out of my mind so quick. i feel like i should know more vines but coming up blank sorry lads
🦋 - any ‘-heavy’s? (introject heavy, little heavy, protector heavy, etc.)
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we split introject fragments SO often. like every new media is +1 at LEAST. uh i guess our next -heavy is protector..? theres like 12 of them.
🛋 - what does headspace look like?
big :] and this is the middle layer only, there's a top layer (dormancy void) and a bottom layer thats just white void that only ppl in my subsys can access uhm cuz we're special ^_^ to the right of this one if you step into it you can see the rest of headspace for a couple of steps but if you blink after a certain point you are so so lost. its like those infinity rooms in minecraft. tommy got lost for a week in there once and i was worried sick thinking he went dormant again but he came back like do NOT go there. duly noted. the blue stuff is ocean btw
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☔️ - favorite thing about being plural?
havent actually had one of these in a While but group parties ngl. those are amazing. and generally just when anyone is cofront its like free friends .great for pulling u out of spirals too 👍
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applesontheground · 2 years
Riri… your requests say open so I come with an idea!!! but feel free to ignore it haha sending requests make me so nervous 😅😅
Anyways just maybe someone running into Bo’s arms for protection?
just an interesting concept that I thought you’d do good with. again feel free to ignore it!! Hope you’re having a good day ❤️
aww anon ;-; ofc i'll do this!
ngl, i've been excited to touch this! it's a prompt that i've seen so many good bo writers take on, so i'm gonna do my best to put my own spin on it! also, sorry for kinda going off. my crush on this man is showing so fucking hard in this but i like what i said so it’s staying in lol
brightest stars are falling down 🕯️
SFW | Word Count: 1,122 | Bo Sinclair x GN Reader
contains mild paranoia, the horror of a town that never ages and a man who stagnated with it, etc etc
🎼: x
Ambrose was a strange little spot in the middle of desolate forest, but you could see the charm. Even as the Sun had sunk behind the tree line, engulfed by the rich greenery and pale grasses of the surprisingly lively flora, you found yourself leaning against the concrete fencing around this little house on a hill. It was separated from the rest of the small perimeter of town, looking down on it through a few heavy bushes and hanging trees.
It was a little odd that you had spent the entire afternoon (and now a good portion of the evening) within the confines, and only saw one or two people the entire time. Still, you knew small towns fairly well: some locals became agoraphobic with age, never came out unless they had kids dragging them out and breathing life into the place. One of the few people you had seen was actually the one who had been showing you around since coming in, now swiveling out the front door of the house and coming down the steps with his hat’s brim hiding his eyes. His tone was warm enough to soothe the uncanniness that came from that. It even made you grin a little.
“You ready to get a move on?”
“As I’ll ever be.” You pushed off the fence, smiling with crossed arms as he came to stand in front of you. He pointed at the plethora of supplies in some old plastic tub that had seen better days, something he hadn’t had when he went inside. You felt too nervous to follow, offering to wait outside for him much to his insistence you should come with. He had let you at the end of the day, swayed by the way you had made yourself look comfortable against the fence. He explained, hand pointing to the tub in the other arm, “I got some stuff to drop off at the garage if that’s alright. I’ll take y’back down, send you on your way.”
You beamed, “Sounds good to me, er…You said your name was Joe?” His eyes met yours, a glint of deep, bruising blue in the dark of his hat’s shadow. Still, his smile was uncannily white, straight and gorgeous. “Bo.” He corrected, and your immediate apologetic expression made the smile grow as he eased, “I mumble, so it happens. No big deal.”
Walking down with him, you found the dirt road harder to keep control on as it headed downhill compared to the original trek up. Bo seemed fit for it, holding his weight still in a strangely lopsided fashion while somehow keeping balance. You took a mental note at how his right leg sometimes hobbled rather than strode, but it was a very irregular gait that made you want to stare. You honestly could if you let yourself, tracing the details on him that had initially caught your eye. You had thought he was rather handsome in the glimpses that you had managed, and even while being preoccupied with stumbling through the dirt and an occasional rock or divet in the earth, you were trying not to quirk your lips at how curly his dark hair looked underneath his hat.
His right hand revealed a thick gold ring on the appropriate finger, a ruby-colored stone in the center. Almost looked like a class ring. You wondered if he went to school, and maybe that could be a conversation starter if you had the stomach for it. Your eyes then flickered to his jawline, which sharpened and released at intervals. Tufts of deep brunette sideburns were licking up the side of his face, stopping right at his ear and just as wild as the rest of the curls. Oh, he might be a teeth grinder like you. Eyes caught the resting pout on his face, eyes casted down still, but before you could fawn over that his head turned up and eyes once again became visible. You only met them for a split second before turning your attention back to the path in front of you with an alarmed, helpless lift of your eyelids. Fuck, did he catch you?
Not mentioning it, he hummed, “The town’s awful dark. Usually, the generator kicks on later in the night for the streetlights. Gets it on this old place so you can actually see.” You looked down a dark street as the dirt ended and the pavement began, feeling once again held tight by the run down buildings and the quiet ambiance. It was like a group was always just out of sight, turning your head to try and figure out where the subtle noise was coming from…
In a motion that shook you to the core, a flash of light assaulted your senses with a loud slam, bathing you in a kind of glow bigger than you or him and well over your head. Bo was stone still, eyes flickering upwards with a certain look on his face, his forehead wrinkling as his eyes caught the light with glowing familiarity – but to feel your weight collide with him made them quickly come falling back down.
You rocked heavily on your heels, gasping like a strike from an otherworldly force had caught you off-guard as you leaned into him. “Oh, fuck-“ You choked out, holding onto the front of his mechanic’s shirt, the rough fabric abrasive against your clammy palms. “S-sorry, I-“ He responded with a hover of his hand over your back, “No, it’s alright. That was sudden, don’t usually come on that quick.” He eased, shaking his head while staring down at the top of yours.
When you didn’t seem sure, not quite pulling off of him yet and hearing clicks and slams from every which side as the lights in the shop windows were now turning on, trying to understand why everything was coming on with such precise timing, he dared let his hand gently settle between your shoulder blades. Your breath hitched, feeling constricted by both the circle of lighting over your head and the circling of his arm around you.
“Hey. [Y/N], is that right?” Your eyes shot up again, and Bo murmured, “Promise it’s alright, it’s just a small town electrical fluke.”
That was right. You merely swallowed, rolling his arm off of you and trying to regain some form of dignity. Still, as he turned down the sidewalk and walked towards the garage with you, you found yourself tagging along much closer to him, meeting his charmed smirk with a nervous grin that hid the terror you still felt. Especially as you neared the doors, your mind began to collect itself and start thinking like a smart person again.
...Did I tell him my name?
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whaleofatjme1920 · 3 years
In the Tent, Under His Arms (Eyeless Jack X F!Reader)
[Eyeless Jack X F!Reader]
[Warnings: literally just smut, knotted dick, breeding kink kinda?, possessive, I feel like EJ is his own warning, dubcon, rough, degrading(?), slight praise, if you are a minor DNI]
[AN: this thing is 8K words so have fun. Ngl, I had a lot of inspiration from the Wolf Man from Darkwood, so like,,,,,, that's gonna show up here as influence srry. ily <3]
To say you are nervous as you traverse the woods was an understatement. You could hardly breathe as you quietly stepped through the darkness that curtained the forest around you. Small little mushrooms and pieces of paper dotted your way as you continued to shine your flashlight at the deer path before you. Branches seemed to spring out from tree trunks in the blink of an eye scratched at your clothes as you pushed yourself forward. Every little sound that didn’t emit from you set you on edge.
How the hell did you even get here? You woke up on the floor of a rundown house. Cold tile had been your mattress as you slowly found your bearings. A quick glance around the darkened room showed a barren room, its walls littered with papers worried about a tall man in the woods. The only warnings were to watch out for him, fear him and not get caught by him lest you be taken. But you were still confused, scared and unsure.
Instead, you found yourself doing the only thing you could really think of. Securing your safety. This went on for a week without a hitch (save for the odd faces that peered into the windows every now and then) until one fateful morning where you were greeted by the only sentient living being that wished to talk to you since… Well… Since before you ended up here.
You had taken up refuge in a closet for the night and after stretching, headed to the kitchen to make something when you were rudely greeted to a… man?
Leaning against your counter drinking some coffee he’s already brewed.
You were about to rush back to your closet and pick up your blade when the man lowly chuckled.
A deep silence fell between the two of you as your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. From the silence came low, rumbling, almost animalistic breathing.
It was then that you finally got a clear view of who was leaning in your kitchen. You grounded yourself in the doorway, not budging as the man slowly sipped from the coffee mug. You took notice of what he was wearing as he did so - a big, dark blue hoodie, and on top of that, a big, brown jacket. He had worn blue jeans. Steel toe boots.
The most unsettling parts of it all?
He had ashy, grey skin. From his profile, you could see shark-like teeth, grinning at you like a wolf.
“It’s really rude to stare, sweetheart,” the grey skinned man interrupted before taking another languid sip. “Have some coffee. I went outta my way to get it for you,” he finished before you could even begin to register what he was saying.
You awkwardly looked off to the side as words failed to build in your mouth. However, your mind continued to race with thoughts.
The grey skinned man verbally rolled his eyes with a huff before placing his mug down. Then, he quickly turned himself around and opened up one of the cabinets, fished for a mug, settled on a slightly chipped white one, inspected it, then placed it on the counter beside his. His clawed hand reached for the pot of coffee and grasped it before pouring the pleasantly warm and aromatic liquid into the slight chipped mug.
“Here,” he hummed as he held out the mug to the still frozen in place you. “Before it gets cold.”
You felt immediate disgust but hit it from your face as you cautiously stepped forward.
Sighing deeply, he closed the space between the two of you by taking confident steps forward.
On instinct, you held your hands out and took the mug.
He smiled in approval before leaning back on the counter to drink from his mug. “Sorry about the lack of sugar and creamer,” he said in passing as he watched you take a slow, shy sip. “You’ve seen the state of things out there, haven’t you? Can’t find shit even if I tried.”
Upon deeming the drink not poisonous and not harmful to your wellbeing, you felt more at ease and took more confident sips. “Who are you?” You asked, effectively breaking the semi-comfortable silence.
“A medic in some circles, a trader in others,” he began, flashing his rows of pearly white sharp teeth. “Call me Jack.” His gaze then lowered, eyes still obscured by his hood. “And what about you, sweetheart? How did you find yourself in this wicked place?”
You shifted uncomfortably before leaning in the doorway and taking another sip from the mug. “I don’t know,” you muttered. “I woke up here,” you gestured to the cold, checkered tile the two of you were currently standing on, “and got to work,” you finished. Your eyes remained trained on the floor. You remembered the first few days you were here - how awkward and strange they were. The feelings of confusion and anger. Stumbling around in the dark.
Jack nodded thoughtfully at your words before he finished his mug in one big gulp. He then smirked at you, the corners of his lip tilting upwards before he began stalking towards you.
Instinctively, you backed up, ready to defend yourself.
Jack chuckled under his breath. He smelled of wet soil and pine. “I’m not going to hurt you,” he said as he stopped just an arm’s distance in front of you. He looked down at you, his eyes still observed by the darkness as you struggled to see what he looked like. His clawed hand suddenly reached out, and you flinched. He grinned, and took his lifted hand to hold your chin before slowly tilting your gaze upwards to meet his in full. “Let me get a good look at those pretty eyes,” he murmured.
And that when you saw his, or rather, the lack of. Just empty caverns. Dark, soulless, but they looked at you with such hunger.
Jack watched your pretty eyes flutter, mostly in nervousness before he leaned down. His sockets bore into you. His other hand left his coat pocket to your face, clawed came closer and closer to your eyes making you scrunch your nose. “Find me in the burnt clearing. I’ll be waiting for you.” His index finger came up to the bridge of your nose and slid down it. He chuckled at your confused expression before he tapped your nose.
When you reopened your eyes, he was gone.
You spent a few days wondering if you should go or if it was a trap. There was really no one to ask and the faces that peered into your window didn’t seem to give an answer one way or another. Your gut, however, kept telling you it was a bad idea.
That was what you were sticking with: it’s a bad idea, you shouldn’t go.
So, why were you stumbling through the woods near sundown looking for him? It was stupid, you thought, that you could be walking into your death. You quickly slashed through the brambles until you made your way to a small clearing. A light shined in the short distance when it wasn’t obscured by rapidly growing branches. A quick glance down at your map showed that this was the eyeless man’s camp.
Your fingers tightened around your blade as you left the heavy foliage to inspect the camp. There was a sizable tent followed by various crates strewn about. In the center was a fire pit and across from it was a worn down green couch. How did that even get in here?
You carefully came closer to the roaring fire with timid steps while trying to calm down your breathing. A quick glance around and there was nothing but silence to accompany you as the sun sunk further and further down the horizon. You let your guard drop for just a moment before prickling back to attention. A presence behind you made you swivel, lurch and raise your blade faster than what you were capable of.
“Took you long enough. You do know that it’s rude to keep people waiting, don’t you?” Jack states with a small frown before bursting into a fit of laughter at the sound of your still drumming heart. “What has you so nervous?” He questions, eyeing you like you are nothing but a piece of meat.
“This is your camp?” You say, more out of observation than waiting for affirmation.
“It is,” Jack hums. “Good to see you made it. I’ve seen some proxies barely make it here by the skin of their teeth,” he continues as he sits down by the fire.
“What?” You ask as you quirk up an eyebrow.
Jack picks up his back to rest between his knees and rummage through it before beckoning you over to sit next to him.
You cautiously sit next to him on another crate. You avert your attention from him back to the fire.
“Proxies are servants of this tall guy,” Jack explains after ensuring you took your seat. “They run these woods essentially, but they never come to my neck in fear of the things that exist past what is safe,” he grins slightly, still rummaging in the bag. “Out here, it’s just me and the things who lurk.”
“The things that lurk?” You whisper in a questioning tone.
Jack nods again and pulls out a little journal. He begins to thumb through it as he continues to explain to you. “Things known as the Rake, the notdeer, the proxies that succumb to their sickness early, y’know, the things that kill.” He finally finds what he’s looking for.
You turn your attention to the journal and see he’s amassed a collection of polaroid photographs of the things that lurk.
“See? These are some proxies,” he hands the book to you and points at the pictures. “And here is one of the things that lurk.” His clawed finger shows you what used to be a proxy, their body torn to shreds, organs hanging everywhere, and in the center, what you can describe as a monster hungrily devouring their flesh. “I have a lot of good shit out here, and most of them never make it past this guy.”
You shiver slightly and Jack furrows his brows for just a moment.
“Sorry,” he apologizes for a moment before briefly taking the book from you. “Anyways, very few people make it out of the woods unless you’re a proxy or me. We used to make it out a lot easier but there was this one guy, ugly fucker,” he hisses. “That left the woods after burning down the trees to the main road - one of our crossing points. The trees grew back so fast after the tall guy’s wrath and now we’re all stuck here as a result. That ugly fucker? He disa-fucking-peared.” Jack growls deeply as he says it, clearly not happy with the memory.
“I’m… Sorry,” you apologize awkwardly.
Jack shakes his head. “It’s nothing. Don’t worry your pretty little head about it, yeah?” He hums. “Anyways, flip a few pages and you’ll see the ugly fucker’s hovel before he left.” He pointed to the picture of a house similar to the one you were staying in.
Small world?
You studied the man who stood in the picture. He wasn’t that ugly in your opinion.
Jack then shows you other photos, places, effigies, proxies and one of a brilliant mansion. Apparently, you need to stay away from that place at all costs. There’s also pictures of him and other people, some of them you recognize from your time on earth? Is that right? Are you still on earth?
Jack explains a bit more to you. Mostly about this place. It’s like a pocket. Somehow, you were taken and brought here for a reason. Jack suspects it’s because the tall man, also known as the Slender Man, wants to make you a proxy.
“You’ll lose your humanity that way,” he tsks. “And that’s why I called you here. Not for pictures and conversation,” the warmth that was in his tone over reminiscing over things and learning about others is gone.
You notice it almost instantly. You watch as his posture changes and so too do his facial features. You know he means business now.
“I know you’re looking for a way out,” he begins. “I can help you with that.” Jack notices your eyes light up for the first time in well… It’s the first time he’d seen you look so hopeful.
“What’s the catch?” You ask as you slowly lean away from him.
Before Jack could say anything, a shriek was heard off in the distance. Jack’s face twinkled with excitement for a second before he nodded his head over to his tent.
It caught you off guard and sent your heart racing before yet another shriek emitted from the dark forest around the two of you.
“It’s dark,” Jack says as his gaze goes back over to his tent again. “Stay here for the night. Those things out there don’t really fuck with me,” he muses. When you don't answer, he stands up. “Unless you wanna try your luck out there, sweetheart. By all means…” He trails off as he slowly begins walking over to his tent.
You swallow your pride and stand up much too fast and catch pace with him.
Jack lets out an amused chuckle as he opens the flaps to the tend and allows you entrance.
You were immediately shrouded in the scent of petrichor and wild flowers. Surprisingly, it didn’t smell near as rough as you had originally expected. You felt a tad awkward standing in his tent as he zipped it up.
“You can sit down,” he says as he ensures the flaps were shut properly.
You nod more to yourself than anyone else and take a few more steps inside. It was tall enough that you could stand without brushing your head on the roof. On the floor interspersed with grass were carpets. It looked like a nest was in the near middle? Tons of blankets and two twin sized mattresses laid side by side were on the ground.
You glance around and see a small little desk, some writing supplies, just normal home stuff. Why was Jack living out here? There were tons of vacant houses.
Instead, you brush the thought off and settle on sitting timidly at the end of one of the blanket covered mattresses.
“Good choice,” Jack says as he procures from his pocket a box of matches. Then, he reaches over on the little desk for a kerosene lamp. After lighting it, the dimness of the tent became something actually visible. He checks his watch as he slowly makes his way to the other mattress.
“What time is it?” You ask as you struggle to get comfortable on the mattress.
“Surprisingly? Nearing midnight,” he answers. Jack stretches slightly before plopping down entirely. “Get some sleep, yeah? Tomorrow morning, we’ll set out to do what I ask,” Jack subtly demands. He props his elbows up on his knees and watches from the corner of his gaze as you shift awkwardly.
You felt strange laying down on the mattress, but did so anyway. It doesn’t seem Jack cared very much that your shoes were still on. You move your body slightly to find comfort on the mattress while Jack continues to eye you from the corner of his vision.
He takes note of your form, how delicious you look. How he can take you right now.
But he saw your eyelids grow heavy. Within moments, you were on the verge of passing out.
Jack relents softly. He knows she wants your full attention while he ruts into you making you cry out to gods that don’t want to hear you. He sees you begin to fade in and out of consciousness. Luckily for him, he does have some business to attend to, and those creatures didn’t ever get too close to his camp.
They wouldn’t touch you, not with his scent bathed all over you.
One of the last things you heard before Jack left to attend to other matters was a compliment. You barely heard it, and it would have shocked you right awake if your body wasn’t on the verge of shutting down.
“You look so pretty right now, Sweetheart. Beautiful, even.”
It wasn’t until 3am that Jack finally returned. You were fast asleep when he finally resented the tent, but he could smell you all the way from where his important matters laid. His nose guided him back to you. And funnily enough, it brought him back to you about a week ago as well.
Jack hadn’t smelled a fertile woman in a very long time. Well, since this whole mess came upon the Slender Man’s woods, really. He spied on you the first few days you were here. You weren’t as ready for him then, must’ve just been leading up to it. When he popped into your kitchen, it was because you were getting so close to your peak. The smell was overwhelming, sweet, and tender. Intoxicating. Like fresh peaches and the tangiest of strawberry pie. Lucky for him? You came to him at your peak.
Jack ressecure the flaps of the tend before his vision that saw all too well in the darkness his beauty that rests on the mattress he knew you’d choose. Your face and other gestures were gently lit up by the almost extinguished kerosene lamp’s flame. It drove him wild to see you breathe so peacefully.
Your chest rose every so slightly and he could have sworn he caught the outline of your nipples if it wasn’t for that stupiud bra you had on instead.
Jack licked his lips as he quietly drew himself closer to you. He couldn’t stop himself from crawling on top, quietly and slowly, so as to not wake you. One of his knees gently pried apart your legs, and then he took in your scent. You smelled of something not from the woods. You smelled of fresh vanilla and dark roast coffee. Of strawberry pound cake. Of good things.
Jack leans down and takes in your scent near the base of your neck, inhales deeply, then buries his nose in your hair. You smell divine, possibly even better than… Well, it’s best not to say. His hand picks itself up off the mattress to gently and gingerly brush near your hairline. Sily. Pretty. He then places it on your stomach and lightly presses, trailing his claws along your abdomen to your side. You are so soft. So delicate.
The moment his clawed fingertips touch your side and begin trailing down, you wake up.
Your eyes fly open and you almost let out a scream at seeing how this strange man is looming over you. Your mouth opens, but his hand quickly leaves your side to smother you. You breathe heavily against his palm, your eyes wide and with fear. You struggle against him.
“Shhh, he hushes as his hand presses a little firmer on your mouth. “Calm down.” His voice was low as his knee dug further into the mattress, just below the place he wanted most.
You continue to struggle against him, fighting against his planted hand while his other hand presses down on your hips.
“You promise not to scream?” Jack deadpans in a low tone with an edge that cuts you to your core. He sees tears welling in your eyes, and he knows you’re telling the truth. Slowly, he peels his hand back, watching as you keep true to your word.
You take in deep breaths to help self regulate. “What the fuck?” You seethe. Your arms, which have been pawing wildly at his chest, relax only slightly when his clawed hands catch your wrist in a vice grip.
“Easy,” he murmurs, only loosening his grip when he’s sure you won’t fight him any further. His head dips so his empty caverns can peer right through yours in the dim light.
One look and you know what he wants. Horor and something else - something wanton - pass across your face, making Jack laugh.
“I said I wasn’t gonna hurt you,” he hums, his clawed index finger trailing your cheek.
Before you can say anything else, Jack’s hand leaves your hips and grabs your face. With a wicked grin, he licks his teeth, then leans down and licks your face.
You contort to digits as he does so. He smells of iron.
“Why are you doing this?” You growl as his tongue leaves your cheek to your chin, slowly making his way to your neck. “I can leave if that’s-”
“No,” Jack growls. “You won’t leave,” he states before gently nipping at the soft flesh on your neck. “You smell so good,” he murmurs before taking another languid lick at your neck.”I’m going to make you mine,” With that, he entirely retracted his form from yours to look down at you.
Of course, you fight him. Your thighs grip around his upper leg that still rests between your knees and you almost maange to flip the two of you over. But he was much bigger and much stronger than you could manage. With a deep laugh, he grips your wrists tighter above your head and squeezes to let you know who is in charge. With his free hand, he reaches into his back pocket and gets the zip ties.
How the fuck did he get zip ties?
“Jesus fucking Christ,” you hiss as he dangles them in front of your eyes.
“I just can’t trust you right now,” Jack tsks in the tone of a pouting child. The black zip ties feel awful against your wrists (they also feel good) - and he’d secured them so tightly. He playfully watches you attempt to break free from them, and when it proves futile, he laughs. Jack then allows his hands to take free roam of your body while you begin to protest him less and less. “I know you don’t have any spare clothes,” he hums thoughtfully before his fingers waltz down to the hem of your shirt. “Luckily, I have some left over. You won’t be needing any of this,” he cackles as his sharp claws make waste of the fabric.
You feel yourself growing weaker and weaker under his grasp but still curse at him more than what you deem possible. Jack seemed to eat up your insults. “You’re fucking sick,” you spit as he eyes your bra hungrily. “A sick fucking pervert.”
“You stayed the night, Sweetheart,” Jack grins wickedly. “I’m only taking claim of what’s now mine,” he says before delicately tracing the cups of your bra. He likes the design. Dark blue with light colored polka dots. An interesting choice. Without wasting any more time, his claws cut through the fabric too - no use in unclasping while your hands are bound. “How beautiful,” he giggles. “How lovely. I could hardly tell when you were using those bags you call clothes,” he teases, making your knees clamp around his knee once more, making Jack break again and laugh.
You bite your tongue and try to avert your gaze from him, not wanting him to see that you’re flushed due to the intimacy and that your body and you yourself are growing keen to the situation you have found yourself in. “This is…”
“C’mon,” Jack breathes out as his fingers trail up your smooth flesh to your breasts. “You must’ve known something was up. A man doesn’t just ask a woman to stay the night. He’s got one thing on his mind if she isn’t family or a friend: he wants to fuck her.”
The harshness and pure lust that dripped from his tongue made your face heat up in response. Your gaze darts and bounces around before you finally settle on his hands that are now fondling your chest.
Jack’s hands travel to your pants. He takes in your scent again. You are intoxicating, so intoxicating.
“You’re gonna have to work for it,” you manage to hiss out, legs still clamped around his knee.
Jack’s expression falls. “You’re not in charge, I am.” And with that, he rips through your pants, leaving you naked before him.
You shiver slightly in response to the cool air, and of course, Jack has to see that and make note of it as well.
“Awh,” he coos as his nose gets closer and closer to your heat. “Are you cold? Do you want me to warm you up?” He murmurs in a sickening lust filled tone.
“You bastard-” you’re barely able to breathe out before you’re cut off by Jack dragging the flat of his long, black tongue from the bottom to the top, taking great joy in the arousal that was already present.
“What a naughty, naughty girl,” he teases before dragging his tongue again. “Already soaking,” he compliments. His thumb, careful of the sharpened claw, travels to your clit and begins to slowly massage it. He feels your legs shift. Jack hums as he does to, hsi tongue only playing with your lips. He was going to make you suffer before he stuffs you completely.
His teeth nip you every now and then, just to remind you who was really in charge as his tongue and lips press kisses to your lower lips. He doesn’t dare dip into your heat despite wanting to taste you in full.
You write in his grasp, trying to hold back any and all sounds of pleasure. You don’t want to give him the satisfaction of knowing what he’s doing to you.
It’s a shame really, he could make you see stars if only you’d let him.
He must have gone near half an hour with his head between your legs, still fully dressed. He was a man of great patience, and he’d been edging you for much longer and harder than he should have. He could see frustration dotting your face when he finally came back up to look at you.
You look a little more flushed than he remembers. It’s probably all the heat rushing to your face. He notices your hands are quite restless too, that and being tied up couldn’t be the most comfortable thing in the world.
“You look upset, why?” He asks before sucking on your clit. When you struggle to say anything, his teeth graze you ever so slightly. “Use your words, please,” he hums much like an authority figure would.
“Tongue fuck me,” you mumble in embarrassment, eyes darting anywhere but at Jack who is still nestled securely between your legs. You watch as Jack’s ears perk up.
“Say that again,” he prompts, his fingers taking over his tongue on your clit.
“Please,” you say softly “Tongue fuck me and please untie me.”
A sly grin crosses onto Jack’s face alongside yet another chuckle. He momentarily leaves your legs and crawls back up to be face to face with you. His index finger reaches up and his claw slashes through the zip ties.
You freely move your wrists, getting used to your newfound freedom.
“It’s only because you asked nicely,” Jack coos as his sockets bore into your eyes. He presses a gentle kiss to your lips, pleasantly surprised that you don’t fight him like before. He then crawls back down your body to rest in between your legs, his clawed fingers parting your lower lips slightly before he dives his tongue in. He takes great joy in how you write beneath him as your thighs press harder against the side of his head.
He buries his tongue inside of you and curls it in places no human could ever reach. He has you seeing stars.
You buck your hips quite a few times and Jack’s hand reluctantly leaves your thighs to push your hips back down. As he tongue fucks you closer and closer to release, you become a little harder to control. He enjoys it though.
Jack hums absentmindedly as he does so, relishing in your taste. You are soaking wet and so, so close. All he has to do is push you off the edge.
He slithers his tongue out of you before rubbing your clit with his thumb, allowing you to take your mind off your pussy and to the assault your clit before your mind goes white hot in pleasure. Jack’s tongue darts so fast into your pussy that you almost yelp in response as he thrusts it back in and out, still humming like it was no big deal.
Your back arches and that’s all Jack needs to know to see you’re just about to cum. A few more rough flicks of his tongue and you’re creaming onto his face. Your hands grip the nest’s bedsheets and various blankets as he continues to carefully tongue fuck you through your orgasm. He grins as he laps up your sweetness, teasing you under his breath about the effect he has on you.
But he’s not done with you, not by a long shot.
You look up hazily while panting deeply as Jack’s tongue slowly leaves your pussy. The flat of his tongue slowly swipes up from bottom to top which makes you giggle, and he smiles against your skin. From there, he begins working on undoing his belt.
“Here,” you murmur softly, his ears once again perking up to catch your words.
“Hm? He hums in response as he cocks his head to the side, watching as you slowly sit up and stretch before your hands gently press onto his chest. You push off his dark brown coat and then trail down to his belt.
Your hands are soft and gentle as you work on freeing him, and within moments, you are tossing his belt to the side and unzipping him. You can see the tent in Jack’s pants, and you can already feel how delicious he’s going to feel inside of you.
Jack nods for you to lay back down when you shake your head ‘no.’ Interesting. Instead, your hands unzip him and you reach for his cock. Your eyes pop as you touch it - he was hot, much hotter than any man you’d previously been with.
“Come on, don’t keep me waiting,” Jack teases.
You roll your eyes playfully before finally fishing him from his pants, guiding him out with anticipation. You look up at him the entire time you do so, lust clouding your vision and burning through your soul as you do so, almost unaware of the monster you hold in your hands. When you finally look down, you feel heat rise to your face once more.
Jack smirks in response and tangles his fingers near your scalp, brushing you ever so slightly. He guides your lips down to meet the giant. He was big. No denying it. Had to be near nine inches, thich, veiny, with a girthy know he couldn’t wait to stuff inside of you.
You didn’t fight against him. Instead, you eagerly awaited him for your mouth.
Your lips are soft as they press the lightest of kisses to his tip. And just like that, you’re dragging the length of your tongue up and down his cock and listening to him growl in anticipation. When you know you’ve got him where you want him, you take him in your mouth.
Jack’s claws keep steady in your hair as you bob your head. Your lips couldn’t reach his know, and to be completely fair, he wasn’t expecting you to be able to take all of him orally, but he loves what you can do. Your tongue swirls around his tip and shaft every time you come back up, and when Jack was acting up? You graze your teeth against him.
Before he knows it, you are looking up at him with the sweetest gaze, giving him your permission for him to use you. Jack passes you a look of affection before his other hand reaches up to caress your cheek, moaning out deeply as your tongue swirls on his tip, trying to coax his cum out.
Without any particular warning, he pushes your head down and brings you back up before working into face fucking you.
Your face goes dark as he uses you, making breathing damn near impossible. He begins muttering in some language you don’t know - they sound like praises - but he’s coming closer and closer to his edge.
In a mix of English and whatever language he was mumbling in, you can feel his praises get filthier and filthier. Though, Jack doesn’t want to finish in your mouth. Not this time.
“Back down, I’m going to fuck you,” he murmurs deeply while looking at you with lust and… something you can’t quite name. It wasn’t animalistic, that’s for sure.
Jack expects for you to lay back and spread your legs for him but instead, he watches as you maneuver on all fours. Your face is burying into the blankets and your ass is just shy of his waist level despite you pushing up towards him.
You glance back at him and roll your eyes playfully before swaying your hips, attempting to entice him further.
Jack sees the slickness of your cunt and without any hesitation, takes your waist into his clawed hands and begins rubbing his cock with your slick. “Gods, you’re so fucking wet,” he murmurs as he continues to rub his cock with your juices. “I’m going to destroy you.” And then he slips into that language you just can’t understand. “I’m going to knot you and you won’t be able to look at another man without begging for me to fill you up,” he says as his fingers lightly part your lips that were so tightly pressed together as he lines up with you.
Before he does so, he begins to shrug off his hoodie.
“Stop teasing me,” you say in a teasing tone, making Jack pause from taking off the rest of his clothes.
Jack verbally rolls his eyes before taking his hand out from under his hoodie before gripping your waist again. Without any warning, Jack shoves himself into your roughly, hilting himself to his knot before resting there and taking off the hoodie.
Your eyes roll up slightly as he thrust inside of you. The thickness he had wasn’t anything you were used to, and he stretched you open with absolutely no lead up and it made you see stars again.
“I can feel your wet cunt,” he says in passing as he throws his hoodie up and over his head. “Squeeze around me while you wait for me to fuck you,” he chuckles with a devilish grin. He feels your body’s eagerness for him to fuck you, and like such a good girl, you squeeze his cock making him breathe out with a smile. He feels you pulsing, he feels you growing hundred with the need the longer he stays dormant inside of you.
He sighs in ecstasy as he begins to slowly move himself out of you. When it was just the tip, he roughly slid back in, still refusing to knot. His ears twitch at the sound of you gasping for air as he really begins to fuck you. “And here you were calling me a pervert,” he muses as he begins to thrust into you with deep, long strokes, adoring the sounds that pour from your mouth. “But you like fucking me huh? You like it, you goddamn slut. You like being fucked by something that is no longer human,” he continues in that same dead language, nails digging into your soft flesh. “You’re gonna milk my cock and then you’re gonna do it again in the morning.”
Your eyebrows furrow, mouth slightly open, hair bouncing slightly with every thrust. Your face is so heated in response. This is something you know you shouldn’t be doing, but fuck was it good at keeping you around and interested.
As one of his clawed hands undug itself from your flesh to slide down your hip and caress your abdomen, his claws trace your skin and press into your clit once more. He thumbs you and leans over you as he does so, his other hand propping next to your head as he engulfs you with his size. He’s pounding into you now, still refusing to know. His tongue lazily swipes at your shoulder as his hips thrust into you at a damn near inhuman speed and strength, making you mumble incoherencies.
Your moans are music to his ears.
“I’m gonna fuck you until you feel like you can’t anymore, and I’m gonna fuck you until I’m the only man you’ll ever fucking think about,” he roughly sneers into your ears as he continues to pound his hips against you. “I’m going to fuck you until you tell me to stop, and even then? I might not stop.” He breathes deeply into your ear, his tongue tracing the shell as you pathetically move in tandem with him, his fingers digging into your clit and swirling.
He’s trying to get you to cum again.
You are trembling beneath him as his hips shatter you. You can feel his knot greet your lips, but still refuse to enter as Jack growls deeply into your ear. Your legs clamp together as his hand roughly fingers your pearl.
He’s so intoxicating, and you feel like you can’t breathe.
“Cum on my cock,” he hisses harshly, still fucking you to orgasm.
And just like that, he got his wish.
You squeeze shut your beautiful eyes before tightening your thighs together. An immediate waterfall gushes from between your legs, filling the air with something sweet and slightly bitter.
Jack laughs as he pulls out from your pussy, watching as the liquids continue to gush out. “What a cutie,” he teases as he lovingly licks your cheek. “Turn over. I wanna see your face when I knot you,” he grins, nodding for you to lay back on the side of the twin mattresses that was not turned into an ocean.
On hellied legs, you slowly wobble and hum as his finger traces your slit before falling back to the side of the mattresses that isn’t soaked. Your eyes meet his gaze and you slowly spread your legs as he looms over you. You catalog everything about him. In your eyes, he looks so animalistic, and so human all at the same time.
Without his jacket or his hoodie, you’re able to see the scars that decorate his body. He’s so dark, and the cuts and jagged lines that dash across his form are so light in contrast. He’s still lacking eyes - so how is it that he looks at you with such love?
That stupid smirk is looking at you again and you’re tearing your gaze off it to see the head of his cock weeping with precum.
Jack whistles down at you, his hand resting on your knee. “You knew this was coming, Sweetheart,” he hums as he leans forward, hands placing themselves on both sides of you. His grin grew as he saw your face heat up once more.
Jack feels your legs shift followed by a slight weight on his lower waist, He makes a noise of approval as your ankles lock before he glances down to where your bodies are soon going to be connected again. “Let me know if I hurt you at any point,” he whispers softly in your ear as his slightly pointed tip prods at your entrance.
You find yourself almost taken aback by his sudden kindness - he was so domineering but so soft? Your trail of thought is almost entirely derailed as he pushes his cock in and past your puffy, swollen lips as you listen to him hiss at the new angle.
It’s intimate - neither of you can deny that.
Jack watches your expressions from the corner of his gaze as he slowly begins to pump in and out of you, working you to that breakneck pace once more. He watches as your eyebrows furrow as he picks up the pace, fucking you in your entirety. He feels your legs tighten around his waist and watches as your eyebrows furrow once more and knit together in pleasure.
You begin to pant as he does so, walls pulsing deliciously around him as his hips meet yours in thick, meaty thrusts. You feel his cock slide deeper and deeper with every thrust, pushing you to new limits.
Your moans are, once again, music to his ears as he fucks you senseless. Your hands wantonly claw at his back and brush against his sensitive flesh. Swears and curses escape your lips every now and then and that makes him blush.
“You are taking me so, so well,” he harshly compliments through pants as he lowers himself onto his forearms, his hips continuously snapping forward. “It’s almost as if your cunt was made for me. I wonder if you can take my knot as well?” He mumbles as his knot kisses your bruised lips once again. “I don’t care what you say, I’m gonna make you take it.”
“Fuck!” Jack swore under his breath as your walls vice gripped him. “You’re gonna take my knot and you’re gonna like it,” he mumbles into your neck as he kisses and nips at it. He hisses again when you rake your nails across and down his back. His ears fall back in pleasure and close to his scalp as you moan louder. The sound of your pussy gobbling him up has him weak at the knees.
“You’re getting close again, aren’t you?” He questions as he nips at your neck, threatening to bite in the longer you hesitate in answering.
You’re admittedly pretty tongue tied at the moment. “I-!” You’re cut off but his hips slapping forward making you choke and gasp for air. “I am-,” you breathe out through your moans.
“Perfect,” Jack chuckles as he slowly inches his way out. He watches your face carefully as he pulls out, his gaze trained on yours as his forearms push up so he can see you better.
Confusion etches itself on your face. “What?”
“I just wanna see your face,” he answers as his tip rubs against your entrance. He licks your cheek playfully once more before slowly, and deliciously dragging his cock back in, his knot just barely meeting your lips. “This might hurt,” he murmurs gently as he picks his hips back up once more before thrusting back in, much more forcefully, his thick, large knot finally breaching your pussy.
Your eyes widen as his girthy knot pushes inside of you, your legs instinctively tightening around his hips. Your hand leaves his back to grip onto his bicep. Luckily for you, Jack doesn’t mind. You wince as he wiggles in the rest of his knot into your pussy as it swallows him whole, the entirety of his knot being buried inside of you, making it hard for you to breathe. You feel so full and stuffed!
Jack is a little surprised by how strong your grip is! He’s almost completely smitten with it when he finally looks down to see tears welling in your eyes. He can tell it’s a mixture of both paini, from being stressed immensely, and pleasure in a way only pain could bring. It’s ecstasy. Jack leans down gently and begins to kiss your tears away, careful to not pull where the two of you are connected all the while restraining himself to what he doesn’t believe is bearable.
“You feel so divine,” he murmurs livingly before licking away another tear. “Just relax, let me do the work,” he continues. He feels your lips on his and he smiles, taking that as the green light to rock into you. Unfortunately, he would not be able to completely destroy you like he did prior to knotting you simply because of the knot.
Now, Jack takes the time to be intimate. He lovingly relishes in the feeling of kissing you as he slowly and tantalizingly grinds his hips against you and lightly thrusts after every roll. It was a little difficult due to the connection, but it felt sweet. His hand went back between your legs to work your pearl as he continued to sweetly roll and thrust into you, thoroughly enjoying how your hips are shyly coming up to meet him.
“Come on,” he whispers softly through his kiss as he begins to thrust a little rougher. “Just a little more, cum on my cock again,” he urges as he breaks the kiss, licking your cheek. He’s swiping and thumbing your clit in ways that have you writhing beneath him.
Your legs tighten around his waist, urging him to press deeper inside of you.
Not one to deny a lady from what she wants, Jack backs up as far as his hips will let him and pounds back into you. He repeats the motion, making sure to roll every time he does so.
Your hands grasp at his back once more as he fucks you with reckless abandon, his name being the only thing to spill from your lips as he does so. You can’t believe he’s overloading you again, and your heart picks up in response. You kiss him once more, feeling his chapped, rough lips against your soft ones before he leaves and nips down the side of your face and back to your neck. He lightly bites down, not hard enough to draw blood, but enough for you to know he’s got a claim on you.
You look up at him as he mumbles in that same dead language against your skin. He’s so lost in you that it’s almost adorable. Your hand gently asks for his attention, and he gives it to you. You give him a look of nothing but lust and possibly love, and Jack’s lips are on yours again, thickly, warmly, with something deeper and much more passionate than anything you would have expected he was capable of. When he breaks away, panting, against your face, he makes you cry out in pleasure.
“I’m going to fill you,” Jack sneers through his panting, hips still thickly pounding into you. “I’m going to fill you for as long as I’m inside of you,” he mutters as his thrusts frow sloppy. Jack covers you entirely with his body as he roughly pants into your ear, so, so close to spilling.
Your walls begin to flutter around him, urging him to spill as he growls into you. You feel like you’re creaming rings around his dick, urging, no, begging him to bottom out inside of you. Your nails are leaving dark, jagged marks into the flesh of his back as he does so.
With a few more powerful thrusts, Jack finds himself going over the edge, his hips back as far as his knot will allow him before he buries himself deep, the tip pressing against your cervix as he releases himself inside of you. Hot, thick, sticky ropes of cum begin to flood into your needy cunt as lightly rocks himself inside of you, gritting his teeth as you tremble beneath him. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!” He continually growls out like a prayer as your fluttering walls coax more cum from him.
Your eyes roll upwards as the heat floods your cunt, making you squeeze your eyes shut and burying your face into his chest. You’re squeezing tightly around him, vice gripping him as he continues to relish in the feeling of your body holding him so tightly. You can barely think straight as his cock weeps more cum, threatening, and succeeding in filling you to your brim.
“Gods, you’re milking me,” he murmurs as he finally stops pumping you full of cum. “This… This is gonna take a while,” he says darkly in your ear.
Jack nods down to where the two of you are still connected. “Gonna be a while.” He sighs, secures your legs to his waist, and then flips you over so you are resting on top of his chest. “Get comfortable.”
“How long..?”
“A while,” Jack awkwardly coughs. “It’s just uh, a knot thing, I guess?” He attempts to explain as you shift your hips deliciously, making him huff and his cock spurt more ropes of cum. He looks away in slight embarrassment. “You can sleep, if you want? Like I said, this is gonna be a while,” he finishes as his hand fishes around for a blanket as his other hand travels down your lower waist to finally cup your ass. He squeezes gently once he finally throws the blanket over the two of you.
“Or,” you say as you plant your hands firmly on his chest, gradually bringing yourself back up. “We can go again.”
Jack laughs. “And you called me a pervert.”
You lightly slap him and grind your hips slowly against him. “Shut up.”
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its-deputy-caleb · 3 years
hello! can i have some touch starved micah with a gentle and caring fem or gn reader?? thank you :))
omg yess anon, u can have touch starved micah any day! now ngl its like 3AM and i decided to write these after such a long day so this probs makes no sense and i didn't like the way they turned out at all so i might fix it up later
but still please enjoy this mess and a friendly reminder to anyone that reads this that my rdr requests are still open (but dw there's still more to come) i'm just really enjoying getting back into red dead!!
It had been a relatively long night for Micah, or so you’d noticed as you watched him leaning against a tree for almost the entire afternoon and long into the night, just sharpening his knife and mumbling under his breath.
You knew something was bothering him and apart of you couldn’t help but be a little worried and it wasn’t because of the robbery you have with him the next day. No, deep down you had a soft spot for him.
But Micah Bell had his walls up high even around someone like you who is one of the few people he considers a friend. Talking to him, little alone approaching him is more of a challenge than a bet in five finger fillet and you had an inkling that he’d appreciate being alone.
So with a heavy sigh you stood from your place at the campfire, bid the last few remaining members a goodnight and headed towards your tent— there needed to be one of you with at least four hours of sleep, otherwise you’d never be able to pull off this robbery.
As you turned around to close the flaps in your tent, you couldn’t help but notice Micah’s gaze directed at you and it had been since you stood to leave. When your eyes met his own and you gave a soft smile he immediately turned his attention back to the knife and whetstone in his hand, hiding how flustered he was under the brim of his hat.
You waved goodnight to him but of course he didn’t see it, he wouldn’t dare look your way until he knew for certain that you wouldn’t catch him doing so. In all the time you’ve gotten to know Micah, you’ve seen him argue, fight, yell and even flirt with the gang members and total strangers but you’ve never seen him flustered or nervous quite like the way he is with you.
The thought makes you giggle as you settle into bed, you could only guess that he likes you but to say that you hate the idea would be a lie.
The next morning you were walking through camp with a cup of coffee in your hand as you went to find Micah and prepare for the coach that was coming in from Annesburg. It wasn’t difficult to find him since he was still leaning against the tree, the only real point of difference was his slightly slumped posture and obvious bags under his eyes.
“Here, I thought you might want this after last night.”
He stares numbly at the cup of coffee you’re holding out for him to take. He seems almost startled out of his thoughts at the first person that’s actually approached him in hours.
“I don’t like coffee.”
“—Half of its filled with whiskey.”
One of Micah’s typical sly smirks comes to rest on his face, one that’s laced with over confidence so that he can put his walls up higher and keep everyone thinking that he’s not trying to downplay whatever’s bothering him.
“You know me too well, sweetheart.”
However, you’re not just anyone and happen to see straight through his charms. When you place the cup in his hand you instantly notice the way he seems to tense up when your hand lightly brushes his. You couldn’t help but think the soft sound that left him was, for lack of a better word...cute.
His hand instinctively reaches forward into you more before pulling away to fiddle with the cup.
“Common now, I need you feeling sharp for this robbery and its a long ride to Annesburg from here.”
The tension leaves him when he realises you’re not going to push for answers or make a scene and he’s clearly comforted by the small smile you’re giving him.
The robbery as a whole goes fairly smooth. The coach guards were easy to take down with there being only three of them plus a driver. The issue arrived when the law showed up and there was a hell of a lot more than three.
The coach had been flipped at this point, the horses well and truely bolted but it offered the cover you needed in order to take out the flock of lawman.
Standing beside you, you can’t help notice how Micah seems completely out of it. You’ve seen him at his best, just how well he can shoot during a gunfight. Hell at Blackwater you saw him take out at least twenty pinkertons before you all even made it off the boat. No, the Micah standing beside you could barely even aim straight.
Eventually, the coast is clear— it took a while but the shooting finally stopped and left only silence as Micah went over to crack open the safe containing the payroll.
“Oh shit—“
Before you know what you’re doing, you take three quick steps forward and push Micah as hard as you can against his side. He hits the ground with a loud thud but you don’t stop to think about it as you fire your revolver at the lawman who’d managed to sneak up on you.
You don’t take your finger off the trigger until there’s no more bullets left in the chamber and the lawman is well and truly on the floor. You holster your revolver before turning around and offering an arm out for Micah to take, who is still sitting in the dirt with a stunned look on his face.
“Are you alright?”
You gently hoist him up and squeeze at his hand in hopes that he’ll understand just how worried you are about him right now.
Micah doesn’t give you a verbal response, instead choosing to groan but you didn’t mind, you suspect that his ego took more bullets than the lawman had. That didn’t mean you didn’t miss the way his hand squeezed yours back tightly.
“Oh Jesus, you’re bleeding!”
It seems Micah himself hadn’t even noticed the vibrant red stain of blood on his already dirty white pants.
“It’s just a graze, ain’t nothing to worry about.”
Unfortunately you don’t have time to argue with him about as he’s already loading up the cash onto Baylock before saddling up himself.
“Fine, but yer letting me patch you up when he get back to camp.”
To your surprise Micah actually follows you to your tent so you can at least bandage and disinfect the wound but that doesn’t mean he isn’t gonna put up a fuss. It takes you a good ten minutes just to get his pants off so you could clean it and it takes you even longer to place your hands anywhere near him.
“I can wrap my own damned bullet wound!”
You stare at him with an eyebrow raised, watching as he has an internal battle with himself on whether to push you away like he does everyone else, or to cave and let you in.
“Alright then, I’ll leave you to it.”
You decide to call his bluff, placing the bandages on the crate beside your bed before dusting yourself off and standing to leave the tent, only to be stopped by a hand on your wrist. Finally, you see something snap inside him and he sighs, almost defeatedly.
“Please stay…”
You pick the bandages and the old rag back up and sit back down on the edge of the cot. He jumps slightly when your hand is placed on the outside of his upper thigh, just under where the graze has torn the skin.
“Relax Micah, it’s okay.”
Micah is staring up at you with hopeful eyes as he leans on his elbows on the cot. You give him a reassuring smile but he only starts to really relax when your hand moves in slow circles against his thigh.
After the old rag has been drenched in whiskey you, offer him an apology before placing it over the wound to disinfect it. Micah hisses through his teeth and falls flat against the cot, trying not to bite his tongue off at the sharp burning feeling that’s travelling up his leg.
When his wound has been properly cleaned and bandaged, you lean forward and take his chin in your hand and guide him to look at you.
“Now was that so bad?”
Your eyes stare into his icy blue ones and you notice just how tired he seems. You decide to make a decision before second guessing yourself and lay down next to him on the cot that’s too small for the two of you to really fit on it.
Nevertheless your arms come to wrap around him in a tight hug. He tenses again but only for a moment before melting into you, exhausting clearly winning out.
Your hand comes to tangle in his hair and gently massage his scalp before placing a soft kiss to his forehead.
“Is this why you’ve been acting so off recently?”
Micah nods into your shoulder, more relaxed than ever now that he’s receiving the affection and intimacy he’s been craving for months now. He’ll probably beat himself up later over a bottle of whiskey for being so needy, but right now he couldn’t care less.
“Micah, when was the last time you had a hug?”
Your question is soft, non judgemental as you gently detangle his hair from where there are small knots. This time, there’s no answer and he only sinks further into your arms around him, as if he’s trying to literally avoid the question.
It doesn’t take a genius however to guess how long its been.
“Hey its alright, it doesn’t have to be like that anymore.”
His head comes up from your shoulder instantly, a desperate and hopeful look in his eyes. Your noses are almost touching and you can feel his slightly shaky breathe as he attempts to calm his nerves.
You lean forward slowly and place a soft kiss to lips, feeling him smile against you. His moustache manages to tickle his top lip and you can’t help but giggle which only makes the two of you smile more.
That night, Micah finally gets a good night’s rest with his head resting upon your shoulder. He’s lulled off by your hand rubbing slow circles into the back of his neck and soft but frequent forehead kisses.
He’s just about to doze off into a peaceful sleep when he feels you whisper against his skin,
“I love you Micah, just relax and get some sleep now”
The next morning he’ll wake up from one of the best sleeps he’s had in a long time knowing you held him all night.
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edge0fmydesiree · 3 years
post the names of all the files in your wip folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous.
Send me an ask with the title than intrigues you and I'll post a little snippet or tell you something about it.
Tag as many people as you have wip.
Okay, so I’m finally getting around to responding to Tumblr asks and tags.
Thank you, @yikeshereiam & @ash-mcj for the tag. ❤️
I haven’t published a fic in a while, but I’ve been working on a few new fics behind the scenes.
I have a lot of WIPS.
These are the ones I’ve been working on recently, and actually have words written down in the google docs.
1. It Was Never About What I Wanted. THIAM.
More of a novella. 3 Chapters. I’m looking at around 70-100k words. It will NOT be published until it’s finished. I’ve learned my lesson from the other two unfinished works I’ve published. WHICH I'M STILL WORKING ON. I’m just super slow, i.e. lazy, who gets distracted by other writers’ fics and chooses to read them, and all their other works, instead of writing. Don’t judge me.
It’s set after the war. The pack is still on the hunt for Monroe. Theo is helping the pack—forced to help? He thinks so anyway—look for Monroe.
Other Packs are introduced, original characters, as well as other hunters.
2. Meeting The Parents. THIAM.
A short fic, a Tumblr request actually. Human, HighSchool AU.
Bad-boy/Nerd type. Basically what the title says. Liam forces Theo to have dinner with his parents, to introduce him as his boyfriend.
Update: I couldn't help myself and added a little angst. It was meant to be humour and fluff, but, eh, what are you gonna do.
3. You Were Unexpected, But The Best Thing To Happen To Me. THEREK.
Canon divergent. Multi-chapter fic. 10-15k words.
Honestly, I don’t know where this fic is going. I went through a Theo/Derek faze and got inspired by their dynamic.
Set straight after the war at the hospital. Theo tries to sneak away and meets Derek.
Theo attempts to avoid the pack. Deals with a lot of guilt and a few pack members' hostility. Spends time with Derek, who can kind of relate, and helps Theo assimilate after the war. Now that he’s actually free and not under anybody's control. Slow burn, kind of. Eh, like I said, I’m winging it at this point.
4. Where You Bean All My Life? THIAM. This fic is testing me, ngl.
Human, Café AU. Humorous.
Liam works at a cafe, meets tall, dark and handsome, and instantly decides that the stranger is his future husband. Cue, lots of pining, awkward and embarrassing floundering, and ultimately a happy ending.
5. Not My Alpha. THIAM.
Canon. Set after the war. Angst, comfort, ultimately happy ending. 10-15k words.
Theo (I, the writer, me!) holds some bitterness and resentment towards the pack--Scott, for what they did to him. After some remarks from certain pack members, Theo has had enough. But so does a certain blue-eyed beta who has some choice words for the pack.
6. Bringing Me Back. THIAM.
Multi Chapter fic. Shifted Theo. Courting Fic. A Feral Theo and a stubborn determined Liam.
For almost a year, Theo has been Feral and been stuck in his shifted form, living in the preserve. While the pack has slowly given up, Liam refuses too. He's going to bring Theo back, and if that means camping out in the preserve and tempting Theo out with treats then so be it.
7. Wake Up, Little Wolf. THIAM.
One-shot. 10-20k. Theo's POV.
After a fight with hunters, Liam is injured and in hospital. Liam's werewolf abilities are hindered, leaving him essentially human. This fic is basically about how Theo handles seeing Liam in hospital, vulnerable, and how that envokes all these feelings in Theo that he's tried to push down.
9. Sometimes I Wonder If Love Is Worth Fighting For. Then I Look At You, And I’m Ready For War. THIAM.
The pack uses Theo to fight for them, but then ignores him and his suffering. Heavy guilt-ridden Theo, and guilty Nolan. Pining Liam.
10. Holding Onto The Memories Of Us. THIAM.
Multi Chapter fic. Original Characters.
Theo and Liam hide their relationship from the pack, but then it becomes too hard for Theo. He ends things with Liam and leaves Beacon Hills. Theo starts over and finds himself. But, people from his past keep showing up. Just not the person he wants.
Tagging anyone who wants ago. I highly encourage it. And make sure to tag me, because I'm NOSY and WANT to know.
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unknown-writing · 3 years
The boys reacting to their s/o pulling themselves out of a Bad Depressive Relapse:
Warning(s): Mentions of depression, Intrusive thoughts, self-destructive behavior’s
A/N: I’m very proud of myself for pulling myself out of my bad depressive relapse episode this morning so, it’s time to write some comfort!
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This man is pretty dense when it comes to dealing with other people’s internal suffering tbh.
Like, unless your outwardly showing signs of pain, he won’t fully get it.
He noticed that you were...Not your usual self for a while. A long while at that, it started to worry him that you weren’t laughing with him anymore for that period of your slump.
But, one morning, an early morning that is, you had snuck out of your room that you shared with the girls to find Luffy for some much needed Cuddling.
Ever so quietly moving towards his bed, you slowly climbed in. Him feeling movement on top of him startled him awake but, he kept quiet.
Seeing that you were the one crawling in his bed, literally made him have the biggest grin on his dorky face you’ve ever seen.
“Welcome back y/n-san” He whispered as he pulled you in for a tighter cuddle session, you couldn’t help but chuckle but, you kept quiet to avoid waking the other boys.
Soon enough, it was morning, and the rest of the crew saw that you two were finally cuddling again after your depressive slump.
Nami so took a picture with the Camera-snail for blackmail evidence to tease you with.
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Seeing you severely depressed drove him Mad.
Not because he was mad /at you/ But because he was mad at /himself/ for not noticing it sooner than he should have.
Robin tried telling him about your depressive slump but, Zoro was completely clueless on what she was getting at.
“My y/n? Depressed? Why? She looks perfectly fine to me.”
That line was a big mistake on his part since you accidentally heard that, which sort of drove you over the edge again
Ngl, it took him quite a while for him to start making it up to you again after that night. His guilty conscious refused to let him rest peacefully until things where settled between you two again
Weeks went by, and even though most of the Straw Hats assumed you where still depressed, Zoro sensed otherwise.
It seemed like to him that you were finally starting to shed your light again, even if it was a slow start at first.
One day though, while the two of you were on grocery duties to help Sanji since he took the role of guard duty this round. You grabbed his arm and hugged it tightly.
it startled him at first because he thought he was being kidnapped or something, but once he saw that you had just grabbed onto it and acted so casually about it
This mans started to blush a pink hue. A brief silenced filled the air between you two before he spoke up,
“...Y/n-san....” He paused before turning towards you, “Is everything ok now? And I don’t mean that fake bullshit ‘Ok’ either...” he asked while looking concerned
You looked up to him, with the biggest smile he’d ever seen. Even if it was a small one, the fact that you smiled again after so long of not smiling, it drove him Wild.
“Yeah...........Yeah.......Everything’s gonna be ok now.” You started off before holding his hand firmly, “I have my Nakama...And I have you by my side. So, I’m no longer alone anymore.” You smiled again while looking up to Zoro, who still had the blush but, a genuine smile back
“That’s my girl.” Zoro just says while bending down to give you a quick peck on the forehead, which made you blush a deep crimson red seeing as you two were in public still.
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Okay but, you /KNOW/ this idiot is gonna think it’s his fault your depressed.
He’ll constantly blame himself for your sadness, as it’s not something that could be easily cured with affection or food.
He’s even more sad when he can’t dote on you so much because it makes you feel even worse.
You have to keep reminding him that this was just how your brain worked sometimes.
It wasn’t until Nami and Chopper explaining it to him properly, is when he started to finally understand that some people just feel down and needed some space for a bit.
Even when he was giving you your personal space, he still made you your favorite foods, making sure that you had stuff to drink and eat even if you were cooped up in your bedroom for a long time.
He won’t admit it directly but, he genuinely misses you. He misses your smell, your touch, your face, your body, your everything.
He especially misses the way you can easily fluster him and make him feel like a King, but he’ll deny those feelings if you asked him though.
A couple of month’s had gone by of this depressive state of yours. it was starting to take a mental tole on himself, knowing that you were stuck in those same four walls, missing everything that was happening, being unable to help you at all during this.
Just as he was about to head towards the sleeping cabin area to drop off your next meal, he’d noticed that your door was slightly open. He blinked, confused and worried that somebody had tried sneaking inside of it somehow.
But soon enough, you had popped out, yawning as you’d just woken up that morning. Nothing had harmed you physically from the looks of it, he looked up and down for a while before placing the food tray on a nightstand to avoid spilling the food.
You turn after hearing the tray clink against the wooden surface, “Oh? Morning Sanji-sa--Ouf!” You where cut off from a tackle hug.
Sanji had wrapped his arms around you tightly, holding you so close to him you were practically choking on his hair. “S-Sanji?? Is everything alright?” You asked, patting his back gently
Your eyes widened as the next thing he did was give you a big passionate kiss on your lips. You felt salty fluids on his face. “Oh.” You thought as you realized what was happening
“I missed you so fucking much y/n-chan.” Sanji says after the kiss. Hearing him say that so bluntly made /you/ turn red-faced and start to stutter.
“....Yeah....I missed you too Sanji-san.” You admitted while smiling again after so long of not showing your smile to anybody. Poor Sanji nearly fainted.
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Law knew something was off about you even before you realized it yourself.
You were grumpy, snippy, more “tired” than normal. You had constant mood swings that showed up out of the blue. Everything was just...Off.
It didn’t take much for him to realize that you were dealing with Depression. Although he knew very little of your past, he knew that something was eating at you.
Once your downward spiral of your mental suffering began, you stayed in your bedroom for the majority of the time, refusing to go out even if it was for a general meeting for a mission, or even for food.
Law wasn’t the best at communicating his own feelings towards somebody, so helping his crush with her depression was a little bit harder to do than he thought.
He didn’t realize that you would get so bad that you just woke up absolutely /screaming/ at the top of your lungs during a nightmare. The only reason he knew what was happening was because Bepo went to drop off some food for you, and then ran once he heard the screaming.
After a while of some studying on Depression, Law tried everything that he could to at least /try/ to get you to speak with him...But, after a few weeks of this, he started to get tired of chasing you.
“Y/n-ya...At least let me check for injuries.” He said as he sat on the floor, leaning against your bedroom door with a frown....No response.
He could hear silent sobbing and hiccups behind him, which hurt because he didn’t know how to help you! it drove him Mad!
He was about to give up, sighing in irritation. As he started to walk away, he heard the bedroom door start to click open. You peaked your head out tiredly, face stained with dried and fresh tears, your face all red from not just crying but from stress as well.
Seeing you so Broken hurt him. He’s been there before, he’d never wish to see his friends be broken like this...Let alone his crush.
You opened the door wider so that way he could come in, “...sorry....For the mess...” You weakly spoke, allowing him to enter your room.
Once the two of you were in your room, you had shut the door, then locked it behind you...Eventually turning to face Law, the next moved startled him
You were so tired from the depression night terrors, the screaming, the crying and well...Everything else...That you just fainted into his arms! “Y-Y/n-ya??” He questioned as he stood still. No response...Well, nothing with words anyways. A soft snore leaked passed your slightly open mouth
You had fallen asleep, quite literally in his arms. And he didn’t know how to handle it. You were his crush after all! What was he supposed to do!? Move you away!? Fuck.
He calmed down and carried you bridal style in his arms, thanking God that you were a heavy sleeper, and shuffled his way onto your messy bed, kicking his shoes off at least before getting comfortable.
Another week had passed since that night, and throughout that week, law would give orders to Bepo and Penguin to take control of the ship while he stayed put. he would only move to take a piss/shit or a quick shower before rushing to your side again. He’d forgo the shower if waking you would cause you to feel alone and start crying again.
Once that week had passed though, you had woken up to feel a body underneath you. Blinking, you were confused as to what was happening. You then blushed a deep crimson red seeing Law underneath you, holding you so tightly to him that you could hardly breathe properly because of it.
Law had woken up after feeling your movements to try and get out of bed and take a shower, since you hadn’t taken a proper one in the past three weeks due to your depressive state hitting you like a two ton truck.
You then felt an arm snake around your lower waste, pinning you down of sorts, which made you jump a bit and turn to see who’s it was. Only to see Law wide awake and looking upwards at you
A brief silence filled the room before Law had spoke. “Y/n-ya......You’re Ok.” he says quietly, trying not to startle you...Soon, the memories of what you went through during your depressive state had hit you. You saw everything that happened. And then you saw that Law had tried his hardest to get you to feel ok.
You started to cry again, which made him frown in worry, only to . be taken aback by the sudden tackle hug you were doing, “Law!” You kept muttering in between your hiccupped sobs as you held him.
All Law did was rub your head gently and held you close to him again. He didn’t know how to respond. “....You saved me.....” You commented, now hovering over him with a shaky smile.
Those words. Those three single words made his heart melt with pure happiness. A feeling he hasn’t had in a LONG while. Despite the fact that he hated being called a Hero, if he could save /you/ from death? Then he’ll take being called a Hero by you any day.
You just kept hiccupping as you cried of happiness, but that was easily silenced with Law’s next action. You felt Law’s rougher lips against your own, which easily made you stop crying. He broke the kiss after a while and smiled back, “...I’m glad that your Ok y/n-ya.” he says before pulling you down for another kiss
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sebstanseabass · 3 years
Afterglow (A Bucky Barnes AU fan fiction) - Chapter 24
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Afterglow chapters
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Tag: @maladaptivexxdaydreaming
These third person POVs are for a closer look into the other characters' lives and perspectives since more secrets are going to be revealed now (slowly ofc hehe).
Ok ngl, I was so scared to write this chapter, thinking I was building suspense up for nothing... But here it is... Be the judge :D
Everyone was now seated in the living room. Peter, y/n and Nat sat beside one another. Steve sat alone on the spacious cushioned couch, Sam on Steve's left, on the loveseat. And Bucky across Steve. They both mirrored each other. Gazes transfixed on one another.
The sunlight peeked from the curtains, casting a small sliver of light on one of Bucky's blue eyes. His aura was dark, but still radiating.
The faze on Peter's sudden appearance was now gone. No one even questioned him why he was there. It was too late to send him away now. Bucky figured it was time he needed to know about him and Steve. The other truth he had been keeping from him, that he still didn't know when he'd tell him. He knew it would break Peter's heart; Peter was, after all, in love with y/n since the day that he moved in with her in college. Bucky knew that; he'd heard all about y/n when Peter started going to business school. He never saw her face, he never cared to. But when he finally put a face on those countless stories Peter had told him, something tugged inside him, pulled him towards her.
And now, he could never undo what he did behind Peter's back. But right now, that was the least of his concerns. Today, it was about him and Steve.
The air was now filled with nervous glances, and strange tension. Peter was becoming anxious now, especially after seeing the photo of them together (which y/n had shown him). His eyes flickered between Bucky and Steve. Peter was the kind of person who hated to be left out of things. The kind of person who didn't want to be left hanging.
Like what he was feeling right now.
"I can't take this silence anymore." Peter spoke which surprised y/n. "Please, can someone please just talk? Anyone? Because this suspense is killing me."
Truth be told, it was killing all of them. Most especially y/n.
Bucky nodded, knowing he had to tell them the whole story since Steve was incapable (thanks to Bucky and Sam's fist). And once he started to open his mouth, Peter leaned in forward, Nat leaned back, and y/n remained stiff.
But they were all ready to get the answers they have been looking for.
Bucky and Steve met way back in the year 2012 in a bar in Ibiza. Bucky had just finished fucking what's-her-name inside one of the bathroom stalls. A tiny, shallow brunette who tilted her head and gave him questioning looks as he talked about business.
He reeked of sex, alcohol, pee and vomit but still strode to the bar counter like a king. The flashing lights illuminated his glistening face as he walked on the floor. Then, he sat on the high stool of the counter.
Across the counter was Steve with a neat towel thrown across his shoulder, eyeing the man that sat before him. No shock crossed his face. As soon as their eyes locked, Steve knew exactly who he was; at that time, Bucky didn't know that Steve knew.
That night was a long night for Bucky and couldn't remember a single thing when he woke up in the morning with a heavy hangover. So when he went back the next night, he'd forgotten talking to Steve. Sober, he reintroduced himself to Steve, vice-versa. He questioned Steve. What did a New Yorker doing in Spain making drinks, anyway? It was a bit odd. Steve laughed and handed him a drink (which he refused, telling him he's had enough).
Steve told him a little well-thought, flawless, story he had been rehearsing — the same story he told him last night (which Bucky already forgot). Steve's pathetic excuse was this:
"New York really wasn't for a man like me. I got sick and tired of it. I just wanted to explore the world. See what's out there." Steve shrugged like it was nothing. The second time he said it, the more he believed it.
"How's exploring the world been treating you?"
"Not that great." Steve chuckled. "I think I've seen every kind of drunk there is."
"How come? You haven't even met me!"
And from there blossomed an unlikely friendship between a rich man and a lonely bartender.
They were both born and raised in New York. At least that's what Tony tells Bucky. Steve knew how to make drinks, Bucky loved drinking. He even taught Bucky how to make drinks. Then, Steve left his bartending job in Ibiza to travel with his new buddy. Bucky had convinced him there was nothing for him to see, listening to people's sad stories, and making them the same drinks over and over again.
"Being stuck here is like being stuck in New York, I tell ya."
Steve was the one thing Bucky needed during those times. With all the girls, and boring men in suits and ties in hotel conventions, he needed a friend, a brother he could lean on in whatever situation he found himself in.
Six months in, Bucky and Steve met Sam somewhere in New York where Sam was still retailing at a clothing store.
The three of them were inseparable. They partied together. Became each other's wingman in these parties. Traveled together, Helped each other in times of need. They formed a brotherhood.
A year later, Sam decided to open up a business in New York. They talked about this while they were in Milan. Sam had to go back to New York in a week but Bucky had to stay for a few more. Even though the three were far away from each other, Bucky and Steve supported Sam all the way from other parts of the world and when Sam's opening day came, Bucky and Steve showed up because that's what brothers do.
During those months that Bucky and Steve flew together, and partied, and fucked a ton of girls (mostly Bucky), Bucky got arrested for streaking in the streets of Greece one night. He wasn't just drunk. He was high on drugs for the first time and all the adrenaline just rushed in his veins, intoxicating him even more. There was an urge for him to strip down, and run free on the street. In his mind, it was just a metaphor. Just a teeny tiny idea. He just thought of freedom on the streets. What would that feel like?
Then Bucky took it literally once the drugs kicked in.
That was the lowest point of his life. He hated how y/n loved that story. He hated it more that he didn't tell her the missing pieces in that problematic story.
Tony Stark was the one who bailed him out the next day and got him off of a court hearing.
That was the time Steve met Tony — well, through a phone call. But nevertheless, it was the first time he ever came close to meeting Tony.
When Bucky saw Steve waiting for him on the dingy hallway, sitting on a bench, he approached him, legs all weak, mouth dry, and tummy churning. He felt ashamed of what he'd done.
They took a cab to their hotel. Steve told him how he managed to get him out. Of course, it had to be Tony Stark. Whenever Bucky got in trouble, Tony was always there to the rescue. Even though Tony didn't tell him, he knew he loved him like his real son, his own flesh and blood. Bucky didn't know why he did. He was too shy to ask. Hell, he didn't even know why he adopted him in the first place. But he was grateful for everything Tony had done for him.
That specific night served as a lesson to him. He promised himself not to get into trouble anymore, for his expense, and Tony's.
Once they got to the hotel, Bucky crumbled on the bed, letting the sheets swallow him whole. He let his walls down that day. Told Steve everything about his life — the parts no one knew. The parts he thought he could keep to himself. And Steve listened. He listened to Bucky's voice drip with anger, sadness and grief. Grief for his biological parents he never knew. Anger for what he did and for all the wrong things he had done in his life. And sadness for what he had become.
He didn't feel happiness. Everything was in black and white. No amount of money, or booze or girls in this world would ever make him feel happiness.
What a broken soul Bucky was. Always tortured by his own thoughts.
And he thought he could put a stop to it. He thought he could cure himself by intoxicating himself in alcohol almost every night.
The only way he knew how.
It was almost noon by the time Bucky stopped talking. Steve knew everything now. Bucky's childhood. His desperate longing for a mother figure in his life. The car accident he caused when he was young ("Of course Tony had to get me out of that one. I don't even know if I hit something. I'm just lucky I'm alive.") All the times he tried therapy ("Therapy is a goddamn joke.") All the times he felt nothing when he was in bed with women. All the times he sought happiness. Care. Love.
Feelings that he now found with y/n.
The two became closer.
So much so that Steve almost didn't want to run the story he was writing about Bucky.
When they got back to New York, Steve crashed at Bucky's penthouse just for a couple of days. He didn't want to face his boss yet back at the New York Times office. He needed to decide if he was going to run the story. If he was going to tell Bucky the truth.
If he was going to tell him everything.
Bucky had been sober and clean for about a month yet the urge to drink was still haunting him. For a whole month straight, he kept tossing and turning in bed, barely getting enough sleep. Nodding off in hotel conferences, and meetings and such — truth be told, he thought it was the same thing as being drunk or hungover.
On the other hand, Steve slept soundlessly in the guest room. It had been one of the best sleep he'd gotten in months — no drinks, no party, no unfamiliar view. Knowing he was back in New York comforted him, even if it was in Bucky's penthouse.
Even though he wanted to visit his parents in Rhode Island, he didn't want to risk being caught. And he couldn't go back to his apartment yet because he knew his boss would be right on the doorstep, waiting for a finished article on James Buchanan Barnes.
And Anthony Edward Stark.
Which he still hadn't finished yet.
And which Bucky didn't know. Still doesn't know.
Steve told Bucky he didn't have family left. It was one of the things they fondly bonded over during Bucky's sober nights, without Bucky knowing it was a little white lie.
That wasn't the only lie Steve had told him in the course of their friendship or as Bucky would like to put it, brotherhood. He wasn't a country-hopping bartender in hopes to explore the world. He was a successful column journalist in the New York Times, writing under a pseudonym name: Captain America.
The defender and pursuer of truth.
He mostly did personal profiles. Going undercover to interview known public figures like celebrities, politicians, and of course, businessmen. Writing detailed exposés on politicians' families, celebrities' scandals, and businessmen's latest scams.
His articles were a revelation.
While people gossiped over the identity of this man, Steve would walk among the New York gossip. Hearing his pen name. Seeing it on every newspaper stands on every corner. To have that name scattered across New York made him think of himself as insurmountable.
But in the world of politics and media propaganda, you are bound to get called out in an editorial column that takes out an entire page of the newspaper. In Steve's case, he was called out for being a fake. A coward that hides behind the stink of a shield. Behind a ridiculous superhero-esque name.
This was the writer's closing paragraph:
"What he's doing is nothing near good journalism. His stories (and writing, I might as well add) are formulaic. The element of surprise on these profiles lies in secrets that feed the people's hunger for ridiculous gossip; secrets that speculate from mere rumors; secrets that flag the most important people of the United States of America. The man who calls himself the defender and pursuer of truth. If you ask me, he is merely defending himself and pursuing nothing of importance. For a man of truth, I find it quite ironic we know nothing about the man behind Captain America."
Steve crumpled the page in his hands and threw it in the bin far across his room.
That was the time he decided to reveal himself, to have the name Steve Rogers in the byline. Through one of the highest and biggest profiles he could ever write:
Anthony Edward Stark & James Buchanan Barnes
But Bucky didn't know about Tony. He only knew of the article Steve wrote about him.
Which he found in Steve's bag when Steve was fast asleep in his guest room. It wasn't Bucky's fault. He couldn't sleep at all that night and he came to Steve's room to check if he was awake. He just needed someone to talk to.
Steve's bags were just beside the door, blocking an inch or two. And as he opened the door to check on his friend, the bags fell down, together with the papers Steve had been writing about Bucky behind closed doors.
Handed on a silver platter.
Back in Bucky's penthouse, silence drowned the living room. Bucky had just stopped talking. The words hung in his mouth. He struggled to form the words he had been dying to tell Steve since the first time they met once again in the bar.
He managed to look Steve in the eye as his lips trembled. The words desperately clinging in his tongue.
"Traitor." Bucky inaudibly mumbled but with the silence growing inside the living room, it was loud enough for everyone.
The word held so much weight when he said it out loud. Like an anchor tied to a boat. And Steve was the boat.
Now, he could never sail without that anchor of a word tied to him.
A tattoo inked on his skin forever.
An incantation cursed upon him.
"Bucky, I'm — "
"No." He cut him off. "You don't get to talk. You don't get to say you're sorry. I think you've used all the words you could possibly say to me — about me. You were the one who betrayed me. You... You used me. I was just nothing but a project in the making. A big headline on the poor little orphan taken under a rich man's wing. Using me as a pawn to get to Tony. To bring down Stark Industries. And for what? For all the pride and glory! And man, did I take your bait so easily. Hook, line, sinker. That's what writers do, right? You lie. All you do is lie. You lie to get whatever the hell you want. You lie to get to the top!"
He gripped the sides of the cushioned chair. His veiny neck strained towards Steve.
His breathless abeyance sparked concern on y/n's end. All she wanted to do was wrap her arms around him, touch his hair and tell him that she was so sorry that had to happen to him. Sorry that Steve would ever do that to him. Sorry that there were people like Steve out there.
Bucky wanted nothing more. If only he could read y/n's mind, he'd be comforted. There was nothing more he wanted than to be with her in this fragile state. But he couldn't read her mind. He couldn't even look her straight in the eye because his emotions clouded his mind. He only focused on Steve. The dipshit traitor.
"I trusted you, man. I talked to you about my problems, my insecurities, my issues and you listened. Little did I fucking know that you were formulating whatever words you were to write right before you'd go to bed. You must really think I was that shallow, that naive, that childish to fall for your little tricks when simply I was just fooled. What was that you always said to me?"
Steve looked further down the ground, digging his own pitfall.
"Hey!" Bucky boomed, his voice reverberating against the walls, almost making him stand up. Peter had never seen Bucky like this. It scared him; well he was more scared of what would happen to Steve. "Look at me when I'm talking to you, Captain America. What was that you always said to me? Huh?"
Steve's lips trembled, struggling to lift his head up to meet Bucky's eyes. "I... I'm with you... 'til the end of the line."
"Louder, Cap." For the first time, Sam butted in, glaring at Steve. "Can't hear ya."
"I'm with you 'til the end of the line."
"I'm with you 'til the end of the line, my ass." Bucky scoffed. "You want to hear some cold hard truth, Steve? I think there was never a line to begin with. I think you're full of crap. You're a shitty friend. A shitty brother. And you're the worst person to ever walk on this planet. Do you know how many times I wanted to bash your head in against the walls whenever I'd see you in your little bar? I held that all in so that people wouldn't know what an asshole of a person you are. I didn't want Peter to know that, or y/n or Nat. Because I don't want the exact same thing that happened to me, happen to them. I don't fucking know what happened to you after I threw you out of the hotel but seeing you still hiding behind closed doors, still underground... makes me see how pathetic you truly are. Now, get the fuck out of my home, Steve before I throw you off this building."
"Bucky, wait." Steve said, making all of them whip their heads to his direction. "Please, hear me out. You owe it to me to hear you out."
Bucky chuckled bitterly, crossing his arms across his chest. "Choose your next words wisely, Steve. And for the record, I don't owe you jackshit."
"Without me, you would've overdosed in Greece. You would've been in jail for a few more days — "
"So what, that makes you a superhero now? You want me to give you a fucking medal?"
"Bucky, please just listen to me." Steve sighed, clasping his hands together. "I know what I did was wrong and I'm sorry for that. I'm already paying for it. I got fired, I had nowhere else to go, and now here I am. You have to believe me when I tell you I never intended to run that story when we got back in New York. I cared about you, Buck. There was a line and at the end of it was you and me. Together. You're my brother. I never should've written that god awful article — "
"But you did, anyway."
"I know and I regret it every single day. Please, Buck. You have to believe me. I was going to throw it all away. I never intended for you to find out."
"Well thank you for sparing my feelings." Bucky mocked, putting a hand over his chest where his heart was. "How kind of you."
"That's not what I meant."
"What then? Were you just going to throw it all away without ever speaking to me about it? Without telling it to me? Like you didn't spend almost two years studying and investigating me like the dirty journalist you are?"
"Like you don't keep secrets of your own."
Y/n shifted uncomfortably in her seat, avoiding any eye contact with anyone in the room. Bucky clenched his jaw tight, knowing what Steve meant. The protruding veins almost popped. With Peter around, he couldn't defend himself against Steve's words. He couldn't defend his and y/n's relationship.
"Is that what you really want to throw out here right now? Don't make this about that. This is about you and me, Steve."
Steve apologized with his eyes, knowing what came out of his mouth was out of place. He threw a quick glance on y/n who had her head hung low between her shoulders. He mistakenly met Peter's eyes who threw him a questioning glance. Steve averted his gaze away from Peter to Bucky who gave him a warning look.
"You're right." Steve breathed out. He didn't know what he was thinking. Of course, he knew it wasn't the right time for that. It was none of his business. He'd already done enough damage on Bucky. "I'm sorry."
But Bucky didn't know whether to believe Steve's sincerity or not. There goes Steve again, messing with his head like he'd been doing the past years. "I think that's enough apologies from you."
"Buck — "
"I said, that's enough!" Bucky stood up. His eyes glazed with tears as he stared at Steve. "I've had enough of this, of you! I think I've said what I needed to say. Now, get the fuck out of my home, Steve."
At that moment, Steve knew he wouldn't listen any further. But even if Bucky did, Steve wouldn't even know what to say anymore. If he'd say more, he'd be hurting Bucky. If Bucky knew what Steve knew...
That's when hell would break loose.
Steve knew he deserved this. He did realize that  what he was doing was wrong, he knew he needed to stop but he'd come far enough to stop. But amidst all the lies he told him, the things he kept from him, he truly did care for Bucky. He treated him like a brother. He knew Bucky needed him. Even though it was true that he didn't intend to run that story, he still betrayed him. And it hurt him that Bucky now sees him as a nobody.
He dug his own grave.
He was too ashamed to look at Bucky now. He knew he needed to go.
He slowly stood up from the couch and nodded his head, mumbling one last apology under his breath.
And with the little dignity he had, he walked away from the group.
Just like how he walked out of Bucky's life all those years ago.
Bucky sat there with an unreadable expression on his face as he heard Steve's footsteps soften. Sam grew concerned for his best friend but he knew better than to approach him. He looked at where Steve was seated a while ago and replayed the conversation that happened.
Peter, Nat and y/n remained in their seats, dumbfounded. Still processing everything that happened in the past hour. Peter wanted to talk to Bucky but he didn't even know where to start. What are you even supposed to say after something like that? It's going to be okay? Everything's gonna be alright? You'll patch things up? Time will heal? No. It was way too late for that. No bullshit advice could ever fix this or make this okay. What Peter knew Bucky needed was time.
Nat, on the other hand, felt like she didn't know Steve at that moment. That the man she had been sleeping with led two different lives. That the hands that held her hips on the desk were used to create disgusting profiles, exposés, whatever the hell you call it. She always knew Steve was a good, quiet man.
But everyone knows the silent ones always have something to hide.
She just didn't expect him to be so cruel.
Y/n couldn't explain what she felt. Perhaps a multitude of emotions. Sadness, anger, guilt, love. Sadness for her lover. Anger for Steve. Guilt for keeping a secret from Peter.
And love for the man shattered into pieces in his own home.
Her emotions were nothing, though, compared to what Bucky was feeling.
He felt nothing and at the same time, he felt everything.
Bucky got up from his seat and walked towards his bedroom. Y/n fought hard not to follow him and hold him in his bed. Sam eyed her when she almost got up from the couch. She should be with him in their natural habitat. She should be holding him by now, wrapped in sheets and silents. She should be drying up his tears and kissing the trail they left on his cheeks. She should be. She should've.
But she couldn't.
"You guys should probably go." Sam mumbled, standing up. "Let Bucky be alone for a while. It's for the best. But I'll stay here in case he needs something." He shot y/n an apologetic look.
Y/n felt like he was saying it more to her than the others. The three walked towards the elevator and once they were inside, they were still too shocked to talk about what happened. Even Nat, the person who lived for the drama, was quiet until the breath of New York kissed their cheeks on the streets.
"I'm headed to the bar." Nat said, turning around to face them. "You coming with?"
Y/n thought of an excuse. Go to the studio. But Peter spoke before she even could. "I think we'll walk around for a bit. Been quite a while since it's just the two of us outside, huh?" Peter nudged her, eliciting an awkward chuckle.
"Alright." Nat replied and whistled for a cab. "See ya."
Peter and Y/n began to walk forward. She looked back at the White Wolf, sighing to herself. "I used to read his articles, y'know." He said, throwing a quick glance at her who in time met his eyes.
"Steve. Captain America."
She nodded. "Me too. Who would've known it was him all along, huh?"
A pregnant pause.
They stopped on the sidewalk, looking at the stick figure walking sign going red.
"I don't know how to look at Steve anymore." Y/n mumbled, averting her gaze away from the sign and looked straight ahead. "I just can't."
She didn't even know what was going to happen next. Will things ever go back to normal? Will they just pretend that nothing happened? Will Steve ever go back to the bar? Will he just hide again like he always does?
"To have someone lie to you so easily. To have someone keep things from you. To have someone do such cruel things." Peter sighed. "Must be a real heartbreaking thing to go through. Especially if that someone was close to you, don't you think so?"
She winced at his statement. Her guilt eating her alive.
"Anyway, let's just not think about the Steve and Bucky thing for now." Peter said. "Let's talk about Bucky's birthday party."
"Bucky's party?" She was amazed at how Peter can easily shift his mood. She wondered how it felt like to be a happy-go-lucky guy. Was life easier that way?
"Mr. Stark's throwing him this themed party and since you and Bucky are friends now, maybe I can invite you to the party? As my plus one?"
The walking sign had now turned green and the man on the sign had started walking again. Y/n and Peter walked forward and blended with the New Yorkers.
"By plus one, you mean your date to the party?" She asked.
"I mean... if you put it that way... It's just, y'know. I mean... it's a party... does a plus on — oh god, yes yes, a date. D'ya wanna be my date to the party?"
In the Stark Industries tower, Tony Stark swiveled round and round and round his chair, waiting for Steve to arrive with Jarvis. After seeing the CCTV footage of Steve walking in the White Wolf hallways, together with Peter and two other women, Tony knew it wasn't looking very good.
If only he had cameras installed in James' penthouse... No, no. He couldn't do that to James. And he wouldn't even want to see his adopted son getting it on with someone.
Tony shuddered, leaning his head back on his cushioned swiveling chair. He checked the time on his Rolex. It read five p.m.
The tall metal doors clicked open, together with the clicking of heels of Steve's cheap shoes, and Jarvis' expensive ones. Jarvis left as soon as Steve was inside the office.
Steve was getting tired of getting called into this dull place. It was like getting called to a principal's office for cheating on an exam.
Tony sat upstraight, surprised to see bruises on Steve's face. Still fresh. "Wow, who knew you could bruise like a peach?"
Steve grunted at this, glaring at him.
"Anyway, please sit." Tony gestured for the chair in front of him, like last time. "We have business to discuss."
Steve sighed, knowing he couldn't fight it anyway. Plus he was still tired from the day he had. "Let me guess." He started. "You saw me going into the White Wolf and you're worried that I told Bucky about — "
"Bup-bup-bup-bup-bup." He raised a finger. "I do the talking, peaches. But yes, you're right. In case you've already forgotten, we made a huge deal after Bucky kicked you out of the hotel many years ago."
"I didn't break the deal, Tony."
"Why the bruises then?"
"What the hell do you think happened? Bucky and Sam." Steve briefed him about what happened in the penthouse mere hours ago, clarifying that he didn't tell Bucky. "You know, you have to stop making things about you because most of the time, it's not."
"How did this y/n girl get the photo?"
"She found it lying upside down in my office."
"A man like you shouldn't leave valuable stuff just lying around, then. They need to be guarded well, don't you think?"
Steve frowned at Tony's tone. "What are you getting at?"
Tony flashed him a smile. "I'm glad you asked. Vis! Let him in."
A huge figure entered the office. His built was bigger than Steve's. Eyes blue as the ocean waters. Hair golden as the sun, carelessly reaching his shoulders.
"Steve, meet Thor Odinson. Thor, meet Steve Rogers." Tony paused for a dramatic effect. "Your new boss."
"Hiya, mate!"
Tony smirked, leaning comfortably against his chair. "It seems to me, Steve, even in a dingy bar, you can't handle a little slip-up. I mean, look at your face, peaches." He chuckled. "I can't have you making another mistake again. Instead of buying your... cheap bar, why not have an employee of mine work for your tiny bar as a bodyguard?"
Steve refused, glaring at Tony and side-eyeing Thor. "Absolutely not."
"Why not?" Thor intervened. "We'll have a hell of a great time!"
Tony nodded, pointing at Thor. "Listen to Pointbreak."
"I thought I told you not to call me that."
"Hey, as of now you're still my employee." He scolded. "I'll call you whatever I want to call you, Pointbreak. So, Steve... Do we have a deal?"
"All this trouble for one tiny secret." Steve blinked, staring ahead of Tony — beyond the huge glass windows. "You must really love Bucky... or yourself."
Tony's demeanor drastically changed. Even Thor noticed. "Do we have a deal or not?"
Steve sighed and nodded.
Before he left Tony's office, he turned around one last time. "Just so you know, I'm not doing this for you. I'm doing this to protect Bucky 'cause I don't know what would even happen to him when he finds out. But I know what would happen to you. And you know what? I couldn't care less."
Steve went home after he met with Tony. He headed down a dark, narrow alley in Queens. He looked behind him, making sure he wasn't followed. When the coast was clear, he sped towards the tiny red door.
Amidst the darkness, a figure emerged from Steve's left who had been eyeing Steve struggling with his keys.
"This is where you live now?"
Steve jumped at the familiar voice. Sam.
"How did you know about this place?" Steve asked, frowning.
"I have my guys." He cocked his head to the side.
"You here to punch me again? Finish what Bucky started?" He retorted.
"You really don't know Bucky at all, huh. You really think he'd do that to you?"
Steve shook his head, mad at himself for letting his emotions cloud over his judgment.
"I came here to check on you, man." Sam sighed. "Because you're still my brother."
"And yet you still punched me right in the face."
Sam scoffed, stepping closer to Steve. "You know why I did that? Because out of all the things you did to Bucky, the things you did to ruin our friendship, you never apologized to me!" His voice cracked. "Not once did you try. All the lies you told Bucky, you told me. You didn't just betray him, you betrayed me. We were brothers. Family."
Steve didn't want to see the pain in Sam's eyes. No, he couldn't handle seeing another person he cared about hurt because of what he did. No.
"Sam, I'm sorry. I'm truly sorry. I-I don't know what else to say."
Sam closed his eyes and nodded. "You take care, Steve. Don't get into any more trouble."
Sam walked away with his hands on his pocket, fighting his tears while Steve let his out, punching the red brick walls of his little apartment.
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os-hyoideum · 3 years
Fake - Hawks/Takami Keigo x fem!Reader
Summary: Keigo wants to be there for his struggling love.
Word count: 3232
Content/Warnings: Hurt/comfort, angst(ish), depressed feelings, mention of suicidal thoughts, self-indulgent, third-person perspective
a/n: I started writing it in March 🤡 but I felt like I couldn't abandon it, so here it is, finally! ngl kinda exposing myself here oop- idk if it's a comfort fic, but I hope you enjoy :)
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During the late hours of the evening, the city below looked particularly beautiful. Colorful neon lights, emanating from dozens of advertisements and signs, illuminated the people who, without care, carried on with their evening tasks, be it a trip to a bar or the travel home from work.
Hawks stood on the roof of the building, looking down and just taking in the scenery. It was not a particularly special day, but the rain that poured earlier has left the ground wet and glistening. The lights, bouncing off the pavement and people, created a picture truly from under a hand of a masterful abstractionist. The pinks, the blues, the yellows, all the colors created the effect of a spilled paint from his point of view.
While admiring the city, Hawks’ phone vibrated in his pocket. Taking his eyes away, he took out the device and, when the screen lit up, was met with the face of his love.
It was his favorite picture in the whole world and he knew, deep down, that any professional photographer couldn’t capture anything better. Truthfully, it wasn’t really a masterpiece, just a simple selfie, but the memory connected to the photograph made it exceptional. He remembered the quiet moment (so little of them in his life) when he could take his partner away and just enjoy an ordinary day with her. A walk, a picnic, anything that made him forget about his everyday life. The smile he saw in the picture truly made him feel like the surroundings brightened a bit.
The message on his phone was simple, a request for him to come back to the office, probably to take care of the stack of papers that adorned his desk.
He put the device back into his pocket, took a last look at the city down below, and, after putting his goggles on, spread his scarlet wings to take off.
If he were being honest, he would say that, given the option, he would stay in the air, in the sky, far above the ground, forever. The wind, howling loudly in his ears, silenced the worries of his everyday life. The air flowing around his body, through every feather of his wings gave him a sense of freedom. In the sky, he was able to see the horizon and just let himself be carried.
There was just one thing missing among the clouds.
On his way back to real life, where he would need to take care of mundane work-related tasks, he took a little detour.
Maneuvering expertly over and around the buildings, he found himself in front of an ordinary apartment complex. The grey modern building had a few floors and, quickly locating the right window, Hawks flew over to where his partner’s apartment was. Some people looked at him, from the street or through their own windows, but they were used to his random visits and paid him no mind, for which he was grateful.
He stopped in place seeing the inside of his lover’s bedroom and peeked inside, as the blinds were open. Some crumpled clothes lying on the bed, along with a few books. Through the open door, he could see the light coming from the TV.
Normally, he would just knock on the glass for her to open the window, but suddenly he got a hunch that something was not right. Maybe it was the fact that her texts became drier as the day went by (just like the last few days) until they halted completely, or maybe the open blinds, usually closed soon after it got dark. Whatever the source of his uneasiness was, it made him fly down and go inside the building through the door. He climbed a few flights of stairs to get to the floor she lived on. The only sounds, keeping him company during his walk through the corridor, were faint voices from behind some of the doors and his own footsteps.
He reached his goal. The alertness in his mind only became stronger as he knocked and waited patiently for the door to open.
A few dreadful seconds later he heard the sound of the turning mechanism inside of the lock. Only for a split second was he able to see the cold numbness on the face of his love before she noticed who had visited her. Her expression changed immediately and she smiled, oh so brightly.
Moving and pulling the muscles in her face, she was always able to make Keigo’s days better. And she could do it in an instant too, and so well that others never noticed the difference between the fake and the real. But he had sharp eyes, trained from a young age to catch any irregularities around him. He noticed, every time, how she faked and he hated it, especially knowing that when he did the same, she always pushed just enough for him to give in and let her in, more and more every time. He would push a bit too, at least to let her know that, if she wanted to, she could tell him anything.
“Keigo!” she exclaimed, voice high in pitch to sound happier, “What are you doing here, baby?”
“I was on my way to the office and thought I could drop by for a moment… Can I get in?” He asked pointing to the inside of the apartment.
“Oh! Of course.” She opened the door wider. “I got back from work not long ago, so… I guess, it’s not that clean.” She added with a small laugh.
Keigo knew it was a lie. He knew when his partner worked; she finished three hours ago.
He entered her space and when he kneeled down to take off his boots, he caught the glimpse of her cheerful expression falling. Still in her work clothes, she looked like she would get crushed any second. He knew her mind could get heavy at times.
“Come here.” He outstretched his hand towards her and lightly pulled her into himself.
At first, she was slightly rigid in his arms, but relaxed a bit, feeling Keigo’s soft strokes along her back. She hid her face into the high collar of his jacket and he noticed how tightly she gripped the material with her fists.
“You should get changed… wear something comfortable.” He whispered to not disturb her too much.
“I’m so tired.” She mumbled, her face still hidden. He just held her for a little while longer, allowing her to let go of him first. When she finally straightened her back and looked at him, this time without a fake smile, he felt like his heart broke, for her. He lifted his hand and gently stroked her cheek.
Her face was virtually emotionless, but he noticed the tensed jaw. The eyes, that hypnotized him every time he gazed into them, were looking more into space than actually at him. Her spaced-out expression made it seem like she was sculpted in marble.
Keigo squeezed her arms lightly to ground her a bit into reality.
“Do you want me to help you?” He asked softly, giving her a way to back out, if she truly wanted to.
“I don’t need…” She looked down with hesitation. Being vulnerable was never easy, even with some of the closest people. Admitting the need or want for other’s presence was quite a feat. She sighed. “Yes.”
“Do you want to take a shower too? Or just change?” She saw not even a slight sliver of judgment in his eyes.
“I’ll take a shower.” She said quietly and took her arms away from Keigo’s. She turned around to go to the bathroom but stopped when he made a move behind her. “Alone, but… stay… please.”
He just nodded with understanding and watched her drag her feet to the other room. At first, nothing came out of there, but a few minutes later he could hear the water from the shower. Going into his partner’s bedroom, he looked briefly at the messy clothing laying on the bed, pushed them aside, and took the clothes he knew she used as pajamas and always put under the duvet.
After the water stopped running, he waited ten minutes before knocking on the door. After getting quiet permission to enter, he went in and saw her sitting on the toilet, wrapped in a towel, with her unseeing gaze focused on some point before her.
“Come on.” Keigo softly broke the silence in the bathroom and reached out to her with one, which she took. He pulled gently and, without saying anything more, gave her the clothes he was holding.
With no request for him to get out, he just stood in the doorway while she put on her sweatpants and T-shirt. It was strange for him to see her vulnerable because she always closed herself off in those moments. He knew it was important that she just let him be there.
“Do you feel… better?” He asked when she stood in front of the mirror slightly squinting at herself.
“Hmm…” she hummed, “Perhaps. Not any lighter, though.”
“Do you want to talk about it?” He felt like he was going through a field full of land mines. His training made him an expert at obtaining information, but he did not want to use his, masterfully crafted by the Commission, manipulation skills on her. He hoped that he was enough to bring her any semblance of comfort.
She shrugged and, after pushing him slightly out of the door, moved out of the bedroom and sat down on the couch, empty staring at the TV playing some meaningless show. Keigo took a place next to her, his wings hanging behind the backrest.
For a second, he cursed his lack of experience with human emotions. Of course, he was trained to observe and he knew when something was not right, but since he was never allowed to get close to anyone, his skills turned to nothing in the face of his love slowly getting pulled into the darkness of her own mind, all while maintaining the smile he adored so much.
After a minute of silence between them, the girl took a pilot and turned the TV off. She looked at him, the quietness becoming almost unbearable, but quickly, she broke it with a question:
“Do you really want me to… talk?”
And he just nodded.
Unable to look into his worried, gold eyes, she lowered her gaze. Leaning slightly on her elbows, she stared at her hands, fidgeting with her fingers.
“Well… I haven’t been feeling… um, really good, lately. Mentally, I mean.”
“Yeah… I’ve noticed. Should’ve said something sooner.”
She turned to him and put one hand on his knee, which he gently covered with his own and started to stroke with his thumb.
“No.” She opposed, “I’m actually grateful that you took more of a, hmm, silent-observer approach. I had space… but still knew you were there, somewhere, for me.”
“Good thing then that I’m not completely useless here.” He tried to joke with a small smile that fell quickly.
“No, but I am.” Before he could protest she took his hand, the one he’s been stroking her with, into both of hers. “Kei, Keigo… I can tell you what’s going on up here-” she pointed at her head “-but it’s just, so hard. And you have so much of your own shit going on… I don’t want to worry and burden you with my... stupid mind.”
He sighed, brought his free hand to the back of her head, and put his forehead against hers.
“You know I love you, right?”
“Yeah,” she said, “I think I do…”
She closed her eyes, letting her sense of touch be the center of her attention. She focused on the weight his head put against her own, the way his messy hair brushed her face and his slow warm breath felt against her lips. It grounded her mind, silencing (if even for just a moment) the annoying white noise constantly present in there.
“I don’t want to look at you,” she started, “when I’m talking. It’s just… I don’t want to be seen, only heard.”
Keigo shifted his head and gave her a soft kiss on the forehead.
“Whatever you’re comfortable with.”
She turned away from him, putting her legs on the couch to sit cross-legged. It took a few moments before she started talking. Organizing the thoughts and feelings plaguing her was not easy.
“I… I just feel so bad. And I don’t even have a good reason for these stupid feelings,” she said, sounding slightly annoyed, “Why the fuck do I feel like this? I have a home, I have friends, I have… you. I have everything I could hope for and yet… I feel so bad, so… so numb. What the fuck is wrong with me?”
Keigo looked at her hunched back and saw that she put her face into her hands. He wished he could just take all her troubles away, be the hero that he was supposed to be, but of course, he couldn’t, and that - he hated.
“I’m so fucking tired. I have no energy for almost anything. Yesterday, before bed, I sat in front of my computer for hours. Doing absolutely nothing… Why am I even telling you this? It’s so stupid. You do so much for everyone and I’m just dumping my shit on you… saying how tired I am, while you’re so much more tired than me.” She straightened her back with a dry chuckle.
He leaned slightly towards her and put his arm on her shoulder. She turned her head to the side and looked at him from the corner of the eye.
“Don’t invalidate yourself. I’m here and I’m not going anywhere. Call it my… bird senses-” he smiled a little “-but I felt like you might need someone. And nothing you do or say is stupid. Not to me. Not if it’s you.”
“You… remember?” She asked with raised eyebrows, after turning her body sideways to him.
“Of course. I remember a lot of things about you,” he said with such tenderness in his eyes that, while looking into them, she felt like she could suffocate. But it was good, it wasn’t nothing. “The quote you like, how you make your coffee, what is the song you listen to on repeat… everything I see and know about you, I remember.”
Pushing away the shame and the nagging voice, saying that Keigo didn’t really care, she faced him completely and moved close enough for her knees to touch his thighs. He could see now how shiny her eyes became.
“You can cry, if you want to.”
“I wish I could… no matter how teary my eyes get, it’s just… nothing comes out of them. But on the inside, on the inside, I’m weeping.”
She talked mostly with a flat voice, little change in her tone, but he sensed the grief deep inside her. Grief for herself, grief for her crumbling mind.
“That’s okay. It will come when the time is right.” He really hoped he was doing it right. That he was able to give any comfort.
With slight hesitation, she touched his leg with her fingertips before resting her palms to play with the fabric of his pants.
“I don’t get it. Why you are so… here. You could just leave and I would be okay… in time.”
“I told you that I love you, right?”
“You did, but still…” Her eyes became unseeing again. She looked through space with a spaced-out expression. “If I wasn’t here you wouldn’t have to bother, you wouldn’t have to worry.”
“Are you saying that you’ve thought about…” He did not want to end that sentence, too scared to actually hear it.
“Death?” So she ended it for him. “Yeah, I do… from time to time. But I don’t think I’d do it. Even if I think it would be better without me taking up space, I’m too selfish to just let go of everything…”
Keigo was a bit shocked with how calm she was. Death was something that he himself contemplated in the past, but hearing it said by someone he loved was on a whole another level. Fright and relief washed over him.
He took both of her hands into his and brought them to his mouth. He put his lips on her skin, not kissing, just feeling, making sure that she was indeed there with him.
“I… am so glad. So glad that you trust me enough to let me into your mind.” He made sure to look her straight in the eyes. His (just barely) trembling fingers squeezing hers. “You are my Sun. The most important star in my galaxy, in my whole universe, even. And I will do anything in my power to prevent you from burning out. I… I just need you like flowers need the Sun.”
She did not expect such a statement from him, it wasn’t really in his nature to make proclamations of that stature. But she knew it was on purpose, another thing he remembered: her love for the stars. If he loved her like she loved the unknown universe… It was almost overwhelming. She also understood the implication of his power - he would try to help her and if she needed more, he would get anyone more suited for this particular job.
He sighed and put their hands down (never letting go).
“It sounds selfish, doesn’t it? You need me and I say that I need you.”
She gently pulled her hands away from his and changed her position to sit on her feet. Leaning forward, she cupped his face softly, fingers getting tangled in his messy blond hair.
“Do you know what is it about us, Keigo? Why do we even work?” She asked quietly.
“We’re fake. Both of us.” He knew what she meant. “We’re fake to the world. But we know the truth and need each other to tell it.”
He said nothing, instead just embracing her, the words still echoing in his mind.
The position they were in was uncomfortable. His arms around her torso, hers around his neck with her head on his shoulder, both leaning into one another a bit awkwardly. Still, they both savored the warmth the other provided.
“I will stand by you all the way, as long as you want me,” he whispered right in her ear.
“You’re betting on a losing dog…”
“A losing dog...? Then I’m losing by your side.” He felt her slight smile on the crook of his neck. “I’ll wait for the day when you sing along to songs again…”
She lifted her head to look at him from the corner of her eye.
“You know, that’s a bit cheesy.”
“Maybe,” he said with a sigh, “but when you do it, you always seem happy or content. When you stop singing, the silence is almost deafening…”
She hummed in agreement, he was right, after all.
“Hide me away, Keigo,” she whispered gripping the fabric on his back, “Just for a moment, please.”
His wings spread to the sides before enveloping tightly the two of them.
They sat in their own crimson bubble, a safe haven, while his phone lit up in his pocket with a reminder of forgotten reality.
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