#went silent on tumblr and learned how to make bread
okarasusama · 8 months
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milk bread!
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erwinsprincess · 4 months
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mine, always and forever: chapter 2
characters: OC (female, y/n, she/her) x Commander Erwin Smith
warning: this story will contain 18+ elements including but not limited to childhood trauma, age-gap, power dynamics, graphic sexual content, substance abuse, self-harm, and language (more in depth tags will be at the beginning of each chapter if need be)
aot semi-cannonverse (takes place in aot universe but I am taking some artistic liberties with timelines, characters, world politics, and happenings)
plot: (y/n) is a young (female, she/her) cadet (22 y/o) with a complicated past. escaping from a life of meaningless pleasures in a foreign land, y/n hopes to make a difference by giving her heart as a member of the scout regiment. with only her brothers by her side, she steps into a world of uncertainty. upon integrating herself within her rank, y/n meets a man that would flip everything she knows about herself upside down... and she likes it.
author's note: this story is my own personal delusion about meeting and falling in love with Commander Erwin if I was in the aot verse. therefore, the character is loosely based on my life experience and self-image. however, it is my hope that all of you will see something of yourself in the MC and all of you Erwin-loving baddies will enjoy our blondie in a new story. I am also new to Tumblr and it seems there are endless things I must learn, so feel free to kindly correct me if I fail to add something to my posts that is necessary for your reading enjoyment.
“I am never going to recover from today”
You whined, rubbing your sore biceps as you sat down next to Alexei. Your first day of training went off without a hitch starting with strength training, mobility, and some mild combat training. All things considered you excelled for a newbie, as did your brothers, which did draw attention from the instructors.
“What are they feeding you all where you’re from?” An older man with wrinkled features asked you as you racked the weight you were curling. You chuckled bashfully as you remembered the strict diet your mother put you on. You were not allowed to gain an ounce of weight that was not muscle, and your mother preferred you did not gain muscle because it’s not “feminine”. Your diet consisted of fish, grains, sour yogurt, and berries picked from the mountain during your daily hikes.
“My sister and I are simply gifted athletes.” Your twin brother said as he slung an arm around your neck. “Good news for the scouting regiment, we will be your secret weapon.” He said with a smile, pulling his arm from around your shoulder to flex his bicep.
Dinner that night was simple. Stew and bread. Two foods you were unfamiliar with but you welcomed after a very long day of training. You sat with your brothers, discussing the day’s trials, when three men approached your table. One was tall with sandy brown hair, one shorter with blonde hair and blue eyes, and one also tall with dark brown hair and striking green eyes. You noticed yourself maintaining eye contact with him as they introduced themselves as Jean Kirstein, Armin Arlert, and Eren Jeager.
“Mind if we sit here?” The shy blonde boy asked.
You all began to discuss your past and your reasons for joining the armed forces. You noticed Jean was arrogant and bragging about how he wanted to join the MP. Eren and Armin began to tell of their origin story when the room fell silent, as if all ears wanted to hear what they were saying.
“You mean, you were there that day? In Shiganshina?” A girl behind you uttered.
Shiganshina was a small village within Wall Maria that was attacked several years ago. Many lives were lost due to the walls being blasted open by two abnormal titans, or so you had heard. Even the news of this catastrophe spread to the country you were from. You found your eyes to linger on the green-eyed boy. Was it sympathy, or did you have feelings for him?
Cadet training took all of 6 months. You grew closer to Sasha and the other girls in your cabin. You had made several friends and you spent more time with your brothers than you had in years. Not to mention you kept your eye out for that beautiful Survey Corps Commander, who you saw on occasion. He and the Commanders for the Garrison and MP regularly visited to receive updates on the cadet training. A friend of a friend told you that Commander Erwin had asked about you specifically to the instructor one day during weight training. You quelled your excitement as the likely reality set in that they were being nosy of the foreign cadets. You had been on the same playing field as all of the other cadets, but you always felt as though the leadership remained skeptical of you, despite asking for your help. Nevertheless, you knew you were beyond capable. Your body had become more muscular due to the constant training and you felt more ready than ever to move into Scout Regiment HQ.
That night would be the night you dedicated your heart to the Scouting Regiment. Even though you placed in the top ten in the 104th Cadet Corps, and you would have qualified for MP, there was no way you were giving up the opportunity to leave the walls again and be a part of the reason humanity would prevail.
As dusk fell, you made your way to the stage where you would make the most important decision of your life. Hundreds of cadets gathered, nervous, clamoring.
“Are you sure this is what you want to do, y/n?” Mikhail asked as he nudged your arm. You smiled at your brother. Misha, as you commonly called him was more like you than your other brothers. People commonly mistook him as your twin, instead of Alexei. Alexei and Nik, despite having hearts made of pure gold, are pompous and arrogant. You love them more than life itself but they certainly are the type of men to appreciate their own reflections a little too much. Misha was more introverted and sensitive, but is the type of man that would stand up for the little guy. He is brave and strong and you’ve always admired his stoicism. He is so much like your father.
“I’m sure. This is my chance to give my heart for the betterment of humanity.” You turned to your brother, smiling mischievously. “Besides, I have to keep an eye out for you three, make sure you don’t find yourself in ‘a pickle’ you can’t get out of.” The phrase “a pickle” was one you picked up from Sasha. He shot you an incredulous, but amused look. Your conversation might have continued, but the sound of a man’s voice broke up your banter. Your heart fluttered as you realized who the voice belonged to. A strong, masculine, and demanding voice that made your very toes curl, and made you wonder what his voice would sound like as a soft whisper, close to your ear while he —. You scolded yourself for being so unfocused.
“Soldiers, I offer you my congratulations for having survived this far. You are already miles ahead of those who dropped out.” He paused. “Tonight is the night you decide if you will dedicate your hearts to the future of humanity. You are all that stands between humanity and decimation at the hands of the titans. Your training, bravery, and focus has brought you this far, however an estimated 30% of you will not survive the first expedition.”
Utter silence. The Commander continued.
“The next expedition is planned for three months from tonight. If you are a new recruit you will be expected to give your hearts on that first expedition. Beyond that, many more of you will be a sacrifice in the ultimate goal of ridding humanity of the titans. If you are unsure of your dedication as I stand before you, you are dismissed”
You stood frozen in your spot. Shaking hands, sweat forming in small, cold beads on your forehead, and a stomach that felt like it would rather empty its contents on the dirt floor below you, you continued to lock your attention on the commander. Faces passed as the vast majority of soldiers walked past you. The Commander continued to speak, but you heard nothing. Less than 30 of the original 400 cadets remained.
Another pause.
“For those of you who remain, I hereby welcome you all to the Survey Corps. You are all brave soldiers.”
The proud look on his face sank as his eyes connected with yours. Another long pause. You felt another strong emotion you could not place. You watched the Commander fumble for words. Fumble. The brave, charismatic, and well-spoken Commander was fumbling for words as your eyes remained locked to his, your hand in a fist over your heart.
“We travel to HQ tomorrow at dawn’s first light. You are dismissed.” Then exits the stage.
You all relaxed your salute and turned to each other.
“That was badass.” A boy named Connie said nudging your arm. “I guess we’re full fledged Scouts now, huh?” You smiled back at him, distracted by your thoughts. Why was the Commander staring at you? Ordinarily you would not mind, in fact it was usually you staring at him. Does he think you’re freak? Did he not want you to join the Scouts? But why would he care?
You turned to leave feeling confused and almost regretful of your decision when a hand grabbed your upper arm and spun you to meet their gaze. A gorgeous pair of emerald eyes stared down at you through messy dark hair.
“Y/n, you look beautiful when you’re stressed out” Eren mused.
You urged your clenched jaw and tense shoulders to relax. A small laugh escaped your lips. “I didn’t realize I wore my stress so blatantly.”
Stopping when you realized he used the word “beautiful” to describe you. Don’t get it twisted, Eren is stunning, not your type on paper, but you could see yourself getting into lots of “trouble” with him. He continued.
“I don’t think you have anything to worry about, other than the leadership. They seem to hate you and your brothers. I mean, Commander Erwin couldn’t look more displeased to see you remaining in the crowd.” Ouch. You sighed. “Yeah I guess he’s not the biggest fan of me. I didn’t do anything to him. I’ve only ever been respectful when spoken to by any of the leadership.” Especially the commander.
Over the past 6 months you and your peers had gotten to meet and mingle with some of the leadership of each branch. Commander Pixis was an old, but charming drunk who spent most of his time with your circle asking you how to say swear words in your native tongue. And then laughing to himself as he said them to his section commander who was less than amused. Nile Dawk commanded the MP. He was a forgettable man if you had ever met one. He kept to himself mostly and kept his priorities at home, a family. You admired his allegiance to his wife as MP hopefuls flirted with him to hopefully earn a spot. Offering up all sorts of things as a sort of “under-the-table” way to earn a comfortable life in the interior city. Commander Erwin however was, in your opinion, everything a man should be. He was courteous, eloquent, even-keeled, and above all he was charming. You had to hide your joy when nosy Connie asked him if he was married and if “she is hot”, and the Commander shook his head. He laughed and said, “I have yet to find my better half. That’s the trouble with a life like mine.” The one interaction that you had with him (that you replay in your head every night before bed) was brief. He complimented your athletic abilities after a record setting run through the obstacle course with ODM gear. Asking what your motivations were for joining the military, not specifying your branch of interest. You told him, and he nodded. “That is admirable, L/N.”And walked away, a nod and a smile to dismiss himself. You called after him, correcting his pronunciation of your name. He turned around, a soft smile painted on his face. “I know, I just like the way you say it.” Then he was gone, and your knees were weak.
“Yo, drinks at the tavern tonight to celebrate our impending demise?” Jean requested from behind you, both hands on your shoulders. You chuckled at his morbid joke and leaned your head to touch his cheek affectionately.
As you all turned to leave, you looked back to the platform where the “higher-ups” stood. Probably scolding the Commander for scaring away 80% of the talent in the Cadet Corps to go join the Garrison and rot for the rest of their lives in booze and laziness. Your eyes yet again met his, but this time the eyes were somber pools of blue, colder than ever. You furrowed your brows as you held his gaze. A nervous cramp in your stomach told you that what you were seeing was real, not your imagination. The Commander was disappointed at your choice, but not for the reason you thought.
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mynamesaplant · 1 year
Love is a Cold Bowl of Soup (Part Two)
I've been working on this one for a bit. I hope you enjoy!! Thanks to Monsoon-of-Art for the beta! Don't want to read it on Tumblr? I have it on AO3! The most recent chapter is not up just yet, but it will be soon.
Summary: Akari's been tasked to find some ingredients for soup and learns to ask for help from the people in her life.
She knocked at the half ajar door, twisting the hem of her tunic in anticipation and gnawing on the corner of her lip. Laventon’s merry summons almost alleviated her anxiety… Almost.
Akari swallowed and pushed through the doors, shutting them quietly behind her as she saw the professor at the hearth. There’s the smell of freshly baked bread in the air - Rei had already stopped by with his offerings before making his own speedy getaway.
The smell is heavenly, especially when compared to some of the professor’s past food experiments, and Akari willingly parts with her own collection. Laventon smiled wide and gave her a little encouraging nod to sit. He asked how her hunting went over his shoulder as he began his preparations, Akari fidgeting in place as she murmured that it was fine.
He was speaking idly but she wasn’t really listening, the room was warm, and the armchair overstuffed and comfortable. She didn’t mean to be rude when she asked,
“I’m… I’m going to take a nap. Is that okay?”
“Oh! Of course, my dear. You must be exhausted from collecting all my ingredients for me. By all means.”
She closed her eyes, listening to him hum softly as he works, the wooden spoon clattering against the side of the pot every so often and the crunch of vegetable matter being sliced into easily with a sharp knife. The ambient noise from within the hall and the cooking sounds did eventually lure her overactive mind into sleep.
Her heart was stuck in her throat. She had no idea how to broach the topic she so desperately wanted to talk about. How does one bring up such fears and concerns organically? How could she be totally honest with Laventon? Instead of answering that, she chooses to close her eyes and mull it over in the dark, but not getting very far before sleep claimed her. Blissfully, her sleep was dreamless, Cresselia offering her a silent blessing this afternoon.
She stirred to the sound of voices many hours later. She didn’t open her eyes just yet. The professor was talking with a man and a woman, the familiar voices of the captain and the warden were a little surprising to hear.
Ingo was usually willing to indulge the professor in all his new culinary experiments, too polite to refuse the professor’s kind invitation when everyone else was running for the hills. The captain being here was a bit surprising.
Captain Cyllene had written off the professor’s cooking to be hazardous material. The conversation was idle, the professor asking the captain about the most recent reports she had been filing, which clued Akari into the fact that at least the captain hadn’t been there long.
“A few massive mass outbreaks up in the highlands. There’s been a bit more active up there recently. It’s a pity that Akari just left the area. If I had gotten to this report sooner, I would have asked her to extend her stay.”
The girl almost sat bolt upright. She rarely heard the captain refer to her by name! But what was that she was saying? There were more massive outbreaks up in the highlands. That’s what the captain had said. Akari hadn’t seen Mai and her Munchlax in the area, and they usually lingered by the basecamps stationed up there.
There was always a possibility that Mai was hanging out with Melli in the Moonview Arena, she hadn’t really gone that far up the mountain to find out. The closer she reached the summit, the heavier the impending sense of dread weighed on her young shoulders. They were calling to her and she was ignoring their call.
That’s why she had come to the professor. She needed to talk to someone, even if she had her doubts and her worries. She simply could not bear this weight alone… But in front of the captain and Ingo? There was no way.
She felt a bubble of shame rising in her sternum. These were people she trusted, right? These three more than all the others. She was glad she was facing toward the cushion because her fingers curled tightly into fists as she tried to mentally tackle this predicament.
She had psyched herself up to talk to the professor, not the other two. Laventon and Ingo had at least seen her breakdown like this, they had done their best to comfort her, but Captain Cyllene? Nope. Never. Certainly not today.
Akari would fabricate any excuse not to cry in front of her captain. She did not want the captain to perceive her as weak. That thought – that one in particular, felt completely unbearable. So, she shifted in her “sleep” and the conversation continued.
“I have no doubt Akari would go back if you asked her to, Cyllene.”
Whoa! Did the professor just refer to the captain by name?
“Yes, Akari is a very diligent young woman. I know she would go back if I asked.”
The captain replied, Akari could hear the rustle of pages and the scratch of pen on paper. The captain was still in the process of annotating some report or editing a memo to be distributed amongst Galaxy Team. And she called Akari diligent.
Akari shifted again, now that she was awake, it was hard to ignore the ache in her limbs from sleeping all curled up. Her foot felt staticky tucked away under her knee and it was getting hard to ignore the feeling. If she kept shifting, it would become apparent to the adults in the room that she was awake. She didn’t want them to think she was being nosy.
Especially after the captain of all people had sung her praise.
“What do you make of it, warden? The highlands have been abuzz with activity. Have you ever seen anything like it?”
“No, this is quite unusual. All the rain is wreaking havoc though. The natural erosion of the cliffs and slopes in the highlands has been accelerated. The number of mudslides in the past month is alarming. Warden Melli and I have had quite the time trying to clear boulders for safe passage.”
That startled Akari a little bit, she had been wondering why Ingo seemed wearier than usual. He was taking more frequent trips to and from the highlands. The girl’s heart only sank lower as he continued on a drawn-out breath.
“We’ve had a few instances of Pokémon being caught up in landslides. A few of the Ginkgo Guild were severely delayed in a shipment of supplies up to the settlement. A delivery of some much-needed medical herbs and supplies. There’s been a nasty bout of dysentery from a bad crop of sand radish.”
“You should have said something sooner, warden. Galaxy Team could have offered help in clearing the debris. We could have dispatched a team from the Medical Corp to assist your clan.”
The captain’s reply, while a little curt, still held notes of concern. Laventon made a sympathetic noise over hearth. He asked Ingo if the clan was okay.
“Thankfully nothing too serious. Ginter wisely sent a few of the guild by Staraptor to the icelands. Once Sabi found out, there was no stopping her and Lord Braviary. Lady Irida was very grateful. So, the concern is appreciated captain, but the situation was under control.”
Although Akari couldn’t see his face, she could hear the gratitude in the cadence of his words. It was the easiest way to tell what Ingo was thinking at any given point. The captain and the professor collectively breathed a sigh of relief at this news, but the discussion of the strange occurrences in the highlands continued.
In listening to the captain telling them about the abnormal amount of massive mass outbreaks with more and more alpha Pokémon gathering during those storms and all the damage those storms had wrought to the inhabitants of highlands, Akari realized the ramifications of her inaction. She would not heed the call and they were starting to get impatient. One of their hundred hands subtly weaving a narrative that grew harder for her to ignore.
Come find me. Face me.
Do not ignore me.
A frightened gasp almost made it past her lips. She muffled it by clamping her mouth tight shut. She was to blame for all of this. What if people in Pearl Clan had died? What if there had been a nasty blizzard in the icelands that prevented the Staraptors and their riders from reaching their destination? How many Pokémon had lost their homes or had had their lives disrupted thanks to a massive landslide or a horde of invasive alphas?
How many would needlessly suffer until she did what Arceus had asked – no, demanded of her?
Ascend the mountain. Return to Spear Pillar. Play the azure flute… Then what? Would they just appear? Or would she find herself in a place outside of time and space, like she had in her fight against Dialga? She didn’t know. And that alone was frightening.
“Warden, would you be so kind as to throw that blanket over Akari?”
There was the creak of an armchair and Akari did her absolute best not to freeze or look any different than she had a moment ago, she did not want to arouse suspicion. The blanket in question was already warm, most likely it was the afghan that the professor’s mother had knit for him that usually hung over the back of the armchair Ingo had just gotten up from.
It smelled fresh and clean as Ingo draped it over her, tugging it over her frame and tucking it around her. Akari didn’t expect Ingo to gently pat her head before the man and seat groaned in protest as he resumed his place.
The gesture was unexpectedly tender. Moreso than Akari’s poor heart could manage. It took everything in her power not to burst into sobs, but her shoulders quaked with the effort.
“Dear me… Still shaking.”
A few footsteps across the carpeted floor and then the rustle of cloth before something else was draped over her. Something toasty warm. The professor’s lab coat. She was sure of it. Laventon made a comment about how he shouldn’t have had her out all day looking for ingredients.
“She’ll appreciate the soup when it’s done, Amaranth.”
Amaranth? She had never heard the captain refer to Laventon as anything other than professor. Was that really his first name?
“I hope so. I think everyone will like this recipe. It came from Kalos this time!”
The professor moved back to the hearth with Ingo questioning him on his technique and the captain breathing an audible sigh of relief. A milk-based soup, the professor explained. All the ingredients needed to be chopped up finely. The only issue was that many of the ingredients needed to be locally sourced unless the professor wanted to pay an arm and a leg for enough soup to share.
It should be fine, he assured the duo, even if it seemed like he was doing his best to reassure himself. All of the ingredients he had Akari retrieve were all medicinal in nature, how would that affect the nature of the soup? Cyllene seemed to be of the same mind as Akari.
“You don’t think the medicinal leeks will change the flavor?”
The wooden spoon stopped clanging against the side of the stockpot. The professor’s response was not reassuring, but he stumbled through an optimistic dismount.
“We should never let the unknown change our curious natures, eh captain?”
Captain Cyllene scoffed quietly from her own armchair and rifled through her papers, clearly not of the same mind but, for whatever reason, willing to indulge him at least one last time.
It was then that Akari chose to wake up. She tried to make it convincing, mumbling a little sound and twisting out of her position in a big stretch. A held breath escaped her as her tightened limbs relaxed, Akari stared up at the ceiling with the eyes of three silent adults on her. The breath turned into a yawn, yanking the afghan up and over her face.
“Sleep well, Akari?”
She nodded her covered head in response to Laventon’s chipper greeting. The whole tone of the room changed. The captain mumbled a polite greeting and Ingo made an effort to keep his voice lowered, the excitement detectable as he addressed the girl.
He, like the professor, loved to engage Akari in conversation. Especially if that conversation was about Pokémon! Akari, however, still felt quite unsettled from the overheard conversation.
Her responses to the warden were mechanical. Her expression mask-like, mostly to placate the adults in the room. When was she going to rejoin him at the training grounds for more battles? Soon, she assured him. Very soon. Anything to avoid going back to the highlands.
Anything to avoid the looming presence of god over her shoulder. She shifted her gaze to the floor as Ingo turned his attention momentarily to the professor, asking him some questions about his home region. Akari could hear the voice in her head. Booming like the warden’s. Authoritative like the captain’s. Familiar like the professor’s.
Do not ignore me, chosen.
And what if she did? She squeezed her eyes tight shut. What would they do that they haven’t already done? What additional misery could possibly befall her for ignoring Arceus over and over again?
Her phone rang.
“What was that?”
Everyone heard it. It was impossible not to. The captain hadn’t seen the phone before, so she had no way of knowing what the sound was. Ingo had seen her use the phone once or twice, thinking little of it except that it looked faintly familiar but knowing the sound was usually associated with something to Akari. Laventon had seen her use it many times. He didn’t know its purpose, but he knew it was quite helpful to Akari and her surveying. The girl stood up abruptly, eyes wide and all the color drained from her face in an instant.
“P-Professor, I forgot something in my quarters for the soup!”
Terrible diversion. Absolutely atrocious. Akari did not care at that instant. She needed to get out of there. Laventon looked at her initially with confusion, only for it to change a split second later because he could tell something was gravely wrong with the girl.
His voice was so kind, but she could not stop herself from flinching. Extricating herself from the coat and blanket, she dumped them unceremoniously on the armchair. She could feel all eyes on her. It was enough to make her skin crawl. It was enough to bring the smallest pinpricks of tears to her eyes.
“My girl, what’s the matter? You’ve gotten all my ingredients.”
Laventon was rushing forward to intercept her as Akari tried to beat a hasty retreat. To her dismay, he caught her at the door. She had grabbed the door handle that the professor had broken ages ago and was too embarrassed to ask to have it fixed. She closed her fingers tightly around the broken handle, unwilling to let go as he tried to coax her back to her chair.
Her phone rang again.
“Recruit, what is that noise?”
The captain’s curt and professional tone felt too much like a slap, it wrung a gasp from Akari that hurt her lungs. Keenly aware of Akari’s distress, Laventon and Ingo attempted to do a little damage control on the teenager’s behalf. Their excuses, however, were not much better than her diversion. Ingo being an atrocious liar and Laventon being mildly terrified of the captain and her potential ire.
“Akari, what was that noise?”
Captain Cyllene silenced the two men with a look, Ingo ducking his head and hiding beneath the brim of his hat and Laventon shying away from Akari like being in close proximity to the distressed surveyor would somehow upset the captain faster. The teenager stared blankly at the door.
Her options were limited and her heart slammed against her ribcage like a Starly breaking through some thick underbrush with that knowledge. She flinched again when her superior said her name.
Why did she have to sound so much like her mom?
That was what broke her. The thought of her mom and just how disappointed she would be in her in this instant.
Akari knew Captain Cyllene was not her mom. Not even close. Her mom was her number one fan. Rooted for her when she attempted the gym challenges and decided to stop after the third gym badge. Cheered her on from the bleachers as she dolled up Glameow for contests and just couldn’t find that spark of magic that had caught her mother’s interest. Comforted her daughter when she thought she was doomed to mediocrity because Akari just couldn’t find something she loved passionately.
Cyllene was not her mom. She was distant. She was careful not to get too close to any of her subordinates. She did not show favoritism… But she still gave Akari the benefit of the doubt when the odds seemed stacked against her. And to Akari, that was the closest thing to motherly affection she had had in nearly two years. Of course it broke her.
The closest thing she had to a mother figure was upset with her.
The captain was quite shocked to witness the girl slump into the door, sobbing uncontrollably and blubbering incoherently. She had seen Akari upset before, heartbroken and aggrieved as she was shunted out from the only place she had to call home, and cut off from the people who meant the most to her.
Cyllene wasn’t blind to his blatant unfairness, but she believed in the commander – that, however, that was a step too far. She could understand the commander’s logic, that did not mean that his judgment was fair.
She had done what she could for Akari, she helped her in secret to get her Pokémon to her out of the pastures – even the bugs. The teenager had gotten through it all without shedding a single tear in front of her, so what could possibly have broken her?
Laventon was at her side in an instant, his heart aching as he put an arm around her and tried to deduce the problem as Akari wept more openly than he had ever seen before. He asked her in a hushed tone, trying to get her to take a deep breath, trying to get her to calm down in the slightest, but all she seemed to be able to do was sag into him when he was close enough.
Ingo was on her other side. He knew from past experience that Akari did not like an audience when she got like this. Even if the captain wouldn’t like it, even if she found his actions to be out of order, he was going to get Akari out of there. He said her name gently in her other ear, hand covering hers and attempting to pry her hand loose from the door handle.
“I can escort you to a safe station if you wish. Somewhere quiet. Just give me the signal, Miss Akari.”
“Warden, I asked her a question.”
“I’m afraid the question will have to wait, captain. As you can see, my passenger is in no condition to be answering much of anything. Passenger safety is of the highest priority, so we will return when this derailment has been assessed and put back on its tracks.”
Her brow furrowed, a retort on her tongue for this supreme insubordination from the warden, but more importantly, from Akari. The girl was so distraught that she would not answer her captain and that, admittedly, shocked Cyllene more than she cared to admit.
Laventon exchanged a quick look with the warden over her head. Ingo didn’t move his head or say a word, his gray eyes just flicked momentarily in Cyllene’s direction and Laventon knew what he was being asked to do. Obviously, Akari was not going to get away with not answering her captain, but she was not currently able to do much beyond sobbing.
The professor moved between subordinate and superior, standing up to his full height and saying with an authoritative quiver,
“Cyllene, please. Let her rest. Whatever answer she gives you right now wouldn’t be very satisfactory. Give her some time to recover her faculties, eh?”
He withered under her intense gaze, but he could tell she had relented when Ingo had said something. Behind him the door had already opened and shut softly, the muffled sounds of Akari’s crying fading from the hall.
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steele-soulmate · 4 months
Princess of Candy Coated Lies, Modern Royalty AU- King Peter Steele & Single Mother OFC, Soulmate AU
Chapter 5
SUMMARY: Single mother Molly Anne Harper does the best she can do, given her circumstances- since she broke up with her ex-boyfriend by sending him to jail, she’s been struggling to be the best mother to twin daughters while working barely minimum waged jobs. But when she meets her soulmate- King Peter Thomas Ratajczyk of Brooklyn- she quickly finds herself falling heads over heels in love with the guarded, battle damaged ruler. Likewise, Peter finds himself with a family of a women and two little girls who call him daddy. But what happens when their father gets out from behind bars and starts to cause mayhem?
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A Soulmate AU where you never know what the first words your soulmate says to you until they say it
CHAPTER WARNINGS: mentions of domestic violence (nothing graphic) mentions of domestic abuse (nothing graphic)
A NOTE FROM THE AUTHORESS: This fic is dedicated to SkullWoggle on AO3 and @rock-a-noodle on Tumblr.
I smiled as I glanced over at where the king was discussing ideas for the girls’ bedrooms with the twins. I was in the kitchen, whipping up a huge dinner of spaghetti, meatballs and garlic bread. I figured that as how the king was a big man, he must’ve had a big appetite, and I felt a certain pressure where I had to make a dazzling first dinner for the four of us.
“I don’t mind building your bedroom furniture,” he told them with a happy chuckle. “I like working with my hands.”
“You mean like putting the furniture together?” Aria asked, looking up from scribbling at the table. I had dressed the dining room table with paper and had scattered crayons on top, knowing that my twins would like the silent nudge to be artsy. “With the screws and the nuts and the bolts?”
“Well, what I mean is more like actually building everything from scratch,” the king chuckle. “Like building with wood and nails and glue and using tools.”
“Wow…” Aris’s eyes went wide with wonder as I carried the pot of spaghetti and meatballs and settled in onto the table on the resting stand. “You mean you can do that?”
Evie, can you go grab the bread basket? I asked her with my fingers, pointing over to the kitchen island with my lips. My youngest daughter skipped over into the kitchen and came back with the bread basket, which she set next to the king, who bowed his head and said a quick prayers before filling the girls’ plates up with food first and then reached out to me, signaling that he wanted my plate. Thank you.
You’re welcome, mommy! Evie signed one handed to me as she began to cut up her meatballs, handing to plate over to the king when he asked her if she needed help.
“I’ve been trying to learn sign for Evie by the way of YouTube,” he confessed, a hint of red sparking over his cheeks as he tried to hide his face from me. “But I found a BSL club that meets down at the library once a week, and I’m fully intending on checking it out.”
The king is truly a good man
I smiled at the king, who was stepping into the role of a caring, positive father figure to the girls with a certain grace and ease.
“King Peter?” Aria meeped, cutting a meatball into clean halfies before sticking it into her mouth.
“Yes Aria?” The king wore a content smile across his handsome face, making me wonder why he had never settled down.
“Do you need help tomorrow with our furniture?” she asked him once she had finished chewing and swallowed her mouthful.
“I won’t mind an extra hand,” he acknowledged her, patting Evie on top of her head as he gave her the plate of food back. “Do you want to learn your way around my man cave tomorrow>”
“Tomorrow,” I overstressed with a frown, smiling when the king heaped his plate with more food. “Today has been a very long, very exciting day. You girls still need to go to bed at eight o’clock tonight, even if you aren’t going to school tomorrow. Tomorrow is a brand new day, and it’s best to keep to an already set schedules.”
Can the king read us bedtime stories? Evie begged me, turning to ask the king when I motioned to him. He smiled affectionately at her and responded back with the promise to do his best.
“What will you do tomorrow while I’m showing the girls my man cave?” he wondered as I stood and began to clear off the table.
“Well, I’m thinking of taking note of anything that your estate needs,” I shrugged, avoiding his smoldering eyes. “I only found the two sets of bedsheets in the linen closet, and three sets of bath towels. I dressed the twin’s beds, but I’ll need to sleep on the couch until new bedsheets come in.”
“Here-” The king reached into his back pocket, taking out his wallet from his back pocket and taking out a credit card, which he handed to me. “Buy whatever you need. I don’t mind paying for my three best girls.”
My three best girls.
I couldn’t fight the smile that was overtaking my face.
“As you wish, your majesty,” I smiled as I settled the card into my back pocket before beginning to sort everything to be either set into the dishwasher or into the sink.
“Go get washed up for bed now girls,” the king rumbled gently, standing and bringing his plate into the kitchen. “Sweetheart, why don’t you go up now and get ready for bed? I can do the dishes.”
“I-” Before I could answer him, the plate in my hand slipped and crashed to the ground with a ear-piercing shatter.
“You stupid bitch!”
I cowered away from Henry’s voice booming in my mind after a similar incident years ago- I had accidently dropped a bowl and fragments had went every which way, ending with me doing a deep clean of our tiny kitchen.
“You can’t ever do anything right!” Henry continued tom scream in my mind, cursing my clumsy fingers with alcohol on his breath and power flaking his nose.
I jumped at the king’s voice- kindness, worry and love. No anger anywhere in his voice as he scooped me up onto his arms and gently deposited me onto the counter while he went over to the pantry.
“I’m sorry,” I meeped out timidly, playing with my thumbs and not looking up when he reemerged with a broom and dustpan in his hands.
“Sweetheart, you have absolutely nothing to be sorry about,” he scowled at me as he began to clean the sharp shards from the floor. “You are safe. Aria is safe. Evie is safe. I am safe. We are all safe.”
“Yeah, but-” I tried to explain my whirlwind of crazy emotions, my lower lip tremoring violently with the promise of tears.
I jumped at the fierce tone in the king’s voice before sniffling. I pressed my hand up to my mouth as I began to breathe heavily as I erupted into an uncontrollably round of sobbing tears.
“Hey there now my sweetheart-” I was suddenly crushed to a manly chest, a hand gently pressing my face into his shoulder with soft shushing sounds coming out from the king’s voice as he helped to ground myself.
“Buttercup,” the king acknowledged one of his cats, welcoming the blonde feline in to press herself up against my side, purring loudly like a motorboat on crack.
“I’ll buy you another plate your majesty,” I promised him, reaching out blindly and braiding my fingers into the cat’s fluff, getting an even louder purr out from her. “I’m so sorry.”
“Sweetheart, I got these plates from the dollar aisle at Wal-Mart,” he huffed. “They were like three dollars a plate.”
I knew he was lying, but I gave him points for trying to make me feel better.
“You are a good man,” I slurred as I drifted off to sleep. The king just hummed softly before hoisting me into his arms and carrying me upstairs, where I fell asleep when he was halfway up the stairs.
If you liked this, then please consider buying me a coffee HERE It only costs $3!!!
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tma fic recs please ? 🤲🏽
Oooooo yes! I never get asks like this, thank you!
[my tumblr fic recs tag is here for browsing]
I had to put it under a cut because it got...entirely too long barely half an hour into making it, sorry.
Under 5k
means of cartharsis by orphan_account [G] [965]
“You’d think – you’d that at this point nightmares would be second nature for me, hm?” Martin says, forcing a smile even as he tugs the blanket tighter around his trembling shoulders.
It’s meant to be a bit funny. Instead of laughing, though, Jon frowns.
“No,” he says simply, and matter-of-factly wipes the moisture from Martin’s cheeks with a tissue like he’s a crying child.
A Proper Sleepover by Goodluckdetective (scorpiantales) [T] [1.4k]
In a different world, one where Elias is not waiting for them outside the Lonely, everyone has a chance to savor a moment of respite. As much as they can get these days. If only to talk about things that long need to be spoken.
“Basira says we should all sleep in the same room tonight,” Jon says without looking up. “Safer. So we can keep an eye out for intruders and also each other.”
“So we’re having a proper sleepover then?”
Jon scoffs. “Technically we’ve been having a proper one for months.”
where i go, when i go there by rainny_days [T] [1.7k]
Martin wants Jon to hold his hand. Martin doesn't want Jon to hold his hand.
It's complicated.
all the other ways by AptlyNamed [G] [2.2k]
Jon loses his first soul mark when he is eight years old.
a palace from ruin by bibliocratic [G] [2.2k]
"What're you sorry for?” Martin asks.
“I should have asked,” Jon says finally. “I'd never.... you were always so private about him, so I mean, at first I wasn't sure he was even yours, but then – when you, when you went with Peter, and I – he was so small, and I thought he was h-half-dead. S-so I picked him up and I carried him. And I'm sorry.”
interiors by doomcountry [T] [2.7k]
In the doorway, he fumbles with his keys. Their sound is loud in the silent stairwell. You don’t remember getting here.
searching for a light (for a right) by Kalgalen [T] [2.7k]
Some people make the mistake of assuming he's naive about sex, for the simple reason he hasn't dated in a while. Tim has called him a prude, at one point, and implied that he was somehow afraid of the intimacy required by the act; he wasn’t entirely wrong, but this definitely isn’t the reason for Jon's disinterest and general bafflement toward what most people seemed to consider as "what makes them human".
Jon simply hasn't found the right person. That is all it is: high standards, and a reticence to let people in.
(In which Jon finds out society is wrong about what a romantic relationship should be.)
how to plant a garden in rocky soil by treeprince [T] [2.9k]
Sometimes you just need a good pair of hands to work out all the kinks in your life.
Good thing Martin has two.
A Weather In The Flesh by cuttooth [G] [3k]
"There is a span of years where Jon doesn’t touch anyone other than the occasional hand shake. It’s not so bad. He’s never been someone who’s needed physical affection."
Jon has never been any good at making people want to stick around.
I'll bring the motion by callmearctus [T] [3.1k]
A long series of kidnappings and international flights leaves its own special mark on someone. Before the Unknowing, Jon is a mess.
Martin helps.
A Bread Made In Heaven by Againstme [G] [3.3k]
Martin moves over and watches how his boyfriend handles the dough. He's awkward with it, tentative and gentle, as if he's scared of hurting it somehow.
"Is this, uh, am I doing this right?" Jon asks, still slowly stretching out the dough and folding it onto itself.
"Well," he says shifting closer to Jon again, "you could be applying more pressure. Here, let me help you out, dear."
Martin moves fully behind Jon, and reaches around him, putting his hands on top of his boyfriend's. Jon inhales sharply, but doesn't say anything else, just lets Martin's hand rest on top of his.
Martin's hands are bigger, but not big enough to entirely envelop the other's hands, and Jon's hands are much, much warmer than his own are. To see what they're doing, Martin moves his head to look over Jon's shoulder. Though he can't see his boyfriend's face from this angle, he can see how it is slowly growing red at the edge of his vision. He decides not to tease him on it, instead content with letting a smile spread across his face and slowly guiding their joined hands in the proper motion.
Or, Martin teaches Jon how to make bread.
stumbling and spinning by lady_mab [G] [3.3k]
“Things happened,” Jon says demurely, trying to untangle Gerry’s fingers, but it only results in him getting pulled in so Gerry can kiss him properly. “It’s not all that bad.”
“I suppose not,” Gerry says with a sigh, sitting back upright. “You somehow managed to snag an incredible boyfriend out of it.”
It takes a solid few seconds before realization clicks in Martin’s brain. “You mean me?” [...]
“You have to admit, Jon has great tastes,” Gerry teases.
nothing sweeter than local honey by beeclaws [T] [3.4k]
So Tim is content, one arm leaned into the spray, waiting for the water to warm, enjoying the feeling of homecoming underneath the gentle fuzz of jetlag, when he hears gasping, panicked breaths coming from the other room.
Tim and Jon, in the aftermath, relearning how to be okay.
When Words are Inadequate by Mugatu [T] [3.8k]
Meals and the preparation of are, for want of a better word, informative. Fact gathering. A place where they can fill in the gaps of their knowledge of the other.
Jon cooks for Martin, and they learn more about each other.
go softly by doomcountry [T] [4k]
And there is nothing else besides this.
Imago by cuttooth [T] [4k]
“Jon?” he asks tentatively, tightening his grip around the poker as it slips against his sweaty palm. The antennae twitch, and suddenly Martin knows that it’s Jon, the knowledge sliding into his mind in a surge of desperate affection, the same profound love he felt that first time he truly saw Jon in the fog of the Lonely.
“Oh,” he whispers. “It really is you.”
Jon changes, but he’s still the same to Martin.
shoreline by bibliocratic [G] [4.1k]
“Martin," Tim says kindly, tipsily, only mildly slurring. "Dearest, dearest Martin. You're wankered, babe. Last train to Stockwell fucked off hours ago because it is now piss off o'clock in the morning, and there's a sofa with your exact name on it at my place. Thought you said you wanted some handsome fellow to take you back to his tonight?”
Or: The OG Archive crew go drinking, Martin comes out, and gets some well deserved TLC. In that order.
get your epitaph right by bibliocratic [G] [4.2k]
Martin's daemon has tried on the shape of dogs and lizards and snakes and horses, and even – once, when he was younger and Mum took him to the seaside, a fish.
Martin's never seen his soul in the dressing of a spider before.
i've known the warmth of your doorways by beeclaws [T] [4.2k]
'I’m always in pain, Jon wants to say, even as he dismisses the thought as melodramatic. Between his growing collection of old wounds and scar tissue, the supernatural hunger for statements that hasn’t been truly satiated in months, and the unpredictable aches and strains his body threw off day by day long before he ever set foot in the Institute, some level of pain and discomfort follows Jon wherever he goes now. He is used to being in pain. He’s not used to someone holding his hand as he suffers through it.'
Jon catalogs the comforts he receives, and wonders how long he will be allowed to keep them.
lay down your weary head by Zykaben [T] [4.6k]
Jon has been running himself ragged, searching for every scrap of information he can possibly find about the Unknowing. He's exhausted and sleep-deprived but he can't bring himself to take a break, not now.
Luckily, Tim and Martin are there to make sure that their boyfriend gets the care and rest he needs.
only the sweetest words remain by bluejayblueskies [T] [4.6k]
This isn't how things are supposed to go, right? Jon remembers those ratty paperbacks from the charity shops, dime-a-dozen romance novels with broken bindings and yellowing pages and words that spoke of love and passion and sexuality in prose that was more than a bit too mature for someone whose age hadn’t yet reached double digits. Stolen glances turn into dinner dates turn into passionate kisses turn into…
Well, he’d never actually read those parts of the books, because it had all seemed so deeply uncomfortable and gross. But he got the picture.
Or, Jonathan Sims, on being loved
and they keep not letting go by Marianne_Dashwood [G] [5k]
It’s an electric feeling, something strange and new and familiar all at once, even though he has been holding Martin’s hand for most of the day. His stomach swoops, like he is standing on the edge of the precipice of realisation and staring into the void of unknowing. But at the same time, he does know. In this instant of contact between them, the last few years of cups of tea and small smiles and momentary glances, of panic and fear and only feeling safe with Martin’s solid presence in the room, despite his paranoia, rush into him, and oh, oh oh.
ready to call this love by yewgrove [G] [5.6k]
How is Martin supposed to tell Jon that he panicked, stupidly, when the lovely old lady down the village asked him what they were doing in this part of the world? Got the shopping! Oh, by the way, we're married now! Whole village thinks we're on our honeymoon, hope you don't mind!
Prenons-nous la main by luftballons99 [T] [6k]
They still haven't talked about it, any of it, not even to pass the time on the long train ride to Scotland. Instead, Martin fell asleep in the seat next to him, pressed into his side from shoulder to knee, and Jon thought about love confessions and verb tense and how the two fit together when you think you're dying.
or: Good cows, mediocre poetry, and other crucial topics of discussion.
This Must Be The Place by cuttooth [T] [6k]
“You said – you said we were going home,” Martin says softly.
“I did,” says Jon, and is grateful that Martin doesn’t comment on him calling the Archives home. “I – I don’t really know where to go. I, uh, I don’t have a flat anymore, I don’t think. We could find a hotel?”
“Let’s go to my place,” says Martin. His hand squeezes Jon’s, more gently than before. Most importantly, Jon notes, he doesn’t let go.
Jon and Martin go home for a little while.
Small Things, Simple Acts by ZaliaChimera [T] [6.6k]
Even after leaving London, Jon and Martin are not free, not really. Maybe they never will be.
But for now they can be themselves, and maybe in the end, that's enough.
house by tomatoes [G] [9k]
Martin can take care of himself.
roses, roses, roses by acetheticallyy (judesstfrancis) [T] [9.3k]
Rose scented laundry detergent. Running into Jon in the breakroom. Running into Jon on his way back to his desk. Rose scented detergent. Running into Jon. Roses. Jon. Roses, roses, roses.
a deeply annoying child by ajkal2 [G] [9.6k]
Jon is hiding under the desk.
There's a child in the Archives, who shouldn't be there.
Inseparable by voiceless_terror [T] [10.3k]
“You can stay.” The voice interrupts his internal panic, and he looks over to find Jon studiously avoiding his gaze, staring hard at a neighboring bush. Martin wonders what caused his sudden change of heart. “But you have to sit on the other side. And don’t talk to me.”
Jonathan Sims and Martin Blackwood meet as children. Some things change, others do not.
i'm almost me again, you're almost you by gruhukens [G] [12k]
After a second Jon steps in towards him, close enough that Martin flinches, but all Jon does is put two fingers under his chin with his free hand and raise it until Martin can’t duck away. Jon has never touched him so casually before – at least, not until today, and it raises a lot of thoughts and feelings that Martin is trying very hard not to process.
Much like a lot of other things that have happened, he thinks. Not that it’s horrible or terrifying or numbing like everything else has been: it’s just another thing on the list of things he doesn’t have the capacity to deal with.
In the wake of the Lonely, there's a lot that Martin doesn't really want to think about.
hello my old heart by firebirdsuite [T] [15.8k]
Peter’s wrong, of course. When it’s all over, Martin does still want to tell Jon everything. It’s just—well, there’s a few things they need to work through first before they can get there.
Martin and Jon find each other again in Scotland.
Over 20k
The Kindness of Strangers by TheOestofOCs [M] [23k]
It was easier to treat Jon like a monster when he wasn’t shivering against his back, brokenly humming—wait, was that…
“Are you trying to do ‘Hey, Jude’?” Tim demanded.
Jon stopped, stiffening. “Mm hrmh mm mmh hm,” he said defensively.
“You really can’t hold a tune, can you, boss?”
It was just an ordinary walk to a restaurant. Tim had insisted that if they were going to talk, there would be no tape recorders or weird Archives ghosts listening in. A bit of fresh air wouldn’t kill him, Tim had said. What could go wrong?
By the time Jon spots the white delivery van, it’s much too late.
The Stranger kidnaps Jon. Tim comes along for the ride.
Misjudged by ShastaFirecracker [T] [36.5k]
Martin's been a longtime listener of What the Ghost, so when Georgie gives a shoutout to her flatmate's Twitch channel during a Q&A, he checks it out - only to discover that her flatmate is also his most terrifying coworker at his new job. The first time they crossed paths, Jon yelled at him for incompetence. But on the streams, Martin sees an entirely different person - someone fun and relaxed, engaging and unfairly attractive. Over time, Martin begins to find that Jon buried inside his dour, awkward coworker. He also learns to live with the fact that his crush is painfully one-sided... or is it?
if we make it through the night everyone is gonna hear us (Series) by skvadern [Ratings Vary] [42.4k]
In which Sasha survives the NotThem (with a little help from a certain Distortion) and she and Jon spend s2 working together to try and make sense of everything that's happening to them. It goes...interestingly
the garden of forking paths by bibliocratic [T] [49.7k]
Whatever he had predicted might happen, Jon wasn't expecting to survive upon demolishing the Panopticon. He certainly wasn't expecting to be rescued.
Instead, he wakes up in an alternative universe where he's never been the Archivist, and Martin Blackwood doesn't exist.
Martin Blackwood wakes up somewhere else entirely.
it's only forever by lady_mab [T] [50.9k]
“The castle at the center of the labyrinth,” Jon breathes, recalling again the words from one of the past conversations with Martin. “He’s there.”
“Turn back, Jonathan,” the Goblin King says, and Jon is surprised to hear a slight edge of desperation in the tone. “Turn back before it’s too late.”
“I can’t,” Jon answers with the same tone. “You know that I can’t.”
The Goblin King’s grin is gone completely, and he regards Jon with a degree of pity before that melts into resignation.
Yesterday is Here by CirrusGrey [T] [53.3k]
"Who the hell are you?" Jon could feel his hands shaking. The man laughed, taking a step forward and raising a hand to point at him. "I'm you, from the future!" he said, then swayed, eyes going unfocused, and collapsed to the floor in a dead faint. -------- Post-season-four Jon and Martin time travel back to the season one Archives.
A Home For What Loves You by TheWrongShop [T] [151k]
It was completely fine that Jon was following up on this very normal, non-supernatural statement at midnight on a Friday. He was going to find nothing at all, and then he was going to go home and sleep for fourteen straight hours and feel absolutely no qualms about moving case #0150409 directly into the filing cabinet marked "discredited".
Or; Jon and Martin end up investigating Carlos Vittery's basement and finding the entity formerly known as Jane Prentiss together.
A Look And A Voice by cuttooth [E] [6.9k]
“Do you want to have sex with me?” Jon asks bluntly, and for a second Martin can’t breathe.
“It - it doesn’t matter what I - ” he begins valiantly, before Jon interrupts him.
“Because I want to have sex with you, and frankly it doesn’t matter if you think it’s for the wrong reasons. I’m an adult. I can make my own decisions. The only thing that matters is if you want to as well.”
Martin meets a guy in a bar and takes him home.
Warms The Coldest Night by cuttooth [E] [11k]
"Flame that warms the coldest night Bring to us the waxing Light, Be with us on Solstice Night." Gypsy - Bring Back The Light
There is mistletoe hanging in the doorway to the Archives when Jon gets in.
Curiosity by ShastaFirecracker [E] [11.6k]
“You know that conversation we had the other day about how one of the most important things for queer youth to learn is that it's okay to change their minds, because identity and self-discovery are always fluid?”
Behind him, Martin slipped oven mitts over his hands and pulled open the oven door. The scent of garlic and rosemary flooded the kitchen. “Yeah?” he said.
“I, um... I'd like to revisit the topic of sex.”
At the Interim (Series) by Rend_Herring [E] [41k]
A Measure Outside the Lines and The Residuum
triptych (Series) by Stacicity [E] [44.9k]
A collection of Jon/Tim/Martin fics
a steady hand, a delicate man by callmearctus [E] [52.8k]
Martin is the proprietor and manager of a very discrete and fairly exclusive brothel situated between Belgravia and Chelsea. Blackwood House excels at special requests and pleasing any client.
Except for Jon, who probably has never been pleased a day in his entire life.
Despite that, he still comes back. It eventually begs the question: how do you solve a problem like Jon Sims?
113 notes · View notes
thebeebi · 4 years
your little games pt. 12
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pairing: Jungkook x reader
warnings: fluff in later chapters, smut, non-con, mention of r*pe attempt, implied murder and many more! Read only if you are okay with these topics!
genre: historical AU, 18th century?
word count: 3k+ [part 12]
a/n: Hello, I am sorry for posting late, but I am trying to learn some coding so I could fix the tumblr themes up to my liking. ALSO huge shout out for people who messaged me a suggested some themes ♥ Love you. ♥ 
taglist: @njrwifey​ @danietoww04​  @kaithezaftig​​ @she-is-dreaming​  [If you want to be added, just let me know :)]
You ran away from the man who tried to take an advantage of you. You stabbed him and escaped. Escaped to the arms of the handsome captain who was even worse than the man you just killed.
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4 // Part 5 // Part 6 // Part 7 // Part 8 // Part 9 // Part 10 // Part 11
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In the silence, you could hear that Jungkook was back. He was taking off his clothes and the only source of light was the lamp from the outside. He laid down next to you and turned his face towards the door just in case something might happen again and because he could not look at you. It was silent in the room once again and the only thing you could hear was his breath, which started becoming more stable and calm.
Before you could even open your eyes, you heard that it was raining outside. The man lying next to you moved and pulled away the blanket that was covering him. Jungkook sat up at first then stood up. You finally opened your eyes and also hopped out of the bed which got his attention. He frowned while looking at you. “You do not have to wake up yet.” He said tetchily. “I have to take care of a few things and I cannot take you with me.” You opened your mouth in o while nodding. “Are you leaving right away?” You asked timidly since his expression was not the most welcoming you have ever seen. “No. Not right now. Firstly I have to wash up and then eat breakfast.” You looked around the room and then backed away from him. “If you don’t mind, I would rather wake up now.”
“Do whatever you want.” He murmured. “I don’t care.” When the servants from the tavern brought him the warm water into the tub, ha made sure it was the temperature up to his liking. Once they left and you stayed with Jungkook alone once again, he sat down in the tub. It looked like Jungkook was in a bad mood, enjoying the silence. It was too silent that you were scared to even come closer to him and offer him help with washing up. You gathered all of the courage and walked towards him but once you were close, you stood still unable to say a word. You tried to reach for the sponge, that Jungkook was holding, while your hands were shaking. Jungkook looked at you surprised. “What do you want?” He asked annoyed. “A cat got your tongue?”
You took a deep breath before you finally spoke up: “I want… I want to help you to wash up.” Jungkook frowned even more. “You don’t have to.” He spat out. “Go and dress up and if you want, you can eat breakfast with me.” You nervously backed away from the tub and turned to the chair, where you left the dress last night. It was more than evident that he wants nothing to do with you today. You decided to keep your distance for now so you won't make him even more upset with your presence. You decided it would be best to brush your hair. You made your way towards the mirror and started trying to fix the mess with the fingers while Jungkook got out of the tub. He took the towel that was hanging on the chair and wiped the drops that were slowly going down his toned abs. Once you were finished you made your way towards the table but at the same moment, Jungkook turned to you and also walked towards the table to grab the freshly washed white shirt. You quickly moved to the side to let him through, but the action was met with a frown. “You don’t have to be so scared.” He said bitterly. “I won't hurt you.”
You looked down biting your lower lip. “I… I am sorry.” You whispered. “I didn’t want to be in your way.” Jungkook cursed under his nose. “I don’t care if you avoid me or be in my way. I am not planning on beating you for things as your aunt did. I have never hit any woman in my life.” You looked at him unsurely. Should you move or should you stay, where you are right now? Jungkook was trying to tie the ribbon of his shirt in the bow-knot but anger did not help him and he failed to do so. You walked towards him slowly and pushed away his hands from the ribbon. Jungkook was staring at you but you did not look at him back. With the nervously shaking fingers, you tied up his ribbon into an even bow. Then you walked towards the chair and took the coak. You approached him again, wanting to help him put it on but he grabbed it from you. “Let me do it.” He said looking away from you. “You go and brush your hair again with a brush.” You smiled and quickly nodded, running towards his bag to take out the brush. While you were softly caressing your hair, Jungkook walked to you and buttoned up your dress. You thanked him and shyly smiled.
After that, the days flew quickly and it was the day when Jungkook was supposed to take you to the dressmaker to try on the dresses they made so far and to check on the fittings. “Today you are supposed to go and try on the dresses.” Said Jungkook slowly and took a bite of the bread. “I will come to pick you up around 2 in the afternoon. Tell Jimin to ask for the carriage.” When he looked at you, you obediently answered and nodded while taking a sip of coffee. Jungkook was softly caressing your body with his eyes. You always tensed up feeling his eyes on you, but after a while, you relaxed but still blushing a little.
While Jungkook was eating, you were watching him in silence. He was wearing a dark blue coat with a stiff tall collar quilted with a golden stitch. The shirt and the bow were of the bright white colour and you could smell a soft hint of his cologne. He was dressed up perfectly as always and he looked so attractive that all women in the tavern went weak just seeing him breathe. Then you realised he had the same effect on you. It was more than often when you stood still while looking at him. You would keep looking at him but his sudden voice surprised you and you looked down at your bread on the plate. “Yesterday I lost the button on my shirt.” He pushed away the plate from him and wiped the plump lower lip. “I would like you to fix it for me. Jimin is not so good when it comes to these things.” He looked up at you and raised his eyebrows. “I am assuming you would be good at that.” You smiled shyly, glad that he finally asked you to do something. “Stitching is one of the works I enjoy the most. It is the first thing I was taught to become a proper lady.”
“A proper lady…” Murmured Jungkook more for himself than for you to hear. “Excuse me?” You asked warily, not sure if he is going to make fun of you again, not understanding why he would do that after such peaceful days you spent together. Jungkook did not answer but reached for the strand of your hair that was in your face and softly pushed it behind your ear. “I mean nothing by that, little one. I am just thinking about how educated you are in this field.” You thought he was making fun of you but weren’t sure and there was no way to find out.
The door to the tavern opened up and a tall young man entered in, wearing the typical coat that sailors wore. He looked around before his eyes stopped at Jungkook and he made his way towards your table. When he came closer, Jungkook stood up looking at him. “Good morning, sir.” Said the young man in the strange accent you could not identify. He looked at you then bowed while smiling. “Good morning, madam.” Jungkook introduced him to you as Kim Seokjin.  When Jungkook introduced you as his wife, Seokjin showed no sign of surprise. For sure he was told about our marriage. You did not know to what extent and what kind of details he knew but you knew that he knew. When I will be big enough, the crew of Bangtan could count on their fingers and realise that we slept together before marriage. Seokjin’s face was really handsome but you thought that your husband looked better. Seokjin smiled at you brightly. “I am glad to finally meet you, madam.“ You smiled at him and Jungkook asked Seokjin to sit down while he sat down in his chair.
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When Jungkook and Seokjin left, you returned to the room. You asked Jimin to bring you a needle with a thread and scissors so you could start working on Jungkook’s button. This kind of work relaxed you a little while you did not even know you needed it. With his shirt in your lap and a baby in your womb, you felt happy and for a moment you felt like a real wife. You stopped working and the calmness disappeared soon enough. Soon you will have to pack your bags and leave the place you called home. The new life you were going to live was still unknown to you. You will be brought to a place full of strangers and your child is going to grow up among them. You weren't sure if you are going to be happy there but only time will tell.
When you finished up the stitching, you folded Jungkook’s shirt and placed it on the table. Jimin brought you a light lunch and then you got ready to leave for the town to see the dressmaker once again. Jimin knocked on the door, telling you that the carriage was downstairs waiting for you. Suddenly you could hear the loud tintinnabulation of the bells in the town centre but Jungkook’s voice was the only thing you could hear. You smiled once you heard the footsteps in front of the room and when he opened the door and looked at you, Jungkook noted. “I see that you are ready.” He did not look as happy as you were once you saw him, he furrowed his brows looking you up and down. “There was nothing to keep me from getting ready” You smiled a bit but quickly looked away unsure if you won't make him upset. He handed you the cloak that was hanging on his forearm. “It is cold outside.” You took it from him. “I think this one will fit you better than mine.” At first, you thought it was another one of his cloaks but when you put it on, you realised it was for women and it looked expensive. You never had such an elegant cloak before, not even when you were living with your father. You run your fingers through the material smiling. “Oh, Jungkook.” You exhaled. “It's so beautiful.” He reached in to button it up, but you were so happy with the present you started turning and spinning smiling at how beautiful it was. You were moving from one side to the other to see it better which caused Jungkook to laugh. “Stay still, my little bunny, so I can button it up.”
You giggled happily and looked down at his fingers that reached for your cloak once again. Since you did not tie up your hair, they fell down and covered your face alongside with the button and the hole Jungkook was trying to find. “Well, now I don’t even see what I am doing,” he lectured you lovingly. You started laughing so hard, you bent backwards letting him help you. Jungkook saw how happy you were with a little present and he was honestly glad he decided to buy you such a surprise gift. His eyes darkened once you touched his chest with your hand smiling. At that moment your eyes met and the touch was electrifying. The moment was interrupted by the horselaugh from the outside and Jungkook pulled his hands away from you. He shook his head as if wanting to get rid of all the sparkly feeling and then he smiled again and reached out his arm to let you wrap yours around it. “Let's go, little one,” you finally laid your hand on his as he continued. “We have to hurry up.”
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Mrs Dubois welcomed you in front of her shop and then quickly led you inside, not wasting any minute. “Everything is going smoothly, captain Jeon. We will make dresses on time.”  Jungkook sat down on the offered chair and nodded. “Well done, madam.” The dressmaker then made her way to bring out all kinds of dresses. You walked to Jungkook and turned to him with your back, moving your hair to the front so he could help you unbutton them. His face had a strange expression when he reached up to help you and his fingers were clumsier than usual. You stepped out of the dress and Mrs Dubois helped you into the first one prepared.
“You are really lucky that it’s fashionable right now to have the middle higher.“ Said the dressmaker. “When the middle is so high, you will have no problem wearing this dress even in a few months when you will have a bigger belly. We will keep a bit of fabric inside, so you could cut the mold joint so it would create more room just in case.” Jungkook’s eyes suddenly slid down on his wife’s stomach. Today he forgot about your state and about the circumstances of your marriage. “Do you like the dress, monsieur?”  Jungkook then looked at your body, looking you up and down, not really caring about the pink dress you were wearing and but was covering something he really wanted to see. He murmured something in agreement then looked away. Mrs Dubois kept on putting you in the dresses, asking Jungkook if he liked them and he just always mumbled something as a yes. He moved on the chair while seeing you in the beautiful black dress. He was sweating as he started thinking about how he almost broke his promise a while ago. If the moment in the tavern was not interrupted, he would have thrown away the pride and would let his words mean nothing in a second. If the moment was not interrupted, he would hold you, brought you to the bed and nothing would stop him from making love to you. Now he was painfully aroused and was watching you how you are putting on and off different kinds of dresses. He was battling with himself. His pride and lust were battling and Jungkook was not sure which one was winning.
He frowned and dusted off his coat, wanting to look anywhere but at you. He did not want to look at you anymore. If he did, he would just run to you and would act as some kind of animal. At that moment he would be content with the carriage and privacy it offered. Nothing would help you, not even begging. He was feeling as if his insides were rupturing because he knew it would cause you to hate him even more. To Jungkook, it looked like you were happy with the situation you two were both in and he was worried that you would start playing the game of cat and mouse if he told you that he wanted to make love to you. And who was he really to say anything to you after the first experience you had with him? But he did not want it to be like that again. He did not want you to be scared of him. He wanted to be gentle with you. He wanted to show you how beautiful it could be.
Jungkook was really unlucky. You tried a few more dresses and he was cursing himself inside for actually buying you that many. He was frowning more and more and whenever Mrs Dubois asked him, he would answer even shorter each time. Mrs Dubois just exhaled knowing that he was just like any other men. She thought Jungkook hated the time it took them to try on the dresses. Oh, how wrong she actually was. Jungkook moved to the side on the chair, looking at you briefly thanking God and the dressmaker for finally putting you in the dress that covered your bust. Is she really unaware of what she is doing to me? Even though he promised to himself he is not going to touch you, it did not mean that you in a sating undergarment did not cause him to feel things. It barely covered anything and his mind was already full of images of you without it anyways.
Mrs Dubois helped you into another dress and said something in a quick French. The dress was small around your bust causing it to almost spill over youre breasts. Jungkook started twisting on the chair and was cursing inside. The cold sweat appeared on his forehead and he dug his fingernails into his knees. “Oh, girl! I have to show her the mistake she made.” Mrs Dubois spat out. “Not everyone is as flat as she is.” The dressmaker ran out of the room and you could barely breathe in the dress that was still full of pins. You moved your arm a little but it only caused you to whimper in pain.
“Jungkook, could you, please?” You asked him pitifully. “I feel like as if I were a pin cushion. That girl left there all of the pins she used. I cannot even breathe, they are pricking me.” Jungkook rather unwillingly stood up and walked towards you and put his hand underneath your bust-bodice feeling the warmth of your body. For a second your eyes met and to your surprise, he started blushing. He quickly pulled away his hand as if he was burnt. “You will have to wait for Mrs Dubois.” He spat out. “I cannot do it.” You were surprised by how rough he was. Obviously, he was nervous the whole time he was sitting in the chair, moving around. You nodded silently and looked down. Does he hate seeing me in the dresses? But he bought them… Did I do something?
Chapter 13
a/n: how did you like this chapter??? How long do you think is Jungkook going to be able suppress all of his urges and feelings? ;))))))  If you have any guess and would like to share go ahead :D I know the answer and I am curious if you can get it right :D love you lots ♥ 
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keiwritesstuff · 3 years
Ishikawa Yuki AU
Summary : When the pieces started to fall together, she knew she had no choice but to let him go.
Genre :  slice of life, angst
Notes :  long.  Self-indulgent. 3rd person POV. Not sure if I got the characterization  right. I wrote this all in one night. Not proofread, so there might be  misspelled words and grammatical errors. Based on a prompt. Best read on pc/laptop/browser (if you’re on your phone), since the layout changes when it’s read/opened on the phone tumblr app.
When did she start noticing it?
Was is sometime after their relationship reached the eighth month?
Or was it when he started showing strange signs or started doing things that were very much unlikely for him to do?
Even before they started dating, when they were just friends, Yuki had always listened. Whether she’s venting, or just simply talking about how her day was; he would always, always listen.
And so, when she caught him staring into space that day, just as she was   talking about her thoughts on one of the matches she recently watched, she felt a little odd.
“Are you okay?” she asked.
He shook his head lightly. “I’m just a little bit exhausted. I stayed up watching the team’s past matches. For reference.”
She chuckled. That sounds just like him. Always finding opportunities to   improve. He never thought of anything or anyone lightly. He always believes that there is always something new to learn from everyone regardless of age and experience.
She gave him a little smile and brushed her fingers lightly against his cheek. “You’ll do well. Your teammates got your back. You know that, right?”
He nodded.
And she brushed off the odd feeling. Yuki was just being…. Yuki.
On  their date the following week, Yuki suggested that they go to their usual place for dinner; a restaurant with tatami rooms for private dining, surrounded by luxurious green landscaping to cater to the demands of the many wealthy patrons who frequent the restaurant. She’s not used to at all, since she grew up in an ordinary, middle-class family, but the food is heavenly, and the restaurant provides a safe space for the both of them to spend some time together.
Yuki was reading the menu, seeming unsure of what he would have that evening.  He was probably being cautious of his diet, she thought.
“I think I’ll have the usual.” she spoke first while Yuki was still scanning the menu. It’s the same food that she always had every time they went to the restaurant. Yuki was the one who suggested it when he first brought her to this restaurant, and she was teased a lot by him for not wanting to try anything else other than that particular menu, to the extent where he no longer needed to ask her what she would have whenever they go to this place for a meal.
She stifled a laughter when she remembered how Yuki used to tease her all   the time about it, how he used to attempt to steal her food and cutely asked her to finish the tomatoes in his plate, and how they often argued about the secret ingredients in the menu. This restaurant held all those memories.
She was happily smiling at the thought, until Yuki asked,
“Hold on… which one is it again?”
Two weeks.
They didn’t see each other for two weeks after that last date. Yuki had a busy schedule, filled with practice, meetings, interviews and photoshoots. It wasn’t the first time they couldn’t see each other for a long period of time.
But it was the first time that Yuki couldn’t respond to a lot of her calls.
She was probably calling at the wrong time. His schedule usually ends at 10 p.m, but he must’ve had extended meetings with his manager after that. Or he just wanted to rest. After all, not all of her calls were left unanswered. He did answer some of it. And as she suspected, he was just exhausted. Of course he was. After all, he was the team’s ace.
She understood her position. She understood his as well. This is as normal as their relationship would allow. Who he is… does not allow them to  have what other couples have. They could not have that stroll at a park under the cherry blossom trees. They could not have those cheesy movie dates. They could not even go to the beach to watch the sun set, since there is a high risk of fans and paparazzi finding him.
Regardless, she was content. She loves him, and she would go above and beyond to  make sure his career is not jeopardized by their relationship in any   way, even if it means that she could not eat sundaes on broad daylight with Yuki.
[Hey, how was your day? How was practice?]
She texted him.
[It was good.]
Came his reply.
[Did you have fun? Is Takahashi still messing with you since that day you accidentally ate his bread? Haha]
He responded,
[No, not really.]
Strange. It wasn’t like him to give that kind of replies. He usually would talk a  lot, even in his texts. He would vent about how his teammates kept teasing him for being so popular, or how much he wanted to eat greasy, deep-fried food.
This time, it was really strange.
[Hey.. are you alright?]
She hit ‘send’.
Two minutes later, a reply came.
[Yeah. Just dead tired. I’ll talk to you later, okay? I’m going to bed. Good night.]
This went on for a week more. The short replies, the unanswered calls, the brief conversations. To say that she was not upset was clearly a lie, since things weren’t like that before. And it’s not like he didn’t respond to her calls and texts AT ALL. He did. It’s just that.. it has become somehow different.
Or was she the one who became strange? Has she become… clingy? Could it just be her mind playing tricks on her? Or perhaps… this is what to be expected when one is dating a famous athlete?
Then again, beggars can’t be choosers.
She should be more understanding of his job. She should be supportive. There are things that she herself has not understood yet about how the industry works and she’s sure that Yuki already has a lot on his plate. He isn’t just an athlete. He is an ambassador, a representative, and to an extent, an idol to many.
She shouldn’t ask too much of him.
It  was on one Friday morning where she had to call in sick after waking up in  shock, immediately running to the toilet and vomiting. She knew right away that she caught a high fever.
Has she not been taking care of her health lately? Was she stressed at work?
Regardless,  with shaking hands, and with the little consciousness she had left, she left a voice message for a close friend. She had promised him that she’d join him in a co-op expedition on Monster Hunter later that night.
“Hey, Yuji.. I can’t join you tonight.. high fever.. Need to rest. Sorry.. I’ll join you some other time, okay?”
With that, she hung up, mustered as much strength as she could, pulled up the covers and fell into an uneasy sleep.
She was awoken by the sound of plates being handled. Her eyes shot open.
Terrified,  she turned around slowly, only to breathe out a sigh of relief when she  saw the person in her house. She had forgotten that she gave him the  spare keys to her house.
“Gosh..Yuki.. You scared me..”
“Oh, hey, you’re awake.” he replied, arranging something on the kitchen counter.
“W..what  time is it? How long have I been sleeping?” her hand roamed around for  her phone. She found it and checked the time. To her surprise, she was  out cold for a good seven hours and it’s already 3 in the evening. She  groaned. Her whole body still felt heavy, but that sleep was very much  needed.
“Are you alright?”
Yuki came to her and sat next to her on the bed.
On his lap, was a bowl of soup.
She stared at the bowl, and then.. at her boyfriend.
“Did you come here and….cook?”
“Yes..?  And.. I know you’re sick and all, but how come I only found out about it from Nishida? Why didn’t you call me?” he asked out of sheer curiosity while helping her to sit up straight. She remembered the phone call this morning.  “Oh.. I told him I couldn’t join our gaming session tonight.. he needed help taking down a boss. I didn’t have much strength to call anyone after that.”
“Taking down a boss..? Is it that important? You guys are ridiculous.” he teased.
She let out a weak chuckle. “Hey, Shara Ishvalda is not ridiculous. What’s ridiculous is you, suddenly showing up in my place after God knows how long we haven’t properly talked to each other.”
She meant is as a joke, but despite the fever flowing painfully in her veins and biting painfully at her joints, she could still notice the change in his expression. Oops. Did she say something wrong?
“I understand you’re busy. I shouldn’t ask too much of you.” she added, but  Yuki was silent. The expression on his face was unreadable.
Was  he upset?  What exactly happened to him lately? Is he exhausted?   Stressed? What is he hiding from her? Was something bothering him? Was it work?
Was it guilt?
Her thoughts were cut off when Yuki handed her a spoon. “I hope it tastes okay.” he spoke.
“Well... unfortunately, my tongue is currently deprived of its senses… and therefore, I deem your soup…”
She took a sip and imitated Gordon Ramsey’s face expression as best as she could,  “…mediocre in terms of its taste.”
Her attempt to lighten up the mood worked.
Yuki was laughing softly.
Ah, there he was. Her Yuki.
The person who had made her heart pound like a  drum, the man who  often put others before him, the man who made her realize just how much she could love someone. She hasn’t seen that smile for such a long time. She missed that smile.
She missed him.
All  she could do was stare at the man in front of her. With trembling fingers, she touched his cheek. “I missed this, Yuki. I missed you.” she said meekly. He took her hand in his own, but was silent for some time before saying,
“I’m here.”
“I know you’re busy. I know people expect a lot from you. I know you tend to carry the burden all on your own. I respect that. But-- I also  want you to know that if you need any help, all of us are here for you. Me, your teammates, your family.. I want you to always remember that  you---”
Yuki’s phone on the night stand vibrated, signalling an incoming call.
Yuki immediately answered the phone call and walked towards the kitchen, where she couldn’t hear him.
It  was a short phone call. After it ended, Yuki went back to sit next to her on the bed. But this time, she could no longer form any words.
As  much as she was surprised that she was interrupted mid-conversation,   she couldn’t stop the chills that ran down her spine. Immediately, that feverish burn in her veins was replaced by something much, much more agonizing, and she could feel blood rushing to her head, trying to make sense of what she had seen.
She saw the caller ID, and she knew who it was.
She knew that name. She noticed that Yuki probably didn’t realize that she had already seen it, considering how he was trying to act normal after that phone call, but somehow… just somehow…
Everything started to fall into place. Everything started to make sense.
Of  all Yuki’s friends and teammates, only a few had personally known her.  She had grown close to Yuji after she and Yuki started dating (especially when he found out both of them loved games), and Takahashi texts her every now and then, spilling tea about the things her boyfriend do during training, and sometimes sent her pictures of young Yuki because he absolutely loved it when she teased Yuki about it.
Masa, though, is the only one who knew her way before she met Yuki. In fact, he was the reason they met in the first place. She and Masa coincidentally shared the same social circle, and their passion and interest in volleyball and manga made them friends.
When  Masa heard her voice over the phone in all seriousness, he knew   something had definitely happened. She was not the type who talks about what happens in her relationship to others. She had always tried to resolve any conflicts on her own first. It was her way of protecting herself and Yuki.
When she had finished talking, he became silent, mainly due to shock and disbelief. Several things were running through his mind. What was Yuki doing? Has that boy lost his mind?
“Or maybe I’m the one overthinking? I’m not sure what to think of anymore, Masa.” she spoke. She wanted to believe that she was indeed overthinking. That she saw wrong. That everything happened was either just a coincidence or just Yuki feeling exhausted because of work. She wanted to believe in Yuki.
But it was hard. It was hard when the pieces just somehow…fit together.
“Hey,  I’ll try and talk to him somehow and find out what’s going on. You should try to calm down and save your worries for later, okay?” he assured her.
They  had been friends for a long time. She knew she could count on him.   Plus, Yuki had always looked up to Masa. If there is anyone in the team who could get Yuki to talk about his feelings and thoughts in all honesty, it would definitely be Masa. She trusts him.
She trusts his judgment.
She wished she didn’t.
Because four days later, she received a phone call from Masa, confirming all her worst fears.
Other than the restaurant, they have another secret spot where they could meet without the prying eyes of others.
It  was at a small, empty playground on the hills. During daytime, the place would be crowded with children and the elderly who found the place suitable for walks and light jogs. At night, the playground is completely silent due to its not-so-close distance from the nearest neighborhood, and because of it’s location on the hills, the playground is a lot colder and eerier at night.
It was ideal enough for Yuki and her. They would sit on the swings and talk about many things while looking at the view from the hills. On colder nights, they would stay in his car, eating snacks and enjoy each other’s company. She was happy enough to have him next to her, healthy and smiling. She couldn’t ask for more.
This  time, however, when she looked at him as he got out of his car and   walked towards her, she knew that she will no longer be able to even ask  for anything more.
“Hey,” she started.
“Hey,” he replied the same.
No hugs. No kisses.
It had really dawned on her that everything was ending right there and then.
Where do they start?
Where do things start to end?
Can it end quickly?
It’s starting to feel really, really painful.
She looked at him. Stared at him. His eyes, that see the best in everyone.  His nose, that he loves to scrunch. His lips.. that had showered her with soft kisses. His hands... that had given her warmth for so many times.
How did things turn out this way?
But  she knew she had to do it. It had to be done. What’s the use of a having a relationship if only one of them is committed to it?
“You know I’m breaking up with you, right?”
The words unexpectedly came out smoothly. She didn’t know she could be so… composed.
Inside, however, she felt as if every inch of her was slashed with a knife.
It seemed that he had already anticipated it. She could read the expression he wore on his face.
“It’s her, isn’t it?” she asked.
He paused for some time. And lightly nodded.
She  stared at the view. The city used to look so vibrant from where they were. Now, it just looks like random lights piling on top of each other.
It’s making her dizzy.
She turned around to face the other way.
Calm down. Calm down.
“I figured it out early on.” she added.
She heard Yuki taking a deep breath. He didn’t look at her.
He was about to say her name, but she was quick to stop him. “No. Don’t. Don’t apologize. I don’t want to hear it. I don’t..need to hear it. I already know you’re sorry, Yuki.”
Don’t call my name. This is already hard . If you call my name, I’m not sure if I would be able to let you go.
“Instead  of saying you’re sorry… I just hope that you would treat her better.   Treat her nicely. Appreciate her. Respect her. Make things work, no matter what happens.”
Yuki stayed silent, and she continued,
“I realized that it is no use holding on to you, on this relationship, when it’s obvious that your heart is clearly with someone else.”
Breathe. It is for the best. Breathe.
“And  so, Ishikawa Yuki… I release you from this bond.” she spoke. Her lips formed a little smile, attempting to diffuse the heavy tension in the air. Yuki could only stare at her, wondering how could she stay cheerful despite  knowing what he had done. He was amazed at how calm and level-headed she  was at that moment despite the obvious pain in her voice.
“So..  you should go now. Tell her that we broke it off. Assure her, and yourself, that we ended things on good terms. And move on, Yuki. I will move on as well.”  she spoke again, giving him a light push on the shoulder.
Go. Please, just go.
“I… I can’t just leave you here.” he finally spoke.
“I won’t be here all night, silly. My car is right there, and  I have work tomorrow.” she chuckled.
Breathe. Breathe. Just… breathe.
Their eyes met for the last time, and with a strain in his voice, Yuki finally said, “Thank you. For everything.”
She forced a smile.
It  felt like an eternity. When will this end?
She smiled, almost bitterly.  “Go.” she insisted.
And he did. She watched his back as he walked away. She watched him as he got into his car. And she waved her hand lightly as he drove off.
However,  as soon as his car was out of sight, her knees buckled, and she knelt on the the ground. Biting her hand, she tried to stifle her cry as much as she could as she could no longer stop the tears streaming down her face.
It hurts. It hurts!
Help me. Anyone. Please. It hurts..
Please stop this pain.
How did things turn out this way? What did she do wrong? What exactly went wrong? What could’ve she done better?
Did she not love him enough?
Why couldn’t he give her his heart?
What did she do wrong?
What did she do wrong?
What did she---
“Hey.” a voice came from behind her and she looked up in shock.
Masa read her tear-stained face as he knelt next to her. “He told me this   afternoon that he was meeting you here tonight. I told him to come clean about the whole thing.” he spoke as he took out a handkerchief and handed it to her.
“God, you’re a mess.”
“S…shut  up and let me grieve.” she managed to retort in between sobs. The tears haven’t stopped. How could they when she had held them back for so  long?
“Alright, alright.” Masa calmly spoke and sat next to her on the ground. She looked at him as if he was insane.
“C..Can’t a girl cry alone?” she stifled another cry.
“In  this place? Gosh, no. What if a couple comes here to have a good time and suddenly saw a girl crying on the ground? Good Lord, you’re going to scare the living daylights out of some poor souls. Have mercy on them, will you?”
She knew he didn’t mean it. She knew he meant well, judging from the hand on her shoulder that hasn’t left since he sat down.
She  clicked her tongue as a joke. Words have seemed to fail her by now. She  wasn’t sure what to do next. The love of her life has left her. What  will she do now? How will she move on? Can she move on to begin with?
The thought alone scared her, and she found herself sobbing uncontrollably again.
“I..loved him, Masa.. but.. it wasn’t enough…”
She  felt him pull her closer and she felt his hand gently guiding her head to lean on his shoulder. “Here, I’ll lend you my shoulder. The first 30 minutes is   free. After that, you will be charged 500 yen per minute.”
She chuckled a little, but said nothing further. She let herself cry as much as she wanted to on his shoulder, the handkerchief was no longer of use at that point. His jacket was stained by her tears, but he made no noticeable expression of discomfort. He had been such a great friend despite his mean jokes, and she appreciated his presence next to her. She wasn’t sure what she could’ve done if Masa wasn’t there. Probably something really, really stupid and reckless.
She woke up the next morning in a mess. She felt horrible, her eyes were still swollen, and her head felt unbelievably heavy.
Nevertheless, she woke up.
Just then, she received text messages. They’re from Nishida and Takahashi.
[Good  morning! I heard from Masa-san that you and Yuki-san broke up. No   worries! Let’s take down another boss tonight! I’ll let you curse as   much as you want!]
[Mornin’! Hey, look at this silly photo of Nishida.]
She  looked at the photo Takahashi sent. Yuji was getting hit by a ball while he was tying his shoelace. It was a bit blurry, but Yuji’s expression was definitely silly. She chuckled.
It turned out that Masa really didn’t waste any time to spread the news. Well, it’s better if  everyone knew. It would save her from many awkward moments in the future.
And then came another text. This time, it’s from Masa.
[Oi, good morning. How are you feeling?]
She chuckled. She felt a slight warmth from the text messages.
[I feel like shit]
[Of  course you do. I would be surprised if you suddenly said you’re fine, especially after what you put my jacket through last night. I found dried snot on it this morning.]
She unexpectedly laughed out loud.
[I’ll buy you another one. Sheesh.]
She managed to smile a little more.
She still wasn’t so sure how she was going to move on, but she will take the first step.
And she got up.
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writingoneshots · 3 years
Hey uhm first of all I just wanna say, your fics are really good!😭❤ secondly, I appreciate the amount of effort you put in to your fics so thank you so much!
How about having an argument with Zoro, Sanji, Ace and Law and f!s/o accidentally says "i hate you", what would their reaction be like?
Angst but fluff and comfort ending if u may omg agsjsvs
N e wayz, have an amazing day bub!❤🥺
Sensitive Topic
Hello softiebadbitch :) ! love this name.
I wasn't really sure how to add 4 readers into one story but I think I found a good solution. It's clear to me that you wanted to have 4 separate stories but this would have been too long for one post and you can't use one request for several posts.. sadly. Hope this fixed it - I made one general story and continued with 4 different endings. All of them are in the reader version but the 'extra girlfriends' have their specific names to not make it too complicated.
Kind of like this way of writing.. wouldn't mind more requests like this :) ! Thanks for letting me explore this new style even though it probably wasn't intended.
And thank you so much for the kind words. I really appreciate it <3 especially because I don't know if anything I write is good enough for Tumblr or literally any request. Thank you, thank you, thank you <3 !
- Ace x reader - ZoroxRey, SanjixAna, LawxValeria (if one of these names is yours.. you're welcome) - 2,774 words (but it's a 4 in 1 story) - lovey-dovey, little pain in our chest, signs of smut, still SFW, cute moments
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Spending some girl-time with your closest best friends was a really rare occasion after spending years on many pirate ships. Especially bonding with female human beings was hard. But since you were dating Ace, you finally got the chance after meeting his friends. Some of them were already in a relationship with their current partners and the rest just started dating. After a successful shopping day, you spend the rest of the evening in the fanciest diner on this island and booked a whole room just for you and your better halves. The men were probably still training or doing something unimportant, but none of you cared. "Can you believe the guy from the bakery? He dared to follow us around just to carry our bags..?", Rey laughed and finished her second glass of wine. "Just please don't tell Sanji about it. He is already heartbroken because I went shopping without him.", Ana pouted and sighed a bit sad. You rolled your eyes, "Stop whining. This is the first time after eight months that we could hang out together. And we didn't have to worry about carrying something." "Plus, the guy seemed to be really into you, Ana.", Rey smirked and gave her a flirty wink. "Stop saying that! Sanji could come here any minute! You know how jealous he can get!", Ana warned Rey and glared at her. This was the worst timing ever. "Jealous? Why?! Did anyone touch you?!", Sanji's eyes were already in flames and he almost teleported himself to his girlfriend after hearing these words. The men decided to join you all on the right - or maybe wrong? - time and chose to mock the conversation. "Probably some weird girly things, we don't wanna know about.", Ace grinned and sat down right in front of you. The men sat down on the other side of the table and didn't even choose to greet them with a hug or a kiss, except for Sanji, who could barely let his fingers of Ana. You raised an eyebrow at Ace's comment, "What?" "Just kidding! You had probably something important to talk about.. like which nail color you're supposed to get next week.", Ace added and high-fived Zoro. "Or what hairstyle you should make to match your earrings!", Zoro couldn't stop laughing at his own comment. Ace turned to Law for another high five but he just glared at the topless pirate. "What? You're leaving me hanging like this?!" "Don't drag me into this.", Law turned away from him and faced Valeria, who seemed pleased by his answer. The others were not though. You were still confused by Ace's behavior but slowly understood that he tried to be as manly as possible in front of the others. Sanji sat down on his place after failing to convince Ana to have her sit on his lap. "What do you mean? An hour ago you were talking about how Valeria tried to draw her eyeliner but ended up looking like a panda!", Ace laughed and high-fived Zoro again, who seemed to feel a bit unsure about Ace's comment now. Rey looked down at her drink, already realizing how quickly the mood changed since they started making fun of all of you. Valeria was shocked. She didn't know how to respond and just shook her head, ignoring Law's desperate look on his face. "That's enough, Ace.", you talked silently and poured yourself some wine, not caring about the waiter offering to do it for you. "What.. I-", Ace froze after seeing your face. It pained him to see you being disappointed and he didn't know how that happened. "I am sorry if I have offended anyone.. we were just talking.. ", he cleared his throat and began to feel uncomfortable. He didn't see that coming. "Then maybe you should stop it", you were still not able to look up. "Stop what? Talking?" "Yes.", your eyes flashed up to him now. He didn't expect to see the anger in them. Ace has never seen that glare directed at him. It felt way too painful. "Okay, everyone. Let's calm down now and enjoy this dinner.", Sanji tried to cool down the situation and looked at the food, which didn't look good enough for his girlfriend. "Gonna be hard when you're here.", Zoro commented under his breath and was already eating his meal. "Huh?!", Sanji clenched
his teeth and tensed all his muscles to not smack Zoro for that comment. "Can you just calm down, you two?!", Ana took a deep and annoyed breath, trying to stay calm in this uncomfortable scenario. Ace couldn't stop but to look at you, ignoring him now. "Valeria-" "Don't.", she stopped Law from whatever he was trying to say. Everyone was quiet. Nobody was eating. "..anyone want some extra bread?", the waiter whispered and stood behind you, holding up a basket with fresh bread.
Ace x reader When you arrived in the room of your hotel, you still didn't dare to say a word. You were still furious about his behavior, especially because this wasn't the first time he dared to say something like that. "(Y/N), I am-" "I don't want to hear it." "Please, just let me-" "I said, that I don't want to hear it.", you hit your jacket onto the bed and let go of it a few seconds after. Taking a deep breath, Ace pressed his lips together and didn't know what to say or do. You two never had a fight like this and he feared to say something wrong, which would make you leave him. "I don't want us to go to bed angry.", he whispered sadly and stepped closer to you. You just froze and closed your eyes, trying to remain calm. "You always do this.. every time you make fun of something I do. I stopped talking about my hobbies and literally anything that makes me happy and you caught a glimpse of us having fun, and immediately you chose to mock it..." Ace frowned at that and thought back to all the times he tried to have fun with you. He never understood any of your hobbies or what girls liked, which is why he tried to spend some time with you by making jokes but it never occurred to him that it was actually hurting you. "Why did you never tell me that? I didn't know that it hurt you.." "Because I shouldn't need to tell you! I hate when you try to make fun of me or other people like that! You literally took the joy of me doing my hair, trying to learn how to skateboard or even baking muffins! I hate this, I hate the fights and I hate yo-" Both of you froze right on your spots. "Oh my God..", tears were rolling down your eyes and your knees weren't able to support you any longer. You immediately went down to your knees and hid your face in your hands. "I didn't want to say this.. it slipped.. I don't hate you, Ace!" Your heart was aching at what you were about to say. Ace didn't feel any better. He sat down right next to you and watched you wiping your tears away. "I have caused this... I am sorry, (Y/N).. This will never happen again, I promise. I just wanted to be a part of something in your life.", he took a deep breath and pulled you onto his lap. "I will find another way. Just please.. don't hate me." You shook your head and hugged him tight back, hiding your face in his neck and never ever letting him go. --- Zoro x Rey Zoro came out of the shower, just a towel around his hips and water still dripping down his naked chest. This was usually a sight, which made you jump right onto him but not this time. The pirate hunter had hoped for you to fall for it because he was really bad at apologizing but he knew you had a stronger will than him. He would have fallen for it. You were already in bed, cuddled into your pillow and ignoring him professionally. "Rey.. I can feel that you're not sleeping.", Zoro approached the bed and sighed when you didn't respond. "..are you mad at me?", he whispered now carefully. You raised an eyebrow at this provocative question and pressed your lips together, trying not to give back a stupid answer. But your mouth responded faster than your brain. "No, I am super happy about today's events. We can repeat that tomorrow again, if you feel like making fun of women-things.", you added in a sarcastic tone. "So.. that's a yes?" You turned around, the pillow tight in your grip and pulled the pillow with a loud thud onto his face. When you took the pillow away, you narrowed your eyes at his provocative smirk. "Definitely, yes." "Shut up.", you sighed and were about to turn around again but he grabbed your wrist and pulled you to the other side of the bed until you were facing him. "Stop running away from your problems all the time, lady." "I really hate when you are doing this!", you tried to free your arm from his grip. "What?" "Using your strength to make me do whatever you want to!" "This is literally the reason, why you started dating me. Because I am not a weakling, who gets dragged by everyone like your stupid exes. But if you really hate it, then that means you must hate me
too, right?", he leaned forward, making sure not to miss any sort of reaction in your eyes. You looked at him surprised and didn't know what to say. After a few seconds, you shook your head and sighed a bit. "I couldn't hate you for being you. I hate the fact that you're making fun of girl-things all the time." "Alright, I'll stop then.", Zoro promised and let go of your hand. He turned around and went to the pile of washed clothes on the couch to pick out something to sleep in. Right.. I forgot how easy it can be in a relationship. You talk, promise and go on. Not believing what he just did, your brain had a thousand thoughts about what would happen during this night but it did not involve any sort of clothes. You stood up, went to him, and pulled away his towel. Zoro turned around, surprised by your decision, "Oj.. bad girl." --- Sanji x Ana After this emotional and very unusual dinner, you decided to have some tea. Sanji was still in your bedroom preparing a bath for you even though you've told him that you weren't in the mood for it. You hid in the kitchen and cooked some water, while preparing the rest. While you were looking for the honey, which he was hiding from Luffy, Sanji entered the kitchen. "Oj, what are you doing?", he approached you and immediately figured that you were making some tea. "Just something to warm myself up with a sweet taste.", you smiled a bit exhausted and felt Sanji's arms around you in an instant. "I am sorry for today.. I know that I promised you to not get triggered because of that marimo but his bare existence is to annoy me.", Sanji tried to brighten the mood and gave you a soft kiss on your head. "No, it's okay.. I am already used to it. I just wanted to have a chill day with the girls and this fight kind of ruined everything again.", you shrugged and leaned softly onto him, enjoying his muscular arms supporting you. "Oh.. so you don't hate me, right?" You laughed softly. The relationship had only just begun and Sanji had to question every move of yours. "I could never...", you looked up to him and kissed his warm lips softly, forgetting about everything that had happened in the last hour. --- Law x Valeria Law used his room ability to create a bubble surrounding the two of you. He carefully stepped closer and put his arm around your waist only to see you turn your head away from him. He tensed his jaw, trying to hide the sudden strike of pain in his chest and just decided to ignore it for now. "Shambles." You found yourself in your and Law's bedroom. After a few seconds, you just freed yourself from his arm and went straight into the bathroom, locking yourself in. Law just stood there, not knowing what to do or say. He had definitely hurt your feelings but he didn't know how to apologize for it. "Val..", he closed the distance slowly to the door and tried to listen to whatever you were doing inside. It sounded like you were throwing something away and sniffling quietly. Fuck.. "Valeria.. what are you doing?" "Cleaning.", your response was sharp. Law knew that he was a genius, who could solve the hardest puzzle on this planet or even have a detailed discussion with Robin, but even Luffy or Kid would have been able to figure out what you were doing right now. "Stop throwing away your things. I like it when you put on your make-up." "Are you sure about that? Or are you going to call me a dog or a salamander the next time you talk to others?!", you wiped away your tears and threw away the rest of the make-up, which you bought today. "Stop overreacting. I was just talking about your eyeliner the other day and you hated it too. Take out the make-up again and forget about it.", he sighed and knew that this wasn't something he should say but he also knew that it would trigger you enough to get out of the bathroom. "You know what-!", you opened the door harshly and stepped out, pointing your index finger at him. Law had a hard time hiding his cheeky smile because he already knew you well enough. "I hate what you're doing! Always talking about me behind my back! I hate
you for it!", you crossed your arms at your chest and took a deep breath, trying to control the last brain cells, which are still able to hold you back from kissing his cheeky smirk. The pirate captain raised an eyebrow at that and needed a second to choose his next words wisely. "Did you just tell me that you hate me?" "I said that I hate you for it! Not that I hate you!" "This is literally the same..", Law tilted his head a bit and couldn't quite accept that. "I hate it when you talk about me behind my back before talking to me personally. You were the first one to say 'I love you' but not directly to me.. no! You said it to Bepo first and he told me. Then you said that you preferred my soft cookies more than the brownies but again: you didn't tell me! You told Sanji! And to the newest 'Law is a wimp and can't tell his girlfriend anything personally', you told the boys that I looked like a damn panda!" "But a cute one..", Law smirked now and stepped closer, putting his hand on your cheek softly. You were just about to smack it away but Law was faster. He pushed you against a wall within a second and pressed his body against yours. His hand rested on your neck and he pressed his thumb against your chin, forcing you to look up at him. "Say it again, Valeria..", he purred your name in his dangerously sexy voice. "Say that you hate me." You frowned at his reaction and didn't really understand how this turned him on. "No, you weirdo." "Say it.", he commanded now and leaned closer to you, your lips barely touching. "Make me.", your last brain cells just said their goodbyes. A harsh sound of him pulling out his belt appeared beside you and you couldn't look away. His eyes were focused on yours as if he'd die if he'd miss anything for a second. "Don't tell Bepo.. but you're my favorite panda." "You fucking... I really hate you now.", you spoke through your teeth and tried to push him away. The most heartwarming laugh escaped Law's lips and he immediately locked his lips with yours, not giving you a chance to respond to him laughing. Law pulled your arms behind your back and tied them with his belt. "That's my girl.", he whispered in between your kiss and didn't let go of you for the rest of the night.
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blueprint-han · 4 years
on top of the world ↠ hhj.
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genre: royal au; fluff inspired by a fucking barbie movie leave me alone okay
⇥ warnings: if having a ballroom dance with hyunjin is a warning, then <3, district names are randomly chosen, not meant in reference to SKZ !!
wc: 1.5 K
⇥ disclaimer: this fiction does not aim to represent the activities of the real Hwang Hyunjin, nor does it represent JYPE in any form. Events are pure fiction. ♡
type: drabble.
taglist: @stayverse @districtninewriters @inkidz​ @sunoo-luvs 
part of: the url drabble game; requested by @tpwkjerii​ (requests for this are closed now!)
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↯ note: dghwey i had literally no idea what to write for your url, so i searched up the full form of “tpwk�� and ended up with “treat people with kindness”. I developed it into an idea i already had. Tell me if you like it <33 ⇥ dawn.☀️
↯ note 2: oh... i cannot... write fantasy for the life in me. ⇥ dawn.☀️
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“Ladies, all in line.” The instructor clapped her hand, signaling all the princess and lady royals to line up in front of her. You quickly scrambled out of where you were seated, almost doubling over your heels as you tried to wobble your way to the line. 
Oh curse those heels. They were gonna be the reason you crashed headfirst into the floor one day, you were sure. They were those typical pointy, magenta colored pumps that only an expert in poise could pull of properly. Your uniform didn’t help either, layers and layers of clothing — topped of with a jacket, which meant you would be sweating buckets if it weren’t for the air conditioning.
Gosh, you hated being the princess and heir to the next throne. Why couldn’t you just lounge in the courtroom in your sweats and sneakers? They were more fashionable anyway. When your mom had told you that you were gonna attend “Royal Training School”, you’d pictured horse riding in the lush green stables, elegant dinners with rich silverware, and most of all — just having some time away from the royal castle, just having some time for yourself and having fun in that time.
Well, you were in for a huge mess.
It’d been only a week since you attended this place, and you hated it. The place woke you up at 5 a.m., shoved breakfast (which was mostly a piece of “high gluten” bread) to your hands and then took you ballroom dancing. So your day was terrible from the beginning already. There was no horseback riding, no sword fighting, because according to your parents — “princesses didn’t do fights”. Seemed superstitious to you, someone with a forward thinking mind, but what could you do?
Too dazed in your thoughts, your foot slipped and you lurched forward. You yelped loudly, but before you could catch the attention of the class or feel the polished marble against your face, a hand wrapped around your waist, ceasing your fall and holding you mid-air.
“You okay, princess?”
You snapped back into attention, eyes meeting with your classmates, all of them having a shocked look on their faces, and some of them anger. Turning around, you were surprised to gaze into hazel brown eyes that seemed to draw you in without reserve.
“Um..., princess?”
“Ah, yes!” You snapped out of it once again, straightening up as you smoothened the fabric of your shirt. “T-Thank you.” You took once glance at his face, and... wow. He was absolutely ethereal. His golden locks of hair fell perfectly over his temples, he adorned a majestic black suit and by just looking at him, he exuded confidence.
He giggled. “It’s alright, princess. Glad you aren’t hurt.”
“Oh, that-”
“Ahem!” The both of you looked to the side, noticing now how the entire class, along with the instructor were giving you snobby glares. “If you’re done chit chatting, can we start out class, Princess Y/N and Prince Hyunjin?”
Hyunjin. That was a pretty name.
You noticed that there was another line of men, wearing similar attire like Hyunjin, lined up in front of the princesses. “They must be from another academy,” Silent thoughts flooded your mind as you took your place, and your eyes went wide when you found yourself face to face with the Hyunjin guy again, though there was a reasonable distance between the both of you.
“Now, royals.” The instructor chimed, clacking her heels against the surface as she waltzed to the edge of the room. “You’ve been practicing ballroom dancing with yourselves for a while now, so The Head and me decided that it would be a good idea for you to get a little peek of what the actual thing looks like.” She said uninterestedly, picking at the underside of the nails as she started the music.
Immediately, slow, melodious music flooded through the speakers as you looked at one another. and then at the guy in front of you... err, Hyunjin. “You’ve already been partnered up, so get started.”
Your mouth dropped open a bit when you realised what the instructor’s statement meant, almost panicking when all the girls next to you bowed down gracefully, coaxing you to follow the same. Hyunjin did the signature “bow down and lend a hand” pose like his other classmates, and you hesitantly straightened up, lending a hand to him.
Immediately, just like how confident he looked, he pulled you close to himself, settling his hands on your hips as a smirk graced his features.
Ah... so he’d noticed you blushing.
You didn’t know why you were blushing in the first place. You’d never met this person before, but something about him just made the giddy schoolgirl in you bubble up to the surface. You shyly settled your hands on his shoulders, moving along to the beat with his motions... and silently praying your ant’s worth of dancing knowledge would not fuck this up.
“So, should we do the introductions?”
“What?” You asked, almost stumbling on your feet once again. You made a mental reminder to burn the current pair of heels you were sporting.
“Don’t you introduce yourself to the person you’re dancing with?” he heaved a laugh, almost melting at how adorably bashful you were getting in his hold. You were about to mumble a response, but then stopped, gathered your confidence, and smiled sweetly.
“Oh well then, I’m Princess Y/N from District 8; honor to meet you.” You said in a sing song voice, muffling a laugh as Hyunjin twirled you around in his hold and pulled you back. The velvet coat was soft under your touch, and for some odd reason, you wondered how his soft-lookin hair would feel under your palm.
“I’m Prince Hyunjin from District 10; equally honored to meet you,” He tilted his head to the side and you noticed him bite his lip for a second. Brushing it off, you continued swaying to the music, feeling slightly more at ease now.
“How’s school here, princess Y/N? You enjoying?” His tone was respectful, almost like he was talking to a friend he met after many years,
“Nah,” You rolled your eyes, making Hyunjin look at you like a confused puppy, waiting for you to explain. Hyunjin wasn’t used to someone hearing they disliked royal training, especially when he’d found it nothing but enjoying.
“It’s just the same old. “Oh go to ballroom, learn to balance books on your head, walk with grace, eat your food elegantly, dance again. sleep early!” Your voice was a hushed whisper, yet mocking. “You’d think that’s what I should’ve expected, but I wanted to learn sword fighting, horse riding, that kind of stuff. They barely let us outdoors here.” You tsked, watching as Hyunjin bit his lip again.
“What?” You asked, figuring that Hyunjin knew you’d noticed his action.
He chuckled. “Your stepping on my toes.”
“Oh crap I am?” You looed down, pulling your feet farther away from his as an apology crawled up your tongue, but before you could shoot it out, Hyunjin stopped you. “It’s okay.”
“Maybe I’ll step on yours and we’ll get even?” He winked, a smug look on is face as he waited for your reply. The music was basically forgotten at his point, both f you lost in a world where nobody else existed, just you, your thoughts, your words, and your giggles. You mirrored his playful expression. “I’d like to see you try.”
Hyunjin didn’t break eye contact, and you felt a small flutter in your chest when he did so. He lifted his foot, but you were too quick, you moved your foot away the moment he settled his own down, and then for revenge, you stepped on his foot once again.
“Ouch!” Hyunjin shrieked, and thanks to the loud music. no one could hear him. You hadn’t stomped too hard thankfully, but Hyunjin’s cute expression when he crinkled his nose sent you into a spiral of giggles.
“Hey! You’re supposed to treat people with kindness” He pouted, twirling you around once again as he led you to the next spot in the ballroom. Your feet basically slid around at this point, and you didn’t even mind your heels.
“Yeah? That’s what you get for trying to step on a princess’ toes.” You rested your head against his shoulder, muffling your giggles as well as calming your heart at the sudden sprut of confidence.
Hyunjin’s grip on your waist tightened, making you straighten up, faint heat dusting your cheeks. The dance was almost coming to an end, and you wished it could go on forever. You hadn’t had such fun in a while, but unfortunately, Hyunjin didn’t belong to this academy. Sadly, the dance would come to an end.
“Maybe I can teach you horse riding?” Hyunjin inquired, a curious glint in his eyes as he watched your reaction. You gasped in shock.
“Y-you’d be willing to do that?”
“Of course, if you’re up for it.”
“How will we even do that?”
“I mean, you can’t tell me you haven’t sneaked out of the premises at night.”
You remained silent.
“Thought so.” Hyunjin winked again. “So, what do you say?”
You twirled around one more time, moving slightly closer to him when you came back this time. The next moment, the music stopped, and you murmured to him with a smirk pulled at your lips.
“I’d be on top of the world.”
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↯ note: 🕯️ ignore me this is just a small prayer that tumblr doesn’t make me battle the tags yet again 🕯️ may the tumblr gods be in my favor atleast this once ;-; 🕯️ ⇥ dawn.☀️
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c-c-cherry · 4 years
Our local mafia dads meeting their childrens’ parents!!
Okay, I’ve gotten A LOT of asks about Bruno + Abba meeting Dio and I’ve also gotten an ask or two about them meeting the gang’s parents so they all kind of correlate together so I decided to make one post about it!
For the sake of Polnareff’s sanity, I have to keep all the crusaders alive or else things will end up messy hehehe
*someone asked for Diego but like,,,I haven’t read that much of SBR yet so I don’t think I can do it solely because of lack of character knowledge. I'm sorry anon :(*
I got a shit ton of asks specificically for a post like this so I hope y’all enjoy <3:
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Our boy Giogio has a very complicated family tree, but let's just start with the elephant in the room. Or should I say, the literal fucking vampire.
-Dio would be...interesting, for sure. But he wouldn’t exactly look out of place in their household, considering they’re all wearing ridiculous outfits. 
-Depending on how Dio actually acts, Bucciarati would probably invite him in for tea and Abba would sit there silently admiring his green lipstick which he’s 99% sure he saw at Sephora earlier
-You know how fucking extra the man is. The moment he sees Giorno this man literally bursts into dramatic tears with mascara rolling down his face and everything and Giorno is just like “????”
-They would have never guessed that Gio and Dio were related by personality alone. They contradict each other so much its almost funny
-They DO know where our boy got his sense of style from, though,,,and that fucking hair,, :’)
-Even if Dio is absolutely fucking pretty feral, I could see all of them having a pretty civil conversation about everything
-If Giorno wanted to go live with him, he was free to, (but he doesn’t have to)
-Dio learns about Giorno’s previous home life and it takes like 6 people to hold him down for him to not go and march down to his old house to commit vampire crimes
-Dio is scared of shit like tvs and the microwaves and they pay no mind to how weird he is and don’t pick up on the fact that he’s a vampire at all
-Until Polnareff emerges from the turtle, takes one look and him and GOES FUCKING OFF-
-Dio Brando is no longer welcome in the Bucci household
-Though he can see Giorno on weekends if he’s good :3
-Abbacchio can and will sneak out to go shopping with him because Dio always manages to have way too much fucking money and no one knows where it comes from
-Once Bruno finds out, (which he does from the empty Versace and Louis Vuitton bags stashed under his bed) the fun is over >:(
Giorno’s mama and step-dad...yeesh...
-you’ve seen how I made them react to those two if you read The Storm a few months back, and I still stand to the fact that if Giorno didn’t talk about his parents, they would just assume that he just had a weird relationship with them and didn’t want to talk about it
-Once they find everything out, though…*cracks knuckles*
-Bucciarati is the type of person to pick his battles. Would he have tea with Giorno’s mother just to learn her weaknesses and then slowly deteriorate her? Would he civilly promise Giorno’s step-father money only for an assassination team to show up at his door once he gives Bruno his address?
-Abba will go straight for the kill once he’s pissed. Don’t tell me otherwise. Man is ready to throw hands at all times and he’s not afraid to beat the shit out of some shitty middle-aged people
Narancia’s mom, like any other sweet mama, would probably sit down to lunch with Bruno and thank him for looking after her son :)
-It would be sweet, very nice and wholesome
-Like literally if the two of them ever met they would probably just sit down together and talk about Narancia and that’s literally it
-Abba claims that he “doesn't pick favourites” (because all the fucking gremlins drive him crazy) but he secretly does favour Nara over any of the other kids
-Knowing everything Nara’s gone through, he would only treat Mela with respect if he ever had the chance to meet her
His dad on the other hand...
-Bruno wants absolutely nothing to do with the man
-He knows that it isn’t entirely his fault for everything that happened with Narancia throughout his childhood, but he wasn’t there when he should have been
-People that simply don’t care to the point of neglect absolutely infuriate Abbacchio because he was like that once too and he’s seen the damage that it does firsthand
-Abba knows if he ever ran into the guy, there’d be hell to pay
-But that’s how he feels about most of his “kids’” parents (considering most of them are absolute assholes)
-I feel like how they would react to her father is pretty self-explanatory,,,
-but Oh MY GOD Donatella Una and Bucciarati going on shopping sprees together? Being fucking bougie as shit together??? Can I say gucci and mineral water dream team????
-I can bring her back to life if I want to >:(
-She’s the kind of person who’s really great to go out with—like to bars, clubs, restaurants, etc,,,and is willing to do absolutely anything as long as she gets the social rush
-Trish is pretty quiet but her mama’s atmosphere is fucking CONTAGIOUS
-Abba and Dona would do each other’s makeup and she’s the kind of lady that shows up at his door with a pile of DVDs and those fucking cucumber face masks
-Also she collects those expensive-ass collector’s edition barbie dolls and Bruno and Abba always give her the latest holiday barbie for Christmas :)))))
-Honestly, I kinda see Mista’s parents as pretty ordinary people with nothing really defining their personalities
-They both work a lot and were never really around that much, but once Mista went to jail they pretty much just never reconnected with him and don’t really plan to
-Bruno isn’t particularly angry at Mista’s parents; the kid fucked up pretty bad and even Mista knows that he can’t really blame his family for not wanting to reconnect with a murderer
-It would be pretty mutual if he ever met them; probably a dull greeting over lunch and then they would get back to work
-Abbacchio wouldn’t even bother. He has no tolerance for people that don’t want to interact with them (although if Mista really wanted him to meet them he would suck it up and be decent)
-They seem like the kind of stiff people who would freak out if they were talking to a gang member or someone who lives rougher so their interaction wouldn’t exactly be a long one lol
-Fugo doesn’t hate his parents
-In his heart, he still really just wants approval from them even after all they did
-I’m not sure how Bruno and Leone would possibly meet them, but if they did, Bucciarati would probably be pretty civil about it
-They wouldn’t want to talk about their son at all, which would make Bruno pretty irritated and Abbacchio infuriated
-When they do talk about him, they just talk about his anger issues and the fact that he failed their family in both the education department and the social aspect and it takes everything in both of them not to flip the fucking table over
-Because obviously his “parents” never spent any time with him or else they would know how intelligent he is and how much he loves playing piano and helping Bucciarati bake bread and how much he cares about everyone around him
-Surprisingly though, Bruno is the one who holds a grudge about it. If they hadn’t put him in college as young as they did, maybe things would have been different and he wouldn’t be working for the Italian mafia >:( (but he still feels more than blessed to have Fugo in his life) :)
I have so many posts now that I feel like my headcanons might get lost within my sea of all my other stuff as the time passes,,,I’m thinking of just making a fic/headcanon masterlist and keeping it constantly pinned! (I would link it in my bio but that shit isn’t working no matter how many times I try sjhdkjgfd I hate Tumblr)
If you’ve got an ask, request, or headcanon, hit me up! (I do just enjoy y’alls immaculate vibes, too) <3
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boneandfur · 4 years
Time After Time 2/2
Note: the characters demanded smut. There is a link to the NSFW version on ao3 at that point. tumblr won’t let me load the moodboard. I’m very frustrated with this hellsite.
Women aren't doctors at the Front, Miss... what did you say your name was again? Ah, Miss Valentine. American. That explains it... But we do need good quality nurses... You'll be sent to France right away on account of your prior training... Jolly good, just sign the dotted line... 
"I assume you'll have the watered wine, Rookie." Ramsay leans across the table, lightly tugging the menu from Helena's numb fingers. Every little boom makes her shiver, though she's adopted the English habit of keeping a stiff upper lip. Her grandmother has told her stories to curdle your guts, about standing on a hill at Gettysburg and watching her lover ride hell for leather into battle. And I followed him, didn't I, chick? 
"What brought you here? To the Front?" Helena cocks her head at him, and Ramsay's brows raise nearly to his hairline. 
"You're bold as brass.” Ramsay snaps his fingers. “I like that. Knew it as soon as you stepped out of that line of nurses that you wouldn't turn into a shrinking violet at your first amputation." Ramsay turns to their waiter, a Frenchman of elderly years with an ear trumpet. "We'll take your best watered wine for the lady, and a bottle of whiskey." 
Helena coughs lightly, and addresses the waiter in seamless French. "(What is the special today?)" 
The old man looks sad. "(I am afraid we do not have anything special. Just some eel ragout, and fresh bread my wife baked this morning.)" 
"(Then we will take that, and your best bottle of Merlot.)" 
When the owner has gone, Ramsay smiles broadly at Helena, showing white teeth against three days shadow of a beard on his jaw. "By God, you're a marvel. Never learned much French myself, besides what I've had to behind the lines." 
"Oh, my governess despaired of me." Helena shrugs, but cannot help smiling in return. "I can speak enough French to get by, you know, but I could never pass for a natural." 
"Well, you are an American." But it does not sound like an insult.
The eel comes, and she eats ravenously, less like a lady and more like the girl who downed seven glasses of champagne and then raced her brother from Boston to Concord on horseback. 
And Ramsay drinks. Thoughtfully. Mindfully. She does not remember, afterward, nor for many years, what they said, only how she had smiled and smiled until her cheeks hurt, and the ticking of the pocket watch. 
One two, one two. Tick tock. Eleven hours. Ten hours. Nine hours. Eleven minutes and eleven seconds.
No more standing to in trenches,//Only one more church parade. 
"I had a patron who paid for me to go to medical school, a well respected chap named Naveen.” Ramsay nurses his whiskey, rolling the glass with purpose between his palms. “After school, I joined the army to make something of myself, and went to India. My wife deserted me for another man while I was gone. She didn't like the army life, you see." 
Helena reaches out, laying her hand over his. Ramsay startles, but does not move his hand away, and instead flips it over, laying his palm flat against hers and caressing her wrist with his rough fingers. She drags in a breath, the sudden widening of his pupils making her lower abdomen flutter. "I ran away from home. No one knows I'm here, or I'd be dragged back to Boston to marry a Stirling and pop out an heir and a spare before the war has even gotten started." 
"You don't even want to know about what this war will look like if it keeps going, lass." Ramsay drains his glass, and pours them both another. "I'd tell you to go back to Boston, but I can see by that look in your eye that you'll see this thing through. I respect that." 
Helena does not trust herself to speak. The wine is making her thoughts slow, but she does not want this moment to end. 
Ramsay rubs a hand over his jaw. "That was back in '09. I hung my boots up, moved to Scotland, and threw myself into practice in Edinburgh. Then that damn fool shot a Prince, and well, here we are." 
Steady, silent. Their eyes meet and the watch ticks on. Helena feels as though she is drowning. His mouth moves and she only feels the heat of his palm against hers, her cheeks ablaze. 
'Nurse! Nurse Valentine! Are you dumb or are you just deaf?! Hand me those scissors, and bring me another scalpel... These damned orderlies don't know what they're doing...'
Their eyes meet across the bloody operating table. The soldier is mercilessly unconscious, a bloody piece of shrapnel in his thigh. He'd been screaming since he came in off the ambulance, a boy of no more than nineteen, a Tommy named Elijah... 'Mum, Mum, water, water...'
'That's a Blighty, Rookie. Your first. Are you going to faint on me, lass?' Ramsay's eyes lock on Helena's. She feels the flint of his gaze go straight to her spine, and straightens up. 
'No, Doctor. I'll be fine, sir.'
'I told you Americans have brass, Ramsay!' The surgeon, Lahela, winks at Helena in passing, but she does not notice. Her gaze does not falter under Ramsay's. 'Pass me the tweezers.'
His mouth quirks, just a shade. 'Good girl.'
"...Good God, Rookie, will you drink the whole bottle? I promise my company isn't as bad as all that." Helena feels Ramsay tug at her wine glass, and relinquishes it. The lamp has begun to burn low, and from the outside of the cafe is the sound of drunken laughter. "You shouldn't walk out there alone. Come on, I'll walk you back to your billet." 
"I don't have one," Helena confesses. She pats her bag, shamefaced. "I spent my money for the hotel on books... I can sleep on the truck." 
Ramsay shakes his head. "No, no, that won't do. We can't have you more dead on your feet than usual. I have a solution. It's a bit unorthodox. Do you trust me?" 
Eight hours, three minutes, seven seconds. 
Helena does not know why, but the lights from the star shells, all green and gold, make her grip Ramsay's arm tighter, and press against his side. At the corner, he stops and gazes down at her, a strange and wild new thing in his face, something she dares not name. 
Don't forget me, Helena Valentine. When this lousy war is over, I'll come back, you see... 
"Tell me..." Ramsay brushes a curl back from her brow, his broad fingertips sending a crackle across her bare flesh. "Why did you become a doctor, Rookie -- Helena?" 
"I read a wonderful book." Helena ducks her head, and looks up at Ramsay from under her lashes, illuminated by the lamplight. Behind them, to the east, she hears the screech of a Minnie, and his hands tighten on her fingers. "It was written by a Scottish doctor who had served in India, on the Northwest Frontier." Her gaze skitters away. 
People said when we enlisted,//Fame and medals we would win.
"Ah. I knew a chap who served there, in his younger days." Ramsay tucks her cold hand through his elbow. The snow is falling thicker now, and they are nearly to the hotel. A quick word from Ramsay to the proprietor -- she hears the words une chambre pour les jeunes mariés -- He knows French after all -- 
And before she knows it, she is sitting in a delectably steaming hot hip bath, strewn with lavender and rosemary. She washes her hair and cannot remember the last time she felt such luxury. 
Nine months, two days, thirteen minutes...
When this war is over, //No more soldiering for me. 
"You can have the bed. I'll bunk down with Medical Officers Gayle and Nguyen, from the -nth Platoon." Ramsay stands in the doorway, his cap in his hands, avoiding looking directly at Helena in her muslin shift. "We wouldn't want you to lose your reputation and have to leave the war so soon." 
"Stay." She feels her eyelids drooping, and pats the quilt next to her. "Please, stay." 
"You know I can't do that." Yet, she hears the floorboards squeak as Ramsay settles next to her on a chair. The inn rattles like a whizzbang and she grasps Ramsay's hand, clutching at it until the clattering of the teacups subsides. "Only a little longer, then, Rookie. Until you're safe." 
Ethan watches Helena Valentine fall asleep. There is nothing he'd like more than to climb next to her in that big bed, to feel her lithe body against his. But it would be wrong, even though nothing will ever be right again after the war is over. But if he can keep her safe -- If I can keep her alive -- he dares not finish the thought. 
“You wouldn't remember me, Helena Valentine, but I was the guest speaker of honor when they hung the plaque for your grandfather at the Royal Hospital, in Edinburgh.” Ethan whispers the words, barely a murmur. The whiskey has given him courage, here in a small hotel near the Ypres front. 
Ypres, the Race to the Sea. Generals called it a triumph, but the only thing the war has given Ethan thus far has been insomnia for thirty-six hours, a hatred of mustard gas and a pair of fine German boots from over the top. 
“He was an old surgeon, a medical man, who fought in the American Civil War, but he did great things for Scottish medicine, too, back in his youth.” Helena's fingertips tighten on his palm, and Ethan fears he has said too much. But he goes on, like a schoolboy at the confessional, for who can say when they shall ever have this moment again? And hasn't the war taught him by now to leave nothing unsaid? 
“You must have been not more than twenty-one, then. You were still unmarried, with a vast inheritance that folks said you'd squandered on medical school. I knew right then and there that Jonas Valentine would have been proud of you. I wanted to introduce myself right there and then…” 
But I was too tongue tied by your beauty, and couldn't find the words. Later, when I saw you again in Ypres, I couldn't believe my own eyes. I didn't want to tell you how I felt then...
(But that will keep, until this war is over.)
Her grip loosens, and he knows she is sleeping. She sighs in her slumber when his lips brush across her dainty brow, and it is with everything inside of him screaming at him to turn around that he walks away. 
When I get my civvy clothes on,/Oh how happy I shall be.
Forty-five minutes, thirty seconds. 
The books are too heavy. Yet, Helena, an oasis of blue with a red cross on one arm in a sea of green uniforms, settles in with Sherlock Holmes. Rookie... She snaps the book shut, watching the landscape go by from the army van. 
I shouldn't... We shouldn't. Ramsay cups both sides of Helena's face in his hands. The book drops to the floor. They are both damp from the bath, and his skin smells of cedar and lavender soap. 
copy and paste into your tab:  https://archiveofourown.org/works/29957496/chapters/73743633
Later, she will remember the exact way the quilt felt as he pulled it over her shoulders, tucking her in, embers in the grate and his lips ghosting across her forehead. 
Twenty years on, when a new war is brewing, this is what Helena Valentine remembers: 
The air, so still and warm, with not a single lark singing. The earth smells of flowers and death, and she is sharing sterilizing duty with VAD Nurse Varma, whom she'd come over from London with. 
"I suppose you think you're better than me, being a real doctor and all, but..." Jackie's lips move, but Helena cannot hear what she is saying. All she can hear is a buzzing sound, a ringing in her head. 
One two, one two. 
Her hands tremble with fatigue over the medical instruments. 
Thirteen minutes and forty-seven seconds. 
Tick, tock. 
The table begins to shake and she looks at Jackie, their eyes wide as they clasp hands -- and then they are running -- and the bridge is shaking, it's shaking Dr Ramsay, you shouldn't be out here, it's wartime you know -- 
No one can know about this, about us. You know that, right? 
I know, Dr Ramsay.
He cups her chin in his hand. They say you're a grasping American chit, but you're my American chit now, and I won't hear anything against you. Oh -- and don't check your bag until you're on the truck back to the lines. I left something there for you. 
Then you have this -- keep it until the war is over -- it was my grandfather's and it's over a hundred years old and it's still ticking on. 
His mouth is warm on hers, tip of his tongue pressed against hers for a surprisingly electric surge.  
-- "Nurse Valentine! Valentine!" --
Helena wakes in the morning with the ashes cold in the grate, Ramsay's greatcoat draped over her. It smells of peat and whiskey, and the faintest whiff of mustard gas. Her thighs are wet and she looks under the quilts and realizes her cycle has started, and she does not know why, but she begins to sob, whether from relief or terror she knows not. 
One two, one two.
(Twelve hours, seventeen minutes, and thirty four seconds.)
Tick, tock. 
People said when we enlisted,/Fame and medals we would win,/But the fame is in the guardroom,/And those medals made of tin.
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Crescent Chapter 3 Revision Notes
Revised Chapter 3 is out baby, view it on tumblr dont talk to me about the links not working on that post its broken for some reason or ao3! Since this chapter feels like the one most heavily updated, here’s some notes on what was reworked
Removed Roman’s pov from the very beginning and replaced it with Patton’s pov. I made this decision because it felt like it made for a stronger opening. Some of Roman’s beginning inner monologue in the original is reused at the end of the revised chapter
Patton tearing that mugger apart is now 40% more gruesome and descriptive. 
Patton’s character is now more rounded out and thoroughly explored imho
Roman, Patton and Logan are now 20% more werewolf in their behavior 
Instead of Logan conveniently arriving home for that Dramatic Entrance when Patton finishes telling Roman what’s up, he’s just there and ready to silently disapprove Patton’s choices in life
The Argument at the end between the three is a bit more expanded upon and Patton has a bit more agency in it. 
Original Word-Count was 2557, Updated Word-Count is 4574, little over 2k more than the original.
Included below is the original chapter 3 so you can see the differences if you’d like
To be fair, Roman wasn’t surprised when Patton came home a stray in tow. Patton had a heart of gold—there wasn’t a mean bone in his body. He cried easily. He cried when a girl and her dog got separated in a movie, and he cried again when the two were reunited. He couldn’t bear passing by a downed bird, injured and all alone. It was why they now had a flock of ravens that took shelter within the confines of their yard.
Roman knew it was always hard for Patton to let go of the strays after he nursed them back to health. He grew attached to their presences, loved them like they were his own children. But he also knew that they couldn’t really care for pets with their type of lifestyle beyond the wild animals like the ravens that just wouldn’t leave. However, that was alright. A flock of ravens were considered good luck among werewolves.
So the ravens stayed, whilst the others were sent away. Logan always did his best to help situate the animals into loving homes. It made Patton feel better knowing that they went to owners who’d care for them just as much as he did.
What he was surprised about was the…species of the stray Patton brought home.
He heard the door click open, as he worked on his canvas. He didn’t bother glancing up. He didn’t need to use his nose to know it was Patton entering their humble yet magnificent dwelling. It couldn’t be anyone else, but Patton as Logan didn’t get off work this early, and there wasn’t anyone else who had a key to the house.
“Hey, padre!” He greeted, frowning as he redrew the eyes of his sketch, “Did you complete your quest to obtain the chocolate chip cookies with the extra chocolateyness?”
“Oh my goodness,” Patton gasped, “I left the cookies back in the city!”
“What happened? Did you get sidetracked by a baby squirrel again?” Roman chuckled.
He expected Patton to launch into some excited ramble about the cute poor animal he came across, or perhaps amazing scent trail that derailed him from his errand. But instead Patton seemed hesitant to share information.
“Not…exactly.” Patton admitted.
“What do you mean?” Roman finally looked up.
Instead of the kitten or baby bird that Roman expected to find, there was a stranger in Patton’s arms. Small and thin and pale in baggy black clothing. His first thought that must be another werewolf—Patton wouldn’t dare bring a human here, would he? But Roman took one sniff and knew immediately.
There was no mistake about it; Patton had brought a human into the home.
“Patton why is he here?” Roman growled, “He’s a human!”
The older man pressed his lips together, walking past Roman to lay the human on the couch before facing him once more.
“He was in trouble, Roman! He—he was all alone and I couldn’t just leave him—” Patton drew a breath, “Please, let me explain.”
To be fair, Patton did not mean to go sniffing out for trouble. He only meant to go sniffing out for cookies after another botched attempt at creating them. As much as he loved making food in the kitchen, baking was not his strong suit. Logan said it was because he wasn’t exact with his measurements. Patton didn’t see how adding more sugar could ruin the recipe that much. He only wanted to make the cookies sweeter, and what’s sweeter than sugar itself?
It was alright though, because that just gave himself an excuse to visit Thomas. He let his nose take all the way downtown to the Piece of Cake bakery. The bell jangled as he bounced in, grinning around at the pastel interior of the bakery. He took a deep breath in, letting the sweet scents of the desserts invade his nose.
“Hi Patton! What’ll it be today?” Thomas asked, giving a friendly wave from his place at the counter.
“Thomas! It’s so good to see you!” Patton squealed, reaching over the counter to give the man a hug.
The man let out a surprised yelp, but eagerly returned the hug just the same. He learned by now that Patton often to forgot to ask before he invaded people’s personal spaces in his rush to lavish them with affection.
“Opps sorry,” Patton gave a bashful grin as he withdrew from the hug, “I was just excited to see you! It’s been so long since I’ve seen you!”
“Patton, it’s only been like three days,” Thomas laughed.
“I know, but still.” Patton pouted.
The two made friendly conversation as Patton picked out his order. It wasn’t until another customer came into the bakery that the two exchanged their goodbyes, and Patton made his departure.
He hummed cheerfully, swinging the bag of cookies with each stride. Occasionally at intersections he took a moment to open the bag and smell the delicious sugary delights. Chocolate Chip, Snickerdoodles, Sugar Cookies—the scents tickled his nose with glee.
Patton loved scents—they often told the truth more often than someone else’s words or his own eyes could. He was happy he could always trust his nose when his other senses failed him. He couldn’t imagine not being able to smell! He’d rather give up his sight or his hearing than not being able to smell the comforting presences of his packmates.
Once, Logan revealed to him that humans couldn’t smell as well as their kind. Patton cried for fifteen minutes straight after that.
“Why are you crying?” Logan asked, awkwardly patting Patton’s back, “Humans’ sense of smell may be feeble compared to ours, but they have been able to survive just fine with it the way that it is. Besides, it is not as if they know the difference.”
“Exactly!” Patton sobbed harder, “They’ll never know how—how wonderful smell is.”
Logan sighed.
“Would it help any to say as a former human, that I now know how wonderful a heightened sense of smell can be?”
“A little.” Patton sniffled.
The crosswalk switched from an angry red hand to the cute walking stick figure that signaled it was the pedestrians turn to walk. The crowd surged forward, a few people bumping into Patton’s shoulder as they passed by him.
“Oh!” He looked up from the bag, spying the crosswalk signal. He covered up the bag once more and hurried across the crosswalk.
It was a long walk to the outskirts of the city where Roman, Logan and Patton lived, but he much preferred it over taking the car. As much as he enjoyed driving, he didn’t enjoy that thick traffic that left him antsy in the seat knowing he could walk faster than how fast the car was crawling across the interstate. When there wasn’t traffic clogging the streets, the car whipped by faster than Patton’s liking.
He took the idiom “stop and smell the roses” literally. Patton enjoyed walking because of the journey. He loved hearing the chatter out of the bustling city, the wind rustling his hair, seeing the various sights that the city had to offer. Not to mention the smells. While some scents like gasoline could be nauseating to smell, there was scents like—pizza. Greasy breading baked with tomato sauce and cheese with a variety of toppings. His stomach grumbled in agreement.
As if in a trance, Patton’s feet led him in the direction of a nearby pizzeria. It wasn’t until he was a block away from the restaurant that he realized how far off he deviated from the walk home. He needed to walk north, not inwards towards the heart of the city. As much as his mouth watered for pizza, he already prepared a delicious meal at home. He would have to save pizza for another day. Perhaps he could even make homemade pizza! He hadn’t tried that doing that yet.
It was hard to suppress his urge to chase after every wonderful scent that infiltrated his nose, however. The closer he came towards home, the more overwhelming it became. When Patton had been younger, it was harder for him to ignore the urges to chase after the scents. Flowers, perfume, the smell of Asian food wafting in the air from a nearby restaurant—it enticed and overwhelmed him.
He chased the scents, curious to see where they led. Often, he found himself in trouble from sticking his nose where it didn’t belong. After spending his childhood largely isolated from the human world, he had been ignorant of appropriate manners among humans. For example, humans often took offense if you smelled them. Whereas werewolves had very little sense of personal space. Something that could be found inherent in Patton by how he heaped affection on people within five seconds of meeting them.
Patton knew better now. He recognized he couldn’t gleefully chase each scent without abandon. He had a responsibility to look after the needs of the others. If Patton didn’t remind the two workaholics when to eat, he wasn’t sure who else would.
Gotta focus, gotta focus, gotta focus. The mantra ran through his mind repeatedly. He opened the bag of cookies once more, taking a deep whiff to remind himself of his mission. The rich chocolate, cinnamon goodness and fear reminded him that he can’t wait to share them with the others—wait.
Patton paused in the middle of the sidewalk, causing the person behind him to grumble in frustration. Fear? That can’t be right. That scent doesn’t belong with a cookie but rather—a living being. He scanned the bustling crowd who traveled down the sidewalk as usual. The scent of increased perspiration clung to the air, how could the humans just ignore it? Could they not smell it?
He didn’t stay put to find out. There’s no question in his mind whether if he should not follow this scent. His heart pounded, as he dashed after the scent. He trusted his nose to lead him to the source.
“Opps, Excuse me! Sorry!” He called out, apologizing to disgruntled pedestrians as he tore through the foot traffic. His large, hulking figure was perfect at plowing through the crowd—no one wanted to get trampled by a 6’2 man.
He skidded around a corner, the scent leading him to the entrance of a winding, dark alleyway. There lay a sight that angered him. A large burly human held a gun against a smaller one, who shook badly from terror.
Patton let out a low growl, too upset to say anything intelligible. His claws came out as he launched himself at the mugger, tearing him away from the small human. A shot rang out from his gun, and Patton could only hope it didn’t hit the human on the ground. The mugger attempted pointing his gun towards Patton, but he ripped the weapon out of his hand and onto the ground.
The mugger made a frantic scramble after it, but Patton pinned him to the ground. He sunk his claws into the man, and only let go when the man went limp.
He breathed in deeply, forcing himself to relax. His instincts screamed at him to remain on guard. But the danger had passed, and he needed to make sure the small human was okay. He was ignorant of a lot of things about humans, but he did know they could be easily frightened by his more wolfish appearance. The last thing he wanted was to scare the poor guy even further. As soon as he morphed back into a humanoid appearance, his focus went immediately to the small human—his eyes widening in concern at their collapsed figure.
“Are you alright?!” He called out as he rushed to their side. Their head lolled backwards, signaling that they had gone unconscious.
A surge of protectiveness took over him as he immediately gathered the human in his embrace. He can’t help but marvel over how small and fragile the human looked! He must have been the runt in his litter. The human wore a raggedy black hoodie and ripped jeans with scuffed up converse. His face was too thin to be healthy, and those circles underneath his eyes! If the poor thing didn’t faint from fright, he certainly fainted from exhaustion.
He gasped upon seeing the bandages wrapped around the human’s hands. The skin underneath looked red and swollen, indicating it was a fresh wound. The human’s hair was glistened with sweat. Patton pressed a hand against his forehead and nearly flinched at how warm it felt. He shouldn’t feel this warm…humans shouldn’t feel this warm, right?
Patton snuck a glance towards the mugger, and immediately withheld the urge to vomit. The wounds looked deeper than Patton had initially thought and although the mugger was still breathing, it might not be for long. Patton was a lover not a fighter. The thought that he could be this man’s cause of death was haunting. But as he looked back down at the runt, he didn’t regret it. The mugger had threatened an innocent life, and Patton wasn’t going to stand there and watch it happen.
That was also the reason why he couldn’t just leave the human, alone and unconscious, in the alley alone with the bleeding-out stranger that tried to kill him. If someone came across him, he’d be an easy meal. He had to take the human somewhere safe. The only thing is, Patton had no way of knowing where he lived. He had no way of tracking down his home. It was nearly impossible to distinguish a scent from the hundreds of millions of aromas existing in the city air.
A scream interrupted his thoughts. Patton looked up to see a woman staring from the entrance of the alleyway, covering up her mouth in horror. Patton’s mind came to a screeching halt as his instincts screamed a singular command at him. Run.
This was not a time to attempt explaining the situation. His nerves were shot, and he was afraid of what was going to befall on the human. Would the other humans see how sick and small he was and attempted to finish what the mugger started? He couldn’t let this small human go through any more pain than he already had. Not now he was here. He scooped up the human in his arms, sprinting into through the sidewalks of the city.
He ran as fast as his feet would carry him, afraid that police sirens would be after him at any moment. Patton was fast, but not fast enough to outrun a car. Especially while carrying the human, despite how worryingly light he was.
Patton, being paranoid, took detours—attempting to throw off any would-be pursuers off his trail. When he finally reached the porch of the house, he almost collapsed from exhaustion. The human let out a cry in his sleep, and Patton stroked his hair.
“Shhh,” He said, “You’re safe now.”
The human unconsciously leaned into the touch, completely relaxing in Patton’s hold. The werewolf’s heart melted even further.  If Patton’s heart was a popsicle, it was now a puddle of sugary sweet liquid.
As he sat on the porch, the human lying draped across his lap, he started to realize that Logan and Roman probably wouldn’t be happy with this arrangement. But Patton wasn’t going to abandon him, even if he was a human!
Which was why, he was now pleading to let the human stay with them.
“Please Roman, he needs help, I couldn’t just leave him all like that!” Patton begged, “Please don’t tell Logan—not yet, at least.”
“Tell Logan, what?”
Logan stood in the door frame, arms crossed as he stared down at the unconscious form of the human on the couch. Patton gulped.
He did not look happy.
“Hi Logan,” Patton chuckled nervously.
“What is he doing here?” Logan gestured to the human, “He shouldn’t be here, Patton. Do you remember what happened last time we let a human in our house?”
“This—this is different,” Patton insisted, “He needs us!”
“He needs to go!” Roman burst, clenching his fists.
Logan turned to look at Patton.
“Explain.” He said, and Patton did.
He repeated the same story as he had with Roman, with a few occasional interruptions by Logan who reminded him to stick the facts and not stray off into tangents. Once he finished, Logan sighed and pinched his nose between his fingers.
“So, what I’m hearing is that you panicked and weren’t thinking straight.”
Roman snorted. “Patton doesn’t think straight—ever.”
“I couldn’t just leave him all alone like that! What if he got attacked again?” Patton huffed.
“You could’ve left him at a police station or taken him to the hospital if you were worried about his health.”
Now that he thought about it, those might’ve been better options. Logan had always been good at figuring out more rational solutions to problems than Patton. But it didn’t change the fact that the tiny human was here now and needed their help.
“He needs a pack, Logan. And I know you know how to care for sick humans!”
Logan raised an eyebrow, “Patton, humans are social creatures, I’m sure he has packmates of his own who are concerned by his disappearance. There’s also no telling how he would react once discovering our true nature. We should take him to the hospital.”
Patton frowned. He hadn’t taken in consideration that the small human might already have packmates. If he did, Patton didn’t think they were good packmates based on the human’s malnourished appearance.
“We don’t have to tell him about the pack. But we can’t just leave him alone in the hands of strangers, Logan! We should care for him until we find out where his packmates are.”
Roman glanced between the two like a child observing an argument between their parents unfold in front of them.
Logan said nothing, reaching downwards to feel the human’s forehead.
“His temperature is unusually warm,” He noted, “We should take his jacket off—to help cool down his temperature.”
Patton’s eyes widened.
“Does that mean—”
“Yes, he can stay,” Logan said before clarifying, “only until he’s no longer ill.”
Roman’s eyes flashed angrily.
“Patton, can you go prepare the spare bedroom for the human?” Logan interrupted.
“Of course!” Patton beamed as he scurried out.
As soon as Patton left the room, Roman turned to face Logan.
“Do I have no say in this?” Roman spluttered indignantly, “Am I the only one who thinks this is a bad idea? It’s a human, Logan. A. Human.”
“A human who is physically weaker, underfed and feverish compared to us. While it would be optimal to take him to a hospital, you and I both know about how attached Patton gets to…strays. I theorize he’s able to pack-bond more easily with other species than us.”
“Look, I don’t want to hurt Patton’s feelings as much you do, but we should put the safety of the pack first.”
“I did consider the safety of the pack in my decision making. This is a compromise—we’ll look after the human for long as he’s sick in exchange for Patton promising to return him to his friends and family,” Logan explained, “Who knows? The human might even want to leave early.”
He walked towards his study before turning to glance back at Roman.
“Make no mistake. I know how dangerous humans can be; I was once one myself, Roman, and I have no intentions of harboring the delusion of keeping one in our home any longer than necessary.”
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Survey #348
“nothing will be free  /  nothing will be done  /  black out the sun”
Do you have any famous relatives? My third or so cousin is the author of Not Without My Daughter, but she's not like a smash hit or anything that most people know. I really do recommend the book, though. It's a long read, but a beautiful, true story. Do you care about celebrity gossip? Nah. Have you ever failed a science course in high school? No; I was very good at science. What’s your favorite breakfast food? Cinnamon rolls. Does your house have a basement? No. No house I've ever lived in has had one. Do you like Hot Topic? Well duh. Do you think imagination is valuable? VERY! Just imagine how many incredible things wouldn't exist without it. What was your reaction to your first time falling in love? Unspeakably happy, and I felt like I was building a future with someone. I felt like I had purpose, which I should mention to anyone reading is a mindset to NEVER adopt. No one gives you purpose; you're born with it. How much weight can you lift at once? Ha, not a lot. When you have your own house someday, what color Christmas tree do you want and how will you decorate it? I want a black one with faux snow on the branches, then maybe red ornaments. Kinda look like blood dripping off. Sounds metal. Name three YouTube channels you’ve been loving lately. Lately, John Wolfe, The Dark Den, and Aim To Head Mix. Have you ever bought a designer purse? No. Do you wear jewelry often? No. What color was your senior prom dress? Black. Are you colorblind? No. Name the people you know who are colorblind. Jason's older brother is colorblind to two colors, but idr which. Would you ever consider a career in writing? I'd love to. What was your first favorite color? Red. What do you think about horror movies? I love them. If you love them, what’s your favorite? I really enjoy The Crazies and both The Blair Witch Project movies. Oh, and of course Silent Hill. Got any cool Christmas presents picked out for family or friends yet? I don't have the money to get anyone presents... and while I sometimes get ideas about something I could make someone, then it wouldn't be fair to the rest of my family if I don't make them something, too. What’s your favorite word and why? I really like the sound of "serendipity," as well as its meaning. It's just a pretty, nice word. Do you like to do craft projects? If so, what’s the coolest thing you made? Not really... I think the coolest thing I made was when I put the clay heart I made in Art into a shadowbox, and a poem I wrote was in the background. It was a gift for Jason. I remember working really hard on the whole process and being really happy with it. I don't want to know what he's done with it since. What’s one occupation you think gets paid too much and doesn’t deserve to? I don't know. What’s something you are currently saving money for to buy? Everyone knows about Venus' terrarium by now... Do you smoke/vape? If so, what brand do you smoke/what device do you use? No. Ever done drugs? No. Tell me one of your worst habits. Catastrophizing. I take a tiny seed of something potentially bad, and in seconds it's a damn redwood tree. And I do mean "in seconds." What’s a weird quirk you have that no one else you know does? I don't know, I don't have any particularly unique ones, I think. If you game, what type of headset do you use? I just use earbuds. Do you think you would be a good therapist? You know, it's funny, I've actually pictured myself as one a few times, given my level of understanding and empathy for people, as well as how deeply I want to see others succeed and spread the word that recovery from things like depression is very possible. I've never truly entertained the thought, though, given I'm quite sure I legally couldn't be given my suicidal past and mental illnesses. There is also NO way I could listen to so many people's suffering and manage to stay healthy myself, so, no therapist position for me, thanks. Have you ever been to a Chinatown? No. Do you prefer chunky or creamy peanut butter? Creamy, 100%. Do you stop to pick up heads-up pennies? No. Do your pets have collars? Describe them: Roman has an adorable navy one with a bowtie. Do you have any friends that speak any languages you don’t understand? Old friends, sure. What is something you want to begin learning? I want to improve my ability to perform what in therapy is called "opposite action," where you do the opposite of what your depression (or other conditions) make you want to do. It always helps me feel good, like when I draw even when I don't initially feel like it, but it's rough to really force yourself to do it. What is a food you find comforting when you are sad? Ice cream is my comfort food. What is a quote you find comfort in? There are really a lot, but none come to mind immediately, gah. What is one Tumblr blog you really appreciate? I actually haven't been on my main Tumblr in months, but oh my god there is a Markiplier blog called "lady-raziel" and she is FUCKING HYSTERICAL. The meme quality is A+. What is a comfort movie/show for you? When I actually liked watching movies, I enjoyed watching Silent Hill when I was down. That whole franchise just makes me so happy. What is a recent creative project that you are proud of? That I'm PROUD of, idk. I'm not that happy with the last drawing I made, and I haven't done any serious writing lately that I find noteworthy. What is a video game that you find comforting? Shadow of the Colossus is probably #1. I find it so relaxing while equally epic as fuck. The soundtrack is to die for, and after playing it a billion times, it's pretty easy for me to kinda breeze through and just enjoy myself. Do you know how to bake bread? If so, what is something you’ve baked recently? No. Would you rather live in the mountains, city, beach, or the forest? THE MOUNTAINS!!! Particularly in the woods IN the mountains! Are you closer to your mother’s or father’s side of the family? Mom's. I don't even remember anyone from Dad's. Have you ever been in a “perfect relationship”? I thought so. Have you ever lost a fingernail or toenail? No. Were you a Disney or Nickelodeon kid? I preferred Disney. Have you ever been inside a jail/prison? No, and I don't plan on it. Have you ever dated a guy with a beard, mustache, or goatee? Jason had a goatee usually. He'd go clean-shaven sometimes. Did you ever name your stuffed animals? I named every single one I got as a kid. Now I don't, really, unless they're really special. What’s the name of the person who cuts your hair? I'd rather not share, given her name is very unique. Do you like cheeseburgers? Yes, they're one of my favorite foods. Do you have a Flickr? Yes, but I don't use it anymore. Did you ever want to be a fashion designer? No. Do you drink milk? Yeah, I love milk. Where was your FB display pic taken? My room. Have you ever burnt your tongue like REALLY bad? If so, what on? Yeah; white rice. My dumb ass didn't realize it had JUST come off the stove. My tongue hurt literally for weeks. Have you ever gotten your legs waxed? No. Do you own any CLOTHES from Victoria’s Secret? Er, are undergarments not clothes? But I know what you mean. No. What are your grandfathers’ names? William and... I can't remember Dad's dad's name. Have you ever seen a snake in real life? Well yeah. Are you against seances? I don't know if I believe in them being effective, but either way, they seem like a bad idea. Even risking luring a negative energy/spirit to you is something I'd stay away from. Do you own any superhero shirts? No, just Harley Quinn ones, some with the Joker on them, too. I need to toss 'em though because I am like, violently against romanticizing their abusive relationship. I used to just like them as a story character couple, but I got to a place where it just seemed... wrong to "glorify" it by wearing merch and stuff. What band has the best guitar solos? Metallica, durrrr. Who is the biggest jerk you’ve ever met? Can you believe that would be my former best friend? Have you ever swerved off the road to avoid hitting an animal? I've never had an animal in my path. Have you ever grown your own herbs? No. Do you like kissing in public? If you're my serious s/o, I could care less, so long as it's a simple peck. I'm not making out in front of people. Do you think someone has feelings for you? I don't know. Do you want to be in a relationship this year? I don't know. I'm lonely and love feels amazing, but I need to get my life on track before I can be a good partner to someone and not just dead weight. Has anyone told you they don’t want to ever lose you? Huh, funny, he's the one that walked away. How long can you just kiss until your hands start to wander? Uhhh that would depend on how serious we are, where we are, and just what mood I'm in. What’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for you? ugh What’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever done for someone? also ugh What’s your dirtiest secret? TMI AHEAD. Probably receiving oral while bare-ass naked on the chaise in the living room while we were home alone. Or having sex in my sister’s bed. Oops. Would you ever get lyrics tattooed on yourself? Yeah. I already do, anyway, and I plan on getting another. Can you photoshop images well? I'm decent at it. Where did you last drive to? Mom and I went to go get our Covid vaccines today. What’s the first verse of the last song you listened to? "I don't know what we're supposed to be, but I know we lost it along the way to something better, something so much more than pleasure that we seek, so blind inside to fill these holes left by these lies that we tell to ourselves as we manufacture our own hell." What do you hear right now? The aforementioned song: "BLACKOUT" by 3TEETH. What was the last thing you laughed about? This is so fucking immature lmao but when we were driving earlier, we passed a gas station that had a sign that was advertising Coke, but due to space limitations, it abbreviated to "2 liter Cok" and I cackled like a child. Mom laughed harder than I did. Do you know any gay people personally? Ye. What was the last thing that startled you? I think it was a car hoonking at somebody the other day. What was the last thing to make you even remotely sad? Today's been a kind of rough PTSD day thanks to Facebook. My old high school friend had her beautiful daughter, a childhood friend just got married the other day, another friend is due to have her baby in just a couple weeks... It's just weird but even more painful to know it was the life I once fantasized about with a guy that just dropped me and made a break for it. I hate admitting that there's this deep, deep bitterness in me about it, like he took my life away from me, even though that's of course very unfair to say. I don't want to talk about this anymore, so moving on with my day.
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genznagito · 4 years
Okay my account is being used for only danganronpa but I actually wanna tell everybody how our groups first campaign went:
To start off this was our first campaign and no one was taking it that seriously, just having fun. So that resulted in the party with two druids and a bard... Yes, it's awful from the very start. We have my character (Xavier), a Chaotic Neutural aarakroca druid, My friends character (Tumor), a Chaotic Evil Half Elf, and my other friends character (*to defend my friend from the Internet I'll just say their characters name was Breadstick), a Lawful Evil Gnome.. And the reason I'm giving him the name Break stick is because he made himself 11' tall using baguettes... I wish I was joking.
So we're playing the Lost Mines of (name I forgot how to spell) and the DM explains that the dwarf guy gave us our quest and all that stuff. We go on the trail and somehow last for a day and a half before coming across two dead horses, belonging to the dwarf and his companion, who were shot dead and the riders were assumingly kidnapped. I went to examine the arrows to see if they were poisoned, because I couldn't think of anything else.... Tumor and Breadstick both go to eat the dead horses... Raw.
They both roll a nat 20.
Then whole their eating the horses and I'm done inspecting, we're approached by four goblins. We all had to roll dex to avoid them. I rolled a 4, Tumor and Breadstick both rolled a 1. Luckily, all but one goblin missed us, and Tumour was shot in the arm, dealing 4 damage. I casted Produce Flame with the intention to lightly burn the goblin by throwing fire at them......
I rolled a 19.
That goblin is no more.
Then, since Tumor remembered they can speak Goblin, esentially tried to truce with the three remaining goblins. This works, despite me killing one of them. Tumor convinces the goblins to explain what happened and lead us to where the human compainion is. We follow them for about 5 miles and spot a trap up ahead and Tumour immediately calls them out on their bullshit. They start to run but Tumor casts Thunderwave and rolls high enough to vaporise all three of them. Tumor and Bread spilt the remaining bones, Tumour using them for a necklace, Bread using them for soup... The DM is just silent at this point, and slowly losing sanity.
We get to the base and the DM explains that there 20 ish goblins at the mouth of the cave, which is covered with some leaves and a small river. What does our party do? Sneak in? Disguise ourselves? Nope. Tumour just walks in like it's home to them, exclaiming "Hey gang! Wassup" and is immediately noticed by two goblins a little far off. They attack Tumour,of course. One does six damage, the other crits and does 6 damage, knocking Tumour unconscious.
I have to save Tumour by casting Shape Water, using the river to put a wall of water between me and the goblins while drag away Tumour, who gets a nat 20 on their first save.
They heal themself
I heal them a bit more, and then slap them for being stupid, which did another 1 damage.
Breadstick on the other hand is fighting two other goblins. Despite being 11' foot tall already, he uses jump to jump behind them. They both attack, then miss. Bread uses Entangle, and traps them both in place.
Tumour basically interrogates them further to get anymore information, and scares the life out of them for fun. They are terrified enough already. We think for a moment, I come up with a decent plan, but instead, Tumour and Bread leash both of the goblins with rope, make them go inside and tell the rest of the goblins that we will kill them if they don't do exactly as we say... This works.
We start to head to where the chief goblin is, and encounter three wolves, which are chained to the wall as guards. I immediately take the opportunity and cast Animal Friendship on two of the wolves (I only had two slots left), while Tumour uses Speak with Animals on the remaining wolf. That wolf explains why they're there, and reveals that there's a chimney that leads straight to where the chief is. We head there, and Bread is the first one to climb up. He gets stuck, but he can see the Chief, Bugbear, plus two more goblins and another wolf.
Bread tries to spark conversation with the goblins, that fails.
I try to assist Bread by climbing up there and threatening them with another fireball. We both get stuck and fall, losing 2 hit points.
Tumour the climbs up with a lit candle to try and seduce Bugbear... And rolls a 19 and succeeds.
We learn that the dwarf has been carried away to be sent to The Black Spider, a deadly assassin. But they have the human and some treasure. We take the human compainon and some treasure. There was 600 pieces of copper, 110 pieces of silver, two healing potions and a frog statue.
Tumour takes the frog statue. Take a guess why.
I take the healing potions, obviously.
We spilt the copper 200, Bread and I take 60 silver each since Tumour only wanted the frog.
We leave with our loot and the human, we free the wolves and ride out of the cave. We stop for a bit and rest.
And that's where our story paused because the DM revealed that we derailed the campaign entirely and he had to improvise for 2 hours of preparation. But it was so worth it. I'll update after the next campaign.
I forgot to mention that Tumour is @babyhandstim but idk if the DM or Breadstick have tumblr.
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hitsuackerman · 4 years
A Different Hashira (Giyu x Reader) pt 5
Here is the part 5 of A Different Hashira
You can click here for part 1 :)
You can click here for part 2 :)
You can click here for part 3 :)
You can click here for part 4 :)
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Attempted Conversations
Despite the fact that you failed in extracting knowledge as to what his favorite food was, the two of you still enjoyed the simple lunch of tempura and soba. It was a miracle that you knew just how much spices you needed to put since Giyu had such particular taste.
"Are you in the mood to talk, Tomioka-san?"
Taking your eyes off of the tempura, you stared at the messy haired hashira. He was wearing a white undershirt and his pants. Though this time, he was barefoot.
"How was your mission?"
"It was successful. I met up with Kochou and she assisted me." He slurped his soba and proceeded "A dog bit me as well."
"Huh?" Putting your bowl down, you scooted towards him and extended a hand. Half expecting he would reject it.
Staring at you with stuffed cheeks, he placed his chopsticks down and gave you his bandaged hand. Inspecting it a little, you saw the messy of a job was done in wrapping up the injury. Knowing that Shinobu would never make something that horrendous, you could only deduce that it was him who did it.
"This was done... very badly, Tomioka-san."
Taking his hand from yours, he grabbed his chopsticks and continued eating. You sighed and stood up. With big steps, you went to your room and grabbed your first aid box. Though you were not as skilled as Shinobu when it comes to medicine, you were an expert at wrapping bandages. Admittedly, it had been a while since you last bandaged your hand. Hopefully, your hands still remembered what to do.
Seeing you carrying a first aid kit, Giyu stopped eating and waited for you to begin the small procedure.
Carefully unwrapping the bandage, you felt how calloused his fingers were. You didn't know how old he was but your estimation was around 18 or 19 years old. Asking him would be pushing it and he might just stand up and leave you alone.
Seeing that there was a faint bite mark, you couldn't help but giggle at the picture of an emotionless man being bitten by a dog.
Your thoughts were cut when his voice cut the silence between you.
"I was just thinking how you looked like when the dog bit you." A smile escaped your mouth. Looking up, you saw him staring at you with such dead pan eyes. He looked annoyed but in reality, he looked like a child. Your smile only grew  even larger causing him to sigh in defeat.
A few minutes passed and you were pleased with your handy work.
"There you go! Much better and definitely cleaner too."
"Thank you."
Crawling your way back to your seat, you picked up your bowl and continued to eat. A slight breeze found it's way to the two of you. Instantly, the two of you relaxed. The two of you had been on long journey's and the breeze was a much needed energy booster.
"Your left palm? What happened?"
"Hmm?" You replied with food in your mouth this time.
"I noticed a healed laceration on it."
"Very observant. Yes, it is a healed laceration. As to how I got it, only time will give you the answer, Tomioka-san."
Now that the two of you finished sharing lunch, Giyu silently offered to wash the dishes once more. Thanking him, you cleaned the table and set it aside. Now that the receiving area was empty, you lazily flopped to the ground and inhaled the fresh air passing through the engawa.
"Care to join me?" You invited Giyu to lay down on the tatami mats.
"Suit yourself."
Hearing his footsteps go up the stairs, the tranquility was cut by the caws of your raven and his crow. Landing beside you, the two birds looked at each other and nodded.
"(F/N) (L/N) and Giyu Tomioka. Head northwest. Village with reports of demon. Leave tomorrow. " Karasutori announced.
"So much for peace, ey?" You hummed while petting the head of both birds. Both of them responded by bowing their heads even more. Telling them to wait, you went back inside the kitchen and gave them each some bread crumbs. The moment they left, you headed to your room to get ready for the mission to come.
As the sun was setting, you had just finished preparing the necessary items. Hoping that there would be a Wisteria house there, you only brought some bandages and cash. Any more than that would become a hindrance when fighting off demons.
The question now was, which sword you would have to bring with you on the mission. With zero details to go on, it would be a risk to bring a jagged sword. Telling yourself to pay Tecchikawahara a visit, you stored the blue Nichirin blade and brought out the black sheathed one from your closet. Taking a cloth, you wiped off any traces of dust and placed it beside your futon.
Hopefully, this demon would have no need to let you use any breathing techniques. It did cross your mind that this would be the perfect time to show Giyu what kind of pillar you were, but you made a pact with yourself. Only use it in times of need.
Standing up, you changed into your uniform's skirt and a plain white shirt. Too lazy to cook dinner, you headed to the butterfly estate. There you killed time till you fell asleep
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Going back to your estate in the early hours of your dawn, you savored the chilly morning breeze accompanied with all of nature's sound. Regretting not bringing along your haori, you walked a pace faster till you saw the familiar building emerge from the wisteria trees. A carving of tidal waves were now visible on the wooden gates.
Opening them, you were greeted with a meditating Giyu with tea cups beside him.
Walking up to him, you sat on the engawa. Your eyes focused on the steaming cup of tea. Sipping on it, you felt energized and ready to start the mission. Comfortable silence engulfed the two of you. Thanking him for the tea, you stood up to ready yourself for the mission.
Moments later, the two of you were now walking towards the Northwestern village.
Inside you, you were dying to initiate conversation. You were so used to having Misturi or Kyojuro talking their hearts out as you headed to your assigned places. The person you were teaming up with gave you nothing but silence. Would he be annoyed if you kept talking about random things till you reached the village? Would an exchange happen? Or just nods and hums? Sulking it up, you began to tread the waters.
"Uh, what kind of demon do you think we'll find?"
"Not sure yet."
"When did you start learning water breathing, Tomioka-san?"
"A few years back."
"What was it like, training with Urokodaki-sensei?"
"Never let him drink alcohol."
"Wait, what?"
You stopped walking as you processed the tidbit of information you had just received. In all your years with Urokodaki, you had never once seen him drink anything other than tea and water. A mental image of him drinking was harder than learning your own 10th form of breathing. Catching up to Giyu, you matched his pace once more.
Regretting that you stopped the momentum of the conversation, you stared at him once more. You noticed how his cheeks were a little bit more fuller. The dark circles around his eyes were still there, though. He had his fair share of sleepless nights, too. Mentally, you took note to buy some lavender to help him get some goodnight's rest.
By the time the two of you arrived in the village, the sun was now setting. Looking for an inn or a Wisteria house, you stumbled upon the latter. The family gladly took the both of you in but only had one room to offer. Graciously accepting it, the two of you sat down on the only futon available and rested your legs after a day's worth of walking.
"Shall we take turns in patrolling the area?" You offered.
"That's fine. Rest for now. I'll start."
Before you could say another word, Giyu vanished. Not bothering to get up, you plopped onto the futon and took a nap. Just as you felt your body give in, there was a knock on the door. You sat yourself up as you told them to enter. Upon seeing their smiling faces, you were greeted with 2 sets of mouth watering food.
With no one else to talk to, you invited the woman to sit down and chat.
"Do you have any idea what kind of demon is running lose?"
"Very faint, but I heard that the demon only eats those in their teens and late twenties. Some people also report that they find large holes around the forest. Holes enough for a full grown person to hide in."
"I see. When was the last time there was a sighting?"
"About 3 days ago. By the ramen shop."
"Around what time? Would you know?"
The girl touched her chin and tried to think about the conversation she had.
"They say it was around 10pm."
"Alright. Thanks for the information, uhh, may I have your name again?" You scratched your head awkwardly at forgetting the name of your host.
"Ayumi." She replied with a smile.
"Thank you, Ayumi-san. You should rest now, I'll be patrolling in a few minutes time."
After you finished eating, she took your set of bowls and dishes. Leaving Giyu's meal in case he would feel hungry when he returns. Laying back down on the futon, you yawned and waited for the return of your partner. You closed your eyes to make use of the time.
You woke up with start when you felt the futon move slightly. Giyu had returned. Examining him, he looked clean and calm, as always.
"Anything happened?" Rubbing your eyes as you asked him.
"Aight, Imma head out now. You- oh you already ate, good." Standing up, you took your blade and bid farewell.
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so... this was... yeah xD sorry if this chapter sucks but author-chan still has to build things up a bit ;) doncha worry, there will be action in the next upload. i also hope that ya'll felt that this chapter was quite awkward since its usually awkward around our bibi boi Giyu~ (save if your Tanjirou because, yeah he's who he is 😂 )
Also... I tend to update this late here in tumblr so if you guys want the link to the story :) feel free to message me :D this is actually chapter 5 out of 16 (currently)
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ask-de-writer · 4 years
LOST TIME (part 3 of 3) A fantasy of Flocking Bay.
Return to the Master Story Index
Return to Flocking Bay
De Writer (Glen Ten-Eyck)
5556 words
© 2020 by Glen Ten-Eyck
written 2003
All rights reserved.
Reproduction   in any form, physical, electronic or digital is prohibited without the   express written consent of the author or proper copyright holder.
Copyright fair use rules for Tumblr users
Users   of Tumblr.com are specifically granted the following rights. They may   reblog the story. They may use the characters or original characters in   my settings for fan fiction, fan art works, cosplay, or fan musical   compositions. I will allow those who do commission art works to charge   for their images.
All sorts of Fan Activity, fiction, art, cosplay, music or anything else is ACTIVELY encouraged!
Her hands skimmed lightly over the inlaid table tops and felt the textures of the brocaded silk upholstery. Her eyes took in the carvings and inlays on the furniture and the hand carved moldings, unique to each room. She drifted from chamber to chamber as delicately as a ghost, and as silently. Her camera hung from her neck by its strap, forgotten. She was as taken as I had been by the nature of the beauty here. Her head tilted slightly at times, as though she was listening to something that I could not hear.
Somehow, the library managed to survive all of the changes of ownership apparently intact. Some of it was actually written on scrolls. The other books were mostly quite old. It would not have surprised me to find that some of them were medieval manuscripts or perhaps translations of something older yet. I had not had the time to look at them beyond the merest glance.
If I had even the slightest idea of where to begin, I had no doubt of my ability to read it. I have never yet found a written language from Europe, Asia, or Africa that I could not read and write as well as speak fluently. As I told Lois, part of my income comes from helping archaeologists to make out old texts and inscriptions.
Lois spent a lot of time in the library. She stood with that listening aspect for a short bit, then she pulled a book from the shelves as though she knew exactly what she was looking for. She set the book on an old-fashioned reading stand and opened it with that small amount of leafing that indicates complete familiarity with the contents. She read for a few pages, sometimes more or less, then replaced the book. Then she went on to the next. She spent several hours in this pursuit, finally looking up, eyes bright.
“Vandervekken, are you as hungry as I’ve gotten to be?”
“Now that you mention it, yes,” I replied.
Lois led the way to the kitchen, and held the door for me, looking as pleased as a conjurer who has just performed a clever illusion. The table was set for two. There was a selection of cold cuts, a woven loaf of bread to pull apart, melted butter to dip it in, a bowl of salad with a cruet of dressing and a bottle of wine just cool enough to sweat.
“Was it you that set up the food and got things done for me?” I asked, slightly floored by the thought.
“No . . . though I did choose this menu. I hope that you like it. I really can’t tell you very much more yet. Now, let’s eat.”
“Not until you tell me one thing,” I stated. “You were with me all the time, so how did you do this?” I gestured at the table set with food.
“I didn’t. The house did it,” she replied. “I just suggested the menu. Now, please let’s eat first. I have found out a few things out that I don’t understand. I’ll tell you what I can after we eat.”
Dinner passed quickly. The food was excellent but the atmosphere was a bit strained. I was feeling puzzled, more than a bit jealous, envious of Lois’ apparent knowledge. I did compliment the food but my attempts at small talk all fell flat due to my own mood.
As we cleared away the dishes, I asked in a brooding voice, “What can you tell me, now, that you couldn’t before?”
Lois looked a bit hurt, which made me instantly contrite. I hastened to add, “I didn’t mean that tone of voice. I really do want to know.”
“I really don’t know much. Capt. Vekin appears to have been involved in some sort of sorcery. He made the house to look after him. It’s sort of alive. It is trying to communicate with me so that I can talk to you. I can almost hear it but not quite like a voice.
“It gives me hunches. That’s how it guided me to those books in the library. If I understand any of what I have learned, the house likes you and will provide for you. It wants to reach you desperately, but something is blocking it. It can only reach your feelings.
“Anyhow, all I am sure of is that the floors are terribly important. We already agree that painting them over was a crime.”
“Why can’t the house undo the painting, then? The same way that it fixed the rusty fence or the yard?”
“I don’t know why. I did find out that it can fix what happens to it, but not what is done to it. I guess that intent is the key. Rust happens, termites happen, the yard grows, it will take care those things itself. The floor painting was done deliberately. I guess that’s the difference. We have to undo it.”
“WE . . .” that almost stopped me in my tracks. After a moment, I asked cautiously, “What do you mean, exactly?”
Lois seemed almost scared as she answered, “I know that you’ve been a loner since your memory loss . . . I’ve been a loner, too. This afternoon . . . I got sort of attached. I had a hunch about . . . I like both you and this house. The house seems to want me to help you. More important, I want to be with you . . . if you’ll let me.”
I felt like I had been hit on the head with a sandbag. After a bit, I got my breath back enough to say, “Gaea! Yes! Let’s start on those floors and see what happens.”
“It may not be easy to do, you know,” she replied, relieved.
“Let’s take Lilitu back to town to get paint stripping stuff and tools!” I enthused.
“Flocking Bay rolled up it’s sidewalks at 9:00,” she said tartly. Then added, “I have a heat gun for paint stripping and shrink wrapping back at the Voice. We could try that and a scraper.”
“You’re a wonder!” I cried, hugging her impulsively. To my surprise, she hugged back, and kissed me. I kissed back. All in all, it was about ten or fifteen minutes before we went to get the paint stripping gun and scraper.
We started in the front hall, just at the door. Lois was indeed right. It was not a simple thing to do. Oh, the mechanics were simple enough. All that we did was apply heat to a few square inches until the paint started to lift and bubble, then scrape it off. The problem was simple. It would not scrape off at all if Lois tried it.
Only I could actually remove the paint. The moment that the heat from the gun hit the paint my head began to hurt like it was on fire. Scraping the paint away felt like having a blood clotted bandage ripped slowly off of a still unhealed wound. I could not have done it alone. It was an agony even with Lois’ support, hugs and sympathy.
The first of the patterns that we revealed was one of knots, rivaling the finest Celtic work. When I tried to trace the lines it was almost impossible. They writhed in and out in the most peculiar way. The part that I was tracing was always in focus, but the intersecting lines could not be held in focus or even in view.
Trying to unravel the one small knot that we uncovered gave me even more of a headache until, instead of trying to trace it, I looked at it as a whole. Suddenly, the pain stopped. In it’s place was a memory. “Ebla,” I said in wonder, “how could I have forgotten you, Empire of Roads and Trade?”
“Ebla?” asked Lois. “What is Ebla?”
“Ebla was a smallish city just to the south of Asia Minor. We now call it Turkey. The kings of Ebla collected tribute from Ur, Babylon, Egypt, the Indus valley, Jericho and the many cities of Canaan. Even the wild Sythians paid them. They were wealthy. They had little land of their own, and never attacked their neighbors.
“Ebla did not rule by fighting wars. They built roads and trade routes. Ebla paid the mercenaries who protected the trade from bandits. If someone did not pay their tribute, Ebla closed the roads, routing the vital trade around them until they gave in.
“Ebla collected tolls for the use of the roads. They shared the money with the kingdoms that their roads crossed. Often a kingdom's share of the tolls was greater than the tribute that they paid.
“After more than a thousand years of peaceful trade, greedy kings and merchants sacked Ebla. The poor fools never quite understood why the bandits suddenly flourished and the trade upon which they depended for a thousand years died. Ebla was destroyed more than 3,500 years ago.”
Lois said quietly, “I never even heard of them before. Where did you learn of them?”
“I lived there. They called me Lord Wanderer. I built their first roads and helped to set the policies that kept the peace and created the trade.
“You are right. We have to go on. The rest of my life is under this paint. My memory, my sorcery. The length of my life is not an accident. The one greatest good that came from losing my memory is a thing that I just learned. I can share my life, if you will be the one to walk the halls of time with me.”
“Where you go,” said Lois quietly, putting her hands into mine and looking into my eyes, “there I will go also.”
Startled, I said, “Lois, did you know that ancient Roman women used to say that when they got married?”
She flashed me smile and replied, “I had a more than a hunch that they did. It was in one of those books that our house showed me.”
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