#were at full capacity at the restaurant.
autism-corner · 9 months
oh well
0 notes
togenabi · 1 year
pick me up
roronoa zoro (opla) x reader
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♡—zoro never paid your jokes or pickup lines any mind. that is, until something happens that makes you stop.
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word count♡— 3.2k
genre♡— mild angst, fluff, straw hat!reader
content notes♡— opla zoro, fem!reader, reader wears a dress and tells very bad jokes, creepy dude oc, don't be creepy be cool yall, reader pulls off a heist with nami, zoro gets jealous, alcohol consumption, no use of y/n, barely proofread
also on♡— ao3
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author's note♡— this is a request from anon! I'm sorry if I tweaked a few things, I'm not the best at angst hhhh I hope you still like it!
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“Okay, okay. Wait. I got it this time.” You say, already trying to keep from laughing. 
“Why were the kids having trouble in pirate class?”
Zoro only side-eyes you with his arms crossed, vehemently unimpressed. 
“Because they were overbored!” 
Watching for his reaction intently, you keep your eyes focused on his face... Nothing changes. 
You tsk, but aren’t seriously discouraged. This is how he always reacts to your jokes, after all. “I’ll get you one of these days, Roronoa Zoro.”
The swordsman only sighs, leaning back into his seat to take a nap. “You do that.”
“Don’t listen to him, love.” Sanji says from the other side of the kitchen as he cleans the counter. “I thought that joke was good.”
“You’re lying, but I appreciate the sentiment, Sanji.” You grin at him. Focusing back on the book you were reading, you miss the amused, challenging look Sanji sends Zoro.
Everyone hears Luffy approaching the kitchen before he enters. “Guys!” He bellows. “We’ll be reaching land soon. Be ready to leave in fifteen minutes!”
The majority of the day is spent restocking supplies. You were all split up into pairs, but before you left, Luffy pointed to a restaurant with a flashy, illuminated sign on top that reads: ‘Bistro of Light’. How cringey of them.
“We should meet there for dinner! You don’t mind taking a break, right, Sanji?” Luffy asks eagerly, and you think that no one could say no to him when he’s so enthusiastic. Sanji nods, and you all go through the town until the sun starts to set.
The inside of the restaurant is just as ridiculous as the sign outside. Chandeliers of every color hang on the ceiling. Huge fish tanks and fountains lined with lights almost blind you. You laugh when looking at it all causes Zoro to wince. 
“Hey Zoro,” You call for him. “You know what’s faster than the speed of light?”
“My heartbeat when I think of you!” You wink at him, proud of the joke even when he only sighs and looks away.
Usopp walks up to a receptionist standing behind a desk. “Hey. Table for six, if you would be so kind.”
“I’m afraid we’re at full capacity at the moment.” They respond. “You’ll have to wait, is that alright?”
Everyone shares a look. Except for Luffy, who looks dead set on eating here, you all feel unsure about waiting.
“When’s the next table going to be available?” Usopp asks. “We’re actually a really big deal. It’s gonna be really embarrassing for you guys if you don’t let us in.” The person frowns, face screaming, ‘is this guy serious’?
But before they can reply, a booming voice enters the restaurant. A tall man, dressed in a pristine white suit and wearing jewels on every finger, pushes you out of the way to yell at the receptionist. You stumble, but thankfully Zoro is there to catch you.
“What on earth is going on here?! Why are there so many people crowding the entryway?!” He fumes, angrily gesturing to your group. 
“If they’re not going to eat, then I strongly suggest—” The rich man freezes suddenly, his eyes trained on you.
You keep your face as emotionless as possible, but you die laughing inside when Nami swipes a brooch from his jacket while he’s distracted with you.
“Ah,” The man says. His tone softening a considerable amount as he walks over to you. “I thought I had the best jewels in my treasury, but you're the most radiant gem I've ever laid my eyes on.” It takes everything in you to not back away. Zoro tenses beside you.
“Why haven’t these guests been guided to a table?” He asks, turning back to the receptionist.
“We’re at full capacity, Sir.” Oh. He must own the place. It makes sense that the owner is as gaudy as everything else in here.
“That won’t do.” He looks back to you, and you swear you could feel your skin crawl under his gaze. 
“I am Helios. Welcome to my establishment.” The man introduces himself with a flourish, bowing to you. His jewels and gold accessories glint in the light. “What might your name be?”
Reluctantly, you introduce yourself. Had this been a normal situation, you would have turned around and walked away from him the second he saw you. But, you could feel the crew going hungry, and you’re sure Nami will want to snag another ring or two—so you play nice.
Helios smiles, repeating your name. He was probably trying to sound romantic, but he’s not doing anything for you. Not when Zoro says your name much better.
You keep Zoro’s voice in mind, remembering how nice it sounds. It’s easier to smile at Helios that way. Time to lay on the charm, “I was really looking forward to having dinner here. I don’t suppose you could help us out?”
“Follow me, my dear. You deserve to dine upstairs. The view is simply spectacular at this hour.” Helios holds out his hand to you, but Luffy—bless his soul—grabs it to shake it zealously.
“Thanks so much for letting us eat here, Mr. Helios!” Luffy claps him on the back. Helios looks dumbfounded, and the crew does an impressive job keeping their composure. 
Helios tries to walk beside you as he guides you all upstairs, but Zoro is steadfast on your right, and Nami smartly positions herself on your left. Luffy and Usopp tug the restaurant owner along, chatting his ear off. You almost feel bad for him. 
Nami murmurs, her voice carefully silent so only you can hear. “Treasury, huh?”
You smile. “Of course you’d be curious about that.”
“Think you could get us to his mansion?” She dares you, eyes aglow at the promise of a good heist.
“I know I can.” You pause walking to check your reflection on an ornate, sun-shaped mirror. After fixing your hair, you grin at your friends. “I’m irresistible, after all.”
Maybe if you weren’t busy buttering up your host, you would have noticed that Zoro wasn’t eating properly. Normally, you would force him to eat. You would pile food on his plate, telling that joke about fake noodles being impasta that always cracks you up.
Zoro frowns at the meal in front of him. The fish seems to frown back. Sighing, he decides to just order another drink. But no matter what he consumes, a bitter taste always blooms in his mouth afterwards. 
The glass in his hand almost cracks when he hears your voice sucking up to Helios again. “So, you own this place? Do you live around here?”
Helios leans far too close towards you, but you grin and bear it. “Would you like a private tour, my gem?”
You place a hand on his arm, he may read it as affection, but you hold him so he keeps that distance. “That sounds wonderful.”
Zoro huffs under his breath. He needs another drink. 
Thankfully, Helios serves good booze at his manor. Zoro almost didn’t want to drink any of it, but he needs alcohol in his system if he has to watch you flirt with this idiot so Nami can rob him blind. Whatever she steals better be worth all this, or else he might punch something. Or someone. Preferably Helios.
You share a look with Nami and give her an imperceptible nod. With that signal, she passes by and pretends to lose her footing. Wine seeps into your clothes, staining the fabric and sticking it to your skin. Did she really have to pick red wine? You liked this shirt.
“Oh, my dear!” Helios gasps. “You should get cleaned up. I’ll have my servants draw you a bath and bring you fresh clothes.”
“I’m so sorry, I should’ve watched where I was going.” Nami loops her arm through yours. “Let me help you with that.” 
And so, with another fake smile sent Helios’ way, you rush with Nami to find the treasury.
“Be quick.” Nami says once you enter the luxurious bathroom prepared for you. 
As tempting as the bubble bath is, you only take a few wet towels to tidy up. You step into the curtained area, about to strip when Nami holds out a hand to stop you.
“Wait.” She says, her tone serious. A teddy bear holding a rose is propped up on a shelf behind you. Tapping its eyes, Nami scowls before throwing the bear into the trash bin.
“A camera?” She nods. “Seriously? What a creep.”
You and Nami inspect the room. It’s not clear if there are other hidden cameras, but she stands guard in front of the shower curtains just in case.
“Hey,” She starts. “Did you notice Zoro acting weird tonight?”
You frown as you change into the dress Helios prepared. “What do you mean?”
Nami hums in thought. “He’s just…” A dumbass, she wants to say, but doesn’t. “He seems extra grumpy.”
That causes you to laugh. “I guess I should prepare more jokes for him when we get back.”
She winces. “...I’m not that sure he likes those.”
“Hm… Maybe not, but,” You pause to think. He may not laugh loudly as Luffy does, but he never shot you down for being bubbly around him. “Zoro would have told me to shut up by now if he didn’t, right?”
“Huh.” Nami says. “You got a point.”
You push the curtains aside, grinning at her. “Come on, let’s break into that treasury.”
“Of course, my gem.”
“Oh my god, if that sticks I’m going to be so mad.”
The treasury was a vault full of everything from jewels to ornamental weapons. Nami playfully crowned you with a diamond tiara, and she put on dangling emerald earrings that looked stunning on her.
After filling your bags and pockets with the most you can carry, you and Nami head out to find the others. You run into Usopp on the way back to the lounge.
“I see you two cleaned up well.” He jokes. “Luffy and Sanji are in the kitchen. I was just on my way there.”
“Where’s Zoro?” You ask.
“With Helios. You know him, still drinking.”
“We should leave soon.” Nami insists. “We risk getting caught the longer we stay.”
“Right.” You hand Usopp your bag, his eyes widen comically when he feels how heavy it is. “I’ll just go say goodbye, I’ll catch up with you guys later.”
Before you even enter the lounge, however, you hear Zoro speak your name. Are they talking about you? You press your back against the wall, straining to hear their conversation.
You almost wish you didn’t.
“She tells the worst jokes and doesn’t know when to quit it. Thinks she’s hilarious but she’s really not.” Zoro speaks in that deep voice that would usually be comforting to you—but his words now pierce through you painfully.
“What exactly is your relationship with her?” Helios asks, and Zoro is silent. It feels like your heart crumbles for every second he doesn’t answer.
You’re friends! You’ve been dreaming of more but, you’ve always been friends.
…Aren’t you? Doesn’t he think so?
“I don’t know.” Your heart fully shatters. What does he mean he doesn’t know? “She just sticks to me a lot. It can get annoying.”
“Well. That’s unfortunate, but it’s nothing to sob over.” Helios kisses his teeth. “I don’t care about her attitude. All that doesn’t matter as long as she has that pretty face.”
You wait for Zoro to say something. Anything. You want him to cut Helios where he stands.
But he doesn’t. The silence drags on. The air feels like it’s pushing you down, crushing your lungs. You have to get out of here.
You burst into the kitchen, trying your best not to cry. Nami immediately rushes to you, holding your shoulders to steady you. “What happened?”
Letting out a shuddered breath, you whisper, “You were right.” It’s impossible to think straight right now. “I want to leave.”
You look to Luffy, still shaken up. Your captain’s expression is serious as he nods. “Go ahead, we’ll get Zoro and catch up.” Not needing to be told twice, you head out the door.
Before she follows you, Nami hisses at Sanji, “Talk some sense into that dumbass, won’t you?”
The entire walk back to the Going Merry is silent. You’re grateful Nami doesn’t immediately press you for what happened, but you know that you should answer her questions. You finally get the words out in the safety of her cabin.
You sit cross-legged on the bed, and everything comes pouring out. “He called me annoying.” 
“Zoro?” She asked, offering you a box of tissues.
“Yeah.” You sniff, taking the box.
“I’m sorry. That was fucked up of him to say.”
Unsure how to properly comfort you, Nami gets up and retrieves extra pillows from a storage compartment.
“Why don’t we have a girl’s night?” Nami asks, offering you a smile. It pulls a smile out of you too, the first one you mustered since Zoro crushed your spirit. 
“I’d like that.” 
Zoro is confused to find that you and Nami had left before them. Luffy gave Helios some lame excuse that you weren’t feeling well, but Zoro knew better. If you were really sick, the whole crew would be panicking and rushing to get to you.
He stares at Sanji and Usopp, trying to piece together what really happened. They both turn away from him, refusing to say anything.
In the next second, a maid rushes out, panting and screaming, “Mr. Helios! The treasury has been robbed!”
Fine. Answers can come later. For now, they need to run.
Once they’re back on the ship, Sanji follows Zoro into his cabin. He stares at the chef blankly, “Get out.”
“Did you do something?” Sanji leans against the doorframe, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Get out.” Zoro repeats, about to push him out of the room when Sanji speaks your name.
“She was upset. Asked to leave as soon as possible.” Sanji’s gaze is almost menacing, and his frown deepens when Zoro’s face falls. So, that’s what happened. You had heard him.
“Fuck.” Zoro groans, running a hand through his hair in frustration.
“Everyone noticed you getting bitchy over Helios.” Sanji notes “Did you confront him or something?”
Scoffing, Zoro sits on his hammock, the fabric dips under his weight. “It was something, all right.”
Wanting Zoro to explain himself unpromptedly, Sanji just watches him and lets the silence hang in the air. After a solid, suffocating minute, the swordsman caves.
“I called her annoying.” Zoro breathes out deeply. “I said her jokes aren’t funny and that she sticks to me a lot.”
“Man, that’s screwed up.” Sanji gapes. “I thought you cared about her?”
“Of course I do, but I didn’t say anything that wasn’t true.” Zoro defends. “Luffy’s the only one who laughs at her jokes, and she’s always by my side.” 
Sighing, Zoro continues, “...but I never minded any of it. I learned to care for those parts of her a long time ago. I was only trying to get that shithead off her back.”
“You’re an idiot.” Sanji concludes. “You have the emotional depth of a sink, sometimes.”
Zoro, surprisingly, doesn’t insult the chef back. He stares at the wall, slouched and looking the most empty Sanji’s ever seen him.
“What should I do?” He asks. “How should I make it up to her?”
Sanji’s eyes light up, he beams and claps his hands together in excitement. Even if Zoro hasn’t heard it yet, he already dreads the chef’s suggestion. 
“I have an idea.”
When you woke up the next morning, you had every intention of avoiding Zoro like the plague. It was still really difficult to look at him, the hurt you felt still stings your heart. 
But unfortunately for you, he had other plans. 
You’re gazing out into the sea on the forecastle deck when you hear a familiar set of heavy footsteps. You sigh. “I don’t want to talk, Zoro.”
“I’m not here to talk.” You turn to him questioningly, but you really shouldn’t give him the time of day. Wasn’t he the one who complained about you clinging to him?
You don’t say anything. Only glaring at him and hoping he sees how disappointed you feel. Zoro stands here, appearing strangely vulnerable. If you weren’t so hurt, you would have hugged him by now. 
But you are. So he has to wallow in the awkwardness of the consequences of his words. He—wait. What’s that on his face?
“I…” Is he… blushing? “I’m sorry I wasn’t around in the past.” 
You make a face and blink at him. What is he up to?
“...Can I be part of your future?”
That knocks the wind right out of you, your jaw practically falls to the floor. Did Roronoa Zoro just use a pickup line? On you? You can’t help but glance at your surroundings to check if the sky is still blue.
No—hold on. He can’t win you over just like that. He needs to explain why he said what he did. 
“You said my jokes are the worst.” You grumble.
“They are.” Zoro looks straight into your eyes as he speaks. “But you’re one of the best things to ever happen to me.”
“You said I always stick to your side.”
He doesn’t miss a beat and answers earnestly, “You do. And I wouldn’t want you to be anywhere else.”
“…You said you didn’t know what our relationship is.”
That causes Zoro to pause, searching your eyes as if he’ll find the answer in them. “…I don’t.”
Oh, this impossible sword-brain of a man. Your lips quiver, and you realize you can’t fight back your smile anymore. “I love you, Zoro.”
His expression shifts from anxiousness to shock, relief, and a bit of something else... 
“I love you, too.” Ah, of course. Love, that too.
Slowly, tentatively, he raises his arms, inviting you to an embrace. He’s adorable, looking a teensy bit nervous that you wouldn’t want to hold him. Giggling, you rush to him, wrapping your arms around his waist as he envelops your shoulders. 
“I bet Sanji taught you to apologize with that line.” You murmur into his chest. “If you tell me another one…” Zoro cringes, his frame tensing. 
“...I’ll give you a kiss.” His expression lifts, seriously considering it.
After a minute, Zoro clears his throat. You almost squeal in excitement.
“Roses are red, violets are blue…” A classic. This is going to be good.
“I’m sorry if I made you feel awkward, I just want to have dinner with you.” You gasp, squeezing him tighter. 
“Yes! That was perfect.” Laughing, you reach up and hold his face to keep your promise. 
You plant a sweet, short kiss on his lips. When you pull away, he’s looking at you like he would fight anyone for you. He probably would, if you’re being honest.
“You’re perfect.” He breathes, mouth against yours and then he’s kissing you again.
Hiding behind a pile of crates, the rest of the crew whoop and cheer. (Silently.)
“That was such a good line!” Luffy whispers.
“I still think he should have used the ‘I don’t speak angel’ one.” Usopp whispers back.
“What are you talking about?!” Sanji angrily, quietly mutters. “That was perfect because he apologized and delivered the line.”
“Shut it, you guys. I was right, he didn’t last a day with her mad at him.” Nami holds out her palm. “Pay up.” The others groan, handing her some berry. All’s well that ends well.
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© togenabi 2023 | see here to be added to my taglist ♡
taglist: @songsofadelaide-archive @amitydoodlez @sweetexistentialism @msmisasoup @writingmysanity @hotchocolattee @dimplewonie @hearts4zoro @kenkenmaaa @appalost @hi3431 @akakaze @lownna
5K notes · View notes
1d1195 · 3 months
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~7.2 k words
From Me: Requested by my 🍓-anon. Sorry it took some time. I took a couple liberties (mostly because I love food a lot so I couldn't make it taste bad hahahaha) I hope you like it! I'm going to post your ask with the request tomorrow. 💕 Right now it's just the one part (but I feel like some may want a second).
Warnings: fluffy and a bit of jealous Harry. Nothing too angsty though this time around.
Summary: Harry has a high paying job that allows him to eat at some of the finest restaurants in the city. But the little bistro that has good drinks and a great staff is by far his favorite. Or maybe it's the waitress he can't get out of his head that has him coming back so often.
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“Are you sure this is the place?” Sarah looked skeptical.
“I swear,” Mitch smiled. “I know it doesn’t look like much, but the drinks are good and so are the apps.”
Harry watched the banter of his two best friends. “How did you even come across this place?” Sarah asked as Mitch held the door open for her to enter. Harry took hold of it so Mitch could follow after her. There were no more than fifteen tables and a bar. It was fairly dark but in a good way.
If anything, it contrasted sharply with the sunflowers at nearly every turn. There was a mural painted on the back wall of bright flowers against the dark paint. Each table had a bright blue glass vase with a single sunflower stem in the middle of the table. The aprons the staff wore were covered in a floral print of a garden of sunflowers. It was stunning. Bright and beautiful.
“Aptly named,” Sarah smirked.
Harry chuckled. “S’nice,” he agreed.
Harry and Sarah continued their observation while Mitch waited patiently at the host stand. “I came here for lunch with a client,” he said answering Sarah’s earlier question. “Their friend owns it.” After another moment they were brought to a table. There weren’t many people there; given they were there at two in the afternoon on a Saturday it wasn’t so surprising. The bar was nearly filled, several patrons seemed to be regulars as they got a say in what sporting event got to be on the TV. Only two other tables were filled and there was no need for a bustling staff. “I came for dinner, and it was full capacity with a line. But when you know the owner, you get a table early. They have a little outdoor patio around back too but it’s seasonal.”
The three of them looked over the menu in silence. Until Sarah broached the subject of getting one of every type of appetizer and then there was their daily debate of which appetizer was best and maybe they would have to do one of each since they wouldn’t be able to decide which was best.
Their debate was interrupted by the waitress coming over to introduce herself.
“Hi everyone, welcome to The Sunflower Bistro, have you been here before?”
“I have,” Mitch smiled. “We’re arguing over an appetizer, what do you think?”
Without pausing, she didn’t help the debate. “Oh, one of each,” she giggled.
“See! I told you!” Sarah lightly smacked Mitch’s arm.
This only made her smile grow. “Can I take your drink order while you narrow your choices?” She asked.
There was an exchange of words. Words Harry didn’t hear. But then Sarah and Mitch were looking at him expectantly.
“Harry?” Mitch asked.
“A drink, hello?” Sarah laughed.
Quickly he shook his head. “Sorry,” he cleared his throat, his eyes glancing down at the menu but unable to read anything. “Just water for now,” he murmured unable to make eye contact with her.
“I’ll be right back,” her voice was sweet and pretty.
“Are you alright?” Mitch asked.
“She’s beautiful,” Harry mumbled. “I can’t even look at her.”
When he saw her approach, he was immediately tongue-tied. Overwhelmed. It was like seeing the ocean for the first time. Or a garden. Or a painting in a museum. There wasn’t a way to pinpoint what made her so beautiful. It seemed to be everything. The way her hair was clipped behind her head and just a few soft pieces framed her cheeks. Her bright smile. Her sparkling eyes. The way the sunflower apron cinched her hips. All of it. Or none of it. She was beautiful. Overwhelmingly so. Harry swore he forgot how to breathe. He had been in love before—at least he thought he had been. This wasn’t comparable.
So he couldn’t even look at her.
Sarah giggled. Enjoying the way her friend’s face turned pink at the admission. Mitch smiled. “Aw Harry’s got a crush!”
“Shut up, she’ll hear!” Harry snapped and put the menu in front of his face, hiding from the rest of the restaurant.
“Oh my God,” Sarah laughed. “You’re being ridiculous.”
“I could not look at her,” Harry mumbled putting the menu over his face.
“She’s very pretty,” Sarah agreed and reached out to squeeze Harry’s arm. “But you have to look at her.”
Harry’s heart was racing. Like he was sprinting on the treadmill or in the middle of a phone call with an important client. Harry had been nervous before. The exams in college, his first interview, on-boarding new clients. This wasn’t comparable either. “I really don’t think I can, Sarah.”
“Did we make any decisions?” Her kind voice returned, and Harry scanned the menu eagerly, his cheeks still flushed, he was sure.
“Honestly, no,” Sarah laughed. “We’ve been admiring how beautiful this place is.”
And you, Harry thought.
“Oh, I know, it’s practically dreamy working here. The sunflowers are the perfect flower. It’s so sunny and fun,” she explained.
“Have you worked here long?” Mitch asked.
“Yes, since it opened. My friend owns it. It’s like a family kind of thing around here. It’s so nice,” she looked so happy to talk about this place. Passionate. “Niall’s really nice about me going to school and getting me the shifts I want.”
“Oh, that’s so nice! What are you studying?”
Harry wanted to involve himself in the conversation, but he was so speechless by her kind sweet presence, it was impossible to think of a word to say to her. He was grateful his two friends were there to carry the flow of dialogue because it was apparent Harry was going to be useless in that regard.
“Harry also went for a degree in finance,” Sarah segued to look at Harry. He missed her response. That was evident. He would ask when she went back to place their orders what was said specifically.
He looked at her, fully. He hoped he wasn’t staring at her to the point that she wanted to hide and run away from him because he was being a creep. After a pause that was a brief longer than he would have liked, he cleared his throat. “I graduated a couple years ago. I work for a large accounting firm,” it was a miracle he didn’t stutter from how nervous he was. He was holding the menu still to keep his hands from shaking.
Her smile brightened. She looked genuinely happy for Harry. He imagined she was anything but disingenuous, but still. For a complete stranger, who could barely utter two sentences to her, she bubbled with excitement at this knowledge of getting to know him. “Oh! That’s amazing! Nice to meet you, Harry. I’m graduating this spring,” she explained. “I’m super nervous about the whole internship process...I feel like it’s super difficult and overwhelming.”
“Harry’s still in touch with the person he did his internship with,” Mitch volunteered.
He wasn’t. At least...not to the degree that Mitch was suggesting. “Well, I’ll have to give you my card,” she winked at him. “I’ll give you a few more minutes to decide on appetizers.”
Harry felt some kind of crushing relief to watch her walk away. Which was ridiculous because the moment she was gone, he realized how badly and stupidly he wanted her to come back. He could barely even talk to her, but her presence made him happy. Deliriously so.
Sighing, he turned to Sarah. “Am I ruining m’first impression?” He asked.
Sarah smiled and shook her head. “Not at all.”
Harry really hoped not. “I’ve never felt like this,” he mumbled and decided bare minimum, he needed to pick something to eat. At least he could repeat it in his head a few times before she returned and not embarrass himself while ordering.
Like the perfect waitress, she came back to check their food was good and their drinks were refilled. Mitch was right. The drinks were good and so was the food. “Can I get you guys anything else?” She asked sweetly. Fortunately, Harry managed to order his own food without Sarah or Mitch’s help. He didn’t stammer and didn’t make a fool of himself in front of her.
“No thank you,” Sarah turned to Harry. “Did you want to give her your card as well?” She asked. Harry felt like he was having an allergic reaction. His skin felt hot, and he thought that his throat was closing. Part of him wanted to kick Sarah beneath the table but a small piece of him was grateful for her direction and encouragement because it was evident he couldn’t do this on his own. He was prepared to give her his whole wallet. Credit cards, cash, anything in there was hers.
“Er...right,” Harry fumbled, his hands shaking as he opened it.
Harry tried to keep his breath under control as their fingers brushed when she took the card from him. His heart was working triple the beating time it was supposed to from the soft touch that couldn’t have lasted more than a second. “Oh goodness, my card doesn’t look anything like this,” she frowned. “Please don’t judge how ridiculous it is, I thought it was cute and memorable,” she pulled a few cards from her apron pocket.
It was cute and memorable. He didn’t want her to change a thing. The top corners were webbed with a little sunflower vine. Otherwise, the card was white with a half-print, half-cursive font covered in blue. “Well, aren’t you a Jane-of-all-trades,” Sarah laughed. She had listed tutoring, babysitting, painting, lawn-mowing, cleaning, etc.
“Gotta pay the bills somehow,” she admitted. She sighed. “I’m grateful to Niall as I’ve steered away from most of those odd jobs that my dad taught me,” she laughed again. “Waitressing, despite everything, is a lot more stable while I’m still in school. I made that when I was fresh out of high school. It needs a serious update.”
“Harry, where did you make your business cards?” Mitch asked.
If this were a regular day and Harry wasn’t so tongue-tied and nervous, he probably would have thanked his friends for their effort to support him in being his wingman and wingwoman. But he was so out of sorts, so unbelievably captivated and captured by her, he couldn’t fully use his brain. It was embarrassing. If she had even an inkling that he liked her, she probably wasn’t going to reciprocate merely because he was so embarrassing to listen to. There was no way someone so pretty would like him and his inability to speak.
What would their dates even look like? Her voice was so nice, like a song he hadn’t heard since he was young. The kind of song that made him believe in love even though he was young. Her laugh was probably adorable. Her smile was adorable so it could only be so. But she would want conversation. Right? Was she just to chat about her day and her feelings and Harry wouldn’t be able to do anything but stare at her? Admiring how pretty she was?
Actually, that sounded like a pretty decent plan for Harry. But she deserved more.
So instead, he cleared his throat once more. “S’online. I’d have t’look up the website. But yours is memorable,” he assured her. “I like the colors.”
“Thanks, Harry,” God he loved the sound of her voice saying his name. Her adorable smile was so sweet he felt his heart melting. “It definitely needs an update now that I’m about to graduate though, please let me know if you find the website.”
Harry wanted to tell her that he would give her whatever she wanted for as long as they lived and then in their next life too. But instead, he simply nodded and tucked her card safely into his wallet.
“This is insane,” he mumbled to himself as he pulled the door out of the way. It had been two days since he left The Sunflower Bistro and the pretty, sunflowery girl he was completely enamored with after hardly speaking to her. While her phone number weighed heavily in his wallet, he couldn’t bring himself to call her. Worried he wouldn’t be able to get a word out when she answered.
How he thought he was going to talk to her without Sarah and Mitch as a buffer was beyond him, but he couldn’t walk past this place either knowing he could see her and try to make up for his tragic first impression. “Hey Harry!” She said walking by the hostess stand. “Nice to see you again! Niall, can you put him in my section?” She asked.
Harry felt the words die in his throat, so he was glad he didn’t have to speak to Niall.
“A regular, hmm? Took you long enough,” Niall called after her.
“Had to hold out for a good one!” She shouted back and disappeared behind a door.
Harry wondered if all those times he had been in love before were real. His chest was fluttering with some emotion he hadn’t felt before then. It was a longing that filled every ounce of his lungs, every cell of his blood. Every inch of him. Like some kind of homing sound was coming from her and echoing in his body. He felt so unbelievably whole when he looked at her. Like he was seen.
Niall brought Harry to a table and smiled at him as he left.
“Hey! I was hoping you’d text or call, I figured it was my crummy card that deterred you. Or maybe it was unreadable,” that laugh of hers was a melody Harry wasn’t going to forget for the rest of his life. She leaned on the opposite side of the booth looking at him. Her hair was pulled back the same way as it was the other night. Silky and pretty. Harry wanted to slide his fingers through it more than anything. Her smile that had haunted all his thoughts at work and made him grin at his computer screen like a lunatic was also still just as earth shatteringly beautiful as last time. Made him tongue-tied just as he was last time.
“Um...yeah, no...,” he managed to smile at her joke. “M’jus’...” he shook his head trying to think of a reasonable excuse that would make any sense as to why he hadn’t called the pretty girl yet.
“Hey, no worries; I’m sure work keeps you busy!” Her voice was cheerful. “I’m glad to see you, is all. Are your friends coming?” His heart nearly stopped that she was glad to see him.
“Not this time,” he hoped that wouldn’t disappoint her because then he would call Mitch and Sarah and order them over. He still had a right mind to do so. Seemed to be the only way he would be able to talk to her more than a few mumbled words.
“Alright, well I’ll let you mull over the menu while I grab you a water. Unless you want something else?”
Drinking alcohol around her might make him fully mute. Or make him spill every thought he had. Without his friends as a buffer, both seemed heinous. “Water’s good.”
“I’ll be right back,” she flitted off like she was floating. Harry believed she was an angel so that made sense.
“C’mon Harry,” he mumbled to himself looking over the menu deciding what he would try today. He was fortunate the food was so good, and it would give him an excuse to come back more times than probably necessary so he could see her again.
“Here you are!” She practically chirped, setting his glass of water in front of him. She leaned against the opposite side of the booth again. “Anything look good?” She asked.
“Um...m’a fan of street corn,” he scanned the menu again.
“That’s probably my favorite app on there—or the pretzel bites with queso. It shouldn’t work but it does. The veggie soup here is criminally underrated but it’s not really soup season so no fault there. I’ll give you a couple more minutes,” she sauntered off again with her kind smile.
Harry wondered what her favorite song was and why she got into finance. He wanted to ask her what her least favorite subject was in school and what kind of music she listened to while she was cooking. Knowing her favorite candle and what kind of shampoo she used seemed like critical information he needed to know. He wanted to know how many siblings she had and whether or not she would want two kids or three.
All of which was ridiculous.
And further proof Harry had never been in love with anyone before he saw her.
Harry visited on Mondays and Fridays. It was a good way to start his week and a great way to end his week. Seeing her bookended by the workweek was nothing short of perfect.
He did this for three weeks. Niall merely smiled, as if he knew why he was there. Harry could feel his cheeks turn pink each time the staff gave him a knowing smile. It was obvious he was there to see her. To be placed in her section. “Hey Harry!” She chirped when he sat at his regular table.
Mitch and Sarah joined him twice more since the day they brought him. He was less tongue-tied but nearly just as shy. They gave him an immense amount of shit for being so smitten. But Sarah thought it was adorable. “You could just ask her out.”
“S’creepy,” he grumbled. “I doubt a waitress wants t’be hit on by their customer.”
“Right, coming twice a week just to see her isn’t creepy,” Mitch eyed him suspiciously as he sipped his drink.
Harry sighed in frustration and rubbed the heel of his hand into his eye. “I jus’—”
“Hey guys,” she nearly cooed so sweetly. Her cheeks turned pink. “I’m running a little behind today. I’m really sorry. This has been the longest double in the world,” her smile was still adorable. But she did look tired. Poor thing. “We’re down a server. And a line cook,” the exhaustion she felt was palpable.
“Oh, you poor thing,” Sarah cooed. “Harry, scoot over, let her sit,” she ordered.
Harry did immediately. Simultaneously terrified and excited to be so close to her. “Oh, it’s alright. I just—”
“Seriously, darling,” Mitch smiled. “Sit,” he encouraged.
She did.
The warmth of her body rolled off her and wafted over Harry in waves. It was like a gentle hug. His heart was rapidly beating, as it always did but somehow even faster now that she was so close to him. “Thank you, my feet are killing me,” she sighed. “I need new shoes, but my car just ate up a big chunk of my paycheck,” she frowned. “When it rains it pours right?”
Harry was trying to figure out the best course of action to help her on every front. He already imagined her tip was going to be exorbitant and he hoped she wouldn’t be upset by that—because he truly wanted to help her. “Have y’eaten yet?” He asked softly.
She bit the inside of her cheek. “No, I have been running around like crazy. Totally missed my chance at lunch.”
“S’not good, love,” Harry frowned. He wanted to call her Miss Sunflower or something similar, but he had one neuron still keeping him sane and decided ‘love’ was more neutral than not.
She nodded in agreement. “I know, I shouldn’t even be sitting. I’m sorry to lay all that on you guys. You’re just the first nice group I’ve had all day. It’s like a break in itself—not that I won’t do what you need and—”
“Oh please,” Sarah rolled her eyes. “We can just fill this table for you if that will make your life easier. Don’t worry about us,” she assured her.
The relief on her face was so sweet. Harry struggled to not wrap her in a hug beside him. “Thank you guys. It’s so nice to see you. I’ve never had my own regulars before,” her smile was so cute Harry wanted to kiss every inch of her face. His skin felt warm sitting so close to her. Snaking his arm around her waist would be so easy, so effortless. “I’ll get you a round of drinks?” She asked as she stood from her seat beside Harry. “Anything to start with today?”
“Pretzel bites,” Harry blurted quickly. “Please.”
He hoped he could convince her to sit and have a few when they came to the table. “My favorite,” she grinned knowingly.
When Harry sat in her section, she knew it was going to be a good day. His sweet smile, his easy-going nature, and just his kind presence made her shift immensely better. “He’s here again,” Niall sang as he headed to the kitchen where she was putting together a to-go order for one of her tables.
Her cheeks warmed under Niall’s sing-song tone. “If your food wasn’t so good he wouldn’t be here.”
“Darling, he’s not here for the food,” Niall sounded the slightest bit exasperated. He had repeated himself of the same notion since the second time Harry showed up to be seated in her section. “If he was truly here for the food, would he have left you a massive tip like that to get new shoes?”
The implication was there, and maybe she was having a little more trouble ignoring it after getting way more money from him and his friends than she had ever gotten while waitressing. Her achy feet felt so much better with new shoes too. So, part of her struggled to ignore the fact that Harry was maybe, possibly, there because she was.
Harry never made her feel uncomfortable. In fact, she felt nothing but comfort by seeing him. He was quiet, sweet, and very easy to look at. It took considerable strength for her to not stand at his table forthe entire time he was seated in her section. Mondays and Fridays were her favorite days of the week. Chatting with him (even if he seemed a little shy at times) was the best part of her shifts. His smile was so charming. She wanted to tell him everything about her reflexively. It was completely disarming. Or maybe it was how green and deep his eyes were that nearly made her voice die in her throat. It took a lot of effort to remember her job was to go get drinks and food for him at regular intervals.
She really thought he wanted no part of her when she didn’t even get a text message from him after procuring one of her lame cards. Certainly, with silly little flowers and dumb odd jobs listed, he wanted to steer clear of her. But instead, he showed up a few days later in her section. It made her stomach twist with nervous butterflies flitting inside. There were a thousand thoughts running through her head as she admired her handsome customer from afar.
“Hi Harry,” she smiled sweetly as she approached his table. “How are you?” She asked politely.
“Good, how are you?” He answered.
“Good,” she responded. “I got new shoes,” she pointed a toe toward him for him to look at the new sneakers she chose. “That was extremely kind and overwhelming. You didn’t need to do that,” she bit the inside of her lip. “I tried to stop you guys from leaving once I realized, but Niall—”
“S’nothing, love,” his cheeks turned the lightest shade of pink at the compliment. Her heart skipped a beat at how adorable he was and looked. “Was a long day for you. I jus’ wanted t’help a little.”
She nodded feeling gratitude overwhelm her—it was thick in her throat. “Seriously, thank you,” she hoped he understood how appreciative she was. “No one’s ever done something like that for me before.”
“S’really no trouble,” he assured her with a smile that melted each of her organs to a puddle. She was lucky she stayed upright.
“I’ll...I’ll be right back,” she turned and bumped into the table that was behind her causing the chair to scrape across the floor.
“Are y’okay, love?” Harry asked suddenly behind her. He gently touched the back of her arm creating a plethora of fireworks on her skin and in her heart. She shook her head and blushed nervously.
“I’m good. Clumsy me. I’ll get you your drink,” she nearly sprinted toward the bar so as not to embarrass herself further.
She was chatting with Harry, leaning against the booth. It was easy. Harry wasn’t a man of many words, but he was a great listener and when he did talk, everything he said was so kind and genuine. It was like talking to an old friend. Someone who just knew what she was thinking without her having to say much. There was this familiarity that was so warm it wrapped around her like a blanket. It made her feel so comfortable in his presence.
She never wanted to stop talking to him. Which was probably why she didn’t. Poor Harry listened to her chat his ear off for hours during the time he came to visit over the couple months of the semester. His quiet, “what’s that like?” Or, “do you enjoy this class?” And, “do you have a recommendation?” just kept her talking and talking.
It was hard for her to fathom Harry was there for her. Harry was graduated, had a real job, and made a ton of money it seemed if he was willing to tip a poor waitress an obscene amount of money for new sneakers. His clothes were nice, and his hair was perfectly styled. He always looked like he was ready for a business call.
His friends were extremely nice and friendly. They were also put together in a way that she never dreamed she could be so it was hard to imagine a situation in which Harry might possibly, kind of, have a crush on her the way she had one on him.
She was mid conversation with Harry. The fall semester had end and she was going to pick up more shifts somehow but was definitely going to catch up on sleep as well. She was praying that Harry would put her out of her pining misery and tell her he had a girlfriend one of these days. “You have to try this new dish! It has the brussels sprouts you like and—”
She was swept directly off the floor mid-sentence and was wrapped in a hug. It was familiar in a way that was different than the familiarity of Harry. Because she was used to this kind of hug. “Hey beautiful,” he cooed in her ear.
She smiled excitedly. “Hi, Jake! I thought you weren’t starting till this weekend!”
“I’m not, but I was nearby and thought I could use a dose of pretty,” he winked and headed toward the kitchen without another word.
She blushed and shook her head. “Sorry,” she murmured and turned to look at Harry again and finish the sentence she had started. “Anyway, the brussels spr—”
Harry had come to the restaurant in a lot of moods over the last few months. Tired, frustrated, happy, stressed, excited...she was pretty good at reading his expression and deciding what he needed or wanted to make his day better. This expression was unreadable. His jaw was tensed creating a sharp angle at his jawline she was sure it could have cut glass. His eyes were blank but watching her intensely. All of his muscles appeared taut—his posture ramrod straight. It almost looked uncomfortable. “Are you okay?” She asked softly.
Harry blinked, shook his head quickly, and cleared his throat. “Uh...yeah. Sorry,” he reached for his glass of water and took a large gulp. “Y’were saying something ‘bout brussels sprouts,” he reminded her.
She bit the inside of her lip feeling a shift in the air around them. Something she couldn’t quite pinpoint. “Oh, right...just...I think you’ll like the special.”
He nodded. Still completely unreadable. “I’ll try it, thank you.”
“I’ll go...put that in,” she murmured and headed toward the kitchen.
The kitchen was still greeting Jake when she entered. Everyone was listening to him recount his semester abroad. “Whoa, did you see a ghost?” Niall asked, doing a double take when she entered.
She shook her head and rolled her eyes. “No, it’s nothing,” she punched her code into the computer and tapped the meal for Harry.
“Did Harry tell you he has a girlfriend?” Niall pressed.
“No,” she muttered, her cheeks burning red. She grabbed a plate off the shelf for the other table she was waiting on and made sure it had all the extra sides and things. She grabbed the second dish and placed it on her arm.
“Who’s Harry?” Jake asked.
“The love of her life,” Niall told him.
“Shut up, Niall.”
He chuckled. “Oh? Were you going to tell me about him?”
“I’m a bit busy right now.”
“You couldn’t text me?” Jake asked. Jake had been her best friend on the job since Niall opened the sunflowery place. They were a great dynamic duo. But Jake was into dating a lot of different women and that was totally fine and his prerogative. She didn’t judge him at all for being young and doing what he wanted. But she wanted no part of his love life. So they remained friends and it was truly better that way. He would bail her out if a customer was being rude or coming on too strong. She helped him with his math homework and made sure he remembered to drink something other than protein shakes and alcohol on the weekend.
“There’s nothing to write home about,” she mumbled, lying through her teeth and feeling devastated that something in the air shifted between them in a matter of seconds.
Niall snorted in disbelief. She glared at him. Jake smiled impishly while she gathered the final fixings for the table. “Where is he?” He asked as she pushed on the door.
“Jake,” she choked nearly losing the plate in her left hand.
“Niall, do you know him?” He looked expectantly at him. He smirked, opening his mouth to give him the details.
“Niall!” She snapped. Niall closed his mouth immediately and shrugged at Jake.
She sighed with relief and pushed through to the restaurant floor. “Table thirty-four!” he shouted, muffled by the closed door. She glanced back to see him hovering over the computer.
It took every ounce of self-control to hold onto the dishes in her arms. She wanted to scream. She hurried to her table to deliver the food, prayed they wouldn’t ask for anything additionally, and then she nearly took out another waiter while running for Harry’s table on the other side of the restaurant.
Jake was letting go of Harry’s hand as she approached, and she shoved Jake out of the way. “I don’t know what he said but it’s not true.”
Harry smirked, a good sign of his normal smile and demeanor. “Y’not friends?” He questioned.
She punched Jake in the arm who barely registered the motion other than lightly rubbing his arm without breaking eye contact with Harry. “Not anymore,” she grumbled.
“She’s my work wife,” Jake said wrapping his arm around her shoulders. “Can’t get her to commit to being my actual wife.”
“Don’t want any diseases,” she muttered. The blank, cold stare in Harry’s eyes returned and she felt so warm she tried to push against Jake but was unsuccessful. “Harry is also in finance,” she explained. “He offered to help me make a new business card—”
“Thank God,” Jake interrupted.
“—and he might know someone for an internship.”
Harry’s answer was gentle even though the cold stare didn’t waver. “Don’t think y’need t’change the business card all that much, love. S’sweet.”
“Childish and unprofessional,” she said pointedly.
“Agreed,” Jake squeezed her to his side. “Thanks for keeping her company while I was gone,” he said. Harry wasn’t a man of many words. But his facial expressions made up for it. He smiled politely, nodded, and glanced at his phone ringing.
“I have t’take this,” his voice was tight, apologetic.
“Of course, let’s go,” she yanked on Jake and headed toward the kitchen again.
“Not sure why you like him, he’s pretty cold,” Jake taunted as they returned to the kitchen.
“Cold?” Niall asked. “Harry makes her feel all warm and fuzzy,” he teased. She wrinkled her nose and definitely felt warm at the insinuation.
“He’s... not himself today,” she admitted. “I don’t know why,” she frowned and turned to Niall. “It’s weird.”
“Darling, you can’t be this brilliant and that stupid at the same time,” Niall pinched the bridge of his nose.
Her frowned deepened and she felt resentment for the notion of being stupid. “What are you—”
“He’s jealous.”
“Of what?”
“Of Jake,” Niall rolled his eyes as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
She snorted. “Why?” She blinked.
“Look at me,” Jake smiled proudly and gestured toward himself self-assuredly.
She eyed him briefly up and down. “What? You look like a tool who’s been abroad,” she remarked.
Jake shook his head, unaffected by her insult. “Think Harry might think I’m competition.”
“Why would he think that?”
“I mean, I did call you my wife.”
Niall laughed. “Oh God, poor Harry.”
Her face flamed. “I said we were friends!” She pouted. “Oh my God. Go back abroad,” she shoved him toward the door. “You are the worst.”
“Easy, love,” Jake continued to taunt, this time in Harry’s accent. “I can fix it,” he offered and headed back for Harry’s table quicker than she could catch him. But when they got there, his table was empty. A note scribbled on a napkin in Harry’s writing. Family emergency. Sorry :( Was looking forward to the brussels sprouts. You can have it on me. Next time. He left cash for the food and a tip anyway. Even though he never got his meal.
She pocketed the money and punched Jake in the arm one more time for good measure.
“You’re being ridiculous, you know that, right?” Sarah asked. “I know we aren’t best friends with her or anything, but she’s really nice. She wouldn’t lead you on like that.”
Harry knew that. Really, he did. But the emotion he was feeling wasn’t rational. Jake called her his wife and had his arm around her. He hugged her like he loved her. Harry was certain Jake loved her. Even in a way that wasn’t necessarily romantic, but it was...unfair. Unfair that Harry hadn’t told her he liked her. Nervous that he would make her uncomfortable by hitting on her while she was working.
“She wasn’t leading me on at all,” Harry murmured.
“All the more of a reason to not be ridiculous,” Sarah and Mitch had taken turns telling him it was childish to ignore her after all those months of chatting with her and entrenching himself as a regular and then to just not because he was jealous.
“Just because you’re jealous—”
“M’not jealous,” he grumbled.
“Right, because someone who’s not jealous would leave before he got his food because her friend called her his work wife. Someone who’s not jealous would suddenly stop being her regular after months.”
Like clockwork.
Harry was lying on the couch at Sarah and Mitch’s place face down trying to ignore the feeling of his heart breaking. No one said anything for several minutes. Sarah was working on cleaning the kitchen when Harry arrived, and Mitch suggested getting pizza. Harry wasn’t even hungry. Well, he was, but he wanted brussels sprouts.
“I might be jealous,” he admitted.
“Hallelujah,” Sarah sighed. “Talk to her.”
“Don’t y’think she’ll be grossed out that ‘ve basically been...stalking her because I like her?”
“Hello!” Sarah nearly shouted. “She likes you too!”
Harry was flooded with warmth at the idea. “She’s never said anything,” he mumbled.
“You’re her customer,” Mitch rolled his eyes. “As worried you’ve been about flirting with her while she’s working. She’s probably just as worried.”
It couldn’t have been that easy or simple.
Could it?
Harry was reading his schedule for the day on his computer. They were regular appointments with clients that he had in on a regular basis. He had just returned from the breakroom after an hour-long meeting and was seeing what was next or if he would have some downtime for paperwork in before his next client. The schedule looked normal. Except for the one meeting blocked off for ten-thirty. “Hey, Kate,” he called to his secretary outside his office. “Do y’know who scheduled—”
But Harry wasn’t paying attention to the time, and it was already ten-twenty-five and she walked into his office.
He dropped the pen he was holding above the calendar. His lips parted as she entered.
“Your ten-thirty is here!” Kate called.
Harry was going to fire her.
It had been two weeks since he had seen her. He wasn’t sure how it was possible, but she looked more beautiful. Or maybe it was because his office was light, mostly the sun coming through the windows and made her practically glow. Like she really was a sunflower. “Hi,” he murmured.
She wasn’t in her typical waitressing uniform. Her hair wasn’t pulled back. Harry didn’t know she could be more beautiful than when she was waitressing, but she was wearing regular clothes, a blue dress that fell to her knees and she seriously took on the beauty of a sunflower, it was astounding. “Hi,” she said.
“Y’can close the door,” he offered. “D’you want something t’drink?” He turned away from her and heard the door click shut. He went to the mini fridge on the back windowsill in the corner of his office holding a few small bottles of water. “Y’can sit,” he gestured to the chair. She did. He placed the bottle in front of her and sat across from her behind his desk. They were both silent for a moment. Harry took a deep breath. “I’m sorry,” he murmured.
“Harry, I have this absurd love for numbers. People have looked at me funny since I was young. It’s like this really complicated puzzle in my head and I just want to solve it. None of the little parts make sense together until they do. The answer is so beautiful when all those pieces click, and the flow of your logic comes down to this one singular answer and it’s just perfect.”
Harry wondered if there had ever been a poem written about numbers. Or if what she said was the very first one. Harry was pretty passionate about his work, and he was glad he made pretty good money. But he didn’t think he could ever chat about numbers the way she did.
“I feel that way when I’m around you. That all this logic just beautifully clicks into place. You make me feel normal for liking numbers. You’re extremely kind and you don’t...” she bit the inside of her lip and looked at her hands in her lap. “I don’t know why I feel this way but you...you stopped coming to eat, I don’t know why, and I don’t know what I did. I want to fix it because I’ve enjoyed getting to know you and I thought we were friends. Then we weren’t. I liked picking out which special of the week you would enjoy. Maybe I’m too young or something to be friends? I can’t help that. Maybe it was because Jake called me child—”
“Don’t,” he shook his head unable to hear the name.
“So it is about him,” she frowned. “I don’t...Harry, it’s not fair to keep me out of the loop about what you’re feeling! I can’t fix whatever I did—”
“You didn’t do anything.”
“Then why did you stop coming to eat?” her voice cracked.
Harry wanted to jump out a window for making her feel insecure and nervous. If she cried he was done for. He sighed exasperated with his own miscommunication. His cheeks felt warm as they always did when he embarrassed himself around her. “Y’not too young,” he looked at her, but it felt like he was looking right through her. Like he could see right into her brain and read every word that was waiting to exit her mouth. “You’re not childish,” he affirmed. “You are...” He shook his head. “You are perfect,” he assured her. “I didn’t want t’ask y’out while y’were working. S’kinda rude. Then Jake called you his wife—”
“I’m gonna kill him,” she whispered.
Harry ignored her comment (even though it made his heart feel the slightest bit better). “—I really like you. I think you’re way too smart for me. Way too kind. And y’work in a place surrounded with beautiful sunflowers and I can’t stop looking at you,” his heart felt heavy, the butterflies in his stomach were trying to escape. He used every ounce of his effort to read her unreadable expression as he watched her process everything he said.
“You think I’m beautiful?” She whispered.
He snorted. Of all the things she could focus on at a moment like that. “Love, y’have t’know you are.”
She shook her head. “I’m always sweaty and working when you see me.”
“Well seems y’had some proper prep time today,” he looked at her with a soft gaze that he hoped didn’t seem too excessive. “Y’look more beautiful.”
Her eyes seemed to melt with relief. “You were jealous?” She asked.
“Course I was,” he nodded easily. Like it made the most sense in the world.
“But... you never said anything.”
“I didn’t want t’make you uncomfortable,” he repeated. “I can’t imagine how many people hit on you while you’re working.”
She frowned. “Naturally not the person I want,” she grumbled cutely. Harry felt lighter. He smiled.
“Sorry,” he whispered.
She shifted awkwardly in her seat but smiled. “I uh...I came here to tell you off.”
He chuckled. “I would deserve that,” he agreed. “I... I have something for you,” he opened the top right drawer to his desk. “Saw it, and...it's not much, but it reminded me of you," his eyes were so gentle it made her heart skip a beat. He held out the little cardboard rectangle. It might not have "been much" but it was everything. A thin gold chain, a sunflower crystal pendant the lightest shade of yellow. "Love?" he asked quietly after a moment of her staring at the most thoughtful gift she had ever received. For another moment they just gazed at one another. Unmoving. Harry was wearing a button down, rolled up to his elbows. He looked at ease, finally. His cheeks flushed. His eyes so green and beautiful. She could barely breathe.
Then finally, Harry spoke again.
"Would you like t'go out with me?"
general taglist: @justlemmeadoreyou @daydreamingofmatilda @sunshinemoonsposts @loving-hazz @likeapplejuicenpeach
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trivia-yandere · 8 months
with love... k.nj
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your valentine's date with namjoon was a success - to bad you don't know who he truly is.
@sweetempathprunetree @momnomnom @darkuni63 @minshookie29 @whipwhoops
word count: 3.944
warning: stalking, yandere themes, dark themes, non-con, unsolicited touching/groping/kissing, somnophilia, public indecency, masturbation, non-con oral, alcohol intake, nipple sucking, cumshot,
valentines day masterlist
“Nam…joon...” his name sounds so sweet coming from your lips, Namjoon thinks. It’s slurred only a bit due to the alcohol in your system. 
“Yes?” Namjoon smiles down at you, a dimpled smile that has your heart racing because of how handsome he looks now. “Let’s get you home, Y/N.”
“Home…” you murmur.
Namjoon has a protective arm around you to keep you in place. You were heavily intoxicated and he was a bit tipsy, but he understood that in order to get you home safe he couldn’t drink as much as you. 
The moon shines bright above the two of you as you both walk down the quiet road. It’s a bit chilly and Namjoon is thankful that he brought an extra scarf so that you'll remain warm in this weather. 
“Did you enjoy yourself?” Namjoon asks rhetorically. He knows you did - you were nothing but fits of laughter all throughout the night. You danced and swayed your hips to the music, drank with no worries in the world and smiled so sweetly at him that it caused his heart to swell.
“Yes.” you murmur, your eyelids began to feel heavy and you wanted nothing more than to be greeted with your bed soon. “The date was nice. T-Thank you.”
Namjoon hums in satisfaction.
It was your first date with Namjoon - conveniently on Valentine’s day. He had mustered up the courage to speak to you after a few months of quietly gaining up the confidence to do so - his eyes setting on you each morning as the pair of you left for work. You lived directly across from him in an apartment you shared with your mother -  a sweet lady.
Namjoon’s mind begins to recall the events of the date - it wasn’t typical as most Valentine’s dates are. Restaurants were booked to full capacity and even cafe’s appeared to be busy. You insisted karaoke was okay when he mentioned it, and thus started the date - you and him drinking while belting out lyrics like your lives depended on it. 
The karaoke bar was nearly empty and that meant that it was something special for just the two of you - just you and Namjoon. You danced and swayed your hips as the alcohol ran through your system, a wide smile on your lips. 
You were teasing him, Namjoon thinks. Teasing him with the dress you wore - a white dress that hugs you perfectly and left little to the imagination. He likes to think that you wore it specifically for him - wanting him to see just how amazing you looked in it; how perfect your ass sat in it.
Yes - Namjoon knows you teased him nonstop. In the karaoke bar when you chose that song - a song where you had to sway your hips and give him such sensual eyes. Tease him with how close you’d sit to him when the pair of you ate, how you’d touch him when he’d say a joke and you’d laugh heartily.
Even now, you continued to tease him. You leaned against his arm and held onto him so tightly that Namjoon knows you don’t want him to go. 
The apartment building was now in sight and Namjoon knows that you don’t want him to go - you seem to clench on his arm even tighter at just the thought. “You should drink some water, Y/N. It would be good for you.”
You nod in agreement, the pair of you now strolling down the hall to your apartment. You and him are in front of your door and it doesn’t strike you as odd when Namjoon already knows the code to get inside. 
Your apartment is similar to his as far as layout. He knows where the kitchen is and it's where he goes to get you some water. Again, it doesn’t strike you as odd as it should; how comfortable Namjoon is in your home. 
Namjoon hears you shuffling down the hallway, no doubt to your bedroom. He rummages through your cabinets to find a cup - and when he does he fills it with ice and pours the water inside.
Namjoon sighs when he enters your bedroom - the door cracked slightly. There's little light, only from the moon shining slightly through your window.
You were asleep already, soft snores could be heard. Namjoon thinks you look cute - you didn’t even manage to get out of your clothes yet. 
Namjoon shuts the door behind him with a huff, coming around the corner to your bed. He places the cup of water down on your bedside table. “You still have the flowers I sent you.”
You had them all, Namjoon notes, even the ones from when he first started to send them to you. They’re on both sides of your bedside table and even some on the floor by them - Namjoon couldn’t help but smile.
‘These are for you.’ your mother signs, pointing to the large bouquet of flowers in her hand. She had just walked through the door as you were finishing up washing the dishes. 
You tilt your head, eyes scanning the large bouquet - it’s sunflowers wrapped neatly in pink wrapping. ‘Does it say who it's from?’ you signed back, taking a few steps forward to grab the bouquet. ‘There’s a note.’ you sign, grabbing the bouquet of flowers.
‘You never told me you had an admirer.’ your mother signs back, a smirk forming on her lips.
‘I don’t.’ you snicker to yourself, placing the bouquet of flowers upon your kitchen table and grabbing the note. It comes in a pink envelope sealed tightly.
“I repeatedly dream of you when my eyes are laid to sleep.
Often, I think of your golden hue whenever my mind plunges deep”
You re-read the words a few times before shaking your head. The bottom is signed - k.nj.
You don’t know anyone with those initials - but you don’t allow yourself to dwell. You’re sure that the flowers probably weren’t even for you and instead, were for someone else. Maybe it was delivered to the wrong house. Such sweet words can not be addressed to you when you are single.
However, you kept the flowers - what were you suspected to do? Throw them away? They were pretty and even if the card wasn’t addressed to you, you’d pretend they were.
“I know you enjoyed my little gifts, Y/N. I’d see the smile on your lips when you got them.” Namjoon murmurs to you, a hand gently stroking your cheek. “So beautiful, Y/N. Teasing me right now…”
There’s a whine that releases from Namjoon’s throat as his hand trails down your cheek to your jaw then your exposed neck. You had teased him relentlessly the entire night with this dress - the same dress that was now rising up your thighs to expose your smooth skin. 
“You are such a little tease, baby. Wearing this dress knowing it would drive me crazy.” Namjoon shakes his head, his pants tightening with excitement. “You shouldn’t be sleeping in this. You’ll be uncomfortable.”
Namjoon was going to take off your dress and assure you were tucked in for bed like you should be. Your snores get softer as he hoists you up, his fingers grasping the small zipper behind your back. He slowly pulls it down, a hand rubbing along your bare back and he shudders.
“So beautiful.” Namjoon murmurs when your dress is off of you. Your breast naturally falls as he lays you back onto the bed, your nipples erect due to the cool air of your bedroom. 
Namjoon gently folds your dress and places it aside. His eyes glance your way just as you shuffled. He begins to think you’re waking up, but you only move to get more comfortable - widening your legs slightly.
Namjoon hums. “You want me to look at you?” he asks, in a voice so soft that even he couldn’t believe he said it. 
Namjoon swallows, his mouth beginning to salivate at the view of you. Your panties were what was drawing him in - simply because he was the one that got them for you. “Did you know it was me, Y/N?” Namjoon murmurs, his eyes zoning in on the lacy material that leaves little to the imagination. 
Your pace begins to slow just as you reach your floor. On the floor right outside your door was yet another bouquet of flowers, this time an array of different types of flowers instead of the sunflowers of before. Right beside it is a gift bag with gift paper inside. “This can’t be for me…” you mumble to yourself aloud. 
Nonetheless, you squat down to grasp the flowers and the gift bag, curiosity winning the game. You open the door to your home and go inside.
You place the bouquet on your kitchen table and go to open the gift bag. There’s a card inside the bag that you open.
“My devotion for you is not for any other
For some might say it is overdone
Together we have one another
So you shall not need anyone…
With love, k.nj…”
You blink at the card. Yet another poem-like note was left. You dig deeper through the gift bag and your hands touch a material. You lift it out and your eyes widen slightly. Heat rushes through you as you realize they’re panties - all different kinds. Seamless, lace, cotton and silk. 
You inhale, throwing the panties back inside the gift bag and make your way towards your front door. There’s shuffling outside in the hallway and you slam your door open.
You startled your neighbor with your actions. He flinches, dropping the plant he had in his hand with the loud slamming of your door opening. He turns towards you with wide eyes.
“Is everything okay…?” the man asks.
You nod your head frantically. “Y-Yes. Sorry about that.” you rush across towards your neighbor. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”
The man smiles a dimpled smile that causes heat to rush through you - similar to before. “It’s alright.” he assures, kneeling down to pick up the plant. “Was I making too much noise? Sometimes I get locked out of my apartment…” he trails off, glancing away with tinted cheeks. 
“No, not at all. Just thought you were someone else…” you murmur. “I’m Y/N.”
The man nods his head, offering you the same polite smile. “Namjoon.” he replies.
“You had to have known it was me, baby. That’s why you kept all my gifts.” Namjoon was only torturing himself being around you for this long - but he couldn’t tear his eyes away from you. You were utterly beautiful; perfect. You didn’t throw away the gift like he initially thought you would have and now you were wearing it. “Yes…that’s why you agreed to go on a date with me, baby. You knew it was me…”
This had to be why you were teasing him. You knew he’d want you to be comfortable while you slept - that’s why you wore a dress. That’s why you fell asleep; so he’d be the gentleman that he was and remove it - so he could see that you were wearing his gift.
Namjoon’s fingers hook between the lacy material of the panties. “You’d want me to have a look, right?” he asks, eyes flickering up to your peaceful face. “That’s why you opened your legs for me, baby. You want me to see you like this.”
Namjoon begins to pull your panties down your legs, eyes widening at your bare pussy for his eyes to see. So perfect, he thinks. His mouth salivates at the thought of tasting you - to dip his face deep into your pussy and feast upon your essence.
“So perfect, baby. You don’t even realize how perfect you are.” Namjoon pushes your thighs apart to get a closer look at your pussy. “I can’t believe I’m seeing your pussy closer than before. Remember that time you touched yourself right in front of the window? It was like you knew I was watching you, baby.”
Namjoon understands that this was going overboard. It was different from him to catch sight of you as you both went to work in the mornings. He’d greet you and you’d greet him back with that soft, sweet smile. Now, however, he was watching you through your bedroom window - just out of sight. It’s a moonless night and you’ve just gotten out of the shower. Your bedroom lights are dimmed and you don’t notice that your window is cracked open when you left it closed prior to bathing. 
Namjoon understands that this was going overboard - but he couldn’t help himself. You dropped the towel on the floor and began to lotion your skin - how he longs to touch it. How he longs to feel your soft skin beneath his hand, to smell your scent fresh from the shower.
You had to know he was here watching you - the way you touch your body as you lotion it. The way your hands grip your breast and bend down right in his view to massage your legs tells him that you were putting on a show for his very eyes.
Especially when you lay down on your bed and open your legs. Your hands dip between your thighs and your fingers would soon be playing with your clit. At this, Namjoon cannot help but do the same as you - right outside your window for anyone passing by to see. But it’s night time and dark, he’s completely in the shadows. 
Namjoon wraps a needy hand around his cock, fully exposing himself. He doesn’t waste any time - he has to do this now. Your left hand grips your breast - he wish it was his. How erect your nipples were right now, so much so that he wants to wrap his tongue around them and suck until they’re numb.
Your moans are what’s driving him crazy and causing him to pump his cock harder. He spits into his hand for lubrication, his mind pretending that it’s your sweet essence. You sound so sweet and full of lust; fully stuck in the moment. 
Namjoon’s eyes widen as your fingers dip inside of you and your moans grow even louder. You begin to pump your fingers in and out, your chest heaving with pleasure-filled moans. Your breast begins to bounce as you pump faster, looking for an orgasm that he wishes he was there to give. 
It’s embarrassing knowing that Namjoon cums right in the palm of his hand right as you do around your fingers. You don’t know he’s there, he tells himself, but there’s a sick part of him that tells him that you did.
“You wanted me to do this, baby. That’s why you wore that dress and these panties.” Namjoon is holding one of the flowers he’s gotten you recently. “I’ll try to make it special, baby. It is Valentine’s Day.”
If Namjoon would have known that this is what you wanted, he would have planned something a bit more romantic. However, this wasn’t going to stop him. He removes the petals from the flowers and begins to place them around your bed. “Next time, I’ll make sure I have candles. That it’s more romantic for us.” he assures, murmuring to you as if you could hear him. 
Namjoon undoes his pants and allows them to fall to the ground. He does the same to his underwear, getting out of them entirely. He dips onto the bed as gently as he could to not disturb you.
Your pussy is on full display for Namjoon, so much so that he shudders once more. He licks his lips, breathing increasing as he lowers between your legs. His tongue pokes out of his mouth and gently, he licks a stripe up your pussy to your clit. “Fuck.” he says against your pussy. 
Namjoon couldn’t hold himself back anymore - not when you tasted this good. He dives deep into your pussy, ravishing you. His head bobs from side to side, his hands hooking beneath your thighs to keep you in place.
Namjoon can hear your sleepy moans and wonder if you’re dreaming of him at this moment - of him pleasuring you like he was doing now. Your thighs slightly twitch and you begin to shuffle in his grasp, but that doesn’t stop Namjoon. No, he only leans back to spit onto your already wet clit, then continues to ravish you like he was.
Namjoon just knows you’re loving what he’s doing to you. There’s soft pants releasing from your lips, even as you remain in a peaceful slumber. He’s positive that if you were awake for him, that you’d be moaning even louder than you were when you were pleasuring yourself - he just knows you would be.
Namjoon leans back to admire his work - your glistening pussy. He licks his lips as he gets on his knees, hovering slightly above you. “So, so beautiful.” he says with a bit of a whine in his voice. 
Namjoon gives his cock a hard squeeze after he wraps his hand around it. “So perfect in every way possible. I knew this pussy would be the best ever since that day I watched you in your window.” Namjoon glances up at your window - the outside is just as dark as it was that day. For an odd reason, there’s a rush that goes through him thinking about someone walking by and seeing him and you like this.
“I could eat your pussy all night.” Namjoon continues to tug at his cock, his eyes zoning in at your wet pussy, arousal dripping from it. “You’d let me, too, won’t you baby?” he whimpers. “My perfect little Y/N…all mine.”
There’s a wave of pleasure flowing through Namjoon right now. It’s blissful to be with you like this - so close to you. The act is intimate - something he’d cherish for the rest of his life. 
Kim Namjoon loves you with every fiber of his being. You were an angel in his eyes - ever since he first laid eyes on you months prior when you and your mother first moved in.
Namjoon isn’t sure what it was about you that drove him towards you. You were pretty, yes. You were quiet and polite, sending quick grins his way as he passed you in the hallway. He learned that you and your mother move directly across from him - a woman he’d soon realize was deaf when he saw you signing to her one day on his way out of his apartment.
Namjoon isn’t sure what it was about you that drove him to follow you like he did. You went to work and then home - and when you weren’t home, you were at cafe’s. It didn’t look like you had many friends; if any. You spent most of your time alone when you were at cafe’s, drinking latte’s and reading books.
Maybe it was your beauty that drew you to Namjoon. Effortlessly beautiful and you never had to try too hard. 
Maybe it was your innocence - purely oblivious to your surroundings. Namjoon followed you constantly when he wasn’t busy - he knew the route you took home from work and the exact time you’d get home each day. He remembered your favorite drink at the cafe and just how long you’d stay there - no longer than two hours.
Namjoon isn’t sure what it is about you that draws so much of his attention towards you - but you’re undoubtedly you. You were a kind daughter who lived a simple life. You held no fear in your heart for the outside world or danger; luckily there was no threat wandering around you. He’d know if there was.
“It isn’t enough, baby.” Namjoon sighs with a shake of his head. “Your pussy’s so wet that I know it’d feel better than my hand.”
Namjoon grumbles when your thighs twitch. “Ah, you agree, right?” he questions, squeezing his cock tighter. “You’d let me, baby? You want me to feel how wet your pussy is for me…”
Namjoon inches closer to you, the tip of his cock already leaking pre-cum with just the thought of having a piece of you. 
Namjoons brows furrow. He can feel his body flush with heat, especially his cheeks. He bites his bottom lip when his tip brushes against your clit. He groans, goosebumps erupting onto his arms. “Such a pretty pussy…” he rubs his cock along your wet folds, unable to take his eyes off of it. 
Deep in Namjoon’s gut there’s pleasure building up, but he doesn’t want to cum so soon. No, he wants to feel your juices mixed with his precum, feel it drip down the shaft of his cock and - 
“Shit, baby.” Namjoon moans aloud. He lets go of his cock to hold onto your hips, his hips thrusting so that his cock was rubbing directly against your clit. “You’re getting wetter by the second, baby. I know it feels good for you.”
Namjoon’s eyes, hooded eyes full of lust, flicker to your now bouncing breast. With the way he’s thrusting against you, it bounces beautifully. 
“Wearing the panties I got you…” Namjoon grumbles, leaning down so his lips are right next to your nipples. “...not wearing a bra under this dress. You wanted me, my love.”
Namjoon wraps his mouth around your nipple, sucking on the sensitive bud like his life depended on it. He’s full on panting now, his breathing increasing erratically at how good you’re being for him.
Namjoon pops your nipple from his mouth to twirl his tongue on it, licking as though it’s a lollipop. There’s sweat lining his forehead and he never wanted this special moment between the two of you to end - not ever. 
Namjoon couldn’t wait for this moment to happen again - to see you on his cock and your face contorting with different waves of pleasure.He wants to hear those same moans he heard while he stood outside your window - witness the same waves of pleasure go through you. Next time, he’d want to look into your eyes as he has you dive through your orgasm.
Namjoon’s teeth slightly bite down on your nipple, grazing it slightly. It doesn’t take a genius to know that he’s going to be cumming soon. “I’m gonna cum right on your pussy, baby. You’d let me, right? You’d want me to cum on your pussy?”
Namjoon grunts loudly at just the thought of doing so - his mind flashing with his seed dripping all over your clit and coating your inner thighs entirely. It’s the least you could allow him to do - after all, he has admired you for so long.
“So beautiful, baby,” Namjoon grumbles, his cock twitching for a release. “So beautiful and all mine.
Namjoon detached himself from your breast to lock his eyes with your pussy once more. It’s glistening with your own arousal - he knew you’d enjoy this.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Namjoon whimpers out, your warm heat allowing him the release he wants. “Such a pretty pussy, my love. So pretty and all mine.” he grunts, thick robes of his cum shooting all over your clit, seeping down across your ass.
Namjoon doesn’t stop. No, not until your pussy is fully coated with his love for you, sticky and white and warm. And even then, Namjoon cannot bring himself to want to stop. “I could do this with you all night, baby. You’d want that, wouldn’t you?”
Namjoon leans down to press a soft kiss to your lips, whimpering right into it. “My pretty, Y/N.” he murmurs between kisses. “All mine.”
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jjkeremika · 4 months
shameless lovers
description: sex with AoT men
feat. eren jaeger; erwin smith; jean kirstein; porco galliard; reiner braun; levi ackerman x fem!reader
tag/disclaimer(s): NSFW/MDNI; fem!reader; biting; daddy; knife play; in public; penetration
eren - rambles
eren can’t keep his mouth shut. it’s running as fast as his mind is reeling with how fantastic he thinks you look nude, how badly he wants to touch your bare, sensitive skin. his low tone harmonized by your demanding, high-pitched moans as he tweaks your nipples with two fingers. his lips occupied with intermittent kisses along your neck and torso as he rambles about how hot you are, just how much he loves your body as he thrusts into you with a rough shove and a tight grasp on your hip.
erwin - sweet talks you through it
“oh, baby, you can do it. you’re doing so well—taking all of me so well,” are some of many phrases erwin throatily whispers in your ear as he mercilessly pounds into you, as he kitten-licks and nibbles on nearby skin. you catch him glancing down at where his cock slipped into your cunt, notice him gasp, “so well, so perfect—you’re so perfect,” with a soft, soothing voice that so starkly contrasts the almost painful hold on your hips, the almost overbearing fullness of a thick extremity pushing and stuffing your insides to capacity.
jean - daddy
jean loves when you call him daddy. he feels every nerve ending prickle and bump when the heat and euphoria becomes overwhelming and you scream out, “da-daddy, i-it’s too much!” the name encourages his hips to speed up, to readjust and fuck you harder with dilated pupils. “no, no, it’s not too much, sweetheart,” he replies with a sultry calm veneer, staring at you with narrowed brows and hooded eyes, leaning in like he’s following a gravitational pull, thrusting in with dramatic effect, “daddy only gives you exactly what you need.”
galliard - bites
porco hits it from behind and bites into the nape of your neck while he thrusts in and out, his sculpted front aligning closely along your spine. the heat of forced exhales overwhelming the nerves as his jaw creeps to the tip of your spine and his glorious teeth claim your nape so he can hold you in place and drill into you. you'll have to start putting a mirror in front of the bed so you can see it, fantasize about his crisp, sharp jawline along your back as his teeth sink into your neck.
reiner - knives
reiner likes to feel your nails along his skin—wanted to return the favor and hear the breathless gasp fall from your lips when the ghostly sensation trickled to your brain. but his nails weren’t sharp or titillating enough, and knives were so much more enticing, that he couldn’t resist running the sharp tip up your arm one night, paired it with a hardy erection eagerly shoved into your hip. daring to even hold two against the delicate skin near your pulse, replacing the source of the blood rush with his cock when he couldn’t bear listening to your weighted breaths and not being inside you already.
levi - in public
levi hid his life for so long he doesn’t want to anymore. he wants to show you off to the public, and that includes propping you up against a bathroom stall in a public restaurant or between two buildings in an alley. he’ll loosely cover your loud mouth with his palm as he holds you between the wall and himself, incessantly grinds his thick erection against your crotch as he orders you to be quieter with a wide suggestive smirk, exuberantly excited at the prospect of being caught intimately with you, up against you. being publicly placed inside you.
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so around the start of the summer I ate literally as much as my body could possibly handle every day, every meal. I got in the habit of gorging myself until I could hardly breathe, could not stand or sit or even lay down comfortably, and my belly was aching. I couldn’t even sleep, nor could I really do much of anything but sit there helplessly and gasp or groan at how big I’d gotten, and how full I’d become. This was exactly what I wanted.
I was consuming between 7000-12000 calories a day during this time. This lasted about 2 months or so, maybe 10 weeks. I rarely took a break, and this had…intense consequences on my capacity. I routinely ate things like: entire family sized dinner portions for each component(vegetables, starches, meats). Family sized fast food meal deals(usually about 5 combos worth). 7-8 combos from various fast food places(usually their entire menu). Party sized or tailgater tray offerings from restaurants(usually enough for 10-15 people).
I cannot become full now. No matter what I do, if I’m not eating literally family sized portions, I’m not filled. I can become comfortably satiated after 3-4 meals at once, but my belly constantly yearns for more.
I finally have started experiencing some of the crazy ‘feedism fantasy’ tropes I thought weren’t real (or at least greatly exaggerated due to ya know…writing lol). Things like
I literally can get hunger pangs WHILE MY STOMACH HAS A REASONABLE AMOUNT OF FOOD INSIDE. I’m talking I’ve already eaten a heavy plate that is literally 3-4lbs of food. Gone. Inside me. But my belly has the NERVE to growl around it and demand more food.
Sometimes I become anxious when the only amount of food available to me is a normal serving size (this is honestly the hottest. I’m talking whiny, worried, needy feelings because I only got enough food for 1 person.)
i crave eating 24/7, or for long periods. I catch myself daydreaming about sitting down with enough food for a large gathering, and stuffing it all inside myself for literal hours. I’m not kidding, I want to eat for 6-8 hours straight of almost nonstop consumption. I just want to sit down, lean back with my gut supported by my lap or my couch, and stuff it so completely full. I would prefer if my primary activity for the day was eating.
hunger and arousal are now so completely linked I almost cannot experience one without the other…which means I’m hungry and horny pretty much unceasingly. Constantly my mind goes back to sex and eating. I’m literally just daydreaming in the background about when I will get to open my mouth next.
I’ve now eaten many of the feeding fantasy portions. Family meals, party trays, entire cakes, multiple entire pizzas, entire trays of baked goods, entire boxes of cakes, a box of donuts, entire pies, and generally levels of excess that I can only describe as obscene.
This has caused me to really fatten up. I gained 40 or so lbs from the end of March to the middle of July. I also happened to do this without an encouraging, physical, coercive or forceful feeder, which means if I were to have these (what I desperately crave), I imagine I would reach new capacity heights. I primarily eat for fullness. I love that food drunk fullness feeling where my entire body stops functioning properly. I love feeling like all I can literally do is let my belly do its thing and process all the food I gave it. I’m desperate for it. I constantly crave it. The weight gain is an unintentional but welcomed side effect of my incessant gorging.
I cannot wait for my next opportunity. I have so many ideas. Will I finally try 3 pizzas? Will I try to eat more foot longs than I am tall? Will I make myself an entire family banquet and then greedily try and eat it myself? I need to do it soon. I can’t keep eating enough for 6-7 people each day…I need more, and I need it all at once.
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lou-struck · 1 month
Time to Cool Off
Osamu Miya x reader
~ Osamu knows that a busy dinner rush can make even the most experienced workers run hot. That’s where you come in.
 W.c: 1.9k
Warnings: Karens, Swearing, The Service Industry
a/n: This one goes out to everyone who has ever had to cry in the walk in (I know I have)
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It's one of those cool summer evenings where the sun has been hidden behind the clouds for what seems like hours. The pavement is no longer warm as you stroll down the familiar sidewalk path to your favorite spot in the city.
Like every other Friday night, Onigiri Miya is absolutely packed. Seeing your fiancé's restaurant succeed fills your heart with joy, but this is ridiculous. By the time you manage to squeeze yourself into the waiting area by the front counter, you cannot tell what customers are in line waiting to order and what customers are standing by waiting for their food. Even the dining area is at capacity as servers are frantically running around trying to take care of their many tables.
Through the chaos, however, you do see that there is a bit of organization with the staff, who are more than used to a busy evening. 
Out of the corner of your eye, you see an outstretched arm swinging towards you. Dodging throws you a bit off balance. But at least you managed to avoid receiving an accidental black eye from the woman in front of you.
"This is insane," you mumble to yourself. It's not safe for you to be standing in such a large crowd of hungry people. You eye the stainless steel kitchen doors and zero in on your Target. Osamu is in there, along with a plethora of personal space for you to enjoy.
You weave through the crowd of customers gently. Avoiding all sorts of outstretched arms, legs, purses, and those dangling wallet keychain thingies like you are fresh out of the matrix. You're almost free when a large hairy arm stretches out in front of you, stopping you in your tracks.
You turn and see a middle-aged man glaring at you, an irritated expression on his face as he looks you over. "Oi, who do ya think ya are cutting in line."
You shoot him an apologetic look and raise your hands innocently. "Oh, I'm not putting in an order; I'm just heading back to the kitchen to~."
He cuts you off with a venomous look in his cold, dark gaze. This gentleman is clearly past the point of hangriness and now evolving into a full-blown Karen. "Likely story," he spits, reaching for your wrist. "But I don't think so~"
A familiar-looking body steps in between the two of you, and you take a slight step back. "I wouldn't touch them if I were you," your future brother-in-law says with a smile. The friendly face comforts you, and you flash him a thankful smile.
Atsumu may have is hands full with his volleyball career, but he still tries to make time to help out at Osamu's restaurant whenever he has a chance. Unlike his (slightly better-looking) brother, the setter is a klutz in the kitchen, so he is usually confined to the front-of-house duties such as ringing in take-out orders or seating parties. 
"And what are you gonna do about it?" He quips, not realizing he is vaguely threatening a professional athlete. 
The faux-blonde man with almost the same face as your fiance grins and rolls up his sleeves, nonchalantly revealing the product of years of hard work, his biceps. 
Karen dude pales in fear as he becomes aware that he has bit off far more than he can chew and takes a frightened step back, nearly knocking over another customer in the process. "Whatever, I'm leaving. I'm sure I can find some better stuff to eat than this place." He spits, turning heel and scampering away with his metaphorical tail between his legs. 
With the troublesome customer gone, you breathe a sigh of relief and turn your attention to Atsumu. 
"Thank you for stepping in; I'd hate to think what your brother would've done if he had to deal with serving that asshole." You smile, glancing just beyond the counter and see that the restaurant is even more packed than you thought it was.  "It's crazy busy tonight, isn't it?"
At your comment, he lets out a long sigh, "Ya have no Idea. I was just bored at home, so I came in to make some just came in to help out since he was bored at home, but if he knew how crazy things were gonna be, he would've just stayed away."
"Is Samu in the back?" you ask worriedly; these crazy dinner rushes are a lot for anyone to handle, especially someone as passionate and thorough as he is. 
Atsumu's eyes widen a bit as he nervously glances back toward the kitchen with a gulp. "Well…Samu is struggling a bit tonight."
"Oh, I see…" you frown, and your body moves toward the kitchen unconsciously. "I better go check on him."
You push open the door, and a rice ball misses your head by an inch. You are too scared to scream as you watch it splatter against the door. Your eyes widen as your head snaps to the source of your assault to see Osamu, you're handsome, loving fiancé, having an irritated conversation with a waitress. 
"What do ya mean her onigiri is the wrong shape? It looks the same as the hundreds of others that have passed by her table tonight."
"That's just what she said, sir," the waiter huffs. And you feel his pain; people are crazy tonight.
Osamu just sighs and turns toward the countertop to make a new riceball. A clean hand plunges into a pot of still-steaming rice and pulls out a handful. You wince as he frustratedly shapes a new ball, but the tension is running so high he doesn't even flinch from the pain. He prepares it in his usual practiced motions and sets it down on a new plate to hand to the now-sunned server. 
"Give 'em this one. And if they have anything else to say, jus grab me, don't waste yer time talkin to these idiots." he sighs as the waiter goes on their way.
They slip past you in the doorway, and Osamu finally notices that you are here, in his kitchen. His tired eyes light up a bit as his lips curve upwards in a weary smile. His broad shoulders slacken as you step into his open embrace and he holds you tightly. 
He smells a bit like smoke and onions, but you don't care at all; he needs this hug. "Busy night?'
"You have no idea," he murmurs, burying his face deeper into the crook of your neck. "Is it a full moon t'night cause people are actin crazy?"
"Actually, that would explain a lot," you mumble, reaching into your back pocket to grab your phone. When you check your weather app, your face falls, and you flash him the screen, illuminated with a big, blue supermoon."
"Well, shit. What the hell is a supermoon?" he grumbles. His strong face looking adorable in his exasperated little pouting situation he has going on.  
"I guess it's like a full moon but more super." you chuckle, patting his back. "Is there anything I can do to help?"
"Jus keep me company," he smiles, "Ya do more than enough as is."
Although his words are sweet, you aren't buying any of it. This isn't your first time working at his restaurant, and it certainly won't be the last. With a quick wash of your hands, you turn your attention over to the to-go orders. There are several that are completed and waiting to be packed up and sent out. 
Osamu sees you already hard at work and lets out a chuckle, "What would I do without cha'?" 
"Suffer." you tease, boxing up another order. 
The two of you get into a steady rhythm; he works his way through the mountain of tickets, and you box up the ones that you need to. Everything is going great until you are interrupted by a frazzled looking Atsumu.
"Hey Samu. I got a coupon here that won't work; what should I do with it?"
Osamu's head snaps toward his brother with lighting fast quickness.
"What coupon?" he asks, taking the piece of paper from his brother's outstretched hand. As he reads the paper, you see his body go rigid. And you place a gentle hand on his shoulder.
Atsumu's eyes turn glassy as he takes the paper back from his brother. "B-but the lady said it worked for her last time."
Osamu sighs deeply and pinches the bridge of his nose. "No, it didn't,"
"But the customers.." he starts to say and you feel your body tense up as he begins that dreaded slogan. 
"Can be idiots," Osamu finishes. "Jus give the lady her coupon back and tell her that the only coupons he will accept are the ones printed for this restaurant."
Atsumu frowns and walks back into the dining room, armed with the knowledge that the customer is not always right. In fact, sometimes they are just idiots. As Osamu slumps back over to his workstation, he accidentally knocks a frying pan off the counter. 
It hits the ground with a deafening clatter, and he completely loses his shit. 
This is the Straw that broke the camel's back. 
"Goddammit," he grunts, kicking the fallen pan across the room with all his might as he returns to furiously start chopping vegetables.
Angry chopping is never a good idea, so you gently grab his arm to still his movement before he loses a finger or worse. 
"What are ya doin babe?" He asks, looking up at you with a mixture of confusion and a bit of despair.
"You need to go and cool off before you hurt yourself," you say calmly. 
"I-i can't jus take a break; i-its the dinner rush." he stammers in disbelief as you pry the kitchen knife from his grasp and tug him into the walk-in freezer.
"Don't care," you reply, yanking open the large door. Your hand comes to rest on his chest, and you feel the ferocity of his heartbeat through the muscles of his tig ol biddies and shove him into the cold room before he can react. 
Shutting the door behind you, you only need to wait a few seconds before you begin to hear him scream out muffled profanities. He continues this little screaming fest for a few minutes as you wander about the kitchen, making sure that none of the food he has been cooking burns. 
It's not cruel, it's necessary. If Osamu is going to finish this shift in one piece, he needs a moment to himself to just cool off and collect his thoughts.
Suddenly, the canary is no longer singing. 
Cautiously, you open the door and see a slightly chilly-looking Osamu staring back at you. His gray eyes are filled with warmth as he steps out of the freezer and wraps his arms around you. You squirm from the sensation, and he smirks, his good humor still intact.
"Feeling better?" you ask, shivering as his cold hands send goosebumps up your spine.
"Much better," he breathes, pressing his cold lips to your much warmer ones. "I really needed that."
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Tagging: @sleepyyshroom, @isaacdaknight @qardasngan
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rqgnarok · 3 months
Hello! I loved your Jamie Tartt angst and would love more angst that leaves you hurt but resolves itself (I’m too mushy for things ending at angst) maybe self sabotage? I feel like season two Jamie would be good at that since he does want to be better but doesn’t fully believe in himself. Or Jamie is still into Keeley and reader likes Jamie and is icing out Jamie to protect their self? Literally anything there is a Jamie angst deficit 😩 mwah <3
hi anon! sorry it took me so long, school and then writer's block kicked my ass. full disclosure, i didn't read this after i wrote it so sorry for any mistakes! enjoy <3
“Thought you left.”
You close your eyes in despair, thankful at least that Jamie can’t see you. You’d been sure your escape had been a subtle one but here he was– the very person you were trying to avoid following you to the balcony on the less crowded side of the restaurant.
You didn’t think he’d notice. He hadn’t yet– looked at you or talked to you since he came into the team event with Keeley wrapped around his arm, looking gorgeous and worthy of his attention. She had smiled at you, genuinely happy to see you, which made this whole thing entirely more ridiculous. 
You’d thought this was a date. After replaying the interaction between you and Jamie for the umpteenth time, you’ve come to the conclusion that your own excitement blinded you to the reality of it all. When Jamie had asked, all nonchalant without making eye contact, if the PR team would be at the annual team dinner in a non working capacity, you’d let yourself imagine something you couldn’t have only to be left a fool. 
Well. Here you are now, paying the price.  
“Just needed a second,” you try to sound like there’s a smile gracing your lips despite how close you are to tears, but won’t look back to meet Jamie’s eye. He settles at your side soon enough, hands in the pockets of his suit while yours remain gripping the railing, hoping for a full breath that just won’t reach your lungs. “There’s a lot of people in there.”
“You don’t have to be nervous,” he says, hitting the nail on the head regarding your anxiety in crowded places. There’s a reason you work behind the camera, making other people look good while getting to stay away from the limelight. “It’s just the team, right? You’re okay with us.”
You can’t help but agree, even if it sounds a little miserable. “Yeah.”
Jamie doesn’t follow up and you find yourselves enveloped by the silence and the sounds of the street life underneath you. Cars passing by, people chatting and talking, the whistle of the air as it threads through your clothes and bites at your skin. 
“Are you cold?” he asks when you shiver, shifting to take off his jacket and wrap it around your shoulders. You really wish he wouldn’t, stopping him before he can.
“I’m fine,” your voice betrays you and breaks, and you don’t have to look at Jamie to know he’s looking at you now, urgently searching for a sign of discomfort. “I’ll go back in a minute, yeah? I’m right behind you.”
“I don’t mind,” he says, surer than anything else he’s said so far. There’s a steel to his voice now that he’s realized you’re not fine at all, willing to protect you even from yourself. “I like keeping you company.”
“Are you alright?” you have to, you have to look at him, and there’s a furrow to his brow that frames his face so, so nicely. Eyes wide and concerned, one of his hands leaves his pocket to reach for you. He says, softer. “You’re crying.”
“Am not,” you say peluntantly, because you’re not. Not yet at least. You’re cold and tired in your fancy attire and fancier shoes, but you’re not crying. You won’t until you’re in the safety of your apartment, away from the people who care about you. “I’m okay, Jamie, please go back inside.”
“Love,” he says knowingly, tilting his head. His searching hand, after a moment too long of hesitation, touches your cheek. He’s frowning still. You wish he didn’t look so handsome doing so. “We’ve barely talked tonight. I was hoping…”
He drifts off when a loud laugh from inside catches him off guard, quickly retreating back to himself and digging his hand back into his pocket, taking a step back from you. 
It’s such a terrible sequence of events in such a short amount of time that it makes you laugh, a sharp sound that surprises Jamie as much as it seems to hurt him. “I–” he begins, then cuts himself off. 
It dawns on you that this might not be the first time Jamie has been rendered speechless, but it is the first time you’ve seen him scared. 
“It’s fine,” you say. And it’s not. It’s not, but– “I’ll see you later, okay?”
You turn back into the night and wait one, two, five arduous seconds in which Jamie doesn’t seem to know what to do with himself before you hear his steps begin to retreat. Breathing out, you think the worst is over until he speaks, “you look beautiful tonight.”
He stutters. “Always, y’know, but tonight. You do. You do.”
“Can we… can I see you? Before you go?” he wonders.He calls your name when you don’t take the bait, frustration coating his tone. “Come on, I’m tryin’ here, sweetheart. What do you want from me?”
“Nothing,” you say, soft, so soft you’re sure he doesn’t hear it. “Nothing, Jamie.”
“Okay,” he says. Then– “I’ve been tryin’ to ask you out for over a month and you won’t let me.”
You want to be angry, but the statement only makes you sad. “Go back to your date.”
Jamie splutters in disbelief. “What?”
“Keeley’s probably wondering where you are,” it sounds accusing even to your own ears, and you hate it. You never intended to get him into trouble or bother him with your feelings for him. “Go back to your date, Jay.”
“That’s not– she’s not–” he blabbers. “Love, please–”
Isaac and Dani, drunk out of their minds, crash into the balcony to wrap their arms around Jamie, too out of it to notice your distress or that you’re even there. They call his name to the melody of Baby Shark, loud and basked in laughter. 
“Ayo, lover boy!” Isaac barks, wiggling his brows suggestively. “Your girl’s lookin’ all over for you! I think she’s ready to go home if you know what I mean.”
“Fuck off,” Jamie snaps, thoroughly upset but barely heard above Dani’s teasing ohhhhh. “Can’t you see I–”
You abruptly turn, barely sparing them a look as you excuse yourself meekly, voice wet and hushed. Jamie tries and fails to hold onto you, calling your name. You only feel the brush of his fingertips on your bare elbow as you escape his grip and leave him behind.
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little-lost-lamb · 5 months
The Sting of Envy Pt. 2
CW: GN!MC, hurt/comfort, angst, occult practice, fluff, Demons Being Overall Taller Than Humans On Average, Mention of Israeli food, and - of course - jealousy. Please let me know if there is anything I didn't think to add!
<- Part 1
I want to thank everyone for their support of my first part! I've been out of the writing game for a long time, and it really helped motive me to continue!
Beelzebub tells anyone who asks that his favorite food is cheeseburgers, but this is not quite true. His favorite food is your cooking. So when you keep serving him warm, fresh-baked bread and crispy spinach salad topped with handpicked flowers and nuts and creamy, piping hot wild mushroom risotto and seconds and thirds and FOURTHS, he is in the Celestial Realm. He supposed the menu was carefully thought out, showcasing ingredients locally in season for the spring. He loved human realm food. It reminded him of you, and not just because it’s native the human realm - human cuisine had the capacity for both the sinful and the divine. Just like you. And so, the meal had him nearly moaning in ecstasy against his spoon.
“This is incredible, MC.” Solomon says, meticulously scooping a perfectly balanced bite of rice, cheese, mushroom, and chive. “This is even better than the risotto we had in that little place in Rome. What was that place called?” Solomon looks at you and thoroughly cleans the risotto off his spoon with his mouth. You laugh.
“Solomon, no, no way! That stuff was next level!”
Solomon shrugs before going in for another bite off his plate. “I’m telling you, yours is better.”
“When were you in Rome?” Lucifer inquires, cocking his head with interest. “When did you have the time?”
“Couple Tuesdays ago, I think.” Solomon muffled between bites while Barbatos shot him a look that told him to chew before speaking. Solomon shrugged it off. “Sometimes when we feel like eating out, we’ll go wherever the cuisine strikes our fancy. MC takes me to this Israeli restaurant in New York City about every other week!”
Beel’s brow furrows as he goes in for another bite. It sounds like before you left, what you and he used to do together. Schedule permitting, you were always down to take him wherever his stomach led him. Hell’s Kitchen for the third time that week? Sure! That brand new place with the deep fried vampire bats on sticks? You bet! They restocked flame-charred bone flavored ice cream at the stand down the street from RAD? You might even be willing to skip Chaos Theory to go with him! 
Your foodie dates were one of his all-time favorite things you did together.
“Pfft. You know I can’t do teleportations that big or that frequently yet. You take me.”
Like how Beel would take you all over town, farther if they had some spare time, to try all that the demon realm had to offer. You couldn’t always eat it, you didn’t always like it, but you were always down to try demon cuisine. Try new things in general. He loved that about you.
“Agree to disagree.” Solomon leaned a little closer to you. “I just appreciate you escorting me on so many dates.”
You shrug nonchalantly. “I’m just in it for the falafel.” 
Solomon chuckles and smiles fondly at you. He gently tucks a pesky piece of hair behind your ear, keeping it from flying into your mouth with your bread. “Try the hamin next time. I think you’ll like it.”
The heat rose in Beel cheeks, and he subtly sighed out some of his frustration through his nostrils. He glances briefly over to Belphie, and they communicate something to each other with their eyes. Finally, Beel puts his spoon down and Belphie shrugs, picking up another bite with his own.
“I’m done.” Beel says softly.
Not full. Never full. Done.
After everyone has finished with ample time for conversation, you shuffle back to the kitchen to get the desserts. You had prepared an assortment of fresh berries and cream with honey cakes. 
“Beel! Can you help me carry this?” You shout, and you lean casually against the counter to wait for him.
“Carry what?” Beel walks in to help and looks around for the heavy item only for his eyes to fall on the light-weight desserts. “Just…need some extra hands?” Beel asks as he reaches for the dish, but you stop him with a hand on his.
“Are you okay? You didn’t eat much.” You look up into his face, recognizing sadness in it. 
“I ate 5 or 6 plates.”
You raise an eyebrow. Beel sighs, gently reaching for your hand and holding it firmly in his own to ground himself.
“You don’t…like the food here more than in the devildom, do you?”
Your brows furrow with concern. “You…know I do. Most of it won’t kill me.”
Beelzebub shakes his head quickly. “My fault, bad question. New question: do you enjoy…” Beel’s voice cracks ever so slightly. “Do you like eating with Solomon more? You know…than me?”
Yours eyes widen in horror and your heart cracks. All you can think to do is throw yourself into his enormous frame. You bury your face into the soft fabric of the shirt before turning your head to speak, still resting your cheek against his quickly-thumping chest. 
“You’re upset because you and I go out on foodie tours and stuff too, right? It’s our thing.”
“It’s our thing.” Beel answered, wrapping his arms around you firmly. You feel the point of his chin rest against the top of your head.
“And it will always be our thing. Solomon and I eat out so often out of necessity. I don’t always have the energy to focus on planning and making our meals, and the man can’t cook, Beel. Then the human realm's food will kill me.”
You got a smile out of Beel on that one.
“But with you, we go out, and we shove things I once couldn’t even conceptualize down my gullet. You show me fun and fantastical foods I wouldn’t try on my own. That I couldn’t try. We don’t have that stuff here. It’s an experience. You are an experience. And you’re my favorite.”
You lean back just a little, separating only enough to see a wide grin and misty eyes. You reach over and stick your clean finger into the bowl of cream before smearing it playfully on Beel’s lips. 
“Oops!” You exclaim, smearing it on his lips. You raise up and squish the cream against Beels lips with your own. You hear a dreamy sigh from him before he pulls away and licks his lips. A giddy giggle escapes his creamy mouth. He reaches for the cream too, except he takes a thick glob and smears it from your cheek, across your mouth, and down your neck. 
He starts with your neck.
They said to make himself at home, so he will, thank you very much. Now where was MC’s bed?
He passes the bathroom and opens the knob to a door nearby, figuring this was probably it, and he pushes it open with the subtle crack of the doorframe. He is immediately punished with a wave of Solomon’s scent - a musky mix of exotic spice and  incense smoke. Yours was thickly mixed into the sorcerers, the fusion of smells emanating from one bed in the center of the room. 
Belphie suddenly feels the irritated flick of his tail and the weight of his horns that have appeared against his will on his body. Shove it down, Belphegor.
He peels himself from the glue that binds his feet to the doorway and steps hesitantly into the room. The room reeks of Solomon, and not just from his scent. Glistening suncatchers whimsically dangle from the ceiling, one wall is adorned with old, dusty books from floor to ceiling, magical trinkets rest precariously on the edges of drawers, nightstands, and any other surface, and plants large and small sprout from the pots scattered around the room. There are countless empty mugs he has forgotten to bring back down to the kitchen shoved onto any previously vacant surface.
Belphie’s attention moves from one piece of junk to the next before focusing on the bed itself. It looked to be what the humans call a “full sized” bed, big enough for two humans to fit, though Belphie figures it’s only as big as he and Beel’s beds back home. Must be a tight squeeze for two. The fluffy blankets are crumpled disproportionately to one side while the other side is draped primarily with just the sheet. He presses a palm into the mattress and it sinks less readily than Belphie would like in a nest. He pictured the two of you picking it out together. 
“Now, MC,” Solomon would say in his smarmy tone, “It’s best to have a mattress that is somewhat firm. It deters one from oversleeping, and it will be good for your spine in the long run. Trust me, I know from experience that you’ll wish you had taken better care of your bones when you’re old.”
Belphie groans at the thought before dipping down into the side that smells most like you. Your scent is thick and fresh, as if you had slept there just last night. Belphie snarls and immediately jumps up, the propulsion of the springs hastening his movement.
I bet he doesn’t even take the time to nestle into their pillows Belphie thought to himself as he glared daggers at the side that smelled more like Solomon. To inhale their pheromones and feel enveloped their scent and appreciate it. 
Since you left, it wasn’t uncommon to catch even Lucifer resting in your bed on occasion. They were all guilty of it. It still retained your scent, and the brothers found that comforting late at night when they cannot escape their respective longing for you. Recently, though, the aroma has begun dissipating, a combination of time and the brothers’ own smells erasing your scent clinging to the fabrics. Belphie had been excited to take a few moments at least to dive into your sheets and smother himself with your scent. He could bring it home with him and savor it for at least a week if he didn’t wash his jacket. He could cling to the hoodie he wears tonight during his slumber and pretend you were still there with him, nestled against his body and in his bed. But it turns out the scent of your bed was contaminated.
Fortunately for his sanity, he didn’t smell certain hormones or fluids or anything to indicate any funny business happened between the two of you in these sheets. That’s for the best. If Belphie had been hit with the scent of lust mixed with the scents of the two of you, he thinks he would have vomited directly on your comforter.
“Did you find my bed? I knew you’d go looking for it.” You tease, clutching the rail as you stare innocently at him from the stairs. 
“Uhm. Yeah. I found it.” Belphie turns to face you from the room, and his eyes motion to the bed in front of him. He makes no attempt to hide the displeasure on his face. Surprise answers it on your own.
“Nope, that’s Solomon’s room.”
“I can smell you, MC.” Belphie’s eyes narrow as he  replies, pointing to the side piled with blankets, “You sleep on the left.”
“I hang out on the left.” You say, climbing the last few steps and joining him in Solomon’s room, “but I don’t sleep here, not usually anyway. I pass out sometimes, but we just watch shows and play games here a lot.” 
You point casually at the TV shoddily hung on Solomon’s wall opposite the bed. Wires poke haphazardly out the bottom and trail their way to a couple of consoles buried in junk beneath.
“There’s this cartoon I’ve been obsessed with recently that makes me think of you, actually. It’s about these kids who are cute little animals, and they go to camp on a magical island. It’s so soft and cozy and comforting…I keep falling asleep when I turn it on. I wish I could watch it with you. Maybe next time I’m in the demon realm, we can set it up in the attic.”
You pap on his bicep and signal him to follow you, flowing from Belphie’s side, out Solomon’s door, and to a second door Belphie had yet to open. 
As you push the door in, a current of your sweet smell crashes like a wave over Belphie’s face. Your scent is like an intoxicating mixture of coffee, books, whiskey, and sugar all mixed together. You smell like home. A contented smile forms and he makes his way to you, careful to seal Solomon’s scent away with the bedroom door on his way out. 
You’re suddenly thrusted into a brief whirlwind of confusion as you’re grappled by Belphie, knocked off your feet and plopped down unharmed into the comfort of your bed. Your bed is the opposite of Solomon's: soft, fluffy, warm, and oozing with you smells. Belphie raises himself up to gaze at you lovingly before playfully nuzzling his face into your neck and inhaling deeply. He releases his breath with a satisfied sigh and melts himself into you. 
“Much better.”
He peppers your cheek with soft, sleepy kisses until he has you a grinning, giggling mess. 
“Let’s take a nap until dinner is ready. Barbatos can finish the rest.”
This was not part of Barbatos’ plan, but he could reassess and regroup. After all, this was only temporary. He would assure that.
Step 1: Serve Lord Diavolo to the best of his ability while he brings about the integration and unity of the three realms.
Step 2: Assure the swift and successful coronation of Lord Diavolo. King Diavolo. 
Step 3: With King Diavolo’s rule solidified and the King’s word absolute, any dissension against angels or humans in the devildom would not be tolerated. The streets of the demon realm would be safer - safer for you to reside in the devildom permanently.
Step 4: With the realm made a better place for you, you live with him, in his care, for the rest of your days. He thought perhaps an emerald in the ring would be best, accented with black diamonds. He had not yet decided whether silver or gold would look best for your band, but he was more than happy to admire you for as long as it took to decide what best suited your coloration.
For now, however, his face remains unwaveringly pleasant as he silently makes note of the dusty floorboards and spattered kitchen counters. He knows Solomon. Solomon doesn’t clean. Not to Barbatos’ standards for your living accommodations, anyway. He watches silently for a few moments as you work alone in your kitchen, smaller than he thought you deserved to have access to. It would have bothered him that Solomon offered no help had Barbatos not also known  he would have rendered each and every item on the menu inedible. All your hard work ruined.
You see him because he allows you to see him. While his presence would ordinarily be welcomed, today your cheeks flush in shame.
“Listen, I know it’s not the cleanest.” You shyly return your attention to the onion you skillfully chop against the cutting board. “I haven’t really had the time to deep clean, not with lessons and work and preparing for the party and…” You trail off, exhaustion lacing your voice. Your eyes seem misty.
“Please, MC, allow me to help. Do the mushrooms still need to be sliced?” Without waiting for an answer, Barbatos swiftly saunters over, scoops the mushrooms off the counter beside you, and drops them gently on the counter in front of himself. One mushroom considers bouncing off the counter, but decides it wouldn’t dare under Barbatos’ watchful eye. You realize your face must betray your emotion.
“Barbatos, I’m fine, really. It’s just the onion.” You point to the onion with your chef knife, and you plead, “you are my guest. I won’t make you work.”
“I am your friend.” He responds, his face focused on the task in front of him as he reaches for the utility knife in your set. He begins quickly and expertly chopping the mushrooms into perfect, uniform slices. “And you are overwhelmed. Your home is dirty because Solomon does not help you with cleaning like he should, yes?”
You remain silent for a moment, considering if you should out Solomon for not doing his share. Barbatos does not allow you to refute it.
“It has been centuries,” Barbatos interjects your thoughts before you can argue. “but Solomon was once royalty. He is independent now, yes, but he never learned how to clean as he should. I fear he is slipping back into the comfort of being taken care of without taking care of you in return.”
You look up at him, and for a moment, you think you see the flash of a scowl before his expression is once again carefully moderated. You had seen it because he had allowed you to see it.
“And of course,” he continued, “you must be doing all of the cooking as well. If he had any part in it, you would certainly be dead by this point.” He finally glanced us at you, his lip curling ever so slightly into a playful smirk. 
The joke catches you off guard and you honk out a laugh.
“One time,” you say through your laughter “I caught him trying to clean the bathroom with bleach and ammonium. Unreal. The man is a master alchemist, and yet he accidentally makes mustard gas in the toilet!”
Barbatos laughs earnestly along and shakes his head. He finishes the last mushroom with a flourish and plops the pieces into a bowl, ready for their future use. He turns around and leans his tall frame against your small counter, assessing your space for a few moments. 
“If I were Solomon,” he mused, almost to himself, “I would ensure your accommodations were immaculate. I would prepare you healthy, delicious meals. Perhaps I would allow you to join me in the kitchen, if only for us to spend the time together. And I see your garden needs attention. I would gladly serve you tea made from those rose petals there once I had finished with the pruning.” He speaks wistfully.
You chuckle. “It does sound nice to be taken care of every once in a while. What with the brothers and Solomon, I can be spread pretty thin. Not a lot left to take care of myself, you know?”
“Perhaps one day, I’ll have the pleasure of doing it for you.” Your eyes widen and your cheeks flush. You look up at him, and he gives you a knowing glance. You hated when he did this. You always wonder: is he teasing, or does he know?
“I have not looked into your future if that is what you are wondering…though I admit, I have considered it once or twice.” You turn to face him fully, the surprise evident on your face. Barbatos chuckles and looks you right in the eyes. “It would ruin the sweet surprise. It will happen because I will make it happen. Your current arrangement is temporary, I assure you.”
Before you can comprehend what is happening, the soft fabric of his gloves are against your cheeks, the warmth of his hands permeating through. He leans in slowly and lovingly plants a petal-soft kiss on the tip of your nose. He holds himself there a moment. You hold your breath until he lets go.
“Now, what do we do with these mushrooms?”
“Yeah, I’ve been doing well!” Lie. “It’s kind of nice to be home, you know?” Lie. “It’s refreshing to be around my own species again.” That one was presented as a joke, but it was still, factually, a lie. Did you usually lie this much? Diavolo hadn’t noticed if you had. And he would have noticed.
It was ultimately his fault, and he understood that. The devildom was under his rule, and had his whims overtaken him, he could have ordered you to stay. It just wasn’t time. Not yet. There was still so much work to be done.
Step 1: Bring about the integration and unity of the three realms.
Step 2: His swift and successful coronation.
Step 3: With his rule solidified and the King’s word absolute, no one would dare go against him when he appoints you as Human Ambassador to the demon realm. With such an important position within the new government system, so much as a finger lifted against you would be treason in his book. He would make the realm safe for you.
Step 4: Argue to the council that it is a political marriage. 
That’s the dream that keeps Diavolo going, anyway. His golden orbs lift from the mushrooms he unceremoniously shoves to the side of his plate (subtly, so he didn’t hurt your feelings, of course) over to Barbatos, who watches you with a genuine smile as you speak. What were you saying? Something about a stray cat? Back down to the mushrooms.
He knew the likelihood of this plan succeeding was low - just a dream to keep him working at his goal of unification. What will probably happen is that he will have a spouse chosen for him. Someone he might not yet know, whoever the council sees as the most advantageous choice. Likely a female, as is tradition. Likely traditionally pretty, the boring kind of pretty. Barbatos would intervene only enough to ensure he doesn’t dislike his appointed queen. Maybe Diavolo would even grow to love them one day. But it isn’t what he wants. Who he wants. He would be expected to produce a line of heirs - full-blood demon heirs - and cambion mutts just wouldn’t do. Not his words, of course. That’s what the tabloids said the last time the two of you were seen in public together. They called you his concubinatus. The writer of the article is longer there. No one knows where they are now except Barbatos.
“There's not really anything preventing MC from marrying me, right? Since we’re both humans and all." Solomon’s words echo in Diavolo’s mind, his smug grin still burned into the back of Diavolo’s retinas. The brothers had been more than willing to marry you into the devildom, but Diavolo had not allowed it. If anyone was going to marry you in, it was going to be him. He knew the likelihood of your union going smoothly was slim, but it would not stop him from trying. He was not above monopolizing you. He was the demon lord, not the lord of selflessness. But you were out of his hands here and settled in Solomon’s. He couldn’t stand it.
“Do you think you’ll ever get married, MC?” He later asks you casually as he helps you prepare the bonfire. Barbatos had half-heartedly attempted to dissuade him, as his suit could get dirty, but Diavolo insisted. He hadn’t gotten any alone time with you today, and he likely wouldn’t see you again for a while. He didn’t care about some frivolous suit. You drop the stick you’re holding, but it tumbles into the fire pit, so you figure you can leave it be. 
“Where did that come from?” Your flushed face is camouflaged well by the fading sunset. You quickly grab another bundle to continue building the fire. Diavolo casually swirls the wine in his goblet and peers in, probably inspecting some aspect of the wine that you have no eye for. The sunset hides his own flush from the alcohol. He remained silent, expecting an answer.
“U-Uhm. I suppose that depends on if I find the right person.” You fumble with a few sticks in your grasp before dumping them beside the fire. You crouch down and begin strategically arranging the sticks around lumps of kindling. 
“Could you…” Perhaps he shouldn’t ask you this. He’s admittedly afraid of the answer. “...see yourself marrying Solomon?”
“I…” You thought for a moment, laughed, and shook your head. “I don’t think so.”
Diavolo expertly shoots the rest of his wine like it wasn’t at least half a goblet.
“We aren’t together or anything, if that’s what you’re trying to figure out. You aren’t being very subtle, you know.” You tease.
This was true.
“I guess I could see marrying Solomon if things didn’t work out, but…there’s someone I have my eye on.” You shove some dry grass between the logs, trying to hide behind your task.
“I don’t see how it would work. I don’t think I would be anywhere near his radar, but…” Perhaps it’s the sunset, perhaps it’s the wine swimming around in your blood, but you felt a bit bold. You look up, directly into his eyes, slightly luminous in the encroaching darkness of the night. “...The heart wants what the heart wants.”
Oh shit, wait, what? Are you coming on to him? Right now?
“Do…I know this person?” Perhaps it’s the wine he just downed, but he too is feeling bold. The corner of his lip quivers ever so slightly in the attempt to hide a grin threatening to spread across his face, just in case he’s wrong. But he doesn’t think so. 
“You do.” You stand up and dust your hand off on your pants.
He tries to bite his lip to keep his face in line, but his lip rolls beneath his fangs and the corners of his eyes crinkle. The way you’re looking at him, there’s no way he’s misinterpreting it. You take a shy step closer, your eyes flit from his eyes to his fangs and quickly back up.
“Is it…me?” Diavolo asks playfully, now inches from your face.
“No.” You shrug. You casually toss a few more sticks into the fire pit.
With a snap of his fingers, the fire is lit. It roars to life and lights up your faces, your goofy grins and reddened cheeks on full display. The warmth of the blaze is matched only by the warmth of Diavolo’s arms snaking around your waist. 
His mouth envelops yours in an instant.
@dokidokidemons, @ourfinalisation
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y-umiko · 2 years
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CHARACTER(S): Kisaki . Wakasa. Baji
a/n: Fics requested thru 2k event will resume in the day after
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Kisaki Tetta
Managing a crime syndicate is no easy feat, so, understandably, Kisaki has been and will always be busy. you have no problem with it considering he makes time in his busy schedule to spend with you. sadly not all the time though.
Today was supposed to be his free day as he promised to clear his schedule and spend it with you. but certain things happened and Kisaki was stuck in his office. after a sincere sorry, he lends you his card claiming 'you don't have to get stuck in here with me' and to enjoy the rest of the day.
you were disappointed but used to it and as you were contemplating what you could do alone you bumped into Hanma, wandering the streets, a cigarette in hand.
with nothing to do, Hanma offers to accompany you and to your surprise, he was actually good company. he knows quick shortcuts, offered his opinions on certain things, showed you good places to go with Kisaki, and made you laugh with his witty comments.
It was already dark when you came back to Kisaki's office, still on his chair where you left him but clearly more tired and stressed than the last time you saw him, which was that just morning.
Kisaki looks up from his table, silently greeting you as you drop the bags you shopped and went over to him and kiss his cheek as a greeting which he welcomes.
"Babe, you've been working since morning, how about a break?" you offered while Kisaki stared at you, suddenly wondering how he got so lucky.
Kisaki sighs and reached a hand to hold yours, "I know, this work can't seem to lessen even when I spent a long time on it. Sorry, I couldn't spend the day with you"
you couldn't stop the smile from spreading on your face. "Hey it's okay, besides the days are not over yet, want to have dinner with me?"
Kisaki wouldn't refuse that, especially not when you're pulling him up and towards the separate table, where a soft couch is waiting for him. one by one you set up take-out food and place them on the table." I brought your favorite from your favorite restaurant"
Kisaki pauses, suddenly his brain is working at full capacity again as his brows furrow. remembering that his favorite restaurant is found in a not-so-safe part of the town. "That part of the town is outside my control, you shouldn't have gone there alone"
nonchalantly, you responded without missing a beat "I wasn't alone, Hanma went with me"
This time, Kisaki's whole body tenses, his brows furrowed even more in confusion. "what?"
"said you didn't have any job for him so he accompanied me, I doubt someone would approach me with Hanma around" you explained, completely unaware of the turmoil happening in your boyfriend's head.
noticing his silence you turned around to look at him, an undescribable expression on his face as if he was thinking very deeply.
you carefully asked, "What's with that face?"
with a sigh, Kisaki drops his utensils and pulls you closer to him. and honestly responded to you, "I don't trust Hanma alone with you"
now you were even more confused, "Hey, Hanma wouldn't do anything to harm me, besides I doubt he has any bad intentions to me, you're his friend, and you've known each other since high school"
his burrows didn't lessen one bit, "exactly, I know how his brains work…" a moment of silence as Kisaki thinks hard before sighing and dropping his head on your shoulder. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't direct my frustrations and shortcomings towards Hanma, I didn't rise to the top just so I could write on papers all day long"
your features soften as you wrap your arms around him for comfort, "You do not have any shortcomings, I love you as you are" you coaxed gently, "though, I guess you could spend the whole day with me tomorrow?"
Kisaki chuckled, love and warmth spreading on his chest. "anything for you princess"
Hanma had more workload than usual after that.
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Wakasa Imaushi
Wakasa is not lazy as he looks but rather an aloof individual, and while he enjoys dates with you, he prefers home dates where he can have you all to himself.
This day, Wakasa had invited you for another date or what he likes to phrase as a 'hang out at his house'. who were you to decline. so before coming over, you decided to get some snacks and candy on the way.
by coincidence, you ran into Benkei on the way to the shop and he decided to accompany you, even offered to pay for the snacks which you decline, not wanting to take advantage of his kindness.
Benkei looks intimidating but was actually fun to talk to. you were so engrossed with his stories about the early days with Shinichiro and Wakasa that time passed by.
a certain man was worried sick since you were supposed to arrive 30 minutes ago that he decided to get out and look for you.
by the time Wakasa found you, he stopped a few feet away, noticing how happy you were, eyes sparkling in astonishment with the man beside you. a conflicting feeling in the pit of his stomach.
He narrowed his eyes as he made his presence known. "I've been looking for you"
your eyes widen in surprise as you turned and see your boyfriend. a different sparkle in your eyes and a much brighter smile are directed at him, making him feel a little better. "Waka?"
"I've been calling you" he simply said eyes narrowing at Benkei who was also staring at him. a silent conversation happening between them.
"you did?" you asked in surprise as you rummage on your bag to look for your phone and sure enough he had multiple calls and texts. "Oh sorry, I must have put it on silence"
Wakasa raise a brow toward his friend, "what are you doing here?" Benkei shrugged, a grin on his face, knowing already what his friend is thinking, "Found her wandering the streets, thought I should say hi and accompany her"
Wakasa huffs, "ok, thanks, we'll get going now"
A Split second was all it took for Wakasa to grab your hand and pull you toward his house. intertwining your hands while he took the bag from your hands to hold. a curious look on your face as you watch him walk as if nothing had just happened. "what was that about?"
but instead of an answer, you were responded with another question, "what were you talking about with him?"
you blinked, putting the pieces together before you understood what was happening. you tried to hide your smile as you answered him. "just about the time when an old lady mistook you for a woman"
Wakasa freeze on the spot, "Benkei" he curses under his breath before looking ahead as if it didn't affect him. "Don't listen to everything he says"
"It can't be helped" you chuckled " that you're so pretty"
though not noticeable, he blushed immediately, before completely stopping. his droopy lilac eyes watch the playful look on your eyes before trailing down to your lips. "you're prettier though"
he pressed his lips against yours for a breathtaking kiss as he hummed when your hands' unconsciouslly came up to pull at the stands of his hair. you were both breathing heavily when he pulled away, a dazed look in your eyes. "were you jealous that I spent a little time with Benkei?"
"no" he quickly denied, before continuing and correcting himself. "just a little, that's 30 minutes taken from my supposed time with you"
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Baji Keisuke
It wasn't that Baji is extremely busy but rather he has a lot on his agenda as a captain of the first division. plus he has a lot of pent-up energy that he needed to vent by beating up other people.
It's not something you have to be upset with, since Baji spends time with you more than you can ask for. is kind and extremely warmhearted to the point that he refuses to see you whenever he has bruises and wounds.refusing to make you worry about his well-being. so it didn't surprise you when you were welcome by Chifuyu instead of your boyfriend.
Baji making it a habit to send the blond and deliver an excuse as to why he can't come to meet you, even though you had long figured out that he didn't want you to see bruises on his body.
you deflate a little, contemplating between being angry or understanding, knowing that Baji is willing to cancel on a date just so don't worry.Chifuyu being a sweet and kind person offered to take you home but upon finding out that you have bought tickets to a movie he was also wanting to see, offered to see the movie with you. seeing no harm with it you agreed.
Chifuyu is a good company, like a little brother getting excited every time he sees a certain scene played out.after bombarding Baji with texts and calls, he then calls you later that night, with an apologetic tone behind his voice.
"Did you get home safe?" was his initial question. cautiously as if he was treading between life and death.
you pouted, a petty simple answer to his question. "you could have made sure that I went home safe if you showed up today".
He sighs, thumb absentmindedly playing with the charm hanging from his phone. "Sorry, you know I don't want you to worry"
feeling his sincerity, you sigh and forced yourself to smile and believe that Baji just wasn't the best for you."I know, just so you know I worry about you-- bruises or not, so It'll be a lot better if you do show up so I can take care of you"
Baji unconsciously smiles, a lovestruck look on his face. "We can watch it later this week, together this time" he offered.
without thinking much you voiced out a nonchalant response. "Why would I want to watch it again, When I already watched it with Chifuyu"
on the other side of the phone, Baji becomes silent. processing the words you said. Movie. you. Chifuyu. Together.
"You watched it with Chifuyu?" he asked frowning at the newfound knowledge. not that you can see. a look of confusion passed your face when the call suddenly ended and a few moments later there was a knock on your window.
"Keisuke?! what are you doing here?" you asked, eyes widened from shock as Baji easily climb over your window, a serious look on his face, but aside from that, angry bruises and cuts were present on his face,it looked painful to see. and now you understood why Baji doesn't want you to see.
But Baji was more busy to question you than realize the worry on your face."You watched a romance movie with Chifuyu?!" you raise your arm to cup his cheeks, snapping him to reality. "Is that important?! you're badly hurt!"
he looked at you silently for a minute, relishing the touch of your fingers against his skin. "It doesn't hurt, what hurts is that you watch a romantic movie with another man"
"and whose fault is that" you silently whispered while he crossed his arms against his chest and pouted while you smiled at him in response.
of course, Baji would be more concerned about another Man being close to you than his well being. Without thinking much, you pulled him towards you and buried your face in the crook of his neck. "If it makes you feel better it was a Romcom Movie, Chifuyu laughed the whole time while I was only thinking about you"
he raises his head, arms sheepily wrapping around you. cheeks flaming red. "It does make me feel better"
"I didn't know you get this jealous easily"
"shut up"
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randombush3 · 8 months
stuck with you (where else would i be?)
alexia putellas x reader
basically basically basically... this is (loosely) based on my friend's song, but it's unreleased so I can't link it. this is half procrastination and half inspiration. I've been ill and ig this is me being capable to write but not do my work. anyway! I don't really post on here but enjoy lol
The sun sweeps through the apartment softly. It whispers for you to rise, though that feels impossible. Impossible because of the gentle breathing beside you. She makes everything else hard to value. 
You operate on borrowed time. Mornings like these, afternoons at airports and on trains. Evenings on the phone, missing each other more than either of you would care to admit. 
Days together stretch, hours feeling like years, conversation flowing as though it runs the course of a lifetime. They contract too, but time works differently with her. 
Eventually, the season ends. Blood, sweat, and tears seep into the depths of the grass, absorbed into the soil along with her care for her profession. She loves her job, she really does. But she loves you more. The final whistle signifies more than just another trophy added to her collection.
You meet her in Greece; an echo of the first time, when you were wide-eyed and lost, and she was focused on a goal she had not yet achieved. Now, you focus, in front of your laptop, working begrudgingly as she lazes in a bask of football-less heat. Your direction is clear, as is hers. She has watched you build your path – is proud of you for it – and now she holds your hand as you walk down it together. 
It’s hot. Pleasantly hot. 
Your skin is warm as she runs her hands over your body. She wishes to exist in this moment forever, fingers pressing into your hips, holding you in place as her lips taste the sweat on your neck, your stomach. The wetness between your thighs. 
You keen into her, saying three words that you know she knows. You want her to hear anyway. They sink in. They always do. 
She loves you too. 
‘Goodbye’ is the hardest word to say; in any language, in any capacity. She hugs you to avoid its vicious syllables, and you kiss her so that she does not feel guilty about needing to go. It’s her job. You know that. 
And so, instead of goodbye, you tell her that it was a pleasure to have been stuck with her for a while. Stuck in Greece, stuck on the beach, stuck in a bed that finally feels as full as it should be. ‘Stuck’ is all you can ask for, you say with a smile and a few stray tears. Stuck with her, stuck with you. Stolen moments, hidden on private boats, dinners in cleared-out restaurants. Together, the world does not feel so scary. You love her, a lot. 
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thegainingdesk · 1 year
It was hard at first. John thought he knew exactly what to do - he'd read enough gainer stories, followed enough fat guys on twitter for years. All it would take was the decision to dive headfirst into gaining and he'd be as big as any of them in no time at all.
Once a day, every day, he'd eat something that would add at least a thousand calories to his diet. He'd barely even notice. A tub of ice cream, a pot of double cream, a whole cake, a second dinner - all very doable, all easily passing that thousand calorie threshold. Once that got easy, he'd start upping his intake - supplementing it with gainer shakes, or trips to fast food restaurants between meals.
It turns out that your average 12 stone man isn't really built to suddenly, rapidly increase the amount of calories he's taking in. Especially when most of those excess calories were dairy. He spent most evenings clutching his flat stomach as it churned with acid. Each evening he'd vomit it all back up, or have to miss meals, or feel nauseous the next day - constant signals from his body to stop.
He actually lost six pounds that first month. Maybe gaining wasn't meant for him. He watched enviously as his mates the same age succumbed to middle aged spread as they hit their mid-thirties, lamenting how lucky he was to still have his twenty year old metabolism as they patted beer bellies they couldn't shift.
John went back to his old diet, gained back those lost six pounds, and accepted he was just always going to be the skinny one in the group. He kept up a few old habits of course - still bought some of the ice cream flavours he'd discovered for the occasionally treat, kept up cooking with butter and cream where he'd found out how much they improved certain recipes, always made sure there were a few beers in the fridge for those nights when he fancied it. Nothing mad though, nothing that would cause any weight gain, just a few treats. You've got to enjoy life, haven't you?
John looked in amazement at the scales. A stone. An actual, whole stone. 14 pounds. On his body! He started noticing things - the tiniest pinch when he buttoned up his jeans, the slightest blur of softness on his stomach. It was nothing really, nothing anyone would notice, but it was there - solid proof that he could gain weight. He'd just pushed himself too far before, he realised with a laugh. Slow and steady and all that.
All those little habits became regular. Dessert every other night, then every night. Cooking with butter and cream no matter the recipe. A couple of six packs of beer a week. Nothing too intense, not that many calories, but it all started adding up, bit by bit.
Fancy coming for an Indian? the text read.
John's fingers hovered. The answer was obvious - thanks, I've just eaten, I'll join you at the pub after if you're going. But… his fingers traced that new curve of his gut, inching slowly bigger by the month. Not enough to be visible in most clothes really, not enough to be called fat, but there, sure enough. Was he really full? He could eat, couldn't he? What's a curry and a couple of naans?
You off to the Raj? he texted back. What time?
That old familiar feeling, of a stomach overly stuffed, too much food and beer. But different this time. The pain was there. The pressure. But there was a certain enjoyment to it. A pleasure. Warm, rather than acidic; heavy, rather than sharp. And god but didn't his gut look round? He stood in profile in the mirror, holding it almost like a pregnancy announcement. How long until it was always this size, he wondered? How long until it was bigger?
A second dinner became a weekly occurrence, then spread to two times a week, three times, four. After all, he'd proven to himself he had the capacity - why not? Eventually if he hadn't had four meals a day topped off with ice cream he'd be ravenous, his stomach biting at him in retaliation for his neglect.
He crossed 200 pounds. 210. 220. Clothes were bought, grown into, outgrown, and the cycle repeated. The general increase in size that had come before gave way to true signs of fatness. Soft pockets of fat at his chest, his arse rounding out, chubby cheeks, a real, honest to god, gut. It was happening. It was really fucking happening.
His mate Sam, the largest of the group, reached over and slapped John's baby gut after he took his coat off one night at the pub. "Fucking hell mate!" he said. "Never thought I'd see you with one of these!" There were some jeers, some belly pats, some comments - "At least you're not making us look bad anymore." "Welcome to the club, mate."
John looked around as he downed half of his first pint. How much more weight until he was the biggest there? None of them were that big, really, even Sam. Just a load of ex-rugby players with some overdeveloped beer guts. Another 30 or 40 pounds maybe? 18 stone? It sounded good, didn't it? And it would take, what? Six months at his current rate? A nice place to stop for a bit, enjoy his weight and new status as the big guy of the group.
He downed the rest of his drink and went to the bar for his next. "What we eating tonight then lads?" he asked them all, thinking back to the burger and chips he'd had just before coming.
It was all a lot easier with a definite goal in mind, he thought to himself a few weeks later, as he finished a tub of ice cream and placed it down next to four empty beer bottles. The sizes of snacks crept up, until they were meals in and of themselves, and he'd find himself convincing himself he was hungry almost as soon as he'd finished eating. He started stashing snacks everywhere that he couldn't reasonably expect a meal - the passenger seat of his car became reserved for a small mound of chocolate bars, the bottom drawer of his desk at work was filled with crisps and cereal bars.
His mates fell silent as he walked up to them a few months later, the next time he saw them, and he grinned smugly as he saw that, yes, he'd definitely become the fattest there. A couple of them even looked like they'd lost weight, the stupid pricks - didn't they know how good this felt? He put his pint and packet of pork scratchings down, and maneuvered himself down into his seat.
"Jesus Christ John," Sam said softly. "Are you… I mean… Is everything okay?"
John slapped the top of his gut and beamed. "Just enjoying life mate!" he replied, laughing. He tried to listen in as the others murmured around him, doing their best to not be too obvious.
"He wasn't that big last time, was he?" "Definitely not, he was smaller than me." "What's it been, four months? Three?" "He's not ill, do you reckon?" "Must be four stone, at least?"
Okay, so he knew he'd overshot his target and weighed in at 20 stone and change that morning, and yes, how fast it had piled on had shocked even himself, but really, it was all so hot, he was hardly about to complain. In fact, he'd made the decision that 285 felt a little small, really. Why not push for 300, when he was already so close anyway? Then he'd be satisfied, he knew.
"Mate," Sam whispered to him quietly, leaning in. "You've got a little uhh…" He gestured to his face. John took a finger and wiped the corner of his mouth.
"Cheers mate," John said, licking his finger. "Just a bit of cream." He spent the night making jokes about how fat he was getting, and eventually everyone else relaxed a little, content that he at least seemed happy with his shocking weight gain. Underneath his gut, his cock was rock hard.
300 pounds, it turned out, also felt a little small. Or at least, that's what John told himself a couple of months later as he saw 316 flashing on the scales. Maybe just a little bit more - a few more pounds and then he'd stop, once and for all.
But god, did it feel hot. Eating became its own erotic experience. It wasn't merely that he couldn't cum anymore without being completely, painfully stuffed (that point had long since come and gone), he now wondered why he would want to at all. Hook-ups became as much about being fed as they were about the sex. He didn't care who they were - if they had food and were willing to feed him, he'd take them.
John's body became unrecognisable. He was far beyond mere beer belly or dad bod now, his gut was now a globe that spanned out in every direction, wrapping around into thick cushions at his back, draped in inches of fat on top of the firm ball, before cascading off, a surprisingly cold apron of flesh that was slowly threatening to cover his ever shrinking cock. His tits sagged to the side and joined up to his back fat nestled in his armpit. His face, long-since fully rounded, began to elongate, his cheeks and chins sagging into new shapes.
John panted a little as he stood naked in his bathroom, doing his best to push his gut in with one hand as he peered over the top of it to see the scale read 363. "Right," he told the walls of the bathroom. "That's it, I'm stopping there." He struggled to lean down to pick the scales up, sliding them away to the side of the cabinet before straining to stand. "I only bloody wanted to be bigger than Sam."
Food, however, still tasted as good as it had before. And every meal he tried to scale back, every snack he tried to forgo, left him ravenous - each day he'd just end up gorging on more food than he tried to cut back on.
370. 380. 390.
His body began to feel alien. Every joint began to feel crowded, flesh filling the space before he could fully bend his elbow or knee. His arms sat awkwardly by his sides, pushed out by sloping tits. Manspreading became the default, as his thighs met all the way down to his knees which themselves began to inflate out, pillowy and soft.
400. 410. 420.
The gym, he decided. If dieting was out of the question (and there was no doubt at this point that dieting was very much out of the question), he could always exercise. He drove to a nearby gym, asked about personal trainers. Put down more money than one of his mortgage payments for their premium membership for a year, as much to force himself to commit as for the actual services.
His feet ached. His knees grinded. His lungs burned. Sweat poured off of him in quantities that he didn't know people could sweat - and he considered himself to be quite the expert on sweating these days.
Fuck it, he thought to himself after the first session, his circus tent of a t-shirt practically see-through, clinging to every roll of his body, showing off each crevice and valley. It wasn't that much money, really. He could afford to wave goodbye to it, if it meant never having to do that again. What did he have such a good salary for, if not to waste it on shit he'd never use? He'd have only spent it on food anyway.
430. 440. 450.
"My weight's plateaued recently, actually," he told Sam proudly over a pint.
Sam gave an encouraging smile. "That's great mate," he said, in the same tone he'd speak to a child or elderly relative. "Really great."
"Yeah," John said, opening one of the bags of nuts on the table in front of them. "I only put on like five pounds last month."
"Fuck," Sam said quietly, his face draining of colour. "Five pounds last- John, mate, that's still over a pound a week. What are you… how quickly were you packing it on before?"
John shrugged, and pointed to the rugby match on the TV in the corner of the pub, trying to change the topic. At least Sam had put on some weight himself recently - it blunted to criticism just a little.
"I'm over twenty stone now," Sam confessed later, his breath reeking of beer as he leant in close. "I don't know how I'm going to stop," he continued, his words slurring. He leant back and pulled his t-shirt up to reveal his hairy gut beginning to fill his lap and he slapped it. "Look at this thing!" he said loudly enough that people at other tables looked over and laughed. He began to rub it in slow, wide circles, and John could see the outline of his dick growing down the inside of his trousers. He leant back in, lowered his voice once more. "It's kind of fucking hot, isn't it?" he asked, punctuating with a burp. "That's why you've gotten so fat, right? You find it hot too?"
Forty five minutes later, Sam clumsily lined up his cock with one of the folds on John's gut, and slid it inside, grunting as he did so. Both of them held a kebab in one hand, and ate them as Sam's gut and John's whole body shook and quivered with Sam's thrusts, bits of meat and salad and sauce falling down onto their bodies.
"I can't stop," Sam moaned, as his thrusts became more erratic. "I keep on trying to lose weight but I just gain more and more." He spasmed and yelled out, one hand shoving the last of the kebab into his mouth, the other gripping one of his love handles hard, his fingers sinking in to the growing ball of fat.
"That's the thing about momentum," John said as he licked the last of the sauce off his fingers. "Once you get started, it just gets harder and harder to stop."
Sam slid off of John's body and John looked down at himself, surveying his acres of flesh. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to put on just a little more weight, he thought to himself. After all, Sam needed someone to set a good example.
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reyadawn · 2 months
My Protector
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*image not mine, credit goes to owner*
Summary: Joakim "Jolly" Karlsson. VP of Bad Omens notorious MC in Los Angeles, California. Loyal to a "T" and tough as nails...until she started working as one of the new bartenders and completely broke through his walls.
Pairings: Joakim "Jolly" Karlsson x Reader
Warnings: 🔞+, language, kissing, hair pulling, fingering, breeding!kink, praise!kink, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it, kids!), creampie
Word Count: 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
Dedicated to @philomenie 🤭🤭 Hope you're thoroughly fed after this!
Enjoy ✌️❤️
Bad Omens. Known to L.A as one of the most notorious and reputable motorcycle chapters. However, they weren't your typical sterotype. They helped out in the community, always donating or helping to set up fundraisers for kids and other various events around the city. Funnily enough, it also happens to be the name of the heavy metal rock band they perform as.
I had just moved to California, having needed a fresh start from a nasty divorce. I probably could have stayed back east but the painful memories that were left had me shutting the door on that part of my life. I found a job as a bartender at a quaint hole-in-the-wall establishment called Third Base. Upon first seeing the signage I had burst into hysterics. It was definitely a man who came up with the name and I wanted nothing more than to clap the guy on his back and give him a medal for creativity.
I groaned, rolling over in bed, sheets half tangled around my legs to turn off the alarm blaring annoyingly at me from my phone. I sighed, flopping back against the pillows and glancing out my window between sheer purple curtains. It was semi-light outside but it wouldn't be that way for long. The bar opened at 6:00pm and Misty, the manager, needed me there at 5:30pm to start training. Not that I needed any, I had quite a bit of experience.
I untangled myself from the sheets and meandered into the bathroom for a shower. My clothes were already laid out on the bathroom counter from earlier in the day. I hosed off and stepped out, wrapping the towel around my breasts and I cringed momentarily at the body staring back at me before towel drying my hair. I normally threw it up but descided to leave it down, letting it cascade down between my shoulder blades. I hurridly got dressed, donning a purple Bad Omens tank top, black yoga pants and biker boots. I quickly threw on lipgloss and body spray, grabbing my phone and heading down the hall to grab my purse and keys.
Reaching down, I gave my forrest cat Orion a good scratch behind his ears and I was out the door. Luckily, my apartment was on the ground floor and my silver Malibu was parked right out front. The bar was just a couple of blocks over so it wouldn't take long to get there.
L.A. definitely looked different at night. Lights from businesses and restaurants lit the sky like diamonds and more people seemed to come out of the woodwork. The bar's parking lot was already full as I approached, driving around back to where the staff parked. The side of the building had quite a few motorcycles parked side by side and one in particular caught my eye.
The bike, which happened to be a Harley-Davidson Dyna-Glide Super Glide Sport, was a sleek and glossy black without so much as a scratch on it. I smirked. How very Sons of Anarchy this entire lineup was as I turned the corner and went inside.
The bar was filled to capacity as waitresses walked the floor with trays to serve drinks, appetizers and dinner. Most of the patrons were bikers, some from the Bad Omens chapter, others from Dayseeker mixed with a few regular civilians.
I barely got behind the bar, wrapping an apron around my waist when Misty came barreling out of the side door with two trays, one in each hand, grey hair wild about her face and shoulders.
"Follow me, baby girl. Let's go! Table six, grab a tray", she said as I all but ran to catch up. By the time she and I reached the table, I had earned so many ass slaps that I regretted wearing yoga pants.
"Evenin', boys. How'd the show go last night?", Misty asked, setting bottles of beer down in front of a group of bikers. Glancing at each man in turn, I knew what the names meant on thier cuts: Folio and Ruffilo were Prospects, Sebastian was President but my gaze lingered on the VP whose name was Jolly.
Long dark hair pulled half up, sunglasses resting on the top of his head, clean shaven, white t-shirt under his cut showcasing his left arm completely covered in tattoos. All of them sported tattoos although I think the President housed more.
"It was a great turn out. Tons of energy like always", Folio said, taking a healthy drink from the bottle.
"Good to hear. Sorry I missed you boys. Got a bar to run and a newbie to train", Misty replied, elbowing my ribs to break the stare I had on Jolly. She rolled her hazel eyes and I could feel my face grow hot as she and I turned and headed back to the bar, weaving through tables and getting round two of ass slaps. Goddamn bikers.
"In Noah and Jolly's office is an inventory list on a clipboard. Need you to grab it. We need more Vodka, Gin and Amaretto. Shoo, now", Misty said, pushing me down a hallway on the other side of the bar.
"Are you sure I'm even allowed in there?", I asked nervously, turning back to her. Over her shoulder, I could see Jolly getting up from the table, his dark eyes staring right at me as he made his way over. Misty shot me a scowl and I turned again down the hallway past the restrooms, supply closet, kitchen doors and to the last door on the left right by the 'EXIT'.
I cautiously opened the door marked 'OFFICE' and poked my head inside. A large oak desk, framed vinyls on the walls, a brown leather futon and a few filing cabinets were all that decorated the room. Before I could do much more, the door suddenly flew open the rest of the way as a hand wrapped around my upper arm and all but shoved me inside. I whirled around in anger but stopped short when I saw it was Jolly.
"Jolly, what the fuck?", I spat. Jolly's gaze darkened and I took a step back.
"Watch who you speak to, karaste ...remember, you're in my territory", Jolly replied softly. His accent wasn't American, despite the fact he spoke English well. I swallowed thickly, pressing my thighs together. Jolly's gaze dropped to catch the movement and he smirked, approaching me. I suddenly backed up all the way to the desk before the edge had me forcibly sitting on the top.
Jolly stood directly in front of me, forcing my thighs apart to slot his narrow hips between them. I leaned back, palms flat on the desk but Jolly growled, actually fucking growled, and wrapped his hand around my neck to haul me closer to him. Liquid heat pooled in the thin cotton panties I wore, my clit throbbing to life and my walls clenching around nothing.
"What are we going to do about this little attitude of yours, karaste? Hm?", he taunted, fingers squeezing ever so slightly as his other hand grabbed a fistful of my hair to tilt my head back. I blinked and then his lips were on mine. The kiss was slow, deliberate, like he was savouring everything, putting it all to memory. My thighs involuntarily squeezed around his hips as he suddenly broke the kiss, my lips tingling. I whimpered at the loss and Jolly smirked evily before grabbing my yoga pants and hauling them down my legs. My boots stopped them from going further but Jolly simply stepped over them, hardened cock hidden behind denim now pressed firmly against my soaked cunt, the material rubbing against my clit and causing my eyes to roll back.
"Jolly...", I moaned, my own voice sounding wanton. Jesus Christ, I was a mess, practically falling apart for a man I just met. Jolly reached between us to swipe his fingers through the slick that coated my cunt, bringing them to his lips and sucking them clean. Dear God, this man was on the verge of making me entirely unhinged.
He then unbuttoned and unzipped the front of his jeans, pulling a cock into view that was more than impressive.
"Come on, karaste, and open up for me", Jolly said, pushing the head of his cock into my dripping cunt. I tipped my head back, mouth open on a silent moan, as his cock slowly, agonizingly stretched and filled me inch by inch...and there were quite a few inches to be had. Jolly's hands tightened on my hips as he momentarily held himself inside me. It was all I could do not to thrash beneath him, my arms reaching up to wrap around his shoulders.
"J-Jolly...p-please move...please", I whispered, begging him to give me the friction I needed. Jolly brought his lips to mine in response as he slowly pulled his cock out, almost to the head, before slamming it back inside me, nerve endings coming alight. He repeated the act, this time his thumb pressing to my swollen clit and I saw stars, coating his cock and no doubt the front of his jeans.
"Oh, poor baby, you come already? This cock make you feel that good? What a good fucking girl you are", Jolly replied, pulling his lips from mine, his thrusts becoming faster, hips slapping against my dripping cunt. Each drag and pull of his cock had my brain melting until my whole body was buzzing. "Give me more...come on, sweet girl...one more".
Jolly rubbed furious circles over my already overly stimulated clit, his cock now pistoning even faster and harder inside me. My arms gripped his shoulders tighter, my thighs squeezing him harder as my body spiraled into an orgasm so powerful I threw my head back and screamed, my voice echoing around the small office.
"Good girl...oh, such a good girl you are, coming all over my cock...gonna' fill you up, sweet girl...tell me you want me to...tell me to fill this tight cunt of mine...mine...mine", Jolly demanded, hips snapping harshly against me.
"Fill me up...p-please....p-please...I can't", I said, clawing at his cut, nails creating half moons in the leather. Jolly gave one final deep thrust and his cock pulsed as thick ropes of come splashed against my cervix, painting my walls. I tried to scream again as my orgasm hit, but he slapped a hand over my mouth. Jolly kept shuttling his cock inside me, the audible squelching sound of our mixed releases resounding in the room.
"Your cries of pleasure are mine and mine alone", Jolly said, chest heaving as he sucked in gulps of air, mimicking my own ragged breathing. "You're mine. No else gets to see you fall apart like this. No one. Understand? You're mine to protect". I stared at him in shock, only nodding.
Jolly finally stilled and slowly drew his cock free of the tight confines of my still dripping cunt, wincing at the loss of fullness. He carefully stepped over my boots to readjust himself before giving me a lingering kiss, turning and walking out of the office. The quiet click of the door was deafening.
My brain struggled to process the quickie I just had in the office of a bar as I tried to get my breathing under control.
What just happened?
@concreteemo @concreteangel92 @burgandeerose @philomenie @artificialstardust @amourtoken @bloodylullaby @bluestdai @collidewiththesavannah @dsireland86 @english-fucker @exitwoundsx @flowery-mess @fadingintothegrey @iamamatus @iluvmewwwww75 @kaliforniahigh @lilhobgobbler @lovexsleepyhead @livingdeceasedgirl @sacredthefran @somewhere-diamond @somebodyllelse @yarasdead @lolitasangel
76 notes · View notes
engeorged · 2 years
Aster's Maze
Follow up to Obi's Place and Santa’s Otto
Art by @badoobers
Words by @engeorged
I know it’s been over a year since I posted, but it’s been quite a journey for me. One I’m not even sure if I’m ready to talk about. The encounter with Obi changed me somehow and I’m not the same person I was. I can’t quite seem to settle anywhere for very long any more. I feel restless, and to be blunt, like I’m not quite fully present wherever I am.  My mind is always in a different place?
Let me go right back. By now, you’ve probably read about my encounter at Obi’s place. I’m not gonna lie, I was a wreck for a few days. It was like a hangover meets a sausage casing? The amount of food he’d packed in me took days to digest. I was swollen for 72 hours, not really able to do anything but sleep and go to the toilet. (I’ll spare you the details although I’m aware a few of you out there will want them you dirty bastards!!) I didn’t check my messages the whole time but after my last post, a lot of you had reached out to me. Turns out there’s quite a few of these guys around and they don’t fuck about! The pictures you all sent me were quite eye opening! (That's maybe for another post!)
The whole thing felt like a dream, but on reflection I realised it was a pretty good dream. I hate to admit it, but being able to eat that much food was quite a turn on. I tried for months to find him again and ask what he did to me. I’ve not been able to repeat it by myself, and trust me, I’ve tried. I can’t really even eat half of what he put into me. Every few weeks I would sit down in a restaurant or a buffet place and just block the afternoon out and eat as much as I could to see what would happen. Now I’m a big guy (and getting bigger!) and I could probably out eat most people if it came down to it but there’s just no way I can get as full as I did that morning. My belly is definitely increasing in size and capacity but still, without whatever magic he was using I can’t do it again. 
To cut a long story short, I ended up travelling. The few stories you sent me (that weren’t totally nuts) were fascinating, but from all over the world. I’ve been searching for trolls in Norway, piscies in the UK, dragons in china, tikoloshes in Africa. Nothing! Not a single bite. I was starting to believe that maybe it was a hallucination from being so over tired. Maybe the stripes on the road had hypnotised me as I drove or something. 
I’m currently living in Greece for a bit. I’ve pretty much run out and so I found a casual labour job on a building site in Greece. It’s a bit of a shit show to be honest,  but all I have to do is turn up and lay bricks for a few hours in the afternoon and I get paid! The extra bit of timber I’d put on means I break a sweat the second I get up, as even though it’s early autumn, here it’s still 24 degrees by midday! 
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It was coming up to lunch time on the site when I started feeling a bit faint. I realised I’d not had anything to drink for a few hours and I was super dehydrated. I grabbed my water bottle and when lifted to my lips, only a few drips came out, so I had a scan of the area and saw a guy with a cart selling gyros and beers. Usually the street food was pretty good around here so I headed over, still wearing my tight high viz vest. As I got close to the stand I started to realise how hot the guy was selling them, now I’m newly ‘out’ and so I don’t still fully know what my type is but I can tell you reader, this guy was everyone’s type. He was stacked, his arms were like ripe watermelons and as I got close I realised how huge he was. I’ve told you I’m 6’5, but this guy towered over me. He must have been 7 feet easily. His hair was everywhere and he had this crazy medallion around his neck with a symbol on it I recognised from somewhere. 
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Now, I know my story has ended up on some niche websites and blogs, so I know what you pervs are all waiting for. So here it is. His gut was potentially the hottest thing I have ever seen. It was huge. He was so tall it was practically oval. Firm and round and pushing against the buttons in his shirt. It was like he wasn’t even tempted to hide it. In fact, as I approached, he lifted his arms above his head to stretch which meant that there was a good three or four inches of furry dome poking out from underneath. He looked as stuffed as I was at Obi’s. As I got nearer I started to regret my decision to go over. I must have looked like an absolute state. I was wearing my battered work jeans and fluorescent jacket, covered in brick dust and sweat and I absolutely stank. A 280 lbs slab of man like me working in 30 degree heat is a recipe for funk, and I was dripping with it. He looked up and saw me so there was no going back, I committed and walked up trying to look cool. Something about him made me want to melt into a puddle. I said ‘Yasass’ in my best Greek accent and he replied with a bass filled ‘Hello, how can I help you’ in perfect English. His accent was vaguely British with a hint of Greek overlayed. The rumble of his voice made something shift inside me. I think I was in love. 
I ordered two beers and paid him. Lifting it to my lips, thirst took over and downed one on the spot. I didn’t really want to leave, I wanted to try and get his number or something. I downed the second beer and I could see it must have impressed him as he leant forward in his cart and offered me another. I ordered two and offered him one which he took. We stood chatting about the weather and what I was up to and as we chatted he started putting together a huge gyro full of amazing smelling meat. There was a hint of salad at the bottom but the thing was packed as tight as his shirt. He wrapped it up with his strong hands and offered it to me. I took it immediately and took a big bite, within minutes the thing had gone. It was the best tasting thing I’d ever had. When I finished I realised he’d just been watching me eat it, not saying anything. His dark eyes focussed on me making me feel very seen. He had very keen eyes that looked deep into my soul. (I know how pretentious that sounds, don't worry, but you’ll see I’m right in a minute!)
I jokingly said I could eat another one and before I’d finished my sentence he had one there in his large paw! I won’t bore you with the details because there will be a lot more later but suffice to say I ate 3 of his huge gyros. I was substantially full, my own belly was beginning to push out against my work clothes and I’m pretty sure I lost a button  I offered to pay but he wouldn’t take it. He just said he’d see me again. I went back to work on the site very full and very horny!
I stopped by for lunch every day for the next week and a half. In the evenings I discovered he owned a small but very cool restaurant bar selling the same food but with the addition of a whole selection of spirits and cocktails. It was a full two weeks before I plucked up the courage to ask him out. There was just something about him that drew me in. Reflecting back I don’t know if we actually spoke about much. Even now I know very little about him. All I remember is his huge belly, round and tight, every day staring at me. Perfection in a fursuit. I remember that he had a few piercings. The medallion round his neck had chains coming off it connecting to nipple piercings. He also had a heavy gold nose ring, which, if I wasn’t thinking with my dick, might have been a bit of a clue. I was looking out for whatever Obi was, not whatever he was. And is, I guess? 
On reflection, and with what I know now, he was strategically increasing my already substantial belly capacity for the game. (More on that later) Every meal, he would give me a little bit more food. A bag of stuffed vine leaves here, some baklava there, extra meat in the wrap, a special sauce, larger wraps. Before I knew it I was eating 6 of his gyros twice a day with whatever accompaniments he palmed off on me that day. Every evening I would spend bloated and swollen, nursing my aching stomach whilst thinking of Aster. (Oh I forgot, one thing I did get out of him was his name) I guess I should add that I didn’t twig what was happening in case that’s not obvious. I was bewitched by everything about him to the point where I didn’t realise he was testing me out for something much bigger. 
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A few weeks in I had a penny drop moment, I’d just finished my 6th evening gyro and he was making me one more to finish me off. My belly was huge, packed with the supply of food he’d been encouraging me to eat. I was wearing a now painted-on shirt and I was standing in the street at 5pm obediently stuffing myself silly with his street food. I’d gone past full a few gyros ago and it was now simply pushing and stretching my stomach more and more. The feeling of the stretch (as some of you probably know) is exquisite. I’d experienced it fully with Obi and I’d been chasing that feeling all over the world to get to that place of total engorged capacity and it dawned on me suddenly I was there again. Something about that day made me realise I'd met another one of these creatures. Aster wasn’t human. 
I swallowed down my last bite and took the next one from his massive hairy hand. I looked at him properly for maybe the first time. Looking past my own lust and attraction and I saw that he wasn’t quite ‘right’. His hair was shaped in such a way that hair didn’t really grow. His side burns were much more than a side beard and that ring in his nose was huge because his nose was so large and flat. And his belly! No human belly would ever be that size and rounded shape when it was that big. It would be sagging down over his belt, not sitting proudly on top of it defying gravity. I started eating the food he’d made me and asked him outright. ‘Who are you?’ He looked me in the eye and said with a slightly crooked grin ‘Obi said you could eat.’ 
I stood back aghast. He was one of them. I had so many questions. But before I could ask any of them he started packing up his cart. I found myself rooted to the spot while he packed away. I literally couldn’t move. As he grabbed the handles he turned to me and put his large hand on top of my distended stomach and winked. And that’s when I saw it. The little purple twinkle in his eye. With that, he was gone and I was finally able to move. The fullness I was not noticing yet hit me and I nearly sat down on the pavement where I stood but I managed to pull myself together and make it back to the site where I did very little work. He’d fed me as much as Obi had done but without me noticing. And I let him! 
I could hardly wait for opening time at the restaurant that evening.  Still full from lunch,  I wasn’t sure whether I wanted to ask him out or just demand some answers. When I saw him behind the bar, cleaning a glass with a tea towel I knew what I wanted. I marched right up to the counter but before I had a chance to speak he pulled out a single purple rose which he handed me. As I looked at him in the low light, I realised all his confidence had fallen away and he was genuinely a little nervous. Turns out he’d fallen for me too. He ended up asking me on a date. Who knew a 7 foot tall Minotaur would be such a hopeless romantic. (Yeah I just dropped that in. I didn’t know how else to say it really! It is what it is?) He told me that he finished around midnight but that he had somewhere he wanted to take me and would that be alright. I agreed, obviously! And parked myself on a table by the window to wait for him. 
Even though the restaurant was pretty busy, he found time to be quite attentive. Every hour he brought me another rose and a plate of something to eat. By the time it was midnight I had a vase full of flowers and a belly full of Greek food! Bear in mind I was stuffed from lunch and I arrived at the restaurant at 6. So do the math to work out how full I currently am. That’s important for the rest of the story! As the final customers left I watched as he whipped round the place lifting the chairs and sweeping up as fast as he could. It was kind of cute to see how keen he was. When it was all done he explained to me that he wanted to take me somewhere that was special to him, somewhere he thought I would enjoy. He looked a little sheepish but I agreed. We walked through town (slowly I might add, I was basically round at this point) as he held my hand. Not many people can make me feel small but walking around holding this giant's hand was quite humbling. At this point I think my belly was bigger than his but he was still over half a foot taller than me. Being near him calmed my stomach too. It was like I was just pleasantly full when I was near him, not dangerously packed to bursting. We chatted a little bit but we mainly walked in silence, happy in each other's company.
We arrived at a sort of park on the edge of town. There were a few ruins we walked past but we ended up at the edge of what looked like a small cave. In any other setting I would have run a mile but he has been so tender with me I just felt super safe. In the moonlight, at the edge of the cave we stood looking into each other's eyes. He slowly leant in to kiss me and I let him. As he leant back I felt myself rooted to the spot again unable to move. He started walking backwards into the cave and as the dark consumed him he winked again and beckoned me to follow him. After a minute the effects of whatever it was wore off and I was able to slowly walk into the cave. After a few steps I discovered that  it was lit all along by torches and it started to become more of a corridor. There was no sign of Aster but I carried on into the maze. As I walked I felt a little rumble in my stomach. I brushed it off as just digestion starting and kept going. After a few turns it saw a few petals in the ground. The massive softie had left me a trail to follow. 
Eventually, I came across a small recess in the wall with a little table set into it and a candle. I sat down on one of the chairs and Aster emerged from out of the darkness with two heavy cloched plates. He sat down and put the plates in front of us. He pulled the cloches off to reveal a sizeable plate of oysters. I smiled and he smiled back. I found myself inexplicably hungry and went to take my first one, but he leant over and stopped me. He picked up a large oyster and lifted it to my lips. I smiled and opened my mouth and titled my head back. If I’m totally honest I’ve never eaten oysters before but I’d seen it in films. I knew I was supposed to swallow them whole so fortunately I didn’t make a tit of myself. I don’t know if you’ve had them before but I’m not gonna lie, they taste good but they are like swallowing snot! Being fed them was hot though! Knowing I had the full attention of this slab of man was really doing it for me! He fed me a few and then sat back and I did the same for him! Watching his heavy Adam's Apple bob up and down as he swallowed was a surprising new kink I discovered in that cave! 
Suffice to say, it was like time worked differently in that cave. We’d only been there a few minutes and there were a fair few oysters on each of our plates. Maybe 3 dozen each? They didn’t really take long to eat but it felt like we were there for hours. I wasn’t counting the oysters but by the time we’d cleared the plates, my belly had advanced quite a way. Like way more than a few dozen oysters would have done. It was still tight and round but it was a lot bigger and heavier. It appeared that my tank top had ripped at the edges and so I just took it off. Even though we were underground it wasn’t cold so I was happy in just my jeans. 
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I looked at Aster and he had the biggest grin on his face. His own belly was beginning to blow out from our oyster binge. I could see even more of his substantial furry belly pushing out from his shirt. I wasn’t sure if he looked taller at that point? Everything about him was larger in some way and he was meatier and hairier too. (Yes every part of him was bigger. I won’t say more than that!) He was absentmindedly rubbing the underneath of his belly curve as he watched me readjust to my new bloated mass. His eyes were both kind and predatory at the same time. We stood there for a little while admiring one another until he winked and shimmered like Obi used to. With that he was gone and the chase was back on. I lumbered on further into the maze of tunnels, my swollen midsection slowing me down considerably. The path twisted and turned as I was led deeper in. 
I couldn’t tell you how long it was until I found him. At first, I began to hear running water and so, for want of any other clues, I followed the noise. The walls of the maze were beginning to look less constructed by human hands and more cave-like, I guess? Stone bricks giving way to actual stone. I even thought I saw a few flashes of gemstones here and there but I was more interested in my next meal. Even though I must have eaten a week's worth of food so far, I was still inexplicably hungry. I don’t know if I can describe how it felt. My insides felt packed full. Like totally solid. There was very little give to my belly. And yet I knew I wanted more. Actually I needed more. The stretched feeling I have when I’m around these guys is something I’ve never experienced before. 
Eventually, the water got louder and louder until I walked through a stone archway and found myself in a cavernous expanse. The sound of water turned out to be an underground waterfall, the water cascading down into a piercing blue lagoon. The ceiling was lit with some sort of glowing insects which were making a melodic rhythmic chirping sound. I searched around the expanse until I found him. He was sitting with his legs in the water next to a fire where he seemed to be grilling fish. It was the first time I’d seen his legs and they were indeed as you would imagine them to be. Covered in thick black hair. I couldn’t see his feet as they were in the water but I am guessing he didn’t have five toes at this point. It seemed that he was becoming more of his true self the closer we got to the centre. I made my way round and joined him sitting by the water. It was one of the most beautiful places I’d ever been. We sat there for a few moments in silence. Enjoying the beauty. I realised after a while that he was holding my hand.  He turned his attention to the fire and pulled out a perfectly grilled fish which he placed next to himself and he began to break off pieces of the succulent meat and began feeding it to me. The fish melted in my mouth. It was so succulent and tender. I ate the whole thing quickly and he brought a second fish over and put his hands back on the floor as a signal for me to feed him. I obliged, tenderly placing it into his mouth. We did this for a while until all the fish he was cooking had gone. He leant forward and I thought he was going to kiss me again but instead he plunged his hand into the water and pulled out more fish. I’m no expert but I know one of them was a Salmon, and a pretty big one at that. And I think there was a rainbow trout and something else sort of blue? We carried on eating and cooking and eating and cooking for hours. The time weirdness means I have no idea how long we were there or how many I ate at this point, but looking at the both of us we were both much bigger. I don’t know if it’s part of the atmosphere or I genuinely ate that much but there it was.  My own belly was enormous. Way bigger than I had been in the diner. His gut was spectacular. Round and hairy and now totally free from his shirt. Bear in mind he was nearly 8 feet at this point.
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He reached over and tenderly began to massage my own swollen stomach. His hands, surprisingly gentle, but firm. I closed my eyes and relaxed and basically let him do what he wanted to me. All of my senses seemed to be heightened, every little touch was like a wave of ecstasy flowing across my skin. His smell was heady, strong and potent and filling my nostrils. Eventually, I realised he’d gone but I stayed there for a little while longer. Partly because it was so beautiful but also partly because I could hardly move. 
I pulled myself to my feet, hauling my cantilevered belly up. It was still self supporting and jutting straight out from me into the air. I wished there was a mirror somewhere so I could have seen it properly. I saw an opening in the wall near the waterfall so I followed it through into a darker and more narrow part of the maze. The walls were closer than before and there were a few parts where I was worried I might not get through with my newly ballooned gut. After a while I started to smell the aromatic smell of cooking pork which made me instantly hungry again. I followed the smell and found three doors with a riddle written above it. I can’t remember the riddle but it was something about liars and guessing the way. You can probably guess that I’m not the smartest guy, I’m not dumb, but when it comes to stuff like riddles I’m out. My belly was rumbling loud at this point too so I was distracted. I decided to just listen at each of the doors. Door one I could hear a whistling noise which I reckoned was some sort of drop. Door two was a distinct growling snore. Although Aster was super stuffed I was pretty sure it wasn’t him asleep, and having met some of these guys I’m pretty sure it wasn’t a cute teddy bear behind there! I approached door three and had a listen. I could just about hear a sizzling sound and with the smell of pork I couldn’t handle it so I threw the door open. I wasn’t disappointed! 
The room was a small stone cell with a fire pit sunk in the bottom. On top of it was a decently sized pig on a spit. I couldn’t see Aster so I stepped in gingerly. The door closed behind me and as I turned it dissolved into the wall. There was no way out. I stepped into the room and looked into the shadows at the edges.  And there he was, taller than ever. As he stepped out into the light of the fire I could see he’d changed more. The first thing I noticed were the horns that had now sprouted from the top of his head. They weren’t massive but they were slightly curved and protruding from his thicker hair. The hair wasn’t just thicker on his head either. He’d now taken off his shirt and I could see the extent of it. He was pretty much covered in thick black hair all over his arms and sides. Virtually the only skin visible was across his bloated sphere of a belly. And that had a decent covering all along the bottom of the curve stretching up to a thick happy trail that snaked up to his hairy pierced pecs. The thick gold chain connects to his medallion. 
He spoke with a deep gravelly voice that I could literally feel in my feet. He told me under no circumstances was there to be any pork left before we left this place. Under any other situation I would have laughed. The pig had to be 200 lbs of meat. That would literally have taken any normal person a few weeks to eat. But here, with him, I knew right there that we would do it. I was apprehensive to think about how much my stomach would distend after that but I knew that whatever this place was it would be ok. I walked up to him and put my hands firmly on the sides of his thick belly and looked up. He looked down at me and bent his head to kiss me on the lips again. I smiled and sighed with contentment. Something special was about to happen. 
He pulled back and handed me a sharp knife, and took out one of his own and cut a slab of meat. The juices were rubbing down his arm. He pulled off the crackling and greedily began to eat it, crunching and swallowing it down. He offered me the meat and I eagerly opened my mouth to receive it. It tasted even better than it smelt and within minutes the whole slab had disappeared into me. We continued to feed one another the pork for a while, taking it in turns to slice off large chunks of flesh and sharing the delicious meat. We were soon covered in the stuff, our bellies continuing their rapid expansions. As we progressed, instead of slowing down we began to speed up. We even abandoned the knives and took to simply ripping off our next portions and guzzling down our haul. He fed me and I fed him and we ate ourselves. The boundaries of reality slipped away as we gorged on the meal together. (Yes I know that sounded a bit twatty but that’s how it felt. How many pigs have you shared with a fucking Minotaur?)
We didn’t take any breaks in our gluttony, the pig simply ended up inside both of us. I’d guess Aster ate more, simply because he is a good few feet taller than me but I didn’t notice him actually eating more. By the time the pig was reduced to bones we were both insanely swollen. My own gut was packed so big I couldn’t see anything else when I looked down. The skin tightly stretched over the vast quality of food it held inside itself. If I thought for a second about how much food I contained I’m not sure my brain could handle it. I looked like someone had slipped an air compressor up my arse and turned it on for a good half an hour. Physics had to be different in there because there was no way I’d have been able to stand up without some supernatural help. Looking at Aster, he was the same. Comically swollen, his huge abdomen surrounded by a sea of hair. The only difference between us is that you could still see some of his muscle definition.  The power and strength he contained was tangible when you looked at his animal-like frame. 
Covered in grease and bits of food we sat back admiring each other's new size. I wanna keep the story a touch modest, but he was clearly aroused by our efforts. I won’t go into details because I never kiss and tell, but fuck me he was a big boy! I’m glad there was magic in the site because after what we did next I could have ended up in hospital! 
After we had, erm, cuddled, we lay back with our heads next to one another. Our engorged stomachs stuck high into the air, solid and packed with food, unyielding in their size and volume. We stayed for a period of time and chatted about our lives. Aster clearly wasn’t wanting this to be a one off encounter. He was surprisingly affectionate and romantic for a half man half bull. He wanted to know all about me and my life and what my plans for the future were. It was such a tender moment I could have stayed there forever but Aster had one more plan up his sleeve. He pulled himself up easily and offered me a hand to help me up. I just about managed to get to my feet, helped by his superhuman strength I assume! Kissing me again he led me by the hand into the shadows where we found a new door. Fortunately, it was a double door as neither of us would have fit through anything smaller at this stage. We walked into a vast cavernous space. I didn’t think it was possible but it was even more beautiful than the underwater lagoon where we ate the fish. The glowing insects were back and this time other glowing creatures joined them. Small colourful lizards darted from rock to rock making patterns in the water that filled half the floor. Several smaller waterfalls fed this one, each framed by cascades of glowing plants with brightly shining flowers falling down.  Alongside the water was a long banqueting table covered with food. There were golden bowls and plates full of oversized fruits and bread. Huge slabs of roasted meats and wheels of cheese. At the end there appeared a large ornately decorated cornucopia which seemed to be the source of the food. Aster led me to the table and sat us both down in large oversized thrones. We’d made it to the centre of the labyrinth!
As we sat down, our swollen bellies resting on our legs I realised he had plans to carry on eating. Whatever magic was present meant I definitely felt hungry but there was no way I could physically move to get the food. I was practically pinned down underneath the sheer ridiculous size of my own belly. I was about to say this to Aster when I heard something move in the water. I looked across to see six men emerge from the water. I say men, we both know they weren’t that. If I had to guess I would say they were some sort of water nymphs? They had a pale bluey green tinge to their skin which had a faint shimmer to it as well. They were lithe and incredibly beautiful, their muscles and sinews visible underneath their skin. Their tight shorts left very little to the imagination and their eyes looked as hungry as I felt. They were here to feed us. 
I don’t know whether we were there for a few days or weeks or months. The food from the cornucopia kept coming and we kept eating. Non stop gorging, all enabled by the blue dudes. Their dexterous long fingers feeding us food and massaging our swelling bellies. We both ended up the size of trucks, our inhumanly swollen bellies stretching way past what was physically or morally possible. 
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At some point we were done and we were pushed or rolled to the edge of the water. I slipped in and sank heavily to the bottom. Whether I was magically able to breathe underwater or whether I somehow didn’t need to breathe, I’m not sure, but Aster and I were able to move freely under the water. We swam for a while through caverns and caves, snaking away from the maze. When we surfaced we found ourselves on a small island just off the coast of the town. Away from the magical influence of the labyrinth, Aster was back to his more human form and his belly was vastly reduced but still clearly swollen. I was the same, my belly was huge, but it at least was obeying the laws of physics. Again, I don’t want to make the story any more r-rated than it needs to be so let’s say we spent some time with each other there. We needed some time to digest and recover as well. 
Friends, I don’t know whether what happened was a dream or some sort of vision, but I do know I’ve gained 50lbs in a few days. I have a very definite and prominent ball belly now, which I’m not unhappy about. I also have a new boyfriend. Unlike Obi, Aster was happy to stick around, so I do know that something happened. I don’t really want to ask too many questions from Aster because I don’t really mind if it was real or not. I know he’s here and I know we ate a shit ton of food and I know he’s not going anywhere
For the rest of my stories click here
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hyunjin-amore · 8 months
A Loving and Spoiling Relationship
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Summary: Y/N, filled with anticipation, left her Manhattan apartment to meet her boyfriend, Rafe, reflecting on the beginning of their deepening relationship. Rafe's thoughtful gestures, from a surprise bouquet to a day of pampering and a romantic evening, made Y/N feel valued and adored. Their love and small caring actions made her realize that with Rafe by her side, nothing was insurmountable. Their story stands as a reminder of true love and care in a society often lacking in effort and communication.
With a smile on her face, Y/N left her apartment building as the sun beamed down over the streets of Manhattan. She was eager to spend more time with her boyfriend, Rafe. The couple had been dating for about a year, and their adoration for one another seemed to deepen every day.
On her way to their preferred café, Y/N couldn't help but reflect on the beginning of their relationship. They had hit it off right away when they first met through a mutual friend. Y/N was instantly enamored with Rafe due to his endearing grin and funny personality, which even surprised her. When Y/N arrived at the café, she saw Rafe seated at their regular table with a big bouquet of Y/N's favorite flowers in the center. Rafe's considerate act gave her a wave of warmth and contentment that she couldn't help but feel. Y/N had never experienced love and appreciation like he did; he always went above and beyond to make her feel valued and adored.
Rafe leaned in and kissed her tenderly as she sat down across from him, making Y/N's pulse skip a beat. Rafe listened carefully to everything Y/N said as they spent their morning catching up on each other's lives and enjoying coffee. Following their coffee meeting, Rafe treated Y/N to a day of pampering at a nearby spa. Y/N has always been a dedicated worker who frequently prioritized her work over her personal needs. But she had discovered how to slow down and appreciate life's small pleasures, thanks to Rafe. She was incredibly appreciative of his frequent reminders to calm down and take care of herself.
Rafe took Y/N to her favorite restaurant for lunch later in the day, setting up a special dining room. The tastiest appetizers and pastries were brought out by the attentive wait staff. Rafe treated Y/N like a queen, showing her all of her favorites. Excessively in love with Rafe, Y/N couldn't help but walk back to her apartment, holding hands. She adored him because he had the capacity to make her feel like the most significant person in the world.
Rafe surprised Y/N with a romantic evening in her apartment upon arrival. He had prepared a romantic movie night complete with their favorite nibbles and prepared her an opulent supper. As they nestled together on the couch under a blanket, Y/N came to appreciate how fortunate she was to have Rafe in her life. Their friendship was based on more than simply lavish gifts and actions; it also included small things. Rafe always made sure to express his gratitude and love for Y/N in the most surprising manner. He never failed to make her feel special, whether it was with a simple "I love you" text or a surprise lunch at work.
Y/N was so happy as she rested in Rafe's arms at the end of the night. The thought of waking up beside him the following morning and embarking on yet another trip with him excited her. She could hardly fathom her life without Rafe because he had really grown to be her pillar of support and stability. They had formed a link that could not be broken since they had showered one another with love and affection. Y/N was aware that nothing was insurmountable as long as Rafe was by her side.
Rafe and Y/N's love story served as a welcome reminder of what true love and spoiling actually mean in a society when relationships are frequently perceived as lacking in effort and communication. With their hearts full of love and happiness as they fell asleep, Y/N realized she had discovered her true love in Rafe.
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kaidabakugou · 2 years
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for decades, humans have been broadcasting their presence in the universe. sending radio waves into space in the hopes of making contact with possible extraterrestrial life with no caution as to whether there might be dangerous predators lurking in that infinite darkness searching for their next target. and after many attempts, they finally got what they were seeking.
it's been two years since aliens made contact with humans. since then, humanity has evolved substantially. interstellar affairs were the least of worries for all the nations before any of this occurred. with the lack of protocol or proper response plans, humans weren't equipped to handle intergalactic species arriving on our planet. but they did what they did best, and they adapted to their new reality.
when the reptiles from outer space arrived on earth, they seeked mutual exchange with the humans. to provide us with the knowledge we lacked in exchange for a way to progress their receding species. humanity agreed, and the changes in society were limitless. technology became so advanced that humans could travel in and out of earth just as freely as the aliens could, and we kept our end of the bargain.
women volunteered, per governmental request, to have sexual interactions with the foreign creatures, with the full disclosure that the outcome was uncertain. many died in the attempt, not compatible with their dna. but with many efforts and scientific breakthroughs, cross species became possible between humans and aliens, resulting in the birth of nagas.
and with that, society changed forever, birthing centers were made to specifically progress the species for mutual benefit between parties. the space reptiles grew in numbers and humans found many ways to profit from the discovery.
nagas varied in form, if an alien had sex with a human, a creature with human features and anatomy on its upper half and the body of a snake on its lower half would come out, earning the name of nagas. if nagas had relations with the reptiles from space, the serpentine genes would predominate resulting in a more advanced version of the same reptilian alien. and if a naga mated with a human, the chances were uniform, either another naga would come or a human with a higher physical and mental capacity than regular humans would.
with such remarkable creatures, they were sought out for many reasons. they were used for military purposes by every nation, a game of who possessed the most advanced creature that would grant them victory when needed. the markets quickly thrived in many ways. nagas were killed for their skins to feed the fashion industry, underground affairs piqued interest with how many buyers wanted to get their hands on a creature that would surely get them status within their groups. and soon, naga tails were just as treasured as rare blue lobsters at high-ranking restaurants.
you had taken advantage of the situation as well, being one of the first volunteers to explore life outside of the planet. for an entire year, you visited other planets and explored different colonies among them, learning everything that you could about their culture.
but after a long year of traveling, you finally decided to return home. life outside of your planet was fun but nothing compares to the feeling of being on earth. you were currently hiking in the forest near your house, making your way towards the waterfall you’d visited countless times before. enjoying the fauna around you, since it was one of the things you missed the most while being away.
other planets did not have the green landscapes that earth had, or the same animals that could be found here. they didn't have the vast supply of water like earth does, and their plant life was almost non-existent. the majority of them relied on their advanced technology to provide them with the resources they needed, and others would make do and adapt with whatever they could find within their colonies. the animal life was also nothing compared to the abundant species on our planet, most of the extraterrestrial creatures possessed reptilian features, similar to the ones who visited us two years ago.
you were almost near the waterfall, the singing of the birds around you giving you a nostalgic feeling after not being able to hear them for so long. the sun peeking through the trees felt nice against your skin, with spring starting, all signs from the cold winter had started to melt and the weather was finally starting to feel warm again.
you're planning on making your trip to the waterfall brief, enjoy some snacks while admiring your surroundings, maybe going for a quick swim before making your way back home. not wanting to stay outside for too long or allow nightfall to catch you since springtime was the breeding season for nagas.
it wasn't rare to see nagas out in the wild, many would adopt hatchlings in pet shops thinking they could raise one for themselves and regret it later when they would start to grow out of proportion. resulting in them getting released into the wilderness to fend off for themselves and survive any predators that would be interested in them, including other humans.
untamed nagas could be quite violent if they felt threatened, and matings could be rather rough since male nagas would often try to force themselves on females, naga or human, to satisfy their own sexual frustrations.
you had set up your blanket near the rocks that had a clear path close to the water. finishing up some berries you had packed while you read the last page on the current chapter of the book you brought along to pass the time while the soothing sound of the waterfall filled your ears.
deciding to go for a quick swim before it was time to return home, you took your clothes off and entered the water. the warm liquid coating your skin as you sink deeper, making sure to give your surroundings a quick look before submerging yourself fully into the water. swimming near the waterfall as you feel your muscles relax under the soft stream, completely forgetting about the world around you.
floating around the water, a splash startles you as you immediately shoot up, wiping the water from your eyes and quickly looking around to see where the noise came from, frowning when you don't notice anything unusual. you remain still while wondering if it was just your imagination, but before you could fret further on the thought you noticed that the sun was starting to set, and you needed to leave soon.
swimming back to shore you fail to notice the ripples forming in the water close behind you until it is too late. something wraps around your ankle, preventing you from swimming further as a gasp fills your throat. suddenly pulling you harshly as your back hits a strong wet surface. a tail wraps around your center, making it impossible for you to move as you try to wriggle against it, but the large appendage only seems to get tighter the more you fight it.
a hissing sound feels your ears, making every muscle in your body go stiff as you feel your stomach sink. you could feel the vibration of the hissing deep in your bones, only one creature was capable of making such sounds, a naga. swallowing the lump inside your throat, you look back over your shoulder to get a better look at your captor, but the sight makes your breath hitch inside your chest.
the most captivating blown out vermilion irises were staring back down at your widened ones. wet blonde hair framing his face while droplets of water dripped from his ends, smooth skin adorned with brown scales that looked golden under the sunset skies. the tip of a forked tongue flicking constantly from in between his lips while he holds you closer to him.
the different shades of brown scales pulled you from your trance, noticing how some were darker than the others, making shivers run down your spine at the realization. a pit viper, some of the deadliest snakes among the nagas, with venom that could be fatal if not treated immediately.
before you could worry further on the thought, the male flipped you over so you're now facing him as you straddle his waist. noticing his erect cock in between the both of you, your lips parting as you stare down at it, not seeing one like it before. the throbbing pointed tip was already leaking thick ropes of cum that dribbled down his large cock, with long ridges that adorned the top of his shaft and pulsing veins under it, leading down to the large knot peeking from the slit of his tail.
sharp claws pull you from your haze as they grace against the delicate skin of your neck, dragging the back of his claws across your throat before finding refuge at your nape. feeling them tangle with wet strands of hair as he pulls you closer to him.
“what’ssss your name?” he asks while dragging the s between his tongue. you tell him your name and he repeats it, testing the words on his tongue before releasing what sounds like a pleased hum. his claws are still scratching against your head while you try your best to keep your eyes on his and not let them wander down towards the twitching cock between you.
“what um, what's yours? you ask, trying your best to stay calm and ignore the tension that's building between your legs.
“bakugou katssssuki”, you give him a small nod in acknowledgement while he starts to untangle his tail from around your body. feeling your muscles relax as you run your hands over your arms to soothe the tension.
you take a quick peek over your shoulder to where your things are waiting for you near the rocks before looking up at the sky, taking note of how it's almost nightfall, pondering if you could even make it back to your house tonight, or if you'll ever return home given your current predicament.
a warm breath against your neck startles you as you turn back to face the naga. bakugou had lowered his face down to your neck, breathing in your scent while nuzzling his nose against the crook of it. you're about to ask what he was doing but you were interrupted by the scream that ripped from your throat.
he sank his fangs into your neck, pain shooting through your body momentarily before heat starts to coarse through you, making you a panting mess while you try to ask what he did to you, stumbling over your words as you find it difficult to focus with the pulsing between your legs.
“relaxssss, female” he whispers against your ear, the tips of his forked tongue tickling against your heated skin. “it’ss jussst a little sssomething to make your body ready for me”
“n-no please don't do this” hissing sounds fill your ears as he quickly turns your face so that you're staring directly at him.
“ssstop fighting, you think you can come ssswim in my territory without a cosssst… and in mating ssseassson of all timesss” he spits before a wide grin spreads across his face, allowing you to see the long sharp fangs protruding from his mouth, still dripping with the aphrodisiac induced venom that he injected you with.
“you had to know exactly what you were doing”, he makes a show of sliding his long tongue across his fangs, drinking the venom from them before wrapping his tail around your center. lifting you up with it while hooking his claws around the center of your bikini bottoms, ripping them off in one swift motion before dragging his fingers between your folds.
slick coating his digits as it dribbles between them, smirking as he brings them towards his mouth. sucking his fingers while staring at you, your walls clenching around nothing at the sight of his tongue swirling around his digits while lapping up your juices.
claws digging into the fat of your thighs before sinking you down on his cock, the tip alone making your body jolt as it stretches you around him. lowering you deeper into his cock, the ridges rubbing perfectly against your sweet spot, not letting a single place inside you go untouched as you sink completely down on him.
the hissing sound returns while he gives you a moment to adjust before lifting you up until the tip of his cock is almost out and sliding you back down on him. repeating the action a couple of times before picking up the pace. raspy moans leaving your throat as he continues to thrust you up and down his cock with his tail.
bringing you closer to him while untangling his tail from your center, wrapping his hands under your thighs as his claws dig into your rear, drawing blood while he continues bouncing you on him. burying his face in the crook of your neck again, this time on the opposite side as he sinks his fangs down into your skin again.
injecting his venom into you before switching to suck on your skin, drinking your blood as the sweet taste of your liquids make his eyes roll to the back of his head. wrapping your arms around his neck to stabilize yourself as much as you could, you let your head fall against his shoulder as you feel the effects of his poison sink deeper into your muscles.
you feel his tail caress the back of your neck before sliding down your spine until it reaches your rear. rubbing it between your ass cheeks, collecting the slick oozing from your tight rim from the aphrodisiac before pushing the tip of his tail into your hole. the action making you yelp as he bullies his tail deeper into your rear. thrusting it while matching the rhythm with your bounces. the knot in your stomach was getting tighter and the stimulation on both of your holes was driving you closer and closer to the edge.
letting go of one of your thighs as he reaches up to wrap a clawed hand around your throat, lifting you from his shoulder as he brings you face close to his, not giving you time to comprehend what he was doing before pressing his lips against yours. dragging his forked tongue across your bottom lip, asking for entry as you open your mouth for him.
your eyes shooting open momentarily before they roll shut again at the taste of your own blood dripping onto your tongue. spilling the mixture of his venom and your blood down your throat as you moan into his mouth, a low purr vibrating in his chest as he devours you. your blood tasting sweeter mixed with your saliva as he pushes his tongue further into your mouth.
the wet muscle getting longer and longer as your lips stretch around his thick tongue while he shoves it down your throat. thrusting it in and out of your mouth while he stares down at you, your vision blurring with tears as you feel the knot inside of you burst. gushing all over his cock and tail as your release dribbles down your thighs.
going limb against his grasp while your holes are completely stuffed as he chases his release. the overstimulation pulling orgasm after orgasm from you as you start to feel lightheaded from the lack of oxygen. retracting his tongue from your throat as you greedily gulp air back into your lungs while he leans down on your body.
dragging his tongue down your chest before the forked tips coil around your nipple, his fangs scraping against your skin before he switches to the other breast, giving it the same treatment as he leans back up to your level. pulling you in for another kiss before burying his face in your neck again, the hissing sounds getting louder this time as he picks up his thrust.
his pace almost animalistic as he chases his release, the feeling of your walls clenching around him and your nails scraping against his scaled back sending him over the edge. his cum feels hot inside of you, filling you up until every last drop is spilled deep inside your warmth.
keeping you plugged as he pulls you close against him, embracing you in his arms as he submerges halfway into the water, keeping you warm while placing kisses on the side of your head.
“hey… you're still with me?” he asks while drawing circles on your back.
“mhm” is all you manage to say while nodding your head softly against his chest.
a soft chuckle leaving his lips as he lets you slip away into sleep while he keeps watch making sure no one else enters his territory while he has you like this. happy that he resisted the urge to kill you when you first set foot into his space, watching you from the trees, curious as to what a pretty thing like you was doing venturing off so far into the forest.
hopeful that he finally found a mate to spend his time with after years of loneliness and suffering. smiling against the side of your head as he activates the purring in his chest to make sure you get a good rest wrapped in his arms.
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♡ kinktober masterlist ♡
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