#werewolf!billy russo
celestialspecial · 10 months
Such Sharp Teeth
I needed to write a werewolf fic again, so many other writers i follow have been putting out bomb content so i had to join in <3
Writers notes: It's not true abo dynamics- some elements are featured but it doesn't follow truly, it is reader insert but MC's name is Aurora-
also go read @becauseicantthinkwritings Objects in Motion, hooooly shittt
Warnings: 18+themes, graphic descriptions of body transformation, insinuated non con elements, reader digression advised :)
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All you could feel was the cool air on your skin, blowing through your hair as the moon glowed overhead. You felt strong, powerful. It was exhilarating and freeing all at once. The beauty of the forest surrounding you as the sharp ribbons of silver moonlight cut in shards through the trees.
You could taste the air, smell bread being baked from miles away, hear people talking and animals scurrying away from you. The forest floor rose up time and again to meet your feet, every sensation heightened. It was a beautiful thing more often than not, but tonight was different. Tonight there was a sense of desperation inside of you.
A tinge of fear, footfalls echoing behind you, they were far but yet still so close. Too close for comfort. Howls rang out and you knew that you'd never escape keeping pace like this. Your breath grew ragged, no longer deep inhalations but tortured puffs. 
You could see your breath in the air before you and then you felt the pain surging through your body. Bones breaking, tissue tearing, muscles unraveling only to be knit back together in another form. You wanted to cry out at the pain but it’d only alert them to your location and that was far too dangerous. 
You could taste blood and feel tufts of fur spring up along your spine as it twisted and mangled its shape into something new. Your eyes blurred as you felt the bones in your face collapsing and extending, ears rising up and canines lengthening in your still too small mouth.
The next time your foot hit the ground it was no longer a foot, but a paw. The squelching sound of mud making contact with the pads of it. You had been running fast but now the speed was unparalleled. Heavy panting as you pushed yourself to the brink of exhaustion.
You still had miles to go but the howling was far off in the distance growing further away and that’s how you liked it. How it’d need to be for as long as it took you to figure out the next step.
The covers you woke up in were caked in mud, it crunched as you shifted in the bed, pattering to the floor surely creating a mess. You groaned stretching your arms overhead, human arms, the muscles sore and aching from how far you’d run last night. 
Even the edges of your feet and tips of your ears felt taut with tension and soreness. Rubbing a hand over your face, coming away with more dirt.
“Shit is right, look at the state of this room.” A friendly face poked her head in through the doorway. She was tall, elegant limbs covered in a chunky sweater and leggings. Dark brown hair pulled up into a messy bun, light hazel eyes filled with a touch of mischief.
“I’m sorry, Celeste. I promise I’ll clean everything up.” She moved over to the side of the bed, holding a mug of something that smelled heavenly. Gesturing for you to take it, the heat seeping into the palms of your tired hands.
“I’m not worried about it. Here, drink. You need something to warm your bones.” You nodded taking a long drawn out sip. The liquid was chocolatey with a medicinal hint that washed over your tongue and seemed to heat your insides up almost immediately. 
“It should help with well…everything.” She gave a half hearted smile, shrugging one shoulder up, before adjusting the edge of her sweater. “You came a very long way.” You finished the drink, setting the mug into the side table next to you. The warmth began to leech into your bones finally and you felt immensely grateful for Celeste and her healing abilities. 
“I couldn’t stay. I had to…I just-time was running out.” The reassuring smile gave way to an earnest look of sympathy.
“They can kill you for this.” You swallowed thickly, all too aware of the dangers you had put yourself in. The odds hadn't been in your favor but you had to take a chance, to get away from home. Home. It felt a sham to even call it that. 
“I know. And I’m beyond grateful you letting me stay here the night but I promise I’ll be out of your hair soon.” Celeste made a waving gesture in the air, dismissing your words.
“Don’t be ridiculous, stay as long as you need.” The kindness created a fist in your throat, you’d been friends for years, writing letters back and forth since visiting often wasn’t allowed.
Rival pack members weren’t allowed to associate with one another more than their Alphas permitted.
You bit the inside of your cheek in an attempt to shove down the hatred and anger you felt for your pack. To call them such a thing felt like a crime in and of itself. They were horrible and controlling, to think of yourself free from them felt exciting and terrifying. 
“You could get in trouble.” You nearly whispered, even though no one was around to hear. She brushed off the notion.
“We’ll figure out a place for you to stay in the meantime. Has it started?” You gave a brief nod, not wanting to talk about it. The temperature of your skin, the cramping, that undeniable ache that shook you to your core. Like your body was no longer your own. It was infuriating and deliciously tortuous.
“Then in a few days when it’s over we can figure out what to do from there.”
“Your brother is gonna kill you.” 
“What he doesn’t know won’t kill him.”
“Speak for yourself.” Celeste only gave you a smirk before squeezing your shoulder in a comforting fashion.
“Alright up, I need to change these sheets. A dirty dog rolled all over in them.”
That night felt like hell, a worse cycle than you’d ever had before. The winges of pain and agony ached through your system. It felt like your body had been tossed into a blazing fire.
In fact that sounded much better than what you felt now. Heats were different for every pack member but you couldn’t recall a time when you wished you were unconscious instead of enduring it.
You had needed to get away from your town, your pack before this happened. Before you were tied to the worst man you’d ever had the displeasure of knowing.
You were his property in his mind and the idea of you turning him down, running away rather than accepting his forced mating had surely sent him into a rage. 
Maybe your body knew what had been coming and was throwing a fit in rebellion even now that you were in safe territory or maybe the strain and stress of escaping and being on the run had done you in.
Either way no matter how many cold showers you took, how many naps your forced yourself into, how many times your own hands attempted to hit their mark, it wasn’t enough.
Celeste had left a hearty brew of tea for you that was supposed to help, you’d chugged the whole thing down to the shock of your friend and still nothing. Or maybe it had helped and this was the edge being taken off.
Being hit by a bus felt less excruciating than this. 
You somehow managed to fall asleep and when you woke your mouth felt dry, the familiar ache between your legs remained unsatisfied.
You wanted to tear the pillows on the bed to pieces, watching the feathers explode and drift down around you as your screamed into the frigid air. 
You couldn’t even keep the window open for fear of Celeste's male pack members smelling you and paying an uninvited visit. Tipping off her brother that you were here, potentially getting her in loads of trouble.
Your fingers itched to tear open the window and taste the cold November breeze. Your nails scratched gouges in the white paint on the window sill as you stared longingly out at the frost bitten garden. 
A soft knock came at the door, seeing your friend slipping into the room with another pot of strong smelling tea. Celeste sat the tea down on the side table, noting your frustrating posture by the window.
“I’m sorry, I know exactly how you feel.” 
“I hate it.” It sounded like a whine, maybe it was but at this point you didn’t care. 
“I have to go out and run some errands in town but I promise it won’t be long. Drink the rest of this, I put something in it to help your frazzled nerves and maybe even get you to sleep.”
The thought of sleeping another 48 hours and waking up normal again sounded so enticing. 
“Thank you.” You crawled into bed staring out the window imagining running freely through the forest, only this time not away from something but towards something better.
Something that felt intangible right now. Tossing back a long swig from the tea pot and letting your eyes shutter close for however long they’d allow.
The hours crawled by and you felt yourself somewhere in a slumber and waking titration. Eventually you could see the sun was lower in the sky, mid to late afternoon maybe?
Your body groaned in revolt as you got up from the bed, joints creaking and popping, clasping the now empty teapot in your hands.
You could feel the sweat dripping down your brow, swiping at it, rubbing at your eyes anything to avoid feeling how warm your whole body felt.
Celeste hadn’t come home yet and you managed to scrub the pot clean, place it in the drying rack and wash a dish or two more. Just to feel useful for once.
Wanting to be the least invasive houseguest as you could, moving over to where the washroom was and folding some of the sheets spilling out of the dryer. The small menial tasks actually helped contain the disjointed feeling your body was experiencing.
The sound of a key being inserted into the side door, unlocking and closing alerted your ears that Celeste was home. You felt too tired and pained to call out to her, instead waiting to see her face pop around the corner, but it didn’t. 
Footsteps echoed across the wooden floor and sounds of bags being dropped onto the kitchen island, accompanied by the soft sound of items, perhaps fruit, falling out and rolling along the granite. Then you smelled it.
The most intoxicating scent that had ever graced your nose. It was pine trees and fresh crisp air, like looking up into the night sky on a winter evening. It had a bite at first that smoothed into a warm rich earthy quality. There was even a hint of spice, it overtook every one of your senses, like you’d been bathed in it.
This wasn’t Celeste. 
Your ears strained to listen to anything this visitor was doing, whoever it was they had a key. Fuck. Celeste hadn’t told anyone you were here. Your muscles tensed, noticing all sounds from the kitchen had ceased.
Attempting to pad as quietly as you could out of the washroom, venturing a quick look into the kitchen. Sure enough there were grocery bags with oranges spilling out onto the island but no one around.
If you could just sneak to the back door, you could see it from your point of view. One quick leap and you’d be gone and able to shift and disappear into the fast approaching night.
One step, then another. You were always known for being quiet in your pack, able to sneak up on any prey. This was no different.
Another few steps and you’d be home free. You felt the cool wooden floor kiss the tips of your toes before the strongest force you’d ever felt knocked you from your feet.
Your legs barely touched the ground before your back was slammed into the nearest wall, tauntingly so close to the back door. Large strong hands held you in place, your shoulders pinned against the drywall.
The scent you’d smelled before consumed you, your traitorous body arching against the wall towards the source.
“Who are you?” The voice was deep, a hint of gravel. Male. You felt your vision clearing from your head smacking against the hard surface to see sure enough a large man in front of you.
He was tall, towering over you, lean and athletic, muscles strained under his white shirt, corded along his forearms down to his hands that stilled you.
You felt the anxious pull to look down, to not meet his eyes. The undeniable mark of an alpha, it irked you to no end. Taking a steadying breath you fought your body, looking up into his face.
He was handsome, carved from rock and earth and dusted with something you couldn’t quite place. 
Dark brown hair that fell across his forehead, the sides were closely cropped but the rest hung longer, down to eyes that were such a deep brown you could lose yourself in them easily.
You could only imagine how radiant they’d look, flecks of gold catching the light when he smiled, but right now they were cold, calculating. The air caught in your throat, a choking noise all you could muster.
Your arms flexed against the wall, knowing you couldn’t escape but dying to, begging to. His nostrils flared, you watched the pupils in his eyes dilate, consuming the already deep brown gazing back at you. His fingers gripped you tighter.
“I said…who are you? Why are you in my sisters house?” 
“I…I.” Your brain couldn’t form words, not now. The scent of him, the feel of his touch against your heated skin, you could feel dampness spreading between your legs, the slow ache building inside your body clawing to get out.
Your inner wolf was barely continued under your skin, a popping sensation in your ears, the room felt like it was spinning.
It was like he could sense everything going on in your body, the way his eyes roamed ravenously over your flushed skin, his fingers flexing against your arms, the intensity of his gaze.
It was a split second but you could feel his face pressed into the crook of your shoulder, hear him inhale you deeply. Groaning as he exhaled, there would be bruises on your body where he gripped you so tightly.
You couldn’t hide the gasp that left your lips feeling his hips pressed against your own, his arousal evident. You felt your hands reaching for his back and his grip lessened enough to let you, your nails scraping against his muscled back through his shirt.
The noise he made rumbled in his chest, you could nearly feel it reverberating through your own body. The scratch of stubble scraping against the soft skin of your neck as he breathed deeply the scent of your heat and your legs yearned to be wrapped around his waist and carried to the nearest flat surface.
A bed, the couch, the floor-
“Hey, HEY!” You felt his hands fall from your arms as another voice rang through the room.
Celeste was wedging herself between the two of you, arms out protectively in front of you. “Billy! What the fuck are you doing here?!”
The man before you took a step back, his eyes were still pitch black, his chest heaving, fingers clenching and unclenching as if testing that they were truly not holding you anymore. 
“Celeste. You know this woman?” 
“I do! This is Aurora, she’s-she's my friend.” His eyes narrowed on you.
“I don’t recall ever being introduced to her before.”
Celeste glanced worriedly between the two of us, I nodded at her, the most encouragement I could offer at the moment.
“She’s…uh…. She left her pack.” His eyes widened a touch, lips parting, taking a solid deep breath before looking back at Celeste.
“Celeste….” His words were a warning, tinged with anger, frustration, concern…
“I know! But she needed to get out of there, they were gonna force her to mate with a homicidal maniac of an alpha!”
“An alpha?” His tone was harsh and abrupt, rubbing the bridge of his noise, lines forming on his brow. “Jesus Christ, Celeste. Do you know how dangerous this is? To us? To the pack?”
“Forced Mating, Billy! That’s barbaric!” He sighed, leaning back against the kitchen counter, running a hand through his already mussed hair. 
“It is. I know that as much as you, but some packs…still participate in the old ways…” his words weren’t convincing anyone, you could see it in the strained expression on his face.
You drew a steady breath , hesitantly pushing away from the wall you had just been pinned to. You missed the feeling of heat from his body being so close to yours already.
“I…I can leave. No. I think I should, Celeste, he’s right. This is dangerous you guys can get in a lot of trouble hiding a rival pack member. If you were to get caught it could be…it could be bad.” 
Billy and Celeste both were looking back at you, you could see the similarities between the two. The dark hair and long lean stature, Billy’s eyes were significantly darker, but they shared similar noses and mannerisms. How they stood, staring you down, intimidating and beautiful.  
“Rory…where would you go?” Your friend sounded so incredibly sad, it broke your heart. “Plus it’s not safe…”
“Once my cycle is over, I’ll leave.” Billy watched you with the focus of a pack leader and in the way only a wolf could. At the mention of your heat you noticed how his nostrils flared, chest rising into a territorial puff. “I’ll find somewhere to go.” 
Celeste walked over to you, grabbing your hand and pulling you into a hug. You held her tightly, the overwhelming feeling of fear and frustration from your body and emotions beginning to take a tighter hold of you. 
“Wait.” A deep sigh came from where Billy stood. “We can figure…something out. Until you have a safe place to go.” His dark eyes were no longer black orbs but the brown had returned, a softness, and something else danced across them as he spoke to you.
“But-“ he raised a finger, the look of admonishment towards his younger sibling. “Do NOT let anyone else know she’s here until I say, and make sure she stays in the house until... well until it’s safe.” 
You watched as he gathered his keys from the island, turning to walk across the kitchen, his heavy motorcycle boots louder than they had felt before, followed by the sound of the door closing behind him.
You knew what you had seen in his eyes, because you could feel it just as deeply. Longing. And something just below the surface, barely concealed but there nonetheless.
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Being Franks Daughter in Hawkins pt 18
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Gif Caption: Top Gif: Jack Russell from Marvel's Werewolf by Night. Bottom Gif: Steve Harrington from Netflix's Stranger Things
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Reader: female | 18-19
A/n's: okay this one turned out good. I think atleast I hope you think the same
Warnings: violence, reader gets shot, mentions of drugs (bc Robin and steve got drugged that one episode),stuffs about to get real
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"Okay okay wait." Y/n told Robin, "you wanna, not only stay in here overnight, but you also want to put this...child-"
"What's with the pause!?"
"I've seen many things, and a child does not manipulate two grown adults that easy!" Y/n argued. "So you wanna put this child in danger-"
"This child has a name!-"
Y/n sighed, "And what is it?"
"Wouldn't you like to know."
"You little-"
"okay! Okay!" Dustin stopped the two.
You were officially in crazy town, cookoo land, family chasing you, lost from Loki, Peter, and the others, your friends wanting to fight Russians, and you mean while are having the biggest mental breakdown of your life.
You just wanna scream.
But you get roped into their shenanigans either way.
So, you with them wait for nightfall, you staying with Erica to help and get her into the vent in the first place.
Afterward, you look for anything that could be a weapon, a knife hopefully, but it is an ice cream shop, and find nothing useful.
You're soon to join the trio on the roof.
"God I wish that magic dumbass the Corinthian was here," Y/n argued.
"Who?" Dustin asked.
"The Corinthian, he casually threatened me and Steve for ice cream," Y/n argued.
"What?" Steve asked.
"The white-haired dude? Wore glasses?"
"Y/n you were knocked out the whole time in the back almost, I don't know who you're talking about I tried to wake you up, you had a bad bloody nose, then Robin came in and you were up like nothing."
"The conversation about Nancy?" Y/n asked, he shrugged at her confused.
"Not with me, Last actual conversation we had was how Venom showed up at your house-"
"Venoms here!?" Dustin asked happily.
"Guys!" Robin argued, "Kinda, busy here!"
"Sorry." The three apologized.
You all were quiet, waiting from any word back from Erica.
Soon she was walking out unharmed, causing Steve to sigh in relief,
"Asshole child!"
"Punisher Wannabee!"
Fuck she got you with that one.
You all were quick to make it off the roof, you sliding down by the pipe on the side of the building and the others taking the stairs like normies
When you all made it in it was just a whole bunch of Chinese food boxes.
"Well shit, time to deal with a bigger problem," Y/n spoke.
"Wait! we gotta open one." Dustin protested, Steve, took out a pocket knife.
"Fine," Y/n spoke, holding her hand out for the knife, "I'll open it, remember Hydra fighter?"
"Let the Punisher Wannabe open it-"
"How bout you open it, Sinclair?"
"I'm a child hell no."
Y/n rolled her eyes, Steve looked at her, "Come on,"
He gave it to her, and she opened it without a care in the world, "Fuck come on..."
Turns out? Russians are in Hawkins, yay.
You opened the container, to find smaller ones inside.
"Woah, step back," Steve told the group, Robin and Erica were quick to take a step back.
"You too dude," Steve told Dustin.
"What!? no!"
"Come on-"
"Yep, that's Hydra alright..." Y/n spoke already and had pulled a container out of the box, the signature symbol plastered on the underside of the bottle, "Bastards...Gotta say though, they're losing their shit on the packaging, come on man, step it up."
"What!? I'm being honest!" Y/n argued, "At least Stark has better packaging!"
"Tony Stark!?" Dustin asked.
"Yeah, Tony Stark-"
The room suddenly rattled.
"We're fucked." Y/n spoke up.
"What? Dustin, open the door." Steve ordered as Dustin turned to press the button.
"It's not working."
"What do you mean it's not-"
Meanwhile, Y/n was taking a seat in a free corner where no boxes sat the group started to argue.
"Just press the button!" Steve argued pressing a button causing a large door to close.
"We're in an elevator!" Y/n called, "And we're going down!"
It was indeed you all were going down, you sat on the floor already knowing something like this would happen, come on its hydra.
So while everyone was screaming their heads off, you were just waiting for it to stop.
It was a hard and sudden stop and even made you slip from your seat a little.
"Okay. Hydra you got my respect back." Y/n sighed standing up, "kinda atleast."
She went to help Robin and Dustin up, seeing Steve was barried under boxes, helping them off him and him up he brushed himself off.
You were already walking away to help the next person to there feet
And they're arguing again while your clipping the canister to your belt.
"I dont care about Tina! Or Uncle Jacks Party!-"
Y/n pushed Steve out the way and climbed up on the table, she had found and opening in the ceiling of the elevator.
"Anyone comin?" She called out getting to the top.
"I am." Dustin spoke following her as she held an arm out for him, he grabbing it as she lifted him up with ease, "woah-"
She stood up, looking up.
"Anything up there?" Steve asked.
"Nope." Dustin spoke.
"Lots and lots of climbing..." y/n sighed, "and Im sure I couldnt even climb that...fuck..."
She took a seat with a sigh, watching Dustin start to pace for an idea.
"My walkie!" He beemed, taking it from his bag and bringing it up.
For the next, god knows how long he tried working at it, calling for help as Y/n sat against the wall ontop the elevator.
"Dustin. Please." Y/n spoke rubbing her head, "its not gonna work."
"What happened to you?" He argued.
"What?" Y/n asked confused at his anger.
"You! You use to be so! Lets save the world-"
"Dustin! This isnt the world to me!" Y/n defended, "this is day to day life!"
He looked at her with a given up look: "look...come here."
He sat besides her, "Im going crazy." Y/n told him.
"Your fighting russians and demodogs-"
"No. No." Y/n responded.
"Im going truly crazy." Y/n responded, "something. Something in my head...Im seeing things that arent there. Im mistakening dreams with reality-"
"You're getting a super power!?" Dustin asked.
Y/n sighing, "yeah. Maybe thats it."
"Thats a good thing!" Dustin cheered, "look at the stuff you do now! Imagine after super powers!"
"Super Powers? Some one blasting us out of here?" Steve spoke climbing up.
"Im better off stuck down here then up there at this point." Y/n responded, "Its almost day and Im still completely unknown of whats happening to my friends..."
"What happens if the Russians-"
"Dustin. I. Its not Russians." Y/n told Steve walking to the corner of the elevator, "trust me-"
"What are you doing?" Dustin asked Steve.
"What do you think Im doing Im taking a leak." Steve spoke undoing his pants turning his head to see the two looking.
"Well!? Look away! Look away!"
"Jesus! Okay! Okay!" Dustin told turning around.
"Nothing I havent seen before." Y/n shrugged.
"Ew!" Dustin gagged as Y/n looked towards Dustin.
"I thought you two werent a thing anymore!" He argued.
"We're not." Y/n told, "I cant handle love."
"I am right here." Steve argued.
"Good. Wont have to repeat myself later when we have a moment." Y/n defended as Steve put himself back together.
"Hey!" Robin called head popping up, "we got company!"
Y/n looked at the two boys, "Come on! Get up here!"
Y/n quickly helped the two girls up, just in time too as the door slid open.
You were all quiet, hearing people moving in the bottom.
"Hydra?" Dusti whispered as Y/n brought a finger to her lips, listening to the conversation
By the sound of it they were just workers. But knowing Hydra they were most likely armed with pistols and it'd be hard keeping four bodies from bullets
So the best option was to wait for the right momment.
It was Steve's quick thinking that got you out the elevator to begin with, using the hydra container to stop the door from closing as everyone quickly slid through the crack.
You pulling Steve by his feet before he could get crushed to death.
Now you had a shit ton of walking to do.
Like a shit load.
You stayed infront of the group, armed at the ready with Steve's small pocket knife.
"Would you look at you."
"You're back."
"It is your head."
Y/n looked towards the side, the man dressed prestine and clean.
"Your outfit sucks by the way."
"Yeah. Not really into the pretty boy style either." Y/n told the Corinthian, "Why are you here?"
"Why are you here?" He asked, "after all you figured me out a hell of a lot quicker than I could even imagine."
"Im here because these dumbasses are gonna get killed without me."
"Yeah but you have bigger things to do."
"Shame." Y/n rolled her eyes, walking down the long hall, "whats happening? To me?"
"Hell if I know." He responded, "my guess would be your walking between two walls."
"Walking?" Y/n asked.
"You're asleep, but not." He explained.
"Day dreaming?" Y/n asked, "Multiverse jumping?"
"No." He spoke, "walking is all, You're good at it. You know. Despite the"
"-Bloody nose." Steve spoke up the Corinthian gone.
"What?" Y/n asked.
"You have a bloody nose." Steve told her, "again."
Y/n felt at her nose, "sorry."
"Thats the what? Third one?" He asked, "you gonna be okay?"
Y/n nodded wipping her nose on the back of her hand, "yeah fine."
He watched her walk ahead again.
"Hey!" She stopped them, they coming to a crossroads, "come on keep quiet. Follow me. There's people up ahead."
You were quick to guide them behind some type of cover from Hydra soilders.
You quickly hurried them along, and even had to pull them behind cover when they stood there out in the open like idiots amazed.
"To the coms room." Erica spoke poitning it out.
"Comns room???" Y/n asked.
"Yeah. While you were busy day dreaming we got a radio signal a hole."
"I should feed you to the Hulk you know." Y/n argued.
"What makes you say its a comns room?" Steve argued.
"Lots of lights and control shit."
"That could be hudnreds of diffrent things."Dustin argued.
"Shes not far off." Y/n told Dustin, "just stay ontop me."
They nodded, following her close behind.
It was easy to get them to the comns room, You ushering them all inside as they quickly did as told.
Just to be face with a Hydra soilder.
"Ah fuck." Y/n mummbled as the guy looked straight at her, he knew who she was immediately .
That was before Steve yelled and rushed at him surprising the group.
"You did it!" Dustin shouted at Steve, "you won a fight!"
"Seriously? Never won a fight?" Y/n asked.
"We're not all super ripped like you." Steve panted brushing his fingers through his hair.
You looted the guy for his pistol and gun, while Dustin picked up his key card.
But as always there was more arguing, they argue alot.
Did you argue this much?
Yeah most likely.
"Hey!" Robin called, "your gonna wanna see this."
Y/n quickly climbed the stairs joining Robin, "Fucking Hydra...little assholes..."
"Holy shit..." Dustin spoke.
You were all looking at a machine, ripping into a portal, a familiar portal, the Upside Down
"I...I swear. If I fucking get my hands on Zeemo."
"Zeemo?" Dustin asked.
"He made Bucky Barnes the Winter soilder. And I have a feeling Zeemo did this bull shit too."
Y/n rushed back down the stairs to see the man Steve once beat the shit out of gone.
Rushing to the door she opened it seeing Everyone looking her way.
"Avenger!" They shouted, Y/n lifting the pistol up before letting out a few rounds and slamming the door shut.
"Run!" She shouted.
"I said run!" Y/n shouted opening the door allowing them to go through, "Do it freely OR I'LL DO IT AT GUN POINT!"
"Avenger!" Soilder shouted behind them, "Get her!"
Y/n turned around firing at the soilders but the magazine was empty.
"What!? Already!? Oh come on!" Y/n shouted rushing down after the group.
She jumped the railing following the group close in tail, ramming into one of the soilders with a better gun.
"Thats mine now!" Y/n shouted hitting it across the second soilders face causung him to go down.
She turned around shooting at the soilders rushing at her while cautiously running backwards, downing a few before she took off once again.
"Y/n!" Steve shouted, "hurry!"
"Im going!" Y/n shouted jumping over the small set of steps before turning around, shooting just a few more bullets, the gun empty again.
"OH THESE GUNS SUCK COME ON HYDRA!" Y/n shouted before rushing towards soilders using as a Melee weapon, before dropping it and pulling out Steve's pocket knife.
"Go! Now!" Y/n ordered.
Steve and Robin watching her threw the window on the door, superhero pose and all, nothing but a pocket knife in her hand as soilders rushed at her.
Within a few seconds she downed atleast five more of them, using themselves against each other, but with how many flooded in at once, she was beat, kicked, shot at and went to the ground within the next mintue: shouting for the group to run as she fought back even in captivaty.
But they manage to stop you by knocking you out
Because Hydra has no class.
When you woke up, you found yourself in a cage, surrounded by a binding circle.
"Ugh..." she groaned.
There was a noise: a growl? Maybe not, maybe a gargle?
She looked to the side, "Oh. Hey. They got you too,"
The thing Hpmh in its in own way.
"Yeah...oh shit my side..." y/n complained, "Let me guess...they wanted you to join for your stunning looks. Look. You havent eaten me. So. Im Y/n..."
It grumbled, "Yeah yeah. Sterotype. My bad. Not every green thing thats huge wants to beat everything up."
Y/n looked at the creature, "you got a name?"
It hummed and bubbled.
"Ted?" Y/n asked, "How long you've been stuck here."
It answered in a grumble.
"shit that sucks." Y/n responded, "why you in the pound?"
Y/n listened as the thing blurbed, ranted in its own way.
"Because you're...a swamp...monster..." Y/n responded, "Mhm you there forced Test runner?"
He nodded.
"Yeah. I can understand that." Y/n complained rubbing her head as she looked at the binding circle, "this thing keeping you in?"
He nodded.
"Seeing they put me in here." Y/n spoke, "they wanted you to eat me and wanted any sorcery I had to cease along with any strength."
He grummbled, "what? No. Not with out my sling ring you?"
A few hums, blurbs and grunts in response.
"Really You have powers? Oh an me? Someones a fan boy." Y/n chuckled, "but yeah. Avenger. Not much of a power kinda gal..."
You used the bars to help you to your feet leaning it against it as you used it as support to walk looking for anything.
The binding circle too far for you to reach over and simply swipe at and ruin.
And with your new cellmate you were shit out of luck on most things.
But before you could really try anything, two soilders came in with there Lutenit
"I demand to talk to Zeemo!" Y/n shouted at the commander.
"Zeemo has no weight and is a scum to us."
"Fuck." Y/n mummbled looking back at Ted, "Im shit out of ideas."
"I will ask you once." He spoke, careful to keep outside the bidding circle.
"Which Avenger sent you."
"None." Y/n argued, "Your mother did. And shit did she suck my fat fucking dick like no tommrow!"
A gun shot rang off as Y/n was shot in the leg, she growling in pain but kept standing up.
"Fury must have sent you-"
"Fuck you!" Y/n shouted.
"Zeemo prehaps?!"
Another shot to the leg, she crumbling against the ground hands still on the bar.
"Do you hear that?" The Lutenit asked, taking a step closer, "You're friends?"
"Fuck!" There was a cry, they in a near by room, she could hear it threw the vent.
Y/n was slient, as she kept her head down the Lutient taking another step closer, he would be rewarded highly, capturing both spies and a long term enemy. Y/n's grip tightened on the bar as he took another long stride.
"Who is the cock sucker now?"
Y/n reached out grabbing him by the belt slamming into the bars, "You!"
Y/n grabbed his gun quickly shooting him and falling back to aim at the other two just as quick, downing the three.
"Fuck..." she sighed pulling at the soilders foot bringing him closer so y/n could grab his keys as she quickly got up and made it to the locked cage door.
"You comin?" She asked opening it as Ted got up, "yeah. Come on. We're blood buddies now."
He followed her carefully, she grabbing stuff off the soilders to tie her leg off.
Ted was gentleman enough to even tie them off as a thank you.
You like ted, anyone hurts ted they fuck with you
Peaking your head out you dont see anyone, but as soon as you do an alarm goes off.
So you and a Giant Swamp Monster named Ted are on the hunt for your friends and quick too, rushin to find your friends you tried the first door, it already open and you could hear laughing.
"Haha! Henderson!"
Y/n opened the door quickly.
"And Y/n! Haha!" Steve laughed as she walked in.
"Y/n!" Dustin cheered, cutting the bindings on the two, Ted following her inside causing them all to scream.
"Hey! Hey!" She shouted, "Ted! This is Ted! He's cool! He's with me! They wanted him to eat me but we're chill! Right Ted?!"
He nodded as they just looked at the two.
"Well?! Come on!" Y/n shouted rushing them all along.
You manage to lead them all path free of Russain soilders till you turn a corner and there's both screaming.
Turns out Ted had a rescue party coming consisting of one man.
Luckily Ted can stop you before you go full fighter on the poor dude.
"Again?" He asked Ted, "and ropping people into it now?"
Ted grumbled.
"Okay. Obviously your friends." Y/n smiled at the two, "but if you'd like to stay that way we should oh. Run!"
Turns out Dustin knabbed on of there vechiles and your having to basically pick Steve and Robin up into it, you drive, because honestly you don't trust anyone else. Along with the new comer in the front.
"Im Jack!" He introduced holding out a hand for a hand shake.
"Are you seriously introducing yourself right now?!" Y/n argued driving as fast as she could.
"Right sorry!"
Y/n looked to the side: "Im Y/n!"
You manage to get everyone to the Elevator and rush everyone inside.
And in the elevator its even worse.
Steve and Robin joking around, playing.
"Its like Im-"
"Surfing!" They both cheered.
Ted looked at Y/n, "I swear there both usually way better than this."
She watched Steve fall and tumble over, Y/n walking over to him.
"Hey! Steve!" Y/n shouted.
"Y/n?"he asked, "what are you doin here?"
"They seem drunk." Erica argued.
"Why would they be drunk."
"Boop." He poked her on the nose, "Hey- when did you get here Y/n?"
"Steve let me-"
"No- Ow!"
"Sorry- sorry.." y/n apologized holding his eyes opened.
"His pupils are dilated." She spoke, "not drunk but drugged."
"Jack, where'd you park your car?" Y/n asked.
"I walked here? Heh..."
Y/n looked back at Steve, "Where's your car Steve?"
"Ooo can we stop at the food court!" Robin asked, "i'd kill for a hot dog on a stick!"
"Yeah!" Steve smiled.
"You can have as much food as you want!" Dustin told him the two drugged teens cheering, "Where are your keys? For the car!"
"Keys!? Hah the russians took those!"
You sighed, as the Elevator stopped, you all filing out in a rush.
"You guys stay safe." Y/n told Ted and Jack.
"Thank you-"
"Hey!" A police officer shouted.
"Shit..." Dustin spoke looking around, "in here! Come on!"
Looks like Jack and Ted weren't done with you yet as you pulled them in to hide in the back halls of the mall with you.
You had to figure out something to do with Ted and Jack, mostly Ted.
"Uh...this way! Behind the screen!" Y/n shouted rushing Ted in.
"Alright. I want you to stay in here." Jack spoke.
Ted grumbled, "yeah I know you can help! But when the times right alright buddy?"
Ted shrugged in relucant exceptence.
Leaving Ted hidden for now you quickly joined Dustin and Erica to divise a plan.
You told Jack to stay there and keep an Eye on Robin and Steve while you and Dustin went up to try and radio the group.
Turns out Dustin ran the battery pretty dry, but he managed to get back to the group, barely able to hear or register anything.
"Hey!" Jack spoke rushing in the room with Erica.
"There gone."
"What?!" Y/n argued getting up and looking for the two in the crowd, "shit..."
You all went on the hunt for them, but you ended up falling, Jack luckily catching you.
"Ah. Your bleeding-"
"No shit I got shot atleast twice."
He helped you along to a bathroom, sitting you on the counter you groaned, adrenaline starting to wear thin.
He pulled out a little pocket med kit, he must get in alot of shit problems if he carries one around.
He rolled undid the binding you hand on them and rolled up your pants leh and took a look at them.
"It didn't go threw..." he spoke.
"You have tweazers in there?" Y/n asked.
"Uh. Yes." Jack spoke holding them out for her she taking off her belt bitting down on it.
She lifted her leg to rest on the counter.
Taking a deep breathe she dug the tweazers in eyebrows knitting in pain as her face became hot, pulling the first bullet out. Jack even had to look away from the gruesome act, his own eyebrows knitting as he griminced in disgust. She tossed the bullet in the sink to quickly get the second and within the next mintue she had the second out. Pulling her belt from her mouth she sighed in relief.
"Could you?"
"Yeah- Yes. Of course." He spoke.
You watched him disinfect and clean the wound and surronding area.
It was quiet between you two, until he spoke up and thanked you for saving his friend.
"He gets in trouble quiet a lot." He chuckled, "this way Is...quiet new."
Y/n chuckled, "Im always in trouble it seems..."
"Your a midnight son." He spoke, Y/n looking up from the work being done on her leg, "You work with Marc Spector."
Y/n nodded, "how do you know that."
He shrugged, "Lets just say we've fought before."
"Your the wearwolf." Y/n cut in he looking up, "I remember the markings."
He nodded, looking down at his work, "We had quiet the moment back then."
Jack laughed, "calling falling to our deaths is hardly considered a moment."
Y/n chuckled, "I'll take what I can get, one of the better memories...especially as of recent."
He stiched her leg up carefully, "We have to stop running into each other this way-"
Y/n winced, "Im sorry." He apologized quickly.
"Are you alright?" He asked a hand resting on her shoulder.
Y/n nodded, "I'll be fine. Thanks..."
Y/n watched the skin close up on the first stitch, he moving onto the second hole.
As he stitched you up, you both contuined to talk, as if you were old buddies catching up
He had a contagious smile, and a sweet heart
To be honest you feel bad for almost killing him that one time.
You didnt expect the conversation to get so deep either: he telling you what he did as the "other" side of him wasnt really him.
"I mean. I like this side. But the other side was kinda fluffy," y/n defended, causing him to laugh.
"And you? Do you have an other side?" He chuckled.
Y/n thought for a mintue, "I don't know. Not like you atleast. Not that I know of."
"No?" He asked, "arent we all animal in some way? We all have something itching."
Y/n chuckled, "If Im an animal Im one uncapable of happiness."
"Why say that? You're lovely. Besides the almost killing me."
"I almost let myself be happy...with Steve. With my dad."
"But I always have to do the "bigger" thing, save the world, save this save that." Y/n spoke, "I dont mind it. I don't. Really. Its fun even sometimes, I just...end up missing people after there not on the feild anymore but rather in it."
Jack cleaned her stiches one last time, and wrapped her leg in gauze, "sounds like to me like you need to save yourself."
He finished off her bandages tying them off and tucking the loose ends in, "or. You need to be saved. Just once."
"Reinvention?" Y/n asked.
"No." He spoke, "Heal yourself before you Heal others. Doesnt have to be while in battle, but off the feild."
He nodded.
He made a good point: maybe you need mental healing.
Dustin busted through the door and the others followed.
"Okay look. It doesn't take that long to bandage a wound. Y/n stop flirting." Dustin argued.
"We need to go!" Erica argued.
"We go out the front, circle round and grab Ted." Dustin explained.
"Why not just go through the Theater?"
"Because its closed." Dustin explained.
"Come on."
So both you and Jack got up and walked towards the group, you all poking your head out looking to see the last group from the theater leaving.
And quickly all join to blend in with the group.
You blended pretty easy, you and Jack especilaly keeping your head down.
"Turn around." Robin argued.
"They're here." She told, "the russians."
The group looked at rhe man checking IDs, he turning towards them.
"Shit gotta go!" Y/n told, "go!"
The group ran away, sliding down between the escalators quickly.
You could hear the running behind you, you all rushing to hide.
And out of all places in the food court,
You had pushed the kids under the counter in hopes they'd have more cover.
You put a finger to your lips as Dustin and Erica covered there mouths.
Looking at The other three they were
It was eerily quiet.
The car alarm of the "Win a Prize" car went off and a quick growl out as the car was thrown the two kids grabbing onto you in fear
You slowly peaked over the counter, the group following you.
"Haha!" Y/n laughed, "Ted!"
He smiled and looked up to the second floor.
"Haha!" Dustin cheered, "Yes! The gangs all together."
It was indeed a good sight, the heros y/n had lost track of? All together: beat up? Oh for sure, but together and intact.
You barely could hold your ground as Peter and Kate almost tackled you down in a hug.
"We thought you were a goner!" Kate told.
"No kidding! We looked everywhere for you then ran into Mr.Stark-"
"Wait wait wait." Y/n stopped them, "Tony?"
"They're all here!" Kate spoke, "and this thing! Its called the mind flayer! And it's not just in Hawkins its in New York! And It has everyone by the head! And so we learned about the Upside down! And we didnt know how to reach you! So we went along sithe everything and Billy Hargrove? Right? He's like a main leader! We think he got to Frank and thats how it spread!-"
"Woah woah Woah!" Y/n stopped, "Slow down. Slow down. Look I was just stuck in a Hydra base!"
"Hydra base!?"
"Okay! What is going on!" Nancy intruppted, "Hydra?!"
"Okay Hydra is what turned bucky barnes into the Winter Soilder-" y/n told the huddled around group.
"They strengthened Wanda Maximoff and...uh..." Y/n spoke, "They're a huge threat."
"What's the game plan here exactly? Because if Im honest. Strange." Eddie started up, "has no sling ring nor neck stone thing Kate's out of arrows, Parkers only part spider, Wade's got no bullets left, no swords, loki's and Chavez are all magiced out, Venom wont even come out."
"Wait" y/n argued, "You lost the eye of Agimoto-"
"More of it was ripped from my neck." Strange argued.
"By who?!' Y/n argued.
"By Billy-"
"Hargrove's flayed?" Y/n asked.
"Y/n." Strange spoke, she looking at strange, face full of concern, "you're brother, Billy Russo, he's here."
✧▬ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ▬✧
Tag list: @raelwrites @miiikkeey @ah-witch @supernaturallover2002 @pearlstiare @simonsbluee @stilllivindue2spite @dancingqueen21 @writerdream22 @i-reblog-fics-i-like @knivqs @xxlaynaxx @sunshinepower17 @howlerwolfmax @mxltifxnd0m @varientlyvisual @givemylovetoall @faithm120601 @briana-mishell24 @slytherinroyalty16 @awritingotaku
Some reason wouldnt tag sorry :( @bubbabobbubbles @wendds @loenq @abbiesxox @marssssaturn @eliskakratochvilova @3-spurr @lvbred @beebslebobs
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Hi.😊 I was rereading chapter 7 of An Altar For Our Sins, and wow! This story itches my soulbond obsession just right! You're so good at that!
I love soulmate/ soulbonding type tropes.
I know they sometimes get tired, so I try to make it.... different in a way.
In Altar for our sins, they're not bonded by fate, but by force, but the bond gets stronger over time.
Werewolf Billy is the soulmate trope in its original form, a bond understood fully, but resistance is based on past trauma.
Alternatively, my dark vampire Billy has some semblance of soulmate-ism too, but that's on a much more selective basis, where vampires can choose and vice versa.
My newest werepanther Billy fic, looks at the bond through different lenses, examining how bond can deepen gradually, instead of suddenly like it does with werewolf Billy.
What makes the trope for me, is the level of understanding one has for the other. It doesn't matter how dark, or how conflicted, what builds the relationship is when they can look at each other, and just... understand.
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 1 year
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boo! surprise bitches! i'm doing kinktober this year! finally doing it! bet you didn't see that one coming, did you hehe 🕸
there is a good mix of both short and long stories coming your way throughout this (and i will also still occasionally post other fics this month that aren't related to this). also, a handful of these fics are darker in nature, thought it was fitting for halloween, so remember to read the warnings, if there's something that's not for you then please, as always, be kind to yourself and don't read the story.
masterlist | join my taglist
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day one | sore
stepbro!sirius black x cheerleader!reader + dubcon massage
day two | don't smile
steve rogers + throat fucking + size kink
day three | stuffed
devil!eddie munson & angel!steve harrington + tentecles + double penetration in one hole
day four | a little fashion show
best friend!stiles stilinski + lingerie
day five | stay still
peter parker + bondage
day six | hold up, let me record this
jj maybank + tittyfucking + sextape
day seven | the palace guards
guards!poly!marauders x princess!reader + secrets relationship
day eight | it’s practically like we’re down there with them
mob boss!bucky barnes + exhibitionism
day nine | keep that pretty mouth shut
tommy shelby + keep quiet quickie
day ten | I couldn’t find it in me to wake you
poe dameron + somno thigh fucking
day eleven | I just want you a little longer all to myself
matt murdock + secret office sex
day twelve | nothing more than a toy
rafe cameron + using you like a toy to masturbate with
day thirteen | I still got a few rounds left in me
boxer!steve rogers + bathtub sex
day fourteen | open your fucking mouth
dark!wild west cowboy!joel miller + gun kink
day fifteen | tiny
miguel o'hara x fairy!reader + extreme size difference
day sixteen | the wall between us
cult member!steve harrington + fem glory hole + breeding
day seventeen | be a rebel, be bad, stay here and cuddle with me
spencer reid + aftercare
day eighteen | pleasant pile of pillows
brother's best friend!james potter + pillow humping
day nineteen | ring ring
sam winchester x reader x bf!dean winchester + phone sex + cheating
day twenty | window
perv!neighbour!billy russo + voyeurism
day twenty-one | say yes
fiancé!bruce wayne + possessiveness
day twenty-two | i can think of something better than that
bucky barnes + anal
day twenty-three | double check
dark!professor!ben solo + power imbalance + manipulation
day twenty-four | maroon
vampire!remus lupin + biting + blood kink
day twenty-five | i want you
pirate captain!miguel o'hara + sex as payment
day twenty-six | teamwork
pro football team!avengers (bf!steve rogers, bucky barnes, pietro maximoff, clint barton, sam wilson, tony stark, thor odinson) + gangbang
day twenty-seven | my little flower
din djarin + fantasy au + cockwarming
day twenty-eight | hysteria
doctor!aleksander morozova x hysteria patient!reader + historical au + fuck machine
day twenty-nine | can't fight the moonlight
werewolf!bucky barnes x gf!reader + predator/prey + monsterfucking
day thirty | magical mimic
eddie munson x witch!reader + magical mutual masturbation
day thirty-one | you can’t put it in
stepbro!peter parker + halloween pussyjob
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© 2023 thyme-in-a-bubble 
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fluffyprettykitty · 4 months
Spring Drabble Sleepover!!!
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running from may 14th to may 19th
*time indicates when requests will be accepted, asks will be rolling through according to inspiration and time allowed!
Hello and welcome to me not having written anything since January???? Let's rectify this by celebrating a little as summer might have officially started but true summer doesn't start till late June here!
Onto the main thing now!
What will you do is mix and match a character or several with one or several of the following categories provided. As usual, you know!
⋆ Polyamorous ships are always encouraged. No platonic or daughter! reader though.
⋆ Darker themes are welcomed at my discretion. Check my requests page for what I'm comfortable with.
⋆ Please only use a character from the ones already provided.
⋆ I will either turn them into blurbs or drabbles depending on my inspiration but you can suggest to me what it should be.
⋆ I will do female reader for smut prompts and gender-neutral for fluff prompts. All will be written vague and over 21.
⋆ You have to be strictly 18+ to participate.
•❀.•❤•.¸✿¸.•❤•.❀• •❀.•❤•.¸✿¸.•❤•.❀• •❀.•❤•.¸✿¸.•❤•.❀•
Sons of Anarchy: Chibs Telford, Juice Ortiz, Jax Teller
Star Wars: Cassian Andor, Poe Dameron
Marvel: Sam Wilson, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, Billy Russo, Thor Odinson, Brock Rumlow, Layla El Faouly, Elektra Natchios, Bruce Banner, Marc Spector, Brunnhilde, Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff, Joaquin Torres, Bucky Barnes
Triple Frontier: Benny Miller, Will Miller, Santiago Garcia
aus: bakery, book store, celebrity, detective, ghost, restaurant, porn star, tutor, maid, mechanic, mermaid, neighbour, stripper, werewolf, vampire.
kinks: breath play, cockwarming, phone sex, gloves, choking, strip tease, uniform/suit, titty fucking, dirty talk, sex toys, accidental stimulation, shower, sensory deprivation, somnophilia, lingerie, object insertion, lap dance, lactation, spanking, exhibitionism, handcuffs, clothes on, moresomes.
date ideas: day trip, road trip, library, museum, restaurant, camping, beach, drinks/bar, concert, walking, sightseeing, boat ride, dancing, spa, errands, shopping spree, cinema, coffee.
domestic situations: trying new recipes, painting nails, reading, cuddling, clothes shopping, packing for a trip, laundry, repairing things, changing bedsheets, ordering takeout, falling asleep, complaining about family, movie nights, doing dishes.
☆ Just combine as many as you want however you see fit! And of course, when it comes to domestic situations and date ideas you can think of other things or be more specific on one situation! ☆
•❀.•❤•.¸✿¸.•❤•.❀• •❀.•❤•.¸✿¸.•❤•.❀• •❀.•❤•.¸✿¸.•❤•.❀•
no pressure tagging: @that-sarcastic-writer @sunflowersteves @jen-with-a-pen @eulalielatibule @moonlight-prose @e-dubbc11 @soulores @targaryenvampireslayer
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hiraeth-witch-11 · 1 year
New Moon with Billy
Warnings: references to Twilight, fluff
Word Count: 600ish
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“What was he thinking, dumpin’ her in the woods like that? That’s a dick move, that’s what that is.”
“It really is,” you agree with a sniffle.
“Aw, baby, are you crying already?”
“Hey, I gave you full warning and he was super mean.”
Billy just chuckles softly and continues to trace his fingers up and down your back.
“She’s gonna get herself killed for some guy 5 times her age.” Billy shakes his head in disapproval. “I really don’t get it.”
“She misses him. They had an emotionally intense relationship and she probably had trauma bonded with the whole family onesidedly and then he just leaves her with nothing to help her process it. That makes people do crazy things.”
Billy leans back to look at you. “You speakin’ from experience?”
“A bit.”
Billy frowns and gently grabs your jaw with his hand, turning your head to look him in the eye. “No one is ever worth you gettin’ hurt. You got that?”
“I know, Billy.” You did now, your teenage years and early twenties were another story. Bill had been with you for most of that, but you’d hid a lot of the shit you went through.
He seems placated by your answer, pulling your face towards his and pressing a kiss to your forehead before he tucks your head back onto his shoulder.
“Oh come on, I was rooting for the Jacob guy and he blew it too!”
You giggle a bit at his enthusiasm.
“Are you laughin’ at me now, baby?”
“Nope. Definitely not.”
“I think you’re lyin’, sweetheart.”
“I just think it’s funny that you were so opposed to starting the Twilight Saga and now you’re invested. It’s cute.”
“I am not ‘cute’,” Billy insists indignantly.
“You totally are.”
“Only when I'm with you, you dork,” Billy says affectionately.
“So I’m your best friend, right?”
“Uh uh, I ain’t fallin’ into that trap. You and Frankie can keep your competition to yourself.”
“Damn, I thought I had you for a second there.”
Billy continues to insult the intelligence of the characters in the movie, especially Edward. “He doesn’t even check to confirm everything before goin’ to off himself. Utter bullshit. He’s over a hundred years old, the man should have better common sense.”
“You can’t fix stupid,” you respond sagely.
“No you cannot,” Billy agrees.
When the movie ends, Billy is still complaining and you listen to it goodnaturedly.
“And now it looks like he’s gonna actually get her killed.”
“Eh, we’ll see,” you say. Both of you yawn simultaneously. “You wanna stay over? I can make waffles in the morning.”
“Sounds good, sweetheart.”
It’s not unusual for you and Billy to share a bed after movie night. In fact, it happens so often that you have a drawer of his stuff and an extra toothbrush at your apartment. The two of you go through your nightly routines, purposely bumping into each other and fighting for the sink in your tiny bathroom. 
When you finally climb into bed, you know you’re going to sleep well tonight. The both of you are on your sides and Billy grabs you and pulls you close until your back is flush against his chest.
“Don’t hog the blankets this time,” you warn. You don’t really need them, but you like to tease Billy any chance you can.
“I wouldn’t have to hog them if you would just stay where I put you.”
“It’s not my fault I wiggle in my sleep and I always stay by you, you just somehow, end up with all the blankets on your side.”
“‘Cause you kick them off, sweetheart.”
“I am admitting, nothing, but if that is the case, it’s because you run hotter than a frickin’ werewolf.”
“I got that reference.”
“‘M proud of you. Now go to sleep.”
“Good night, baby.”
“Night, Billy.”
Billy Russo Taglist: @snowkestrel, happydeanpotter, jvanilly
Everything Taglist: @kayhi808,
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It Will Come Back S2 9
Warnings: Sex 18+ minors DNI
Werewolf Stalker! Billy Russo x Female Reader
A/N: thank you all so much for reading and sticking with me!!!! this was so so so fun to write and i'm excited to write new stuff for you all
Dedicated to @idaofinfinity and @dragon-of-winterfell for their kind words throughout this fic <3
The full moon looms over Billy, a constant reminder of how things went the first time. You’ve both gone back to work, settling into a nice routine. You come see him every day, or him you. He visits you at work, able to beg off for an hour fairly often to come sit in your office and eat with you, or watch you. Occasionally he convinces you to have a quickie in the car, making sure to send you back in muscles loose and free of tension.
You make dinner together or go out on lavish dates, and more often than not the two of you end the night tangled in the sheets until morning. He’s on cloud nine, blissed out beyond belief, but he wishes you’d move in with with, unwilling to find his apartment empty when he comes home much longer. He knows better than to push you, but he’s gotten this far.
You come to the penthouse late Friday night after drinks with your friends, flushed and tipsy. He sits you down at the kitchen island with some cheese and crackers, handing you a glass of water to sip from. You smile at him, that big radiant grin that goes straight to his heart, and he knows he needs to talk to you about the full moon.
He strokes your hair, watching the way your eyes close and you lean into the touch.
“How’re you feeling?” He asks.
“Good.” You mumble, eyes still closed.
“Eat something, okay? Then we can go to sleep.”
“Don’t want to sleep.”
“What do you want to do?”
You don’t answer him, starting to sober up quickly as you snack. He lets it go, sitting beside you to keep a hand on your hair or your arm as you eat. When you’re done, he collects the plate and pours you another glass of water for bed. Your eyes are clear now, the only thing clouding them the urge to sleep. When his back is turned you run.
He hears the quick pace of your feet on the floor and turns, thinking you’re going to be sick or something. When you giggle, running out of the kitchen and down the hall he realizes the game. You want him to give chase. So he does, taking off after you, stopping once he reaches the hall. He cocks his head, listening for your breath. There it is, the shallow intake as you exert yourself. Billy imagines your chest heaving, breasts moving with the action. Suddenly he’s ravenous, eager to find you and teach you a lesson about running from him.
“Come out, baby.” He coos in his head, urging you to submit.
“Not a chance.” You reply.
When Billy makes it to the bedroom you’re still evading your capture, but he can hear your breath louder now, excited. His own heart picks up speed in his chest, dick twitching at the thought of hunting you down.
“Y/N.” He calls, letting a little steel into his voice.
He hears your breath hitch and knows he’s close. As Billy inches towards the closet, where he knows you are for certain now he palms himself, imagining the way your breasts must look as your chest heaves. When he’s right in front of the walk-in, he hears you hold your breath, sensing his presence. He lets the tension draw out, the electric feeling building for long seconds before he tugs the door open and finds you, now only dressed in one of his dress shirts, a smirk on your lips. Billy growls and lunges for you, coming down to the floor to tug you underneath him.
“There she is, little brat.” He teases.
You stick your tongue out at him, and he grabs it before you can pull it back into your mouth. It makes you gasp as Billy pinches your tongue between his pointer fingers and thumb.
“Now she can’t talk back, huh?”
You whine, eyes widening.
You want it back brat?” Billy asks.
You nod, eyes already glossy with arousal.
“Ask for it.”
Your brows furrow, wondering how you’ll speak. As you’re pondering, saliva begins to drop from your lips, your extended tongue unable to help you swallow.
Billy frowns, using his other hand to clean you up.
“Oh, poor thing. Got herself all messy.”
“Please.” You try, but it comes out garbled and you cheers heat with embarrassment.
“What was that?” Billy prods. “I couldn’t understand you.”
You huff and Billy laughs, tightening his grip for just a second.
“Please!” You say, a little less unintelligible this time.
“Ah, there it is.” Billy smiles indulgently and lets you go.
“What?” He asks when you say nothing. “Cat got your tongue?”
“Not but the stray dog did.” You sass.
When he flips you over to spank your ass you don’t regret a thing.
The upstate cabin is huge, all sharp lines and panes of square glass, leaving the illusion that you can be seen from the outside. Billy gives you the tour, leading you through a stainless steel kitchen and a wood paneled hallway until you’re in the master bedroom, a sprawling area with a whole wall made of windows. From the outside the wall looked black, unable to be seen through, but you can see everything outside. The sun is high in the sky and you wonder when you’ll need to start running.
Billy meets you at the window, leaving your bags on the bed. He wraps his arms around you, sliding his nose into your hair and breathing in. There’s a soft rumble in his chest in reaction to it, and you clench your thighs together in anticipation.
“Are you scared?” Billy asks, quietly, doubt seeping into his voice.
You shake your head, leaning back into him. You'd talked a few days ago, detailing the plan for the full moon. You know Billy is nervous, remembering the aftermath of the last full moon. But you're here. All in and willing to do this right.
“Never. Well, maybe for you. I’ve gotten pretty good at hiding.” You tease, hoping to lighten the mood.
“Brat.” Billy grumbles, slapping at your thigh.
You giggle, turning in his arms to hug him back.
“I’m not scared, Billy. I just want you to be okay.”
“I’ll be okay as long as you are.”
You nod, hugging him tighter.
- You spend the day setting up, packing away the food, setting out the first aid kit just in case. Billy is antsy, eager to move around and be busy, and you’re frankly unsure of how to put him at ease. You can’t wait for the moon to rise, for Billy to hunt you and fuck you like last time. But you know he’s scared of hurting you, of driving you away. You sigh, realizing what you might need to say.
“Bill?” You call.
He comes as soon as you do, sitting down next to you on the couch.
“Hey, what’s up?” He asks, nervous energy flickering in his eyes.
“Baby, it’s okay. I know you’re scared of tonight but I’m not. I am not going anywhere.” You promise.
Billy sighs on a big breath, eyes closing.
“I hope you’re right.” He whispers, eyes opening.
It shatters you a little, being reminded of the double edge of your power over him. You make him happy, but you can destroy him too. You just have to show him tonight. You’re not going anywhere, and you never will.
When evening comes, and the sun starts its final descent, Billy sets out, planning to hike away from the cabin to give you more time. He makes you promise to stay put, kissing your face and eyeing you warily. You aren’t allowed to run until he’s been turned for a while, familiarizing himself once again with the feeling, with taking control of his innermost urges just for a little while.
You’re ready to run, boots on and paired with easy to remove loose-fitting clothes. When he sets off, you watch him go until the image of him dissolves into the trees. Then you make yourself a small dinner, too nervous to eat more than that, and do a few laps around the cabin. You’re hoping the sweat will make your scent stronger, will drive him just a little more wild. You kill time watching TV, trying not to touch yourself in anticipation. If your regular scent doesn’t do it for him, the arousal seeping from you certainly will.
Then it’s time. The moon high and forest silent, the only sound the occasional brush of tree leaves, like the whole forest is watching, holding its breath in anticipation. Just like you are as you press close to the front door, listening for your signal. A moment later Billy howls, splitting the silence in two, a desperate, pained sound and you know it’s time to go. You shut the door behind you, leaving it unlocked just in case. Then you’re stepping off the porch and jogging into the woods, desperate for cover. The greenery shields you, leaving no room for shadows. The light of the moon barely peeks through, and you’re uncertain you won’t get lost out here anyways, despite Billy’s best efforts to explain the lay of the land. You stop every few hundred feet to listen, but so far nothing.
“You out there?” You ask in your head.
No reply.
The chill of the air makes you shiver, breath coming in huffs as you lean against a tree to rest. The cold seeps into you, and you wish now more than ever that Billy will find you quickly, as fun as the chase is.
Then you continue, making your way carefully across the landscape, doing your best not to fall on your ass. It’s a few more minutes before you hear it, the minuscule crunch of leaves a little ways off. It makes you pause, breath held, eyes darting from side to side. You trust Billy, but how wild is he really? How untamed in this form? The wind moves the leaves and the sound of measured steps dissipates, leaving you to trudge along carefully, eyes glued to the ground.
After a few more minutes you become aware of the darkness, the silence pressing in tighter, clinging to you on all sides. Your breathing picks up, the hair on the back of your neck raising, and you have the sudden feeling that you’re being watched. The dark feels alive, feels like its breathing down your neck, waiting to take the fatal bite that plummets you into it. The excitement and anxiety mold into a tightly wound ball in your stomach and suddenly you can’t take it and you’re running, uncaring of the crunch of earth beneath your feet, of the harsh breaths escaping your lips.
You know it now, for sure. He’s coming. Gaining on you with impressive speed but you’re not sure from where or when he’ll and the game. You’ve been thoroughly hunted, drawn out and chased into unfamiliar territory. Alone.
When you can’t run any longer you come to a stop near the lake a few miles from the cabin, the sparkling water reflecting the moon in deep silver swirls. You’re turning to look over your shoulder when he rams into you, taking you down and knocking the breath from your lungs. You can’t get your breath back as he slams his lips onto yours, and the smells of the forest permeates your senses. You can only breath the air he gives you, his groan reverberating deep into your chest.
Your chest heaves when he pulls away, his black eyes swirling with silver just like the lake. He watches you as he breaths raggedly above you, lips flushed red and gaze unyielding.
“Billy.” You gasp, breath finally returning.
“You tired yet, little mate?”
You moan at the term, already wishing he’d say it again.
He kisses you again, rolling his hips into yours in time with his tongue. He doesn’t wait for you to answer, gripping your hair in one hand and breast in the other. You cry out, legs spreading wider at the attention. The bond sets to throb between you, enhancing your pleasure in time with Billy’s. Your bite aches, making your breath catch. Billy’s grinding into you until you moan loudly into the night. Then he’s ripping your shirt down the middle and popping your bra in the center, freeing your chest for his exploration. Billy’s mouth attaches to your nipple, tugging with his teeth as he growls low in this throat. You squirm, gripping his shoulders.
He pulls off, meeting your eyes with his wide silvery eyes.
“Who do you belong to?” He rasps.
Your chest heaves, exposed nipples wet and cold in the autumn air.
“Yours.” You answer, sure. The warm feeling rears its head, filling you so full you could explode with it, spreading into the night like fireworks.
“You’ll never leave?” Billy asks.
When he kisses you again, pulling your legs around his hips, his teeth are sharper, scraping into your lips with every slanted pass. You gasp when you taste blood, and he yanks off your pants and underwear as his tongue probes away the metallic tang from your mouth.
When you’re bare under him, he finally, finally, pulls off his own clothes, exposing his warm skin to the air. You take the opportunity to trail your hands over his skin unabashedly squeezing the muscles you feel. You feel Billy slide down, hands gripping your thighs tight. When he takes the first taste of your dripping folds, you scream. You can’t help it, lost the pleasure he’s wringing from you. You feel Billy moan into your heat, licking at your clit until lewd wet sounds echo into the trees.
You find yourself rocking onto his face, encouraging him to take from you as your tug on his dark locks. Billy sucks and licks, adding his fingers to heighten the sparks igniting across your heated skin. He pumps them in and out as you moan and gasp, whining his name on stuttered breaths. When you feel your orgasm closing in, you take a deep breath, only letting it out when you explode, soaking Billy’s face and riding out the pleasure. Billy takes it, lapping up the wetness on your skin.
As you tremble in ecstasy, Billy strokes himself, kissing your face as you come down.
“So good for me, gonna fill you up sweet girl, mate you like you deserve.”
You clench at his words, already desperate for more.
“Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me,” You chant, scratching over his skin.
Billy moans then shudders, running his cock though your folds and pushing in before you have a chance to beg more. He presses his face to your neck, breathing in your scent as he breaches your entrance, hands tightening on your skin.
Billy pushes in, letting his hips fall against yours as your hands grasp the ground under you, grass and leaves crunching in your grip.
“No.” Billy growls.
“What?” You gasp, brows furrowing as you try to focus on his words.
“Hands on me.” Billy commands.
You obey immediately, squeezing his ass on your way up to wrap your arms around his neck and shoulders, pulling him to you for another kiss. It spurs Billy on, his thrusts increasing in speed, as he fucks into you harder. You’re sliding now, body moving a centimeter or two with every thrust.
Billy’s movement’s are feral, sharp teeth bared, eyes alight. Your bite is hot on your throat, a constant reminder of your connection to the man on top of you. A reminder of your mate. It’s that thought that pushes you over the edge a second time, the idea that you get to belong to Billy until you die.
Billy moans into your ear, breaths rasping as you squeeze him. His thrusts go sloppy as he reaches his own peak, your hands petting his hair and holding on for dear life. When he comes a few seconds later, he pumps you full of his hot spend, breeding you like you’d hoped he would. You like that thought, the idea of him filling you and making you keep it, of walking around with a part of Billy inside of you. It fils you with a deep satisfaction that has the words rushing into your mouth and through your lips faster than you can stop them.
“I love you.” You let it hang in the air, watching closely for any sign of discomfort from Billy.
He just stares at you, eyes glossy. His chest heaves, cock still buried inside of you.
“Yeah?” He asks, the silver of his eyes glinting in the moonlight, looking brighter than ever now.
“I love you.” Billy says softly, hands touching your face, tracing your features with gentle fingers.
Billy can only think to himself that Frank will be the best man at your wedding. Then he’s diving back in, devouring you under the heavy moon.
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whowantsnachos · 1 year
My OC Character List
recently, i’ve decided i should start posting stuff about my own characters for the fandoms that i like. i’ve been creating them for a while, and i thought it could be fun :) one side note i would like to add is that they all have a “pair-up,” but i just have that as the person i like to write with my character the most.
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Kaitlyn Thomas:
Age: 30 (from 2015)
Sexuality + Gender: Bisexual; she / her
Race / Ethnicity: American Caucasian
Fandom: Marble Hornets
Pair-up: Alex Kralie
Abigail “Abby” Winters:
Age: 26 (from 2012)
Sexuality + Gender: Pansexual; she / her
Race / Ethnicity: American Caucasian
Fandom: Marble Hornets
Pair-up: Tim Wright
Catherine Emerson:
Age: 38 (from 2009)
Sexuality + Gender: Heterosexual biromantic; she / her
Race / Ethnicity: English Caucasian
Fandom: Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man / NWH
Pair-up: Otto Octavius
Riley King: 
Age: 34 (from 2024)
Sexuality + Gender: Lesbian; she / her
Race / Ethnicity: American Caucasian
Fandom: Marvel
Pair-up: Wanda Maximoff
Lydia Vesta: 
Age: 39 (from 2024)
Sexuality + Gender: Polysexual; she / her
Race / Ethnicity: Sokovian Slavic
Fandom: Marvel
Pair-up: Baron Helmut Zemo
Victoria Esperanza: 
Age: 32 (from 2023)
Sexuality + Gender: Aroace; they / them
Race / Ethnicity: Mexican American
Fandom: TribeTwelve (I DO NOT support Adam Rosner, so I’m separating the work from its creator)
Pair-up: Noah Maxwell
Ixnera “Isabel” Freyrdottir: 
Age: Realistically, she would be around 1,000 - 1,050. In human years, maybe around 20 - 21
Sexuality + Gender: Pansexual; she / her
Race / Ethnicity: Alfhemian (?)
Fandom: Marvel
Pair-up: Loki Laufeyson
Sun Jae-hwa:
Age: 35 (from 2021)
Sexuality + Gender: Demisexual / bisexual; she / her
Race / Ethnicity: Asian
Fandom: Squid Game
Pair-up: Cho Sang-woo
Sara Freeman:
Age: 28 (from 2015)
Sexuality + Gender: Pansexual; she / her
Race / Ethnicity: American Caucasian
Fandom: Marvel - Daredevil
Pair-up: Matt Murdock
Heather Roman:
Age: 37 (from 2017)
Sexuality + Gender: Straight demiromantic; she / her
Race / Ethnicity: Asian-American
Fandom: Marvel - The Punisher
Pair-up: Frank Castle
Célestine Barbier:
Age: 37 (from 2018)
Sexuality + Gender: Pansexual; she / her
Race / Ethnicity: French-Latina
Fandom: Marvel - The Punisher
Pair-up: Billy Russo
Carli “Aerona” Winchester:
Age: 22 (from 2016)
Sexuality + Gender: Omnisexual; she / they
Race / Ethnicity: American Caucasian
Fandom: DC
Pair-up: Harley Quinn 
Anna Novotny:
Age: 16 (from 1984)
Sexuality + Gender: Lesbian; they / them
Race / Ethnicity: Czech American
Fandom: Stranger Things
Pair-up: Robin Buckley
Rosaline “Lin” Cambio:
Age: 36 (from 2025)
Sexuality + Gender: Bisexual; she / her
Race / Ethnicity: English Latina
Fandom: Marvel - Moon Knight
Pair-up: Steven Grant
Erizidereal “Eriz” Aphelion: 
Age: Around 29
Sexuality + Gender: Bisexual; she / her 
Race / Ethnicity: She’s from space, so unknown (?)
Fandom: Star Wars
Pair-up: Poe Dameron
Xiomara “Mara” Castillo:
Age: 35 (from 2016)
Sexuality + Gender: Bisexual; she / her
Race / Ethnicity: Hispanic American
Fandom: Marvel - Luke Cage
Pair-up: Hernan “Shades” Alvarez
Zena Halcard: 
Age: Around 21
Sexuality + Gender: Straight demisexual; gender-fluid
Race / Ethnicity: They’re from space, so unknown (?)
Fandom: Star Wars - Andor
Pair-up: Cassian Andor
Priya “Gaia” Vemulakonda:
Age: 30 (from 1962)
Sexuality + Gender: Pansexual; she / her
Race / Ethnicity: Native American
Fandom: Marvel - X-Men
Pair-up: Erik Lehnsherr
Lehava Marasigan:
Age: 36 (from 2025)
Sexuality + Gender: Bisexual; she / her 
Race / Ethnicity: Afro-Filipino
Fandom: Marvel - Black Panther
Pair-up: Namor / K’uk’ulkan
Yéssica Fabbri:
Age: Late 30’s to early 40’s (born in 1979)
Sexuality + Gender: Pansexual; she / her 
Race / Ethnicity: Spanish Native American
Fandom: Marvel - Werewolf by Night
Pair-up: Jack Russell
Gianna “Gia” “Ace” Pedrotti:
Age: 33 (from 2006) or 39 (from 2012)
Sexuality + Gender: Demiromantic bisexual; she / her
Race / Ethnicity: Italian
Fandom: DC - Arrow
Pair-up: Anyone
Vitalia “Scout” Alfero:
Age: 28 (from 2012)
Sexuality + Gender: Pansexual; she / her
Race / Ethnicity: Italian
Fandom: DC - Arrow
Pair-up: Anyone
Danielle “Dani” Emerson:
Age: 39 (from 2011)
Sexuality + Gender: Bisexual; she / her
Race / Ethnicity: Mixed American
Fandom: Suits
Pair-up: Harvey Specter
Nicole Gibson:
Age: 27 (from 2012)
Sexuality + Gender: Lesbian; she/her/they/them
Race / Ethnicity: American Caucasian
Fandom: DC - Arrow
Pair-up: Laurel Lance (Earth-1)
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if anyone would like to learn more about these characters, please ask! i love writing about them :)
(last updated: january 19th, 2024)
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Hi! *Waves* I just binged your Werewolf!Billy series and wanted to ask if you were planning on continuing it? I'm dying to know how reader reacts once Billy tells her what the bite did, especially since she seems to know that she can somehow feel what he feels after what happened in the last chapter
I am planning on continuing yes!
It doesn't happen so simply heh heh 😅 sorry
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celestialspecial · 2 years
The Sin of Desire (Pt. 10)
Werewolf!Billy Russo x Reader
Warnings: Violence, Graphic Descriptions, 18+ spicy themes, *be careful out there
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Months Ago
You had been working for the company a few months now, underneath Billy as his assistant. But you were also trying to figure out how to get under him, literally. You two had more than your fair share of conversations, besides him being the most handsome man ever, you enjoyed his personality. Talking to him put you at ease, his jokes made you laugh, and while initially thinking he was a cold-blooded businessman he often made decisions that helped others more than hindered.
It confused and intrigued you. And you’d be lying if you didn’t say it turned you on. Watching him command meetings, standing in front of everyone or by the windows, hands clasped behind his back listening to the presentation, picking up on subtle nuances, asking pin point questions, and demanding the room with solely his presence. People weren’t so much scared as much as they just respected him, but yes there were also a few that were scared.
You had shoved the cheesy thought away forever ago when you’d been hired about how hot your boss was, how completely inappropriate it was to be lusting after him. How that was probably grounds for firing, but you knew deep down that a night in bed with him was probably worth the unemployment. Some days you were bold and at your desk in front of his office you’d fantasize about him, tossing you onto the nearest desk or sitting you on the copier after hours and having his way with you.
One time you’d been thinking about pulling his pants down during a call and sucking him off as he talked on the phone. When your glazed eyes realized your boss was standing in front of you waiting for a folder of spreadsheets you felt the heat rise in your cheeks. He had been staring at you, eyes darkened and nostrils flared as he accepted the folder with a small smile before sniffing the air. He took a deep inhale and his eyes closed, turning on his heel and abruptly closing the door to his office. You’d gone paranoid for about 30 minutes after that, thinking he could read your thoughts.
There were hints he felt similarly to you. Compliments on your outfits, you’d catch him staring at you from across the room. One time another male coworker had tried to grab your ass as a joke and Billy fired him on the spot. There were looks, glances, gestures and even light flirting that would go on between the two of you. Your friend Emily rolled her eyes playfully every time you’d share new info with her.
“Oh my Godddd, he’s so into you!” She’d start, laughing at how you’d immediately backtrack and talk about how you appreciate the job, and appreciated looking at him but that’s all it was allowed to be. “Do you know how many bosses fuck their secretaries? SO many, and hardly any of them get caught. This is a feminist move if anything- take control, get that damn pay raise.”
“Emily!” You had laughed, swirling the little umbrella in your cocktail drink, laughing at your friends’ antics. “I enjoy being employed.”
“But you deserve to enjoy being fucked too.”
“Jesus, pipe down!” You cackled as she made a lewd gesture on the barstool next to you. She was slightly tipsy, but Emily just got more honest with each drink, filter completely gone.
“I’m serious! This weekend is Halloween, you should invite him to like a masked ball or something. I don’t know, dress in the traditional costume of lingerie and then you can have your way with him outside of company time, and if you’re both dressed as not yourselves...” She took a long swig of her island ice tea, “Free pass!”
“I don’t think that’s how that works.”
“But it should be.” You couldn’t deny the idea seemed really tempting. A bunch of people from work had already planned to go to a club Halloween night and it wouldn’t be a crazy gesture to invite him as well…would it? He could easily say no and then maybe you’d back off a bit. Let the waters settle and decide going forward if this was just a one-sided thing you’d made out to be more in your head.
“Alright, finish your drink. We need to go out and find me a costume.” You’d said, tossing back the contents of your glass and grabbing her arm. Emily excitedly clapped her hands, and hopped off the bar stool following closely.
  “I’m about to head out if you need anything else?” You had asked, standing in the doorway of Billy’s office. He lifted his head and smiled at you.
“No, I think I’m good. Have a good night.” You looked behind you at the mostly empty office, most people had gone home to pass out candy, or change into costumes and have a wild night on the town. Making sure the coast was clear you edged into his office and shut the door. He had resumed looking at the paper in his hands but when the door closed he set it down on his desk. “Or should I be asking you if you need anything else?” He joked, seeing you walk over and stand in front of him bashfully.
“Well… a bunch of us are dressing up and going out to a club for Halloween tonight- “You started, gauging his interest levels. His eyes were fixed on you, leaning forward and resting his elbows on the surface beneath him.
“Is that so?”
“Y-yeah, and I ugh, thought that m-maybe you’d like to come with? It’s supposed to be a great costume party and uhm, maybe a night off would be nice?” You hated how silly you sounded, like a high schooler asking out a boy to the dance. His eyes seemed playful, but also beneath that something akin to hunger, watching you, his eyes scanned down your body, almost too quickly to notice.
“Will you be dressed up?”
“Y-yes.” He hummed in thought, as if turning the idea over in his head once or twice.
“I don’t have a costume.”
“If you go in your suit most people will think you’re James bond. Or John Wick.” He laughed at that. You loved his laugh, it was warm, endearing. You’d only heard him laughed unabashedly once before but it had vibrated through your very being and tingled all the way down to your toes.
“Where is it again?” You told him the address and he said he’d consider it and thanks for the invitation. You smiled politely and left the office closing the door behind you feeling a tad bit defeated. 
Trying not to notice how your heart sank at the reality that he probably wasn’t coming. Or was it the concern that this was the sign to buck up and move on. That what you two had at work was just that, a polite working friendship.
You had stopped in the company bathroom to change into your costume, knowing you didn’t have time to go home and change after work. Being sure to pack a longer coat to cover the no doubt scandalous looks you’d get. Making your way to the subway and checking your eye makeup on the train before your stop was called. 
The streets were alive with partygoers, mostly costumed, all very drunk. You laughed at their antics before entering the club and smiling at a group of people you knew, chatting with them about the night and admiring their outfits.
With much coaxing from Emily you had settled on a skimpy Little Red Riding Hood Outfit. You’d groaned when she’d handed it to you to try on, it was so overdone you’d complained- and un original. But she’d insisted and you couldn’t deny the ensemble hugged you in all the right places and made your ass look great, which is all a girl could really ask for anyways. 
Whether she was showing off to a guy or just needed a confidence boost in general. If Billy wasn’t going to see it, you were sure it’d get a lot of attention from other guys at the party.
You had had two drinks and mingled with your coworkers, but then split off when they found other people they knew outside of work to hang out with. After a few minutes you bit your bottom lip thinking this was a mistake and you should’ve asked Emily to join you after all. 
Deciding to call it a night you pushed through the throng of people around you to get towards the stair case before you felt a hand on the small of your back. Jumping at the touch, spinning around about to deck whoever it was, you were met face to face with Billy. He was smiling down on you, still in his suit but with a pair of devil horns perched on the top of his head.
“See you did find a costume.” You poked him in the center of his chest. The excitement blooming in you, he made it. He showed up. He laughed and touched the point of one of the horns.
“A very drunk girl gave them to me as she was getting in her uber with about 10 other friends. She said she didn’t need them anymore.” He laughed, before taking your hands and stepping back to fully take in your outfit. His gaze was downright filthy, taking in the black leather boots, short skirt, brown bustier over a peasant blouse and the velvet red of the cape dragging over your shoulders. “You make a man want to huff and puff- “
“I think you’re messing up your fairytales.” You responded, proud of yourself for not just turning into a puddle before him.
“I think you’re right.” You didn’t realize how loud you two needed to shout over the music and the roar of the crowd. You very rarely went to clubs but this was a blaring reminder of why that was.
“Let’s find somewhere quieter.” You managed, Billy nodded and still holding your one hand turned and made a path through the crowd, staring daggers at any guy that ogled you too long. After a lot of shoving and pushing there was a VIP area sign on a stairwell, he pushed it open before you tugged back. “I don’t think we’re allowed in there.” His lips twitched, holding the door open still.
“Don’t worry-I’ve rented this out.” How? When? You stepped into the stairwell and followed him up a floor or two. He definitely didn’t own this building, unless he knew someone or had some sort of hookup, but the VIP levels were usually closed down during large parties like this for safety reasons. 
When he pushed the security floor open it lead out to a VIP area, all windows and red sofas, opening to a pool deck and rooftop lounge area. The whole floor was bathed in red lights from the club and a firepit was even lit. This was planned.
“How-“You started before he pulled you over a lush velvet sofa, that thankfully didn’t reek of cigarettes or spilled alcohol. If this is how the well off went clubbing you could get used to it.
“Do you want a drink?” He asked. You’d had two already but the buzz was wearing off fast.
“Something that won’t knock me on my ass.” You smiled back at him and he grinned, nodding and picking up a phone that was on one of the side tables. He sat back down next to you, so close that your knees brushed. He leaned over, running a hand along the edge of your cape, taking the end between his two fingers and feeling the texture of it.
“I do love this.” He said, a hint of playfulness, but also a strangled taste of something, filthier.
“Would I get in trouble if I wore it to the office?” You poked, trying to discharge the electric current that seemed to be in the air.
“No, I think that… would be fine.” You let your hand drop, landing on top of his. You two had gotten away from the loud music to talk but all you could hear was your heart beating heavily in your chest, the sound of blood rushing in your ears.
 He observed you again, and you felt the warmth in your cheeks and felt yourself biting your bottom lip. His hand brushed up along your arm, rising to your shoulder and tangling in the knot that held the cape secured, tugging the one end and watching as the tie unraveled and fell off your shoulders behind you.
You let out a soft breath feeling the sudden cool air dance over your exposed chest and back, the tiny dress doing nothing to protect you from even the subtle breeze that was out tonight. Finding the confidence within you to speak somewhere-
“Hey, I might need that.” You glanced back at your cape puddled behind you.
“Oh? For what?”
“To protect me from big bad wolves.” His smile was devious, a look so carnal, you’d never seen him look such a way before- unhinged. You got up onto your knees, reaching over him to brush your hands along the plastic horns on his head, relishing the sharp intake of breath he took as your breasts were pressed into his should and part of his chest.
 “I like these too. And they light up.” You replied, waiting, to see if your intrusion of space was going to be fully reciprocated or if he’d back off. The feeling of warm hands on the small of your back and between your shoulder blades was answer enough.
You let your other knee find its place on the other side of his legs, straddling him fully now. Your heart was racing, eyes half lidded looking down at him, he caressed the side of your face, fingers playing with a coil of your hair before returning to cup your chin, moving you closer to him, to his lips. 
Your lips found each other and you had to swallow the erotic moan you wanted to let loose. Billy’s lips were softer than you’d imagined but firm, demanding, the taste of him made you want to roll your eyes back in your head.
His tongue found the seam of your lips and requested entrance, which you wholly gave. He tasted each bit of you, dancing with your own tongue, swiping along the roof of your mouth, drawing out a small moan from you that couldn’t be concealed. His tempo sped up at that, kissing you open mouthed but also soft almost chaste kisses intertwined. 
You ran your fingers through his hair, grasping at the strands and grinding into his lap fervently. He hissed at that, gripping your behind and dragging you as close as you could possibly get, well almost. Bucking his hips upwards into you, you gasped but it bled into a wanton moan that drove him crazy. You could feel how hard he was beneath you, a twitch beneath your center that almost did you in. Tongues delving into one another’s mouths and the scent of him over powering you.
“Wait.” He stopped, chest still heaving, you blinked at him wondering what happened, your mouth red and glistening. “W-we shouldn’t. We can’t.” He said painfully, his hands feeling looser on your body.
“Why not?” You asked, you knew why, but you only knew your thoughts, you wanted to hear his this time. Your hand pressed to the center of his chest, the other behind his neck.
“It’s not professional. I’ve been so…very…I was wrong to do this I-“His eyes darted around, anything to not look you in the eyes.
“Billy.” Your voice saying his name sounded so right. It forced him to hold your gaze. “Please. I-I want this. I want you.” Where was this coming from? You felt foolish as if begging him, but you needed him to know how you felt. “I’ve wanted you for so long- please.” You could see the fight leaving his eyes, replaced with the lust and desire from before, feel his heart speed up again. You ground your hips into his, swiveling them in a circle on his lap, teasing at the hardness of him.
Emily had joked you shouldn’t wear panties out, but you’d gone for a thin lacey pair, you were thinking maybe it wouldn’t have mattered. They were dripping and the wetness soaked through them and onto Billy’s trouser pants. He sucked in a sharp breath and quiet moan the second he felt it. 
He was gone. He didn’t care about company policy anymore, he was the fucking CEO, screw it all to hell. Pulling you flush to him again, with a weight that pushed you down harder onto him, both of you crying out. You licked a line from his neck to the bottom of his ear, sucking on his earlobe before placing a downright dirty kiss onto his lips, tongue swirling against his greedily.
“Damn you.” He groaned into your shoulder after your lips had parted. Damn you both to hell. He couldn’t say no to you, after your wide eyes looked at him like that, pleading, after you’d shared how you truly felt, after your gorgeous body that looked like an angel but made him only think sinful things rutted against him like that. 
He’d swore seen your face years ago when he thought it was the end for him and damn it all if he wasn’t going to do everything in his power not lose sight of you again.
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fluffyprettykitty · 1 year
Summer sleepover
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running from august 21st to august 23rd
We are celebrating life & anything good in it ☺️ and the reward is a drabble sleepover! Ilysm all and sending good and summery vibes of peace of love to you all year round!
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As I had promised in the past we will use the same format as the 1.8 wlw sleepover to help me write my drabbles! What will you do is mix and match a character or several with one or several of the following categories provided.
⋆ Polyamorous ships are always encouraged. No platonic or daughter! reader though.
⋆ Darker themes are welcomed to my discretion. Check my requests page for what I'm comfortable with.
⋆ Please only use a character from the ones already provided. The same goes for all the categories.
⋆ I will either turn them into blurbs or drabbles depending on my inspiration but you can suggest to me what it should be.
⋆ I will do female reader for smut prompts and gender-neutral for fluff prompts. All will be written vague and over 21.
⋆ You can request up to three times.
⋆ You have to be strictly 18+ to participate.
⋆ The time frame is reserved for requests, I will write them and publish them as I see fit aka I don't want to post too much.
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characters: Jack Russell, Cassian Andor, Poe Dameron, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, Frank Castle, Billy Russo, Thor Odinson, Gamora, Brock Rumlow, Layla El Faouly, Elektra Natchios, Bruce Banner, Marc Spector, Brunnhilde, Yelena Belova, Monica Rambeau, Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff, Joaquin Torres, Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, Jane Foster, Kate Bishop.
aus: apocalypse, bakery, book store, brothel, celebrity, clone, detective, ghost, restaurant, porn star, tutor, maid, mechanic, mermaid, neighbor, stripper, yandere, werewolf, vampire.
kinks: latex, breath play, cockwarming, phone sex, gloves, choking, strip tease, uniform/suit, deep throating, titty fucking, squirting, dirty talk, sex toys, accidental stimulation, collaring, shower, sensory deprivation, somnophilia, lingerie, object insertion, lap dance, period sex, lactation, temperature play, edging, spanking, exhibitionism, handcuffs, clothes on, moresomes.
date ideas: day trip, road trip, library, museum, restaurant, camping, beach, drinks/bar, concert, walking, sightseeing, boat ride, dancing, spa, errands, mattress shopping, shopping spree, cinema, coffee, abandoned places, photoshoot.
domestic situations: trying new recipes, competitive games, painting nails, reading, cuddling, clothes shopping, packing for a trip, laundry, saying goodbye at the door, repairing things, changing bedsheets, exercising together, ordering takeout, bathing a pet, falling asleep, waking them up, complaining about family, movie nights, doing dishes.
☆ Just combine as many as you want however you see fit! And of course, when it comes to domestic situations and date ideas you can think of other things or be more specific on one situation! ☆
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No pressure tagging: @that-sarcastic-writer, @tarrenterror25, @stargirlfics, @bvckysmoon @aphrogeneias @inklore @alohastyles-x @moonlight-prose @sunflowersteves @flordeamatista @e-dubbc11 @saradika @tom-whore-dleston
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thatbritishactor · 3 years
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(inspired by @becauseicantthinkwritings)
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Warnings = **
x teen!reader / x child!reader / x daughter!reader / x gn!reader / x reader / x sibling!reader
I don’t own Marvel or any of the characters in Marvel , I only own the imagines that I have created in tumblr or wattpad.
Main masterlist
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Pizza & Cuddles ** - Kate Bishop x reader: You blind in one eye and Kate helps you get by
Family Reunion ** - Baron Zemo x teen!reader, Sam Wilson x teen!reader, Bucky Barnes x teen!reader: Zemo si your father and you have a bad relationship with him after what he did in CACW and he’s trying to fix your relationship (coming soon)
B-u-c-k-y? Bucky ** - father!Bucky Barnes x child!reader: The beginning of your relationship with your father and a glimpse at the progress
Dating Kate Bishop Would Include ** - Kate Bishop x reader: what I imagine it would be like to date Kate Bishop
Tony Stark as a Father ** - Tony Stark x teen!reader: what I imagine it would be like if Tony Stark was your father
Steve Rogers as a Father ** - Steve Rogers x teen!reader: what I imagine it would be like if Steve was your father
Being Star Lord’s daughter** - Peter Quill x daughter!reader: what it would be like to be Peter Quills daughter
Being Marc Spector’s sibling** - Marc Spector x teen!reader, (Steven Grant x teen!reader, Konshu x teen!reader, Jake Lockley x teen!reader): what I think it would be like to be Marc’s little sibling
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Being Logan’s daughter ** - Logan Howlett x daughter!reader: what I imagine it would be like to be Logan’s daughter
Being Logan’s ftm son **- Logan Howlett x ftm!son!reader: what it would be like if you were Logan’s ftm son
Being Deadpool’s daughter would include ** - Wade Wilson/Deadpool x teen!daughter!reader: what it would be like to be Deadpool’s daughter (coming soon)
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Coffee Talks** - Frank Castle x teen!reader: you met Frank a while back at your fave coffee shop and since then you two have met up each weak to talk, only this time it’s not only Frank who has bruises all over his face
Birthday Special- Matt Murdock x teen!reader: it’s your birthday and Matt is the only one who knows how you really want to celebrate your birthday
Nonexistent Eating Patterns** - Matt Murdock x teen!reader: you haven’t been eating sleeping or drinking as you should and Matt is there to help
Little Murder ** - Billy Russo x teen!reader: you try to get into Anvil so that you can learn how to protect yourself against your abusive parents, and in doing so you made Russo interested into why a teenager that’s too young to join the army wants to join Anvil which is made for ex-military to get a job, and eventually he finds out about your family situation. (Coming soon)
Being Eddie Brock’s daughter would include ** - Eddie Brock x teen!daughter!reader, Venom x teen!reader, Anne Weying x teen!daughter!reader: what I would be like to be Eddie Brock and Anne Weying’s daughter (coming soon)
Daredevil’s teen sidekick ** - Matt Murdock x teen!reader: what it would be like to be daredevil’s sidekick (coming soon)
Jack Russell adopting a child ** - Jack Russell x child!reader: Jack finds a child and decides to take care of it
Venom **- father Miguel O’Hara x teen!venom!reader: being Miguel O’Hara’s child while also being Venom/Spider-Man
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You Okay Darling? ** - Tom Hiddleston x teen!reader: Tom helping you after a fight with your parents
A Dream Come True - Jake Gyllenhaal x teen!reader: you persuade Jake to go to an amusement park
Tree House - Jake Gyllenhaal x child!reader: Jake building a tree house for you while in quarantine
Surprise - Jake Gyllenhaal x teen!reader: Jake (your father) gets surprised when he sees that you had taken home two dogs
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dreamlandcreations · 2 years
Kinktober 2022 2023
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18+ ONLY!! Adult content, language, explicit sexual content.
All prompts are taken from @the-purity-pen​‘s Kinktober List!
Note: I tried to pick prompts I didn't write about last year. Prompt 2, 3, 6, 20, 23, 27, and 31 are AUs including chef!Alfie, FO!Poe, biker!Boba, con artist!Aleksander, modern gangster!Alfie, werewolf!Billy) Also, I might not be able to write Eddie Munson smut, we’ll see ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Dirty Talk - Raymond Smith
Floor Sex - Alfie Solomons
Glove Kink - Poe Dameron
Missionary - Eddie Brock
Leather - Derek Hale
Cockwarming - Boba Fett
Costumes - Eddie Munson
Voice Kink - Max (Mad Max: Fury Road)
Double Penetration - Billy Russo x Frank Castle
Drunk Sex - Darkling
Erotic Photos (painting) - Brother Day
Exhibitionism/Voyeurism - Alfie Solomons
Dry Humping - Eddie Munson
Fisting - Alina (+Darkling x Mal)
Group Sex - Alfie Solomons x Tommy Shelby x May Carleton
Bath/Shower Sex - Boba Fett
Pegging - Billy Russo
Bondage - Billy Russo
Masturbation - Billy Russo
Mirror Sex - Aleksander Morozova (+Alina)
Praise Kink - Darkling
Object Insertion - Darkling
Food Play - Alfie Solomons
Tender Sex - James Delaney
Sex Pollen - James Delaney
Sexting - Elektra x Matt
Stockings - Alfie Solomons
Formal Wear - Billy Russo
Table Sex - Darkling
Public Sex - Boba Fett
FREE CHOICE - Billy Russo
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It Will Come Back Masterlist
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Werewolf Stalker! Billy Russo x Female Reader
Summary: When you go out to the bar one night, you accidentally bump into none other than Billy Russo. He's enthralled by your scent, and unable to stop thinking about you after you leave. Desperate for more, he uses his wolf to get close to you, earning your trust. But will he be able to make you stay?
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Browse by Character (Steve Rogers)
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--- Main Masterlist ---
Nemesis Trilogy (S,A,F) || (ongoing)
Mercenary!Reader x (Frank Castle, Billy Russo, Matt Murdock, Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Pietro Maximoff)
Hell Bent: 7 Princes of Hell (S,A,F) || (ongoing)
Hades!Reader x (Andy Barber, Dean Winchester, Bucky Barnes, Spencer Reid, Ransom Drysdale, Billy Russo, Steve Rogers)
Plot Twist (S,A) || (ongoing)
BAU!Reader x Steve Rogers (primary), BAU!Reader x Spencer Reid (secondary, previous)
A Beautiful Darkness (S,A) || Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (completed)
Steve Rogers x SuperSoldier!Reader x Bucky Barnes
Little Blue Ribbons (S,A) || Part 1, 2. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 (completed)
Steve Rogers x IceMutant!Reader, Bucky Barnes x IceMutant!Reader
Disconnected (S,F) || Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (completed)
Disconnected Drabbles || 1, 2
TechMutant!Reader x Steve Rogers
There's More Than One Way To Start An Apocalypse (A,F) || Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5.5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 (completed)
Nephilim!Reader x Steve Rogers
To Claim a Queen (S,A) || Coming Soon
King!Steve Rogers x HighPriestess!Reader x Viking!Bucky Barnes
One Shots/Drabbles
Tell Me Your Name (S,A,F) || Rumpelstiltskin!Reader x Steve Rogers
Little Blue Ribbons AU HC || Steve Rogers x Avenger!Reader x Bucky Barnes
Nervous About Asking You Out (F) || TechGenius!Reader x Stucky
A Mission Gone Bad (A,F) || TechGenius!Reader x Stucky
Scared of Thunderstorms (A,F) || Avenger!Reader x Stucky
Haunted (S) || Reader x softdark!Ghost!Steve Rogers
Double Bitten (S) || Reader x softdark!Vampire!Stucky
Chase (S) || Reader x Werewolf!Steve Rogers
Hide & Seek (S) || Reader x Werewolf!Steve Rogers
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I have discontinued my tag lists. You can follow my side blog @plaid-sav-armsfics and turn on notifications for new fics and chapter updates.
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