#werewolf sentence starters
wickprompts · 2 years
* tw for mentions of blood / cannibalism / death + murder .
to the werewolf .
❝ it’s almost a full moon. ❞
❝ are you still bipedal ? as a wolf, i mean. ❞
❝ you bit me ! ❞
❝ you smell like wet dog. ❞
❝ so do you howl at the moon ? ❞
❝ take a deep breath, okay ? you need to calm down. ❞
❝ your secret is safe with me. ❞
❝ so we should avoid silver then ? ❞
❝ i just saw you turn into a giant dog. ❞
❝ awoo. ❞
❝ so is this a lone wolf situation, or do you have like . . . a pack ? ❞
❝ do you prefer the term pack or family ? ❞
❝ you are covered in blood. ❞
❝ you’re not gonna start marking your territory or something, are you ? ❞
❝ you were howling with laughter. ❞
❝ look how big the moon is. ❞
❝ what big teeth you have. . . ❞
❝ luckily, i’m a dog person. ❞
from a werewolf .
❝ i’m a werewolf. ❞
❝ you seriously think i’m a werewolf ? ❞
❝ shut up and chain yourself to a tree. ❞
❝ we’re werewolves, not swearwolves. ❞
❝ alpha is an outdated term, based off of bullshit studies. ❞
❝ telling me to calm down is just gonna make it worse. ❞
❝ it’s the fullmoon, i don’t wanna ruin my good clothes. ❞
❝ look, i’m not gonna hurt you ! ❞
❝ get out of here, or i’m going to hurt you. ❞
❝ you think people are gonna believe you saw me turn into a giant dog ? ❞
❝ sorry i bit you. ❞
❝ so, you’re a werewolf now. ❞
❝ welcome to the pack ! ❞
❝ if it makes you feel better it’s not my blood. ❞
❝ i prefer the term werewolf/lycanthrope. ❞
❝ i told you, you need to leave. ❞
❝ are you . . . trying to walk me ? ❞
actions .
[ AWOO. ]   the sender howls at the moon.
[ TEETH. ]   the sender bites the receiver during a full moon .
[ CHANGE. ]   the receiver walks in on the sender during their transformation.
[ CALM. ]   the sender reaches out to calm the receiver. 
[ DARK. ]   the receiver finds the sender out on a full moon. 
[ FOUND. ]   the sender found the receiver somewhere after a full moon, and decides to take care of them
[ GROWL. ]   the sender growls at the receiver as a warning. 
[ PREPARE. ]   the sender helps the receiver prepare for the full moon. 
[ SILVER. ]   the sender accidently/purposefully gives the receiver something silver to see how they react. 
[ TRAP. ]   the receiver is caught in a trap by the sender. 
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love-toxin · 2 years
Can you do werewolf Steve in heat and “the second we’re alone you’re mine” ?
ellie's halloween sentence starters!
xi. "The second we're alone, you're mine." 
(cws: werewolf steve, heat cycles, drinking/alcohol, oral, breeding kink, squirting, teeny bit of degradation, aggressive mating instincts, fem reader)
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It was quite the easy costume this year--if not a little on the nose. Your cape swishes about your knees, red as the maraschino cherry in your drink, and you sip it knowing that this is probably one of the only times of the year that you'll be out and about with your boyfriend at your side.
Steve's different now. The Upside Down changed him mentally, of course, because who wouldn't have PTSD after all the things he witnessed? But the physical changes have been more disruptive, and you're certain he struggles with them more himself than you could ever imagine. He can't often brave the world outside when it's so hard to hide his appearance, but tonight, you've got the opportunity to let loose a little and have some fun. Nobody would question Steve's fluffy ears or his tail swishing behind him at this party, nor the even more excessive furriness of his already hairy chest--because tonight, Halloween reigns supreme, and all the attention your boyfriend has garnered has been nothing but good. You've overheard the "sweet costume, dude!"s and "you two are so cute, Steve!"s for the past hour, but the man that's disappeared to get another drink hasn't said much in response. He's just been looking at you over the lip of his cup, draining one after another while you stand and chat with your friends.
"Hey," Your gaze snaps away from Robin in her little witch costume, and Nancy with her hair primped up to mimic Sandy Olsson, to watch your boyfriend stagger over and sling a heavy arm around your shoulders while slurring in your ear. "Gimme kiss,"
Steve's already leaning in, breath hot and foggy on your skin, and grazes your lips with a drunken smooch just long enough to get a taste before you're pushing him gently off of you. He's not usually this touchy in public, when he's in public at all--he may be drunk, but it's weird of him even still, because he's never been like that with you. You keep batting his hands away as they try to cup your cheek, slip under your cloak, and trying to keep up your conversation with the girls to no avail. And just as you're getting the most frustrated-
"The second we're alone, you're mine."
-He drops that bomb on you. The growl of his voice warns you exactly of what's gearing up to happen, and you're sure that if you don't get Steve out of here soon, he's going to throw you down and fuck you right in the middle of this party.
So you say a quick goodbye, both Nancy and Robin falling silent and taking knowing sips of their drinks as you manhandle your boyfriend out of the living room, and watching your back as you push him past your confused hosts and out the front door of the house. His car isn't far, but neither are you from him.
"S'what I'm talkin' about," He mouths at your cheek, grinning with canines far too sharp for any human, his hand slipping down your ass. "Right on the front porch..."
"Keep moving!" You hiss, not bothering to move that hand away even though he's groping you in full view of the windows. You push and pull and yank him all the way down to the curb, your head jerking from side to side to try and spot his car--and when you don't, you panic, a shaky string of curses escaping you as you desperately try to think of a plan better than the bushes. Your own body is starting to become uncooperative now, too, and you have to clench your thighs together almost like you have to pee to try and keep the pressure at bay. You spend so much time with Steve and his other unsuccessful attempts at breeding you, so your body has become accustomed to sensing your....mate's....needs. It still feels weird to refer to him as that.
Your savior ends up tapping you on the shoulder, his voice soft and quiet like he's trying not to make his presence too known.
"Eddie?" You whisper incredulously, your eyes dropping to spot the rustling around his pocket as he stuffs something green into it--something like a wad of cash, which is the only reason he would be at a party like this, or a party at all. Despite being your close friend and thus always having an invitation whether people want him there or not, like tonight, he usually just hangs around outside with a cigarette and a lunchbox full of drugs to sell. He looks a little disheveled himself, but not like Steve does, and with a shared glance he finally jerks his thumb towards the end of the curb where his van is parked rather conspicuously.
"Oh, Eddie, I-"
"Just clean up whatever mess you make," He sighs, both of you hating how much he's aware of like he's looking straight through you. Steve growls softly by your arm, and that's Eddie's cue to back away for fear of what his friend's possessive instincts will do to him if he hangs around you too long. "And keep wolfie here from tearing up my seats."
He disappears with a smile full of sympathy back around the side of the house, but not before he presses his keys into your palm and flicks his curly hair over his shoulder as he walks. Eddie's shockingly understanding for someone so picky, but then again, Steve did save his life, so-
"You smell so fuckin' good..."
You've got no time to think about it any more. Steve's gonna be ready to pop at any moment, and the fact that he can't stop drooling and getting it all over your mary janes as you hurry down the sidewalk is more than evident of that. You're able to hustle fast enough to tug open the back door of Eddie's van, shaded on the corner by a streetlight that's burned out, but it's not fast enough for your boyfriend. You feel yourself being lifted up off your toes as soon as you turn to tell him to get in, and he throws you back to land relatively softly on the mess of blankets and a pillow Eddie's stored back there for impromptu road trips with the gang.
Your world spins for a second, the door shutting hard and locking quickly in the meanwhile, and when you sit up to say your piece a hand pushes on your chest and pins you back against the floor.
"Thought I was good," He mumbles, his pants falling victim to his strong and frantic fingers as he hurries to get them down, if not off completely. "Scent's too strong.."
"S'okay, baby," You whisper back, threading both hands through his hair and coming to rest on his fuzzy ears. "Just do what feels good. Get it all out."
"You're too good for me," He whines, pitiful and soft, but hungry. "Lift the skirt up. Flip over."
It shouldn't feel so lewd when Steve's already so intimately aware of all your skin and bones from the inside out, but it is, the simple act of flipping up your skirt and turning on to your belly while your boyfriend picks up your cape and pushes it aside. He loved the idea of your Red Riding Hood costume before you even put it on. You could wiggle your panties down your legs to get them out of the wsy yourself, but Steve makes short work of them and yanks them down in one tug without stopping to admire how they cling to your soft, slick flesh. His hands come to rest on the backs of your thighs, slowly inching them apart with time he doesn't have to spare--and he dips his head between them, leading you to jolt in shock and a squeak when his tongue flicks out to taste you.
"Oh! Steve-! Y-You don't have to-"
"Shut up," He threatens, eyes flickering with lust in the rearview mirror. Eating you out is no surprise, but the way he's doing it from...from behind...that is. He wastes no time burying his face in deep, tongue making you feel so small with the way it laves over you in short, quick strokes, and Steve gulps like he's drinking you up from a cup--and he is, because you're just getting wetter and wetter the more attention he pays to your pussy. You could swear it's like his best friend, he treats her so nice.
Steve moans into you, gasps for air with each pseudo-delicate kiss placed on your clit, and you can tell by the way the van is starting to sway that he must be humping against the floor while he does so. He's so hungry, so in need, and yet he never fails to spare the time to make you feel like a princess. A dirty princess maybe, but a princess nonetheless.
"Gotta fuck you," He huffs with one last suck for everything you've got left, and leaves your hips to drop and shiver against the floor once he sits up and stops bracing them up. The slick, shucking sounds behind you let you know he's readying himself up, aided in part with a swipe of two fingers through your soaked folds to lube himself up even more. He's always so much more swollen during that time of the month--a lot harder to fit inside sometimes, if he's not careful. "Hit me if it hurts."
He always says that, and it never does. Steve's not a masochist (that you know of) but he's always told you not to be gentle if he does something you don't like. If he needs to be shoved, kicked, pinched, or punched, you have free reign to do all of the above to get his attention so he'll stop, because in times like these, speaking up doesn't always get through that haze of desire that sparks up so strongly in the full moon.
"G-God, I need a trim....sorry sweetheart...might feel weird..." He groans, the warm, velvety tip aching at your entrance to be welcomed in--and in a long, deep stroke, Steve's burying inches and inches inside you and gasping so loud he has to brace his hand between your shoulder blades for balance. It does feel weird, Stevie's thick, wiry bush scraping along your behind and granting you a slight tickle to your clit when they touch, but his hair is a part of him and it certainly doesn't make you less wet for him when it feels so thick and manly pressed up against you. And aside from that, you can feel the weight of his tail wagging when he starts to rear his hips back for a thrust, and you know it's straightening out like a rod and his ears are twitching when he drops his full weight on top of you and sinks like a stone all the way to the hilt.
"Fuck!" He cries, his other hand slamming into the side of the van--not out of frustration, but ecstasy. The way Steve reacts when he's fucking you makes you feel like some kind of sex god, the way he loses all composure and throws every ounce of strength into beating your holes raw, just like he's doing right now. Each one pins you to the floor, he doesn't even need his other hand to hold you there anymore, and Steve bends over far enough that you can feel his chest hair folding into his pecs as his squishes his chest into your back. Any remaining space doesn't remain space for long, not when Steve wants to be so deep inside you you're practically indistinguishable from each other.
"Shit, knot's already coming," Steve warns after a few more thrusts, each one harder and deeper than the last. He's bruising you on every one but you don't care, just as long as he's getting out all that pent up aggression from his heat rolling in--and as long as he keeps putting pressure on that spot inside you that you swear makes your clit jolt with pleasure each time it's pressed from the inside. Thank god you don't have to piss, because you would've done so already with how rough he's being...but there's another feeling bubbling up, a need that keeps growing and growing until you can feel the coil inside you bending hard enough to snap. "I can feel it, fuck, I can feel it baby...this'll be it, this'll be the time I fucking knock you up..."
Steve throws his head back again to gurgle out a string of intense curses, before it drops back down and that fluffy mane of hair rubs against your cheek as he seals his lips against your skin. That familiar churning in the lowest area of your stomach drags your attention away from the teeth nibbling at your skin, and you can feel Steve's hips slowing, your body's grip around him tightening and squeezing taut until it's almost too much to bear--and then one good, deep thrust fits him all the way inside, and his knot is pressed all the way up against your womb. Right where it should be.
"St-Stevie.." Your whimpers luckily reach his fluffy ears, and he nuzzles your cheek while turning his head to plant a kiss there. He won't move until it's softened completely, and those clear spurts of precum make way for pumps of milky seed as he he keeps emptying his balls inside you.
"My princess..." He moans into your ear, a smile following it up with chuckles from both of you. But you can feel it when it drops, and he snarls. "Gonna make you fucking squirt for me. Think you can get away without cumming?"
Both hands come up to drag you down further on his cock, knot squishing up against your tender cervix as if he could stick it inside if he tried hard enough. He's making proper sure that you're stuck--and only then do his hands descend, making a beeline for your puffy clit that's been ravaged by his body hair. He touches it gently, pushes it between the fingers on each hand, and plays with it so carefully the lack of pressure actually makes you squirm more. So much time without him rubbing you there has built up a dam, and within seconds of him granting you that gloriously firm pressure you were so antsy for, your brain drops into your feet and you can't conjure up any thought to save your life. Not even the preventative ones to keep you from screaming Steve's name for all the passersby to hear, and he doesn't stop you either, because nothing satiates those possessive instincts better than for Steve to hear his mate sob for him when he couldn't be any closer to you.
His touches have led to you soaking him from the waist down and matting his hair down to stick to his skin, and your beautiful body has sucked out so much of what he's been saving up that it's dribbling into a pool beneath you--and you both know how pissed Eddie's gonna be when you fail to scrub that stain out, but it won't dampen the sweet kisses Steve peppers you with and the praise for being such a darling girl for him as you both come down from the high of a successful rut. You're the best. The best mate he could ever ask for.
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nightprompts · 2 years
&. 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐰𝐨𝐥𝐟 𝐛𝐲 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬.
(  dialogue  prompts  taken  from  marvel’s  werewolf  by  night,  directed  by  michael giacchino.  feel  free  to  edit  and  change  as  you  seem  fit.  )
❛ the known universe, with its heroes and marvels, but what of the darkness? ❜
❛ fifty seven confirmed kills myself. ❜
❛ i can almost smell the blood on your hands. ❜
❛ i like your whole look here with the makeup. it's a killer trademark. ❜
❛ i understand the importance of anonymity in our line of work, but it gets lonely.❜
❛ so, any of these hacked beasties your handiwork? ❜
❛ give me what's mine, i'll leave now. ❜
❛ so many death dealers in one room. ❜
❛ a monster unlike anything you've faced will be released into these sacred grounds. ❜
❛ good luck. i'll be rotting for you. oh, forgive me. graveyard humor. ❜
❛ those who do not survive will be honored appropriately. ❜
❛ for tonight, it is every hunter for themselves. ❜
❛ we spill all blood for the hunt. ❜
❛ there is no peace without blood, and so it shall be. ❜
❛ i suggest we just pass each other by. ❜
❛ death is coming for you, lassie! ❜
❛ well, of course i was gonna come find you. ❜
❛ you keep saying that you're gonna be careful each time, and here we go again. ❜
❛ you can't keep counting on me to save you. this is the last time. ❜
❛ all you have to do is don’t die. ❜
❛ how’s your night going? ❜
❛ you didn't want to fight before either, did you, running into me? ❜
❛ i'm having a hard time believing you hunted and killed monsters. ❜
❛ well, i'm not that type of hunter. ❜
❛ you know, maybe we can help each other. ❜
❛ ‘cause you're, what, the monster's friend? ❜
❛ all families have something in common. they follow us. for good, for bad. ❜
❛ we could die here. it's an option. it's not my choice, but it's an option.❜
❛ cross me, and i’ll kill you. ❜
❛ you have a lovely name. and your friend is waiting for you. ❜
❛ a monster. masquerading as one of our own. ❜
❛ you freed a monster with a monster? ❜
❛ i can't wait to find out what breed of evil you are. ❜
❛ until you rip my throat out, i suppose i’m fine. ❜
❛ yeah, i know, i'm an idiot. i know. but i'm also a human. ❜
❛ i'm also a human. perhaps not in the category that you would call a human a human. ❜
❛ you see, i've got systems to manage the hurt i could cause... ❜
❛ just stay away from me until you can't. ❜
❛ i would never hurt you or hurt any one of them. ❜
❛ any hunting that i do is done by a part of me that is not me. and that’s not the part you’re with right now. ❜
❛ the next full moon is in five days. we have plenty of time to figure something out. ❜
❛ i shouldn't have asked for your help. ❜
❛ i need you to look at me. okay? do not break eye contact, no matter what.❜
❛ i need to remember you. ❜
❛ just kill me as i am. otherwise there will be no mercy, i promise. ❜
❛ once this is over, you'll notice my hands are clean. his? not so much. ❜
❛ [name], you still in there? ❜
❛ man, i cannot think of food right now. ❜
❛ let’s do sushi. i owe you that. ❜
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mimis-memes · 2 years
🍎  。:*• ─ WEREWOLF SENTENCE STARTERS.     ›   ( a compilation of werewolf-themed quotes from various media & some original ones. feel free to adjust them to better fit your muses ! )
1.     ❝ I didn't choose to become a werewolf. ❞ 2.     ❝ Have you seen a lot of werewolves ? ❞ 3.     ❝ You were bitten, you're already changing. ❞ 4.     ❝ I’d take a silver bullet for you, you know ? ❞ 5.     ❝ We were attacked by a lycanthrope, a werewolf ! ❞ 6.     ❝ Am I a victim of your carnivorous lunar activities ? ❞ 7.     ❝ Isn't there any way that I can become human again ? ❞ 8.     ❝ Whether you’re a vampire or werewolf, love is still love. ❞ 9.     ❝ The last remaining werewolf must be destroyed. It's you ! ❞ 10.   ❝ You’re one of them !  I've hunted these creatures for years ! ❞ 11.   ❝ I may be upset or screwed up right now, but I'm not a wolf ! ❞ 12.   ❝ Did you just whistle at me ?  I’m a wolf, not a dog, you know ? ❞ 13.   ❝ You don't scare me. Underneath all that hair, you're still a dork. ❞ 14.   ❝ Am I a werewolf ?  I don't know, I'll let you know by the next full moon. ❞ 15.   ❝ Yeah, be rational, sure. You’re a fucking werewolf, for Christ's sake ! ❞ 16.   ❝ Wait... you’ve always known about me being a werewolf all along ? ❞ 17.   ❝ The full moon is rising. Would you rather I remained out here with you ? ❞ 18.   ❝ The three “F”s of being a werewolf — feeding, fighting, and… reproduction. ❞ 19.   ❝ I'm torn between feeling very scared of you and finding you terribly attractive. ❞ 20.   ❝ I was always meant to be a werewolf, I just know it !  How do I get one to attack me ? ❞ 21.   ❝ You're real, lycanthropy is real, so the solution must be real. We’ll find it together. ❞ 22.   ❝ There's gotta be a cure, right ?  Otherwise, there'd be a hell of a lot more of them ! ❞ 23.   ❝ Tomorrow night's the full moon. You're gonna change. You'll become... a werewolf ! ❞ 24.   ❝ If they were to send a werewolf to the moon, would he be a werewolf permanently ? ❞ 25.   ❝ I didn’t see. I was chased by a big thing, uh-- some kind of wild animal. A wolf maybe ? ❞ 26.   ❝ I am a fucking werewolf !  Do you think I want to go back to being a nobody ?  No thanks ! ❞ 27.   ❝ Maybe he's like you, and it's not in his nature to kill, and he secretly wants to mate with me... ❞ 28.   ❝ If you survived an attack by a werewolf, wouldn't you become a werewolf yourself at the next full moon ? ❞ 29.   ❝ Just the other night, half-man, half-beast got shot down !  They took 'em to the hospital... was it you ? ❞ 30.   ❝ Do you really believe that tomorrow night, under the full moon, I'll sprout hair and fangs and eat people ? Bullshit ! ❞ 31.   ❝ Haven’t you heard ?  There was a disturbance in our neighborhood involving some sort of mad dog... or was it a wolf ? ❞ 32.   ❝ Soo... you guys are werewolves too, huh ?  Super glad to know you, I thought I was the only one around here. ❞ 33.   ❝ You’re telling me you were bitten on a full moon, and now you’re getting hairy... could you be turning into a werewolf ? ❞ 34.   ❝ I woke up thinking about wolves and realized that wolf packs function as families. I’ve never had a family before, I’m happy we met. ❞ 35.   ❝ I googled “what to do when your future werewolf mate courts you and brings you a dead rabbit.” There was a lot of porn, then I found a recipe for stew. It was delicious !  The stew, not the porn. The porn was weird. ❞
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notstilinski · 1 year
Love, Death & Robots: Shape-Shifters Starters !
Taken from  the 2019 episode of Netflix’s Love, Death & Robots, Shape-Shifters! Some of these have already been edited. You can change them however you see fit!
“I had that dream about your sister again last night.”
“I swear to God, we are going at it like fucking animals, bro.”
“I don’t even have a sister.”
“Then why do you get so mad when I dream about fucking her?”
“(Name), you got eyes on the fucker?”
“Yeah. Fucker almost shot my dick off.”
“Well, if he could hit a target that tiny, we should sign him up on our side.”
“The corps turned to shit when they started lettin' you animals wear the uniform.”
“Look, my buddy took a bullet for you guys today so... back off.”
“Yeah, see, and I don't trust anything that bleeds that much and then walks away.”
“Unnatural? I can stalk my prey by scent alone. I can run for miles while you need to ride in a stinking Humvee all day. I can see clearly on a moonless night, while you cling to your flashlight as soon as the sun goes down. You ask me, there's not much natural in that.”
“You fuckin’ dog soldiers.”
“No disrespect, (Name)... but if you call us dog soldiers again... I'll rip your arm off and beat you to death with it. You wanna try it?”
“No, you're right. They're fuckin' terrified of us, too.”
“Claws and blood, baby.”
“We are here for duty, honor and country, Momma and apple pie.”
“I'm just here to make sure you don't get your dumb ass killed.”
“I think you're both here because dogs gotta hunt.”
“Try not to piss off any of the regulars while you're up there.”
“If they're smart, they'll be trying hard not to piss me off.”
If you need anything, I'll be right at the top of that hill.”
“Dog soldier’s worried about his own kind.”
“He took out (Name), first, then moved on to the others.”
“What use are you people if you can't even sniff out your own kind?”
“You're not a soldier. You're a fucking animal.”
“I may be an animal, but I'm done wearing your leash.”
“See you in the wild, my friend.”
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oh-nostalgiaa · 4 months
Writing Prompt Masterlist, Part Four
Masterlist of Writing Prompt Masterlists
The Prompts
35 Types of Hugs Prompts
100 Dialogue Prompts to Make a Reader Swoon
200 Random Dialogue Prompts
Affectionate and Affirming Prompts
Amnesia Dialogue Prompts
Angst Prompts
Angsty Question Prompts
Angsty Question Prompts, Part Two
Angsty Question Prompts, Part Three
(More) Angsty Question Prompts
Angsty Sentence Starter Prompts
Apology Starter Prompts
Attorney-at-Love Prompts
Autumn Prompts
Awkward Post-Argument Scenario Prompts
Blanket Fort Prompts
Budding Romance Prompts
Comfortember 2022 Prompts
Comforting Dying S/O Prompts
Cuddle Up a Little Closer Prompts
Dirty Kind of Teasing Prompts
Enemies to Lovers Confession Prompts
Enemies to Lovers Later in Their Lives Prompts
Establishing a Relationship Prompts
Exes to Lovers Dialogue Prompts
Exes to Lovers Sentence Starter Prompts
Extensive Scar Related Prompts
Fall Writing Prompts
First Impression Sentence Starter Prompts
First Meeting Sentence Starter Prompts
Five Senses Prompts
Fluff Bingo Prompts
Forbidden Love Sentence Starter Prompts
Friends with Benefits to Lovers Prompts
General Sentence Starter Prompts
Gentleness Action Prompts
Giving Flowers to Your Lover Prompts
Grumpy + Sunshine Dialogue Prompts
High Pain Tolerance Starter Prompts
Human x Ghost Prompts
Human x Werewolf Prompts
Hurt / Comfort Dialogue Prompts
"I'm Paying Attention" Love Language Prompts
Injury Prompts
Instigation Starter Prompts
Intimate Prompts for Slow Burn Relationships
Jealous Confession Prompts
Kiss & Tell Prompts
Long Distance OTP Prompts
Love Languages Prompts
Love Languages - Receiving Gifts Prompts
Love Realization Prompts
Mermaid AU Prompts
Morbid Curiosity Prompts
More Angst Prompts
More Talking About It Starter Prompts
New Year's Dialogue Prompts
Nice Things to Say to People Prompts
Non-verbal RP Starter Prompts
November Prompts
October Prompts
(More) October Prompts
Oddly Obscure Friends to Lovers Prompts
OTP in Denial of Their Feelings Prompts
Prompts to Shake Things Up
Protective Starter Prompts
Random Question Prompts
Roguetober 2022 Prompts
Romantic Confession Dialogue Prompts
Rookie Couple Scenario Prompts
Royal x Groundskeeper OTP Prompts
Royal x Royal OTP Prompts
Scar / Injury Related Symbol Prompts
September Prompts
Setting Prompts
Show, Don't Tell Prompts
Situational Prompts
Sleepy Dialogue Prompts
Smut Prompt List
Smutty One-Liner Prompts, Part IV
Soft Gestures for Lovers Prompts
Soft Touches Prompts
Some Poorly Timed Confession Prompts
Some Simple Comfy & Sleepy Dialogue Prompts
Spooktober 2020 Prompts
Spooktober 2021 Prompts
Things Done While Sparring/Fighting Prompts
Things Done with Hair Prompts
Things You Said Prompts
Unrequited Love That's Actually Requited Prompts
Vampiric Starter Prompts
Ways to Respond When Someone Says "I'm Okay" Prompts
Wedding Dialogue Prompts
Welcome to the Holiday Season Prompts
Werewolf Starter Prompts
When in Doubt, Fake a Marriage Prompts
Whumpcember 2022 Prompts
Workplace Romance Prompts
Worried and Relieved Dialogue Starter Prompts
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katakankollector · 3 months
DARK FAIRY-TALES SENTENCE STARTERS Sentences were taken from two wonderful songs by Lilith Max ( Peasant’s Throne & Big Bad Wolf ) and shall suit such topics as betrayal, royalty, intrigues, murder, temptation, shapeshifting, monster, werewolf, survival, fairy-tale, folktale, downfall. Slight changes occurred for rp needs. Change names and pronouns further as you see fitting.   [ art credit: "The Beauty and The Beast " by Matt Mahurin ]
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I don't need a sword
You've come to take my skin
You've come to make some coin
My hunger still roars
It's just a whisper, I breathe in [ his ] ear
I came upon you so sudden
I watch [ his ] eyes, as they roam through the crowd
Yet your hunger roars more
I clean the stains of their fine blood
I wondered how I would catch you
I sit above while the peasants bow below
Only the forest will know
Little nightmare, you have beautiful eyes
Bow down and swear servility
I'm the bad wolf of fables 
I can see all the stories where beast go to die
The forest hides the truth
Now suddenly I see, why they call you a monster and not me
Come, feast upon all that is yours
Should I play with my prey
I can see all the stories where I'll go to die
[ He ] cannot see the world, from below like I do
[ His ] thoughts veil his view
You've come to wrap my teeth round your throat
Let me feast upon all that is yours
Little did I see the hunter in you
I fear there are traitors in our midst
From the highest tower, [ we ] watch the fight begin
And then it is too late
The one that stands before [ him ], is the one who stole [ his ] throne
I am the king
The rest is history
The smirk on your face is  far crueler than mine
I should have seen it all come close
Not noticing my hands on [ his ] crown, bringing it all down
I failed to notice the glint of your knife
A blade cuts through the air
There's one tale that begins deep, deep in the forest
I don't need advisors
[ He ] wonders who it is
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stardustprompts · 10 months
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the cabin in the woods  sentence starters change tenses/pronouns as needed !!  some lines have been edited for clarity / length / ease of roleplaying tw ;   death ,  drugs ,  violence ,  language ,  alcohol mention
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‘that’s never been a stable scenario.’ 
‘it’s not the first time it’s come down to that.’ 
‘are you even listening to me?’ 
‘I’m getting insecure about it now.’ 
‘we have a lake, and a keg. no more learning!’
‘I learned it from you, okay? I learned it from watching you!’
‘you have no pants.’ 
‘I’m shutting right up.’ 
‘what are you, stoned?’ 
‘I hope this is the right road. it doesn’t even show up on gps. it is unworthy of global positioning.’ 
‘that’s the whole point. get off the grid, right?’ 
‘society needs to crumble. we’re all just too chickenshit to let it.’ 
‘I’ve missed your rants.’ 
‘you will come to see things my way.’ 
‘you were rude to my friend.’ 
‘I didn’t even like hearing that.’ 
‘am I on speakerphone?’ 
‘come on, (name). life is risk.’
‘hey, what is that? in the lake, right there.’
‘there’s something else in the lake. it’s a gorgeous man!’ 
‘don’t kill the gorgeous man, we’re endangered!’ 
‘more than anything I just want this moment to end.’ 
‘truth or dare?’
‘what the hell was that?’ 
‘uh, that makes what kind of sense?’ 
‘what do you think is down there?’ 
‘I’m not sure it’s awesome to be down here.’ 
‘I’m drawing a line in the fucking sand here. do not read the latin.’ 
‘stop being a fucking baby.’ 
‘can we not talk about people in pieces anymore tonight?’ 
‘I have a theory about all this.’ 
‘you seriously believe nothing weird is going on?’ 
‘you’re not seeing what you don’t wanna see.’ 
‘we are not who we are.’
‘I’m the boss of my own brain, so give it up!’
‘I thought there’d be stars.’ 
‘we are abandoned.’ 
‘I’m not leaving here without (name)!’
‘we gotta play it safe. no matter what happens, we have to stay together.’
‘we should split up. we can cover more ground that way.’ 
‘my parents are gonna think I’m such a burnout.’ 
‘I’ll get help.’
‘I’ll fucking limp for help.’ 
‘I’m coming back here. I’m coming back here with cops, and choppers and large fucking guns and those things are gonna pay.’ 
‘you’re missing the point.’ 
‘please, do not go nuts on me, okay, (name)? you’re all I’ve got now.’ 
‘tequila is my lady!’
‘you figured everything.’ 
‘where else are we gonna go?’ 
‘we chose. they made us choose.’
‘they made us choose how we die.’ 
‘why are you trying to kill us?’ 
‘you shouldn’t be here.’ 
‘what’s happening to you is part of something bigger.’ 
‘you’ve seen horrible things.’
‘it’s our task to placate the ancient ones. as it’s yours to be offered up to them.’
‘kill him.’
‘this is part of a ritual.’ 
‘the sun is coming up in eight minutes. if you live to see it, the world will end.’ 
‘maybe that’s the way it should be. if you’ve gotta kill all my friends to survive, maybe it’s time for a change.’ 
‘you can die with them, or you can die for them.’
‘there is no other way.’ 
‘you have to be strong.’ 
‘I’m so sorry I almost shot you.’
‘I’m sorry I let you get attacked by a werewolf.’
‘I’m sorry I let you get attacked by a werewolf and then ended the world.’
‘I think you were right ... humanity ... it’s time to give someone else a chance.’ 
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f1amboyant · 7 months
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Hi! I’m Ant (she/her, 18+, 🇫🇷), ao3
Currently obsessed with those silly millionaires going vroom vroom fast on weirdly shaped circles every other weekend (also known as F1 🏎️)
I write very nsfw things about them (ships and reader insert) 🔥
18+ only
Favorite drivers (and those I would write about): 🏎️ Carlos Sainz Jr 🏎️ Charles Leclerc 🏎️ Valtteri Bottas 🏎️ Lewis Hamilton 🏎️ Max Verstappen
Favorite ships: charlos, versainz, leversainz, valewis
Fics masterlists Charles Leclerc x Carlos Sainz Jr Carlos Sainz Jr x Max Verstappen Charles Leclerc x You x Carlos Sainz Jr
Futur fics ideas compilations (in progress, feel free to ask me about any of those, i still need to brainstorm) 👨‍🍼 single dad!Charles au (charlos) 🛞 engineer!Carlos au (charlos) 🐺 vampire x werewolf au (charlos) 💋 sugar au (charlos) ❤️‍🩹 therapist au (charlos) ⏳ time travel au (charlos)
Prompt lists Those are not mine but feel free to pick a prompt from one of those lists and a pairing, and I might write something about it! > kiss prompts > saying "i love you" without saying "i love you" > 100 nsfw/smut prompts > physical gestures > smut starter sentences
Ask box: OPEN (for suggestion, questions, ideas and brainrot) -> ant answers asks
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When Worlds Collide
As the camera starts out staticky, you can hear a dark chuckle. Once the static clears out, a rather strange, mixmatched, dragon-like creatures comes into view.
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"Hello, everypony! Should I say everyone. Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Discord, spirit of chaos and disharmony!"
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"Originally, I wasn't scheduled to make my Tumblr debut until much later, but a certain mod informed me that desperate times call for desperate measures. Something on the line of... 'notifications'?"
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"Though as exciting as it is for me to show my face early, my only complaint would be the fact that I have to SHARE this blog with others. But I suppose this will have to do for now. Perhaps if things go well here, I'll be able to have my own personal blog down the line..."
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"With that being said, let's get this show on the road! I've been sent here to summon several muses here that I'm sure you'll be happy to see! After all; a lot of them are people you've met before I assume?"
And with that, Discord snapped his fingers. Just like that, tons of people(and one pony), appear. They look around in confusion before turning to face the odd creature that was before them.
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The spikey-haired boy ran into hiding. Oddly enough, two of them looked and dressed exactly like him. One went after the more timid version to check of him, while the other had bandages, all over his torso, arms and legs(I have no sprites for that one! T_T)
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"W-what that f&ck is that?!?!"
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'Kyaaaaaaah! It's a monster!'
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"I'm going to assume that this is the creature who brought us here. But... why?"
Discord was rather disappointed by certain reactions as he turned away.
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"A simple 'thank you' would've sufficed! But I suppose most of you aren't much a fourth-wall breakers now aren't you...? How rude! To think I actually did this to help you all on your current predicament-"
Before the draconaquus could finish his sentence, a certain pink pony zoomed in and gave him a super tight hug from behind.
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"Discord! Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you sooooooo much for bringing us all together! I'm so happy to finally be able meet all my neighbors at once! I thought it going to take like... foreeeverrr to meet a few of them at a time! And I SO thank our mod a bejillion times for this too! And that best part is... you now get to be a part of this too! This is the best! Decision! EVERRRRRRRR!!!"
"C-can someone... please give us a promo... before Pinkie Pie... breaks me in half...?"
(Hello everyone. Mod Princess here. So basically, this is a chaos blog mashing @ask-timid-makoto-naegi, @danganronpa-v3-demo-au, @your-pink-party-pony, and @sole-survivor-makoto-naegi altogether. This is being done due to the recent changes on tumblr regarding the notifications. I figured that I'd have some fun and add Discord from MLP into the blog as well.
So this is what's going to happen from here on out. Every event and starter I decide to do regarding any of my other blogs are going to start off here from now on. You also can also RP on the chaos blog if you'd like. It will just require me to use other blogs to respond depending one which of my muse(s) you are interacting with. I will also be using this blog for any and all RPs that I didn't get notified on.
Aster recommends this to me as an alternative option to constantly pinging, and so far it seems to have worked after @unofficialuserluser tested it out. So now I'm giving it a go. Fingers crossed this continues to work!
Edit 5/5/2023 - Okay so I wasn’t informed until like… just now the the problem has been fixed. REALLY wish someone would’ve told me this sooner before I went ahead and made this blog. Nonetheless, it’s here and people are already interacting. So I’ll need to figure out an alternative. If you still want to interact, go ahead and do so.
@unofficialuser(anyone you want), @werewolf-makoto-naegi @slimemakotonaegi @ask-ghost-boys @yui-samidare-reborn (anyone you want), @japanese-ultimateautism @special-encounters (surprise me), @laylayeh @tobys-multiverse-official @lre123 @ask-ultimate-personas @ask-the-ultimate-matchmaker @alizachan @coldwisped
As always, anyone who isn't tagged can also interact
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Hey! Thank you for doing October requests that’s awesome of you I hope you get over writers block soon. 😄 Can I have a dnd elf with a human werewolf reader ?
2) I’m not afraid.
3) You don’t scare me.
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https://itstheendofthegoddamnworld.tumblr.com/post/663839364948918272/monstobermonster-sentence-starters-nsfwsfw - Monster sentence starters
2) I'm not afraid.
3) You don't scare me.
30) Look at me, I'm hideous
The pitiful whine was the only indication you were still in the darkened room with him.
Alinar was used to these regular occurances: the nights when the moon was highest and fullest in the sky drew the most pain and discomfort for you, and he being your partner, tried his best to bring you support.
"Come now, my love. You shan't hide from me." His chuckle was airy, and we were always quick to smile.
Another low groan came in protest, and it only brought a smile to curl his lips. "I'm not afraid of you, you cannot act big and scary now. Not when you're so cute."
A pair of golden eyes were staring back at him from the void. Large and owl-like, the creature grovelled once more before it emerged from the surrounding darkness of your shared bedroom.
Your shaggy fur was unkempt and wind-swept, eyes nervously darting around everywhere and him as you cautiously crept your way over to him.
Alinar chuckles again, watching the hulking werewolf nearly twice his size act rather more like a pup as you curled around him like a lapdog.
"See, you don't scare me, not one bit."
You snarl back playfully as to say "Try me", a warning if best, but Alinar knows you don't mean it. He has you wrapped around him, surrounded by the warmth of your log fur, he snatches the warmth greedily to himself to only have, for you're his and he is yours.
You're both surrounded in the darkness of the room when he hears the shifting of bones and growls grow into soft, unintelligible cries of pain. But he is quick to help you through turning back, and he cradles you when you're back to his lovely little human once again.
Even when you're dishevelled, covered in muck (he found out the hard way when he accidentally let you out into the field and you came back covered in mud) and naked as the day you were born, he is still in awe with your beauty.
You, however, look back at yourself in disgust, and fear of what you are.
"Look at me, I'm hideous." The strain of turning is imminent and ALinar is certain you will need rest.
"Nonsense," he scoffs, cuddling you closer to him, not at all reacting to the muck you're coated in, "you're my little human, and I'll protect you no matter what."
Regardless of being a werewolf or human, you're still the one ALinar wishes to cherish forever.
2 episodes into Castlevania: Nocturne and I'm already in love. This fic was inspired by listening to Atlantis by Seafret for 10 hours daily.
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rp-meme-central · 9 months
Wilde Life - Chapter 15: Lost and Found - sentence starters
"Are we done yet? I'm hungry and this is boring."
"Come on, can't we enjoy a nice stroll in the woods when no one is in mortal peril?"
"We found you in the woods. Do you need help?"
"If you just want my help, I can do that without the gun."
"The sun is setting. I really don't think this is a good idea."
"The sooner we find it, the sooner this will be over."
"I'm not going to let you steal it from me!"
"Oh great. You're one of those _____ who always deflects with humor."
"So, I'm not exactly sure which way. I know it was generally in this direction, but everything looks different in the dark."
"What is wrong with you? You're being marched into the woods at gunpoint. Aren't you scared?!"
"Why do you have to be so miserable? The only thing I've tried to do is help you, and for some reason you're furious about it."
"My gun is gone."
"Gun?! Why do you have a gun? You have _____!"
"Thanks for not accidentally shooting me on the way down."
"I hate to say I told you so, but I did try to warn you."
"Honestly? Wet jeans running is a maneuver of last resort."
"Who are you?! This is so weird!"
"You're currently being kidnapped! What do you mean 'are you in danger'?!"
"They say if you put it on, you'll become a thunderbird. Never been brave enough to try it, myself."
"I don't mean to sound judgmental, ______, but why did you think it was a good idea to steal from an apparent professional werewolf murderer?"
"I do not trust you not to fling yourself into a bullet."
"Look, you can't really... unmake your mistakes. But you can stop making them."
"I just want you to call me all the terrible things I'm already thinking about myself."
"How did you learn to finesse like that? I'm doing what you want, but it feels like you're doing me a favor."
"I'm sorry! I don't know what happened! Sorry! Are you okay?"
"It was me. I'm sorry! I freaked out and wrecked everything. I'll pay for whatever I broke."
"You're not carrying me. I've been humiliated enough today."
"Just leave me alone. I've had more than enough of talking to people today, and I don't want anyone to see me cry."
"I've never screwed up like this before. What am I supposed to do?"
"You're still you. That's all people will see. You don't have to tell anyone anything that you don't want to."
"It's been a long day. I know you have a lot on your mind, and I don't want to rush into anything you might regret."
"I can't believe I lost my house."
"Hey! I know I've given you no indication otherwise, but I'm not a total screwup."
"I wish you would have let me loan you a shirt."
"I just want to wear my own clothes!"
"Listen, ______, about last night... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have put you in that position."
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memelleity · 2 years
cabin in the woods sentence starters
❝ everyone knows you can’t trust swedes. ❞
❝ does this mean you’re not in the betting pool?  ❞
❝ oh, my god! your hair. it’s blonde.  ❞
❝ if you treat this like a setup, i’m gonna have no fun at all. ❞
❝ think fast! … faster than that. sorry.  ❞
❝ people in this town drive in a very counterintuitive manner. ❞
❝ do you wanna spend the weekend in jail? ❞
❝ statistical fact.. cops will never pull over a man with a huge bong in his car. why? they fear this man. they know he sees further than they, and he will bind them with ancient logics. ❞
❝ society needs to crumble. we’re all just too chicken-shit to let it. ❞
❝ did they tell you that being prepped is not the same as being prepared? ❞
❝ ask me that again, only slower. ❞
❝ you’re a pig. ❞
❝ i’ll see it when i believe it. ❞
��� am i on speakerphone? ❞
❝ what happens next? ❞
❝ oh, that’s cold! ❞
❝ i’m gonna kill you!  ❞
❝ more than anything, i just want this moment to end. ❞
❝ let’s get this party started! ❞
❝ okay, my turn. truth or dare? ❞
❝ have you ever seen a moose before? ❞
❝ i am new in town. how did you know? ❞
❝ what do you think is down there? ❞
❝ sorry, i just scared myself. ❞
❝ i don’t make up the rules. ❞
❝ okay, i’m drawing a line in the fucking sand, here. do not read the latin. ❞
❝ stop being a fucking baby. ❞
❝ they’re entirely separate species. like the difference between an elephant and an elephant seal. ❞
❝ monsters. magic. gods. you get used to it. ❞
❝ i am never gonna see a merman. ever. ❞
❝ there’s too much riding on this. ❞
❝ are you feeling lonely, ____? ❞
❝ i have a theory about all this… ❞
❝ you seriously believe nothing weird is going on? ❞
❝ you’re not seeing what you don’t wanna see. ❞
❝ pop-tarts? did you say you have pop-tarts? ❞
❝ ____, i love you, but you’re really high. ❞
❝ we are not who we are. ❞
❝ i’m gonna go read a book with pictures ❞
❝ it’s a weird kind of night. ❞
❝ i’m sorry about tonight. ❞
❝ your basic human needs disgust me. ❞
❝ okay, baby. let’s see some boobies. ❞
❝ i’m gonna go for a walk. ❞
❝ you think i’m a puppet. gonna do a little.. fucking puppet dance! ❞
❝ i thought there’d be stars. ❞
❝ no matter what happens, we have to stay together. ❞
❝ we should split up. we can cover more ground that way. ❞
❝ oh, my god. i’m on a reality tv show. ❞
❝ help me! ❞
❝ this is where he killed them. this is where he’ll kill us. ❞
❝ you like pain? how’s that work for you? ❞
❝ remember when you could just throw a girl in a volcano? ❞
❝ how old do you think i am? ❞
❝ the evil is defeated! ❞
❝ fuck you! fuck you! fuck you! fuck you! ❞
❝ perfect record, huh? ❞
❝ how hard is it to kill nine-year-olds? ❞
❝ you are humanity’s last hope. ❞
❝ what the fuck’s going on? ❞
❝ you’re missing the point. ❞
❝ i don’t understand. you’re celebrating? ❞
❝ i wish that i could do what you do. ❞
❝ i’m just giving you a hard time. come on. ❞
❝ turn the fucking music off. ❞
❝ i had to dismember that guy with a trowel. what have you been up to? ❞
❝ i do know some stuff. ❞
❝ they made us choose how we die. ❞
❝ why are you trying to kill us? ❞
❝ this should’ve gone differently. ended more quickly. ❞
❝ i can only imagine your pain and confusion. but know this. what’s happening to you is part of something bigger.  ❞
❝ this is part of a ritual. ❞
❝ we work with what we have. ❞
❝ if you’ve got to kill all my friends to survive.. maybe it’s time for a change. ❞
❝ you can die with them… or you can die for them. ❞
❝ there is no other way. ❞
❝ you have to be strong. ❞
❝ i’m so sorry i almost shot you. i probably wouldn’t have. ❞
❝ i’m sorry i let you get attacked by a werewolf and then ended the world. ❞
❝ giant evil gods. i wish i could’ve seen them. ❞
❝ that would have been a fun weekend. ❞
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nightprompts · 5 months
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welcome to nightprompts, a sideblog dedicated to dialogue prompt sentence starters for roleplay. this blog is completely self indulgent because sometimes i can't find the right vibe i'm looking for. feel free to reblog at your own leisure, but please don't send any prompts in. thanks, and have a good night.
text post inspo blog: @museinspos. | prompts masterlist below for mobile users.
an assortment of dialogue. 
short sentences for ships. 
subtle smut. 
smut (part 2).
various questions. 
hero x villain. 
lone wolf x soft spot. 
rivals (to lovers?).
angst (part 2). 
dark and angsty. 
medieval / fantasy. 
said from the hero.
said from the villain. 
the batman 2022. 
the bear s2. 
everything everywhere all at once.
f. scott fitzgerald. 
glass animals. 
jujutsu kaisen. 
one piece live action.
spy x family. 
werewolf by night. 
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drkroots · 24 days
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@breaksmen said: ❛ i warn you. i’ll break your heart. ❜ / cody?
          hero x villain sentence starters
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               He looked down to her, almost affectionately. "So what happens if I break your heart first?" Intentionally or not, it was something that tended to happen when things got hectic for the werewolf in stylish and expensive clothing.
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thejadedking · 1 year
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@detectivewoof asked: “You have already ensured there is no place for beings such as us before your throne.” (🍿🍿🍿)
fantasy / royalty vibes … sentence starters 
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The utterance was enough to draw the narrowing gaze of the new Boston Prince, yet he didn't move any closer to Manuel, instead, he simply wandered a couple of feet away from him, arms crossing over his tightening chest as he came to a stop. "The decision was not mine to make." He managed at first, keeping his gaze on anything but the werewolf, his jaw visibly tightening.
"There are... other solutions." He could barely believe that the words had fallen between his lips, having once openly mocked a half-breed who had tried to sway Galeb's mind when it came to the Camarilla broadening who and what they viewed as equals. Even if just for appearance's sake. Was he really treading that notion for himself? "You could stand by my side. A peace offering between our kinds. An alliance would be... fruitful."
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