#werewolf witcher au
artistsfuneral · 2 months
Werewolf au where Jaskier, who's on the run from other werewolves, stops at a roadside diner out of necessity and places a bunch of bills on the counter, asking for as much food as that will get him. The human waitress smiles, asks if he's got many mouths to feed and Jaskier quietly admits that yes, his kids are waiting in the car. Then he turns and notices the Kear Morhen werwolf pack in a booth, staring at him and he panics.
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Prompt 13
How was Jaskier supposed to know that the lovely woman he spent the night with had a husband? Let alone a husband in a big scary poacher gang? So Jaskier is hauling ass through the forest, only to get his leg caught in a beartrap. He faceplants (very daintily, prettily, and most certainly not with an embarrassing wail, thank you very much) and begins sobbing with the pain. Not to mention his cheap lute breaking into splinters. Great. Just great. What a LOVELY day he's having! A pure white werewolf with bright golden eyes suddenly prowls out of the bushes, growling at him, and Jaskier decides that today really is his worst day. No matter how majestic the beast is, this is cearly the end of Jaskier the bard. He sobs and begs to live, apologizing profusely, and the last thing he sees is the monstrous snout getting closer. Geralt, the werewolf, is stalking for food for his pack, only to come across one of those humans in their own traps. Except... This human isn't one of them. He's wearing brightly colored delicate clothing, and wasn't familiar with where their traps were. It's an innocent human. One that smells very nice, under all the stench of blood and fear. Wolf!Geralt creeps closer, and pries open the trap, intending on releasing the human back into the wild, but it just kind of stares at him in horror before passing out. Hm. Well, it appears it needs more care than he initially thought. So imagine the other witcher's surprise when he doesn't bring food back to the pack, but instead brings a human to patch up. The moon dips out of the sky, they all turn back into their witcher-human forms, and now they're all SCRAMBLING over what they're meant to do!? HOW DO YOU CARE FOR A HUMAN AGAIN??? FUCK- I DON'T KNOW! Geralt stop petting him, he doesn't like that, he's human, not a wolf! What do you mean he likes it? Oh shit- EVERYONE QUICK PET HIM! No wait- He doesn't like it any more- One at a time pet him! And uh- Fuck- What do normal people eat!?
♡!Optional addons!♡ • (ORIGINALLY A TAG) Is Aiden a werecat or also a werewolf? And if he is a werewolf (and/or a werecat I suppose), perhaps he's from a rival pack (against his will) and needs to be rescued by Lambert as a sideplot • Maybe the poachers find poor trapped Jaskier and Geralt has to fight them off first, or perhaps they come back later, intent on killing the White Wolf • Perhaps Geralt turns Jaskier into a werewolf (Either with his consent or without his consent ONLY if he has to do it to save his life, we don't fuck with forced bonds here, people)
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geraskierficrecs · 9 months
An Offer You Can't Refuse Update!
New year, new chapter.
Beside Lambert, Aiden’s eyes continued to scan the flickering darkness around them for any sign of attackers.  His mate was clearly trying to find a way to protect his pack and remove any chance of Jaskier being taken away by anything else.  The two brothers remained always within touching distance even as Jaskier attempted to carry Geralt towards the garage.
The alpha’s body was still covered with the stench of blood and silver, but Lambert had enough experience to know he would survive whatever wounds he’d gained during his fight with Emhyr.  He waited until the closest wolves began to speak among themselves before leaning closer to Jaskier.
“Emhyr?” he asked in a low voice.
The other wolf looked back with a gleam of triumph in his eyes.  “Dead.”
In the end, that was all that mattered tonight.
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Accidental Warlord AU headcannon that the Witchers have to take human carrying lessons. Prior to Geralt's little oopsie, a Witcher on the Path wouldn't have handled a non-witcher at all or with much care whem they did have to. Like having to fight a monster and only having one hand free to shove some scared person behind them or carrying a corpse back to town. It's not gentle handling of relatively fragile (emotionally and physically) beings.
After Geralt's become the Warlord, there's a baby in the keep. And that baby gets handed to different people, all of whom have 0% experience holding a baby, much less correctly.
"The baby doesn't like me."
"Why'dya think that?"
"Everytime I hold her she rolls her head away from me! She doesn't want to look at me."
"She's a baby. She doesn't know what she likes yet."
"...do you think she's afraid of my scars?"
"Maybe someone else should watch her for Geralt during meetings."
"No, look. Let's go get her right now and figure this out. Prejudice is learned, right? It's not possible that she could make that kind of judgement I don't think."
"Well, okay but I swear she does it."
"...you know you have to support her head, Eskel?"
"...What's that mean exactly?"
"I don't know. Ya just do it."
"Helpful advice."
And like, Jan has to come to their rescue and teach them how to hold baby Ciri properly and how to swaddle her just right and how to carry her in a bjorn sorta thing without slipping out to hit the floor and how to carry her on a hip while still getting work done as she gets older. Throwing her over a shoulder potato-sack style is a sometimes-at-play thing not a consistent means of transporting the Warlord's heir (no matter how she laughs when they do that).
It doubles with chores for efficiency. Bricks and mortar wrapped in old clothing to mimic the general shape of babies which are then strapped to chests or cradled in an arm. If your brick cracks your baby is dead. If the "head" rolls off your baby is dead. If you forget about it off to the side for too long the enchanted cloth changes color to signify your baby is dead.
Literal sacks of flour hoisted onto a hip and kept there all day to mimic clingy toddlers. Your "kid" gets wet the enchanted sack becomes covered in a layer of mucus to simulate how easily they can become sick. Your "kid" drops to the floor, it's been enchanted to scream until you cuddle it into a fitful "sleep".
The Witchers develop a point system and maybe a drinking game about it.
After Geralt, who has learned how to hold Ciri in the trial-by-fire that was traveling the Path with an infant, Lambert and Aubry pick it up the quickest, being the most involved with the current generation of Wolf Cubs.
After a good streak is kept, most Witchers are free to leave the training game, but a good chunk decide to move up a level instead and learn to handle the live children in the Keep. Mostly the little trainees, but also the servants' children. And all the laisse-faire attitudes about dropping bricks and sacks of flour are abandoned immediately.
Little bodies, so warm and heavy in one's arms that when they wriggle away it leaves Witchers feeling bereft. The slow puffs of sleepy breaths buried against hollow throats as children doze off while being held in arms that have been trained ot destroy. The bouncy giddyness of a child-upon-hip delighted at the height at which they see the world as stairs are ascended. A fussy baby distracted by strands of long hair that surround them as a nose buries into their head to breathe in deep that sweet infant scent.
And it feels right caring for the children who are their future brothers and honorary nieces and nephews and cousins. Like something they should have been doing all along. Tending to a kinder future.
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Absolutely on the edge of my seat for your werewolf fic. I'm waiting so patiently but also like, vibrating in place whenever I think of it.
Progress for Howling at the Hollow Moon (formerly known as Not Another Geraskier Werewolf AU) is coming along slowly but surely! I'm still trying really hard to keep to my new rule for long fics where I need to finish them before I start posting them, but it's hard.
Here's a snippet:
“Come on.” Priscilla grabs Jaskier’s hand and drags him towards the trees. “We’re parked a little ways down the mountain.” Jaskier lets her pull him several feet before he remembers that he’s twice her size and digs in his heel, bringing them to a stop. “What are you doing here?” She gives him a look like he’s speaking nonsense. “Oh, we just thought this was a nice time of year for a hike. Saving you, obviously.” “We?” “Your Aunt Heidi is here.” “What? Where?” Jaskier can’t imagine Heidi waiting in the car and sending Priscilla to fetch Jaskier. “She’s going to create a distraction,” “A distraction? No.” Jaskier yanks his arm out of her grasp. “Look, I’m perfectly safe here. They’ve been lovely.” “They kidnapped you!” “My family kidnapped me. The Kaer Morhen Pack just had me foisted upon them.” “If you’re going to escape, I wouldn’t go down the north side of the mountain,” a voice calls. “Coën saw a bear down that way yesterday.” Jaskier turns to see Renfri sitting on a fence nearby, eating an apple. Priscilla, much to his shock, reaches under her jacket and pulls a handgun out, pointing it directly at Renfri. “Don’t come any closer,” she says in a voice that only shakes a little. “This is loaded with silver bullets.” Renfri carves another piece of apple and pops it in her mouth. “That’s not going to do you much good, since your safety’s on.” Priscilla curses and fumbles with the weapon. “No, here.” Renfri leaps down from the fence, takes the gun from Priscilla, turns off the safety, and returns to where she was just sitting before Jaskier and Priscilla even register what just happened. Looking between them expectantly, she adds, “You can continue threatening me now. That was adorable.” Priscilla’s mouth falls open. “Does this mean you and Geralt are splitting up?” Renfri asks Jaskier. “No!” Jaskier steps between Priscilla and Renfri. He’s ninety percent sure Priscilla won’t shoot, but he doesn’t want to take the chance. “Listen, Pris, I’m sorry I didn’t write, but—” In the distance, there’s an explosion, followed by the sound of shouting. “I think that was the distraction,” Renfri says mildly. Jaskier looks up at the sky. “Fuck.”
WIP Ask Game
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Your choice of which AU, but who says the following to who?
"Insufferably cocksure"
It's something I read in the book I'm currently reading.
Me: (giggling at "insufferably cocksure") Wife: What's so funny? Me: Hehe... cocksure. Wife: Oh, so you. Me: (shocked Pikachu face)
Surrounded by groaning, wannabe monster hunters and villagers. Some of the more aggressive folks are dead, but most are alive and wounded/unconscious.
Werewolf!Yang: (transforms back into a human and spits out a silver bullet with a stream of smoke) But it did!
Yang: (puffs her chest proudly) It doesn't have to, Weiss. It doesn't have to.
Weiss: UGH!!! (mists away to her brooding gargoyle)
Vampire!Winter: Hello, Sister. What brings you here?
Weiss: My insufferably cocksure, werewolf roommate... Why are you here?
Winter: (motions her head to the bog a quarter mile away)
Weiss: (zeroes in on VanHelsing, Hunter!Robyn picking off twenty or so drowners one by one like the cocky bastard she is) Is she trying to get herself killed???
Winter: That's what I asked her, but nooooooo! She's Robyn Hill. One of the last hunters in Van Helsing's bloodline. She can take on any and all monsters all by herself!
Weiss: ....So, insufferably cocksure girlfriend?
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onedivinemisfit · 1 year
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Wolf in boy’s clothing
AnS (c) Akizuki Sorata
Art: Me
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kivaember · 4 months
monster viv621 fic idea
siren!621 and werewolf!rusty BUT!!!!
siren!621 whose throat has been slit and so can no longer sing his beguiling song (can still transform into a siren though, long serpentine tail, wings and razor sharp claws, a monster hidden beneath a pretty face) and werewolf rusty who has an enchanted muzzle strapped onto his face that he can't remove no matter his form, and is used as a means to control him, much to his growing resentment...
they both break out of a menagerie for 'dangerous creatures' and stick together as they make their way back to 621's "handler" who can probably remove rusty's muzzle (it's a powerful piece of enchantment that no roadside mage will be able to undo). Rusty's muzzle would have him pegged as a werewolf immediately, so 621 has to interact with humans they need to speak to, but 621 can't talk, and also as a Siren 621 is compelled to kill and eat most humans he encounters (Rusty is safe bc werewolf), so it doesn't end up working anyways. It's a disaster, they're both disasters, and leave chaos in their wake.
tl;dr they go on a roadtrip together where they kill (and eat) a lot of people (usually monster hunters chasing them, mages trying to capture them, or just plain unlucky passersby) and fall in love along the way...
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major-trouble · 10 months
Chapters: 33/? Fandom: Wiedźmin | The Witcher - All Media Types, The Witcher (TV), Wiedźmin | The Witcher (Video Game) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion, Aiden/Lambert (The Witcher) Characters: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Jaskier | Dandelion, Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg, Eskel (The Witcher), Lambert (The Witcher), Aiden (The Witcher), Cahir Mawr Dyffryn aep Ceallach, Fringilla Vigo, Emhyr var Emreis Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Mafia AU, BAMF Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, BAMF Jaskier | Dandelion, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Alternate Universe - Wolves, Hurt/Comfort, Feral Jaskier | Dandelion, Creature Jaskier | Dandelion, Werewolf Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Alternate Universe - Werewolf, Werewolf Jaskier | Dandelion, Werewolf Mates, Soulmates, Scenting, Pack Dynamics, Canon-Typical Violence, Protective Jaskier | Dandelion, Possessive Behavior, Top Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Bottom Jaskier | Dandelion, Hurt Jaskier | Dandelion, Non-Human Jaskier | Dandelion, Protective Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Touch-Starved Jaskier | Dandelion, Identity Porn, Competent Jaskier | Dandelion, Possessive Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Murder Husbands, Slow Burn, Minor Character Death Summary:
“Are you one of the Butcher’s pack? I don’t smell him on you.”
The question sent a frisson of unease through him. The truth was that if he did belong to the Kaer pack, he would be marked by his alpha. An alpha’s mark would ensure his safety and add legitimacy to everything he did. A pack and a family, all in one. Even the Butcher of Blaviken would keep the members of his pack safe or die protecting them.
Once upon a time, Jaskier had had that. Once upon a time, he’d imagined the day when he would become an alpha himself and care for his own pack.
Now he knew, all of those dreams were nothing more than a fairytale. _______________________________
Or, the Mafia/Werewolf AU no one asked for.
(Written by @geraskierficrecs aka @avoidingaverage )
I don't do this often, but I cannot recommend this enough. Everything about this is just beautiful, gorgeously written. And the relationship between Jaskier and Aiden leaves me breathless.
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buskerjaskier · 1 year
Could you post a snippet of ‘is the devil so bad’? 🖤
Thank you for the ask! This is from the 3rd chapter of a werewolf!Jaskier fic with Geraskier endgame that I'm currently working on. In this snippet, Jaskier is just waking up from his first full moon and Geralt is trying to help our bard pick up the pieces.
Regaining consciousness feels very much like waking up from a particularly nasty hangover, equally unbearable and painful as Jaskier feels his body shrinking and sets itself right – human, once more. His mind is sluggish and uncooperative as he tries to drag himself out from the land of sleep or wherever the fuck it had secluded itself as the werewolf had stripped him of all bodily autonomy, unwilling to face the aching realities of returning to consciousness will bring. 
A pitiful whine is pushes its way past his lips as his muscles cramp up painfully, prompting to curl up on the dirty ground and making him aware of the dried mud clinging to his bare skin. Exhaustion clings to him too, and Jaskier isn’t quite sure what had awoken him from his deep slumber before he hears the sound of heavy boots stomping across the creaky floorboards above.
Jaskier listens intently as Geralt moves about, footfalls as intent and purposeful as they always are, though not nearly as loud as they tend to be. Knowing Geralt, the witcher is as quiet as he is able to not wake Ciri, because he hears no murmuring voice or consoling words from that deep baritone of his as he moves about. Then, those heavy boots’ sound soften even more as they move outside onto grass, over to the bulkhead door leading down to the cellar where Jaskier currently finds himself. 
Before Jaskier can react, sunshine pours into the room and casts the nude bard in awful, dull light that suggests a cloudy morning. Jaskier is pretty certain he’s had nightmares about this; about a spotlight being cast on him in similar fashion while he’s nude and vulnerable, exposed for everyone to point and laugh at him as his flaccid cock lies limply between his thighs. 
Instead of laughing though, Geralt descends the ladder into the cellar and approaches him carefully as he would a cornered animal – which wasn’t far from the truth these days, Jaskier thinks as the werewolf in his mind growls threateningly in Jaskier’s ears. “How are you feeling?” 
“Great,” Jaskier moans and curls up even tighter if possible, not sure if he’s shielding himself from the sunlight glaring into his vision or Geralt’s scrutinising eyes. “I cannot wait for another two nights of this. Every day should be full moon day, if you ask me.” 
“Don’t joke about that,” Geralt admonishes, kneeling next to Jaskier who feels the witcher’s eyes rake over his nude form. “You’ve hurt yourself.” 
Actually, Jaskier hurts all over so he wouldn’t be able to tell, but he cranes his neck enough to see the vicious puncture wounds on his left thigh as though he’d bit himself. “I’d always imagined that if I ever had to tell you to muzzle me, it’d be in a lot more erotic circumstances than this,” he says, but he sounds faint even to his own ears, head spinning as the reality of his situation – his condition – truly settles in.  
Geralt growls in warning then at his ill-timed jokes, and at least it’s not Jaskier growling this time, even though it sends an unexpected thrill through the bard. “We’ll have to clean it so it doesn’t get infected. Should get some food in you too,” Geralt says, straightening. “Can you walk?”
Unfurling from his foetal position feels like an insurmountable task, but somehow Jaskier manages to push himself up into sitting with a great deal of exertion. However, as soon as he tries to adjust himself to standing, his vision whites out and his knees buckle underneath his weight, the only thing preventing him from crashing to the floor face-first being Geralt’s strong arms wrapping around his abdomen and keeping him upright. 
“Let me help.” 
Jaskier is only thankful that the young princess is still asleep as Geralt carries him upstairs like some blushing bride, one hand tucked under Jaskier’s bruised knees while the other is clutching Jaskier tight to the witcher’s chest. Jaskier doesn’t think he could have handled the particular embarrassment of having Cirilla witness his nudity nor the particular indignity of being treated like some helpless maiden. 
After a short exposure to the frigid morning air that causes his entire body to break out into goosebumps, Jaskier is put in a rickety chair and has a blanket thrown at him, which he attempts to wrap around himself with weak and uncooperative fingers. The usually effortless and unconscious movement somehow feels clumsy and unnatural, though not due to the cold though rather as if his limbs are foreign to him. 
“Eat.” Geralt places a plate of almost raw meat in front of Jaskier who feels sickness creep up at the sight of the bloody slab of venison, yet the wolf purrs happily in his mind at the offering, licking its proverbial fangs with a long, pink tongue. 
Swallowing bile back down, Jaskier shakes his head and pushes the plate away from himself even as saliva pools in his mouth. “I don’t think I can.” 
“It’ll help.”
“With what, exactly? To make me feel even more monstrous than before?” Jaskier asks, shame and anger flaring up and boiling hot underneath his skin at his situation. “The thing is practically still moving, Geralt!”
Geralt’s lips press into a thin line as his eyes flicker with something complicated. “You’ll feel better,” he insists, though not unkindly. “Please, Jaskier.”
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geraskierficrecs · 1 year
An Offer You Can't Refuse Update!
New chapter here.
Aiden saw Lambert fall like he was acting out his worst nightmares.
His rage rose up in a violent wave that chased away the tangled knot of emotions left behind by the presence of Fringilla in this home.  It made it easier to slip around her while Geralt focused on distracting the hulking form of Jaskier’s wolf.  Easier to keep his mind from repeating the same words over and over again.
He’s not getting up.  He’s not getting up.  He’s not–
Distantly he continued to track the fight between Geralt and Jaskier.  They darted back and forth in a deadly dance that left the alpha clearly scrambling to avoid doing any damage while Jaskier continued to fight like he wanted him dead.  It was a jarring reminder of how much had been stolen from them all by this monster in human form.
The knife in his hand was Aiden’s guiding star as continued forward despite every temptation to leap out in the open to fight head on or to lunge for Jaskier and attempt to shake some sense into him.  Fringilla had to be stopped.  She couldn’t be allowed to harm another person after this night.  
His ears popped and he smelled ozone and fire clogging the air around him.  Geralt broke away from Jaskier and Aiden watched Fringilla stepped forward eagerly with her hands outstretched.  “I’m going to enjoy watching him rip out your–”
It was the work of a moment to stab the knife deep into her back.
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inexplicifics · 2 months
WIP List
Thanks for the tag, @nickelanddamned!
Rules: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I...uh...have a lot of WIPs. I call it the Horde o' Plotbunnies for a very good reason. So this list does not include the AWAU WIPs (of which there are many). Also, I sort my WIPs by pairing (usually) or by 'verse, so any listing that has a number after it means there are that many WIPs with that pairing or within that 'verse's folder. If you want to ask for a snippet, give me a number within that range!
Broken Lock - Marika & Milena
E/L wrestling
E/OC x 4
Eldritch trio
Eskel & fae
Eskel vs wyverns
Fine dining AU (bullet points only)
G/E x 6
G/E/G2 x 2
G/E/L x 4
G/E/L/J omegaverse claiming
G/J x 17
G/OC prostitute
G/Y words
G2/S post tournament
Gen x 10
Gweld/Serrit modern college AU
J/W x 2
J/W/C golden 3 - KM
L/? X 3
L/?/M space pirates
L/A x 25
L/A/M x 35
L/A/V save that alpha
L/A/V/M x 4
L/M x 21
L/M(/A?) modern bear trap
L/V cloaked
L/V/M begone to the witchers
M/? x 2
Mafia AU
Modern werewolf pack
V&T sacking
Vanyel in AWAU
Vexart tournament
Vipurr x 2
Weird omegaverse war prize thing
Worth the wyvern barmaid
YW omegaverse acquiring Aiden
Cats Among Wolves x 3
Pirate Laiden - Aiden POV
gaetan/letho in modern AU
For obvious reasons, I will not be tagging this many people. What I will do instead is say that anyone who feels like playing should absolutely consider themselves tagged!
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From Howling at the Hollow Moon:
“It may be nice to have someone else who isn’t a werewolf on this mountain.” Yennefer hands him a mug of coffee. “There aren’t any others?” “No, there aren’t many humans that elect to live on a mountaintop full of people who turn into wolves every four weeks and can smell it every time you get horny.” Jaskier snorts into his mug. “Every time?” “You shared a tiny room with Geralt for two weeks. Once your scent suppressant wore off, he knew every time you had the slightest indecent thought.” Jaskier looks into the mug and contemplates if it’s deep enough to drown in. “Don’t worry.” She smiles at him over the rim of her own mug. “Most of them are polite enough not to walk up to you and ask what turned you on. Except for Lambert.” “Anything else I should know?” He settles back in his chair. She drums her fingers on the table for a moment, looking thoughtful. “You’ll want earplugs for the full moons. The howling travels. They all eat their meat so rare it’s practically still mooing, so you’ll need to remind them that you’re a human who can get food poisoning. Don’t sneak up on Lambert, Aiden, or Renfri, especially close to a full moon. Turned werewolves can be volatile.” “So can hereditary werewolves.” Jaskier resists the urge to reach up and rub at the scar on his shoulder. “Occasionally.” Her gaze drops to his shoulder, like she can sense his discomfort. “But for the most part, this pack isn’t violent unless provoked.” “And what provokes them?” “Being a shitheel like your father.”
Send me a 🌹 to get a snippet of a WIP
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s3thwrit3sstuff · 1 year
❛ master list ❜
▬ last updated: 02.05.2024
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♡ ▬ NSFW content (MDNI). | ☁ ▬ means it's angst. | ↺ ▬ means it's a WIP.
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Yandere Original Characters ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
Kim Seo-Yun x gn!reader | Kim Jeong-Hyun x gn!reader | drabble: ♡ "You make me feel like I am clean again"
Arcane (2021) ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
VANDER x ftm!prostitute!reader: ♡ "You better lock your door and look at me a little more (we both know I'm worth waitin' for)"
Avatar (2009) ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
Call of Duty (2022) ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
Konig x male!reader: ♡ "Oh, oh-oh"
Castlevania (2017) ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
multi!characters x incubus!reader | drabble: ♡ "Just wanna be one of your toys, tonight"
DCU ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
JASON TODD x male!reader: "You get me so high"
Dead by Daylight (2016) ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
Jutjutsu Kaisen (2018) ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
GOJO SATORU x male!husband!reader: ☁ "I WANT THE YOU WHO WANTS ME AGAIN" [1/3] ☁ "WHY AM I IN LOVE ALONE? (WHY AM I HURTING ALONE?)" [2/3] ☁♡ "PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME (PLEASE DON'T FALL)" [3/3] ☁ alternate ending [AU] ☁♡ "YOU ALREADY HAVE A PIECE OF MY HEART (WHICH I HAVE NEVER GIVEN TO YOU)" | au's and what ifs drabble ↳ ❛ __ ❜ [playlist link]
poly!GOJO SATORU & GETO SUGURU x male!reader: ♡ "He's just like candy, he's so sweet"
poly!GOJO SATORU & GETO SUGURU x male!reader: ☁♡ "You know what sinners do when they love too soon (are you ready to die?)"
Hein Era!RYOMEN SUKUNA X concubine!ftm!reader X Heian Era!GOJO SATORU: ♡ "Darling, won't you just plead, or should I begin to bleed?"
α!FUSHIGURO TOJI X Ω!ftm!reader: ♡ "His heart is beating just for me (I can hardly breathe)."
one-sided!KENJAKU X concubine!ftm!reader | RYOMEN SUKUNA X concubine!ftm!reader: ♡ "life and death will always lead to love and regret (but you have the answers, and I have the key)"
Marvel ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
PETER PARKER x male!superhero!reader: "You're just making sure I'm never gettin' over you" [1/2] ♡ "Baby, you know that you won" [2/2]
My Hero Academia (2014) ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
DABI (TOUYA TODOROKI) x ftm!reader: ♡ "Just like that, baby" [1/3]
Resident Evil (1996) ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
ghostface!LEON KENNEDY x ftm!ghostface!reader: ♡ "Comin' back for more?"
Sally Face (2016) ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
SAL FISHER x ftm!reader: ☁♡ "I was the boy who was on your side" SAL FISHER x ftm!reader: ♡ "I'll show you how we're supposed to feel (when we meet at Orion's belt)"
LARRY JOHNSON: ↺ ♡ "'Cause it's not a figure of speech, you got me down on my knees"
Slashers ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
COREY CUNNINGHAM x gn!reader: ♡ "Helping Hand"
multi. characters x transmasc!reader | dating drabble: "beautiful (darling)"
multi.characters x male!slasher!reader | dating drabble: "take my soul (need control)"
poly!BILLY LOOMIS & STU MACHER x male!reader: "Line of Sight"
poly!COREY CUNNINGHAM & OG!MICHAEL MYERS x gn!reader "Say yes to heaven (say yes to me)"
The Legend of Korra (2012) ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
TONRAQ x male!reader ♡ "situation might get sticky, icky"
Teen Wolf (2011) ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
MIECZYSLAW "STILES" STILINSKI x male!werewolf!reader: ♡ "Burn for you" DEUCALION x male!werewolf!reader: ♡ "Show Me How" [1/2] ♡ "Show Me How" [2/2]
The Walking Dead (2010) ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
The Witcher (2019) ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
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foxyanon · 5 months
The WIPs
Decided to actually make a separate list of just my WIPs for those who wish to know what I’m working on, sorted by one shots and series. Italics are ones I’m actively writing. I will update this as I add or remove works, or if there is another part planned in a particular series.
One Shots:
My Forever: Vampire!Sihtric x Corvina
Forsaken One: Masema x Corvina
The Beast of Coocham: Werewolf!Sihtric x Aesira
Dōna Tala (Sweet Daughter): S3!Sihtric x Rhaenerys
Vizima’s Wraith: Witcher!Sihtric x Tisevia
Making It Up To You: Modern!Masema x Reader x Modern!Sihtric
Welcome To The Show: Magician!Sihtric x Magician’s Assistant!Reader, Modern Circus AU
Hot Summer Nights: Modern!Sihtric x Reader
Widows of Normandy: Modern!Sihtric x Reader
Series Updates:
In Blighted Lands: Grey Warden!Sihtric x Avvar Mage!Aesira, Part 1
A Clever Fox: S3!Sihtric x Aesira, Part 1
To Love A Dragon: S2!Sihtric x Rhaenerys, Part 4
The Last War: SKMD!Sihtric x Rhaenerys, Part 1
Convincingly Human Part 3: S3!Sihtric x Dragon Shifter!Reader
To Make A Legend, Epilogue: Guinevere!Sihtric x Arthur!Reader, Camelot AU
No Longer A Myth, Epilogue: Canon!Sihtric x Arthur!Reader, Resurrection AU
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blvddy-bxnnii · 7 months
Has anyone considered a Monster AU for witcher?
I know most would say Geralt as a white werewolf, that one isn't hard.
But Yennefer?
She would be a Wendigo.
They are known for their greed, gluttony, and excess. A curse if you will, possibly by the Crones, sparked by large amounts of chaos or her own emotional turmoil.
And Tissaia has to navigate it.
Constantly making sure magic isn't used around her and going great lengths searching for a cure. Since Yennefer’s emotional turmoil is about Tissaia, she is usually the target of this cursed hunger.
Dandelion isn't fairing too well with Geralt, but at least his is manageable. Lock himself away until the morning after the full moon.
But Tissaia?
Yennefer has completely shut down, and Tissaia aches to help, but the curse is so unpredictable that a simple argument would have Yennefer succomb to the monster underneath and suddenly Tissaia has to use brute force to knock Yen unconscious or she'll be eaten.
(I'm brainrotting so hard yall don't even know)
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