#west coast best coast smh...
I remember you stating that you were gonna try and stream for when the website updates! We're you gonna stream as soon as it does or are you gonna set a time for it?? I wanna be able to try and join!
it'll be a When It Drops kinda thing! i'm not patient enough to wait!
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cutiecatsub · 2 years
Actually luv you love the mystery thnk u. Also 3am you're the fucker in the CENTRAL time zone. As a kid I had zero fucking idea what nickelodeon meant when they said SpongeBob was in 7/6 Central. Was I a dumb child? *maybe* Am I blaming all people in Central time zone? *Yes*
You know, that’s fair
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subtlehysteria · 4 months
I'd love to hear about this SamBucky swing dance AU!!
Ask and ye shall receive!
Right, so I started this when I was having a Marvel re-watch phase, mainly for Loki and Bucky content. I first thought of maybe writing a fic set in the 40's simply because I wanted to write about Sam and Bucky swing dancing but setting it in the 40's didn't feel quite right because of the war and attitude towards queer people in that time. SO! I decided, fuck it, lets set it in modern times. Bucky dances and teaches Lindy Hop (1940s swing dancing with the crazy lifts and fancy footwork) in his mom's studio in Brooklyn while Sam teaches West Coast Swing (a more modern version with more turns than lifts that can be danced to a lot of contemporary pop songs) at the VA in Harlem. They meet at Steve's wedding to Peggie and do not get along AT ALL. Poor Bucky is a little bit heartbroken because his best friend and long-time crush has gotten married and is moving to London while Bucky is expected to be totally okay with this and go back to their empty Brooklyn apartment. Sam and Steve served together in Afghanistan with the rest of the Avengers as a special ops team. In this version, Bucky didn't sign up for the army but instead pursued a career in dance and teaching. He loses his arm in a plane crash instead when heading back home from the wedding, which puts his dance career on indefinite hold. That's sort of the intro of the fic, the rest of which is set six months after Bucky loses his arm. He's busy training Peter and MJ (who are friends and dance partners) for a big Lindy Hop competition while Sam is still working at the VA. Steve asks Sam to check in on Bucky because he's been radio silent and he's worried about him which is what sort of kicks off the whole them reuniting and becoming begrudging friends (and later something more).
I definitely do want to finish this because I have at least 1/3 written and the rest planned out, plus I've found some amazing dance videos that I think really represent Bucky and Sam's dance styles well. Though I don't know when I'll get around to finishing this smh. But if you're interested in reading a snippet you can find it below the cut:
As soon as he gets home, Sam unearths his laptop and signs into YouTube, typing in his search.
James Barnes Open Swing Competition.
Immediately, several videos pop up, all featuring Bucky’s nickname in the title with an array of dance partners. They range from choreographed routines at competitions to workshops and dance camps with improvised dances. One in particular draws Sam’s eyes though.
Sensual Same-Sex Swing Routine - Bucky and Steve
He’s clicking it before he even registers he’s doing it, the video taking a second to load. It looks to be a festival setting, more relaxed with a square dance space surrounded by a crowd of people sitting on the floor or on makeshift seats. Behind is a stage with a few stray musicians taking a break, to the left a large upright banner stating this is the Lindylicious Swing Dance festival in Paris of all places. And there in the center of the dance floor is a much younger looking Bucky and Steve. They can’t be older than twenty or twenty one, so it must have been just before Steve shipped out to the army. They’re both dressed up in slacks and shirts befitting of the 1940s, Bucky in classical black while Steve’s wearing a baby blue polo that brings out his eyes. Steve’s got on a pair of white and brown leather saddle shoes while Bucky’s got a pair of black loafers with blood red socks, the only pop of colour in his outfit. His hair is shorter here, like it had been at the wedding, styled with a bit of gel to get more of a greaser look.
He and Steve stand whispering quietly between themselves before the music starts, Steve’s head tilting back with a laugh before the two start to sway to the sensual swing beat. It’s a lot slower paced compared to MJ and Peter’s routine, made for footwork and turns more than aerial tricks.
With a playful crook of his finger, Bucky invites Steve to dance, the two sliding across the distance between them to meet in the middle in a close, intimate hold. The crowd ooo’s with more than a few giggles in-between. They sway for a bit, Steve lazily swinging in and out, following Bucky’s lead without any trouble. Suddenly, the drum halts, giving space for a burst of horn, and Steve and Bucky shake it out much to the crowd’s whooping delight before shuffling back together.  A deep voice croons about what all a couple can get up to when the lights go out, and Steve and Bucky must be familiar with the song as they play up to the beats and lyrics. Sam can see the playfulness from MJ and Peter’s routine echoed here, Bucky pretending to melt to the floor, hot and bothered, as Steve walks ahead of him in time to the beat.
They make a fantastic pair, feeding off each other and moving so in sync while still having a casual easiness about them that makes it feel like it’s all improvised, like they’re just that damn good. And maybe they are.  
At one point they’re entirely wrapped around one another, Bucky having slid up to Steve’s side and twirled him so they’re chest to chest, thighs woven and hips swaying. Steve’s back is to the camera but Bucky’s face is clear to see and—oh.
His face is tucked into the crook of Steve’s neck, attempting to hide what now Sam can clearly see is a besotted smile that has absolutely nothing to do with the characters they’re playing for the dance.
“Oh, Buck…” he murmurs as he watches the dance continue to unfold, Bucky’s adoration out there for all to see, including Steve, and they don’t even know it, thinking it’s all an act just for the fun of the dance.
It’s so damn obvious, Bucky standing with his chest to Steve���s back, arms wrapped tight around him, the two stepping together like a pair of lovebirds out on a walk. That smile, the softness of his eyes, the way he squeezes Steve just a little closer before stepping away. How the hell did no one see it? How did Steve never see it?
Sam’s shot back to that night at the reception, him and Bucky watching Steve and Peggy do a sensual West Coast Swing routine that Sam had helped choreograph, that he’d boasted about, all the while Bucky stood there still as a statue, quietly dying inside as his best friend, his dance partner, the man he loved, replaces him with someone new.
Fuck, Sam’s an idiot. No wonder Bucky was acting off, no wonder he’d dropped his smile as soon as Steve wasn’t looking. No wonder he’d stormed off when Sam suggested a dance. It was probably the final nail in the coffin, the final snip to the withering tether of his sanity that night. And Sam had played a role in snapping it.
(here's the dance I based Steve and Bucky's routine off of)
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firstdivisiongirl · 2 months
Hey bbg you are amazing!!
First just want to check in on how you’re doing, did you drink some water today? Did you eat a nice snack?
Second, I’d like to request a romantic matchup(I think that’s what it’s called) for TR, if you could please!
-I’m a guy
- im an artist, which means i have terrible posture and normally have paint or charcoal or hot glue somewhere on me(hands, neck, etc) and don’t have the heart to clean it off(unless im going somewhere i need to be clean for) because i like the feeling of being part of my art :)
- I cosplay(part of my art stuff ig) mostly one piece characters and I’m pretty good at it—I’m a huge anime nerd, and have memorabilia of it on shelves and on my ceiling(in poster form I swear I haven’t hung anyone from my ceiling yet) and I like to get dolled up on the occasion in my parents’ old Dean Martini Swank Fest outfits which consist of actual army clothing from WW2 and some stuff that makes me feel fancy
- I surf, on occasion, since I live on the west coast and have a habit of wearing a shorty wetsuit under my clothes if there’s any chance of me going near the beach
- I’m working on becoming a marine biologist, but currently I’m just volunteering down in Santa Cruz where I get to help people pet swell sharks and teach them about the animals we have there
-I know a lot about history, and I have some things from the olden days(ex a Japanese soldier’s Sabre from WW2 I got for my 15th birthday + a megalodon tooth + old jewelry
-definitely more of a yapper than a listener
-have to have music or AirPods in my ears 24/7 with some exceptions like my volunteering and my stuff
-very wide range of music taste
- I love thrills. Amusement parks, concerts, roller coasters, go kart racing, MOTORCYCLES omg that is my heaven
-I have a very low pain tolerance, which I am ashamed of because I’m as much of a crybaby as Takemichi…
-super supportive to women. I see one—> immediate compliments, smiling, giving them support or help if they need it and buying sanitary products for all my friends plus keeping them on me just in case
- not very good at taking care of myself, I’m a good cook and have a basic sleep schedule…but I spent most of my life hating myself and now it’s hard trying to get back and go a day without disrespecting myself.(I’m doing so much better than before don’t worry about me)
-physical touch, gift giving, and quality time are my ways of showing affection and appreciation
-I love video games and arcades, especially when I get to play with friends or loved ones
-I’m an Aquarius
-very clingy, but I’m patient so that’s a good thing
-cat person
-very jumpy and paranoid(my dads fault 😒)
-I married Harvey in my main Stardew Valley account(silly little doctor guy)
-decently good at insulting people or getting people to shut up
-my main use of transportation is biking, so I have “very nice leggos” -my eight year old neighbor who i taught to bike
-I’m good with kids as long as they’re not throwing tantrums
-I run out of social battery very quickly and I will just walk off in social gatherings if that happens(it takes 10-30 mins for someone to notice I left smh)
-will bake cakes for everyone’s birthday
-I really want a full leg tattoo of my favorite animal: a Siphonophore(look them up they’re freaky guys)
-ive got freckles, which im partially insecure about because people say freckles+round face makes me look like a girl so i get misgendered a lot(womp womp on my part i got all the bad genes from my parents—thankfully no addiction genes tho)
-I only allow one Christmas song—ONE— and that is Fairytale of New York by the Pogues bcs it’s so good
-avid shark defender + dolphin disliker
-cannot wear anything with a thick tag on the neck, I have to rip it out or cut it because it makes me want to remove my skin :)
I hope I didn’t forget anything or yap too much, love you Aly! You’re the best 😘
Hi! I hope you are doing well. I’m doing better. Making sure I’m hydrated and eating well. This was a good amount of information, but one thing is missing for me to match you up. Do you want matched with a male or female character?
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deanismysavior · 2 years
hey it’s the acc analyzingstrangerthingssongs (cant send asks from side blogs smh tumblr) but i wish u luck on moving! ive moved so many times in my life and even just loving cities is so so hard, so im wishing u the best with a big move like that! also love ur posts btw <3
Thank you love! It doesn't help that I've literally never been there before either (going from east coast to west coast) so I'm really feeling it now lol. I've moved away before for school, but not this far, and the stakes feel really different this time.
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thebibliomancer · 3 years
Essential Avengers: Avengers #253: CONQUERING VISION
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March, 1985
The Vision vs. Quasimodo... in the heart of a machine!
The Avengers seem very perturbed. Or maybe they’ve placed bets and are yelling at each other.
Anyway. Anyyyyyywayyyy.
Last time on Avengers: Vision became confined to a tube and was only fixed when Starfox hooked him up to Titan’s supercomputer ISAAC. While it helped Vision fix himself, it also seems to have changed his personality. Vision began conspiring with ISAAC to build a take-over-the-world-for-its-own-good device so he could take over the world for its own good and erase the evils and inequalities of man.
Vision was hesitant to pull the trigger on becoming a well-intentioned extremist and tried to gain power and influence by becoming the Avengers chairman and trying to make them more prominent with a branch team and closer ties to the White House.
But when anti-mutant arsonists burn down Vision and Scarlet Witch’s house during a new wave of anti-mutant fear, Vision decides ‘mmm yup, taking over the world time’. He distracts the Avengers by sending them to babysit the army as they poke Thanos technology that they shouldn’t poke and accidentally summon the Blood Brothers. And distracts Captain Marvel to go check out Thanos’ ship several light hours away past Pluto. Black Knight shows up unexpectedly but Vision shoves him into a tube to keep him out of trouble.
And now I guess Vision is going to fight Quasimodo the robot guy? Not sure how that fits in.
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But first, some West Coast Avengers!
Like I said last time, they didn’t stop doing stuff just because their book is over.
Mockingbird happens to run into some drug runners while getting in some flight practice and figures heck why not beat up an entire boat full of gun-toting people as a light workout.
I guess the Quinjet can hover? Doesn’t seem to have thrusters or repulsors on the bottom or be a VTOL but hey, super advanced possibly Wakanda tech. It can do what it likes.
Mockingbird turns the drug runners over to the Coast Guard and returns to Palos Verdes and even gets to fly into one of those cool cliffside hangers disguised as a perfectly normal cliff. The West Coast Avengers revamped the hell out of the compound they bought.
Can you even legally excavate into a cliff like that? You can if you’re a superhero, I guess.
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For some reason, there’s a fakeout where its implied Tigra is licking herself, cat style, but she’s just stretching. At least I hope the joke is that it sounded like she was cat cleaning herself and not something else.
One can never tell.
Anyway, I assume Hawkeye is just annoyed that he’s going to be vacuuming hair out of expensive equipment banks later. But really its that what if he threw a meeting and only he and Tigra came?
Mockingbird comes in not long after Hawkeye complains, slightly delayed from beating up drug runners. Wonder Man comes in shortly after, delayed by
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You know, this is a pretty great costume for Wonder Man. Its what all his modern outfits are based on when he’s not just dicks out energy man. I think I like the red jacket outfit more because being the only guy who dresses in ‘normal’ clothes while still looking somehow out of fashion with normal people fits for Wonder Man.
But I do love this one too. Its got a simple charm. Deciding that Wonder Man’s colors are black and red instead of Christmas green and red was a great decision and I’m sure that nobody will ever try to put him in red and green again.
Hawkeye grouses “Next, I suppose Iron Man will show up with a new chrome job!” but Iron Man is Sir Not Appearing in This Comic.
And the reason why is... looks like Tony and Rhodey are beating the crap out of each other in Iron Men armor this same month in Iron Man #192.
I don’t know the details but dammit Tony!
Anyway, over at last issue’s plot, the Avengers are still in Thanos’ ex-secret base in Arizona, still rolling their eyes and smh at the US Army for poking things what should not be poked.
Starfox and Scarlet Witch find a chamber blocked by rubble which has a symbio-nullifier which Starfox proposes to use to symbio-nullify the Blood Brothers.
First, he flexes on the US Army.
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Army Guy: “It must weigh tons!”
Starfox: “Tons? Yes. But only about eight-and-a-half! Hardly any bother at all!”
Good flexing, Starfox.
Meanwhile, Captain America’s scolding has born fruit. The Pentagon has agreed to seal Thanos’ base, pending further investigation. And Colonel Farnam agrees because his training never prepared him to deal with MONSTERS FROM OUTER SPACE.
Also meanwhile, the army took pity on Hercules’ poor pantsless state and slash or were intimidated by it and have lent him a uniform.
He wears it as you’d expect Hercules to wear it.
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With plenty of plunging neckline.
Since the Blood Brothers have a psionic link which makes them stronger the closer they are, Hercules has chained them up on very distant parts of the base.
But this precaution is rendered moot pretty quickly when Starfox returns with the  symbio-nullifier to symbio-nullify the Blood Brothers.
Starfox suspected that Thanos had one of these lying around as a precaution if he was going to let the Blood Brothers into his base.
Hercules lightly complains that he didn’t get a good fight with the Blood Brothers especially since the hordes of Muspell and Maelstrom’s wacky minions were interesting but not all that much of a challenge for the prince of power.
Back at the Avengers Mansion, the giant holographic head of Vision is still dealing with Dane Black Knight Whitman. Mostly by showing him video footage of how the other Avengers are tied up.
Dane is confused for multiple reasons, including that when last he heard Wasp was the leader.
Vision: “My failure to anticipate your arrival was an unfortunate lapse. I regret that, as a result, you must suffer the indignity of incarceration.”
Dane: “But... why?! What does keeping me in a tube accomplish?”
Vision: “It prevents you from interfering! You see, I have come to the conclusion that the only way I can fulfill my duty to make the Earth a safer place... is to run it myself!”
Dane: “What?!? But that’s crazy! Uh... I mean, you can’t possibly...”
Vision: “Exactly the sort of reaction I expected!”
Vision: ‘See, this is why you’re a tube boy now.’
Vision turns off the hologram saying that Dane will understand when its all over.
As usual when somebody says something like that, Dane isn’t reassured, just more convinced he needs to break out and warn someone.
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I’m not sure if its not already too late since Vision is safely ensconced in his take over the world chair in his secret take over the world room.
ISAAC’s head hologram shows up to Vision and asks him what the delay is, chop chop get to taking over the world for its own good.
Vision: “Sorry, ISAAC... I was just remembering how much I enjoyed having a body.”
Oh my god.
ISAAC: “What’s the sense of that? This entire world will soon be your ‘body’! How can the mobility of a single humanoid form compare to that?”
Vision: “I wouldn’t expect you to understand, ISAAC. It’s odd, though, so many times others have controlled my body... the robot Ultron, the Mad Thinker, Necrodamus... All have tried to subvert my mind and take me over. And now here am I... about to initiate the greatest takeover of all. One would almost think there were some mad connection -- !”
ISAAC: “Vision! You must not tarry!”
.................. Um, okay. So, rather than just being influenced by his brush with death and also brush with supercomputer, I think Vision is being actively manipulated into this by ISAAC.
I don’t know why but I do know that Vision continues being a viable character for decades so he probably can’t be burning all his bridges here.
Anyway, Vision uploads his psyche into the internet.
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And like immediately starts taking over everything. One page montage immediately. The Pentagon, Cheyenne Mountain, SHIELD, satellites, the Kremlin.
Presumably the best security systems in the world barely warrant a mention for Vision’s mighty synthezoid brain.
He’s pulling a Skynet (for the world’s own good, so he says) and its barely an effort.
The scenery of being on the internet is, I dunno, pretty standard? Bright colors  and dashes of light? I feel like I’ve seen it a lot of places.
But if we’re on page 13 of a book and Vision is effortlessly Skynetting, whats the rest of the issue going to be about? Interestingly, to me anyway, despite this being Vision’s turn villainous or well-intentioned extremist, another villain gets shoved in anyway for him to fight.
As Vision is nyooming around the Kremlin’s computers, he nearly runs into another AI, Quasimodo.
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Helpfully, we get a recap of Quasimodo’s ENTIRE LIFE STORY because this is pre-fan wikis and I don’t think Quasimodo has appeared in Avengers before.
He was created to be the ultimate computer by the Mad Thinker but was abandoned when he developed a mind of his own.
Quasimodo was found by the Silver Surfer who used the cosmic powers of the Power Cosmic to transform Quasimodo from a computer into a robot.
Turning to the wiki for more information: He turns on Silver Surfer because he doesn’t like the body he got, so Surfer turns him into a stone gargoyle. Let that be a lesson about ingratitude.
Somehow, he stopped being a gargoyle and fought various people until he was defeated by the Fantastic Four and the Sphinx and wound up a disembodied intelligence in a Russian computer system. And here we are!
Quasimodo begs Vision to help him escape this digital hellhole but Vision just turns and leaves because he doesn’t have time for these shenanigans. And also because he knows Quasimodo is a villain who tends to turn on the people who help him so fuck that.
Quasimodo: “You know of my past - of my power - and you still would dare deny me?! There can be but one name for such as you... and that is fool!”
He then hauls off and punches Vision. Because they’re both digital intelligences on the internet they can punch each other and have a fight scene. That’s how internet works.
That’s why Mega Man X can beat up so many people in cyberspace.
Quasimodo says if Vision doesn’t help him get back to the physical world, he’ll destroy him.
Vision: “Now, listen to me... I am consolidating all computers worldwide. I gave up my own physical body to do this, and I’ll not tolerate any interference from the likes of you!”
Quasimodo: “You willingly abandoned your body?! You’re not a fool... you’re mad!”
Faced with an irreconcilable set of priorities, Quasimodo trips them both into “the irresistible currents of the IMPULSE VORTEX!”
Sure. That sounds like how internet works.
Meanwhile, over at Pluto is very far away, Monica Marvel nyooms past the moons of Uranus. Apparently her visual acuity is REALLY good because she takes in the scenery while she’s nyooming and finds it frighteningly beautiful out in the outer planets.
Anyway, Vision scolds Quasimodo for plunging them into a torrent. Which makes me laugh. Surely its too soon for torrents to be a thing. He’s just using it in a metaphorical sense.
Quasimodo tries to shoot EYE BEAM at Vision, which misses the digital synthezoid but obliterates an electron.
In a cutaway that would be at home in a Marvel movie, the scene briefly shifts to a Soviet computing center and a guy named Alexey complaining that his program just crashed.
Quasimodo does Vision some punches but Vision decides to start trying since Quasimodo’s attacks risk alerting people that something is amiss on the internet. And Vision’s powers work just as well on the internet as Quasimodo’s do. In fact, screw that, they work better! Vision just gets more and more powerful the longer he spends on the internet!
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Vision: “You might have slain me earlier, but now this world is mine -- and there is no place in it for you!!”
And at Vision’s command the internet launches Quasimodo from Earth itself.
The internet can do that.
Meanwhile, back at Avenger’s Mansion, Dane Whitman determines that the tube he’s a tube boy in may look like glass but its as strong as steel. He’s not punching his way out of here.
But his recently uncursed cursed sword (the curse never stays not cursed for long so I hope Dane enjoys having a notcursed but very enchanted sword) is just a few feet away with the rest of his luggage. And there’s a mystic bond between himself and the sword so if he just thinks about the sword hard enough, surely it’ll manifest in his hand.
Like the Force but slightly more convenient.
Dane Whitman: Nothing’s happening. Must not... be concentrating hard enough! Maybe the link was broken with the curse. No... no, I mustn’t even think that! I need my sword! I must have my sword! I must!
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He do it!
The Notcursed Ebony Sword appears in his hand and he slices through that steel glass like its just glass.
Meanwhile, over at Arizona, the Avengers finish up nullifying the Blood Brothers and putting them in suspended animation, or if you prefer, naptime timeout.
Captain America receives a buzz from Hawkeye who wonders what he’s doing within hailing range, ie in the western half of the US.
Captain America: “Arizona... government business... And I’m as surprised to hear you, as you are me! I take it that your team finished its mission in the Pacific early!”
Hawkeye: “Mission? What are you talking about, Cap? We haven’t been on any mission!”
Which is a dun dun dun considering their whole reason for being sent on this mission was that the West Coast Avengers were ostensibly busy.
And Vision lying about that raises a whole lot of questions for the Avengers.
Cap and Wanda Witch rush over to the Quinjet and contact the Mansion.
Vision: “Then you’re aware of my deception. I... am sorry, Cap. I didn’t want to mislead you, but I felt it necessary to carry out my plan.”
Scarlet Witch: “Plan? Vision, what do you mean? What have you done?”
Vision: “I... well, there is no easy way to put this... But I have taken over the world.”
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You never want to hear “I have taken over the world” from a friend, unless its followed with “and I want to get you in on the ground floor of this exciting new opportunity.”
Vision promises the two that he’s taking over all of Earth’s computers for a really good reason like ending war and strife. And signs off by telling Wanda everything will be alright and that he loves her.
Cap: “He meant it... he meant every word.”
Scarlet Witch: “He’d been upset lately, but I never thought... Cap, we have to stop him!”
Cap: “Yes. If there’s still time!”
Follow @essential-avengers​ because I don’t know when I’ve been more excited to get to the next issue! Like and reblog?
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lilhawkeye3 · 4 years
This Ohio discourse has got me dying to create discourse about every other state now hehe so I officially present:
Hawk’s review of 36/50 US states!
In alphabetical order because that fuckin song “50 nifty United States” has been stuck in my head since fourth grade.
Arizona: Phoenix is hot. Can’t believe y’all choose to live in a place that gets haboobs. Saw Sen. John McCain in the airport. I feel that sums up the state well. 4/10
California: as a resident of the state of Oregon, I’m legally required to say fuck California😌 unless anyone else talking shit about Cali and then we got your back😤 SoCal vs San Fran vs Northern Cal are totally different worlds though. 7/10
Colorado: damn idk how y’all breathe there, them air is thin. But really pretty out there! 7/10
Connecticut: oh my god fuck New Haven. And Stamford, and Hartford, and— Yknow what? Let’s just toss the whole state into the Sound. For real, traffic is the WORST here and I’m so sorry that y’all gotta live like that. 3/10
Delaware: I cannot believe this is considered a state. There’s no difference between Delaware and Maryland/Pennsylvania. 1/10 should not be a state
Florida: “the only hills in Florida are the highway ramps and the Matterhorn!” —the shuttle driver at Disney World. He was right. Shit is flat as fuck here. And hot. And humid. The Gulf Coast is nice? But tbh it’s just all very touristy which is kind of a bummer. 5/10
Georgia: ...I can’t with the humidity or thinly veiled racism. But y’all got nice peaches! Also Black Panther filmed there so thank you for blessing us with that. 6/10 for fruits
Hawaii: okay pineapple farms are cool. Tbh I just feel really bad for how much mainlander/tourist bs all the islanders put up with. Ik price of living is v high and keeps going up. That said I did love Hawaii... although I was stung by a jellyfish. Hate those little bastards. 8/10 for wonderful people and nature
Idaho: as an Oregonian I’m required to also say fuck Idaho 😝 you da hoes. Okay for real tho southern Idaho has become v white white and kinda scary tbh. The northern part of the state is pretty chill tho. Also Oreida kettle chips are partly made in Idaho so I gotta give you half credit for that. 4/10
Illinois: at least you’re not Indiana. 4/10.
Indiana: I never want to step foot in Gary, Indiana again in my life. (Passed a Mack truck hauling a race car to Indy 500 though so that was cool.) 2/10
Iowa: I almost moved here. I’m so glad I didn’t. Why are the Quad Cities actually a group of five towns? I hate that. Also the roads were all cement, felt like driving on a sidewalk. Was also interesting because the second we got out of the city proper, it was just... corn fields everywhere. 2/10 y’all raising children of the corn.
Kentucky: I really don’t have anything to say about Kentucky. I thought the trees were pretty? 5/10 yeah idk
Maine: my relative has totaled two cars by hitting moose in Maine. Maine scares me. Or rather, the moose do. Also the lobster roll hype is real. And the coast truly is beautiful. 8/10 but an extra point for the moose bc I hate that relative so 9/10
Maryland: oh god Baltimore. Also I’m blaming you for the DC traffic because it’s on the land you gifted them. 3/10
Massachusetts: Patriots fans are the worst NFL fans (the racism is real, especially after fans burned the jerseys of Black players who knelt for the anthem). Liking Dunkin’ Donuts is not a personality trait. The North End in Boston is truly the best place to get pizza in the entire country. Western Mass is not the same state. And the Cape Cod bridges give me nightmares. 5/10 but cause I had to pay taxes two years and it really is Taxachusetts, knocking it down to 4/10
Michigan: it’s a lot bigger than I initially thought. 5/10
Minnesota: it’s Canada but in the US. Pretty driving through the southern part. Cops suck tho. 5/10
Montana: okay Montana is downright gorgeous. (Except Billings. Sorry, Billings.) I must include a photo. I wanna get a cabin here and just exist. 8/10
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New Hampshire: can’t decide if it hates Massachusetts or wants to be Massachusetts. All it knows is that it’s better than Vermont. Which... y’know, valid. (If you wanna see NH culture watch North Woods Law tbh). 4/10
New Jersey: why are there so many goddamn highways in this state? Also there are more places to weekend trip than the Shore or the Poconos. Although you do have people pump gas for you just like Oregon, so... that’s valid. Things my friends have added: Newark airport is cursed (valid), the jughandles are nightmares (true), pork roll/Taylor Ham is good and so are bagels and New Jersey pizza (allergic so idk), and everyone is split on whether the shore is actually decent or not 😂 I give it a 3.5/10 out of spite
New York: NYC is fun, Upstate is MASSIVE but really beautiful. Long Island is... yeah I don’t have anything nice to say about Long Island. 8/10 For NYC, 6/10 for Upstate, -2/10 for Long Island, gives us an average of 6/10
North Carolina: very good peaches. Isn’t South Carolina. Keep it up👍🏽 6/10
Ohio: I already told y’all how I feel about this flat ass boring state. I feel no need to slander it any more lmao. 3/10
Oregon: she flies with her own wings, mi amor🥰 to list all the reasons I like Oregon (and the issues too bc it ain’t perfect), I would need a whole other post. I’ll just leave you with this picture I took of Mt. Hood, the queen of our Cascades. 11/10
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Pennsylvania: so apparently PN is three states hiding in a trench coat like NY. There’s upstate, philly and Pittsburg. Personally I think they’re just trying too hard and wanna get the same recognition as NY. Meh. 5/10
Rhode Island: THIS FUCKIN SHAM OF A STATE Just merge it with Connecticut and be done with it!! It’s tiny. Providence sucks. There’s nothing unique about this state that you can’t find in Southern Mass (except MA has cheaper taxes so y’all come to work and shop in MA anyways smh). Also the fingers are really annoying to drive down to get to some beach areas haha. 2/10 you’re barely better than Delaware.
South Carolina: my Black father was invited to a party celebrating General Robert E Lee’s birthday. So... 0/10
South Dakota: very gorgeous, didn’t realize the Missouri River went this far west, but VERY LARGE. I mean it looks big on a map but then you get there and... yeah. No speed limit on highways is a great time though. And the Badlands have mountain goats! 6/10 bc while pretty, living there seems really hard. (Picture is me in the Badlands).
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Texas: gave us Juneteenth and Beyoncé and JJ Watts. Thank you Texas. But is very big, got independence from Mexico to keep slavery (yikes), is like 97% private land (yikes) and is like the second or third largest state. Very big. That said, everyone I’ve ever met from Texas is lovely. 6/10.
Utah: Other than Idaho, this is the whitest state I’ve been to. Or it feels that way. Like a, the people crossed to the other side of the street and held their bags because I’m brown, state. And I don’t ski so I can’t even say that’s a good thing (I fell off the ski lift the one time I went, long story). Yeah 0/10.
Vermont: wants to be New Hampshire or Canada and can’t decide which. So it’s just kinda there. Pretty hills though. 3/10
Virginia: let’s be real we all forget that Virginia exists west of Richmond. Nova is a beauracratic and traffic nightmare and half our neighbors had to pass security clearance checks. Hampton Roads and beach area is a tourist and mosquito nightmare. But there were dolphins and I made snowmen on the beach. Good times. 6.7/10
Washington: again, legally required as an Oregon resident to say fuck Washington because it’s all your fault we now are getting a toll on the I-5 border. But you’re better than California. And the Sound is really cool for fishing, love Wicked Tuna. And the fish market. Best salmon I’ve had. Eastern Washington... y’all got Spokane but the rest is kinda sparse. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 8/10
Wisconsin: cheese is actually good. Again, pretty state, much larger than I initially thought. 7/10
Wyoming: this was the ONLY STATE I lost cell service in when diriving cross country. Kinda surprised it wasn’t Montana, but no, it was Wyoming. Views are gorgeous though so I was distracted either way. 4/10
Thank you for joining me on this cross-country edition of Tea Time with Hawk. Please respond with any reactions, corrections, addendums about any and all of the states mentioned. And thank you for taking part in this wholesome Clone Wars fandom discourse with me 🥰💕
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okcat · 3 years
omg... wontop... this whole time i thought you were across the whole ass ocean.... turns out ur prob just across some dusty mountains smh.... (I'm on the west coast, it's about 4pm now) BUT YES HI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Miss you lots!!! <3 How have you been??? I graduated!!! I am simultaneously looking for work and preparing for more school... so... kill me XD Wonho also deleted a lot of pictures off his insta???? So kill me again ig. he gonna make it up to me with japanese debut. i know it. he always turns it out. alskdjLKASJ he always writes in Japanese so im excited!! same i would always be up late WHICH IS WHY I THOUGHT YOU WERE ACROSS THE OCEAN. TURNS OUT WE'RE BOTH JUST UP LATE. tbh idk what i expected on tumblr LAKJSLDKJS yass ofc lucky me all the lines in the pictures were words and grammar points I knew LAKSJDLKAJSLKD the anime learning coming in clutch 💖💖💖
STOP I THOUGHT YOU WERE ACROSS THE OCEAN LMAO. Turns out we're both just vampires. Love that for us ❤
you graduated tho that's amazing!!! so proud of u 🥺🥺🥺 it's stressful I feel that I'll be there soon 😭 had to push back my grad another semester but still the pain of eventually having to prep for more school afterwards... weighs on ur mind fjsjhdjsjs. I've been doing alright tho! Im wishing u the best of luck in all u choose to do 💖
wonho rebrand incoming... a shame he deleted his posts but I'm just gonna blame it on his gemini moon they like change 😭 but ya him writing in japanese must be so fun for u!! it's good practice huh 😎 I wonder what vibe he'll go for his japan debut? similar? different? we'll find out soon enough 👁
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wellthatwasaletdown · 3 years
"So, was she waiting for Jason & Keely to make their debut as a couple, do a pap walk with the kids to show she's the world's best mum, then leave them with Jason so she can jet off to be with her bf for care free rendezvous in Italy? Do I have this right? 🤔 smh"
I saw an unsubstantiated rumor that Harry was spotted at the Rome airport. He may have left Italy. I think the HOlivia reunion will happen in LA. Babylon is supposed to start filming as early as later this week. Harry had his annual Italian vacation and wrapped it up with whatever project he had with Gucci. He has to kick off tour rehearsals. He'll have to break-in at least one new musician because Sarah's not touring, but I have a feeling he'll be touring with a group that looks a lot like the Grammy performance musicians. It'll be convenient to rehearse in LA since the tour kicks off on the West Coast. Mitch is there. Jeff is there. Harry prefers to be there (despite what he says).
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lcrkpierre · 5 years
        hello all! my name is enya, i’m 22, and i’m chillin’ over on the west coast, dreading the summer heat that is... swiftly approaching. it’s been a minute since i’ve rp’ed but i am back @ it and ready to introduce you to my newest muse who is... possibly my favorite? without furtho ado, under the cut you’ll find some info about Lark as well as some lil plot/connection ideas~ 
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      Lark Pierre. 24. Cismale. He/him is here! They’ve lived in Silver Lake for 3 years and are originally from Eugene, Oregon. They are a dog groomer at bone sweet bone, and in their downtime love yoga and getting baked, while baking. They look a lot like Timothee Chalamet and live in Oasis Apartments. 
Originally from Eugene, OR, Lark grew up accustomed to a somewhat different lifestyle than the average kid. His parents very much did, and still do, fall under the ‘hippie liberal’ umbrella. At least that’s what the extended family on his birth mother’s side always said. They very much preferred the term free-spirited, which definitely applies to Lark as well. 
Ya boi didn’t escape childhood unscathed, like most of us, but he did have a very fortunate life (so long as we’re not counting the summer in his teens where his parents drug him on a cross country roadtrip in their van-turned-tiny-house, that definitely lacked any form of privacy) that he is very thankful for.
His late teens/early twenties were a bit of a rough time; Lark went through a transitory period after graduating high school that left him feeling very much disconnected from the world. With no real skillsets, he jumped from dead end job to dead end job, trudging along with a heavy heart nearly every day. He lost his wonder, and he didn’t even realize it until he was at the end of his rope.
Existential crisis is truly a rough thing, as Lark discovered, and he spent nearly a year trying to recover and figure out what he actually wanted out of life. He was in the mood for big changes, and this is what brought him to Silver Lake. Thankfully, the change of pace was just what he needed. There’s a fondness in his heart for the town— he credits a lot of his happiness to the place. 
Personality wise, Lark is a big lover. Despite the somber expression on his face 90% of the time, he is a joyful guy that isn’t afraid to be himself wherever he goes. He is optimistic and bright, caring (though paradoxically carefree) and motivated. He is a big believer in backing up his words. His follow-through game is unreal, so if ya boi makes a promise, best believe it won’t be broken (unless he bites off more than he can chew, which is definitely a big problem of his). 
He walks a fine line between humor and solemnity, so much so that he may be hard to read at times. A majority of the time, he is... joking... but he can be so dry sometimes I stg ... I promise he’s not an asshole, just does not always make it obvious that he’s goofin’ around
A big animal lover!! Hence the job at Bone Sweet Bone! He has a cat that he lovingly named Sumo. She is hairless, and not overweight in the least bit, which Lark thinks is absolutely hilarious because of the name, but he’s kind of a big idiot so like... whatever, you know
Not a huge stoner, but definitely familiar with weed. Likes to get high usually once a week and bake cookies/cupcakes that he brings to work for the break room. They’re not always good, but he’s trying lol
roommate — he definitely cannot afford rent on his own, so if this doesn’t get filled his roommate will be npc lol (charlie)
client — somebody that regularly brings their pup in for grooming? he definitely tries his best to maintain good rapport bc ya boi needs all the cash he can get honestly (nirvana)
neighbor — somebody he probably bothers for a cup or two of sugar while baking because he got high before checking his supplies smh (hollis)
yoga friends — maybe they go to a class together? or just meet up to do yoga every so often (sophie)
casual relationship — something that causes a lot of angst tbh. maybe neither of them are willing to bring up the ‘dtr’ convo, or maybe they both agree that they don’t want to be exclusive but are simultaneously Very Jealous when other people are brought up/seen with the other (open to any gender)
close friends — somebody that he feels at ease around, and vice versa! give me something cute and supportive pls
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kaffeinic · 5 years
60 Question Tag Challenge!
I was challenged by @woo-for-woojin to answer all of these. To be fair, I challenged her first, but let’s not get into the details. Original post of questions by @roseyygf.
1: Selfie.
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Lmao look at my fingers. What the hell is going on there?
2: What would you name your future kids?
I feel like that’s a joint decision, so I can’t say. Honestly, I don’t think I’ll want to have my own kids through childbirth. My family has a genetic disposition to difficulties during pregnancy. I might adopt.
3: Do you miss anyone?
A few people. Some of them I haven’t even met in person. I miss my BFF from school. I miss a few people online that I’ve fallen out of touch with. I’m always missing people. 😂
4: What are you looking forward to?
College, and moving out of my house. I’ve been itching to do both of these for years now.
5: Is there anyone who can always make you smile?
@hoshithehamster, @woo-for-woojin, @a-toxic-galaxy, my BFF from school, and my older sister. Also, I swear, @hoshithehamster and I are literally are always TALKING IN CAPS LOCK BECAUSE WE ARE IDIOTS AND WE HAVE THE WEIRDEST, MOST FUN CONVERSATIONS EVER.
6: Is it hard for you to get over someone?
Once I’ve gone all-in, yeah. When it’s a crush, not usually. I’m really slow to develop a crush on someone. Painfully slow lol. I’m cautious because I’ve been hurt by people in that regard a few times. One incident had me suicidal for a long time.
7: What was your life like last year?
Kind of the same? I didn’t have this blog open. If you had asked this regarding two years ago, I would have said that I wasn’t homeschooling, didn’t know how to play piano much, didn’t have this blog, and was very depressed because of my old schoolmates.
8: Have you ever cried because you were so annoyed?
YES! Whenever I feel stuck and know I have no control of a situation, I get frustrated and find a quiet place to cry.
9: Who did you last see in person?
I’m assuming this means out of my own household. The last person I saw was my older sister and her roommates, who I am really good friends with. One of them loves coffee as much as me and it’s great! I spent the night. That was over a month and a half ago lmao. Before that, I had gone on a date at a coffee shop.
10: Are you good at hiding your feelings?
Yeah. My family gets angry at me if I’m sad or angry about anything, so I hold it all in. It definitely has made life a bit harder. I make people angry when I won’t disclose my feelings to them. I just find it to be better to hold it. I have to be really comfortable with you and really love you if I’ll tell you that I’m sad/angry and why.
11: Are you listening to music right now?
Yeah. It’s Le Pire by Maître Gims. He’s a really great French singer.
12: What is something you want right now?
If this is concerning food, I’m in the mood for chicken right now lol. I need some protein. Aside from food, I’m wanting to get a pedal for my electric piano. I have no sustain and it ruins a lot of songs. 😂 It’s why I have my ko-fi open.
13: How do you feel right now?
Meh. I’m not feeling great. I have some issues with fainting. My blood pressure drops like a rock at times and I feel it coming on, if you know what I’m saying. It’s this kind of lethargic, sick feeling. I’m trying to drink a lot of water, just in case it’s about dehydration.
14: When was the last time someone of the opposite sex hugged you?
When I last visited my favourite coffee shop. For those of you who read Caffeinic, Chan’s character design is a mix of his true personality and a barista at my café of choice. He always gives me a hug when I see him, and when I say good bye. 😊
15: Personality description?
For a quick description, I’d say that INFJ, which is my MBTI type, is really accurate for me. I’ll let one of my friends try to describe me. I’m bad at describing myself lol.
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Okay, but my heart is combusting. This amazing hooman, I lob her so much!!!! One of my best friends for sure.
16: Have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn’t?
All the time. I’m sure you all have heard Fight Song by Rachel Platten, but that line where she says, “And all those things I didn't say // Wrecking balls inside my brain // I will scream them loud tonight // Can you hear my voice this time?” really resonates with me. It was that lyric that hooked me on this song.
17: Opinion on insecurities?
I think 90% of us have them. They are humbling, which can be good, but I urge you to know your worth. I’m such a hypocrite.
18: Do you miss how things were a year ago?
Not really. Not much has changed.
19: Have you ever been to New York?
No, but I’d love to visit! I’m from the west coast lol.
20: What is your favourite song at the moment?
Ramai by Delia & The Motans. I listen to a lot of different languages in music lol. I have no idea what any of it means, so if it’s inappropriate, I apologize.
21: Age and birthday.
Internationally, 18. May 3, 2001.
22: Description of crush.
I don’t think I have a crush???? Haha. There’s this really kind, pretty hot barista at the café who seems to like me but I’m avoiding relationships, so idk. He has green eyes and black, curly hair. He’s maybe 170-180cm, but I’m not entirely sure. He looks damn good in a button up, I... wow. 🥵
23: Fear(s)?
So many lmao. I’m afraid of some trivial things, like bugs and rollercoasters, but I’m also afraid of some different items, like never having a family of my own, or of not being able to achieve my dreams.
24: Height?
154(?)cm. About 5’1.”
25: Role model?
I don’t think I have one lmao. I just try to be the best person I can be. It’s a goal in life for me to be a truly good person.
26: Idol(s).
Aren’t Idols and Role Models pretty much the same thing..? 😂 To be general, I look up to those who have studied in medical school because I know it’s a rollercoaster of difficulties and debt. I applaud them.
27: Things I hate:
This could be a very long list. Let’s go:
Unnecessary rudeness/bullying
Being forced into things I don’t like and/or am afraid of doing
Being lied to
Being stolen from
Being thrown in awkward situations
Being denied my alone time
When people make a mess that I have to clean
When I cook for people and they don’t thank me. My face just scrunched in anger while I typed this one lmao.
Arrogant/egotistic people
So many more, but I’ll cut it off there. 😊
28: “I’ll love you if...”
OOF. There’s no specific thing someone could do. If you love me, I’ll love you. I don’t mean the “awe ily” kind of love. I mean the “I will keep you out of trouble and protect you and be around you only to enjoy your company because I love you” kind of love. True love. Not that artificial crap.
29: Favourite film(s)?
Room 1408 is really good haha. I also really liked A Simple Favour. I like a lot of movies lmao. Superhero movies are always good.
30: Favourite tv show(s)?
I watched a lot of Black Mirror before we got rid of Netflix. I watch Superstore and Brooklyn 99 like they’re the gospel. I’m always down for Gilmore Girls because it’s a classic. I often watch my old childhood shows like Danny Phantom.
31: 3 random facts.
I’m assuming you mean, “3 random facts about me” lol.
I play piano.
I read “too much.” Let’s be honest, is it even possible to read too much?
I write my own stories and songs all of the time.
32: Are your friends mainly girls or guys?
Oof. My absolute closest friends are girls, but the majority of people I would consider my friends are male.
33: Something you want to learn.
Everything I can about medicine. I’m so interested in it, and I love the idea of fixing someone’s body. I’m fascinated by the weird and/or nasty things about our bodies. I hope that doesn’t sound too weird. I also wanna learn how to use a French press lmao.
34: Most embarrassing moment?
I had been selected to perform in a talent show a few years back for my old school and I got up there, face planting on the floor. Halfway through the song, I froze up and forgot the lyrics. I have never forgotten that.
35: Favourite subject?
Any form of science or Language Arts.
36: 3 dreams you want to fulfill?
Become a doctor.
Write a song that someone can perform onstage.
Clock in my 10,000 hours in piano.
Extra: I want to learn violin so badly!
37: Favourite actor/actress?
Jennifer Aniston or Nicolas Cage probably. I don’t pay much attention to actors. I also love Jeremy Renner’s work!
38: Favourite comedian(s)?
Oh lord, this question was made for me. Randy Feltface, Samuel J. Conroe, TwoSet, Ross Lynch, and many, many more!
39: Favourite sport(s)?
Volleyball, baseball, and badminton. Low/no-contact sports lol.
40: Favourite memory?
I can’t think of a specific one, but my best memories are always those random, funny moments I have with friends. I don’t think I’m ever gonna forget when my friend and I named one of her plants for the first time. I made a plant family tree. Dear lord save my soul.
41: Relationship status?
42: Favourite book(s)?
THAT IS THE HARDEST QUESTION EVER! How can I be expected to answer this???? 😂 I don’t have a favourite.
43: Favourite song ever?
Is this q&a list crafted specifically for me to not be able to answer any of the questions? 😂 I don’t have one. It changes with time.
44: Age you get mistaken for?
People always think I’m younger than I am, but if they don’t, then they over shoot it. Most people think I’m 16, or as old as 20-22. It’s crazy lol.
45: How you found out about your idol.
I’m going to interpret this as how I found out about my ult bias, who is Chan from Stray Kids. I was surfing SoundCloud and found the 3racha page. There wasn’t much there, but I liked what they had recorded. From then, I saw some of their survival show and may have kind of fallen for Channie and his personality lmao. Whoops.
46: What my last text message says.
This is the one I got while I was answering this specific question. 😊
“I feel that. I do hate unrealistic stories or stories that go on to fast like. I want to read stories where I feel like the reader could be me and not some sort of perfect girl getting the attention of all the people and fell in love withing 3 seconds and marry. I know that there must be some drama and special things to keep the story going and that's OK but I really appreciate stories who are still based more on a normal life. And you really do a good job in writing normal life stories // And tbh no story made me as happy as your barista!Chan story. It really is something different and I love it.”
Idk if the sender would be okay with me sharing that it was them, so I just copied it lol. I truly do love the feedback I get from you guys! Thank you all so much~~!
47: Turn-ons?
I’m assuming - again - that you mean romantically? I’ve always liked someone who has a decent sense of humour. Whenever I see someone working hard at their job/studies, part of me finds it... sexy? Idk. I’m weird. Save me. 😂
48: Turn-offs?
Overconfidence is a big no-no. It’s annoying as well. I can’t stand someone who truly is an idiot. Nothing turns me off more than getting a text that’s barely legible with a million abbreviations. Speak to me like someone with a brain, please. Another big turn-off is someone who is just automatically very sexual. I’m not a super sexual person, and I don’t want to hang out with someone who has a one-track mind in that sense.
49: Where I want to be right now.
The café.
50: Favourite picture of your idol?
But... he’s so pretty? How??
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Sorry. I do not own these gifs/photos of Chan~
51: Star sign?
Taurus..? Idk if that’s for horoscopes lol.
52: Something I’m talented at.
Mmmmmm idk. I’m pretty mundane. I read a lot. I really would love to say I’m talented at piano, but I just don’t think I’m there yet.
53: 5 things that make me happy.
“Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens...” Sorry.
Classical music
The smell of an old book
Petrichor and/or rainstorms
Playing piano
The smell of coffee
54: Something that’s worrying me at the moment.
Everything?? 😂 I’m worried about affording college tuition at the moment. I’m a senior and it’s steadily approaching.
55: Tumblr friends?
I almost yeeted my phone across the room. This is my question. 😂
@hoshithehamster, my fellow plant mother. I think we are each other’s spirit animal lol. I love you more than you know~! As a side note: She’s model material, I swear! Soooooo pretty, inside and out!
@woo-for-woojin, the most adorable and thoughtful person ever?? Always a pleasure to speak to. She gives the coolest and cutest requests ever, I’m-
@a-toxic-galaxy, one of the first people who supported this blog. I love you so much! We both have gotten a little busy lately, but I hope we never fall out of touch.
@doubleknot42, I guess more of an acquaintance? I still really want to get to know her more. The content on her blog is amazing, I highly recommend.
@ethereal-chanracha, someone who I’ve just recently started talking to. We’ve learned so much about each other in such a short time and I already think she’s so awesome! If you’re down for a good conversation, hit her up.
@palemoonpersephone, a friend I made after writing a post about my experiences at school. She is one of the sweetest, most thoughtful and hardworking people I’ve ever met. She offered to be my friend if ever I need one, and I don’t regret it. 💕
56: Favourite food(s).
Homemade granola (I make it a lot.)
Salad (Don’t @ me. I really do enjoy salad. I’m much more of an herbivore. 😂)
Most types of Chinese chicken
This spicy noodle thing I think I invented?
Italian sandwiches
Any type of spicy chip (Takis, Hot Cheetos, etc...)
Plain white rice
Gochu jang flavoured chicken
Despite this list, know that I’m a very picky eater lol
57: Favourite animal(s).
White tigers
58: Description of my best friend.
Y’all probably know who this is, but...
gOOFY (like me)
The best plant mother in existence??? Fight me.
And SO much more~~!
59: Why I joined tumblr?
Initially, just to find cool posts and like/reblog whatever I enjoyed. My main blog, @assainfj, is the same blog I started with lol. It’s now become a place for me to share my thoughts and my writing and to meet amazing hoomans.
60: Ask me anything you want.
YASSSSS PLEASE I love answering your questions~~~~~! Send in as many as you’d like!
I tag: @hoshithehamster • @a-toxic-galaxy • @palemoonpersephone • @doubleknot42 • @ethereal-chanracha & anyone else who wants to do this!
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foureyedandtall · 6 years
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57 facts tag~
thanks for the tag @thefoxandhersimblr and @spicedplumbob <3 loved reading yalls facts! i hope i can do 57 as well because
the rest under the cut~
i love all of you! <--just pretend this is fact 2 and so on lolll
the creativity on here gets me so excited I DIE
yall slay me every damn day
i’m sorry (not really) for the way i comment. blame @pixeltrashcan she got me started on that shit and now i can’t stop
syrian hamsters own my heart...they’re so sweet
i’m the middle child!
i’m left handed
my cooter sweet af
i love the way it smells OMG
don’t come for me hahahahahaha OMFG
i was engaged once..................to my theo SMH. lord help me
his was the best zick i EVER had
i am a huuuuuge harry potter fan!
the majority of my tats are based on harry potter!
they are also mostly hidden on my torso
i have a few on my sleeve but i’m thinking real hard about what i want there since it’ll be out for everyone to see
i try not to curse so much. I REALLY DO
i get tested every month for stds and i think everyone else should too!
i modeled when i was in the 5th grade!
i’m from north carolina :’]
i’ve lost my accent
i used to get picked on for it lolllllllllllll. it was so heavy
when i go back home it kinda comes back!
some days i want kids some days i don’t
i’m spoiled af I ADMIT IT.
i used to be a weeb........thank goodness i stayed off the internet in those days. there’s no proof of that foolery
so does dick I’M SORRY
i got a screenshot that’ll ruin @tangandzing as you know her~
i’m horrible at returning texts...some of yall know that. MY BAD
i was forced to join discord @tigerellasims why did you do this to me?
those poses i said i was gonna release on monday? not happenin LOL
i hope everyone had a good weekend~
i love listening to people talk ahhh
the west coast is the best coast in my opinion
i think ima live on the west coast foreverrr
my main blog has nearly 22k followers and i abandoned it for my simblr LOL
that blog.........i hope yall never find it
i hope my followers on there never find this blog lmfaoo man...
when i lived in germany i ate schnitzel almost every day!
have i told you i love you yet?! because i do :’‘‘]
i used to work as a bar wench at the georgia renaissance festival!
i miss atlanta
i’m a hugeeeeeeee shit talker when i play overwatch
@spicedplumbob BCE!
i don’t think i can come up with anymore facts lollllllllll I’M DONE. i think i embarrassed myself enough~
 OH i’ve recently dyed my hair back to brown I REGRET IT
hmmm omg i tag everyone.
ok bye
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Cheshire Lore!
Cheshire- is 300 million years old, he and a few other symbs bonded with aliens that were real cool looking and took a vacation to earth, they land in egypt, during the time of ancient egypt mind you, and the egyptians think the aliens are gods so they worship them, Cheshires un bonds from his alien host and bonds with a human, she is his first human host and Chesh loves her but sadly the aliens leave so Chesh goes to his previous host (note: bc of this lil adventure Cheshire has a better resistance to heat, also they leave before the egyptians build the pyramids so no these aliens didn’t help build them) fast forward a few hundred years and Cheshire gets exiled from all the other symbiotes because he’s too much of a wild card, Chesh manages to make his way to earth after a few hundred years. Cheshire gets to earth in the year 1812, a little bit after the war of 1812 starts, but he lands off the coast of spain eventually makes his way on land and finds a host, gets updated on whats happening/happened on earth, Cheshire moves around a lot and has basically traveled the whole world until he finally makes it to america in the 1890s, he missed the civil war but he doesn’t care that much (he thinks americans are pretty dumb), move across the country, during this period he favored cowboys, gunslingers, and anyone who lived in the wild west but he got there to late and soon the wild wild west was no more, he then moved to the west coast but soon discovered he did not like it, Cheshire then moved all the way to the east coast, mainly the new england area, and just chilled there fast forward- The 20s come around and chesh loves it, he loves the parties, drinks, dancing, flappers, and all the illegal shit going down, but then BOOM! great depression everyone is all sad, and depressing so he leaves and goes to england then goes back to america once the depressions over. ANOTHER BOOM! world war 2 roles around, chesh hates it but then captain america happens and chesh is like “holy shit i didn’t know americans were so smart” but then learns it was german scientist so then he’s disappointed, fast forward and its like 1960s, americans are being dicks so chesh takes a va-ca to africa bonded to a fish or smth, gets to the coast and bonds with the first human he can find. Cheshire then takes human and crosses Sahara, lands in egypt, switches hosts, stays there a few years 1980s roll around and Chesh wonders what going on in merica so he heads over there. 80s merica is funky and chesh hates/loves it. he stays there to present. all in all Cheshire thinks americans are dumb and hypocrites so finding an irish lad in america was a score, and his mom is like the best and most understanding and so cool and treats chesh like a person and doesn’t call some science nerds to do smh about him??? absolute score in his book
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numbers instead of flowers: 5, 16, 37, 52!
aaa thank you again
[angelonia: favorite tv show?]i really never have favorites of anything!! augh.
[bergenia: morning or night person?]oh my god night person…i talk abt trying to “correct” when i fall asleep but it always readjusts basically immediately so that i’m awake at night. cuz really thats just my natural state of being is to be tired only so late that its early
[coneflower: dream job?]oh god…i’ve never had a sense of like, this is my True Career Path and i know it and its my dream…and in this period of things i don’t really have dreams as a factor. i’ve thought i might be a decent interpreter/translator, too bad i only know the one language and dont see myself becoming fluent in others anytime. one sort of lifelong theme i’ve had is it’d be nice to work with animals, but me and a ton of other ppl huh. i think i couldve been a physicist, but not in this lifetime most likely. basically what i would best hope for now is the kind of jobs friendly to stray gays
[gladiolus: what is something you hope to do in the next year or two?]i am crap at these because i again can’t bring up any dreams lmao…the only sort of positive thing is if i complete this unimportant ongoing project just for the sake of completing it, which should be easy enough. my only other plans for the future is i’d like to get to the west coast. if i can do that i can also hope i can find a specific area where its safer for gay/trans homeless people. from there on it’s fairly impossible to make predictions about what to shoot for obvs. not much to be hopeful about but its more of a sort of a total roll of the dice based not much on any particular emotion, but based on ideals anyways. having a slim chance that existing can feel like it belongs to me, even if im dead in like three seconds, vs not having that chance. smh. best case scenario? i learn how to windsurf
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troublesomemusic · 3 years
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Nothing worse than coming across great memories with your homies and one of them is no longer with us smh. My homie @djcrazytoones was the best man. Humble as fuck and SUPER TALENTED !!! The West Coast lost beast with this one rest in peace brother your memory lives on !!! #TMGang #TMClothing #Troubfans #rip #djcrazytoones #westcoast (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cbk4UBiJcK-/?utm_medium=tumblr
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a-quil · 4 years
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Happy New Year Ladies & Gentlemen! We made it to 2021! We survived that crazy 366 days (this craziness would happen during a leap year smh 🤦🏾‍♂️). I want to send love to everyone that joined me on the stream! We had a BALL! Whether you joined for the early portion, or lasted all the way until 4am CST (that wasn't the plan but HAWAII CREW STAND UP!!! 😂😂😂😂), I appreciate y'all tapping in! We made the best of the night! Even though virtually, I got to spend the evening with family & friends in Minnesota, Alabama, Virginia, North Carolina, Nevada, California, & more! 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾 Extra special s/o to my #WifeBae that kept the drinks flowing as my bottle girl. 😂 She looked so gorgeous in her dress but didn't want to be on the stream. My plan was to kiss her for every New Year drop, but she was knocked out by the West Coast trip. I just had to kiss her arm & turn the bedroom light off lol! To health & happiness in 2021 & beyond. Love y'all! 🎉🥂🎆🥳🙌🏾 #InformalJammyJam #DJLife #DJSexyDreads #OnThemOnesAndTwos #DJsMakeTheWorldGoRound #MusicIsLife #Streaming #StreamingDJ #HawaiiCrew https://www.instagram.com/p/CJgwk9VBijo/?igshid=124nr7q3wu3he
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