#what could possibly be wrong with his spine at this age
k-atsukibakugou · 4 months
girl why the fuck is my sister taking her baby to get back adjustments
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youryanderedaddy · 2 months
tw: female reader, obsessive behavior, captivity, fantasy lore, abuse, murder mention, suggestive (?)
"You seem to be upset."
He's leaning against the window not too far away from you. Not too close as well - just far enough for you to feel at ease.
"Aren't you a mind - reader." You respond under your breath, trying to focus on the book you're currently reading - but the letters are escaping you, and you find yourself re-reading the same paragraph for the third time. He sighs, much like a disappointed father, before stepping towards you. And if you flinch just slightly, he doesn't pretend to notice or care.
"What is wrong, my flower?" The man gestures theatrically, soft velvet voice unbecoming of the monster he is flowing easily into the open air. You don't know what to say, really. It's been two years - or so you think, there is no way to keep track of time in this kingdom, not that time goes the same way in the elfen world as it does in the human, yet the part of you still capable of logical thought seems to think so. Two years, and there is very little you haven't already said. Very little left to be said, so your conversations are mostly rehearsed repetitions of what you already know. What you already fear - that you're going to die here. Or even worse. That you've become incapable of aging, so very consumed by this foreign land you detest that you've given up death for a life of boring, purposeless immortality.
"Don't I shower you with lavish gifts?" The noble moves closer, stalking towards you - observing you as if you're a butterfly pinned to a wooden frame under a microscope. "Don't I buy you the shiniest jewels? Not even the queen herself owns such sparkling emeralds." He scoffs, painfully used to your lack of response. You clear your throat, turning a new page - having little to recall about the last. It's completely meaningless just like all the other pages in all the other books you read. How funny, you think. In that distant, dreamy past of yours you were too busy to read - busy with work, busy with family, busy with friends. Busy with life. Now nothing gets in the way of your reading, you have all the time in the world - but there's no one to share the knowledge with. No one to spoil the ending. No time limits. No goal to it all, no final destination. So you read, and you soak the pages with salty tears not remembering a word.
"I am grateful for all the treasures you give me, my Lord." You answer nonchalantly, keeping your pointer at the end of the paper in a desperate attempt to find the sentence exactly where you left it off. You can feel him move closer to you - and the only indication of your growing fear are the shivers that travel down your spine with the beat of your violently full, thumping heart.
"Don't I provide you with all the entertainment your little human heart could possibly bear?" The duke clicks his long sharp nails together once against the other - an ugly metallic sound echoes deep into the ceiling reminiscent of a dying forest clow. "There has never been a lack of wine or music or dance in my court. I've gifted you more golden dresses than you can wear in this life. I've written you more poems than you can read." He keeps going, describing every little thing he's done for you, despite the fact that you've never asked for any of it.
"I admire your taste for indulgence, my Lord." You repeat almost automatically, the praises sitting on your tongue just waiting to be spilt from parted honey lips. Your eyes are glued to the book, but you've given up on reading long ago. Now you're simply trying not to cry - focusing your eyes at one word at a time and blinking repeatedly, manically, feeling as if the world with end the moment you let him see your weakness. You can't believe you still have so much pain in you - enough to feel loss and anger and, what's even worse, hope. Hope that one day you'll be free again.
"And tell me, flower—" His fist wraps around your low ponytail, forcing you to look up at him and meet his eyes for the first time tonight. What's staring back at you might as well be the bottom of the ocean itself, misty and dark, cold and unknown. Human eyes convey so much affection - so much care that you can never mistake it for anything else. With elves it's different - you can spend centuries looking for a hint of kindness, and you'll only get lost in those beatiful bottomless pits. Shiny and sparkling and completely empty. "Don't I give you love? Don't I embrace you tightly every night?" His voice lowers dangerously, barely above a whisper.
"I don't understand what more you could possibly want. Should I prove myself to you? Should I slay a dragon for you? Perhaps I could tie the heads of your enemies with a pretty bow and give them to you as a wedding gift, hmm?" He's babbling incoherently, nails digging into your scalp with unyealding grip. "Would that finally, finally make you happy, beloved?"
"No, no, please let go." You cry out in agony, wriggling out of his hold - but he's too strong, too massive to move. "I'm happy, I'm—" You sob pitifully, weakly pushing at his chest. "I'm happy with you. Please, you make me so happy, just please let go. And please don't hurt anyone."
He slowly pulls away, chest heaving in and out wildly. The scariest part is always his face. It remains unbothered - cold and defined like a statue of a god, his true feelings hidden by a mask of barely contained rage.
"You're happy with me?" He raises an eyebrow, foot stomping on the ground impatiently. You nod hesitantly, too shaken up to comprehend what you're even agreeing to. "Then prove it. Show me just how happy I make you." He grabs your wrist, pulling you face-first into his hard chest. "Do it, and I might reconsider my other more... inhumane methods of courtship." His lips twist into a cruel smirk. "And may the Gods help you."
As you sink to your knees you try to think of what book to read next - but no title comes to mind.
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fabled-fiction · 3 months
Temptations of the Wolf
Cregan Stark x Targaryen!Reader
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Summary: Being a Targaryen meant sacrifice. Being a Stark meant sacrifice. Both these houses know the service of duty well. But when war is amiss, and two leaders of these respective houses meet to discuss allegiance, feelings for one another bubble to the surface and get in the way. Oh how the winds of war turn would be lover on would be lover.
Word Count: 3.4k
Warnings: MAYBE POSSIBLE SPOILER ISH FOR EP 1. Angst, Foribbiden-ish Love, Use of (Y/N), proof read only by author.
A/N: I AM A HOTD TV SHOW PERSON ONLY!!! I did research on wikis to try and write Cregan correctly, however I am but a simple man that writes fanfiction, so mischaracterization isn't totally unavoidable. ENJOY!
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A dragon does not get cold.
A dragon does not feel the cold as they have fire brewing under their scales, penetrating not only their bones but also their soul. The soul of a dragon is a fiercely burning one, said to run so hot that their touch alone melts the thickest of ice.
(Y/N) Targaryen knew of this fire better than any dragon. Or that is what the people of King’s Landing had quickly grown to best know them by. Growing up within the tense house of Targaryen, especially during war times, justly called for you to have more than just a spine of a predator.
To survive amongst dragons, you must be able to breathe their fire.
Making every other tense occasion feel as though you were walking on air.
Perhaps there was another reason as to why you felt no fear as you flew North. A reason that bore the Stark symbol.
That is why, as Polarxes rode through the winter chill, with the wind daring to snip at your skin you felt calm. At peace almost, even as the great Wall came into view.
It was realized that in order to keep the throne that was meant to stay in the hands of your brother Aegon, relations had to be made. Families and Houses had bent the knee for King Visery’s heir not long ago, and it was soon made apparent that your family would have to make the same bend the knee again for Aegon. Just to make sure that loyalties lied with the correct Targaryen.
Whilst you particularly did not care for such politics, or politics in general, your mother had other plans. Seeing as you and Aemond stood as…the most intimidating of the family it was an easy decision to send the both of you out to ensure alliances were made and pacts bonded.
You knew that the decision to send you to the Wall was laced with more than just truce in mind. Your mother was a cunning woman, and recalled the times that whenever the Starks came to make your acquaintance you favored the nip of the cold family over the burning of the dragon pit. The touch of their ice, and the gaze of one particular wolf.
As your dragon landed, her talons digging in to break, you took a moment to yourself to feel the snowflakes rest on your warm cheeks and melt into the white of your roots. The cold felt nice on your skin that had grown used to the humidity of King’s Landing. To feel at ease in your skin, to have even the opportunity to cool off was an unknown blessing of this trip.
“I hope the ride here was not too tiresome for your dragon here, the winds can be quite hard in preparation for the change of season.”
Looking down at the boy, who looked no older than four and ten years of age, you smiled as you slid off your dragon with ease. She shook her head in response, her ivory scales offering her a sort of camouflage to the elements around her as she settled down. The heat of her breath alone melted whatever ice laid around her, the rest becoming swept up as her wings folded in. 
Whilst you looked at her with admiration, you could tell that this was the first dragon the boy had ever seen. It was a mix of awe and fear that flooded his eyes, which you did not doubt also kept him frozen still in fear of her eating him to remain warm.
“Do not worry about her, she is not the dragon that will eat you alive should you make one wrong move.”
A wolf does not get cold.
A wolf does feel the cold because the wolf knows how to bear the frigid winds. Their fur having grown to shift with the winds that come with winter. They stand strong against the chill of winter, and stand headfast at the front of the storm. 
The gaze of a wolf alone makes one question whether or not the storm bends to the wolf’s howl.
Cregan Stark knew that his house would come to be called upon soon enough. That is what comes with the winds of war. He just never felt bothered enough to actually busy himself with the calls of the storm.
But it became increasingly hard to ignore as a dragon landed at the gates of the Wall.
Especially when it was a dragon he recognized, that held a rider that had occupied his mind in the dark of the night as he stared into a fireplace. The lick of flames taunting him the same way a certain Targaryen had whenever in their presence.
He had begun to regret not knowing what exactly this storm of war would make him face.
The warmth of a Targaryen was hard to ignore, it made the men wish for the comfort of home as they were reminded of just how cold winter really was when left in their absence. A reaching hand hoping to grasp onto the hearth that was your soul. 
Even as he looked up toward the wall, the announcement of your presence was made when he felt sweat beghin to build on the back of his neck.
Turning towards you he noticed the sea of men that had parted to make a runway for you,almost as if they were presenting you to him. Or maybe it was the other way around as he noticed the way your predatory gaze ate up every inch of him.
He should have felt intimidated just by that alone.
You stood there before him, adorning only the one coat that seemed to mock the furs that he had adorned in order to retain even a fraction of the heat that you held onto. Your head was held high as you looked upon the Stark, giving him the smallest courtesy bow as your hand reached to shake his. He should not have been so eager to be in your presence upon the precipice of war.
Cregan Stark was no fool, he knew the reason for your visit. But still, appearances seemed to be becoming more and more important in this age.
“Lord Stark, I hope I am not intruding? There were some important business I’d like to discuss and well…dragons are faster than ravens.”
He offered you a curt smile as he stood to his full height, hoping to give himself an advantage on the conversation. Or at the very least to provide some distance to distract from the pit that had been lit a flame from your very speaking of his name.
“You’re not intruding in any way. Would you like to take this discussion somewhere more private, if the matter happens to be so important?”
You were not used to the Northern accent. The regality of the South had become your norm as you dealt with many affairs there, instead of bending to the will of the many Lord and Lady that wanted an audience with the great Targaryen rulers of the day. Thus you were used to their customs, clothing and accents.
Everything about the North always took you by surprise, and assaulted every sense that you had.
Cregan Stark was no different. If anything he made the divide even more stark as you set your gaze upon him.
He stood tall, and unbroken as he looked at you. The Wolf of the North was everything that had been said about him. Tall, broad, strong…handsome. His steeled eyes locked you in your place almost instantly. You weren’t sure if it was because you feared a single wrong move from you would provoke the beast or because you wanted to soak in every minute of his undivided attention. Never had you met someone with the same resolve as you, nor the same gaze.
You knew now why people were so intoxicated by you.
He always had that effect on you.
Taking his hand, stepping onto the lift you couldn’t help but be drawn to the cold that laid on his hands. The chill that ran up your arm from his touch alone made you want to keep a harsh grip on his gloved hand.
When the both of you were locked in, it was only then did your hands regretfully break apart by the jostle of the cables.
“I’m sure you know why I have made the trip all the way out here?” 
“Was it not to take in the view atop the wall?”
The chuckle that left your lips resonated throughout the cart, it made Cregan want to fill a book with quips that would draw similar sounds out of you. He smiled to himself as the ride came to a halt, and the two of you made the trip to a balcony overlooking the edge of the forsaken wall.
“ While that is a plus, I have come here as a courier from the Queen Mother. Whilst I believe you are busy with the responsibilities of defending the South from that of which come from those blasted woods, it would shock me to find you do not know of the developing situation within my family?”
His suspicions were confirmed. While there was no doubt you had come to discuss the usurping of the throne, it lifted some weight off his shoulder to know that you had been the one to broach the topic first. For some…unknown reason he felt hesitant to the idea of bringing up a topic that would only bring a scowl upon your face. Or any topic for that matter that would cause a crease to form between the bridge of your gaze.
But upon the question he found that you were calm and collected. As if you had not just brought up the topic of a deed that often led to disorder amongst the throne and council. Many of the men that served the wall had been sent here for just the discussion of mutiny alone.
Your confidence alone shook him, and confused him at the same time.
“I’m sure even the farthest reaches have heard of your brother taking his seat upon the Iron Throne. I'm confused however on what this has to do with me?”
Taking your gloves off, Cregan watched as you placed your hands on the edge of the ice that formed this pocket amongst the wall. Your shoulders dropped along with your head as you took in a deep breath. It was interesting to take in your mannerisms when it was just him instead of him and an audience. You behaved…well like a dragon. A foreboding presence that did not easily reveal their intentions, a ticking trap of anguish and fire. A continuous stream of steam left your nostrils as you took a moment to contemplate.
The dread that spilled from your exhale had Cregan convinced there was something more amiss this meeting of allegiance. 
“I truly do not care of the affairs of my brother, he has rarely acted on his own accord. Thus why I am here, to gather support of others that will make sure whatever whims he does hold are defended from those that aim to make all of this harder than it has to be.”
Looking at the palm of your hand that had been grasping the ice with a fury, you noticed that it had only now just started to turn pink. Whereas you were sure if anyone else had dared to meet flesh with ice, it would be purple and dead by now. It was a calming reassurance to feel the calming touch of ice. When looking into Cregan eyes, you felt a similar calm as his brows furrowed into a look that resembled something of sympathy.
He understood more than anyone the weight of duty.
“If I may ask, it seems as if you do not have much desire in the battles that are brewing? So why come here to make a play with a house that is known to keep their oaths?”
Of course he knew the weight of duty. The Stark house was known to be one of the most noble houses when it came to keeping a promise. They had bent the knee for your half sister years ago, so why must you have come out all this way to try and turn their tides? You truly did not want to come out all this way, only making the trip at the request of your mother who had become a thorn in your side ever since you made your indifference to the throne known.
You knew coming out this way would not sway the Stark, but instead sway you. 
“Who wishes for war? Only mad men desire a battle that would take their life,” Taking a moment to compose yourself, you straightened your back.
“Which is exactly why I come in hopes that you share the same sentiment.”
Your eyes seemed to hold all the emotions of the seven kingdoms. Cregan took a moment to compose himself, and remind himself that he was the Warden of the North. He does not need to consult himself on ways to keep the blaze of your heart lit. He had a job, just as you had yours.
Which is why he felt himself faltering.
“A Targaryen that does not wish of war? You are a rarity amongst your family (Y/N).”
Your name should have felt foreign to say. It was not dressed with honorifics, and he meant it. The lack of title that came before your name was with the purpose of bringing this conversation down to a more personal level. 
He watched as you tensed with him saying your name. But he knew it was not in offense, he could never offend you. It was in realization of the fragility of this conversation.
His informality was sealed when he rested his hand on the small of your back. The both of you just took in the moment to look beyond the wall. Cregan knew that this simple action could warrant reaction from you, it would be justified for you to take his hand and his tongue for even speaking to you in such a casual way.
Instead you melted into his touch, turning to face him.
He took this as an invitation to invade your space once more, taking a step forward to move a piece of hair that threatened to obscure his view of you.
“You flatter me, Lord Stark. But a compliment such as that will only do so much to sway me. I was sent here for a reason.”
His title wavered on your tongue as you spoke to him. This just drew more a response from him as he did not move, humming almost in agreeance as his hand found its place on your cheek. For a moment he felt jealous of the leather that dressed his palm, for it had the honor of holding you truely.
“Hmm yes, you were sent here for a reason. But could there not have been another? One that you hold instead, that trumps the duty you feel to your house?”
He was always good at reading you.
Perhaps you should have felt unease in coming here, to think it would just be a simple trip to the Wall that would just lead you to return home with nothing but a word that the Starks were not aligned with your house.
You were blinded by the urge to see him, the want to make his acquaintance one more time before the realm tore itself apart. “Cregan…”
His name fell from your lips with a whisper, as if you were praying to the gods above to harden your resolve.
“Tell me the real reason you came here.”
He was incredibly close now, his presence shadowing over yours. He covered you in a shroud of snow, his touch almost paralyzing you as you remained locked in a fight of wills.
Who would win? The fearsome dragon or the unbending wolf?
“To speak with you. There are…alliances that need to be made in order to keep my family from tearing itself and the world apart.”
This earned a frown from him as he leaned even closer to you. He assaulted every sense you had now. His eyes burned into yours, rivaling your gaze as his scent came over you. There was a reason you favored the smell of leather and musk. It reminded you of him.
“Could you just this once make a decision that was not dictated by your family, but rather made in lieu of what you wanted?”
Your hand reached up to hold his wrist of the hand that grounded you. Your touch was searing, Cregan knew that had you touched his skin he was sure there would be a burn where you had touched him. And he would wear it with honor.
He wondered if a kiss from you would be just as searing. If steam would rise from the both of your lips as you became one.
The fan of your breath over his cheeks threatened the very resolve he was known for.
This very act alone could be considered taking a side. The both of you would seal your fate if you fell blindly into your passions right at this second. A thought crossed the wolf’s mind, how truly awful would it have been to give in, even for just a moment?
Your hand on his cheek, a mirror of his own action, made him clasp his eyes shut as a shaky breath escaped his own trembling lips. 
He looked beautiful, in this very moment, you thought.
The both of you were so close, the desire of one thing burning in your mind as you stared at him.
You were never one for politics, but could that argument alone be excuse enough to betray the whims of your family for a single kiss from a man that would stand against them?
You wished to lite his lips ablaze with the passion of your touch.
He wished to swallow the fire that burned in your throat.
A dragon does not feel the cold.
A wolf does not feel the cold.
But right in this very moment they both wished the winds would freeze them in place, if not to hold onto the memory for just a moment longer.
The side of his nose seemed to fit perfectly against yours as he leaned in. Your hand rested up against the nape of his neck perfectly, anchoring both of you in this stance. 
Just as the both of you felt a graze of the other, there was the annoyance of another made present.
The squealing of the lift cables broke the silence, and thus breaking the tender moment of the two of you.
It wasn't until they came to a halt did you finally step back, and Cregan was left to imagine the moment for only a second before opening his eyes to the reality of the situation.
“Lord Stark, Prince Jacaerys Velaryon of house Velaryon has arrived to speak with you.”
With a small huff of a laugh, you straightened your cloak and looked out over the wall once more. 
This would probably be the last time you saw winter…the snow…and him.
Feeling his hand grip your chin, making you face him you could only chuckle as you held his face again. Only this time with longing and remorse. You were already mourning any possibility you had with him, and he knew it too as he looked down at you.
“I wish it were that easy…”
Leaning forward, you played with fire one last time as your lips came to rest on the corner of his. It was a quick moment, only giving yourself enough of it for the small gesture. You knew if you lingered for even a moment the Northerner would take it upon himself to seize whatever he could. And then you truely would be gone to the whims of a lovely passion.
Pulling away, you watched as he held where you had kissed him, before breaking away from your eye as you made your way to the lift to leave him.
But when his hand found your wrist, you could feel the fire brimming in your throat.
“Just…think about what I said…before its too late.”
Looking over your shoulder, you couldn't help but take the moment to study his face. Commit it to memory. Perhaps that is truly what you came here for. Not some silly test of allegiance, for you already had that answer before you even mounted your dragon.
No…it was to take in one last memory of the cold.
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faustiantales · 1 month
𝖎𝖓 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖍𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖙 𝖔𝖋 𝖉𝖆𝖗𝖐𝖓𝖊𝖘𝖘
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Dark Descent: Osamu Dazai X fem/afab!Reader
Twisted Truths: incest, beast universe, osamu is overprotective and possessive, dubcon, fingering, vaginal penetration, creampie, pet names
Synopsis: As the boss of Port Mafia, Osamu isn't alien to a life of crime and cruelty. He is a man bathed in the tainted world… a man who is destined to die alone, without any meaningful connections with others. Yet, the only one who was always by his side was none other than his beloved little sister — his life, his anchor, his entire world.
Shadows Lengthen: 1.9k words
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        "Is it good when I touch you here?"  The boss's fingers caressed her smooth inner thighs, the sensation sending an unwelcome shiver up her spine. A subtle smirk emerged on his lips, watching as the girl's expression contorted into pure pleasure when he inched closer to her throbbing heat... until finally, he inserted a finger into her wet entrance. "Or maybe here?"
        "Ngh! Niisama..." she breathed, forcing her lids open to look at her beloved brother. "...feels... so good..."
        Osamu chuckled, his expression softening. With his free hand, he brushed a stray strand of [h/c] hair away from her beautiful face, relishing the softness of her skin and admiring her flushed-out expression. He continued fingering her slick cunt, his digits moving in a deliberate pattern that he knew would drive her wild.
        Dazai Osamu, the current boss of the Port Mafia, is a man of cruelty and cunning. He became the leader of this crime organization at such a young age, expanded his influence, and made enemies in the process. He is logical and calculating, and has no remorse for any misdeeds he has done. Many respected him. Many feared him. Many despised him.
        Yet, despite his grim and inhuman personality, the man can shift his entire personality just for a single person, [Y/n]. In front of his younger sister, he is a gentle and loving brother, one who could not bring himself to harm a fly if it meant she'd be sad. Dazai [Y/n], a young teen who's four years younger than him, was his entire world. She is the only light in this dark and bleak world. She is the untainted soul amidst the brutality of the underworld.
        The man knew that this life that he led was a stark contrast to the life he wanted his sister to live. Yet, he couldn't possibly let her go and explore the real world alone, could he? No, no. That's absolutely unacceptable. If she were to be left alone without the protection and guidance of her older brother, who knew what would happen to her? He'd seen the worst in humanity, and he wasn't about to let his sister become a part of it.
        That's why Osamu decided to have her stay close—to ensure she's safe where he can see her. They were together when they were young and will stay together until the bitter end. The man will ensure that his sister's purity and innocence will not be tainted by the darkness that he is wading in. He will ensure to keep her safe, to spoil her lots and let her feel loved, and to teach her all the things she needed to know by himself. He couldn't let a random stranger corrupt his sister's mind, could he? Absolutely not.
        "Be a good girl for Niisama, hm?" He purred, leaning down gently onto her naked body to plant kisses along her face, neck, and collarbone. His touch, usually reserved for pain and punishment, is tender and intimate as he explores her body. Every spot he touched was like a butterfly flitting from flower to flower. "I love you, sweetie."
        "I love you too, Niisama," she mumbled, the words like a sacred promise slipping out of her mouth. Her eyes fluttered shut as she gave in to the feeling of his touch.
        Osamu's expression was bittersweet, a complex cocktail of love, possessiveness, and guilt. He knew this was wrong, but he couldn't resist the allure of her innocence, her purity. He had to keep her close, keep her safe, keep her his. His thumb found her clit, and he began to circle it, feeling her body tense and shiver beneath his touch. He had been her protector, her provider, her teacher, and now, in this twisted reality, her lover too.
        "Niisama!" She gasped, her body instinctively arching back from her brother's ministration. Her hands found leverage on his shoulder, her nails digging into his black coat as a way to ground herself.
        [Y/n] mewled out his title again and again, like a chant being performed in a holy ritual. She squirmed beneath him as the older Dazai continued his gentle yet fast fingering into her squelching cunt, his mouth finding solace against her soft lips in a passionate and desperate kiss.
        It didn't take long for the young girl to feel her impending release, and Osamu hastened his pace, knowing full well what his little sister needed. He consumed her moans — his mouth latched itself onto her lips without a hint of letting go, only barely pulling back for a gasp of air before he explored her cavern once more. His other hand trailed along the side of her body, each path leaving a burning sensation against her skin. His touch, although as light as a feather, felt like it was branding her with his ownership, and she found it thrilling.
        Her legs quivered, a silent plea for more, as his fingers plunged deeper into her warmth. The sound of their kisses, of her wetness, filled the quiet room. The room was theirs, a sanctuary of twisted love amidst the chaos of the mafia world. Osamu's thumb circled her clit with firm pressure, and she couldn't help but let out a whimper. He knew her body so well, knew every button to push to make her moan aloud.
        "Cum, sweetie. Don't hold back. Let it all out. Niisama's got you," he encouraged, voice as soft and gentle as possible.
        His thumb increased its pace, pressing harder against her sensitive nub. [Y/n]'s breath grew ragged, and her eyes rolled back into her head. Her body quivered as waves of pleasure crashed over her, her walls tightening around his invading fingers. Osamu felt her clench around him, and he knew she was close. He withdrew his hand, leaving her panting and desperate. He didn't miss the flash of disappointment in her eyes as she opened them, only to be met with his smoldering gaze.
        "Not yet," he murmured, placing a gentle kiss on her forehead. "We have all night, and Niisama isn't done with you."
        Osamu sat up, his eyes never leaving hers as he unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants. His cock sprang free, thick and hard with desire for her. One by one, his remaining garments were discarded on the floor. The boss's body was lean, yet muscular, a testament to the brutal life he led. [Y/n] stared, her eyes raking over the familiar naked body of her older brother. Then, her gaze traveled down between his legs, gulping as she took in his massive, throbbing cock.
        Her cheeks flushed a deeper shade of pink, and she nodded silently, eyes still glued to his manhood. He took that as an invitation and shifted his body over hers, aligning his cock with her wet pussy. The head of his cock nudged against her opening, sending a jolt of anticipation through her body. She felt a twinge of fear, knowing the size of him would stretch her more than she ever had been, but she bit her lip and trusted him.
        With a gentle push, Osamu entered her, observing her expression for any signs of pain. She gasped, her eyes widening in surprise, but she didn't protest. Instead, she wrapped her legs around his waist, urging him to go deeper. He took his time, inch by inch, filling her until she was completely sheathed around him. He leaned down to kiss her again, whispering sweet nothings into her ear as he began to thrust.
        Her nails dug into his back as he moved, his strokes slow and deliberate. He wanted to savor this moment, to make it last as long as he could. He felt her walls tighten around him, and he knew she was close again. He reached between them, finding her clit with his thumb and resuming his earlier motion. Her moans grew louder, echoing off the walls of the room, mixing with his grunts of pleasure.
        The room was filled with the sweet scent of their love, the gentle sounds of their shared breaths, and the rhythmic rustling of their bodies moving in harmony. The brunette felt his heart swell with affection as he listened to her moan his endeared title in the throes of passion. He knew he was crossing a line that many would consider taboo, but in his twisted world, this was the purest form of love he could offer her.
        "Niisama... more..." she begged, and he was more than happy to oblige.
        He quickened his pace, driving into her with more force, each thrust sending a wave of pleasure through her body. He felt her getting closer, her breaths hitching, her body trembling. He knew she was going to cum, and he wanted to be the one to push her over the edge.
        "Cum for me, sweetie," he murmured, his voice strained with his desire. "Cum for Niisama."
        Her orgasm hit her like a tidal wave, crashing over her and leaving her breathless. Her body spasmed around him, tightening and releasing in rapid succession. Osamu groaned, the sensation of her climax pushing him closer to his own. He kissed her neck, feeling her pulse race beneath his lips, and increased his speed, driving them both to the brink.
        With one final, powerful thrust, Osamu released his load inside her, filling her with his warmth. He collapsed onto her, panting and sweaty, feeling her heart hammering against his chest. He held her close, whispering words of love and reassurance as they both rode out the aftershocks of their shared pleasure.
        "I love you, [Y/n]," the man proclaimed, his voice a silent promise. His expression contained a rare vulnerability and fragile hope that seemed out of place in the cold, hardened mafia boss's repertoire. "Now and always."
        "I love you too... Niisama," she murmured, her voice a sweet melody that resonated within him. Her eyes searched his, looking for any trace of doubt or malice, but found only an ocean of genuine affection and protectiveness.
        Dazai Osamu, the feared mafia boss, had shown her a side of himself that no one else had ever seen. A side that was gentle, loving, and fiercely devoted to her. His lips curved once more into a minuscule smile, his dark, lifeless, brown orbs welling up with unspoken tears.
        He leaned down, his lips pressed against hers in a soft, lingering kiss. Her eyes fluttered shut, and she felt his love, his need, his everything. The way his tongue danced with hers was a silent promise of eternal protection and care. It was a dance of love and dominance, a declaration of his unwavering dedication to her.
        Their love was wrong in the eyes of the world, but in their twisted reality, it was the only thing that made sense. They were two halves of a whole, bound by blood and by this forbidden desire that burned within them. And as they lay there, Osamu knew that he would never let anyone else touch her, never let anyone else claim her as their own. She was his, and he would protect her with every fiber of his being.
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📜— Return to the Shadowed Archive
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ahsxual · 9 months
Dark Sins - II
Pairing: William Afton x Fem!Reader
Summary: After what happened, you tried so desperately to forget about William Afton, the man who couldn't leave your mind no matter how hard you tried it. But desire is a dark sin, a feeling that makes human beings do things against their will.
Genre: Smut
Warnings: minors don't interact + 18, guilt, office sex, cheating, choking, sassy reader, p in v sex (no protection), spanking, Dom!William x Sub!Reader, possessive William, daddy kink, spanking (one slap), softer William at the end, married William, age gap (reader is on her 20s, William is 50), cursing, student!reader
Word Count: 2,7k
Part I & Part III
A/N: Part II of Dark Sins was unexpectedly requested by you, so here I am posting it! I didn't expect so much support after not writing fics for 3 years (can you believe??), but I'm glad to be back! Ly guys <33 @fandom-maniac-anime here's your tag, hun! ^^
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It's been weeks since that little "incident" with William and you couldn't managed to take the thought of fucking your boyfriend's dad out of your mind. You knew it was wrong, you knew it was filthy, but you couldn't forget about William's tongue and fingers inside of you, making you cum so hard until you saw stars. It sent shivers down your spine everytime you thought about it and it made you feel so guilty... Sure, Stu made some mistakes in your relationship, but nothing compares to what you did to him. You didn't know what to do: was it better to tell Stu the truth? No no, he would never forgive you and you would ruin his relationship with his stepfather, even tho it wasn't completely your fault... should you just broke up with him? That wasn't an option either, because you loved Stu dearly.
Your mind was a mess and you couldn't focus on anything. Not even your studies, which complicated things because you had an important exam in a couple of weeks. You were now in your room alone, reflecting on what you should do to make things feel right again. That's when you had an idea that could help you get in line again and distract you from your forbidden desires.
"Hey babe, can I talk to you?" you asked Stu, your boyfriend, when he answered your call.
"Sure baby, is everything alright?" you heard Stu becoming worried which was unlikely of him. Your heart started to beat faster when you thought about the possibility of him discovering your darkest secret, but you pushed it away quickly.
"Well... I was thinking of, you know, do something for me. Something I think that would be good for me." you could practically sense the confusion that Stu must have felt when you said those words.
"And... what's that?" you heard him chuckle on the phone, a typical reaction from Stu.
"I think I should get a job... like a part-time, so I can get some money and be more financially independent, you know?" you started chowing your nails nervously, before you heard a hysterical laugh from your boyfriend. Now it was your time to get confused. "Why are you laughing? I'm serious, Stu!"
"You, working? Come on babe, you must be joking! Why do you need a job? That's for desperate people. And you're not desperate." he laughed like what you just said was the best joke he had ever heard.
"What? Why do you say that? That's not true!" you felt a little bit offended by Stu's comment and immaturity. Stu was a rich and spoiled guy, of course he would think that way.
"My dad works with those people, Y/N. And even he thinks that those people are desperate just to gain a few bucks." when you heard the word "dad" come out of his mouth, you stopped breathing for a moment, making you cough. "Are you alright?"
"Yeah, I'm fine." you lied. There was a silence between the two of you, since you weren't sure of what to say. You were lost on your thoughts, before you heard Stu speak again.
"Listen... if you really want to get a job or a part-time, fine. I'm sure my dad can help you with that." you felt trapped, like your heart was going to explode and your mind was screaming for you to refuse his help and forget the idea of getting a job with his dad's help. You didn't really need it, you just wanted to occupy your mind with important things and be as busy as you could, so your mind wouldn't be able to think about things that didn't matter.
"Yeah, I would really appreciate that." your mouth betrayed you, speaking for your lust instead of listening to your rational and morals.
"Fine, I'll talk to him then." he said with a smirk on his face and paused. You knew something was up since Stu always wanted something in return when he made you a favor that he doesn't agree in the first place. "Buuut, you need to do whatever I ask for two weeks! No matter what it is!" you rolled your eyes, knowing that he would ask something against your will.
"Sure babe, what is it?" you smiled at his excitement, even tho you felt suspicious about his request.
"Me and the boys want to spend a week out. At... Billy's house." your smile immediately fadded away when he mentioned Billy's name. You were worried about the strange and probably bad influence Billy had on Stu, but after what happened a few weeks ago, you knew you couldn't be mad at him. "Come on doll, you know I won't cause any trouble! You know me!" he laughed at his own words, which made you laugh as well.
"Yeah sure Stu, I totally believe what you just said! Not even you believe it!" you both laughed, until you decided to let him have fun without complaining. "When will you guys go out then?"
"Oh fuck, is that a yes??" you could feel Stu's enthusiasm.
"I mean, I don't want to be the nagging girlfriend who doesn't let her man go out with his friends." even tho you felt nervous about Stu spending a week away from you, specially in Billy's presence, you couldn't forbid him to do something he really wanted to.
"Nahh, don't worry about it. You're the best, babe. We'll go in two weeks after our last exam. And don't worry, I'll talk to my dad right now. He's downstairs." your stomach sank when you realized William was at Stu's house too. You haven't seen him since then, avoiding him as much as possible.
"Thanks, baby. I love you so much..." tears started forming in your eyes, guilt consuming you by each second. Maybe Stu being away and enjoy his time with the boys would be good for both of you, since Stu was a very clingy boyfriend. You didn't mind it at all... but it became incredibly difficult to show affection towards Stu and have sex with him after everything.
"Love you too, sweet cheeks." were his last words before he hung up.
Two weeks had passed and you were saying your goodbyes to your boyfriend. You would definitely miss him. Now you were in your room, looking at William's business card deciding on either or not you should go to his office. After a few long minutes debating if you should make an appointment or not, you called the number when a kind, older woman answered.
"H-hey good afternoon, I wanted to make an appointment with Mr. Afton if it's possible?" you started sweating and shaking a little bit, a ridiculous reaction to such a simple act, you thought.
"Yeah, sure! We have a vacancy for an appointment in two hours, a client canceled half an hour ago his appointment. Do you want me to make a reservation for you, ma'am?" the lady asked, and if you thought you were nervous before, now you were panting.
"Yes, that would be great." you swallowed hard, your throat becoming extremely dry.
One hour and a half passed and you were now facing the mirror, trying to calm yourself down until you felt ready to leave your room. You were dressed in a pink skirt with a small, white top that defined your breasts. You felt pretty, yet you perfectly knew this outfit would be seen as provocative to your boyfriend's dad. Why were you doing this?? Why would want to get pretty for a man who's twice your age?? Those thoughts were pushed away when you gained the courage to leave your house and went straight to Mr. Afton's office.
"Come in." you heard that deep, masculine voice... the voice that you unconsciously dreamed of hearing again. You took a deep breath before coming in and closed the door. After a moment, you saw William staring at you in disbelief before a small smirk came to his face. "Well, I wasn't expecting such an... unexpected, yet very welcoming client to come".
"I just came looking for a job, Mr. Afton." you stuttered a little bit, William's big blue eyes staring at you intimidatingly.
"I'm sure you are... sit down." he chuckled and you frowned confused before sitting down like he told you to. He started reading your curriculum attentively like he was reading his favorite book, before he looked at you silently.
"So... what do you advice me, sir?" oh that nickname... always so obedient, his little girl. Yes, you read that right. For him, you were already his.
"Well, I have a... very interesting job option for you. I think you would love working there actually, and for a part-time, it should be all good." he smirked dangerously and you looked at him confused once again, waiting for his advice.
"What is it then?" you asked curiously, before he got up from his seat slowly to make you both coffee. You accepted, since you didn't want to be rude.
"A sex shop." he said it like it was so normal to him. You almost spitted your coffee and started coughing a little bit. "It's also near my house and I know the owner very well. He told me a while ago he needed a pretty employee to... you know, attract more costumers." you looked at him shocked and speechless. No words came out of your mouth and William enjoyed the effect he had on you. "Do you want the job or not?" this time he went serious and approached you, his hands interwained in front of you to show power over you.
"Isn't there any other option? I don't think Stu-"
"My son has nothing to do with this. It's your life, your choice. Don't waste my time Y/N, you have to take this seriously. Otherwise you can get your pretty ass up and leave." he shouted sternly and went back to work on other client's files, completely ignoring you.
"O-Ok, I'll do it!" you said impulsively since you felt trapped. You wonder how William knew so well the sex shop's owner like he said. Does he buy a lot of sex toys? Is he that kinky? He must be so experienced... your thoughts were interrupted when you felt a strong hand grabbing your neck before putting you on top of his desk, him standing between your spread legs. "W-what are you doing-"
"Shut up now, bunny. You're getting on my nerves and I don't like that one bit. You think I'm stupid? That I didn't notice how you dressed up to me like an innocent girl just to get a reaction from me, huh?" his grip on your neck tighten and it became harder to breath. "You're nothing but innocent, sweetie. And you're gonna prove to me right now how filthy you really are. The side no one knows about, but me. Not even Stu." his eyes were darker then before and you felt your core getting wetter. You knew he was right and the worse of it, you didn't feel guilty anymore. You've had already sinned, so now you just let yourself go and followed your deepest desires without anyone to stop you now.
"You know what?" you challenge him with your eyes and words, before you started rubbing yourself against his already hard cock, making him confused and frown for a moment, waiting for your response. "Maybe you're right. I'm a little dirty fucking whore who's desperate to be fucked by my boyfriend's father. I've been touching myself while thinking about you... and since what happened, the only way Stu could make me cum, was if I thought it was you fucking me instead." you tried to speak the best you could due to the lack of oxygen, but it was enough to drive William insane. He stared at you incredulously, admiring your honesty with such ease. He suddenly pulled you to him and kissed your neck roughly, leaving hickeys and love bites on its way. You gasped at his roughness and the fact he was marking you as his, so everyone else could see it.
"Don't worry, sweetheart. My son won't see the way I marked you, even tho I would like to see his face once he realizes you're mine now." he whispered seductively into your ear before bitting your earlobe. He continued his attacks on your neck while he unbuttoned his pants, taking his erected cock on his strong hand and started to touch himself. He then undressed your top and bra effortlessly, like he already did it so many times during his life, before putting one of your erected nipples in his mouth. He was sucking and biting the sensitive flesh, making you moan loudly. "Shh baby, you're on my work place, don't forget it."
"I'm sorry, Mr. Afton. I'll try my best to be quiet." you promised breathlessly, pleasure consuming you at a dangerous rate.
"Good girl..." his low voice made your pussy pulsate into nothing, making you desperate for this older man's touch. "But for now on, call me daddy, understood?" he tried to remain serious and control himself, so he wouldn't cum before fucking you.
"Please daddy fuck me already, I can't wait anymore..." your desperation was palpable and it only made him even more proud of the power he had over you.
"You're mine now, bunny. Is that clear?" he said before pushing your drenched panties aside with his fingers and finally entered you. You both moaned loudly and you only prayed that no one heard you. "Fuck, you're so tight..." he pounded into you faster after giving you just a couple of seconds for you to adjust to his large size. You bite your lip until it hurted, so you wouldn't make too much noise, but it was becoming unbearable.
"Please daddy, I can't stay quiet!" he understood you needed help, so he put one hand on top of your mouth and nose and continued to fuck you hard.
"Say that you're mine... fucking say it!" he growled into your ear in a way that scared you, so you decided to give him want he wanted.
"I'm only yours daddy, I need to cum please!" you cried out pitiful pleads, meaning every word you said. He suddenly changed your positions, grabbing your body while he barely sat on the desk for support and pounded into you almost in the air. His strength surprised you and the new position touched your g spot just perfectly, making you cum within a few seconds. He knew you were about to cum, so he quickly grabbed his tie and put it into your mouth so it could muffle your moans.
"That's it babygirl, cum for daddy and make me proud. Prove to me I'm the only one who can pleasure you this good." he spanked you hard on your ass and that was all you needed to reach your limit. Your orgasm was intense and it made your legs tremble, which made your pussy squeeze William's cock as well. He came right after you, letting out a growling moan that turned you on so much, before he loaded his thick sperm inside you. He then turned around so he could sit on his chair with you on top of him, both of you trying to catch your breath. After a while you both stared at each other's eyes deeply, his now softer cock still buried in you and he didn't seem to care about the risks or if he would get you pregnant.
You knew all of this was extremely wrong... you knew he was much older than you and would never want anything serious with a young girl, specially when you were dating his own son. But the way he was looking at you right now told you something different. His eyes became softer now that he was looking at you, showing a bit of care and... love? No, it couldn't be. Stu told you that his mother and William weren't on good terms lately and probably didn't have sex anymore, but maybe that was something that made you believe William could possibly care about you and wanting to make you his. All those thoughts and theories were put aside when you impulsively grabbed William's face and kissed him. He reciprocated without any hesitation, his experienced and soft tongue tasting like coffee while his big hands pulled you closer and grabbed you like you would escape from him at any moment. The kiss wasn't rougher and primal like the sex you had. No. It was soft, slow and passionate... a kiss that you believed only people who were in love could do.
Your heart started to beat faster, desperate to feel and discover more about his softer side, and that made you realize something: was I falling in love with my boyfriend's father?
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findingnemosworld · 11 months
𝐚𝐬 𝐛𝐢𝐠 𝐚𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐚𝐧 - 𝐫𝐮́𝐛𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐬
• 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲: 𝐦𝐞.
𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: 𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬 𝐡𝐢𝐦 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐟 𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝, 𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝.
𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐩*𝐫𝐧.
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: 𝐢 𝐚𝐦 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐥!
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she parks her car in front of their shared home more than ready to surrender to slumber after the day she had at school, the thesis had been weighing in on her so much that she felt like it had been ages since she saw her boyfriend of five years, rúben dias — if she wasn’t busy he would be playing, and if he wasn’t playing, she would be busy, she lets out a soft sigh then makes her way up to the front door with her bag slung over her shoulder, she unlocks the door then steps inside to be met with the scent of a home cooked meal which elicited confusion, rúben wasn't meant to be home in an hour, she thinks before the sound of utensils interrupted her thoughts. " rúben? " she asks.
" in the kitchen gatinha " his deep voice sends a wave of relief through her body eliciting a soft smile across her lips, she places her bag on the ground before walking into the kitchen to be met with the sight of her boyfriend, her shirtless boyfriend standing on the stove, he turns around with a broad smile. " hi baby "
she saunters towards him with a tired smile, standing next to him to get a look at what he's cooking, " pastel de nata? " she asks with knitted brows, " am i missing something here? "
rúben chuckles then shakes his head, " no "
" then why are you making dinner? " she wonders with a confused tone.
" because .... " he trails off, tilting his head to press a tantalizingly leisure kiss on the side of her neck, smirking when a breathy moan escaped her lips, " i want to spoil my very very intelligent and sexy girlfriend "
" what did you do? " she giggles, hooking her digits under his chin to get him to look at her.
rúben bites his lower lip which in turn caused her to narrow her eyes at him. " rúben " she said softly.
" remember when you said i shouldn't spend my money on you? " he said, his eyes glinting with faux innocence.
she lowers her head, blowing a soft breath before replying. " yes "
" i may have rented a yacht for two weeks then a nice stay at a beach house in amadora ... " he said with a soft smile, " and i sorted it so you don't miss a day from school "
" rúben " she sighs, " i can't just abandon my thesis "
" i know you don't, but gatinha you've been working so hard " he said with a soft tone, " it's been killing me seeing you so worked up, so please " he pecks her lips, then rests his forehead on hers. " please let me spoil you, you know why i love spoiling you " he adds with a soft smirk.
" because you're a horny teenager " she giggles.
a hearty laugh escapes his lips, it wasn't a secret that rúben's stamina due to his career was high at times that she barely could keep up, he pressed a featherlight kiss on her cheek, " can you blame me? "
" alright, when do we leave? " she smiled.
" in four days " rúben grins, pecking her lips again. " i promise, it'll be fun "
" it better " she giggles.
they packed their belongings; in a matter of four days, they were at sailing through the beautiful coasts of the maldives, it was bright, quite sunny but just the perfect weather for them - they would spend their mornings swimming, eating then top their nights off the best way possible, until one night as they lay under the moonlight, rúben had decided to divulge what he'd been hiding the entire time, " gatinha? " he whispers, his digits trailing up and down her bare arm sending shivers down her spine. " i need to tell you something! "
she lifts her head up, meeting his gaze with a confused look. " what's wrong rúben? " she asks with a soft voice.
he sits up, she follows suit and looks at him, " gatinha, i have been holding this for eight months and it hasn't been easy " he murmurs.
she tilts her head, confusion still evident across her features. " ok "
suddenly, his hand reaches inside of his short pocket to retrieve a small box, " i ... " he begins with a shaky voice, " my mother gave me my vovó's ... my grandmother's ring " he said with a nervous chuckle before adding, " and -um- ... when i spoke to your father three weeks back, i'd told him what my intentions were and he gave me his blessings "
her brows shot up in surprise, " oh? "
he opens the box revealing a simple yet elegant vintage diamond ring the shone under the moonlight, her eyes widened at the ring; then she looks up at him, " rúben? "
" gatinha, these five years have been a blessing " he said with a soft smile, " through the ups and downs, you stayed by my side and did not relent "
" because i love you " she smiles.
" and i love you, that's why i don't want to wait any longer " he said with a soft tone, " gatinha, you have been the light of my life throughout every moment, the good, the bad and everything in between and for that - i want nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with you so ... " he swallows the lump in his throat, " will you make me the happiest man in the world by marrying me? "
a broad smile adorns her lips, her eyes brimming with tears as she nodded just as he slipped the ring in her father; the pair exchanged a soft tender kiss that had instantly deepened when he pulled her into his embrace, " gatinha " he groans against her lips.
she knew from the tone of his voice, smiling against his lips she pushed him onto the soft mattress laid out on the yacht, then she climbed up on top of him, she leans down to trail soft kisses across the curvature of his neck, " what do you need meu príncipe? " she whispers in his ear.
he murmurs as a strangled moan escapes his lips, " need to feel your lips around my cock, por favor gatinha "
giggling at his request, she reaches over to untie the dress then loosen the material to hoist it over her head leaving her in just the bikini she was clad in - she leaned down to press feather light kisses across his bare chest eliciting soft breathy moans from his lips that shifted into a hiss the moment he felt the material of his short being pulled down allowing the cool air collide with the sensitive skin of his cock, " gatinha " he moans, " por favor "
her dainty hand wraps around the skin; then her lips followed, wrapping around the tip which in turn caused him to groan, " fuck " the shift in his tone sent shivers rolling down to her pussy, leisurely she takes more and more of his cock until the tip hits" the back of her throat, causing his hips to involuntary thrust forward, " yes ... gatinha, just like that " he sighs, his digits tugging her hair in response to the way her tongue traced every veins on his cock.
the combination of the cool air around them, the moonlight shining over them; the sounds he made, were enough to send her over the edge, her lazy strokes grew rapid in pace and in turn, so did the sounds escaping his lips, " gatinha, uma menina tão boa ... keep going, taking my cock so well in your mouth " he sighs, running his digits through her hair.
her movements shifted from gentle and leisure to rapid and sloppy, his breaths grew labored; before he could even make sense of things, his cock twitched inside her mouth, releasing warm ropes of arousal seeping down her throat, she continued to bop her head up and down, lapping up every drop until she pulled back to crawl up and kiss him passionately, " rúben " she whispers, deepening the kiss.
he understood what she meant, his hands reaching over to untie the bikini top, discarding it near the dress followed by the bottoms before she situated herself on top of him, his cock disappears into her slick walls, eliciting a unanimous sigh from the two of them, his hands grip her waist to allow her to adjust to his size, " gatinha " he murmurs, as his hands crawl up to knead and toy with her breasts, eliciting a whine from her. " come on menina querida, show me how much you love this cock " he cooed.
she nods with a lazy smile, placing both of her palms flat against his chest to lever herself as she started to thrust up and down his cock, both of them releasing labored breaths coupled with soft moans, her lips part softly allowing him to insert two digits inside eliciting a muffled moan from her, her gaze locks with his as her tongue rolls around his index and middle digit resulting in him thrusting forward to meet the rhythmic pace she set, " so good to me gatinha " he sighs, " keep going, i'm close "
the delicious friction of their thrusts coupled with the warmth enveloping them was all they needed to chase their highs together, an obscenely loud cry escapes her lips that was quickly swallowed by his lips, he wrapped one arm around her waist while his other hand landed directly over her one of her breasts, " you're such a good girl gatinha " he murmurs over her lips, deepening the kiss before his head tilts to trails soft lips over her her throat. " you don't know just how much you mean to me " he grinds his hips against hers lazily, matching the rhythm of his kisses. " i can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you "
their lips meet once again as a breathy moan escapes her lips, " me too amor, me too "
he pulls back and smirks, " do you know what that means? " his hips thrust once more.
she sighs, " what? " she whispers.
he thrusts again, moaning softly. " i'm going to spoil you as much as i want, so you don't get to say no if i buy you a dress, or if we go on a lingerie shopping trip so i can fuck you in that dressing room, if i come back with gifts, you'll proudly wear them while my cock is buried deep inside that -fuck- " he groans, " that amazing pussy, so ... you have no choice "
she giggles lazily, " i guess i don't have a choice when it comes to your love "
he grins, " my love is as big as the ocean " he pauses before playfully adding, " and as big as the cock you're taking "
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pandorxxx · 1 year
Opposites Attract
Neteyam x Omatikayan fem reader (all aged up)
Warnings: smut, cursing, dom neteyam, brat-taming neteyam, alcohol usage, degrading kink, slapping, spitting, neck grabbing, creampie, multiple orgasms.
Synopsis: You party and drink way too much for Neteyams liking. But like the good bf he is, he always babysits you, making sure that you don’t get yourself into trouble. What happens when you become stubborn? Completely belligerent when he’s ready to go?
Neteyam was tired. Tired of you, to say the least. He loved you with all of his heart, with every fiber of his being. But he was….tired.
You were a party girl, a free soul If you will. And he knew this when he decided to claim you as his. He thought he could handle all of the trouble you sent him through every night you went out, but boy was he in over his head.
If he wasn’t prying drink after drink out of your hands, he was shielding your body from the predatory gaze of other men. He hated when other men looked at you. It made his skin crawl, his blood boil. And you made it no better with the skimpy cloths you wore. But he didn’t want to be “that” boyfriend, the type to control what you wore, or what you did. So he’d just protect you, watch for any creeps that were looking when you weren’t paying attention. And tonight was no different.
“Teyammm!” You whined, hugging him from behind as he poured himself a drink, non alcoholic ofcourse. He had to be on his P’s and Q’s with you. “What’s wrong, my love?” He asked, taking a sip of his drink as he caressed your dainty arms.
“Just onnneee more drink, please?” You asked in your whiny tone. You were on drink 3, and the hazy feeling was slowly taking over. His goal for tonight was to keep you as calm and coherent as possible, since you normally liked to black out.“No fucking way. You’re not getting blacked out drunk like you did last night. I refuse!”
He demanded, turning around in your embrace to face you.“Oh come onnnn! We’re at a party for crying out loud! You’re no fun.” You pouted, crossing your arms. He looked down at you with slight irritation brewing behind his eyes.
“Your definition of fun and my definition are two totally different things! You like to be incoherent, and that’s fucking dangerous. Half of the time you can’t even remember what the hell happened the night before. That’s irresponsible… not fun.” He explained sternly, braids swinging with every slight movement of his head.
“And who are you to tell me that I’m irresponsible? You’re not my father! You don’t have to monitor me like I’m a fucking child.” You said with the biggest attitude, looking up at him with nothing but anger. His eyes narrowed, and his jaw clenched with brutal force. He was livid, and it sent chills down your spine.
“Yeah…I’m just going to assume that you’ve had too much to drink. Either that, or you’ve lost your fucking mind talking to me like that. You act like a child, you get treated like one. Simple. Anything else you wanted to get off your chest while you’ve got so much liquid courage? Huh?” He asked angrily, towering over your small figure as his head tilted, waiting for a response.
And nothing…you had no rebuttal. He shut you up, like he often did. All you could do was stare up at him blankly. “That’s what I thought. Now go have fun with your friends. We leave in an hour.” He spoke lowly, kissing the tip of your nose before taking another sip of his drink.
“I hate you…” you spat, glaring up at him with nothing but anger behind your eyes. He let out a soft chuckle, trying his best to refrain from choking you out right there, in-front of everyone.
“Yeah, ok. Watch your mouth.” He spoke with a slight grin, still a hint of aggression in his voice. “Go before I change my mind.” He said, pointing to the crowd of dancing na’vi. You hissed, rolling your eyes before turning around. You let your tail slap his chest aggressively before walking away from him. He hissed loudly, jaw clenched to calm himself down as he watched you walk away from him.
It had been about 30 minutes since your little disagreement with Neteyam, and you were 5 drinks in thanks to your friends. You were having the best time. Singing and dancing without a care in the world, and better yet…no Neteyam in sight. Or so you thought.
“I’m going to fucking kill her.” Neteyam spoke lowly through gritted teeth, gripping his cup so hard that the veins in his hands were so close to bursting. Lo’ak stood beside him, watching the scene in-front of him.
“They’re having fun. Why are you so fucking uptight, bro?” Lo’ak chuckled, gripping neteyam’s shoulder. Neteyam’s eyes shifted to the group of hungry males staring in your direction, and it angered him in the ways he couldn’t even describe.
“You seeing this shit?” Neteyam asked, nudging his head towards the group of males before taking a sip of his drink, this one being full of alcohol. Lo’ak snapped his head towards them, then back to his brother with a confused look plastered across his face.
“Bro. Are you serious? Everyone knows y/n belongs to you. Trust me. You’ve made it very clear. What’s the harm in just looking?” Lo’ak asked, arms out in confusion.
“When you get a girlfriend, you’ll understand how I feel. All you do is fuck girls and throw them away the next morning. You’ve ran through this entire clan TWICE. I’m surprised you don’t have a million children by now. so I’m not listening to shit you have to say.” Neteyam spat angrily, never taking his eyes off of you. Lo’aks jaw was practically on the floor, in shock at his brothers rage.
Neteyam was so focused on you that he couldn’t even give his brother the reaction he was looking for. He watched you dance erotically with your skimpy cloths, barely covering your body. The way you guzzled drink, after drink. The way you climbed on the table, practically giving every male a free show. And that was his last straw, he’d had enough. He crushed the styrofoam cup, letting the drink glide down his hand before throwing it to the ground. “That’s it!” He growled, walking over to you with long, angry strides.
You were in your own world, so much so that you didn’t even notice Neteyam glaring up at you, eyes filled with irritation. “That’s enough, get down!” He signaled with his finger, pointing to the ground. Your head snapped down at him, and an innocent smile crept across your face.
“Heyyyy babeee! I-is it time to go?” You spoke so innocently, your precious tone lingering through his mind, causing him to soften his demeanor slightly. He sighed, placing his hands on his hips.
“Yes, baby. It’s time to go. Get down before you hurt yourself.” He said calmly with a lighthearted smile. He stretched out his hand for you to grab, hoping you would just take it and not give him a hard time tonight. But as always….he was wrong.
“Nooo, 10 more minutes teyam pleaseeee!” You whined over the loud music, pouting down at him. He threw his head down in defeat, running his hand through his hair in frustration.
“No y/n. I’m tired. let’s just go, baby please. Just be a good girl for me tonight. Don’t give me a hard time.” He pleaded, caressing the back of your leg as he looked up at you desperately.
“No! I wanna stay!” You spat, snatching out of his grip. That sent him off, and his desperation quickly turned into frustration, rage.
“Y/n…I’ve been nothing but patient with you. Please don’t make me snatch you up In front of everyone.” He spoke lowly, growls bubbling deep in his chest. It scared you, but you liked the challenge.
“Well, I’m not LEA-VING! Understand?” You spoke slowly, so he felt every word. And all it did was pissed him off. His breathing became rapid, his expression turned cold, and low growls exited with every hard exhale.
“Fuck! Why do you make me do this everytime?!” He growled, grabbing your legs to place you over his shoulder.
“Let me gooooo! You’re no fun! I hate you!” You whined, hitting his back repeatedly, not even phasing him. “Yeah? well I hate you too! Now shut up!” He spat, stomping off with you draped across his shoulder.
The walk to your hut was filled with nothing but hatred, terrible words spewed at each other out of anger. And once you too finally returned, the argument continued, growing larger and larger by the second.
“You’re always so fucking uptight! I hate when you’re like this!” You yelled as he plopped you down onto the bed. Backing up to take a good look at you.
“You hate when I’m like this? I hate when YOU’RE like this! You always give me the hardest fucking time! I’m tired of babysitting your drunk ass! GROW UP!” He yelled, gesturing angrily, muscles flexing with every fatal word.
“Fuck you, Neteyam.” you whispered, rolling your eyes as you laid down, turning your back to him. His eyes widened, stopping him dead in his tracks.
“Huh? Say that shit again?” He asked in a calm tone, but the anger seeped through. You turned slightly, just enough to see his enraged expression.
“I said FUCK YOU. Go to fucking hell. I literally hate you, I don’t even know why we’re together right now. We’re completely opposite, and you’re FUCKING BORING! Now good-NIGHT!” You confessed, rolling your eyes once more before turning back around, letting your eyes shut in exhaustion.
Neteyam was in complete shock. His eye twitched in frustration. Hands running across his face to refrain from putting them on you. Cracking his knuckles to release stress, but it wasn’t working. He was livid, the most angry he’d ever been with you.
You heard his footsteps creeping towards the door before it shut loudly, and then the room fell silent. Assuming that he left, you sighed and got alittle more comfortable.
About 15 seconds goes by before you’re yanked out of bed by your queue. Dragged across the floor like a rag doll.“w-what are y- ouch!- you doingggg?!” You yelled, holding the base of your queue, in fear that it would rip out of your skull.
“Did you really think I was going to let you talk to me like that? And that consequences wouldn’t follow? Huh?” He muttered through gritted teeth before flipping you on all fours, pushing your head down into the ground beneath you.
“Ugh! You’re such an idiot! m-mooove!” You whined, wiggling under his grasp. He smacked your ass hard, leaving a purple handprint. You yelped in pain, immediately stopping all of your attempts to escape. He wrapped your queue around his forearm, yanking your head back. A series of grunts, groans, and hisses escaped your mouth.
“Shut that shit up, right now! You must’ve forgotten who the fuck I am. So let me fucking remind you!” He growled in your ear before ripping your loincloth from your hips, decorative beeds flying all across the room. He untied his, letting it fall to his knees to reveal his huge cock.
“Teyam! g-go easy on me! I’m sorry, baby! I swear it won’t happen again!” You pleaded with him as you always did before he punished you. And you got punished often, for giving your mate such a hard time. You deserved it, and you knew it.
“So fucking pathetic. I’ve barely touched you and you’re already begging for mercy. Not as big and bad as you portray yourself to be, huh? You’re really just a fucking brat. And you know what I do with brats, my love!” He grunted, situating himself behind you before slamming into you with great force.
“Ah! F-Fuck Teyammm!” You whimpered, throwing your head down in his grasp. He wasted no time thrusting into you hard, and deep. Your eyes rolled back, lip in between your teeth to muffle your loud moans.
“That didn’t take long. Already drunk off my cock. You’re such a fucking slut!” He chuckled, smacking your ass once more. “S-so fucking deep! I-I can’t-“ you moaned deliriously, digging your nails into the ground beneath you.
“Mhmm you can’t what? Tell me!” He grunted, speeding up the pace on purpose, just to watch you crumble underneath him.
“T-Teyam please! s-slow downn!” You whimpered, tears welling in your eyes at the overwhelming amount of pleasure.
“You gave me the hardest time earlier! Why the fuck should I go easy on you, huh? Don’t tell me what the fuck to do!” He roared, pushing your head down into the ground.
“I-I hate youuu!” You moaned, face balling up in pleasure. “Mhmm baby, I hate you too! Now shut up, and take it.” He spoke in his sensual tone, watching your ass meet his pelvis with every thrust, bottom lip in between his teeth. He angled his hips up, ensuring that he hit your sweet spot with each thrust. Your eyes widened, jaw dropping immediately.
You lazily tried to claw your way out of his grasp, being somewhat successful before he yanked you back down onto him. You let out a high pitched scream, legs shaking from your in coming orgasm.
“Don’t run away from me, baby. I just wanna make you feel good. Doesn’t it feel good?” He chuckled, smacking your ass a few times. You knew he was full of shit, such a sarcastic fuck. He knew you were close to your breaking point, and that’s exactly what he wanted.
“T-Tooo good, Teyam please! You’re fucking killing me!” You screamed, feeling that knot in your stomach tightening.
“That’s what I like to hear. Let me speed up for you, yes?” He asked sarcastically, deepening his thrusts, and speeding up the pace.
“No FUCK! Teyam i-I’m gonna cum!” You whimpered, tears flowing down your cheeks.“Say please.” Neteyam spat, using the band of your top as leverage to rut into you deeply.
“Please please please let me cum! I can’t hold it- I-I need to cum Teyam. Please!!” You pleaded, feeling the knot in your stomach unravel slowly.
“Mmm I love when you beg for it. You wanna cum that bad, baby?” He asked with a slight smirk, watching your fucked out facial expressions.
“YES YES PLEASE! IM SORRY NETEYAM! IT WONT HAPPEN AGAIN J-JUST- PLEASE LET ME CUM!” You screamed, body starting to shake in neteyam’s grasp. He rolled his eyes, letting out a soft chuckle.
“Go ahead, cum on this dick.” He spoke lowly, and that was all you needed. Letting out a high pitched scream as your juices flowed down his shaft with every thrust.
“Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!” You moaned breathily, riding out your high. He pulled out slowly, revealing his wet cock, lines of your juices dripping to the ground beneath him. He flipped you over, pulling you down to him by your thighs.“I’m not done with you yet. You’ve been a bad bad girl. You know that?” He asked, rubbing his cock in between your soaked folds.
“I-I apologized, baby! I’m sorryyyy!” You whined, nodding your head frantically to convince him that you’ve learned your lesson. He titled his head, eyebrow cocked, mouth slightly agape as he licked his lips. Looking as if he wanted to eat you alive.
“Mhmm, you always apologize. And we always end up here, don’t we?” He asked sticking his tongue out to let his saliva drip down onto your sensitive clit, all while maintaining intense eye contact with you.
He used his thumb to rub circles into your clit, making your back bow to the ground, moaning breathlessly. He grabbed his cock, sliding into you slowly. You both let out a series of moans, before he started to pump into you at a steady pace.“Do you plan on being a good girl from now on, or am I going to have to fuck some sense back
Into you tomorrow night?” He asked, ripping your top off of you, revealing your plump breasts. “I’ll be a good girl for you, Teyammm! I-I swear!” You moaned, head thrown all the way back in pleasure.
“No baby, look at me. I don’t believe you.” He shook his head before grabbing your chin, forcing you to look at him. “Now say it again!” He growled.
“OK OK!! I’ll be a good girl Neteyam, I-I nghh!- I swearrrr!” You cried, tears running down your cheeks, to his fingertips. He used his thumb to wipe your tears away as he sped up his pace.
“Yeah that’s what the fuck I thought. Don’t ever disrespect me again! Understood?” He asked angrily, shifting both of his hands to your neck, using it as leverage to fuck into you hard. You mumbled gibberish, too fucked out to form a meaningful sentence.
“Wake the fuck up! And answer my question you fucking SLUT!” He muttered through gritted teeth, slapping your cheek repeatedly.
“FUCK TEYAM! I UNDERSTAND!” You whimpered, holding onto his wrists tightly. He threw his head back, finally allowing himself to let go, feeling his orgasm slowly approaching him. You both looked into each others eyes, nothing but moans and skin clapping filled the room.
“I-I’m gonna fill your little ass right up! Just how I like it.” He moaned, going in for a passionate kiss. He muffled your cried with his lips as he rolled his hips into yours. Your mouth flew opened, feeling your second orgasm approaching you quickly. He smiled into the short lived kiss, nodding at you as a way of letting you know to let go for him.“Ughhh YEESSSSSS!” You screamed throwing your head back as you shook violently underneath him.
“Mhmm, juuust like that. Keep squeezing my cock. Fucking milk me, baby!” He moaned, kissing your exposed neck as his thrusts became sloppy. And just like that, he painted your walls as he let out a series of moans in your ear. Thrusting into you slowly to ride out his high. You both caught your breath before he pulled out slowly, revealing his cream coated cock.
“Suck me clean, baby.” He spoke lowly and you quickly got on your knees in-front of him as he stood up. He grabbed your braids into a loose ponytail before pushing his cock into your mouth. You hungrily sucked him dry, making sure not to leave a drop behind.
“Mhmm, there’s my good girl.” He smiled, caressing your head as he thrusted into your mouth slowly, before pulling out completely. He admired your flushed cheeks, puffy eyes, and swollen lips before speaking.
“This..” he started, grabbing his cock to run the tip across your lips. “Is the only thing I wanna see you drunk off of from now on…”
Taglist: @loaksbabyy @number1gal @loak-bae @tiredmamaissy @neytirishottie @viajaeger @terrorthewolf @lethargicluv @reyzzsostellar @m0nst3rfk3r @agelsully @jakescumdump @wekiamo @st-cass @cleardonutangelwagon @tsireqas @satanlovedays @afro-hispwriter @thecutieyahia @urfavgirlmakenna @fanboyluvr @iameatingmyhair @secretflowerobservation @violet-19999 @neteyamsprincess @xreadersstuff @sweetllamaparadise @lia-nath @sullymenrhot @dotheyevenknowmars @xdbluesky @slay-nt @domino-x3-blog @ladylovegood-69 @itssomeonereading @sweetirilly @downbadforloak @loaks-tanhi @skxawngmia @s0l4rr
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forever-rogue · 1 year
If you'd like a request maybe older!eddie with reader who has insomnia? So either she's not getting enough sleep or she keeps waking up every hour and older!eddie who's dealt with it before knows the trick?
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AN | Sleepless nights can be the worst. Luckily Eddie always has the answers 🥰
Warnings | Language
Pairing | Older!Eddie x Fem!Reader
Word Count | 3.4k
Masterlist | Main, Eddie 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You stared at the ceiling, trying to pick out shapes in the pale moonlight. You tried to contain your sigh, mindful of the handsome man lying next to you, fast asleep without a worry. His arm was draped across your waist, his face buried in the pillow as he snored lightly. You delicately traced some of the dark ink on his arm, admiring how it contrasted with his pale skin.
"Eddie?" You whispered softly, keeping your voice as quiet as possible. You were almost positive he was asleep but figured it couldn't hurt to try. When he didn't reply and continued sleeping, you slowly started to move out from under his grip. Before sliding completely off the bed, you paused and looked him over to make sure he wasn't disturbed. 
He kept on sleeping, looking almost angelic with his curls spread around him like a halo. You covered him with the duvet before padding out of the bedroom and heading over to the kitchen. You found that your sleepiness nights were getting more frequent and in turn so were your hot chocolate and late night reading sessions. Had it been any other time besides halfway through the night, it might have been a peaceful thing.
Once your hot chocolate was finished, you made your way to the living room, curling up on the couch as you grabbed your current read from the coffee table. You grabbed the soft, dusky pink blanket off the back of the couch and wrapped it around your body. It was your favorite blanket; Eddie had gotten it for you shortly after you'd moved into his apartment because you were often complaining about being cold. 
You weren't sure how long you'd been sipping on your cocoa and reading when you heard the creak of the floorboards. When you looked up, you found Eddie standing in the doorway, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. You looked at your phone and saw that it was nearing three in the morning, which caused you to scoff slightly.
"What are you doing up, love?" You set your mug down and closed your book before making your way over to him. He yawned before raising an eyebrow in question, "its late, Eddie."
"I could be asking you the same thing, sweetheart," he wasted no time in wrapping his arms around you and pulling you tightly against his warm body. You mumbled something incoherent as you smushed your face into his chest. His soft laughter vibrated as you almost melted into him, "aww, pretty girl. What's wrong?"
“It’s nothing,” you huffed, having to fight back giggles as he picked you up and carried you over the couch, plopping down and sitting you in his lap. You sighed softly as you sat there facing him. He had really become your safe space ever since you’d met him, “really, Ed.”
You put your hands on his face, admiring how pretty he was, only getting better with age. You traced your fingers along his jaw, littered with the day’s stubble before ghosting along his face. His skin was soft and plump - something he attributed to you giving him a five-step skin care routine - with delicate lines around his eyes, nose, and mouth. He claimed he looked like he was an old man, you insisted otherwise. He was handsome, growing even better with the passage of time. You brushed your knuckles along his cheek, but he gently wrapped his fingers around your wrist, bringing your hand to his lips to press a gentle kiss to your knuckles. 
“Pretty girl,” he was singing softly, for your ears only, as he rubbed a hand soothingly up and down your back. Electric chills and shivers ran down your spine as goosebumps welled up all over your skin, “won’t you tell me what’s troubling you? Penny for your thoughts? Let me take away all your troubles and hold them for you.”
You weren’t sure when the tears had welled up, but you felt Eddie gently wipe them away. He leaned in and pressed soft kisses to your cheeks. You nudged your face into his hand and made a small sound that went straight to his heart. It was silent for a few minutes, only the sound of late-night New York traffic interrupting the peace. You’d gotten so used to it over the years that it was almost soothing. 
“There’s nothing wrong per se,” you whispered after a few moments had passed, his chocolate brown eyes searching yours, “I’ve just been having a hard time sleeping lately. And I don’t wanna keep you awake either, so I've been coming out here and reading.”
“And drinking hot chocolate,” he teased, a soft lilt to his voice. You looked at your empty mug and nodded, already feeling better from just having him there with you, “tell me, my queen, how many books have you knocked since you’ve been dealing with these sleepless nights?”
“I don’t wanna…” you couldn’t help the small shriek that escaped your lips as he tickled your side. He was determined to get an answer out of you, and you knew that he’d never take no for an answer, “five! Five! Have mercy, please.”
"Five books?!" He groaned playfully as his head lulled onto the back of the couch, "baby, that's gotta be at least three weeks worth of sleepless nights."
"To be fair, a few of them were short books," you smiled sheepishly as his large, warm hands settled on your hips, "and it hasn't been consecutive nights. So…"
"So…" his mocking was soft and gentle. You could still hear the sigh of concern in his voice nonetheless, "I wish you would have told me instead of dealing with this on your own."
"It's not a big deal, love," you insisted, already knowing full well that Eddie wasn't having it, "I've dealt with much worse back when I was in college."
"So like yesterday?"
"Stop, old man," you stuck your tongue out at him before pressing yourself into him, clinging on like a koala, "you're so busy and doing so much I didn't wanna bother you with something so trivial."
"Nothing about you or that concerns you is trivial," he insisted firmly, a kiss placed to the crown of your head, "got it?"
"Yeah," you loved him. You loved him ridiculous amounts, "I dunno, it's just…life I guess. I can't get my brain to turn off at night."
"I know how that can feel," he'd wrapped his long arms around you, "its rough sometimes. Anything particularly nagging at you?"
"Ugh," yes, was the immediate answer that came to mind. But you couldn't just say that because you knew that it would lead to more questions. Eddie was never one to let things go, especially when it came to those he loved. You swallowed the lump in your throat down, "not really. Just stuff."
"Stuff and things?" He added, chuckling softly when he felt you nod. The man knew there was more to it than that, but he knew it wasn't his place to push. You'd always go to give when you were ready to, "you want to go back to bed and try to get some sleep?"
"Mhmm," you were already getting more tired, lulled and soothed by listening to the steady beating of his heart, along with his soft hands on your skin, "I think so."
"Alright princess," you wrapped your arms and legs as he slowly stood and started heading to the bedroom, "hey - next time you can't sleep, just wake me up, okay?"
"It wasn't really a question," he grinned when you looked at him with wide, sweet eyes, "its more of a request."
"Okay," you nodded slowly, overwhelmed by the love he always showed you, "love you so much, Eddie."
"I love you too, princess."
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The night after Eddie discovered your little late night rendezvous, you were convinced things would get better. That first night, back in bed and in his arms, you'd been able to find solace in getting a couple hours of sleep.
Despite your best efforts, the bliss didn't last. A few nights later you found yourself unable to fall asleep for hours and then after you'd finally managed to doze off, you weren't able to stay asleep. You'd considered waking Eddie up, just as he'd told you, but he seemed to be dead in his sleep. Despite your best efforts, shaking him and calling his name, he remained asleep.
It was with a heavy sigh and heart that you climbed out of bed and headed into the kitchen. This time, however, as you made your hot chocolate, you decided to take a hot bath to see if that would help. Eddie had just suggested a hot soak with some Epsom salt and bubble bath and you decided that it was better than nothing. 
You tried to be as quiet as possible and by the time you were under the warm water, surrounded by the soft, lavender scented bubbles, your body was finally relaxed. You hoped that would translate to your mind.
You laid there for a while, sipping your hot chocolate and scrolling around on your phone. You'd been so engrossed in what you were doing that you didn't even hear Eddie push open the door and stick his head in.
You almost shrieked in surprise, tossing your phone due to the shock. Luckily Eddie was able to catch it, stepping inside and offering you a sheepish grin; you offered the same look in response. 
"Hey my love," you leaned over the edge of the tub, crossing your arms and resting your head as you looked at him. Eddie sat right down in front of the tub, looking at you with a soft expression, "didn't mean to wake you."
"You didn't," he promised, reaching over and brushing a few wet tendrils of hair out of your face, "needed some water and saw the light on. Couldn't sleep again, huh?"
"And couldn't wake you for the life of me-"
"How hard did you try?"
"Enough…" you hid your face, warmth settling all over face, "but not too much."
"I had a feeling," he tutted at you gently before grabbing your scrunched off his wrist and pulling his curls into a bun on top of his head, "got room for one more?"
"Always," you scooted to the side and watched as he undressed, dark ink all over his skin. You took a moment to admire him as he got into the other side of the tub, watching you intently, "don't look at me like that."
"Like what, pretty girl?" He playfully flicked a few bubbles at you, bringing a big smile to your face, "tell me."
"Like…like I'm the best thing in the world," he always looked at you with starry eyes and a reverence that he held only for you. You swallowed thickly before leaning back, "I'm nothing that special."
"You're so wrong," he shook his head, wondering where you'd ever came up with this ridiculous idea. The realization hit him like a tidal wave - you didn't see yourself nearly the same way as he saw you, "is that…is that what's been bothering you?"
"I…" you couldn't even lie. Especially not to him. The tears welled up almost immediately and you tried to blink them back to no avail, "its something like that."
“Oh my lovely girl,” he let out a long breath, not of exasperation and certainly not at you, trying to compose his thoughts, “why didn’t you say anything? You can tell me anything.”
“How can I tell you that I don’t think I’m good enough for you?” your question came out sharper than intended and you could see that Eddie recoiled slightly. You sighed and wiped away the tears that had liberally run down your cheeks. You felt ridiculous, but it seemed like everything was going to come out now and there was no stopping it, “how am I supposed to tell you that I feel so…inferior and unworthy without you trying to convince me otherwise?”
Eddie was quiet for a few moments, mulling over his words. He hated, loathed entirely, the idea that you ever had a moment of doubt that you were good enough for him. The idea was…so asinine that it was shocking. He was to reach for you, but decided against it, letting the soft popping of the bubbles fill the silence between the two of you. You wished he would say something…almost anything at this point. 
Eventually, to your relief he finally spoke up, “you’re right. You’re not saying that to me and not expect me to say something in return. You should know by now that is definitely not my style.”
“Yeah,” a stiff, bitter little laugh escaped your lips, “I know that. You’re so stubborn sometimes but it’s one of the wonderful things about you.”
“It’s one of the things I like about you too,” he eased the tension a little bit by giving your leg a gentle squeeze, “don’t shut me out, please. Talk to me.”
“Eddie…” he was right, it wouldn’t be fair to him to completely shut him out, “I just…you’re you. And I’m just me. I just feel like…I don’t know what you see in me. You’re….everything and I’m just a dumb girl you met in a bar. I feel like you can do better than me and find someone more worthy of you. Someone on your level.”
Eddie waited for you to finish before sitting up and leaning towards you. He wiggled his fingers and motioned for you to lean closer. You took a moment before mirroring his position, making a small sound of surprise when he gently took your face in his hands. He brushed his thumb over your cheek before pressing his lips to your forehead. 
“May I speak my piece now?” he brushed his lips against yours and you nodded softly. He pulled slightly, his eyes never leaving yours. It always felt like he could see right into your soul, “I love you - I am in love with you. It doesn’t matter where or how we met. It doesn’t matter that it was at a bar - it would have been the same if it had been the bookstore or coffee shop or the park, yeah?”
“I guess…”
“C’mon baby, you can do better than that,” he brought a smile to your face as you huffed and give him a more assertive response, “there’s my girl. I don’t think that you’re inferior or anything of the sort? You’re perfect for me. You’re my everything. It doesn’t matter that we’ve had different pasts and I’m a little older, or anything. What matters is what’s in your soft little heart and that we love each other. And you’ve got the best part and I know you love me and I love you. That’s all that matters.” 
“I do,” you agreed softly, a wistful little sigh escaping your lips, “I love you very much.”
“I’m glad to see that we’re on the same page,” when you looked at him you could see that beaming grin on his face. It was pretty, almost too pretty to be fair, and adored it, “I don’t know how to tell you that you mean the world to me, but I hope I can show it. If I’m not showing you that enough than I’m not doing my job right.”
“Stop,” you snorted in amusement, “you’re such a dork, Eddie Munson.”
“Umm, duh,” he offered you a cheeky little wink, “but I’m your dork.”
“Yeah?” your lips had settled into a pout and Eddie wanted nothing more than to kiss it away.
“Always,” he promised, “what got you feeling this way, huh baby?”
“It’s stupid,” you huffed at yourself, reaching for his hand and playing it with both of yours, “I don’t want you to laugh at me.”
“I’m not going to laugh,” he squeezed your hand, “try me.”
“It was weeks ago now,” you bit the inside of your cheek for a moment, “after one of your shows. I was hanging around the bar waiting for you to get down, ‘member? Well, I heard some people talking, they were just gossiping, but I heard them talking about us. That you were great and amazing and all that but that you dating me was basically a joke. That you didn’t really want to be with me, you just wanted me because I’m easy and young.”
“People really don’t know how to mind their business, do they?” the fact that he was taking this so lightly made you feel minutely better. At least he didn’t seem to think their contentions held any weight, “that’s the dumbest shit I’ve heard in a long time.”
You looked at him with wide eyes, more relaxed than you had been in a long while. He shook his head, a few curls falling loose from his bun and framing his face prettily. You reached over and gently twirled one around your finger. His fingers wrapped around your wrist and he pressed a kiss to your hand. 
“Baby,” he looked at you, a serious look on his face, “I’m a part-time rock musician and a full time music teacher. I’m not as cool and rock’n’roll as people like to think. I’m just…a guy. A very average guy. And our age difference is not that huge. You’ve got your own career starting and going on, and you don’t rely on me for anything. I’m lucky you gave me the time of day, honestly.”
“You’re being too much,” you splashed him, causing him to scoff playfully, “just say you’re in love with me and worship me and leave it at that.”
“I’m in love with you, I adore you, and I happily worship at your altar any time of day or night,” he reached for you, hands on your waist as he pulled closer to him so you were sitting on his legs, “my lovely girl.”
“You don’t think I’m just some hoochie that wants your money and sex and conned you into letting me move into your apartment?” you were sure what his answer would be but you still wanted to hear it at the same time. 
“Nah,” he shook his head, “I know it’s because you love me just like I love you. Whatever you want you can have it. What’s mine is yours, you know that.”
“Same,” you grinned at him, “but just so we’re clear, I do want the sex. The rest doesn’t matter. Only you.”
“There’s my girl,” he gave your sides a gentle squeeze, causing you to squirm with ticklishness, “I’m gonna marry one day.”
“Oh really?” you looped your arms around his neck and pulled him close, “is that so?”
“Mhmm,” he pressed big kisses to your cheeks, causing you to giggle, “right when you least expect it. But it’s gonna happen.”
“You continue to surprise me,” you nudged his nose with yours before kissing him softly, “I love you so much, Eddie. Thank you for…this.”
“There’s nothing to thank me for,” he insisted softly, “I just hope that this eases any worries you had. And that now you can actually get some sleep instead of worrying.”
“Me too,” you hugged him tightly, pressing your chest against his, “do you think we can go to bed now?”
“Of course,” he kissed the side of your head, “we can sleep in. But now, you can rest easy. I love you, baby.”
“I love you too, Eddie.”
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queenshelby · 1 year
Our Little Secret (Part Two)
Pairing: Dark! Cillian Murphy x Virgin! Reader
Warning: Smut, Age-Gap, Daddy Issues
Notes: This will not be a love story. It will be dark, twisted and kinky. Cillian is portrayed as totally off cannon.
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The following morning, after you woke from your slumber, you found yourself pondering about what had happened last night. You lost your innocence to a man who was more than twice your age and who was no other than your stepfather's brother. This made him your 'step-uncle' or something along those lines and the sheer thought of it aroused you. 
It also felt wrong in every way possible, yet you couldn't help but find yourself drawn to him, wanting to explore the boundaries you had crossed, not knowing that Cillian was still there, at your house, having coffee with your stepfather while you were having a shower and before you got dressed into your school uniform.
Your skin still tingled from where his hands touched you, a reminder of how far you had gone with him. 
The thought of seeing him again, knowing the power he held over you, frightened you yet also excited you. It was like an addictive drug that kept drawing you back for more, but when you walked in the kitchen that morning, you couldn't help but gasp.
"Cillian. You are still here?" you asked surprised while your stepfather poured you a cup of coffee.
"What can I say? I was invited to breakfast," he laughed. You couldn't help but notice the playful glance from Cillian, sending shivers down your spine.
"Hmm, okay" you murmured, nervously and with blushing cheeks while adjusting your position on the chair. You were still sore from last night and Cillian most certainly noticed your discomfort, smirking and furrowing his brows. 
The memory of it played on loop in your head, making you feel both dirty and exhilarated. Despite these feelings, you couldn't deny the connection you felt with Cillian. It was almost as if something primal compelled you towards him, like a magnet attracting metal.
As you sat down to eat breakfast with Frank and Cillian though, you could not look at either of them without feeling a wave of guilt. The knowledge that your family didn't know about your tryst with Cillian hung heavily over you. Your stomach clenched uncomfortably, a mixture of excitement and anxiety filling you. You wondered how long you could maintain this double life.
Frank seemed to be oblivious to the chemistry between you and his brother, carrying on a conversation about work. Cillian, however, appeared more aware, occasionally stealing glances at you, which sent your heart racing.
His eyes burned with desire, making you feel exposed and vulnerable. Even though you were supposed to have breakfast with your family, you couldn't help but be preoccupied with thoughts of Cillian and the night before. You recalled the way he had taken you, claiming you as his own. It was both thrilling and terrifying, pushing you to the edge of pleasure and pain.
As the three of you continued to eat breakfast, your thoughts consumed you. You couldn't believe how much you wanted Cillian now, your body craving the feeling of being taken by him. It scared you, knowing that this was beyond anything you had ever experienced before. But you couldn't resist him. His powerful presence, the intensity of his gaze, and the way he spoke to you made you feel desired and wanted. You ached for him, and deep down, you knew that you would give in to those desires soon enough.
"So, what are your plans for today, Cillian?" Frank asked casually, sipping his coffee.
"I have nothing too exciting planned. How about you, Frank?" Cillian replied nonchalantly, but you could see the heat in his eyes, betraying his intentions. You shifted uncomfortably in your seat, knowing what was coming next.
"Well, I have to go to work. That's pretty much it. In fact, I am already late," Frank acknowledged before asking you to do the dishes once you finish eating and, not long after that, your stepfather went on his way, leaving you and Cillian on your own.
A nervous energy filled the air, causing your heart rate to quicken. Cillian's piercing gaze made you feel like he could see straight through you, your thoughts laid bare for all to see. 
"How are you feeling this morning? Are you sore?" Cillian asked, breaking the tension with his calm demeaner. His expression remained neutral, hiding his true feelings, but you could tell he was aroused by the mere mention of sex.
You shifted uncomfortably in your seat, unable to meet his gaze. "I am, yes," you admitted sheepishly, your face flushing with embarrassment. You could feel his eyes boring into you, studying your response.
"That's a shame," Cillian pointed out before asking you why, on a Saturday morning, you were wearing your school uniform.
"I am volunteering at a school event. It is an open day and since it is a private girls' school, the principal is pretty strict when it comes to wearing the proper attire," you explained, attempting to justify your choice of clothing.
"It's a catholic school, right?" Cillian remarked, crossing his arms over his chest and you nodded.
"You should probably see someone to repent for last nights' sins then as, otherwise, you might go straight to hell," he then joked with a mischievous grin, causing you to feel your cheeks warm up.
"I don't believe in God, nor I do I believe in Heaven or Hell. Despite I am short of time and that confession might take a while after what you made me do," you joked, trying to sound cocky despite your lingering guilt.
He let out a low laugh, running his hand through his hair. "I suppose I must make amends, then," he said, before moving closer to you.
Your heart raced, and you couldn't help but feel a mixture of fear and excitement. You knew this encounter would push the boundaries of your experience even further.
"Now tell me, how sore exactly are you?" Cillian wanted to know, his voice laced with an undercurrent of desire. You couldn't help but blush, looking away from his intense gaze. You took a deep breath, trying to regain composure. "I... I'm pretty sensitive down there," you managed to whisper, swallowing hard.
"You're beautiful when you're shy," Cillian remarked, running his hand up your leg. His touch electrified you, leaving you craving more of his attention.
With Cillian's fingers teasingly grazing your sensitive flesh, you felt your body respond intensely. He bent down to kiss your neck softly, trailing his lips along your collarbone where your white blouse was opened slightly.
"Do you think you can take my cock again?" Cillian then whispered, his breath hot against your ear. You could feel your heart pounding wildly in your chest, your entire body yearning for him.
"Right now?" you asked, shivering slightly with anticipation.
"Yes, right now," Cillian winked and you nodded hesitantly.
Cillian grinned, his eyes burning with desire. "Good girl," he praised, taking your hand and leading you to the living room. There, he pulled you onto his lap, allowing you to straddle him. Your heart pounded faster as you looked down at Cillian's growing erection, visible beneath his pants.
"I should take these off," you said, referring to your school uniform but Cillian shook his head.
"No, leave them on. You look sexy wearing it," he smirked, his blue eyes sparkling with wicked delight.
You felt your heart race in anticipation, your mind consumed with images of the two of you together. As you imagined his strong hands on your slender frame, your body tingled with excitement.
"Take off your panties though and lay down on the couch, legs spread," Cillian told you firmly, his eyes never leaving yours.
You quickly obeyed, blushing as you reached beneath your skirt and pulled off your white panties. Your heart raced as you crawled onto the couch, letting your knees fall apart, eager for his touch. Cillian's dark eyes flickered with desire, watching as you presented yourself to him.
As you settled onto the couch, Cillian stood beside you, his fingers caressing your thigh. Your breath caught in your throat, his touch so sensual it felt almost magical.
Cillian then tucked up your skirt and your somewhat sore pussy came into view. It was still red and swollen from last night, but it excited him even more. He began gently rubbing his thumb around your opening, teasing you with the promise of entry. Your breath hitched, and you moaned slightly as his touch ignited a fresh surge of arousal.
You then watched as Cillian kneeled in front of your spread open legs and unzipped his jeans.
You couldn't help but be mesmerized by his confident movements, every motion telling you just how well he knew what he was doing.
Cillian's cock sprang free, standing tall and proud. The sight of it left you panting, your whole body aching to be taken once more. He placed one hand on your knee, guiding you to wrap your legs around his waist.
With his other hand, he held himself steady, his eyes locked onto yours. With an intensity that seemed to reach beyond the physical, he slowly positioned his thick erection at your entrance.
You bit your lip, feeling the pressure of his cockhead, pressing against your swollen folds. The anticipation was almost unbearable.
"Are you sure you can take me again? Your pussy is still quite swollen," Cillian rasped, his voice rough with desire.  
"Yes, I am sure," you spurred him on and he pushed the tip of his cock against your entrance, teasing you with the promise of entry. Your heart raced as you tried to breathe steadily, feeling the anticipation build inside you. "Ready?" he asked, his tone making it clear he wouldn't wait for an answer.
Your breath caught in your throat as he thrust forward, entering you in one smooth movement. Your body clenched around him, the sensation of fullness bringing both pleasure and pain. "Fuck!" Cillian growled, his voice harsh with lust.
"Yes, sweetheart. Take me," he commanded, his words laced with desire. You couldn't help but obey, wrapping your legs tighter around his waist. Your moans of pleasure echoed throughout the room, your body reacting to his touch instinctively.
Cillian expertly changed positions, lifting you up onto his lap and guiding your hands to his hips. The muscles of his body flexed as he moved, accentuating his raw masculinity.
"You feel so good, Cillian," you moaned, your words punctuated by the forceful thrusts of his hips.
"So do you. So nice and tight," Cillian whispered, his voice hoarse with passion. He grabbed your hands, intertwining your fingers with his. As he continued to pound into you, your body arched instinctively, seeking deeper penetration.
You threw your head back, letting out a cry of pleasure as the sensations overwhelmed you. Your pussy clenched tightly around his cock, drawing a groan from him.
"You're so wet," he breathed, his eyes filled with desire. You felt your own breath catch in your throat, your body responding instinctively to his touch. "What do you want, sweetheart?" he asked, his voice rough with lust.
"More," you whispered, leaning in to nibble on his neck. Cillian's cock throbbed within you, demanding satisfaction. "Deeper," you panted, your body screaming for release.
Cillian obliged, adjusting his position to plunge into you with force. You cried out in pleasure, his powerful strokes driving you wild.
The rhythm of your breath quickened, matching the pace of his thrusts. "Cum for me, baby," Cillian urged, his eyes blazing with lust. You felt your body tensing, a wave of pleasure crashing over you.
"Oh god!" you cried out, unable to hold back any longer.
Your body tensed, convulsing in ecstasy as the pleasure coursed through you. 
"Good girl, cumming all over my cock," Cillian groaned, his voice thick with pride. Your walls clamped down on his cock, milking him with your orgasm. 
"Are you going to take my cum in your sore pussy, right before school?" Cillian growled, his cock throbbing within you.
You nodded, the thought of filling your already stretched folds with his seed exhilarating. Your breath caught in your throat as you anticipated the moment when his seed would fill you.
"Yes, I want your cum," you admitted, your voice shaking with desire.
"Good girl" Cillian replied, his hand finding your breast as he increased the pace of his thrusts. His touch sent a wave of heat through your core, heightening your arousal.
As your bodies collided in rhythmic sync, you both surrendered to the primal lust coursing through you. Every stroke brought you closer to the edge, the thrum of your heartbeat growing ever louder.
Cillian's hand left your breast, moving down to your clit, rolling it gently between his fingers.
"I want you to cum again" he ordered, his voice commanding. Your eyes glazed over, succumbing to the erotic spell his touch had cast upon you. You moaned as he continued to tease your engorged bud, his touch sending shivers of pleasure coursing through your body.
Your head fell back, your hair falling around your face as you surrendered completely to the pleasure. The intensity of his touch, coupled with the afterglow of your previous climax, sent waves of ecstasy coursing through your veins.
You were no longer aware of anything but the primal connection between you and Cillian. Your breathing became ragged, your body trembling with desire.
Cillian's thrusts grew faster, his grip on your hips firmer. With each powerful move, your walls clenched around his cock, milking him with your arousal. His expression mirrored the intensity of your passion, his lips parted and his breath coming in heavy gasps.
His grip on your hips tightened, his fingers digging into your skin as he powered through you. Your body quaked underneath him, your walls gripping him like a vice. 
Cillian growled, his eyes closed, his expression a mix of lust and ferocity. "Fuck, I am close" he groaned, his words a harsh demand.
"You are going to leak my cum all day, won't you? Right into those sexy little panties of yours," he growled, his voice husky with lust. Your eyes were closed now, your entire being consumed by the overwhelming sensations.
"Yes, oh yes," you replied, your voice trembling with need.
Cillian's hand found your clit again, his fingers circling it gently. He pressed harder, causing another wave of pleasure to ripple through you.
"That's it, sweetheart, cum for me." His voice was rough with arousal, his gaze fixed on your flushed face.
You felt your cheeks redden further, embarrassed yet aroused by his intensity. His eyes were burning with lust, leaving you no doubt of the powerful connection between you.
"Please," you begged, your voice barely audible, pleading for more as, finally, you came in sync with Cillian. Your pussy contracted around his cock, milking him with your orgasm. The force of his movements intensified, his thrusts growing stronger, deeper, more desperate.
"Oh fuck!" Cillian grunted, his entire body shuddering with the intensity of his orgasm. The sound of his hoarse voice, combined with the sensation of his pulsing cock inside you, sent another wave of ecstasy washing over you.
You could feel your pussy quivering around him, desperately trying to hold onto his seed.
"You're so damn hot," Cillian whispered, kissing your shoulder lightly before burying his face in the crook of your neck. The feeling of his mouth against your skin sent a shiver down your spine, the warmth of his breath sending waves of pleasure through your body as, slowly, you came down from your high.
Cillian then pulled out of you and his cum dripped from your swollen slit, right on to the fabric of your skirt.
"Now that is fucking sexy," Cillian determined, causing you to laugh.
"Go ahead, take your photo," you winked, and Cillian did not hesitate to do so before reaching for the tissue box beside him and wiping himself off.
He then tossed the tissue in the trash, making sure there was no evidence left behind. His eyes met yours, and you could see the desire and lust in them.
"You should probably get changed," he apologised while you took a moment to compose yourself, straightening your clothing and doing your best to regain some composure.
"I am good, I will just wipe it off with a cloth," you winked before pulling up your panties and thereby trapping the rest of his cum inside you.
You knew that you would be leaving soon, heading to school with traces of Cillian still lingering within you. It excited you just thinking about it, the knowledge that you were carrying his essence made you blush involuntarily.
Your nipples hardened beneath your bra, a reminder of the intense encounter you had shared with Cillian. The smell of his cologne still clung to your skin, an unexpected turn-on.
"Have a good day at school, sweetheart," Cillian then said softly, kissing your forehead one last time before letting you go. He knew what he had done to you, how much control he had over you. It felt like he had imprinted himself on you, forever altering your life.
As you walked to school, the memory of his touch remained with you, leaving you blushing and aroused throughout the day. Each passing minute, you couldn't help but recall the way he had fucked you. It was passionate, uninhibited, and utterly breathtaking.
Throughout the day, you found yourself constantly reminded of your encounter with Cillian. Your thoughts drifted to the sensuality and intimacy you shared with him, replaying every touch, caress, and kiss in your mind.
Your panties were still wet, your combined essence leaving a clear mark for you to remember your encounter by, and it seemed almost impossible to believe that someone like Cillian would have taken an interest in you, albeit just sexual in nature. 
As you walked through the corridors, you couldn't help but remember the tender and intimate moments you had shared with Cillian. The sensuality, the passion, the way he had dominated you, taking you beyond your limits. It all left you feeling weak in the knees, your heart racing with desire even hours later.
It was getting harder to concentrate with Cillian's image lingering in your mind. Nonetheless, you managed to pull yourself together, determined not to let the encounters with Cillian distract you from your responsibilities.
As you continued walking through the hallways, the whispers and stares followed you. Some of your classmates recognized the subtle change in your behaviour, while others simply assumed you were having a particularly good day until, suddenly, you stumbled into your best friend, Emma, who questioned your intensely positive demure. 
Emma gave you a look of concern as she asked, "What's gotten into you today?" She didn't wait for an answer, her intuition telling her something was up. She leaned in closer, lowering her voice to a conspiratorial whisper. "Is it a boy?" she inquired, her eyes wide with curiosity.
You laughed slightly, blushing slightly at her directness. "No, nothing like that," you lied, unable to bring yourself to admit the truth. Emma nodded knowingly, accepting your denial without further question.
However, her curiosity only deepened as you seemed genuinely happy and carefree compared to your usual reserved self. 
"You can tell me. Come on," Emma urged, nudging you playfully. You sighed, your cheeks flushing slightly.
"Alright, I guess you deserve to know." You looked around to ensure no one was listening before continuing in a low voice, "There is a guy who I met a little while ago. Things happened. It was fun, but it is not anything serious.," you admitted, biting your lip, wondering if you had revealed too much information.
"Tell me about him. Which school does he go to? What's his name?" Emma asked with a hint of excitement.
You hesitated for a moment, unsure whether to divulge this newfound secret. However, trusting your friend implicitly, you decided to open up. "Well, I can't really tell you his name as we are keeping all of this a secret. He is not at school. He is older and, uhm..." you stammered nervously before continuing your sentence with a hint of embarrassment. "He is married," you then blurted out, causing Emma's chin to drop.
"So, you know, I can't talk about him much," you then told her and Emma gasped, clearly shocked by the revelation.
"He is married, seriously? How old is he?" She fired questions rapidly, her curiosity piqued.
"Yes, he has been with his wife for many years, but he does not seem to be happy," you hesitated for a moment, deciding whether to share more details.
"And he is, well, he is older than me," you offered reluctantly, hoping that would appease her.
"Older than you? How much older?" Emma questioned, intrigued by the age difference. Her curiosity was piqued, her heart racing with anticipation.
"He is in his mid-forties," you admitted reluctantly, knowing that this information would likely astound Emma. Her eyes widened, astonished by the significant age gap.
"Jesus, Y/N! You must be careful! He's not going to leave his wife for you, you know. He is probably just using you." Emma warned, her voice filled with concern.
"Did you have sex with him?" Emma wanted to know, realizing that you did not have a boyfriend before.
"Yes, but only once," you confessed, your cheeks turning bright red. "Twice," you then corrected yourself, thinking about this morning as well. You hesitated, not wanting to divulge more personal information.
"I can't believe it Y/N. I recall you saying that you were going to save yourself for the right guy and then you just hook up with some married man? I don't understand I am worried about you," Emma exclaimed, unable to hide her surprise. "You need to be careful, Y/N. He's not going to change his life for you," Emma lectured you again.
"I know, Emma and I don't want him to. I am probably not the only one he has cheated with either," you replied, your voice laced with regret. 
"What makes you think that?" Emma queried, curiously. 
"Well, let's just say that, in his job, he's got ample opportunities," you whispered, hinting at his profession without revealing it to Emma. "But you're right, I'm not looking for anything serious. We both know the risks involved. It's honestly fine and the sex is incredible. It is nothing like what the other girls here talk about. It's actually quite exhilarating," you told her and Emma couldn't help but laugh.
"Is that so?" Emma's eyebrows raised, showing interest rather than disapproval. "What's it like?" she asked with a mischievous grin, curious about your experiences.
"It's unlike anything I ever imagined," you responded, your cheeks blushing faintly. "He is quite dominant and tells me what he wants without any reluctance whatsoever. He knows what he is doing, I suppose," you giggled shamelessly. 
"I need more detail than that, silly!" she laughed, trying to sound nonchalant but failing miserably.
"I don't want to discuss specifics, but let's just say it's...intense," you said with a hint of embarrassment. 
Emma's curiosity peaked even more. "Intense? Like, physically intense or emotionally intense?"
"Both," you admitted sheepishly, a blush colouring your cheeks once more. 
Emma's eyes widened in disbelief, and she glanced around cautiously before leaning closer to you.
Lowering her voice to a hushed whisper, she continued, "That sounds...exciting, but also dangerous. You are using protection, right? Condoms?"
"No, but I am on the pill," you told her, feeling slightly uneasy about discussing such intimate matters even with your best friend. "I mean, it's a risk, I know, but I trust him enough to take precautions. Despite, I like the whole feeling of, you know…," you added, causing Emma to cringe and interrupt.
“Alright, alright. I don’t want to picture it,” she laughed before carrying on.
"Still, I worry about you, Y/N. You have to be careful, okay? This can end badly if you aren't. You can get hurt," Emma advised, her tone now filled with concern instead of judgment.
"I know, Emma, I've thought about it," you responded, grateful for her cautionary advice.
"And I don't think he will actually leave his wife for me. He just needs someone to satisfy his desires, and I am really attracted to him," you reminded her, feeling like this conversation was never-ending. 
Emma shook her head, concerned for her friend. "Look, Y/N, I love you, but this could really backfire. If things go south, you could lose everything. I'd hate to see that happen to you," she reminded you again, and you smiled, trying to ease her concerns. "Don't worry, Emma. I'll be careful. It's nothing but some non-serious fun," you reassured her just as your phone went off and you received a text message.
The notification flashed across the screen and it was from Cillian. Your heart leapt into your throat as you quickly read the message.
"Is it him?" Emma asked, referring to the text message and you nodded.
"Yes, it's him," you replied softly, a mixture of apprehension and excitement coursing through your veins. You felt a sudden rush of adrenaline as you thought about seeing Cillian once again. "We should meet sooner. I don't think I can wait until Tuesday. Are you free tomorrow?" the text message had stated, indicating he desired another rendezvous.
"What does he want?" Emma asked with great curiosity, seeing the smile beaming across your face.
"He wants to see me tomorrow," you explained, excitement bubbling within you.
"Oh, wow!" Emma exclaimed, her eyebrows raised. "Where does he want to meet? You can't really take him to your house," she teased, trying to lighten the mood.
"A hotel, I think," you told her, already visualizing the possibilities. "Somewhere private where no one will disturb us. He wants me to stay the entire night," you explained before asking her for a favour. 
"Do you think you could cover for me if I tell my parents that I am staying with you?" you begged, hopeful that Emma would agree.
Emma hesitated and you looked at her, with puppy dog eyes, begging.
"Alright, but please, be safe and keep in touch with me. I don't want to find you somewhere, dead, in a ditch," Emma eventually told you, causing you to laugh.
"Sure, I will stay in touch!" you laughed before the teacher intervened in your conversation.
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ghoularaki · 2 months
baby's breath | 10
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↠  summary: Merely by coincidence, Erwin, your father's former friend had crossed paths with you again after nearly a decade. He offered solace once finding out you were struggling with not just school, but your home life as well. His home he shared with another one of your father's friends, Levi, became a sanctuary. Though, the more you came over for study sessions, the more they wiggled themselves into your private life. And like baby's breath, they weeded themselves in so deep you couldn't uproot them.
↠ word count: 5,474
↠ pairing: levi ackerman x reader x erwin smith
↠ genre/warnings: angst, smut, modern au, DARK CONTENT, yandere, daddy kink, forced infantilism, pet play, age gap, collars, vomiting, anal fingering/plugs, bondage, orgasm denial
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Furious shouting roused you from your light sleep. Blinking at the sun flowing from your open curtains, you strained your ears to hear closer.
From the voice alone, you knew Levi had been the one yelling. The seething, piercing words were too uncharacteristic of Erwin. His anger was more a biting frostbite rather than a scathing, festering burn. You could barely make out the words Levi grumbled. Since Erwin didn’t reply back, you could only assume he had been on the phone.
You winced when an audible, “Are you fucking brain dead?” rang throughout the house.
His anger terrified you. This past week had been nothing short of torture. Neither men mentioned or acknowledged your little escape attempt. It had been suspiciously swept under the rug. As if you accidentally dropped a cup rather than you trying to claw your way from their unrelenting grasp. Too scared to make the wrong move, this whole week you didn’t crawl out of your crate to signal towards the neighbors.
One thing for certain was that the collar hadn’t left your throat. Even when you were bathed, not once had Levi peeled it from your neck. The threat that he would fry you in the bathtub, killing you in the most agonizing way possible didn’t need to be said.
As Levi’s shouting increased, the bedroom door creaked open. In came Erwin with an ever present pleasant look on his face. He did not seem phased by Levi’s screams or what caused his ire.
“Good morning, Princess,” Erwin smiled, not even flinching when something crashed behind the door followed by a string of curses.
Your eyes bounced from the door to Erwin. You counted the days and from what you gathered, today’s Friday. Though Levi nor Erwin made any effort to follow the routine established. You shrank further into your crate.
“You’ll be spending the morning with me instead,” At your nervous look, he reassured you, “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you just as well as Levi does.”
Erwin walked further in, key in hand. Unlocking the crate, he leaned down and gently grabbed your forearm and tore you away from your sense of comfort. How gently Erwin had been treating you only furthered your suspicions. Even Levi had been oddly reserved. He rarely hurled insults or condescending lessons about how idiotic you were. You were driving yourself insane waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Maybe this was the rest of the punishment Erwin alluded to. The psychological warfare of not knowing. To be constantly left in the dark, them playing god. Your life sat in their hands, theirs to spin and toil within their unforgiving palms.
The lumbering man departed from you to go to your dresser and closet to pick out your clothes for today. You idly stretched your tightly coiled muscles from being crammed into the crate all night long. Satisfied with his choices, he walked back to you. Today he chose a skirt with a ruffled tank top. His large palm slipped down your spine to rest on the small of your back. You shivered at the burning warmth.
“Come, little one.”
The door left ajar, his free hand opened it more to steer you towards the bathroom. Vomit crept up in your throat. As Levi had been occupied that meant Erwin would be the one to bathe and brush your teeth. Erwin hadn’t seen you naked since your first day here. And in that vulnerable, lucid state his hand had wandered even for a brief second. Despite what Levi had done to you—ultimately, significantly worse than Erwin has physically done—you preferred Levi. At least in the tub his hands never wandered, everything stayed clinical. You knew one day Levi would breach that line, but for now, you knew you were safe. Or at least had the illusion of it.
Surprisingly, Levi was predictable. Erwin was anything but. A master of mind games and composure. You didn’t know what could push him to the edge. What made him tick. Levi despised disobedience and lack of control. Erwin would smile at your insolence with that chilling simper, like you were a stupid child throwing a tantrum. Without any words he knew how to make you little, insignificant, weak.
As you crossed further down the hall, you spied Levi through the archway, pacing between the kitchen and living room. His phone still in his hand, he stayed silent, listening to what’s reported over the other line.
“You didn’t think to watch those labeled as feral?” His voice didn’t lose any of its verocity. He’s silent for a moment before continuing, “They have microchips for a reason, you fucking idiot, use it.”
Levi made eye contact with you and scowled further. He walked further into the kitchen while Erwin directed you into the bathroom with a firm push. Apparently you heard more than you were supposed to. You were confused about what they were talking about. The more they spoke about whatever business they were a part of, the harder it became to decipher. You knew it couldn’t be legal but how morally skewed it could be sat heavy in your stomach. When you were first kidnapped they talked about cargo and girls not adjusting. If what they did to you, they were doing on a wider scale had your throat closing up.
You stood in the bathroom, the door behind you clicked. His hands moved between your shoulder blades to bring you closer to the sink. He placed the clothes on the counter. Spinning you around, Erwin tucked his hands under your armpits and lifted you onto the counter with ease. At this point, you didn’t know why it shocked you the strength he possessed. It didn’t comfort you.
“Sit tight,” He cooed.
Walking over to the tub, he started the bath. He grabbed the sweet, strawberry soap and poured it in with the rushing, warm water. You waited for the panic to build up at the sound, but oddly your heart stayed stagnant. You filed that information away for later. Not ready to process that information.
As the water filled the tub, Erwin came back and resumed the routine Levi had set up. You watched in apprehension as he grabbed the toothbrush and sickly saccharine toothpaste. Gently, he grasped your jaw and dug his thumb into the divot to force your mouth open. He didn’t even offer you the opportunity to be stubborn. Your mouth agape, his hand naturally moved down so his palm cupped and encompassed your throat.
Back slightly hunched to get a better look, Erwin stared intently at your teeth, just as thorough as Levi. Light pink, almost white foam started to fill your mouth, but he made no move to let you spit. The foam slipped down from the corners and onto his hand.
“What a messy girl,” Erwin’s voice lilted.
You might actually vomit.
Pulling away, he let you lean over to spit. Bringing you back up, he grabbed your jaw again. “Tongue out.”
You scowled, “I know what to do.”
He raised a thick brow at the sudden attitude. “I’m sure you do.”
Knowing it’s better to just get it done and over with, you let your tongue loll out. Satisfaction spread across Erwin’s face. When he brought the brush to your tongue, you were half tempted to rip it from his hand and stab him in the eye with it. Mentally shaking off the intrusive thought, you let him scrub your tongue clean.
You dared not make eye contact with him. Staring at his prominent nose, you intensely ignored how his eyes bounced up to yours. You despise the tension he created. Noticing that you wouldn’t look at him, he sighed and pulled away. Bent over, you spit once more. He turned on the sink and ran the brush under the water. He tapped the plastic against the porcelain with a tink, tink and placed it back into the pink cup.
As he turned off the faucets, the lack of running water left the silence deafening. You went to get off the counter, wanting at least some sort of autonomy, but Erwin quickly stopped you. Grabbing your hips, you instantly bristled. Standing in between your legs, he stapled you to the counter.
“What are you doing?”
“What are you doing?” You snapped back at him. Why was he making this so difficult?
“Do you give this much trouble to Levi?”
You sneered, “I’m not giving you trouble. I’m getting off the counter so I can get in the tub.”
He chewed on your words. Processing how your mannerisms were set by how Levi treated you. “I expected Levi to be more hands on.”
“No, he actually treats me like an adult,” You barked.
His fingers dug into your hips. Traveling downwards, his fingers crept under the loose material and made contact with your bare skin. “Is that what you want? To be treated like an adult? I don’t think you like what that entails when it comes to me, Princess.”
Sweat dripped down your back as that nausea came back tenfold. His large hands went up, grazing your flesh, sitting right under your breasts. Tears threatened to spill over. You stared at the older man in front of you with deep contempt. You both knew what he meant. Sure, he could give you some wiggle room to be treated like the grown up you were, but that meant he could be more self indulgent.
“So what will it be?” He already knew the answer.
Sagging into him, you rest your head against his shoulder. Tilting his chin down, he kissed the crown of your head. Going back down, he placed his hands on your waist and lifted you off the counter. Stepping back to give you room, the offending hands grabbed your shirt.
“Arms up.”
Begrudgingly, you listened. He lifted the material off you, folded it and threw it into the hamper by the tub. You noticed how different the two men were. Erwin was a man of elegance and poise, every move meticulous. As if he thought out each and every move and word he spoke. While Levi, naturally carried himself with particular grace. 
You crossed your arms to cover yourself.
“Uh, uh, none of that,” Erwin scolded. He grabbed your arms to bring them down and you struggled, hating to be so exposed to him.
Just as he tugged your arms away from your chest, the door creaked. Peering over Erwin’s shoulder, Levi strided into the room. The anger still radiated off him in pungent waves. With Erwin’s hands gripping your forearms, you knew exactly what it looked like. You flinched away, not wanting his anger to be directed towards you.
The panic snuck back up. This is it. He was finally going to fulfill the full punishment in mind. He was going to shock you again. Shock you until your brain fried so you wouldn’t even think to run away again, or better yet think at all ever again. A perfect housebroken pet.
Your chest heaved up and down as you get lost in your head. Fear encased you in its riptide. Just as you were about to burst into tears and babbles of apologies, Levi broke his gaze.
Turning towards Levi, Erwin let go of you and brought his full attention to him.
“Any updates?”
“Yeah, no one knows how to do their fucking jobs. I need to leave for the day to clean up the mess.” His tone pinched, clearly irritated.
Erwin hummed. Not entirely displeased with the information given to him. Even as he talked to Levi, his touch didn’t once leave you. A hand wrapped around your wrist, not letting you cover up still.
“Do have fun with that.”
Levi raised a brow, “You got everything handled?” He glanced at you and then back at Erwin.
He dropped your wrist to pet your head, stroking your hair. “She’ll be on her best behavior. Right, Princess?”
You nodded your head. The threat hung in the air.
Levi stared at you suspiciously, those grey irises piercing through you for any deceit. When his phone rang again, he decided to let it go.
Picking it up, he growled, “I’m coming, calm your shit.” With one last sneer, he stomped out the bathroom and slammed the door closed behind him.
Levi gone, Erwin brought his attention back to you. Going back to your shorts, he tugged them down along with your panties. You clenched your fists to resist the urge to cover yourself. Kneeling before you, he tapped each ankle to have you step out of the garments.
Throwing them into the hamper with your shirt, he guided you into the tub. Clutching your hand in his, he helped you in case you slipped. Sinking into the water, you let the warm liquid wrap around you. Disappearing into the bubbles, you blew away the foam floating towards your face.
Erwin sat on the edge of the tub, his gaze morphed into something soft, content. Unable to help himself, he stroked your hair once more. You were everything he ever wanted and he had you right in his palm. His darling girl, he waited so long to have you with him.
“Come on, let’s get you washed up. It’s not every day I get to have you all to myself.”
You gulped at his words. Reluctantly, you forced your back straight. The soapy, milky water no longer covered you. Dejected, you stared at how the white bubbles swirled in mini galaxies. Your body swayed with each movement of Erwin scrubbing you clean. He had been admittedly softer than Levi, but each lingering touch had you trembling.
In no time, he had finished washing you to his contentment. Unplugging the drain, he pulled you out and dressed you for the day. He would purposely brush his fingers against your flushed skin while Levi seemed like he couldn’t dress you faster. You couldn’t help comparing the two.
Finished, he led you out of the bathroom and into the kitchen. He lifted you up by your underarms again, this time on the counter by the stove. You felt more like a doll than a human. You were Erwin’s favorite toy he dragged to and fro.
Sat on the cool marble, you didn’t stray from Erwin cooking you both breakfast. He moved around with ease. You never took him as someone who enjoyed cooking, but you were proven wrong. Sometimes you forget he’s indeed a human who needed to eat and had interests. To you, he seemed above all that.
“You’re staring, Sweetheart,” Erwin smiled, not taking his eyes away from the pan.
“I didn’t think you could cook.”
Amusement strewn across his face, “Do I seem that incompetent?”
“No, just arrogant enough to have someone else do it for you.”
Surprisingly, he chuckled. You expected him to be more stern with you, intolerant to your sass. Though he took it in stride. If anything he loved bantering with you. He wasn’t a complete tyrant, or at least he thought so.
Nothing made sense. Anytime you gave lip, you were always quickly punished since being kidnapped. They were confusing you. This had to be a trap, some sort of ploy to get you to lower your guard so they can strike when you least expect it. Your nails throbbed from digging into the counter, anything to ground yourself.
As you silently spiraled, Erwin picked you up and placed you on a chair. Apparently, he had already set the table. Sitting next to you, he turned both your chairs so you faced each other enough for him to feed you.
Erwin left you no room to turn your head away as he kept a firm hand on your nape. Flashbacks to being force-fed until you were begging for no more pounded in your mind, you opened your mouth. Unable to look at him, you kept your focus on the kitchen table.
There, sat on the table could be your way out. Levi had forgotten to hide his migraine medicine. From the container, you could tell it’s over the counter, but depending on how much is left could be your ticket out. No, you didn’t have any thoughts of suicide—you refused to die here—but if you took enough to land you in the hospital, it would be your chance.
You didn’t stare longer than a second, not enough for Erwin to also notice. So you played along, you would open your mouth every time he gave you another forkful. You still didn’t make eye contact, but you let him have his fun. Anything to distract him.
“What a good baby,” He crooned, his hand massaged your nape. You fell limp.
Finished eating, his hand slipped from you and got up to put away the dishes. With his back turned, you swiped the tiny bottle. The tap tuned out the rattling of the pills. Hastily, you uncapped the lid and saw it had been half full. You dared not to hesitate as you down the pills. Shivering at the bitter taste, you tried not to gag as they got caught in your throat. Grabbing your untouched cup of orange juice, you chugged the liquid.
You slapped a hand over your mouth to stifle your gag reflex. The little, white pills burned going down.
“What did you do?” Erwin shouted.
He turned around to see the bottle bouncing on the ground and you hunched over.
You frantically got off the chair and put some distance between the two of you. Erwin bent down to grab the bottle to find out exactly what you took. His eyes widened at the sight.
Wasting no time, the huge man marched his way to you. He harshly grabbed your arm, tugged you close to him. His scowl showed his age.
“Throw up.”
You quickly shook your head, scared that if you talked you would do just that. He gripped your mandible and forced your jaw open.
“Throw up,” He repeated, a sneer on his lips.
“Take me,” You forced a gag back, “to the hospital.”
He coldly stared at you. Spinning you around, he slung an arm around your waist and forced you over the sink. The hand on your jaw jammed his fingers down your esophagus. He purposely touched the back of your throat. You gagged around his fingers.
Not wanting to vomit, you bit down on his fingers but he only grabbed your waist harder. Shoving his fingers further, you gagged again and vomit rushed out. Ripping his fingers out before any expelled onto him. He squeezed you as you retched the pills and food up. The rancid smell triggered another vomiting spell.
You continued to cough and spit until you couldn’t anymore. Tears spilled down your cheeks, your lips were numb and your brain pounded in your skull. You sagged against the sink. Shoulders heaving from the strain, saliva dribbled out from your bottom lip. Erwin flipped on the faucet, the vomit washing down with it.
Above you Erwin seethed, “Are you happy with yourself.”
Tears still in your eyes, you started to laugh. Of course your plan didn’t work in your favor. Nothing ever does. Cackling harder, you dropped your head to rest against the rim of the sink.
Departing from you, Erwin went to grab his phone. You slipped down until you sat on the ground. Spinning around, you rest your back against the cabinets. The giggles trailed off until you were completely silent.
Erwin’s frantic voice became mere background noise as you stared at the useless, empty pill bottle that rolled under the table. Coming back into view, Erwin crouched in front of you. All warmth had left his face. Those haunting blue irises peered into you.
“You never know when to stop, do you?”
Refusing to answer, you lolled your head to the side.
He quickly grabbed your hair and forced you to look at him. “After all I have done for you. Why must you be so stubborn?”
“Why do you think!” You heaved, voiced strained.
His face turned cold as marble. “I thought after last week, you would have finally learned, but we have been too lenient, especially me.”
Tugging you up by your hair, he dragged you to your room you had been in only a couple hours prior too and threw you into the crate. He locked it as you were slumped across the plushies. Standing up to his full height, he stared at you in grim disappointment.
“Think about what you have done. Levi will be home soon.”
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The sound of the front door slamming closed awakened you from your unsuspected slumber. As you stewed in your own anxiety from Erwin’s thinly veiled threat, your body finally shut down from all the stress accumulating the past few days. Plus you have no clue if all the pills left your system. You could only hope your half-assed plan was what did you in.
Light poured in from the bedroom door swinging open. Levi stood in the frame, enmity twisted into his sneer.
“I can’t fucking leave you alone for one goddamn moment,” Each word was emphasized with every stride towards the crate.
Bent down to unlock it, he continued, “Because of you I had to leave right when the situation was almost solved, but now they got away again and I have to go back out again. This time for longer, but I can’t even do shit until I’m done dealing with you.”
Slamming the crate door, he grabbed your upper arm and dragged you out. His pace was too fast for you to keep up with, you stumbled after him. Forcing you further into the home, he took you to the door that led into the basement. Dread consumed you. You did not want to go back down there. Frantically, you started pulling on his hold and even using your free hand to pry his fingers from your bicep.
Stopping on the stairs, one stair below you, he jostled you and forced you to hunch over to get in your face, “You do not want to piss me off any more than you already have.”
Whimpering, you tried to bargain with him, “I’m scared.”
He glared further, “You should be.”
Storming down the rest of the stairs, he pulled you further into the familiar room. The soft lighting greeted you once more along with the array of bondage tools. Luckily, he walked right past the metal table he had taken you on you don’t even remember how long ago now and threw you onto the velvet couch.
“Sit, don’t even fucking think of moving.” He pointed a finger at you with a growl.
Lifting yourself up from the awkward position he pushed you into, you brought your knees to your chest and cradled yourself. There was no use in running, you still had the collar on and you don’t think you could handle being electrocuted twice in the span of a week. Though, you couldn’t help staring at the stairs laid out before you. From around the corner, you heard Levi rummaging through the closet for something. You were terrified to find out what he had in mind.
Emerging from around the corner, Levi had a muzzle, tail, clear bottle, and oddly what looked like leather mittens in his hand. Sitting down on the couch beside you, he made quick work to grab you by the nape of your neck and force you to straddle him. Sat on his strong thighs, you glanced at the things he placed on the right side of him.
Releasing your neck, he grabbed your right hand before you could even process his command. Grabbing the leather mitten, he shoved your hand into it. It must have been too small. To accommodate for the size, you had to tuck your fingers to your palm including your thumb. He threaded and tightened the belt-like strap placed on your wrist.
“W-what are you doing?”
You were swiftly silenced with a firm slap across your left cheek. Shock rippled through you. Sniffles broke through the air from the humiliation.
Ignoring you, Levi took your bare hand and repeated restricting you. You inspected the gloves to see paw pads at the bottom. He can’t be serious.
Taking your jaw into his grasp, he turned you back towards him. He grabbed the next thing, the muzzle.
At that you glowered, “No.”
He dug his nails in your cheeks and squeezed so hard your mandible creaked. “You don’t get the liberty to tell me what I can and can’t do. Should have thought twice before downing a bottle of pills like a fucking idiot.”
You opened your mouth to give another rebuttal, but he shoved the muzzle onto your face. The way the metal cage had been structured, while he looped the belts behind your hand and at the base of your skull, it left your jaw immobilized. You physically couldn’t move your jaw up or down. So no talking, no biting and most importantly, no purposely ingesting a handful of pills.
“Off,” Levi barked.
Not wanting to stay any longer on his lap than needed, you were quick to follow instructions. But before you could find relief, he grabbed your arm and threw you across his thighs. Bottom perched on his lap, it gave him ample access. Scrambling to get off him, you kicked your feet and tried to hit him with your incapacitated hands. He gathered one of your wrists in his hand and twisted your arm behind your back so far you shouted. Or at least, as much as you could with the muzzle.
“You won’t like if I do this one handed, so stop fucking moving.”
Scared of the implication, you fell limp and stared at the room. Your eyes traced the pattern of the caged shelves over and over. A muffled whimper fell when Levi perked your hips up higher to peel your skirt and panties down to be pooled around your knees. The last time you were bare like this for Levi, he had spanked and drowned you (again) within an inch of your life.
“Quiet, bad dogs don’t get to complain.”
Behind you, the click of a lid being uncapped rang in the stagnant room. His freezing fingertips grazed your bare butt and you flinched from the sudden touch. Gently, he rubbed the skin, easing you into what was about to happen.
“You’re lucky I’m being so generous. If I had it my way, I would shove it in with no prep and let your own blood serve as lube.”
Your shoulder blades tightened at his words. Before you could completely process what he meant, his fingers dug into the cleft of your butt and spread you apart, asshole and pussy on full display.
Dribbling the lube from the bottle, you shuttered at the strange sensation of cold touching the puckered muscles. You never had anything or anyone touch down there. The slippery liquid drooped down in your pussy causing your cheeks to warm. You started to kick up a fuss again when a digit touched your hole, but instantly stopped when he laid a firm spank.
“Going unprepped is still on the table, pup.”
You flipped your head to look at him and rapidly shook your head in protest.
“No? Then stop moving.”
Forcing yourself to relax, you sagged once more and accepted your fate. Levi dragged a finger down to scoop the lube that fell into your cunny and brought it back up to your puckered hole. Spreading your legs a little, Levi pressed the muscles with firm circles, loosening them up. Your breathing got heavy as he toyed with you. Your shoulders curled in as he pushed the first knuckle of his finger inside.
“Mmm”, You softly whined, unable to make more noise than that.
He pushed further in until his whole finger sat inside you. Your pussy pulsed from the neglect, wanting to be filled instead. Dragging the digit almost out, he thrust it back in. Arching, you squirmed, not knowing if you hated or liked it.
Laying his forearm across your back, he forced your chest down onto the couch further. Tugging his one finger out, he came back with two and stretched you more. This time, it did burn and your feet kicked at the pain. Letting you be, Levi upped his thrust to a more brutal pace.
More whines and hushed moans left you as he scissored his fingers. Your clit throbbed, begging to be touched, too. You despised how this man played with your body. He knew exactly how to torment you.
Pulling his fingers completely out, you heard him huff at your disappointed whimper. Uncapping the bottle again, you shuttered at the sound. This time something cold and obviously metal pushed against your hole.
“Hnng!” You cried out.
Levi didn’t push in any further. Dragging his other hand to your cunt, he stroked up and down the slit.
“I wonder if this is lube or you’re just wet,” He mocked you, loving how tears collected on your eyelashes.
His hand didn’t leave your cunt. Going further down, he twiddled your clit. You instinctively spread your legs more, as far as the garments around your knees could allow. The thing placed on your hole started to push further in. Clenching up, Levi swirled your clit more. Distracted, what you could now assume was a plug, plunged deeper inside. The ring of muscle spread further to suck in the toy. Pinching your clit, he rammed the rest of it inside.
Tensing further, you sobbed at being filled so harshly. The metal sat heavy in your ass. What made it worse was the soft fur that sat on your lower back. He stuck a tail plug inside you. Tapping the base, you whined at him jostling the plug. Giving one last pat to your clit, Levi forced you up and straddled his hips again.
Your aching clit sat on his obvious hard-on through his jeans. Mitted hands rested in the juncture of your spread legs and his lower stomach. His own cheeks were barely flushed, arousal apparent if you looked close enough. Levi reached to the side of him to show the headband he twirled in his fingers. Two greyish-brown, puppy ears had been threaded though the skinny headband. Placing them on your head, your whole look was complete.
Hooking a finger under the collar, the older man brought you close to his face. “Will you be a good pet or not?”
Exhausted, you nodded your head.
Releasing you, he pushed you off his lap and to stand in between his legs. Levi tugged down your skirt and panties, leaving your lower half bare. The lube and your own wetness made your puffy pussy glisten. Knowing your own neediness will be neglected, you pushed down wanting to rub your thighs together. You completely and utterly despised him.
Standing up with you, clothes in hand, he went to walk back upstairs. You went to follow, but he stopped you instantly.
“Dogs don’t walk.”
You hated him. Oh God, did you hate him. Scowling, you fell to your knees, not breaking your ireful gaze. Levi watched you crawl towards the stairs. Staying behind you, he stared at your exposed pussy. The tail swayed with your hips.
Unable to stop himself, he slapped your cunt. His fingers caught your clit while the end of his palm hit the plug inside you. The smack made an audible, wet slap. Stumbling, you shouted as you crumpled on the stairs. Catching your breath, you continue crawling upwards, on edge of him hitting you again. 
Reaching the door, you sat by the frame waiting for his instructions.
“Go to your room.”
Reluctantly, you listened and crawled back into the house. Shame encompassed you and you prayed Erwin was somewhere else. Your knees started to ache from digging into the floors. At your room, you waited for Levi to open the door, not sitting so the plug wouldn’t be shoved more in.
You hesitated. You didn’t want to go in there like this. Being in that cage meant you would be left alone until the next morning.
Impatient, Levi grabbed the back of your collar. An ugly gag tumbled out of you, as he dug the collar into your throat. Shoving you in the crate, he shut and locked the door. Yelping, you landed on your butt, the plug punched further inside.
“If I have to come back before everything is fixed, Erwin might need to find a new plaything sooner than he expected.”
Letting his threat hang in the air, he turned off the lights and slammed your door shut, leaving you in the dark.
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network @interstellar-inn
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strbymacaroon · 7 months
Silent Love: Ch. 8 - Epilogue
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⊹ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐ Chapter Eight
Previous Chapter: A Lovely Night
Chapter One: New Roommate(s)
Master-List: Here!
.・゜゜・ 。・゚゚・ ╰┈➤ Sukuna x Reader
⁎̩͙ ⁑̩͙̩͙ ⁂̩̩͙͙ Sypnosis:
When moving out of your dorm and leaving your eccentric roommate goes to shit, you're offered by one of her friends to move in with him... for free! That is, if you don't mind living with two completely opposite college boys.
However, life isn't that easy, and there's a hot asshole around the corner to piss you off. Especially when he's always up late at night when you're studying, purposely trying to get on your nerves in the most perverse way possible.
You hate him.
⁎̩͙ ⁑̩͙̩͙ ⁂̩̩͙͙ Genre:
College/Modern World AU. Multiple parts.
Shameless Smut, Thin Walls, Mildly Dubious Consent, Roommates Fluff and Crack, Slice of Life, Kinda Slow Burn, Oral Sex Vaginal Sex, Slight Age Difference, Degradation Fake/Pretend Relationship, Dirty Talk, Dirty Thoughts, Enemies to Lovers, Spit Kink, Angst, Hurt/Comfort.
⁎̩͙ ⁑̩͙̩͙ ⁂̩̩͙͙ Word Count: 1 ,624
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・ 。゚☆: *・ December 14th, 2023 ☽ .* :☆゚.
The sound of soft groaning and head banging fills the room, you’re sure you heard someone walk out not too long ago, but not you! You feel relatively confident, so much so, you could probably walk out right now and still pass the final with a good grade in the class. Your eyes skim over the test one more time, ignoring the way Kugisaki is practically crying next to you. 
You nod to yourself, whispering to her, “I finished.” 
Kugisaki passes you an exasperated look, practically dumbfounded at how fast you finished the final. Did you give up on it halfway through? Did you give up after the first question? Which… is honestly what she's about to do. 
You gather all your things, you’re sure not to miss anything, because the moment you walk out those doors, you’re never coming back to this class. Never ever. Hell, you could leave your favorite stuffie behind and still say, ‘Forget about it,’ in a New York accent with no regrets. 
Even though you still have to come to the next semester–that's besides the point! You’re leaving, you’re gone, never to come back. 
You’re close to passing Gojo’s desk, when he stops you. You’re mentally crying, wanting to leave this lecture hall as soon as possible. 
“Your project.” He whispers, a cheshire smile on his lips. “Sukuna?” 
You nod, “Yeah, Sukuna.” You place your hands behind your back, “Is there something wrong with that?” 
Gojo passes you a shit-eating grin, before saying, “Tell him I said hi, yeah?” 
You feel your face flush before turning on your heel, letting out a quick, “Nope.” Slip your lips before pushing the doors of your lecture hall open, a heavy weight finally being lifted off your shoulders with every step. This is heaven. 
Thank god you’re finally on break. 
You pull the collar of your white knitted sweater over your face, collecting your brown plaid scarf with it. The winter of your college biting at your nose. Luckily, you had some white earmuffs to keep your ears warm. 
The moment you’re comfortable outside, an unpleasant shiver shoots down your spine from the cold. Yet, you’re still reaching for your phone, pulling up ‘Favorite person’ contact. About to send him a text when…
“A fucking skirt? In this weather?” Sukuna pushes himself off the wall next to the lecture hall, narrowing his eyes at you. “Didn’t I tell you to wear something warm?” He lectures harshly while his head tilts to the side ever so slightly. “Didn’t I get you something warm?”
You laugh, outstretching your hand to him, “This is warm. I’m wearing two layers of tights.” You look down at your outfit, “And I’m wearing leg warmers! That’s something you wouldn’t catch me wearing in the summer.” You reason. 
Sukuna shakes his head, his finger intertwining with yours. “Dumbass. You’re going to catch something before seeing your parents.” His head dips down, trying to kiss you, but you twist your head away. 
“I don’t get sick.” You keep your face to the side, smiling subtly, “I haven’t gotten sick since high school.”
Sukuna hasn’t been with someone since highschool, but here he is. Times surprisingly change. “Stop being stupid.” He uses his free hand to grab your face, pinching your cheeks and forcing you to kiss him. 
You giggle into his lips, smiling like an idiot. “I’m no’sh colsh.” You mumble against him, closing your eyes and kissing him back. It feels electric to kiss him, his other hand twisting your hand your back so he can pull you closer to him. 
Sukuna pulls away, “Yes, you are. Your cheeks are freezing.” You’re surprised he understands your mumbled words. He starts to walk away from the building, pulling you along with him, “I’m getting your dumbass coffee.” 
You shake your head, cringing as you look away from him. “You know I don’t like coffee...” 
Sukuna pauses for a moment, “I’ll get you hot chocolate.” 
You smile fondly, wrapping your arms around his, pressing your body against his arm. “Thanks, ‘kuna.” You press your head against his arm lovingly. “Love it when you treat me well.” You sing.
“I hate when you call me that.” Sukuna seethes back at you. 
You roll your eyes, a playful thought popping in your head. A way to mess with a guy who likes you a bit too much. “Sure, you “hate” it so much to the point where you practically came when I whispered it—“
“Shut the fuck up.” Sukuna isn’t looking at you, but the tips of his ears are a deep shade of red. Still, he pulls his arm away from your grasp, wrapping it around your shoulder and pulling you close to him. His words are so quiet, you’re sure if you weren’t paying close attention to him, you would’ve missed it. “You’re welcome.” He kisses the top of your head. 
“How did your finals go?” His voice is back to normal, loud and gruff. Intoxicating. He fixes your scarf. 
Good god, you love his voice. “Have I ever told you I love your voice?” There’s practically hearts in your eyes as you tell him that. 
Sukuna smiles cockily to himself, a bit of pride swelling his chest at the thought of you finding something as trivial as his voice attractive. “You didn’t need to.” He recalls when you first moved in, always listening to him jack off or fuck some random nobody. He looks away, “I already know.” 
You shake your head, collecting your thoughts. “But, no, my finals went well. I feel like I did good on that last one.” You cocked your head in the direction behind you, referring to the building you just left. 
“Really?” Sukuna asks sarcastically. 
You glare at him, “Yes, really.” 
Sukuna presses his lips together, “Sure.” 
You dramatically gasp, “You know what, I’m uninviting you and myself for Christmas.” You turn your head away from him, “Good luck telling your grandpa our relationship was a big lie.” Even if he already knew. 
Sukuna chuckles, “Is it now?” 
You pause, your feet slowing down. You blink a few times, Sukuna’s hand trailing down your shoulder to your hand, and despite the two of you being a few feet apart, your hands are still connected. “Wait… what?” 
Sukuna tilts his head to the side, he’s glaring at you. “What?” You’re looking at him with a dumbfounded look, your eyes wide and sparkling. He furrows his eyebrows at you, turning his face away. “Don’t be a fucking idiot. Use your head.” He isn’t going to wait outside in the freezing cold for a random fuck. 
Sukuna hates how clueless you are sometimes, it’s annoying. 
“I don’t think I understand, I think you have to spell it out for me.” You’re smiling like an idiot now, biting onto your body lip to try to conceal it. 
Sukuna rolls his eyes at you, pulling up his free hand. Pressing his middle and ring finger to his palm, and keeping the rest of his fingers up. 
You part your lips, in a bit of shock, your hand squeezing his for a moment. You move close, standing on your tippy toes and pressing a quick kiss to his lips. You mouth the words against his lips. 
‘I love you, too.’
You’re completely silent when telling him. Sukuna is equally as silent. And, that’s more than enough for you, love doesn’t have to be loud and in anyone’s face. It doesn’t have to be obnoxious. It can be as simple as reading a book with your partner while they watch TV. 
Love can be silent. 
“I think my dad’s been looking for places in the area.” You say softly, “So, I should be out of the house by the time second semester starts.” You poke his chest, “You won’t have to be dealing with me–” 
“You’re still moving out?” Sukuna’s looking at you, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. 
“Yeah?” You tilt your head to the side, trying your best to hide the smiling threatening to spill on your lips. “Wasn’t that the deal?” 
Sukuna blinks once, his face blank, before he pulls away from you. “I’m not talking to you.” 
You burst into a fit of laughter, rushing after him, “I’m joking, I’m joking.” You chant, waving off the statement with your hand. “You already know you’re stuck with me.” Although, you weren’t a hundred percent certain that extended to your free housing situation. 
“You’re an idiot.” Sukuna says, “A virgin, loser, too.” 
“Wow, I can’t believe you’re still calling me that.” You say, grabbing his hand, which wraps around yours the moment the two of you touch. Softie. “After everything we’ve–you’ve done to me? Shameful.” 
You’re softly smiling at him as you pull away, finding it cute how his hand follows you. “Okay.” The two of you start moving towards the coffee building again, “Have you been practicing your ASL? It’ll be nice if my mom could talk to my boyfriend.” The word feels foreign, but nice to say. 
“I have.” Sukuna turns his face away from you again. 
You narrow your eyes at him suspiciously, “Knowing one small phrase isn’t enough. Are you lying to me?” You accuse, “You won’t even look at me, you’re totally lying to me.” You huff, a small cloud of condensation leaving your lips. 
His reply is quick and rude, “I’m not.” Sukuna’s not lying, and he’s sure you’re more than aware of that. However, what you don’t know is that everytime he turns away from you, he’s just trying to hide his stupid smile from you, and you’ll never know that. 
Actually, no, that’s a lie. He’ll tell you in his wedding vows. 
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I love you all so much! Thank you for giving me so much joy in writing! I hope you enjoyed my Christmas present to you this year! (Last year... 2023)
I have loved writing this series more than anything! <3 and, the support and love you’ve given me means everything. It’s honestly made writing this series absolutely worth it!🩷 Kept me motivated and eager to known what you thought of each chapter.
Hopefully I’ll see you in another story I write!🩷🥹
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Tag(s)!: @openup-yourmind, @sherlock-holmes-jr, @maskedpacific, @gasp-a-homo, @diogodxlot, @beahappyhoeee, @tojimeow, @sukunamylovexoxo, @yoontaedotin, @sukunaloverrr, @lanadelreylover4l, @raininginthemoonlight, @blackjanexx, @ethereally-lyann, @fritzzbitzz, @lanadelreylover4l, @chayunwoo, @madamteller, @mazzd4, @haithamsbb, @c-l-ellis, @samysaha, @pi-crust, @shukiinnkm
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dysfunctional-doodle · 3 months
Hello. I hope I'm not bothering you, but I was wondering what's your personal headcanons on the Bayverse Turtles? I may have spelled headcanons wrong, so correct me if I am wrong.
(Dude I always spell headcanons wrong I got you)
Oooh hc time! Random stuff really, but:
Mikey has ADHD and Autism. I mention it very briefly in my tmnt chat fic, but I read a fanfic with this idea and it just fits so much for me. Especially the ADHD, which I think the creator of the movie confirmed somewhere anyway?
Donnie has chronic pain in his upper back/spine area, specifically where the shoulders are. To me, he just seems to have a more awkward, uneven build compared to his brothers - he is thinner and taller, yet his shell is still huge. So i kind of had this hc floating around. Idk if other people like it but eh. Cant be a nerd without a bad back I guess
Mikey and Donnie are definitely the younger brothers. Mikey being almost a full year after Donnie, and Donnie being about half a year after Raph and Leo (who are the same age)
Raph knits. Basically confirmed anyway. Specifically he learnt to knit after they were struck by a particularly harsh winter and needed blankets - Raph, being the only one that wasn’t too weak/in hibernation mode at the time, learnt how to knit to try and protect his family when he couldn’t fight the enemy with punches and kicks. He still knits blankets for them every year when the winter grows cold. They keep every one, so they have the comfiest beds
They share a room. 4 giant turtles crammed into one room with rickety bunk beds and hammocks is very funny to imagine
Leo loves romance movies. In particular the TV movie ones.
Leo had a similar attitude to Raph when he was a child until Splinter went missing for a few days whilst scavenging for food (he was fine in the end…mostly. A hasty escape from a warehouse caused him to injure his leg and be forced to hide until he could gain enough strength to return to his sons). When seeing his brothers grow hungry and scared over the few days he took charge, becoming much more of the Eldest Brother figure.
Mikey idolises Leo. He wants to be just like him one day. He thinks he’s the coolest. (It makes Leo’s comment about his head “always being in the clouds” hurt so much more)
Mikey gets a Klunk eventually, saved from being drowned. Her siblings were not as lucky (yes, I am very much writing a fic for this)
Donnie’s favourite pass time is computer science/programming/IT based activities, like how 2012 Donnie seems to enjoy chemistry the most and 2003 Donnie leans heavily towards engineering.
Leo loves house plants
Raph hates house plants
Donnie is blind as hell without his glasses and spent a lot of his younger years unable to see much. Once he could finally see he suddenly was given a world with endless possibilities and potential
Leo is terrible at technology. I’m talking 80 year old woman bad. He always clicks on scam ads and blows up computers. Something just doesn’t click with him and technology
They all have heavy turtle instincts due to them, like 2003, being just turtles rather than a mix of human dna. This causes them to have instincts and qualities turtles have such as retreating into their shells, brumating (at least partially), chirping, etc.
Donnie has a major sweet tooth
Raph can’t stand most sweet things
As kids, they would spend most their time looking at the human world and pretending they were with them.
Donnie is autistic, and has a lot of stims when he is happy that involve chittering and chirps.
Leo cheats at every video game/board game they play due to the eldest sibling advantage
Mikey loves to draw his own comics
Their Christmas hip hop album is fire
Raph is actually the cook, and is quite good at it. Mikey always burns things or they are undercooked because he’s too impatient, Donnie experiments and Leo blows everything up
That’s all for now!
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alessiamalfoyzabini · 6 months
Dark Moon | Chapter Eight
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Pairing | yandere!Jimin x Reader
Word Count | 3k
Warnings |​​​​​​​ +18, yandere themes, smut noncon, teasing, forced nudity, humiliation, glove returns, insults, slapping, fingering, tears, forced pleasure, finger licking, rough penetration, vaginal sex, orgasm denial, contraceptive use, Jimin becomes a lust demon, MC loses patience and explodes, triggering content, this is not for minors
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This fanfiction is yandere, if you don't like the genre, don't read and if you are not of age, don't read.
I don't want to hear any complaints in the comments, thank you.
This does not reflect my way of thinking or living at all, it is just a work of fiction, it is like watching a horror movie, many of us love horror movies, but we would never dream of what we see in those movies happening in reality as well.
Simply put, this story was written for entertainment purposes, it should not be seen as a reflection of my values, opinions or morals. I absolutely do not condone such acts.
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⤷ Summary | She just wanted to escape her past, take charge of her life and break out of her steel cage, praying in God for a miracle that could change her life for good.
And her prayers were heard, but it was not the Divine that answered her.
That was certainly the devil in the guise of an angel, she thought as those corrupted and empty eyes searched her soul with extreme voracity.
He turned a sweet, false smile on her, before pushing her into the abyss.
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➢ Author's Note | Here is the new chapter of Dark Moon ❤️ Let me know what you think, it is always a joy for me to know if you like the story 🥰
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Taglist: @katherine-kookie, @dragons-flare, @m00njinnie, @seokjins-luigi, @pjmsneverland, @jimincrystal, @ajkwww, @ungodlyjoon, @hecateslittlewitchling, @namjoonsbuspass, @darkuni63, @xicanacorpse
Taglist is open!
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Chapter List - Previous - Next
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He passed the hallway that divided them with a light step, darkness engulfing the house in deadly silence, he kept thinking of her as a chill slid down his spine, he thought of her small, soft body, his to break in any way.
When he reached the bedroom, the doorknob lowered under the pressure of his fingers, opened without making a squeak. Nothing in that house seemed willing to help the young woman.
He inhaled into the air the sweet scent of woman there, it was floral and honeyed, something that made a low, deep growl vibrate in his chest.
Like a predator he reached for his prey as silently as possible, moving through the darkness, his friend, this reminded him of the night of the abduction, just as then he watched her sleeping blissfully in a bed that did not belong to her, illuminated by the dim light of the street lamps filtering through the ajar window, her face softly stretched in an angelic expression angered the man, who contrary to his emotional state felt his cock harden.
He bit his lower lip as he climbed onto the bed he had personally chosen for her; he had taken care of every little detail and she should have simply thanked him.
When Y/N lifted his heavy eyelids in the darkness of the room he knew immediately that something was wrong. She felt foreign moisture on her neck, but it took her a few seconds longer to connect well and understand the actual situation.
Jimin broke away from the delicate line of her neck to imprison her in his lust and resentment-laden eyes, with a small, shrill cry she tried to evade the man, who in response imprisoned her in his strong arms.
"Be quiet," he hissed harshly, watching the young woman's chest heave at a terrified, dizzying pace, reminded him of a pawing mare, and with a grin unfastened the first button of her pajamas from one of the buttonholes.
"What are you going to do?" she swallowed breathlessly, feeling the chill night air at every flap of skin let loose from the constriction of the warm fabric.
"I'm going to take what's mine," he murmured, grasping between his teeth a pinkish, delicate pearl that soon turned scarlet following a bite that made her scream in pain; she wriggled in his arms, trying to escape, and Jimin buried, if possible, even more his head between the woman's breasts, letting his warm, delicate tongue soothe those suffocating sensations, repeatedly striking the offended, stiff tip, he sucked the rest of the soft skin insistently, causing small, stinging bruises to surface, the young woman looked up at the ceiling of her room in shock, everything was happening so quickly that the anxiety in her chest erupted into yet another panic attack.
Y/N grabbed him by the shoulders, putting force to push him away, and her nails penetrated the man's beautiful skin, which far from contentedly pulled away from the girl's now battered breasts.
His black eyes were dipped in fire and soon Y/N realized his fury, at first she hadn't noticed anything, too caught up in her own personal despondency, but now she could clearly see the torment encased in the irises of the man who towered over her like a statue of pure marble, a slap torn the skin of her lower lip, leaving her breathless.
With his jaw tensed Jimin nailed his hips to the girl's, making her aware of his complete nakedness, the woman lost a beat, at which point she burst into tears, remembering when the man had forced her to take him in her mouth, she didn't think it would happen again so soon, God ... she had even gotten used to the idea of being out of the Dark Moon's business.
As if Jimin had read her mind, a lazy smile stretched across his angelic features.
"I took you away from that place because I didn't want other men to dump their cum into you," he said grabbing her by the chin in a grip that had nothing gentle about it at all, "You should thank me, I saved you from a life as a whore that would have made you satisfy the cravings and perversions of all those pigs you would meet."
Y/N would have liked to reply that he was the one who had brought her there, that she had absolutely nothing to thank him for, but Jimin's lips pounced on hers, plugging her mouth before she could say anything that would surely only bring more trouble for her.
The kiss was violent and full of possession, Jimin's tongue entwined with hers in a voracious struggle, heedless of the blood staining her broken lower lip, he took care to taste her sweet flavor as he slowly slid the covers off her body.
Then an idea tickled his mind, releasing the young woman from his ravenous mouth, causing her to momentarily regain air.
"Get undressed," he ordered peremptorily, moving away to make himself comfortable between the blankets.
Y/N watched frozen as the male's actions shamelessly displayed the stiffened length of his cock; it was colored a vivid shade of pink, the turgid tip wet with clear liquid was screaming with need, but Jimin did not even try to touch himself, his dark, wicked irises were on her, waiting.
"Did you hear me?"
Y/N pondered the situation well, and no matter how hard she looked for a way out, it simply did not exist.
If she had tried to escape, he would have caught her and beaten her.
If she had hit him, it probably still would have ended with her getting beaten.
With her heart in her throat she unbuttoned what was left of the buttons of her pajamas, she felt dirty, she was not even fighting for her dignity.
She ended up lowering her shorts as well, remaining only in her clear briefs, and Jimin drank in with his eyes every drop of the image that came before him. He knew she was beautiful, even if annoying, there was a goddess in front of him and a more intense vibration of his cock made him nod in agreement in his mind, now she was simply perfect, because now she belonged to him.
The thought of sharing her had dampened his enthusiasm somewhat, but now he would no longer have to worry about it.
That slut would only welcome his cum where, when, and as much as he wanted it.
"Now turn around and make like the bitches in heat," he said softly, humiliating the woman even more, who clamped her mouth in a hard line, making her tear-filled eyes sparkle, "I won't repeat myself, Y/N. Do what I just told you," he used her name to emphasize the threat in his voice. Jimin was a man of his word, she knew it well.
Swallowing the knot of tears, the woman did as she was told, showing the man the full view of her buttocks still covered by her panties, Jimin hummed contentedly following the line of her pussy that seemed to seduce and call to him, he noticed only then a slight wet spot at the height of her slit, an increasingly sadistic and amused grin spread across his face.
"Wait for me here without moving, understand? I'll be back soon," he intimated to her, leaving the room heedless of his cock screaming at him to take her right away.
Y/N stared at the headboard of the bed with a look lost in nothingness, feeling ashamed of the immoral position she had been forced to, it made her feel if possible even more naked, and she was also getting tired, her wrists and knees that supported her weight were going numb, she was on the verge of collapsing when Jimin returned, she felt his presence not because he announced it, but because by now her body shivered whenever he was around.
"Sorry to keep you waiting, sweetheart," he chuckled, placing himself behind her intentionally, "I just want to make sure I won't hurt a virgin pussy," he whispered in her ear, Y/N had only time to frown, because next Jimin slipped her panties off just enough to slip two fingers directly through the girl's tight, moist slit, who let out a cry at the painful intrusion, only then did she notice something strange, something that made her chest flare with humiliation.
Jimin's hand was wrapped in a leather glove, that leather glove.
The boy caressed her innermost walls, not bothering to be gentle, Y/N squeezed her eyes shut at the cruel invasion, moaning breathlessly at the glove rubbing into her in a rough and crude way, Jimin pushed his fingers deeper, against a spot that made her jerk in surprise, the man at that point added a third finger, delighted by the half moans that the woman could not block between her teeth, devastated by her body feeling pleasure against her will.
Y/N feared this might happen, but she did not imagine it would happen so soon, somehow he had won, again.
The man's hand increased the pace, touching more and more sensitive and hot spots, the girl's hips began to come to him trembling and shy, at which point he stopped, pulling out his three fingers completely drenched in her pearly essence. He watched in satisfaction as that result, pride filled his chest, and a low laugh vibrated through the room.
"You're not a virgin, that certainly hasn't changed," he began, kneeling down to get a better look at her trembling state of shock and stolen pleasure, "But honey, you're so wet now, the first time wasn't like this," he mortified her, leaving a thick lick along her soaked slit, reaching the swollen clitoris that until then had remained untouched and throbbing, Y/N squeezed her eyes shut despondently in the throes of an enjoyment she should not have experienced, Jimin pulled away only to bring proof of his words to her eyes, the glove glistening with her stringy essence.
"Lick," the man ordered, surprising her once again, "Good bitches lick everything until they clean up their mess," he said cruelly, and Y/N did so.
She brought his fingers to her mouth and licked her own essence under Jimin's order, who touched her soft tongue pushing up to her throat. The woman choked for air until the boy released her to put himself back behind her.
He didn't even give her time to get used to the idea, he slid the tip of his cock against her perky, receptive clitoris: once, twice, three times, Jimin lost count of how many times he unnerved the girl before positioning himself at her entrance and sliding inside her.
The pleasure for the man was immediate, he clawed her hard by the hips before thrusting fiercely inside her, Y/N screamed in vain, despite the soggy, throbbing walls the size and thrusts of Jimin's cock were simply too much to bear, she had never had to deal with anything like this, the sensitive tip met the entrance of her cervix and the girl stiffened at the foreign sensation, contracting the walls and squeezing Jimin's cock in such a way that soon had the room filled with the boy's moans and grunts.
"Holy-! You squeeze me so good!" he gasped without realizing it, now lost and intoxicated, peering his length in and out drenched with both of their arousal, his balls slapped the woman's clitoris, she collapsed with her face on the pillows, which muffled her desperate moans, she felt pain, but also a strange pleasure in her belly, which along with the shiny, stimulated pearl between her legs tried to make her reach for something, something that never came.
Jimin got off her just in time, continuing to masturbate with his gloved hand, squeezing the red tip until he discharged his cum between the girl's quivering buttocks.
Y/N finally fell onto the bed, exhausted and unsatisfied.
She had never been able to feel pleasure, she thought with a knot in her throat, she also knew why, and she still could not believe that Jimin had been able to make her go that far, even if in the end that thing had not exploded the way her body had desired.
For his part, Jimin was aware that between the two of them only he had orgasmed.
He had left earlier on purpose.
It was still early for her to experience that kind of pleasure with him; she had to earn it.
That did not, however, prohibit him from opening the lips that protected her now scarlet and abused slit, noticing that the semen poured onto her buttocks was dripping onto her pussy, the erotic sight made him sigh, before he left a kiss on her contracted clitoris that caused her to shudder.
"I've told you before, I could lick your pussy if you behave, Y/N..." he murmured an inch from her, "I could make you scream with pleasure, not pain, if only you'd let me," he sighed pulling away from her, the now-quiet demons were asking for rest, Jimin looked at the girl's still inert body, then left her there alone, returning to his bedroom.
The next morning Y/N found a white box on her bedside table with a note next to it and a glass of water.
'Take it before breakfast, prevention is better than cure.'
The woman frowned, reading the brand name on the box and soon realized what it was. It was a morning-after pill.
She moved to get up from the bed, but a tremendous twinge of pain between her legs made her breath catch, the memory of Jimin's wild thrusts was still vivid and painful in her, pulling up with her nose she strained to take the water and the pill, she would not allow such an accident with that monster, at least he had been quite prescient in that case.
Y/N's routine changed drastically for the worse from then on, if during the day she had a semblance of peace, at night when Jimin came home it was hell, he always waited for her to finish dinner and go to sleep to attack.
He lived in anxiety every night, he didn't know it, but she had become the young man's new addiction, drowning in her body helped him escape from his disgusting memories, helped him not to think, and more than once she had been on the verge of fainting under his desperate thrusts, she ached all over and the man didn't seem to care at all.
He fed lustfully on her.
"I hate you! I hate you!" she shrieked one evening with contempt-infused eyes in his direction, it had been yet another stressful day at work for Jimin, the only thing he wanted was to find himself in bed with her, his new cure and damnation.
He had found her standing there cooking for herself, Jimin never ate at home and even if he had, he would never have eaten anything prepared by her, he could not have known what might be in that food and he wanted to avoid possible poisoning from his recalcitrant bedmate.
He had not held back, he had reached behind her heedless of her terrified gasp, attaching himself to her neck like a suction cup as he reached down with his hands to her hot intimacy, for Y/N was too much.
She could take it no more, she was in pain, and the only thing she was getting from all that fucking was just a strange state of upset and dissatisfaction, as well as now devastating physical pain.
She threw everything she was using up in the air only to turn to the boy and slap him full in the face, the small fingers matched perfectly with the soft skin that turned scarlet in seconds, she continued to hit him on the chest with fists and more slaps.
"You're fucking killing me!" she cried hysterically, Jimin cashed in each blow with icy, marble eyes, let her vent without a word, "I'm going crazy! Why are you doing this to me!"
The girl collapsed to the ground, exhausted, the adrenaline that had pervaded her body leading her to such an outburst now gone, now she was alone, tremendously alone with her tormentor.
She lifted her weary eyes to Jimin, who touched his injured cheek to his face slowly, licking the split and bleeding corner of his mouth.
Y/N marveled at her own strength, her hands burning and throbbing feverishly, she closed them into fists, ready to suffer the fury of man.
The latter knelt in front of her, grabbed her chin firmly and forced her to look at him. Y/N already imagined what would happen.
"What's the matter?" he asked, leaving her stunned, "Is it because I won't let you cum or because your pussy is a little sore?"
"A little?" shocked the woman, "You don't care about me, you just want to use me as a sack for your cum and then throw me away!"
Jimin nodded unable to do anything else, strangely even seemed sympathetic, then said something out of the blue that shocked both of them.
"I'm sorry."
With a strange expression on his face, he got up and disappeared into his bedroom before those words could penetrate deeper into both of them, Y/N observed the place left empty by the boy with a vacant look. Those simple apologies could not belong to Park Jimin. He never apologized; in fact, it was as if he was allowed to do whatever he most craved, so why apologize?
For this very reason she remained vigilant all night, staying awake until the first light of dawn. But Jimin did not show up.
He had not looked for her, neither the next day nor the next.
It was as if Jimin had forgotten about her, but Y/N could not know how wrong she was.
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kedsandtubesocks · 2 months
Erika!! 🫣
Baseball Joel has permanently moved into my brain and I need to hold you accountable for my latest maladaptive daydream obsession.
I’ve got a kiddo in baby baseball now and I’m sitting here dying in the heat thinking about retired!Joel becoming Little League Coach!Joel and—
anyway. thanks for permanently altering my brain 🖤🖤🖤🖤
Lovely Toni this asks is now taking permanent residency in my heart oh my goodness THANK YOU SO MUCH!! 😭😫
And hold me accountable omg I’m dying LOL
My baby sister played little league since she was in 2nd grade so you are tugging right at my heart string! Plus Im melting extra hard knowing your little kiddo is also in the league!! Stay hydrated during those long hot games!
And OOOF!! Okay but you’re not wrong 🥵
So - I blame the mlb all star game being on tonight and it being western theme…it was like it was made for Joel so this happened lol
game changer - timeout
MLB pitcher!Joel Miller x F!Reader
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warnings/tags: fluff but all my works are 18+ so MDNI. hot sports dad joel, discussions of the future/light talk of having children, not highly edited I’m sorry rip
wc: ~600
There’s been more discussions about Joel reaching retirement age. All the sports announcers love to make jokes about him being older than some of the coaches in the league.
But the conversation comes up when you’re on the phone with him while he waits for his flight. Joel talks about free agency and how his agents have been discussing options.
“Well…what do you wanna do after it all?” You ask quietly.
Joel sighs shakily, and you’re about to quickly reassure him that he doesn’t need to tell you. But he beats you to it.
“Could be an analyst.” He comments with a soft hum. “A lot of the guys say I’m good at breaking things down.”
He is, always patiently explaining parts of the game to you.
“Coaching has always been an option too,” he explains. “I know UT Austin’s always been houndin’ me ‘bout it.”
You’d love for him to be back in Texas permanently, even if it is hours away.
“You could coach little league.” You warmly offer.
Joel chuckles.
“Trust me, thought about it when Sarah and Ellie played. But I think I’d probably would’ve gotten into fights with other coaches.” His tone is light, a bit dryly humored, but you easily catch the fondness within.
Your mind trips over itself over the thought of Joel, looking so handsome, being such a firm sports dad, packing ice coolers and folding chairs, cheering loud at the game or even coaching - it rips open something wild and raw in you.
You don’t even try to fully process it, and instead shove it to the back of your mind.
“You’d be an amazing coach. For whichever team you end up at.” You truthfully tell him.
“Thanks, baby.”
“Maybe I’ll go coach for your university.” He suddenly offers low, but deep with an underlying hint of possibilities. That snaps your spine straight.
“Oh yeah?” You grin back through the phone.
He hums faintly playful. If Joel ever ended up coming to Houston you’d never get any work done.
“Maybe I’ll become an umpire.” He suggests, and you do think of how Joel would even look hot as hell with the protective face mask on.
“You’d be awful.” You tease. “You’d let the power go to your head.”
“Would fuckin’ not!” He barks back, and you laugh, warmth swirling in your chest.
“Whatever you decide, I know you’ll be great at it.” You simmer Joel down with your sincere words.
“Y’think so?” He’s being shyly coy. “Okay with stickin’ around with me for that long?”
His words make your heart flutter.
“Don’t plan on going anywhere, Cowboy Miller.” You quietly but firmly tell him, feeling your words solidify resolve in you.
“Hopin’ ya don’t either.” Joel admits soft, almost a whisper.
You swallow hard, feeling the image of him at the little league fields, a sleek fully silver fox Joel possibly holding a soft baby in his arms or coaching from third base… you can’t shake it.
“I’m still hoping to see little league coach Joel to make his appearance.” Those words slip up from you.
Joel weakly laughs.
“Yeah? Think that’s a whole other option we’d be havin’ to discuss, honey.” Without anything in it, you understand his hidden meaning.
You don’t know where Joel stands with wanting more kids. And you’ll cross that bridge if you ever do arrive, but for right now, you can simply soak in the glory of knowing he wants a future with you. He wants to have you in his life.
“As long as it’s with you, I don’t mind.” You truthfully tell him.
Joel breathes out your name, a soft beautiful reassuring tone, and it makes your soul feel like it’s been hit out of the ballpark.
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aceofstars16 · 11 months
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Here we go! I finished the cover the same day I finished the rough draft of the fic, and now I edited the next chapter and posted it!
You can read the whole thing on AO3!
But I will also include the next chapter under the cut here in case you don't want to use AO3 (though I don't have the energy to find the previous chapters on here, there are links to the tumblr posts on AO3 though!)
Chapter 8 - Old Food and Old Friends
Tensions rise as Ford realizes he may need help in fixing the time machine.
Darkness. It was everywhere, sticking to everything. Ford could feel it, clinging to him, trying to suffocate him, to pull him under. And it was succeeding. Laughter echoed around him, laughter that he had heard for weeks on end, mocking him for his stupidity.
“Just leave me alone for one minute!” He screamed, knowing it wouldn’t do anything, but unable to face the suffocating darkness anymore.
“Fine. I can make it on my own! I don't need you! I don't need anyone!”
The darkness vanished in the blink of an eye, replaced by the light of a lamp, sitting on a desk that Ford hadn’t seen in ages. Tires screeched outside of the closed curtains. Curtains he had closed only a few moments ago, or at least – that’s what his mind told him. In reality, it had been years ago, but dreams had a way of making everything seem real again.
Glancing down at the pamphlet in his hands, Ford let out a sigh, desperately wanting to throw it in the corner of the room for all the good it did him. That dream was gone, ruined by a brother who couldn’t let go of a childish fantasy that hadn’t been a possibility for ages.
Ruining lives, that’s what Stan did.
The thought came out of nowhere. It was almost in line with his own feelings, his own thoughts and emotions. But something about it wasn’t quite right.
Stan only cares about his own dreams; he never wanted you to succeed.
Anger rushed through Ford at the thought, but he couldn’t figure out if he was mad at himself for thinking it, or at Stan or…at something else. That unsettling feeling. He knew it, but his brain seemed to be failing him, as if something was stopping him from identifying it.
You can’t trust Stan. You can’t trust anyone.
Fiddleford leaving, townsfolk starring at him. Something about their eyes sent a chill down his spine.
You are the only one you can rely on, everyone else will fail you.
Right…that’s what he had learned. If he ever wanted to succeed, he could only trust himself. He had to do it himself, had to fix it. No matter how hard it was, not matter how lonely…
That’s right. Besides, you don’t need anyone. You are strong enough on your own.
“You are going to change the world one day.”
Pa was looking at him. It was the last time Ford had ever seen him, at some celebration that must not have been very important because every inch of the background was blurry.
“You’ll make me proud. You’ll be someone. You’ll change the world.”
A shiver ran down Ford’s back. He didn’t know why, but something felt…wrong.
Then it was gone and Pa nodded and walked away.
One blink, and he was back in reality, staring at the ceiling of his cabin in Gravity Falls. He was shivering, and his head was throbbing, he didn’t feel sick, just…off.
Coffee, that’s what he needed. Caffeine always helped clear his head. Did he have any coffee left? Only one way to find out.
Sit up, swing his legs over the edge of the bed. That’s what he told himself to do, but his limbs didn’t respond, not because of exhaustion, but because something was keeping him there.
Panic overcame him and he started pulling, trying to yank his hands free. His muddled brain was still half in the dream, still feeling like something was there, just out of sight.
The thought washed over him and his brain slowly recalled the last time he had been conscious, and the agreement he had come to with Stan. Tie him up. Right. But now he was stuck, and despite rationalizing that he must not have done anything since he was still tied up, the anxiety that had sparked a moment ago grew at the inability to move.
Turning his head as much as he could, another flash of anxiety hit him when he didn’t see Stan anywhere?
No response.
Oh gosh, what if Bill had taken over…what if…
“Huh, what?”
A second later, Stan was stumbling to his feet, looking around quickly, as if ready for a fight.
“Were…were you sleeping???” Ford stared at Stan with his uncovered eye, his worry being replaced by annoyance. After everything Ford had said, Stan had slept?
“Uh, just closed my eyes for a bit that’s all,” Stand said, his shoulders relaxing a little as he looked at Ford, but he almost immediately looked away again.
“You were supposed to be keeping an eye out on things!” Ford couldn’t help the outburst. He had trusted Stan and what did he go and do? Sleep.
“I was! And nothing happened, okay?”
“You don’t know that.”
“Yes, I do. You haven’t moved an inch.” Anger flashed in Stan’s eyes for a moment, but almost immediately fizzled out. “Now if you don’t mind me, I’m going to go check on the kids even though nothing happened to them because you didn’t move.”
“What? I told you-”
“I’m still tied up…” Ford said, trying to move his hand as if to prove that he was stuck and needed some help if he wanted to do anything.
It only took a few minutes - minutes of complete silence aside from Stan mumbling under his breath as he struggled with one of the knots - but soon, Ford was able to move freely again.
Rubbing his wrists, which were slightly scuffed up from the ropes, he let out a breath, knowing he should thank Stan, but when he looked up, his brother had already left. Okay then…guess no thank you was needed. Or Stan just really didn’t want to be around Ford.
The back of Ford’s neck prickled as his dream came back to him. It was Bill, that was the only explanation. He was messing with him. But glancing at the ropes, he felt doubt creeping into his mind. Stan had come, he had tied Ford up, but he also didn’t seem to grasp the severity of the situation. Of Bill and his plans. Not that Ford had been able to explain too much but deep down, he couldn’t help but wonder…could he really trust his brother?
Stan shut the door, not fazed by the loud banging it created. Who cared if Ford got mad? Stan hadn’t done anything wrong; nothing had happened. But the words that his brother – or really the creature controlling him – had spoken rang in his mind. Why had Ford sent him the post card?
Shaking his head, Stan pushed the thought away. Considering Ford’s reaction upon waking, he didn’t seem to be in the mood to talk to Stan. And Stan wasn’t in the mood to talk to him either. He’d rather talk to his other family members. Which, to be honest, he was still trying to wrap his head around, but it did make some sense seeing as Mabel had been so keen to stay with him and trust him so quickly.
As he walked into the living room, he saw the kids. They were talking quietly and Stan ignored the memories that popped into his mind of him and Ford as kids. They had shared everything with each other back then, back when they trusted each other. But not anymore. Those kids were long gone.
Mabel grinned at him and Stan couldn’t hold back a smile. “Hey, kiddo.” He glanced at Dipper - the brother that she had tried so hard to find again - and ignored the pang of hurt that came with knowing Ford had never searched for him like Mabel had for her brother.
“How’s Ford?” Dipper asked.
“I’m fine.”
Stan opened his mouth, only to be cut off when his brother walked into the room. Despite not wanting to, Stan found himself glancing at him, but Ford didn’t return the gaze, he just walked to the table where they had left the time machine, plopping down some tools before fiddling around with it. He still looked tired, but at least he wasn’t a second away from collapsing anymore.
Letting out a breath, Stan caught sight of Mabel looking at him questioningly, but he just smiled. “How’d you sleep, kiddo?”
Mabel glanced at Dipper, who was watching Ford cautiously. “Good.”
“Glad to have your brother back, huh?”
“Yeah…how are you and Ford-” She started, but Stan cut her off before she could finish her question.
“Hey, you know what, I’m kind of hungry. Want to help me rummage up some food?” Stan grinned and started heading out of the room.
A moment later, Mabel was next to him, grabbing his hand to lead him despite him knowing where the kitchen was - though he supposed she didn't know he had been there last night. “It’s this way, but there isn’t much food. Me and Dipper could only find some crackers last night.”
“I’m sure we can find something.” Stan said, hoping it was true. At this point, he was starving - the handful of crackers he ate last night had barely been a snack, let alone a filling meal. And while sleep had helped a little with his exhaustion, he knew food would help even more.
They rummaged around in the kitchen for a while, but Mabel was right, there wasn’t any food left, at least not anything edible. Why didn’t Ford have any food? Sure, he definitely wasn’t in his right mind, but it was still concerning.
“Ew.” Mabel made a face as she sniffed a pack of cheese in the fridge.
Stan chuckled, more to cover over his unease than out of amusement. “Yeah…I’m thinking a trip to the store is in order.”
“What about the snow?”
Frowning, Stan walked to the window. Snow was covering most of the sill, but he could see outside. “I think it’s calmed down some. It should be safe enough to drive.”
“Maybe we can all go to the store! A family outing!”
This time, the laugh that escaped Stan’s mouth was genuine. Mabel sure had a way of bringing excitement and joy to any situation, even one as…confusing as theirs. And Stan was grateful for it. “Yeah, maybe so.”
Dipper was vaguely aware of Mabel and Stan leaving the room, but he didn’t follow. Sure, Ford said he was fine and he did seem a little more coherent than before but after the encounter with Bill…
Shaking his head, Dipper focused on what Ford was doing. He was using some small tools to try to fit the time machine back together. If anyone could fix it, the author could…well, at least if he was at the top of his game.
For a moment, Dipper thought he hadn’t heard him, but then Ford sighed, though he didn’t look away from his project. “Yes?”
“You look uh…”
Ford glanced at him for a second, and Dipper suddenly felt embarrassed, but he was curious about what had happened last night.
“It looks like you slept, but you told me that when you did, Bill would…”
Waving with his hand, Ford focused back on the measuring tape. “He didn’t. Stan tied me up, so Bill didn’t do anything.” For a moment, Ford’s eyes narrowed and he muttered under his breath, but Dipper still heard it. “At least I don’t think he did.”
“Wh-what do you mean?” Dipper scooted slightly away from Ford and unfortunately Ford looked up right as he did. For a split second, Dipper saw guilt cross his face, but then it vanished.
“Apparently Stan fell asleep at some point too.” Ford’s gaze hardened as he returned focus on his work before muttering to himself again. “But I suppose if something had happened, I wouldn’t have still been tied up when I awoke.”
Dipper frowned. Ford and Stan’s relationship seemed…strained, to say the least. And sure, Stan from the future wasn’t always the most trustworthy guy, but…he didn’t seem too bad. And this 80s Stan seemed fine too. So why was Ford so cold towards him? Sure, he had been brash with Dipper at first but Stan was his brother, not only that but his twin.
Ford didn’t look up from his work. “I need to focus, if I want to fix this.” His voice had an edge to it, which immediately set off Dipper’s anxiety.
 “Oh…right…” Dipper fiddled with his hands, not wanting to anger Ford further. But after a few moments, curiosity got the better of him. “Are you mad at Stan?”
Closing his eyes for a moment, Ford took a deep breath, then opened them again before continuing his work. Despite expecting it, Dipper was still disappointed. He had so many questions about what had happened to create the future he knew, but if he didn’t know anything about the past, he wouldn’t be able to answer them.
Dipper sat up straight at the word. Ford still wasn’t looking at him, but the frustration on his face was evident.
“It’s a long story.” Ford muttered.
“But he’s here. Wait, why is he here?” Dipper was hit with the realization that he didn’t know how Stan had even known how to get to Gravity Falls. Unless he lived here too, but from Ford’s interactions with him, that seemed unlikely.
“Because I asked him to come… Gah!”
Dipper jumped as Ford threw his screwdriver on the table. “Wh-”
“This blasted thing doesn’t make sense. If I had some blueprints, I might be able to figure it out. But this machinery is too complex even for me.” Ford glared at the time machine.
Dread grew in the pit of Dipper’s stomach. “You…you can’t fix it?”
For a moment, Ford was quiet, his brow furrowed in thought. Then he straightened up, only to deflate again. “I…don’t think I can…but…I might know someone who…could help.”
“Really?” For a moment, Dipper was confused, then he remembered the journal and he straightened up. “Wait, your assistant? He’s good with machines, right?”
Ford glanced at him and sighed. “Yes, I just…have to find him.”
“You don’t know where he is?” The hope that had grown in Dipper’s chest deflated.
“I…have a few ideas...I just hope he’ll actually talk to me this time.”
“Absolutely not.” Ford frowned at Mabel and Stan, who had just asked about going into town together to get food.
Mabel felt disappointment worming its way into her chest, but she pushed it back. “Why not? It’ll be fun!”
Ford stared at her for a moment, as if she was some kind of puzzle. “It’s too dangerous. I’m not going to leave the por-my house without supervision.”
“What, you don’t have a lock?” Stan grumbled.
The glare that Ford shot at Stan was painful to look at, despite it not even being directed at her. “I’m not leaving my work for anyth-one to mess with.”
“You mean the big thing in the basement?” Mabel asked, which she regretted as Ford shot her a suspicious look.
“How do you-?”
“Dipper told me.”
Ford glanced at Dipper who looked at him sheepishly. Sighing, Ford shook his head. “Like I said, I don’t want to leave the house unsupervised.”
“Okay, fine, then I can just go with the kids and-” Stan started but Ford quickly held up his hand.
“Unfortunately, I need to go into town myself.”
“Why? Don’t trust us to get the right food?” Stan countered.
For a moment, Ford just glared at Stan, and Mabel hated how icy his look was.
“No, I have to find someone if we want a chance at fixing the time machine and I’m the only one who knows him. And where to find him.” 
Stan made a dismissive sound, but before he could say anything, Mabel piped in, not wanting Stan to get even more annoyed. “How about we split up!”
Everyone turned to look at her and Mabel gave her biggest grin. “Me and Dipper can go with Ford and Stan can stay to watch things.”
Mabel tried her best not to be disappointed when she saw the deep frown that grew on Ford’s face.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea, I should just go into town myself and-”
“Oh yeah, it’s not like you’re seriously sleep deprived or anything,” Stan muttered.
“Well, if you-”
“Hold up!” Dipper raised his voice, and Mabel had a feeling that he wasn’t a huge fan of the brothers arguing either. “Why can’t me and Mabel go with Ford while Stan stays here to watch the house?”
A grin grew on Mabel’s face and she gave Dipper a thumbs up at his support of her plan. As much as she hated the idea of leaving Stan, she couldn’t help but feel excited to have some quality time with Dipper and maybe figure out what was going on between Stan and Ford.
“I suppose it could work but...I’m still not a fan of it…” Ford glanced at Stan for a moment, and unfortunately Stan saw it.
“What, you don’t think I can sit in a house?” Stan deadpanned.
Clutching his hands behind his back, Ford’s gaze flickered away from Stan. “No, it’s not that it’s just…there are things that you don’t understand, and if anything went wrong…”
“You don’t trust me.” It was an accusation, but Mabel didn’t miss the hurt that crossed Stan’s face.
“I didn’t…look we’re wasting time. I’ll just go into town.” Ford glanced at Mabel. “You can come if you’d like, but Dipper has more experience with supernatural occurrences so he should stay here in case anything…happens.”
Stan opened his mouth, probably about to argue some point, but Mabel quickly jumped in. “Sounds good to me!” In reality, she would rather Dipper go with her or she stay with Stan, but she was tired of the arguing and it wasn’t the worst solution.
“Are you sure, Mabel?” Stan asked, glancing at his brother with uncertainty.  
Dipper was looking at her in concern too, but she just grinned and looked at Ford. “Yup! It’ll be fun!”
For a moment, Ford just stared at her, then sighed. “Alright then, we should get going.” He held out his hand towards Stan.
For a moment, Stan looked confused, then understanding crossed his face and he sighed, reluctantly pulling out his keys. “You better not crash her Ford; I know your luck with cars. And with that eyepatch you’re bound to be even worse.”
Grabbing the keys, Ford let out a huff. “I still know how to drive, Stanley. And I can still see. Come along, Mabel.”
Mabel gave her brother and grunkle a smile. “Don’t worry, I’ll keep an eye on him. We’ll be back soon!” Then she headed after the author. Sure, she didn’t really know him, and he did seem a little…cold, but it would totally be fine! It was just an opportunity to get to know Ford. And maybe, just maybe, she could get him to tell her what was going on between him and Stan so she could help fix it.
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josiesullysblog · 1 year
His Prize p2
~AGED UP Neteyam x Na’vi reader
~Explicit content, CNC??, degradation, breeding
~Summary-Neteyam goes though high lengths for [Y/n] to understand she belongs to him.
~Note-Everything done is consensual!!!
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Your feet carried you as the wind hit your face. You could hear Neteyam’s feet, he was close and for some reason, you slowed down. You could definitely go faster, but you wanted him to catch you. His laugh rang through your ears, “can't you go faster?”
The feeling running through you was electric, it became addicting quickly as you pushed yourself through the woods. “This was fun, but you know I have to catch you now,” his words sent shivers down your spine, and you immediately started running faster.
What was he going to do once he caught you? The possibilities filled your mind, apart of you wanted to find out while the other wanted to be far away as possible from the male. “Too late now,” he laughed at your attempt to run faster.
He came out of nowhere, tackling you to the ground. Flight of fight mode came in, and you started fighting against him, “Get off of me!” your attempt was futile as he watched you, “your mine now,” his other hand trailed down your back as he smiled, “all mine go fuck with, play with, and you no one can save you.”
You stopped fighting as your energy became low, “Good girl, you’ll learn early it's much better to give in than make me force you,” his hand stopped over your ass giving a hard slap, “i’m going to ask you a question and be wise with your answer.”
He hauled you up, forcing eye contact, “Did you edge yourself for me?” You nodded as you tried getting out of his grip, “I did,” he smiled, “did you cum?” Your heart fell. There was no way he could know, right?
“No,” his smile became wicked. “Such a good girl,” he played with your hair. He’d love to give you the benefit of the doubt, but he knew that be too gracious. He knew you came, he knew your every move he watched as you did it.
As he played with your hair he tugged it hard, causing a gasp to leave your throat, “you're going to learn one thing from me, I don't like being lied to,” his grip became harder causing tears to build up in your eyes, “So, i’m going to ask you one more time, and you’ll tell me the truth.”
“Did you cum?” you nodded, “I did,” He let go of you finally, “How about this if you say sorry I’ll let you go just this once?” you shook your head, “i’m not sorry,” you grew confidence but tried backing up at the same time. “Wrong decision.”
He moved quickly, pinning you down as you squirmed, “I tried being nice but you left me no choice,” he spread your legs with his leg pushing it on your heat. You fought a moan back, making him smile, “feels nice?” He put more pressure making you throw your head back, “No.”
A hiss left his mouth, “You just love going the hard way don't you?” his hand found its way to your loincloth, ripping it off, “you won’t need this.” He found your clit and started abusing it, “it's okay you can moan for me,” you shook your head, “never.”
At your words, he plunged two fingers deep into you, a moan ripping out of you. “So cute,” he smiled as he picked up his pace. “Such a pretty cunt, can't wait to have it dripping with my cum.” your eyes widened, “what's wrong? Don't want to be full? Oh, baby once i’m done with you it's all your gonna want.”
“Why?” you said as you finally let your moans out, “why do you want me?” he went quicker, the sounds of your wet heat echoing, “What don't you get, pretty girl? You need me as much as I need you, we were made for each other!” you get yourself nearing, “S-slow d-down.”
“No,” he said as you finally came all over his fingers, “Look at this mess, someone gonna have to clean this up,” he forced his fingers in your mouth, “Finally something to shut you up.” your pussy ached, wanting more but he didn't need to know that.
He forced you to look into his eyes, “look at those puffy eyes,” he laughed as he flipped you over, “and look at this puffy pussy,” he slapped it gaining a gasp. You thought about giving in to him, how good it would feel to let him have his way with you, but you had too much pride. If he wanted you, he'd have to earn you.
“Open for me,” he said knowing you wouldn't. To his surprise, you opened up a little but not to the extent he wanted as he pulled your legs hard. He slapped your pussy one more time before pulling you closer to him. “If you don't moan loud, I will force it out of you.”
He plunged in you, a loud moan ripping out of you. “Just like that,” his hips moved quickly as he angled himself deeper. “Say you want this,” he grabbed you making you stand up, “tell me that you love how I make you feel,” his hands played with your nipples. He rolled his fingers on them as he kissed your neck.
You stayed silent, only letting moans come out. “Did you hear me,” he grunted in your ear, “I did,” you said as your eyes rolled back, “I’ve put up with you for too long,” he said as he went harder. He slammed into you, hitting every spot.
“Fuck,” he said under his breath as he continued. You arched your back as you felt him deep in you, and a whimper left your mouth, “what was that?” he said with a smirk on his face, “w-wait,” you wanted to catch your breath but the boy did not stop.
“Say you're sorry,” you shook your head, “i’m not,” he started going faster if that was even possible, “take it like the bitch in heat you are then.”
You started seeing stars, as you finally gave up letting your head fell, “I'm sorry,” you cried as you felt yourself near, “Please i’m sorry!”
“Are you?” you nodded as you felt yourself go, and a loud moan ripped out your throat. Neteyam trusted you one last time before kissing your neck and placing you down. He took two steps back looking at your body on the floor, “You look stunning.”
You looked at him before crawling toward him, “i’m sorry teyem,” you said looking up at him, “you were right, I am a whore,” your eyes landed on his dick. “Let me make it up to you.” You grabbed the dick kissing the top of it, “please,” you said which made him smile, “since you asked so nicely.”
You took what you could in your mouth, as your eyes stayed locked with the man. “Take me all,” you tried your best to take him all, but he was so big. You continued going, till he grabbed the back of your head and started thrusting into you.
He moaned loudly before pulling out and cumming all over your breast. “Say thank you,” he said still with a grip on your hair. “Thank you,” you said looking into his eyes. “Let this be a reminder that you are mine, [Y/n],” he got down to your level smothering the cum all over you, “I don't like to share.”
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You hadn't seen Neteyam in two days, but you knew he was watching you. It wasn't like you were avoiding him but you definitely needed time to recollect yourself. You and Neteyam didn't even finish the bond, you didn't know if you wanted to finish the bond.
You liked Neteyam, he was attractive and great in bed, but you didn't know if he liked you. What if he was just using you? The embarrassment you’d get for falling in love with someone who could care less about you.
These thoughts piled up while you worked, and you had decided to help Kiri with tidying up the healing room. “Where is your brother,” you said out of the blue. The girl smirked, “why?”
You shrugged, “I normally see him all the time,” she laughed, “I knew it! I knew you guys had a thing!” you smiled, “What?” she giggled, “He’s always staring at you, and I always see the way you’d look at him when he’d walk away!”
You laughed, “I don't know,” you didn't want to give the girl fake hope, “Don't know? He’s so into you [Y/n]!” As you two talked Neteyam smiled as he watched the blush appear on your cheeks.
He wanted to give you space. Let you think about what has happened these past couple of days, “you think?” he heard you giggle with his sister. You were adorable, and as much as he loved using your body, he was also attracted to your heart.
You were a selfless soul, lazy at times, yes, but you always loved helping those around you when you knew they needed you. “I’m going to go get something real quick, please help anyone who comes in!” Kiri left you alone, he found this to be the perfect time to speak with you.
As he was getting ready to come out, a boy walked in. His eyes lit up the minute he saw it was you and not Kiri. “Hello! You need help?” you smiled which made Neteyam's blood boil.
“Yes, I got hurt during practice,” he turned to show his back,” you winced as if you felt the pain, “sit down, please!”
The boy listened quickly, you gathered everything you needed not noticing the pairs of eyes on you. Neteyam hissed as he watched the ignorant boy's eyes fall on your breasts. Neteyam wanted to kill him, but he knew better than to let his emotions get the better of him.
“This might sting,” you said with a sad face as you started treating his wound. He hissed but let you continue. Neteyam couldn't believe you didn't notice the way that boy stared at you. Maybe he should be happy, at least he knows you aren't stupid to fall for this idiot.
He imagined an arrow going right through the boy's head, killing him instantly, “you should be careful,” you smiled as you wrapped him up, “I’ll try, but you know I love when you patch me up,” you cringed at his words, “Kiri and those other girls are always so rough, but your gentle.”
You smiled as you put everything away, “they're are much better than I,” the boy hummed, “are you mated yet?” you shook your head. Why would he ask you that question? “you?” you asked trying to be nice.
“I have someone in mind,” the boy crept closer,” You just nodded, “I bet she's very lucky,” you tried making room between you two, “Very,” his eyes scanned you. It felt disgusting knowing he was checking you out. Whenever Neteyam did it, you felt turned on. You didn't mind his eyes on you, but this boy, which you still didn't know his name, made you want to vomit.
“I think you should be leaving now,” you said smiling as you looked at the exit. “Whys that?” you felt the bile in the back of your throat, till you heard a hum.
Neteyam had enough, if he had to he was going to fuck you in front of this boy to prove to everyone you were his. “Teyem!” your heart fell as you saw who it was.
Neteyam stood with a straight face. What if he thought you two were doing something? You don't believe that Neteyam would kill someone but you didn't know. You hugged the boy as you noticed his eyes never left the boy. “He got hurt so I was just patching him up for Kiri!”
You smiled as the awkward tension filled the room, “he was just leaving,” the boy left quickly leaving you two alone. “I haven't seen you in a while,” you said as the boy's eyes finally looked at you.
“I was giving you space,” you smiled, “I see,” he played with your hair, “Why did you let that boy speak with you?” there it was. He scared you if you were being honest, “he needed help,” Neteyam laughed, “I don't think he would've died waiting for Kiri to come.”
You sighed, “He needed help, I couldn't leave him there,” the boy made zero sense to you, “You could've, but you're just too nice.”
He circled you, “Your beautiful [Y/n], and I’ve told you I don't like sharing,” you watched his steps as he stopped in from of you, “I’ve already chosen you,” you backed up into a table, “you must choose me,” his eyes looked at you, “I already did.”
He pinned you down to the table, “this pussy is so wet,” you moaned as you felt his fingers, “all for you,” he smiled, “when I take you,” he smacked your ass, “I'll leave my cum in you, so you’ll give me a baby.”
You felt him push the head at your entrance, “Beg me,” you gasped, “Please teyem, I want you so bad.”
“Come on, you can do better,” he smiled as he brought his dick up and down. “I need you, please, fuck me like whore. Fuck me so everyone knows who I belong to!”
You wailed as Neteyam continued his abuse, “say it again,” you cried, “I belong to you, Neteyam!”
He pushed inside, a moan leaving you're throat as you feel him start thrusting. “More please,” you begged as he picked up speed, “gorgeous,” the boy whispered under his breath as he watch you become a fool for him.
“I don't care who the fuck tells you differently, you are mine,” he emphasized every word with every thrust, “mine to fuck with, mine to play, you are mine,” you moaned and nodded at his statement.
“I’m yours,” you moaned as you felt yourself nearing, “I'm gonna cum,” you moaned as you felt him go faster. “Cum for me baby, do it come on,” you let yourself go causing yourself to be undone under him. He came, hard inside you giving one last good thrust before stopping.
“I love you,” he said as he pulled you close to him. You smiled as you kissed his lips, “I love you too.”
HEYYYY GUYSSSSS! hope you enjoy i won’t be able to update for a while so hopefully i’ll get the chance!! Love you All!!!!
Taglist: @cherry-blossom24 , @yourbobaeyestell , @erenjaegerwife, @mashiromochi , @nxptury, @eywaheardyou , @vviolaswrld , @stevesdick , @nana-luvsyu , @liyahsocorro , @coterami, @parrotpeggy , @adaiasafira, @elegantzippercashshoe , @lollife1617 , @aracelikara , @bluealiensimp , @hoodiepandaninja16 , @ssc7514 , @white-girl444 , @idaxellqs, @nataliexoxoxo29, @savvysscandles, @ilovejakesullysdick , @neteyamforlife , @arminsgfloll , @jellybeanstacey0519 , @riatesullironalite, @laylasbunbunny , @wsup687, @jimfiqs , @chocolatemeti , @ellaynaa , @jujudsmyst, @llalouvel, @liluvtojineteyam , @lilly12lesry, @rainqissedd, @lu-the-ghost-reader, @marybby, @thelxnelyworld, @sweetllamaparadise, @iwasneverhere2233, @pawspurpaw, @lia-nath, @cumikering, @zaddyskye69
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