#what even is their ship name these days?
demondank · 1 year
Philever is not dead, just different ( i hope...)
I have so many thoughts about Philever after the GuapoDuo marriage and honestly? I don’t think it’s as dead as people believe, is it changed and is the dynamic different? 100% but I don’t think that’s necessarily a bad thing. Like to begin with q!Forevers obsession towards q!Philza wasn’t healthy, like before the wedding (especially in the last few interactions) q!Forever was either:
1) actively trying to gaslight Philza into believing that he is or at least was Brunim 
2) was so delusional that he genuinely thought they were the same person
Both are terrible foundations to build a relationship on. If Philever ever became canon with its dynamic before the wedding, I honestly couldn’t see that ever being a healthy relationship. Was it kinda cute watching Forever be so helplessly in love? Definitely, but it was also kind of just sad. Now that the ship (as it stood) has been so thoroughly destroyed I see it as an opportunity for q!Forever and q!Phil to get to know each other as people and not... whatever they were before (definitely not themselves that’s for sure). 
The wedding to many may seem like the absolute end of the ship, but I think it’s just the end of the first chapter. How we saw Forever treating Phil during his confession was unlike anything we had seen before, it was like Forever was actually seeing Phil and not Brunim. It was genuinely the first bit of clarity we had seen from Forever in regards to Phil in a long time, he was actually listening to was he said (unfortunately what Phil had to say may not have been the nicest for him but anyway), he complimented something about Phil something completely independent from Brunim and even the LOVE shirt had Phils face NOT Brunims. Like come on this is new stuff guys this is Forever appreciating Phil as Phil and not just Brunim 2.0.
q!Phil from the start of their interactions found q!Forever amusing and seems to enjoy having him around as much as he jokes, he admires him as a person and takes notice of his dedication (not just in reguards to his wooing of Philza but also how dedicated he is to the eggs and the server as a whole). There is a mutual respect that has been unable to flourish into a genuine connection and friendship between the cubes because Forever never allowed Philza to get off the defensive (Like how can genuine connection bloom between them when Forever was constantly trying to manipulate and misconstrue Philzas words and actions into anything romantic?). Now that Forever has had his delusions shattered and gained a sense of self-respect (hopefully) there is potential for them to rebuild in a healthier way.
Do I think the cubes will ever actually get together? Not really no, But I am also genuinely surprised with how much PhilZa has been opening up to more roleplay opportunities, who knows maybe romance could be on the table down the track, consequently I wouldn’t be surprised if something happened between them eventually (perhaps something similar to the McYum date?). If we follow what Quackity has been saying about the QSMP its barely started, q!Forever and q!Philza will have plenty of time to grow together and grow closer once again. Plus with how loyal q!Forever is I doubt he will be able to just drop Phil altogether realistically.
Have faith my fellow delusional shippers we have a long ride to go and I honestly am really excited to see where this goes from here.
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magmaaqua · 11 months
do new pokemon fans even know that the pokemon cards in that official hardenshipping post were called archie's ace in the hole and maxie's hidden ball trick
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olliecoded · 5 months
im actually really surprised how polarizing and controversial saltburn has been?? because it seems like the reason a lot of people really hate it is that it's a shallow, pretentious analysis of class and wealth and like. i agree. but i also don't think that the POINT of saltburn was class or social mobility or anything. i think the point of saltburn was an unflinchingly sincere portrayal of obsessive all-consuming desire and, rather than analyzing the movie through a strict lens of class relations or "eat the rich" aspirations, we should be analyzing it through a lens of toxic devotion (especially when it's queer). like saltburn is about the relationships it presents. i'm a little shocked that everyone thinks the main takeaway was what it said about class
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elany · 1 month
Yk what I want? I want a very early stages post canon labrumisu, but from Chilchuck's POV.
Imagine mister 'interparty romance is the devil' visiting court just to see these three circling each other like a pack of uniquely unhinged cats. And of course he sees it immediately, he's nothing if not perceptive and he's seen this happen so, so many times before. Kabru is hardly subtle in his fascination with Laios, who trusts him in turn more than nearly anybody else. He can see how close Mithrun and Kabru still are, even when there's little reason for the former captain to even stay in Melini. He can see where this is going. And he can see the disaster it's gonna end up in.
So he's just staring at them in horror, trying to figure out what in the world the dynamic here even is and glaring daggers at Kabru all the while for seemingly being the linchpin of this entire bullshit situation. King, his adviser and a fucking foreign noble?? Who thought THAT was a good idea! Is nobody else seeing this?? (no lol) Why is nobody objecting to this politically unsound love triangle that could literally ruin the kingdom they've only just established??
The anger! The distress! The despair when he first sees Laios getting all giddy when Mithrun so much as talks to him. Because hell, now he can't even blame the entire situation on one pretty boy insisting on having fingers in every possible pie, on political and personal level both!
And then they just. Quietly get together. All three of them. And Chil's just watching from the sidelines in complete bafflement because he's invented infinite worst case scenarios for how this will implode in all of their faces and destroy their friend group and topple the entire country and--
Instead they do. This. He'd be relieved if he wasn't so goddamn mad that he's spent months worrying about this shit just for them to resolve it in the least dramatic way possible.
Fuck this, he's taking a holiday.
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itscherryterry-again · 5 months
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if your toxic yuri isnt toxicyuri-ing to your tastes, store bought works just fine
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jinx144 · 7 months
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sorry everyone i fell into a deep depression where i actually sort of forgot how to draw! 2023 has not been kind! have this ship art thats been sitting around
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shittyjakeenglish · 7 months
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Day 38
a welldeserved nap after a long night of extensive trickortreating and general mischief! but im sure if any of them were awake, the first thing theyd tell you would be: HAPPY HALLOWEEN !!!
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fuedalreesespieces · 3 months
i should probably make a lunar chronicles blog to say all this shit but god. i miss them so bad. i need to see them on the big screen one way or another. i need to see kai and cinder's awkward first meeting and her - a five star professional mechanic - literally slamming his tech on its side in an effort to fix it. i need to see cinder crashing the ball in a rain-soaked dress. i need to see her and thorne break out of jail and thorne tell her about starting a prison riot over fucking soap while she just stares at him without a drop of amusement in her eyes, only for them to become best friends. i need to see scarlet aim a gun at wolf and hear wolf tell her to aim at his head because it makes for a more fatal shot, and the sick, nasty parallels later. i need to see cress and thorne stumbling over the dessert, navigating more than just sand dunes. i need to see iko get her new body and feel herself for the first time. i need to see jacin being a jackass to everyone because he's been raised in a place where being anything but harsh will ruin him. i need to see him helping winter through her hallucinations, the two of them holding back their affections at every moment because they can't display them without someone getting hurt. i need to see the final showdown, the "nice shot, cress." i need to see them all eating lemon cake at the end after weeks of eating canned military food on the rampion, eating with their hands because they all forgot cutlery, getting frosting all over their fingers. i need-
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hailsatanacab · 1 year
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@the-ghost-trader - ooooh, i love this! it has the potential to be so incredibly sad, too, like poor Damian just trying to carve out something normal for himself only for it blow up in his face
BUT, shockingly, i'm not about the angst today! not yet anyway 😇
“So, how was your day?”
Despite his answering groan, Damian likes this. This. This whole… thing he has with Danielle. With Ellie. 
And, yeah, he’s not exactly told any of the others yet, but can you blame him? For wanting to keep something, anything, to himself. Wanting to keep this small little slice of goodness he’s managed to carve out, untouched and unmarred by his family, by their other lives, by the rogues, the vigilantes, the assassins, everyone.
“That bad, huh?”
Being with Ellie is freeing. That’s the best way to describe it.
She knows. Damian surprised even himself when he told her—not about the others, mind, but he supposes it’s not hard to put two and two together and Dani has always been smarter than most—but it’s the best decision he’s ever made, and no matter what the niggling little voice in the back of his head says (the one that sounds suspiciously like Father), he can’t bring himself to regret it.
He won’t. Because having Ellie know gives him freedom.
She’s a safe place, a hand to hold, a warm, welcoming presence when things inevitably turn ugly. It’s the freedom to just be normal when everything else in his life spirals into stranger and more stressful missions.
“Richard is being insufferable again. I do not understand his incessant need to know everything about my life.”
“Oh? What’s he done now?” 
“I was subjected to an hour long interrogation about my love life, like it’s any of his business. It’s infuriating!”
“Ugh, tell me about it. I get the same thing from Jazz, constantly. It can be suffocating.” Ellie says as she curls herself tighter into his side. “But it’s just how they show they care.”
“Yes, well, sometimes I wish he wouldn’t—”
“Hey!” Ellie pushes herself up to glare at him, punctuating her shout with a soft whack to his arm for good measure. “What have I said about using that word?”
“Yes, yes,” he placates with a roll of his eyes, “‘Be careful what you wish for.’ I apologise, it won't happen again.”
“Damn straight it won't.”
She maintains eye contact with him for a second longer before tucking herself back into his side, squirming around with a long, contented hum that Damian can feel rumble through him. He smiles and doesn’t complain even when he has to shift to give her more room after a particularly strong elbow jabs him in the ribs. It means leaving the warm patch on the couch, but he’s rewarded with another long, happy moan as she settles and Damian can’t bring himself to mind.
Ellie constantly makes noises. Little mews and hums and laughs and songs known only to her. It reminds him of a cat, sometimes. He likes it. It calms him down; it means she’s happy, so he's happy.
They settle back into the cushions and Damian lets the subject drop, not wanting to spoil the moment. Outside, the wind changes direction and from where he’s laying he can watch as the snow starts to come down thick and heavy. Hopefully it’ll mean a quiet night's patrol.
“Is that why you haven’t introduced me yet?”
“What?” He can't help it, he stiffens at the thought of losing his secret, of the scrutiny he'll be inviting if he lets anyone know.
“Are you worried I’ll embarrass you?”
Damian’s eyes snap down quick to reassure her, only to see her light, teasing grin. He lets out a breath of relief. It figures she wouldn't worry about that.
“Of course not, don’t be absurd. You could never embarrass me.”
“I don’t know,” she muses, her voice taking on a dangerous lilt, “that sounds like a challenge.”
“Believe me, having been subjected to Father’s Brucie persona at every gala I’ve been to, it would take a lot to embarrass me.”
“Alright, bet. I’ll get you, just you wait.”
“You’ve already got me.”
She flicks him on the nose. “You’re such a sap.”
He hums his agreement, enjoying the tinkling sound of her laughter. And then, before he can think otherwise, he asks, “Is that why you haven’t introduced me?”
“That’s different,” she scowls. “You know how hard it is to get there, there’s no signal, and Danny only gets a break like—oh, Ancients!”
Damian gets another elbow to the ribs as she bolts upright, a manic grin on her face that has him laughing.
“What is it?”
“It’s the holidays! It’s nearly Truce Day! You know I said I had a family thing around Christmas?”
“Well, do you want to come to it? I can introduce you then! I mean, it’s going to be a bit formal and you’ll have to meet everyone, not just family. There’s going to be some banquets, you’ll have to sit through some long speeches and you have to be on your best behaviour at all times, okay? Absolutely no fighting, it’s called Truce Day for a reason!”
“Yeah, it’ll be perfect! I think Jazz is going in a couple days earlier to help with the preparations, so I’ll get her to let Danny know—and fair warning, he will try to give you the shovel talk, but this is great! It’s Truce Day, so he can’t actually do anything about it!”
“I’m sorry, but you're going to have to explain a bit.”
“Yeah, I know, it’s a bit much—but that’s family, right? Danny can get pretty protective over me, which is why going on Truce Day is the best time to do it! He can’t even command the Fright Knight to stab you! It’s genius!”
“Ellie, what?”
“Like, yeah, sure, he’s the king, but even he has to obey the rules of Truce Day—and then once you’ve spent all day with him, he’ll see that you’re a fantastic, wonderful, kind, brilliant, smart, strong, capable person and he’ll get over himself and everything will be good!"
Damian collapses down onto the couch, the wind knocked out of him. This is… He had not expected anything like this at all. For all that Ellie talked about her family, she had never mentioned this.
“Did you… did you say your brother is a king?”
“Yeah! High King Phantom, have I…” The manic grin slips off her face as she turns round and notices Damian. “Have I not mentioned that before?”
“No. No, you have not.”
“Ah. Sorry. Probably should clarify that I’m also a princess.”
“Right. Yes, that follows.”
“And I’m not really his sister, I’m his clone.”
Damian blinks and tries to say more, but he has no idea what he’s meant to do with… any of this information. 
Normal. He thought she was meant to be his normal. Nothing could have prepared him for this.
Not that it changed anything, of course, of that he was certain. It’s just… a lot to take in. Overwhelming. But it's okay! He takes a deep breath, and another, and a sense of calm washes over him. Ellie makes one of her little hums as she cocks her head to the side to consider him and he can't help but relax at the normalcy of the sound. It'll be okay, he's dealt with stranger and he can deal with this.
“I’ve, uh… I’ve told you that we’re half ghosts, though, right?”
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is this scermie. scene partners. gotham. what the fuck did we decide their ship name was?? anyway is this anything
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sorry sorry last time I'm talking about huskerdust tonight but does it fuck anyone else up knowing that Husk and Angel basically lived at the same time but were on opposite sides of the country. But also Husk went traveling. Like these two could have met while they were alive and wouldn't even know it. They didn't even know the other existed until they met at the hotel
Like I have. so many thoughts about this.
#hazbin hotel#Husk#Angel Dust#gods imagine how different things would have turned out for both of them if they'd met while alive#well I say that but they were deeper in their vices then than they are now so...... maybe they'd have made each other worse#or maybe they could have saved each other who knows#also just thinking about the idea of Husk and Angel meeting at a bar in New York back when they were alive#like not even knowing it was each other but having met and spent a night drinking in a bar together talking#maybe Angel was going around flirting for free drinks and Husk was waiting to board a ship to who knows where#and they're both neck deep in their own vices but Husk tries to give Angel some advice anyway (we dk if Husk's morals developed in Hell#when he lost his status or are remnants of his human life but I like to imagine he was a decent man who made a string of bad choices#we also don't know what kind of Overlord he was. for all we know the worst thing he did was bet souls so we dunno if he was cruel/immoral)#but Angel not heeding his advice bc who's gonna listen to an alcoholic amirite but he was fun to talk to and bought him drinks so#and them parting ways without even so much as learning the other's name. and all this happening just days before Angel dies#Husk doesn't even think about him again cuz he was just some dude at a bar and barely remembering bc it was ~20 years before he died#but Angel vividly remembering it bc it was one of the last memorable days leading up to his death#anyway thanks for listening to me ramble orz
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dust-of-embers · 7 months
Starkid are quite possibly the only people I know who can write healthy and fun to watch straight people… and they almost always do it with no kiss, the staple of typical romance!
I know a few straight relationships in media that are on par, but they are slim as fuck.
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sarah-yyy · 2 months
Sarah jiejie, consider this: you can be the one to write STN fucking WRL on his desk.
(ya but then i'd have to be the one writing instead of just sitting in front of a screen screeching at whoever has written the thing!!)
“Do you, Ruolai?” he murmurs again. 
His eyes track the way Wei Ruolai’s throat bobs, and he thinks about biting the boy. It’s not a foreign thought. 
Wei Ruolai has been left marks by many who seek to bring Shen Tunan down and this stupid, stupid boy wears these painful reminders of his loyalty to Shen Tunan all over his skin. But although these marks are all there because of Shen Tunan, none of them are his.
“Yes,” Wei Ruolai says. He frowns, just after the word leaves his lips - it’s not difficult to see his mind work through the possible answers, trying for the correct one that will break this tentative balance they’ve reached. “I mean- No. I… What’s the right answer, xiansheng?”
Shen Tunan tries his best not to smile at the look on Wei Ruolai’s face. “It depends.”
“What result you are hoping to get,” Shen Tunan tells him. “Do you think you owe me, Wei Ruolai?”
Wei Ruolai’s answer is firm this time, “No, xiansheng.” 
Shen Tunan smiles. “Oh? You’re not grateful for the opportunities I’ve given you?”
“I am,” Wei Ruolai tells him. His grip on Shen Tunan’s jacket tightens as though he is afraid Shen Tunan will leave - like Shen Tunan could. The tips of his ears redden delightfully. “But this is not because of that.”
“What is this?” 
Wei Ruolai doesn’t answer, but his flush spreads down his neck.
Shen Tunan is going to eat him up today.  
“Is it so difficult to tell me that you want me to fuck you, Ruolai?” Shen Tunan asks.
[follow up here]
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ghastlyaffairs · 2 months
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Strife! Strife! Shoot the freaking imp!!!!!
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wholecakes · 6 months
welcome to my sanji dump where if im not talking about sanji then i am dead in a ditch somewhere. i love sanji. sanji is my white girl 7 days a week.
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twifairy · 5 months
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Blacked out and woke up with a Genshin Asogi and Lady Baskerville vocaloid redraw on my canvas. Asoville???? Baskersogi??? LISTEN I need you to hear me out
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