#what i'd give to get a hug from him i know he gives wonderful hugs
bardengarde · 1 month
BJ Hunnicutt "so nice" fancam is my best friend
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workingbynyx · 4 months
Hi! I was wondering if you'd be interested in writing headcanons of Jason Todd as the reader's boyfriend? Probably like the general dynamic of the relationship, love language, etc. Whatever you think goes best! :)
of course! i can finally use my hcs of boyfie jason to good use oml i have so much in store for you loves 😚
(this has been sitting in my drafts for so long and now that its almost v-day i think its pretty fitting to post this <3 also pls remember that these are my personal hcs so some may be entirely ooc but this is how i imagine him to be okay 😭)
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Very affectionate behind closed doors
Jason wasn't a very clingy person to begin with. in fact the first time you held hands you swore you saw drops of sweat drip down the side of his face, it's hilarious. it took him a while to get around giving physical affection but once he did, hugs and kisses are non-stop. he'll either give you quick or aggressive but gentle kisses or would simply ask you to climb onto him on your shared bed and lay your head on his chest as he sleeps. he'd search for your hand and give it a squeeze when the both of you are in a big crowd (ex; galas, parties) or just rest his hand on the small of your back— as intimidating he might seem, he's just a big baby in your hands.
A pretty decent cook, to say the least
Could be an unpopular opinion but i'd say Jason isn't all too bad in the kitchen, he can pretty much fix up a simple meal if he wants to. The man could either fuck up the microwave or invent a whole new recipe just to fit your cravings, there's no in between. He doesn't want to admit it but he has a secret folder in his phone of all the recipes to your favourite dishes from lunch meals to deserts; so now on every occassion, you can expect waking up to the fresh scent of your favourite food set on the table <3
Midnight joyrides are the best
Do y'all know those tiktok accs that own a motorbike and just drive around with their partners sitting behind them? That's exactly how i imagine what it would be like to be Jason's partner 👊👊 literally like; "bubs put on your helmet" "are we going out? at this time?" "what, you don't want to?" "well, yeah i do..." "good, i'll have the bike out front then" then you guys just drive around on his bigass bike zooming through the city. He'd also have his hands run down your leg that's straddling him from behind at every stoplight possible wkehwjhejwhd
Getting out of bed is almost impossible
The first time you two moved in together was really exciting, waking up finding yourself beside the love of your life sleeping peacefully to eating breakfast and dinner with them too. But as time went by, it became almost your mission everyday to get out of bed without being held back by Jason pulling you back under the sheets. You'd have to be sneaky to move his arm that's wrapped around your waist before his reflexes react soon enough; "mmh, going somewhere?" "jay, i gotta get to work" "10 more minutes love, i promise. I'll just drive you there it's much faster" "you said that 5 minutes ago— i'll be late again!" "are you saying you'd rather leave me alone?" "jace i–" "mhm exactly, so stay a'ight? you could just tell them you caught that flu" "i already did...two days ago..."
Absolutely adores your eyes, hands and waist
I'm a firm believer that Jason is a certified waist-grabber !!! you can expect the rough tips of his gloves glide over from your back all the way to your waist once he comes home from work. He also looooves looking into your eyes and see his reflection in them, the same eyes that showed nothing but pure love and kindness to him. And he also likes your hands; the size difference when you compare them, how they wrapped around his own, and how they cling onto him every chance you get. He thinks it's such a cute mannerism (if you have them too)
He asks for fashion advice, sometimes
Jason'll probably throw on a shirt, jacket, pants and boots then call it day before he met you— but he's even conscious of how colors looked on him now. You were his stylist, often picking out clothes and giving him new looks that you think looks best on him just because he once saw a photo of him and thought the shirt and pants he had didn't match at all. Jason always thought clothes only consists of hoodies, sweatpants, shirts, but now even knows what 'preppy' clothing is after you explained it to him.
His love language is words of affirmation and physical touch
This may vary to some people but i do hc Jason's love language to be words of affirmation and physical touch. Words of affirmation; only because he absolutely loves it when he tells you what he genuinely thinks of you at the moment. "You look great in red", "i'm proud of what you did there", "i love you, y'know that right?", "you look so gorgeous, i'm lucky to have you" and physical touch; because he's totally convinced he can't live without you by his side. Jason would want to be next or near you at any given chance, he'll have you scooted beside him while he reads a book or gently rub his hand against your thigh when he's focused on a movie. Your presence alone gives him the comfort he's always longing for in nights that he's away from home, and you'd glady give it to him.
Very protective over you
It's probably a known fact that Jason is a protective person but when it comes to you he can be over the top in making sure you're okay (especially when you're also a vigilante/hero working with him.) You'll always have to assure him that you're fine and not bleeding to death with a papercut or when you accidentlly stub your toe against the bed. But when you're also a crime-fighter like him, best believe he'll always have you stay and guarded behind him. You had to explain so many times that you could also take care of yourself like he can, though it's understandable why he acts that way most of the time.
Acts all tough, but melts when you're around
Around the times when Jason still had a lil crush on you, he'd never let his guard down and likes to appear cold or tough. But once you were dating he's an absolute shy babe even with the smallest gestures or compliments you give him. He'd only crack a smile at the side comments you make but is mentally falling apart. Or when he can't keep up the act he simply dips his head in the corner of your neck and stay there til he stops blushing like a teen getting his first kiss.
Is a part of the sassy man apocalypse
Sometimes, you question if this man is simply your bestfriend or your boyfriend of how many years. The amount of bickering the two of you end up having is like watching two friends fight over peanut butter vs chocolate. You'd suggest a book you've been reading that he absolutely despises and have a debate right there and then. It's almost like that one Friends scene when Joey and Rachel were giving spoilers back to back at each other LMAO. The man also has an unhealthy habit of popping a hip whenever he stands, your gallery would probably be filled with pictures of him in that stance alone.
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luveline · 7 months
hi bae, just wondering if you could write something like roommate!marauders and reader with anxiety where everytime one of them goes out she gets really worried that’s somethings gonna happen to them and waits up for them and just feels like a burden when she calls to make sure they’re alright and just general anxiety things and them being so sweet about it
love u
love u too♡
cw death related anxiety
“Hey, Remus?” you ask tentatively. 
Your housemate lays across the sofa with his dinner half eaten on the coffee table and a book tented on his chest. He's ignoring both in favour of the television, a rerun of Family Fortunes turning the sofa cushions and his pale skin a light blue. 
He drags his blue-tinged gaze from the subtitles to your frowning. “What's wrong?” he asks. You're surprised he heard you over the sound of Sirius’ stereo echoing down the stairs. 
“Where did James say he was going?” 
“I think he said he'd be at the gym for an hour now he's not in work. Want me to call him?” 
“Why would you call him?” you ask, instead of saying yes, please, like you want to. 
“You're worrying again.” 
They know how you are. It doesn't mean they have to understand —it isn't logical to think James is hurt because he hasn't been home today yet, and none of them are required to humour you in your worry, but they always do. 
You feel sick as he takes his phone from his pocket. You've convinced yourself that James is dead, that his car curled around a bend too quickly on the drive in the rain, or that something happened at the gym, or that he never made it there at all, had a fit in the car park outside of work. Even as you think it, you know it's implausible, unlikely, just a repetitive negative anxiety worming its way into your head, but you can't make it stop. 
James doesn't answer the first time, which doesn't help, and then when he does answer the second time you're waiting for bad news. Remus smiles as he talks. “Hello? Jamie?”
James doesn't need speak phone to be heard. “Remus! I'm at the gym, what's happening?”
Remus wrinkles his nose. “What's happening? Since when do you say that?”
“What's up?” James corrects. “I'm on my way out of the gym, can you talk? You can keep me company while I drive.” 
Remus holds out the phone to you. 
“Remus?” James asks into the room. You take the phone before he can hang up, and decide to be honest, but the words get stuck like toffee between your teeth. “Hello?” 
“Hey,” you say, sending Remus a grateful look. He moves over to make room on settee for you, and his arm wraps familiarly around your shoulders as you settle in. He turns his attention back to his show. 
“Oh my god hey, angel. Remus okay?” 
“I was making him ring you, sorry. I thought… you know what I'm like. It's getting late and you aren't home, and I know I don't have the right to pester you about where you are.”
“Yeah you do,” James says, his voice louder, like his mouth is very close to the microphone. “Course you do. I'd worry too if you weren't home yet.” 
“I do this all the time, though.”
Just last week he and Sirius were out late and you'd panicked that they'd both been hurt. You stayed up until almost one in the morning waiting for them to get home from a music shop in the city, each minute after eleven like a shot of ice water in your veins. Sirius jumped when he saw you waiting in the living room, but then he'd given you a hug and rubbed at your shoulders roughly. You didn't wait up for us, did you? 
“It's worse lately, yeah?” James asks. You hum non-committal, and Remus gives you a squeeze in typical Remus fashion. You hadn't even realised he was listening, but his support makes this easier. “You're worrying about us more.”
“Yeah,” you say. “I don't know why. And it sucks because I know it's making me a lot to deal with.” 
“I would one thousand percent prefer it if you rang me then sat there worrying. That would make me feel better. And Remus and Sirius feel the same way, okay? We could all stand to ring each other a bit more anyways.” 
You rub your nose into your hand. “Sorry,” you mumble. 
“There's no need to be. I love you, ‘n I just want you to be happy. If a phone call can make that happen then why shouldn't you do it? And it's not like they're a big imposition, I like talking to you. We all do.”
James is home from the gym what could only be ten minutes later, and he leans over the back of the settee to kiss your forehead chasely. “Here we are, all safe and well.” 
“You haven't seen Sirius yet,” Remus points out.
“I can bloody well hear him. What is he listening to? Is that U2?” James shakes his head in disgust. “I can see why you were so worried I wasn't coming home. Let me go put a stop to that immediately.” 
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rafesfavgirl · 2 months
not like you — r. cameron
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part 1. part 2. part 3. part 4. sorry this took so long y'all, school's been kicking my ass :')
❝ get my car door, isn't that sweet? then pull me to thе backseat no onе's ever had me, not like you ❞
pairing: rafe cameron x pogue!reader
context: after a few dates with rafe, he finally asks you to go midsummers with him as his girlfriend.
words: 2.9k+
warnings: jealous!jj, bitchy!kie, jealous!rafe, alcohol use, p in v sex, unprotected sex, oral m receiving, pretty fluffy, SMUT with a cute little plot bc soft!rafe is soooooo bf material
"so… i've actually been meaning to ask you something," rafe pulls his truck to a stop in front of your house and turns to look at you.
it was the middle of the night and the two of you had just gotten back from getting froyo, after he texted you asking whether you wanted to go with him to get some on his way home from topper's.
"what's up?" you ask, eyes scanning his face, which donned a look of apprehension.
was he nervous?
a chuckle escapes his lips as he glances down, hand fiddling with yours on top of your thigh. "well, we've been going out for a few weeks now…" he started.
"yeah?" a small smile comes across your lips—never in a million years did you think you'd be making rafe cameron, of all people, act like this.
"and you've met my friends," his eyes meet yours, blue irises twinkling. "and my sisters…"
"rafe, what is it?"
"i was wondering if you'd consider going to midsummers with me," he says, a smile pulling at the corner of his lips. "you know… as a couple."
you tilt your head to the side, and kink an eyebrow. "rafe cameron, are you asking me to be your girlfriend?"
he shakes his head at your teasing, and playfully rolls his eyes, thumb rubbing against the top of your hand. "depends, are you saying yes?"
"i don't know," you shrug. "i mean, you're a kook, i'm a pogue. we come from totally different worlds. not to mention i just got out of a year-long relationship and…" you trail off when the look on his face turns sour, clearly thinking you were serious.
"oh, i'm just kidding," you chuckle, nudging his arm.
"you're not funny," he tells you, but you know by the way his eyes light up again that he's relieved.
"i'd love to go to midsummers with you," you smile.
"as my girlfriend?"
"yes, baby," you nod, leaning in so your lips are just hovering above his. "as your girlfriend."
rafe closes the distance, lips meeting yours in a way that make all the butterflies flutter in your stomach, as his other hand comes up to tangle in your hair.
"come inside for a bit," you smile against him, lips only leaving his long enough for you to get the words out.
"your parents won't mind?"
you shake your head, "they're sleeping."
“y/n!” sarah immediately comes up to greet you when rafe opens your door and helps you step out, making sure your dress doesn’t snag.
“hey, sare,” you return her hug, but your eyes linger behind her head to john b’s parked twinkie in the parking lot.
…what the hell?
“hey, y/n,” when he rounds the twinkie, dressed nicer than you’ve ever seen him dressed, and comes over to stand beside sarah, it clicks in your head.
“no way,” you shake your head, eyes shifting between them when you break your hug with sarah.
sarah shrugs with a smile, hand intertwining with john b’s. “way.”
“but i thought you were with topper,” you say. “how did-“
“a’ight, as much as i’d love to hear about my sister’s love life, we gotta go,” rafe interrupts you, hand sliding across your exposed lower back, making your head turn towards him, as a chill runs down your spine, your weight shifting from one leg to the other.
“right,” you nod, his intoxicating presence completely making you forget about sarah and john b.
he gives you a small push towards the club and begins to lead you inside, sarah and john b trailing closely behind you. 
once again, you’re caught off guard when you follow rafe outside with your hand in his, the back garden of the island club decked out in twinkling lights and hysterias like it was pulled straight out of a fairytale.
"holy shit," you mutter, causing rafe to look at you with a smile.
"you like?"
"are you kidding?" your wide eyes meet his, as you both descend the steps of the back porch. "this is insane."
"come on," he nods his head to the side, and begins leading you toward his dad, rose, and wheezie. "you can meet my dad."
while the two of you had been messing around for about a month now, and you had even attended a brunch at the club with him two weeks ago, he'd been apprehensive to officially introduce you to ward. not that you thought it was a big deal—everyone in the obx already knew who he was.
"dad," rafe greets him with a smile; you glued to his side. "this is y/n."
"so you're the girl i've been hearing so much about," ward smiles at you and holds out a hand. "ward cameron."
you place your free hand in his for a quick handshake, relief washing over you when you realize he isn't the monster you thought he was—at least, if he was, he surely hid it well with that friendly smile.
"y/n y/l/n," you tell him. "it's nice to meet you."
"you too," he nods. "nice to finally put a face to the name. you kids enjoy yourselves."
"thank you," you reply, as rafe pulls you away towards kelce and topper by the bar.
"well, well, what do we have here?" topper smiles at the two of you and sips on a glass of what you assume to be whiskey. "is it official?"
"something like that," you smile back, leaning into rafe and tilting your head up to look at him, his eyes twinkling as they locked with yours.
"y'all want something or what?" the sound of jj's bitter voice pulls you out of your haze, when he walks up behind topper and kelce and leans his hands against the bar counter.
there was just no escaping him.
his eyes meet yours when top and kelce step aside to give him a full view of you and rafe, dressed in matching colors with your hands intertwined.
a smug smirk comes across rafe's lips, realizing just how quickly the tables had turned. though he'd never admit it, he'd always had a thing for you ever since he saw you waitressing at the wreck that one time you agreed to help kie with the lunch rush. a part of him always hated that jj got to you first, but that didn't matter now. because he was the one standing beside you tonight. not jj. 
"just a glass of whiskey for me, man," he says, before looking down at you. "anything for you, doll?"
"i'll take a glass of wine," you nod at him, pulling your eyes away from jj. rafe was the guy in your life now.
"you heard her," rafe tells jj. "and make it white wine. the most expensive kind you've got."
you playfully roll your eyes at his antics—he clearly just wanted jj to know how much he liked to spoil you—but don't argue when he hands you your glass.
"i'll be back," you whisper to him. "i'm gonna go find sarah."
"okay, baby," he nods, leaning down to place his lips on yours. "save me a dance, though."
jj rolls his eyes behind the bar and scoffs, tongue poking at his cheek as he poured another drink for kelce.
you choose to ignore him, and smile up at your new boyfriend instead. "you got it."
"is this a pogue reunion i see?" you couldn't help taking a detour from finding sarah to walk up to pope and john b by the grill that pope was working.
"maybe for you," pope shrugs, and john b agrees, pointing the neck of his beer bottle towards you before taking a sip. "we're together everyday."
"alright, touché," you nod, a hand reaching out to bump john b's chest. "i didn't know you cleaned up so well, dude."
"look who's talking," john b says, eyes trailing up and down the baby blue dress you're wearing. "you look more like a kook than anyone here."
you roll your eyes and shake your head. "shut the fuck up."
"i'm totally serious," he chuckles. "you look good, y/n. happy."
you sigh, not being able to help the smile that spreads across your lips. "i am."
"good," he returns your smile. "that's how it should be."
"and what about you?" you tease, nudging his arm with your elbow. "mr. sarah cameron… how the hell did that happen?"
he shrugs, "i don't know, it kinda just did."
a small laugh leaves your mouth. "hmm. who would've thought, huh? you and me with kooks?"
"definitely wasn't on my list of things that would happen this year," he shakes his head, chuckling.
"where is she, anyway?"
"she went to go find you, actually," he says.
"damn, i should go find her then," you reply. "but text me, yeah? i've missed y'all."
half-engaged in conversation with topper and kelce across the garden by the bar, rafe's eyes focus on you, as you throw your head back in a giggle at something john b and pope had said, his grip on his glass tightening. his tongue moves to poke at his cheek when you throw an arm around john b in a hug, and then pope, the ugly green monster inside him threatening to make an appearance, as he brings the glass up to his lips and downs the rest of his whiskey.
"face it, man," jj tuts, refilling his drink when he sets it down on the counter. "she's known us longer than you. it's not gonna last."
"just fill up my glass and shut the fuck up, a'ight?" rafe throws him a glare. "no one asked you."
you enter the bathroom to pee after failing to find sarah again—where the hell could she have possibly gone?—the two wine glasses you had finally catching up to you.
"you've got some nerve showing your face here," kiara's voice fills your ears when you move towards the sink to wash your hands.
when you look up at the mirror, you find her standing behind you. "you're one to talk," you turn off the sink and reach for some paper towards to dry your hands, as you turned to look at her. "weren't you against all these events because they're so ‘tone-deaf'?"
she scoffs and shakes her head. "you're pathetic, you know that? taking jj from me, dumping him for rafe…" this psycho bitch. "then turning him, john b and pope against me…" wait, what? "i mean— seriously, y/n, are you really that desperate for attention?"
you let out a sigh to keep your composure—she wasn't worth the energy it took to stoop down to her level. despite what she and jj had put you through, you were happy. she wasn't taking that away from you.
"i hate to break it to you, but if the boys aren't talking to you, it has nothing to do with me," you tell her. "maybe they just realized who you really are." you shrug, taking a step towards her. "you're a shitty person, kiara. you can try and blame me all you want, but you dug your own grave."
"lie in it," you cut her off. "and while you're at it, leave me alone."
you don't allow her to get another word in before walking away, leaving her alone in the bathroom with her own thoughts.
damn that felt good.
"hey stranger," you lean down and snake the arm not holding a glass of wine around rafe's neck, your hand landing on his chest, as he sat at an empty table with a glass of whiskey, sulking.
"done talking to your other boyfriends?" he asks, raising his glass up to his lips.
you tilt your head at him, eyebrows furrowing. "what?"
"i saw you flirting with john b and pope," he says, setting his drink down on the table, as his eyes finally met yours.
they didn't look angry though, more like… sad?
"you thought i was flirting?" you ask, moving to sit in the seat beside him. "they're my friends, babe. i haven't seen them in a while, we were just catching up."
"didn't look like that when you were giggling and hugging them," his eyes avert to his glass on the table, his finger tracing along its rim.
"oh my god," you chuckle, half-amused by his behavior. "are you jealous?"
"why would i be jealous?" he shrugs you off, still refusing to have his eyes meet yours again. "if it's them you want, that's cool."
you sigh, and place a hand on his. "come dance with me."
to your surprise, he doesn't resist when you take his hand in yours and stand up to lead him towards the dance floor, as the band began to play an instrumental rendition of taylor swift's you are in love.
your hands lock behind rafe's neck, while his hands snake around your waist, pulling you close to him, as the two of you slowly began to sway along with the music.
"you're crazy, you know that?" you ask, fingers entwining with the hair on the back of his head.
"how's that?"
"for thinking i'd flirt with someone else when i'm here with you," you say.
"they've known you longer than me," he shrugs. "it's not that crazy."
"i guess,” you shrug. “but you’re forgetting something.”
his eyebrows furrow. “what?”
“they’re not you,” your lips pull together in a smile. "i mean, sure, i've known them longer. yes, we're friends, but they don't hold a candle to you, alright? no one's ever made me feel the way you do."
and it was true. your entire relationship with jj, there was always an uneasy feeling in the depths of your stomach that made you feel like there was always someone else—and it was right, because there was kie. but with rafe? he made you feel like the only girl in the world. it was healing.
"not even jj?"
you chuckle and shake your head. "not even jj."
"and how do i make you feel, doll?" his head tilts to the side, an amused look on his face.
a smirk comes across your lips, eyes locking with his. "how 'bout i show you?"
"shit, baby, what's gotten into you?" rafe smirks against your lips, your body rolling against him and your fingers entwined in his hair.
the two of you were now in the backseat of his truck, tongues dancing together while his hands roamed over your body.
you shrug, jokingly. "wine."
"damn," he muttered. "should get you wine drunk more often."
without your lips ever leaving his, one of your hands trail down his body to slide over the hardness under his pants, eliciting a groan from him.
he pulls away and shakes his head at you, the look in his eyes hungrier than you've ever seen them. "don't tease me, pretty girl."
"i don't plan to," you smirk, hands coming between the two of you to begin unbuckling his belt.
you pull away from him and he leans back on the seat, as you position yourself on your knees, hands working at his belt to pull down his slacks and boxers. his cock springs free and you immediately wrap your fingers around it, rafe's hand landing on your ass to give it a squeeze.
you slowly lean down to take him in your mouth, your mouth swirling around his length as you cupped his balls with your hand.
"fuckkkk," rafe groans, hand trailing up to gather your hair in a makeshift ponytail. "just like that, doll."
you lick up his length and swirl your tongue around his tip, making his head tilt back as he began guiding your head to bob up and down.
you feel the tip of his cock hit the back of your throat and you gag, only making rafe hotter.
you release him from your mouth, and tilt your head up to look at him as you began stroking his length up and down. "you gonna cum for me, baby?"
"uh-uh," rafe shakes his head and grabs your hand to stop you, before grabbing you by the waist to sit up so he could untie the back of your dress and pull it off you, until it's lying on the floor of his truck. "come ride me, pretty girl."
he guides your hips to move over him, and you place your hand over his shoulders, your soaked center hovering right above his length.
he doesn't give you the chance to tease him, and immediately pushed you down, his entire length sinking into you and making you throw your head back.
you begin rocking your hips against him and he groans, one hand moving up to grab your tit.
"oh rafe," you moan, your orgasm inching closer and closer as you tangle a hand into his hair and lean against him.
his lips connect to your neck and begins trailing wet kisses, his fingers pinching your nipple and heightening the pleasure you were already feeling.
"so close, baby," rafe whispers against you. "you gonna cum with me?"
"mhm," you nod, barely coherent as your high washes over you.
you tremble when rafe shoots his load and keeps you steady, his head falling against your shoulder.
"did that answer your question?" you pant.
you feel his smirk on your skin before he picks his head up to look at you. "oh yeah."
"and how do you feel about me?"
he brings a hand up and pushes you hair back, eyes scanning every inch of your face. "you're everything."
anddddd that concludes this little series... i think. i've considered writing an epilogue but it'd take place several years after this, so let me know if that's something y'all are even interested in. but until then, i'm very excited to start working on some new fics, so stay tuned :)
reblogs and comments are deeply appreciated <33
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buckyalpine · 10 months
Hello and hope you are doing well!! I was wondering if you could do smut story where the reader get more than she bargained for when telling Bucky that his dark side could do a better job at certain things. Also your stories are amazing ❤️🖤
Bucky gives you what you ask
YESSS. Thank you bb, Im so sorry this took forever and I hope you see this, I loved this so much. And as always I got so lost in it. Good God. He is dirty, dirty here.
You loved the way Bucky loved you. He was so soft, gentle, took care of all your needs without leaving behind a single mark on your delicate skin. Bucky was nothing more than a soft sweet thing, slowly getting back into his boyish 40's charm, a gentleman at all times. If you didn't know about his past, you would've never guessed he'd have another side to him.
But you'd seen the shift in his demeanor whenever he'd train in the gym and even more so when he was out on the field. The way his eyes would narrow with laser like focus when hitting his targets, the way he wouldn't flinch when putting a bullet between their eyes. His face would be expressionless when his metal arm would wrap around their throat, slowly draining life out of them, parts of the Winter Soldier still running deep in his veins.
And how badly you craved to have that side of him take you apart.
"What is it sweets" Bucky watched you fidget with the buckles of his tac suit, helping him undress after he'd just returned after a mission. There was something about him in his all black straps, leather and weapons that made your knees weak. It didn't help that his beard had started to fill out, the ends of his hair starting to curl at the nape of his neck. "You okay?"
You adore how attentive he is even when he's exhausted after weeks away from home but you wished just for once, he'd choke you with his metal arm instead of just hugging you with it.
"I want-" You paused for a second before continuing, "I want more"
"More of what doll" Bucky's wide puppy eyes were filled with worry; he made sure to always pay attention to your needs and he'd do anything to make you happy. "Tell me, you know I'd do anything"
"Just- take more control, be more rough with me" You weren't sure how you wanted to explain yourself but your body knew exactly what it needed, growing hotter by the second the longer he stood there in his tac suit before you. He let out a soft chuckle when he realized what you meant, laying down his knifes off to the side on the dressed.
"I had you moaning my name before I left doll" Bucky playfully rolled his eyes while you huffed, your sexual frustration only growing more when he tossed off his Kevlar leaving him in his tight black tshirt.
"Well the Winter Solider would have me screaming" You shrug, not noticing the way Bucky froze, now staring at you without blinking. "I think that side of you would do a better job at certain things, Buck"
"You don't want to see that side of me sweets" Bucky tried to keep his voice neutral, ignoring the way his cock was already throbbing in his pants, straining painfully against the thick fabric.
"But what if I do?" you challenged back, taking a step back when he moved forward, slowly backing you against the wall of your shared bedroom.
"Doll..." He warned, squeezing his eyes shut trying to collect himself, his fingers twitching at his sides. "That's not a good idea"
"Why not, think the Winter Soldier wouldn't be able to make me feel as good?" You added a taunt to your voice, hoping to rile him up, his chest now nearly pressing against yours, caging you against the wall.
"Is that so" Bucky tested the water slowly, still wanting to give you an out if you needed one because he wasn't going to be able to hold back once he started. You nodded, heart hammering against your chest as he took in a deep breath, his jaw clenched.
"As you wish sweets" He whispered by your ear, the tip of his cool metal knife suddenly pressing against your throat. Your eyes grew wide at the fact that he'd slipped it into his hand so swiftly, you hadn't noticed. "If you want me to stop, say Brooklyn, understand?"
"Yes" You squeaked, while he dragged it till it rested under your chin, tilting your head up to look meet his darkened eyes. Without a word, he sliced down your blouse, ripping away at the material that caught in the middle. He didn't give you a chance to speak, his hands grabbing the edges of your bra, splitting it into two before tearing your leggings into pieces next.
You were complete naked within seconds, suddenly feeling exposed under his gaze, still fully dressed himself. Bucky had seen you naked countless times, in fact you'd change in front of him without a care in the world, always giggling at the cute blush he'd have on his cheeks.
But this wasn't the same.
Not even the slightest.
He tossed you over his shoulder and threw you on the bed letting you bounce off the mattress while he stood at the edge.
"Spread your legs"
It wasn't a request. It was a demand.
Bucky looked like he wanted to devour you. This was the same man that had his head between your legs more times than you could count but he was staring at you like he'd never seen you before. You shrunk back, squeezing your thighs together at the low growl he made, grasping your ankles and splitting them apart till you were completely exposed to him, your wet folds giving away how turned on you were. He fumbled with the button of his pants, unzipping them and pulling them down just enough to free his cock, his palm and fingers swiping up your pussy to gather you slick, slathering it over his erection.
"Such a pretty baby with such a pretty pussy"
You bit back a whine as he started to jerk his cock, circling the tip with his thumb, spreading his own arousal around. He took a step back to admire you, his eyes shamelessly raking up and down till he was satisfied with his fill. He moved to lay on top of you, his nose trailing along the column of your neck, inhaling your soft scent. There was something so feral about him, you stayed frozen in place while his hands found their way to your waist, squeezing the soft flesh.
"I'll show you exactly what you've been missing out on" He nipping your earlobe before crawling off you again to throw off the rest of his clothes. "God, I've wanted this for so long"
There was no prep, no foreplay, no soft kisses and sweet words. Bucky grabbed your hips, manhandling you till your face was pressed against the mattress, his swollen cockhead prodding at your fluttering pussy. He let out a dark chuckle, swiping his cock up and down through your folds, pressing his tip against your clit.
"Bucky, fuck me" You were desperate to feel him inside you, wiggling your hips as best as you could to get him to push it in you but you were instead met with a harsh slap to your ass, the cool metal making your skin sting.
"Impatient little slut" He shook his head, taking both your wrists and twisting them behind your back, He held them in one hand while the other snaked up tp grab your hair, tugging it tight from the roots. "Beg. Beg me to fuck you"
"P-Please Bucky, want it!"
"You want who to fuck you princess, say it, tell me exactly whose cock you want to ruin you"
"Yours soldat, please, want you, please fuck me solda-FUCKK" Bucky slammed his cock into you without warning, setting in a brutal pace that had you gasping for air. His balls smacked you with each thrust, the grip he had on your wrists and hair tightening for better leverage.
"I fuck needed this" His head was thrown back, his thighs meeting the back of yours as he fucked you harder than ever before, the squelching of your pussy making a sticky, dirty mess all over him. "You have no. Fucking. Idea. how fucking hard is it every time I fuck you"
His words were punctuated with harsh thrusts, growling at the way you'd already started to flutter around him as he hit your cervix. Your jaw was slack from surprise and pleasure, pathetic moans and whimpers replacing your words.
"Do you? Do you have any idea how hard it is for me to hold back kotenok? How hard is it for me to not fuck your brains out when I'm deep in such a tight pussy? How badly I want to rail you, YA tak dolgo khotel tebya trakhnut" [I wanted to fuck you so hard for so long]
You'd never hard Bucky speak Russian, not once but his filthy mouth didn't stop as he continued to rail you, foreign curses dripping from his mouth.
"You think I'm such a gentleman don't you, huh? You remember the first time we had sex princess? how I made love to you? How slow it was, how you moaned when I put my cock in you for the first time?"
"Y-yes" Your body was slack against the bed, only held up because Bucky was gripping onto you with a bruising hold.
"I made love to you that night, didn't I. But I like to fuck baby, especially you, I've wanted to fuck this pussy for so long, ruin it all just for me"
You were suddenly flipped over again, whining when you felt empty, only to be filled right back up again seconds later when Bucky laid on his back, pulling you to straddle on top of him. He planted his feet against the mattress, not giving you a chance to move, fucking up into you, the angle of his hips rubbing against that sensitive spot inside you.
"Oh-oh f-fuckk" tears streamed down your face as he tweaked your nipples between his fingers before wrapping his hand around your throat. He muffled your sobs, slipping his thumb between your lips, shoving it down your mouth till you drooled.
"You look so pretty when you cry kotenok, is it too much?" He taunted, squeezing your throat tighter, "Don't think I haven't noticed the way you stare at my arm princess, I always knew you were a needy little slut deep down You wanted this though, hm? Wanted my fat cock to ruin you till you wouldn't be able to walk?"
"I-oh god-fe-els good I-gonna cummm" You could barely formulate sentence, practically squealing when Bucky rolled over once again, this time tossing your legs over his shoulders, his hand snaking down to rub your swollen clit.
"Gonna cum, are you princess? Who do you belong to, say it, who fucks you this good?!"
"Y-You Bu-"
A harsh slap to your cheek made your pussy clench, Bucky's blue eyes dilated to rings, a feral expression his face as he smacked your face once more making you sob out of pleasure again.
"That's not whose fucking right now you is it?! Tell me, say it"
"YOU SOLDAT" You wailed as he continued to thrust into your puffy, overstimulated pussy, getting his teeth, grabbing onto the headboard as it slammed against the wall.
"That's right kotenok, you belong to him now" Bucky let his body weight fall onto you, bringing his knees up and pounding you deep against the bed, his own pace growing sloppy, balls pulling tighter towards his body. "Gonna give you all of his cum sweets, gonna fill this slutty desperate cunt with all of my cum, that's what you want isn't it? To be a little cum dump for the Winter Soldier?"
Bucky's mind went somewhere else, back to the first time he'd seen you, still as the Soldier, back when the team first discovered him. Back when his brain was fried but you had remined seared in his mind. Back when his mission was to finish you but some part deep down inside him wanted something else he didn't understand.
"God, where were you all those nights I had to touch myself alone, when I needed something warm and tight to cum in? huh? Bet you didn't know that huh princess? didn't know that the Soldier lusted after the pretty bunny that tried to take him down?"
Your eyes grew wide at his confession, pleasure desperate to snap within seconds.
"Did you know the winter soldier wanted to fuck you bunny? Did you know he'd jerk off when no one was watching? Had no idea what was going on Bunny, just remember my cock aching so bad, leaking so damn much. Nothing made it better until I touched myself. Didn't even know what I was doing, just fucked my fist while I thought about how pretty you looked in that tac suit, came all over my sheets like a little boy"
"I-fuck-Can-can I cum soldat?" You clung onto him, whimpering at the way you had to desperately hold back from gushing all over the sheets, his words too much, you couldn't take it any more.
"Go a head and cum princess, takoy khoroshiy kotonok" [such a good little kitten] He nipped up your neck, rubbing your clit faster, moaning with you as you started to cum around his cock. His movements didn't stop, fucking you through your high till your body jolted under him, the smell of sex heavy in the room.
"S-S'too much" You hiccupped while Bucky continued to fuck you like a man with no morals.
"Too much? It's too much for you kitten? Don't worry, gonna fill you up so good baby, where, where do you want to soldat to cum?!"
"Inside!" You cried out, locking your ankles around his waist, your slurred sob turned into a guttural moan when he pinched your clit between his fingers.
"Here it comes kotenok, got so much cum for you, it's gonna drip baby, get ready, here it comes, here it fuckin' comes- OH FUUCCKKK" Bucky roared against your neck before stilling, his cock throbbing and twitching, hot seeding feeling you up till it leaked. You were practically floating, too fucked out to realize He'd gently gotten off you and cradled you close.
"Are you okay pretty girl?" Bucky cooed, snapping back into the sweetheart that he was, the switch over leaving you reeling with your eyes still crossed. "My poor baby"
Bucky chuckled at your dazed expression, cuddling you up to his chest, caressing your sweat slicked skin.
"Come back to me princess" He pulled the covers up to warm you up in his arms, resting you carefully against the pillows. "My good girl, you did so good for me angel, m'so proud of you, so good"
You whimpered in response, curling up against him, your body still jolting and pulsing.
"Was it too much angel?" His brows furrowed with concern, cupping your cheek to look at him. He kissed away the now dry tear tracks that stained your face, his thumb swiping over your hot skin.
"Never" You rasped out, your voice raw from screaming, "Was perfect Soldat"
"You're perfect angel" Bucky grinned, stroking your spine while you continued to snuggle into him, his cock already twitching at the thought of another round. "My perfect little kotenok"
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mikwaa · 11 months
I want to increase our family!
Featuring: Kazuha, Childe, Diluc, Zhongli, Kaveh
Prompt: They ask you to have a child!
Warnings: Fem! Reader, fluff, too much romace on this,established relationship/marriage.
A/n: For some reason these headcannons are one of my favorites! Besides that this is one of my favorites brainrots.
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Kazuha, would be quite shy to ask you for this, even if it was something he wanted very much. He didn't know how you would take the news, even if he had been daydreaming about the idea for a while. "My dear, I want to talk to you." He calls you, rather fearfully. His heart was beating so fast, even he wondered why he was so nervous. You sat down on the couch with him, and even without talking to him you could see that he was anxious. "What's wrong?" You squeeze one of his hands, making him look at you. He swallows, then gives a silly little smile, "I wish there was someone else here, not just the two of us." And he regrets it right after he speaks, how could he have been so clumsy with a simple sentence? "Are you thinking of bringing someone to live here?" Your confused face already said perfectly that you hadn't understood anything. "N-no, no." He sighed, why the hell was this so embarrassing? You hold his face, looking at him with a frown, "You look weird, what's wrong?" "I want to grow our family, I really do." He holds both your hands, gripping tightly. You smiled with confusion at first, but after seeing his expression you understood what he meant. "… Do you mean kids?" And now it was you who was nervous, even though you two had been married for a while, it was different when this conversation comes up like this. "Yes, I would love to. I'd love you to carry my children." And he was so sincere, so kind. Even if he was in a cold sweat, completely nervous. He was still all cautious with you. You gave a blown smile, it was so special to hear him talking to you like that. He was more than ready to take that step, and he wanted to very much. "You have no idea how much I want to." You smiled beautifully, and he grabbed you in a hug so strong, so genuine. "We'll be the best parents, you can be sure." He assures you. And about that you could have no doubt, Kazuha would do everything to be the best father possible. He would work hard from the time you were pregnant until the time the baby was born, and he couldn't wait for that moment. You were very special to him, and he would settle down and live happily with the family he would make with you, the love of his life.
Since early morning Kaveh was pacing around, he was anxiously waiting for you to come home. Lately he could only think of one thing, he wanted to have kids with you, he just didn't know how to bring it up. His face flickered as soon as he heard the sound of the door opening, it was you who had just arrived. "My sweetheart, how was your day?" It was the first thing he always asked you, regardless. "It was good as far as possible, and you?" You give him a little kiss, and he returns it. "It was great, great. I wanted to talk about something with you." He says reluctantly, he felt so nervous. You look at him a little puzzled, precisely because he seems a little tense, "About what? Did something happen?" "It's because I wanted to grow our family, you know? Something beyond the two of us." And there he was, he had prepared so much, but the words seemed to come out all messed up. You look at him with a frown and ask, "Do you want a pet? Don't tell me you want to bring those desert foxes home." You say smiling, squeezing his cheeks. "The foxes? Pffff, no, that wasn't quite it." He gives one of those nervous laughs, his gaze a little confused. "Then what? Any of the street dogs you've seen around? Or was it a kitten?" And he was getting more and more clumsy, how could he say that? He took a deep breath, closing his eyes and relaxing a bit, thinking to himself 'it's going to be okay Kaveh, you can do it.' He hugs you, holding you tight and close to him, and then he whispers, "We've been married for a while now, and I was wondering if you could give me the joy of having a copy of ourselves running around this house." And your eyes widened at what he said, now you understood what he meant. "Do you want to have kids with me?" You stammered, it turned out you felt as afraid as he did. He pulled back a little and looked at you, his eyes filled with love, "Yes my dear, I want to very much." Your heart beat so fast, you knew that at some point he would ask you for it, Kaveh was always very good with children. "'B-but you don't have to feel pressured, in case you don't want to-" "Of course I do, my darling, I want it as much as you do." His face lit up, he smiled happily, the kind of smile that made you mesmerized. He takes you in his arms and gives you a twirl, "I'm going to be the best dad in the world, and you're going to be the best mom!" From now on, the only thing he would talk about was the baby, he couldn't wait to see you pregnant. He would prepare the best outfits, the best room, he would give everything of the best quality to the child, and of course the main thing, love.
Ever since Diluc asked you to marry him, he was sure that he wanted to have a family with you. And he thinks it's high time to talk to you about it, and he was so nervous, it was still something he didn't know if you wanted, and he was eager for an answer. And he had been thinking all day about a way to broach the subject, and now that he was coming home it seemed he had forgotten everything he had planned. He came into the house, and went straight to your shared bedroom. And there you were, reading the book while waiting for him, his heart warmed every time he came home and saw you, no matter how long you were together, the feeling was always the same. "My love, you came home late today." And as always you welcome him with a smile, opening your arms to cuddle him. And there he went, snuggled in your arms, feeling at home. "Have you ever thought about adding to our family?" was the first thing he said, as always Diluc was direct, although he wanted to be a little more delicate this time. You were disconcerted by the sudden question, was he referring to a kitten you had been taking care of for a week? "Oh, you mean the cat? I was going to talk to you, I really want to bring him to our house." He grunted, and you realized that wasn't what he meant. "No, of course you can bring the kitten if you want, it's your house too after all." He raised his face, leaning his forehead on yours, "I'm talking about us, about having a baby." His face was so red, and yet he looked at you so tenderly. And you're surprised, and then you find yourself smiling like a fool. "So that's why you've been distant lately? You've been thinking about it all week, haven't you?" You stroke his red strands, as he wraps his arms around you. "Yes, I was thinking of a way to ask you that, in a way that was more…. Gentle. I guess I failed." He says in a sigh, and you can't help and end up letting out a laugh. "You have that way about you, I couldn't have asked for it in a better way. I'm ready, I really want it." You caressed his face, gently tracing your fingers over his cheeks. He gave a sweet smile, relieved even. He came over and kissed you, full of love and affection. "I love you, very much. Thank you for that." He murmurs as he lays you down on the bed gently. Diluc would be an exemplary father, unmatched in every way. Just as he was a perfect husband, and he would look forward to seeing a little child running around that big house. He couldn't wait to see you pregnant, carrying his little ones. And he would arrange to have you pregnant as soon as possible.
"So my love, what do you think of kids?" Out of the blue, that's how he would start this conversation. All you did was look at him confused, you believed he was talking about his siblings, he had talked about trying to bring them to live with the two of you. "I like them, but why the question? Do you want to bring your siblings to visit us?" You looked at him, and he had a little smile on his lips. He ran a hand through his hair, and then said, "I do too, but I don't mean that. What do you think about having our own child?" And he wasn't the least bit embarrassed, quite the contrary. And you blushed a little, as you instinctively put your hand on your belly, "So you want to?" As if you had asked the question with the most obvious answer he nodded, quickly moving closer to you. "Can you imagine these little ones running around the house? I can't wait to play with one of them." And now you understood why during the week he had been buying baby things, clothes, socks, shoes, bottles. Every little thing you could imagine. "What do you mean, one of them?" He had already talked about his desire, and he had respected the fact that you didn't feel ready yet. But that didn't say he was going to tell you about it every chance he got. "I want more than one, don't you?" Childe was a man who wanted a big family, and if you wanted it that way too, there would be lots of little ones in that house. You laughed and put your hands on his neck, ruffling his hair. "You're eager, aren't you? Ever since we got married you've been talking about it." He wrapped his arms around your waist, "It's just the thought of seeing you pregnant, of having a smaller version of you. I can't help myself!" He kisses you, sweet and calm. "Then we should try to have one of our own, don't you think?" With a smile from corner to corner you say it, and he's soon completely overjoyed. As if you've just given him the happiest news in the world. He scoops you up in his arms, giving you a tight hug, "Right! right! I saw a store that sells stuff for kids, I can show you!" And he's already talking as if you're pregnant, eyes shining with the purest enthusiasm. "You'll show me later, you've bought quite a lot of stuff like that this week haven't you?" You ask him in a laugh, and then he puts you down. "It wasn't that much, just a few things." And he kissed you again, he just couldn't help himself after receiving such news. In the middle of the kiss he murmurs, "I'm going to spoil you rotten, you know that right?" As if he needed to say that, he already spoils you normally, pregnant then. Prepare your ears, because you would only hear about this subject for the next few months. And Childe would be even more euphoric with the confirmation of your pregnancy, which would certainly not take long to happen, the future dad Childe would not waste time.
As a man who had lived long ago, Zhongli had many desires, and one of those was to see his beloved wife carrying in her womb the fruit of his love, his own kids. As you had been married for many, many years, this had always been a topic that you both spoke about easily, but only now had Zhongli taken the courage to make this request. He wanted to see you pregnant, carrying his clutch. He had always been very thoughtful about it, because he didn't know if he would be able to raise a child properly, and so he learned, and observed literally everything about it, and so he could draw his own conclusions. And being married to you, that was his will, and now he felt a security to be a father, and to increase the family. Even if it didn't seem like it, Zhongli liked the idea of a big family, he wouldn't mind if it were just the both of you, but the idea of several miniatures of you and him running around made his heart warm. "Good morning my dear." It was the first thing you heard as soon as you opened your eyes in the arms of your beloved. "Morning, have you been awake long?" You snuggle into his chest, as he gently strokes your hair. "It's been a while, I had some things on my mind." And you lifted your head to look at him, Zhongli was usually not easily fretted, so you puzzled over what might be on his mind. And he laughed as soon as he saw your sleepy little face all confused, you were a very adorable little thing. "I was thinking about us, about our future." And again he caught your eye, you were all focused on him. "Did I do something?" You murmur, your voice overcome by sleep. He laughs again, then replies, "No, don't worry, but yes, it's about you, about both of us." You sit up in bed, and stare at him with a stunned expression, thoughts scrambling just as much. "…?" He puts his hand on your belly, gently stroking, "I'd love for us to expand our family, what do you say?" You look at him with a smile, silly of you to think he meant a pet. You could tell by the look on his face that he was so looking forward to it, it was one of the few pleasures he hadn't experienced yet, and now he wanted to do it with you. "Do you think we're ready?" And it was always an insecurity, after all raising and teaching a child was not an easy task, far from it. "We'll only know if we try, it's your choice." Now he held your hand, stroking it with his thumb. Like the gentleman he was, he would never force you to do anything, everything you did would be of your own free will. With a blush on your face you turn back to him, nestling into his chest. "So I guess we should work on that, right?" And he smiled, a smile so bright and so beautiful. He was relieved to know that like him you wanted it too. "Of course we should, my dear." He was excited, he couldn't wait to see you beautifully pregnant, and then to see his baby into the world. Even though there was still a long time to go, he would already start planning changes in the house, just as he would already start to take an interest in baby utensils, in a very short time the house would be full of these things. And as for pregnancy, you should not worry, he will certainly not take long to leave you pregnant, he would do it as soon as possible.
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the-offside-rule · 4 months
Lando Norris (McLaren) - All Over Again
Requested: yes
Prompts: 5) "If I could, I'd like to fall in love with you all over again."
48) "I love our cuddles."
49) "Stay here tonight."
Warnings: none tbh
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Lando couldn't believe he was back in England, the familiar sights and sounds bringing a rush of nostalgia. He had done what he always did; gone for his morning run, ordered a hot chocolate to take away, and head on home to have his pre-made breakfast. As he strolled through the town, he couldn't help but wonder what had changed since he left for his racing career. Little did he know, he was about to encounter a significant blast from the past. He figured he may as well have a proper look around this time and so, he made his way up a side street, looking around and even spotting a few new shops.
Walking up a small street, off from his usual route, Lando's eyes widened as he spotted Y/n, the girl he had once been deeply in love with and even dated whilst he was in Formula 2. They broke up in 2020 since they both just didn't have the time and promised that if the opportunity every rose again, they would revisit it. Time seemed to freeze for a moment, and then, recognizing him, Y/n's eyes lit up with surprise and joy. "Lando? Is that really you?" She exclaimed, a mix of disbelief and excitement in her voice. He grinned. "Yeah, it's me! How have you been?" Lando asked as the pair embraced one another. "I'm good. Still on the hot chocolate or have you made the move to coffee?" She asked, pointing at the cup in Lando's hand. "I've never liked coffee and I never will. How's uni going?"
"I just finished up last year. I'm kinda just working for now until I have enough to move away." She replied. "Move away? What would make you want to do that?" Lando asked. "Well you tell me. Last I heard of you was you moved to Monaco. Very fancy." She joked. They exchanged stories, catching up on the years that had passed since they last saw each other. Laughter echoed through the air as they reminisced about old memories and shared new experiences. It was as if time hadn't dimmed the connection they once had.
Lando, felt some serious nostalgia. "I'm going to have to head now. I have some things to do. But good luck and it was lovely seeing you again." Y/n smiled. "Yeah, we should get coffee or something sometime." He replied and watched as Y/n walked past him. As she walked away, he couldn't help but think that maybe this was the time to revisit their relationship, and so, he turned and jogged back towards her to give a suggestion. "Hey, why don't you come over to my place? We can continue our conversation there." Y/n shook her head. "I have a few things to drop of to my mum's. I really can't."
"I'll come with you. I haven't seen her jn ages anyway." Y/n thought for a moment. Her mum would make such a fuss over Lando being back. She always brought Lando up, even to Y/n's last boyfriend. That conversation about Lando led to their break-up and since then she's always shrugged off any Lando conversations. "Okay fine." She said as Lando began to walk with her. "Do you want me to take something? Your hands seem full." Y/n nodded. "Please take the shopping bag. Its killing me here." Labdo laughed as he effortlessly lifted the back and hoisted it up over his shoulder. "Alright. Don't be such a show off."
Their break-up hadn't left a bitter taste, and they remained friends. The sun was shining, adding a warm glow to their amiable conversation. As they approached Y/n's mum's house, memories flooded back. Lando couldn't help but notice the nostalgia in Y/n's eyes. The door swung open before they even had a chance to knock, revealing Y/n's mum, who beamed at the sight of them. "Lando! Oh, it's been too long!" She exclaimed, enveloping Lando both in a tight hug. "Nice to see you too, Mum." Y/n mumbled as Lando grinned. "Come inside, I've just brewed some tea."
Once inside, the cozy aroma of freshly brewed tea filled the air. Y/n's mum ushered them to the living room, where memories of shared laughter echoed. They settled in, sipping tea and catching up on life. Y/n's mum couldn't help but glance between them, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. "And that crash in Germany last year. Dreadful." Her mum said. "It was Belgium, Mum." Y/n corrected. Labdo turned and smirked at her. "Thought you didn't keep up with F1." The last time he saw her, she didn't really. She only really watched it when she was with Lando. "I can watch it if I want." She replied, sipping her tea. "Oh, you two always made such a lovely couple. Any chance you're getting back together?" She inquired with a mischievous grin.
Y/n spat her tea into the cup, as Lando gave an amused glance towards Y/n. "No, we're just good friends now." Y/n explained with a smile. "Well, that's good to hear. I always hoped maybe one day you'll find your way back to each other." Her mum said. Lando's lips twitched into a playful grin. "You never know. We could probably..." Y/n interrupted, taking it as a cue to change the subject. "Well, Mum, we've got a few more errands to run. Thanks for the tea!" They bid Y/n's mum farewell, stepping back into the sunlight. "Smooth, Lando." Y/n couldn't help but roll her eyes at Lando's comment. "What?" Lando asked as if he didn't know what he had just done. "You always know how to keep things interesting," Y/n teased. Lando chuckled. "Hey, just keeping the possibilities open, you know?" Y/n shook her head, laughter bubbling up from deep within. "You haven't changed a bit."
Lando led the way to his new home. It was huge. Bigger than the one he grew up in and Y/n found that mental. "This is yours? Are you sure?" She asked. "Trust me, it's mine." He replied, opening the door. "There's a few boxes around the place. This is all just moving stuff. Don't mind them."
The aroma of spices and sizzling ingredients filled Lando Norris' kitchen as he worked diligently to prepare dinner for his good friend, Y/n. He hummed along to a tune playing softly in the background, feeling a sense of accomplishment in trying his hand at a new recipe.
Y/n walked around, a glass of wine in hand, looking at the photos that hung on the walls. From family photos to podium photos, she enjoyed looking at them. One in particular caught her eye. It was her at Lando's final Formula 2 race. They were all smiles and she couldn't help but feel the memories washing over her.
Just as Lando reached for a pot handle, a sudden hiss of pain escaped him. Lando winced, realizing he had touched the hot surface without protection. He quickly pulled back, shaking his hand in an attempt to soothe the sting. "Fuck." Lando muttered to himself, glancing around for a nearby kitchen towel. Y/n entered the room, drawn by the sound of his exclamation. "What happened, Lando?" she asked, concern evident in her voice. Lando winced, trying to brush it off. "Yeah, just a little mishap. I guess cooking isn't exactly my forte."
Y/n chuckled softly, gently taking his arm to examine the burn. "Let me take care of that for you." As Y/n tended to his burn, Lando couldn't help but admire her delicate touch and caring nature. His gaze lingered on her, filled with a warmth he couldn't contain. "Don't look at me like that." Y/n said softly, catching Lando's gaze. Lando smirked teasingly. "Like what?" Y/n rolled her eyes playfully. "You know exactly what I mean." He shrugged. "Have no idea what you mean." Rolling her eyes again, Y/n suggested, "How about I do the cooking, and you just help grab things when I need them?" Lando nodded.
As Y/n stired some pasta around in the pot, she jumped upon hearing music. "Oh, sorry. Too loud." Labdo mumbled as he turned the volume down on a speaker nearby. "Why are you playing Put Your Records On?" She asked. "I like it. You like it too last time I checked." Lando said, beginning to dance a bit. "Last time you checked was four years ago." Y/n replied. "Oh come on, you haven't changed that much." Lando chuckled. "You wanna bet?" She challenged.
Lando nodded, moving her hair across her shoulder and placing a gentle kiss onto her neck. "You like neck kisses, don't you?" Y/n found herself blushing and biting her lip to hide her smile. Lando's arms made their way around Y/n's torso, his chin resting on her shoulder. "You're playing a dangerous game, Lando." She said. "I know." Y/n set the cooking spoon to the side and gave in, turning and lifting her arms up around Lando's neck, swaying along with him. Soon enough, they were dancing, spinning and jumping around, carefree and happy. "Oh shit! The pasta!"
As they settled on the couch to watch a movie, Lando wrapped an arm around Y/n, feeling the warmth of their shared history. The prompts echoed in his mind, and he couldn't resist expressing his emotions. "I love our cuddles." He admitted, a genuine smile on his face. Y/n snuggled closer. "Me too. It feels like we never missed a beat." Lando looked up to her, the look of a lovestruck puppy in his eyes. "Stay here tonight." He asked. "Lando, I have work tomorrow." She replied. "You're acting like something is going to happen." Lando said, wiggling his eyebrows. "Oh shut up." The pair began laughing. As the laughing quietened down, they found themselves leaning in, centimetres away from eachother.
Y/n swallowed the lump in her throat as Lando looked between her eyes and then down to her lip. "Alright, but only if you promise to make breakfast tomorrow, and I get to teach you how to cook properly." Lando grinned. "Deal." And with that, he leaned in and closed the gap between them, Y/n kissing back into his lips.
The movie faded into the background as they continued their kiss, both missing the feeling of the others lips on theirs. "If I could, I'd like to fall in love with you all over again." Lando whispered between kisses. He could feel Y/n smile against him. "Maybe we can take it one step at a time, starting with breakfast tomorrow morning." Lando shook his head, lifting her up off the couch and walking towards the door. "Or we could start now and just start where we left off."
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a-hazbin-soul · 2 months
Hi! I was wondering if you could do some angst with the hazbin hotel characters? Like we get into an argument and they yell and notice we went silent, looking as if we were gonna break down into tears, IM SORRY I JUST LIVE FOR ANGST AHHH
Hazbin Hotel characters making their S/O cry
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He was preparing for tomorrow night's broadcast when he heard the door open.
He had been working on his radio broadcast and hotel things for the whole day. He was under so much stress and took it out on you.
"Darling, you know I've been in here all day. Is it that difficult to knock?! You know these things are important! Why must you interrupt me?!"
He didn't get an answer. You just slammed the door and ran out.
He felt terrible as soon as he saw sadness in your eyes.
He ran after you and hugged you, rubbing circles on your back and telling you how sorry he was.
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He was very pissed at how much Alastor and Charlie got along.
He was working on his rubber ducks, not hearing you walk in.
He didn't know you were in the room until you hugged him from behind.
"What? What is it now?!" He shouted, dropping his rubber duck to the floor.
"Could you leave me alone for five minutes when you know I'm busy?!"
"Wow, fuck you!" You said before slamming the door and using your powers to get to the hotel.
Alastor opened the door to see you crying and brought you to the couch, giving you a hug.
You barely got the chance to finish telling Alastor what happened before Lucifer ran to you, crying and apologizing.
You were able to talk things out and agreed to be more open about feelings.
Sir Pentious
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Pentious was working on a new invention. But, since he was trying to get redeemed, it couldn't be for evil.
He was trying to build things to help with the hotel. Right now, he was making something to lift Niffty up around the hotel.
You were trying to help while also keeping the egg bois under control, not realizing you were distracting him.
"Will you please stop already! You're supposed to be watching them, but you're just as annoying!!"
You had tears in your eyes as soon as you turned around.
"Fine!" You yelled before running off.
"That wasn't very nice, boss. You should apologize."
When Pentious saw you, you were sitting on the couch by the TV with Charlie hugging you.
"Y/N, may I speak with you? I would like to apologize."
You silently nodded, standing up next to him.
"I'm sorry, my dearest, can you ever forgive me?"
"As long as you promise to tell me what's wrong and how to properly help in the future."
He pulled you into a hug and wrapped his tail around you.
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The bar was open way later than usual because Charlie decided to have an open house for the hotel.
Free drinks were pretty much a necessity when you're trying to lure in sinners.
Husk seemed fine/ his usual brand of grumpy.... Until he saw you talking and laughing with some guy and pulled you into an empty hallway.
"What the fuck was that? Did you really think I would be too busy to see you flirting like a whore?"
Even with tears in your eyes, you could tell he's been drinking vodka straight.
You pushed him away from you.
"That's my cousin, you asshole! He was asking me about the hotel."
You ran away, going right to the room you shared with Husk and trying to go to sleep.
Husk spent the rest of the party drinking water and eating a few snacks to fight the future hangover.
When you woke up, Husk had his wings and arms wrapped around you. He didn't even bother trying to sleep.
"I'm sorry, Y/N. I was such an idiot and I hurt the best person who's ever been in my life. I freaked out about seeing you with someone else..... because I know I don't deserve you, and I don't want to lose you."
He was crying into your shoulder, and you pulled him into a hug.
"You couldn't lose me if you wanted to. Just remember, I love you more than anything, and I'd rather die again than lose you.
(A/N : This sucks ass and I'm sorry this took me so long. I hope you like it, though. )
Requests open
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hello! I was wondering if you could write a Mattheo x sweet! Slytherin reader where the other Slytherins are picking on her because they don't believe she's a Slytherin. And maybe Mattheo saves her and tells her that he likes her.
Mattheo's Girl
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Pairings: Mattheo Riddle x Sweet!Fem!Reader
Warnings: Swearing, minor bullying, and my shitty writing.
A/n: Sorry for the really long wait. School year started three weeks ago and things have been hectic. I'll try to update and write as much as I can but if I don't update in a long time please don't think I'm ignoring your requests! I'll get to them as soon as I can.
Y/n, was the sweetest girl in Hogwarts. Many found it hard to believe she was in Slytherin.
She'd never say no to anyone, she'd always offer to help, and there wasn't a single mean bone in her body.
She was walking to class, a little hop in her step as always, when she was that a few of her fellow Slytherins were making fun of Neville. Poor Neville, she thought.
They tripped him causing all of his books to scatter on the floor while they walked away laughing.
Y/n immediately went over and helped him pick his books up.
"Sorry about them," She sighed as she helped him pick his books up.
"I'm used to it," He said which made the girl's heart ache for the boy.
"You shouldn't be. Boys like them are the reason Slytherin have such a bad name," Y/n said as they both stood up. She handed him his books.
"Atleast Slytherin has you to show that not all Slytherins are evil," Neville said smiling at her kindly.
She returned it with a bright and kind smile before saying goodbye to Neville before he walked off.
The Slytherin boys that tripped Neville didn't go far and watched the whole exchange. Giving her nasty and disgusted looks.
When Neville left they walked up to her, "You shouldn't help a pathetic excuse of a wizard like him."
Y/n turned around and faced the towering boys, "You really shouldn't bully people, it's not nice," She replied.
The boys laughed, "You're also a fucking pathetic excuse of a witch. You don't belong in Slytherin."
"I'm sorry that you think that," Y/n said, "I have to get to class. Good day to you."
She turned on her heels and walked as fast as she could, completely ignoring the calls from the boys.
Mattheo glared at the boys who were making rude remarks about Y/n as she walked away. His jaw clenched, how could anyone ever want to heart an angel like her?
In the common room, Mattheo and the rest of the boys in his friend group sat comfortably on the sofas. Pansy and Y/n were at the table.
Pansy was struggling in Astronomy so Y/n offered to help her.
"This stuff doesn't make sense," Pansy said sighing as she placed her head in her hands, "I'm fucking over it."
"No need to swear," Y/n said, "You just have to simplify it for yourself. Try to remember the constellations with riddles that you make up for yourself. Example, my very easy method just speeds up nothing, My is Mercury, Very is Venus, Easy is Earth and then you should know the rest."
Pansy nodded and went quiet for a moment, thinking. "Oh! I got one. Ursa Major and Ursa Minor. Major is Big so Great Bear and Minor is small so Little Bear."
Y/n smiled brightly, "That's one of the easiest ones but yes! You got it."
"Thank you, N/n. I don't know what I'd do without you," Pansy smiled as she leaned over and hugged Y/n.
"You're welcome, Pans. We can continue tomorrow night. I think we both need a rest," Y/n said. They packed Pansy's stuff and Pansy went to sit with the boys while Y/n took the books over to the bookshelves that were in the common room.
The boys from earlier came up behind her, "Studying hard to make up for you being a pathetic Slytherin?" One said.
"You can't cancel out the fact that you're pathetic by getting good grades you know," The other one said.
"Trying to get good grades is not an excuse to 'make up' or as you boys say to 'cancel out' anything. I'm simply determined to succeed in life. If you boys are struggling with anything. I could always tutor you," She said and they burst out laughing.
Their laughter caught his eye. His eyes immediately darkened and his demeanor changed.
"Oh I don't like that look," Enzo said as he saw the look on Mattheo's face.
Enzo turned and saw Y/n with the boys, "Oh, I see."
"They've been bothering her. Calling her names behind her back and telling her she's pathetic when she helped Neville the other day," Pansy said, "She told me about it and said it doesn't bother her, but I can hear her cry at night."
"This has to stop," Theo said.
"It will," Mattheo said as he stood up and walked over to them.
"You don't deserve to be in Slytherin you good for nothing little bi-" The one started before he was grabbed by the collar and slammed against the wall.
"You say one more thing to her, or come near her ever again, I will fuck you up," Mattheo spat in his face.
"Mattheo, stop," Y/n said trying to pull him off. Tears were threatening to fall. Things were getting too overwhelming.
"Oh yeah? Is that it?" The boy mocked, "You're not gonna kill me? Not a daddy's boy after all."
Mattheo's fist came flying into the boy's jaw. Soon enough the other boy's joined in, resulting in Theo, Enzo, Blaise and Draco to join in.
The tears ran down Y/n's cheeks as she fled the scene. Pansy trying to follow her but she lost her.
Y/n walked back to the common room later that night. She spent her time in the Room of Requirement, crying and trying to calm herself down.
It worked, but one tiny thing might set her off. Like the fact that Mattheo has been waiting for her the whole night long in the common room.
She bit her tongue, trying not to cry, "Where have you been?" Mattheo asked as soon as he saw her. He stood up and walked over to her, "Are you alright?"
Y/n looked at him and saw the bruises on his face along with the spots of blood.
"I'm fine, come on, let's go clean you up," She said as she pulled him to the nearest bathroom which is the bathroom in her and Pansy's shared dorm.
She made him sit on the edge of the bath as she took out a rag and put it under the running tap.
"Why did you run away?" Mattheo asked as she was cleaning his face.
"Everything got too much to handle," She replied, "You didn't have to do that. I can handle them."
"I can't," Mattheo said.
Y/n halted her movements and looked at him. He looked up and made eye contact, "What do you mean?"
"I can't handle them hurting you. I can't handle you crying yourself to sleep at night over them hurting you," He said.
She sighed, "Pansy?" Mattheo nodded.
"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked.
"I didn't want to bother you," She said.
"You never bother me," He replied as he stood up. He looked down at her, their faces mere inches apart.
Mattheo leaned down and Y/n stood on her toes just before their lips met. Her arms wrapped around his neck and he placed his hands on her hips.
They pulled apart after a few moments, lips still brushing against each other.
"I will never let anyone hurt you again. As long as you're mine, even after you're not, which by the way will never happen, no one will ever hurt you," He said.
She smiled sweetly up at him, "Is that your way of asking me to be your girlfriend?"
Mattheo smiled, "Yes, it is," He said.
"Well, then I accept," She said.
Mattheo's smile only widened before he placed his lips on hers again.
He'll keep his promise.
No one, will hurt her ever again.
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oracle-of-dream · 2 months
Sweetness #6
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Minors DNI
Summary: This is a continuation of Sweetness #5; Wonbin's more than patient with you... It's time for him to share his surprise that he's been hiding from you.
Warnings: Male Reader, Rim Job, Creampie, Cum Eating, Voyeurism, Exhibitionism, Unprotected Sex, Rough Sex
Wordcount: 1.6k
Wonbin's grip on your wrist was tight as he dragged you along, moving from Sohee's bedroom into Sungchan's. He pushed you into the room, closing the door behind him.
He started tying his long hair into a short ponytail. "We can do this two ways. Let this happen or we can make this more difficult."
"Let what happen?" You backed away from him as he approached you, his eyes piercing your heart as he pushed you against a wall.
"We talked about this a bit. I'm owed for keeping your secret, and I will get what's mine." His hands trailed up your hips, slipping under your shirt, as he kissed you. Wonbin's lips were soft but pressed against yours aggressively. The way his tongue pushed past yours made your head press against the wall–Wonbin's hips slotting between yours as he ground against you.
You turned your head to breathe. "Wonbin, wait–"
He grabbed you by your throat, making you face him. "I've waited long enough... Having to hear you fuck each of them and pretending I didn't care–you don't get how that fucked with me!" His hand closed on your throat, slightly choking you. "I know you and your body better than any of them–all of them combined couldn't fuck you the way I can. The way I will."
Wonbin had never been so aggressive with you. Ever. He was always the one out of all the members you could lean on the most, you told him everything... But you didn't realize how he felt about you. You stroked his cheek softly. Wonbin's eyes, while dark and intense, still showed how much he'd cried over you. He leaned in for another kiss, throat still around your neck, as he kissed you gentler than before.
"I... I love you, y/n. And you're too busy ignoring me for those idiots."
You tapped on his hand, signaling that you were starting to really choke. Wonbin let you go, pulling you into a hug as his weight squished you between the wall. "Binnie..."
"Don't let me go just yet..."
"I won't–I'm sorry. I didn't mean to ignore you." You stroked his head.
"Then stop ignoring me," Wonbin whispered as he pushed his hard cock into your pelvis.
"O-Okay, I'll take care of you, whatever you want."
Wonbin pulled you to the bed, laying you on your stomach. He pulled off your pants, spanking you hard. You were still sensitive from Sohee fucking you so recently, his cum leaking from your whole.
"You're still full, aren't you?" Wonbin mumbled.
He didn't give you much time to answer before you felt his tongue licking up the cum dripping out of you. His tongue pressed into your hole as he ate the cum from inside you. You could feel the anger he was pouring into you, but also how he cared for you–his tongue attacking you but his hands gently kneading your ass.
"Even with someone else's cum in you, it's better than I could've guessed. I'd always wondered..." Wonbin continued eating your ass. Your hips buckled when he slipped his tongue back into you, gliding around the rim of your whole. You couldn't help but wrap your fingers around your cock, lazily jerking off.
"Binnie, more!" You whined. Wonbin kept working you over with more energy, hearing you love him. He dragged the flat of his tongue along your hole several times. Teasing you, making you itch for more, Wonbin made it as wet as possible. He enjoyed feeling you try to back up into him as he held you down, your strained moans were music in his ears. "Binnie, I'm cumming! Please–end it," You cried. Stroking yourself hard and fast, your wrist curled as your cock throbbed in your hand. Your eyes rolled as you spilled cum on the bed, making a mess in your hands. A soft moan rumbled from Wonbin as he smacked your ass again.
"Okay, now you're clean. We can start." Wonbin flipped you onto your back so he could see you. Your blissed-out expression just made it harder for him to control himself. His clothes were quickly tossed aside as he climbed onto the bed. "I know you're not quitting now, are you? After fucking 6 other cocks in less than three days–you can't take one more?" Wonbin teased you as he kissed your neck, his breath ghosting over your skin. He lined his tip at your entrance, which twitched when he rubbed against it experimentally. Eventually, he pushed into you feeling your warm walls clamp down on him. "Gripping me this tight, so needy," He chuckled as he pushed into you deeper.
You whined louder, his entire length filling you up as your hips connected with his. You could feel every vein on his cock as he pulled out before thrusting it back into you. Your voice caught in your throat, trying to contain the embarrassingly loud moan that was begging to leave your lips. Wonbin's pace started slow and hard, holding onto your waist as he watched his cock slide in and out of you.
"Won–it's too much," You choked out.
"Too much?" He scoffed, "I'm barely getting started." The man on top of you meant every word as he started getting faster. His hips pounded into yours as his cock plunged into you. Wonbin's hair started falling, gracefully laying across his face as his eyes screwed shut. "You're taking it pretty well, aren't you, slut boy?" He brushed his hair back with one hand while fucking you. "I want you to scream for me. Make they get that you're mine." Wonbin's thrusts were already strong, but he leaned back and arched his hips to get a better angle on you. The sound of skin slapping together was loud in the room and probably through the apartment.
"Bin! I'm close again!" You moaned loudly.
"Louder, tell them!" He nodded his head to the door. You looked over and saw the door open, all the other members of Riize were standing in the doorway as you were getting fucked. They watched, some rubbing themselves while others watched on in jealousy. You covered your face, but Wonbin pinned your hands down. "Say. It."
You shyly looked in their direction. Even though you'd already had sex with each of them, the looks on their faces were too much to bear. You closed your eyes as you said, "Wonbin, please make me cum!"
Wonbin chuckled evilly as he continued fucking you. "That's it, baby. Now they'll all get to watch you cum from my cock, yeah?"
It was too late to be embarrassed now. You accepted your fate, shame leaving your body as you started moaning louder, more desperate. "I'm cumming–Wonnie, I'm cumming!" You cried out as you came on your stomach, your eyes locking with the others as they watched you paint yourself.
"That's it, baby! Look at 'em,'' Wonbin cheered. Your back was pressed into the bed as Wonbin went to town on you, fucking you hard into overstimulation. "You'll look so cute with my cum dripping out of you! You'll remember the shape of my cock for a while!" His hips started losing their rhythm, hitting you wildly as you watched Wonbin's face tell you he was close. You could barely think straight, much less form actual sentences. Wonbin broke you–but what ended it was when his orgasm hit. Wonbin pushed into you one last time, balls deep, as he laid on top of you. He let out a high-pitched whine as his thick hot cum spilled into you. Pump after pump, it felt endless. Finally stopping when you were full of cum and cock.
Wonbin breathed heavily as he yanked his cock out of you, ripping a yelp from your chest. "That's how you fuck someone, boys." He stood between you and the doorway, the rest of Riize looking envious. "Y/n, who's the best? You can pick, and they'll date you. Just pick me." Wonbin took your hand, begging for an answer.
"No way! That's not fair! I didn't fuck him yet!" Sungchan chimed in.
Anton stepped forward too. "I was clumsy before, I wanna try again!"
Even Sohee and Shotaro wanted a piece of you. Before you could pull yourself together, Riize argued about why you'd choose them over the rest, until the room fell silent.
"Y/n. I've got an idea," Seunghan approached you. You were still catching your breath as you were coming down from your high. "How about we all fuck you. Right now. And then you can choose who's best?"
"N-Now!?" You groaned as you shifted, Wonbin's cum dripping out of you.
"We should give him time, don't you think?" Sohee added.
Seunghan was impatient, his cock wanted you now. But he also knew you did just get fucked to hell and back.
"Fine. Tonight. No later."
You knew you weren't going to be able to argue much in the matter. You sighed, "Okay... Tonight, then." The boys all smiled at each other, thinking about how they'd do you better. "But what happens if I can't choose one?"
"Don't do that to us, y/n. You have to decide!" Eunseok complained.
"Don't be shitty, Eunseok," Wonbin warned. "You'll have plenty of time to think while you're resting. And if you need me to help you warm up, just call me." Wonbin winked at you with a smirk. The others pulled Wonbin back.
"Go put some clothes on! And the rest of you, get the hell out!" Sungchan shouted as he shooed everyone out of the room. "Let him lay down for a bit."
You were left alone in Sungchan's room, a sexually abused mess. There's gotta be a way around their game...
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luvyeni · 6 months
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p. fiance!felix x fem!reader w. 1.6k+
— 𖦹 warnings. unprotected sex , oral ( f. receiving )
— 𖦹 ( felix proposing to you on your favorite holiday ) !
8 days of christmas masterlist
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Felix put another fire log in the warm fire , sitting back down on the floor next to you. “Warm?” He wrapped his arm around you. “Yeah.” You took a sip of hot chocolate, the cabin was nicely decorated with lights and ornaments — Christmas music playing in the background. “I told you that when you brought out the 3 fleece blankets.”
He pouted , wiping the whipped cream off your nose. “Well sorry that I don’t want my baby to be cold.” He said. “I don’t know what i'd do if you caught a cold cause of me.”
He had suggested that you’d spend Christmas alone this year — just you two in his family cabin. You didn’t mind , you loved having alone time with your boyfriend of almost 5 years, but it came as such a shock to you because he loved spending the holidays with friends and family. “but you count as both of those no?” you couldn’t beat that , but you still wondered why.
To be honest, felix was currently freaking out , the small box sitting out of your view he kept waiting for the right time to do it — the perfect time to propose to you.
You and felix met through hyunjin , you were another artist who met hyunjin at a art gallery and became good friends. Hyunjin invited him out one night for drinks , and that’s when he saw you. You were sitting there, looking as beautiful as ever — and not only were you beautiful; you were extremely funny and kind. Right then and there he knew one thing — he was in love.
When you guys started to date , everyone said you were perfect for each other — that your relationship was something from the movies, and felix felt like that to. He was fell deeper and a deeper in love with you.
That was almost 4 years ago , you’ve had many ups and downs , career milestones and many other different milestones — but his love for you never changed. Now he couldn’t wait to marry you , spend the rest of his life with you — start a family with you. But before he could do that he’d have to actually ask you first. “Baby?”
You turned to him with that beautiful smile that made his heart flutter time and time again. “yes lixie?” you said , he sighed it was now or never, he secretly grabbed the box from next of the couch. “I know we said we only were giving two gifts this year.” He said, finally revealing the nicely wrapped gift. “but I couldn’t help it.”
You gasped , he took the mug out your hand , sitting it on the table. “open it.” He handed you the box. “Lix you always have to go overboard don’t you?” You said. “Well normally no but I love it.” He said. “But this time , I think will top any other time.”
You were curious now , he watched you as you tore the paper slowly. “I love anything you do.” You said — you finally caught a glimpse of the gift , a dark red velvet box. “What is it?” You excitedly finished tearing the wrapping off, holding the small box in your hand. “What?” He encouraged you open it, his heart beating out of his chest. “open it baby.”
You opened it, revealing a ring. “What is this?” You turned to him. “It’s beautiful.” You inspected the ring , it was so beautiful you almost didn’t want to take it out. “Wait.” You said. “this is a wedding ri- oh.” He smiled. “lix.”
There he stood , on his one knee in front of you. “Baby.” He held your hand. “I have loved you since the moment I saw you.” You heard his voice start to crack, which made you tear up. “You’ve always been there to support me, caring for me and just being there for me whenever I need you.” You both were full on crying at this point as he tried to get out his heartfelt words , but he could barely keep it together.
“Will you marry me?” You sobbed, luckily you had taken your makeup off because it would’ve been pretty. “Oh baby.” He pulled you into a hug. “it’s okay, calm down.” He rubbed your back, letting you get your cry out. “I didn’t mean to make you cry like this.”
You pulled away after getting yourself together , wiping your eyes. “You okay?” you nodded. “im fine.” You said , laughing at yourself. “Just a bit surprised.” You said , he smiled. “That’s what I wanted , but I didn’t want you to cry like that.” He laughed.
“So what do you say? You wanna get married.” You shook your head. “of course I do.” You threw yourself in his arms. “I love you so much.” He kissed you, putting the ring on your finger. “This takes the cake for my favorite Christmas ever.” You said. “What about the Christmas where I bought you that diamond necklace you’ve always wanted, you said the same thing last time.”
“Yes but this a diamond ring.” You said. “and im getting married to the love of my life.” He smiled, pulling you into another kiss — a much deeper kiss. “Love you much baby.” He said against your lips. “My beautiful fiancé.” He lied you gently down on the soft rug , making out with you. “lix.” You moaned softly as he kissed your neck, kitty licking the spots he kissed. “let me do everything tonight baby.”
You gasped as he sucked little marks on your neck , squeezing your waist. “let’s get this off.” He took your shirt off , throwing the shirt making sure not to throw it in the warm fire. “so pretty.” He said taking his shirt off, your skin touching. “Lix please.” You moaned out.
He pulled down the pants you were wearing, discarding them, leaving you in your underwear. “Gonna eat you baby.” He kissed down your stomach, pulling your panties down your legs, spreading your legs. “You’re so wet baby.” His eyes darken, he groaned to himself. “can’t wait to taste you.”
He kissed your thighs, your thighs twitched. “Keep it open baby.” He said softly , kissing your clit. “Sh-shit lix please.” You moaned m, he gave your bud another kiss, following up with a kitty lick. “mmh.” You ran your fingers through his hair, as he lick your folds. “Fuck lix!”
He repeatedly licked your folds , holding your hips down so you couldn’t move. “L-ix I need more.” He pulled away from you heat — his lips glossy with your juices. “You want more?” He rubbed your clit. “Want my fingers baby?” You nodded, moaning. “Fuck lix , please fuck me with your fingers.”
He slowly slid his finger into your cunt, moving it in and out of your hole, using the pad of his thumb against your clit. “Fuck lix.” He groaned, his cock desperately wanted to be freed. “Another?” you nodded. “please.”
He added another finger, speeding up his movements. “fuck baby your squeezing my fingers, you gonna cum on them?” you nodded, he curled his fingers, hitting that one spot. “Fuck baby im gonna cum.” You yelled , the knot in your stomach snapping. “fuck im cumming!”
Your legs twitched as he slowly removed his fingers, your juices dripping down his wrist. “You came so much princess, you really like my fingers that much.” He chuckled, ridding himself of his pants, freeing his cock from his underwear, hissing as it slapped against his toned stomach, precum dripping from his tip.
You mouth water, desperately wanting to put it your mouth, and felix knew. “later my love, this is about you right now.” He stroked his cock , groaned. “n-need to fuck you.” Pressing his tip at your hole , slowly sliding into your hole. “fuck baby.” He groaned. “You’re sucking my cock in.”
He held your legs open, as he pushed deeper into your hole , fully bottoming out. “fucks sake.” He hissed. “So fucking tight.” He pulled all the way out, slamming back in. “Lixie!” you screamed, as his began to snap his hips against yours. “You feel so good baby -fuck- s-so tight and wet.”
He folded your body in half, his cock hitting a different angle. “I love you so much.” He confessed. “you don’t -fuck- you don’t understand how much I love you.” He reached for your hand, interlocking your hands. “I’ll do anything for you, I can’t wait to make you my wife.”
He hit that spot over and over, confessing his love for you over and over — it was such a overwhelming feeling, you didn’t even realize you were crying again. “I-I love you to, pl-please, im gonna cum.” You sobbed. “look at me baby.” He whispered in your ear, you made eye contact with him, he wiped your wet face. “cum for me baby.” As soon as he said that, you felt it.
“Fuck!” You screamed, your orgasm hitting you hard. “Oh fuck!” He cursed , his cum failing your waiting hole , pulling out his cock dripping in a mixture of both your juices. “Shit baby, you squirted.” He said. “so fucking pretty, baby you did so well for me.”
He quickly grabbed a towel cleaning you both up , kissing your sore body. “Come here.” He wrapped a blanket around your naked body’s, the fire still going, listening to you go on and on about your future wedding, he was smiling ear to ear hearing talk.
“lixie are you listening?” you asked. “What did you say baby?” You pouted. “I said since you proposed on Christmas, should we have a Christmas wedding?” He furrowed his eyebrows. “You sure you don’t want a spring or summer wedding princess?”
“Nah.” You started. “I like chrismas better.” He laughed , shaking his head agreeing, you’re committed to your love of Christmas.
“Sure baby we can have a christmas wedding, I look into it.”
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babyleostuff · 11 months
Absolutely love your OT13 reactions!! Do you mind writing one about how seventeen would react at an award show if their so (also an idol) forgot about the whole “no one is meant to know we are dating” thing and did smth like sit on their lap or run up to them and hugged them on instinct when they won an award so it’s j all cute and fluffy?? Hope you’re having a wonderful day btw **showers you in happiness and baked goods**
so happy to hear you enjoy my work love! I'm not sure if it's as fluffy as I'd like it to be, but I had no other idea for this request, so sorry for that. Still, I hope you enjoy this one as well <3
s/o comes up to them at an award show and forgets about “no one is meant to know we are dating” | ot13
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☾₊ ⊹ currently playing: hot by seventeen
In the heat of the moment he’d also forget about all of the cameras surrounding you. Only after Jeonghan forcefully shoves his shoulder he kind of realises where he is and what has just happened. It's too late to deny anything, so he just goes back to hugging you. 
He kind of stares at you weirdly and you begin to worry that something bad has happened. You have kissed his cheek a hundred times before, but never has he reacted like that. Only when you notice his big eyes and the silence that surrounds you, you realise what has happened. 
When you run up to him to tackle him in a hug he panics, because he knows that you are surrounded by multiple cameras. So instead of catching you - he steps away. And you fall. Let’s say that he had a lot of apologising to do later that night. 
𓆩♡𓆪 JUN
Filled with joy about your first win, you run behind Jun and hug him from behind. He gets startled when he feels someone suddenly hugging him and gets even more startled when he sees that it's you. He quickly looked around to see if anyone had noticed and thank god everyone was busy looking at the stage. 
𓆩♡𓆪 HOSHI 
He runs away. He literally runs aways. You don’t even get to touch him, before he takes all his stuff and hurries away with a scream. At first you don’t really know what has gotten into him, but then you look at the boys as they give you a disapproving look. 
You’re both up on the stage as the MCs. As a reflex you put your hand on his arm, stroking it softly, as you usually do. At first he kind of malfunctionates, before giving you a side eye. He tries to laugh it off and turn it into a joke, to not cause any rumours. 
𓆩♡𓆪 WOOZI 
He just smiles awkwardly and tries to shake your hand from his arm. At first you want to scold him, but then you quickly realise what you had done. Petrified by the whole situation, he looks around him, before laughing and giving thumbs up to the camera. 
𓆩♡𓆪 DK 
As you approach him, he kind of realises what is about to happen, but he doesn’t react. He lets you hug him and place a sweet kiss on his cheek. That is when you realise what has happened. You just stand and stare at each other, wishing that you could disappear. 
He’s probably the one that actually came up to you first. He picks you up and spins you around, before placing a kiss on your forehead. That’s when he sees people giving you weird stares. Not knowing what to do, he picks up a person next to you and spins them around as well, before leaving with an awkward smile and tears in his eyes. 
One second Minghao was sitting calmly in his seat and the next you appeared out of nowhere on his lap. He quickly gave you a knowing look, before letting out a soft squeak and knocking you off his lap. 
You were all on stage receiving flowers for your win. Unfortunately, the person who was supposed to give you your flowers was Seungkwan. As he was passing them to you, he gave you a quick peck on your cheek. You both froze, looking at each other. Then, Seungkwan fainted. 
He freezes. You ran up to him to give him a quick hug and he simply froze. All eyes were on you. All cameras were on you. His mind went blank and he just stood there with his arms awkwardly dangling by his side. 
𓆩♡𓆪 DINO 
The moment you enter his personal space, he lets out his famous HAHAHA laugh. You just look at him weirdly, because that was so out of his character. But then you realise what he was trying to tell you through his super awkward laugh. There’s literally a camera next to him and if you’d made even one more step toward him, you’d be in big trouble.
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berryz-writes · 9 days
Not yet
Azriel x reader
Summary: Your not ready to tell Azriel's family your mates in fear of them not liking you
note: It's just Az being the standard and the cutest shit ever. Also its pretty short im sorry lovelies <3
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"I don't want to. Not yet" I murmured to Azriel, snuggling closer to his warmth. His hands ran up and down my back, sending small shivers down my spine.
"And why is that, sweetheart?" He replied, his voice slightly hoarse from having just woken up, pressing small kisses to my face. I opened my eyes and tried to get used to the light in the room. It was a Saturday, one of the days Azriel was content to just lie in bed with me with no commitments for the rest of the day.
"I just...I don't think they'll like me. I know it's stupid but I don't know them well enough. What if they think I'm using you or don't actually love you? What if they convince you that I'm not good enough?" I waited for him to say something. I didn't usually have anything bad to say against his family but I was never comfortable around new people. Especially if they were such important figures in our court. A slight sigh left his lips "Y/n. Do you really think I'd stop loving you if one of them told me to?...not that they would"
I sat up and tucked my hair behind my ear, his heat suddenly too much. "No but it's not just that. Imagine I say something wrong. I know their your family but their also high lord and lady. What if I say something...I don't know politically wrong? They'll laugh at me and think how in the world are us two mates."
Azriel moved his arm around my waist and pulled me back to lay down on the bed, his hand moving through my hair in a soothing motion. "They will think nothing of the sort because you are perfect. But if it makes you feel better we can wait for as long as you want. Feyre was talking about inviting the wonderful florist tomorrow. Accept her offer and get to know everyone a bit"
I thought about it and slowly nodded my head. "Fine."
Azriel was right because Feyre did invite me the next day.
"Y/n! Oh these are gorgeous! You've outdone yourself" Feyre said admiring the bouquet I had prepared
I smiled and handed her the card with all my business details "Thank you high lady. If anyone asks where you got them from please give them this."
"Feyre, please. No formalities between us"
I nodded my head "Feyre it is then"
She turned her attention to the rest of the shop looking around the flower filled store "You have such a peaceful life. Living amongst flowers and smelling like roses all the time"
I let out a small laugh. Very peaceful. Sometimes a little too peaceful. "I suppose. Although it get's boring at times"
Feyre's eyes lit up in excitement "You should come to dinner tonight! It'll be something different for you and we can get to know each other more"
I thought about what me and Azriel had discussed earlier. Now was the perfect opportunity, to meet his family. "Oh...I don't want to intrude. I don't know-"
She shook her head "Nonsense. Your coming tonight. Everyone will be scrambling over each other to get to know you"
I looked around the store, hoping for a sign as to what I should do. The only sign I could see however was the open sign on the front door.
"Fine. I'll come. Thank you the for the invite high- Feyre"
She beamed and gave me a quick hug, slightly surprising me before walking out with her bouquet of flowers. I sighed. Well I suppose I better go home and change so I looked slightly decent at least.
*Dinner, a few hours later*
Azriel cleared his throat slightly before continuing "Did you want something lov- y/n?"
I paused and clenched my jaw at the slip up. The chatter at the table was luckily loud enough for no one to quiet hear what he was saying. This was the first time I had been happy for Cassian's loud voice. I shook my head "I'll get it myself, thank you" I reached over and picked up the dish, adding a few potatoes to my plate, trying not to gather attention towards us two. Really. Azriel wasn't very good at following instructions. If someone had heard that I don't know what I would have done.
Probably jumped out a window or something.
"Everything alright?" Rhys asked looking over at me first, then Azriel and then me again. I nodded my head quickly and gave him a smile "Fine, everything's fine" Azriel didn't reply merely nodding in agreement too.
I let out a sigh of relief when he turned away and took a sip of his wine. Luckily dinner passed with no other accidents happening. I watched as everyone took their seats in the living room, Feyre and Rhys cuddled up on the couch while the others sprawled here and there, Elain having gone up because of a headache.
Azriel stood half hidden by his shadows in the door way, I could sense him even though I couldn't see him without squinting my eyes.
Come to the kitchen. It's important
His voice echoed in my mind, his deep and low voice making me miss him even though he was just inches away. I got up making an excuse of needing water and walked over to the kitchen, past the dining room where we had just sat. Before I could process what was happening I was against a wall and Azriel's lips were on mine, his shadows cocooning us in a dark and peaceful bubble. He kissed me like he was starving and he couldn't get enough.
We finally pulled apart my hands resting on his chest "Azriel" I warned him, the lust filled look in his eyes ready to devour me. His hands ran up and down my body, my waist, my hips warming each part of me.
"I want to tell them. I want to tell them about my perfect and beautiful mate." He whispered his eyes dark and his hair falling forward onto his forehead. I pushed a strand away "I can't right now. I'm not ready"
I knew even if I shook my head once Azriel would understand. His hopeful expression dropped slightly but his lips remained in a small smile "Let me take you home now, sweetheart. I can't live without having you close to me"
I rolled my eyes but smiled all the same "Don't be so dramatic"
He didn't reply, instead tucking a stray piece of hair behind my ear. "We're going" He said finally and winnowed us on the spot. I didn't even get to say goodbye to anyone but all thoughts left me as Azriel looked at me with his devilishly handsome grin.
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luveline · 11 months
𝐚 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐜𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐠𝐧 | 𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐧
things aren't the way you planned coming home with your newborn, but you have eddie there to lean on when things get hard (and an unlimited supply of 'munson-style' hugs). requested here. infatuated dad!eddie x mom!reader, 3k.
cw post partum recovery, reader is suffering from some symptoms of post partum depression
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"You're sure you can manage?" Wayne asks, his voice buzzing down the line.
Eddie peers out of the kitchen into the living room quietly. You're sitting on the sofa in a shape that can't be comfortable considering your recent stitches, the baby on your thighs where you've brought them together, your hands delicately posed on either side of his head. 
"I think so," Eddie says, answering Wayne's questions with honesty. "She's feeling a little better today." 
"It's hard, Eds. You take care of her and call me if you need help, okay? I'm proud of you. Both of you." 
It catches Eddie off guard for a moment. He's done enough crying lately, clearing his throat to say, "Thanks, Wayne. Call me tomorrow." 
"You call me, I don't wanna wake anyone if you're sleeping." 
They say their goodbyes. Eddie leans against the kitchen doorway to spy on you and the baby. Babies cry more than he ever could've imagined despite the warnings, but it's quiet, too. There are moments of peacefulness like this one breaking apart the chaos. 
You're whispering something. Eddie stands very still, wishing the dishwasher would magically silence itself. He strains to hear you. 
"I love you," you say. "Sorry I'm tired, honey. I promise I'll be better. You're so beautiful." 
Eddie bites his cheeks, wondering if his family (his family!) aim to make him cry and little else tonight. He gives himself a look in the mirror magnet on the fridge framed by a We Love Michigan border, rainbows and cute elk surrounding something less pretty. His hair is frizzy but that's nothing new, greasy at the top and dry at the bottom. He scrapes it back into a scrappy bun and wipes the oil from his face with his sleeves. He's in dire need of a shower. 
Resigned, he steps out of the kitchen, new socks slippery on old linoleum before finding stability on the crush of carpet in need of a vacuuming in the living room. You look up and bless him with a smile.
You've had a bad case of the baby blues, though the midwife assured him that was normal, and not to worry unless it continued past the first few weeks. 
Well, Eddie will worry. Any depression you experience breaks his heart, no matter the cause, and no matter how temporary it may be. Just 'cos a cut might heal doesn't mean it didn't hurt when you got it. 
"How do you feel?" he asks cautiously. 
You make a face that he knows precedes a lie. "Don't worry about me." 
He sits on the arm to look down at the baby —his baby, his son— in your hold, your face moving immediately to rest on his thigh. 
"I'm okay, teddy," you say.
"How about you?" he asks the baby, taking his hand gently. 
The baby doesn't open his eyes nor answer the question, well and truly asleep. 
"Do you think Charlie was the right name?" you ask, stroking his small face lightly. 
"If we hate it, we can just call him Wayne." 
Eddie's out of this world lucky that you'd liked the name and loved him enough to name the baby after his uncle. Charlie Wayne Munson, born six pounds and two ounces, the smallest baby they saw all week in Hawkins General. 
"He looks more like a Wayne than a Charlie," you say, rubbing your cheek into Eddie's sweatpants. 
"He's so fucking beautiful," Eddie says, getting his hand behind your shoulders. He gives your back a loving rub, up and down the whole stiff length of it. "Would you relax? Or tell me what's wrong? Please?" 
"Nothing's wrong… Look how perfect he is, I'd be a freak to act like something was wrong," you say, the exhale of your words warming his leg. 
Eddie rubs his hand up with a tad more roughness until the cinch between your shoulders has flattened. 
"You're having a biological reaction," Eddie says, leaning down to press his lips to the top of your head. "Don't feel bad about feeling bad, sweetheart. This is a physical thing, that's all it is. You're not a freak for feeling wobbly." 
You relax even more, pad of your thumb swiping Charlie's smooth cheek. 
"Want me to make you feel better?" he asks.
"I'm not sure yet. I was thinking we'd make a list. Starting with a hug, quickly followed by something amazing to eat before Wayne wakes up." 
"Charlie," you correct with a small laugh.
"Is there a nickname for Charlie?" Eddie asks. "What are we gonna call him? Lee?"
"We'll think of something," you promise. 
Eddie isn't worried about it. He figures there's at least five years of nickname time to get one that sticks. For now, he has a list to make and things to do, and the first is making sure you're as well as you can be. He starts with the hug, pulling what you want for dinner from you one soft kiss to your temple at a time. Chicken pot pie? Ramen noodles with a fried egg on top? Sesame chicken? Triple cheeseburgers? 
You can't decide. Eddie chooses breakfast for dinner. It won't take long —he can fry the sausage, eggs, turkey bacon and toast in one pan. 
He keeps the door open to watch you, though nothing is actively wrong. You're deflated now rather than tense, petting and fawning over the baby as much as you can without waking him up.  
"Just as handsome as your dad," you say. 
It's a lovely sentiment but Charlie does not approve. He blinks awake, signified by your saccharine, "Hi, baby boy," followed by ten seconds of awe-filled cooing. Eddie's frying some bread in the pan but dinner can wait, he wants to see the baby with his eyes open again. 
By the time Eddie reaches the couch, he's crying. 
You move him carefully into a rock-a-bye hold and shush him. "It's alright," you say. 
"He sounds like you." 
"What?" you ask between shushes, hand tapping a slow and gentle rhythm into Charlie's swaddle. 
"He sounds like you when he cries," Eddie insists. 
Not your pained screams a few days ago nor your heart wrenching tears when you're feeling at your worst, but your hormonal sobbing. Like when you saw the commercial about the new 'shoplifters exposed' program on CBS that featured an old lady who stole a tangerine from the grocery store and got arrested despite her having alzheimers. She didn't mean to, Eddie, why would they make her cry like that? In fairness, it was a very upsetting commercial, but you cried for four hours, and for days afterward your eyes would well with tears and he'd know exactly what you were thinking of. 
"When you're on your period," he explains. "When you know you wouldn't usually cry." 
"You think so?" you ask. 
"I think the solution is the same, too." 
You nod your agreement. "He's hungry." 
You and Eddie feed the baby with varying levels of success. Charlie doesn't wanna latch even though it's a bottle teat, causing some confusion —is he not hungry? Is he cold? No, sweetheart, he's not cold, he's got two blankets and the thermostat's at 68 Fahrenheit. Maybe he needs a new diaper? You check. His diaper's clean. 
You're looking more and more defeated by the second. Eddie sits beside you to give your knee a reassuring squeeze. Babies are hard to look after, but he knows you'll both grow into it. You're exhausted from nine long months and a turbulent half day stint of pushing and crying and turning the bones in his hands into powder, your hormones are going crazy, and you're having a tough time. This won't be your forever feeling (though if it were to last, Eddie would stay at your side through that, too, that's not a question). 
"You know what else works when you're not feeling good?" Eddie asks, offering his arms. He isn't some muscled herculean shape, but when you hand Charlie over, his arms look strong. Capable. Holding Charlie feels just as perfect as holding you. "A Munson-style cuddle," he finishes, trying to speak to his wailing son in that same bubbly parentese you've started talking in. 
Eddie did a lot of talking to your bump while you were pregnant, but he was usually just trying to make you laugh. There were times where he'd lay with his nose against your hip and his arm under the bump, wondering about moments like this. What was the baby going to look like? What colour would his eyes be? What will it feel like to hold the baby in his arms? 
Charlie feels lighter than Eddie first prophesied. Small. He has eyes like yours rather than eyes like his and he couldn't love it more. 
Eddie takes the bottle when you offer it and sandwiches the baby to his chest. He doesn't want to condescend you, doesn't want to shoo you off, but Charlie's crying around the bottle and you look veritably miserably. 
"Do you wanna go and make sure the food isn't on the turn?" he asks. When he realised the baby wasn't going to go down easy again he put your plates on a baking sheet and put the oven on low to keep it warm. 
You hesitate. "Are you okay?" 
"I don't know. I think so, sweetheart. We're barely a room away, alright?" 
He's called you sweetheart more since the birth of your son than ever before, which is insane; Eddie's called you sweetheart likely twice a day since the day you met. That's a whole lot of sweethearts. 
With the baby's changing mood comes a change in the weather. Eddie pats his little back, a quiet thump thump thump, while rain lashes the closed windows. The baby finally decides he's hungry, and the mood turns from frenetic to ambient almost immediately. 
"You make sure you eat if you're hungry!" Eddie calls to you. 
"Are you sure?" 
"I think…" He drifts off, distracted by Charlie's long eyelashes, the way they skim under his eyes and the tiny noises he makes as he suckles. "Aw, baby," he murmurs, "good job. I knew you were hungry. You sounded just like your mom." He can't help grinning. Eddie is really talking to his kid right now, his real life baby. "You made her super emotional, but you're her whole world now. You're mine, too, obviously, but I'm cooler than this." He sighs. "No. I'm not. This is the coolest thing ever." 
"What do you think?" you ask softly. 
Eddie looks up. You're standing at the door, staring at them like they're made of sparkling diamond, every inch precious. 
"Right. I think that we're gonna have to start eating when we can. Wayne never had a baby, but he said I was bad enough as a teenager, and Steve said he's lucky if he gets to eat a hot meal some days." 
"Steve does have three," you say, frowning. "We really can't eat together anymore?" 
You ask like you're less bothered than you are. Like a gimmicky Oh, man. Eddie knows it hides a real worry, and right now he's trying to give you the world on a silver platter, so he dots a little kiss on Charlie's head and says warmly into his skin, "No, that's not true. You're going to be such a good kid, me and mom will be eating together all the time. Isn't that right?" 
Eddie looks at you with his head still tilted down. "I wanna eat together, okay? Everything's changing, but dinner doesn't have to. I just wanted you to eat 'cos you left half of your waffles at breakfast." 
"I can wait." 
"Then let's wait. You wanna come and hold him?" 
"No, he's settled. I don't wanna mess it up again." 
"You didn't," Eddie says, firm and sweet at once. "Sweetheart, come here. You didn't mess up, okay? I'm serious, come and sit with me." 
You hesitate in the way. You're still unsteady on your feet despite the few days you've had to recuperate. Though your hair is cleaner than his it certainly isn't clean, nor are the clothes you've pulled on. Eddie read up and asked around on what would be comfiest for you, debating nightgowns and silk pyjamas at length, but all you've wanted to wear is a hoodie you've had since you were a teenager and a pair of sweatpants with fraying cuffs. He loves it —you look like an adorable dork. 
Your stomach visibly churns. Eddie thinks you might chuck up, is already pulling the baby to his chest to place in the bassinet when you take a short, quiet gasp for air. 
"Sorry, I don't know why I feel so on and off. I know it's just hormones. I promise I feel happy– I feel happy–" You gesture an open palm toward him. "He's gorgeous, Eds, he's everything I wanted and so much more, I just– I just feel like crying and I don't know why," you confess, blinking to suppress tears, shifting your weight uncomfortably from foot to foot. 
Eddie detests seeing you this uneasy, and he swoops in to correct it. 
"Come here," he says again, no hands free to hold out to you. He hopes his voice is inviting enough. 
You shrink into yourself. "I'm being weird." 
"I like when you're weird. I kind of love it. I don't think we'd be in the mess if I didn't love it." 
"It's a mess?" you ask. 
"It's perfect." 
You finally smile, creeping around the bassinet and the needlessly baby proofed coffee table to sit on the edge of the couch with him. Charlie makes a sound in the back of his throat. 
"Hear that? He knows you're here," Eddie murmurs, making room for you hopefully. 
You sidle up to his thigh and lean on his arm, careful not to knock his elbow. You watch Charlie drink his bottle for as long as there's milk left, two ounces knocked back like it's nothing. 
Eddie eases the teat from Charlie's lips carefully. With care but a clumsy imprecise manoeuvre, he lays Charlie down in the bassinet. He has a lot of hair for such a small baby, enough to stroke back from his forehead, soft under Eddie's fingertips. 
"He's really, really beautiful," Eddie says quietly. 
"I know," you say, an anxious hand on your cheek. "I can't believe something as good as him could come from someone like me." 
Eddie stands between your legs, resting a loving hand at the slope of your shoulder. "Why would you ever think something like that?" he asks, his voice as soft as it's ever been, but with a smile in case you don't want to talk about it any more. 
"He's… I'm just not…" 
Eddie gives you time. You've needed it ever since you went into labour, time to piece things together.
"I really thought I was ready," you say, looking up at him with a pinch between your eyebrows.
He brings his hand up to cup your face. You don't lean into it. "Alright, I'm going to talk for a little while, 'n' I know you won't agree with everything I'm saying but I need you to know that this is how I really feel, yeah? Buckle up." Eddie bends down, unafraid of embarrassing himself because it's you. "I know you think these feelings are your fault… that this is some failing, like you're–" He drops his voice to a whisper, "Like you're being a bad mom already, but it's not the truth." 
You startle at being read so easily. "Eds," you mumble. 
"We knew this might be how you felt afterward, the midwife talked and talked about baby blues and you said–" 
"I said I couldn't understand how I'd ever feel sad once he was born," you say, looking at his neck rather than his face. 
"And that's fine, you know? You're not a bad person for thinking it would be perfect and then changing your mind." 
"But he is perfect," you say. 
Eddie rubs your cheek. "He's perfect, but this is hard. Being a new mom with your stitches and your aching tummy and all the gross fluids–" 
You laugh through a groan, pressing your eye into his hand.
He leaps to keep it going. "This isn't how you expected to feel, but that's okay. There's nothing to be ashamed of. Cry if you feel like crying and don't feel fucking guilty about it, this sucks. You had to do the world's most tumultuous campaign for the last nine months and suddenly you're standing at the start of a new one that takes up, like, a gazillion pages with half health and an equally useless companion." 
Your lips press into a thin line, but your eyes are soft and bright despite their obvious fatigue. You bracelet his wrist with your fingers and push his hand further into your cheek. 
"My dork," you murmur. 
"You understand it, don't you? Makes you an even bigger dork."
You nudge your nose into his palm. "I understand. Thank you, honey." 
Eddie's not done. "You said you don't know how something good like him could come from someone like you? I don't think bad was a possibility." 
Your second thank you is better. The first wasn't inauthentic, but this one sounds as though you genuinely believe him. Eddie bows down into a crouch to wrap his arms around you, the majority of his weight on your shoulders and avoiding your sore lower region, and the entirety of his love pressed to your cheek, a long, mindless kiss. 
"I love you," you say. 
Eddie tucks his head against yours, ignoring his protesting knees. "I love you, too." 
Your food turns to dry mulch by the time you remember it in the oven. You're too distracted by Eddie's hug, his offering for a shoulder massage, and the subsequent second hug that ensues, your back to his chest, dozing in the sanctuary of his arms. Munson-style cuddles are his expertise.
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thank you for reading!
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heartfullofleeches · 6 months
Yan Husband + G.N Monster Reader
A Slightly Fluffy/Slightly Suggestive Holiday Blurb
What do you get someone who has everything?
"You're asking me what I want for Christmas? Why would I want anything else when I already have everything I need? A nice house, a loving spouse. I'd say I'm set for life- so why don't you tell me what you'd like this year, Sweetheart."
He's so difficult sometimes- Your dear husband had always made sure the holiday season was special for you. Even as a college student with little to his name, he wanted you to experience the same magic he witnessed as a child when his parents were forced to play the part of attentive caretakers. Presents, festive activities, decorating the house. As you've never had the pleasure of these traditions due to your origins your husband made it his duty to give you everything and more- well, except for one thing.
You wanted to be the one to go all out for him for once. To see the joy and happiness in his eyes when he unwraps the perfect present that you picked out yourself. You've tried asking him. You've tried watching him to learn more about the little things he enjoys, but it's all you. All he wants for Christmas is your life. He enjoys cooking and gardening because they're things that keep you happy and cared for.
His entire life revolved around you - and as such, the answer to your blight has been in your lap the entire time.
Your husband arrives home an hour early. You expected him to get off a little early due to the holiday, but what you hadn't guessed was that he'd bring guests. Springing up from your sprawled out position on the couch, you rush to the front door - grabbing and hastily tossing on a coat as the choir of voices and the jostling of keys grows closer. Securing the belt strap around your waist and a scarf around your neck, you wait for the click out of outside lock and a knock on the frame before sliding back the bolt on your side of the door. Your husband lights up like a christmas tree seeing you standing there - the soft flush of his pale cheeks accented by the warm flow of the lights strung around your shared home.
Evan steps through the door, excitement dripping from his every move as he throws his arms at your waist. "You're already dressed. I meant to call you, but I left my phone back at the office."
Glancing over his shoulder, you hug your coat tighter to your chest - cold winds nawing at the thick layers of your flesh. "Evan...Who are they?"
Evan looks back at his colleagues. He told them to stay in their cars, but what goes in on ear goes right out the other. Are they scaring you? "A few friends from work. There's a party at the office I completely forgot about today and they followed me since I've already had a couple glasses. I thought it might be a good way for you to get to know some of them.
You shift uncomfortably under their gaze. "Evan, can I talk to you privately."
"Of course." Evan shuts the front door behind him without even addressing his coworkers. Your safety was more important. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing... I was just wondering if we should stay home tonight... I have a gift I wanted to give you early."
The worry drains from his face. "Oh, hun- you didn't have to go through all that trouble for me. I've told you before that you're the greatest gift I could ever ask for. We can open it when we get home.
"Are you sure you don't want a peak now?"
His brows scrunch up in confusion. Cupping your hand against his ear, you untie your belt - letting the loose fitting coat fall freely. Even at your height the coat was a little big on you as it had been commissioned by your sweet husband as a present a few years back. The flush of his cheeks reaches all the way to his ears as you whisper.
"You've always say I'm the best gift you have ever received."
Hands tear the coat further from your shoulders. Evan looks from your face, to the ribbons wrapped around your thighs and torso, laced across your body with a finished bow sitting center on your chest. It was fitted tastefully enough to cover your assets, but with tiny imperfections between the layers of ribbon and its transparency if he tilted his head just right-
Evan presses his palm to his mouth to mask the shaky breath he exhales.
"Excuse me for one moment."
Evan covers you back up with a kiss to your shoulder. You press your ear to the front door as he steps back outside.
"I'm really sorry, guys. My spouse came down with something while I was out. They're extremely sick right now. You might not even hear from us till the new years. Enjoy the party!"
As cautious as he is, you've never seen your husband neglect to lock the upper locks on the front door as he did when he returned to your side. Evan sweeps you off your feet with little effort thanks to all the training he'd done for that express reason. Hooking your arms around him as he carries you to bed - you plant wet kisses to the already scarred areas of his neck and cheek.
"Do you like your present?"
Evan kisses your jaw. "None can compare...... but maybe you should ask again once I get this ribbon off.
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stefans-brock · 5 months
colby brock
heartbreak anniversary.
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summary: it had been months after colby's girlfriend had left him, and he still hadn't gotten over her. she left him heartbroken. but after she reached out to him for his birthday, the two reconnected.
a/n: i'd highly recommended that you listen to 'heartbreak anniversary' whilst reading this! 🫶🏽
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it was colby's birthday, though many would look forward to their birthday - colby didn't. he was dreading it, the thought of his birthday brought back many memories - memories he didn't want to reminisce.
it had turned midnight on the second january, and he was laid on his bed, looking up, staring at the ceiling - feeling bad for himself. he let out a sigh before looking over to his phone, which sat on the bedside table.
a flashback of previous years occurs in his head - it had become a tradition that y/n would always text colby at midnight exactly on the day it turns his birthday. she'd wish him the happiest of birthdays, continue with a 'i love you' and end it with 'i'll see you later'
"fuck, stop it" colby cursed, scolding himself. he always reminded himself never to think about the past, but how could he stop when that was the happiest he'd ever been. after parting ways with y/n, colby became deprived of love and loving. he would sometimes let himself become selfish and reminisce his time with y/n because that's all that he had, he knew he shouldn't, but he couldn't help himself.
he grabbed the plushie, which lay beside him and settled it on his chest. he closed his eyes as he breathed in the scent from the plushie. it was a pink and blue dinosaur plushie, which went by the name 'bubbles'. the scene of colby winning it for y/n played in his head, the corner of his lips curved slightly at the memory. he remembered the smile and laughs from y/n as he concentrated on the claw machine. she squealed when colby handed her the dinosaur. she informed colby that the dinosaur reminded her of bubblegum, and so colby came up with the name 'bubbles'.
during the break-up, y/n left bubbles at colby's. it hurt colby every day to see the plushie, but it reminded him of his soulmate - so he couldn't ever bring himself to throw it out or try hide it in his closet - because in reality, he needed it. it helped him bear the pain and hurt.
a knock on the door brought colby back to reality. he opened his eyes and glanced over to the door, which was now slightly open, with sam's head peeking in. colby gave him a small smile before nodding his head beside him.
sam walked in, closing the door behind him and walked up over to colby. colby placed the plushie down beside him and sat up on the bed.
"happy birthday, brother" sam cheered, pulling colby up off the bed. colby let out a quiet laugh whilst he reciprocated the hug.
sam pulled back, looking at colby's face. he'd know the boy ever since they were young boys, so though colby didn't or rather couldn't express his feeling, sam already knew what he was feeling.
"you all good, man?" sam asked cautiously. colby nodded eagerly, "y-yeah, all good here" colby lied. "have you heard from her?" sam finally asks.
colby lets out a deep breath before dropping down on his bed, crossing his legs whilst hiding his face in his hands. he shakes his head. "i'm sorry, man," he says, taking a seat besides colby.
"i just-" colby tries to say but gets cut off by the lump in his throat, he swallows it down before trying again- "i just wonder if she thinks of me the same way i think of her" colby admits.
"i think she does, colby. what you two had was -" sam assures him, placing his hand on his back. "it was something special, man" he shakes his head.
sam tried his best to reassure colby and comfort him and colby appreciated it, but inside, he was still feeling the same.
"we should probably head to sleep," colby announces, making sam nod his head. "see you in the morning, man," he smiles before giving colby one more hug. he then leaves colby's bedroom, leaving colby all alone again with his thoughts.
colby shuffled down on his bed, laying down on the mattress. he turned to his side, facing the bedside table. he bit down on his bottom lip as he noticed the face in the picture frame, staring at him.
he reached his hand out to the picture frame and placed it facing down. he shook his head, trying to escape the memories that were entering his head again. how could he try to get over y/n or move on from her when his bedroom felt haunted by her. she was everywhere but nowhere.
just as colby's eyes became heavy, he heard his phone begin to ring. he groaned, reaching his hand out to the bedside table, patting his hand around on it until he grasped his phone.
he answered the call, not even bothering to look at the caller id. "hello" his voice came across tired and hoarse as he spoke into the phone.
"colby" the familiar voice spoke, quiet like a whisper. "y/n" colby cleared his throat as he sat up on his bed. "hi" colby spoke again. he heard her take a deep breath before speaking, "happy birthday, colby."
"sorry, i know i'm a few minutes late than normal," she says. colby let out out a little laugh, "you still called." colby shakes his head in disbelief. this was the last thing he's expected to happen. "colby?" she asks, colby humming in response.
"are you still in vegas?" she stutters over her words. "yeah, still with sam and kat" colby reminds her. "i remember," she says, colby swears he could feel her smile through the phone.
the two stayed quiet for a moment. it wasn't an awkward silence but rather a comforting silence. "uhm, okay, so i should get going," she mumbles, "happy birthday, again," she finishes. "y/n?" colby pipes up quickly before the call ends. "yeah?" she replies. "will i see you later on today?" he asks, hoping she'd say her standard answer of 'yes, of course you will', but instead, silence filled the air again.
she takes a deep breath in, "i don't know colby, i don't think you will," she says. "y/n," colby sighed. "i'm sorry colby, but i have to go," and with that, she ends the call.
"fuck" colby exclaims, throwing his phone across his bed. he throws his hands up to his head whilst muttering out profanities.
memories intruded his mind, mocking and reminding him of what he had lost.
he remembered the way her lips tasted, how they'd move against his, the way his hands fit perfectly on her waist. the way she would always tap her necklace in counts of three whenever she got nervous.
he hated it - he hated how he remembered everything, every little detail. he hated how much he loved her - or rather how much he still loves her. he hates how much she impacts him even now, how every thought of his is consumed by her.
with her stuck in his mind, colby eventually fell asleep. unconsciously, he had reached over beside him and held out for the pink and blue plushie from before.
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the sound of happy birthday playing through a phone, whilst sam and katrina sang along, was heard by colby when he woke up due to the disturbance.
colby groaned as he pulled the covers above his head, "it's your birthday, dude!" katrina squealed, "happy birthday, man!" sam exclaimed. he made his way to stand on colby's bed and then began jumping on the mattress.
katrina rolled her eyes at colby before pulling the covers down, "get up!" she exclaims. "too tired!" colby groans as he nuzzles his face into his pillow. "colby, i swear to god if you don't get up right now -" katrina starts.
"geez, i'm up" colby yawned, sitting up. he rubbed his eyes open before looking up at sam, who was still jumping up and down on the bed. "you need help, brother," colby chuckled, shaking his head.
sam ignored him and jumped down, off the bed, now standing next to katrina. "happy birthday colbs!" katrina smiled, opening her arms for colby.
colby stayed sat on his bed but lent up to give her a hug, "thanks guys" colby smiled. "so what's on the agenda today, birthday boy?" katrina asks, taking a seat on the foot of the bed.
"lets just make it a chill one this year" colby informs both of them, "nonsense, it's your twenty seventh" katrina pipes up. "we gotta go wild" she finishes.
colby chewed his inner cheek before glancing over at sam, who was looking at katrina with widened eyes whilst shaking his head slightly - giving her a 'don't push him' look.
colby looked back at katrina and nodded, "you're right, it's my twenty seventh. let's go crazy!" colby cheered, making katrina smile, and sam looking concerned.
"right, so, breakfast?" sam asks, "wanna go out?" he finishes, raising an eyebrow to colby. "yeah, lets do it, man," colby nods along. "okay, meet us down in twenty," sam states, colby nodding along in agreement.
katrina stood up from the bed and walked behind sam as the two made their way out of colby's bedroom. "wait, kat!" colby shouts after her.
katrina turns around, humming in response, "what's up?" she asks. sam had also stopped in his tracks, now looking at colby. "can i talk to you?" colby asks, moving his eyes over to katrina.
sam gave colby a small nod and smiled before walking out, closing the bedroom door after him.
katrina takes a seat in the same place she sat a minute ago. "has she said anything about me to you? colby asks after taking in a deep breath.
"colby -" katrina shakes her head, "please, kat" colby pleads. she lets out a sigh, "she misses you" katrina admits, "she feels so guilty, colbs" katrina continues.
guilty? why was she feeling guilty?
colby's eyebrows furrowed. colby's friends and family knew the two broke up, but only a few knew the real reason behind why.
colby had never publicised his relationship, so as far as the fans knew, colby didn't have a girlfriend - or the slight few that had seen the two in public before, assumed they were still together. when it came to letting others know, they decided to say it was a mutual decision, and the two would go on to stay friends.
the only people who knew the truth? y/n, colby, kat, and sam.
the truth was y/n left but not because she gave up on what she had with colby. there was an accumulation of reasons, really. she was scared that her relationship with colby was going too well and she was expecting it to crumble down any second of their relationship, making her anxious a lot of the time, or thinking about things intensely - too intensely, over analysing situations and conversations. another reason was a lack of self-worth. she had an idea in her head that she wasn't good enough for colby and that he deserved more than her.
"besides feeling guilty, she's actually doing well, colby." katrina informs him, snapping his out of his trance. "she's been really working on herself a lot these past few months," katrina continues on. "i know she misses you, colby," katrina pouts, fiddling with her rings on her fingers. "a lot," she says after a short pause.
"what do i do now though kat, i need her," colby lets himself become vulnerable in front of the girl he calls his sister. "come here," katrina pats the mattress beside her, signalling colby to shuffle over, and he does so.
kat gives colby a hug, "you just need to wait colbs. you'll have her sooner than you think" she informs him.
colby pulls back from the hug and nods hesitantly. "can i tell you something?" colby sighs, katrina nods in response.
"i can't stop thinking about her," colby admits, "everywhere i look, i see her. right when i wake up, up until the moment my eyes shut. and even still, she appears in my dreams like she's a mythical being. " colby shakes his head, realising he's said too much.
"soon, okay. i promise, " katrina frowns before standing up.
"today's about you colbs," katrina plasters a sad smile on her lips before she turns to walk towards the door. "remember, things happen when you least expect them too," colby watched as she walked out of the bedroom, shutting the door behind her.
once colby was left alone in his room, he dramatically dropped his back down against the mattress. he let his hand run through his hair, tugging slightly due to the feeling of frustration.
after recollecting his thoughts - or in better words pushing down his thoughts - he rose up on his feet and made his way to his closet.
he picked out his favourite xplr tracksuit and laid it on his bed before making his way into his bathroom.
he took a shower, brushed his teeth, and then stood in front of the mirror to style his hair. after getting himself semi-ready, he made his way back into his bedroom, with a towel wrapped around his lower half, and got changed into the tracksuit he had previously picked out.
he finished off by putting on his jewellery - such as his chunky, silver rings and his layered, cross necklace. grabbing his phone, wallet, and keys, he stuffed them in his pockets before running his way downstairs.
sam and katrina were already standing at the front door, the couple now out of their pyjamas and in their day clothes. "ready?" sam asks, looking up from his phone, katrina doing the same. colby nods in response. the three now making their way out of the house, colby locked up whilst katrina and sam walked up to sam's car. "you can have the front, birthday boy," katrina chuckles, opening the back door of the car. colby gives her a playful smile before taking a seat in the front passenger seat.
"so, where are we going?" colby asks the two, turning to put his seatbelt on. "there's a new brunch place on the strip" katrina shrugs, "yeah, lets do that. that sounds good" colby nods.
sam turns his key in the car, starting the ignition, and then begins the drive to the strip.
the drive only lasted a few minutes short of half an hour before arriving at the café.
"are we underdressed?" colby announces, opening up the café door for both katrina and sam to walk in. "we aren't" katrina whispers, her finger moving back and forth between her and sam, "but you might be" she giggles, shaking her head.
colby looks down at his xplr tracksuit and shrugged before catching up with the couple, who had now found a table.
the three sat in a booth, colby and sam on one side whilst katrina sat alone - though opposite them.
"i'm starving," sam huffs as he flicks through the menu. "same, man," colby joins in.
the three eventually pick out their meals and put in their order.
"are you sure it isn't too early for a cherry cola?" sam asks, looking over at colby, whose gulping down said drink. "it's never too early for a cherry cola" colby grins before placing the glass down on the table. sam chuckled whilst shaking his head. he then moved his focus on his girlfriend, who was talking about a new song of hers.
colby tried listening to her speak, but the glass he had just drank from - left an imprint in his mind. "cherry cola," he barely whispers. he runs the pad of his thumb against his bottom lip.
cherry like her lips, her favourite chapstick was cherry flavoured.
colby bit down on his bottom lip as he remembered the taste of her lips. the memory of his last kiss with her, taunting his mind. he remembered everything, from the way her lips moved against his, the way they tasted, to the way she always tried to tease colby by running her tongue across his bottom lip.
"colbs?" katrina's voice took colby out of his trance, "so what'd you think?" katrina asks. colby raises his eyebrows at her, "sorry, i didn't hear." colby shook his head. "it's okay, never mind," she smiles before turning her attention to sam.
after that encounter, colby stayed focused on the conversations. not only because he felt bad for not paying attention but because he couldn't allow himself to reminisce his past - it still hurt him. it reminded him of what he now didn't have: her.
shortly after, their meals came out, and three scarfed down their food - it was evident that they were all hungry.
once finished, sam paid the bill, and three made their way back to their house.
"i forgot i needed to go to target!" katrina exclaimed as sam began larking the car in the driveway. "seriously?" sam tuts. "i need to get candles for the cake, sam!" katrina huffs. "i don't need candles on my cake" colby shrugs.
"you're getting candles, colby," katrina says, shooting a glare out colby, who just puts his hand up in defence. katrina then looked in the rear view mirror to make eye contact with sam.
"take me," she pouts, "babe, i can't. i have to finish up editing. " sam shakes his head. the two then look over at colby, "will you take me?" katrina pleads. "oh" colby scratches the back of his neck awkwardly. "uhm, yeah, sure" he agrees. "thank you, thank you, thank you!" she sings as she gets out the backseat. she then opens up the passenger side door, looking down at colby, who's still sat there.
"oh right, yeah" colby chuckles. he watches sam exit the drivers seat before he leaps over the center console, now taking a seat in front of the wheel. katrina now taking a seat on the passenger side.
sam said his 'see you laters' to his best friend and girlfriend before making his way inside, whilst the other two, made their way to target.
"one direction?" katrina squeals, "you bet!"
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it had been two hours since colby and katrina arrived at target. the first half an hour was spent at the starbucks in target, and it took katrina twenty minutes to decide what drink she wanted. during the time katrina spent deciding, colby stood and watched her - in utter confusion. how could someone take so long when ordering a drink.
after that debacle, the two went to go get the candles. "colbs, can you get a cart?" katrina asks. "we're just getting candles. why do we need a cart? colby asks. "we just do," she smiles. colby shook his head as he walked over to the cart bay.
as he pulled out a cart and wheeled it over towards katrina, he realised he'd messed up by agreeing to take her - it was going to be a long trip.
and a long trip it was. it had been two hours in, and katrina was still looking around as if she had just walked in.
"kat, i'm tired," colby whined as he pushed the cart. "nearly done," she says. she's been saying that for the past hour now.
after the three hours total in target, they two finally made it out there alive.
"i'm never being your chauffeur again," colby huffs as he unloads the bags from the cart to the backseats of the car. katrina chuckled as she helped him with the bags.
it was nearly six in the evening when the two arrived back home.
"i can't believe you bought this much shit," colby shook his head as he grabbed two bags per hand, beginning to turn towards the door. "wait colbs!" katrina exclaims, making colby hum in response, "don't leave me alone. it's dark out here, " she says, colby just nodded, letting her go in front of him.
the two walked through the house in pitch darkness, "kat, put the lights on!" colby says as he drops the bags on the kitchen island. "doing it!" she says back. colby heard rustling beside him, which he thought came from katrina trying to find the lights, but when the lights flicked on and colby looked beside him - he dropped his jaw in utter shock.
"happy birthday, colby!" and "suprise" - both were heard as people jumped up from the floor.
"what the fuck" colby chuckled as he began getting embraced by friends. as he was getting pulled in every corner, by friends who were wishing him a happy birthday, he was looking out for someone in particular.
he was searching for those familiar siren eyes, the ones that would always lure him in, the ones that were hypnotising.
"she isn't here," sam whispered into colby's ear from behind. colby gave him a subtle nod before smiling at the friend who had pulled him in for a hug.
colby went on throughout the night saying his thank you's before moving on to spend time with his close friends.
"cheers to you, brother." sam cheered as he clinked his champagne glass against colby's. colby let out a chuckle before the two swallowed down their champagne. colby had been sipping on his one glass of champagne throughout the night, whereas sam had a few too many glasses of both champagne and vodka. - to put it lightly, sam was hammered. colby had made a mental note to himself, 'to watch over sam, throughout the night'. but when he saw the blonde beginning to climb the kitchen island, he shook his head and let out a sigh before turning to katrina.
"i'm going out for some air. can you try to make sure he's still alive for when i come back in, " katrina lets out a giggle, "will do, " she smiles before turning towards sam's direction.
colby strolled his way towards the front door, slightly pushing past the bodies that filled the kitchen and hallway.
once outside, he took a seat on porch steps. he scanned his surroundings before stuffing his hand in his front pocket, pulling out a white box.
he opened the white box and pulled out a cigarette. he settled the single cigarette in between his index and middle finger. his fingers fiddling with it as he began contemplating whether to light it or not.
"so, you smoke now?"
the familiar voice startles colby, and still his head shoots up, and his eyes fall into those familiar siren eyes.
he jumps up from the ground, brushing his clothes. it was only then he realised that he was still wearing a tracksuit at his own party. he shook the thought out of his head and fixated on the girl who stood in front of him.
her legs were crossed as she stood, her pink dress fitting up to her mid thigh. her hair fallen, settling just above her waist. her arms crossed over her chest, and a purse that losely rested on her shoulder.
without answering her, he stuffs the cigarette back into the box and places it in his pocket. he then reaches his hand out to her, and she takes it instantly. colby quickly acknowledged the warmth and electricity that ran through his body as her hands touched his.
though he pushed the acknowledgement aside and guided her into the house and up the stairs. colby evidently unbothered by the fact that he had just gained a few stares and whispers.
"colby" she breathed out hesitantly as he led her to his room. he shut the door behind her and then made his way to his closet. she watched as he now approached her with an oversized leather jacket.
"it's cold" he says, wrapping his jacket around her arms, letting it drape down. "thanks" she whispers.
the two stood merely a few inches away from each other. colby looking down at her whilst she looked up at colby.
their silence speaking louder than words, colby reached for her hand and intertwined her fingers with his.
"happy birthday, colby." she smiles. colby returned a smile before saying a thank you.
colby watched as she turned her head, scanning the room that she knew all so familiarly.
"it's the same" she let a small giggle as she let her hand fall from colby's. she began walking around the room, her hands following behind her as they traced the wall and any other objects that came in the way.
she stopped at the bedside table, flipping over the picture frame that colby had put down, early hours in the morning.
"you still have this?" she asked rhetorically, though colby still nodded.
"everything is as you left it," colby muttered as he took a seat on the foot of his bed. he was referring to her clothes still being in his closet, her toothbrush still sitting on the bathroom counter, bubbles - the plushie, and the picture frame.
she bit her inner cheek as she put down the picture frame as she had found it - facing down.
she then followed suit to colby and sat on the foot of his bed. but this time colby stood up and walked to the bedside table. he picked the picture frame up and settled it back on the table, propping it up.
"still got bubbles," colby points over to the dinosaur that lay against the head rest. a smile rose on her lips as she turned her head back.
"bubbles!" she giggled, leaning over to grasp the dinosaur. colby watched as she hugged the plushie, breathing in its scent. "it smells like you" she states, making colby chuckle lowly. "it's smells like you," colby counters, shaking his head.
she also shaked her head, setting bubbles beside her as she watched colby approach her. he stood in front of her, reaching down for her hand. he gently pulls her up, her chest now against his whilst their lips are inches away from touching.
her hands flew up to settle around his nape whilst his arms rested around her back.
the two were now breathing heavy, their chest heaving against each other's. "colby" she muttered breathless. "shh" colby whispered as he lowered his forehead against hers.
she brought one of her hands up to cup his jaw, her fingers tracing his jawline. "i'm sorry, colby." she shakes her head as she closes her eyes. "for everything," she stated, opening her eyes.
"i miss you." she moved her hand higher, now cupping his cheek.
"it wasn't your fault" colby finally says. "i know you felt like you had to leave, but you didn't," colbys begins. "but honestly, you never really left" he continues. she raised her eyebrows at colby, "there wasn't a day since you left that i hadn't thought about you. everywhere in this house, in my room, you were always there" colby finishes. he lowers his face down closer to hers.
"colby" she breathed out, colby humming in response. "kiss me" she pleaded, "please" colby plastered a smile across his lips before letting his lips fall onto those familiar plumped ones.
he ran his hand up to the back of her neck for leverage. she let her hands snake to his nape, her fingers playing with that back of colby's hair.
colby was the first to pull away, though his lips remained close to hers. "cherry" he smiled to himself as he ran his thumb along her bottom lip.
a creak was heard from the door, colby's head shot around, staring at the door, which was parted. he saw sam and katrina peeking from the parted door.
"you were being too loud!" katrina whispered to sam but failed as colby heard her. colby shook his head at the couple as they walked into colby's bedroom, guilty expressions on their face.
"hey y/n, long time no see!" sam exclaimed, going in for a hug. she gave him a wave before returning sam's hug.
"are you guys okay?" katrina asks.
colby turns to look at y/n, "never better, right?" colby smiled. she hummed, "everything's perfect." she smiled, leaning up on her tiptoes to place a kiss on colby's lips.
both sam and katrina cheered and squealed from the sight of their best friends finally reuniting.
"do you guys mind?" colby says, pulling away, glaring at sam and katrina. "oh, yeah, sure," they laugh awkwardly before leaving, closing the door behind them.
"colby!" she exclaimed with a giggle, "what!" colby exclaims, "they were creeping me out, they were staring" he raised his eyebrows.
she playfully hit his chest before tiptoeing again, colby lowered his lips on hers.
"this is the best birthday present you could've given me, thank you"
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a/n- if you have any requests, please just ask! my requests are open! 🫶🏽
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