#what i'm saying is that it was that people love ulyss
emperorundying · 10 months
The Locked Tomb Dashboard Simulator
💎 saintofawe ☑️ Follow
It always astounds me how dreadfully boring pre-resurrection media sounds.
💎 saintofawe ☑️ Follow
"And then he loved him but only in the Spanish dub" why is the dub only kind of span.
#our dear necrolord is reminiscing about his 'Favorite Johnlocks' again #duplicitous sluts please interact #i need a fucking break
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🦷 gleam_of_a_jewel Follow
"Don't transvestigate religious figures" Cyrus the First had a pussy and I will die on this hill.
#gem.txt #before tower dickrider anons infiltrate my asks #my great great aunt was a distant relative of his cavalier #also i'm right
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💉 se7en Follow
for important necromantic research 😇
🧠 scapulascissors Follow
half these people have not been heard from in thousands of years i don't know whether those dicks are really at their peaks anymore
👾 nyecromansea Follow
Where's my "Anyone-But-Two-Pump-Chump-Gaius" option?
🧟 graveyardshift Follow
#they HATE to see a girlboss win #miss second saint to serve the emperor undying please girl just one chance #yes she's missing yes it's because she's in my bed every night #what about it
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💀 towerofficial ☑️
In response to any concerns about a contagious black goop spreading to The Houses, The Tower would like to emphasize that this is not currently something anyone in The Houses should worry about. It is under control, and remember that tomorrow is Resurrection Day!
👤 necrodykez-deactivated-1678946
👤 resurrectionbeastmode-deactivated-1678579
👤 edenite-ally-deactivated-1678613
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👤 girlboy-of-the-sharpest-edge-deactivated-1672894
👤 blasphemiec-deactivated-1691082
💀 towerofficial ☑️
S. Time is a flat fucking circle.
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🫀 chussy Follow
anyone else feel like the anti-nine-houses rhetoric on this site has skyrocketed since the princes were crowned? i don't want to say it's lesbophobia but.....
👤 antizombieactivism-deactivated-1947582
Are you fucking serious???? Not everything is about sexuality holy shit can you think critically for two seconds, The N*crolord literally has been fucking over planets for millennia.
🫀 chussy Follow
that legit does not account for the rise.... idk im just saying
#tell me you hate butches without telling me you hate butches #embarrassing!!!
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☠️ is-the-emperor-undying-dead-yet Follow
still no
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txttletale · 3 months
what are some things you like about fnv?
so much! i like the character writing, i think every companion is well-written and compelling--i like the extremely tight and overarching but (mostly) unforced focus on theme. 'let go, begin again' gets said verbatim maybe a bit too much in dead money but it's also the theme of all the other DLC and every individual companion quest and the most popular of the four main story paths and i think that kind of broad coherence really shines. i love the quest and world design, i love how many different skills will pop up in conversation because it lets you genuinely roleplay, getting the option to e.g. tell dog the cage must be locked from the inside or bypass difficult combat encounters because you have a high lockpicking skill makes you feel like your character is an expert lockpicker in a way that just being able to get optional loot sometimes just doesn't--i love how you will be directed to important or interesting locations from multiple quests, how all these places interconnect.
and i also deeply love how fnv's world is a world of history and people, not of facts and lore. you can kill caesar and kimball and their factions don't just explode without them--and you will hear multiple, contradictory takes from people in the world about how those deaths will impact those factions. if you kill caesar, house says it won't matter at all, boone says he has successors, ulysses and some NCR guys say it'll collapse the legion, and you never really get to know for sure. and so much about the world is like this, stuff you can get endless perspectives on and no single authoritative 'neutral' information. and in that line i love how the world is more than those people! how the world is much more than you., as impactful as the courier can be, the world reacting and moving and changing is prioritized over absolute player freedom to Experience Content--i love that, for instance, if you're vilified by the NCR before House gives you the quest to protect kimball, he just says "they're not going to let you get close to them, we'll just have to let him die" and then you can't do that quest and kimball dies! little shit like that makes new vegas' world feel real instead of warping around wikis and lore bibles and the protagonist.
so yeah i like a lot about fnv! i am a bit more vocal about my criticisms just bc quite frankly i think all of the things i like are things most people like and i see people saying basically all of this every time the game is brought up while i don't see people talk about the stuff i think is weird/bad as much. and i'm naturally inclinced to like, say whatever i think my more original trhoughts are so i'm not just adding to a chorus. but i do love fnv a lot
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datura-tea · 1 year
Why is there much Ulysses hate? Like I don’t understand if you don’t like him…that’s fine but he’s got a damn fine voice and a cool look, and a lot of people like terrible characters Vuples whose done way worse shit and looks twelve doing it.
hmm i can think of a few reasons...
he's the face of a dlc that introduces a backstory to your blank slate of a player character - a lot of people don't like that apparently, even though to me it's a very very juicy addition to my courier's history hehe
he speaks so densely! so much symbol and metaphor and a lot of things that he says contradict each other. i love it but i'm a creative writing major who loves unreliable narrators :)
let's face it, a lot of gamers just don't engage with the material. they just want to go through with the game with as little friction as possible
he's black and some of the fandom is.... well. racist. and they can't take the idea of an intelligent, well-spoken black man challenging them and their player character, unfortunately
idk what else rn but there are probably more reasons. god knows i get enough weirdos telling me why in my askbox. i just ignore and delete them tho lol so they don't bother me :))
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necrotic-nephilim · 1 month
for the ask game, an AU where (somehow…) jason and tim (begrudgingly) team up in the search for a hero/battle for the cowl era (either when jason says tim should work with him on the gang stuff or when batman jason asks tim to be his robin) :]
for the ask game!
god, Search For A Hero my beloved. for the Search For A Hero version of their team-up, I think I'd write it something like this
I think the biggest reason Tim says no when Jason asks him is Jason asks Tim too early in the arc. as the storyline develops, Tim gets more and more desperate to best Ulysses, which is what pushes him to make the mistake that gets Ulysses' siblings killed. he's in a tight spot and he misjudges the situation. (i think the guilt he carries from that moment is one of the biggest inciting incidents for becoming Red Robin) so, i'd introduce Jason to the plot just a little later. just as Tim is on the edge of desperation. Tim isn't entirely adverse to working with villains if he thinks he can stay on top of them. so instead of sending Jason to prison, i think if Jason came to Tim at the right time, Tim would begrudging accept Jason's help
part of Tim's plan would be leveraging Jason's power with the mafia/mob scene in Gotham. they'd agree that topping the gangs would just cause a power vacuum (i'm pretty sure that's actually addressed in SFAH but i could be misremembering) so it's more about a balancing act, which is where Jason thrives. Tim is right on the cusp of being willing to do more morally questionable things, so it'd be a fun internal war for him to second-guess himself at every turn.
there would be such a delightful lack of trust in their partnerships. TIm has *zero* reason to trust Jason, and while Jason likes Tim enough, i don't think he's naive enough to put any trust in Tim. so there'd be moments where they don't fill each other in on aspects of the plan. Jason kills people behind Tim's back, Tim keys in his cop friend behind Jason's back. it builds the tension between them with a lot of hot arguments that get more and more charged.
the jealousy. there would just have to be a scene where Jason gets wildly jealous over Ulysses' complex over Tim. Ulysses tries so hard to pit himself as like, Tim's biggest adversary, his opposite. and Jason would *despise* that. sure, Jason is working with Tim, but part of the fun is that they're still enemies as they do it. i think it'd be sort of fun to have the moment where Ulysses blows Tim up be something Jason witnesses and he raises unholy hell about. because if anyone is going to kill Tim Drake, it's going to be him. and that angry possessiveness is what makes the romantic/sexual tension something neither of them can ignore anymore.
Tim deciding to put on the Red Robin suit to fight Ulysses would be where Jason just. goes full tilt possessive "he's mine i marked him that's my suit. see. mine. i said so." and Tim would push back but. what ground does he have to stand on bc he could've picked any suit with any cowl to protect his head after the blast, but he did choose Jason's. it was his own open invitation to Jason in a way. and well. they fuck nasty about it. and then Damian becomes Robin, so why not Tim keep the suit and just maybe, keep Jason in his back pocket.
and!! for the Battle for the Cowl version. man on one hand i love "Tim accepts Jason's offer to be his Robin" fics but i feel they lack a bite to them, so this is personally how i would try to pull it off, while being relatively in character.
so the biggest thing for me is, TIm agrees to be Jason's Robin not because he trusts or likes Jason, but for the same reasons he became Robin in the first place: to keep Batman stable. being Jason's Robin isn't about wanting to work with Jason, it would be Tim knowing there's no world Jason is ever going to stop and seeing Jason slowly tip over the edge of madness and well. if Tim was self-sacrificial enough to do it for Bruce and attempt to do it for Jean-Paul, he can do it for Jason.
him agreeing would i think startle Jason. like, Jason's offer was never particularly serious because he's at the point he knows Tim wants nothing to do with him. so when Tim says yes it sort of. snaps Jason out of the rage BftC puts him in. he's so startled but enticed by the thought, he willingly agrees to stipulations Tim sets, like no murder. like even if just to see where this goes, Jason jumps on the chance.
i'd really want to keep Dick and Damian as Batman and Robin, and the weird divide that would exist with Dick/Damian and Jason/Tim both running around as Batman/Robin and how off kilter that puts Gotham. like Gotham is so baffled by it, it actually makes criminals easier to handle. because they have no clue if they're getting the Batman who needs Robin to keep him in line, or the Robin who needs Batman to keep him in line. people know there's two Batmans, two Robins and no one knows quite what to do with that information. who's the "real" Batman? who's the "real" Robin? and on the personal level, the divide between Dick and Tim would be unmistakable. Dick would know what Tim's doing and try to convince him Jason is a lost cause bc well, Dick at this point *really* believes Jason is a lost fucking cause. So Dick's genuine care and concern for Tim just drives a further wedge between them.
i think there'd need to be a scene where Tim flat out asks if Jason even *wants* to be Batman. in a sort of attempt to slowly ween Jason off of being Batman, but also because i don't think Jason ever really wants to be Batman, he just wants Batman to be what his vision of justice is. and it'd be the first real heart to heart they have, discussing the legacy of the Robin and Batman mantles and how it's affected them. it'd be heated, but it'd be their first real conversation as just. Jason and Tim.
to me, i think the end goal of this AU would be Tim successfully "taming" Jason, and not in like a soft way, but in like a manipulative way, where even Jason knows that's what Tim is doing, but he just goes along with it because it's the first real human connection he's had in a while. also, i would work in Scarlet, Jason's sidekick in Batman & Robin (2009) as like. a pseudo daughter figure for them to help Jason find his humanity a bit. so it's not just Tim as Jason's rock, but also this misguided girl they'd both try to help. and well, then they ride into the sunset and all that, but still have a complicated, toxic dynamic they're both aware is unhealthy, but as balanced as it can be.
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bookishdaze · 7 months
Anyways, I wish to ramble about Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes and the new trailer because these next 3 months are gonna be excruciating. Here we goooo.
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Okay when I first saw this shot, the first thought crossing my mind was "Wow. Those eyes." These movies will once again have apes with prettier eyes than me, lol. They're blown so wide open here. It's so detailed and I love that the apes' expressions are more human-like. And I wonder why Noa is looking more visibly upset than his friends.
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The way he rubs the little chimp's head is so cute! I love this. Sweet older brother vibes.
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I just know Noa is thinking "this guy's not right in the head." This is the face I make when I want to crawl away from a conversation with someone making me feel really uncomfortable.
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He's shouting "PULL!" here. Later in the trailer we see apes pulling at chains at the same time. Are they trying to build a ship? (Noah's ark, anyone?) Open a bunker door to access tech? What are they doinggggg?
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Took me way too long to realize the mural is depicting an astronaut.
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People are saying this is her Statue of Liberty moment. I personally don't even think she is an astronaut tbh. I notice she is crying while looking through the telescope. I don't think it's because she is learning she is stuck hundreds of years into the future. I think she could be sad about humanity's downfall. Or she just thinks the stars are pretty and is overwhelmed. Or she's got dust in her eye, lol. I think in this scene Noa and Mae will share some fascination with the cosmos or something.
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This scene is so sweet! He's shyly giving her a blue sweater here. I cannot wait to see their dynamic play out.
Anyways, I'm putting on my tinfoil hat and calling it now, I think there is a SLIM possibility we'll get weird romantic undertones. But like. That's it. I'm not saying anything explicit. But likeeeeeeeee this idea has been toyed with since the 60s in the novel between Ulysse and Zira. I recently read the book and rewatched all 9 movies and I'm surprised at the unusual amount of romance. So there's a precedent. That's all I'm saying. Alrighty carrying on, lol.
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I think the ape elder Noa speaks with (Koro, I think?) dies here while Noa is falling off one of those phone towers his clan lives in. Rip.
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We are FINALLY getting more female apes. Two at the forefront, and I think I see a few in the background. Which was my one nitpick in the Caesar trilogy. I expected the lack of girls in the originals, but in the more modern ones? Cmon.
Now I'm just waiting on a female orangutan and gorilla, please 🙏
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Also, remember the blue sweater he gives Mae? I think I see it on the ground. What happened here? I notice Noa is caught in a net trying to reach his spear. I think Mae fell in the water because of the concept art we've been shown. Can apes swim? I sure hope so.
And there's so much more I wanna talk about, but I'll let my thoughts rest and go to bed. It's getting late.
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sparks-chaotic-cove · 5 months
IMPORTANT: please suggest quotes for those I don't have an idea for! It'd be very helpful, especially because I don't have all the VODs! I need quotes for: Rae, Caspian, Momboo, Jamie, Easton, Centross, Ven, Athena, Wolf, Arisanna, Haley, and Icarus. Open for suggestions on Ocie, Ulysses, and Aax!
I think when Fable ends I'm going to work on a series of pieces- love letters to the entire story and how much it's impacted me. I've got a few planned but I need Fable to end before I start it, because whatever happens from now to the finale- including the finale itself, is going to be so important in relation to these! A few of the already like- dead dead characters I can work with though
I want to include text within them, so;
Rae - Rae's is going to be one of the most fun. There is so much I can do- so many directions. The finale will probably solidify which I do! A few things are for certain though; 1) aspects of the skulk. Most likely will be vines crawling up the background! 2) Aspects of the three shards- Alerion, Enderian, and Perix. Probably will be conveyed through color! Enderian will have a more specific nod as she's more present within Rae himself! Some sort of crown would sort of be my idea. 3) Stars. Of some sort, I want there to be stars. 4) A crown. Will probably be end-esque but we shall see!
Aax -There are a few things I know I want for Aax as well! 1) Four. Such an iconic thing for Aax- it's gotta be there. 2) Glowberries (because why not) 3) A trident and an axe. Aax's words will probably be something like "by design", or something about protecting Rae and Caspian!
(more below cut. It's a lot of words-)
Caspian - The problem with Caspian is I don't know an absolute ton about him! I do know a decent bit though, I'd say. A few things I want to include: 1) a quill. what's a writer without his tools? 2) A nod to momboo in some way. I'll figure that out. 3) Redstone/gadgetry of some kind. 4) something Atlas related, if not Atlas herself.
Momboo - I want a lot of nature themed elements, of course, but also a splash of color. The glitching. May do a half and half but probably not- it'll probably be worked in there somehow tho! I want nods to Jamie and Easton as well. Not sure on the quote yet!
Jamie - I hold Jamie in my little hands. I want nods to Athena, Momboo, and Easton in there, as well as Eeji, whatever the sheep is named, the camel and Solaris! I might have them as tiny creatures within the art piece itself! There will be an increase of nature themed elements as well, a nod to how they inherited that from Momboo! (no quote so far)
Easton: I don't know too much about Easton as well, sadly! I want to include lightning, skulk, nods to their mother and sibling, and the border will probably be a heart monitor type line (well within the border), a nod to how they see the world! (no quote so far)
Athena: I of course want Nether elements, but also a nod to Jamie, nature/flowers, and Cheshire! Cheshire might be included, possibly at the bottom or draped across Athena's neck. Whatever I can get to work! I kind of want to draw her in his fancy nether outfit, because I feel like it fits? (no quote so far)
Ven: The little traitor man! (/aff) I want nods to Fengari and some sort of writing detail! I don't know a ton about Ven, but I may include some nods to Fable (twisting yellow claws, etc!) (no quote so far!)
Ocie: I have the most idea for Ocie- she's the one that started my brain a'going. One of the strongest themes in Ocie's character is grief. It's lost so many people- and now another one, Len. Features I want to include are: 1) a nod to Momboo, 2) Oscar, 3) I kind of want her eyes to glow, 4) a heart of the sea, 5) tears. The words on her piece will probably be "Another empty grave." (or "I don't want to dig another grave.", or "It takes every piece away"!)
Centross: Wouldn't be a Centross piece without a nod to the end! A note that this piece will be of Violet! I want to display each character sort of in their "final form", whatever that may be. I want stars, the reaver, and a nod to the farming. His quote will probably be something cryptic about keeping the balance!
Wolf/Fenris: Fenris's is another that is going to be really fun! I may add a phantom mask over his face, as well as the moon above or behind his head. I want him in a fancy outfit- probably the one Malitae gave him, or the Festival of light one. There will be stars for Rae, and maybe wheat for Centross? Not sure of a quote yet!
Arisanna: Gotta have allays. But also pillager references! The border will probs have arrows within it! She'll also have some sort of book reference, whether that be the background or her holding one!
Icarus: Wings and potions and wack. Icarus's will be colorful, feathery, and otherwise I'm not entirely sure! I want a crown, so icarus's matches the rest of prince trio's. I also want to highlight their eyes! Otherwise, I think help from y'all and also the finale will help. Quote might be "Oh, we're doing this again?" but I am very very very open to suggestions
Haley: Haley's is going to be eerie- probably a reference to how she died, but also I want something puppet-y about her! not sure what else, and for the quote all i got is "this wasn't how it was supposed to go"
Ulysses: formerly evil fish man WOOO! Gotta have references to medical stuff, possibly have Victor in there, telchin stuff, and alcohol. Ulysses is trying to make amends, to fix the wrongs, to improve. I don't know how I can convey the layers of that well, like I can with Ocie's grief. Honestly, the quote might be the best way to do that! ("I'm sorry", or "I didn't mean for this to happen", maybe?)
I won't be doing one for Galahad, Will, or Chaos! Galahad and Will because I don't know their characters that well, and I feel like it'd be out of place now. Chaos for infer-able reasons.
Addie may be added if I have time, motivation, and if we see addie again before the end!
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shut-up-danny-kun · 7 months
While reading this post, keep in mind that OP has not seen the TOS movies, only the show.
Logically (!) I know Kirk and Spock are workaholics, and in an ideal universe they would keep working for Starfleet 'till they drop dead. But sometimes I want them to settle down and have kids, because imagine what a fascinating (!) parenting dynamic that would be.
We know from the way he treats his crew that Jim would be an amazing dad. He's gentle and patient, but not too permissive, he never abuses his power, knows how to to balance reason and emotion...just perfect. Really, there's nothing else to say.
Spock though... His extremely high contempt for logic combined with trauma from discrimination and (maybe, I'm not actually sure) genuine trouble with empathy would make him an extremely strict parent. He'd probably want to develop that kid's cognitive functions every second they're not asleep. No frivolous activites. No unhealthy food. Stop crying, control yourself! And consider the unimaginably high standarts the kid of the youngest starship captain ever and one of the greatest scientists of an entire planet would have to live up to! If Jim wasn't there, Spock would raise a genius scientist...but traumatise them along the way.
And on top of that mess, Jim and Spock are some of the smartest people out there. So their home life would look something like this:
Kiddo: can I go outside and help my friends build a motorbike?
Jim: of course honey ☺️ remember to distribute the weight evenly across the axis...
Spock: FROM THE REGULARITY OF YOUR TYPING I HAVE CONCLUDED YOU HAVE NOT FINISHED SOLVING YOUR ASSIGNED THERMODYNAMICS PROBLEMS. You will not go outside until that is done and you have read 37% of Ulysses by James Joyce.
Jim wouldn't let Spock overwork the kid, of course, but I highly doubt Spock would change his ways quite so fast. They'd probably have huge fights about it. And Spock would soften up as he grew older, but he'd still seem cold compared to Jim.
And that makes me wonder...would that kid come to resent Spock? Would Spock become to his child what Sarek had been to him - harsh, demanding and distant? Would they wonder what Jim loves him for?
I'd like to think Spock would get over his upbringing and become more open-minded. Maybe he'd still lack that parental intuition and Jim would be better at understanding the kid's emotional needs, but he'd try his best to make them happy. He'd still push to make them as smart as possible, though. They'd probably beat Jim's record for the youngest captain 🤣
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dootznbootz · 13 days
Hi!! I love your blog and I’m enjoying your Odypen headcanons and theories very much! I recently started reading the Iliad so I’m new to all this and I just want to know your opinion on smth. In song 1, lines 135-140 Agamemnon mentions the bride prizes of several Achaean leaders, including Odysseus. Obviously nothing else is mentioned, no name, just that he has one, too. What’s your take on that? Any headcanons? I honestly hate the whole cheating discourse around him and I don’t want to add more fuel to the fire because in the Odyssey he was clearly a victim!! I would just love to know what you think about this particular thing in the Iliad. Considering the historical and cultural context, having a bride prize was normal in war (albeit awful from our modern standpoint). But Odysseus is a very interesting and complicated character so this could go in many different ways with him, and in any case it doesn’t really change my opinion on his love for Penelope. Thank you! :)
Thank you so much!!! That's so kind! And I'm so happy you're reading the Iliad! I hope you enjoy it! I'm so happy you're enjoying my silly and I DO have many thoughts about it! :D
And very good that either way, it doesn't change your opinion on his love for Penelope. My opinion/interpretation regardless of those lines, that should ALWAYS be the interpretation that people have of Odysseus.
So idk if you've seen my Aspec OdyPen silliness yet and/or my "Odysseus is a half-eunich from the boar". BUT those are my headcanons. (which I can delve into further later)
but I'll go over the canon evidence now. :P
(disclaimer: Slavery is a fucked up thing regardless of the circumstances. this is in no way excusing any of it)
So IDK which translation you're reading, but as someone who's read multiple versions...Some just say "Prize", and with the "it" and "something". I...didn't really see it as a woman and/or specifically a concubine.
Let Achaeans give me another prize, equal in value, something I’ll enjoy. If not, then I’ll take a prize myself by force,                                   something from you or Ajax or Odysseus.
(Book 1, Johnston)
Let the Achaeans find me a prize in fair exchange to my liking, or I will come and take your own, or that of Ajax or of Ulysses; and he to whomsoever I may come shall rue my coming.
(Book 1, Butler)
But if they do not give me such a gift, then I will seize your own prize or Ajax’s or Odysseus’ and carry it away, angering whomever I visit.
(Book 1, Heumann)
So to ME, (I do not know what the actual words said mean) I take "Prize" of "something of equal value" and/or just a slave.
As yeah...My Odysseus is aspec (basically Pen-romantic/Pen-sexual), I kind of plan to WRITE it personally as a bit of a thing with "Grab one of Odysseus' slaves, he doesn't use them as concubines."
And with Odysseus being the one to transport Chryseis, I have it where it's a bit of "I'll go bring her to her father. Take any slave you wish from my tent if you must. I don't care."
Agamemnon dragged a swift ship down the shore, chose twenty sailors, loaded on the oxen, offerings for the god, and led on fair-cheeked Chryseis.          Shrewd Odysseus shipped on as leader. All aboard, they set off, carving a pathway through the sea.
(Book 1, Johnston)
(Also with Ajax and his girlfriend/bride prize, I think this kind of made him extremely worried. My Odysseus and Ajax have "special beef" even BEFORE the war but they are fine about it by the war. Odysseus not only doesn't have a concubine or slave woman he's attached to but he also was helping a bro out in a way lol.)
And Odysseus is a king and a piece of shit. It's horrible but it feels in character for my lil asshole to basically use pretty slaves in trading. "Hey, you like lighthaired girls, yeah? Well, you have that really pretty silver-studded sword...I want it. Would you like to exchange?"
I want to make it clear that I'm not writing like this or interpreting this in the way of "UwU Odysseus is too of a good boy for that." as that feels icky to try and "make everyone else shitty to make him 'better'". It's literally because Odysseus is just simply LIKE this. He has basically no libido/sex drive if Penelope isn't around. (I'm keeping this as safe for wormlings as I can so I'll leave it at that.)
An old wip post explains it more but I'll also put the wip itself here to kind of explain lol
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Like... Love and Lust only exist in Penelope for Odysseus and vice versa. But he's still an asshole.
Not only do they just give SUCH ace vibes to me but also like, ngl, this is really nice to write and "let out some frustrations" with vent writing. I relate to Odysseus in a lot of ways and the whole "People/goddesses won't leave you alone despite wishing to be left alone" and the "pretty asexual" is really nice to vent through him. :')
I can't bitch someone out for trying to "change my mind" but Odysseus can. It's another reason why my Odysseus is a "pretty boy" as he is in canon as well :P
BUT these are just MY headcanons and/or what I plan to write, while I just don't really vibe with Odysseus being with folks willingly other than Penelope I have big gay for her. I live vicariously through Odysseus I can't stop others and other people COULD find evidence of Odysseus being with others if they truly wanted.
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oklotea · 4 months
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GRAHESH GLITCH is a middle aged desi immigrant, who runs a struggling hardware store, with his long time business partner, ULYSSES "LEE" DISCOLLI.
Short-tempered. Divorced. Exhausted. Grahesh is trying to mend his strained relationship with his daughter, TALA GLITCH. But as the years go by, Tala wonders if it's even worth it. They both do.
No matter though, because Grahesh's life gets turned upside down as he finds himself being the sole individual who just might have a chance to save all of existence, against a dark, all-knowing, all-seeing entity.
Have you watched everything everywhere all at once? WATCH IT. YOU'LL THANK ME LATER.
So this is one of the most outlandish go jetters au concepts on paper. Everything everywhere all at once...... And go jetters....... And the main character is glitch.
But you see it's actually genius and I don't think I've ever been so happy with an original au in my LIFE.
So here are a few of the reasons I created this au concept. And a few things I hope to achieve with it.
One aspect of glitch's character that I obsessively think about, is the fact that he may as well be the only Glitch who hasn't made like, a huge accomplishment of some sort. And despite glitch being proud of where he comes from, who his family is and their legacy..... They might not be proud of him back.
With this AU, and it's really grounded in reality setup, and with, making Glitch asian, I really hope to be able to explore that deeply-engrained, hard to escape disappointment, that comes with not making your family proud. For not living up to their expectations, and how to confront it, after living with that overwhelming disappointment your whole life. Because, glitch is at least in his late 40s. He has had to push aside all of his true feelings about himself, and his entire life of disappointment after disappointment, again and again; for the sake of getting his taxes done. For the sake of keeping him, his daughter, and his business partner afloat. He's just too scatterbrained and busy to unpack all that.
Another thing about this AU, is that even though here, Glitch and Ubercorn, or should I say Grahesh and Lee, meet through very different circumstances, and are living in very different conditions, they are both still inherently their canon characters, only just.... Put through the wringer known as LATE STAGE CAPITALISM ahem. Real world problems y'know?
SPEAKING OF THESE TWO OHHHRGGDGHHHHHHHH I'm about to ruin them. There are certain details I haven't really worked out ENTIRELY but know I'm about to do so much character exploration with these two and what they mean to each other (putting them through the wringer)
Also putting Tala through the real world problems wringer. Just to see what would happen. And adding a blaring disconnect between her and her father for shits and giggles
No but there IS a reason! Something very obvious about canon tala, is that despite what people say about her uncle, what her family hypothetically says about him, she continues to look up to him, and find him, and stay close to him. But with uhhhh eeaao!tala, she's had to live through all of Grahesh's failures, and mistakes. She's seen this guy in his entire ugly existence. How he constantly bursts out in sudden anger at the people around him, how he almost never has a proper plan, and consistently makes stupid mistakes. How no matter how hard he tries, he could never say the right words to her. Maybe a long time ago, she used to look up to him, but unfortunately, not anymore. Tala is in her early 20s in this au.
Even though it's sad, a hypothetical that I would LOVE to explore with this AU is... What would a hopeless Tala look like? A Tala who's lived long enough to completely lose her spark. Who can't see her father fondly anymore. Who has found herself completely drowning in disappointment. Just like her father.
Idk this is just a really self indulgent au and it makes me happy thinking about the art I could make for it :333
Also. Spoiler alert for the movie: I wanna see Tala be an omnipotent, destructive, multidimensional, nihilistic, weird girl who desperately wants to be understood by her father I NEED IT LIKE OXYGEN
I'll probably be making more concept sketches for this au so, be sure to look out for it!!!! :DD tell me what you think about it but only the good parts I don't need any criticism rn
Thank god orange, green, and purple are a color triad.
Uberglitch family is real
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epicthemusicalstuff · 7 months
You mentioned that you were into a lot of adaptions, reinterpretations, and inspired works of the ancient Greek religion and lore, what are you into as far as the source materials? Are you a fan of the poems, a plays person, or do you prefer the philosophy? I personally started with pjo hyperfixation in elementary to the ancient Greek works in middle school and actually discovered Hadestown, tsoa, and Epic now that I'm in college so I'm curious how that affects what people prefer. I'm mostly a fan of the poems myself, I adore the Iliad and unpopular opinion but I really like the Dionysiaca. Obviously I enjoy the other stuff too, the Odyssey and Posthomerica and Homeric Hymns (Homeric Hymn 2 to Demeter my beloved) but the Iliad was the first one I read so it's always been my fav. I've only recently discovered that there were fans on Tumblr and AO3 for all of those outside pjo in the last couple months so sorry if I sound over eager! I'm just very excited.
Like you I started out with Percy Jackson in elementary! It was actually required reading believe it or not, and I fell in love. Since then I really love the adaptations of Greek Mythology (Epic, Hadestown, PJO musical, Ulysses dies at Dawn) and others such as book retellings like Madeline Millers works Circe and Song of Achilles. Also Jennifer Saints Ariadne, and a couple other books that I’m forgetting right now.
As for more source materials, I of course love reading the Odyssey and Iliad, although I think I lean towards the more moderns translations on those.
I do very much like the plays though! I am a involved a lot in theatre, so it’s inevitable. Medea holds a special place in my heart, as that’s the play I am most familiar with. Honestly, with no prompting, I could launch into a Medea monologue right now. In addition I have read Oedipus Rex (this dude has Problems), a bit of Antigone, and Agamemnon!
I can’t say I’ve read too many other source materials, but anything that mentions Greek Mythology slightly is sure to interest me. (Midsummer Nights Dream had a bit of references to Greek Mythology though I don’t think that counts enough. Also could launch into a Helena monologue)
Overall I would say I just enjoy all of it! I’m definitely looking into reading and learning more, but unfortunately I’ve been busy lately. I love finding people who love the same things though!!!
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onbearfeet · 3 months
As requested, here are a few Monster Mash asks based on the "oc asks: not-so-nice edition" list. You decide which characters they're for.
What is a surprising thing your character hides?
What does your character do when they should be sleeping but can't?
What's the worst wound your character has experienced? It can be physical or emotional.
Mwahahahahahaaaaaaa. I think I'll do multiple characters. WARNING: There's mature content in this one, and it's not just canon-typical violence. See the tags if you're worried.
What is a surprising thing your character hides?
Ted has a really beautiful singing voice, even in Man-Thing form. He no longer has the physical equipment to form words in any human language, though, so he's sensitive about it and doesn't let on that he still enjoys singing. But he's sung more than a few lullabies to Jack when he's been asleep or in a coma or whatever. And Alpine gets funny little children's melodies or goofy love songs when it's just the two of them. She accepts this as no less than the worship she deserves, of course.
Elsa is shockingly generous and tells no one but her accountant about it. She inherited an absolutely stupid amount of money from her father's estate, and she IMMEDIATELY stopped using his fortune to fund his "crusade", so she's essentially sitting on a dragon's hoard. She took almost nothing with her when she ran away, so she's lived poor for most of her adult life and is deeply sympathetic to other people in that situation, not that she'll admit it. She had her finance pro shut down the murder-cult fund and set up a clean new fund to support whatever charity she damn well pleases. She's still trying to think of ideas and will probably ask the boys eventually, but just for a start, every public library in the state got a healthy donation, and every shelter she stayed in that treated its inhabitants halfway decently got a bigger one. She's also looking into funding--founding, if she has to--an organization defending the rights and interests of homeschooled children, especially those in high-control environments. Elsa was homeschooled for much of her education according to Ulysses' rather eccentric tastes, and she had to teach herself an awful lot of actual education out of the library. And that's before all the trouble she had as a non-emancipated minor who didn't have her own copies of her identity documents.
God, what DOESN'T Jack hide? He's been alive long enough that there's a huge gray zone of stuff he might have failed to mention because he doesn't want people to know OR because it just never came up. He obviously hasn't discussed his family of origin in detail, at least not with Elsa or Bucky, but I don't consider that surprising. I'm tempted to say his hidden side is something sweet and wholesome, but that's not surprising either. If I said he was hiding something terrible he or the wolf had done, that probably wouldn't surprise most people at all. If I had to guess ... the only SURPRISING thing I can think of is his spirituality, which is complex and deeply personal to him. His family might have been Orthodox, but he's got a lot of Catholic guilt written all over him, and the curse only complicates that more. I don't think he's talked to anyone about what he does or doesn't believe in a hundred years or more. He certainly hasn't talked to me.
Bucky was a sex worker in a time-displaced brothel. Okay, that's both a joke AND an oversimplification, but the first thing I thought of when I saw this question was that Bucky had the same problem as Jack: old, complicated, obviously full of both good traits and horrible trauma so nothing is SURPRISING. Then I remembered that around 2016, I handwrote a story establishing that Bucky had worked for a while as an artist at Lady Sally's. If you've never read Spider Robinson's Callahan books, they're a series of short SF stories and novels centered on a bar run by (spoiler alert) a time traveler who's trying to save the world retroactively by preventing the Cold War from going hot. They are brilliant and hilarious and they formed me as a person. There is also a spin-off series focusing on Callahan's wife, Lady Sally McGee, who does the same thing but with a brothel. The reasoning is complex, but the stories are delightful and some of the first positive, sympathetic, relatively clear-eyed depictions of sex workers (or artists, as they're called here and who am I to disagree?) I ever encountered. So it is my headcanon that young Bucky Barnes started washing dishes at Lady Sally's as a teenager, and she kept an eye on the kid because he had a lot of history ahead of him. He worked as an artist for at least a year before the war, not least because it was the only job in the late 30s that paid well enough to let him afford Steve's medicines. (Sally was keeping an eye on Buck's "roommate", too.) Bucky never told Steve, but he was actually quite a talented and popular artist, and he liked working there. He gave notice when he and Steve finally admitted their feelings for each other, wanting to be monogamous with the man he loved, but Sally insisted he come to her if he or Steve ever needed anything in the future, and she slipped him money from time to time via his former coworkers--who, as far as Steve knew, were just girls Bucky dated to keep up appearances. The connection came in handy, too, when the Winter Soldier was sent to kill a man at Lady Sally's and the staff were able to send him away again thanks to his half-remembered connection to the place. Lady Sally's is closed in our time, but you never know when Bucky might get a phone call from the Lady.
What does your character do when they should be sleeping but can't? I'll leave Ted out of this one on the grounds that his biology is different enough that "should be sleeping" may not apply.
So, on a sleepless night at Bloodstone Manor? Jack bakes. He's got access to a well-stocked kitchen now, anything he makes WILL get eaten, and baking is less likely to wake anyone else than playing his guitar or running endless zoomie laps. He also feels a little better when he can do something kind (and profoundly human) out of his emotional turmoil. Helping people helps Jack, and if there are no monsters to rescue or curses to break, he can at least make sure his people have something delicious for breakfast. (Or a midnight snack. Let's face it, somebody else will wake up from a nightmare in an hour.)
Elsa is currently the queen of maladaptive coping mechanisms. She's cut down on drinking since the boys moved in, much to everyone's relief, but she's still in rough shape emotionally. Although she sleeps better than the others thanks to her sleep-anywhere hunter training, she does occasionally have nights when her brain won't shut up, and her solution to that is to run herself into the ground. She'll hit the dojo for as many hours as it takes, usually. Bucky is trying to coax her into something less destructive in his unique sergeant-y way. The sentence "Your magic rock is not an excuse to bust your knuckles again, so wear some damn gloves!" has been uttered.
Bucky is actually the best adjusted on this front, mostly because his sleep disturbances are the worst. (Jack has more traumatic memories overall. Bucky’s are more concentrated, and he's had to heal brain damage on top of it.) Thanks to his time in Wakanda, he's learned some basic meditation techniques and some therapy exercises to help himself calm down a little. Alpine has some kind of extra sense for when Bucky is in distress, so on the rare occasion she's not already in bed with him when he wakes up screaming, she'll come running in immediately. He usually ends up either curled around her, doing breathing exercises, or settling down in bed with a book while she purrs on his chest until the tension finally melts out of him. Bucky isn't healed by any stretch of the imagination, but by God he's trying.
What's the worst wound your character has experienced? It can be physical or emotional.
Ted Sallis died of his injuries from a horrific accident, drowning in a swamp while his super-soldier serum burned him from the inside out after the so-called love of his life betrayed him. That's the worst for him. Only Jack knows about it, and even he doesn't know it all. Nothing else comes close.
Jack is pretty good at toughing out physical pain by now, so his worst wounds are definitely emotional. I think the worst one was finding out that his sister, Lissa, had died. It was a natural death, but he didn't find out until years later, and she was his last connection to who he was before the wolf. The wound has never fully healed.
Elsa's worst wound is what she told Bucky about in "Bucky Meets the Legion of Monsters": realizing that the monsters she'd been hunting, even without her father's input, had mostly been people. That's an identity-shattering experience that has fundamentally changed her.
Bucky’s worst physical wound was losing his arm. His worst emotional wound was either when he realized Steve wasn't coming to save him from Hydra a second time or when he realized Steve wasn't coming back from his time jaunt. Bucky is profoundly loyal and loving, and he is constantly disappointed by other people's failure to meet him where he is. Thus, he doesn't trust easily, but Steve has always had Bucky’s entire heart, and Steve's broken it twice now. It wasn't intentional the first time and we don't yet know what happened the second, but like Jack, Bucky is walking around with an unhealed wound in his soul. If Steve ever reappears in Bucky’s life, there will be Consequences. Even if Bucky will always forgive Steve and would take him back without hesitation, the rest of the squad will have serious concerns about a fella who'd abandon Bucky Barnes two whole times.
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Driving me crazy (in a good way, I find it an absolutely FASCINATING framing) how Epic: The Musical presents Odysseus telling his name to the Cyclops and how it's framed, emotionally.
This crucial moment is an act typically told and interpreted as one of his primary moments of hubris, taunting, unnecessary gloating revealing his clever ruse - the 19th century poet William Cullen Bryant translated this moment:
Thus to the Cyclops tauntingly I called:— “ ‘Ha! Cyclops! those whom in thy rocky cave Thou, in thy brutal fury, hast devoured, Were friends of one not unexpert in war;
His men tell him "seriously, do not tell him your name, what is wrong with you, let's just go," but he continues,
And then I spake again, and angrily:— “ ‘Cyclops, if any man of mortal birth Note thine unseemly blindness, and inquire The occasion, tell him that Laertes’ son, Ulysses, the destroyer of walled towns, Whose home is Ithaca, put out thine eye.’
We get it, Odysseus thinks he is so clever, and wants the Polyphemus and anyone else who asks to know it was he, Odysseus, King of Ithaca, who did it. And this moment of pride and gloating and telling Polyphemus his name is what dooms him and his crew.
Epic: The Musical reverses that emotional context. In "Warrior of the Mind," we see an Odysseus who is successful and gloating and kinda hubristically trying to one-up a god - after he kills Athena's boar.
ATHENA Well done. Enlighten me, what's your name?
ODYSSEUS You first, and maybe I'll do the same.
ATHENA Nice try, but two can play this game.
This is Odysseus at his most confident and in control, and he's playing smug little "no u" games with a goddess. Refusing to give his name first is a power move; he wants Athena to introduce herself first to show just how impressive she finds him. (It's a good thing Athena thinks it's cute rather than insulting.) (I also think it's extremely relevant that at this point in the narrative, he's a teenager who hasn't seen war or committed atrocities yet.)
So the ending of the Cyclops Saga shows us the opposite. After escaping from Polyphemus, Epic shows us an Odysseus who is not confident or emotionally in control. Epic has been leaning heavily on Odysseus's role as captain and leader with a duty to his men, and losing his people - including his best friend - so catastrophically leaves him in shock, grief, and anger. His call to the Cyclops here isn't a "if anyone asks you why you're blind now, tell them--" it's "the next time that you dare choose not to spare, remember them - remember us - remember me." It's a scream of grief and rage. It's a follow-through of the concept that his comrades will not have died in vain. It's a, how could you? The war was supposed to be over! We were just trying to go home! This isn't an Odysseus who feels in any position to gloat. Even Athena characterizes it as "reckless, sentimental at best," rather than prideful.
This is one of the big things I mean when I say Epic: The Musical makes Odysseus much more heroic and moral according to modern values than he's portrayed in the Odyssey. We are much, much more willing to sympathize, and empathize, with a protagonist who makes really bad decisions because he was driven by love and grief and a desire for mercy over violence than a protagonist who makes really bad decisions because he thinks he's the smartest specialest boy around and wants to make sure his enemies know it.
And I'm not necessarily saying that in a bad way. I think this in particular is a super interesting adaptation choice, reversing expectations and making Odysseus's doom read to us as genuinely tragic rather than "what the fuck did you expect, you dumbass."
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bookishdaze · 5 months
1 week left till kotpota yayyyyy
Only 1 week left till the movie, so here are last minute rapid fire theories. Let's go crazy. Let's go stupid. Some of these are ridiculous.
An explosion will cause the ocean water to rush in, and flood that underground facility Proximus is trying to get into, and Noa will be swimming for his life.
Caesar's funeral in a flashback. I actually hope this doesn't happen because of the emotional damage I will suffer, but some people have mentioned it, and I'm gullible, so I believe it 😭
Noa is not a descendant of Caesar and his mark is more symbolic of his transformation during his hero's journey. The mark will probably be considered part of ape mythology and anyone who has that mark will be considered "chosen." Something like that.
Oh, and he'll get injured on that spot to make it more noticeable.
Raka will die. Sorry bud. Being the mentor of the hero in the hero's journey tends to come with certain occupational hazards.
Mae is from an underground bunker, Fallout style. Probably not. A girl can dream though, lol.
Regardless whether she's from a bunker or not, Mae's home would've been destroyed. Maybe by Proximus? And that's why Mae knows where Proximus is taking Noa's clan?
Mae or Noa, most likely Mae though, will betray the other. It's not like I want this to happen, but I can see it happening. Maybe Mae at first will team up with Noa for protection in order for her to complete her mission, but she unexpectedly befriends Noa along the way, but her mission comes first and she needs to break that trust and THE DRAMA.
Oh, and maaaaybe some subtle romantic elements between them. No kisses or love confessions or stuff like that, considering Soona is Noa's love interest. It wouldn't be textually or explicitly romantic, but there could be tropes that could imply romance, but don't necessarily have to be interpreted as romantic. Blame Ulysse Merou, he's the one who started the trend of wanting to smooch apes. Speaking of Ulysse...
We get a reference to Ulysse Merou from the original Planet of the Apes novel by Pierre Boulle. MOVE ASIDE, GEORGE TAYLOR. We got ourselves a new astronaut in town. I would freak out in the theatre if this happened!
Noa will develop a fascination with space and the cosmos, especially after the telescope scene. He seems like he'd be a space nerd. I want him to be a space nerd. Please be a space nerd.
Noa will have to choose between saving Mae and an ape. I didn't think of this at first, but Proximus in the trailers says "You would choose a human over an ape?" So I think he will be torn making that decision. Oh god, what if he has to choose between Mae and someone else he cares about????
We get a throwback line that is a reference to a previous version of POTA. Kind of like the "TAKE YOUR STINKIN PAW OFF ME YOU DAMN DIRTY APE." This can be from either the old movies or the book, or even the Caesar trilogy.
We hear Caesar's theme in the movie. I'll be so emotional if this happens. 😭
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rainbowstargazerlilies · 10 months
Mechs Ships Tournament: Shipping Round 1 Poll 15
They are so tragic, we never even learn anything about Penelope but it's so emotional and aaaaaa
justice for short king ulysses and tall queen penelope
#ulysses did not name a vault after their wife just to lose to some silly space pirates and their boyfriend#please penelope was able to die in peace because ulysses loved her so much#yeah being immortal and in prison is cool and all#but you know what is cooler#naming a vault that contains the last relic of the natural world after your wife and helping her die peacefully there#and then dying there beside her#anywho vote penelope/ulysses because i love them (tags via @yumeinati)
Prison Mechs And Lyf:
One, LOOK AT THEM!!! THEY FIT TOGETHER SO WELL AND GIRBIFJRJE AHHHHHH. Like, prison mechs is good, wonderful we love it, Violinspector is wonderful, idiots in love. Put the two TOGETEHR!! perfect ship, 20/10 it's canon to me. They love Lyf so much and Lyf loves them too but they are so annoyed at them all the time in that "gods damnit. I love you three but please for the love of the gods stop." Also the idea of Marius, Raph, n Ivy trying to woo Lyf while they are still an Inspector is so silly cause I can see it working everytime but they CANT DO SHIT ABOUT IT and girbgijrjr. And if you give me a moment to indulge in my own brand of insanity that is creature mechs, them calling Lyf "pretty bird" cause it flutters them every time. It used to work on Raph but doesn't anymore cause she's used to it and tiehfjrhjfjrj. I'm not normal about them lol
violinspecter: the stars claim them fanfictoon. more people added for more cool relationships and stuff, also i love the prison mechs
if you don’t ship it have you even listened to expert testimony????
Think about them. Just think about them. Words are not wording but oh my god think about them. You want fic recs? I can give you fic recs. Please they are so special to me.
prison mechs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lyf!!!!!! what more is there to say
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silvertws · 11 months
You know what? At this point I have more written posts than fanarts... I mean, I could post old ones, but idk if it would make sense you know? Anyway.
You may wonder, is this gonna be another Steve Saga or something post?
Oh no, I may be hyperfixated, but I still do love other fandoms, even if they are dead.
Speaking on dead fandoms.
Hi Origins Crew fandom :}
How are y'all doing? How's the feeling of never knowing what was supposed to happen to your favorite character in OoO, SNO,SAO...? Oh and the unfinished storylines in MHO? FTO? do we wanna talk about the cliffhanger in OZ? I mean, luckily some people posted videos about how the storyline was going to go, so at least we got that.
(to clarify, I'm not mad at anyone who was part of the Origins Crew DW, I could never)
Some backstory on how I started watching Origins.
It was summer of 2019 I think? Pretty sure at least, I know it was before I started highschool because I sucked at English before I started watching Origins.
First series was OoO S1 from Brandon's POV, at least that's the first video that got recommended to me, I'm unsure what episode it was, I can't remember if it was before or after the Aphrodite's ball (we don't talk about those, you guys know why. You know.) So I'm not sure if I even watched it all, but I think at the time I did go back to watch it from the first episode.
Anyway POVS right? With OoO S1 I watched Brandon (*cough cough* Brandeen), Jakey, Brian, Colin and some of Xylo.
And can I just say... IT'S BEEN 3 SEASONS, 3 SEASONS IT TOOK TO GET RID OF A FUCKING SWORD, A SWORD, COME ON. AND WHY THE FUCK, CAN SOME PEOPLE COME BACK TO LIFE, AND OTHERS CAN'T, WHAT PLOT ARMOR IS THIS- Istg that was probably the most annoying thing of them all, nothing against the creators, again I feel like I need to clarify! But it's just my personal dumb opinion that I hope nobody takes offense to???
I feel like I should make a post for every Origins Series I've watched, but idk if that would make sense lol TwT
Besides my personal preferences when it came to all the series, I am very grateful to the Origins Crew, they're the reason I'm here today, the reason I know English and they were the first group that really opened my eyes when it came to the LGBTQ+ community and helped me discover myself.
I know that from an outside point of view it might seem dumb, but I do owe a lot to them, all of them, even the ones who left a year before Origins dismantled, even the ones who joined just before people went their separate ways.
Because even if people might say that the storylines were dumb or maybe cliche (which, in some cases they definitely were) in the end, I still loved every moment of it, every episode every dumb character who didn't make any sense or that was weirdly overpowered (I REALLY want to specify which ones but I don't want the whole fandom to come at me, please, any fandom but this one) but to be fair they kinda all were in some way? Or at least had the potential to in my opinion.
I'm not good at keeping a conversation stick to one topic, I tend to sideline pretty often and I apologize for that. TwT
Also idk if it's just me, but when I find a group of people there's always that one that for some unknown reason I just like more and that one who I dislike, again, for no specific reason, just the vibes???
Like for Hermitcraft and Empires it's Pearl, for Fable it's Ulysses, (I love this fish boy with all my heart if anything happens to him I will cry) for Origins it was Colin and Brandon, don't ask why, I have no idea, I just did, still do consider them my favorites.
I kept watching content from the Origins creators after everything went down. Including the drama with some of the creators I suppose... (I still don't understand most of it)
From Devi Devi Academy/anarchy to Glitch generation, to My Hero Eternity, I watched some of the Fnaf content Bryan made just for the nostalgia.
Holy fuck how I miss these fuckers.
Like it was the whole dynamic they had in the group, the mini games videos in character were so entertaining to watch! Especially the crossovers, I tend to rewatch them from time to time even tho I know basically everything by memory at this point.
Honestly they really inspired me when it came to creating my own storylines, and roleplaying, some people may call it cringe, and I get it, but I still think it's fun.
It's been a year.
Well, more technically, but I didn't have Tumblr at the time of the anniversary I suppose? Can you even call it that?
The Origins fandom never felt too big, in my life I've only talked to one other person who knew about them, and it was pretty fun, we watched the uh.. second episode of my Hero Eternity together making theories and stuff, talking about my hero Origins and wondering which characters canonically knew that you know, mr "I killed both my bio parents" was actually alive. (Which from what we know, Flex knows, and I think Colin, not sure tho, because in the 3rd episode, when they were interrogating the hero, our edgy boy mentioned how he had an old "friend" who could get information and data really easily, and now, we all know Mario definitely wouldn't do that plus, did he even interact with the L.O.V.E. as a whole? I don't think so? So the only option that makes sense to me is Colin)
Anyway I drifted away from the concept once again because once I start talking I won't ever stop.
This is a long post, as usual, cause I write a lot when it comes to things I'm passionate about.
I'm very attached to Origins, all the characters, all the storylines, all the silly little things. And I'm never going to stop missing it I suppose? Not in a "omg how dare they break the group apart blabla blabla..." No, I'm just very nostalgic when it comes to it.
I owe everything to them, part of who I am today is because of them.
PS: if anybody wants to talk about this fandom I suppose, please do, please let's start a conversation. I have so many things to say.
Like you know in SNO when people didn't know Lucas and Brandon were SIBLINGS???? and they SHIPPED THEM??? yeah, hi it's me, I'm the problem it's me, HOW THE FUCK CAN YOU JUST DROP A BOMB LIKE THAT ON THE LAST EPISODE MAN, AND HOW DID I NOT EXPECT IT????? luckily for me, mine was very much platonic shipping, so uhhh yay??? Don't come for me guys, it was years ago, please ToT Also I did kinda Ship Lucas with uhh was it also called Jakey???? I don't remember anymore my friend will probably remember this because when the series was happening I'd just go on and ramble about the fact that I didn't know who I should have shipped with the angel boy.
Ok actual PS now:
Please, let's all sit and chat in front of a glass of tumbjuice/tomb juice??? (idk how to spell that, don't come for me) and not get cursed by anything while we do so.
Let's just vibeeeeeee :D
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babyrdie · 4 months
Tell me something I probably don't know
I'm going to be honest and tell you that I'm not an expert in Greek mythology, let alone in obscure myths. So I'm just going to point out what I see that people don't usually mention, and assume they don't mention it because they haven't seen it.
There is a version of the myth in which Aphrodite was offended by Tyndareus and because of this ruined the marriages of his daughters (i.e. Clytemnestra and Helen).
Scholiast on Euripides, Orestes 249: Steischorus says that while sacrificing to the gods Tyndareus forgot Aphrodite and that the goddess was angry and made his daughters twice and thrice wed and deserters of their husbands . . . And Hesiod also says: "(ll. 1-7) "And laughter-loving Aphrodite felt jealous when she looked on them and cast them into evil report. Then Timandra deserted Echemus and went and came to Phyleus, dear to the deathless gods; and even so Clytaemnestra deserted god-like Agamemnon and lay with Aegisthus and chose a worse mate; and even so Helen dishonoured the couch of golden-haired Menelaus."
There is also a version in which Helena isn't Leda's daughter, but Nemesis'.
[Taken from Pseudo-Apollodorus' Library] But some say that Helen was a daughter of Nemesis and Zeus; for that she, flying from the arms of Zeus, changed herself into a goose, but Zeus in his turn took the likeness of a swan and so enjoyed her; and as the fruit of their loves she laid an egg, and a certain shepherd found it in the groves and brought and gave it to Leda; and she put it in a chest and kept it; and when Helen was hatched in due time, Leda brought her up as her own daughter.
And there are two different sources that present a version of the myth in which Thetis killed her sons before Achilles while trying to make them immortal, and Achilles only didn't die because he was the baby Peleus arrived at in time to stop Thetis. In one version, the babies drowned and in another, they burned.
Scholiast on Apollonius Rhodius, Arg. iv. 816: The author of the Aegimius says in the second book that Thetis used to throw the children she had by Peleus into a cauldron of water, because she wished to learn where they were mortal . . . And that after many had perished Peleus was annoyed, and prevented her from throwing Achilles into the cauldron.
[Taken from Photius' Bibliotheca] Thetis burned in a secret place the children she had by Peleus; six were born; when she had Achilles, Peleus noticed and tore him from the flames with only a burnt ankle-bone and confided him to Chiron.
In one version of the myth, after being transformed into a dog, Hecuba became one of Hecate's dogs.
[Taken from Lycophron's Alexandra] O mother [Hecuba], O unhappy mother! thy fame, too, shall not be unknown, but the maiden daughter of Perseus [Hecate], Triform Brimo, shall make thee her attendant, terrifying with thy baying in the night all mortals who worship not with torches the images of the Zerynthian queen of Strymon, appeasing the goddess of Pherae with sacrifice.
There is a version in which Penelope (yes, the one from the Odyssey) is Pan's mother.
[Taken from Pseudo-Apollodorus' Library] [E.7.38] But some say that Penelope was seduced by Antinous and sent away by Ulysses to her father Icarius, and that when she came to Mantinea in Arcadia she bore Pan to Hermes.
Although the Byzantine Tzetzes argues that it's another Penelope.
And Duris in his work about Agathokles says that Penelope was gluttonous and had intercourse with all the suitors and gave birth to the goat-legged Pan, whom they consider a god (FHG II 479 42). He speaks nonsense about Pan; for Pan is the son of Hermes and another Penelope. And another Pan is the son of Zeus and Hybris.
Furthermore, Patroclus isn't mentioned in the Pelion in any Greek source I have read so far (but he's mentioned in Roman sources). And Ajax only appears briefly mentioned in one Greek source, which is Heroica by Philostratus, known for purposely showing different versions of the more traditional myth. Also, people cry at the idea of ​​Patroclus and Achilles being cousins ​​(why I don't know, cousins ​​being romantically related in Ancient Greece isn't shocking), but there is even a version in which Achilles is his uncle (because one of the possible mothers of Patroclus is Polymele, daughter of Peleus).
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