#what if cr2 started in the middle
napping-in-the-sun · 2 years
finally caved in to temptation and started watching cr2 in the middle of cr1
mollymauk and yasha are my favourite character so far
the circus zombie has me going 👀 what’s going on there 👀
jester 💕
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heartsoulrocknroll · 2 years
NJPW Wrestle Grand Slam 7/25/2021
Hiromu opens the show on the mic. :’)
Taiji Ishimori and El Phantasmo (c) vs. Rocky Romero and Ryusuke Taguchi for the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Championship --  This was a decent match. I always enjoy Ishimori as of late, and it’s nice to see something different with Taguchi and Romero teaming up, even if I don’t care about either of them very much. The story of this match is Romero’s and Taguchi’s obsession with Phantasmo’s Sudden Death boot. Taguchi gets the boot off, seemingly sees something inside, and tries to show the ref. Phantasmo uses the ref’s distraction to land a low blow and CR2 on Taguchi for the win. Winners: Ishimori and Phantasmo 
El Desperado (c) vs. Robbie Eagles for the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship -- Both guys spend the match working on each other’s knees. I laughed out loud at Desperado massively overselling Eagles’ pathetic-looking apron 619, throwing himself over the guard rail. Eagles hits a 450 splash from the top rope to Desperado’s knee, then locks in the Ron Miller Special leg-lock for the submission victory. Wow, I didn’t see that coming. That reign won’t last with Hiromu on the way back. Winner: Robbie Eagles 
Kazuchika Okada vs. Jeff Cobb -- This match was so good. Short and sweet. Plancha to the outside by Okada, but Cobb catches him out of mid air and pushes him up into a vertical suplex!! What strength!!! Okada with a big shotgun dropkick, but Cobb gets right back up and fires back with some forearms!! Second dropkick by Okada!! Okada goes for the tombstone but can't get Cobb all the way up. Okada goes for a backslide, Cobb rolls out, Okada holds onto the arm and delivers a couple of clotheslines. Cobb ducks a Rainmaker attempt and picks Okada up for a tombstone, but Okada escapes!! But Cobb hits a huge lariat of his own!! Nice finishing sequence... Big heatbutt by Cobb. Cobb picks Okada up for Tour of the Islands, but Okada breaks free and winds up for the Rainmaker, which Cobb counters and follows with his own Rainmaker attempt!! Okada ducks it, Cobb floats over and attempts a roll-up, but Okada sits on Cobb's torso and traps the legs for the 3 count!! Beautiful!!!! Winner: Kazuchika Okada
Tetsuya Naito and Sanada (c) vs. Dangerous Tekkers for the IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Championship -- Say what you will if you have no taste, but I loved the shit out of this match. I cannot get enough of this feud. Yeah, 38 minutes is too long, and yeah, there were some lulls in the middle, but I am too much of a Naito and ZSJ apologist to care. Beautiful start on the mat by Naito and Zack. Zack's injured knee is a constant target for Naito in this match. Skipping to later on, Zack and Sanada are legal, quickly trading pinning combos and near falls, including a near-repeat of the double pin from Summer Struggle. Sanada Dragon Screws Zack's leg, and Zack sells it so perfectly. Naito tags in and just goes nuts with stomps and kicks to Zack's knee, kicking him back down every time he gets up. BEAUTIFUL combination by Naito and Sanada -- elbow to Zack in the corner by Sanada, Sanada throws Zack into a forearm by Naito, then a drop kick from Sanada, then an enziguri from Naito!!! Back drop suplex from Sanada, followed immediately by a gorgeous jacknife roll-up by Naito! Top rope poison rana on Zack by Naito, and Naito attempts to follow it with a pin attempt, but Zack rolls through and catches Naito in a triangle choke!! Sanada eventually breaks it up with a top rope moonsault to Zack. Black Mesphisto by Taichi on Sanada!! Destino by Naito on Taichi!!! Zack Driver on Naito by Zack!!! 35 minutes, wtf!! Naito and Zack trade strikes!! Taichi and Sanada in the ring! BEAUTIFUL Naito elbows to Taichi's neck!!! HUGE elbow to Naito by Taichi!! Damn!!! Zack and Taichi set up Naito for another Zack Driver, but Naito counters into Valentia on Zack, while Sanada rushes in and drives Taichi into the corner! Naito goes for Destino, but Zack stops it. Naito attempts a rolling kick, but Zack avoids it and catches Naito in a quick Euro clutch pinning combo for the three count!!! DAMN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Obviously, I want to see Naito doing bigger and better things than holding the tag team titles, but I would have loved to see Naito and Sanada have a few successful defenses. Winners: Dangerous Tekkers
Shingo Takagi (c) vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi for the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship -- I am super bummed that Ibushi couldn't be here for this show. I was so looking forward to Shingo/Ibushi, and I am not really super hyped about Tana being the one to get Ibushi's spot. But anyway, let's see what they can do here. First 20ish minutes of this don't do much for me, but it picks up. Tanahashi hits a High Fly Flow, a Kamigoye!!!!!!?, and another High Fly Flow for a near fall!! I was legitimately afraid that was going to be the end. Last of the Dragon, but Shingo can’t follow up with a cover. They both make it up to their knees and trade strikes in the middle of the ring. Then on their feet trading strikes. Tanahashi ends the exchange with a headbutt! What! Tanahashi hits a dragon suplex on Shingo, but Shingo immediately gets back to his feet! Pumping bomber attempt is countered into another dragon suplex by Tanahashi! Last of the Dragon off the second rope and Tanahashi kicks out, shut tf up. They exchange some more strikes before a big lariat and another Last of the Dragon from Shingo finally puts Tanahashi away! Winner: Shingo Takagi 
Evil makes his wishes to challenge for the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship known in a pre-recorded video, then ambushes Shingo in the ring. Boooooooooring. 
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critroleing · 5 years
If Campaign 2 went Live in the Middle (like Campaign 1)
Since you guys liked it so much the first time, let’s run through the real world AU where campaign 2 was the one we started in the middle of, but more in depth this time.
There would be a backstory/introduction vid that played in the beginning of episodes and in the break. This is more or less what it would say:
Caleb: All of his backstory will be explained in one chunk, including stuff like the residuum crystals in his arms, his past name, and the concept of scourgers, stuff that was plot twists that came along the way for us. No attention will be paid to how this backstory came out to the characters. Nor who among the characters actually know any of this. We will assume by default that everyone knows.
Nott: this is the story of Veth, mostly. The story of how she got bullied as a child, had a marriage and a baby, got kidnapped and transformed into a goblin but regained her family and now they’re waiting for her in Nicodranas. The story of how she regained them is kind of like the story of how Pike died. Technically it was in game, but it’s so far away it’s essentially backstory.
Beau: The lore we’ve gotten from her is much more sporadic, but they’ll take the pieces of what we have gotten and treat it like the Lore Drops we’ve gotten from people like Caleb and Nott. Her childhood in Kamordah will be explained, along with how she got kidnapped by monks, has a baby brother and mentor named Dairon will all be given as if everyone knows these facts and not like they were carefully dished out to one person here and one person there. (Because of this the fandom’s view of her will be slightly off from who she actually is, and that will lead to a good chunk of fans disliking her, at least until they get the hang of her character.)
Jester will probably be the least affected by this change. We knew her backstory early and met her mother later, which is how this turns out. Her backstory does reach all the way up to include the gnoll follower she met in Asarius and preparations for Travelercon. The Traveler will inevitably turn up somewhere and talk to Jester. He will seem super shady. In other words, nothing much will have changed.
Fjord: Huge changes here. During the time we wouldn’t have seen Fjord has learned who Uk’otoa is, followed him, almost set him free, stopped working for him, lost his powers and started working for another power. That is a lot of developments to be relegated to backstory, and this is on top of the backstory he already had. There will be a brief mention of Fjord having had a different accent in the past, the fandom will not pick up on how big of a deal that is.
Caduceus: His backstory might include the story of the Clays, the Dusts and the Stones, in which case he will feel a lot like Keyleth did. He will sound like he has a Plan, in a way that he did not seem to, watching it episode by episode. We don’t actually know all that much about Caduceus’ personal life, so his backstory presentation might have to go for the big picture stuff.
Yasha: She’ll get her own presentation. We know this because Ashley wasn’t there for the first few episodes of c1 but Pike’s presentation was there anyway. Explanations of her backstory will include Zuala, blacking out and coming to again, the Stormlord, mentions of Obann but not her current situation. That will be explained in the very beginning by Matt, with interruptions form the rest of the gang. The fandom will not understand how serious it is until Yasha comes back.
Molly will not get a presentation. He, in fact, will not be acknowledged until someone makes a reference to him and suddenly the cast will remember that, oh, the audience doesn’t know who he is. The audience understands that this was Taliesin’s previous character, but the extent of his influence on the party will be lost as we have no real feel for Molly’s character or what he could have inspired in others.
Male pronouns will be used when explaining Molly, people will immediately forget that and it becomes pretty common to see and hear Molly depicted as a woman and then people correcting them. The Ruby of the Sea will take some explaining, but she’s definitely one of the people we have to meet as soon as possible. “She’s the best lay ever, you guys,” Laura informs us. We do not get the joke.
Someone remembers Pumat Sol exists. They try to explain him. It’s really hard. Matt does an accent and the fandom enjoys it.
The fact that the Mighty Nein are already established in Xhorhas feels alienating to a lot of viewers. Apparently they’re heroes of the Dynasty? And have a house? With a tree on it? And Beau’s mentor Dairon is there?
So the reason they are heroes is because they gave the Bright Queen some sort of artefact. The fandom is unsure of what it was or where it came from, but it may be that the Empire has another one. The larger lore of how the Dens and Beacons work is largely lost, and with it a lot of understanding about the larger world and the war.
At some point far in the future it comes out that they’ve already met Trent Ikithon, Caleb’s main bad guy. Nothing much seemed to happen. Lots of meta about how that meeting was going to happen has to be thrown out.
Jester has pets. Sprinkle doesn’t get mentioned a lot, but at least he’s on adventures with them. There is also Nugget, who lives Marion and we eventually get to meet. We don’t know where they came from, presumably Jester had them the whole time, like childhood pets.
They also adopted a baby bird for a while. They say it could mimic speech? The people who know what kenku are have their suspicions, everyone else thinks it’s another pet.
Beau has some trauma related to some academic by the name of Professor Thaddeus. Much meta has been written about who he is and what happened between him and Beau.
They know a gentleman who’s blue and sweaty. He is also maybe Jester’s dad. Jury’s out on that one.
The Empire feels so far away, and so Other. People praise Matt for making the humans the bad guys and the Drow the good guys.
The fact that they were pirates once comes up in conversation. A joke is made about it. Nothing is explained.
Eventually it comes out that it had things do do with Fjord’s patron, there was a sexy cult leader pirate with a French accent who Fjord slept with, and they got banished from the pirate island within a day.
They still technically have French accent pirate’s ship. It’s called the Ball Eater. They go there once and we meet the Tortle bagpiper tattoo artist who runs it. His name is Orly. The fandom loses its’ shit.
The ship is named that because of Fjord apparently. He ate some orbs once, so they say.
Fjord also ate a sword once? Was he in a circus? Yasha and that Molly person were in a circus, was Fjord there too?
Jester carries around a an erotica book. Where it comes from no one knows, but it doesn’t seem out of character for her so we roll with it.
They have had an encounter with a dragon, an ancient white one, but they haven’t killed any.
Except maybe they have?
Beau has slept with two (2) whole guest characters.
Jester casts Sending to talk to a guy. Matt answers in a very sexy voice. We think the guy is an NPC. He’s not.
A sweet lady once sent actual letters with actual, physical gifts to them.
After that there are more than a few bets on what other NPC’s are actually guest characters being jaegered for the moment.
Why are they even called the Mighty Nein? The cast explains that it had to do with a session in the early levels when they were rolling a lot of nines, and it sounds funny when Caleb says it. It was probably funny if you were there, but for the fandom it just sounds kinda dumb.
Nott might get some more shipping attention, given that she’s actually a halfling. She also might not, because she’s both married and ugly.
Fjord and Jester still share a deep bond, but the more overt parts of Jester’s crush that were prominent in the earlier episodes seem to have mellowed out by the time we meet them. Fjord and Jester also haven’t, percentage wise, spent more time together as a pair than a group, so that dynamic isn’t really seen. Fjorester exists, but has a very different vibe to it.
Widomauk does not exist.
Beauyasha might exist, if only because they are the only two confirmed wlw in the group. It’s more of an idea until they meet and chemistry can be measured of course.
Beaujester exists, but very much in the ‘look at their emotional chemistry, wouldn’t it be nice’. In a way, not much has changed, you just have less of a basis to ship on.
Fjorclay might be big for a while, given how important Caduceus has been for Fjord’s journey lately.
Videos resurface of the cast playing at home before this campaign became public. Fjord has a Texan accent. Nott calls herself a little goblin girl. That is a really weird Caduceus voice. Life feels strange.
Sam asks Liam on their podcast what would be the worst character to play in D&D, just the worst. Liam suggests goblin. Seems like he was thinking worst as in most morally dubious.
Nott rolls a natural 1 and shoots herself in the foot with her own crossbow. That’s not good, the fandom thinks, what if she got killed doing damage to herself? Besides, that would look really dumb.
We will never know about Spurt.
Jester, Fjord and Yasha got kidnapped by slavers once, we find out alarmingly late. They seem fine though, so that turns into another trivia fact.
Actually no, that’s probably mentioned in passing when they’re explaining how Molly died. It doesn’t really hit home with most if the fandom though.
Unclear where Caleb can teleport to. Generally assumed that he knows at least one teleport circle in the Empire.
In this world Vox Machina probably doesn’t exist at all. At least not online. Maybe they played all of that campaign at home, so we get occasional references to ‘their first game’ or ‘their home game’ but have no context for that either.
In which case you could make a whole category for references to the first campaign we wouldn’t understand.
Like why Taliesin is explaining how the guns work.
Or the ruins of Draconia down south.
Or why the team were so hyped to go to Whitestone.
Or maybe this was their first campaign after all, and none of these things have any additional context.
Nott will be looked at mostly as a halfling mother. Instead of discussions about if she’s even old enough to be an adult she’s considered older than the rest, and a large contingent of the fandom is mad at her for adventuring when she has a child waiting for her at home.
Caleb has at least two homebrew spells. They are eventually referred to as Dunamancy. The fandom realises the level of worldbuilding Matt’s on in that he’s made an entire new school of magic.
Feel free to add more. I’m sure there’s stuff I haven’t considered out there.
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unfortunatelyevent · 3 years
the m9 in c2e49 talking about ways the kryn could attack rexentrun and how difficult it would be bc its the biggest city in the empire and all, and then fjrod said something like "it would be easier if they had magic to slow the whole city down idk???" and all I can think about is "well they COULD if they let their shadowhand research the fucking beacons and didn't let them all just locked up to be worshiped yk"
sometimes I really feel essek in a spiritual level
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bitimdrake · 2 years
how can i get into critical role? like what do u suggest i watch
ahhh i didn't notice this until now so OKAY
Broadly speaking, Critical Role has:
Three very long campaigns. Although all three take place in the same world, they are each about a different set of characters in different times, and the stories completely stand on their own. (That said, if you like to fully avoid spoilers, be aware the players may sometimes out of character reference things from earlier campaigns.)
An animated series, the legend of vox machina, adapting the beginning of the first campaign.
A whole bunch of side content of oneshots and mini-campaigns.
The second two are nice ways to dip your toes in if you want to ease into it. The first bullet is the real core.
Campaign three is currently ongoing, ~24 episodes in, if you want to jump into the latest stuff. So far it's been a fun story about a bunch of weirdos with big hearts.
Campaign two is completed, and the longest of the bunch, at 141 episodes. The characters in this one were a lot more reserved and secretive, even around each other. tbh though there is a lot to like in the campaign, there were also a lot of points where the story dragged for me--though some people adore cr2 over all.
And campaign one is where is all started. Like I said, there is no actual need to watch the campaigns in order, but this one is my personal favorite. (And, if you know me, I love doing things perfectly in order no matter the obstacle.)
C1 was originally the casts' home game, so the first episode jumps into the middle of an established game with established characters. That can make it a little alienating to hop into at first, but imo that feeling goes away quickly as you get to know the characters. To mitigate, the cast made a video covering the home game events to get you up to speed.
For my personal rec--start with that video and campaign one, and if you're having trouble keeping characters straight, toss in the first two episodes of the animated show. Or start with campaign three, and go back for the rest if you're hooked.
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brokenhardies · 3 years
What The Fuck Is Up With That?
OC Drabble. CR3/CR2 spoilers (slight). Mentioned family death.
Summary: Basically what would’ve happened during the drinking game in Episode 6, wherein Shivra reveals a large portion of their past and why they’re in Jrusar. Story under the cut!
Word Count: 708 words
@seize-the-droid @anotherunreadblog @ocfairygodmother @kazinejghafa @eddysocs @foxesandmagic @seymours-secret @witchofinterest @akabluekat @booty-boggins @anna-phora @starcrossedjedis @bravelittleflower @jewelswrites-ish @ryutabas @thecaillic @fuckitup-in-style
They looked down at the dice on the table and winced. Looking up at the victor, Dorian, who appeared awkward as they muttered their number, rubbing a hand behind his neck.
“Oh, Gods…” He muttered, “What to ask…”
“Just get it over with!” Ashton called from the other side of the table, “Just nothin’ too incriminating, okay?”
Dorian looked at Shivra, fiddling with their cloak, and the shining brooch on it. He’d figured out a question, cleared his throat, and asked it;
“That brooch you’re wearing… What the fuck is up with that?”
Shivra blinked, looking down and moving their hand from the brooch. “Oh, uh… This?” The brooch was now clear, a dodecahedron shape that glistened in the light. The rest of the party looked at the group, as Shivra continued to fiddle with it awkwardly. They took a deep breath in, now answering Dorian’s question loud and clear.
“It’s… My brother’s.” They stated, their voice soft.
“Oh! Did he give it to you or something?”
Shivra shook their head.
“Did you steal it from them?”
Another head shake, this time more forceful as Shivra laughed at Laudna’s question. “No, absolutely not…” Shivra frowned, “Where to begin… Uh… Well…” They sighed, “You guys heard of the War of Ash and Light?” 
Silence across the table, as Shivra sighed. “It was… A whole thing. Between my home nation - Xhorhas - and the Dwendalian Empire. I don’t know what started it, and if I’m being honest, I don’t care.” They continued to fiddle with the brooch, “My older brother was in one of the Echo Knight armies during the war… And died in a skirmish.”
Orym’s eyes showed sympathy, “That’s… Awful, Shivra.” 
“Yeah… When they found his body, my parents divided his things. They decided to give me the brooch he wore on his armor.” They looked up, “It’s a symbol of the Luxon… Kind of our God or whatever.” 
“Wait… You’re religious?” Ashton’s incredulous delivery forced Shivra to lightly shove him, as he laughed, pushing back. “Fuck, I didn’t expect that from you!”
“I don’t really believe, it’s like a family thing… My parents were massive followers of it, basically acolytes. We lived in a poorer area, so religion was kind of our way to cope.” They frowned, “We believe…” Then they slammed their rapidly darkening face into their hands. “Lux, this is gonna sound so dumb but… That people don’t stay dead.”
Silence once more as Laudna giggled. “Well… That explains why you didn’t react to me.”
“No, no, not like… That. There’s this whole thing called consecution, it’s pretty much something the ruling classes only have access to. Basically they’re reborn into a newborn infant after dying 100 miles from a beacon.” 
“And your brother… Didn’t die near a beacon?”
“As far as I know… No. He was dead, and he stayed dead. I kinda… Had a breakdown, ran away from home with only the clothes on my back, lost my religion somewhat, refused to enter the Dynasty because that is a hassle… And I met Yash.” After that explanation, Shivra appeared exhausted.
“That was why you said ‘see you ‘round’ to the old man!” Ashton exclaimed. “He wasn’t near a beacon…” Shivra muttered, “I just thought--” Fiddling with the brooch. Pause. They sighed. They then took a shot, swallowing the alcohol down as quick as they could. They neglected one part of their backstory, possibly because they were good at lying. 
But, in the middle of the night, the night their older brother died… They were in trance when they dreamed of a white walled room, people walking towards the end in blankness. Everyone except her brother, who stood stock still in the centre of the group. He turned around and vanished, leading them to wake up, confused, scared and angry. The news of their brother’s death came a few hours later. 
They kept having that same dream, same movement, but their brother never moved. He just stood there… Like he was waiting for something. Or someone. They sighed, leaning back, folding their arms, as another round of rollies was played. Maybe this could be their new family? If anything happened, if Yash went back on his word… Everything was gone. This was a nice replacement.
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ngl i found starting with cr2 or hell even cr3 they're just starting with was Wayyyyyyyyyy easier to get into, because i had the same problem jumping into the middle of a campaign. ive also heard starting from the end of the briarwood arc ( so ~episode 25 i think??? it's around when orion leaves) makes it easier, because you still have the "im starting mid-campaign" problem, but its at least not _sooo_ in the middle of the action
See the trouble with the Briarwood idea is that I really like Percy & from what I’ve heard that arc is like all about him & his backstory. So I wouldn’t want to skip it. Do you have to have extensive world knowledge from the first campaign in order to follow the second? Cause if not I might try & switch, then watch the animated show & go back to the podcast. I can’t commit the time to watching the actual show, hence listening at work lol.
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nellasbookplanet · 4 years
Rambling a bit about critical role and fandom attitudes under the cut, because I’ve had a lot of Thoughts lately and the only way to get some peace and quiet inside my own head is if I take those thoughts and Put them Somewhere Else.
So I think the critrole fandom is probably the first bigger fandom that I’ve been actively involved with, and it has suddenly made me realize why people talk about fandom as a sometimes very tiring thing. Before this I’ve usually only  entered fandoms way after they stopped being active, or was only very peripherally involved, or the fandom itself was super tiny. When getting into a new show/book/movie I usually look up common criticisms of it, partly out of curiosity, partly to see if there was something I missed. Sometimes this will give me actual thoughtful meta, sometimes it gives absolutely bonkers takes, but I’ve always felt far enough removed to just go yikes and back slowly away whenever I stumbled on drama.
With critrole I’m suddenly involved As It Happens, and for some reason it hits a lot harder than stumbling on it several years later. For the first time I’ve actually felt the need to block people, because my habit to look up criticisms led to me stumbling only viciously toxic blogs where any valid takes where drowned out by pure drivel and hate.
And I think that’s what probably upsets me a little. There’s no middle ground. Either people are claiming the show is beyond criticism to the point of harassing anyone that doesn’t agree, or they’re actively looking for problems and blowing anything they find out of proportion while pretending their personal opinion is 100 percent objective and acting like a dnd show can be critiqued following the same guidelines as other media.
Like, what comes first to mind here for me are the people who accused Liam of being homophobic for doing m/f romances when playing bi characters (to the point of calling it a pattern, even if it has only happened once; Caleb is, after all, still single in cr2 (and don’t get me started on the “pretends Essek is evil to avoid doing m/m romance” when Essek's alignment is literally evil, no pretending involved)). And it’s like, I get why this is frustrating, but it’s also such a viciously bad faith take that ignores the medium it’s being played in. In the case of vaxleth vs vaxmore, it really isn’t so strange that he chose a pc/pc pairing over an npc/pc one; it gives a lot more chances for interactions instead of just popping up every now and then when they happen to visit the right city. Same thing when it comes to cr2, with the bonus that Caleb developed feelings for Jester way before he even met Essek. And cr2 doesn’t really give him the option of m/m pc/pc romance, since: Molly (dead), Fjord (played by Travis, romance averse except with his irl wife) and Caduceus (aroace). None of this is the kind of stuff you'd have to take into account when critiquing a movie or tv show, but a dnd show is a fundamentaly different medium.
Another take I’ve seen is that Beau being a woc is only for brownie points since there’re no real life asian influences in her character or background, or that Keyleth should’ve been a woc since she’s canonically from a mixed background. These are interesting takes! But when delivered as Objectively Correct while ignoring people saying they prefer Beau as she is because they don’t want to see a white woman role play their culture, or ignore that cr1 started as a home game, not a planned tv show (I doubt it’s a coincidence that Keyleth and her player look visually similar), well. The interesting takes drown under the Need To Be Right.
(I could also talk about the bj vs by discourse here, but I’ve already made a post about that and I don’t have the energy to do it twice so I’ll sum it up as: bj was given unfairly little closure, but by didn’t “come out of nowhere”, the two ships simply have wildly different dynamics, one being best friends to lovers, the other being seeing and falling for each other from a distance)
And all this sucks! I see so posts that makes me want to Discuss but people’s need to either be aggressively “optimistic” and ignore criticisms or viciously hate on anything they don’t like under the cover of progressivism make me keep away and stay in my curated corner. I just miss being able to look for meta and criticisms without drowning in toxicity, bad faith takes and ship wars.
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lifeisforthealive · 4 years
So I'm watching Camp Rock again for the first time since the only time I saw it when it premiered, and (no word of a lie) I did NOT like it when it first came out (I knew even then), but I'm watching it because, you know, Tik Tok, and...
I have so many feelings and I cannot stop laughing because I am sO UNCOMFORTABLE
1) OK so why does Mitchie wake up and PRETEND to play these instruments she own and assumedly actually knows how to play
2) that's honestly been my number one grievance
3) the dancing is so bad
4) there isn't as much singing as there should be? In my opinion?
5) Caitlin is all like "check me out" and just hits some keys on a computer and random sounds come out? Like check out what, your computer? But also Caitlin is obviously cool and is one of the best dancers
6) Tess is awkward when she moves or dances is not talented ok I said it
7) Demi's voice slays, there is no denying. But she is awkward af and I think she agrees (tbh the material is not a lot to work with)
8) Those tight ass pants Joe when he struts what were you or they even thinking I can't 🤣🤣🤣
9) the lies I am so eMBARRASSED
10) Caitlin stop trying Mitchie is the worst
11) Mitchie you're not actually the worst but Caitlin calling you out was SO ON POINT
13) The adults in this movie are not trying at all. They know what this movie is.
14) PAJAMA JAM WTF just call it the paJAM still terrible but somehow better
15) Caitlin slamming it with that insult THE OTHER LEMMINGS fuck yeah girl
16) I didn't mean for this to turn into a live post but work was rough this week and it's Friday afternoon in COVID
17) No one believes you are playing that piano, Caitlin
18) Joe Jonas is a good at throwing that shady look I CANNOT 🤣
19) That was a lame insult. You go, Demi
20) How is it final jam already? It's been a WEEK
21) Why is everyone wearing pants in the summer I literally cannot believe that. Why is no one going in the lake.
22) On that note that outfit Caitlin wore during Joe's dance class was just....WHY
23) I remember Peggy's song being a banger and I can't wait
24) What was the conversation like about Joe being like the only one in the movie? Do his brothers resent him? Did they? If anyone has not seen Nick in Scream Queens they are missing OUT
25) They're really playing "Start the Party" again???? I still feel like the party never started the first time! There are like five songs in this movie wtf
26) I'm having a lot of fun, though. Lots of laughs. Definitely doing this for CR2
27) Wow there were def some sex vibes when he said that line about getting in the boat
28) I'm not high or drunk. Felt that should be said now. I did eat 4 slices of cheese, though.
29) I mean, she did lie a LOT, but kids are so mean.
30) I was not a Joe girl back then but I totally get it and surprised myself with that. I should have been a Joe girl.
31) Nevermind he did that weird twitchy mic thing and I'm embarrassed.
32) Kevin that hair was TERRIBLE
33) Nick with them curls nevermind Nick 4eva
35) Why are we out here shaming people who can't afford an assumedly thousand dollar camp?!?!
36) Omg check your privilege, Joe character
37) Why did we think this terribly straightened scene hair was hot? Why were Panic! the only people who could pull it off?!
38) I want to hide from Joe's monologue omg
39) Poor Demi's mom!!! #teamConnie how do you deal with your daughter lying about you like that?! She took it way too well
42) Peggy what are you DOINGGGGG
43) Demi what are those green slouch boots. NO.
44) Why are you playing dress up NEXT TO THE LAKE?!
45) The way Demi said "mom...don't" just had me CHOKING
46) OK but like come on onnnnnnn with this bracelet shit
47) Aussie boy dropping hints about the END of final jam I see you Mr obvi
48) Nick was not havin this movie
49) OK, this Tess song is a lowkey jam. Not my favorite, but way better than the other Tess song
50) really underwhelming choreography again. She sort of just takes long strides across the stage for every song
53) why these flashbacks to things we just saw twenty minutes ago?! Why?! What purpose?!
54) i think I remembered this song once a couple of years ago but could not remember where it was from. Thank you, Peggy
55) no one can actually play instruments
56) omg I am actually almost crying for Peggy's moment
57) this song BOPS. That dance...jerks
58) wow Joe is so dreamy in that shot
59) why are Nick and Kevin even here tbh
60) really wish Caitlin like...did anything solo during Final Jam
What an experience. I'm drunk on secondhand embarrassment.
I'm immediately watching the sequel.
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windsroad · 5 years
Thinking about names and stuff!
So I think a lot of people have a hard time with the names in CR2 because in modern society a lot of people think of the names we are given at birth as this incontrovertible part of who we are. people who are trans sometimes change their names, and sometimes people who get married change their surnames, but that’s it. also witness protection, but that’s like, so rare. but I do not think that has to be the way it is! Consider this old vlogbrothers video about a woman named Gussie Manlove, who changes her name a BUNCH of times over her life (making her final grave very hard to track down). 
so what I’m TRYING TO GET AT IS the name you are given at birth doesn’t have to be your REAL NAME, and changing your name doesn’t have to be something secret, it can just be a thing that happens sometimes. quite a few CR characters have older names they no longer use. but their relationship to these names are ALL different, and we should consider those relationships when we talk about each person individually.
Vax’ildan and Vex’ahlia. their father’s last name is Vessar, but they state that they do NOT consider that their last name. so, don’t use it.
Percival. He originally introduced himself to the group (before the stream) as just Percival / Percy. he was hiding his name for a reason, and by the time we meet him it’s clear that his whole long name is what he considers his real name.
Mollymauk. before he was buried and lost his memories, he had a whole host of names, apparently. but Mollymauk makes it clear he does NOT consider that person the same as him, and those are NOT his names. do not use them for him and don’t say they are his “real” names.
Nott and Caleb. they both change their names to hide their identities. Nott seems to feel like Veth is almost like a different person for her, and seems to express a desire to go back to being called “Veth” when she is a halfling again. you might call Veth her real name, as it’s how she seems to think of it.
Caleb is a little bit iffier... because he seems to think of Bren as his name, but also he doesn’t want to use it anymore. still, don’t call him Bren. 
Beauregard. she kind of... avoids mentioning her last name, but she has not expressed any desire to drop it completely. unless I missed something, it seems okay to use Lionett for her.
Fjord. like Vex and Vax, he clearly states that he does not consider Stone to be his last name. don’t use it unless he starts using it!
Finally, Jester. Jester is a name she took as a part of her culture as a tiefling. the name Genevieve does not seem to have any trauma linked to it, as Vessar, Lucien / Nonagon, Veth, Bren, and Stone do, but to ignore her chosen name and act like Genevieve is her “real” name is to ignore an important part of her maturity and culture. Jester IS her real name, because that’s the name she gave herself! even Marion calls Jester by it, and Jester clearly does not think of it as her “lying” to the others. that would be like saying someone’s lying when they don’t introduce themselves with their embarrassing middle name.
I hope all this makes sense! the names in CR are fascinating, but I think we can sometimes have a tendency to paint everyone with the same brush. thinking about people in detail and on a case by case basis is always the best way to go!
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cranesofibycus · 4 years
1, 15 and 26?
1. How did you first discover Critical Role?
I had finished TAZ and was, as so many others before me, on the hunt for another DnD podcast. I saw people recommend Critical Role, but they were just about to wrap up campaign 1 (I think they were on ep 110 or something) and the length of the eps as well as the start in the middle of the campaign made me drop it. 
Fast-forward almost a whole year when a good friend of mine approached me about starting a DnD campaign. I had always wanted to play but knew basically nothing about it beyond TAZ, so in preparation for the session I watched Mark Hulmes’ intro to character creation. And what was waiting for me there in the recommended videos sidebar? That’s right. A curious beginning. 
26. Who’s your favorite CR2 villain?
Avantika, who I still hope will come back as a revenant for Uk’otoa. 
Already asnwered 15 :)
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airagorncharda · 4 years
About My Blog:
Name: Nate Age: 29 (I’m bad at updating this, I was born in 1990) Pronouns: he/him/his.
It’s been ages since I’ve updated any sort of info about myself or my blog, oops.
Dfab nb trans guy, genderfluid. On the aro/ace spectrum. Queer. Gay. Neuroatypical (ADHD among other things; possibly dyslexia or else it’s just my ADHD that makes reading The Worst). I have chronic pain. I’m chubby. 
Privilege: I’m white, I grew up with financial security while I lived with my parents, I live in a liberal area of New England in the USA, I am able-bodied, I can pass as neurotypical. If I make false assumptions or fuck up because of any of these things please call me on it. I will do my utmost not to make this necessary, and to listen if it should ever be necessary.
I blog about social justice, social issues, whatever fandom I’m currently hyperfixated on, DnD, and plenty of other stuff.
My views have evolved since I started blogging, so if you go far enough back in my blog you’ll find posts that I no longer agree with.
I use my “likes” as storage for things I want to respond to later, or save to my computer when I’m on the mobile app, or research more thoroughly before reblogging when I have time/attention, etc. Do not assume I agree with everything in my likes. View my likes with caution.
I’m a writer and an illustrator, and am a Personal Care Assistant to a really cool lady. I play a lot of DnD and I love my dnd group. I’ve been in a relationship with one of my best friends since we were 15. We are engaged, live together, play video games and DnD, and have cats.
I post my thoughts here. I post my art here. These are my cats. This is my face.
I am not always right. I am still learning.
Do not cite me as an expert or trust my implicitly. I am happy to give my thoughts on and discuss any issue, and I do try to research my points before I make them, but I am not an authority.
My ask box is always open. I will respond privately if you ask me to. If I respond publicly I will tag it with your URL so you can find it easily (unless you ask me not to). I tag all asks with “ask” and all anons with “ask” and “anon”. If you send me an ask and I don’t respond it might be because Tumblr ate it, and I never received it, or because I have ADHD and sometimes I forget to respond to things. In either case feel free to send the ask again. I do not consider this rude.
I am careful to always tag for things like racism, transphobia, ableism, etc., as well as death, blood, horror cops, spiders, etc., so people can blacklist them.
I am usually happy to add to this list if you have a phobia or trigger and need me to, just ask. If for some reason I’m uncomfortable tagging a particular subject, I will not be offended if you unfollow me (I’ll also just NEVER be offended by that; you do you)
Some navigation help for my blog:
current events - this tag is reserved for whatever the most recent important (and awful) thing happens to be.
Disney’s Frozen - this tag is referencing all of the problems with that movie (the first one), including general discussion about the sexism in how women are animated. It accidentally became my “misogyny in animation” tag, sorry!
Statistics - this tag is for all posts with specific statistics about social injustice.
real talk - this tag is for short posts that I feel most clearly and succinctly summarize issues of social injustice.
Boost - any post that involves petitions, fund raisers, sales, or other things I want people to not only see but interact with.
I’ve been in fandom for a long time. I’m here to have fun, and am not comfortable with the current online purity culture of throwing shame at people who enjoy harmless things that you don’t. Fandom is not always about what we wish was real or canon; sometimes it’s about the opposite of that on purpose. 
I’m a polyshipper and a multishipper, though I definitely have OTPs and sometimes don’t enjoy seeing those pairs with other people. This is personal preference, and not a judgment on others. 
I try to stay out of fandom discourse and mainly reblog art I like. Occasionally, though, I do reblog criticism of fandom specific bigotry. 
Just because I reblog stuff from a particular fandom doesn’t mean I necessarily like everything about the piece of media, where/who it came from, or the direction it went. I value fandom because of the power to make the stories we’re given into the stories we wish we’d been given, AND the power to turn stories we love into whatever we’re vibing with at the moment.
Harry Potter was a formative fandom for me, so despite hating JKR I will still engage with fanworks related to it. I tag anything Harry Potter with “hp”. I tag everything relating to JKR with “fuck you JKR”.
Anything related to Tolkien’s Middle Earth stories is tagged “lotr”, anything about the MCU is tagged “Avengers”, and anything related to Avatar the Last Airbender is tagged “Atla”. 
I tag anything from the Tales of series with “Tale of” as well as their individual game titles. Anything from MOST Fire Emblem games gets lumped together under “Fire Emblem” but Three Houses is “fe3h”. Similarly, Most Final Fantasy games get “Final Fantasy” while 14 gets “ffxiv”.
Other media I particularly love off the top of my head (and their associated tags), or at least that I often reblog about, includes: Critical Role (and CR2), Phoenix Wright, She Ra (tag: “shera”), Saiyuki, Yu Yu Hakusho (tag: “yyh”), Undertale, The Good Place. Mad Max, Naruto, Miraculous Ladybug (tag: “miraculous”), Legend of Zelda (tag: “zelda”)
Personal tags:
My favorite meta (good meta makes the world go ‘round)
My favorite things on this whole damn site (I love this)
Stuff that’s purely positive (decency, and wholesome)
Things that remind me of my friend group (me and mine and ours)
Mron (things that remind me of and inspire me to work on my sci-fi story about androids)
Embalar (things that remind me of and inspire me to work on the fantasy story/video game/dnd homebrew setting I’m actively working on)
The Fog (things that remind me of and inspire me to work on my fairy tale story, which includes mermaids)
art refs (specific tags for: costume design, character design, god design, monster design, creature design, hands, feet, muscles, anatomy, facial expressions, hair, body types, clothes, dresses, fat art, etc., and specific tags for mythical creatures: mermaids, centaurs, vampires, demons, dragons, gryphons, sphinxes, harpies, etc.)
art (specific tags for: sculpture, painting, illustration, music, art history, installation art)
books, games, shows, and movies I wish existed (tumblr books)
furniture, appliances, and house stuff that I would love to have the money to have (want)
pretty jewelry that I want but would never wear because I don’t wear jewelry (for my dragon hoard)
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adaine · 4 years
ik im in the middle of both taz balance and just started a cr2 rewatch but consider this: what if i start fantasy high
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How to Photograph Interiors - Part 2: Photography
Welcome to the second installment of our in a three-part series on How to Photograph Interiors. In Part 1 of the series, our amazing author Janet Kwan of Janet Kwan Photography gave us a lesson on how to prepare your interior for an interior photo shoot. After working through her prep checklist, Janet has got us ready to start taking pictures.
So get your camera ready and let’s dive into Janet’s second lesson on how to photograph interiors….
Part 2: Photography
Welcome to the second instalment of How to Photograph Interiors. In part 1, I shared a checklist on how to prepare for a shoot. Once you’ve gone through that list, you’re now ready to shoot.
Photographed for The Kwendy Home
It’s important to use the appropriate equipment for a professional photography assignment. But I want to emphasize that it’s crucial to learn the proper technique (eg. lighting and composition) first before investing in expensive gear. The best equipment can’t save a poorly-photographed, out-of-focus image.
With that said, a full-frame camera is recommended because it has a larger sensor than a crop sensor camera. Because of this, it will perform better in low-light situations. It’ll also give your camera the ability to use lenses to their full potential. In this article, we’ll be referring to a full-frame camera and FX lenses.
I use prime lenses (ie. fixed focal length) so they don’t zoom in or out. I prefer prime lenses over zoom lenses because of the range of work I shoot. The smaller size and weight of these lenses plus their wider apertures make them better suited for my style of photography. But you may find that zooms work better for you because you don’t have to switch lenses as often.
Here are some of the common lenses used in interior photography:
Wide Lens
Use a wide lens with a focal length of 24mm to capture the entire room. For example, a 24mm or 24-70mm lens (used at 24mm).
You could use an even wider lens such as the 16-35mm in some situations, but I’d avoid an ultra-wide lens like a 12-24mm. If you must use it, use it sparingly and be aware of distortion towards the corners of the photo. It’ll stretch the room and create an unwanted warping effect. In that case, you may need to adjust the perspective or crop the photo in post-processing to remove the stretched part of the image.
Medium Lens
A 35mm lens is one of my go-to lenses because it captures the scene with a similar focal length to the human eye. This gives the viewer an accurate idea of what they would see if they were in the room. The 35mm doesn’t create a lot of distortion either, which is a big advantage over ultra-wide lenses.
For mid-range details, the 50mm lens is great for the job. It’s not too wide and not too tight so you can focus on an area while still capturing the environment for context.
Long Lens
For detail shots, an 85mm or 24-70mm (used at 70mm) is useful to create vignettes within a room. They allow you to highlight specific objects or features of the room.
Tilt-Shift Lens
If you’re serious about interior and architectural photography, consider investing in a specialty tilt-shift lens with a focal length of 19mm or 24mm. A tilt-shift lens has the ability to both tilt and shift which allows the camera body to remain level while the lens changes the focusing plane. For example, if you’re photographing a tall building, the camera does not need to point up or down to capture the entire building because the lens will correct that angle.
A sturdy tripod is highly recommended, especially in low-light situations where you may need to use a slower shutter (eg. 1/80s, 1/30s, etc.) to keep the camera in the same position when exposure bracketing. It will also save your back from having to crouch or bend down constantly to get a shot.
Tether Cable
Shooting tethered is beneficial for you and your client because the screen on the back of your camera is small. These small details can go unnoticed at first glance. With the camera tethered to a laptop, you’re able to zoom into different areas of the image to see if you need to make any changes before moving on.
Photographed for Oak and Isaac/Kelly Johnson
Camera Settings
File Format
Shoot in RAW format (instead of JPG or other formats) so that the files are uncompressed versions. Depending on the camera brand, they may have a different file extension like .NEF or .CR2). These RAW files give you the most flexibility and control when capturing a wide range of lighting and when editing in post-processing.
Generally, you want to maintain a low ISO to prevent grain (also known as digital noise) from appearing in the image. The ideal ISO is between 100-400. If there isn’t enough light, you’ll have to make adjustments to either your shutter speed, aperture or introduce artificial light.
For shots of large spaces with a lot of depth, use a smaller aperture so that everything from the foreground to the background is in focus. An aperture in the range of f8-f11 is ideal but sometimes you may need to open up the aperture a bit to f5.6 to keep your ISO between 100-400.
When shooting details and vignettes, you can use a wider aperture (around f2.0-f3.5) to create bokeh in the image.
Shutter Speed
Out of the 3 main camera settings we talk about (ISO, aperture, shutter speed) your shutter speed is the most flexible if you have a tripod. If you’re in a low-light situation and your ISO is at 400 and your aperture is at f5.6 already, you can slow your shutter speed to allow more light into the camera. In those situations, it’s important to use a tripod and the camera’s timer or a remote trigger to prevent camera shake.
White Balance
Most of the time, the camera’s auto white balance does a good job of capturing the overall colour temperature. However, if the room has colourful walls, wallpaper or furniture, they might reflect those colours back into the room. This will affect the white balance. For example, if the wall is green, it could cause the room to have a slightly green hue in the photo. To correct this, first use a grey card to set the white balance in your camera or adjust the white balance temperature in Kelvin. The white balance can also be corrected in post-processing if you don’t have a grey card.
Photographed for The Kwendy Home
Time of Day
Find out which direction each room faces and pick a time of day where the light will be even in that room. For north and south-facing rooms, choose a time when there is the most light. For east and west-facing rooms, avoid shooting when the sun is shining directly into the room, which can cause glare and hot spots on surfaces. I generally shoot between 10am-2pm if I want even lighting. In some cases, I may shoot when there is more light streaming in through the windows if I’m going for a specific look.
Exterior photos can be taken outside of those times, at sunrise or sunset, when the sun is lower on the horizon, creating a nice glow without harsh light.
Keep in mind that these times will change slightly depending on the season and location as the sun will rise and set differently. If possible, scout the location ahead of time or ask the homeowner to take a few photos on their phone at different times of the day so you know what you’re working with.
Natural Light v Artificial Light
There are different views on this, but ultimately it depends on the style and look that you and the client are going for.
Natural light is great for interior photography and is often used to feature a room during the day. Turn off lamps or overhead lights to avoid mixed lighting, which can cast colours and shadows. If a certain spot in the room is darker than you’d like, try using a large reflector to bounce light. On the other hand, if there is too much light coming in from one area off-camera, use a large diffuser to soften the light. These reflectors can be found on Amazon or used from other photographers. They’re a powerful and affordable way to shape light in many situations.
When you need to use artificial light, a flash unit with a shoot-through umbrella can help fill in the shadows. Make sure the flash doesn’t overpower the rest of the room. You don’t want the artificial light to be a distraction and take the attention away from the room.
It may make sense to turn on a lamp or overhead lights if it adds to the ambiance of the room. But be sure to keep the lighting consistent if you go that route.
The amount of light within a room will vary. The windows may be blown out while a corner will be dark. This is where bracketing can even out the light so that every part of the room is exposed properly. Bracketing is when you take a minimum of 3 photos at different exposures and merge them in post-processing.
First, take a photo that is exposed for somewhere in the middle. That means that the meter in the camera is in the centre. Then take a photo that is underexposed. Usually, this is where you properly expose for the windows to get the details back. For this shot, don't worry about the rest of the room being too dark. Then take an overexposed photo, where you properly expose for the darker areas of the room. In this shot, the bright areas of the room will likely be blown out.
We’ll talk about what to do with these photos in the post-processing part of this series.
Photographed for Jennifer McLean
Hero Shot
Start with the wide establishing shot by picking out one perspective that will be your hero shot. This is the shot that sets the scene and is the best representation of the room. If the space is huge, there might be two hero shots from different angles.
Make sure to take your time with this shot. Walk around to all corners of the room to select the best angle. Remember that what you see in person can look different in the camera so use your viewfinder or live view.
Watch out for items that are misaligned or appear to be overlapping another object. Refer to the checklist in Part 1 of this series.
The 2 most common wide shots are:
Shoot the entire room with your camera parallel to the far wall and
Shoot with the corner of the room in your frame.
Aside from detail and vignette shots, photos of a room should show at least some of the floor in the frame.
Shoot from an approximately mid-level height of the room or commonly referred to as waist level. This depends on the room though. For the living room, shoot from waist height will work well, but you may need to shoot a bit higher in the kitchen because of the countertop. The idea is that you want to capture the height of the room evenly without pointing the camera up or down into a room. The grid in your camera’s viewfinder or live view screen should be parallel to the walls and perpendicular to the ground and ceiling.
Use the level on the tripod or get a small hotshoe bubble level to ensure that the camera isn’t crooked. This will save you a lot of time in post-processing.
If you’re shooting a room with a table (eg. dining table, coffee table, kitchen countertop), make sure the camera is not shooting below the horizon of that surface, otherwise, the focus will be on what’s under the table.
Take a variety of landscape (horizontal) and portrait (vertical) shots so that you have options for websites, social media channels or print publications. Use objects, furniture and walls to guide the viewer’s eye to what you want them to see.
Use symmetry and negative space in your composition.
As mentioned in Part 1, interior photography showcases the room and its design as opposed to the scale of the space so you don’t always have to capture everything in the room at one time.
Photographed for Vintage and Teak
Once the overview shots are done, move in to take some mid-range and detail photos, also known as vignettes. Focus on a smaller area of the room (eg. shelf, fireplace, stove, side table) and then followed by details (eg. hardware, decor). Create a different feel by taking the shot from a different angle.
Choose your subject in the room to focus the camera on, such as the couch, bed or dining table. Make sure it’s completely in focus before taking the photo. When the camera is set to autofocus, look for an autofocus indicator light in the viewfinder or screen (usually a small solid circle). This indicator will light up when properly focussed on the subject.
As you’re shooting, look out for reflective surfaces so that you or your camera gear don’t appear in a mirror or a shiny object.
After taking the standard photos of the room, go over your photos in-camera to make sure you’ve taken enough to fully capture the space before moving on. The next step in your photo shoot - Post-Processing - will be covered in part 3 of the How to Photograph Interiors series!
Stay tuned.
Part 1: Preparation
Part 2: Photography
Part 3: Post-Processing
Glossary of Terms
Full frame vs cropped sensor – A full frame sensor is roughly the size as the “old” 35mm frame of film. Lenses are made to create a circle of light just large enough to cover that area (covering power). In a cropped sensor camera the physical size of the sensor is smaller so it only captures a portion of the entire image the lens is projecting, effectively cropping part of the image out. For more information on this see “Crop factor explained“. Common crop factors are 1.5 or 1.6x so if you put on a 50mm lens it is more like a 75mm with a 1.5x crop factor.
Popular full frame cameras
Budget friendly full frame cameras
DX and FX Format Lenses - In digital SLR cameras, the camera's format refers to the size of its image sensor. Nikon and other manufacturers make both DX-format sensors and FX-format sensors. The DX-format is the smaller sensor at 24x16mm; the larger FX-format sensor measures 36x24mm which is approximately the same size as 35mm film.
Prime Lenses - A prime lens is one that has just one focal length only (in contrast to a zoom lens that covers a wider range of lengths).
Prime lenses come in a wide range of focal lengths from wide angles through to the very longest of tele-photo lenses used by many sports photographers and paparazzi.
Tripods - The primary purpose of the tripod is to hold a camera completely steady—zero movement and vibration. However, the tripod is far from a one-size-fits-all-photographic accessory. Although they all look about the same—three legs and a part where the camera attaches, etc., there are many brands, styles, and variations. Some differences are centered on personal preference such as color; others are more purpose-driven. Manfrotto tripods are probably the most popular and highly recommended among professionals. More info on tripods.
Tether Tools is the most popular brand of tethering cable. Third party ones can be found for a fraction of the price, but the build quality and reliability of data transfer may not be as good.
ISO – stands for International Standards Organization and represents the sensitivity of your camera’s digital sensor to light. The lower the number (ISO 100), the less sensitive, the higher the number (ISO 3200) the more sensitive. A higher ISO allows you to shoot in low light conditions. Learn more about ISO and how to use it in your photography.
Aperture – the variable opening in the lens through which light passes to the film or digital sensor. Measured in f-stops. I like to compare it to your pupil which opens and closes to allow more or less light to enter your eye depending on the brightness level of the room. Learn more about Aperture and how to use it here.
Shutter speed – the amount of time the shutter is opened during an exposure. The shutter speed controls motion. Use a fast speed (like 1/2000th of a second) to freeze motion, or a slow one (1/4 of a second or longer) to blur moving objects. Learn more about shutter speed and how to control it in this article from www.digital-photography-school.com.
Kelvin – is the absolute measurement of colour temperature. On your camera under the White Balance settings you make see a “K” setting. This allows you to adjust the colour manually by degrees kelvin. The lower numbers represent warmer colours like orange (tungsten light) and the higher numbers are cooler (blues). Play with this scale to create different affects.
Hot shoe bubble level - A hot shoe bubble level mounts onto any standard hot shoe on a camera. It allows you to precisely align the camera on two planes, to ensure that the horizon line is absolutely straight.
Hot shoe - A hot shoe is a connector on a digital or analog camera. It is used to connect a variety of devices that communicate with the camera. If the hot shoe has a metal contact, the device can then ‘talk’ to the camera. You will usually find the hot shoe on the highest point of the camera when held upright. For most DSLRs, it is located above the pop-up flash, and directly in the center.
Vignette photography is defined as a reduction of an image's brightness or saturation toward the periphery compared to the image center. This technique is best know in portrait photographs that are clear at the center and fade off toward the edges.
About the Author
Janet is a lifestyle photographer based in Toronto, Canada, specializing in business branding, interior and product photography. She works with small to large companies to create custom professional photos for their branding and marketing needs. Her work has been published in Apartment Therapy and The Jungalow. Some of her past clients include Airbnb, McDonald's Canada, Vichy, Haagen-Dazs, The Distillery Historic District and more. She loves The Office, sunsets and exploring the different neighbourhoods in Toronto.
Contact the Author
Website: https://www.janetkwan.com Instagram: @janetkwan
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hazyheel · 5 years
NJPW Best of the Super Juniors 2019 Day 13 Review
First up was Ren Narita vs. BUSHI. Narita wanted to use his grappling to get the win here, but Bushi continually fought out of it. Bushi did kinda grapple with him as well, but mostly kept it to striking. This was Narita’s final stand, and he tried do match Bushi blow for blow, hold for hold, doing anything that he could to get this win here. However, Bushi was still able to hit a lungblower and then MX for the win. Bushi: 12, Narita: 0
Grade: B. And Narita ends without a win. Sucks for him, but that just means that he isn’t quite ready to go on excursion yet. This was a good match, and Narita seemed like he might win it, but Bushi has been booked so strong that he couldn’t quite get it done.  Good stuff to Bushi, it seems like he may be in line for a title shot soon, or another run with the tag belts.  I liked this, and to Narita, you’ll get next time.
Next up was Bandido vs. Rocky Romero. Rocky came out in a mix of black tiger and bandido mask. Both guys paid some tribute to Eddie Guerrero with the shimmy. Bandido then agreed to not go for the leg during the match, after Rocky begged him not to drop an elbow on it. Rocky continued to work over the arm here, which was an injury that Bandido was working through during the tournament, which was kinda heel move. Bandido quickly went for the knee, going back on his promise to counter the forever clotheslines. The two were very fired up, and just wrecked each other with shots to their respective injuries. In the finish, Bandido fought out of a guillitine choke by hitting the leg, then hit a go to sleep and the 21 plex for the win. Bandido: 10, Rocky: 6.
Grade: B+. A good finale for both of them, two babyfaces that are just hitting each other with whatever they could. They attacked each other’s injuries becasue they both needed those points, despite not really being able to win. I hope that Bandido comes back next year, he was a fun competitor. Rocky was a shockingly awesome highlight of the tournament, and in my opinion put on the best match of the tournament with Phantasmo, at least so far. Good stuff to them, and I hope they make a return to the ring at BOSJ 27.
Then we had Robbie Eagles vs. YOH. This should be a fun little match, guys with similar builds and speeds. Both also focused on each other’s legs, which created an interesting dynamic throughout the match. At one point, Yoh went for the skin the cat into a superkick, but Eagles picked the leg and countered into a Ron Miller Special. Yoh could barely even get any work done on Eagle’s knee, because eagles was so overwhelming. Yoh kept going for the Dragon Suplex, but the best that he could do was hit a bridging german for 2. As Yoh ran the ropes, Eagles hit an ensiguri, only for Yoh to skin the cat and hit a superkick, followed by a dragon suplex and the win. Yoh: 12, Eagles: 10.
Grade: B-. Good stuff, a bit of a shocking win for me though, I really thought Eagles would get 12 here, but it’s totally fine. So Yoh outperforms his partners Rocky Romero and SHO, which is interesting. As for Eagles, I hope that he will be back next year, and hopefully still in Bullet Club. I want to see him betray them next year probably, because he is a babyface who is desperately trying to prove himself. Not the best that I thought they could do, but a good win for Yoh.
Then we had El Phantasmo vs. DOUKI. Phantasmo stole a fan’s hat on the way in, threw it into the crowd, he was having fun, but Douki attacked before the bell. I’m sure Tsuji was thrilled that he didn’t get kicked in the balls before the match. Douki went for a suicide dive, and Phantasmo threw a chair at him as he attacked, so this was question of who could cheat better. I was thrilled to see Phantasmo fight the only heel who I dislike more than him in B Block, because I could unashamedly enjoy how funny and douchey he is. At one point, Phantasmo went for a hurricanrana off the top, but Douki slipped when selling it and crashed face first into the top rope. Phantasmo hit an awesome frog splash for a near fall. At one point, Phantasmo went for CR2, but Douki countered into a spike rana for a near fall, and then locked in the necktie choke. In the finish, Phantasmo yanked down the mask of Douki, hit a superkick and then a CR2 for the win. Phantasmo: 12, Douki: 2.
After the match, Phantasmo seemed to challenge Jushin Thunder Liger to a match for the British Cruiserweight Championship. The two nearly brawled but the young lions seperated it.
Grade: C+. Hot start to the match, but this ended up not being too great. The work was fine, but I just couldn’t bring myself to care about Douki this late in the tournament. I thought he was a good wrestler that never really found his groove, but I am fine with getting Desperado back. I don’t know when, but Desperado will be fun to see again. As for Phantasmo, I’m sure he won’t be constantly appearing in New Japan, but I’ll be excited when he does. I don’t follow RevPro super closely, but I will be looking to see how he does. I hope he comes back at least a little bit, because he is a great heel and great talent. 
And the main event, Ryusuke Taguchi vs. Will Ospreay. Winner fights Shingo Takagi in the finals. This was the finals of the tournament in 2016, so we should be in for a great match. Taguchi was pretty serious at the beginning of the match, and he is good when he turns it on. They had a couple silly spots, but it didn’t hurt the match at all. Ospreay had a pretty clear strength advantage here, and wrecked Taguchi with chops to the chest. Taguchi went for the leg of Ospreay, which was targetted throughout the tournament. Ospreay also showed off some of his techincal wrestling, which we do not see much in favor of his striking and flying. The two traded blows, mostly hip attacks from Taguchi. Ospreay went for his classic tiger fang kick over the top, but Taguchi picked the leg and had an ankle lock for a bit. Ospreay fought back and hit some sort of twisting splash from the top to the floor, and it looked awesome. The two exchanged counters and big moves in the middle of the ring for a bit, before Taguchi ended it with a bumboye. Taguchi went for the Dodon several times, but couldn’t get it, so he hit a tiger suplex instead. Ospreay was just refusing to let the Dodon hit him. Ospreay was locked in the ankle lock for a bit, and desperately fought out of it, and nailed his devastating powerbomb for a near fall. Ospreay went for an Os Cutter, but Taguchi picked the ankle, and then transitioned into a Dodon, Ospreay kicked out, but Taguchi reversed it into an ankle lock, and barely made it out. In the finish, Taguchi had a crucifix cover on Ospreay, but he fought out and hit a double kick on Taguchi, before a ripcord hook kick and a stormbreaker for the win. Ospreay: 14, Taguchi: 12.
Shingo Takagi approached after the match, and got on the mic. He put over Ospreay in english, and said that while Ospreay was strong, Shingo was better. Ospreay said that he was not scared of Shingo in the slightest, he wanted to win because he loves the company. He fights for people who have the same insecurities that he does, and he vowed to slay the dragon. It was a badass line, so it sucks that no one in the crowd could understand him when he said it. 
Grade: A. Really great match. Taguchi took on the role of a serious contender, while Ospreay played it silly when he had to. it was just awesome to see Taguchi pull Ospreay to the mat and attack him as hard as he could. They are great opponents to go up against each other, and did awesome. Ospreay vs. Shingo sounds like a match of the year, and I cannot wait. I actually got the predictions right too, so that is nice. I can’t wait for the finals, and I really won’t know what to do with myself for the next two days.
Overall Grade: B
Pros: Bushi vs. Narita; Bandido vs. Rocky; Main event
Cons: That Douki botch
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