#what if ultron won spoilers
ordinaryschmuck · 9 months
What I Quickly Thought about What If...? Season Two
For those who don’t know, I’m one of the few people who actually enjoyed What If…? Season One for what it was. Did it take advantage of telling interesting tales with the MCU, giving us intense glimpses of these universes that showed us what COULD HAVE been? Not all the time. Was it still good dumb fun? To me it was. And that’s pretty much what What If…?, as a concept, was, even in the comics. Yeah, you got interesting stuff like “What if Spider-Man never became a crime fighter?” or “What if Daredevil was raised by The Kingpin?” but it also had stuff like “What if the Original Marvel Bullpen Became the Fantastic Four?” or “What if Sargent Fury Fought World War Two in Outer Space?” The comics were less about high-concepts and more about writers doing whatever the hell they wanted with the Marvel Universe and being able to have fun with it because, well, none of it was canon. The same applied to the MCU’s What If…?, as it was a chance for the writers to do a murder mystery with the Avengers or make T’Challa fix the universe as Star-Lord. They can kill characters, make dumb(er) jokes, and play around with the heroes and villains in the MCU like they were action figures. And I’m into that. Don’t get me wrong, I would love more episodes like “What if…Doctor Strange lost his heart instead of his hands?” or “What if…Ultron won?” as they DO have a lot of great moments and show off what these characters are capable of than what the movies/shows proved. But at the same time, I didn’t mind watching the big buff lady that is Captain Carter kill Nazis or watch Spider-Man and a band of heroes try to survive a zombie apocalypse. It’s a show where everyone is meant to just sit back, turn their brain off, and have some fun while occasionally getting something interesting. Again, just like the comics.
So when Season Two got announced, I was genuinely excited. I like Season One and I wanted more of it. Then when the trailer came out with an episode list, I thought, “Okay, this could be the show embracing comic book wackiness.” Now, not a lot of people were into that…In fact, the majority said that a lot of these concepts weren’t even interesting and were, instead, kind of lame. I don’t get it, maybe because I’m in the exact mindset the MCU wants me to have with this series, but I was still looking forward to Season Two. The question is, was it worth it? Well, let’s quickly go over each episode to find out.
Spoilers Ahead
What If…Nebula Joined the Nova Corps?: Ooooooooh, what a great start. Watching Nebula act as a cop/detective, but with her cold, deadpan badassery still intact was a ton of fun in this dark, gritty setting made for this new version of her. I loved watching this new version of Nebula make her way through a darkened Xandar, with her never straying from this oath and acting as it should be intended, all while teaming up with Howard the Duck of all characters. Like, I kind of enjoy seeing Howard turn out to be this sleazy casino owner who treats Nebula as a true friend despite them working on opposite ends of the law. The concept itself is funny and execution is endearing with Seth Green giving much needed charm to the character. It’s part of the fun of What If…?: Showing characters who couldn’t interact in the movies or didn’t have much screen time and allowing them another chance to shine…Unfortunately, that’s not always a good thing. Because while I love seeing a character like Howard make a surprisingly good comeback, watching Yon-Rog, one of the more boring MCU villains, show up and lack any intrigue or fun is just…no. And then there’s Nova Prime who decided to betray the entire Corp by taking down the force field…Something that was HER idea to do and, given the pull she had, could have done at any point. Why string Nebula along when Nova Prime could have just made the ruling herself that the force field needed to be taken down? A friend of mine tried explaining how it could make sense, but I don’t know. It doesn’t change this weird got while watching. But while flawed, it was pretty cool to see this new setting in the MCU, carried by Nebula as the Super Nova (Love that name, by the way. It’s perfect). The plot has a big ol’ hole, not every character return works, but it gave me a half-hour of fun so I’m not complaining (Get used to that thought process, by the way).
What If…Peter Quill Attacked Earth’s Mightiest Heroes?: And this one’s a little rough around the edges. It’s fun to see this alternate version of the Avengers form to fight a Peter Quill who has Ego’s powers, but it feels like the entire episode is on fast-forward, almost like this is what would happen if the first Avengers movie needed to be made thirty-minutes long. It’s sort of the downside of What If having a half-hour runtime, where it has to both tell a story and introduce us to this new universe in under thirty minutes. It’s the same with the comics that had less than thirty pages to do the exact same thing, only to feel longer because comic writers in the seventies and eighties don’t know how to shut the hell up. The end result is a story that’s fine ENOUGH, but it would have benefited with more time to slow down and let us appreciate this new team of old heroes. I mean, we have the original Captain Mar-Vel, T’Challa’s father, and even Goliath, which would have been AWESOME to see them play a big role. But instead, the episode focuses on Hank Pym, Bucky, and THOR, somehow, making these other heroes valued members but also a bit of an afterthought. Also, despite this being a different version of the Avengers, they somehow make MORE quips than the original team, with few of it feeling like it’s in character. It has the same problem as Age of Ultron where everyone is cracking jokes at every second as much as they can, and it HIGHLY depends on your willingness to stomach that kind of  thing if you’re willing to watch this episode. That and if you’re willing to forgive a character doing this STUPID AND RISKY thing that worked out for the better but doesn’t change how stupid and risky it is. Overall, this whole episode is a very interesting idea mixed with some very FLAWED execution that spoils the fun to be had.
What If…Happy Hogan Saved Christmas?: Now this? All kinds of fun to be had with this one. The return of Justin Hammer of all villains isn’t something I thought I needed, but I heavily enjoyed watching what’s basically the anti-Tony Stark show up and be his most despicably charming self. It was a blast to watch this scrawny little twink TRY and act intimidating as he dances all over the place. It makes him feel more and more like a cartoon villain, which is appropriate for yuletide fun. You don’t NEED a menacing presence for Christmas, you need a GOOF. And Hammer’s the goofiest with his lame catchphrases and very STUPID dancing, I couldn’t get enough of it. But the real star is Happy, who gets juiced up for an adaptation I NEVER would have expected from the MCU. The Freak is one of the sides to Happy that not many fans would know about unless they’ve immersed themselves with Iron Man lore (Or read a shit load of comics for the past two years like me), but it really is cool to see that side of him brought to life. The way Happy looks and moves like more of a manic Hulk on crack does great at setting him apart from the Jolly Green Monster we know and love, but also makes The Freak feel more unique from how he was in the comics. It was a blast of a holiday special with the only downside is that Darcy’s OCCASIONALLY annoying. Not much other than that, though, as this is the best Christmas present I could ask from Marvel.
What If…Iron Man Crashed Into the Grandmaster?: Fun fact, this was originally meant to be in Season One but was cut due to time constraints. Yeah, remember how weird it was that the Watcher plucked a version of Gamora we didn’t know? Well, now we finally know…through a story that’s primarily about Tony Stark that makes me wonder why the hell The Watcher didn’t take him.
But facts and jokes aside, I loved the shit out of this episode. There are probably going to be some cynics out there saying that the cars and the race is an excuse to sell toys or LEGO sets or some shit, but I don’t care because everything about it was AWESOME!. Not to mention that it lit up a special place in my heart and brain to watch Tony Stark be a hero again, not hesitating to save lives, putting everything on the line, and helping bring Gamora into the light, all while still being his snarky, Starky self. And huge props to Mick Wingert voicing him, who doesn’t sound like Robert Downy Jr at ALL, but still nails the energy and mannerisms. I can picture RDJ saying all of these lines and it helps make this feel like one last Iron Man story for the fans. Seeing the Grandmaster again was ALSO a plus, as he was his same goofy-self. As for the real hook of this episode, Gamora, she’s…fine. I don’t love that it’s Tony that helped her redemption arc since I always preferred how turning against Thanos was something Gamora decided for herself instead of this thing that someone brought out. It’s not a BAD idea, but it’s something that might have worked better with NEBULA, a character that could actually USE convincing, instead of Gamora, a character who would likely go to Stark to help kill Thanos. Still, I don’t HATE it, nor do I hate the episode. It was an adrenaline thrill-ride that gave us a return of Tony where he DOESN’T die in the end. I couldn’t have asked for more if I heard this episode’s title, and I’m glad it’s what we’ve got.
What If…Captain Carter Fought the Hydra Stomper?: I…KIND OF understand the reception towards Captain Carter. I don’t get why Marvel keeps pushing her more than their actual Captain America replacement, Sam Wilson. I mean, Captain Carter showed up in three projects (two seasons of television and a movie), where Sam made his official appearance as Captain America once…and hasn’t even cameoed in any other movie or show. Now, don’t get me wrong, I like the big buff lady and it’s awesome seeing her fight the giant robot. It’s cool, I love it. I also heavily enjoyed this episode, getting into the drama, action, and seeing Peggy make a surprisingly believable friendship with Black Widow. Heck, I’d go so far as to say that this is a better Black Widow story than her actual movie gave us. So I like it, I like seeing Captain Carter and some of her adventures. I especially like that this story isn’t a direct rehash of Winter Soldier like how the first episode is a rehash of First Avenger. The writers actually set out to make something more unique and it makes me like Captain Carter a little more. I just wish we could get that same love and appreciation towards Sam Wilson, whose movie got pushed back to 2025 and will count as the only time this character has been relevant since his mini-series. If this is our new leader of the Avengers and the man who will fight to save the multiverse, we’re probably going to need more than one appearance from the guy. I don’t think people would complain about more Captain Carter if Sam Wilson’s Captain America wasn’t so blatantly shoved too far to the side.
What If…Kahhori Reshaped the World?: One of the few rare times the MCU made an ORIGINAL superhero. There is no previous comic, movie, or show that Kahhori is based on. She’s a completely original character made up for this franchise, much like Miles Morales in the Ultimate universe or X-23 in X-Men Evolution (Check that show out, by the way. It’s pretty damn good). And just like those two, I REALLY hope Kahhori manages to become such a hit with audiences that she spawns more content, because Kahhori and her world is something I would love to revisit. Her personality is fun, her motivation is inspiring, and her powers are unique enough to make her stand out more to the other heroes in the MCU. As for her story, it’s your bare-bones origin story. The whole episode is about explaining her powers, the world she lives in, and the people she loves and fights for. It does all this while proving her heroics through fighting a supervillain set out to do some damage. Only, instead of some generic supervillain that matches her powers it’s this Spanish Conquistador who…honestly still looks like a supervillain, which is kind of funny. And it works for Kahhori, proving that while she’s currently the most powerful person in the world, she’s willing to fight against oppression and the monarchy, advocating for peace instead of a continuous war for who gains the most control. Like I said, that’s inspiring and it’s why I want to see more of this character and how far she can go when fighting bigger, more evil threats than the Queen of Spain. Whether it’s a spin-off TV show/movie, a comic mini-series, or even introducing Kahhori into the 616 comics (somehow), I wouldn’t mind seeing this new, wonderful hero more in the future.
What If…Hela Found the Ten Rings?: I…did not expect to like this one as much as I did. I wasn’t the BIGGEST fan of Hela, because aside from seeing her actress having a blast to go full ham, there wasn’t much to her. Yeah, she was this conqueror alongside Odin, which is an interesting backstory for HIM, but for Hela, it’s not enough. Instead of telling me WHO she is, Thor: Ragnarok kept telling me WHAT she was. Then here comes an episode of What If…? that not only gives me that answer, but a lot more. Sure, the first half is a bit wonky, but when we get to the second, we finally get an idea of who Hela is. Simply put, Hela doesn’t know who she is beyond a conqueror, and that’s because Odin never trained nor raised her to be anything more. This episode forces Hela to face that and discover answers she never knew she was seeking, having a surprisingly decent redemption, becoming a goddess of life instead of death. I…love that. I love that WAY MORE than I could have expected to love it. It makes me appreciate Hela a lot more and maybe see that there’s a tragedy to her in Thor: Ragnarok. Hela could have changed for the better if she met someone that could bring her good side out, but because she was banished into isolation by Odin, it caused Hela to be both spiteful and vengeful, making her refuse any alternative beyond being a conqueror or a goddess of death, with her final acts of life being someone who destroyed her home because destruction was all she knew. This episode has a better, more unique story to tell than Hela and Wenwu fighting over the Ten Rings to see who can cause more destruction. Speaking of, if there’s one thing to complain about the episode, it’s how underutilized Wenwu is to the story. He’s actually one of MY favorite MCU villains and it feels weird that he’s just…kind of there? Most of the meat to the story goes to Hela, and I do appreciate it, but Wenwu could have done more than wanting to bone Hela or assisting her in fighting Odin. But aside from that, I’d still say that this is a fantastic episode that surpassed my expectations.
What If…The Avengers Assembled in 1602?: Of all the episodes, this is the one I was looking forward to the most. I’m a sucker for seeing characters in a different setting. They’re very much the same in terms of personality but their differences vary from positions in life or the skills they’re capable of. It’s no different here, as so much of this feels like a period piece fanfic where the writers seemed to have so much fun making the Avengers be in 1602. And I don’t give a shit if people hate her, I LOVE that Captain Carter refuses to leave this world until she saves it from complete collapse. It would have been the same if it was Steve Rogers, I get that, but how do you expect me to hate a hero who’s willing to fight with her last breath to save the world? Those are my favorite kind of superheroes! You want me to give up what I love most about superheroes just because you don’t like that the big buff lady fights King Thor and his vibranium thunder sword? F**k you.
Also, this comes with the added benefit of watching big buff Steve and big buff Peggy constantly being on the VERGE of wanting to rip their clothes off and f**k each other whenever they’re on screen together. And, honestly, I can't blame them. They’re both gorgeous. LET THEM F**K!
Overall, I had fun, even if there are problems. Sure, the reveal that Steve is indirectly the cause of this universe’s collapse is way too predictable, no thanks in large part to the trailers SPOILING IT! And it’s pretty weird that Scott can still shrink and grow. Like…How can he do that in this setting? Also, this universe has a merry band of misfits that’s similar to Robin Hood, and there’s not even a SINGLE Hawkeye in it? Not even Kate Bishop? COME ON NOW! Come on now…
But, yeah, this episode is the perfect epitome of what makes What If…? enjoyable to me. It can offer you a fun concept of having the Avengers be in 1602 and just ask you to sit back, relax, and enjoy the show. Not everyone’s going to be into that, but I am and I could take ten more seasons of this if I could.
What If…Strange Supreme Intervened?: You want me to hate the big buff lady and new MCU character Kahhori fighting Strange Supreme and a whole gaggle of universe killers just because *checks notes* Captain Carter is a Mary Sue? F**k you. I don’t care if you feel like Captain Carter is forced upon you, she punched a demonic Doctor Strange in the face with the power of INFINITY. That is awesome no matter WHO the character is and if you can’t appreciate it, then I guess this show really isn’t for you. As for the finale, the whole thing is awesome as this big fireworks show to close out the season, added with Strange Supreme going back to the dark side for the sake of reviving his universe. I’ll admit that Strange Supreme had a bit of a forced redemption last season, so it is great for this finale to prove that he is, in fact, still twisted inside while allowing him to earn a more true redemption in making up for his actions. It makes his tragedy STILL feel like a tragedy, giving everyone but him a happy ending. And, again, he got punched in the face with the power of infinity. F**k all you haters, this show’s great.
Season Two is a definite improvement to Season One. Sure, the pacing is wonky, the jokes are trying too hard, and animation can look gorgeous at times but ugly at others. But the writing’s stronger, the concepts are bigger, the fun’s funner, and I got to see a woman punch a demon in the face with the power of infinity–I keep bringing that up because it is so damn awesome. And it’s the same with this show! It just fuels that part of my brain that wants to see cool, comic book shit happening. It’s not for everyone, I know that. It’s neither good nor bad, it’s just…subjectively fun. It’ll either light up your world or leave you wanting more substance than dumb fun. I enjoyed the hell out of this season, but others won’t for their own reasons (some of them being that they just hate Captain Carter). They can feel that way all they want. Still won’t change how I enjoyed the hell out of this season and look forward to more.
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itsjustbyler · 1 year
S4/Avengers 3 and 4 analysis - P1
Obviously, spoilers from Avengers Infinity War and Avengers Endgame.
Improtant: This analysis is also from a byler pov. The next ones are going to be based on these characters, the parallels between them in the show and the movies and predictions to S5.
The characters and their parallels
William Byers and Steve Rogers
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Both characters are kind and selfless. Both were victim of bullying and aways seemed as weak, small for his age and not manly enough. That only changed for Steve when he got his "powers". Will is still a target for bullying, but what used to be based on homophobia, turned into him being called a freak, "zombie boy". Those two characters are known for putting the others feelings before themselves. While Steve put his own well being in danger to save his best friend Bucky, lying to Tony about his parents, Will put his own feelings aside, lying to save the relationship between his best friend and his sister. While Steve throw himself in the airplane into the water knowing he was going to die, Will asked them to close the gate knowing he could die too.
Steve fell in love with Peggy Carter and he never moved on. She is the love of his life, but they couldn't be together because Steve "died" and when he came back, a long time had passed, she married someone else. After Avengers Endgame, Steve actually married Peggy and he finally found his happyness with her. William Byers is in love with Mike Wheeler for a long time. He is the love of his life but they can't be together because Mike found someone else when he was kidnapped. He tried to move on when he moved to Lenora, but he could. He thinks that they will never be together... Who knows?
El/ Karol Danvers/Tony Stark
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El and Karol Danvers are very similar. Both characters don't know about their past, they think they are working for the good guys but find out that they are being used because of their powers. Karol Danvers was the first avenger when everyone thought it was Steve. El was the first Vecna's victim, while everyone thought it was Will. It all started with them. Their arcs is about finding independence and fighting for what they believe and not what people tell them they should. Speaking of "it all started with them", El also parallels Tony Stark. While Tony tried to create Ultron to save the world for them and ended up creating a monster (Ultron), El tried to stop One for killing more people and ended up creating a monster (Vecna). Both tried to live a normal life, but could never move on from their past. While El frustrated Vecna's plans since S1 without knowing it was him, Tony also frustrated Thanos' plans before endgame, to the point that Thanos recognized him. They never lost before. El now blames herself for not being able to save Max the same way Tony blamed himself for Peter. Tony did everything in his power to bring Peter back and he did it. Let's wait for El.
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These two don't parallel to much, but we can find some. It was them all along. While Vecna was in control of the mindflayer possessing Will, the Demogorgon who killed Barb, was opening portals into Hawkins and Billy trying to kill everyone to get El's powers, Thanos was there from the first movie, working behind other villains to get the infinite stones. While Thanos used his "family", Vecna used the UD's creatures. Infinity War is Thanos' movie. Season 4 is Vecna's. Both nearly lost, nearly had been killed. But they won. At the end of Season 4 and at the end of Infinity War, both are missing. Thanos was found at the beginning of Avengers Endgame, but just to prove there was nothing they could do, they lost for real. It took them 5 years to find a way to finally defeat him. Vecna? Well, maybe it will take a while... Maybe 2 years?
***Please tell what do you think about this, I'm going to post the next part soon.
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lunarspiral1127 · 9 months
I thought Maria's leg was broken. Cause she's standing just fine with a broken leg, so what's up with that?
Anyway, Freak vs. Hulkbuster, which was a nice fight. Happy would've won though, but the Avengers finally showed up and thought he was the enemy.
Then there's the WERNER AI cause Darcy couldn't find JARVIS, and this AI sucks. At first, I thought it was the actor form Mandalorian season one (the guy from the Empire that wanted Grogu) cause it sounded like him, but I don't know. Why is this AI not following Maria's orders though? Probably should've picked FRIDAY instead.
Also, Avengers slo-mo team entrance! Kinda like the one from Age of Ultron.
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britesparc · 2 months
Weekend Top Ten #648
Top Ten Actors Who Could Return to the MCU But as a Different Character
I wasn’t going to bother doing “stuff that happened at SDCC” because whilst Transformers winning an Eisner was cool, and Doctor Who and Star Trek sharing a panel was fun, really the only thing that I took away from the weekend was the frankly Earth-shattering news that Robert Downey Jr. was returning to the MCU, except playing Doctor Doom and not Iron Man. I mean, whaaaa, am I right?
This is one of those decisions that’s simultaneously incredibly exciting but also sort of worrying if you’re a fan of the franchise and want it to keep on being successful (and let’s face it, at the time of writing Deadpool & Wolverine has made about $700 million worldwide in just over a week, so that’s definitely successful). On the one hand, Downey is an excellent actor – who just won an Oscar, for crying out loud – and more than capable of presenting both the snarling villainy and complexity of Victor von Doom. On the other, bringing back the guy who was essentially the Face of Marvel for over decade could be seen as reaching for the “in case of emergency break glass” hammer; similarly, it opens up potentially knotty (and potentially boring) discussions over variants and parallel worlds and what have you. Also, presumably it indicates that this Doom isn’t going to stick around past 2027’s Secret Wars, meaning we’re either getting the best baddie Marvel has to offer for only two huge event movies, or else they’re going to do a mini-reboot and recast again.
So yeah, pros and cons, really.
But it got me thinking: if the biggest name the MCU ever had to offer is ready to come back to the fold after a definitive death scene (spoiler alert for one of the biggest movies of all time), who else could make a similar cinematic U-turn? Not the triumphalist return to a beloved character that Hugh Jackman has so adroitly pulled off; I’m talking about recasting someone who was notable as someone else. If Downey can be Doom, who else can be someone else?
So that’s what that list is about, then. And just before we get into it, I’m gonna say one more thing, but I’m gonna bury it below the line, as it were.
Still with me? Good.
I’m about to spoil something from Deadpool & Wolverine.
See, it’s funny this news breaking just as D&W is released, a film which (MASSIVE SPOILERS INCOMING!) features Chris Evans returning to the MCU not as Steve Rogers but as Johnny Storm, the character he played in the two Fantastic Four films about twenty years ago. So if the two biggest dudes in the whole cinematic universe are up for this, maybe the rest of these nutters will be as well…
Whatever it takes, right? “It” of course meaning in this case “$200m domestic opening weekend”.
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Scarlett Johansen: I would say that of the Avengers no longer on the board she’s the only one unaccounted for, and the biggest name to boot. I feel like Black Widow is definitively dead. So who could she be? I’m tempted to say an alternate Captain Marvel, but truth be told we’ve had a lot of sort-of Cap variants. So my suggestion is Jocasta, the android girlfriend of cool Kirby creation Machine Man. It could be an amusing hat-tip to her AI trubs, as well as letting her come back in a slightly different guise (she could be performance capture, like James Spader in Age of Ultron).
Edward Norton: come on, this would be hilarious wouldn’t it? Wouldn’t it? Thing is, I don’t know if he’d want to do it. Whilst I think Norton has more of a sense of humour than it sometimes appears (witness his turns in Birdman, Glass Onion, and – yes – Sausage Party), I wonder if too many bridges were burned when he played Bruce Banner. I think a cool role for him would be Maestro, the evil future Hulk; again, he’d be CG so it would obscure his face a bit, but it might be nice to see him act while hulked out rather than just smash.
Hugo Weaving: again we have another actor who I don’t think would come back; but maybe he could be persuaded. I think it would have to be a role devoid of prosthetics, and one that allowed him to cut loose either with genuine drama or at least Agent Smith-style theatrical delivery. I’m tempted to say he’d make a pretty cool Professor X, but I actually think he’d nail it as the Marvel version of Dracula (who really actually is a Marvel Comics character).
Cate Blanchett: she was amazing as Hela, both scary and funny and incredibly powerful. Whilst she left a big impression, Thor: Ragnarok was far more focused with the weird comedy of Thor, Banner, and Valkyrie. I’d like to see her as some higher-order being; perhaps the Living Tribunal? A role that allowed her to channel all that Galadriel energy and give us a more benign MCU presence.
Jeff Bridges: he was there at the beginning, gave us one of the most definitive, iconic lines in the entire sixteen-year, thirty-three-film franchise (“box of scraps”!)… and then, no more. I’d like to see him return on the side of the angels. He’d have made a good Uncle Ben, really, but he’s too old now I guess. I think he should lean into that True Grit side of himself and play a Western hero, such as the Phantom Rider. Perhaps with a twist, where he’s old and gone to seed a little bit, but redeems himself over the course of a movie.
Rene Russo: she was great as Frigga, although obviously very underused; she really just has her cool death scene and her awesome advice to Thor (“I see with more than eyes” is a badass line). If Madam Web hadn’t have happened she’d have been a good Madam Web… but right now I think she should, like Blanchett, be elevated to a higher order. I think she should play Death. Give her a skull face if you like; but the paramour of Thanos (in the comics, at least) would be a terrific role.
James Spader: he gave a tremendous performance as Ultron – and, of course, we didn’t see his face. Short of cameoing as a variant of Stark (which would be funny), I’d like to see him use that fantastic voice of his as a more comics-accurate version of William Stryker; rather than the military man played by Brian Cox (and, like, nine other people), this would be the reverend of God Loves, Man Kills, preaching mutant extermination as the will of God. I think maybe making him something of a quasi-Trumpy televangelist type would bring the character up to date.
Angela Bassett: I still don’t think she should have died! Maybe if she comes back to the MCU they’ll finally give her an Oscar? Anyway, everyone’s favourite Wakandan Queen should be given another bite of the super-cherry. And, like the other Queen on the list, Rene Russo, I want her to go a bit bad. How about if she’s Nightmare, the villain everyone keeps waiting to see in a Doctor Strange movie? Or if you just wanted her to pop up for one fan-pleasing cameo, fulfil the wish of every comic fan in the nineties and make her an alternate Storm.
Tony Leung: Leung was masterful in Shang-Chi, and although he got quite a bit to do, I’m still a bit disappointed at his final scene – and the fact we’ll never see him again. If he was coming back for good, then a really nice supporting role – maybe just a civilian or something, someone who’d pop up across films but basically just be a nice guy. If it’s just one cameo role, though, I’d go for a variant of Iron Fist; a much older version, obviously, maybe from a darker timeline that makes him even more badass.
Michael Keaton: at the bottom of the list basically because I don’t really know where he stands at the moment in the MCU; all the other characters these actors played are definitively dead. What happened to the Vulture? Did he randomly fall through a portal and land in the Morbius-verse? If so, poor sod; that’s a fate worse than death. Speaking of which: what we really want is Keaton cutting loose, Beetlejuice-style; we wanna get nuts, right? So let’s marry his charm and his patter to his ability to convey absolute menace. Keaton should play Mephisto; basically, the Devil.
There ya go. I thought this would be fun but it was actually quite hard work! Phew!
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rollerskate2theface · 3 years
I feel like Thanos would at the very least appreciate being cut in half… I mean wasn’t that his whole thing??
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exiists · 3 years
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lukreziaaa · 3 years
“We’ve seen this before, a universe in the final days of destruction. But this particular story…
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This, this one breaks my heart.”
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punster-2319 · 3 years
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Has this been done yet?
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ashleybenlove · 3 years
Lol, Thanos shows up only to get cut in half. 
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dyke-yoonji · 3 years
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druigswhores · 4 years
what died didn’t stay dead
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(originally posted by vormirjumper)
dedicated to @starsvck and @artipotter hope u enjoy this <333
summary: the last thing you remember was fainting in wakanda thinking you saw your own fingertips turn to dust only to wake up in a world where natasha romanoff no longer existed. inspired by marjorie by taylor swift
content warning: natasha romanoff x fem!reader, set after endgame, angst, mentions of death, trauma, their relationship ending on a bad note, trust issues & previous steve x nat, (WANDAVISION SPOILERS AT THE END)
‘моя любовь’ = ‘my love’ in russian <3
REQUESTS ARE OPEN! (please lmk if anyone written something similar to this! & if you want more nat content lmk!)
You forced your eyes open.
Pulling yourself up from the ground you glanced at your arms in confusion. You swore you saw your own hands turn to dust before fainting. You glanced around to take in your surroundings eyes widening in shock as you saw the hundreds of Wakandan's you fought beside minutes ago appearing out of dust. You stared speechless as you watched people materialise out of thin air, the dust forming into fingers, then a whole hand and eventually becoming a person who's mirroring your exact reaction.
You felt guilty about the first thought that came across your mind.
'Is Nat okay?' You panicked while rushing to look around, ignoring how you spent the last few years loathing her to hide your heartbreak.
You were an avenger since the beginning. The two of you were on the same team during the airport fight which wasn't surprising due to your history together. Despite the slight age difference between the two of you, your personalities worked well together which is why you got along well, so well in fact that those platonic feelings you thought you had for her developed into something more and somehow you found yourself in her bed many times in her arms with your bodies pressed against one another's, struggling to catch your breath, bliss written all over your face. Your legs were intertwined with hers as you embraced the warmth radiating off her. You refused to acknowledge the unspoken tension in the atmosphere due to the fear of speaking out about your feelings and end up ruining what you had. You couldn't help but let the insecurities build up as you gently caressed her cheek, her eyes met yours back in adoration, full of what could've been love.
But you knew she once looked at him in the same way.
"I love holding you in my arms моя любовь." She muttered, as she stroked your hair gently, you hummed in response, not trusting your own voice. What you both had felt right, you didn't want to ruin it, you didn't want to label what you had together due to the job you both have. Being an avenger doesn't exactly mean stability, anything could happen.
You remember the panic you felt when Ultron took her, the chance of losing her filled you with dread, but you also had faith. You knew how strong Natasha was. Your faith gave you strength and it kept you alive, Nat admired that about you.
The two of you fit together well, whether it was on the field or outside of the field. You could predict each other's moves and although telepathy isn't either of your powers, you know what the other was thinking. You made her better. You helped her wipe out the red in her ledger and when everyone's files was exposed to the globe you were right there by her side comforting her as she feared the reaction from everyone. You were there for her when nobody was and you stood by her side no matter what. Those feelings were reciprocated, you knew Natasha would've done anything for you.
She would even sacrifice herself for the possibility of you coming back.
Then the Accords happened and Nat betrayed the Accords, ending up on the run with Steve, Sam, Wanda and Vision. You were left alone at the compound with an injured Rhodey.
"How could you do this?" You spat out, voice full of hatred as you watched Natasha let Steve and Bucky get away. Your pistol shook in the palm of your hands, pointed directly at Natasha who lowered her own onto the ground, allowing herself to be defenceless.
"It's not that easy моя любовь, you out of all people should understand that." She explained, and you scoffed in response. The pet-name which once caused a flutter in your stomach now fuelling the fire that's building up. All the insecurities you felt during your relationship suddenly turned to hatred. You should've expected this, you should've expected that after all this time she would've chosen Steve over you.
"I guess you'll never change." You responded flatly, admitting defeat. You silently walked passed her and climbed out of the rubble that was created, allowing a wall to be in between the two of you not knowing you tore a piece of her heart as you did so.
That was two years ago.
You thought you'd never have to see her for a long time. You hoped you wouldn't have to see her. Clearly things never go the way you wanted it to go as you found yourself staring back at the person who once owned your heart.
"Well, you guys look like crap." Rhodey teased, wrapping the fellow avengers in his arms as you stood to the side, awkwardly watching the scene in front of you while fidgeting with your fingers. The atmosphere in the compound was comforting, it's been a long time since you've heard so much laughter in one room despite the war that's brewing.
Natasha, who was now blonde but as gorgeous as ever, hesitantly approached you. The two of you stared at each other, waiting for the other to make the next move.
"Romanoff." You nodded, greeting her before moving away to greet the other Avengers, missing the way she muttered the now bittersweet name she specifically picked you.
"моя любовь..."
Did she really love you? Or was it just for revenge? You believed that love blinded you, you managed to convince yourself that your love wasn't enough for her and that's why she left you. Your relationship with her died. It was over. You thought you buried it all, all your feelings. But you were wrong, when your eyes met her green eyes all those feelings came back to life, flowing through your veins.
After all this time you still loved her.
But your feelings for her weren't the only thing you couldn't bury.
Within an hour of reuniting with the Avengers, the team found themselves on the quinjet travelling to Wakanda. You wouldn't have said this out loud but you had faith that everything would be okay, Nat was finally by your side after all these years.
You felt as though nothing could go wrong.
That was a couple hours ago you estimated, you glance at Wanda who appeared a couple feet away from you the tears were evident on her face.
"Where is he?" Wanda cries out, clenching her fists, you saw the scarlet red energy glowing around her. You knew she must've been talking about Vsision who should've been on the ground next to her. "Wha- why does everything look different?" You realised, noticing the damages caused by the battle has disappeared. The grass was greener as ever. The corpses of the creatures you fought were no longer on the ground.
It looked as though the battle never took place.
You ran over to Wanda, helping her up from the ground when you hear someone call your name out. "That sounds like Sam." Wanda points out as the two of you held each other up.
"Wanda!" Sam called out.
"Come on, we gotta go! They need us! The fights not over yet!" He shouts from a distance, the two of you made your way to the direction you heard his voice come from, you saw all the superheroes surrounding him and a man in a red cloak. "What about Nat? Or Rhodey?" You questioned, looking for them in the crowd. You missed the sympathetic glance the man shot you before waving his hands up in the air, creating a yellow ring in the air that transformed into a portal.
"We're going to fight beside them right now." Sam confirms before flying through the portal.
The compound was completely destroyed. Your home was crumbling apart. Thor looked completely different, Tony had grey hair and Natasha was nowhere to be seen.
You wanted to finally tell her, tell her that you loved her with all of your heart.
You fought beside hundreds of Avengers that day, but you couldn't help searching for one specific Avenger. You ran over to Clint who was on the ground struggling to fight off a bunch of creatures, saving him within moments.
"Thanks kid." He pant, out of breath from all of the fighting. You smiled at him in response, reaching your hand out for him to take which he gratefully took, lifting himself up. "Have you bumped into Nat on the battlefield yet?" You asked, hopeful. There were hundreds of people fighting so you didn't expect to find her easily. The smile on Clint's face fell.
In that moment he relieved everything that happened moments ago. Flying to Vormir with Natasha, climbing the cliff with her, reminiscing about Budapest. And the way he witnessed her body hit the ground, the crack echoing so loudly he managed to hear it more than just once. He glanced down the cliff and saw her lifeless body faced towards his.
His closest friend. The person he trusted with his entire life. The person he named his son after. The Godmother of his kids.
Just like that.
"I need to do this for her Clint, she's моя любовь." Nat whispered to him before smiling back at the oldest friend she had, pushing away from the cliff and inevitably falling to her death.
You found out what happened to Natasha, hours after.
The Avengers won, but at the cost of the lives of the people you cared the most about, the person you'd do anything for and the person who owned your heart the minute you met them. Clint broke the news to you, he felt as though you deserved to hear it from him.
"She loved you till the very end." He finished after explaining what happened on Vormir. You felt as though you couldn't breathe, like your soul was crushed and pulled away from you.
Natasha Romanoff was dead and there was nothing you could do about it.
She never got to hear that you felt the same towards her.
"I didn't think the ending to be so soon." You struggled to hold back a sob, holding the letter Clint gave you tightly in your arms. Scott somehow found a letter on the ground while trying to save Clint, it was slightly damp and covered in mud. But it was written for you in Natasha's handwriting.
You couldn't bring yourself to read the letter even nine days after the blip. You had to live in a world without her, a world where people drag her name through the mud even though she is the reason they're still standing. You adjust to a world without Natasha Romanoff and reading a letter she wrote for you months ago wouldn't help.
You regretted everything. You regret spending those last few years in anger, you should've stayed with her, you could've told her how much she meant to you. You could've told her you loved her, you could've held her in your arms once more. You would do anything to have her in your arms once again.
Sometimes it felt as though she was still there, laughing at something she saw on the TV. You always felt her presence around you after she passed away, it felt as though she never died. It felt as though a part of her lives through you.
You sat in the passenger seat of Wanda's car, staring at the Sword logo plastered on the side of the building, you could feel the letter in your back pocket, dying to be read. Wanda made her way back to the car, face flared in anger, tears threatening to spill.
"Wanda?" You called out as she got into the car, turning on the ignition but not pulling out of the car park. She sniffled quietly, wiping her eyes before glancing back to you. "I saw him." She responded, her eyes glancing to the folded paper on the backseat of the car, she could see the faint colour of red that was in the shape of a heart. "But they're not letting him have a funeral." You realised, looking back at your friend, heartbroken. "I figured at least one of them deserved a funeral, it's not fair. It's not fair that the world can just go on like nothing happened and we don't get to mourn the people we lost." Wanda rants, pulling out of the parking lot and beginning to drive.
"They both deserve a funeral." You agreed solemnly, remembering the fact that Natasha's body is at the bottom of a cliff in space in 2014.
"Where are we going now?" You asked, wanting to distract yourself from that thought. You felt as though you and Wanda were left to mourn your loved ones alone as the rest of the avengers scattered across the country.
"To the only thing I have left of him."
The two of you sat in silence as Wanda drove, you stared at the shrubbery outside the window before closing your eyes and resting your head on the window, allowing yourself to drift off.
It felt like it was only seconds later when you felt the car turn harshly, you opened your eyes and glanced around in confusion when you saw that you pulled into a quaint town, you had only just missed the town sign plastered with the words "West View." You watched the pedestrians walking by, noticing how some of them sat on their own with no one to comfort them similarly to you and Wanda.
The two of you pulled up to a plot of land with the foundation of a house on the ground, it looked at though the house never had the chance to get completed.
"Stay in the car, I won't take long." Wanda reassured you before reaching towards the back of the car to grab the folded up sheet of paper and getting out of the car. You nodded, staring at the built house next to the plot of land.
Your mind wanders as you stare at the home. You think about Natasha. You think about the future you could've had with her, living together in a quaint home like the one in front of you. No stress about being an avenger, just the two of you and your family. You softly smile as you imagine Natasha's reaction to wanting to adopt 5 cats, knowing she was more of cat person. You imagine holding her hand while walking down the street and watching movies with her in your shared bed. You wanting to stay in for the day and watch movies to ignore the real world outside and her letting you.
You think about what could've been.
A heart wrenching scream snaps you out of your thoughts, you rush out of the car and look for Wanda but is blinded by a scarlet red light that knocks you unconscious.
Your eyes open on command.
The room you stood in was black and white. It was a nicely decorated living room with a dining room connected to it, you couldn't pinpoint which decade the interior was from, too preoccupied by the woman standing in front of you.
Although the lack of colour in them, you could recognise those eyes from anywhere, that smile that you've wished to see was right in front of you. The dress she wore matched the decade and decor of the room, her hair curled up neatly. Natasha stood in front of you, reaching her hand out towards you waiting for you to take it.
You hesitantly reach out towards her, happiness flooding your emotions. She pulls you closer to her, welcoming you into a hug. The palm of her hands are warm as they rested on your back, you could feel her heartbeat as you laid your head on her chest, melting in her arms.
"Welcome home моя любовь."
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hadesisqueer · 3 years
What if Ultron won spoilers without context
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baoshengxianbei · 2 years
!! major spoilers for wandavision and doctor strange multiverse of madness under the cut !!
it's really fucking late and i should probably be sleeping right now but i keep on thinking about those scenes where wanda pops in on mom-da and how... weird they are. not just 'cause of the possession stuff.
like, think about it. that house was the exact same one as the one in westview in wandavision. and notice the conspicuous lack of vision?? i know this was a universe where ultron won, and vision was either not created or fuckin' killed, but there had to be a father somewhere, right? like, mom-da's partner would definitely have heard her getting thrown around and all the explosions and the crying and shit, but just ignored it? nah i don't think so.
so, crazy theory: what if mom-da is living inside a hex too?
there is no partner in sight. maybe after they won the war, ultron let wanda live her life and be happy, but wanda started getting lonely. she toys with the idea of starting a family, but the things that she did to the avengers are by no doubt public knowledge, and no one will take her (the public reaction in age of ultron where wanda was a hero was bad enough. imagine if ultron had won.) so she creates a family of her own. she lives in a fake reality with her children. they are all fake. it is the same. wanda is a nexus being, after all.
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modern-vellichor · 4 years
Helloo :) I hope it's okay to request an imagine 🙈 maybe a bucky one where you're both in love with each other but didn't talk about it. Then maybe at the party (at the beginning of age of ultron) you both spend a great and fun time together until ultron breaks in and the fight begins. You get hit and hurt terribly and Bucky freaks out when he sees your broken body. Then he stays by your bedside until you wake up and you both finally confess your feelings. Later then he cares for you and all fluff ❤️ I hope it's okay
hey there! I would just like to say: I have seen most of the marvel films. I was a child of marvel, but I cannot remember anything that happens before like Ragnarok so I’m sorry :) I did rewatch the scenes and i took some lines directly from them so spoiler alert ig. it also took me a fat minute to realise that Bucky isn’t in the scene lol but enjoy doll xx Warnings; graphic description of injury, blood, Bucky fluff :), minor age of Ultron spoilers soz
The dress hugged your form perfectly. It glittered in the dim light of the party. You had found home next to Bucky. He kept a hand loosely on the small of your back, and you leaned into his side. A sparkling smile graced your features for the duration of the party. 
You loved Bucky with your whole heart, as a friend and more. You wanted him to grab your hips and pull you in for a searing kiss. You wanted to feel his teeth against your skin. you wanted your touch to roam the vast expanse of his chest.
You had a wonderful evening. You spent the night attached to Bucky’s hip. You danced and laughed and drank. You were drunk on each other’s presence. The night began to quiet down and you settled next to Maria. Bucky on your other side. Your smile was wiped from your face as you brought your attention away from Bucky and to Maria. A deep frown suddenly landed on your features. Bucky watched as you listened, whispering for Maria.
You heard a metallic thunk, and then mechanic whirring. You pulled a gun from a holster on your thigh, silently cocking the gun and turning the safety off. You were ready to attack. The thuds and the whirring grew louder, you stood up, alerting the team of your anxiousness. They saw the gun hidden behind your back and readied themselves.
The disembodied robot rounded the corner, your breath caught in your throat. It was mumbling cohesively under its breath. You studied the beast, worry growing as you assessed the situation, and it didn’t look good.
“No,” it grumbled. You took a defensive step forward, it was small as you tried to quell your shaking. “How could you be worthy?” Your eyes widened and you opened your mouth to respond, but stopped yourself. Perhaps it was a simple malfunction. “You’re all killers.” It pointed at the group, but its wired finger lands on you, it lingers. It stays on your person, almost as if the thing had a grudge against you.
Steve and Stark mumbled quietly behind you, but it was frantic. Words fell from your lips before you could stop them. “Its justified, is it not?” It gazed upon you with a broken smile, it ignored your question. Maybe it was a malfunction, a simple prototype acting up. It didn’t respond to you, it wasn’t coherent.
“Sorry, I was asleep,” it said. It turned its head away from you, as if in thought. Was it confused? “Or, I was a dream.” It shook its head. Parts of it were missing. Wires were exposed in all its joints, the voice box was breaking. Fluid dripped from its arm as it swung about. Surely, it was about to fall apart. One bullet in the right place and this would all be over.
“I had to kill the other guy, he was a good guy” it said, hunched over. It acted like it was in pain.
“Who?” You asked. It ignored you once again, but when Steve spoke to it, it responded. It stood up, towering over you as you gripped the handle of your gun even harder. You took another small step forward. You were looking for a weak spot. 
“Ultron,” Bruce mumbled.
“In the flesh,” it confirmed. An idea dawned upon you, you scrambled away from the being, desperate to put as much space between you and it as possible. It laughed at your feeble attempt to flee, unaware of the plan being formulated. It finally addressed you.
“Scared, little one?”
“Not of you,” you said coolly, a small smirk on your lips. Maria stood up, and so did Bucky,
“You should be.”
Suddenly, two other robots came flying through the drywall. You launched your attack. You used the couch, using its projectile to fling you towards the bot. Ultron grunted as you landed on its back, your thighs tightened around the makeshift neck. You began to frantically cut any wires you could, but it was no use. It grabbed you with one hand and flung you across the room. You hit the wall, crumpling to the ground in a pathetic manner.
Bucky shouted for you, but you ignored him. You grabbed your gun from where it lay a few feet away from you. You began to shoot at Ultron, but it seemed invincible. You continued to launch your attack. You tried to escape, tried to find a control panel, or an override button. But one of Ultron’s sidekicks kicked you square in the chest, sending you stumbling backwards.
Bucky called out for you, tried to help you, but it was to no avail. You were immersed in the fight, there was no distracting you now.
No matter how many hits you took, you never stayed on the ground for long, Blood was soaking your dress and dripping from your face. It was matting in your hair and dripping into your mouth. You walked with a limp and your breath came wheezing out, your chest was heavy. You didn’t relent in your ruthless attack on the enemy.
Some of the team ran, others were flung from the building. But you stayed and fought. While Tony had gotten his hands on one, Thor had stunned another. It lay on the floor. You quickly jumped into action, removing plates and fumbling with wires as you tried to rewrite its code in such a small time frame. But the light in its eyes sparked again and it flung you off its back. With the help of Steve and Thor, you successfully managed to ‘kill’ it. You were probably going to use it for parts.
Three robots had fallen, and you were injured the worst. You weren’t superhuman, and you weren’t a god. You had been the first to launch yourself at Ultron without any protection, you had been the only one to get near Ultron. The other bots had thrown you around like a ragdoll, but you were stubborn and refused to give up the fight. 
“That was dramatic,” Ultron wheezed. He paced back and forth. He gazed at you as you stalked slowly towards him. “You don’t know when to stop, that’ll get you killed.” He stated nonchalantly to you, but you ignored him. He continued his monologue. “I’m sorry, I know you mean well, you just didn’t think it through... There’s only one path to peace,” he grunted, discarding the body of one of his own, it sparked on the ground. Thor threw his hammer at the villain, he hit him square in the chest. Ultron fell apart as if he were nothing.
You breathed a sigh of relief and collapsed. You fell onto ground covered in shards of glass that tore open your skin. Shards of metal and live wires sparked dangerously close to you. You panted as you let out a strained and pained groan. Bucky was quick to your side, helping you off the floor. Your vision was going, you had lost a lot of blood and your veins were still oozing.
“Hey, Bucky,” you grinned, your voice breaking as your eyes began to shut.
“Yes, doll?” He asked, frantically trying to keep you awake as he dragged you away from the scene, with Steve’s help. 
“I think its time for bed.”
Bucky opposes your proposal, but Bruce insists that sleep is the best thing for you right now. And Steve says that Bruce can be trusted, and that Bruce knows what he’s doing. So Bucky allows you to slip into a deep slumber while he slumps into a chair next to your bed.
You woke up after a few hours. Your body was stiff and bruised but the bleeding had stopped and Bruce had reset your ribs.
“Good morning, soldier,” you smiled at Bucky as he crawled gently into bed next to you. 
“Good morning,” he mumbled back, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “You’re an idiot.”
“We won, didn’t we?”
“You nearly died.”
“So, what? I signed up for this, you’re gonna break a couple ribs fighting killer robots. Haven’t you ever seen terminator?”
“What would I do without you?” He scolds. “You were just prepared to leave me? Without a proper goodbye?”
“You would have moved on,” you scoff, attempting to roll away, but his grip on you tightened and you winced. “Its not like we’re married, Barnes.”
“What if I want to marry you?” He interrogated. He raised his voice, and you lost yours completely.
“Do you want to marry me?” You asked slowly, gazing into his tired eyes.
“Not yet, i mean. I’d like to-”
You cut him off by pulling him into a heated kiss. He was gentle with you, wary of your broken body, but sparks flew, and you weren’t worried about anything else.
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rollerskate2theface · 3 years
Ultravision: fucking slices Thanos in HALF
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geekynightowl1997 · 3 years
💥🌎🌌 What if...Ultron Won?🌌🌎💥 Questions& Reviews (!!Spoilers!! Duh)
1. Let's appreciate a couple of things here:
1a. It's Nat and Clint that survived. Two of the non super people.
1b. Russia is the one place that houses hard documents.
1c. The Watcher
2. Ultron getting what he wants doesn't exactly make sense. Unless of course Pietro and Wanda were never there. Because it was Wanda that saw the destruction.
3. Your telling me. Captain Marvel- who got her powers from the space stone, couldn't take a robot? Yes, I know he had all of them, but Wanda took him and her powers came from the mind stone.
3a. Basically, I'm asking- is Captain Marvel really that strong?
4. Just for the record, I knew Clint's middle name before it was cool.
4a. Also- I don't believe that Nat hadn't already known that.
5. Desperate times, call for desperate measures.
6. Steve Rogers becomes president? Or Senate? Or House? No. No. NOPE.
6a. Like, Steve isn't a politician.
7. The Watcher doesn't do a good job at staying out of things. (See #5)
8. Okay- what I don't understand is- Ultron finally got peace. He succeeded. Just because he became self aware, doesn't mean he needs go all out.
9. Get up, come on. You're human. You keep hope against the worst of odds.
10. I told you, I don't want to fight anymore.
11. Was the scene of Clint sacrificing himself poetic justice? Absolutely. Was it necessary? Absolutely not.
12. I think I understand why they showed Dr.Strange destroying his own world now. Not only was it to prove a point about how you shouldn't change time, but also because it shows that there's still hope.
13. Lastly- if I'm right about the last episode, I get a soda. So, fingers crossed. 🤞
14. Okay, so episode two's end credits were the best hands down. But I really appreciate how at the end of this episode, it says; "Also starring Benedict Cumberbatch." Like we didn't know that was him at the end. 🤣🤣🤣
15. Oh! I almost forgot! Red Guardian's shield. If Nat takes it to another universe- where they meet up with Captain Carter and Captain America- its gonna be grand!
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